USG For Critical Care PDF
USG For Critical Care PDF
USG For Critical Care PDF
OBJECTIVE: In this review, we define learning goals and recommend competencies concerning
focused basic critical care ultrasound (CCUS) for critical care specialists in training.
DESIGN: The narrative review is, and the recommendations contained herein are, sponsored by
the Society of Critical Care Anesthesiologists. Our recommendations are based on a structured
literature review by an expert panel of anesthesiology intensivists and cardiologists with formal training
in ultrasound. Published descriptions of learning and training routines from anesthesia–critical care
and other specialties were identified and considered. Sections were written by groups with special
expertise, with dissent included in the text.
RESULTS: Learning goals and objectives were identified for achieving competence in the use of
CCUS at a specialist level (critical care fellowship training) for diagnosis and monitoring of vital
organ dysfunction in the critical care environment. The ultrasound examination was divided into
vascular, abdominal, thoracic, and cardiac components. For each component, learning goals and
specific skills were presented. Suggestions for teaching and training methods were described.
DISCUSSION: Immediate bedside availability of ultrasound resources can dramatically improve
the ability of critical care physicians to care for critically ill patients. Anesthesia--critical care
medicine training should have definitive expectations and performance standards for basic
CCUS interpretation by anesthesiology--critical care specialists. The learning goals in this review
reflect current trends in the multispecialty critical care environment where ultrasound-based
diagnostic strategies are already frequently applied. These competencies should be formally
taught as part of an established anesthesiology-critical care medicine graduate medical educa-
tion programs. (Anesth Analg 2015;120:1041–53)
lthough clinical use of ultrasound was first technology improvements facilitate better imaging and
described in the 1950s, it remained predominantly ultrasound units have become more mobile and affordable,
an experimental tool until the early 1970s, when it routine use has expanded to the bedside throughout the
was used to detect ascites in cadavers and splenic hemato- hospital, and especially in the ICU.4–9
mas.1,2 Currently, ultrasound is routinely used for diagnostic With widespread availability in the critical care environ-
work and procedural support in many health care settings, ment, ultrasound as a diagnostic device and procedural
including the intensive care unit (ICU).3 Because ultrasound adjunct is increasingly used in critical care practice. When
ultrasound devices and trained practitioners are available,
From the *Department of Anesthesiology, Virginia Mason Medical Center, they can be successfully used in immediate assessment of
Seattle, Washington; †Umeå University Anesthesiology and Intensive life-threatening cardiopulmonary or circulatory dysfunc-
Care Medicine, Umeå, Sweden; ‡Department of Anesthesiology, Stanford
University School of Medicine, Palo Alto, California; §Department of tion in patients in the ICU.
Anesthesiology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota; ∥Department of Since bedside ultrasound in the ICU has become com-
Anesthesiology, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; ¶Department of Anesthesiology and
mon, expectations for reliable and rapid image acquisition
Perioperative Medicine, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, and interpretation have led to recognition that ultrasound
Oregon; #Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care, Johns Hopkins competence can significantly enhance anesthesiology--crit-
University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland; **Department of
Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, ical care medicine (ACCM) training. Thus, many critical
Washington; ††Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care, Vanderbilt care practitioners have undergone formal ultrasound train-
University School of Medicine, Nashville, Tennessee; and ‡‡Department ing. To meet this need for future ACCM-trained physicians,
of Anesthesiology, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis,
Missouri. programs should facilitate systematic teaching, learning, and
Michael H. Wall, MD, is currently affiliated with the Department of assessment of critical care ultrasound (CCUS). As in ultra-
Anesthesiology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota. sound training programs for other specialties, an ACCM pro-
Accepted for publication October 14, 2014. gram should incorporate formalized learning goals, practical
Funding: None. teaching plans, and published standards for competency for
The authors declare no conflicts of interest. CCUS.7,10–12 Note that CCUS learning goals are distinct from
Reprints will not be available from the authors. those for transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) in cardiac
Address correspondence to R. Eliot Fagley, MD, Department of Anesthesiol- anesthesiology. A distinct set of CCUS training and learning
ogy, Virginia Mason Medical Center, 1100 Ninth Ave., Mail Stop B2-AN, P. O.
Box 900, Seattle, WA 98111. Address e-mail to goals is appropriate because interpretation of a given study
Copyright © 2015 International Anesthesia Research Society necessitates a previous understanding of critical illness to
DOI: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000000652 optimize the use of the imaging modality. To improve care,
CCUS must be interpreted in context with other diagnostic Of the 40 respondents, only 4 (10%) currently offered no
and monitoring data that are present for critically ill patients. CCUS training to their fellows. Of the 36 ACCM programs
The goal of this review is to describe a basic level of that offered CCUS training, nearly all incorporated both
knowledge for all advanced ACCM trainees concerning the didactic and hands-on components. Twelve (33.3%) of these
use of ultrasound in the management of critical illness and to programs mandated that a specific number of ultrasound
define expectations for the application of CCUS competence examinations be performed and reviewed with an attend-
to vascular, abdominal, thoracic, and cardiac imaging. This ing intensivist. The responses to the questions regarding the
review has 3 specific goals. First, we aim to define the cur- number of required examinations were 11 to 20 examina-
rent state of CCUS training in ACCM fellowship programs. tions (1 program), between 20 and 50 (5 programs), and >50
Second, we aim to present a set of standard, evidence-based examinations (6 programs). With regard to attending inten-
clinical indications, learning goals, and competencies for sivist practice, 33 programs (82.5%) reported that ≤50% of
the use of ultrasound in ACCM. Finally, we aim to propose the faculty frequently use CCUS to help guide therapy. All
general recommendations to support training and accom- 40 programs reported that their fellows have immediate
plishment of the prescribed learning goals. access to an ultrasound machine with both vascular and
cardiac probes, with 36 programs (90%) reporting that the
METHODS ultrasound machine is stored in the ICU.
The Society of Critical Care Anesthesiologists (SOCCA) With respect to perceived difficulties in training ACCM fel-
assembled an expert panel for this project. Criteria for invi- lows in CCUS, nearly half of the respondents (n = 19) reported
tation to the panel included formal ultrasound training (as that many of their attending intensivist colleagues were not
defined by American Society of Anesthesiologists/American comfortable using CCUS. Nevertheless, a majority of those
Society of Echocardiography/Society of Cardiovascular programs felt that an expert faculty comprising intensivists
Anesthesiologists criteria), current involvement in the prac- and experts from other departments could be assembled.
tice and teaching of critical care medicine to anesthesia fel- Eight programs reported having enough individuals within
lowship trainees, and SOCCA membership. To define the their own division to conduct formal CCUS teaching for fel-
current state of CCUS training in Accreditation Council for lows if such training became mandated. Only 1 program (3%)
Graduate Medical Education--accredited ACCM fellowship reported not having enough faculty members to train their
programs, an online survey was sent to the program direc- fellows in CCUS, even with help from other departments.
tors of those programs. To describe the areas of competency, Of the remaining 31 respondent programs, 25 (63%) felt that
a systematic literature search (MEDLINE, PubMed, and if such a curriculum were mandated, they would need help
Ovid) was performed from years 1970 to 2013 for the key from members of other departments, but that those depart-
words: ultrasound, ultrasonography/standards, intensive ments were likely to do so. However, 6 programs (15%) noted
care, critical care, echocardiography/standards, clinical that cardiology or radiology divisions in their institution were
competence/standards, critical care standards, curriculum, reluctant to train ACCM fellows. Two programs (5%) noted
and education. A total of 69 relevant articles were included that cardiac ultrasound was forbidden in their ICU unless
for analysis. From these articles, and from shared profes- performed by a cardiologist. Sixteen programs (n = 16, 40%)
sional experience in teaching CCUS, the panelists described found ≥1 impediment. The majority of programs (n = 24, 60%)
educational goals and expected competencies for success- did not see any barriers to training fellows in CCUS. With
ful ACCM fellowship-based learning for CCUS. The writ- regard to competency, 28 programs (70%) felt that if CCUS
ing process was performed in groups, facilitated by a group training were required for ACCM fellows, successful comple-
leader, with dissenting viewpoints included in the text. tion of fellowship should, by definition, establish CCUS com-
petency. Twelve respondents (30%) felt instead that a separate
RESULTS certification process would be useful.
Current Ultrasound Training in ACCM
Fellowship Programs Physics, Equipment, and Artifacts
In September 2012, an online survey was sent to the fel- An understanding of ultrasound physics is critical to the
lowship program directors of each of the 51 ACCM fel- accurate interpretation of ultrasound images and artifacts.13
lowship programs in the United States. Forty programs As the name suggests, ultrasound imaging is generated by
(78.4%) responded. The size of the respondent programs aiming mechanical sound waves with the frequency exceed-
varied, with 65% of respondents offering 1 to 5 fellowship ing 20 kHz at the object in question. Diagnostic ultrasound
positions each year, and 35% of respondents offering >5 (3 has frequencies in the 1 to 20 MHz range. Ultrasound images
programs offered ≥9 positions each year). Thirty-nine other are formed through interactions of ultrasound waves with
programs (97.5%) reported that other Accreditation Council tissues, fluids, air, and their interfaces.14,15 Application of
for Graduate Medical Education critical care fellowships these general principles allows the clinician to anticipate
(medicine, surgery) were also offered at their institution. and recognize potential imaging artifacts, which can occur
All 39 of those institutions offered pulmonary critical care because of excessive reflection or impairment of transmission
training, and 32 had surgery critical care programs as well. of sound waves through tissues. Although misinterpreted
With respect to ultrasound training before ACCM fellow- artifacts can lead to misdiagnosis, imaging artifacts can also
ship, 40% of program directors reported an embedded cur- support diagnosis (as in pneumothorax, see section below).16
ricular element on ultrasound practice in the associated Appropriate selection of ultrasound equipment for ICU
residency. Most centers (60%) did offer such training to use requires an analysis of clinical needs, a survey of avail-
residents, with or without embedded curricular elements. able local resources, and an understanding of available
1042 anesthesia & analgesia
SOCCA Recommendations for Critical Care Ultrasound Training
technology. Practitioners must be able to manage infection volume resuscitation, and diagnosis of aortic aneurysm or
control and equipment storage, data transfer, and electrical dissection.29–31
and ultrasound safety. Practitioners must also thoroughly Vascular ultrasound should also be part of a complete
understand preprocessing and postprocessing functions CCUS curriculum for trainees, as shown in Table 1. Standard
and machine controls to optimize images before recording. image planes in vascular ultrasound are represented in
Operator skills and understanding of anatomy are neces- Figure 1. Learning goals and expected competencies for
sary to properly manipulate the transducer to obtain high- CCUS vascular ultrasound are shown in Table 3.
quality images.
Physics, equipment, and artifacts should also be part Abdominal Ultrasound
of a complete CCUS curriculum for trainees, as shown in Indications for CCUS abdominal examination include (but
Table 1. Learning goals and expected competencies for are not limited to) the following: guidance for paracentesis,32
CCUS-related physics, equipment, and artifacts are shown clinical suspicion for hemoperitoneum, clinical suspicion
in Table 2. for abdominal compartment syndrome or other hypoper-
fusion syndrome, clinical suspicion for retroperitoneal
Vascular Ultrasound hematoma, clinical suspicion for abdominal aortic pathol-
Although vascular ultrasound is commonly used to sup- ogy, including aneurysm and/or dissection,33 laboratory or
port vascular access procedures,9,17,18 current evidence sug- clinical evidence of renal failure,34 and laboratory or clinical
gests that real-time (dynamic) visualization of target vessels evidence of hepatic failure.35 The focused assessment with
during vascular access results in fewer complications than sonography for trauma examination is a structured ultra-
(static) vascular mapping followed by unguided vessel sound examination designed to identify the above elements
puncture.19 Indications for vascular ultrasound include real- that require immediate intervention and has been an impor-
time needle guidance during vessel cannulation for inter- tant contribution to secondary trauma assessment.36 It was
nal jugular, subclavian, axillary, and femoral venous and popularized early based on the idea that the examination
arterial vascular access.17,20 Ultrasound may also be useful can be completed very quickly to support a rapid decision
in securing peripheral venous access in difficult patients.21 for immediate surgical intervention.
Diagnostically, vascular ultrasound is indicated for the Abdominal ultrasound should also be part of a com-
diagnosis of deep venous thrombosis,22–24 suspicion of arte- plete CCUS curriculum for trainees, as shown in Table 1.
rial occlusion or stenosis,25 inferior vena cava diameter and Standard image planes in abdominal ultrasound are repre-
variability during the respiratory cycle (an indicator of sented in Figure 2. Learning goals and expected competen-
right ventricular [RV] preload),26–28 real-time monitoring of cies for CCUS abdominal ultrasound are shown in Table 4.
1044 anesthesia & analgesia
SOCCA Recommendations for Critical Care Ultrasound Training
each segment evaluated: 1 is normal (>30% thickening), 2 thickening), and 5 is dyskinetic (paradoxical motion dur-
is mildly hypokinetic (10%–30% thickening), 3 is severely ing systole).50 The walls are named according to their ana-
hypokinetic (<10% thickening), 4 is akinetic (no appreciable tomic position and comprise the basal and midpapillary
Cardiac Output
The measurement of stroke volume (SV) and the derivation
of cardiac output (CO) can be performed during a CCUS
TTE examination. The calculation of SV and CO requires 2
different echocardiographic windows. The diameter (DLVOT)
of the LV outflow tract (LVOT) is measured just underneath
the aortic valve (AV) in a long-axis (LAX) view. In midsys-
tole, the cross-sectional area of the LVOT (ALVOT) can be esti-
mated using the formula for the area of a circle: ALVOT = π
× (DLVOT / 2).2 To estimate SV, pulsed-wave Doppler veloc-
ity time integral (VTILVOT) through the LVOT is measured
from an apical 5-chamber view in TTE or deep transgastric
view in TEE. The SV calculation is as follows: SV = ALVOT ×
1046 anesthesia & analgesia
SOCCA Recommendations for Critical Care Ultrasound Training
Table 5. Learning Goals and Expected Competencies: Cardiac Ultrasound Views and Anatomy
Procedural transesophageal echocardiography views and
Procedural transthoracic echocardiogram views and anatomy to identify anatomy to identify
• Parasternal long axis—evaluation of pericardium, anteroseptal, • Midesophageal aortic valve short axis—evaluation of AV, left atrium,
and posterior LV walls, right ventricle, left atrium, MV, LVOT, AV, and tricuspid valve, RV, and pericardium
ascending aorta • Midesophageal AV long axis—evaluation of LVOT, AV, proximal
• Parasternal short axis—evaluation of pericardium, left and right ascending aorta, pericardium, anteroseptal and posterior LV walls, left
ventricles, and regional LV walls atrium, and MV
• Apical 4 chamber—evaluation of lateral and septal LV walls, MV, left • Bicaval view—evaluation of IVC (including intrahepatic portion) right
atrium, RV, tricuspid valve, right atrium, and pericardium atrium, SVC, fossa ovalis, left atrium, and pericardium
• Apical 5 chamber—evaluation of LVOT and AV • Right ventricular inflow---outflow—evaluation of right atrium, tricuspid
• Apical 2 chamber—evaluation of inferior and anterior LV walls, left valve, RV, pulmonic valve, left atrium, AV, and pericardium
atrium, MV, and pericardium • Midesophageal 4 chamber—evaluation of lateral and septal LV walls,
• Apical 3 chamber—evaluation of inferolateral and anteroseptal LV MV, left atrium, right atrium, tricuspid valve, RV, and pericardium.
walls, left atrium, MV, LVOT, AV, and pericardium • Midesophageal 2 chamber—evaluation of anterior and inferior LV walls,
• Subcostal 4 chamber—evaluation of pericardium, LV, MV, left atrium, left atrium, left atrial appendage, MV, and pericardium
RV, right atrium, and tricuspid valve • Transgastric short-axis—evaluation of pericardium and regional wall
• Subcostal IVC—evaluation of IVC and right atrium motion
• Descending aorta short-axis—evaluation of thoracic descending aorta
and pleural spaces
• Aortic arch long-axis—evaluation of aortic arch and main PA
• Pulmonary artery long-axis—evaluation of main, right, and left PA and
the ascending aorta
LV = left ventricle; RV = right ventricle; MV = mitral valve; IVC = inferior vena cava; PA = popliteal artery; SVC = superior vena cava; LVOT = left ventricle outflow
track; AV = aortic valve.
Aortic Stenosis diameter larger than two-thirds of the LVOT diameter and
AS is detected in LAX and SAX views by identifying cal- holodiastolic flow reversal in the aortic arch.56
cified left, right, and noncoronary leaflets and restricted
leaflet motion. Color-flow Doppler (CFD) will reveal turbu- Mitral Stenosis
lent flow from the AV into the proximal ascending aorta. MS may be identified by calcification/thickening of mitral
Continuous-wave Doppler (CWD) velocity measurements, valve leaflets and restricted mitral leaflet opening. The
taken in the apical 5-chamber view by TTE or the deep trans- severity of MS can be quantified by measuring the trans-
gastric view by TEE, may provide more quantitative infor- mitral gradient in diastole with CWD. A mean transmitral
mation, with severe AS defined as peak aortic velocities >4 diastolic gradient >10 mm Hg is indicative of severe MS.
m/s.55 However, in patients with low CO states, measured However, when severe MR is present, the transmitral gradi-
velocity across the AV may underrepresent the severity of ent will be artifactually increased because of increased flow.
AS because of reduced aortic outflow.
Mitral Regurgitation
Aortic Insufficiency MR or insufficiency is assessed by evaluation of anterior
Aortic insufficiency is assessed by CFD. Moderate-to-severe and posterior leaflet coaptation and by using CFD to
aortic insufficiency will be characterized by a vena contracta determine the shape of the regurgitant jet. The severity of
MR is affected by LV afterload, which can vary depend- mitral valve lesions may require consultation of another
ing on positive-pressure mechanical ventilation, positive subspecialist with echocardiographic expertise.
or negative inotropic support, vasopressors, or vasodila-
tors. Cardiogenic shock resulting from severe acute MR Tricuspic Regurgitation
is usually caused by papillary muscle rupture, trauma, Severe TR can be associated with symptoms of venous con-
or endocarditis.57 CFD is a simple means to visualize gestion (e.g., hepatic congestion, peripheral edema, and jug-
systolic regurgitation into the left atrium. Complicated ular venous distention). TR can be qualitatively described
1048 anesthesia & analgesia
SOCCA Recommendations for Critical Care Ultrasound Training
as severe when the regurgitant jet occupies more than two- of ongoing shock or arrest. Valvular abnormalities causing
thirds of the area of the RA. arrest would likely be catastrophically severe. (See previ-
ous section for more information on valvular interrogation.)
Tricuspid Stenosis Acute MR from a papillary muscle rupture or acute MR
Tricuspid stenosis can be suspected when leaflet thicken- and aortic regurgitation from endocarditis could result in
ing or limited leaflet opening is observed in the setting of profound shock or cardiac arrest. Severe aortic and mitral
signs and symptoms of venous congestion. Quantification stenosis may be a rare cause of primary arrest, but it may
by velocities and estimated pressure gradients is of limited prolong arrest or shock states that occur for nonvalvular
value. reasons. After ROSC, the ascending and descending aorta
should be examined again with TEE for aortic dissection. LV
Echocardiographic Evaluation During and RV dysfunction after ROSC may be the primary inciting
Cardiopulmonary Arrest event or postarrest or posthypoxic myocardial stunning.58
During cardiac arrest and in the periarrest period, echocar- Echocardiographic findings suggestive of acute pulmonary
diography can noninvasively and rapidly provide a large embolism as a cause of circulatory collapse include acute
quantity of critical information that is easier to interpret RV dysfunction (TTE and TEE) and clot in the main and
than indirect measures such as direct visualization of peri- right pulmonary artery (TEE).
cardial fluid (as a sign of tamponade rather than equaliza- Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy and systolic
tion of intracardiac pressures) or acute RV dilation and anterior motion of the mitral valve are uncommon but
McConnell’s sign (as a sign of pulmonary embolism ver- potentially treatable causes of circulatory collapse. Aortic
sus spiral computed tomography scan). In both scenar- outflow obstruction or turbulent subvalvular flow can be
ios, TTE may more rapidly facilitate therapeutic decision generated in patients with small hypertrophic LVs who
making.25,56–58 are hypovolemic and/or tachycardic and may be assessed
The first step in echocardiographic evaluation during by a high CWD gradient in the LVOT. These high systolic
cardiac arrest is to compare the rhythm seen on the electro- flow velocities can lead to motion of the anterior mitral leaf-
cardiogram with the ventricular contraction pattern visual- let into the aortic outflow tract (systolic anterior motion),
ized by echocardiography and the presence or absence of resulting in subaortic obstruction and severe MR. With cor-
a palpable pulse: asystole versus pulseless electrical activ- rection of hypovolemia, discontinuation of inotropic drugs,
ity versus pseudopulseless electrical activity (ventricular and increased afterload, this dynamic and functional sys-
electrical and mechanical activity that generates no pulse).7 tolic outflow obstruction decreases and can be observed
The next step is to assess the cause of arrest, looking closely using CWD in LAX views through the LVOT.
for evidence of conditions such as cardiac tamponade, pul- One of the limitations of ultrasound assessment dur-
monary embolism, pneumothorax, or aortic dissection. ing cardiac arrest is the challenge of imaging the heart and
Upon return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC), a more lungs during chest compressions. Neither TTE nor TEE
complete examination can further explore potential causes should interfere with ongoing advanced cardiovascular
life support. However, the use of TEE allows fewer and feedback and encouragement, support optimal interpre-
shorter interruptions in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and tation, and review and endorse the documentation in the
should probably be the primary echocardiographic choice patients’ records.
when equipment is available. Echocardiographic evaluation The amount of didactic teaching time that is recom-
of circulatory arrest is appropriate as a diagnostic adjunct mended by most groups to provide new trainees with an
when treating any patient who has cardiopulmonary arrest. appropriate introduction to CCUS ranges from 4 to 10 hours
for echocardiography. The recommended times take into
Cardiac Function in Septic Shock consideration the depth of the training, which ranges from
Myocardial depression with sepsis peaks within the first basic 2D assessment63–65 to semiquantitative evaluation
few days and resolves in survivors by 7 to 10 days. Unlike using CFD, CWD, and pulse Doppler.11,67,68 Given the scope
classic cardiogenic shock, it is associated with low or nor- of focused echocardiography proposed in these sugges-
mal filling pressures.55,56 Septic cardiomyopathy occurs in tions, we recommend a total didactic time of no <10 hours
the majority of patients with septic shock during the first 3 for goal-directed echocardiography. Our recommendation
days, with most cases occurring in the first 48 hours.57 Often, is in line with previous proposals and also with the recent
sepsis-induced decreases in afterload can mask myocardial guidelines for vascular ultrasound and TU.65,67–70
dysfunction until administration of vasoconstrictive drugs
exposes a poorly contracting ventricle. Serial assessments Mastering Interpretation Skills
of myocardial function are necessary because myocardial To acquire the skills necessary for interpreting transthoracic
dysfunction can change rapidly in the early phases of septic or transesophageal ultrasound examinations, repetition
shock. The relationship between ventricular function dur- and exposure to a wide range of normal and pathologic
ing sepsis (hyperkinetic or hypokinetic) and survival is not anatomy are necessary. To achieve facility within a reason-
yet clear.55,57,59,60 Because the ventricular dysfunction of sep- able amount of time, supervised performance and review
sis affects both LVs and RVs, changes in chamber volumes of many patient examples are needed, both of which can be
and pressures should be closely monitored when trying to provided in different forms and are most efficiently deliv-
establish optimal preload.55,56,61 ered when an experienced supervisor instructs multiple
Rapid assessment of hemodynamic instability in sep- trainees at one time. These high-volume sessions should
tic shock should also be part of a complete CCUS curricu- review a number of archived studies, with and without
lum for trainees, as shown in Table 1. Learning goals and pathology, conducted in a quiet private room to encourage
expected competencies for rapid assessment of hemody- discussion. These supervised reading sessions will serve the
namic instability in septic shock are shown in Table 8. dual purpose of facilitating the interpretation and journal
documentation of the ultrasound studies and as quality
Levels of Training assurance. The didactic and case review sessions should be
A practical understanding of ultrasound physics, choice of organized and scheduled on a regular basis.
appropriate images, and image interpretation in the con-
text of differential diagnosis are the requirements for CCUS Mastering Technical Skills
competency. During the initial phase of training, learners should perform
The components of any curriculum that focuses on a series of ultrasound examinations under direct supervi-
image acquisition and interpretation should include funda- sion of an experienced clinical ultrasound supervisor. There
mentals of ultrasound physics, cardiac anatomy, and physi- is evidence to support that 12 hours spent with an expert
ology in addition to recognition of normal versus abnormal sonographer during this initial phase is sufficient.71 In the
findings. These topics can be taught via didactic sessions second phase, the learner can perform examinations and
attended locally,62–64 attendance at external courses,65 certi- record images with less oversight, but they should continue
fication through online courses, or taught using ultrasound to record their examinations and review the images (both
simulators.66 for quality and interpretation) with a senior colleague at a
Teaching in the home department should be conducted later time. They should also continue to participate in qual-
using a combination of lectures, bedside demonstration ity assurance discussions that specifically address aspects of
with trainee participation and supervisor oversight, fre- ultrasound image acquisition and analysis. The numbers of
quent repetition of specific predetermined teaching points, studies that are needed until a learner can perform, record,
case presentations, and grouped review of archived video and interpret a CCUS examination independently will vary
recordings of ICU ultrasound examinations. All sessions greatly from learner to learner. It typically takes between
should be supervised by an experienced intensivist or group 30 and 50 independently performed examinations before
of intensivists with responsibility for teaching, patient doc- learners feel as though they have some mastery of simple
umentation, and quality assurance for ultrasound diagnos- image acquisition. Practicing on normal volunteers can be
tics. This type of ICU-based ultrasound teaching/learning useful at the beginning of ultrasound training although
system requires several elements, such as well-maintained the majority of examinations in the training phase should
and easily accessible ultrasound machines in the ICU, a be performed on critically ill patients. Although not neces-
robust system for recording and archiving examinations, sary, an echocardiography simulator can be useful in help-
and a reading station, where a senior intensive care spe- ing learners understand the anatomy, spatial reasoning, and
cialist, who is an experienced supervisor for ultrasound equipment manipulation.
learners, can review all the archived ultrasound studies A critical care fellow should perform ≥50 examinations
together with the individuals who performed them, provide during their training, each reviewed with a local expert in
1050 anesthesia & analgesia
SOCCA Recommendations for Critical Care Ultrasound Training
CCUS or a surrogate supervisor. If considered necessary by that for future ACCM practitioners to be recognized as
the supervisor, >50 studies may be required in the train- experts in the diagnosis and treatment of acute critical ill-
ing phase to acquire technical mastery. Each trainee should ness, ultrasound diagnostic techniques should be included
maintain a log of all supervised and independent examina- in the formal ACCM learning goals for training programs.
tions, including the final diagnosis for each examination. Improving and standardizing CCUS training and prac-
The log should include a number of normal examinations as tice are matters of both patient safety and professional
well as a wide range of abnormal findings. Final proficiency development.E
should be identified and documented by the person respon-
sible for the ACCM training program in their institution. DISCLOSURES
Name: R. Eliot Fagley, MD.
Instructors Contribution: This author helped design the study, conduct the
Once a CCUS teaching curriculum is established, bedside study, analyze the data, and write the manuscript.
teaching can be provided by instructor(s) with a critical care Attestation: R. Eliot Fagley approved the final manuscript.
background from anesthesiology, cardiology, surgery, emer- Name: Michael F. Haney, MD, PhD.
gency medicine, or internal medicine. The instructor should Contribution: This author helped design the study, conduct the
have experience with focused examinations and should study, analyze the data, and write the manuscript.
be familiar with critical care interventions in response to Attestation: Michael F. Haney approved the final manuscript.
abnormal findings. It is ultimately the responsibility of Name: Anne-Sophie Beraud, MD, MS.
the ACCM faculty, rather than other potential teachers of Contribution: This author helped conduct the study, analyze
ultrasound, to ensure both optimal patient care and optimal the data, and write the manuscript.
training of ACCM fellows. Therefore, as with the introduc- Attestation: Anne-Sophie Beraud approved the final
tion of any new diagnostic or treatment modality into the manuscript.
ICU, 1 or more members of the ACCM physician staff will Name: Thomas Comfere, MD.
need to prepare themselves to serve as supervisors for the Contribution: This author helped design the study, conduct the
study, analyze the data, and write the manuscript.
basic aspects of ultrasound signal acquisition and interpre-
Attestation: Thomas Comfere approved the final manuscript.
tation in the ICU.
Name: Benjamin Adam Kohl, MD.
Contribution: This author helped design the study, conduct the
Equipment study, analyze the data, and write the manuscript.
Necessary equipment for the successful incorporation of Attestation: Benjamin Adam Kohl approved the final
CCUS into an ICU includes: the ultrasound machines them- manuscript.
selves; appropriate transducers for vascular, cardiac, and Name: Matthias Johannes Merkel, MD, PhD.
transesophageal examinations; an image archiving system; Contribution: This author helped design the study, conduct the
and ready access to archived examinations in a location ame- study, analyze the data, and write the manuscript.
nable to teaching. All CCUS examinations should be inter- Attestation: Matthias Johannes Merkel approved the final
preted and their results reported in a standardized manner. manuscript.
A preliminary report may be completed by the trainee but Name: Aliaksei Pustavoitau, MD, MHS.
should be finalized with expert review. The report should Contribution: This author helped design the study, conduct the
be archived with the examination images. study, analyze the data, and write the manuscript.
Attestation: Aliaksei Pustavoitau approved the final
DISCUSSION manuscript.
As with other aspects of ACCM practice and teaching in Name: Peter von Homeyer, MD.
the ICU, CCUS practice and teaching should be multidisci- Contribution: This author helped conduct the study, analyze
plinary and include local experts from anesthesiology, inter- the data, and write the manuscript.
nal medicine critical care, surgery critical care, cardiology, Attestation: Peter von Homeyer approved the final manuscript.
vascular surgery, and emergency medicine according to Name: Chad Edward Wagner, MD.
their formal supervisory and teaching roles for ACCM fel- Contribution: This author helped design the study, conduct the
lows. The final responsibility for this aspect of ACCM train- study, analyze the data, and write the manuscript.
ing resides with those responsible for the ACCM fellowship Attestation: Chad Edward Wagner approved the final
in each institution. This responsibility includes assuring manuscript.
availability of training material and equipment in the work- Name: Michael H. Wall, MD.
Contribution: This author helped design the study, conduct the
place. Communicating expectations, clear learning goals for
study, analyze the data, and write the manuscript.
trainees, and provision of means to achieve those goals are
Attestation: Michael H. Wall approved the final manuscript.
the responsibilities of the ACCM fellowship program direc-
This manuscript was handled by: Avery Tung, MD.
tors and departmental leadership.
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SOCCA Recommendations for Critical Care Ultrasound Training