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The Gamma Statistic Converges To The Noise Relative To An Unknown Nonlinear Function

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20 40 60 80
Unique Data Points v Gamma

100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360
Unique Data Points


The Gamma statistic converges to the noise

relative to an unknown nonlinear function
A New Era in Statistical Reasoning

The winGammaTM software is a suite of nonlinear Smooth Nonlinear Models

modeling and analysis tools, organized around the Gamma Intuitively, smooth means what it sounds like - not
Test. The Gamma Test estimates the noise in a data set jagged. Mathematically, a smooth function is one whose
relative to all smooth functions. It brings together two first and second derivatives are bounded (finite at all
important ideas - it is a mean squared error estimator, that points).
applies to all smooth nonlinear models. Please take a moment Smooth nonlinear models are important because there
to consider each of these two concepts. are so many of them. Theoretically speaking, there are
infinitely many smooth curves which could relate any two
Error Estimation variables. Practically speaking, straight lines are rare in
Error estimation plays a central role in all statistical nature. Natural processes almost always produce smooth
reasoning. For example: curves.
- In sampling and polling theory, the number of samples The infinite variety of the natural world is largely
that must be collected is decided using the variance, an created by smooth nonlinear processes. The variety is
estimate of the MSE of samples. possible because control operates on a process of growth
- In experimental design,the statistical significance of or change. Slight differences in initial conditions may lead
the results is decided based on t-tests and other statistics, to infinite variety in the outcomes. These process may be
which are calculated from estimates of the error variance. completely impossible to predict in the long term, but
- In linear regression studies, the correlation coefficient quite predictable in the short term. This is the world of
and similar MSE estimators are used to calculate “goodness chaos theory - the study of change processes that are
of fit” of the model. If MSE is zero, the data lies along the governed by nonlinear functions.
regression line, so there is clearly a strong relationship Although straight lines are rare in nature,
between input and output. If the error estimates are high, measuring goodness of fit through error estimation is such
the regression line is meaningless. a powerful technique that linear statistics have changed
Statisticians use error estimators to decide what is the world. The Gamma Test brings the power of standard
important and what is not. How accurate are these polling statistical reasoning to the vastly larger realm of smooth
results? Is there really a difference between the control models. One academic reviewer described it as “the holy
and experimental groups? Which of these variables are grail of nonlinear modeling”. Another reviewer wrote,
important for prediction? Do I have enough data? These “The Gamma Test will play a significant role in every area
are some of the questions that are answered by mean of statistical signal processing.”
squared error estimators.
Nonlinear Goodness of Fit
For nonlinear modeling, there are numerous techniques for curve fitting, including relationship between inputs and output - the inputs are irrelevant to the output. In
neural networks, local linear regression, and support vector machines. But in the this way Gamma is similar to the MSE around a regression line.
past, there has been no way to estimate goodness of fit for nonlinear models without However, linear regression measures goodness of fit to a line. Gamma measures
knowing the model. goodness of fit to any and all smooth curves. Here are four simple examples of
Now there is. If gamma is small there is a strong predictive relationship between functions that gamma can find in data:
the input variables and the output. If gamma is large there is no smooth predictive

1 McGls
2.5 400 2
300 1.5
200 2 4 6 8 10 12 1
100 -0.5 0.5

1 2 3 4 5 0.25

25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 -1 Time

20 40 60 80 1000

All four of these graphs represent deterministic functions - they are a line, a If a random variable is added to any of these functions to simulate noise, the
logistic function, a sine curve, and the Mackey-Glass time delay differential equation. Gamma Test will produce an accurate estimate of the noise variance if given sufficient
The Gamma Test recognizes all of these relationships, and uncountable others. Given data sets data. Gamma does not measure how closely the data fits a line, or any predetermined
generated by these functions, in all four cases the Gamma Test correctly estimates the shape. Instead it distinguishes between noise and smooth relationships, so it does not
noise to be zero. What is remarkable about the Gamma Test is that it can compute depend on the shape of the function. This allows it to simultaneously measure goodness
this noise variance even though the underlying smooth function is unknown. of fit against the entire class of smooth functions.
2.5 400 2
300 1 1.5
0.5 1.25

1.5 200 1
2 4 6 8 10 12 0.75
100 -0.5 0.5
1 2 3 4 5
-1 0.25
0.5 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 Time
100 200 300 400 500

60 data points generated by adding a 100 points generated from a logistic 200 points generated by adding a 500 point series generated from the
uniformly distributed random variable, function, adding normally distributed lognormally distributed random Mackey-Glass time-delayed differential
with variance .075, to the line noise with variance 625. The Gamma variable with variance .075 to a sine equation, by adding normally
y=.4x+.7 The Gamma estimate of estimate of noise variance is 597 curve. Gamma estimate of noise distributed output noise with variance
noise variance is .079 variance - .077 .075. Gamma estimate of noise
variance - .073
Building the Model
The Gamma Test estimates the noise in a data set, relative to the best smooth wiggles to fit itself to the noisy data. The predictions become better and better
model that can built using that data. Having this estimate makes it much easier on the training data, but worse and worse when it is applied to new data.
to discover the model itself. This problem is not unique to neural networks - it appears in all forms of
Neural networks are a leading method for building nonlinear models. A neural nonlinear model building. We are trying to draw a curve through the data points,
net is “trained” on a data set. What this means is that the net is presented with that captures the essence of the data. But there are an infinite number of curves
training data for which the inputs and outputs are known. The inputs are fed to that can fit any finite data set. How do we know which is the right one? In
the network and it calculates a predicted output. If the prediction is wrong, the particular, if the data is noisy, how do we avoid drawing our curve to fit the noise,
training adjusts the network. As this process is repeated, the net’s predictions get rather than the underlying predictive function?
more accurate. Eventually, the network can be made to predict the training data The Gamma Test solves this problem, by giving us an estimate of how closely
exactly. the model should fit the data. Without the Gamma Test, there is an element of
Unfortunately, this approach has a serious weakness in the presence of noise guesswork in any nonlinear curve fitting technique. With the Gamma Test, this
- the problem is called overtraining. As the network is trained, it grows folds and guesswork is eliminated. It is possible to build models of unprecedented accuracy.

Too Little Training: This shows the performance of a Too Much Training: This shows the performance of a Just Right Training: This shows the performance of an
neural network at the beginning of training. The neural network that has been overtrained. As the optimally trained neural net. The original underlying
training data is shown in green. The data was created network is adjusted to fit the data, it begins to fit the function has been modeled almost exactly. This is
by adding a measured amount of noise to a logistic noise rather than the underlying function. the model we want to build. This model was built
curve. The original curve is shown in blue, so that is by training the network until its error was equal to the
what we are trying to model. The predictions of the noise estimate provided by the Gamma Test
neural net are shown in red. After a few rounds of
training, the network has got the general shape, but it
hasn’t yet modeled the curve very accurately.
Gamma Test Applications
The Gamma Test can be applied in place of traditional statistics whenever direct application is analogous to the MSE, or residuals in linear regression.
the variables have a reasonably continuous range of measurement, and the But there are many other ways to use this statistic. For example, it has been
underlying causal dynamics are smooth. It has been successfully applied to used to detect weak localized signals against a background of heavy noise. It
flood prediction, marketing research, economic forecasting, signal processing, has been used in this way in astronomical research, to examine the infrared
analysis of gene expression data, and control of dynamic systems. map of the universe. This application has discovered 50% more galaxies than
Because the Gamma statistic is formally a noise variance, it is a fundamental had been previously identified in the IR map.
value which can be used in many forms of statistical reasoning. The most

The Thames river drains a watershed covering hundreds of square miles. During
a storm, rain falls at different intensities across this whole area, and runs off at
different rates across parking lots and fields. It flows downstream at different
rates, depending on the size and shape of the river channel. All of these thousands
of details combine to determine the river depth at points downstream.
In the past, engineers have built simulations to model all of this, in order to
predict the river level during floods. A simulation of this complexity can take
many months to build.

In contrast, using the Gamma Test it is possible to find a function which allows
direct calculation of the water depth downstream, from the recent values of
upstream sensors and rainfall gauges. Using this approach, Dr. Peter Durrant
has provided continuous real-time prediction of the water level at Windsor which
is accurate to less than 3 centimeters. Dr. Durrant’s model is so accurate, it can
detect when industrial users withdraw and discharge water up and down the
Thames Valley. This was done without building a complex simulation, in fact,
without any programming beyond what was necessary to get the data into the
winGamma software.

In this case, the advantages of using the Gamma Test were shown to be:
- the model is easier and cheaper to build
- the accuracy is unprecedented
- the calculations are fast enough that it is possible to perform continuous,
real-time prediction using a standard PC
Gamma Test Technical
The Gamma Test is a statistical technique which estimates the noise, or error variance,
in a data sample. It is analogous to the sum of squared error in linear regression, but it works
for any smooth function on continuous data.
Let x be the vector of input variables, and y be the output. Assume that the data is described
by an underlying model of the form
y = f(x) + r
where f is some unknown smooth function, and r is a stochastic variable with mean zero and
bounded variance. The function f is smooth if its first and second derivatives are bounded (finite
at all points). The Gamma Test estimates what proportion of the variance of y is caused by the
unknown function f, and what proportion is caused by the random variable r. Put another way,
G is an estimate for the noise variance relative to the best possible smooth function f. Other
moments of r can be estimated as well (e.g. kurtosis).
If G is small, then we know that the function f exists, and the output value y is largely
determined by the input variables (vector x). In that case, the winGamma software will
automatically produce a predictive model. By supplying additional data, we can make this
model arbitrarily close to the true function f.
On the other hand, if G is large, then y is primarily the result of random variation. This
means that your ability to predict is limited by one of four conditions:
1) you are not measuring some important input variable,
2) noise is being introduced due to measurement error,
3) you don’t have enough data to model a complex curve, or
4) there are discontinuities in the underlying causal function.
If the Gamma Test cannot produce a predictive model, you will know that one or more of these
conditions holds.

For further information, send an email to info@gammatest.com, or visit our website at

Anglo-American Chaos
Anglo-American Chaos is a corporation formed to exploit the power of the
Gamma Test. We are looking for customers and partners who
1) are working with continuous processes, and
2) have data in which a number of inputs should predict an output.

If you fit this profile, we offer you ease and accuracy of prediction unlike anything
you have experienced before.

Anglo-American Chaos provides consulting, data

analysis, and software sales. If you are interested
in the analysis of a nonlinear process, and you
have data, take the next step and contact us.


Why stumble when you can see?

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