Hkouksa VKSJ Lajpukvksa Osq Fy, Fmtkbu Yksm (Hkwdai DH Vu ) JHFR Lafgrk
Hkouksa VKSJ Lajpukvksa Osq Fy, Fmtkbu Yksm (Hkwdai DH Vu ) JHFR Lafgrk
Hkouksa VKSJ Lajpukvksa Osq Fy, Fmtkbu Yksm (Hkwdai DH Vu ) JHFR Lafgrk
Indian Standard
( Third Revision )
ICS 91.100.10
© BIS 2015
This Indian Standard (Part 3) (Third Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards after the draft
finalized by the Structural Safety Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division
A building has to perform many functions satisfactorily. Amongst these functions are the utility of the building
for the intended use and occupancy, structural safety, fire safety and compliance with hygienic, sanitation,
ventilation and daylight standards. The design of the building is dependent upon the minimum requirements
prescribed for each one of the above functions. The minimum requirements pertaining to the structural safety of
buildings are being covered in loading codes by way of laying down minimum design loads, which have to be
assumed for dead loads, imposed loads, wind loads and other external loads, the structure would be required to
bear. Strict conformity to loading standards, it is hoped, will not only ensures the structural safety of the buildings
and structures which are being designed and constructed in the country and thereby reduce loss of life and
property caused by unsafe structures, but also eliminates the wastage caused by assuming unnecessarily heavy
loadings without proper assessment.
This standard was first published in 1957 for the guidance of civil engineers, designers and architects associated
with the planning and design of buildings. It included the provisions for the basic design loads (dead loads, live
loads, wind loads and seismic loads) to be assumed in the design of the buildings. In its first revision in 1964, the
wind pressure provisions were modified on the basis of studies of wind phenomenon and its effect on structures,
undertaken by the special Committee in consultation with the Indian Meteorological Department. In addition to
this, new clauses on wind loads for butterfly type structures were included; wind pressure coefficients for sheeted
roofs, both covered and sloping were modified; seismic load provisions were deleted (separate code having been
prepared) and metric system of weights and measurements was adopted.
With the increased adoption of this standard, a number of comments were received on provision of live loads
adopted for different occupancies. Subsequently the Committee recommended the formulation of this standard
in the following five parts, during the second revision of IS 875 in 1987:
Part 1 Dead loads
Part 2 Imposed loads
Part 3 Wind loads
Part 4 Snow loads
Part 5 Special loads and load combinations
This standard (Part 3) deals with wind loads to be considered when designing buildings, structures and components
In this current revision, the Committee recommends the following modifications/inclusions by taking into account
the recent improvements that have been made in the wind engineering descriptive, through R & D efforts nationally
and internationally:
a) Aerodynamic roughness heights for individual terrain categories have been explicitly included, and are
used to derive turbulence intensity and mean hourly wind speed profiles.
b) The previous classification of structures into B and C classes has been deleted and accordingly the
modification factor, k2 is renamed as terrain roughness and height factor.
c) The values of k2 factor corresponding to previous class A type structure only, are retained in this standard.
d) An additional modification factor, termed as importance factor has been included for cyclonic regions.
e) Simple empirical expressions have been suggested for height variations of hourly mean wind speed and
also turbulence intensity in different terrains.
(Continued on third cover)
IS 875 (Part 3) : 2015
Indian Standard
( Third Revision )
1 SCOPE specific requirements as specified in the respective
Codes shall be adopted in conjunction with the
1.1 This standard (Part 3) specifies wind forces and
provisions of this Code as far as they are applicable.
their effects (static and dynamic) that should be taken
Some of the Indian Standards available for the design
into account when designing buildings, structures and
of special structures are:
components thereof.
IS No. Title
1.2 Wind speeds vary randomly both in time and space
4998 : 2015 Criteria for design of reinforced
and hence assessment of wind loads and response
concrete chimneys : Part 1
predictions are very important in the design of several
Assessment of loads (third revision)
buildings and structures. A large majority of structures
(under print)
met with in practice do not however, suffer wind
6533 Code of practice for design and
induced oscillations and generally do not require to be
construction of steel chimneys
examined for the dynamic effects of wind. For such
(Part 1) : 1989 Mechanical aspects
normal, short and heavy structures, estimation of loads
(Part 2) : 1989 Structural aspects
using static wind analysis has proved to be satisfactory. 5613 (Part 2/ Code of practice for design,
The details of this method involving important wind Sec 1) :1985 installation and maintenance of
characteristics such as the basic wind speeds, terrain overhead power lines : Part 2 Lines
categories, modification factors, wind pressure and above 11 kV, and up to and including
force coefficients, etc, are given in 6 and 7. 220 kV, Section 1 Design
1.3 Nevertheless, there are various types of structures 802 (Part 1/ Code of practice for use of structural
or their components such as some tall buildings, Sec 1) : 201* steel in overhead transmission line
chimneys, latticed towers, cooling towers, transmission towers: Part 1 Materials, Loads and
towers, guyed masts, communication towers, long span permissible stresses, Section 1
bridges, partially or completely solid faced antenna Materials and Loads (fourth revision)
dish, etc, which require investigation of wind induced (under print)
oscillations. The influence of dynamic velocity 11504 : 1985 Criteria for structural design of
fluctuations on the along wind loads (drag loads) for reinforced concrete natural draught
these structures shall be determined using Gust Factor cooling towers
Method, included in 10. A method for calculation of 14732 : 2000 Guidelines for the evaluation of the
across wind response of tall buildings and towers is response of occupants of fixed
included in 10.3. structures, especially buildings and
off-shore structures, to low-
1.4 This standard also applies to buildings or other frequency horizontal motion (0.063
structures during erection/construction and the same to 1 Hz)
shall be considered carefully during various stages of NOTES
erection/construction. In locations where the strongest 1 This standard does not apply to buildings or structures with
winds and icing may occur simultaneously, loads on unconventional shapes, unusual locations, and abnormal
environmental conditions that have not been covered in this
structural members, cables and ropes shall be
Code. Special investigations are necessary in such cases to
calculated by assuming an ice covering based on establish wind loads and their effects. Wind tunnel studies may
climatic and local experience. also be required in such situations.
2 In the case of tall structures with unsymmetrical geometry,
1.5 In the design of special structures, such as the designs may have to be checked for torsional effects due to
chimneys, overhead transmission line towers, etc, wind pressure.
IS 875 (Part 3) : 2015
IS 875 (Part 3) : 2015
or city, forest, etc), the wind profile changes in 4.21 Terrain Category — It means the characteristics
character but such changes are gradual and start at of the surface irregularities of an area which arise from
ground level, spreading or penetrating upwards with natural or constructed features. The categories are
increasing fetch length. numbered in increasing order of roughness.
4.12 Gradient Height — It is the height above the 4.22 Topography — The nature of the earth’s surface
mean ground level at which the gradient wind blows as influenced by the hill and valley configurations.
as a result of balance among pressure gradient force,
4.23 Velocity Profile — The variation of the horizontal
coriolis force and centrifugal force. For the purpose of
component of the atmospheric wind speed at different
this Code, the gradient height is taken as the height
heights above the mean ground level is termed as
above the mean ground level, above which the variation
velocity profile.
of wind speed with height need not be considered.
4.13 High Rise Building (Tall Building) — A 5 GENERAL
building with a height more than or equal to 50 m or 5.1 Wind is air in motion relative to the surface of the
having a height to smaller dimension more than 6. earth. The primary cause of wind is traced to earth’s
4.14 Low Rise Building — A building having its rotation and differences in terrestrial radiation. The
height less than 20 m. radiation effects are primarily responsible for
convection either upwards or downwards. The wind
4.15 Mean Ground Level — The mean ground level generally blows horizontal to the ground at high wind
is the average horizontal plane of the area enclosed by speeds. Since vertical components of atmospheric
the boundaries of the structure. motion are relatively small, the term ‘wind’ denotes
4.16 Pressure Coefficient — It is the ratio of the almost exclusively the horizontal wind; vertical winds
difference between the pressure acting at a point on are always identified as such. The wind speeds are
the surface and the static pressure of the incident wind assessed with the aid of anemometers or anemographs
to the design wind pressure, where the static and design which are installed at meteorological observatories at
wind pressures are determined at the height of the point heights generally varying from 10 to 30 m above
considered after taking into account the geographical ground.
location, terrain conditions and shielding effect. The 5.2 Very strong winds (more than 80 kmph) are
pressure coefficient is also equal to [1–(Vp/Vz)2], where generally associated with cyclonic storms,
Vp is the actual wind speed at any point on the structure thunderstorms, dust storms or vigorous monsoons. A
at a height corresponding to that of Vz. feature of the cyclonic storms over the Indian area is
NOTE — Positive sign of the pressure coefficient indicates that they rapidly weaken after crossing the coasts and
pressure acting towards the surface and negative sign indicates move as depressions/lows inland. The influence of a
pressure acting away from the surface. severe storm after striking the coast does not; in general
4.17 Return Period — It is the number of years, exceed about 60 km, though sometimes, it may extend
reciprocal of which gives the probability of extreme even up to 120 km. Very short duration hurricanes of
wind exceeding a given wind speed in anyone year. very high wind speeds called Kal Baisaki or Norwesters
occur fairly frequently during summer months over
4.18 Shielding Effect — Shielding effect or shielding North East India.
refers to the condition where wind has to pass along
some structure(s) or structural element(s) located on 5.3 The wind speeds recorded at any locality are
the upstream wind side, before meeting the structure extremely variable and in addition to steady wind at
or structural element under consideration. A factor any time, there are effects of gusts which may last for
called ‘shielding factor’ is used to account for such a few seconds. These gusts cause increase in air
effects in estimating the force on the shielded structures. pressure but their effect on stability of the building may
not be so important; often, gusts affect only part of the
4.19 Suction — It means pressure less than the building and the increased local pressures may be more
atmospheric (static) pressure and is taken to act away than balanced by a momentary reduction in the pressure
from the surface. elsewhere. Because of the inertia of the building, short
4.20 Solidity Ratio — It is equal to the effective area period gusts may not cause any appreciable increase
(projected area of all the individual elements) of a in stress in main components of the building although
frame normal to the wind direction divided by the area the walls, roof sheeting and individual cladding units
enclosed by the boundary of the frame normal to the (glass panels) and their supporting members such as
wind direction. purlins, sheeting rails and glazing bars may be more
seriously affected. Gusts can also be extremely
NOTE — Solidity ratio is to be calculated for individual frames.
important for design of structures with high slenderness
IS 875 (Part 3) : 2015
IS 875 (Part 3) : 2015
height of any object surrounding the structure b) Category 2 — Open terrain with well scattered
is less than 1.5 m. The equivalent aerodynamic obstructions having heights generally between
roughness height, (z0,1) for this terrain is 0.002 1.5 m and 10 m. The equivalent aerodynamic
m. Typically this category represents open roughness height, (z 0,2) for this terrain is
sea-coasts and flat plains without trees. 0.02 m.
IS 875 (Part 3) : 2015
Table 1 Risk Coefficients for Different Classes of Structures in Different Wind Speed Zones
(Clause 6.3.1 )
NOTE — The factor k1 is based on statistical concepts which take into account the degree of reliability required and period of time in
years during which these will be exposed to wind, that is, life of the structure. Whatever wind speed is adopted for design purposes,
there is always a probability (however small) that it may exceed in a storm of exceptional violence; more the period of years over
which there is exposure to the wind, more is the probability. Larger return periods ranging from 100 to 1 000 years (implying lower
risk level) in association with larger periods of exposure may have to be selected for exceptionally important structures, such as,
nuclear power reactors and satellite communication towers. Equation given below may be used in such cases to estimate k1 factors for
different periods of exposure and chosen probability of exceedance (risk level). The probability level of 0.63 is normally considered
sufficient for design of buildings and structures against wind effects and the values of k1 corresponding to this risk level are given
A − B ln − ln (1 − PN )
=k1 =
X N ,P N
X 50,0.63 A + 4B
N = mean probable design life of structure in years;
PN = risk level in N consecutive years (probability that the design wind speed is exceeded at least once in N successive years),
nominal value = 0.63;
XN,P = extreme wind speed for given values of N and PN; and
X50,0.63 = extreme wind speed for N = 50 years and PN = 0.63
A and B have the following values for different basic wind speed zones:
Zone A* B*
m/s m/s m/s
33 23.1 (83.2) 2.6 (9.2)
39 23.3 (84.0) 3.9 (14.0)
44 24.4 (88.0) 5.0 (18.0)
47 24.4 (88.0) 5.7 (20.5)
50 24.7 (88.8) 6.3 (22.8)
55 25.2 (90.8) 7.6 (27.3)
* Values of A and B, in kmph, are given in bracket.
IS 875 (Part 3) : 2015
and that selection of a more severe category gradually to height (hx) which increases with the fetch
will be deliberate. or upwind distance (x).
d) Category 4 — Terrain with numerous large a) Fetch and developed height relationship —
high closely spaced obstructions. The The relation between the developed height
equivalent aerodynamic roughness height, (hx) and the fetch (x) for wind-flow over each
(z0,4) for this terrain is 2.0 m. of the four terrain categories may be taken as
given in Table 3.
This category represents large city centers, generally
with obstructions above 25 m and well developed b) For structures of heights more than the
industrial complexes. developed height (hx) in Table 3, the velocity
profile may be determined in accordance with Variation of wind speed with height in different the following:
terrains (k2 factor) 1) The less or least rough terrain, or
Table 2 gives multiplying factors (k2) by which the basic 2) The method described in Annex B.
wind speed given in Fig. 1 shall be multiplied to obtain
the wind speed at different heights, in each terrain Table 3 Fetch and Developed Height Relationship
category. ( Clause )
Sl Fetch Developed Height, hx
Table 2 Factors to Obtain Design Wind Speed No. (x) m
Variation with Height in Different Terrains km
Terrain Terrain Terrain Terrain
(Clause Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Sl Height Terrain and Height Multiplier (k2)
No. z i) 0.2 12 20 35 60
ii) 0.5 20 30 35 95
m Terrain Terrain Terrain Terrain iii) 1 25 45 80 130
Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 iv) 2 35 65 110 190
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) v) 5 60 100 170 300
vi) 10 80 140 250 450
i) 10 1.05 1.00 0.91 0.80
vii) 20 120 200 350 500
ii) 15 1.09 1.05 0.97 0.80
viii) 50 180 300 400 500
iii) 20 1.12 1.07 1.01 0.80
iv) 30 1.15 1.12 1.06 0.97
v) 50 1.20 1.17 1.12 1.10 6.3.3 Topography (k3 Factor)
vi) 100 1.26 1.24 1.20 1.20
vii) 150 1.30 1.28 1.24 1.24
The basic wind speed Vb given in Fig. 1 takes into
viii) 200 1.32 1.30 1.27 1.27 account the general level of site above sea level. This
ix) 250 1.34 1.32 1.29 1.28 does not allow for local topographic features such as
x) 300 1.35 1.34 1.31 1.30 hills, valleys, cliffs, escarpments, or ridges which can
xi) 350 1.35 1.35 1.32 1.31 significantly affect wind speed in their vicinity. The
xii) 400 1.35 1.35 1.34 1.32 effect of topography is to accelerate wind near the
xiii) 450 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.33 summits of hills or crests of cliffs, escarpments or
xiv) 500 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.34
ridges and decelerate the wind in valleys or near the
NOTE — For intermediate values of height z in a given terrain foot of cliffs, steep escarpments, or ridges.
category, use linear interpolation. The effect of topography shall be significant at Terrain categories in relation to the direction a site when the upwind slope (θ) is more than about
of wind 3°, and below that, the value of k3 may be taken to be
equal to 1.0. The value of k3 is confined in the range of
The terrain category used in the design of a structure 1.0 to 1.36 for slopes more than 3°. A method of
may vary depending on the direction of wind under evaluating the value of k3 for values more than 1.0 is
consideration. Where sufficient meteorological given in Annex C. It may be noted that the value of k3
information is available, the basic wind speed may be varies with height above ground level, at a maximum
varied for specific wind direction. near the ground, and reducing to 1.0 at higher levels. Changes in terrain categories 6.3.4 Importance Factor for Cyclonic Region (k4)
The velocity profile for a given terrain category does The east coast of India is relatively more vulnerable
not develop to full height immediately with the for occurrences of severe cyclones. On the west coast,
commencement of that terrain category but develop Gujarat is vulnerable for severe cyclones. Studies of
IS 875 (Part 3) : 2015
wind speed and damage to buildings and structures 6.6 Off Shore Wind Velocity
point to the fact that the speeds given in the basic wind
Cyclonic storms form far away from the sea coast and
speed map are often exceeded during the cyclones. The
gradually reduce in speed as they approach the sea
effect of cyclonic storms is largely felt in a belt of
coast. Cyclonic storms generally extend up to about
approximately 60 km width at the coast. In order to
60 km inland after striking the coast. Their effect on
ensure better safety of structures in this region (60 km
land is already reflected in basic wind speeds specified
wide on the east coast as well as on the Gujarat Coast),
in Fig. 1. The influence of wind speed off the coast up
the following values of k4 (as recommended in IS
to a distance of about 200 km may be taken as 1.15
15498) are stipulated as applicable according to the
times the value on the nearest coast in the absence of
importance of the structure:
any definite wind data. The factor 1.15 shall be used
k4 in addition to k4.
Structures of post-cyclone importance for 1.30
emergency services (such as cyclone shelters, 7 WIND PRESSURES AND FORCES ON
hospitals, schools, communication towers, etc) BUILDINGS/STRUCTURES
Industrial structures 1.15 7.1 General
All other structures 1.00
The wind load on a building shall be calculated for:
6.4 Hourly Mean Wind Speed
a) Building as a whole,
The hourly mean wind speed at height z, for different
b) Individual structural elements as roofs and
terrains can be obtained as
walls, and
V z,H = k 2,iVb c) Individual cladding units including glazing
where and their fixings.
k 2,i = hourly mean wind speed factor for terrain 7.2 Design Wind Pressure
category 1 The wind pressure at any height above mean ground
level shall be obtained by the following relationship
= 0.1423 ln ( z0,i )0.0706 between wind pressure and wind speed:
pz = 0.6 Vz2
The design hourly mean wind speed at height z can be
obtained as:
pz = wind pressure at height z, in N/m2; and
V z,d = V z,H k1k3k4 Vz = design wind speed at height z, in m/s.
= V b k1 k 2,i k3 k4 The design wind pressure pd can be obtained as,
pd = Kd Ka Kc pz
6.5 Turbulence Intensity
The turbulence intensity variations with height for
Kd = wind directionality factor,
different terrains can be obtained using the relations
given below: Ka = area averaging factor, and
Kc = combination factor (see
a) Terrain category 1
The value of pd, however shall not be taken as less
z than 0.70 pz.
I z ,1 0.3507 − 0.0535 log10
z0,1 NOTES
b) Terrain category 2 1 The coefficient 0.6 (in SI units) in the above formula depends
on a number of factors and mainly on the atmospheric pressure
( I z,4 − I z,1 )
1 and air temperature. The value chosen corresponds to the
I z,2 =
I z ,1 + average Indian atmospheric conditions.
c) Terrain category 3 2 Kd should be taken as 1.0 when considering local pressure
( I z,4 − I z,1 )
I z,3 =
I z,1 + 7.2.1 Wind Directionality Factor, Kd
d) Terrain category 4 Considering the randomness in the directionality of
z wind and recognizing the fact that pressure or force
I z ,4 0.466 − 0.135 8 log10 coefficients are determined for specific wind directions,
z0,4 it is specified that for buildings, solid signs, open signs,
IS 875 (Part 3) : 2015
lattice frameworks, and trussed towers (triangular, Average values of pressure coefficients are given for
square, rectangular) a factor of 0.90 may be used on critical wind directions in one or more quadrants. In
the design wind pressure. For circular or near-circular order to determine the maximum wind load on the
forms this factor may be taken as 1.0. building, the total load should be calculated for each
of the critical directions shown from all quadrants.
For the cyclone affected regions also the factor Kd shall
be taken as 1.0. Where considerable variation of pressure occurs over
a surface, it has been sub-divided and mean pressure
7.2.2 Area Averaging Factor, Ka coefficients given for each of its several parts.
Pressure coefficients given in 7.3 are a result of In addition, areas of high local suction (negative
averaging the measured pressure values over a given pressure concentration) frequently occurring near the
area. As the area becomes larger, the correlation of edges of walls and roofs are separately shown.
measured values decrease and vice-versa. The decrease Coefficients for the local effects should only be used
in pressures due to larger areas may be taken into for calculation of forces on these local areas affecting
account as given in Table 4. roof sheeting, glass panels, and individual cladding
Table 4 Area Averaging Factor (Ka) units including their fixtures. They should not be used
(Clause 7.2.2) for calculating force on entire structural elements such
as roof, walls or structure as a whole.
Sl No. Tributary Area (A) Area Averaging Factor
m2 (Ka)* NOTES
(1) (2) (3) 1 The pressure coefficients given in different tables have been
obtained mainly from measurements on models in wind tunnels,
i) £10 1.0
and the great majority of data available has been obtained in
ii) 25 0.9 conditions of relatively smooth flow. Where sufficient field
iii) ³100 0.8
data exists as in the case of rectangular buildings, values have
* Linear interpolation for intermediate values of a is permitted.
been obtained to allow for turbulent flow.
2 In recent years, wall glazing and cladding design has been a Tributary area source of major concern. Although of less consequence than
the collapse of main structures, damage to glass can be
a) Overall structure — For evaluating loads on hazardous and cause considerable financial losses.
frames the tributary area shall be taken as the 3 For pressure coefficients for structures not covered here,
centre to centre distances between frames reference may be made to specialist literature on the subject
or advice may be sought from specialists in the subject.
multiplied by the individual panel dimension
in the other direction together with overall 7.3.1 Wind Load on Individual Members
pressure coefficients.
When calculating the wind load on individual structural
b) Individual elements — For beam type elements such as roofs and walls, and individual
elements, purlins, etc, the tributary area shall cladding units and their fittings, it is essential to take
be taken as effective span multiplied by account of the pressure difference between opposite
spacing. The effective span is the actual span faces of such elements or units. For clad structures, it
for mid span and cantilever load effects; and is, therefore, necessary to know the internal pressure
half the sum of adjacent spans for support as well as the external pressure. Then the wind load, F,
moments and reactions. acting in a direction normal to the individual structural
For plate type elements, the area of individual plates element or cladding unit is:
between supports is taken as the tributary area.
F = (Cpe – Cpi) A pd
For glass cladding, individual pane area of glass is the
tributary area.
Cpe = external pressure coefficient,
7.3 Pressure Coefficients Cpi = internal pressure coefficient,
The pressure coefficients are always given for a A = surface area of structural element or
particular surface or part of the surface of a building. cladding unit, and
The wind load acting normal to a surface is obtained pd = design wind pressure.
by multiplying the area of that surface or its appropriate NOTES
portion by the pressure coefficient (Cp) and the design 1 If the surface design pressure varies with height, the surface
wind pressure at the height of the surface from the areas of the structural element may be sub-divided so that the
ground. The average values of these pressure specified pressures are taken over appropriate areas.
coefficients for some building shapes are given in 7.3.2 2 Positive wind load indicates the force acting towards the
and 7.3.3. structural element and negative away from it.
IS 875 (Part 3) : 2015
7.3.2 Internal Pressure Coefficients of clad buildings of rectangular plan shall be as given
Internal air pressure in a building depends upon the in Table 5. In addition, local pressure concentration
degree of permeability of cladding to the flow of air. coefficients are also given.
The internal air pressure may be positive or negative Pitched, hipped and mono slope roofs of clad
depending on the direction of flow of air in relation to buildings
openings in the buildings.
The average external pressure coefficients and pressure In the case of buildings where the claddings concentration coefficients for pitched roofs of
permit the flow of air with openings not more than rectangular clad building shall be as given in Table 6.
about 5 percent of the wall area but where there are no Where no pressure concentration coefficients are given,
large openings, it is necessary to consider the possibility the average coefficients shall apply. The pressure
of the internal pressure being positive or negative. Two coefficients on the under-side of any overhanging roof
design conditions shall be examined, one with an shall be taken in accordance with
internal pressure coefficient of +0.2 and another with
an internal pressure coefficient of –0.2. For mono slope roofs of rectangular clad buildings,
the average pressure coefficient and pressure
The internal pressure coefficient is algebraically added concentration coefficient for mono slope (lean-to) roofs
to the external pressure coefficient and the analysis of rectangular clad buildings shall be as given in
which indicates greater distress of the member shall Table 7.
be adopted. In most situations a simple inspection of
the sign of external pressure will at once indicate the
1 The pressure concentration shall be assumed to act outward
proper sign of the internal pressure coefficient to be
(suction pressure) at the ridges, eaves, cornices and 90° corners
taken for design. of roofs.
NOTE — The term normal permeability relates to the flow of 2 The pressure concentration shall not be included with the
air commonly afforded by claddings not only through open net external pressure when computing overall load.
windows and doors, but also through the slits round the closed 3 For hipped roofs, pressure coefficients (including local
windows and doors and through chimneys, ventilators and values) may be taken on all the four slopes, as appropriate
through the joints between roof coverings, the total open area from Table 6, and be reduced by 20 percent for the hip slope.
being less than 5 percent of area of the walls having the
openings. Canopy roofs with (1/4 < h/w < 1 and 1 < Buildings with medium and large openings L/w < 3)
Buildings with medium and large openings may also The pressure coefficients are given in Tables 8 and 9
exhibit either positive or negative internal pressure separately for mono-pitch and double pitch canopy roofs
depending upon the direction of wind. Buildings with such as open-air parking garages, shelter areas, outdoor
medium openings between about 5 and 20 percent of areas, railway platforms, stadia and theatres. The
wall area shall be examined for an internal pressure coefficients take into account of the combined effect of
coefficient of +0.5 and later with an internal pressure the wind exerted on and under the roof for all wind
coefficient of –0.5, and the analysis which produces directions; the resultant is to be taken normal to the
greater distress of the member shall be adopted. canopy. Where the local coefficients overlap, the greater
Buildings with large openings, that is, openings larger of the two given values should be taken. However, the
than 20 percent of the wall area shall be examined once effect of partial closures of one side and or both sides,
with an internal pressure coefficient of +0.7 and again such as those due to trains, buses and stored materials
with an internal pressure coefficient of –0.7, and the shall be foreseen and taken into account.
analysis which produces greater distress of the member The solidity ratio f is equal to the area of obstructions
shall be adopted. under the canopy divided by the gross area under the
Buildings with one open side or opening exceeding 20 canopy, both areas normal to the wind direction. f = 0
percent of wall area may be assumed to be subjected represents a canopy with no obstructions underneath.
to internal positive pressure or suction similar to those f = 1 represents the canopy fully blocked with contents
of buildings with large openings. A few examples of to the downwind eaves. Values of Cp for intermediate
buildings with one side openings are shown in Fig. 2 solidities may be linearly interpolated between these
indicating values of internal pressure coefficients with two extremes, and apply upwind of the position of
respect to the direction of wind. maximum blockage only. For downwind of the position
of maximum blockage, the coefficients for f = 0 may
7.3.3 External Pressure Coefficients be used. Walls
In addition to the forces due to the pressures normal to
The average external pressure coefficient for the walls the canopy, there will be horizontal loads on the canopy
IS 875 (Part 3) : 2015
IS 875 (Part 3) : 2015
Table 5 External Pressure Coefficients (Cpe) for Walls of Rectangular Clad Buildings
h is the height to eaves or parapet, l is the greater horizontal dimensions of a building and w is the lesser horizontal dimensions of a
IS 875 (Part 3) : 2015
Table 6 External Pressure Coefficients (Cpe) for Pitched Roofs of Rectangular Clad Buildings
1 h is the height to eaves or parapet and w is the lesser horizontal dimension of a building.
2 Where no local coefficients are given, the overall coefficient apply.
3 For hipped roofs the local coefficient for the hip ridge may be conservatively taken as the the appropriate ridge value.
4 w and l are dimensions between the walls excluding overhangs.
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IS 875 (Part 3) : 2015
due to the wind pressure on any fascia and to friction provided that the clearance between the tank and the
over the surface of the canopy. For any wind direction, ground is not less than the diameter of the cylinder. h
only the greater of these two forces need to be taken is height of a vertical cylinder or length of a horizontal
into account. Fascia loads should be calculated on the cylinder. Where there is a free flow of air around both
area of the surface facing the wind, using a force ends, h is to be taken as half the length when calculating
coefficient of 1.3. Frictional drag should be calculated h/D ratio.
using the coefficients given in 7.4.1.
In the calculation of resultant load on the periphery of
NOTE — Tables 10 to 15 may be used to get internal and the cylinder, the value of Cpi shall be taken into account.
external pressure coefficients for pitches and troughed free roofs
for some specific cases for which aspect ratios and roof slopes
For open ended cylinders, Cpi shall be taken as follows:
have been specified. However, while using Tables 10 to 15
a) 0.8, where h/D is more than or equal to 0.3;
any significant departure from it should be investigated
carefully. No increase shall be made for local effects except as and
indicated. b) – 0.5, where h/D is less than 0.3. Pitched and saw-tooth roofs multi-span Roofs and bottoms of cylindrical elevated
buildings structures
For pitched and saw-tooth roofs of multi-span The external pressure coefficients for roofs and bottoms
buildings, the external average pressure coefficients of cylindrical elevated structures shall be as given in
shall be as given in Tables 16 and 17 respectively Table 20.
provided that all the spans shall be equal and the height
to the eaves shall not exceed the span. Alternately, the pressure distribution given in Fig. 3
can be used together with the force coefficients given Pressure coefficients on overhangs from roofs
in Table 25 for the cylindrical portion.
The pressure coefficients on the top over-hanging Combined roofs
portion of the roofs shall be taken to be the same as
that of the nearest top portion of the non-overhanging The average external pressure coefficients for
portion of the roofs. The pressure coefficients for the combined roofs are shown in Table 21.
underside surface of the over-hanging portions shall Roofs with skylight
be taken as follows and shall be taken as positive if the
overhanging portion is on the windward side: The average external pressure coefficients for roofs
a) 1.25, if the overhanging slopes, downwards; with skylight are shown in Table 22.
b) 1.00, if the overhanging is horizontal; and Grandstands
c) 0.75, if the overhanging slopes upwards. The pressure coefficients on the roof (top and bottom)
For overhanging portions on sides other than windward and rear wall of a typical grandstand roof which is open
side, the average pressure coefficients on adjoining on three sides are given in Table 23. The pressure
walls may be used. coefficients are valid for a particular ratio of dimensions
as specified in Table 21 but may be used for deviations Curved roofs up to 20 percent. In general, the maximum wind load
For curved roofs the external pressure coefficients shall occurs when the wind is blowing into the open front
be as given in Table 18. Allowance for local effects of the stand, causing positive pressure under the roof
shall be made in accordance with Table 6. Two values and negative pressure on the roof.
of C2 have been given for elevated curved roofs. Both Spheres
the load cases have to be analyzed, and critical load
effects are to be considered in design. The external pressure coefficients for spheres shall be
as given in Table 24. Cylindrical structures Frames
For the purpose of calculating the wind pressure
distribution around a cylindrical structure of circular When taking wind loads on frames of clad buildings it
cross-section, the value of external pressure coefficients is reasonable to assume that the pressures or suctions
given in Table 19 may be used, provided that the inside and outside the structure shall not be fully
Reynolds number is more than 10 000. They may be correlated. Therefore when taking the combined effect
used for wind blowing normal to the axis of cylinders of wind loads on the frame, a reduction factor of
having axis normal to the ground plane (that is, Kc = 0.90 may be used over the building envelope when
chimneys and silos) and cylinders having their axis roof is subjected to pressure and internal pressure is
parallel to the ground plane (that is, horizontal tanks), suction, or vice-versa.
IS 875 (Part 3) : 2015
1 For monopitch canopies the centre of pressure should be taken to act at 0.3 w from the windward edge.
2 W and L are overall width and length including overhangs,
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1 Each slope of a duopitch canopy should be able to withstand forces using both the maximum and the minimum coefficients, and the
whole canopy should be able to support forces using one slope at the maximum coefficient with the other slope at the minimum
coefficient. For duoptich canopies the centre of pressure should be taken to act at the centre of each slope.
2 W and L are overall width and length including overhangs
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Table 10 Pressure Coefficients (Top and Bottom) for Pitched Roofs, Roof Slope α = 30°
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Table 11 Pressure Coefficients (Top and Bottom) for Pitched Roofs, Roof α = 30°
with effects of Train or Stored Material
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Table 12 Pressure Coefficients (Top and Bottom) for Pitched Roofs, α = 10°
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Table 13 Pressure Coefficients (Top and Bottom) for Pitched Free Roofs, α = 10°
with effects of Train or Stored Materials
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Table 15 Pressure Coefficients (Top and Bottom) for Troughed Free Roofs, α = 10°
with Effects of Train or Stored Materials
IS 875 (Part 3) : 2015
Table 16 External Pressure Coefficients (Cpe) for Pitched Roofs of Multispan Buildings
(All Spans Equal) with h < w'
Frictional drag : When wind angle θ = 0°, horizontal forces due to frictional drag are allowed for in the above values, and
When wind angle θ = 90°, allow for frictional drag in accordance with 7.4.1
NOTE — Evidence on these buidings is fragmentary and any departure from the cases given should be investigated separately.
IS 875 (Part 3) : 2015
Table 17 External Pressure Coefficients (Cpe) for Saw Tooth Roofs of Multispan Buildings
(All Spans Equal) with h < w’
Frictional drag : When wing angle θ = 0°, horizontal forces due to frictional drag are allowed for in the above values, and
When wind angle θ = 90°, allow for frictional drag in accordance with 7.4.1.
NOTE — Evidence on these buidings is fragmentary and any departure from the cases given should be investigated separately.
IS 875 (Part 3) : 2015
NOTE — When the wind is blowing normal to gable ends, Cpe may be taken as equal to –0.7 for the full width of the roof over a length
of l/2 from the gable ends and –0.5 for the remaining portion.
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Table 20 External Pressure Coefficients for Roofs and Bottoms of Cylindrical Structures
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Table 22 External Pressure Coefficients (Cpe) for Roofs with a Sky Light
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7.4.1 Frictional Drag b) If h > b, F' = Cf' (d – 4b) bpd + Cf' (d – 4b) 2h pd
In certain buildings of special shape, a force due to The first term in each case gives the drag on the roof
frictional drag shall be taken into account in addition and the second on the walls. The value of Cf’ has the
to those loads specified in 7.3. For rectangular clad following value:
buildings, this addition is necessary only where the
1) C f ' = 0.01 for smooth surfaces without
ratio d/h or d/b is more than 4. The frictional drag force,
corrugations or ribs across the wind direction,
F', in the direction of the wind is given by the following
formulae: 2) Cf' = 0.02 for surfaces with corrugations
across the wind direction, and
a) If h ≤ b, F' = Cf' (d – 4h) bpd + Cf' (d – 4b) 2h 3) Cf' = 0.04 for surfaces with ribs across the
pd, and wind direction.
IS 875 (Part 3) : 2015
For other buildings, the frictional drag has been NOTE — Structures that are in the supercritical flow regime,
because of their size and design wind velocity, may need further
indicated, where necessary, in the tables of pressure
calculation to ensure that the greatest loads do not occur at
coefficients and force coefficients. some wind speed below the maximum when the flow will be
sub critical. The coefficients are for buildings without
7.4.2 Force Coefficients for Clad Buildings projections, except where otherwise shown. Clad buildings of uniform section In Table 25, Vd b is used as an indication of the airflow regime.
The overall force coefficients for rectangular clad Buildings of circular shapes
buildings of uniform section with flat roofs in uniform
Force coefficients for buildings of circular cross-section
flow shall be as given in Fig. 4 and for other clad
shapes shall be as given in Table 25. However more
buildings of uniform section (without projections,
precise estimation of force coefficients for circular
except where otherwise shown) shall be as given in
shapes of infinite length can be obtained from Fig. 5
Table 25.
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Table 25 — (Continued)
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Table 25 — (Concluded)
taking into account the average height of surface 7.4.3 Force Coefficients for Unclad Buildings
roughness ε. When the length is finite the values This section applies to permanently unclad
obtained from Fig. 5 shall be reduced by the
buildings and to frameworks of buildings while
multiplication factor K (see Table 28 and Annex D).
temporarily unclad. In the case of buildings whose Free standing walls and hoardings surfaces are well-rounded, such as those with elliptic,
circular or oval cross-sections, the total force can be
Force coefficients for free standing walls and hoardings
more at a wind speed much less than maximum due to
shall be as given in Table 26.
transition in the nature of boundary layer on them.
To allow for oblique winds, the design shall also be Although this phenomenon is well known in the case
checked for net pressure normal to the surface varying of circular cylinders, the same phenomenon exists in
linearly from a maximum of 1.7 Cf at the windward the case of many other well-rounded structures, and
edge to 0.44 Cf at the leeward edge. this possibility must be checked.
The wind load on appurtenances and supports for Individual members
hoardings shall be accounted for separately by using
a) The force coefficient given in Table 29 refers to
the appropriate net pressure coefficients. Allowance
members of infinite length. For members of finite
shall be made for shielding effects of one element on
length, the coefficients should be multiplied by a factor
K that depends on the ratio l/b where l is the length of Solid circular shapes mounted on a surface the member and b is the width across the direction of
wind. Table 28 gives the required values of K. The
The force coefficients for solid circular shapes mounted
following special cases must be noted while
on a surface shall be as given in Table 27.
estimating K.
IS 875 (Part 3) : 2015
Table 26 Force Coefficients for Low Walls or Hoardings (< 15m High)
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1) when any member abuts on to a plate or wall b) Flat-sided members — Force coefficients for wind
in such a way that free flow of air around that normal to the longitudinal axis of flat-sided structural
end of the member is prevented, then the ratio members shall be as given in Table 29.
of l/b shall be doubled for the purpose of
The force coefficients are given for two mutually
determining K; and
perpendicular directions relative to a reference axis on
2) when both ends of a member are so the structural member. They are denoted by Cfn and Cft
obstructed, the ratio shall be taken as infinity and give the forces normal and transverse respectively,
for the purpose of determining K. to the reference plane as shown in Table 29.
Table 29 Force Coefficients Cf for Individual Structural Members of Infinite Length
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Smooth Surface Moderately Smooth Wire Fine Stranded Cables Thick Stranded Cables
(Galvanized or Painted)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
IS 875 (Part 3) : 2015
Where there are more than two frames of similar Lattice towers
geometry and spacing, the wind load on the third and
subsequent frames should be taken as equal to that on a) Force coefficient for lattice towers of square
the second frame. The loads on the various frames shall or equilateral triangle section with flat-sided
be added to obtain total load on the structure. members for wind blowing against any face
shall be as given in Table 33.
a) The frame spacing ratio is equal to the centre to b) For square lattice towers with flat-sided
centre distance between the frames, beams or girders members the maximum load, which occurs
divided by the least overall dimension of the frames, when the wind blows into a corner, shall be
beam or girder measured in a direction normal to the taken as 1.2 times the load for the wind
direction of wind. For triangular framed structures or blowing against a face.
rectangular framed structures diagonal to the wind, the
c) For equilateral triangle lattice towers with flat-
spacing ratio should be calculated from the mean
sided members, the load may be assumed to
distance between the frames in the direction of the
be constant for any inclination of wind to a
b) Effective solidity ratio, Φe: d) Force coefficients for lattice towers of square
Φe = Φ for flat-sided members. section with circular members, all in the same
flow regime, may be as given in Table 34.
Φe is to be obtained from Fig. 6 for members of e) Force coefficients for lattice towers of
circular cross-sections. equilateral-triangle section with circular
members all in the same flow regime may be
as given in Table 35. Tower appurtenances
The wind loading on tower appurtenances, such as
ladders, conduits, lights, elevators, etc, shall be
calculated using appropriate net pressure coefficients
IS 875 (Part 3) : 2015
Table 34 Overall Force Coefficients for Square Towers Composed of Circular Members
[(Clause (d)]
for these elements. Allowance may be made for Since the values of IF can vary considerably based on
shielding effect from other elements. building geometry and location, the given values of IF
are a kind of median values and are meant only for
8 INTERFERENCE EFFECTS preliminary design estimates. The designer is advised
that for assigning values of IF for final design
8.1 General
particularly for tall buildings, specialist literature be
Wind interference is caused by modification in the wind consulted or a wind tunnel study carried out.
characteristics produced by the obstruction caused by
an object or a structure in the path of the wind. If such 8.2 Roof of Low-Rise Buildings
wind strikes another structure, the wind pressures Maximum increase in wind force on the roof due to
usually get enhanced, though there can also be some interference from similar buildings in case of closely
shielding effect between two very closely spaced spaced low-rise buildings with flat roofs may be up to
buildings/structures. The actual phenomenon is too 25 percent for c/c distance (x) between the buildings
complex to justify generalization of the wind forces/ of 5 times the dimension (b) of the interfering building
pressures produced due to interference which can only normal to the direction of wind (see Fig. 7). Interference
be ascertained by detailed wind tunnel/CFD studies. effect beyond 20b may be considered to be negligible.
However, some guidance can be provided for the For intermediate spacing linear interpolation may be
purpose of preliminary design. To account for the effect used.
of interference, a wind interference factor (IF) has been
introduced as a multiplying factor to be applied to the 8.3 Tall Buildings
design wind pressure/force. Interference effects can be
Based on studies on tall rectangular buildings, Fig. 8
more significant for tall buildings. The interference
gives various zones of interference. The interference
factor is defined as the ratio between the enhanced
factor (IF), which needs to be considered as a
pressure/force in the grouped configuration to the
multiplication factor for wind loads corresponding to
corresponding pressure/force in isolated configuration.
Table 35 Overall Force Coefficients for Equilateral Triangular Towers Composed of Circular Members
Sl No. Solidity Ratio of Front Face Force Coefficient
Subcritical Flow Supercritical Flow
(D 8 @ < 6 m2/s) (D 8 @ ³ 6 m2/s)
All wind Directions All wind Directions
(1) (2) (3) (4)
IS 875 (Part 3) : 2015
isolated building, may be assumed as follows, for In general, the following guidelines may be used for
preliminary estimate of the wind loads under examining the problems of wind-induced oscillations.
interference caused by another interfering tall building
a) Buildings and closed structures with a height
of same or more height located at different zones Z1
to minimum lateral dimension ratio of more
to Z4 as shown in Fig. 8:
than about 5.0, or
Zone Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 b) Buildings and structures whose natural
frequency in the first mode is less than 1.0
IF 1.35 1.25 1.15 1.07 Hz.
Any building or structure which satisfies either of the
The interference effect due to buildings of height less above two criteria shall be examined for dynamic
than one-third of the height of the building under effects of wind.
consideration may be considered to be negligible while
for interference from a building of intermediate height,
1 The fundamental time period (T) may either be established
linear interpolation may be used between one-third and by experimental observations on similar buildings or calculated
full height. by any rational method of analysis. In the absence of such
data, T may be determined as follows for multi-storied
9 DYNAMIC EFFECTS buildings:
a) For moment resistant frames without bracings or shear walls
9.1 General resisting the lateral loads,
T = 0.1 n
Flexible slender structures and structural elements shall
be investigated to ascertain the importance of wind
n = number of storeys including basement storeys; and
induced oscillations or excitations in along wind and
b) for all others
across wind directions.
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IS 875 (Part 3) : 2015
10 DYNAMIC WIND RESPONSE Vz,d = design hourly mean wind speed at height z,
in m/s (see 6.4)
10.1 General
Cf,z = the drag force coefficient of the building/
Tall buildings which are ‘wind sensitive’ shall be structure corresponding to the area Az
designed for dynamic wind loads. Hourly mean wind
G = Gust Factor and is given by.
speed is used as a reference wind speed to be used in
dynamic wind analysis. For calculation of along wind
H g 2 SE
= 1 + r gv2 Bs (1 + g ) + s R
loads and response (bending moments, shear forces,
or tip deflections) the Gust Factor (GF) method is used β
as specified in 10.2. The across wind design peak base
overturning moment and tip deflection shall be where
calculated using 10.3. r = roughness factor which is twice the
longitudinal turbulence intensity, I h,i
10.2 Along Wind Response (see 6.5),
For calculation of along-wind load effects at a level s gv = peak factor for upwind velocity fluctuation,
on a building/structure, the design hourly mean wind = 3.0 for category 1 and 2 terrains, and
pressure at height z shall be multiplied by the Gust = 4.0 for category 3 and 4 terrains,
Factor (GF). This factor is dependent on both the
overall height h and the level s under consideration Bs = background factor indicating the measure of
(see Fig. 9). For calculation of base bending moment slowly varying component of fluctuating
and deflection at the top of the building/structure s wind load caused by the lower frequency
should be taken as zero. wind speed variations
IS 875 (Part 3) : 2015
S = size reduction factor given by: x = mean deflection at the position where the
acceleration is required. Other notations are
1 same as given in 10.2.
3.5 fa h 4 fa b0 h For computing the peak acceleration in the along wind
1 + 1 + direction, a mean wind speed at the height of the
Vh ,d Vh ,d
building/structure, Vh corresponding to a 5 year mean
where return period shall be used. A reduced value of 0.011
b0h = average breadth of the building/structure is also suggested for the structural damping, β for
between 0 and h. reinforced concrete structures.
E = spectrum of turbulence in the approaching 10.3 Across Wind Response
wind stream
This section gives method for determining equivalent
πN static wind load and base overturning moment in the
(1 + 70.8 N ) 2
6 across wind direction for tall enclosed buildings and
towers of rectangular cross-section. Calculation of
across wind response is not required for lattice towers.
N = effective reduced frequency The across wind design peak base bending moment
M c for enclosed buildings and towers shall be
f a Lh determined as follows:
fa = first mode natural frequency of the = M c 0.5gh ph bh 2 (1.06 − 0.06 k ) fs
building/structure in along wind direction,
in Hz
Vh,d = design hourly mean wind speed at height, h g = a peak factor,
in m/s (see 6.4)
β = damping coefficient of the building/structure = 2 ln ( 36 00 fc ) in cross wind direction;
(see Table 36)
ph = hourly mean wind pressure at height h, in
gR = peak factor for resonant response
= 2 ln ( 3 600 f a ) b = the breadth of the structure normal to the
wind, in m;
Table 36 Suggested Values of Structural h = the height of the structure, in m;
Damping Coefficients k = a mode shape power exponent for
(Clause 10.2) representation of the fundamental mode
shape as represented by:
Sl Kind of Structure Damping k
No. Coefficient, β z
(1) (2) (3) h
i) Welded steel structures 0.010 fc = first mode natural frequency of the building/
ii) Bolted steel structures/RCC 0.020 structure in across wind direction, in Hz.
iii) Prestressed concrete structures 0.016
The across wind load distribution on the building/
structure can be obtained from M c using linear
IS 875 (Part 3) : 2015
— Turbulence Intensity of 0.12 at 2/3 h - - Turbulence Intensity of 0.20 at 2/3 h
IS 875 (Part 3) : 2015
Turbulence Intensity of 0.12 at 2/3 h - - Turbulence Intensity of 0.20 at 2/3 h
IS 875 (Part 3) : 2015
(Clause 6.2)
[Clause (b)(ii)]
a) Above height hx , the velocities shall be
In cases of transition from a low terrain category determined in accordance with the rougher
number (corresponding to a low terrain roughness) to (more distant) terrain; and
a higher terrain category number (corresponding to a b) Below height hx, the velocity shall be taken
rougher terrain), the velocity profile over the rougher as the lesser of the following:
terrain shall be determined as follows: 1) that determined in accordance with the
less rough terrain, and
a) Below height h x, the velocities shall be
determined in relation to the rougher terrain; 2) the velocity at height hx as determined in
and relation to the rougher terrain
NOTE — Examples of determination of velocity
b) Above height h x, the velocities shall be profiles in the vicinity of a change in terrain
determined in relation to the less rough (more category are shown in Figs.12a and 12b.
distant) terrain.
Terrain changes involving more than one category shall
be treated in similar way to that described in B-1 and B-2.
In cases of transition from a more rough to a less rough NOTE — Examples involving three terrain categories are
terrain, the velocity profile shall be determined as shown in Fig. 12c.
IS 875 (Part 3) : 2015
b) Determination of Velocity Profile Near a Change in Terrain Category (More rough to less rough)
c) Determination of Design Profile Involving more than One Change in Terrain Category
IS 875 (Part 3) : 2015
C-1 The influence of the topographic feature is the local topography to the site is significant in terms of wind
flow. In such cases, the average value of the terrain upwind of
considered to extend 1.5 L e upwind and 2.5 L e
the site for a distance of 5 km should be taken as the base level
downwind of the summit of crest of the feature where from wind to assess the height, Z, and the upwind slope θ, of
Le is the effective horizontal length of the hill depending the feature.
on slope as indicated below (see Fig. 13). C-2 TOPOGRAPHY FACTOR, k3
Slope Le The topography factor k3 is given by the following:
3° < θs ≤ 17° L k3 = 1 + C s0
θs > 17° Z / 0.3 where C has the following values:
where Slope C
L = actual length of the upwind slope in the wind 3° < θs ≤ 17° 1.2 (Z/L)
θs > 17° 0.36
Z = effective height of the topography feature, and s0 is a factor derived in accordance with C-2.1
and appropriate to the height, H above mean ground level
θs = upwind slope in the wind direction. and the distance, x, from the summit or crest relative
In case, the zone in downwind side of the crest of the to the effective length, Le
feature is relatively flat (θ s < 3°) for a distance C-2.1 The factor, s0 should be determined from:
exceeding Le, then the feature should be treated as an
escarpment. Otherwise the feature should be treated a) Fig. 14 for cliffs and escarpments, and
as a hill or ridge. Examples of typical features are given b) Fig. 15 for ridges and hills.
in Fig. 13.
NOTE – Where the downwind slope of a hill or ridge is more
NOTES than 3°, there will be large regions of reduced accelerations or
1 No difference is made, in evaluating k 3 between a three even shelter and it is not possible to give general design rules
dimensional hill and two dimensional ridge. to cater for these circumstances. Values of s 0 from Fig. 15 may
be used as upper bound values.
2 In undulating terrain, it is often not possible to decide whether
IS 875 (Part 3) : 2015
IS 875 (Part 3) : 2015
(Clauses, and
IS 875 (Part 3) : 2015
(Excluding Water Resources Development Division) Sectional Committee, CED 37
Organization Representative(s)
In personal capacity (80, SRP Colony, Peravallur, Chennai 600 082) DR N. L AKSHMANAN (Chairman)
Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, Mumbai SHRI L. R. BISHNOI
SHRI A. D. ROSHAN (Alternate)
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, New Delhi SHRI S. S. MANI
Central Building Research Institute (CSIR), Roorkee DR A. K. P ANDEY
Central Electricity Authority, New Delhi SHRI R. B. WALIMBE
Central Public Works Department, New Delhi SHRI A. K. GARG
Central Water Commission, New Delhi DIRECTOR C&MDD (E&N E)
DIRECTOR C&MDD (N&W) (Alternate)
Engineer-in-Chief’s Branch (MES), NewDelhi BRIG SANDEEP R AWAT
SHRI V. K. JATAV (Alternate)
Engineers India Limited, New Delhi SHRI VINAY KUMAR
Gammon India Limited, Mumbai SHRI S. W. DESHPANDE
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai DR DEVDAS MENON
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur DR VINAY K. GUPTA
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee DR PREM KISHAN
DR S.K.KAUSHIK (Alternate)
Indian Metrological Department, New Delhi SHRI K. RATNAM
M.N. Dastur & Company Limited, Kolkata SHRI A. DAS GUPTA
SHRI S ATYAKI S EN (Alternate)
SHRI A. K. B EG (Alternate)
Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport & Highways, New Delhi SHRI S. K. PURI
SHRI S ATISH KUMAR, SE (P-9) (Alternate)
Muncipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Mumbai Deputy Municipal Commissioner (ENGG)
City Engineer (Alternate)
National Buildings Construction Corporation Limited, New Delhi SHRI RAKESH MARYA
SHRI L. P. SINGH (Alternate)
National Council for Cement and Building Materials, Ballabgarh SHRI V. V. ARORA
SHRI S. S HARMA (Alternate)
National Thermal Power Corporation, Noida SHRI H. KUNDU
Research, Designs & Standards Organization, Lucknow Joint Director Standards (B&S)
JT Director Stnds (B&S) SB-I (Alternate)
Structural Engineering Research Centre (CSIR), Chennai DR S. SELVI RAJAN
DR P. H ARIKRISHNA (Alternate)
TCE Consulting Engineers Limited, Mumbai SHRI A. P. MULL
SHRI A. DUTTA (Alternate)
The Institution of Engineers (India) Ltd, New Delhi SHRI K. B. RAJORIA
IS 875 (Part 3) : 2015
In personal capacity, (P-121, Sanjay Nagar, Ghaziabad 201 001) SHRI S. K. AGARWAL
In personal capacity, (142 Deshbandhu Apartments, SHRI G. P. LAHIRI
New Delhi 110 019)
In personal capacity, (61, Civil Lines, Roorkee 247 667) DR PREM KRISHNA
BIS Directorate General Shri D. K. AGRAWAL, SCIENTIST ‘F’ and HEAD (CIVIL ENGG)
[Representing Director General (Ex-officio)]
Member Secretaries
(Continued from second cover)
f) Provisions to account for effects of directionality, area averaging and correlation of pressures on the
design wind pressure have been included.
g) Guidelines to account for the wind induced interference for tall buildings and low rise buildings have
been included for use in preliminary design. It is however recommended to carry out detailed boundary
layer wind tunnel tests/CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) studies for final design of important
h) In the Gust Factor Method for evaluating along wind response, equations have been suggested for
background factor, size reduction factor, energy ratio and length scale of turbulence.
j) A method for computing across wind response of tall buildings and lattice towers, which is in line with
some of the international codes of practice, has been included.
The Committee observed that there has been a growing awareness among the consultants, academicians, researchers
and practice engineers for design and construction of wind sensitive structures. In order to augment the available
limited good quality meteorological wind data and structural response data, it is necessary to conduct full scale
measurements in the field. Thus as emphasized in the previous revision, all individuals and organizations responsible
for putting-up of tall structures are encouraged to provide instrumentation in their existing and new structures
(transmission towers, chimneys, cooling towers, buildings, etc) at different elevations (at least at two levels) to
continuously measure and monitor wind data. The instruments are required to collect data on wind direction,
wind speed and structural response of the structure due to wind (with the help of accelerometer, strain gauges,
etc). It is also the opinion of the Committee that such instrumentation in tall structures shall not in any way affect
or alter the functional behaviour of such structures. The data so collected shall be very valuable in evolving more
accurate wind loading of structures.
The Committee responsible for the formulation of this standard has taken into account the prevailing practice in
regard to loading standards followed in this country by the various authorities and has also taken note of the
developments in a number of other countries. In the formulation of this code, the following overseas standards
have also been examined:
a) BS EN 1991-1-4:2005 Eurocode 1: Actions on structures — Part 1-4: General actions — Wind actions
b) Joint Australian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 1170.2:2002 Structural design actions, Part 2: Wind
c) ASCE 7-05 American Standard Building Code Requirements for Minimum Design Loads for Buildings
and Other Structures.
d) AIJ 2004 — Architecture Institute of Japan (AIJ) Recommendations for Loads on Buildings.
The composition of the Committee responsible for the formulation of this Code is given at Annex E.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2 : 1960
‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)’. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off
value should be the same as that of specified value in this standard.
Bureau of Indian Standards
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.
BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.
Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
‘BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards : Monthly Additions’.
This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc No.: CED 37 (7792).