Seminar Brochure
Seminar Brochure
Seminar Brochure
at the Hyatt Regency Hotel
on the Riverwalk
in beautiful San Antonio, Texas
Engineering Dynamics Incorporated will present their annual the preparation of procurement specifications and the
seminar Vibration in Reciprocating and Rotating Machinery evaluation of equipment bids.
and Piping on June 22-26, 2015 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel
in San Antonio, Texas. The seminar will include discussions of the theory, the methods
available to analyze various problems, and case histories of
This seminar has been prepared for those engineers/analysts various types of problems. “Rules of Thumb” which can be
who work with plant machinery and piping and must useful to quickly evaluate vibration and machine designs are
make decisions about the reliability and safety of systems presented. The seminar will be presented by experienced
experiencing high vibration. EDI engineers who are routinely involved in evaluating and
troubleshooting vibration and failure problems in reciprocating
Engineers involved in the design and construction of process and rotating machinery, piping, and structures.
and power plants will also benefit, as the seminar covers the
latest design procedures for ensuring acceptable dynamic Computer generated and field measured animations will
design characteristics of machinery and piping. Procedures illustrate the basic concepts of pulsation, as well as machinery
are presented for rotordynamic evaluation of rotating and structural vibration behavior. Theoretical derivations will
machinery to confirm compliance with API codes 610, 611, be held to a minimum; however, they will be included in the
612, 616, 617 and 684. manuals for reference.
Name ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Name (Mr / Ms) First M.I. Last
____________________________________________________________________________________________ JUNE 22-26, 2015
(Mr / Ms) First M.I. Last
Badge Name _______________________________________ Title/Position ________________________________ STAY AT THE HYATT REGENCY HOTEL
Company ________________________________________________________________________________________
123 Losoya St., San Antonio, Texas 78205
Company ________________________________________________________________________________________
Company Address ________________________________________________________________________________
Company Address ________________________________________________________________________________ Contact the Hyatt
City/State/Zip ______________________________________________________________________________________ toll free 1-888-421-1442
City/State/Zip ______________________________________________________________________________________ for room reservations