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SPD5132 Indoor Environment and HVAC Systems


Chiller plant control and operation

Ir. Dr. Sam C. M. Hui
Faculty of Science and Technology
E-mail: cmhui@vtc.edu.hk

Dec 2016

• Types of chillers
• Refrigeration systems
• Chiller performance
• Chiller plant control
Types of chillers

• What is a Chiller?
• Refrigeration machine that produces chilled water,
to cool inside air for air conditioning system
• 2 types of chillers based on refrigeration cycle:
• Vapour compression chiller
• Absorption refrigeration chiller
• 2 types of chillers based on heat rejection:
• Air-cooled chiller
• Water cooled chiller
Refrigeration cycle -- vapour compression cycle
Refrigeration cycle -- vapour compression cycle

4 Pressure

Device Compressor

2 Low

(Video: Refrigeration Cycle Video Animation (1:30) http://youtu.be/MqnyaUNxs9A)

Simple vapour compression cycle
with pressure and enthalpy values for R134a

Can you explain the basic principles of the refrigeration cycle?

(Source: Hundy, G. F., Trott, A. R. and Welch, T. C., 2008. Refrigeration and Air-conditioning, 4th ed.)
Principle of vapour compression cycle (on a P-h diagram)
The temperature rise or ‘ lift ’ of the refrigeration cycle is increased by
temperature differences in the evaporator and condenser

(Source: Hundy, G. F., Trott, A. R. and Welch, T. C., 2008. Refrigeration and Air-conditioning, 4th ed.)
Types of chillers

• Absorption refrigeration cycle


• Such as ammonia and lithium bromide systems

• Absorption of ammonia gas into water, and of water
vapour into lithium bromide
• Refrigerant vapour from the evaporator is drawn into
the absorber by the liquid absorbant. The liquor is then
pumped up to condenser pressure and the vapour is
driven off in the generator by direct heating
• The heat energy to the generator may be any form of
low-grade energy such as oil, gas, hot water or steam, or
from solar radiation
(Video: Vapour absorption refrigeration system! Learn and grow (3:38) http://youtu.be/Ll8Ku-mFQxE)
Absorption refrigeration cycle
Absorption cycle: basic circuit

(Source: Hundy, G. F., Trott, A. R. and Welch, T. C., 2008. Refrigeration and Air-conditioning, 4th ed.)
Vapour absorption refrigeration

Condenser Generator



Cold Absorber
Comparison of vapour compression and absorption chillers

Vapour Compression Chiller Absorption Water Chiller

Use a Compressor to move refrigerant Use heat to drive the refrigeration cycle.
around the system. Energy source for the Energy sorce are steam, hot water or
compressor is an electric motor burning of oil or natural gas

Vary by type of compressor such as

Use of absorption refrigeration cycle
reciprocating, scroll, screw, centrifugal.

Higher initial cost due to additional cost of

Lower initial cost
heat transfer tubes & absorbent
In emergency situation, continous
Minimal electricity needed for generator
electricity required for electricity-driven
during emergency situations
Waste heat recovery - Wasted energy can
Not applicble
be used to fuel an absorption chiller

Not applicble Application in Cogeneration system

Air-cooled and water cooled chillers
(* see also lecture on heat rejection systems)
Application of air-cooled and water cooled chillers
Chiller system components
Single chiller system
Parallel chiller system
Refrigeration systems

• Common types of compressors used in chillers

(HVAC refrigeration plant):
• Reciprocating -- piston-style, positive displacement
• Rotary screw -- positive displacement; 2 meshing
screw-rotors rotate in opposite directions
• Scroll -- positive displacement; one spiral orbits
around a second stationary spiral
• Centrifugal -- raise the pressure by imparting
velocity or dynamic energy, using a rotating
impeller, and converting it to pressure energy
Common types of compressors used in chillers

Reciprocating Rotary screw

離 心式

Scroll Centrifugal
Applications of different types of compressors in chillers
Used in small chiller
Available in capacity up to 100 tons (350kw)
Multiple Compressor used in a single chiller for
Reciprocating Compressor capacities up to 200 tons(700kW)
Used in small water chiller less than 200 tons
10 to 15% more efficienct than reciprocating
because of 60% fewer moving parts

Available in hermetic configurations in capacity

up to 15 tons (53kW) for use in water chiller
Multiple are used in single chiller to meet larger
Scroll Compressor capacities
Used in medium sized water chiller 50 to 500
tons (175 to 1750kw)
More reliable & better efficiency due to fewer
Helical Rotary (Or Screw) moving parts
Used in large water chiller
Available in prefabricated chiller from 100 to
3000 tons (350 to 10500kW) & up to 8500 tons
(30000kW) as built-up machines
High efficiency, superior reliability, reduced
sound levels, relatively low cost as compared to
Centrifugal Compressor others
Refrigeration systems

• Arrangement of compressor motor or external

• Open type 打開
• Hermetic (or sealed) type 密封
• Semi-hermetic (or semi-sealed) type 半密封
Refrigeration systems

• Common refrigeration systems in HVAC

• 1. Direct expansion (DX) systems & heat pumps
• 2. Centrifugal chillers
• 3. Screw chillers
• Either single-stage or multistage
• Compressor lubrication
• Use mineral or synthetic oil
• Use magnetic bearing (oil-free chiller/compressor)*
(*See also: Magnetic bearing oil free chiller http://www.diffcool.com/Magneticbearingoilfreech.htm)
Refrigeration systems

• Direct expansion (DX) systems

• Part of the packaged air-conditioning system
• R-22 and R-134a widely used
• Range 3-100 TR (ton of refrigeration)
• Components & accessories
• Compressor(s): reciprocating and scroll
• Condensers
• Refrigeration feed
• Oil lubrication
• Refrigerant piping
(See also: Direct Expansion Air Conditioning http://www.nrgmanagement.ca/direct-expansion-air-conditioning-)
Direct expansion (DX) system (air-cooled condenser)

Cooling mode Heating mode

Refrigeration systems

• Heat pumps
• Three types:
• Air-source (air-to-air)
• R-22 often used, range 1.5 to 40 TR
• Water-source
• Ground-coupled
• Extract energy from ground, water, or ambient air
• Cooling and heating mode operartion
• Winter may require defrosting
• High COP & EER (energy efficiency ratio)
Refrigeration systems

• Centrifugal chillers
• Chiller = a refrigeration machine using a liquid
cooler as an evaporator to produce chilled water
• R-11, R-12, R-22 were used
• R-11 replaced by R-123
• R-12 replaced by R-134a
• System components
• Centrifugal compressor, evaporator, condenser, flash
cooler, orifice plates & float valves, purge unit (optional)
Two-stage water-cooled centrifugal chiller
Refrigeration systems

• Centrifugal chillers (cont’d)

• Performance rating: AHRI Standard 550
• Coefficient of performance (COP) and Integrated part-
load value (IPLV)
• Water-cooled chillers: COP = 5 (= 0.7 kW/TR)
• Air-cooled chillers: COP = 2.5 to 2.8 (1.26-1.4 kW/TR)
• Capacity control:
• Inlet vanes and variable compressor speed
• Centrifugal compressor performance map
• Partload operation
Refrigeration systems

• Centrifugal chillers (cont’d)

• Specific controls
• Chilled water leaving temperature and reset
• Condenser water temperature control
• On/off of multiple chillers based on measured coil load
• Air purge control
• Safety controls e.g. oil pressure, freezing protection, etc.
• Incorporating heat recovery
• Double-bundle condenser
Refrigeration systems

• Screw chillers
• Helical rotary chiller: use screw compressor
• Twin-screw compressors are widely used
• Capacity 100 to 1000 TR
• Variable volume ratio
• Economizer
• Similar to a two-stage compound system w/ flash cooler
• Oil separation, oil cooling and oil injection
• Oil slugging is not a problem
Twin-screw compressor
Chiller performance

• Tons of refrigeration (TR)

• One TR is the amount of cooling obtained by one
ton of ice melting in one day i.e. 12,000 Btu/hr,
3024 kcal/hr or 3.516 thermal kW
• Net refrigerating capacity
• A quantity defined as the mass flow rate of the
evaporator water multiplied by the difference in
enthalpy of water entering and leaving the cooler,
expressed in kW, Btu/hr, kcal/hr, or tons of
Chiller performance

• kW/ton rating
• Commonly referred to as efficiency, but actually
power input to compressor motor divided by tons
of cooling produced, or kilowatts per ton (kW/ton)
• Lower kW/ton indicates higher efficiency
• kW/TR as a reference energy performance indicator
• Coefficient of performance (COP)
• Chiller efficiency measured in cooling output
divided by electric power input
Chiller performance

• Energy efficiency ratio (EER)

• Performance of smaller chillers and rooftop units is
frequently measured in EER rather than kW/ton
• EER is calculated by dividing a chiller's cooling
capacity by its power input at full-load conditions
• The higher the EER, the more efficient the unit
• Test standard and efficiency requirements
• Test standard for chillers: AHRI 550/590
• Mandatory efficiency requirements for minimum
chiller performance: ASHRAE Standard 90.1
Chiller performance

• The overall energy consumption includes:

• Compressor kW
• Chilled water pump kW
• Condenser water pump kW
• Cooling tower fan kW
Chiller performance

• Chiller plant efficiency metrics

• Overall chiller plant performance
• Total tonnage
• Total kW (including chillers and auxiliaries)
• Individual chiller efficiency
• Chiller tonnage
• Compressor kW
• Individual chiller lift
• Lift is defined as the difference between the refrigerant
saturated condensing and evaporating temperatures
Chiller performance

• Chiller plant efficiency metrics (cont’d)

• Individual compressor isentropic efficiency
• Suction and discharge temperatures
• Suction and discharge pressures
• Individual heat exchanger effectiveness
• Approach temperatures
• ∆T on chilled water and cooling tower water
Chiller performance

• Heat transfer at chiller (evaporator/condenser)

• qw = cpw x ρ x Vw x ∆t
• where
• qw = capacity of chiller evaporator/condenser (kW)
• cpw = heat capacity of water = 4.19 kJ/kg.K
• ρ = density of water = 1,000 kg/m3
• Vw = volume flow rate of chilled/condensing water (L/s)
• ∆t = temperature difference across the unit (°C)
• Often, heat transfer at condenser = 1.2 x heat
transfer at evaporator (i.e. chiller capacity)
Chiller performance

• Example: For a 350 kW chiller with a 7 °C rise in

chilled water temperature and a 4.5 °C drop in cooling
tower’s condensing water, calculate the volume flow
rates of chilled and condensing water.
• Answers:
• First, determine the flow in the evaporator (chilled water):
• 350 kW = 4.19 kJ/kg.K x 1,000 kg/m3 x Vwe x 7 °C
• => Vwe = [350 / (4.19 x 1,000 x 7)] x (1,000 L/s per m3) = 11.9 L/s
• Next, find the flow in the condenser (condensing water):
• 1.2 x 350 kW = 4.19 kJ/kg.K x 1,000 kg/m3 x Vwc x 4.5 °C
• => Vwc = [1.2 x 350 / (4.19 x 4.5)] = 22.2 L/s
Chiller performance

• Pumping arrangements (* see also lecture on water-side systems)

• 1. Constant flow
• 2. Primary-secondary (decoupled) flow
• Distribution piping is decoupled from chiller piping
• Constant primary flow through the operating chiller(s)
and variable secondary flow through the loads
• A bypass pipe between the two balances the primary
flow with the secondary flow
• 3. Variable-primary flow (VPF)
• Advanced chiller controls that permit varying the flow
through the chillers
Constant flow

(Source: Trane)
Variable flow – decoupled (primary-secondary flow)

Old paradigm: Variable flow causes low temperature trips, locks

out chiller, requires manual reset (may even freeze). Hence,
maintain constant flow through chillers in the primary loop.
(Source: Trane)
Variable-primary flow (VPF)

New paradigm: Modern controls are robust and very responsive to

both flow and temperature variations. Thus, variable flow is OK
within range and rate-of-change specified by chiller manufacturer.
(Source: Trane)
Primary chilled water pump options

Dedicated pumping advantages: Headered pumping advantages:

• Less control complexity • Better redundancy
• Custom pump heads w/ unmatched • Valves can “soft load” chillers with
• Usually less expensive if each pump primary-chillers only
systems is adjacent to chiller served • Easier to incorporate stand-by pump
• Pump failure during operation does
not cause multiple chiller trips
(Source: Taylor Engineering http://www.taylor-engineering.com)
Chiller performance

• Design objectives:
• Reliable chilled water flow
• Operating cost (energy efficiency)
• Operator safety
• Environmental awareness
• Reduced maintenance cost
• Aim: deliver chilled water to all loads under
various load conditions as efficiently as
Chiller performance

• Understanding loads and their impact on design

• Peak design load: determine overall plant capacity
• Cooling load profile: describes how the load varies
over time to design the plant to stage efficiently
• Operating kW/ton achievable in today’s plants
(includes chillers, cooling towers and pumps)
• 0.5 - 0.7 Excellent
• 0.7 - 0.85 Good
• 0.85 - 1.0 Fair
• > 1.0 Needs Improvement
Benchmarking of chiller plants

(Source: Steps to a more efficient chiller plant http://www.automatedbuildings.com/news/jan01/articles/hartman/hrtmn2.htm)

Chiller plant control

• Chiller plant control

• Load determination and capacity matching
• Chiller sequencing and rotation
• Chiller setpoint control
• Failure recovery
• User interface
• System optimization
• Installation and operation reliability and
Chiller plant control

• Load determination
• When to add or subtract a chiller?
• What is the optimal sequencing for chillers?
• Should I run one chiller at 100% or two chillers at 50%?
• The givens…
• Whether you run one chiller or two…
• The building load does not change
• The outside wet bulb temperature does not change
• When you run two chillers…
• You may double the number of pumps
• You may double the number of tower cells
Unloading at constant condenser water temperature
(constant speed centrifugal chiller)
0 20 40 60 80 100
Percent Load

Lowest kW/ton

(Source: Trane)
Chiller plant control

• Capacity matching
• Turn the right chiller on
• Dependent on chiller plant design

Capacity matching for multiple chillers

(Source: Trane)
Chiller plant control

• Chiller sequencing and rotation

• To reduce operating costs and maintain reliable
chilled water by flexible rotation
• Which chiller is next?
• Schedule based
• Run-time
• Manual operator decision
• Customized
• Number of starts
• Other?
Chiller plant control sequencing
(Steps of capacity in a typical chiller plant)

(Source: Trane)
Chiller plant control

• Chiller setpoint control

• Must maintain reliable chilled water
• Unload before start
• Keep chillers online
• Ride out flow transients on startups
• Deals with less sophisticated chiller controllers
• Variable flow / multiple pump systems
• Low supply water temperatures
Chiller plant control

• Failure recovery
• Keep chilled water flowing
• No manual intervention required
• Follow the standard sequence
• Multiple failure inputs
• Chiller level
• System level
• Fast restarts
Chiller plant control

• User interface
• Informative display
• Easy to operate
• Benefits of intuitive user interface
• Minimize training time
• Minimize undesirable manual control
• Maximize operator efficiency
• Reduced operational and training costs
Example of chiller plant control interface

(Source: Trane)
Example of chiller plant control interface

(Source: Trane)
Chiller plant control

• System optimization
• Colder chilled water reduces energy consumption
• Chilled water pumps
• Warm condenser water reduces energy
• Condenser water pumps
• Cooling tower control reduces energy consumption
• Cooling tower fans
• Chiller
Chiller – cooling tower optimization
(tower setpoint optimization)

• Load • Load
• Condenser water • Condenser water
temperature temperature
• Wet bulb • Chiller design
• Tower design

(Source: Trane)
Chiller – cooling tower interaction (optimized control strategies)

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 °C
(Source: Trane)
Further Reading

• Videos:
• Chiller Basics - How they work (16:36) http://youtu.be/0rzQhSXVq60
• How Chillers work Part 2 (41:44) http://youtu.be/3ZpE3vCjNqM
• How a Chiller, Cooling Tower and Air Handling Unit work together
(16:45) http://youtu.be/1cvFlBLo4u0
• Chiller Plant Operations (11:30) http://youtu.be/PklOP7V7p04
• Chiller Installation at York University Central Utility Building ?Keele
Campus (4:13) http://youtu.be/DTCxlz9dPTA
• Improve chiller plant efficiency!
• http://www.automatedbuildings.com/news/jan01/articles/hartman/hrtm
• Steps to a more efficient chiller plant
• http://www.automatedbuildings.com/news/jan01/articles/hartman/hrtm

• Chiller System Design and Control, Trane

Applications Engineering Manual
• http://www.tranebelgium.com/files/book-
• Chilled Water Plant Design Guide
• http://www.taylor-
• Hundy, G. F., Trott, A. R. and Welch, T. C., 2008.
Refrigeration and Air-conditioning, 4th ed.,
Butterworth-Heinemann/Elsevier, Amsterdam and

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