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SKC Epa Method To-17

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Year 2015

This method update has been written by SKC as a guideline for users. The sampling apparatus specified in this SKC
update reflects new technology that may not have been available at the time of the original publication. This method
update by SKC has not been officially endorsed or approved by U.S. EPA.


Active Sampling Using SKC Solid Adsorbent Tubes

Thermal Desorption Tubes

Dual Adjustable Low

Flow Tube Holder

Controller (CPC)

Air Sample Pump

• SKC APPENDIX B Thermal Desorption Tubes

Passive Sampling Using SKC ULTRA Series Diffusive Samplers

TO-17 Method Update by SKC Inc. Publication 1667 Rev 1501


1.1 This document is written by SKC as appendices to U.S. EPA Compendium Method
TO-17, Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Ambient Air Using Active
Sampling onto Sorbent Tubes (published in 1997). The samplers described,
however, are suitable for sampling VOCs in ambient or indoor air. As such, this
document also provides an update of EPA Compendium Method IP-1B, Determination of
Volatile Organic Compounds in Indoor Air Using Solid Adsorbent Tubes (published in

1.2 Method TO-17 specifies the use of a solid adsorbent tube for sampling followed by
thermal desorption (TD) and gas chromatography (GC) analysis. SKC Appendix A,
presented in this document, provides a listing of solid sorbent tubes available from SKC
for the compounds referenced in the original TO-17 method.

1.3 SKC Appendix B describes a passive sampling method for VOCs using diffusive
samplers manufactured by SKC. With these samplers, VOCs diffuse onto the sorbent at
a fixed, defined rate determined by the specific chemical and the geometry of the
samplers. The sorbent is transferred from the sampler into a tube for thermal desorption
and gas chromatographic analysis.

1.4 Both the active and passive sampling methods are capable of measuring target
compounds in the low parts-per-billion (ppb) and parts-per-trillion (ppt) concentration

2. Significance

2.1 Accurate risk assessment of human and ecological exposure to toxic VOCs is an
important goal of the U.S. EPA. Of the 189 hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) listed in Title
III of the Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA) of 1990, 97 are VOCs. Similarly, in the
indoor environment, VOCs are high priority pollutants. Construction of more tightly
sealed buildings and the use of synthetic building materials and furnishings can
significantly increase the indoor levels of many VOCs. In addition, VOCs can migrate
from buried waste and/or contaminated groundwater through subsurface solid into the
air space of overlying buildings (vapor intrusion). These vapors may then accumulate,
thereby reducing the indoor air quality and posing a health risk to building occupants.
VOC vapor intrusion is a hot-button issue in the field of environmental science and
regulatory policy. Therefore, measuring VOC levels is an essential part of evaluating
potential health threats and identifying appropriate controls.

2.2 Historically, stainless steel canisters have been used to measure VOC exposures in
ambient air. Canisters, however, do not have the size and portability for micro-
environmental and human subject studies. In addition, the cost and logistics of canister
sampling can be quite burdensome. (8)

TO-17 Method Update by SKC Inc. Page 2

2.3 Solid sorbent samplers offer users a simpler option for measuring VOCs. EPA
Compendium Method TO-17 describes several advantages of solid sorbent samplers:

• The small size and light weight of the sorbent sampler and attendant equipment
• The availability of a large selection of sorbents to match the target compounds
• The commercial availability of thermal desorption systems to release the sample
from the sorbent and into the analytical system
• The placement of the sorbent packing as the first element in the sampling train,
thus reducing the possibility of contamination or losses from upstream elements
• The large amount of literature on the use of sorbent sampling and thermal
desorption for monitoring workplace air, particularly from the Health and Safety
Executive (HSE) in the United Kingdom (U.K.).

2.4 The procedures described in these appendices provide the user with a choice of
methodologies for the sampling and analysis of VOCs in ambient or indoor air using
solid sorbent technologies: active sampling with a pump/sorbent tube or passive
sampling with a diffusive sorbent sampler.

TO-17 Method Update by SKC Inc. Page 3


Sampler - Glass or stainless steel tubes of various lengths and outer diameters (OD)
with the central portion packed with ≥ 200 mg of solid adsorbent material(s). Tubes
should be individually numbered and show the direction of flow.

Flow rates - Two tubes§ with independent flow control should be run in parallel to
achieve sample volumes of 1 and 4 liters‡. Typical flow rates include:

• 16.7 ml/min to collect 1 liter of air in 1 hour

• 66.7 ml/min to collect 4 liters of air in 1 hour

§ EPA requires the use of distributed volume pairs for monitoring to ensure high quality data.
However, in situations where acceptable data have been routinely obtained through use of
distributed volume pairs and the ambient air is considered well characterized, cost
considerations may warrant single-tube sampling. Any attendant risk to data quality objectives
is the responsibility of the individual.

‡ Appropriate proportional scaling of these volumes to fit the target list and monitoring objectives
is acceptable.

Sample time - 1 to 3 hours

Sample temperature - The temperature of the sorbent tube must be the same (and not
lower than) ambient temperature when sampling or moisture will be retained via

Sample storage - Use sample tubes within 30 days after conditioning with heat and an
inert gas. After sampling, place the tubes in a clean, cool (< 4 C), and organic solvent-
free environment. Generally, analysis should occur within 30 days of sample collection
as artifacts may be generated during sample storage. Some compounds, such as
limonene and labile sulfur or nitrogen-containing volatiles, will require analysis within one
week. Tubes with multiple sorbent beds should also be analyzed as soon as possible to
avoid sample recovery errors. Blank tubes should be stored in a manner similar to the
sample tubes to check background levels of the sorbent.

Analysis - Thermal desorption followed by gas chromatography

Background levels of samplers - Tubes packed with sorbent should be conditioned

using elevated temperatures and a flow of ultra-pure inert gas. Table 2 in EPA Method
TO-17 provides guidelines on the recommended temperature and gas flow for
conditioning. Analyze a conditioned tube to obtain a blank profile for target compounds.

TO-17 Method Update by SKC Inc. Page 4

Capacity of samplers - Method TO-17, Appendix 1, provides a list of safe sample
volumes (SSV) for target compounds.

Typical limits of detection - A method detection limit of < 0.5 ppb is a required
performance criterion for Method TO-17. Detection limits will vary depending on several

Precision - Duplicate (analytical) precision should be within 20%.

Audit accuracy - The degree of agreement with a known audit standard that should be
within 30%

Distributed volume pairs - The absolute value of the relative difference between the
two tube samples should be within 25%.

TO-17 Method Update by SKC Inc. Page 5



(Active Solid Sorbent Tube)

EPA Compendium Method TO-17 can be found in its entirety online at

www.epa.gov/ttnamti1/files/ambient/airtox/to-17r.pdf. SKC Appendix A lists SKC sorbent
tubes that are suitable for target compounds, type of sorbent contained in each tube,
and the tube material. For further details on SKC thermal desorption tubes, visit
www.skcinc.com/prod/226-356.asp or see the SKC Catalog and Sampling Guide.

Aliphatic, aromatic, and cyclic hydrocarbons less volatile than ethane and more volatile
than nC20

Target Compound Sorbent Type* Steel) Cat. No.
Bed 1 Bed 2 Bed 3
Anasorb® GCB1 Carbosieve S-III ------------------ G 226-346
n-Butane Anasorb GCB2 Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III G 226-347
n-Pentane Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III ------------------ SS 226-349
Anasorb GCB2 Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III SS 226-350

Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III ------------------ G 226-346

Anasorb GCB2 Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III G 226-347
n-Pentane Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III ------------------ SS 226-349
Anasorb GCB2 Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III SS 226-350
Chromosorb® 106 --------------------- ------------------ SS 226-358

Tenax® GR Anasorb GCB1 ------------------ G 226-345

Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III ------------------ G 226-346
Anasorb GCB2 Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III G 226-347
Tenax GR Anasorb GCB1 ------------------ SS 226-348
Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III ------------------ SS 226-349
Anasorb GCB2 Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III SS 226-350
Anasorb GCB1 --------------------- ------------------ SS 226-356
Chromosorb 106 --------------------- ------------------ SS 226-358

* Anasorb GCB1 is equivalent to Carbopack® B; Anasorb GCB2 is equivalent to Carbopack C.

TO-17 Method Update by SKC Inc. Page 6

HYDROCARBONS (continued)

Target Compound Sorbent Type* Steel) Cat. No.
Bed 1 Bed 2 Bed 3
Tenax GR Anasorb GCB1 ------------------ G 226-345
Benzene Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III ------------------ G 226-346
n-Heptane Anasorb GCB2 Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III G 226-347
n-Octane Tenax GR Anasorb GCB1 ------------------ SS 226-348
Ethylbenzene Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III ------------------ SS 226-349
Anasorb GCB2 Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III SS 226-350
1,3,5-Trimethyl Anasorb GCB1 --------------------- ------------------ SS 226-356
benzene Tenax TA --------------------- ------------------ SS 226-357
n-Decane Chromosorb 106 --------------------- ------------------ SS 226-358
Tenax TA --------------------- ------------------ G 226-360

Styrene Tenax GR Anasorb GCB1 ------------------ G 226-345

n-Propylbenzene Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III ------------------ G 226-346
1-Methyl-3- Anasorb GCB2 Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III G 226-347
1-Methyl-4- Tenax GR Anasorb GCB1 ------------------ SS 226-348
ethylbenzene Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III ------------------ SS 226-349
Methyl styrene Anasorb GCB2 Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III SS 226-350
benzene Anasorb GCB1 --------------------- ------------------ SS 226-356
1,2,4-Trimethyl Tenax TA --------------------- ------------------ SS 226-357
benzene Tenax TA --------------------- ------------------ G 226-360

Tenax GR Anasorb GCB1 ------------------ G 226-345

Anasorb GCB2 Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III G 226-347
Tenax GR Anasorb GCB1 SS 226-348
n-Dodecane Anasorb GCB2 Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III SS 226-350
Anasorb GCB1 --------------------- ------------------ SS 226-356
Tenax TA --------------------- ------------------ SS 226-357
Tenax TA --------------------- ------------------ G 226-360

* Anasorb GCB1 is equivalent to Carbopack B; Anasorb GCB2 is equivalent to Carbopack C.

TO-17 Method Update by SKC Inc. Page 7

Aliphatic, aromatic, and cyclic halogenated hydrocarbons more volatile than nC20

Target Compound Sorbent Type* Steel) Cat. No.
Bed 1 Bed 2 Bed 3
Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III ------------------ G 226-346
Anasorb GCB2 Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III G 226-347
Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III ------------------ SS 226-349
Anasorb GCB2 Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III SS 226-350

Tenax GR Anasorb GCB1 ------------------ G 226-345

Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III ------------------ G 226-346
Anasorb GCB2 Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III G 226-347
Tenax GR Anasorb GCB1 ------------------ SS 226-348
Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III ------------------ SS 226-349
Anasorb GCB2 Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III SS 226-350
Anasorb GCB1 --------------------- ------------------ SS 226-356
Tenax TA --------------------- ------------------ SS 226-357
Chromosorb 106 --------------------- ------------------ SS 226-358
Tenax TA --------------------- ------------------ G 226-360

Tenax GR Anasorb GCB1 ------------------ G 226-345

Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III ------------------ G 226-346
Anasorb GCB2 Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III G 226-347
1,1,1-Trichloro- Tenax GR Anasorb GCB1 ------------------ SS 226-348
ethane Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III ------------------ SS 226-349
Anasorb GCB2 Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III SS 226-350
Anasorb GCB1 --------------------- ------------------ SS 226-356
Chromosorb 106 --------------------- ------------------ SS 226-358

Carbon Tetra- Tenax GR Anasorb GCB1 ------------------ G 226-345

chloride Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III ------------------ G 226-346
Trichloroethylene Anasorb GCB2 Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III G 226-347
1,1,2-Trichloro- Tenax GR Anasorb GCB1 ------------------ SS 226-348
ethane Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III ------------------ SS 226-349
Tetrachloro- Anasorb GCB2 Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III SS 226-350
ethylene Anasorb GCB1 --------------------- ------------------ SS 226-356
Chlorobenzene Tenax TA --------------------- ------------------ SS 226-357
1,1,1,2-Tetra- Chromosorb 106 --------------------- ------------------ SS 226-358
1,1,2,2-Tetra- Tenax TA --------------------- ------------------ G 226-360

* Anasorb GCB1 is equivalent to Carbopack B; Anasorb GCB2 is equivalent to Carbopack C.

TO-17 Method Update by SKC Inc. Page 8

Alcohols more volatile than nC20 and sufficiently stable to be analyzed by conventional
GC techniques

Target Compound Sorbent Type* Steel) Cat. No.
Bed 1 Bed 2 Bed 3
Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III -------------------- G 226-346
Methanol Anasorb GCB2 Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III G 226-347
Ethanol Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III -------------------- SS 226-349
Anasorb GCB2 Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III SS 226-350

Tenax GR Anasorb GCB1 -------------------- G 226-345

Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III -------------------- G 226-346
Anasorb GCB2 Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III G 226-347
n-Propanol Tenax GR Anasorb GCB1 -------------------- SS 226-348
Isopropanol Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III -------------------- SS 226-349
Anasorb GCB2 Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III SS 226-350
Anasorb GCB1 --------------------- -------------------- SS 226-356
Chromosorb 106 --------------------- -------------------- SS 226-358

Tenax GR Anasorb GCB1 -------------------- G 226-345

Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III -------------------- G 226-346
Anasorb GCB2 Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III G 226-347
Tenax GR Anasorb GCB1 -------------------- SS 226-348
n-Butanol Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III -------------------- SS 226-349
iso-Butanol Anasorb GCB2 Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III SS 226-350
Anasorb GCB1 --------------------- -------------------- SS 226-356
Tenax TA --------------------- -------------------- SS 226-357
Chromosorb 106 --------------------- -------------------- SS 226-358
Tenax TA --------------------- -------------------- G 226-360

Tenax GR Anasorb GCB1 -------------------- G 226-345

Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III -------------------- G 226-346
Anasorb GCB2 Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III G 226-347
Tenax GR Anasorb GCB1 -------------------- SS 226-348
Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III -------------------- SS 226-349
Anasorb GCB2 Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III SS 226-350
Tenax TA --------------------- -------------------- SS 226-357
Tenax TA --------------------- -------------------- G 226-360

* Anasorb GCB1 is equivalent to Carbopack B; Anasorb GCB2 is equivalent to Carbopack C.

TO-17 Method Update by SKC Inc. Page 9

Esters and glycol ethers more volatile than nC20 and sufficiently stable to be analyzed by
conventional GC techniques

Target Compound Sorbent Type* Steel) Cat. No.
Bed 1 Bed 2 Bed 3
Tenax GR Anasorb GCB1 -------------------- G 226-345
Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III -------------------- G 226-346
Methyl acetate Anasorb GCB2 Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III G 226-347
Methyl-t-butyl Tenax GR Anasorb GCB1 -------------------- SS 226-348
ether Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III -------------------- SS 226-349
t-Butyl acetate Anasorb GCB2 Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III SS 226-350
Anasorb GCB1 --------------------- -------------------- SS 226-356
Chromosorb 106 --------------------- -------------------- SS 226-358

Ethyl acetate Tenax GR Anasorb GCB1 -------------------- G 226-345

Propyl acetate
Isopropyl acetate Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III -------------------- G 226-346
Butyl acetate
Isobutyl acetate Anasorb GCB2 Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III G 226-347
Methyl acrylate Tenax GR Anasorb GCB1 -------------------- SS 226-348
Ethyl acrylate
Methyl metha- Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III -------------------- SS 226-349
Methoxyethanol Anasorb GCB2 Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III SS 226-350
Ethoxyethanol Anasorb GCB1 --------------------- -------------------- SS 226-356
Methoxypropanol Tenax TA --------------------- -------------------- SS 226-357
Methoxy- Chromosorb 106 --------------------- -------------------- SS 226-358
Ethoxyethylacetate Tenax TA --------------------- -------------------- G 226-360

* Anasorb GCB1 is equivalent to Carbopack B; Anasorb GCB2 is equivalent to Carbopack C.

TO-17 Method Update by SKC Inc. Page 10

Aldehydes and ketones more volatile than nC20 and sufficiently stable to be analyzed by
conventional GC techniques

Target Compound Sorbent Type* Steel) Cat. No.
Bed 1 Bed 2 Bed 3
Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III ------------------- G 226-346
Anasorb GCB2 Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III G 226-347
Acetone Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III ------------------- SS 226-349
Anasorb GCB2 Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III SS 226-350
Chromosorb 106 --------------------- ------------------- SS 226-358

Tenax GR Anasorb GCB1 ------------------- G 226-345

Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III ------------------- G 226-346
Anasorb GCB2 Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III G 226-347
2-Butanone Tenax GR Anasorb GCB1 ------------------- SS 226-348
Methylisobutyl- Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III ------------------- SS 226-349
ketone Anasorb GCB2 Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III SS 226-350
Cyclohexanone Anasorb GCB1 --------------------- ------------------- SS 226-356
Tenax TA --------------------- ------------------- SS 226-357
Chromosorb 106 --------------------- ------------------- SS 226-358
Tenax TA --------------------- ------------------- G 226-360

Tenax GR Anasorb GCB1 ------------------- G 226-345

Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III ------------------- G 226-346
Anasorb GCB2 Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III G 226-347
Tenax GR Anasorb GCB1 ------------------- SS 226-348
Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III ------------------- SS 226-349
Anasorb GCB2 Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III SS 226-350
Anasorb GCB1 --------------------- ------------------- SS 226-356
Chromosorb 106 --------------------- ------------------- SS 226-358

Tenax GR Anasorb GCB1 ------------------- G 226-345

Anasorb GCB2 Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III G 226-347
3,5,5-Trimethyl- Tenax GR Anasorb GCB1 ------------------- SS 226-348
cyclohex-2-enone Anasorb GCB2 Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III SS 226-350
Anasorb GCB1 --------------------- ------------------- SS 226-356
Tenax TA --------------------- ------------------- SS 226-357

* Anasorb GCB1 is equivalent to Carbopack B; Anasorb GCB2 is equivalent to Carbopack C.

TO-17 Method Update by SKC Inc. Page 11


Target Compound Sorbent Type* Steel) Cat. No.
Bed 1 Bed 2 Bed 3
Tenax GR Anasorb GCB1 ------------------- G 226-345
Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III ------------------- G 226-346
Anasorb GCB2 Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III G 226-347
Tenax GR Anasorb GCB1 ------------------- SS 226-348
Furfural Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III ------------------- SS 226-349
Anasorb GCB2 Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III SS 226-350
Anasorb GCB1 --------------------- ------------------- SS 226-356
Tenax TA --------------------- ------------------- SS 226-357
Tenax TA --------------------- ------------------- G 226-360

* Anasorb GCB1 is equivalent to Carbopack B; Anasorb GCB2 is equivalent to Carbopack C.


These are most VOCs in air. Generally compatible with all organics less volatile than
ethane, more volatile than nC20, and sufficiently stable to be analyzed by conventional
GC techniques.

Target Compound Sorbent Type* Steel) Cat. No.
Bed 1 Bed 2 Bed 3
Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III -------------------- G 226-346
Anasorb GCB2 Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III G 226-347
Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III -------------------- SS 226-349
Anasorb GCB2 Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III SS 226-350

Tenax GR Anasorb GCB1 -------------------- G 226-345

Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III G 226-346
Acrylonitrile Anasorb GCB2 Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III G 226-347
Propionitrile Tenax GR Anasorb GCB1 -------------------- SS 226-348
Acetic acid Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III -------------------- SS 226-349
Anasorb GCB2 Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III SS 226-350
Anasorb GCB1 --------------------- -------------------- SS 226-356

* Anasorb GCB1 is equivalent to Carbopack B; Anasorb GCB2 is equivalent to Carbopack C.

TO-17 Method Update by SKC Inc. Page 12


Target Compound Sorbent Type* Steel) Cat. No.
Bed 1 Bed 2 Bed 3
Tenax GR Anasorb GCB1 ------------------- G 226-345
Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III ------------------- G 226-346
Anasorb GCB2 Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III G 226-347
Tenax GR Anasorb GCB1 ------------------- SS 226-348
Maleic anhydride Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III ------------------- SS 226-349
Pyridine Anasorb GCB2 Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III SS 226-350
Aniline Anasorb GCB1 --------------------- ------------------- SS 226-356
Tenax TA --------------------- ------------------- SS 226-357
Chromosorb 106 --------------------- ------------------- SS 226-358
Tenax TA --------------------- ------------------- G 226-360

Tenax GR Anasorb GCB1 ------------------- G 226-345

Anasorb GCB2 Anasorb GCB1 Carbosieve S-III G 226-347
Tenax GR Anasorb GCB1 ------------------- SS 226-348
Anasorb GCB1 Anasorb GCB1 Anasorb GCB1 SS 226-350
Tenax TA -------------------- ------------------- SS 226-357
Tenax TA -------------------- ------------------- G 226-360

Tenax GR Anasorb GCB1 ------------------- G 226-345

Tenax GR Anasorb GCB1 ------------------- SS 226-348
Tenax TA -------------------- ------------------- SS 226-357
Tenax TA -------------------- ------------------- G 226-360

* Anasorb GCB1 is equivalent to Carbopack B; Anasorb GCB2 is equivalent to Carbopack C.

TO-17 Method Update by SKC Inc. Page 13



(Passive [Diffusive] Sampler)

Sampler - A nylon sampler housing with a number of inlet holes is loaded with one of
several sorbents. Sampling is started by removing or sliding the cover to expose the holes
to the air and is stopped by replacing the cover (SKC Inc, Eighty Four, PA; ULTRA Series
Passive Samplers, Cat. No. 690 Series). With these samplers, VOCs diffuse onto the
sorbent at a fixed, defined rate determined by the specific chemical and the geometry of
the samplers.

Sampling/Uptake rate - Varies by compound. SKC and the U.S. OSHA Testing Lab
have experimentally verified the sampling or uptake rates of many chemicals using SKC
passive samplers. See the online Passive Sampling Guide for compound-specific
sampling/uptake rates. Despite differences in the outward appearance of samplers, the
sampler housings maintain the same geometry; therefore, the sampling rates are
equivalent for all models provided similar sorbents are used. Additional information on
sampling rates using Chromosorb 106 is available. (5)

Face velocity and orientation - The SKC ULTRA Series passive samplers will work in
face or wind velocities of 5 to 200 cm/sec. Wind velocities < 5 cm/sec may result in
reduced sampling rates. Operation is proficient in a parallel or perpendicular orientation
to wind. For more information, go to www.skcinc.com and enter “ULTRA” in the Google
search box.

Sample time – 8 hours to 30 days

Sampling conditions - Temperature range: 10 to 40 C and relative humidity range: 20

to 80% RH (25 C)

Sample storage - Before use: Store at ≤ 39.2 F (4 C) for up to 30 days to reduce the
formation of artifacts and spurious peaks in the sorbent. After use: Store at ≤ 39.2 F
(4 C) and analyze within 21 days. Store in a clean and organic solvent-free environment.

Analysis - Sorbent is transferred directly from the sampler housing to a thermal

desorption tube (0.25-inch OD and minimum 3.5-inch length). The tube is sealed until
analysis. The VOCs thermally desorbed from the sorbent are analyzed by gas
chromatography, typically with mass spectrometry (MS).

Background levels of samplers - Typically less than 25 ng per passive sampler

TO-17 Method Update by SKC Inc. Page 14



(Passive [Diffusive] Sampler)



1. Scope .................................................................................................16

2. Applicable Documents .......................................................................19

3. Summary of Method ...........................................................................19

4. Significance ........................................................................................20

5. Definitions ..........................................................................................20

6. Interferences ......................................................................................20

7. Apparatus ...........................................................................................20

8. Reagents and Materials .....................................................................21

9. Preparation of Reagents ....................................................................21

10. Sample Collection ..............................................................................21

11. Analytical Procedure ..........................................................................21

12. Method Detection Limits .....................................................................22

13. References .........................................................................................22

Figures ...............................................................................................24

TO-17 Method Update by SKC Inc. Page 15

1. Scope

1.1 This method describes a procedure for the determination of VOCs in ambient or
indoor air in the low-ppb and ppt range. The procedure has been found to be suitable for
8-hour to 30-day indoor/ambient air studies targeting medium-to-high boiling

1.2 This method uses the same thermal desorption techniques and gas chromatographic
analysis specified in active sampling Method TO-17. In this case, however, VOCs are
collected through a passive process of controlled diffusion through inlet holes of a
sampler loaded with solid sorbent (SKC Inc., Eighty Four, PA; ULTRA Series Passive
Samplers, Cat. No. 690 Series). Samplers are available with four different sorbents. At
the laboratory, sorbent is transferred to a thermal desorption tube with an outer diameter
of 0.25 inch and a minimum length of 3.5 inches (see Operating Instructions at
www.skcinc.com/instructions/40111.pdf). The tube is sealed until analysis. VOCs are
thermally desorbed from the sorbent and analyzed by gas chromatography, typically with
mass spectrometry.

1.3 The uptake rate varies by compound. Uptake rates and other critical sampling
parameters have been experimentally verified for many VOCs by SKC and other
agencies. (1-2) See the online Passive Sampling Guide for compound-specific
sampling/uptake rates. Despite differences in the outward appearance of samplers, the
sampler housings maintain the same geometry; therefore, the sampling rates are
equivalent for all models provided similar sorbents are used. Only reverse diffusion may
differ based on the sorbent and the chemical being sampled.

1.3.1 SKC ULTRA Series passive samplers will work in face or wind velocities of 5 to
200 cm/sec. Operation is proficient in a parallel or perpendicular orientation to wind.
When face velocities are < 5 cm/sec, the sampling rate may be reduced (commonly
called “zero velocity sampling rates”). These lower velocity rates are typically found
when sampling inside homes or buildings. For more information, go to www.skcinc.com
and enter “ULTRA” in the Google search box.

TO-17 Method Update by SKC Inc. Page 16

1.4 Researchers at the Sahlgrenska Academy at Goteborg University and the National
Institute of Working Life in Sweden have also validated the use of SKC passive sampler
for 1,3-butadiene and benzene in ambient air for eight hours up to seven days. (3)

1.5 The passive samplers are marketed as the ULTRA Series Passive Samplers for
thermal desorption and are manufactured by SKC Inc. (Eighty Four, PA; ULTRA Series
Passive Samplers, Cat. No. 690 Series). Up to four sorbents are available.

1.6 This method may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This
method does not purport to address all the safety problems associated with its use. It is
the user’s responsibility to develop and implement appropriate safety and health
practices and to determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

2. Applicable Documents

2.1 ASTM International Standards

D1356 Definition of Terms Relating to Atmospheric Sampling and Analysis
E682 Practice for Liquid Chromatography Terms and Relationships

2.2 Other Documents

 Compendium of Methods for the Determination of Air Pollutants in Indoor Air
 Compendium of Methods for the Determination of Organic Compounds in Ambient Air
 Methods for the Determination of Hazardous Substances by the Health and Safety
Laboratory - MDHS 88 Volatile Organic Compounds in Air
 Performance of SKC ULTRA Passive Samplers by the U.S. Department of Labor

3. Summary of Method

3.1 Sorbent is loaded in a sampler housing that contains multiple inlet holes. VOC vapor
diffuses into the sampler at an experimentally determined rate and is collected onto the
solid sorbent material. The samplers have been found to be suitable for 8 hours up to
30 days of indoor/ambient air sampling targeting medium-to-high boiling compounds.

3.2 After sampling, samplers are closed with the sampler covers (see Operating
Instructions at www.skcinc.com/instructions/40111.pdf). Samplers are sealed in the
provided pouches and packed for shipment to a laboratory. Store samples at ≤ 39.2 F
(4 C) in a clean and organic solvent-free environment followed by analysis within 21

3.3 In the analytical laboratory, the sorbent is transferred from the sampler housing
directly into a thermal desorption tube. The tube is then sealed with PTFE caps or
Swagelok® fittings. Thermal desorption tubes must be an outer diameter of 0.25 inch and
a minimum length of 3.5 inches, such as those manufactured by Perkin-Elmer.

3.4 The VOCs adsorbed onto the sorbent material are thermally desorbed and analyzed
by GC or GC/MS. The blank samples are likewise desorbed and analyzed.

3.5 VOCs in the sample are identified and quantified by comparison with calibration
curves for the analytes of interest.

4. Significance
TO-17 Method Update by SKC Inc. Page 17
4.1 This method uses a passive sampling system with an uptake rate that depends on
the diffusion coefficient of the VOC of interest, and that is proportional to the cross-
sectional area of the opening of the sampler and inversely proportional to the length of
the diffusion zone of the sampler. SKC and other agencies have experimentally verified
sampling/uptake rates for various compounds. The samplers are available commercially
from SKC Inc. as the ULTRA Series Passive Samplers (see www.skcinc.com/prod/690-
101.asp for details). The sorbent material must be used within 30 days or repurged by
the user to ensure acceptable background levels. Typical background levels of VOCs
are less than 25 ng per sampler. The portable samplers allow for employment of this
method in general areas with some minimal air movement or in micro-environments.

4.2 Thermal desorption and subsequent GC or GC/MS analysis provide a very accurate
measure of low-level VOC concentrations.

5. Definitions

Note: Definitions used in this document and any user-prepared SOPs should be
consistent with ASTM International Methods D1356 and E682. All pertinent
abbreviations and symbols are defined within this document at point of use.

6. Interferences

6.1 The ULTRA Series Passive Samplers allow the user to select the best sorbent for
the target compounds and transfer sorbent easily for analysis. The Marine Corps
selected Tenax TA for the measurement of chemical warfare agents. (4) U.S. OSHA
reported on the use of Carboxen 1016, Carbotrap Z®, and Chromosorb 106 for a mixture
containing 20 solvent analytes. (5) SKC has conducted studies on Tenax TA and
Anasorb GCB1 sorbents (6) and Carbograph 5 TD sorbent. (7)

6.2 Interferences are not a problem if the sorbent selection and GC parameters are
properly managed.

7. Apparatus

7.1 Sampling

7.1.1 Passive Diffusive Samplers

ULTRA (see Figure 1) – A housing loaded with sorbent with inlet holes (SKC Inc.,
Eighty Four, PA; Cat. Nos. 690-101, -103, -104, and -105) that allows for
controlled diffusion and collection of VOCs. The sampler contains discrete
compartments for sample sorbent and blank/correction sorbent. A cover slides for
opening and closing the sampler. Sample sorbent is transferred to a thermal
desorption tube.

Uptake rate is dependent on the sorbent, the target compound, and sampling conditions.
The housing has a clip for positioning during sampling. SKC manufactures ULTRA
Series samplers to meet the following criteria:

 Total VOC concentration: < 0.025 μg (25 ng) per sampler or vial

TO-17 Method Update by SKC Inc. Page 18

7.1.2 The samplers are shipped from the manufacturer in a pouch, which can be used
after sampling for shipping the samplers or sorbent vials in an appropriate mailer to a

7.1.3 Sorbent is typically conditioned by packing it inside a tube using elevated

temperatures and a flow of ultra-pure inert gas. EPA Method TO-17, Table 2
(www.epa.gov/ttnamti1/files/ambient/airtox/to-17r.pdf) provides guidelines on the
recommended temperature and gas flow for conditioning.

7.1.4 Use sorbent within 30 days after conditioning with heat and an inert gas.

7.2 Analysis

7.2.1 After sampling, place sampler with sorbent or sorbent vial in a clean, cool (≤ 4 C),
and organic solvent-free environment. Generally, analysis should occur within 21 days of
sample collection as artifacts may be generated during sample storage. Some
compounds, such as limonene and labile sulfur or nitrogen-containing volatiles, will
require analysis within one week. Blank samplers or sorbent vials (from the same lot as
sample sorbent) should be stored in a manner similar to the samples to check
background levels of the sorbent.

7.2.2 Analytes should be desorbed from the sorbent by back flushing the tubes with heat
and an inert gas (typically 150 to 400 C for 5 to 15 minutes with a carrier gas flow of 30
to 100 ml/min). The VOCs thermally desorbed from the sorbent are analyzed by gas
chromatography, typically with mass spectrometry. See sample chromatogram in
Figure 2.

8. Reagents and Materials

9. Preparation of Reagents
Complete information for Sections 8 and 9 can be obtained in EPA Method TO-17 at

10. Sample Collection

10.1 See Operating Instructions at www.skcinc.com/instructions/40111.pdf.

11. Analytical Procedure

11.1 Sample Preparation and Desorption

11.1.1 See Analysis Instructions at www.skcinc.com/; search on 40125 or 40127.

11.1.2 Analytes should be desorbed from the sorbent by back flushing the tubes with
heat and an inert gas (typically 150 to 400 C for 5 to 15 minutes with a carrier gas flow of
30 to 100 ml/min). The VOCs thermally desorbed from the sorbent are analyzed by gas
chromatography with the detector recommended for the compound(s) of interest,
typically mass spectrometry.

See EPA Method TO-17 at www.epa.gov/ttn/amtic/airtox.html for complete information

on analysis, calibration, and quality assurance procedures.

TO-17 Method Update by SKC Inc. Page 19

12. Method Detection Limits

12.1 SKC researchers used the following procedure to determine detection limits.

12.1.1 Reporting limits were determined by running seven replicates of a standard at a

level near the detection limit of the analyte. The standard deviation of the mean of these
values was calculated and if the relative standard deviation was less than 25%, this was
stated as the method reporting limit.

13. References

1. SKC Inc.: Passive (Diffusive) Sampler Research Reports. Eighty Four, PA. See online
at www.skcinc.com/reports.asp.

2. U.S. Department of Labor: OSHA Analytical Methods Manual. Salt Lake City, Utah:
U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Division Directorate for
Technical Support, 1990. See online at www.osha.gov/

3. Strandberg, B., Olsson, K., Levin, J., et. al.: “Evaluation of Two Types of Diffusive
Samplers and Adsorbents for Measuring 1,3-Butadiene and Benzene in Air,”
Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 39, Issue 22, July 2005, pp. 4101-4110

4. Hendricks, W.D., Roberts, J.L., Schultz, G.R.: “Feasibility of Diffusive Sampling to

Monitor U.S. Military Personnel for Exposure to Toxic Chemical Substances,” Salt
Lake City, Utah: U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Division
Directorate for Technical Support, 2001

5. U.S. Department of Labor: “Performance of SKC ULTRA Passive Samplers

Containing Carboxen 1016, Carbotrap Z, or Chromosorb 106 When Challenged with a
Mixture Containing Twenty of OSHA SLTC’s Top Solvent Analytes,” Salt Lake City,
Utah: U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Division Directorate
for Technical Support, 2003. See online at

6. Kuhlman, C., Coyne, L.: “Feasibility of a New Diffusive Sampler to Measure Sub-ppb
Levels of VOCs,” SKC Inc., presented at the AWMA Symposium on Air Quality
Measurement Methods and Technology, April 2005

7. Coyne, L., Kuhlman, C., Chada, J.: “Validation of the 575-001 and the ULTRA
Series Diffusive Samplers: Long-term Sampling in Indoor and Ambient Air
Environments,” www.skcinc.com/pdf/1812.pdf

8. Hayes, H., Mitzel, R.: “AIHce 2011 Presentation: Field Evaluation of Diffusive
Samplers for Indoor Air VOC Measurements (.pps)” at www.skcinc.com/prod/690-

TO-17 Method Update by SKC Inc. Page 20

Collar clip

Diffusion Barrier
(sample sorbent
compartment behind) Sample sorbent
(plug not shown)

Blank/Correction Sliding cover sorbent compartment
sorbent (plug not shown)

Front View Back View
Slide in Open (Sampling) Slide in Closed Position

Figure 1. ULTRA Passive Sampler with Blank/Correction Compartment

TO-17 Method Update by SKC Inc. Page 21

Column: RTX-5, 30 m, 0.32 ID, 1 μm df
Injection Temp.: 250 C
Detector Temp.: 250 C
Carrier Gas: Nitrogen
Flow: N2 = 2.5 ml/min
Air = 450 ml/min
H2 = 45 ml/min
GC: Perkin Elmer Clarus® 500
Integrator: TotalChrom Software
Oven Program:
Initial Temp.: 35 C
Initial Hold: 7 min
Ramp 1: 5 C/min to 100 C hold 0.5 min
Ramp 2: 15 C/min to 175 C hold 0.0 min
Total Run Time: 25.5 min

Figure 2. Sample Chromatogram – VOCs on Tenax TA Sorbent

TO-17 Method Update by SKC Inc. Page 22

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