Lesson Plan in Mathematics Iv
Lesson Plan in Mathematics Iv
Lesson Plan in Mathematics Iv
Describe parallel, intersecting, and perpendicular lines.
Illustrate parallel, intersecting, and perpendicular lines.
Topic: Identifying Parallel, Intersecting, and Perpendicular Lines
Materials: Illustrations of parallel, intersecting, and perpendicular lines, cutouts of lines,
drawings of pairs of line segments, ruler, set square
References: K to 12 Grade 4 Curriculum Guide, LM Math Grade 4 pages 155 and 156
2. Review
Game: “What Am I?”
a. I have an exact location in space. I am represented by a dot. (point)
b. I have no endpoint and I can go on and on in opposite directions. (line)
c. I start out at a point and can be extended in one direction. (ray)
d. I am a part of a line with 2 endpoints. (line segment)
3. Motivation
Say: Picture yourself in front of the flagpole forming lines for the flag raising
ceremony. How should you form your lines?
Relate the value of orderliness in forming their lines during flag ceremony.
B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
Have a game on “Forming Lines”. Let them form different kinds of lines
depending on the instruction given.
a. All those whose birth month is June will form 2 straight lines.
b. All those who are wearing T-shirts will form 2 lines that meet at the center.
c. All those whose birth month is March will form one line and another line for those
who were born in August. Then, form 2 lines that show square corners.
Draw a circle for parallel lines, triangle for intersecting lines, and rectangle for
perpendicular lines.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Illustrate parallel lines, intersecting lines, and perpendicular lines in a one whole sheet of bond