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Lecture-13: Metal Oxide Semiconductor FET (MOSFET)

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Metal Oxide Semiconductor FET (MOSFET)
Introduction: Metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs) have
played a major role in the development of complex large scale integrated circuits.
In particular, they have provided the basis for most large scale integrated digi-
tal circuits. The MOSFET operation depends on the conductance modulation of
the channel of carriers that are induced by an applied gate voltage. Modulation
is achieved by the variation in the carrier surface density. In the JFET on the
other hand, conductance modulation is accomplished by the variation of the cross-
sectional area of the channel formed from the pn junction. FETs are also known as
unipolar devices because conduction is by means of one type of carrier only. One
very important application of MOSFETS is in the arrangement known as a comple-
mentary metal oxide semiconductor system (CMOS). The CMOS forms, at present,
the mainstream of high density digital system design technology.
There are two types of MOS transistors. The depletion MOSFET has a behavior
similar to that of the JFET; at zero voltage and a fixed drain voltage, the current
is a maximum and then decreases with the applied gate potential as in Fig.6 of
LN-11. The second kind of device, called the enhancement MOSFET, exhibits no
current at zero gate voltage and the magnitude of the output current increases with
an increase in the magnitude of the gate potential. Both types can exist in either
the p-channel or n-channel variety. We consider the characteristics of an n-channel
for the subsequent discussions.

Gate Gate
(metal) (metal)

Source Drain Source Drain

Silicon dioxide
L 2 L

n−type substrate

p−type substrate

n−type regions p−type regions

(a) (b)

Figure 1: Enhancement (MOSFET) structures: (a) n-channel; (b) p-channel

The Enhancement MOS Structure: A simplified form of the structure of an

n-channel enhancement MOSFET is shown in the Fig.1(a) and that for a p-channel
device, in the Fig.1(b). The devices depicted in the Fig.1 are commonly referred

to as N M OS and P M OS transistors. As indicated in the Fig.1(a), the two n-

type regions embedded in the p-type substrate (the body) are the source and drain
electrodes. The region between source and drain is the channel, which is covered
by the thin silicon dioxide (SiO2 ) layer. The gate is formed by the metal electrode
played over the oxide layer. At present, MOSFET fabrication technology utilizes a
polysilicon1 conducting layer for the gate rather than the metal gate displayed in
the Fig.1. The physical principles which govern MOSFET operation, however, are
the same for both types of the gate.
The metal are of the gate, in conjunction with the insulating dielectric oxide layer
and the semiconductor channel, form a parallel-plate capacitor. The insulating
layer of the silicon dioxide is the reason why this device is also called the insulated-
gate field-effect transistor (IGFET). This layer results in an extremely high input
resistance (1010 to 1015 Ω) for the MOSFET.
Physical Behavior of the Enhancement MOSFET: In the Fig.2(a) we
show an NMOS transistor in which the source and substrate are grounded and
the drain-to-source voltage VDS is set to zero. The positive voltage applied to the
gate establishes an electric field which is directly perpendicularly through the oxide.
This field will end on “induced” negative charges near the semiconductor surface,
as shown in the Fig.2(a). Since the p-type substrate contains very few electrons,
the positive surface charges are primarily electrons obtained from the n-type source-
to-drain. These mobile negative charges, which are minority carriers in the p-type
substrate, form an “inversion layer”. Such an inversion layer is formed only if VGS
exceeds a threshold voltage VT .2 The induced chargers beneath the oxide constitute
an n-channel. As the voltage on the gate increases beyond VT , the number of induced
negative charges in the semiconductor increases. Consequently, the conductivity of
the channel increases. Application of a positive potential between the drain and
source produces a current in the induced channel between drain and source. Thus
the drain current is enhanced by the positive gate voltage and the device is called
enhancement-type MOSFET.
Let us consider the situation where VDS is increased from zero with VGS maintained
at a constant positive value greater than VT (that is, VGS −VT > 0). For small values
of VDS (VDS < VGS − VT ), an increase in VDS is accompanied by an increase in drain
current ID . The behavior of the MOSFET is that of resistance, and this region is
referred to as the ohmic region. As VDS increases, the drop across the gate oxide at
the drain side of the channel VGD = VDS − VGS decreases. This reduced potential
difference lowers the field across the drain end of the dielectric, which results in

Polysilicon refers to doped silicon in which the individual parts of the crystalline structure are
randomly oriented in space. The behavior of polysilicon is similar that of a metal
In this topic the threshold voltage should not be confused with the volt-equivalent of

fewer inversion charges in this region portion of induced channel. The channel is
being “pinched off,” and ID increases much more slowly with respect to increases in
VDS than in the ohmic region near the origin. Ideally once pinch-off is achieved, a
further increase in VDS produces no change in ID and current saturation exists. This
saturation region is similar in nature to velocity saturation in the JFET. The value
of ID attained in saturation depends on the value of VGS . Increases in VGS > VT
result in increasing saturation values of ID .

S D S D(+)
G(+) G(+)

Silicon dioxide
n n 2 n n

p−type substrate p−type substrate

n−type regions n−type regions

(a) (b)

Figure 2: Biased NMOS enhancement transistor showing induced channel with (a)
VDS = 0 and (b) VDS > 0

Ohmic Region Saturation Region


Drain current I D µA




50 V
GS = 2 V

1 2 3 4 5 6

Drain−to−Source Voltage VDS , V

Figure 3: Enhancement NMOS output characteristics

The Enhancement MOSFET Volt-Ampere Characteristics: Manufactur-

ers of IC MOS transistors do nor provide curves of the volt-ampere characteristics.
If needed or desired, these curves are generated from the analytical expressions for
MOSFET behavior in each region of operation.
Analytical Expressions for the volt-ampere characteristics: An inversion
channel exists between source and drain, with VDS = 0, only if VGS > VT . For

VGS < VT , there are no mobile carriers at the drain end of the channel and ID = 0.
Thus VT is analogous to the pinch-off voltage in a JFET. The condition that
VGS < VT and ID = 0 signifies that the MOSFET is a cut off and corresponds
to an open switch.

1. Ohmic Region: As described in the previous section, for VGS > VT , the chan-
nel conductivity is controlled by VDS in the ohmic also called nonsaturation or
triode region. More precisely, the ohmic region is defined by VGS − VT > VDS
(or VGD = VGS − VDS > VT ). Theoretical analysis3 of the ohmic region leads
to the result that the drain characteristic is given by
ID = k [2(VGS − VT )VDS − VDS ] (1)
where L is the channel length, W the channel width (perpendicular to L) and
k is the process parameter in µA/V 2 . The process parameter k = µn Co /2,
where µn is the electron mobility and Co is the gate capacitance per unit area
(and equals /Tox , the ratio of permittivity and thickness of the oxide layer).
Of note is that VT also depends on Co as well as the doping densities of the
n-type drain and source and p-substrate.

2. Saturation Region: Ideally, ID is constant and independent of VDS in the

saturation region for which VGS −VT < VDS (but greater than zero). The value
of ID depends only on the effective control voltage VGS − VT as given below,
ID = k (VGS − VT )2 ≡ IDS (2)
where the subscript S added to ID denotes that the drain current in the
saturation region is under consideration. The dividing line between the ohmic
region and saturation regions is given by VGS − VT = VDS . Substitution of this
value of VDS in Eqn.(1) results in Eqn.(2). The dashed curve in Fig.3, which
indicates that boundary between the ohmic and saturation regions, is given
ID ≡ k VDS (3)
Several observations concerning the expressions in the Eqn.(1) and (2) are notewor-
thy. First, the aspect ratio W/L is an important parameter as it serves as a scale
factor for the drain current. Thus two (or more) MOSFETs having the same value
of VT but with different current capabilities can be fabricated on the same chip by

Derivation of these expressions will be done in the later lectures

using two (or more) different values of W/L. Second, the parameter k has typical
values which lie in the range of 10 to 50 µA/V 2 in present commercial NMOS pro-
cesses. Consequently high values of ID (several milliamperes) are obtainable only in
devices with high W/L ratio that is devices which consume a large area.
The MOSFET transfer characteristic is plot of ID versus VGS at constant VDS in the
saturation region. The curve in Fig.4 is the transfer characteristic for the MOSFET
given in Fig.3



Drain Current I




1 2 3 4 5 6

Gate−to−Source voltage V GS , V

Figure 4: Transfer Characteristics of NMOS enhancement transistor in Fig.3

The volt-ampere characteristics in the Fig.3 are for an ideal MOSFET. in reality,
ID increases slightly with VDS in saturation region. The cause of this “channel-
length modulation,” an effect analogous to the base-width modulation in the BJT.
As shown in the Fig.5, if actual characteristics are extended back into the second
quadrant, they all meet at VDS = −1/λ. Because of the similarity with Early effect
in BJTs, the quantity 1/λ is also referred to as the Early Effect. Typical values of λ
are in the range of 0.01 to 0.03 V −1 . To account for the channel-length modulation,
Eqn.(2) is modified by the factor (1 + λVDS ) as given by,

ID = k (VGS − VT )2 (1 + λVDS ) (4)
The effect of the term 1 + λVDS is usually negligible in digital circuits but can be
important in analog circuits.
Comparison of PMOS and NMOS Transistors: Historically p-channel en-
hancement transistors were used first in MOS system because they were more easily
produced with greater yields and reliability than n-channel devices. Improvement
in fabrication methods have led to the dominance of NMOS transistors. The rea-
sons for this is described as, the hole mobility in silicon at normal filed intensities is
about 500 cm2 /(V.s). Thus, for devices having the same dimensions (1) the current
in the PMOS transistor is less than half of that in an NMOS device and (2) the



−1/λ V

Figure 5: Extension of output characteristics of NMOS transistor showing effect of

channel-length modulation

ON resistance of a p-channel MOSFET is nearly three times that for an n-channel

MOSFET. Alternatively, to achieve the same values of current and ON resistance
as in an NMOS transistor, the W/L ration of an PMOS device must be increased
to account for the lower hole mobility. This results in the PMS devices requiring
nearly three times the area of an equivalent NMOS transistor. Thus NMOS circuits
are smaller than PMOS circuits of the same complexity. The higher packaging den-
sity of the n-channel MOS also makes it faster in switching applications due to the
smaller junction areas. For all the reasons stated in this paragraph, NMOS devices
are used almost exclusively.
The Depletion MOSFET: A second type of MOS transistor can be made
if, between the n-type regions for drain and source, a narrow n channel is embed-
ded into the substrate. Let us consider the operation of such n-channel structure
as shown in the Fig.6. The minus signs in the Fig.6 are intended to indicate free
electrons in the channel near the interface with the oxide layer. With VDS = 0,
negative gate voltage induces positive charge into the channel. The recombination
of induced positive charge with the existing negative charge in the channel causes
a depletion of majority carriers. this action accounts for the designation “depletion
MOSFET”. If the gate voltage is made more negative, majority carriers can be vir-
tually depleted, and in effect, the channel is eliminated. Under these circumstances,
the drain current is zero. The least negative value of VGS for which the channel
is depleted of majority carriers is called the threshold voltage VT (analogous to the
pinch-off voltage in a JFET).
With VGS = 0, application of a positive VDS produces an appreciable drain cur-
rent denoted by IDSS . As VGS decreases toward the threshold, the drain current
decreases. At fixed VGS , increasing values of VDS cause the drain current to saturate
as the channel becomes pinched off. The reasons for this are similar to the causes of
saturation in enhancement devices. Note in the Fig.6(b) that because of the voltage

Β S G D(+) B S D(+)

Silicon dioxide
n+ n+ 2 n+ n+

n channel

p−type substrate p−type substrate

n−type regions n−type regions

(a) (b)

Figure 6: Structure of an n-channel depletion-mode MOSFET with (a) VGS = 0 and

(b) VT < VGS < 0

drop along the channel due to ID , the region of the channel nearest the drain is
depleted more than is the region in the vicinity of the source. this phenomenon is
analogous to pinch-off occurring in a JFET at the drain end of the channel.

VGS =+2.0


250 Enhancement
Drain current I D µA

200 +1.0

100 0

−0.5 Depletion

1 2 3 4 5 6

Drain−to−Source Voltage VDS , V

Figure 7: Output Characteristics of an NMOS transistor

A MOSFET of the type just described may also be operated in an enhancement

mode. It is only necessary to apply a positive gate voltage so that negative charges
are induced into the n-type channel. The additional negative charges induced into
the channel (“enhances”) the number of majority carriers already present. Thus,
for positive VGS , the drain current ID is greater than IDSS . The transfer function
for this device at VDS = 5 V is depicted in Fig.8.
MOSFET Circuit Symbols: Four commonly used circuit symbols for n-
channel MOSFETs are depicted in Fig.9. the symbols in Figs.9(a) and Fig.9(b)
can be used either for enhancement or depletion devices. The circuit symbol in
Fig.9(c) is used only for the enhancement-mode device. If the body, or substrate

Depletion Enhancement



Drain Current I


100 DSS


−3 −2 −1 1 2 3 4 5 6

Gate−to−Source voltage V GS , V

Figure 8: Transfer Characteristics of an NMOS transistor

connection is not indicated, it is assumed that the substrate is either connected to

the source terminal or that B is tied to the most negative potential. this connec-
tion reverse-biases the pn junctions formed by the drain and source regions and
the substrate. Where both enhancement and depletion devices are employed in the
same circuit, we distinguish depletion MOSFETs by the use of the symbol given
in Fig.9(d). Most often we use Fig.9(b) as the n-channel MOSFET circuit symbol
with standard substrate connections implied.
The positive sense of all terminal currents is into the device. Thus, for an n-channel
MOSFET, ID is positive and IS is negative. Since IG = 0, ID = IS . The voltage drop
between drain and source is designated by VDS ; VGS is used to indicate the voltage
drop from gate-to-source. Both quantities are positive for n-channel enhancement
MOSFETs. Depletion-mode operation requires negative values of VGS and positive
values of VDS .
For p-channel MOSFETs, the circuit symbols shown in the Fig.9 are used with
direction of the arrow reversed.

Drain (D) D

Gate B G V
G Substrate + DS
S (Source) − S
(a) (b)



(c) (d)

Figure 9: Circuit Symbols for an NMOS transistor

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