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2018.05.24 BerlinRosen Responsive Records PDF

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NEW YORK, NY 10007

May 24, 2018

Dear Requester,

This letter is in response to previous requests pursuant to the Freedom of Information Law
received by this Office, seeking generally

Correspondence between the Office of the Mayor and Jonathan Rosen or BerlinRosen.

Due to the number of FOIL requests the Mayor’s Office has received for similar
communications, as a courtesy the documents being disclosed to you today include materials that
are outside the scope of your requests.

The responsive records comprise four volumes of material:

A. Pages 3-729: Material previously withheld in full or in part pursuant to the inter-agency
exemption §87(2)(g) within the time range. This volume also includes 73 pages of
material previously withheld in full pursuant to §87(2)(b).
• Range: January 1, 2014 to April 3, 2015.

B. Pages 730-2844: Material previously produced in full or in part, or withheld in full.

• Range: April 4, 2015 to Dec 31, 2016.

C. Pages 2845-4016: Material responsive to requests not yet fulfilled, and thus not produced
• Range: January 1, 2017 to Dec 31, 2017.

D. Pages 4017-4247: Material sent to a large number of recipients.

• Range: April 4, 2015 to Dec 31, 2016

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You may appeal the determination with regard to this production in writing within thirty days by
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Jimmy Pan
Associate Counsel
From: Walzak, Phil
To: "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"; " "dan@berlinrosen.com"; "emma@berlinrosen.com";
Subject: FW: Re:Hi
Date: Tuesday, January 07, 2014 6:43:07 PM

Anything we can do here / want to do?

-----Original Message-----
From: Henry Goldman (BLOOMBERG/ NEWSROOM:) [mailto:hgoldman@bloomberg.net]
Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2014 5:47 PM
To: Walzak, Phil
Subject: Re:Hi

I've got my first request: Can you help me talk to Harvey Weinstein and/or Gwyneth Paltrow about their
support for UPKNYC? Thanks, H

----- Original Message -----

From: PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov
To: Henry Goldman (BLOOMBERG/ NEWSROOM:)
At: Jan  7 2014 15:55:30
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: • • • • • • • Ragone. Peter
Subject: RE: BLOOMBERG - Kanas Says De Blasia's Higher Taxes Won't Damage NYC
Date: Friday, January 10, 2014 12:43:07 PM

Former head of Northfork Bank, now head of BankUnit ed. Ross has him on your list for next week.

From: Bill de Blasio [

Sent: Friday, January 10,
To: Peter Ragone
Cc: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: BLOOMBERG - Kanas Says De Blasio's Higher Taxes Won't Damage NYC

Who is this guy??? I like him! Should I call to thank and to involve him???

Sent via BlackBeny by AT&T

From: "Ragone, Peter" <pragone@cityhaJJ nyc goy>

Date: · 10 Jan 2014 16:13:06 +0000
Taxes Won 't Damage NYC

From: DeBlasio Clips [mailto:clips@transition2013.com]

Sent: Friday, January 10, 2014 11:08 AM
Subject: BLOOMBERG- Kanas Says DeBlasio's Higher Taxes Won't Damage NYC

Kanas Says DeBlasio's Higher Taxes Won' t Damage NYC

BLOOMBERG - Elizabeth Dexheimer
http'ilwww bloomberg com/news/201 4-01 -09/kanas-says-de-blasjo-s-hi gher-taxes-won-t-
damage-nyc btml

New York City's richest residents may have to meet Mayor Bill De Blasia's demand for
higher taxes to fund early-childhood education programs, said BankUnited (BKU) Inc. Chief
Executive Officer John Kanas.

"If wealthy New Yorkers have to kick in a little bit of money so that young people can go to
school early, so that their parents can go to work-- not so bad, right? " Kanas said today in
an interview with Betty Liu on Bloomberg Television.

The new mayor has vowed to raise taxes on the wealthy to finance pre-kindergmi en care, and
Kanas said De Blasia, 52, will reach his goal in ways that don't "kill the golden goose" of the
city's business commlmity. "He will fmd his way to satisfy both sides," Kanas said.

De Blasia 's five-year plan would generate $530 lnillion aimually by raising taxes on income
above $500,000 a yem· to 4.4 percent from almost 3.9 percent. For the 27,300 city taxpayers
eaming $500,000 to $1 million, the average increase would be $973 a year, according to the
Independent Budget Office, a municipal agency.
Kanas, 67, has run lenders in the New York region before including North Fork Bancorp and
has opened branches of Florida-based BankUnited in Manhattan. Kanas, who received $3
million in salary and bonus for 2012, said his primary home is on Long Island. Residents of
the suburban community aren’t subject to the city’s income tax.

Billionaire Backers

BankUnited is backed by billionaire investor Wilbur Ross and private-equity firm Blackstone
Group LP, whose chairman, Steve Schwarzman, is also a billionaire.

The bank was among U.S. lenders that failed under previous managers during the housing-
market collapse, prompting regulators to seize its operations and sell most of them in 2009 to
a group of private-equity investors.

Kanas has been expanding Miami Lakes-based BankUnited after attempts to sell the firm
failed to draw any bids that met the board’s expectations. While the company is looking at
takeovers of other firms, Kanas said he hasn’t done any deals because of “lofty” valuations.

“We are interviewing and discussing with people every week, every day, any acquisition
opportunity that might make sense for us,” he said. “But so far our own performance
outstrips anything that we could see.”
Fro m: Klein, Monica
To: • • • • • • • Emma Wolfe ; jonathan@bertinrosen.com
Subject: request from bdb re: Jeff Klein & UPK
Dat e : Monday, January 13, 2014 9 :45:43 AM

Morn ing,
BdB would like to discuss article below

Rejecting NYC's pre-K tax proposal could lead to statewide feud over taxes
DAILY NEWS - Kenneth Lovett
http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/re jecti ng-nyc-pre -k- tax -proposal-lead-tax-feud -art icle -

ALBANY - The co- leader of the state Senate is hinting that dozens of requests from municipalit ies could
be in jeopardy if the Legislature rejects Mayor de Blasia's push to raise the city income tax on the wealthy
to pay for a pre- K expansion.

Under what is known as a home rule process, a municipality requests permission from the state to raise
certain loca l taxes or take other actions.Typically, lawmakers acquiesce to the loca ls and the requests sail
through .

Over the past three years, 314 home rule bills were passed by the Legislature and signed into law by the
governor, aides to Jeffrey Klein (D- Bronx) say.

"We cannot and must not have a double standard when it comes to home rule legislation like Mayor de
Blasia's universa l pre- K plan," Klein told the Daily News. " Either we empower cities and counties to set
their own destiny, or we rethink t his entire process."

Klein made his comments after Senate Republican Leader Dean Skelos sa id last week t hat de Blasia hasn't
yet made a compelling case for a city income tax hike.

As co- leaders of the Senate, Klein and Skelos (R- Nassau County) each have the power to block legislation
from coming to the floor for a vote.

The Senate passed 138 home rule messages last year alone. Rejecting de Blasia's plan - assu ming as
expected the City Council officia lly asks for it to be passed - could cause city lawmakers to retaliate by
voting against other home rule actions sought by suburban and upstate communit ies - if they are allowed
to reach t he floor for a vote at all, insiders say.

In supporting de Blasia's plan, Klein sa id hiking the city income tax on those earning at least $500,000 w ill
ensure a future funding stream for city prekindergarten progra ms and "will guarantee 50,000 4- year-olds
the opportunity to enroll in this life changing program ."

Told of Klein's comments, a Skelos spokesman sa id only that "we look forward to working w ith our partner,
Jeff Klein, on this issue.”

Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver and his Democratic conference support the mayor’s request for a tax
hike, but Skelos and Gov. Cuomo have been cool to the idea.
From: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Ragone. Pet er; Wolfe. Emma
Subject: Re: CRAIN"S: Mayor vs. Governor
Dat e: Monday, January 13, 2014 9 :37: 24 PM

-will yell at Hawkins re retro pay. It's unsourced nonsense and have seen it
nowhere else. Do not think it has any currency.

-re pundits defining our success: will the George Arzt's and Richard Brodsky's say
inane shit if we come up short- probably - but I feel like the three scenarios we laid
out last night are the only way to play and see almost no ci rcumsta nce where we
don't achieve some level of historic expansion of prek and after school.

-new rule: all cl ips where Richard Brodsky is the lead analysis quote should be
disregarded as a matter of course. It's like stories where Hank Sheinkopf is the only

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 13, 2014, at 7:41 PM, "Bill de Blasia" wrote:

Lord knows I don't pray at brodsky's alter, but I am concerned whether

people will actually believe we have failed with a Yea r One tax increase. I
personally don't believe they will if we achieve enough other elements of
our agenda AND if we get the tax done by the following year. And when
did the elite decide we were indirectly financing retro pay with our tax
increase? That's totally false. How she we dispel that rumor?

Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

From: De Blasia Clips < clips@transition2013.com >

Sender: bdbclips@googlegroups.com
Date: Man, 13 Jan 2014 19:02:10 -0500
To: Bdbclips@googlegroups.com < Bdbclips@googlegroups.com >
Subject: CRAIN'S: Mayor vs. Governor

Mayor vs. Governor

CRAIN'S NY- And rew J. Hawkins
http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/ 20140112/POLITICS/301129994

Mayor Bill de Blasia wants to tax the rich. Gov. And rew Cuomo wants to
give them a tax cut. The mayor just won a landslide victory and has
political capital to spend, while the governor enjoys broad popular
support and is aiming for a historic re-election in November.

With the elements for a classic political fig ht in place, the two Democrats
will need to reach a compromise on taxes between now and the April 1
state budget deadline. And Mr. Cuomo appears to have the upper hand:
The city depends on Albany for billions in state aid each year, as well as
to set income-tax rates. With that leverage, Mr. Cuomo can pressure Mr.
de Blasio to ease off his populist message and accept whatever can be
squeezed out of the budget for universal prekindergarten, the mayor's
signature campaign proposal.

"Mayor de Blasio won't be able to unilaterally raise taxes in New York City
on high-income earners," said Heather Briccetti, president and CEO of
the Business Council of New York State, which supports tax cuts proposed
by Mr. Cuomo. "He'll need the agreement of the Legislature and the
governor, which means he'll need some kind of deal if he wants to get
that done. And I just don't see it happening."

But Mr. de Blasio has cards to play. Both Assembly Speaker Sheldon
Silver and state Senate co-leader Jeffrey Klein support the tax hike for
pre-K, and the governor needs the votes they control to get his own
agenda passed. Moreover, polls show pre-K is a hit with voters; the
governor himself now wants it statewide.

Mr. de Blasio does have to fight the perception among the governor's
inner circle that he wants to tax the rich not to fund pre-K but to free up
city money to give unionized workers retroactive raises.

Contributing to this impression is the alignment of most of the city's

unions behind Mr. de Blasio. Last Monday in Harlem, union chiefs
representing teachers, hotel employees, health care aides and
construction workers, among others, stood with the mayor to voice
support for his tax plan. There was no mention of the pay raises that
municipal unions expect from Mr. de Blasio.

Open for negotiation

Nor were details given on how the campaign for a pre-K tax would
proceed, but Vincent Alvarez, president of the New York City Central
Labor Council and the New York chapter of the AFL-CIO, didn't discount
the possibility of withholding union endorsements from officials who
oppose the tax hike, including Mr. Cuomo.

Two days later, the governor embraced universal pre-K in his State of the
State speech but said nothing of the mayor's tax-the-rich scheme, nor of
Mr. de Blasio himself. Mr. Cuomo's office said that protocol was followed,
and Mr. de Blasio said he wasn't offended.

By voicing support for universal pre-K, Mr. Cuomo left daylight for
negotiation with Mr. de Blasio and his legislative allies. A resolution would
preserve the governor's reputation as a competent manager who ended
Albany's dysfunction, an image important for his re-election bid and
potential presidential campaign in 2016.

Mr. de Blasio may have even more at stake. Taxing the rich was a focus
of his campaign, and it reinvigorated liberals, who have since made him
their national poster child. Universal pre-K without the tax increase would
mean average New Yorkers would pay for it, dimming the de Blasio star.
"If Cuomo stiffs him," said former Assemblyman Richard Brodsky, "I don't
know how he gets through year one."

Mr. Brodsky, a senior fellow at public-policy institute Demos, said the

fight on taxes will define the legislative session in Albany this spring.

"It looks like de Blasio has the Legislature with him," he said. "If that's
the case, there are votes in both houses to do what he wants. Is Cuomo
going to declare, 'I did my best'? It's possible. But it's not likely."

The governor has wriggled out of political boxes before. Two years ago,
having pledged no tax increases but facing a budget deficit, Mr. Cuomo
deftly passed off a $2 billion tax increase as a reduction by extending a
"millionaire's tax" just before it expired while cutting middle-class tax
rates. Last year, he and the Legislature quietly extended the surcharge
on high earners through 2017. The governor has since been vocal about
not revisiting income taxes, arguing that increases on the wealthy will
send them fleeing to low-tax states.

Two-front battle

The tax debate will play out on two fronts. City and state officials will
start hashing out their differences behind closed doors, with Mr. de Blasio
likely to deploy his new budget director, Dean Fuleihan, who for years
was Mr. Silver's chief policy adviser and knows Albany intimately.

Meanwhile, Mr. de Blasio, organized labor and the Working Families Party
will take their tax-the-rich message to the public in districts of key state
lawmakers to build momentum for their cause. The playbook will be
familiar: rallies, door-knocking, phone-banking and possibly TV and radio

The WFP recently joined with other left-leaning groups to create People
for New York, modeled in part on a past adversary, the Committee to
Save New York, a former business alliance that advertised in support of
the governor's fiscally conservative agenda.

As one source who has worked on past campaigns with the Democratic-
operative-turned-mayor put it, Mr. de Blasio "is a big believer in the
outside game."

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From: Bill de Blasio
To: Wolfe, Emma; Ragone, Peter; Dean Fuleihan; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: DN: NYS Minority Lawmakers Seek Support For Mayor de Blasio"s Universal Pre-Kindergarten Tax Plan
Date: Tuesday, January 14, 2014 12:18:25 PM

Should we, and if so how should we, counter Skelos' assertion (noted below) that I
haven't adequately made the case for pre-k plan

Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

From: De Blasio Clips <clips@transition2013.com>

Sender: bdbclips@googlegroups.com
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2014 11:11:05 -0500
To: Bdbclips@googlegroups.com<Bdbclips@googlegroups.com>
Subject: DN: NYS Minority Lawmakers Seek Support For Mayor de Blasio's Universal
Pre-Kindergarten Tax Plan

NYS Minority Lawmakers Seek Support For Mayor de Blasio's Universal

Pre-Kindergarten Tax Plan
NY DAILY NEWS - Ken Lovett

Members of the influential Black, Hispanic and Puerto Rican caucus this morning
sought to up pressure on state leaders to approve Mayor de Blasio's push for state
permission for the city to increase the city's income tax on the wealthy to cover
expanded prekindergarten programs.

Caucus Chairman Karim Camara (D-Brooklyn), different members of the caucus, and
several other legislators--including a number of non-New York City lawmakers--held
a press conference this morning on the issue in advance of an education rally in
which organizers said more than 1,000 people will travel to Albany to call not only
for de Blasio's plan, but an additional  $1.9 billion more in statewide education aid.

"The purpose was to announce we have this coalition that includes members outside
of New York City and we're asking the Senate to not block a home rule message that
would allow New York City to raise the income tax on people making $500,000 to
pay for prekindergarten programs, Camara told the Daily News afterward.

Camara said there was no discussion at this point of blocking home rule messages
from other communities if the city's is rejected.

"We didn't get to the strategic questions," Camara said. "We just want it known that
this is one of the highest priorities during this legislative session."

I reported yesterday that Senate co-Leader Jeffrey Klein (D-Bronx) hinted that other
local requests could be blocked if the Senate doesn't act on the city's plan. 

Senate GOP Leader Dean Skelos, who along with Klein can single-handedly block
legislation from coming to the floor for a vote--said last week that de blasio has not
made an adequate case for a local tax hike. Skelos said Gov. Cuomo plans to call for
a phase-in of a statewide prekindergarten expansion in the 2014-15 budget proposal
he will unveil next week.

Here's part of the release announcing the press conference:

"New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has proposed a plan to extend and make
available full-day Pre-kindergarten to all children in New York City. The new plan
would close a gap of nearly 50,000 children who currently receive inadequate part-
time Pre-kindergarten or no Pre-kindergarten at all. These high-quality education
programs are proven to increase cognition, boost scores and build fundamental skills
that put children on an upward educational path.

The Mayor has proposed funding the new plan by implementing a five-year increase
in New York City income tax on earners over $500,000 from 3.876% to 4.41%. The
increase would yield approximately 530 million dollars in new revenue for the City
and make Universal Pre-kindergarten a reality for all of New York’s families. The tax
portion of the plan is critical to its success because funding commitments for these
types of educational programs have not materialized in past years, leaving tens of
thousands of New York City children behind.

Not only do full-day Pre-kindergarten and afterschool programs a help to improve

graduation rates and to reduce the achievement gap, but they also make it 20%
more likely that a child will graduate high school and will be able to work their way
out of poverty. According to a recent study by the National Bureau of Economic
Research, Pre-kindergarten programs can reduce the achievement gap by up to as
much as 40%."

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From: Wolfe, Emma
To: Adams, Marti
Cc: jonathan@berlinrosen.com
Subject: RE: UPKNYC
Date: Thursday, January 16, 2014 5:28:36 PM

+ Jonathan who is dealing w/ this for upknyc

From: Adams, Marti
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2014 5:10 PM
To: Wolfe, Emma
Subject: FW: UPKNYC
Emma see below, are you our point for this?
From: Fermino, Jennifer [mailto:jfermino@nydailynews.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2014 4:46 PM
To: Adams, Marti
Subject: UPKNYC
Doing a story on this pre-k campaign that I got from them. Just wondering, does City Hall have a
point person who deals with it? Like one person whose job is solely to deal with UPKNYC? Would it
be emma wolfe?
Jennifer Fermino
City Hall Bureau Chief
New York Daily News
(646) 734 0320


This transmission is intended only for the use of the addressee and may contain information
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have received this communication in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete
this message. Thank you.

To: Adams. Marti; "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com" ; Wolfe. Emma
Cc: Walzak. Phil
Subject: Re: Exclusive for you on UPK campaign
Date: Thursday, January 16, 2014 6:16:14 PM

Sure but t hat was as it relates to our activities inside t he building. Outside t he building is an
independent ef fort that we con nect with in the appropriat e way.

Peter R
From: Adams, Marti
Sen t l i lJanua
Thursda, l i i l .16, 2014 3:14PM
To: 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; Wolfe, Emma
Cc: Wa za , P i
Subject: Re: Exclusive for you on UPK campaign

Will reinforce MAIG but f lagging that she has Emma's name from this Times clip:

He said t wo of his appoint ees would shepherd the effort: Emma Wolf, his director of city and
intergovernment al affairs, who has experience in government and activism; and Dean Fuleihan, the
new budget director, who has been a longtime budget guru in Albany and has a "rich reserve of
relationships," to mine, M r. de Blasia said.

F r o m : - - - - [ma1
Sent:~' 2014
To: Adams, Marti; 'Jonathan Rosen' <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>; Wolfe, Emma
Cc: Walzak, Phil
Subject: Re: Exclusive for you on UPK campaign

Just again reference MAIG thing as something cit y hal l cared about and was awa re of.

Peter R
From: Adams, Marti
Sen t l i ,lJanua
Thursda l i i l .16, 2014 2:55 PM
To: 'Jonathan Rosen'; Wolfe, Emma
Cc: Wa za , P i
Subject: RE: Exclusive for you on UPK campaign

Ok, I' ll move the background w/o Emma's name

F r o m : - - - - [ma1
Sent:~' 2014
To: Adams, Marti; 'Jonathan Rosen'; Wolfe, Emma
Cc: Walzak, Phil
Subject: Re: Exclusive for you on UPK campaign

I don't know if we need t o identify a cit y hal l contact.

Peter R
From: Adams, Marti
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2014 2:50 PM
To: 'Jonathan Rosen' · Wolfe Emma
Cc: Walzak, Phil;iiiiiliiiiiilii.
Subject: RE: Exc~ campaign

This works for me.

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2014 5:43 PM
To: Wolfe, Emma; Adams, Marti
Cc: Walzak, Phil; ~.
Subject: RE: Exc~ campaign

+ PR. My rec o n background :

UPKNYC is an independent effort organized by civic, business, non-profit , labor leaders and
prominent New Yorkers to support the Mayor's plan for pre-k and afterschool.

Similar to past Mayor's involvement in campaigns like Mayor's Against Illega l Guns, he is supportive
of it and involved in helping t o recruit supporters to the issue.

Re : her q o n city hall point person - I t hink fine t o say Emma as we have repeatedly said in public
space she is point on pre-k.


From: Wolfe, Emma [mailto:EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2014 5:30 PM
To: Adams, Marti
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: RE: Exclusive for you on UPK campaign

+J Ro

From: Adams, Marti

Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2014 5:27 PM
To: Wolfe, Emma
Cc: Walzak, Phil
Subject: FW: Exclusive for you on UPK campaign

Any guida nce o n this o ne?

From: Fermino, Jennifer [mailto:jfermino@nydailynews.com]

Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2014 5:22 PM
To: Adams, Marti
Subject: FW: Exclusive for you on UPK campaign

The q uest ion is, w hat is mayor's involvement and who is city hall point person?
Jennifer Fermino
City Hall Bureau Chief
New York Daily News
(646) 734 0320
From: Emma Woods [mailto:emma@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2014 11:30 AM
To: Fermino, Jennifer
Subject: Exclusive for you on UPK campaign
Hi Jen – wanted to offer you an exclusive on the next phase of the UPKNYC campaign to
pass Mayor de Blasio’s pre-k and after-school plan.
Starting tomorrow, the UPKNYC campaign will launch extensive online and grassroots
campaign to recruit tens of thousands of UPK activists to mobilize as budget discussions
heat up in Albany.  
Tomorrow morning, hundreds of volunteers will be at subway stops in all five boroughs,
handing out literature and signing up supporters. And dozens of organizations will email
hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers, urging them to become UPK activists.
The campaign will include talking to New Yorkers at subway stops, at their doors, at house
parties and at town halls throughout the City. Additionally, the campaign will rely on online
organizing methods perfected on BDB's campaign for Mayor.
As budget discussion heat up, organizers will mobilize activists to reach out to elected
officials throughout the state via in-district and Albany lobby visits, letters and phone calls.
The goal is to make sure elected officials see that 70 percent of New Yorkers want to get
this done now.
Let me know if you want this piece exclusively for a story to run tomorrow AM, and what
you’d need to make it happen.
Emma Woods
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5303
C: 203-568-4780


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have received this communication in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete
this message. Thank you.

From: Walzak. Phil
To: Adams. Marti; ' "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"; Wolfe. Emma
Subject: RE: Let"s minimize press activity at REBNY
Date: Thursday, January 16, 2014 6:29:37 PM

beyoot iful

From: Adams, Marti

Sent: Thursday, J~PM
To: Walzak, Phil; - - - . ! 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; Wolfe, Emma
Subject: Re: Let's minimize press activity at REBNY

Got it

He has private entra nce and will skip reporters o n t he way in, and REB NY has said t hey're going to
limit access to the VIP reception

Mayor is aware media w ill be at the event and that he is not expected to do any QA

From: Walzak, Phil

Sen t ! i i, i
Thursda ! i ! .16, 2014 06:27PM

To: Adams, Marti; 'Jonathan Rosen'
<Jonat an@ er
Subject: RE: Let's minimize press activity at REBNY

Marti - pis confirm receipt of this


From: Walzak, Phil

Sen~6, 2014 6:21PM
To: ~ Adams, Marti; 'Jonathan Rosen'; Wolfe, Emma
Subject: RE: Lets minimize press activity at REBNY

Marti on site

From:---- ~,.!..!.!~~
Sent:~' 2014
To: Adams, Marti; 'Jonathan Rosen'; Wolfe, Emma
Cc: Walzak, Phil
Subject: Let's minimize press activity at REBNY

Peter R
From: Adams, Marti
Sen t l i ,lJanua
Thursda l i i l .16, 2014 2:55 PM
To: 'Jonathan Rosen'; Wolfe, Emma
Cc: Wa za , P i
Subject: RE: Exclusive for you on UPK campaign
Ok, I'l l move the background w/o Emma's name

To: Adams, Marti; 'Jonathan Rosen'; Wolfe, Emma
Cc: Walzak, Phil
Subject: Re: Exclusive for you on UPK campaign

I don't know if we need to identify a city hal l cont act.

Peter Ragon
From: Adams, Marti
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2014 2:50 PM
To: 'Jonathan Rosen'; Wolfe, Emma
Cc: Walzak, Phil; - - - -.
Subject: RE: Exc~ campaign

This works for me.

From: Jonathan Rosen [ma jlto:Jonathan@berljnrosen,comJ

Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2014 5:43 PM
To: Wolfe, Emma · Adams Marti
Cc: Walzak, Phil; ~.
Subject: RE: Exc~ campaign

+ PR. My rec on background :

UPKNYC is an independent effort organized by civic, business, non- profit , labor leaders and
prominent New Yorkers to support the Mayor's plan for pre-k and afterschool.

Similar to past Mayor's involvement in campaigns like Mayor's Against Illegal Guns, he is supportive
of it and involved in helping to recruit supporters to the issue.

Re: her q on city hall point person - I think fine to say Emma as we have repeatedly said in public
space she is point on pre-k.


From: Wolfe, Emma [ma jlto:EWolfe@dtyhall.nyc.govJ

Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2014 5:30 PM
To: Adams, Marti
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: RE: Exclusive for you on UPK campaign

+J Ro

From: Adams, Marti

Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2014 5:27 PM
To: Wolfe, Emma
Cc: Walzak, Phil
Subject: FW: Exclusive for you on UPK campaign
Any guidance on this one?
From: Fermino, Jennifer [mailto:jfermino@nydailynews.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2014 5:22 PM
To: Adams, Marti
Subject: FW: Exclusive for you on UPK campaign
The question is, what is mayor’s involvement and who is city hall point person?
Jennifer Fermino
City Hall Bureau Chief
New York Daily News
(646) 734 0320
From: Emma Woods [mailto:emma@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2014 11:30 AM
To: Fermino, Jennifer
Subject: Exclusive for you on UPK campaign
Hi Jen – wanted to offer you an exclusive on the next phase of the UPKNYC campaign to
pass Mayor de Blasio’s pre-k and after-school plan.
Starting tomorrow, the UPKNYC campaign will launch extensive online and grassroots
campaign to recruit tens of thousands of UPK activists to mobilize as budget discussions
heat up in Albany.  
Tomorrow morning, hundreds of volunteers will be at subway stops in all five boroughs,
handing out literature and signing up supporters. And dozens of organizations will email
hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers, urging them to become UPK activists.
The campaign will include talking to New Yorkers at subway stops, at their doors, at house
parties and at town halls throughout the City. Additionally, the campaign will rely on online
organizing methods perfected on BDB's campaign for Mayor.
As budget discussion heat up, organizers will mobilize activists to reach out to elected
officials throughout the state via in-district and Albany lobby visits, letters and phone calls.
The goal is to make sure elected officials see that 70 percent of New Yorkers want to get
this done now.
Let me know if you want this piece exclusively for a story to run tomorrow AM, and what
you’d need to make it happen.
Emma Woods
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5303
C: 203-568-4780


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From: Wolfe, Emma
To: " "jonathan@berlinrosen.com"
Subject: Fw: Cuomo pre-k
Date: Monday, January 20, 2014 10:27:31 PM

I only texted mulgrew so as not to send off too many flares

----- Original Message -----

From: Wolfe, Emma
Sent: Monday, January 20, 2014 10:26 PM
To: 'cgerstl@uft.org' <cgerstl@uft.org>
Subject: Re: Cuomo pre-k

Let's talk first thing in AM

----- Original Message -----

From: Carol Gerstl [mailto:cgerstl@uft.org]
Sent: Monday, January 20, 2014 10:24 PM
To: Wolfe, Emma
Subject: Cuomo pre-k

We are hearing $100 million this year and $1.5 billion over 5 years for full day pre-k

Sent with Good (www.good.com)

From: Wolfe. Emma

i amiaini@ibeirliiniroireinr.oo"Rabinowitz@berlinroren.oom"
im~"; l'll. . . .lllll
Subject: Re: Quotes from advocates/unions
Date: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 2:56:23 PM

I'm cool
Who said no, jg?

From: Jonathan Rosen :Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Tuesday, Janua 2014 02:49 PM
To: Wolfe, Emma·
Cc: Josh Gold Rabinowitz
< KablnO\Nitl~Crut>erl mrosen .com >
Subject: FW: Quotes from advocates/unions

Confirming you are cool with us putting this out from the campaign, .....pls read

From: Emma Woods

Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 1:46 PM
To: Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: Quot es


"We applaud Governor Cuomo for ma king st at ewide un ive rsa l pre-k a priority in his
execut ive budget. But t he money he is proposing is not enough f or t ruly un ive rsal, fu ll- day
pre-k and the afterschool program Mayor de Blasia has proposed, and does not guarantee a
ded icated fu nding st ream at t he level needed. In New York City, we need t he tax plan t hat
Mayor de Blasia has laid out in orde r t o ge nerat e dedicated resources for a f ull and secure
invest ment in bot h un ive rsa l pre-k and after-school programs - and our cit y shou ld have t he
autho rit y to ra ise its own taxes to pay f or the Mayor's crit ica l expa nsion of t hese programs .
We urge Governor Cuomo and t he Legislat ure to pass Mayor de Blasia's plan to ra ise t axes
o n t he wealthiest New Yorkers t o expand pre-k and afte r-school programs," said t he
Campaign for Children (not approved)

"The Governor is r ight to recogn ize t hat pre-k and after school are an essential investme nt
in New York's f utu re. But unfortunately t he budget he's presented ma kes it more clear t han
ever t hat w ithout new dedicated revenue from a tax on t he wealthiest New Yorkers, t here is
simply no way t o ma ke sure t hese programs reach al l of our ch ildren," said Javier H. Valdes,
Co-Executive Director of Make the Road New York.

"We' re very encou raged t o see t hat the Governor has prioritized pre-k and after-school
programs in his budget, as we know that t hese programs are essential f or t he success of our
children and working families. However, the funding he has presented is not enough to
expand these programs to serve all children. We need the tax plan Mayor de Blasio has laid
out in order to truly invest in our children’s futures,” said Melanie Hartzog, Executive
Director ofChildren’s Defense Fund New York. (not approved)
"We applaud Gov. Cuomo for putting Pre-K and after school front and center in the budget.
Now, we must work together to make sure these programs truly reach all our children. To
fulfill that promise, we need to find sufficient and stable resources – which we can achieve
by giving NYC the ability raise revenue from the wealthiest New Yorkers as a stable funding
mechanism for UPK," said Hector Figueroa, President of 32BJ SEIU.
"Governor Cuomo is right to make Pre-K and after school a central part of his budget, but
the resources he has put forward are simply not enough to call his proposal 'universal.'
 Giving every four-year-old the high-quality early education that studies show to be so
effective meansfinding new revenue, and the fairest way to do that is to give Mayor de
Blasio the authority to ask the wealthiest New Yorkers to pay just a little more in taxes," said
Camille Rivera, Executive Director of United NY.
“I applaud Governor Cuomo for recognizing the critical importance of universal pre-K and
after-school programs for educational opportunity. He is right: we need the programs in NYC
and statewide. But the statewide money he is proposing doesn’t even meet the needs of
New York City alone, much less the whole state. Therefore it's obvious that theLegislature
and Governor should give New York City the leeway to raise its own taxes to ensure
universal pre-K and after-school programs for all of New York’s children. The importance
and feasibility of such an agreement are now in clear view thanks to the Governor's
commitment to these crucial programs,” said Jeffrey Sachs, Director of the Earth Institute
at Columbia University and Special Advisor to the UN Secretary-General.
"The Governor has made a first step, but what he has proposed will not come even close to
true universal pre-k and after school for all New Yorkers. Albany has talked about fully
funding pre-k again and again for 15 years, but without new tax revenue as Mayor de Blasio
has proposed, there is simply no way to give our children the quality education they
deserve,” said Jonathan Westin, ExecutiveDirector of New York Communities for Change.
Emma Woods
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5303
C: 203-568-4780
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to
Fro m: Jonathan Rosen
To : Drew. Chloe; Hatch. Peter
Subject: FW: Favor/totally fine if no
Da te: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 12:41:54 PM
Attachments :

Could you pass this t o the new commissioner. She is actually quite a perso
and would be a get. Ben is my colleague here at BR who
worked on the campaign .

From: Ben Wyskida ~

Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 12:11 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Fwd : Favor/totally fine if no

could pass on? She's a winner from what I know -

, has a ton of experience, ve1y committed.

Begin f01warded message :

Date: anuruy
To: Ben Wyskida -
Subject: Favor/totally fine if no
Hi Ben,

DYCD has posted a job I'm super interested in - Director of Community

Prutnerships and Outreach
(http://www .nyc. govlhtml/ dyed/downloads/pdf/Employment/employment-
141695.pdf) - andlbut I have on good authority that unless a candidate is routed
through the Mayor's Office, slhe is beyond a longshot for consideration. Would
you be willing to resume? It seems like an · · to
build on both

Hope you and Oskar ru·e smviving the cold!





.... ...
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Drew. Chloe
Cc: Hatch. Peter
Subject: Re: Favor/ t otally fine if no
Dat e: Wednesday, January 29, 2014 10:23:50 AM

Thanks much.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 29, 2014, at 9:11AM, "Drew, Chloe" < CDrew@cicyhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Of course and done !

From: Jonathan Rosen [ mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 12:42 PM
To: Drew, Chloe; Hatch, Peter
Subject: FW: Favor/totally fine if no

Could you pass this t o the new commissioner. She is actually quite a person.
and would be a get. Ben is my
colleague here at BR who worked on t he campaign.

From: Ben Wyskida [~]

Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 12:11 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Fwd: Favor/totally fine if no

on? She's a winner from what I know - -

, has a ton of experience, ve1y committed.

Begin f01warded message:

Date: anuruy
To: Ben Wyskida -

Subject: Favor/totally fine if no

Hi Ben,

DYCD has posted a job I'm super interested in - Director of

Commlmity Pruinerships and Outreach
http· Uwww nyc govlbtmlldycdldownloads/pdf/Employment/employment-
141 695 pdf) - andlbut I have on good authority that unless a
can didate is routed through the Mayor's Office, s/he is beyond a
longshot for consideration. Would you be willing to pass along my
? I lik · ! •• · b 'ld b th my
not, I
• y I I J y I p md
right now.

Hope you and Oskar are surviving the cold!

From: Adams, Marti
To: "Jonathan Rosen"
Subject: RE: REQUEST FOR COMMENT: Jewish Week: Open Letter from New York Jews re AIPAC
Date: Wednesday, January 29, 2014 4:05:44 PM

Perfect, thanks
From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2014 4:05 PM
To: Adams, Marti
Subject: RE: REQUEST FOR COMMENT: Jewish Week: Open Letter from New York Jews re AIPAC

Yes, this is good and walks the right line.  Agree with Avi on drawing this line.
From: Adams, Marti [mailto:MAdams@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2014 4:02 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: FW: REQUEST FOR COMMENT: Jewish Week: Open Letter from New York Jews re AIPAC

You ok with this?

From: Fink, Avi
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2014 3:43 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley; Mayor's Press Office; Adams, Marti
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Wolfe, Emma
Subject: RE: REQUEST FOR COMMENT: Jewish Week: Open Letter from New York Jews re AIPAC

I think we should respond and subtly draw a line between supporting AIPAC and supporting Israel.
Something like this, and I think we should also consult Rosen.
“Mayor de Blasio is committed to preserving and strengthening New York City’s relationship with
Israel because of our shared values and the threat of terrorism that we both face. His commitment
to this goal transcends any particular organization and is rooted in the people of New York City and
their values.”
From: Norvell, Wiley
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2014 3:35 PM
To: Mayor's Press Office; Adams, Marti
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Fink, Avi
Subject: RE: REQUEST FOR COMMENT: Jewish Week: Open Letter from New York Jews re AIPAC

Looping Avi.
From: Mayor's Press Office
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2014 3:31 PM
To: Adams, Marti; Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Walzak, Phil
Subject: REQUEST FOR COMMENT: Jewish Week: Open Letter from New York Jews re AIPAC

From: Adam Dickter [mailto:adam@jewishweek.org]
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2014 3:13 PM
To: Mayor's Press Office
Subject: FW: Open Letter from New York Jews

Can we get comment in response to this letter?
Also, can you add me to the official email list?
Adam Dickter
Asst. Managing Editor
The Jewish Week
212 997-2939
January 29, 2014

An Open Letter to Mayor Bill de Blasio:

We are Jewish residents of New York who read, in the leaked

transcript of your private speech to a meeting of AIPAC
leaders, the following:

"City Hall will always be open to AIPAC. When you need me

to stand by you in Washington or anywhere, I will answer the
call and I’ll answer it happily ’cause that’s my job.”

We understand that the job of mayor of New York is a

complex one that often calls for your participation on the
international stage, and we would not presume to define your
job for you. But we do know that the needs and concerns of
many of your constituents--U.S. Jews like us among them--are
not aligned with those of AIPAC, and that no, your job is not
to do AIPAC’s bidding when they call you to do so. AIPAC
speaks for Israel’s hard-line government and its right-wing
supporters, and for them alone; it does not speak for us.

Sincerely yours,

Ruth J. Abram
Karen R. Adler
Arlene Alda
Anita Altman
Esther Ann-Asch
Emanuel Ax
Peter Beinart
Andrew Berger
Loren Bevans
Martin I. Bresler
Kenneth David Burrows
Howard Clyman
Rabbi Rachel Cowan
Barbara Deinhardt
Barbara Dobkin
Eugene Eisner
Laurel W. Eisner
Daniel Engelstein
Eve Ensler
Danny Goldberg
Sally Gottesman
Linda Gottlieb
Laurence Greenwald
Jane Hirschmann
Erica Jong
Peter A. Joseph
Alice Kessler-Harris
Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum
Gil Kulick
Martha Weinman Lear
Bobbie Leigh
Jonathan Leigh
Alan H. Levine
Rabbi Ellen Lippmann
Rabbi J. Rolando Matalon
Marilyn Kleinberg Neimark
Donna Nevel
Kathleen Peratis
Letty Cottin Pogrebin
Bertrand B. Pogrebin
Michael Ratner
Anne Roiphe
Betty Rollin
Al Ruben
Marlene Sanders
James Schamus
Dan Silverman
Beverly Solochek
Carla Singer
Rabbi Felicia Sol
Alisa Solomon
Gloria Steinem
Herbert Teitelbaum
Rebecca Vilkomerson
Rabbi Burton Visotzky
Peter Weiss
Jack Willis
Eugenia Zukerman
From: Wolfe, Emma
To: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Ursulina.r
Subject: Re: Pedro Noguera
Date: Thursday, February 06, 2014 12:26:48 PM

Not I 
Unacceptable though 

On Feb 6, 2014, at 12:15 PM, "Jonathan Rosen" <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>


Urs or Emma – who holds this relationship?   Can we reach out to him and offer to brief
him on pre-k and generally make sure he knows we were really unhappy with his
comment in this story.  I have highlighted his quote below. 

-------- Original message --------

From: Capital Pro
Date:02/06/2014 4:47 AM (GMT-05:00)
Subject: Article: The daunting logistics of de Blasio's pre-K plan

The daunting logistics of de Blasio's pre-K plan

By Eliza Shapiro

5:00 a.m. | Feb. 6, 2014

Getting Bill de Blasio’s ambitious, politically tricky universal pre-kindergarten

plan through Albany may turn out to be the easy part.

Because if and when it passes, the city will have to contend urgently with some
questions it doesn't currently have the answers to, beginning with where all the
newly eligible children will go, and how they'll get there.

De Blasio has said the city will have the space to house 53,604 pre-K students by
this September and all 73,250 eligible children by the following school year if
the city identifies 2,000 more classrooms.

“Make no mistake, we are ready to hit the ground running and launch a major
expansion of quality pre-K for the coming school year,” de Blasio said in a
statement. “The real obstacle isn’t space or personnel, it’s the sustainable funding
needed to serve every child.”

But if the funding is secured, the space issue will pose a logistical challenge of
historic proportions. The mayor's figures rely on a number of optimistic
assumptions, beginning with the idea that the city will be able to identify and
convert adequate space not just in school buildings, but in community-based
organizations (CBOs) and libraries, all in time to accommodate the first phase of
expanded pre-K in September. There are hundreds of city regulations to make
classroom space useable for young children.

Another potential headache: School busing is not provided for most four-year-

“I’m worried about it,” said Pedro Noguera, a professor of education at NYU's
Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development, about
executing de Blasio's pre-K plan. “I just think if you try to do this too quickly
you’re not going to do it well.”

"This could easily blow up in the mayor and chancellor’s face,” he added.

De Blasio and his allies are currently engaged in a political battle with Governor
Andrew Cuomo, who has no intention of allowing a tax hike in his re-election
year, and has effectively tried to preempt the de Blasio plan by proposing some
statewide funding for pre-K that wouldn't require additional taxes.

That's left de Blasio to convince lawmakers and the public that Cuomo's proposal
is insufficient to the needs of the city's children, even as he reassures them that
his own plan is a workable one.

De Blasio offered some new details about his potentially transformative (and
highly popular) plan in a report released on Jan. 27, which found the Department
of Education has already identified about 4,000 classrooms that could house pre-
K programs, with more space available in community-based organizations and
public libraries.

The D.O.E. currently provides pre-K for about 59,000 children, according to the
department's figures, with about 60 percent of the programs housed in C.B.O.s,
and the remaining 40 percent in D.O.E. schools.

But many city schools are already overcrowded, meaning, presumably, there
would be no room for new pre-K classes. (In Brooklyn’s District 15, for
example, where de Blasio’s children attended school, 24 out of 36 schools are
already over-utilized, according to a D.O.E report from the 2012-2013 school

So accomodating the newly eligible children, at the very least, will require more
resources and capability than the education department can muster on its own.

“There’s hardly any community you go in that doesn’t have a big need for pre-
K,” said Nancy Wackstein, the executive director of United Neighborhood
Houses, a coalition of 38 community organizations, many of which currently
provide pre-K and are willing to increase their capacity under the mayor’s
plan. "What it will require is all the city agencies pulling together to make it
happen, and to expand in many cases. We in the nonprofit sector are sometimes
the victim of slow city processes.”

There is plenty of precedent for housing pre-K programs outside traditional

schools: 500 C.B.O.s currently offer pre-K through D.O.E. contracts. But
expanding them under strict city regulations won’t be easy.
According to Department of Health regulations, C.B.O.s housing pre-K space
must have, among other things, child-sized sinks with water temperature not
exceeding 115 degrees Fahrenheit, 30 square feet of wall-to-wall space for each
child, protective barriers installed in all stairways, and low banisters or handrails
installed for small children, among many other regulations for construction.

C.B.O.s will also have to ensure that all rooms housing pre-K programs have the
appropriate radiator covers and correct liquid soap dispensers for children, along
with hundreds of other regulations for building and renovating pre-K space.

D.O.E. officials have asked principals and school leaders to tell them whether
their schools have space for pre-K and if they are willing to host the program.
Schools are also subject to regulations for pre-K: classrooms cannot be above the
third floor, must provide at least 35 square feet of space per child, and have
child-size bathrooms easily accessible from the classrooms.

If there are schools with pre-K space available, commutes may prove difficult
due to a state law preventing children under four from riding a bus without a car
seat. While special-education students will continue to receive busing from the
D.O.E., busing for general education students is not yet on the table. De Blasio
has also proposed looking into additional space in public library branches and
New York City Housing Authority buildings.

Wackstein said that while some NYCHA buildings’ community spaces are
underutilized, some would require costly renovations in order to bring the rooms
up to code for housing young children. As for the libraries, there could be space
crunch: Pre-K children could end up using branches where schools chancellor
Carmen Fariña already has designs to create "teen rooms" for her new middle
school improvement initiative.

Officials from the city's cash-strapped library system say they're up to the task of
housing pre-K activity. 

“We’ve been in the business of pre-K and children’s literacy work for decades,”
said Anthony Marx, president and CEO of the New York Public Library.

The NYPL has 88 branches and most of them have floors or rooms for children,
Marx added.

The Queens Public Library has submitted proposals to provide pre-K at several
of its sites, a spokeswoman said.

Still, the details of whether pre-K programs would actually move into the
libraries in large numbers or whether those programs would just use the libraries’
resources have not yet been hammered out, sources say.

Specifics for space utilization in school buildings are still to be determined,

D.O.E. spokesman Devon Puglia said.

“In terms of our classroom estimates, they are initial,” said Puglia.

He said the city would find accommodations, without compromising on


“We want kids in suitable spaces with high-quality programs, whether C.B.O. or
public school, and they will be,” he said.

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From: Jonathan Rosen
To : Ben Furnas ; Hatch. Peter; • • • • • • •
Subject: FW: hi Jonathan!
Date: Friday, February 14, 2014 12:23:26 PM

She was very helpful in setting up t he

and helped on the policy book. Who owns this issue - could I intra her to
one of you?

From : - - [mailto:
Sent : ~ry 14, 2014 10:58 AM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: hi Jonathan!

Hope all is we ll with you, and you are enjoying a respite from t he relentless snow !

Are you involved at City Hall at al l, or are you st aying exclusively on t he polit ical side? If you
have any involvement these days, I wa nted to bring something t o your attentio n.

I know t hat the Mayor values ma nufact uring jobs, as per campa ign and other stated
prio rities, but I see that t he only program t hat provides services to industria l businesses
(Industria l Business Zo ne Program) has bee n cut comp lete ly out of t he prelim ina ry
adm inistrative budget. 0$ al locatio n. It 's my guess that t his is what the agencies
themselves proposed t o f und, but I t hin k that defundi ng t his program does not al ign well
w ith his st at ed goa l of using cit y resources to retai n and grow ma nufact uring. Last yea r $1.1
m illion was allocat ed cit y wide after t he Council stepped in to fu nd it. In cont rast, NYC and
Company was al located $12 mil lion for FY15. (Not t hat t hey don't deserve it- they do!)

Is t here anyone at city ha ll t hat you t hink I should spea k wit h to point t his out? It is a
fu nding decision t hat is misaligned with the Mayor's stated policy goals.

Un relat ed - ! rece ntly found out t hat we have a mutua l f riend

It's real ly great!

Talk to you soon!

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2013 4:44 PM
Subject: RE: very delayed thank you
Thanks   I forwarded your note to our transition team and urged them to consider you for any
working groups or task forces on economic development and/or manufacturing.  Hope all is well and
thank you again.
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2013 10:41 AM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: RE: very delayed thank you
Hi Jonathan!
A belated congratulations to you and your team!  Hope all is chugging along smoothly!
I wanted to offer my assistance on anything you guys need with regard to economic
development—I’ve been doing this a couple of years and would be happy to provide
feedback to help the transition team as it crafts the framework for the new administration! 
Let me know if you need anything from me or our businesses!
Talk to you soon!

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2013 1:13 PM
Subject: RE: very delayed thank you
It was!  Thank you.  We will definitely be in touch going forward!  Thanks for helping us when no one
thought it was possible. 
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2013 10:30 AM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: RE: very delayed thank you
Congrats, man!
I’m pretty sure that it’s the tour of that put him over the top!!
Go get em, and let us know if you need any other info on growing industrial jobs!!

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2013 12:33 PM
Subject: very delayed thank you
I should have sent this weeks ago.  I’m sorry.  Campaign is crazy.  But thank you so much for helping
us find a location .  It was great.  Bill loved it and really connected with   
Really appreciate it and so does Bill.  Sorry for my rudeness and delayed note.    
Jonathan Rosen
BerlinRosen Public Affairs, Ltd.
15 Maiden Lane, Suite 1600
New York, NY 10038
t. 646.452.5637
From: Wolfe. Emma
To: "Jonathan Rosen"; PhiiWalzak (gmail.com); Rebecca Katz
Subject: RE: NY Times mag
Date: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 11:27:23 AM

Please use my gmail address.

-----Original Message-----
From : Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sen~ry 19, 201411 :26AM
To: - - - - PhiiWalzak (gmail.com); Rebecca Katz; Wolfe, Emma
Subject: FW: NY Times mag

Sirota is a pretty big national progressive writer - he's writing about WFP and the rise of progressives in
NYC for the NYT Magazine. Says he can't get a line into y'all. Pis advise.

-----Original Message-----
From: David Sirota _L~...........
Sent: Wednesday,
To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: NY Times mag

Can we chat in the next few days about my NY Times magazine piece? I can't get anyone in de Blasio's
office to call me back, and I really don't want to write a no comment in there. It will somewhat change
the entire flavor of the piece. I'm at

From: Wolfe. Emma
To: "Jonathan Rosen"
Subject: RE: NY Times mag
Dat e : Wednesday, February 19, 2014 11:29:20 AM


-----Original Message-----
From : Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 11:29 AM
To : Wolfe, Emma
Subject: RE: NY nmes mag

I do and it keeps turning into your cityhall one. Do you have it autoforwarding or something?

-----Original Message-----
From : Wolfe, Emma [mailto:EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, F~ AM
To : Jonathan Rosen. - - - - PhiiWalzak (gmail.com); Rebecca Katz
Subject: RE: NY nmes mag

Please use my gmail address.

-----Original Message-----
From : Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sen~ry 19, 201411 :26AM
To: - - - - PhiiWalzak (gmail.com); Rebecca Katz; Wolfe, Emma
Subject: FW: NY nmes mag

Sirota is a pretty big national progressive writer - he's writing about WFP and the rise of progressives in
NYC for the NYT Magazine. Says he can't get a line into y'all. Pis advise.

-----Original Message-----
From : David Sirota _. - , - -
Sent: Wednesday,
To : Jonathan Rosen
Subject: NY nmes mag

Can we chat in the next few days about my NY Times magazine piece? I can't get anyone in de Blasio's
office to call me back, and I really don't want to write a no comment in there. It will somewhat change
the entire flavor of the piece. I'm at

From: Wolfe, Emma
To: ; jonathan@berlinrosen.com
Subject: FW: 3pm Eva call
Date: Friday, February 28, 2014 12:48:33 PM

Do either of you want to get on this call?

From: Wolfe, Emma
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2014 12:27 PM
To: 'Jonathan Westin'
Cc: Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Subject: RE: 3pm Eva call

From: Jonathan Westin [mailto:jwestin@nycommunities.org]
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2014 11:00 AM
To: Wolfe, Emma
Subject: 3pm Eva call

Does that work? 

UFT, AQE, CEJ, MTR and us confirmed. 
To: luoo. Jon Paul ; Josh Gold; Sherif Soliman; WileyJNorvell (gmaill; PhiiWalzak (gmail.com); Peter Ragone ; Dan
Levitan ; Mike Rabinowitz; Emma Woods; Jonathan Rosen; Matt Tepoer ; Josh Wallack; Thompson. Ashley
Subject: Re: Tweet from Kate Taylor (@katetaylornyt)
Date: Monday, March 24, 2014 11:58:31 AM

We need to clarify/ spin. Pis get josh wallach on phone now and help fig out
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

(gmail.com Dan
Levitan<Dan nrosen.com>; ike Rabinowitz<
Emma Woods<emma@berlinrosen.com>; Jonathan
Rosen < · · ; Matt Tepper<matt@berlinrosen.com>; Josh
Wallack >; Thompson,
Ashley<A ompson .nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Tweet from Kate Taylor (@katetaylornyt)
Ashley Thompson was in hearing and is grabbed Jill Kra uss from ACS to cla rify this. Jill Kra uss is
saying that the t weet is what Cmsr said and is what they believe to be true.

From:---- [
Sent: ~411:48
To: Josh Gold; Sherif Soliman; WileyJNorvell (gmail); PhiiWalzak (gmail.com); Peter Ragone; Dan
Levitan; Mike Rabinowitz; Emma Woods; Jonathan Rosen; Matt Tepper; Josh Wallack; Lupo, Jon Paul
Subject: Re: Tweet from Kate Taylor (@katetaylornyt)

+ JP
Jon paul is working on exact question and answer and then we have got to clarify with
rep01i ers and/or spin
Sent via BlackBeny by AT&T

Date: Mon, 24
To: Emma W
Wiley N
Emma Woods<ennna@berlimosen.com>;
~~J;,- ; Matt Tepper<matt@berlimosen.com>; Josh

R Kate Taylor (@katetaylornyt)

3/24/J 4, 11 ·24 AM
ACS commish Gladys CruTion says there is funding in budget for DOE pre-K teachers &
CBO pre-K teachers to be paid same.
Download the official Twitter app here

Sent from my iPhone

From: Emma Wolfe
To: Josh Gold
Cc: Dan Levitan; Jonathan Rosen; Mike Rabinowitz; PhilWalzak (gmail.com); Emma Woods; Schnake-Mahl Gabriel
Subject: Re: Tweet forwarded by @JonathanRosenBR
Date: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 5:54:55 PM

Devil is in details here!!!

On Mar 25, 2014, at 5:38 PM, Josh Gold < wrote:

Defer to Emma - but I don't think we want to jump up and down until this is
completely sealed and done. I think we ignore this stuff.

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 25, 2014, at 5:30 PM, Dan Levitan <Dan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

MARCH 25, 2014 5 25 PM

NYS Leaders Set To Give Mayor de Blasio

$300M For Pre-K, Sources Say
Gov. Cuomo and state lawmakers are zeroing in on a deal that would set aside $300
million for a full-day prekindergarten in New York City, the Daily News has learned.

Sources close to the talks say additional money would also be given to the city that
can be used for after-school programs,  though it woulnd't be specifically earmarked for
that purpose.

All told, the sources said, the emerging budget deal would likely provide a total
package close to what Mayor de Blasio has been seeking--though without the increase
in the city income tax the mayor had been seeking to fund the expansion.

But, as with anything in the flow of budget talks, the sources warn no deal is set until
the final budget is agreed upon.

Gov. Cuomo during an appearance Syracuse denied a final deal on pre-K  has been
reached, but said “we are getting closer to a number.”

But he also referenced the $300 million figure for the city.

“New York City has been very aggressive in saying they want to move quickly and they
would need about $300 million to bring it online,” he said. “We’ll have the money
available, but the actual result is going to be up to the local governments.”

He said how much the state sets aside won’t matter if the localities can’t get their
programs up and running. Rather than hand over the money, a district will first have to
spend it and then seek reimbursement from the state.

“I want to be in a position as a state that we can move as quickly as the local

government can move--and then we’ll find out how quickly the local governments can
move,” he said.

The emerging budget deal will also set aside additional money for full-day pre-K
programs outside the city. But, sources said, that money will have more flexibility so
districts can also use it to beef up full-day kindergarten programs.

In addition, it’s expected that an education bond act that will go before voters will set
aside money for pre-kindergarten classroom construction as well as additional space
so the city can close down the trailers that house some classes.

 Legislative leaders reported progress on the budget talks. Sources said a deal to
delay the implementation of the Common Core education standards for two years has
been agreed to.

 One source said the major outstanding issues involve charter schools, an anti-
corruption package, campaign finance reform and the DREAM Act.

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 4:57 PM, Jonathan Rosen

<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Gov Cuomo says NYC will probably get about $300m for pre-k.. But talks on
budget continue

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/GormleyAlbany/status/448563692830208000

Sent via TweetDeck

From: Unger, Katherine
To: "Matt Tepper"
Subject: RE: tomorrow"s visit
Date: Wednesday, March 26, 2014 10:16:01 AM


-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Tepper [mailto:matt@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2014 10:14 AM
To: Unger, Katherine
Subject: Re: tomorrow's visit

Working with Avi.  It's Bratton.  He just said the Mayor isn't going -- so looks like NYPD will handle let. 
Let me know if you hear otherwise!

On 3/26/14 10:08 AM, "Unger, Katherine" <KUnger@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

>I haven't heard of this event?  Who is going -- Farina?  Have you been
>working with Lindsay on it?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Matt Tepper [mailto:matt@berlinrosen.com]
>Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2014 10:06 AM
>To: Unger, Katherine
>Subject: FW: tomorrow's visit
>Hey -- Are you all helping to staff the NYPD after-school event
>tomorrow at Children's Aid.
>Apparently the Commissioner's folks visited the site yesterday - but
>the organization is still a little confused about what you all are
>looking for (kid roundtable, parents, etc).
>Want to get them the info ASAP so they can reach out and be ready.  I
>told them City Hall will handle press outreach.
>On 3/26/14 9:57 AM, "Espinal, Keyla" <keylae@childrensaidsociety.org>
>>Hi Matt- I left a message for Janet again because some of the
>>commissioners folks went to out center yesterday but didn't give us
>>any more details but did mention that the mayor may be coming along as well.
>>I will keep trying to call her this morning.
>>Any details you can get would be great too. We want to know if there
>>will be a press conference and if we should be reaching out to the
>>media as well.
>>Keyla Espinal
>>The Children's Aid Society
>>Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Mar 26, 2014, at 9:53 AM, "Matt Tepper" <matt@berlinrosen.com>
>>> Hey < Just wanted to check to make sure you all connected with the
>>>NYPD for tomorrow's visit.
From: Ben Furnas
To: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Hatch. Peter;
Subject: Re: FW: hi Jonathan!
Date: Thursday, March 27, 2014 5 :29:39 PM

Just dropped her a line, left a message and will put her in contact with folks in
Al icia's shop


On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 12:23 PM, Jonathan Rosen < Jonathan@berlinrosen.com >

To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: hi Jonathan !

Hope all is well with you, and you are enjoying a respite from the relentless snow!

Are you involved at City Hall at all, or are you staying excl usively on the political
side? If you have any involvement these days, I wanted to bring something to
your attention.

I know that the Mayor va lues manufacturing jobs, as per campaign and other
stated priorities, but I see that the only program that provides services to
industrial businesses (Industrial Business Zone Program) has been cut completely
out of the preliminary administrative budget. 0$ allocation. It's my guess that this
is what the agencies themselves proposed to fund, but I think that defunding this
program does not align well with his stated goal of using city resources to retain
and grow manufacturing. Last year $1.1 million was allocated city wide after the
Council stepped in to fund it. I n contrast, NYC and Company was allocated $12
million for FY15. (Not that they don't deserve it-they do!)

Is there anyone at city hall that you think I should speak with to point th is out? It
is a funding decision that is misaligned with the Mayor's stated policy goals.
Talk to you soon!

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]

Sen~vember 19, 2013 4:44PM
Subject: RE: very delayed thank you

Thanks - I forwarded your note to our transition team and urged them to
consider you for any working groups or task forces on economic development
and/or manufacturing. Hope all is well and thank you again.


Sent :
To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: RE: very delayed thank you

Hi Jonathan!
A belated congratulations to you and you r team! Hope all is chugging along

I wa nted to offer my assistance on anything you guys need with regard to

economic development-I've been doing this a couple of years and would be
happy to provide feedback to help the transition team as it crafts the framework
for the new administration! Let me know if you need anything from me or our

Talk to you soon!

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]

Sen~ September 11, 2013 1:13PM
Subject: RE: very delayed thank you

It was! Thank you. We will definitely be in touch going forward! Thanks for
helping us when no one thought it was possible.

Sent: 111/~tin~c~:::~v c;;;.:.nt~m
To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: RE: very delayed thank you

Congrats, man !
I'm pretty sure that it's the that put him over
the top!!

Go get em, and let us know if you need any other info on growing industrial jobs!!

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2013 12:33 PM
Subject: very delayed thank you

I should have sent this weeks ago. I ' - m.oCampaign

r is crazy. But thank you
so much for helping us find a location It was great. Bill loved it and
really connected w i t h - Rea y appreciate it and so does Bill. Sorry for
my rudeness and delaTed""ii'it€.'

Jonathan Rosen

BerlinRosen Public Affairs, Ltd.

15 Maiden Lane, Suite 1600

New York, NY 10038

t. 646.452.5637


From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Poe-Kest, Anna
Subject: Re: Can you remind me who is Alicia glen"s chief of staff? Have number?
Date: Thursday, April 03, 2014 6:51:03 PM


Sent from my iPhone

> On Apr 3, 2014, at 6:14 PM, "Poe-Kest, Anna" <APoe-Kest@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

> No problem! Although you might have trouble looking for a Paul. His name is James Patchett. C)
O) 212-788-3128 E) JPatchett@cityhall.nyc.gov
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
> Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2014 6:07 PM
> To: Poe-Kest, Anna
> Subject: FW: Can you remind me who is Alicia glen's chief of staff? Have number?
> I do not know Paul's last name or info.  Can I trouble you for it?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andrew Brent [ ]
> Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2014 5:40 PM
> To: Jonathan Rosen
> Subject: Can you remind me who is Alicia glen's chief of staff? Have number?
> Sent from my iPhone
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Stanton . Alexandra
Subject: FW: Civilian Complaint Review Board
Date: Wednesday, July 30, 2014 1:06:10 PM
Attach m ents:

I do not know this person well but per your last ema il - wanted to share it. He sent this t o the
Transit ion in November.

Other potential sources f or names : Banks I Legal Aid; Kat e Rubin at Bronx Defenders.

F r o m : - - [mai
Sent: ~ember
To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Civilian Complaint Review Board

Dear Jonathan,

to submit a cover letter and resume to serve as a board member of the CCRB.

It is a heady time for police oversight in New York, and the CCRB is going to play a
significant role over the next fom years in coordination with the federal monitor and the
· . As I describe in the attached letter, I believe that m~
combined with my deep understanding of~
• ! I • ld ak cellent board member-
, which I also think would mark a
significant milestone in the agency's progress.

I have atta.ched a letter addressed to Lama Santucci. I want to thank you in advance for yom
help, and congratulate you again on a job well done.


November 11,2013

Laura Santucci
Executive Director
Transition Team
Bill de Blasio 2013

Dear Ms. Santucci,

I am writing to ask that

Review Board.

I also understand the mechanics of the agency and would implement needed intemal refo1ms. The
CCRB, for example, has seen a dramatic increase in its truncation rate- the rate at which cases
are closed without an · · · In 2001 this rate was 37.5%. It is now over 65%.

Although over the next four years the NYPD will be overseen by a federal monitor, the CCRB
will play a c1itical role in police refo1ms. Once the monitor begins his work, he will be
responsible for crafting a policy to end racial profiling. The CCRB will be responsible for
enforcing that policy. People will know that the NYPD no longer tolerates racial profiling not
when it circulates a new Inte1im Order, but when it takes conective action against officers who
stop people based on race. It will only be able to do so if the CCRB conducts detailed
investigations that are thoroughly vetted by board members who are deeply versed in the legal
framework governing law enforcement.

implement long-needed ref01ms. I believe that
- - - -· and my passion for JUStice
~omplaint Review Board.

Fro m: Stanton. Alexandra
To: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: EmanueL Chase
Subject: RE: Ovilian Complaint Review Board
Date: Wednesday, July 30, 2014 1:07:52 PM

Thanks - will make sure to include

Chase - pis handle

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2014 1:06 PM
To: Stanton, Alexandra
Subject: FW: Civilian Complaint Review Board

I do not know this person well but pe r your last email - wanted to share it. He sent this to the
Transition in November.

Othe r potential sources for names: Banks I Legal Aid; Kate Rubin at Bronx Defe nders.

F r o m : - - .....,_,=-'=,.,
Sent: ~ember
To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Civilian Complaint Review Board

Dear Jonath an ,

to submit a cover letter and resume to serve as a board m ember of the CCRB.

It is a heady time for police oversight in New York, and the CCRB is going to play a
significant role over the next fom years in coordination with the federal monitor and the
· . As I describe in th e attached letter, I believe th at my -
combined with my deep understandin~- e e al
make me an excellent board member.
which I also think wou mar a

I have attached a letter addressed to Lama Santucci. I want to thank you in advance for yom
help, and congratulate you again on a job well done.
From: Wolfe, Emma
To: jonathan@berlinrosen.com
Cc: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: Gartland
Date: Saturday, August 16, 2014 1:31:27 PM

Thanks again Jonathan. 

Here is his contact info.  

Michael Gartland NY Post

Ny post has a "dem insider" saying the mayor is spending to much time on calls soliciting advice from folks
like sharpton, val berlin, rosen and others (some related to garner, some other issues too) and not enough
time focusing on priorities (visiting staten island, helping low wage workers). 
From: Katz, Rebecca
To: "dan@berlinrosen.com"; Klein, Monica
Subject: Fw: you ok?
Date: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 10:35:22 AM

From: Saul, Michael [mailto:Michael.Saul@wsj.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 10:27 AM
To: Katz, Rebecca
Subject: Re: you ok?
Thank u for understanding my needs. All I want is Mama Saul! And she is not even answering her
phone! She and Papa Saul are in . They're snowbirds.
From: Katz, Rebecca [mailto:RKKatz@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 10:25 AM
To: Saul, Michael
Subject: you ok?
Maybe you should take the day off and have Mama Saul make some soup?
Rebecca Kirszner Katz
Office of the Mayor
(212) 788-2958
From: on behalf of Dan Levitan
To: Katz, Rebecca
Cc: Klein, Monica
Subject: Re: Fw: you ok?
Date: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 10:36:45 AM


Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 10:35 AM, Katz, Rebecca <RKKatz@cityhall.nyc.gov>


From: Saul, Michael [mailto:Michael.Saul@wsj.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 10:27 AM
To: Katz, Rebecca
Subject: Re: you ok?
Thank u for understanding my needs. All I want is Mama Saul! And she is not even answering her
phone! She and Papa Saul are in . They're snowbirds.
From: Katz, Rebecca [mailto:RKKatz@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 10:25 AM
To: Saul, Michael
Subject: you ok?

Maybe you should take the day off and have Mama Saul make some soup?


Rebecca Kirszner Katz

Office of the Mayor

(212) 788-2958



From: Litvak, Gwendolyn
To: "Jason Chiusano"; Connie Chung
Cc: Daria Siegel; ; Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com
Subject: RE: Ruchi Indian Cuisine Deal - NYC - Downtown: Amazon Local
Date: Monday, April 07, 2014 12:59:02 PM

I seemed to have missed this. Qusano- could you send me  sound clip si vous plait?
From: Jason Chiusano
Sent: Monday, April 07, 2014 12:52 PM
To: Connie Chung
Cc: Daria Siegel; Litvak, Gwendolyn; Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com
Subject: Re: Ruchi Indian Cuisine Deal - NYC - Downtown: Amazon Local

I get caught up on the W.

My Long Island tongue doesn't allow for the proper pronunciation.

On Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 12:50 PM, Connie Chung <CChung@hraadvisors.com> wrote:

and I’m in
Connie J. Chung
Senior Analyst  |  HR&A Advisors, Inc.

Direct: (646) 545-6248  |  Mobile: (917) 699-7893

From: Daria Siegel [mailto:dsiegel@downtownny.com]
Sent: Monday, April 07, 2014 10:57 AM
To: Litvak, Gwendolyn; ' ';
Cc: 'Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com'; Connie Chung
Subject: RE: Ruchi Indian Cuisine Deal - NYC - Downtown: Amazon Local

I think NK bought the only one that has sold.

From: Litvak, Gwendolyn [mailto:GLitvak@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, April 07, 2014 10:54 AM
To: '; ' '
Cc: 'Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com'; Daria Siegel; 'cchung@hraadvisors.com'
Subject: Re: Ruchi Indian Cuisine Deal - NYC - Downtown: Amazon Local

I don't care for indian food but ill sit and have a diet coke or a lemonade. Are we all going?

From: Nick Cotz

Sent: Monday, April 07, 2014 10:53 AM
To: Jason Chiusano
Cc: Nicole Kolinsky <Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com>; dsiegel@downtownny.com
<dsiegel@downtownny.com>; cchung@hraadvisors.com <cchung@hraadvisors.com>; Litvak,
Subject: Re: Ruchi Indian Cuisine Deal - NYC - Downtown: Amazon Local
Looks like Richard is going to have his first mulligatawny! But I'm going to teach him to
pronounce it in Chuisano's accent.

2014-04-07 10:50 GMT-04:00 Jason Chiusano :


2014-04-07 10:50 GMT-04:00 Nicole Kolinsky <Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com>:

Date night at ruchi!


Jason Chiusano
Art Direction + Design


Nicholas A. Cotz
Artistic Director
Personal Space Theatrics

Jason Chiusano
Art Direction + Design

From: Litvak, Gwendolyn
To: "Daria Siegel"; "Connie Chung"; Nicole Kolinsky (Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com); Deborah Morris
Subject: RE: The Pigeoning
Date: Thursday, May 22, 2014 5:24:08 PM

I’m available July 9th . How do people feel about OPENING NIGHT?!
From: Daria Siegel [mailto:dsiegel@downtownny.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2014 5:23 PM
To: Litvak, Gwendolyn; 'Connie Chung'; Nicole Kolinsky (Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com); Deborah
Subject: RE: The Pigeoning

Haha – yes.
From: Litvak, Gwendolyn [mailto:GLitvak@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2014 5:10 PM
To: 'Connie Chung'; Daria Siegel; Nicole Kolinsky (Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com); Deborah Morris
Subject: RE: The Pigeoning

Uh sure, yolo.
From: Connie Chung [mailto:CChung@hraadvisors.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2014 5:09 PM
To: Daria Siegel; Nicole Kolinsky (Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com); Litvak, Gwendolyn; Deborah Morris
Subject: The Pigeoning

Sup homies – anyone want to see this? Seems weird and funny.
Connie J. Chung
Senior Analyst  |  HR&A Advisors, Inc.

Direct: (646) 545-6248  |  Mobile: (917) 699-7893

From: christopher wangro [mailto:wangro@graceland.net]
Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2014 3:31 PM
To: Stephanie Bleyer
Subject: The Pigeoning is back.

The Pigeoning is a delightful, delicate & diminutive spectacle; a show created by an uber-
talented pal named Robin Frohardt. I'm not sending this note to everyone - if you one of the
folks getting this email it's because I think you'll really enjoy it. I sure as hell did. Consider
this a hot tip, get your self a ticket & smile….

Jul 9 - Aug 16

Tuesday- Saturday | 7pm

Fridays also at 10:30pm

Saturdays also at 2pm

Tickets: $25 
From: Litvak, Gwendolyn
To: "Connie Chung"; Jarrod Grim; Nicole Kolinsky
Cc: Daria Siegel; Fred Sham; Alison Baumann
Subject: RE: game on!
Date: Friday, June 20, 2014 1:59:28 PM

I can’t wait to see what you puffpaint on your cap!

From: Connie Chung [mailto:CChung@hraadvisors.com]
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2014 1:59 PM
To: Jarrod Grim; Nicole Kolinsky
Cc: Daria Siegel; Litvak, Gwendolyn; Fred Sham; Alison Baumann
Subject: RE: game on!
Thanks so much! I can’t wait for prom.
Connie J. Chung
Senior Analyst  |  HR&A Advisors, Inc.

Direct: (646) 545-6248  |  Mobile: (917) 699-7893

From: Jarrod Grim [mailto:jgrim@downtownny.com]
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2014 1:34 PM
To: Nicole Kolinsky; Connie Chung
Cc: Daria Siegel; Litvak, Gwendolyn; Fred Sham; Alison Baumann
Subject: RE: game on!
Congrats on your graduation Con!
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2014 12:47 PM
To: Connie Chung
Cc: Daria Siegel; Litvak, Gwendolyn; Fred Sham; Jarrod Grim; Alison Baumann
Subject: Re: game on!
I'll try to stop by too!

On Jun 20, 2014, at 12:43 PM, "Connie Chung" <CChung@hraadvisors.com> wrote:

I will be there around 4, but have to leave by 6 at the latest for a high school
graduation in Hoboken! Let’s meet early…
Connie J. Chung
Senior Analyst  |  HR&A Advisors, Inc.

Direct: (646) 545-6248  |  Mobile: (917) 699-7893

From: Daria Siegel [mailto:dsiegel@downtownny.com]
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2014 11:14 AM
To: Connie Chung; Nicole Kolinsky (Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com); Litvak, Gwendolyn;
Fred Sham; Jarrod Grim; Alison Baumann
Subject: game on!
Invite to world cup viewing at 75 wall – free beer included:
Daria Siegel
Assistant Vice President, Economic Development Programs
Alliance for Downtown New York
120 Broadway, Suite 3340
New York, NY  10271
From: Litvak, Gwendolyn
To: "Nicole Kolinsky"
Subject: RE: game on!
Date: Friday, June 20, 2014 2:02:40 PM

Where are you!!!!

From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2014 2:00 PM
To: Litvak, Gwendolyn
Subject: Automatic reply: game on!
Hi, I am out of the office today. I will be checking email periodically but please contact Jeremy Soffin at
jeremy@berlinrosen.com for anything urgent. Thank you,
From: Litvak, Gwendolyn
To: "Connie Chung"; Daria Siegel; Nicole Kolinsky (Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com); Fred Sham; Jarrod Grim;
Alison Baumann
Subject: RE: game on!
Date: Friday, June 20, 2014 2:26:49 PM

Speaking of games- I’ll be joining some Furman Center folks to watch USA this Sunday at 6pm at
Mullane’s in Fort Greene if anyone wants to join.
From: Connie Chung [mailto:CChung@hraadvisors.com]
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2014 12:42 PM
To: Daria Siegel; Nicole Kolinsky (Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com); Litvak, Gwendolyn; Fred Sham;
Jarrod Grim; Alison Baumann
Subject: RE: game on!
I will be there around 4, but have to leave by 6 at the latest for a high school graduation in Hoboken!
Let’s meet early…
Connie J. Chung
Senior Analyst  |  HR&A Advisors, Inc.

Direct: (646) 545-6248  |  Mobile: (917) 699-7893

From: Daria Siegel [mailto:dsiegel@downtownny.com]
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2014 11:14 AM
To: Connie Chung; Nicole Kolinsky (Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com); Litvak, Gwendolyn; Fred Sham;
Jarrod Grim; Alison Baumann
Subject: game on!
Invite to world cup viewing at 75 wall – free beer included: https://gameonlaunchlm.eventbrite.com
Daria Siegel
Assistant Vice President, Economic Development Programs
Alliance for Downtown New York
120 Broadway, Suite 3340
New York, NY  10271
From: Litvak, Gwendolyn
To: "Nicole Kolinsky"
Subject: RE: game on!
Date: Friday, June 20, 2014 2:28:08 PM

Aw sad. I’m sorry to hear. Sending thoughts your way.

From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2014 2:27 PM
To: Litvak, Gwendolyn
Subject: Re: game on!

On Jun 20, 2014, at 2:02 PM, "Litvak, Gwendolyn" <GLitvak@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Where are you!!!!

From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2014 2:00 PM
To: Litvak, Gwendolyn
Subject: Automatic reply: game on!
Hi, I am out of the office today. I will be checking email periodically but please contact
Jeremy Soffin at jeremy@berlinrosen.com for anything urgent. Thank you,
From: Litvak, Gwendolyn
To: "Connie Chung"; Jarrod Grim; Nicole Kolinsky
Cc: Daria Siegel; Fred Sham; Alison Baumann
Subject: RE: game on!
Date: Wednesday, June 25, 2014 2:45:35 PM

I’ll miss it too. Sorry!

From: Connie Chung [mailto:CChung@hraadvisors.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2014 2:45 PM
To: Jarrod Grim; Nicole Kolinsky
Cc: Daria Siegel; Litvak, Gwendolyn; Fred Sham; Alison Baumann
Subject: RE: game on!
Ugh, guys, I was called to Boston last minute so I am missing tonight’s festivities at the Andaz. Sorry
to miss it!
Connie J. Chung
Senior Analyst  |  HR&A Advisors, Inc.

Direct: (646) 545-6248  |  Mobile: (917) 699-7893

From: Jarrod Grim [mailto:jgrim@downtownny.com]
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2014 1:34 PM
To: Nicole Kolinsky; Connie Chung
Cc: Daria Siegel; Litvak, Gwendolyn; Fred Sham; Alison Baumann
Subject: RE: game on!
Congrats on your graduation Con!
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2014 12:47 PM
To: Connie Chung
Cc: Daria Siegel; Litvak, Gwendolyn; Fred Sham; Jarrod Grim; Alison Baumann
Subject: Re: game on!
I'll try to stop by too!

On Jun 20, 2014, at 12:43 PM, "Connie Chung" <CChung@hraadvisors.com> wrote:

I will be there around 4, but have to leave by 6 at the latest for a high school
graduation in Hoboken! Let’s meet early…
Connie J. Chung
Senior Analyst  |  HR&A Advisors, Inc.

Direct: (646) 545-6248  |  Mobile: (917) 699-7893

From: Daria Siegel [mailto:dsiegel@downtownny.com]
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2014 11:14 AM
To: Connie Chung; Nicole Kolinsky (Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com); Litvak, Gwendolyn;
Fred Sham; Jarrod Grim; Alison Baumann
Subject: game on!
Invite to world cup viewing at 75 wall – free beer included:
Daria Siegel
Assistant Vice President, Economic Development Programs
Alliance for Downtown New York
120 Broadway, Suite 3340
New York, NY  10271
From: Litvak, Gwendolyn
To: "Nicole Kolinsky"
Subject: RE:
Date: Wednesday, June 25, 2014 4:02:05 PM

I’m so sorry.
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2014 4:02 PM
To: Litvak, Gwendolyn
Subject: Re:

On Jun 25, 2014, at 2:35 PM, "Litvak, Gwendolyn" <GLitvak@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Are you able to make it to Launch LM tonight?

GWEN LITVAK  |   Policy Advisor
NYC Mayor's Office of Recovery and Resiliency
253 Broadway - 10th floor  |  New York, NY 10007
212-442-6332 |  glitvak@cityhall.nyc.gov  |  nyc.gov/planyc
From: Litvak. Gwendolyn
To : "Morris. Deborah"; "CChuoo@hraadvisors.com" ; "Nicole.Kolinsky@beriinrosen.com"; 1' • • • • •

Subject: RE: Quarterly Happy Hour July 22

Date : Tuesday, July 08, 2014 1:26:32 PM

Sure. I can go on the earlier side !

From: Morris, Deborah [mailto:morrisd@hpd .nyc.gov]

Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2014 1:23 PM
To: 'CChung@hraadvisors.com'; 'Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com'; Litvak, Gwendolyn;
Subject: Quarterly Happy Hour July 22

Anyone interested?

From: Pryce, Tiffany

Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2014 12:56 PM
To: Leon, Valerie; Vazquez, Raquel; Seif, Emilie; Wang, Lauren; Morris, Deborah; Wurwarg, Jessica
Subject: FW: Quarterly Happy Hour July 22

I'm going t o try t o attend . Anyone else int erest ed?

From: Greenstein, Elizabeth (HPD)

Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2014 12:40 PM
To: Briones, Adam; Veach, Jonat han; kgilmore@nychdc.com; jgulat i@nychdc.com; Shin, Elise (HPD);
Morris, Juliet; Haddix, Lindsay (HPD); Pryce, Tiffany; Jontef, Leora (HPD); Guernsey, Elizabeth; Osgood,
Emily; Ma Alnisha Gregory; Chan, Connie; 'Jessica Pavone'; 'S Fields'; Sarah Meier-
Nelson, Jessica (HPD); Smith, Meghan (HPD)
July 22

FYI and pass it on.

From: Women in Housing and Finance [ mailto:info@whf-ny.org]

Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2014 9:04 AM
To: Greenstein, Elizabeth (HPD)
Subject: Quarterly Happy Hour July 22


Quarterly Happy Hour
Alison Novak
The Hudson Companies Because you don't have to be a member (or a
VICE PRESIDENTS woman!) to enjoy housing, finance and happy
Jen Trepinski
Corporation for Supportive
Susan Wright When: Tuesday, July 22, 2014
IBI Group - Gruzen Samton
Where: The Winslow
Arianna Rosenberg
The Hudson Companies Inc.
243 E. 14th St. at 2nd Avenue
Liz Eisenberg Cost: No Admission Fee
Amy Boyle
Zineb Morabet
Citi Community Capital
TREASURER No RSVP required . Bring a friend and spread the
Desiree Fisher word.
The Community Development
Trust Please send email to info@whf-ny.org if you
Amie Gross
have any questions.
Am1e Gross Architects
Deborah VanAmerongen
Nixon Peabody

Cynthia Lewis

Lois B. Bernstein
Gina L So/den-Rivera
Bolden-Rivera & Associates,
Beth Cooper Lawrence
Monadnock Construction, Inc.
Laura Lazarus
Lantern Community Services
Phyllis Ann Santry, Esq.
Caroline Harris,
GoldmanHarris LLC

Anne Carson Blair
Two Trees ~1anagement
Elaine Braithwaite NYC
Mayor's Office
Dwan Daniels
Cypress Hills LDC
Karen Hu
The Hudson Companies Inc.
Sher Lokhandwalla
National Equity Fund/USC
Jolie Andler Milstein
New York Association for
Affordable Housing
Maygen Moore
Community Solutions
Jackie Moynahan
NYC Housing Development
Liz Oakley
Wells Fargo Community
Lending & Investment
Kathleen Parisi
Hudson Housing Capital
Nancy Solomon
New Destiny Housing
Rose Karon Tilley
Steiner NYC
Sarah Weiss
Enterprise Community

Barbara Gratz

*Affiliations for information


Women in Housing and Finance

PO Box 281, Canal Street Station, New York, NY 10013

Copyright © 2010-2013. All Rights Reserved.

Forward this email

This email was sent to greenst e@hpd.nyc.gov by info@whf-ny.org
Updat e Profile/Email Address Inst ant remova l wit h SafeUnsubscribeTM Privacy Policy .

Women in Housing and Finance PO Box 281, Canal St reet St at ion New York NY 10013
From: Litvak, Gwendolyn
To: "Connie Chung"; "Morris, Deborah"; "Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com";
Subject: RE: Quarterly Happy Hour July 22
Date: Tuesday, July 08, 2014 6:07:24 PM

From: Connie Chung [mailto:CChung@hraadvisors.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2014 6:07 PM
To: Litvak, Gwendolyn; 'Morris, Deborah'; 'Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com';
Subject: RE: Quarterly Happy Hour July 22

Sounds fun. I’m in, even though I work in neither Housing nor Finance.
Connie J. Chung
Senior Analyst  |  HR&A Advisors, Inc.

Direct: (646) 545-6248  |  Mobile: (917) 699-7893

From: Litvak, Gwendolyn [mailto:GLitvak@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2014 5:53 PM
To: 'Morris, Deborah'; Connie Chung; 'Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com';
Subject: RE: Quarterly Happy Hour July 22

Max is coming too.

From: Morris, Deborah [mailto:morrisd@hpd.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2014 1:23 PM
To: 'CChung@hraadvisors.com'; 'Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com'; Litvak, Gwendolyn;
Subject: Quarterly Happy Hour July 22

Anyone interested?

From: Pryce, Tiffany

Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2014 12:56 PM
To: Leon, Valerie; Vazquez, Raquel; Seif, Emilie; Wang, Lauren; Morris, Deborah; Wurwarg, Jessica
Subject: FW: Quarterly Happy Hour July 22

I’m going to try to attend. Anyone else interested?

From: Greenstein, Elizabeth (HPD)
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2014 12:40 PM
To: Briones, Adam; Veach, Jonathan; kgilmore@nychdc.com; jgulati@nychdc.com; Shin, Elise (HPD);
Morris, Juliet; Haddix, Lindsay (HPD); Pryce, Tiffany; Jontef, Leora (HPD); Guernsey, Elizabeth; Osgood,
Emily; Maniaci, Alnisha (HPD); Kelly, Gregory; Chan, Connie; 'Jessica Pavone'; 'S Fields'; Sarah Meier-
Zimbler Nelson, Jessica (HPD); Smith, Meghan (HPD)
Subject: FW: Quarterly Happy Hour July 22

FYI and pass it on.

From: Women in Housing and Finance [mailto:info@whf-ny.org]
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2014 9:04 AM
To: Greenstein, Elizabeth {HPD)
Subject: Quarterly Happy Hour July 22


Quarterly Happy Hour
Alison Novak
The Hudson Companies Because you don't have to be a member (or a
VICE PRESIDENTS woman!) to enjoy housing, finance and happy
Jen Trepinski
Corporation for Supportive
Susan Wright When: Tuesday, July 22, 2014
IBI Group - Gruzen Samton
Arianna Rosenberg
Where: The Winslow
The Hudson Companies Inc.
243 E. 14th St. at 2nd Avenue
Liz Eisenberg Cost: No Admission Fee
Amy Boyle
Zineb Morabet
Citi Community Capital
Desiree Fisher
The Community Development
Arnie Gross
Am1e Gross Architects
Deborah VanAmerongen
Nixon Peabody

Cynthia Lewis

Lois B. Bernstein
Gina L So/den-Rivera
Bolden-Rivera & Associates,
Beth Cooper Lawrence
Monadnock Construction, Inc.
Laura Lazarus
Lantern Community Services
Phyllis Ann Santry, Esq.
Caroline Harris,
GoldmanHarris LLC No RSVP required. Bring a friend and spread t he
Anne Carson Blair
Two Trees lvlanagement Please send email to info@whf-ny.org if you
Elaine Braithwaite NYC have any questions.
Mayor's Office
Dwan Daniels
Cypress Hills LDC
Karen Hu
The Hudson Companies Inc.
Sher Lokhandwalla
National Equity Fund/USC
Jolie Andler Milstein
New York Association for
Affordable Housing
Maygen Moore
Community Solutions
Jackie Moynahan
NYC Housing Development
Liz Oakley
Wells Fargo Community
Lending & Investment
Kathleen Parisi
Hudson Housing Capital
Nancy Solomon
New Destiny Housing
Rose Karon Tilley
Steiner NYC
Sarah Weiss
Enterprise Community
Women in Housing and Finance
PO Box 281, Canal Street Station, New York, NY 10013
www. WHF-NY.org

Copyright © 2010-2013. All Rights Reserved.

Forward this email

This email was sent to greenst e@hpd.nyc.gov by info@whf-ny.org
1Updat e Profile/Email Address I nst ant remova l wit h SafeUnsubscribeTM Privacy Policy . II

Women in Housing and Finance PO Box 281, Canal St reet St at ion New York NY 10013
From: Litvak, Gwendolyn
To: dsiegel@downtownny.com; Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com; cchung@hraadvisors.com
Subject: Wednesday
Date: Wednesday, July 23, 2014 11:21:07 AM

What time do you want to meet next Wednesday and where?
GWEN LITVAK  |   Policy Advisor
NYC Mayor's Office of Recovery and Resiliency
253 Broadway - 10th floor  |  New York, NY 10007
212-442-6332 |  glitvak@cityhall.nyc.gov  |  nyc.gov/planyc
From: Litvak, Gwendolyn
To: "dsiegel@downtownny.com"; "Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com"
Subject: Re: drinks?
Date: Wednesday, July 30, 2014 1:05:33 PM

From: Daria Siegel [mailto:dsiegel@downtownny.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2014 01:03 PM
To: Nicole Kolinsky <Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com>; Litvak, Gwendolyn
Subject: RE: drinks?
See you guys there at 8.
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2014 11:49 AM
To: Litvak, Gwendolyn; Daria Siegel
Subject: RE: drinks?
Omg TBD later.
Yes the pink. It’s custom. I love it.
Xo your fellow eagle
From: Litvak, Gwendolyn [mailto:GLitvak@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2014 11:48 AM
To: Nicole Kolinsky; 'Daria Siegel'
Subject: RE: drinks?
What big screen?
Let’s do Geido. I love it there!  If there’s a long line we can go to Franny’s.
That pink color?
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2014 11:47 AM
To: Litvak, Gwendolyn; 'Daria Siegel'
Subject: RE: drinks?
Can you guys do closer to Flatbush tonight? Im going to get a pedi near Barclays center before if
anyone wants to join (they have a custom color I’m chained to).
Geido? Marco’s? Frannys?
Daria don’t let NLR see this on the big screen ;)
From: Litvak, Gwendolyn [mailto:GLitvak@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2014 10:58 AM
To: 'Daria Siegel'; Nicole Kolinsky
Cc: 'CChung@hraadvisors.com'
Subject: RE: drinks?
Yay! Very excited.
From: Daria Siegel [mailto:dsiegel@downtownny.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2014 10:54 AM
To: Litvak, Gwendolyn; 'Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com'
Cc: 'CChung@hraadvisors.com'
Subject: RE: drinks?
Yay, the 30 th works for me!
From: Litvak, Gwendolyn [mailto:GLitvak@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2014 8:01 AM
To: 'Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com'
Cc: 'CChung@hraadvisors.com'; Daria Siegel
Subject: Re: drinks?
in MI where parents have a house. We spend approx a day in
Detroit (I requested to see the new ford factory which has a catwalk) and then drive to the
lakehouse. Then parents drive us around on the boat. Its super nice of them.
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2014 10:41 PM
To: Litvak, Gwendolyn
Cc: CChung@hraadvisors.com <CChung@hraadvisors.com>; dsiegel@downtownny.com
Subject: Re: drinks?
Wednesday works for me! WhaT is Connie we have a meeting with Carl tomorrow!

On Jul 21, 2014, at 10:00 PM, "Litvak, Gwendolyn" <GLitvak@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Thurs I'm headed to otherwise tuesday and wed work! Love this plan.

From: Connie Chung [mailto:CChung@hraadvisors.com]

Sent: Monday, July 21, 2014 08:44 PM
To: Litvak, Gwendolyn; Daria Siegel <dsiegel@downtownny.com>; Nicole Kolinsky
(Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com) <Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: drinks?

Tues 7/29, Weds 7/30, Thurs 7/31?

Connie J. Chung
Senior Analyst  |  HR&A Advisors, Inc.

99 Hudson Street, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10013

Direct: (646) 545-6248 | Mobile: (917) 699-7893
CChung@hraadvisors.com | www.hraadvisors.com
From: Litvak, Gwendolyn
To: "Nicole Kolinsky"
Subject: RE: I just talked to deLoach
Date: Thursday, July 31, 2014 3:52:46 PM

Ha really? Why?
Anyway, obvs good to see you. Let’s hang soon!
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2014 3:52 PM
To: Litvak, Gwendolyn
Subject: RE: I just talked to deLoach
He doesn’t love me. But I like him.
From: Litvak, Gwendolyn [mailto:GLitvak@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2014 3:46 PM
To: Nicole Kolinsky
Subject: I just talked to deLoach
Told him you said hi.
GWEN LITVAK  |   Policy Advisor
NYC Mayor's Office of Recovery and Resiliency
253 Broadway - 10th floor  |  New York, NY 10007
212-442-6332 |  glitvak@cityhall.nyc.gov  |  nyc.gov/planyc
From: LitVak. Gwendolyn
To : "Nicole Kolinsky"
Subject: RE: Your August passport is here
Dat e: Thursday, August 14, 2014 10:28:51 AM

Awesome! Thank you!

from: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 10:28 AM
To: Litvak, Gwendolyn; 'Connie Chung'; Deborah Morris
Subject: RE: Your August passport is here

You have to RSVP to link below

from: Litvak, Gwendolyn [mailto:Glitvak@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 10:27 AM
To: Nicole Kolinsky; 'Connie Chung'; Deborah Morris
Subject: RE: Your August passport is here

Yep. Which yoga? Send me a cal invite?

from: Nicole Kolinsky [ mailto: Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 10:24 AM
To: 'Connie Chung'; Litvak, Gwendolyn; Deborah Morris
Subject: FW: Your August passport is here

I'm going t o do yoga with my new work friends (they are all 25). Come?

from: Emily Walsh

Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 10:09 AM
To: Nicole Kolinsky; Emma Woods; Taylor Maxwell
Subject: FW: Your August passport is here

Free outdoor workouts? Anybody?

Emily Wa lsh
Berlin Rosen Public Affairs
646- 200-5310

From: sweetgreen <vip@sweetgreen.com>

Reply-To: sweetgreen <vip@sweetgreen .com>
Date: Thursday, August 14, 2014 10 :00 AM
To: Emily Walsh <emily@berlinrosen .com>
Subject: Your August passport is here
ride with flywheel bari on the pier
thursday, august 28 · 5:30pm wednesday, september 3 · 7:30pm
245 west 17th st pier 25
acai bowl master class sunset yoga
sooday, september 7 · 9:30 am tuesday, september 9 · 7:00pm
sweetgreen nomad pier 25

Want to receive passport alerts for a different region? Up date y our p references.

august passport
copyright© 2014 sweetgreen
829 7th st nw washington. de 20001
unsubscribe 1 view in browser
From: Litvak, Gwendolyn
To: "Nicole Kolinsky"
Subject: RE: Your August passport is here
Date: Thursday, August 14, 2014 10:29:29 AM

Signed up! Yay!

From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 10:29 AM
To: Litvak, Gwendolyn
Subject: RE: Your August passport is here

From: Litvak, Gwendolyn [mailto:GLitvak@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 10:29 AM
To: Nicole Kolinsky
Subject: RE: Your August passport is here

Yoga on Tuesday sept 9th ?

From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 10:28 AM
To: Litvak, Gwendolyn; 'Connie Chung'; Deborah Morris
Subject: RE: Your August passport is here

You have to RSVP to link below

From: Litvak, Gwendolyn [mailto:GLitvak@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 10:27 AM
To: Nicole Kolinsky; 'Connie Chung'; Deborah Morris
Subject: RE: Your August passport is here

Yep. Which yoga? Send me a cal invite?

From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 10:24 AM
To: 'Connie Chung'; Litvak, Gwendolyn; Deborah Morris
Subject: FW: Your August passport is here

I’m going to do yoga with my new work friends (they are all 25). Come?
From: Emily Walsh
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 10:09 AM
To: Nicole Kolinsky; Emma Woods; Taylor Maxwell
Subject: FW: Your August passport is here

Free outdoor workouts? Anybody? 

Emily Wa lsh
Berlin Rosen Pu blic Affairs

From: sweetgreen <vip@sweet green.com>

Reply- To: sweetgreen <vip@sweetgreen .com>
Date: Thursday, August 14, 2014 10 :00 AM
To: Emily Walsh <emily@berlinrosen .com>
Subject: Your August passport is here
ride with flywheel bari on the pier
thursday, august 28 · 5:30pm wednesday, september 3 · 7:30pm
245 west 17th st pier 25

acai bowl master class sunset yoga

sunday, september 7 · 9:30 am tuesday, september 9 · 7:00pm
sweetgreen nomad pier 25

Want to receive passport alerts for a different region? Update your preferences.
august passport
copyright© 2014 sweetgreen
829 7th st nw washington. de 20001
unsubscribe 1 view in browser
From: Litvak, Gwendolyn
To: "Nicole Kolinsky"
Subject: RE: Your August passport is here
Date: Thursday, August 14, 2014 4:20:21 PM

From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 12:49 PM
To: Litvak, Gwendolyn
Subject: RE: Your August passport is here

Ohhh yeah I heard of this. Are they open here?

From: Litvak, Gwendolyn [mailto:GLitvak@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 11:09 AM
To: Nicole Kolinsky
Subject: RE: Your August passport is here

A salad place that started in D.C. it’s THE best.

From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 10:52 AM
To: Litvak, Gwendolyn
Subject: Re: Your August passport is here

What is it

On Aug 14, 2014, at 10:43 AM, "Litvak, Gwendolyn" <GLitvak@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

I signed up for sweetgreen passport. I’ve been loving sweetgreen since the first dupont circle one
in 2007. #OG.
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 10:24 AM
To: 'Connie Chung'; Litvak, Gwendolyn; Deborah Morris
Subject: FW: Your August passport is here

I’m going to do yoga with my new work friends (they are all 25). Come?
From: Emily Walsh
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 10:09 AM
To: Nicole Kolinsky; Emma Woods; Taylor Maxwell
Subject: FW: Your August passport is here

Free outdoor workouts? Anybody? 

Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: sweetgreen <vip@sweetgreen.com>
Reply-To: sweetgreen <vip@sweetgreen.com>
Date: Thursday, August 14, 2014 10:00 AM
To: Emily Walsh < emily@berlin rosen.com >
Subject: Your August passport is here

ride with flywheel bari on the pier

thursday, august 28 · 5:30pm wednesday, september 3 · 7:30pm
245 west 17th st pier 25
acai bowl master class sooset yoga
snnday, september 7 · 9:30 am tuesday, september 9 · 7:00pm
sweetgreen nomad pier 25

Want to receive passport alerts for a different region? Update your preferences.

august passport
copyright© 2014 sweetgreen
829 7th st nw washington, de 20001
unsubscribe 1 view in browser
From: Scola, Lindsay
To: "Cathy.Rought@berlinrosen.com"
Subject: Re: Hi!
Date: Monday, August 18, 2014 2:42:18 PM

How about Clover club at 210 Smith Street? 8pm?

From: Cathy Rought [mailto:Cathy.Rought@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, August 18, 2014 02:31 PM
To: Scola, Lindsay
Subject: RE: Hi!
Thursday works great! Where do you want to go?
From: Scola, Lindsay [mailto:LScola@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, August 18, 2014 1:04 PM
To: Cathy Rought
Subject: RE: Hi!
Awesome. Are you free any nights this week? I am free on Thursday and would love to grab a drink
in the neighborhood.
Lindsay Scola
Director of Scheduling 
Office of the Mayor
The City of New York
Office: 212.788.2962
Cell: 917.513.1690
From: Cathy Rought [mailto:Cathy.Rought@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, August 15, 2014 11:31 AM
To: Scola, Lindsay
Subject: RE: Hi!
I would LOVE drinks. Actually around most of the month, so let me know.
We are neighbors! I am at Super close to –
haven’t explored as much as I need to!
This is most DEF my city. Love love love
From: Scola, Lindsay [mailto:LScola@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 3:09 PM
To: Cathy Rought
Subject: RE: Hi!
How exciting! What a small word. Can we please get drinks some time?
I am great. Been up here since December. I love NY and am so happy I came back. This is my city. I
am in in Brooklyn, where did you end up?
Looking forward to catching up!
Lindsay Scola
Director of Scheduling 
Office of the Mayor
The City of New York
Office: 212.788.2962
Cell: 917.513.1690
From: Cathy Rought [mailto:Cathy.Rought@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 3:02 PM
To: Scola, Lindsay
Subject: Hi!
Hey! I was asking Jonathan Rosen who was handling the Mayor’s scheduling and your name came
across my desk. Hilarious – such a small world. I left Podesta in Feb and have been with BerlinRosen
since May. Caitlin Offinger is also going to be working here as of September. How are you?
Cathy Rought
Vice President
15 Maiden Lane, 16 th Floor
New York, NY 10038
Direct line: 646-200-5287
C: 202-263-9097
From: Scola, Lindsay
To: "Cathy.Rought@berlinrosen.com"
Subject: Re: Tonight!
Date: Thursday, August 21, 2014 7:32:08 PM

I left work early (shockingly) and stoped in to get my nails done so no worries if you are running
From: Scola, Lindsay
Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2014 03:36 PM
To: 'Cathy Rought' <Cathy.Rought@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Tonight!
Awesome I am at .
Cant wait to see you!
Lindsay Scola
Director of Scheduling 
Office of the Mayor
The City of New York
Office: 212.788.2962
Cell: 917.513.1690
From: Cathy Rought [mailto:Cathy.Rought@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2014 3:36 PM
To: Scola, Lindsay
Subject: Tonight!
Looking forward to it. Going to aim to be there at 8pm, but could run a few late. My cell is 202-263-
9097 in case you run into problems. See you tonight!
Cathy Rought
Vice President
15 Maiden Lane, 16 th Floor
New York, NY 10038
Direct line: 646-200-5287
C: 202-263-9097
From: Litvak, Gwendolyn
To: "Nicole Kolinsky"; Connie Chung
Subject: RE: Planner Happy Hour
Date: Wednesday, September 10, 2014 4:49:38 PM

Happening. I’ll be there as close to 6 as possible (probably 6:15). I need to pick up my laundry by
8:30pm so early start time.
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2014 4:44 PM
To: Connie Chung; Daria Siegel; Fred Sham; Litvak, Gwendolyn; 'Morris, Deborah'; Jarrod Grim;
Subject: RE: Planner Happy Hour

What is the plan here folks? Is this happening?

-----Original Appointment-----
From: Connie Chung [mailto:CChung@hraadvisors.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2014 12:05 PM
To: Connie Chung; Nicole Kolinsky; Daria Siegel; Fred Sham; Litvak, Gwendolyn; 'Morris, Deborah';
Jarrod Grim; abaumann@downtownny.com
Subject: Planner Happy Hour
When: Wednesday, September 10, 2014 6:00 PM-8:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: MI-5, 52 Walker Street (Bway and Church)
Planners, unite. Hope to see everyone at MI-5 next Wednesday (9/10)! Forward to friends.
From: Blanco, Frankie
To: "Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com"; "
Cc: " " "dan@transition2013.com"; "
Subject: Re: UPKNYC press event on Friday
Date: Thursday, January 02, 2014 3:19:52 PM

Will do!

From: Mike Rabinowitz [mailto:Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2014 03:16 PM
To: Frankie Martinez <
Cc: Josh Gold < Stefan Grybauskas < Dan Gross
<dan@transition2013.com>; Lindsay Scola < Martinez Blanco, Frankie
Subject: RE: UPKNYC press event on Friday
Sure.  You should call Dave directly to set it up:
Office:  212 828 6046
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)
From: Frankie Martinez [mailto
Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2014 3:07 PM
To: Mike Rabinowitz
Cc: Josh Gold; Stefan Grybauskas; Dan Gross; Lindsay Scola; fmartinezblanco@cityhall.nyc.gov
Subject: Re: UPKNYC press event on Friday
Can we aim for a walk thru tomorrow afternoon? 

On Thursday, January 2, 2014, Mike Rabinowitz wrote:

Nocenti is available to do the walk through today or tomorrow.  His site is available on Monday at
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)
From: Josh Gold [mailto:
Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2014 2:54 PM
To: Stefan Grybauskas; Frankie Martinez
Cc: Dan Gross; Mike Rabinowitz; Lindsay Scola
Subject: Re: UPKNYC press event on Friday

We are trying to reschedule for Monday, so we should do the walk-through, if possible.

Dan/Stefan/Frankie, is that possible??

On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 2:47 PM, David Nocenti <dnocenti@unionsettlement.org> wrote:

This is just to confirm the phone conversation with Stefan this morning, who indicated
that tomorrow’s press conference has been cancelled, and so there will not be a walk
through at 3:00 p.m. today.

Please let us know when you have selected a new date/time for the press conference, and
when you would like to do the walk-through of the site.



From: David Nocenti [mailto:dnocenti@unionsettlement.org]

Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2013 4:37 PM
To: 'dan@transition2013.com'
Cc: 'Michelle Paige'; 'Sara Stuart'; 'Josh Gold'; 'Stefan Grybauskas'; 'Frankie Martinez'; 'Mike
Subject: RE: UPKNYC press event on Friday

I’m just resending this, with everyone cc’d, so that everyone has all the information.

From: David Nocenti [mailto:dnocenti@unionsettlement.org]

Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2013 4:30 PM
To: 'dan@transition2013.com'
Cc: 'Michelle Paige'; 'Sara Stuart'
Subject: UPKNYC press event on Friday

Hi Dan.
Thanks for your call. Here is the location for the press event on Friday:

Union Johnson Early Leaming Center

1829 Lexington Avenue (at 113th Su·eet)

New York, New York 10029

The center is in the NYCHA Johnson Houses, which are between 112th and 115th
Su·eets. The child care center is on the east side of Lexington Avenue, about a block
north of the com er of 112th and Lexington. There are glass doors facing n01th, and a
Union Settlement Association sign facing Lexington Avenue. You can 't miss it.

As discussed, we'll expect to see you or one of your colleagues at the center on
Thursday. Januaty 2 at 3:00p.m. to do a walk-through of the site.

~ct infonnation is below, and you can also reach me on my cell phone at II
- if there are any changes.

I have cc 'd Michell
From: Mike Rabinowitz
To: Negash, Dabash
Subject: FW: BRIEF - UPKNYC Labor Leaders Press Conf v4
Date: Sunday, January 05, 2014 2:35:04 PM
Attachments: BRIEF - UPKNYC Labor Leaders Press Conf v4.docx

Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)
From: Mike Rabinowitz
Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 2:19 PM
To: Phillip Walzak
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; Wiley Norvell
Subject: FW: BRIEF - UPKNYC Labor Leaders Press Conf v4
Here it is.
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)
From: Mike Rabinowitz
Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 11:13 AM
To: Wiley Norvell; Monica Klein
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; 'Josh Gold'; Emma Woods
Subject: BRIEF - UPKNYC Labor Leaders Press Conf v4
Attached is a draft brief for tomorrow’s event.
A few notes:
1 – We will update as we nail down speakers.
2 – Feel more than free to punch up the talking points.  Main message is that this is an working
families issue.  (I borrowed some of the language from the inaugural.)
3 – Note Nocenti’s bio.  Can you figure out if the Mayor has a relationship with him?

[DATE: Monday, January 6, 2014

LOCATION: <insert details>
EVENT TIME: <insert details>
BDB TIME: <insert details>
STAFF ADVANCING: <insert details>
EVENT CONTACT: <insert details~L-------------------___..--{ Comment [MR1 ]: To be filled in by
- I advance, correct?
A group of major labor leaders will announce their support of the UPKNYC campaign and
their intention to make this a major priority of theirs in the coming session.

• You will thank labor leaders for their support.
• Labor leaders will speak and run press conference.
• Vincent Alvarez and YOU will take Q&A.

• OPEN to the press.

10:00AM - 10:05AM You enter with the group and Vincent Alvarez, President of the
Central Labor Council opens and MCs
10:05AM - 10:07AM Michael Mulgrew speaks
10:07AM - 10:09AM TBD based on RSVPS
10:09AM - 10:11AM TBD based on RSVPS
10:11AM - 10:13 AM TBD based on RSVPS .
10:13AM - 10:15AM TBD based on RSVPS .
10:15AM - 10:25AM YOU speak
10:25AM - 10:45AM Alvarez closes and manages Q +A. YOU take Q+A re
implementation, working group, and other policy issues. HE
takes Q +A about labor.

I want to thank the Union Settlement Association and
its Executive Director, Dave Nocenti for hosting us.

And I want to thank the leaders of these unions

representing millions of New Yorkers for joining this

As I have said multiple times, the centerpiece of my

campaign, and the centerpiece of my administration’s
agenda, is achieving a tax increase on the wealthiest
New Yorkers to provide truly Universal Pre-K and
after-school programs for every middle-schooler.

The people are on our side.

And the facts are on our side.

We are here today in an example of a high-quality

educational facility that could open a new pre-K
classroom tomorrow if we had the funding. Right
down the hall, they have an empty classroom ready to

What’s missing is the funding. Well, we’re working to

change that.

A few weeks ago, 10 leaders from business, civil

rights, academia, advocacy and the arts launched
UPKNYC. They were joined by the leaders of 25
organizations with deep roots across the 5 boroughs,
who will reach their members, their elected officials to
press for passage of our plan.

Now they are being joined by leaders of the New York

City labor movements.

14 labor unions, including the Central Labor Council,

have signed on to join this campaign. These unions,
who represent millions of New Yorkers, know how to
make an issue resonate in Albany.

For the working men and women of New York, quality

pre-K and afterschool is not just about educational

It’s also an economic justice issue.

We are asking a little more of the wealthy because we

know a strong economy is dependent on a thriving
school system. Giving every kid a chance to get their
education off on the right foot, from the earliest age,
has been shown to lead to greater economic success,
healthier lives, and a better chance of breaking the
cycle of poverty.

And we are asking a little more of the wealthy because

we know that too many working parents don’t have
somewhere safe and educational for their kids to be
when they are at work.

Or they only have access to informal care.

Or they can barely afford the options that are out
Well, passing this plan will give peace of mind to
working parents, who suffer the anxiety of not
knowing whether their child is safe and supervised
during those critical hours after the school day ends,
but before the workday is done.

I am thankful that today, the men and women of New

York’s labor movement are committing to educate
their members, talk to their elected officials and help
make a small tax on the wealthiest New Yorkers to pay
for universal pre-K and afterschool for middle
schoolers a reality.

And now for our friends in the Spanish-speaking

• <Insert Spanish summation>

[Turn the event back over to Vinny Alvarez, President

of the New York City Central Labor Council, who will
handle questions about labor support. YOU will take
questions about policy, implementation, etc]


Q. When do you expect to begin negotiations in Albany?

A. We look forward to beginning negotiations immediately. As I have said before, this plan
can’t wait.

Q. What if Cuomo offers revenue straight from the State budget—would you turn it
A. The dedicated tax we’ve called for is the way to do this. General budget revenue can be
cut, or it can come from other worthy programs. A dedicated tax is the only

Q. Given that you can’t likely scale up to 100% by September 2014, do you really
need the full $530 million this year? Would you take less?
A. Yes. We absolutely need the full amount in year one. Our goal is to begin to mount a
massive expansion in both pre-k and after-school that begins in September. As I
mentioned, this facility, and many others, have empty classrooms that can be put to work.
And other sites will be available. Our working group is mapping out details – but we know
a significant number of expansion slots will be converting half day to full day. Many of
those already have staff and space. We will also focus on restoring the 30,000 afterschool
seats we lost and adding more - so we will use a lot of the funds for ongoing operations
right away.

We also know there will be significant one time costs we will occur as we expand the
system. Examples may include:
--Expenses to retrofit space
--Expenses on prepaid leases that we would make if they would save taxpayer money down
the road
--Expenses to modernize data systems for enrollment and outcomes measurement
(technology in programs to allow assessment of progress).

Our working group is mapping out a precise implementation plan but I can say to you
confidently if our plan passes we will rapidly bring capacity online in year one and need the
full funding to do it.

Q. Will these leaders you named be actively lobbying in Albany?

A. They’ll use their sway in Albany. They’ll use their sway in the public debate.

Q. Have you spoken to Governor Cuomo about your plan? What has he indicated?
A. I know he shares the goal. He’s declared an openness to discuss our funding plan.

Q. Doesn’t this tax hike run counter to Cuomo’s tax commission proposals to reduce
A. NYC taxes are different from the State’s tax burden. They are two different discussions.

Q. Will you be running any ads or buying airtime?

A. We’re focused on the grassroots, and our first push will be through these organizations’
memberships and reach and growing our coalition.

Q. Would you consider waiting a year to pass your plan after the elections in Albany?
A. No. Priorities like this cannot wait.

Q. If the State doesn’t support you, will you fund this out of the City budget?
A. We are fighting to pass this with NYC tax revenue. We’re not trying to infringe on the
State budget.
Q. How will you overcome skepticism in the State Senate?
A. Jeff Klein has declared himself an ally. We will mobilize our NYC delegation. And we will
reach out to Republicans- including those upstate who in the past have support ed NYC's
right to tax itself.

Union Settlement Association

Union Settlement Association began in 1S95 on East 104th Street in East Harlem.

The 350 employees and the 10,000 residents who participate in its programs work to make
East Harlem a strong, supportive and proud community where dreams are born and
achieved every day. They're working side-by-side with community members to tackle the
issues that are important to the vitality of the neighborhood, and to advocate with them on
behalf of all East Harlem residents, and underserved communities across the city, state and

Union Settlement serves 500 children and their families in seven childcare and Head Start
centers. Teachers in its pre-school program assist children ages two to five in a stimulating
social and educational environment. They operate a Universal Pre-Kindergart en program
with Community School District 4/ Region 9.

Union Settlement Child Care programs operate from SAM to 6PM and the Head Start
programs operate from SAM to 4:30PM. Both programs are open year round.

All child care centers and home care providers are licensed by the Department of Health.

They also offer youth programs for 2,000 children and teens.

Youth Services programs include: homework assistance, tutoring, computer instruction,

visual and performing arts projects, recreational activities and a summer day camp,
employment and educational opportunities for in-school youth, including, tutoring,
internships and job skills development.

The centerpiece of Youth at Union is its Education Center. Open weekdays from three to
nine p.m. and on Saturdays for special events and activities, the Center serves as a
"neighborhood sanctuary" where parents can be sure their children are engaged in
constructive, enriching activities.

They also offer adult education, college readiness, HIV, mental health and senior services.

Comment [MR2] : Do we need bios of the

labor leaders?
David Nocenti, Executive Director, Union Settlement Association: David became the
Executive Director of Union Settlement in January 2009. He has served as a top advisor to
three Governors, including as Counsel to Governors David Paterson and Eliot Spitzer from
January 2007 through June 2008, as well as Assistant Counsel and First Assistant Counsel
to Governor Mario Cuomo from 1990 to 1994. He also served as Counsel to the New York
Attorney General and the Queens Borough President and as an Assistant U.S. Attorney in
From: Negash, Dabash
To: "Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com"
Subject: Re: BRIEF - UPKNYC Labor Leaders Press Conf v4
Date: Sunday, January 05, 2014 2:37:45 PM

Thank you.
From: Mike Rabinowitz [mailto:Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 02:34 PM
To: Negash, Dabash
Subject: FW: BRIEF - UPKNYC Labor Leaders Press Conf v4
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)
From: Mike Rabinowitz
Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 2:19 PM
To: Phillip Walzak (
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; Wiley Norvell
Subject: FW: BRIEF - UPKNYC Labor Leaders Press Conf v4
Here it is.
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)
From: Mike Rabinowitz
Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 11:13 AM
To: Wiley Norvell; Monica Klein
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; 'Josh Gold'; Emma Woods
Subject: BRIEF - UPKNYC Labor Leaders Press Conf v4
Attached is a draft brief for tomorrow’s event.
A few notes:
1 – We will update as we nail down speakers.
2 – Feel more than free to punch up the talking points.  Main message is that this is an working
families issue.  (I borrowed some of the language from the inaugural.)
3 – Note Nocenti’s bio.  Can you figure out if the Mayor has a relationship with him?
From: ptwalzak
To: Ko, Eunice; "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"
Subject: RE: UPK Presser
Date: Sunday, January 05, 2014 3:34:12 PM

Jro I can handle

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE Smartphone

-------- Original message --------

From: "Ko, Eunice" <EKo@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: 01/05/2014 15:27 (GMT-05:00)
To: "'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'" <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: "PhilWalzak "<
Subject: UPK Presser

Hi Jonathan,

Phil requested that both you and him ride with the Mayor from City Hall to the UPK
presser in order to brief the Mayor beforehand. We’d also like you ride with the
Mayor back to City Hall AFTER the UPK to debrief him with Phil.

9:40 – 10:00am Depart City Hall en route to UPK Presser

Location: Union Johnson Early Learning Center

1829 Lexington Avenue

New York, New York 10029

Drive time: 20 mins

Car: BDB, Jonathan Rosen, Phil Walzak

9:40 – 10:00am Prep for UPK Presser

                                    Staff: Phil Walzak & Jonathan Rosen

10:00 – 10:05am         Arrive at UPK Presser

10:05 – 11:15am UPK Presser

Location: Union Johnson Early Learning Center

1829 Lexington Avenue

New York, New York 10029

11:15 – 11:25am         Depart UPK Presser en route to City Hall

Location: City Hall

Drive time: 20 mins

Car: BDB, Edie Sharp, Jonathan Rosen & Phil Walzak

11:15 – 11:25am         UPK Presser Debriefing

Staff: Jonathan Rosen and Phil Walzak

Please let me know if you’re able to do this.



From: Mike Rabinowitz
To: "Frankie Martinez"; "Josh Gold"; "Stefan Grybauskas"; Gross, Dan
Subject: RE: UPKNYC press event on Monday?
Date: Sunday, January 05, 2014 3:52:02 PM

David off - can one of you on the advance team let him know set up time today? I
don't really know who is dealing with that. Sorry. 

Thanks much. 

-Sent by Mobile-
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (o)
646.342.3469 (c)

-------- Original message --------

From: David Nocenti
Date:01/05/2014 3:35 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: Mike Rabinowitz ,'Frankie Martinez' ,'Josh Gold' ,'Stefan Grybauskas'
Subject: RE: UPKNYC press event on Monday?

Great.  Thanks.
From: Mike Rabinowitz [mailto:Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 3:33 PM
To: David Nocenti; 'Frankie Martinez'; 'Josh Gold'; 'Stefan Grybauskas'; dgross@cityhall.nyc.gov
Subject: RE: UPKNYC press event on Monday?
It is at 10 am. Will let others answer set up time. 
-Sent by Mobile-
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (o)
646.342.3469 (c)

-------- Original message --------

From: David Nocenti
Date:01/05/2014 3:28 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: 'Frankie Martinez' ,Mike Rabinowitz ,dgross@cityhall.nyclgov,'Josh Gold' ,'Stefan
Subject: RE: UPKNYC press event on Monday?

I just wanted to check back in and see if there are still plans to do the UPKNYC press event at the
Union Johnson Early Learning Center on Monday.   If so, what time will it be, and when do you
expect set-up to start?
If it has been rescheduled to another day, that is fine too.  Just let me know.

From: David Nocenti [mailto:dnocenti@unionsettlement.org]
Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2014 2:47 PM
To: 'dan@transition2013.com'; 'Josh Gold'; 'Stefan Grybauskas'; 'Frankie Martinez'; 'Mike Rabinowitz';
'Lindsay Scola'
Cc: 'Michelle Paige'; 'Sara Stuart'
Subject: RE: UPKNYC press event on Friday
This is just to confirm the phone conversation with Stefan this morning, who indicated that
tomorrow’s press conference has been cancelled, and so there will not be a walk through at 3:00
p.m. today.
Please let us know when you have selected a new date/time for the press conference, and when you
would like to do the walk-through of the site.

From: David Nocenti [mailto:dnocenti@unionsettlement.org]
Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2013 4:37 PM
To: 'dan@transition2013.com'
Cc: 'Michelle Paige'; 'Sara Stuart'; 'Josh Gold'; 'Stefan Grybauskas'; 'Frankie Martinez'; 'Mike Rabinowitz'
Subject: RE: UPKNYC press event on Friday
I’m just resending this, with everyone cc’d, so that everyone has all the information.
From: David Nocenti [mailto:dnocenti@unionsettlement.org]
Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2013 4:30 PM
To: 'dan@transition2013.com'
Cc: 'Michelle Paige'; 'Sara Stuart'
Subject: UPKNYC press event on Friday
Hi Dan.
Thanks for your call.  Here is the location for the press event on Friday:
Union Johnson Early Learning Center
1829 Lexington Avenue (at 113th Street)
New York, New York 10029
The center is in the NYCHA Johnson Houses, which are between 112th and 115th Streets.  The child
care center is on the east side of Lexington Avenue, about a block north of the corner of 112th and
Lexington.  There are glass doors facing north, and a Union Settlement Association sign facing
Lexington Avenue.  You can’t miss it.
As discussed, we’ll expect to see you or one of your colleagues at the center on Thursday, January 2
at 3:00 p.m. to do a walk-through of the site. 
My contact information is below, and you can also reach me on my cell phone at 917-902-3578 if
there are any changes.
I have cc’d Michelle Paige, our Director of Early Childhood Education, and Sara Stuart, our Director
of Development and Communication, both of whom should be able to join us for the walk-through. 
I presume that you are also working on a press release, so let us know if you need any information
about Union Settlement Association and/or the Union Johnson Early Learning Center.
Have a great New Year’s holiday, and I look forward to seeing you on Thursday at 3 p.m.
David Nocenti
Executive Director
Union Settlement Association
237 East 104th Street
New York, New York  10029
(212) 828-6046
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: PhilWalzak (gmail.com)
Cc: Ko, Eunice
Subject: Re: UPK Presser
Date: Sunday, January 05, 2014 4:04:07 PM

Happy to. Either way fine w me.  

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 5, 2014, at 3:34 PM, < wrote:

Unless u want to then of course are welcome

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE Smartphone

-------- Original message --------

From: "Ko, Eunice" <EKo@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: 01/05/2014 15:27 (GMT-05:00)
To: "'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'" <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: "PhilWalzak (gmail.com)" <
Subject: UPK Presser

Hi Jonathan,

Phil requested that both you and him ride with the Mayor from City Hall
to the UPK presser in order to brief the Mayor beforehand. We’d also like
you ride with the Mayor back to City Hall AFTER the UPK to debrief him
with Phil.

9:40 – 10:00am Depart City Hall en route to UPK Presser

Location: Union Johnson Early Learning Center

1829 Lexington Avenue

New York, New York 10029

Drive time: 20 mins

Car: BDB, Jonathan Rosen, Phil Walzak

9:40 – 10:00am Prep for UPK Presser

                                    Staff: Phil Walzak & Jonathan Rosen

10:00 – 10:05am         Arrive at UPK Presser

10:05 – 11:15am UPK Presser

Location: Union Johnson Early Learning Center

1829 Lexington Avenue

New York, New York 10029

11:15 – 11:25am         Depart UPK Presser en route to City Hall

Location: City Hall

Drive time: 20 mins

Car: BDB, Edie Sharp, Jonathan Rosen & Phil


11:15 – 11:25am         UPK Presser Debriefing

Staff: Jonathan Rosen and Phil Walzak

Please let me know if you’re able to do this.



From: Negash, Dabash
To: "Mike Rabinowitz"
Subject: RE: BRIEF - UPKNYC Labor Leaders Press Conf v4
Date: Sunday, January 05, 2014 8:07:27 PM

That would be great, thank you.

From: Mike Rabinowitz [mailto:Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 7:51 PM
To: Negash, Dabash
Subject: RE: BRIEF - UPKNYC Labor Leaders Press Conf v4
I wouldn’t edit this version, as Monica edited it and I am going to edit her version shortly.
I will loop you in to that and then we can go from there.
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)
From: Negash, Dabash [mailto:DNegash@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 7:45 PM
To: Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: RE: BRIEF - UPKNYC Labor Leaders Press Conf v4
I can include Mulgrew, Alvarez and Nocentii (given he will be present). Just let me know if there are
any other key participants we should include and approximate number of attendees.
Thank you!
From: Negash, Dabash
Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 7:40 PM
To: 'Mike Rabinowitz'
Subject: RE: BRIEF - UPKNYC Labor Leaders Press Conf v4
Hi Michael – A few things regarding the briefing below.
1) How many total attendees?
2) List of key participants – I know Vincent Alvarez, Mike Mulgrew will be present. Will Dave
Nocenti also be present (I see he mentions him in the speech)? Any other key folks the
Mayor should know are present?
3) Yes, we do need very short bios (4-5 lines) for key participants.
Thank you,
From: Mike Rabinowitz [mailto:Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 2:35 PM
To: Negash, Dabash
Subject: FW: BRIEF - UPKNYC Labor Leaders Press Conf v4
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)
From: Mike Rabinowitz
Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 2:19 PM
To: Phillip Walzak (
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; Wiley Norvell
Subject: FW: BRIEF - UPKNYC Labor Leaders Press Conf v4
Here it is.
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)
From: Mike Rabinowitz
Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 11:13 AM
To: Wiley Norvell; Monica Klein
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; 'Josh Gold'; Emma Woods
Subject: BRIEF - UPKNYC Labor Leaders Press Conf v4
Attached is a draft brief for tomorrow’s event.
A few notes:
1 – We will update as we nail down speakers.
2 – Feel more than free to punch up the talking points.  Main message is that this is an working
families issue.  (I borrowed some of the language from the inaugural.)
3 – Note Nocenti’s bio.  Can you figure out if the Mayor has a relationship with him?
From: Mike Rabinowitz
To: Negash, Dabash
Subject: FW: 120513 UPKLaborLeaders - mr edits
Date: Sunday, January 05, 2014 8:08:17 PM
Attachments: 120513 UPKLaborLeaders - mr edits.doc

Sorry.  Forgot to CC you.

Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)
From: Mike Rabinowitz
Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 8:07 PM
To: Monica Klein; Wiley Norvell
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; 'Josh Gold'; Emma Woods
Subject: 120513 UPKLaborLeaders - mr edits
Thanks for turning this around.
My slight additions added, including the # of people who are represented by the unions.


January 5, 2014


DATE: January 6, 2014

LOCATION: Gracie Mansion, Parlor Room (Include
Address)<insert details from advance>
TIME: 7:05 PM 8:00 PM [Mayor’s time at event]10 AM -


A group of major labor leaders will announce their support of the UPKNYC
campaign and their intention to make this a major priority of theirs in the
coming session. You will thank labor leaders for their support, labor leaders will
speak and run the press conference, and you and Vincent Alvarez will take Q&A.


Vincent Alvarez - speaking

Michael Mulgrew - speaking
Hector Figueroa
Peter Ward - speaking
Chris Shelton
Gary LaBarbera
George Miranda – speaking
Stuart Appelbaum - speaking
Bill Lipton
Dave Nocenti, Executive Director, Union Settlement House


OPEN press


10:00AM - 10:05AM You enter with the group and Vincent Alvarez, President of the
Central Labor Council opens and MCs
10:05AM – 10:07AM Michael Mulgrew speaks
10:07AM – 10:09AM TBD based on RSVPSPeter Ward speaks
10:09AM – 10:11AM TBD based on RSVPSGeorge Miranda speaks
10:11AM – 10:13 AM TBD based on RSVPS .Stuart Appelbaum speaks
10:13AM 10:15AM TBD based on RSVPS .
10:135AM – 10:235AM YOU speak
10:235AM – 10:45AM Alvarez closes and manages Q + A. YOU take Q+A re
implementation, working group, and other policy issues. HE
takes Q + A about labor.


I want to thank the Union Settlement Association and its Executive Director, Dave
Nocenti for hosting us.

Since opening its doors in 1895, Union Settlement has brought education,
wellness and community-building programs to the people of East Harlem

It serves the community – from the youngest to the oldest – from Head Start to Meals
on Wheels

I appreciate your graciousness in hosting us here

And I want to thank the leaders of these unions representing millions over 1.3 million
of New Yorkers for joining this movement for universal pre-K and afterschool.

As I have said multiple times, the centerpiece of my campaign — and the centerpiece
of my administration’s agenda — is achieving a tax increase on the wealthiest New
Yorkers to provide truly Universal Pre-K and after-school programs for every middle-

The people are on our side.

And the facts are on our side.

We are here today in an example of a high-quality educational facility that could open
a new pre-K classroom tomorrow if we had the funding.

This state of the art facility opened last year and serves over 40 children in three Head
Start classrooms

But they could serve more

Right down the hall, they have an two empty classrooms ready to go.

What’s missing is the funding. Well, we’re working to change that.

A few weeks ago, 10 leaders from business, civil rights, academia, advocacy and the
arts launched UPKNYC.
They were joined by the leaders of 25 organizations with deep roots across the 5
boroughs, who will reach their members, their elected officials to press for passage of
our plan.

Now they are being joined by leaders of the New York City labor movement – which
represents more than 1.3 million working peoples.

14 labor unions, including theThese unions, including the Central Labor Council and
the Working Families Party, have signed on to join this campaign.

These unions , who represent millions of New Yorkers, know how to make an issue
resonate in Albany.

For the working men and women of New York, quality pre-K and afterschool is not
just about educational opportunity.

It’s also an economic justice issue.

We are asking a little more of the wealthy because we know a strong economy is
dependent on a thriving school system.

Giving every kid a chance to get their education off on the right foot — from the
earliest age — has been shown to lead to greater economic success, healthier lives,
and a better chance of breaking the cycle of poverty.

And we are asking a little more of the wealthy because we know that too many
working parents don’t have somewhere safe and educational for their kids to be when
they are at work.

Or they only have access to informal care.

Or they can barely afford the options that are out there.

Well, passing this plan will give peace of mind to working parents — who suffer the
anxiety of not knowing whether their child is safe and supervised during those critical
hours after the school day ends, but before the workday is done.

I am thankful that today, the men and women of New York’s labor movement are
committing to:
- educate their members
- talk to their elected officials
- and help make a small tax on the wealthiest New Yorkers to pay for universal pre-
K and afterschool for middle schoolers a reality.

And now for our friends in the Spanish-speaking press:

• <Insert Spanish summation>


Q. When do you expect to begin negotiations in Albany?

A. We look forward to beginning negotiations immediately. As I have said before,
this plan can’t wait.

Q. What if Cuomo offers revenue straight from the State budget—would you
turn it down?
A. The dedicated tax we’ve called for is the way to do this. General budget revenue
can be cut, or it can come from other worthy programs. A dedicated tax is the only
way to do it.

Q. Given that you can’t likely scale up to 100% by September 2014, do you
really need the full $530 million this year? Would you take less?
A. Yes. We absolutely need the full amount in year one. Our goal is to begin to
mount a massive expansion in both pre-k and after-school that begins in September.
As I mentioned, this facility, and many others, have empty classrooms that can be put
to work. And other sites will be available. Our working group is mapping out details
– but we know a significant number of expansion slots will be converting half day to
full day. Many of those already have staff and space. We will also focus on restoring
the 30,000 afterschool seats we lost and adding more - so we will use a lot of the
funds for ongoing operations right away.

We also know there will be significant one time costs we will occur as we expand the
system. Examples may include:
--Expenses to retrofit space
--Expenses on prepaid leases that we would make if they would save taxpayer money
down the road
--Expenses to modernize data systems for enrollment and outcomes measurement
(technology in programs to allow assessment of progress).

Our working group is mapping out a precise implementation plan but I can say to you
confidently if our plan passes we will rapidly bring capacity online in year one and
need the full funding to do it.

Q. Will these leaders you named be actively lobbying in Albany?

A. They’ll use their sway in Albany. They’ll use their sway in the public debate.

Q. Have you spoken to Governor Cuomo about your plan? What has he
A. I know he shares the goal. He’s declared an openness to discuss our funding plan.

Q. Doesn’t this tax hike run counter to Cuomo’s tax commission proposals to
reduce taxes?
A. NYC taxes are different from the State’s tax burden. They are two different

Q. Will you be running any ads or buying airtime?

A. We’re focused on the grassroots, and our first push will be through these
organizations’ memberships and reach and growing our coalition.

Q. Would you consider waiting a year to pass your plan after the elections in
A. No. Priorities like this cannot wait.

Q. If the State doesn’t support you, will you fund this out of the City budget?
A. We are fighting to pass this with NYC tax revenue. We’re not trying to infringe on
the State budget.

Q. How will you overcome skepticism in the State Senate?

A. Jeff Klein has declared himself an ally. We will mobilize our NYC delegation.
And we will reach out to Republicans—including those upstate who in the past have
supported NYC’s right to tax itself.



Union Settlement Association

Union Settlement Association began in 1895 on East 104th Street in East Harlem.

The 350 employees and the 10,000 residents who participate in its programs work to make
East Harlem a strong, supportive and proud community where dreams are born and achieved
every day. They’re working side-by-side with community members to tackle the issues that
are important to the vitality of the neighborhood, and to advocate with them on behalf of all
East Harlem residents, and underserved communities across the city, state and nation.

Union Settlement serves 500 children and their families in seven childcare and Head Start
centers. Teachers in its pre-school program assist children ages two to five in a stimulating
social and educational environment. They operate a Universal Pre-Kindergarten program
with Community School District 4/Region 9.

Union Settlement Child Care programs operate from 8AM to 6PM and the Head Start
programs operate from 8AM to 4:30PM. Both programs are open year round.

All child care centers and home care providers are licensed by the Department of Health.

They also offer youth programs for 2,000 children and teens.
Youth Services programs include: homework assistance, tutoring, computer instruction,
visual and performing arts projects, recreational activities and a summer day camp,
employment and educational opportunities for in-school youth, including, tutoring,
internships and job skills development.

The centerpiece of Youth at Union is its Education Center. Open weekdays from three to
nine p.m. and on Saturdays for special events and activities, the Center serves as a
"neighborhood sanctuary" where parents can be sure their children are engaged in
constructive, enriching activities.

They also offer adult education, college readiness, HIV, mental health and senior services.

David Nocenti, Executive Director, Union Settlement Association: David became the
Executive Director of Union Settlement in January 2009. He has served as a top advisor to
three Governors, including as Counsel to Governors David Paterson and Eliot Spitzer from
January 2007 through June 2008, as well as Assistant Counsel and First Assistant Counsel to
Governor Mario Cuomo from 1990 to 1994. He also served as Counsel to the New York
Attorney General and the Queens Borough President and as an Assistant U.S. Attorney in

<insert final Alvarez TPs>

From: Negash, Dabash
To: "Mike Rabinowitz"
Subject: RE: 120513 UPKLaborLeaders - mr edits
Date: Sunday, January 05, 2014 8:10:28 PM

Thanks so much for your help. I will follow up with our comms team.
From: Mike Rabinowitz [mailto:Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 8:10 PM
To: Negash, Dabash
Subject: RE: 120513 UPKLaborLeaders - mr edits
I wish I knew.
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)
From: Negash, Dabash [mailto:DNegash@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 8:09 PM
To: Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: RE: 120513 UPKLaborLeaders - mr edits
Thanks. Do you know if anyone else is making edits to this? Or is this final?
From: Mike Rabinowitz [mailto:Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 8:08 PM
To: Negash, Dabash
Subject: FW: 120513 UPKLaborLeaders - mr edits
Sorry.  Forgot to CC you.
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)
From: Mike Rabinowitz
Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 8:07 PM
To: Monica Klein; Wiley Norvell
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; 'Josh Gold'; Emma Woods
Subject: 120513 UPKLaborLeaders - mr edits
Thanks for turning this around.
My slight additions added, including the # of people who are represented by the unions.
From: Monica Klein
To: Mike Rabinowitz
Cc: WileyJNorvell (gmail); Negash, Dabash; Jonathan Rosen; Josh Gold; Emma Woods
Subject: Re: 120513 UPKLaborLeaders - mr edits
Date: Sunday, January 05, 2014 8:16:50 PM
Attachments: 120513 UPKLaborLeaders.v2.doc

Dabash please see attached, Spanish TPs included and Mike's edits incorporated.

- Schumer q&a
- final Alvarez Tps

On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 8:08 PM, Mike Rabinowitz <Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com>



Michael Rabinowitz-Gold

646.200.5308 (office)

646.342.3469 (cell)


From: Mike Rabinowitz

Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 8:07 PM
To: Monica Klein; Wiley Norvell
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; 'Josh Gold'; Emma Woods
Subject: 120513 UPKLaborLeaders - mr edits

Thanks for turning this around.

My slight additions added, including the # of people who are represented by the


January 5, 2014


DATE: January 6, 2014

LOCATION: Union Johnson Early Learning Center, 1829
Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10029
TIME: 10 AM - 11 AM
From: Monica Klein


A group of major labor leaders will announce their support of the UPKNYC
campaign and their intention to make this a major priority of theirs in the
coming session. You will thank labor leaders for their support, labor leaders will
speak and run the press conference, and you and Vincent Alvarez will take Q&A.


Vincent Alvarez - speaking

Michael Mulgrew - speaking
Hector Figueroa
Peter Ward - speaking
Chris Shelton
Gary LaBarbera
George Miranda – speaking
Stuart Appelbaum - speaking
Bill Lipton
Dave Nocenti, Executive Director, Union Settlement House


OPEN press


10:00AM - 10:05AM You enter with the group and Vincent Alvarez, President of the
Central Labor Council opens and MCs
10:05AM – 10:07AM Michael Mulgrew speaks
10:07AM – 10:09AM Peter Ward speaks
10:09AM – 10:11AM George Miranda speaks
10:11AM – 10:13 AM Stuart Appelbaum speaks
10:13AM – 10:23AM YOU speak
10:23AM – 10:45AM Alvarez closes and manages Q + A. YOU take Q+A re
implementation, working group, and other policy issues. HE
takes Q + A about labor.


I want to thank the Union Settlement Association and its Executive Director, Dave
Nocenti for hosting us.

Since opening its doors in 1895, Union Settlement has brought education,
wellness and community-building programs to the people of East Harlem

It serves the community – from the youngest to the oldest – from Head Start to Meals
on Wheels

I appreciate your graciousness in hosting us here

And I want to thank the leaders of these unions representing over 1.3 million New
Yorkers for joining this movement for universal pre-K and afterschool.

As I have said multiple times, the centerpiece of my campaign — and the centerpiece
of my administration’s agenda — is achieving a tax increase on the wealthiest New
Yorkers to provide truly Universal Pre-K and after-school programs for every middle-

The people are on our side.

And the facts are on our side.

We are here today in an example of a high-quality educational facility that could open
a new pre-K classroom tomorrow if we had the funding.

This state of the art facility opened last year and serves over 40 children in three Head
Start classrooms

But they could serve more

Right down the hall, they have two empty classrooms ready to go.

What’s missing is the funding. Well, we’re working to change that.

A few weeks ago, 10 leaders from business, civil rights, academia, advocacy and the
arts launched UPKNYC.
They were joined by the leaders of 25 organizations with deep roots across the 5
boroughs, who will reach their members, their elected officials to press for passage of
our plan.

Now they are being joined by leaders of the New York City labor movement – which
represents more than 1.3 million working people.

These unions, including the Central Labor Council and the Working Families Party,
have signed on to join this campaign.

These unions know how to make an issue resonate in Albany.

For the working men and women of New York, quality pre-K and afterschool is not
just about educational opportunity.

It’s also an economic justice issue.

We are asking a little more of the wealthy because we know a strong economy is
dependent on a thriving school system.

Giving every kid a chance to get their education off on the right foot — from the
earliest age — has been shown to lead to greater economic success, healthier lives,
and a better chance of breaking the cycle of poverty.

And we are asking a little more of the wealthy because we know that too many
working parents don’t have somewhere safe and educational for their kids to be when
they are at work.

Or they only have access to informal care.

Or they can barely afford the options that are out there.

Well, passing this plan will give peace of mind to working parents — who suffer the
anxiety of not knowing whether their child is safe and supervised during those critical
hours after the school day ends, but before the workday is done.

I am thankful that today, the men and women of New York’s labor movement are
committing to:
- educate their members
- talk to their elected officials
- and help make a small tax on the wealthiest New Yorkers to pay for universal pre-
K and afterschool for middle schoolers a reality.

And now for our friends in the Spanish-speaking press:

Para los hombres y mujeres de Nueva York que trabajan, los programas de pre-
kindergarten y extracurriculares de buena calidad no son solo un asunto de
oportunidades en la educación.

Son también un asunto de justicia económica.

Doy gracias porque hoy los hombres y mujeres del movimiento laboral de Nueva
York están comprometiéndose para ayudar a conseguir un pequeño impuesto a los
neoyorquinos más acomodados para hacer realidad el pre-K universal y programas
extracurriculares para los estudiantes de intermedia.


Q. When do you expect to begin negotiations in Albany?

A. We look forward to beginning negotiations immediately. As I have said before,
this plan can’t wait.

Q. What if Cuomo offers revenue straight from the State budget—would you
turn it down?
A. The dedicated tax we’ve called for is the way to do this. General budget revenue
can be cut, or it can come from other worthy programs. A dedicated tax is the only
way to do it.

Q. Given that you can’t likely scale up to 100% by September 2014, do you
really need the full $530 million this year? Would you take less?
A. Yes. We absolutely need the full amount in year one. Our goal is to begin to
mount a massive expansion in both pre-k and after-school that begins in September.
As I mentioned, this facility, and many others, have empty classrooms that can be put
to work. And other sites will be available. Our working group is mapping out details
– but we know a significant number of expansion slots will be converting half day to
full day. Many of those already have staff and space. We will also focus on restoring
the 30,000 afterschool seats we lost and adding more - so we will use a lot of the
funds for ongoing operations right away.

We also know there will be significant one time costs we will occur as we expand the
system. Examples may include:
--Expenses to retrofit space
--Expenses on prepaid leases that we would make if they would save taxpayer money
down the road
--Expenses to modernize data systems for enrollment and outcomes measurement
(technology in programs to allow assessment of progress).

Our working group is mapping out a precise implementation plan but I can say to you
confidently if our plan passes we will rapidly bring capacity online in year one and
need the full funding to do it.
Q. Will these leaders you named be actively lobbying in Albany?
A. They’ll use their sway in Albany. They’ll use their sway in the public debate.

Q. Have you spoken to Governor Cuomo about your plan? What has he
A. I know he shares the goal. He’s declared an openness to discuss our funding plan.

Q. Doesn’t this tax hike run counter to Cuomo’s tax commission proposals to
reduce taxes?
A. NYC taxes are different from the State’s tax burden. They are two different

Q. Will you be running any ads or buying airtime?

A. We’re focused on the grassroots, and our first push will be through these
organizations’ memberships and reach and growing our coalition.

Q. Would you consider waiting a year to pass your plan after the elections in
A. No. Priorities like this cannot wait.

Q. If the State doesn’t support you, will you fund this out of the City budget?
A. We are fighting to pass this with NYC tax revenue. We’re not trying to infringe on
the State budget.

Q. How will you overcome skepticism in the State Senate?

A. Jeff Klein has declared himself an ally. We will mobilize our NYC delegation.
And we will reach out to Republicans—including those upstate who in the past have
supported NYC’s right to tax itself.



Union Settlement Association

Union Settlement Association began in 1895 on East 104th Street in East Harlem.

The 350 employees and the 10,000 residents who participate in its programs work to make
East Harlem a strong, supportive and proud community where dreams are born and achieved
every day. They’re working side-by-side with community members to tackle the issues that
are important to the vitality of the neighborhood, and to advocate with them on behalf of all
East Harlem residents, and underserved communities across the city, state and nation.

Union Settlement serves 500 children and their families in seven childcare and Head Start
centers. Teachers in its pre-school program assist children ages two to five in a stimulating
social and educational environment. They operate a Universal Pre-Kindergarten program
with Community School District 4/Region 9.

Union Settlement Child Care programs operate from 8AM to 6PM and the Head Start
programs operate from 8AM to 4:30PM. Both programs are open year round.

All child care centers and home care providers are licensed by the Department of Health.

They also offer youth programs for 2,000 children and teens.

Youth Services programs include: homework assistance, tutoring, computer instruction,

visual and performing arts projects, recreational activities and a summer day camp,
employment and educational opportunities for in-school youth, including, tutoring,
internships and job skills development.

The centerpiece of Youth at Union is its Education Center. Open weekdays from three to
nine p.m. and on Saturdays for special events and activities, the Center serves as a
"neighborhood sanctuary" where parents can be sure their children are engaged in
constructive, enriching activities.

They also offer adult education, college readiness, HIV, mental health and senior services.

David Nocenti, Executive Director, Union Settlement Association: David became the
Executive Director of Union Settlement in January 2009. He has served as a top advisor to
three Governors, including as Counsel to Governors David Paterson and Eliot Spitzer from
January 2007 through June 2008, as well as Assistant Counsel and First Assistant Counsel to
Governor Mario Cuomo from 1990 to 1994. He also served as Counsel to the New York
Attorney General and the Queens Borough President and as an Assistant U.S. Attorney in

<insert final Alvarez TPs>

From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Monica Klein
Cc: Mike Rabinowitz; WileyJNorvell (gmail); Negash, Dabash; Josh Gold; Emma Woods
Subject: Re: 120513 UPKLaborLeaders - mr edits
Date: Sunday, January 05, 2014 8:20:01 PM

Sending another Q&A soon on capital NY story.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 5, 2014, at 8:16 PM, "Monica Klein" < wrote:

Dabash please see attached, Spanish TPs included and Mike's edits

- Schumer q&a
- final Alvarez Tps

On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 8:08 PM, Mike Rabinowitz

<Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com> wrote:


Michael Rabinowitz-Gold

646.200.5308 (office)

646.342.3469 (cell)


From: Mike Rabinowitz

Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 8:07 PM
To: Monica Klein; Wiley Norvell
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; 'Josh Gold'; Emma Woods
Subject: 120513 UPKLaborLeaders - mr edits

Thanks for turning this around.

My slight additions added, including the # of people who are

represented by the unions.
<120513 UPKLaborLeaders.v2.doc>
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Monica Klein
Cc: Mike Rabinowitz; WileyJNorvell (gmail); Negash, Dabash; Josh Gold; Emma Woods
Subject: Re: 120513 UPKLaborLeaders - mr edits
Date: Sunday, January 05, 2014 8:35:44 PM

Q.  Capital NY last night reported that Governor Cuomo will propose his own
statewide plan to achieve universal pre-k.  In light of this do you still need your tax

A.  Albany committed to universal pre-k fifteen years ago, yet 15 years later more
than fifty thousand NYC kids have no access to full day pre-k and even more are
denied access to after school because the funding has never been there to get it

To close this gap will cost 550 million per year in NYC on a sustained ongoing basis.
  It's not going to get done with one shots or limited grant programs.  That's why
I've proposed a dedicated way to pay for it that locks in the funding to finally get
this done.  

We're heartened that the governor is committed to working with us to address this
issue but the bottom line is for it to work we need a dedicated locked in multi-year
funding stream that reaches every child and ensures no child is left behind.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 5, 2014, at 8:16 PM, "Monica Klein" < wrote:

Dabash please see attached, Spanish TPs included and Mike's edits

- Schumer q&a
- final Alvarez Tps

On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 8:08 PM, Mike Rabinowitz

<Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com> wrote:


Michael Rabinowitz-Gold

646.200.5308 (office)

646.342.3469 (cell)


From: Mike Rabinowitz

Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 8:07 PM
To: Monica Klein; Wiley Norvell
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; 'Josh Gold'; Emma Woods
Subject: 120513 UPKLaborLeaders - mr edits

Thanks for turning this around.

My slight additions added, including the # of people who are

represented by the unions.

<120513 UPKLaborLeaders.v2.doc>
From: Monica Klein
To: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Mike Rabinowitz; WileyJNorvell (gmail); Negash, Dabash; Josh Gold; Emma Woods
Subject: Re: 120513 UPKLaborLeaders - mr edits
Date: Sunday, January 05, 2014 8:42:35 PM

ty will add in. Mike -- do you have Alvarez tps?

On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 8:39 PM, Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>

Schumer a:

As I understand it sen Schumer declined to weigh in one way or the other and I
respect that.  I think we're here today showing yet again the tremendous depth of
support here in the city for this plan and that support is continuing to grow with
more organizations and individuals joining our coalition every day.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 5, 2014, at 8:16 PM, "Monica Klein" < wrote:

Dabash please see attached, Spanish TPs included and Mike's edits

- Schumer q&a
- final Alvarez Tps

On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 8:08 PM, Mike Rabinowitz

<Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com> wrote:


Michael Rabinowitz-Gold

646.200.5308 (office)

646.342.3469 (cell)


From: Mike Rabinowitz

Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 8:07 PM
To: Monica Klein; Wiley Norvell
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; 'Josh Gold'; Emma Woods
Subject: 120513 UPKLaborLeaders - mr edits

Thanks for turning this around.

My slight additions added, including the # of people who are

represented by the unions.

<120513 UPKLaborLeaders.v2.doc>
From: Mike Rabinowitz
To: Monica Klein; Jonathan Rosen
Cc: WileyJNorvell (gmail); Negash, Dabash; Josh Gold; Emma Woods
Subject: Alvarez TPs
Date: Sunday, January 05, 2014 9:43:30 PM
Attachments: Alvarez Talking Points v3.doc

Here you go.  (Josh – this is updated slightly throughout, so you should get this to Cara/Marco.)
Includes an amended version of the Capital NY Q + A.  (The Mayor’s should remain as is, but I wanted
to keep the labor leader ones simple.)
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)
From: Monica Klein [mailto
Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 8:42 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Mike Rabinowitz; Wiley Norvell; Negash, Dabash; Josh Gold; Emma Woods
Subject: Re: 120513 UPKLaborLeaders - mr edits

ty will add in. Mike -- do you have Alvarez tps?

On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 8:39 PM, Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Schumer a:

As I understand it sen Schumer declined to weigh in one way or the other and I respect
that. I think we're here today showing yet again the tremendous depth of support here in
the city for this plan and that support is continuing to grow with more organizations and
individuals joining our coalition every day.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 5, 2014, at 8:16 PM, "Monica Klein" < wrote:

Dabash please see attached, Spanish TPs included and Mike's edits

- Schumer q&a
- final Alvarez Tps

On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 8:08 PM, Mike Rabinowitz

<Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)

From: Mike Rabinowitz

Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 8:07 PM
To: Monica Klein; Wiley Norvell
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; 'Josh Gold'; Emma Woods
Subject: 120513 UPKLaborLeaders - mr edits

Thanks for turning this around.

My slight additions added, including the # of people who are represented by

the unions.

<120513 UPKLaborLeaders.v2.doc>
Talking Points

Thank you everyone for coming.

The New York City Labor Movement and its 1.3 million
members is proud to join UPKNYC.

New York City’s unions will spend the next few months
educating our state legislators about why New York City
needs to be able to raise taxes on the wealthiest New
Yorkers to pay for universal pre-K and afterschool

Nobody disputes the benefits of universal pre-K and


According to the National Bureau of Economic Research:

Pre-K can reduce the achievement gap by up to 40%.

And the Ounce of Prevention Fund tell us that without a

high-quality early childhood intervention, an at-risk child is:
• 25% more likely to drop out of school
• 50% more likely to be placed in special education
• 70% more likely to be arrested for a violent crime

As all-too-many working parents know, the time between

when school ends and when parents get home is a time
when many parents worry.

According to the Afterschool Alliance: 1 in 4 children is left

alone and unsupervised after-school in NYC
• Teenagers left to spend after-school hours—peak
window for juvenile crime & violence—out on the

This is not just an educational issue. It’s an economic

justice issue.

Investing in our children ensures that they have the

opportunity to succeed later in life.

And it helps ensure that parents have a safe, affordable,

educational environment for their children when they are
at work.

This is critical for tens of thousands of working parents.

And that’s why we will be making sure our elected officials

support this tax.

New York State has promised universal pre-K for 15


But it’s never provided the funding needed.

It’s critical this funding be a dedicated tax, not money from

the general budget.

It’s the only way to ensure these programs won’t be cut, or

take funding from other worthy cause
Well, Mayor de Blasio has provided a stable funding
source – a small tax on the wealthiest New Yorkers.

For the cost of a soy latte a day, people making over

$500,000 a year can help invest in our children.

Several weeks ago, leaders from the business,

philanthropic and nonprofit communities came together
and launched UPKNYC.

We’re proud to join them to making sure that elected

officials in Albany hear us loud and clear and pass this

We can’t wait.


For any questions about policy or implementation,

turn it over to the Mayor. Only answer questions
about what labor will do to make this a reality.

Q: Capital NY is reporting that the Governor is going to

pay for statewide pre-K. Doesn’t that mean this tax is
A: Albany committed to universal pre-k fifteen years ago,
yet 15 years later more than fifty thousand NYC kids have
no access to full day pre-k and even more are denied
access to after school because the funding has never
been there to get it done.
Our kids can't rely, year after year, on good budgetary
conditions and the right political headwinds in Albany -
NYC has a plan that works for NYC, a dedicated funding
stream to finally fulfill the decades long Albany promise of
UPK. The people of New York want it and Albany should
let us get it done.

Q: Isn’t this tax dead on arrival in Albany?

A: We are going to make the case that New York should
be able to raise its own taxes for this important program.
We will make our case to the Governor and the
Legislature, in Albany and in the district. We won’t stop
until it’s passed.

Q: Will you be running TV ads?

A: It’s a little early to make that decision, isn’t it? We’re
committed to do everything we need to to make this plan a
reality. Right now, we’re starting with educating our
members, the public and our elected officials.

Q: Will you be lobbying in Albany on this?

A: Most emphatically yes.

Q: Why is the labor movement taking such an active

position on this?
A: This is an issue that impacts our city as a whole and
working men and women in particular. We need to invest
in our children. And working parents need to be assured
that their children are in a safe, educational and affordable
environment while they are working.
Q: Does the labor movement plan to give money to this
campaign? (Others will defer this question to you)
A: We fully expect to contribute to the campaign, because
we feel so passionately about this issue.
From: Negash, Dabash
To: "Mike Rabinowitz"; Monica Klein; Jonathan Rosen
Cc: WileyJNorvell (gmail); Josh Gold; Emma Woods
Subject: RE: Alvarez TPs
Date: Sunday, January 05, 2014 10:02:51 PM

Monica – can you incorporate and send me final?

From: Mike Rabinowitz [mailto:Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 9:43 PM
To: Monica Klein; Jonathan Rosen
Cc: WileyJNorvell (gmail); Negash, Dabash; Josh Gold; Emma Woods
Subject: Alvarez TPs

Here you go.  (Josh – this is updated slightly throughout, so you should get this to Cara/Marco.)
Includes an amended version of the Capital NY Q + A.  (The Mayor’s should remain as is, but I wanted
to keep the labor leader ones simple.)
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)
From: Monica Klein [mailto
Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 8:42 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Mike Rabinowitz; Wiley Norvell; Negash, Dabash; Josh Gold; Emma Woods
Subject: Re: 120513 UPKLaborLeaders - mr edits

ty will add in. Mike -- do you have Alvarez tps?

On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 8:39 PM, Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Schumer a:

As I understand it sen Schumer declined to weigh in one way or the other and I respect
that. I think we're here today showing yet again the tremendous depth of support here in
the city for this plan and that support is continuing to grow with more organizations and
individuals joining our coalition every day.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 5, 2014, at 8:16 PM, "Monica Klein" < wrote:

Dabash please see attached, Spanish TPs included and Mike's edits

- Schumer q&a
- final Alvarez Tps

On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 8:08 PM, Mike Rabinowitz

<Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)

From: Mike Rabinowitz

Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 8:07 PM
To: Monica Klein; Wiley Norvell
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; 'Josh Gold'; Emma Woods
Subject: 120513 UPKLaborLeaders - mr edits

Thanks for turning this around.

My slight additions added, including the # of people who are represented by

the unions.

<120513 UPKLaborLeaders.v2.doc>
From: Mike Rabinowitz
To: Monica Klein; Jonathan Rosen
Cc: WileyJNorvell (gmail); Negash, Dabash; Josh Gold; Emma Woods
Subject: Revised Alvarez TPs
Date: Sunday, January 05, 2014 10:26:29 PM
Attachments: Alvarez Talking Points v4.doc

Attached are revised Alvarez TPs.  The Capital Q+A tracks (but is slightly different from) the new
Capital Q+A for the Mayor that you should be receiving.
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)
From: Mike Rabinowitz
Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 9:43 PM
To: 'Monica Klein'; Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Wiley Norvell; Negash, Dabash; Josh Gold; Emma Woods
Subject: Alvarez TPs

Here you go.  (Josh – this is updated slightly throughout, so you should get this to Cara/Marco.)
Includes an amended version of the Capital NY Q + A.  (The Mayor’s should remain as is, but I wanted
to keep the labor leader ones simple.)
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)
From: Monica Klein [mailto
Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 8:42 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Mike Rabinowitz; Wiley Norvell; Negash, Dabash; Josh Gold; Emma Woods
Subject: Re: 120513 UPKLaborLeaders - mr edits

ty will add in. Mike -- do you have Alvarez tps?

On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 8:39 PM, Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Schumer a:

As I understand it sen Schumer declined to weigh in one way or the other and I respect
that. I think we're here today showing yet again the tremendous depth of support here in
the city for this plan and that support is continuing to grow with more organizations and
individuals joining our coalition every day.
Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 5, 2014, at 8:16 PM, "Monica Klein" < wrote:

Dabash please see attached, Spanish TPs included and Mike's edits

- Schumer q&a
- final Alvarez Tps

On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 8:08 PM, Mike Rabinowitz

<Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)

From: Mike Rabinowitz

Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 8:07 PM
To: Monica Klein; Wiley Norvell
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; 'Josh Gold'; Emma Woods
Subject: 120513 UPKLaborLeaders - mr edits

Thanks for turning this around.

My slight additions added, including the # of people who are represented by

the unions.

<120513 UPKLaborLeaders.v2.doc>
Talking Points

Thank you everyone for coming.

The New York City Labor Movement and its 1.3 million
members is proud to join UPKNYC.

New York City’s unions will spend the next few months
educating our state legislators about why New York City
needs to be able to raise taxes on the wealthiest New
Yorkers to pay for universal pre-K and afterschool

Nobody disputes the benefits of universal pre-K and


According to the National Bureau of Economic Research:

Pre-K can reduce the achievement gap by up to 40%.

And the Ounce of Prevention Fund tell us that without a

high-quality early childhood intervention, an at-risk child is:
• 25% more likely to drop out of school
• 50% more likely to be placed in special education
• 70% more likely to be arrested for a violent crime

As all-too-many working parents know, the time between

when school ends and when parents get home is a time
when many parents worry.

According to the Afterschool Alliance: 1 in 4 children is left

alone and unsupervised after-school in NYC
• Teenagers left to spend after-school hours—peak
window for juvenile crime & violence—out on the

This is not just an educational issue. It’s an economic

justice issue.

Investing in our children ensures that they have the

opportunity to succeed later in life.

And it helps ensure that parents have a safe, affordable,

educational environment for their children when they are
at work.

This is critical for tens of thousands of working parents.

And that’s why we will be making sure our elected officials

support this tax.

New York State has promised universal pre-K for 15


But it’s never provided the funding needed.

It’s critical this funding be a dedicated tax, not money from

the general budget.

It’s the only way to ensure these programs won’t be cut, or

take funding from other worthy cause
Well, Mayor de Blasio has provided a stable funding
source – a small tax on the wealthiest New Yorkers.

For the cost of a soy latte a day, people making over

$500,000 a year can help invest in our children.

Several weeks ago, leaders from the business,

philanthropic and nonprofit communities came together
and launched UPKNYC.

We’re proud to join them to making sure that elected

officials in Albany hear us loud and clear and pass this

We can’t wait.


For any questions about policy or implementation,

turn it over to the Mayor. Only answer questions
about what labor will do to make this a reality.

Q: Capital NY is reporting that the Governor is going to

pay for statewide pre-K. Doesn’t that mean this tax is
A: Albany committed to universal pre-k fifteen years ago,
yet 15 years later more than fifty thousand NYC kids have
no access to full day pre-k and even more are denied
access to after school because the funding has never
been there to get it done.
Our kids can't rely, year after year, on good budgetary
conditions and the right political headwinds in Albany -
NYC has a plan that works for NYC, a dedicated funding
stream to finally fulfill the decades-long Albany promise of
UPK. It has the overwhelming support of people in NYC
and we will work with the Mayor to achieve it in Albany.

Q: Isn’t this tax dead on arrival in Albany?

A: We are going to make the case that New York should
be able to raise its own taxes for this important program.
We will make our case to the Governor and the
Legislature, in Albany and in the district. We won’t stop
until it’s passed.

Q: Will you be running TV ads?

A: It’s a little early to make that decision, isn’t it? We’re
committed to do everything we need to to make this plan a
reality. Right now, we’re starting with educating our
members, the public and our elected officials.

Q: Will you be lobbying in Albany on this?

A: Most emphatically yes.

Q: Why is the labor movement taking such an active

position on this?
A: This is an issue that impacts our city as a whole and
working men and women in particular. We need to invest
in our children. And working parents need to be assured
that their children are in a safe, educational and affordable
environment while they are working.
Q: Does the labor movement plan to give money to this
campaign? (Others will defer this question to you)
A: We fully expect to contribute to the campaign, because
we feel so passionately about this issue.
From: Monica Klein
To: Mike Rabinowitz
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; WileyJNorvell (gmail); Negash, Dabash; Josh Gold; Emma Woods
Subject: Re: Revised Alvarez TPs
Date: Sunday, January 05, 2014 10:46:11 PM
Attachments: 120513 UPKLaborLeaders.v4.doc

Dabash - please see updated brief attached, includes Alvarez tps & Rosen's revised
Capital NY answer for BdB.

On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 10:26 PM, Mike Rabinowitz <Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com>


Attached are revised Alvarez TPs.  The Capital Q+A tracks (but is slightly different from) the new
Capital Q+A for the Mayor that you should be receiving.

Michael Rabinowitz-Gold

646.200.5308 (office)

646.342.3469 (cell)


From: Mike Rabinowitz

Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 9:43 PM
To: 'Monica Klein'; Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Wiley Norvell; Negash, Dabash; Josh Gold; Emma Woods
Subject: Alvarez TPs

Here you go.  (Josh – this is updated slightly throughout, so you should get this to Cara/Marco.)

Includes an amended version of the Capital NY Q + A.  (The Mayor’s should remain as is, but I
wanted to keep the labor leader ones simple.)

Michael Rabinowitz-Gold

646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)


From: Monica Klein [mailto:

Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 8:42 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Mike Rabinowitz; Wiley Norvell; Negash, Dabash; Josh Gold; Emma Woods
Subject: Re: 120513 UPKLaborLeaders - mr edits

ty will add in. Mike -- do you have Alvarez tps?

On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 8:39 PM, Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>


Schumer a:

As I understand it sen Schumer declined to weigh in one way or the other and I
respect that.  I think we're here today showing yet again the tremendous depth
of support here in the city for this plan and that support is continuing to grow
with more organizations and individuals joining our coalition every day.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 5, 2014, at 8:16 PM, "Monica Klein" < wrote:

Dabash please see attached, Spanish TPs included and Mike's edits


- Schumer q&a

- final Alvarez Tps

On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 8:08 PM, Mike Rabinowitz

<Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com> wrote:


Michael Rabinowitz-Gold

646.200.5308 (office)

646.342.3469 (cell)


From: Mike Rabinowitz

Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 8:07 PM
To: Monica Klein; Wiley Norvell
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; 'Josh Gold'; Emma Woods
Subject: 120513 UPKLaborLeaders - mr edits

Thanks for turning this around.

My slight additions added, including the # of people who are

represented by the unions.

<120513 UPKLaborLeaders.v2.doc>



January 5, 2014


DATE: January 6, 2014

LOCATION: Union Johnson Early Learning Center, 1829
Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10029
TIME: 10 AM - 11 AM
From: Monica Klein


A group of major labor leaders will announce their support of the UPKNYC
campaign and their intention to make this a major priority of theirs in the
coming session. You will thank labor leaders for their support, labor leaders will
speak and run the press conference, and you and Vincent Alvarez will take Q&A.


Vincent Alvarez - speaking

Michael Mulgrew - speaking
Hector Figueroa
Peter Ward - speaking
Chris Shelton
Gary LaBarbera
George Miranda – speaking
Stuart Appelbaum - speaking
Bill Lipton
Dave Nocenti, Executive Director, Union Settlement House


OPEN press


10:00AM - 10:05AM You enter with the group and Vincent Alvarez, President of the
Central Labor Council opens and MCs
10:05AM – 10:07AM Michael Mulgrew speaks
10:07AM – 10:09AM Peter Ward speaks
10:09AM – 10:11AM George Miranda speaks
10:11AM – 10:13 AM Stuart Appelbaum speaks
10:13AM – 10:23AM YOU speak
10:23AM – 10:45AM Alvarez closes and manages Q + A. YOU take Q+A re
implementation, working group, and other policy issues. HE
takes Q + A about labor.


I want to thank the Union Settlement Association and its Executive Director, Dave
Nocenti for hosting us.

Since opening its doors in 1895, Union Settlement has brought education,
wellness and community-building programs to the people of East Harlem

It serves the community – from the youngest to the oldest – from Head Start to Meals
on Wheels

I appreciate your graciousness in hosting us here

And I want to thank the leaders of these unions representing over 1.3 million New
Yorkers for joining this movement for universal pre-K and afterschool.

As I have said multiple times, the centerpiece of my campaign — and the centerpiece
of my administration’s agenda — is achieving a tax increase on the wealthiest New
Yorkers to provide truly Universal Pre-K and after-school programs for every middle-

The people are on our side.

And the facts are on our side.

We are here today in an example of a high-quality educational facility that could open
a new pre-K classroom tomorrow if we had the funding.

This state of the art facility opened last year and serves over 40 children in three Head
Start classrooms

But they could serve more

Right down the hall, they have two empty classrooms ready to go.

What’s missing is the funding. Well, we’re working to change that.

A few weeks ago, leaders from business, civil rights, academia, advocacy and the arts
launched UPKNYC.
They were joined by the leaders of 25 organizations with deep roots across the 5
boroughs, who will reach their members, their elected officials to press for passage of
our plan.

Now they are being joined by leaders of the New York City labor movement – which
represents more than 1.3 million working people.

These unions, including the Central Labor Council and the Working Families Party,
have signed on to join this campaign.

These unions know how to make an issue resonate in Albany.

For the working men and women of New York, quality pre-K and afterschool is not
just about educational opportunity.

It’s also an economic justice issue.

We are asking a little more of the wealthy because we know a strong economy is
dependent on a thriving school system.

Giving every kid a chance to get their education off on the right foot — from the
earliest age — has been shown to lead to greater economic success, healthier lives,
and a better chance of breaking the cycle of poverty.

And we are asking a little more of the wealthy because we know that too many
working parents don’t have somewhere safe and educational for their kids to be when
they are at work.

Or they only have access to informal care.

Or they can barely afford the options that are out there.

Well, passing this plan will give peace of mind to working parents — who suffer the
anxiety of not knowing whether their child is safe and supervised during those critical
hours after the school day ends, but before the workday is done.

I am thankful that today, the men and women of New York’s labor movement are
committing to:
- educate their members
- talk to their elected officials
- and help make a small tax on the wealthiest New Yorkers to pay for universal pre-
K and afterschool for middle schoolers a reality.

And now for our friends in the Spanish-speaking press:

Para los hombres y mujeres de Nueva York que trabajan, los programas de pre-
kindergarten y extracurriculares de buena calidad no son solo un asunto de
oportunidades en la educación.

Son también un asunto de justicia económica.

Doy gracias porque hoy los hombres y mujeres del movimiento laboral de Nueva
York están comprometiéndose para ayudar a conseguir un pequeño impuesto a los
neoyorquinos más acomodados para hacer realidad el pre-K universal y programas
extracurriculares para los estudiantes de intermedia.


Thank you everyone for coming.

The New York City Labor Movement and its 1.3 million members is proud to join

New York City’s unions will spend the next few months educating our state
legislators about why New York City needs to be able to raise taxes on the wealthiest
New Yorkers to pay for universal pre-K and afterschool programs.

Nobody disputes the benefits of universal pre-K and afterschool.

According to the National Bureau of Economic Research: Pre-K can reduce the
achievement gap by up to 40%.

And the Ounce of Prevention Fund tell us that without a high-quality early childhood
intervention, an at-risk child is:
• 25% more likely to drop out of school
• 50% more likely to be placed in special education
• 70% more likely to be arrested for a violent crime

As all-too-many working parents know, the time between when school ends and
when parents get home is a time when many parents worry.

According to the Afterschool Alliance: 1 in 4 children is left alone and unsupervised

after-school in NYC
• Teenagers left to spend after-school hours—peak window for juvenile crime &
violence—out on the streets.

This is not just an educational issue. It’s an economic justice issue.

Investing in our children ensures that they have the opportunity to succeed later in
And it helps ensure that parents have a safe, affordable, educational environment for
their children when they are at work.

This is critical for tens of thousands of working parents.

And that’s why we will be making sure our elected officials support this tax.

New York State has promised universal pre-K for 15 years.

But it’s never provided the funding needed.

It’s critical this funding be a dedicated tax, not money from the general budget.

It’s the only way to ensure these programs won’t be cut, or take funding from other
worthy cause

Well, Mayor de Blasio has provided a stable funding source – a small tax on the
wealthiest New Yorkers.

For the cost of a soy latte a day, people making over $500,000 a year can help invest
in our children.

Several weeks ago, leaders from the business, philanthropic and nonprofit
communities came together and launched UPKNYC.

We’re proud to join them to making sure that elected officials in Albany hear us loud
and clear and pass this plan.

We can’t wait.


Q. When do you expect to begin negotiations in Albany?

A. We look forward to beginning negotiations immediately. As I have said before,
this plan can’t wait.

Q. What if Cuomo offers revenue straight from the State budget—would you
turn it down?
A. The dedicated tax we’ve called for is the way to do this. General budget revenue
can be cut, or it can come from other worthy programs. A dedicated tax is the only
way to do it.

Q. Given that you can’t likely scale up to 100% by September 2014, do you
really need the full $530 million this year? Would you take less?
A. Yes. We absolutely need the full amount in year one. Our goal is to begin to
mount a massive expansion in both pre-k and after-school that begins in September.
As I mentioned, this facility, and many others, have empty classrooms that can be put
to work. And other sites will be available. Our working group is mapping out details
– but we know a significant number of expansion slots will be converting half day to
full day. Many of those already have staff and space. We will also focus on restoring
the 30,000 afterschool seats we lost and adding more - so we will use a lot of the
funds for ongoing operations right away.

We also know there will be significant one time costs we will occur as we expand the
system. Examples may include:
--Expenses to retrofit space
--Expenses on prepaid leases that we would make if they would save taxpayer money
down the road
--Expenses to modernize data systems for enrollment and outcomes measurement
(technology in programs to allow assessment of progress).

Our working group is mapping out a precise implementation plan but I can say to you
confidently if our plan passes we will rapidly bring capacity online in year one and
need the full funding to do it.

Q. Will these leaders you named be actively lobbying in Albany?

A. They’ll use their sway in Albany. They’ll use their sway in the public debate.

Q. Have you spoken to Governor Cuomo about your plan? What has he
A. I know he shares the goal. He’s declared an openness to discuss our funding plan.

Q. Doesn’t this tax hike run counter to Cuomo’s tax commission proposals to
reduce taxes?
A. NYC taxes are different from the State’s tax burden. They are two different

Q. Will you be running any ads or buying airtime?

A. We’re focused on the grassroots, and our first push will be through these
organizations’ memberships and reach and growing our coalition.

Q. Would you consider waiting a year to pass your plan after the elections in
A. No. Priorities like this cannot wait.

Q. If the State doesn’t support you, will you fund this out of the City budget?
A. We are fighting to pass this with NYC tax revenue. We’re not trying to infringe on
the State budget.

Q. How will you overcome skepticism in the State Senate?

A. Jeff Klein has declared himself an ally. We will mobilize our NYC delegation.
And we will reach out to Republicans—including those upstate who in the past have
supported NYC’s right to tax itself.

Q. Capital NY last night reported that Governor Cuomo will propose his own
statewide plan to achieve universal pre-k. In light of this do you still need your
tax plan?

A. Albany committed to universal pre-k fifteen years ago, yet 15 years later more
than fifty thousand NYC kids have no access to full day pre-k and even more are
denied access to after school because the funding has never been there to get it done.

To close this gap will cost 550 million per year in NYC on a sustained ongoing basis.
It's not going to get done with one shots or limited grant programs. That's why I've
proposed a dedicated way to pay for it that locks in the funding to finally get this

We look forward to working with Governor Cuomo and our legislators in Albany to
work to achieve this but the bottom line is for it to work we need a dedicated locked
in multi-year funding stream that reaches every child and ensures no child is left

Q: Can you get this plan passed when Senator Schumer is objecting to it?

As I understand it sen Schumer declined to weigh in one way or the other and I
respect that. I think we're here today showing yet again the tremendous depth of
support here in the city for this plan and that support is continuing to grow with more
organizations and individuals joining our coalition every day.


For any questions about policy or implementation, turn it over to the Mayor.
Only answer questions about what labor will do to make this a reality.

Q: Capital NY is reporting that the Governor is going to pay for statewide pre-
K. Doesn’t that mean this tax is unnecessary?
A: Albany committed to universal pre-k fifteen years ago, yet 15 years later more
than fifty thousand NYC kids have no access to full day pre-k and even more are
denied access to after school because the funding has never been there to get it done.

Our kids can't rely, year after year, on good budgetary conditions and the right
political headwinds in Albany - NYC has a plan that works for NYC, a dedicated
funding stream to finally fulfill the decades-long Albany promise of UPK. It has the
overwhelming support of people in NYC and we will work with the Mayor to achieve
it in Albany.
Q: Isn’t this tax dead on arrival in Albany?
A: We are going to make the case that New York should be able to raise its own taxes
for this important program. We will make our case to the Governor and the
Legislature, in Albany and in the district. We won’t stop until it’s passed.

Q: Will you be running TV ads?

A: It’s a little early to make that decision, isn’t it? We’re committed to do everything
we need to to make this plan a reality. Right now, we’re starting with educating our
members, the public and our elected officials.

Q: Will you be lobbying in Albany on this?

A: Most emphatically yes.

Q: Why is the labor movement taking such an active position on this?

A: This is an issue that impacts our city as a whole and working men and women in
particular. We need to invest in our children. And working parents need to be
assured that their children are in a safe, educational and affordable environment while
they are working.

Q: Does the labor movement plan to give money to this campaign? (Others will
defer this question to you)
A: We fully expect to contribute to the campaign, because we feel so passionately
about this issue.


Union Settlement Association

Union Settlement Association began in 1895 on East 104th Street in East Harlem.

The 350 employees and the 10,000 residents who participate in its programs work to
make East Harlem a strong, supportive and proud community where dreams are born
and achieved every day. They’re working side-by-side with community members to
tackle the issues that are important to the vitality of the neighborhood, and to
advocate with them on behalf of all East Harlem residents, and underserved
communities across the city, state and nation.

Union Settlement serves 500 children and their families in seven childcare and Head
Start centers. Teachers in its pre-school program assist children ages two to five in a
stimulating social and educational environment. They operate a Universal Pre-
Kindergarten program with Community School District 4/Region 9.

Union Settlement Child Care programs operate from 8AM to 6PM and the Head Start
programs operate from 8AM to 4:30PM. Both programs are open year round.
All child care centers and home care providers are licensed by the Department of

They also offer youth programs for 2,000 children and teens.

Youth Services programs include: homework assistance, tutoring, computer

instruction, visual and performing arts projects, recreational activities and a summer
day camp,
employment and educational opportunities for in-school youth, including, tutoring,
internships and job skills development.

The centerpiece of Youth at Union is its Education Center. Open weekdays from
three to nine p.m. and on Saturdays for special events and activities, the Center serves
as a "neighborhood sanctuary" where parents can be sure their children are engaged in
constructive, enriching activities.

They also offer adult education, college readiness, HIV, mental health and senior

David Nocenti, Executive Director, Union Settlement Association: David became

the Executive Director of Union Settlement in January 2009. He has served as a top
advisor to three Governors, including as Counsel to Governors David Paterson and
Eliot Spitzer from January 2007 through June 2008, as well as Assistant Counsel and
First Assistant Counsel to Governor Mario Cuomo from 1990 to 1994. He also served
as Counsel to the New York Attorney General and the Queens Borough President and
as an Assistant U.S. Attorney in Brooklyn.
From: Negash, Dabash
To: "Monica Klein"; Mike Rabinowitz
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; WileyJNorvell (gmail); Josh Gold; Emma Woods
Subject: RE: Revised Alvarez TPs
Date: Sunday, January 05, 2014 10:51:14 PM

Got it.
From: Monica Klein [mailto:
Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 10:46 PM
To: Mike Rabinowitz
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; WileyJNorvell (gmail); Negash, Dabash; Josh Gold; Emma Woods
Subject: Re: Revised Alvarez TPs

Dabash - please see updated brief attached, includes Alvarez tps & Rosen's revised Capital
NY answer for BdB.

On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 10:26 PM, Mike Rabinowitz <Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Attached are revised Alvarez TPs.  The Capital Q+A tracks (but is slightly different from) the new
Capital Q+A for the Mayor that you should be receiving.
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)
From: Mike Rabinowitz
Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 9:43 PM
To: 'Monica Klein'; Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Wiley Norvell; Negash, Dabash; Josh Gold; Emma Woods
Subject: Alvarez TPs

Here you go.  (Josh – this is updated slightly throughout, so you should get this to Cara/Marco.)
Includes an amended version of the Capital NY Q + A.  (The Mayor’s should remain as is, but I wanted
to keep the labor leader ones simple.)
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)
From: Monica Klein [mailto
Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 8:42 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Mike Rabinowitz; Wiley Norvell; Negash, Dabash; Josh Gold; Emma Woods
Subject: Re: 120513 UPKLaborLeaders - mr edits
ty will add in. Mike -- do you have Alvarez tps?

On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 8:39 PM, Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Schumer a:

As I understand it sen Schumer declined to weigh in one way or the other and I respect
that. I think we're here today showing yet again the tremendous depth of support here in
the city for this plan and that support is continuing to grow with more organizations and
individuals joining our coalition every day.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 5, 2014, at 8:16 PM, "Monica Klein" < wrote:

Dabash please see attached, Spanish TPs included and Mike's edits

- Schumer q&a
- final Alvarez Tps

On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 8:08 PM, Mike Rabinowitz

<Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)

From: Mike Rabinowitz

Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 8:07 PM
To: Monica Klein; Wiley Norvell
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; 'Josh Gold'; Emma Woods
Subject: 120513 UPKLaborLeaders - mr edits

Thanks for turning this around.

My slight additions added, including the # of people who are represented by

the unions.

<120513 UPKLaborLeaders.v2.doc>
From: Mike Rabinowitz
To: Negash, Dabash
Subject: RE: Revised Alvarez TPs
Date: Monday, January 06, 2014 5:48:50 AM

The number is in flux. Around 10. 

-Sent by Mobile-
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (o)
646.342.3469 (c)

-------- Original message --------

From: "Negash, Dabash"
Date:01/05/2014 11:54 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: RE: Revised Alvarez TPs

Hi Mike – I don’t see total number of attendees in the final copy. Can you just send me answer via
email? Thank you.

From: Mike Rabinowitz [mailto:Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 10:26 PM
To: Monica Klein; Jonathan Rosen
Cc: WileyJNorvell (gmail); Negash, Dabash; Josh Gold; Emma Woods
Subject: Revised Alvarez TPs

Attached are revised Alvarez TPs.  The Capital Q+A tracks (but is slightly different from) the new
Capital Q+A for the Mayor that you should be receiving.

Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)

From: Mike Rabinowitz

Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 9:43 PM
To: 'Monica Klein'; Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Wiley Norvell; Negash, Dabash; Josh Gold; Emma Woods
Subject: Alvarez TPs

Here you go.  (Josh – this is updated slightly throughout, so you should get this to Cara/Marco.)

Includes an amended version of the Capital NY Q + A.  (The Mayor’s should remain as is, but I wanted
to keep the labor leader ones simple.)

Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)

From: Monica Klein [mailto

Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 8:42 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Mike Rabinowitz; Wiley Norvell; Negash, Dabash; Josh Gold; Emma Woods
Subject: Re: 120513 UPKLaborLeaders - mr edits

ty will add in. Mike -- do you have Alvarez tps?

On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 8:39 PM, Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Schumer a:

As I understand it sen Schumer declined to weigh in one way or the other and I respect
that. I think we're here today showing yet again the tremendous depth of support here in
the city for this plan and that support is continuing to grow with more organizations and
individuals joining our coalition every day.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 5, 2014, at 8:16 PM, "Monica Klein" < wrote:

Dabash please see attached, Spanish TPs included and Mike's edits

- Schumer q&a
- final Alvarez Tps

On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 8:08 PM, Mike Rabinowitz

<Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)

From: Mike Rabinowitz

Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 8:07 PM
To: Monica Klein; Wiley Norvell
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; 'Josh Gold'; Emma Woods
Subject: 120513 UPKLaborLeaders - mr edits

Thanks for turning this around.

My slight additions added, including the # of people who are represented by
the unions.

<120513 UPKLaborLeaders.v2.doc>
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Klein, Monica
Cc: Sharp, Edie
Subject: Re: question from BdB re: Kristof op-ed
Date: Thursday, January 09, 2014 6:26:14 PM

Will get info and circle back to you.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 9, 2014, at 6:07 PM, "Klein, Monica" <MKlein@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Hey -- BdB wants to know if he should reach out to Kristof re: today’s
“Progress in the War on Poverty” NYT op-ed, since last time he didn’t do it.
If so could you send over phone or email of Kristof, if you have -- however
you think best for BdB to reach him -- and Bdb wants to know what he
should say? 
From: Scola, Lindsay
To: "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"; Klein, Monica
Cc: Sharp, Edie; " Walzak, Phil
Subject: Re: question from BdB re: Kristof op-ed
Date: Friday, January 10, 2014 3:19:18 PM

Let's discuss not a lot time today.

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, January 10, 2014 03:18 PM
To: Klein, Monica
Cc: Sharp, Edie; < Scola, Lindsay; Walzak, Phil
Subject: Re: question from BdB re: Kristof op-ed
I think it's worth a call whenever even if can't be today.  

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 10, 2014, at 3:14 PM, "Klein, Monica" <MKlein@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

PR – ok to add this call to sched today or tomorrow? If so I’ll draft brief

From: Sharp, Edie
Sent: Friday, January 10, 2014 3:09 PM
To: Klein, Monica; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
Cc: PhilWalzak (gmail.com); Scola, Lindsay
Subject: Re: question from BdB re: Kristof op-ed
Great - if we want him to send an email/call then we should send a clean briefing to Bill.
Thanks everyone.

From: Klein, Monica

Sent: Friday, January 10, 2014 03:07 PM
To: 'Jonathan Rosen' <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Sharp, Edie; < PhilWalzak (gmail.com);
Scola, Lindsay
Subject: RE: question from BdB re: Kristof op-ed

Cc’ing Lindsay to sched if he wants to call. ES let us know if he just wants to shoot an
today is ideal (although I’m sure sched is tight) since column came out yesterday
From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, January 10, 2014 2:24 PM
To: Klein, Monica
Cc: Sharp, Edie; PhilWalzak (gmail.com)
Subject: RE: question from BdB re: Kristof op-ed
Cc Ragone and Phil for visibility. 
Nick Kristof
(212) 556-7059
-Beyond praising the piece, tell him you noticed his piece on pre-k in Oklahoma a few
months ago and had wanted to reach out.  This piece made him think of it (piece
pasted below).
-Appreciate his strong consistent voice for activist government that CAN address
inequality and combat poverty. 
-would love to get together to discuss vision for NYC (JR note – this is a relationship
worth developing with long term value – worth a sit-down).
-Wanted to call his attention to debate in NY happening now over my pre-k and
afterschool plan.  As you (Kristof) noted, early education single best tool we have to
address inequality, poverty and crime. 
-Discuss YOUR plan and the tax debate.
-Very clear choice - $3 per day for wealthy or continuing to lag behind Kansas and
allowing tale of two cities to grow.
-Debate is getting national attention – NYC achieving this could have national
-Hope he will consider weighing in at some point and taking a close look at our plan.
Offer to put him in touch with JR to follow-up.
Kristof pre-k columns:
From: Klein, Monica [mailto:MKlein@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2014 6:07 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Sharp, Edie
Subject: question from BdB re: Kristof op-ed
Hey -- BdB wants to know if he should reach out to Kristof re: today’s “Progress
in the War on Poverty” NYT op-ed, since last time he didn’t do it. If so could you
send over phone or email of Kristof, if you have -- however you think best for
BdB to reach him -- and Bdb wants to know what he should say? 
To: Jonathan Rosen; Peter Ragone
Cc: Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Subject: Re:
Date: Monday, January 13, 2014 7:49:44 AM

Looping gabriel to herd cats

Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

From: Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>

Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2014 12:44:25 +0000
Cc: Emma Wolfe<
Subject: Re:

If 1030 doesn't work can we do this tmrw a.m.  I am stuck in a long meeting from 11-5 in
Chicago back tonight.  Or I can catch up with josh offline if easier.  

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 13, 2014, at 7:42 AM, " < wrote:

Actually, that makes sense to add them. Can we get them over to ch today?

Peter Ragone/
From: Emma Wolfe
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2014 7:30 AM
Cc: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re:

Ok so no josh g or dean right? 

On Jan 13, 2014, at 7:25 AM, wrote:

I've been looking at the plannig around this and I want to get a
sense of where they are and what they got that helps us explain to
the public the programmatic  execution of this idea.

Peter Ragone/
From: Emma Wolfe
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2014 7:24 AM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re:

What's topic in case we want to bring in either dean or josh g? 

On Jan 13, 2014, at 7:22 AM, Jonathan Rosen

<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Sure.  My plane lands at 1015.  1025?

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 13, 2014, at 7:17 AM, "

< wrote:

Can the three of us have a call with Josh

Wallack today?

Peter Ragone/
From: Walzak, Phil
To: "Jonathan Rosen"
Subject: RE: UPK, afterschool, Brooklyn Hospitals – this is like the DeBlasio Cuomo budget…….
Date: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 2:41:06 PM

I know it
From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 2:41 PM
To: Walzak, Phil
Subject: UPK, afterschool, Brooklyn Hospitals – this is like the DeBlasio Cuomo budget…….
Jonathan Rosen
BerlinRosen Public Affairs, Ltd.
15 Maiden Lane, Suite 1600
New York, NY 10038
t. 646.452.5637
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Joshua Gold
Cc: Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Subject: RE: bank st / weather
Date: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 3:46:33 PM

Final verdict? 
From: [mailto:
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 2:07 PM
To: Joshua Gold; Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Gabriel Schnake-Mahl
Subject: Re: bank st / weather
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

From: Josh Gold <

Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 14:04:54 -0500
To: Jonathan Rosen<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Emma Wolfe< Schnake-Mahl,
Subject: Re: bank st / weather

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 21, 2014, at 1:59 PM, Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Plus Gabe’s real address.

From: Jonathan Rosen
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 1:59 PM
To: Emma Wolfe; Gabriel Schnake-Mahl; Josh Gold (
Subject: bank st / weather
Should we do a conf call instead tomorrow w them – flagging Bank St is in Harlem and
it will be snowing and they have a new person coming in.  Happy to schlep but think it
might turn into a Gilligan’s Island esque 3 hour tour.
Jonathan Rosen
BerlinRosen Public Affairs, Ltd.
15 Maiden Lane, Suite 1600
New York, NY 10038
t. 646.452.5637
From: Emma Wolfe
To: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Joshua Gold; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Subject: Re: bank st / weather
Date: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 5:33:48 PM


On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 5:28 PM, Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>

Who can reach out to Patrick?

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 21, 2014, at 4:45 PM, "Emma Wolfe" < wrote:

fine to do a call her e

On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 3:46 PM, Jonathan Rosen

<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Final verdict? 

From: [mailto:
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 2:07 PM
To: Joshua Gold; Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Gabriel Schnake-Mahl

Subject: Re: bank st / weather


Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

From: Josh Gold <

Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 14:04:54 -0500

To: Jonathan Rosen<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>

Cc: Emma Wolfe< Schnake-Mahl,


Subject: Re: bank st / weather



Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 21, 2014, at 1:59 PM, Jonathan Rosen

<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Plus Gabe’s real address.

From: Jonathan Rosen

Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 1:59 PM
To: Emma Wolfe; Gabriel Schnake-Mahl; Josh Gold
Subject: bank st / weather

Should we do a conf call instead tomorrow w them –

flagging Bank St is in Harlem and it will be snowing and
they have a new person coming in.  Happy to schlep but
think it might turn into a Gilligan’s Island esque 3 hour

Jonathan Rosen

BerlinRosen Public Affairs, Ltd.

15 Maiden Lane, Suite 1600

New York, NY 10038

t. 646.452.5637


From: Wolfe, Emma
To: " "jonathan@berlinrosen.com"
Subject: Cool if I offer to have them sit w/ wallach and look over working group product?
Date: Wednesday, January 22, 2014 11:40:43 AM
From: Adams, Marti
To: . . .. . . . "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com" ; J' • • • • •

Subject: Re: Katrina

Date: Wednesday, January 22, 2014 1:39:56 PM

Yep, will do

From:- [ma
Sent: weanesd'ay, January
To: Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>;
Adams, Marti
Subject: RE: Katrina

Marti pis check in w kate and see what they are doin pis

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE Smartphone

-------- Original message --------

From: Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
illip Walzak

Kate Taylor at NYT is asking her to weigh in on UES snowgate.

KVH wants to know what to say.

I think she is willing to say this is stupid and manufactured absurd. Cool?

Jonathan Rosen

BerlinRosen Public Affairs, Ltd.

15 Maiden La ne, Suite 1600

New York, NY 10038

t. 646.452.5637


From: Wolfe, Emma
To: "Jonathan Rosen"
Subject: RE: still no luck on my foundation meeting with Carmen - this reminds me. i will beg urs today but then knock
on your door.
Date: Wednesday, January 22, 2014 4:31:04 PM

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2014 11:55 AM
To: Wolfe, Emma
Subject: still no luck on my foundation meeting with Carmen - this reminds me. i will beg urs today but
then knock on your door.
Jonathan Rosen
BerlinRosen Public Affairs, Ltd.
15 Maiden Lane, Suite 1600
New York, NY 10038
t. 646.452.5637
From: Wolfe, Emma
To: "Jonathan Rosen";
Cc: Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: RE: how do we feel about putting Gail Nayowith on Ny1 tonight
Date: Wednesday, January 22, 2014 5:16:35 PM

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2014 5:01 PM
To: Wolfe, Emma
Cc: Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: RE: how do we feel about putting Gail Nayowith on Ny1 tonight
From: [mailto:
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2014 5:00 PM
To: Wolfe, Emma; Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: Re: how do we feel about putting Gail Nayowith on Ny1 tonight
That was a joke. Neither one it. :)
Peter Ragone/
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2014 4:59 PM
To: Wolfe, Emma; Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: Re: how do we feel about putting Gail Nayowith on Ny1 tonight

Thug off.
Peter Ragone/
From: Wolfe, Emma
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2014 4:57 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: Re: how do we feel about putting Gail Nayowith on Ny1 tonight

Ha love it! Schwartz vs Walzak 

On Jan 22, 2014, at 4:45 PM, "Jonathan Rosen" <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

We got bumped for Mr. Phil Walzak J

From: [mailto:
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2014 4:34 PM
To: Wolfe, Emma; Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: Re: how do we feel about putting Gail Nayowith on Ny1 tonight

Peter Rago
From: Wolfe, Emma
Sent: Wednesday, Ja ~M
To: 'Jonathan Rosen'; - - - -·
Cc: Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: RE: how do we feel about putting Gail Nayowith on Nyl tonight

Good here

From: Jonathan Rosen [ mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]

Sen l l l ! !Januarv
Wednesda i i : 22, 2014 11:59 AM
To: Wolfe, Emma
Cc: Mi e Ra inowitz
Subject: how do we feel about putting Gail Nayowith on Nyl tonight

Many of our advocates don't want to go toe to toe vis Cuomo -I think Gail would . She
is on our working group.

Jonathan Rosen
Berlin Rosen Public Affairs, Ltd.
15 Maiden Lane, Suit e 1600
New York, NY 10038
t. 646.452.5637
jonat han@ berlinrosen.com
From: Marco Carrion
To: Joshua Gold
Cc: Dan Levitan; Sevillia, Max
Subject: Re: Members of Congress Release
Dat e: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 7:46: 14 AM

Nydia team is asking again

On Jan 27, 2014 10:08 PM, "Josh Gold" wrote:

Dan - see below

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 27, 2014, at 9:25 PM, Marco Carrion wrote:

I need quote for nydia

On Jan 27, 2014 6:48 PM, "Josh Gold" wrote:

If possible, would love quotes tmw, so we can go er
members and sign them up. Should we ask emma to call Hakeem?

On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 6:42 PM, Sevillia, Max

< msevillia@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Jeffries wants to know the deadline. Maloney is in. They wa nt to
provide quote. When do we need it by?

Max Sevillia, Esq.

Director of Federal Affairs
New York City

Tel: (202)
Mobile: (202) 374-1272

On Jan 27, 2014, at 5:19 PM, Josh Gold


great. thanks.

M, Marco Carrion

I can also call nydia and Engel office.

On Jan 27 2014 4:51 PM, "Josh Gold"

~those 3. Ask is to incl ude
I them on release, and for a quote. we can draft
quote if they need.

Nydia -
Rangel- Max
Serrano - MC (Kind of)
Meng - JG (yes)
Nadler - JG (yes)
Maloney - Max
Engel -
Jeffries - Max

4:47 PM, Max Sevillia

can qu1 Ra ngel, Maloney, and
Jeffries. Can do others with a little more effort.

On Mon Jan 27 2014 at 4:42 PM, Josh Gold

~ith a release of members
of congress who support the City's UPK

Max, anyone you have a relationship you want

to try on this list?

Marco, anyone else you can take?

F rom: Marco Curi<>o
To: Gabriel Schnake-Mahl
Cc: Josh Gold : Dan Levitan : Sevillia. Max
Subj ect: Re: Members of Congress Release
Date: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 3:59:25 PM

"Our children only get one real shot at a great education and it's imperative that they get off to
the right start," said Rep. Joe Crowley (D-Queens, the Bronx). "Universal pre-k is a necessary
investment for every New York City student to reach their full potential and we owe it to them to
make sure there is dedicated, sustainable funding for the program moving forward."

On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 12:27 PM, Marco Carrion wrote:

Waiting on Crowley, Serrano, Clarke.

Attribute to Rep. Nydia M. Velazquez (0-NY):

"Studies consistently demonstrate that pre-K education pays long term dividends,
helping children succeed later in life. By making free, high-quality, full-day
universal pre-kindergarten a priority for New York now, we can ensure all our
city's children- regardless of their background- have the opportunity to flourish ,
grow and pursuer their dreams."

On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 10:52 AM, Gabriel Schnake-Mahl wrote:

Yup, will do.

On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 10:39 AM, Josh Gold ~ wrote:

gabe/ marco - make sure she doesnt want to ~

On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 10:36 AM, Gabrie l Schnake-Mahl

Emma was going to talk to Crowley. Marco, you wa nt to try?

On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 10:30 AM, Marco Carrion wrote:

Who is talking to Crowley?

On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 10:26 AM, Josh Gold ~wrote:

Great - next person who asks gets his .

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 28, 2014, at 10:24 AM, Marco Carrion wrote:

Serrano is going to want to draft his own

On Tue, Jan 28,2014 at 10:17 AM, Josh Gold~

They were assigned in a n e mail on that cha in:
“Mayor de Blasio’s proposal is the only way we can afford to make the critical investments in our
children that have been has promised for so long.  We don’t need another IOU, or another
‘someday’ – the Mayor’s plan would provide a stable and sufficient source of funding for pre-K
and afterschool that can be used right now.” - Serrano

“Without the small tax on the wealthiest New Yorkers that Mayor de Blasio has proposed, there is
no way to fully fund a true universal Pre-K and afterschool program.  Study after study have
shown that high-quality early education and afterschool can make an enormous difference in the
lives of young New Yorkers.  We owe it to them, and to our future, to pass Mayor de Blasio’s plan
without delay.” - Meng

“Giving our children the education they deserve takes resources, and Mayor de Blasio’s plan is
the fairest way to do it.  Through a small surcharge on the wealthiest New Yorkers, we can finally
fund universal high-quality Pre-K and afterschool programs that are proven to help students
succeed.”  - Nadler

“We have known for years about the benefits of high-quality early education and afterschool
programing, and for years we have not been able to find the resources to make them a reality for
all New York’s children.  Mayor de Blasio’s plan will end that historic injustice through a small,
dedicated tax on the most fortunate New Yorkers that will allow us to finally provide these
programs to all our students.” - Nydia

On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 10:14 AM, Dan Levitan

<Dan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
Here were the original 4 as well, not sure if these have been taken:

“Mayor de Blasio’s proposal is the only way we can afford to make the
critical investments in our children that have been has promised for so
long.  We don’t need another IOU, or another ‘someday’ – the Mayor’s
plan would provide a stable and sufficient source of funding for pre-K
and afterschool that can be used right now.”

“Without the small tax on the wealthiest New Yorkers that Mayor de
Blasio has proposed, there is no way to fully fund a true universal Pre-K
and afterschool program.  Study after study have shown that high-
quality early education and afterschool can make an enormous
difference in the lives of young New Yorkers.  We owe it to them, and to
our future, to pass Mayor de Blasio’s plan without delay.”

“Giving our children the education they deserve takes resources, and
Mayor de Blasio’s plan is the fairest way to do it.  Through a small
surcharge on the wealthiest New Yorkers, we can finally fund universal
high-quality Pre-K and afterschool programs that are proven to help
students succeed.”  

“We have known for years about the benefits of high-quality early
education and afterschool programing, and for years we have not been
able to find the resources to make them a reality for all New York’s
children.  Mayor de Blasio’s plan will end that historic injustice through a
small, dedicated tax on the most fortunate New Yorkers that will allow
us to finally provide these programs to all our students.”

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 10:11 AM, Josh Gold <

“We have known for years about the benefits of high-quality early education and afterschool
programing, and for years we have not been able to find the resources to make them a
reality for all New York’s children.  Mayor de Blasio’s plan will end that historic injustice
through a small, dedicated tax on the most fortunate New Yorkers that will allow us to finally
provide these programs to all our students.” - Nydia

On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 10:07 AM, Sevillia, Max

<msevillia@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

I’m under the understanding that Reps. Rangel, Jeffries, and Maloney will draft
their own.

From: [mailto: On Behalf Of Dan
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 10:00 AM
To: Sevillia, Max
Cc: Marco Carrion; Joshua Gold; Gabriel Schnake-Mahl
Subject: Re: Members of Congress Release

How many more quotes do we need to draft?

Have the original 4 been accounted for?

Dan Levitan

BerlinRosen Public Affairs

O: 646.200.5315

C: 201.674.7475


On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 8:21 AM, Sevillia, Max

<msevillia@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:


Max Sevillia, Esq.

Director of Federal Affairs

New York City

Tel: (202)

Mobile: (202) 374-1272


"Marco Carrion"

Max, I left a message for Clarke person, still waiting for


On Jan 28, 2014 7:58AM, "Sevillia, Max"

< msevillia@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Ok. I'll communicate with them t his am.

Max Sevillia, Esq.


New York City Office of Federal Affairs

1301 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Suite 350

Washington, D.C. 20004

Tel. (202) 624-5908

Cell. (202) 274-1272

msevillia@cityhall .nyc.gov

AM, "Josh Gold"


Engel, Clarke and Meeks. Nadler is going to

ask engel as well.

Sent f rom my iPhone

On Jan 28, 2014, at 7:56AM, "Sevillia, Max"

< msevillia@cityhall.nyc.gov> w rote:

Need help with others?

Max Sevillia, Esq.

Director of Federal Affairs

New York City

Tel: (202) 

Mobile: (202) 374-1272


On Jan 28, 2014, at 7:54 AM,

"Josh Gold"
< wrote:


Gabe - take Rangel off

Emma's call list.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 28, 2014, at

5:48 AM, "Sevillia,
> wrote:

quote from
letter today



New York
City Office
of Federal


Suite 350

D.C. 20004

Tel. (202)

Cell. (202)
msevillia@cityhall. nyc.gov

On Jan 27,
2014, at
10:08 PM,
"Josh Gold"
















t hanks.






















Gabriel Schnake-Mahl

Gabriel Schnake-Mahl
From: on behalf of Dan Levitan
To: Josh Gold
Cc: Sevillia, Max; Marco Carrion; peter ragone; Gabriel Schnake-Mahl; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: Members of Congress
Date: Wednesday, January 29, 2014 1:51:50 PM

Here's the updated release:


CONTACT: press@upknyc.org



Reps. Nydia Velazquez, Grace Meng, Jerrold Nadler, Jose Serrano, Eliot Engel, Joe
Crowley & Charlie Rangel Call on State to Pass Plan

Momentum Grows as Progressive Members of Congress Join Business Leaders,

National Experts, Labor, Philanthropic, Civic, Non-Profit, Clergy and Academic

New York, NY – Seven progressive Congressional leaders announced today their
support for UPKNYC and called for the full implementation of Mayor de Blasio’s
universal Pre-K and afterschool proposal, adding more momentum to the campaign
to make critical, proven investments in New York’s children. Support from the
Congressional leaders comes days after the City released a full implementation plan
that the New York Times says “makes a persuasive case” and “shows that [de
Blasio’s] pre-K team has thought this through.”

 “Mayor de Blasio’s proposal is the only way we can afford to make the critical
investments in our children that have been has promised for so long.  We don’t need
another IOU, or another ‘someday’ – the Mayor’s plan would provide a stable and
sufficient source of funding for pre-K and afterschool that can be used right now,”
said Rep. Jose Serrano (D-Bronx).

“Without the small tax on the wealthiest New Yorkers that Mayor de Blasio has
proposed, there is no way to fully fund a true universal Pre-K and afterschool
program.  Study after study have shown that high-quality early education and
afterschool can make an enormous difference in the lives of young New Yorkers.  We
owe it to them, and to our future, to pass Mayor de Blasio’s plan without delay,” said
Rep. Grace Meng (D-Queens).

“Giving our children the education they deserve will take a real and dedicated
revenue stream, as has been proposed by Mayor de Blasio.  Through a small
surcharge on the wealthiest New York City residents, we can finally fund universa,l
high-quality Pre-K and afterschool programs that are proven to help students
succeed.  It is simply the right thing to do, and that's why I've been a supporter of his
plan from the outset,” said Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-Manhattan, Brooklyn).
 “We have known for years about the benefits of high-quality early education and
afterschool programing, and for years we have not been able to find the resources to
make them a reality for all New York’s children.  Mayor de Blasio’s plan will end that
historic injustice through a small, dedicated tax on the most fortunate New Yorkers
that will allow us to finally provide these programs to all our students.”

“Our children only get one real shot at a great education and it’s imperative that they
get off to the right start. Universal pre-k is a necessary investment for every New York
City student to reach their full potential and we owe it to them to make sure there is
dedicated, sustainable funding for the program moving forward,” said Rep.
Joe Crowley (D-Queens, Bronx).

 “Studies consistently demonstrate that pre-K education pays long term dividends,
helping children succeed later in life.  By making free, high-quality, full-day universal
pre-kindergarten a priority for New York now, we can ensure all our city’s children –
regardless of their background – have the opportunity to flourish, grow and pursuer
their dreams.” – Rep. Nydia Velazquez (Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan).

"I applaud Mayor de Blasio's commitment to expanding pre-K and after school
programs, which are vital to preparing our youngest children to reach their full
potential in life. Education is key to lifting people out of poverty and opening doors for
success. I'm proud that Mayor de Blasio has been fighting hard to advance economic
opportunities for everyone in New York City; he can count on my support in Congress
where I'll continue to help reclaim an America where everyone has a fair shot at
achieving a better future." – Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-Manhattan).
“As an early and strong supporter of Universal Pre-K, I recognize the need for a reliable and steady
funding mechanism. Universal Pre-K will ensure New York City's children will have the necessary start
to meet tomorrow's challenges.” – Rep. Eliot Engel (D-Bronx).

Economists and early childhood education experts agree that investments in pre-k
and after-school programs provide major economic benefits in the short and long
term. A study by the Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank found that early education
investments far exceed the return on investment of other economic development
projects. Austan Goolsbee, a professor of economics at the University of Chicago's
Booth School of Business and former chairman of President Obama's Council of
Economic Advisers, argued in the Wall Street Journal that the long-term benefits of
investing in early education far exceed the money spent. Investing in children early
avoids costly outcomes like incarceration, special education, teen pregnancy, and
future low earnings.

In recent weeks, a broad coalition of more than 45 organizations and prominent New
Yorkers including business, civic, non-profit, clergy, labor and academic leaders
launched UPKNYC: The Campaign for Universal Pre-K and After-School,
and released a video showing growing national attention and support for Mayor de
Blasio’s plan to raise the income tax on the wealthiest New Yorkers to fund high-
quality pre-kindergarten for all four-year-olds and after-school programs for all
middle school students in New York City who need them.
A recent poll conducted by Quinnipiac University found that a significant majority of
New Yorkers support the Mayor’s plan. 63% of New York State voters are in favor of
raising the income tax on the wealthiest New Yorkers to fund early education for all
children, including 68% of New York City voters, 55% of voters in the suburbs and
64% of those who live in upstate New York. A recent New York Times/Siena poll of
New York City residents found that 72% are supportive of the Mayor’s plan.


Leaders from business, civil rights, academia, advocacy and the arts have formed
UPKNYC’s growing campaign committee, including: Roger Altman, Founder and
Executive Chairman of Evercore Partners, former Deputy Treasury Secretary,
Chairman of New Visions for Public Schools; Cynthia Nixon, actor, Ambassador for
Susan G. Komen for the Cure, longtime advocate for increased financing to NYC
public schools; Jeffrey Sachs, preeminent economist leading Columbia University’s
Earth Institute; Richard Beattie, Senior Chairman of Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP;
Harvey Weinstein, Co-chairman of The Weinstein Company; Al Sharpton, one of the
nation’s most renowned civil rights leaders, founder and president of the National
Action Network; Rev. Michael A. Walrond, Jr., Senior Pastor of the historic First
Corinthian Baptist Church in Harlem; Steve Witkoff, founder and CEO of the Witkoff
Group; actress Olivia Wilde; Dr. Irwin Redlener of the Children’s Health Fund;
musician John Legend; Leonard Litwin; Don Peebles, CEO of The Peebles
Corporation; Orin Kramer, Managing Partner, Boston Provident, L.P.; Robert
Dinerstein, Chairman of Veracity Worldwide; Marc Lasry, Chairman, CEO, and Co-
Founder of the global investment firm Avenue Capital Group; Paul Metselaar,
Founder and CEO of Ovation Travel and Lawyers Travel; Alan Patricof, Founder and
Managing Director of Greycroft LLC, and Susan Patricof, chair of the Northside
Center for Child Development; Jay Eisenhofer, Co-Founder and Managing Director of
Grant & Eisenhofer P.A.; Victor Kovner, partner at Davis Wright Tremaine, LLP;
Sarah Kovner, former Deputy Director of the New York State Clinton-Gore campaign
and a member of the New York Women for Hillary Council; Nanette Lepore, fashion
designer; and Hal Fetner, President and CEO of Durst Fetner Residential.

The campaign committee also includes the leaders of a growing list of over 35
advocacy, non-profit, and labor organizations with deep roots across the five
boroughs, including: Citizens’ Committee for Children, The Children’s Aid Society;
The Center for Children’s Initiatives; Children’s Defense Fund New York; United
Neighborhood Houses New York; Hudson Guild; University Settlement; Harlem RBI;
Committee for Hispanic Children and Families; the Campaign for Children (a coalition
of more than 150 early childhood education and after-school advocacy and provider
organizations); Good Shepherd Services; Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies;
Day Care Council; SCO Family Services; Coalition for Asian American Children and
Families; Neighborhood Family Services Coalition; Advocates for Children;
Annenberg Institute for School Reform at Brown University; New Yorkers for Fiscal
Fairness; Alliance for Quality Education; United NY; Make the Road NY; Strong
Economy for All; NYC Coalition for Educational Justice; New York Communities for
Change; the Urban Youth Collaborative; the New York City Central Labor Council; the
Working Families Party; the United Federation of Teachers; 1199SEIU United
Healthcare Workers East; 32BJ SEIU; the New York Hotel and Motel Trades Council;
the Building and Construction Trades Council of New York City; the Retail Wholesale
and Department Store Union; the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Joint
Council 16; AFSCME District Councils 37 and 1707; Transport Workers Union Local
100 and the Communications Workers of America District 1.


Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 11:33 AM, Josh Gold < wrote:
Marco has Clarke and Serrano
Max, can you take another run at Maloney?
Gabe, emma has Meeks. 

Meeks - Emma 
Clarke - Waiting for Quote 
Nydia - Done, Quote in
Rangel - Done, Quote in
Serrano - Waiting for Quote 
Meng - Done, Quote in
Nadler - Done, Quote in
Maloney - Maybe (Max)
Crowley - Done, Quote in
Engel -Done, Quote in
Jeffies -  Maybe (Max)

On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 10:58 AM, Josh Gold < wrote:
You should have Crowley and Rangel in your in box from yesterday.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 29, 2014, at 10:52 AM, Dan Levitan <Dan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Here is the release as it is with the quotes we have (obviously we will

fix the names when we have the final list of who is in)


CONTACT: press@upknyc.org

Hons. Grace Meng, Jerrold Nadler, Jose Serrano, & Nydia Velazquez
Call on State to Pass Plan

Momentum Grows as Progressive Members of Congress Join

Business Leaders, National Experts, Labor, Philanthropic, Civic, Non-
Profit, Clergy and Academic Leaders

New York, NY – Four progressive Congressional leaders announced

today their support for UPKNYC and called for the full implementation
of Mayor de Blasio’s universal Pre-K and afterschool proposal, adding
more momentum to the campaign to make critical, proven investments
in New York’s children. 

“Mayor de Blasio’s proposal is the only way we can afford to make the
critical investments in our children that have been has promised for so
long.  We don’t need another IOU, or another ‘someday’ – the Mayor’s
plan would provide a stable and sufficient source of funding for pre-K
and afterschool that can be used right now.” - Serrano

“Without the small tax on the wealthiest New Yorkers that Mayor de
Blasio has proposed, there is no way to fully fund a true universal Pre-
K and afterschool program.  Study after study have shown that high-
quality early education and afterschool can make an enormous
difference in the lives of young New Yorkers.  We owe it to them, and
to our future, to pass Mayor de Blasio’s plan without delay.” - Meng

“Giving our children the education they deserve will take a real and
dedicated revenue stream, as has been proposed by Mayor de Blasio.
 Through a small surcharge on the wealthiest New York City residents,
we can finally fund universa,l high-quality Pre-K and afterschool
programs that are proven to help students succeed.  It is simply the
right thing to do, and that's why I've been a supporter of his plan from
the outset.”

- Nadler

“We have known for years about the benefits of high-quality early
education and afterschool programing, and for years we have not
been able to find the resources to make them a reality for all New
York’s children.  Mayor de Blasio’s plan will end that historic injustice
through a small, dedicated tax on the most fortunate New Yorkers that
will allow us to finally provide these programs to all our students.” -

 “Studies consistently demonstrate that pre-K education pays long

term dividends, helping children succeed later in life.  By making free,
high-quality, full-day universal pre-kindergarten a priority for New York
now, we can ensure all our city’s children – regardless of their
background – have the opportunity to flourish, grow and pursuer their
dreams.” – Nydia

"I applaud Mayor de Blasio's commitment to expanding pre-K and

after school programs, which are vital to preparing our youngest
children to reach their full potential in life. Education is key to lifting
people out of poverty and opening doors for success. I'm proud that
Mayor de Blasio has been fighting hard to advance economic
opportunities for everyone in New York City; he can count on my
support in Congress where I'll continue to help reclaim an America
where everyone has a fair shot at achieving a better future." - Rangel

Economists and early childhood education experts agree that

investments in pre-k and after-school programs provide major
economic benefits in the short and long term. A study by the
Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank found that early education
investments far exceed the return on investment of other economic
development projects. Austan Goolsbee, a professor of economics at
the University of Chicago's Booth School of Business and former
chairman of President Obama's Council of Economic Advisers, argued
in the Wall Street Journal that the long-term benefits of investing in
early education far exceed the money spent. Investing in children
early avoids costly outcomes like incarceration, special education,
teen pregnancy, and future low earnings.

In recent weeks, a broad coalition of more than 45 organizations and

prominent New Yorkers including business, civic, non-profit, clergy,
labor and academic leaders launched UPKNYC: The Campaign for
Universal Pre-K and After-School, and released a video showing
growing national attention and support for Mayor de Blasio’s plan to
raise the income tax on the wealthiest New Yorkers to fund high-
quality pre-kindergarten for all four-year-olds and after-school
programs for all middle school students in New York City who need

A recent poll conducted by Quinnipiac University found that a

significant majority of New Yorkers support the Mayor’s plan. 63% of
New York State voters are in favor of raising the income tax on the
wealthiest New Yorkers to fund early education for all children,
including 68% of New York City voters, 55% of voters in the suburbs
and 64% of those who live in upstate New York. A recent New York
Times/Siena poll of New York City residents found that 72% are
supportive of the Mayor’s plan.

Leaders from business, civil rights, academia, advocacy and the arts
have formed UPKNYC’s growing campaign committee, including:
Roger Altman, Founder and Executive Chairman of Evercore
Partners, former Deputy Treasury Secretary, Chairman of New
Visions for Public Schools; Cynthia Nixon, actor, Ambassador for
Susan G. Komen for the Cure, longtime advocate for increased
financing to NYC public schools; Jeffrey Sachs, preeminent economist
leading Columbia University’s Earth Institute; Richard Beattie, Senior
Chairman of Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP; Harvey Weinstein, Co-
chairman of The Weinstein Company; Al Sharpton, one of the nation’s
most renowned civil rights leaders, founder and president of the
National Action Network; Rev. Michael A. Walrond, Jr., Senior Pastor
of the historic First Corinthian Baptist Church in Harlem; Steve Witkoff,
founder and CEO of the Witkoff Group; actress Olivia Wilde; Dr. Irwin
Redlener of the Children’s Health Fund; musician John Legend;
Leonard Litwin; Don Peebles, CEO of The Peebles Corporation; Orin
Kramer, Managing Partner, Boston Provident, L.P.; Robert Dinerstein,
Chairman of Veracity Worldwide; Marc Lasry, Chairman, CEO, and
Co-Founder of the global investment firm Avenue Capital Group; Paul
Metselaar, Founder and CEO of Ovation Travel and Lawyers Travel;
Alan Patricof, Founder and Managing Director of Greycroft LLC, and
Susan Patricof, chair of the Northside Center for Child Development;
Jay Eisenhofer, Co-Founder and Managing Director of Grant &
Eisenhofer P.A.; Victor Kovner, partner at Davis Wright Tremaine,
LLP; Sarah Kovner, former Deputy Director of the New York State
Clinton-Gore campaign and a member of the New York Women for
Hillary Council; Nanette Lepore, fashion designer; and Hal Fetner,
President and CEO of Durst Fetner Residential.

The campaign committee also includes the leaders of a growing list of

over 35 advocacy, non-profit, and labor organizations with deep roots
across the five boroughs, including: Citizens’ Committee for Children,
The Children’s Aid Society; The Center for Children’s Initiatives;
Children’s Defense Fund New York; United Neighborhood Houses
New York; Hudson Guild; University Settlement; Harlem RBI;
Committee for Hispanic Children and Families; the Campaign for
Children (a coalition of more than 150 early childhood education and
after-school advocacy and provider organizations); Good Shepherd
Services; Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies; Day Care
Council; SCO Family Services; Coalition for Asian American Children
and Families; Neighborhood Family Services Coalition; Advocates for
Children; Annenberg Institute for School Reform at Brown University;
New Yorkers for Fiscal Fairness; Alliance for Quality Education;
United NY; Make the Road NY; Strong Economy for All; NYC
Coalition for Educational Justice; New York Communities for Change;
the Urban Youth Collaborative; the New York City Central Labor
Council; the Working Families Party; the United Federation of
Teachers; 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East; 32BJ SEIU;
the New York Hotel and Motel Trades Counci l; the Building and
Construction Trades Counci l of New York City; the Retail Wholesale
and Department Store Union; the International Brotherhood of
Teamsters Joint Council 16; AFSCME District Councils 37 and 1707;
Transport Workers Union Local 100 and the Communications Workers
of America District 1.


Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
0: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 2:32AM, Sevillia, Max

< msevillia@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
I've been in touch with Engel's cos.


"Marco Carrion"

I'm followi ng up with Engel, Clarke and Serrano.

On Jan 28 2014 11:49 PM, "Josh Gold"

~w, and release it first thing
thursday AM.

Gabe - Can we put Meeks and Jeffries on Emma's list

for tmw AM?
Max/ Marco - lets us know midday, if we need to push
any of the other 4.
Dan - Can you ci rculate the latest draft of the release
with the approved quotes?


Nydia - Done, Quote in
Rangel - Done, Quote in
Serrano - Waiting for Quote 
Meng - Done, Quote in
Nadler - Done, Quote in
Maloney - Maybe (Max)
Crowley - Done, Quote in
Engel -Waiting for Quote 
Jeffies -  Maybe (Max)
From: Marco Carrion
To: Josh Gold
Cc: Dan Levitan; Sevillia, Max; oeter ragone ; Gabriel Schnake-Mahl
Subject: Re: Members of Congress
Date: Wednesday, January 29, 2014 6:20:18 PM

Just got a call from Clarke's people who masked me to reach out to someone else

On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 6:14 PM, Marco Carrion

Nothing from Clarke

On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 5:56 PM, Josh Gold wrote:

Anything from Clarke or Maloney?

On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 4: 42 PM, Dan Levitan < Dan@berlinrosen. com > wrote :
Revised release in alpha order with new Meng quote:


CONTACT: press@upknyc.org



Reps. Joe Crowley, Eliot Engel, Grace Meng, Jerrold Nadler, Charlie Rangel,
Jose Serrano, & Nydia Velazquez Call on State to Pass Plan

Momentum Grows as Progressive Members of Congress Join Business

Leaders, National Experts, Labor, Philanthropic, Civic, Non-Profit, Clergy and
Academic Leaders

New York, NY- Seven progressive Congressional leaders announced today

their support for UPKNYC and called for the full implementation of Mayor de
Blasia's universal Pre-K and afterschool proposal, adding more momentum to
the campaign to make critical , proven investments in New York's ch ildren.
Support from the Congressional leaders comes days after the City released a
full implementation plan that the New York Times says "makes a persuasive
case" and "shows that [de Blasia's] pre-K team has thought this through."

"Our chi ldren only get one real shot at a great education and it's imperative that
they get off to the right start. Universal pre-k is a necessary investment for
every New York City student to reach their full potential and we owe it to them
to make sure there is dedicated, sustainable funding for the program moving
forward ," said Rep. Joe Crowley (D-Queens, Bronx).

"As an early and strong supporter of Universal Pre-K, I recognize the need for a reliable and
steady funding mechanism. Universal Pre-K will ensure New York City's children will have the
necessary start to meet tomorrow's challenges.” – Rep. Eliot Engel (D-Bronx).

“I’m proud to be a champion of universal Pre-K in Congress, and as a parent of

a pre-kindergartener, I believe that it’s extremely important to pass New York
City’s plan. Fully funding universal Pre-K requires a small tax on the wealthiest
New Yorkers. Studies have shown that high-quality early education and
afterschool can make an enormous difference in the lives of young New
Yorkers. We owe it to them, and to our future, to pass the City's plan,”
said Rep. Grace Meng (D-Queens).

 “Giving our children the education they deserve will take a real and dedicated
revenue stream, as has been proposed by Mayor de Blasio.  Through a small
surcharge on the wealthiest New York City residents, we can finally fund
universa,l high-quality Pre-K and afterschool programs that are proven to help
students succeed.  It is simply the right thing to do, and that's why I've been a
supporter of his plan from the outset,” said Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-Manhattan,

"I applaud Mayor de Blasio's commitment to expanding pre-K and after school
programs, which are vital to preparing our youngest children to reach their full
potential in life. Education is key to lifting people out of poverty and opening
doors for success. I'm proud that Mayor de Blasio has been fighting hard to
advance economic opportunities for everyone in New York City; he can count
on my support in Congress where I'll continue to help reclaim an America where
everyone has a fair shot at achieving a better future." – Rep. Charlie Rangel

“Mayor de Blasio’s proposal is the only way we can afford to make the critical
investments in our children that have been has promised for so long.  We don’t
need another IOU, or another ‘someday’ – the Mayor’s plan would provide a
stable and sufficient source of funding for pre-K and afterschool that can be
used right now,” said Rep. Jose Serrano (D-Bronx).

“We have known for years about the benefits of high-quality early education
and afterschool programing, and for years we have not been able to find the
resources to make them a reality for all New York’s children.  Mayor de Blasio’s
plan will end that historic injustice through a small, dedicated tax on the most
fortunate New Yorkers that will allow us to finally provide these programs to all
our students.” – UNASSIGNED

“Studies consistently demonstrate that pre-K education pays long term

dividends, helping children succeed later in life.  By making free, high-quality,
full-day universal pre-kindergarten a priority for New York now, we can ensure
all our city’s children – regardless of their background – have the opportunity to
flourish, grow and pursuer their dreams.” – Rep. Nydia Velazquez (Brooklyn,
Queens, Manhattan).

Economists and early childhood education experts agree that investments in

pre-k and after-school programs provide major economic benefits in the short
and long term. A study by the Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank found that
early education investments far exceed the return on investment of other
economic development projects. Austan Goolsbee, a professor of economics at
the University of Chicago's Booth School of Business and former chairman of
President Obama's Council of Economic Advisers, argued in the Wall Street
Journal that the long-term benefits of investing in early education far exceed
the money spent. Investing in children early avoids costly outcomes like
incarceration, special education, teen pregnancy, and future low earnings.

In recent weeks, a broad coalition of more than 45 organizations and prominent

New Yorkers including business, civic, non-profit, clergy, labor and academic
leaders launched UPKNYC: The Campaign for Universal Pre-K and After-
School, and released a video showing growing national attention and support
for Mayor de Blasio’s plan to raise the income tax on the wealthiest New
Yorkers to fund high-quality pre-kindergarten for all four-year-olds and after-
school programs for all middle school students in New York City who need
A recent poll conducted by Quinnipiac University found that a significant majority of New York
City voters – 74% – support the Mayor’s plan. A previous Q poll found that 63% statewide
voters are in favor of raising the income tax on the wealthiest New Yorkers to fund early
education for all children, including 68% of New York City voters, 55% of voters in the suburbs
and 64% of those who live in upstate New York. A recent New York Times/Siena poll of New
York City residents found that 72% are supportive of the Mayor’s plan.


Leaders from business, civil rights, academia, advocacy and the arts have
formed UPKNYC’s growing campaign committee, including: Roger Altman,
Founder and Executive Chairman of Evercore Partners, former Deputy
Treasury Secretary, Chairman of New Visions for Public Schools; Cynthia
Nixon, actor, Ambassador for Susan G. Komen for the Cure, longtime advocate
for increased financing to NYC public schools; Jeffrey Sachs, preeminent
economist leading Columbia University’s Earth Institute; Richard Beattie, Senior
Chairman of Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP; Harvey Weinstein, Co-chairman
of The Weinstein Company; Al Sharpton, one of the nation’s most renowned
civil rights leaders, founder and president of the National Action Network; Rev.
Michael A. Walrond, Jr., Senior Pastor of the historic First Corinthian Baptist
Church in Harlem; Steve Witkoff, founder and CEO of the Witkoff Group;
actress Olivia Wilde; Dr. Irwin Redlener of the Children’s Health Fund; musician
John Legend; Leonard Litwin; Don Peebles, CEO of The Peebles Corporation;
Orin Kramer, Managing Partner, Boston Provident, L.P.; Robert Dinerstein,
Chairman of Veracity Worldwide; Marc Lasry, Chairman, CEO, and Co-Founder
of the global investment firm Avenue Capital Group; Paul Metselaar, Founder
and CEO of Ovation Travel and Lawyers Travel; Alan Patricof, Founder and
Managing Director of Greycroft LLC, and Susan Patricof, chair of the Northside
Center for Child Development; Jay Eisenhofer, Co-Founder and Managing
Director of Grant & Eisenhofer P.A.; Victor Kovner, partner at Davis Wright
Tremaine, LLP; Sarah Kovner, former Deputy Director of the New York State
Clinton-Gore campaign and a member of the New York Women for Hillary
Council; Nanette Lepore, fashion designer; and Hal Fetner, President and CEO
of Durst Fetner Residential.

The campaign committee also includes the leaders of a growing list of over 35
advocacy, non-profit, and labor organizations with deep roots across the five
boroughs, including: Citizens' Committee for Children, The Children's Aid
Society; The Center for Children's Initiatives; Children's Defense Fund New
York; United Neighborhood Houses New York; Hudson Guild; University
Settlement; Harlem RBI ; Committee for Hispanic Children and Families; the
Campaign for Children (a coalition of more than 150 early ch ildhood education
and after-school advocacy and provider organizations); Good Shepherd
Services; Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies; Day Care Council; SCO
Family Services; Coalition for Asian American Children and Families;
Neighborhood Family Services Coalition; Advocates for Children; Annenberg
Institute for School Reform at Brown University; New Yorkers for Fiscal
Fairness; All iance for Quality Education; United NY; Make the Road NY; Strong
Economy for All; NYC Coalition for Educational Justice; New York Communities
for Change; the Urban Youth Collaborative; the New York City Central Labor
Council; the Working Families Party; the United Federation of Teachers;
1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East; 32BJ SEIU; the New York Hotel
and Motel Trades Council; the Building and Construction Trades Council of
New York City; the Retail Wholesale and Department Store Union; the
International Brotherhood of Teamsters Joint Council 16; AFSCME District
Councils 37 and 1707; Transport Workers Union Local 100 and the
Communications Workers of America District 1.


Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
0: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

PM, Marco Carrion

can a run again.
Haven't heard back from Yvette, Max do you want to ask the folks on the DC
Going back and forth with Serrano. I expect something there as we fulfilled
all their asks . but lets see.
On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 2:22 PM, Josh Gold < wrote:
This has to be alphabetical or by seniority in both title and order of

Do we want to point out to Nydia that her quote is weak and encourage
her to join her more courageous colleagues in actually saying something?

On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 1:51 PM, Dan Levitan <Dan@berlinrosen.com>

Here's the updated release:


CONTACT: press@upknyc.org



Reps. Nydia Velazquez, Grace Meng, Jerrold Nadler, Jose Serrano, Eliot
Engel, Joe Crowley & Charlie Rangel Call on State to Pass Plan

Momentum Grows as Progressive Members of Congress Join Business

Leaders, National Experts, Labor, Philanthropic, Civic, Non-Profit, Clergy
and Academic Leaders

New York, NY – Seven progressive Congressional leaders announced

today their support for UPKNYC and called for the full implementation of
Mayor de Blasio’s universal Pre-K and afterschool proposal, adding more
momentum to the campaign to make critical, proven investments in New
York’s children. Support from the Congressional leaders comes days
after the City released a full implementation plan that the New York Times
says “makes a persuasive case” and “shows that [de Blasio’s] pre-K team
has thought this through.”

 “Mayor de Blasio’s proposal is the only way we can afford to make the
critical investments in our children that have been has promised for so
long.  We don’t need another IOU, or another ‘someday’ – the Mayor’s
plan would provide a stable and sufficient source of funding for pre-K and
afterschool that can be used right now,” said Rep. Jose Serrano (D-

“Without the small tax on the wealthiest New Yorkers that Mayor de
Blasio has proposed, there is no way to fully fund a true universal Pre-K
and afterschool program.  Study after study have shown that high-quality
early education and afterschool can make an enormous difference in the
lives of young New Yorkers.  We owe it to them, and to our future, to pass
Mayor de Blasio’s plan without delay,” said Rep. Grace Meng (D-
“Giving our children the education they deserve will take a real and
dedicated revenue stream, as has been proposed by Mayor de Blasio.
 Through a small surcharge on the wealthiest New York City residents,
we can finally fund universa,l high-quality Pre-K and afterschool
programs that are proven to help students succeed.  It is simply the right
thing to do, and that's why I've been a supporter of his plan from the
outset,” said Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-Manhattan, Brooklyn).

 “We have known for years about the benefits of high-quality early
education and afterschool programing, and for years we have not been
able to find the resources to make them a reality for all New York’s
children.  Mayor de Blasio’s plan will end that historic injustice through a
small, dedicated tax on the most fortunate New Yorkers that will allow us
to finally provide these programs to all our students.” – UNASSIGNED

“Our children only get one real shot at a great education and it’s
imperative that they get off to the right start. Universal pre-k is a
necessary investment for every New York City student to reach their full
potential and we owe it to them to make sure there is dedicated,
sustainable funding for the program moving forward,” said Rep.
Joe Crowley (D-Queens, Bronx).

 “Studies consistently demonstrate that pre-K education pays long term

dividends, helping children succeed later in life.  By making free, high-
quality, full-day universal pre-kindergarten a priority for New York now,
we can ensure all our city’s children – regardless of their background –
have the opportunity to flourish, grow and pursuer their dreams.” – Rep.
Nydia Velazquez (Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan).

"I applaud Mayor de Blasio's commitment to expanding pre-K and after

school programs, which are vital to preparing our youngest children to
reach their full potential in life. Education is key to lifting people out of
poverty and opening doors for success. I'm proud that Mayor de Blasio
has been fighting hard to advance economic opportunities for everyone in
New York City; he can count on my support in Congress where I'll
continue to help reclaim an America where everyone has a fair shot at
achieving a better future." – Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-Manhattan).
“As an early and strong supporter of Universal Pre-K, I recognize the need for a reliable
and steady funding mechanism. Universal Pre-K will ensure New York City's children will
have the necessary start to meet tomorrow's challenges.” – Rep. Eliot Engel (D-Bronx).

Economists and early childhood education experts agree that investments

in pre-k and after-school programs provide major economic benefits in
the short and long term. A study by the Minneapolis Federal Reserve
Bank found that early education investments far exceed the return on
investment of other economic development projects. Austan Goolsbee, a
professor of economics at the University of Chicago's Booth School of
Business and former chairman of President Obama's Council of
Economic Advisers, argued in the Wall Street Journal that the long-term
benefits of investing in early education far exceed the money spent.
Investing in children early avoids costly outcomes like incarceration,
special education, teen pregnancy, and future low earnings.

In recent weeks, a broad coalition of more than 45 organizations and

prominent New Yorkers including business, civic, non-profit, clergy, labor
and academic leaders launched UPKNYC: The Campaign for Universal
Pre-K and After-School, and released a video showing growing national
attention and support for Mayor de Blasio’s plan to raise the income tax
on the wealthiest New Yorkers to fund high-quality pre-kindergarten for
all four-year-olds and after-school programs for all middle school
students in New York City who need them.

A recent poll conducted by Quinnipiac University found that a significant

majority of New Yorkers support the Mayor’s plan. 63% of New York
State voters are in favor of raising the income tax on the wealthiest New
Yorkers to fund early education for all children, including 68% of New
York City voters, 55% of voters in the suburbs and 64% of those who live
in upstate New York. A recent New York Times/Siena poll of New York
City residents found that 72% are supportive of the Mayor’s plan.


Leaders from business, civil rights, academia, advocacy and the arts have
formed UPKNYC’s growing campaign committee, including: Roger
Altman, Founder and Executive Chairman of Evercore Partners, former
Deputy Treasury Secretary, Chairman of New Visions for Public Schools;
Cynthia Nixon, actor, Ambassador for Susan G. Komen for the Cure,
longtime advocate for increased financing to NYC public schools; Jeffrey
Sachs, preeminent economist leading Columbia University’s Earth
Institute; Richard Beattie, Senior Chairman of Simpson Thacher & Bartlett
LLP; Harvey Weinstein, Co-chairman of The Weinstein Company; Al
Sharpton, one of the nation’s most renowned civil rights leaders, founder
and president of the National Action Network; Rev. Michael A. Walrond,
Jr., Senior Pastor of the historic First Corinthian Baptist Church in
Harlem; Steve Witkoff, founder and CEO of the Witkoff Group; actress
Olivia Wilde; Dr. Irwin Redlener of the Children’s Health Fund; musician
John Legend; Leonard Litwin; Don Peebles, CEO of The Peebles
Corporation; Orin Kramer, Managing Partner, Boston Provident, L.P.;
Robert Dinerstein, Chairman of Veracity Worldwide; Marc Lasry,
Chairman, CEO, and Co-Founder of the global investment firm Avenue
Capital Group; Paul Metselaar, Founder and CEO of Ovation Travel and
Lawyers Travel; Alan Patricof, Founder and Managing Director of
Greycroft LLC, and Susan Patricof, chair of the Northside Center for Child
Development; Jay Eisenhofer, Co-Founder and Managing Director of
Grant & Eisenhofer P.A.; Victor Kovner, partner at Davis Wright
Tremaine, LLP; Sarah Kovner, former Deputy Director of the New York
State Clinton-Gore campaign and a member of the New York Women for
Hillary Council; Nanette Lepore, fashion designer; and Hal Fetner,
President and CEO of Durst Fetner Residential.

The campaign committee also includes the leaders of a growing list of

over 35 advocacy, non-profit, and labor organizations with deep roots
across the five boroughs, including: Citizens’ Committee for Children, The
Children’s Aid Society; The Center for Children’s Initiatives; Children’s
Defense Fund New York; United Neighborhood Houses New York;
Hudson Guild; University Settlement; Harlem RBI; Committee for
Hispanic Children and Families; the Campaign for Children (a coalition of
more than 150 early childhood education and after-school advocacy and
provider organizations); Good Shepherd Services; Federation of
Protestant Welfare Agencies; Day Care Council; SCO Family Services;
Coalition for Asian American Children and Families; Neighborhood Family
Services Coalition; Advocates for Children; Annenberg Institute for School
Reform at Brown University; New Yorkers for Fiscal Fairness; Alliance for
Quality Education; United NY; Make the Road NY; Strong Economy for
All; NYC Coalition for Educational Justice; New York Communities for
Change; the Urban Youth Collaborative; the New York City Central Labor
Council; the Working Families Party; the United Federation of Teachers;
1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East; 32BJ SEIU; the New York
Hotel and Motel Trades Council; the Building and Construction Trades
Council of New York City; the Retail Wholesale and Department Store
Union; the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Joint Council 16;
AFSCME District Councils 37 and 1707; Transport Workers Union Local
100 and the Communications Workers of America District 1.


Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 11:33 AM, Josh Gold <

Marco has Clarke and Serrano
Max, can you take another run at Maloney?
Gabe, emma has Meeks. 

Meeks - Emma 
Clarke - Waiting for Quote 
Nydia - Done, Quote in
Rangel - Done, Quote in
Serrano - Waiting for Quote 
Meng - Done, Quote in
Nadler - Done, Quote in
Maloney - Maybe (Max)
Crowley - Done, Quote in
Engel -Done, Quote in
Jeffies -  Maybe (Max)

On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 10:58 AM, Josh Gold <

You should have Crowley and Rangel in your in box from yesterday.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 29, 2014, at 10:52 AM, Dan Levitan <Dan@berlinrosen.com>


Here is the release as it is with the quotes we have

(obviously we will fix the names when we have the final
list of who is in)


CONTACT: press@upknyc.org



Hons. Grace Meng, Jerrold Nadler, Jose Serrano, & Nydia

Velazquez Call on State to Pass Plan

Momentum Grows as Progressive Members of Congress

Join Business Leaders, National Experts, Labor,
Philanthropic, Civic, Non-Profit, Clergy and Academic

New York, NY – Four progressive Congressional leaders

announced today their support for UPKNYC and called for
the full implementation of Mayor de Blasio’s universal Pre-
K and afterschool proposal, adding more momentum to
the campaign to make critical, proven investments in New
York’s children. 

“Mayor de Blasio’s proposal is the only way we can afford

to make the critical investments in our children that have
been has promised for so long.  We don’t need another
IOU, or another ‘someday’ – the Mayor’s plan would
provide a stable and sufficient source of funding for pre-K
and afterschool that can be used right now.” - Serrano

“Without the small tax on the wealthiest New Yorkers that

Mayor de Blasio has proposed, there is no way to fully
fund a true universal Pre-K and afterschool program. 
Study after study have shown that high-quality early
education and afterschool can make an enormous
difference in the lives of young New Yorkers.  We owe it to
them, and to our future, to pass Mayor de Blasio’s plan
without delay.” - Meng

“Giving our children the education they deserve will take a

real and dedicated revenue stream, as has been proposed
by Mayor de Blasio.  Through a small surcharge on the
wealthiest New York City residents, we can finally fund
universa,l high-quality Pre-K and afterschool programs
that are proven to help students succeed.  It is simply the
right thing to do, and that's why I've been a supporter of
his plan from the outset.”

- Nadler

“We have known for years about the benefits of high-

quality early education and afterschool programing, and
for years we have not been able to find the resources to
make them a reality for all New York’s children.  Mayor de
Blasio’s plan will end that historic injustice through a small,
dedicated tax on the most fortunate New Yorkers that will
allow us to finally provide these programs to all our
students.” - UNASSIGNED

 “Studies consistently demonstrate that pre-K education

pays long term dividends, helping children succeed later in
life.  By making free, high-quality, full-day universal pre-
kindergarten a priority for New York now, we can ensure
all our city’s children – regardless of their background –
have the opportunity to flourish, grow and pursuer their
dreams.” – Nydia

"I applaud Mayor de Blasio's commitment to expanding

pre-K and after school programs, which are vital to
preparing our youngest children to reach their full potential
in life. Education is key to lifting people out of poverty and
opening doors for success. I'm proud that Mayor de Blasio
has been fighting hard to advance economic opportunities
for everyone in New York City; he can count on my
support in Congress where I'll continue to help reclaim an
America where everyone has a fair shot at achieving a
better future." - Rangel

Economists and early childhood education experts agree

that investments in pre-k and after-school programs
provide major economic benefits in the short and long
term. A study by the Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank
found that early education investments far exceed the
return on investment of other economic development
projects. Austan Goolsbee, a professor of economics at
the University of Chicago's Booth School of Business and
former chairman of President Obama's Council of
Economic Advisers, argued in the Wall Street Journal that
the long-term benefits of investing in early education far
exceed the money spent. Investing in children early
avoids costly outcomes like incarceration, special
education, teen pregnancy, and future low earnings.

In recent weeks, a broad coalition of more than 45

organizations and prominent New Yorkers including
business, civic, non-profit, clergy, labor and academic
leaders launched UPKNYC: The Campaign for Universal
Pre-K and After-School, and released a video showing
growing national attention and support for Mayor de
Blasio’s plan to raise the income tax on the wealthiest
New Yorkers to fund high-quality pre-kindergarten for all
four-year-olds and after-school programs for all middle
school students in New York City who need them.

A recent poll conducted by Quinnipiac University found

that a significant majority of New Yorkers support the
Mayor’s plan. 63% of New York State voters are in favor
of raising the income tax on the wealthiest New Yorkers to
fund early education for all children, including 68% of New
York City voters, 55% of voters in the suburbs and 64% of
those who live in upstate New York. A recent New York
Times/Siena poll of New York City residents found that
72% are supportive of the Mayor’s plan.


Leaders from business, civil rights, academia, advocacy

and the arts have formed UPKNYC’s growing campaign
committee, including: Roger Altman, Founder and
Executive Chairman of Evercore Partners, former Deputy
Treasury Secretary, Chairman of New Visions for Public
Schools; Cynthia Nixon, actor, Ambassador for Susan G.
Komen for the Cure, longtime advocate for increased
financing to NYC public schools; Jeffrey Sachs,
preeminent economist leading Columbia University’s Earth
Institute; Richard Beattie, Senior Chairman of Simpson
Thacher & Bartlett LLP; Harvey Weinstein, Co-chairman of
The Weinstein Company; Al Sharpton, one of the nation’s
most renowned civil rights leaders, founder and president
of the National Action Network; Rev. Michael A. Walrond,
Jr., Senior Pastor of the historic First Corinthian Baptist
Church in Harlem; Steve Witkoff, founder and CEO of the
Witkoff Group; actress Olivia Wilde; Dr. Irwin Redlener of
the Children’s Health Fund; musician John Legend;
Leonard Litwin; Don Peebles, CEO of The Peebles
Corporation; Orin Kramer, Managing Partner, Boston
Provident, L.P.; Robert Dinerstein, Chairman of Veracity
Worldwide; Marc Lasry, Chairman, CEO, and Co-Founder
of the global investment firm Avenue Capital Group; Paul
Metselaar, Founder and CEO of Ovation Travel and
Lawyers Travel; Alan Patricof, Founder and Managing
Director of Greycroft LLC, and Susan Patricof, chair of the
Northside Center for Child Development; Jay Eisenhofer,
Co-Founder and Managing Director of Grant & Eisenhofer
P.A.; Victor Kovner, partner at Davis Wright Tremaine,
LLP; Sarah Kovner, former Deputy Director of the New
York State Clinton-Gore campaign and a member of the
New York Women for Hillary Council; Nanette Lepore,
fashion designer; and Hal Fetner, President and CEO of
Durst Fetner Residential.

The campaign committee also includes the leaders of a

growing list of over 35 advocacy, non-profit, and labor
organizations with deep roots across the five boroughs,
including: Citizens’ Committee for Children, The Children’s
Aid Society; The Center for Children’s Initiatives;
Children’s Defense Fund New York; United Neighborhood
Houses New York; Hudson Guild; University Settlement;
Harlem RBI; Committee for Hispanic Children and
Families; the Campaign for Children (a coalition of more
than 150 early childhood education and after-school
advocacy and provider organizations); Good Shepherd
Services; Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies; Day
Care Council; SCO Family Services; Coalition for Asian
American Children and Families; Neighborhood Family
Services Coalition; Advocates for Children; Annenberg
Institute for School Reform at Brown University; New
Yorkers for Fiscal Fairness; Alliance for Quality Education;
United NY; Make the Road NY; Strong Economy for All;
NYC Coalition for Educational Justice; New York
Communities for Change; the Urban Youth Collaborative;
the New York City Central Labor Council; the Working
Families Party; the United Federation of Teachers;
1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East; 32BJ SEIU;
the New York Hotel and Motel Trades Council ; the
Building and Construction Trades Council of New York
City; the Retail Wholesale and Department Store Union;
the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Joint Council
16; AFSCME District Councils 37 and 1707; Transport
Workers Union Local 100 and the Communications
Workers of America District 1.


Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
0: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 2:32AM, Sevillia, Max

< msevillia@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
I've been in touch with Engel's cos.


"Marco Carrion"

I'm followi ng up with Engel, Clarke and

Serra no.

O n Jan
l l28
!i! 2014
l l !11:49
! ! lPM, "Josh Gold"
< wrote:
et s get t IS one tmw, and release it
first thing thursday AM.

Gabe - Can we put Meeks and Jeffries on

Emma's list for tmw AM?
Max/ Marco- lets us know midday, if we
need to push any of the other 4.
Dan - Can you ci rculate the latest draft of
the release with the approved quotes?


Meeks - Emma 
Clarke - Waiting for Quote 
Nydia - Done, Quote in
Rangel - Done, Quote in
Serrano - Waiting for Quote 
Meng - Done, Quote in
Nadler - Done, Quote in
Maloney - Maybe (Max)
Crowley - Done, Quote in
Engel -Waiting for Quote 
Jeffies -  Maybe (Max)
From: Marco Carrion
To: Joshua Gold
Cc: Dan Levitan; Sevillia, Max
Subject: Re: Fwd: Josh needs you to try get UPK support statements from the following
Date: Thursday, January 30, 2014 6:48:07 AM

"Now is the time to move on the promise of universal pre-kindergarten. Our children
cannot wait longer for the political class to catch up with the reality that this type of
program is in our long term interests. I commend all involved in the fight for funding
and look forward to seeing this program fully implemented." -- Congressman José E.

On Jan 29, 2014 11:39 PM, "Josh Gold" < wrote:

Dan - let's wait for Emma on Clarke and Max on Maloney. 

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Wolfe, Emma" <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: January 29, 2014 at 11:19:53 PM EST
To: "Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel" <GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov>,
" <
Subject: Re: Josh needs you to try get UPK support statements
from the following

tbd tmw 
talked to yvette

Sent from my iPad

On Jan 29, 2014, at 3:36 PM, "Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel"

<GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Meeks - Emma 

Clarke - Stalling, Emma 

Jeffies -  NO
From: Wolfe. Emma
To: Josh Gold
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; Stephanie Yazgi (svazgi@hilltoppublicsolutions.com); Marco Carrion
Subject: Re: Pastor AR Bernard
Date: Monday, February 03, 2014 12:05:40 PM

No we have a direct relationship. Will discuss later.

> On Feb 3, 2014, at 11:39 AM, "Josh Gold" ~ wrote:

> My only way in there has been through Ken Thompson. Probably easier for Marco?
> Sent from my iPhone
>>On Feb 3, 2014, at 11:24 AM, Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
>>What is easiest way to follow-up on this?
>>-----Original Message-----
>> From: Bill de Blasio c;. :. :;= =
>>Sent: Sunday, February 02,
>> To: Emma Wolfe; Jonathan Rosen; Peter Ragone
>>Subject: Pastor AR Bernard
>> Is open to coming out in support of the pre-k plan. Would be a great catch on many levels. Let's
follow up asap
> > Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

Subject: RE: Notes from assembly Conference Today

Date: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 10:26:15 AM

Works for EW. Will send around invite.

From : - - - - [ma1
Sent: ~' 2014
To: Jonathan Rosen; Gabriel Schnake-Mahl
Cc: Emma Wo-lfe· Schnake-Mahl Gabriel; Joshua Gold; Sherif Soliman
Peter Ragone Emily Walsh
Subject: Re: Notes rom assem y Conference Today


Peter R
From: Jonathan Rosen
Sent: Tuesday, February 4, 2014 10:12 AM
To: Gabriel Schnake-Mahl
Cc: Emma Wo-lfe· Gabriel Schnake-Mahl; Joshua Gold; Sherif Soliman
Peter Ragone Emily Walsh
Subject: Re: Notes rom assem y Conference Today


Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 4, 2014, at 10 :04 AM, "Gabriel Schnake-Mahl" < gabriel@billdeblasjo com > wrote:

Can folks do 1pm, 2pm or 3pm ?

On Tue, Feb 4, 20 14 at 8:17AM, wrote:

Let's talk later today - I can 't do mommg we need to get in front
+ gabriel to sked

Sent via BlackBeny by AT&T

-----Original Mess~
From : Josh Gold ~
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2014 08:12 :37
To: Emma W
Cc: Jonathan
s 0

In sony I wasn't clearer -

1) the only two people speaking against were doing it for personal vendettas
against the mayor and eve1yone knows it. They conferenced education yesterday
and only two meaningless members had concems - I'm not wonied about that.

2) defer to Sherif- not sure we want our own people speaking up now. AMC has
his own spies, and we would just be creating targets.

3) the spedulveda thing is more wony ing because:

A) no one likes him - and the Latino members dislike him
B) if he is giving the impression this is our bill, it needs to have supp011

Sent from my iPhone

> On Feb 4, 2014, at 8:05AM, Emma Wolfe wrote:

> Hang on
> Let's not panic based on mark Weprin and DenDekker of all people
> Heastie had a different rep011 so I would like to discuss with j osh and sherif to
get an understanding of this intel
>> On Feb 4, 2014, at 7:08AM, Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
>> I am wonied about where we're at in the assembly to state the obvious. Can
we get on a quick call this a.m. I am in a meeting I can't move from 830-945
but free othe1w ise until noon.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Feb 4, 2014, at 12:13 AM, "Josh Gold" - wrote:
>>> - spelduva circulated his bill today with a memo looking for cosponsors. He
is putting pressure on folks to sign on. Has he 1un this by folks? Members think
this is sanctioned by City Hall and I'm concem ed rep01i ers are going to notice if
we don't have a lot of people on it unless we stop it.
>>> -he is also having a press conference Thursday on the steps at 10 AM. Has
he nm this by anyone?
>>> - Dendekker spoke against UPK discussing concem s about overcrowding
and trailers at schools in his district.
>>> -David Weprin wanted to speak against as well, but didn't end up doing it.
It's a personal thing (mark/MMV) according to his colleagues.
>>> - Zack Fink is working on a st01y that supp011 is wavering in the assembly
led by lukewrum supp011 from QNS and BX powerbrokers
>>> - Percoco is meeting with individual assemblymembers to discuss priorities.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
From: Walzak, Phil
To: "Mike Rabinowitz"; Scola, Lindsay
Cc: Josh Gold; Jonathan Rosen; Dan Levitan; Emma Woods
Subject: RE: UPKNYC clergy breakfast
Date: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 11:33:34 AM

From: Mike Rabinowitz [mailto:Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 9:52 AM
To: Walzak, Phil
Cc: Josh Gold; Jonathan Rosen; Dan Levitan; Emma Woods
Subject: UPKNYC clergy breakfast
Do you know if the Mayor’s clergy breakfast with Sharpton next week is going to be open to press?
I know it’s lightyears away, but we are figuring out our UPK press plan on it and it would be useful to
know if you had already decided.
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)
From: Scola, Lindsay
To: Walzak, Phil; "Mike Rabinowitz"
Cc: Josh Gold; Jonathan Rosen; Dan Levitan; Emma Woods
Subject: RE: UPKNYC clergy breakfast
Date: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 11:34:22 AM

We are going back to them on details today. Hopefully we will know all the details this afternoon to
plan accordingly.
Lindsay Scola
Director of Scheduling 
Office of the Mayor
The City of New York
Office: 212.788.2962
Cell: 917.513.1690
From: Walzak, Phil
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 11:34 AM
To: 'Mike Rabinowitz'; Scola, Lindsay
Cc: Josh Gold; Jonathan Rosen; Dan Levitan; Emma Woods
Subject: RE: UPKNYC clergy breakfast
From: Mike Rabinowitz [mailto:Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 9:52 AM
To: Walzak, Phil
Cc: Josh Gold; Jonathan Rosen; Dan Levitan; Emma Woods
Subject: UPKNYC clergy breakfast
Do you know if the Mayor’s clergy breakfast with Sharpton next week is going to be open to press?
I know it’s lightyears away, but we are figuring out our UPK press plan on it and it would be useful to
know if you had already decided.
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)
From: Drew, Chloe
To: Jonathan Rosen (Jonathan@berlinrosen.com)
Subject: Hello & Education Question
Date: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 11:36:00 AM

Good morning!
Had a quick question as we look at our Fund for Public Schools role…
Let me know when you have 2 minutes to talk…
Chloe Drew
c. 347-659-4492
From: Seignious, Sandy
To: "Emily Walsh"; Rebekah Milford
Cc: Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold; Peter Ragone; Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins; James Hazzard; Laura Swartz;
Jonathan Rosen
Subject: RE: Survey
Date: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 12:21:08 PM

Peter can do 11:00am or 2:30pm tomorrow

-----Original Message-----
From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 12:01 PM
To: Rebekah Milford
Cc: Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold; Peter Ragone; Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins; James Hazzard; Laura
Swartz; Seignious, Sandy; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: Survey

Hi all,

Possible to reschedule this call for tomorrow?

Jonathan could do 10-12 or 2:30 then.

Thank you,
Emily Walsh

BerlinRosen Public Affairs


On 1/29/14 11:48 AM, "Jonathan Rosen" <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

>Running ten mins late but yes.

>Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jan 29, 2014, at 10:28 AM, "Rebekah Milford" <RMilford@gqrr.com>
>> Jonathan,
>> Just wanted to confirm we are all set for a quick call today at noon
>> Thanks,
>> Rebekah
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 5:48 PM
>> To: Rebekah Milford; Emily Walsh; Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold; Peter
>> Cc: Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins
>> Subject: RE: Survey
>> Only think we need 15-20 mins here.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Rebekah Milford [mailto:RMilford@gqrr.com]
>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 5:47 PM
>> To: Emily Walsh; Jonathan Rosen; Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold; Peter
>> Ragone
>> Cc: Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins
>> Subject: RE: Survey
>> That would work for GQRR folks. Do we want to say from 12PM EST to
>>1PM EST?
>> We can use one of our conference call lines:
>> ( #
>> Thanks,
>> Rebekah
>> ________________________________________
>> From: Emily Walsh [Emily@berlinrosen.com]
>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 5:45 PM
>> To: Jonathan Rosen; Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold; Peter Ragone
>> Cc: Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins; Rebekah Milford
>> Subject: Re: Survey
>> Jonathan has time from 12-2 if that works for others.
>> --
>> Emily Walsh
>> BerlinRosen Public Affairs
>> Emily@berlinrosen.com
>> 646-200-5310
>>> On 1/28/14 5:39 PM, "Jonathan Rosen" <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
>>> Looping Emily to schedule a quick call for tomorrow.  A.M. is tough.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Anna Greenberg [mailto:agreenberg@gqrr.com]
>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 3:59 PM
>>> To: Josh Gold; Jonathan Rosen; Peter Ragone
>>> Cc: Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins; Rebekah Milford
>>> Subject: RE: Survey
>>> Thanks Josh.
>>> I'm trying to get a draft done by Thursday so we can field next week.
>>> Let me know if you have time to talk tomorrow morning.  You can also
>>> review the NYS portion when it's written and give feedback then.
>>> Thanks!
>>> Anna
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Josh Gold [mailto:
>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 3:50 PM
>>> To: Jonathan Rosen; Peter Ragone
>>> Cc: Anna Greenberg
>>> Subject: Survey
>>> Jonathan & Peter,
>>> The AFT is putting a poll in the field with a NYS over sample on
>>> education issues including a large portion about early childhood
>>> education and they have graciously agreed to take our suggestions on
>>> language and questions regarding UPK proposals.
>>> Anna, cc'ed, is working on it - so I wanted to connect you on this.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
From: Seignious, Sandy
To: "Emily Walsh"; Rebekah Milford
Subject: RE: Survey
Date: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 2:28:32 PM

Peter said he has to be a part of it.  Can you let me know what time you are looking at?



-----Original Message-----
From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 1:44 PM
To: Seignious, Sandy; Rebekah Milford
Subject: Re: Survey

We are rescheduling it for tomorrow. Waiting on a response about if Peter needs to be on it.
Emily Walsh

BerlinRosen Public Affairs


On 2/4/14 1:43 PM, "Seignious, Sandy" <sseignious@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

>Is this meeting still happening?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
>Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 12:01 PM
>To: Rebekah Milford
>Cc: Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold; Peter Ragone; Dave Walker; Chloe
>Mullins; James Hazzard; Laura Swartz; Seignious, Sandy; Jonathan Rosen
>Subject: Re: Survey
>Hi all,
>Possible to reschedule this call for tomorrow?
>Jonathan could do 10-12 or 2:30 then.
>Thank you,
>Emily Walsh
>BerlinRosen Public Affairs
>On 1/29/14 11:48 AM, "Jonathan Rosen" <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
>>Running ten mins late but yes.
>>Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Jan 29, 2014, at 10:28 AM, "Rebekah Milford" <RMilford@gqrr.com>
>>> Jonathan,
>>> Just wanted to confirm we are all set for a quick call today at noon
>>> Thanks,
>>> Rebekah
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 5:48 PM
>>> To: Rebekah Milford; Emily Walsh; Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold; Peter
>>> Cc: Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins
>>> Subject: RE: Survey
>>> Only think we need 15-20 mins here.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Rebekah Milford [mailto:RMilford@gqrr.com]
>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 5:47 PM
>>> To: Emily Walsh; Jonathan Rosen; Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold; Peter
>>> Ragone
>>> Cc: Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins
>>> Subject: RE: Survey
>>> That would work for GQRR folks. Do we want to say from 12PM EST to
>>>1PM EST?
>>> We can use one of our conference call lines:
>>> Thanks,
>>> Rebekah
>>> ________________________________________
>>> From: Emily Walsh [Emily@berlinrosen.com]
>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 5:45 PM
>>> To: Jonathan Rosen; Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold; Peter Ragone
>>> Cc: Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins; Rebekah Milford
>>> Subject: Re: Survey
>>> Jonathan has time from 12-2 if that works for others.
>>> --
>>> Emily Walsh
>>> BerlinRosen Public Affairs
>>> Emily@berlinrosen.com
>>> 646-200-5310
>>>> On 1/28/14 5:39 PM, "Jonathan Rosen" <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
>>>> Looping Emily to schedule a quick call for tomorrow.  A.M. is tough.
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Anna Greenberg [mailto:agreenberg@gqrr.com]
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 3:59 PM
>>>> To: Josh Gold; Jonathan Rosen; Peter Ragone
>>>> Cc: Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins; Rebekah Milford
>>>> Subject: RE: Survey
>>>> Thanks Josh.
>>>> I'm trying to get a draft done by Thursday so we can field next week.
>>>> Let me know if you have time to talk tomorrow morning.  You can
>>>> also review the NYS portion when it's written and give feedback then.
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> Anna
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Josh Gold [mailto:
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 3:50 PM
>>>> To: Jonathan Rosen; Peter Ragone
>>>> Cc: Anna Greenberg
>>>> Subject: Survey
>>>> Jonathan & Peter,
>>>> The AFT is putting a poll in the field with a NYS over sample on
>>>> education issues including a large portion about early childhood
>>>> education and they have graciously agreed to take our suggestions
>>>> on language and questions regarding UPK proposals.
>>>> Anna, cc'ed, is working on it - so I wanted to connect you on this.
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
From: Seignious, Sandy
To: "Emily Walsh"; Rebekah Milford
Subject: RE: Survey
Date: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:37:15 PM

Peter can do 10am.  Can you please send me the dial in #?

Thank you Ladies


-----Original Message-----
From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:34 PM
To: Rebekah Milford; Seignious, Sandy
Subject: Re: Survey

I can. Thanks for closing the loop here.

Emily Walsh

BerlinRosen Public Affairs


On 2/4/14 4:31 PM, "Rebekah Milford" <RMilford@gqrr.com> wrote:

>Can everyone do a thirty minute call from 10 to 10:30AM tomorrow?

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Rebekah Milford
>Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:25 PM
>To: 'Seignious, Sandy'
>Cc: Emily Walsh
>Subject: RE: Survey
>GQRR can only do from 10 to 10:30 am.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Seignious, Sandy [mailto:sseignious@cityhall.nyc.gov]
>Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:25 PM
>To: Rebekah Milford
>Cc: Emily Walsh
>Subject: RE: Survey
>Good afternoon,
>Is this conference call confirmed for 10:30am?  I need to cancel his
>meeting if it is on
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Rebekah Milford [mailto:RMilford@gqrr.com]
>Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 2:31 PM
>To: Seignious, Sandy
>Cc: Emily Walsh
>Subject: Re: Survey
>Based on the times Emily mentioned, GQRR can only do 10am to 10:30am
>Let us know if this will work.
>Sent from my iPhone
>> On Feb 4, 2014, at 2:28 PM, "Seignious, Sandy"
>><sseignious@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>> Peter said he has to be a part of it.  Can you let me know what time
>>you are looking at?
>> Thanks
>> Sandy
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
>> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 1:44 PM
>> To: Seignious, Sandy; Rebekah Milford
>> Subject: Re: Survey
>> We are rescheduling it for tomorrow. Waiting on a response about if
>>Peter needs to be on it.
>> --
>> Emily Walsh
>> BerlinRosen Public Affairs
>> Emily@berlinrosen.com
>> 646-200-5310
>>> On 2/4/14 1:43 PM, "Seignious, Sandy" <sseignious@cityhall.nyc.gov>
>>> Is this meeting still happening?
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
>>> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 12:01 PM
>>> To: Rebekah Milford
>>> Cc: Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold; Peter Ragone; Dave Walker; Chloe
>>> Mullins; James Hazzard; Laura Swartz; Seignious, Sandy; Jonathan
>>> Rosen
>>> Subject: Re: Survey
>>> Hi all,
>>> Possible to reschedule this call for tomorrow?
>>> Jonathan could do 10-12 or 2:30 then.
>>> Thank you,
>>> Emily
>>> --
>>> Emily Walsh
>>> BerlinRosen Public Affairs
>>> Emily@berlinrosen.com
>>> 646-200-5310
>>>> On 1/29/14 11:48 AM, "Jonathan Rosen" <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
>>>> Running ten mins late but yes.
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>> On Jan 29, 2014, at 10:28 AM, "Rebekah Milford"
>>>>> <RMilford@gqrr.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Jonathan,
>>>>> Just wanted to confirm we are all set for a quick call today at
>>>>> noon eastern.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Rebekah
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 5:48 PM
>>>>> To: Rebekah Milford; Emily Walsh; Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold; Peter
>>>>> Ragone
>>>>> Cc: Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins
>>>>> Subject: RE: Survey
>>>>> Only think we need 15-20 mins here.
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: Rebekah Milford [mailto:RMilford@gqrr.com]
>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 5:47 PM
>>>>> To: Emily Walsh; Jonathan Rosen; Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold; Peter
>>>>> Ragone
>>>>> Cc: Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins
>>>>> Subject: RE: Survey
>>>>> That would work for GQRR folks. Do we want to say from 12PM EST to
>>>>> 1PM EST?
>>>>> We can use one of our conference call lines:
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Rebekah
>>>>> ________________________________________
>>>>> From: Emily Walsh [Emily@berlinrosen.com]
>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 5:45 PM
>>>>> To: Jonathan Rosen; Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold; Peter Ragone
>>>>> Cc: Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins; Rebekah Milford
>>>>> Subject: Re: Survey
>>>>> Jonathan has time from 12-2 if that works for others.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Emily Walsh
>>>>> BerlinRosen Public Affairs
>>>>> Emily@berlinrosen.com
>>>>> 646-200-5310
>>>>>> On 1/28/14 5:39 PM, "Jonathan Rosen" <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
>>>>>> Looping Emily to schedule a quick call for tomorrow.  A.M. is tough.
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: Anna Greenberg [mailto:agreenberg@gqrr.com]
>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 3:59 PM
>>>>>> To: Josh Gold; Jonathan Rosen; Peter Ragone
>>>>>> Cc: Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins; Rebekah Milford
>>>>>> Subject: RE: Survey
>>>>>> Thanks Josh.
>>>>>> I'm trying to get a draft done by Thursday so we can field next
>>>>>> Let me know if you have time to talk tomorrow morning.  You can 
>>>>>>also review the NYS portion when it's written and give feedback
>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>> Anna
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: Josh Gold [mailto:
>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 3:50 PM
>>>>>> To: Jonathan Rosen; Peter Ragone
>>>>>> Cc: Anna Greenberg
>>>>>> Subject: Survey
>>>>>> Jonathan & Peter,
>>>>>> The AFT is putting a poll in the field with a NYS over sample on
>>>>>> education issues including a large portion about early childhood
>>>>>> education and they have graciously agreed to take our suggestions
>>>>>> on language and questions regarding UPK proposals.
>>>>>> Anna, cc'ed, is working on it - so I wanted to connect you on this.
>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
From: Seignious, Sandy
To: "Emily Walsh"; Rebekah Milford
Subject: RE: Survey
Date: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:39:57 PM

Thank you

-----Original Message-----
From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:39 PM
To: Rebekah Milford; Seignious, Sandy
Subject: Re: Survey

Thank you!!
Emily Walsh

BerlinRosen Public Affairs


On 2/4/14 4:38 PM, "Rebekah Milford" <RMilford@gqrr.com> wrote:


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Rebekah Milford
>Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:38 PM
>To: 'Seignious, Sandy'; 'Emily Walsh'
>Subject: RE: Survey
>Let's use this conference call line for tomorrow morning at 10AM ET
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Seignious, Sandy [mailto:sseignious@cityhall.nyc.gov]
>Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:37 PM
>To: 'Emily Walsh'; Rebekah Milford
>Subject: RE: Survey
>Peter can do 10am.  Can you please send me the dial in #?
>Thank you Ladies
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
>Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:34 PM
>To: Rebekah Milford; Seignious, Sandy
>Subject: Re: Survey
>I can. Thanks for closing the loop here.
>Emily Walsh
>BerlinRosen Public Affairs
>On 2/4/14 4:31 PM, "Rebekah Milford" <RMilford@gqrr.com> wrote:
>>Can everyone do a thirty minute call from 10 to 10:30AM tomorrow?
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Rebekah Milford
>>Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:25 PM
>>To: 'Seignious, Sandy'
>>Cc: Emily Walsh
>>Subject: RE: Survey
>>GQRR can only do from 10 to 10:30 am.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Seignious, Sandy [mailto:sseignious@cityhall.nyc.gov]
>>Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:25 PM
>>To: Rebekah Milford
>>Cc: Emily Walsh
>>Subject: RE: Survey
>>Good afternoon,
>>Is this conference call confirmed for 10:30am?  I need to cancel his
>>meeting if it is on
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Rebekah Milford [mailto:RMilford@gqrr.com]
>>Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 2:31 PM
>>To: Seignious, Sandy
>>Cc: Emily Walsh
>>Subject: Re: Survey
>>Based on the times Emily mentioned, GQRR can only do 10am to 10:30am
>>Let us know if this will work.
>>Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Feb 4, 2014, at 2:28 PM, "Seignious, Sandy"
>>><sseignious@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>>> Peter said he has to be a part of it.  Can you let me know what time
>>>you are looking at?
>>> Thanks
>>> Sandy
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
>>> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 1:44 PM
>>> To: Seignious, Sandy; Rebekah Milford
>>> Subject: Re: Survey
>>> We are rescheduling it for tomorrow. Waiting on a response about if
>>>Peter needs to be on it.
>>> --
>>> Emily Walsh
>>> BerlinRosen Public Affairs
>>> Emily@berlinrosen.com
>>> 646-200-5310
>>>> On 2/4/14 1:43 PM, "Seignious, Sandy" <sseignious@cityhall.nyc.gov>
>>>> Is this meeting still happening?
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 12:01 PM
>>>> To: Rebekah Milford
>>>> Cc: Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold; Peter Ragone; Dave Walker; Chloe
>>>> Mullins; James Hazzard; Laura Swartz; Seignious, Sandy; Jonathan
>>>> Rosen
>>>> Subject: Re: Survey
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> Possible to reschedule this call for tomorrow?
>>>> Jonathan could do 10-12 or 2:30 then.
>>>> Thank you,
>>>> Emily
>>>> --
>>>> Emily Walsh
>>>> BerlinRosen Public Affairs
>>>> Emily@berlinrosen.com
>>>> 646-200-5310
>>>>> On 1/29/14 11:48 AM, "Jonathan Rosen" <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
>>>>> Running ten mins late but yes.
>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>> On Jan 29, 2014, at 10:28 AM, "Rebekah Milford"
>>>>>> <RMilford@gqrr.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Jonathan,
>>>>>> Just wanted to confirm we are all set for a quick call today at
>>>>>> noon eastern.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Rebekah
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 5:48 PM
>>>>>> To: Rebekah Milford; Emily Walsh; Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold;
>>>>>> Peter Ragone
>>>>>> Cc: Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins
>>>>>> Subject: RE: Survey
>>>>>> Only think we need 15-20 mins here.
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: Rebekah Milford [mailto:RMilford@gqrr.com]
>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 5:47 PM
>>>>>> To: Emily Walsh; Jonathan Rosen; Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold; Peter
>>>>>> Ragone
>>>>>> Cc: Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins
>>>>>> Subject: RE: Survey
>>>>>> That would work for GQRR folks. Do we want to say from 12PM EST
>>>>>> to 1PM EST?
>>>>>> We can use one of our conference call lines:
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Rebekah
>>>>>> ________________________________________
>>>>>> From: Emily Walsh [Emily@berlinrosen.com]
>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 5:45 PM
>>>>>> To: Jonathan Rosen; Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold; Peter Ragone
>>>>>> Cc: Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins; Rebekah Milford
>>>>>> Subject: Re: Survey
>>>>>> Jonathan has time from 12-2 if that works for others.
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Emily Walsh
>>>>>> BerlinRosen Public Affairs
>>>>>> Emily@berlinrosen.com
>>>>>> 646-200-5310
>>>>>>> On 1/28/14 5:39 PM, "Jonathan Rosen" <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
>>>>>>> Looping Emily to schedule a quick call for tomorrow.  A.M. is
>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>> From: Anna Greenberg [mailto:agreenberg@gqrr.com]
>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 3:59 PM
>>>>>>> To: Josh Gold; Jonathan Rosen; Peter Ragone
>>>>>>> Cc: Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins; Rebekah Milford
>>>>>>> Subject: RE: Survey
>>>>>>> Thanks Josh.
>>>>>>> I'm trying to get a draft done by Thursday so we can field next
>>>>>>> Let me know if you have time to talk tomorrow morning.  You can
>>>>>>>also review the NYS portion when it's written and give feedback
>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>> Anna
>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>> From: Josh Gold [mailto:
>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 3:50 PM
>>>>>>> To: Jonathan Rosen; Peter Ragone
>>>>>>> Cc: Anna Greenberg
>>>>>>> Subject: Survey
>>>>>>> Jonathan & Peter,
>>>>>>> The AFT is putting a poll in the field with a NYS over sample on
>>>>>>> education issues including a large portion about early childhood
>>>>>>> education and they have graciously agreed to take our
>>>>>>> suggestions on language and questions regarding UPK proposals.
>>>>>>> Anna, cc'ed, is working on it - so I wanted to connect you on this.
>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
From: Seignious, Sandy
To: "Emily Walsh"
Cc: Rebekah Milford
Subject: RE: Tomorrow"s call
Date: Wednesday, February 05, 2014 3:44:38 PM

From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2014 2:48 PM
To: Seignious, Sandy
Cc: Rebekah Milford
Subject: Re: Tomorrow's call

Hi Sandy,
Does Friday from 11-11:30 work for this call?
Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Rebekah Milford <RMilford@gqrr.com>
Date: Tuesday, February 4, 2014 6:55 PM
To: "Seignious, Sandy" <sseignious@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Emily Walsh <emily@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: Tomorrow's call
My number is
Thanks, Rebekah 

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 4, 2014, at 6:52 PM, "Seignious, Sandy" <sseignious@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

No problem
My number is 212 788 3055
Have a good night.
Sent via the Samsung GALAXY S®4, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

-------- Original message --------

From: Emily Walsh
Date:02/04/2014 6:33 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: "Seignious, Sandy" ,Rebekah Milford
Subject: Tomorrow's call

I am very sorry, but tomorrow isn't going to work.

Jonathan has had something come up for tomorrow morning and we need to
postpone this. I have a few times Thursday and Friday that would work.

Could we all hop on a call in the morning and get this on the calendar?

Send me your phone numbers and we will reschedule.

Sorry again, thanks for your understanding.
Emily Walsh

BerlinRosen Public Affairs


On 2/4/14 4:39 PM, "Seignious, Sandy" <sseignious@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

>Thank you
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
>Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:39 PM
>To: Rebekah Milford; Seignious, Sandy
>Subject: Re: Survey
>Thank you!!
>Emily Walsh
>BerlinRosen Public Affairs
>On 2/4/14 4:38 PM, "Rebekah Milford" <RMilford@gqrr.com> wrote:
>> ;
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Rebekah Milford
>>Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:38 PM
>>To: 'Seignious, Sandy'; 'Emily Walsh'
>>Subject: RE: Survey
>>Let's use this conference call line for tomorrow morning at 10AM ET
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Seignious, Sandy [mailto:sseignious@cityhall.nyc.gov]
>>Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:37 PM
>>To: 'Emily Walsh'; Rebekah Milford
>>Subject: RE: Survey
>>Peter can do 10am.  Can you please send me the dial in #?
>>Thank you Ladies
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
>>Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:34 PM
>>To: Rebekah Milford; Seignious, Sandy
>>Subject: Re: Survey
>>I can. Thanks for closing the loop here.
>>Emily Walsh
>>BerlinRosen Public Affairs
>>On 2/4/14 4:31 PM, "Rebekah Milford" <RMilford@gqrr.com> wrote:
>>>Can everyone do a thirty minute call from 10 to 10:30AM tomorrow?
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Rebekah Milford
>>>Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:25 PM
>>>To: 'Seignious, Sandy'
>>>Cc: Emily Walsh
>>>Subject: RE: Survey
>>>GQRR can only do from 10 to 10:30 am.
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Seignious, Sandy [mailto:sseignious@cityhall.nyc.gov]
>>>Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:25 PM
>>>To: Rebekah Milford
>>>Cc: Emily Walsh
>>>Subject: RE: Survey
>>>Good afternoon,
>>>Is this conference call confirmed for 10:30am?  I need to cancel his
>>>meeting if it is on
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Rebekah Milford [mailto:RMilford@gqrr.com]
>>>Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 2:31 PM
>>>To: Seignious, Sandy
>>>Cc: Emily Walsh
>>>Subject: Re: Survey
>>>Based on the times Emily mentioned, GQRR can only do 10am to 10:30am
>>>Let us know if this will work.
>>>Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Feb 4, 2014, at 2:28 PM, "Seignious, Sandy"
>>>><sseignious@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>>>> Peter said he has to be a part of it.  Can you let me know what time
>>>>you are looking at?
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Sandy
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 1:44 PM
>>>> To: Seignious, Sandy; Rebekah Milford
>>>> Subject: Re: Survey
>>>> We are rescheduling it for tomorrow. Waiting on a response about if
>>>>Peter needs to be on it.
>>>> --
>>>> Emily Walsh
>>>> BerlinRosen Public Affairs
>>>> Emily@berlinrosen.com
>>>> 646-200-5310
>>>>> On 2/4/14 1:43 PM, "Seignious, Sandy" <sseignious@cityhall.nyc.gov>
>>>>> Is this meeting still happening?
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 12:01 PM
>>>>> To: Rebekah Milford
>>>>> Cc: Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold; Peter Ragone; Dave Walker; Chloe
>>>>> Mullins; James Hazzard; Laura Swartz; Seignious, Sandy; Jonathan
>>>>> Rosen
>>>>> Subject: Re: Survey
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> Possible to reschedule this call for tomorrow?
>>>>> Jonathan could do 10-12 or 2:30 then.
>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>> Emily
>>>>> --
>>>>> Emily Walsh
>>>>> BerlinRosen Public Affairs
>>>>> Emily@berlinrosen.com
>>>>> 646-200-5310
>>>>>> On 1/29/14 11:48 AM, "Jonathan Rosen" <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
>>>>>> Running ten mins late but yes.
>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>> On Jan 29, 2014, at 10:28 AM, "Rebekah Milford"
>>>>>>> <RMilford@gqrr.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Jonathan,
>>>>>>> Just wanted to confirm we are all set for a quick call today at
>>>>>>> noon eastern.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Rebekah
>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>> From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 5:48 PM
>>>>>>> To: Rebekah Milford; Emily Walsh; Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold;
>>>>>>> Peter Ragone
>>>>>>> Cc: Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins
>>>>>>> Subject: RE: Survey
>>>>>>> Only think we need 15-20 mins here.
>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>> From: Rebekah Milford [mailto:RMilford@gqrr.com]
>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 5:47 PM
>>>>>>> To: Emily Walsh; Jonathan Rosen; Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold; Peter
>>>>>>> Ragone
>>>>>>> Cc: Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins
>>>>>>> Subject: RE: Survey
>>>>>>> That would work for GQRR folks. Do we want to say from 12PM EST
>>>>>>> to 1PM EST?
>>>>>>> We can use one of our conference call lines:
>>>>>>> ;
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Rebekah
>>>>>>> ________________________________________
>>>>>>> From: Emily Walsh [Emily@berlinrosen.com]
>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 5:45 PM
>>>>>>> To: Jonathan Rosen; Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold; Peter Ragone
>>>>>>> Cc: Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins; Rebekah Milford
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: Survey
>>>>>>> Jonathan has time from 12-2 if that works for others.
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Emily Walsh
>>>>>>> BerlinRosen Public Affairs
>>>>>>> Emily@berlinrosen.com
>>>>>>> 646-200-5310
>>>>>>>> On 1/28/14 5:39 PM, "Jonathan Rosen" <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
>>>>>>>> Looping Emily to schedule a quick call for tomorrow.  A.M. is
>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>> From: Anna Greenberg [mailto:agreenberg@gqrr.com]
>>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 3:59 PM
>>>>>>>> To: Josh Gold; Jonathan Rosen; Peter Ragone
>>>>>>>> Cc: Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins; Rebekah Milford
>>>>>>>> Subject: RE: Survey
>>>>>>>> Thanks Josh.
>>>>>>>> I'm trying to get a draft done by Thursday so we can field next
>>>>>>>> Let me know if you have time to talk tomorrow morning.  You can
>>>>>>>>also review the NYS portion when it's written and give feedback
>>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>>> Anna
>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>> From: Josh Gold [mailto
>>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 3:50 PM
>>>>>>>> To: Jonathan Rosen; Peter Ragone
>>>>>>>> Cc: Anna Greenberg
>>>>>>>> Subject: Survey
>>>>>>>> Jonathan & Peter,
>>>>>>>> The AFT is putting a poll in the field with a NYS over sample on
>>>>>>>> education issues including a large portion about early childhood
>>>>>>>> education and they have graciously agreed to take our
>>>>>>>> suggestions on language and questions regarding UPK proposals.
>>>>>>>> Anna, cc'ed, is working on it - so I wanted to connect you on
>>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
From: Seignious, Sandy
To: "Emily Walsh"
Cc: Rebekah Milford
Subject: RE: Tomorrow"s call
Date: Wednesday, February 05, 2014 3:47:31 PM

Thank you
From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2014 3:47 PM
To: Seignious, Sandy
Cc: Rebekah Milford
Subject: Re: Tomorrow's call

Great, confirmed. 
Same number ;
Thanks to you both. 
Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: <Seignious>, Sandy <sseignious@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Wednesday, February 5, 2014 3:44 PM
To: Emily Walsh <emily@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Rebekah Milford <RMilford@gqrr.com>
Subject: RE: Tomorrow's call
From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2014 2:48 PM
To: Seignious, Sandy
Cc: Rebekah Milford
Subject: Re: Tomorrow's call

Hi Sandy,
Does Friday from 11-11:30 work for this call?
Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Rebekah Milford <RMilford@gqrr.com>
Date: Tuesday, February 4, 2014 6:55 PM
To: "Seignious, Sandy" <sseignious@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Emily Walsh <emily@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: Tomorrow's call
My number is
Thanks, Rebekah 

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 4, 2014, at 6:52 PM, "Seignious, Sandy" <sseignious@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

No problem
My number is 212 788 3055
Have a good night.
Sent via the Samsung GALAXY S®4, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

-------- Original message --------

From: Emily Walsh
Date:02/04/2014 6:33 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: "Seignious, Sandy" ,Rebekah Milford
Subject: Tomorrow's call

I am very sorry, but tomorrow isn't going to work.

Jonathan has had something come up for tomorrow morning and we need to
postpone this. I have a few times Thursday and Friday that would work.

Could we all hop on a call in the morning and get this on the calendar?

Send me your phone numbers and we will reschedule.

Sorry again, thanks for your understanding.
Emily Walsh
Berlin Rosen Public Affairs
Emil)l@berHnrosen com

On 2/4/14 4:39 PM, "Seignious, Sandy" <sseignious@citvhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

>Thank you

>-----Original Message-
>From: Emily Walsh [mailto·Emihr@berljprosen com)
>Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:39 PM
>To: Rebekah Milford; Seignious, Sandy
>Subject: Re: Survey
>Thank you!!
>Emily Walsh
>BerlinRosen Public Affairs
>Emil)l@berljorosep com
>On 2/4/14 4:38 PM, "Rebekah Milford" <RMilford@gQrr com> wrote:

> _ ;_

»-----Original Message-----
»From: Rebekah Milford
»Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:38 PM
»To: 'Seignious, Sandy'; 'Emily Walsh'
»Subject: RE: Survey
>>Let's use this conference call line for tomorrow morning at lOAM ET
>>--Original Message-
»From: Seignious, Sandy (majlto·ssejgp jous@cityball O)IC gml)
»Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:37PM
»To: 'Emily Walsh'; Rebekah Milford
»Subject: RE: Survey
>>Peter can do 10am.  Can you please send me the dial in #?
>>Thank you Ladies
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
>>Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:34 PM
>>To: Rebekah Milford; Seignious, Sandy
>>Subject: Re: Survey
>>I can. Thanks for closing the loop here.
>>Emily Walsh
>>BerlinRosen Public Affairs
>>On 2/4/14 4:31 PM, "Rebekah Milford" <RMilford@gqrr.com> wrote:
>>>Can everyone do a thirty minute call from 10 to 10:30AM tomorrow?
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Rebekah Milford
>>>Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:25 PM
>>>To: 'Seignious, Sandy'
>>>Cc: Emily Walsh
>>>Subject: RE: Survey
>>>GQRR can only do from 10 to 10:30 am.
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Seignious, Sandy [mailto:sseignious@cityhall.nyc.gov]
>>>Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:25 PM
>>>To: Rebekah Milford
>>>Cc: Emily Walsh
>>>Subject: RE: Survey
>>>Good afternoon,
>>>Is this conference call confirmed for 10:30am?  I need to cancel his
>>>meeting if it is on
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Rebekah Milford [mailto:RMilford@gqrr.com]
>>>Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 2:31 PM
>>>To: Seignious, Sandy
>>>Cc: Emily Walsh
>>>Subject: Re: Survey
>>>Based on the times Emily mentioned, GQRR can only do 10am to 10:30am
>>>Let us know if this will work.
>>>Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Feb 4, 2014, at 2:28 PM, "Seignious, Sandy"
>>>><sseignious@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>>>> Peter said he has to be a part of it.  Can you let me know what time
>>>>you are looking at?
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Sandy
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 1:44 PM
>>>> To: Seignious, Sandy; Rebekah Milford
>>>> Subject: Re: Survey
>>>> We are rescheduling it for tomorrow. Waiting on a response about if
>>>>Peter needs to be on it.
>>>> --
>>>> Emily Walsh
>>>> BerlinRosen Public Affairs
>>>> Emily@berlinrosen.com
>>>> 646-200-5310
>>>>> On 2/4/14 1:43 PM, "Seignious, Sandy" <sseignious@cityhall.nyc.gov>
>>>>> Is this meeting still happening?
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 12:01 PM
>>>>> To: Rebekah Milford
>>>>> Cc: Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold; Peter Ragone; Dave Walker; Chloe
>>>>> Mullins; James Hazzard; Laura Swartz; Seignious, Sandy; Jonathan
>>>>> Rosen
>>>>> Subject: Re: Survey
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> Possible to reschedule this call for tomorrow?
>>>>> Jonathan could do 10-12 or 2:30 then.
>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>> Emily
>>>>> --
>>>>> Emily Walsh
>>>>> BerlinRosen Public Affairs
>>>>> Emily@berlinrosen.com
>>>>> 646-200-5310
>>>>>> On 1/29/14 11:48 AM, "Jonathan Rosen" <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
>>>>>> Running ten mins late but yes.
>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>> On Jan 29, 2014, at 10:28 AM, "Rebekah Milford"
>>>>>>> <RMilford@gqrr.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Jonathan,
>>>>>>> Just wanted to confirm we are all set for a quick call today at
>>>>>>> noon eastern.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Rebekah
>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>> From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 5:48 PM
>>>>>>> To: Rebekah Milford; Emily Walsh; Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold;
>>>>>>> Peter Ragone
>>>>>>> Cc: Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins
>>>>>>> Subject: RE: Survey
>>>>>>> Only think we need 15-20 mins here.
>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>> From: Rebekah Milford [mailto:RMilford@gqrr.com]
>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 5:47 PM
>>>>>>> To: Emily Walsh; Jonathan Rosen; Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold; Peter
>>>>>>> Ragone
>>>>>>> Cc: Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins
>>>>>>> Subject: RE: Survey
>>>>>>> That would work for GQRR folks. Do we want to say from 12PM EST
>>>>>>> to 1PM EST?
>>>>>>> We can use one of our conference call lines:
>>>>>>> ;
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Rebekah
>>>>>>> ________________________________________
>>>>>>> From: Emily Walsh [Emily@berlinrosen.com]
>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 5:45 PM
>>>>>>> To: Jonathan Rosen; Anna Greenberg; Josh Gold; Peter Ragone
>>>>>>> Cc: Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins; Rebekah Milford
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: Survey
>>>>>>> Jonathan has time from 12-2 if that works for others.
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Emily Walsh
>>>>>>> BerlinRosen Public Affairs
>>>>>>> Emily@berlinrosen.com
>>>>>>> 646-200-5310
>>>>>>>> On 1/28/14 5:39 PM, "Jonathan Rosen" <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
>>>>>>>> Looping Emily to schedule a quick call for tomorrow.  A.M. is
>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>> From: Anna Greenberg [mailto:agreenberg@gqrr.com]
>>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 3:59 PM
>>>>>>>> To: Josh Gold; Jonathan Rosen; Peter Ragone
>>>>>>>> Cc: Dave Walker; Chloe Mullins; Rebekah Milford
>>>>>>>> Subject: RE: Survey
>>>>>>>> Thanks Josh.
>>>>>>>> I'm trying to get a draft done by Thursday so we can field next
>>>>>>>> Let me know if you have time to talk tomorrow morning.  You can
>>>>>>>>also review the NYS portion when it's written and give feedback
>>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>>> Anna
>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>> From: Josh Gold [mailto
>>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 3:50 PM
>>>>>>>> To: Jonathan Rosen; Peter Ragone
>>>>>>>> Cc: Anna Greenberg
>>>>>>>> Subject: Survey
>>>>>>>> Jonathan & Peter,
>>>>>>>> The AFT is putting a poll in the field with a NYS over sample on
>>>>>>>> education issues including a large portion about early childhood
>>>>>>>> education and they have graciously agreed to take our
>>>>>>>> suggestions on language and questions regarding UPK proposals.
>>>>>>>> Anna, cc'ed, is working on it - so I wanted to connect you on
>>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
From: Hatch, Peter
To: "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"
Subject: Re: BdB comments from 7/12/13
Date: Wednesday, February 05, 2014 3:56:02 PM

Mtg postoned - thx

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2014 02:28 PM
To: Hatch, Peter
Subject: BdB comments from 7/12/13
and the column we relied on: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/30/arts/design/norman-fosters-
Jonathan Rosen
BerlinRosen Public Affairs, Ltd.
15 Maiden Lane, Suite 1600
New York, NY 10038
t. 646.452.5637
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Drew, Chloe
Subject: Heading to city hall for another meeting
Date: Wednesday, February 05, 2014 4:59:57 PM

Will come and return your call in person

Sent from my iPhone

From: Drew, Chloe
To: "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"
Subject: Re: Heading to city hall for another meeting
Date: Wednesday, February 05, 2014 5:01:12 PM

And I'm offsite now - shoot. Will try you later!

----- Original Message -----

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2014 04:59 PM
To: Drew, Chloe
Subject: Heading to city hall for another meeting

Will come and return your call in person

Sent from my iPhone

Fro m: Wolfe. Emma
To: Adams. Marti; "Jonathan Rosen"
Cc: Walzak. Phil;
Subject: RE: Exclusive for you on UPK campaig n
Date: Thursday, February 06, 2014 S:04:22 PM

But we j ust hired a Deputy Mayor w ho w ill be responsible for t he program too so I think it's
important to add him into it

From: Adams, Marti

Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2014 5:03 PM
To: 'Jonathan Rosen'; Wolfe, Emma
Cc: Walzak, Phii; - - - -
Subject: RE: Exc~ campaign

FYI - Yoav is asking about t his

Planning to give him this same line


From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2014 5:43 PM
To: Wolfe, Emma; Adams, Marti
Cc: Walzak, Phil; - - - -.
Subject: RE: Exc~ campaign

+ PR. My rec o n background:

UPKNYC is an independent effort organized by civic, business, non-profit , labor leaders and
prominent New Yorkers to support the Mayor's plan for pre-k and afterschool.

Similar to past Mayor's involvement in campaigns like Mayor's Against Illega l Guns, he is supportive
of it and involved in helping t o recruit supporters to the issue.

Re : her q o n city hall point person - I t hink fine t o say Emma as we have repeatedly said in public
space she is point on pre-k.


From: Wolfe, Emma [mailto:EWolfe@citvhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2014 5:30 PM
To: Adams, Marti
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: RE: Exclusive for you on UPK campaign

+J Ro
From: Adams, Marti
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2014 5:27 PM
To: Wolfe, Emma
Cc: Walzak, Phil
Subject: FW: Exclusive for you on UPK campaign
Any guidance on this one?
From: Fermino, Jennifer [mailto:jfermino@nydailynews.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2014 5:22 PM
To: Adams, Marti
Subject: FW: Exclusive for you on UPK campaign
The question is, what is mayor’s involvement and who is city hall point person?
Jennifer Fermino
City Hall Bureau Chief
New York Daily News
(646) 734 0320
From: Emma Woods [mailto:emma@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2014 11:30 AM
To: Fermino, Jennifer
Subject: Exclusive for you on UPK campaign
Hi Jen – wanted to offer you an exclusive on the next phase of the UPKNYC campaign to
pass Mayor de Blasio’s pre-k and after-school plan.
Starting tomorrow, the UPKNYC campaign will launch extensive online and grassroots
campaign to recruit tens of thousands of UPK activists to mobilize as budget discussions
heat up in Albany.  
Tomorrow morning, hundreds of volunteers will be at subway stops in all five boroughs,
handing out literature and signing up supporters. And dozens of organizations will email
hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers, urging them to become UPK activists.
The campaign will include talking to New Yorkers at subway stops, at their doors, at house
parties and at town halls throughout the City. Additionally, the campaign will rely on online
organizing methods perfected on BDB's campaign for Mayor.
As budget discussion heat up, organizers will mobilize activists to reach out to elected
officials throughout the state via in-district and Albany lobby visits, letters and phone calls.
The goal is to make sure elected officials see that 70 percent of New Yorkers want to get
this done now.
Let me know if you want this piece exclusively for a story to run tomorrow AM, and what
you’d need to make it happen.
Emma Woods
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5303
C: 203-568-4780


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From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Wolfe, Emma
Subject: FW: draft memo, as requested
Date: Friday, February 07, 2014 12:15:06 PM
Attachments: bhyersmemo120613 (2).pdf
2182-007[2013-12-06 17-51-04].pdf

Relevant legal authority attached. 

From: Bill Hyers [mailto:bhyers@billdeblasio.com]
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2013 10:57 AM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Fwd: draft memo, as requested

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: "Laurence Laufer" <LLaufer@genovaburns.com>
Date: 6 Dec 2013 17:53
Subject: draft memo, as requested
To: "Bill Hyers (bhyers@billdeblasio.com)" <bhyers@billdeblasio.com>


Sorry for the delay on this. Here it is in draft form, together with the most relevant COIB
opinion on the role an elected official may play in fundraising for a not-for-profit
organization. I’m sure you’ll have questions. Let me know when you want to discuss.


Laurence Laufer, Esq.

Direct Dial: 212.566.2702
Main Line:  212.566.7188 Ext. 3001

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Thank you.
(212) 566-2702 DIRECT DIAL
(212) 566-7116 FACSIMILE








Question Presented

May a IRC 501(c)(4) social welfare organization be established to engage in certain

lobbying activities on behalf of the City of New York?

Brief Answer

Yes. As discussed below, the Mayor may play a role in fundraising for such an

organization. This memorandum also addresses issues concerning the organization's

expenditures under New York City campaign finance law .

Factual and Legal Analysis


You have asked whether a IRS 501(c)(4) social welfare organization may be organized

to engage in grassroots lobbying to persuade the State Legislature to adopt taxes to fund

universal pre-K education in the City of New York, as advocated by Mayor-Elect de Blasio.

This memorandum assumes that Mayor de Blasio will have a leadership role in the

organization, including by assisting in raising funds for the organization. The organization

would be formed in January 2014, or earlier , and would remain active throughout the 2014

State legislative session, at least until its goals are achieved. The issue advertising may or may

not include references to and communications by Mayor de Blasio. 1

IRC 501 (c) (4) Organizations

Under Intem al Revenue Code §501(c)(4), a non-for-profit corporation may be

established to promote social welfare and engage in unlimited lobbying activities for that

purpose. A 501(c)(4) organization may not engage in political campaign activity as its primary

activity. 2 See 26 C. P .R. 1.501(c)(4)-1(a)(2)(ii).

New York Lobbying Law

Under the State Lobbying Law (Legislative Law §§1, ~ seq . ) , the Mayor is exempt

from treatment as a lobbyist and the City of New York files lobbying reports with the Joint

Commission on Public Ethics (JCOPE) as a public corporation. Legislative Law §§1-c(a); 1-e;

1-i. If it hires or retains lobbyists whose lobbying activities 3 meet the relevant financial

thresholds, the 501(c)(4), as a separate not-for-profit organization, must also register and file

Please note that this is initial analysis does not address hypotheticals in which the organization engages in grass
roots lobbying on additional issues or at other levels of govennnent, or after calendar year 2014.

Please note that on November 26, 2013, the IRS and Treasury issued proposed guidance that would limit the
pennissible political activities of 501(c)(4) groups. The proposed guidance is available at
http://www.gpo. gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2013-ll-29/pdf/2013-28492.pdf.

New York regulates grassroots lobbying as reportable lobbying activities. See New York Temp. State Comm'n
on Lobbying Op. No. 44 (00-3) .
\ \nycserver02\D\ Users\llaufer\bhyersmemo120613 (2) .docx 2
reports as a lobbyist, lobbying-client, or both. See Legislative Law §§ 1-e; 1-h; 1-j. In all

likelihood, the 501(c)(4) would be subject to JCOPE's source of funding disclosure

requirements. See Legislative Law §1-h(c)(4).

The Bloomberg Precedent

Mayor Bloomberg serves as co-chairman of Mayors Against Illegal Guns. Its lobbying

wing, the Mayors Against Illegal GwlS Action Fund is a Delaware corporation exempt from

taxation under IRC 501(c)(4). In 2010 this 501(c)(4) reported grassroots lobbying activities to

JCOPE on two state bills which coincided with reported lobbying activities by the City of New

York on the same two bills.

Fundraising by Mayor

Pursuant to standards set forth in Conflicts of Interest Board Advisory Opinion No.

2008-6 (Dec. 29, 2008) (copy enclosed), elected officials and their designees may solicit and

otherwise encourage private contributions to not-for-profit organizations in their official

capacity, after a personal determination by the elected official that the not-for-profit's work

supports the mission of his City office. 4 Among the relevant restrictions is that the elected

official may not raise funds in his official capacity if he has a personal "association" with the

recipient organization or its staff. COIB AO 2008-6 at p. 8. Charter §2601(5) defines those

associated with the public servant to include:

a spouse, domestic partner, child, parent or sibling; a person with whom the public

servant has a business or other financial relationship.

The 2008 opinion addresses not-for-profit organizations that are not treated as affiliated with the City. An
earlier opinion, No. 2003-6 sets forth requirements for raising funds for entities closely affiliated with the City, as
akin to gifts to the City. Given that the use of private funds to directly subsidize the lobbying efforts of the City
of New York would likely raise additional legal issues, for simplicity sake, we limit our analysis to treating the
proposed 501(c)(4) organization as an organization that is not affiliated with the City.
\ \nycserver02\D\ Users\llaufer\bhyersmemo120613 (2).docx 3
Read broadly, Charter §2601(5) would appear to also preclude the Mayor raising funds in his

official capacity for a not-for-profit organization in which he holds a position. See also

Charter §2601(12), (18) (defining "position" to include "officer, director, trustee, employee,

or any management position, or as an attorney, agent, broker, or consultant"). Also, again

under a broad reading , preclusion of Mayoral fundraising in an official capacity may also arise

if the organization retained or employed persons and entities who are also retained or

employed by the Mayor's authorized campaign committee.5

New York City Camp aign Finance Board

Because the not-for-profit organization will not be a political committee within the

meaning of New York State or City law, the only CFB compliance question is whether the

organization's activities could be treated as in-kind contributions to the Mayor's re-election

campaign. The following guidance is gleaned from CFB advisory opinions:

• CFB AO 1993-9 (Sept. 9, 1993): A private entity' s public service campaign materials

identifying the mayor will result in an in-kind contribution to the mayor's re-election

campaign if these involve the solicitation of campaign contributions or express

advocacy. Otherwise , the CFB will look at multiple factors in assessing whether the

expenditures were "made in connection with" the election, including purpose,

expression of the public official's on public policy or other issues in an election

campaign , timing, targeting to City electorate, and public official control over the


• Numerous CFB opinions treat spending by political committees as presumptively

campaign-related. See, ~. CFB AO 1999-10 (Aug . 5, 1999). The CFB has not

Simultaneous retentions or employment would also draw scrutiny by the NYC CFB.

\ \nycserver02\D\ Users\llaufer \bhyersmemo120613 (2) .docx 4

applied that presumption to any other kind of entity, such as a social welfare


• CFB AO 2001-8 (July 11 , 2008): the tax exempt status of the spending entity (in this

instance the Brennan Center, a 501(c)(3) organization) is not dispositive for determining

that an in-kind contribution has not been made .

• CFB AO 2007-6 (Dec. 21 , 2007): candidates may not use campaign funds for public

purpose advertisements "for which governmental resources may be used. " The

necessary implication is that such advertisements are not proper campaign expenditures

and therefore could not be in-kind contributions. For example, the Charter does not

prohibit public servant-candidates appearing in public commwrications paid for by

govenunental funds prior to January 1 of the election year, so long as the

communication does not include an electioneering message. See Charter § 1136.1

(2)(a), (c) (enforced by the CFB).

To the extent that private funds may be donated by a 501(c)(4) organization to pay for

advertisements, which may in tum be accepted as a gift to the City, CFB AO 2007-6 may be

read to preclude treating this use of the governmental resources generated by the gift as an in-

kind contribution. As noted above (at footnote 4), however, using private funds to underwrite

the City's grassroots lobbying campaign may raise additional legal concenlS. Further, it is

unclear to me that City funds have ever actually been used for grassroots lobbying.

Thus, the preferable approach may be an argument that if 501(c)(4)'s grassroots

lobbying expenditures could have been paid for with govenunental funds, the expenditures are

nevertheless iilSulated from treatment as in-kind contributions w1der CFB AO 2007-6. A letter

\ \nycserver02\D\ Users\llaufer\bhyersmemo120613 (2) .docx 5

from JCOPE indicating that a public corporation's grassroots lobbying expenditures are

reportable under the lobbying law might suffice for this purpose.

* **
Please let us know if you have any follow up questions and if you want us to provide

further information or take steps regarding the creation, operation and govenunental filings of

such a 501(c)(4) organization.


\ \nycserver02\D\ Users\llaufer\bhyersmemo120613 (2) .docx 6

2 Lafayette Street, Suite I010
New York, New York 10007
(212) 442-1400
Fax: (212) 442-1407 TDD: (212) 442-1443

Steven B. Rosenfeld SUMMARY: Elected officials and agency heads, and their designees, may
Chair/Board Member in their official capacities, using City time and resources, solicit and
Monica Blum otherwise encourage private contributions to not-for-profit organizations,
Board Member after a personal determination by the elected official or agency head that the
not-for-profit's work supports the mission of his or her City office or agency.
Kevin B. Frawley Such solicitations must include a statement that a decision whether or not to
Board Member
give will not result in official favor or disfavor. But such public servants may
Angela Mariana Freyre not target for these solicitations any person or firm with a matter pending or
Board Member about to be pending before their City office or agency, and they may take no
Andrew Irving such action on behalf of any organization with which they are associated or
Board Member that would benefit a person or firm with whom or which they are associated.
Each City office or agency must file a public repott with the Board by May
15 and November 15 of each year disclosing the identity of each not-for-
Jvlark Davies profit organization for which the office or agency sought private contributions
Executive Director in the six-month period ending March 31 and September 30, respectively.
Wayne G. Hawley
Deputy Executi\·e Director
& General Counsel Advisory Opinion No, 2008-6
Julia Davis
Special Counsel &
Director of Financial In Advisory Opinion No. 2003-4 the Board addressed the question of

Carolyn Lisa Miller fundraising by City officials for the City itself and for not-for-profit entities
Director of Enforcement

Alex Kipp closely affiliated with City offices and agencies. But the Board reserved the
Director of Training &
Education question of"what other kinds of not-for-profit entities might be permissible
Ute O'Malley
Director of beneficiaries of officials' fundraising" (id. at 2 (emphasis added)), preferring

Derick Yu to consider that question on a "case-by-case basis," leading to a possible

Director of Information
Technology future advisory opinion based on its experience with those cases, On the

Visit our home page at http://nyc.gov/ethics

COIB Advisory Opinion No. 2008-6
December 29, 2008
Page 2 of 16

basis of its experience in the intervening five years, the Board now issues that anticipated



In Advisory Opinions preceding No. 2003-4, the Board did give some consideration to

fundrai~ing by public officials in their official capacities for charitable entities that were8

e:':t,~~ith the City. 1 In Advisory Opinion No. 91-10 the Board observed that
"[i]t is surely in the City's interest to encourage the voluntary financial
supp01t of community groups, educational institutions and charities,
inasmuch as their good works help to sustain the life of the City and
indeed are indispensable to it." (!d. at 2.)

The Board noted, however, that official fundraising for such entities could create "an appearance

of impropriety" if the official's action is "perceived to be coercive or provides an inappropriate

opportunity for access to such official." !d. Such an appearance would implicate Charter

Section 2604(b)(2), which forbids public servants from engaging in any transaction, or having

any private interest, that is in conflict with the proper discharge of their official duties. In order

to allay concern for the potential of coercion if elected and high-ranking appointed officials were

given full rein to solicit charitable contributions, the Board in Opinion No. 91-10 adopted a

distinction between "active" and "passive" fundraising, ruling I) that elected officials could

engage only in passive fundraising (e.g., serving on honorary committees for charitable events),

Those opinions did not address fundraising by public servants in their personal capacities, such as fundraising for
their alma maters, their places of worship, or their block associations. Nevertheless, even such personal charitable
activity, like other private activity, may be restricted by Chapter 68. For example, public servants may not use City
; \lV

time or resources for such personal fundraising; nor may they direct solicitations to those.who have matters before
them at their City agencies. See COIB v. King, COIB Case No. 98-508 (200 l ). Like those earlier opinions, this
opinion will instead address charitable fundraising by City officials in their official capacities. 1
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but not in active fundraising, and 2) that high-ranking appointed officials could engage in active

fundraising, but only so long as they did not direct their solicitations to those likely to have

matters before their City agency.

The "coercion" concern also underlay Advisory Opinion No. 93-15, in which the Board

attempted to clarify the distinction between active and passive fundraising. Observing that not

all actions that might result in contributions to a charity would be deemed "active," the Board

found the relevant question to be whether "the public servant's actions would create an

appearance that he or she is using the power of public office" to pressure or coerce others to

make contributions, or to afford greater access to government to those who made contributions.

!d. at 8-9.

In its pre-2003 rulings on official fundraising for charitable entities not affiliated with the

City, the Board also expressed a concern regarding the appearance of official "endorsement" of

favored beneficiaries over other worthwhile charities competing for scarce philanthropic

resources. In Advisory Opinion No. 92-15, for example, the Board determined that an agency

head could not serve on the honorary committee for the annual benefit of a not-for-profit entity

that had a contract with her agency, ruling that "the combination of her fundraising role with her

role in approving and supervising the contract may create an appearance that the not-for-profit

entity is receiving preferential treatment." Opinion No. 92-15 at I (emphasis added).

In Opinion No. 2003-4, as noted above, the Board considered in considerable depth City

officials' solicitation of private supp011 for the City itself and for not-for-profit organizations

closely affiliated with City offices and agencies. In that opinion, the Board abandoned the

distinction between "active" and "passive" fundraising, in favor of a bright line distinction
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between "targeted" and "untargeted" solicitations- the former consisting of direct appeals such

as one-on-one phone calls, meetings, and personal letters to potential donors, the latter of such

devices as mass mailings not directed to specific potential donors. !d. at 17. In holding that all

untargeted fundraising for the City and its affiliated not-for-profits would be permitted, the

Board again evinced its concern over the "coercion" factor:

Where solicitations are not targeted to specific potential donors, there is

less danger that any particular person or entity will receive, or be perceived to
receive, preferential treatment as a result of a donation. Since no specific
individual or business is approached - i.e., all similarly situated individuals or
businesses receive the same general request (~. through a mass mailing) and are
given the same opportunity to donate or decline - the appearance is avoided that
any patticular individual or entity will receive preferential treatment. The
distinction turns not on the "active" nature of the solicitation, but upon the
potentially coercive nature of personal, direct solicitations. (Id. at 17-18.)

In addition, the Board also determined that targeted solicitations for the City and its

affiliates would be permissible, provided that no official could solicit any person or firm with a

matter "pending or about to be pending before the City official or his or her agency, where it is

within the legal authority or the duties of the soliciting official to make, affect, or direct the

outcome of the matter." Id. at 20. In the case of both targeted and untargeted solicitations, the

Board required that the solicitation must make clear that the decision whether or not to give

would result in no official favor or disfavor for the person or entity solicited, and would yield no

special access to the official or his or her agency. Finally, the Board required City agencies and

offices to report every six months all gifts in excess of$5,000 in aggregate value from a single

donor. Id. at 22.

Because Advisory Opinion No. 2003-4 addressed fundraising only for the City itself or

for not-for-profits determined to be closely affiliated with the City, the concern regarding
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possible "endorsement" of particular charities was not present. The Board recognized, however,

that when it turned to official fundraising on behalf of not-for-profit entities that are not affiliated

with the City, both the coercion and the endorsement concerns would again be implicated.

As anticipated in Opinion No. 2003-4, the Board has, over the past several years,

received numerous requests for advice from public servants regarding proposed official

fundraising efforts on behalf of charitable entities that could not be considered to be "affiliated"

with the City. A sampling of those requests is as follows:

I. An elected official with citywide responsibilities sought to become co-chair of a

specific fund raising program for a national not-for-profit organization with a national

agenda, and in that capacity to use his City position to solicit funds for that program.

The specific program was one that, the elected official determined, would supp01t a

major initiative of the official's City office.

2. Another elected official proposed to pmticipate in his official capacity at a public

fundraising event in the City to "kick off' a major fundraising initiative by a charity

with a statewide mission. The beneficiaries of the charity's services included many

thousands of residents of the City and of the area served by the elected official.

3. An agency head who sat on the board of directors of a not-for-profit organization

dedicated to finding a cure and better treatment for a patticular disease- a cause not

significantly related to the work of the City agency headed by the official -asked

whether it was permissible to raise money for the organization so long as no vendors

or contractors of the agency were solicited.

COIB Advismy Opinion No. 2008-6
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4. Another agency head asked whether he, and two of his deputies, could solicit funds

for a national not-for-profit that he had been instrumental in forming, the purpose of

which was to engender, on a national level, federal and state policies and funding

supportive of initiatives adopted by the official's own City agency. The agency head

served on the organization's board, service that he believed was patt of his City job.

5. A third agency head asked whether he could consent to the request of his alma mater

to begin raising funds for a campus building to be named in his honor; the request did

not contemplate that the City official would himself participate in such fundraising.

6. An elected official asked whether charitable foundations could be approached by the

official and urged to consider contributing to not-for-profit entities across the City

whose annual funding by the City Council had recently been cut due to fiscal



As noted, Opinion No. 2003-4 reserved for a future day the question of what charitable

entities, besides City-affiliated not-for-profits, could be the beneficiaries of official fundraising

by City public servants. While earlier Board opinions had directed some attention to the

question of which City officials could engage in charitable fundraising and by what methods,

those opinions had given little attention to the question of which charities could benefit from that

activity. This opinion will address all three questions: for whom, by whom, and how.
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1. Permissible Beneficiaries of Fundraising

In determining what not-for-profits not "affiliated" with the City may nevertheless be the

beneficiaries of official fundraising, the Board has kept in mind both the "endorsement" concern

and the fact that it was being asked about public servants' fundraising in their official capacities

-i.e., as part of their City jobs, on City time, and using City resources. Without at all denigrating

the Board's recognition in Advisory Opinion No. 91-10 that "it is in the City's interest to

encourage the voluntary financial suppmt of community groups, educational institutions and

charities," it is surely not within the scope of every public servant's official duties to raise funds

for any and every such group, institution, or charity, wherever located and whatever its mission.

Thus, the Board has concluded, first, that the not-for-profit for which funds are sought

must have some nexus with the City and its residents. Thus, for example, an arts organization in

California or an affordable housing provider in Buffalo will not be permissible beneficiaries of

official fundraising by City public servants. This restriction is dictated by the requirement, most

specifically enunciated in Board Rules Sections 1-!3(a) and (b), that public servants may not use

City time or resources for non-City purposes. 2

Second, the mission of the beneficiary not-for-profit must have some connection with the

mission or duties of the office or agency of the soliciting official. For example, while a not-for-

profit organization dedicated to increasing affordable housing in the City might well be an

appropriate beneficiary of fundraising by, for example, the Commissioners of Housing

This would not preclude City officials, as noted above (footnote 1), from engaging in fundraising efforts on their
own time, and without the use of City letterhead or resources, for their alma maters and other favored charities,
wherever they may be located, provided that they may not direct solicitations to those who have matters before them
at their City agencies.
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Preservation and Development and of Homeless Services, it would not be a permissible

beneficiary of official fundraising by the Cultural Affairs Commissioner- although the latter

could fundraise for a local performing arts group. This restriction is again based on the notion

that the activity must bear some relationship to the soliciting official's City responsibilities- and

the realization, discussed below (p. 10), that it is often part of City officials' duties to award City

contracts and/or to distribute scarce City funding among competing not-for-profits working

within their areas of responsibility. Admittedly, this limitation will impose greater restrictions

on agency heads with defined areas of responsibility than it will, for example, on the Mayor, the

Public Advocate, and City Council Members, whose official responsibilities are defined quite

broadly. Nevertheless, even for these elected officials, the not-for-profit in question must have

some connection not only with the City itself but also with the responsibilities of the soliciting

official. Thus, for example, fundraising by a Borough President for the benefit of a theatre group

in another borough would probably not qualify; nor would a Councilmember's solicitation for a

community group operating wholly outside his or her district.

Third, even if the not-for-profit provides services in the City and within the portfolio of a

given elected official or agency head, such fundraising will not be permissible if the elected

official or agency head has a personal "association" with the entity or its staff within the meaning

of Charter Section 260 I (5). 3 Pursuant to Charter Section 2604(b)(3), any use of a public

servant's office to benefit such an "associated" person or entity is strictly prohibited-- and

Charter Section 2601(5) defines those "asSociated" with a public servant to include "a spouse, domestic partner,
child, parent, or sibling; a person with whom the public servant has a business or other financial relationship; and
each firm in which the public servant has a present or potential interest.''
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fundraising is no exception. Thus, for example, and without limitation, if the soliciting official

or her designee serves on the board of a not-for-profit, official fundraising for the benefit of that

entity would be barred. 4 Likewise, if a spouse, a sibling, or a business patiner of an agency head

serves as a charity's executive director or other high-ranking staff member, then that agency

head will also be barred from taking official actions seeking suppoti for that charity. In shoti, if

the elected official or agency head has a personal association with a not-for-profit, neither the

official nor the agency may solicit suppoti for the not-for-profit. Likewise, even if the elected

official or agency head is not personally associated with the not-for-profit, the official may not

assign fundraising responsibilities to any subordinate who is so associated.

The Board has considered but rejected imposing additional restrictions on the types of

entities for which City officials may seek private funding. For example, the Board considered

whether an agency head should be prevented from fundraising on behalf of entities with which

his or her agency contracts or, conversely, whether such fundraising should be limited to groups

with which an agency already contracts. The Board rejects both limitations. As to the latter, the

Board observes that City agencies have limited budgets and priorities, but may identify excellent

not-for-profit organizations that they are currently unable to fund. The Board sees no reason

why an agency head may not seek private support for such organizations. On the other hand, the

City may be contracting with organizations to provide vital services to New York's most needy

The Board does recognize an exception to this prohibition where the official serves on the entity's board of
directors as part of his or her City job. Such ex officio positions may occur as a matter oflaw (e.g., a statute
provides for the appointment) or may occur de facto (e.g., the official serves on the board only for his or her term in
office). In such cases, the conflicts of interest law will not prohibit fundraising because, unlike the case where the
official serves the not-for-profit in his or her personal capacity (e.g., as an alum), the ex officio board member has no
private interest that conflicts with his or her public duties.
COIB Advisory Opinion No. 2008-6
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residents but, especially in difficult economic times when these services may in fact be most

needed, these organizations may be experiencing shortfalls in both public and private funding.

The Board can find no basis in Chapter 68 for concluding that City officials may not seek private

suppmt for the very organizations that, as part of their official duties, they have identified as

worthy of receiving public funding were it available.

With regard to the "endorsement" concern, the Board has, for similar reasons, concluded

that permitting officials to seek funding for given not-for-profit organizations within their areas

of responsibility does not impermissibly favor such organizations over those not so supported.

In reaching this conclusion, the Board does not reject prior decisions, including Opinion No. 92-

15, discussed above, that expressed such an "endorsement" concern. Those opinions were

summarized in Advisory Opinion No. 2000-3, which permitted Police Commissioner Safir to

author a letter that would serve as an introduction to a book being published to raise funds for the

Police Museum, a not-for-profit entity not affiliated with the City. In Opinion No. 2000-3, the

Board noted that its earlier decisions, though generally prohibiting official endorsement of such

enterprises as books or films, nevertheless admitted of circumstances where such an endorsement

would be appropriate, particularly where "the City's interest [is] the clear determinant for the

endorsement." Advisory Opinion No. 95-2 at 4. Where such a "City interest" can be identified,

permitting officials to make distinctions with regard to private fundraising does not allow for

"favoritism" among competing not-for-profit entities any more than when they are required by

their official duties to make such choices in designating specific not-for-profits for public budget

support (see 9 Rules of the City ofNew York Section l-02(e)). In addition, elected officials and

agency heads regularly decide, consistent with the Board's Valuable Gift Rule, Section 1-01,
COIB Advisory Opinion No. 2008-6
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which invitations to charitable fundraising events to accept, and elected and high-ranking

officials may decide to which not-for-profit organizations they will provide congratulatory letters

to be included in the organization's fundraising materials (see Advisory Opinion No. 98-14).

The Board sees no merit in a rule that would require City officials to suppoti all City

charities or to support none. Indeed, the Board could enunciate no selection criteria beyond

those outlined above (nexus to the official's office or agency and no disqualifying personal

interest) that would be both consistent with Chapter 68 and not so general as to be ultimately

meaningless. Elected and appointed officials are selected for, among other things, their good

judgment, and the Board finds no basis in Chapter 68 to limit the discretion of these officials as

to their official charitable fundraising if they are exercising discretion within their defined areas

of responsibility, and if they are barred (as they always are) from flllthering their own or their

associates' personal interests. The Board is satisfied that the protections afforded by, for

example, the City's comprehensive procurement regulations, as well as the ultimate protection

afforded in the ballot box, are, in the language of Opinion No. 95-2, sufficient "safeguards ... to

protect against the appearance that some private organizations are receiving preferential

treatment at the expense of other, similarly situated organizations." !d. at 4.

2. Who May Engage in Fundraising

The Board next determines that official charitable fundraising by City officials may be

undettaken only by elected officials and agency heads, or by their specified designees, and only

after a personal determination by the elected official or agency head of which not-for-profits will

be supported. Elected officials and agency heads are in the best position to make the

determinations as to which not-for-profits qualify under the criteria set forth above, and while
COIB Advisory Opinion No. 2008-6
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they may delegate the actual solicitations, they themselves must make the determination that the

work of the not-for-profit in question suppmts the mission of their City office or agency, so that

it is a permissible beneficiary of its official fundraising. Unless those judgments are reposed in

high-level officials, it would leave vittually any City employee free to use City time and

resources for the benefit of favored private charities, with the attendant risks of misuse of that

time and resources, as well as undirected judgments about which entities should receive the

support of City fundraising effmts.

3. How Fundraising May Be Conducted

Finally, the Board concludes that official solicitations for "unaffiliated" not-for-profits

should comply in all respects with the procedures and limitations for fundraising on behalf of the

City and City-affiliated entities, as set fmth in Opinion No. 2003-4. As noted above, these

procedures were, in the main, designed to avoid the appearance of coercion. Thus, the Board

determines that untargeted solicitations for unaffiliated not-for-profits will be permissible, as

well as those targeted solicitations not made to those persons or firms with matters pending or

about to be pending before the office or agency of the soliciting official. Further, as required in

Opinion No. 2003-4, all such solicitations must contain an explicit statement that a decision to

give or not give will have no impact on any official action and will likewise have no impact on

access to City government officials.

Opinion No. 2003-4 also contained a requirement that agencies repmt to the Board, every

six months, a list of all contributions over $5,000 from private sector sources received by the
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agency or its affiliated not-for-profits. 5 The Board believes that a similar reporting requirement

with respect to fundraising for unaffiliated entities would help ensure that the restrictions set

forth in this Opinion are followed. However, the Board realizes that City officials are not in a

position to know what contributions may have been received by unaffiliated entities as a result of

their fundraising efforts, and that it would place an unfair burden on the recipient entities to keep

track of and report such contributions. Beyond that, requiring such repotiing might have the

undesired effect of increasing the appearance of coercion that the Board's restrictions are

designed to minimize. Accordingly, in the case of unaffiliated entities, the Board will require

agency heads and elected officials to report to the Board every six months only the identities of

those not-for-profit organizations for which the office or agency sought private suppoti. 6

4. Dispositions ofReguests for Advice

To illustrate the application of the foregoing determinations to specific cases, we now

return to the six individual requests for advice described above. In response to those requests,

the Board advised as follows:

I. The elected official with citywide responsibilities was permitted to become co-

chair of a fundraising program of a national not-for-profit organization, and to use

his City position to solicit funds for that program, because the specific program

The Boaid emphasizes that the instant opinion concerning not-for-profits not affiliated with the City in no way
relieves City officials fi·om their responsibilities set forth in Opinion No. 2003-4 concerning City-affiliated entities,
including, without limitation, the officials' responsibilities to pre-clear with the Board their fundraising for such
entities and to make the above-referenced reports of contributions.
The reporting cycle will be the same as provided for in Opinion No. 2003-4-no later than May 15 and November
15, for the six month periods ending March 31 and September 30, respectively. The Board will make such reports
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was one that the elected official had determined, within the scope of his official

duties, would suppot1 a major initiative of his City office.

2. Similarly, the elected official who proposed to participate in his official capacity

at a public fundraising event in the City to "kick off" a major fundraising

initiative by a charity was permitted to do so, because the beneficiaries of the

charity's services included many thousands of residents of the City and of the area

served by the elected official.

3. An agency head, as well as two of his deputies, were permitted to solicit funds

for a national not-for-profit, based on the agency head's determination that the

organization futthered, on a national level, initiatives adopted by the official's

own City agency; the agency head's service on the organization's board was

determined to fall within the ex officio exception (see footnote 4, supra), because

he served on the board as part of his City job. However, the agency head was

expressly cautioned that- as required by Advisory Opinion No. 2003-4 -no

solicitations could be directed to any person or firm with a matter pending or

about to be pending before him or his agency.

4. In contrast, the agency head who sat on the board of directors of a not-for-profit

organization dedicated to finding a cure and better treatment for a particular

disease was advised that she could not fundraise for that organization in her

official capacity- both because the organization's mission was not significantly

related to the work of the City agency headed by the official and because she sat

on its board in her personal capacity (i.e., not ex officio). However, she was free
CO!B Advisory Opinion No. 2008-6
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to raise money for the organization in her personal capacity- i.e., without using

City time or resources- so long as no vendors, contractors, or employees of the

. . d .7
agency were so l!Cite

5. The agency head who asked whether he could consent to his alma mater raising

funds for a campus building to be named in his honor was advised that he could,

so long as (a) he did not himself participate in such fundraising while he remained

in office; (b) no vendors or contractors of his agency would be approached for

donations; and (c) the City official would not be told who had made donations.

6. The elected official was permitted to urge charitable foundations to consider

contributions to not-for-profit entities across the City whose annual funding by

the City Council had recently been cut due to fiscal constraints, so long as no

distinctions were made among beneficiaries falling into that category (other than

sorting such entities according to fields of charitable endeavors supported by each

foundation). The Board concluded that, unlike an agency head making

determinations among not-for-profits within his or her area of responsibility, it

was not within the elected official's City duties to make such distinctions, and

doing so would thus raise the "endorsement" concern.

A recent Board enforcement disposition reinforced this prohibition, also noted herein at footnote 1, against using
one City's position for the benefit of an entity with which one has a personal association within the meaning of
Charter Section 2601(5). See COIB v. Cosgrmoe, COIB Case No. 2007-290 (2008), where the Board issued a public
warning letter to an agency head for providing a list that included the representatives of firms with present and
potential business before his agency to an out-of-state not-for-profit on whose board he served in order that these
individuals might be invited to a fundraising event of the not-for-profit.
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Elected officials and agency heads, and their designees, may in their official capacities,

using City time and resources, solicit and othetwise encourage private contributions to not-for-

profit organizations, after a personal determination by the elected official or agency head that the

not-for-profit's work supports the mission of their City office or agency. Such solicitations must

include a statement that a decision whether or not to give will not result in official favor or

disfavor. But they may not target for these solicitations any person or firm with a matter pending

or about to be pending before their City office or agency, and they may take no such action on

behalf of any organization with which they are associated or that would benefit a person or finn

with whom or which they are associated. Each City office or agency must file a public report

with the Board by May 15 and November 15 of each year disclosing the identity of each not-for-

profit organization for which the office or agency sought private contributions in the six -month

period ending March 31 and September 30.


Steven B. Rosenfeld

Monica Blum
Kevin B. Frawley
Angela Mariana Freyre
Andrew Irving

Dated: December 29, 2008

From: Phillip Walzak
To: Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Cc: Dan Levitan; Emma Wolfe; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: Can we huddle before interview
Date: Friday, February 07, 2014 4:27:01 PM

this call is supposed to be @430

On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 4:25 PM, Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel

<GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Budget briefing with the Mayor now at 6:15pm.

Can we do tomorrow or have to be tonight?

From: Phillip Walzak [mailto:
Sent: Friday, February 07, 2014 4:24 PM
To: Dan Levitan; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Cc: Emma Wolfe; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: Can we huddle before interview

sure happy to

do you have a conf call line

On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 4:22 PM, Dan Levitan <Dan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

The 4 of us

Dan Levitan

BerlinRosen Public Affairs

O: 646.200.5315

C: 201.674.7475


From: • • • • •. on behalf of Dan Levitan
To: Schnake-Mahl. Gabriel
Cc: PhiiWalzak (gmail.com) ; Emma Wolfe ; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: Can we huddle before interview
Date: Friday, February 07, 2014 4:27:13 PM

Story is running tomrrow. If we have to pull Emma -- not the end of the world

I have a conference life if we are doing t his:

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affa irs
0 : 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 4 :25 PM, Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel

< GSchnakeMahl@cicyhall.nyc.gov> wrote :

Budget briefing with the Mayor now at 6:15pm.

Ca n we do tomorrow or have to be tonight?

From: Phillip Walzak [mailto

Sent: Friday, February 07,
To: Dan Levitan; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Cc: Emma Wolfe; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: Can we huddle before interview

sure happy to

do you have a conf call line

On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 4 :22PM, Dan Levitan < Dan@berlinrosen.com > wrote:

The 4 of us

I --
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

O: 646.200.5315

C: 201.674.7475


From: on behalf of Dan Levitan
To: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel; PhilWalzak (gmail.com); Emma Wolfe
Subject: Re: Can we huddle before interview
Date: Friday, February 07, 2014 4:38:21 PM

Please let the reporter know

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 4:31 PM, Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>


No doubt.

From: Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel [mailto:GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Friday, February 07, 2014 4:31 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen; PhilWalzak (gmail.com); Dan Levitan

Cc: Emma Wolfe

Subject: RE: Can we huddle before interview

Thx. She’s swamped.

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Friday, February 07, 2014 4:31 PM
To: Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel; PhilWalzak (gmail.com); Dan Levitan
Cc: Emma Wolfe
Subject: RE: Can we huddle before interview

I am ok with pulling EW from this interview.   

From: Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel [mailto:GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, February 07, 2014 4:26 PM
To: PhilWalzak (gmail.com); Dan Levitan
Cc: Emma Wolfe; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: RE: Can we huddle before interview

Budget briefing with the Mayor now at 6:15pm.

Can we do tomorrow or have to be tonight?

From: Phillip Walzak [mailto:
Sent: Friday, February 07, 2014 4:24 PM
To: Dan Levitan; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Cc: Emma Wolfe; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: Can we huddle before interview

sure happy to

do you have a conf call line

On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 4:22 PM, Dan Levitan <Dan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

The 4 of us

Dan Levitan

BerlinRosen Public Affairs

O: 646.200.5315

C: 201.674.7475


To: PhiiWalzak (gmail.com) ; Dan Levitan
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; Schnake-Mahl. Gabriel; Emma Wolfe
Subject: Re: Can we huddle before interview
Dat e: Friday, February 07, 2014 7:20:59 PM

I did not. Pushed t hem back to you .

Peter R
From: Phillip Walzak
Sent: Friday, February 7, 2014 7:14PM
To: Dan Levitan; peter ragone
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel; Emma Wolfe
Subject: Re: Can we huddle before interview

what are they?!?!

On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 7:02 PM, Dan Levita n < Dan@berlinrosen.com > wrote:
Did you give answers?

On Friday, February 7, 2014, Phillip Walza k wrote:

he is fine -
here are his qs

• Is BdB making a pitch to upstate lawmakers in Al bany that upstate doesn't

need to/shouldn't have pay to for NYC - NYC can pay for self

• Is BdB actively calling donors and real estate ppl and other finance ppl
asking them to support UPK plan and campaign?

On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 4:37 PM, Dan Levita n <Dan@berlinrosen.com > wrote:
Please let the reporter know

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
0: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475
On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 4:31 PM, Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>

No doubt.

From: Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel [mailto:GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Friday, February 07, 2014 4:31 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen; PhilWalzak (gmail.com); Dan Levitan

Cc: Emma Wolfe

Subject: RE: Can we huddle before interview

Thx. She’s swamped.

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Friday, February 07, 2014 4:31 PM
To: Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel; PhilWalzak (gmail.com); Dan Levitan
Cc: Emma Wolfe
Subject: RE: Can we huddle before interview

I am ok with pulling EW from this interview.   

From: Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel [mailto:GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Friday, February 07, 2014 4:26 PM
To: PhilWalzak (gmail.com); Dan Levitan
Cc: Emma Wolfe; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: RE: Can we huddle before interview

Budget briefing with the Mayor now at 6:15pm.

Can we do tomorrow or have to be tonight?

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475
From: Emma Wolfe
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; PhiiWalzak (gmail.com); Dan Levitan; Schnake-Mahl. Gabriel
Subject: Re: Can we huddle before interview
Dat e: Friday, February 07, 2014 7:23:37 PM

1 - no although advocates started discussing that

Sent from my iPad

On Feb 7, 2014, at 7:22 PM, wrote:

We need t o answer this?

Peter R
From: Jonathan Rosen
Sent: Friday, February 7, 2014 7:21 PM
To: Phillip Walzak
Cc: Dan Levitan; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel; Emma Wolfe;
Subject: Re: Can we huddle before interview

Plus peter:

1) don't know the answer, defer to Emma

2) the mayor has actively encouraged civic and business leaders to voice
their support and join the effort as it is the city's top state legislative
priority I make parallel with mayors against illegal guns.

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 7, 2014, at 5:13 PM, "Phillip Walzak"


he is fine -
here are his qs

• Is BdB making a pitch to upstate lawmakers in Albany that

upstate doesn't need to/shouldn't have pay to for NYC - NYC
can pay for self

• Is BdB actively calling donors and real estate ppl and

other finance ppl asking them to support UPK plan and

On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 4:37 PM, Dan Levitan

<Dan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
Please let the reporter know

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 4:31 PM, Jonathan Rosen

<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

No doubt.

From: Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel [mailto:GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Friday, February 07, 2014 4:31 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen; PhilWalzak (gmail.com); Dan Levitan

Cc: Emma Wolfe

Subject: RE: Can we huddle before interview

Thx. She’s swamped.

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Friday, February 07, 2014 4:31 PM
To: Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel; PhilWalzak (gmail.com); Dan Levitan
Cc: Emma Wolfe
Subject: RE: Can we huddle before interview

I am ok with pulling EW from this interview.   

From: Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel [mailto:GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, February 07, 2014 4:26 PM
To: PhilWalzak (gmail.com); Dan Levitan
Cc: Emma Wolfe; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: RE: Can we huddle before interview

Budget briefing with the Mayor now at 6:15pm.

Can we do tomorrow or have to be tonight?

From: Phillip Walzak [mailto:
Sent: Friday, February 07, 2014 4:24 PM
To: Dan Levitan; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Cc: Emma Wolfe; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: Can we huddle before interview

sure happy to

do you have a conf call line

On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 4:22 PM, Dan Levitan

<Dan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

The 4 of us

Dan Levitan

BerlinRosen Public Affairs

O: 646.200.5315

C: 201.674.7475


From: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: PhiiWalzak (gmail.com) ; Dan Levitan; Schnake- Mahl. Gabriel; Emma Wolfe
Subject: Re: Can we huddle before interview
Dat e: Friday, February 07, 2014 7:24:25 PM

Fine w me to decline comment. Probably right course of action as they will

breathlessly play it.

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 7, 2014, at 7:22 PM, wrote:

We need t o answer this?

Peter R
From: Jonathan Rosen
Sent: Friday, February 7, 2014 7:21 PM
To: Phillip Walzak
Cc: Dan Levitan; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel; Emma Wolfe;
Subject: Re: Can we huddle before interview

Plus peter:

1) don't know the answer, defer to Emma

2) the mayor has actively encouraged civic and business leaders to voice
their support and join the effort as it is the city's top state legislative
priority I make parallel with mayors against illegal guns.

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 7, 2014, at 5:13 PM, "Phillip Walzak"


he is fine -
here are his qs

• Is BdB making a pitch to upstate lawmakers in Albany that

upstate doesn't need to/shouldn't have pay to for NYC - NYC
can pay for self

• Is BdB actively calling donors and real estate ppl and

other finance ppl asking them to support UPK plan and

On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 4:37 PM, Dan Levitan

<Dan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
Please let the reporter know

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 4:31 PM, Jonathan Rosen

<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

No doubt.

From: Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel [mailto:GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Friday, February 07, 2014 4:31 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen; PhilWalzak (gmail.com); Dan Levitan

Cc: Emma Wolfe

Subject: RE: Can we huddle before interview

Thx. She’s swamped.

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Friday, February 07, 2014 4:31 PM
To: Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel; PhilWalzak (gmail.com); Dan Levitan
Cc: Emma Wolfe
Subject: RE: Can we huddle before interview

I am ok with pulling EW from this interview.   

From: Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel [mailto:GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, February 07, 2014 4:26 PM
To: PhilWalzak (gmail.com); Dan Levitan
Cc: Emma Wolfe; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: RE: Can we huddle before interview

Budget briefing with the Mayor now at 6:15pm.

Can we do tomorrow or have to be tonight?

From: Phillip Walzak [mailto:
Sent: Friday, February 07, 2014 4:24 PM
To: Dan Levitan; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Cc: Emma Wolfe; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: Can we huddle before interview

sure happy to

do you have a conf call line

On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 4:22 PM, Dan Levitan

<Dan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

The 4 of us

Dan Levitan

BerlinRosen Public Affairs

O: 646.200.5315

C: 201.674.7475


To: PhiiWalzak (gmail.com) ; Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Dan Levitan; Schnake-Mahl. Gabriel; Emma Wolfe
Subject: Re: Can we huddle before interview
Date: Friday, February 07, 2014 7:25:33 PM

Shouldn't that come from campa ign?

Peter R
From: Phillip Walzak
Sent: Friday, February 7, 2014 7:24PM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Dan Levitan; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel; Emma Wolfe;
Subject: Re: Can we huddle before interview

am i clear to ship #2 to JH?

On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 7:21 PM, Jonathan Rosen < Jonathan@berlinrosen.com >
Plus peter:

1) don't know the answer, defer to Emma

2) the mayor has actively encouraged civic and business leaders to voice their
support and join the effort as it is the city's top state legislative priority I make
parallel with mayors against illegal guns.

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 7, 2014, at 5:13 PM, "Phillip Walzak" wrote:

he is fine -
here are his qs

• Is BdB making a pitch to upstate lawmakers in Albany that upstate

doesn't need to/ shouldn't have pay to for NYC- NYC can pay for self

• Is BdB actively calling donors and real estate ppl and other finance
ppl asking them to support UPK plan and campaign?

On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 4:37 PM, Dan Levitan < Dan@berljnrosen.com >
Please let the reporter know

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 4:31 PM, Jonathan Rosen

<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

No doubt.

From: Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel [mailto:GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Friday, February 07, 2014 4:31 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen; PhilWalzak (gmail.com); Dan Levitan

Cc: Emma Wolfe

Subject: RE: Can we huddle before interview

Thx. She’s swamped.

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Friday, February 07, 2014 4:31 PM
To: Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel; PhilWalzak (gmail.com); Dan Levitan
Cc: Emma Wolfe
Subject: RE: Can we huddle before interview

I am ok with pulling EW from this interview.   

From: Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel [mailto:GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Friday, February 07, 2014 4:26 PM
To: PhilWalzak (gmail.com); Dan Levitan
Cc: Emma Wolfe; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: RE: Can we huddle before interview

Budget briefing with the Mayor now at 6:15pm.

Can we do tomorrow or have to be tonight?

From: Phillip Walzak [mailto:
Sent: Friday, February 07, 2014 4:24 PM
To: Dan Levitan; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Cc: Emma Wolfe; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: Can we huddle before interview

sure happy to

do you have a conf call line

On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 4:22 PM, Dan Levitan

<Dan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

The 4 of us

Dan Levitan

BerlinRosen Public Affairs

O: 646.200.5315

C: 201.674.7475


To: Jonathan Rosen; PhiiWalzak (gmail.com)
Cc: Dan Levitan ; Schnake-Mahl. Gabriel; Emma Wolfe
Subject: Re: Can we huddle before interview
Date: Friday, February 07, 2014 7:44:21 PM

You guys are ok w CH t alking about outside non govt entit iy?

Peter R
From: Jonathan Rosen
Sent: Friday, February 7, 2014 7:42PM
To hilli :Walzak
Cc: Dan Levitan; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel; Emma Wolfe
Subject: Re: Can we u die before interview

I am for this. Think on balance we should lean in. PR?

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 7, 2014, at 7:39 PM, "Phillip Walzak" wrote:

i have no doubt you are

here is what i want

This is the city's top state legislative priority, and the mayor
has actively encouraged civic and business leaders to voice
their support for the universal pre-k and after-school plan.
He has also encouraged civic and business leaders to join
the effort to secure approval in Albany of the resources
needed to pay for it.

On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 7:29 PM, Jonathan Rosen

< Jonathan@berlinrosen.com > wrote:
Ok. If we're answering Peter feel like 2 should come from ch as is
asking about Mbdb partici pation.

On slow we are pushing back. Very much.

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 7, 2014, at 7:25 PM, "Phillip Walzak"


if we thnk the story is gonna be about how the camp is slow

then we should either pushback or not look silly
On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 7:24 PM, Jonathan Rosen
< Jonathan@berlinrosen.com > wrote:
Fine w me to decline comment. Probably right course of
action as they will breathlessly play it.

Sent from my iPhone


We need t o answer this?

Peter R
From: Jonathan Rosen
Sent: Friday, February 7, 2014 7:21PM

To: Phillip Walzak
Cc: Dan Levitan; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel; Emma Wolfe;

Plus peter:
huddle before interview

1) don't know the answer, defer to Emma

2) the mayor has actively encouraged civic and

business leaders to voice their support and join
the effort as it is the city's top state legislative
priority I make parallel with mayors against
illegal guns.

Sent from my iPhone

PM, "Phillip Walzak"


he is fine -
here are his qs

• Is BdB making a pitch to

upstate lawmakers in Albany that
upstate doesn't need to/shouldn't
have pay to for NYC - NYC can pay
for self

Is BdB actively calling donors

and real estate ppl and other
finance ppl asking them to support
UPK plan and campaign?

On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 4:37 PM, Dan

Levitan <Dan@berlinrosen.com>
Please let the reporter know

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 4:31 PM,

Jonathan Rosen

No doubt.

From: Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel

Sent: Friday, February 07, 2014 4:31
To: Jonathan Rosen; PhilWalzak
(gmail.com); Dan Levitan

Cc: Emma Wolfe

Subject: RE: Can we huddle
before interview

Thx. She’s swamped.

From: Jonathan Rosen
Sent: Friday, February 07, 2014 4:31
To: Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel; PhilWalzak
(gmail.com); Dan Levitan
Cc: Emma Wolfe
Subject: RE: Can we huddle before

I am ok with pulling EW from this


From: Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel


Sent: Friday, February 07, 2014 4:26

To: PhilWalzak (gmail.com); Dan
Cc: Emma Wolfe; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: RE: Can we huddle before

Budget briefing with the Mayor now

at 6:15pm.

Can we do tomorrow or have to be


From: Phillip Walzak
Sent: Friday, February 07, 2014 4:24
To: Dan Levitan; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Cc: Emma Wolfe; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: Can we huddle before

sure happy to

do you have a conf call line

On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 4:22 PM,
Dan Levitan
<Dan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

The 4 of us

Dan Levitan

BerlinRosen Public Affairs

O: 646.200.5315

C: 201.674.7475


From: • • • • • on behalf of Dan Levitan
To: PhiiWalzak (gmail.com)
Cc: Dan Levitan ; Jonathan Rosen; Schnake- Mahl. Gabriel; Emma Wolfe
Subject: Re: Can we huddle before interview
Dat e: Friday, February 07, 2014 7:58:48 PM

We have him a better josh quote - now he is just trying to get these two answers

On Friday, February 7, 2014, Phillip Walzak wrote:

jr/ dl - did you ping JH since after our Iii co

On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 7:49 PM, Dan Levita n < Dan@berljnrosen.com > wrote:
From Javier:

still havent heard from City Hall

as it stands we say he has called real estate and fina nce people about donations
and that he will make that argument about NYC being able to pay for its own

we got the new quote in

On Friday, February 7, 2014, wrote:

I don't thi nk t hat makes sense. I t hink we need t o be careful about ch answeri ng pol

Peter Ragon
Sent: ~14 7:44PM
To: Jonathan Rosen; Phillip Walzak
Cc: Dan Levitan; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel; Emma Wolfe
Subject: Re: Can we huddle before interview

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
0: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475
From: Phillip Walzak
To: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Emma Wolfe ; Dan Levitan ; • • • • • Schnake- Mahl. Gabriel
Subject: Re: Can we huddle before interview
Dat e: Friday, February 07, 2014 8: 16:14 PM

here is his response -

Ok, t he way i have it , we say t here have been calls to real estate and finance people
to ask for fina ncial support for campaign

On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 8:14 PM, Jonathan Rosen < Jonathan@berlinrosen.com >
This has been resolved by phone. Phil and peter and I spoke.

Sent f rom my iPhone

On Feb 7, 2014, at 8:13PM, "Emma Wolfe" wrote:

guys t his doesnt seem like it should be t hat hard ot give him is it??

Sent f rom my iPad

On Feb 7, 2014, at 8:07 PM, Phillip Walzak


he is phoneba nking CH press ofc, someone needs to get

back to him on you r end stat pis

On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 7:58 PM, Dan Levita n

< Dan@berlinrosen. com > wrote:
We have him a better josh quote - now he is just trying to
get t hese two answers

14, Phillip Walza k

since after ou r Iii conf call

On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 7:49 PM, Dan Levita n

<Dan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
From Javier:

still havent heard from City Hall

as it stands we say he has called real estate and
finance people about donations
and that he will make that argument about NYC being
able to pay for its own programs

we got the new quote in

On Friday, February 7, 2014,

I don't thi nk that makes sense. I t hin k we need t o be
ca reful about ch answeri ng pol questions.

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
0: 646,200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
0: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475
From: Emma Wolfe
To: PhiiWalzak (gmail.com)
Cc: Dan Levitan; Jonathan Rosen; Schnake-Mahl. Gabriel
Subject: Re: Can we huddle before interview
Dat e: Friday, February 07, 2014 8: 17:42 PM

did not know you had spoken, and sorry but the ema il t hread was concerning.

Sent f rom my iPad

On Feb 7, 2014, at 8:16PM, Phillip Walzak wrote:

not helpful

On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 8:12 PM, Emma Wolfe

guys t his doesnt seem like it should be t hat hard ot give him is it??

Sent f rom my iPad

On Feb 7, 2014, at 8:07 PM, Phillip Walzak


he is phoneba nking CH press ofc, someone needs to get

back to him on you r end stat pis

On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 7:58 PM, Dan Levita n

< Dan@berlinrosen.com > wrote:
We have him a better josh quote - now he is just trying to
get t hese two answers

14, Phillip Walza k

since after ou r Iii conf call

On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 7:49 PM, Dan Levita n

<Dan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
From Javier:

still havent heard from City Hall

as it stands we say he has called real estate and
finance people about donations
and t hat he will make that argument about NYC being
able to pay for its own programs

we got t he new quote in

On Friday, February 7, 2014,

I don't thi nk t hat makes sense. I t hink we need t o be
ca reful about ch answeri ng pol questions.

Peter Ragon
Sent: ~14 7:44 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen; Phillip Walzak
Cc: Dan Levitan; Schnake- Mahl, Gabriel; Emma Wolfe
Subject: Re: Can we huddle before interview

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
0: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
0: 646,200.5315
C: 201.674.7475
To: Jonathan Rosen; PhiiWalzak (gmail.com)
Cc: Emma Wolfe ; Dan Levitan ; Schnake- Mahl. Gabriel
Subject: Re: Can we huddle before interview
Dat e: Friday, February 07, 2014 8:24:40 PM

That 's bs . He has bee n cal ling people from lots of different areas . And not just money
people . Academ ics, advocat es, entertainme nt. His poi nt is we're shaking people down. It's
bull sh it.

Peter R
From: Jonathan Rosen
Sent: Friday, February 7, 2014 8:23PM
To: Phillip Walzak
Cc: Emma Wolfe; Dan Levitan; - - - - Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Subject: Re: Can we huddle be~


Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 7, 2014, at 8:16PM, "Phillip Walzak" wrote:

here is his response -

Ok, the way i have it, we say there have been calls to real estate and
finance people to ask for fina ncial support for campaign

On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 8:14 PM, Jonathan Rosen

< Jonathan@berlinrosen.com > wrote:
This has been resolved by phone. Phil and peter and I spoke.

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 7, 2014, at 8:13PM, "Emma Wolfe"


guys this doesnt seem like it should be that hard ot give

him is it??

Sent from my iPad

PM, Phillip Walzak

he is phonebanking CH press ofc, someone
needs to get back to him on your end stat pis

On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 7:58 PM, Dan Levita n

< Dan@berlinrosen.com > wrote:
We have him a better josh quote - now he is
just trying to get these two answers

14, Phillip Walzak

since after our Iii conf

On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 7:49 PM, Dan Levita n

<Dan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
From Javier:

still havent heard from City Hall

as it stands we say he has called real
estate and finance people about donations
and that he will make that argument about
NYC being able to pay for its own

we got the new quote in

I don't thi nk t hat makes sense. I t hink we

need t o be careful about ch answeri ng pol

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
0: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475
From: Emma Woods
To: Stephanie Yazgi; Rachel Noerdlinger; Ko, Eunice; Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: Re: Can you draft talk points for CMC for Women"s Presser?
Date: Monday, February 10, 2014 6:05:30 PM

Yes, will do. We'll send them along tomorrow.

Emma Woods
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5303
C: 203-568-4780

From: Stephanie Yazgi <syazgi@hilltoppublicsolutions.com>

Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2014 17:58:27 -0500
To: Emma <emma@berlinrosen.com>, Rachel Noerdlinger <rachel@noerdlingermedia.com>, "Ko,
Eunice" <EKo@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Michael Rabinowitz <Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Can you draft talk points for CMC for Women's Presser?

Eunice requested them

From: Ko, Eunice
To: "Emma Woods"
Cc: Rachel Noerdlinger; Stephanie Yazgi; Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: RE: Can you draft talk points for CMC for Women"s Presser?
Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 10:03:51 AM

Great, thank you so much!

From: Emma Woods [mailto:emma@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 10:01 AM
To: Ko, Eunice
Cc: Rachel Noerdlinger; Stephanie Yazgi; Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: Re: Can you draft talk points for CMC for Women's Presser?

I will have something for you shortly. 

Emma Woods
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5303
C: 203-568-4780
From: "Ko, Eunice" <EKo@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2014 14:56:13 +0000
To: Emma <emma@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Rachel Noerdlinger <rachel@noerdlingermedia.com>, Stephanie Yazgi
<syazgi@hilltoppublicsolutions.com>, Michael Rabinowitz <Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Can you draft talk points for CMC for Women's Presser?
Hi all,
I’m just checking in on this and wondering if there’s any way to get at least a draft version now? The
First Lady will most likely have edits. Thank you!
From: Emma Woods [mailto:emma@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, February 10, 2014 7:31 PM
To: Ko, Eunice
Cc: Rachel Noerdlinger; Stephanie Yazgi; Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: Re: Can you draft talk points for CMC for Women's Presser?

Great. We'll get you something before then.

Emma Woods
(w) 646.200.5303
(c) 203.568.4780
On Feb 10, 2014, at 7:00 PM, "Ko, Eunice" <EKo@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

From: Emma Woods [mailto:emma@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, February 10, 2014 6:32 PM
To: Rachel Noerdlinger
Cc: Stephanie Yazgi; Ko, Eunice; Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: Re: Can you draft talk points for CMC for Women's Presser?

What time tomorrow morning would she potentially review? I'm away from my
computer this PM but could put together first thing.

Emma Woods
(w) 646.200.5303
(c) 203.568.4780

On Feb 10, 2014, at 6:26 PM, "Rachel Noerdlinger"

<rachel@noerdlingermedia.com> wrote:

She wanted to try and study them at a media training tomorrow

morning. I know this is probably not real but the sooner the better :)

-------- Original Message --------

Subject: Can you draft talk points for CMC for Women's
From: Stephanie Yazgi
Date: Mon, February 10, 2014 5:58 pm
To: Emma Woods <emma@berlinrosen.com>, Rachel
<rachel@noerdlingermedia.com>, "Ko, Eunice"
Michael Rabinowitz <Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com>

Eunice requested them

From: Emma Woods
To: Ko, Eunice
Cc: Rachel Noerdlinger; Stephanie Yazgi; Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: Re: Can you draft talk points for CMC for Women"s Presser?
Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 10:18:44 AM
Attachments: FLCMC Talking Points - Women"s Presser.docx

Draft talking points are attached.

Emma Woods
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5303
C: 203-568-4780

From: "Ko, Eunice" <EKo@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2014 15:03:50 +0000
To: Emma <emma@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Rachel Noerdlinger <rachel@noerdlingermedia.com>, Stephanie Yazgi
<syazgi@hilltoppublicsolutions.com>, Michael Rabinowitz <Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Can you draft talk points for CMC for Women's Presser?

Great, thank you so much!

From: Emma Woods [mailto:emma@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 10:01 AM
To: Ko, Eunice
Cc: Rachel Noerdlinger; Stephanie Yazgi; Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: Re: Can you draft talk points for CMC for Women's Presser?

I will have something for you shortly. 

Emma Woods
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5303
C: 203-568-4780
From: "Ko, Eunice" <EKo@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2014 14:56:13 +0000
To: Emma <emma@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Rachel Noerdlinger <rachel@noerdlingermedia.com>, Stephanie Yazgi
<syazgi@hilltoppublicsolutions.com>, Michael Rabinowitz <Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Can you draft talk points for CMC for Women's Presser?
Hi all,
I’m just checking in on this and wondering if there’s any way to get at least a draft version now? The
First Lady will most likely have edits. Thank you!
From: Emma Woods [mailto:emma@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, February 10, 2014 7:31 PM
To: Ko, Eunice
Cc: Rachel Noerdlinger; Stephanie Yazgi; Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: Re: Can you draft talk points for CMC for Women's Presser?

Great. We'll get you something before then.

Emma Woods
(w) 646.200.5303
(c) 203.568.4780

On Feb 10, 2014, at 7:00 PM, "Ko, Eunice" <EKo@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

From: Emma Woods [mailto:emma@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, February 10, 2014 6:32 PM
To: Rachel Noerdlinger
Cc: Stephanie Yazgi; Ko, Eunice; Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: Re: Can you draft talk points for CMC for Women's Presser?

What time tomorrow morning would she potentially review? I'm away from my
computer this PM but could put together first thing.

Emma Woods
(w) 646.200.5303
(c) 203.568.4780

On Feb 10, 2014, at 6:26 PM, "Rachel Noerdlinger"

<rachel@noerdlingermedia.com> wrote:

She wanted to try and study them at a media training tomorrow

morning. I know this is probably not real but the sooner the better :)
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Can you draft talk points for CMC for Women's
From: Stephanie Yazgi
Date: Mon, February 10, 2014 5:58 pm
To: Emma Woods <emma@berlinrosen.com>, Rachel
<rachel@noerdlingermedia.com>, "Ko, Eunice"
Michael Rabinowitz <Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com>

Eunice requested them

Access to high quality early childhood education and after-school programs

It lifts up all our children and starts them on the road to success. And it is a lifeline to
working moms – and all parents – who are struggling to balance work and family.

Bill and I are lucky. We were able to get Dante and Chiara in good pre-k programs
and good schools, and send our daughter to college.

All children, and all families, deserve the same chance at success. But that is
not what we see happening today.

In our city, nearly 50,000 kids who should get full-day pre-K don’t. And after-school
programs have been cut aggressively over the past five years – a loss of 30,000 seats
since 2008.

New York City has a plan to change that, by funding universal pre-kindergarten
and expanded after-school programs with a small tax increase on the most fortunate
among us.

Under New York City’s UPK plan, all four-year olds would have access to truly
universal pre-k for the first time in New York City’s history.

These high-quality programs are proven to increase cognition, boost scores and
build fundamental skills that put children on an upward educational path.

New York City’s plan would also provide after-school programs for all middle
school students, adding new programs between 3pm and 6pm in academics,
culture and athletics.

The middle school years are a period when parents’ involvement in education often
declines, and kids need to be kept off the streets, in the classrooms, and out of
harm’s way.

To truly invest in our children, it is crucial that we have a dedicated, stable way to
pay for these programs.

Albany has promised universal pre-k since 1997 BUT funding commitments
haven’t materialized

Our kids can't rely, year after year, on good budgetary conditions and the right
political headwinds in Albany.

That’s why the City of New York is calling for a five-year increase in NYC income tax
on earners over $500,000.
This plan is smart, and it’s fair. It has the overwhelming support of more than 70%
of New Yorkers.

In fact, many of the people who would be affected by the tax believe this is a small
price to pay to make these critical investments in the next generation of New

As all mothers know, raising kids is hard enough without having to worry about
whether you can afford to provide them with the educational opportunities they

Let’s give all NYC mothers, children, and hard-working families the chance to
succeed. Let’s pass New York City’s plan.
From: Ko, Eunice
To: "Josh Gold"; Katz, Rebecca
Cc: Stephanie Yazgi; PhilWalzak (gmail.com); Jon Paul Lupo; WileyJNorvell (gmail); Rachel Noerdlinger; Mike
Subject: RE: Women"s presser on Thursday
Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 3:49:28 PM

Just flagging the First Lady has an event she’s speaking at and attending from 11:30-11:50am up in
the Bronx that day. Realizing this presser is obviously very important, I don’t want to stall it, but we
have committed her to going so I’d have to let the organizers know as soon as that decision is made.
I’ve already called and gave a heads up to the organizers that some things may be changing on her
schedule due to the impending snowstorm and she may NOT be able to come anymore.
From: Josh Gold [mailto:
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 3:37 PM
To: Katz, Rebecca
Cc: Stephanie Yazgi; PhilWalzak (gmail.com); Jon Paul Lupo; WileyJNorvell (gmail); Rachel Noerdlinger;
Ko, Eunice; Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: Re: Women's presser on Thursday

If we do Friday we should preview all our big new names.

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 11, 2014, at 3:29 PM, "Katz, Rebecca" <RKKatz@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

With a caveat that if you want to wait until after the 6PM forecast tonight -  or the
morning forecast tomorrow – to make the final call, that works on our end.
Not trying to be difficult over here – trying to figure out what makes most sense.  If we
are telling everyone on Thursday to stay off roads, can’t have Chirlane show up at a
From: Katz, Rebecca
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 3:28 PM
To: 'Stephanie Yazgi'; PhilWalzak (gmail.com)
Cc: Josh Gold; Jon Paul Lupo; WileyJNorvell (gmail); Rachel Noerdlinger; Ko, Eunice; Mike
Subject: RE: Women's presser on Thursday

Our recommendation is to move it to Friday.

From: Stephanie Yazgi [mailto:syazgi@hilltoppublicsolutions.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 3:26 PM
To: PhilWalzak (gmail.com); Katz, Rebecca
Cc: Josh Gold; Jon Paul Lupo; WileyJNorvell (gmail); Rachel Noerdlinger; Ko, Eunice; Mike
Subject: Re: Women's presser on Thursday

That's fine. I'm just waiting for a recommendation from you all.
On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 3:20 PM, Phillip Walzak <
if we get 10 inches of snow Thurs nobody is going to cover this

On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 1:30 PM, SY Hilltop

<syazgi@hilltoppublicsolutions.com> wrote:
Pls let us know decision regarding whether you want us to cancel w/ release/
quotes, reschedule, or keep time and location for women's press conference
Thursday at 12pm at City Hall Steps

We have phone banks and e blasts out there so we need to know as soon as
possible. Thanks!
From: Ko, Eunice
To: "Josh Gold"; Katz, Rebecca
Cc: Stephanie Yazgi; PhilWalzak (gmail.com); Jon Paul Lupo; WileyJNorvell (gmail); Rachel Noerdlinger; Mike
Subject: RE: Women"s presser on Thursday
Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 3:49:29 PM

Just flagging the First Lady has an event she’s speaking at and attending from 11:30-11:50am up in
the Bronx that day. Realizing this presser is obviously very important, I don’t want to stall it, but we
have committed her to going so I’d have to let the organizers know as soon as that decision is made.
I’ve already called and gave a heads up to the organizers that some things may be changing on her
schedule due to the impending snowstorm and she may NOT be able to come anymore.
From: Josh Gold [mailto:
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 3:37 PM
To: Katz, Rebecca
Cc: Stephanie Yazgi; PhilWalzak (gmail.com); Jon Paul Lupo; WileyJNorvell (gmail); Rachel Noerdlinger;
Ko, Eunice; Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: Re: Women's presser on Thursday

If we do Friday we should preview all our big new names.

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 11, 2014, at 3:29 PM, "Katz, Rebecca" <RKKatz@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

With a caveat that if you want to wait until after the 6PM forecast tonight -  or the
morning forecast tomorrow – to make the final call, that works on our end.
Not trying to be difficult over here – trying to figure out what makes most sense.  If we
are telling everyone on Thursday to stay off roads, can’t have Chirlane show up at a
From: Katz, Rebecca
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 3:28 PM
To: 'Stephanie Yazgi'; PhilWalzak (gmail.com)
Cc: Josh Gold; Jon Paul Lupo; WileyJNorvell (gmail); Rachel Noerdlinger; Ko, Eunice; Mike
Subject: RE: Women's presser on Thursday

Our recommendation is to move it to Friday.

From: Stephanie Yazgi [mailto:syazgi@hilltoppublicsolutions.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 3:26 PM
To: PhilWalzak (gmail.com); Katz, Rebecca
Cc: Josh Gold; Jon Paul Lupo; WileyJNorvell (gmail); Rachel Noerdlinger; Ko, Eunice; Mike
Subject: Re: Women's presser on Thursday

That's fine. I'm just waiting for a recommendation from you all.
On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 3:20 PM, Phillip Walzak <
if we get 10 inches of snow Thurs nobody is going to cover this

On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 1:30 PM, SY Hilltop

<syazgi@hilltoppublicsolutions.com> wrote:
Pls let us know decision regarding whether you want us to cancel w/ release/
quotes, reschedule, or keep time and location for women's press conference
Thursday at 12pm at City Hall Steps

We have phone banks and e blasts out there so we need to know as soon as
possible. Thanks!
From: Katz. Rebecca
To: "Stephanie Yazgi" ; PhiiWalzak (gmail.com); Emma Wolfe .
Cc: "Josh Gold"; "Jon Paul Luoo"; WileyJNorvell (gmaill ; "Rachel Noerdlinger" ; Ko. Eunice; "Mike Rabinowitz"
Subject: RE: Women"s presser on Thursday
Dat e: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 4:38:41 PM

And+ Emma, again reiterating t hat if no snow, no problem.

From: Katz, Rebecca

Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 3:30 PM
To: 'Stephanie Yazgi'; PhiiWalzak (gmail.com)
Cc: 'Josh Gold'; 'Jon Paul Lupo'; WileyJNorvell (gmail); 'Rachel Noerdlinger'; Ko, Eunice; 'Mike
Subject: RE: Women's presser on Thursday

With a caveat that if you want to wait until after t he 6PM forecast tonight - or the morning f orecast
tomorrow - to make the final call, that works on our end .

Not trying to be difficult over here - trying to figure out what makes most sense. If we are telling
everyone on Thursday to stay off roads, can't have Chirlane show up at a presser""

From: Katz, Rebecca

Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 3:28PM
To: 'Stephanie Yazgi'; PhiiWalzak (gmail.com)
Cc: Josh Gold; Jon Paul Lupo; WileyJNorvell (gmail); Rachel Noerdlinger; Ko, Eunice; Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: RE: Women's presser on Thursday

Our recommendation is t o move it to Friday.

From: Stephanie Yazgi [mailto:syazgi@hilltoppublicsolutions.com]

Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 3:26 PM
To: PhiiWalzak (gmail.com); Katz, Rebecca
Cc: Josh Gold; Jon Paul Lupo; WileyJNorvell (gmail); Rachel Noerdlinger; Ko, Eunice; Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: Re: Women's presser on Thursday

That's fine. I'm just waiting for a recommendation from you all.

On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 3:20PM, Phillip Wal z a k - wrote:

if we get 10 inches of snow Thms nobody is going to cover this

On Tue, Feb 11, 201 4 at 1:30PM, SY Hilltop <syazgi@hilltoppublicsolutions com> wrote:

Pls let us know decision regarding whether you want us to cancel w/ release/ quotes,
reschedule, or keep time and location for women's press conference Thmsday at 12pm at
City Hall Steps

We have phone banks and e blasts out there so we need to know as soon as possible.
From: Katz. Rebecca
To: "Stephanie Yazgi" ; PhiiWalzak (gmail.com); Emma Wolfe .
Cc: "Josh Gold"; "Jon Paul Luoo"; WileyJNorvell (gmaill ; "Rachel Noerdlinger" ; Ko. Eunice; "Mike Rabinowitz"
Subject: RE: Women"s presser on Thursday
Dat e: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 4:38:41 PM

And+ Emma, again reiterating t hat if no snow, no problem.

From: Katz, Rebecca

Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 3:30 PM
To: 'Stephanie Yazgi'; PhiiWalzak (gmail.com)
Cc: 'Josh Gold'; 'Jon Paul Lupo'; WileyJNorvell (gmail); 'Rachel Noerdlinger'; Ko, Eunice; 'Mike
Subject: RE: Women's presser on Thursday

With a caveat that if you want to wait until after t he 6PM forecast tonight - or the morning f orecast
tomorrow - to make the final call, that works on our end .

Not trying to be difficult over here - trying to figure out what makes most sense. If we are telling
everyone on Thursday to stay off roads, can't have Chirlane show up at a presser""

From: Katz, Rebecca

Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 3:28PM
To: 'Stephanie Yazgi'; PhiiWalzak (gmail.com)
Cc: Josh Gold; Jon Paul Lupo; WileyJNorvell (gmail); Rachel Noerdlinger; Ko, Eunice; Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: RE: Women's presser on Thursday

Our recommendation is t o move it to Friday.

From: Stephanie Yazgi [mailto:syazgi@hilltoppublicsolutions.com]

Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 3:26 PM
To: PhiiWalzak (gmail.com); Katz, Rebecca
Cc: Josh Gold; Jon Paul Lupo; WileyJNorvell (gmail); Rachel Noerdlinger; Ko, Eunice; Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: Re: Women's presser on Thursday

That's fine. I'm just waiting for a recommendation from you all.

On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 3:20PM, Phillip Wal z a k - wrote:

if we get 10 inches of snow Thms nobody is going to cover this

On Tue, Feb 11, 201 4 at 1:30PM, SY Hilltop <syazgi@hilltoppublicsolutions com> wrote:

Pls let us know decision regarding whether you want us to cancel w/ release/ quotes,
reschedule, or keep time and location for women's press conference Thmsday at 12pm at
City Hall Steps

We have phone banks and e blasts out there so we need to know as soon as possible.
Fro m: Wolfe. Emma
To: • • •• • • "jonathan@bertinrosen.com"
Subject: Re: pre-k tp
Date: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 11:24:52 AM


F r o m : - - - - [ma
Sent:~ 12,201
To: Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>; Wolfe, Emma
Subject: Re: pre-k tp

Send this to him

Peter R
From: Jonathan Rosen
Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 11:16 AM
To: Wolfe, Emma (EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov);
Subject: pre- k tp

I think it's super important he stays optimistic and keeps banging at "we've moved this conversat ion
f rom if to how. Dialogue in Albany is all about how we' re going t o get pre-k done. Believe my plan
is the only way that provides adequate recurring funding - but re: poll -very gratif ied that we have
moved the dialogue in this state to create such an intense focus on finally getting this done."

Jonathan Rosen
Berlin Rosen Public Affairs, Ltd.
15 Maiden Lane, Suit e 1600
New York, NY 10038
t. 646.452.5637
jonathan@ berlinrosen.com
From: Rebecca Katz
To: Mike Rabinowitz
Cc: PhiiWalzak (gmail.com); Josh Gold; Stephanie Yazgi ; Jon Paul Luoo; WileyJNorvell
~Rachel Noerdlinger; Ko, Eunice; Emma Wolfe ; Emma Woods; Jonathan Rosen ; Dan Levitan
Subject: Re: Women"s presser on Thursday
Dat e: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 12:23:02 PM

Should you leak Monday for Tuesday? Or do paper on Monday? Feel like the big
names could get you some TV mentions too, right?

On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 12:12 PM, Mike Rabinowitz

< Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com > wrote:

+rest of BR

It would be ideal to decide if we are releasing paper tomorrow soon, because we'd like t o pitch
Page Six on it today.

My suggestion is that we release paper t omorrow and then do a f ollow-up event t o announce
new names as soon as we can.

I worry that Friday w ill still be funky snow-wise, and Monday is a holiday/Caucus weekend.
Neither of which is insurmount able, but they do complicat e things.

M ichael Rabinowitz-Gold

646 200 5308 (office)

646 342 3469 (cell )

rabinowjtz@berlinrosen com

From: [mailto
Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 12:05 PM
To: Phillip Walzak; Josh Gold
Cc: Rebecca Katz; Stephanie Yazgi; Jon Paul Lupo; WileyJNorvell (gmail); Rachel Noerdlinger; Ko,
Eunice; Mike Rabinowitz; Emma Wolfe
Subject: Re: Women's presser on Thursday

At very least we do pape r asap so not to lose folks.

Event would be ideal.

Peter Ragon

From: Phillip Walzak

Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 11:59 AM

To: Josh Gold

Cc: Rebecca Katz; Stepha~po; WileyJNorvell (gmail); Rachel Noerdlinger; Ko,

Eunice; Mike Rabinowit z ; - - - - Emma Wolfe

Subject: Re: Women's presser on Thursday

why not push it back and do paper and event

On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 11:58 AM, Josh Gold wrote:

Paper, no? Lots of big names

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 12, 2014, at 11:55 AM, Rebecca Katz


Per Ragone, Thursday event not happening.

Can it be moved to Friday or Monday?

Sent from my i Phone

On Feb 11, 2014, at 3:36 PM, "Josh Gold"

If we do Friday we should preview all our big new

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 11, 2014, at 3:29 PM, "Katz, Rebecca"

<RKKatz@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

With a caveat that if you want to wait until after the

6PM forecast tonight -  or the morning forecast
tomorrow – to make the final call, that works on our

Not trying to be difficult over here – trying to figure out

what makes most sense.  If we are telling everyone on
Thursday to stay off roads, can’t have Chirlane show up
at a presser….

From: Katz, Rebecca

Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 3:28 PM
To: 'Stephanie Yazgi'; PhilWalzak (gmail.com)
Cc: Josh Gold; Jon Paul Lupo; WileyJNorvell (gmail);
Rachel Noerdlinger; Ko, Eunice; Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: RE: Women's presser on Thursday

Our recommendation is to move it to Friday.

From: Stephanie Yazgi
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 3:26 PM
To: PhilWalzak (gmail.com); Katz, Rebecca
Cc: Josh Gold; Jon Paul Lupo; WileyJNorvell (gmail);
Rachel Noerdlinger; Ko, Eunice; Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: Re: Women's presser on Thursday

That's fine. I'm just waiting for a

recommendation from you all.

On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 3:20 PM, Phillip
Walzak < wrote:

if we get 10 inches of snow Thurs nobody is

going to cover this

On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 1:30 PM, SY Hilltop

<syazgi@hilltoppublicsolutions.com> wrote:

Pls let us know decision regarding whether you

want us to cancel w/ release/ quotes,
reschedule, or keep time and location for
women's press conference Thursday at 12pm
at City Hall Steps

We have phone banks and e blasts out there

so we need to know as soon as possible.

From: Rebecca Katz
To: Mike Rabinowitz
Cc: PhiiWalzak (gmail.com); Josh Gold; Stephanie Yazgi ; Jon Paul Luoo; WileyJNorvell
~Rachel Noerdlinger; Ko, Eunice; Emma Wolfe ; Emma Woods; Jonathan Rosen ; Dan Levitan
Subject: Re: Women"s presser on Thursday
Date: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 1:4S:13 PM

As of now, Chirlane has availability on Tuesday.

On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 1:28 PM, Mike Rabinowitz < Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com >

Slight amendment to this:

Ca n we aim f or Tuesday - either an event, if we ca n pull it together, or paper if we ca n't pull an

event together.

M ichael Rabinowitz-Gold

646 200 5308 (office)

646 342 3469 (cell )

rabinowjtz@berlinrosen com

From: M ike Rabinowitz

Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 12:12 PM
To: Philli p Walzak; Josh Gold
Cc: Rebecca Katz; Stephanie Yazgi; Jon Paul Lupo; WileyJNorvell (gma il); Rachel Noerdli nger; Ko,
Eunice; Emma Wolfe; Emma Woods; Jonathan Rosen; Dan Levitan

Subject: RE: Women's presser on Thursday

+rest of BR

It would be ideal to decide if we are releasing paper tomorrow soon, because we'd like t o pitch
Page Six on it today.
My suggestion is that we release paper t omorrow and then do a f ollow-up event t o announce
new names as soon as we can.

I worry that Friday will still be funky snow-wise, and Monday is a holiday/Caucus weekend.
Neither of which is insurmount able, but they do complicat e things.

M ichael Rabinowitz-Gold

646.200.5308 (office)

646.342.3469 (cell )



Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 12:05 PM

To: Phillip Walzak; Josh Gold
Cc: Rebecca Katz; Stephanie Yazgi; Jon Paul Lupo; WileyJNorvell (gmail); Rachel
Noerdlinger; Ko, Eunice; Mike Rabinowitz; Emma Wolfe

Subject: Re: Women's presser on Thursday

At very least we do paper asap so not to lose folks.

Event would be ideal.

Peter Ragon

From: Phillip Walzak

Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 11:59 AM

To: Josh Gold

Cc: Rebecca Katz; Stepha~po; WileyJNorvell (gmail); Rachel Noerdlinger; Ko,

Eunice; Mike Rabinowitz; - - - - Emma Wolfe
Subject: Re: Women's presser on Thursday

why not push it back and do paper and event

On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 11:58 AM, Josh Gold < wrote:

Paper, no? Lots of big names

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 12, 2014, at 11:55 AM, Rebecca Katz <


Per Ragone, Thursday event not happening. 

Can it be moved to Friday or Monday?

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 11, 2014, at 3:36 PM, "Josh Gold" <


If we do Friday we should preview all our big new


Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 11, 2014, at 3:29 PM, "Katz, Rebecca"

<RKKatz@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

With a caveat that if you want to wait until after the

6PM forecast tonight -  or the morning forecast
tomorrow – to make the final call, that works on our

Not trying to be difficult over here – trying to figure out

what makes most sense.  If we are telling everyone on
Thursday to stay off roads, can’t have Chirlane show up
at a presser….

From: Katz, Rebecca
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 3:28 PM
To: 'Stephanie Yazgi'; PhilWalzak (gmail.com)
Cc: Josh Gold; Jon Paul Lupo; WileyJNorvell (gmail);
Rachel Noerdlinger; Ko, Eunice; Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: RE: Women's presser on Thursday

Our recommendation is to move it to Friday.

From: Stephanie Yazgi
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 3:26 PM
To: PhilWalzak (gmail.com); Katz, Rebecca
Cc: Josh Gold; Jon Paul Lupo; WileyJNorvell (gmail);
Rachel Noerdlinger; Ko, Eunice; Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: Re: Women's presser on Thursday

That's fine. I'm just waiting for a

recommendation from you all.

On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 3:20 PM, Phillip

Walzak < wrote:

if we get 10 inches of snow Thurs nobody is

going to cover this

On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 1:30 PM, SY Hilltop

<syazgi@hilltoppublicsolutions.com> wrote:

Pls let us know decision regarding whether you

want us to cancel w/ release/ quotes,
reschedule, or keep time and location for
women's press conference Thursday at 12pm
at City Hall Steps

We have phone banks and e blasts out there

so we need to know as soon as possible.


From: Wolfe, Emma
To: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Josh Gold (
Subject: Re: From Easton
Date: Thursday, February 13, 2014 3:40:56 PM

yeah we at minimum need to get miner, brown, albany and lovely to not do

saying they support each mayors right would rock 

Sent from my iPad

On Feb 13, 2014, at 2:34 PM, "Jonathan Rosen" <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>


Pls advise.
From: Mike Rabinowitz
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2014 2:34 PM
Cc: Dan Levitan; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: From Easton
someone should reach out to Stephanie Miner and get her on board to support the de
Blasio plan.  We had her interested in December and also Sheehan, but we were asked
to stand down so we did.  These mayors could have been recruited to come out earlier
in support of the Mayor's plan and still should be asked.
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Grybauskas, Stefan; Chao, Raymond; Sharp, Edie
Cc: Emily Walsh
Subject: RE: in case you"re looking for me starting wednesday for the tall guy
Date: Tuesday, February 18, 2014 10:47:36 AM

I will finally bring back the beer I owe you J

From: Grybauskas, Stefan [mailto:SGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2014 10:47 AM
To: Jonathan Rosen; Chao, Raymond; Sharp, Edie
Cc: Emily Walsh
Subject: RE: in case you're looking for me starting wednesday for the tall guy
Thanks for the update Jonathan. Enjoy your trip!
From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2014 10:44 AM
To: Chao, Raymond; Grybauskas, Stefan; Sharp, Edie
Cc: Emily Walsh
Subject: in case you're looking for me starting wednesday for the tall guy
Quick heads up that I will be out of the country from tomorrow night until Wednesday the 26 th .  I
will have somewhat limited access to email the 2nd half of this week / this weekend but will be
working out of a client’s office in London starting on Monday and will be on email then until
Wednesday when I fly home.   In an emergency call my cell   I will be 6 hours ahead
so will likely be asleep as of 6 PM EST most nights.   Emily knows how to find me. 
Jonathan Rosen
BerlinRosen Public Affairs, Ltd.
15 Maiden Lane, Suite 1600
New York, NY 10038
t. 646.452.5637
From: Wolfe, Emma
To: "Jonathan Rosen"
Cc: Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Subject: RE: Crain"s photo
Date: Tuesday, February 18, 2014 12:44:04 PM

I think we tried to cancel the whole thing honestly. But if I have to do it I will. Our press team blew
me off when I asked them if it was oK. Gabriel, please see jonathan’s note
From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2014 12:43 PM
To: Wolfe, Emma
Subject: Crain's photo
First congrats on 40 Under 40.  The highlight of my year was standing next to Charlotte Ronson for 3
minutes and watching Neal Kwatra come in with a gang size rolling crew.
Second, and I know you are too busy and don’t care – they were bitching to me about you canceling
your photo.  Told me you are getting the photog to you – wanted you to know – so don’t cancel the
other photo again J
Third, hi.
Jonathan Rosen
BerlinRosen Public Affairs, Ltd.
15 Maiden Lane, Suite 1600
New York, NY 10038
t. 646.452.5637
From: Emma Woods
To: Rachel Noerdlinger
Cc: Katz, Rebecca; Wolfe, Emma
Subject: Re: Preacher"s Wives for Chirlane
Date: Monday, February 24, 2014 4:58:03 PM
Attachments: UPKNYC One Pagers.pdf
About the Plan - UPKNYC One Pager .pdf
General Talking Points 2.6.14.docx

Hi Rachel – happy to help.

I'm attaching three background documents that might be useful — let me know if this what you had in
mind and what else you need on my end. 


Emma Woods
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5303
C: 203-568-4780

From: Rachel Noerdlinger <rachel@noerdlingermedia.com>

Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2014 12:21:10 -0700
To: Emma <emma@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Katz Rebecca <RKKatz@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Emma Wolfe <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Preacher's Wives for Chirlane

Hi there..we are working on a mass push to bring the wives of preachers and prominent
female clergy members into the push for UPK. Rev. Elaine Flake, wife of Rev. Floyd Flake
(one of biggest New York preachers) is looking to get an information packet asap. Can you
help me put something together for her? She wants to help us organize other preacher's wives
but first needs the intel. She will in turn help us put together a plan but we should lock in a
date to have an event hosted by the First Lady at Gracie with Preacher's wives/Female clergy.
Emma Wolfe: Have any prominent female clergy members been involved during the
campaign that we should be doing outreach to? Thanks
The City can scale up high-quality, full-day UPK very quickly,
through a combination of new seats and conversions and upgrades
of existing seats.

55,804 73,2503

New seats 11,880 1,965

Converted and
43,924 15,481
upgraded seats1

COST OF UPKNYC PLAN 2 $340 million $340 million

Start-up infrastructure,
$97 million $6 million
expansion and quality upgrades

$243 million $334 million

1. Includes co nverting 11,760 existing half- day seats to full -day a nd bringing a ll 32,164 existing full -day seats up
to quality standards.
2. Building a full -day pre -k system will cost an average of $10,239 per chi ld. The cost per c hild requ ired to bu il d a
high qua lity model in New York City is roughly compa rable to qua lity programs outside of New York.
3. Inc ludes 55,804 high-q uality, full -day pre -K seats created in 2014-2015.

UPK upknyc.org

NYC C (Ci)upknyc

How much new money per year $100 million in the 1st year
$341.6 million, citywide
would be available for pre-K? statewide

How much money per student

$10,239 Not specified
are the plans assuming?

How many full-day seats would

73,250 Not specified
the plans create?

Dedicated, stable progressive tax

How would each plan be paid for? Existing money within the budget
on wealthy NYC residents


$0 for the first year, $160 million

How much money per year would
$190 million per year for NYC for the 2nd year, $200 million
be available for after-school?
thereafter for statewide

How much money per student

$1,600 per child Not specified
are the plans assuming?

How many new after-school

Universal: 120,000 children Not specified
seats would the plans create?

Dedicated, stable progressive tax Projected revenue from tax on

How would each plan be paid for?
on wealthy NYC residents casinos that still have to be built

UPK upknyc.org
I) /upknyc

NYC l:l(.@upknyc
Under New York City’s plan, all four-year olds would have access to truly Universal Pre-K for the
first time in New York City’s history. This would close a gap of 53,767 children who currently
receive inadequate part-time Pre-K, or no Pre-K at all and serve more than 73,000 4-year olds at
full implementation. These high-quality programs are proven to increase cognition, boost scores
and build fundamental skills that put children on an upward educational path.

New York City’s plan would also aggressively expand after-school learning opportunities for nearly
120,000 middle school students, adding new programs between 3pm and 6pm in academics, culture
and athletics. Middle school is a critical period when parents’ involvement in education declines and
kids need to be kept off the streets and out of harm’s way.


The City of New York is calling for a five-year increase in the NYC income tax on earners over
$500,000 from 3.876% to 4.41%, which would yield approximately $530 million in new revenue
each year. The past three New York City mayors have won approval from Albany to raise local taxes
for priority issues – this tax increase would be even smaller.

Albany has promised universal pre-k since 1997, but funding commitments haven’t materialized
and tens of thousands of New York City children are left behind. New York City should have home
rule authority to raise its own taxes, to provide a dedicated funding source guarantees program


Study after study shows pre-K and after-school are key to improving graduation rates and reducing
the achievement gap:

• Kids who receive early education are 20% more likely to graduate high school and 20%
more likely to work their way out of poverty.
• According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, pre-k can reduce the achievement
gap by up to 40%.
• And the Ounce of Prevention Fund tells us that without a high-quality early childhood
intervention, an at-risk child is: 25% more likely to drop out of school, 50% more likely to
be placed in special education and 70% more likely to be arrested for a violent crime.

According to the Afterschool Alliance, 1 in 4 children is left alone and unsupervised after-school in
NYC. That means teenagers left to spend after-school hours—the peak window for juvenile crime &
violence—out on the streets.

Research on high quality after-school programs has found that children who participate have
improved attendance, behavior, coursework, and test scores.


New York City’s plan to fund universal pre-kindergarten and expanded after-school
programs with a small tax increase on the most fortunate New Yorkers is the right
investment in our children and our future.

New York City’s plan is fair, it’s smart and it's the only one with the dedicated funding
stream that will guarantee all children access to pre-K and after-school. We've been
waiting on Albany for universal pre-k since 1997 – let New York City do it now.


• Under New York City’s UPK plan, all four-year olds would have access to truly
Universal Pre-K for the first time in New York City’s history.
o This would close a gap of 53,767 children who currently receive
inadequate part-time Pre-K or no Pre-K at all, and serve more than 73,000
4-year olds at full implementation.
o These high-quality programs are proven to increase cognition, boost scores
and build fundamental skills that put children on an upward educational

• The plan would also provide after-school programs for nearly 120,000 middle
school students.
o This proposal would add new programs between 3pm and 6pm in
academics, culture and athletics.
o The middle school years are a period when parents’ involvement in
education declines and kids need to be kept off the streets and out of harm’s


• The City of New York is calling for a five-year increase in NYC income tax on
earners over $500,000 from 3.876% to 4.41%, which would yield approximately
$530 million in new revenue each year.
• Many of the people who would be affected by the tax believe this is a small
price to pay to make these critical investments in the next generation of New

• The past three New York City mayors have won approval from Albany to raise
local taxes for priority issues. This tax increase would be even smaller.

o A similar surcharge implemented between 2003 and 2005 raised rates on

earners over $150,000 to 4.46%.
o The 4.46% rate was also the top bracket for the surcharge implemented
between 1991 and 1998 to finance the Safe Streets, Safe City initiative.


• Albany has promised universal pre-k since 1997 BUT funding

commitments haven’t materialized

• More than fifty thousand NYC kids have no access to full day pre-k and even
more are denied access to after-school because the funding has never been there
to get it done.

• Our kids can't rely, year after year, on good budgetary conditions and the right
political headwinds in Albany. NYC has a plan that works for NYC, a dedicated
funding stream to finally fulfill the decades-long Albany promise of UPK

• Without a dedicated funding stream, the money might disappear the next time
the budget surplus disappears.

• In New York City, we need the tax plan in order to generate dedicated resources
for a full and secure investment in both universal pre-k and after-school

• New York City’s plan has the overwhelming support of people in NYC and we
will work with the Mayor to achieve it in Albany


• New York City’s graduation rate was just 60% in June 2012

• Pre-K and after-school programs are ways we can improve graduation rates and
reduce the achievement gap

o Kids who receive early education are:

 20% more likely to graduate high school
 20% more likely to work their way out of poverty

o According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, pre-k can reduce

the achievement gap by up to 40%

o And the Ounce of Prevention Fund tells us that without a high-quality early
childhood intervention, an at-risk child is:
 25% more likely to drop out of school
 50% more likely to be placed in special education
 70% more likely to be arrested for a violent crime

• According to the Afterschool Alliance, 1 in 4 children is left alone and

unsupervised after-school in NYC.

o That means teenagers left to spend after-school hours—the peak window

for juvenile crime & violence—out on the streets

o Research on high quality after-school programs has found that children

who participate have improved attendance, behavior, coursework, and
test scores.
From: Wolfe, Emma
To: "Rachel Noerdlinger"; Emma Woods
Cc: Katz, Rebecca
Subject: RE: Preacher"s Wives for Chirlane
Date: Monday, February 24, 2014 7:28:20 PM

Women I know:
Bishop gonzalez who hangs with una Clarke was terrific for us on campaign
Rev que as I understand it has been good on upk
Rabbi Kleinbaum and the rabbis from the park slope synagogue were both good to us
From: Rachel Noerdlinger [mailto:rachel@noerdlingermedia.com]
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2014 2:21 PM
To: Emma Woods
Cc: Katz, Rebecca; Wolfe, Emma
Subject: Preacher's Wives for Chirlane

Hi there..we are working on a mass push to bring the wives of preachers and prominent
female clergy members into the push for UPK. Rev. Elaine Flake, wife of Rev. Floyd Flake
(one of biggest New York preachers) is looking to get an information packet asap. Can you
help me put something together for her? She wants to help us organize other preacher's wives
but first needs the intel. She will in turn help us put together a plan but we should lock in a
date to have an event hosted by the First Lady at Gracie with Preacher's wives/Female clergy.
Emma Wolfe: Have any prominent female clergy members been involved during the
campaign that we should be doing outreach to? Thanks
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Drew, Chloe
Subject: Re: How was Paris?
Date: Thursday, February 27, 2014 9:38:05 AM

Thanks!  Was great.  I'm back in office at my desk

Sent from my iPhone

> On Feb 27, 2014, at 9:35 AM, "Drew, Chloe" <CDrew@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
> I didn't call b/c you were still in Europe!! Refuse to break up a croissant & café au lait w/ your wife. I
hope it was wonderful. 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
> Sent: Monday, February 24, 2014 11:30 AM
> To: Drew, Chloe
> Subject: Re: How was Paris?
> Sure.  On cell.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Feb 24, 2014, at 4:14 PM, "Drew, Chloe" <CDrew@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>> Welcome back!
>> Have a quick question on one of our most important agencies - do you have 2 seconds to chat?
>> Chloe
Fro m: Noerdlinger. Rachel
To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: FW: Quick DN question
Dat e : Sunday, March 02, 2014 4 :59:17 PM

Any thoughts?

From: Rachel Noerdlinger <rnoerdljnger@cit yhall nyc goy>

Date: Sun, 2 Ma r 2014 16:57:50 -0500
To: Emma Wolfe
Cc: Phil Walzak <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Wiley Norvell <WNorvel!@cityhall nyc gov>
Subject: Quick DN question

Rev. AI is talking to Fermino at 6 p.m. Can you give me a few quick points as to how we are working W ITH
charter schools? He was at the Wh ite House last week and he does not want to appear anti-charter, just
From: Mike Rabinowitz
To: Stephanie Yazgi; Miller, Harold
Cc: Wolfe, Emma; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel; Carrion, Marco A.
Subject: RE: Rev. AR Bernard
Date: Thursday, March 06, 2014 10:46:35 AM

He seems pretty clear that he won’t sign, so I don’t see any other option.  I’m not sure I understand
his argument, and maybe he is just trying to find an excuse, but I gather that he is immovable, right?
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)
From: Stephanie Yazgi [mailto:stephanie@upknyc.org]
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2014 10:44 AM
To: Miller, Harold; Mike Rabinowitz
Cc: Wolfe, Emma; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel; Carrion, Marco A.
Subject: Re: Rev. AR Bernard

We are going to release this letter without Bernard. Is that ok?

On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 10:11 AM, Miller, Harold <HMiller@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Just had a pretty lengthy phone conversation with Bernard. His argument on not signing the letter as
currently constructed because letter does not state that Albany was given the opportunity to respond
with a stable funding proposal. Not a promise, but a solid formal agreement from the governor.

He is worried that the letter is not consistent  with the position he took in a column he wrote for the
Washington Times Recently



Stephanie Yazgi
Field and Organizing Director

*Please add my email address to your contacts

From: Mike Rabinowitz
To: Josh Gold; Miller, Harold
Cc: stephanie@upknyc.org; Wolfe, Emma; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel; Carrion, Marco A.
Subject: RE: Rev. AR Bernard
Date: Thursday, March 06, 2014 11:07:59 AM

Yes.  Going now.  Just formatting release with names

Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)
From: Josh Gold [mailto
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2014 11:06 AM
To: Miller, Harold
Cc: stephanie@upknyc.org; Wolfe, Emma; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel; Carrion, Marco A.; Mike
Subject: Re: Rev. AR Bernard

So we go without no?

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 6, 2014, at 10:11 AM, "Miller, Harold" <HMiller@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Just had a pretty lengthy phone conversation with Bernard. His argument on not signing
the letter as currently constructed because letter does not state that Albany was given the
opportunity to respond with a stable funding proposal. Not a promise, but a solid formal
agreement from the governor.

He is worried that the letter is not consistent  with the position he took in a column he wrote
for the Washington Times Recently

From: Mike Rabinowitz
To: Stephanie Yazgi; Rachel Noerdlinger; Katz, Rebecca; Ko, Eunice; Josh Gold
Date: Thursday, March 06, 2014 12:02:49 PM

Don’t we need to make the threshold decision about if Tuesday is on before committing to send
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)
From: Stephanie Yazgi [mailto:syazgi@hilltoppublicsolutions.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2014 11:59 AM
To: Rachel Noerdlinger; Katz, Rebecca; Ko, Eunice; Josh Gold; Mike Rabinowitz

pls let me know if there are any flags:

On Tuesday, more than 1,500 New Yorkers of all ages and from all five boroughs went to Albany to
support New York City’s plan for true universal pre-K and after-school programs for middle schools. 
Next week, I’m going back to Albany with women leaders to make sure Albany knows how important
early education and after-school are for our kids.  And I need your help.  In fact, I may need you to
come with me.
Click here to send me a video, picture or letter about why you think all children deserve access to high
quality pre-school and afterschool, and we’ll invite one of you who write in to join me next week.
Study after study shows how important high-quality Pre-K and after-school can be for our kids.  These
programs give young learners the skills that help them achieve throughout their school careers and

New York City has proposed paying for these critical investments by asking the wealthiest New Yorkers
to pay a little bit more in taxes.  But we need Albany’s approval. That’s why I am going up to our
capital next week, and why I want one of you to come with me.

If you want to come, click here to send me a video, picture or letter (be creative!), about what Pre-K
and after-school mean to you.
I can’t wait to see your responses!
Chirlane McCray 
First Lady of New York City
p.s. You can take action right now by letting Albany know it’s time for Universal Pre K and afterschool
funding. Click here to make your voice heard. cccnewyork.org/UPKNYC
From: Katz, Rebecca
To: Stephanie Yazgi
Cc: Rachel Noerdlinger; Ko, Eunice; Josh Gold; Michael Rabinowitz
Date: Thursday, March 06, 2014 12:03:04 PM

Josh - did our email back last week get to Stephanie?

Chirlane had concerns from first one that UPK is written in different ways. If hyphen and capitalized,
keep consistent, including PS

And I thought one other edit.

And weren't we taking out women leaders line in graph 2?

Stephanie - Thank you for your help here. I know it's a challenge keeping all parts moving and we do
appreciate your help here.


Sent from my iPhone

> On Mar 6, 2014, at 11:58 AM, "Stephanie Yazgi" <syazgi@hilltoppublicsolutions.com> wrote:

> with women leaders
From: Mike Rabinowitz
To: Jonathan Rosen; Katz, Rebecca
Cc: Norvell, Wiley; Ragone, Peter
Subject: RE: can you send me contact info for Jeff Sachs?
Date: Sunday, March 09, 2014 12:42:24 PM

Just looped you in to an email with his communications person. She is best way to
coordinate with him. 

-Sent by Mobile-
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (o)
646.342.3469 (c)

-------- Original message --------

From: Jonathan Rosen
Date:03/09/2014 12:34 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: "Katz, Rebecca"
Cc: "Norvell, Wiley" ,"Ragone, Peter" ,Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: Re: can you send me contact info for Jeff Sachs?
Can't find in my phone. Mike do you have?

Sent from my iPhone

> On Mar 9, 2014, at 11:38 AM, "Katz, Rebecca" <RKKatz@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

> + JR
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Mar 9, 2014, at 11:34 AM, "Norvell, Wiley" <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>> So we can pre game for tomorrow?
Fro m: Scola. lindsay
To : jon (jfdc@akodmedia.com); ' Jonathan@berlinrosen.com ; Ragone. Pet er; Santucci. Laura ;
Wolfe. Emma; "Anna Greenberg
Cc: Chao. Raymond
Subject: Poll Presentation- Tomorrow, March 11th wit h Mayor de Blasio
Date: Monday, March 10, 2014 12:30:19 PM


Anna Greenberg will present results from this weekend's survey with the Mayor tomorrow morning,
Tuesday, March 11th at 10:00am in the Committee of the Whole room at City Hall.

Ideally, you will be able to join in person. But if you need to join via phone, a call in number will be

Please RSVP to Ray Chao rchao@cjtyhall nyc goy, he will follow up with arrival instructions for those
attending from outside the building.

Please let me know if you have questions.


Lindsay Scola
Director of Scheduling
Office of t he Mayor
The City of New York
Office : 212.788.2962
Cell: 917.513.1690
From: Kunal Shah
To: Rebekah Milford
Cc: Chao, Raymond; Anna Greenberg
Subject: RE: Polls Presentation at BerlinRosen
Date: Monday, March 10, 2014 8:24:45 PM

Great.  Will be here in the morning and available to help in any way I can.
Have a good night!
From: Rebekah Milford [mailto:RMilford@gqrr.com]
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2014 8:22 PM
To: Kunal Shah
Cc: Chao, Raymond; Anna Greenberg
Subject: Re: Polls Presentation at BerlinRosen
Thanks Kunal-- the presentation is still being worked on so we will probably have to email it to
ourselves and access it in the morning. Thanks!

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 10, 2014, at 8:13 PM, "Kunal Shah" <Kunal@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Hi Rebekah –
Yes, if the presentation is ready, you can e-mail it to me and  I can download it to the
desktop for you to access it during the meeting.  Alternatively, the laptop does have
internet access, so if you need additional time you could also e-mail it to yourself and
access it via web in the morning.  Whichever works best for you, I’m in the office for
the next hour so let me know.
From: Rebekah Milford [mailto:RMilford@gqrr.com]
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2014 7:42 PM
To: Chao, Raymond
Cc: Anna Greenberg; Kunal Shah
Subject: Re: Polls Presentation at BerlinRosen
Thanks for coordinating, Raymond. I can send the ppt presentation to Kunal via email.
Will that work?
Thanks, Rebekah 
Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 10, 2014, at 7:02 PM, "Chao, Raymond" <rchao@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Hi Anna and Rebekah,

I am looping you two with Kunal, who is setting up the AV for the
Kunal says there will be a large screen with wireless keyboard and mouse,
will that suffice?
Also, would you coordinate how you will bring the PPT file, will it be on
thumb drive?
Thank you,
Raymond Chao
Scheduling Coordinator
Office of the Mayor
The City of New York
Office: (212)-788-7565
Cell:  (347)-607-8325
From: Adams, Marti
To: "Jonathan Rosen"; WileyJNorvell (gmail); PhilWalzak (gmail.com); Peter Ragone
Subject: RE: Any feedback or personal moments btw BdB and Scarborough yesterday?
Date: Tuesday, March 11, 2014 9:10:22 AM

They traded a couple of Red Sox jokes

BDB gave Mika his UPKNYC pin after the intvw was over

They took a group picture

...that's about it

-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2014 8:28 AM
To: WileyJNorvell (gmail); PhilWalzak (gmail.com); Adams, Marti; Peter Ragone
Subject: Any feedback or personal moments btw BdB and Scarborough yesterday?

Sent from my iPhone

From: Kunal Shah
To: Chao, Raymond; Hanley, Monica; Sharma, Chandan
Subject: RE: Hi Kunal, will update you as Mayor begins his way over
Date: Tuesday, March 11, 2014 9:59:32 AM

Thanks.  We’re all set-up for the presentation and we’ll be dialing in shortly, for the First Lady and
Nick to be able to join the conference.
Let me know if you need anything additional.
From: Chao, Raymond [mailto:rchao@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2014 9:54 AM
To: Kunal Shah; Hanley, Monica; Sharma, Chandan
Subject: Hi Kunal, will update you as Mayor begins his way over
Raymond Chao
Scheduling Coordinator
Office of the Mayor
The City of New York
Office: (212)-788-7565
Cell:  (347)-607-8325
From: Miller, Harold
To: "Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com"; "dan@berlinrosen.com"; "matt@berlinrosen.com"
Cc: Unger, Katherine
Subject: Re: Faith leaders willing to put out a statement
Date: Tuesday, March 11, 2014 2:23:08 PM

Eric Garnes

“Experts agree that children who attend high-quality pre-K and afterschool programs are more likely
to succeed later in life,” said Bishop Eric Garnes.  “We had faith that our leaders in Albany would
stand up for our children and the Assembly Majority and Senate Democratic Conference have
heeded the call.”

Harold Miller
Deputy Commissioner
Office of the Mayor, Community Affairs Unit
(212) 788-7827 Office
(347) 331-9394 Mobile
From: Miller, Harold
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2014 12:31 PM
To: Mike Rabinowitz <Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com>; Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Matt
Tepper <matt@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Unger, Katherine
Subject: RE: Faith leaders willing to put out a statement
Imam Talib
prefer this:
"The achievement gap is a moral issue that affects people regardless of
their faith", said Imam Al-Hajj Talib 'Abdur-Rashid, President of The Islamic
Leadership Council of Metropolitan New York. "Pre-K and after school
programs help to close that gap , and foster equity. We of the Muslim
community are proud that both  the Assembly Majority and Senate
Democratic Conference,are taking the step to support  these vital programs
for our youth." 
Imam Talib

From: Mike Rabinowitz [mailto:Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2014 11:35 AM
To: Miller, Harold; Dan Levitan; Matt Tepper
Cc: Unger, Katherine
Subject: RE: Faith leaders willing to put out a statement
"Experts agree that children who attend high-quality pre-K and afterschool programs are more likely
to succeed later in life," said <name>. "We had fait h t hat our leaders in Albany would st and up for
our children and the Assembly Majority and Senate Democratic Conf erence have heeded the call."

"73,000 four -year olds and 120,000 middle school students are waiting for the educational
opportunit ies t hat New York City has begun to offer them," said <insert name>. "The Assembly
Majority and Senate Democrat ic Conference are st anding with those children and supporting the
plan. I commend t hem for t heir st and for justice."

"The achievement gap is a moral issue," said <insert name>. "We know that pre-K and afterschool
programs help close t he achievement gap. I'm proud t hat t he Assembly Majority and Senate
Democrat ic Conference are taking this step and supporting these vit al programs for our yout h."

M ichael Rabinowit z-Gold

646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell )
rabinowitz@berlin rosen .com

From: M iller, Harold [ majlto ·HMjller@cjtyhall nyc goy]

Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2014 11:20 AM
To: Mike Rabinowitz; Dan Levitan; Matt Tepper
Cc: Unger, Katherine
Subject: Faith leaders willing to put out a statement

I spoke to the following faith leaders who are willing to have their name attach to a statement on

Min. Donna Schaper- Judson Memorial Church

preferred to be emailed)

Harold Miller
Deputy Commissioner
Community Affairs Unit
Office of t he Mayor
(212) 788-7827 Office
(347) 331-9394 Cell
From: Miller, Harold
To: Mike Rabinowitz; Dan Levitan; Matt Tepper
Cc: Unger, Katherine
Subject: RE: Faith leaders willing to put out a statement
Date: Tuesday, March 11, 2014 4:39:55 PM

“73,000 four-year olds and 120,000 middle school students are waiting for the educational
opportunities that New York City has begun to offer them,” said Rev. Donna Schaper.  “The Assembly
Majority and Senate Democratic Conference are standing with those children and supporting the
plan.  I commend them for their stand for justice.”
From: Mike Rabinowitz [mailto:Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2014 11:35 AM
To: Miller, Harold; Dan Levitan; Matt Tepper
Cc: Unger, Katherine
Subject: RE: Faith leaders willing to put out a statement
“Experts agree that children who attend high-quality pre-K and afterschool programs are more likely
to succeed later in life,” said <name>.  “We had faith that our leaders in Albany would stand up for
our children and the Assembly Majority and Senate Democratic Conference have heeded the call.”
“73,000 four-year olds and 120,000 middle school students are waiting for the educational
opportunities that New York City has begun to offer them,” said <insert name>.  “The Assembly
Majority and Senate Democratic Conference are standing with those children and supporting the
plan.  I commend them for their stand for justice.”
“The achievement gap is a moral issue,” said <insert name>.  “We know that pre-K and afterschool
programs help close the achievement gap.  I’m proud that the Assembly Majority and Senate
Democratic Conference are taking this step and supporting these vital programs for our youth.”
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)
From: Miller, Harold [mailto:HMiller@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2014 11:20 AM
To: Mike Rabinowitz; Dan Levitan; Matt Tepper
Cc: Unger, Katherine
Subject: Faith leaders willing to put out a statement
I spoke to the following faith leaders who are willing to have their name attach to a statement on
Imam Talib Abdur-Rashid – Amir/President, The Majlis Ash-Shura (Islamic Leadership Council)
of Metropolitan New York
Bishop Eric Garnes - Tabernacle of Praise Chu
Min. Donna Schaper- Judson Memorial Church
preferred to be emailed)

Harold Miller
Deputy Commissioner
Community Affairs Unit
Office of the Mayor
(212) 788-7827 Office
(347) 331-9394 Cell
From: Mike Rabinowitz
To: Josh Gold; Shapiro, Leigh
Cc: Matt Tepper
Subject: RE: Validators list
Date: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 9:31:05 AM

Going into a meeting for the next hour and a half.

Matt – Can you call Leigh?
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)
From: Josh Gold [mailto
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 9:29 AM
To: Shapiro, Leigh
Cc: Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: Re: Validators list
Mike - please connect with Leigh on this.

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 12, 2014, at 9:27 AM, "Shapiro, Leigh" <LShapiro@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Thanks for connecting me to the right folks for the master validator list. I’m happy to
talk through the specifics of what Laura’s looking for with whoever can put this
together this morning.
Leigh Shapiro
Special Assistant to the Chief of Staff
Office of the Mayor
City Hall
(o) 212.788.7751
(c) 917.575.4119
From: Shapiro, Leigh
To: "Matt Tepper"
Subject: RE: Validators list
Date: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 10:21:02 AM

Calling you now!

From: Matt Tepper [mailto:matt@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 10:19 AM
To: Shapiro, Leigh
Subject: Re: Validators list
Sorry. Free now. Should I call your cell?

On Mar 12, 2014, at 10:06 AM, "Shapiro, Leigh" <LShapiro@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Let me know when you’re off your call

From: Matt Tepper [mailto:matt@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 9:44 AM
To: Shapiro, Leigh
Subject: Re: Validators list

On Mar 12, 2014, at 9:43 AM, "Shapiro, Leigh" <LShapiro@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

No prob
From: Matt Tepper [mailto:matt@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 9:43 AM
To: Shapiro, Leigh
Subject: Re: Validators list
Yup. Can we do 10?  On a call  

On Mar 12, 2014, at 9:39 AM, "Shapiro, Leigh"

<LShapiro@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Calling you back in two min from my cell – is

the right number?
From: Matt Tepper [mailto:matt@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 9:38 AM
To: Mike Rabinowitz; Josh Gold; Shapiro, Leigh
Subject: Re: Validators list
Leigh — Just left you a message.  What's a good time to
check in?
From: Michael Rabinowitz
Date: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 9:31 AM
To: Josh Gold < "Shapiro, Leigh"
Cc: Matt Tepper <matt@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Validators list
Going into a meeting for the next hour and a half.
Matt – Can you call Leigh?
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)
From: Josh Gold [mailto
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 9:29 AM
To: Shapiro, Leigh
Cc: Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: Re: Validators list
Mike - please connect with Leigh on this.

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 12, 2014, at 9:27 AM, "Shapiro, Leigh"

<LShapiro@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Thanks for connecting me to the right folks for
the master validator list. I’m happy to talk
through the specifics of what Laura’s looking
for with whoever can put this together this
Leigh Shapiro
Special Assistant to the Chief of Staff
Office of the Mayor
City Hall
(o) 212.788.7751
(c) 917.575.4119
From: Shapiro, Leigh
To: "Matt Tepper"
Subject: RE: Validators list
Date: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 12:49:01 PM

Matt – how are we looking for this?

From: Matt Tepper [mailto:matt@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 10:19 AM
To: Shapiro, Leigh
Subject: Re: Validators list
Sorry. Free now. Should I call your cell?

On Mar 12, 2014, at 10:06 AM, "Shapiro, Leigh" <LShapiro@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Let me know when you’re off your call

From: Matt Tepper [mailto:matt@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 9:44 AM
To: Shapiro, Leigh
Subject: Re: Validators list

On Mar 12, 2014, at 9:43 AM, "Shapiro, Leigh" <LShapiro@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

No prob
From: Matt Tepper [mailto:matt@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 9:43 AM
To: Shapiro, Leigh
Subject: Re: Validators list
Yup. Can we do 10?  On a call  

On Mar 12, 2014, at 9:39 AM, "Shapiro, Leigh"

<LShapiro@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Calling you back in two min from my cell – is

the right number?
From: Matt Tepper [mailto:matt@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 9:38 AM
To: Mike Rabinowitz; Josh Gold; Shapiro, Leigh
Subject: Re: Validators list
Leigh — Just left you a message.  What's a good time to
check in?
From: Michael Rabinowitz
Date: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 9:31 AM
To: Josh Gold < "Shapiro, Leigh"
Cc: Matt Tepper <matt@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Validators list
Going into a meeting for the next hour and a half.
Matt – Can you call Leigh?
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)
From: Josh Gold [mailto
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 9:29 AM
To: Shapiro, Leigh
Cc: Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: Re: Validators list
Mike - please connect with Leigh on this.

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 12, 2014, at 9:27 AM, "Shapiro, Leigh"

<LShapiro@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Thanks for connecting me to the right folks for
the master validator list. I’m happy to talk
through the specifics of what Laura’s looking
for with whoever can put this together this
Leigh Shapiro
Special Assistant to the Chief of Staff
Office of the Mayor
City Hall
(o) 212.788.7751
(c) 917.575.4119
From: Matt Tepper
To: Shapiro, Leigh
Subject: Re: Validators list
Date: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 1:43:11 PM

No problem.  Good luck!

From: <Shapiro>, Leigh <LShapiro@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 1:40 PM
To: Matt Tepper <matt@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Validators list

Got it – good without labor for now, will go to Yazgi if that changes. Thank you so much!
From: Matt Tepper [mailto:matt@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 1:38 PM
To: Shapiro, Leigh
Subject: Re: Validators list

FYI — there are several labor leaders missing.  If you want them on here — ask Stephanie.
From: Matt Tepper <matt@berlinrosen.com>
Date: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 1:33 PM
To: "Shapiro, Leigh" <LShapiro@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: Validators list
No problem — almost done.
From: <Shapiro>, Leigh <LShapiro@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 1:33 PM
To: Matt Tepper <matt@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Validators list
Matt, I got this – don’t worry about the spreadsheet!
From: Matt Tepper [mailto:matt@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 1:23 PM
To: Shapiro, Leigh
Cc: Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: Re: Validators list

Here's a press release we did in December and a link to an experts agree video.
I'd add: 
-Steven Barnett of the National Institute of Early Education
-Hirokazu Yoshikawa, Ph.D. Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human
-Jeffrey Sachs, Columbia University Earth Institute
-Austan Gollsbee, University of Chicago
-Matthew Daus, CUNY
Not sure I have much more for you / understand what else you want.  Call me if you want to
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 20, 2013
CONTACT: press@upknyc.org

Former Treasury Secretary Summers, Education Secretary Arne Duncan, Morning Joe’s
Mika Brzezinski Support de Blasio Tax and Pre-K Plan
New York, NY – A day after a broad coalition of more than 35 organizations and prominent New
Yorkers including business, civic, non-profit, clergy, and academic leaders launched UPKNYC:
The Campaign for Universal Pre-K and After-School, the campaign released a video showing
growing national attention and support for Mayor-Elect de Blasio’s plan to raise the income tax
on the wealthiest New Yorkers to fund high-quality pre-kindergarten for all four-year-olds and
after-school programs for all middle school students in New York City who need them.
The video demonstrates growing momentum for the plan, featuring statements of support from
former US Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers, US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan
and Morning Joe's Mika Brzezinski.
In it Summers praises the plan as “a good, powerful and important idea,” and Duncan calls the
plan important “for the next 20 or 30 [years]” and promises that “whatever we can do to be
supportive of the Mayor-elect’s efforts, we want to try and do it.”
Watch it here.
A recent poll conducted by Quinnipiac University found that a significant majority of New Yorkers
support the Mayor-Elect’s plan. 63% of New York State voters are in favor of raising the income
tax on the wealthiest New Yorkers to fund early education for all children, including 68% of New
York City voters, 55% of voters in the suburbs and 64% of those who live in upstate New York.
A recent New York Times/Siena poll of New York City residents found that 72% are supportive
of the Mayor-Elect’s plan.
From: <Shapiro>, Leigh <LShapiro@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 1:13 PM
To: Matt Tepper <matt@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Validators list
Thanks – like we discussed we’re really looking for intelligentsia types. For example Stiglitz and Larry
Summers types. Can you take another pass through?
From: Matt Tepper [mailto:matt@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 1:07 PM
To: Shapiro, Leigh
Cc: Mike Rabinowitz; Josh Gold
Subject: Re: Validators list

Yup — flagged.  Sure there's more…

From: <Shapiro>, Leigh <LShapiro@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 12:52 PM
To: Matt Tepper <matt@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Validators list
Thanks Matt. Can you pull out/flag in a column the opinion leader types we discussed?
From: Matt Tepper [mailto:matt@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 12:49 PM
To: Shapiro, Leigh
Subject: Re: Validators list

Here you go.  Combined list from our press conferences, etc.  I couldn't find the list from the
Gracie event.
From: Michael Rabinowitz
Date: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 9:31 AM
To: Josh Gold < "Shapiro,
Leigh" <LShapiro@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Matt Tepper <matt@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Validators list
Going into a meeting for the next hour and a half.

Matt – Can you call Leigh?

Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)

From: Josh Gold [mailto:

Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 9:29 AM
To: Shapiro, Leigh
Cc: Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: Re: Validators list

Mike - please connect with Leigh on this.

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 12, 2014, at 9:27 AM, "Shapiro, Leigh"

<LShapiro@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Thanks for connecting me to the right folks

for the master validator list. I’m happy to
talk through the specifics of what Laura’s
looking for with whoever can put this
together this morning.


Leigh Shapiro
Special Assistant to the Chief of Staff
Office of the Mayor
City Hall
(o) 212.788.7751
(c) 917.575.4119
From: Emma Wolfe
To: Josh Gold
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; Peter Ragone; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Subject: Re:
Date: Sunday, March 16, 2014 11:39:41 AM

Let's get josh or Sophia and Maite there - Gabriel pls help herd cats - and if Wiley is prek point for ch
press shop he shd be there too

> On Mar 16, 2014, at 10:22 AM, Josh Gold < wrote:
> Can we do a messaging meeting Monday so BR and CH are on the same page? I think I'm right - but
sometimes I'm making It up as i go along.
> I think also good to have DOE there - the reports haven't worked enough. Need more "we are ready"
data, RFP's, curriculum, teacher training - I'm betting they are doing a lot that they don't think is press-
worthy but will accomplish our goals.
> Sent from my iPhone
From: Norvell, Wiley
To: "Josh Gold"; Wolfe, Emma
Cc: JWallack@schools.nyc.gov; MJunco@schools.nyc.gov; SPappas6@schools.nyc.gov; Ragone, Peter; Unger,
Katherine; jonathan@berlinrosen.com; emma@berlinrosen.com; dan@berlinrosen.com; Emily@berlinrosen.com;
matt@berlinrosen.com; Carrion, Marco A.; Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: RE: UPK messaging meeting
Date: Monday, March 17, 2014 6:43:30 PM

Ben Chapman at Daily News writing up the first meeting today of the Interagency UPK
Implementation Task Force. Did on-record interview with Richard Buery.
From: Josh Gold [mailto:
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2014 6:40 PM
To: Wolfe, Emma
Cc: JWallack@schools.nyc.gov; MJunco@schools.nyc.gov; SPappas6@schools.nyc.gov; Ragone, Peter;
Norvell, Wiley; Unger, Katherine; jonathan@berlinrosen.com; emma@berlinrosen.com;
dan@berlinrosen.com; Emily@berlinrosen.com; matt@berlinrosen.com; Carrion, Marco A.; Mike
Subject: Re: UPK messaging meeting

1. Mike or woods, can you send a nightly email about what is being pitched out of BR tmw?
And what your waiting on a validator or data for?

2. Wiley can you send the same email for City Hall?

Very short window here.

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 17, 2014, at 11:50 AM, "Wolfe, Emma" <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Conference room is on the right when you walk out of elevator

From: Ragone, Peter
To: Norvell, Wiley; " Wolfe, Emma
Cc: "JWallack@schools.nyc.gov"; "MJunco@schools.nyc.gov"; "SPappas6@schools.nyc.gov"; Unger, Katherine;
"jonathan@berlinrosen.com"; "emma@berlinrosen.com"; "dan@berlinrosen.com"; "Emily@berlinrosen.com";
"matt@berlinrosen.com"; Carrion, Marco A.; "Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com"
Subject: Re: UPK messaging meeting
Date: Monday, March 17, 2014 6:59:24 PM

Well done.
From: Norvell, Wiley
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2014 06:43 PM
To: 'Josh Gold' < Wolfe, Emma
Cc: JWallack@schools.nyc.gov <JWallack@schools.nyc.gov>; MJunco@schools.nyc.gov
<MJunco@schools.nyc.gov>; SPappas6@schools.nyc.gov <SPappas6@schools.nyc.gov>; Ragone, Peter;
Unger, Katherine; jonathan@berlinrosen.com <jonathan@berlinrosen.com>; emma@berlinrosen.com
<emma@berlinrosen.com>; dan@berlinrosen.com <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Emily@berlinrosen.com
<Emily@berlinrosen.com>; matt@berlinrosen.com <matt@berlinrosen.com>; Carrion, Marco A.; Mike
Rabinowitz <Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: UPK messaging meeting
Ben Chapman at Daily News writing up the first meeting today of the Interagency UPK
Implementation Task Force. Did on-record interview with Richard Buery.
From: Josh Gold [mailto:
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2014 6:40 PM
To: Wolfe, Emma
Cc: JWallack@schools.nyc.gov; MJunco@schools.nyc.gov; SPappas6@schools.nyc.gov; Ragone, Peter;
Norvell, Wiley; Unger, Katherine; jonathan@berlinrosen.com; emma@berlinrosen.com;
dan@berlinrosen.com; Emily@berlinrosen.com; matt@berlinrosen.com; Carrion, Marco A.; Mike
Subject: Re: UPK messaging meeting

1. Mike or woods, can you send a nightly email about what is being pitched out of BR tmw?
And what your waiting on a validator or data for?

2. Wiley can you send the same email for City Hall?

Very short window here.

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 17, 2014, at 11:50 AM, "Wolfe, Emma" <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Conference room is on the right when you walk out of elevator

From: Scola. lindsay
To :
Cc: Santucd. Laura: jonathan@berlinrosen.com : jfromowitz@akpdmedia.com
Subject: RE: Speech prep
Date: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 8 :27:59 PM

We have an hour for him by himself .

Lindsay Scola
Director of Scheduling
Office of the Mayor
The City of New York
Office: 212.788.2962
Cell : 917.513.1690

From :
To: Scola, Lindsay
Cc: Santucci, Laura; jonathan@berlinrosen.com; j fromowitz@akpdmedia.com
Subject: Re: Speech prep

Would also make certain that he has other time during the day to noodle on it a bit before he meets
with the wordsmiths.

>On Mar 20, 2014, at 2:13AM, "Scola, Lindsay" <LScola@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

> I think we do this after the Stringer dinner at Toto. Doing it before dinner he won't have the space to
focus with you. Let's aim for 8:30 there. Stefan will send details.
> Lindsay Scola
> Director of Scheduling
> Office of the Mayor
> The City of New York
> Office: 212.788.2962
> Cell : 917.513.1690
> From :
> Sent: lllf"'•t1n,, ;,erl::o\1
> To: Scola, Lindsay
> Cc: Santucci, Laura; j onathan@berlinrosen.com; jfromowitz@akpdmedia.com
> Subject: Re: Speech prep
> Removing Bill. We had success today because Bill was in a space where he could focus properly and
elevate. Let's not slide backwards. Let's not squeeze this between other things on the fly. Rosen and
Fromowitz, I'm sure you'll make yourselves available when needed on this, just as you mobilized
immediately after my calls earlier today. Let's do it in a way that allows Bill to be composed and at his
very best.
>>On Mar 20, 2014, at 1:49AM, "Scola, Lindsay" <LScola@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>>We will set up.
>>-----Original Message-----
>> From: B
>>Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 07:38PM
>>To: Scola, Lindsay
>> Cc: Santucci, Laura; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
'ltnomowltz~QlaiKDCimE!d ia.com' <ltrorno\Nit~@<3Ktdllled

>> Tonite's session with rosen and fromowitz was very productive. Lindsay, need a session with them
tmrw whenever Jonathan and Jon (cc'ed here) say they're ready. Can either be at City Hall in the
afternoon or at Bar Toto after the stringer dinner. Thanks

From: Buery, Richard
To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: got a sec?
Date: Thursday, March 20, 2014 5:50:06 PM

Yes -

Richard Buery
Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 20, 2014, at 5:49 PM, "Jonathan Rosen" <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>


Jonathan Rosen
BerlinRosen Public Affairs, Ltd.
15 Maiden Lane, Suite 1600
New York, NY 10038
t. 646.452.5637
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Scola, Lindsay
Subject: Ed Alliance event on Thursday April 10th
Date: Monday, March 24, 2014 11:15:52 AM
Attachments: Educational Alliance Invitation.pdf

Hi Lindsay,
Following up on this request from the Education Alliance about the opening of the Manny Cantor
Center on the Lower East Side (attached and pasted below).  The center was recently featured in
this NYT column as embodying BdB vision of NYC: http://nyti.ms/NK6Kj8. 
Know it’s a long shot but they’re a great group, solid board:
Thanks for considering.
March 19, 2014
Honorable Bill de Blasio
Mayor, City of New York
City Hall
New York, NY 10007
Dear Mayor de Blasio:
On behalf of the board, staff, and clients of the Educational Alliance, I am writing to personally invite
you to play a lead role in the Ribbon Cutting for our Manny Cantor Center, the Lower East Side’s
new community and cultural center.  
The Manny Cantor Center is a living laboratory of the universal Jewish values of inclusion, diversity,
and community and your presence and participation on this important day would mean a great deal
to all of us as we begin a new chapter in the 125 years we have been serving the vibrantly diverse
community on the Lower East Side.
The Ribbon Cutting is set for Thursday, April 10, 2014 with the program beginning at 5:00 PM.  You
would be joined onstage by other elected officials, Educational Alliance Board and staff leadership,
and several of the clients we serve who take part in the many innovative, high quality programs and
services we provide to New Yorkers of all ages, backgrounds, and income levels.  Below are more
details about the event:
Thursday, April 10, 2014
197 East Broadway (at Jefferson Street), New York City
4:30 pm:               Public Art Installation Opening in our Jewish Communal Fund Gallery
5:00 pm:               Program to begin promptly in our 6th Floor Community Space
6:00 pm:               Reception on 6th Floor
We will follow up with your scheduling office to learn more about the possibility of your
participation at this important event.   Thank you for your consideration of this request.

Alan van Capelle
President and CEO
March 19, 2014

Honorable Bill de Blasia

Mayor, City ofNew York
City HaJl
New York, NY 10007

Dear Mayor de Blasio:

On behalf of the board, staff, and clients of the Educational Alliance, I am writing to personally
invite you to play a lead role in the Ribbon Cutting for our Manny Cantor Center, the Lower East
Side's new community and cultural center.

The Manny Cantor Center is a living laboratory of the universal Jewish values of inclusion,
diversity, and community and your presence and participation on this important day would mean
a great deal to all of us as we begin a new chapter in the 125 years we have been serving the
vibrantly diverse community on the Lower East Side.

The Ribbon Cutting is set for Thursday, April 10, 2014 with the program beginning at 5:00PM.
You would be joined onstage by other elected officials, Educational Alliance Board and staff
leadership, and several of the clients we serve who take part in the many innovative, high quality
programs and services we provide to New Yorkers of all ages, backgrounds, and income levels.
Below are more details about the event:

Thursday, AprillO, 2014

197 East Broadway (at Jefferson Street), New York City

4:30pm: Public Art Installation Opening in our Jewish Communal Fund Gallery
5:00pm: Program to begin promptly in our 6111 Floor Community Space
6:00pm: Reception on 6111 Floor

We will fo llow up with your scheduling office to learn more about the possibility of your
participation at this important event. Thank you for your consideration of this request.


Alan van Capelle

President and CEO of The Educational Alliance
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Drew, Chloe
Subject: RE: DYCD Deputy Commissioner /
Date: Thursday, March 27, 2014 10:51:26 AM

Thank you.
From: Drew, Chloe [mailto:CDrew@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2014 10:50 AM
To: Jonathan Rosen; Hatch, Peter
Subject: Re: DYCD Deputy Commissioner /
Excellent! We're getting resumes over to DYCD so this is good timing. Thanks!

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2014 10:46 AM
To: Drew, Chloe; Hatch, Peter
Subject: DYCD Deputy Commissioner /

Quick note to flag / recommend resume of who applied for DYCD, Deputy
Commissioner of Community Development.  Works at the
and was in various external affairs roles in past administration before that.  Not sure
what the DYCD job entails – but he’s a good egg.

Jonathan Rosen
BerlinRosen Public Affairs, Ltd.
15 Maiden Lane, Suite 1600
New York, NY 10038
t. 646.452.5637
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Drew Chloe
Subject: Lily Shapiro/Department of Probation
Date : Friday, March 28, 2014 4:22:51 PM
Attac hments: imageOOl.ong
Lily Shaoiro Resume.doc

Hey Ch loe,

Sorry t o bomba rd this week, but t his one's special.

At the suggestion of Commissioner Bermudez, a former public defender and law professor named Lily
Shapiro has applied t o serve as a Senior Policy Adviser at Probation. I am not su re if City Hall has any
role at the point a Comm issioner is into someone - but in case it comes back around - want ed t o
offer strong rec. She went to NYU Law and graduated two years before me, was at Bronx Defenders
for 6 years and is now a prof at NYU Law. She's super smart and passionate about criminal justice
reform, leader, t eam player, creative.

Her professional experience makes her really well qua lified to appreciat e the challenges and
opportun ities present ed by the sea change t hat is occurring in how we treat kids accused of
comm itting crimes. She represented the diverse client populations served by t he DOP for years, at
t he Bronx Defenders, and worked w ith a variety of community-based organ izations around the city to
provide her client s with holistic services. As a prof at NYU, Lily has researched issues related to adult
prosecution of yout h based in light of scientific advancements in the understanding of adolescent
brain development , and engaged nationally with scholars, strategists, and policy makers about the
criminal and juvenile justice systems. In short, she's a star.

Again I think the Commissioner really digs her as she asked her t o apply - but if this comes up to the
City Hall level - want ed t o make sure she was on you r rada r.

Thanks. Have a great weekend.



CURRENT New York University School of Law, 2009-Present

PosmoN Acting Assistant Professor of Lawyering, 2009-2010; 2011-present
Teach full-year course providing critical exploration of multiple aspects of legal
advocacy through experiential leam ing, including legal research and writing, oral
argument, negotiation, and client inte1viewing and counseling. Lead faculty
discussions and trainings regarding pedagogical the01y and practice and develop
cun iculum.
Research Fellow, Center for Research in Crime and Justice, 2010-2011
Researched prosecution of youth as adults and developed model transfer
procedure in light of recent Supreme Court decisions establishing the principle of
diminished culpability based on adolescent brain development. Consulted with
Center director about potential guest speakers and participated in criminal law
seminars and colloquia.

EXPERIENcE The Bronx Defenders, Bronx, New York, 2003-2009

Advanced Felony Trial Unit Attorney, 2007-2009; Staff Attorney, 2003-2007
Represented indigent clients at all stages of criminal proceedings from
arraignment through trial. Conducted multiple felony jury and misdemeanor
bench trials and suppression hearings. Secured acquittals in trials for robbery,
rape, assault, and narcotics sales. Provided holistic advocacy via close
collaboration with investigators, social workers, and civil attorneys. Supervised
junior attorneys in court appearances, including trials, and in development of
case theories and investigative plans.

                              Georgetown University Law Center, Washington, D.C., 2001-2003

E. Barrett Prettyman Fellow, Juvenile Justice Clinic
Supervised third-year law students in all aspects of case preparation and
litigation, including client counseling, motion practice, trial preparation, and plea
negotiation, and at court appearances, including initial appearances, detention
hearings, and trial. Conducted skills sessions and taught classes in substantive
law. Carried caseload of indigent youth in delinquency cases and adults accused
of felonies and misdemeanors. Conducted numerous bench trials and
suppression hearings including successful suppression of eyewitness
identification testimony in armed robbery delinquency case.

NYU School of Law Juvenile Rights Clinic, New York, New York, 2000-2001
Clinical Law Intern
Prepared robbery case for trial and negotiated for Adjournment in Contemplation
of Dismissal on day of trial. Researched suppression issues in
homicide case.

The Defender Association, Seattle, Washington, Summer 2000

Rule 9 Legal Intern, Juvenile Division
Conducted delinquency trials and suppression hearings. Represented youth at
first-appearance hearings and on motions to modify conditions of probation.
Neighborhood Defender Service of Harlem, New York, New York, Fall 1999
Legal Intern, Civil Team
Assisted attorneys in family and housing court matters and in police brutality

Legal Aid Society, Juvenile Rights Division, Brooklyn, New York, Summer
Legal Intern
Interviewed clients and guardians in juvenile delinquency and abuse/neglect
cases. Drafted motions to suppress and dismiss in the interests of justice.

                              California Appellate Project, San Francisco, California, 1996-1998

Investigated capital petitioners’ state and federal habeas corpus claims.
client relationships. Interviewed and drafted declarations for witnesses.
Obtained and summarized information for expert use in drafting multi-
generational social histories. Mitigation investigation resulted in re-sentencing
on Atkins claim.

Lieff  Cabraser Heimann & Bernstein, San Francisco, California, 1994-1996

Legal Assistant
Interviewed and drafted declarations for potential class members in employment
discrimination case. Reviewed and organized discovery and maintained contact
with plaintiffs in products liability, securities, and pyramid scheme class actions.

EdUcATION            New York University School of Law, J.D. cum laude, May 2001
                              Root-Tilden-Kern Public Service Scholarship Program, Soros Justice Fellow
                              New York University Review of Law and Social Change, Articles Selection
Prisoners' Rights and Education Project, Co-coordinator/teacher
Research Assistant, Professor Anthony Amsterdam
Teaching Assistant, Professor Derrick Bell, Constitutional Law

                              Harvard College, B.A. magna cum laude, May 1993

                              Major: History and Literature of France and America
Harvard/Radcliffe Students for Choice, Co-president
Freshman Soup Kitchen Coordinator

Hunter College High School, June 1989

PREsENTATIONs Center for Research in Crime and Justice, New York University School of Law,
                              Delay in the Bronx Criminal Justice System, Invited Presenter (2013)

Lawyering Scholarship Colloquium, New York University School of Law,

Re-Conceptualizing Juvenile Liberty Interests, Presenter (2011)

Law and Society Association, In the Shadows of the Community: Legal Barriers
                              Full and Equal Membership in the American Community, Moderator (2011)

Deborah T. Creek Criminal Practice Institute, The Public Defender Service for
District of Columbia, Effective Advocacy for Drug Treatment for Juveniles,
Panel Member (2002)
AdMIssIONs New York State; District of Columbia

C URRENT New York University School of Law, 2009-Present

P OSITION Acting A ssistant Professor of Lawyerillg, 2009-2010; 2011-present
Teach full-year course providing critical exploration of multiple aspects oflegal
advocacy through expeti ential leaming, including legal research and writing, oral
argument, negotiation, and client interviewing and counseling. Lead faculty
discussions and trainings regarding pedagogical theory and practice and develop
cuni culum.

R esearch Fellow, Center for R esearch ill Crime alld Justice, 2010-2011
Researched prosecution of youth as adults and developed model transfer procedure in
light of recent Supreme Com1 decisions establishing the principle of diminished
culpability based on adolescent brain development.. Consulted with Center director
about potential guest speakers and participated in ctiminal law seminars and

EXPERIENCE The Bronx Defenders, Bronx, New York, 2003-2009

Advallced Felony Trial Unit Attomey, 2007-2009; Staff Attomey, 2003-2007
Represented indigent clients at all stages of criminal proceedings from anaignment
through trial. Conducted multiple felony jmy and misdemeanor bench trials and
suppression hearings. Secured acquittals in tiials for robbety, rape, assault, and
narcotics sales. Provided holistic advocacy via close collaboration with investigators,
social workers, and civil attomeys. Supetvised jtmior attomeys in com1 appearances,
including u·ials, and in development of case theories and investigative plans.

Georgetown University Law Center, Washington, D.C., 2001 -2003

E. Barrett Prettyman Fellow, Juvenile Justice Clinic
Supetvised third-year law students in all aspects of case preparation and litigation,
including client counseling, motion practice, u·ial preparation, and plea negotiation,
and at com1 appearances, including initial appearances, detention hearings, and tiial.
Conducted skills sessions and taught classes in substantive law. Canied caseload of
indigent youth in delinquency cases and adults accused of felonies and
misdemeanors. Conducted numerous bench u·ials and suppression heruings including
successful suppression of eyewitness identification testimony in rumed robbety
delinquency case.

NYU School of Law Juvenile Rights Clinic, New York, New York, 2000-2001
Clinical Law Intern
Prepru·ed robbety case for tiial and negotiated for Adjomnment in Contemplation of
Dismissal on day oftii al. Reseru·ched suppression issues in homicide case.

The Defender Association, Seattle, Washington, Summer 2000

Rule 9 L egal liltem, Juvenile Divisioll
Conducted delinquency tt·ials and suppression hearings. Represented youth at first-
apperu·ance heatings and on motions to modify conditions of probation.
Neighborhood Defender Service of Harlem, New York, New York, Fall 1999
Legal Intern, Civil Team
Assisted attorneys in family and housing court matters and in police brutality cases.

Legal Aid Society, Juvenile Rights Division, Brooklyn, New York, Summer 1999
Legal Intern
Interviewed clients and guardians in juvenile delinquency and abuse/neglect
cases. Drafted motions to suppress and dismiss in the interests of justice.

California Appellate Project, San Francisco, California, 1996-1998

Investigated capital petitioners’ state and federal habeas corpus claims. Maintained
client relationships. Interviewed and drafted declarations for witnesses. Obtained
and summarized information for expert use in drafting multi-generational social
histories. Mitigation investigation resulted in re-sentencing on Atkins claim.

Lieff Cabraser Heimann & Bernstein, San Francisco, California, 1994-1996

Legal Assistant
Interviewed and drafted declarations for potential class members in employment
discrimination case. Reviewed and organized discovery and maintained contact with
plaintiffs in products liability, securities, and pyramid scheme class actions.

EDUCATION New York University School of Law, J.D. cum laude, May 2001
Root-Tilden-Kern Public Service Scholarship Program, Soros Justice Fellow
New York University Review of Law and Social Change, Articles Selection Editor
Prisoners' Rights and Education Project, Co-coordinator/teacher
Research Assistant, Professor Anthony Amsterdam
Teaching Assistant, Professor Derrick Bell, Constitutional Law

Harvard College, B.A. magna cum laude, May 1993

Major: History and Literature of France and America
Harvard/Radcliffe Students for Choice, Co-president
Freshman Soup Kitchen Coordinator

Hunter College High School, June 1989

PRESENTATIONS Center for Research in Crime and Justice, New York University School of Law,
Delay in the Bronx Criminal Justice System, Invited Presenter (2013)

Lawyering Scholarship Colloquium, New York University School of Law,

Re-Conceptualizing Juvenile Liberty Interests, Presenter (2011)

Law and Society Association, In the Shadows of the Community: Legal Barriers to
Full and Equal Membership in the American Community, Moderator (2011)

Deborah T. Creek Criminal Practice Institute, The Public Defender Service for the
District of Columbia, Effective Advocacy for Drug Treatment for Juveniles, Invited
Panel Member (2002)

ADMISSIONS New York State; District of Columbia
From : Drew. Chloe
To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: RE: Lily Shapiro/Department of Probation
Dat e: Friday, March 28, 2014 6:45: 00 PM
Attachments: image002.ong

Wonderful and t hanks!

I always like t o get a good Jonathan Rosen endorsement !

From: Jonathan Rosen [ mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Friday, March 28, 2014 4:23 PM
To: Drew, Chloe
Subject: Lily Shapiro/ Department of Probation

Hey Ch loe,

Sorry t o bomba rd this week, but t his one's special.

At the suggestion of Commissioner Bermudez, a former public defender and law professor named Lily
Shapiro has applied t o serve as a Senior Policy Adviser at Probation. I am not su re if City Hall has any
role at the point a Comm issioner is into someone - but in case it comes back around - want ed t o
offer strong rec. She went to NYU Law and graduated two years before me, was at Bronx Defenders
for 6 years and is now a prof at NYU Law. She's super smart and passionate about criminal justice
reform, leader, t eam player, creative.

Her professional experience makes her really well qua lified to appreciat e the challenges and
opportun ities present ed by the sea change that is occurring in how we treat kids accused of
comm itting crimes. She represented the diverse client populations served by the DOP for years, at
t he Bronx Defenders, and worked w ith a variety of community-based organ izations around the city to
provide her client s with holistic services. As a prof at NYU, Lily has researched issues related to adult
prosecution of youth based in light of scientific advancements in the understanding of adolescent
brain development , and engaged nationally wit h scholars, strategists, and policy makers about t he
criminal and juvenile justice systems. In short, she's a star.

Again I think the Commissioner really digs her as she asked her t o apply - but if t his comes up to the
City Hall level - want ed t o make sure she was on you r rada r.

Thanks. Have a great weekend.


CURRENT New York University School of Law, 2009-Present
POsITION Acting Assistant Professor of Lawyering, 2009-2010; 2011-present
Teach full-year course providing critical exploration of multiple aspects of legal
advocacy through experiential learning, including legal research and writing, oral
argument, negotiation, and client interviewing and counseling. Lead faculty
discussions and trainings regarding pedagogical theory and practice and develop

Research Fellow, Center for Research in Crime and Justice, 2010-2011

Researched prosecution of youth as adults and developed model transfer
procedure in light of recent Supreme Court decisions establishing the principle of
diminished culpability based on adolescent brain development. Consulted with
Center director about potential guest speakers and participated in criminal law
seminars and colloquia.

EXPERIENcE The Bronx Defenders, Bronx, New York, 2003-2009

Advanced Felony Trial Unit Attorney, 2007-2009; Staff Attorney, 2003-2007
Represented indigent clients at all stages of criminal proceedings from
arraignment through trial. Conducted multiple felony jury and misdemeanor
bench trials and suppression hearings. Secured acquittals in trials for robbery,
rape, assault, and narcotics sales. Provided holistic advocacy via close
collaboration with investigators, social workers, and civil attorneys. Supervised
junior attorneys in court appearances, including trials, and in development of
case theories and investigative plans.

                              Georgetown University Law Center, Washington, D.C., 2001-2003

E. Barrett Prettyman Fellow, Juvenile Justice Clinic
Supervised third-year law students in all aspects of case preparation and
litigation, including client counseling, motion practice, trial preparation, and plea
negotiation, and at court appearances, including initial appearances, detention
hearings, and trial. Conducted skills sessions and taught classes in substantive
law. Carried caseload of indigent youth in delinquency cases and adults accused
of felonies and misdemeanors. Conducted numerous bench trials and
suppression hearings including successful suppression of eyewitness
identification testimony in armed robbery delinquency case.

NYU School of Law Juvenile Rights Clinic, New York, New York, 2000-2001
Clinical Law Intern
Prepared robbery case for trial and negotiated for Adjournment in Contemplation
of Dismissal on day of trial. Researched suppression issues in
homicide case.

The Defender Association, Seattle, Washington, Summer 2000

Rule 9 Legal Intern, Juvenile Division
Conducted delinquency trials and suppression hearings. Represented youth at
first-appearance hearings and on motions to modify conditions of probation.
Neighborhood Defender Service of Harlem, New York, New York, Fall 1999
Legal Intern, Civil Team
Assisted attorneys in family and housing court matters and in police brutality

Legal Aid Society, Juvenile Rights Division, Brooklyn, New York, Summer
Legal Intern
Interviewed clients and guardians in juvenile delinquency and abuse/neglect
cases. Drafted motions to suppress and dismiss in the interests of justice.

                              California Appellate Project, San Francisco, California, 1996-1998

Investigated capital petitioners’ state and federal habeas corpus claims.
client relationships. Interviewed and drafted declarations for witnesses.
Obtained and summarized information for expert use in drafting multi-
generational social histories. Mitigation investigation resulted in re-sentencing
on Atkins claim.

Lieff  Cabraser Heimann & Bernstein, San Francisco, California, 1994-1996

Legal Assistant
Interviewed and drafted declarations for potential class members in employment
discrimination case. Reviewed and organized discovery and maintained contact
with plaintiffs in products liability, securities, and pyramid scheme class actions.

EdUcATION            New York University School of Law, J.D. cum laude, May 2001
                              Root-Tilden-Kern Public Service Scholarship Program, Soros Justice Fellow
                              New York University Review of Law and Social Change, Articles Selection
Prisoners' Rights and Education Project, Co-coordinator/teacher
Research Assistant, Professor Anthony Amsterdam
Teaching Assistant, Professor Derrick Bell, Constitutional Law

                              Harvard College, B.A. magna cum laude, May 1993

                              Major: History and Literature of France and America
Harvard/Radcliffe Students for Choice, Co-president
Freshman Soup Kitchen Coordinator

Hunter College High School, June 1989

PREsENTATIONs Center for Research in Crime and Justice, New York University School of Law,
                              Delay in the Bronx Criminal Justice System, Invited Presenter (2013)

Lawyering Scholarship Colloquium, New York University School of Law,

Re-Conceptualizing Juvenile Liberty Interests, Presenter (2011)

Law and Society Association, In the Shadows of the Community: Legal Barriers
                              Full and Equal Membership in the American Community, Moderator (2011)

Deborah T. Creek Criminal Practice Institute, The Public Defender Service for
District of Columbia, Effective Advocacy for Drug Treatment for Juveniles,
Panel Member (2002)
AdMIssIONs New York State; District of Columbia
From: Wolfe, Emma
To: " "Mike Rabinowitz (Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com)"; Norvell, Wiley; Ragone, Peter
Subject: RE: Pre-K Language
Date: Saturday, March 29, 2014 12:14:40 PM

please correct lovett

From: Wolfe, Emma
Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2014 11:47 AM
To: Mike Rabinowitz (Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com)
Subject: FW: Pre-K Language

(vii) New York City Region: Includes Bronx, Kings, New York,
Queens and Richmond counties.

From: Soliman, Sherif
Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2014 11:46 AM
To: Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Wolfe, Emma
Subject: Fw: Pre-K Language

From: Jason Litwak [mailto:jlitwak@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2014 11:34 AM
To: Soliman, Sherif
Subject: Pre-K Language


Section 1. The education law is amended by adding a new section 3602-ee to read
as follows:

§ 3602-ee. Statewide universal full-day pre-kindergarten program. 1. The

purpose of the universal full-day pre-kindergarten program is to incentivize
and fund state-of-the-art innovative pre-kindergarten programs and to
encourage program creativity through competition.

2. All universal full-day pre-kindergarten programs shall

demonstrate quality on the following elements:

(a) curriculum;

(b) learning environment, materials and supplies;

(c) family engagement;

(d) staffing patterns;

(e) teacher education and experience;

(f) facility quality;

(g) physical well-being, health and nutrition; and

(h) partnerships with non-profit, community and educational institutions.

3. (a) The universal full-day pre-kindergarten program shall make awards

to (i) consolidated applications submitted by school districts which include
pre-kindergarten programs offered by schools, non-profit organizations,
community-based organizations, charter schools, libraries and/or museums,
which shall demonstrate geographic diversity within the area to be served as
well as diversity of providers; and (ii) non-profit organizations, community-
based organizations, charter schools, libraries and museums, which may
apply individually to the extent allowed under paragraph (b) of this
subdivision. Any consolidated application must include, but is not limited to,
the names of individual locations and providers, applicable licenses, facility
lease information, and intended staffing plans and certifications.

(b) Prior to submission of a consolidated application, a school district shall

widely solicit non-profit organizations, community-based organizations,
charter schools, libraries and museums located within the school district to be
included in its application. The school district shall notify any applicant who
has been denied for inclusion in the consolidated application no later than
two weeks prior to submission of such application. Such eligible providers
denied for inclusion may apply individually as provided in paragraph (a) of
this subdivision.

(c) The department shall establish two application periods in advance of a

school year.

(d) Providers awarded slots under this section that they actually utilized
would continue to have such slots renewed in subsequent years provided the
program meets quality standards and all applicable requirements.

4. Programs that provide more stimulation, enhance child development and

demonstrate creative approaches to improve early childhood education will
have a competitive advantage in the application process.

5. The department shall develop a scoring system, which it shall use to

evaluate which applications shall be funded on a competitive basis based on
merit and factors including but not limited to the criteria listed above and
student and community need. Upon review of applications, if the program is
oversubscribed in any region or regions of the state, the department shall
notify the division of the budget, which shall develop a plan for distribution
of available slots within any oversubscribed region. The subscription for the
New York city region is three hundred million dollars. The department shall
allocate full-day pre-kindergarten conversion slots and new full-day pre-
kindergarten slots based on available funding and shall make payments
upon documentation of eligible expenditures in the base year, which shall
be limited to the actual number of slots operated and paid on a per-pupilbasis
pursuant to subdivision fourteen of this section.

6. The department shall develop a statewide inspection protocol,

which shall provide for annual inspections of all universal full-day pre-
kindergarten providers, and shall develop a quality assurance protocol and
physical plant review protocol for such reviews.

7. Statewide universal full-day pre-kindergarten slots shall only

be awarded to support programs that provide instruction for at least
five hours per school day for the full school year and that otherwise
comply with the rules and requirements pursuant to section thirty-six
hundred two-e of this part except as otherwise provided in this section.

8. All teachers in the universal full-day pre-kindergarten program shall

meet the same teacher certification standards applicable to public schools.
Pre-kindergarten teachers providing instruction through this section shall

(a) a teaching license or certificate valid for service in the early childhood
grades; or

(b) a teaching license or certificate for students with disabilities valid for
service in early childhood grades; or

(c) for eligible agencies as defined in paragraph b of subdivision one of

section thirty-six hundred two-e of this part that are not schools, a bachelor's
degree in early childhood education or a related field and a written plan to
obtain a certification valid for service in the early childhood grades as

(i) for teachers hired on or after the effective date of this section as the
teacher for a universal full-day pre-kindergarten classroom, within three
years after commencing employment, at which time such certification shall be
required for employment; and

(ii) for teachers hired by such provider prior to the effective date of this
section for other early childhood care and education programs, no later than
June thirtieth, two thousand seventeen, at which time such certification shall
be required for employment.

9. The process by which applicants submit proposals to collaborate with

the school district or individually to the department, and the renewal process
for such providers, shall take into account any record of violations of health
and safety codes and/or licensure or registration requirements. In addition,
any agency that is cited for a violation classified as an "imminent danger" by
the office of children and family services or as a "public health hazard" by
the New York city department of health and mental hygiene which is not
immediately corrected and which is not of a life threatening or of a grave
and serious nature shall be suspended from the program and, upon
final determination of such violation by the regulating agency, suspended
or terminated from participating in the program under this section based
on the severity of the violation. Provided further, that eligible agencies with a
record of other serious or critical and/or repeated violations that pose a risk
to health or safety shall, upon final determination of such violations, be
suspended or terminated from participating in the program under this
section, and the office of children and family services shall establish statewide
standards for determining such grounds for such suspension or termination
based on violations issued by the applicable regulatory agency.

10. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, a universal full-

day pre-kindergarten provider shall be inspected by the department, the
school district with which it partners, if any, and its respective licensing,
permitting, regulatory, oversight, registration or enrolling agency or entity no
fewer than two times per school year, at least one inspection of which shall be
performed by the eligible agency's respective licensing, permitting, regulatory,
oversight, registration or enrolling agency, as applicable.

11. Facilities providing universal full-day pre-kindergarten under this

section shall meet all applicable fire safety and building codes and any
applicable facility requirements of a state or local licensing or registering
agency and at all times shall maintain building and classroom space in a
manner that ensures and protects the health and safety of students in all
programs statewide, notwithstanding any changes in such applicable codes or

12. Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of subdivision one of section twenty-

eight hundred fifty-four of this chapter and paragraph (c) of subdivision two
of section twenty-eight hundred fifty-four of this chapter, charter schools
shall be eligible to participate in universal full-day pre-kindergarten
programs under this section, provided that all such monitoring,
programmatic review and operational requirements under this section shall
be the responsibility of the charter entity and shall be consistent with the
requirements under article fifty-six of this chapter. The provisions of
paragraph (b) of subdivision two of section twenty-eight hundred fifty-four of
this chapter shall apply to the admission of pre-kindergarten students, except
parents of pre-kindergarten children may submit applications for the two
thousand fourteen--two thousand fifteen school year by a date to be
determined by the charter school upon selection to participate in the
universal full-day pre-kindergarten program. The limitations on the
employment of uncertified teachers under paragraph (a-1) of subdivision
three of section twenty-eight hundred fifty-four of this chapter shall apply
to all teachers from pre-kindergarten through grade twelve.

13. Apportionments under this section shall only be used to

supplement and not supplant current local expenditures of federal, state or
local funds on pre-kindergarten programs and the number of slots in
such programs from such sources. Current local expenditures shall include
any local expenditures of federal, state or local funds used to supplement or
extend services provided directly or via contract to eligible children enrolled
in a universal pre-kindergarten program pursuant to section thirty-six
hundred two-e of this part.

14. (a) The award per pupil for an eligible entity pursuant to subdivision
three of this section shall equal: (i) for each new full-day pre-kindergarten
placement the lesser of the full-day pre-kindergarten per pupil amount or the
total approved expenditures per pupil and (ii) for each existing half-day pre-
kindergarten placement converted into a full-day pre-kindergarten placement
the lesser of (A) the positive difference of the full-day pre-kindergarten per
pupil amount minus the district's selected aid per pre-kindergarten pupil
pursuant to subparagraph (i) of paragraph b of subdivision ten of section
thirty-six hundred two-e of this part or (B) the positive difference of the
total approved expenditures per pupil minus the district's selected aid
per pre-kindergarten pupil pursuant to subparagraph (i) of paragraph b
of subdivision ten of section thirty-six hundred two-e of this part.
Each participating eligible entity pursuant to subdivision three of this section
shall provide its expenses under this provision in a format prescribed by the

(b) For the purposes of this section, "full-day pre-kindergarten per pupil
amount" shall mean (i) for pupils enrolled in programs where the teacher of
record for such pupil holds a teaching certificate issued by the commissioner
in an appropriate certificate title, ten thousand dollars, and (ii) for pupils
enrolled in programs where the teacher of record for such pupil does not
hold a teaching certificate issued by the commissioner in an appropriate
certificate title, seven thousand dollars.

(c) For the purposes of this section, "teacher of record" shall mean the
teacher who is primarily and directly responsible for a student's learning
activities, as reported to the department in a manner prescribed by the

15. Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the following definitions
shall apply:

(a) "regions of the state" shall mean:

(i) Capital Region: Includes Albany, Columbia, Greene,

Rensselaer, Saratoga, Schenectady, Warren, and Washington counties.

(ii) Central New York Region: Includes Cayuga, Cortland,

Madison, Onondaga and Oswego counties.

(iii) Finger Lakes Region: Includes Genesee, Livingston, Monroe, Ontario,

Orleans, Seneca, Wayne, Wyoming and Yates counties.

(iv) Long Island Region: Includes Nassau and Suffolk counties.

(v) Mid-Hudson Region: Includes Dutchess, Orange, Putnam,

Rockland, Sullivan, Ulster and Westchester counties.

(vi) Mohawk Valley Region: Includes Fulton, Herkimer,

Montgomery, Oneida, Otsego and Schoharie counties.

(vii) New York City Region: Includes Bronx, Kings, New York,
Queens and Richmond counties.

(viii) North Country Region: Includes Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Hamilton,

Jefferson, Lewis and St. Lawrence counties.

(ix) Southern Tier Region: Includes Broome, Chemung,

Chenango, Delaware, Schuyler, Steuben, Tioga and Tompkins counties.

(x) Western New York Region: Includes Allegany,

Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Erie and Niagara counties.

(b) "community-based organization" shall mean a provider of child

care and early education, a day care provider, early childhood program
or center, approved preschool special education program, Head Start or other
such community-based organization.

16. The authority of the department to administer the universal full-day

pre-kindergarten program shall expire June thirtieth, two thousand sixteen;
provided that the program shall continue and remain in full effect.

§ 2. This act shall take effect immediately.

§ 2. Severability clause. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section

or part of this act shall be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be
invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair, or invalidate the remainder thereof,
but shall be confined in its operation to the clause, sentence, paragraph,
subdivision, section or part thereof directly involved in the controversy in which
such judgment shall have been rendered. It is hereby declared to be the intent of
the legislature that this act would have been enacted even if such invalid
provisions had not been included herein.

§ 3. This act shall take effect immediately provided, however, that the
applicable effective date of Parts A through CC of this act shall be as specifically
set forth in the last section of such Parts.
From: Buery, Richard
To: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Josh Wallack
Subject: Re: Over to you, gentlemen
Date: Saturday, March 29, 2014 10:19:38 PM


Richard Buery
Sent from my iPhone

> On Mar 29, 2014, at 9:15 PM, "Jonathan Rosen" <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
> Let's do this.
> Sent from my iPhone
From: Hanley, Monica
To: "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"
Subject: Ed board prep
Date: Friday, April 04, 2014 11:31:42 AM

Can u join ed board prep w mayor by phone right now?

Will share dial in if so
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Canfield, Ellyn
Subject: Re: Tomorrow"s speech
Date: Wednesday, April 09, 2014 6:22:30 PM

Thank you!

Sent from my iPad

On Apr 9, 2014, at 6:20 PM, "Canfield, Ellyn" <ECanfield@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Got it – just wanted to check. Thank you!

Ellyn Canfield Nealon
Deputy Director, Mayor’s Office of Special Projects and Community
New York City
(e) ecanfield@cityhall.nyc.gov | (w)212-788-2567 | (c) 718.536.4359
From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2014 6:17 PM
To: Canfield, Ellyn
Subject: Re: Tomorrow's speech
Thanks so much for reaching out.  Really appreciate it.  Unfortunately she can't make it.
 Hope all is well.

Sent from my iPad

On Apr 9, 2014, at 6:12 PM, "Canfield, Ellyn" <ECanfield@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Hey Jonathan,
Just wanted to check in and make sure that anyone  who would like to
join for tomorrow’s Cooper Union speech knows they are more than
welcome! I just noticed that Val did not explicitly receive an invite and
wanted to make sure folks are taken care of.
All the best,
Ellyn Canfield Nealon
Deputy Director, Mayor’s Office of Special Projects and
Community Events
New York City
(e) ecanfield@cityhall.nyc.gov | (w)212-788-2567 | (c)
From: Ragone, Peter
To: "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"; Dodge, Ryan (Probation); Walzak, Phil
Cc: "
Subject: Re: JJA intro
Date: Wednesday, April 09, 2014 8:08:07 PM

From Rosen.
From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2014 08:02 PM
To: Ragone, Peter
Cc: <
Subject: Re: JJA intro
Would lose the ballot box line / election's over.

Need to be a little more modest in transformational section - begun to see

something transformational.  

Real concrete steps to combat inequality. 

Don't love the exhale formulation on policing.  

Sent from my iPad

On Apr 9, 2014, at 6:52 PM, "Ragone, Peter" <pragone@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

What do you think of this?

Jennifer Jones Austin Introduction

Good afternoon, everyone.

My name is Jennifer Jones Austin.

I’m the chief executive of New York City’s Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies.

And about one hundred and fifty days ago, I received the proverbial offer that I
couldn’t refuse.

Our city’s newly elected – and endlessly persistent and persuasive – 109th mayor asked
me to co-chair his transition team.

The directions he gave me and the others on that transition committee were clear –
and they were thrilling.

He wanted our help in assembling a team of managers who reflected the fresh, and
refreshing, outlook he wanted to bring to City Hall.

He wanted administrators who were seasoned, capable, and who could hit the ground

He wanted them to be drawn from the full ethnic and racial panorama of this most
wonderfully diverse of all cities.

And he wanted an Administration committed to the progressive values that he had

campaigned on –

And that the voters of New York City had just unequivocally endorsed at the ballot box.

It was an honor to accept that task…

… Just as it was also a privilege to work with him toward realizing a goal once thought

Securing State funding for free, full-day universal pre-kindergarten education in our
city –

An impossible dream that will begin to become a reality this September.

And he didn't stop there.

My friends, we have witnessed something transformational happen before our eyes in

just over three months.

We've seen the promise of our city grow for so many as he tackled inequality.

We've seen communities and the people who protect them exhale together in a way
they had not before.

And we've witnessed a government run efficiently and effectively in the face of a
serious amount of snow.

Let's thank God its Spring in New York City.

As I said, back in November the Mayor gave me a job to help him build and

Today, he gave me a new job – and it’s one that I gladly accepted in a heartbeat.

Because it’s now my pleasure to introduce him to you, to present his progress report…
… On creating a “Progressive City.”

So without further ado:

Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming the 109th Mayor of the City of
New York:

The Honorable Bill de Blasio. ###

From: Adam Cohen [mailto:
Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2014 06:13 PM
To: Ragone, Peter
Subject: Fwd: JJA intro

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Cory, Bruce" <BCory@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: April 9, 2014 at 3:15:26 PM EDT
To: " <
Subject: JJA intro

See draft, attached.

From: Drew, Chloe
To: Jonathan Rosen (Jonathan@berlinrosen.com)
Subject: Have 2 seconds to talk?
Date: Monday, April 21, 2014 5:50:00 PM

About DCA & JM…

Chloe Drew
Director, Mayor’s Office of Appointments
c. 347-659-4492
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Canfield, Ellyn
Subject: Re: hiya / quick question
Date: Friday, April 25, 2014 10:55:04 AM

No worries at all.  Appreciate it.

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 25, 2014, at 10:53 AM, "Canfield, Ellyn" <ECanfield@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

So sorry that I couldn’t get this done in time! Feel free to reach out anytime!
Ellyn Canfield Nealon
Deputy Director, Mayor’s Office of Special Projects and Community
New York City
(e) ecanfield@cityhall.nyc.gov | (w)212-788-2567 | (c) 718.536.4359
From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2014 5:21 PM
To: Canfield, Ellyn
Subject: RE: hiya / quick question
Thanks much.
From: Canfield, Ellyn [mailto:ECanfield@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2014 5:20 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: RE: hiya / quick question
Hey Jonathan,
The SIPA list is indeed being managed by the SIPA staff, not MO, but let me poke
around and see if I can just add this folks – I’ll get right back to you!
Ellyn Canfield Nealon
Deputy Director, Mayor’s Office of Special Projects and Community
New York City
(e) ecanfield@cityhall.nyc.gov | (w)212-788-2567 | (c) 718.536.4359
From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2014 4:55 PM
To: Canfield, Ellyn
Subject: hiya / quick question
Hey Ellyn,
Are you at all involved with invites for tomorrow’s speech at SIPA?  A former Dinkins
person who now works at Brooklyn Community Services and her boss reached out to me to
see if they could be invited.  They are both SIPA grads etc. 
Names are Marla Simpson (head of Mayor’s Office of Contract Services under Dinkins) and
Julia Rothwax (worked in Dinkins press operation).
Is this possible?  If this is not in your lane and SIPA is inviting no worries.
Jonathan Rosen
BerlinRosen Public Affairs, Ltd.
15 Maiden Lane, Suite 1600
New York, NY 10038
t. 646.452.5637
From: Drew, Chloe
To: "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"
Cc: Steinberg, Dan
Subject: Re: - CPC
Date: Monday, April 28, 2014 6:33:27 PM

Excellent. We'll take a close look at for CPC!

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, April 28, 2014 06:23 PM
To: Drew, Chloe
Subject: Re: - CPC
Is going on the market.  Has lived on riverside drive on uws for a year.  Moved back
into city last year.  Lived in city previously for long time.  

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 28, 2014, at 6:05 PM, "Drew, Chloe" <CDrew@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Hmm - we have her w/ a home address.

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, April 28, 2014 1:44 PM
To: Drew, Chloe
Subject: Re: - CPC
She lives on the upper west side.  

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 28, 2014, at 1:43 PM, "Drew, Chloe" <CDrew@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

So unfortunately looks like she cannot serve on CPC n/c she’s not an NYC
Chloe Drew
Director, Mayor’s Office of Appointments
c. 347-659-4492
From: Drew, Chloe
To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: RE: DCA Senior Level Search
Date: Friday, May 02, 2014 4:36:00 PM

Thanks! I’ll call you in a bit.

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, May 02, 2014 2:54 PM
To: Drew, Chloe
Subject: RE: DCA Senior Level Search
Sure.  Happy to at your convenience. 
From: Drew, Chloe [mailto:CDrew@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, May 02, 2014 9:37 AM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: DCA Senior Level Search
Good morning my friend!
I believe that Peter is going to have a longer conversation with Peter about a range of roles that Julie
Menin is looking to fill but I wonder if you have a couple seconds to talk about a few most important
jobs she needs candidates for? Chief of Staff and 2 senior communications roles are the key ones at
the moment.
Chloe Drew
Director, Mayor’s Office of Appointments
c. 347-659-4492
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Drew, Chloe; Poe-Kest, Anna
Subject: Cultural affairs resume
Date: Monday, May 05, 2014 4:40:15 PM
Attachments: Resume (1).pdf

Attorney at with significant policy experience at the

federal and local levels, as well as lots of non-profit experience in the art world.  Sent from
professional colleague.  I do not know Ms.   Just passing along.  Impressive rez.  Hope
you are enjoying the sunshine.
From: Drew, Chloe
To: Jonathan Rosen; Poe-Kest, Anna
Subject: RE: Cultural affairs resume
Date: Tuesday, May 06, 2014 8:41:49 AM

Wonderful and thank you!!!

Really appreciate it.
From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, May 05, 2014 4:40 PM
To: Drew, Chloe; Poe-Kest, Anna
Subject: Cultural affairs resume

Attorney at with significant policy experience at the

federal and local levels, as well as lots of non-profit experience in the art world. Sent from
professional colleague. I do not know Ms. Just passing along. Impressive rez. Hope
you are enjoying the sunshine.

From: Ebie, Ken
To: "jonathan@berlinrosen.com"
Cc: Drew, Chloe; Washington, Alex; Poe-Kest, Anna
Subject: For your review - DCA Senior Communications Posts
Date: Thursday, May 08, 2014 10:24:50 PM
Attachments: DCA DC External Affairs Coversheet - External.xlsx
DCA - DC External Affairs.zip

Hi Jonathan,
I hope that this email finds you well.  We are currently conducting a search for senior-level
communications positions for DCA Commissioner Menin.  Chloe thought that our preliminary lists
would benefit tremendously from your review and comments.  I’ve attached our candidate lists for
the following positions:
· Deputy Commissioner for External Affairs
· Assistant Commissioner for Communications
The challenge: Commissioner Menin would like to receive these names and start interviews in short
order.  Would you be able to provide us your comments, additional candidates by tomorrow
morning at 10 am?
We greatly appreciate your help with this process.  Please feel free to reach out to me by email or
phone tonight or tomorrow morning – whichever is most convenient.
Many thanks,
Kenneth Ebie
Mayor’s Office of Appointments
Email Contact

M ayo1· Bill de Blasio- New York, NY November 2013- Present

Project Director, Transition Team and Office of Appointments
Leading a team of five working with political organizations , non-profits, government offices, and the private sector to source and hire
diverse, competent, and progressive leadership for major New York City agencies and mayoral offices.
Appointed leadership includes the Commissioners of the Departments of Cultural Affairs, Finance, Probation, Correction, Criminal
Justice, and the Mayor 's Offices oflmmigrant Affairs, among others.
New Yorkers for DeBlasio - New York, NY October- November 2013
Bronx GOTV Field Director
Oversaw borough-wide field operation: planning and execution of operations for 6 sites, involving 8 site coordinators, over 100
volunteers, and phone banking, visibility, and canvassing. Candidate won borough with over 86% of the vote .
Weiner fo1· Mayor- New York, NY June- September 2013
Senior Advisor, Policy and Communications
Researched, wrote, and managed media rollouts of large-scale proposals in two policy books regarding a breadth of issues, including
healthcare, housing, civic engagement, an economic development.
Developed and managed short- and long-term polling-based messaging plans, including constituency-focused press plans.
Oversaw a team of seven researchers and their relationships with non-profits, think tanks, government offices, and the private sector.
Share Our Strength- Washington, D.C. November 2011- June 2013
Business Manager, No Kid Hungry Campaign
Managed the Chief Strategy Officer' s program priorities; designed research-based collateral for consumption by donors, elected
officials, and key stakeholders.
Developed and introduced an "organizational dashboard" that tracked fundraising, programming, and communications results.
United States House of Representatives - Rep . Anthony Weiner (NY-09)
Chief of Staff I Strategic Communications Advisor- Washington , D .C. March - September 2011
Developed a long-term messaging and legislative plans, including staff and budget management .
Managed Washington team of six and directly oversaw $ 1.3 million Member office budget.
Director oflmmigration & E xecutive Affairs - Washington, D .C. M arch 2010- March 2011
Served as scheduling, advance, and deputy communications director, managing media appearances, staff recruitment, and budget .
Continued management of all previously assigned policy portfolios and relationships; produced press content related to these issues.
Director oflmmigration Affairs - Queens, NY and Washington, D .C. March 2009- March 2010
Presided over immigration, LGBT , and foreign affairs portfolios, working closely with House committees, Member offices, federal
agencies, foreign consulates, advocacy groups, and community stakeholders; included writing all press content for relevant issues.
Organized approximately thirty town hall and press events addressing healthcare , immigration, foreign policy, and federal grants.
Director of Immigration & Community Outreach- Queens, NY February 2008- March 2009
Served as a congressional advocate on behalf of constituents with the Departments of Homeland Security and State .
Secured the re-entry into the US a permanent resident imprisoned in Iran and the reunification of over thirty asylum-seeking families.
Additional Campaign Experience
Weiner fo1· C ongress - Queens, NY October- November 2010
Deputy Field Director
Managed political outreach and logistical operations: LGBT, South Asian, and Jewish constituencies, supervised 200 volunteers.
Candidate won district with nearly 70% of the vote .
Pro jects
Consultant, Many Languages One Voice- Developed long-term programmatic, fundraising, and communications strategies for DC-based
non-profit working on language, benefits, and education access challenges faced by immigrants.
Blogger, Huffington Post- Material primary concerning South Asian identity and political representation .

2003-2007 McGill University M ontreal, Canada
B A., h1ternational Development; Minors in South Asian Studies, Hinduism- publication of thesis in Canons; engaged in HIV prevention education inS. Africa

Languages & General Experience

Languages: Hindi: full fluency ; Punjabi: spoken fluency; Spanish , German, French: varying degrees of proficiency
Technical skills: Facebook, Twitter, NGPNAN, Intranet Quomm, Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office suite, and Mac OS systems
Linked 1m®

From: Ebie, Ken
To: jonathan@berlinrosen.com
Cc: Drew, Chloe; Washington, Alex; Poe-Kest, Anna
Subject: FW: For your review - DCA Senior Communications Posts
Date: Thursday, May 08, 2014 10:27:39 PM
Attachments: DCA DC External Affairs Coversheet - External.xlsx
DCA - DC External Affairs.zip
AC for Communications External.xlsx
DCA - AC for Communications.zip

Attaching the coversheet and resumes for the Assistant Commissioner position as well.  Thanks
From: Ebie, Ken
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2014 10:25 PM
To: 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
Cc: Drew, Chloe; Washington, Alex; Poe-Kest, Anna
Subject: For your review - DCA Senior Communications Posts
Hi Jonathan,
I hope that this email finds you well.  We are currently conducting a search for senior-level
communications positions for DCA Commissioner Menin.  Chloe thought that our preliminary lists
would benefit tremendously from your review and comments.  I’ve attached our candidate lists for
the following positions:
· Deputy Commissioner for External Affairs
· Assistant Commissioner for Communications
The challenge: Commissioner Menin would like to receive these names and start interviews in short
order.  Would you be able to provide us your comments, additional candidates by tomorrow
morning at 10 am?
We greatly appreciate your help with this process.  Please feel free to reach out to me by email or
phone tonight or tomorrow morning – whichever is most convenient.
Many thanks,
Kenneth Ebie
Mayor’s Office of Appointments
DCA -- DC for External Affairs
First Name Last Name Current Organization/Title Phone Contact

Project Director, Mayor's Office of

Amit Bagga Appointments
Email Contact

M ayo1· Bill de Blasio- New York, NY November 2013- Present

Project Director, Transition Team and Office of Appointments
Leading a team of five working with political organizations , non-profits, government offices, and the private sector to source and hire
diverse, competent, and progressive leadership for major New York City agencies and mayoral offices.
Appointed leadership includes the Commissioners of the Departments of Cultural Affairs, Finance, Probation, Correction, Criminal
Justice, and the Mayor 's Offices oflmmigrant Affairs, among others.
New Yorkers for DeBlasio - New York, NY October- November 2013
Bronx GOTV Field Director
Oversaw borough-wide field operation: planning and execution of operations for 6 sites, involving 8 site coordinators, over 100
volunteers, and phone banking, visibility, and canvassing. Candidate won borough with over 86% of the vote .
Weiner fo1· Mayor- New York, NY June- September 2013
Senior Advisor, Policy and Communications
Researched, wrote, and managed media rollouts of large-scale proposals in two policy books regarding a breadth of issues, including
healthcare, housing, civic engagement, an economic development.
Developed and managed short- and long-term polling-based messaging plans, including constituency-focused press plans.
Oversaw a team of seven researchers and their relationships with non-profits, think tanks, government offices, and the private sector.
Share Our Strength- Washington, D.C. November 2011- June 2013
Business Manager, No Kid Hungry Campaign
Managed the Chief Strategy Officer' s program priorities; designed research-based collateral for consumption by donors, elected
officials, and key stakeholders.
Developed and introduced an "organizational dashboard" that tracked fundraising, programming, and communications results.
United States House of Representatives - Rep . Anthony Weiner (NY-09)
Chief of Staff I Strategic Communications Advisor- Washington , D .C. March - September 2011
Developed a long-term messaging and legislative plans, including staff and budget management .
Managed Washington team of six and directly oversaw $ 1.3 million Member office budget.
Director oflmmigration & E xecutive Affairs - Washington, D .C. M arch 2010- March 2011
Served as scheduling, advance, and deputy communications director, managing media appearances, staff recruitment, and budget .
Continued management of all previously assigned policy portfolios and relationships; produced press content related to these issues.
Director oflmmigration Affairs - Queens, NY and Washington, D .C. March 2009- March 2010
Presided over immigration, LGBT , and foreign affairs portfolios, working closely with House committees, Member offices, federal
agencies, foreign consulates, advocacy groups, and community stakeholders; included writing all press content for relevant issues.
Organized approximately thirty town hall and press events addressing healthcare , immigration, foreign policy, and federal grants.
Director of Immigration & Community Outreach- Queens, NY February 2008- March 2009
Served as a congressional advocate on behalf of constituents with the Departments of Homeland Security and State .
Secured the re-entry into the US a permanent resident imprisoned in Iran and the reunification of over thirty asylum-seeking families.
Additional Campaign Experience
Weiner fo1· C ongress - Queens, NY October- November 2010
Deputy Field Director
Managed political outreach and logistical operations: LGBT, South Asian, and Jewish constituencies, supervised 200 volunteers.
Candidate won district with nearly 70% of the vote .
Pro jects
Consultant, Many Languages One Voice- Developed long-term programmatic, fundraising, and communications strategies for DC-based
non-profit working on language, benefits, and education access challenges faced by immigrants.
Blogger, Huffington Post- Material primary concerning South Asian identity and political representation .

2003-2007 McGill University M ontreal, Canada
B A., h1ternational Development; Minors in South Asian Studies, Hinduism- publication of thesis in Canons; engaged in HIV prevention education inS. Africa

Languages & General Experience

Languages: Hindi: full fluency ; Punjabi: spoken fluency; Spanish , German, French: varying degrees of proficiency
Technical skills: Facebook, Twitter, NGPNAN, Intranet Quomm, Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office suite, and Mac OS systems
Linked 1m®


M ayo1· Bill de Blasio- New York, NY November 2013- Present

Project Director, Transition Team and Office of Appointments
Leading a team of five working with political organizations , non-profits, government offices, and the private sector to source and hire
diverse, competent, and progressive leadership for major New York City agencies and mayoral offices.
Appointed leadership includes the Commissioners of the Departments of Cultural Affairs, Finance, Probation, Correction, Criminal
Justice, and the Mayor 's Offices oflmmigrant Affairs, among others.
New Yorkers for DeBlasio - New York, NY October- November 2013
Bronx GOTV Field Director
Oversaw borough-wide field operation: planning and execution of operations for 6 sites, involving 8 site coordinators, over 100
volunteers, and phone banking, visibility, and canvassing. Candidate won borough with over 86% of the vote .
Weiner fo1· Mayor- New York, NY June- September 2013
Senior Advisor, Policy and Communications
Researched, wrote, and managed media rollouts of large-scale proposals in two policy books regarding a breadth of issues, including
healthcare, housing, civic engagement, an economic development.
Developed and managed short- and long-term polling-based messaging plans, including constituency-focused press plans.
Oversaw a team of seven researchers and their relationships with non-profits, think tanks, government offices, and the private sector.
Share Our Strength- Washington, D.C. November 2011- June 2013
Business Manager, No Kid Hungry Campaign
Managed the Chief Strategy Officer' s program priorities; designed research-based collateral for consumption by donors, elected
officials, and key stakeholders.
Developed and introduced an "organizational dashboard" that tracked fundraising, programming, and communications results.
United States House of Representatives - Rep . Anthony Weiner (NY-09)
Chief of Staff I Strategic Communications Advisor- Washington , D .C. March - September 2011
Developed a long-term messaging and legislative plans, including staff and budget management .
Managed Washington team of six and directly oversaw $ 1.3 million Member office budget.
Director oflmmigration & E xecutive Affairs - Washington, D .C. M arch 2010- March 2011
Served as scheduling, advance, and deputy communications director, managing media appearances, staff recruitment, and budget .
Continued management of all previously assigned policy portfolios and relationships; produced press content related to these issues.
Director oflmmigration Affairs - Queens, NY and Washington, D .C. March 2009- March 2010
Presided over immigration, LGBT , and foreign affairs portfolios, working closely with House committees, Member offices, federal
agencies, foreign consulates, advocacy groups, and community stakeholders; included writing all press content for relevant issues.
Organized approximately thirty town hall and press events addressing healthcare , immigration, foreign policy, and federal grants.
Director of Immigration & Community Outreach- Queens, NY February 2008- March 2009
Served as a congressional advocate on behalf of constituents with the Departments of Homeland Security and State .
Secured the re-entry into the US a permanent resident imprisoned in Iran and the reunification of over thirty asylum-seeking families.
Additional Campaign Experience
Weiner fo1· C ongress - Queens, NY October- November 2010
Deputy Field Director
Managed political outreach and logistical operations: LGBT, South Asian, and Jewish constituencies, supervised 200 volunteers.
Candidate won district with nearly 70% of the vote .
Pro jects
Consultant, Many Languages One Voice- Developed long-term programmatic, fundraising, and communications strategies for DC-based
non-profit working on language, benefits, and education access challenges faced by immigrants.
Blogger, Huffington Post- Material primary concerning South Asian identity and political representation .

2003-2007 McGill University M ontreal, Canada
B A., h1ternational Development; Minors in South Asian Studies, Hinduism- publication of thesis in Canons; engaged in HIV prevention education inS. Africa

Languages & General Experience

Languages: Hindi: full fluency ; Punjabi: spoken fluency; Spanish , German, French: varying degrees of proficiency
Technical skills: Facebook, Twitter, NGPNAN, Intranet Quomm, Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office suite, and Mac OS systems
From: Drew, Chloe
To: "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"
Subject: Re: For your review - DCA Senior Communications Posts
Date: Friday, May 09, 2014 8:13:58 AM

Happy Friday Jonathan!

Thanks for taking a peek at these.

(You don't need to get back to us by 10am - whenever you have a second today would be great.)

From: Ebie, Ken
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2014 10:24 PM
To: 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com' <jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Drew, Chloe; Washington, Alex; Poe-Kest, Anna
Subject: For your review - DCA Senior Communications Posts
Hi Jonathan,
I hope that this email finds you well.  We are currently conducting a search for senior-level
communications positions for DCA Commissioner Menin.  Chloe thought that our preliminary lists
would benefit tremendously from your review and comments.  I’ve attached our candidate lists for
the following positions:
· Deputy Commissioner for External Affairs
· Assistant Commissioner for Communications
The challenge: Commissioner Menin would like to receive these names and start interviews in short
order.  Would you be able to provide us your comments, additional candidates by tomorrow
morning at 10 am?
We greatly appreciate your help with this process.  Please feel free to reach out to me by email or
phone tonight or tomorrow morning – whichever is most convenient.
Many thanks,
Kenneth Ebie
Mayor’s Office of Appointments
From: Katz, Rebecca
To: Ben Wyskida
Cc: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: Hey Rebecca // Was Pitched on a BDB Documentary by a Good Contact - Can I connect you?
Date: Friday, May 09, 2014 12:29:07 PM

We've met with them and rejected for now. Thx. 

Sent from my iPhone

On May 9, 2014, at 12:24 PM, Ben Wyskida <ben@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Hey Rebecca -

Hope you're well. Quickly, I got pitched by a documentary filmmaking

team who is interested in doing a "Chicagoland/Brick City" sort of thing.
Jonathan mentioned you may be swimming in similar pitches; these guys
asked me for someone to connect them to at City Hall. 

To credential them briefly, its two producers – one, Solly, who just left 60
Minutes and produced Showtime's Years of Living Dangerously; the other
Directed Dirty Wars which was nominated for an Oscar. So they're legit,
and Solly has been a real champion of the firm and our work. 

My case for taking the meeting is a little counter-intuitive, which is: you
guys may have little to no interest in a "Chicagoland" sort of thing, but
you might be able to counter propose something to them or use Solly
down the road. He still produces for 60 Minutes freelance and for a
handful of other nightly newscasts – so it could be a useful relationship. 

In any case, is it okay for me to swing them to you … whether you want
to take the meeting or kill it? 



Ben Wyskida
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5320 desk // 917.825.1289 cell
** See our new website, www.berlinrosen.com
From: Ben Wyskida
To: Katz, Rebecca
Cc: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: Hey Rebecca // Was Pitched on a BDB Documentary by a Good Contact - Can I connect you?
Date: Friday, May 09, 2014 12:43:29 PM

Cool, reject away :-)

I do think Solly could be useful to you guys, but also I can't even imagine what your calendars look like … so
your call!

Ben Wyskida
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5320 desk // 917.825.1289 cell
** See our new website, www.berlinrosen.com

From: Rebecca Katz <RKKatz@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Fri, 9 May 2014 16:42:05 +0000
To: Ben <ben@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Hey Rebecca // Was Pitched on a BDB Documentary by a Good Contact - Can I connect

I think we’re good on documentaries, but you can give them my info.  J
Rebecca Kirszner Katz
Office of the Mayor
(212) 788-3112
From: Ben Wyskida [mailto:ben@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, May 09, 2014 12:42 PM
To: Katz, Rebecca
Cc: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: Hey Rebecca // Was Pitched on a BDB Documentary by a Good Contact - Can I connect

This is a different team that wants to do something very similar

Ben Wyskida
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5320 desk // 917.825.1289 cell
** See our new website, www.berlinrosen.com
From: Rebecca Katz <RKKatz@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Fri, 9 May 2014 16:31:45 +0000
To: Ben <ben@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: Hey Rebecca // Was Pitched on a BDB Documentary by a Good Contact - Can I connect
Actually west with brick city ppl. Is this them or they just want to do same thing?

Sent from my iPhone

On May 9, 2014, at 12:24 PM, Ben Wyskida <ben@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Hey Rebecca -
Hope you're well. Quickly, I got pitched by a documentary filmmaking team who is
interested in doing a "Chicagoland/Brick City" sort of thing. Jonathan mentioned you may be
swimming in similar pitches; these guys asked me for someone to connect them to at City
To credential them briefly, its two producers – one, Solly, who just left 60 Minutes and
produced Showtime's Years of Living Dangerously; the other Directed Dirty Wars which was
nominated for an Oscar. So they're legit, and Solly has been a real champion of the firm and
our work. 
My case for taking the meeting is a little counter-intuitive, which is: you guys may have little
to no interest in a "Chicagoland" sort of thing, but you might be able to counter propose
something to them or use Solly down the road. He still produces for 60 Minutes freelance
and for a handful of other nightly newscasts – so it could be a useful relationship. 
In any case, is it okay for me to swing them to you … whether you want to take the meeting
or kill it? 
Ben Wyskida
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5320 desk // 917.825.1289 cell
** See our new website, www.berlinrosen.com
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Ebie, Ken
Cc: Drew, Chloe; Washington, Alex; Poe-Kest, Anna
Subject: RE: For your review - DCA Senior Communications Posts
Date: Friday, May 09, 2014 3:56:35 PM

Thanks.  Ken should I give you a call to talk through this? 

From: Ebie, Ken [mailto:KEbie@appointments.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2014 10:28 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Drew, Chloe; Washington, Alex; Poe-Kest, Anna
Subject: FW: For your review - DCA Senior Communications Posts
Attaching the coversheet and resumes for the Assistant Commissioner position as well.  Thanks
From: Ebie, Ken
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2014 10:25 PM
To: 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
Cc: Drew, Chloe; Washington, Alex; Poe-Kest, Anna
Subject: For your review - DCA Senior Communications Posts
Hi Jonathan,
I hope that this email finds you well.  We are currently conducting a search for senior-level
communications positions for DCA Commissioner Menin.  Chloe thought that our preliminary lists
would benefit tremendously from your review and comments.  I’ve attached our candidate lists for
the following positions:
· Deputy Commissioner for External Affairs
· Assistant Commissioner for Communications
The challenge: Commissioner Menin would like to receive these names and start interviews in short
order.  Would you be able to provide us your comments, additional candidates by tomorrow
morning at 10 am?
We greatly appreciate your help with this process.  Please feel free to reach out to me by email or
phone tonight or tomorrow morning – whichever is most convenient.
Many thanks,
Kenneth Ebie
Mayor’s Office of Appointments
From: Ebie, Ken
To: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Drew, Chloe; Washington, Alex; Poe-Kest, Anna
Subject: Re: For your review - DCA Senior Communications Posts
Date: Tuesday, May 13, 2014 10:53:51 PM

Hi Jonathan, happy to discuss your thoughts on this list tmrw. What's a good time
to connect?


Sent from my iPhone

On May 13, 2014, at 10:50 PM, "Jonathan Rosen" <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>



Massive apologies for not responding sooner.  Can I call you tomorrow on


Sent from my iPhone

On May 8, 2014, at 10:28 PM, "Ebie, Ken"

<KEbie@appointments.nyc.gov> wrote:

Attaching the coversheet and resumes for the Assistant Commissioner

position as well.  Thanks again!
From: Ebie, Ken
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2014 10:25 PM
To: 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
Cc: Drew, Chloe; Washington, Alex; Poe-Kest, Anna
Subject: For your review - DCA Senior Communications Posts
Hi Jonathan,
I hope that this email finds you well.  We are currently conducting a
search for senior-level communications positions for DCA Commissioner
Menin.  Chloe thought that our preliminary lists would benefit
tremendously from your review and comments.  I’ve attached our
candidate lists for the following positions:
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Deputy Commissioner for
External Affairs
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Assistant Commissioner for
The challenge: Commissioner Menin would like to receive these names
and start interviews in short order.  Would you be able to provide us your
comments, additional candidates by tomorrow morning at 10 am?
We greatly appreciate your help with this process.  Please feel free to
reach out to me by email or phone tonight or tomorrow morning –
whichever is most convenient.
Many thanks,
Kenneth Ebie
Mayor’s Office of Appointments

<DCA DC External Affairs Coversheet - External.xlsx>

<DCA - DC External Affairs.zip>

<AC for Communications External.xlsx>

<DCA - AC for Communications.zip>

From: Singleton, Jessica
To: jonathan@berlinrosen.com
Subject: Intro to Todd Krizelman
Date: Friday, May 16, 2014 10:02:05 AM

Could you please give me his phone number? I’d really like to call him. Have a written (upbeat and
positive!) response but would rather call first. Thanks!
Jessica Singleton
Digital Director @nycgov
From: Fromberg, Rick (Consultant)
To: Mike Rabinowitz; "Alex Navarro-McKay"
Subject: FW: Talking pts
Date: Monday, May 19, 2014 9:23:31 PM
Attachments: Guidance on Administration of UPK by Religious Schools and Other Faith Based Providers Final.pdf

Here you go.

From: Pappas Sophia [mailto:SPappas6@schools.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2014 9:23 PM
To: Fromberg, Rick (Consultant)
Subject: Talking pts
See attached.  Also, here are my thoughts on general framing:
· In the interest of supporting citywide expansion of universal full-day pre-k, City Hall
investigated existing policies that may preclude or significantly limit the ability of certain
communities to participate
· The guidance document describes how we will approach various issues impacting those
· We look forward to working with the Orthodox community and other partners to support
full-day pre-k expansion.
Guidance on Administration of UPK by Religious Schools and Other Faith-Based Organizations

This document provides initial guidance on the administration of UPK programs by religious schools and other faith-
based organizations. Additional policies will be developed based on this guidance in order to advance the Department of
Education’s programmatic goals and quality expectations.

1. Religious Symbols
o Unless it is not practicable, providers must agree to remove or cover any and all religious signs, names,
identification, symbols or insignias on the exterior entrance designated to be used by students and in
those parts of the interior of the building to be used by the students in connection with the UPK

2. Sunday Instruction
o Sunday instruction is permissible.
o District must provide accommodations to families who cannot attend on Sundays.

3. Professional Development on Sundays, Legal Holidays and During the Week Prior to School Opening
o According to NYSED guidelines, there can be no Superintendent’s Conference Days on Saturdays,
Sundays, legal holidays or in July.
o May schedule such days prior to the first day of school (though not on Saturdays, Sundays, legal
holidays or in July)

4. Hiring
o Providers may, to the extent permitted by law, give preference to job applicants of the same religion or
o Services, however, must be delivered in a non-sectarian manner.

5. Cultural & Historical Instruction Using Texts from Religious Traditions

o Religious instruction is not permitted.
o Texts from religious traditions (e.g., the Bible, Torah, Qu’ran, etc.) may be used when presented
objectively as part of a secular program of education using developmentally appropriate strategies in
ways that advance the state pre-k learning standards. For example, instruction may focus on the
characters and events in a story and cultural connections to text.
o Such texts may be used in conjunction with other, secular children’s literature.

6. Blessings in the Context of Meals

o School staff may not lead, require, organize or call for prayer by students during the school day.
o Staff need not prevent students who wish to pray before meals from doing so.

7. Language of Instruction
o Programs must include an English learning component, even if some portion of instruction is conducted
in a non-English language.
o As students acquire English over the course of the school year, more instruction should be conducted in

8. Religious Instruction in the Middle of the Day

o Not permitted

Artifacts, such as mezuzahs, that do not on their face feature religious symbols need not be removed or covered.
From: Fromberg, Rick (Consultant)
To: "Mike Rabinowitz"; Alex Navarro-McKay
Subject: RE: Orthodox TPs
Date: Monday, May 19, 2014 9:23:40 PM

Just got and sent

From: Mike Rabinowitz [mailto:Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2014 9:21 PM
To: Fromberg, Rick (Consultant); Alex Navarro-McKay
Subject: RE: Orthodox TPs
Any luck?
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)
From: Fromberg, Rick (Consultant) [mailto:RFromberg@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2014 5:46 PM
To: Alex Navarro-McKay; Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: RE: Orthodox TPs
Running these down
From: Alex Navarro-McKay [mailto:Alex@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2014 5:01 PM
To: Mike Rabinowitz; Fromberg, Rick (Consultant)
Subject: RE: Orthodox TPs
Alex Navarro-McKay
15 Maiden Lane, #1600
New York, NY 10038
646.360.0651 (office and cell)
Twitter: @NavarroMcKay
From: Mike Rabinowitz
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2014 5:01 PM
To: Fromberg, Rick (Consultant)
Cc: Alex Navarro-McKay
Subject: Orthodox TPs
Do you have orthodox talking points about UPK – how it will affect the orthodox community?
Alex, CCed, can let you know when we need them by, and give you more details if you need them.
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)
From: Mike Rabinowitz
To: Fromberg, Rick (Consultant); Alex Navarro-McKay
Subject: RE: Orthodox TPs
Date: Monday, May 19, 2014 9:26:57 PM

Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)
From: Fromberg, Rick (Consultant) [mailto:RFromberg@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2014 9:24 PM
To: Mike Rabinowitz; Alex Navarro-McKay
Subject: RE: Orthodox TPs
Just got and sent
From: Mike Rabinowitz [mailto:Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2014 9:21 PM
To: Fromberg, Rick (Consultant); Alex Navarro-McKay
Subject: RE: Orthodox TPs
Any luck?
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)
From: Fromberg, Rick (Consultant) [mailto:RFromberg@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2014 5:46 PM
To: Alex Navarro-McKay; Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: RE: Orthodox TPs
Running these down
From: Alex Navarro-McKay [mailto:Alex@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2014 5:01 PM
To: Mike Rabinowitz; Fromberg, Rick (Consultant)
Subject: RE: Orthodox TPs
Alex Navarro-McKay
15 Maiden Lane, #1600
New York, NY 10038
646.360.0651 (office and cell)
Twitter: @NavarroMcKay
From: Mike Rabinowitz
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2014 5:01 PM
To: Fromberg, Rick (Consultant)
Cc: Alex Navarro-McKay
Subject: Orthodox TPs
Do you have orthodox talking points about UPK – how it will affect the orthodox community?
Alex, CCed, can let you know when we need them by, and give you more details if you need them.
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Drew. Chloe; Poe-Kest. Anna ; Hatch. Peter
Subject: Dept of Cultural Affairs - Deputy Commissioner • • • • •
Date: Wednesday, June 04, 2014 1:S4:44 PM
Attachments: resumefll.docx

Hey guys-

I wanted to re-up I flag the resume (attached and pasted below) who put in
for the Deputy Commissioner slot at Cultural Affairs. He's at- now, has a strong exist ing
working relationship wit h Tom and is known and respected in the community. Also has good
relationships wit h agency st aff. St rong political and policy knowledge, knows the players in the
space. He's also a good progressive and an all-around mensch. Hope you will t ake a look.

From: Hatch, Peter
To: Drew, Chloe; Jonathan Rosen; Poe-Kest, Anna
Subject: RE: Dept of Cultural Affairs - Deputy Commissioner -
Date: Wednesday, June 04, 2014 2:49:02 PM

Yes, but did you see my note about Corrections?

From: Drew, Chloe
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2014 2:31 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen; Poe-Kest, Anna; Hatch, Peter
Subject: RE: Dept of Cultural Affairs - Deputy Commissioner -

Excellent and thanks!

This is great.
From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2014 1:55 PM
To: Drew, Chloe; Poe-Kest, Anna; Hatch, Peter
Subject: Dept of Cultural Affairs - Deputy Commissioner -

Hey guys-
I wanted to re-up / flag the resume of (attached and pasted below) who put in
for the Deputy Commissioner slot at Cultural Affairs.  He’s at now, has a strong existing
working relationship with Tom and is known and respected in the community.  Also has good
relationships with agency staff.  Strong political and policy knowledge, knows the players in the
space.  He’s also a good progressive and an all-around mensch.  Hope you will take a look.
From: Norvell, Wiley
To: "Jonathan Rosen"
Subject: RE: Summary of Special Ed Reforms
Date: Tuesday, June 24, 2014 12:34:14 PM

We got Kim Sweet:

“This is a good initial step towards reducing the unnecessary frustration that parents of students
with special needs face as they struggle to find an appropriate education for their children.  Moving
to a less litigious approach will benefit the school system and families of all income levels.”
From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2014 12:31 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: Re: Summary of Special Ed Reforms
Trying.  So far no.  Will keep trying.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 24, 2014, at 11:57 AM, "Norvell, Wiley" <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Any luck?
From: Norvell, Wiley
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2014 10:03 AM
To: jonathan@berlinrosen.com
Subject: Summary of Special Ed Reforms
Who these changes apply to:
Roughly 165,000 students receive IEPs—that’s 18% of our public
school enrollment.
Most of those students are placed in public school programs
that meet the needs of their IEP.
Parents sometimes find that their child has needs that they feel
cannot be met in the public school setting offered to their
child.  Parents then place their child unilaterally and sue the
DOE for reimbursement.  These are called “Carter cases” after
the federal case establishing the right of parents to pursue this
option when they see no other option.  There are
approximately 5,000 such cases in NYC.
What has happened in the past:
The DOE has had a policy of litigating such cases frequently, and
appealing even when a parent won the initial round. Of those
cases it litigated, the DOE lost 75% of the time, but often kept
on litigating anyway, at significant parent and taxpayer expense.
Because so many parents were paying out of pocket for tuition
during litigation—even in cases where the DOE ended up losing
—there arose pressure to legislate new solutions. The
agreement we have reached heads off that legislation and gives
the City an opportunity to correct this problems on its own.
The changes we are putting in place:
The Action Plan announced today will implement the following
changes by September 1, 2014:
•        Expedite Decisions: Where settlement is appropriate,
DOE will seek settlement within 15 days of receiving notice of
parent intent to unilaterally place their child in a school.
•        Reduce Extended Legal Battles: The DOE will refrain from
re-litigating settled or decided cases unless there is a change in
the IEP placement recommendation. The DOE will avoid
unnecessary litigation in cases where the agency is unable to
offer a placement or when a child is about to enter the final
grade of a school.
•        Reduce Paperwork: Instead of requiring parents to
submit full documentation every single year, the DOE will only
require that paperwork every three years, allowing for income
eligibility updates to be made each year as needed.
•        Expedite Payments: DOE will make tuition payments on a
monthly basis when required by a program, and will provide a
payment schedule to parents following any settlement. Once
parents win a claim for tuition reimbursement, the DOE will pay
the tuition while the DOE appeals that decision to a higher level
of review.
Wiley Norvell
Deputy Press Secretary
Office of New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio
(212) 788-2958
(917) 428-8307 (mobile)
From: Drew, Chloe
To: "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"
Subject: Re: Deputy Director, Mayor’s Office of Appointments
Date: Wednesday, July 16, 2014 9:00:54 PM

Lawyer nice to have but def not a must! Just need smart, mature...

Thanks so much!

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2014 08:58 PM
To: Drew, Chloe
Subject: Re: Deputy Director, Mayor’s Office of Appointments
Thanks, Chloe.  Sorry for delayed reply.  Busy 24 hours.  Will think hard on this.  Is
your strong preference a lawyer?  

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 15, 2014, at 8:52 AM, "Drew, Chloe" <CDrew@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

I hope all is well and that you had a great weekend!
We're looking for a superstar for Appointments and I'd love your recommendations -
you always have such great candidates. The Deputy Director is a big role and ideally
the person would have a JD or masters - most importantly I need someone really smart
and savvy.
Job description is below and your ideas of some good people would be so welcome.
Deputy Director, Mayor’s Office of Appointments
The Office of Appointments has the unique opportunity to see and contribute to nearly
every facet of City government. In general, our work requires being flexible and high
energy. We have a collegial and supportive office of people who are both profoundly
devoted to the goals of the administration and focused on doing the necessary work
each day to advance the agenda. The Deputy Director is responsible for developing a
set of relationships with key leaders and advisors both within the administration and
outside. Our work requires complete confidentiality, great attention to detail,
collaboration with internal and external stakeholders, and the ability to learn quickly on
the job.
Role of the Deputy Director,
Management & Oversight: Serve as strategic advisor and supervisor to
various teams including senior staffing and vetting. Partner with the Director
on with staffing, HR, and administration for our staff of 20. This accounts for
10% of the role, and is a mix of administrative and substantive work.
Boards: Oversee the Office of Appointment’s efforts to fill positions on the
City’s over 200 active municipal boards. This involves engaging stakeholders
inside and outside government, analyzing the role of the board and
developing and validating slates of qualified candidates.
Legal Counsel: serve as a legal advisor to the Director of Appointments and
the office, coordinate as necessary with the Counsel to the Mayor’s team and
the Law Department.
The precise responsibilities of the position can be adapted to fit the skills and
experience of the successful candidate.
Ideal qualifications would be a masters or law degree and 5-10 years varied
professional experience including some government work and knowledge of NYC.
Management experience strongly preferred.
The City of New York is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Stanton, Alexandra
Subject: RE: checking in...
Date: Wednesday, July 30, 2014 12:31:37 PM

Nothing yet. 
From: Stanton, Alexandra [mailto:Astanton@appointments.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2014 9:35 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: checking in...
Hey Jonathan – just wanted to see if Mitch Korbe gave you any names for OATH?
Thanks a lot
From: Stanton, Alexandra
To: Jonathan@berlinrosen.com
Subject: FW: a few lines you can send to folks as to what we"re looking for in a CCRB ED
Date: Wednesday, July 30, 2014 1:01:00 PM

Jonathan, we’re also looking for an ED for the CCRB. Any thoughts?
From: Stanton, Alexandra
Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2014 12:55 PM
To: Drew, Chloe
Cc: Rubenstein, Kathleen; Stanton, Alexandra; Mitchell, Brandon
Subject: a few lines you can send to folks as to what we're looking for in a CCRB ED
The successful CCRB Executive Director candidate ought to possess the following characteristics:
Have a high energy, dynamic personality able to inspire the staff (this trait per Richard Emery)
Have management experience, and ideally possess government management experience
Be a lawyer
Possess that neat combination of efficiency and impatience which helps transform moribund
Have a demonstrated commitment to CH’s values along criminal justice lines
Possess experience in investigative integrity-based case development
Fro m: Wolfe. Emma
To: Ragone. Peter; "jfdc@akOOmedia.com"; FLONYC
Cc: §; Walzak. Phil; "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"; Williams. Dominic
Subject: RE: Paid media
Date: Saturday, August 23, 2014 1:44:46 PM


-----Original Message-----
From : Ragone, Peter
Sent: Saturday, August 23, 2014 1:31 PM
To: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'; FLONYC
Cc: B; Walzak, Phil; Wolfe, Emma; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; Williams, Dominic
Subject: Re: Paid media

I totally agree, but I also think this is something we could do with public money as well. In fact, we
spend millions of dollars on public service campaigns already.

What's more, I really believe that social media and non traditional media is key here. Especially for
young people, their phones and streaming video is really where its at, and its cheaper.

I'm working on a very significant plan with Linder that will entail every facet of communications
available to us for a presentation.

----- Original Message -----

From : John Del Cecato [mailto:jfdc@akodmedia.com]
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2014 09:57PM
Cc: B; Ragone, Peter; Walzak, Phil; Wolfe, Emma; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com
<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>; Williams, Dominic
Subject: Re: Paid media

Phew. I was actually reading that again and again and trying to decipher!

> On Aug 22, 2014, at 9:46 PM, "FLONYC" <FLONYC@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

> Correction : Her point is simple: we CAN'T turn the tide sufficiently thru earned media alone.
> > On Aug 22, 2014, at 9:34PM, "B" ~ wrote:
> > Chirlane had the same idea I had, but much bigger and independently: to address the fundamental
issues of police-community relations, we will need a prolonged paid media campaign. We need a
serious discussion of this at our next planning mtg. Could be done via One New York or the Police
Foundation or another entity.
> > Chirlane's bigger vision is that we will have to reinterpret policing to the public. We have to educate
and explain, and call the people to their role and their responsibility in the equation. But of course be
very clear about the reforms we are putting in place and how they will affect people's lives. Her point is
simple: we can turn the tide sufficiently thru earned media alone. The issues are too complex and the
misinformation too great. This requires a big, long offensive. BUT when it's over we may just be able to
change this city to its core.
> > Look forward to discussing
From: Norvell, Wiley
To: jonathan@berlinrosen.com
Subject: re: pre-K
Date: Thursday, September 04, 2014 4:34:01 PM

Don’t want to totally spike the ball totally. Looking to bake “smooth” into the discussion.
Wiley Norvell
Deputy Press Secretary
Office of New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio
(212) 788-2958
(917) 428-8307 (mobile)
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: Re: pre-K
Date: Thursday, September 04, 2014 4:35:07 PM


Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 4, 2014, at 4:34 PM, "Norvell, Wiley" <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Don’t want to totally spike the ball totally. Looking to bake “smooth” into the
Wiley Norvell
Deputy Press Secretary
Office of New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio
(212) 788-2958
(917) 428-8307 (mobile)
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Goldmark, Karin
Cc: Emily Walsh
Subject: Re: Connecting re: Schools
Date: Thursday, September 11, 2014 8:41:09 PM

Noon works.

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 11, 2014, at 5:11 PM, "Goldmark, Karin" <KGoldmark@cityhall.nyc.gov>


Monday bw 8:30 and 9:30 if near City Hall, or 12:00 on.

Or, if need be, I can move my 9:30 without too much trouble.
From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 3:15 PM
To: Goldmark, Karin
Subject: Re: Connecting re: Schools

Nice meeting you. How's Monday morning?

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 11, 2014, at 2:34 PM, "Goldmark, Karin"

<KGoldmark@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Happy to meet, pls let me know what works for you. 
From: Wolfe, Emma
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 2:34 PM
To: Goldmark, Karin; jonathan@berlinrosen.com
Subject: Connecting re: Schools

From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Goldmark, Karin
Subject: Re: Connecting re: Schools
Date: Thursday, September 11, 2014 8:42:15 PM

My morning tmrw just opened up if you are free at 915/930 or we can stick w noon
on Monday.  

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 11, 2014, at 5:11 PM, "Goldmark, Karin" <KGoldmark@cityhall.nyc.gov>


Monday bw 8:30 and 9:30 if near City Hall, or 12:00 on.

Or, if need be, I can move my 9:30 without too much trouble.
From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 3:15 PM
To: Goldmark, Karin
Subject: Re: Connecting re: Schools

Nice meeting you. How's Monday morning?

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 11, 2014, at 2:34 PM, "Goldmark, Karin"

<KGoldmark@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Happy to meet, pls let me know what works for you. 
From: Wolfe, Emma
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 2:34 PM
To: Goldmark, Karin; jonathan@berlinrosen.com
Subject: Connecting re: Schools

From: Goldmark, Karin
To: "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"
Subject: Re: Connecting re: Schools
Date: Thursday, September 11, 2014 9:05:57 PM

Prefer noon Monday, tomw packed.

Where would you like to meet?
From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 08:42 PM
To: Goldmark, Karin
Subject: Re: Connecting re: Schools
My morning tmrw just opened up if you are free at 915/930 or we can stick w noon
on Monday.  

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 11, 2014, at 5:11 PM, "Goldmark, Karin" <KGoldmark@cityhall.nyc.gov>


Monday bw 8:30 and 9:30 if near City Hall, or 12:00 on.

Or, if need be, I can move my 9:30 without too much trouble.
From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 3:15 PM
To: Goldmark, Karin
Subject: Re: Connecting re: Schools

Nice meeting you. How's Monday morning?

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 11, 2014, at 2:34 PM, "Goldmark, Karin"

<KGoldmark@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Happy to meet, pls let me know what works for you. 
From: Wolfe, Emma
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 2:34 PM
To: Goldmark, Karin; jonathan@berlinrosen.com
Subject: Connecting re: Schools

Fro m: Furnas. Benjamin
To : "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"
Subject: RE: ARC Tunnel, Infrastructure conference in DC Oct 28th
Dat e : Friday, October 10, 2014 10:46:41 AM

Thanks for this - looking int o it

From: Ben Furnas [mailto

Sent: Wednesday, October
To: Furnas, Benjamin
Subject: Fwd : ARC Tunnel, I nfrastructure conference in DC Oct 28th

Sent from my iPhone

Begin f01warded message:

From: Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>

Date: October 8 2014 at 6:36:57 PM EDT
To: Ben Fumas
Subject: Fwd: conference in DC Oct 28th

This yom wheelhouse? What do you think? No pressme. Doesn't matter to me

either way.

Sent from my iPhone

Begin f01warded message:

From: "Ochs, Tom" <tom.ochs@dentons.com>

Date: October 8, 2014 at 5:05:58 PM EDT
To: "jonathan@berlimosen.com" < jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: ARC Tunnel, Infrastructure conference in DC Oct 28th


My colleague Phil White (who you met in om office) is leading a

session on the ARC tunnel project at a major infrastru cture
conference in DC at the end of the month. In light of the Mayor's
comments, the group would love to have a representative from the
adminisu·ation present on this panel. It will be a ve1y favorable
audience and is a well attended event that I've been to in recent
years. Below is a link to the sponsor of the conference as well as
more details about the conference itself. Let me know what Phil and
I can do to tly and make this happen, would be a big deal for us if
we could get someone. Thanks.


Tom Ochs
Senior Advisor

D +1 212 398 5783 | US Internal 15783


Dentons US LLP
1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020-1089

SNR Denton is proud to join Salans and FMC as a founding member

of Dentons.

Its 9:30-11 on 10/28 at the Mayflower in DC. Link is www.cg-

From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Ragone, Peter
Subject: Re: This Week-- George Stephanopoulos
Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014 11:44:08 AM

That was earlier.  We pulled back.  Just tell me what to do.  I have cbs hanging.  Let
me know.  

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 20, 2014, at 11:42 AM, "Ragone, Peter" <pragone@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

From: Bosland, Katie [mailto:Katie.Bosland@abc.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2014 11:24 AM
To: Ragone, Peter
Subject: RE: This Week-- George Stephanopoulos
Also- BerlinRosen PR firm is pitching us now about the Mayor for this Sunday. Are you
working alongside them or is that separate?
Katie Bosland Kastens
GMA / This Week
o: 202.222.7331 | c. 347.346.1321
From: Bosland, Katie
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2014 10:26 AM
To: 'pragone@cityhall.nyc.gov'
Subject: This Week-- George Stephanopoulos
Hi Peter-
Just discussed with my team here and we’d love to make it work in December for the
Mayor’s first Sunday show. We are open on dates but if the Mayor can do Sunday the
21 st that week George is anchoring out of NYC and we are thinking we could even aim
to set up the interview location somewhere in NY/charity related since its right before
the holidays and could be a good backdrop for the interview? Let me know if that week
might work for the Mayor and if not we are flexible on other dates as well.
Look forward to working with you,
Katie Bosland Kastens
GMA / This Week
o: 202.222.7331 | c. 347.346.1321
From: Ragone, Peter
To: "jfdc@akpdmedia.com"; B; "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"
Cc: FLONYC; Carey, Michael
Subject: Re: Bam!
Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014 11:45:32 AM

This isn't the best decision, but its been made. We'll work it out.

----- Original Message -----

From: John Del Cecato [mailto:jfdc@akpdmedia.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2014 11:22 AM
To: B; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com' <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>; Ragone, Peter
Cc: FLONYC; Carey, Michael
Subject: Re: Bam!

I defer to Peter on the final call, but here’s my two cents:

1.  I think Face the Nation, while not having the ratings of This Week,
*should* be an easier interview.

Schieffer usually isn't as aggressive as others often are.  (That’s

assuming Bob isn’t on vacation or anything.)

2.  Next Tuesday will be 3 weeks since the election, at which point even
our national audience - hungry as they are to hear from leaders on where
the party should go - will have had their fill of 2014 look-backs.

So if we checked this box on Sunday, we could close the door (for now) on
national stuff & get back to New York-focused media opportunities for the
rest of the year.  I know we’ve got State of the City coming up - that
must be a huge priority.

3.  If we DO agree to the interview, I would conduct it from NYC.  Helps

avoid the Out-of-Town Brown stories* (*Former NYPD police commish Lee
Brown, who became Houston mayor & developed - fairly or unfairly - a
reputation for leaving his day job in Houston too often).

On 11/20/14, 10:45 AM, "B" <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

>What about the bird in hand, my friends?? We have momentum now and we
>should use it. We've been talking about Stephanopoulous for weeks with no
>result -- why keep delaying? And who says we can't get Stephanopulous too
>if we build enough momentum here. He who hesitates is lost...
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
>Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2014 10:41 AM
>To: B; 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com' <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; Ragone, Peter
>Cc: FLONYC; Carey, Michael
>Subject: RE: Bam!
>Peter and I just spoke.  He has something cooking with Stephanopolous at
>ABC which is a much bigger franchise - includes Today etc.  He had billed
>it as exclu / first show.  Even if it means pausing on this - think ABC
>is a bigger get. 
>-----Original Message-----
>From: B [mailto:BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov]
>Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2014 10:39 AM
>To: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'; Jonathan Rosen; Ragone, Peter
>Cc: FLONYC; Carey, Michael
>Subject: Re: Bam!
>Yes, need serious prep time, even if that means Saturday. This is a VERY
>big deal
>----- Original Message -----
>From: John Del Cecato [mailto:jfdc@akpdmedia.com]
>Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2014 10:34 AM
>To: B; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com' <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>; Ragone,
>Subject: Re: Bam!
>Fantastic.  Let’s be sure to do a good prep session, in-person if
>On 11/20/14, 10:30 AM, "B" <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
>>Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2014 10:23 AM
>>To: B; Ragone, Peter; 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com' <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>
>>Subject: RE: Bam!
>>Face the Nation on CBS wants you if exclusive to their network for this
>>Sunday.  Either NYC or DC.  Pls confirm asap.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: B [mailto:BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov]
>>Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2014 11:57 PM
>>To: Ragone, Peter; Jonathan Rosen; 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'
>>Subject: Re: Bam!
>>Excellent!! Now let's double down and try to get on a Sunday show to
>>talk about this. Need the three of you to combine forces on this. Need
>>a full court press. We need to press the advantage while we have a
>>little momentum
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: Ragone, Peter
>>Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2014 11:05 PM
>>To: B
>>Subject: Bam!
>>NYC mayor: Democrats must keep progressive vision
>>By KAREN MATTHEWS, Associated Press
>>Updated 1:48 pm, Wednesday, November 19, 2014
>>NEW YORK (AP) — New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio on Wednesday urged
>>his fellow Democrats to articulate a clear progressive message and
>>reject the "safe" campaign themes that he said doomed them in this
>>month's midterm elections.
>>"The results speak for themselves," de Blasio told Politico's chief
>>White House correspondent Mike Allen. "Folks who didn't try this
>>message lost, sadly, overwhelmingly. The safe messages didn't work."
>>De Blasio also reiterated that he hopes to host the Democrats' 2016
>>national convention and said he has secured $10 million toward his $100
>>million convention goal.
>>De Blasio told Politico that the Democratic presidential nominee
>>"should speak to income inequality ... should be willing to challenge
>>the status quo, should be willing to challenge wealthy and powerful
>>interests and should marry that with a grassroots organizing strategy
>>that epitomizes the message."
>>The remarks, livestreamed from Washington, D.C., echoed a column de
>>Blasio wrote in the Huffington Post last week and suggested that the
>>mayor, who rode a liberal campaign to a lopsided victory last year, is
>>seeking to position himself as a progressive voice on the national stage.
>>De Blasio said a forthright liberal campaign serves Democratic
>>candidates better than the moderate approach that many of them employed
>>this year.
>>"The moderate approach has been proven to fail so consistently, why
>>would you not try a bolder approach?" he asked.
>>De Blasio, who was Hillary Rodham Clinton's 2000 Senate campaign
>>manager, declined to say whether Clinton should run for president and
>>said he has not discussed his campaign ideas with her.
>>Asked which Republican would be the most formidable foe, de Blasio said
>>Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky "evinces a certain authenticity that any
>>good Democrat should worry about."
>>"To the extent that there is a Libertarian philosophy that he sticks to
>>regardless of political convenience, I think that makes him a stronger
>>candidate," de Blasio said.
>>New York City officials are bidding to hold the 2016 Democratic
>>convention at Barclays Center in Brooklyn. The other contenders are
>>Philadelphia; Phoenix; Columbus, Ohio and Birmingham, Alabama.
>>De Blasio said in a news release that New York will be ready "to hit
>>the ground running the moment we're named host of the 2016 convention."
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: Ragone, Peter
>>Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2014 11:04 PM
>>To: 'BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov' <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov>
>>Great clips from national/DC piece today. We're building a nice body of
>>work here for next cycle.
>>Linder and Miller also emailed me about pd thing tonight.
From: B
To: Gunaratna, Mahen; Ragone, Peter
Cc: Hagelgans, Andrea; "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"; "jfdc@akpdmedia.com"; Wolfe, Emma; Leopold, Elana;
Carey, Michael
Subject: Re: Natl/local data
Date: Saturday, December 06, 2014 8:12:47 PM

Excellent work! Thanks!

From: Gunaratna, Mahen
Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2014 08:10 PM
To: Ragone, Peter
Cc: B; Hagelgans, Andrea; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>;
jfdc@akpdmedia.com <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; Wolfe, Emma; Leopold, Elana; Carey, Michael
Subject: Re: Natl/local data
1. Income inequality is the highest it's been in the past 100 years.(source:
Janet Yellin's speech on inequality, which cites Piketty et al in footnote #2 -

2. 32.5% of Americans are living at or near the poverty line (if we're using
the 150% threshold -
source: http://bit.ly/1vZsBoR and http://www.demos.org/blog/10/20/14/one-third-

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 6, 2014, at 7:24 PM, Ragone, Peter <pragone@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

+Mahen to get this for MBDB...

----- Original Message -----

From: B
Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2014 07:23 PM
To: Hagelgans, Andrea; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com' <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; Ragone, Peter;
Wolfe, Emma; Leopold, Elana; Carey, Michael
Subject: Re: Natl/local data

This is the most pertinent of the stats. And now I need the parallel
national stats to what I've said so often locally:

1. We are experiencing the greatest inequality since _____ ? (In the case
of nyc, it's 1929 -- true for USA as well?)

2. % of Americans living at or near the poverty line? In nyc, the 46% is

based on those living under 150% of the poverty level. Example here:
poverty level is about $23,000 annual income for a family of 4 -- the
150% level is about $35,000 for a family of 4. So what % of Americans
are at that level or below in terms of their local economies?


----- Original Message -----

From: Hagelgans, Andrea
Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2014 04:35 PM
To: 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com' <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com' <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; B; Ragone, Peter;
Wolfe, Emma; Leopold, Elana; Carey, Michael
Subject: Re: Natl/local data

From Mahen:
-Earnings for the bottom 90% of Americans fell between 2010 and 2013,
with the poorest the hardest hit. 

- Unbelievably, during that time, incomes for the top 10% rose.

Here's Rattner's recent Times op-ed as

backup: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/11/17/opinion/inequality-

----- Original Message -----

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2014 04:18 PM
To: Hagelgans, Andrea
Cc: jfdc@akpdmedia.com <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; B; Ragone, Peter;
Wolfe, Emma; Leopold, Elana; Carey, Michael
Subject: Re: Natl/local data

Do we have a comp stat to how well the wealthiest Americans are doing
in recovery?  Feel like we need a parallel to just increase in poverty.  

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 6, 2014, at 4:15 PM, "Hagelgans, Andrea"

<AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Here's what mahen recommends:

• The inequality crisis is real - an astounding 46% of New

Yorkers live at or near the poverty level.

• Nationally, it is unacceptable that over 40 million Americans

live in poverty - with tens of millions more also struggling to
get by.
From: Gunaratna, Mahen
To: B
Cc: Ragone, Peter; Hagelgans, Andrea; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; jfdc@akpdmedia.com; Wolfe, Emma; Leopold,
Elana; Carey, Michael
Subject: Re: Natl/local data
Date: Saturday, December 06, 2014 8:42:04 PM

"One Third of a Nation" was a 1938 play about housing problems in NY sponsored
by the Federal Theatre Project/Works Progress Administration (WPA) as part of the
New Deal. It was turned into a film in 1939 and was revived as a play in 2011 at the
Metropolitan Playhouse.

It was also the title of a book published in the early 1980s chronicling oral histories
from the Great Depression.

Main point is that the play, movie, and book are all referencing a line from FDR's
second inaugural address: "I see one-third of a nation ill-house, ill-clad, ill-
nourished." - http://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/5105/

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 6, 2014, at 8:14 PM, B <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Now, find the reference to "One Third of a Nation". My 86 year old aunt, who grew up
during the Depression, referenced this over Thanksgiving. It was a book or speech from
that time. Want to show the continuity with that stat you just sent

From: Gunaratna, Mahen
Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2014 08:10 PM
To: Ragone, Peter
Cc: B; Hagelgans, Andrea; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>;
jfdc@akpdmedia.com <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; Wolfe, Emma; Leopold, Elana; Carey,
Subject: Re: Natl/local data
1. Income inequality is the highest it's been in the past 100
years.(source: Janet Yellin's speech on inequality, which cites Piketty et
al in footnote #2 -

2. 32.5% of Americans are living at or near the poverty line (if

we're using the 150% threshold -
source: http://bit.ly/1vZsBoR and 

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 6, 2014, at 7:24 PM, Ragone, Peter <pragone@cityhall.nyc.gov>

+Mahen to get this for MBDB...

----- Original Message -----

From: B
Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2014 07:23 PM
To: Hagelgans, Andrea; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com' <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; Ragone,
Peter; Wolfe, Emma; Leopold, Elana; Carey, Michael
Subject: Re: Natl/local data

This is the most pertinent of the stats. And now I need the
parallel national stats to what I've said so often locally:

1. We are experiencing the greatest inequality since _____ ?

(In the case of nyc, it's 1929 -- true for USA as well?)

2. % of Americans living at or near the poverty line? In nyc,

the 46% is based on those living under 150% of the poverty
level. Example here: poverty level is about $23,000 annual
income for a family of 4 -- the 150% level is about $35,000
for a family of 4. So what % of Americans are at that level or
below in terms of their local economies?


----- Original Message -----

From: Hagelgans, Andrea
Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2014 04:35 PM
To: 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com' <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; B;
Ragone, Peter; Wolfe, Emma; Leopold, Elana; Carey, Michael
Subject: Re: Natl/local data

From Mahen:
-Earnings for the bottom 90% of Americans fell between 2010
and 2013, with the poorest the hardest hit. 

- Unbelievably, during that time, incomes for the top 10%


Here's Rattner's recent Times op-ed as

----- Original Message -----
From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2014 04:18 PM
To: Hagelgans, Andrea
Cc: jfdc@akpdmedia.com <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; B;
Ragone, Peter; Wolfe, Emma; Leopold, Elana; Carey, Michael
Subject: Re: Natl/local data

Do we have a comp stat to how well the wealthiest Americans

are doing in recovery?  Feel like we need a parallel to just
increase in poverty.  

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 6, 2014, at 4:15 PM, "Hagelgans, Andrea"

<AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Here's what mahen recommends:

• The inequality crisis is real - an astounding 46%

of New Yorkers live at or near the poverty level.

• Nationally, it is unacceptable that over 40 million

Americans live in poverty - with tens of millions
more also struggling to get by.
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
To: Gunaratna, Mahen; B
Cc: Ragone, Peter; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; jfdc@akpdmedia.com; Wolfe, Emma; Leopold, Elana; Carey,
Subject: Notes from Call
Date: Saturday, December 06, 2014 8:49:34 PM

Here are Emma's notes:

George: what are you saying about HRC

· *I’m hopeful that she will make this a centerpiece if she decides to run. Because I believe that the
candidate that does so is going to be the next president *

· That’s where the people are.

George: So, you’re concerned about direction of party and next  candidate. Do you think
HRC will make a good president?

· *Yes, of course. Talk about her qualifications and how well you know her.  She’s incredibly capable
and well-qualified. Like many Americans I look forward to hearing what her plans are.*

· *Extraordinarily capable person who will bring a lot to the presidency.  I’m not here to talk about
individual candidacies though – I’m here to talk about where we need to go as a party. President,
governor’s offices, senate seats – what all our candidates are going to have to do if we’re going to fix
the fundamental problems in our country – not to mention win elections.*

· That is also the only plausible political path forward.

George: Patrick last week said primaries are good. Do you want Hilary to have a primary?

· Primaries can be good things if positive ideas are discussed.

· Negative personal and nasty primaries can be destructive.

· I’m not here to talk about who the candidates are or how many we have. I’m here to talk about the
issues we need to talk about – and we are failing right now to do this.  The party needs to unite with a
commitment to take on income inequality head on. Our candidates have to be the candidates talking
about this issue – bluntly, clearly.

· While the primary conversation is premature it’s also not the point.  The convo is too often about
candidates and personalities. We need to talk about ideas, what people can believe in.

George:  a lot of people noted in march and april of 2008 a different Hilary who spoke much
more passionately who spoke about the reality of working people. Do you see something in
that example?
· Yes I was in ohio

· She spoke powerfully to people’s experiences

· That’s what democrats need to do this time

George: So she could have won if she’d talked about these issues more?

· I think we were only beginning to really feel these issues in 2008

· This crisis has profoundly deepened in last 8 years

· It’s changed the way people think and what they need from their leaders

George: If she runs, do you endorse her?

· I’ve got my own policy/philosophy - I don’t talk about endorsements before someone announces
their candidacy, I just don’t.

General rules on HRC questions:

· Praise capacity, pivot back to where we need to go as a party.
· Not about candidates, about our party and nation.
· HRC has obviously not made decision, and not productive to talk about candidacies until individuals
announce. What I care about is…pivot back.
· Don’t be incendiary. // Don’t give it away.

George: State Republican chairman said you may run for president. Would you accept that
VP nomination?

· Pure dismissal.

· Re-election of mayor of NYC

· Republican state chairman as spokesperson

George: Are there people like Eliz Warren on national stage who are picking up this torch
and carrying this message?

· Go back to your op-ed. Al Franken, Jeff Merkely, look who won in this wave year.

· Lots of Dems who bucked the trend this cycle.

· Gov Molloy, Gov Brown – all of them are talking about these issues.

· The problem is, too many Democrats aren’t.

· This has to become an article of faith in our party. We’re going to address incoming inequality head

George: Would Eliz Warren be a good president?

· Praise capacity as Senator and she’s doing great job, pivot back to where we need to go as a party.

· Not about candidates, about our party and nation.

George: Let’s talk about the other Clinton. The things you’re saying seem to be opposed to
both the idea of Pres Clinton (more moderate approach) but also very consistent with
liberal critique of his presidency, tilting toward Wall Street, home lenders, welfare reform,
nafta, etc. One could hear a rebuke of President Clinton.

· Commend broadly, but then…

· We’re in a new economic reality that doesn’t have a parallel, I don’t think that’s an appropriate
· Look at where we’ve come since 2008
· Top one percent has come roaring back, everybody else has been left behind, and the question
confronting us is what are we going to do about it 

George: HRC has gotten the memo it seems – she’s coming to the left wing of the
Democratic party over the past weeks.

· I think she is thinking about these issues. But again, Democrats have to speak to them bluntly,
incessantly, etc across the board.

George: everything you’re saying really comes down to taxing the rich.

· Yes quite obvious – we are a country that used to have a lot more regulation, we had more
taxation for the wealthiest – it allowed us to build finest higher education, hospitals, transportations. We
did all that when we had a more equitable tax structure and more forceful regulation. It yielded a more
prosperous society that benefited more Americans.

George: so then let’s go back to 2008, which you keep referring to. Has POTUS failed on
income inequality in your mind?

· The democratic party as a whole should’ve done more on these issues….health care reform and
taking on wall street …

· POTUS has done some important things – but we’ve needed to do more in response to the crisis
and we need to do more now.

From: Gunaratna, Mahen

Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2014 8:42 PM
To: B
Cc: Ragone, Peter; Hagelgans, Andrea; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; jfdc@akpdmedia.com; Wolfe,
Emma; Leopold, Elana; Carey, Michael
Subject: Re: Natl/local data

"One Third of a Nation" was a 1938 play about housing problems in NY sponsored by the
Federal Theatre Project/Works Progress Administration (WPA) as part of the New Deal. It
was turned into a film in 1939 and was revived as a play in 2011 at the Metropolitan

It was also the title of a book published in the early 1980s chronicling oral histories from the
Great Depression.

Main point is that the play, movie, and book are all referencing a line from FDR's second
inaugural address: "I see one-third of a nation ill-house, ill-clad, ill-nourished." -

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 6, 2014, at 8:14 PM, B <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Now, find the reference to "One Third of a Nation". My 86 year old aunt, who grew up
during the Depression, referenced this over Thanksgiving. It was a book or speech from
that time. Want to show the continuity with that stat you just sent
From: Gunaratna, Mahen
Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2014 08:10 PM
To: Ragone, Peter
Cc: B; Hagelgans, Andrea; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>;
jfdc@akpdmedia.com <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; Wolfe, Emma; Leopold, Elana; Carey,
Subject: Re: Natl/local data

1. Income inequality is the highest it's been in the past 100 years.(source:
Janet Yellin's speech on inequality, which cites Piketty et al in footnote #2 -

2. 32.5% of Americans are living at or near the poverty line (if we're using
the 150% threshold -
source: http://bit.ly/1vZsBoR and http://www.demos.org/blog/10/20/14/one-

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 6, 2014, at 7:24 PM, Ragone, Peter <pragone@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

+Mahen to get this for MBDB...

----- Original Message -----

From: B
Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2014 07:23 PM
To: Hagelgans, Andrea; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com' <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; Ragone, Peter;
Wolfe, Emma; Leopold, Elana; Carey, Michael
Subject: Re: Natl/local data

This is the most pertinent of the stats. And now I need the parallel
national stats to what I've said so often locally:

1. We are experiencing the greatest inequality since _____ ? (In the

case of nyc, it's 1929 -- true for USA as well?)

2. % of Americans living at or near the poverty line? In nyc, the

46% is based on those living under 150% of the poverty level.
Example here: poverty level is about $23,000 annual income for a
family of 4 -- the 150% level is about $35,000 for a family of 4. So
what % of Americans are at that level or below in terms of their
local economies?

----- Original Message -----
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2014 04:35 PM
To: 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com' <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com' <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; B; Ragone,
Peter; Wolfe, Emma; Leopold, Elana; Carey, Michael
Subject: Re: Natl/local data

From Mahen:
-Earnings for the bottom 90% of Americans fell between 2010 and
2013, with the poorest the hardest hit.

- Unbelievably, during that time, incomes for the top 10% rose.

Here's Rattner's recent Times op-ed as

backup: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/11/17/opinion/inequality-

----- Original Message -----

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2014 04:18 PM
To: Hagelgans, Andrea
Cc: jfdc@akpdmedia.com <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; B; Ragone,
Peter; Wolfe, Emma; Leopold, Elana; Carey, Michael
Subject: Re: Natl/local data

Do we have a comp stat to how well the wealthiest Americans are

doing in recovery? Feel like we need a parallel to just increase in

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 6, 2014, at 4:15 PM, "Hagelgans, Andrea"

<AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Here's what mahen recommends:

• The inequality crisis is real - an astounding 46% of

New Yorkers live at or near the poverty level.

• Nationally, it is unacceptable that over 40 million

Americans live in poverty - with tens of millions more
also struggling to get by.
From: Ragone, Peter
To: Hagelgans, Andrea; "jfdc@akpdmedia.com"; "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"
Cc: B; Wolfe, Emma
Subject: Re: Natl/local data
Date: Sunday, December 07, 2014 8:21:07 AM

Note this passage, esp Schumer.

Some have been critical of Democrats for abandoning the populist message that once resonated
with blue-collar whites. That’s something they’ll have to fix if they hope to turn things around in

Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) has started that conversation on the left, arguing that Democrats
misallocated their resources passing the healthcare law when they had majorities in both chambers.
They should have focused on the plights of the middle class after the economic meltdown, he
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2014 08:15 AM
To: Ragone, Peter; 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com' <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
Cc: B; Wolfe, Emma
Subject: RE: Natl/local data
And here's the Hill's take

1) collapse among white voters - Landrieu’s support among black voters in Louisiana is nearly universal,
but strategists in the state wondered if there were enough of them to counteract Cassidy’s huge lead
among white voters. They were note
2) Keystone vote
3) Republican spending compared with Dem spending
4) Conservatives rallied early
5) Doomed from start - The midterm electorate is typically more favorable to Republicans, and voters
were ready to take out their frustrations with President Obama on any Democrat that had the bad
fortune of running in 2014.


Sen. Mary Landrieu’s (D-La.) luck ran out Saturday night. 

The Democrat’s colleagues talk about her as a fighter who has won tough runoff elections in red
Louisiana before, even if she was the underdog against Rep. Bill Cassidy (R-La.). But in 2014, a host of
factors conspired to keep her from ultimately falling short for a fourth term. 
Collapse among white voters 
Landrieu’s support among black voters in Louisiana is nearly universal, but strategists in the state
wondered if there were enough of them to counteract Cassidy’s huge lead among white voters.
There were not. 
Landrieu’s percentage of the black vote was in the high 90s on Nov. 4, but Cassidy took more than 80
percent of the white vote.
Democrats, particularly those in the South, have suffered a complete collapse among white voters.
Landrieu was the last white Democrat from the Deep South in the Senate, and none remain in the
Some have been critical of Democrats for abandoning the populist message that once resonated with
blue-collar whites. That’s something they’ll have to fix if they hope to turn things around in 2016. 
Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) has started that conversation on the left, arguing that Democrats
misallocated their resources passing the healthcare law when they had majorities in both chambers.
They should have focused on the plights of the middle class after the economic meltdown, he argued.
Fail Marys
Landrieu steamrolled into the lame duck session intent on passing a bill authorizing the Keystone XL
If it worked, it would put space between herself and an unpopular president, remind voters in the
energy-rich state of her seniority on a key energy committee, and would be evidence she has the clout
to pull together a Democratic coalition when it mattered most. 
She fell one vote shy in an embarrassing defeat, while a version of the bill sponsored by Cassidy sailed
through the House.
“A Keystone bill did pass one chamber of Congress, that was the Cassidy bill,” Cassidy said at a debate
last week. “Sen. Landrieu could not get that passed in the Senate.” 
Landrieu’s true last gasp was to call into question Cassidy’s character. In the final weeks of the race,
she turned the entire focus of her campaign to allegations that Cassidy overbilled Louisiana State
“He’s going to be fighting more than President Obama,” Landrieu said at the debate. “If he gets
elected, which I doubt, he will be fighting subpoenas because this is going to be under investigation.” 
But Cassidy called the allegations “absolutely false” and effectively beat them back. Strategists in the
state say it was too late for the controversy to take hold anyway.
Assault on the airwaves
This one wasn’t even close. 
According to an analysis by the Center for Public Integrity, Republicans and outside conservative groups
pummeled Landrieu on TV and the radio, while the Louisiana Democrat was effectively silenced during
the runoff period. 
The numbers are staggering – ads from outside groups attacking Landrieu at one point accounted for
about 13,900 of the 14,000 TV spots that ran since the Nov. 4 jungle primary. 
“I wish she had more air cover,” Sen. Joe Donnelly (D-Ind.) told The Hill. “I was there [campaigning]
because she’s my friend, but more importantly she’s done an extraordinary job for the people of
Louisiana and you don’t abandon your friends when times get tough.”
It was a stark contrast from the run-up to the Nov. 4 election, when the Democratic Senatorial
Campaign Committee and other liberal groups bet big, running about 19,000 TV ads.
But the Nov. 4 elections left many political watchers doubtful that Landrieu could survive another tough
contest in the face of a Republican wave, and with the Senate majority no longer at stake, national
Democrats and liberal groups opted to sit on their money. 
Senate Democrats' campaign arm announced early in the runoff period it wouldn’t spend on the
race. The DSCC took out a $10 million loan in October, but spent big on races it ultimately lost on
Election Day.
“The DSCC had no money, so it wasn’t that they pulled it,” Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fla.) told The Hill.
Senate Democrats interviewed by The Hill said they did what they could to help Landrieu with money,
but the conservative outside groups smelled blood and went all in.
Landrieu’s campaign was also swamped by ads from the Cassidy campaign, which ran nearly 5,000 TV
ads against Landrieu’s 3,000 during the runoff period. Cassidy had more spending flexibility by virtue of
out-raising Landrieu by about $500,000 during the runoff.           
Cassidy rallied conservatives early
Cassidy recognized early on that he needed to target those Republicans who supported Tea Party
candidate Rob Maness in the general election. Maness took 14 percent and likely kept Cassidy from
winning the jungle primary outright.
Democrats argued that those conservatives would stay home for the Dec. 6 runoff, but Maness
embraced his one-time rival early in the period, and a snowball effect of Republican support ensued. 
Conservatives like Family Research Council President Tony Perkins, former vice presidential nominee
Sarah Palin, and the Tea Party Express, who backed Maness in general election, became vocal
proponents of Cassidy. Other Republicans who stayed out of the race during the general election, like
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R), soon followed. 
Paul headlined the first “unity rally” in Louisiana for Cassidy about a week after Election Day, which
caught on and became must-attend events for party heavyweights.
In addition to Paul, Palin and Jindal, Sen. David Vitter (R-La.), “Duck Dynasty”star Phil Robertson, Sen.
John McCain (R-Ariz.), and Dr. Ben Carson have all participated. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Sen.
Marco Rubio (Fla.), Texas Gov. Rick Perry and Sen. Tim Scott (S.C.) all participated.
Democrats began turning out for Landrieu on the campaign trail after the Keystone gambit, but
strategists say by then all the energy in the campaign was on Cassidy’s side.
Doomed from the start 
The deck was deeply stacked against the Louisiana Democrat.
The midterm electorate is typically more favorable to Republicans, and voters were ready to take out
their frustrations with President Obama on any Democrat that had the bad fortune of running in 2014.
The Republican wave earned the GOP their largest majority in the House in decades, and they easily
picked up a convincing majority in the Senate.
Landrieu on Saturday joined her colleagues, Sens. Mark Begich (D-Alaska), Kay Hagan (D-N.C.), Mark
Pryor (D-Ark), and Mark Udall (D-Colo.), as Democratic incumbents who were washed out in the wave.
If Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) runs for governor, and Landrieu has the appetite for another campaign, she
may find more favorable political winds in 2016.

From: Hagelgans, Andrea

Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2014 7:50 AM
To: Ragone, Peter; 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
Cc: B; Wolfe, Emma
Subject: RE: Natl/local data

Here's Politico's take.

Passages of interest:

Landrieu, the three-term incumbent who chairs the Senate Energy Committee, found herself cut off and
left for dead by national Democrats after party strategists decided she had no realistic path to victory in
Saturday’s Bayou State runoff. She lost much of her clout when Democrats lost their majority, and her
failure to pass legislation to move forward with the Keystone XL pipeline in the lame duck session last
month made her look politically impotent.

Cassidy, a medical doctor, first elected to a Baton Rouge-area congressional seat in 2008, ran an
uninspiring but mistake-free campaign that capitalized on increasing hostility to the Democratic party in
Louisiana and throughout the Deep South.

....But the reputation she cultivated as a moderate was no match for the increasing toxicity of the
Obama brand in the state.

Before the November election, Landrieu’s campaign aggressively reached out to the African-American
community, which is about one-third of the electorate. But they did so carefully to avoid linking the
senator too closely with Obama.


In the final insult of a devastating 2014 election for Democrats, Sen. Mary Landrieu, the party’s last
remaining statewide officeholder from the Deep South, was trounced Saturday in the head-to-head
Louisiana Senate runoff election.

Republican Bill Cassidy’s resounding victory is the ninth Senate seat picked up by the GOP in this year’s
elections, three more than the party needed to take control of the chamber. With nearly all the ballots
counted, Cassidy led Landrieu by 14 points, 57 percent to 43 percent.

“On November 4th, the American people sent a message that they didn’t like the direction our country
was heading,” Cassidy said in his victory speech. “Our state is the exclamation mark on that message.”

His win gives Republicans a four-seat cushion going into 2016, when the party is seeking to protect its
first Senate majority since 2006. The next election cycle’s Senate map is as bad for Republicans as this
year’s was for Democrats, with the GOP forced to defend seven seats in states President Barack Obama
carried twice.

Landrieu, the three-term incumbent who chairs the Senate Energy Committee, found herself cut off and
left for dead by national Democrats after party strategists decided she had no realistic path to victory in
Saturday’s Bayou State runoff. She lost much of her clout when Democrats lost their majority, and her
failure to pass legislation to move forward with the Keystone XL pipeline in the lame duck session last
month made her look politically impotent.

Cassidy, a medical doctor, first elected to a Baton Rouge-area congressional seat in 2008, ran an
uninspiring but mistake-free campaign that capitalized on increasing hostility to the Democratic party in
Louisiana and throughout the Deep South.

It was the final major race of a 2014 election cycle in which Republicans won nearly every battleground
Senate election, gained three governorships and at least 246 House seats. Democrats’ efforts to localize
many of these contests fell flat, and Republicans succeeded in making the election a referendum on the
unpopular president.
Cassidy, excited as he addressed a throng of supporters in Baton Rouge, wrapped up his speech by
yelling “Boom!” — and then making his way off stage to celebrate.

Sen. Jerry Moran (R-Kan.), the outgoing chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee,
noted that Cassidy will be one of a dozen new Republican senators to take office next month and added
that, with his win, “ Republicans now control every Senate seat, governor’s mansion and legislative body
from the Texas high plains to the Atlantic coast of the Carolinas.”

Obama — and his 39-percent approval rating in the November exit poll — has been an anchor on
Landrieu all year. In 2008, Landrieu won a majority on election night — pulling 205,000 more votes than
Obama and avoiding a runoff.

But the reputation she cultivated as a moderate was no match for the increasing toxicity of the Obama
brand in the state.

During the open primary election last month, Landrieu won just 18 percent of the white vote, according
to exit polls, compared to 33 percent six years ago. She got 42 percent overall; since no candidate
earned a majority of the vote, the top two finishers went to a runoff.

Landrieu, delivering her concession at the Roosevelt Hotel in the Big Easy just an hour after polls
closed, received some of the loudest cheers when she mentioned her vote for Obamacare.
“This is something to be proud of, and I’m glad we fought for it,” she said, describing her own record as
one of “courage.”

Cassidy, 57, ran a low-profile campaign featuring fewer public events. He made the remarkable decision
to spend Wednesday and Thursday in Washington for routine House votes, a reflection of his
The only debate of the runoff took place Monday and produced nothing close to a game-changing
moment. Cassidy was awkward and stiff, while Landrieu tried to gin up controversy over him earning
$20,000-a-year to practice medicine at Louisiana State University while collecting his congressional
Landrieu found herself on the defensive for improperly billing taxpayers more than $30,000 in private
charter flights to campaign events since 2002. But the debate mainly focused on the issues that have
defined the contest, such as Obamacare, gun control and abortion. Landrieu is on the wrong side of the
state’s electorate on each.

She made two significant strategic miscalculations. First, she thought she could win outright in
November and spent accordingly — burning through almost $16 million, more than double what Cassidy
spent. Second, she thought control of the Senate could come down to the results in Louisiana, which
would guarantee national Democrats spent millions — or maybe tens of millions — on her behalf.

Neither came to pass. Just two days after the first round of voting, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign
Committee canceled $1.9 million of advertising reservations it had made to help in the runoff.
Landrieu publicly criticized the party for giving up on her, and she asked female colleagues to try
cajoling DSCC leaders to reverse their decision.

The National Republican Senatorial Committee also scaled back its buys after the Democrats pulled out
but still spent around $1 million in the runoff. Also spending around $1 million were American
Crossroads, Freedom Partners and the National Rifle Association. Ending Spending, the conservative
group, spent $1.7 million on TV ads and direct voter contact.

The Republican National Committee said it spent $2.9 million on the ground game, including an effort to
test new tactics it wants to try during the 2016 presidential campaign.

The main outside group helping Landrieu on TV during the runoff was the Humane Society Legislative
Fund, which spent a paltry $123,000.
In total, outside groups supporting Landrieu aired about 100 TV ads, compared to more than 6,000
commercials from anti-Landrieu groups.
Before the November election, Landrieu’s campaign aggressively reached out to the African-American
community, which is about one-third of the electorate. But they did so carefully to avoid linking the
senator too closely with Obama.
During the runoff, the campaign became much less cautious. Her chief of staff was caught on hidden
camera bragging to a predominantly African-American crowd that his boss votes with Obama 97 percent
of the time and would continue to — a statistic already being cited in Republican attack ads.
Also believing the runoff was ultimately a base election, Cassidy focused on winning over conservatives
who didn’t vote for him in the first round. The Friday after the election, Cassidy took fellow Republican
Rob Maness, who won 14 percent of the vote in the primary, to dinner at Ye Olde College Inn in New
Orleans. Maness agreed to endorse Cassidy at a unity rally the following Monday.
The phones were ringing off the hook at Cassidy campaign headquarters with top-flight surrogates,
including potential presidential candidates, trying to help so they could claim some credit for an
anticipated win. Among those who campaigned on the ground were Sens. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and Marco
Rubio (R-Fla.), along with former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.), neurologist Ben Carson and Sen.-elect
Joni Ernst (R-Iowa). Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) sent fundraising emails, and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush
headlined a high-dollar fundraiser in Washington this week.
Landrieu brought in a handful of lesser-known Senate colleagues. Hillary Clinton hosted a fundraiser for
her at the start of this week, but it was in New York City.
Cassidy was not seen as running a strong campaign. If the majority was at stake Saturday, or polls
showed the race in play, national Republicans planned to send several operatives to help right the ship.
But there was really no need. Landrieu made a last-ditch bid during the lame duck to demonstrate her
clout by passing the Keystone XL pipeline bill. She pushed her colleagues hard and had support from
every Republican senator, but she fell short of breaking a filibuster by one vote.
The Landrieu dynasty is not over. Her brother, Mitch, is the fairly popular mayor of New Orleans and
may try to run for statewide office in the future. In her concession, Landrieu said “Louisiana will always
be worth fighting for” and promised that her family “will continue to do so.”
Indeed, as soon as she finished her speech, Taylor Swift’s hit song “Shake It Off” started blasting
through the ballroom.
The Louisiana governorship is opening up next year, as outgoing Gov. Bobby Jindal plots a presidential
campaign. GOP Sen. David Vitter is the frontrunner to succeed him, which could create a vacancy when
his seat is up for election again in 2016.
Republicans also held onto two Louisiana House seats in runoffs on Saturday in solidly GOP districts.
Ralph Abraham won the seat currently held by GOP Rep. Vance McAllister, who finished fourth in last
month’s primary following an adultery scandal. In the race for Cassidy’s House seat, Republican Garret
Graves beat former Democratic Gov. Edwin Edwards, the colorful, 87-year-old seeking political
redemption after felony convictions for corruption.
Cassidy tried to strike a conciliatory tone near the end of his speech, saying he wanted to let those who
opposed him know: “I don’t care that you voted for Sen. Landrieu. I am here to serve you too.”
But he also couldn’t help cracking a joke about his outreach efforts. “I did a robocall in Spanish,” he
said. “It probably cost me votes.”

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2014/12/bill-cassidy-mary-landrieu-2014-louisiana-senate-


From: Ragone, Peter

Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2014 7:41 AM
To: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
Cc: Hagelgans, Andrea; B; Wolfe, Emma
Subject: Re: Natl/local data


What's out line on the LA Senate race and Landrieu getting beat last night? Did she run away from
Dem principles? I don't think we followed it that closely here and I could see this being the natural
follow today.

From: John Del Cecato [mailto:jfdc@akpdmedia.com]

Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2014 06:26 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Hagelgans, Andrea; B; Ragone, Peter; Wolfe, Emma; Leopold, Elana; Carey, Michael
Subject: Re: Natl/local data

One more

"Saez and Zucman show that, in America, the wealthiest 160,000 families own as much
wealth as the poorest 145 million families"

On Dec 6, 2014, at 3:18 PM, Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Do we have a comp stat to how well the wealthiest Americans are doing in
recovery? Feel like we need a parallel to just increase in poverty.

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 6, 2014, at 4:15 PM, "Hagelgans, Andrea"

<AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Here's what mahen recommends:

• The inequality crisis is real - an astounding 46% of New Yorkers

live at or near the poverty level.

• Nationally, it is unacceptable that over 40 million Americans live

in poverty - with tens of millions more also struggling to get by.
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Howe, Amanda
Subject: RE: DNC in Daily News: request from the Mayor
Date: Monday, January 26, 2015 11:30:38 AM

Forwarding you the string on this.  We NEED some DNC members on background in general.  Why
can’t we get a Bob Zimmerman or Leah Daughtry to throw some shade on background? 
Sending you other stuff now.
From: Howe, Amanda [mailto:AHowe@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2015 11:29 AM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Fw: DNC in Daily News: request from the Mayor

Hi there,

Any suggestions for below? Dnc officials wont say anything more

From: Ragone, Peter
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2015 11:17 AM
To: B; Klein, Monica; Santucci, Laura; Howe, Amanda
Subject: Re: DNC in Daily News: request from the Mayor
We def need voices here, us saying stuff doesn't move the needle.
From: B
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2015 11:17 AM
To: Klein, Monica; Santucci, Laura; Howe, Amanda; Ragone, Peter
Subject: Re: DNC in Daily News: request from the Mayor

Is there some way to push this back? Even to get DC voices or DNC members to say this is a non-

From: Klein, Monica
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2015 09:47 AM
To: Santucci, Laura; Howe, Amanda; Ragone, Peter
Cc: B
Subject: DNC in Daily News: request from the Mayor
The Mayor, cc’ed, would like to figure out how to rapid response this.
Sheldon Silver corruption probe is blow to New York City's bid to host DNC
DAILY NEWS - Celeste Katz
When New York Democrats pledged their delegate votes to President Obama at the party convention in
2012, former Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver took the mic as the Empire State’s spokesman.
With the national party on the verge of picking a convention city for 2016, Silver is again in the spotlight —
but this time, he’s the target of a stunning corruption probe that could tarnish the Big Apple’s chances of
beating out Philadelphia and Columbus, Ohio.
“What is happening with Shelly just highlights corruption in New York — and is not the right message,”
lamented a party officer familiar with the selection process.
“It’s not the image that the Democratic Party would want to cultivate.”
A Democratic city lawmaker groused, “It will be hard for the (Democratic National Committee) to plan a
convention in a state where (the nominee might) have to stand on a stage with a speaker facing ethics
A Silver representative declined to comment.
Although Hillary Clinton has yet to declare her intentions, Republicans are already targeting her as the
Dems’ presumptive 2016 nominee.
A DNC official wouldn’t comment on the impact Silver’s arrest would have on the bid, but said that the
“decision will be based primarily on logistics, financing and security.”
From: Howe, Amanda
To: "jonathan@berlinrosen.com"
Subject: Re: NYDN DNC story -- need to pushback - Dems are too terribly worried abt what GOP thinks abt our convention? NYC
is safe, has $$$ and hotels/transit
Date: Monday, January 26, 2015 11:36:05 AM

Ok great - as long as mayor is aware - good.

Cant see why leah cannot help on background.
From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2015 11:32 AM
To: Howe, Amanda
Subject: FW: NYDN DNC story -- need to pushback - Dems are too terribly worried abt what GOP thinks abt
our convention? NYC is safe, has $$$ and hotels/transit
Pushing back with hits on PA and Ohio – see below.
Also pushing them on MMV and Nydia op-ed that just posted on Business Insider to weave into coverage.
We have Eric Adams and Franny’s op-ed into their boroughs section.
But we NEED NEED NEED some third party voices per my last email that sound like real insiders. 
Also as you probably know local businesses presser aimed at DWS in works for Wednesday but now might
get moved for weather.
Phil / Laura know all of this and I just communicated all of this directly to MBDB.  I can add you to the string
on this topic if you want going forward.
From: Dan Levitan
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2015 11:21 AM
To: Phillip Walzak; Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Marti Adams; peter ragone; lsantucci@dnc2016.nyc
Subject: RE: NYDN DNC story -- need to pushback - Dems are too terribly worried abt what GOP thinks abt
our convention? NYC is safe, has $$$ and hotels/transit

Some quick hits:

· Kathleen Kane, the Democratic Attorney General of Pennsylvania, is embroiled in a political
scandal with criminal implications –
· Court documents made public last week revealed that a Pennsylvania grand jury has
recommended that Kane be charged with “perjury, false swearing, official oppression and
· Not corruption, but note that the AFT is at war with Mayor Nutter over canceling contract:

· And the Philly Mayor’s race is in disarray: 

· Columbus lawmaker was indicted on corruption charges, forced to resign in 2012: 

· Prominent Columbus attorney sentenced as part of money laundering scheme in office of

Democratic Ohio state treasurer:

· African-American Ohio lawmaker sues Ohio Democratic Party chair for allegations of institutional
racism:  http://www.news-herald.com/general-news/20141111/updated-democratic-ohio-
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Phillip Walzak [mailto
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2015 10:45 AM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Marti Adams; peter ragone; Dan Levitan; lsantucci@dnc2016.nyc
Subject: Re: NYDN DNC story -- need to pushback - Dems are too terribly worried abt what GOP thinks abt
our convention? NYC is safe, has $$$ and hotels/transit

who can do that research

MArti can you find a couple of things on PA, OH

On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 10:37 AM, Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
I think that’s fine but also think on background should push:
-the Assembly situation will be in the rear view mirror and is momentary.
-Not for nothing the Dem AG of PA is about to be indicted.  We should do some quick research on D
scandals in Ohio.  The notion that local political scandals have anything to do with anything is absurd. 
From: Phillip Walzak [mailto:
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2015 10:32 AM
To: Marti Adams; peter ragone; Jonathan Rosen; Dan Levitan; lsantucci@dnc2016.nyc
Subject: NYDN DNC story -- need to pushback - Dems are too terribly worried abt what GOP thinks abt
our convention? NYC is safe, has $$$ and hotels/transit
Celeste is about to post an expanded version of the below story online shortly with this comment
from RNC: "The optics of Hillary having her coronation in a city where her former campaign
manager is becoming the poster boy for failed progressive governance and where her friends are
on trial for corruption would be especially bad," said Republican National Committee spokesman
Mike Short.

Realize this is more sensitive compared to other convention hits we've been dealing with. Want
to get some guidance from you on how we should respond. Do you want to give a standard line
on how our unmatched fundraising capabilities, transportation network, venues and attractions
make NYC the best venue to showcase the nominee and help propel that person to the White

Sheldon Silver corruption probe is blow to DNC hopes

Today, 12:44 AM

When New York Democrats pledged their delegate votes to President Obama at the party
convention in 2012, former Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver took the mic as the Empire State’s

With the national party on the verge of picking a convention city for 2016, Silver is again in the
spotlight — but this time, he’s the target of a stunning corruption probe that could tarnish the
Big Apple’s chances of beating out Philadelphia and Columbus, Ohio.

“What is happening with Shelly just highlights corruption in New York — and is not the right
message,” lamented a party officer familiar with the selection process.

“It’s not the image that the Democratic Party would want to cultivate.”

A Democratic city lawmaker groused, “It will be hard for the (Democratic National Committee)
to plan a convention in a state where (the nominee might) have to stand on a stage with a
speaker facing ethics charges.”

A Silver representative declined to comment.

Although Hillary Clinton has yet to declare her intentions, Republicans are already targeting her
as the Dems’ presumptive 2016 nominee.

A DNC official wouldn’t comment on the impact Silver’s arrest would have on the bid, but said
that the “decision will be based primarily on logistics, financing and security.”
From: Howe, Amanda
To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: NYDN DNC story -- need to pushback - Dems are too terribly worried abt what GOP thinks abt our convention? NYC is safe,
has $$$ and hotels/transit
Date: Monday, January 26, 2015 11:43:32 AM

Will circle back

Sent from my iPad

On Jan 26, 2015, at 11:42 AM, "Jonathan Rosen" <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Great – can you make it happen?

From: Howe, Amanda [mailto:AHowe@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2015 11:39 AM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: NYDN DNC story -- need to pushback - Dems are too terribly worried abt what GOP
thinks abt our convention? NYC is safe, has $$$ and hotels/transit

Dont know if he'd so it - but don fowler?

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Monday, January 26, 2015 11:32 AM
To: Howe, Amanda
Subject: FW: NYDN DNC story -- need to pushback - Dems are too terribly worried abt what GOP
thinks abt our convention? NYC is safe, has $$$ and hotels/transit

Pushing back with hits on PA and Ohio – see below.

Also pushing them on MMV and Nydia op-ed that just posted on Business Insider to weave into
We have Eric Adams and Franny’s op-ed into their boroughs section.
But we NEED NEED NEED some third party voices per my last email that sound like real insiders. 
Also as you probably know local businesses presser aimed at DWS in works for Wednesday but now
might get moved for weather.
Phil / Laura know all of this and I just communicated all of this directly to MBDB.  I can add you to
the string on this topic if you want going forward.
From: Dan Levitan
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2015 11:21 AM
To: Phillip Walzak; Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Marti Adams; peter ragone; lsantucci@dnc2016.nyc
Subject: RE: NYDN DNC story -- need to pushback - Dems are too terribly worried abt what GOP
thinks abt our convention? NYC is safe, has $$$ and hotels/transit

Some quick hits:

· Kathleen Kane, the Democratic Attorney General of Pennsylvania, is embroiled in a political
scandal with criminal implications –
· Court documents made public last week revealed that a Pennsylvania grand jury has
recommended that Kane be charged with “perjury, false swearing, official oppression and

· Not corruption, but note that the AFT is at war with Mayor Nutter over canceling contract:

· And the Philly Mayor’s race is in disarray: 

http://www.philly.com/philly/news/politics/20150122 Trujillo withdraws from mayor s race.html
· Columbus lawmaker was indicted on corruption charges, forced to resign in 2012: 

· Prominent Columbus attorney sentenced as part of money laundering scheme in office of

Democratic Ohio state treasurer:

· African-American Ohio lawmaker sues Ohio Democratic Party chair for allegations of
institutional racism:  http://www.news-herald.com/general-news/20141111/updated-
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Phillip Walzak [mailto
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2015 10:45 AM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Marti Adams; peter ragone; Dan Levitan; lsantucci@dnc2016.nyc
Subject: Re: NYDN DNC story -- need to pushback - Dems are too terribly worried abt what GOP
thinks abt our convention? NYC is safe, has $$$ and hotels/transit

who can do that research

MArti can you find a couple of things on PA, OH

On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 10:37 AM, Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
I think that’s fine but also think on background should push:
-the Assembly situation will be in the rear view mirror and is momentary.
-Not for nothing the Dem AG of PA is about to be indicted.  We should do some quick research on
D scandals in Ohio.  The notion that local political scandals have anything to do with anything is
From: Phillip Walzak [mailto
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2015 10:32 AM
To: Marti Adams; peter ragone; Jonathan Rosen; Dan Levitan; lsantucci@dnc2016.nyc
Subject: NYDN DNC story -- need to pushback - Dems are too terribly worried abt what GOP thinks
abt our convention? NYC is safe, has $$$ and hotels/transit

Celeste is about to post an expanded version of the below story online shortly with this
comment from RNC: "The optics of Hillary having her coronation in a city where her
former campaign manager is becoming the poster boy for failed progressive governance
and where her friends are on trial for corruption would be especially bad," said Republican
National Committee spokesman Mike Short.

Realize this is more sensitive compared to other convention hits we've been dealing with.
Want to get some guidance from you on how we should respond. Do you want to give a
standard line on how our unmatched fundraising capabilities, transportation network,
venues and attractions make NYC the best venue to showcase the nominee and help propel
that person to the White House?

Sheldon Silver corruption probe is blow to DNC hopes

Today, 12:44 AM

When New York Democrats pledged their delegate votes to President Obama at the party
convention in 2012, former Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver took the mic as the Empire
State’s spokesman.

With the national party on the verge of picking a convention city for 2016, Silver is again
in the spotlight — but this time, he’s the target of a stunning corruption probe that could
tarnish the Big Apple’s chances of beating out Philadelphia and Columbus, Ohio.

“What is happening with Shelly just highlights corruption in New York — and is not the
right message,” lamented a party officer familiar with the selection process.

“It’s not the image that the Democratic Party would want to cultivate.”

A Democratic city lawmaker groused, “It will be hard for the (Democratic National
Committee) to plan a convention in a state where (the nominee might) have to stand on a
stage with a speaker facing ethics charges.”

A Silver representative declined to comment.

Although Hillary Clinton has yet to declare her intentions, Republicans are already
targeting her as the Dems’ presumptive 2016 nominee.

A DNC official wouldn’t comment on the impact Silver’s arrest would have on the bid, but
said that the “decision will be based primarily on logistics, financing and security.”
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Drew, Chloe
Date: Monday, January 26, 2015 2:12:58 PM
Attachments: image001.png

Red or black.
I’m good.  never a dull moment. 
From: Drew, Chloe [mailto:CDrew@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2015 11:21 AM
To: Jonathan Rosen

Didn't you know we give a Masterati for winning candidate referrals? Just tell me the color... :)

How are you???

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Monday, January 26, 2015 11:03 AM
To: Drew, Chloe

Do I get a set of ginsu knives? 

From: Mayor's Press Office [mailto:pressoffice@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2015 11:01 AM
To: Mayor's Press Office


NEW YORK, NY 10007


CONTACT: pressoffice@cityhall.nyc.gov, (212) 788-2958


Adler brings deep experience in pension and retirement issues, will serve as
administration’s central advisor on pension investments

NEW YORK—Today, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced the appointment of John Adler as
the Director of the Mayor’s Office of Pensions and Investments and Chief Pension
Investment Advisor. Adler, most recently the Director of the Retirement Security Campaign
at the Service Employees International Union, brings with him extensive experience in public
pension and retirement issues.

On all investment issues, the Mayor’s Office of Pensions and Investments (MOPI) is the
administration’s full-time, central advisor to the Mayor’s trustees on the five New York City
retirement system boards and on the New York City Deferred Compensation Plan Board.
MOPI, housed within the Department of Finance, works with the Office of the Comptroller
to monitor and advise on the performance of investments and investment managers for all
asset classes held by the pension systems and Deferred Compensation Plan—which hold
combined assets valued at over $150 billion, covering over 350,000 active employees and
275,000 retirees and beneficiaries.

“John’s deep experience in pension investments and retirement security will go a long way
for City taxpayers and employees, retirees, and beneficiaries alike,” said Mayor Bill de
Blasio. “John will play a crucial role as we work to tackle growing pension costs, while
securing the strongest possible returns on investments and ensuring a sustainable pension
system that works for all.”

“John and his long, extensive history in this business will bring invaluable leadership as the
new CPIA,” said Department of Finance Commissioner Jacques Jiha. “We are excited
about his appointment and look forward to working with him.”

“I am excited to put my experience to work to help the City’s pension funds do the best
possible job for our hard-working employees and their beneficiaries, retired participants, and
the taxpayers,” said John Adler, incoming Director of the Mayor’s Office of Pensions and
Investments and Chief Pension Investment Advisor. “I am grateful to Mayor de Blasio for
the opportunity to work together with all the trustees of the pension funds to help make them
high-performing, sustainable for the long term, and an economic asset for all my fellow New

The five primary pension funds for New York City employees include the New York City
Employees’ Retirement System; the Teachers’ Retirement System of the City of New York;
the New York City Police Pension Fund; the New York City Fire Department Pension Fund;
and the New York City Board of Education Retirement System.

At MOPI, the Chief Pension Investment Advisor (CPIA) conducts research on all relevant
investment issues that impact the portfolios, and provides the Mayor’s trustees on the five
boards and the NYC Deferred Compensation Plan Board with timely investment reviews,
reports and presentations, so that they may make recommendations on asset allocation and
investment strategy. The CPIA meets with consultants and potential investment partners in
connection with prospective investment opportunities. The CPIA also works with the
Comptroller’s Bureau of Asset Management to ensure that all appropriate information is
analyzed and integrated into the selection, termination and performance reviews of
investment managers, as well as the analysis and development of investment strategies, and
provided accurately to all trustees. The CPIA assists in negotiating the terms and conditions
of investment contracts with investment managers and banks, and also consults regularly
with the Office of Management and Budget and the Corporation Counsel regarding the
potential fiscal impacts and legal liabilities of investment and policy matters coming before
the Boards.

John Adler was most recently the Director of the Retirement Security Campaign at SEIU,
where he managed all aspects of SEIU’s retirement security program, including public
pension funds, Taft-Hartley pensions, Social Security, and private sector plans. He ran state
campaigns to create state-sponsored retirement plans for workers without access to plans, and
co-founded the Georgetown Center for Retirement Initiatives.

Adler has spent 23 years with SEIU, first as an organizer with SEIU/1199 United Healthcare
Workers East in New York, and, since 2001, working on pension and retirement issues with
the international union first as the Director of the Capital Stewardship Program—where he
oversaw all of the union’s work on private equity—and then as the Director of the Retirement
Security Campaign.

Adler worked with SEIU locals and state councils to address threats to the retirement security
of its members, and to advocate for solutions to the retirement security crisis the United
States faces because of the decline of pensions in the private sector.

Adler has a B.A. from Yale University, and lives with his wife and two children in Brooklyn,
New York.

From: Litvak, Gwendolyn
To: "Nicole Kolinsky"; Connie Chung; Daria Siegel; "Morris, Deborah"
Subject: RE: 8 Great New Versions of Okonomiyaki -- Grub Street
Date: Monday, September 22, 2014 2:51:35 PM

How do we get invited to friends and family night?

From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2014 2:39 PM
To: Connie Chung; Litvak, Gwendolyn; Daria Siegel; 'Morris, Deborah'
Subject: 8 Great New Versions of Okonomiyaki -- Grub Street

Let’s go when this opens ---> Ganso Yaki (515 Atlantic Ave., at Third Ave., Boerum
Hill), opening this fall in Boerum Hill

From: Drew, Chloe
To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: RE: Rockefeller Brothers guy I mentioned yesterday
Date: Wednesday, October 22, 2014 10:19:00 AM

I would love to talk to him – he looks great.
Thanks so much for everything.
From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2014 10:10 AM
To: Drew, Chloe
Subject: Rockefeller Brothers guy I mentioned yesterday
Michael Northrup – is on the PlanNYC advisory board, knows Zarrilli and co well, lives in BK Heights,
was a supporter of ours, nice guy.
He would have good ideas: http://www.rbf.org/people/michael-northrop.  Let me know if you want
me to introduce you two.
Jonathan Rosen
BerlinRosen Public Affairs, Ltd.
15 Maiden Lane, Suite 1600
New York, NY 10038
t. 646.452.5637
From: Litvak, Gwendolyn
To: "Nicole Kolinsky"
Subject: RE: De Blasio: No timeline to hire director for long-term planning
Date: Wednesday, October 29, 2014 2:00:53 PM

I know.
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2014 1:58 PM
To: Litvak, Gwendolyn
Subject: FW: De Blasio: No timeline to hire director for long-term planning

From: Capital Pro [mailto:info@capitalnewyork.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2014 1:55 PM
Subject: De Blasio: No timeline to hire director for long-term planning

De Blasio: No timeline to hire director for long-term

By David Giambusso

1:54 p.m. | Oct. 29, 2014

As the city marked the second anniversary of Hurricane Sandy, Mayor Bill de Blasio
indicated Wednesday that he has no timeline for appointing a permanent director for the
Office of Long Term Planning and Sustainability, an office created by former mayor Michael
Bloomberg to prepare for the effects of climate change.

"The work that office does is being handled by (mayoral advisor) Bill Goldstein and (OLTPS
acting director) Dan Zarrilli ... that work is continuing intensely," de Blasio said when asked
about the position during a press conference. "The team we have now is already putting that
underway. We'll add additional personnel over time."

Zarrilli also heads the mayor's newly created Office of Recovery and Resiliency, and along
with Goldstein recently rolled out an aggressive plan to retrofit all city buildings for energy
efficiency. The retrofits are part of an overall plan to reduce carbon emissions by 80 percent
by 2050.

De Blasio has faced criticism from environmental groups for not moving quickly enough to
name a fill-time OLTPS director, but much of the concern was mollified by the mayor's
energy retrofit plan.
From: Litvak, Gwendolyn
To: Nicole Kolinsky; Daria Siegel; Connie Chung; "Morris, Deborah"
Subject: RE: Pok Pok Phat Thai in Brooklyn -- Grub Street
Date: Thursday, October 30, 2014 8:23:09 PM

I'm gone next Friday until 12/1 but we could def go for your bday!

From: Nicole Kolinsky [Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2014 2:24 PM
To: Daria Siegel; Connie Chung; Litvak, Gwendolyn; 'Morris, Deborah'
Subject: Pok Pok Phat Thai in Brooklyn -- Grub Street

Ooo lets go

http://www.grubstreet.com/2014/10/pok-pok-phat-thai-brooklyn.html?mid=twitter grubst
From: Litvak, Gwendolyn
To: Nicole Kolinsky; Daria Siegel; Connie Chung; "Morris, Deborah"
Subject: RE: Pok Pok Phat Thai in Brooklyn -- Grub Street
Date: Thursday, October 30, 2014 8:23:28 PM

Speaking of- do I owe you $ for those tickets?

And what is the exact date/time?

From: Nicole Kolinsky [Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2014 2:24 PM
To: Daria Siegel; Connie Chung; Litvak, Gwendolyn; 'Morris, Deborah'
Subject: Pok Pok Phat Thai in Brooklyn -- Grub Street

Ooo lets go

From: Litvak, Gwendolyn
To: "CChung@hraadvisors.com"; "Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com"; "dsiegel@downtownny.com";
Subject: Re: Pok Pok Phat Thai in Brooklyn -- Grub Street
Date: Thursday, October 30, 2014 8:38:00 PM

I'm going for broke.

From: Connie Chung [mailto:CChung@hraadvisors.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2014 08:27 PM
To: Litvak, Gwendolyn; Nicole Kolinsky <Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com>; Daria Siegel
<dsiegel@downtownny.com>; 'Morris, Deborah' <morrisd@hpd.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Pok Pok Phat Thai in Brooklyn -- Grub Street
I need to get on that vacation schedule.
Connie J. Chung
Senior Analyst  |  HR&A Advisors, Inc.

Direct: (646) 545-6248  |  Mobile: (917) 699-7893

From: Litvak, Gwendolyn [mailto:GLitvak@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2014 8:23 PM
To: Nicole Kolinsky; Daria Siegel; Connie Chung; 'Morris, Deborah'
Subject: RE: Pok Pok Phat Thai in Brooklyn -- Grub Street

I'm gone next Friday until 12/1 but we could def go for your bday!

From: Nicole Kolinsky [Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2014 2:24 PM
To: Daria Siegel; Connie Chung; Litvak, Gwendolyn; 'Morris, Deborah'
Subject: Pok Pok Phat Thai in Brooklyn -- Grub Street

Ooo lets go

From: Litvak, Gwendolyn
To: "Connie Chung"; Daria Siegel; Nicole Kolinsky
Subject: RE: NYC housing affordability map
Date: Thursday, January 08, 2015 12:34:00 PM

I can’t become overwhelmed about my future or buying a house until after April so I’ve just put all
of those feelings in a box that begins in May. Have fun at Joe Timpone’s.
From: Connie Chung [mailto:CChung@hraadvisors.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2015 10:14 AM
To: Litvak, Gwendolyn; Daria Siegel; Nicole Kolinsky
Subject: NYC housing affordability map
Peep this map visualizing housing cost in the city:
Connie J. Chung
Director  |  HR&A Advisors, Inc.

99 Hudson Street, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10013

Direct: (646) 545-6248 | Mobile: (917) 699-7893
CChung@hraadvisors.com | www.hraadvisors.com
From: Litvak, Gwendolyn
To: "Connie Chung"; "Nicole Kolinsky"; Daria Siegel
Subject: RE: NYC housing affordability map
Date: Thursday, January 08, 2015 12:35:13 PM

Wow. A bialy has never been so insulted.

From: Connie Chung [mailto:CChung@hraadvisors.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2015 12:35 PM
To: Litvak, Gwendolyn; 'Nicole Kolinsky'; Daria Siegel
Subject: RE: NYC housing affordability map
Word. But why not just go for sweatpants all the time? Or a snuggy?
I just sent a picture of a bialy to someone here (from northern cali) and he said “that’s a pathetic
Connie J. Chung
Director  |  HR&A Advisors, Inc.

Direct: (646) 545-6248  |  Mobile: (917) 699-7893

From: Litvak, Gwendolyn [mailto:GLitvak@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2015 12:33 PM
To: Connie Chung; 'Nicole Kolinsky'; Daria Siegel
Subject: RE: NYC housing affordability map
I hear that you can also spot Clint Eastwood (plus), but the Macy’s there is not awesome (moot
point because I would be wearing jeans and LL Bean sweaters every day).
From: Connie Chung [mailto:CChung@hraadvisors.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2015 12:32 PM
To: Litvak, Gwendolyn; 'Nicole Kolinsky'; Daria Siegel
Subject: RE: NYC housing affordability map
Oh I hear the “central coast” is great near that place where there are no jobs but lots of nature.
Excellent blue plate specials. Beware of clustered holes though.
Connie J. Chung
Director  |  HR&A Advisors, Inc.

Direct: (646) 545-6248  |  Mobile: (917) 699-7893

From: Litvak, Gwendolyn [mailto:GLitvak@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2015 12:30 PM
To: 'Nicole Kolinsky'; Connie Chung; Daria Siegel
Subject: RE: NYC housing affordability map
Ha. I have a phobia of NYC real estate. Is that a thing? Maybe it’s time for me to think about moving
to somewhere cheap in CA. Maybe.
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2015 10:17 AM
To: Connie Chung; Litvak, Gwendolyn; Daria Siegel
Subject: RE: NYC housing affordability map
From: Connie Chung [mailto:CChung@hraadvisors.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2015 10:14 AM
To: Litvak, Gwendolyn; Daria Siegel; Nicole Kolinsky
Subject: NYC housing affordability map
Peep this map visualizing housing cost in the city:
Connie J. Chung
Director  |  HR&A Advisors, Inc.

99 Hudson Street, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10013

Direct: (646) 545-6248 | Mobile: (917) 699-7893
CChung@hraadvisors.com | www.hraadvisors.com
From: Canfield, Ellyn
To: Jaclyn Kessel
Subject: Re:
Date: Monday, January 26, 2015 11:07:45 AM

that is the OPPOSITE of jury duty! Enjoy!!

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 26, 2015, at 11:06 AM, Jaclyn Kessel <Jaclyn@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
> Omg it's my soul mate. I'm in Thailand being warm!  Send my regards to Ms Jessel ;)
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jan 26, 2015, at 10:50 PM, Canfield, Ellyn <ECanfield@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>> Are you at jury duty in Brooklyn? I am (obviously) and they just called a Jackie Jessel but I don't
see you!
>> Sent from my iPhone
From: Undsay Soola
To: Amit Bagga : Ozernoy. Ilana; Ethan C. Yake ; Anna Poe-Kest; Anna Rafdal ; Eunice Ko ; Ronalie De Alwis;
Frankie Martinez; Jon Paul luoo; Marco Carrion; Rebecca Kirszner Katz; Rebecca lynch; Gabriel Schnake- Mahl;
Stefan Grvbauskas; Raymond Chao; Dan Gross; Kinsey Casey; Seiferth. Fionnuala (DCA) ; Amy Spitalnick; leigh
Shapiro; Laura Kavanagh ; Michael Halle; Hayley Prim; Elana leooold; Erin Allweiss ; Jen Samawat ; Michael
~ Casey Sinnwell; Cathy Rought; Emily Samsel; Daniel Heller; Katy Rose Glickman ; Gillea Allison ; Geoff
Berman; Lodro Rinzler ; Kenny Thompson
Subject: Re: Dawg Dash - April 25
Date: Tuesday, February 17, 2015 12:20:49 PM

Think you could get away without a follow up email huh?

Please register. You can wal k! Or you can join to volunteer. I love you all and know I
will volunteer/ donate to your next thing.

Let me know if you can register to run/ wal k on April 25th.


On Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 2:33 PM, Lindsay Scola wrote:


I was wondering if I can persuade you sign up for the race I am organizing with
my alumni association, University of Washington (if you don't run or wa lk, would
you consider volunteering?). It's a fun 5k on Roosevelt Island on Saturday, April
25th. It's only 25 dollars and it will be a lot of fun ! Use this link! I really
appreciate it! I am trying to boost our enrollment, so if you have other running
friends, please forward !!

Use this link:

http://www.active.com/new-york-ny/ running /distance-running-races/dawg-dash-

Love you guys,

From: Litvak, Gwendolyn
To: "Nicole Kolinsky"
Subject: RE: Jemima Kirke"s Workout Thwarts the Usual Fitness Trends
Date: Wednesday, April 01, 2015 12:16:48 PM

I don’t classpass.
GWEN LITVAK  | 212-442-6332
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2015 12:17 PM
To: Litvak, Gwendolyn
Subject: RE: Jemima Kirke's Workout Thwarts the Usual Fitness Trends

From: Litvak, Gwendolyn [mailto:GLitvak@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2015 12:16 PM
To: Nicole Kolinsky
Subject: RE: Jemima Kirke's Workout Thwarts the Usual Fitness Trends

Cp? LA.
GWEN LITVAK  | 212-442-6332
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2015 12:15 PM
To: Litvak, Gwendolyn
Subject: RE: Jemima Kirke's Workout Thwarts the Usual Fitness Trends

Oh right right. Darn. Are you doing CP? Where are you doing PO?
From: Litvak, Gwendolyn [mailto:GLitvak@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2015 12:09 PM
To: Nicole Kolinsky
Subject: RE: Jemima Kirke's Workout Thwarts the Usual Fitness Trends

Thanks, would love to but not leaving work until 8pm or 9pm these waning PlaNYC days.
GWEN LITVAK  | 212-442-6332
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2015 12:07 PM
To: Litvak, Gwendolyn
Subject: Jemima Kirke's Workout Thwarts the Usual Fitness Trends

I have this class booked at 6PM through classpass tonight. Do you want it? I cant go
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Goldmark, Karin
Cc: Emily Walsh
Subject: Re: Connecting re: Schools
Date: Thursday, September 11, 2014 8:41:09 PM

Noon works.

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 11, 2014, at 5:11 PM, "Goldmark, Karin" <KGoldmark@cityhall.nyc.gov>


Monday bw 8:30 and 9:30 if near City Hall, or 12:00 on.

Or, if need be, I can move my 9:30 without too much trouble.
From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 3:15 PM
To: Goldmark, Karin
Subject: Re: Connecting re: Schools

Nice meeting you. How's Monday morning?

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 11, 2014, at 2:34 PM, "Goldmark, Karin"

<KGoldmark@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Happy to meet, pls let me know what works for you. 
From: Wolfe, Emma
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 2:34 PM
To: Goldmark, Karin; jonathan@berlinrosen.com
Subject: Connecting re: Schools

From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Goldmark, Karin
Cc: Emily Walsh
Subject: Re: Connecting re: Schools
Date: Sunday, September 14, 2014 8:16:34 PM

Great.  See you then.  

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 14, 2014, at 11:59 AM, "Goldmark, Karin" <KGoldmark@cityhall.nyc.gov>


How do you feel about Zaitzeff, the burger place on John and Nassau? Possible
drawback is that I think they yell a lot behind the counter so it might be loud.
From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2014 10:12 AM
To: Goldmark, Karin
Cc: Emily Walsh
Subject: RE: Connecting re: Schools

Wherever’s good.  I am at John Street and Broadway few blocks south of city hall –
could grab coffee at bluespoon or lunch at the diner or whatever you want to do.
From: Goldmark, Karin [mailto:KGoldmark@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 9:06 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: Connecting re: Schools

Prefer noon Monday, tomw packed.

Where would you like to meet?

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 08:42 PM
To: Goldmark, Karin
Subject: Re: Connecting re: Schools

My morning tmrw just opened up if you are free at 915/930 or we can stick w
noon on Monday.

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 11, 2014, at 5:11 PM, "Goldmark, Karin"

<KGoldmark@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Monday bw 8:30 and 9:30 if near City Hall, or 12:00 on.

Or, if need be, I can move my 9:30 without too much trouble.
From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 3:15 PM
To: Goldmark, Karin
Subject: Re: Connecting re: Schools

Nice meeting you. How's Monday morning?

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 11, 2014, at 2:34 PM, "Goldmark, Karin"

<KGoldmark@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Happy to meet, pls let me know what works for you. 
From: Wolfe, Emma
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 2:34 PM
To: Goldmark, Karin; jonathan@berlinrosen.com
Subject: Connecting re: Schools

From: Wolfe, Emma
To: "Jonathan Rosen"
Cc: Sevillia, Max
Subject: RE: Checking in on fast food workers tactical/strategic ideas for work with mayors
Date: Thursday, September 18, 2014 11:41:58 AM

Great! tyvm
From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2014 11:36 AM
To: Wolfe, Emma
Cc: Sevillia, Max
Subject: RE: Checking in on fast food workers tactical/strategic ideas for work with mayors
Our fast-food / low wage team is working on it.  Will likely have early next week.  Will push and see if
sooner possible.
From: Wolfe, Emma [mailto:EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2014 11:01 AM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Sevillia, Max
Subject: Checking in on fast food workers tactical/strategic ideas for work with mayors
Hey Jonathan – any progress?
From: Fialkoff, Gabrielle
To: Carey, Michael
Cc: Canfield, Ellyn; Emily Walsh (Emily@berlinrosen.com); Beach, Mkada; Hanser, Leora
Subject: RE: You are cordially invited to a breakfast at Gracie Mansion
Date: Thursday, September 18, 2014 2:27:06 PM
Attachments: image001.png

I disagree.  As the Mayor says to me all of the time, do what you need to do to get your job done.  The invite
coming from me raises my profile among the recipients, I am a senior staff member and I am responsible for the
Host Committee and its commitment to the DNC.  The invite clearly says the Mayor is doing the inviting and
having the email come for me would simply help me do my job.

From: Carey, Michael

Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2014 01:58 PM
To: Canfield, Ellyn; Wurgaft, Emily; Beach, Mkada
Cc: Hanser, Leora
Subject: RE: You are cordially invited to a breakfast at Gracie Mansion

In addition, this is an invite to the Mayor’s Residence so should not come from a staff
Michael Paul Carey
Director, Mayor’s Office of Special Projects and Community Events of New York City
(e) mpcarey@cityhall.nyc.gov | (w) 212-788-2569
From: Canfield, Ellyn
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2014 12:56 PM
To: Wurgaft, Emily; Beach, Mkada
Cc: Hanser, Leora; Carey, Michael
Subject: RE: You are cordially invited to a breakfast at Gracie Mansion

I left that meeting with an understanding that we agreed invites for Gracie should always go out with
the Mayor or First Lady’s name.
Next time we’ll make sure to confirm very clearly  and send  you see a sample in advance so that you
can see how the outbox will read.
Ellyn Canfield Nealon
Deputy Director, Mayor’s Office of Special Projects and Community Events
New York City
(e) ecanfield@cityhall.nyc.gov | (w)212-788-2567 | (c) 718.536.4359
From: Wurgaft, Emily
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2014 12:51 PM
To: Beach, Mkada
Cc: Hanser, Leora; Canfield, Ellyn
Subject: RE: You are cordially invited to a breakfast at Gracie Mansion

We had asked for it to go out under Gabrielle’s name and confirmed that with you guys as well.  Is
there a reason it went out differently?
From: Beach, Mkada
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2014 12:40 PM
To: Wurgaft, Emily
Cc: Hanser, Leora
Subject: RE: You are cordially invited to a breakfast at Gracie Mansion

Yes, confirmed.
Mkada Beach
Mayor's Office of Special Projects and Community Events
From: Wurgaft, Emily
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2014 12:15 PM
To: Beach, Mkada
Cc: Hanser, Leora
Subject: FW: You are cordially invited to a breakfast at Gracie Mansion

Is this the invite that went out – Gabrielle got it. It looks like it went out from the Office of the
Mayor. Can you confirm?

From: Fialkoff, Gabrielle
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2014 11:46 AM
To: Wurgaft, Emily
Cc: Everett, Matt; Hanser, Leora
Subject: FW: You are cordially invited to a breakfast at Gracie Mansion

From Office of the mayor…

From: The Office of Mayor de Blasio [mailto:invitation@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2014 11:25 AM
To: gfialkoff@haskelljewels.com
Cc: Fialkoff, Gabrielle
Subject: You are cordially invited to a breakfast at Gracie Mansion
Yes, I am attending

No, I will not attend

Please join
for a

DNC 2016 NYC


East End Avenue at 88th Street

RSVP (212) 788-2569 or email: invitation@cityhall.nyc.gov

This invitation is non-transferable.

From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Emma Wolfe; Sevillia, Max
Subject: Fastfood memo / inequality task force
Date: Friday, September 26, 2014 2:42:04 PM
Attachments: Draft Memo to Mayors Task Force.docx

Attached for your review.  Thanks.

Jonathan Rosen
BerlinRosen Public Affairs, Ltd.
15 Maiden Lane, Suite 1600
New York, NY 10038
t. 646.452.5637

Date: September 25, 2014

RE: Proposed Ideas for U.S. Conference of Mayors Cities of Opportunity Task
Force to Support Fast-Food Workers’ Movement for $15/hour and a Union

By publicly supporting the fast food workers’ organizing movement for $15/hour
and the right to form a union without retaliation, The U.S. Conference of Mayors’
Cities of Opportunity Task Force could make a powerful statement in support of
increased economic opportunity for workers and communities in cities

Proposed public activities could include:

1. Mayors de Blasio and Johnson moderate a panel or hold a press conference

with fast-food workers at the winter meeting of the U.S. Conference of
Mayors (Jan. 21).

2. Mayors release a letter to McDonalds highlighting the role that the

company must play in mitigating the harmful impact of record inequality

3. Mayors hold Economic Opportunity community roundtables featuring fast

food workers and other workers.

4. Mayor participate in “walk-a-day in my shoes” events with fast food

workers in their cities.

5. Mayors participate in City Hall press events/rallies with fast-food workers

and community leaders.

6. Mayors together or on a coordinated day visit fast-food restaurants to tell

workers they support their cause.

7. The Task Force releases a report documenting how a $15 per hour wage at
the top fast-food companies would stimulate the local economy. The report
could contain local data on poverty rates, demographic data, and other key
details of the local fast-food workforce.

8. The U.S. Conference of Mayors, or the Cities of Opportunity Task Force,

issues a public statement in support of fast-food workers when they are on

9. Task Force members join workers on strike lines in their cities.

10.A national op-ed from Mayor de Blasio and another Task Force member
framing the importance of the fast-food workers’ movement to cities
around the country.

11.A series of local op-eds from mayors in their cities on the importance of the
fast-food workers’ movement to the local economy.

12. Task Force members accompany workers in walking back to their jobs on
the day after a strike.

13. Place a paid ad in USA Today announcing mayors’ support of $15 per hour
and a union for fast-food workers.
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Drew, Chloe
Subject: FW: Resume of
Date: Tuesday, October 14, 2014 11:24:35 AM
Attachments: resume - Sept. 2014.pdf

Hey there.  Hope all is well.  See below.  Do not know this person but passing on in case of interest. 
From: Valerie Berlin
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 5:46 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Resume of


.  If you could pass along to Chloe, that would

be great.  
Valerie Berlin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
15 Maiden Lane, Suite 1600
New York, NY  10038
References available upon request.

From: Drew, Chloe
To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: RE: Resume of
Date: Monday, October 20, 2014 6:27:00 PM

Great and thanks!

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2014 11:25 AM
To: Drew, Chloe
Subject: FW: Resume of

Hey there.  Hope all is well.  See below.  Do not know this person but passing on in case of interest. 
From: Valerie Berlin
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 5:46 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Resume of


Valerie Berlin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
15 Maiden Lane, Suite 1600
New York, NY  10038
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Drew. Chloe
Subject: long term planning staff resume i mentioned to you
Date: Monday, November 03, 2014 10:57:10 AM
Attachments: Resume 0714.odf

Resume attached and profile of her from her job in- below.


- 2
From: Drew, Chloe
To: Jonathan Rosen (Jonathan@berlinrosen.com)
Subject: Leadership & Diversity Platform
Date: Thursday, December 04, 2014 6:35:00 PM
Attachments: LeadershipDiversityPPT4 0 PUBLIC.pdf

So good to speak yesterday!
Thanks for everything you do for us. As I mentioned we are launching a new project to explore
creating a best-in-class infrastructure for identifying and training diverse, high-potential talent
within city agencies and to position that talent for future senior-level government roles.
We’ve created the attached plan and I wonder if you’d take a look? I’d really value your feedback.
The Mayor’s Fund would like to start pitching the idea to foundations and firms that might be
interested partners -- your candid thoughts on framing and positioning would be so valuable.  
Have a good evening,
Chloe Drew
Director, Mayor’s Office of Appointments
c. 347-659-4492
Prepared by the Mayor's Office of Appointments

Equity as a defining characteristic of the de Blasia Administration

creates an opportunity for the transformation and repositioning of
leadership diversity as an essential lever of change in advancing the
Mayor's agenda.

A diverse cohort of senior leaders among the city's mayoral agencies

and offices is needed to execute the strategic policy shift envisioned
by the Mayor.

lhe Mayoral Vision for Government Leadership

"Our public employees represent a thread that runs through this Administration-a
belief that public service is a noble calling-that part of what makes New York
special is helping our neighbors navigate life's challenges, big and small. New
York's drive and diversity are unparalleled in this country, and we have appointed
a City Administration that proves it-putting our best women and men in charge of
delivering city services with efficiency and integrity. This is a team that knows how
to execute its core responsibilities-while never losing sight of the fact that we're
called to be part of a larger mission as well. We must lay the foundation now for
the strength and stability of New York's future ... a future of greater equality and

Mayor Bill de Blasio

State of the City Address
February 11, 2014

The Path to Leadership Diversity and Talent Development

Relevant City Workforce Benchmarks

Statistical benchmarks highlighting certain demographic

flashpoints within the municipal workforce's leadership
strata provide a valuable framework for juxtaposing the
Mayor's vision and equity agenda with the reality of
workforce patterns that reveal:

1} The historical exclusion of certain racial, ethnic, and

gender groups from career advancement and fluidity and;
2} The concentration of certain groups at specific agencies
or within low-level functional segments.

New York City's Municipal Workforce Overview:
Headcount, Race, Ethnicity, and Managerial Status

Total Municipal Headcount

327,793 Full-time and Part-time
(Incl udes Civil Service Titles)

Overall Municipal Racial Managerial Headcount

& Ethnic Composition
Managerial: 3%
39% Caucasian (Includes Civil Service and Appoint ed Titles)

32% African-American Non-Managerial: 97%

20% Latino
Data Source: M ayor's Office of Operations-
20% Asian & Pacific Islander 2013 Workforce Profile Report for FY12

The Challenge


Leveraging the Mayoral vision, credibility, Focusing on organizational change and

relationships and networks of the the diversity dividend of improved
Administration's senior leaders and City decision-making and innovation while
Hall advisors within the community and constrained by the limited administrative
workplace to create agency buy-in and bandwidth and time pressures caused by
common ground on the issue of meeting agency mission priorities and
leadership diversity stakeholder demands.

Workforce analytics capacity is well- Integrating these metrics into agency

established at DCAS and in the Mayor's succession planning protocols and
Office of Operations. A data-driven creating new ones that promote
process for looking at leadership diversity accountability and mindful, inclusive
was initiated via a survey to agencies and talent strategies for recruitment and
new indicators for senior discretionary promotion
titles represent new data points in
personnel analytics
Standardizing inter-agency professional
Ex isting institutional models for development norms for identifying and
leadership development (Eg.DCAS cultivating high-potentials. Absence of
Leadership Academy) and diversity infrastructure or programming focused on
training among different agencies creating a cohort of leaders who can
operationalize diversity and inclusion in
order to ex ecute agency mission and
talent practices
Reality Vision
· Enterprise -
·Embedded strata wide norm s
of incumbents and talent
narrows se nior - practices t hat
level leadership promote and
bandwidth , limi ted
methodical pipe line leadersh ip
tal ent development,
diversi ty
no common
vernacular or rubric
for leadership

· Unclear
• Integration of
amon g manage rs
on how to advance analytics into
on the leadership su ccession
Creating a Leadership Diversity Model for
City Government

The Pillars of Change
Managerial, Structural, Programmatic

Existing Infrastructure for Promoting Leadership Diversity

• Mission-driven team that collaborates with commissioners and directors to help shape leadership
teams, boards, and commissions charged with executing the Mayor' s equity agenda.
• Manages resume talent bank for agency senior title searches.
• Prepares candidates and facilitates retention of top talent prospects.
• Provides access to quality, diverse candidates via central resume talent bank and extensive network of
external professional affinity groups and organizations.

• Mission-driven team with a range of core functions that includes providing "critical resources and
support" for city agency workforce needs in recruiting, hiring and training.
• Ensures that city agencies comply with City C harter C hapter 36,§ 831 by submitting annual plans to
Chief Diversity Officer that address diversity hiring.
• Oversees EEO training, created "Everybody Matters" training initiative, DCAS's Management trainee
program, and skills-focused programs.

• Internal programs coordinated by individual agencies (including: EDC's Project Management boot
camp, the hiring of agency-based Chief Diversity Officers, ACS' structural analysis of their interview-
to-hire chain , and recruitment efforts targeting diverse candidates at DEP, DDC, DSNY).

Creation of a Comprehensive Strategy for Developing Talent
Based on Successful Academic, Public Sector, and Industry Best Practices

~ MOA proposes a leadership development approach that closely complements the DCAS Management Trainee
Program and curricu lum, incorporates best practices f rom the Federa l Office of Personnel Management
leadership model f or its Senior Executive Service, and collaborates with pub lic sector and workforce
management thought leaders, who have identified the fol lowing key program characteristics:

1. Senior-level panel or executive resource group: 1) Delineates a standard set of criteria or rubric for leadership
qual it ies (eg. strategic thinking, f lexibi lity, resilience) and assessing potential. Group establishes a nomination and
screening process that targets high-potential employees from the mid, j unior, and sen ior staff levels; and 2) Group
consu lts w/ thought partners from the academic or private sectors with expertise in management and leadership.

2. Formalized, interactive classroom training and work experiences for high-potential employees that will provide
theoretica l and practica l information, along with functional guidance on leading teams, influencing others,
relationship and ally development, overseeing internal process and operations.

3. Standardized workforce planning tools and analysis that will forecast vacancies in sen ior-level positions by
tracking retirement data, sen ior staff turnover rates, and the length of t ime for mid and entry-level high potentials
to be promoted into increasingly senior ro les.

4. A defined talent pipeline and network for high-potentials, who are eligible for recogn ition and selection for a
cross-agency leadership development pilot (the " Mayoral Leadership Institute") in collaboration with DCAS and
existing agency programs. Federal and industry models, as well as thought leadership and best practices from
academics and practitioners, wi ll influence the pi lot's skill-bu ilding exercises, assignments, curricu la, and programs.
KEY GOALS include cohort cohesion, executive-leve l mentorship, and network-bu ilding with external and internal

Recommended First Steps
Convene a short-term Cross-Agency Task Force of senior leaders who will meet 3 times to define
key short and long-term goals, establish targeted pilot priorities, methods of tracking progress,
and identify key ambassadors to initiate movement among their peers:


Goals Issues Deliverables and Completion

Key Milestones Dates
Designate a Who are the accou ntability An age ncy strategic plan for 30 days from the
st akeholders in yo ur ag ency? creating a leadership diver sity
leadership cohort in the mid-level
initial meeting
diversity Who w ill be responsible f or serv ing as management tier w ho can be date
planning am bassadors w ho lead t he messag ing promoted t o current o r
for th is effo rt at the agency? emerg ing vacancies in se nio r
committee t itle.
comprised of Who w ill be responsible f or gaining
accou ntabi Iity st aff buy-in and creating a sense of Special emphasis should be
shared values regarding th is effort? creating a pathway at the
stakeholders How w ill t hi s t ake p lace-focus agency for high-pot ential
from groups, surveys? talent that inclu des train ing,
throughout the mentoring and intra- agency
Who are t he agency lead ers rotatio ns and ass ignments.
agency res pon sible for carrying o ut the
agency mi ss ion , recru it ing, identifying The p lan f ocus sho uld include
and deve lo ping high-pot ential t alent strategies f or ident ifying
for promotio ns, high- impact / v isibility d iver sity t alent re: high-
ass ig nments, DCAS management impact titles w ithin the
training opportunities agency invo lv ing key po licy-
making o r decision-making
What ag ency div ision s or units functions
represent areas in w hich there has
been hi storic underrepresentat io n in
leadersh ip diversity?

What are the thresho ld po sit io ns or

capabilities that t yp ically lead to
promotio n and advancement in the

Who w ill track t he committee's

progress and the outcomes
anticipated by t he agency's plan?

Goals Issues Key Milestones and Completion

Deliverable Dates
Performing Self- How is the recru itment process As part of the agency's strategic 30 days from
managed within the agency? Who plan, include recommendations
Audit of are the stakeholders involved in for strengthening the agency's the initial
Recruiting and senior-level recru itment efforts recru itment process for meeting date
Promotions identifying and granting serious
Is there an agency succession plan consideration to high ly-qualified
Process based on for promoting high-potential talent d iversity cand idates. Consu lt
stakeholder for future sen ior roles? Is there any w ith the Mayor's Office of
feedback and forecasting performed with respect Appointments to develop these
to future roles? recommendations.
How is information commun icated
about open ings in sen ior level roles?
Is there any forecasting with respect

What is the process for identifying

internal cand idates? On what basis
are internal candidates
recommended for promotions to
senior positions

Are panel interviews used to vet

candidates for senior roles

Does the agency have a practice of

choosing final hires from a diverse
slate of position f inalists?
Final Thoughts

The conversation is an on-going one

characterized by clear short and
long-term objectives, the will ingness
to explore new ways to evaluate
performance and talent,
determining what leadership can
look like and why, and
communicating senior-level buy-in
and benchmarking to assess
organization progress. The end
result is a leadership team capable
of handling the complex and
interconnected issues that impact
New York City, greater effectiveness
in meeting the needs of
constituents, and signaling our city' s

Consulted Thought Leaders & Practitioners
Diversity & Inclusion Thought Leaders and Practitioners
Name Affi liation Titles and Distinctions

Orlando Ashford Mercer Consu lting Pres ident, Talent Business Segment

Vice Provost for Global Student Leadership Init iatives; Senior Fellow at the Wagner School of
Melody c . Barnes NYU Wagner Graduate School of Public Service Public Service; Former White House Director of Domestic Policy and the Domestic Policy

Darren Bloch Mayor's Fund to Advance NYC Executive Director

Associate Professor of Counseling and Psychology; Co-Author of The Color Bind: Talking (and
Tamara R. Buckley Hunter College - CUNY School of Education
not Talking) about Race at Work

Brian Burlant Major, Lindsey, and Africa Managing Director, In-House Practice Group

Lisette Camilo Mayor's Office of Contract Services Director

GordonJ. campbell NYU Wagner Graduate School of Public Service Professor of Practice; Former President and CEO of United Way of New York City

Commissioner Gladys Carrion New York City Adm inistration for Children's Services (ACS) Commissioner

Commissioner Marco Carrion Mayor's Community Affairs Unit Commissioner

Zachary carter New York City Law Department Corporation Counsel

Hector Cordero- Guzman Baruch College - CUNY School of Public Affairs Professor of Ph.D. Programs in Sociology and in Urban Education

c omm·ss·oner
1 1 Stacey Cumberbatch New York City Department of Citywide Adm inistrative Commissioner
ServiCeS (DCAS)
New York City Department of Citywide Adm inistrative
Fen imore Fisher Deputy Commissioner, Citywide Ch ief Diversity & EEO Officer
Services (DCAS)

William Floyd Google Head of External Affairs

Associate Professor of Public and Nonprofit Management; Faculty Co- Director of the Wagner
Erica G. Foldy NYU Wagner Graduate School of Public Service affiliated Research Center for Leadership in Action; Co- Author of The Color Bind: Talking (and
not Talking) about Race at Work

Leslie Gaines-Ross Weber, Shandwick Ch ief Reputation Strategist

Commissioner Kathryn Garcia New York City Department of Sanitation (DSNY) Commissioner

Vice Chair of the Aspen Institute's Ski ll s for America's Future Advisory Board; Former Executive
The Aspen Institute
Vice President, Global Human Resources and Corporate Affairs, at Gap Inc.
Adj ust Assistant Professor of Public Administration; Executive Director of Wagner affil iated
NYU Wagner Graduate School of Public Service
Research Center for Leadership Action
Consulted Thought Leaders & Practitioners (Cont.)
j ulie Goran McKinsey & Company Human Resources

Pres ident at Gray Scalable; Advisor at Switch , Inc; Former Head of Staffing and HR,
Charlie Gray Gray Scalable
Advertising Sales at Google

j ennifer Jones Austin Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies Ch ief Executive Officer; Former Senior Vice President at United Way of New York City

j on McBride White House Assistant to the President; Director of Presidential Personnel

Scott Millstein Coro New York Leadersh ip Center Executive Director

Kri ssy Moore Partnership for New York City, Inc Vice President, Government Affai rs

Professor of Public Management and Policy; Co-Founder and Facu lty Co- Director of Wagner
Son ia M. Ospina NYU Wagner Graduate School of Public Service
affiliated Research Center for Leadership in Action

Katherine w. Ph illips Columbia Business School Paul Calello Professor of Leadersh ip and Ethics; Sen ior Vice Dean

Ellen Schall NYU Wagner Graduate School of Public Service Senior NYU Pres idential Fellow; Martin Cherkasky Professor of Health Policy & Management

Lau rie Siegel Tyco Former Senior Vice President, Human Resources

Dennis Sm ith NYU Wagner Graduate School of Public Service Associate Professor of Public Policy

Associate Professor; Author of article "Contributions and Barriers to Developing Black and
Ryan A. Smith Baruch College -CUNY School of Public Affai rs
Latino Leadersh ip in the Public and Non-Profit Sectors of the Economy"

Karen Sumberg Goog le Diversity Pod Lead

Nathaniel Sutton Heidrick Vice Chairman

Udai Tambar New York City Children and Youth Services Director; Former Executive Director of South As ian Youth Action

Commissioner Gilbert Taylor New York City Department of Homeless Services Commissioner

Commissioner Maria Torres-

New York City Department of Small Business Services Commissioner

Anilu Vazquez- Ubarri Goldman Sachs Managing Director, Chief Diversity Office & Global Co-Head of Talent Development

Harlem Children's Zone Ch ief Executive Officer

From: Carey, Michael
To: Hagelgans, Andrea; Leopold, Elana
Cc: "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"; Wolfe, Emma; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel; Walzak, Phil; Ragone, Peter; Seignious,
Sandy; "jfdc@akpdmedia.com"
Subject: Re: MBDB: Prep Call for Sunday Show
Date: Saturday, December 06, 2014 3:10:20 PM

In the body of the email:


DATE: Sunday, December 7, 2014
TIME:             9AM EST- Lead Interview
47 West 66th Street
New York, NY
<!--[if !supportLists]--> I. <!--[endif]--> PURPOSE
YOU will join George Stephanapoulos on This Week Sunday news hour. This is an
opportunity to continue the drumbeat on the election and showcase NYC’s
progressive leadership. In the wake of the Ferguson and Garner grand jury decisions,
it is also an opportunity to demonstrate strong progressive leadership on complex
issues (police and community relations).
Topics will include:
<!--[if !supportLists]--> · <!--[endif]--> Governing progressively - Community/Police
<!--[if !supportLists]--> · <!--[endif]--> The future of the Democratic Party
<!--[if !supportLists]--> · <!--[endif]--> Immigration
<!--[if !supportLists]--> · <!--[endif]--> DNC and presidential election 2016
<!--[if !supportLists]--> II. <!--[endif]--> PARTICIPANTS
<!--[if !supportLists]--> III. <!--[endif]--> PRESS PLAN
<!--[if !supportLists]--> IV. <!--[endif]--> SEQUENCE OF EVENTS

<!--[if !supportLists]--> · <!--[endif]--> Doors open 8:30 A.M.

<!--[if !supportLists]--> · <!--[endif]--> Interview begins at 9:00 A.M.
<!--[if !supportLists]--> · <!--[endif]--> YOU arrive at xxx
<!--[if !supportLists]--> · <!--[endif]--> YOU will have light make up and be Mic’d
<!--[if !supportLists]--> · <!--[endif]--> YOU walk onto stage
<!--[if !supportLists]--> · <!--[endif]--> YOU will be across from George
George will welcome you and start the questions

<!--[if !supportLists]--> V. <!--[endif]--> ATTACHMENTS

George Stephanapoulus Bio

Background on recent shows
Talking Points
Transcript of Ray Kelly
Manchester Speech
George Stephanopoulos was born to first-generation Greek-American parents on February
10, 1961 in Fall River, Massachusetts. He began his career in Washington, D.C. as an aide to
an Ohio Congressman and later helped with Bill Clinton's 1991 presidential campaign,
becoming a trusted advisor post-election. Stephanopoulos eventually joined the staff of ABC
News, serving as anchor for This Week and co-host of Good Morning America.
NOTE: Estimate 20 questions
Anticipated questions on Garner include:
<!--[if !supportLists]--> - <!--[endif]--> Is this a national movement moment:?
<!--[if !supportLists]--> - <!--[endif]--> Will these protests breakthrough and create a
new discussion or will people settle into their own camps?
<!--[if !supportLists]--> - <!--[endif]--> What is the role of the president in all this?
<!--[if !supportLists]--> - <!--[endif]--> Body cameras?
<!--[if !supportLists]--> - <!--[endif]--> Ray Kelly/ Giuliana/PBA comments (transcript
at end)
Sample recent questions on Ferguson:
Everyone’s waiting for the grand jury to hear, what the final word from the grand
jury is. Your FBI has warned about possible violence in the wake of that
decision. What is your message to the people of Ferguson and others who are
looking to protest?
Are you worried here?
One of your heroes, John Lewis, has suggested that if there’s no indictment in
this case, it would be a miscarriage of justice, and another turning point like
Selma. Do you agree with that?
Do you think it would make sense for you to go to Ferguson after this decision?
What about the broader issues of race? I was struck by a poll I saw recently that
said since 2009 the number of African Americans who think that race relations
are getting better has actually gone down.
Sample recent questions on immigration:
What are the consequences for the President for acting on immigration on his
Sample recent questions on HRC and Elections:
Will you coordinate? Does she have your blessing to kind of separate when she
needs to?
You still talk pretty regularly?
So give me a headline sentence. What was the message the voters were sending
Tuesday night?
What is the memo you're going to write to the Democratic candidate in 2016 to
say this is how you win in XX?
<!--[if !supportLists]--> · <!--[endif]--> We were once known as the party that responded
directly to the needs in people’s lives – now many can’t tell you what Democrats
actually stand for. That’s a problem. By defining the problem bluntly and honestly,
that’s when solutions open up.

<!--[if !supportLists]--> · <!--[endif]--> When Democrats are bold; when we run on our
progressive principles rather than run from them; when we choose to tackle the tough
issues that are destroying the middle class and ignoring the working poor - we not
only give people a sense of who we are as Democrats, we give them hope that we can
actually make the changes they can see in their own lives.

<!--[if !supportLists]--> · <!--[endif]--> If you can’t about people’s real life concerns
honestly, why should anyone believe you can fix it?

<!--[if !supportLists]--> · <!--[endif]--> Here is a party that for the last election refused to
talk about the issues that really affect people--- race, immigration, income inequality-
-- why is it any surprise when they failed to galvanize votes?

<!--[if !supportLists]--> · <!--[endif]--> Income inequality, immigration, race – these are the
very real issues that people grapple with at the kitchen table and they should be the
issues that define us as democrats.

<!--[if !supportLists]--> · <!--[endif]--> Too many politicians make decisions because they
fear losing an election. That's the kind of cautious approach that breeds cynicism and
fosters apathy.
<!--[if !supportLists]--> o <!--[endif]--> What Democrats really need to fear is this:
when we shy away from talking about the tough issues; when we tell ourselves
that issues of race relations, income inequality, and corporate greed are too
dicey to touch - we not only risk losing elections, we risk losing people's belief
that we understand their lives.
<!--[if !supportLists]--> o <!--[endif]--> Across the country, families are crippled by
low wages, few benefits, unaffordable housing, lack of Pre-K and after-school.
If the next six years mirror the last six, the gap between the wealthiest
Americans and everybody else could cement us as a Gilded Nation. That's
morally wrong, and it's economically unsustainable. We must address it, and
do it now.
<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->

[ IF asked on HRC]
<!--[if !supportLists]--> · <!--[endif]--> I’m not talking about any one candidate…. I’m
saying this to all Democrats.

<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->
It has been a deeply emotional week for the Garner family and all New Yorkers. His
death was a terrible tragedy that no family should have to endure.
His death has put a spotlight on police-community relations and civil rights--- some of
the most critical issues our nation faces today.

What we’ve seen this week is proud and powerful tradition of expressing ourselves
through non-violent protest --- I’m proud of the NYPD for its response as well. In a
city of more than 8 million people, we saw minimal arrests and peaceful

Commissioner Bratton is taking bold steps to reform community-police relations.
Together we’re committed to creating mutual respect between police and community,
fairness and consistency.
Ended overuse of stop and frisk. First 3 quarters, number of stops down 79%.
But the stops that are being made are more meaningful for public safety-- fewer
stops, but more of the stops resulting in the arrest for a criminal offense (increase
from 6% to 16-17% of stops resulting in an arrest for some type of offense)
Reduced arrests for low-level marijuana possession: In 2 weeks since new policy
implemented, low-level marijuana stops down more than 60%
Immediately committed to retraining every single officer, all 35,000, with a
special focus on use of force. More tools and training for conflict resolution.
And beginning to test the use of body cameras on police officers.
These reforms are having an impact: from July 1 through November 30th, complaints
lodged with Civilian Complaint Review Board declined 26% [ 1,813 complaints filed
compared to the same period in 2013 when 2,450 complaints filed].
What we’re talking about here are centuries-old problems of racism and injustice;
clearly there is always more to be done.
There are still wide disparities in income, employment, housing, education, and
public health in this city.
And despite the enormous progress, the gap between law enforcement and our
communities remains too large.
You made some very personal comments this week, showing solidarity with the Garner
family and communities of color who feel besieged by police aggression. But you oversee
35,000 police officers, and in that press conference, you never once talked about the
thousands of officers who do a very dangerous job – and do it well – in order to keep Black,
Latino, white, and Asian New Yorkers safe. Was that a mistake?
I spoke very clearly about Commissioner Bratton and the officers he commands – and I
publicly praise their skill, their courage, and their tremendous work under
extraordinarily difficult pressure to keep us safe.
Unwavering respect for and pride in our law enforcement officers. THEY are the
reason that we have seen a drop in murder, robberies, and almost every other category
since I became mayor.
I have never confused the hard work of the vast majority of police officers with the
misguided actions of a few.
Protests- Thousands of people took to the streets to make their voices heard. But they
did so peacefully. There were arrests, to be sure. But New Yorkers spoke out for
reform without violence or vandalism.
That’s a testament to the protestors, who know that change comes through activism,
not violence. And it’s ALSO a testament to our police officers, who kept the city safe
while also respecting the rights of many, many hurt and angry people to demonstrate.
There’s been a lot of talk about the Broken Windows theory of policing – targeting those who
commit smaller crimes in hopes of preventing more serious crime. Eric Garner was breaking
the law, selling loose cigarettes illegally. You and your police chief have defended Broken
Windows as an appropriate method for policing.
The head of the police union criticized you – essentially saying that if you want police
officers to do their jobs differently, to NOT crack down on smaller crimes – then it’s up to
you to tell them that – that you can’t tell them to police a certain way, and then criticize them
for doing their jobs. Is it fair to say you’re trying to have it both ways?
Under my police chief, we are not only rethinking how we police – so that we target
the actual bad guys; we are already implementing it.
We came into office saying we’d eliminate the overuse of stop and frisk, which was
unfairly targeting young men of color. We did that. 533,042 stop and frisks in 2012;
191,558 in 2013; only 38,456 so far during the first three quarters of 2014.
Now, the critics said that was crazy – that crime would SOAR as a result. But the
OPPOSITE has happened. Crime is down more than 4%.
From arming police officers with new technologies like a GPS system to more quickly
pinpoint the firing of an illegal gun; to pushing forward with body cameras; to a
wholesale retraining of the entire police force so that they are protecting AND
respecting the people they’re sworn to serve.
But Broken Windows is Commissioner Bratton’s baby. He applied it during the Giuliani era.
Your critics on the Left have said that if you were serious about reforming a crackdown on
petty crimes, you wouldn't have picked Bratton.
Let me tell you something about Bill Bratton. I know this man, and I know his heart.
And there is no police chief in the country who is more committed to building a
stronger relationship between police and the people they serve.
When he was chief of the LAPD, race relations were terribly frayed.
Mentioned the reforms we’ve put in place to date.
Also the way we’re communicating with residents of our city. Commissioner Bratton
has spoken publicly about rooting out racist cops.
With all due respect to previous administrations, New Yorkers have never heard a
police chief confront an issue like that so directly and with such unflinching resolve.
And that sends a signal to our 35,000 police officers that we have great trust in them,
but we also hold them to a high standard of conduct.
You’ve also been criticized by the Left for your actions on policing. The NYT has
questioned Broken Windows, while others on the left have denounced it. You campaigned as
a progressive reformer. Are you now sort of stuck between a rock and a hard place?
I am a product of movement politics. And let me explain what that means. It means
you believe that the way to bring about real, substantive change is to push and push
and push – not settle for half a loaf. You need to challenge those in power to do more
to address big challenges.
Today, I’m the one in power. So I have great respect and empathy for those who want
me to produce more change and to do it faster. I don’t dismiss that; I embrace it. It
helps keep me focused on the core mission. I signed up for this job – and I am going
to work as hard to deliver change from the inside as I did when I was on the outside.
Several times this week, you’ve mentioned racism as it relates to policing. The polls show
that many people of color agree with you. But those same polls show that most white
residents disagree. By talking about racism so frequently, don’t you risk dividing the city –
pitting white New Yorkers against Black and Latino New Yorkers?
To pretend like racism doesn’t exist in our society today is the height of
And we’re never going to eliminate it if we decide that it’s a topic we can’t even
TALK about.
And New Yorkers don’t shy away from discussing the hard topics. We’re a city of 8.4
million personalities, and the greatest diversity of any city in the country. We talk
things out; we’re real with each other; and we work together to solve problems. That’s
what New York is all about.
Rudy Giuliani accused you of racism and the PBA says that you unfairly targeted cops. How
do you respond?
When Rudy Giuliani was mayor, our city was as racially divided as any point in my
lifetime. He saw political utility in systematically shutting out leaders in the African
American and Latino communities.
Mike Bloomberg, with whom I’ve disagreed on many things, made great progress in
repairing some of the damage done to race relations in New York during the Giuliani
years – and I applaud him for that.
I’m not going to shy away from having tough conversations about race and injustice.
That’s the only way we’re going to move forward and make real progress.
Several members of Congress from New York, including the two Senators, criticized the
grand jury for not indicting. You very deliberately stopped short of doing that. Were they
wrong to judge the grand jury’s decision?
I’m not going to speak to their individual decisions. I just believe that as Mayor, it’s
not appropriate for me to comment specifically on what the grand jury did.
But as a New Yorker, as a father, and particularly as part of an interracial family, I
know the anger and pain and frustration of millions of New Yorkers – and countless
Americans across the country – and I know it in very personal terms.
There are those who feel that the system is broken – that it continues to fail people
from certain communities over and over and over again. And that has to change. And
we will do everything in our power as an administration – but also as a city of 8.4
million New Yorkers – to change that.
Progress vs. Cuomo
Q: You wrote a passionate piece for Huffington Post about the need for the Democrats to stay
left, yet you enthusiastically supported Governor Andrew Cuomo, who seems to take
pleasure out of disappointing liberals. How can you be for both?
I have been unapologetic about wanting to move New York City in a bold, progressive
direction. Best way to help the city is to support and work with Governor Cuomo.
Ray Kelly on CNN
Chris Cuomo: Let’s bring in former New York City police commissioner Raymond Kelly.
It’s good to have you, commissioner. As always, thank you for being here. First, let’s talk
about how the protests are going in New York City. Do you believe that this is happening the
right way here? Are the police doing the right thing? Are the protesters doing the right thing?
Ray Kelly: The right thing – that’s an interesting question. Obviously they’re tying up traffic.
There’s a lot of concern. There’s a lot of emotion involved here. I think the police are doing a
good job. I think sometimes you have to prevent people from blocking traffic or taking a
bridge. And you know, that’s something, I hope, the leadership is looking at doing. But what
we’ve seen is the demonstrators able to take over streets and bridges for a significant period
of time. That impacts on a lot of people’s lives.
Cuomo: But what can you do without escalating the situation and turning it into something
that is a real disaster?
Kelly: Well, they have made 100 arrests last evening so you can make arrests. But you don’t
always have to make arrests. The police department in New York is the biggest in the country
– 35,000 uniformed officers. You can mass officers to prevent some of these things from
Cuomo: Do you think it’s wrong that they’re taking to the streets and protesting over what
Kelly: No, absolutely not. That’s what we’re all about here in this country. People have very
deep concerns about two decisions – the Michael Brown and Eric Garner case. We
understand that.
Cuomo: When you look at this Garner tape – you’ve seen it – when you look at what officers
do in there, where you surprised there was no indictment?
Kelly: You can’t put yourselves in the place of the grand jury. We weren’t there. I don’t
know what they saw. I don’t know if they did it frame by frame. I don’t know what the
officer said.
Cuomo: Do you think we should know?
Kelly: I’d like to know, and obviously New York law is different from Missouri law.

Cuomo: But he hasn’t even asked – the prosecutor – he hasn’t even asked the judge to
release it.
Kelly: Well, he’s asked for a portion of it. He got some information yesterday or the day
before –
Cuomo: But he’s not really going the disclosure route – you think they should be?
Kelly: Well, I think a – disjuncture – I’d like to see more information, yes.
Cuomo: Because there’s something about it that doesn’t make sense. When you just look at
the video in real-time, it does look like he’s choking the guy, he goes down –
Kelly: Well, I think it’s important to remember a chokehold is restricted by an internal
regulation. It is not against the law. In many police departments in the country, it’s no
problem. So, it is a regulation.
Cuomo: Right and it was very important to you. You were very out front about it – about
why you didn’t want it.
Kelly: Well, I banned the regulation – I put in the regulation about 20 years ago because we
had a series of cases. No question about it, it is very sensitive when you go near somebody’s
neck. And it’s resulted in the deaths of other people in the history of this department and
other departments.
Cuomo: But where it’s legal or not – I feel like we’re getting caught in the weeds on this. He
gets behind the guy, he chokes him, the guy goes down, he’s saying he can’t breathe, he dies.
It just screams of excessive force.
Kelly: Well, again, we don’t know exactly what was presented to the grand jury.
Cuomo: So then you get why this happened, and race comes up – unarmed black man, he’s
selling cigarettes – maybe, maybe not. Who knows if he even had the cigarettes there? That’s
unclear. And he winds up dying and this is what happens because blacks don’t get fair
treatment by the cops. It’s a cultural problem. Do you accept that?
Kelly: Do I accept that as being a – I accept that as being clearly a perception on the part of a
lot of people. There is a perception in the African-American community that they don’t get
fair treatment in many, many encounters with the police department. I would like to point out
that in 2013, there was a poll of [inaudible] of the New York City police department. 70
percent of people approved of the actions of the NYPD, and it was at 58 percent in the
African American community. So the notion that there is this great schism between the
African American community and the NYPD, simply was not the case in 2013. Now, if you
keep talking about it, yes, it will continue to fester and become more of a problem.
Cuomo: Do you think our talking about it is creating the problem or do you think there’s a
problem and we’re talking about it?
Kelly: No, I think some politicians – and certainly in the campaign in 2013, it was made an
issue. And it continues to be an issue in the political sphere. So, yeah I think it adds to the
Cuomo: But do you think it’s not just highlighting a reality – that cops in high-crime
districts that tend to be high-minority districts, have a rougher and less dignified relationship
with the police than let’s say, where I am on Carnegie Hill.
Kelly: Well I don’t think that’s what the issue is, [inaudible] what people are saying. Is there
tension in some minority communities between the police and the people who live there?
Cuomo: Can you change it?
Kelly: You can work to change it.
Cuomo: How?
Kelly: By more communication, by having a more diversified police force. The NYPD — the
police officer rank — is a majority minority now. You have police officers in 106 countries,
so a lot of effort has been made. I think we’ve made a lot of progress. Now when you have
an Eric Garner case, when you have a Michael Brown case, it certainly sets us back
significantly. But, in the big picture — certainly from my vantage point having been in the
business 40 years — a lot of progress has been made.
Cuomo: And — so how do we improve? And you gotta deal with culture, you gotta deal with
conversation with the community, you work for them not against them — what happens when
the horrible happens? Do you think prosecutors should investigate their own cops.
Kelly: Prosecutors are elected — we have five district attorneys elected in New York City.
They’re representing the people. Now, in certain instances, I can see where you need a
special prosecutor. But in normal cases — when I say normal cases, when there’s some
encounter between the police and members of minority community — I think the DA’s can
do the job.

Cuomo: But they’re making their cases with these same men and women. I mean, these are
their people. I mean, the guy out in Staten Island — these are his cops that he makes cases
with all the time. And so he goes before the grand jury — do you think he’s as aggressive
with, you know, that defendant being a cop as he would be if it were Eric Garner. They
usually go in there wanting an indictment — the grand jury is a tool of theirs, you know this.
Kelly: The district attorneys that are in New York City — the ones that I know — we all hold
them to the highest standards and I think they do a terrific job. In certain instances, maybe it
calls for a special prosecutor. I wouldn’t say at any time there’s a police investigation that
you needed a special prosecutor — I don’t think so. I think they’d be against it quite a bit.
Cuomo: A little inside baseball, but I think people were trying to figure out how this
happened because it seems like probable cause was a bar you could have hopped over pretty
easily here. What would happen in trial? Who knows. Staten Island — that’s where this
happened. They made a movie Cop Land, that was basically about Staten Island, that there’s a
lot of conservative people there, that there’s a lot of first responder families, and that maybe
if this had happened in another borough you would have gotten an indictment — but not
there. Do you think there’s anything to do?
Kelly: The grand jury, as I understand it — made up of 14 whites and nine, or eight, African-
Americans. So that’s pretty representative. And actually — the demographics of Staten Island
— a larger percentage of whites than that jury reflected. So, I mean, I think that’s a pretty
reasonable construct of a grand jury to look at this case.
Cuomo: So you think, going forward, changes can be made? The first thing we’ve heard is
three-day training for 22,000 cops and that’s going to be a sweeping change. That’s not
going to be enough — that’s just going a first step, right?
Kelly: Well, as far as training is concerned, I’d like to point out that the NYPD is the only
major police department accredited by the commissioner on law enforcement accreditation. It
took four years to do. It was renewed in 2009 and 2012. So, the training, I think, has been
well done. Now, is this new training is going to make a difference? We’ll see. I don’t know
who devised it. I don’t know who put it together. I don’t know what expert input we have.
We’ll have to see.
Cuomo: Could be something that just sounds good.

Kelly: You could talk about training and talk about it for quite a while. It’s always the
answers down the road.

Cuomo: Right? You started this conversation with, kind of, adding that a lot of politicians
say this and now they’re saying they’ve got the solution and it’s in training. Do you think that
the police can become scapegoats in a situation like this for politicians who don’t want to
deal with underlying social issues.
Kelly: Sure. Absolutely. We’ve seen that throughout the history of modern policing. The
police are easy to bash. In this city, you have record low crime rates. Last year, we had 333
murders. In 1990, we had 2,245 murders and a million fewer people living in New York than
we have now. The city is as safe as its ever been, yet people want to still blame the police of
a myriad of things.
Cuomo: Push back is, well how did you get it that way? Part of it’s going to be the economy,
right? Whether it’s stop and frisk — which you had very strong feelings about — or broken
windows policy — which Bratton and you guys were architects of that — that the people who
you police on that level pay too high a price for too small a crime. This guy was selling
cigarettes and he winds up getting rushed by a handful of officers. He winds up dying — it’s
not worth it. Even if it reduces crime.
Kelly: People in these communities, I think, have a pretty strong relationship with the police,
contrary to what you may see in the media. They need help — they want help. The president
said the other day that communities of color need strong policing. And it has absolutely
transformed neighborhoods throughout New York. You know that — you’ve been here your
whole life. You know, neighborhoods that you’d never go to 20 years ago, now have million
dollar condos in them. That’s because of the low-levels of crime and the feeling of public
Cuomo: You do not think that this should be representative of the NYPD overall? In terms
of its reputation.
Kelly: What is representative?
Cuomo: The Eric Garner situation.
Kelly: New York City Police Department does terrific work every day and it’s made this
city, that was crime-ridden in 1990, the safest big city in America.

Cuomo: Commissioner Kelly, you’re certainly a part of that legacy and we appreciate you
being on New Day.
Kelly: Thanks, Chris.
Your Op-ed:

It’s a time-honored tradition.

After months of covering the midterm elections through a prism of polls and tactics, pundits
will shift their focus to the defeated party’s so-called season of “soul-searching.”

As a Democrat, I’m disappointed in last Tuesday’s results. But as a progressive, I know my

party need not search for its soul – but rather, its backbone.

The truth is that the Democratic Party has core values that are very much in sync with most

We believe in taking dead aim at the income inequality that infects our communities – from
big cities like New York, to small towns and rural areas across the United States.

We believe that the wealthy should pay their fair share so we can lift people out of poverty
and grow our middle class.

And we believe in rules that prevent big corporations and Wall Street banks from unraveling
workers’ pensions, suppressing employees’ wages and benefits, and rigging the system to
reward wealth instead of work.

This year, too many Democratic candidates lost sight of those core principles – opting instead
to clip their progressive wings in deference to a conventional wisdom that says bold ideas
aren’t politically practical.

To working people, it showed Democratic weakness – a weak commitment to the change

desperately sought by struggling families, and a weak alternative to a Republican philosophy
that has held America back.

Bold, progressive ideas win elections.

Just ask Senator Al Franken, who has fought fearlessly to rein in Wall Street, and won by a
larger margin on Tuesday than President Obama did in Minnesota in 2012.
Or Senator Jeff Merkley, who never backed away from his support for Obamacare – a federal
program that is already working to reduce income inequality, and promises to do more to
address the inequality crisis than anything out of Washington in generations. Merkley won
re-election in Oregon by six points more than Obama won that state in 2012.

Then there’s Governor Jerry Brown, who cruised to re-election after championing – and
winning – a millionaire’s tax that dedicated funding to California’s public schools.

And don’t forget Governor Dan Malloy – who was written off by so many in his re-election
bid in Connecticut. Malloy raised taxes so he could invest more in education each year (at a
time when other Governors were slashing education to close yawning budget gaps). Malloy
passed earned sick time and a minimum wage hike. And in his re-election bid, he proudly
stood alongside President Obama.

Malloy not only lived to tell about it on Tuesday, he increased his margin of victory in a
rematch with his 2010 Republican opponent.

Critics will point to competitive Senate races in Kentucky, Arkansas, and North Carolina as
places where such progressive policies would all but ensure Democrats’ defeat.

Our question is: how would they know?

In those states, Democratic candidates didn’t say much about progressive taxation, expanding
health and retirement benefits, or implementing anti-poverty efforts like universal pre-k or
affordable housing.

In Kentucky, more than 413,000 residents have signed up for Obamacare – making it one of
the program’s most notable success stories. Arkansas had the nation’s fourth highest poverty
rate last year, at 19.7%. In North Carolina – nearly 60% of three-and-four-year olds are not
enrolled in pre-k. What were the Democratic candidates offering voters there?

We saw photo-ops with candidates firing their rifles of choice; witnessed rhetorical
gymnastics about how different they were from Obama; and watched televised debates
dominated by empty attacks on the Koch Brothers’ influence on campaigns, rather than
policies requiring billionaires like the Kochs to pay their fair share in taxes to fund programs
benefiting working people.

I’m not blaming the individual candidates here. The strategies they employed are largely the
making of Washington insiders who force-feed message points on candidates under threat of
being written off by their national party infrastructure.

But we’ve tried it the Washington way time and time again – and seen the result. It’s time
for a bold, new approach – with campaign messages that are rooted in local concerns and
core party principles; ideas that are morally just, intellectually honest, and sound public
policy. In other words, a campaign plan that gives voters some credit, and has a real chance
of success at the polls.

Acknowledging the need to address income inequality helps win elections. Want proof?
Look at the Republicans. In several contests where the GOP prevailed last Tuesday,
candidates spoke directly to voters’ concerns on issues like poverty, wage equality, and

And tackling inequality is not only good politics; it’s good government.

In New York, progressive Democrats joined me in passing universal pre-k and an expansion
of after-school programs. We are pursuing bold plans for building affordable housing. And
we’ve taken decisive action to offer more people paid sick leave and living wages.

In Washington, Senator Elizabeth Warren and progressive Democrats have fought to better
regulate the complex financial instruments at the heart of the 2008 fiscal meltdown, and have
battled the big banks to allow students to refinance their college loans at current lower rates.

And the fight against inequality isn’t limited to blue states. Right now, there’s a fierce battle
being waged on behalf of pre-k in dark-red Indiana. In Kentucky, Governor Beshear
maintains wide support and popularity after publicly championing the benefits of Obamacare
to the state. Last week, voters in Arkansas, Alaska, Nebraska, and South Dakota approved
ballot measures to increase the minimum wage.

So where do Democrats go from here?

The 2016 presidential election is two years off, but will have a huge impact on the lives of
America’s middle-class and poor. Democrats simply cannot rely on shifting demographics
and a badly damaged Republican brand to hold the White House and help countless
Americans who are struggling.

We must demonstrate, from coast to coast, that we are a party dedicated to lifting people out
of poverty; one committed to building a bigger and more durable middle-class; one that is
unafraid to ask a little more from those at the very top – the wealthy individuals and big
corporations who have not only rebounded from the depths of the Great Recession, but
who’ve accumulated record new wealth.

This is a blueprint to revitalize the Democratic Party; to reenergize the everyday people
whom we have always championed and stand up tall – with a backbone of steel – in what is
sure to be a hard-fought contest for the direction our nation in 2016 and beyond
Mayor Bill de Blasio Delivers Remarks at the Labour Party Conference
September 24, 2014

Remarks as Prepared for Delivery

It’s such an honor to be here with Mr. Miliband and ALL the people who make this Labour
Party what it is. From he and the other rising stars who will lead Labour to victory next
year… to the everyday activists whose unflinching passion and energy will fuel the

Though I’ve seen your efforts mostly from afar, it’s clear to me, even across five time zones
and an ocean, that this group is working towards something special…. something important.

It’s fitting that we find ourselves in Manchester. This city was at the forefront of the
innovation and ingenuity that drove the Industrial Revolution, helping shape the contours of
the modern economy that we know today.

It shares a special status in history with the city I love and am so honored to lead. Both are
places where big ideas and raw grit have been honored and rewarded like few others in the

It is also among the first places in the world to foster a modern working class… and among
the first where working people empowered themselves to take part in the political process.
It’s no wonder then that Manchester is a place where hard truths are deeply understood and
spoken out.

I cannot imagine a more appropriate backdrop for this gathering because yours is a party
BORN out of working people attaining the right to vote… a party that EXISTS to fight for
working families and forcefully address their needs.

Labour has inclusiveness and progressiveness coded in its DNA… Yours is a party grounded
in the idea that everyone’s voice matters…. And that no one should be left behind.

THIS Labour Party is led by a new generation of progressive leaders and defined by bold
ideas. You stand ready to ACT with a plan for a fairer, more prosperous United Kingdom….
And to FIGHT for an economy... a country… that works for working people.

THIS Labour Party hears the voices of the millions who feel like they are treading water…
Working harder and harder but feeling less and less secure about the future.

And your party refuses to accept the politics of inertia… That resigned mindset that says the
next generation is destined to do worse than this one.

By virtue of being in this room, you recognize that we owe it to our children to do better …
to live up to the most basic promise we make to the people we serve.

I say that as someone charged with the duty of overseeing New York’s school system, where
over one million children 18 and under learn and grow.
I also say it as a father of two beautiful children of my own, Dante and Chiara, who have
attended those schools for most of their young lives.

There is NO duty more sacred than parenthood.

Nothing gives me more comfort… more joy… than watching my children grow, knowing
they can be WHATEVER they want to be. The boundaries of their future are determined
only by how hard they work and how big they dream.

If we accept a future – or a present – where parents can’t look their kids in the eyes and tell
them they have a shot at something better, then we break the promise of civilized society….
We deprive our children – AND their parents -- of so much.

Now, I’ve said that growing inequality is THE crisis of our time in New York City. It’s true
here as well.

The numbers speak for themselves.

In the UK, in 2011, the average income of an adult in the top 0.1 % (point one percent) was
more than 70 times that of someone in the bottom 90%. [2011, World Income Database].

The Guardian recently reported that the five richest families in the UK have more wealth than
the entire bottom 20% of the country.
And, as is the case in New York City, the trend has been moving sharply in the wrong
direction. According to a study published by Oxfam, since the 1990s, incomes of the top
0.1% (point one percent) of Britons have grown four times faster than those of the bottom

Now, there’s nothing wrong with attaining wealth. I’m happy to celebrate the success of
those who’ve earned it. But this crisis is keeping so many from writing their OWN success

This status quo offers only the narrowest path to opportunity. Instead, it leaves everyday
working people caught in a cost-of-living crisis.

And let’s be clear what we mean when we talk about a cost of living crisis. It’s not a
reference to the astonishingly high price of penthouse flats, Bentleys or five-star holidays.
The people who can afford THOSE luxuries, are in fact, doing quite well under this
Conservative government.

But feeding a family, keeping a modest home that’s lit and heated, securing a safe place for
children to be while parents are hard at work… THESE things are becoming more and more
costly. We’re not talking about luxuries, or even conveniences, but the ESSENTIALS that
people need to live.

LIVING itself is getting harder and harder for working families to afford. Not living
WELL… just LIVING; just getting by.

And the price people pay isn’t merely monetary.

You can see it in the tired eyes of the waitress whose SECOND job is preceded by a second
SHIFT at her FIRST job….

In the shaky hand of the bus driver signing the paperwork for a payday loan….

In the clenched jaws and stiff lips of working parents mustering brave faces in front of their
son and daughter… in the STRAIN that goes into just hiding the fear that they won’t be able
to attain a better life.

As wealth becomes more concentrated at the top, stories like these are becoming all too

If unaddressed, the crisis will become THE defining characteristic of our societies… It won’t
be prosperity or opportunity… tragically, it will be inequality and the cost-of-living crisis.

I know this Labour Party understands what’s at stake.

I also know the weight of this moment can feel like a burden: the exasperation that comes
from knowing the gravity of this threat – a generation at risk of being forsaken – at a time
when so many seem unwilling to act in response.

The right side of history can feel like a lonely place. But it isn’t. It never has been.

Rather, history itself tells us that people gravitate towards decency, inclusion and progress.
And you don’t have to look back thousands of years to see that – go walk around the streets
of Manchester… Go to a school, a church, a mosque… You can see the trust people put in
one another every day; the value people place in simple moral action.

So why then is COLLECTIVE moral action often so difficult?

In the case of the inequality and cost-of-living crisis, part of the issue is scope: the problem
seems so difficult, so deeply embedded, that good people can be tempted to throw their hands
up and declare that nothing can be done about it.

But there’s something else going on as well. As is the case with many injustices, there are
people – small in number but oversized in power – who benefit from the status quo, and they
work to maintain it. Their voices seem louder… more confident and authoritative… and
those of everyday people get drowned out.

In this way, people are made to feel powerless… made to feel that their voice doesn’t matter
at all.

So at the same time that inequality is skyrocketing and the cost of living is overwhelming –
something people can see and feel every day – we’re told that just speaking of this problem is
unconstructive, divisive… harmful, even.

You know that it isn’t. So do the people of your country.

Part of your job then is to help them find their voice to say – together – that Britons deserve
something better.

Sometimes people – good, hardworking people – need to hear the truth spoken before they
feel comfortable speaking it themselves.

And there’s so much power that comes from speaking the truth… especially from speaking
HARD truths.

That’s because the status quo gets perpetuated through a series of falsehoods…false
CHOICES that assign mutual exclusivity to ideas that should be complementary.

We’re told that prosperity can’t be both great, and shared….

That you can’t lift the floor for those struggling in a tough economy, and still balance a

That those of us who serve can’t expect to achieve anything at all if we dare to advance
policies that are bold and morally right.

In the lead-up to the election for New York City Mayor last year, the voices of the status quo
gave voters another false choice: support MY candidacy … OR vote for someone with a real
shot at winning.

Well, I am here before you today because the people of New York City rejected the lazy
logic of false–choice politics.

I want to tell you how it happened.

I announced my candidacy for Mayor from the front steps of my home in Brooklyn in
January 2013. A few hundred people were there with me… the earliest believers in our

We were brought together by a deep concern: that New York had become a Tale of Two
Cities; a place where a few were doing very well, but millions of working people were

It threatened to degrade New York’s status in the world.

The beacon of opportunity that for generations shone so brightly across-our-five-boroughs-

and-out-into-the -world was dimming.

We saw it, we FELT it in our city…. Even if it was unspoken, we saw on our neighbors’
faces: the weight of worry about a future of diminished possibilities.

And we knew the policies of the status quo were exacerbating the problem rather than
addressing it.

But though our mission was in many ways somber, our mood that day was not. It was a
grey, frigid afternoon, but the event had an aura of excitement and joy one would expect at a
summer street party. It was no doubt a strange sight to those passing by.

There was a feeling that something special was happening that made the chill tolerable. It
came from having found in one another a group of people who spoke the same truth about
our Tale of Two Cities…the harm it was doing…. the threat it posed.

There was a sense of relief that came from learning we weren’t alone in our beliefs… a
lifting of lonely burdens.

There was a powerful sense of MISSION that came from accepting a mutual responsibility to
act, together, against this scourge… and a heartfelt faith that victory was achievable, no
matter the odds.

Now, the odds did appear quite long, at first. It felt like the total number of those in the city
who had HEARD of me was limited to those standing in front of my home that day… And
my house is not very big.

And not only were other candidates for mayor better known, they espoused ideas that were
seen as more politically practical, hewing to the familiarity of the status quo.

But it was never my intention to nibble around the edges with policies of timid maintenance;
I ran to take dead aim at the crisis of our time. And I became Mayor because everyday New
Yorkers, too, were hungry for a clean break from the status quo.

Our campaign was powered by people of every race, every age, every income bracket. And
yes, even many New Yorkers who had enjoyed great success joined our fight against rising
inequality. They wanted the next generation of New Yorkers to have the same opportunities
the city had given them.

We were a small group, at first, but as New Yorkers learned that we were fighting for a
government that would represent THEIR values -- fairness, justice, real opportunity for all –
our campaign grew. And grew… And grew.

We worked – together – as activists, to spread the word.

And so, in living rooms and parks… on Twitter and Facebook… people were hearing from
one another for the first time things they already knew in their own hearts to be true… and
they were learning the POWER that could come when they themselves spoke out.
THAT is how in a matter of months we went from a few hundred souls gathered on that
blustery Brooklyn day, to not just winning, but winning BIG on ELECTION day.

And our shared resolve to remake our city didn’t end when the votes were tallied.

The same tenets that defined our campaign now drive our Administration: a constant push for
bold action; a willingness to hear and speak hard truths; an agenda set by listening to the

With regard to my absolute highest priority, that’s meant working aggressively to secure
unprecedented access to free, full day – FULL DAY – early education programs for 4-year-

We did this because study after study shows the great equalizing effect of early education.
But you don’t need to read an academic journal to get that: we all know access to quality
education does so much to determine a person’s economic destiny… and as with most
matters of destiny, timing is everything.

Now, to give you some context on the politics we faced when trying to expand full day early
education for all families, I’d like to read you two assessments from New York newspapers,
published almost exactly one year apart.

In September 2013, a few months before I was elected Mayor… the New York Daily News
wrote QUOTE “[The] promise to create 48,000 educational slots for four-year-olds…has
little chance of becoming a reality.”

Then, in September 2014, in The New York Times QUOTE “51,000 Answer de Blasio’s Bell
for New Pre-K.”

Now, the 51,000 there refers to the number of kids who have been signed up for these
programs. That’s three thousand MORE than the number said to be impossible just one year

It also means that 51,000 beautiful children are on a better path to success… And all of their
mothers and fathers… grandparents and guardians… they get to experience the comfort… the
joy… that comes from seeing the shine of brighter futures.
It’s hard to express how much that means for the working people of our city. But it’s also
not all we’ve done in our first few months in office.

We’ve launched a plan to secure affordable housing for 500,000 New Yorkers over the next
decade. That’s more than the total population of Bristol… Or of Miami, for anyone watching
back home.

We ended what had been one of the saddest manifestations of inequality by reforming
racially biased police practices so that ALL law-abiding New Yorkers are granted the basic
right of walking down the street without fear of being hassled by authorities.

And we’ve done all of this while reaching agreement on a contract with our city teachers –
educators who had gone without a contract for nearly five years. In all that time, the good
men and women charged with safeguarding the futures of our children had enjoyed little
security when it came to their own futures.

We made a deal grounded in partnership and mutual respect, because RESPECT for working
men and women is a core principle that all GOOD governments live by. It was a fair deal
for teachers – offering increased pay that they greatly deserved. But it also generated
important savings that labor was a partner in achieving. Put simply: it was a good deal for
the people of New York.

So if anyone tells you that a balanced budget and an agenda of economic fairness can’t go
hand-in-hand, tell them to come visit New York City.

Really, it’s beautiful this time of year.

I notice so many similarities between the UK I see today and the New York where I stood on
that cold afternoon and announced my candidacy.

In comes through so clearly, even across great physical distance: the people of the UK are
ready for bold, progressive change.

And if we can make the strides that we’ve made in New York City from a campaign so
humble in its origins, imagine the feats that can come from this great hall!

The work you have in front of you is so important. Here’s the evidence of that: the other side
is trying to talk you into underestimating the reach of the good you can do.

There is little basis for glib assertion from the Conservatives that a progressive agenda is
narrow in terms of whose lives it would improve.

The opposite is true. Mounting inequality creates ripple effects that undermine our whole
societies. Here’s just one example of how:

The Financial Times recently concluded that the income gap between America’s richest and
poorest metropolitan regions is not only the widest it has ever been, but that this phenomenon
was QUOTE "shaping an uneven housing recovery that threatens to hold back the broader
revival of the world’s largest economy.”

In an increasingly interconnected world, a system grounded in exclusivity is not sustainable

for ANYONE, including those at the very top.

But that also means a progressive agenda has the power to help EVERYONE, whether your
opponents acknowledge it or not.

Don’t hold your breath waiting for this conservative government to do that. Their top-down
policies are making things harder for working people every day.

Among the many ways they’ve aggravated the wounds of this crisis, the most painful might
be their tax policy.

Instead of giving working families the leg-up they deserve, they gave huge tax cuts to the
wealthiest with the vague hope that money would magically trickle down to everyone else.
In my country, that’s an approach we call voodoo economics.

I have no doubt the word “voodoo” sounds more elegant in a British accent than an
American one, but in any intonation, we know it’s a policy that doesn’t work.

So let me tell you about what does work. And you don’t have to look far to see it. In fact,
you heard it at your own conference last evening.

Ed Miliband has so clearly articulated both the challenges, and the opportunities this moment
in history creates for the British people.
He knows that a cautious approach won’t do when it comes to addressing the crisis of our
time. He has a BOLD vision for big change. As he said last evening: “I’m not talking about
changing a policy or simply a different programme, but something that is bigger:
transforming the idea and ethic of how our country is run.”

And he knows well what needs to be done. As he told this conference LAST YEAR: “We
have to rebuild anew One Nation. An economy built on your success, a society based on your
values, a politics that hears your voice – rich and poor alike – accepting their responsibilities
to each other.”

Ed Miliband will be a Prime Minister for Britons with second jobs, not just those with
second homes.

Ed Miliband understands -- this Labour Party understands – the true cost of a status quo that
puts a barrier between working people and prosperity.

And this Labour Party not only has the right values, it has an agenda that translates values
into action. Not political talk, but a real plan that reforms the crux of the economy.

Labour has a plan for a tax policy that rewards hard work over existing wealth and power. A
plan to end the current government’s tax cut for the wealthiest and instead give tax relief to
24 million middle and working class people….

A plan that protects and STRENGTHENS – not curtails – the NHS so that quality healthcare
remains a right and not a privilege…

A plan that puts working people ahead of big corporations by controlling energy costs, and
taking unprecedented steps to make housing more affordable.

And a plan that significantly increases – to 25 hours a week – free child care to working
parents of 3- and 4-year olds, so that ALL kids can get on a path to success and opportunity

I speak from personal experience when I say that this initiative in particular has the power to
lift lives like few others that governments can implement. And it will make such a difference
for so many children, and for their parents.
Your agenda is a blueprint of what a fairer, more prosperous, STRONGER United Kingdom
will look like.

That is not only why you MUST win, it is why you WILL win!

The upcoming election represents a choice for the people of your country: build a United
Kingdom that rewards hard work and ensures the next generation does better… Or continue
down a path of growing inequality and rising cost of living.

To me, that choice is very clear, as I know it is to the people in this room… and as I know it
will become to everyday people across this country.

But to those on the other side, who argue things work BETTER when opportunity is scarce
and exclusive, I offer this thought: not even DARWIN was a social Darwinist.

Indeed, Charles Darwin, one of the greatest minds that yours or any country ever produced,
put it this way: “If the misery of the poor be caused not by the laws of nature, but by our
institutions, great is our sin.”

Among the cruelest false choices we are given is one that says we can only move forward if
some are left behind. You don’t need to accept that. No one should.

The work ahead of you will be anything but easy… I can assure you of that. That distinct
histories written on opposite ends of an ocean leave us, at this moment, facing essentially the
same crisis – underscores its profound scale.

But you have the power to overcome it.

If you reject the cold complacency of the status quo, its power will erode.

If you speak hard truths, others will listen.

If you empower the people of your great country to speak THEIR truths, to stand up and TO
ACT in the face of this crisis, then there is so much good that you can achieve, together.

And I believe you will.

Thank you!


(212) 788-2958


From: <Hagelgans>, Andrea Hagelgans <AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Saturday, December 6, 2014 at 3:09 PM
To: Elana Leopold <ELeopold@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Michael Carey <mpcarey@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "'Jonathan@berlinrosen. com'"
<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>, "Wolfe, Emma" <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel"
<GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Walzak, Phil" <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Ragone, Peter"
<pragone@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Sandy Seignious <sseignious@cityhall.nyc.gov>, John Del Cecato
Subject: Re: MBDB: Prep Call for Sunday Show

In updated briefing memo that was sent to alexis and MPC last night.
From: Leopold, Elana
Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2014 03:07 PM
To: Hagelgans, Andrea
Cc: Carey, Michael; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>; Wolfe, Emma; Schnake-
Mahl, Gabriel; Walzak, Phil; Ragone, Peter; Seignious, Sandy; jfdc@akpdmedia.com
Subject: Re: MBDB: Prep Call for Sunday Show
Did we ever send a couple sentences to the mayor as he requested? 

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 6, 2014, at 3:02 PM, "Hagelgans, Andrea" <AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Am driving. Will need to dial in 5 min late.

From: Carey, Michael
Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2014 02:59 PM
To: ''Jonathan@berlinrosen.com' (Jonathan@berlinrosen.com)'
<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>; Wolfe, Emma; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel; Walzak, Phil;
Ragone, Peter; Seignious, Sandy; Hagelgans, Andrea; 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'
<jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; Leopold, Elana
Subject: Re: MBDB: Prep Call for Sunday Show
Hi All,
We should be starting this call pretty close to on time.

So please dial in close to 3 PM ET.

From: MPCarey@cityhall.nyc.gov
When: 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM December 6, 2014
Subject: MBDB: Prep Call for Sunday Show
Location: Dial-in Number: ( Meeting ID:

From: Bray, Jackie
To: jonathan@berlinrosen.com
Cc: John, Roxanne
Subject: Updated agenda and notes for FLONYC Strategy Session
Date: Thursday, December 18, 2014 7:12:40 PM
Attachments: FLONYC Planning and Strategy Meeting 2 v3.docx


Attached is an updated agenda and set of notes for tomorrow. It gets significantly more specific/content
heavy than our last iteration. Please let us know if you have any questions and we will see you in the

I'm looking forward to meeting you tomorrow. 

Thanks so much,

FLONYC Planning and Strategy Meeting #2

Friday, December 19, 2014

Notes from FLONYC Planning and Strategy Meeting #1

Four Areas of Focus

• Mental Health/Substance Abuse

o Change the way we talk about mental health.
o Help people identify culturally competent treatment.
o Leverage the Duchess’ visit to establish mental health as a signature issue.
• Domestic Violence Reduction
• Early Childhood Education (ages zero to three)
• Arts
o Make Gracie Mansion a showcase for under-represented artists.

Strategies for making an impact in these areas

• More neighborhood events

• Stay focused
• Work in close coordination with relevant City agencies
• Be more selective when choosing events
• Push event organizers to be more creative
• Do a better job engaging clergy

Meeting #2, Planning for 2015

Goals for the meeting:

1. Workshop specific programs and goals within each focus area.

2. Clearly identify next steps by focus area.
3. Sketch 2015 Q1 plan.

Meeting Agenda:
9:30 AM Welcome, Goals for the Meeting CMC
9:35 AM Introductions Jonathan
9:40 AM “Homework” Report Out Around the Room
9:50 AM Propose specific programs within each focus area Roxanne/Jackie
10:00 AM Breakout Groups Jonathan
Breakouts will identify: (1) pros and cons of proposals, (2) critical omissions, (3) challenges and
mitigations, (4) immediate next steps to flesh out each area.
10:30 AM Report Out Jonathan
10:45 AM Q1 Planning Jonathan/Jackie
11:15 AM Next Steps/Action Items Jonathan

1. Workshop specific programs and goals within each focus area.

• Early Childhood Education:

o What is she fighting for? Insuring all children show up to Pre-K with an equal
chance. Giving every mother new mother in NY the information they need.
 NYC Too Small To Fail pilot
• CMC as ambassador/face of that pilot
• Wrap “Talk/Speak/Sing” into broader joint pilot w/Clinton
• Work with City agencies to add to the public affairs campaign
a tool kit distribution and hospital education component.
o Engagement with Nurse-Family Partnership or other intervention service
o Is there a way to structure/partner on a small pilot that can collect metrics
and create evidence based practices?

• Domestic Violence:
o What is she fighting for? Insuring survivors of Domestic Violence have access
to the services they need. Expanding city services/increasing access to
services for survivors of Domestic Violence.
 Amplify and advocate for the Mayor’s Office to Combat Domestic
Violence’s (OCDV) 2015 expansion priorities:
• State Island Family Justice Center
• Two Satellite Family Justice Centers
• NYCHA Domestic Violence Response Team
• Continued public facing outreach efforts
 Leadership at Beijing +20 and UN Safe Cities Campaign
o Facilitating additional resources for Community Based Organizations to
increase their management/financial skills and infrastructure.
o Addressing the need for additional Community Based Organizations working
in target areas (ie: lack of a CBO serving DV survivors in the Caribbean
community in BK).

• Mental Health:
o What is she fighting for? Setting a city wide agenda/galvanizing force for the
right ways to integrate mental health services and awareness into the lives of
New Yorkers. AND Promoting a rethinking of who is a mental health provider
– increasing community based approach to provision of mental health.
 Setting An Agenda
• Strategic plan to align goals and vision (ie: London and Quebec
• Board of the Regional Planning Consortium (Medicaid
Managed Behavior Health)
 Expanding Access in the Community
• Promoting Children Cabinet’ initiative of parent coaching for
0-3 year olds.
• School-based impulse and emotional self-care program by
building a smarter mental health model in schools: prevention
project in Bronx, HHC and Southern BK.
• Train Cure Violence staff in psychotherapy methods
(motivational interviewing)

2. Clearly identify next steps by focus area

For example:

o Finalize FLONYC focus to specific programmatic initiatives and goals by focus

o Develop messaging to be used immediately by FLONYC on each focus area – in
advance of specific programmatic goals.
o Develop specific programmatic oriented short, mid and long term goals.
o Identify key Q1 2015 events and public opportunities.
o Identify key non agency partners and build relationships.
o Draft implementation plans around specific goals (well coordinated with relevant
City agencies) by focus areas that include input from communications,
scheduling, IGA and international affairs.
o Kick off Mental Health Report work
o Additional research into programmatic specifics in focus areas
o Craft Gracie Arts plan

3. 2015 Q1 CMC plan.

• January and February:

o Increase CMC comfort level with and grounding in these issues with a focus on
giving CMC opportunities to hear other people’s personal stories and building
familiarity with the work of community based organizations working on these
o Increase CMC presence in outer boroughs and specific communities in
 CMC “listening tour” type activities (some open, some closed press)
• Roundtables, walk-throughs, visits with New Yorkers who are
confronting challenges with/using city services around domestic
violence, early childhood education and mental health/substance
• Roundtables/facility tours with frontline service providers.
• Meetings/Roundtables with City leaders and experts in each focus
• Meeting w/bloggers and social media leaders focused on these
o Develop framing messaging for CMC to use immediately.
o Develop specific programmatic/initiative goals.
o Develop specific/content heavy messaging for each focus area.
o Draft implementation plans.
o Plan CMC engagement in Beijing +20.
o Plan ways to showcase Women of the de Blasio Administration during Women’s
History Month (March).

• March:
o Leverage Women’s History month to showcase women of the de Blasio
administration and the diversity of this administration’s appointments.
o Ramp up CMC public events.
o Launch some CMC branded initiatives in the focus areas (maybe not in each
focus area, use January to determine right pacing).

• Open Q1 schedule related questions:

o Needs for CMC time from Mayor’s Office.
o Timing of announcements around new initiatives from the Mayor’s Fund aligned
with CMC focus areas.
o Timing of Children’s Cabinet initiatives.
o Important “one off” events for CMC to attend.
o Outside organizations’ events relevant to CMC focus areas that CMC should
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Bray, Jackie
Cc: John, Roxanne
Subject: Re: Updated agenda and notes for FLONYC Strategy Session
Date: Friday, December 19, 2014 6:44:17 AM

Got it.  That works.   We can keep it as is.   See you at 9;30.

Sent from my iPad

> On Dec 19, 2014, at 4:38 AM, "Bray, Jackie" <JBray@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
> Jonathan,
> That's fair. We were thinking we'd do two groups. Each group would get Mental Health and then one
DV and one Early Childhood Ed. And we wouldn't assign Gracie today. And yes, we are planning to
assign groups. It is a small team today but we worried that in half an hour it would be a real challenge
to discuss all three and we wanted substantive feedback on each of them. We also wanted it to feel like
the whole team was getting some work done today which we thought happened more if you had some
piece be small group work. If you feel strongly we could always combine the breakout group and report
out time and do all three in the larger setting.
> Thanks,
> Jackie
> ________________________________________
> From: Jonathan Rosen [Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
> Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2014 10:40 PM
> To: Bray, Jackie
> Cc: John, Roxanne
> Subject: Re: Updated agenda and notes for FLONYC Strategy Session
> Thanks, Jackie.  This looks fine but how do you want the breakout groups to work?  Are they pre-
assigned?  Am a little worried about that model but will roll with it if that's what you guys want to do. 
It's a relatively small group - feel like we could just talk through each one and make assignments for
potentially offline breakouts.  Just let me know a little more how you're thinking about this part.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Dec 18, 2014, at 7:12 PM, "Bray, Jackie"
<JBray@cityhall.nyc.gov<mailto:JBray@cityhall.nyc.gov>> wrote:
> Jonathan,
> Attached is an updated agenda and set of notes for tomorrow. It gets significantly more
specific/content heavy than our last iteration. Please let us know if you have any questions and we will
see you in the morning.
> I'm looking forward to meeting you tomorrow.
> Thanks so much,
> Jackie
> <FLONYC Planning and Strategy Meeting 2 v3.docx>
From: Wolfe, Emma
To: "Jonathan Rosen"
Cc: Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Subject: RE: billy & bill
Date: Friday, December 19, 2014 9:46:15 AM

Cool ty
Just getting nervous
From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, December 19, 2014 9:44 AM
To: Wolfe, Emma
Subject: Re: billy & bill
Have not and yes of course.  Will try to sched for Monday or Tuesday.   

Sent from my iPad

On Dec 19, 2014, at 9:41 AM, "Wolfe, Emma" <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Did you talk to them yet? If not can I join?

From: Carey, Michael
To: "jfdc@akpdmedia.com"; "nbaldick@hilltoppublicsolutions.com"; Williams, Dominic; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB);
Howe, Amanda; Wiley, Maya; "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"; Ragone, Peter; Shorris, Anthony; Katz, Rebecca;
Wolfe, Emma; John, Roxanne; Walzak, Phil; Leopold, Elana
Subject: Follow Up from Wednesday Planning Meeting
Date: Friday, December 19, 2014 2:43:50 PM

Hello Everyone,
I wanted to follow up from our conversation on Thursday evening to put together the entire
months of January and February.  Can you please send to me directly your full time
requests, mapped out week-by-week.  As an example:
Week of January 11th – 10 Hours of Call Time
Week of January 11th – 5-7 Hours of Albany Relationship Building
Week of January 18th – 10 Hours of Workout
Please submit your plan by noon on Sunday.  We will be doing a follow up call with the
Mayor on Monday or Tuesday per his request.
I have Dean’s requests already – so he gets an A+.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Michael Paul Carey
City Hall
New York, New York
From: Shorris, Anthony
To: Carey, Michael; "jfdc@akpdmedia.com"; "nbaldick@hilltoppublicsolutions.com"; Williams, Dominic; Fuleihan,
Dean (OMB); Howe, Amanda; Wiley, Maya; "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"; Ragone, Peter; Katz, Rebecca; Wolfe,
Emma; John, Roxanne; Walzak, Phil; Leopold, Elana
Subject: RE: Follow Up from Wednesday Planning Meeting
Date: Friday, December 19, 2014 3:48:51 PM

On a routine basis, I only need my half hour with him each week.  More generally, I would like to
hold an hour or two each week for substantive issue meetings that have some time sensitivity (i.e.,
we have to decide MTA strategy before the fare vote, he wants to discuss our CUNY options, we
need to discuss upcoming labor issues, etc.).  Hard to imagine government policy matters will not
consume an hour a week or two a week of his time – we can’t just do these on the fly.  I will work to
keep things within the limited timeframe allocated.
From: Carey, Michael
Sent: Friday, December 19, 2014 2:44 PM
To: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'; 'nbaldick@hilltoppublicsolutions.com'; Williams, Dominic; Fuleihan, Dean
(OMB); Howe, Amanda; Wiley, Maya; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; Ragone, Peter; Shorris, Anthony;
Katz, Rebecca; Wolfe, Emma; John, Roxanne; Walzak, Phil; Leopold, Elana
Subject: Follow Up from Wednesday Planning Meeting
Hello Everyone,
I wanted to follow up from our conversation on Thursday evening to put together the entire
months of January and February.  Can you please send to me directly your full time
requests, mapped out week-by-week.  As an example:
Week of January 11th – 10 Hours of Call Time
Week of January 11th – 5-7 Hours of Albany Relationship Building
Week of January 18th – 10 Hours of Workout
Please submit your plan by noon on Sunday.  We will be doing a follow up call with the
Mayor on Monday or Tuesday per his request.
I have Dean’s requests already – so he gets an A+.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Michael Paul Carey
City Hall
New York, New York
From: Ozernoy, Ilana
To: Mike Rabinowitz
Cc: Spitalnick, Amy (OMB)
Subject: RE: Validators
Date: Wednesday, December 24, 2014 10:57:00 AM

Thanks Mike for your good advice. Looped back with team here - gonna talk it through some more,
strategize, and get back to you shortly(ish) with answers. Thank you! You rock.
Ilana Ozernoy | Director of Intergovernmental Affairs and Communications
NYC Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs
W: (212) 788-7775 | C: (347) 291-4407| iozernoy@moia.nyc.gov | @ilanaozernoy
From: Mike Rabinowitz [mailto:Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2014 10:01 AM
To: Ozernoy, Ilana
Cc: Spitalnick, Amy (OMB)
Subject: RE: Validators
Sure. Call my cell whenever. 
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (w)
646.342.3469 (c)

-------- Original message --------

From: "Ozernoy, Ilana"
Date:12/24/2014 9:33 AM (GMT-05:00)
To: Mike Rabinowitz
Cc: "Spitalnick, Amy (OMB)"
Subject: Validators
Hey Mike! I hope this email finds you well. I have been meaning for weeks now to reach out to you
about lunch and got another excuse to write you instead: Emma asked us to talk to you about Aborn
and any other validators out there who might help bring down the temp. Let me know if you have a
few mins to chat.
Very best,
Ilana Ozernoy | Director of Intergovernmental Affairs and Communications
NYC Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs
W: (212) 788-7775 | C: (347) 291-4407| iozernoy@moia.nyc.gov | @ilanaozernoy
From: Mike Rabinowitz
To: Ozernoy, Ilana
Cc: Spitalnick, Amy (OMB)
Subject: RE: Validators
Date: Wednesday, December 24, 2014 1:14:01 PM

My pleasure. Happy to help in whatever way I can. 

Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (w)
646.342.3469 (c)

-------- Original message --------

From: "Ozernoy, Ilana"
Date:12/24/2014 1:10 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: Mike Rabinowitz
Cc: "Spitalnick, Amy (OMB)"
Subject: RE: Validators

Hey, thanks again Mike for your quick advice. Sounds like we’re holding for now, waiting for news
cycle to move on. Will update if any changes. Happy Holidays! And thanks again.
Ilana Ozernoy | Director of Intergovernmental Affairs and Communications
NYC Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs
W: (212) 788-7775 | C: (347) 291-4407| iozernoy@moia.nyc.gov | @ilanaozernoy
From: Mike Rabinowitz [mailto:Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2014 10:01 AM
To: Ozernoy, Ilana
Cc: Spitalnick, Amy (OMB)
Subject: RE: Validators
Sure. Call my cell whenever. 
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (w)
646.342.3469 (c)

-------- Original message --------

From: "Ozernoy, Ilana"
Date:12/24/2014 9:33 AM (GMT-05:00)
To: Mike Rabinowitz
Cc: "Spitalnick, Amy (OMB)"
Subject: Validators
Hey Mike! I hope this email finds you well. I have been meaning for weeks now to reach out to you
about lunch and got another excuse to write you instead: Emma asked us to talk to you about Aborn
and any other validators out there who might help bring down the temp. Let me know if you have a
few mins to chat.
Very best,
Ilana Ozernoy | Director of Intergovernmental Affairs and Communications
NYC Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs
W: (212) 788-7775 | C: (347) 291-4407| iozernoy@moia.nyc.gov | @ilanaozernoy
From: Peter Ragone
To: John Del Cecato
Cc: PhiiWalzak (gmail.com) ; Emma Wolfe ; Jonathan Rosen; Andrea Hagelgans; Cohen. Adam
Subject: Re: Second cut at NYT op-ed
Dat e: Saturday, January 03, 2015 11:55:02 AM

I'll send them along when we've got next version. Making some changes now

This is a personal email account. If th is communication is related to official business

please email me at pragone@cityhall.nyc.gov.

On Jan 3, 2015, at 11:11 AM, John Del Cecato <jfdc@akpdmedia.com > wrote:

Cool, t hanks ... Wasn't sure about "bad police contacts" - just a term we used t o
use - but may not make sense ...

Also - let me know if you wa nt any input on Liu f unera l rema rks

From: Peter Ragone

Date: Saturday, January 3, 2015 at 10:50 AM

Jonathan Rosen < jonathan@berlinrosen.com>, Andrea Hagelgans

"Cohen, Adam" <ASCohen@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re : Second cut at NYT op-ed

Th is is great. I'm going to make a few changes, but overall very powerf ul .. .

Th is is a personal ema il account. If this communication is related to off icia l business please
ema il me at pragone@cjtyhall nyc goy.

On Dec 29, 2014, at 5:06PM, John Del Cecato <jfdc@akpdmedia.com > wrote:

Not sure whether the Comms Team is still planning on submitting something
like this - or when you plan to do so - but I tried to ratchet back some of the
Garner-Liu -Ramos comparisons a bit, and refer to those matters more
obliquely, so as not to further antagonize the cops.

But I still kept a lot of the principles and policies behind our police reform
agenda in there. I separated the deplorable actions into three parts:
violent/hateful protestors; abusive/overly aggressive cops; and a deranged
individual who denigrated the peaceful protest movement.

I also called out Lynch and company, but not by name or specific aff ront. That
felt beneath the bigness of this op-ed to me.
I also tried to shine a bright light on both the reforms we’re doing AND the
success we’ve had on crime reduction in 2014 - but maybe we should highlight
that in even more detail.

By Bill de Blasio
In the midst of a holiday season we look to with joy, New
Yorkers from all walks of life are sharing in grief.
The tragic, senseless killings of NYPD officers Wenjian Liu and
Rafael Ramos have shaken our city to its core.  These proud and
courageous public servants wanted nothing more than to honor
their vow to protect and to serve.  They wanted to keep their
community safe from harm, and to continue the nearly
unimaginable success that New York’s Finest have achieved in
driving crime in our city to a record low -- a five percent
reduction in serious crime from last year, with the lowest
number of homicides since the City began keeping records.
We are a city that mourns the loss of life.  A city that expresses
the raw emotion that we feel – the anger, the sadness, the sense
of injustice – in different ways – some constructive, some
But at this moment, we remember New York City is one family
– a family that will come together in common cause in light of
the long view – dedicated to building bridges of understanding
that can and must prevent future tragedies from tearing us
apart again.
Our police officers do a dangerous and essential, but often
thankless job.  And striking the right balance between
rigorously protecting public safety and respecting individuals is
part of what makes the job so challenging.  It must be done with
extraordinary care and restraint.  In turn, our police deserve
our gratitude and our respect.
It is also true that many times, young men of color are
considered suspect simply because of how they look, and
sometimes that leads to tragedies like the ones we've seen. 
That sense of distrust doesn't make policing any easier.  It
makes it more difficult.
The question we must ask ourselves is this: how do we keep
EVERY New Yorker safe – whether black, white, Latino, or
Asian; whether they wear a uniform, or a hoodie with baggy
jeans; whether they are the targets of overaggressive policing,
subjects of ugly, hate-filled taunts or despicable violent protests;
or victims of a deranged individual who shamefully uses
peaceful protests as a cover for his acts of unthinkable evil.
This tug between public safety and civil rights are not mutually
exclusive.  In fact, the opposite is true.
Building a partnership between police and the communities
they serve is actually a strategy for driving crime down even
further, and protecting both residents and officers alike.
When police see residents of their precincts as dedicated to the
same mission – targeting violence and lawlessness – they are
better able to serve the neighborhoods with the professionalism
they exemplify.  When neighbors see officers as respectful and
restrained, they can assist law enforcement in the effort to lock
up the criminals and avoid bad contacts with innocent
Our goal is tackling crime together, and building mutual trust. 
And that is the goal to which we as city must work.
We’ve made some early progress – reducing the number of
stop-and-frisks from 700,000 two years ago to less than 50,000
today (CHECK).  We’ve begun a thorough retraining of our
police officers, from top to bottom.  We’ve worked to free our
cops from cumbersome and counterproductive ticket-writing
quotas, and equip them instead with the tools they need to
target dangerous crime – like using GPS to pinpoint gunshots,
fitting police with body cameras, and tapping other technologies
made possible by a XXX increase in the police budget.  And we
will be proposing measures to literally bring officers in closer
regular contact with those they serve, offering subsidies to cops
who choose to live in the city, and – like so many other New
Yorkers – struggle with the soaring cost of housing.
As a city, we must also rethink what we are asking our police
department to do to keep us safe.
The old model has its roots in a New York City beset by
thousands of murders a year; a crack cocaine epidemic; street
corners that even our cops found too dangerous to enter.
We will never, ever return to those days.  But neither will we let
our memories of a bygone era predetermine the right way to
police our streets in the modern era.
Today’s NYPD is more diverse than ever before.  Our most
recent tragedy shined a light on that fact, with our Latino and
Asian communities mourning the loss of officers who shared
their ethnicity.
So we look to the city we hope to build – a new model, based
upon the long view – a model centered on trust instead of fear. 
To that end, we will recognize and celebrate and promote police
officers not simply by studying statistics and arrest numbers,
but by gauging how the residents of a precinct view those that
patrol their precinct.  Is there a mutual respect between an
officer and the neighborhood?  Is law enforcement targeting
those that present a real danger, while protecting the rights of
those who present little or none?
At the same time, we will ask ourselves, as a city, whether we
are doing everything in our power to protect our police –
against disrespect, against hateful words and actions, against
threats of violence. 
That new model – one that promotes constructive dialogue,
respectful policing, and the security of those we entrust to keep
all of us safe – is the path to a stronger and more secure city.
This renewal of police-community relations will not happen
overnight.  After decades of distrust – the product of both
disorder and disrespect – it will take years for us to get where
we, as one city, need to go.
But we will get there -- not through vitriolic words or vicious
scapegoating or violent protest – but through conversation and
collaboration and a long view commitment to safety and justice
for every New Yorker.
And we will get there together.
From: Peter Ragone
To: John Del Cecato
Cc: PhilWalzak (gmail.com); Emma Wolfe; Jonathan Rosen; Andrea Hagelgans; Cohen, Adam
Subject: Latest draft
Date: Saturday, January 03, 2015 1:36:12 PM

New Era of Policing Will Dawn

By Bill de Blasio

In the midst of a New Year that we look to with joy, New Yorkers from all walks of
life are sharing in grief.

The tragic, senseless killings of NYPD officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos have
shaken our city to its core.  These proud and courageous public servants wanted
nothing more than to honor their vow to protect and to serve with respect for New

They wanted to keep their community safe from harm, and to continue the nearly
unimaginable success that New Yorkers and New York’s Finest have achieved in
driving crime in our city to a record low -- a nearly five percent reduction in serious
crime from last year, with the lowest number of homicides since the City began
keeping records.

We are a city that mourns the loss of life.  A city that expresses the raw emotion
that we feel – the anger, the sadness, the sense of injustice – in different ways –
some constructive, some destructive.

But at this moment, we remember New York City is one family – a family that will
come together in common cause in light of the new era we have forged together –
dedicated to building bridges of understanding that can and must prevent future
tragedies from tearing us apart again.

Our police officers do a dangerous and essential, but often thankless job.  And
striking the right balance between rigorously protecting public safety and respecting
individuals is part of what makes the job so challenging.  It must be done with
extraordinary care and restraint.  In turn, our police deserve our gratitude and our

It is also true that at times, people of color have felt suspect simply because of how
they look. That sense of distrust doesn't make policing any easier.  It makes it more

The question we must ask ourselves is this: how do we keep EVERY New Yorker safe
–  whether they wear a  suit and tie, a uniform, or a hoodie; whether they were the
targets of stop and frisk policing, subjects of ugly, hate-filled taunts or despicable
violent protests; or victims of a deranged individual who shamefully uses peaceful
protests as a cover for his acts of unthinkable evil.

This tug between public safety and civil rights are not new nor are they mutually
exclusive.  In fact, the opposite is true.
Building a partnership between police and the communities they serve is actually a
strategy for driving crime down even further, and protecting both residents and
officers alike.

When police see residents of their precincts as dedicated to the same mission –
targeting violence and lawlessness – they are better able to serve the neighborhoods
with the professionalism they exemplify.  When neighbors see officers as their
partners in safety, they can assist law enforcement in the effort to lock up the
criminals and avoid unnecessary contacts with innocent individuals.

Our goal is tackling crime together, and building mutual trust.  And that is the goal
to which we as city must work.

Together with America’s finest cop, Commissioner Bill Bratton, we’ve made some
early progress – reducing the number of stop-and-frisks from 700,000 two years ago
to less than 50,000 today (CHECK).  We’ve begun a thorough retraining of our police
officers, from top to bottom.  We’ve worked to free our cops from cumbersome and
counterproductive ticket-writing quotas, and equip them instead with the tools they
need to target dangerous crime – like using GPS to pinpoint gunshots, fitting police
with body cameras, and tapping other technologies made possible by a XXX increase
in the police budget.  

And we will be proposing other measures this year to literally bring officers in closer
regular contact with those they serve. 

As a city, we must also rethink what we are asking our police department to do to
keep us safe.

The old model has its roots in a New York City beset by thousands of murders a
year; a crack cocaine epidemic; street corners that even our cops found too
dangerous to enter.

We will never, ever return to those days.  But neither will we let our memories of a
bygone era predetermine the right way to police our streets in this new era.

Today’s NYPD is more diverse than ever before.  Our most recent tragedy shined a
light on that fact, with our Latino and Asian communities mourning the loss of
officers who shared their ethnicity.

So we look to the city we hope to build – a new model for a new era– a model
centered on trust instead of fear.  To that end, we will recognize and celebrate and
promote police officers not simply by studying statistics and arrest numbers, but by
gauging how the residents of a precinct view those that patrol their precinct.  There
will be mutual respect between an officer and the neighborhood.  Law enforcement
will target those that present a real danger, while protecting the rights of those who
present little or none.

At the same time, we will ask ourselves, as a city, whether we are doing everything
in our power to protect our police – against disrespect, against hateful words and
actions, against threats of violence.  

That new era model  – one that promotes constructive dialogue, respectful policing,
and the security of those we entrust to keep all of us safe – is the path to a stronger
and more secure city.

This renewal of police-community relations will not happen overnight.  And history
has taught us that change can be difficult and painful. But we know, as this great
city always has, that we advance only as one New York. 

We will not fear this new era of policing. We will embrace it and discover a new
dawn -- not through vitriolic words or vicious scapegoating or violent protest – but
through conversation and collaboration and a commitment to safety and justice for
every New Yorker.

And we will get there together.

This is a personal email account. If this communication is related to official business

please email me at pragone@cityhall.nyc.gov.

On Dec 29, 2014, at 5:06 PM, John Del Cecato <jfdc@akpdmedia.com> wrote:

Not sure whether the Comms Team is still planning on submitting

something like this - or when you plan to do so - but I tried to ratchet
back some of the Garner-Liu-Ramos comparisons a bit, and refer to those
matters more obliquely, so as not to further antagonize the cops.

But I still kept a lot of the principles and policies behind our police reform
agenda in there.  I separated the deplorable actions into three parts:
violent/hateful protestors; abusive/overly aggressive cops; and a
deranged individual who denigrated the peaceful protest movement.

I also called out Lynch and company, but not by name or specific affront.
 That felt beneath the bigness of this op-ed to me.

I also tried to shine a bright light on both the reforms we’re doing AND
the success we’ve had on crime reduction in 2014 - but maybe we should
highlight that in even more detail.

By Bill de Blasio
In the midst of a holiday season we look to with joy, New Yorkers from all
walks of life are sharing in grief.
The tragic, senseless killings of NYPD officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael
Ramos have shaken our city to its core.  These proud and courageous public
servants wanted nothing more than to honor their vow to protect and to
serve.  They wanted to keep their community safe from harm, and to
continue the nearly unimaginable success that New York’s Finest have
achieved in driving crime in our city to a record low -- a five percent
reduction in serious crime from last year, with the lowest number of
homicides since the City began keeping records.
We are a city that mourns the loss of life.  A city that expresses the raw
emotion that we feel – the anger, the sadness, the sense of injustice – in
different ways – some constructive, some destructive.
But at this moment, we remember New York City is one family – a family
that will come together in common cause in light of the long view –
dedicated to building bridges of understanding that can and must prevent
future tragedies from tearing us apart again.
Our police officers do a dangerous and essential, but often thankless job. 
And striking the right balance between rigorously protecting public safety
and respecting individuals is part of what makes the job so challenging.  It
must be done with extraordinary care and restraint.  In turn, our police
deserve our gratitude and our respect.
It is also true that many times, young men of color are considered suspect
simply because of how they look, and sometimes that leads to tragedies like
the ones we've seen.  That sense of distrust doesn't make policing any
easier.  It makes it more difficult.
The question we must ask ourselves is this: how do we keep EVERY New
Yorker safe – whether black, white, Latino, or Asian; whether they wear a
uniform, or a hoodie with baggy jeans; whether they are the targets of
overaggressive policing, subjects of ugly, hate-filled taunts or despicable
violent protests; or victims of a deranged individual who shamefully uses
peaceful protests as a cover for his acts of unthinkable evil.
This tug between public safety and civil rights are not mutually exclusive. 
In fact, the opposite is true.
Building a partnership between police and the communities they serve is
actually a strategy for driving crime down even further, and protecting both
residents and officers alike.
When police see residents of their precincts as dedicated to the same
mission – targeting violence and lawlessness – they are better able to serve
the neighborhoods with the professionalism they exemplify.  When
neighbors see officers as respectful and restrained, they can assist law
enforcement in the effort to lock up the criminals and avoid bad contacts
with innocent individuals.
Our goal is tackling crime together, and building mutual trust.  And that is
the goal to which we as city must work.
We’ve made some early progress – reducing the number of stop-and-frisks
from 700,000 two years ago to less than 50,000 today (CHECK).  We’ve
begun a thorough retraining of our police officers, from top to bottom. 
We’ve worked to free our cops from cumbersome and counterproductive
ticket-writing quotas, and equip them instead with the tools they need to
target dangerous crime – like using GPS to pinpoint gunshots, fitting police
with body cameras, and tapping other technologies made possible by a XXX
increase in the police budget.  And we will be proposing measures to
literally bring officers in closer regular contact with those they serve,
offering subsidies to cops who choose to live in the city, and – like so many
other New Yorkers – struggle with the soaring cost of housing.
As a city, we must also rethink what we are asking our police department
to do to keep us safe.
The old model has its roots in a New York City beset by thousands of
murders a year; a crack cocaine epidemic; street corners that even our cops
found too dangerous to enter.
We will never, ever return to those days.  But neither will we let our
memories of a bygone era predetermine the right way to police our streets
in the modern era.
Today’s NYPD is more diverse than ever before.  Our most recent tragedy
shined a light on that fact, with our Latino and Asian communities
mourning the loss of officers who shared their ethnicity.
So we look to the city we hope to build – a new model, based upon the long
view – a model centered on trust instead of fear.  To that end, we will
recognize and celebrate and promote police officers not simply by studying
statistics and arrest numbers, but by gauging how the residents of a
precinct view those that patrol their precinct.  Is there a mutual respect
between an officer and the neighborhood?  Is law enforcement targeting
those that present a real danger, while protecting the rights of those who
present little or none?
At the same time, we will ask ourselves, as a city, whether we are doing
everything in our power to protect our police – against disrespect, against
hateful words and actions, against threats of violence. 
That new model – one that promotes constructive dialogue, respectful
policing, and the security of those we entrust to keep all of us safe – is the
path to a stronger and more secure city.
This renewal of police-community relations will not happen overnight. 
After decades of distrust – the product of both disorder and disrespect – it
will take years for us to get where we, as one city, need to go.
But we will get there -- not through vitriolic words or vicious scapegoating
or violent protest – but through conversation and collaboration and a long
view commitment to safety and justice for every New Yorker.
And we will get there together.
From: DeLoach, Michael
To: "Dan Levitan" (dan@berlinrosen.com); Adams, Marti
Subject: FW: Clean copy of oped
Date: Friday, January 23, 2015 12:06:50 PM


-----Original Message-----
From: Koch, Eric [mailto:EKoch@council.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, January 23, 2015 12:06 PM
To: DeLoach, Michael
Subject: Re: Clean copy of oped

Huffpo will take hours of approval through their internal process and no one will see until 7 or 8pm

Gimme until Monday afternoon

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 23, 2015, at 12:04 PM, "DeLoach, Michael" <mdeloach@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
> Team is really hopeful to get this up today.
> Maybe even having reporter ask abt it at 1pm presser?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Koch, Eric [mailto:EKoch@council.nyc.gov]
> Sent: Friday, January 23, 2015 11:57 AM
> To: DeLoach, Michael
> Subject: Clean copy of oped
> Can u send me w co byline?
> Trying a couple options before huffpo
> Sent from my iPhone
> ________________________________
> CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message is intended only for the person or entity to which it
is addressed and may contain CONFIDENTIAL or PRIVILEGED material. Any unauthorized review, use,
disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender
by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. If you are the intended recipient but do
not wish to receive communications through this medium, please so advise the sender immediately.
> <01222015 MMV Nydia OpEd.docx>


CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message is intended only for the person or entity to which it is
addressed and may contain CONFIDENTIAL or PRIVILEGED material. Any unauthorized review, use,
disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender
by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. If you are the intended recipient but do
not wish to receive communications through this medium, please so advise the sender immediately.
From: Mike Rabinowitz
To: Ozernoy, Ilana
Subject: RE: Mike and Ilana lunch
Date: Thursday, January 29, 2015 2:20:25 PM

Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)
From: Ozernoy, Ilana [mailto:iozernoy@moia.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2015 2:04 PM
To: Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: RE: Mike and Ilana lunch

Thanks for lunch Mike! Was great to catch up.

Ilana L. Ozernoy
Director of Intergovernmental Affairs and Communications
NYC Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs
W: (212) 788-7775 | C: (347) 291-4407
iozernoy@moia.nyc.gov | @ilanaozernoy
From: Mike Rabinowitz [mailto:Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2015 12:30 PM
To: Ozernoy, Ilana; Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: RE: Mike and Ilana lunch

Got a table by the window.

Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (o)
646.342.3469 (c)
From: DeLoach, Michael
To: "Andrew Friedman"
Cc: "Dan Levitan" (dan@berlinrosen.com)
Subject: RE: Latinos letter to DNC
Date: Friday, January 30, 2015 5:34:43 PM

Two additions:

· NYC Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito

· Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr.

· Congress Member Jose Serrano

· Congress Member Nydia Velazquez

· State Senator Martin Dilan

· Assembly Member Luis Sepulveda

· Assembly Member Jose Peralta

· Assembly Member Felix W. Ortiz

· Assembly Member Victor Pichardo

· Assembly Member Marcos Crespo

· Assembly Member Francisco Moya

· Council Member Ydanis Rodriguez

· Council Member Julissa Reynoso

· George Miranda, President, Teamsters Joint Council 16

·  Lorraine Cortes-Vazquez, Former NYS Secretary of State (cannot use new title at

· Luis Garden Acosta, Founder & President, El Fuente

· Dr. Rafael Lantigua, Community Leader

· Zenaida Mendez, Former President, NYS National Organization for Women

· Tonio Burgos, Member, DNC National Executive Committee.

· Sam Cruz, Pastor, Trinity Lutheran Chruch

· Fernando Ferrer, Former Bronx Borough President

· Julissa Reynoso, Ambassador to the Oriental Republic of Uruguay

From: Hagelgans, Andrea
To: Wolfe, Emma; Goldmark, Karin; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Walzak, Phil; Shorris, Anthony; Williams, Dominic;
Norvell, Wiley; Goldmark, Karin; Soliman, Sherif; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel; jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Ramirez
Ursulina (URamirez@schools.nyc.gov); Wallack Josh (JWallack@schools.nyc.gov); Richardson, Jennifer; Lupo,
Jon Paul; Debbie Rosen
Subject: RE: Receivership/State takeover of Struggling schools
Date: Friday, March 06, 2015 6:00:19 PM

I will be on the phone on mute so PW should lead for comms. Thanks!

From: Wolfe, Emma
Sent: Friday, March 06, 2015 5:57 PM
To: Goldmark, Karin; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Shorris, Anthony;
Williams, Dominic; Norvell, Wiley; Goldmark, Karin; Soliman, Sherif; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel;
jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Ramirez Ursulina (URamirez@schools.nyc.gov); Wallack Josh
(JWallack@schools.nyc.gov); Richardson, Jennifer; Lupo, Jon Paul; Debbie Rosen
Subject: RE: Receivership/State takeover of Struggling schools
Importance: High
Please add what I missed. Put initials on assignment areas.
Please circulate materials as they get developed.
Have added a few folks to thread.
FOR BRIEFING WITH MAYOR TOMORROW with smaller set of folks on this thread
-----Original Message-----
From: Wolfe, Emma
Sent: Friday, March 06, 2015 9:01 AM
To: Goldmark, Karin; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Shorris, Anthony;
Williams, Dominic
Cc: Soliman, Sherif; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Subject: Receivership/State takeover of Struggling schools
We have a iceberg ahead in receivership that we need to make sure we defeat or mitigate.
Mayor wants a briefing on receivership. Would like to go in with not just policy but also some set of
action items.
Would like to gather folks before we meet with bdb to discuss:
- Policy ramifications: history in other places and in nys
- Contemplate worst case scenario - if passes, what can we do to prevent, mitigate
- Gov + Legislature: inside strategy
- Comms and organizing strategy which I know ptw has been thinking on
Karin + tony can u decide who from doe to pull in (maybe urs and josh?)
And if kosher wd like to pull jonathan in for meeting too.
Pls pull in whoever from your respective lines you'd also like, but I think most folks on this thread
shd be in the convo.
Gabriel will herd cats. Thanks.
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Walzak, Phil
Cc: Wolfe, Emma; Goldmark, Karin; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Hagelgans, Andrea; Shorris, Anthony; Williams,
Dominic; Norvell, Wiley; Soliman, Sherif; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel; Ramirez Ursulina (URamirez@schools.nyc.gov);
Wallack Josh (JWallack@schools.nyc.gov); Richardson, Jennifer; Lupo, Jon Paul; Debbie Rosen
Subject: Re: Receivership/State takeover of Struggling schools
Date: Friday, March 06, 2015 6:13:56 PM

Will send to you.

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 6, 2015, at 6:12 PM, "Walzak, Phil" <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:


From: Wolfe, Emma
Sent: Friday, March 06, 2015 5:57 PM
To: Goldmark, Karin; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Shorris,
Anthony; Williams, Dominic; Norvell, Wiley; Goldmark, Karin; Soliman, Sherif; Schnake-
Mahl, Gabriel; jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Ramirez Ursulina (URamirez@schools.nyc.gov);
Wallack Josh (JWallack@schools.nyc.gov); Richardson, Jennifer; Lupo, Jon Paul; Debbie
Subject: RE: Receivership/State takeover of Struggling schools
Importance: High
Please add what I missed. Put initials on assignment areas.
Please circulate materials as they get developed.
Have added a few folks to thread.
FOR BRIEFING WITH MAYOR TOMORROW with smaller set of folks on this thread
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->POLICY BRIEFING (KG, UR, JW)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->1. <!--[endif]-->WHAT IS IT
<!--[if !supportLists]-->2. <!--[endif]-->SNAPSHOT OF OUR SCHOOLS IN THIS
<!--[if !supportLists]-->3. <!--[endif]-->WHAT IS THE STATE HISTORY AND
<!--[if !supportLists]-->4. <!--[endif]-->ALTERNATE PROPOSAL FOR THE
<!--[if !supportLists]-->5. <!--[endif]-->ANY READOUT FROM LAW ON
<!--[if !supportLists]-->6. <!--[endif]-->RENEWALS WAR ROOM: WHAT IT
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->PRESS PLAN (AH, DK, WN, PW)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->ALBANY PLAN (SS, EW)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->COMMON COUNCIL, CITY COUNCIL (JPL)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->ASSEMBLY SIGN-ON STATEMENT (CATHY?)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->DOE’S SWAT TEAMS / PRINCIPALS / DOE
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->TOURS FOR LEGISLATORS AT LOCAL
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->UPSTATE SIGN-ON LETTERS (WFP, AQE,
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->CATTLE CALL PRESSER AT CITY HALL – GET
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->CATTLE CALL PRESSER IN ALBANY
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->RENEWAL WAR ROOM
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->RENEWAL CZAR
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->FACT SHEET: OUR PLAN TO FIX
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->LETTER LANGUAGE
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->MAYOR MINER & MAYOR / LOVETT PLAY
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->EVENTS NEXT WEEK – BOYS AND GIRLS,
-----Original Message-----
From: Wolfe, Emma
Sent: Friday, March 06, 2015 9:01 AM
To: Goldmark, Karin; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Shorris,
Anthony; Williams, Dominic
Cc: Soliman, Sherif; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Subject: Receivership/State takeover of Struggling schools
We have a iceberg ahead in receivership that we need to make sure we defeat or
Mayor wants a briefing on receivership. Would like to go in with not just policy but also
some set of action items.
Would like to gather folks before we meet with bdb to discuss:
- Policy ramifications: history in other places and in nys
- Contemplate worst case scenario - if passes, what can we do to prevent, mitigate
- Gov + Legislature: inside strategy
- Comms and organizing strategy which I know ptw has been thinking on
Karin + tony can u decide who from doe to pull in (maybe urs and josh?)
And if kosher wd like to pull jonathan in for meeting too.
Pls pull in whoever from your respective lines you'd also like, but I think most folks on
this thread shd be in the convo.
Gabriel will herd cats. Thanks.
From: Goldmark, Karin
To: Wolfe, Emma; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Shorris, Anthony; Williams, Dominic;
Norvell, Wiley; Soliman, Sherif; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel; jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Ramirez Ursulina
(URamirez@schools.nyc.gov); Wallack Josh (JWallack@schools.nyc.gov); Richardson, Jennifer; Lupo, Jon Paul;
Debbie Rosen
Subject: RE: Receivership/State takeover of Struggling schools
Date: Friday, March 06, 2015 8:53:22 PM

Policy Briefing update:

a.  Have topline overview I provided today and statutory language (not bringing copies
for everyone hope you’ll understand)
a. Hoping DOE can do or provide
a. Top level OK
a. Have several proposals please give feedback to next email.
a. Yes potentially teachers could sue
a. Hoping DOE can do?  Feeling much better since czar has been id’d
From: Wolfe, Emma
Sent: Friday, March 06, 2015 5:57 PM
To: Goldmark, Karin; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Shorris, Anthony;
Williams, Dominic; Norvell, Wiley; Goldmark, Karin; Soliman, Sherif; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel;
jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Ramirez Ursulina (URamirez@schools.nyc.gov); Wallack Josh
(JWallack@schools.nyc.gov); Richardson, Jennifer; Lupo, Jon Paul; Debbie Rosen
Subject: RE: Receivership/State takeover of Struggling schools
Importance: High
Please add what I missed. Put initials on assignment areas.
Please circulate materials as they get developed.
Have added a few folks to thread.
FOR BRIEFING WITH MAYOR TOMORROW with smaller set of folks on this thread
-----Original Message-----
From: Wolfe, Emma
Sent: Friday, March 06, 2015 9:01 AM
To: Goldmark, Karin; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Shorris, Anthony;
Williams, Dominic
Cc: Soliman, Sherif; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Subject: Receivership/State takeover of Struggling schools
We have a iceberg ahead in receivership that we need to make sure we defeat or mitigate.
Mayor wants a briefing on receivership. Would like to go in with not just policy but also some set of
action items.
Would like to gather folks before we meet with bdb to discuss:
- Policy ramifications: history in other places and in nys
- Contemplate worst case scenario - if passes, what can we do to prevent, mitigate
- Gov + Legislature: inside strategy
- Comms and organizing strategy which I know ptw has been thinking on
Karin + tony can u decide who from doe to pull in (maybe urs and josh?)
And if kosher wd like to pull jonathan in for meeting too.
Pls pull in whoever from your respective lines you'd also like, but I think most folks on this thread
shd be in the convo.
Gabriel will herd cats. Thanks.
From: Goldmark, Karin
To: Wolfe, Emma; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Shorris, Anthony; Williams, Dominic;
Norvell, Wiley; Soliman, Sherif; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel; jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Ramirez Ursulina
(URamirez@schools.nyc.gov); Wallack Josh (JWallack@schools.nyc.gov); Richardson, Jennifer; Lupo, Jon Paul;
Debbie Rosen
Subject: RE: Receivership/State takeover of Struggling schools
Date: Friday, March 06, 2015 9:02:08 PM
Attachments: State Takeover of Failing Schools.docx

Won’t use all pages tomorrow (Renewal stuff is not as good as it could be) but here’s soft copy of
From: Goldmark, Karin
Sent: Friday, March 06, 2015 8:55 PM
To: Wolfe, Emma; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Shorris, Anthony; Williams,
Dominic; Norvell, Wiley; Soliman, Sherif; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel; jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Ramirez
Ursulina (URamirez@schools.nyc.gov); Wallack Josh (JWallack@schools.nyc.gov); Richardson, Jennifer;
Lupo, Jon Paul; Debbie Rosen
Subject: RE: Receivership/State takeover of Struggling schools
Options NYC Could Propose as Softeners:
NYC Exemptions
· Recreate District 85 (Renewal District) as “receivership district”—give Chancellor
power to unilaterally move schools across district configurations; include language
allowing DOE to partner with non-profit entities or universities
· Designate specific districts within NYC that could serve as takeover district for a low-
performing district (e.g., District 2 takes over District 7, or schools within)
· NYC creates entity controlled by Mayor but independent of DOE to act as receiver
· Allow NYC to appoint receivers
o Mayor, Chancellor, CUNY Chancellor (?) appoint receivers together
o Mayor, Chancellor, SED Commissioner appoint receivers together
· Go big or go home:  Seek language that does not allow state to carve out CSDs, so
the state would either have to take over the entire NYC school system or leave it
o Does not address individual school takeover issue
· Buy time for Renewal Schools: extend timeframe to mirror Massachusetts—five
years before “turnaround” clauses take effect
· Require parent vote for charter conversion
· State must take over whole campus, not individual schools on a campus
o Can only take over a campus if all schools meet criteria
Receivership Criteria:
· Soften so improving schools not eligible for takeover (weak), count Quality Review
Consultative Process for Determining Receivership Status
· Require community input/vote on receivership status or on choice of receiver
From: Wolfe, Emma
Sent: Friday, March 06, 2015 5:57 PM
To: Goldmark, Karin; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Shorris, Anthony;
Williams, Dominic; Norvell, Wiley; Goldmark, Karin; Soliman, Sherif; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel;
jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Ramirez Ursulina (URamirez@schools.nyc.gov); Wallack Josh
(JWallack@schools.nyc.gov); Richardson, Jennifer; Lupo, Jon Paul; Debbie Rosen
Subject: RE: Receivership/State takeover of Struggling schools
Importance: High
Please add what I missed. Put initials on assignment areas.
Please circulate materials as they get developed.
Have added a few folks to thread.
FOR BRIEFING WITH MAYOR TOMORROW with smaller set of folks on this thread
-----Original Message-----
From: Wolfe, Emma
Sent: Friday, March 06, 2015 9:01 AM
To: Goldmark, Karin; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Shorris, Anthony;
Williams, Dominic
Cc: Soliman, Sherif; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Subject: Receivership/State takeover of Struggling schools
We have a iceberg ahead in receivership that we need to make sure we defeat or mitigate.
Mayor wants a briefing on receivership. Would like to go in with not just policy but also some set of
action items.
Would like to gather folks before we meet with bdb to discuss:
- Policy ramifications: history in other places and in nys
- Contemplate worst case scenario - if passes, what can we do to prevent, mitigate
- Gov + Legislature: inside strategy
- Comms and organizing strategy which I know ptw has been thinking on
Karin + tony can u decide who from doe to pull in (maybe urs and josh?)
And if kosher wd like to pull jonathan in for meeting too.
Pls pull in whoever from your respective lines you'd also like, but I think most folks on this thread
shd be in the convo.
Gabriel will herd cats. Thanks.
State Takeover of Failing Schools

Exec Budget Proposal:

Districts in lowest 2.5% statewide and schools in lowest achieving 5% ∗ can be designated for
receivership by SED.

SED Commissioner can appoint person, another district, or a non-profit entity to take over the

Receiver has power to unilaterally change:

• budget
• curriculum
• collective bargaining agreements
• school schedules
• staffing
• school program offerings

Receiver will convert school to community school

Receiver may implement CTE, pre-K and K, other popular education programs

Schools in receivership will have priority for state grants

Receiver can convert school to charter status without vote of parents

Defined by state tests, graduation rates, other performance data defined in regulations

State took over one district (Roosevelt, LI) in 2002 to resolve financial crisis. Relinquished state
receivership in 2013 after $330M extra in state money, countless lawsuits and over a decade of
contentious debates. Some improvement in outcomes (along with drastic drop in FRPL% among

MA turnaround model for failing schools touted as model—after 5 years of accountability

status, district or school can be in “Turnaround,” with receiver appointed.

Currently, 31 states have takeover statutes (including NY based on Roosevelt) with mixed
results; no clear effect on achievement.

Many small rural districts are fundamentally insolvent financially and educationally—cannot
support school configurations they have but can’t bring selves to regionalize or close schools
despite lower enrollment.

East Ramapo an embarrassment to state.

Upshot: In addition to political pressures and agendas, state takeover has policy appeal at state

Full NYC exemption/carve out from law will not work bc 91 of 178 “failing schools” are in NYC

SED will likely interpret CSDs as districts for purposes of the statute.
Options NYC Could Propose as Softeners:


• Recreate District 85 (Renewal District) as “receivership district”—give Chancellor power

to unilaterally move schools across district configurations; include language allowing
DOE to partner with non-profit entities or universities

• Designate specific districts within NYC that could serve as takeover district for a low-
performing district (e.g., District 2 takes over District 7, or schools within)

• Buy time for Renewal Schools: extend timeframe to mirror Massachusetts—five years
before “turnaround”

• Allow NYC to appoint receivers

o Mayor, Chancellor, CUNY Chancellor (?) appoint receivers together
o Mayor, Chancellor, SED Commissioner appoint receivers together (less

• Go big or go home: Seek language that does not allow state to carve out CSDs, so the
state would either have to take over the entire NYC school system or leave it alone
o Does not address individual school takeover issue

By the Numbers:

178 “failing” schools listed by Gov’s office

91 are in NYC

48 of the NYC schools have been designated as failing (“Priority” or “Focus”) for 10+ years

11 of those are phasing out

23 are Renewal Schools

14 are improving rapidly and/or just missed the cutoff for Renewal Schools
NYC Renewal Schools

All 94 schools will receive the following support:

• Community Schools Model ($16.5M)

o Full-time Resource Coordinator (hiring Spring 2015)
o Local CBO engagement
o Health services
o Mental Health services
o Specific supports and services tailored to school and community needs
• Extended Day
o Additional hour of instructional time per day
 Subject matter will be tailored to student needs
o After-school offered to all students in the school
• Extended Year
o Summer school offered to all students (five weeks)
• Principal Support
o Mentor (half-time retired principal)
• Additional Professional Development
• Support to Strengthen Family Engagement

Schools in the School Renewal Plan are eligible for the following supports; the precise mix of supports
will depend on the school’s specific needs:

• Additional guidance counselors

• AIS (Academic Intervention Services) paraprofessionals
o A new role for paras—providing individual and small group academic support
o On background, this is quite a shift for UFT to allow paraprofessionals to do instructional
• Curriculum review and realignment
• School Safety support if needed
• Additional PD for Staff: what is different here?
• Family Engagement and Support
• Ambassador Teams: Principal, 2 APs, Master Teachers come in as a team in cases where new
leadership and expert teachers are needed
From: Wolfe, Emma
To: Goldmark, Karin
Cc: Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Shorris, Anthony; Williams, Dominic; Norvell, Wiley;
Soliman, Sherif; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel; jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Ramirez Ursulina
(URamirez@schools.nyc.gov); Wallack Josh (JWallack@schools.nyc.gov); Richardson, Jennifer; Lupo, Jon Paul;
Debbie Rosen
Subject: Re: Receivership/State takeover of Struggling schools
Date: Saturday, March 07, 2015 10:55:45 AM

I'm bringing printouts of below

We have printouts of press plan and policy background materials? 

Albany and Organizing

Status of current situation - The Governor is trying to cut a deal on education

reforms - seeking handshake imminently 
- Assembly will not include in one house budget resolution - it is unclear if the
Senate will include in one house budget resolution - Need to stall; must prevent
Assembly from cutting a deal - Every day is a gift/opportunity - mount strong
opposition to receivership by 1) showing lawmakers and influencers that our plan
and vision for fixing failing schools is excellent, and 2) by mobilizing opposition to
receivership and showing why it would be a disaster for NYC. 3) organizing and
empowering the city's Albany allies and influencers to take leadership roles in the

Elected Engagement and Outside Mobilizing

- Target champions of public education - Cathy Nolan to lead coalition of senior and
new members in Assembly - Use coalition to push back on proposal in legislative
deliberations and in public events - Target Golden, Lanza, Felder on issue (failing
schools in district?); exploit SED efficiency problems with special Ed and other issues
they care about - Keep Senate Democratic Conference engaged and include in all
activity - retail lobbying - brief anyone and everyone on why receivership doesn't
work for NYC; widely distribute fact sheets - work with allies to mobilize upstate
and suburban grassroots and local governments 
- maximize teachers union potential to impact this issue 
Week of March 9 - Circulate sign on statement for coalition and release to public
- line up members to speak on the floor during one house budget resolution
passage on Thursday the 12th indicating glad receivership was rejected -
Council/State Legislators Press Conf on City Hall Steps - Assembly presser w AQE in
Albany with champions of public education - AQE presser with Bronx delegation
scheduled for Friday March 13 - invite key electeds to round table on the 13th -
introduce local council and local legislature resolutions 
Week of March 16 - line up members on the education budget conference
committee to speak out against receivership during deliberations
- arm legislative and fiscal committee staff with facts on why receivership does not
work and educate them on the Mayor's school renewal plan
- bring doe and/or schools leaders to legislators to discuss our plan and its early
- electeds to your schools with swat team leaders
facilitate elected involvement in hands off our schools local rallies at schools where
possible – led by parents - Albany presser with superintendents and principals
Material needs for execution: 
Fact sheet: how we are fixing our failing schools
Renewal czar and war room members to educate lawmakers 
Fact sheet: failures of receivership
Fact sheet: schools on the takeover block: snapshots 
School community members of turnaround schools that are a success to educate

On Mar 6, 2015, at 9:02 PM, Goldmark, Karin <KGoldmark@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Won’t use all pages tomorrow (Renewal stuff is not as good as it could be) but here’s
soft copy of overview.
From: Goldmark, Karin
Sent: Friday, March 06, 2015 8:55 PM
To: Wolfe, Emma; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Shorris,
Anthony; Williams, Dominic; Norvell, Wiley; Soliman, Sherif; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel;
jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Ramirez Ursulina (URamirez@schools.nyc.gov); Wallack Josh
(JWallack@schools.nyc.gov); Richardson, Jennifer; Lupo, Jon Paul; Debbie Rosen
Subject: RE: Receivership/State takeover of Struggling schools
Options NYC Could Propose as Softeners:
NYC Exemptions
<!--[if !supportLists]--> · <!--[endif]--> Recreate District 85 (Renewal District)
as “receivership district”—give Chancellor power to unilaterally move
schools across district configurations; include language allowing DOE to
partner with non-profit entities or universities
<!--[if !supportLists]--> · <!--[endif]--> Designate specific districts within NYC
that could serve as takeover district for a low-performing district (e.g.,
District 2 takes over District 7, or schools within)
<!--[if !supportLists]--> · <!--[endif]--> NYC creates entity controlled by Mayor
but independent of DOE to act as receiver
<!--[if !supportLists]--> · <!--[endif]--> Allow NYC to appoint receivers
<!--[if !supportLists]--> o <!--[endif]--> Mayor, Chancellor, CUNY
Chancellor (?) appoint receivers together
<!--[if !supportLists]--> o <!--[endif]--> Mayor, Chancellor, SED
Commissioner appoint receivers together
<!--[if !supportLists]--> · <!--[endif]--> Go big or go home:  Seek language
that does not allow state to carve out CSDs, so the state would either
have to take over the entire NYC school system or leave it alone
<!--[if !supportLists]--> o <!--[endif]--> Does not address individual
school takeover issue
<!--[if !supportLists]--> · <!--[endif]--> Buy time for Renewal Schools: extend
timeframe to mirror Massachusetts—five years before “turnaround”
clauses take effect
<!--[if !supportLists]--> · <!--[endif]--> Require parent vote for charter
<!--[if !supportLists]--> · <!--[endif]--> State must take over whole campus,
not individual schools on a campus
<!--[if !supportLists]--> o <!--[endif]--> Can only take over a campus if
all schools meet criteria
Receivership Criteria:
<!--[if !supportLists]--> · <!--[endif]--> Soften so improving schools not
eligible for takeover (weak), count Quality Review
Consultative Process for Determining Receivership Status
<!--[if !supportLists]--> · <!--[endif]--> Require community input/vote on
receivership status or on choice of receiver (unlikely)
From: Wolfe, Emma
Sent: Friday, March 06, 2015 5:57 PM
To: Goldmark, Karin; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Shorris,
Anthony; Williams, Dominic; Norvell, Wiley; Goldmark, Karin; Soliman, Sherif; Schnake-
Mahl, Gabriel; jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Ramirez Ursulina (URamirez@schools.nyc.gov);
Wallack Josh (JWallack@schools.nyc.gov); Richardson, Jennifer; Lupo, Jon Paul; Debbie
Subject: RE: Receivership/State takeover of Struggling schools
Importance: High
Please add what I missed. Put initials on assignment areas.
Please circulate materials as they get developed.
Have added a few folks to thread.
FOR BRIEFING WITH MAYOR TOMORROW with smaller set of folks on this thread
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->POLICY BRIEFING (KG, UR, JW)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->1. <!--[endif]-->WHAT IS IT
<!--[if !supportLists]-->2. <!--[endif]-->SNAPSHOT OF OUR SCHOOLS IN THIS
<!--[if !supportLists]-->3. <!--[endif]-->WHAT IS THE STATE HISTORY AND
<!--[if !supportLists]-->4. <!--[endif]-->ALTERNATE PROPOSAL FOR THE
<!--[if !supportLists]-->5. <!--[endif]-->ANY READOUT FROM LAW ON
<!--[if !supportLists]-->6. <!--[endif]-->RENEWALS WAR ROOM: WHAT IT
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->PRESS PLAN (AH, DK, WN, PW)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->ALBANY PLAN (SS, EW)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->COMMON COUNCIL, CITY COUNCIL (JPL)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->ASSEMBLY SIGN-ON STATEMENT (CATHY?)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->DOE’S SWAT TEAMS / PRINCIPALS / DOE
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->TOURS FOR LEGISLATORS AT LOCAL
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->UPSTATE SIGN-ON LETTERS (WFP, AQE,
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->CATTLE CALL PRESSER AT CITY HALL – GET
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->CATTLE CALL PRESSER IN ALBANY
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->RENEWAL WAR ROOM
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->RENEWAL CZAR
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->FACT SHEET: OUR PLAN TO FIX
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->LETTER LANGUAGE
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->MAYOR MINER & MAYOR / LOVETT PLAY
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->EVENTS NEXT WEEK – BOYS AND GIRLS,
-----Original Message-----
From: Wolfe, Emma
Sent: Friday, March 06, 2015 9:01 AM
To: Goldmark, Karin; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Shorris,
Anthony; Williams, Dominic
Cc: Soliman, Sherif; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Subject: Receivership/State takeover of Struggling schools
We have a iceberg ahead in receivership that we need to make sure we defeat or
Mayor wants a briefing on receivership. Would like to go in with not just policy but also
some set of action items.
Would like to gather folks before we meet with bdb to discuss:
- Policy ramifications: history in other places and in nys
- Contemplate worst case scenario - if passes, what can we do to prevent, mitigate
- Gov + Legislature: inside strategy
- Comms and organizing strategy which I know ptw has been thinking on
Karin + tony can u decide who from doe to pull in (maybe urs and josh?)
And if kosher wd like to pull jonathan in for meeting too.
Pls pull in whoever from your respective lines you'd also like, but I think most folks on
this thread shd be in the convo.
Gabriel will herd cats. Thanks.

<State Takeover of Failing Schools.docx>

From: B
To: "jfdc@akpdmedia.com"
Cc: Katz, Rebecca; FLONYC; John, Roxanne; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Wolfe, Emma;
Subject: Re: NYT: A New Challenge for Mayor Bill de Blasio: Paying for 2 Children in College
Date: Tuesday, April 07, 2015 12:41:43 PM

JDC, that's perfect! Much appreciated

From: John Del Cecato [mailto:jfdc@akpdmedia.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2015 12:32 PM
To: B
Cc: Katz, Rebecca; FLONYC; John, Roxanne; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Wolfe, Emma;
Jonathan@berlinrosen.com <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: NYT: A New Challenge for Mayor Bill de Blasio: Paying for 2 Children in College

"Every parent wants the best for their kids - and we wanted our two kids to go to
the college that works best for them.  

"Our family is blessed to have a better financial situation than most.  But when
college costs up to $65K a year, even better-off families are forced to either
scramble for financial aid, or else watch their children get saddled with piles of debt
upon graduation.  It's a fact of life."

On Apr 7, 2015, at 12:05 PM, B <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Ok, now let's watch out for the tabloid trap, starting today or at tmrw's avail: am I
crying poverty? Am I just as bad as Hillary who said she was "dead broke" when they
left the White House? What ever happened to the Tale of Two Cities? So let me help
your thought process with some truth, from which we can then sort out the answers to
the inevitable questions:

1. We have one child in college and we pay much of her costs

2. We have another child going into college at institutions that cost in total an average
of $65,000 per year (yes that's $260,000 for 4 years). Under any scenario, we will pay
much of his costs.

3. We won't know final financial aid offers for a week or two, and they will figure very
heavily in Dante's thinking -- and that is by his own choice since he doesn't too big aa
debt burden.
4. While current rent pays much of the mortgage and upkeep expenses on both
houses, it doesn't cover all -- these are old houses that have regularly needed a lot of

5. And finally we have a lot of debt, in large measure because we chose together to not
have Chirlane work (sometimes to spend time with the kids, more recently to be
entirely involved with the campaign and mayoralty -- and that includes times when I
was at lower salaries as Public Advocate and Councilmember.

6. We feel very fortunate to have the resources we have. And our first focus is
providing for our children. But even with all the blessings we have, the cost of college is

That's enough to get your minds going. If anyone has a way to frame this properly, pls
do before the day is out. Thanks

From: Katz, Rebecca
Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2015 06:24 AM
Cc: John, Roxanne; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil
Subject: NYT: A New Challenge for Mayor Bill de Blasio: Paying for 2 Children in College
A New Challenge for Mayor Bill de Blasio: Paying for 2 Children in

APRIL 7, 2015

He lives rent-free in an Upper East Side mansion, owns two homes in

a prime Brooklyn neighborhood and earns a six-figure salary
supervising hundreds of thousands of employees.

But Mayor Bill de Blasio is now facing a hurdle familiar to many of

his constituents: paying for his children’s college educations.

Mr. de Blasio’s son, Dante, a senior at Brooklyn Technical High

School, is currently mulling offers from a short list of exclusive
schools, with Yale and Brown among the front-runners, according to
people familiar with his options.

And with Mr. de Blasio’s daughter, Chiara, still attending college in

California, not even the mayor of New York is immune, it seems, to
seeking relief from the high cost of higher education.

“There’s going to be a big challenge in figuring out financial aid and

visits and all sorts of stuff,” Mr. de Blasio said, when asked about
Dante’s plans at the end of an unrelated interview in his office last

Mr. de Blasio said he did not expect his son to decide on a school
until later this month. Aides to the mayor declined to elaborate
further on Dante’s intentions or the family’s financial considerations,
saying they were private matters.

The soaring cost of college is often seized

upon by Mr. de Blasio’s fellow liberals,
who call it both a symptom and a cause
of the nation’s rising inequality.

But the college process has cast Mayor

de Blasio as a curious test case: His
family is now affluent by most standards.
Mr. de Blasio is paid $225,000 as mayor
and the family receives tens of thousands
of dollars in rental income from two
properties in Park Slope, Brooklyn.

And yet, the de Blasio family’s argument for aid would not be
unreasonable, according to financial aid experts — a striking
testament to the increasingly extreme costs of higher education.

The mayor’s daughter, Chiara, attends Santa Clara University, a

private Jesuit institution where tuition, room and board is
roughly $55,000 a year. If Dante were to attend Yale, for example,
tuition, room and board would come to about $60,000 a year.

Particularly with two children in college, the six-figure income “is not
going to disqualify him from demonstrating need,” said Kalman A.
Chany, president of Campus Consultants, a firm based in Manhattan
that advises families on financial aid.
And sky-high tuition has squeezed even upper middle-class families,
said Mark Kantrowitz, the publisher of edvisors.com, a financial aid

“When you have colleges that are charging 50, 60, $70,000 a year,
everybody is going to struggle to pay for college,” he said.

But, Mr. Kantrowitz added of the mayor, “We’re still talking about
someone whose income is pretty close to the top 1 percent.”

In 2013, the mayor and his wife, Chirlane McCray, earned $52,200 in

rent from a modest duplex they own in Park Slope, a home once
occupied by Mr. de Blasio’s mother. And the family rowhouse down
the street, which the de Blasios left for Gracie Mansion in
Manhattan, was rented last year at $4,975 a month. The combined
value of the homes will reach an estimated $2.8 million in the
upcoming tax year, according to the New York City Department of

That additional income, however, might be offset: On his tax return

last year, for instance, Mr. de Blasio declared a $6,493 loss on one
house after accounting for mortgage costs, depreciation and other
expenses. Ms. McCray draws no salary as chairwoman of the city’s
nonprofit arm.

Whatever his parents’ circumstances, Dante would appear an

impressive applicant.

Dante, 17, a champion debater with a fondness for political

philosophy, is by many accounts a dedicated student. During a family
vacation in Rome last summer, he was spotted perusing a paperback
by the contemporary Italian political theorist Giorgio Agamben.

If Dante decides on Brown, the mayor might find himself at visiting

weekends with another notable New York politician.

Michaela Kennedy Cuomo, the 17-year-old daughter of Gov. Andrew

M. Cuomo, plans to attend the Ivy League school this fall, joining her
sister Mariah at the alma mater of their mother, Kerry Kennedy, and
their cousin John F. Kennedy Jr.

The political progeny would join a long

line of scions attracted to Brown’s brand
of campus life. William H. Mondale took
time off from classes there to help his
father, Walter F. Mondale, campaign for
president in 1984. Amy Carter, daughter
of former President Jimmy Carter, was
asked to leave Brown in 1987 for
academic reasons; she later graduated
from the Memphis College of Art.
Malia Obama, President Obama’s daughter, was seenvisiting Brown
last month, part of an extensive tour that has also included
Columbia, Harvard and Wesleyan University.

It remains unclear whether Dante will join their ranks. His father
joked last week that he wanted “smoke, all sorts of stuff” to
accompany the announcement of his son’s choice.

“Let’s get the staging going,” Mr. de Blasio said in his office, smiling
at a nearby aide. “I want heavy production values on this thing.”

He likened the impending moment to LeBron James’ famed television

special, “The Decision,” to announce his move from the Cleveland
Cavaliers to the Miami Heat in 2010.

“Dante de Blasio wants to take his talents to …” the mayor said,

paraphrasing Mr. James’s punch line.

In fact, the mystery has resonated even in the upper ranks of the
political world.

Hillary Rodham Clinton, after an event with Ms. McCray in Brooklyn

last week, was preparing to say goodbye when she paused for a
final query, according to a person who witnessed their exchange.

Where, Mrs. Clinton asked, is Dante going to college?

From: Katz, Rebecca
To: B
Cc: jfdc@akpdmedia.com; Katz, Rebecca; FLONYC; John, Roxanne; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Wolfe,
Emma; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com
Subject: Re: NYT: A New Challenge for Mayor Bill de Blasio: Paying for 2 Children in College
Date: Tuesday, April 07, 2015 1:30:28 PM

Also think news outlets are so obsessed with Dante updates that anything you say
on that topic will make big news and may even overshadow the rest of this. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 7, 2015, at 12:41 PM, B <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

JDC, that's perfect! Much appreciated

From: John Del Cecato [mailto:jfdc@akpdmedia.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2015 12:32 PM
To: B
Cc: Katz, Rebecca; FLONYC; John, Roxanne; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Wolfe,
Emma; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: NYT: A New Challenge for Mayor Bill de Blasio: Paying for 2 Children in

"Every parent wants the best for their kids - and we wanted our two kids
to go to the college that works best for them.  

"Our family is blessed to have a better financial situation than most.  But
when college costs up to $65K a year, even better-off families are forced
to either scramble for financial aid, or else watch their children get
saddled with piles of debt upon graduation.  It's a fact of life."

On Apr 7, 2015, at 12:05 PM, B <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Ok, now let's watch out for the tabloid trap, starting today or at tmrw's
avail: am I crying poverty? Am I just as bad as Hillary who said she was
"dead broke" when they left the White House? What ever happened to
the Tale of Two Cities? So let me help your thought process with some
truth, from which we can then sort out the answers to the inevitable

1. We have one child in college and we pay much of her costs

2. We have another child going into college at institutions that cost in
total an average of $65,000 per year (yes that's $260,000 for 4 years).
Under any scenario, we will pay much of his costs.

3. We won't know final financial aid offers for a week or two, and they will
figure very heavily in Dante's thinking -- and that is by his own choice
since he doesn't too big aa debt burden.

4. While current rent pays much of the mortgage and upkeep expenses
on both houses, it doesn't cover all -- these are old houses that have
regularly needed a lot of work.

5. And finally we have a lot of debt, in large measure because we chose

together to not have Chirlane work (sometimes to spend time with the
kids, more recently to be entirely involved with the campaign and
mayoralty -- and that includes times when I was at lower salaries as Public
Advocate and Councilmember.

6. We feel very fortunate to have the resources we have. And our first
focus is providing for our children. But even with all the blessings we
have, the cost of college is daunting.

That's enough to get your minds going. If anyone has a way to frame this
properly, pls do before the day is out. Thanks

From: Katz, Rebecca
Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2015 06:24 AM
Cc: John, Roxanne; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil
Subject: NYT: A New Challenge for Mayor Bill de Blasio: Paying for 2
Children in College
A New Challenge for Mayor Bill de Blasio: Paying for 2
Children in College

APRIL 7, 2015

He lives rent-free in an Upper East Side mansion, owns

two homes in a prime Brooklyn neighborhood and earns a
six-figure salary supervising hundreds of thousands of

But Mayor Bill de Blasio is now facing a hurdle familiar to

many of his constituents: paying for his children’s college

Mr. de Blasio’s son, Dante, a senior at Brooklyn Technical

High School, is currently mulling offers from a short list of
exclusive schools, with Yale and Brown among the front-
runners, according to people familiar with his options.

And with Mr. de Blasio’s daughter, Chiara, still attending

college in California, not even the mayor of New York is
immune, it seems, to seeking relief from the high cost of
higher education.

“There’s going to be a big challenge in figuring out

financial aid and visits and all sorts of stuff,” Mr. de Blasio
said, when asked about Dante’s plans at the end of an
unrelated interview in his office last week.

Mr. de Blasio said he did not expect his son to decide on

a school until later this month. Aides to the mayor
declined to elaborate further on Dante’s intentions or the
family’s financial considerations, saying they were private

The soaring cost of college is often seized

upon by Mr. de Blasio’s fellow liberals,
who call it both a symptom and a cause
of the nation’s rising inequality.

But the college process has cast Mayor

de Blasio as a curious test case: His
family is now affluent by most standards.
Mr. de Blasio is paid $225,000 as mayor
and the family receives tens of thousands
of dollars in rental income from two
properties in Park Slope, Brooklyn.
And yet, the de Blasio family’s argument for aid would not
be unreasonable, according to financial aid experts — a
striking testament to the increasingly extreme costs of
higher education.

The mayor’s daughter, Chiara, attends Santa Clara

University, a private Jesuit institution where tuition, room
and board is roughly $55,000 a year. If Dante were to
attend Yale, for example, tuition, room and board
would come to about $60,000 a year.

Particularly with two children in college, the six-figure

income “is not going to disqualify him from demonstrating
need,” said Kalman A. Chany, president of Campus
Consultants, a firm based in Manhattan that advises
families on financial aid.

And sky-high tuition has squeezed even upper middle-

class families, said Mark Kantrowitz, the publisher
of edvisors.com, a financial aid website.

“When you have colleges that are charging 50, 60,

$70,000 a year, everybody is going to struggle to pay for
college,” he said.

But, Mr. Kantrowitz added of the mayor, “We’re still

talking about someone whose income is pretty close to
the top 1 percent.”

In 2013, the mayor and his wife, Chirlane McCray, earned

$52,200 in rent from a modest duplex they own in Park
Slope, a home once occupied by Mr. de Blasio’s mother.
And the family rowhouse down the street, which the de
Blasios left for Gracie Mansion in Manhattan, was
rented last year at $4,975 a month. The combined value
of the homes will reach an estimated $2.8 million in the
upcoming tax year, according to the New York City
Department of Finance.

That additional income, however, might be offset: On his

tax return last year, for instance, Mr. de Blasio declared a
$6,493 loss on one house after accounting for mortgage
costs, depreciation and other expenses. Ms. McCray
draws no salary as chairwoman of the city’s nonprofit

Whatever his parents’ circumstances, Dante would appear

an impressive applicant.

Dante, 17, a champion debater with a fondness for

political philosophy, is by many accounts a dedicated
student. During a family vacation in Rome last summer,
he was spotted perusing a paperback by the
contemporary Italian political theorist Giorgio Agamben.

If Dante decides on Brown, the mayor might find himself

at visiting weekends with another notable New York

Michaela Kennedy Cuomo, the 17-year-old daughter of

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, plans to attend the Ivy League
school this fall, joining her sister Mariah at the alma
mater of their mother, Kerry Kennedy, and their cousin
John F. Kennedy Jr.

The political progeny would join a long

line of scions attracted to Brown’s brand
of campus life. William H. Mondale took
time off from classes there to help his
father, Walter F. Mondale, campaign for
president in 1984. Amy Carter, daughter
of former President Jimmy Carter, was
asked to leave Brown in 1987 for
academic reasons; she later graduated
from the Memphis College of Art.

Malia Obama, President Obama’s daughter, was

seenvisiting Brown last month, part of an extensive tour
that has also included Columbia, Harvard and Wesleyan

It remains unclear whether Dante will join their ranks. His

father joked last week that he wanted “smoke, all sorts of
stuff” to accompany the announcement of his son’s

“Let’s get the staging going,” Mr. de Blasio said in his

office, smiling at a nearby aide. “I want heavy production
values on this thing.”

He likened the impending moment to LeBron James’

famed television special, “The Decision,” to announce his
move from the Cleveland Cavaliers to the Miami Heat in

“Dante de Blasio wants to take his talents to …” the

mayor said, paraphrasing Mr. James’s punch line.

In fact, the mystery has resonated even in the upper

ranks of the political world.
Hillary Rodham Clinton, after an event with Ms. McCray in
Brooklyn last week, was preparing to say goodbye when
she paused for a final query, according to a person who
witnessed their exchange.

Where, Mrs. Clinton asked, is Dante going to college?

From: Nicole Kolinsky
To: Mayor"s Press Office
Cc: Darren Goldberg
Subject: SL Green filming on Monday during One Vanderbilt hearing
Date: Friday, April 10, 2015 2:12:22 PM

Hi Council Press Office, wanted to let you know that SL Green is sending a few people to film the
zoning hearing Monday morning. Darren, cc’d here, is available if anything comes up.
Nicole Kolinsky
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5296 (o)
646.263.1527 (c)
From: Leopold, Elana
To: Carey, Michael; Ko, Eunice; Thornton, Demetrius; Shorris, Anthony; Williams, Dominic; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel;
Howe, Amanda; Wolfe, Emma; Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Wiley, Maya; "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com";
Hagelgans, Andrea; "lhegarty@akpdmedia.com"; Griffith, Chantell; Chao, Raymond; John, Roxanne; Fuleihan,
Dean (OMB); "nbaldick@hilltoppublicsolutions.com"; "jfdc@akpdmedia.com"; Walzak, Phil
Subject: MBDB: Weekly Planning Meeting
Date: Tuesday, April 14, 2015 6:53:55 PM

Team- we are delayed

This meeting will start at 8:15

From: Leopold, Elana
To: Carey, Michael
Cc: Ko, Eunice; Thornton, Demetrius; Shorris, Anthony; Williams, Dominic; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel; Howe, Amanda;
Wolfe, Emma; Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Wiley, Maya; "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"
(Jonathan@berlinrosen.com); Hagelgans, Andrea; Liz Hegarty; Griffith, Chantell; Chao, Raymond; John,
Roxanne; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); "nbaldick@hilltoppublicsolutions.com" (nbaldick@hilltoppublicsolutions.com);
"jfdc@akpdmedia.com" (jfdc@akpdmedia.com); Walzak, Phil
Subject: Re: MBDB: Weekly Planning Meeting
Date: Tuesday, April 14, 2015 7:40:27 PM

All- this meeting is cancelled this evening

JDC- please stand by

The mayor wants to prep with you instead

Sent from my iPhone

> On Apr 13, 2015, at 12:06 PM, Carey, Michael <MPCarey@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
> <meeting.ics>
From: Carey, Michael
To: Ko, Eunice; Thornton, Demetrius; Shorris, Anthony; Williams, Dominic; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel; Howe, Amanda;
Wolfe, Emma; Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Wiley, Maya; ""Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"
(Jonathan@berlinrosen.com)"; Hagelgans, Andrea; "Liz Hegarty"; Griffith, Chantell; Chao, Raymond; John,
Roxanne; Leopold, Elana; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); ""nbaldick@hilltoppublicsolutions.com"
(nbaldick@hilltoppublicsolutions.com)"; ""jfdc@akpdmedia.com" (jfdc@akpdmedia.com)"; Walzak, Phil; Fialkoff,
Subject: TONIGHT - - MBDB: Weekly Planning Meeting
Date: Wednesday, April 22, 2015 10:40:13 AM

Hi All,

Just a reminder that tonight’s Meeting is a bit earlier. 

Would also like you to note that the First Lady is hosting a dinner at Gracie starting at 630
PM, so please do not walk thru the Ballroom when you are leaving.

And only light snacks will be provided tonight.

Happy Earth Day!

Michael Paul Carey

Director of Scheduling and Advance

City Hall

New York, New York 10007


-----Original Appointment-----
From: Carey, Michael
Sent: Thursday, April 9, 2015 8:21 AM
To: Carey, Michael; Ko, Eunice; Thornton, Demetrius; Shorris, Anthony; Williams, Dominic; Schnake-
Mahl, Gabriel; Howe, Amanda; Wolfe, Emma; Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Wiley, Maya;
''Jonathan@berlinrosen.com' (Jonathan@berlinrosen.com)'; Hagelgans, Andrea; 'Liz Hegarty'; Griffith,
Chantell; Chao, Raymond; John, Roxanne; Leopold, Elana; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB);
''nbaldick@hilltoppublicsolutions.com' (nbaldick@hilltoppublicsolutions.com)'; ''jfdc@akpdmedia.com'
(jfdc@akpdmedia.com)'; Walzak, Phil; Fialkoff, Gabrielle
Subject: MBDB: Weekly Planning Meeting
When: Wednesday, April 22, 2015 5:00 PM-6:30 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: Gracie Mansion, The Parlor
From: Litvak, Gwendolyn
To: "Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com"
Subject: Re: mazel tov G!!!
Date: Wednesday, April 22, 2015 11:35:51 AM

Um can you please reinvite me. I'm an ass

From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2015 11:35 AM
To: Litvak, Gwendolyn
Subject: RE: mazel tov G!!!
We are both wrong. Its Tuesday.
From: Litvak, Gwendolyn [mailto:GLitvak@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2015 11:29 AM
To: Nicole Kolinsky
Subject: Re: mazel tov G!!!
I had next monday. Ignore me. I'm just tired.

From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2015 11:28 AM
To: Litvak, Gwendolyn
Subject: RE: mazel tov G!!!

Don’t we have dinner Monday? It on my cal

From: Litvak, Gwendolyn [mailto:GLitvak@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2015 11:25 AM
To: Nicole Kolinsky
Subject: Re: mazel tov G!!!
Yes! I have shit I still have to do this week.


From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2015 11:25 AM
To: Litvak, Gwendolyn
Subject: RE: mazel tov G!!!

Celebrations MONDAY
From: Litvak, Gwendolyn [mailto:GLitvak@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2015 11:20 AM
To: Nicole Kolinsky
Subject: Re: mazel tov G!!!
Thank you!!!
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2015 11:13 AM
To: Litvak, Gwendolyn
Subject: mazel tov G!!!

Nicole Kolinsky
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5296 (o)
646.263.1527 (c)
From: Walzak, Phil
To: B; Hagelgans, Andrea; "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"; "jfdc@akpdmedia.com"
Cc: Carey, Michael; Leopold, Elana
Subject: Re: Times
Date: Thursday, April 23, 2015 8:33:16 AM

Got it

----- Original Message -----

From: B
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2015 08:03 AM
To: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com' <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>;
'jfdc@akpdmedia.com' <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>
Cc: Carey, Michael; Leopold, Elana
Subject: Times

Remember I'm away most of that week and we will need time that monday to finish the TPA rollout on
the 12th. Thus, I think the next week is better

----- Original Message -----

From: Walzak, Phil
Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2015 09:38 PM
To: B; Hagelgans, Andrea; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com' <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>;
'jfdc@akpdmedia.com' <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>
Subject: RE: Challenge flag!

on the 2nd note, we are in the process of scheduling a NYT ed board mtg the week of May 11 -- AFTER
the exec budget has been introed...I spoke w them just today on this
From: B
Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2015 8:59 PM
To: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'
Subject: Challenge flag!

It just dawned on me how totally fucked up it is that the Times has turned down the only 2 op-eds I've
offered in 16 months, both on very weighty topics. I feel like challenging that to Arthur or to whoever
makes sense. It's not cool that they won't allow the mayor of their city to ever have a chance to speak
in his own voice. Pls advise. And separately, we should go do the editorial board in the third week of
may. It's strange that we've only been in once
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
To: B; Walzak, Phil; "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"; "jfdc@akpdmedia.com"
Subject: RE: Challenge flag!
Date: Thursday, April 23, 2015 11:12:03 AM


Had Mahen's team run a search on Bloomberg op-eds in NYT when he was in office. Interestingly, of
the ones they found, the op-eds were  focused on national politics, not NYC announcements or changes.
While that may be because that's where he chose to focus his op-ed time, it could also be an indication
that they are looking for more national themes. Think the Warren/MBdB op-ed may be the test for us


-----Original Message-----
From: B
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2015 8:04 AM
To: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'
Subject: Re: Challenge flag!

And what about the FIRST topic???

----- Original Message -----

From: Walzak, Phil
Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2015 09:38 PM
To: B; Hagelgans, Andrea; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com' <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>;
'jfdc@akpdmedia.com' <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>
Subject: RE: Challenge flag!

on the 2nd note, we are in the process of scheduling a NYT ed board mtg the week of May 11 -- AFTER
the exec budget has been introed...I spoke w them just today on this
From: B
Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2015 8:59 PM
To: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'
Subject: Challenge flag!

It just dawned on me how totally fucked up it is that the Times has turned down the only 2 op-eds I've
offered in 16 months, both on very weighty topics. I feel like challenging that to Arthur or to whoever
makes sense. It's not cool that they won't allow the mayor of their city to ever have a chance to speak
in his own voice. Pls advise. And separately, we should go do the editorial board in the third week of
may. It's strange that we've only been in once
From: Litvak, Gwendolyn
To: "Morris, Deborah (HPD)"; Nicole Kolinsky; cchung@hraadvisors.com; Daria Siegel
Subject: RE: Michelin-Recommended Wasan Opening Outpost in Park Slope | Commercial Observer
Date: Thursday, April 23, 2015 6:08:17 PM

When can we go?

GWEN LITVAK  | 212-442-6332
From: Morris, Deborah (HPD) [mailto:morrisd@hpd.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2015 2:33 PM
To: Nicole Kolinsky; cchung@hraadvisors.com; Litvak, Gwendolyn; Daria Siegel
Subject: RE: Michelin-Recommended Wasan Opening Outpost in Park Slope | Commercial Observer

Awesome add to the neighborhood!

From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2015 2:19 PM
To: cchung@hraadvisors.com; Litvak, Gwendolyn; Daria Siegel; Morris, Deborah (HPD)
Subject: Michelin-Recommended Wasan Opening Outpost in Park Slope | Commercial Observer

From: Litvak, Gwendolyn
To: Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com
Subject: FW: I"m meeting Nicole Kolinsky for dinner at Geido at 715 if you want to join.
Date: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 5:36:36 PM

GWEN LITVAK  | 212-442-6332
From: DeLoach, Michael
Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 5:36 PM
To: Litvak, Gwendolyn
Subject: RE: I'm meeting Nicole Kolinsky for dinner at Geido at 715 if you want to join.
Have to pass but tell her I said hi
From: Litvak, Gwendolyn
Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 5:35 PM
To: DeLoach, Michael
Cc: Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com
Subject: I'm meeting Nicole Kolinsky for dinner at Geido at 715 if you want to join.
GWEN LITVAK  |   Senior Policy Advisor
NYC Mayor's Office of Sustainability
253 Broadway - 10th floor  |  New York, NY 10007
212-442-6332 |  glitvak@cityhall.nyc.gov  |  nyc.gov/planyc
From: Greig, Katherine
To: Spitalnick, Amy (OMB); Matthew.Hassett
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Sage.Erskine; Caroline Nagy; DeLoach, Michael
Subject: RE: WNYC FEMA Letters Inquiry
Date: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 11:51:23 AM
Attachments: image001.png

Makes sense

KATHERINE GREIG |   212-788-1464

From: Spitalnick, Amy (OMB) [mailto:SpitalnickA@omb.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 11:43 AM
To: Matthew.Hassett; Greig, Katherine
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Sage.Erskine; Caroline Nagy; DeLoach, Michael
Subject: RE: WNYC FEMA Letters Inquiry

We should have people ready to do interviews on this in the future though.

From: Matthew Hassett [mailto:Matthew.Hassett@cnycn.org]
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 11:42 AM
To: Spitalnick, Amy (OMB); Greig, Katherine
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Sage.Erskine; Caroline Nagy; Michael Deloach
Subject: Re: WNYC FEMA Letters Inquiry

Will do.

And no homeowners, it's not logistically possible anyways.

I'll call her.

Matthew Hassett   |   Director of Policy & Communications

17 Battery Place, Suite 728  |  New York, NY 10004
646-786-0895  |  matthew.hassett@cnycn.org  |  cnycn.org

From: <Spitalnick>, "Amy (OMB)" <SpitalnickA@omb.nyc.gov>

Date: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 11:40 AM
To: Matthew Hassett <matthew.hassett@cnycn.org>, "Greig, Katherine" <KGreig@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>, Sage Henry Erskine <Sage.Erskine@cnycn.org>,
Caroline Nagy <Caroline.Nagy@cnycn.org>, Michael Deloach <mdeloach@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: WNYC FEMA Letters Inquiry

Please also include the language on city role, affordability studies, etc (or send her my way).
To be clear – not giving her a homeowner? Who can speak with her?
From: Matthew Hassett [mailto:Matthew.Hassett@cnycn.org]
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 11:39 AM
To: Spitalnick, Amy (OMB); Greig, Katherine
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Sage.Erskine; Caroline Nagy; Michael Deloach
Subject: Re: WNYC FEMA Letters Inquiry

Would like to get back to her in next few minutes. For context on site:

Since April 15, we’ve had over 7,900 visitors to FloodHelpNY. April 16 th  saw the most activity with
over 2,500 visits to the site.

Matthew Hassett   |   Director of Policy & Communications


From: <Spitalnick>, "Amy (OMB)" <SpitalnickA@omb.nyc.gov>

Date: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 11:32 AM
To: Matthew Hassett <matthew.hassett@cnycn.org>, "Greig, Katherine" <KGreig@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>, Sage Henry Erskine <Sage.Erskine@cnycn.org>,
Caroline Nagy <Caroline.Nagy@cnycn.org>, Michael Deloach <mdeloach@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: WNYC FEMA Letters Inquiry

From: Matthew Hassett [mailto:Matthew.Hassett@cnycn.org]
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 11:32 AM
To: Spitalnick, Amy (OMB); Greig, Katherine
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Sage.Erskine; Caroline Nagy
Subject: Re: WNYC FEMA Letters Inquiry

I think it's too much left to chance and frankly too short notice for someone anyway. The person
who has been most available is someone in Coney Island who was in our report.

I can see if she wants to talk with me about FloodHelpNY—we saw a big pickup in traffic. Or I
think CM Treyger would be good.

Matthew Hassett   |   Director of Policy & Communications


From: <Spitalnick>, "Amy (OMB)" <SpitalnickA@omb.nyc.gov>

Date: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 11:26 AM
To: Matthew Hassett <matthew.hassett@cnycn.org>, "Greig, Katherine" <KGreig@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>, Sage Henry Erskine <Sage.Erskine@cnycn.org>,
Caroline Nagy <Caroline.Nagy@cnycn.org>
Subject: RE: WNYC FEMA Letters Inquiry

Who are these homeowners – are they vetted and will they say positive things about the resources
we are providing them? Otherwise, I would strongly urge against.
From: Matthew Hassett [mailto:Matthew.Hassett@cnycn.org]
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 11:25 AM
To: Greig, Katherine; Spitalnick, Amy (OMB)
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Sage.Erskine; Caroline Nagy
Subject: FW: WNYC FEMA Letters Inquiry

Hi Amy and Katherine,

Pls see below. I haven't written back yet.

We can try to connect her with one or two people. What do you think?

Have they spoken with you?


Matthew Hassett   |   Director of Policy & Communications

17 Battery Place, Suite 728  |  New York, NY 10004
646-786-0895  |  matthew.hassett@cnycn.org  |  cnycn.org

From: Catherine Diaz <

Date: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 11:04 AM
To: Matthew Hassett <matthew.hassett@cnycn.org>
Subject: WNYC FEMA Letters Inquiry

I am a reporter at WNYC 93.9FM looking for homeowner contacts. I would like to speak to those
who received these FEMA letters for the first time or just in general. These letters include
commenting on whether an area should be considered a flood zone or not. This person could be
from NYC, NYS or Long Island. My deadline is 12PM, but I'm flexible since I will be here until
4PM. This will be a 3-5 minute phone interview that will be edited (it's not live). Thank you.

Catherine Diaz
From: Jeremy Soffin
To: Blumm, Kate
Subject: Greenpoint Landing
Date: Thursday, April 30, 2015 5:15:49 PM
Attachments: greenpoint letter 3-6-15 (2).docx

Kate: Good talking to you yesterday. I’ve reattached the invite letter, which includes details on the
project and broad thinking on messaging. In terms of a potential event, here’s what we were
Timing: A May or June groundbreaking would be timely, with two affordable buildings underway and
a third ready to break ground.
Location: The affordable building ready to break ground (site F) has remarkable views of the water
and skyline, and is adjacent to the park and the first affordable building, which broke ground 10
months ago and is close to topping out.
Speaking program: The more the merrier, but would think speakers would come from among this
--Deputy Mayor Glen
--Commissioner Been
--Commissioner Rodney
--Commissioner Silver
--George Klein
--Ron Moelis
Local electeds
--CM Levin
--AM Lentol
--Sen. Dilan
--BP Adams
--Cong. Maloney
--Open Space Alliance
--Others TBD
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
March 6, 2015

The Honorable Bill de Blasio

Mayor of the City of New York
City Hall
New York, New York 10007

Dear Mayor de Blasio:

I would like to invite you to the groundbreaking of the first two affordable buildings at
Greenpoint Landing, a new 5,500 unit, 22-acre development that will transform an
underutilized half-mile section of the northernmost Brooklyn waterfront in Greenpoint
into a vibrant mixed-income community.

Greenpoint Landing delivers on longstanding promises to the neighborhood, leveraging

City investments in parks and schools and exemplifying your Administration’s approach to
integrating affordable housing into a comprehensive community plan:

• Affordable housing: Greenpoint Landing will include a total of 1,400 affordable

units. By kicking off the project with two 100% permanently affordable buildings in
partnership with L+M Development Partners, we are prioritizing 200 low- and
moderate-income units in this community. We anticipate beginning construction
on another 103-unit 100% affordable building by June of 2015, also in partnership
with L+M.

• Open space and waterfront access: Greenpoint Landing will develop a total of
four acres of new public open space, designed by James Corner Field Operations.
Their innovative and resilient design blends a 40’ wide promenade with larger-
scale amenity areas, such as a great lawn, picnic area and a pier. Greenpoint
Landing has committed $5.5 million to the construction of Newtown Barge Park – a
2.5 acre City park in the northernmost section of Greenpoint that will begin
construction in 2015.

• Infrastructure: The open space will complement DOT’s upcoming reconstruction

of West Street as a greenway with bicycle lanes, completely overhauling an area in
need of improved public infrastructure.
• A new public school: Greenpoint Landing is donating land to the City for a new
640-seat pre-k through 8th grade District 14 public school.

• High-quality contextual architecture: This first phase of development – both

affordable and market-rate – is being designed by Gary Handel of Handel Architects
and will reflect a modern Brooklyn industrial aesthetic.

• New opportunities for small neighborhood retailers: The retail on site will
bring new opportunities for local community retailers.

This is a moment to celebrate years of planning as several projects get underway.

Greenpoint Landing, in partnership with L+M Development (led by Ron Moelis), plans to
hold the affordable housing groundbreaking in this spring, and can be flexible on the date
based on your schedule. We hope you will join us for this important milestone for the
Greenpoint community.


George Klein
Park Tower Group

cc: Alicia Glen, Deputy Mayor for Housing and Economic Development
Vicki Been, Commissioner NYC Department of Housing Preservation & Development
Gary D. Rodney, President NYC Housing Development Corporation
From: John Del Cecato
To: B
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Leopold, Elana; "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"
Subject: Re: Op-ed
Date: Monday, May 04, 2015 3:33:51 PM

That's up to Phil.  The only promise I made to the still somewhat

Times-deferential Warren Team is that we wouldn’t raise holy hell over the
Warren/de Blasio oped alone.  (Unlike us, they are still hoping to
cultivate a relationship there the More Flies with Honey way - at least
that’s my guess.)

On 5/4/15, 3:30 PM, "B" <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

>I agree. And you have WSJ and even USA Today (??) as options after that.
>But when the smoke clears, let's figure out what on Earth the Times is
>looking for and see if we can match it in the future. And do I have
>permission to call Sulzberger and raise a concern re: 3 rejections and no
>yesses in 16 months?
>----- Original Message -----
>From: John Del Cecato [mailto:jfdc@akpdmedia.com]
>Sent: Monday, May 04, 2015 03:28 PM
>To: B
>Cc: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Leopold, Elana
>Subject: Re: Op-ed
>Update is: NYT has rejected.  They said it didn’t contain enough
>“analysis” and was way too “campaign-y.”
>We have moved on to WashPost.  I’m not going to let the publication of the
>op-ed be slowed by the naysayers at the New York Times edit board.
>On 5/4/15, 2:42 PM, "B" <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>>I promise to stop asking for status updates if you promise to alert me as
>>you hear developments.  And remember I need heads up re: when where it
>>will be place (once confirmed) so I can alert Team Hillary
From: Wolfe, Emma
To: B; Walzak, Phil; FLONYC
Cc: Hagelgans, Andrea; Snyder, Thomas; Shorris, Anthony; Williams, Dominic; "jfdc@akpdmedia.com";
Date: Tuesday, May 05, 2015 6:19:13 PM

Flashback: May 2003.  Quinnipiac. Job performance: 32% for MRB.

May 8, 2003


HALL MEMO; No Politician?
The Polls Agree With the
Correction Appended

The prevailing political theory at City Hall goes something like this: Politics do not matter.
If Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg remains true to his convictions, resists the taint of special
interest groups and makes tough choices that keep the city sound, New Yorkers will
appreciate and reward him.

But that theory is being severely tested as Mr. Bloomberg finds himself in what appears to
be the lowest point in his 16-month mayoralty, based on a chorus of critics and the latest
Quinnipiac University poll.

Last week, the mayor was rebuffed in his months-long effort to extract a commuter tax
from leaders in Albany, and was forced to impose tax increases on his own constituents in
its stead.

Mr. Bloomberg's relationship with the labor unions is so tense that labor experts struggle
for a comparison. The strain was underscored this week by a threat from the head of the
teachers' union to withdraw support for the mayor's sweeping changes to the public
education system. His reorganization of the school system is also the subject of a lawsuit
filed by some state legislators who originally supported him.

Advocates for the poor, who were thrilled to have an open reception from Mr. Bloomberg
after years of being snubbed by Rudolph W. Giuliani's administration, are now bitterly
denouncing the current mayor for excluding them from any role in key policy decisions.
Business leaders, essentially Mr. Bloomberg's peers, are now privately grumbling that they
detest the mayor's latest tax policies.

Yesterday, the cloud over City Hall darkened when the Quinnipiac poll was released
showing that only 32 percent of New York City voters polled approve of the mayor's job

The poll, coming in the wake of a six-month whirlwind of increases in taxes and transit
fares and higher prices on regulated rental apartments, is Mr. Bloomberg's worst showing
yet. The polls have fallen almost steadily since February 2002, when 65 percent of New
Yorkers approved of the job he was doing.

In the insult-to-injury category, while 89 percent of polled New Yorkers said that Mr.
Bloomberg is intelligent, only 40 percent would savor a dinner invitation with the mayor,
a man who is feverishly social and sought out by a broad swath of New York society.

While 61 percent of those questioned said that the mayor had ''strong leadership
qualities,'' only 33 percent agreed that he ''cares about the needs and problems of people
like you,'' which may speak to Mr. Bloomberg's inability to communicate his broader
mayoral goals.

Quinnipiac surveyed 757 registered voters in the city from April 29 to May 5. On May 2,
the outlines of a plan to raise sales and income taxes became known. The margin of
sampling error for the poll is plus or minus 4 percentage points.

If any of this ruffles the feathers of Mr. Bloomberg -- who came into office with the stated
goal of ''making a difference'' absent any deeper political ambitions -- he seems not to
show it. Yesterday, during a news conference at City Hall, he sniped at a reporter who
asked about the cost of a new mobile emergency command center, but let questions about
the poll roll off him like a spritz of Evian at the beach.

''You got to do what's right,'' Mr. Bloomberg said. ''And when I go home at night I can
look in the mirror and say, 'I stood up and I made the right decisions.' ''

Mr. Bloomberg, who has said he intends to run for another term, added: ''The public in
the end will take a look and say, 'There was somebody that made the right decision, the
city's better.' And whether they want to have dinner with me or not, I don't know.''

Mr. Bloomberg added that he would like to break bread with Bono, whom he met at the
TriBeCa Film Festival the night before, and said he assumed that the singer shared that
The fact that Mr. Bloomberg grabbed for Bono's name underscores a paradox of his
tenure that has haunted him since the first day he began to make budget cuts.

The mayor's vast personal fortune led him to take the ultimate leap into public service,
working for a dollar a year at one of the hardest political jobs in America. By his own
account, it was another leg of his broader philanthropic vision.

His billions enabled him to run successfully for mayor and even support city programs
out of his own pocket. (He has contributed millions of dollars to cultural and other city

But his wealth has also created an intractable chasm between himself and the majority of
the eight million people he serves who are now sitting by as their taxes rise, their services
are cut and they are given little reason to expect an economic recovery any time soon.

''I just don't feel the mayor understands poor people,'' said Christine Cutchin, 75, who
founded the Roundtable for Seniors, a recreational center in Bushwick, Brooklyn, that is
scheduled for closing in the budget cuts. When it was pointed out that every imaginable
constituent was being hit in the current budget plans, she shook her head emphatically
and said, ''These seniors have already paid their dues.''

Aides to the mayor uphold his conviction that voters will get over their angst over
increased rent, property, water, cigarette and income tax bills. ''He's also been at this long
enough to know that polls don't measure your accomplishments,'' said Edward Skyler, the
mayor's press secretary. ''They measure moods. It's not personal because the people who
are being polled don't know him.''

But it is clear that some New Yorkers who have gotten to know the mayor, at least
professionally, are also less than enamored with him. Union officials and their members
are battling with the mayor over budget issues, and many of them are deeply offended
that Mr. Bloomberg, in their view, has written them off as a costly distraction.

''There has been a real change of heart among the union leaders toward the mayor,'' said
Randi Weingarten, who is head of the Municipal Labor Council and the teachers' union.
''He trashes us and trashes the work force.''

Advocates for the poor and downtrodden, who have been welcomed into City Hall, are
now crying bait and switch. They say they are often left out of the loop or even duped
regarding the administration's plans for homeless families, AIDS services and other policy

''On a certain level the Giuliani administration had more integrity than the Bloomberg
administration,'' said Charles King, the co-president of Housing Works, an AIDS advocacy
group. ''The Giuliani administration was pretty straightforward that they were going to do
it their way without consultation with the community.''

Mr. Skyler dismissed this talk. ''We always welcome and solicit input, but ultimately the
mayor is the one who needs to make the decisions,'' he said.

The press secretary was not terribly concerned with the fact that so few wanted to eat
with the newly lithe mayor. ''It's understandable,'' Mr. Skyler deadpanned. ''Nobody likes
to eat with somebody on a diet.''

Photo: Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, in Brooklyn yesterday with the police commissioner
and the Brooklyn district attorney, lets criticism roll off his back. (Steve Hart for The New
York Times)(pg. B6)
From: B
Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2015 4:42 PM
To: Walzak, Phil; FLONYC
Cc: Wolfe, Emma; Hagelgans, Andrea; Snyder, Thomas; Shorris, Anthony; Williams, Dominic;
'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'

I find that weird. But it's also not a good polling outfit. And this too shall pass

From: Walzak, Phil

Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2015 04:37 PM
Cc: Wolfe, Emma; Hagelgans, Andrea; Snyder, Thomas; Shorris, Anthony; Williams, Dominic

Tonight at 6 pm
532 RVs
4.2% MoE
49 wrong track
45 right track
Job performance
44 – Excellent or good
34 – Fair
18 – Poor
Job performance in March 2014 poll.  Excellent or good – 39%
Re-elect: yes, 47-42
Whites: 61 no
Blacks: 66 yes
Latino: 58 yes
Are polices historic and transformative: 53 no
Character trait battery (honest, leader, fights for me, etc :  all pretty good, don’t have #s)
From: Carey, Michael
To: "John Del Cecato"; Dan Levitan; PhilWalzak (gmail.com)
Subject: RE: what time is the event in DC on Tuesday?
Date: Wednesday, May 06, 2015 10:39:40 AM

DC to CA is paid for by One New York

Michael Paul Carey
Director of Scheduling and Advance
City Hall
New York, New York 10007
From: John Del Cecato [mailto:jfdc@akpdmedia.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 6, 2015 10:40 AM
To: Dan Levitan; PhilWalzak (gmail.com); Carey, Michael
Subject: Re: what time is the event in DC on Tuesday?

Adding MPC
From: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Date: Wednesday, May 6, 2015 at 10:37 AM
To: John Del Cecato <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>, Phillip Walzak <
Subject: RE: what time is the event in DC on Tuesday?
Can we answer the $ question quickly? 
From sally:
this is what i'm writing unless you tell me otherwise in next 5 min:

These travels have been paid for by a combination of his political

action committee, Campaign for One New York, and the
organizations hosting him, while his full-time security detail is
covered by taxpayers.

It was not immediately clear on Wednesday how the D.C. and

California trips will be funded.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: John Del Cecato [mailto:jfdc@akpdmedia.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2015 10:25 AM
To: Phillip Walzak; Dan Levitan
Subject: Re: what time is the event in DC on Tuesday?

Yes… I think we should give that out, along with the Mayors Day of Action on transportation
(Stephanie Yazgi’s project) on 5/13
From: Phillip Walzak <
Date: Wednesday, May 6, 2015 at 9:57 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: John Del Cecato <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>
Subject: Re: what time is the event in DC on Tuesday?
both are public, yes?
On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 9:26 AM, Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
PW are you ok giving out rough timeline to Grynbaum and others who ask?
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: John Del Cecato [mailto:jfdc@akpdmedia.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2015 7:40 AM
To: Dan Levitan
Cc: Phil Walzak
Subject: Re: what time is the event in DC on Tuesday?

There are two events that day (Tuesday, May 12)… 

First is with Roosevelt Institute/Warren/Stiglitz at National Press Club… I think MBDB speaks at 10:15?
Second (bigger) event is 3pm ET at the House Triangle (by the Capitol Building steps)
From: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Date: Wednesday, May 6, 2015 at 7:36 AM
To: John Del Cecato <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>
Cc: Phillip Walzak <
Subject: Fwd: what time is the event in DC on Tuesday?

- mobile - 

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Grynbaum, Michael" <grynbaum@nytimes.com>

Date: May 6, 2015 at 7:31:24 AM EDT
To: Dan Levitan <Dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: what time is the event in DC on Tuesday?

wondering if I should travel night before or morning of.....

Michael M. Grynbaum
City Hall Bureau Chief
The New York Times
212.556.7047 / grynbaum@nytimes.com 
From: Carey, Michael
To: Williams, Dominic; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel; ""jfdc@akpdmedia.com" (jfdc@akpdmedia.com)"; "Liz Hegarty";
Wolfe, Emma; Hagelgans, Andrea; John, Roxanne; Fialkoff, Gabrielle; Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Griffith,
Chantell; Chao, Raymond; Ko, Eunice; Leopold, Elana; Wiley, Maya; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Shorris, Anthony;
""Jonathan@berlinrosen.com" (Jonathan@berlinrosen.com)"; Walzak, Phil; Thornton, Demetrius; Howe,
Amanda; "Baldick Nicholas"; Snyder, Thomas
Subject: RE: MBDB: Weekly Planning Meeting
Date: Wednesday, May 06, 2015 5:30:44 PM

Hi All,

We are moving this upto 7 PM!!!!

Please note time change.

Michael Paul Carey

Director of Scheduling and Advance

City Hall

New York, New York 10007


-----Original Appointment-----
From: Carey, Michael
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2015 10:01 AM
To: Carey, Michael; Williams, Dominic; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel; ''jfdc@akpdmedia.com'
(jfdc@akpdmedia.com)'; 'Liz Hegarty'; Wolfe, Emma; Hagelgans, Andrea; John, Roxanne; Fialkoff,
Gabrielle; Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Griffith, Chantell; Chao, Raymond; Ko, Eunice; Leopold, Elana;
Wiley, Maya; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Shorris, Anthony; ''Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
(Jonathan@berlinrosen.com)'; Walzak, Phil; Thornton, Demetrius; Howe, Amanda; 'Baldick Nicholas';
Snyder, Thomas
Subject: MBDB: Weekly Planning Meeting
When: Wednesday, May 6, 2015 7:00 PM-8:30 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: Gracie Mansion, The Dining Room
From: Norvell, Wiley
To: Walzak, Phil; "hgoldman@bloomberg.net"; "jonathan@berlinrosen.com"; Spitalnick, Amy (OMB)
Subject: Re: affordable housing story in the NYT
Date: Thursday, May 07, 2015 8:35:05 AM


On 5/7/15, 8:32 AM, "Walzak, Phil" <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

>----- Original Message -----
>From: Henry Goldman (BLOOMBERG/ NEWSROOM:) [mailto:hgoldman@bloomberg.net]
>Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2015 07:01 AM
>To: jonathan@berlinrosen.com <jonathan@berlinrosen.com>; Walzak, Phil;
>Spitalnick, Amy (OMB)
>Subject: affordable housing story in the NYT
>please respond as soon as possible because we want to push a story out.
>either email me or call me at
>Sent from Bloomberg Professional for Android
>----- Original Message -----
>At: Thursday, May 7, 2015 00:38
>This is another instance in which I wish I had been briefed on this
>important proposal. You know I have written about this subject and am
>intensely interested in it. You know I asked the mayor a question about
>it during a City Hall scrum. Could you please honor my request to
>promptly help me by answering this email and confirming the facts
>published in the NYT story about the administration's affordable housing
>proposals? I would appreciate it. Thanks, HG
>Can someone please confirm:
>1.   Mr. de Blasio¹s plan would require developers throughout the city to
>set aside 25 to 30 percent of a project¹s apartments for poor and
>working-class residents in return for city tax breaks, a substantial
>change from the existing tax abatement program, known as 421-a. In
>return, the projects would receive the tax benefits for 35 years, up from
>25 years today. Condominiums would no longer qualify for the 421-a tax
>2. May I have a copy of this statement: ³No more tax breaks without
>building affordable housing in return,² Mr. de Blasio, a Democrat, said
>in a statement. ³This can¹t be a city of just penthouses and luxury
>condos. We are turning the page, and making sure the same pressures that
>have pushed New Yorkers out of their neighborhoods are harnessed to build
>the next generation of affordable housing.²
>3. Can you confirm this? The administration is also pushing for what it
>calls a mansion tax on sales of condominiums, co-ops and homes that cost
>more than $1.7 million. The plan would generate as much as $200 million a
>year in tax revenue, which would be dedicated to housing programs.
>Currently, the state has a ³mansion tax² of 1 percent on the sales of
>homes over $1 million. The de Blasio administration is calling for an
>additional 1 percent tax on the sale of homes in New York City over $1.75
>million, which would rise to 1.5 percent tax on sales over $5 million.
>4. Can you confirm this? In terms of forgiven taxes, the de Blasio
>administration estimates that its proposal would cut the subsidy per unit
>to less than $400,000, from nearly $600,000, and double the number of
>affordable apartments created under the program to 25,000, from 12,400,
>over the coming decade. The administration says the mansion tax could
>produce an additional 37,000 affordable apartments.
From: Carey, Michael
To: John Del Cecato
Cc: Dan Levitan
Subject: Re: Need a DC itinerary from you
Date: Saturday, May 09, 2015 6:47:42 PM


Michael Paul Carey

City Hall
New York, New York

On May 9, 2015, at 6:37 PM, John Del Cecato <jfdc@akpdmedia.com> wrote:

Yes open - right MPC?

On May 9, 2015, at 6:20 PM, Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>


Assume so?

- mobile - 

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Grynbaum, Michael"

Date: May 9, 2015 at 5:12:07 PM EDT
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: Need a DC itinerary from you

Nope! I just emailed them. 

Is the Santa Clara speech open to the press?

wasn't totally clear from the invite.

On Sat, May 9, 2015 at 4:19 PM, Dan Levitan

<dan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
Didn't they put out a fppo thingy?

- mobile -

> On May 9, 2015, at 1:28 PM, Michael

Grynbaum <grynbaum@nytimes.com> wrote:
> for photographers etc.
Michael M. Grynbaum
City Hall Bureau Chief
The New York Times
212.556.7047 / grynbaum@nytimes.com 
From: Jessica Singleton
To: Havtey Prim
Cc: PhiiWalzak (gmail.com); Jonathan Rosen; • • • • • • Snyder. Thomas
Subject: Re: TPA Website
Date: Sunday, May 10, 2015 8:25:01 PM


Apologies if this is being worked out elsewhere but I just went through sign up daisy
chain and have two bites: some code is off on the mobile site in the top image
and the code on the submit button is buried on the mobile site. Finally, the bsd form
has some required fields that need to be turned off.

Otherwise looks good!

On Sunday, May 10, 2015, Hayley Prim < hprim@hilltoppublicsolutions.com> wrote:

And actual Tom.

Been emailing tooooo many congressional offices.

On Sun, May 10, 2015 at 8:12 PM, Hayley Prim

< hprim@hilltoppublicsolutions.com> wrote:
whoops, plus actual Jessie

On Sun, May 10, 2015 at 8:02 PM, Hayley Prim

< hprjm@hjlltoppubljcsolutjons.com > wrote:
Hey guys-- Just letting you know that we are rolling out a TPA website to
coincide with the launch on Tuesday. It is very simple, but wanted to make
sure you had your eyes on it before it goes public.

This is what it will look like, except we are swapping out the crowd photo and
adding the essay that Toni Morrison wrote.

Let me know if see any issues or want to discuss.

u: spearhead
p: letmein

Hayley Prim
Hilltop Public Solutions
(631) 902-5150

Hayley Prim
Hilltop Public Solutions
(631) 902-5150
Hayley Prim
Hilltop Public Solutions
(631) 902-5150

js / @jessay286
From: Walzak, Phil
To: "dan@berlinrosen.com"; Kadushin, Peter
Subject: Re: Trips
Date: Monday, May 11, 2015 1:25:49 PM

Pls tell him that

----- Original Message -----

From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2015 01:26 PM
To: Walzak, Phil; Kadushin, Peter
Subject: RE: Trips

Correct on CA

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

-----Original Message-----
From: Walzak, Phil [mailto:PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2015 1:06 PM
To: Kadushin, Peter; Dan Levitan
Subject: Re: Trips

Calif is camp for one ny - DL tell me if that's wrong DC is city hall Correct?

----- Original Message -----

From: Yoav Gonen [mailto:ygonen@nypost.com]
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2015 12:48 PM
To: Walzak, Phil; Kadushin, Peter; dan levitan <Dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Trips

Dudes. We're having a tough time getting information on the mayor's travels and seeing answers to our
questions printed in the AP before we've even heard back from you.

Who's point on DC? Who's funding the trip?

Yoav Gonen
City Hall Bureau Chief
New York Post
Cell: 646-229-8322
From: Dan Levitan
To: Walzak, Phil; Kadushin, Peter
Subject: RE: Trips
Date: Monday, May 11, 2015 1:43:37 PM

Did on the CA stuff. I think he still has DC questions, left him msg.

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

-----Original Message-----
From: Walzak, Phil [mailto:PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2015 1:26 PM
To: Dan Levitan; Kadushin, Peter
Subject: Re: Trips

Pls tell him that

----- Original Message -----

From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2015 01:26 PM
To: Walzak, Phil; Kadushin, Peter
Subject: RE: Trips

Correct on CA

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

-----Original Message-----
From: Walzak, Phil [mailto:PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2015 1:06 PM
To: Kadushin, Peter; Dan Levitan
Subject: Re: Trips

Calif is camp for one ny - DL tell me if that's wrong DC is city hall Correct?

----- Original Message -----

From: Yoav Gonen [mailto:ygonen@nypost.com]
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2015 12:48 PM
To: Walzak, Phil; Kadushin, Peter; dan levitan <Dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Trips

Dudes. We're having a tough time getting information on the mayor's travels and seeing answers to our
questions printed in the AP before we've even heard back from you.

Who's point on DC? Who's funding the trip?

Yoav Gonen
City Hall Bureau Chief
New York Post
Cell: 646-229-8322
From: Walzak, Phil
To: "Yoav Gonen"; Kadushin, Peter; dan levitan
Subject: RE: Obama
Date: Friday, May 15, 2015 10:50:24 AM

Yeah lemme take alook

From: Yoav Gonen [mailto:ygonen@nypost.com]
Sent: Friday, May 15, 2015 10:51 AM
To: Walzak, Phil; Kadushin, Peter; dan levitan
Subject: Obama

hey all, Not sure who would handle but wondering if you have any response to Obama's
comments from last night:

"I noticed that there was sort of a progressive statement of principles about what it means to
be a progressive by some of these friends of mine... I noted that it was basically my agenda,
except for trade."

Lemme know if so please.

Separately, wondering if you'd like to respond to Cuomo's support for restoring disability
benefits for uniformed workers.

Deadline is 5:30 p.m. on both.

thank ye

Yoav Gonen
City Hall Bureau Chief
New York Post
(646) 229-8322
From: Yoav Gonen
To: Walzak, Phil
Cc: Kadushin, Peter; dan levitan
Subject: Re: Obama
Date: Friday, May 15, 2015 11:27:56 AM

yep. thx

On Fri, May 15, 2015 at 11:27 AM, Walzak, Phil <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Wanna meet @ like noon outside on the latter?

From: Yoav Gonen [mailto:ygonen@nypost.com]
Sent: Friday, May 15, 2015 10:51 AM
To: Walzak, Phil; Kadushin, Peter; dan levitan
Subject: Obama

hey all, Not sure who would handle but wondering if you have any response to
Obama's comments from last night: 

"I noticed that there was sort of a progressive statement of principles about what
it means to be a progressive by some of these friends of mine... I noted that it
was basically my agenda, except for trade." 

Lemme know if so please.

Separately, wondering if you'd like to respond to Cuomo's support for restoring

disability benefits for uniformed workers.

Deadline is 5:30 p.m. on both.

thank ye

Yoav Gonen

City Hall Bureau Chief

New York Post

(646) 229-8322


Yoav Gonen
City Hall Bureau Chief
New York Post
(646) 229-8322
From: Walzak, Phil
To: "mgartland@nypost.com"; Mayor"s Press Office; "dan@berlinrosen.com"
Subject: Re: Chiara
Date: Sunday, May 17, 2015 3:23:38 PM

From: Michael Gartland [mailto:mgartland@nypost.com]
Sent: Sunday, May 17, 2015 03:20 PM
To: Walzak, Phil; Mayor's Press Office; Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Chiara
Have to ask: 
Did Chiara ever discuss with the mayor what drugs she was taking before she
got sober? Did the mayor ever ask her about that specifically?

Michael Gartland
NY Post
From: Klein, Meredith
To: Solon, Sarah; Dansky, Kara
Cc: MacArthurJails@berlinrosen.com
Subject: RE: Safety & Justice Communications Next Steps
Date: Tuesday, May 19, 2015 12:39:55 PM

Thank you, Sarah!

From: Solon, Sarah [mailto:SSolon@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2015 10:20 AM
To: Klein, Meredith; Dansky, Kara
Cc: MacArthurJails@berlinrosen.com
Subject: RE: Safety & Justice Communications Next Steps
Hi Meredith,
Apologies for the late response to the web text below. A few changes are highlighted in yellow, but
otherwise this is good to go. I’ve been communicating with Mark from Berlin Rosen on press
strategy and should have an update on the press release for you soon.
From: Klein, Meredith [mailto:mklein@macfound.org]
Sent: Friday, May 15, 2015 10:48 AM
To: Solon, Sarah; Dansky, Kara
Cc: MacArthurJails@berlinrosen.com
Subject: Safety & Justice Communications Next Steps
Sarah and Kara,
Many thanks for the terrific call this morning. Below are the requests we discussed pertaining to
communications. As always, let me know of any questions or concerns. I very much look forward to
working with you.
· Review the below text for our website and let us know of any concerns by May 15
· Provide the names of spokespeople you have in mind and their disciplines
· Provide the completed template press release from the communications toolkit to your Site
Coordinators and me by May 22
· Feel free to send any ideas you would like to stress to media or stories/angles you believe
would be of interest to them
New York, NY
New York City operates one of the nation’s largest jail complexes, on Rikers Island in the
East River.
New York City has seen a steep and sustained decline in serious crime since the early 1990s,
accompanied by a dramatic drop in local jail incarceration, with jail populations declining
55% from 21,688 in 1991 to under 10,000 on the last day of 2014.  City leaders are actively
ways to further drive down both crime and the jail population, as well as improvements in
the way the jail is run.  Pretrial supervised release slots are being expanded, along with a
shift to a risk-based system for identifying defendants who can be safely supervised to the
community while waiting for trial.  Funding has been announced for new jail programming,
improved staff ratios and training, crisis intervention teams, enhanced mental health
services, and more effective reentry planning to connect individuals leaving jail to long-term
support and services in the community.  As one example of this work, in 2014, the Mayor’s
Task Force on Behavioral Health and the Criminal Justice System brought together over 400
leaders and stakeholders from the justice and health sectors to develop a comprehensive
roadmap to reduce the number of people with behavioral health needs cycling through the
criminal justice system and connect this population with treatment and services at every
point in the criminal justice process.
Lead Agency
New York City Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice
Key Partners
New York Police Department, Department of Correction, Office of Court Administration, all
five District Attorney Offices and the citywide Special Narcotics Prosecutor, The Legal Aid
Society, Brooklyn Defender Services, Bronx Defenders, Queens Legal Associates, New York
County Defender Services, Neighborhood Defender Services of Harlem, Assigned Counsel
Plans of the First and Second Appellate Divisions, Department of Probation, Criminal Justice
Agency, Corporation Counsel of the City of New York, Office of Management and Budget,
Administration for Children’s Services, Mayor’s Office to Combat Domestic Violence,
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Alternatives to Incarceration/Detention Network,
Corporation for Supportive Housing.
Population Size
Jail Capacity
Meredith Klein
Communications Officer, Public Affairs
140 South Dearborn St., Suite 1133
Chicago, IL 60603

From: Emily Walsh
To: Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Cc: Darlington, Mandy (OMB)
Subject: Re: Dean/Emma/Jonathan dinner tomorrow?
Date: Tuesday, May 19, 2015 9:02:31 PM

No good for Jonathan either, sorry. 

On May 19, 2015, at 6:11 PM, Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel

<GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

No for emma, she is out of town starting tomorrow night

From: Darlington, Mandy (OMB) [mailto:DarlingtonM@omb.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2015 05:51 PM
To: Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel; Emily Walsh (emily@berlinrosen.com)
Subject: Dean/Emma/Jonathan dinner tomorrow?
Can they do dinner tomorrow after the planning meeting? 
From: Wiley, Maya
To: Leopold, Elana
Cc: Howe, Amanda; Fialkoff, Gabrielle; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Hagelgans, Andrea;
nbaldick@hilltoppublicsolutions.com; Wolfe, Emma; Williams, Dominic; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; John,
Roxanne; Carey, Michael; Ko, Eunice; Thornton, Demetrius; Darlington, Mandy (OMB);
lhegarty@akpdmedia.com; Chao, Raymond; jfdc@akpdmedia.com; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel; Griffith, Chantell;
Walzak, Phil; Snyder, Thomas; Shorris, Anthony
Subject: Re: MBDB: Weekly Planning Meeting
Date: Wednesday, May 20, 2015 3:34:15 PM


I will be diverting an award at the NYC Neighborhood Award ceremony, which starts
at 6:30, so I'll miss the meeting, unfortunately.


Sent from my iPhone

On May 20, 2015, at 3:23 PM, "Leopold, Elana" <ELeopold@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

This meeting will start at 6:30 sharp because of time constraints 

Please be at Gracie by 6:30 

MBDB: Weekly Planning Meeting

Scheduled: Wednesday, May 20, 2015 from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Location: Gracie Mansion, The Parlor
Invitees: Howe, Amanda , Fialkoff, Gabrielle , Fuleihan, Dean (OMB) ,
Hagelgans, Andrea , 'Baldick Nicholas' , Wolfe, Emma , Wiley, Maya ,
Williams, Dominic , ''Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
(Jonathan@berlinrosen.com)' , John, Roxanne , Carey, Michael , Ko,
Eunice , Thornton, Demetrius , Darlington, Mandy (OMB) , 'Liz Hegarty' ,
Chao, Raymond , ''jfdc@akpdmedia.com' (jfdc@akpdmedia.com)' ,
Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel , Griffith, Chantell , Walzak, Phil , Snyder, Thomas
, Shorris, Anthony

Sent from my iPhone

From: Mark Ro Beyersdorf
To: Solon, Sarah
Subject: RE: MacArhur media follow up
Date: Wednesday, May 20, 2015 3:46:40 PM

Great—will let you know what Celeste says after I pass additional info to her.
Mark Ro Beyersdorf
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
direct: 646.200.5295
cell: 858.449.5194
From: Solon, Sarah [mailto:SSolon@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2015 3:46 PM
To: Mark Ro Beyersdorf
Subject: RE: MacArhur media follow up
That’s fantastic! Yes, I will be able to share with you a quote from the Mayor.
From: Mark Ro Beyersdorf [mailto:mark@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2015 3:45 PM
To: Solon, Sarah
Subject: RE: MacArhur media follow up
Hi Sarah,
We went with Celeste and she got back to us and is interested in learning more.
Just wanted to confirm: still possible to offer her/other NYC reporters a quote/statement from the
Thanks again for your help!
Mark Ro Beyersdorf
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
direct: 646.200.5295
cell: 858.449.5194
From: Solon, Sarah [mailto:SSolon@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2015 3:00 PM
To: Mark Ro Beyersdorf
Subject: RE: MacArhur media follow up
Hi Mark,
Sorry about Reuven. That’s too bad. I think Erin is a good option. You may also consider Celeste Katz,
who covers City Hall. I’d suggest stressing how this grant is another way Mayor de Blasio is seeking
to join a national conversation on criminal justice reform – that might pique her interest. Let me
know if I can help!
From: Mark Ro Beyersdorf [mailto:mark@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2015 11:54 AM
To: Solon, Sarah
Subject: RE: MacArhur media follow up
Hi Sarah,
Unfortunately, Reuven is going to pass on covering the announcement. Wanted to see what your
thoughts are on an alternative target to pitch at the Daily News. Reuven was the obvious top target,
but Erin Durkin was one possibility we were considering as back up. Any thoughts on her or other
reporters there you’d suggest instead?
Mark Ro Beyersdorf
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
direct: 646.200.5295
cell: 858.449.5194
From: Solon, Sarah [mailto:SSolon@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, May 18, 2015 4:09 PM
To: Mark Ro Beyersdorf
Subject: RE: MacArhur media follow up
Hi Mark,
Of course! Nice work on pitching.
From: Mark Ro Beyersdorf [mailto:mark@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, May 18, 2015 4:10 PM
To: Solon, Sarah
Subject: RE: MacArhur media follow up
Hi Sarah,
Ended up reaching out to Reuven and Lee this afternoon after hearing back from you and Reuven
has already responded.
I let him know that you’re the main press contact for NYC re: this grant and can discuss the city’s
plans and that we can facilitate some interviews for him. If he reaches out to you directly, could you
keep me cc-ed in communications. Sorry for the annoyance; the Foundation just wants us to keep
them up to date on how things are moving with media across all of the sites.
Mark Ro Beyersdorf
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
direct: 646.200.5295
cell: 858.449.5194
From: Solon, Sarah [mailto:SSolon@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, May 18, 2015 3:01 PM
To: Mark Ro Beyersdorf
Subject: RE: MacArhur media follow up
Hi Mark,
Thanks so much for your email and hope you had a nice weekend. I think Reuven and Lee are
perfect. Nice work and please let me know if I can do anything to help.
From: Mark Ro Beyersdorf [mailto:mark@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, May 18, 2015 2:28 PM
To: Solon, Sarah
Subject: MacArhur media follow up
Hi Sarah,
This is Mark from BerlinRosen—we were on the phone Friday with Meredith from MacArthur.
We’re beginning embargoed media outreach tomorrow morning, and I wanted to follow up and
keep you in the loop. As I mentioned, we’re planning to reach out with embargoed information to a
top print and radio contact in each grantee’s media market.
For New York, we’re already in conversation with Timothy Williams@NYT, who covered the
announcement of the SJC, so the Times is covered. In addition, we’re planning to reach out to
Reuven Blau at the Daily News and Lee Hernandez, a producer with WNYC’s “Morning Edition.” Let
me know if you have thoughts on either Reuven or Lee and/or think there is a stronger print or radio
contact we should prioritize over them.
Thanks much!
Mark Ro Beyersdorf
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
direct: 646.200.5295
cell: 858.449.5194
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Leopold, Elana
Subject: Re: MBDB: Weekly Planning Meeting
Date: Wednesday, May 20, 2015 6:38:24 PM

Here.  Behind you.

Sent from my iPhone

> On May 20, 2015, at 6:38 PM, Leopold, Elana <ELeopold@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
> We need you!
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2015 06:35 PM
> To: Leopold, Elana
> Subject: Re: MBDB: Weekly Planning Meeting
> Two minutes away
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On May 20, 2015, at 6:33 PM, Leopold, Elana <ELeopold@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>> We have started this meeting
From: Mark Ro Beyersdorf
To: Solon, Sarah
Subject: RE: Brian Lehrer interest
Date: Friday, May 22, 2015 1:55:00 PM

Hi Sarah,
Brian Lehrer has confirmed they’d like you (or another NYC rep) and someone from the Foundation
on the show next Wednesday at 10:25 am EST. Are you or someone else available?
Mark Ro Beyersdorf
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
direct: 646.200.5295
cell: 858.449.5194
From: Mark Ro Beyersdorf
Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 12:46 PM
To: 'Solon, Sarah'
Subject: Brian Lehrer interest
Hi Sarah,
Just heard back from a producer at the Brian Lehrer show that they’re interested in doing a segment
on the challenge with you and someone from MacArthur as guests. Still working on timing, but
wanted to check if you’re up for it, or if there’s someone else I should suggest to speak for the city
on the initiative.
Mark Ro Beyersdorf
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
direct: 646.200.5295
cell: 858.449.5194
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: B
Cc: jfdc@akpdmedia.com; Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; FLONYC
Subject: Re: DN
Date: Saturday, May 23, 2015 10:51:39 PM

Would rather a liberal News to no News, but given that's probably wishful thinking I
think it's good if it cuts back.  Don't think it strengthens Post that much if at all and
maybe raises questions about its continued viability .  

Sent from my iPhone

On May 23, 2015, at 10:49 PM, B <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

And that would be good for us, right? Or would that make the Post more dominant?
Or, conversely, would it hasten the demise of the Post -- prob just wishful thinking

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Saturday, May 23, 2015 10:47 PM
To: John Del Cecato <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; B; FLONYC
Subject: Re: DN
Total blank slate but agree probably better.  Some rumor that his play is
to cut back on the print paper and make it a web play.  The Hill now only
comes out in print three days a week on session days.  Rest online.  

Sent from my iPhone

On May 23, 2015, at 9:51 PM, John Del Cecato <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>


The Hill employed me as a columnist for a year - so that tells

you something about their poor judgement!

On May 23, 2015, at 8:40 PM, Walzak, Phil

<PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Seems more reliable than cats, who seems both right wing
and unpredictable
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
Sent: Saturday, May 23, 2015 08:30 PM
To: B; Walzak, Phil; 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'
<jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
Subject: Re: DN
I have found the Hill to be balanced and decent to work with
in the past
From: B
Sent: Saturday, May 23, 2015 07:58 PM
To: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'
<jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
Subject: DN

What would we think of him as an owner vs Catsimitides?

From: Klein, Monica
Sent: Saturday, May 23, 2015 07:41 PM
To: B
Subject: James Finkelstein
James Finkelstein 
(you requested info on Finkelstein, who is
considering purchasing the Daily News)

Finkelstein has been CEO and President of News

Communications Inc. since June 2001. 

He also serves as the Chief President of News

Communications' subsidiaries, which owns Capitol
Hill Publishing, the publisher of The Hill.

His father was Democratic powerbroker Jerry

Finkelstein and his brother is former Manhattan
Borough President Andrew Stein.

Finkelstein made a fortune when News

Communications sold the New York Law Journal,
National Law Journal and other publications to
Steve Brill, who had started American Lawyer.

In 2009, Finkelstein put together a group of media

powerhouses to join Guggenheim Partners in the
acquisition of The Hollywood Reporter, Adweek
and Billboard for about $70 million. The
Finkelstein-led partners exited in 2013 and sold
their shares to Guggenheim.

Finkelstein was a past owner of various weekly

newspapers in Manhattan, as well as Dan’s Papers
in the Hamptons.
From: B
To: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; "jfdc@akpdmedia.com"; "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"
Subject: Fw: NYT - Ginia Bellafante: De Blasio Is Not Insulting Enough to Be Popular
Date: Monday, May 25, 2015 12:44:06 PM

So I'm open to taking the challenge and starting to woo certain media, at least on an experimental
basis. Let's start with alex burns. Then come up with a priority list and the limited hours we will
devote to them, and let's see how it goes

From: Klein, Monica
Sent: Monday, May 25, 2015 09:18 AM
To: B
Subject: NYT - Ginia Bellafante: De Blasio Is Not Insulting Enough to Be Popular
De Blasio Is Not Insulting Enough to Be Popular
NEW YORK TIMES - Ginia Bellafante - May 22, 2015

In 1981, unless you were living in a cocaine-fueled delusion cultivated at Maxwell’s Plum, there were
plenty of reasons to find fault with the governance of New York City, by then under the direction of Mayor
Edward Irving Koch for three years.

The mass transit system was a mess; streets and parks were famously filthy. While the mayor had a hand in
rescuing the city from fiscal crisis, crime was soaring, making the year one of the most violent New York
had experienced. Released in 1981, John Carpenter’s cult film “Escape From New York” was steeped in the
assumption that things were sure to get worse, imagining a not-too-distant future in which all of
Manhattan had become a maximum-security prison.

Congenitally unable to assume the role of nursemaid administering consolation, Mr. Koch barreled through
with a customary orneriness that left him offending one important constituency after another. Appearing
at a synagogue late in his first term, he was asked to name a living statesman he greatly admired and
responded by naming the Egyptian president, Anwar el-Sadat. When audience members booed him, the
mayor told them to “shut up.”

And yet, given all that, early in 1981 Mr. Koch’s approval rating stood at 62 percent, making him one of the
most popular politicians in the country. As Neil Barsky, who documented the mayor’s career in the film
“Koch,” put it, he practiced street politics as virtually no one had or has. By the end of the year, Mr. Koch
had won re-election in a landslide, taking all five boroughs.

Historically, New Yorkers have had a very high threshold for leaders who are blunt, theatrical, arrogant,
intermittently or even consistently jerky — in possession of any combination of qualities that easily lend
themselves to the shorthand “larger than life.” Earnestness has played less successfully, in part because it
is alienating, and doesn’t inspire the kind of rage or impassioned disbelief that, directed at political figures,
can be its own source of entertainment and pleasure. (There’s no downside to the fun you can have
complaining about a mayor who believes that people who like ferrets require psychotherapeutic
treatment.) As happens so often in romantic life, craziness can keep you hooked while sanctimony just
makes you stop paying attention.

Occasioning this reflection is the matter of Mayor Bill de Blasio’s declining approval ratings. A Quinnipiac
University poll released this month found that only 44 percent of voters approved of the job he was doing,
a five-point drop since the beginning of the year and a nine-point drop since he took office in January

This is in spite of the facts that the city’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate fell in March, to 6.6
percent from 7.8 percent at the same point last year, and that the number of homeless families is shrinking
for the first time in years. According to a March report from the advocacy group Coalition for the
Homeless, the number of homeless families with children had declined by more than 300 since December.
Last week, the mayor announced an ambitious plan to preserve and improve the city’s public housing, so
long ignored, which contains a population larger than Las Vegas’s in deteriorating buildings, 60 percent of
them more than 50 years old.

And yet still it is common to hear, among the educated liberals who helped elect him, that Mr. de Blasio
hasn’t lived up to his campaign rhetoric, that he hasn’t done much, that he has been a disappointment,
that inequality is still very much alive. Of course, if inequality could be rectified in a year, the mayor would
be well positioned to run for Moses. The complaints are typically vague, but running through them are
problems with style and affect: He’s preachy; he’s late; he lacks charisma; he’s not around.

Among those who disapprove, there are certainly those who do so with greater intensity —
preservationists who believe Mr. de Blasio’s affordable-housing initiative will lead to overdevelopment;
neighborhood people who believe there has been inadequate planning to support all the proposed
construction; black civic leaders concerned that Mr. de Blasio’s interest in criminal-justice reform is
waning; rich people who feel offended that he doesn’t involve himself in rich-people things.

In a matter of a several days, Mr. de Blasio managed to rankle both the Rev. Calvin O. Butts III and the
event publicist Peggy Siegal. Ms. Siegal, prompted by the mayor’s absence from the Metropolitan Museum
of Art’s Costume Institute Ball, told The Wall Street Journal that Mr. de Blasio “had disdain for the striving,
successful New Yorkers,” and that “it is a major shortcoming not to mingle with all classes,” as if she were
a regular at game night at the Walt Whitman Houses.

The criticism coming from the Upper East Side philanthropic community and the Harlem clerical
community is strikingly similar though; both feel betrayed by a posture that suggests that the mayor
doesn’t need them. While it isn’t uncommon to lose momentum during a second year in office — Michael
R. Bloomberg’s approval ratings fell sharply during his second year as mayor, before reaching a high of 75
percent in his second term — Mr. de Blasio seems to be having trouble making, and keeping, friends. That
may have no consequence on his ability to be re-elected, but it could affect his trajectory as a national
leader of the progressive movement, a role he seems to relish. Messiahs don’t need voters; they need
From: Walzak, Phil
To: B; Wolfe, Emma; Hagelgans, Andrea; Snyder, Thomas; Carey, Michael; Leopold, Elana;
"Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"; "jfdc@akpdmedia.com"; Shorris, Anthony; Williams, Dominic
Subject: Re: Confidential
Date: Monday, May 25, 2015 8:18:43 PM

We will process and discuss for the planning mtg

----- Original Message -----

From: B
Sent: Monday, May 25, 2015 08:16 PM
To: Wolfe, Emma; Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Snyder, Thomas; Carey, Michael; Leopold, Elana;
'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com' <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>; 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'
<jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; Shorris, Anthony; Williams, Dominic
Subject: Fw: Confidential

See below. Some of us discussed this yesterday on the scheduling call, and we can make a final
decision at the planning mtg Tues eve. Since the invitation is from the Pope and about fighting
inequality, I think it is near impossible to turn down. So the current thinking is to compress all our
overseas travel into a week or so, anchored by this Vatican event.

So that would mean one trip including Israel and the Vatican -- I wonder if the tabloids would be able
to criticize THAT :)  Michael, pls discuss what this would look like when we all meet Tues, and if there
are any major conflicts. And remember, my family is away in America for vacation give or take July 3-
10. No other family travel plans until we take Dante to Yale in late August. And no other trips planned
out of town in August if we do the overseas trip this way. Food for thought.

------Original Message------
From: Jeffrey Sachs
To: Bill de Blasio
Subject: Confidential
Sent: May 25, 2015 9:37 AM

Dear Bill,
Congrats on the launch of the new progressive agenda.  I've been traveling abroad (with Ban Ki-moon
in Korea last week), but have been watching from afar!  
The Vatican has confirmed to me again today that Pope Francis is indeed very keen to meet with you
and other mayors on July 21 to discuss issues of social inclusion and sustainable development.  (His
encyclical on climate change will be issued in the next few weeks, before July 21).  
They asked today whether you might be able to confirm your attendance.  I've of course also been
coordinating with Penny.
I have asked, and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences has agreed, to host a symposium on Cities
and Sustainable Development at the Vatican on July 22.  I would love for you to present OneNYC to the
other mayors on that occasion.  I think it would have a HUGE impact.
I hope that we can get together soon.  


All best,
From: Walzak, Phil
To: "jfdc@akpdmedia.com"
Cc: Wolfe, Emma; Hagelgans, Andrea; Snyder, Thomas; Carey, Michael; Leopold, Elana;
"Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"; Shorris, Anthony; Williams, Dominic
Subject: Re: Confidential
Date: Monday, May 25, 2015 8:37:01 PM

-bdb, flo
Let's not do this on email pls

----- Original Message -----

From: B
Sent: Monday, May 25, 2015 08:35 PM
To: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com' <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>
Cc: Wolfe, Emma; Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Snyder, Thomas; Carey, Michael; Leopold, Elana;
'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com' <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>; Shorris, Anthony; Williams, Dominic;
Subject: Re: Confidential

A week of family vacation (just like last year) and a week of overseas travel (rather than the overseas
travel being in August). And City budget and Albany session will be done, with more achievements
under our belt. But I defy any purveyor of conventional wisdom to beat a Vatican - Holy Land trip for
bulletproofness! :)

----- Original Message -----

From: John Del Cecato [mailto:jfdc@akpdmedia.com]
Sent: Monday, May 25, 2015 08:31 PM
To: B
Cc: Wolfe, Emma; Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Snyder, Thomas; Carey, Michael; Leopold, Elana;
Jonathan@berlinrosen.com <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>; Shorris, Anthony; Williams, Dominic; FLONYC
Subject: Re: Confidential

How many days outside of NYC for July?

> On May 25, 2015, at 8:18 PM, B <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

> See below. Some of us discussed this yesterday on the scheduling call, and we can make a final
decision at the planning mtg Tues eve. Since the invitation is from the Pope and about fighting
inequality, I think it is near impossible to turn down. So the current thinking is to compress all our
overseas travel into a week or so, anchored by this Vatican event.
> So that would mean one trip including Israel and the Vatican -- I wonder if the tabloids would be able
to criticize THAT :)  Michael, pls discuss what this would look like when we all meet Tues, and if there
are any major conflicts. And remember, my family is away in America for vacation give or take July 3-
10. No other family travel plans until we take Dante to Yale in late August. And no other trips planned
out of town in August if we do the overseas trip this way. Food for thought.
> ------Original Message------
> From: Jeffrey Sachs
> To: Bill de Blasio
> Subject: Confidential
> Sent: May 25, 2015 9:37 AM
> Dear Bill,
> Greetings!
> Congrats on the launch of the new progressive agenda.  I've been traveling abroad (with Ban Ki-
moon in Korea last week), but have been watching from afar!  
> The Vatican has confirmed to me again today that Pope Francis is indeed very keen to meet with you
and other mayors on July 21 to discuss issues of social inclusion and sustainable development.  (His
encyclical on climate change will be issued in the next few weeks, before July 21).  
> They asked today whether you might be able to confirm your attendance.  I've of course also been
coordinating with Penny.
> I have asked, and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences has agreed, to host a symposium on
Cities and Sustainable Development at the Vatican on July 22.  I would love for you to present OneNYC
to the other mayors on that occasion.  I think it would have a HUGE impact.
> I hope that we can get together soon. 

> All best,
> Jeff
From: B
To: "jfdc@akpdmedia.com"
Cc: Wolfe, Emma; Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Snyder, Thomas; Carey, Michael; Leopold, Elana;
"Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"; Shorris, Anthony; Williams, Dominic; FLONYC
Subject: Re: Confidential
Date: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 7:17:02 AM

And we are now considering an option to move the family vacation to August. Let's discuss tonight

----- Original Message -----

From: John Del Cecato [mailto:jfdc@akpdmedia.com]
Sent: Monday, May 25, 2015 08:31 PM
To: B
Cc: Wolfe, Emma; Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Snyder, Thomas; Carey, Michael; Leopold, Elana;
Jonathan@berlinrosen.com <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>; Shorris, Anthony; Williams, Dominic; FLONYC
Subject: Re: Confidential

How many days outside of NYC for July?

> On May 25, 2015, at 8:18 PM, B <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

> See below. Some of us discussed this yesterday on the scheduling call, and we can make a final
decision at the planning mtg Tues eve. Since the invitation is from the Pope and about fighting
inequality, I think it is near impossible to turn down. So the current thinking is to compress all our
overseas travel into a week or so, anchored by this Vatican event.
> So that would mean one trip including Israel and the Vatican -- I wonder if the tabloids would be able
to criticize THAT :)  Michael, pls discuss what this would look like when we all meet Tues, and if there
are any major conflicts. And remember, my family is away in America for vacation give or take July 3-
10. No other family travel plans until we take Dante to Yale in late August. And no other trips planned
out of town in August if we do the overseas trip this way. Food for thought.
> ------Original Message------
> From: Jeffrey Sachs
> To: Bill de Blasio
> Subject: Confidential
> Sent: May 25, 2015 9:37 AM
> Dear Bill,
> Greetings!
> Congrats on the launch of the new progressive agenda.  I've been traveling abroad (with Ban Ki-
moon in Korea last week), but have been watching from afar!  
> The Vatican has confirmed to me again today that Pope Francis is indeed very keen to meet with you
and other mayors on July 21 to discuss issues of social inclusion and sustainable development.  (His
encyclical on climate change will be issued in the next few weeks, before July 21).  
> They asked today whether you might be able to confirm your attendance.  I've of course also been
coordinating with Penny.
> I have asked, and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences has agreed, to host a symposium on
Cities and Sustainable Development at the Vatican on July 22.  I would love for you to present OneNYC
to the other mayors on that occasion.  I think it would have a HUGE impact.
> I hope that we can get together soon. 
> All best,
> Jeff
From: Solon, Sarah
To: Mark Ro Beyersdorf
Subject: RE: MAcArthur/Brian Lehrer interview request
Date: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 3:49:00 PM

Sounds good and thanks for the heads up.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Ro Beyersdorf [mailto:mark@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 3:35 PM
To: Solon, Sarah
Subject: RE: MAcArthur/Brian Lehrer interview request

Hi Sarah,
Just wanted to let you know the Brian's producer told us that Brian may take a few calls from listeners
during the segment with Laurie and Liz. Wanted to make sure Liz has a heads up. I'm sure you've
probably worked with the show before, but in our experience, they do a very good job of screening


Mark Ro Beyersdorf
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
direct: 646.200.5295
cell: 858.449.5194

-----Original Message-----
From: Solon, Sarah [mailto:SSolon@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 1:46 PM
To: Mark Ro Beyersdorf
Subject: RE: MAcArthur/Brian Lehrer interview request

It's completely fine with us if they call us. Thanks for organizing this!

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Ro Beyersdorf [mailto:mark@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 1:47 PM
To: Solon, Sarah
Subject: RE: MAcArthur/Brian Lehrer interview request

Great. Just confirming that Liz then prefers to initiate calling them directly at 10:20am and I'll provide
the number below only as back up.


Mark Ro Beyersdorf
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
direct: 646.200.5295
cell: 858.449.5194

-----Original Message-----
From: Solon, Sarah [mailto:SSolon@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 1:43 PM
To: Mark Ro Beyersdorf
Subject: RE: MAcArthur/Brian Lehrer interview request
Hi Mark,

Liz's back up number is

Thanks again,

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Ro Beyersdorf [mailto:mark@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 1:42 PM
To: Solon, Sarah
Subject: RE: MAcArthur/Brian Lehrer interview request

Hi Sarah,
Just checking back if you can give me a number for the show to reach Elizabeth at 10:20am tomorrow.
They prefer to call her, but if Elizabeth prefers to call them, can you still let me know a back up number
for her?


Mark Ro Beyersdorf
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
direct: 646.200.5295
cell: 858.449.5194

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Ro Beyersdorf
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 12:05 PM
To: 'Solon, Sarah'
Subject: RE: MAcArthur/Brian Lehrer interview request

Hi Sarah,
They want Elizabeth on at 10:20 am EST and would prefer to call her.

If she strongly prefers to call them, she can call But, they'd still like a back up number
for her.

Let me know what works.


Mark Ro Beyersdorf
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
direct: 646.200.5295
cell: 858.449.5194

-----Original Message-----
From: Solon, Sarah [mailto:SSolon@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 11:15 AM
To: Mark Ro Beyersdorf
Subject: RE: MAcArthur/Brian Lehrer interview request

Wonderful. Thanks. Will you send us the call in information?

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Ro Beyersdorf [mailto:mark@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 11:17 AM
To: Solon, Sarah
Subject: RE: MAcArthur/Brian Lehrer interview request

Yes, it's 10:25am and will be a 20 minute-ish segment.

Mark Ro Beyersdorf
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
direct: 646.200.5295
cell: 858.449.5194

-----Original Message-----
From: Solon, Sarah [mailto:SSolon@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 11:14 AM
To: Mark Ro Beyersdorf
Subject: RE: MAcArthur/Brian Lehrer interview request

Hi Mark,

I think we would prefer to call in tomorrow morning. Do you know the time yet when their segment will


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Ro Beyersdorf [mailto:mark@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 10:40 AM
To: Solon, Sarah
Subject: RE: MAcArthur/Brian Lehrer interview request

Great! And of course.

Does Elizabeth prefer to call in or go to WNYC's studio in Soho?

Mark Ro Beyersdorf
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
direct: 646.200.5295
cell: 858.449.5194

-----Original Message-----
From: Solon, Sarah [mailto:SSolon@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 10:34 AM
To: Mark Ro Beyersdorf
Subject: RE: MAcArthur/Brian Lehrer interview request

Thanks, Mark. Elizabeth Glazer, director of the Mayor's Office of Criminal Justice, will be able to appear
on the Lehrer show tomorrow morning. Nice work pitching this and thanks again for including us.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Ro Beyersdorf [mailto:mark@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 8:11 AM
To: Solon, Sarah
Subject: Re: MAcArthur/Brian Lehrer interview request

It will be Laurie garduque director of justice reform into initiatives

Sent from my iPhone

> On May 26, 2015, at 7:27 AM, Solon, Sarah <SSolon@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> Do you know who from MacArthur will be appearing on the Lehrer show tomorrow morning? Hoping
to have an answer for you shortly.
> Thanks,
> Sarah
> ________________________________________
> From: Mark Ro Beyersdorf [mark@berlinrosen.com]
> Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 2:47 PM
> To: Solon, Sarah; Dansky, Kara
> Subject: RE: MAcArthur/Brian Lehrer interview request
> Great-thanks!
> Mark Ro Beyersdorf
> BerlinRosen Public Affairs
> direct: 646.200.5295<tel:646.200.5295>
> cell: 858.449.5194<tel:858.449.5194>
> mark@berlinrosen.com<mailto:mark@berlinrosen.com>
> From: Solon, Sarah [mailto:SSolon@cityhall.nyc.gov]
> Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 2:45 PM
> To: Mark Ro Beyersdorf; Dansky, Kara
> Subject: RE: MAcArthur/Brian Lehrer interview request
> Hi Mark,
> I apologize for the delayed response. I am working to confirm the City spokesperson and hope to be
in touch soon. Nice work securing this interview.
> Thanks,
> Sarah
> From: Mark Ro Beyersdorf [mailto:mark@berlinrosen.com]
> Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 2:45 PM
> To: Dansky, Kara
> Cc: Solon, Sarah
> Subject: MAcArthur/Brian Lehrer interview request
> Hi Kara,
> This is Mark from BerlinRosen, working with the MacArthur Foundation on the Safety&Justice
Challenge. I e-mailed Sarah earlier re: an interview request, but haven't heard back, and thought she
might be out for the holiday weekend.
> The Brian Lehrer Show would like to Interview Sarah or someone else who speak on behalf of the city
re: the Challenge for a segment next Wed at 10:25am. Someone from the Foundation would also be
part of the segment.
> Do you know if Sarah or someone else can be available?
> Thanks,
> Mark
> Mark Ro Beyersdorf
> BerlinRosen Public Affairs
> direct: 646.200.5295<tel:646.200.5295>
> cell: 858.449.5194<tel:858.449.5194>
> mark@berlinrosen.com<mailto:mark@berlinrosen.com>
> From: Mark Ro Beyersdorf
> Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 1:57 PM
> To: 'Solon, Sarah'
> Subject: RE: Brian Lehrer interest
> Hi Sarah,
> Brian Lehrer has confirmed they'd like you (or another NYC rep) and someone from the Foundation on
the show next Wednesday at 10:25 am EST. Are you or someone else available?
> Thanks!
> Mark
> Mark Ro Beyersdorf
> BerlinRosen Public Affairs
> direct: 646.200.5295<tel:646.200.5295>
> cell: 858.449.5194<tel:858.449.5194>
> mark@berlinrosen.com<mailto:mark@berlinrosen.com>
> From: Mark Ro Beyersdorf
> Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 12:46 PM
> To: 'Solon, Sarah'
> Subject: Brian Lehrer interest
> Hi Sarah,
> Just heard back from a producer at the Brian Lehrer show that they're interested in doing a segment
on the challenge with you and someone from MacArthur as guests. Still working on timing, but wanted
to check if you're up for it, or if there's someone else I should suggest to speak for the city on the
> Thanks,
> Mark
> Mark Ro Beyersdorf
> BerlinRosen Public Affairs
> direct: 646.200.5295<tel:646.200.5295>
> cell: 858.449.5194<tel:858.449.5194>
> mark@berlinrosen.com<mailto:mark@berlinrosen.com>
From: Mark Ro Beyersdorf
To: Solon, Sarah
Subject: MacA announcement
Date: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 9:47:09 AM

Hi Sarah,
Azi Paybarah from Capital NY would like to speak to someone about the announcement this morning
sometime after 11:30. I’ll let you two coordinate what mutually works best.
Azi, my colleague Diana asked me to connect you to Sarah, who is with the Mayor’s Office of
Criminal Justice.
Mark Ro Beyersdorf
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
direct: 646.200.5295
cell: 858.449.5194
From: Mark Ro Beyersdorf
To: Solon, Sarah
Cc: Samuel Knowles
Subject: your press release?
Date: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 10:59:17 AM

Hi Sarah,
Would you mind sharing the city’s press release on the MacA announcement with me and my
colleague Sam (cc-ed) when you have a chance?
Mark Ro Beyersdorf
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
direct: 646.200.5295
cell: 858.449.5194
From: Jeremy Soffin
To: Kim Stroman; Bruch, Mary; Ashley Dennis
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Seabrook, Margie (HPD)
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Date: Thursday, May 28, 2015 9:58:59 AM

Terrific, we are fully confirmed on our end. Can we book this as an 11 a.m. – noon event?
We will be back in touch next week with initial thoughts on run of show. Thank you!
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Kim Stroman [mailto:kstroman@nychdc.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 11:15 AM
To: 'Bruch, Mary'; Jeremy Soffin; Ashley Dennis
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Seabrook, Margie (HPD)
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
HDC President Gary Rodney is available.  I have a hold on his calendar.
From: Bruch, Mary [mailto:MBruch@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 10:57 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin; Ashley Dennis
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Kim Stroman
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hope you had a great long weekend. I am holding 9am-12pm for this on June 26 th . Margie and Kim,
cc’d, can advise on Commissioner Been and President Rodney’s availability, respectively.
Thank you,
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 10:56 AM
To: Bruch, Mary; Ashley Dennis
Cc: Blumm, Kate
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Mary: The 26 th looks good with us, just double-checking with one of the partners on the project. If
you can please hold the date, I will get final confirmation today.
What time were you thinking?
Thanks again.
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Bruch, Mary [mailto:MBruch@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 1:46 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin; Ashley Dennis
Cc: Blumm, Kate
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Would the morning of June 26 th work for folks? Alicia, Vicki and Gary can all do that day.
Looping Ashley, who also reached out.
Please let us know!
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 5:17 PM
To: Blumm, Kate
Subject: Greenpoint Landing
Kate: Good talking to you yesterday. I’ve reattached the invite letter, which includes details on the
project and broad thinking on messaging. In terms of a potential event, here’s what we were
Timing: A May or June groundbreaking would be timely, with two affordable buildings underway and
a third ready to break ground.
Location: The affordable building ready to break ground (site F) has remarkable views of the water
and skyline, and is adjacent to the park and the first affordable building, which broke ground 10
months ago and is close to topping out.
Speaking program: The more the merrier, but would think speakers would come from among this
--Deputy Mayor Glen
--Commissioner Been
--Commissioner Rodney
--Commissioner Silver
--George Klein
--Ron Moelis
Local electeds
--CM Levin
--AM Lentol
--Sen. Dilan
--BP Adams
--Cong. Maloney
--Open Space Alliance
--Others TBD
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: John Del Cecato
To: Walzak, Phil; jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Wolfe, Emma; Williams, Dominic; Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: Re:
Date: Friday, May 29, 2015 10:08:28 AM

Who the fuck did they think was Shorris??  I’m not that old!

From: <Walzak>, Phil <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Friday, May 29, 2015 at 10:05 AM
To: John Del Cecato <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>, Jonathan Rosen <jonathan@berlinrosen.com>,
"Wolfe, Emma" <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Dominic Williams <DWilliams@cityhall.nyc.gov>,
"Hagelgans, Andrea" <AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE:

Looks like the jig is up…..


Evan Siegfried
Denny's the new power breakfast spot? Irresponsible
@Jim_Slevin@SJCassidy1@PTWalzak Shorris @emmawolfe. Avoided one another
From: John Del Cecato [mailto:jfdc@akpdmedia.com]
Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 10:00 AM
To: Walzak, Phil; jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Wolfe, Emma; Williams, Dominic; Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: Re:
Love it
From: <Walzak>, Phil <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Friday, May 29, 2015 at 9:54 AM
To: John Del Cecato <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>, Jonathan Rosen <jonathan@berlinrosen.com>,
"Wolfe, Emma" <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Dominic Williams <DWilliams@cityhall.nyc.gov>,
"Hagelgans, Andrea" <AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: <no subject>
From: Kadushin, Peter
Sent: Monday, June 01, 2015 4:00 PM
To: Kadushin, Peter
Subje ct: M idtown Crane Incident Update

Multi-agency update and summary of incident:

Yesterday at approximately 10:30AM FDNY, NYPD, DOS, and NYCEM responded to reports of a crane incident at 261
Madison Avenue (a 30-story commercial building). The crane at the site w as lifting a 23,000 pound commercial air
conditioner unit to the roof of the location. The air conditioner fell to the ground , striking the building as it fell. The cause is
still under investigation. The building's fayade w as damaged , 10 people were inj ured, and a small w ater main break w as
discovered after the air conditioner reached the street.

Current agencies and utilities still on scene: DOS, FDNY, NYPD, DEP, DOT, NYCEM, Con Ed

• DOS investigation is ongoing

• A full vacate order remains in place for 261 Madison Avenue
• DOS has constructed a sidew alk shed around the property to protect pedestrians from continuing work
• In addition to the ongoing incident investigation, DOS will be examining all open and active crane rigging w ork
performed by the company working at 261 Madison Avenue as a precautionary measure

• Following the air conditioning unit striking the street, a small break in the 12 inch w ater main directly in front of
261 Madison w as discovered
• DEP is in the process of repairing the break and assessing the cause and scope of the damage

• 10 patients (7 actually transported)

o 5 civilians (3 refused medical attention)
o 2 NYPD personnel
o 2 construction w orkers
o 1 firefighter

• Vehicular traffic is closed on Madison Ave from East 34th to East 39th
• There is no pedestrian access on Madison Ave from East 38th to East 39th
• Streets are expected to open to pedestrian and vehicular traffic tomorrow


• Coordination of interagency operations on site

• Debris from the air conditioner and building fayade that fell onto the street w as removed by a contractor, in
coordination with NYCEM
• The crane was removed last night
From: Ozernoy, Ilana
To: "Mike Rabinowitz"
Subject: RE: Congrats!
Date: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 11:59:48 AM

Perfecto. Will look forward!

From: Mike Rabinowitz [mailto:Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 11:56 AM
To: Ozernoy, Ilana
Subject: RE: Congrats!

Thursday the 19 th ?
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)
From: Ozernoy, Ilana [mailto:iozernoy@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 11:55 AM
To: Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: RE: Congrats!

Week after next? Wide open.

From: Mike Rabinowitz [mailto:Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 11:53 AM
To: Ozernoy, Ilana
Subject: RE: Congrats!

That would be great.  When works for you?

Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)
From: Ozernoy, Ilana [mailto:iozernoy@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, June 02, 2015 9:23 PM
To: Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: Re: Congrats!

Thank you! Dream job. Also: lunch soon?

Ilana L. Ozernoy | NYC Mayor's Office
o: (212) 788-6826 | m: (347) 291-4407
twitter: @ilanaozernoy

From: Mike Rabinowitz [mailto:Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Tuesday, June 02, 2015 09:18 PM
To: Ozernoy, Ilana
Subject: Congrats!

Congrats on the new gig! Seems like a fun one.

Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (o)
646.342.3469 (c)
From: Emily Walsh
To: Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel; Darlington, Mandy (OMB)
Subject: RE: dinner after planning this week?
Date: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 6:04:44 PM

He has a previous dinner he has to make it to and won't be at the meeting this week. 

Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel [GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Tuesday, June 02, 2015 10:11 AM
To: Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Emily Walsh
Subject: RE: dinner after planning this week?

ok here if not too late

From: Darlington, Mandy (OMB) [mailto:DarlingtonM@omb.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, June 02, 2015 10:04 AM
To: Emily Walsh (emily@berlinrosen.com); Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel
Subject: dinner after planning this week?
From: Walzak, Phil
To: Hinton, Karen; Hagelgans, Andrea; Wolfe, Emma
Cc: jfdc@akpdmedia.com; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Carrion, Marco A.; Blumm, Kate
Subject: RE: CBS: Protesters: De Blasio Not Doing Enough To Curb City Violence
Date: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 7:07:12 PM

Lets talk abt marcia

From: Hinton, Karen
Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 6:46 PM
To: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Wolfe, Emma
Cc: jfdc@akpdmedia.com; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Carrion, Marco A.; Blumm, Kate
Subject: RE: CBS: Protesters: De Blasio Not Doing Enough To Curb City Violence
I need to find something special for Marcia. She is convinced she is being slighted when, in fact, she
just doesn’t check it voice mail or email on a regular enough basis. But the facts have nothing to do
with her perception. Any suggestions?
In a conversation with Mayor, he seemed open to giving her an interview.
From: Walzak, Phil
Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 4:09 PM
To: Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen; Wolfe, Emma
Cc: jfdc@akpdmedia.com; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Carrion, Marco A.; Blumm, Kate
Subject: RE: CBS: Protesters: De Blasio Not Doing Enough To Curb City Violence
We should exclu it NYDN for one of Fermino Sunday spacers, and advance it tv desks for morning
news breaks, then drive them to cover event
Tell story
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 4:06 PM
To: Hinton, Karen; Wolfe, Emma
Cc: Walzak, Phil; jfdc@akpdmedia.com; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Carrion, Marco A.; Blumm, Kate
Subject: RE: CBS: Protesters: De Blasio Not Doing Enough To Curb City Violence
+Kate who had been working on this as well
From: Hinton, Karen
Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 4:05 PM
To: Wolfe, Emma
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; jfdc@akpdmedia.com; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Carrion, Marco
Subject: Re: CBS: Protesters: De Blasio Not Doing Enough To Curb City Violence
Minus Mayor

Do we want to give her, Marcia, the clergy council announcement? Know nothing at this point about
Sunday but offer this as an idea. 
Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 3, 2015, at 2:59 PM, Wolfe, Emma <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Yes correct.
From: B
Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 2:57 PM
To: Wolfe, Emma; Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen
Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; Carrion, Marco A.
Subject: Re: CBS: Protesters: De Blasio Not Doing Enough To Curb City Violence

Meaning OUR clergy council, correct? Marco, pls get me an updated list of all members
of COREL and of our new clergy council. Want to give you feedback on any additions
that may be needed to our group. Thanks

From: Wolfe, Emma

Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 02:54 PM
To: B; Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen
Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com' <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>; Carrion, Marco A.
Subject: RE: CBS: Protesters: De Blasio Not Doing Enough To Curb City Violence

The Clergy Council is being announced Sunday FYI at Corinthian

From: B
Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 2:54 PM
To: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen
Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; Wolfe, Emma; Carrion, Marco A.
Subject: Fw: CBS: Protesters: De Blasio Not Doing Enough To Curb City Violence

We should try something different with Marcia, because whatever we're doing isn't
working. And we should figure out how to deal with tony hebert and the "brooklyn
clergy coalition" -- need to know who they are. Marco, we need to move our clergy
gameplan asap. And does RAS still have any influence over tony herbert??

From: Clips
Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 01:35 PM
Subject: CBS: Protesters: De Blasio Not Doing Enough To Curb City Violence
Protesters: De Blasio Not Doing Enough To Curb City Violence
CBS - Staff - 12:49 pm

Using a coffin and body bags to make their point, angry demonstrators rallied in
City Hall Park on Wednesday to demand that Mayor Bill de Blasio try new
tactics to curb the city’s soaring murder rate.

As CBS2’s Marcia Kramer reported, New York City has seen a nearly 20 percent
increase in homicides so far this year.

“There’s too many people dying in the city of New York, and I’m under the
premise of conversation with a number of leaders in our community who feel
that this mayor is not sensitive to those that are dying in our neighborhoods,”
community activist Tony Herbert said.

Members of the Brooklyn Clergy Coalition and other community leaders have
devised a One Family One Community initiative, which calls for tackling the
issue of violence by sending more than 10,000 mentors into neighborhoods,
schools and housing developments with the highest rate of gang and gun

They say they’ve tried to talk to de Blasio about it, but he refuses.

“At the end of the day, we have to work as a collective,” Herbert said. “The city
has to work with the community, not walk around and call people fearmongers,
to insult use when we’re out here on every day, every aspect of the night — 2
o’clock, 3 o’clock in the morning — in the housing developments to try to stop

Appearing on “The Daily Show” on Tuesday, de Blasio acknowledged the city

has seen an alarming spike in shootings this year, but also said it’s an issue the

Department is handling. As of next week, 330 officers will be pulled from their
usual duties for special patrols aimed at the shootings spike.

De Blasio defended curtailing the controversial “stop-and-frisk” policing

technique and touted an overall drop in crime.

“We brought down murder to a rate we had not seen since the early ’60s,” de
Blasio said. “We brought down crime across the board. We do have a shooting
problem. We had a shooting problem last year; we have a shooting problem this

The mayor said that the shootings are centered around gang violence, and the
city is rolling out aggressive anti-gang policing and intervention.

“Those strategies need to be applied,” de Blasio said. “Going back to an

unconstitutional, alienating approach is not only inappropriate and unfair to the
populace, it doesn’t work. It ties up a ton of police time and energy into things
that aren’t actually going after serious crime. So I think we’re broadly on the
right track.”

De Blasio cited police retraining, body cameras and new technology as elements
his administration is bringing to bear in the fight against crime.

“I think these pieces are going to add up,” de Blasio said. “Because people are
not wasting time on unnecessary and unconstitutional stops, and they’re not
wasting time on low-level marijuana arrests either.”

In Brooklyn’s Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood, there were nine shootings last

month. That’s more than double the number for the same time last year, 1010
WINS reported. Some residents are calling for the mayor to drop his opposition
to a City Council plan to hire an additional 1,000 police officers.
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
To: Wolfe, Emma; Schwartz, Regina; "jfdc@akpdmedia.com"; Walzak, Phil; "jonathan@berlinrosen.com"; Williams,
Subject: Fw: May Breakdown
Date: Thursday, June 04, 2015 2:43:15 PM
Attachments: May 2015 Events Breakdown.pdf

Fyi- breakdown of may events

From: Gross, Dan
Sent: Thursday, June 04, 2015 02:40 PM
To: Adams, Marti; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: May Breakdown
Communications Events in Ma)£
Launches Shelter Repair Squad to Address
Urgent Health and Safety Conditions in aty Housing QN
Room 9 Gaggle
A l bany
Long Island
M Events Breakdown
Roood T•bl•
:!1 2
~helters Bl ue Room Pr e-Organized 6
Unveils 'NextGeneration NYCHA': A Nationa l Emer gency
omprehensive Plan to Secure The Future Housing MN Staten Island
pf City Public Housing. Bi ll Sign ing
Br onx
Holds Press Conference on Investing $242 Av ail
Million More in Repaving and Maintaining ransportation ~I
NYC Roadways Queens Message 8
Br ooklyn Cer emonial
~pens First Full Section of New Resilient
Recovery I
Rockaway Beach Boardwalk, Kicks off QN
Beach Season
f.\nnounces 64 New Prose Schools Driving
Innovation Across Syst em
Education p>l
I Total Number of Events and or Avails in the M onth of Ma)£ =29
~ttends FDNY Open House wit h Commissioner Nigro [Engine 58/Ladder 26) ';>/2 eremonia l Manhattan

f.\'ith Police Comm issioner Bratton, Holds M edia Availability at Jamaica

~ospita l M edical Center r>!2 mergency Pu blic Safety Queens

~ttends TechCr unch Disr upt and Delivers Rema rks [Manhattan Cent er] r>/4 Pre-Organized Economic Development Manhattan

~olds Public Hearings and Signs lnt ros 261-A, 271-A, 211-A, 597-A, 433-A,
';>/6 ~ill Signing Manhattan
~81, and 555-A
p elivers Remarks at One Police Plaza M emorial W all [1PP) ';>/7 eremonia l Manhattan
Presents Fiscal Year 2016 Executive Budget ';>/7 iscal Budget Manhattan

~ttends and Delivers Rema rks at Funeral for Police Officer Br ian M oore r>/8 eremonia l Non-NYC

aunches Shelter Repair Squad to Add ress Urgent Healt h and Safety
';>/11 ~essage Housing Queens
ondit ions in City Shelters [Corona Family Residence)
p elivers Remarks at National Press Club ~/12 ~essage Non-NYC
~nveils The Progressive Agenda to Com bat Income Inequality ';>/12 ~essage Non-NYC
~osts Press Conference w ith Bipartisan Coa lition of M ayors to Call for Long-
';>/13 ~essage ransportation Non-NYC
erm Transportat ion Bill
Participates in Lecture w ith Robert Reich ~/14 Pre-Organized Non-NYC
p elivers Remarks at Sant a Clara Un iversity ~/14 Pre-Organized Non-NYC
~olds Press Gaggle in Room 9 ';>/18 f\vail Manhattan

~olds Public Hearing and Signs lntros. 419-A, 178-A, 51-B, 181-A r>/18 ~ill Signing Manhattan

p elivers Remarks at CUNY Celebration for Herman Badillo [Hunter College) r>/18 Pre-Organized Manhattan

~n nounces Tent ative Contract Agreement with Unifor med Sa nitationmen 's
';>/19 iscal Fisca l Responsibility Manhattan
~sociation, Loca l 831

~nveils 'NextGeneration NYCHA': A Comprehensive Plan to Secure The

r>/19 ~essage Housing Manhattan
utu re of City Public Housing [James Weldon Johnson Community Center]

p elivers Remarks and Holds Photo Spray Before Vet erans' Issues
';>/21 ~oundta ble Manhattan
~ou ndtable
~olds Press Conference on Investing $242 M illion M ore in Repaving and
r>/21 ~essage ransportation t at en Island
~aintaining NYC Roadways
p pens First Full Sect ion of New Resilient Rockaway Beach Boa rdwalk, Kicks
r>/22 ~essage Recovery I Resilience Queens
pff Beach Season [Rockaway Beach)
p elivers Remarks and Participat es in W reath Laying Ceremony [Intrepid
';>/25 eremonia l Manhattan
ea, Air, & Space Museu m)
~arches in The Little Neck Douglaston M emorial Day Parade ';>/25 Pre-Organized Queens
~n nounces 64 New Prose Schools Driving Innovation Across System
';>/26 ~essage Education 5t at en Island
M ichael J. Pet rides School)
~ayor de Blasio Holds Im promptu Gaggle in Albany ';>/27 f\vail Albany
~ayor de Blasio Holds Media Availability in Albany ';>/27 f\vail Albany
~ayor de Blasio Holds Press Gaggle in Albany ';>/27 f\vail Albany
p elivers Remarks at Asian Pacific Heritage Month Recept ion [New York
';>/29 eremonia l Manhattan
ounty Su rrogat e's Courthouse)

p elivers Remarks at Carnegie Hall Meda l of Excellence Ga la [Carnegie Hall) r>/29 Pre-Organized Manhattan
From: Michael Carey
To: Jeremy Soffin
Cc: Blumm, Kate
Subject: Re: Cornell logistics
Date: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 1:51:34 PM

kate is out with MBDB

call me at 2123415396

On Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 1:50PM, Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com > wrote:

Can you still talk? Where can I reach you?

Jeremy Soffin

Berlin Rosen Public Affairs



From: Michael Carey [

Sent : Wednesday, June 10,
To: Jeremy Soffin
Cc: Blumm, Kate (KBiumm@citvhall.nyc.gov)
Subject: Re: Cornell logistics

lets ta lk at 130?

On Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 9:58AM, Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berljnrosen.com >


Can we schedule a time to chat today?

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs



From: Jeremy Soffin

Sent: Monday, June 08, 2015 10:51 AM
To: Blumm, Kate (KBiumm@citvhall.nyc.gov); Michael Carey
Subject: Cornell logistics

Hey guys, please find a more detailed run of show for the 6/16 Cornell event

The basic idea (and I can share detailed maps) is that we're going to do a pre-
program VIP photo-op for the speakers on the program:

--The Mayor and detail can pull directly into the campus construction site.
(Note 10:30 arrival time below but assumption is everyone's there and ready for
Mayor when he arrives at maybe 10:45?)

--Andrew Winters from Cornell will lead the group on a very short walk
(50 yards) to a raised portion of the site, where cameras will be waiting for photo

--We'll do a few candid and then maybe pose one for the group (MBDB,
MRB, Skorton, Cornell Chair Bob Harrison, Dean Huttenlocher and the two

--Mayor and detail can then drive the .2 miles to the program site at
Four Freedoms. (We will also have golf carts if preferred).

Questions for you:

--Are there any security clearance issues we need to address for the
pre-show photo-op?

--We're going to send out an initial advisory this week. Are we ok to

include Mayor's participation?

--Would you expect there to be a room 9 van? We can accommodate at

the photo-op and event if so.
TIME:  10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

LOCATION: Roosevelt Island (Four Freedoms)

The run of show is as follows:

10:30 a.m.          VIPs gather at Cornell Tech campus

construction site for tour and press photo op

11:00 a.m.          VIPs are transported from

construction site to event site (landing at Four
Freedoms Park, approximately .22 miles away)

11:10 a.m.          Dan Huttenlocher offers welcome

remarks and introduces Mayor de Blasio

11:13 a.m.          Mayor de Blasio delivers remarks

11:23 a.m.          Bob Harrison approaches the podium

and makes remarks and introduces David Skorton

11:26 a.m.          David Skorton delivers remarks and

introduces Mayor Bloomberg

11:32 a.m.          Mayor Bloomberg delivers remarks

11:40 a.m.         Dan Huttenlocher returns to the

podium, introduces Forest City Ratner Companies
President and CEO MaryAnne Gilmartin

11:40 a.m.          MaryAnne Gilmartin delivers remarks

11:42 a.m.          Dan Huttenlocher returns to the

podium, and invites Principal of the Hudson
Companies David Kramer to deliver remarks

11:42 a.m.          David Kramer delivers remarks

11:44 a.m.          Dan Huttenlocher returns to the

podium and closes the event


Jeremy Soffin

BerlinRosen Public Affairs



From: Carey, Michael
To: "Jeremy Soffin"
Subject: RE: one more q
Date: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 3:10:37 PM

Michael Paul Carey
Director of Scheduling and Advance
City Hall
New York, New York 10007
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 3:10 PM
To: Carey, Michael
Subject: RE: one more q
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Carey, Michael [mailto:MPCarey@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 2:07 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: one more q
What is the technical address of location?
Michael Paul Carey
Director of Scheduling and Advance
City Hall
New York, New York 10007
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB)
Cc: Emily Walsh; Darlington, Mandy (OMB)
Subject: RE: Emma open for dinner after planning meeting if interested
Date: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 5:56:18 PM

I am probably not making it to planning because of a breaking news situation for a client that is
keeping me in front of my desk – if they are game after and want to text or email me when the close
looks like it’s coming could call an audible and if I’m out of the woods – would be great to do. 
Which is a long way of saying yes if the timing works out.
From: Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel [mailto:GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 5:54 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB)
Cc: Emily Walsh; Darlington, Mandy (OMB)
Subject: Emma open for dinner after planning meeting if interested
From: Ozernoy, Ilana
To: "Mike Rabinowitz"
Subject: RE: Quick call
Date: Thursday, June 11, 2015 1:04:13 PM

K, will do. Thanks.

From: Mike Rabinowitz [mailto:Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2015 1:01 PM
To: Ozernoy, Ilana
Subject: RE: Quick call
Sure. Call my cell
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (o)
646.342.3469 (c)

-------- Original message --------

From: "Ozernoy, Ilana" <iozernoy@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: 06/11/2015 12:54 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: Mike Rabinowitz <Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Quick call

After 4 would be great. Let’s do 4:30, if that works.

From: Mike Rabinowitz [mailto:Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2015 12:54 PM
To: Ozernoy, Ilana
Subject: RE: Quick call
Sure. 2 pm? After 4?
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (o)
646.342.3469 (c)

-------- Original message --------

From: "Ozernoy, Ilana" <iozernoy@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: 06/11/2015 12:52 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: Mike Rabinowitz <Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Quick call
Hey – looking forward to our lunch. Meanwhile, have time for a quick call?
Chief of Staff
Office of the Counsel to the Mayor
o: (212) 788-6826 | m: (347) 291-4407
twitter: @ilanaozernoy
From: Davis, Tanyanika
To: "jsoffin@berlinrosen.com"
Subject: Cornell Tech
Date: Thursday, June 11, 2015 1:45:57 PM

Hi again,
We touched bases about a million years ago on this. Seems we’re on for next week so I wanted to
circle back about finding a story for the Mayor’s remarks. Any ideas of someone (student or faculty)
with a good background story, who would be a good fit for the spirit of the occasion?
Really appreciate your help,
Tanyanika Davis
Office of the Mayor
(212) 341-5383 (o)
(646) 789-2453 (m)
From: Ozernoy, Ilana
To: "Mike Rabinowitz"
Subject: RE: Quick call
Date: Thursday, June 11, 2015 3:02:27 PM

Will do.
From: Mike Rabinowitz [mailto:Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2015 3:02 PM
To: Ozernoy, Ilana
Subject: RE: Quick call
Ok.  call my cell.
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)
From: Ozernoy, Ilana [mailto:iozernoy@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2015 3:02 PM
To: Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: RE: Quick call
I can do 5:30 J
From: Mike Rabinowitz [mailto:Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2015 2:19 PM
To: Ozernoy, Ilana
Subject: RE: Quick call
I mis-read my calendar.  Can we do 5?
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)
From: Mike Rabinowitz
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2015 1:01 PM
To: Ozernoy, Ilana
Subject: RE: Quick call
Sure. Call my cell
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (o)
646.342.3469 (c)

-------- Original message --------

From: "Ozernoy, Ilana" <iozernoy@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: 06/11/2015 12:54 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: Mike Rabinowitz <Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Quick call

After 4 would be great. Let’s do 4:30, if that works.

From: Mike Rabinowitz [mailto:Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2015 12:54 PM
To: Ozernoy, Ilana
Subject: RE: Quick call
Sure. 2 pm? After 4?
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (o)
646.342.3469 (c)

-------- Original message --------

From: "Ozernoy, Ilana" <iozernoy@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: 06/11/2015 12:52 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: Mike Rabinowitz <Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Quick call

Hey – looking forward to our lunch. Meanwhile, have time for a quick call?
Chief of Staff
Office of the Counsel to the Mayor
o: (212) 788-6826 | m: (347) 291-4407
twitter: @ilanaozernoy
From: Blumm, Kate
To: "Jeremy Soffin"; t;1Mjgi
Subject: RE: Cornell logistics
Dat e : Thursday, June 11, 2015 3 :12:23 PM

Great, thanks

From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2015
To: Blumm, Kate; Michael Carey
Subject: RE: Cornell logistics

Ok, we're going to slot her in later, so it will be:

Dan H intra MBDB

Harrison int ros Hochul

Jeremy Soffin
Berlin Rosen Public Affairs

From: Blumm, Kate [majlto:KBiumm@dtyhall.nyc.govJ

Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2015 1:24 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin; Michael Carey
Subject: RE: Cornell logistics

Mayor first please, tha nks !

From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2015 1:19PM
To: Blumm, Kate; Michael Carey
Subject: RE: Cornell logistics

One updat e...we've just learned that the Lt. Gov. will be com ing as well. Thinking is we'd slot her in
after Dan and before MBDB, let me know what you t hink.

Jeremy Soffin
Berlin Rosen Public Affairs
From: Jeremy Soffin
Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 9:58 AM
To: Blumm, Kate (KBiumm@cityhall.nyc.gov); Michael Carey
Subject: RE: Cornell logistics

Can we schedule a time to chat today?

Jeremy Soffin
Berlin Rosen Public Affairs

From: Jeremy Soffin

Sent: Monday, June 08, 2015 10:51 AM
To: Blumm, Kate (KBiumm@cityhall .nyc.gov); Michael Carey
Subject: Cornell logistics

Hey guys, please find a more det ailed run of show for the 6/16 Cornell event below.
The basic idea (and I can share det ailed maps) is that we're going to do a pre-program VIP photo-op
for the speakers on t he program :
--The Mayor and det ail can pull directly into the campus construction site. (Note 10:30
arrival time below but assumption is everyone's t here and ready for Mayor when he arrives at
maybe 10:45?)
--Andrew W inters from Cornell will lead the group on a very short walk (50 yards) to a raised
portion of the site, where cameras will be waiting for photo op.
--We'll do a few candid and then maybe pose one for the group (MBDB, MRB, Skorton,
Cornell Chair Bob Harrison, Dean Huttenlocher and the two developers).
-- Mayor and detail can then drive t he .2 miles to t he program site at Four Freedoms. (We will
also have golf carts if preferred).

Questions for you:

--Are there any security clearance issues we need to address for the pre-show photo-op?
--We're going t o send out an initial advisory this week. Are we ok to include Mayor's
--Would you expect there to be a room 9 van? We can accommodate at the photo-op and
event if so.

TIME: 10:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015
LOCATION: Roosevelt Island (Four Freedoms)
The run of show is as follows:
10:30 a.m. VIPs gather at Cornell Tech campus construction site for tour and
press photo op
11:00 a.m. VIPs are transported from construction site to event site (landing
at Four Freedoms Park, approximately .22 miles away)
11:10 a.m.          Dan Huttenlocher offers welcome remarks and introduces Mayor
de Blasio
11:13 a.m.          Mayor de Blasio delivers remarks
11:23 a.m.          Bob Harrison approaches the podium and makes remarks and
introduces David Skorton
11:26 a.m.          David Skorton delivers remarks and introduces Mayor
11:32 a.m.          Mayor Bloomberg delivers remarks
11:40 a.m.         Dan Huttenlocher returns to the podium, introduces Forest City
Ratner Companies President and CEO MaryAnne
11:40 a.m.          MaryAnne Gilmartin delivers remarks
11:42 a.m.          Dan Huttenlocher returns to the podium, and invites Principal of
the Hudson Companies David Kramer to deliver
11:42 a.m.          David Kramer delivers remarks
11:44 a.m.          Dan Huttenlocher returns to the podium and closes the event
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Davis, Tanyanika
To: "Jeremy Soffin"; Singleton, Jessica
Subject: RE: Quick q
Date: Thursday, June 11, 2015 4:18:15 PM

This is great. Thanks!

Tanyanika Davis
Office of the Mayor
(212) 341-5383 (o)
(646) 789-2453 (m)

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2015 4:17 PM
To: Singleton, Jessica
Cc: Davis, Tanyanika
Subject: RE: Quick q

10:30 a.m.          VIPs gather at Cornell Tech campus construction site for tour and press photo op
11:00 a.m.          VIPs are transported from construction site to event site (landing at Four Freedoms
Park, approximately .22 miles away) NOTE: there will be parking for VIPs at Four Freedoms Park, or
transportation via golf cart to the site.
11:05 a.m.          VIPs gather for photo op at podium
11:10 a.m.          Dan Huttenlocher offers welcome remarks and introduces Mayor de Blasio
11:15 a.m.          Mayor de Blasio delivers remarks
11:25 a.m.          Bob Harrison approaches the podium and makes remarks and introduces Lieutenant
Governor Kathy Hochul
11:28 a.m.         Lieutenant Governor Hochul makes remarks
11:33 a.m.         Bob Harrison returns to podium, introduces David Skorton
11:35 a.m.          David Skorton delivers remarks and introduces Mayor Bloomberg
11:45 a.m.          Mayor Bloomberg delivers remarks
11:53 a.m.         Dan Huttenlocher returns to the podium, introduces Forest City Ratner Companies
President and CEO MaryAnne Gilmartin
11:55 a.m.          MaryAnne Gilmartin delivers remarks
11:57 a.m.          Dan Huttenlocher returns to the podium, and invites Principal of the Hudson
Companies David Kramer to deliver remarks
11:59 a.m.          David Kramer to delivers remarks
12:01 p.m.          Dan Huttenlocher returns to the podium and closes the event
12:04 p.m.          Formal program ends, guests depart

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

-----Original Message-----
From: Singleton, Jessica [mailto:JSingleton@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2015 2:18 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Cc: Davis, Tanyanika
Subject: Re: Quick q
Great. Adding tanyanika who will call you then!

> On Jun 11, 2015, at 14:17, Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

> In a meeting til 3. Could talk then or after 4?
> Jeremy Soffin
> BerlinRosen Public Affairs
> 646-200-5318
> 917-860-9076
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Singleton, Jessica [mailto:JSingleton@cityhall.nyc.gov]
> Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2015 2:16 PM
> To: Jeremy Soffin
> Subject: Quick q
> Hey! Working on mayor's Cornell tech remarks. Could I give you a quick ring?
> Thanks!
From: Mike Rabinowitz
To: Ozernoy, Ilana
Subject: You still calling?
Date: Thursday, June 11, 2015 5:33:51 PM

Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)
From: Ozernoy. IIana
To: "Mike Rabinowitz"
Subject: RE: Follow up
Dat e : Thursday, June 11, 2015 6:09:52 PM

Thanks M ike - really appreciate it.

From: Mike Rabinowitz [mailto:Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2015 5:55 PM
To: Ozernoy, IIana
Subject: Follow up

No idea if he wants to leave private

stuff and he seemed smart and well-connected and hard-

(but check with Emma or Marco before approaching him, for sure) -

See you next week.

M ichael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell )
From: Jeremy Soffin
To: Seabrook, Margie (HPD); "Kim Stroman"; Bruch, Mary
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Nicole Kolinsky
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Date: Friday, June 12, 2015 8:21:17 AM
Attachments: Greenpoint Landing Groundbreaking Memo.pdf

Hi all, attached please find a memo with our initial thoughts on the groundbreaking for your review.
Please let us know if there is a point person we should work with on the details.
I’m also cc’ing my colleagues Nicole and Jovana who are leading the event for us. Thanks!
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Seabrook, Margie (HPD) [mailto:SEABROOM@hpd.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, June 01, 2015 11:36 AM
To: 'Kim Stroman'; 'Bruch, Mary'; Jeremy Soffin; Ashley Dennis
Cc: Blumm, Kate
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Sorry was on vacation this time works.
From: Kim Stroman [mailto:kstroman@nychdc.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 11:15 AM
To: 'Bruch, Mary'; Jeremy Soffin; Ashley Dennis
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Seabrook, Margie (HPD)
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
HDC President Gary Rodney is available.  I have a hold on his calendar.
From: Bruch, Mary [mailto:MBruch@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 10:57 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin; Ashley Dennis
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Kim Stroman
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hope you had a great long weekend. I am holding 9am-12pm for this on June 26 th . Margie and Kim,
cc’d, can advise on Commissioner Been and President Rodney’s availability, respectively.
Thank you,
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 10:56 AM
To: Bruch, Mary; Ashley Dennis
Cc: Blumm, Kate
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Mary: The 26 th looks good with us, just double-checking with one of the partners on the project. If
you can please hold the date, I will get final confirmation today.
What time were you thinking?
Thanks again.
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Bruch, Mary [mailto:MBruch@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 1:46 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin; Ashley Dennis
Cc: Blumm, Kate
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Would the morning of June 26 th work for folks? Alicia, Vicki and Gary can all do that day.
Looping Ashley, who also reached out.
Please let us know!
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 5:17 PM
To: Blumm, Kate
Subject: Greenpoint Landing
Kate: Good talking to you yesterday. I’ve reattached the invite letter, which includes details on the
project and broad thinking on messaging. In terms of a potential event, here’s what we were
Timing: A May or June groundbreaking would be timely, with two affordable buildings underway and
a third ready to break ground.
Location: The affordable building ready to break ground (site F) has remarkable views of the water
and skyline, and is adjacent to the park and the first affordable building, which broke ground 10
months ago and is close to topping out.
Speaking program: The more the merrier, but would think speakers would come from among this
--Deputy Mayor Glen
--Commissioner Been
--Commissioner Rodney
--Commissioner Silver
--George Klein
--Ron Moelis
Local electeds
--CM Levin
--AM Lentol
--Sen. Dilan
--BP Adams
--Cong. Maloney
--Open Space Alliance
--Others TBD
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
TO: Office of the Deputy Mayor for Housing & Economic Development
FROM: Greenpoint Landing Associates and L+M Development Partners
DATE: June 12, 2015
RE: Greenpoint Landing Groundbreaking Celebration

The memo below outlines proposed details of the press conference for the
upcoming Greenpoint Landing groundbreaking, key messages and information
about the project.

About Greenpoint Landing

Greenpoint Landing is a 22-acre development that will transform a half-mile stretch
of Brooklyn waterfront into a mixed-use, mixed-income residential community,
including much needed affordable housing, neighborhood retail, substantial public
open space and a new public school. When complete, Greenpoint Landing will
include approximately 5,500 residential units, of which 1,400 will be affordable.

The project is being developed by Greenpoint Landing Associates, LLC, and they
have partnered with L+M Development Partners on the first three affordable
housing buildings. James Corner Field Operations is responsible for the open space
design and Handel Architects is designing the first phases of development.

Press Conference
When: Friday, June 26, 2015 – 11 a.m. (call for 10:30, start at 11)
Where: 21 Commercial Street, at the corner of Franklin Street. The site of the press
conference will be approximately 200 feet into the property with a breathtaking
view of the waterfront and skyline as a backdrop. The press conference location is
the site of a 100% permanently affordable housing building, which we will be
breaking ground on. This building is the third such affordable housing building all
currently under construction at Greenpoint Landing and is situated within one block
of the other two 100% permanently affordable buildings that were financed in
conjunction with HPD and HDC.

Potential Speakers:
 Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen
 HPD Commissioner Vicki Been
 HDC President Gary Rodney
 Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney
 Parks Commissioner Mitchell Silver
 Councilmember Stephen Levin
 Assembly Member Joe Lentol
 Borough President Eric Adams
 George Klein, Park Tower Group
 Ron Moelis, CEO of L+M Development Partners
 Community representative: Open Space Alliance or Ward Dennis/Dewey
 We will also invite additional elected officials and will offer speaking roles if
they attend: State Senator Martin Dilan, Senator Chuck Schumer, Senator
Kirsten Gillibrand, State Senator Daniel Squadron.

Additional invitations:
 DOB: Commissioner Rick Chandler
 DOT Commissioner Polly Trottenberg
 SBS: Commissioner Maria Springer Torres
 SCA: Lorraine Grillo
 DCP: Purnima Kapur
 Representatives from State Department of Environmental Conservation

Press targets:
 Brooklyn reporters:
o Brooklyn Daily Eagle
o Brooklyn Paper
o Brooklyn Courier Life
o Brooklyn Reader
o Greenpoint Gazette
o Greenpoint Star
o DNA Info
o Brownstoner
o Brokelyn
o Brooklyn Magazine
o News 12
o NY1 – Jeanine Ramirez
o NY Times – Vivian Yee
 Real estate/housing/open space reporters
o Architect’s Newspaper
o Architectural Record
o Bloomberg – David Levitt
o Capital NY – Dana Rubenstein
o Crains – Joe Anuta
o Curbed
o Daily News – Kathy Clarke
o Dezeen – Alan Brake
o Inhabit
o Huffington Post – James Gerken
o NY Observer – Kim Velsey
o Oculus
o Next City – Ariella Cohen
o NY Times – Michelle Higgins
o NY Post – Steve Cuozzo
o The Real Deal – EB Solomont
o Real Estate Weekly
o 6 Square Feet
o Wall Street Journal – Emily Nonko
o WNYC – Janet Babin
 TV and radio desks
 City Hall reporters

We would offer news as an exclusive to run on day of event. Target is TBD.

Key Messages
 Fulfilling the City’s promise to Greenpoint: Greenpoint Landing delivers
on the longstanding promises of open space and affordable housing to the
Greenpoint community, leveraging City investments in infrastructure (parks,
streets, and schools) and exemplifying the de Blasio administration’s
approach to planning.
o Additionally, a sludge tank long-hated by the community was
removed last year.
 Affordable housing: Greenpoint Landing will include approximately 1,400
affordable units, representing 25% of the total number of housing units in
the development. By kicking off the project with three 100% permanently
affordable buildings and designating 50% of the apartments as two-bedroom
units, we are prioritizing affordable housing for low- and moderate-income
families in the community for many years to come. Nearly 300 affordable
units will become available over the next two years.
o The first affordable housing building at 21 Commercial Street, with 93
units (40-60% of AMI), is topping out and is expected to open next
o The second affordable building at 33 Eagle Street (98 units – 40%-
120% AMI)is in foundation stages.
o We are breaking ground on the third affordable housing building at 5
Blue Slip, with 103 units (30-60% AMI), which will open in 2017.
 Resilient open space: When the project is complete, four acres of new
world-class open space designed by James Corner Field Operations will
reconnect residents with the waterfront as well as serve as a resilient storm
barrier for the Greenpoint community.
o Open space complements the five acres of public parks the City is
building at Newtown Barge Park, Greenpoint Playground, and Box
Street Park.
 Greenpoint Landing Associates has contributed $5.5 million for
the reconstruction of Newtown Barge Park.
o Waterfront open space was designed as an innovative series of
terraces with materials that can sustain tidal surge.
o Strategy puts the development well above the revised FEMA 100-year
flood elevation, protecting the buildings and the neighborhood.
o The open space network is also designed to incorporate larger-scale
public amenity areas, such as a great lawn, a picnic area, a dog run and
the Green Street Pier.
 Upcoming phases: It is anticipated that construction of the first two towers
and the associated waterfront esplanade and public open space with access
to the water will commence before the end of the year.
 Architecture: These three affordable buildings as well as the first towers
and the overall site master plan are designed by Gary Handel of Handel
Architects. The buildings reflect a modern Brooklyn industrial aesthetic –
with considerable use of brick, steel, and divided light windows that recall
the manufacturing history of the Greenpoint neighborhood.
 Infrastructure: Privately-funded infrastructure improvements to improve
the street grid will complement DOT’s upcoming reconstruction of West
Street as a greenway with bicycle lanes.
 Neighborhood retail: The first phase of development will also feature retail
space, intended to be dedicated to local retailers.
 Public school: GLA has agreed to gift land to the School Construction
Authority (SCA) for a 640-seat pre-k through 8th District 14 grade public
school. Approximately $45M allocated in its FY2015-2019 capital plan for
design and construction
 Ferry landing: Permitted for a ferry landing adjacent to Newtown Barge

Logistics TBD
The following items should be considered for the press conference:
 A/V, seating, podium: provided by City?
 Refreshments
 Hardhats
 Boards of renderings
 Rain plan
From: Nicole Kolinsky
To: Kim Stroman; Jeremy Soffin; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Bruch, Mary; Elizabeth Rohlfing; Christina Sanchez
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Date: Friday, June 12, 2015 11:02:07 AM
Attachments: Greenpoint Landing Groundbreaking Memo.pdf

Hi Elizabeth and Christina, here is the briefing memo we sent this morning regarding the 6/26
Greenpoint Landing groundbreaking. Let us know if you have any questions and who the point
person will be from the Administration.
Thank you,
Nicole Kolinsky
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5296 (o)
646.263.1527 (c)
From: Kim Stroman [mailto:kstroman@nychdc.com]
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 10:55 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); 'Bruch, Mary'; Elizabeth Rohlfing; Christina Sanchez
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Nicole Kolinsky
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi Jeremy.  Please loop in our Vice President of Communications, Elizabeth Rohlfing, and our
Communications Coordinator, Christina Sanchez.  Thanks.
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 8:21 AM
To: Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Kim Stroman; 'Bruch, Mary'
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Nicole Kolinsky
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi all, attached please find a memo with our initial thoughts on the groundbreaking for your review.
Please let us know if there is a point person we should work with on the details.
I’m also cc’ing my colleagues Nicole and Jovana who are leading the event for us. Thanks!
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Seabrook, Margie (HPD) [mailto:SEABROOM@hpd.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, June 01, 2015 11:36 AM
To: 'Kim Stroman'; 'Bruch, Mary'; Jeremy Soffin; Ashley Dennis
Cc: Blumm, Kate
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Sorry was on vacation this time works.
From: Kim Stroman [mailto:kstroman@nychdc.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 11:15 AM
To: 'Bruch, Mary'; Jeremy Soffin; Ashley Dennis
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Seabrook, Margie (HPD)
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
HDC President Gary Rodney is available.  I have a hold on his calendar.
From: Bruch, Mary [mailto:MBruch@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 10:57 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin; Ashley Dennis
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Kim Stroman
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hope you had a great long weekend. I am holding 9am-12pm for this on June 26 th . Margie and Kim,
cc’d, can advise on Commissioner Been and President Rodney’s availability, respectively.
Thank you,
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 10:56 AM
To: Bruch, Mary; Ashley Dennis
Cc: Blumm, Kate
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Mary: The 26 th looks good with us, just double-checking with one of the partners on the project. If
you can please hold the date, I will get final confirmation today.
What time were you thinking?
Thanks again.
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Bruch, Mary [mailto:MBruch@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 1:46 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin; Ashley Dennis
Cc: Blumm, Kate
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Would the morning of June 26 th work for folks? Alicia, Vicki and Gary can all do that day.
Looping Ashley, who also reached out.
Please let us know!
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 5:17 PM
To: Blumm, Kate
Subject: Greenpoint Landing
Kate: Good talking to you yesterday. I’ve reattached the invite letter, which includes details on the
project and broad thinking on messaging. In terms of a potential event, here’s what we were
Timing: A May or June groundbreaking would be timely, with two affordable buildings underway and
a third ready to break ground.
Location: The affordable building ready to break ground (site F) has remarkable views of the water
and skyline, and is adjacent to the park and the first affordable building, which broke ground 10
months ago and is close to topping out.
Speaking program: The more the merrier, but would think speakers would come from among this
--Deputy Mayor Glen
--Commissioner Been
--Commissioner Rodney
--Commissioner Silver
--George Klein
--Ron Moelis
Local electeds
--CM Levin
--AM Lentol
--Sen. Dilan
--BP Adams
--Cong. Maloney
--Open Space Alliance
--Others TBD
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
TO: Office of the Deputy Mayor for Housing & Economic Development
FROM: Greenpoint Landing Associates and L+M Development Partners
DATE: June 12, 2015
RE: Greenpoint Landing Groundbreaking Celebration

The memo below outlines proposed details of the press conference for the
upcoming Greenpoint Landing groundbreaking, key messages and information
about the project.

About Greenpoint Landing

Greenpoint Landing is a 22-acre development that will transform a half-mile stretch
of Brooklyn waterfront into a mixed-use, mixed-income residential community,
including much needed affordable housing, neighborhood retail, substantial public
open space and a new public school. When complete, Greenpoint Landing will
include approximately 5,500 residential units, of which 1,400 will be affordable.

The project is being developed by Greenpoint Landing Associates, LLC, and they
have partnered with L+M Development Partners on the first three affordable
housing buildings. James Corner Field Operations is responsible for the open space
design and Handel Architects is designing the first phases of development.

Press Conference
When: Friday, June 26, 2015 – 11 a.m. (call for 10:30, start at 11)
Where: 21 Commercial Street, at the corner of Franklin Street. The site of the press
conference will be approximately 200 feet into the property with a breathtaking
view of the waterfront and skyline as a backdrop. The press conference location is
the site of a 100% permanently affordable housing building, which we will be
breaking ground on. This building is the third such affordable housing building all
currently under construction at Greenpoint Landing and is situated within one block
of the other two 100% permanently affordable buildings that were financed in
conjunction with HPD and HDC.

Potential Speakers:
 Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen
 HPD Commissioner Vicki Been
 HDC President Gary Rodney
 Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney
 Parks Commissioner Mitchell Silver
 Councilmember Stephen Levin
 Assembly Member Joe Lentol
 Borough President Eric Adams
 George Klein, Park Tower Group
 Ron Moelis, CEO of L+M Development Partners
 Community representative: Open Space Alliance or Ward Dennis/Dewey
 We will also invite additional elected officials and will offer speaking roles if
they attend: State Senator Martin Dilan, Senator Chuck Schumer, Senator
Kirsten Gillibrand, State Senator Daniel Squadron.

Additional invitations:
 DOB: Commissioner Rick Chandler
 DOT Commissioner Polly Trottenberg
 SBS: Commissioner Maria Springer Torres
 SCA: Lorraine Grillo
 DCP: Purnima Kapur
 Representatives from State Department of Environmental Conservation

Press targets:
 Brooklyn reporters:
o Brooklyn Daily Eagle
o Brooklyn Paper
o Brooklyn Courier Life
o Brooklyn Reader
o Greenpoint Gazette
o Greenpoint Star
o DNA Info
o Brownstoner
o Brokelyn
o Brooklyn Magazine
o News 12
o NY1 – Jeanine Ramirez
o NY Times – Vivian Yee
 Real estate/housing/open space reporters
o Architect’s Newspaper
o Architectural Record
o Bloomberg – David Levitt
o Capital NY – Dana Rubenstein
o Crains – Joe Anuta
o Curbed
o Daily News – Kathy Clarke
o Dezeen – Alan Brake
o Inhabit
o Huffington Post – James Gerken
o NY Observer – Kim Velsey
o Oculus
o Next City – Ariella Cohen
o NY Times – Michelle Higgins
o NY Post – Steve Cuozzo
o The Real Deal – EB Solomont
o Real Estate Weekly
o 6 Square Feet
o Wall Street Journal – Emily Nonko
o WNYC – Janet Babin
 TV and radio desks
 City Hall reporters

We would offer news as an exclusive to run on day of event. Target is TBD.

Key Messages
 Fulfilling the City’s promise to Greenpoint: Greenpoint Landing delivers
on the longstanding promises of open space and affordable housing to the
Greenpoint community, leveraging City investments in infrastructure (parks,
streets, and schools) and exemplifying the de Blasio administration’s
approach to planning.
o Additionally, a sludge tank long-hated by the community was
removed last year.
 Affordable housing: Greenpoint Landing will include approximately 1,400
affordable units, representing 25% of the total number of housing units in
the development. By kicking off the project with three 100% permanently
affordable buildings and designating 50% of the apartments as two-bedroom
units, we are prioritizing affordable housing for low- and moderate-income
families in the community for many years to come. Nearly 300 affordable
units will become available over the next two years.
o The first affordable housing building at 21 Commercial Street, with 93
units (40-60% of AMI), is topping out and is expected to open next
o The second affordable building at 33 Eagle Street (98 units – 40%-
120% AMI)is in foundation stages.
o We are breaking ground on the third affordable housing building at 5
Blue Slip, with 103 units (30-60% AMI), which will open in 2017.
 Resilient open space: When the project is complete, four acres of new
world-class open space designed by James Corner Field Operations will
reconnect residents with the waterfront as well as serve as a resilient storm
barrier for the Greenpoint community.
o Open space complements the five acres of public parks the City is
building at Newtown Barge Park, Greenpoint Playground, and Box
Street Park.
 Greenpoint Landing Associates has contributed $5.5 million for
the reconstruction of Newtown Barge Park.
o Waterfront open space was designed as an innovative series of
terraces with materials that can sustain tidal surge.
o Strategy puts the development well above the revised FEMA 100-year
flood elevation, protecting the buildings and the neighborhood.
o The open space network is also designed to incorporate larger-scale
public amenity areas, such as a great lawn, a picnic area, a dog run and
the Green Street Pier.
 Upcoming phases: It is anticipated that construction of the first two towers
and the associated waterfront esplanade and public open space with access
to the water will commence before the end of the year.
 Architecture: These three affordable buildings as well as the first towers
and the overall site master plan are designed by Gary Handel of Handel
Architects. The buildings reflect a modern Brooklyn industrial aesthetic –
with considerable use of brick, steel, and divided light windows that recall
the manufacturing history of the Greenpoint neighborhood.
 Infrastructure: Privately-funded infrastructure improvements to improve
the street grid will complement DOT’s upcoming reconstruction of West
Street as a greenway with bicycle lanes.
 Neighborhood retail: The first phase of development will also feature retail
space, intended to be dedicated to local retailers.
 Public school: GLA has agreed to gift land to the School Construction
Authority (SCA) for a 640-seat pre-k through 8th District 14 grade public
school. Approximately $45M allocated in its FY2015-2019 capital plan for
design and construction
 Ferry landing: Permitted for a ferry landing adjacent to Newtown Barge

Logistics TBD
The following items should be considered for the press conference:
 A/V, seating, podium: provided by City?
 Refreshments
 Hardhats
 Boards of renderings
 Rain plan
From: Morris, Juliet (HPD)
To: "Christina Sanchez"; "Nicole Kolinsky"; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman; Jeremy Soffin; Seabrook, Margie
(HPD); Bruch, Mary; Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Date: Friday, June 12, 2015 12:17:48 PM
Attachments: Greenpoint Landing Groundbreaking Memo.pdf

+ Bederman in the interest of open communication

From: Christina Sanchez [mailto:csanchez@nychdc.com]
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 12:15 PM
To: 'Nicole Kolinsky'; Kim Stroman; Jeremy Soffin; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); 'Bruch, Mary'; Elizabeth
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Morris, Juliet (HPD)
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Thank you, Nicole.
I will forward to HPD Communications. 
Christina Sanchez | Communications Coordinator
The New York City Housing Development Corporation
110 William Street, 10th Floor| New York, NY 10038
(  212.227.2644 (main) | 212.815.7313(fax)
+  Csanchez@nychdc.com | HDCpress@nychdc.com

From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 11:02 AM
To: Kim Stroman; Jeremy Soffin; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); 'Bruch, Mary'; Elizabeth Rohlfing; Christina
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi Elizabeth and Christina, here is the briefing memo we sent this morning regarding the 6/26
Greenpoint Landing groundbreaking. Let us know if you have any questions and who the point
person will be from the Administration.
Thank you,
Nicole Kolinsky
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5296 (o)
646.263.1527 (c)
From: Kim Stroman [mailto:kstroman@nychdc.com]
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 10:55 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); 'Bruch, Mary'; Elizabeth Rohlfing; Christina Sanchez
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Nicole Kolinsky
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi Jeremy.  Please loop in our Vice President of Communications, Elizabeth Rohlfing, and our
Communications Coordinator, Christina Sanchez.  Thanks.
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 8:21 AM
To: Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Kim Stroman; 'Bruch, Mary'
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Nicole Kolinsky
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi all, attached please find a memo with our initial thoughts on the groundbreaking for your review.
Please let us know if there is a point person we should work with on the details.
I’m also cc’ing my colleagues Nicole and Jovana who are leading the event for us. Thanks!
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Seabrook, Margie (HPD) [mailto:SEABROOM@hpd.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, June 01, 2015 11:36 AM
To: 'Kim Stroman'; 'Bruch, Mary'; Jeremy Soffin; Ashley Dennis
Cc: Blumm, Kate
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Sorry was on vacation this time works.
From: Kim Stroman [mailto:kstroman@nychdc.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 11:15 AM
To: 'Bruch, Mary'; Jeremy Soffin; Ashley Dennis
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Seabrook, Margie (HPD)
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
HDC President Gary Rodney is available.  I have a hold on his calendar.
From: Bruch, Mary [mailto:MBruch@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 10:57 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin; Ashley Dennis
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Kim Stroman
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hope you had a great long weekend. I am holding 9am-12pm for this on June 26 th . Margie and Kim,
cc’d, can advise on Commissioner Been and President Rodney’s availability, respectively.
Thank you,
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 10:56 AM
To: Bruch, Mary; Ashley Dennis
Cc: Blumm, Kate
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Mary: The 26 th looks good with us, just double-checking with one of the partners on the project. If
you can please hold the date, I will get final confirmation today.
What time were you thinking?
Thanks again.
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Bruch, Mary [mailto:MBruch@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 1:46 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin; Ashley Dennis
Cc: Blumm, Kate
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Would the morning of June 26 th work for folks? Alicia, Vicki and Gary can all do that day.
Looping Ashley, who also reached out.
Please let us know!
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 5:17 PM
To: Blumm, Kate
Subject: Greenpoint Landing
Kate: Good talking to you yesterday. I’ve reattached the invite letter, which includes details on the
project and broad thinking on messaging. In terms of a potential event, here’s what we were
Timing: A May or June groundbreaking would be timely, with two affordable buildings underway and
a third ready to break ground.
Location: The affordable building ready to break ground (site F) has remarkable views of the water
and skyline, and is adjacent to the park and the first affordable building, which broke ground 10
months ago and is close to topping out.
Speaking program: The more the merrier, but would think speakers would come from among this
--Deputy Mayor Glen
--Commissioner Been
--Commissioner Rodney
--Commissioner Silver
--George Klein
--Ron Moelis
Local electeds
--CM Levin
--AM Lentol
--Sen. Dilan
--BP Adams
--Cong. Maloney
--Open Space Alliance
--Others TBD
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
TO: Office of the Deputy Mayor for Housing & Economic Development
FROM: Greenpoint Landing Associates and L+M Development Partners
DATE: June 12, 2015
RE: Greenpoint Landing Groundbreaking Celebration

The memo below outlines proposed details of the press conference for the
upcoming Greenpoint Landing groundbreaking, key messages and information
about the project.

About Greenpoint Landing

Greenpoint Landing is a 22-acre development that will transform a half-mile stretch
of Brooklyn waterfront into a mixed-use, mixed-income residential community,
including much needed affordable housing, neighborhood retail, substantial public
open space and a new public school. When complete, Greenpoint Landing will
include approximately 5,500 residential units, of which 1,400 will be affordable.

The project is being developed by Greenpoint Landing Associates, LLC, and they
have partnered with L+M Development Partners on the first three affordable
housing buildings. James Corner Field Operations is responsible for the open space
design and Handel Architects is designing the first phases of development.

Press Conference
When: Friday, June 26, 2015 – 11 a.m. (call for 10:30, start at 11)
Where: 21 Commercial Street, at the corner of Franklin Street. The site of the press
conference will be approximately 200 feet into the property with a breathtaking
view of the waterfront and skyline as a backdrop. The press conference location is
the site of a 100% permanently affordable housing building, which we will be
breaking ground on. This building is the third such affordable housing building all
currently under construction at Greenpoint Landing and is situated within one block
of the other two 100% permanently affordable buildings that were financed in
conjunction with HPD and HDC.

Potential Speakers:
 Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen
 HPD Commissioner Vicki Been
 HDC President Gary Rodney
 Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney
 Parks Commissioner Mitchell Silver
 Councilmember Stephen Levin
 Assembly Member Joe Lentol
 Borough President Eric Adams
 George Klein, Park Tower Group
 Ron Moelis, CEO of L+M Development Partners
 Community representative: Open Space Alliance or Ward Dennis/Dewey
 We will also invite additional elected officials and will offer speaking roles if
they attend: State Senator Martin Dilan, Senator Chuck Schumer, Senator
Kirsten Gillibrand, State Senator Daniel Squadron.

Additional invitations:
 DOB: Commissioner Rick Chandler
 DOT Commissioner Polly Trottenberg
 SBS: Commissioner Maria Springer Torres
 SCA: Lorraine Grillo
 DCP: Purnima Kapur
 Representatives from State Department of Environmental Conservation

Press targets:
 Brooklyn reporters:
o Brooklyn Daily Eagle
o Brooklyn Paper
o Brooklyn Courier Life
o Brooklyn Reader
o Greenpoint Gazette
o Greenpoint Star
o DNA Info
o Brownstoner
o Brokelyn
o Brooklyn Magazine
o News 12
o NY1 – Jeanine Ramirez
o NY Times – Vivian Yee
 Real estate/housing/open space reporters
o Architect’s Newspaper
o Architectural Record
o Bloomberg – David Levitt
o Capital NY – Dana Rubenstein
o Crains – Joe Anuta
o Curbed
o Daily News – Kathy Clarke
o Dezeen – Alan Brake
o Inhabit
o Huffington Post – James Gerken
o NY Observer – Kim Velsey
o Oculus
o Next City – Ariella Cohen
o NY Times – Michelle Higgins
o NY Post – Steve Cuozzo
o The Real Deal – EB Solomont
o Real Estate Weekly
o 6 Square Feet
o Wall Street Journal – Emily Nonko
o WNYC – Janet Babin
 TV and radio desks
 City Hall reporters

We would offer news as an exclusive to run on day of event. Target is TBD.

Key Messages
 Fulfilling the City’s promise to Greenpoint: Greenpoint Landing delivers
on the longstanding promises of open space and affordable housing to the
Greenpoint community, leveraging City investments in infrastructure (parks,
streets, and schools) and exemplifying the de Blasio administration’s
approach to planning.
o Additionally, a sludge tank long-hated by the community was
removed last year.
 Affordable housing: Greenpoint Landing will include approximately 1,400
affordable units, representing 25% of the total number of housing units in
the development. By kicking off the project with three 100% permanently
affordable buildings and designating 50% of the apartments as two-bedroom
units, we are prioritizing affordable housing for low- and moderate-income
families in the community for many years to come. Nearly 300 affordable
units will become available over the next two years.
o The first affordable housing building at 21 Commercial Street, with 93
units (40-60% of AMI), is topping out and is expected to open next
o The second affordable building at 33 Eagle Street (98 units – 40%-
120% AMI)is in foundation stages.
o We are breaking ground on the third affordable housing building at 5
Blue Slip, with 103 units (30-60% AMI), which will open in 2017.
 Resilient open space: When the project is complete, four acres of new
world-class open space designed by James Corner Field Operations will
reconnect residents with the waterfront as well as serve as a resilient storm
barrier for the Greenpoint community.
o Open space complements the five acres of public parks the City is
building at Newtown Barge Park, Greenpoint Playground, and Box
Street Park.
 Greenpoint Landing Associates has contributed $5.5 million for
the reconstruction of Newtown Barge Park.
o Waterfront open space was designed as an innovative series of
terraces with materials that can sustain tidal surge.
o Strategy puts the development well above the revised FEMA 100-year
flood elevation, protecting the buildings and the neighborhood.
o The open space network is also designed to incorporate larger-scale
public amenity areas, such as a great lawn, a picnic area, a dog run and
the Green Street Pier.
 Upcoming phases: It is anticipated that construction of the first two towers
and the associated waterfront esplanade and public open space with access
to the water will commence before the end of the year.
 Architecture: These three affordable buildings as well as the first towers
and the overall site master plan are designed by Gary Handel of Handel
Architects. The buildings reflect a modern Brooklyn industrial aesthetic –
with considerable use of brick, steel, and divided light windows that recall
the manufacturing history of the Greenpoint neighborhood.
 Infrastructure: Privately-funded infrastructure improvements to improve
the street grid will complement DOT’s upcoming reconstruction of West
Street as a greenway with bicycle lanes.
 Neighborhood retail: The first phase of development will also feature retail
space, intended to be dedicated to local retailers.
 Public school: GLA has agreed to gift land to the School Construction
Authority (SCA) for a 640-seat pre-k through 8th District 14 grade public
school. Approximately $45M allocated in its FY2015-2019 capital plan for
design and construction
 Ferry landing: Permitted for a ferry landing adjacent to Newtown Barge

Logistics TBD
The following items should be considered for the press conference:
 A/V, seating, podium: provided by City?
 Refreshments
 Hardhats
 Boards of renderings
 Rain plan
From: Davis, Tanyanika
To: "Jeremy Soffin"
Subject: RE: Quick q
Date: Friday, June 12, 2015 2:44:26 PM

Cool, thanks!
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 2:43 PM
To: Davis, Tanyanika
Subject: RE: Quick q

Ok will work on that, didn’t realize that was a thing. In meantime here’s the info:
Cornell Tech Presence on Roosevelt Island
- Cornell Tech’s current presence on Gallery RIVAA on Main Street is the start of their
entrance to New York City as an institutional neighbor.
- The future campus is filled with open space that will invite visitors from all over the
city and world to visit and explore.
- Cornell Tech’s committed to becoming a full member of the community and to
bringing some of the best and brightest minds in tech to the university not only to
benefit their students, but all Roosevelt Islanders.

Miwa Takaki/Hack Day

- For Cornell Tech’s “Hack Roosevelt Island” day this past April, Miwa Takaki, MBA ’15,
led over half of the student body to engage in volunteerism at PS/IS 217 on
Roosevelt Island and at the Roosevelt Island Senior Center.
- They taught middle school students coding skills they’ll be able to use for a lifetime
and helped senior citizens learn basic computer literacy and Internet skills to help
them get around on the web.
- Lucky for us, Miwa won’t be leaving New York after graduation. While she is
originally from the west coast, she will be staying in the city after graduation and
continue to pursue her passion volunteering, and introducing people of all ages to
tech in the time she is not working as a product manager for eBay.

Startup Awards
- For Cornell Tech’s inaugural Startup Awards, five student companies received
$40,000 in pre-seed funding and co-working space from the university
- With generous support from the Blackstone Charitable Foundation and Forest City
Ratner Companies, the five student startups recently moved into office space in the
New York Times building and have become the newest members of New York’s tech

- Founded by Neil Lakin, MEng ’15; Yukti Abrol, MEng ’15; and Matt Windt, MBA '15
- Mynd solves every parent and teacher’s worst nightmare by making it easier to keep
track of kids in public spaces.
- It’s a simple Bluetooth wristband that alerts members when a child goes astray –
keeping kinds from getting lost.
- It doesn’t require any infrastructure, any wireless network, cell phone reception,
GPS, or data – all things that could potentially lose service in public place.
- It’s an affordable, high tech solution that can make a real difference when it comes
to keeping kids safe and giving adults peace of mind.

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Davis, Tanyanika [mailto:TDavis2@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 2:41 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Quick q

Hi again, just reaching back out for names and contact info for the students you mentioned below.
We need to have them vetted so the sooner we make, contact the better.
Tanyanika Davis
Office of the Mayor
(212) 341-5383 (o)
(646) 789-2453 (m)
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 11:35 AM
To: Davis, Tanyanika
Subject: Re: Quick q

Yes we'll have two for you, one a student staying in city for a big tech job who also
organized hackathon for kids on RI and one about a startup

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646-200-5318 (o)
917-860-9076 (c)

On Jun 12, 2015, at 11:33 AM, Davis, Tanyanika <TDavis2@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Oh wow. Okay then. Any luck with a story? Everyone liked your angle.
Tanyanika Davis
Office of the Mayor
(212) 341-5383 (o)
(646) 789-2453 (m)
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 11:32 AM
To: Davis, Tanyanika
Subject: Re: Quick q

Inaugural class in 2013 was only 7 people. I can check on the one in between but
not sure.

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646-200-5318 (o)
917-860-9076 (c)

On Jun 12, 2015, at 11:28 AM, Davis, Tanyanika <TDavis2@cityhall.nyc.gov>


Hey, so I really liked the stat about the impact on NYC (highlighted it
Do they have the same stats (how many stayed, how many startups)
going back to inaugural 2012 class?
I'm researching some faculty accomplishments now
Tanyanika Davis
Office of the Mayor
(212) 341-5383 (o)
(646) 789-2453 (m)
-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2015 4:24 PM
To: Singleton, Jessica
Cc: Davis, Tanyanika
Subject: RE: Quick q
Cornell Tech FAQ
About Cornell Tech
Cornell Tech develops pioneering leaders and technologies for the digital
age. Cornell Tech brings together faculty, business leaders, tech
entrepreneurs, and students in a catalytic environment to produce
visionary results grounded in significant needs that will reinvent the way
we live in the digital age. Cornell Tech's temporary campus has been up
and running at Google's Chelsea building since 2012, with a growing
world-class faculty, and about 150 master's and Ph.D. students who
collaborate extensively with tech-oriented companies and organizations
and pursue their own start-ups.
About the Roosevelt Island campus
Construction is underway on Cornell Tech's campus on Roosevelt Island,
with a first phase due to open in 2017. When fully completed, the campus
will include 2 million square feet of state-of- the-art buildings, more than
two acres of open space, and will be home to more than 2,000 graduate
students and hundreds of faculty and staff. It will be one of the most
environmentally-friendly and energy-efficient campuses in the world.
Phase one includes:
*       First Academic Building, designed by Thom Mayne of Morphosis
*       The Bridge, a first-of-its-kind corporate co-location building to fuse
academia and industry, developed by Forest City Ratner Companies and
designed by Weiss/Manfredi
*       A residential building for faculty, staff and graduate students that will
be the first Passive House high-rise in the world, developed by The
Hudson Companies and designed by Handel Architects
In January, Verizon announced a $50 million gift to develop the Verizon
Executive Education Center, a convening place to leverage the impact the
campus has on technology beyond its degree programs.
Are students really staying and making an impact in NY?
More than half of the 73 computer science and business students that
just graduated in May are staying in New York City for job opportunities
and to pursue their own startups. Almost one-third of the graduates are
pursuing their own ventures that were developed on campus.
That includes the winners of Cornell Tech's first ever Startup Awards. Five
companies that students developed during their academic program at
Cornell Tech were awarded pre-seed funding from the Blackstone
Foundation and one year of free co-working space at the New York Times
building in midtown, courtesy of Forest City Ratner Companies. The
students are now working on their startups - in the fields of health,
childcare, finance and more - full-time. The awards level the startup
playing field, ensuring that young but strong startup ideas can get off the
ground without a wealthy personal network.
Are you still on track to complete the campus by 2037?
Yes, this is a long-term project and we are on track to finish construction
of the full campus by 2037.
How are you supporting K-12?
Cornell has partnered with more than a dozen local schools, including
PS/IS 217 on Roosevelt Island, on professional development for teachers
and implementing tech education into school and after-school
programming. We're also hosting a series of events with Google to bring
together stakeholders from City Hall, public schools and the tech industry
to talk about how to prepare students for the digital age.
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
-----Original Message-----
From: Singleton, Jessica [mailto:JSingleton@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2015 2:18 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Cc: Davis, Tanyanika
Subject: Re: Quick q
Great. Adding tanyanika who will call you then!
> On Jun 11, 2015, at 14:17, Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
> In a meeting til 3. Could talk then or after 4?
> Jeremy Soffin
> BerlinRosen Public Affairs
> 646-200-5318
> 917-860-9076
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Singleton, Jessica [mailto:JSingleton@cityhall.nyc.gov]
> Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2015 2:16 PM
> To: Jeremy Soffin
> Subject: Quick q
> Hey! Working on mayor's Cornell tech remarks. Could I give you a quick
> Thanks!
From: Davis . Tanvanika
To: "Jeremy Soffin"
Subject: RE: Quick q
Dat e : Friday, June 12, 2015 4 :54:29 PM

Great. Thank you so much. Really appreciate it.

Tanyanika Davis
Office of the Mayor
(212) 341-5383 (o)
{646) 789-2453 (m)

From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 4:46 PM
To: Davis, Tanyanika
Subject: RE: Quick q

Jeremy Soffin
Berlin Rosen Public Affairs

From: Davis, Tanyanika [majlto:TDayjs2@cicyhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 2:41 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Quick q

Hi again, j ust reaching back out for names and contact info for t he st udents you mentioned below.
We need to have them vetted so the sooner we make, cont act the better.


Tanyanika Davis
Office of the Mayor
(212) 341-5383 (o)
{646) 789-2453 (m)
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 11:35 AM
To: Davis, Tanyanika
Subject: Re: Quick q

Yes we'll have two for you, one a student staying in city for a big tech job who also
organized hackathon for kids on RI and one about a startup

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646-200-5318 (o)
917-860-9076 (c)

On Jun 12, 2015, at 11:33 AM, Davis, Tanyanika <TDavis2@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Oh wow. Okay then. Any luck with a story? Everyone liked your angle.
Tanyanika Davis
Office of the Mayor
(212) 341-5383 (o)
(646) 789-2453 (m)
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 11:32 AM
To: Davis, Tanyanika
Subject: Re: Quick q

Inaugural class in 2013 was only 7 people. I can check on the one in between but
not sure.

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646-200-5318 (o)
917-860-9076 (c)

On Jun 12, 2015, at 11:28 AM, Davis, Tanyanika <TDavis2@cityhall.nyc.gov>


Hey, so I really liked the stat about the impact on NYC (highlighted it
Do they have the same stats (how many stayed, how many startups)
going back to inaugural 2012 class?
I'm researching some faculty accomplishments now
Tanyanika Davis
Office of the Mayor
(212) 341-5383 (o)
(646) 789-2453 (m)
-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2015 4:24 PM
To: Singleton, Jessica
Cc: Davis, Tanyanika
Subject: RE: Quick q
Cornell Tech FAQ
About Cornell Tech
Cornell Tech develops pioneering leaders and technologies for the digital
age. Cornell Tech brings together faculty, business leaders, tech
entrepreneurs, and students in a catalytic environment to produce
visionary results grounded in significant needs that will reinvent the way
we live in the digital age. Cornell Tech's temporary campus has been up
and running at Google's Chelsea building since 2012, with a growing
world-class faculty, and about 150 master's and Ph.D. students who
collaborate extensively with tech-oriented companies and organizations
and pursue their own start-ups.
About the Roosevelt Island campus
Construction is underway on Cornell Tech's campus on Roosevelt Island,
with a first phase due to open in 2017. When fully completed, the campus
will include 2 million square feet of state-of- the-art buildings, more than
two acres of open space, and will be home to more than 2,000 graduate
students and hundreds of faculty and staff. It will be one of the most
environmentally-friendly and energy-efficient campuses in the world.
Phase one includes:
*       First Academic Building, designed by Thom Mayne of Morphosis
*       The Bridge, a first-of-its-kind corporate co-location building to fuse
academia and industry, developed by Forest City Ratner Companies and
designed by Weiss/Manfredi
*       A residential building for faculty, staff and graduate students that will
be the first Passive House high-rise in the world, developed by The
Hudson Companies and designed by Handel Architects
In January, Verizon announced a $50 million gift to develop the Verizon
Executive Education Center, a convening place to leverage the impact the
campus has on technology beyond its degree programs.
Are students really staying and making an impact in NY?
More than half of the 73 computer science and business students that
just graduated in May are staying in New York City for job opportunities
and to pursue their own startups. Almost one-third of the graduates are
pursuing their own ventures that were developed on campus.
That includes the winners of Cornell Tech's first ever Startup Awards. Five
companies that students developed during their academic program at
Cornell Tech were awarded pre-seed funding from the Blackstone
Foundation and one year of free co-working space at the New York Times
building in midtown, courtesy of Forest City Ratner Companies. The
students are now working on their startups - in the fields of health,
childcare, finance and more - full-time. The awards level the startup
playing field, ensuring that young but strong startup ideas can get off the
ground without a wealthy personal network.
Are you still on track to complete the campus by 2037?
Yes, this is a long-term project and we are on track to finish construction
of the full campus by 2037.
How are you supporting K-12?
Cornell has partnered with more than a dozen local schools, including
PS/IS 217 on Roosevelt Island, on professional development for teachers
and implementing tech education into school and after-school
programming. We're also hosting a series of events with Google to bring
together stakeholders from City Hall, public schools and the tech industry
to talk about how to prepare students for the digital age.
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
-----Original Message-----
From: Singleton, Jessica [mailto:JSingleton@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2015 2:18 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Cc: Davis, Tanyanika
Subject: Re: Quick q
Great. Adding tanyanika who will call you then!
> On Jun 11, 2015, at 14:17, Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
> In a meeting til 3. Could talk then or after 4?
> Jeremy Soffin
> BerlinRosen Public Affairs
> 646-200-5318
> 917-860-9076
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Singleton, Jessica [mailto:JSingleton@cityhall.nyc.gov]
> Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2015 2:16 PM
> To: Jeremy Soffin
> Subject: Quick q
> Hey! Working on mayor's Cornell tech remarks. Could I give you a quick
> Thanks!
From: Carey, Michael
To: jeremy@berlinrosen.com
Cc: Grybauskas, Stefan
Subject: Tuesday
Date: Sunday, June 14, 2015 12:20:29 PM


Stefan who is cc’d will be advancing the Mayor on Tuesday for the Groundbreaking.

From: Blumm, Kate
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: tuesday
Date: Sunday, June 14, 2015 7:30:00 PM

If Kramer is speaking, must be Passive House bldg site?

From: Blumm, Kate

Sent: Sunday, June 14, 2015 7:29 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: tuesday

what site is the groundbreaking on? Is it an academic building?

From: Jeremy Soffin
To: Blumm, Kate
Subject: Re: tuesday
Date: Sunday, June 14, 2015 7:56:31 PM

You have time to chat?

The photo op is on the construction site. The program is at Hillary Clinton park (aka
Four Freedoms).

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646-200-5318 (o)
917-860-9076 (c)

On Jun 14, 2015, at 7:29 PM, Blumm, Kate <KBlumm@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

what site is the groundbreaking on? Is it an academic building?

From: Blumm, Kate
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: tuesday
Date: Sunday, June 14, 2015 8:17:56 PM

ready when you are--

From: Jeremy Soffin [jeremy@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Sunday, June 14, 2015 7:59 PM
To: Blumm, Kate
Subject: Re: tuesday

Perfect, same.

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646-200-5318 (o)
917-860-9076 (c)

On Jun 14, 2015, at 7:58 PM, Blumm, Kate <KBlumm@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

In 20-30? doing bedtime routine

From: Jeremy Soffin [jeremy@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Sunday, June 14, 2015 7:56 PM
To: Blumm, Kate
Subject: Re: tuesday

Celebrating construction of all three buildings. 

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646-200-5318 (o)
917-860-9076 (c)

On Jun 14, 2015, at 7:30 PM, Blumm, Kate <KBlumm@cityhall.nyc.gov>


If Kramer is speaking, must be Passive House bldg site?

From: Blumm, Kate

Sent: Sunday, June 14, 2015 7:29 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: tuesday

what site is the groundbreaking on? Is it an academic building?

From: Jeremy Soffin
To: Blumm, Kate
Subject: co-lo release
Date: Sunday, June 14, 2015 8:53:39 PM
Attachments: Bridge draft release 6.12.15 final.docx

This is going out tomorrow morning in case it's helpful for remarks.

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
Contact: Jeremy Soffin or Jovana Rizzo, BerlinRosen, 646-452-5637

Forest City Ratner Companies Unveils The Bridge at Cornell Tech:

First-Of-Its-Kind Space for Tech Innovation, Connecting Academia & Industry

The Bridge at Cornell Tech will accelerate innovation & commercialization with
startups, faculty, students, researchers and established companies under one roof

NEW YORK – Forest City Ratner Companies today launched The Bridge at Cornell
Tech, a first-of-its-kind building that will be located at the heart of Cornell Tech’s
campus on Roosevelt Island. The Bridge at Cornell Tech, developed by Forest City
Ratner Companies and designed by WEISS/MANFREDI, will offer an opportunity for
a limited number of start-ups and established companies pushing the edge of digital
technology to be on campus. The Bridge will house an ecosystem of companies,
researchers and entrepreneurs who are focused on catalyzing innovation and the
commercialization of new products and technologies, driving economic growth for
New York. The Bridge will be the only building in New York City designed and built
to leverage the resources of a cutting edge research university, and to remove all
barriers to collaboration and innovation with the world’s most cutting-edge
companies. Construction commenced in May on the Bridge, which will be part of
phase one of Cornell Tech’s campus, due to open in summer 2017. A video trailer
introducing the building is available at www.thebridgeatcornelltech.com.

“The Bridge at Cornell Tech is a place for companies looking to test and launch
products and ideas, a place where research comes to life and technology meets the
market,” said MaryAnne Gilmartin, President and CEO of Forest City Ratner
Companies. “For the right companies committed to innovation and collaboration,
The Bridge will provide a massive competitive advantage at the center of the
campus and the heart of New York City.”

“Cornell Tech has already made great strides in fusing academia and industry in our
academic and research programs, and The Bridge will be the physical manifestation
of that mission on our campus on Roosevelt Island,” said Cornell Tech Dean Dan
Huttenlocher. “The Bridge will be the epicenter of this fusion on campus, putting
practitioners, companies, students, faculty, and researchers in close proximity to
one another in a design that encourages collaboration.”

From MetroTech in Brooklyn to the 5M project in San Francisco and University Park
at MIT, Forest City has been at the forefront of place-making for the innovation
economy, bringing together creative industry leaders and higher education to create
truly 21st century places.

The Bridge will house a mix of cutting-edge companies working alongside

groundbreaking Cornell academic teams: from recent Cornell Tech graduates
spinning out new company ideas, to startups on the verge of explosive growth, and
established companies testing their next product.

Designed with flexible spaces and loft-like common areas, the building will
encourage random interactions and deep collaborations that solve problems, build
partnerships and accelerate new products to market. The result will be one of the
greatest concentrations of talent in the country, and an unparalleled community of
entrepreneurs eager to collaborate and test new ideas, launch new products, and
start new businesses.

“The Bridge is a crystalline incubator with river-to-river views and creates a three
dimensional crossroads, an ecosystem of innovation that catalyzes collaboration
between academics and entrepreneurs.” - Marion Weiss and Michael Manfredi,
design partners at WEISS/MANFREDI Architecture/Landscape/Urbanism.

From demo days, hackathons, lectures and conferences, to opportunities to

collaborate with faculty and students and to participate in special events for the tech
and creative community, companies at The Bridge will be part of and will thrive on
the entrepreneurial energy at Cornell Tech and the larger NYC tech community. It
will serve as a model for future tech sector growth and innovation.

The building is being designed to achieve LEED Silver certification, and, situated on
the east side of Roosevelt Island, will feature expansive views of the waterfront,
Queens and Manhattan. It will be one of the three main buildings as part of phase
one of Cornell Tech’s campus, which also includes the First Academic Building, a
residential building that will be the first Passive House high-rise in the world, and
substantial open space. The campus will be one of the most environmentally-
friendly and energy-efficient campuses in the world.

About Forest City Ratner Companies

FCRC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Forest City Enterprises, Inc., owns and operates
34 properties in the New York metropolitan area. Forest City Enterprises, Inc. is an
NYSE-listed national real estate company with $8.8 billion in total assets. The
Company is principally engaged in the ownership, development, management and
acquisition of commercial and residential real estate throughout the United States.
For more information, visit www.forestcity.net.
About Cornell Tech
Cornell Tech develops pioneering leaders and technologies for the digital age.
Cornell Tech brings together faculty, business leaders, tech entrepreneurs, and
students in a catalytic environment to produce visionary results grounded in
significant needs that will reinvent the way we live in the digital age. Cornell Tech is
the home of the Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute, a novel partnership between
Cornell and the Technion Israel Institute of Technology, focused on technology
innovation in inter-disciplinary areas of Connective Media, Healthier Life and the
Built Environment. Cornell Tech’s temporary campus has been up and running at
Google’s Chelsea building since 2012, with a growing world-class faculty, and over
100 master’s and Ph.D. students who collaborate extensively with tech-oriented
companies and organizations and pursue their own start-ups. Construction is
underway on Cornell Tech’s campus on Roosevelt Island, with a first phase due to
open in 2017. When fully completed, the campus will include 2 million square feet of
state-of- the-art buildings, over 2 acres of open space, and will be home to more
than 2,000 graduate students and hundreds of faculty and staff.

WEISS/MANFREDI is a multidisciplinary design firm in New York City known for its
dynamic integration of architecture, art, infrastructure, and landscape design.
Founded by Marion Weiss and Michael A. Manfredi, their projects include the
Olympic Sculpture Park in Seattle, the Brooklyn Botanic Garden Visitor Center, and
the Women’s Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery. They are currently
redesigning the United States Embassy campus in New Delhi, India.

From: Grybauskas, Stefan
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Tuesday
Date: Monday, June 15, 2015 11:37:00 AM

Great I’ll see you then.

From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 11:28 AM
To: Grybauskas, Stefan
Subject: RE: Tuesday

Great. Please meet at the NW corner of the Cornell construction site (basically just south of the
bridge on the west side of the island. My cell is 917-860-9076 in case you need it.
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Grybauskas, Stefan [mailto:SGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 11:26 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: Re: Tuesday

Does 2pm work for you?

Stefan Grybauskas
Associate Director of Advance
Office of the Mayor
City of New York
C: 347-515-5874

From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 11:21 AM
To: Grybauskas, Stefan
Subject: RE: Tuesday

I’m your guy. Pick a time and I’ll meet you out there.
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Grybauskas, Stefan [mailto:SGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 11:19 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: Re: Tuesday


Who can help me set up a walkthrough today for this event? I am available before 4pm.


Stefan Grybauskas
Associate Director of Advance
Office of the Mayor
City of New York
C: 347-515-5874

From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Sunday, June 14, 2015 08:52 PM
To: Carey, Michael
Cc: Grybauskas, Stefan
Subject: RE: Tuesday

Hi Stefan, please let me know if you want to connect and how I can be helpful.
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Carey, Michael [mailto:MPCarey@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Sunday, June 14, 2015 12:20 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Cc: Grybauskas, Stefan
Subject: Tuesday

Stefan who is cc’d will be advancing the Mayor on Tuesday for the Groundbreaking.
From: Carey, Michael
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: Re: Tomorrow
Date: Monday, June 15, 2015 12:28:52 PM


Michael Paul Carey

City Hall
New York, New York

> On Jun 15, 2015, at 12:28 PM, Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
> No, he was talking about the van. Van earlier, MBDB 10:30. All good.
> Jeremy Soffin
> BerlinRosen Public Affairs
> 646-200-5318
> 917-860-9076
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Carey, Michael [mailto:MPCarey@cityhall.nyc.gov]
> Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 12:27 PM
> To: Jeremy Soffin
> Subject: Re: Tomorrow
> Levitan
> Michael Paul Carey
> City Hall
> New York, New York
>> On Jun 15, 2015, at 12:26 PM, Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
>> Who is telling you earlier? I wouldn't even WANT him there earlier.
>> Press should be there earlier to get set. MBDB should arrive at 10:30 or whatever close to that
counts as on time (at MTA we allowed 5 minutes and 59 seconds).
>> Jeremy Soffin
>> BerlinRosen Public Affairs
>> 646-200-5318
>> 917-860-9076
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Carey, Michael [mailto:MPCarey@cityhall.nyc.gov]
>> Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 12:23 PM
>> To: Jeremy Soffin
>> Subject: Tomorrow
>> Hi there. I have him there at 1030 am. Now being told earlier. We had agreed with 1030. This
poses a problem.
>> Michael Paul Carey
>> City Hall
>> New York, New York
From: Adams, Marti
To: Jeremy Soffin; Singleton, Jessica
Subject: RE: Quick q
Date: Monday, June 15, 2015 12:52:00 PM

Got it, thanks

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 12:52 PM
To: Adams, Marti; Singleton, Jessica
Subject: RE: Quick q

Photo op is

Cornell prez Skorton
Cornell Tech dean Huttenlocher
Cornell Chair Bob Harrison
David Kramer, Hudson Companies
MaryAnne Gilmartin, Forest City Ratner Companies (and maybe MMV, not confirmed)

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

-----Original Message-----
From: Adams, Marti [mailto:MAdams@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 12:50 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin; Singleton, Jessica
Subject: RE: Quick q

Thank you!
Would be most helpful to get a list of the VIPs who'll be participating in the photo op

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 12:49 PM
To: Singleton, Jessica
Cc: Adams, Marti
Subject: RE: Quick q

We're expecting around 200 people.

I will try to get you a full rsvp list. I suspect there are some admin people who haven't rsvped but will

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
-----Original Message-----
From: Singleton, Jessica [mailto:JSingleton@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 12:48 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Cc: Adams, Marti
Subject: RE: Quick q

Thanks! How many people will be there in total?

Do you have an electeds list?
Do you know who from our admin will be there?

Sorry to bombard you with questions... thank you!!

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2015 4:44 PM
To: Singleton, Jessica
Subject: RE: Quick q

Also this

*       Cornell Tech develops pioneering leaders and technologies for the digital age.

*       In a new approach to graduate education not seen at any other university, engineering and
business students learn and work side-by-side at Cornell Tech, spending one-third of their experience
together in a co-curriculum. They collaborate with the tech industry and postdoc-level researchers to
build start-up companies and new products. By bringing these talents together at the start, there is
enormous potential for better, more impactful and ultimately more successful companies and products.

*       More than half of the 73 computer science and business students that just graduated in May are
staying in New York City for job opportunities and to pursue their own startups. Almost one-third of the
graduates are pursuing their own ventures that were developed on campus.

*       This year, Cornell Tech launched the Startup Awards. Five companies that students developed
during their academic program at Cornell Tech were awarded pre-seed funding from the Blackstone
Foundation and one year of free co-working space at the New York Times building in midtown, courtesy
of Forest City Ratner Companies. The students are now working on their startups - in the fields of
health, childcare, finance and more - full-time. The awards level the startup playing field, ensuring that
young but strong startup ideas can get off the ground without a wealthy personal network.

*       Construction is underway on the first phase of Cornell Tech's 12-acre campus on Roosevelt Island.
With the unique opportunity to build a campus from scratch in the heart of New York City, Cornell has
assembled a team of award-winning architects to design an open campus that will facilitate the
interaction between academia and industry that's central to Cornell Tech's mission. Established
companies and startups, including student ventures, will locate on campus in The Bridge, Cornell Tech's
first corporate co-location building.

*       The campus will be highly sustainable - the residential building will be the world's first passive
house high-rise, and the first academic building aspires to be net zero, with all of its energy generated
on campus.

*       We've also begun efforts to meet our commitments to enrich tech education for New York City
public school children. Cornell has partnered with more than a dozen local schools, including PS/IS 217
on Roosevelt Island. We're also hosting a series of events with Google to bring together stakeholders
from City Hall, public schools and the tech industry to talk about how to prepare students for the digital

*       The Jacobs Institute at Cornell Tech is the academic partnership between Cornell and the
Technion. The Institute's first program in Connective Media launched this past year, with a second
program called Healthier Life launching in the fall. Healthier Life will bridge the gap between healthcare
and tech, removing the barriers between research and application to reinvent the way all of us
experience and manage health. Recent Ph.D. graduates are also building companies at the Jacobs
Institute through the Runway program, where postdocs transform their research into new companies
and products.

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

-----Original Message-----
From: Singleton, Jessica [mailto:JSingleton@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2015 2:16 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: Quick q

Hey! Working on mayor's Cornell tech remarks. Could I give you a quick ring?
From: Blumm, Kate
To: "Jeremy Soffin"
Subject: RE: Can I see RSVP list for tomorrow?
Date: Monday, June 15, 2015 1:13:12 PM

From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 1:13 PM
To: Blumm, Kate
Subject: RE: Can I see RSVP list for tomorrow?

Yes, I’ve requested it and will share with you and other folks at CH who requested soon as I get it.
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Blumm, Kate [mailto:KBlumm@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 1:10 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: Can I see RSVP list for tomorrow?

Want to show Alicia, thanks.

From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: "Dan Levitan"
Subject: RE: Cornell run of show tomorrow
Date: Monday, June 15, 2015 1:21:31 PM

From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 1:21 PM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: RE: Cornell run of show tomorrow

This is good.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 1:01 PM
To: Dan Levitan
Subject: RE: Cornell run of show tomorrow

Also does the program actually start at 10:30 ? Let me know if this is all fine for advising to press. Are
you good with the yellow highlights below?
On Tuesday, Mayor de Blasio will deliver remarks at the groundbreaking for the Cornell
Tech campus on Roosevelt Island.
10:30 AM – Attends Groundbreaking Ceremony for Cornell Tech Campus and Delivers
527 Main Street
Roosevelt Island, NY
Media must be preset by 10:00 am.
From: Grybauskas, Natalie
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 12:58 PM
To: 'Dan Levitan'
Subject: RE: Cornell run of show tomorrow

From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 12:58 PM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: RE: Cornell run of show tomorrow

Great, and yes it's the whole campus so what you have is right

Dan Levitan
Berlin Rosen Public Affairs
0 : 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475
@l evitandan

From: Grybauskas, Natalie (majlto ·NGrybauskas@cjtyhal! nyc goy]

Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 12:41 PM
To: Dan Levitan
Subject: RE : Cornell run of show tomorrow

Hey Da n
I set up the va n so the press will arrive by 10 am.

I'm wondering what the actual name of the build ing is, or if this gro undbreaking is fo r the entire
campus? I want to make sure we have it correct o n the mayor's public schedule.

Is this a ll right?" Mayor de Blasia will deliver remarks at the groundbreaking for the Cornell Tech
campus on Roosevelt Island"
If not, let me know what should be in t hat sentence instead.

From: Stefan Grybauskas

Sent: Monday, June 15,
To: Dan Levitan; Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: Re: Cornell run of show tomorrow

H ey Dan,

I am looping you w ith Natalie fr om the press office who helps coordinate th e press van etc.

She can work with you on timing an d press logistics for the Com ell Tour.

On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 11 :55 AM Dan Levitan < dan@berlinrosen com> wrote:
Hey Stefan-

Are you the right person for this? I work w ith Comell and wanted to reach out about what
time th e Room 9 press van is set to get to Roosevelt Island tomon ow. We would like to
have them anive by 10 AM for the pre -press conference walking tour and photo op .

Does that make sense?

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475
From: Blumm, Kate
To: Jeremy Soffin (jeremy@berlinrosen.com)
Subject: Can I see Hutternlocher"s remarks?
Date: Monday, June 15, 2015 1:38:23 PM

From: Jeremy Soffin
To: Adams, Marti
Subject: Fwd: rsvp list
Date: Monday, June 15, 2015 1:43:53 PM
Attachments: RSVPs as of 6.10.15.xlsx

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646-200-5318 (o)
917-860-9076 (c)

Begin forwarded message:

From: Victoria Summers <vsummers@productionglue.com>

Date: June 15, 2015 at 1:27:35 PM EDT
To: Meghan French <meghan.french@cornell.edu>
Cc: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: rsvp list

Hi Jeremy,

Please find attached the RSVP list, the most current list will be ready
after 5pm this evening.



victoria summers
c: 646.262.7896 | t: 212.913.9037
facebook | twitter | linkedin

On Jun 15, 2015, at 12:50 PM, Meghan French

<meghan.french@cornell.edu> wrote:

PLs see Jeremy’s request below.
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com] 
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 12:50 PM
To: Meghan French
Subject: rsvp list
Can you share the latest RSVP list for passing along to City Hall? Thanks.
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
First Name Last Name CEL_attendance_option
Jenna Abbott able_to_attend
Sarah Abdelnour able_to_attend
Aaron Abraham able_to_attend
Hardy Adasko able_to_attend
Mohammad Ali able_to_attend
Diana Allegretti able_to_attend
Geri Amera able_to_attend
edward applebome able_to_attend
Lois Arena able_to_attend
Stephen Ashley able_to_attend
Andrew Attara able_to_attend
Karen Backus able_to_attend
Jay Badame able_to_attend
David Baiz able_to_attend
Irma Barrera able_to_attend
Jennifer Bartolino able_to_attend
Mandana Beckman able_to_attend
David Berliner able_to_attend
Jennifer Berrios able_to_attend
Akshay Bhat able_to_attend
Judy Bicknell able_to_attend
Kate Bicknell able_to_attend
Neil Bicknell able_to_attend
Paul Birgy able_to_attend
Haley Bissegger able_to_attend
Brad Bitting able_to_attend
Helga Blum able_to_attend
Thomas Bonacuso able_to_attend
Swathi Bonda able_to_attend
John Bonomo able_to_attend
John Bowen able_to_attend
Aine Brazil able_to_attend
Bay Brown able_to_attend
Loraine Brown able_to_attend
Peter Burack able_to_attend
Ric Campbell able_to_attend
Elizabeth Canela able_to_attend
Ron Cardillo able_to_attend
Joseph Cassissa able_to_attend
Angela Cavaluzzi able_to_attend
Art Chang able_to_attend
Jai Chaudhary able_to_attend
Frank Cherena able_to_attend
Linda Chiarelli able_to_attend
Andrew Ciancia able_to_attend
Tina Citron able_to_attend
Dave Clarke able_to_attend
James Clynes able_to_attend
Alex Cohen able_to_attend
Esther Cohen able_to_attend
Joseph Coletti able_to_attend
Lance Collins able_to_attend
Karah Conklin able_to_attend
Darryl Connelly able_to_attend
Mark Connors able_to_attend
Costa Constantinides able_to_attend
Jeffrey Cook able_to_attend
Jesse Cooperman able_to_attend
Robbie Copley able_to_attend
Livi Corredor able_to_attend
Richard Cote able_to_attend
Fiona Cousins able_to_attend
Timothy Croke able_to_attend
Devaneke Crumpler able_to_attend
William Cunningham able_to_attend
marina dadashev able_to_attend
Tuyen Dang able_to_attend
Jasper DeFazio able_to_attend
Julie Delay able_to_attend
Julie Delay able_to_attend
Joanne DeStefano able_to_attend
John Di Capua able_to_attend
Ted Dodds able_to_attend
Lauren Du able_to_attend
Kevin Duffy able_to_attend
Jeff Egan able_to_attend
David Ehrenberg able_to_attend
Kellan Elliott-McCrea able_to_attend
Jeffrey Escobar able_to_attend
Ali Esmaeilzadeh able_to_attend
David Esterman able_to_attend
Deborah Estrin able_to_attend
Leecia Eve able_to_attend
David Firestone able_to_attend
David Fischell able_to_attend
Ursula Fokine able_to_attend
David Fowler able_to_attend
William Fowler able_to_attend
Evan Foxman able_to_attend
Robert Franco able_to_attend
Meghan French able_to_attend
Barbara Friedman able_to_attend
David Friedman able_to_attend
Max Friedman able_to_attend
Rachel Ganin able_to_attend
Charles Gans able_to_attend
Eric Gertler able_to_attend
Sally Gilliland able_to_attend
MaryAnne Gilmartin able_to_attend
Assaf Glazer able_to_attend
Ira Glener able_to_attend
Cliff Goldsmith able_to_attend
Tal Golomb able_to_attend
Noah Goodhart able_to_attend
Erich Graham able_to_attend
Adam Greene able_to_attend
Jared Hand able_to_attend
Leonard Harlan able_to_attend
Miriam Harris able_to_attend
Patti Harris able_to_attend
Luai Hassan able_to_attend
Maxwell Hatfield-Biondo able_to_attend
Kevin Hattori able_to_attend
Jen Hensley able_to_attend
Biyoung Heo able_to_attend
Aaron Holiday able_to_attend
Steven Hornstock able_to_attend
Janneke House able_to_attend
Jukay Hsu able_to_attend
Kent Hubbell able_to_attend
Matthew Huddleston able_to_attend
John Hunt able_to_attend
Dan Huttenlocher able_to_attend
Charlene Indelicato able_to_attend
Steven Jacobs able_to_attend
Allison Jaffen able_to_attend
Sophia James able_to_attend
Julie Janiski able_to_attend
Stephen Johnson able_to_attend
Meredith Jones able_to_attend
Thomas Jones able_to_attend
Habib Kairouz able_to_attend
Suri Kasirer able_to_attend
John Katinos able_to_attend
James Katz able_to_attend
Robert Katz able_to_attend
George Keller able_to_attend
Andrew Kennedy able_to_attend
Patrick Kenny able_to_attend
Steven Kenny able_to_attend
Hanul Kim able_to_attend
James Kizer able_to_attend
Jennifer Klein able_to_attend
Jerry Kleinman able_to_attend
Barbara Knuth able_to_attend
Aaron Koffman able_to_attend
Barbara Kohn able_to_attend
Nki Kokkinos able_to_attend
Saitejaswi Kondapalli able_to_attend
Dmitri Konon able_to_attend
CHAD KONRAD able_to_attend
Chad Konrad able_to_attend
Tarikh Korula able_to_attend
David Kramer able_to_attend
Joshua Kraus able_to_attend
Jeff Landau able_to_attend
Annie Langlois able_to_attend
Jessica Lappin able_to_attend
Chris Lau able_to_attend
Rick Laudisi able_to_attend
Jessica Lawrence able_to_attend
Ung Joo Scott Lee able_to_attend
stephen lefkowitz able_to_attend
Rick Leland able_to_attend
Thomas LePage able_to_attend
Yaron Levinson able_to_attend
Diane Levitt able_to_attend
Paul Lewis able_to_attend
Jonathan Libutti able_to_attend
Ryan Lobello able_to_attend
Gregory Lowe able_to_attend
Nicholas Lundgren able_to_attend
Elizabeth Lusskin able_to_attend
Xiao Ma able_to_attend
David Malawer able_to_attend
Joel Malina able_to_attend
Vincent Maniscalco able_to_attend
Sharon Marine able_to_attend
Emil Martone able_to_attend
Thomas McBryde able_to_attend
Jeffrey McCarthy able_to_attend
Michael McGough able_to_attend
Kevin McGovern able_to_attend
Tom McKnight able_to_attend
J McLoughlin able_to_attend
Dawn McWilliams able_to_attend
Shira Meir able_to_attend
Ronay Menschel able_to_attend
Ryan Merkin able_to_attend
Anthony Meyer able_to_attend
Gregory Meyer able_to_attend
Melanie Meyers able_to_attend
Blake Middleton able_to_attend
Dianne Miller able_to_attend
Michael Milstein able_to_attend
Sally Minard able_to_attend
Jim Mingle able_to_attend
Sadie Mitnick able_to_attend
Alok Mody able_to_attend
Deborah Moelis able_to_attend
Tamika Morales able_to_attend
Howard Morgan able_to_attend
Leslie Morris able_to_attend
Jeanne Mucci able_to_attend
Aditya Mukerjee able_to_attend
Erica Mulligan able_to_attend
Seth Myers able_to_attend
Emily Mytkowicz able_to_attend
Mor Naaman able_to_attend
Marissa Nemirofsky able_to_attend
Carolyn Neuman able_to_attend
Craig Nevill-Manning able_to_attend
Alison Novak able_to_attend
Beth Novitsky able_to_attend
Daniel O'Brien able_to_attend
Annie O'Toole able_to_attend
Christopher Oechsli able_to_attend
Erin Olavesen able_to_attend
Robert Otani able_to_attend
Oltiana Pappas able_to_attend
Minsu Park able_to_attend
Robert Parks able_to_attend
Larry Parnes able_to_attend
Greg Pass able_to_attend
Greg Pass able_to_attend
ANIBAL PENA able_to_attend
Joseph Pfeiffer able_to_attend
Charlie Phlegar able_to_attend
Seth Pinsky able_to_attend
Sarah Pizer able_to_attend
Frances Platzer able_to_attend
Nancy Platzer able_to_attend
Robin Platzer able_to_attend
Howard Polivy able_to_attend
Michael Pomposelli able_to_attend
Will Porteous able_to_attend
Faiyam Rahman able_to_attend
michael rapfogel able_to_attend
Jesse Ratcliffe able_to_attend
Bruce Ratner able_to_attend
Ron Reedy able_to_attend
Gene Resnick able_to_attend
Jackie Retig able_to_attend
Humberto Luiz Ribeiro da Silva able_to_attend
Tom Rice able_to_attend
Sondra Roberts able_to_attend
Euan Robertson able_to_attend
Nolan Rogers able_to_attend
David Rose able_to_attend
Micah Rosenbloom able_to_attend
Sacha Ross able_to_attend
James Rothschild able_to_attend
Gale Rothstein able_to_attend
Kenneth Rubenstein able_to_attend
Douglas Rushkoff able_to_attend
Bryan Russett able_to_attend
Arianna Sacks Rosenberg able_to_attend
Paul Salvatore able_to_attend
Bob Sanna able_to_attend
Gregg Schenker able_to_attend
Barry Schneider able_to_attend
Erick Schonfeld able_to_attend
Dalia Schwartz able_to_attend
Craig Schwitter able_to_attend
Karn Seth able_to_attend
Kevin Sheeky able_to_attend
Hara Sherman able_to_attend
Lei Shi able_to_attend
Lynne Shinozaki able_to_attend
Reza Shokri able_to_attend
Adam Shwartz able_to_attend
Shuli Shwartz able_to_attend
David Siegel able_to_attend
Sascha Simon able_to_attend
Jessica Singleton able_to_attend
Lisa Skeete Tatum able_to_attend
Christine Sneva able_to_attend
Suryavir Sood able_to_attend
bill speleotes able_to_attend
Judith Spitz able_to_attend
Tomasz Stachowiak able_to_attend
Douglas Stayman able_to_attend
Bob Steele able_to_attend
Jeff Stein able_to_attend
Dalia Stiller able_to_attend
Paul Streeter able_to_attend
Mayo Stuntz able_to_attend
Tad Sudol able_to_attend
Sara Swisher-Anderson able_to_attend
Karen Tamir able_to_attend
Harold Tanner able_to_attend
Minerva Tantoco able_to_attend
Andrew Tisch able_to_attend
Kristen Titus able_to_attend
Greg Tobkin able_to_attend
Zach Tucker able_to_attend
Kiran Vajapey able_to_attend
Jennifer Vargas able_to_attend
Adrian Vatchinsky able_to_attend
Thomas Vecchione able_to_attend
Joe Vessell able_to_attend
Tracy Vosburgh able_to_attend
saul wadowski able_to_attend
Stephen Wall able_to_attend
Scott Walsh able_to_attend
Frances Walton able_to_attend
Chen Wang able_to_attend
Eileen Weingarten able_to_attend
Catherine Weiss able_to_attend
Jeff Weiss able_to_attend
Marion Weiss able_to_attend
Mark Weiss able_to_attend
Peter Weiss able_to_attend
Juliet Weissman able_to_attend
Ellen West able_to_attend
Abby Westbrook able_to_attend
Steven White able_to_attend
Laura Wilkinson able_to_attend
richard windram able_to_attend
Matthew Windt able_to_attend
Josh Wolfe able_to_attend
John Wolff able_to_attend
Howard Wolfson able_to_attend
Jeremy Woods able_to_attend
Kathy Wylde able_to_attend
Manda Yakiwchuk able_to_attend
YOUNGJIN YI able_to_attend
Scott Yoest able_to_attend
Eric Young able_to_attend
Susi Yu able_to_attend
Ramin Zabih able_to_attend
Pedro Zevallos able_to_attend
Karen Zimmer able_to_attend
Jan Zubrow able_to_attend
CEL_guest_first_name CEL_guest_last_name CEL_guest_attendance
Aaron Batchelder

Dustin Hsu guest_attend

Scott O'Donnell guest_attend

Karen Backus guest_attend

Alexandra Estrella guest_attend

Elyes Bouchik (Student Grade 3 - AP for the Day)

Felicia Einhorn guest_attend

Rimma Bespalova guest_attend

Michele Abbene guest_attend

Mala Ciancia guest_attend

Nicole Ferry guest_attend

Renee Cohen guest_attend

Lusheena Warner guest_attend

Molly Murphy guest_attend

Alfreda Radzicki guest_attend

Ache Stokelman
Rich Windram guest_attend

Ariton Popinara guest_attend

Sara Willard guest_attend

MaryAnne Gilmartin guest_attend
Assaf Glazer guest_attend

Fleur Harlan guest_attend

Jonathan Koop guest_attend

Jennifer Hensley

Christian Mundigo guest_attend

Tim Christ guest_attend

Suri Kasirer guest_attend

James Stuckey guest_attend

Al-Mamun Khan
MATT HUDDLESTON guest_attend
ROB FRANCO guest_attend

Cory Brugger guest_attend

Mookie Lundgren-Lahav guest_attend

George Damalas guest_attend

Martha Eddy guest_attend

Suzy Brown guest_attend

Barbara Mingle guest_attend
Kirsten Nevill-Manning guest_attend
Aaron Yowell guest_attend


Dami Park guest_attend

Harriet Parnes guest_attend

NORMA PENA guest_attend

Susan Resnick guest_attend

Abigail Stone guest_attend

Jessica Cran guest_attend

Judy Schneider guest_attend

Vera Nisanov guest_attend

Robert Franco guest_attend
Eric Luu guest_attend

Jessica Traynor guest_attend

Emiliano Miluzzo guest_attend

Tai Tatum guest_attend

Jake Sneva guest_attend

Duane Stiller guest_attend

Nicki Tanner guest_attend

Rudy Bellani guest_attend

James Frankis guest_attend

Ira Glener guest_attend

Michael Manfredi

Frank Wilkinson guest_attend

Zack Schildhorn guest_attend

Chen Wang

Barry Zubrow guest_attend

From: Grybauskas, Stefan
To: "jeremy@berlinrosen.com"
Subject: Re: Tuesday
Date: Monday, June 15, 2015 2:12:59 PM

I'm by the tram headed your way

Stefan Grybauskas
Associate Director of Advance
Office of the Mayor
City of New York
C: 347-515-5874
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 02:03 PM
To: Grybauskas, Stefan
Subject: Re: Tuesday
Call when you arrive 917-860-9076

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646-200-5318 (o)
917-860-9076 (c)

On Jun 15, 2015, at 2:03 PM, Grybauskas, Stefan <SGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>


I'm a few stops away

Stefan Grybauskas
Associate Director of Advance
Office of the Mayor
City of New York
C: 347-515-5874
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 01:18 PM
To: Grybauskas, Stefan
Subject: RE: Tuesday
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Grybauskas, Stefan [mailto:SGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 1:18 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Tuesday

Ok I have to make a quick stop but I’ll see you there at 2pm
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 1:17 PM
To: Grybauskas, Stefan
Subject: Re: Tuesday

Train. I think 4/5 to F

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646-200-5318 (o)
917-860-9076 (c)

On Jun 15, 2015, at 1:15 PM, Grybauskas, Stefan

<SGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Yeah how are you getting there?

From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 1:15 PM
To: Grybauskas, Stefan
Subject: RE: Tuesday

Yes. I’m about to leave from maiden, are you coming from CH?
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Grybauskas, Stefan [mailto:SGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 1:14 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Tuesday

South of Queensboro right?

From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 11:28 AM
To: Grybauskas, Stefan
Subject: RE: Tuesday

Great. Please meet at the NW corner of the Cornell construction site

(basically just south of the bridge on the west side of the island. My cell is
917-860-9076 in case you need it.
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Grybauskas, Stefan [mailto:SGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 11:26 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: Re: Tuesday

Does 2pm work for you?

Stefan Grybauskas
Associate Director of Advance
Office of the Mayor
City of New York
C: 347-515-5874

From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 11:21 AM
To: Grybauskas, Stefan
Subject: RE: Tuesday

I’m your guy. Pick a time and I’ll meet you out there.
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Grybauskas, Stefan [mailto:SGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 11:19 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: Re: Tuesday

Who can help me set up a walkthrough today for this event? I am
available before 4pm.


Stefan Grybauskas
Associate Director of Advance
Office of the Mayor
City of New York
C: 347-515-5874

From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Sunday, June 14, 2015 08:52 PM
To: Carey, Michael
Cc: Grybauskas, Stefan
Subject: RE: Tuesday

Hi Stefan, please let me know if you want to connect and how I can be
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Carey, Michael [mailto:MPCarey@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Sunday, June 14, 2015 12:20 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Cc: Grybauskas, Stefan
Subject: Tuesday

Stefan who is cc’d will be advancing the Mayor on Tuesday for the
From: Adams, Marti
To: jeremy@berlinrosen.com
Subject: FW: update to Cornell ROS
Dat e: Monday, June 15, 2015 3:11:00 PM

Hi Jeremy: can you send me the most up-to-dat e ROS for tomorrow?

Many thanks,

Marti Adams I Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio

o: (212) 788-9570 I m: (34 7) 967-7358
twitter: @Martj Adams

From: Grybauskas, Stefan

Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 1:13PM
To: Adams, Marti
Subject: FW: update to Cornell ROS

From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen .com]

Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 12:06 PM
To: Blumm, Kate; Grybauskas, Stefan; Michael Carey
Subject: update to Cornell ROS

MMV will now be speaking for 2 minutes after Kathy Hochul. I' ll eire a revised ROS but wanted to let
you know.

Jeremy Soffin
Berlin Rosen Public Affairs
From: Jeremy Soffin
To: Grybauskas, Stefan
Subject: Fwd: Pls send updated ROS
Date: Monday, June 15, 2015 3:15:07 PM
Attachments: Groundbreaking ROS master copy updated 6.15.15.docx

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646-200-5318 (o)
917-860-9076 (c)

Begin forwarded message:

From: Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>

Date: June 15, 2015 at 2:34:37 PM EDT
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: Pls send updated ROS


On 6/15/15 2:30 PM, "Jeremy Soffin" <jeremy@berlinrosen.com> wrote:


Jeremy Soffin

BerlinRosen Public Affairs

646-200-5318 (o)

917-860-9076 (c)
TIME: 10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

LOCATION: Roosevelt Island (Four Freedoms)

The run of show is as follows:

10:30 a.m. VIPs gather at Cornell Tech campus construction site for tour and
press photo op

11:00 a.m. VIPs are transported from construction site to event site (landing at
Four Freedoms Park, approximately .22 miles away)

11:05 a.m. VIPs gather for photo op at podium

11:10 a.m. Dan Huttenlocher offers welcome remarks and introduces Mayor de

11:15 a.m. Mayor de Blasio delivers remarks

11:25 a.m. Bob Harrison approaches the podium and makes remarks and
introduces Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul

11:28 a.m. Lieutenant Governor Hochul makes remarks

11:33 a.m. Dan Huttenlocher returns to podium, introduces City Council Speaker
Melissa Mark-Viverito

11:35 a.m. City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito makes remarks

11:37 a.m. Bob Harrison returns to podium, introduces David Skorton

11:39 a.m. David Skorton delivers remarks and introduces Mayor Bloomberg

11:49 a.m. Mayor Bloomberg delivers remarks

11:57 a.m. Dan Huttenlocher returns to the podium, introduces Forest City
Ratner Companies President and CEO MaryAnne Gilmartin

11:59 a.m. MaryAnne Gilmartin delivers remarks

12:01 p.m. Dan Huttenlocher returns to the podium, and invites Principal of the
Hudson Companies David Kramer to deliver remarks

12:03 p.m. David Kramer to delivers remarks

12:05 p.m. Dan Huttenlocher returns to the podium and closes the event

12:08 p.m. Formal program ends, guests depart

From: Danielle Schlanger
To: Mayor"s Press Office
Subject: Danielle Schlanger, thanks!
Date: Monday, June 15, 2015 3:21:09 PM

Danielle Schlanger
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
Danielle Schlanger
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: (646) 200-5309
C: (917) 859-8064
From: Benjamin Branham
To: "Jeremy Soffin"
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo
Subject: RE: is kyle going tomorrow?
Date: Monday, June 15, 2015 6:17:01 PM

Thanks.  Confirmed with Kyle he is unable to attend.

From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 6:10 PM
To: Benjamin Branham
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo
Subject: Re: is kyle going tomorrow?
It is 4 Freedoms. 

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646-200-5318 (o)
917-860-9076 (c)

On Jun 15, 2015, at 6:02 PM, Benjamin Branham <bbranham@edc.nyc> wrote:

Also is start time 10:30 or 11 and is address 527 Main Street (as listed on public
schedule) or Four Freedoms Park?
Have conflicting info on this end.
From: Blumm, Kate [mailto:KBlumm@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 5:56 PM
To: Benjamin Branham
Cc: Jeremy Soffin (jeremy@berlinrosen.com)
Subject: RE: is kyle going tomorrow?
He must have—Jeremy?
I don’t see him on RSVP list.
From: Benjamin Branham [mailto:bbranham@edc.nyc]
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 5:53 PM
To: Blumm, Kate
Subject: RE: is kyle going tomorrow?
Did he get an invite?
From: Blumm, Kate [mailto:KBlumm@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 5:53 PM
To: Benjamin Branham
Subject: is kyle going tomorrow?
Do you know?
From: Jeremy Soffin
To: Mayor"s Press Office
Date: Monday, June 15, 2015 6:30:42 PM
Attachments: image001.png

Where did 527 Main Street come from? It's not right.

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646-200-5318 (o)
917-860-9076 (c)

On Jun 15, 2015, at 5:09 PM, Mayor's Press Office <pressoffice@cityhall.nyc.gov>


NEW YORK, NY 10007 


CONTACT: pressoffice@cityhall.nyc.gov, (212) 788-2958


JUNE 16, 2015
On Tuesday, Mayor de Blasio will deliver remarks at the groundbreaking for the
Cornell Tech campus on Roosevelt Island. This event is open press. After, the
Mayor will hold a brief media availability.
Later, the Mayor will hold public hearings for and sign Intro. 736-A, in relation
to creating an Office of Civil Justice; Intro. 511-A, in relation to requiring the
Department of Education to report annually on student demographics; Intro.
440-A, in relation to health services in city correctional facilities; Intro. 198-A,
in relation to side guards; Intro 315-A, in relation to a truck route compliance
study; and Intro. 641-A, in relation to a comprehensive study regarding
pedestrian and bicyclist safety on truck routes. This event is open press, and
there will be no Q-and-A.
Press Schedule
10:30 AM – Attends Groundbreaking Ceremony for Cornell Tech Campus
and Delivers Remarks
527 Main Street
Roosevelt Island, NY 10044
Members of the media must be preset by 10:00 am. A press van will depart the
east gate of City Hall at 9:10 am. Footage will be provided by NYC TV and will
be available shortly following the event on Encompass Port CTY- 4205. Official
photos will be available at flickr.com/nycmayorsoffice shortly following the
4:00 PM – Holds Public Hearing and Signs Intros 736-A, 511-A, 440-A, 198-
A, 315-A, and 641-A
Blue Room
City Hall
New York, NY 10007
The event will be aired live on NYC TV, live-streamed on NYC.gov, and a live
feed will be available on Encompass Port CTY- 4205. Official photos will be
available at flickr.com/nycmayorsoffice shortly following the event.
From: Blumm, Kate
To: Amy Spitalnick; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: TOMORROW: Cornell Tech, Mayor de Blasio Celebrate Start of Construction on Roosevelt Island
Date: Monday, June 15, 2015 10:09:52 PM

yes stand by

From: Amy Spitalnick [

Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 9:35 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Cc: Blumm, Kate
Subject: Re: TOMORROW: Cornell Tech, Mayor de Blasio Celebrate Start of Construction on Roosevelt

Kate can you send?

On Jun 15, 2015, at 9:35 PM, Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

You’ll send me a quote? Let me know if you want to talk.

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Amy Spitalnick [mailto:
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 7:19 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: Re: TOMORROW: Cornell Tech, Mayor de Blasio Celebrate Start of Construction
on Roosevelt Island
Ok - here's what we're doing. Cool?
CONTACT: pressoffice@cityhall.nyc.gov, (212) 788-2958
TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 2015
*** Updated address for groundbreaking ***
On Tuesday, Mayor de Blasio will deliver remarks at the groundbreaking for the
Cornell Tech campus on Roosevelt Island. This event is open press. After, the
Mayor will hold a brief media availability on pending legislation in Albany.
Later, the Mayor will hold public hearings for and sign Intro. 736-A, in relation
to creating an Office of Civil Justice; Intro. 511-A, in relation to requiring the
Department of Education to report annually on student demographics; Intro.
440-A, in relation to health services in city correctional facilities; Intro. 198-A,
in relation to side guards; Intro 315-A, in relation to a truck route compliance
study; and Intro. 641-A, in relation to a comprehensive study regarding
pedestrian and bicyclist safety on truck routes. This event is open press, and
there will be no Q-and-A.
Press Schedule
10:30 AM – Attends Groundbreaking Ceremony for Cornell Tech Campus
and Delivers Remarks
Photo Opportunity: 1 Main Street, Roosevelt Island, NY 10044
Remarks: Four Freedoms Park, Roosevelt Island, NY 10044
Members of the media must be preset by 10:00 am. A press van will depart the
east gate of City Hall at 9:10 am. Footage will be provided by NYC TV and will
be available shortly following the event on Encompass Port CTY- 4205. Official
photos will be available at flickr.com/nycmayorsoffice shortly following the
4:00 PM – Holds Public Hearing and Signs Intros 736-A, 511-A, 440-A, 198-
A, 315-A, and 641-A
Blue Room
City Hall
New York, NY 10007
The event will be aired live on NYC TV, live-streamed on NYC.gov, and a live
feed will be available on Encompass Port CTY- 4205. Official photos will be
available at flickr.com/nycmayorsoffice shortly following the event.
On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 7:08 PM, Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
The addresses are right but instead of groundbreaking ceremony it should be
called a photo op. 

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646-200-5318 (o)
917-860-9076 (c)

On Jun 15, 2015, at 7:01 PM, Amy Spitalnick < wrote:

Can you tripled confirm this is right, before we re-issue?

10:30 AM – Attends Groundbreaking Ceremony for Cornell
Tech Campus and Delivers Remarks
Groundbreaking Ceremony: 1 Main Street, Roosevelt Island, NY
Remarks: Four Freedoms Park, Roosevelt Island, NY 10044
Members of the media must be preset by 10:00 am. A press van will
depart the east gate of City Hall at 9:10 am. Footage will be
provided by NYC TV and will be available shortly following the
event on Encompass Port CTY- 4205. Official photos will be
available at flickr.com/nycmayorsoffice shortly following the event.
On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 6:52 PM, Jeremy Soffin
<jeremy@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
Cool thanks. 

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646-200-5318 (o)
917-860-9076 (c)

On Jun 15, 2015, at 6:48 PM, Amy Spitalnick

< wrote:

We can re-issue. No clue where our scheduling team

got that address!
On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 6:38 PM, Jeremy Soffin
<jeremy@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
Def wrong. Should be 1 Main Street.

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646-200-5318 (o)
917-860-9076 (c)

On Jun 15, 2015, at 6:35 PM, Amy Spitalnick

< wrote:

This is what our scheduling folks had us put

on the public sked -- is this wrong? Putting
it in Google Maps, this definitely looks
10:30 AM – Attends Groundbreaking
Ceremony for Cornell Tech Campus and
Delivers Remarks
527 Main Street
Roosevelt Island, NY 10044
Members of the media must be preset by
10:00 am. A press van will depart the east
gate of City Hall at 9:10 am. Footage will
be provided by NYC TV and will be
available shortly following the event on
Encompass Port CTY- 4205. Official photos
will be available at
flickr.com/nycmayorsoffice shortly following
the event.
On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 6:33 PM, Jeremy
Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
Hey Amy can we fix the address? The
photo op is at 1 main st, the program is at 4
Freedoms Park.

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646-200-5318 (o)
917-860-9076 (c)

Begin forwarded message:

From: Dan Levitan

Date: June 15, 2015 at 5:30:20
To: Jeremy Soffin
Jovana Rizzo
Subject: FW: FW:
TOMORROW: Cornell Tech,
Mayor de Blasio Celebrate
Start of Construction on
Roosevelt Island

Seems wise?
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Amy Spitalnick
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 5:29
To: Dan Levitan
Cc: Ishanee Parikh; Wiley Norvell
Subject: Re: FW: TOMORROW:
Cornell Tech, Mayor de Blasio
Celebrate Start of Construction on
Roosevelt Island
Thanks. I'm staffing. 
FYI - we're going to have him
do an avail after the event.
Given that everyone will be
trying to leave through the main
exit, our plan is to escort press
down and around the south tip
of the park/island and have
them meet the Mayor behind
the stage.
On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 5:26
PM, Dan Levitan
<dan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Jovana Rizzo
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015
5:20 PM
To: Jovana Rizzo
Subject: TOMORROW: Cornell
Tech, Mayor de Blasio
Celebrate Start of Construction
on Roosevelt Island
TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 2015
Cornell Tech to Celebrate
Start of Construction on
Roosevelt Island
First phase of innovative new
campus to open summer
2017, combining academia
and industry to launch new
companies and products
Join Cornell Tech, Mayor Bill de
Blasio, Mayor Michael
Bloomberg, Speaker Melissa
Mark-Viverito and partners to
celebrate the start of
construction of the Roosevelt
Island campus. Cornell Tech is a
revolutionary model for graduate
tech education, developing
pioneering leaders and
technologies for the digital age.
When fully completed, the
campus will span 12 acres on
Roosevelt Island and house
approximately 2,000 students and
hundreds of faculty and
staff. Cornell Tech has been up
and running since 2013 at a
temporary campus at the Google
building in Chelsea, and now has
more than 100 graduates.
WHEN: Tuesday, June 16, 2015

10:30 a.m. photo op with

VIPs at campus
construction site: All press
must RSVP and arrive by
AFTER 10:15 A.M.
Transportation will be
provided from the site to
the speaking program at
Four Freedoms Park.
11:00 a.m. speaking
program at Four
Freedoms Park: Open to
WHERE: Roosevelt Island, south
of the Ed Koch Queensboro
Bridge. Public transportation:
Take the F train to the Roosevelt
Island stop, or the tram located
at Second Avenue and E 59th
Street in Manhattan. Walk south
down the west side of the island.
There will be Cornell volunteers
at both stations and along the
way to direct you.
Mayor Bill de Blasio
Mayor Michael Bloomberg
Cornell University President David
J. Skorton
Cornell University Board Chair
Bob Harrison
Cornell Tech Dean Daniel
City Council Speaker Melissa
Forest City Ratner Companies
President & CEO MaryAnne
The Hudson Companies Principal
David Kramer
PARKING: There will be very
limited press parking available at
the photo op site and Four
Freedoms Park, please RSVP for
more information.
PRESS RSVP: Jovana Rizzo
(jovana@berlinrosen.com) or
Tolu Onafowokan
BerlinRosen, 646-452-5637

Amy Spitalnick

Amy Spitalnick

Amy Spitalnick

Amy Spitalnick

Amy Spitalnick
From: Jeremy Soffin
To: Blumm, Kate
Subject: cornell groundbreaking release 61515 FINAL
Date: Monday, June 15, 2015 10:44:05 PM
Attachments: cornell groundbreaking release 61515 FINAL.docx

Contact: Jovana Rizzo or Tolu Onafowokan, BerlinRosen, 646-452-5637
Marc La Vorgna, Bloomberg Philanthropies 917-426-5040

For more information, visit tech.cornell.edu and follow @cornell_tech

Cornell Announces $100 Million Donation from Bloomberg

Philanthropies to Fund Construction of the Cornell Tech Campus on
Roosevelt Island – Commencement of Construction celebrated

The first academic building will be named The Bloomberg Center – in

honor of Emma and Georgina Bloomberg

The innovative new campus opens summer 2017, combining academia and
industry to launch new companies and products. Campus will feature The Bridge,
industry’s home on campus & first Passive House high rise in the world

NEW YORK CITY – Cornell University President David J. Skorton, Cornell University
Board Chair Robert S. Harrison, Cornell Tech Dean Daniel P. Huttenlocher, New York
State Lt. Governor Kathleen Hochul, Mayor Bill de Blasio, New York City Council
Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, former Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, Forest City
Ratner Companies President and CEO MaryAnne Gilmartin, and The Hudson
Companies Principal David Kramer today celebrated the groundbreaking of Cornell
Tech’s campus on Roosevelt Island and announced a $100 million gift from
Bloomberg Philanthropies to fund construction of the campus. The first academic
building on the campus will be named The Bloomberg Center – in honor of Emma
and Georgina Bloomberg. Cornell Tech is a revolutionary model for graduate tech
education, developing pioneering leaders and technologies for the digital age. Three
years ago, Cornell and its academic partner, the Technion – Israel Institute of
Technology won New York City’s competition – led by former Deputy Mayor Robert
K. Steel – to build an applied sciences institution in partnership with the City.
Today’s groundbreaking and the announcement of the generous donation mark a
major milestone in this effort, with the first phase of the campus due to open in the
summer of 2017.

Cornell Tech began classes in January 2013 at its temporary campus in space
donated by Google in their Chelsea building. There are currently approximately 15
world-class faculty members, an additional 15 research and development staff, two
dozen Ph.D. students in several disciplines, and four master’s programs: the MEng in
computer science; the Johnson Cornell Tech MBA; the dual degree Connective Media
program at the Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute, the academic partnership
between Cornell and the Technion; and starting this fall at the Jacobs Institute,
Healthier Life, which will bridge the gap between healthcare and technology. The
majority of Cornell Tech’s nearly 100 alumni are pursuing their own startups and
working at companies in New York City.

MAYOR DE BLASIO – quote to come

“We are so grateful for the generosity of Bloomberg Philanthropies. This gift holds
special meaning because Mayor Bloomberg first envisioned the Applied Sciences
initiative and has seen this project through since its inception in 2011,” said Cornell
University President David J. Skorton. “At Cornell Tech we are creating a high-tech
entrepreneurial hub for the benefit of the city, the state and the world, and I want to
thank Governor Cuomo, Mayor Bloomberg, Mayor de Blasio and many others for
their trust, vision and partnership as we work to reinvent graduate education for
the digital age and build a pipeline of tech talent right here in New York.”

"New York became the greatest city in the world because we dared to dream bigger
than anyone else, and this project – and the challenge it represents to Silicon Valley
– are part of that tradition,” said Michael R. Bloomberg. “After talking with leaders
from every industry, we launched a competition to bring an applied science campus
here, to help lay an economic foundation for the next century -- creating jobs and
opportunity for New Yorkers on every rung of the economic ladder. I believe in the
importance of this public-private partnership to our city’s future, and it's why the
contribution is in honor of my daughters, as there is no better gift I can leave them
than to help make the world -- and their hometown -- a better place. This is a gift to
support a brighter future for our city and for every young person who grows up
here or comes here with a dream, like I did."

“Cornell Tech has come so far in just over three years, with new degree programs,
faculty, 100 graduates and our developing campus on Roosevelt Island. We are
extremely grateful to all of our partners in this effort, including the NYC tech
community, the City, Roosevelt Islanders and many more who are helping us bring
our vision to life,” said Cornell Tech Dean Daniel Huttenlocher.

"This is a historic day for Cornell University and for New York City. Cornell has had
an unwavering commitment to innovation over its rich history, and Cornell Tech is a
prime example of that. We are achieving something revolutionary here, and this
very generous gift from Bloomberg Philanthropies is symbolic of our shared values
and dedication to the future," said Robert S. Harrison, Cornell University Board

"Cornell Tech, which is the home of the Joan and Irwin Jacobs Technion-Cornell
Institute, will be one of the most fascinating campuses ever built. It is extremely
gratifying to know that the Technion is part of it. It will be one of the most modern
and advanced research institutes in the world -- a citadel of innovation. When I
visited Roosevelt Island recently, I felt that I was standing on a bridge between the
Technion and Cornell University. I think everyone in Israel and New York should be
proud of what has been accomplished here. I congratulate Mayor Michael
Bloomberg for his vision and for his extraordinary gift that will help make this
vision a reality," said Technion President Peretz Lavie.

“New York City is a global hub for innovation and there is no better home for Cornell
Tech's new state-of-the-art campus than right here in the tech capital of the world.
From its unique fusion of technology, art, open space and community to its
commitment to sustainability and energy conservation, the Cornell Tech Roosevelt
Island Campus represents the new frontier in education for the next generation of
leaders and problem-solvers. The New York City Council is proud to welcome
Cornell Tech to New York City and looks forward to its great success,” said New
York City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito.

To commemorate the groundbreaking, Cornell Tech commissioned Cornell

University alumnus Peter Gerakaris to create a site-specific installation at the RIVAA
Gallery on Roosevelt Island. The exhibition opens today and represents the
university’s presence by fusing art, technology, place and community. The sprawling
1,000-square-foot installation of kaleidoscopic imagery engages the public in visual
play as new layers, patterns, and connections are revealed with each viewing. The
exhibit is supported by a generous gift from the Eisenberg Family.

The first phase of Cornell Tech’s campus includes:

The Bloomberg Center, designed by Pritzker Prize-winning architect Thom Mayne

of Morphosis Architects. The building is a departure from traditional academic
facilities with an open plan and extensive collaborative as well as private work
spaces, adapting open plan offices from the tech world to the academic arena.
Cornell is aspiring for the building to be among the largest net-zero energy buildings
in the United States, with all of its power generated on campus.

The Bridge at Cornell Tech, designed by WEISS/MANFREDI and developed by

Forest City Ratner Companies, will be a first-of-its-kind building that will house an
ecosystem of companies, researchers and entrepreneurs who are focused on
catalyzing innovation and the commercialization of new products and technologies,
driving economic growth for New York.

A residential building, designed by Handel Architects and developed by Hudson

and Related Companies, that will be the first Passive House high-rise in the world.
Passive House is the strict international building standard that drastically reduces
energy consumption while creating a healthier and more comfortable living
environment for a fraction of residents’ usual energy costs. The residential building
will be for faculty, staff and students to ensure the campus is active 24/7.

The first phase of the campus will open summer 2017. When fully completed, the
campus will span 12 acres on Roosevelt Island and house approximately 2,000
students and hundreds of faculty and staff. The campus master plan was designed
by Skidmore, Owings & Merrill with James Corner Field Operations, and includes a
number of innovative features and facilities across a river-to-river campus with
expansive views, a series of green, public spaces, and a seamless integration of
indoor and outdoor areas. The campus will be one of the most environmentally
friendly and energy-efficient campuses in the world.

In May, 73 master’s students in computer science and business and 2 PhD students
graduated from Cornell Tech, and more than half stayed in New York for job
opportunities and to pursue their own startups. Almost one-third of the graduates
are pursuing their own ventures that were developed on campus, including the
winners of Cornell Tech’s first-ever Startup Awards. Through the awards, five
groups of students are now working full-time on the companies they built during
their academic program with pre-seed funding from the Blackstone Foundation and
free co-working space at Forest City Ratner’s New York Times building.

Cornell Tech was founded when it was selected in December of 2011 as the winner
of the New York City Economic Development Corporation’s Applied Sciences NYC
initiative. The Economic Development Corporation, then led by Executive Director
Seth Pinsky, sought proposals for a university to develop and operate a new or
expanded campus in the City in exchange for City capital, access to City-owned land
– and the full support and partnership of City government. Cornell’s proposal was
selected ahead of submissions from 17 world-class institutions from around the
globe. The Cornell and Technion partnership was selected by the City as the first
winner of the competition and was provided with land on Roosevelt Island and $100
million in City capital to build the $2 billion, 2 million square foot tech campus.

Cornell Tech is already fulfilling its promise to New York City to spur tech education
in New York City public schools. Cornell Tech has partnered with more than a dozen
local schools, including PS/IS 217 on Roosevelt Island, and is coordinating
professional development opportunities for teachers to gain experience in
incorporating tech thinking into their teaching.

Cornell Tech
Cornell Tech develops pioneering leaders and technologies for the digital age.
Cornell Tech brings together faculty, business leaders, tech entrepreneurs, and
students in a catalytic environment to produce visionary results grounded in
significant needs that will reinvent the way we live in the digital age. Cornell Tech’s
temporary campus has been up and running at Google’s Chelsea building since
2012, with a growing world-class faculty, and about 150 master’s and Ph.D. students
who collaborate extensively with tech-oriented companies and organizations and
pursue their own startups. Construction is underway on Cornell Tech’s campus on
Roosevelt Island, with a first phase due to open in 2017. When fully completed, the
campus will include 2 million square feet of state-of- the-art buildings, over 2 acres
of open space, and will be home to more than 2,000 graduate students and hundreds
of faculty and staff.
From: Blumm, Kate
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: cornell groundbreaking release 61515 FINAL
Date: Monday, June 15, 2015 10:57:35 PM


We will send out something separate.


“Cornell Tech isn’t just one of the world’s leading research institutions – it's a pioneering model for using
tech to solve real-world problems, and an economic game-changer that will drive smart, powerful, and
equitable growth in New York City for generations,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “The new Roosevelt Island
campus will bring together academia and industry in the service of invention and innovation-- and the
result will be hundreds of homegrown companies that provide a pathway to opportunity for thousands of
New Yorkers. We look forward to continued partnership with Cornell Tech, and commend Mayor
Bloomberg's commitment to this effort, and to this groundbreaking institution.”

From: Jeremy Soffin [jeremy@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 10:44 PM
To: Blumm, Kate
Subject: cornell groundbreaking release 61515 FINAL

From: Grybauskas, Stefan
To: "jeremy@berlinrosen.com"
Subject: Re: I"m here at Roosevelt. What time are you getting here?
Date: Tuesday, June 16, 2015 8:49:17 AM

The photo op road is still pretty dirty but hopefully they pack it down enough. I didn't tell him to bring
work boots

Stefan Grybauskas
Associate Director of Advance
Office of the Mayor
City of New York
C: 347-515-5874

----- Original Message -----

From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2015 08:20 AM
To: Grybauskas, Stefan
Subject: Re: I'm here at Roosevelt. What time are you getting here?

The union forever.

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646-200-5318 (o)
917-860-9076 (c)

> On Jun 16, 2015, at 8:20 AM, Grybauskas, Stefan <SGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
> Yea so far the construction site isn't open until 9am
> Stefan Grybauskas
> Associate Director of Advance
> Office of the Mayor
> City of New York
> C: 347-515-5874
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2015 08:18 AM
> To: Grybauskas, Stefan
> Subject: Re: I'm here at Roosevelt. What time are you getting here?
> Around 9. All look ok?
> Jeremy Soffin
> BerlinRosen Public Affairs
> 646-200-5318 (o)
> 917-860-9076 (c)
>> On Jun 16, 2015, at 8:14 AM, Grybauskas, Stefan <SGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>> Stefan Grybauskas
>> Associate Director of Advance
>> Office of the Mayor
>> City of New York
>> C: 347-515-5874
From: Davis, Tanyanika
To: Blumm, Kate; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Thank you
Date: Tuesday, June 16, 2015 2:02:39 PM

Ditto. Thanks for all your help Jeremy.

From: Blumm, Kate
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2015 1:49 PM
To: 'Amy Spitalnick'; Jeremy Soffin
Cc: Davis, Tanyanika
Subject: RE: Thank you

Sorry to miss it! Glad to hear all was well.

From: Amy Spitalnick [mailto:
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2015 1:48 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Davis, Tanyanika
Subject: Re: Thank you

Agreed! Thanks for all your help and patience.

On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 1:36 PM, Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
Thanks for your help on the event today. I thought it went very well despite the last minute
surprise from our Bloomberg friends.


Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

Amy Spitalnick
From: Grybauskas, Stefan
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Thank you
Date: Tuesday, June 16, 2015 2:18:00 PM

Thanks for all of your help Jeremy! It went well. Looks like it got a lot of good coverage.
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2015 1:36 PM
To: Grybauskas, Stefan
Subject: Thank you
Thanks for all of your help with the event. My folks were very pleased, hope same on your end.
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Ozernoy, Ilana
To: "Mike Rabinowitz"
Subject: RE: Mike and Ilana lunch
Date: Thursday, June 18, 2015 1:52:55 PM

You got it. Looking forward!

From: Mike Rabinowitz [mailto:Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2015 1:52 PM
To: Ozernoy, Ilana
Subject: RE: Mike and Ilana lunch

Cool.  I think you own the invite.  Mind updating it?

Can’t wait.
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)
From: Ozernoy, Ilana [mailto:iozernoy@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2015 1:50 PM
To: Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: RE: Mike and Ilana lunch

145 Duane St
Bet church and W bwy
From: Mike Rabinowitz [mailto:Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2015 1:49 PM
To: Ozernoy, Ilana
Subject: RE: Mike and Ilana lunch

Sounds great.  Where is it?

Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)
From: Ozernoy, Ilana [mailto:iozernoy@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2015 1:48 PM
To: Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: RE: Mike and Ilana lunch

Definitely. And … hmm. What about Takahachi sushi?

From: Mike Rabinowitz [mailto:Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2015 1:46 PM
To: Ozernoy, Ilana
Subject: RE: Mike and Ilana lunch

We’re still on for tomorrow, right?

Where should we go?
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)
-----Original Appointment-----
From: Ozernoy, Ilana [mailto:iozernoy@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 12:00 PM
To: Ozernoy, Ilana; Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: Mike and Ilana lunch
When: Friday, June 19, 2015 12:30 PM-2:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: TBD
From: Ozernoy, Ilana
To: "Mike Rabinowitz"
Subject: RE: Mike and Ilana lunch
Date: Friday, June 19, 2015 12:12:14 PM

No worries. See you there at 12:45.

From: Mike Rabinowitz [mailto:Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2015 12:12 PM
To: Mike Rabinowitz; Ozernoy, Ilana
Subject: RE: Mike and Ilana lunch

I will be 15 minutes late or so.

Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (o)
646.342.3469 (c)
From: Ozernoy, Ilana
To: "Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com"
Subject: Re: Mike and Ilana lunch
Date: Friday, June 19, 2015 12:54:03 PM

Hey, just checking in. You en route?

From: Mike Rabinowitz [mailto:Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2015 12:11 PM
To: Mike Rabinowitz <Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com>; Ozernoy, Ilana
Subject: RE: Mike and Ilana lunch
I will be 15 minutes late or so. 

Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (o)
646.342.3469 (c)
From: Nicole Kolinsky
To: Morris, Juliet (HPD); Norvell, Wiley; Bruch, Mary; "Christina Sanchez"; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman;
Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Date: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 6:58:49 PM
Attachments: image001.png
Run of Show Greenpoint Landing draft 6.23.15.docx
DraftofGreenpointLandingGroundbreakingRelease 62315.docx

Hi everyone, please find a draft press release attached as well as proposed run of show with
speakers. Please note we are proposing not to hold a formal Q+A following the groundbreaking.
Looking forward to your feedback.
Nicole Kolinsky
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5296 (o)
646.263.1527 (c)
From: Morris, Juliet (HPD) [mailto:morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 11:58 AM
To: Nicole Kolinsky; Norvell, Wiley; Bruch, Mary; 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim
Stroman; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
We just wanted to be completely clear - HPD President Gary Rodney and HPD Commissioner Vicki
Been will be attending the event but Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen will be the only person making
remarks in the agenda on behalf of the City.
Could you send us your complete speaking order/agenda and run of show for the event when you
get a chance?
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, June 22, 2015 3:36 PM
To: Morris, Juliet (HPD); Norvell, Wiley; Bruch, Mary; 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim
Stroman; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi everyone, wanted to let you know that Joe Anuta @ Crains will write the preview story for Friday.
We’ll be sure to refer him to you. We also circulated the media advisory this morning and hope to
have a draft release to share with you by the end of the day or tomorrow morning. Thanks!
From: Morris, Juliet (HPD) [mailto:morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2015 12:17 PM
To: Nicole Kolinsky; Norvell, Wiley; Bruch, Mary; 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim
Stroman; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi Nicole,
Unfortunately, HPD cannot supply staging equipment and the City seal is only used for Mayoral level
events. We recommend that the developer make arrangements for all equipment needed for event
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2015 11:49 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley; Bruch, Mary; Morris, Juliet (HPD); 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim
Stroman; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Thanks Wiley. We will definitely refer reporter to you once we have her locked in (she is in a cabin in
the Berkshires with no service but has expressed interest in running it). Hoping to have draft release
to you on Monday for review. We’ll send advisory out on Monday morning.
If someone could let me know about staging questions below (flags+podium), that would be great.
Also, heads up that Jeremy and I are unable to attend the actual event next Friday. Jovana and
Danielle from our team will be on site to coordinate and answer and questions. We also have folks
from Rubenstein and folks from Marathon Strategies, who work for L+M, on site as well.
Thx everyone!
Nicole Kolinsky
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5296 (o)
646.263.1527 (c)
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2015 11:41 AM
To: Nicole Kolinsky; Bruch, Mary; Morris, Juliet (HPD); 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim
Stroman; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Yes to listing DM Glen as attending on Advisory.
We’d love to be a  part of the WSJ story. Keep us looped!
We’d like to give quotes for your press release, and review language. We’ll circulate to housing
reporters, but you should issue it.
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2015 11:34 AM
To: Bruch, Mary; Morris, Juliet (HPD); 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman;
Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum; Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi everyone, some additional logistical questions to add to the outstanding questions below:
· Should we arrange appropriate flags or can the city provide?
· Is there a podium with the City seal you’d like to use?
If you could advise on these and the below by the end of the day that would be terrific. We are still
talking through the exclusive story with Emily Nonko at the WSJ and hope to have her committed
Nicole Kolinsky
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5296 (o)
646.263.1527 (c)
From: Nicole Kolinsky
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2015 4:11 PM
To: 'Bruch, Mary'; Morris, Juliet (HPD); 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman;
Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum; Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Thanks Mary. Wiley, please let me know if you have any feedback on the below (repasted from
previous email):
· we’d like to put out a very barebones media advisory Monday (e.g. Greenpoint Landing
Associates, L+M Development Partners, and City Leaders to Make Announcement at Greenpoint
Landing Site). Please let me know if I should list DM Glen as attending. I understand
Commissioner Been and President Rodney are both confirmed.
· Additionally, we’ve targeted Emily Nonko a freelancer at the WSJ to run a same day exclusive next
Friday. She has our pitch now. We’ll let you know if she decides to write.
· Lastly, we are drafting a press release to be jointly issued by Greenpoint Landing Associates and
L+M Dev. Partners but wanted to see if any of your offices were planning on issuing something?
If so we can share our draft to be repurposed once it’s in good shape. Let me know what route
you all prefer and we’ll take it from there.
Nicole Kolinsky
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5296 (o)
646.263.1527 (c)
From: Bruch, Mary [mailto:MBruch@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2015 3:55 PM
To: Nicole Kolinsky; Morris, Juliet (HPD); 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman;
Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum; Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Thank you for the updates, Nicole.
I am adding Wiley Norvell, and removing Kate Blumm, to handle City Hall Press.
Mary Bruch
Special Assistant
Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen
(212) 341-5013
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2015 3:52 PM
To: Morris, Juliet (HPD); 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman; Seabrook, Margie
(HPD); Bruch, Mary; Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
These are the confirmations we have so far:
Park Tower Group
CM Levin
AM Lentol said he would if Albany session is over.
Brooklyn Chamber
No other electeds confirmed at this time. Will let you know if we receive further updates.
Nicole Kolinsky
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5296 (o)
646.263.1527 (c)
From: Nicole Kolinsky
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2015 3:29 PM
To: 'Morris, Juliet (HPD)'; 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman; Seabrook, Margie
(HPD); 'Bruch, Mary'; Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin; Danielle Schlanger
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
H Juliet, I will check in with the developer who sent the invite earlier this week and get back to you
as soon as I hear. In the mean time we’d like to put out a very barebones media advisory Monday
(e.g. Greenpoint Landing Associates, L+M Development Partners, and City Leaders to Make
Announcement at Greenpoint Landing Site). Please let me know if I should list DM Glen,
Commissioner Been and/or President Rodney as attending.
Additionally, we’ve targeted Emily Nonko a freelancer at the WSJ to run a same day exclusive next
Friday. She has our pitch now. We’ll let you know if she decides to write.
Lastly, we are drafting a press release to be jointly issued by Greenpoint Landing Associates and L+M
Dev. Partners but wanted to see if any of your offices were planning on issuing something? If so we
can share our draft to be repurposed once it’s in good shape. Let me know what route you all prefer
and we’ll take it from there.
Nicole Kolinsky
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5296 (o)
646.263.1527 (c)
From: Morris, Juliet (HPD) [mailto:morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2015 3:14 PM
To: Nicole Kolinsky; 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman; Seabrook, Margie (HPD);
'Bruch, Mary'; Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi Nicole,
Thanks again for the information.
Just wanted to follow-up to see if you had any other hard confirmations from the list of potential
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 2:15 PM
To: Morris, Juliet (HPD); 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman; Seabrook, Margie
(HPD); 'Bruch, Mary'; Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Since the site is hard to get to for those who are unfamiliar, we are calling it for 10:30 AM with an
11AM actual start time.
From: Morris, Juliet (HPD) [mailto:morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 2:12 PM
To: Nicole Kolinsky; 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman; Seabrook, Margie (HPD);
'Bruch, Mary'; Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Thanks, Nicole. Your official start time is 11am, yes?
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 1:28 PM
To: Morris, Juliet (HPD); 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman; Seabrook, Margie
(HPD); 'Bruch, Mary'; Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi Juliet, currently we have George Klein of Greenpoint Landing Associates and Ron Moelis, CEO of
L+M Development Partners confirmed.
We are working to nail down precise staging details but right now we have a podium and possible
riser with audience seating that would be angled toward the waterfront, primarily on the F2 site (the
groundbreaking site). The skyline and East River would be the backdrop of the speakers and the
topped out G2 affordable building would be behind the audience.
Please let me know if you have further questions. We’ll look out for your prep materials.
Nicole Kolinsky
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5296 (o)
646.263.1527 (c)
From: Morris, Juliet (HPD) [mailto:morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 11:50 AM
To: Nicole Kolinsky; 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman; Seabrook, Margie (HPD);
'Bruch, Mary'; Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi Nicole,
Thanks for checking in. We are working on internal prep documents for this event and will follow-up
with you very soon with questions.
One question I do have – I noticed you had a list of potential speakers in your memo. Do you have a
list of confirmed speakers prepared yet? If so, could you share it?
Also, are there any other updates on what the event will look like or are we still pretty close to
what’s outlined in the memo?
Juliet Morris
Deputy Press Secretary
NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD)
Phone: 212-863-5682
Email: morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov

From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 11:44 AM
To: Morris, Juliet (HPD); 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman; Seabrook, Margie
(HPD); 'Bruch, Mary'; Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi everyone, wanted to check in to see if you had any feedback or questions regarding this
announcement. Who is the best person on your end to be in touch with? Thx
Nicole Kolinsky
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5296 (o)
646.263.1527 (c)
From: Morris, Juliet (HPD) [mailto:morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 12:18 PM
To: 'Christina Sanchez'; Nicole Kolinsky; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman; Jeremy Soffin; Seabrook,
Margie (HPD); 'Bruch, Mary'; Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
+ Bederman in the interest of open communication
From: Christina Sanchez [mailto:csanchez@nychdc.com]
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 12:15 PM
To: 'Nicole Kolinsky'; Kim Stroman; Jeremy Soffin; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); 'Bruch, Mary'; Elizabeth
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Morris, Juliet (HPD)
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Thank you, Nicole.
I will forward to HPD Communications. 
Christina Sanchez | Communications Coordinator
The New York City Housing Development Corporation
110 William Street, 10th Floor| New York, NY 10038
(  212.227.2644 (main) | 212.815.7313(fax)
+  Csanchez@nychdc.com | HDCpress@nychdc.com

From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 11:02 AM
To: Kim Stroman; Jeremy Soffin; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); 'Bruch, Mary'; Elizabeth Rohlfing; Christina
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi Elizabeth and Christina, here is the briefing memo we sent this morning regarding the 6/26
Greenpoint Landing groundbreaking. Let us know if you have any questions and who the point
person will be from the Administration.
Thank you,
Nicole Kolinsky
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5296 (o)
646.263.1527 (c)
From: Kim Stroman [mailto:kstroman@nychdc.com]
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 10:55 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); 'Bruch, Mary'; Elizabeth Rohlfing; Christina Sanchez
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Nicole Kolinsky
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi Jeremy.  Please loop in our Vice President of Communications, Elizabeth Rohlfing, and our
Communications Coordinator, Christina Sanchez.  Thanks.
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 8:21 AM
To: Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Kim Stroman; 'Bruch, Mary'
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Nicole Kolinsky
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi all, attached please find a memo with our initial thoughts on the groundbreaking for your review.
Please let us know if there is a point person we should work with on the details.
I’m also cc’ing my colleagues Nicole and Jovana who are leading the event for us. Thanks!
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Seabrook, Margie (HPD) [mailto:SEABROOM@hpd.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, June 01, 2015 11:36 AM
To: 'Kim Stroman'; 'Bruch, Mary'; Jeremy Soffin; Ashley Dennis
Cc: Blumm, Kate
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Sorry was on vacation this time works.
From: Kim Stroman [mailto:kstroman@nychdc.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 11:15 AM
To: 'Bruch, Mary'; Jeremy Soffin; Ashley Dennis
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Seabrook, Margie (HPD)
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
HDC President Gary Rodney is available.  I have a hold on his calendar.
From: Bruch, Mary [mailto:MBruch@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 10:57 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin; Ashley Dennis
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Kim Stroman
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hope you had a great long weekend. I am holding 9am-12pm for this on June 26 th . Margie and Kim,
cc’d, can advise on Commissioner Been and President Rodney’s availability, respectively.
Thank you,
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 10:56 AM
To: Bruch, Mary; Ashley Dennis
Cc: Blumm, Kate
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Mary: The 26 th looks good with us, just double-checking with one of the partners on the project. If
you can please hold the date, I will get final confirmation today.
What time were you thinking?
Thanks again.
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Bruch, Mary [mailto:MBruch@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 1:46 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin; Ashley Dennis
Cc: Blumm, Kate
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Would the morning of June 26 th work for folks? Alicia, Vicki and Gary can all do that day.
Looping Ashley, who also reached out.
Please let us know!
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 5:17 PM
To: Blumm, Kate
Subject: Greenpoint Landing
Kate: Good talking to you yesterday. I’ve reattached the invite letter, which includes details on the
project and broad thinking on messaging. In terms of a potential event, here’s what we were
Timing: A May or June groundbreaking would be timely, with two affordable buildings underway and
a third ready to break ground.
Location: The affordable building ready to break ground (site F) has remarkable views of the water
and skyline, and is adjacent to the park and the first affordable building, which broke ground 10
months ago and is close to topping out.
Speaking program: The more the merrier, but would think speakers would come from among this
--Deputy Mayor Glen
--Commissioner Been
--Commissioner Rodney
--Commissioner Silver
--George Klein
--Ron Moelis
Local electeds
--CM Levin
--AM Lentol
--Sen. Dilan
--BP Adams
--Cong. Maloney
--Open Space Alliance
--Others TBD
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
TIME: 10:30 A.M – 12:00 P.M.

10:30 a.m. Reporters, electeds, community members and others start to arrive to the
groundbreaking site. This is the unofficial start time of the
11:00 a.m. The official start time of the event. A representative from Greenpoint
Landing Associates makes opening remarks, introduces D.M.
Alicia Glen.
11:03 a.m. D.M. Alicia Glen delivers remarks.
11:11 a.m. Emcee then introduces George Klein of Greenpoint Landing Associates
11:12 a.m. George Klein delivers remarks.
11:15 a.m. Emcee then introduces L&M.
11:16 a.m. L&M delivers remarks.
11:21 a.m. Emcee then introduces Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney.
11:22 a.m. Congresswoman Maloney delivers remarks.
11:27 a.m. Emcee then introduces Emcee then introduces New York State Assembly
Member Joe Lentol.
11:28 a.m. Assembly Member Lentol delivers remarks.
11:32 a.m. Emcee then introduces Council Member Steve Levin.
11:35 a.m. Council Member Levin delivers remarks.
11:40 a.m. Emcee then introduces Carol Scissura from Brooklyn Chamber of
11:41 a.m. Mr. Scissura delivers remarks.
11:45 a.m. Emcee delivers closing remarks, directs electeds and developers to gather
for a photo op.
11:48 a.m. Photo op with electeds, developers and stakeholders.
11:51 a.m. End of program.
Contacts: Jovana Rizzo (Jovana@berlinrosen.com) or Danielle Schlanger (Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com (646)
452-5637 (Greenpoint Landing Associates)
Delaney Kempner, Delaney@marathonstrategies.com, (202) 277-0292 (L+M Development Partners)

Renderings available on request.


Greenpoint Landing Associates, L+M Development Partners

and City Officials Break Ground on Affordable Housing at
Greenpoint Landing
Greenpoint Landing celebrates groundbreaking of three 100 percent affordable housing buildings on site

Half-mile, 22-acre stretch along the East River to include approximately 1,400 affordable housing units, a new 640-
seat public school, four acres of resilient public green space along the waterfront

June 26, 2015 (BROOKLYN) – Greenpoint Landing Associates and L+M Development Partners,
together with New York City’s Deputy Mayor for Housing and Economic Development Alicia
Glen, Housing, Preservation & Development Commissioner Vicki Been, Housing Development
Corporation President Gary Rodney, and OTHER VIPS (Levin, Lentol, Maloney, Carlo), today
marked the progress of Greenpoint Landing, the mixed-income 22-acre development along the East
River set to transform a section of long-underutilized Greenpoint waterfront. Of the 5,500 units
expected to be built at Greenpoint Landing, approximately 1,400 will be affordable and the first 300
affordable units will be delivered to the community over the next two years.

“For the last decade, we have been a part of the wonderful Greenpoint community and we are so
proud to be delivering quality affordable housing to the neighborhood as part of this transformative
project. L&M Development Partners has been an excellent joint-venture partner on these first three
affordable housing sites and we are truly grateful to the City, HPD and HDC for their partnership as
well.” said Marian Klein, Senior Vice President of Greenpoint Landing Associates.

“Our work on the affordable housing sites, in partnership with Greenpoint Landing Associates, is
the epitome of our efforts to create dynamic affordable housing and amenities that drive
neighborhood growth in New York City,” said Ron Moelis, CEO of L+M Development
Partners. “With a wide array of low-, moderate- and middle-income units, larger units for families
and 13,000 square feet of open space for residents, our affordable buildings will help establish a
vibrant community on the Greenpoint waterfront. This development would not have been possible
without the help of the de Blasio administration and the local community, who partnered with us to
bring this exciting project to fruition.”
Alicia Quote

Been Quote
“Ensuring that housing development is guided by meaningful community engagement and
coordinated with public investments in infrastructure and services is a prime commitment of
Housing New York,” said Gary Rodney, President of HDC. “This large-scale development,
Greenpoint Landing, sets a precedent for how we as a City can both invest in affordable housing
and meet the critical housing needs of our residents, as well as how to make strategic investments
that support new housing while revitalizing communities, and promotes economic diversity. I would
like to thank all of our partners in the public and private sector and elected officials for their hard
work and continuous efforts that enable a wider range of New Yorkers to benefit from the City’s
ongoing affordable housing efforts.”

Greenpoint Landing Associates has collaborated with L+M Development Partners to construct the
first three 100 percent affordable housing buildings, totaling nearly 300 units:
• 5 Blue Slip: Scheduled to open in 2017, 5 Blue Slip will have 103 deeply affordable units
available to residents who earn between 30 percent and 60 percent of the area median income.
• 21 Commercial Street: Scheduled to open in one year, 21 Commercial Street will have 93 units
available to residents who earn between 40 percent and 60 percent of the area median income.
• 33 Eagle Street: Slated to open in late 2016, 33 Eagle Street will include 98 units available to
residents who earn between 40 percent and 120 percent of the area median income.

Fifty percent of the affordable housing units are two-bedroom apartments, providing more
affordable options for families in the community. The units will be marketed and leased as per New
York City Department of Housing Preservation & Development (HPD) and Housing Development
Corporation (HDC) guidelines, which have traditionally provided a 50 percent preference for local
community residents. These permanently-affordable units will contribute to Mayor Bill de Blasio’s
goal to preserve and create 200,000 units of affordable housing over the next 10 years.
Gary Handel of Handel Architects designed all three affordable buildings in a style that incorporates
Greenpoint’s industrial and historic past. Handel Architects is known for its innovative residential
developments such as the Cornell University Residences underway on Roosevelt Island.
Greenpoint Landing has hired James Corner Field Operations, designer of The High Line and
Cornell Tech, to design the four acres of publicly accessible open space across the entire site. For
the first time in generations, this portion of Greenpoint will have unencumbered access to the
waterfront, including a great lawn, picnic area and the Green Street Pier, providing vantage points
for the community and residents to enjoy an unobstructed view of the Manhattan skyline.

The new green space will also serve as a resilient storm barrier for the Greenpoint community.
Greenpoint Landing was one of the first waterfront sites in New York to integrate new FEMA flood
regulations and has incorporated innovative resiliency into its design. The flood barrier to protect
the community against a potential flood is concealed within the terraced topography of the public
esplanade. Plantings in the area will be salt-tolerant and materials will be used that are able to
withstand tidal surge.

Greenpoint Landing’s four acres of new park space will complement the five acres of public park
land the City is redesigning at neighboring Newtown Barge Park (for which Greenpoint Landing
Associates has contributed $5.5 million for immediate park enhancements) as well as Greenpoint
Playground and Box Street Park. A new ferry landing is contemplated at Greenpoint Landing, which
will be constructed adjacent to Newtown Barge Park.
Each of the first three affordable housing buildings will feature retail spaces on the ground floor,
smaller spaces geared towards local retailers. There will be approximately 9,000 square feet of retail
space in the first three buildings.

Greenpoint Landing Associates has gifted land to the School Construction Authority (SCA) to build
a 640-seat District 14 public school serving pre-kindergarten through eighth grade students within
the community. Approximately $45 million has been allocated for the design and construction of
this school.

In 2014, the City of New York demolished the East River Sludge Storage Tank – a concrete
structure on the corner of Commercial and Dupont Streets previously used to store sludge from the
Newtown Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant. The demolition of the tank fulfilled a longstanding
promise to the Greenpoint community.

From: Nicole Kolinsky
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: press@cityhall.nyc.gov
Subject: Crains/Greenpoint Landing
Date: Wednesday, June 24, 2015 4:16:59 PM

We had a great walk through with Joe Anuta @ Greenpoint Landing this morning.
He said he would definitely be in touch with you to talk to Alicia. 

Any idea when you will have edits to the release + quote back to us?


Nicole Kolinsky
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5296 (o)
646.263.1527 (c)
From: Norvell, Wiley
To: "Paul Parkhill"
Cc: Tamara Greenfield; Braithwaite, Elaine; Emma Woods
Subject: RE: Release + Q&A
Date: Thursday, June 25, 2015 10:04:13 AM

Yes, we’ll get you quote today.

From: Paul Parkhill [mailto:parkhill@spaceworksnyc.org]
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 9:59 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Tamara Greenfield; Braithwaite, Elaine; Emma Woods
Subject: RE: Release + Q&A

Hi Wiley.
The Journal article seems to have been delayed – we’re looking at next week we believe. Do you
think we might still be able to get us a quote from Alicia? Let us know if you have questions or need
more information.
Paul Parkhill
Executive Director | Spaceworks
540 President Street, Unit 2E
Brooklyn, NY 11215
Phone 718-408-8755 ext. 101 | Fax 718-414-2197
From: Braithwaite, Elaine [mailto:EBraithwaite@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 3:33 PM
To: Paul Parkhill; Ryan Max
Cc: Tamara Greenfield; Norvell, Wiley; Bruch, Mary
Subject: RE: Release + Q&A

Hi Paul,
CC-ing Wiley from City Hall’s press office who can help with a quote from Alicia.
From: Paul Parkhill [mailto:parkhill@spaceworksnyc.org]
Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 2:11 PM
To: Ryan Max; Braithwaite, Elaine
Cc: Tamara Greenfield
Subject: FW: Release + Q&A

Hi Ryan and Elaine.

Here’s the draft press release. The BPL is still working on Linda’s quote. Do you think we might be
able to get something from Tom and Alicia before tomorrow?
Thanks so much.
Paul Parkhill
Executive Director | Spaceworks
540 President Street, Unit 2E
Brooklyn, NY 11215
Phone 718-408-8755 ext. 101 | Fax 718-414-2197
From: Emma Woods [mailto:emma@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 1:03 PM
To: Paul Parkhill; Tamara Greenfield; Woloch, David; Leddy, Adam
Cc: Madeline Kaye
Subject: Release + Q&A

Hi all — 
Attached is the latest version of the press release. We're still locking down Linda's quote, and perhaps
more are coming from your end, Spaceworks. 
We should send this out late morning tomorrow, since the WSJ story will be out and the news will have
been broken (I tweaked the opening to reflect this). We'll field requests for tours and work with you all to
figure out how to schedule those. 
Also attached is a Q&A with some of the tough questions we anticipate. Can BPL and Spaceworks both
review for accuracy? We'll be able to answer these questions on background should we be asked, and can
set up on the record interviews as they are requested.
Emma Woods
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5303
C: 203-568-4780
From: Jovana Rizzo
To: Bruch, Mary
Subject: Re: Greenpoint Landing
Date: Thursday, June 25, 2015 7:08:00 PM
Attachments: image001.png

Hi Mary, on your questions--

Ron Moelis will be there from L&M

Financing: Wells Fargo

(More info if you need: Projects received bond financing via HDC, who also provided subsidy. One
building (E3) also received HPD subsidy. Wells Fargo provided credit enhancement on the bonds and
was the low income housing tax credit investor. There was also a sponsor loan on G2 and F2.)

One MWBE: Landscape architect for two of the buildings - Starr Whitehouse Landscape Architects and
Planners PLLC

From: <Bruch>, Mary <MBruch@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Thursday, June 25, 2015 5:02 PM
To: Jovana <jovana@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing

Thank you!
From: Jovana Rizzo [mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 5:01 PM
To: Bruch, Mary; Morris, Juliet (HPD); Bederman, Eric (HPD); Nicole Kolinsky; Norvell, Wiley; 'Christina
Sanchez'; Kim Stroman; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum
Subject: Re: Greenpoint Landing
It will be Marian Klein Feldt.
Jovana Rizzo
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5329
C: 917-836-0618
From: <Bruch>, Mary <MBruch@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Thursday, June 25, 2015 4:48 PM
To: "Morris, Juliet (HPD)" <morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov>, "Bederman, Eric (HPD)"
<bedermae@hpd.nyc.gov>, Nicole Kolinsky <Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com>, "Norvell, Wiley"
<WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>, 'Christina Sanchez' <csanchez@nychdc.com>, Kim Stroman
<kstroman@nychdc.com>, "Seabrook, Margie (HPD)" <seabroom@hpd.nyc.gov>, Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana <jovana@berlinrosen.com>, Danielle Schlanger <Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com>,
Johanna Greenbaum <jgreenbaum@parktowergroup.com>
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi All,
Who is the “representative from Greenpoint Landing Associates” that will be introducing DM Glen

Thank you,
From: Morris, Juliet (HPD) [mailto:morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 4:42 PM
To: Bederman, Eric (HPD); Nicole Kolinsky; Norvell, Wiley; Bruch, Mary; 'Christina Sanchez'; Kim
Stroman; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Importance: High
Hi Nicole,
We’ll have some edits to HDC President Gary Rodney’s quote coming your way very soon. We’ll also
have a quote for HPD Commissioner Vicki Been as well.
From: Bederman, Eric (HPD)
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 4:02 PM
To: Nicole Kolinsky; Morris, Juliet (HPD); Norvell, Wiley; Bruch, Mary; 'Christina Sanchez'; Kim Stroman;
Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
I don’t know that it will come up tomorrow, but I think it’s fine to remove that sentence from the release
as a precaution. Thanks for checking.
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 11:34 AM
To: Morris, Juliet (HPD); Norvell, Wiley; Bruch, Mary; 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim
Stroman; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi everyone, you have probably seen the SCOTUS news around the Fair Housing Act and impacts on
local-resident preferences. Just wanted to flag for your team and see if there was a response you
will have in case it comes up (we saw that Daily News’ Alyssa Katz was already opining). We will
follow your lead. We would also be ok with taking the reference to local affordable out of the
release: The units will be marketed and leased as per New York City Department of Housing Preservation &
Development (HPD) and Housing Development Corporation (HDC) guidelines, which have traditionally provided a
50 percent preference for local community residents.
From: Morris, Juliet (HPD) [mailto:morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2015 11:31 AM
To: Nicole Kolinsky; Norvell, Wiley; Bruch, Mary; 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim
Stroman; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Thank you, Nicole!
One quick question – what’s the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce’s involvement in this site? Just
asking in case I’m missing something specific.
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 6:58 PM
To: Morris, Juliet (HPD); Norvell, Wiley; Bruch, Mary; 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim
Stroman; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi everyone, please find a draft press release attached as well as proposed run of show with
speakers. Please note we are proposing not to hold a formal Q+A following the groundbreaking.
Looking forward to your feedback.
Nicole Kolinsky
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5296 (o)
646.263.1527 (c)
From: Morris, Juliet (HPD) [mailto:morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 11:58 AM
To: Nicole Kolinsky; Norvell, Wiley; Bruch, Mary; 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim
Stroman; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
We just wanted to be completely clear - HPD President Gary Rodney and HPD Commissioner Vicki
Been will be attending the event but Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen will be the only person making
remarks in the agenda on behalf of the City.
Could you send us your complete speaking order/agenda and run of show for the event when you
get a chance?
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, June 22, 2015 3:36 PM
To: Morris, Juliet (HPD); Norvell, Wiley; Bruch, Mary; 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim
Stroman; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi everyone, wanted to let you know that Joe Anuta @ Crains will write the preview story for Friday.
We’ll be sure to refer him to you. We also circulated the media advisory this morning and hope to
have a draft release to share with you by the end of the day or tomorrow morning. Thanks!
From: Morris, Juliet (HPD) [mailto:morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2015 12:17 PM
To: Nicole Kolinsky; Norvell, Wiley; Bruch, Mary; 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim
Stroman; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi Nicole,
Unfortunately, HPD cannot supply staging equipment and the City seal is only used for Mayoral level
events. We recommend that the developer make arrangements for all equipment needed for event
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2015 11:49 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley; Bruch, Mary; Morris, Juliet (HPD); 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim
Stroman; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Thanks Wiley. We will definitely refer reporter to you once we have her locked in (she is in a cabin in
the Berkshires with no service but has expressed interest in running it). Hoping to have draft release
to you on Monday for review. We’ll send advisory out on Monday morning.
If someone could let me know about staging questions below (flags+podium), that would be great.
Also, heads up that Jeremy and I are unable to attend the actual event next Friday. Jovana and
Danielle from our team will be on site to coordinate and answer and questions. We also have folks
from Rubenstein and folks from Marathon Strategies, who work for L+M, on site as well.
Thx everyone!
Nicole Kolinsky
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5296 (o)
646.263.1527 (c)
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2015 11:41 AM
To: Nicole Kolinsky; Bruch, Mary; Morris, Juliet (HPD); 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim
Stroman; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Yes to listing DM Glen as attending on Advisory.
We’d love to be a  part of the WSJ story. Keep us looped!
We’d like to give quotes for your press release, and review language. We’ll circulate to housing
reporters, but you should issue it.
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2015 11:34 AM
To: Bruch, Mary; Morris, Juliet (HPD); 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman;
Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum; Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi everyone, some additional logistical questions to add to the outstanding questions below:
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Should we arrange appropriate flags or can the city provide?
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Is there a podium with the City seal you’d like to use?
If you could advise on these and the below by the end of the day that would be terrific. We are still
talking through the exclusive story with Emily Nonko at the WSJ and hope to have her committed
Nicole Kolinsky
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5296 (o)
646.263.1527 (c)
From: Nicole Kolinsky
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2015 4:11 PM
To: 'Bruch, Mary'; Morris, Juliet (HPD); 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman;
Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum; Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Thanks Mary. Wiley, please let me know if you have any feedback on the below (repasted from
previous email):
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->we’d like to put out a very barebones media advisory
Monday (e.g. Greenpoint Landing Associates, L+M Development Partners, and City Leaders to
Make Announcement at Greenpoint Landing Site). Please let me know if I should list DM Glen as
attending. I understand Commissioner Been and President Rodney are both confirmed.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Additionally, we’ve targeted Emily Nonko a freelancer at the
WSJ to run a same day exclusive next Friday. She has our pitch now. We’ll let you know if she
decides to write.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Lastly, we are drafting a press release to be jointly issued by
Greenpoint Landing Associates and L+M Dev. Partners but wanted to see if any of your offices
were planning on issuing something? If so we can share our draft to be repurposed once it’s in
good shape. Let me know what route you all prefer and we’ll take it from there.
Nicole Kolinsky
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5296 (o)
646.263.1527 (c)
From: Bruch, Mary [mailto:MBruch@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2015 3:55 PM
To: Nicole Kolinsky; Morris, Juliet (HPD); 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman;
Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum; Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Thank you for the updates, Nicole.
I am adding Wiley Norvell, and removing Kate Blumm, to handle City Hall Press.
Mary Bruch
Special Assistant
Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen
(212) 341-5013
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2015 3:52 PM
To: Morris, Juliet (HPD); 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman; Seabrook, Margie
(HPD); Bruch, Mary; Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
These are the confirmations we have so far:
Park Tower Group
CM Levin
AM Lentol said he would if Albany session is over.
Brooklyn Chamber
No other electeds confirmed at this time. Will let you know if we receive further updates.
Nicole Kolinsky
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5296 (o)
646.263.1527 (c)
From: Nicole Kolinsky
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2015 3:29 PM
To: 'Morris, Juliet (HPD)'; 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman; Seabrook, Margie
(HPD); 'Bruch, Mary'; Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin; Danielle Schlanger
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
H Juliet, I will check in with the developer who sent the invite earlier this week and get back to you
as soon as I hear. In the mean time we’d like to put out a very barebones media advisory Monday
(e.g. Greenpoint Landing Associates, L+M Development Partners, and City Leaders to Make
Announcement at Greenpoint Landing Site). Please let me know if I should list DM Glen,
Commissioner Been and/or President Rodney as attending.
Additionally, we’ve targeted Emily Nonko a freelancer at the WSJ to run a same day exclusive next
Friday. She has our pitch now. We’ll let you know if she decides to write.
Lastly, we are drafting a press release to be jointly issued by Greenpoint Landing Associates and L+M
Dev. Partners but wanted to see if any of your offices were planning on issuing something? If so we
can share our draft to be repurposed once it’s in good shape. Let me know what route you all prefer
and we’ll take it from there.
Nicole Kolinsky
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5296 (o)
646.263.1527 (c)
From: Morris, Juliet (HPD) [mailto:morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2015 3:14 PM
To: Nicole Kolinsky; 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman; Seabrook, Margie (HPD);
'Bruch, Mary'; Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi Nicole,
Thanks again for the information.
Just wanted to follow-up to see if you had any other hard confirmations from the list of potential
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 2:15 PM
To: Morris, Juliet (HPD); 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman; Seabrook, Margie
(HPD); 'Bruch, Mary'; Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Since the site is hard to get to for those who are unfamiliar, we are calling it for 10:30 AM with an
11AM actual start time.
From: Morris, Juliet (HPD) [mailto:morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 2:12 PM
To: Nicole Kolinsky; 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman; Seabrook, Margie (HPD);
'Bruch, Mary'; Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Thanks, Nicole. Your official start time is 11am, yes?
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 1:28 PM
To: Morris, Juliet (HPD); 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman; Seabrook, Margie
(HPD); 'Bruch, Mary'; Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi Juliet, currently we have George Klein of Greenpoint Landing Associates and Ron Moelis, CEO of
L+M Development Partners confirmed.
We are working to nail down precise staging details but right now we have a podium and possible
riser with audience seating that would be angled toward the waterfront, primarily on the F2 site (the
groundbreaking site). The skyline and East River would be the backdrop of the speakers and the
topped out G2 affordable building would be behind the audience.
Please let me know if you have further questions. We’ll look out for your prep materials.
Nicole Kolinsky
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5296 (o)
646.263.1527 (c)
From: Morris, Juliet (HPD) [mailto:morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 11:50 AM
To: Nicole Kolinsky; 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman; Seabrook, Margie (HPD);
'Bruch, Mary'; Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi Nicole,
Thanks for checking in. We are working on internal prep documents for this event and will follow-up
with you very soon with questions.
One question I do have – I noticed you had a list of potential speakers in your memo. Do you have a
list of confirmed speakers prepared yet? If so, could you share it?
Also, are there any other updates on what the event will look like or are we still pretty close to
what’s outlined in the memo?
Juliet Morris
Deputy Press Secretary
NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD)
Phone: 212-863-5682
Email: morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov

From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 11:44 AM
To: Morris, Juliet (HPD); 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman; Seabrook, Margie
(HPD); 'Bruch, Mary'; Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi everyone, wanted to check in to see if you had any feedback or questions regarding this
announcement. Who is the best person on your end to be in touch with? Thx
Nicole Kolinsky
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5296 (o)
646.263.1527 (c)
From: Morris, Juliet (HPD) [mailto:morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 12:18 PM
To: 'Christina Sanchez'; Nicole Kolinsky; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman; Jeremy Soffin; Seabrook,
Margie (HPD); 'Bruch, Mary'; Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
+ Bederman in the interest of open communication
From: Christina Sanchez [mailto:csanchez@nychdc.com]
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 12:15 PM
To: 'Nicole Kolinsky'; Kim Stroman; Jeremy Soffin; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); 'Bruch, Mary'; Elizabeth
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Morris, Juliet (HPD)
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Thank you, Nicole.
I will forward to HPD Communications. 
Christina Sanchez | Communications Coordinator
The New York City Housing Development Corporation
110 William Street, 10th Floor| New York, NY 10038
(  212.227.2644 (main) | 212.815.7313(fax)
+  Csanchez@nychdc.com| HDCpress@nychdc.com

From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 11:02 AM
To: Kim Stroman; Jeremy Soffin; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); 'Bruch, Mary'; Elizabeth Rohlfing; Christina
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi Elizabeth and Christina, here is the briefing memo we sent this morning regarding the 6/26
Greenpoint Landing groundbreaking. Let us know if you have any questions and who the point
person will be from the Administration.
Thank you,
Nicole Kolinsky
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5296 (o)
646.263.1527 (c)
From: Kim Stroman [mailto:kstroman@nychdc.com]
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 10:55 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); 'Bruch, Mary'; Elizabeth Rohlfing; Christina Sanchez
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Nicole Kolinsky
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi Jeremy.  Please loop in our Vice President of Communications, Elizabeth Rohlfing, and our
Communications Coordinator, Christina Sanchez.  Thanks.
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 8:21 AM
To: Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Kim Stroman; 'Bruch, Mary'
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Nicole Kolinsky
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi all, attached please find a memo with our initial thoughts on the groundbreaking for your review.
Please let us know if there is a point person we should work with on the details.
I’m also cc’ing my colleagues Nicole and Jovana who are leading the event for us. Thanks!
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Seabrook, Margie (HPD) [mailto:SEABROOM@hpd.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, June 01, 2015 11:36 AM
To: 'Kim Stroman'; 'Bruch, Mary'; Jeremy Soffin; Ashley Dennis
Cc: Blumm, Kate
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Sorry was on vacation this time works.
From: Kim Stroman [mailto:kstroman@nychdc.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 11:15 AM
To: 'Bruch, Mary'; Jeremy Soffin; Ashley Dennis
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Seabrook, Margie (HPD)
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
HDC President Gary Rodney is available.  I have a hold on his calendar.
From: Bruch, Mary [mailto:MBruch@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 10:57 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin; Ashley Dennis
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Kim Stroman
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hope you had a great long weekend. I am holding 9am-12pm for this on June 26 th . Margie and Kim,
cc’d, can advise on Commissioner Been and President Rodney’s availability, respectively.
Thank you,
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 10:56 AM
To: Bruch, Mary; Ashley Dennis
Cc: Blumm, Kate
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Mary: The 26 th looks good with us, just double-checking with one of the partners on the project. If
you can please hold the date, I will get final confirmation today.
What time were you thinking?
Thanks again.
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Bruch, Mary [mailto:MBruch@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 1:46 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin; Ashley Dennis
Cc: Blumm, Kate
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Would the morning of June 26 th work for folks? Alicia, Vicki and Gary can all do that day.
Looping Ashley, who also reached out.
Please let us know!
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 5:17 PM
To: Blumm, Kate
Subject: Greenpoint Landing
Kate: Good talking to you yesterday. I’ve reattached the invite letter, which includes details on the
project and broad thinking on messaging. In terms of a potential event, here’s what we were
Timing: A May or June groundbreaking would be timely, with two affordable buildings underway and
a third ready to break ground.
Location: The affordable building ready to break ground (site F) has remarkable views of the water
and skyline, and is adjacent to the park and the first affordable building, which broke ground 10
months ago and is close to topping out.
Speaking program: The more the merrier, but would think speakers would come from among this
--Deputy Mayor Glen
--Commissioner Been
--Commissioner Rodney
--Commissioner Silver
--George Klein
--Ron Moelis
Local electeds
--CM Levin
--AM Lentol
--Sen. Dilan
--BP Adams
--Cong. Maloney
--Open Space Alliance
--Others TBD
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Jovana Rizzo
To: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Date: Thursday, June 25, 2015 9:52:02 PM
Attachments: image001.png

Thanks -- if you have two minutes to talk, can I give you an update on the Crain's story? I'm at

From: Norvell, Wiley [WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 9:00 PM
To: Jovana Rizzo; Bruch, Mary; Morris, Juliet (HPD); Bederman, Eric (HPD); Nicole Kolinsky; 'Christina
Sanchez'; Kim Stroman; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing

Quotes and one addition to the press release below:
Quote from Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen:
“We have worked hard to make this the best project it can be. It will ultimately mean more than a
thousand affordable apartments in a neighborhood where fast-rising rents are putting pressures on
working families. And what’s remarkable—and a sign of our commitment to getting the most
affordable housing for our dollars—is that the City succeeding in reducing the projected subsidy per
unit by half. This is a good deal for taxpayers and a great project for this community.”
Quote from our DOB Commissioner:
“The innovative Greenpoint Landing project will promote housing equity in this community and
bring the City closer to reaching the Mayor’s 200,000 unit affordable housing goal, while
incorporating necessary resiliency design enhancements into the waterfront space,” said Building
Commissioner Rick Chandler. “I want to thank Deputy Mayor Glen and her team for their efforts on
this project. As the Department of Buildings assembles our Affordable Housing Acceleration Team,
we look forward to enhanced collaboration with HPD and other city agencies that will ensure timely
review of applications in order to achieve the Administration’s Housing New York goals.”
And we’d like to add the highlighted sentence to this paragraph:
Fifty percent of the affordable housing units are two-bedroom apartments, providing more
affordable options for families in the community. The units will be marketed and leased as per
New York City Department of Housing Preservation & Development ( HPD ) and Housing
Development Corporation (HDC) guidelines, which h ave traditionally provided a 50 percent
preference for local community residents. These permanently-affordable units will contribute to
Mayor Bill de Blasio’s goal to preserve and create 200,000 units of affordable housing over the
next 10 years. Consistent with the de Blasio administration’s commitment to stretching every
dollar to produce more affordable housing, the administration worked with the developer to
reduce the projected per-unit subsidy by half, from a projected $136,000 per unit to $65,000 per
From: Jovana Rizzo [mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 5:01 PM
To: Bruch, Mary; Morris, Juliet (HPD); Bederman, Eric (HPD); Nicole Kolinsky; Norvell, Wiley; 'Christina
Sanchez'; Kim Stroman; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum
Subject: Re: Greenpoint Landing
It will be Marian Klein Feldt.
Jovana Rizzo
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5329
C: 917-836-0618
From: <Bruch>, Mary <MBruch@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Thursday, June 25, 2015 4:48 PM
To: "Morris, Juliet (HPD)" <morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov>, "Bederman, Eric (HPD)"
<bedermae@hpd.nyc.gov>, Nicole Kolinsky <Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com>, "Norvell, Wiley"
<WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>, 'Christina Sanchez' <csanchez@nychdc.com>, Kim Stroman
<kstroman@nychdc.com>, "Seabrook, Margie (HPD)" <seabroom@hpd.nyc.gov>, Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana <jovana@berlinrosen.com>, Danielle Schlanger <Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com>,
Johanna Greenbaum <jgreenbaum@parktowergroup.com>
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi All,
Who is the “representative from Greenpoint Landing Associates” that will be introducing DM Glen

Thank you,
From: Morris, Juliet (HPD) [mailto:morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 4:42 PM
To: Bederman, Eric (HPD); Nicole Kolinsky; Norvell, Wiley; Bruch, Mary; 'Christina Sanchez'; Kim
Stroman; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Importance: High
Hi Nicole,
We’ll have some edits to HDC President Gary Rodney’s quote coming your way very soon. We’ll also
have a quote for HPD Commissioner Vicki Been as well.
From: Bederman, Eric (HPD)
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 4:02 PM
To: Nicole Kolinsky; Morris, Juliet (HPD); Norvell, Wiley; Bruch, Mary; 'Christina Sanchez'; Kim Stroman;
Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
I don’t know that it will come up tomorrow, but I think it’s fine to remove that sentence from the release
as a precaution. Thanks for checking.
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 11:34 AM
To: Morris, Juliet (HPD); Norvell, Wiley; Bruch, Mary; 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim
Stroman; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi everyone, you have probably seen the SCOTUS news around the Fair Housing Act and impacts on
local-resident preferences. Just wanted to flag for your team and see if there was a response you
will have in case it comes up (we saw that Daily News’ Alyssa Katz was already opining). We will
follow your lead. We would also be ok with taking the reference to local affordable out of the
release: The units will be marketed and leased as per New York City Department of Housing Preservation &
Development (HPD) and Housing Development Corporation (HDC) guidelines, which have traditionally provided a
50 percent preference for local community residents.
From: Morris, Juliet (HPD) [mailto:morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2015 11:31 AM
To: Nicole Kolinsky; Norvell, Wiley; Bruch, Mary; 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim
Stroman; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Thank you, Nicole!
One quick question – what’s the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce’s involvement in this site? Just
asking in case I’m missing something specific.
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 6:58 PM
To: Morris, Juliet (HPD); Norvell, Wiley; Bruch, Mary; 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim
Stroman; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi everyone, please find a draft press release attached as well as proposed run of show with
speakers. Please note we are proposing not to hold a formal Q+A following the groundbreaking.
Looking forward to your feedback.
Nicole Kolinsky
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5296 (o)
646.263.1527 (c)
From: Morris, Juliet (HPD) [mailto:morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 11:58 AM
To: Nicole Kolinsky; Norvell, Wiley; Bruch, Mary; 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim
Stroman; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
We just wanted to be completely clear - HPD President Gary Rodney and HPD Commissioner Vicki
Been will be attending the event but Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen will be the only person making
remarks in the agenda on behalf of the City.
Could you send us your complete speaking order/agenda and run of show for the event when you
get a chance?
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, June 22, 2015 3:36 PM
To: Morris, Juliet (HPD); Norvell, Wiley; Bruch, Mary; 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim
Stroman; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi everyone, wanted to let you know that Joe Anuta @ Crains will write the preview story for Friday.
We’ll be sure to refer him to you. We also circulated the media advisory this morning and hope to
have a draft release to share with you by the end of the day or tomorrow morning. Thanks!
From: Morris, Juliet (HPD) [mailto:morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2015 12:17 PM
To: Nicole Kolinsky; Norvell, Wiley; Bruch, Mary; 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim
Stroman; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi Nicole,
Unfortunately, HPD cannot supply staging equipment and the City seal is only used for Mayoral level
events. We recommend that the developer make arrangements for all equipment needed for event
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2015 11:49 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley; Bruch, Mary; Morris, Juliet (HPD); 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim
Stroman; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Thanks Wiley. We will definitely refer reporter to you once we have her locked in (she is in a cabin in
the Berkshires with no service but has expressed interest in running it). Hoping to have draft release
to you on Monday for review. We’ll send advisory out on Monday morning.
If someone could let me know about staging questions below (flags+podium), that would be great.
Also, heads up that Jeremy and I are unable to attend the actual event next Friday. Jovana and
Danielle from our team will be on site to coordinate and answer and questions. We also have folks
from Rubenstein and folks from Marathon Strategies, who work for L+M, on site as well.
Thx everyone!
Nicole Kolinsky
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5296 (o)
646.263.1527 (c)
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2015 11:41 AM
To: Nicole Kolinsky; Bruch, Mary; Morris, Juliet (HPD); 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim
Stroman; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Yes to listing DM Glen as attending on Advisory.
We’d love to be a  part of the WSJ story. Keep us looped!
We’d like to give quotes for your press release, and review language. We’ll circulate to housing
reporters, but you should issue it.
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2015 11:34 AM
To: Bruch, Mary; Morris, Juliet (HPD); 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman;
Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum; Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi everyone, some additional logistical questions to add to the outstanding questions below:
· Should we arrange appropriate flags or can the city provide?
· Is there a podium with the City seal you’d like to use?
If you could advise on these and the below by the end of the day that would be terrific. We are still
talking through the exclusive story with Emily Nonko at the WSJ and hope to have her committed
Nicole Kolinsky
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5296 (o)
646.263.1527 (c)
From: Nicole Kolinsky
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2015 4:11 PM
To: 'Bruch, Mary'; Morris, Juliet (HPD); 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman;
Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum; Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Thanks Mary. Wiley, please let me know if you have any feedback on the below (repasted from
previous email):
· we’d like to put out a very barebones media advisory Monday (e.g. Greenpoint Landing
Associates, L+M Development Partners, and City Leaders to Make Announcement at Greenpoint
Landing Site). Please let me know if I should list DM Glen as attending. I understand
Commissioner Been and President Rodney are both confirmed.
· Additionally, we’ve targeted Emily Nonko a freelancer at the WSJ to run a same day exclusive next
Friday. She has our pitch now. We’ll let you know if she decides to write.
· Lastly, we are drafting a press release to be jointly issued by Greenpoint Landing Associates and
L+M Dev. Partners but wanted to see if any of your offices were planning on issuing something?
If so we can share our draft to be repurposed once it’s in good shape. Let me know what route
you all prefer and we’ll take it from there.
Nicole Kolinsky
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5296 (o)
646.263.1527 (c)
From: Bruch, Mary [mailto:MBruch@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2015 3:55 PM
To: Nicole Kolinsky; Morris, Juliet (HPD); 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman;
Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum; Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Thank you for the updates, Nicole.
I am adding Wiley Norvell, and removing Kate Blumm, to handle City Hall Press.
Mary Bruch
Special Assistant
Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen
(212) 341-5013
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2015 3:52 PM
To: Morris, Juliet (HPD); 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman; Seabrook, Margie
(HPD); Bruch, Mary; Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
These are the confirmations we have so far:
Park Tower Group
CM Levin
AM Lentol said he would if Albany session is over.
Brooklyn Chamber
No other electeds confirmed at this time. Will let you know if we receive further updates.
Nicole Kolinsky
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5296 (o)
646.263.1527 (c)
From: Nicole Kolinsky
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2015 3:29 PM
To: 'Morris, Juliet (HPD)'; 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman; Seabrook, Margie
(HPD); 'Bruch, Mary'; Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin; Danielle Schlanger
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
H Juliet, I will check in with the developer who sent the invite earlier this week and get back to you
as soon as I hear. In the mean time we’d like to put out a very barebones media advisory Monday
(e.g. Greenpoint Landing Associates, L+M Development Partners, and City Leaders to Make
Announcement at Greenpoint Landing Site). Please let me know if I should list DM Glen,
Commissioner Been and/or President Rodney as attending.
Additionally, we’ve targeted Emily Nonko a freelancer at the WSJ to run a same day exclusive next
Friday. She has our pitch now. We’ll let you know if she decides to write.
Lastly, we are drafting a press release to be jointly issued by Greenpoint Landing Associates and L+M
Dev. Partners but wanted to see if any of your offices were planning on issuing something? If so we
can share our draft to be repurposed once it’s in good shape. Let me know what route you all prefer
and we’ll take it from there.
Nicole Kolinsky
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5296 (o)
646.263.1527 (c)
From: Morris, Juliet (HPD) [mailto:morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2015 3:14 PM
To: Nicole Kolinsky; 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman; Seabrook, Margie (HPD);
'Bruch, Mary'; Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi Nicole,
Thanks again for the information.
Just wanted to follow-up to see if you had any other hard confirmations from the list of potential
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 2:15 PM
To: Morris, Juliet (HPD); 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman; Seabrook, Margie
(HPD); 'Bruch, Mary'; Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Since the site is hard to get to for those who are unfamiliar, we are calling it for 10:30 AM with an
11AM actual start time.
From: Morris, Juliet (HPD) [mailto:morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 2:12 PM
To: Nicole Kolinsky; 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman; Seabrook, Margie (HPD);
'Bruch, Mary'; Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Thanks, Nicole. Your official start time is 11am, yes?
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 1:28 PM
To: Morris, Juliet (HPD); 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman; Seabrook, Margie
(HPD); 'Bruch, Mary'; Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi Juliet, currently we have George Klein of Greenpoint Landing Associates and Ron Moelis, CEO of
L+M Development Partners confirmed.
We are working to nail down precise staging details but right now we have a podium and possible
riser with audience seating that would be angled toward the waterfront, primarily on the F2 site (the
groundbreaking site). The skyline and East River would be the backdrop of the speakers and the
topped out G2 affordable building would be behind the audience.
Please let me know if you have further questions. We’ll look out for your prep materials.
Nicole Kolinsky
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5296 (o)
646.263.1527 (c)
From: Morris, Juliet (HPD) [mailto:morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 11:50 AM
To: Nicole Kolinsky; 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman; Seabrook, Margie (HPD);
'Bruch, Mary'; Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi Nicole,
Thanks for checking in. We are working on internal prep documents for this event and will follow-up
with you very soon with questions.
One question I do have – I noticed you had a list of potential speakers in your memo. Do you have a
list of confirmed speakers prepared yet? If so, could you share it?
Also, are there any other updates on what the event will look like or are we still pretty close to
what’s outlined in the memo?
Juliet Morris
Deputy Press Secretary
NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD)
Phone: 212-863-5682
Email: morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov

From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 11:44 AM
To: Morris, Juliet (HPD); 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman; Seabrook, Margie
(HPD); 'Bruch, Mary'; Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi everyone, wanted to check in to see if you had any feedback or questions regarding this
announcement. Who is the best person on your end to be in touch with? Thx
Nicole Kolinsky
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5296 (o)
646.263.1527 (c)
From: Morris, Juliet (HPD) [mailto:morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 12:18 PM
To: 'Christina Sanchez'; Nicole Kolinsky; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman; Jeremy Soffin; Seabrook,
Margie (HPD); 'Bruch, Mary'; Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
+ Bederman in the interest of open communication
From: Christina Sanchez [mailto:csanchez@nychdc.com]
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 12:15 PM
To: 'Nicole Kolinsky'; Kim Stroman; Jeremy Soffin; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); 'Bruch, Mary'; Elizabeth
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Morris, Juliet (HPD)
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Thank you, Nicole.
I will forward to HPD Communications. 
Christina Sanchez | Communications Coordinator
The New York City Housing Development Corporation
110 William Street, 10th Floor| New York, NY 10038
(  212.227.2644 (main) | 212.815.7313(fax)
+  Csanchez@nychdc.com| HDCpress@nychdc.com

From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 11:02 AM
To: Kim Stroman; Jeremy Soffin; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); 'Bruch, Mary'; Elizabeth Rohlfing; Christina
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi Elizabeth and Christina, here is the briefing memo we sent this morning regarding the 6/26
Greenpoint Landing groundbreaking. Let us know if you have any questions and who the point
person will be from the Administration.
Thank you,
Nicole Kolinsky
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5296 (o)
646.263.1527 (c)
From: Kim Stroman [mailto:kstroman@nychdc.com]
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 10:55 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); 'Bruch, Mary'; Elizabeth Rohlfing; Christina Sanchez
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Nicole Kolinsky
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi Jeremy.  Please loop in our Vice President of Communications, Elizabeth Rohlfing, and our
Communications Coordinator, Christina Sanchez.  Thanks.
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 8:21 AM
To: Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Kim Stroman; 'Bruch, Mary'
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Nicole Kolinsky
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi all, attached please find a memo with our initial thoughts on the groundbreaking for your review.
Please let us know if there is a point person we should work with on the details.
I’m also cc’ing my colleagues Nicole and Jovana who are leading the event for us. Thanks!
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Seabrook, Margie (HPD) [mailto:SEABROOM@hpd.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, June 01, 2015 11:36 AM
To: 'Kim Stroman'; 'Bruch, Mary'; Jeremy Soffin; Ashley Dennis
Cc: Blumm, Kate
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Sorry was on vacation this time works.
From: Kim Stroman [mailto:kstroman@nychdc.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 11:15 AM
To: 'Bruch, Mary'; Jeremy Soffin; Ashley Dennis
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Seabrook, Margie (HPD)
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
HDC President Gary Rodney is available.  I have a hold on his calendar.
From: Bruch, Mary [mailto:MBruch@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 10:57 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin; Ashley Dennis
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Kim Stroman
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hope you had a great long weekend. I am holding 9am-12pm for this on June 26 th . Margie and Kim,
cc’d, can advise on Commissioner Been and President Rodney’s availability, respectively.
Thank you,
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 10:56 AM
To: Bruch, Mary; Ashley Dennis
Cc: Blumm, Kate
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Mary: The 26 th looks good with us, just double-checking with one of the partners on the project. If
you can please hold the date, I will get final confirmation today.
What time were you thinking?
Thanks again.
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Bruch, Mary [mailto:MBruch@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 1:46 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin; Ashley Dennis
Cc: Blumm, Kate
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Would the morning of June 26 th work for folks? Alicia, Vicki and Gary can all do that day.
Looping Ashley, who also reached out.
Please let us know!
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 5:17 PM
To: Blumm, Kate
Subject: Greenpoint Landing
Kate: Good talking to you yesterday. I’ve reattached the invite letter, which includes details on the
project and broad thinking on messaging. In terms of a potential event, here’s what we were
Timing: A May or June groundbreaking would be timely, with two affordable buildings underway and
a third ready to break ground.
Location: The affordable building ready to break ground (site F) has remarkable views of the water
and skyline, and is adjacent to the park and the first affordable building, which broke ground 10
months ago and is close to topping out.
Speaking program: The more the merrier, but would think speakers would come from among this
--Deputy Mayor Glen
--Commissioner Been
--Commissioner Rodney
--Commissioner Silver
--George Klein
--Ron Moelis
Local electeds
--CM Levin
--AM Lentol
--Sen. Dilan
--BP Adams
--Cong. Maloney
--Open Space Alliance
--Others TBD
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley
To: "jovana@berlinrosen.com"; Bruch, Mary; "morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov"; "bedermae@hpd.nyc.gov";
"Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com"; "csanchez@nychdc.com"; "kstroman@nychdc.com"; Seabrook, Margie
(HPD); "erohlfing@nychdc.com"
Cc: "Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com"; "jgreenbaum@parktowergroup.com"
Subject: Re: Greenpoint Landing
Date: Friday, June 26, 2015 9:12:34 AM
Attachments: image001.png

Jovana et al,
I am so sorry but after weeks of running ragged on the Albany front, DM Glen woke up very under
the weather and cannot make today's groundbreaking. We are truly, truly sorry! Commissioner Vicki
Been will speak in her stead. I'm reachable at if we can be any help with reporters
today. Again, we really do apologize for being unable to make this great event!
From: Norvell, Wiley
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 09:00 PM
To: 'Jovana Rizzo' <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Bruch, Mary; Morris, Juliet (HPD)
<morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov>; Bederman, Eric (HPD) <bedermae@hpd.nyc.gov>; Nicole Kolinsky
<Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com>; 'Christina Sanchez' <csanchez@nychdc.com>; Kim Stroman
<kstroman@nychdc.com>; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing <erohlfing@nychdc.com>
Cc: Danielle Schlanger <Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com>; Johanna Greenbaum
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Quotes and one addition to the press release below:
Quote from Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen:
“We have worked hard to make this the best project it can be. It will ultimately mean more than a
thousand affordable apartments in a neighborhood where fast-rising rents are putting pressures on
working families. And what’s remarkable—and a sign of our commitment to getting the most
affordable housing for our dollars—is that the City succeeding in reducing the projected subsidy per
unit by half. This is a good deal for taxpayers and a great project for this community.”
Quote from our DOB Commissioner:
“The innovative Greenpoint Landing project will promote housing equity in this community and
bring the City closer to reaching the Mayor’s 200,000 unit affordable housing goal, while
incorporating necessary resiliency design enhancements into the waterfront space,” said Building
Commissioner Rick Chandler. “I want to thank Deputy Mayor Glen and her team for their efforts on
this project. As the Department of Buildings assembles our Affordable Housing Acceleration Team,
we look forward to enhanced collaboration with HPD and other city agencies that will ensure timely
review of applications in order to achieve the Administration’s Housing New York goals.”
And we’d like to add the highlighted sentence to this paragraph:
Fifty percent of the affordable housing units are two-bedroom apartments, providing more
affordable options for families in the community. The units will be marketed and leased as per
New York City Department of Housing Preservation & Development ( HPD ) and Housing
Development Corporation (HDC) guidelines, which h ave traditionally provided a 50 percent
preference for local community residents. These permanently-affordable units will contribute to
Mayor Bill de Blasio’s goal to preserve and create 200,000 units of affordable housing over the
next 10 years. Consistent with the de Blasio administration’s commitment to stretching every
dollar to produce more affordable housing, the administration worked with the developer to
reduce the projected per-unit subsidy by half, from a projected $136,000 per unit to $65,000 per
From: Jovana Rizzo [mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 5:01 PM
To: Bruch, Mary; Morris, Juliet (HPD); Bederman, Eric (HPD); Nicole Kolinsky; Norvell, Wiley; 'Christina
Sanchez'; Kim Stroman; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum
Subject: Re: Greenpoint Landing
It will be Marian Klein Feldt.
Jovana Rizzo
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5329
C: 917-836-0618
From: <Bruch>, Mary <MBruch@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Thursday, June 25, 2015 4:48 PM
To: "Morris, Juliet (HPD)" <morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov>, "Bederman, Eric (HPD)"
<bedermae@hpd.nyc.gov>, Nicole Kolinsky <Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com>, "Norvell, Wiley"
<WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>, 'Christina Sanchez' <csanchez@nychdc.com>, Kim Stroman
<kstroman@nychdc.com>, "Seabrook, Margie (HPD)" <seabroom@hpd.nyc.gov>, Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana <jovana@berlinrosen.com>, Danielle Schlanger <Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com>,
Johanna Greenbaum <jgreenbaum@parktowergroup.com>
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi All,
Who is the “representative from Greenpoint Landing Associates” that will be introducing DM Glen
Thank you,
From: Morris, Juliet (HPD) [mailto:morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 4:42 PM
To: Bederman, Eric (HPD); Nicole Kolinsky; Norvell, Wiley; Bruch, Mary; 'Christina Sanchez'; Kim
Stroman; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Importance: High
Hi Nicole,
We’ll have some edits to HDC President Gary Rodney’s quote coming your way very soon. We’ll also
have a quote for HPD Commissioner Vicki Been as well.
From: Bederman, Eric (HPD)
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 4:02 PM
To: Nicole Kolinsky; Morris, Juliet (HPD); Norvell, Wiley; Bruch, Mary; 'Christina Sanchez'; Kim Stroman;
Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
I don’t know that it will come up tomorrow, but I think it’s fine to remove that sentence from the release
as a precaution. Thanks for checking.
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 11:34 AM
To: Morris, Juliet (HPD); Norvell, Wiley; Bruch, Mary; 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim
Stroman; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi everyone, you have probably seen the SCOTUS news around the Fair Housing Act and impacts on
local-resident preferences. Just wanted to flag for your team and see if there was a response you
will have in case it comes up (we saw that Daily News’ Alyssa Katz was already opining). We will
follow your lead. We would also be ok with taking the reference to local affordable out of the
release: The units will be marketed and leased as per New York City Department of Housing Preservation &
Development (HPD) and Housing Development Corporation (HDC) guidelines, which have traditionally provided a
50 percent preference for local community residents.
From: Morris, Juliet (HPD) [mailto:morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2015 11:31 AM
To: Nicole Kolinsky; Norvell, Wiley; Bruch, Mary; 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim
Stroman; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Thank you, Nicole!
One quick question – what’s the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce’s involvement in this site? Just
asking in case I’m missing something specific.
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 6:58 PM
To: Morris, Juliet (HPD); Norvell, Wiley; Bruch, Mary; 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim
Stroman; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi everyone, please find a draft press release attached as well as proposed run of show with
speakers. Please note we are proposing not to hold a formal Q+A following the groundbreaking.
Looking forward to your feedback.
Nicole Kolinsky
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5296 (o)
646.263.1527 (c)
From: Morris, Juliet (HPD) [mailto:morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 11:58 AM
To: Nicole Kolinsky; Norvell, Wiley; Bruch, Mary; 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim
Stroman; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
We just wanted to be completely clear - HPD President Gary Rodney and HPD Commissioner Vicki
Been will be attending the event but Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen will be the only person making
remarks in the agenda on behalf of the City.
Could you send us your complete speaking order/agenda and run of show for the event when you
get a chance?
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, June 22, 2015 3:36 PM
To: Morris, Juliet (HPD); Norvell, Wiley; Bruch, Mary; 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim
Stroman; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi everyone, wanted to let you know that Joe Anuta @ Crains will write the preview story for Friday.
We’ll be sure to refer him to you. We also circulated the media advisory this morning and hope to
have a draft release to share with you by the end of the day or tomorrow morning. Thanks!
From: Morris, Juliet (HPD) [mailto:morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2015 12:17 PM
To: Nicole Kolinsky; Norvell, Wiley; Bruch, Mary; 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim
Stroman; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi Nicole,
Unfortunately, HPD cannot supply staging equipment and the City seal is only used for Mayoral level
events. We recommend that the developer make arrangements for all equipment needed for event
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2015 11:49 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley; Bruch, Mary; Morris, Juliet (HPD); 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim
Stroman; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Thanks Wiley. We will definitely refer reporter to you once we have her locked in (she is in a cabin in
the Berkshires with no service but has expressed interest in running it). Hoping to have draft release
to you on Monday for review. We’ll send advisory out on Monday morning.
If someone could let me know about staging questions below (flags+podium), that would be great.
Also, heads up that Jeremy and I are unable to attend the actual event next Friday. Jovana and
Danielle from our team will be on site to coordinate and answer and questions. We also have folks
from Rubenstein and folks from Marathon Strategies, who work for L+M, on site as well.
Thx everyone!
Nicole Kolinsky
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5296 (o)
646.263.1527 (c)
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2015 11:41 AM
To: Nicole Kolinsky; Bruch, Mary; Morris, Juliet (HPD); 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim
Stroman; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Yes to listing DM Glen as attending on Advisory.
We’d love to be a  part of the WSJ story. Keep us looped!
We’d like to give quotes for your press release, and review language. We’ll circulate to housing
reporters, but you should issue it.
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2015 11:34 AM
To: Bruch, Mary; Morris, Juliet (HPD); 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman;
Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum; Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi everyone, some additional logistical questions to add to the outstanding questions below:
· Should we arrange appropriate flags or can the city provide?
· Is there a podium with the City seal you’d like to use?
If you could advise on these and the below by the end of the day that would be terrific. We are still
talking through the exclusive story with Emily Nonko at the WSJ and hope to have her committed
Nicole Kolinsky
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5296 (o)
646.263.1527 (c)
From: Nicole Kolinsky
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2015 4:11 PM
To: 'Bruch, Mary'; Morris, Juliet (HPD); 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman;
Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum; Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Thanks Mary. Wiley, please let me know if you have any feedback on the below (repasted from
previous email):
· we’d like to put out a very barebones media advisory Monday (e.g. Greenpoint Landing
Associates, L+M Development Partners, and City Leaders to Make Announcement at Greenpoint
Landing Site). Please let me know if I should list DM Glen as attending. I understand
Commissioner Been and President Rodney are both confirmed.
· Additionally, we’ve targeted Emily Nonko a freelancer at the WSJ to run a same day exclusive next
Friday. She has our pitch now. We’ll let you know if she decides to write.
· Lastly, we are drafting a press release to be jointly issued by Greenpoint Landing Associates and
L+M Dev. Partners but wanted to see if any of your offices were planning on issuing something?
If so we can share our draft to be repurposed once it’s in good shape. Let me know what route
you all prefer and we’ll take it from there.
Nicole Kolinsky
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5296 (o)
646.263.1527 (c)
From: Bruch, Mary [mailto:MBruch@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2015 3:55 PM
To: Nicole Kolinsky; Morris, Juliet (HPD); 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman;
Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum; Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Thank you for the updates, Nicole.
I am adding Wiley Norvell, and removing Kate Blumm, to handle City Hall Press.
Mary Bruch
Special Assistant
Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen
(212) 341-5013
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2015 3:52 PM
To: Morris, Juliet (HPD); 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman; Seabrook, Margie
(HPD); Bruch, Mary; Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin; Danielle Schlanger; Johanna Greenbaum
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
These are the confirmations we have so far:
Park Tower Group
CM Levin
AM Lentol said he would if Albany session is over.
Brooklyn Chamber
No other electeds confirmed at this time. Will let you know if we receive further updates.
Nicole Kolinsky
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5296 (o)
646.263.1527 (c)
From: Nicole Kolinsky
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2015 3:29 PM
To: 'Morris, Juliet (HPD)'; 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman; Seabrook, Margie
(HPD); 'Bruch, Mary'; Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin; Danielle Schlanger
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
H Juliet, I will check in with the developer who sent the invite earlier this week and get back to you
as soon as I hear. In the mean time we’d like to put out a very barebones media advisory Monday
(e.g. Greenpoint Landing Associates, L+M Development Partners, and City Leaders to Make
Announcement at Greenpoint Landing Site). Please let me know if I should list DM Glen,
Commissioner Been and/or President Rodney as attending.
Additionally, we’ve targeted Emily Nonko a freelancer at the WSJ to run a same day exclusive next
Friday. She has our pitch now. We’ll let you know if she decides to write.
Lastly, we are drafting a press release to be jointly issued by Greenpoint Landing Associates and L+M
Dev. Partners but wanted to see if any of your offices were planning on issuing something? If so we
can share our draft to be repurposed once it’s in good shape. Let me know what route you all prefer
and we’ll take it from there.
Nicole Kolinsky
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5296 (o)
646.263.1527 (c)
From: Morris, Juliet (HPD) [mailto:morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2015 3:14 PM
To: Nicole Kolinsky; 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman; Seabrook, Margie (HPD);
'Bruch, Mary'; Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi Nicole,
Thanks again for the information.
Just wanted to follow-up to see if you had any other hard confirmations from the list of potential
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 2:15 PM
To: Morris, Juliet (HPD); 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman; Seabrook, Margie
(HPD); 'Bruch, Mary'; Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Since the site is hard to get to for those who are unfamiliar, we are calling it for 10:30 AM with an
11AM actual start time.
From: Morris, Juliet (HPD) [mailto:morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 2:12 PM
To: Nicole Kolinsky; 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman; Seabrook, Margie (HPD);
'Bruch, Mary'; Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Thanks, Nicole. Your official start time is 11am, yes?
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 1:28 PM
To: Morris, Juliet (HPD); 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman; Seabrook, Margie
(HPD); 'Bruch, Mary'; Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi Juliet, currently we have George Klein of Greenpoint Landing Associates and Ron Moelis, CEO of
L+M Development Partners confirmed.
We are working to nail down precise staging details but right now we have a podium and possible
riser with audience seating that would be angled toward the waterfront, primarily on the F2 site (the
groundbreaking site). The skyline and East River would be the backdrop of the speakers and the
topped out G2 affordable building would be behind the audience.
Please let me know if you have further questions. We’ll look out for your prep materials.
Nicole Kolinsky
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5296 (o)
646.263.1527 (c)
From: Morris, Juliet (HPD) [mailto:morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 11:50 AM
To: Nicole Kolinsky; 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman; Seabrook, Margie (HPD);
'Bruch, Mary'; Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi Nicole,
Thanks for checking in. We are working on internal prep documents for this event and will follow-up
with you very soon with questions.
One question I do have – I noticed you had a list of potential speakers in your memo. Do you have a
list of confirmed speakers prepared yet? If so, could you share it?
Also, are there any other updates on what the event will look like or are we still pretty close to
what’s outlined in the memo?
Juliet Morris
Deputy Press Secretary
NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD)
Phone: 212-863-5682
Email: morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov

From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 11:44 AM
To: Morris, Juliet (HPD); 'Christina Sanchez'; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman; Seabrook, Margie
(HPD); 'Bruch, Mary'; Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi everyone, wanted to check in to see if you had any feedback or questions regarding this
announcement. Who is the best person on your end to be in touch with? Thx
Nicole Kolinsky
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5296 (o)
646.263.1527 (c)
From: Morris, Juliet (HPD) [mailto:morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 12:18 PM
To: 'Christina Sanchez'; Nicole Kolinsky; Bederman, Eric (HPD); Kim Stroman; Jeremy Soffin; Seabrook,
Margie (HPD); 'Bruch, Mary'; Elizabeth Rohlfing
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
+ Bederman in the interest of open communication
From: Christina Sanchez [mailto:csanchez@nychdc.com]
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 12:15 PM
To: 'Nicole Kolinsky'; Kim Stroman; Jeremy Soffin; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); 'Bruch, Mary'; Elizabeth
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Morris, Juliet (HPD)
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Thank you, Nicole.
I will forward to HPD Communications. 
Christina Sanchez | Communications Coordinator
The New York City Housing Development Corporation
110 William Street, 10th Floor| New York, NY 10038
(  212.227.2644 (main) | 212.815.7313(fax)
+  Csanchez@nychdc.com| HDCpress@nychdc.com

From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 11:02 AM
To: Kim Stroman; Jeremy Soffin; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); 'Bruch, Mary'; Elizabeth Rohlfing; Christina
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi Elizabeth and Christina, here is the briefing memo we sent this morning regarding the 6/26
Greenpoint Landing groundbreaking. Let us know if you have any questions and who the point
person will be from the Administration.
Thank you,
Nicole Kolinsky
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5296 (o)
646.263.1527 (c)
From: Kim Stroman [mailto:kstroman@nychdc.com]
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 10:55 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); 'Bruch, Mary'; Elizabeth Rohlfing; Christina Sanchez
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Nicole Kolinsky
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi Jeremy.  Please loop in our Vice President of Communications, Elizabeth Rohlfing, and our
Communications Coordinator, Christina Sanchez.  Thanks.
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 8:21 AM
To: Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Kim Stroman; 'Bruch, Mary'
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Nicole Kolinsky
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hi all, attached please find a memo with our initial thoughts on the groundbreaking for your review.
Please let us know if there is a point person we should work with on the details.
I’m also cc’ing my colleagues Nicole and Jovana who are leading the event for us. Thanks!
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Seabrook, Margie (HPD) [mailto:SEABROOM@hpd.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, June 01, 2015 11:36 AM
To: 'Kim Stroman'; 'Bruch, Mary'; Jeremy Soffin; Ashley Dennis
Cc: Blumm, Kate
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Sorry was on vacation this time works.
From: Kim Stroman [mailto:kstroman@nychdc.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 11:15 AM
To: 'Bruch, Mary'; Jeremy Soffin; Ashley Dennis
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Seabrook, Margie (HPD)
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
HDC President Gary Rodney is available.  I have a hold on his calendar.
From: Bruch, Mary [mailto:MBruch@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 10:57 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin; Ashley Dennis
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Seabrook, Margie (HPD); Kim Stroman
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Hope you had a great long weekend. I am holding 9am-12pm for this on June 26 th . Margie and Kim,
cc’d, can advise on Commissioner Been and President Rodney’s availability, respectively.
Thank you,
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 10:56 AM
To: Bruch, Mary; Ashley Dennis
Cc: Blumm, Kate
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Mary: The 26 th looks good with us, just double-checking with one of the partners on the project. If
you can please hold the date, I will get final confirmation today.
What time were you thinking?
Thanks again.
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Bruch, Mary [mailto:MBruch@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 1:46 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin; Ashley Dennis
Cc: Blumm, Kate
Subject: RE: Greenpoint Landing
Would the morning of June 26 th work for folks? Alicia, Vicki and Gary can all do that day.
Looping Ashley, who also reached out.
Please let us know!
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 5:17 PM
To: Blumm, Kate
Subject: Greenpoint Landing
Kate: Good talking to you yesterday. I’ve reattached the invite letter, which includes details on the
project and broad thinking on messaging. In terms of a potential event, here’s what we were
Timing: A May or June groundbreaking would be timely, with two affordable buildings underway and
a third ready to break ground.
Location: The affordable building ready to break ground (site F) has remarkable views of the water
and skyline, and is adjacent to the park and the first affordable building, which broke ground 10
months ago and is close to topping out.
Speaking program: The more the merrier, but would think speakers would come from among this
--Deputy Mayor Glen
--Commissioner Been
--Commissioner Rodney
--Commissioner Silver
--George Klein
--Ron Moelis
Local electeds
--CM Levin
--AM Lentol
--Sen. Dilan
--BP Adams
--Cong. Maloney
--Open Space Alliance
--Others TBD
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Emily Walsh
To: Jonathan Rosen; Da Costa, Ricky
Cc: Barbagallo Joy; Griffith, Chantell; Schaeffer Molly; Seignious, Sandy; Goldmark, Karin
Subject: RE: Education Speech
Date: Tuesday, June 30, 2015 10:51:27 AM

Works for Jonathan. 

Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Jonathan Rosen

Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2015 10:48 AM
To: Da Costa, Ricky
Cc: Barbagallo Joy; Griffith, Chantell; Schaeffer Molly; Seignious, Sandy; Goldmark, Karin; Emily Walsh
Subject: Re: Education Speech

Looping emily Walsh who keeps my schedule 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 30, 2015, at 10:42 AM, Da Costa, Ricky <RDaCosta@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

That should work for Tom

From: Barbagallo Joy [mailto:JBarbag@schools.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2015 10:41 AM
To: Griffith, Chantell; Da Costa, Ricky; Schaeffer Molly; 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com';
Seignious, Sandy
Cc: Goldmark, Karin
Subject: RE: Education Speech
Josh can do the 15 th anytime between 9:30am-11:00am.
From: Griffith, Chantell [mailto:CGriffith@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2015 10:40 AM
To: Da Costa, Ricky; Schaeffer Molly; 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; Seignious, Sandy;
Barbagallo Joy
Cc: KGoldmark@cityhall.nyc.gov
Subject: RE: Education Speech
Next week is bad for a few folks so going into the following week. Tony is available on
the 15 th 9-11.
From: Da Costa, Ricky
Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2015 10:31 AM
To: Griffith, Chantell; 'Schaeffer Molly'; 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; Seignious, Sandy;
Barbagallo Joy (JBarbag@schools.nyc.gov)
Cc: Goldmark, Karin
Subject: RE: Education Speech
Tom can do Monday 2-4 but not available Tuesday AM.
From: Griffith, Chantell
Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2015 10:28 AM
To: 'Schaeffer Molly'; 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; Seignious, Sandy; Da Costa, Ricky;
Barbagallo Joy (JBarbag@schools.nyc.gov)
Cc: Goldmark, Karin
Subject: Education Speech
Good morning,
Tony would like to meet early next week regarding Mayor’s Education Speech. He is
currently available on Monday 2-4 and Tuesday 9-11.
Chantell Griffith
Special Assistant to the First Deputy Mayor
Office of the Mayor
(212) 788-3191
From: Snyder, Thomas
To: B
Cc: Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen; Walzak, Phil; Wolfe, Emma; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); FLONYC;
jfdc@akpdmedia.com; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com
Subject: Re: NY OBSERVER: What Does Bill de Blasio Gain by Openly Blasting Andrew Cuomo?
Date: Tuesday, June 30, 2015 7:43:36 PM

Digging foxholes now.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 30, 2015, at 7:42 PM, B <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Timing is everything, my friends. We half-planned, half-stumbled upon the perfect

timing. Got the freeze it's moment of glory, then hurt with this. Now brace for the

From: Snyder, Thomas
Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2015 07:37 PM
To: B
Cc: Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen; Walzak, Phil; Wolfe, Emma; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB);
FLONYC; jfdc@akpdmedia.com <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com
Subject: Re: NY OBSERVER: What Does Bill de Blasio Gain by Openly Blasting Andrew
That analysis is almost more than we could hope for. Positions Mayor as
voice of the dems and eviscerates the gov. Grand slam

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 30, 2015, at 7:10 PM, B <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

First of all, when did Ross Barkan get smart and insightful???? And
Andrea, I appreciate and agree with your analysis. A great team effort,
everyone. Good thinking and good coaching to get me ready. Well done

From: Hagelgans, Andrea
Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2015 05:31 PM
To: B
Cc: Hinton, Karen; Walzak, Phil; Wolfe, Emma; Snyder, Thomas
Subject: Fw: NY OBSERVER: What Does Bill de Blasio Gain by Openly
Blasting Andrew Cuomo?
Given all the clips, I would say this interview achieved the goal we
discussed of being "foundational".
Range of articles noting your "measured" tone, "calm and deliberate".

From: Clips
Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2015 05:26 PM
Subject: NY OBSERVER: What Does Bill de Blasio Gain by Openly Blasting
Andrew Cuomo?
What Does Bill de Blasio Gain by Openly Blasting Andrew Cuomo?
NY OBSERVER - Ross Barkan
When Mayor Bill de Blasio eviscerated Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a fellow
Democrat, in an unusually candid press conference earlier today, there
was the usual chatter about a vindictive governor readying to punish an
unruly mayor who didn’t know his place.
But among progressive Democrats frustrated at an executive who they
see as antithetical to their values, there was elation. For Democrats in
New York City and Albany, Mr. de Blasio’s sudden decision to publicly
air his grievances at Mr. Cuomo was long-awaited, the equivalent of a
come-to-Jesus moment.
“The only way to make progress with Andrew is to attack him. If you
attack him effectively, he’ll cave. He’s a bully,” said Bill Samuels, a
prominent liberal activist and fundraiser. “The verdict for Cuomo for
many of us was decided long ago.”
When Mr. de Blasio fumed that he had been “disappointed at every
turn” with Mr. Cuomo and admitted he couldn’t “tell you that I can place
his philosophy at this point,” liberals found their conscience given voice
in the mayor of New York City.
For Mr. de Blasio and the left, the indignities are stacked high. Last
year, Mr. Cuomo denied Mr. de Blasio the tax hike he sought to fund
his universal prekindergarten initiative and later rammed through a law
that guaranteed new charter schools free space in New York City,
punishing the anti-charter teachers’ union and the mayor, who was
always a charter critic.
“It keeps playing out in ways that I think sometimes are about
dealmaking, sometimes about revenge,” Mr. de Blasio said today. “I
think each situation obviously is different. But it’s not about policy. It’s
not about substance. It’s certainly not about the millions of people
Despite Mr. de Blasio’s enthusiastic endorsement of Mr. Cuomo’s re-
election bid in 2014, including a behind-the-scenes push to win him the
Working Families Party endorsement, he found only roadblocks and
inexplicable slights. There was the time Mr. Cuomo announced a new,
controversial Ebola policy with Republican Gov. Chris Christie–and
didn’t tell the mayor. There was the time, early this year, when Mr.
Cuomo ordered the shuttering of the subways to prepare for a
snowstorm–and didn’t tell the mayor. There was the time, less than a
month later, when Mr. de Blasio, as a centerpiece of his State of the City
address, announced a plan to build an affordable housing complex on a
Queens rail yard–and Mr. Cuomo, within hours, shot it down. There was
the time last week when Mr. Cuomo all but admitted he was trashing the
mayor anonymously to reporters.
Mr. de Blasio and his Albany team had hoped incremental, tactful
negotiation, combined with an appeal to logic and a degree of
righteousness would win the day with Mr. Cuomo. But 2015, when
mayoral control was extended for a single year and rent laws were
barely strengthened, proved Mr. de Blasio’s more honeyed approach to
handling Mr. Cuomo failed. Mr. Cuomo’s reflexive dismissal of almost
everything the mayor advocated–from a reform of the 421a tax break to
a decision to allow more charter schools in the city–baffled City Hall.
So today, Mr. de Blasio tried something new.
“Enough is enough. This isn’t about personalities. It’s about one
personality playing politics and using 8.5 million people as pawns,”
crowed one de Blasio loyalist.
An Albany Democrat was similarly blunt.
“I think what you are seeing is that the governor has no friends and that
is because he has no actual beliefs and vision,” the Democrat said. “He
just wants to win.”
Mr. de Blasio’s new posture–far more pugilistic than passive aggressive–
represents a realization that he has more leverage in this fight than many,
including himself, might have believed. Yes, Albany wields inordinate
power over New York City, determining whether it can raise its
minimum wage, control its public schools, or alter the web of its rent
regulations. Yes, an irate Mr. Cuomo can continue to thwart much of
what Mr. de Blasio hopes to accomplish.
Yet Mr. de Blasio, for all his scuffles at home, is the more popular man,
at least with progressive Democrats who make up a primary electorate.
Mr. Cuomo’s overall popularity continues to plummet, too: just 44
percent of voters gave him a thumbs up earlier this month, and 42
percent didn’t.
Among top Democrats in New York, Mr. Cuomo is virtually friendless.
He has burned bridges with Sen. Charles Schumer, Attorney General
Eric Schneiderman and State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli. Ditto the
rank-and-file party activists motivated more by ideology than Mr.
Cuomo’s centrist pragmatism.
If Mr. Cuomo enacts payback on Mr. de Blasio, a city of eight million
people could suffer, and Mr. de Blasio can point to a scapegoat in the
governor. He has the advantage of the largest media market in the world
to disseminate his message; Mr. Cuomo, never one for cameras or
microphones, has Albany.
Viewed as feckless by at least some politicos, Mr. de Blasio is still a
relatively deft campaigner and messenger, a veteran of several tough
elections. Mr. Cuomo has mixed it up with the State Legislature, but
how adept he can become at a full-scale public relations war with a
mayor of his own party remains an open question.
And Assembly and State Senate Democrats, long cowed by the governor,
are feeling emboldened to speak out as Mr. de Blasio has done. If
Republicans lose their slim majority in 2016–Mr. de Blasio implied
today Mr. Cuomo leaned on them to foil him–Mr. de Blasio will only
have more weapons in his arsenal.
In Albany, where strength often matters more than reason, Mr. de Blasio
could conceivably hold leverage over Mr. Cuomo if he seeks re-election
in 2018. An underfunded challenger, law professor Zephyr Teachout,
garnered a surprising 34 percent of the vote against Mr. Cuomo last year.
Activists are hoping to coax a bigger name, like Mr. Schneiderman, to
take on Mr. Cuomo–if Mr. de Blasio lends his clout and fundraising
prowess to an influential challenger, or even feints at doing so, Mr.
Cuomo could find himself in a very uncomfortable position.
“We’ve seen Cuomo’s standing plummet as more and more people
realize he’s not his father and really has a Republican austerity agenda,”
Ms. Teachout said. “Increasingly, what the base cares about really
From: Emily Walsh
To: Griffith, Chantell
Subject: RE: edu speech
Date: Tuesday, July 07, 2015 10:45:27 AM

Sounds great, thank you

Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Griffith, Chantell [CGriffith@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2015 10:44 AM
To: Emily Walsh
Subject: RE: edu speech

Hi Emily,
I will have Tony meet with Josh and Emmy Liss and let you know if I need to set something else up
next week.
From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2015 10:43 AM
To: Barbagallo Joy; Griffith, Chantell
Subject: RE: edu speech
Hi Chantell,
Unfortunately Jonathan is in Dallas tomorrow and Thursday on business. 
Let me know how else I can help here.
Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Barbagallo Joy [JBarbag@schools.nyc.gov]

Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2015 10:42 AM
To: Griffith, Chantell; Emily Walsh
Subject: RE: edu speech

Hi Chantell, it works for Josh. Please send out an invite.

Thanks,  Joy
From: Griffith, Chantell [mailto:CGriffith@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2015 10:40 AM
To: Barbagallo Joy; 'Emily@berlinrosen.com'
Subject: FW: edu speech
Hi Ladies,
Can Josh and Jonathan meet with Tony tomorrow @ 5pm?  He would like to have this meeting
before the Mayor returns.
From: Goldmark, Karin
Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2015 10:31 AM
To: Griffith, Chantell
Subject: edu speech
So Tony wanted to meet Jonathan Rosen and Josh Wallack this week, before MBdB came back.  
Maybe he can just meet with Wallack and Emmy Liss and go over the metrics Wallack sent him. 
Tony needs to have something he can say to MBdB to point to progress on edu speech prep.  Can
you please work with Joy B to get Wallack in before Weds even if only for 30 mins?
I am so sorry I didn’t email this to you before I left.
Karin Goldmark
Senior Education Advisor
Office of the First Deputy Mayor
O: 212.341.5390
M: 347.453.6159
From: Goldmark, Karin
To: "jrosen@berlinrosen.com"
Subject: FW: Excellence and Equity
Date: Tuesday, July 14, 2015 5:37:18 PM
Attachments: Outline 07 10 15.docx

Keeping you off the other email chain since you’re ext. this outline from Josh W, comes out of your
meeting on this last week.
Education goals - speech outline

• All children have the right to an excellent public education. We believe in and strive for a
system that delivers high quality education to all of our students. We will not settle for less.
• Many have said a system cannot effectively close the gap and raise the bar at the same time; we
disagree. We are committed to doing both, and believe the goals of excellence and equity can
be mutually reinforcing
• Our theory of action relies on the expertise of educators who know what works:
1. Set a high standard for all our schools, which starts with rich instruction in the skills that
will enable children to succeed, by the most effective and well-trained teachers, with
strong principals to lead their school communities and select and support the most
effective educators
2. Address the barriers that keep kids from learning without allowing those barriers to
become an excuse for why they cannot succeed
3. Get kids an earlier start to even the playing field, and reinforce the impact of those early
interventions with a system of academic and community supports for kids at all grade
levels (Never saying ‘it’s too late’ to provide an excellent education.)
• What does this mean in practice?
1. Starting early, we set an ambitious goal to enroll every four-year-old in New York City in
free, full day pre-k. Today, we have over 70,000 children in these programs. We will
continue to make seats available until every family has access to a program that is best
suited to their needs, and we are dedicated to ensuring the highest quality pre-
kindergarten education for all of our students
2. We are implementing a community schools model to provide the supports that enable
children to enter the classroom ready to learn, including health services, like free vision
screenings, and social-emotional supports. This year, XXX children will receive free
physical and mental health services and additional instructional support with the help of
our community partners.
 And especially in our Renewal Schools, we are working to address the effects of
deep poverty while raising our expectations for academic achievement. The two
strategies go hand-in-hand
3. Across the system, we are raising the bar for quality in all our classrooms and ensuring
all our students are learning the material that will prepare them for their future, taught
by effective teachers, who are supported by strong principals
 The implementation of Common Core is raising the standard for all of our
students. Common Core is not a curriculum but an approach; designed to teach
higher-order and creative thinking
 Paired with the implementation of rich classroom content for our students is
rigorous training for our teachers to continuously improve their practice
 And we are supporting our principals to lead strong, healthy school
communities and continue striving for academic excellence in all 1800 of our
• We have bold aspirations for our system, which are grounded in the notion that every child has
the right to an excellent education. We hold this unwavering belief to be true for the thousands
of four-year-olds who joined the inaugural class of universal pre-k, and for the thousands of
students who enter our system for the first time from near and far in high school. We will work
1. Every high school student is on track to graduate, ready for college, career, and
independent living
2. Every middle school student is socially, emotionally, and academically ready for high
3. Every elementary school student has the academic foundation to succeed
4. Every child in NYC enters kindergarten ready to learn
• At every level of education, we are preparing students for the next set of hurdles – academically,
socially, and emotionally – and are striving for all our students to become inquisitive, thoughtful,
productive members of society
• But setting aspirations is not enough to drive excellence. And progress toward our goals is more
than just a test score. We have identified key moments in students’ academic and social-
emotional growth that will set them up to succeed in the long-term, and we will focus on
making progress against these indicators at a system level
• These key moments in our students’ education include:
1. Are our second graders reading at grade level?
2. Are our seventh-graders socially and emotionally prepared for the rigors of high school?
3. Are our tenth-graders earning enough credits to be on-track for graduation and college
and career readiness?
• We plan to measure not just the outcomes, but also the immediate effect of the strategies we
put into place across the system as we hold ourselves accountable for ensuring both the
excellence and the equity of our schools
From: Andrew Fitzgerald
To: Merritt, Jeff
Cc: Jonathan Lipman; Mark Ro Beyersdorf; Jordan Smith
Subject: Scheduling call with BerlinRosen on Citymart
Date: Wednesday, July 15, 2015 10:40:45 AM

Hi Jeff,

I’m Andy Fitzgerald, I work on the Citymart team over at BerlinRosen. I wanted to follow-up with you on
scheduling a call to coordinate our press outreach with your plans around the kick off the NYC partnership.
I’ll be handling the logistics while my colleague Jordan Smith is on vacation – are there times over the next
few days that could work for you?

Andy Fitzgerald
Office: 646-517-1823
Cell: 774-218-6664
From: Kadushin, Peter
Sent: Monday, July 20, 2015 6:55 PM
To: Kadushin, Peter
Subject: Staten Isla nd Power Outage Updates

Staten Island Power Outage Fact Sheet

"This afternoon about 19,000 Con Edison customers in two networks on Staten Island lost power. The City is
working closely with Con Edison as the company restores services. All City agencies are coordinating to ensure
Staten Island and its residents get the support they need. As always, in the event of an emergency, affected
residents should call911."

- First Deputy Mayor Anthony Shorris

Con Edjson
-19 K customers now out of service
-Two Con Edison networks impacted (Fox Hills and Fresh Kill)
-Three feeders went out at approximately 2PM causing the initial outage
-Five feeders were down at one point
-Currently, two feeders remain out and they are undergoing repairs
-Transporting 8 generators to support the two impacted networks - 3 are currently on site
-Richmond Hills under an 8% voltage reduction
-Midtown West network in Manhattan under an 8% voltage reduction
-Residents should report a loss of electric service to Con Edison at 1-800-75-CONED (26633)
-Con Edison has asked customers in impacted areas who have power not to use appliances such as washers, dryers,
air conditioners, and other energy-intensive equipment until the equipment problems are resolved

-Task Force resources currently being deployed to Staten Island
-Traffic assistance: 32 traffic agents and 4 supervisors to manage main thoroughfares
-Transporting light towers - 24 light towers to provide lighting at critical intersections and locations including
Hylan Blvd. and Father Capodanno Blvd.
-Visiting critical care patients to get them necessary attention and care

-Coordinating citywide response
-Setting up field command post near Staten Island University Hospital
-Extending hours of operation for select cooling centers on Staten Island until 11PM: Todt Hill Community Center
at 255 Westwood Avenue, Richmond Terrace Community Center at 71 Jersey Street, and West Brighton
Community Center at 230 Broadway
-Facilitating deployment ofMTA busses to help provide air conditioning at critical locations
-Contacting nursing homes in impacted areas
-Transporting 8 light towers to the area
-Managing the deployment of Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) volunteers (currently 19 volunteers
are assisting NYPD with traffic control)

-Adding units to impacted areas
‐South Brooklyn EMS units being prepped to support potential increase in call volume 
‐Stair climbers to check on elderly and critical NYCHA residents  
‐Deployed high‐voltage electrician teams to hook up generators when deployed 
Neighborhoods Seeing Partial Outages 
St. George 
Grymes Hill 
Dongan Hills 
New Dorp 
Todt Hill 
Richmond Hills 
Old Place 
Mariners Harbor 
Ward Hill 
New Brighton 
South Beach 
Ocean Breeze 
Fort Wadsworth 
Grant City 
Great Kills 
Silver Lake 
Peter Kadushin 
Communications Advisor to the Mayor’s Office 
Twitter: @peterkadushin 
From: Jonathan Lipman
To: Brack, Ryan (CTO)
Cc: Andrew Fitzgerald; Jordan Smith; Merritt, Jeff
Subject: RE: event on innovative procurement
Date: Monday, July 20, 2015 7:34:41 PM

Thanks! We’ll follow up tomorrow with calendar invite.

From: Brack, Ryan (CTO) [mailto:RBrack@cto.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, July 20, 2015 7:33 PM
To: Jonathan Lipman
Cc: Andrew Fitzgerald; Jordan Smith; Jeff Merritt
Subject: Re: event on innovative procurement

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 20, 2015, at 7:32 PM, Jonathan Lipman <lipman@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Hi Ryan, this is Jonathan. Thanks for the fast reply! Yes, tomorrow at 4:30 would work
for us if that exact time works for you, we’ll hold the time and follow up with you in the
morning with a conference call tomorrow. Does that work?
From: Brack, Ryan (CTO) [mailto:RBrack@cto.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, July 20, 2015 7:30 PM
To: Andrew Fitzgerald
Cc: Jonathan Lipman; Jordan Smith
Subject: Re: event on innovative procurement
Nice to meet you all! Could you connect tomorrow anytime after 4:30? I leave for
vacation on Wednesday and would rather connect tomorrow than after my return,
7/28.  Thanks!

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 20, 2015, at 4:57 PM, Andrew Fitzgerald <Andrew.Fitzgerald@berlinrosen.com>


Hi Ryan,
It’s a pleasure to get connected with you. My colleagues Jonathan and
Jordan and I are working with Citymart to help with media outreach
around their partnerships with various cities, and we’re really excited to
get to work on the partnership between NYC and Citymart.
Would you have some time over the next few days to speak with us over
the phone about the partnership, and to coordinate messaging and
Andy Fitzgerald
Office: 646-517-1823
Cell: 774-218-6664

From: Julia Haselmayer <jh@citymart.com>

Date: Monday, July 20, 2015 at 2:36 PM
To: Jordan Smith <jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com>, Andrew Fitzgerald
Cc: "Brack, Ryan" <rbrack@cto.nyc.gov>, Jonathan Lipman
Subject: FW: event on innovative procurement

Hi Ryan,
Nice to e-meet you. I would like to introduce you to Jordan Smith and
Andrew Fitzgerald from BerlinRosen. They will reach out to you in the
coming days to align the messaging and discuss next steps.
---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Julia Haselmayer, Principal
c: +1 (917) 601 9474
Citymart - Inspiring solutions to transform cities

From: Julia Haselmayer [jh@citymart.com]

Sent: Friday, July 17, 2015 3:25 PM
To: Merritt, Jeff
Subject: event on innovative procurement

Hi Jeff,
I hope all is well. I would like to follow up our conversation regarding the
event next Tuesday. In our last call said you wanted to use this
opportunity to start talking about our partnership. I this still the plan? As
we are presenting an ignite talk directly after your presentation I would
like to briefly align the messaging. Would you have a minute for a call this
afternoon or Monday morning?
Also Berlin Rosen have a few questions for you as they are preparing the
announcement of our partnership (whenever appropriate). I have listed
them below to give you an idea where they are going with this. They want
to naturally leverage this announcement as much as possible and are
therefore keen on aligning with you.
Questions from Berlin Rosen for Jeff Merritt in NYC
Are you planning to mention Citymart-NYC partnership at event on
If not, what would be a good timeline for going public?
How locked in are challenge topics?
What challenges can we specifically name in our release
and initial outreach effort? (Process for employees to raise
problems, get feedback?)
How much detail can we go into on these?
Can we talk about the focus on underused or outmoded assets?
We’ll probably have a couple of quotes from Citymart, would it
be possible to get a quote from the Mayor or a city official to
Other partners we should mention in release?
---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Julia Haselmayer, Principal
c: +1 (917) 601 9474
Citymart - Inspiring solutions to transform cities
Citymart US Inc.
c/o Civic Hall
156 5 th Avenue, 2 nd Floor
New York City, NY 10010
Balmes 114 - ático                             
08008 Barcelona, Spain    
t: +34 931 855 110
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: "Jonathan Rosen"
Subject: RE: MBDB: Education Speech Briefing
Date: Tuesday, July 21, 2015 2:06:20 PM

Let me know if call in number appears on your sched.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, July 20, 2015 8:13 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: Re: MBDB: Education Speech Briefing

Hey Prisca,

I am away out of town all week so unfortunately can't make this.  Can try to dial in to planning if there
is a dial in or if you guys want to just call my cell.



Sent from my iPad

> On Jul 20, 2015, at 5:15 PM, "Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca" <PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov>

> <meeting.ics>
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: Re: MBDB: Education Speech Briefing
Date: Tuesday, July 21, 2015 8:06:02 PM

Thanks.  Got it.

Sent from my iPad

> On Jul 21, 2015, at 2:04 PM, "Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca" <PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov>

> Hi!
> I will send a call in # for you. Delcacato has to call in as well.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
> Sent: Monday, July 20, 2015 8:13 PM
> To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
> Subject: Re: MBDB: Education Speech Briefing
> Hey Prisca,
> I am away out of town all week so unfortunately can't make this.  Can try to dial in to planning if
there is a dial in or if you guys want to just call my cell.
> Thanks!
> Jonathan
> Sent from my iPad
>> On Jul 20, 2015, at 5:15 PM, "Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca" <PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov>
>> <meeting.ics>
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: "Jonathan Rosen"
Subject: RE: MBDB: Education Speech Briefing
Date: Friday, July 24, 2015 8:47:09 AM


-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, July 23, 2015 9:07 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: Re: MBDB: Education Speech Briefing

I actually am not sure if I can.  I only have cell service near my house out here.  If I miss it I will follow
up with Dom and DOE to get notes.

Sent from my iPad

> On Jul 23, 2015, at 2:21 PM, "Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca" <PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov>

> Just want to confirm that you are ok to dial in for the speech prep
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
> Sent: Monday, July 20, 2015 8:13 PM
> To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
> Subject: Re: MBDB: Education Speech Briefing
> Hey Prisca,
> I am away out of town all week so unfortunately can't make this.  Can try to dial in to planning if
there is a dial in or if you guys want to just call my cell.
> Thanks!
> Jonathan
> Sent from my iPad
>> On Jul 20, 2015, at 5:15 PM, "Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca" <PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov>
>> <meeting.ics>
From: leooold. Elana
To: Salazar-Rodriquez. Prisca; jfdc@akpdmedia.com ; Thornton . Demetrius; Shorris. Anthony ; Chao. Raymond ;
Walzak. Phil ; Goldmark. Karin; jonathan@berlinrosen.com ; URamirez@schools. nyc.gov;
JWallack@schools.nyc.gov; Wolfe. Emma; Williams. Dominic ; Schnake Mahl. Gabriel; Griffith. Chantell ; Blumm.
Kate ; Hagelgans. Andrea
Subject: MBDB: Education Speech Briefing
Date: Friday, July 24, 2015 4:03:52 PM

Waiting for the rest of the team to arrive

Will let you know when to dial in

MBDB: Education Speech Briefing

Scheduled: Friday, Jul 24, 2015 from 4:00 PM to 5:00
Location: Gracie Mansion, The Parlor Room- Call in# code-

!!!!tees: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca , John Del Cecato , Thornton, Demetrius , Shorris,

Anthony, Chao, Raymond , Walza k, Phil , Goldmark, Karin ,
'jonathan@berlinrosen.com ' , 'URamirez@schools.nyc.gov' , 'Wallack Josh
(JWallack@schools.nyc.gov)' , Wolfe, Emma , Williams, Dominic, Schnake Mahl,
Gabriel , Griffith, Chantell, Blumm, Kate , Hagelgans, And rea

Sent from my iPhone

From: Lauter, Rachel
To: "Jonathan Rosen"
Subject: RE: Connecting
Date: Friday, July 24, 2015 5:32:35 PM

Sounds good! Have a good weekend.

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, July 24, 2015 8:48 AM
To: Lauter, Rachel
Subject: Re: Connecting
Hey Rachel,
Sounds good.  I am away until Sunday with my family, but will reach out to you on Monday to set
something up.

Sent from my iPad

On Jul 22, 2015, at 11:58 AM, "Lauter, Rachel" <rlauter@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Hope you are well. Would love to set up a time to chat when you have a moment.  Let
me know what works.
All the best,
Rachel Lauter
Director, Mayor’s Office of Appointments
Office: 212-788-9498
Cell: 347-419-4364
From: Khanyile-Lynch, Celi
To: "Emily Walsh"
Cc: Lauter, Rachel
Subject: RE: Connecting
Date: Monday, July 27, 2015 5:27:11 PM

Great, look forward to receiving a location. I can follow-up with an outlook invite thereafter. Thank
Celi Khanyile-Lynch
Special Assistant to the Director of Appointments
Mayor’s Office of Appointments
o: (212) 676-3295 | c: (917) 327-1547
From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2015 5:16 PM
To: Khanyile-Lynch, Celi
Cc: Lauter, Rachel
Subject: RE: Connecting
Let's do lunch on the 7th. 12:30 ok? I'll circle back with a location shortly. 
Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Khanyile-Lynch, Celi [CLynch@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Monday, July 27, 2015 5:10 PM
To: Emily Walsh
Cc: Lauter, Rachel
Subject: RE: Connecting

Rachel could do 12pm lunch with a hard stop; she has a call at 1pm. Otherwise, we could arrange for
coffee or lunch the 7th – both work for her. Let me know what is best for Jonathan.
Thank you,
Celi Khanyile-Lynch
Special Assistant to the Director of Appointments
Mayor’s Office of Appointments
o: (212) 676-3295 | c: (917) 327-1547
From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2015 5:06 PM
To: Khanyile-Lynch, Celi
Cc: Lauter, Rachel
Subject: RE: Connecting
Hi Celi,
We would need to do a bit earlier that day. Any chance for 12:30 or 1? 
Jonathan could also do coffee from 10:30-12:30 if easier. 

Let me know what's best or if we should look at another day.

Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Khanyile-Lynch, Celi [CLynch@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Monday, July 27, 2015 4:12 PM
To: Emily Walsh; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
Cc: Lauter, Rachel
Subject: RE: Connecting

Good afternoon,
Would 1:45pm for lunch on the 5th work? Please let me know what works best on your end, and if
there is a preferable location to meet.
Thank you,
Celi Khanyile-Lynch
Special Assistant to the Director of Appointments
Mayor’s Office of Appointments
o: (212) 676-3295 | c: (917) 327-1547
From: Lauter, Rachel
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2015 4:02 PM
To: 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
Cc: 'Emily@berlinrosen.com'; Khanyile-Lynch, Celi
Subject: Re: Connecting
Adding Celi. I think lunch on the 5th should work.

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Monday, July 27, 2015 01:50 PM
To: Lauter, Rachel
Cc: Emily Walsh <Emily@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Connecting

How about:
Coffee Wednesday the 5th at 10:30 or lunch same day?
Could also do coffee later that same afternoon and currently pretty open Friday, 7th after 9:30
LMK if any/either of those work for you.
From: Lauter, Rachel [mailto:rlauter@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2015 11:59 AM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Connecting
Hope you are well. Would love to set up a time to chat when you have a moment.  Let me know
what works.
All the best,
Rachel Lauter
Director, Mayor’s Office of Appointments
Office: 212-788-9498
Cell: 347-419-4364
From: Emily Walsh
To: Khanyile-Lynch, Celi
Subject: RE: Connecting
Date: Tuesday, July 28, 2015 2:12:31 PM

Let's do Felice on Gold St. Thanks

Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Khanyile-Lynch, Celi [CLynch@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2015 1:59 PM
To: Emily Walsh
Subject: RE: Connecting

Good afternoon Emily,

Any updates on a location for lunch? Let me know at your earliest convenience so that I can update
the invite. Thanks!
Celi Khanyile-Lynch
Special Assistant to the Director of Appointments
Mayor’s Office of Appointments
o: (212) 676-3295 | c: (917) 327-1547
From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2015 5:16 PM
To: Khanyile-Lynch, Celi
Cc: Lauter, Rachel
Subject: RE: Connecting
Let's do lunch on the 7th. 12:30 ok? I'll circle back with a location shortly. 
Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Khanyile-Lynch, Celi [CLynch@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Monday, July 27, 2015 5:10 PM
To: Emily Walsh
Cc: Lauter, Rachel
Subject: RE: Connecting

Rachel could do 12pm lunch with a hard stop; she has a call at 1pm. Otherwise, we could arrange for
coffee or lunch the 7th – both work for her. Let me know what is best for Jonathan.
Thank you,
Celi Khanyile-Lynch
Special Assistant to the Director of Appointments
Mayor’s Office of Appointments
o: (212) 676-3295 | c: (917) 327-1547
From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2015 5:06 PM
To: Khanyile-Lynch, Celi
Cc: Lauter, Rachel
Subject: RE: Connecting
Hi Celi,
We would need to do a bit earlier that day. Any chance for 12:30 or 1? 
Jonathan could also do coffee from 10:30-12:30 if easier. 

Let me know what's best or if we should look at another day.

Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Khanyile-Lynch, Celi [CLynch@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Monday, July 27, 2015 4:12 PM
To: Emily Walsh; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
Cc: Lauter, Rachel
Subject: RE: Connecting

Good afternoon,
Would 1:45pm for lunch on the 5th work? Please let me know what works best on your end, and if
there is a preferable location to meet.
Thank you,
Celi Khanyile-Lynch
Special Assistant to the Director of Appointments
Mayor’s Office of Appointments
o: (212) 676-3295 | c: (917) 327-1547
From: Lauter, Rachel
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2015 4:02 PM
To: 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
Cc: 'Emily@berlinrosen.com'; Khanyile-Lynch, Celi
Subject: Re: Connecting
Adding Celi. I think lunch on the 5th should work.

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Monday, July 27, 2015 01:50 PM
To: Lauter, Rachel
Cc: Emily Walsh <Emily@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Connecting

How about:
Coffee Wednesday the 5th at 10:30 or lunch same day?
Could also do coffee later that same afternoon and currently pretty open Friday, 7th after 9:30
LMK if any/either of those work for you.
From: Lauter, Rachel [mailto:rlauter@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2015 11:59 AM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Connecting
Hope you are well. Would love to set up a time to chat when you have a moment.  Let me know
what works.
All the best,
Rachel Lauter
Director, Mayor’s Office of Appointments
Office: 212-788-9498
Cell: 347-419-4364
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: "Jonathan Rosen"
Subject: RE: MBDB: Education Speech Briefing
Date: Thursday, July 30, 2015 3:43:17 PM

With this luck I should not be part of the $100 bet!

-----Original Appointment-----
From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2015 3:31 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: Declined: MBDB: Education Speech Briefing
When: Monday, August 03, 2015 5:30 PM-6:30 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: Gracie Mansion

We are star-crossed on this.  I am in California for work on Monday and Tuesday. 

From: Jovana Rizzo
To: Parikh, Ishanee
Subject: RE: homeless street outreach Monday
Date: Sunday, August 02, 2015 7:22:14 PM


From: Parikh, Ishanee [iparikh@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Saturday, August 01, 2015 4:55 PM
To: Jovana Rizzo
Subject: Re: homeless street outreach Monday

He is not going, but thank you for checking!

From: Jovana Rizzo [mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Saturday, August 01, 2015 03:02 PM
To: Parikh, Ishanee
Subject: homeless street outreach Monday

Hi Ishanee,
I work with Common Ground and they let me know about the Mayor's street outreach plans Monday
and that they may come to Common Ground's Andrews building on the Bowery if someone agrees to
come into housing. Do you know if the Mayor will want to come to the Andrews with those individuals?
We just want to make sure we are prepared.

Thanks so much!
Jovana Rizzo

BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: Re: Planning meeting this week?
Date: Monday, August 03, 2015 10:47:57 AM

Cool. Thanks.

Sent from my iPad

> On Aug 3, 2015, at 7:46 AM, "Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca" <PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov>

> Yes sending it out now-
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
> Sent: Monday, August 03, 2015 10:44 AM
> To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
> Subject: Planning meeting this week?
> Is there one?
> Sent from my iPad
Fro m:
To: jonathan@berlinrosen.com ; Wolfe. Emma; Hagelgans. Andrea ;
P RAGONE ; leooold. Elana; Carey. Michael
Subject: Re: NON STRESS ACTIVITY - only read this when you need to get away from "it all" - VIP Crowdsourcing
Date: Thursday, August 06, 2015 3 :10:41 PM

One t h ing - h is f irst or second date with Ch irlane was at Cafe Mogodor in the East Village

From: "Bennett, Rob" <RobBennett@cityhall. nyc.gov>

Date: Wednesday, August 5, 2015 at 8:03 PM
To: "Walzak, Phil " <PWalzak@cityhall. nyc.gov>, Jonathan Rosen < jonathan@berlinrosen.com>,

Peter Ragone
"Leopold, Elana" <Eleopold@cityhall. nyc.gov>, "Carey, M ichael"
<MPCarey@cityhall. nyc.gov>
Cc: "Gindler, Maria (Media)" <mgindler@digital.nyc.gov>
Subject: NON STRESS ACTIVITY- only read this when you need to get away from "it all"- VIP
Crowdsou rei ng

Need off-the-top-of-your- head BdB favorite dining/drinking spot intel.

We're cooking up a post for the Mayor/Fam (TBD) on The Infatuation . a food app with a sizable audience.
All part of our quest to make Mayor "real" in the digital rea lm.

I've included you BdB-world VIPs/Park Slope Mafia types b/c you're the most likely to know where the
Mayor (& fam) most likes to eat and drink.

I know places like: Bar Toto, Di Fara's, Colson's

Please share whatever places come to mind for you folks. Would be great to get outside of Park Slope too.

We have a w ide berth here. Some categories to trigger ideas ...

- Authentic Ethn ic Eats

- Best Burger Ever
- Date Night
- Impressing Out of Towners
- Late Night Eats
- Qu ick Eats
- Special Occasions
- Sports on TV
- Unique Dining Experience
- Vegetarians

I am certain you have more important cases on your docket than this one. Please feel free to disregard .

Rob Bennett
Chief Photographer
Director, Mayoral Photography Office
The City of New York
M: (347) 583-9470
O: (212) 341-5095

See our latest work here: NYC.gov/photo

From: Andrew Fitzgerald
To: Merritt, Jeff; Brack, Ryan (CTO)
Cc: Jonathan Lipman; Jordan Smith
Subject: CitymartNYC partnership release for review
Date: Thursday, August 06, 2015 3:20:48 PM
Attachments: Citymart NYC Release FINAL for city review.docx

Hi Jeff and Ryan,

Attached for your review and feedback is Citymart’s release announcing their partnership with NYC.

Looking forward to your thoughts,

Andy Fitzgerald
Office: 646-517-1823
Cell: 774-218-6664
For Immediate Release:

Andy Fitzgerald, 646-517-1823, Andrew.fitzgerald@berlinrosen.com

New York City Will Transform the Way it Solves

Problems in New Partnership with Citymart

Mayor’s Office of Technology and Innovation and Citymart will focus first on
how to best use city’s obsolete assets

New York, N.Y. –In the largest implementation yet of its innovative approach,
Citymart will partner with the New York City Mayor’s office to pilot a new method
that could transform the way the city’s government solves problems by connecting
city planners with innovative new ideas through open challenges to entrepreneurs
and citizens.

The Mayor’s Office of Technology and Innovation will work with Manhattan-based
Citymart on launching up to five challenges, starting with a focus on how the city can
best take advantage of obsolete or underused assets that are spread throughout the
city but no longer serve their original purposes. Postal service boxes, emergency
phones, and fire hydrants are among the possible dormant assets to be repurposed
and revitalized.

“Anything done in New York City has ramifications around the world – we’re
absolutely thrilled to be partnering with the city in this effort,” said Citymart CEO
Sascha Haselmayer. “Mayor Bill de Blasio proved he’s committed to transforming
the way the city approaches some of the most daunting urban problems that any
city in the world can face by establishing the Mayor’s Office of Technology and
Innovation to seek out inventive, effective, and affordable solutions. This process
will help the city further that goal by leveraging existing resources to bring new
players into the process and open up new possibilities for innovation.”

[Quote from city official?]

Citymart helps cities learn how to use the open market to find proven, innovative
solutions addressing the pressing needs of urban areas, helping them rethink their
spending habits so they focus on not just buying goods and services, but on solving
problems. Citymart starts by working with a city to help them define their problems
and capabilities. Then the firm conducts intensive research and outreach to identify
the market leaders and proven innovators with possible solutions and issues a
challenge to those leaders, to local businesses and citizens, and to a global network
of businesses, entrepreneurs, and universities in a search for the most effective and
affordable solution.

The Citymart-New York City partnership will apply Citymart’s unique problem-
solving methodology to address the problem of obsolete assets and other city needs.
“We will issue an open challenge to market leaders and proven innovators for
possible solutions to each particular problem,” Haselmayer said. “This challenge
asks three simple questions: ‘What is your idea for solving the problem, how ready
is your solution, and how can we measure its success?’ We’ll be training New York
City staff how to run these challenges and evaluate proposed solutions in a
transparent and efficient manner.”

Citymart is also partnering with Philadelphia, Miami, Long Beach, and other major
American cities to help them transform the way they solve city problems.

“Cities in the United States collectively spend more than one trillion dollars that we
know could be spent in better solutions. If we put even a small fraction of that to use
in creating cities that are more responsive, more efficient and more nimble at
solving problems for citizens, we’ll make an enormous impact on thousands of
people’s lives” said Citymart Principal Julia Haselmayer.


Citymart is a New York-based company that transforms the way cities solve problems,
connecting them with new ideas through open challenges to entrepreneurs and
citizens. The company has helped cities around the world from San Francisco to
London find proven, innovative solutions addressing the pressing needs of urban areas,
such as efficient transportation, quality public spaces, sustainability, effective social
services, and robust commerce and tourism.
From: Wiley, Maya
To: Gopal, Kiren; "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com" (Jonathan@berlinrosen.com)
Subject: Contact
Date: Thursday, August 06, 2015 5:27:17 PM



Sent from my iPhone

From: Lauter, Rachel
To: "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"
Subject: Re: venue change?
Date: Friday, August 07, 2015 12:36:01 PM

I'm here-- got a table outside

From: Lauter, Rachel
Sent: Friday, August 07, 2015 12:03 PM
To: 'Jonathan Rosen' <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: venue change?
From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, August 07, 2015 11:56 AM
To: Lauter, Rachel
Subject: venue change?
Such a beautiful day – want to go to Fresh Salt down by the Seaport so we can sit outside?  If not
can stick with original plan.  LMK.
Jonathan Rosen
BerlinRosen Public Affairs, Ltd.
15 Maiden Lane, Suite 1600
New York, NY 10038
t. 646.200.5300
From: Goldmark, Karin
To: "John Del Cecato"; Wallack Josh; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: RE: policies to test
Date: Monday, August 10, 2015 10:32:05 AM

Sorry for v slow response.

I changed some of these dates because the 2025 date is sooner than it seems—ppl who would
graduate college then are already halfway through their journey (7 th grade) .
 I think for today we need to just have a placeholder and not get into the specifics bc (a) we are still
crafting the options here and (b) it would help a lot if we could get aligned on direction and then go
hammer this part out.
From: John Del Cecato [mailto:jfdc@akpdmedia.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2015 3:06 PM
To: KGoldmark@cityhall.nyc.gov; Jonathan Rosen <jonathan@berlinrosen.com>; Wallack Josh
Subject: policies to test

What do you think of this list - which I took from menu you gave plus some stuff we discussed in mtg last
week?  I made up some of the dates/stats - just looking for broad strokes to test… 
1.  Doubling the number of NYC students who graduate from college by 2030
2.  Cutting the high school dropout rate in half.
3.  Doubling the percentage of students who graduate from NYC public schools who are deemed college-
4.  NYC signs a pledge with public school families that says every child who is capable of going to college
will get the instruction/resources they need to get to college.
5.  Every Second Grader will read on grade level.
6.  Double the number of students who are reading successfully within 10 years.
7.  200,000 more NYC students entering college by 2025.
                Double # of college graduates by 2030
                50,000 more college graduates by 2030
8.  Add XX community schools, offering mental health services, career counseling, eye exams, and nutrition
assistance to all students, by 2020.
9.  All 8th Graders will have the math skills they need to succeed in high school.
10.  Every student who graduates from NYC public school with a B average will get City support to cut their
rate of student loan repayment in half.
11.  (ALT) Every student who graduates from NYC public school with a B average will get City support to cut
their rate of student loan repayment in half - at whatever New York State college they choose - public,
private, or community college.
12.  Double funding for 0 to 3 learning by 2020.
13.  Double the size of Tuition Assistance Program grants from $5K to $10K.
14.  (ALT) Double the size of Tuition Assistance Program grants from $5K to $10K, paid for by putting a 1%
tax on currently tax-free university endowments larger than $100 million.
15.  New York Promise:  up to $5K towards college for every NYC kid.
16.  Every kid who graduates college ready will get up to $5K towards college.
17.  529NYC—a college fund for every New York City student, funded by every New Yorker, up to
$2500 per student
18.  529NYC—a college fund for every New York City student, funded by every New Yorker, up to
$5K per student
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: Emily Walsh; Anna Robinson-Sweet
Subject: RE:
Date: Monday, August 10, 2015 11:09:59 AM

The Mayor would like to have a meeting tomorrow at your office –
Can we reserve a conference room?
The meeting is at 10am with Mr. John Podesta.
Please let me know what is possible.
Many thanks!
Prisca Salazar-Rodriguez
Office of The Mayor
From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2015 11:08 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Cc: Emily Walsh; Anna Robinson-Sweet
Subject: RE:
Emily and/or Anna cc’d here.
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [mailto:PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2015 11:08 AM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Would like to have Podesta meeting at your place tomorrow at 10am
Who can I talk to – to reserve a conf. room?
Prisca Salazar-Rodriguez
Office of The Mayor
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: "Anna Robinson-Sweet"; Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Emily Walsh
Subject: RE:
Date: Monday, August 10, 2015 11:51:41 AM

Thanks again.
From: Anna Robinson-Sweet [mailto:anna.robinsonsweet@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2015 11:49 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Emily Walsh
Subject: RE:
Yes, they will be in our main conference room.
Anna Robinson-Sweet
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
(646) 452-5637
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [mailto:PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2015 11:45 AM
To: Anna Robinson-Sweet; Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Emily Walsh
Subject: RE:
16 th floor, correct?
From: Anna Robinson-Sweet [mailto:anna.robinsonsweet@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2015 11:41 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Emily Walsh
Subject: RE:
They are all set with a room at 10am tomorrow.
Anna Robinson-Sweet
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
(646) 452-5637
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [mailto:PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2015 11:12 AM
To: Anna Robinson-Sweet; Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Emily Walsh
Subject: RE:
Just the Mayor and Mr. Podesta.
From: Anna Robinson-Sweet [mailto:anna.robinsonsweet@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2015 11:11 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Emily Walsh
Subject: RE:
Hi Prisca, how many people will be attending the meeting?
Anna Robinson-Sweet
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
(646) 452-5637
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [mailto:PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2015 11:09 AM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Emily Walsh; Anna Robinson-Sweet
Subject: RE:
Great thanks!
From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2015 11:08 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Cc: Emily Walsh; Anna Robinson-Sweet
Subject: RE:
Emily and/or Anna cc’d here.
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [mailto:PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2015 11:08 AM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Would like to have Podesta meeting at your place tomorrow at 10am
Who can I talk to – to reserve a conf. room?
Prisca Salazar-Rodriguez
Office of The Mayor
From: Emily Walsh
To: Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Schnake Mahl, Gabriel
Subject: RE: Dinner
Date: Monday, August 10, 2015 11:52:09 AM

I think he's a no. Checking in to make sure that's true and will loop back with you. 

Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Darlington, Mandy (OMB) [DarlingtonM@omb.nyc.gov]

Sent: Monday, August 10, 2015 11:50 AM
To: Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Emily Walsh
Subject: RE: Dinner

Sure, if Jonathan can do it.  Dean goes to Spasso on Hudson St. a lot, which would be goot….but he
goes there a lot. J  Let me know if Emma has any spots in mind.
From: Schnake Mahl, Gabriel [mailto:GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2015 11:45 AM
To: Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Emily Walsh (Emily@berlinrosen.com)
Subject: RE: Dinner
Any preference of location?
From: Darlington, Mandy (OMB) [mailto:DarlingtonM@omb.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2015 11:22 AM
To: Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Emily Walsh (Emily@berlinrosen.com)
Subject: RE: Dinner
Yes for Dean, what time tonight?
From: Schnake Mahl, Gabriel [mailto:GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2015 11:18 AM
To: Emily Walsh (Emily@berlinrosen.com); Darlington, Mandy (OMB)
Subject: Dinner
Any chance Dean and JR can do tonight?
Could also try for after Planning meeting but prob ends up too late
From: Darlington, Mandy (OMB)
To: Emily Walsh; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel
Subject: RE: Dinner
Date: Monday, August 10, 2015 12:38:03 PM

No problem, Dean and Emma will probably do dinner then.  Thank you!
From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2015 12:37 PM
To: Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Schnake Mahl, Gabriel
Subject: RE: Dinner
Sorry, he's a no :(
Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Darlington, Mandy (OMB) [DarlingtonM@omb.nyc.gov]

Sent: Monday, August 10, 2015 11:50 AM
To: Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Emily Walsh
Subject: RE: Dinner

Sure, if Jonathan can do it.  Dean goes to Spasso on Hudson St. a lot, which would be goot….but he
goes there a lot. J  Let me know if Emma has any spots in mind.
From: Schnake Mahl, Gabriel [mailto:GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2015 11:45 AM
To: Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Emily Walsh (Emily@berlinrosen.com)
Subject: RE: Dinner
Any preference of location?
From: Darlington, Mandy (OMB) [mailto:DarlingtonM@omb.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2015 11:22 AM
To: Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Emily Walsh (Emily@berlinrosen.com)
Subject: RE: Dinner
Yes for Dean, what time tonight?
From: Schnake Mahl, Gabriel [mailto:GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2015 11:18 AM
To: Emily Walsh (Emily@berlinrosen.com); Darlington, Mandy (OMB)
Subject: Dinner
Any chance Dean and JR can do tonight?
Could also try for after Planning meeting but prob ends up too late
From: Ramirez Ursulina
To: Blumm, Kate
Cc: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Shorris, Anthony; Griffith, Chantell; Goldmark,
Karin; Williams, Dominic; jonathan@berlinrosen.com; John Del Cecato; Leopold, Elana; Chao, Raymond;
Devora Kaye; Wallack Josh; Thornton, Demetrius; Wolfe, Emma; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Cutler, Dorothy;
Buery, Richard; Confer, Alexis
Subject: Re: MBDB: Education Speech Prep
Date: Monday, August 10, 2015 3:42:55 PM

Yes. We are here outside press office.

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 10, 2015, at 3:40 PM, "Blumm, Kate"

<KBlumm@cityhall.nyc.gov<mailto:KBlumm@cityhall.nyc.gov>> wrote:


Team DOE – if you are here, can we huddle?

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2015 3:40 PM
To: Hagelgans, Andrea; Blumm, Kate; Walzak, Phil; Shorris, Anthony; Griffith, Chantell;
'URamirez@schools.nyc.gov<mailto:URamirez@schools.nyc.gov>'; Goldmark, Karin; Williams, Dominic;
'jonathan@berlinrosen.com<mailto:jonathan@berlinrosen.com>'; John Del Cecato; Leopold, Elana;
Chao, Raymond; Devora Kaye; 'Wallack Josh
(JWallack@schools.nyc.gov<mailto:JWallack@schools.nyc.gov>)'; Thornton, Demetrius; Wolfe, Emma;
Schnake Mahl, Gabriel
Cc: Cutler, Dorothy; Buery, Richard; Confer, Alexis
Subject: RE: MBDB: Education Speech Prep

We are delayed

-----Original Appointment-----
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2015 11:59 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Hagelgans, Andrea; Blumm, Kate; Walzak, Phil; Shorris, Anthony; Griffith,
Chantell; 'URamirez@schools.nyc.gov<mailto:URamirez@schools.nyc.gov>'; Goldmark, Karin; Williams,
Dominic; 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com<mailto:jonathan@berlinrosen.com>'; John Del Cecato; Leopold,
Elana; Chao, Raymond; Devora Kaye; 'Wallack Josh
(JWallack@schools.nyc.gov<mailto:JWallack@schools.nyc.gov>)'; Thornton, Demetrius; Wolfe, Emma;
Schnake Mahl, Gabriel
Cc: Cutler, Dorothy; Buery, Richard; Confer, Alexis
Subject: MBDB: Education Speech Prep
When: Monday, August 10, 2015 3:30 PM-4:30 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: City Hall, The Blue Room
From: Emily Walsh
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Anna Robinson-Sweet; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: RE:
Date: Monday, August 10, 2015 6:05:24 PM

Will do, thank you. 

Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Monday, August 10, 2015 5:48 PM
To: Emily Walsh; Anna Robinson-Sweet; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: RE:

Mayor drinks Earl Grey Tea-

Don’t know about Podesta. Maybe to be on the safe side, have tea, coffee, water.
From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2015 5:39 PM
To: Anna Robinson-Sweet; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: RE:
Does the Mayor or Mr. Podesta need anything for breakfast tomorrow? Please let us know and we're
happy to provide.

Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Anna Robinson-Sweet

Sent: Monday, August 10, 2015 11:40 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Emily Walsh
Subject: RE:

They are all set with a room at 10am tomorrow.

Anna Robinson-Sweet
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
(646) 452-5637
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [mailto:PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2015 11:12 AM
To: Anna Robinson-Sweet; Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Emily Walsh
Subject: RE:
Just the Mayor and Mr. Podesta.
From: Anna Robinson-Sweet [mailto:anna.robinsonsweet@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2015 11:11 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Emily Walsh
Subject: RE:
Hi Prisca, how many people will be attending the meeting?
Anna Robinson-Sweet
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
(646) 452-5637
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [mailto:PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2015 11:09 AM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Emily Walsh; Anna Robinson-Sweet
Subject: RE:
Great thanks!
From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2015 11:08 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Cc: Emily Walsh; Anna Robinson-Sweet
Subject: RE:
Emily and/or Anna cc’d here.
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [mailto:PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2015 11:08 AM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Would like to have Podesta meeting at your place tomorrow at 10am
Who can I talk to – to reserve a conf. room?
Prisca Salazar-Rodriguez
Office of The Mayor
From: Everett, Matt
To: Emily Walsh
Subject: Re: Coffee with Gabrielle Fialkoff
Date: Thursday, August 13, 2015 4:55:41 PM

Hm, there isn't really anything too close by. Maybe Mansion restaurant on 86 and York? But
that's not ideal.

From: Emily Walsh

Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2015 4:45 PM
To: Everett, Matt
Subject: RE: Coffee with Gabrielle Fialkoff

Is there a better place to meet than Gracie?

Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Emily Walsh

Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2015 2:04 PM
To: Everett, Matt
Subject: RE: Coffee with Gabrielle Fialkoff

He'll see her at Gracie then! Thanks. 

Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Everett, Matt [MEverett@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2015 1:19 PM
To: Emily Walsh
Subject: RE: Coffee with Gabrielle Fialkoff

We are all good for 6:30. Thanks!

From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2015 11:34 AM
To: Everett, Matt
Subject: RE: Coffee with Gabrielle Fialkoff
OK, I'll have him there around 6:30. Let me know if anything comes up. Thanks!
Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Everett, Matt [MEverett@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2015 11:29 AM
To: Emily Walsh
Subject: RE: Coffee with Gabrielle Fialkoff

Yes, and I will have Gab head up a bit early as well.

From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2015 11:28 AM
To: Everett, Matt
Subject: RE: Coffee with Gabrielle Fialkoff
Sounds good. Should Jonathan go to the UES early?
Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Everett, Matt [MEverett@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2015 11:26 AM
To: Emily Walsh
Subject: RE: Coffee with Gabrielle Fialkoff

Hi Emily,
Gab now has to go to a Senior Staff meeting with the Mayor from 4-5. Can we just see if they can
grab each other for a few minutes before the planning meeting tonight?
From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2015 2:18 PM
To: Everett, Matt
Subject: RE: Coffee with Gabrielle Fialkoff
Great, 15 Maiden Lane, suite 1600. Thanks for your hlelp!
Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Everett, Matt [MEverett@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2015 2:17 PM
To: Emily Walsh
Subject: RE: Coffee with Gabrielle Fialkoff

Thanks Emily, Gab can come down to Maiden Lane. 4:30 Thursday it is.
From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2015 11:39 AM
To: Everett, Matt
Subject: RE: Coffee with Gabrielle Fialkoff
That's great. Happy to do our office on Maiden Lane or her favorite coffee place. 
Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Everett, Matt [MEverett@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2015 11:27 AM
To: Emily Walsh
Subject: RE: Coffee with Gabrielle Fialkoff

Great, could we say 4:30 downtown?

From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2015 10:21 AM
To: Everett, Matt
Subject: RE: Coffee with Gabrielle Fialkoff
Hi Matt,
He's free from 4:30 until the planning meeting. Do you want to have them meet before hand? We can
do either down here or UES. Let me know what's easiest.
Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Everett, Matt [MEverett@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2015 9:38 AM
To: Emily Walsh
Subject: Coffee with Gabrielle Fialkoff

Hi Emily,
I think that Gabrielle and Jonathan have been trading texts about finding a time to get together this
week. He had offered tomorrow or Thursday at 9am but she has meetings that she cannot change.
Would he be able to do 30 mins in the following windows?
Thursday: 10:30-12, 2:30-6
Matt Everett
Mayor’s Office of Strategic Partnerships
Office: 212-341-5382
Mobile: 347-453-5585
From: John Del Cecato
To: Walzak, Phil
Cc: Hinton, Karen; Wolfe, Emma; Hagelgans, Andrea; jonathan@berlinrosen.com
Subject: Re: WSJ
Date: Thursday, August 13, 2015 10:28:37 PM

Happy to do it.  Just let me know when I start

> On Aug 13, 2015, at 10:23 PM, Walzak, Phil <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
> Yeah I like that
> You can be outside ratfucker on twitter
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: John Del Cecato [mailto:jfdc@akpdmedia.com]
> Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2015 10:19 PM
> To: Walzak, Phil
> Cc: Hinton, Karen; Wolfe, Emma; Hagelgans, Andrea; jonathan@berlinrosen.com
> Subject: Re: WSJ
> Yes.  Lots of "it wasn't a bad story" and "I treated you fairly" and "when can we get coffee".
> I told him I guess I wasn't that interesting to him, since I gave him a minimum wage story and he
didn't do it - and that I had seen story after story that I didn't like.  I said I just didn't have time for
reporters when it's not my skill set, and was gonna leave the reporter contacts to the professionals. 
> That said, I think his colleague also worked Ragone over - and while Peter thought he was helping,
his comments weren't helping I this context. 
> Maybe I'm channeling Louis CK here, but I feel like people on the outside (like me) should be
assigned a duty - like going after our opponents - and just delivering that via Twitter.  That way,
reporters don't get to pick and choose how they use information. 
>> On Aug 13, 2015, at 10:12 PM, Walzak, Phil <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>> He respond to u?
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: John Del Cecato [mailto:jfdc@akpdmedia.com]
>> Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2015 09:58 PM
>> To: Walzak, Phil
>> Cc: Hinton, Karen; Wolfe, Emma; Hagelgans, Andrea; jonathan@berlinrosen.com
>> Subject: Re: WSJ
>> I bitches to him already and told him I was done talking to him.  But probably means more coming
from Karen.
>>> On Aug 13, 2015, at 9:54 PM, Walzak, Phil <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>>> KH want to shoot him a note?
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: John Del Cecato [mailto:jfdc@akpdmedia.com]
>>> Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2015 09:50 PM
>>> To: Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Wolfe, Emma; Hagelgans, Andrea; Jonathan Rosen
>>> Subject: WSJ
>>> I gave Dawsey the prez forum piece - and reminded him that it had been said dozens of times
since 4/2/15.  He made it sound like it was a new thing.  Also, Bdb obviously didn't "take to TV" on HRC
announcement video day.  We had that planned for days before she leaked that she'd be releasing
From: John Del Cecato
To: Walzak, Phil; Wolfe, Emma; Hinton, Karen
Cc: Hagelgans, Andrea; "jonathan@berlinrosen.com"
Subject: Re: WSJ
Date: Friday, August 14, 2015 8:37:19 AM

For my part, though - it was sloppy… I shouldn’t have gotten pressured

into giving Josh the presidential forum piece without thinking through the
strategy… I screwed up

On 8/13/15, 11:09 PM, "Walzak, Phil" <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

>Won't make an impact

>----- Original Message -----
>From: Wolfe, Emma
>Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2015 11:06 PM
>To: Hinton, Karen
>Cc: John Del Cecato <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans,
>Andrea; jonathan@berlinrosen.com <jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
>Subject: Re: WSJ
>> On Aug 13, 2015, at 11:05 PM, Hinton, Karen <KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>
>> It was a nothing story.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Aug 13, 2015, at 10:28 PM, Wolfe, Emma <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov>
>>> That was a bad story
>>>> On Aug 13, 2015, at 10:25 PM, Hinton, Karen
>>>><KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>>>> Let me read the story.
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>> On Aug 13, 2015, at 10:19 PM, John Del Cecato <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>
>>>>> Yes.  Lots of "it wasn't a bad story" and "I treated you fairly" and
>>>>>"when can we get coffee".
>>>>> I told him I guess I wasn't that interesting to him, since I gave
>>>>>him a minimum wage story and he didn't do it - and that I had seen
>>>>>story after story that I didn't like.  I said I just didn't have time
>>>>>for reporters when it's not my skill set, and was gonna leave the
>>>>>reporter contacts to the professionals.
>>>>> That said, I think his colleague also worked Ragone over - and while
>>>>>Peter thought he was helping, his comments weren't helping I this
>>>>> Maybe I'm channeling Louis CK here, but I feel like people on the
>>>>>outside (like me) should be assigned a duty - like going after our
>>>>>opponents - and just delivering that via Twitter.  That way,
>>>>>reporters don't get to pick and choose how they use information.
>>>>>> On Aug 13, 2015, at 10:12 PM, Walzak, Phil
>>>>>><PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>>>>>> He respond to u?
>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>> From: John Del Cecato [mailto:jfdc@akpdmedia.com]
>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2015 09:58 PM
>>>>>> To: Walzak, Phil
>>>>>> Cc: Hinton, Karen; Wolfe, Emma; Hagelgans, Andrea;
>>>>>>jonathan@berlinrosen.com <jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
>>>>>> Subject: Re: WSJ
>>>>>> I bitches to him already and told him I was done talking to him.
>>>>>>But probably means more coming from Karen.
>>>>>>> On Aug 13, 2015, at 9:54 PM, Walzak, Phil
>>>>>>><PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>>>>>>> KH want to shoot him a note?
>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>> From: John Del Cecato [mailto:jfdc@akpdmedia.com]
>>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2015 09:50 PM
>>>>>>> To: Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Wolfe, Emma; Hagelgans, Andrea;
>>>>>>>Jonathan Rosen <jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
>>>>>>> Subject: WSJ
>>>>>>> I gave Dawsey the prez forum piece - and reminded him that it had
>>>>>>>been said dozens of times since 4/2/15.  He made it sound like it
>>>>>>>was a new thing.  Also, Bdb obviously didn't "take to TV" on HRC
>>>>>>>announcement video day.  We had that planned for days before she
>>>>>>>leaked that she'd be releasing video.
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: B
Subject: RE: Smart man
Date: Friday, August 14, 2015 4:18:05 PM

See you there, then.

-----Original Message-----
From: B [mailto:BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, August 14, 2015 4:17 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: Smart man

How about 5:15pm at Bar Toto and you get out before 6pm?

----- Original Message -----

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, August 14, 2015 04:09 PM
To: B
Subject: RE: Smart man

Alternatively could make it to Park Slope in 30 mins now and free until 6 until I have to pick up my
kids.  Either good. 

-----Original Message-----
From: B [mailto:BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, August 14, 2015 3:34 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Smart man

You were wise last night. I need to talk more to you about what the group discussed last night. Want to
see you in person. If you have a little time, I'll be in the Slope later. If not, whenever works for you in
the next few days. Thanks
Fro m: .a
To : Hagelc!ans. Andrea ; Williams. Dominic: Walzak. Phil; Hinton. Karen; Snyder. Thomas; Salazar-Rodriquez. Prisca ;
Leopold. Elana; Wolfe. Emma
Cc: FLONYC; "jfdc@akodmedia.com" ; "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"; Klein. Monica
Su bject: Re: 51 ADVANCE: Firefighter shot responding to house fire on Staten I sland
Dat e: Friday, August 14, 2015 4:32:57 PM

Sometimes miracles do occur ...

From: Hagelgans, Andrea

Sent: Friday, August 14, 2015 04 :31 PM
To: B; Williams, Dominic; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas; Salazar- Rodriguez, Prisca; Leopold,
Elana; Wolfe, Emma
Cc: FLONYC; 'j fdc@akpdmedia.com' <j fdc@akpdmedia.com> ; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> ; Klein, Monica
Subject : RE: SI ADVANCE: Firefighter shot responding to house fire on Staten I sland

Politico/Cap reported this:

State Senator Diane Savino, wh o also attended the press conference, told
POLITICO New York that the mayor's wh ereabouts dming the morning was a
non-issue. "Elected officials don't belong at a crime scene," sh e said.

From: B
Sent: Friday, August 14, 2015 3:59 PM
To: Williams, Dominic; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas; Salazar- Rodriguez, Prisca; Leopold,
Elana; Wolfe, Emma; Hagelgans, Andrea
Cc: FLONYC; 'j fdc@akpdmedia.com'; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; Klein, Monica
Subject: Re: SI ADVANCE: Firefighter shot responding to house fi re on Staten I sland

I j ust spoke to Jake Lemonda president of the UFOA w hich represents to fire officers --
includ ing lieutenants. He says he has already issued a positive statement re: being present at my visit with
Hayes and how much it was appreciated . He also says (I can't verify) that he's spoken to Cassidy (not his
member, keep in mind) and Steve says he w ill not comment -- fwiw. Make sure Lemonda's statement gets
out there -- I told him I needed him to stand up here and speak the positive t ruth, and he agreed . He says
other union leaders w ill attack me -- I assume he means mullins and lynch. I need a scorecard tmrw re:
who was a friend and who was cheap. Fwiw, the electeds at t he presser (Savino, Cusick and Rose) all told
me t hey thought t he attack was out rageous -- see if you can get them on record. Rose was in the hospital
room w it h me. Ironica lly, the firefighters and officers I encou ntered were overw helmingly wa rm and
appreciative, including t he members of Engine 158 w ho I spoke with at the hospital. I know this too shall
pass, but let's deal w ith these bastards.

From: B
Sent: Friday, August 14, 2015 03 :18PM
To: Williams, Dominic; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas; Salazar -Rodriguez, Prisca; Leopold,
Elana; Wolfe, Emma; Hagelgans, Andrea
Cc: FLONYC; 'j fdc@akpdmedia.com' <jfdc@akpdmedia.com >; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
< Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: SI ADVANCE: Firefighter shot responding to house fire on Staten Island

First of all, the news media is pitiful and it's sad for our city and nation.

Second, we keep getting new scenarios to add to our database. Here's what we know: the media wants to
focus on death in all its forms and wants me to be present wherever death or grievous injury is involved.
Today's controversy about when exactly I should be at the hospital or an active shooter situation and what
I'm "allowed" to do if I'm not there is a case in point.

We can make a conscience decision to surrender to them and just go to fires, crime scenes and memorials
all day every day -- or we can govern. Now, that being said, it is worth having a team discussion re:
whether we no longer believe we have the firepower to fight back in these situations. If we instead believe
the media environment has metastasized, we can then institute a protocol that says that I will go
immediately to whatever crisis location exists as the default position. Granted, this attack line today would
have been harder to promote if I was at CH -- but then the line could have been I took too long to go visit
the hospital. If by now you're thinking this is a lose-lose equation and a trap, you may be right.

Third, this is always an attack on us and what we represent. Only we can decide the template we believe
in. Only we can choose to either give in (which might be a logical choice) to this part of the tabloid culture,
or to blow by it. But we need a template that is sharper. We've had a basic one before but there's still a
long pause and lots of internal discussion typically before we act. We need to have a clearer playbook and
faster execution.

Fourth, one person in charge -- the only thing that ever works. From now on, Tom will be responsible for
immediately convening all key personnel to decide how and when I go to the scene of a crisis. It must start
immediately upon info coming in. And I expect the fastest possible decision. Until we decide otherwise,
when Tom is not available, Phil will run this process. And when Phil is not available, Dom will run this

They will never defeat us. Only we can do that. Let's get tighter, clearer, faster, better.

From: B
Sent: Friday, August 14, 2015 09:11 AM
To: Williams, Dominic; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Leopold,
Elana; Wolfe, Emma; Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: Re: SI ADVANCE: Firefighter shot responding to house fire on Staten Island

Just spoke with Nigro again. He says the lieutenant will be held overnight at the hospital as a precaution.
So I can visit whenever we think makes sense

From: B
Sent: Friday, August 14, 2015 09:08 AM
To: Williams, Dominic; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Leopold,
Elana; Wolfe, Emma; Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: Re: SI ADVANCE: Firefighter shot responding to house fire on Staten Island

Just spoke with BB. Situation is not over but is contained. Suspect holed up in a basement apt --
surrounding area evacuated. PD is flying the suspect's mom up from DE by helicopter -- suspect has asked
to speak with her, hopefully as part of surrender. BB will brief the media now. He suggests I go out after
the situation is resolved to be part of the post-incident presser and to thank first responders. Then could
visit the wounded lieutenant in hospital or at home if he's been released.

From: Williams, Dominic
Sent: Friday, August 14, 2015 08:35 AM
To: B; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Leopold, Elana; Wolfe, Emma;
Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: Re: SI ADVANCE: Firefighter shot responding to house fire on Staten Island
Re: Going — Think we need to let this play out more, but plan on having to make a SI trip later today.
Think should read visiting the firefighter after Nigro connects you.
Think we shouldn’t be anywhere near the scene now or any time soon.  Think we call that once the scene is no
longer active, and would underline that that could be a different trip to hospital, not necessarily to scene.
Emma is talking to electeds and Cassidy and that readout will be helpful as well.
From: Bill De Blasio <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Friday, August 14, 2015 at 8:30 AM
To: "Walzak, Phil" <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Hinton, Karen" <KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Dominic
Williams <dwilliams@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Snyder, Thomas" <TSnyder@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Salazar-
Rodriguez, Prisca" <PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Leopold, Elana" <ELeopold@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: SI ADVANCE: Firefighter shot responding to house fire on Staten Island

Pls advise what you guys think next steps should be

From: B
Sent: Friday, August 14, 2015 08:16 AM
To: Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Williams, Dominic; Snyder, Thomas; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Leopold, Elana

Subject: Fw: SI ADVANCE: Firefighter shot responding to house fire on Staten Island

Just spoke with Nigro and Bratton. Nigro's at the hospital with the lieutenant -- thankfully he's in good
condition. BB's going to the site where the shooter is, and says this could be a prolonged stand-off.
Shooter is well-armed. BB will update me when he's out there. Nigro will put me on the phone with the
lieutenant shortly most likely. BB held open the possibility that I should go to the site of the standoff. Need
you guys to evaluate next steps and prepare to make schedule changes. I would put the guy I'm seeing for
my first mtg on alert that we may need to re-sched
From: Clips
Sent: Friday, August 14, 2015 07:42 AM
Subject: SI ADVANCE: Firefighter shot responding to house fire on Staten Island
Firefighter shot responding to house fire on Staten Island
SI ADVANCE - Maura Grunlund

An explosive situation unfolded early Friday morning in Mariners Harbor when U.S. Marshal's
attempted to serve a warrant to an individual and the person set fire to his home and began
shooting, according to police and a law enforcement source at the scene.

One of the bullets struck a firefighter in the ankle, according to a spokesman for the NYPD. The
shooter is still believed to be inside the home and the situation active.

Firefighters responded to the blaze at 5:58 a.m. at 15 Destiny Court, just around the corner from St.
Clement and St. Michael R.C. Church.

An enormous number of emergency officials are on the scene -- including heavily-armed

Emergency Service Unit cops, Haz-Mat officers and about 60 firefighters.

At least three helicopters are flying over the area and there is a heavy smell of smoke in the air.
From: Goldmark, Karin
To: "JWallack@schools.nyc.gov"; "jfdc@akpdmedia.com"; "jonathan@berlinrosen.com"
Subject: Re: education policies
Date: Saturday, August 15, 2015 1:25:54 PM

So it turns out NYC already has a college grad goal--to double # of grads coming out of CUNY by
2020 (from 2010).

Would like to broaden so I propose adding following:

Beat the national college completion rate (it's 46%) by 2030
NY produces 75,000 additional college grads by 2030 (cumulative)

Requires adding, on average, 5K grads per year--obviously targets would be lower initially.

Josh's #s will be based on a better spreadsheet so we should use his.

Also I think we can take off the $10K for college that's outside realm of possibility.
That's 500M/yr just at today's grad rates for something state should pay for.

From: Wallack Josh [mailto:JWallack@schools.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, August 14, 2015 12:19 PM
To: John Del Cecato <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; Goldmark, Karin; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: RE: education policies
I’ll get back to you later today – sorry for delay.
From: John Del Cecato [mailto:jfdc@akpdmedia.com]
Sent: Friday, August 14, 2015 11:29 AM
To: Wallack Josh <JWallack@schools.nyc.gov>; KGoldmark@cityhall.nyc.gov; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: education policies

Just following up on whether I’ve got my facts right here

From: John Del Cecato <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>
Date: Thursday, August 13, 2015 at 1:55 PM
To: Wallack Josh <JWallack@schools.nyc.gov>, "KGoldmark@cityhall.nyc.gov"
<KGoldmark@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Jonathan Rosen <jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: education policies
Wanted to check in & see if this is the best/most accurate/most up-to-date list of items that
we’re thinking of doing in the education speech… Feel free to edit at will - or add/subtract
Doubling the number of New York City public school students who graduate from college
Helping 50 thousand more New York City students graduate from college
Making sure every second grader can read on grade level
Doubling the number of elementary school students who can read on grade level
Cutting the high school dropout rate in half
Adding more community schools which offering mental health services, career counseling,
eye exams, and nutrition assistance
Doubling the funding for pre-kindergarten programs
Providing up to five thousand dollars to all high school graduates for college tuition.
Providing up to ten thousand dollars to all high school graduates for college tuition.
Doubling the percentage of students who graduate from New York City public schools who
are college-ready
From: Blumm, Kate
To: Goldmark, Karin
Cc: Hagelgans, Andrea; JWallack@schools.nyc.gov; URamirez@schools.nyc.gov; Williams, Dominic;
jfdc@akpdmedia.com; Walzak, Phil; Snyder, Thomas; Buery, Richard; Wolfe, Emma; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB);
Subject: Re: Speech--next steps
Date: Sunday, August 16, 2015 11:35:01 AM

Karin-- sent around some thoughts/updates and realize I forgot to cc you and several others on this
chain. Looping you all now. Captures much of what's here and but open questions below would be very
good to resolve.


> On Aug 16, 2015, at 10:58 AM, Goldmark, Karin <KGoldmark@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
> Checking in on where we are with speech and putting us all on a thread so we can get coordinated
for Weds meeting:
> 1. Email from B last week:
> I'm starting to feel this educ speech. College is the right fulcrum here. I think we go heavy into:
> EVERY middle and high school having a business partner
> Huge numbers of kids in internships/mentorships/summer jobs
> EVERY middle/high school student is taking on college tours in nyc multiple times
> College savings accounts
> City's new vision of how to get kids to college and help them succeed there/afford it
> Then all the things we are doing k-12 are shown to be supporting that
> 2. On college visits piece--this came out of mtg w new State Ed Commissioner--wants college
tours/visits specifically mentioned in speech
> 3. For us to contend with: in 2010 NYC (CUNY and DOE) announced GradNYC, initiative w goal of
doubling number of college grads coming out of CUNY by 2020. Now halfway through, we are on track
to meet that goal.  The number goal isn't overwhelming--I think it's from 7000 to 14,000.
> I think we should do three things:
> A. Push timeline to 2030 and include the GradNYC goal in the bigger goal
> B. Frame the goal as all New Yorkers, not just CUNY or even DOE grads, with special emphasis on
DOE grads for the initiatives that get us there.
> C. Add equity goals for first generation college students.
> 4. We need to figure out if we are making a "call on state to _____" statement (about increasing TAP
or anything else).
> Any insight on why NYS has not joined Complete College America?  (36 states signed up for goals and
policy moves on college completion, NY and not among them)
From: B
To: "jfdc@akpdmedia.com"
Cc: Hagelgans Andrea; Hinton Karen; Walzak Phil; "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"; FLONYC
Subject: Re: NY Times: After Friction, Renewed Zen for de Blasio
Date: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 8:23:07 AM

Those are often the best ideas, John

From: John Del Cecato [mailto:jfdc@akpdmedia.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 08:16 AM
To: B
Cc: Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen; Walzak, Phil; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: NY Times: After Friction, Renewed Zen for de Blasio
I have an idea.  Prepare to mock it, and I will prepare to defend it tonight

On Aug 19, 2015, at 8:05 AM, B <BCCD@.nyc.gov> wrote:

New idea from Chirlane: create our own click-bait. Our own topical, lively, unconventional, sometimes fun,
sometimes controversial content. Pls discuss at mtg tonite

From: Hagelgans, Andrea
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 07:45 AM
To: B; Hinton, Karen
Cc: Walzak, Phil
Subject: Re: NY Times: After Friction, Renewed Zen for de Blasio
Think we all believe it is idiotic. And a staggering reminder of the sad state of media that this is how
they choose to use space that could be better spent covering real problems for nyers. But we keep
the high road and push on!

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: B
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 7:41 AM
To: Hinton, Karen
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: Re: Fwd: NY Times: After Friction, Renewed Zen for de Blasio

I agree with you on strategy. I disagree with you on this article, which I think is idiotic

From: Hinton, Karen
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 05:19 AM
To: B
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: Fwd: NY Times: After Friction, Renewed Zen for de Blasio
A lot of subjective reflection here, to say the least, but a way to move forward. My advice is
to let us play good cop/bad cop with room 9. Yesterday was a top shelf performance that
I've seen plenty of times before. Keep doing what you did yesterday. And I promise to not
get ahead of the team again. 
http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/19/nyregion/after-friction-renewed-zen-for-de-blasio.html? r=0

After Friction, Renewed Zen for de

18, 2015
He was the
mayor of populist messages, pledging to crack down ontoplessness in
Times Square, a recent pet cause of the New York City tabloids, whose
campaigns he typically ignores.

He was the mayor of good deeds, promoting his efforts to end an

outbreakof Legionnaires’ disease in the Bronx.

And, notably, Bill de Blasio was the mayor of magnanimity, demurring

when invited to complain about the news media, and calmly fielding a
query about his gym habits, which he had sternly dismissed as “not a
serious question” just days ago.

Mr. de Blasio, in a news conference at City Hall on Tuesday, showcased a

side of his personality that New Yorkers have seen little of lately:
crankiness replaced by comity, defiance replaced by evenhandedness.

When his press secretary, Karen Hinton, signaled that it was time to go,
Mr. de Blasio, a former campaign manager who has a habit of overruling
aides, collected his papers and walked off.

The appearance was a sign, preliminary to be sure, that Mr. de Blasio may
be starting to heed the concerns of allies and advisers who are worried
that a pileup of political headaches and public-relations bungles have
dimmed views of his administration.

A Quinnipiac poll this month showed that more New Yorkers disapprove

of the mayor’s performance than at any other time in his tenure, in the
wake of a feud with Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo and scraps over homelessness
and taxicabs. The mayor has also faced questions about patronage — a
$150,000-a-year position went to the companion of a top aide — and his
populist image, after his wife told court officials that she was too busy to
perform jury duty.

After a family trip on Monday to Rhode Island, Mr. de Blasio was back at
City Hall on Tuesday. And there were subtle, but perceptible, shifts in his

The mayor was frustrated last week by a question about why he had
exercised at a gym during a police standoff with a gunman on Staten
Island. On Tuesday, he responded, taking pains to underscore his
devotion to the job.

“There is no such thing in this job as being off duty,” Mr. de Blasio said.
(He also suggested that exercise helped him “be as effective as I can be.”)

Criticized by some on quality-of-life concerns, Mr. de Blasio on Tuesday

issued a stern warning when asked about the trend of topless women in
Times Square who wear body paint, a novelty that caught the ire of The
New York Post in April and The Daily News.

“It’s wrong, it’s wrong,” the mayor said, pledging to address the issue “in a
very aggressive manner.”

The mayor’s shift in tone came after several days of unflattering headlines,
including an article in The New York Times on Sunday about his
difficulties controlling perception of City Hall.

In an interview with The Times for that article on Saturday, Mr. de Blasio
expressed deep frustration with how the news media has covered his
administration. He began by saying: “Let’s be straightforward here: You’re
going to write a piece about how it’s been a bad summer, and you’re not
going to talk about our achievements. So I’m really interested in why
you’re going to do that.”

The mayor also

said that political
challenges were a
“constant part of
the reality of being
mayor of New
York,” and he
asserted that the
news media had
reported on his
Michael R.
Bloomberg, with
“a kid-glove

Privately, some
allies of the mayor
said this week that
they were
surprised by the
tenor of some of
Mr. de Blasio’s

On Tuesday, Mr.
de Blasio took a
different tack.
When a reporter
broached the
subject of news
media coverage, Mr. de Blasio’s reply was calm and unwavering.

“I don’t really have anything to say on that right now,” the mayor said.
“Let’s stay on the substance of the day.” He moved on to the next

On Wednesday morning, Mr. de Blasio is set to appear on WNYC for an

interview. The mayor rarely takes listener call-in questions, but he plans
to do so on Wednesday.

On a WNYC show Tuesday, a man identifying himself as “Louis in the

Village” called in to defend the mayor, and the station’s producers and
listeners said he was almost certainly the comedian Louis C.K.

“I really like this mayor,” Louis in the Village said on air. “And I think he
deserves a better chance than he’s getting.”
A version of this article appears in print on August 19, 2015, on page A19 of the New York
edition with the headline: After Friction, Renewed Zen For de Blasio . 
Order Reprints |  Today's Paper | Subscribe
From: Blumm, Kate
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Shorris, Anthony; "URamirez@schools.nyc.gov";
Goldmark, Karin; Williams, Dominic; "jonathan@berlinrosen.com"; John Del Cecato; Leopold, Elana; Devora
Kaye; "Wallack Josh (JWallack@schools.nyc.gov)"; Wolfe, Emma; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Buery, Richard;
Confer, Alexis; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB)
Subject: the plan for today"s Education Speech Prep
Date: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 10:04:00 AM

Hi, all—I’ve connected variously with a bunch of you in the past day for some excellent
feedback and updates. Right now I’m in the process of revising three documents to have
available at the speech prep later:

1-      Overall education vision and goals doc (with speech planning/goals too)

2-      Vignettes doc (the student portraits we’re painting in the speech to communicate the

3-      Pull quotes/soundbites doc

I’ll send these around to you all as soon as they’re ready for feedback so we’re all on the
same page heading into 5:30. Thanks very much.

-----Original Appointment-----
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2015 7:11 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Hagelgans, Andrea; Blumm, Kate; Walzak, Phil; Shorris, Anthony; Griffith,
Chantell; 'URamirez@schools.nyc.gov'; Goldmark, Karin; Williams, Dominic; 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com';
John Del Cecato; Leopold, Elana; Chao, Raymond; Devora Kaye; 'Wallack Josh
(JWallack@schools.nyc.gov)'; Thornton, Demetrius; Wolfe, Emma; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Cutler,
Dorothy; Buery, Richard; Confer, Alexis; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB)
Subject: MBDB: Education Speech Prep
When: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 5:30 PM-6:30 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: City Hall, The Blue Room
From: Jordan Smith
To: Brack, Ryan (CTO); Merritt, Jeff (CTO)
Subject: RE: citymart sync
Date: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 11:15:13 AM
Importance: High

Thanks, Ryan.

Jeff, I can talk anytime between 12-2 and 3 pm on. When is good for you?


-----Original Message-----
From: Brack, Ryan (CTO) [mailto:RBrack@cto.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 11:11 AM
To: Jordan Smith; Merritt, Jeff (CTO)
Subject: citymart sync

Hey Jeff Jordan is it possible to please sync today on the press release high-level talking points and
Miranda? Have time later today? Thanks!

Sent from my iPhone

From: B
To: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen
Cc: FLONYC; "jfdc@akpdmedia.com"; "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"
Subject: Calling the question tonite
Date: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 11:45:39 AM

I want to go on brian lehrer every week from now on. Look forward to discussing :)
From: Hinton, Karen
To: Walzak, Phil; Wolfe, Emma; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; "jfdc@akpdmedia.com" (jfdc@akpdmedia.com)
Subject: FW: Don Peebles
Date: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 1:22:50 PM

From: Carl Campanile [mailto:ccampanile@nypost.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 1:22 PM
To: Hinton, Karen
Subject: Re: Don Peebles


On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 1:17 PM, Hinton, Karen <KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
From: Carl Campanile [mailto:ccampanile@nypost.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 12:09 PM
To: Hinton, Karen
Subject: Don Peebles

Hey there. Carl Campanile of the NY Post here.
Is the mayor responding to the comments made by Don Peebles in today's Post? His
criticisms and talk about running for mayor?
Thanks. CC
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: "URamirez@schools.nyc.gov"; Chao, Raymond; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Shorris,
Anthony; Buery, Richard; Thornton, Demetrius; Hagelgans, Andrea; "Wallack Josh
(JWallack@schools.nyc.gov)"; Devora Kaye; Goldmark, Karin; Confer, Alexis; Blumm, Kate; Griffith, Chantell;
"jonathan@berlinrosen.com"; John Del Cecato; Williams, Dominic; Wolfe, Emma; Leopold, Elana; Cutler,
Dorothy; Walzak, Phil; Zuniga, Andrea
Subject: RE: MBDB: Education Speech Prep
Date: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 1:47:35 PM

This meeting is cancelled for today – will be re-scheduled for another time this week.

-----Original Appointment-----
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2015 11:55 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; 'URamirez@schools.nyc.gov'; Chao, Raymond; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB);
Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Shorris, Anthony; Buery, Richard; Thornton, Demetrius; Hagelgans, Andrea;
'Wallack Josh (JWallack@schools.nyc.gov)'; Devora Kaye; Goldmark, Karin; Confer, Alexis; Blumm, Kate;
Griffith, Chantell; 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; John Del Cecato; Williams, Dominic; Wolfe, Emma;
Leopold, Elana; Cutler, Dorothy; Walzak, Phil; Zuniga, Andrea
Subject: MBDB: Education Speech Prep
When: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 5:30 PM-6:30 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: City Hall, The Blue Room
From: Blumm, Kate
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Shorris, Anthony; "URamirez@schools.nyc.gov";
Goldmark, Karin; Williams, Dominic; "jonathan@berlinrosen.com"; John Del Cecato; Leopold, Elana; Devora
Kaye; "Wallack Josh (JWallack@schools.nyc.gov)"; Wolfe, Emma; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Buery, Richard;
Confer, Alexis; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Zuniga, Andrea
Subject: first doc here RE: the plan for today"s Education Speech Prep
Date: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 2:45:00 PM
Attachments: EDUCATION VISION 2015 v3.docx

Adding Andie. Here’s the first doc, attached. There’s a lot to sift through so this is meant to
bring some order to the proceedings. Note that this doesn’t really detail the work
underway—the HOW—of how our ideas are animated (e.g. we are Aiming High by
increasing # of AP classes in underserved schools by X). The vignettes will have more of this
sort of HOW.

Please let me know of concerns/thoughts/feelings/edits ASAP. Even though our meeting is

canceled, I’d like to ship these docs to the Mayor tonight or ASAP.

From: Blumm, Kate
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 10:05 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Shorris, Anthony;
'URamirez@schools.nyc.gov'; Goldmark, Karin; Williams, Dominic; 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; John Del
Cecato; Leopold, Elana; Devora Kaye; 'Wallack Josh (JWallack@schools.nyc.gov)'; Wolfe, Emma;
Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Buery, Richard; Confer, Alexis; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB)
Subject: the plan for today's Education Speech Prep

Hi, all—I’ve connected variously with a bunch of you in the past day for some excellent
feedback and updates. Right now I’m in the process of revising three documents to have
available at the speech prep later:

1-      Overall education vision and goals doc (with speech planning/goals too)

2-      Vignettes doc (the student portraits we’re painting in the speech to communicate the

3-      Pull quotes/soundbites doc

I’ll send these around to you all as soon as they’re ready for feedback so we’re all on the
same page heading into 5:30. Thanks very much.

-----Original Appointment-----
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2015 7:11 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Hagelgans, Andrea; Blumm, Kate; Walzak, Phil; Shorris, Anthony; Griffith,
Chantell; 'URamirez@schools.nyc.gov'; Goldmark, Karin; Williams, Dominic; 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com';
John Del Cecato; Leopold, Elana; Chao, Raymond; Devora Kaye; 'Wallack Josh
(JWallack@schools.nyc.gov)'; Thornton, Demetrius; Wolfe, Emma; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Cutler,
Dorothy; Buery, Richard; Confer, Alexis; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB)
Subject: MBDB: Education Speech Prep
When: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 5:30 PM-6:30 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: City Hall, The Blue Room
EDUCATION VISION 2015: Update August 194. .§2.·354-§pm


E very Day, Every Step o[tl1.e Way

SVeech notes:

• College is the fhlcrum

o We cannot fulfill our destiny unless every child who wants to go to
college ~an ___.-{ Fonn a tted: Underline
o What is City's new vision of how to get kids to college, how to succeed there,
how to afford it, and eve1ything K-12 that supports that?

o Anti-bureaucratic: child-centered, not systemlgovemment-centered
o Anti-status quo- willingness to break it down - tmdercut perceptions we are
perpetuating status quo
- Historic shifts balanced with deliverables people will notice Fonnatted: Bulleted + Level: 2 + Aligned at:
0.75" +Indent at: I"
-----{ Fonnatted: Normal, Indent: Left: 0"
• TONE: Positive, resolute, rallying (call to anus - om kids can do it; it will take us all), +---{ Fonnatted: Space Before: 0 pt, After: 0 pt
expansive: we are battling for the soul of public education

Why we are driven to action:

• The status quo is unacceptable.

• Education detenn ines economic destiny more now than at any point in human history.
_•_NYC's success as a 21st centwy global city depends on the success of our education


Values behind our action:

-----{ Fonnatted

• Every school can and should deliver an excellent education for eve1y child.
• Every child can grow into a successfhl adult- ready for college, ready for life--if their
education gives them the right tools.

Simple set of ideas that express/execute these values:

Fonnatted: Font: Bold
• tart educatin children earlier so aU children be to succeed.
, ,
0 40 minutes of parent-teacher time each week Fonnatted: Font: Bold

0 Community schools
~Treat each school and each student individuaUv No two schools and no two
children need the same suppor t in order to excel.
A Fonnatted: Font: Bold
Fonn a tted: Font: Bold
-i Fonn a tted: Font: Bold
o To fhlfill their potential. each child will travel their own academic. social. and - - - { Fonnatted
emotional journey
o To become great. each school needs different amounts of support in the six key
areas that comptise our Framework for Great Schools
-":': : - : : - - - - - - , - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - . , . - - - - - - - - , - - - - - --..----{ Fonnatted: Font: Bold
9 Tke maj91'if3' 9f 9\11' i&\'@SHB@&ts are g9iRg t9 ssk99ls m9st iR aeed
• Pare&ts, tke fit·st a&d last teaskel's 9f skildna, at·e 9\11' pat·taet·s,
9 4Q mi&s 9f pan&t t@ask@l' time usk W@el<
e CemmttBif3· selteels
• '\\'e will addt"t!SS tltt! &et!.ds ef tlte wltelt! eltild. Break down aU barriers to learning so
children com e to school ready to succeed.
e Metttal aBElflkysieal kealtk matter.
o Mental and physical health: c01rununity schools (social services. glasses. etc.)
~Affordability: £-Gollege savings accounts. testing waivers

.L. ~ Fonnatted
• ,Aimittg high JBftUt!t'S. Fonnatted: Font: Bold
o Don't force kids to dream about college, a living wage job and a career: show
~· EVERY Evety middle and high school will have a business partner ---{.__Fo
_ n_na_ tt
_e_d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___,
&~Huge numbers of kids in intemships/mentorships/swmner jobs
e-• E' q~:RY Evety middle/high school student is taken on NYC college tours
multiple times
o Most tigorous cwriculwnltoughest tests in the nation
• · Be accountable for both the r ocess and the result >-Fo
_ n_n_a_
t t_
e d_:_Fon
_ t_: Bol
- d- - - - - - --<
~ We-,---City leaders. school leaders. teachers. parents- are all accotmtable to our ~ Fonnatted: Font: Bold
students. Progress Pact.., Fonnatted
o Schools are accountable to us not just for test scores and grad rates. but for the
tigorous instmction. collaborative teachers. supportive environments. strong
family-community ties. effective school leaders, and oust that improve those
scores and rates. This is the Framework for Great Schools. Research shows it
o We (gov't) are accountable to New Yorkers for our schools' successes and
difficulties alike.
o We are giving more infonnation for parents and all NYers on how schools are
doing. where they need help. what that help looks like.
ee~jif!B~t!~e~d!±te~fl~e~s~lt~e~tt~t~]_________________________..----{ Fonnatted: Font: Bold
• Spread what works. Connect the whole system.
o Veteran educators will help fellow teachers and principals improve. spreading Fonnatted: Plain Text, Bulleted +Level: 2 +
Aligned at: 0.75" + Indent at : 1"
success throughout the system.
Conduct bold experiments (PROSE) and spread what works.
• Fonnatted: Font: Bold
o They only tell you that you need to improve and where that improvement is Fonnatted
needed- not how to get it done .
e.:.t:::h~e.:.c:.::h:.::a:.::n:.=g,;;e;.;t:.::h:.::a:.::t..;'s~n=ec;:;;;e:.::s;.;;:s:::a.:.rY.:.·:.._____________________~..----{ Fonnatted: Font: Bold
o If schools cannot improve with our tailored and targeted supp01t. we will change ---{ Fonnatted: ust Paragraph
the personnel. the leadership. or the school itself. But we believe most schools can
and will improve. and in fact that is the only route to true citywide improvement.
• Fonnatted: Font: Bold

Fonnatted: I ndent : Left: 0"

Our vision:

We are building people, not systems. A community of teachers, staff, and families grows around
every student, supp01ting them at every tum, academically and personally, to and through
college and/or a living wage job.

Our endgame goals:

• } 5% four-year graduation~ - an additional5.000 graduates - b~y 2Q:6 Q~ ~ ___....-{ Fonnatted: Not Highlight
aaelitieaal ~ ,QQQ g~·a aaates 8¥8l'Y yeal· (up from 68%) Be selaeel eelew X9~ g~·a attatiea
• Double the number of collecre- and career-ready graduates to 50,000 a year (66%) by
2025 - can we bring in line with 2020? ___..-{L-------~~----------_J
Fonnatted: Highlight
• We will increase the number of DOE graduates completing college by 50% by 2020.

-----1 Fonnatted: Normal, No bullets or numbering

A:Eielitieael ~ eellege g~·aeltlfltes l3y _
[93 Q lfleastttifig g~·aelttatiett fetes fef tfte fit·st tilfle -----1 Fonnatted: Normal, No bullets or numbering,
·our goals on the wav. and the wavs we'll know our orogress towards achieving them: Don't adjust space between Latin and Asian text
1. Every child in NY C enters kindergarten r eady to leam -...., Fonnatted: Underline

• Are all eligible 4-year-olds enrolled in full-day. high-quality Pre-K? (Goal: 100%)
2. Every elementary school student has the academic foundation to succeed
• How many 2nd graders are reading on grade level? (Goal: 100%)
• How many parents of students K-2 are aware of their child's reading level (Goal:
• How many 3rd graders are proficient in ELA?
• How many 5!!! graders can control impulses. manage stress. motivate themselves. ____..--{ Fonnatted: superscript
and set and work towards goals?
• How many 5!!! graders are proficient in math (measured by the State test)? _.---{ Fonnatted: superscript
3. Every middle school student is sociallv, emotionally, and academicallY r eady for
high school
• Are we reducing the number of 6!!! graders who are chronically absent?
• How many 7th graders show resilience in dealing with setbacks and challenges.
can manage their emotions. overcome conflict. and successfully manage complex

Conflict resolution: able to overcome conflicts and have healthy relationships - - - { Fonnatted: Space Before: Auto

with peers
• How many 8th graders are proficient in math (as measured by the State test and
Algebra Regents)?
• Are all our middle schoolers exposed to the arts and perfotmance? (Note: this is
an SED requirement)
4. Every high school student is on track to graduate, ready for college. career. and
indep endent living
• Are all our 9th and 1Oth graders accumulating the tight number and nature of
credits to be on track to graduate? (Goal: 100%)
• How many high schoolers are taking AP or other college-level coursework?
• How many of our graduates do not need remedial coursework in college?
• How many high schoolers are graduating in 4 years? (Goal: 75% by 2020)
• How many graduates enroll in college? (Goal: increase enrolhnent rates in
:; :'-'-.....,2':.:::::C:->UNY.....,
C::UNY ""'-'4"".'-'n~o..,n,_-,.C""UNY.....,
;;.;2;.lQ~--------____.{ Fonnatted: Highlight
.;.•~;r;,;;-;;o;,;;_,;;__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_.---{ Fonnatted: Highlight

Our pledge to get there:
- - - { Fonnatted: Normal, No bullets or numbering

By 20J#.**, eael:i st-MElettteverv middle and high school student that enters the City's education _.---{ Fonnatted: Not Highlight
system will be guided through this journey by a feFSeBalizea ~maeat ~Hssess PlaaProgress Pact __.--{ Fonnatted: Not Highlight

This will be a living contract between our students, families , teachers, and school leaders that
outlines how each student will reach the goal of graduating high school., aftEI sueeeeeling making
to college. and succeeding all the way .aa4-through~.

With this contract, every student will be held accountable for dtiving their own learning, and
every teacher, ptincipal, and parent will be accountable for enabling that success.

Ottf 'lisieft, eeme te life:

±l.:--'p~8~H~l~:!A!:;,~'8~1:1~F:;!~·e~8~1'~8~•~'ti~l~·s~i~n~te~ll~t:!jlzt·{l.~e~e~l:l~s~eti~e~n~b~l:l~l~·,w~~~-~~~g~8~t8~l~.,~el~·~t!tl-!!,8~1e~e~lf5~,~85~h~e~r~e~l8~:s~s~H~J8!:!t~e:s!!.___ _ _.---{ Fonnatted: Font: Italic

pl61)' hehil'lti her sil'lgil'lg wilh 61 teasher, tirflwil'lg eflrly 11'1616terpiese6, gflZil'lg flf hegil'll'ler


Geal: Kielcstart lifetime efleaffti.ftg ey essttring e·;ery fettf yeaf ele is 6*f3esee te a kigk Etttaliey
eafly leaffting ettvifellfftettt

\Vliat "'e 'ye eleBe temafQS t:liis &Jreef nre a1·e \iBQeH~tttti.ftg staR-IS El\ie):

• EEtttity: effef a ft'ee, kigk Etti8liey Jlfe K seat te t:lie family ef e•tefy 4 yeaf ele
tkat 'NaBts eBe.
• IlxeelleBee: Trai.fteel teaelaers in every Jll'e k elass1·eem E~J1·ef Ele\')

\Vftat mefe \Ye 'Nill Ele:

• IlxeelleBee: effe1· tke aest Jll'e k pre gram i.ft t:lie eeuBtry •.vit:liia 5{J years as
measttrea S)' BatieBal pl'egram assessmeBt tee!

.J,IIi.,.l'g~:;1~Q~s~m;:~A~s;e;&~e~l'l;fi~gr~9;fi~er;;rl~·fi;BG~th~e;;ew~s~teSs;;&;h~e~e;l~,.S'i~th;s~p;s;re~l'!;t~,p~r9~w;fi~l>~·;s~he;,~··;il'l~g~e~jf~;t.~~e;;;--___.-{ Fo nnatted: Font: Italic

B88k the el6115 .'ttia beeR retitiiltg tsCfJlttiltil'lg what it '3 tiB8fit a1tti whie.'t ehtirtieter a.'te >1183
eh9SBI'I tep/sy il'l 8 elsSS S&ti;'i~' )'BStflrfis}'.
{THEJo.~: l?.EAKJlP.lG, PAR.E,.'"'r:J' E.11JG,4GEME.VT, EXCEI:.l:.EZ1r:T TEAGHE.~, lU!:NEWAI:.
S.GJ«)OJ:.S., S.PEGI:.4l:. .'>rEEKJS. EKJ ft9 ee 9fifiefi il'l}}

• IlEtttity: Hakiag stt1·e t:liat all ef ett1· sekeels laave great teaeaers aBEl Etttalit,• ettniettlWB:
ReaaiBwwritiBg nrerkslaeps in ReBewal ~elaeels, fellenrrng t:lie meael ttsea at aiga
fJerfeflfliBg sekeels

• IlEtttity:
s H~eq~ effJRfettts efsR-Ieeftts inK 2 will ee awafe eft:lieit· ekilel's feaai.ftg lez;el ey
(V.Q1at Ele u·e Ele if a l<iEI is eff tl'aek. stmggling te lean1 te l'eaEI? What al'e tae
"tarzetee fe~g intetventie!!i1]
s Enry elemefttat')' sekeel ekilel will ktwe aeeess te ekalleftgiBg Sttffiffief
Jlfegt·alflftiiftg eeeattse sttmmef leaffti.ftg less i:s a serietts isSMe fef ettf sH-Ielests.
• IBHease SttHlHlel· pl'egt·amming fe1· sHIEieBts ey 399~ ey 2918 ~J.Ili!D

III. He eft: A-ft ei:gkt:li g~·aaef kttftel!ee e•tef aft algeefa eeelc i.ft tl!e liefat:y fiftaHy sel¥es A
SEfttarea pitts E SEI\ial·eel eEtttals G SEfttal'eel, aBEl sits eaek iB nreBeler. ~lie glaBees tlfl at t:lie eleel\ te
see ke•.Y mafty mintttes afe left till kef ae•ti:set:y sessieft, wkeft sl!e eaft tell kef ael<;isef kew llafe it
'Nas aftel kew i:t feels te Hftally get i:t

Goal: Every middle school student is socially, emotionally, and academically ready for high
school. In 7th grade, show:

• Academic milestones:
o Reading and writing at grade level
o Completion of algebra OR proficiency in 8th grade math
o Knowing how to manage a multi stage assignment
• Personal milestones:
o Resilience/persistence in dealing with setbacks and challenges
o Conflict resolution: able to overcome conflicts and have healthy relationships
with peers
o Healthy management of emotions
o Strong connection to a caring adult

What we’ve done towards this (proof we are undercutting status quo):

• Equity: Community schools model (color/examples TK from KG) eye exams

• Excellence: Expand afterschool programs for all middle school students, this provides
nurturing and academic focus that middle school students need

What more we will do:

• Equity:
o Target supports for struggling 8th grade students: improve and increase our 8Plus
Programs, which builds an academic bridge for high school KG to provide data
o Algebra is often called the gateway to higher level math coursework. We will
substantially increase the number of Algebra courses offered to our 8th graders
introducing algebra to XX traditionally underserved schools that do not offer it
and maintain a high pass rate for our 8th grade students taking the Algebra


o We will eliminate chronic absence and truancy in 6th grade annual

improvement from current XX% until we reach 100%
o Add research based social emotional learning programs to all middle schools by
o Continue investments to cultivate interests and passions in middle school students
with by increasing arts and sports opportunities by XX IN WHAT SCHOOLS?

IV. 4pm: A tenth grader runs her fingers over the pages of her ELA workbook. As a recent
immigrant, she needs to pass the English Regents to graduate so her school staff have
created this extended learning period for her and the 15 other English Language Learners
in the class.



Note: 20,000 students who begin high school don’t finish.

• Get every high school student on track to graduate ready for college, career, and
independent living.
o Increase # of 10th graders with credits and Regents needed to keep them on track
to graduating on time and college/career ready X times the number of students
on track within Y years
• 75% four year graduation by 2020 an additional 5,000 graduates every year (up from
• Double the percent of college and career ready graduates by 2025

What we’ve done towards this (proof we are undercutting status quo):

• As part of relentless focus on our most struggling schools at all levels of education:
created Renewal Schools
• Ensuring the best instruction for Renewal and other schools by restaffing administrators
and teachers who shouldn’t be in a learning environment
• Extending the school day
• Tracking every Renewal School student HOW DOES THIS PLAY AGAINST NEW
• Knocking down personal barriers: waiving testing fees, WHAT ELSE

What more we will do:

• Equity:
o Ensure access to rigorous coursework necessary for success : increase
# of AP and other advanced courses in traditionally underserved
schools NEED HARD #s HERE
o Increase the number of CTE programs, because CTE students are more
likely to graduate high school than their non CTE student counterparts
and have better outcomes for young male students of color
• Excellence:
o Increase access to CUNY College Now and other programs that will
expose students to college level material and enable them to begin
earning credits
 In 350 high schools today; grow to X by Y
o [If a student is off track what will we do?]
V. 5pm: A recent graduate comes home from her summer job cleaning hotel rooms to a
letter from her [community?] college. It’s her fall semester reading list. Total price of
textbooks: $600.



• Note: 20,000 students who graduate high school do not enter college.

• Equity: We will not allow finances to be a barrier to education

o Saving programs a college savings account for every student to
support and encourage family savings for college from a young age
o Promise Program a last dollar scholarship to ensure no student faces
a gap in scholarship funding that prevents them from pursuing their
o Tackling hidden barriers identifying the oft forgotten financial
challenges that impact many of our students and serve as a major
barrier, and implement systemic solutions (e.g., providing all CUNY
students with a free MetroCard, like NYC DOE students)

VI. 8:30pm: After a morning spent at a part tome job and classes all afternoon and into the
evening, college freshman enters the subway and carefully puts away her Metrocard. At the
right stop, she runs up the stairs and greets her study group inside a public library. At stations
all over the City, they each swiped a Metrocard provided by CUNY in order to be able to
meet in one place and study for the next day’s exam.



Note: 17,000 students who begin college do not finish.

• Equity: CUNY ASAP: Students who complete ASAP are more likely to graduate on
time and with less debt than their peers. We have committed to expanding ASAP to
serve 13,000 students over the next three years, and will continue to support its growth
as more and more students graduate
• Excellence: Working to improve college advising at CUNY

VII. It’s 8 a m., the next day: a college senior/recent grad faces her reflection in a mirror, takes
a deep breath, and locks the door behind her: on the way out the door for a job interview.

Goal: 20,000 more college degrees by 2025.

See: everything we’ve just revealed.

From: Blumm, Kate
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Shorris, Anthony; "URamirez@schools.nyc.gov";
Goldmark, Karin; Williams, Dominic; "jonathan@berlinrosen.com"; John Del Cecato; Leopold, Elana; Devora
Kaye; "Wallack Josh (JWallack@schools.nyc.gov)"; Wolfe, Emma; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Buery, Richard;
Confer, Alexis; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Zuniga, Andrea
Subject: use clean version attached RE: the plan for today"s Education Speech Prep
Date: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 3:19:00 PM
Attachments: EDUCATION VISION 2015 v3 clean.docx

Sent marked-up before, sorry!

From: Blumm, Kate
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 2:45 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Shorris, Anthony;
'URamirez@schools.nyc.gov'; Goldmark, Karin; Williams, Dominic; 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; 'John Del
Cecato'; Leopold, Elana; Devora Kaye; 'Wallack Josh (JWallack@schools.nyc.gov)'; Wolfe, Emma;
Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Buery, Richard; Confer, Alexis; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Zuniga, Andrea
Subject: first doc here RE: the plan for today's Education Speech Prep

Adding Andie. Here’s the first doc, attached. There’s a lot to sift through so this is meant to
bring some order to the proceedings. Note that this doesn’t really detail the work underway
—the HOW—of how our ideas are animated (e.g. we are Aiming High by increasing # of AP
classes in underserved schools by X). The vignettes will have more of this sort of HOW.

Please let me know of concerns/thoughts/feelings/edits ASAP. Even though our meeting is

canceled, I’d like to ship these docs to the Mayor tonight or ASAP.

 << File: EDUCATION VISION 2015_v3.docx >>

From: Blumm, Kate
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 10:05 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Shorris, Anthony;
'URamirez@schools.nyc.gov'; Goldmark, Karin; Williams, Dominic; 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; John Del
Cecato; Leopold, Elana; Devora Kaye; 'Wallack Josh (JWallack@schools.nyc.gov)'; Wolfe, Emma;
Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Buery, Richard; Confer, Alexis; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB)
Subject: the plan for today's Education Speech Prep

Hi, all—I’ve connected variously with a bunch of you in the past day for some excellent
feedback and updates. Right now I’m in the process of revising three documents to have
available at the speech prep later:

1-      Overall education vision and goals doc (with speech planning/goals too)

2-      Vignettes doc (the student portraits we’re painting in the speech to communicate the

3-      Pull quotes/soundbites doc

I’ll send these around to you all as soon as they’re ready for feedback so we’re all on the
same page heading into 5:30. Thanks very much.

-----Original Appointment-----
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2015 7:11 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Hagelgans, Andrea; Blumm, Kate; Walzak, Phil; Shorris, Anthony; Griffith,
Chantell; 'URamirez@schools.nyc.gov'; Goldmark, Karin; Williams, Dominic; 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com';
John Del Cecato; Leopold, Elana; Chao, Raymond; Devora Kaye; 'Wallack Josh
(JWallack@schools.nyc.gov)'; Thornton, Demetrius; Wolfe, Emma; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Cutler,
Dorothy; Buery, Richard; Confer, Alexis; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB)
Subject: MBDB: Education Speech Prep
When: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 5:30 PM-6:30 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: City Hall, The Blue Room
EDUCATION VISION 2015: Update August 19, 2:35pm


Every Day, Every Step of the Way

Speech notes:

• College is the fulcrum

o We cannot fulfill our destiny unless every child who wants to go to college can
o What is City’s new vision of how to get kids to college, how to succeed there,
how to afford it, and everything K-12 that supports that?

o Anti-bureaucratic: child-centered, not system/government-centered
o Anti-status quo – willingness to break it down – undercut perceptions we are
perpetuating status quo
o Historic shifts balanced with deliverables people will notice

• TONE: Positive, resolute, rallying (call to arms – our kids can do it; it will take us all),
expansive: we are battling for the soul of public education

Why we are driven to action:

• The status quo is unacceptable.

• Education determines economic destiny more now than at any point in human history.
• NYC’s success as a 21st century global city depends on the success of our education

Values behind our action:

• Every school can and should deliver an excellent education for every child.
• Every child can grow into a successful adult—ready for college, ready for life—if their
education gives them the right tools.

Simple set of ideas that express/execute these values:

• Start educating children earlier so all children begin kindergarten ready to succeed.
• Make parents, the first and last teachers of children, our partners.
o 40 minutes of parent-teacher time each week
o Community schools
• Treat each school and each student individually. No two schools and no two children
need the same support in order to excel.
o To fulfill their potential, each child will travel their own academic, social, and
emotional journey
o To become great, each school needs different amounts of support in the six key
areas that comprise our Framework for Great Schools
• Break down all barriers to learning so children come to school ready to succeed.
o Mental and physical health: community schools (social services, glasses, etc.)
o Affordability: college savings accounts, testing waivers
• Aim high.
o Don’t force kids to dream about college, a living wage job and a career: show
 Every middle and high school will have a business partner
 Huge numbers of kids in internships/mentorships/summer jobs
 Every middle/high school student is taken on NYC college tours multiple
o Most rigorous curriculum/toughest tests in the nation
• Be accountable for both the process and the result.
o We—City leaders, school leaders, teachers, parents—are all accountable to our
students. Progress Pact.
o Schools are accountable to us not just for test scores and grad rates, but for the
rigorous instruction, collaborative teachers, supportive environments, strong
family-community ties, effective school leaders, and trust that improve those
scores and rates. This is the Framework for Great Schools. Research shows it
o We (gov’t) are accountable to New Yorkers for our schools’ successes and
difficulties alike.
o We are giving more information for parents and all NYers on how schools are
doing, where they need help, what that help looks like.
• Spread what works. Connect the whole system.
o Veteran educators will help fellow teachers and principals improve, spreading
success throughout the system.
o Conduct bold experiments (PROSE) and spread what works.
• Treat tests as an important thing, not THE important thing.
o They only tell you that you need to improve and where that improvement is
needed—not how to get it done.
• Make the change that’s necessary.
o If schools cannot improve with our tailored and targeted support, we will change
the personnel, the leadership, or the school itself. But we believe most schools can
and will improve, and in fact that is the only route to true citywide improvement.
• Don’t stop at graduation.
o [academic and personal/mindset interventions to get kids to enroll, persist, and

Our vision:

We are building people, not systems. A community of teachers, staff, and families grows around
every student, supporting them at every turn, academically and personally, to and through
college and/or a living wage job.
Our endgame goals:

• 75% four-year graduation rate – an additional 5,000 graduates – by 2020 (up from 68%)
• Double the number of college- and career-ready graduates to 50,000 a year (66%) by
2025 – can we bring in line with 2020?
• We will increase the number of DOE graduates completing college by 50% by 2020.

Our goals on the way, and the ways we’ll know our progress towards achieving them:
1. Every child in NYC enters kindergarten ready to learn
• Are all eligible 4-year-olds enrolled in full-day, high-quality Pre-K? (Goal: 100%)
2. Every elementary school student has the academic foundation to succeed
• How many 2nd graders are reading on grade level? (Goal: 100%)
• How many parents of students K-2 are aware of their child’s reading level (Goal:
• How many 3rd graders are proficient in ELA?
• How many 5th graders can control impulses, manage stress, motivate themselves,
and set and work towards goals?
• How many 5th graders are proficient in math (measured by the State test)?
3. Every middle school student is socially, emotionally, and academically ready for
high school
• Are we reducing the number of 6th graders who are chronically absent?
• How many 7th graders show resilience in dealing with setbacks and challenges,
can manage their emotions, overcome conflict, and successfully manage complex
• Conflict resolution: able to overcome conflicts and have healthy relationships
with peers
• How many 8th graders are proficient in math (as measured by the State test and
Algebra Regents)?
• Are all our middle schoolers exposed to the arts and performance? (Note: this is
an SED requirement)
4. Every high school student is on track to graduate, ready for college, career, and
independent living
• Are all our 9th and 10th graders accumulating the right number and nature of
credits to be on track to graduate? (Goal: 100%)
• How many high schoolers are taking AP or other college-level coursework?
(Goal: ?)
• How many of our graduates do not need remedial coursework in college?
• How many high schoolers are graduating in 4 years? (Goal: 75% by 2020)
• How many graduates enroll in college? (Goal: increase enrollment rates in
CUNY2, CUNY 4, non-CUNY by 25% respectively by 2020)
• Persistence

Our pledge to get there:

By 2022, every middle and high school student that enters the City’s education system will be
guided through this journey by a Progress Pact.

This will be a living contract between our students, families, teachers, and school leaders that
outlines how each student will reach the goal of graduating high school, making to college, and
succeeding all the way through.

With this contract, every student will be held accountable for driving their own learning, and
every teacher, principal, and parent will be accountable for enabling that success.

From: Salazar-Rodriquez. Prisca
To: "Jonathan Rosen"
Subject: RE: MBDB: Weekly Planning Meeting
Dat e : Wednesday, August 19, 2015 4 :17:46 PM

Lol - I got u

-----Original Message-----
From : Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 4:16PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: Re: MBDB: Weekly Planning Meeting

Feel free to wait until last minute when we are starting :-)

Sent from my iPhone

> On Aug 19, 2015, at 4:15PM, Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca <PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov>

> What is your number - I can call you -
> -----Original Message-----
> From : Jonathan Rosen [majlto:Jonathan@berljnrosen.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 4:03 PM
> To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
> Subject: Re: MBDB: Weekly Planning Meeting
> I need to dial in from my family vacation. Is there a number?
> Sent from my iPhone
>>On Aug 19, 2015, at 3:45 PM, Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca <PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov>
>> <meeting.ics>
From: Goldmark, Karin
To: Blumm, Kate; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Shorris, Anthony;
"URamirez@schools.nyc.gov"; Williams, Dominic; "jonathan@berlinrosen.com"; John Del Cecato; Leopold,
Elana; Devora Kaye; "Wallack Josh (JWallack@schools.nyc.gov)"; Wolfe, Emma; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Buery,
Richard; Confer, Alexis; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Zuniga, Andrea
Subject: RE: please send thoughts
Date: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 7:35:56 PM
Attachments: EDUCATION VISION 2015 v3 kg edits.docx


I think this is coming together nicely. A few thoughts, mostly for us to provide more to you…

Changes tracked in this document.

1.      Starting from 5 th grade onward, we make absolutely no mention of literacy.  I think
this is bad signaling and we should include literacy development past 2 nd grade.

2.      In response to your question, hard to make 2020 the college goal bc (a) that’s only 5
years away and we need a longer runway to hit target and (b) City already has a 2020
college completion target—double # of grads coming out of CUNY –a goal I think we should
name, embrace, and build on in the college graduation part.   Relevant section on goals
pasted below with suggested changes.

3.      We still need to provide a lot more “how.”  We say we will make sure all 2 nd graders
are reading, but no talk of how we will do that.  Same for the graduation rate goals.  So,
either we need to be super clear and committed to our message that every kid is different
and every school’s needs are different, or we need to have some way of answering this
question—professional development, strong curriculum, constant communication with
parents, or, even better, more specific.  Maybe this all goes in the Phil Walzak Plan of Action
companion book, not in the speech—but I think we have to have it somewhere.

4.      Where are we on getting to actual numbers for the college attainment part?  Are
these the actual target numbers in here, vetted by DOE?

From: Blumm, Kate
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 6:37 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Shorris, Anthony;
'URamirez@schools.nyc.gov'; Goldmark, Karin; Williams, Dominic; 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; John Del
Cecato; Leopold, Elana; Devora Kaye; 'Wallack Josh (JWallack@schools.nyc.gov)'; Wolfe, Emma;
Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Buery, Richard; Confer, Alexis; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Zuniga, Andrea
Subject: please send thoughts

I’m using extra time to keep working on vignettes etc., but please send thoughts on the
foundational document sent earlier and reattached here. Thanks very much.

 << File: EDUCATION VISION 2015_v3_clean.docx >>

From: Blumm, Kate
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 3:20 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Shorris, Anthony;
'URamirez@schools.nyc.gov'; Goldmark, Karin; Williams, Dominic; 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; 'John Del
Cecato'; Leopold, Elana; Devora Kaye; 'Wallack Josh (JWallack@schools.nyc.gov)'; Wolfe, Emma;
Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Buery, Richard; Confer, Alexis; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Zuniga, Andrea
Subject: use clean version attached RE: the plan for today's Education Speech Prep

Sent marked-up before, sorry!

 << File: EDUCATION VISION 2015_v3_clean.docx >>

From: Blumm, Kate
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 2:45 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Shorris, Anthony;
'URamirez@schools.nyc.gov'; Goldmark, Karin; Williams, Dominic; 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; 'John Del
Cecato'; Leopold, Elana; Devora Kaye; 'Wallack Josh (JWallack@schools.nyc.gov)'; Wolfe, Emma;
Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Buery, Richard; Confer, Alexis; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Zuniga, Andrea
Subject: first doc here RE: the plan for today's Education Speech Prep

Adding Andie. Here’s the first doc, attached. There’s a lot to sift through so this is meant to
bring some order to the proceedings. Note that this doesn’t really detail the work underway
—the HOW—of how our ideas are animated (e.g. we are Aiming High by increasing # of AP
classes in underserved schools by X). The vignettes will have more of this sort of HOW.

Please let me know of concerns/thoughts/feelings/edits ASAP. Even though our meeting is

canceled, I’d like to ship these docs to the Mayor tonight or ASAP.

 << File: EDUCATION VISION 2015_v3.docx >>

From: Blumm, Kate
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 10:05 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Shorris, Anthony;
'URamirez@schools.nyc.gov'; Goldmark, Karin; Williams, Dominic; 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; John Del
Cecato; Leopold, Elana; Devora Kaye; 'Wallack Josh (JWallack@schools.nyc.gov)'; Wolfe, Emma;
Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Buery, Richard; Confer, Alexis; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB)
Subject: the plan for today's Education Speech Prep

Hi, all—I’ve connected variously with a bunch of you in the past day for some excellent
feedback and updates. Right now I’m in the process of revising three documents to have
available at the speech prep later:
1-      Overall education vision and goals doc (with speech planning/goals too)

2-      Vignettes doc (the student portraits we’re painting in the speech to communicate the

3-      Pull quotes/soundbites doc

I’ll send these around to you all as soon as they’re ready for feedback so we’re all on the
same page heading into 5:30. Thanks very much.

-----Original Appointment-----
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2015 7:11 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Hagelgans, Andrea; Blumm, Kate; Walzak, Phil; Shorris, Anthony; Griffith,
Chantell; 'URamirez@schools.nyc.gov'; Goldmark, Karin; Williams, Dominic; 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com';
John Del Cecato; Leopold, Elana; Chao, Raymond; Devora Kaye; 'Wallack Josh
(JWallack@schools.nyc.gov)'; Thornton, Demetrius; Wolfe, Emma; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Cutler,
Dorothy; Buery, Richard; Confer, Alexis; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB)
Subject: MBDB: Education Speech Prep
When: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 5:30 PM-6:30 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: City Hall, The Blue Room
EDUCATION VISION 2015: Update August 19, 2:35pm


Every Day, Every Step of the Way

Speech notes:

• College is the fulcrum

o We cannot fulfill our destiny unless every child who wants to go to college can
o What is City’s new vision of how to get kids to college, how to succeed there,
how to afford it, and everything K-12 that supports that?

o Anti-bureaucratic: child-centered, not system/government-centered
o Anti-status quo – willingness to break it down – undercut perceptions we are
perpetuating status quo
o Historic shifts balanced with deliverables people will notice

• TONE: Positive, resolute, rallying (call to arms – our kids can do it; it will take us all),
expansive: we are battling for the soul of public education

Why we are driven to action:

• The status quo is unacceptable.

• Education determines economic destiny more now than at any point in human history.
• NYC’s success as a 21st century global city depends on the success of our education

Values behind our action:

• Every school can and should deliver an excellent education for every child.
• Every child can grow into a successful adult—ready for college, ready for life—if their
education gives them the right tools.

Simple set of ideas that express/execute these values:

• Start educating children earlier so all children begin kindergarten ready to succeed.
• Make parents, the first and last teachers of children, our partners.
o 40 minutes of parent-teacher time each week
o Community schools
• Treat each school and each student individually. No two schools and no two children
need the same support in order to excel.
o To fulfill their potential, each child will travel their own academic, social, and
emotional journey
o To become great, each school needs different amounts of support in the six key
areas that comprise our Framework for Great Schools
• Break down all banie1·s to lea1·ning so children come to school ready to succeed.
o Mental and physical health: community schools (social services. glasses, etc.)
o Affordability: college savings accounts, testing waivers
• Aim high.
o Don't force kids to dream about college, a living wage job and a career: show
• Every middle and high school will have a business partner
• Huge numbers of kids in intemships/mentorships/summer jobs
• Every middle/high school student is taken on NYC college tours multiple
o Most rigorous cmTiculum/toughest tests in the nation
• Be accountable for both the process and the result.
o We-City leaders, school leaders, teachers, parents-are all accountable to our
students. Progress Pact.
o Schools are accountable to us not just for test scores and grad rates. but for the
rigorous instmction, collaborative teachers, supportive environments, strong
family-community ties, effective school leaders, and tmst that improve those
scores and rates. This is the Framework for Great Schools. Research shows it
o We (gov't) are accountable to New Yorkers for our schools' successes and
difficulties alike.
o We are giving more information for parents and all NYers on how schools are
doing, where they need help, what that help looks like.
• Sp1·ead what wor ks. Connect the whole system.
o Veteran educators will help fellow tea.chers and principals improve. spreading
success throughout the system.
o Conduct bold experiments (PROSE) and spread what works.
• Treat tests as an important thing, not THE important thing.
o They only tell you that you need to improve and where that improvement is
needed- not how to get it done.
• Make the change that's necessary.
o If schools cannot improve with our tailored and targeted support, we will change
the personnel, the leadership, or the school itself. But we believe most schools can
and will improve, and in fact that is the only route to tme citywide improvement.
• Don ' t stop at gr aduation.
Q_(academic and personal/mindset interventions to get kids to enroll, persist, and
Fom1atted: Font: Bold
complete.4-- - - -- - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - -----
o Colle~e Savings Accounts Fom1atted: Font: Bold
o Scale ASAP to help more students make it through community college

Our vision:
We are building people, not systems. A community of teachers, staff, and families grows around
every student. supporting them at every tum, academically and personally, to and through
college and/or a living wage job.

Our endgame goals:

• 75% four-year graduation rate- an additional 5,000 graduates- by 2020 (up from 68%)
• Double the number of college- a~d ca!,_e er-ready graduates to 50,000 a year (66%) by
2025 .· "' . 1.'.~ "2 "~ ....--- Comment [GKl] : Need to give ourselves a
runway here, 2020 kids are in ~ grade now
_• _ We will increase the number ofDOE graduates completing college by 50% by Doubling college readiness while the standards
~2030 . cootinue to get bigber for HS kids is a big, big lift


o Increase college graduation rate by 50%(= if 15K now, will go to ---{LF:...:o::.:
n =.:
att:.::e:.:d:..___ _ __ __ _ _~
o Double college graduation rate (from 15K to 30K)
o Already on track to double the number of college grads coming out of
CUNY by 2020- need to do even more-will need to reach XX.OOO
college graduates per year by 2030 .
.g This will represent XX.OOO additional college graduates.

Our e:oals on the way, and the ways we'll know our progress towards achieving them:
1. Evet-y child in 1\'YC enters kindergu·ten ready to learn
• Are all eligible 4-year-olds enrolled in full-day, high-quality Pre-K? (Goal: 100%)
2. Evet-y elemeotat·y school student bas tbe ac.ademic foundation to succeed
• How many 2nd graders are reading on grade level? (Goal: 100%)
• How many parents of students K-2 are aware of their child's reading level (Goal:
• How many 3rd graders are proficient in ~reading and writing?
• How many 5th graders can control impulses, manage stress, motivate tltemselves,
and set and work towards goals?
• How many 5th graders are proficient in ma*li (Hii!aSHt·ee ey tl:ie !;tate test)?
3. Every middle school student is socially, emotionally, and academically ready for
bigb school
• Are we reducing the number of 6th graders who are chronically absent?
• How many 7th graders show resilience in dealing with setbacks and challenges,
can manage their emotions, overcome conflict, and successfully manage complex
• Conflict resolution: able to overcome conflicts and have healthy relationships
with peers
- How many 8th graders are proficient in math Eas mi!aSHEi!El ey tl:ie !;tate test aaEI
Alge8Fe Regea~)?
•Are all om middle schoolers exposed to the at1s and performance? (Note: this is
an SED requirement)
4. Every high school student is on track to graduate, ready for college, car eer, and
independent living
~Are all om 9th and I Oth graders accumulating the right number and ~kind of
credits to be on track to graduate? (Goal: 100%)
• Can our students manage and successfully complete a multi-stage assignment
such as a research project- assignments they will get in college from day one and
that cannot be assessed through a standardized test?
• How many high schoolers are taking AP or other college-level coursework?
(Goal: ?)
• How many of our graduates do not need remedial coursework in college?
• How many high schoolers are graduating in 4 years? (Goal: 75% by 2020)
• How many graduates enroll in college? (Goal: increase enrolhnent rates in
CUNY2, CUNY 4, non-CUNY by 25% respectively b:y: 2020~
• Persistence

Our pledge to get there:

By 29222018, every middle and high school student that enters the City's education system will
be guided through this journey by a Progress Pact.

This will be a living contract ~etwee our students, families, teachers, and school leaders that ---- Comment [ GK2] : Between souods better bul is
technically not coaect, shld be among Grammar
outlines how each student will reach the goal of graduating high school, making to college, and cop in me bas to say it bul I get it if it has to stay this
succeeding all the way through. way

With this contract, every student will be held accountable for driving their own learning, and
every teacher, ptincipal, and parent will be accountable for enabling that success.

From: Merritt, Jeff
To: Jordan Smith (jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com)
Subject: Rationale
Date: Thursday, August 20, 2015 10:17:00 AM
Attachments: MOTI Demo Project Rationale 2015-02-04.docx


Date: February 5, 2015

To: Michael Owh, Mayor’s Office of Contract Services

Jose Jimenez, Mayor’s Office of Contract Services

From: Jeff Merritt, Mayor’s Office of Tech and Innovation

Subject: Demonstration Project for Innovative Procurement

I. Rational for this Demonstration Project

In a keynote address at Internet Week in May 2014, Mayor de Blasio laid out a vision for
a more innovative, participatory model for procuring government technology:

“We know the City government has so much it can do more effectively when it
comes to technology. And one of the things I've heard, and I've deeply
appreciated by so many members of the tech community, is they've said, look at
the fact that the way we think about technology in City government is so often
outmoded. And they point to, for example, our procurement process, our RFP
process – that takes so long that by the time the process is completed the
technology has already changed and the outcome of the process is made, to
some extent, moot. And people in the community have said, can't we create a
more flexible, interactive, communicative process that actually reflects the way
the knowledge economy is going, the way innovation is moving? And we're
committed to doing that. We know it can be done.”

For years, the standard ethos for beginning a new procurement has been to define
detailed product requirements and then solicit bids to determine who can offer the best
product at the lowest cost. While this approach can work well if you’re buying pens or
paper, unfortunately it doesn’t always work with technology – where there may be
countless different approaches and solutions for solving the same problem. More often
than not, technology decisions are made with insufficient market intelligence,
inadequate risk management and a narrow vendor-pool.

This demonstration project is the result of research at the Mayor’s Office of Technology
and Innovation aimed at identifying new models for procuring government technologies
– particularly in cases where City government may not know what products or solutions
are on the market or are best suited to meet a particular need. Recognizing that these
methodologies and techniques for problem-based procurement and challenges are new
to most Agency Chief Contracting Officers (ACCOs), the attached project plan places a
strong emphasis on capacity building while also testing the value and benefit of this

II. Recommended Vendor & Methodology

Citymart was identified as the strongest partner for this project based on their
unparalleled experience, unique methodology, extensive knowledge, and database of
more than 20,000 solution providers in a diverse range of fields including energy,
mobility, tourism, climate, waste, utilities, participation, and accessibility. We are not
aware of an organization or company that is offering comparable proven methods or
services to Citymart.

To date, Citymart has completed contracts on over 100 projects with more than 50
global cities including Paris, London, Barcelona and Mexico City. In the US, Citymart
has successfully sourced solutions through challenge programs for Boston, Tacoma,
and San Francisco. As a testament to the significant social impact Citymart can deliver
in cities, Citymart received a grant from the Knight Foundation in 2014 to establish
operations in New York City, thereby making their services become more accessible to
US cities

Citymart has developed a unique and proven methodology for problem-based

procurement which it delivers through a collaborative and open model. After identifying
and refining agency needs to create problem statements, Citymart analysts proactively
engage solution providers using established and documented protocols. They also
follow-up and support their submission process, assuring that bids represent the best
possible vendor pool. Citymart’s database of vendors and solutions is unique and
contains critical intelligence not available elsewhere - including experts’ evaluations,
solution track records, and description of projects previously executed, successes,
impact assessments, and other relevant information.

Citymart has also established a unique database to provide business intelligence for
decision-making and management of innovation in city government, building on their
work in more than 50 global cities. This knowledgebase is the result of more than 7
years of research and allows cities to benchmark the outcomes of specific processes
supporting innovation, tracking different competences and methods against best-in-
class approaches in other cities.

Through this unique model for procuring solutions through open challenges, the Mayor’s
Office of Technology and Innovation seeks to generate a broader market response,
inspire new innovative approaches and open up government procurement to a broader
provider-base, including start-ups and social enterprises.
From: Jordan Smith
To: Merritt, Jeff
Subject: RE: citymart sync
Date: Thursday, August 20, 2015 10:17:38 AM
Attachments: Citymart NYC Release FINAL for city review.docx

-----Original Message-----
From: Merritt, Jeff [mailto:JMerritt@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 10:13 AM
To: Jordan Smith
Subject: RE: citymart sync

Hmm, phone didn't ring.  Probably bad reception.  You can call my desk at 718-724-6498 or let me
know the best number to reach you at.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jordan Smith [mailto:jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 10:03 AM
To: Merritt, Jeff
Subject: RE: citymart sync
Importance: High

Just gave you a ring. When is good to chat?

-----Original Message-----
From: Merritt, Jeff [mailto:JMerritt@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 9:50 AM
To: Jordan Smith
Subject: RE: citymart sync

Sure, you can call me on my cell at

-----Original Message-----
From: Jordan Smith [mailto:jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 9:49 AM
To: Brack, Ryan (CTO); Merritt, Jeff (CTO)
Subject: RE: citymart sync
Importance: High

Hey Jeff:

Can we jump on the phone today? Citymart is speaking with media all day.


-----Original Message-----
From: Brack, Ryan (CTO) [mailto:RBrack@cto.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 11:11 AM
To: Jordan Smith; Merritt, Jeff (CTO)
Subject: citymart sync

Hey Jeff Jordan is it possible to please sync today on the press release high-level talking points and
Miranda? Have time later today? Thanks!

Sent from my iPhone

For Immediate Release:

Andy Fitzgerald, 646-517-1823, Andrew.fitzgerald@berlinrosen.com

New York City Will Transform the Way it Solves

Problems in New Partnership with Citymart

Mayor’s Office of Technology and Innovation and Citymart will focus first on
how to best use city’s obsolete assets

New York, N.Y. –In the largest implementation yet of its innovative approach,
Citymart will partner with the New York City Mayor’s office to pilot a new method
that could transform the way the city’s government solves problems by connecting
city planners with innovative new ideas through open challenges to entrepreneurs
and citizens.

The Mayor’s Office of Technology and Innovation will work with Manhattan-based
Citymart on launching up to five challenges, starting with a focus on how the city can
best take advantage of obsolete or underused assets that are spread throughout the
city but no longer serve their original purposes. Postal service boxes, emergency
phones, and fire hydrants are among the possible dormant assets to be repurposed
and revitalized.

“Anything done in New York City has ramifications around the world – we’re
absolutely thrilled to be partnering with the city in this effort,” said Citymart CEO
Sascha Haselmayer. “Mayor Bill de Blasio proved he’s committed to transforming
the way the city approaches some of the most daunting urban problems that any
city in the world can face by establishing the Mayor’s Office of Technology and
Innovation to seek out inventive, effective, and affordable solutions. This process
will help the city further that goal by leveraging existing resources to bring new
players into the process and open up new possibilities for innovation.”

[Quote from city official?]

Citymart helps cities learn how to use the open market to find proven, innovative
solutions addressing the pressing needs of urban areas, helping them rethink their
spending habits so they focus on not just buying goods and services, but on solving
problems. Citymart starts by working with a city to help them define their problems
and capabilities. Then the firm conducts intensive research and outreach to identify
the market leaders and proven innovators with possible solutions and issues a
challenge to those leaders, to local businesses and citizens, and to a global network
of businesses, entrepreneurs, and universities in a search for the most effective and
affordable solution.

The Citymart-New York City partnership will apply Citymart’s unique problem-
solving methodology to address the problem of obsolete assets and other city needs.
“We will issue an open challenge to market leaders and proven innovators for
possible solutions to each particular problem,” Haselmayer said. “This challenge
asks three simple questions: ‘What is your idea for solving the problem, how ready
is your solution, and how can we measure its success?’ We’ll be training New York
City staff how to run these challenges and evaluate proposed solutions in a
transparent and efficient manner.”

Citymart is also partnering with Philadelphia, Miami, Long Beach, and other major
American cities to help them transform the way they solve city problems.

“Cities in the United States collectively spend more than one trillion dollars that we
know could be spent in better solutions. If we put even a small fraction of that to use
in creating cities that are more responsive, more efficient and more nimble at
solving problems for citizens, we’ll make an enormous impact on thousands of
people’s lives” said Citymart Principal Julia Haselmayer.


Citymart is a New York-based company that transforms the way cities solve problems,
connecting them with new ideas through open challenges to entrepreneurs and
citizens. The company has helped cities around the world from San Francisco to
London find proven, innovative solutions addressing the pressing needs of urban areas,
such as efficient transportation, quality public spaces, sustainability, effective social
services, and robust commerce and tourism.
From: Merritt, Jeff
To: Jordan Smith
Subject: RE: citymart sync
Date: Thursday, August 20, 2015 12:10:00 PM
Attachments: Citymart NYC Release FINAL for city review.docx

FYI, just wanted to give you an update.  I've sent the attached document to the Press Office and
Mayor's Office of Contract Services for their review.  I will let you know as soon as I hear back.  I
understand you're anxious to get a release out but we need to have City Hall sign off before anything
goes out that references the City and its work.  Thanks.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jordan Smith [mailto:jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 10:17 AM
To: Merritt, Jeff
Subject: RE: citymart sync

-----Original Message-----
From: Merritt, Jeff [mailto:JMerritt@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 10:13 AM
To: Jordan Smith
Subject: RE: citymart sync

Hmm, phone didn't ring.  Probably bad reception.  You can call my desk at 718-724-6498 or let me
know the best number to reach you at.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jordan Smith [mailto:jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 10:03 AM
To: Merritt, Jeff
Subject: RE: citymart sync
Importance: High

Just gave you a ring. When is good to chat?

-----Original Message-----
From: Merritt, Jeff [mailto:JMerritt@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 9:50 AM
To: Jordan Smith
Subject: RE: citymart sync

Sure, you can call me on my cell at

-----Original Message-----
From: Jordan Smith [mailto:jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 9:49 AM
To: Brack, Ryan (CTO); Merritt, Jeff (CTO)
Subject: RE: citymart sync
Importance: High

Hey Jeff:

Can we jump on the phone today? Citymart is speaking with media all day.

-----Original Message-----
From: Brack, Ryan (CTO) [mailto:RBrack@cto.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 11:11 AM
To: Jordan Smith; Merritt, Jeff (CTO)
Subject: citymart sync

Hey Jeff Jordan is it possible to please sync today on the press release high-level talking points and
Miranda? Have time later today? Thanks!

Sent from my iPhone

For Immediate Release:

Andy Fitzgerald, 646-517-1823, Andrew.fitzgerald@berlinrosen.com

New York City Will Transform the Way it Solves

Pilots Innovative New Approach to Urban Problem
Solvings in New Partnership with Citymart

New Initiative Opens Door for Start-ups and Other Innovative Companies to
Work with New York City to Tackle the Most Pressing Urban Challenges
Mayor’s Office of Technology and Innovation and Citymart will focus first on
how to best use city’s obsolete assets

New York, N.Y. –In the largest implementation yet of its innovative approach,
Citymart will partner with the New York City Mayor’s Ooffice of Technology and
Innovation to pilot a new method that could transform the way the city’s
government solves problems by connecting city planners with innovative new ideas
through open challenges to entrepreneurs and citizens.

The Mayor’s Office of Technology and Innovation will work with ManhattanNew
York-based Citymart on launching up to five a series of problem-based challenges
over the course of the next two years. Challenges will draw on key themes that were
set forth in Mayor de Blasio’s Plan for One New York, which was released in April
2015. OneNYC establishes bold goals and specific targets for a strong, sustainable,
resilient, and equitable city – 800,000 people out of poverty by 2025, Zero Waste,
eliminating long-term displacement after future shock events, and much more.
, starting with a focus on how the city can best take advantage of obsolete or
underused assets that are spread throughout the city but no longer serve their
original purposes. Postal service boxes, emergency phones, and fire hydrants are
among the possible dormant assets to be repurposed and revitalized.
“Anything done in New York City has ramifications around the world – we’re
absolutely thrilled to be partnering with the city in this effort,” said Citymart CEO
Sascha Haselmayer. “Mayor Bill de Blasio proved he’s committed to transforming
the way the city approaches some of the most daunting urban problems that any
city in the world can face by establishing the Mayor’s Office of Technology and
Innovation to seek out inventive, effective, and affordable solutions. This process
will help the city further that goal by leveraging existing resources to bring new
players into the process and open up new possibilities for innovation.”

[Quote from city official?]

Citymart helps cities learn how to use the open market to find proven, innovative
solutions addressing the pressing needs of urban areas, helping them rethink their
spending habits so they focus on not just buying goods and services, but on solving
problems. Citymart starts by working with a city to help them define their problems
and capabilities. Then the firm conducts intensive research and outreach to identify
the market leaders and proven innovators with possible solutions and issues a
challenge to those leaders, to local businesses and citizens, and to a global network
of businesses, entrepreneurs, and universities in a search for the most effective and
affordable solution.

“We will issue an open challenge to market leaders and proven innovators for
possible solutions to each particular problem,” Haselmayer said. “This challenge
asks three simple questions: ‘What is your idea for solving the problem, how ready
is your solution, and how can we measure its success?’ We’ll be training New York
City staff how to run these challenges and evaluate proposed solutions in a
transparent and efficient manner.”

The Citymart-New York City partnership will apply Citymart’s unique problem-
solving methodology to address the problem of obsolete assets and other city needs.
The Citymart-New York City partnership builds on the City’s first Call for
Innovations (CFI) launched earlier this year. The CFI, which focused on new
approaches for providing Internet access in underserved communities, produced 69
proposals from 52 sources over a period of 11 weeks from April to June. The largest
number of submissions came from start-ups and small businesses, most of whom
had not previously worked with the City of New York.
“We will issue an open challenge to market leaders and proven innovators for
possible solutions to each particular problem,” Haselmayer said. “This challenge
asks three simple questions: ‘What is your idea for solving the problem, how ready
is your solution, and how can we measure its success?’ We’ll be training New York
City staff how to run these challenges and evaluate proposed solutions in a
transparent and efficient manner.”

Citymart is also partnering with Philadelphia, Miami, Long Beach, and other major
American cities to help them transform the way they solve city problems.
“Cities in the United States collectively spend more than one trillion dollars that we
know could be spent in better solutions. If we put even a small fraction of that to use
in creating cities that are more responsive, more efficient and more nimble at
solving problems for citizens, we’ll make an enormous impact on thousands of
people’s lives” said Citymart Principal Julia Haselmayer.


Citymart is a New York-based company that transforms the way cities solve problems,
connecting them with new ideas through open challenges to entrepreneurs and
citizens. The company has helped cities around the world from San Francisco to
London find proven, innovative solutions addressing the pressing needs of urban areas,
such as efficient transportation, quality public spaces, sustainability, effective social
services, and robust commerce and tourism.
From: Merritt, Jeff
To: Jordan Smith
Subject: RE: citymart sync
Date: Thursday, August 20, 2015 2:50:00 PM
Attachments: Citymart NYC Release for city review.docx

The document I sent previously was approved.  Let me know if that works.  The attached is the same
version just with track changes accepted.  THANKS!

-----Original Message-----
From: Jordan Smith [mailto:jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 12:24 PM
To: Merritt, Jeff
Subject: RE: citymart sync

Thanks, Jeff. Look forward to getting it from City Hall.

-----Original Message-----
From: Merritt, Jeff [mailto:JMerritt@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 12:11 PM
To: Jordan Smith
Subject: RE: citymart sync

FYI, just wanted to give you an update.  I've sent the attached document to the Press Office and
Mayor's Office of Contract Services for their review.  I will let you know as soon as I hear back.  I
understand you're anxious to get a release out but we need to have City Hall sign off before anything
goes out that references the City and its work.  Thanks.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jordan Smith [mailto:jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 10:17 AM
To: Merritt, Jeff
Subject: RE: citymart sync

-----Original Message-----
From: Merritt, Jeff [mailto:JMerritt@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 10:13 AM
To: Jordan Smith
Subject: RE: citymart sync

Hmm, phone didn't ring.  Probably bad reception.  You can call my desk at 718-724-6498 or let me
know the best number to reach you at.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jordan Smith [mailto:jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 10:03 AM
To: Merritt, Jeff
Subject: RE: citymart sync
Importance: High

Just gave you a ring. When is good to chat?

-----Original Message-----
From: Merritt, Jeff [mailto:JMerritt@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 9:50 AM
To: Jordan Smith
Subject: RE: citymart sync

Sure, you can call me on my cell at

-----Original Message-----
From: Jordan Smith [mailto:jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 9:49 AM
To: Brack, Ryan (CTO); Merritt, Jeff (CTO)
Subject: RE: citymart sync
Importance: High

Hey Jeff:

Can we jump on the phone today? Citymart is speaking with media all day.


-----Original Message-----
From: Brack, Ryan (CTO) [mailto:RBrack@cto.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 11:11 AM
To: Jordan Smith; Merritt, Jeff (CTO)
Subject: citymart sync

Hey Jeff Jordan is it possible to please sync today on the press release high-level talking points and
Miranda? Have time later today? Thanks!

Sent from my iPhone

For Immediate Release:

Andy Fitzgerald, 646-517-1823, Andrew.fitzgerald@berlinrosen.com

New York City Pilots Innovative New Approach to

Urban Problem Solving in Partnership with
New Initiative Opens Door for Start-ups and Other Innovative Companies to
Work with New York City to Tackle the Most Pressing Urban Challenges

New York, N.Y. –In the largest implementation yet of its innovative approach,
Citymart will partner with the New York City Mayor’s Office of Technology and
Innovation to pilot a new method that could transform the way the city’s
government solves problems by connecting city planners with innovative new ideas
through open challenges to entrepreneurs and citizens.

The Mayor’s Office of Technology and Innovation will work with New York-based
Citymart on launching a series of problem-based challenges over the course of the
next two years. Challenges will draw on key themes that were set forth in Mayor de
Blasio’s Plan for One New York, which was released in April 2015. OneNYC
establishes bold goals and specific targets for a strong, sustainable, resilient, and
equitable city – 800,000 people out of poverty by 2025, Zero Waste, eliminating
long-term displacement after future shock events, and much more.

“Anything done in New York City has ramifications around the world – we’re
absolutely thrilled to be partnering with the city in this effort,” said Citymart CEO
Sascha Haselmayer. “Mayor Bill de Blasio proved he’s committed to transforming
the way the city approaches some of the most daunting urban problems that any
city in the world can face by establishing the Mayor’s Office of Technology and
Innovation to seek out inventive, effective, and affordable solutions. This process
will help the city further that goal by leveraging existing resources to bring new
players into the process and open up new possibilities for innovation.”
Citymart helps cities learn how to use the open market to find proven, innovative
solutions addressing the pressing needs of urban areas, helping them rethink their
spending habits so they focus on not just buying goods and services, but on solving
problems. Citymart starts by working with a city to help them define their problems
and capabilities. Then the firm conducts intensive research and outreach to identify
the market leaders and proven innovators with possible solutions and issues a
challenge to those leaders, to local businesses and citizens, and to a global network
of businesses, entrepreneurs, and universities in a search for the most effective and
affordable solution.

“We will issue an open challenge to market leaders and proven innovators for
possible solutions to each particular problem,” Haselmayer said. “This challenge
asks three simple questions: ‘What is your idea for solving the problem, how ready
is your solution, and how can we measure its success?’ We’ll be training New York
City staff how to run these challenges and evaluate proposed solutions in a
transparent and efficient manner.”

The Citymart-New York City partnership builds on the City’s first Call for
Innovations (CFI) launched earlier this year. The CFI, which focused on new
approaches for providing Internet access in underserved communities, produced 69
proposals from 52 sources over a period of 11 weeks from April to June. The largest
number of submissions came from start-ups and small businesses, most of whom
had not previously worked with the City of New York.

Citymart is also partnering with Philadelphia, Miami, Long Beach, and other major
American cities to help them transform the way they solve city problems.

“Cities in the United States collectively spend more than one trillion dollars that we
know could be spent in better solutions. If we put even a small fraction of that to use
in creating cities that are more responsive, more efficient and more nimble at
solving problems for citizens, we’ll make an enormous impact on thousands of
people’s lives” said Citymart Principal Julia Haselmayer.


Citymart is a New York-based company that transforms the way cities solve problems,
connecting them with new ideas through open challenges to entrepreneurs and
citizens. The company has helped cities around the world from San Francisco to
London find proven, innovative solutions addressing the pressing needs of urban areas,
such as efficient transportation, quality public spaces, sustainability, effective social
services, and robust commerce and tourism.
From: John Del Cecato
To: Goldmark, Karin
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Shorris, Anthony;
URamirez@schools.nyc.gov; Williams, Dominic; jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Leopold, Elana; Devora Kaye;
JWallack@schools.nyc.gov; Wolfe, Emma; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Buery, Richard; Confer, Alexis; Fuleihan,
Dean (OMB); Zuniga, Andrea
Subject: Re: please send thoughts
Date: Thursday, August 20, 2015 4:00:32 PM


On Aug 20, 2015, at 3:49 PM, Goldmark, Karin <KGoldmark@cityhall.nyc.gov>


Can we keep this out of today’s meeting and hold at college savings accounts?
Then pair this idea with a state push on college affordability.
From: John Del Cecato [mailto:jfdc@akpdmedia.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 1:51 PM
To: Goldmark, Karin; Blumm, Kate; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak,
Phil; Shorris, Anthony; 'URamirez@schools.nyc.gov'; Williams, Dominic;
'jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; Leopold, Elana; Devora Kaye; 'JWallack@schools.nyc.gov';
Wolfe, Emma; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Buery, Richard; Confer, Alexis; Fuleihan, Dean
(OMB); Zuniga, Andrea
Subject: Re: please send thoughts


I’m open to that… Just thought that Wall Street had a real interest in seeing the
city’s schools succeed (and in home-grown talent getting a college education)…
Maybe this is out of left field & we’re too far down the road for a new policy -
but thought I’d throw it out there… (Thanks a LOT, JDC!)
From: "Goldmark, Karin" <KGoldmark@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Thursday, August 20, 2015 at 1:45 PM
To: John Del Cecato <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>, "Blumm, Kate"
<KBlumm@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca" <PSalazar-
Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Hagelgans, Andrea" <AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov>,
"Walzak, Phil" <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Anthony Shorris
<AShorris@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Ramirez Ursulina <URamirez@schools.nyc.gov>, Dominic
Williams <DWilliams@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Jonathan Rosen <jonathan@berlinrosen.com>,
"Leopold, Elana" <ELeopold@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Devora Kaye
<DKaye6@schools.nyc.gov>, Wallack Josh <JWallack@schools.nyc.gov>, "Wolfe,
Emma" <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Schnake Mahl, Gabriel"
<GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Buery, Richard" <RBuery@cityhall.nyc.gov>,
"Confer, Alexis" <aconfer@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Fuleihan, Dean (OMB)"
<fuleihand@omb.nyc.gov>, "Zuniga, Andrea" <AZuniga@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: please send thoughts
Would argue this works better as a private "College for all, by all" fund that every NYer
is asked to contribute to, according to their means. Ex, up to $25K annual earnings, put
in one dollar; $25M annual earnings, put in $500K.

Instead of a tax the rich, it's one NY, rising together....

OK do I get extra points for deB AND Marxz refs in one email?

From: John Del Cecato [mailto:jfdc@akpdmedia.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 01:33 PM
To: Blumm, Kate; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Shorris,
Anthony; 'URamirez@schools.nyc.gov' <URamirez@schools.nyc.gov>; Goldmark, Karin;
Williams, Dominic; 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com' <jonathan@berlinrosen.com>; Leopold,
Elana; Devora Kaye; 'Wallack Josh (JWallack@schools.nyc.gov)'
<JWallack@schools.nyc.gov>; Wolfe, Emma; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Buery, Richard;
Confer, Alexis; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Zuniga, Andrea
Subject: Re: please send thoughts
Sorry for the delay - looks good to me… 
I did want to float the idea of calling on Wall Street to put up $100M (or whatever the
number is) for a private fund that would help ensure that every kid who gets to college can
pay for it… It’s a two-step dance… We do our part in K-12 to help get kids ready for college -
and Wall Street helps them pay for it… 
From: "Blumm, Kate" <KBlumm@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 at 6:37 PM
To: "Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca" <PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Hagelgans,
Andrea" <AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Walzak, Phil" <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>,
Anthony Shorris <AShorris@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Ramirez Ursulina
<URamirez@schools.nyc.gov>, "Goldmark, Karin" <KGoldmark@cityhall.nyc.gov>,
Dominic Williams <DWilliams@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Jonathan Rosen
<jonathan@berlinrosen.com>, John Del Cecato <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>, "Leopold,
Elana" <ELeopold@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Devora Kaye <DKaye6@schools.nyc.gov>,
Wallack Josh <JWallack@schools.nyc.gov>, "Wolfe, Emma"
<EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Schnake Mahl, Gabriel"
<GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Buery, Richard" <RBuery@cityhall.nyc.gov>,
"Confer, Alexis" <aconfer@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Fuleihan, Dean (OMB)"
<fuleihand@omb.nyc.gov>, "Zuniga, Andrea" <AZuniga@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: please send thoughts
I’m using extra time to keep working on vignettes etc., but please send thoughts on the
foundational document sent earlier and reattached here. Thanks very much.
From: Blumm, Kate
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 3:20 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Shorris, Anthony;
'URamirez@schools.nyc.gov'; Goldmark, Karin; Williams, Dominic;
'jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; 'John Del Cecato'; Leopold, Elana; Devora Kaye; 'Wallack
Josh (JWallack@schools.nyc.gov)'; Wolfe, Emma; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Buery, Richard;
Confer, Alexis; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Zuniga, Andrea
Subject: use clean version attached RE: the plan for today's Education Speech Prep
Sent marked-up before, sorry!
<< File: EDUCATION VISION 2015_v3_clean.docx >>
From: Blumm, Kate
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 2:45 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Shorris, Anthony;
'URamirez@schools.nyc.gov'; Goldmark, Karin; Williams, Dominic;
'jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; 'John Del Cecato'; Leopold, Elana; Devora Kaye; 'Wallack
Josh (JWallack@schools.nyc.gov)'; Wolfe, Emma; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Buery, Richard;
Confer, Alexis; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Zuniga, Andrea
Subject: first doc here RE: the plan for today's Education Speech Prep
Adding Andie. Here’s the first doc, attached. There’s a lot to sift through so this is
meant to bring some order to the proceedings. Note that this doesn’t really detail the
work underway—the HOW—of how our ideas are animated (e.g. we are Aiming High
by increasing # of AP classes in underserved schools by X). The vignettes will have
more of this sort of HOW.
Please let me know of concerns/thoughts/feelings/edits ASAP. Even though our
meeting is canceled, I’d like to ship these docs to the Mayor tonight or ASAP.
<< File: EDUCATION VISION 2015_v3.docx >>
From: Blumm, Kate
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 10:05 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Shorris, Anthony;
'URamirez@schools.nyc.gov'; Goldmark, Karin; Williams, Dominic;
'jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; John Del Cecato; Leopold, Elana; Devora Kaye; 'Wallack Josh
(JWallack@schools.nyc.gov)'; Wolfe, Emma; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Buery, Richard;
Confer, Alexis; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB)
Subject: the plan for today's Education Speech Prep
Hi, all—I’ve connected variously with a bunch of you in the past day for some excellent
feedback and updates. Right now I’m in the process of revising three documents to
have available at the speech prep later:
<!--[if !supportLists]--> 1. <!--[endif]--> Overall education vision and goals doc (with
speech planning/goals too)
<!--[if !supportLists]--> 2. <!--[endif]--> Vignettes doc (the student portraits we’re
painting in the speech to communicate the vision)
<!--[if !supportLists]--> 3. <!--[endif]--> Pull quotes/soundbites doc
I’ll send these around to you all as soon as they’re ready for feedback so we’re all on
the same page heading into 5:30. Thanks very much.
-----Original Appointment-----
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2015 7:11 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Hagelgans, Andrea; Blumm, Kate; Walzak, Phil; Shorris,
Anthony; Griffith, Chantell; 'URamirez@schools.nyc.gov'; Goldmark, Karin; Williams,
Dominic; 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; John Del Cecato; Leopold, Elana; Chao, Raymond;
Devora Kaye; 'Wallack Josh (JWallack@schools.nyc.gov)'; Thornton, Demetrius; Wolfe,
Emma; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Cutler, Dorothy; Buery, Richard; Confer, Alexis; Fuleihan,
Dean (OMB)
Subject: MBDB: Education Speech Prep
When: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 5:30 PM-6:30 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US &
Where: City Hall, The Blue Room
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: Cutler, Dorothy; "Wallack Josh (JWallack@schools.nyc.gov)"; Devora Kaye; Buery, Richard; Williams, Dominic;
"jonathan@berlinrosen.com"; Griffith, Chantell; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Leopold, Elana; Zuniga, Andrea; Shorris,
Anthony; Confer, Alexis; Goldmark, Karin; Caquias, Paula; Chao, Raymond; Blumm, Kate; Wolfe, Emma;
"Barbagallo Joy"; "URamirez@schools.nyc.gov"; Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; John Del Cecato; Fuleihan,
Dean (OMB)
Subject: RE: MBDB: Education Speech Prep
Date: Thursday, August 20, 2015 4:34:41 PM

We are delayed.

-----Original Appointment-----
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2015 11:55 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Cutler, Dorothy; 'Wallack Josh (JWallack@schools.nyc.gov)'; Devora
Kaye; Buery, Richard; Williams, Dominic; 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; Griffith, Chantell; Schnake Mahl,
Gabriel; Leopold, Elana; Zuniga, Andrea; Shorris, Anthony; Confer, Alexis; Goldmark, Karin; Caquias,
Paula; Chao, Raymond; Blumm, Kate; Wolfe, Emma; 'Barbagallo Joy'; 'URamirez@schools.nyc.gov';
Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; John Del Cecato; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB)
Subject: MBDB: Education Speech Prep
When: Thursday, August 20, 2015 4:30 PM-5:30 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: City Hall, The Blue Room
From: B
To: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen; "jfdc@akpdmedia.com"; "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"
Subject: Fw: GOTHAM GAZETTE: Is It Time For The Mayor To Do Town Halls?
Date: Friday, August 21, 2015 3:25:25 PM

I'm so sick of this meme that I'm thinking of just scheduling town hall mtgs so these guys can't write
about it anymore... Pls discuss at next planning mtg

From: Clips
Sent: Friday, August 21, 2015 03:11 PM
Subject: GOTHAM GAZETTE: Is It Time For The Mayor To Do Town Halls?
Is It Time For The Mayor To Do Town Halls?
Scott Stringer has led 16 town hall-style events since becoming Comptroller; Letitia James, the
Public Advocate, hosted her 28th on Wednesday night in Brooklyn. As has been well-documented,
Mayor Bill de Blasio - along with Stringer and James, one of three popularly-elected citywide
officials - has not yet held a town hall event himself.
Is it time for the mayor to host one?
As de Blasio and his team wrestle with how to combat sagging public opinion poll numbers, what
they see as unfair press coverage, and a perception gap that many agree leaves New Yorkers
thinking de Blasio is performing worse than he actually is, it may be time for de Blasio to take his
message directly to the people and hold his first town hall.
"He might want to look at where his criticism is coming from in his base," says Fordham political
science professor Dr. Christina Greer. "If you're going to do a town hall, be strategic about it, so
that it is effective for you and for New Yorkers," Greer advises.
Greer says that de Blasio should target where he had the deepest support in his 2013 election, with
an eye, though, "especially on people feeling neglected," and go communicate with them. She said
that these would be "productive places to start, but can't be the end."
Political consultant Evan Thies argues it would be smart for de Blasio to utilize his elected allies to
get his message out, possibly at town hall-style events. "If they believe they can get those
surrogates to host friendly conversations with real New Yorkers they should do that," Thies said,
adding that de Blasio is suffering from a major perception problem and that he and his team need
to resume "politicking."
"The perception" among the public, Thies says, "is not just that he's not the doing the job they
hired him for, the perception is that he doesn't care about opinions that aren't his. And I just don't
think that's true. He's trying to lead on issues of affordability - it's really just a perception problem
and he needs to get out there and talk to people."
Doing so in the form of town halls would surely be risky for the mayor, who mostly plays things
safe, but public forums are high-risk, high-reward opportunities. De Blasio could show New
Yorkers that he is engaged, that his ear is to the ground, and that he is both tough and humble.
"The risk is not any worse than having the tabloids portray him as they are now," says former Rep.
Anthony Weiner, who held many town halls when in office and has urged de Blasio to adopt the
Sure, Weiner says, there can be some tough moments, and the TV cameras will gravitate toward
those. But, holding town halls has many advantages: "You become a better representative when
you do it...you hear the language real citizens use to describe the problems in their lives," Weiner
tells Gotham Gazette.
"It would help him with a lot of the problems that he has," Weiner argues of the mayor. "He
develops a little bit more of a fighter identity. If you're standing up in a hostile room, people
respect that. There's a sense he's being pushed around too much, town halls gives you the
opportunity to change that."
As of now, no one would call de Blasio a hothead or peg him as likely to commit a serious gaffe,
but of course a public event with open microphones would leave the mayor prone to all sorts of
challenges. (For example, we've seen of late what Black Lives Matter activists have accomplished
at several presidential candidate events.) But, these events are always well-staffed with aides and
Even if he does a few town halls, there would be inevitable questions about where he's held them,
and surely some media latching on to any outrageous moments.
However, nothing says 'I'm listening' like actually listening. And it appears the mayor needs a bit
of a correction to perceptions that he's distracted by national politics and not a strong enough chief
executive of this very hard to manage city.
In correspondence with City Hall, it does not appear that a de Blasio-led town hall is afoot.
Spokesperson Karen Hinton wrote Gotham Gazette saying, "Mayor de Blasio hears directly from
New Yorkers in both formal and informal ways - whether it's through taking calls on public radio,
or being stopped on the street - as he often is."
Indeed, in what was a rare formal opportunity for the mayor to engage in unscripted conversation
with constituents, de Blasio took calls while on air with radio host Brian Lehrer Wednesday
morning. All told, de Blasio's WNYC appearance lasted more than 40 minutes and gave the mayor
a chance to speak directly to a wide swath of New Yorkers, and with several who called in.
Doing so, de Blasio again showed he is adept at responding to impromptu gripes about the city and
his stewardship of it. Yet, the mayor has made only sporadic appearances on call-in radio.
Hinton's response echoes what the mayor himself has said when asked about holding town halls,
something that his predecessors did with varying frequency - but did - and that his current fellow
citywide electeds are clearly doing fairly regularly.
Public Advocate James held one town hall in each borough specifically about mayoral control of
city schools, releasing a report afterward in which she called for some modifications to the system
that would weaken the mayor's power. Among her twenty-plus other open events, James held a
public safety town hall Wednesday evening in Brooklyn in response to a recent wave of shootings.
Comptroller Stringer has held at least one town hall in each borough, according to his office.
Stringer held a "Sandy Oversight Hearing" in each borough other than the Bronx, which was the
borough least damaged by the superstorm.
A spokesperson for the comptroller, Eric Sumberg, said that Stringer "believes that listening to
constituents and meeting with them in their communities is one of the best ways to learn how he
can use his office to root out waste and fraud and fight for working families."
Hinton, the de Blasio spokesperson, told Gotham Gazette that representatives of the administration
are "out in neighborhoods across the city every single day, working directly with New Yorkers and
bringing that feedback to City Hall to further shape our work. We are continually looking for
additional opportunities to hear directly from New Yorkers across the five boroughs."
Highlighting efforts by the Community Affairs Unit, Hinton cited "dozens of town halls" organized
around informing small business owners, improving city services for LGBTQ New Yorkers, and
providing information on the city's handling of the recent Legionnaires' Disease outbreak in the
To New Yorkers who feel good, bad, or iffy about the mayor, though, those efforts may not be
enough. "Sometimes people want to see the mayor, not his proxy," says Dr. Greer, Fordham
political science professor.
This, in part, is why the mayor marches in many parades, speaks at churches, and appears at a
variety of other community events. There may be nothing quite like the unfiltered town hall,
though, to move the public image of de Blasio, as Weiner points out.
In May, de Blasio was asked about plans to hold town halls on at least two different occasions. On
May 11, de Blasio said he hears from New Yorkers all the time. "[I]t's amazing how many
conversations I have with people every single day because they're not shy about coming up and
starting a conversation, I assure you – every time I'm on the subway, every time I'm walking down
the street and whether it's the Upper East Side or Park Slope or anywhere else. But beyond that, I
talk to people who represent a whole host of communities all the time."
On May 18, de Blasio said of holding town halls, "I don't have a specific plan, but, you know,
what I do all the time is go out around different communities in different settings...people just
come up and talk about things, and offer their views, raise concerns...I go around all over the place
– and the subways, and walking down the street – talk to everybody."
A spokesperson for Public Advocate James wrote Gotham Gazette that the public advocate has
"worked aggressively to bring government to every corner of this city" and that the best way to
connect constituents and government "is by reaching the people where they are."
It is certainly not a sentiment de Blasio would disagree with, and the mayor often highlights that
he's bringing government to those who need it most, whether or not he is holding the type of open
evening events his colleagues are. On Thursday, de Blasio held a ground-breaking in Far
Rockaway for what will be 154 affordable housing units for low-income seniors.
At the mid-day press conference, de Blasio said affordable housing is the number one thing
brought up to him by New Yorkers "on the subway, on the street - wherever I go."
From: B
To: Walzak, Phil; "jfdc@akpdmedia.com"; "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"; Snyder, Thomas; Leopold, Elana
Subject: Town hall mtgs
Date: Monday, August 24, 2015 6:52:28 AM

Are a double-edged sword to say the least. But I'm open to doing them around the city, but especially
around nycha development and in rezoning neighborhoods. Pls discuss at planning mtg
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: "URamirez@schools.nyc.gov"; Chao, Raymond; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Shorris,
Anthony; Buery, Richard; Hagelgans, Andrea; "Wallack Josh (JWallack@schools.nyc.gov)"; Devora Kaye;
Goldmark, Karin; Confer, Alexis; Blumm, Kate; "eliss@schools.nyc.gov"; Griffith, Chantell;
"jonathan@berlinrosen.com"; John Del Cecato; Williams, Dominic; Wolfe, Emma; Leopold, Elana; Cutler,
Dorothy; Walzak, Phil; Zuniga, Andrea; Caquias, Paula; "Barbagallo Joy"
Subject: RE: MBDB: Education Speech Prep
Date: Monday, August 24, 2015 3:57:51 PM

This will be rescheduled-

-----Original Appointment-----
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2015 7:30 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; 'URamirez@schools.nyc.gov'; Chao, Raymond; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB);
Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Shorris, Anthony; Buery, Richard; Hagelgans, Andrea; 'Wallack Josh
(JWallack@schools.nyc.gov)'; Devora Kaye; Goldmark, Karin; Confer, Alexis; Blumm, Kate;
'eliss@schools.nyc.gov'; Griffith, Chantell; 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; John Del Cecato; Williams,
Dominic; Wolfe, Emma; Leopold, Elana; Cutler, Dorothy; Walzak, Phil; Zuniga, Andrea; Caquias, Paula;
'Barbagallo Joy'
Subject: MBDB: Education Speech Prep
When: Monday, August 24, 2015 4:30 PM-5:30 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: City Hall, The Blue Room
From: Walzak, Phil
To: "John Del Cecato"; Hinton, Karen; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: RE: Some random ideas
Date: Monday, August 24, 2015 7:18:12 PM

Cant do #1
#2 perhapswe can get away w
3 and 4 are fine, part of plan of renewal anyway

Doing 2 off Ts a week is pretty sparse - we limit too much we are going to invite ambushes and more

-----Original Message-----
From: John Del Cecato [mailto:jfdc@akpdmedia.com]
Sent: Monday, August 24, 2015 7:05 PM
To: Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Some random ideas

On press...

1. Eliminate off-topic altogether?  I know we are already talking about limiting.

2.  Have PW or KH do on the record gaggles, similar to WH, so reporters can get their off-topic
questions in while limiting the "exclusive" questions coming into CH?

3.  Tweet photos of MBDB on subway, working late at night?

4.  Have MBDB personally tweet late at night (needs to be thought through - but could demonstrate
how late our guy works). 
From: Jordan Smith
To: Merritt, Jeff
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie; rbrack@cto.nyc.gov
Subject: RE: citymart sync
Date: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 11:19:47 AM

Hi Jeff:
Just spoke with Sascha and Julia—they very much understand your concerns. They made clear to
me that when they speak to reporters, they are clear that they are only piloting five projects, and
that they don’t even know the nature of those projects yet. Obviously they hope that those projects
can be scaled up, but they never have told a reporter that they’re transforming NYC procurement
overnight or anything. They’re using talking points from the press release and from the first Politico
article, and I’ve made them aware of your concerns about inflating the scope of the work.

I’ll make sure reporters understand that going forward, as well.

Thanks for all your help.
From: Merritt, Jeff [mailto:JMerritt@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 7:35 AM
To: Jordan Smith
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie; rbrack@cto.nyc.gov
Subject: Re: citymart sync

Articles like today's Crain's post are not helpful --

Can you make sure your team is not exaggerating the scope of work? This is the second
article that seemed to suggest this is a fix to procurement which is just incorrect. This is a
pilot to explore ways to crowdsource new ideas to problems. Let us know if you have any
questions - thanks.


On Aug 24, 2015, at 2:29 PM, Jordan Smith <jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Okay, great. Thanks, Jeff.

-----Original Message-----
From: Merritt, Jeff [mailto:JMerritt@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, August 24, 2015 2:29 PM
To: Jordan Smith
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie; rbrack@cto.nyc.gov
Subject: Re: citymart sync

Looping in our press team. You can feel free to put the reporter in touch with
Natalie who is cc'ed. We'll have to go through the the normal protocols but
assuming the press team is good with it, I'm happy to talk with them.

On Aug 24, 2015, at 2:21 PM, Jordan Smith <jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com>


Hey Jeff:

Would you be willing to talk tomorrow or Wednesday to a reporter

at Metro newspaper about Citymart's importance to NYC? This
would give you a chance to hype the city's overall innovation efforts,
if you want to take that angle!


-----Original Message-----
From: Merritt, Jeff [mailto:JMerritt@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 2:50 PM
To: Jordan Smith
Subject: RE: citymart sync

The document I sent previously was approved. Let me know if that

works. The attached is the same version just with track changes
accepted. THANKS!

-----Original Message-----
From: Jordan Smith [mailto:jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 12:24 PM
To: Merritt, Jeff
Subject: RE: citymart sync

Thanks, Jeff. Look forward to getting it from City Hall.

-----Original Message-----
From: Merritt, Jeff [mailto:JMerritt@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 12:11 PM
To: Jordan Smith
Subject: RE: citymart sync

FYI, just wanted to give you an update. I've sent the attached
document to the Press Office and Mayor's Office of Contract
Services for their review. I will let you know as soon as I hear back.
I understand you're anxious to get a release out but we need to have
City Hall sign off before anything goes out that references the City
and its work. Thanks.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jordan Smith [mailto:jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 10:17 AM
To: Merritt, Jeff
Subject: RE: citymart sync

-----Original Message-----
From: Merritt, Jeff [mailto:JMerritt@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 10:13 AM
To: Jordan Smith
Subject: RE: citymart sync

Hmm, phone didn't ring. Probably bad reception. You can call my
desk at 718-724-6498 or let me know the best number to reach you

-----Original Message-----
From: Jordan Smith [mailto:jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 10:03 AM
To: Merritt, Jeff
Subject: RE: citymart sync
Importance: High

Just gave you a ring. When is good to chat?

-----Original Message-----
From: Merritt, Jeff [mailto:JMerritt@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 9:50 AM
To: Jordan Smith
Subject: RE: citymart sync

Sure, you can call me on my cell at

-----Original Message-----
From: Jordan Smith [mailto:jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 9:49 AM
To: Brack, Ryan (CTO); Merritt, Jeff (CTO)
Subject: RE: citymart sync
Importance: High

Hey Jeff:

Can we jump on the phone today? Citymart is speaking with media

all day.


-----Original Message-----
From: Brack, Ryan (CTO) [mailto:RBrack@cto.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 11:11 AM
To: Jordan Smith; Merritt, Jeff (CTO)
Subject: citymart sync

Hey Jeff Jordan is it possible to please sync today on the press

release high-level talking points and Miranda? Have time later
today? Thanks!

Sent from my iPhone

From: Jordan Smith
To: Grybauskas, Natalie; Merritt, Jeff
Cc: rbrack@cto.nyc.gov
Subject: RE: citymart sync
Date: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 11:51:04 AM

Thanks, Natalie. In absolutely all our pitching—and in Sascha and Julia’s interviews—we are never
critical of New York procurement processes. That’s all the reporter making his own conclusions to
make his story more sexy. We certainly never pile on the city at all. I’ll relay that concern to Sascha
and Julia directly and reiterate your concerns.
From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 11:47 AM
To: Jordan Smith; Merritt, Jeff
Cc: rbrack@cto.nyc.gov
Subject: RE: citymart sync

Thanks Jordan.
The Politico article was very balanced and I’m glad to hear the team is using it as a resource for
talking points. Hawkins’ story was definitely overblown and heavy on the criticism of our current
procurement process. Don’t think that’s fair to conflate with the CityMart contract because they are
simply not the same thing, and bringing them together piles criticism onto the City unnecessarily.
From: Jordan Smith [mailto:jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 11:42 AM
To: Merritt, Jeff
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie; rbrack@cto.nyc.gov
Subject: RE: citymart sync

Hey Jeff,
After talking with my team just now, we’re going to tone down our pitching going forward to make
sure we’re not over-hyping Citymart’s significance. There’s one story already in the works—with
Chester Soria at Metro--but we’re going to make very clear to him this is merely a pilot project, an
experiment, one that has possibilities but has not at all made major changes to NYC procurement.
We’ll be much more precise going forward—some of this, I think, is reporters getting carried away,
but some of it is on our end in conflating Citymart’s ambitions and national work with the actual
details of the NYC contact.

Can we continue with the Metro story, or would you rather us call it off completely?
Sorry for all the confusion and any trouble we caused you.
From: Merritt, Jeff [mailto:JMerritt@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 7:35 AM
To: Jordan Smith
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie; rbrack@cto.nyc.gov
Subject: Re: citymart sync

Articles like today's Crain's post are not helpful --

Can you make sure your team is not exaggerating the scope of work? This is the second
article that seemed to suggest this is a fix to procurement which is just incorrect. This is a
pilot to explore ways to crowdsource new ideas to problems. Let us know if you have any
questions - thanks.


On Aug 24, 2015, at 2:29 PM, Jordan Smith <jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Okay, great. Thanks, Jeff.

-----Original Message-----
From: Merritt, Jeff [mailto:JMerritt@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, August 24, 2015 2:29 PM
To: Jordan Smith
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie; rbrack@cto.nyc.gov
Subject: Re: citymart sync

Looping in our press team. You can feel free to put the reporter in touch with
Natalie who is cc'ed. We'll have to go through the the normal protocols but
assuming the press team is good with it, I'm happy to talk with them.

On Aug 24, 2015, at 2:21 PM, Jordan Smith <jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com>


Hey Jeff:

Would you be willing to talk tomorrow or Wednesday to a reporter

at Metro newspaper about Citymart's importance to NYC? This
would give you a chance to hype the city's overall innovation efforts,
if you want to take that angle!


-----Original Message-----
From: Merritt, Jeff [mailto:JMerritt@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 2:50 PM
To: Jordan Smith
Subject: RE: citymart sync

The document I sent previously was approved. Let me know if that

works. The attached is the same version just with track changes
accepted. THANKS!

-----Original Message-----
From: Jordan Smith [mailto:jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 12:24 PM
To: Merritt, Jeff
Subject: RE: citymart sync

Thanks, Jeff. Look forward to getting it from City Hall.

-----Original Message-----
From: Merritt, Jeff [mailto:JMerritt@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 12:11 PM
To: Jordan Smith
Subject: RE: citymart sync

FYI, just wanted to give you an update. I've sent the attached
document to the Press Office and Mayor's Office of Contract
Services for their review. I will let you know as soon as I hear back.
I understand you're anxious to get a release out but we need to have
City Hall sign off before anything goes out that references the City
and its work. Thanks.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jordan Smith [mailto:jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 10:17 AM
To: Merritt, Jeff
Subject: RE: citymart sync

-----Original Message-----
From: Merritt, Jeff [mailto:JMerritt@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 10:13 AM
To: Jordan Smith
Subject: RE: citymart sync
Hmm, phone didn't ring. Probably bad reception. You can call my
desk at 718-724-6498 or let me know the best number to reach you

-----Original Message-----
From: Jordan Smith [mailto:jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 10:03 AM
To: Merritt, Jeff
Subject: RE: citymart sync
Importance: High

Just gave you a ring. When is good to chat?

-----Original Message-----
From: Merritt, Jeff [mailto:JMerritt@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 9:50 AM
To: Jordan Smith
Subject: RE: citymart sync

Sure, you can call me on my cell at

-----Original Message-----
From: Jordan Smith [mailto:jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 9:49 AM
To: Brack, Ryan (CTO); Merritt, Jeff (CTO)
Subject: RE: citymart sync
Importance: High

Hey Jeff:

Can we jump on the phone today? Citymart is speaking with media

all day.


-----Original Message-----
From: Brack, Ryan (CTO) [mailto:RBrack@cto.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 11:11 AM
To: Jordan Smith; Merritt, Jeff (CTO)
Subject: citymart sync

Hey Jeff Jordan is it possible to please sync today on the press

release high-level talking points and Miranda? Have time later
today? Thanks!

Sent from my iPhone

From: Jordan Smith
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: RE: citymart sync
Date: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 12:22:44 PM

Will do. Thanks, Natalie.

From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 12:21 PM
To: Jordan Smith
Subject: RE: citymart sync

Great. You can give him my email and I’ll sync with him. Thanks.
From: Jordan Smith [mailto:jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 12:21 PM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: RE: citymart sync

Gotcha. He said he’s going to talk to his editor this afternoon and get back to me—I’ll direct him right
to you. I don’t think he’s begun writing anything.
From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 12:19 PM
To: Jordan Smith; Merritt, Jeff
Cc: 'rbrack@cto.nyc.gov'
Subject: RE: citymart sync

Ok. I’d like to talk to Chester on background and see where the story stands right now. I’d say hold
on talking to him until I’ve got a sense of where he’s going. Really want to avoid another story
implying the procurement process is being reformed through this contract.
From: Jordan Smith [mailto:jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 12:17 PM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie; Merritt, Jeff
Cc: 'rbrack@cto.nyc.gov'
Subject: RE: citymart sync

Well, we can’t prohibit him from writing an article, but we can tell him he can’t speak with Sascha
and Julia and any Citymart validators. We can basically refuse to cooperate with him.
From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 12:14 PM
To: Jordan Smith; Merritt, Jeff
Cc: 'rbrack@cto.nyc.gov'
Subject: RE: citymart sync

Ok so at this point there’s not really a way to call off the article if he has the release, right?
From: Jordan Smith [mailto:jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 12:13 PM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie; Merritt, Jeff
Cc: 'rbrack@cto.nyc.gov'
Subject: RE: citymart sync

We’ve gone back and forth a few times. We sent him the press release, which he’ll use as the basis
for his story. And we gave him the names of three people who can talk about Citymart’s potential
impact, including the NYC press office.
From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 12:10 PM
To: Jordan Smith; Merritt, Jeff
Cc: 'rbrack@cto.nyc.gov'
Subject: RE: citymart sync

How much interaction has your team had with Chester at Metro?
Trying to see where the story is at in order to make the call on whether to go forward or not.
From: Grybauskas, Natalie
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 11:47 AM
To: 'Jordan Smith'; Merritt, Jeff
Cc: rbrack@cto.nyc.gov
Subject: RE: citymart sync

Thanks Jordan.
The Politico article was very balanced and I’m glad to hear the team is using it as a resource for
talking points. Hawkins’ story was definitely overblown and heavy on the criticism of our current
procurement process. Don’t think that’s fair to conflate with the CityMart contract because they are
simply not the same thing, and bringing them together piles criticism onto the City unnecessarily.
From: Jordan Smith [mailto:jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 11:42 AM
To: Merritt, Jeff
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie; rbrack@cto.nyc.gov
Subject: RE: citymart sync

Hey Jeff,
After talking with my team just now, we’re going to tone down our pitching going forward to make
sure we’re not over-hyping Citymart’s significance. There’s one story already in the works—with
Chester Soria at Metro--but we’re going to make very clear to him this is merely a pilot project, an
experiment, one that has possibilities but has not at all made major changes to NYC procurement.
We’ll be much more precise going forward—some of this, I think, is reporters getting carried away,
but some of it is on our end in conflating Citymart’s ambitions and national work with the actual
details of the NYC contact.

Can we continue with the Metro story, or would you rather us call it off completely?
Sorry for all the confusion and any trouble we caused you.
From: Merritt, Jeff [mailto:JMerritt@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 7:35 AM
To: Jordan Smith
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie; rbrack@cto.nyc.gov
Subject: Re: citymart sync

Articles like today's Crain's post are not helpful --

Can you make sure your team is not exaggerating the scope of work? This is the second
article that seemed to suggest this is a fix to procurement which is just incorrect. This is a
pilot to explore ways to crowdsource new ideas to problems. Let us know if you have any
questions - thanks.


On Aug 24, 2015, at 2:29 PM, Jordan Smith <jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Okay, great. Thanks, Jeff.

-----Original Message-----
From: Merritt, Jeff [mailto:JMerritt@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, August 24, 2015 2:29 PM
To: Jordan Smith
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie; rbrack@cto.nyc.gov
Subject: Re: citymart sync

Looping in our press team. You can feel free to put the reporter in touch with
Natalie who is cc'ed. We'll have to go through the the normal protocols but
assuming the press team is good with it, I'm happy to talk with them.

On Aug 24, 2015, at 2:21 PM, Jordan Smith <jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com>


Hey Jeff:

Would you be willing to talk tomorrow or Wednesday to a reporter

at Metro newspaper about Citymart's importance to NYC? This
would give you a chance to hype the city's overall innovation efforts,
if you want to take that angle!

-----Original Message-----
From: Merritt, Jeff [mailto:JMerritt@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 2:50 PM
To: Jordan Smith
Subject: RE: citymart sync

The document I sent previously was approved. Let me know if that

works. The attached is the same version just with track changes
accepted. THANKS!

-----Original Message-----
From: Jordan Smith [mailto:jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 12:24 PM
To: Merritt, Jeff
Subject: RE: citymart sync

Thanks, Jeff. Look forward to getting it from City Hall.

-----Original Message-----
From: Merritt, Jeff [mailto:JMerritt@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 12:11 PM
To: Jordan Smith
Subject: RE: citymart sync

FYI, just wanted to give you an update. I've sent the attached
document to the Press Office and Mayor's Office of Contract
Services for their review. I will let you know as soon as I hear back.
I understand you're anxious to get a release out but we need to have
City Hall sign off before anything goes out that references the City
and its work. Thanks.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jordan Smith [mailto:jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 10:17 AM
To: Merritt, Jeff
Subject: RE: citymart sync
-----Original Message-----
From: Merritt, Jeff [mailto:JMerritt@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 10:13 AM
To: Jordan Smith
Subject: RE: citymart sync

Hmm, phone didn't ring. Probably bad reception. You can call my
desk at 718-724-6498 or let me know the best number to reach you

-----Original Message-----
From: Jordan Smith [mailto:jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 10:03 AM
To: Merritt, Jeff
Subject: RE: citymart sync
Importance: High

Just gave you a ring. When is good to chat?

-----Original Message-----
From: Merritt, Jeff [mailto:JMerritt@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 9:50 AM
To: Jordan Smith
Subject: RE: citymart sync

Sure, you can call me on my cell at

-----Original Message-----
From: Jordan Smith [mailto:jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 9:49 AM
To: Brack, Ryan (CTO); Merritt, Jeff (CTO)
Subject: RE: citymart sync
Importance: High

Hey Jeff:

Can we jump on the phone today? Citymart is speaking with media

all day.

-----Original Message-----
From: Brack, Ryan (CTO) [mailto:RBrack@cto.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 11:11 AM
To: Jordan Smith; Merritt, Jeff (CTO)
Subject: citymart sync

Hey Jeff Jordan is it possible to please sync today on the press

release high-level talking points and Miranda? Have time later
today? Thanks!

Sent from my iPhone

From: Hagelgans, Andrea
To: Wolfe, Emma; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas; Shorris, Anthony; Williams, Dominic; Fuleihan,
Dean (OMB)
Cc: "jfdc@akpdmedia.com"; "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"
Subject: RE: Homelessness
Date: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 7:38:46 PM
Attachments: Homeless Communications Strategy.docx

Proposed comms plan attached. We'll layer in more housing as well before Thursday

Mayor just came out of meeting with the Cardinal and sounds like we'll have some movement there that
we can announce in September in terms of safe havens and housing.

-----Original Message-----
From: Wolfe, Emma
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 2:57 PM
To: Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas; Shorris, Anthony; Williams,
Dominic; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB)
Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
Subject: RE: Homelessness

Can you share the comms plan with this thread

-----Original Message-----
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 2:56 PM
To: Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Wolfe, Emma; Snyder, Thomas; Shorris, Anthony; Williams, Dominic;
Fuleihan, Dean (OMB)
Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
Subject: RE: Homelessness

We've got a comms plan to present to him tomorrow. However, I do NOT think we want to do a
roundtable or speech prior to Mindy's data analysis which will not be ready till October. In addition any
nuance will get lost in the noise right now. We have robust push back and can do announcements on
stuff and things. But the larger conversation has to wait in my opinion

-----Original Message-----
From: B
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 2:53 PM
To: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen; Wolfe, Emma; Snyder, Thomas; Shorris, Anthony;
Williams, Dominic; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB)
Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
Subject: Homelessness

As I've said before, I propose we go the offensive on homelessness. A roundtable,  a speech and/or a
report asap. Dispel the myths and lay out our larger vision. Show what we're doing with affordable
housing plan, safe havens, more nypd enforcement of quality of life, ending encampments, mental
health efforts, etc. Need a proposal on this to be discussed thurs night
Homeless Communications Strategy
Background: As anticipated, the summer has seen a spike in coverage of street homelessness and
concerns about so-called “quality of life” as a result.
While the vast majority of homeless are sheltered (averaging 56K), nearly 4000 individuals
continue to live on the streets. Summer months are known to have an increased presence of
street homeless for a variety of reasons that include warmer temperatures, closed schools and
sweeps of the subway system.
We also know New Yorkers are encountering “sheltered” but unoccupied individuals (e.g., those
that have a place at night but who hang out on the streets during daytime) and conflating it with
street homelessness.
As DHS sites more shelters in neighborhoods we can anticipate more coverage questioning the
City’s approach to the homeless epidemic.
Currently we are averaging a minimum of 2-3 stories per week focused on resident concerns
about homelessness.
In October/November, the administration will unveil a new data-driven approach to street
homelessness, shelters and social service provision to improve the quality-of-life for all New
Yorkers. This report will level-set the causes and factors that contribute to homelessness within
the income inequality framework.
Communications Strategy
Given the heightened --- and often sensationalized ---- focus on homelessness, we propose a two-
phased approach.
The first phase is designed to push aggressively that the Mayor and City is focused on the
challenge and addressing it head on. This is done visually (e.g. “encampment sweeps”) as well as
through clear, direct policy and messaging (e.g. “the mental health policy/hubs”. Broaden our
housing plan discussion to connec thte dots.
The second phase begins once we start to see a decline in the street homelessness, or at least the
perception of it. This is anticipated to occur in late September after school has begun and the
temperatures begin to cool. During this portion, we can begin to frame a more nuanced
conversation about the complexity of homelessness and our multi-faceted, data-driven approach.
The current environment is too noisy to allow for this

• Ongoing (effective immediately): Increased push back on bogus claims of NYC

returning to 80’s, including background briefings, myth vs. facts docs/tweets/video;
validator deployment (expanded list of validators with clear asks); pushing of success
former-homeless stories; strategic engagement of editorial board meetings.
Simultaneously we will push our housing work. Examples – partnership with Public
Advocate and Agencies to take on repeat watchlist offenders; tenant protection programs
to prevent evictions; know your rights sessions

• Calendared (starting next week): The next two weeks, and until back to school,
aggressive engagement with reporters on the work the City is doing to address
the homelessness and to demonstrate swift, clear leadership in heated environment;
followed by a steady drum-beat of homeless-related announcements that will begin with a
major housing-for-the-homeless plan, including the launch of a major NYNY4 campaign.
Two-phased approach:

Phase 1: Immediate (August – late September):

Week of 9/1:

• Limited media access to Mayor’s visits to sweeping camps, followed by paper

announcement of ongoing the Homeless Encampment initiative
• Follow up: 1-on-1 interview with Mayor visiting DHS war room (show maps of hot spots
and encampments + explain operation)
• AARP teletownhall: Discuss senior housing and housing insecurity seniors feel and our
steps to protect
• Housing bill signing in community: Tenant Harassment – connect prevention evictions
with tackling homeless problem

Week of 9/7 (before back-to-school):

• Announcement of Safe Havens beds with clergy* and SEPS – Special Exit and
Prevention Supplement ($10M) Prevention and relocation. Announce new rental
assistance for 1,000 single adults with rapid rehousing assistance based on national mode.
• Announcement of new street/subway homeless ads. Possible messages (very rough):
o Help us address homelessness: Call 311 if someone needs help or exhibits
dangerous behavior.
o Help us address homelessness: Call 311 if you see an encampment.
o Help us address homelessness: Tell a friend in need about homeless prevention
o Help us address homelessness: Participate in City-sponsored rental assistance

Week of 9/21 (Pope week)

• Announce housing partnership with the Catholic Church in honor of Pope Francis visit
• Engagement of faith leaders on issues of income inequality--- utilize voices online and in
media to shame folks for sensationalizing and dehumanizing while the City looks for real
long-term solutions
Phase Two (mid-September – December)

After back to school, major housing-for-the-homeless announcement. Rollout includes salon-

style discussion with Freakanomics reporter, or Paul Krugman on income inequality,
homelessness and the new way New York is approaching the challenge. Think 92nd street Y talk.
Ed boards. Online push

Week of 9/28

• Major announcement:
o support for 30,000 supportive housing units in NYC over 10 years and commit
City’s traditional share with challenge to the State to join as a partner (implement
by half new units and half scattered site rentals)
o 10% (10K) set-aside for Housing Plan units
o Converting 2,000 cluster shelter units to permanent housing for families
o Expansion of shelter and assistance for DV survivors (in single women’s system)
o Expanded rapid rehousing assistance to help access previously allocated rental
assistance for families (1000 single adults/ 1000 FWC]
• 30K Unity rally (organized by allies)
• (T) Announce litigation against the State for failure to set a rental allowance supplement
that is based on the reasonable cost of housing, which is a major driver of homelessness
(mid late sep)


• Announcement of Mental Health Road Map

• Salon-style release of Operations analysis and public one-on-one thought leadership sit-
down with Mayor.

Week of 11/11 (Veterans Day)

• Launch countdown to end veterans homelessness


• Announce end of veteran homelessness

• Visit a family who has been relocated from shelter to permanent housing and announce
total number of shelter exits
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: "URamirez@schools.nyc.gov"; Chao, Raymond; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Shorris,
Anthony; Buery, Richard; Hagelgans, Andrea; "Wallack Josh (JWallack@schools.nyc.gov)"; Devora Kaye;
Goldmark, Karin; Confer, Alexis; Blumm, Kate; "eliss@schools.nyc.gov"; Griffith, Chantell;
"jonathan@berlinrosen.com"; John Del Cecato; Williams, Dominic; Wolfe, Emma; Leopold, Elana; Cutler,
Dorothy; Walzak, Phil; Zuniga, Andrea; Caquias, Paula; "Barbagallo Joy"
Cc: Fuleihan, Dean (OMB)
Subject: RE: MBDB: Education Speech Prep
Date: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 9:02:29 AM

Good Morning,

This meeting will take place at 11am today-



-----Original Appointment-----
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 5:11 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; 'URamirez@schools.nyc.gov'; Chao, Raymond; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB);
Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Shorris, Anthony; Buery, Richard; Hagelgans, Andrea; 'Wallack Josh
(JWallack@schools.nyc.gov)'; Devora Kaye; Goldmark, Karin; Confer, Alexis; Blumm, Kate;
'eliss@schools.nyc.gov'; Griffith, Chantell; 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; John Del Cecato; Williams,
Dominic; Wolfe, Emma; Leopold, Elana; Cutler, Dorothy; Walzak, Phil; Zuniga, Andrea; Caquias, Paula;
'Barbagallo Joy'
Cc: Fuleihan, Dean (OMB)
Subject: MBDB: Education Speech Prep
When: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 11:00 AM-12:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: City Hall, The Blue Room
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: "URamirez@schools.nyc.gov"; Chao, Raymond; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Shorris,
Anthony; Buery, Richard; Hagelgans, Andrea; "Wallack Josh (JWallack@schools.nyc.gov)"; Devora Kaye;
Goldmark, Karin; Confer, Alexis; Blumm, Kate; "eliss@schools.nyc.gov"; Griffith, Chantell;
"jonathan@berlinrosen.com"; John Del Cecato; Williams, Dominic; Wolfe, Emma; Leopold, Elana; Cutler,
Dorothy; Walzak, Phil; Zuniga, Andrea; Caquias, Paula; "Barbagallo Joy"
Cc: Fuleihan, Dean (OMB)
Subject: RE: MBDB: Education Speech Prep
Date: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 11:00:46 AM

We are delayed by 20 minutes.

-----Original Appointment-----
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 5:11 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; 'URamirez@schools.nyc.gov'; Chao, Raymond; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB);
Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Shorris, Anthony; Buery, Richard; Hagelgans, Andrea; 'Wallack Josh
(JWallack@schools.nyc.gov)'; Devora Kaye; Goldmark, Karin; Confer, Alexis; Blumm, Kate;
'eliss@schools.nyc.gov'; Griffith, Chantell; 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; John Del Cecato; Williams,
Dominic; Wolfe, Emma; Leopold, Elana; Cutler, Dorothy; Walzak, Phil; Zuniga, Andrea; Caquias, Paula;
'Barbagallo Joy'
Cc: Fuleihan, Dean (OMB)
Subject: MBDB: Education Speech Prep
When: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 11:00 AM-12:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: City Hall, The Blue Room
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: "URamirez@schools.nyc.gov"; Chao, Raymond; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Shorris,
Anthony; Buery, Richard; Hagelgans, Andrea; "Wallack Josh (JWallack@schools.nyc.gov)"; Devora Kaye;
Goldmark, Karin; Confer, Alexis; Blumm, Kate; "eliss@schools.nyc.gov"; Griffith, Chantell;
"jonathan@berlinrosen.com"; John Del Cecato; Williams, Dominic; Wolfe, Emma; Leopold, Elana; Cutler,
Dorothy; Walzak, Phil; Zuniga, Andrea; Caquias, Paula; "Barbagallo Joy"
Cc: Fuleihan, Dean (OMB)
Subject: RE: MBDB: Education Speech Prep
Date: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 11:24:29 AM

Still delayed-Will notify when to gather.

-----Original Appointment-----
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 5:11 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; 'URamirez@schools.nyc.gov'; Chao, Raymond; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB);
Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Shorris, Anthony; Buery, Richard; Hagelgans, Andrea; 'Wallack Josh
(JWallack@schools.nyc.gov)'; Devora Kaye; Goldmark, Karin; Confer, Alexis; Blumm, Kate;
'eliss@schools.nyc.gov'; Griffith, Chantell; 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; John Del Cecato; Williams,
Dominic; Wolfe, Emma; Leopold, Elana; Cutler, Dorothy; Walzak, Phil; Zuniga, Andrea; Caquias, Paula;
'Barbagallo Joy'
Cc: Fuleihan, Dean (OMB)
Subject: MBDB: Education Speech Prep
When: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 11:00 AM-12:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: City Hall, The Blue Room
From: Anthony Hayes
To: Soriano, Aaron
Cc: Dan Levitan; Shruti Sehgal
Subject: FEEDBACK NEEDED: Media Adviosry
Date: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 11:37:27 AM
Attachments: ID NYC Media Advisory.docx
Importance: High

Aaron - 

GMHC is very excited to become a pop-up location for the ID NYC. We plan to issue the
attached media advisory, but wanted to make sure you had a chance to review it before we did. 

Can you please look this over and let us know if there are any proposed edits. Additionally, if you
have any art work you would like us to include when we issue it, please send along for

Anthony Hayes 
Managing Director, Public Affairs and Policy 
P. (212) 367-1182 | M. (646) 591-4893 | @AnthonyJHayes

GMHC fights to end the AIDS epidemic and uplift the lives of all affected.

Gay Men's Health Crisis (GMHC), Main Offices: 446 West 33rd Street, New York, NY 10001
The David Geffen Center for HIV Prevention and Health Education: 224 West 29th Street, New York,
NY 10001

This message and any attachments may contain confidential or privileged information and are intended
only for the use of the intended recipients of this message. If you are not the intended recipient, you
are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or the taking of any action in reliance on
the contents of this information is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error,
please notify the sender immediately by e-mail and delete the original message. Any unauthorized
disclosure, use, distribution, or reproduction of this message or any attachments is prohibited and may
be unlawful.
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Contact: Anthony Hayes |917-601-0410| AnthonyH@gmhc.org


GMHC is Proud to Support the New, Free Identification Card
for All New York City Residents

New York, NY-- From Tuesday, September 1st to Friday September 18th, Gay Men’s Health Crisis (GMHC) will
transform its Manhattan offices into a pop-up enrollment site for IDNYC—the new, free identification card for
all New York City residents. As a government-issued photo identification card, IDNYC secures the peace of
mind and access to City services that come from having recognized identification. IDNYC benefits every city
resident, including the most vulnerable communities—the homeless, youth, the elderly, undocumented
immigrants, the formerly incarcerated, the HIV/AIDS community, and others who may have difficulty
obtaining other government-issued ID.

"No one living in New York City should ever have to worry about not having proper identification,” said GMHC
CEO Kelsey Louie. “GMHC thanks Mayor de Blasio, Speaker Melissa Mark Viverito and Council Member Corey
Johnson for their leadership in building the IDNYC program, which will make it much easier for our most
vulnerable communities to receive government-issued photo identification cards. By not requiring
transgender New Yorkers to select their gender assigned at birth, IDNYC goes a long way towards making the
very notion of identity as inclusive as possible, uniting us all together as New Yorkers."
IDNYC cardholders can access services and programs offered by the City as well as by businesses. IDNYC helps
enhance public safety, by serving as a recognized ID for interacting with NYPD. It also helps New Yorkers gain
access to all City buildings that provide services to the public and is accepted as a form of identification for
accessing numerous City programs and services. Other benefits include access to many of the city’s museums,
zoos and botanical gardens. For more information about IDNYC,
visit: http://www1.nyc.gov/site/idnyc/index.page.

GMHC becomes new, pop-up enrollment site for IDNYC this September

September 1st – September 18th
Monday – Thursdays, 10 am – 6 pm; Fridays, 12 – 8 pm
(Will be closed on Monday, September 7th for Labor Day)

GMHC Offices
446 West 33rd Street (Between 9th and 10th Avenues)
Room 6294, Sixth Floor
New York, NY 1001
(Appointments preferred; walk-ins accepted)

About Gay Men's Health Crisis:

Gay Men's Health Crisis (GMHC) is the nation's leading provider of HIV/AIDS care, prevention services and
advocacy, serving nearly 9,000 people living with and affected by HIV/AIDS in New York City, the epidemic's
largest U.S. epicenter. As the world's first HIV and AIDS service organization GMHC is an expert in providing
services that every person affected by the epidemic deserves. GMHC is on the front lines caring for people
who are both HIV negative and positive, including: testing, nutrition, legal, mental health and education
services. GMHC also advocates for stronger public policies at the local, state and federal level with the goal
of ending AIDS as an epidemic in New York State by 2020. Most recently, GMHC and other HIV/AIDS
organizations successfully persuaded the federal government to recommend widespread use of PrEP, a new
daily treatment that is over 90% effective in preventing HIV infection. For more information,
visit www.gmhc.org.
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: "URamirez@schools.nyc.gov"; Chao, Raymond; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Shorris,
Anthony; Buery, Richard; Hagelgans, Andrea; "Wallack Josh (JWallack@schools.nyc.gov)"; Devora Kaye;
Goldmark, Karin; Confer, Alexis; Blumm, Kate; Schwartz, Regina; "eliss@schools.nyc.gov"; Griffith, Chantell;
"jonathan@berlinrosen.com"; John Del Cecato; Williams, Dominic; Wolfe, Emma; Leopold, Elana; Cutler,
Dorothy; Walzak, Phil; Zuniga, Andrea; Caquias, Paula; "Barbagallo Joy"
Cc: Fuleihan, Dean (OMB)
Subject: RE: MBDB: Education Speech Prep
Date: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 12:23:38 PM

Please gather in the Blue Room

-----Original Appointment-----
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 5:11 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; 'URamirez@schools.nyc.gov'; Chao, Raymond; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB);
Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Shorris, Anthony; Buery, Richard; Hagelgans, Andrea; 'Wallack Josh
(JWallack@schools.nyc.gov)'; Devora Kaye; Goldmark, Karin; Confer, Alexis; Blumm, Kate; Schwartz,
Regina; 'eliss@schools.nyc.gov'; Griffith, Chantell; 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; John Del Cecato;
Williams, Dominic; Wolfe, Emma; Leopold, Elana; Cutler, Dorothy; Walzak, Phil; Zuniga, Andrea;
Caquias, Paula; 'Barbagallo Joy'
Cc: Fuleihan, Dean (OMB)
Subject: MBDB: Education Speech Prep
When: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 11:00 AM-12:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: City Hall, The Blue Room
From: Wolfe, Emma
To: Leopold, Elana; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; "URamirez@schools.nyc.gov"; Chao, Raymond; Fuleihan, Dean
(OMB); Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Shorris, Anthony; Buery, Richard; Hagelgans, Andrea; "Wallack Josh
(JWallack@schools.nyc.gov)"; Devora Kaye; Goldmark, Karin; Confer, Alexis; Blumm, Kate;
"eliss@schools.nyc.gov"; Griffith, Chantell; "jonathan@berlinrosen.com"; John Del Cecato; Williams, Dominic;
Cutler, Dorothy; Walzak, Phil; Zuniga, Andrea; Caquias, Paula; "Barbagallo Joy"
Subject: Re: MBDB: Education Speech Prep
Date: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 12:24:16 PM

Apologies will be ten mins late

From: Leopold, Elana

Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 12:23 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; 'URamirez@schools.nyc.gov'; Chao, Raymond; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB);
Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Shorris, Anthony; Buery, Richard; Hagelgans, Andrea; 'Wallack Josh
(JWallack@schools.nyc.gov)'; Devora Kaye; Goldmark, Karin; Confer, Alexis; Blumm, Kate;
'eliss@schools.nyc.gov'; Griffith, Chantell; 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; John Del Cecato; Williams,
Dominic; Wolfe, Emma; Cutler, Dorothy; Walzak, Phil; Zuniga, Andrea; Caquias, Paula; 'Barbagallo Joy'
Subject: RE: MBDB: Education Speech Prep

This is starting now in the blue room

-----Original Appointment-----
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 9:12 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; 'URamirez@schools.nyc.gov'; Chao, Raymond; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB);
Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Shorris, Anthony; Buery, Richard; Hagelgans, Andrea; 'Wallack Josh
(JWallack@schools.nyc.gov)'; Devora Kaye; Goldmark, Karin; Confer, Alexis; Blumm, Kate;
'eliss@schools.nyc.gov'; Griffith, Chantell; 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; John Del Cecato; Williams,
Dominic; Wolfe, Emma; Leopold, Elana; Cutler, Dorothy; Walzak, Phil; Zuniga, Andrea; Caquias, Paula;
'Barbagallo Joy'
Subject: MBDB: Education Speech Prep
When: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 11:00 AM-12:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: City Hall, The Blue Room
From: Wolfe, Emma
To: John Del Cecato
Cc: Hagelgans, Andrea; B; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com
Subject: Re: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
Date: Thursday, August 27, 2015 2:02:52 PM


> On Aug 27, 2015, at 1:56 PM, John Del Cecato <jfdc@akpdmedia.com> wrote:
> Weekends in Bermuda versus Queens - I’ll take that one
>> On 8/27/15, 1:53 PM, "Wolfe, Emma" <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>> Confession: I shared mayor's prediction/worry that it could be an iceberg
>> to do three games in a row. but as it isn't my lane and our Pros say yes,
>> so I stand down!
>>> On Aug 27, 2015, at 11:58 AM, John Del Cecato <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> I will gladly take that criticism.  Going to local sports games are
>>> part of the job!
>>>> On Aug 27, 2015, at 11:48 AM, Hagelgans, Andrea
>>>> <AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>>>> I think it shows great work ethic -- rooting for the underdog is
>>>> something we should be teaching all our kids (says a Phillies fan that
>>>> is woefully in last place)
>>>> We'll have you out Monday AM for a great message moment (planning a
>>>> Vision Zero/school safety presser for your consideration).
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: B
>>>> Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2015 11:45 AM
>>>> To: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen; Wolfe, Emma;
>>>> Snyder, Thomas
>>>> Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
>>>> Subject: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
>>>> Guess I got your attention! :)  Since I didn't get to go visit family
>>>> in new england before labor day (my original plan), the remainder of my
>>>> summer vacation will happen at Citi Field. Chirlane, Chiara will go to
>>>> the Mets/Red Sox game Friday night -- in very cheap seats. I will go
>>>> the Sat game with queens bp melinda katz. I will go to the sunday game
>>>> with queens councilmembers. I'm certain the media will conclude I have
>>>> no work ethic and don't care about the serious work of being mayor. And
>>>> I wish I was joking, but I'm not entirely. Oh and I'm a red sox fan. So
>>>> it may be a comms weekend disaster. And I'm used to it. If anyone wants
>>>> to comment, feel free
From: Ozernoy, Ilana
To: "Mike Rabinowitz"
Subject: RE: Verizon Walks Away From $550M+ In Federal Broadband Money
Date: Thursday, August 27, 2015 5:49:35 PM

Thank you
From: Mike Rabinowitz [mailto:Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2015 5:41 PM
To: Ozernoy, Ilana
Subject: FW: Verizon Walks Away From $550M+ In Federal Broadband Money
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)
From: Mike Rabinowitz
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2015 5:27 PM
To: Mike Rabinowitz <Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Verizon Walks Away From $550M+ In Federal Broadband Money
For Immediate Release: August 27, 2015
Contact:          Michael Rabinowitz-Gold, 646-342-3469, rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com
Verizon Walks Away From $550M+ In Federal Broadband
Verizon Only Telecom Company to Do So, Exacerbating Digital Divide
Millions in Eight States and DC to Remain Without Access to High-
Speed Broadband
WASHINGTON- Verizon today became the only major U.S. telecommunications
company to turn down federal funding to build broadband in unserved, primarily rural,
communities, leaving many residents in eight states and the District of Columbia
without access to vital communications options.  The company was offered $568
million over six years by the Federal government to bring broadband to 270,000
locations in Washington, DC, Delaware, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New
York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Virginia.
“Verizon’s track record is clear,” said Bob Master, Assistant to the Vice President of
District One of the Communications Workers of America.   “Even while raking in a
billion dollars per month in profits, Verizon is turning its back on underserved
communities by refusing federal subsidies to expand high-speed internet access.
Instead, its top priority is slashing job and retirement security for its employees and
eliminating benefits for workers  injured on the job.”
In April, the Federal Communications Commission launched Phase II of the Connect
America Fund.  The FCC offered major telecommunications companies nearly $1.7
billion a year over six years to provide high-speed internet and voice to unserved,
primarily rural, communities.  The carriers had until August 27 to decide whether to
participate.  The program was based on the successful universal service program,
which ensured telephone service was available in rural communities.
Verizon accepted funding for two states where it is selling its network to Frontier
Communications and rejected funding in the other states it operates.  
Verizon’s attitude toward the federal subsidies is sadly consistent with its approach in
New York State, where the company refuses to avail itself of Governor Cuomo’s $500
million New New York Broadband Fund, which offers up to 50% subsidies to
companies willing to build high-speed service in underserved areas.  For years, Verizon
has steadfastly refused to bring its high-speed internet service (or FiOS) to areas like
Buffalo, Syracuse, Albany, Rome, Utica and numerous other upstate New York cities, as
well as much of Eastern Suffolk.  At a series of hearings held by New York State, elected
officials from Buffalo, Syracuse, Albany, the North Country, the Southern Tier and the
Hudson Valley decried the lack of FiOS in their communities.
Campaigns in Pennsylvania and Massachusetts have also called for FiOS to be built in
their communities.
A damning audit of Verizon’s FiOS rollout in New York City found that Verizon has
failed to meet its promise to deliver high-speed fiber optic internet and television to
everyone in the city who wanted it.  During its negotiations for a city franchise, Verizon
promised that the entire city would be wired with fiber optic cables by June 2014 and
that after that date, everyone who wanted FiOS would get it within six months to a
year.  The audit found that despite claiming that it had wired the whole city by
November 2014, Verizon systematically continues to refuse orders for service.  The
audit also found that Verizon stonewalled the audit process.
At the same time, Verizon has been letting its traditional phone network deteriorate. 
In 2005, New York’s Public Service Commission (PSC) eliminated automatic fines for
Verizon’s telephone service quality failures, reasoning that “competition” would
improve services.  Instead, service quality plunged. In the 3rd quarter of 2010, Verizon
cleared only 1.2% of out of service complaints within 24 hours, almost 79 percentage
points lower than the PSC’s 80% requirement.  Rather than reverse course, the PSC
changed its measurements, cutting out 92% of customers from service quality
measurements and consolidating 28 repair service bureaus into 5 regions.  On paper,
terrible service quality was almost miraculously transformed. In reality, service quality
continued to decline. 
From: Mostofi, Bitta
To: "Anthony Hayes"; Soriano, Aaron
Cc: Dan Levitan; Shruti Sehgal
Subject: RE: FEEDBACK NEEDED: Media Adviosry
Date: Thursday, August 27, 2015 6:16:36 PM
Attachments: edit IDNYC Media Advisory.docx

Hi Anthony,
Sorry for the delay. Attached with suggested edits and we also added a quote from the
Thanks so much this is going to be great,
Bitta Mostofi
Director of External Affairs
Mayor's Office of Immigrant Affairs
(o) 212-676-3024 |(m) 646-276-4408 | nyc.gov/immigrants


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From: Anthony Hayes [mailto:AnthonyH@GMHC.org]
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2015 1:45 PM
To: Mostofi, Bitta; Soriano, Aaron
Cc: Dan Levitan; Shruti Sehgal
Subject: Re: FEEDBACK NEEDED: Media Adviosry

Circling back. 
Anthony Hayes 
Managing Director, Public Affairs and Policy 
P. (212) 367-1182 | M. (646) 591-4893 | @AnthonyJHayes
From: "Mostofi, Bitta" <bmostofi@moia.nyc.gov>
Date: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 at 2:34 PM
To: Anthony Hayes <AnthonyH@GMHC.org>, "Soriano, Aaron" <asoriano@moia.nyc.gov>
Cc: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>, Shruti Sehgal <shruti.sehgal@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: FEEDBACK NEEDED: Media Adviosry
Thanks Anthony. We are super excited to be there as well.
Please hold on sending out until you hear from me! I just need to make the rounds on our end.
Bitta Mostofi
Director of External Affairs
Mayor's Office of Immigrant Affairs
(o) 212-676-3024 |(m) 646-276-4408 | nyc.gov/immigrants


Subscribe to the MOIA Bulletin for monthly updates.
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE:  This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity
to whom they are addressed. This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the
intended recipient you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e -mail. Please notify the sender immediately by e -mail if you have received
this e -mail by mistake and delete this e -mail from your system. If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing, copying,
distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited.
From: Anthony Hayes [mailto:AnthonyH@GMHC.org]
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 2:33 PM
To: Soriano, Aaron
Cc: Mostofi, Bitta; Dan Levitan; Shruti Sehgal
Subject: Re: FEEDBACK NEEDED: Media Adviosry

Adding back on the team here.

I think we would like to get it out ASAP.

Anthony Hayes | Managing Director, Public Affairs and Policy | P. (212) 367-1182 | M.(646)
591-4893 | @AnthonyJHayes

On Aug 26, 2015, at 2:31 PM, "Soriano, Aaron" <asoriano@moia.nyc.gov> wrote:

Hi Anthony,

Thanks for hosting us! When do you plan on sending this out? I've copied Bitta
Mostofi, Director of External Affairs at MOIA, who will be able to give you
better feedback.

On Aug 26, 2015, at 11:37 AM, Anthony Hayes <AnthonyH@GMHC.org>

Aaron -

GMHC is very excited to become a pop-up location for the ID NYC.

We plan to issue the attached media advisory, but wanted to make
sure you had a chance to review it before we did.

Can you please look this over and let us know if there are any
proposed edits. Additionally, if you have any art work you would
like us to include when we issue it, please send along for

Anthony Hayes 
Managing Director, Public Affairs and Policy 
P. (212) 367-1182 | M. (646) 591-4893 | @AnthonyJHayes

GMHC fights to end the AIDS epidemic and uplift the lives of all

Gay Men's Health Crisis (GMHC), Main Offices: 446 West 33rd Street, New York,
NY 10001
The David Geffen Center for HIV Prevention and Health Education: 224 West 29th
Street, New York, NY 10001

This message and any attachments may contain confidential or privileged

information and are intended only for the use of the intended recipients of this
message. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any
disclosure, copying, distribution, or the taking of any action in reliance on the
contents of this information is strictly prohibited. If you have received this
transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately by e-mail and delete the
original message. Any unauthorized disclosure, use, distribution, or reproduction of
this message or any attachments is prohibited and may be unlawful.
<ID NYC Media Advisory.docx>

GMHC fights to end the AIDS epidemic and uplift the lives of all affected.

Gay Men's Health Crisis (GMHC), Main Offices: 446 West 33rd Street, New York, NY 10001
The David Geffen Center for HIV Prevention and Health Education: 224 West 29th Street, New York, NY 10001
This message and any attachments may contain confidential or privileged information and are intended only for the
use of the intended recipients of this message. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any
disclosure, copying, distribution, or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly
prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately by e-mail and
delete the original message. Any unauthorized disclosure, use, distribution, or reproduction of this message or any
attachments is prohibited and may be unlawful.

GMHC fights to end the AIDS epidemic and uplift the lives of all affected.

Gay Men's Health Crisis (GMHC), Main Offices: 446 West 33rd Street, New York, NY 10001
The David Geffen Center for HIV Prevention and Health Education: 224 West 29th Street, New York, NY 10001

This message and any attachments may contain confidential or privileged information and are intended only for the
use of the intended recipients of this message. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any
disclosure, copying, distribution, or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly
prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately by e-mail and
delete the original message. Any unauthorized disclosure, use, distribution, or reproduction of this message or any
attachments is prohibited and may be unlawful.
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Contact: Anthony Hayes |917-601-0410| AnthonyH@gmhc.org



GMHC is Proud to Support the New, Free Identification Card

for All New York City Residents

New York, NY-- From Tuesday, September 1st to Friday September 18th, Gay Men’s Health
Crisis (GMHC) will transform its Manhattan offices into a pop-up enrollment site for
IDNYC—the new, free identification card for all New York City residents. As a
government-issued photo identification card, IDNYC secures the peace of mind and access
to City services that come from having recognized identification. IDNYC benefits every city
resident, including the most vulnerable communities—the homeless, youth, the elderly,
undocumented immigrants, the formerly incarcerated, the HIV/AIDS community, and others
who may have difficulty obtaining other government-issued ID.

"No one living in New York City should ever have to worry about not having proper
identification,” said GMHC CEO Kelsey Louie. “GMHC thanks Mayor de Blasio, Speaker
Melissa Mark-Viverito and Council Member Corey Johnson for their leadership in building
the IDNYC program, which will make it much easier for our most vulnerable communities
to receive government-issued photo identification cards. By not requiring transgender New
Yorkers to select their gender assigned at birth, IDNYC goes a long way towards making the
very notion of identity as inclusive as possible, uniting us all together as New Yorkers."
“The City is committed to ensuring every resident across the five boroughs has valid
identification that truly reflects their personhood and their identity as New Yorkers. We are
proud to announce this partnership with GHMC, the leading advocate for the HIV/AIDS
community in New York City, to encourage every New Yorker – regardless of immigration
status, race, gender or sexual orientation – to apply for an IDNYC,” said Nisha Agarwal,
Commissioner of the Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs. “IDNYC cardholders have
access to the wide breadth of recreation, entertainment, services and benefits the City has to
offer through the card – from free, year-long memberships at world renowned cultural
institutions like the MET to health benefits like prescription drug discounts and fitness
memberships that can improve quality of life. IDNYC is truly a card for all New Yorkers,
and we want all New Yorkers to make an appointment today!”
IDNYC cardholders can access services and programs offered by the City as well as by
businesses. IDNYC helps enhance public safety, by serving as a recognized ID for
interacting with NYPD. It also helps New Yorkers gain access to all City buildings that
provide services to the public and is accepted as a form of identification for accessing
numerous City programs and services [redundant with first line]. Other benefits include
access to many of the City’s museums, zoos and botanical gardens. For more information
about IDNYC, visit: http://www1.nyc.gov/site/idnyc/index.page.

GMHC becomes new, pop-up enrollment site for IDNYC this September

September 1st – September 18th
Monday – Thursdays, 10 am – 6 pm; Fridays, 12 – 8 pm
(Will be closed on Monday, September 7th for Labor Day)

GMHC Offices
446 West 33rd Street (Between 9th and 10th Avenues)
Room 6294, Sixth Floor
New York, NY 1001
(Appointments preferred; walk-ins accepted)

About Gay Men's Health Crisis:

Gay Men's Health Crisis (GMHC) is the nation's leading provider of HIV/AIDS care,
prevention services and advocacy, serving nearly 9,000 people living with and affected by
HIV/AIDS in New York City, the epidemic's largest U.S. epicenter. As the world's first
HIV and AIDS service organization GMHC is an expert in providing services that every
person affected by the epidemic deserves. GMHC is on the front lines caring for people
who are both HIV negative and positive, including: testing, nutrition, legal, mental health
and education services. GMHC also advocates for stronger public policies at the local, state
and federal level with the goal of ending AIDS as an epidemic in New York State by 2020.
Most recently, GMHC and other HIV/AIDS organizations successfully persuaded the
federal government to recommend widespread use of PrEP, a new daily treatment that is
over 90% effective in preventing HIV infection. For more information,
visit www.gmhc.org.

From: Anthony Hayes
To: Mostofi, Bitta; Soriano, Aaron
Cc: Dan Levitan; Shruti Sehgal
Subject: Re: FEEDBACK NEEDED: Media Adviosry
Date: Thursday, August 27, 2015 6:22:30 PM
Attachments: image001.png

Great. Thanks. We will issues this tomorrow AM. 

Anthony Hayes 
Managing Director, Public Affairs and Policy 
P. (212) 367-1182 | M. (646) 591-4893 | @AnthonyJHayes

From: "Mostofi, Bitta" <bmostofi@moia.nyc.gov>

Date: Thursday, August 27, 2015 at 6:16 PM
To: Anthony Hayes <AnthonyH@GMHC.org>, "Soriano, Aaron" <asoriano@moia.nyc.gov>
Cc: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>, Shruti Sehgal <shruti.sehgal@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: FEEDBACK NEEDED: Media Adviosry

Hi Anthony,

Sorry for the delay. Attached with suggested edits and we also added a quote from the

Thanks so much this is going to be great,

Bitta Mostofi
Director of External Affairs
Mayor's Office of Immigrant Affairs
(o) 212-676-3024 |(m) 646-276-4408 | nyc.gov/immigrants



Subscribe to the MOIA Bulletin for monthly updates.

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to whom they are addressed. This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the
intended recipient you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e -mail. Please notify the sender immediately by e -mail if you have received
this e -mail by mistake and delete this e -mail from your system. If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing, copying,
distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited.

From: Anthony Hayes [mailto:AnthonyH@GMHC.org]

Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2015 1:45 PM
To: Mostofi, Bitta; Soriano, Aaron
Cc: Dan Levitan; Shruti Sehgal
Subject: Re: FEEDBACK NEEDED: Media Adviosry

Circling back. 

Anthony Hayes 
Managing Director, Public Affairs and Policy 
P. (212) 367-1182 | M. (646) 591-4893 | @AnthonyJHayes

From: "Mostofi, Bitta" <bmostofi@moia.nyc.gov>

Date: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 at 2:34 PM
To: Anthony Hayes <AnthonyH@GMHC.org>, "Soriano, Aaron" <asoriano@moia.nyc.gov>
Cc: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>, Shruti Sehgal <shruti.sehgal@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: FEEDBACK NEEDED: Media Adviosry

Thanks Anthony. We are super excited to be there as well.

Please hold on sending out until you hear from me! I just need to make the rounds on our end.


Bitta Mostofi
Director of External Affairs
Mayor's Office of Immigrant Affairs
(o) 212-676-3024 |(m) 646-276-4408 | nyc.gov/immigrants



Subscribe to the MOIA Bulletin for monthly updates.

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE:  This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity
to whom they are addressed. This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the
intended recipient you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e -mail. Please notify the sender immediately by e -mail if you have received
this e -mail by mistake and delete this e -mail from your system. If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing, copying,
distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited.

From: Anthony Hayes [mailto:AnthonyH@GMHC.org]

Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 2:33 PM
To: Soriano, Aaron
Cc: Mostofi, Bitta; Dan Levitan; Shruti Sehgal
Subject: Re: FEEDBACK NEEDED: Media Adviosry

Adding back on the team here.

I think we would like to get it out ASAP.

Anthony Hayes | Managing Director, Public Affairs and Policy | P. (212) 367-1182 | M.(646)
591-4893 | @AnthonyJHayes

On Aug 26, 2015, at 2:31 PM, "Soriano, Aaron" <asoriano@moia.nyc.gov> wrote:

Hi Anthony,

Thanks for hosting us! When do you plan on sending this out? I've copied Bitta
Mostofi, Director of External Affairs at MOIA, who will be able to give you
better feedback.


On Aug 26, 2015, at 11:37 AM, Anthony Hayes <AnthonyH@GMHC.org>


Aaron -

GMHC is very excited to become a pop-up location for the ID NYC.

We plan to issue the attached media advisory, but wanted to make
sure you had a chance to review it before we did.

Can you please look this over and let us know if there are any
proposed edits. Additionally, if you have any art work you would
like us to include when we issue it, please send along for

Anthony Hayes 
Managing Director, Public Affairs and Policy 
P. (212) 367-1182 | M. (646) 591-4893 | @AnthonyJHayes

GMHC fights to end the AIDS epidemic and uplift the lives of all

Gay Men's Health Crisis (GMHC), Main Offices: 446 West 33rd Street, New York,
NY 10001
The David Geffen Center for HIV Prevention and Health Education: 224 West 29th
Street, New York, NY 10001

This message and any attachments may contain confidential or privileged

information and are intended only for the use of the intended recipients of this
message. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any
disclosure, copying, distribution, or the taking of any action in reliance on the
contents of this information is strictly prohibited. If you have received this
transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately by e-mail and delete the
original message. Any unauthorized disclosure, use, distribution, or reproduction of
this message or any attachments is prohibited and may be unlawful.
<ID NYC Media Advisory.docx>

GMHC fights to end the AIDS epidemic and uplift the lives of all affected.

Gay Men's Health Crisis (GMHC), Main Offices: 446 West 33rd Street, New York, NY 10001
The David Geffen Center for HIV Prevention and Health Education: 224 West 29th Street, New York, NY 10001

This message and any attachments may contain confidential or privileged information and are intended only for the
use of the intended recipients of this message. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any
disclosure, copying, distribution, or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly
prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately by e-mail and
delete the original message. Any unauthorized disclosure, use, distribution, or reproduction of this message or any
attachments is prohibited and may be unlawful.

GMHC fights to end the AIDS epidemic and uplift the lives of all affected.

Gay Men's Health Crisis (GMHC), Main Offices: 446 West 33rd Street, New York, NY 10001
The David Geffen Center for HIV Prevention and Health Education: 224 West 29th Street, New York, NY 10001

This message and any attachments may contain confidential or privileged information and are intended only for the
use of the intended recipients of this message. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any
disclosure, copying, distribution, or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly
prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately by e-mail and
delete the original message. Any unauthorized disclosure, use, distribution, or reproduction of this message or any
attachments is prohibited and may be unlawful.

GMHC fights to end the AIDS epidemic and uplift the lives of all affected.

Gay Men's Health Crisis (GMHC), Main Offices: 446 West 33rd Street, New York, NY 10001
The David Geffen Center for HIV Prevention and Health Education: 224 West 29th Street, New York, NY 10001

This message and any attachments may contain confidential or privileged information and are intended only for the
use of the intended recipients of this message. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any
disclosure, copying, distribution, or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly
prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately by e-mail and
delete the original message. Any unauthorized disclosure, use, distribution, or reproduction of this message or any
attachments is prohibited and may be unlawful.
From: John Del Cecato
To: B; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Wolfe, Emma; Snyder, Thomas
Cc: "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"; Kadushin, Peter
Subject: Re: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
Date: Friday, August 28, 2015 9:09:18 AM

Love it

On 8/28/15, 9:08 AM, "B" <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

>I'm cool. I'm actually quite current with both the Mets and the Red Sox
>and their rosters. And I have informed opinions to share... :)
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Hagelgans, Andrea
>Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 09:05 AM
>To: B; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Wolfe, Emma; Snyder, Thomas
>Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com' <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
><Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>; Kadushin, Peter
>Subject: RE: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
>In thinking about the discussion last night about authenticity and
>relatability, we've kicked around having you do some sports radio if you
>are "game" for it (nice pun, right!) as we head into the 3 game series.
>Pulling together recommendations and will send shortly for your review.
>Of course, if it's a no-go with schedule we understand.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: B
>Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2015 11:45 AM
>To: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen; Wolfe, Emma; Snyder,
>Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
>Subject: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
>Guess I got your attention! :)  Since I didn't get to go visit family in
>new england before labor day (my original plan), the remainder of my
>summer vacation will happen at Citi Field. Chirlane, Chiara will go to
>the Mets/Red Sox game Friday night -- in very cheap seats. I will go the
>Sat game with queens bp melinda katz. I will go to the sunday game with
>queens councilmembers. I'm certain the media will conclude I have no work
>ethic and don't care about the serious work of being mayor. And I wish I
>was joking, but I'm not entirely. Oh and I'm a red sox fan. So it may be
>a comms weekend disaster. And I'm used to it. If anyone wants to comment,
>feel free
From: B
To: Wolfe, Emma; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas
Cc: "jfdc@akpdmedia.com"; "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"; Kadushin, Peter
Subject: Re: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
Date: Friday, August 28, 2015 12:31:14 PM

I agree entirely

----- Original Message -----

From: Wolfe, Emma
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 12:29 PM
To: B; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas
Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com' <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>; Kadushin, Peter
Subject: RE: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...

He shouldn't have been in the game. I blame mcnamara.

-----Original Message-----
From: B
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 12:28 PM
To: Wolfe, Emma; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas
Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; Kadushin, Peter
Subject: Re: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...

Happy to do it. And Emma, I've been prepared for questions/comments/taunts about 1986 since...
1986. I was in a bar on Prince Street when the ball went thru Buckner's legs... I remember it like it was

----- Original Message -----

From: Wolfe, Emma
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 11:12 AM
To: B; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas
Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com' <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>; Kadushin, Peter
Subject: RE: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...

And make sure you're prepared for the 1986 questions :)

-----Original Message-----
From: B
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 9:08 AM
To: Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Wolfe, Emma; Snyder, Thomas
Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; Kadushin, Peter
Subject: Re: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...

I'm cool. I'm actually quite current with both the Mets and the Red Sox and their rosters. And I have
informed opinions to share... :)
----- Original Message -----
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 09:05 AM
To: B; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Wolfe, Emma; Snyder, Thomas
Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com' <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>; Kadushin, Peter
Subject: RE: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...

In thinking about the discussion last night about authenticity and relatability, we've kicked around
having you do some sports radio if you are "game" for it (nice pun, right!) as we head into the 3 game
series. Pulling together recommendations and will send shortly for your review. Of course, if it's a no-go
with schedule we understand.


-----Original Message-----
From: B
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2015 11:45 AM
To: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen; Wolfe, Emma; Snyder, Thomas
Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
Subject: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...

Guess I got your attention! :)  Since I didn't get to go visit family in new england before labor day (my
original plan), the remainder of my summer vacation will happen at Citi Field. Chirlane, Chiara will go to
the Mets/Red Sox game Friday night -- in very cheap seats. I will go the Sat game with queens bp
melinda katz. I will go to the sunday game with queens councilmembers. I'm certain the media will
conclude I have no work ethic and don't care about the serious work of being mayor. And I wish I was
joking, but I'm not entirely. Oh and I'm a red sox fan. So it may be a comms weekend disaster. And I'm
used to it. If anyone wants to comment, feel free
From: Kadushin, Peter
To: Hagelgans, Andrea; Jonathan Rosen; Walzak, Phil; Wolfe, Emma; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas
Cc: "jfdc@akpdmedia.com"
Subject: RE: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
Date: Friday, August 28, 2015 3:40:56 PM

Haven't approached Lemire yet. I can feel it out.

-----Original Message-----
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 3:39 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen; Walzak, Phil; Kadushin, Peter; Wolfe, Emma; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas
Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'
Subject: Re: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...

Am sure kadushin can on background

Lemire ready if B says yes?

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.

  Original Message
From: Jonathan Rosen
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 3:35 PM
To: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Kadushin, Peter; Wolfe, Emma; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas
Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'
Subject: RE: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...

B off.  Love this too, one tweak - can we also frame as this is how BdB does his politics.  Some pols do
dinners and drinks and whatever - but he's working the Queens delegation and the BP over Mets
games.  It's work - him doing politics well.

-----Original Message-----
From: Walzak, Phil [mailto:PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 3:23 PM
To: Hagelgans, Andrea; Kadushin, Peter; B; Wolfe, Emma; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas
Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: RE: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...

Like this, and he would love it too - good stuff

-----Original Message-----
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 3:12 PM
To: Kadushin, Peter; B; Wolfe, Emma; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas
Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
Subject: RE: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...

Strategic reasons for recommending this route:

1) allows us to showcase your fun side in an outlet that tends to drive coverage both on broadcast and
beyond NYC
2) will help us nestle the news of 3 games (which you note will cause the world to collapse for some)
and position you as a very relatable "sports fanatic" .  This is not about reaction to anticipated tabloid
fodder, but more about making sure we always have the upper hand
3) reporter is low key and will abide by ground rules
-----Original Message-----
From: Kadushin, Peter
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 3:07 PM
To: B; Wolfe, Emma; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas
Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
Subject: RE: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...


We decided against doing sports radio because Mike Francesa's show is live from a bar with somewhat
out of control crowd.

Alternatively, we could invite Jon Lemire and let him sit with you for about 3 innings. It would be a
conversation focused on baseball and would get result in wide circulation.

Are you interested in this route?


-----Original Message-----
From: B
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 12:31 PM
To: Wolfe, Emma; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas
Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; Kadushin, Peter
Subject: Re: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...

I agree entirely

----- Original Message -----

From: Wolfe, Emma
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 12:29 PM
To: B; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas
Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com' <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>; Kadushin, Peter
Subject: RE: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...

He shouldn't have been in the game. I blame mcnamara.

-----Original Message-----
From: B
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 12:28 PM
To: Wolfe, Emma; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas
Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; Kadushin, Peter
Subject: Re: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...

Happy to do it. And Emma, I've been prepared for questions/comments/taunts about 1986 since...
1986. I was in a bar on Prince Street when the ball went thru Buckner's legs... I remember it like it was

----- Original Message -----

From: Wolfe, Emma
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 11:12 AM
To: B; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas
Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com' <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>; Kadushin, Peter
Subject: RE: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...

And make sure you're prepared for the 1986 questions :)

-----Original Message-----
From: B
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 9:08 AM
To: Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Wolfe, Emma; Snyder, Thomas
Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; Kadushin, Peter
Subject: Re: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...

I'm cool. I'm actually quite current with both the Mets and the Red Sox and their rosters. And I have
informed opinions to share... :)

----- Original Message -----

From: Hagelgans, Andrea
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 09:05 AM
To: B; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Wolfe, Emma; Snyder, Thomas
Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com' <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>; Kadushin, Peter
Subject: RE: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...

In thinking about the discussion last night about authenticity and relatability, we've kicked around
having you do some sports radio if you are "game" for it (nice pun, right!) as we head into the 3 game
series. Pulling together recommendations and will send shortly for your review. Of course, if it's a no-go
with schedule we understand.


-----Original Message-----
From: B
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2015 11:45 AM
To: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen; Wolfe, Emma; Snyder, Thomas
Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
Subject: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...

Guess I got your attention! :)  Since I didn't get to go visit family in new england before labor day (my
original plan), the remainder of my summer vacation will happen at Citi Field. Chirlane, Chiara will go to
the Mets/Red Sox game Friday night -- in very cheap seats. I will go the Sat game with queens bp
melinda katz. I will go to the sunday game with queens councilmembers. I'm certain the media will
conclude I have no work ethic and don't care about the serious work of being mayor. And I wish I was
joking, but I'm not entirely. Oh and I'm a red sox fan. So it may be a comms weekend disaster. And I'm
used to it. If anyone wants to comment, feel free
From: Kadushin, Peter
To: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Hagelgans, Andrea; Wolfe, Emma; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas; jfdc@akpdmedia.com
Subject: Re: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
Date: Friday, August 28, 2015 4:26:32 PM

Lemire can go tonight and he is already going to the Sunday game. Will be with family, but he could
probably sneak away for a bit.

If it is for one inning tonight, don't think it is worth bringing him out.

> On Aug 28, 2015, at 3:58 PM, Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
> B off again - can we have Lemire at the non-family one and make it more about dealing with Queens
> -----Original Message-----
> From: B [mailto:BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov]
> Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 3:56 PM
> To: Hagelgans, Andrea; Kadushin, Peter; Wolfe, Emma; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas
> Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'; Jonathan Rosen
> Subject: Re: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
> Fine re: Lemire, but since this is a family evening, could we keep it to one inning? Also, I thought you
were considering me stopping by the play-by-play booth for a half-inning -- not Francesca's show
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Hagelgans, Andrea
> Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 03:11 PM
> To: Kadushin, Peter; B; Wolfe, Emma; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas
> Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com' <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
> Subject: RE: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
> Strategic reasons for recommending this route:
> 1) allows us to showcase your fun side in an outlet that tends to drive coverage both on broadcast
and beyond NYC
> 2) will help us nestle the news of 3 games (which you note will cause the world to collapse for some)
and position you as a very relatable "sports fanatic" .  This is not about reaction to anticipated tabloid
fodder, but more about making sure we always have the upper hand
> 3) reporter is low key and will abide by ground rules
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kadushin, Peter
> Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 3:07 PM
> To: B; Wolfe, Emma; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas
> Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
> Subject: RE: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
> Sir,
> We decided against doing sports radio because Mike Francesa's show is live from a bar with
somewhat out of control crowd.
> Alternatively, we could invite Jon Lemire and let him sit with you for about 3 innings. It would be a
conversation focused on baseball and would get result in wide circulation.
> Are you interested in this route?
> Peter
> -----Original Message-----
> From: B
> Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 12:31 PM
> To: Wolfe, Emma; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas
> Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; Kadushin, Peter
> Subject: Re: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
> I agree entirely
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Wolfe, Emma
> Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 12:29 PM
> To: B; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas
> Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com' <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>; Kadushin, Peter
> Subject: RE: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
> He shouldn't have been in the game. I blame mcnamara.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: B
> Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 12:28 PM
> To: Wolfe, Emma; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas
> Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; Kadushin, Peter
> Subject: Re: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
> Happy to do it. And Emma, I've been prepared for questions/comments/taunts about 1986 since...
1986. I was in a bar on Prince Street when the ball went thru Buckner's legs... I remember it like it was
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Wolfe, Emma
> Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 11:12 AM
> To: B; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas
> Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com' <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>; Kadushin, Peter
> Subject: RE: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
> And make sure you're prepared for the 1986 questions :)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: B
> Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 9:08 AM
> To: Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Wolfe, Emma; Snyder, Thomas
> Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; Kadushin, Peter
> Subject: Re: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
> I'm cool. I'm actually quite current with both the Mets and the Red Sox and their rosters. And I have
informed opinions to share... :)
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Hagelgans, Andrea
> Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 09:05 AM
> To: B; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Wolfe, Emma; Snyder, Thomas
> Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com' <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>; Kadushin, Peter
> Subject: RE: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
> Sir,
> In thinking about the discussion last night about authenticity and relatability, we've kicked around
having you do some sports radio if you are "game" for it (nice pun, right!) as we head into the 3 game
series. Pulling together recommendations and will send shortly for your review. Of course, if it's a no-go
with schedule we understand.
> Thanks,
> Andrea
> -----Original Message-----
> From: B
> Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2015 11:45 AM
> To: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen; Wolfe, Emma; Snyder, Thomas
> Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
> Subject: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
> Guess I got your attention! :)  Since I didn't get to go visit family in new england before labor day
(my original plan), the remainder of my summer vacation will happen at Citi Field. Chirlane, Chiara will
go to the Mets/Red Sox game Friday night -- in very cheap seats. I will go the Sat game with queens
bp melinda katz. I will go to the sunday game with queens councilmembers. I'm certain the media will
conclude I have no work ethic and don't care about the serious work of being mayor. And I wish I was
joking, but I'm not entirely. Oh and I'm a red sox fan. So it may be a comms weekend disaster. And I'm
used to it. If anyone wants to comment, feel free


This ca ll w ill be rescheduled

-----Original Appointment-----
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent : Wednesday, August 26, 2015 1:06PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; FLONYC; John, Roxanne; 'BWinston@gqrr.com'; 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com';
'bhyers@hilltoppublicsolutions.com'; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Jonathan Rosen; PhiiWalzak (gmail.com);
'nbaldick@hilltoppublicsolutions.com'; 'DWa l ker@~gqrr. com';
'NKiepper@gqrr.com'; 'emily@berlinrosen.com'; - - - - Snyder, Thomas; Leopold,

Subject: MBDB: Call with the Mayor
When: Friday, Au~ 4:30PM-5:30PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: Call In Code: -
From: B
To: Kadushin, Peter
Cc: Hagelgans, Andrea; Wolfe, Emma; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas; "jfdc@akpdmedia.com";
Subject: Re: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
Date: Friday, August 28, 2015 5:25:39 PM

Works for me. Thanks. And if the booth works sat or sun, I'd be happy to do -- with any network

----- Original Message -----

From: Kadushin, Peter
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 05:22 PM
To: B
Cc: Hagelgans, Andrea; Wolfe, Emma; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas;
jfdc@akpdmedia.com <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com
Subject: Re: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...


The booth didn't work and we were considering Francesa as an alternate option in advance of the

We discussed and recommend bringing Lemire along Sunday. This gives him the opportunity to talk
baseball and experience a game with you, while seeing you interact with other electeds over baseball.


> On Aug 28, 2015, at 3:56 PM, B <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

> Fine re: Lemire, but since this is a family evening, could we keep it to one inning? Also, I thought you
were considering me stopping by the play-by-play booth for a half-inning -- not Francesca's show
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Hagelgans, Andrea
> Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 03:11 PM
> To: Kadushin, Peter; B; Wolfe, Emma; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas
> Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com' <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
> Subject: RE: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
> Strategic reasons for recommending this route:
> 1) allows us to showcase your fun side in an outlet that tends to drive coverage both on broadcast
and beyond NYC
> 2) will help us nestle the news of 3 games (which you note will cause the world to collapse for some)
and position you as a very relatable "sports fanatic" .  This is not about reaction to anticipated tabloid
fodder, but more about making sure we always have the upper hand
> 3) reporter is low key and will abide by ground rules
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kadushin, Peter
> Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 3:07 PM
> To: B; Wolfe, Emma; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas
> Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
> Subject: RE: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
> Sir,
> We decided against doing sports radio because Mike Francesa's show is live from a bar with
somewhat out of control crowd.
> Alternatively, we could invite Jon Lemire and let him sit with you for about 3 innings. It would be a
conversation focused on baseball and would get result in wide circulation.
> Are you interested in this route?
> Peter
> -----Original Message-----
> From: B
> Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 12:31 PM
> To: Wolfe, Emma; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas
> Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; Kadushin, Peter
> Subject: Re: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
> I agree entirely
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Wolfe, Emma
> Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 12:29 PM
> To: B; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas
> Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com' <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>; Kadushin, Peter
> Subject: RE: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
> He shouldn't have been in the game. I blame mcnamara.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: B
> Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 12:28 PM
> To: Wolfe, Emma; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas
> Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; Kadushin, Peter
> Subject: Re: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
> Happy to do it. And Emma, I've been prepared for questions/comments/taunts about 1986 since...
1986. I was in a bar on Prince Street when the ball went thru Buckner's legs... I remember it like it was
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Wolfe, Emma
> Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 11:12 AM
> To: B; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas
> Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com' <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>; Kadushin, Peter
> Subject: RE: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
> And make sure you're prepared for the 1986 questions :)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: B
> Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 9:08 AM
> To: Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Wolfe, Emma; Snyder, Thomas
> Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; Kadushin, Peter
> Subject: Re: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
> I'm cool. I'm actually quite current with both the Mets and the Red Sox and their rosters. And I have
informed opinions to share... :)
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Hagelgans, Andrea
> Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 09:05 AM
> To: B; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Wolfe, Emma; Snyder, Thomas
> Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com' <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>; Kadushin, Peter
> Subject: RE: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
> Sir,
> In thinking about the discussion last night about authenticity and relatability, we've kicked around
having you do some sports radio if you are "game" for it (nice pun, right!) as we head into the 3 game
series. Pulling together recommendations and will send shortly for your review. Of course, if it's a no-go
with schedule we understand.
> Thanks,
> Andrea
> -----Original Message-----
> From: B
> Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2015 11:45 AM
> To: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen; Wolfe, Emma; Snyder, Thomas
> Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
> Subject: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
> Guess I got your attention! :)  Since I didn't get to go visit family in new england before labor day
(my original plan), the remainder of my summer vacation will happen at Citi Field. Chirlane, Chiara will
go to the Mets/Red Sox game Friday night -- in very cheap seats. I will go the Sat game with queens
bp melinda katz. I will go to the sunday game with queens councilmembers. I'm certain the media will
conclude I have no work ethic and don't care about the serious work of being mayor. And I wish I was
joking, but I'm not entirely. Oh and I'm a red sox fan. So it may be a comms weekend disaster. And I'm
used to it. If anyone wants to comment, feel free
From: Wolfe Emma
To: Hinton Karen
Cc: B; Hagelgans Andrea; Walzak Phil; jfdc@akpdmedia. com; jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Snyder Thomas
Subject: Re: Ginia column
Date: Saturday, August 29, 2015 10:24:12 AM

Agree re celebs

On Aug 29, 2015, at 10:13 AM, Hinton, Karen <KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

On target Ginia column; also a project we could recruit celebrities for. Helping homeless
instead of chasing them out of city. 

Rudolph Giuliani’s Outrage on Homelessness, and Richard

richard-geres.html?ref=nyregion& r=1

If the offenses of Donald J. Trump weren’t getting played out by the hour
at the volume of a jackhammer in competition with a Nascar event, then
recent comments by another New Yorker synonymous with unchecked
expressiveness, and also touched by the pixie dust of presidential
aspiration, might be generating more outrage. In an interview with NBC’s
local news channel in New York, former Mayor Rudolph W.
Giuliani explained, with both glee and self-regard, that not long ago he
had paid a visit to the 19th Precinct station house on the Upper East Side
to complain about a homeless man who had taken up residence on his

“Do you know when people lived on the streets and didn’t use bathrooms
inside?” he said. “It’s called the Dark Ages.”

Needless to say, Mr. Giuliani did not pause and follow up that remark
with, “And how disgraceful that so many centuries later we are still not
able to house all of our neediest.” He instead went on to remind us how in
the 1990s, his “brain” and Police Commissioner William J. Bratton’s
“people” got rid of the homeless, the panhandlers, the nuisances. “You
chase ’em and you chase ’em and you chase ’em and you chase ’em, and
they either get the treatment that they need or you chase ’em out of the
city.” (Clearly we should be enticing the naked ladies of Times Square to
head to Atlantic City, maybe with brunch coupons for Trump Taj Mahal.

Advocates for the homeless responded with fury, pointing out that Mr.
Giuliani’s views were “morally appalling” and ignored the way that his
own policies had fueled the crisis of homelessness. Of course, his
conception of those with no place to live as essentially a gross
inconvenience for the rest of us is hardly singular. In recent weeks, an
unsettling narrative has unfolded in New York, promoted in large part but
by no means exclusively in the tabloid press, demonizing the homeless as
a growing presence and a threat to bourgeois life. “Going to the Park?
Don’t Trip on a Bum,” read a headline in The New York Post.

Over the summer, pictures of people sleeping on the streets have been
posted on social media with insinuations that their presence is proof that
the city is returning to the mayhem of the 1970s. This would suggest that
we knew something definitive about the propensity of homeless people to
commit serious crimes. We don’t. Years ago, a researcher at Johns
Hopkins University looked at arrest records in Baltimore for 1983 and
found that although homeless people were more likely to commit
nonviolent offenses like camping without a permit and indecent exposure,
they were less likely to commit crimes against people or property.
Homeless people themselves are considerably imperiled; last year,
a report from the National Coalition for the Homeless revealed that from
1999 to 2013 there had been 1,437 documented acts of violence in 47
states perpetrated against homeless people by those who were not

Last year, the number of homeless men, women and children in New York
City reached record levels, in large part because of failed or discontinued
policies implemented during the Bloomberg years; the issue of affordable
housing is obviously one of the most serious and vexing facing the de
Blasio administration. At the same time, the number of people spending
the night in city shelters, the metric by which the homeless population is
measured, has, in fact, been in steady month-to-month decline since

This has not

stopped the
Association in
New York City
implementing an
initiative aimed at
getting members
and their friends
and families to
homeless people
lying on the street
or urinating in
public and posting
those pictures
online. (What
could be more
benevolent?) The
president has said
the campaign —
called Peek-a-Boo
We See You Too!
— was a response
to “the
diminishing” of the
city’s reputation as
a pre-eminently
safe place. “It’s outing,” as the actorRichard Gere remarked to me

We were talking about the new film he has produced and in which he
stars, “Time Out of Mind,” due next week. It is one of three movies that
will be released in fairly quick succession that deal with homelessness in
New York, including a documentary about a former male model who now
works as a photographer and who lives on a fire escape, “Homme Less,”
and a feature film, “Shelter,” written and directed by Paul Bettany. Mr.
Gere’s film had been in development since the late 1980s. “Unfortunately,
it was still relevant,” he said.

Mr. Gere has worked with the Coalition for the Homeless for years; he has
spent time in shelters; and as a longtime New Yorker, he has committed
himself to thinking about his encounters with homeless people. “I went
through a period where I insisted on talking, and then I realized how
abusive that was — asking people about their stories and these intimate
details of their lives,” he said. Now he gives every homeless person he sees
some money — from $1 to $5 — and moves on.

Spare and free of melodrama, “Time Out of Mind” examines the

immiserating realities of dealing with the bureaucracy around the shelter
system and other social services. The film takes great care to render the
assault of noise, the difficulties that homeless people have getting any
sleep anywhere, and the kind of madness that it produces. It should
remind anyone who might have forgotten that homelessness isn’t awful
because it degrades the streetscape; it is awful because it degrades lives.
From: Kadushin, Peter
To: B
Cc: Hagelgans, Andrea; Wolfe, Emma; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas; jfdc@akpdmedia.com;
Subject: Re: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
Date: Saturday, August 29, 2015 4:49:29 PM


We are working to get you on the field for Mets warm ups tomorrow as I was told there is no BP on


> On Aug 29, 2015, at 4:07 PM, B <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

> So here's another example of why I don't get to let go enough of details -- even though I'd REALLY
like to. NOT ONE of you has put 2 +2 together: if I visited with the Red Sox during batting practice last
night and the Mets didn't take BP, then we're in harm's way. So today after the game or tmrw before, I
should visit with the Mets. I am happy to show my support -- can do with a full heart. Otherwise, I'm
not doing my job. Pls fix this NOW
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Kadushin, Peter
> Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 05:22 PM
> To: B
> Cc: Hagelgans, Andrea; Wolfe, Emma; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas;
jfdc@akpdmedia.com <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com
> Subject: Re: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
> Sir,
> The booth didn't work and we were considering Francesa as an alternate option in advance of the
> We discussed and recommend bringing Lemire along Sunday. This gives him the opportunity to talk
baseball and experience a game with you, while seeing you interact with other electeds over baseball.
> Peter
>> On Aug 28, 2015, at 3:56 PM, B <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>> Fine re: Lemire, but since this is a family evening, could we keep it to one inning? Also, I thought
you were considering me stopping by the play-by-play booth for a half-inning -- not Francesca's show
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Hagelgans, Andrea
>> Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 03:11 PM
>> To: Kadushin, Peter; B; Wolfe, Emma; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas
>> Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com' <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
>> Subject: RE: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
>> Strategic reasons for recommending this route:
>> 1) allows us to showcase your fun side in an outlet that tends to drive coverage both on broadcast
and beyond NYC
>> 2) will help us nestle the news of 3 games (which you note will cause the world to collapse for
some) and position you as a very relatable "sports fanatic" .  This is not about reaction to anticipated
tabloid fodder, but more about making sure we always have the upper hand
>> 3) reporter is low key and will abide by ground rules
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Kadushin, Peter
>> Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 3:07 PM
>> To: B; Wolfe, Emma; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas
>> Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
>> Subject: RE: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
>> Sir,
>> We decided against doing sports radio because Mike Francesa's show is live from a bar with
somewhat out of control crowd.
>> Alternatively, we could invite Jon Lemire and let him sit with you for about 3 innings. It would be a
conversation focused on baseball and would get result in wide circulation.
>> Are you interested in this route?
>> Peter
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: B
>> Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 12:31 PM
>> To: Wolfe, Emma; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas
>> Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; Kadushin, Peter
>> Subject: Re: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
>> I agree entirely
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Wolfe, Emma
>> Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 12:29 PM
>> To: B; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas
>> Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com' <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>; Kadushin, Peter
>> Subject: RE: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
>> He shouldn't have been in the game. I blame mcnamara.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: B
>> Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 12:28 PM
>> To: Wolfe, Emma; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas
>> Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; Kadushin, Peter
>> Subject: Re: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
>> Happy to do it. And Emma, I've been prepared for questions/comments/taunts about 1986 since...
1986. I was in a bar on Prince Street when the ball went thru Buckner's legs... I remember it like it was
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Wolfe, Emma
>> Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 11:12 AM
>> To: B; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas
>> Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com' <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>; Kadushin, Peter
>> Subject: RE: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
>> And make sure you're prepared for the 1986 questions :)
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: B
>> Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 9:08 AM
>> To: Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Wolfe, Emma; Snyder, Thomas
>> Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; Kadushin, Peter
>> Subject: Re: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
>> I'm cool. I'm actually quite current with both the Mets and the Red Sox and their rosters. And I
have informed opinions to share... :)
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Hagelgans, Andrea
>> Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 09:05 AM
>> To: B; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Wolfe, Emma; Snyder, Thomas
>> Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com' <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>; Kadushin, Peter
>> Subject: RE: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
>> Sir,
>> In thinking about the discussion last night about authenticity and relatability, we've kicked around
having you do some sports radio if you are "game" for it (nice pun, right!) as we head into the 3 game
series. Pulling together recommendations and will send shortly for your review. Of course, if it's a no-go
with schedule we understand.
>> Thanks,
>> Andrea
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: B
>> Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2015 11:45 AM
>> To: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen; Wolfe, Emma; Snyder, Thomas
>> Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
>> Subject: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
>> Guess I got your attention! :)  Since I didn't get to go visit family in new england before labor day
(my original plan), the remainder of my summer vacation will happen at Citi Field. Chirlane, Chiara will
go to the Mets/Red Sox game Friday night -- in very cheap seats. I will go the Sat game with queens
bp melinda katz. I will go to the sunday game with queens councilmembers. I'm certain the media will
conclude I have no work ethic and don't care about the serious work of being mayor. And I wish I was
joking, but I'm not entirely. Oh and I'm a red sox fan. So it may be a comms weekend disaster. And I'm
used to it. If anyone wants to comment, feel free
From: Hinton, Karen
To: Kadushin, Peter
Cc: Hagelgans, Andrea; Wolfe, Emma; Walzak, Phil; Snyder, Thomas; jfdc@akpdmedia.com;
Subject: Re: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
Date: Saturday, August 29, 2015 7:42:19 PM

Minus mayor

I'm not the expert on baseball moments. But should we be tweeting about mets?! I can.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Aug 29, 2015, at 4:07 PM, B <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

> So here's another example of why I don't get to let go enough of details -- even though I'd REALLY
like to. NOT ONE of you has put 2 +2 together: if I visited with the Red Sox during batting practice last
night and the Mets didn't take BP, then we're in harm's way. So today after the game or tmrw before, I
should visit with the Mets. I am happy to show my support -- can do with a full heart. Otherwise, I'm
not doing my job. Pls fix this NOW
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Kadushin, Peter
> Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 05:22 PM
> To: B
> Cc: Hagelgans, Andrea; Wolfe, Emma; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas;
jfdc@akpdmedia.com <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com
> Subject: Re: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
> Sir,
> The booth didn't work and we were considering Francesa as an alternate option in advance of the
> We discussed and recommend bringing Lemire along Sunday. This gives him the opportunity to talk
baseball and experience a game with you, while seeing you interact with other electeds over baseball.
> Peter
>> On Aug 28, 2015, at 3:56 PM, B <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>> Fine re: Lemire, but since this is a family evening, could we keep it to one inning? Also, I thought
you were considering me stopping by the play-by-play booth for a half-inning -- not Francesca's show
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Hagelgans, Andrea
>> Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 03:11 PM
>> To: Kadushin, Peter; B; Wolfe, Emma; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas
>> Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com' <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
>> Subject: RE: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
>> Strategic reasons for recommending this route:
>> 1) allows us to showcase your fun side in an outlet that tends to drive coverage both on broadcast
and beyond NYC
>> 2) will help us nestle the news of 3 games (which you note will cause the world to collapse for
some) and position you as a very relatable "sports fanatic" .  This is not about reaction to anticipated
tabloid fodder, but more about making sure we always have the upper hand
>> 3) reporter is low key and will abide by ground rules
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Kadushin, Peter
>> Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 3:07 PM
>> To: B; Wolfe, Emma; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas
>> Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
>> Subject: RE: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
>> Sir,
>> We decided against doing sports radio because Mike Francesa's show is live from a bar with
somewhat out of control crowd.
>> Alternatively, we could invite Jon Lemire and let him sit with you for about 3 innings. It would be a
conversation focused on baseball and would get result in wide circulation.
>> Are you interested in this route?
>> Peter
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: B
>> Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 12:31 PM
>> To: Wolfe, Emma; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas
>> Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; Kadushin, Peter
>> Subject: Re: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
>> I agree entirely
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Wolfe, Emma
>> Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 12:29 PM
>> To: B; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas
>> Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com' <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>; Kadushin, Peter
>> Subject: RE: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
>> He shouldn't have been in the game. I blame mcnamara.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: B
>> Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 12:28 PM
>> To: Wolfe, Emma; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas
>> Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; Kadushin, Peter
>> Subject: Re: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
>> Happy to do it. And Emma, I've been prepared for questions/comments/taunts about 1986 since...
1986. I was in a bar on Prince Street when the ball went thru Buckner's legs... I remember it like it was
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Wolfe, Emma
>> Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 11:12 AM
>> To: B; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas
>> Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com' <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>; Kadushin, Peter
>> Subject: RE: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
>> And make sure you're prepared for the 1986 questions :)
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: B
>> Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 9:08 AM
>> To: Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Wolfe, Emma; Snyder, Thomas
>> Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; Kadushin, Peter
>> Subject: Re: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
>> I'm cool. I'm actually quite current with both the Mets and the Red Sox and their rosters. And I
have informed opinions to share... :)
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Hagelgans, Andrea
>> Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 09:05 AM
>> To: B; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Wolfe, Emma; Snyder, Thomas
>> Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com' <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>; Kadushin, Peter
>> Subject: RE: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
>> Sir,
>> In thinking about the discussion last night about authenticity and relatability, we've kicked around
having you do some sports radio if you are "game" for it (nice pun, right!) as we head into the 3 game
series. Pulling together recommendations and will send shortly for your review. Of course, if it's a no-go
with schedule we understand.
>> Thanks,
>> Andrea
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: B
>> Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2015 11:45 AM
>> To: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen; Wolfe, Emma; Snyder, Thomas
>> Cc: 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
>> Subject: Earth-shaking comms disaster in the making...
>> Guess I got your attention! :)  Since I didn't get to go visit family in new england before labor day
(my original plan), the remainder of my summer vacation will happen at Citi Field. Chirlane, Chiara will
go to the Mets/Red Sox game Friday night -- in very cheap seats. I will go the Sat game with queens
bp melinda katz. I will go to the sunday game with queens councilmembers. I'm certain the media will
conclude I have no work ethic and don't care about the serious work of being mayor. And I wish I was
joking, but I'm not entirely. Oh and I'm a red sox fan. So it may be a comms weekend disaster. And I'm
used to it. If anyone wants to comment, feel free
From: Kadushin, Peter
To: Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Wolfe, Emma; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas; jfdc@akpdmedia.com;
Cc: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: FW: MINI SCHEDULE - Sunday, August 30, 2015
Date: Saturday, August 29, 2015 7:55:37 PM

So everyone is in the loop:

We worked out having him go on-field for warm ups. He will arrive at noon, be escorted to home plate,
and spend time on the field.

I will handle Lemire and expect to bring him over around the 3rd inning and let them spend 2-3 innings
together. This will give the Mayor some time to settle into the game and speak with Queens electeds
before bringing Lemire over.

Lemme know if there are any questions.


From: OOM MIS <pkadushin@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2015 19:49:22 -0400
To: Mayor <bccd@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca" <PSalazar-
Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov>, FLONYC <FLONYC@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Schustek, Andrew" <aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: MINI SCHEDULE - Sunday, August 30, 2015


If we get you there at noon, we can have you escorted near home plate and maximize your on-field time.

I agree that this will feel less rushed than 12:30 for a 1 p.m. start.

From: Mayor <bccd@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2015 19:38:43 -0400
To: OOM MIS <pkadushin@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca" <PSalazar-
Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov>, FLONYC <FLONYC@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Schustek, Andrew" <aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: MINI SCHEDULE - Sunday, August 30, 2015

Excellent. Now is that early enough to connect with the players? It's very important that I just focus
on the Mets and have ample time to connect with them. If I need to get their earlier I will

From: Kadushin, Peter
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2015 07:34 PM
To: B; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; FLONYC
Cc: Schustek, Andrew
Subject: Re: MINI SCHEDULE - Sunday, August 30, 2015

We've arranged for you to have some time on the field during the Mets warm ups tomorrow.  Worked with
Andrew and Redmond to get it set up and we’ve got you arriving at 12:30 and being escorted directly to
the field.

Will coordinate with Prisca to ensure it is reflected on the schedule.


From: Mayor <bccd@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2015 19:18:10 -0400
To: "Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca" <PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov>, FLONYC
Cc: OOM MIS <pkadushin@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Schustek, Andrew" <aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: MINI SCHEDULE - Sunday, August 30, 2015

Pls note that the comms team is working on getting me to the ballpark early to spend time greeting
the Mets during their warm-ups. So pls lock down that timing and send revised sched

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 07:21 PM
Subject: MINI SCHEDULE - Sunday, August 30, 2015
Sunday, August 30, 2015
WEATHER:           Hi of 92.  Low of 74.  Partly Cloudy
ATTIRE:                 Casual
NOTES:                 -YOU have 30 mins. to change at the gym
                                Travel Time:       30 mins
                                Notes:  YOU call Prisca
11:00 - 12:00       WORKOUT
                                Location:              357 9th Street
                                Travel Time:      30 mins.
                               Notes:  YOU Call Tony
                                Travel Time:  1 Hrs.
                                Dial In #         
                                Code #:           
5:45 - 7:45            SOFTBALL PRACTICE
                                Location:              Prospect Park/Long Meadow Field #5
8:00 - 10:00        
No Scheduled Press Conference
7:30 – 9:30          
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
To: John Del Cecato; Hinton, Karen
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; Walzak, Phil; Shorris, Anthony; Snyder, Thomas; Marti Adams Baker
Subject: Re: Homeless camp walk through and comms proposals
Date: Saturday, August 29, 2015 10:03:27 PM

Umm there are about 20 dsnudas v 3000 street homeless

I do think part of this response is an unsaid concern over many cameras there. We may
want to pool or limit to our digital team

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: John Del Cecato
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2015 9:56 PM
To: Hinton, Karen
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Shorris, Anthony; Snyder, Thomas; Marti Adams
Subject: Re: Homeless camp walk through and comms proposals

If we can rid Times Square of desnudas without having them return, surely we can
do the same with people who are not mentally ill and are still refusing shelter. 

On Aug 29, 2015, at 9:36 PM, Hinton, Karen <KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

What worries me is we have no way of moving the homeless off the

streets, except to arrest them and put them through the jail, hospital,
shelter, street cycle — which Guliani and Bloomberg used to reduce their

When it starts to get cold, the problem just moves to the subways. We
can arrest them there, but is that the plan?

There may be a humane plan in the making about street homeless, and I
don’t know about it. If there is, we should start talking about it, a long
with busting up encampments. 

Talking about real solutions also will help mitigate the Mayor’s concern
about seeming uncaring. 

Karen Hinton
Press Secretary
Follow Me On Twitter @KarenHinton
From: "'jfdc@akpdmedia. com'" <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>
Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2015 01:23:27 +0000
To: Jonathan Rosen <jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Andrea Hagelgans <AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Phil Walzak
<PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Thomas Synder <TSnyder@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Marti
Adams <MAdams@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Karen Hinton <khinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Tony
Shorris <AShorris@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: Homeless camp walk through and comms proposals

Reducing thread and adding Tony.  I think we should do it.  

I'll irritate everyone by referencing Tompkins Square Park.  Tony - this

AM - there were 7 people sleeping in the main grassy area at 7am - so a
5-person reduction from Friday at the same time - but still feels out of

I know Ginia Belafonte had a thoughtful column this AM - but I don't

think it represents the vast majority of New Yorkers, who believe
homelessness is a quality of life issue, and is getting way out of hand. 

On Aug 29, 2015, at 9:10 PM, B <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

An excellent plan for the week! Well done

Two concerns:

1. As you know, Chirlane will continue to "head up" mental health (I've
cc'ed her and her team here). She will effectively be the Chair of and chief
spokesperson for all we do on this topic for the duration. Richard will
head the Mental Health Cabinet, meaning the actual day-to-day
coordination amongst all the agencies, which requires a deputy mayor's
involvement. Pls make sure this is crystal clear in the roll-out

2. The broad idea of the encampment event makes sense to me, but
don't wrong it could really backfire. I've cc'ed Rosen and Del Cecato for
this piece. The danger here is that it will be interpreted wrongly as an
attack on the homeless -- which I would never be party to.

Our problem is that as a team we have all (led by me) absolutely sucked at
laying down the predicate on this issue. If over the last two months we
had set the record straight effectively, this effort re: the encampment
would have seemed natural and smooth. In the absence of framing, it
could really come across as desperate and over-the-top.

I really want to hear with jonathan and john think -- especially Jonathan
because of his long experience on this issue. And I really don't want to
alienate our true friends and allies on this issue. So if we can do this right,
contextualize it right, explain it right and inhibit media sensationalism, I'm
all in.

If not, we should consider having officials other than me and BB do this,

and then I speak to it after. Pls discuss without me on the thread and
come back with a rec. Thanks

From: Hagelgans, Andrea
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2015 08:06 PM
To: B
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Snyder, Thomas; Zuniga,
Andrea; Leopold, Elana; Adams Baker, Marti; Kadushin, Peter; Hinton, Karen

Subject: Homeless camp walk through and comms proposals

Wanted to follow up with you directly on communications proposals for
Monday and provide a holistic overview of the week. Know that you’ll
then discuss with Front Office and make determinations. If you hate this
format, I apologize and will re-configure.
Homeless Encampment Clean Up Operation
Date: Monday, August 30th at 11am
Location: 150th Street & St. Ann’s Avenue (south end)– Rae Street &
Hegney Place (north end)
· YOU walk with representatives of DHS, DSNY, MOCJ, NYPD, Boom!
Health (community service partner) to assess an encampment
that is scheduled to be cleaned out this Thursday. There are
approximately 12-15 individuals at this site all day long. Debris,
including needles and trash, on the ground with tents built up.
We are inviting the PC to join.
· We anticipate inviting tier 1 print and TV photographers to cover
your visit and plan to pre-position them along the encampment,
pending our walk through of the site,  to cover you walking the
ground flanked by folks and being briefed.
· YOU then are pulled to the side to provide a brief topper to
cameras—what you just witnessed and what we are doing about
it. We are also inviting the PC.
· 3-5 on-topic questions only. No off topic
· We issue a press release on the encampment work, framing it as
YOU assessing the situation and ordering sites be cleaned and
enforced. Media will be told that this site will be cleared on
Thursday and we expect they will return to watch.
NOTE: You raised earlier the concern about cameras and the spontaneous
atmosphere of these walks. We believe that to maximize this opportunity
we should have TV-cameras there, but based on your feedback we can
limit to just still photogs and no avail. Nothing has been pitched at this
Daily News op-ed with homeless focus will run tomorrow
Pre-K Education Twitter Chat
Date: Monday, August 30th, time TBD with scheduling
Location: wherever
· YOU conduct a 10-15 minute twitter chat aimed at parents on the
start of school next week.
· Focus is pre-K.
· Could possibly get a question about some of the schools
determined not ready to be opened. Answers will be prepped for
you. This is our opportunity to have you begin to reach New
Yorkers directly rather than through press conferences.
Weekly Communications
Press avail – 2 in community (Bronx homeless encampment walk
w/gaggle; affordable housing press conference)
Radio- 2 (Lehrer and Martinez)
Non-traditional -1 (twitter chat)
Off Topic -- 2 (Tuesday Lehrer; Thursday press conference)
Priority Buckets
Housing -- (Thurs- Press Conference) Tenant Harassment Bill Signing –
will be in a community determined by IGA
Education – (Monday- Twitter) Pre-K/Education focused twitter chat with
parents;  (Wednesday/Thursday- Tentative) 10 minute Angie Martinez
Mental Health—(Tuesday- pitch/press release) Announcement of DM
Buery heading up mental health (he will do interviews all week to amplify
including Inside City Hall)
Quality of Life – (Monday- gaggle) Encampment walk with agencies;
(Wed-remarks) bill hearings and signings; (Wednesday- Tentative) – K2
message moment
Miscellaneous that will be news ---
Monday – City lottery of Pope tickets--  exclusive with follow up
interviews by senior admin and possibly you giving soundbites
Monday- US Open – remarks and photos
Thursday- Hispanic Federation Meeting  -- readout or pitched piece
Andrea Hagelgans
Office of the Mayor
Direct – 212.341.5372
Cell – 718.679.8965
From: Shorris, Anthony
To: John Del Cecato
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Snyder, Thomas; Adams Baker, Marti; Hinton, Karen
Subject: Re: Homeless camp walk through and comms proposals
Date: Saturday, August 29, 2015 11:17:01 PM

If we are planning an event to tell the world about some new tools we have in place
to help homeless folks, then I think it's fine.  If what we are doing is "cracking
down" on groups of poor, mentally-ill people with nowhere else to go, then it's not.
 And if all we are really planning to do is chase troubled people from one place to
another, then we're no better than Giuliani.  I have not heard about any new
programmatic initiatives here -- until we have them, I don't think we're ready to go.

Anthony E. Shorris
First Deputy Mayor
City of New York
City Hall
New York, NY 10007

On Aug 29, 2015, at 9:23 PM, John Del Cecato <jfdc@akpdmedia.com> wrote:

Reducing thread and adding Tony.  I think we should do it.  

I'll irritate everyone by referencing Tompkins Square Park.  Tony - this

AM - there were 7 people sleeping in the main grassy area at 7am - so a
5-person reduction from Friday at the same time - but still feels out of

I know Ginia Belafonte had a thoughtful column this AM - but I don't

think it represents the vast majority of New Yorkers, who believe
homelessness is a quality of life issue, and is getting way out of hand. 

On Aug 29, 2015, at 9:10 PM, B <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

An excellent plan for the week! Well done

Two concerns:

1. As you know, Chirlane will continue to "head up" mental health (I've
cc'ed her and her team here). She will effectively be the Chair of and chief
spokesperson for all we do on this topic for the duration. Richard will
head the Mental Health Cabinet, meaning the actual day-to-day
coordination amongst all the agencies, which requires a deputy mayor's
involvement. Pls make sure this is crystal clear in the roll-out

2. The broad idea of the encampment event makes sense to me, but
don't wrong it could really backfire. I've cc'ed Rosen and Del Cecato for
this piece. The danger here is that it will be interpreted wrongly as an
attack on the homeless -- which I would never be party to.

Our problem is that as a team we have all (led by me) absolutely sucked at
laying down the predicate on this issue. If over the last two months we
had set the record straight effectively, this effort re: the encampment
would have seemed natural and smooth. In the absence of framing, it
could really come across as desperate and over-the-top.

I really want to hear with jonathan and john think -- especially Jonathan
because of his long experience on this issue. And I really don't want to
alienate our true friends and allies on this issue. So if we can do this right,
contextualize it right, explain it right and inhibit media sensationalism, I'm
all in.

If not, we should consider having officials other than me and BB do this,

and then I speak to it after. Pls discuss without me on the thread and
come back with a rec. Thanks

From: Hagelgans, Andrea
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2015 08:06 PM
To: B
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Snyder, Thomas; Zuniga,
Andrea; Leopold, Elana; Adams Baker, Marti; Kadushin, Peter; Hinton, Karen

Subject: Homeless camp walk through and comms proposals

Wanted to follow up with you directly on communications proposals for
Monday and provide a holistic overview of the week. Know that you’ll
then discuss with Front Office and make determinations. If you hate this
format, I apologize and will re-configure.
Homeless Encampment Clean Up Operation
Date: Monday, August 30th at 11am
Location: 150th Street & St. Ann’s Avenue (south end)– Rae Street &
Hegney Place (north end)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->YOU walk with
representatives of DHS, DSNY, MOCJ, NYPD, Boom! Health
(community service partner) to assess an encampment that is
scheduled to be cleaned out this Thursday. There are
approximately 12-15 individuals at this site all day long. Debris,
including needles and trash, on the ground with tents built up.
We are inviting the PC to join.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->We anticipate inviting tier 1
print and TV photographers to cover your visit and plan to pre-
position them along the encampment, pending our walk through
of the site,  to cover you walking the ground flanked by folks and
being briefed.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->YOU then are pulled to the
side to provide a brief topper to cameras—what you just
witnessed and what we are doing about it. We are also inviting
the PC.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->3-5 on-topic questions only.
No off topic
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->We issue a press release on
the encampment work, framing it as YOU assessing the situation
and ordering sites be cleaned and enforced. Media will be told
that this site will be cleared on Thursday and we expect they will
return to watch.
NOTE: You raised earlier the concern about cameras and the spontaneous
atmosphere of these walks. We believe that to maximize this opportunity
we should have TV-cameras there, but based on your feedback we can
limit to just still photogs and no avail. Nothing has been pitched at this
Daily News op-ed with homeless focus will run tomorrow
Pre-K Education Twitter Chat
Date: Monday, August 30th, time TBD with scheduling
Location: wherever
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->YOU conduct a 10-15 minute
twitter chat aimed at parents on the start of school next week.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Focus is pre-K.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Could possibly get a question
about some of the schools determined not ready to be opened.
Answers will be prepped for you. This is our opportunity to have
you begin to reach New Yorkers directly rather than through press
Weekly Communications
Press avail – 2 in community (Bronx homeless encampment walk
w/gaggle; affordable housing press conference)
Radio- 2 (Lehrer and Martinez)
Non-traditional -1 (twitter chat)
Off Topic -- 2 (Tuesday Lehrer; Thursday press conference)
Priority Buckets
Housing -- (Thurs- Press Conference) Tenant Harassment Bill Signing –
will be in a community determined by IGA
Education – (Monday- Twitter) Pre-K/Education focused twitter chat with
parents;  (Wednesday/Thursday- Tentative) 10 minute Angie Martinez
Mental Health—(Tuesday- pitch/press release) Announcement of DM
Buery heading up mental health (he will do interviews all week to amplify
including Inside City Hall)
Quality of Life – (Monday- gaggle) Encampment walk with agencies;
(Wed-remarks) bill hearings and signings; (Wednesday- Tentative) – K2
message moment
Miscellaneous that will be news ---
Monday – City lottery of Pope tickets--  exclusive with follow up
interviews by senior admin and possibly you giving soundbites
Monday- US Open – remarks and photos
Thursday- Hispanic Federation Meeting  -- readout or pitched piece
Andrea Hagelgans
Office of the Mayor
Direct – 212.341.5372
Cell – 718.679.8965

Subject: Mayor
Date: Sunday, August 30, 2015 12:16:08 PM

Want to apologize for the mix up on Friday regarding the scheduled call with the Mayor.
Am looking to reschedule this call very shorty.

From: Walzak, Phil
To: Hagelgans, Andrea; John Del Cecato; Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Hinton, Karen; Shorris, Anthony; Snyder, Thomas; Marti Adams Baker
Subject: Re: Homeless camp walk through and comms proposals
Date: Sunday, August 30, 2015 1:42:23 PM


Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2015 1:41 PM
To: John Del Cecato; Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Shorris, Anthony; Snyder, Thomas; Marti Adams Baker
Subject: Re: Homeless camp walk through and comms proposals

In terms of presence
I kathryn garcia- dsny
Gilbert Taylor I dhs
Oneill or fox and local precinct-nypd
Community provider

I prefer no mocj since PD plays the visible role on enforcement

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: John Del Cecato
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2015 1:36 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen; Shorris, Anthony; Snyder, Thomas; Marti Adams
Subject: Re: Homeless camp walk through and comms proposals

Me too

On Aug 30, 2015, at 1:36 PM, Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:


Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 30, 2015, at 1:34 PM, Walzak, Phil <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>


Why don't we pitch this as a NYDN Exclu - reporter + fotag

Clear out encampments and DHS and Boom to connect services to
people - get a big pg 2 spread and then we can move that around
and prep for the inevitable follow up

Comes off of our oped and NYT story and also prempts any qol stuff
they have

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2015 12:28 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: John Del Cecato; Hinton, Karen; Walzak, Phil; Shorris, Anthony; Snyder,
Thomas; Marti Adams Baker
Subject: Re: Homeless camp walk through and comms proposals

I like jonathan's ideas. That won't be ready for tomorrow,


Should we pull and re-tool to get both pieces? Last time he worried
we looked weak on enforcement so i'm just not clear on his desire
and our ultimate goal other than to show him in control

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2015 11:37 AM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: John Del Cecato; Hinton, Karen; Walzak, Phil; Shorris, Anthony; Snyder,
Thomas; Marti Adams Baker
Subject: Re: Homeless camp walk through and comms proposals

Thanks. Boom health- a service provider to assist these folks- is

scheduled to be there tomorrow

I'm not getting a clear sense of a recommendation to give him.

Others? I have to tell him our reco around 2/3 today

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Jonathan Rosen
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2015 7:51 AM
To: Hagelgans, Andrea
Cc: John Del Cecato; Hinton, Karen; Walzak, Phil; Shorris, Anthony; Snyder,
Thomas; Marti Adams Baker
Subject: Re: Homeless camp walk through and comms proposals

Couple of thoughts / questions:

When he tours is it a big outreach push to get these guys in
shelter?   I assume we are not going in there and just busting
people up hence all the agencies and outreach partners?

Could we also couple if with him going out on an overall

outreach tour in same neighborhood with the folks who talk
people off the street?

More him spending a night hands on the problem talking

people into shelter with this as a piece and less what could be
perceived as punitive narrative Tony and I think we all want to

Still sends a signal against encampments etc.  maybe do it

just with daily news and no tv to start?  

Sent from my iPad

On Aug 29, 2015, at 10:03 PM, "Hagelgans, Andrea"

<AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Umm there are about 20 dsnudas v 3000 street


I do think part of this response is an unsaid concern

over many cameras there. We may want to pool or limit
to our digital team

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: John Del Cecato
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2015 9:56 PM
To: Hinton, Karen
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Shorris,
Anthony; Snyder, Thomas; Marti Adams Baker
Subject: Re: Homeless camp walk through and comms

If we can rid Times Square of desnudas without

having them return, surely we can do the same
with people who are not mentally ill and are still
refusing shelter. 

On Aug 29, 2015, at 9:36 PM, Hinton, Karen

<KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

What worries me is we have no way of

moving the homeless off the streets,
except to arrest them and put them
through the jail, hospital, shelter, street
cycle — which Guliani and Bloomberg
used to reduce their visibility.

When it starts to get cold, the problem

just moves to the subways. We can
arrest them there, but is that the plan?

There may be a humane plan in the

making about street homeless, and I
don’t know about it. If there is, we
should start talking about it, a long with
busting up encampments. 

Talking about real solutions also will

help mitigate the Mayor’s concern about
seeming uncaring. 

Karen Hinton
Press Secretary
Follow Me On Twitter @KarenHinton

From: "'jfdc@akpdmedia. com'"

Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2015 01:23:27 +0000
To: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Andrea Hagelgans
<AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Phil Walzak
<PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Thomas Synder
<TSnyder@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Marti Adams
<MAdams@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Karen Hinton
<khinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Tony Shorris
Subject: Re: Homeless camp walk through and
comms proposals

Reducing thread and adding Tony.  I

think we should do it.  

I'll irritate everyone by referencing

Tompkins Square Park.  Tony - this AM -
there were 7 people sleeping in the
main grassy area at 7am - so a 5-
person reduction from Friday at the
same time - but still feels out of

I know Ginia Belafonte had a thoughtful

column this AM - but I don't think it
represents the vast majority of New
Yorkers, who believe homelessness is a
quality of life issue, and is getting way
out of hand. 

On Aug 29, 2015, at 9:10 PM, B

<BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

An excellent plan for the week!

Well done

Two concerns:

1. As you know, Chirlane will

continue to "head up" mental
health (I've cc'ed her and her
team here). She will effectively be
the Chair of and chief
spokesperson for all we do on this
topic for the duration. Richard will
head the Mental Health Cabinet,
meaning the actual day-to-day
coordination amongst all the
agencies, which requires a deputy
mayor's involvement. Pls make
sure this is crystal clear in the roll-

2. The broad idea of the

encampment event makes sense
to me, but don't wrong it could
really backfire. I've cc'ed Rosen
and Del Cecato for this piece. The
danger here is that it will be
interpreted wrongly as an attack
on the homeless -- which I would
never be party to.

Our problem is that as a team we

have all (led by me) absolutely
sucked at laying down the
predicate on this issue. If over the
last two months we had set the
record straight effectively, this
effort re: the encampment would
have seemed natural and smooth.
In the absence of framing, it could
really come across as desperate
and over-the-top.

I really want to hear with jonathan

and john think -- especially
Jonathan because of his long
experience on this issue. And I
really don't want to alienate our
true friends and allies on this
issue. So if we can do this right,
contextualize it right, explain it
right and inhibit media
sensationalism, I'm all in.

If not, we should consider having

officials other than me and BB do
this, and then I speak to it after.
Pls discuss without me on the
thread and come back with a rec.

From: Hagelgans, Andrea
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2015
08:06 PM
To: B
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Salazar-
Rodriguez, Prisca; Snyder, Thomas;
Zuniga, Andrea; Leopold, Elana;
Adams Baker, Marti; Kadushin,
Peter; Hinton, Karen
Subject: Homeless camp walk
through and comms proposals
Wanted to follow up with you
directly on communications
proposals for Monday and provide
a holistic overview of the week.
Know that you’ll then discuss with
Front Office and make
determinations. If you hate this
format, I apologize and will re-
Homeless Encampment Clean Up
Date: Monday, August 30th at
Location: 150th Street & St. Ann’s
Avenue (south end)– Rae Street &
Hegney Place (north end)
· YOU walk with
representatives of DHS,
Boom! Health (community
service partner) to assess
an encampment that is
scheduled to be cleaned
out this Thursday. There
are approximately 12-15
individuals at this site all
day long. Debris, including
needles and trash, on the
ground with tents built
up. We are inviting the PC
to join.
· We anticipate inviting tier
1 print and TV
photographers to cover
your visit and plan to pre-
position them along the
encampment, pending our
walk through of the site,
 to cover you walking the
ground flanked by folks
and being briefed.
· YOU then are pulled to the
side to provide a brief
topper to cameras—what
you just witnessed and
what we are doing about
it. We are also inviting the
· 3-5 on-topic questions
only. No off topic
· We issue a press release
on the encampment work,
framing it as YOU
assessing the situation
and ordering sites be
cleaned and enforced.
Media will be told that
this site will be cleared on
Thursday and we expect
they will return to watch.
NOTE: You raised earlier the
concern about cameras and the
spontaneous atmosphere of these
walks. We believe that to
maximize this opportunity we
should have TV-cameras there,
but based on your feedback we
can limit to just still photogs and
no avail. Nothing has been
pitched at this time.
Daily News op-ed with homeless
focus will run tomorrow
Pre-K Education Twitter Chat
Date: Monday, August 30th, time
TBD with scheduling
Location: wherever
· YOU conduct a 10-15
minute twitter chat aimed
at parents on the start of
school next week.
· Focus is pre-K.
· Could possibly get a
question about some of
the schools determined
not ready to be opened.
Answers will be prepped
for you. This is our
opportunity to have you
begin to reach New
Yorkers directly rather
than through press
Weekly Communications
Press avail – 2 in community
(Bronx homeless encampment
walk w/gaggle; affordable housing
press conference)
Radio- 2 (Lehrer and Martinez)
Non-traditional -1 (twitter chat)
Off Topic -- 2 (Tuesday Lehrer;
Thursday press conference)
Priority Buckets
Housing -- (Thurs- Press
Conference) Tenant Harassment
Bill Signing – will be in a
community determined by IGA
Education – (Monday- Twitter)
Pre-K/Education focused twitter
chat with parents; 
(Wednesday/Thursday- Tentative)
10 minute Angie Martinez
Mental Health—(Tuesday-
pitch/press release)
Announcement of DM Buery
heading up mental health (he will
do interviews all week to amplify
including Inside City Hall)
Quality of Life – (Monday- gaggle)
Encampment walk with agencies;
(Wed-remarks) bill hearings and
signings; (Wednesday- Tentative)
– K2 message moment
Miscellaneous that will be news --
Monday – City lottery of Pope
tickets--  exclusive with follow up
interviews by senior admin and
possibly you giving soundbites
Monday- US Open – remarks and
Thursday- Hispanic Federation
Meeting  -- readout or pitched
Andrea Hagelgans
Office of the Mayor
Direct – 212.341.5372
Cell – 718.679.8965
From: Snyder, Thomas
To: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; John Del Cecato; Hinton, Karen; Shorris, Anthony; Marti Adams Baker
Subject: Re: Homeless camp walk through and comms proposals
Date: Sunday, August 30, 2015 1:42:53 PM

Dig (Maynard G Krebs)

Sent from my iPad

On Aug 30, 2015, at 1:36 PM, Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:


Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 30, 2015, at 1:34 PM, Walzak, Phil <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>


Why don't we pitch this as a NYDN Exclu - reporter + fotag

Clear out encampments and DHS and Boom to connect services to

people - get a big pg 2 spread and then we can move that around
and prep for the inevitable follow up

Comes off of our oped and NYT story and also prempts any qol stuff
they have

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2015 12:28 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: John Del Cecato; Hinton, Karen; Walzak, Phil; Shorris, Anthony; Snyder,
Thomas; Marti Adams Baker
Subject: Re: Homeless camp walk through and comms proposals

I like jonathan's ideas. That won't be ready for tomorrow,


Should we pull and re-tool to get both pieces? Last time he worried
we looked weak on enforcement so i'm just not clear on his desire
and our ultimate goal other than to show him in control

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2015 11:37 AM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: John Del Cecato; Hinton, Karen; Walzak, Phil; Shorris, Anthony; Snyder,
Thomas; Marti Adams Baker
Subject: Re: Homeless camp walk through and comms proposals

Thanks. Boom health- a service provider to assist these folks- is

scheduled to be there tomorrow

I'm not getting a clear sense of a recommendation to give him.

Others? I have to tell him our reco around 2/3 today

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Jonathan Rosen
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2015 7:51 AM
To: Hagelgans, Andrea
Cc: John Del Cecato; Hinton, Karen; Walzak, Phil; Shorris, Anthony; Snyder,
Thomas; Marti Adams Baker
Subject: Re: Homeless camp walk through and comms proposals

Couple of thoughts / questions:

When he tours is it a big outreach push to get these guys in

shelter?   I assume we are not going in there and just busting
people up hence all the agencies and outreach partners?

Could we also couple if with him going out on an overall

outreach tour in same neighborhood with the folks who talk
people off the street?

More him spending a night hands on the problem talking

people into shelter with this as a piece and less what could be
perceived as punitive narrative Tony and I think we all want to

Still sends a signal against encampments etc.  maybe do it

just with daily news and no tv to start?  

Sent from my iPad

On Aug 29, 2015, at 10:03 PM, "Hagelgans, Andrea"

<AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Umm there are about 20 dsnudas v 3000 street


I do think part of this response is an unsaid concern

over many cameras there. We may want to pool or limit
to our digital team
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: John Del Cecato
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2015 9:56 PM
To: Hinton, Karen
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Shorris,
Anthony; Snyder, Thomas; Marti Adams Baker
Subject: Re: Homeless camp walk through and comms

If we can rid Times Square of desnudas without

having them return, surely we can do the same
with people who are not mentally ill and are still
refusing shelter. 

On Aug 29, 2015, at 9:36 PM, Hinton, Karen

<KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

What worries me is we have no way of

moving the homeless off the streets,
except to arrest them and put them
through the jail, hospital, shelter, street
cycle — which Guliani and Bloomberg
used to reduce their visibility.

When it starts to get cold, the problem

just moves to the subways. We can
arrest them there, but is that the plan?

There may be a humane plan in the

making about street homeless, and I
don’t know about it. If there is, we
should start talking about it, a long with
busting up encampments. 

Talking about real solutions also will

help mitigate the Mayor’s concern about
seeming uncaring. 

Karen Hinton
Press Secretary
Follow Me On Twitter @KarenHinton

From: "'jfdc@akpdmedia. com'"

Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2015 01:23:27 +0000
To: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Andrea Hagelgans
<AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Phil Walzak
<PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Thomas Synder
<TSnyder@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Marti Adams
<MAdams@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Karen Hinton
<khinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Tony Shorris
Subject: Re: Homeless camp walk through and
comms proposals

Reducing thread and adding Tony.  I

think we should do it.  

I'll irritate everyone by referencing

Tompkins Square Park.  Tony - this AM -
there were 7 people sleeping in the
main grassy area at 7am - so a 5-
person reduction from Friday at the
same time - but still feels out of

I know Ginia Belafonte had a thoughtful

column this AM - but I don't think it
represents the vast majority of New
Yorkers, who believe homelessness is a
quality of life issue, and is getting way
out of hand. 

On Aug 29, 2015, at 9:10 PM, B

<BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

An excellent plan for the week!

Well done

Two concerns:

1. As you know, Chirlane will

continue to "head up" mental
health (I've cc'ed her and her
team here). She will effectively be
the Chair of and chief
spokesperson for all we do on this
topic for the duration. Richard will
head the Mental Health Cabinet,
meaning the actual day-to-day
coordination amongst all the
agencies, which requires a deputy
mayor's involvement. Pls make
sure this is crystal clear in the roll-

2. The broad idea of the

encampment event makes sense
to me, but don't wrong it could
really backfire. I've cc'ed Rosen
and Del Cecato for this piece. The
danger here is that it will be
interpreted wrongly as an attack
on the homeless -- which I would
never be party to.

Our problem is that as a team we

have all (led by me) absolutely
sucked at laying down the
predicate on this issue. If over the
last two months we had set the
record straight effectively, this
effort re: the encampment would
have seemed natural and smooth.
In the absence of framing, it could
really come across as desperate
and over-the-top.

I really want to hear with jonathan

and john think -- especially
Jonathan because of his long
experience on this issue. And I
really don't want to alienate our
true friends and allies on this
issue. So if we can do this right,
contextualize it right, explain it
right and inhibit media
sensationalism, I'm all in.

If not, we should consider having

officials other than me and BB do
this, and then I speak to it after.
Pls discuss without me on the
thread and come back with a rec.

From: Hagelgans, Andrea
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2015
08:06 PM
To: B
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Salazar-
Rodriguez, Prisca; Snyder, Thomas;
Zuniga, Andrea; Leopold, Elana;
Adams Baker, Marti; Kadushin,
Peter; Hinton, Karen
Subject: Homeless camp walk
through and comms proposals
Wanted to follow up with you
directly on communications
proposals for Monday and provide
a holistic overview of the week.
Know that you’ll then discuss with
Front Office and make
determinations. If you hate this
format, I apologize and will re-
Homeless Encampment Clean Up
Date: Monday, August 30th at
Location: 150th Street & St. Ann’s
Avenue (south end)– Rae Street &
Hegney Place (north end)
· YOU walk with
representatives of DHS,
Boom! Health (community
service partner) to assess
an encampment that is
scheduled to be cleaned
out this Thursday. There
are approximately 12-15
individuals at this site all
day long. Debris, including
needles and trash, on the
ground with tents built
up. We are inviting the PC
to join.
· We anticipate inviting tier
1 print and TV
photographers to cover
your visit and plan to pre-
position them along the
encampment, pending our
walk through of the site,
 to cover you walking the
ground flanked by folks
and being briefed.
· YOU then are pulled to the
side to provide a brief
topper to cameras—what
you just witnessed and
what we are doing about
it. We are also inviting the
· 3-5 on-topic questions
only. No off topic
· We issue a press release
on the encampment work,
framing it as YOU
assessing the situation
and ordering sites be
cleaned and enforced.
Media will be told that
this site will be cleared on
Thursday and we expect
they will return to watch.
NOTE: You raised earlier the
concern about cameras and the
spontaneous atmosphere of these
walks. We believe that to
maximize this opportunity we
should have TV-cameras there,
but based on your feedback we
can limit to just still photogs and
no avail. Nothing has been
pitched at this time.
Daily News op-ed with homeless
focus will run tomorrow
Pre-K Education Twitter Chat
Date: Monday, August 30th, time
TBD with scheduling
Location: wherever
· YOU conduct a 10-15
minute twitter chat aimed
at parents on the start of
school next week.
· Focus is pre-K.
· Could possibly get a
question about some of
the schools determined
not ready to be opened.
Answers will be prepped
for you. This is our
opportunity to have you
begin to reach New
Yorkers directly rather
than through press
Weekly Communications
Press avail – 2 in community
(Bronx homeless encampment
walk w/gaggle; affordable housing
press conference)
Radio- 2 (Lehrer and Martinez)
Non-traditional -1 (twitter chat)
Off Topic -- 2 (Tuesday Lehrer;
Thursday press conference)
Priority Buckets
Housing -- (Thurs- Press
Conference) Tenant Harassment
Bill Signing – will be in a
community determined by IGA
Education – (Monday- Twitter)
Pre-K/Education focused twitter
chat with parents; 
(Wednesday/Thursday- Tentative)
10 minute Angie Martinez
Mental Health—(Tuesday-
pitch/press release)
Announcement of DM Buery
heading up mental health (he will
do interviews all week to amplify
including Inside City Hall)
Quality of Life – (Monday- gaggle)
Encampment walk with agencies;
(Wed-remarks) bill hearings and
signings; (Wednesday- Tentative)
– K2 message moment
Miscellaneous that will be news --
Monday – City lottery of Pope
tickets--  exclusive with follow up
interviews by senior admin and
possibly you giving soundbites
Monday- US Open – remarks and
Thursday- Hispanic Federation
Meeting  -- readout or pitched
Andrea Hagelgans
Office of the Mayor
Direct – 212.341.5372
Cell – 718.679.8965
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
To: Walzak, Phil; John Del Cecato; Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Hinton, Karen; Shorris, Anthony; Snyder, Thomas; Marti Adams Baker
Subject: Re: Homeless camp walk through and comms proposals
Date: Sunday, August 30, 2015 1:52:35 PM

Sorry and Mindy Tarlow since he likes her on these walks

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Walzak, Phil
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2015 1:42 PM
To: Hagelgans, Andrea; John Del Cecato; Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Hinton, Karen; Shorris, Anthony; Snyder, Thomas; Marti Adams Baker
Subject: Re: Homeless camp walk through and comms proposals


Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2015 1:41 PM
To: John Del Cecato; Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Shorris, Anthony; Snyder, Thomas; Marti Adams Baker
Subject: Re: Homeless camp walk through and comms proposals

In terms of presence
I kathryn garcia- dsny
Gilbert Taylor I dhs
Oneill or fox and local precinct-nypd
Community provider

I prefer no mocj since PD plays the visible role on enforcement

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: John Del Cecato
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2015 1:36 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen; Shorris, Anthony; Snyder, Thomas; Marti Adams
Subject: Re: Homeless camp walk through and comms proposals

Me too

On Aug 30, 2015, at 1:36 PM, Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:


Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 30, 2015, at 1:34 PM, Walzak, Phil <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>


Why don't we pitch this as a NYDN Exclu - reporter + fotag

Clear out encampments and DHS and Boom to connect services to

people - get a big pg 2 spread and then we can move that around
and prep for the inevitable follow up

Comes off of our oped and NYT story and also prempts any qol stuff
they have

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2015 12:28 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: John Del Cecato; Hinton, Karen; Walzak, Phil; Shorris, Anthony; Snyder,
Thomas; Marti Adams Baker
Subject: Re: Homeless camp walk through and comms proposals

I like jonathan's ideas. That won't be ready for tomorrow,


Should we pull and re-tool to get both pieces? Last time he worried
we looked weak on enforcement so i'm just not clear on his desire
and our ultimate goal other than to show him in control

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2015 11:37 AM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: John Del Cecato; Hinton, Karen; Walzak, Phil; Shorris, Anthony; Snyder,
Thomas; Marti Adams Baker
Subject: Re: Homeless camp walk through and comms proposals

Thanks. Boom health- a service provider to assist these folks- is

scheduled to be there tomorrow

I'm not getting a clear sense of a recommendation to give him.

Others? I have to tell him our reco around 2/3 today
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Jonathan Rosen
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2015 7:51 AM
To: Hagelgans, Andrea
Cc: John Del Cecato; Hinton, Karen; Walzak, Phil; Shorris, Anthony; Snyder,
Thomas; Marti Adams Baker
Subject: Re: Homeless camp walk through and comms proposals

Couple of thoughts / questions:

When he tours is it a big outreach push to get these guys in

shelter?   I assume we are not going in there and just busting
people up hence all the agencies and outreach partners?

Could we also couple if with him going out on an overall

outreach tour in same neighborhood with the folks who talk
people off the street?

More him spending a night hands on the problem talking

people into shelter with this as a piece and less what could be
perceived as punitive narrative Tony and I think we all want to

Still sends a signal against encampments etc.  maybe do it

just with daily news and no tv to start?  

Sent from my iPad

On Aug 29, 2015, at 10:03 PM, "Hagelgans, Andrea"

<AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Umm there are about 20 dsnudas v 3000 street


I do think part of this response is an unsaid concern

over many cameras there. We may want to pool or limit
to our digital team

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: John Del Cecato
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2015 9:56 PM
To: Hinton, Karen
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Shorris,
Anthony; Snyder, Thomas; Marti Adams Baker
Subject: Re: Homeless camp walk through and comms

If we can rid Times Square of desnudas without

having them return, surely we can do the same
with people who are not mentally ill and are still
refusing shelter. 

On Aug 29, 2015, at 9:36 PM, Hinton, Karen

<KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

What worries me is we have no way of

moving the homeless off the streets,
except to arrest them and put them
through the jail, hospital, shelter, street
cycle — which Guliani and Bloomberg
used to reduce their visibility.

When it starts to get cold, the problem

just moves to the subways. We can
arrest them there, but is that the plan?

There may be a humane plan in the

making about street homeless, and I
don’t know about it. If there is, we
should start talking about it, a long with
busting up encampments. 

Talking about real solutions also will

help mitigate the Mayor’s concern about
seeming uncaring. 

Karen Hinton
Press Secretary
Follow Me On Twitter @KarenHinton

From: "'jfdc@akpdmedia. com'"

Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2015 01:23:27 +0000
To: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Andrea Hagelgans
<AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Phil Walzak
<PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Thomas Synder
<TSnyder@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Marti Adams
<MAdams@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Karen Hinton
<khinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Tony Shorris
Subject: Re: Homeless camp walk through and
comms proposals

Reducing thread and adding Tony.  I

think we should do it.  

I'll irritate everyone by referencing

Tompkins Square Park.  Tony - this AM -
there were 7 people sleeping in the
main grassy area at 7am - so a 5-
person reduction from Friday at the
same time - but still feels out of

I know Ginia Belafonte had a thoughtful

column this AM - but I don't think it
represents the vast majority of New
Yorkers, who believe homelessness is a
quality of life issue, and is getting way
out of hand. 

On Aug 29, 2015, at 9:10 PM, B

<BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

An excellent plan for the week!

Well done

Two concerns:

1. As you know, Chirlane will

continue to "head up" mental
health (I've cc'ed her and her
team here). She will effectively be
the Chair of and chief
spokesperson for all we do on this
topic for the duration. Richard will
head the Mental Health Cabinet,
meaning the actual day-to-day
coordination amongst all the
agencies, which requires a deputy
mayor's involvement. Pls make
sure this is crystal clear in the roll-
2. The broad idea of the
encampment event makes sense
to me, but don't wrong it could
really backfire. I've cc'ed Rosen
and Del Cecato for this piece. The
danger here is that it will be
interpreted wrongly as an attack
on the homeless -- which I would
never be party to.

Our problem is that as a team we

have all (led by me) absolutely
sucked at laying down the
predicate on this issue. If over the
last two months we had set the
record straight effectively, this
effort re: the encampment would
have seemed natural and smooth.
In the absence of framing, it could
really come across as desperate
and over-the-top.

I really want to hear with jonathan

and john think -- especially
Jonathan because of his long
experience on this issue. And I
really don't want to alienate our
true friends and allies on this
issue. So if we can do this right,
contextualize it right, explain it
right and inhibit media
sensationalism, I'm all in.

If not, we should consider having

officials other than me and BB do
this, and then I speak to it after.
Pls discuss without me on the
thread and come back with a rec.

From: Hagelgans, Andrea
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2015
08:06 PM
To: B
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Salazar-
Rodriguez, Prisca; Snyder, Thomas;
Zuniga, Andrea; Leopold, Elana;
Adams Baker, Marti; Kadushin,
Peter; Hinton, Karen
Subject: Homeless camp walk
through and comms proposals
Wanted to follow up with you
directly on communications
proposals for Monday and provide
a holistic overview of the week.
Know that you’ll then discuss with
Front Office and make
determinations. If you hate this
format, I apologize and will re-
Homeless Encampment Clean Up
Date: Monday, August 30th at
Location: 150th Street & St. Ann’s
Avenue (south end)– Rae Street &
Hegney Place (north end)
· YOU walk with
representatives of DHS,
Boom! Health (community
service partner) to assess
an encampment that is
scheduled to be cleaned
out this Thursday. There
are approximately 12-15
individuals at this site all
day long. Debris, including
needles and trash, on the
ground with tents built
up. We are inviting the PC
to join.
· We anticipate inviting tier
1 print and TV
photographers to cover
your visit and plan to pre-
position them along the
encampment, pending our
walk through of the site,
 to cover you walking the
ground flanked by folks
and being briefed.
· YOU then are pulled to the
side to provide a brief
topper to cameras—what
you just witnessed and
what we are doing about
it. We are also inviting the
· 3-5 on-topic questions
only. No off topic
· We issue a press release
on the encampment work,
framing it as YOU
assessing the situation
and ordering sites be
cleaned and enforced.
Media will be told that
this site will be cleared on
Thursday and we expect
they will return to watch.
NOTE: You raised earlier the
concern about cameras and the
spontaneous atmosphere of these
walks. We believe that to
maximize this opportunity we
should have TV-cameras there,
but based on your feedback we
can limit to just still photogs and
no avail. Nothing has been
pitched at this time.
Daily News op-ed with homeless
focus will run tomorrow
Pre-K Education Twitter Chat
Date: Monday, August 30th, time
TBD with scheduling
Location: wherever
· YOU conduct a 10-15
minute twitter chat aimed
at parents on the start of
school next week.
· Focus is pre-K.
· Could possibly get a
question about some of
the schools determined
not ready to be opened.
Answers will be prepped
for you. This is our
opportunity to have you
begin to reach New
Yorkers directly rather
than through press
Weekly Communications
Press avail – 2 in community
(Bronx homeless encampment
walk w/gaggle; affordable housing
press conference)
Radio- 2 (Lehrer and Martinez)
Non-traditional -1 (twitter chat)
Off Topic -- 2 (Tuesday Lehrer;
Thursday press conference)
Priority Buckets
Housing -- (Thurs- Press
Conference) Tenant Harassment
Bill Signing – will be in a
community determined by IGA
Education – (Monday- Twitter)
Pre-K/Education focused twitter
chat with parents; 
(Wednesday/Thursday- Tentative)
10 minute Angie Martinez
Mental Health—(Tuesday-
pitch/press release)
Announcement of DM Buery
heading up mental health (he will
do interviews all week to amplify
including Inside City Hall)
Quality of Life – (Monday- gaggle)
Encampment walk with agencies;
(Wed-remarks) bill hearings and
signings; (Wednesday- Tentative)
– K2 message moment
Miscellaneous that will be news --
Monday – City lottery of Pope
tickets--  exclusive with follow up
interviews by senior admin and
possibly you giving soundbites
Monday- US Open – remarks and
Thursday- Hispanic Federation
Meeting  -- readout or pitched
Andrea Hagelgans
Office of the Mayor
Direct – 212.341.5372
Cell – 718.679.8965
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
To: Walzak, Phil; Snyder, Thomas; Jonathan Rosen
Cc: John Del Cecato; Hinton, Karen; Shorris, Anthony; Adams Baker, Marti
Subject: Re: Homeless camp walk through and comms proposals
Date: Sunday, August 30, 2015 1:56:07 PM

Yes- Maibe would pitch. She is offline till 3. I need mayor sign off first

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Walzak, Phil
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2015 1:55 PM
To: Snyder, Thomas; Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Hagelgans, Andrea; John Del Cecato; Hinton, Karen; Shorris, Anthony; Marti Adams Baker
Subject: Re: Homeless camp walk through and comms proposals

We shud do a full pitch tho to like fermino who I trust wud be fair and give the two of them
a little time together after to talk thru what is happenin/why impt

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Snyder, Thomas
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2015 1:42 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; John Del Cecato; Hinton, Karen; Shorris, Anthony; Marti Adams
Subject: Re: Homeless camp walk through and comms proposals

Dig (Maynard G Krebs)

Sent from my iPad

On Aug 30, 2015, at 1:36 PM, Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:


Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 30, 2015, at 1:34 PM, Walzak, Phil <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>


Why don't we pitch this as a NYDN Exclu - reporter + fotag

Clear out encampments and DHS and Boom to connect services to

people - get a big pg 2 spread and then we can move that around
and prep for the inevitable follow up

Comes off of our oped and NYT story and also prempts any qol stuff
they have
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2015 12:28 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: John Del Cecato; Hinton, Karen; Walzak, Phil; Shorris, Anthony; Snyder,
Thomas; Marti Adams Baker
Subject: Re: Homeless camp walk through and comms proposals

I like jonathan's ideas. That won't be ready for tomorrow,


Should we pull and re-tool to get both pieces? Last time he worried
we looked weak on enforcement so i'm just not clear on his desire
and our ultimate goal other than to show him in control

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2015 11:37 AM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: John Del Cecato; Hinton, Karen; Walzak, Phil; Shorris, Anthony; Snyder,
Thomas; Marti Adams Baker
Subject: Re: Homeless camp walk through and comms proposals

Thanks. Boom health- a service provider to assist these folks- is

scheduled to be there tomorrow

I'm not getting a clear sense of a recommendation to give him.

Others? I have to tell him our reco around 2/3 today

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Jonathan Rosen
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2015 7:51 AM
To: Hagelgans, Andrea
Cc: John Del Cecato; Hinton, Karen; Walzak, Phil; Shorris, Anthony; Snyder,
Thomas; Marti Adams Baker
Subject: Re: Homeless camp walk through and comms proposals

Couple of thoughts / questions:

When he tours is it a big outreach push to get these guys in

shelter?   I assume we are not going in there and just busting
people up hence all the agencies and outreach partners?

Could we also couple if with him going out on an overall

outreach tour in same neighborhood with the folks who talk
people off the street?

More him spending a night hands on the problem talking

people into shelter with this as a piece and less what could be
perceived as punitive narrative Tony and I think we all want to

Still sends a signal against encampments etc.  maybe do it

just with daily news and no tv to start?  

Sent from my iPad

On Aug 29, 2015, at 10:03 PM, "Hagelgans, Andrea"

<AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Umm there are about 20 dsnudas v 3000 street


I do think part of this response is an unsaid concern

over many cameras there. We may want to pool or limit
to our digital team

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: John Del Cecato
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2015 9:56 PM
To: Hinton, Karen
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Shorris,
Anthony; Snyder, Thomas; Marti Adams Baker
Subject: Re: Homeless camp walk through and comms

If we can rid Times Square of desnudas without

having them return, surely we can do the same
with people who are not mentally ill and are still
refusing shelter. 

On Aug 29, 2015, at 9:36 PM, Hinton, Karen

<KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

What worries me is we have no way of

moving the homeless off the streets,
except to arrest them and put them
through the jail, hospital, shelter, street
cycle — which Guliani and Bloomberg
used to reduce their visibility.

When it starts to get cold, the problem

just moves to the subways. We can
arrest them there, but is that the plan?
There may be a humane plan in the
making about street homeless, and I
don’t know about it. If there is, we
should start talking about it, a long with
busting up encampments. 

Talking about real solutions also will

help mitigate the Mayor’s concern about
seeming uncaring. 

Karen Hinton
Press Secretary
Follow Me On Twitter @KarenHinton

From: "'jfdc@akpdmedia. com'"

Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2015 01:23:27 +0000
To: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Andrea Hagelgans
<AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Phil Walzak
<PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Thomas Synder
<TSnyder@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Marti Adams
<MAdams@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Karen Hinton
<khinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Tony Shorris
Subject: Re: Homeless camp walk through and
comms proposals

Reducing thread and adding Tony.  I

think we should do it.  

I'll irritate everyone by referencing

Tompkins Square Park.  Tony - this AM -
there were 7 people sleeping in the
main grassy area at 7am - so a 5-
person reduction from Friday at the
same time - but still feels out of

I know Ginia Belafonte had a thoughtful

column this AM - but I don't think it
represents the vast majority of New
Yorkers, who believe homelessness is a
quality of life issue, and is getting way
out of hand. 

On Aug 29, 2015, at 9:10 PM, B

<BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

An excellent plan for the week!

Well done

Two concerns:

1. As you know, Chirlane will

continue to "head up" mental
health (I've cc'ed her and her
team here). She will effectively be
the Chair of and chief
spokesperson for all we do on this
topic for the duration. Richard will
head the Mental Health Cabinet,
meaning the actual day-to-day
coordination amongst all the
agencies, which requires a deputy
mayor's involvement. Pls make
sure this is crystal clear in the roll-

2. The broad idea of the

encampment event makes sense
to me, but don't wrong it could
really backfire. I've cc'ed Rosen
and Del Cecato for this piece. The
danger here is that it will be
interpreted wrongly as an attack
on the homeless -- which I would
never be party to.

Our problem is that as a team we

have all (led by me) absolutely
sucked at laying down the
predicate on this issue. If over the
last two months we had set the
record straight effectively, this
effort re: the encampment would
have seemed natural and smooth.
In the absence of framing, it could
really come across as desperate
and over-the-top.

I really want to hear with jonathan

and john think -- especially
Jonathan because of his long
experience on this issue. And I
really don't want to alienate our
true friends and allies on this
issue. So if we can do this right,
contextualize it right, explain it
right and inhibit media
sensationalism, I'm all in.

If not, we should consider having

officials other than me and BB do
this, and then I speak to it after.
Pls discuss without me on the
thread and come back with a rec.

From: Hagelgans, Andrea
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2015
08:06 PM
To: B
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Salazar-
Rodriguez, Prisca; Snyder, Thomas;
Zuniga, Andrea; Leopold, Elana;
Adams Baker, Marti; Kadushin,
Peter; Hinton, Karen
Subject: Homeless camp walk
through and comms proposals
Wanted to follow up with you
directly on communications
proposals for Monday and provide
a holistic overview of the week.
Know that you’ll then discuss with
Front Office and make
determinations. If you hate this
format, I apologize and will re-
Homeless Encampment Clean Up
Date: Monday, August 30th at
Location: 150th Street & St. Ann’s
Avenue (south end)– Rae Street &
Hegney Place (north end)
· YOU walk with
representatives of DHS,
Boom! Health (community
service partner) to assess
an encampment that is
scheduled to be cleaned
out this Thursday. There
are approximately 12-15
individuals at this site all
day long. Debris, including
needles and trash, on the
ground with tents built
up. We are inviting the PC
to join.
· We anticipate inviting tier
1 print and TV
photographers to cover
your visit and plan to pre-
position them along the
encampment, pending our
walk through of the site,
 to cover you walking the
ground flanked by folks
and being briefed.
· YOU then are pulled to the
side to provide a brief
topper to cameras—what
you just witnessed and
what we are doing about
it. We are also inviting the
· 3-5 on-topic questions
only. No off topic
· We issue a press release
on the encampment work,
framing it as YOU
assessing the situation
and ordering sites be
cleaned and enforced.
Media will be told that
this site will be cleared on
Thursday and we expect
they will return to watch.
NOTE: You raised earlier the
concern about cameras and the
spontaneous atmosphere of these
walks. We believe that to
maximize this opportunity we
should have TV-cameras there,
but based on your feedback we
can limit to just still photogs and
no avail. Nothing has been
pitched at this time.
Daily News op-ed with homeless
focus will run tomorrow
Pre-K Education Twitter Chat
Date: Monday, August 30th, time
TBD with scheduling
Location: wherever
· YOU conduct a 10-15
minute twitter chat aimed
at parents on the start of
school next week.
· Focus is pre-K.
· Could possibly get a
question about some of
the schools determined
not ready to be opened.
Answers will be prepped
for you. This is our
opportunity to have you
begin to reach New
Yorkers directly rather
than through press
Weekly Communications
Press avail – 2 in community
(Bronx homeless encampment
walk w/gaggle; affordable housing
press conference)
Radio- 2 (Lehrer and Martinez)
Non-traditional -1 (twitter chat)
Off Topic -- 2 (Tuesday Lehrer;
Thursday press conference)
Priority Buckets
Housing -- (Thurs- Press
Conference) Tenant Harassment
Bill Signing – will be in a
community determined by IGA
Education – (Monday- Twitter)
Pre-K/Education focused twitter
chat with parents; 
(Wednesday/Thursday- Tentative)
10 minute Angie Martinez
Mental Health—(Tuesday-
pitch/press release)
Announcement of DM Buery
heading up mental health (he will
do interviews all week to amplify
including Inside City Hall)
Quality of Life – (Monday- gaggle)
Encampment walk with agencies;
(Wed-remarks) bill hearings and
signings; (Wednesday- Tentative)
– K2 message moment
Miscellaneous that will be news --
Monday – City lottery of Pope
tickets--  exclusive with follow up
interviews by senior admin and
possibly you giving soundbites
Monday- US Open – remarks and
Thursday- Hispanic Federation
Meeting  -- readout or pitched
Andrea Hagelgans
Office of the Mayor
Direct – 212.341.5372
Cell – 718.679.8965
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
To: Ponet, Maibe; Walzak, Phil; Adams Baker, Marti; Parikh, Ishanee; Coney, Javon
Cc: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Snyder, Thomas; Zuniga, Andrea; Leopold, Elana; Kadushin, Peter; Hinton, Karen;
John, Roxanne; Bray, Jackie; White, Erin; "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"; "jfdc@akpdmedia.com"
Subject: Re: Homeless camp walk through and comms proposals
Date: Sunday, August 30, 2015 6:08:02 PM

Let's discuss tomorrow. PD said it wasn't that easy.

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Ponet, Maibe
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2015 6:07 PM
To: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Adams Baker, Marti; Parikh, Ishanee; Coney, Javon
Cc: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Snyder, Thomas; Zuniga, Andrea; Leopold, Elana; Kadushin, Peter;
Hinton, Karen; John, Roxanne; Bray, Jackie; White, Erin; 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com';
Subject: RE: Homeless camp walk through and comms proposals

We can announcd new shelter programming. Can we consider Thursday instead of

Wed, when encampment will be actually cleaned up? 

Sent via the Samsung GALAXY S® 5, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

-------- Original message --------

From: "Walzak, Phil" <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: 08/30/2015 17:41 (GMT-05:00)
To: "Hagelgans, Andrea" <AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Adams Baker, Marti"
<MAdams@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Ponet, Maibe" <MPonet@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Parikh,
Ishanee" <iparikh@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Coney, Javon" <JConey@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca" <PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Snyder,
Thomas" <TSnyder@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Zuniga, Andrea"
<AZuniga@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Leopold, Elana" <ELeopold@cityhall.nyc.gov>,
"Adams Baker, Marti" <MAdams@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Kadushin, Peter"
<pkadushin@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Hinton, Karen" <KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "John,
Roxanne" <RJohn@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Bray, Jackie" <JBray@cityhall.nyc.gov>,
"White, Erin" <EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'"
<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>, "'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'" <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>
Subject: Re: Homeless camp walk through and comms proposals

We just kinda did that

What other one-off homeless hits can we start getting into bloodstream? Is NYT nikita
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2015 5:34 PM
To: Adams Baker, Marti; Ponet, Maibe; Parikh, Ishanee; Coney, Javon
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Snyder, Thomas; Zuniga, Andrea; Leopold, Elana; Adams
Baker, Marti; Kadushin, Peter; Hinton, Karen; John, Roxanne; Bray, Jackie; White, Erin;
'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'
Subject: Re: Homeless camp walk through and comms proposals

- B and flonyc
I just spoke to him on the phone. He much favors this re-worked proposal with smaller
media footprint. He would prefer we frame our msg with an oped on homelessness to pop
the morning of the encampment visit so it doesn't feel disconnected from larger themes
Wants us to aim for wed visit.

No homeless thing tomorrow

Prisca- let us know about wed

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2015 4:21 PM
To: B
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Snyder, Thomas; Zuniga, Andrea; Leopold, Elana; Adams
Baker, Marti; Kadushin, Peter; Hinton, Karen; FLONYC; John, Roxanne; Bray, Jackie; White, Erin;
'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'
Subject: Re: Homeless camp walk through and comms proposals

The group consensus is that since we will have service providers who are doing outreach to
these clientele that we show a different approach than the past- enforcement and support
to work towards long-term, achievable solutions. 

However, we recommend scaling back to just Daily news photog and reporter (Jen fermino)
which limits media presence while achieving our goal of amplifying your oped today.

We would have the following with you 

- kathryn garcia, dsny
- Mindy tarlow, operations
- Gilbert taylor, dhs 
- o'neill or fox, nypd

Representatives of Bronx Works- which has been outspoken in support for your approach-
and Harm Reduction programs will be there and can brief you. 

Advance has told us that it is only safe to view from an overlook. You will not walk the
grounds. But it would give you a view of the camps and opportunity to be briefed.

The camps will be cleared on Thursday and we would make clear to Jen this is a strategic
response to a complex problem.

- YOU are greeted by the agencies and community partners 
- YOU are briefed on situation
- Daily News photog covers
- YOU do a brief one-on- one with Jen Fermino on site after. 

As you may recall, she was quite thoughtful in her coverage after the mentally ill person
approached Chirlane at an event and we believe she will treat this respectfully. 

We do anticipate some questions on veterans homelessness potentially and will work up


Please let us know your thoughts. Nothing has been pitched. 

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: B
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2015 9:10 PM
To: Hagelgans, Andrea
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Snyder, Thomas; Zuniga, Andrea; Leopold, Elana; Adams
Baker, Marti; Kadushin, Peter; Hinton, Karen; FLONYC; John, Roxanne; Bray, Jackie; White, Erin;
'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; 'jfdc@akpdmedia.com'
Subject: Re: Homeless camp walk through and comms proposals

An excellent plan for the week! Well done

Two concerns:

1. As you know, Chirlane will continue to "head up" mental health (I've cc'ed her and her team
here). She will effectively be the Chair of and chief spokesperson for all we do on this topic for the
duration. Richard will head the Mental Health Cabinet, meaning the actual day-to-day coordination
amongst all the agencies, which requires a deputy mayor's involvement. Pls make sure this is crystal
clear in the roll-out

2. The broad idea of the encampment event makes sense to me, but don't wrong it could really
backfire. I've cc'ed Rosen and Del Cecato for this piece. The danger here is that it will be interpreted
wrongly as an attack on the homeless -- which I would never be party to.

Our problem is that as a team we have all (led by me) absolutely sucked at laying down the predicate
on this issue. If over the last two months we had set the record straight effectively, this effort re:
the encampment would have seemed natural and smooth. In the absence of framing, it could really
come across as desperate and over-the-top.

I really want to hear with jonathan and john think -- especially Jonathan because of his long
experience on this issue. And I really don't want to alienate our true friends and allies on this issue.
So if we can do this right, contextualize it right, explain it right and inhibit media sensationalism, I'm
all in.

If not, we should consider having officials other than me and BB do this, and then I speak to it after.
Pls discuss without me on the thread and come back with a rec. Thanks

From: Hagelgans, Andrea
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2015 08:06 PM
To: B
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Snyder, Thomas; Zuniga, Andrea; Leopold, Elana; Adams
Baker, Marti; Kadushin, Peter; Hinton, Karen
Subject: Homeless camp walk through and comms proposals


Wanted to follow up with you directly on communications proposals for Monday and
provide a holistic overview of the week. Know that you’ll then discuss with Front
Office and make determinations. If you hate this format, I apologize and will re-


Homeless Encampment Clean Up Operation

Date: Monday, August 30th at 11am

Location: 150th Street & St. Ann’s Avenue (south end)– Rae Street & Hegney Place
(north end)


· YOU walk with representatives of DHS, DSNY, MOCJ, NYPD, Boom! Health
(community service partner) to assess an encampment that is scheduled to
be cleaned out this Thursday. There are approximately 12-15 individuals at
this site all day long. Debris, including needles and trash, on the ground with
tents built up. We are inviting the PC to join.

· We anticipate inviting tier 1 print and TV photographers to cover your visit

and plan to pre-position them along the encampment, pending our walk
through of the site,  to cover you walking the ground flanked by folks and
being briefed.

· YOU then are pulled to the side to provide a brief topper to cameras—what
you just witnessed and what we are doing about it. We are also inviting the

· 3-5 on-topic questions only. No off topic

· We issue a press release on the encampment work, framing it as YOU

assessing the situation and ordering sites be cleaned and enforced. Media will
be told that this site will be cleared on Thursday and we expect they will
return to watch.

NOTE: You raised earlier the concern about cameras and the spontaneous
atmosphere of these walks. We believe that to maximize this opportunity we should
have TV-cameras there, but based on your feedback we can limit to just still photogs
and no avail. Nothing has been pitched at this time.

Daily News op-ed with homeless focus will run tomorrow

Pre-K Education Twitter Chat

Date: Monday, August 30th, time TBD with scheduling

Location: wherever


· YOU conduct a 10-15 minute twitter chat aimed at parents on the start of
school next week.

· Focus is pre-K.

· Could possibly get a question about some of the schools determined not
ready to be opened. Answers will be prepped for you. This is our opportunity
to have you begin to reach New Yorkers directly rather than through press

Weekly Communications

Press avail – 2 in community (Bronx homeless encampment walk w/gaggle;

affordable housing press conference)
Radio- 2 (Lehrer and Martinez)

Non-traditional -1 (twitter chat)

Off Topic -- 2 (Tuesday Lehrer; Thursday press conference)

Priority Buckets

Housing -- (Thurs- Press Conference) Tenant Harassment Bill Signing – will be in a

community determined by IGA

Education – (Monday- Twitter) Pre-K/Education focused twitter chat with parents; 

(Wednesday/Thursday- Tentative) 10 minute Angie Martinez interview

Mental Health—(Tuesday- pitch/press release) Announcement of DM Buery

heading up mental health (he will do interviews all week to amplify including Inside
City Hall)

Quality of Life – (Monday- gaggle) Encampment walk with agencies; (Wed-

remarks) bill hearings and signings; (Wednesday- Tentative) – K2 message moment

Miscellaneous that will be news ---

Monday – City lottery of Pope tickets--  exclusive with follow up interviews by senior
admin and possibly you giving soundbites

Monday- US Open – remarks and photos

Thursday- Hispanic Federation Meeting  -- readout or pitched piece

Andrea Hagelgans
Office of the Mayor
Direct – 212.341.5372
Cell – 718.679.8965
From: John Del Cecato
To: Hinton, Karen; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: NYT: Mayor de Blasio Authorizes Emergency Measure to Aid Homeless People
Date: Monday, August 31, 2015 10:45:12 AM

I agree… this was a great piece

From: "Hinton, Karen" <KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Monday, August 31, 2015 at 10:09 AM
To: John Del Cecato <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>, Jonathan Rosen <jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Fwd: NYT: Mayor de Blasio Authorizes Emergency Measure to Aid Homeless People

I'm on vacation this week but I think he should be all over this. It's good news to counter the encampment
should he decide to do that. 

Any push u can provide would be appreciated. 

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Clips <Clips@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: August 30, 2015 at 8:04:02 PM AST
Subject: NYT: Mayor de Blasio Authorizes Emergency Measure to Aid Homeless People

Mayor de Blasio Authorizes Emergency Measure to Aid Homeless People

NY TIMES - Nikita Stewart

With few beds available in New York City’s homeless shelters, Mayor Bill de
Blasio has authorized another emergency measure to provide rental assistance to
people facing homelessness.

The $10 million initiative is expected to provide aid to as many as 1,000 adults
and is modeled on an emergency measure in May to assist families with
children, who have been the focus of the administration’s recent efforts to reduce

While the number of homeless people has fallen since last winter’s record of
about 60,000, officials concluded that more needed to be done to assist adults
without children. In an Aug. 5 count, 16,562 people were living in city homeless
shelters. The average vacancy rate at shelters for single adults was 1.1 percent,
while the rate at shelters for adult families was 1.29 percent.

The new emergency measure, the Special Exit and Prevention Supplement, will
give subsidies to tenants facing eviction, domestic violence survivors timing out
of shelters, recovering addicts discharged from treatment and former residents of
so-called three-quarter homes.

Mary Brosnahan, executive director of the Coalition for the Homeless, said the
new program was an “important step.”

“The numbers have been going down on families, but we’re seeing growing
numbers of single adults,” Ms. Brosnahan said. “It’s going to do a lot for single
people in the shelters, many of whom are working.”

Based on household size and other factors, the subsidies will allow recipients to
rent private apartments long term. But finding apartments within the program’s
cap, $1,213 for a single adult, will not be easy. The city has been criticized for
years for the poor conditions of private buildings in a temporary assistance
program for homeless families.

“Yes, it’s going to be difficult, but I don’t think it’s impossible,” Ms. Brosnahan

The city has been trying to recruit landlords to participate in the new rental
assistance programs, Steven Banks, commissioner of the city’s Human Resources
Administration, said. But he added that many landlords remain bitter about a
2011 decision by Mr. de Blasio’s predecessor, Michael R. Bloomberg, to end a
similar subsidy program. “It’s a legacy that we had to work very hard with
landlords to wipe away.”

Mr. Banks and Gilbert Taylor, commissioner of homeless services, had asked
Mr. de Blasio, a Democrat, to set up the new program and to model it on the
Family Eviction Prevention Supplement program, started in May.

The initiatives are part of a broader effort to move people out of shelters and into
permanent housing.

Since last fall, the city has been rolling out various rental assistance programs
through emergency rules, allowing the city to start the programs before the
public-comment period ends.

Councilman Stephen T. Levin, a Brooklyn Democrat who is chairman of the

general welfare committee, said expediting the programs is justified. “It’s an
emergency, particularly when we see the vacancy rate within the shelter system,”
he said. “It’s a much wiser course of action to come up with programs. Time is
of the essence.”

Matthew Main, a staff attorney at MFY Legal Services Inc., a nonprofit firm
focused on poverty issues, said the new program would greatly help people
receiving a state shelter allowance of just $215, an amount that has been
unchanged since 1988.

Many of those people end up in three-quarter housing, he said, group homes that
are effectively unregulated and have multiplied over the past decade, driven by a
mandate to reduce shelter rolls and a dearth of affordable housing.

“A lot of people in three-quarter housing are folks who are down on their luck,”
Mr. Main said. “This is essentially a way for people who are simply poor to
procure safe housing.”

More than 200 people were removed from three-quarter houses that were shut
down for illegal conditions, such as building code violations and overcrowding.
They are currently in temporary housing and would likely benefit from the new
From: Jordan Smith
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: RE: citymart sync
Date: Monday, August 31, 2015 2:38:33 PM
Attachments: Citymart NYC Release FINAL.docx

Jeff already signed off on this press release but that was before our brouhaha last week. So I want to
make sure you’re still good with us sending it out?
From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 11:47 AM
To: Jordan Smith; Merritt, Jeff
Cc: rbrack@cto.nyc.gov
Subject: RE: citymart sync

Thanks Jordan.
The Politico article was very balanced and I’m glad to hear the team is using it as a resource for
talking points. Hawkins’ story was definitely overblown and heavy on the criticism of our current
procurement process. Don’t think that’s fair to conflate with the CityMart contract because they are
simply not the same thing, and bringing them together piles criticism onto the City unnecessarily.
From: Jordan Smith [mailto:jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 11:42 AM
To: Merritt, Jeff
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie; rbrack@cto.nyc.gov
Subject: RE: citymart sync

Hey Jeff,
After talking with my team just now, we’re going to tone down our pitching going forward to make
sure we’re not over-hyping Citymart’s significance. There’s one story already in the works—with
Chester Soria at Metro--but we’re going to make very clear to him this is merely a pilot project, an
experiment, one that has possibilities but has not at all made major changes to NYC procurement.
We’ll be much more precise going forward—some of this, I think, is reporters getting carried away,
but some of it is on our end in conflating Citymart’s ambitions and national work with the actual
details of the NYC contact.

Can we continue with the Metro story, or would you rather us call it off completely?
Sorry for all the confusion and any trouble we caused you.
From: Merritt, Jeff [mailto:JMerritt@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 7:35 AM
To: Jordan Smith
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie; rbrack@cto.nyc.gov
Subject: Re: citymart sync

Articles like today's Crain's post are not helpful --

Can you make sure your team is not exaggerating the scope of work? This is the second
article that seemed to suggest this is a fix to procurement which is just incorrect. This is a
pilot to explore ways to crowdsource new ideas to problems. Let us know if you have any
questions - thanks.


On Aug 24, 2015, at 2:29 PM, Jordan Smith <jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Okay, great. Thanks, Jeff.

-----Original Message-----
From: Merritt, Jeff [mailto:JMerritt@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, August 24, 2015 2:29 PM
To: Jordan Smith
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie; rbrack@cto.nyc.gov
Subject: Re: citymart sync

Looping in our press team. You can feel free to put the reporter in touch with
Natalie who is cc'ed. We'll have to go through the the normal protocols but
assuming the press team is good with it, I'm happy to talk with them.

On Aug 24, 2015, at 2:21 PM, Jordan Smith <jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com>


Hey Jeff:

Would you be willing to talk tomorrow or Wednesday to a reporter

at Metro newspaper about Citymart's importance to NYC? This
would give you a chance to hype the city's overall innovation efforts,
if you want to take that angle!


-----Original Message-----
From: Merritt, Jeff [mailto:JMerritt@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 2:50 PM
To: Jordan Smith
Subject: RE: citymart sync

The document I sent previously was approved. Let me know if that

works. The attached is the same version just with track changes
accepted. THANKS!

-----Original Message-----
From: Jordan Smith [mailto:jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 12:24 PM
To: Merritt, Jeff
Subject: RE: citymart sync

Thanks, Jeff. Look forward to getting it from City Hall.

-----Original Message-----
From: Merritt, Jeff [mailto:JMerritt@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 12:11 PM
To: Jordan Smith
Subject: RE: citymart sync

FYI, just wanted to give you an update. I've sent the attached
document to the Press Office and Mayor's Office of Contract
Services for their review. I will let you know as soon as I hear back.
I understand you're anxious to get a release out but we need to have
City Hall sign off before anything goes out that references the City
and its work. Thanks.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jordan Smith [mailto:jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 10:17 AM
To: Merritt, Jeff
Subject: RE: citymart sync

-----Original Message-----
From: Merritt, Jeff [mailto:JMerritt@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 10:13 AM
To: Jordan Smith
Subject: RE: citymart sync

Hmm, phone didn't ring. Probably bad reception. You can call my
desk at 718-724-6498 or let me know the best number to reach you

-----Original Message-----
From: Jordan Smith [mailto:jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 10:03 AM
To: Merritt, Jeff
Subject: RE: citymart sync
Importance: High

Just gave you a ring. When is good to chat?

-----Original Message-----
From: Merritt, Jeff [mailto:JMerritt@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 9:50 AM
To: Jordan Smith
Subject: RE: citymart sync

Sure, you can call me on my cell at

-----Original Message-----
From: Jordan Smith [mailto:jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 9:49 AM
To: Brack, Ryan (CTO); Merritt, Jeff (CTO)
Subject: RE: citymart sync
Importance: High

Hey Jeff:

Can we jump on the phone today? Citymart is speaking with media

all day.

-----Original Message-----
From: Brack, Ryan (CTO) [mailto:RBrack@cto.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 11:11 AM
To: Jordan Smith; Merritt, Jeff (CTO)
Subject: citymart sync

Hey Jeff Jordan is it possible to please sync today on the press

release high-level talking points and Miranda? Have time later
today? Thanks!

Sent from my iPhone

For Immediate Release:

Jordan Smith, 646-335-0621

New York City Pilots Innovative New Approach to

Urban Problem-Solving in Partnership with
New Initiative Opens Door for Start-ups and Other Innovative Companies to
Work with New York City to Tackle the Most Pressing Urban Challenges

New York, N.Y. –In the largest implementation yet of its innovative approach,
Citymart will partner with the New York City Mayor’s Office of Technology and
Innovation to pilot a new method that could transform the way the city’s
government solves problems by connecting city planners with innovative new ideas
through open challenges to entrepreneurs and citizens.

The Mayor’s Office of Technology and Innovation will work with New York-based
Citymart on launching a series of problem-based challenges over the course of the
next two years. Challenges will draw on key themes that were set forth in Mayor de
Blasio’s Plan for One New York, which was released in April 2015. OneNYC
establishes bold goals and specific targets for a strong, sustainable, resilient, and
equitable city – 800,000 people out of poverty by 2025, Zero Waste, eliminating
long-term displacement after future shock events, and much more.

“Anything done in New York City has ramifications around the world – we’re
absolutely thrilled to be partnering with the city in this effort,” said Citymart CEO
Sascha Haselmayer. “Mayor Bill de Blasio proved he’s committed to transforming
the way the city approaches some of the most daunting urban problems that any
city in the world can face by establishing the Mayor’s Office of Technology and
Innovation to seek out inventive, effective, and affordable solutions. This process
will help the city further that goal by leveraging existing resources to bring new
players into the process and open up new possibilities for innovation.”
Citymart helps cities learn how to use the open market to find proven, innovative
solutions addressing the pressing needs of urban areas, helping them rethink their
spending habits so they focus on not just buying goods and services, but on solving
problems. Citymart starts by working with a city to help them define their problems
and capabilities. Then the firm conducts intensive research and outreach to identify
the market leaders and proven innovators with possible solutions and issues a
challenge to those leaders, to local businesses and citizens, and to a global network
of businesses, entrepreneurs, and universities in a search for the most effective and
affordable solution.

“We will issue an open challenge to market leaders and proven innovators for
possible solutions to each particular problem,” Haselmayer said. “This challenge
asks three simple questions: ‘What is your idea for solving the problem, how ready
is your solution, and how can we measure its success?’ We’ll be training New York
City staff how to run these challenges and evaluate proposed solutions in a
transparent and efficient manner.”

The Citymart-New York City partnership builds on the City’s first Call for
Innovations (CFI) launched earlier this year. The CFI, which focused on new
approaches for providing Internet access in underserved communities, produced 69
proposals from 52 sources over a period of 11 weeks from April to June. The largest
number of submissions came from start-ups and small businesses, most of whom
had not previously worked with the City of New York.

Citymart is also partnering with Philadelphia, Miami, Long Beach, and other major
American cities to help them transform the way they solve city problems.

“Cities in the United States collectively spend more than one trillion dollars that we
know could be spent in better solutions. If we put even a small fraction of that to use
in creating cities that are more responsive, more efficient and more nimble at
solving problems for citizens, we’ll make an enormous impact on thousands of
people’s lives” said Citymart Principal Julia Haselmayer.


Citymart is a New York-based company that transforms the way cities solve problems,
connecting them with new ideas through open challenges to entrepreneurs and
citizens. The company has helped cities around the world from San Francisco to
London find proven, innovative solutions addressing the pressing needs of urban areas,
such as efficient transportation, quality public spaces, sustainability, effective social
services, and robust commerce and tourism.
From: Zuniga, Andrea
To: Arslanian, Kayla
Cc: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Da Costa, Ricky; URamirez@schools.nyc.gov; Chao, Raymond; Fuleihan, Dean
(OMB); Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Shorris, Anthony; Buery, Richard; Hagelgans, Andrea; Wallack Josh
(JWallack@schools.nyc.gov); Devora Kaye; Goldmark, Karin; Confer, Alexis; Blumm, Kate; Schwartz, Regina;
eliss@schools.nyc.gov; Griffith, Chantell; jonathan@berlinrosen.com; John Del Cecato; Williams, Dominic;
Wolfe, Emma; Leopold, Elana; Cutler, Dorothy; Walzak, Phil; Caquias, Paula; Barbagallo Joy
Subject: Re: MBDB: Education Speech Prep
Date: Monday, August 31, 2015 5:44:06 PM

IGA requested 

Please come to blue room

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 31, 2015, at 5:08 PM, Arslanian, Kayla <KArslanian@cityhall.nyc.gov>


Pls assemble – will start shortly. Thanks!

-----Original Appointment-----
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2015 9:14 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Da Costa, Ricky; Arslanian, Kayla;
'URamirez@schools.nyc.gov'; Chao, Raymond; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Schnake Mahl,
Gabriel; Shorris, Anthony; Buery, Richard; Hagelgans, Andrea; 'Wallack Josh
(JWallack@schools.nyc.gov)'; Devora Kaye; Goldmark, Karin; Confer, Alexis; Blumm, Kate;
Schwartz, Regina; 'eliss@schools.nyc.gov'; Griffith, Chantell; 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com';
John Del Cecato; Williams, Dominic; Wolfe, Emma; Leopold, Elana; Cutler, Dorothy;
Walzak, Phil; Zuniga, Andrea; Caquias, Paula; 'Barbagallo Joy'
Subject: MBDB: Education Speech Prep
When: Monday, August 31, 2015 4:30 PM-5:30 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US &
Where: City Hall, The Blue Room
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
To: Walzak, Phil; Wolfe, Emma; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; John Del Cecato (jfdc@akpdmedia.com)
Cc: Adams Baker, Marti; Gross, Dan
Subject: FW: Bike share turnout on UES/Lex Ave
Date: Tuesday, September 01, 2015 9:21:51 AM
Attachments: ATT00001.txt

Example of agencies getting media on their own

-----Original Message-----
From: Gastel, Scott [mailto:SGastel@dot.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 2015 9:16 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley; Hagelgans, Andrea
Cc: Tsang, Bonny; Trottenberg, Polly (DOT)
Subject: Bike share turnout on UES/Lex Ave

Here with Brewer and Kallos. ABC7, Fox 5, 880 AM (Haskell),  1010 (Schuck), 24/7 (Pringle), Daily
News (Rivoli), DNA (Weaver) are all here.
Sent from my iPhone
From: Walzak, Phil
To: Hagelgans, Andrea; John Del Cecato (jfdc@akpdmedia.com); Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Wolfe, Emma
Cc: Adams Baker, Marti; Ponet, Maibe
Subject: RE: DN: EXCLUSIVE: Summer jobs for city kids surged in 2015
Date: Tuesday, September 01, 2015 1:33:49 PM

Nice work!
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 2015 1:12 PM
To: John Del Cecato (jfdc@akpdmedia.com); Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Walzak, Phil; Wolfe, Emma
Cc: Adams Baker, Marti; Ponet, Maibe
Subject: DN: EXCLUSIVE: Summer jobs for city kids surged in 2015
EXCLUSIVE: Summer jobs for city kids surged in
More Big Apple youths landed city-funded summer jobs in 2015 than at any other point in
the program’s 50-year history, Department of Youth and Community Development figures
A whopping 54,263 city youths age 14-24 landed paid summer gigs lasting up to 6 weeks
through the Summer Youth Employment Program that ended earlier this month,
commissioner Bill Chong said. That’s up from 47,126 youngsters in 2014.
Chong said a $12 million boost in city funds for the program -- bringing its budget to nearly
$79 million-- fueled the employment explosion. The program connects youths with
minimum wage jobs at private companies, non-profits and city agencies.
But the lessons learned on the job count for more than the spending cash they generate,
Chong said.
“Younger youths and those who have never worked before learn the importance of
showing up on time and working with other people,” Chong said. “For the older youths, it’s
about lining up the work experience that they’re interested in.”
More than 130,000 applicants applied for the program this year. Participants were selected
through a lottery system.
Khaleel Jones admitted he was a little nervous his first day working the floor at the
Modell’s Sporting Goods in Fresh Meadows.
“This is my first retail job,” said the 18-year-old from Rosedale, who is heading into his
senior year at Campus Magnet High School. “I didn’t know what to sell and I’m not good at
talking to people publicly.”
But he credits his co-workers with helping him gain confidence and knowledge. He aced
two “mystery shopping” tests by an anonymous Modell’s employee and impressed his
bosses enough to earn him a part-time job after the program ended.
“Working here has taught me a lot of things,” said Jones, who is making careful plans to
juggle the job with his schoolwork and football practice. He’s an offensive lineman with the
Campus Magnet Bulldogs. “I’m confident talking to people now and I know what to do in
my workspace.”
Ed Cohen, general manager of the store, said he was impressed with Khaleel and his
fellow workers from the summer jobs program.
“He was hungry to learn and he used his knowledge,” said Cohen. “Khaleel was here just
three weeks when he was tested by a mystery shopper and received a 100. His customers
are well taken care of.”
Andrea Hagelgans
Office of the Mayor
Direct – 212.341.5372
Cell – 718.679.8965
From: Jordan Smith
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: RE: citymart sync
Date: Tuesday, September 01, 2015 3:22:24 PM

On the phone now and another call at 4, however. Can I call you instead when I have
a free moment?
From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 2015 3:21 PM
To: Jordan Smith
Subject: RE: citymart sync

What’s the best number to reach you? Would like to chat about this
From: Jordan Smith [mailto:jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2015 3:05 PM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: RE: citymart sync

For sure. Just let me know.

From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2015 2:52 PM
To: Jordan Smith
Subject: RE: citymart sync

It was a good word.

I think we definitely want to avoid issues we had w/ Hawkins story. Would like to scale this back a
little…Trying to sync with jeff -- really hard given his location. Could we hold for now?
From: Jordan Smith [mailto:jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2015 2:46 PM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: RE: citymart sync

We can wait a day or two.

You just wanted to copy my use of brouhaha J
From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2015 2:45 PM
To: Jordan Smith
Subject: RE: citymart sync

What’s the timeline?

I want to double check with jeff before anything, but he is out of the country….my thoughts are if
you guys are still going to send out, I’d want to see a couple choice edits to avoid further brouhaha.
From: Jordan Smith [mailto:jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2015 2:40 PM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: RE: citymart sync

Will do.
From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2015 2:39 PM
To: Jordan Smith
Subject: RE: citymart sync

Thanks for checking in -- let me have a couple minutes to review again.

From: Jordan Smith [mailto:jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2015 2:38 PM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: RE: citymart sync

Jeff already signed off on this press release but that was before our brouhaha last week. So I want to
make sure you’re still good with us sending it out?
From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 11:47 AM
To: Jordan Smith; Merritt, Jeff
Cc: rbrack@cto.nyc.gov
Subject: RE: citymart sync

Thanks Jordan.
The Politico article was very balanced and I’m glad to hear the team is using it as a resource for
talking points. Hawkins’ story was definitely overblown and heavy on the criticism of our current
procurement process. Don’t think that’s fair to conflate with the CityMart contract because they are
simply not the same thing, and bringing them together piles criticism onto the City unnecessarily.
From: Jordan Smith [mailto:jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 11:42 AM
To: Merritt, Jeff
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie; rbrack@cto.nyc.gov
Subject: RE: citymart sync

Hey Jeff,
After talking with my team just now, we’re going to tone down our pitching going forward to make
sure we’re not over-hyping Citymart’s significance. There’s one story already in the works—with
Chester Soria at Metro--but we’re going to make very clear to him this is merely a pilot project, an
experiment, one that has possibilities but has not at all made major changes to NYC procurement.
We’ll be much more precise going forward—some of this, I think, is reporters getting carried away,
but some of it is on our end in conflating Citymart’s ambitions and national work with the actual
details of the NYC contact.

Can we continue with the Metro story, or would you rather us call it off completely?
Sorry for all the confusion and any trouble we caused you.
From: Merritt, Jeff [mailto:JMerritt@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 7:35 AM
To: Jordan Smith
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie; rbrack@cto.nyc.gov
Subject: Re: citymart sync

Articles like today's Crain's post are not helpful --

Can you make sure your team is not exaggerating the scope of work? This is the second
article that seemed to suggest this is a fix to procurement which is just incorrect. This is a
pilot to explore ways to crowdsource new ideas to problems. Let us know if you have any
questions - thanks.


On Aug 24, 2015, at 2:29 PM, Jordan Smith <jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Okay, great. Thanks, Jeff.

-----Original Message-----
From: Merritt, Jeff [mailto:JMerritt@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, August 24, 2015 2:29 PM
To: Jordan Smith
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie; rbrack@cto.nyc.gov
Subject: Re: citymart sync

Looping in our press team. You can feel free to put the reporter in touch with
Natalie who is cc'ed. We'll have to go through the the normal protocols but
assuming the press team is good with it, I'm happy to talk with them.

On Aug 24, 2015, at 2:21 PM, Jordan Smith <jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com>

Hey Jeff:

Would you be willing to talk tomorrow or Wednesday to a reporter

at Metro newspaper about Citymart's importance to NYC? This
would give you a chance to hype the city's overall innovation efforts,
if you want to take that angle!


-----Original Message-----
From: Merritt, Jeff [mailto:JMerritt@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 2:50 PM
To: Jordan Smith
Subject: RE: citymart sync

The document I sent previously was approved. Let me know if that

works. The attached is the same version just with track changes
accepted. THANKS!

-----Original Message-----
From: Jordan Smith [mailto:jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 12:24 PM
To: Merritt, Jeff
Subject: RE: citymart sync

Thanks, Jeff. Look forward to getting it from City Hall.

-----Original Message-----
From: Merritt, Jeff [mailto:JMerritt@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 12:11 PM
To: Jordan Smith
Subject: RE: citymart sync

FYI, just wanted to give you an update. I've sent the attached
document to the Press Office and Mayor's Office of Contract
Services for their review. I will let you know as soon as I hear back.
I understand you're anxious to get a release out but we need to have
City Hall sign off before anything goes out that references the City
and its work. Thanks.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jordan Smith [mailto:jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 10:17 AM
To: Merritt, Jeff
Subject: RE: citymart sync

-----Original Message-----
From: Merritt, Jeff [mailto:JMerritt@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 10:13 AM
To: Jordan Smith
Subject: RE: citymart sync

Hmm, phone didn't ring. Probably bad reception. You can call my
desk at 718-724-6498 or let me know the best number to reach you

-----Original Message-----
From: Jordan Smith [mailto:jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 10:03 AM
To: Merritt, Jeff
Subject: RE: citymart sync
Importance: High

Just gave you a ring. When is good to chat?

-----Original Message-----
From: Merritt, Jeff [mailto:JMerritt@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 9:50 AM
To: Jordan Smith
Subject: RE: citymart sync

Sure, you can call me on my cell at

-----Original Message-----
From: Jordan Smith [mailto:jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 9:49 AM
To: Brack, Ryan (CTO); Merritt, Jeff (CTO)
Subject: RE: citymart sync
Importance: High

Hey Jeff:

Can we jump on the phone today? Citymart is speaking with media

all day.


-----Original Message-----
From: Brack, Ryan (CTO) [mailto:RBrack@cto.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 11:11 AM
To: Jordan Smith; Merritt, Jeff (CTO)
Subject: citymart sync

Hey Jeff Jordan is it possible to please sync today on the press

release high-level talking points and Miranda? Have time later
today? Thanks!

Sent from my iPhone

From: Jordan Smith
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: RE: citymart sync
Date: Tuesday, September 01, 2015 3:41:44 PM

Have 20 minutes now.

From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 2015 3:21 PM
To: Jordan Smith
Subject: RE: citymart sync

What’s the best number to reach you? Would like to chat about this
From: Jordan Smith [mailto:jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2015 3:05 PM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: RE: citymart sync

For sure. Just let me know.

From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2015 2:52 PM
To: Jordan Smith
Subject: RE: citymart sync

It was a good word.

I think we definitely want to avoid issues we had w/ Hawkins story. Would like to scale this back a
little…Trying to sync with jeff -- really hard given his location. Could we hold for now?
From: Jordan Smith [mailto:jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2015 2:46 PM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: RE: citymart sync

We can wait a day or two.

You just wanted to copy my use of brouhaha J
From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2015 2:45 PM
To: Jordan Smith
Subject: RE: citymart sync

What’s the timeline?

I want to double check with jeff before anything, but he is out of the country….my thoughts are if
you guys are still going to send out, I’d want to see a couple choice edits to avoid further brouhaha.
From: Jordan Smith [mailto:jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2015 2:40 PM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: RE: citymart sync

Will do.
From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2015 2:39 PM
To: Jordan Smith
Subject: RE: citymart sync

Thanks for checking in -- let me have a couple minutes to review again.

From: Jordan Smith [mailto:jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2015 2:38 PM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: RE: citymart sync

Jeff already signed off on this press release but that was before our brouhaha last week. So I want to
make sure you’re still good with us sending it out?
From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 11:47 AM
To: Jordan Smith; Merritt, Jeff
Cc: rbrack@cto.nyc.gov
Subject: RE: citymart sync

Thanks Jordan.
The Politico article was very balanced and I’m glad to hear the team is using it as a resource for
talking points. Hawkins’ story was definitely overblown and heavy on the criticism of our current
procurement process. Don’t think that’s fair to conflate with the CityMart contract because they are
simply not the same thing, and bringing them together piles criticism onto the City unnecessarily.
From: Jordan Smith [mailto:jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 11:42 AM
To: Merritt, Jeff
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie; rbrack@cto.nyc.gov
Subject: RE: citymart sync

Hey Jeff,
After talking with my team just now, we’re going to tone down our pitching going forward to make
sure we’re not over-hyping Citymart’s significance. There’s one story already in the works—with
Chester Soria at Metro--but we’re going to make very clear to him this is merely a pilot project, an
experiment, one that has possibilities but has not at all made major changes to NYC procurement.
We’ll be much more precise going forward—some of this, I think, is reporters getting carried away,
but some of it is on our end in conflating Citymart’s ambitions and national work with the actual
details of the NYC contact.

Can we continue with the Metro story, or would you rather us call it off completely?
Sorry for all the confusion and any trouble we caused you.
From: Merritt, Jeff [mailto:JMerritt@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 7:35 AM
To: Jordan Smith
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie; rbrack@cto.nyc.gov
Subject: Re: citymart sync

Articles like today's Crain's post are not helpful --

Can you make sure your team is not exaggerating the scope of work? This is the second
article that seemed to suggest this is a fix to procurement which is just incorrect. This is a
pilot to explore ways to crowdsource new ideas to problems. Let us know if you have any
questions - thanks.


On Aug 24, 2015, at 2:29 PM, Jordan Smith <jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Okay, great. Thanks, Jeff.

-----Original Message-----
From: Merritt, Jeff [mailto:JMerritt@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, August 24, 2015 2:29 PM
To: Jordan Smith
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie; rbrack@cto.nyc.gov
Subject: Re: citymart sync

Looping in our press team. You can feel free to put the reporter in touch with
Natalie who is cc'ed. We'll have to go through the the normal protocols but
assuming the press team is good with it, I'm happy to talk with them.

On Aug 24, 2015, at 2:21 PM, Jordan Smith <jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com>


Hey Jeff:
Would you be willing to talk tomorrow or Wednesday to a reporter
at Metro newspaper about Citymart's importance to NYC? This
would give you a chance to hype the city's overall innovation efforts,
if you want to take that angle!


-----Original Message-----
From: Merritt, Jeff [mailto:JMerritt@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 2:50 PM
To: Jordan Smith
Subject: RE: citymart sync

The document I sent previously was approved. Let me know if that

works. The attached is the same version just with track changes
accepted. THANKS!

-----Original Message-----
From: Jordan Smith [mailto:jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 12:24 PM
To: Merritt, Jeff
Subject: RE: citymart sync

Thanks, Jeff. Look forward to getting it from City Hall.

-----Original Message-----
From: Merritt, Jeff [mailto:JMerritt@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 12:11 PM
To: Jordan Smith
Subject: RE: citymart sync

FYI, just wanted to give you an update. I've sent the attached
document to the Press Office and Mayor's Office of Contract
Services for their review. I will let you know as soon as I hear back.
I understand you're anxious to get a release out but we need to have
City Hall sign off before anything goes out that references the City
and its work. Thanks.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jordan Smith [mailto:jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 10:17 AM
To: Merritt, Jeff
Subject: RE: citymart sync

-----Original Message-----
From: Merritt, Jeff [mailto:JMerritt@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 10:13 AM
To: Jordan Smith
Subject: RE: citymart sync

Hmm, phone didn't ring. Probably bad reception. You can call my
desk at 718-724-6498 or let me know the best number to reach you

-----Original Message-----
From: Jordan Smith [mailto:jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 10:03 AM
To: Merritt, Jeff
Subject: RE: citymart sync
Importance: High

Just gave you a ring. When is good to chat?

-----Original Message-----
From: Merritt, Jeff [mailto:JMerritt@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 9:50 AM
To: Jordan Smith
Subject: RE: citymart sync

Sure, you can call me on my cell at

-----Original Message-----
From: Jordan Smith [mailto:jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 9:49 AM
To: Brack, Ryan (CTO); Merritt, Jeff (CTO)
Subject: RE: citymart sync
Importance: High

Hey Jeff:

Can we jump on the phone today? Citymart is speaking with media

all day.


-----Original Message-----
From: Brack, Ryan (CTO) [mailto:RBrack@cto.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 11:11 AM
To: Jordan Smith; Merritt, Jeff (CTO)
Subject: citymart sync

Hey Jeff Jordan is it possible to please sync today on the press

release high-level talking points and Miranda? Have time later
today? Thanks!

Sent from my iPhone

From: Emily Walsh
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Anna Robinson-Sweet
Subject: RE:
Date: Tuesday, September 01, 2015 4:11:21 PM

Great, thanks
Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 2015 4:10 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Emily Walsh; Anna Robinson-Sweet

Mayor is walking over to you now.

From: John Del Cecato
To: Hagelgans, Andrea; Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Kadushin, Peter; Walzak, Phil
Subject: Re: Post on our front page
Date: Friday, September 04, 2015 9:09:07 AM

Personally, I love PK’s U Mad idea - but would do it with Willy Wonka

BUT, in the interest of message discipline, maybe we just retweet our own
original tweet & say something like “ICYMI: Here’s the fake cover that has
@NYPost all worked up this morning.”

OR, you could really rub it in, and say “Here’s the fake cover that has
@NYPost all worked up.”  Post this:

And then say:  “Whoops.  Not that one.  This one.”  And then post the
mock-up from Wednesday night.

On 9/4/15, 8:53 AM, "Hagelgans, Andrea" <AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov>


>Would like your thoughts.
>Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
>  Original Message
>From: Kadushin, Peter <pkadushin@cityhall.nyc.gov>
>Sent: Friday, September 4, 2015 8:51 AM
>To: Singleton, Jessica
>Cc: Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Bennett, Rob; Cahan, Aaron (Media)
>Subject: Re: Post on our front page
>So how about:
>What happened to @nypost sense of humor?
>And a link to the Kyle smith piece of the news item?
>FYI, Kyle smith who called us unserious, said the vendor selling $30 hot
>dogs was a capitalist hero.
>> On Sep 4, 2015, at 8:39 AM, Singleton, Jessica
>><JSingleton@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>> Should use the peter k "no sense of humor" tweet from peter k.
>> Peter, also see the email I just sent about engagement. People liked it
>>(look at rt numbers). Many of the Trolls the cited in observed are
>>conservatives who troll regardless.
>> Rob/ac, what else?
>>> On Sep 4, 2015, at 08:36, Hagelgans, Andrea
>>><AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>>> + js
>>> Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
>>> Original Message
>>> From: Kadushin, Peter
>>> Sent: Friday, September 4, 2015 8:34 AM
>>> To: Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Bennett, Rob; Cahan, Aaron (Media)
>>> Subject: Re: Post on our front page
>>> Thoughts on response?
>>> Think we got nice and simple. Hit no sense of humor and maybe a meme
>>>of some kind?
>>>> On Sep 4, 2015, at 7:01 AM, Kadushin, Peter
>>>><pkadushin@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>>>> Clearly hit a nerve. Let's start thinking through our response.
>>>> My Rec is that I text something like: so much for having a sense of
>>>> Maybe we even take the pic of Rupert getting the pie thrown at him
>>>>and add some block letters "u mad?" And add that image.
From: Walzak, Phil
To: Jonathan Rosen; Hagelgans, Andrea
Cc: John Del Cecato; Kadushin, Peter
Subject: Re: Post on our front page
Date: Friday, September 04, 2015 11:46:54 AM

Late to this but 100 pc agree

Time to find the NEXT thing

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.

  Original Message
From: Jonathan Rosen
Sent: Friday, September 4, 2015 9:09 AM
To: Hagelgans, Andrea
Cc: John Del Cecato; Kadushin, Peter; Walzak, Phil
Subject: Re: Post on our front page

Would leave it alone at this point.  Not sure we want to get into this kind of back and forth.  It's not
moving our message the way the original post cover did.  Too inside baseball.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Sep 4, 2015, at 8:53 AM, Hagelgans, Andrea <AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

> Would like your thoughts.
> Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
>  Original Message
> From: Kadushin, Peter <pkadushin@cityhall.nyc.gov>
> Sent: Friday, September 4, 2015 8:51 AM
> To: Singleton, Jessica
> Cc: Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Bennett, Rob; Cahan, Aaron (Media)
> Subject: Re: Post on our front page
> So how about:
> What happened to @nypost sense of humor?
> And a link to the Kyle smith piece of the news item?
> FYI, Kyle smith who called us unserious, said the vendor selling $30 hot dogs was a capitalist hero.
>> On Sep 4, 2015, at 8:39 AM, Singleton, Jessica <JSingleton@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>> Should use the peter k "no sense of humor" tweet from peter k.
>> Peter, also see the email I just sent about engagement. People liked it (look at rt numbers). Many
of the Trolls the cited in observed are conservatives who troll regardless.
>> Rob/ac, what else?
>>> On Sep 4, 2015, at 08:36, Hagelgans, Andrea <AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>>> + js
>>> Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
>>> Original Message
>>> From: Kadushin, Peter
>>> Sent: Friday, September 4, 2015 8:34 AM
>>> To: Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Bennett, Rob; Cahan, Aaron (Media)
>>> Subject: Re: Post on our front page
>>> Thoughts on response?
>>> Think we got nice and simple. Hit no sense of humor and maybe a meme of some kind?
>>>> On Sep 4, 2015, at 7:01 AM, Kadushin, Peter <pkadushin@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>>>> Clearly hit a nerve. Let's start thinking through our response.
>>>> My Rec is that I text something like: so much for having a sense of humor.
>>>> Maybe we even take the pic of Rupert getting the pie thrown at him and add some block letters
"u mad?" And add that image.
From: John Del Cecato
To: Vanessa Baden; hayley@progressiveagenda.us; Matero, Carla; Adams Baker, Marti; Beach, Mkada; Boeglin,
Rosemary; Hagelgans, Andrea; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Cc: Regina Clemente; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: September 10 Event Press Check In
Date: Friday, September 04, 2015 3:26:28 PM

Adding Rosen now

From: John Del Cecato <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>

Date: Friday, September 4, 2015 at 3:23 PM
To: Vanessa Baden <vanessa@bravenewfilms.org>, Hayley Prim <hayley@progressiveagenda.us>,
"Matero, Carla" <CMatero@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Adams Baker, Marti" <MAdams@cityhall.nyc.gov>,
"Beach, Mkada" <MBeach@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Boeglin, Rosemary" <RBoeglin@cityhall.nyc.gov>,
"Hagelgans, Andrea" <AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov"
Cc: Regina Clemente <regina@bravenewfilms.org>
Subject: Re: September 10 Event Press Check In

Once approved, our City Hall press shop will send it out, too… And copying Jonathan Rosen, who has a
progressive media list that he can hopefully have someone send it to… 

I assume we can get it on the AP Daybook as well?  Is that still a thing?  (It’s been a while since I’ve done

From: Vanessa Baden <vanessa@bravenewfilms.org>

Date: Friday, September 4, 2015 at 2:24 PM
To: Hayley Prim <hayley@progressiveagenda.us>, "Matero, Carla" <CMatero@cityhall.nyc.gov>,
"Adams Baker, Marti" <MAdams@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Beach, Mkada" <MBeach@cityhall.nyc.gov>,
John Del Cecato <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>, "Boeglin, Rosemary" <RBoeglin@cityhall.nyc.gov>,
"Hagelgans, Andrea" <AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov"
Cc: Regina Clemente <regina@bravenewfilms.org>
Subject: September 10 Event Press Check In

Hello All

I will be the point person on press for Brave New Films. 

The draft press release will be coming shortly for your review/edits. But I did have a few quick questions
about press leading to and day of the event:

We are more than happy to send out the press release and pitch to our contacts. However, we
rarely have NY specific releases so that’s not really our world. Are there any press lists/contacts you
all have and would like to share to ensure full coverage of the event in NY media?
For clarification, both offices will be sending out the press release, correct? 
Will there be an official photographer on site? If so will he/she be roaming or will they just be
taking official pictures? Important for us to know. 

Thanks everyone! Looking forward to a great event!


Vanessa Baden Kelly 

Brave New Films
10510 Culver Blvd
Culver City, CA 90232
310.204.0448  x 226
310.889.4833 - Cell
310.204.1916 - fax
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
To: "John Del Cecato"; White, Erin
Cc: Wolfe, Emma; Jonathan Rosen; Walzak, Phil; Adams Baker, Marti; Kadushin, Peter
Subject: RE: Final Vanity Fair Readout
Date: Friday, September 04, 2015 3:43:24 PM

Interesting. He is already interviewing Rich Buery on Tuesday. But maybe we yank for the Mayor
From: John Del Cecato [mailto:jfdc@akpdmedia.com]
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2015 3:42 PM
To: Hagelgans, Andrea; White, Erin
Cc: Wolfe, Emma; Jonathan Rosen; Walzak, Phil; Adams Baker, Marti; Kadushin, Peter
Subject: Re: Final Vanity Fair Readout
I think this is a good plan.
We *may* want to think about giving Dave Evans an exclusive on the Pre-K hit - maybe promise him one Q
on Vanity Fair… That way, we’d still guarantee that we have a hit on best-watched news show on Pre-K -
if/when the tabloids decide to do their thing & cover only VF… 
From: "Hagelgans, Andrea" <AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Friday, September 4, 2015 at 3:23 PM
To: John Del Cecato <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>, "White, Erin" <EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Wolfe, Emma" <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Jonathan Rosen <jonathan@berlinrosen.com>,
"Walzak, Phil" <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Adams Baker, Marti" <MAdams@cityhall.nyc.gov>,
"Kadushin, Peter" <pkadushin@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Final Vanity Fair Readout
Am getting pulled in to discuss other items so I can’t.
I’m planning to tell him on Sunday since earliest it appears is Monday.
My recommendations
- Close read and rebut by staffers of any inaccuracies, falsehoods

- Line up validators if it spins out – and look to see if we can harness anything into a positive
discussion (a la Chirlane and working motherhood)

- Mayor stays high level --- interesting folks say these things when we just had safest summer
in 20 years and upwards of 70K 4 year olds are starting pre-K this week thanks to my pre-k
for all program

From: John Del Cecato [mailto:jfdc@akpdmedia.com]
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2015 3:21 PM
To: White, Erin; Hagelgans, Andrea
Cc: Wolfe, Emma; Jonathan Rosen; Walzak, Phil; Adams Baker, Marti; Kadushin, Peter
Subject: Re: Final Vanity Fair Readout
Me too - sorry for not responding earlier - is this happening?
From: "White, Erin" <EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Friday, September 4, 2015 at 1:44 PM
To: "Hagelgans, Andrea" <AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov>, John Del Cecato <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>
Cc: "Wolfe, Emma" <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Jonathan Rosen <jonathan@berlinrosen.com>,
"Walzak, Phil" <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Adams Baker, Marti" <MAdams@cityhall.nyc.gov>,
"Kadushin, Peter" <pkadushin@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Final Vanity Fair Readout
I can.
Erin White
Communications Advisor, Office of the Mayor
O: 212-341-5030
C: 347-789-0501
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2015 11:37 AM
To: John Del Cecato
Cc: Wolfe, Emma; Jonathan Rosen; Walzak, Phil; White, Erin; Adams Baker, Marti; Kadushin, Peter
Subject: Re: Final Vanity Fair Readout
Could we do 3:30?
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: John Del Cecato
Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2015 9:50 PM
To: Hagelgans, Andrea
Cc: Wolfe, Emma; Jonathan Rosen; Walzak, Phil; White, Erin; Adams Baker, Marti; Kadushin, Peter
Subject: Re: Final Vanity Fair Readout

Yes - let's chat tomorrow 

On Sep 3, 2015, at 8:30 PM, Hagelgans, Andrea <AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Can we discuss next steps/rebut strategies tomorrow? Want to game out before
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Hagelgans, Andrea <AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2015 6:21 PM
To: Adams Baker, Marti; Walzak, Phil
Subject: RE: Final Vanity Fair Readout

And the safest summer in 20 years

From: Adams Baker, Marti
Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2015 6:20 PM
To: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: Final Vanity Fair Readout
Bryan characterizes the story as “tough neutral,” says that no one is going to walk away
from this piece thinking that the Mayor is doing a great job or a bad job.  The story
opens with some judgment on tardiness, perception that the Mayor is disengaged from
running the city, but he says we come back hard on those critiques. Of note is that
Bryan told me that we’re going to be irritated by what’s in quotes, not by what he
The story will  say that an awful lot of unpopularity comes from whites, wealthy and
conservative outlets like the Post. Then they’ll ask the question, so which is it? Is
Mayor disengaged or should we give him the benefit of the doubt because he’s putting
so much emphasis on helping the “have nots,” a population that’s been ignored for 20
years? There is still a good section about what the Mayor is like as a person – to
include the Subway ride and color from the shadow day.
It’s still an introduction of the Mayor, but the progressive theme he talked about is no
longer a major part of the story. That said, there is still a line in the story that says
Mayor is the only progressive worth watching, and there is a small section where he
makes the case that it matters how Mayor does and what you think of him because he
is a significant national figure.  
The Cuomo section is the last 20 percent of the story and will be a “non-issue” for us,
per Bryan. Cuomo’s staff will obviously read between the lines when they see the
quotes attributed to others, but he told me that he realizes now that the June
interview was not as a meaningful moment as he had originally thought, so he didn’t
put too much into this section.  
Mayor should know that the story was heavily edited – “written by committee” to use
Bryan’s exact words – so that helps to explain why the final product isn’t going to look
like what he told us and the Mayor the week he spent with us.  
Bryan doesn’t know the headline but says we’ll have a double photo of the Mayor on
the steps of Gracie and a full page family portrait.
In terms of timing, he said that it could be leaked as early as Monday, but Tuesday or
Wednesday is more likely. FWIW, Bryan said he doesn’t know what the Post will pick
up. Knowing this timeline, we’ll have to him to respond to criticism during our FDOS
media blitz with something like “For those who think I’m disengaged or tardiness is a
problem, today is the day that we have 65k four year olds going to free, full day pre-k.
That’s more than the entire public school population of the city of Boston (or Detroit,
Sacramento, Seattle, El Paso).”
Marti Adams Baker 
Deputy Communications Director | Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio
o: (212) 788-9570 | m: (347) 967-7358 | t: @Marti_Adams
From: Kadushin, Peter
To: Walzak, Phil; jfdc@akpdmedia.com; Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Wolfe, Emma; Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen
Subject: Re: close?
Date: Sunday, September 06, 2015 9:38:34 PM

To be clear, this seems like an outsiders view that features the thinking of allies and opposition he has
talked with. Not sure who those folks are.

If we want a quote or to weigh in with an official voice, and I don’t think we necessarily need to on this
one, think it should come from Phil to reflect larger strategic thinking.

From: OOM MIS <pkadushin@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Sun, 6 Sep 2015 21:23:16 -0400
To: Phil Walzak <pwalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "jfdc@akpdmedia.com" <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>,
Jonathan Rosen <jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: "Wolfe, Emma" <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Hagelgans, Andrea"
<AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Karen Hinton <khinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: close?

Talked to Matt and this is less about going around media and more about the Mayor as a constituent
services kind of guy.

Bloomberg said everyone was wrong but him, Rudy was hated and didn’t care, Ed battled with people in
the street, but the Mayor seems more prone to course correct based on public/media critiques than
previous Mayor’s.

Few examples he is working with: adjusted scheduling and is regularly on time now, Times Square
response with the DN, and calls to see more interaction with voters resulted in lots more Lehrer and
experiment with things like twitter chat.

From what I can tell this will read: Allies say he has a bias towards good ideas no matter the source and
opposition says he is reactive to pressure.

New media/adjustments to media strategy portion seems to enter when comparing Peter Ragone’s prior
statements that he didn’t read the tabloids or care about them, to some of the things we have been doing
lately. Matt weighs Peter’s statements against our use of Twitter to mock the Post front-page.

Sounds like a relatively neutral story with the biggest danger being that saber-rattling (uber) has shaken
the administration at times.

From: Phil Walzak <pwalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Sun, 6 Sep 2015 20:54:07 -0400
To: "jfdc@akpdmedia.com" <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>, Jonathan Rosen <jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: "Wolfe, Emma" <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov>, OOM MIS <pkadushin@cityhall.nyc.gov>,
"Hagelgans, Andrea" <AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Karen Hinton <khinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: close?

PK - what do u think fleg needs

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Walzak, Phil
Sent: Sunday, September 6, 2015 8:22 PM
To: John Del Cecato; Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Wolfe, Emma; Kadushin, Peter; Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen
Subject: Re: close?

Yes it's good but I'd prefer it have our hand on it

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: John Del Cecato
Sent: Sunday, September 6, 2015 8:13 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Wolfe, Emma; Walzak, Phil; Kadushin, Peter; Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen
Subject: Re: close?

He hasn't called me - but I don't think this is a bad line for us.  In fact, when we first talked about going
around media filter/doing new media - we talked about how we should do that a couple of weeks and then
the NYT would write about it in a meta way.  It looks like they're a week ahead of schedule.  And it's all

On Sep 6, 2015, at 6:35 PM, Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:


Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 6, 2015, at 6:28 PM, Wolfe, Emma <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:


If I did wd tell folks 

On Sep 6, 2015, at 6:24 PM, Walzak, Phil <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Anyone on this thread talk to him?

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon 
Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Kadushin, Peter
Sent: Sunday, September 6, 2015 6:19 PM
To: Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen
Subject: Re: close?

I talked to him very briefly on Friday afternoon and then emailed

you all.

Haven’t talked to him since because he said he would start

looking at this story this coming week.

Just emailed me to say it looks like it is moving up.

From: "Hagelgans, Andrea" <AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Sun, 6 Sep 2015 18:18:28 -0400
To: Phil Walzak <pwalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>, OOM MIS
<pkadushin@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Karen Hinton
Subject: RE: close?

He has not reached out to me.

PK has been primary point

From: Walzak, Phil

Sent: Sunday, September 06, 2015 6:16 PM
To: Kadushin, Peter; Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen
Subject: Re: close?

Who is he talking to? Who is giving him guidance?

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon 
Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Kadushin, Peter
Sent: Sunday, September 6, 2015 6:13 PM
To: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen
Subject: Re: close?

I haven’t said anything really.

He talked to me and said he sees the Mayor adjust strategy

more than one might have seen from other Mayors. If
Bloomberg was late a lot, he probably would have kept doing it.
His take generally seemed to be “this Mayor seems willing to
take good ideas even if they come from externally.” Complaints
about him being on time, so he adjusted. Daily News makes a
recommendation about calling Times Square parkland to avoid
panhandling and the Mayor said it was an idea worth looking at.

Also sees a change in approach on engagement with public.

More radio and more public activity like lehrer and ball games.

From: Phil Walzak <pwalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Sun, 6 Sep 2015 18:06:44 -0400
To: OOM MIS <pkadushin@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Hagelgans,
Andrea" <AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Karen Hinton
Subject: Re: close?

What have we told him thus far?

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon 
Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Kadushin, Peter
Sent: Sunday, September 6, 2015 6:00 PM
To: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen
Subject: FW: close?

We want to give them anything on a change in approach?

From: Matt Flegenheimer

Date: Sun, 6 Sep 2015 17:59:13 -0400
To: OOM MIS <pkadushin@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: close?

Heads up, looking like this might go online tomorrow, for

Tuesday print. 

On Fri, Sep 4, 2015 at 6:16 PM, Flegenheimer, Matt

<matt.flegenheimer@nytimes.com> wrote:
I guess the gist of what I'd like to know centers on the tension
between staying responsive to constituent concerns and
appearing reactive to criticism, bad press, etc. How do you toe
the line? Has the mayor made more of an effort in certain areas
(punctuality, for instance, or the radio appearances) because he
had taken some heat? How have his past jobs informed these

Will think about whether there's more that might be useful, but
I think this should cover it for now.
On Fri, Sep 4, 2015 at 5:29 PM, Flegenheimer, Matt
<matt.flegenheimer@nytimes.com> wrote:
cool walking to rotunda

On Fri, Sep 4, 2015 at 5:29 PM, Kadushin, Peter

<pkadushin@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Good now.

From: Flegenheimer, Matt

Sent: Friday, September 04, 2015 5:16 PM
To: Kadushin, Peter
Subject: close?
From: Dan Levitan
To: Parikh Ishanee
Subject: RE: City of New York - Correspondence #1-1-1149926238 Press Office
Date: Monday, September 07, 2015 9:31:44 PM

I got nothing…
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Parikh, Ishanee [mailto:iparikh@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, September 07, 2015 7:51 PM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Fw: City of New York - Correspondence #1-1-1149926238 Press Office

Super late notice but would mary be interested in this tmw am?

From: Ponet, Maibe

Sent: Monday, September 07, 2015 07:45 PM
To: Nicole Cueto (DHS) <NCueto@dhs.nyc.gov>; Parikh, Ishanee
Cc: Camille Rivera (DHS) <CAMILLER@dhs.nyc.gov>; Jaslee Carayol (DHS) <JCARAYOL@dhs.nyc.gov>; Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: RE: City of New York - Correspondence #1-1-1149926238 Press Office

Ishanee, can you check w Dan on whether Coalition is attending? he will need prep for panel discussion, this is not a straight
fwd interview

From: Nicole Cueto (DHS) [NCueto@dhs.nyc.gov]

Sent: Monday, September 07, 2015 7:35 PM
To: Parikh, Ishanee
Cc: Camille Rivera (DHS); Jaslee Carayol (DHS); Ponet, Maibe; Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: Re: City of New York - Correspondence #1-1-1149926238 Press Office

Just spoke to producer-

They're looking to have on an advocate (maybe Coalition person), someone who can speak to the legal issues (she
mentioned a civil rights attorney), and was hoping for someone from DHS. So far no one has confirmed.

Topics of discussion will include encampment breakdown, Giuliani's piece, shelter v street population, and
programs in place to alleviate the issue.

She said the discussion would last no longer than 6 minutes with panel participants and the anchors, Suki Christian
and Scott Stanford.

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 7, 2015, at 6:35 PM, Parikh, Ishanee <iparikh@cityhall nyc.gov> wrote:

Sorry! Do you think hed be interested in doing?

I think the more opps we get to highlight work we are doing, the better. Just re-laying out all the steps we've
taken on prevention, shelter exit, etc.

Worried he might not have enough time to prep tho. Thoughts?

From: Nicole Cueto (DHS) [mailto:NCueto@dhs.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, September 07, 2015 06:19 PM
To: Parikh, Ishanee
Cc: Camille Rivera (DHS) <CAMILLER@dhs.nyc.gov>; Jaslee Carayol (DHS) <JCARAYOL@dhs.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: City of New York - Correspondence #1-1-1149926238 Press Office


On Sep 7, 2015, at 3:44 PM, Nicole Cueto (DHS) <NCueto@dhs nyc.gov> wrote:


Pix 11 would like to have someone on from DHS for a panel discussion
tomorrow AM at 730 AM on overall homelessness. Is this something we want
CIR to do. Seems very similar to what ABC wants to do for Sat. Let me know
your thoughts and how to proceed.

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: <outgoingagency@customerservice.nyc.gov>
Date: September 7, 2015 at 1:20:33 PM EDT
To: <Press@dhs nyc.gov>
Subject: City of New York - Correspondence #1-1-1149926238
Press Office
Reply-To: <outgoingagency@customerservice.nyc.gov>

Your City of New York - CRM Correspondence Number is 1-1-

DATE RECEIVED: 09/07/2015 13:19:54
DATE DUE: 09/21/2015 13:20:30

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agency by the 311 Customer Service Center. In accordance with
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-----Original Message-----

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Sent: 09/07/2015 13:19:07
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Subject: Press Office

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Message From: Individual

Email: arjacobs@tribunemedia.com

Company/Organization Name: PIX 11 Morning News

Message: To Whom It May Concern,This is Adrienne Jacobs with

PIX 11 Morning News. We wanted to have a panel discussion on
homelessness in NYC and wanted to know if you had anyone
available. The segment would be for tomorrow morning at 730am
and we can provide transportation. Please let me know if this is
possible. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to
give me a call at or you can email me at
arjacobs@tribunemedia.com. Thank you and I look forward to
speaking with someone.



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From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Hagelgans, Andrea
Cc: Gunaratna, Mahen; Walzak, Phil; Adams Baker, Marti
Subject: Re: Where do we send correction requests
Date: Tuesday, September 08, 2015 6:16:30 AM


Sent from my iPad

On Sep 7, 2015, at 9:20 PM, "Hagelgans, Andrea" <AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

I don't have editor address. Jonathan , do you?

Sent from my Berry 10 smartphone.
From: Gunaratna, Mahen
Sent: Monday, September 7, 2015 9:19 PM
To: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea
Cc: Adams Baker, Marti
Subject: RE: Where do we send correction requests

Good man

From: Walzak, Phil

Sent: Monday, September 07, 2015 9:15 PM
To: Gunaratna, Mahen; Hagelgans, Andrea
Cc: Adams Baker, Marti
Subject: Re: Where do we send correction requests


Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Walzak, Phil
Sent: Monday, September 7, 2015 8:52 PM
To: Gunaratna, Mahen; Hagelgans, Andrea
Cc: Adams Baker, Marti
Subject: Where do we send correction requests

Here is what I want to send to reporter tonite -- good on facts?

Bec this thing is riddled w errors...late to an officers wake? Organized an anti-

charter rally? Seriously how'd you screw these things up so bad. You didn't event
get the town he grew up in correct. Ridiculous.  

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: jordan.smith@berlinrosen.com
Date: Tuesday, September 08, 2015 11:44:36 AM

Hey, saw I missed your call just now. I'm in a meeting but can call back afterward.

Sent from a mobile device

From: Jordan Smith
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: RE:
Date: Tuesday, September 08, 2015 11:45:17 AM

Oh, that was an accident! Sorry, no worries!

From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, September 08, 2015 11:45 AM
To: Jordan Smith

Hey, saw I missed your call just now. I'm in a meeting but can call back afterward.

Sent from a mobile device

From: Leopold, Elana
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; "Barbagallo Joy"; John Del Cecato; "URamirez@schools.nyc.gov"; Walzak, Phil;
Arslanian, Kayla; Blumm, Kate; "jonathan@berlinrosen.com"; "Wallack Josh (JWallack@schools.nyc.gov)";
Caquias, Paula; Griffith, Chantell; Devora Kaye; Shorris, Anthony; Goldmark, Karin; Zuniga, Andrea; Schnake
Mahl, Gabriel; Da Costa, Ricky; Wolfe, Emma; Cutler, Dorothy; Williams, Dominic; Hagelgans, Andrea; Chao,
Raymond; "eliss@schools.nyc.gov"; Schwartz, Regina; Buery, Richard; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Confer, Alexis
Subject: RE: MBDB: Education Speech Prep
Date: Tuesday, September 08, 2015 1:38:18 PM

Please gather

-----Original Appointment-----
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2015 5:02 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; 'Barbagallo Joy'; John Del Cecato; 'URamirez@schools.nyc.gov'; Walzak,
Phil; Arslanian, Kayla; Blumm, Kate; 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; 'Wallack Josh
(JWallack@schools.nyc.gov)'; Caquias, Paula; Leopold, Elana; Griffith, Chantell; Devora Kaye; Shorris,
Anthony; Goldmark, Karin; Zuniga, Andrea; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Da Costa, Ricky; Wolfe, Emma;
Cutler, Dorothy; Williams, Dominic; Hagelgans, Andrea; Chao, Raymond; 'eliss@schools.nyc.gov';
Schwartz, Regina; Buery, Richard; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Confer, Alexis
Subject: MBDB: Education Speech Prep
When: Tuesday, September 08, 2015 1:30 PM-2:30 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: City Hall, The Blue Room
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: B
Subject: Re: So...
Date: Thursday, September 10, 2015 10:42:42 PM

Another good week.  On offense.  Morning Joe, pushback on Rudy, quick response on Blake.  Yesterday
was amazing - in community with people on offense all day and broke through.  Media mix is working. 
Daily News play is important - glad you are doing board and Colin.   Ed speech coming together. Kate
Taylor community schools piece excellent.   I didn't say much because agreed with overall point and
need to keep applying it.  Phil's calendar for next three weeks is right plus moving up K2 and getting in
front of that.  Staying engaged w team and will speak up.  Blake thing is going to have more turns to it
but we're in the right place on it. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Sep 10, 2015, at 10:06 PM, B <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

> Whaddya think?? How are we doing?
From: Kochnower, Dana
To: Matthew Hassett; Abe Halpert; Caroline Nagy; Jovana Rizzo
Cc: Leyla Moore; Sage Henry Erskine; Lauren Suiter
Subject: RE: Latest survey video edit
Date: Friday, September 11, 2015 10:11:00 AM

I think it looks good – I have two thoughts: (neither of which are deal breakers at this point)
- For the last still of Mike measuring at the beginning (1:03), can you replace with him looking
at the boiler?  The VO says “machinery like air conditioners and boilers” but we see him
measuring a meter
- I think the FloodHelpNY.org shot (1:06) could be confusing because we don’t explain what it
is – also, the VO says “when you get your elevation certificate…” so can we replace that with
a shot of the EC or just lose it and go straight to the graphic that explains BFE?
Abe - If these can be done easily while you are replacing the graphic over the weekend, then great –
if not, I realize these are very fine points and as a whole, this is a strong video that accomplishes our
Matt – we don’t have a press release at this point and I am still waiting to hear back on the
communications plan… I will follow up again today and hopefully have an answer by the end of the
Thank you!
Dana Kochnower |  212-676-0022
From: Matthew Hassett [mailto:matthew.hassett@cnycn.org]
Sent: Friday, September 11, 2015 9:59 AM
To: Abe Halpert; Caroline Nagy; Jovana Rizzo
Cc: Kochnower, Dana; Leyla Moore; Sage Henry Erskine; Lauren Suiter
Subject: Re: Latest survey video edit

+ing Caroline and Jovana.

It looks good to me. Dana, we leave it to you.

Dana -- Is there a press release or an exclusive about the letters going out? (Sorry if I missed
that). We'd like to make as big a splash as possible with this.

Matthew Hassett  |  Director of Policy & Communications  T 646-786-0895

Center for NYC Neighborhoods

17 Battery Place, Suite 728  |  New York, NY 10004  
On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 9:55AM, Matthew Hassett <matthew.hassett@cnycn.org> wrote:
Speaking of...just got this from the "StopFEMANow" listserv:


Matthew Hassett I Director of Policy & Communications T 646-786-0895

Center for NYC Neighborhoods

17 Battery Place, Suite 728 I New York, NY 10004
On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 9:42AM, Abe Halpe1i

Hi guys,

The link above is (hopefully) the final video. Let me know if it needs tweaks.

I believe I solved the graphics rendering issue but it will take numerous homs to exp01i the
file with those settings. The following link is for a video of the first 8 seconds exp01ied with
those settings. Please download it, Leyla, to confi1m that the graphics are a match. Then I
will exp01i the full fmal video over the weekend once the edit is approved.


From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: Goldmark, Karin; Zuniga, Andrea; Hagelgans, Andrea; Shorris, Anthony; "jonathan@berlinrosen.com"; Schnake
Mahl, Gabriel; "Barbagallo Joy"; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Everett, Matt; Cutler, Dorothy; "eliss@schools.nyc.gov";
Blumm, Kate; Simonia Brown (OMB); Devora Kaye; Da Costa, Ricky; Chao, Raymond; Fialkoff, Gabrielle;
Leopold, Elana; John Del Cecato; Schwartz, Regina; Buery, Richard; Wolfe, Emma; Arslanian, Kayla; Williams,
Dominic; "URamirez@schools.nyc.gov"; Walzak, Phil; Caquias, Paula; Confer, Alexis; Griffith, Chantell; "Wallack
Josh (JWallack@schools.nyc.gov)"
Subject: RE: MBDB: Education Speech Prep
Date: Friday, September 11, 2015 3:29:06 PM

We are delayed

-----Original Appointment-----
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2015 10:12 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Goldmark, Karin; Zuniga, Andrea; Hagelgans, Andrea; Shorris, Anthony;
'jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; 'Barbagallo Joy'; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Everett,
Matt; Cutler, Dorothy; 'eliss@schools.nyc.gov'; Blumm, Kate; Simonia Brown (OMB); Devora Kaye; Da
Costa, Ricky; Chao, Raymond; Fialkoff, Gabrielle; Leopold, Elana; John Del Cecato; Schwartz, Regina;
Buery, Richard; Wolfe, Emma; Arslanian, Kayla; Williams, Dominic; 'URamirez@schools.nyc.gov'; Walzak,
Phil; Caquias, Paula; Confer, Alexis; Griffith, Chantell; 'Wallack Josh (JWallack@schools.nyc.gov)'
Subject: MBDB: Education Speech Prep
When: Friday, September 11, 2015 3:30 PM-4:30 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: City Hall, The Mayor's Office
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: Goldmark, Karin; Zuniga, Andrea; Hagelgans, Andrea; Shorris, Anthony; "jonathan@berlinrosen.com"; Schnake
Mahl, Gabriel; "Barbagallo Joy"; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Everett, Matt; Cutler, Dorothy; "eliss@schools.nyc.gov";
Blumm, Kate; Simonia Brown (OMB); Devora Kaye; Da Costa, Ricky; Chao, Raymond; Fialkoff, Gabrielle;
Leopold, Elana; John Del Cecato; Schwartz, Regina; Buery, Richard; Wolfe, Emma; Arslanian, Kayla; Williams,
Dominic; "URamirez@schools.nyc.gov"; Walzak, Phil; Caquias, Paula; Confer, Alexis; Griffith, Chantell; "Wallack
Josh (JWallack@schools.nyc.gov)"
Subject: RE: MBDB: Education Speech Prep
Date: Friday, September 11, 2015 3:48:50 PM

Please gather by 4:05

-----Original Appointment-----
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2015 10:12 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Goldmark, Karin; Zuniga, Andrea; Hagelgans, Andrea; Shorris, Anthony;
'jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; 'Barbagallo Joy'; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Everett,
Matt; Cutler, Dorothy; 'eliss@schools.nyc.gov'; Blumm, Kate; Simonia Brown (OMB); Devora Kaye; Da
Costa, Ricky; Chao, Raymond; Fialkoff, Gabrielle; Leopold, Elana; John Del Cecato; Schwartz, Regina;
Buery, Richard; Wolfe, Emma; Arslanian, Kayla; Williams, Dominic; 'URamirez@schools.nyc.gov'; Walzak,
Phil; Caquias, Paula; Confer, Alexis; Griffith, Chantell; 'Wallack Josh (JWallack@schools.nyc.gov)'
Subject: MBDB: Education Speech Prep
When: Friday, September 11, 2015 3:30 PM-4:30 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: City Hall, The Mayor's Office
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: Goldmark, Karin; Zuniga, Andrea; Hagelgans, Andrea; Shorris, Anthony; "jonathan@berlinrosen.com"; Schnake
Mahl, Gabriel; "Barbagallo Joy"; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Everett, Matt; Cutler, Dorothy; "eliss@schools.nyc.gov";
Blumm, Kate; Simonia Brown (OMB); Devora Kaye; Da Costa, Ricky; Chao, Raymond; Fialkoff, Gabrielle;
Leopold, Elana; John Del Cecato; Schwartz, Regina; Buery, Richard; Wolfe, Emma; Arslanian, Kayla; Williams,
Dominic; "URamirez@schools.nyc.gov"; Walzak, Phil; Caquias, Paula; Confer, Alexis; Griffith, Chantell; "Wallack
Josh (JWallack@schools.nyc.gov)"
Subject: RE: MBDB: Education Speech Prep
Date: Friday, September 11, 2015 4:02:16 PM

Sorry guys – this meeting is in the Blue Room.

-----Original Appointment-----
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2015 10:12 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Goldmark, Karin; Zuniga, Andrea; Hagelgans, Andrea; Shorris, Anthony;
'jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; 'Barbagallo Joy'; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Everett,
Matt; Cutler, Dorothy; 'eliss@schools.nyc.gov'; Blumm, Kate; Simonia Brown (OMB); Devora Kaye; Da
Costa, Ricky; Chao, Raymond; Fialkoff, Gabrielle; Leopold, Elana; John Del Cecato; Schwartz, Regina;
Buery, Richard; Wolfe, Emma; Arslanian, Kayla; Williams, Dominic; 'URamirez@schools.nyc.gov'; Walzak,
Phil; Caquias, Paula; Confer, Alexis; Griffith, Chantell; 'Wallack Josh (JWallack@schools.nyc.gov)'
Subject: MBDB: Education Speech Prep
When: Friday, September 11, 2015 3:30 PM-4:30 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: City Hall, The Mayor's Office
From: Singleton, Jessica
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Big announcement -- can Dan and Diane give quotes?
Date: Saturday, September 12, 2015 4:05:01 PM

thank you!

From: Jeremy Soffin [jeremy@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2015 4:04 PM
To: Singleton, Jessica
Subject: Re: Big announcement -- can Dan and Diane give quotes?

Cool will connect you.

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646-200-5318 (o)
917-860-9076 (c)

On Sep 12, 2015, at 3:54 PM, Singleton, Jessica <JSingleton@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Jeremy -- hope you are well! I can't find Dan and Diane's email addresses but I want to
pre-brief them on an historic announcement coming on Wednesday. Could you share this
with them and loop us together? I'd love to invite them to the speech and ask for
supportive quotes.

Dan and Diane -- 

Wanted to give you a heads up about a major announcement coming this Wednesday:
(still confidential) Mayor de Blasio will announce a plan to deliver computer science
education to every child in elementary, middle, and high schools by 2025. This will be the
largest CS program in the country. 

Below is basic information about the program (at least that we are sharing by email right
now.... I can brief you on the programmatic details by phone), and opportunities for you
and Cornell Tech to partner with us on the initiative (and Diane, I want to formally loop
you with the programmatic team at DOE... Debbie Marcus and her team, if you aren't
already in touch with them about this). 

Let me know what you think and if you'd be up for any of this!

Jessica Singleton
Chief Digital Officer @nycgov

While still confidential, next week on Wednesday, September 16 th , the Mayor will
announce what is the most ambitious computer science education effort in the country to
date. As part of an $81 million public-private partnership, New York City will deliver
computer science education to every student in each of the City’s elementary, middle,
and high schools by 2025—that’s 1.1 million students.
We couldn’t be more thrilled. This has been months in the making, and as you know,
something leaders like yourself have long promoted as a critical investment in our
students and growing tech ecosystem.  
We wanted to come to you before going out with the news to give you a chance to
partner with us when we announce this initiative.  It is the cornerstone of the Mayor’s
broader agenda for the future of public schools and there are multiple opportunities for
·         Quote.             Send us a quote for potential inclusion in broad-based press
and digital collateral.  

·         Tweet.             Tweet on September 16 th  to commend this historic

undertaking by the City of New York in partnership with the DOE. 
·         Speak.              Respond to press inquiries on behalf of the community you
represent (business, academia, and/or workforce).
·         Attend.             Attend the Mayoral Address on our Schools at 10:30am at
Bronx Latin School (800 Home Street, Bronx, NY 10456).
·         Represent.        Attend the Mayoral Address on our Schools and engage with
press on-site.
I would be happy to provide more information on this initiative; please let me know if you
would like to discuss live.  Pending your response, we will follow-up with suggested
messaging and tweets.  We need your response no later than 5pm on  Monday,
September 14 th .   
We heard you and your colleagues in the tech sector, business community, and
academia loud and clear on this issue and we look forward to your ongoing partnership
over the next few years.  Thank you.
From: Zuniga, Andrea
To: Hagelgans, Andrea
Cc: Wolfe, Emma; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Shorris, Anthony; Williams, Dominic; Blumm, Kate; Salazar-Rodriguez,
Prisca; JWallack@schools.nyc.gov; Schwartz, Regina; Cutler, Dorothy; Caquias, Paula;
URamirez@schools.nyc.gov; Da Costa, Ricky; Buery, Richard; eliss@schools.nyc.gov; Chao, Raymond;
JBarbag@schools.nyc.gov; jfdc@akpdmedia.com; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Griffith, Chantell; Leopold, Elana;
Confer, Alexis; jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Goldmark, Karin; Walzak, Phil; Arslanian, Kayla; Devora Kaye
Subject: Re: MBDB: Education Speech Prep
Date: Sunday, September 13, 2015 2:51:51 PM

For those dialing in- we are aiming for a 3pm start time

Andrea Zuniga
Deputy Chief of Staff
Office of the Mayor
Office: 212-341-9085
Cell: 917-847-6593
Sent from my iPhone 

On Sep 13, 2015, at 2:11 PM, Zuniga, Andrea <AZuniga@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Still aiming for 4pm end time to get him to softball in before family

Andrea Zuniga
Deputy Chief of Staff
Office of the Mayor
Office: 212-341-9085
Cell: 917-847-6593
Sent from my iPhone 

On Sep 13, 2015, at 2:09 PM, Hagelgans, Andrea

<AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Does that change the end time?

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Zuniga, Andrea
Sent: Sunday, September 13, 2015 2:04 PM
To: Wolfe, Emma; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Shorris, Anthony; Hagelgans,
Andrea; Williams, Dominic; Blumm, Kate; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca;
JWallack@schools.nyc.gov; Schwartz, Regina; Cutler, Dorothy; Caquias,
Paula; URamirez@schools.nyc.gov; Da Costa, Ricky; Buery, Richard;
eliss@schools.nyc.gov; Chao, Raymond; JBarbag@schools.nyc.gov;
jfdc@akpdmedia.com; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Griffith, Chantell; Leopold,
Elana; Confer, Alexis; jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Goldmark, Karin; Walzak,
Phil; Arslanian, Kayla; Devora Kaye
Subject: MBDB: Education Speech Prep

We are delayed by at least 20 mins

Andrea Zuniga
Deputy Chief of Staff
Office of the Mayor
Office: 212-341-9085
Cell: 917-847-6593
Sent from my iPhone 
From: Emily Walsh
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; "Jefrey Pollock"
Subject: RE: want to throw out some options"?
Date: Wednesday, September 16, 2015 10:21:12 AM

Assume you meant for another EW on this chain?

Let me know if not :) 

Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2015 10:20 AM
To: 'Jefrey Pollock'; Emily Walsh
Subject: RE: want to throw out some options'?

Ok. will send shortly.

From: Jefrey Pollock [mailto:jpollock@globalstrategygroup.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2015 10:20 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Emily Walsh
Subject: RE: want to throw out some options'?
Nope. I can do as late as he wants.
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [mailto:PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2015 10:09 AM
To: Jefrey Pollock <jpollock@globalstrategygroup.com>; Emily Walsh <emily@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: want to throw out some options'?
Will be sometime in early October-
Will send 2 dates-
He likes to do drinks/dinner around 8pm
Is that too late?
From: Jefrey Pollock [mailto:jpollock@globalstrategygroup.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2015 10:02 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Emily Walsh
Subject: want to throw out some options'?
Jefrey Pollock
Global Strategy Group
215 Park Avenue South, 15 th Floor
New York, NY 10003
Direct: 212.260.9171  Mobile: 917.545.1290
@jefpollock @GSG
   **Celebrating 20 Years of Leading the Way**
From: Jefrey Pollock
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Emily Walsh
Subject: RE: want to throw out some options"?
Date: Wednesday, September 16, 2015 10:50:03 AM

I’m aware! I think 730 is ideal

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [mailto:PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2015 10:23 AM
To: Jefrey Pollock <jpollock@globalstrategygroup.com>; Emily Walsh <emily@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: want to throw out some options'?
I do
What would you say would be the best time for him to go-
You know I have to take out fairy dust for what I do!
From: Jefrey Pollock [mailto:jpollock@globalstrategygroup.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2015 10:22 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Emily Walsh
Subject: RE: want to throw out some options'?
Does he still have our event on his calendar for 10/6?
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [mailto:PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2015 10:09 AM
To: Jefrey Pollock <jpollock@globalstrategygroup.com>; Emily Walsh <emily@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: want to throw out some options'?
Will be sometime in early October-
Will send 2 dates-
He likes to do drinks/dinner around 8pm
Is that too late?
From: Jefrey Pollock [mailto:jpollock@globalstrategygroup.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2015 10:02 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Emily Walsh
Subject: want to throw out some options'?

Jefrey Pollock
Global Strategy Group
215 Park Avenue South, 15 th Floor
New York, NY 10003
Direct: 212.260.9171  Mobile: 917.545.1290
@jefpollock @GSG
   **Celebrating 20 Years of Leading the Way**
From: Walzak, Phil
To: Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen; Wolfe, Emma; Jonathan Rosen; John Del Cecato; Snyder, Thomas
Subject: Fw: Quinnipiac NY GOV Advisory
Date: Wednesday, September 16, 2015 2:03:13 PM

NYS 57-15 ; NYC 61-21 there is a feud

NYC fav - deb-  37-49

NYS deB - 23-46

Feud is hurting, Cuomo winning, but neither is doing great, Cuomo @ lowest ever fav unfav

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Alyssa Adler <aadler@Rubenstein.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2015 12:01 PM
Subject: Quinnipiac NY GOV Advisory




Results of a Quinnipiac University Poll of New York State voters, asking their opinions of
Gov. Cuomo and Mayor De Blasio, will be sent to the media, Thursday, September 17th at
6:00 A.M.

Maurice Carroll, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll, will be available BY
PHONE to discuss the results.


          TIME:        6:00 A.M.

Follow us on Twitter @QuinnipiacPoll

From: B
To: Hinton, Karen; Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"
Subject: Re: NYT: De Blasio¹s Plan to Lift Poor Schools Comes With High Costs and Big Political Risks
Date: Thursday, September 17, 2015 10:05:08 AM

I think this is disgusting. She provides no balance whatsoever on the overall plan. Yes, the computer
science story was good, but this story is about much more and is entirely biased. We need to figure
out a new paradigm with the Times. This level of bias can't be ignored. Either starve them or reason
with them or something else -- but this is ridiculous

From: Hinton, Karen
Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2015 12:04 AM
To: B; Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: Re: NYT: De Blasio¹s Plan to Lift Poor Schools Comes With High Costs and Big Political Risks
Her story in today’s paper was very good so I think she felt the need to criticize to balance it out. But, she
didn’t even bother to include one positive quote, and she had plenty of validators thrown her way today.

Karen Hinton
Press Secretary
Follow Me On Twitter @KarenHinton

From: B <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Wed, 16 Sep 2015 23:58:46 -0400
To: Phil Walzak <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Andrea Hagelgans <AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov>,
Karen Hinton <khinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: FLONYC <FLONYC@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Fw: NYT: De Blasio’s Plan to Lift Poor Schools Comes With High Costs and Big Political Risks

What did I say about how disappointing the nyt has become...?

From: Clips
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2015 11:56 PM
Subject: NYT: De Blasio’s Plan to Lift Poor Schools Comes With High Costs and Big Political Risks

De Blasio’s Plan to Lift Poor Schools Comes With High Costs and Big Political Risks
NY TIMES - Kate Taylor

There was $75 million a year for second-grade reading specialists. Advanced Placement
classes got $51 million. Every eighth grader can take algebra thanks to $19 million. And $15
million was proposed to provide more than 16,000 students with dedicated counselors from
sixth through 12th grade.

On Wednesday, Mayor Bill de Blasio made his biggest commitment yet to his education
philosophy. He announced a half-dozen programs that focus on New York City’s poorest
students, in a speech that framed the proposals as a way to address income inequality, a
touchstone issue of his administration.

The cost of Mr. de Blasio’s programs is high, and the political risks are great. Republicans in
the State Legislature are already skeptical of the mayor’s approach to education, and the
results of his new programs will not be known for years. In June, the Legislature extended the
mayor’s control of schools by only one year, meaning that he has to go back to Albany next
year to request an extension. (The Legislature had given former Mayor Michael R.
Bloomberg control for seven years, then a renewal for six.)

In his speech, Mr. de Blasio argued that this investment in the city’s struggling schools was a
moral imperative.

“There is a tale of two cities in our schools, and we simply don’t accept it,” he said, reprising
the theme of his campaign. “Each and every child, in each and every classroom, deserves a
future that isn’t limited by their ZIP code.”

But many questions remain about how these programs will work and what the impact will be
on the school system.

The city is already redirecting $113.5 million a year in existing education funding to its
previously announced effort to add social services and improve results at the city’s 94
lowest-performing schools, according to the city’s Independent Budget Office.

City Hall said that the funding for the $186 million commitment laid out on Wednesday,
which also includes computer science instruction in every school, will come from new
revenues that they are anticipating based on financial projections.

But if the economy slowed down, the city would have to choose between backing off these
programs or making cuts elsewhere. Mr. de Blasio could risk turning off voters if parents saw
class sizes grow or extracurricular activities shrink further.

Leonie Haimson, the executive director of Class Size Matters, an organization that advocates
smaller classes, was disappointed with the mayor’s speech.

“Where is the research that shows that these initiatives would narrow the achievement gap, as
class size reduction has been proven to do?” she said. “De Blasio made many promises
during his campaign to parents and other voters to lower class size that he now appears to
have forgotten completely.”

David C. Bloomfield, a professor of education leadership at Brooklyn College and the CUNY
Graduate Center, called Mr. de Blasio’s speech “a feel-good parade of accomplishments and
helpful initiatives” that was meant to bolster his chances for renewal of mayoral control of
schools and re-election.

He said it was striking that, in a speech titled “Equity and Excellence,” there was no mention
of the high degree of racial segregation in New York City schools and ways to combat it.

Mr. de Blasio did try to inoculate himself against critics who adhere to Mr. Bloomberg’s
education approach. In contrast with the Bloomberg administration, the current mayor
opposes closing schools that perform poorly, except as a last resort. While Mr. Bloomberg
was on a constant, and largely unsuccessful, mission to fire teachers he considered subpar,
Mr. de Blasio has had a more amicable relationship with the city teachers’ union.

But he said on Wednesday that his administration had “helped 660 educators find their way
out of the New York City school system,” from April 2014 to April 2015. Asked to elaborate,
the Department of Education said that the number included teachers who had been fired or
denied tenure, and who resigned while facing disciplinary action.

“This shows we are willing and able to make the change that’s necessary,” Mr. de Blasio
said. “Where it’s needed, we will replace school leadership or staff to transform a school if
they cannot improve with our tailored and targeted support.”
Mr. de Blasio, who has clashed with charter school supporters, also announced a $5-million-
a-year program under which district and charter schools can share practices.

One prominent pro-charter group, Families for Excellent Schools, was not satisfied, arguing
that Mr. de Blasio’s aversion to more charter schools was cutting off an avenue of
opportunity for poor families.

“At the current rate, all New York City students won’t be able to read at grade level until
2051,” the group’s chief executive, Jeremiah Kittredge, said in a statement. “The incremental
change proposed today won’t fix New York City’s education inequality.”

Mr. de Blasio set a number of long-term goals during the speech, including increasing the
four-year high school graduation rate to 80 percent from 68 percent by 2026 (by which point
he will have been out of office for at least four years).

Some of the goals he set on Wednesday may be even more ambitious.

“Excellence and achievement cannot, should not and will not discriminate in New York
City,” he said, adding that “we have to make sure success is as common in East New York as
it is on the Upper East Side.”
From: Hinton, Karen
To: Walzak, Phil; Wolfe, Emma; Hagelgans, Andrea; Snyder, Thomas; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: Tom Kaplan
Date: Thursday, September 17, 2015 5:51:39 PM

See below. He¹s not filing until first part of next week. I am suppose to
talk to him late Friday.

Karen Hinton
Press Secretary
Follow Me On Twitter @KarenHinton

On 9/16/15, 8:57 AM, "KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov" <KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>


>Kaplan of ny times working on story about who is advising mayor outside

>city hall. Wants us to give him names and discuss these individuals. He
>knows del cecato and Rosen of course. I think we expand the list to
>business types. Can we say Speyers wlyde parsons for example? Try to take
>it out of political context? Also community people?
>Let's discuss today.
>Sent from my iPhone
From: B
To: Shorris, Anthony; Williams, Dominic; Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB);
Wolfe, Emma; "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"
Subject: Fw: DN: Editorial: Bill’s bill comes due for the MTA
Date: Friday, September 18, 2015 8:17:02 AM

Read this piece carefully, and I think it shows my fears were justified. Yes, it's good that I sound
reasonable and am in fact being reasonable. But look at what's already starting to happen with the
price tag. Cuomo has laid a trap and we're walking into it. If we we offer $200m more a year, he will
dismiss it as too little and claim we're the problem. We are letting him dictate the terms. We have to
correct this before we create a new defeat for ourselves. NO ONE on this team should say anything
more on this issue publicly until we sort out our longer term strategy. If we don't get this right,
Cuomo will make the $3B figure the litmus test and we will be huge losers here

From: Clips
Sent: Friday, September 18, 2015 07:06 AM
Subject: DN: Editorial: Bill’s bill comes due for the MTA
Editorial: Bill’s bill comes due for the MTA
DAILY NEWS – Editorial
Expressing a willingness to increase New York City support of the state-run subway system if
basic conditions are met, Mayor de Blasio Thursday offered a path toward resolving the city-state
transit funding war.
Gov. Cuomo, legislative leaders and Metropolitan Transportation Authority Chairman Tom
Prendergast should weigh hte terms de Blasio spelled out to the Daily News Editorial Board and
say: Mr. Mayor, let’s talk more.
As for de Blasio, he needs to prepare to substantially up the city’s contribution to the MTA
without imposing new taxes.
Cuomo is charged with funding the MTA’s $26.8 billion, 10-year plan for keeping mass transit in
working condition, plus pay for mega-projects like the Second Ave. subway. But, after counting
federal aid, the governor is more than $11 billion short.
To break that nut, Cuomo has promised to draw $8.3 billion from still-unidentified sources and is
dunning de Blasio for $3 billion — five times the $600 million the mayor had offered up.
The mayor says he may agree to go higher if he is assured that the state’s commitment is real and
is not set up in a way that could drive up fares. He also wants a voice in how the MTA spends the
Prendergast responded that, pending next year’s legislative session, where all this will be hashed
out, de Blasio could give conditional approval to providing any particular amount of money.
The two positions should be easily reconcilable, with de Blasio markedly boosting city support and
both men agreeing that the mayor would turn over the cash only if Albany meets his terms.
The MTA, a state agency, has two primary sources of revenue: fares and the collection of taxes
and fees, such as a levy on real estate transactions and a surcharge on every yellow cab ride.
Riders have been paying more under a deal with Albany: Fares would go up biannually in line with
inflation and the state would add however much money the MTA needed to operate.
The arrangement has been great for Albany. With MTA taxes and fees rolling in, it siphoned $270
million out of the agency over the past four years, a maneuver that de Blasio cites as cause to
question what the governor and Legislature would do if he commits $3 billion.
At the same time, the mayor questions how Cuomo intends to raise his promised $8.3 billion. If the
governor were to have the MTA borrow the money, the authority would all but certainly have to
tap the riders to pay it back — which would likely push up fares.
The governor on Thursday evening ruled out MTA borrowing and said his plan called for drawing
the $8.3 billion out of the state general fund over 10 years — a commitment that should relieve de
Blasio’s worry about a threat to the fare.
The state of play, then, is that de Blasio, Cuomo and Prendergast should easily come into sync on
the fundamentals that the state’s general budget will fund the capital plan at a set level in
partnership with specified contributions from the city.
De Blasio’s share will surely be larger than the $600 million he’s offered. In the past two capital
plans, the city has footed roughly 11% of the bill, a level that would put de Blasio in Cuomo’s $3
billion ballpark. Soon enough, with his conditions met, the mayor will have to talk money.
De Blasio’s share will surely be larger than the $600 million he’s offered. In the past
two capital plans, the city has footed roughly 11% of the bill, a level that would put
de Blasio in Cuomo’s $3 billion ballpark. Soon enough, with his conditions met, the
mayor will have to talk money.
From: B
To: Wolfe, Emma
Cc: Shorris, Anthony; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Walzak, Phil; Snyder, Thomas; Williams, Dominic;
Subject: Re: MTA Letter
Date: Friday, September 18, 2015 8:42:51 AM

I totally want you organizing our allies, but I think we're missing that this could end badly. This could
be a much bigger, longer-lasting Uber if we do it wrong. And I GUARANTEE this will be portrayed as
a defeat for us if we don't figure out a critical path on the politics and optics here

From: Wolfe, Emma
Sent: Friday, September 18, 2015 08:23 AM
To: B
Cc: Shorris, Anthony; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Walzak, Phil; Snyder, Thomas; Williams, Dominic
Subject: Re: MTA Letter
Roger that - a strategy you can believe in - fair and something we shd be able to

If we can get comfort soon then I just really want to start pounding on the

On Sep 18, 2015, at 8:20 AM, B <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Emma, that's a fair point. So I say two things:

1. We are playing a long game here. Monday is about tactics. Making sure we don't end
up on the hook for $3B, or become the bad guys for doing less, is about strategy.

2. Show me a written plan for how we intend to gain and keep the high road and not
end up footing a huge new bill

From: Wolfe, Emma
Sent: Friday, September 18, 2015 08:10 AM
To: B
Cc: Shorris, Anthony; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Walzak, Phil; Snyder, Thomas; Williams,
Subject: Re: MTA Letter
Understand you're waiting on important facts but fwiw my two cents in
meantime --- with MTA further going on offensive this coming Monday -
better to have our own offense and high ground and discussed
The state wants us reacting, dragging this out and making us passive
rather than active, and they do not want us proposing sensible solutions
with real conditions; a superior policy, message, and opportunity for

On Sep 18, 2015, at 8:04 AM, B <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

What I need to know before we do that: how much are we actually willing
to spend. There is no reason to rush to send this letter before we have
any sense of endgame. And you know both cuomo and the editorial
boards will expect much more of us than we can afford. So HOLD until I
get a sense of what our perimeters are. Answer with a $ figure whenever
you and Dean feel ready

From: Shorris, Anthony
Sent: Friday, September 18, 2015 07:59 AM
To: B
Cc: Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Wolfe, Emma; Walzak, Phil; Snyder, Thomas;
Williams, Dominic
Subject: MTA Letter
Here is a draft of what I propose sending to Tom Prendergast
this morning, following up on your comments at the Daily
News.  Senior team is comfortable, but let me know if you
have any changes you'd like to see.  Once you are OK, IGA
can begin working with our allies to build a groundswell of

Dear Tom:

As you know, Mayor de Blasio has long recognized the

importance of the MTA to the future of New York. 
Throughout his campaign and his mayoralty, he has made
clear his support for the work of the agency and the need for
its capital program to receive the support it needs to address
to create the platform for the economic growth and
opportunity essential to the entire State.  He has urged full
funding of the MTA capital program again and again, despite
that fact that the current plan is modest in its ambition.

New Yorkers recognize the agency’s importance.  Our riders,

toll-payers and taxpayers supply three-quarters of the MTA’s
revenues, more than their fair share of the burden despite the
many other challenges facing our city.  Spending nearly $11
billion a year on the agency’s operations is a clear sign of our
citizens' commitment to the mission of mass transit.
This City government recognizes the agency’s importance too. 
We have supported the MTA and its capital program in every
way.  We stood together at the opening of the 7-train
expansion, a commitment of $2.4 billion of City funding.   The
City recently dedicated another $200 million to transit
improvements at the Vanderbilt Corridor development.   And
most recently, meeting your full request of us at the time, the
Mayor and Council increased the City’s capital contribution to
the MTA to the highest level in many years.  

Yet not every level of government has stepped up to meet its

responsibility.  Over the past five years, over $270 million of
funds that should have been available to the MTA have been
diverted to other State budget needs.  Over the past 20 years,
the City has contributed more than twice as much to the MTA
capital program as New York State, despite the fact that the
MTA is a State agency with a clear state and regional mission
since its founding in the Sixties.  And most recently, despite
talk of additional funding, not a single dollar of new funding
for the agency has been specified by New York State, let
alone allocated to its budget. 

It is time to speak honestly about the MTA and its future once
and for all.  The Mayor will recommend to the City Council
that additional capital contributions be made to support the
MTA’s capital program as soon as three specific conditions are

1.     The sources of any additional funds to be

committed by New York State are specifically
identified, and those funds are provided in ways that do not
reduce any other funding for the MTA or the City or increase
the likelihood of fare hikes on already-burdened City

2.     Funds otherwise intended for the MTA that have

been previously been diverted by New York State are
returned to the MTA, in addition to any other State funding
to be provided, and no further diversions will be permitted;

3.     The MTA capital budget process will be revised to give

the City of New York approval to allocate funds among
projects located in the city in order to insure the needs of
the residents who pay for the vast preponderance of the
MTA’s operations are addressed. 

These are simple and obviously fair conditions to be met

before additional City funds are provided.   How could any
Mayor consider significant new funding without knowing the
rest of the Five Year Plan is in fact funded, that City funding
will not be simply diverted to other State purposes, and that
City funds will be used to address the priorities of City

I assume the MTA would support each of these

requirements.   As chief operating officer of the agency, I am
sure you do not welcome diversion of funds you had every
right to expect would be available to you.  As Chair of the
Board, I know you could not vote for any financial plan based
on funds that have not been specified as new, real and
committed.  And as someone who cares deeply about New
York, I’m sure you would want to insure the MTA capital
program reflects the priorities identified by the elected
representative of the people of the city.  

These are the pre-requisites to insuring this Five Year Capital

Plan is funded.  And perhaps just as importantly, these are
guidelines that should be followed by both State and City for
all future capital plans.  

As the Mayor laid out in his OneNYC  plan, we have a broad

vision for the City (and the entire region it supports), one that
reflects our commitment to being a strong, just, sustainable,
and resilient community.  Our competitors around the world
recognize that strong transit systems are key to their future –
and so should we.

The Mayor and our entire team look forward to working with
you and rest of the officials who hold the MTA in their trust as
we create a transit system that will be the platform for a
stronger and more just state and region.  Millions of New
Yorkers depend on us to get this right.


Anthony E. Shorris
First Deputy Mayor
City of New York
City Hall
New York, NY 10007
From: Hinton, Karen
To: B
Cc: Kadushin, Peter; Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Norvell, Wiley; Spitalnick, Amy (OMB); Snyder, Thomas;
Shorris, Anthony; Williams, Dominic; Wolfe, Emma; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Jonathan@berlinrosen.com;
Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: Re: Brian Lehrer Prep
Date: Friday, September 18, 2015 9:47:04 AM

Yes we all understand. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 18, 2015, at 9:43 AM, B <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

We are NOT ready to "recommend" further City support for the MTA as the TP's below
indicate!! AGAIN, you all keep getting ahead of me re: the MTA. We are now
bargaining against ourselves. Everybody, STOP and collect ourselves and come up with
a real strategy. Guys, I love you all, but there is a real danger here that you are setting
up a lose-lose situation that will make Uber look like child's play. NO ONE say
ANYTHING about the MTA publicly without clearing it with me first. This is me being
honest with my colleagues. On Uber we were not united enough and we hadn't
thought thru the play. That's happening again here. The difference here is there NO
objective time deadline forcing our hand. Only Andrew Cuomo is forcing our hand.
Don't let him control the playing field. Everything at a time and place of our choosing.
We need another strategy call this weekend or soon. Pls include rosen in it. Thanks

From: Hinton, Karen
Sent: Friday, September 18, 2015 08:53 AM
To: B
Cc: Kadushin, Peter; Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Norvell, Wiley; Spitalnick, Amy
Subject: Brian Lehrer Prep
Mr. Mayor — If you have time and want to review off topic for Brian Lehrer before Peter and
I see you:

MTA(MTA said City had to contribute more or cuts would be in store. Called on Mayor
to provide more funding)
Q: Are you going to give MTA more funding for capital improvements?

— New Yorkers rely on the MTA - and fund three-quarters of its operations. Yet the
City has no control over this State agency.
— Still, even after increasing our capital contribution this spring, we are ready to
recommend even further City support -- but won't blindly hand over a check given the
State's track record.
— So we are asking the State to meet 3 simple and fair conditions before even more
City taxpayer funds are provided: 
(1) make clear where this promised State funding will come from, so we know it won't
be on the backs of riders and City residents; 
(2) return the $270M the Governor has raided from the MTA and ensure no further
diversions; and 
(3) give NYC approval over where capital funds are allocated in the city.

Older Talking Points:

-NYC residents are not getting what they are giving to the MTA and we aren’t going to
blindly hand money over
-NYC taxpayers don’t get back what they put in to the MTA
-We need to know what the Governor and MTA’s plans are and assurances that they
don’t intend to push fare increases that hurt working people
-Past 25 years, the City government put in more than twice as much support for the
MTA capital program as the State government.

TIMES SQUARE TASK FORCE(Task Force met yesterday and meeting again today -- made
clear yesterday that consensus to complete plazas)
Q: Why didn’t your task force meet sooner? Are you going to tear up Times Square?
-Past month members of the administration and task force members have had many
-All working together to advance common goals for Times Square
-Group will continue to meet and have recommendations by October
-General consensus among task force to complete construction of the Times Square plaza
and then evaluate
-Strong interest from members in cordoning off the cartoon characters

MMR HOMELESSNESS(Post on slight increases in majority of indicators - following trends)

Q: Reports yesterday from homeless agency shows increases in homelessness?
-Homelessness increasing over past 20 yrs -- more than 100%
-Systematically rebuilt programs, showing more results
-Over 15k moved out of shelter; 20k enrolled in prevention programs
-Clergy helping with Safe Haven beds 
- NYC Safe/NYPD retraining

POLL NUMBERS(Lowest they’ve been and voters say Cuomo/MBDB feud hurts NY)
Q: How do you explain drops in your polling numbers? When are you and Governor going
to move beyond this feud?
-Here’s what really matters: safest summer in over 20 years; more affordable housing than
at any point in last 40 years; 177K new jobs since I took office; pre-K for all
-If there are ways to productively work with this Gov we will
-But we will continue to speak out if NYC getting short end of stick
JAMES BLAKE (Blake has called for the officer involved in his arrest to no longer be on the
force plus calls for investment in appropriate training of officers)
Q-Have you talked with James Blake yet? Do you think the officer should still be on the
force? Would this have happened to a white man? Would any other black man have
gotten an apology?
-Commissioner Bratton and I have both extended our apologies to Mr. Blake
-Focused now on resolving this issue
-Going to continue to implement reforms to build trust between police and community while
keeping NYC one of the safest big cities in the world
-The incident under investigation & at the end we will determine who can be held
accountable & what can learned to further prevent incidents like this
-Our administration has already invested nearly $29 million to retrain about 22,000
uniformed service members and thousands more will be training in coming months
-We are focused on neighborhood policing and CCRB complaints are at the lowest levels in
nearly 15 years

UBER TRAFFIC STUDY (Uber releasing analysis saying it’ll take more than 4 months to do a
comprehensive traffic analysis)
Q: Are you starting up your fight with Uber again? Do they have a point that 4 months
isn’t enough time?
-Administration, City Council, AND Uber all agreed to 4 month study
-Uber SAID it would provide City with new data—like where/when they drop off their riders
-Plenty of time to complete the study and it would be a shame if Uber went back on this

JOBS(New data from Bureau of Labor Statistics showing NYC unemployment dropped to
Q. What’s behind this?
-Good news. Unemployment at 5.4%—lowest since June 2008 (pre-Lehman Brothers)
-Dropped 2.7% since we took office with 177,000 new private sector jobs added
-Wages finally going up again, though still below pre-recession peak
-Our focus on good jobs, investing growing sectors like tech with good paying jobs—link to
Computer Science in all schools

Q: When are you endorsing?
-Excited to see HRC discuss the critical issues facing the country- Progressive priorities like
paid family leave
-Have been clear that she has put out a strong platform, but I would like to see a fuller
vision laid out

Q-You recently suggested Biden should not run, why do you think he should stay out of
the field?
-Great deal of respect for VP and never said he should not run
-What I have been clear on is that we have enough great candidates in the field
DN ED BOARD (You told the DN ed board you want to spend more time talking with NYers
about yourself and what your administration has done)
Q-Do you think you haven’t successfully communicated your work? Are you essentially
campaigning for a second term?
-Focused on speaking to New Yorkers, answering their questions, and discussing their
-Spent almost two years building an infrastructure and putting programs in place, now I’d
like to speak with New York about that work and how it impacts the city
From: Hinton, Karen
To: Walzak, Phil
Cc: Kadushin, Peter; Hagelgans, Andrea; Norvell, Wiley; Spitalnick, Amy (OMB); Snyder, Thomas; Shorris, Anthony;
Williams, Dominic; Wolfe, Emma; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: Re: Brian Lehrer Prep
Date: Friday, September 18, 2015 9:52:44 AM

I knew this would happen even before I saw the email about the dn editorial. The
tpts were not in sync with what he said at dn. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 18, 2015, at 9:43 AM, B <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

We are NOT ready to "recommend" further City support for the MTA as the TP's below
indicate!! AGAIN, you all keep getting ahead of me re: the MTA. We are now
bargaining against ourselves. Everybody, STOP and collect ourselves and come up with
a real strategy. Guys, I love you all, but there is a real danger here that you are setting
up a lose-lose situation that will make Uber look like child's play. NO ONE say
ANYTHING about the MTA publicly without clearing it with me first. This is me being
honest with my colleagues. On Uber we were not united enough and we hadn't
thought thru the play. That's happening again here. The difference here is there NO
objective time deadline forcing our hand. Only Andrew Cuomo is forcing our hand.
Don't let him control the playing field. Everything at a time and place of our choosing.
We need another strategy call this weekend or soon. Pls include rosen in it. Thanks

From: Hinton, Karen
Sent: Friday, September 18, 2015 08:53 AM
To: B
Cc: Kadushin, Peter; Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Norvell, Wiley; Spitalnick, Amy
Subject: Brian Lehrer Prep
Mr. Mayor — If you have time and want to review off topic for Brian Lehrer before Peter and
I see you:

MTA(MTA said City had to contribute more or cuts would be in store. Called on Mayor
to provide more funding)
Q: Are you going to give MTA more funding for capital improvements?

— New Yorkers rely on the MTA - and fund three-quarters of its operations. Yet the
City has no control over this State agency.
— Still, even after increasing our capital contribution this spring, we are ready to
recommend even further City support -- but won't blindly hand over a check given the
State's track record.
— So we are asking the State to meet 3 simple and fair conditions before even more
City taxpayer funds are provided: 
(1) make clear where this promised State funding will come from, so we know it won't
be on the backs of riders and City residents; 
(2) return the $270M the Governor has raided from the MTA and ensure no further
diversions; and 
(3) give NYC approval over where capital funds are allocated in the city.

Older Talking Points:

-NYC residents are not getting what they are giving to the MTA and we aren’t going to
blindly hand money over
-NYC taxpayers don’t get back what they put in to the MTA
-We need to know what the Governor and MTA’s plans are and assurances that they
don’t intend to push fare increases that hurt working people
-Past 25 years, the City government put in more than twice as much support for the
MTA capital program as the State government.

TIMES SQUARE TASK FORCE(Task Force met yesterday and meeting again today -- made
clear yesterday that consensus to complete plazas)
Q: Why didn’t your task force meet sooner? Are you going to tear up Times Square?
-Past month members of the administration and task force members have had many
-All working together to advance common goals for Times Square
-Group will continue to meet and have recommendations by October
-General consensus among task force to complete construction of the Times Square plaza
and then evaluate
-Strong interest from members in cordoning off the cartoon characters

MMR HOMELESSNESS(Post on slight increases in majority of indicators - following trends)

Q: Reports yesterday from homeless agency shows increases in homelessness?
-Homelessness increasing over past 20 yrs -- more than 100%
-Systematically rebuilt programs, showing more results
-Over 15k moved out of shelter; 20k enrolled in prevention programs
-Clergy helping with Safe Haven beds 
- NYC Safe/NYPD retraining

POLL NUMBERS(Lowest they’ve been and voters say Cuomo/MBDB feud hurts NY)
Q: How do you explain drops in your polling numbers? When are you and Governor going
to move beyond this feud?
-Here’s what really matters: safest summer in over 20 years; more affordable housing than
at any point in last 40 years; 177K new jobs since I took office; pre-K for all
-If there are ways to productively work with this Gov we will
-But we will continue to speak out if NYC getting short end of stick
JAMES BLAKE (Blake has called for the officer involved in his arrest to no longer be on the
force plus calls for investment in appropriate training of officers)
Q-Have you talked with James Blake yet? Do you think the officer should still be on the
force? Would this have happened to a white man? Would any other black man have
gotten an apology?
-Commissioner Bratton and I have both extended our apologies to Mr. Blake
-Focused now on resolving this issue
-Going to continue to implement reforms to build trust between police and community while
keeping NYC one of the safest big cities in the world
-The incident under investigation & at the end we will determine who can be held
accountable & what can learned to further prevent incidents like this
-Our administration has already invested nearly $29 million to retrain about 22,000
uniformed service members and thousands more will be training in coming months
-We are focused on neighborhood policing and CCRB complaints are at the lowest levels in
nearly 15 years

UBER TRAFFIC STUDY (Uber releasing analysis saying it’ll take more than 4 months to do a
comprehensive traffic analysis)
Q: Are you starting up your fight with Uber again? Do they have a point that 4 months
isn’t enough time?
-Administration, City Council, AND Uber all agreed to 4 month study
-Uber SAID it would provide City with new data—like where/when they drop off their riders
-Plenty of time to complete the study and it would be a shame if Uber went back on this

JOBS(New data from Bureau of Labor Statistics showing NYC unemployment dropped to
Q. What’s behind this?
-Good news. Unemployment at 5.4%—lowest since June 2008 (pre-Lehman Brothers)
-Dropped 2.7% since we took office with 177,000 new private sector jobs added
-Wages finally going up again, though still below pre-recession peak
-Our focus on good jobs, investing growing sectors like tech with good paying jobs—link to
Computer Science in all schools

Q: When are you endorsing?
-Excited to see HRC discuss the critical issues facing the country- Progressive priorities like
paid family leave
-Have been clear that she has put out a strong platform, but I would like to see a fuller
vision laid out

Q-You recently suggested Biden should not run, why do you think he should stay out of
the field?
-Great deal of respect for VP and never said he should not run
-What I have been clear on is that we have enough great candidates in the field

DN ED BOARD (You told the DN ed board you want to spend more time talking with NYers
about yourself and what your administration has done)
Q-Do you think you haven’t successfully communicated your work? Are you essentially
campaigning for a second term?
-Focused on speaking to New Yorkers, answering their questions, and discussing their
-Spent almost two years building an infrastructure and putting programs in place, now I’d
like to speak with New York about that work and how it impacts the city
From: Spitalnick, Amy (OMB)
To: Shorris, Anthony; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB)
Cc: Hinton, Karen; Kadushin, Peter; Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Norvell, Wiley; Snyder, Thomas; Williams,
Dominic; Wolfe, Emma; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: RE: Brian Lehrer Prep
Date: Friday, September 18, 2015 9:54:22 AM

Maybe this is a silly Q – but won’t we quickly lose the battle over needing to know where our money
will go when the MTA says Monday (or sooner) that it would go to the projects they now have to
From: Shorris, Anthony [mailto:AShorris@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, September 18, 2015 9:52 AM
To: Fuleihan, Dean (OMB)
Cc: Hinton, Karen; Kadushin, Peter; Phillip Walzak; Hagelgans, Andrea; Norvell, Wiley; Spitalnick, Amy
(OMB); Snyder, Thomas; Williams, Dominic; Wolfe, Emma; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Salazar-
Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: Re: Brian Lehrer Prep

I will retire from the field for a while.

Anthony E. Shorris
First Deputy Mayor
City of New York
City Hall
New York, NY 10007

On Sep 18, 2015, at 9:43 AM, B <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

We are NOT ready to "recommend" further City support for the MTA as the TP's below
indicate!! AGAIN, you all keep getting ahead of me re: the MTA. We are now
bargaining against ourselves. Everybody, STOP and collect ourselves and come up with
a real strategy. Guys, I love you all, but there is a real danger here that you are setting
up a lose-lose situation that will make Uber look like child's play. NO ONE say
ANYTHING about the MTA publicly without clearing it with me first. This is me being
honest with my colleagues. On Uber we were not united enough and we hadn't
thought thru the play. That's happening again here. The difference here is there NO
objective time deadline forcing our hand. Only Andrew Cuomo is forcing our hand.
Don't let him control the playing field. Everything at a time and place of our choosing.
We need another strategy call this weekend or soon. Pls include rosen in it. Thanks

From: Hinton, Karen

Sent: Friday, September 18, 2015 08:53 AM
To: B
Cc: Kadushin, Peter; Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Norvell, Wiley; Spitalnick, Amy
Subject: Brian Lehrer Prep

Mr. Mayor — If you have time and want to review off topic for Brian Lehrer before Peter and
I see you:
MTA(MTA said City had to contribute more or cuts would be in store. Called on Mayor
to provide more funding)
Q: Are you going to give MTA more funding for capital improvements?
— New Yorkers rely on the MTA - and fund three-quarters of its operations. Yet the
City has no control over this State agency.
— Still, even after increasing our capital contribution this spring, we are ready to
recommend even further City support -- but won't blindly hand over a check given the
State's track record.
— So we are asking the State to meet 3 simple and fair conditions before even more
City taxpayer funds are provided: 
(1) make clear where this promised State funding will come from, so we know it won't
be on the backs of riders and City residents; 
(2) return the $270M the Governor has raided from the MTA and ensure no further
diversions; and 
(3) give NYC approval over where capital funds are allocated in the city.
Older Talking Points:
-NYC residents are not getting what they are giving to the MTA and we aren’t going to
blindly hand money over
-NYC taxpayers don’t get back what they put in to the MTA
-We need to know what the Governor and MTA’s plans are and assurances that they
don’t intend to push fare increases that hurt working people
-Past 25 years, the City government put in more than twice as much support for the
MTA capital program as the State government.
TIMES SQUARE TASK FORCE(Task Force met yesterday and meeting again today --
made clear yesterday that consensus to complete plazas)
Q: Why didn’t your task force meet sooner? Are you going to tear up Times Square?
-Past month members of the administration and task force members have had many
-All working together to advance common goals for Times Square
-Group will continue to meet and have recommendations by October
-General consensus among task force to complete construction of the Times Square
plaza and then evaluate
-Strong interest from members in cordoning off the cartoon characters
MMR HOMELESSNESS(Post on slight increases in majority of indicators - following
Q: Reports yesterday from homeless agency shows increases in homelessness?
-Homelessness increasing over past 20 yrs -- more than 100%
-Systematically rebuilt programs, showing more results
-Over 15k moved out of shelter; 20k enrolled in prevention programs
-Clergy helping with Safe Haven beds 
- NYC Safe/NYPD retraining
POLL NUMBERS(Lowest they’ve been and voters say Cuomo/MBDB feud hurts NY)
Q: How do you explain drops in your polling numbers? When are you and Governor going
to move beyond this feud?
-Here’s what really matters: safest summer in over 20 years; more affordable housing
than at any point in last 40 years; 177K new jobs since I took office; pre-K for all
-If there are ways to productively work with this Gov we will
-But we will continue to speak out if NYC getting short end of stick
JAMES BLAKE (Blake has called for the officer involved in his arrest to no longer be on
the force plus calls for investment in appropriate training of officers)
Q-Have you talked with James Blake yet? Do you think the officer should still be on
the force? Would this have happened to a white man? Would any other black man
have gotten an apology?
-Commissioner Bratton and I have both extended our apologies to Mr. Blake
-Focused now on resolving this issue
-Going to continue to implement reforms to build trust between police and community
while keeping NYC one of the safest big cities in the world
-The incident under investigation & at the end we will determine who can be held
accountable & what can learned to further prevent incidents like this
-Our administration has already invested nearly $29 million to retrain about 22,000
uniformed service members and thousands more will be training in coming months
-We are focused on neighborhood policing and CCRB complaints are at the lowest
levels in nearly 15 years
UBER TRAFFIC STUDY (Uber releasing analysis saying it’ll take more than 4 months to
do a comprehensive traffic analysis)
Q: Are you starting up your fight with Uber again? Do they have a point that 4 months
isn’t enough time?
-Administration, City Council, AND Uber all agreed to 4 month study
-Uber SAID it would provide City with new data—like where/when they drop off their
-Plenty of time to complete the study and it would be a shame if Uber went back on
this agreement
JOBS(New data from Bureau of Labor Statistics showing NYC unemployment dropped to
Q. What’s behind this?
-Good news. Unemployment at 5.4%—lowest since June 2008 (pre-Lehman Brothers)
-Dropped 2.7% since we took office with 177,000 new private sector jobs added
-Wages finally going up again, though still below pre-recession peak
-Our focus on good jobs, investing growing sectors like tech with good paying jobs—
link to Computer Science in all schools
Q: When are you endorsing?
-Excited to see HRC discuss the critical issues facing the country- Progressive priorities
like paid family leave
-Have been clear that she has put out a strong platform, but I would like to see a fuller
vision laid out
Q-You recently suggested Biden should not run, why do you think he should stay
out of the field?
-Great deal of respect for VP and never said he should not run
-What I have been clear on is that we have enough great candidates in the field
DN ED BOARD (You told the DN ed board you want to spend more time talking with
NYers about yourself and what your administration has done)
Q-Do you think you haven’t successfully communicated your work? Are you
essentially campaigning for a second term?
-Focused on speaking to New Yorkers, answering their questions, and discussing their
-Spent almost two years building an infrastructure and putting programs in place, now
I’d like to speak with New York about that work and how it impacts the city
From: Hinton, Karen
To: Shorris, Anthony
Cc: Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Kadushin, Peter; Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Norvell, Wiley; Spitalnick, Amy
(OMB); Snyder, Thomas; Williams, Dominic; Wolfe, Emma; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Salazar-Rodriguez,
Subject: Re: Brian Lehrer Prep
Date: Friday, September 18, 2015 9:56:08 AM

Don't do that! 

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 18, 2015, at 9:51 AM, Shorris, Anthony <AShorris@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

I will retire from the field for a while. 

Anthony E. Shorris
First Deputy Mayor
City of New York
City Hall
New York, NY 10007

On Sep 18, 2015, at 9:43 AM, B <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

We are NOT ready to "recommend" further City support for the MTA as
the TP's below indicate!! AGAIN, you all keep getting ahead of me re: the
MTA. We are now bargaining against ourselves. Everybody, STOP and
collect ourselves and come up with a real strategy. Guys, I love you all,
but there is a real danger here that you are setting up a lose-lose
situation that will make Uber look like child's play. NO ONE say ANYTHING
about the MTA publicly without clearing it with me first. This is me being
honest with my colleagues. On Uber we were not united enough and we
hadn't thought thru the play. That's happening again here. The difference
here is there NO objective time deadline forcing our hand. Only Andrew
Cuomo is forcing our hand. Don't let him control the playing field.
Everything at a time and place of our choosing. We need another strategy
call this weekend or soon. Pls include rosen in it. Thanks

From: Hinton, Karen
Sent: Friday, September 18, 2015 08:53 AM
To: B
Cc: Kadushin, Peter; Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Norvell, Wiley;
Spitalnick, Amy (OMB)
Subject: Brian Lehrer Prep
Mr. Mayor — If you have time and want to review off topic for Brian Lehrer
before Peter and I see you:

MTA(MTA said City had to contribute more or cuts would be in store.

Called on Mayor to provide more funding)
Q: Are you going to give MTA more funding for capital improvements?

— New Yorkers rely on the MTA - and fund three-quarters of its

operations. Yet the City has no control over this State agency.
— Still, even after increasing our capital contribution this spring, we are
ready to recommend even further City support -- but won't blindly hand
over a check given the State's track record.
— So we are asking the State to meet 3 simple and fair conditions before
even more City taxpayer funds are provided: 
(1) make clear where this promised State funding will come from, so we
know it won't be on the backs of riders and City residents; 
(2) return the $270M the Governor has raided from the MTA and ensure
no further diversions; and 
(3) give NYC approval over where capital funds are allocated in the city.

Older Talking Points:

-NYC residents are not getting what they are giving to the MTA and we
aren’t going to blindly hand money over
-NYC taxpayers don’t get back what they put in to the MTA
-We need to know what the Governor and MTA’s plans are and
assurances that they don’t intend to push fare increases that hurt
working people
-Past 25 years, the City government put in more than twice as much
support for the MTA capital program as the State government.

TIMES SQUARE TASK FORCE(Task Force met yesterday and meeting again
today -- made clear yesterday that consensus to complete plazas)
Q: Why didn’t your task force meet sooner? Are you going to tear up Times
-Past month members of the administration and task force members have had
many conversations
-All working together to advance common goals for Times Square
-Group will continue to meet and have recommendations by October
-General consensus among task force to complete construction of the Times
Square plaza and then evaluate
-Strong interest from members in cordoning off the cartoon characters

MMR HOMELESSNESS(Post on slight increases in majority of indicators -

following trends)
Q: Reports yesterday from homeless agency shows increases in
-Homelessness increasing over past 20 yrs -- more than 100%
-Systematically rebuilt programs, showing more results
-Over 15k moved out of shelter; 20k enrolled in prevention programs
-Clergy helping with Safe Haven beds 
- NYC Safe/NYPD retraining

POLL NUMBERS(Lowest they’ve been and voters say Cuomo/MBDB feud hurts
Q: How do you explain drops in your polling numbers? When are you and
Governor going to move beyond this feud?
-Here’s what really matters: safest summer in over 20 years; more affordable
housing than at any point in last 40 years; 177K new jobs since I took office;
pre-K for all
-If there are ways to productively work with this Gov we will
-But we will continue to speak out if NYC getting short end of stick

JAMES BLAKE (Blake has called for the officer involved in his arrest to no longer
be on the force plus calls for investment in appropriate training of officers)
Q-Have you talked with James Blake yet? Do you think the officer should
still be on the force? Would this have happened to a white man? Would any
other black man have gotten an apology?
-Commissioner Bratton and I have both extended our apologies to Mr. Blake
-Focused now on resolving this issue
-Going to continue to implement reforms to build trust between police and
community while keeping NYC one of the safest big cities in the world
-The incident under investigation & at the end we will determine who can be
held accountable & what can learned to further prevent incidents like this
-Our administration has already invested nearly $29 million to retrain about
22,000 uniformed service members and thousands more will be training in
coming months
-We are focused on neighborhood policing and CCRB complaints are at the
lowest levels in nearly 15 years

UBER TRAFFIC STUDY (Uber releasing analysis saying it’ll take more than 4
months to do a comprehensive traffic analysis)
Q: Are you starting up your fight with Uber again? Do they have a point that
4 months isn’t enough time?
-Administration, City Council, AND Uber all agreed to 4 month study
-Uber SAID it would provide City with new data—like where/when they drop
off their riders
-Plenty of time to complete the study and it would be a shame if Uber went
back on this agreement

JOBS(New data from Bureau of Labor Statistics showing NYC unemployment

dropped to 5.4%)
Q. What’s behind this?
-Good news. Unemployment at 5.4%—lowest since June 2008 (pre-Lehman
-Dropped 2.7% since we took office with 177,000 new private sector jobs
-Wages finally going up again, though still below pre-recession peak
-Our focus on good jobs, investing growing sectors like tech with good paying
jobs—link to Computer Science in all schools

Q: When are you endorsing?
-Excited to see HRC discuss the critical issues facing the country- Progressive
priorities like paid family leave
-Have been clear that she has put out a strong platform, but I would like to
see a fuller vision laid out

Q-You recently suggested Biden should not run, why do you think he should
stay out of the field?
-Great deal of respect for VP and never said he should not run
-What I have been clear on is that we have enough great candidates in the

DN ED BOARD (You told the DN ed board you want to spend more time talking
with NYers about yourself and what your administration has done)
Q-Do you think you haven’t successfully communicated your work? Are you
essentially campaigning for a second term?
-Focused on speaking to New Yorkers, answering their questions, and
discussing their concerns
-Spent almost two years building an infrastructure and putting programs in
place, now I’d like to speak with New York about that work and how it impacts
the city
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Lauter, Rachel
Subject: FW: Resume
Date: Friday, September 18, 2015 10:32:37 AM

Smart resume.  Friend of friend of friend.  Don’t know her so can’t rec – but seemed like a strong
person.  Moving to NYC for family reasons.  Interested in NYC govt.
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Norvell, Wiley; Walzak, Phil
Subject: RE: Brent Staples
Date: Friday, September 18, 2015 3:20:58 PM

Merryl called to tell me it was more positive than that – we’re focused on right things / call out was
on metrics.  We’ll see. 
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, September 18, 2015 3:20 PM
To: Walzak, Phil
Cc: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: Brent Staples

That would be a pleasant surprise! 

From: <Walzak>, Phil <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Friday, September 18, 2015 at 3:06 PM
To: Wiley Norvell <wnorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "jonathan@berlinrosen.com" <jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: Brent Staples
Jro said he had heard a more positive diagnosis was coming...
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Norvell, Wiley
Sent: Friday, September 18, 2015 3:03 PM
To: Shorris, Anthony; Hinton, Karen; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Devora Kaye
Subject: Brent Staples
Expecting a middling/negative NYT editorial on education speech. Brent’s historic view: we should be
replicating what Eva Moskowitz is doing because her scores are higher, we didn’t announce new steps to
fire bad teachers.
I’ve taken a run at him. We’ve sent our top-level validators at him, and DK is getting DOE brass (Josh or
Carmen) on phone for a quick chat.
Doing our best but Brent is not movable. 
From: Walzak, Phil
To: Hinton, Karen; Hagelgans, Andrea; John Del Cecato (jfdc@akpdmedia.com); Jonathan@berlinrosen.com
Subject: FYI
Date: Friday, September 18, 2015 6:16:31 PM

@BilldeBlasio lunches w @BernieSanders in #Brooklyn Q: who's courting whom?


Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/AndrewMeier1/status/644997089559203841

Sent via TweetDeck

From: Hinton, Karen
To: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Kadushin, Peter; Klein, Monica; jfdc@akpdmedia. com; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: This week
Date: Saturday, September 19, 2015 12:18:43 PM
Attachments: Q&AThisWeek PKEDITS.docx

Attached is what Peter Monica and I are emailing to mayor shortly for this week.
Just need to plug in home bases for pope. 

Send any thoughts soonest if u have. Would like to send to mayor by 130 or 2. 

Peter also is going to write a consolidated one page cheat sheet since this is three
pages and mayor always wants shorter. We will use the cheat sheet for day of . 

Home Bases



What does the Pope’s visit mean for NYC?

-Biggest voice on income inequality
-Many of the initiatives we have put in place in NYC highlights the Pope’s
focus to pull people out of povery
-Housing, education, services to help individuals exit homelessness

What do you think about this Pope and his mandate around climate
change and poverty?
-He’s in unique position to talk about how these aren’t partisan issues – but
critical human issues

Some Republicans have threatened to boycott the Pope’s speech, saying

that he’s gotten too political. You’re outspoken on the separation of
church and state. Don’t they have a legitimate argument on those
- Would be a shame if they boycott his speech and I hope everyone plans to
listen to his message

When Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu was invited by Congress to speak

out on a controversial issue, you called that a “mistake.” Is the Pope
speaking out on issues that have become so partisan also a mistake?
-GOP inviting BN so close to an election was blatantly political.
-The Pope isn’t a candidate; he’s a global leader and the world’s conscious

Home Bases
-Excited to see her discussing critical issues facing the Country
-Focused on many progressive priorities like paid family leave and closing
carried interest
-I’ve been clear that I want to see the full vision of what is a strong platform

Some would say the Clintons helped your career in the various roles you
worked for them. So I have to ask, why not endorse Hillary early
on? When will you endorse?
-Always said she has unequaled experience & great progressive track record
-Wanted to wait until hearing her vision on income inequality in THIS race
-No hard and fast timeline

Your poll numbers aren't strong now. Do you think your endorsement
would actually be helpful to Hillary Clinton or another candidate right
-Don’t pretend my endorsement is worth any more or less than other

Do you have a litmus test for HRC to endorse her- what is it and what
have those discussions been like?
-No test. Waiting to see full and bold solutions to income inequality
-Liked what I’ve heard.
-She is speaking big & tackling important issues

Cuomo and you took a different tact on endorsements. Why is that?

-Have to ask him. Only speak for myself.

How often do you talk to Hillary Clinton? What kinds of things do you ask
-Not going to get into details of private conversations, but I talk with her
and her team from time to time.

I’ve talked to some Clinton allies, and they say: “Look – she’s endorsed
almost every issue on de Blasio’s agenda.” (LISTS ISSUES) How is it that
she STILL hasn’t earned your endorsement? What are you holding out
-Few more questions about trade & min wage, but she’s unveiled
impressive progressive vision from PreK to student debt to progressive

A lot of Democrats have argued privately that despite taking these

positions, they just don’t trust Hillary Clinton on some issues – Wall
Street, for one. Is Hillary Clinton too close to Wall Street?
-No. If she were, she would not have come out on important issues of
fairness– like closing carried interest loophole.

You managed Hillary’s Senate race in 2000. You’ve seen how she’s
handled issues like the email controversy and such. What kind of advice
would campaign manager Bill de Blasio give Hillary right now?
-I’m out of the campaign manager business.
-As a voter, I just listen to what she’s saying on income inequality & big
issues of our time.
-When she talks about those things, she’s very persuasive.

Biden is polling better than other candidates in some polls. Why don't you
think he should enter the race? Particularly since you haven't formally
endorsed a candidate yet?
-He’s been a great VP, but the field has excellent candidates right now.

Are you saying you don't think Biden should get in because Sanders is a
good choice if Hillary doesn't get the nomination?
-I like what Bernie Sanders has been saying.
-Forceful voice on income inequality.
-I’m not going to read tea leaves, but confident Dems will have strong
nominee who will win

You started an organization dedicated to income inequality. Bernie
Sanders couldn't be more in line with you on this. Are you contemplating
endorsing him and is that why you haven't endorsed Hillary?
Still listening for the full vision of the candidates on income inequality

How can you not endorse Bernie Sanders when he's saying everything you
are? Have you talked to him? Can he win?
-Many Dems talking about income inequality & offering bold solutions –
and that’s good for America.
-Don’t get into private conversations.
-All I know is that Dems will win on solutions to income inequality

You said some nice things about Donald Trump and his pledge to raise
taxes on the rich. Does he have what it takes to be President?
-Agree on closing such unfair practices like the carried interest loophole
-His views on just about everything else show he is not qualified to be our

Will you support Cuomo for re-election? Endorse his opponent? Would
you ever run against him in a gubernatorial primary?
-I’m focused on my job as Mayor of the greatest city in the world


You’ve been criticized for spending too much time on national issues. You
support ending carried interest loophole and paid family leave yet no
action locally.
-We’re doing everything in our power here in NYC on income inequality.
-Need partners in Albany AND Washington
-For regional competitive reasons, you need this to happen at the national

Are you too partisan for a position like mayor?

-There’s nothing partisan about PreK, affordable housing, bringing crime to
record lows.

How do you respond to dipping poll numbers and voters saying your feud
with the Governor hurts NY?
-Here is what matters: NYC just had the safest summer in 20 years, we’ve
built more affordable housing than at any point in the last 40 years, added
177,000 new jobs, and provided full day pre-K for more than 60,000 four-
-If there is a way to work productively with this Governor, we will. But New
Yorkers need to get their fair share from our State and I’ll continue to say

Have you talked with James Blake yet? Do you think the officer should
still be on the force? Would this have happened to a white man? Would
any other black man have gotten an apology?
-Commissioner Bratton and I have both extended our apologies to Mr.
-Focused now on resolving these issues
-Going to continue to implement reforms to build trust between police and
community while keeping NYC one of the safest big cities in the world
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
To: Hinton, Karen; Walzak, Phil; Kadushin, Peter; Klein, Monica; jfdc@akpdmedia. com; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: This week
Date: Saturday, September 19, 2015 1:19:33 PM


Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Hinton, Karen
Sent: Saturday, September 19, 2015 12:18 PM
To: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Kadushin, Peter; Klein, Monica; jfdc@akpdmedia. com; Jonathan
Subject: This week

Attached is what Peter Monica and I are emailing to mayor shortly for this week.
Just need to plug in home bases for pope. 

Send any thoughts soonest if u have. Would like to send to mayor by 130 or 2. 

Peter also is going to write a consolidated one page cheat sheet since this is three
pages and mayor always wants shorter. We will use the cheat sheet for day of . 

From: Wolfe, Emma
To: Jonathan Rosen; Shorris, Anthony
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Hinton, Karen; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: Re: MBDB: Conference Call regarding MTA -
Date: Saturday, September 19, 2015 3:30:15 PM

I also have trouble with the timing 
Will see what I can do to rework

From: Jonathan Rosen

Sent: Saturday, September 19, 2015 3:28 PM
To: Shorris, Anthony
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Wolfe, Emma; Hagelgans, Andrea; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Hinton, Karen
Subject: Re: MBDB: Conference Call regarding MTA -

Agree.  I have a hard stop at 630.  If this is late I can't do it.  

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 19, 2015, at 2:13 PM, Shorris, Anthony <AShorris@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Stick to the plan we agreed to.  We should also run through what is likely
to happen Monday when they announce the cancellation of projects due
to City unwillingness to commit to a dollar amount.  This is pure theater -
- holding NYC transit riders hostage so Governor can play politics.  

Anthony E. Shorris
First Deputy Mayor
City of New York
City Hall
New York, NY 10007

On Sep 19, 2015, at 1:54 PM, Walzak, Phil <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>


I will be on a bus to NJ during this window....will be on but will hard

to talk a lot but will try

Think we stay w the plan articulated and already begun to execute

Don't say we will give money, will dicuss

And don't discuss figures
But us opening the door has been well rcvd, shudnt back away now

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca <PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Sent: Saturday, September 19, 2015 1:45 PM
To: Kadushin, Peter; Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Norvell, Wiley;
Spitalnick, Amy (OMB); Snyder, Thomas; Shorris, Anthony; Williams,
Dominic; Wolfe, Emma; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com';
Hinton, Karen; Arslanian, Kayla; Leopold, Elana; Da Costa, Ricky; Schnake
Mahl, Gabriel; Darlington, Mandy (OMB)
Subject: MBDB: Conference Call regarding MTA -

From: Hagelgans, Andrea
To: Wolfe, Emma; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; Shorris, Anthony; Walzak, Phil; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Hinton, Karen; Arslanian, Kayla
Subject: Re: MBDB: Conference Call regarding MTA -
Date: Saturday, September 19, 2015 6:07:12 PM

We're on. Waiting for mayor to join

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Wolfe, Emma
Sent: Saturday, September 19, 2015 6:04 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Cc: Hagelgans, Andrea; Jonathan Rosen; Shorris, Anthony; Walzak, Phil; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Hinton, Karen;
Arslanian, Kayla
Subject: Re: MBDB: Conference Call regarding MTA -

Is this happening

On Sep 19, 2015, at 3:33 PM, Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca <PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov>


Will let him know. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 19, 2015, at 3:30 PM, Wolfe, Emma <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:


From: Hagelgans, Andrea

Sent: Saturday, September 19, 2015 3:29 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen; Shorris, Anthony
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Wolfe, Emma; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Hinton, Karen
Subject: Re: MBDB: Conference Call regarding MTA -


Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Jonathan Rosen
Sent: Saturday, September 19, 2015 3:28 PM
To: Shorris, Anthony
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Wolfe, Emma; Hagelgans, Andrea; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Hinton, Karen
Subject: Re: MBDB: Conference Call regarding MTA -

Agree.  I have a hard stop at 630.  If this is late I can't do it.  

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 19, 2015, at 2:13 PM, Shorris, Anthony

<AShorris@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Stick to the plan we agreed to.  We should also run through
what is likely to happen Monday when they announce the
cancellation of projects due to City unwillingness to commit to
a dollar amount.  This is pure theater -- holding NYC transit
riders hostage so Governor can play politics.  

Anthony E. Shorris
First Deputy Mayor
City of New York
City Hall
New York, NY 10007

On Sep 19, 2015, at 1:54 PM, Walzak, Phil

<PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

I will be on a bus to NJ during this window....will be on

but will hard to talk a lot but will try

Think we stay w the plan articulated and already begun

to execute

Don't say we will give money, will dicuss

And don't discuss figures

But us opening the door has been well rcvd, shudnt

back away now

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca <PSalazar-
Sent: Saturday, September 19, 2015 1:45 PM
To: Kadushin, Peter; Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Norvell,
Wiley; Spitalnick, Amy (OMB); Snyder, Thomas; Shorris,
Anthony; Williams, Dominic; Wolfe, Emma; Fuleihan, Dean
(OMB); 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; Hinton, Karen; Arslanian,
Kayla; Leopold, Elana; Da Costa, Ricky; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel;
Darlington, Mandy (OMB)
Subject: MBDB: Conference Call regarding MTA -

From: Shorris, Anthony
To: Arslanian, Kayla
Cc: Da Costa, Ricky; Norvell, Wiley; Kadushin, Peter; Snyder, Thomas; Wolfe, Emma; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca;
Hinton, Karen; Walzak, Phil; Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Spitalnick, Amy (OMB); Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Leopold,
Elana; Williams, Dominic; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: Re: MBDB: Conference Call regarding MTA -
Date: Saturday, September 19, 2015 6:18:46 PM

Losing folks at 6:30...

Anthony E. Shorris
First Deputy Mayor
City of New York
City Hall
New York, NY 10007

On Sep 19, 2015, at 6:08 PM, Arslanian, Kayla <KArslanian@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Mayor in process of wrapping up call - almost ready to start. Pls stand by

and I'll give heads up to dial-in 

MBDB: Conference Call regarding MTA - Call in #

Invitees: Da Costa, Ricky , Norvell, Wiley , Kadushin, Peter , Snyder,
Thomas , Wolfe, Emma , Shorris, Anthony , Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca ,
Hinton, Karen , Walzak, Phil , Darlington, Mandy (OMB) , Spitalnick, Amy
(OMB) , Schnake Mahl, Gabriel , Leopold, Elana , Williams, Dominic ,
'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com' , Fuleihan, Dean (OMB) , Hagelgans, Andrea

Sent from my iPhone

From: B
To: Shorris, Anthony; Williams, Dominic; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Wolfe, Emma; Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea;
Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"
Subject: Apologies
Date: Saturday, September 19, 2015 6:38:57 PM

Sorry the MTA call didn't work as planned. We had a lot we tried to cram in this afternoon. Hope we
can get all or most folks for tmrw afternoon. Thanks
From: Snyder, Thomas
To: Arslanian, Kayla
Cc: Da Costa, Ricky; Norvell, Wiley; Kadushin, Peter; Wolfe, Emma; Shorris, Anthony; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca;
Hinton, Karen; Walzak, Phil; Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Spitalnick, Amy (OMB); Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Leopold,
Elana; Williams, Dominic; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: Re: MBDB: Conference Call regarding MTA -
Date: Saturday, September 19, 2015 6:39:49 PM

call postponed. Will reschedule for tomorrow at 4:15pm. Prisca, please send out a
meeting invite and call in number for 4:15 tomorrow

Sent from my iPad

On Sep 19, 2015, at 6:08 PM, Arslanian, Kayla <KArslanian@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Mayor in process of wrapping up call - almost ready to start. Pls stand by

and I'll give heads up to dial-in 

MBDB: Conference Call regarding MTA - Call in #

Invitees: Da Costa, Ricky , Norvell, Wiley , Kadushin, Peter , Snyder,
Thomas , Wolfe, Emma , Shorris, Anthony , Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca ,
Hinton, Karen , Walzak, Phil , Darlington, Mandy (OMB) , Spitalnick, Amy
(OMB) , Schnake Mahl, Gabriel , Leopold, Elana , Williams, Dominic ,
'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com' , Fuleihan, Dean (OMB) , Hagelgans, Andrea

Sent from my iPhone

From: Wolfe, Emma
To: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Emily Walsh
Subject: Re: Can we do dinner this week you and me?
Date: Sunday, September 20, 2015 8:38:13 AM

Gabriel can I do Tuesday later?

> On Sep 20, 2015, at 8:25 AM, Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
> Sure.  Could also do Tuesday night late while deb at synagogue at my house.  Otherwise let's say
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Sep 20, 2015, at 8:13 AM, Wolfe, Emma <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>> Tonight really tough for me. Could we do Thursday after planning meeting? Thank you! (If dean
wants to come I will ask him since we both trust him)
>>> On Sep 20, 2015, at 7:57 AM, Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
>>> Sure.   I could do tonight after my kids go to bed like 8 either dinner or a walk around the park or
>>> Could also do Monday or Thursday.  Tues night - weds night is Yom Kippur so complicated.  
>>> Sent from my iPad
>>>> On Sep 19, 2015, at 7:54 PM, "Schnake Mahl, Gabriel" <GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov>
>>>> + Emily
>>>> Tues or thurs open -- or after planning mtg on wed
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>> On Sep 19, 2015, at 7:47 PM, Wolfe, Emma <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>>>>> Need your brain
>>>>> A lot
>>>>> Any chance first half of week?
From: Arslanian, Kayla
To: Da Costa, Ricky; Norvell, Wiley; Kadushin, Peter; Snyder, Thomas; Wolfe, Emma; Shorris, Anthony; Salazar-
Rodriguez, Prisca; Hinton, Karen; Walzak, Phil; Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Spitalnick, Amy (OMB); Schnake
Mahl, Gabriel; Leopold, Elana; Williams, Dominic; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB);
Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: Re: MBDB: Conference Call regarding MTA -
Date: Sunday, September 20, 2015 4:20:20 PM

Line is open and Mayor will join when group is all on the line. 

Please advise if you're unable to make the call - thank you! 

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 20, 2015, at 4:06 PM, Arslanian, Kayla <KArslanian@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

All -
Connected with Mayor and this call is being moved to 4:25PM. I will open
the line five mins prior and give him a signal to join once everyone is on
the line. 

Thank you! 

MBDB: Conference Call regarding MTA -

Scheduled: Sunday, Sep 20, 2015 from 4:15 PM to 5:00 PM
Location: Call in # Code:
Invitees: Da Costa, Ricky , Norvell, Wiley , Kadushin, Peter , Snyder,
Thomas , Wolfe, Emma , Shorris, Anthony , Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca ,
Hinton, Karen , Walzak, Phil , Darlington, Mandy (OMB) , Spitalnick, Amy
(OMB) , Schnake Mahl, Gabriel , Leopold, Elana , Williams, Dominic ,
'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com' , Fuleihan, Dean (OMB) , Hagelgans, Andrea

Sent from my iPhone

From: Walzak, Phil
To: Jonathan Rosen; Shorris, Anthony
Cc: Hinton, Karen; Spitalnick, Amy (OMB); Arslanian, Kayla; Da Costa, Ricky; Norvell, Wiley; Kadushin, Peter;
Snyder, Thomas; Wolfe, Emma; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Schnake Mahl, Gabriel;
Leopold, Elana; Williams, Dominic; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: Re: MTA Facts
Date: Sunday, September 20, 2015 8:41:21 PM

Wud cbc do a fresh "report" or somethig?

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Jonathan Rosen
Sent: Sunday, September 20, 2015 8:14 PM
To: Shorris, Anthony
Cc: Hinton, Karen; Walzak, Phil; Spitalnick, Amy (OMB); Arslanian, Kayla; Da Costa, Ricky; Norvell,
Wiley; Kadushin, Peter; Snyder, Thomas; Wolfe, Emma; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Darlington, Mandy
(OMB); Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Leopold, Elana; Williams, Dominic; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Hagelgans,
Subject: Re: MTA Facts

The Nassau Suffolk Westchester pieces are really compelling - the cost of east side
access and metro north capital is huge and they are being asked to contribute
nothing.   That feels like a piece worth moving as part of an overall plan.

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 20, 2015, at 7:58 PM, Shorris, Anthony <AShorris@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Just need a tight fact check -- it's the pigs who enjoy the mud.  

Anthony E. Shorris
First Deputy Mayor
City of New York
City Hall
New York, NY 10007

On Sep 20, 2015, at 5:32 PM, Hinton, Karen <KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>


Message with the facts. Pick a few of these. Fix it before we

fund it.

Karen Hinton
Press Secretary
Follow Me On Twitter @KarenHinton
From: Phil Walzak <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Sun, 20 Sep 2015 17:27:37 -0400
To: Karen Hinton <khinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Amy Spitalnick
<SpitalnickA@omb.nyc.gov>, "Arslanian, Kayla"
<KArslanian@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Ricky DaCosta
<RDaCosta@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Wiley Norvell
<WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Peter Kadushin
<pkadushin@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Thomas Synder
<TSnyder@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Emma Wolfe <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov>,
Tony Shorris <AShorris@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Prisca Salazar-Rodriguez
<PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Darlington, Mandy (OMB)"
<DarlingtonM@omb.nyc.gov>, Gabe Schnake-Mahl
<GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Elana Leopold
<ELeopold@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Dom Williams
<DWilliams@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"
<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>, Dean Fuleihan <fuleihand@omb.nyc.gov>,
Andrea Hagelgans <AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: MTA Facts

It's great info but alot

Worry abt spending too much time educating not enough msging, u know?

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE netw
From: Hinton, Karen
Sent: Sunday, September 20, 2015 5:26 PM
To: Spitalnick, Amy (OMB); Arslanian, Kayla; Da Costa, Ricky; Norvell,
Wiley; Kadushin, Peter; Snyder, Thomas; Wolfe, Emma; Shorris, Anthony;
Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Walzak, Phil; Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Schnake
Mahl, Gabriel; Leopold, Elana; Williams, Dominic;
Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: Re: MTA Facts

No, but if we select the facts we want to push, I could give to reporter with no
fingerprints.  Or, with our fingerprints.  

Also, we could divide up areas and give them to willing surrogates to push. 

Karen Hinton
Press Secretary
Follow Me On Twitter @KarenHinton

From: Amy Spitalnick <SpitalnickA@omb.nyc.gov>

Date: Sun, 20 Sep 2015 21:21:17 +0000
To: Karen Hinton <khinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Arslanian, Kayla"
<KArslanian@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Ricky DaCosta
<RDaCosta@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Wiley Norvell
<WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Peter Kadushin
<pkadushin@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Thomas Synder
<TSnyder@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Emma Wolfe <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov>,
Tony Shorris <AShorris@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Prisca Salazar-Rodriguez
<PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Phil Walzak
<PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Darlington, Mandy (OMB)"
<DarlingtonM@omb.nyc.gov>, Gabe Schnake-Mahl
<GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Elana Leopold
<ELeopold@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Dom Williams
<DWilliams@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"
<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>, Dean Fuleihan <fuleihand@omb.nyc.gov>,
Andrea Hagelgans <AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: MTA Facts

Would that person - or one of our allies - be willing to put this out? 

We'd need to fact check everything ourselves if we want to use, I assume?

From: Hinton, Karen [KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Sunday, September 20, 2015 5:19 PM
To: Arslanian, Kayla; Da Costa, Ricky; Norvell, Wiley; Kadushin, Peter;
Snyder, Thomas; Wolfe, Emma; Shorris, Anthony; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca;
Phillip Walzak; Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Spitalnick, Amy (OMB); Schnake
Mahl, Gabriel; Leopold, Elana; Williams, Dominic;
Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: MTA Facts

Someone did this for me. There’s a lot here for “offensive”
facts we could use while we are arguing MTA needs to be
“fixed” before city pours money into it.

City Residents Pay More Than Their Fair

Share of MTA Operating Revenues,
While Service Deteriorates And MTA Waste

The State Needs to Focus on Improving

Service, Not Just Squeezing More Money
Out of NYC Residents for Declining Service

Subway riders pay a significantly larger share of the costs

of operating the subway than LIRR and Metro North
customers pay for their system.   

MTA subway riders pay 60% of operating costs.   LIRR

customers pay 47% and Metro-North pay 57%.  Source:
 MTA July Financial Plan 2016-2019 Volume I, pg
7.  (“MTA Financial Plan”).

The share paid by subway riders has increased dramatically

in recent years.  In 2008, riders paid 52% of operating
costs.  The MTA predicted it would decline to 47%.  
Instead the share paid by riders has increased to 60%. 
Source: 2008 MTA Financial Plan, Volume 2.   Every
percent increase is about $85 million dollars cost to
subway riders. 

The financial support by NYC residents extends to the

state and regional taxes that support MTA as whole.
 According to the Citizens Budget Commission,
New York City residents pay over $4.2 billion of the $6
billion in dedicated regional MTA taxes.  NYC employers
pay 73 percent of the MTA’s $1.3 billion regional payroll
tax - supporting LIRR and Metro North, not just the city
subways and buses.  
Source:  Funding the MTA Capital Plan: Avoiding a
False Choice, Carol Kellerman, CBC, July 2015

NYC subway riders pay -by far- the largest share of

operating costs of almost any transit system in the
country - 2x the national average; including paying 50
percent more than NJ path commuters.     

Sources:  Average national share paid by riders: 33% - National Transit

Database 2012, page 34, exhibit 46
NYCT has “the third highest so-called farebox recovery
ratio for such US systems, according to the Federal Transit
Administration”.  WSJ, Andrew Tangel, Nov. 2014     
NJ Path commuter share of burden:  42.8%   
Other cities compared to NYC: 2010 Farebox Recovery
Ratio; Presentation by Federal Transit Administration
from 2010 data, page 21.  Most riders pay 20-40% in big
city transit systems.  NYC at 70%.  Chicago at 55% for
Clyde Haberman, NYT, May 25, 2011 "the comparable
percentages are appreciably lower for suburban rail lines
and the authority’s other divisions. Not only that, but the
burden is also lighter for subway and bus riders in other
American cities. Statistics kept by the Federal Transit
Administration put it in the range of 20 to 45 percent in
Boston, Chicago, Atlanta, Philadelphia and Washington.” 

Although they already pay among the highest percentage

of operating costs in the nation, MTA customers are
being asked to pay over a billion dollars in additional fare
increases in in the current operating plan - on top of
hundreds of millions from the 2015 fare.   Thats a 12
percent increase in subway fares in a 5 year period.   

Source MTA Financial Plan, Vol. I, page III-I.    

Worse, only a fraction of the fare increase goes to service

improvements.    The  MTA plan contains just $183
million in service improvements for the subway and bus
systems- over five years!    Compared with almost $2
billion in fare increases for 2015 - 2019.
Source: 183 million for service improvements in 5 year operating
budget.  MTA Financial Plan, page I-3.  

So where do all those increases go?   To MTA

Headquarters for one thing.  In 2012 MTA headquarters
expenses were an already astonishing -and bloated- $400
million.   In 2015, MTA says that number will rise to over
$900 million - more than double in 3 years     Between
2015 and 2019 MTA headquarters will spend almost $4
billion on itself - over 20 times more for
MTA bureaucrats than for service improvements. 

Source:  November 2013 Financial Plan; July 2015

Financial Plan, page I-5  

And the MTA admits is has no real plan to achieve

hundreds of millions in targeted savings, without which
fares will rise even more.  The MTA operating budget
relies on almost $1.5 billion in “phantom savings”.   

For 2015 for example, the MTA targeted 1.3 billion in

savings.   According to the July Financial Plan, MTA had
only identified $45 million in savings of the $1.3 billion.  
For the 2017 plan - when subway riders would get hit with
yet another fare hike- MTA says they need $1.6 billion in
savings, but have only come up with $76 million.    Source:
 Financial Plan, Vol. 1, page I-3. 

While riders pay billions in fares every year for the

subway - with much of it diverted to waste -  the
contribution from New York State to operating the
subways is a just $158 million a year - by any measure an
infintesimal portion of the $8.5 billion operating budget.  
Source: July 2015 Financial Plan, Volume II, Page 62.
 State operating assistance. 

To top it off, subway performance has decreased

markedly according to the MTA’s own data - while LIRR
and MNR have much higher performance rates. 

On time performance in the last year has fallen in the

subways from 75% to 70%.  Meanwhile, LIRR and Metro
North have 91 and 93 percent on time ratings.   Source:
 MTA Performance Dashboard

The bottom line:  Subway riders shoulder a far larger

burden than suburban riders, and one of the largest
burdens of any system in the nation.   Fare increases are
going to MTA mismanagement instead of service
improvements.  And subway performance continues to
The MTA Capital program is important.  But lets be clear:  74%
of the last capital budget was unspent by the end  of 2014 - the
last year of the last capital plan.   We have plenty of opportunity
to discuss how to salvage troubled mega-projects - whose completion
is years away.   So in the meantime lets focus on improving the
service for which New Yorkers are paying record amounts.   Lets
talk about ensuring that the burden on NYC subway riders is no
more than that of suburban commuters.   And lets get the basics
right -  trains that run on time, with equipment and stations that
are clean, safe and comfortable.    We’re not talking about
platinum projects like multi-billion dollar bridges and airport halls.
  Meanwhile, the subways are underfunded and the riders are
overpaying compared to their suburban counterparts and other
cities.   We need a real commitment from the state on operating
funds, on reducing waste, and improving service; I look forward to
that discussion.  

Optional Counter-proposal:  Its clear you can’t run the

subways from Albany.   New York City Transit (NYCT)
can best be run in New York City by  New York City for
New York City. .   The City proposes to assume full
operational control of the subways, by returning NYCT to a
City authority (as it originally was); In return the City will
FULLY FUND not only its current portion but also the
states full share of operating assistance attributable to the
MTA five year plan assumes $158 million in state
operating assistance annually.   The city already matches
this amount.  July 2015 Financial Plan, Volume II, Page


The State has proposed an increase in the

City’s contribution to the Capital Plan - yet
the plan includes billions in spending for
LIRR and Metro North commuters and not a
cent from Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester,
Rockland, Putnam or Connecticut.  New
York City is the ONLY locality making a
direct contribution to the capital plan.
 Before discussing additional NYC
contributions, regional governments need to
step up.  All sourcing from MTA 2015-19 Capital Plan. 

By the end of the last capital plan, 73% of funds were

UNSPENT.   So lets have a deliberative process instead
of gamesmanship and false threats about projects being
threatened.    If anything is threatening MTA
capital projects, its MTA’s failure -and the states
disinterest - to manage projects with are billions
over budget and literally decades behind.   Source: IBO,
Tracking the Pace of Spending Under MTA Capital Plans,
June 2015.  "As of December 31, 2014, only $8.5 billion (27
percent) of the 2010-2014 plan total had been spent”.

MTA’s mega capital projects are deeply over budget and

behind schedule, with little accountability from the state.
   The Governor, notoriously intolerant of projects that
take too long and cost too much has been notably silent
on the billions in cost overruns and decades of delay
when it comes to MTA’s largest projects.  

Nassau and Suffolk commuters see $5.7 billion in the

capital plan for LIRR improvements (including East Side
Access).    Metro North commuters from Westchester,
Rockland, Putnam and the state of Connecticut see $2.5
billion in improvements.  None of these localities make a
contribution to the $8.3 billion in capital spending that
benefit areas outside NYC.  

Any evaluation of capital contributions must include the

entire region - not just NYC.   NYC is the ONLY locality
making contributions to the capital plan.  

Key projects are billions over budget and years behind


East Side Access - A project primarily

of benefit to Long Island Railroad Commuters,
ESA is 150% over budget and 14 years late.
 Now $6.4 billion over the initial budget with
project completion has been delayed to 2023.    
Neither Nassau nor Suffolk County contribute
any direct support to this project designed as
a convenience for Long Island Commuters.  
 The state says they need $2.6 billion in the
Capital Plan to complete the project - but state
estimates have never been accurate.   
Source: More Delays and Rising Costs for
Project Connecting LIRR to Grand Central,
NYT, Jan 2014.    

LIRR:  In addition to East Side Access, the

capital plan allocates $3.1 billion for
LIRR improvements, for a total of $6.6 billion
for Long Islanders.  Neither Nassau nor
Suffolk make a capital contribution.  

Metro North:  The capital plan calls for $2.5

billion for Metro North projects to benefit
Westchester, northern suburb and Connecticut
commuters.  Neither the suburban counties
nor the state of Connecticut make a capital

Second Avenue Subway:   New Yorkers have

been promised a 2nd Ave subway since 1919.  
Phase one of the project, from 96th to 63rd St,
is due for completion in 2017 and is already
funded.   Phase 2, to 125th street, is estimated
by MTA to initially require $1.5 billion in
capital - less funding than    The full project is
to lower Manhattan could be 2029 or beyond.
 No funding is allocated in the current MTA
capital plan for completion of the line.  

NYC is the only locality to contribute to the Capital Plan

- even though $8.3 billion of the plan serves primarily
suburban commuters.   That is not sustainable. 

Karen Hinton
Press Secretary
Follow Me On Twitter @KarenHinton

From: "Arslanian, Kayla" <KArslanian@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Sun, 20 Sep 2015 16:20:19 -0400
To: Ricky DaCosta <RDaCosta@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Wiley Norvell
<WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Peter Kadushin
<pkadushin@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Thomas Synder
<TSnyder@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Emma Wolfe <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov>,
Tony Shorris <AShorris@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Prisca Salazar-Rodriguez
<PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Karen Hinton
<khinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Phil Walzak <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>,
"Darlington, Mandy (OMB)" <DarlingtonM@omb.nyc.gov>, Amy Spitalnick
<SpitalnickA@omb.nyc.gov>, Gabe Schnake-Mahl
<GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Elana Leopold
<ELeopold@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Dom Williams
<DWilliams@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"
<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>, Dean Fuleihan <fuleihand@omb.nyc.gov>,
Andrea Hagelgans <AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: MBDB: Conference Call regarding MTA -

Line is open and Mayor will join when group is all on the line. 

Please advise if you're unable to make the call - thank you! 

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 20, 2015, at 4:06 PM, Arslanian, Kayla <KArslanian@cityhall.nyc.gov>


All -
Connected with Mayor and this call is being moved to 4:25PM. I
will open the line five mins prior and give him a signal to join
once everyone is on the line. 

Thank you! 

MBDB: Conference Call regarding MTA -

Scheduled: Sunday, Sep 20, 2015 from 4:15 PM to 5:00 PM
Location: Call in # Code:
Invitees: Da Costa, Ricky, Norvell, Wiley, Kadushin, Peter, Snyder,
Thomas, Wolfe, Emma, Shorris, Anthony, Salazar-Rodriguez,
Prisca, Hinton, Karen, Walzak, Phil, Darlington, Mandy (OMB),
Spitalnick, Amy (OMB), Schnake Mahl, Gabriel, Leopold, Elana,
Williams, Dominic, 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com', Fuleihan, Dean
(OMB), Hagelgans, Andrea

Sent from my iPhone

From: Hinton, Karen
To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: MTA Facts
Date: Sunday, September 20, 2015 9:12:43 PM

Thank you — a fact that was roundly dismissed at Gracie.

Karen Hinton
Press Secretary
Follow Me On Twitter @KarenHinton

From: Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>

Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2015 00:14:04 +0000
To: Tony Shorris <AShorris@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Karen Hinton <khinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Phil Walzak <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Amy
Spitalnick <SpitalnickA@omb.nyc.gov>, "Arslanian, Kayla" <KArslanian@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Ricky
DaCosta <RDaCosta@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Wiley Norvell <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Peter Kadushin
<pkadushin@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Thomas Synder <TSnyder@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Emma Wolfe
<EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Prisca Salazar-Rodriguez <PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov>,
"Darlington, Mandy (OMB)" <DarlingtonM@omb.nyc.gov>, Gabe Schnake-Mahl
<GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Elana Leopold <ELeopold@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Dom Williams
<DWilliams@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Dean Fuleihan <fuleihand@omb.nyc.gov>, Andrea Hagelgans
Subject: Re: MTA Facts

The Nassau Suffolk Westchester pieces are really compelling - the cost of east side access and metro north
capital is huge and they are being asked to contribute nothing.   That feels like a piece worth moving as
part of an overall plan.

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 20, 2015, at 7:58 PM, Shorris, Anthony <AShorris@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Just need a tight fact check -- it's the pigs who enjoy the mud.  

Anthony E. Shorris
First Deputy Mayor
City of New York
City Hall
New York, NY 10007

On Sep 20, 2015, at 5:32 PM, Hinton, Karen <KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Message with the facts. Pick a few of these. Fix it before we fund it.

Karen Hinton
Press Secretary
Follow Me On Twitter @KarenHinton

From: Phil Walzak <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Sun, 20 Sep 2015 17:27:37 -0400
To: Karen Hinton <khinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Amy Spitalnick
<SpitalnickA@omb.nyc.gov>, "Arslanian, Kayla"
<KArslanian@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Ricky DaCosta
<RDaCosta@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Wiley Norvell
<WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Peter Kadushin
<pkadushin@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Thomas Synder
<TSnyder@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Emma Wolfe <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov>,
Tony Shorris <AShorris@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Prisca Salazar-Rodriguez
<PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Darlington, Mandy (OMB)"
<DarlingtonM@omb.nyc.gov>, Gabe Schnake-Mahl
<GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Elana Leopold
<ELeopold@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Dom Williams
<DWilliams@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"
<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>, Dean Fuleihan <fuleihand@omb.nyc.gov>,
Andrea Hagelgans <AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: MTA Facts

It's great info but alot

Worry abt spending too much time educating not enough msging, u know?

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE 
From: Hinton, Karen
Sent: Sunday, September 20, 2015 5:26 PM
To: Spitalnick, Amy (OMB); Arslanian, Kayla; Da Costa, Ricky; Norvell,
Wiley; Kadushin, Peter; Snyder, Thomas; Wolfe, Emma; Shorris, Anthony;
Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Walzak, Phil; Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Schnake
Mahl, Gabriel; Leopold, Elana; Williams, Dominic;
Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: Re: MTA Facts

No, but if we select the facts we want to push, I could give to reporter with no
fingerprints.  Or, with our fingerprints.  

Also, we could divide up areas and give them to willing surrogates to push. 

Karen Hinton
Press Secretary
Follow Me On Twitter @KarenHinton

From: Amy Spitalnick <SpitalnickA@omb.nyc.gov>

Date: Sun, 20 Sep 2015 21:21:17 +0000
To: Karen Hinton <khinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Arslanian, Kayla"
<KArslanian@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Ricky DaCosta
<RDaCosta@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Wiley Norvell
<WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Peter Kadushin
<pkadushin@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Thomas Synder
<TSnyder@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Emma Wolfe <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov>,
Tony Shorris <AShorris@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Prisca Salazar-Rodriguez
<PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Phil Walzak
<PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Darlington, Mandy (OMB)"
<DarlingtonM@omb.nyc.gov>, Gabe Schnake-Mahl
<GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Elana Leopold
<ELeopold@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Dom Williams
<DWilliams@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"
<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>, Dean Fuleihan <fuleihand@omb.nyc.gov>,
Andrea Hagelgans <AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: MTA Facts

Would that person - or one of our allies - be willing to put this out? 

We'd need to fact check everything ourselves if we want to use, I assume?

From: Hinton, Karen [KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Sunday, September 20, 2015 5:19 PM
To: Arslanian, Kayla; Da Costa, Ricky; Norvell, Wiley; Kadushin, Peter;
Snyder, Thomas; Wolfe, Emma; Shorris, Anthony; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca;
Phillip Walzak; Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Spitalnick, Amy (OMB); Schnake
Mahl, Gabriel; Leopold, Elana; Williams, Dominic;
Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: MTA Facts

Someone did this for me. There’s a lot here for “offensive”
facts we could use while we are arguing MTA needs to be
“fixed” before city pours money into it.

City Residents Pay More Than Their Fair

Share of MTA Operating Revenues, While 
Service Deteriorates And MTA Waste

The State Needs to Focus on Improving

Service, Not Just Squeezing More Money
Out of NYC Residents for Declining Service   

Subway riders pay a significantly larger share of the costs

of operating the subway than LIRR and Metro North
customers pay for their system.   

MTA subway riders pay 60% of operating costs.   LIRR

customers pay 47% and Metro-North pay 57%.  Source:  
MTA July Financial Plan 2016-2019 Volume I, pg 7.  
(“MTA Financial Plan”).

The share paid by subway riders has increased dramatically

in recent years.  In 2008, riders paid 52% of operating
costs.  The MTA predicted it would decline to 47%.  
Instead the share paid by riders has increased to 60%. 
Source: 2008 MTA Financial Plan, Volume 2.   Every
percent increase is about $85 million dollars cost to
subway riders. 

The financial support by NYC residents extends to the

state and regional taxes that support MTA as whole.  
According to the Citizens Budget Commission, New York
City residents pay over $4.2 billion of the $6 billion in
dedicated regional MTA taxes.  NYC employers pay 73
percent of the MTA’s $1.3 billion regional payroll tax -
supporting LIRR and Metro North, not just the city
subways and buses.  
Source:  Funding the MTA Capital Plan: Avoiding a
False Choice, Carol Kellerman, CBC, July 2015

NYC subway riders pay -by far- the largest share of

operating costs of almost any transit system in the
country - 2x the national average; including paying 50
percent more than NJ path commuters.     

Sources:  Average national share paid by riders: 33% - National Transit

Database 2012, page 34, exhibit 46
NYCT has “the third highest so-called farebox recovery
ratio for such US systems, according to the Federal Transit
Administration”.  WSJ, Andrew Tangel, Nov. 2014     
NJ Path commuter share of burden:  42.8%   
Other cities compared to NYC: 2010 Farebox Recovery
Ratio; Presentation by Federal Transit Administration
from 2010 data, page 21.  Most riders pay 20-40% in big
city transit systems.  NYC at 70%.  Chicago at 55% for
Clyde Haberman, NYT, May 25, 2011 "the comparable
percentages are appreciably lower for suburban rail lines
and the authority’s other divisions. Not only that, but the
burden is also lighter for subway and bus riders in other
American cities. Statistics kept by the Federal Transit
Administration put it in the range of 20 to 45 percent in
Boston, Chicago, Atlanta, Philadelphia and Washington.” 

Although they already pay among the highest percentage

of operating costs in the nation, MTA customers are
being asked to pay over a billion dollars in additional fare
increases in in the current operating plan - on top of
hundreds of millions from the 2015 fare.   Thats a 12
percent increase in subway fares in a 5 year period.   

Source MTA Financial Plan, Vol. I, page III-I.    

Worse, only a fraction of the fare increase goes to service

improvements.    The  MTA plan contains just $183
million in service improvements for the subway and bus
systems- over five years!    Compared with almost $2
billion in fare increases for 2015 - 2019.
Source: 183 million for service improvements in 5 year operating
budget.  MTA Financial Plan, page I-3.  

So where do all those increases go?   To MTA

Headquarters for one thing.  In 2012 MTA headquarters
expenses were an already astonishing -and bloated- $400
million.   In 2015, MTA says that number will rise to over
$900 million - more than double in 3 years     Between
2015 and 2019 MTA headquarters will spend almost $4
billion on itself - over 20 times more for MTA bureaucrats 
than for service improvements. 

Source:  November 2013 Financial Plan; July 2015

Financial Plan, page I-5  

And the MTA admits is has no real plan to achieve

hundreds of millions in targeted savings, without which
fares will rise even more.  The MTA operating budget
relies on almost $1.5 billion in “phantom savings”.   

For 2015 for example, the MTA targeted 1.3 billion in

savings.   According to the July Financial Plan, MTA had
only identified $45 million in savings of the $1.3 billion.  
For the 2017 plan - when subway riders would get hit with
yet another fare hike- MTA says they need $1.6 billion in
savings, but have only come up with $76 million.    Source:  
Financial Plan, Vol. 1, page I-3. 

While riders pay billions in fares every year for the

subway - with much of it diverted to waste -  the
contribution from New York State to operating the
subways is a just $158 million a year - by any measure an
infintesimal portion of the $8.5 billion operating budget.    
Source: July 2015 Financial Plan, Volume II, Page 62.  
State operating assistance. 

To top it off, subway performance has decreased

markedly according to the MTA’s own data - while LIRR
and MNR have much higher performance rates. 

On time performance in the last year has fallen in the

subways from 75% to 70%.  Meanwhile, LIRR and Metro
North have 91 and 93 percent on time ratings.   Source:  
MTA Performance Dashboard

The bottom line:  Subway riders shoulder a far larger

burden than suburban riders, and one of the largest
burdens of any system in the nation.   Fare increases are
going to MTA mismanagement instead of service
improvements.  And subway performance continues to

The MTA Capital program is important.  But lets be clear:  74%

of the last capital budget was unspent by the end  of 2014 - the
last year of the last capital plan.   We have plenty of opportunity
to discuss how to salvage troubled mega-projects - whose completion
is years away.   So in the meantime lets focus on improving the
service for which New Yorkers are paying record amounts.   Lets
talk about ensuring that the burden on NYC subway riders is no
more than that of suburban commuters.   And lets get the basics
right -  trains that run on time, with equipment and stations that
are clean, safe and comfortable.    We’re not talking about
platinum projects like multi-billion dollar bridges and airport halls.   
Meanwhile, the subways are underfunded and the riders are
overpaying compared to their suburban counterparts and other
cities.   We need a real commitment from the state on operating
funds, on reducing waste, and improving service; I look forward to
that discussion.  

Optional Counter-proposal:  Its clear you can’t run the

subways from Albany.   New York City Transit (NYCT)
can best be run in New York City by  New York City for
New York City. .   The City proposes to assume full
operational control of the subways, by returning NYCT to a
City authority (as it originally was); In return the City will
FULLY FUND not only its current portion but also the
states full share of operating assistance attributable to the
MTA five year plan assumes $158 million in state
operating assistance annually.   The city already matches
this amount.  July 2015 Financial Plan, Volume II, Page

The State has proposed an increase in the

City’s contribution to the Capital Plan - yet
the plan includes billions in spending for
LIRR and Metro North commuters and not a
cent from Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester,
Rockland, Putnam or Connecticut.  New
York City is the ONLY locality making a
direct contribution to the capital plan.  
Before discussing additional NYC
contributions, regional governments need to
step up.  All sourcing from MTA 2015-19 Capital Plan. 

By the end of the last capital plan, 73% of funds were

UNSPENT.   So lets have a deliberative process instead
of gamesmanship and false threats about projects being
threatened.    If anything is threatening MTA capital 
projects, its MTA’s failure -and the states disinterest - to
manage projects with are billions over budget and
literally decades behind.   Source: IBO, Tracking the Pace of
Spending Under MTA Capital Plans, June 2015.  "As of
December 31, 2014, only $8.5 billion (27 percent) of the 2010-2014
plan total had been spent”.

MTA’s mega capital projects are deeply over budget and

behind schedule, with little accountability from the state.    
The Governor, notoriously intolerant of projects that take
too long and cost too much has been notably silent on
the billions in cost overruns and decades of delay when it
comes to MTA’s largest projects.  

Nassau and Suffolk commuters see $5.7 billion in the

capital plan for LIRR improvements (including East Side
Access).    Metro North commuters from Westchester,
Rockland, Putnam and the state of Connecticut see $2.5
billion in improvements.  None of these localities make a
contribution to the $8.3 billion in capital spending that
benefit areas outside NYC.  

Any evaluation of capital contributions must include the

entire region - not just NYC.   NYC is the ONLY locality
making contributions to the capital plan.  

Key projects are billions over budget and years behind


East Side Access - A project primarily of 

benefit to Long Island Railroad Commuters,
ESA is 150% over budget and 14 years late.  
Now $6.4 billion over the initial budget with
project completion has been delayed to 2023.    
Neither Nassau nor Suffolk County contribute
any direct support to this project designed as a 
convenience for Long Island Commuters.    
The state says they need $2.6 billion in the
Capital Plan to complete the project - but state
estimates have never been accurate.   
Source: More Delays and Rising Costs for
Project Connecting LIRR to Grand Central,
NYT, Jan 2014.    

LIRR:  In addition to East Side Access, the

capital plan allocates $3.1 billion for LIRR 
improvements, for a total of $6.6 billion for
Long Islanders.  Neither Nassau nor Suffolk
make a capital contribution.  

Metro North:  The capital plan calls for $2.5

billion for Metro North projects to benefit
Westchester, northern suburb and Connecticut
commuters.  Neither the suburban counties
nor the state of Connecticut make a capital
Second Avenue Subway:   New Yorkers have
been promised a 2nd Ave subway since 1919.  
Phase one of the project, from 96th to 63rd St,
is due for completion in 2017 and is already
funded.   Phase 2, to 125th street, is estimated
by MTA to initially require $1.5 billion in
capital - less funding than    The full project is
to lower Manhattan could be 2029 or beyond.  
No funding is allocated in the current MTA
capital plan for completion of the line.  

NYC is the only locality to contribute to the Capital Plan

- even though $8.3 billion of the plan serves primarily
suburban commuters.   That is not sustainable. 

Karen Hinton
Press Secretary
Follow Me On Twitter @KarenHinton

From: "Arslanian, Kayla" <KArslanian@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Sun, 20 Sep 2015 16:20:19 -0400
To: Ricky DaCosta <RDaCosta@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Wiley Norvell
<WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Peter Kadushin
<pkadushin@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Thomas Synder
<TSnyder@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Emma Wolfe <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov>,
Tony Shorris <AShorris@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Prisca Salazar-Rodriguez
<PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Karen Hinton
<khinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Phil Walzak <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>,
"Darlington, Mandy (OMB)" <DarlingtonM@omb.nyc.gov>, Amy Spitalnick
<SpitalnickA@omb.nyc.gov>, Gabe Schnake-Mahl
<GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Elana Leopold
<ELeopold@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Dom Williams
<DWilliams@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"
<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>, Dean Fuleihan <fuleihand@omb.nyc.gov>,
Andrea Hagelgans <AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: MBDB: Conference Call regarding MTA -
Line is open and Mayor will join when group is all on the line. 

Please advise if you're unable to make the call - thank you! 

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 20, 2015, at 4:06 PM, Arslanian, Kayla <KArslanian@cityhall.nyc.gov>


All -
Connected with Mayor and this call is being moved to 4:25PM. I
will open the line five mins prior and give him a signal to join
once everyone is on the line. 

Thank you! 

MBDB: Conference Call regarding MTA -

Scheduled: Sunday, Sep 20, 2015 from 4:15 PM to 5:00 PM
Location: Call in # Code:
Invitees: Da Costa, Ricky, Norvell, Wiley, Kadushin, Peter, Snyder,
Thomas, Wolfe, Emma, Shorris, Anthony, Salazar-Rodriguez,
Prisca, Hinton, Karen, Walzak, Phil, Darlington, Mandy (OMB),
Spitalnick, Amy (OMB), Schnake Mahl, Gabriel, Leopold, Elana,
Williams, Dominic, 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com', Fuleihan, Dean
(OMB), Hagelgans, Andrea

Sent from my iPhone

From: Gunaratna, Mahen
To: Hinton, Karen
Cc: Shorris, Anthony; Walzak, Phil; Spitalnick, Amy (OMB); Arslanian, Kayla; Da Costa, Ricky; Norvell, Wiley;
Kadushin, Peter; Snyder, Thomas; Wolfe, Emma; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Schnake
Mahl, Gabriel; Leopold, Elana; Williams, Dominic; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB);
Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: Re: MTA Facts
Date: Sunday, September 20, 2015 9:28:01 PM

Will take a look

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 20, 2015, at 9:01 PM, Hinton, Karen <KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Uh… Ok. 

Mahen, could you take a look at the fact sheet below. Most statements
sourced. Oink. I mean, thanks.

Karen Hinton
Press Secretary
Follow Me On Twitter @KarenHinton

From: Tony Shorris <AShorris@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Sun, 20 Sep 2015 19:57:56 -0400
To: Karen Hinton <khinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Phil Walzak <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Amy Spitalnick
<SpitalnickA@omb.nyc.gov>, "Arslanian, Kayla" <KArslanian@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Ricky
DaCosta <RDaCosta@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Wiley Norvell <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>,
Peter Kadushin <pkadushin@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Thomas Synder
<TSnyder@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Emma Wolfe <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Prisca Salazar-
Rodriguez <PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Darlington, Mandy (OMB)"
<DarlingtonM@omb.nyc.gov>, Gabe Schnake-Mahl
<GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Elana Leopold <ELeopold@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Dom
Williams <DWilliams@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"
<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>, Dean Fuleihan <fuleihand@omb.nyc.gov>, Andrea
Hagelgans <AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: MTA Facts

Just need a tight fact check -- it's the pigs who enjoy the mud.  
From: Hinton, Karen [KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Sunday, September 20, 2015 5:19 PM
To: Arslanian, Kayla; Da Costa, Ricky; Norvell, Wiley; Kadushin, Peter;
Snyder, Thomas; Wolfe, Emma; Shorris, Anthony; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca;
Phillip Walzak; Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Spitalnick, Amy (OMB); Schnake
Mahl, Gabriel; Leopold, Elana; Williams, Dominic;
Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: MTA Facts

Someone did this for me. There’s a lot here for “offensive”
facts we could use while we are arguing MTA needs to be
“fixed” before city pours money into it.

City Residents Pay More Than Their Fair

Share of MTA Operating Revenues,
While Service Deteriorates And MTA Waste

The State Needs to Focus on Improving

Service, Not Just Squeezing More Money
Out of NYC Residents for Declining Service

Subway riders pay a significantly larger share of the costs

of operating the subway than LIRR and Metro North
customers pay for their system.   

MTA subway riders pay 60% of operating costs.   LIRR

customers pay 47% and Metro-North pay 57%.  Source:
 MTA July Financial Plan 2016-2019 Volume I, pg
7.  (“MTA Financial Plan”).

The share paid by subway riders has increased dramatically

in recent years.  In 2008, riders paid 52% of operating
costs.  The MTA predicted it would decline to 47%.  
Instead the share paid by riders has increased to 60%. 
Source: 2008 MTA Financial Plan, Volume 2.   Every
percent increase is about $85 million dollars cost to
subway riders. 
The financial support by NYC residents extends to the
state and regional taxes that support MTA as whole.
 According to the Citizens Budget Commission,
New York City residents pay over $4.2 billion of the $6
billion in dedicated regional MTA taxes.  NYC employers
pay 73 percent of the MTA’s $1.3 billion regional payroll
tax - supporting LIRR and Metro North, not just the city
subways and buses.  
Source:  Funding the MTA Capital Plan: Avoiding a
False Choice, Carol Kellerman, CBC, July 2015

NYC subway riders pay -by far- the largest share of

operating costs of almost any transit system in the
country - 2x the national average; including paying 50
percent more than NJ path commuters.     

Sources:  Average national share paid by riders: 33% - National Transit

Database 2012, page 34, exhibit 46
NYCT has “the third highest so-called farebox recovery
ratio for such US systems, according to the Federal Transit
Administration”.  WSJ, Andrew Tangel, Nov. 2014     
NJ Path commuter share of burden:  42.8%   
Other cities compared to NYC: 2010 Farebox Recovery
Ratio; Presentation by Federal Transit Administration
from 2010 data, page 21.  Most riders pay 20-40% in big
city transit systems.  NYC at 70%.  Chicago at 55% for
Clyde Haberman, NYT, May 25, 2011 "the comparable
percentages are appreciably lower for suburban rail lines
and the authority’s other divisions. Not only that, but the
burden is also lighter for subway and bus riders in other
American cities. Statistics kept by the Federal Transit
Administration put it in the range of 20 to 45 percent in
Boston, Chicago, Atlanta, Philadelphia and Washington.” 

Although they already pay among the highest percentage

of operating costs in the nation, MTA customers are
being asked to pay over a billion dollars in additional fare
increases in in the current operating plan - on top of
hundreds of millions from the 2015 fare.   Thats a 12
percent increase in subway fares in a 5 year period.   
Source MTA Financial Plan, Vol. I, page III-I.    

Worse, only a fraction of the fare increase goes to service

improvements.    The  MTA plan contains just $183
million in service improvements for the subway and bus
systems- over five years!    Compared with almost $2
billion in fare increases for 2015 - 2019.
Source: 183 million for service improvements in 5 year operating
budget.  MTA Financial Plan, page I-3.  

So where do all those increases go?   To MTA

Headquarters for one thing.  In 2012 MTA headquarters
expenses were an already astonishing -and bloated- $400
million.   In 2015, MTA says that number will rise to over
$900 million - more than double in 3 years     Between
2015 and 2019 MTA headquarters will spend almost $4
billion on itself - over 20 times more for
MTA bureaucrats than for service improvements. 

Source:  November 2013 Financial Plan; July 2015

Financial Plan, page I-5  

And the MTA admits is has no real plan to achieve

hundreds of millions in targeted savings, without which
fares will rise even more.  The MTA operating budget
relies on almost $1.5 billion in “phantom savings”.   

For 2015 for example, the MTA targeted 1.3 billion in

savings.   According to the July Financial Plan, MTA had
only identified $45 million in savings of the $1.3 billion.  
For the 2017 plan - when subway riders would get hit with
yet another fare hike- MTA says they need $1.6 billion in
savings, but have only come up with $76 million.    Source:
 Financial Plan, Vol. 1, page I-3. 

While riders pay billions in fares every year for the

subway - with much of it diverted to waste -  the
contribution from New York State to operating the
subways is a just $158 million a year - by any measure an
infintesimal portion of the $8.5 billion operating budget.  
Source: July 2015 Financial Plan, Volume II, Page 62.
 State operating assistance. 

To top it off, subway performance has decreased

markedly according to the MTA’s own data - while LIRR
and MNR have much higher performance rates. 

On time performance in the last year has fallen in the

subways from 75% to 70%.  Meanwhile, LIRR and Metro
North have 91 and 93 percent on time ratings.   Source:
 MTA Performance Dashboard

The bottom line:  Subway riders shoulder a far larger

burden than suburban riders, and one of the largest
burdens of any system in the nation.   Fare increases are
going to MTA mismanagement instead of service
improvements.  And subway performance continues to

The MTA Capital program is important.  But lets be clear:  74%

of the last capital budget was unspent by the end  of 2014 - the
last year of the last capital plan.   We have plenty of opportunity
to discuss how to salvage troubled mega-projects - whose completion
is years away.   So in the meantime lets focus on improving the
service for which New Yorkers are paying record amounts.   Lets
talk about ensuring that the burden on NYC subway riders is no
more than that of suburban commuters.   And lets get the basics
right -  trains that run on time, with equipment and stations that
are clean, safe and comfortable.    We’re not talking about
platinum projects like multi-billion dollar bridges and airport halls.
  Meanwhile, the subways are underfunded and the riders are
overpaying compared to their suburban counterparts and other
cities.   We need a real commitment from the state on operating
funds, on reducing waste, and improving service; I look forward to
that discussion.  

Optional Counter-proposal:  Its clear you can’t run the

subways from Albany.   New York City Transit (NYCT)
can best be run in New York City by  New York City for
New York City. .   The City proposes to assume full
operational control of the subways, by returning NYCT to a
City authority (as it originally was); In return the City will
FULLY FUND not only its current portion but also the
states full share of operating assistance attributable to the
MTA five year plan assumes $158 million in state
operating assistance annually.   The city already matches
this amount.  July 2015 Financial Plan, Volume II, Page


The State has proposed an increase in the

City’s contribution to the Capital Plan - yet
the plan includes billions in spending for
LIRR and Metro North commuters and not a
cent from Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester,
Rockland, Putnam or Connecticut.  New
York City is the ONLY locality making a
direct contribution to the capital plan.
 Before discussing additional NYC
contributions, regional governments need to
step up.  All sourcing from MTA 2015-19 Capital Plan. 

By the end of the last capital plan, 73% of funds were

UNSPENT.   So lets have a deliberative process instead
of gamesmanship and false threats about projects being
threatened.    If anything is threatening MTA
capital projects, its MTA’s failure -and the states
disinterest - to manage projects with are billions
over budget and literally decades behind.   Source: IBO,
Tracking the Pace of Spending Under MTA Capital Plans,
June 2015.  "As of December 31, 2014, only $8.5 billion (27
percent) of the 2010-2014 plan total had been spent”.

MTA’s mega capital projects are deeply over budget and

behind schedule, with little accountability from the state.
   The Governor, notoriously intolerant of projects that
take too long and cost too much has been notably silent
on the billions in cost overruns and decades of delay
when it comes to MTA’s largest projects.  

Nassau and Suffolk commuters see $5.7 billion in the

capital plan for LIRR improvements (including East Side
Access).    Metro North commuters from Westchester,
Rockland, Putnam and the state of Connecticut see $2.5
billion in improvements.  None of these localities make a
contribution to the $8.3 billion in capital spending that
benefit areas outside NYC.  

Any evaluation of capital contributions must include the

entire region - not just NYC.   NYC is the ONLY locality
making contributions to the capital plan.  

Key projects are billions over budget and years behind


East Side Access - A project primarily

of benefit to Long Island Railroad Commuters,
ESA is 150% over budget and 14 years late.
 Now $6.4 billion over the initial budget with
project completion has been delayed to 2023.    
Neither Nassau nor Suffolk County contribute
any direct support to this project designed as
a convenience for Long Island Commuters.  
 The state says they need $2.6 billion in the
Capital Plan to complete the project - but state
estimates have never been accurate.   
Source: More Delays and Rising Costs for
Project Connecting LIRR to Grand Central,
NYT, Jan 2014.    

LIRR:  In addition to East Side Access, the

capital plan allocates $3.1 billion for
LIRR improvements, for a total of $6.6 billion
for Long Islanders.  Neither Nassau nor
Suffolk make a capital contribution.  
Metro North:  The capital plan calls for $2.5
billion for Metro North projects to benefit
Westchester, northern suburb and Connecticut
commuters.  Neither the suburban counties
nor the state of Connecticut make a capital

Second Avenue Subway:   New Yorkers have

been promised a 2nd Ave subway since 1919.  
Phase one of the project, from 96th to 63rd St,
is due for completion in 2017 and is already
funded.   Phase 2, to 125th street, is estimated
by MTA to initially require $1.5 billion in
capital - less funding than    The full project is
to lower Manhattan could be 2029 or beyond.
 No funding is allocated in the current MTA
capital plan for completion of the line.  

NYC is the only locality to contribute to the Capital Plan

- even though $8.3 billion of the plan serves primarily
suburban commuters.   That is not sustainable. 

Karen Hinton
Press Secretary
Follow Me On Twitter @KarenHinton

From: "Arslanian, Kayla" <KArslanian@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Sun, 20 Sep 2015 16:20:19 -0400
To: Ricky DaCosta <RDaCosta@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Wiley Norvell
<WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Peter Kadushin
<pkadushin@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Thomas Synder
<TSnyder@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Emma Wolfe <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov>,
Tony Shorris <AShorris@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Prisca Salazar-Rodriguez
<PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Karen Hinton
<khinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Phil Walzak <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>,
"Darlington, Mandy (OMB)" <DarlingtonM@omb.nyc.gov>, Amy Spitalnick
<SpitalnickA@omb.nyc.gov>, Gabe Schnake-Mahl
<GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Elana Leopold
<ELeopold@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Dom Williams
<DWilliams@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"
<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>, Dean Fuleihan <fuleihand@omb.nyc.gov>,
Andrea Hagelgans <AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: MBDB: Conference Call regarding MTA -

Line is open and Mayor will join when group is all on the line. 

Please advise if you're unable to make the call - thank you! 

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 20, 2015, at 4:06 PM, Arslanian, Kayla <KArslanian@cityhall.nyc.gov>


All -
Connected with Mayor and this call is being moved to 4:25PM. I
will open the line five mins prior and give him a signal to join
once everyone is on the line. 

Thank you! 

MBDB: Conference Call regarding MTA -

Scheduled: Sunday, Sep 20, 2015 from 4:15 PM to 5:00 PM
Location: Call in # Code:
Invitees: Da Costa, Ricky, Norvell, Wiley, Kadushin, Peter, Snyder,
Thomas, Wolfe, Emma, Shorris, Anthony, Salazar-Rodriguez,
Prisca, Hinton, Karen, Walzak, Phil, Darlington, Mandy (OMB),
Spitalnick, Amy (OMB), Schnake Mahl, Gabriel, Leopold, Elana,
Williams, Dominic, 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com', Fuleihan, Dean
(OMB), Hagelgans, Andrea

Sent from my iPhone

From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Wolfe, Emma
Cc: Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Emily Walsh
Subject: Re: Can we do dinner this week you and me?
Date: Monday, September 21, 2015 8:50:56 AM

Yup.  830?

Sent from my iPhone

> On Sep 20, 2015, at 8:26 PM, Wolfe, Emma <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
> we good to lock this in?
> thank you!
> ________________________________________
> From: Schnake Mahl, Gabriel
> Sent: Sunday, September 20, 2015 9:54 AM
> To: Wolfe, Emma; 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
> Cc: 'Emily@berlinrosen.com'
> Subject: Re: Can we do dinner this week you and me?
> Yep!
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Wolfe, Emma
> Sent: Sunday, September 20, 2015 08:38 AM
> To: Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
> Cc: Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Emily Walsh <Emily@berlinrosen.com>
> Subject: Re: Can we do dinner this week you and me?
> Gabriel can I do Tuesday later?
>> On Sep 20, 2015, at 8:25 AM, Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
>> Sure.  Could also do Tuesday night late while deb at synagogue at my house.  Otherwise let's say
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Sep 20, 2015, at 8:13 AM, Wolfe, Emma <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>>> Tonight really tough for me. Could we do Thursday after planning meeting? Thank you! (If dean
wants to come I will ask him since we both trust him)
>>>> On Sep 20, 2015, at 7:57 AM, Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
>>>> Sure.   I could do tonight after my kids go to bed like 8 either dinner or a walk around the park
or something.
>>>> Could also do Monday or Thursday.  Tues night - weds night is Yom Kippur so complicated.
>>>> Sent from my iPad
>>>>> On Sep 19, 2015, at 7:54 PM, "Schnake Mahl, Gabriel" <GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov>
>>>>> + Emily
>>>>> Tues or thurs open -- or after planning mtg on wed
>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>> On Sep 19, 2015, at 7:47 PM, Wolfe, Emma <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>>>>>> Need your brain
>>>>>> A lot
>>>>>> Any chance first half of week?
From: Wolfe, Emma
To: B
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen; jfdc@akpdmedia.com; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Shorris,
Anthony; Williams, Dominic; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Snyder, Thomas
Subject: Re: POLITICO: MTA suggests it might apply cuts in city only
Date: Monday, September 21, 2015 6:34:32 PM

1. Yes -- We are strategizing per your directive yesterday --- want to bring you a
solid plan and not more seat of the pants ad hoc tactical plans. 
2. We mobilized a lot of voices today to lay out for us. Council transpo committee
did letter which will get press soon, other voices from state electeds to advocates
out throughout day. 
3. Still have elephant in room problem of too many strong potential allies needing to
know what we believe is the best play for city and what we are willing to do / not
do. Too many potential coalition/allies need this. (Back to #1).
4. Fyi: Getting all these potential validators in to city hall to listen and invest them
this week to get to a bigger place. But that's part of the work in #1 as well. 
5. Additional research operations in full effect. 

On Sep 21, 2015, at 6:18 PM, B <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

As with mayoral control of education, Andrew Cuomo is defiling any sense of decent,
normal, high-road government left in New York State. We can't take this lying down.
This should be a validators' holiday since it violates every notion of regionalism and
serious planning. We must fight back and have other voices fight back. I need a
proposal from you guys on how to punch back here

From: Clips
Sent: Monday, September 21, 2015 04:50 PM
Subject: POLITICO: MTA suggests it might apply cuts in city only
MTA suggests it might apply cuts in city only
POLITICO NY – Dana Rubinstein
On Monday afternoon, the chairman of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority —
an appointee of Gov. Andrew Cuomo — suggested that if Mayor Bill de Blasio failed
to meet his demands for more financial support, he might apply cuts to just the city,
rather than to services across the entire metropolitan region.
"I've directed the staff in finance and capital programs to incorporate all of the
revisions that were part of the discussions with stakeholders, as well as to align with
the current commitment of the city, at $657 million," said Tom Prendergast during the
MTA’s monthly finance meeting.
“I just want to clarify Mr. Chairman, a little more detail about what you are asking
the staff to do here,” interjected Polly Trottenberg, de Blasio’s transportation
commissioner and an MTA board member.
The overall size of the capital plan “would have to come down in cost and scope to
align with the difference between the $3.2 billion and the $657 million,” said
Prendergast, referring to the difference between what the state wants and what the city
has offered.
Trottenberg asked for just a little bit more clarity.
“We’re looking at the urban portion of it, New York City Transit,” said Prendergast,
referring to the MTA subdivision that operates New York City subways and buses.
“But only within one jurisdiction?” asked Trottenberg.
“Yes, the urban portion,” said Prendergast.
That’s “punitive and pretty divisive,” said Trottenberg.
She called for Prendergast to adopt a regional approach instead, since the MTA is a
regional organization.
Prendergast, apparently backing away, said he’d direct his staff to do that, too.
As if to make sure, several board members sprang to Trottenberg’s defense, including
Mitchell Pally, who is from Long Island.
“I want to support Commissioner Trottenberg’s request,” he said. “While many of us
represent outlying counties proudly, we also represent all of the riders of the system,
regardless of where they came from or where they end up.”
Every five years, the MTA formulates a plan to keep the region’s mass transit system,
including its subways and buses, in a state of good repair and expand it where needed.
Though the MTA board approved its plan last September, the state has yet to approve
In the meantime, the rhetoric surrounding the program has grown unusually bitter, and
even spilled into normally feel-good events, like the ribbon-cutting for the city's first
new subway station in 26 years.
Recent historical precedent had the city has contributing about $100 million a year for
five years, but the MTA last year asked the city to up its modest contribution to an
also-modest $125 million.
After a good deal of suspense, de Blasio surprised transit advocates by agreeing to the
MTA’s demands.
The MTA, which the governor controls, responded by immmediately upping the ante,
from $657 million over the five years ($125 million a year plus some additional
funding) to $3.2 billion.
The mayor has, so far, declined to meet the state's new request.
The capital program would put money towards things like replacing the Metrocard
with a modern fare payment system, launching the second phase of the Second
Avenue Subway up to 125th Street, and replacing the system's ancient signaling
systems to allow trains to run more reliably and closer together.
But the increasingly nasty funding dispute between de Blasio and Cuomo has thrown
the plan’s future into question.
“My sense of frustration and concern about not having a program — because it is a
year, this is the longest we’ve ever gone without a capital program — weighs on me
very heavily,” Prendergast said on Monday. “There are critical projects out there that
need to go forward."
The governor's office had no comment.
You can watch a video of the meeting here: http://bit.ly/1KrbHql
From: Khanyile-lynch. Celi
To: Emily Walsh
Subject: Re: Jonat han"s #
Date: Monday, September 21, 201S 10: 11:16 PM

Thanks! She will try him this week sometime.

Sent from my iPhone. Please excuse any typos.

On Sep 21, 2015, at 7:38PM, Emily Walsh < Emily@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Hi Celi,

Jonathan can be reached at on his cell or during the day

at 646-200-5300.

Let me know if you'd like me to set up a call for them tomorrow if they
don't connect tonight.

Thank you!

On Sep 21, 2015, at 6:29 PM, Khanyile-Lynch, Celi

<Clynch@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Good afternoon Emily,

Can you please pass along contact information for Jonathan (preferably a
number for Rachel to reach him)? Thank you !

Celi Khanyile-Lynch
Special Assistant to t he Director of Appointments
Mayor's Office of Appointments
clynch @cit yhall .nyc.gov
o: (212) 676-3295 1 c: (917) 327-1547
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: "Jonathan Rosen"; Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: RE: 1 millionth tree
Date: Tuesday, September 22, 2015 6:06:52 PM

I am holding on sched
Oct 22 nd at noon
From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2015 2:16 PM
To: Hagelgans, Andrea; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: RE: 1 millionth tree

Hi there.  Best day for Bette is Oct. 22 nd but could make 20 th or 21 st work too.
From: Hagelgans, Andrea [mailto:AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2015 1:20 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: 1 millionth tree

Jonathan- can you send us the dates?
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: B
To: Klein, Monica; Wolfe, Emma; Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas;
"Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"; jfdc
Subject: Re: Fwd: POLITICO NY: Critics call new charter school ad ‘racist’
Date: Friday, September 25, 2015 3:08:08 PM

This is OUTSTANDING!! THAT's what I'm talking about! Well done, team

From: Klein, Monica
Sent: Friday, September 25, 2015 02:08 PM
To: B
Subject: Fwd: POLITICO NY: Critics call new charter school ad ‘racist’

From: Clips <Clips@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: September 25, 2015 at 2:07:45 PM EDT
Subject: POLITICO NY: Critics call new charter school ad ‘racist’

Critics call new charter school ad ‘racist’

POLITICO NY - Eliza Shapiro
A coalition of elected officials, community organizations and union-allied groups
criticized a new Families for Excellent Schools ad Friday, accusing the pro-
charter group of "race-baiting" in order to advance its political agenda.
The ad, first reported by POLITICO New York, is called "Tale of Two Boys"
and argues that Mayor Bill de Blasio is forcing minority students into failing
schools. It began running Friday, though it was not publicly promoted by FES.
The ad buy will cost FES about half a million dollars this week and will become
a multimillion-dollar ad buy over the next few weeks, according to a source.
The ad contrasted the educations of a young white boy and a black boy in New
York City, saying the white child would attend a good school and go to college
while the black child would be trapped in a struggling school and never make it
to college.
Bertha Lewis, the president of the Black Institute, called it "the most racist ad
I've seen in my life."
"They found a way to make money and profit off little black boys and girls," she
said. "They act as if they are here to save us."
Zakiyah Ansari, the advocacy director of the Alliance for Quality Education,
made a similar argument. AQE is partially funded by city and state teachers'
"They are using a black face to push their political agenda, and they make the
assumption that all black people are poor," she said. "They used our children in a
race-baiting commercial."
Some called on FES to remove the ad on Friday.
Brooklyn Assemblyman N. Nick Perry called on FES to "do the right thing" and
pull the ad. Perry — who is also the chairman of the New York State Black,
Puerto Rican, Hispanic and Asian Legislative Caucus — said he was "incensed
over the use of blatant race baiting tactics to advance the agenda of FES."
Other elected officials also took issue with the ad.
Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer accused FES in a statement of
helping to "divert money, resources and space from our public schools ... into
increasingly unaccountable private empires. The rhetoric of this ad, and the
people and money behind it, are part of the problem."
New York City Council education committee chair Danny Dromm called the ad
"highly divisive and harmful."
Representatives for three of New York's largest charter networks — KIPP,
Uncommon, and Achievement First — did not respond to requests for comment
about the ad.
A spokesperson for FES declined to comment.
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Geri Prado
Cc: Dan Levitan; Snyder, Thomas; PhilWalzak (gmail.com); Karen Hinton; Bill Hyers
Subject: Re: mayor in DC
Date: Monday, September 28, 2015 4:41:36 PM

Sorry can you tell us what this is exactly. Who is Castro and splitting with who?  Dan
and I have no idea what this is and want to be precise here.   

Sent from my iPad

On Sep 28, 2015, at 4:39 PM, "Geri Prado" wrote:

Looping Tom as I just got flight info from Prisca. 

We hadn't discussed but I'm good splitting. Castro led the trip but with
someone leaking it that got out before

Phil and Tom let me know and we can vet w lawyers. 

On Sep 28, 2015, at 4:31 PM, Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>


Please advise.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Yoav Gonen [mailto:ygonen@nypost.com]
Sent: Monday, September 28, 2015 4:29 PM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: mayor in DC

hey man, we're doing a brief on mayor in DC. you want to say
anything about his appearance there? Are you guys funding his

Yoav Gonen
City Hall Bureau Chief
New York Post
(646) 229-8322
From: Darlington, Mandy (OMB)
To: Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Emily Walsh
Subject: RE: dinner on thurs after planning?
Date: Wednesday, September 30, 2015 3:53:28 PM

Update: Dean might be scheduled to meet with the Mayor after. 

From: Schnake Mahl, Gabriel [mailto:GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2015 11:06 AM
To: Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Emily Walsh
Subject: RE: dinner on thurs after planning?
ok cool!
From: Darlington, Mandy (OMB) [mailto:DarlingtonM@omb.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2015 11:05 AM
To: Emily Walsh; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel
Subject: RE: dinner on thurs after planning?
Dean may be able to now.  I’ll check and let you know.
From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2015 8:56 AM
To: Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Schnake Mahl, Gabriel
Subject: RE: dinner on thurs after planning?
JR a maybe if it's not too late.
Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Darlington, Mandy (OMB) [DarlingtonM@omb.nyc.gov]

Sent: Monday, September 28, 2015 7:06 PM
To: Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Emily Walsh
Subject: RE: dinner on thurs after planning?

Sorry Dean already has plans

From: Schnake Mahl, Gabriel [mailto:GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, September 28, 2015 7:05 PM
To: Emily Walsh (Emily@berlinrosen.com); Darlington, Mandy (OMB)
Subject: dinner on thurs after planning?
From: Mike Rabinowitz
To: Spitalnick, Amy (OMB); "Robert Master"
Cc: Sevillia, Max; Ozernoy, Ilana
Subject: RE: Press Release
Date: Thursday, October 01, 2015 11:35:36 AM
Attachments: Big City Mayors September letter release v3.docx


- mobile -

Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (o)
646.342.3469 (c)

-------- Original message --------

From: "Spitalnick, Amy (OMB)" <SpitalnickA@omb.nyc.gov>
Date: 10/1/2015 11:32 AM (GMT-05:00)
To: 'Robert Master' <rmaster@cwa-union.org>
Cc: "Sevillia, Max" <msevillia@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Ozernoy, Ilana"
<iozernoy@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Mike Rabinowitz <Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Press Release

Thanks. Will call in a minute. Can you please also send the draft release here?

From: Robert Master [mailto:rmaster@cwa-union.org]

Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2015 11:30 AM
To: Spitalnick, Amy (OMB)
Cc: Sevillia, Max; Ozernoy, Ilana
Subject: Re: Press Release

Hi Amy--just tried you with Mike Rabinowitz of BerlinRosen on the line.

Please call back ASAP. We are desperately trying to push this out by 12 Noon.

On Thu, Oct 1, 2015 at 11:17 AM, Spitalnick, Amy (OMB) <SpitalnickA@omb.nyc.gov>



From: Sevillia, Max [mailto:msevillia@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2015 11:17 AM
To: 'rmaster@cwa-union.org'
Cc: Spitalnick, Amy (OMB); Ozernoy, Ilana
Subject: Press Release

Can you please have your comms folks connect with Amy, cc’ed here?

Amy, what’s the best number for them to reach you now?

Max Sevillia, Esq.

New York City Office of Federal Affairs
1301 Pennsylvania Ave, N.W.
Suite 350
Washington, D.C. 20004
Tel. (202) 624-5906
Cell. (347) 276-6572

Follow me on Twitter @cwabobmaster.   Occasionally, I try to say something interesting.

"Labor, like Israel, has many sorrows. Its women weep for their fallen and they lament for
the future of the children of the race. It ill behooves one who has supped at labor's table and
who has been sheltered in labor's house to curse with equal fervor and fine impartiality both
labor and its adversaries when they become locked in deadly embrace."

John L. Lewis, September 3, 1937, after FDR proclaimed "a plague on both your houses"
during the Little Steel Strike. In all, 18 strikers were killed in the defeated strike against
Republic, Inland, and Youngstown Sheet and Tube.
For Immediate Release: October 1, 2015
Contact: Michael Rabinowitz-Gold, 646-342-3469, rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com

East Coast Mayors Representing Over 12 Million People Blast

Verizon: Stop Stalling, Start Building, High-Speed Internet – and
Guarantee Good Phone Service to All Consumers

In Some Cities, Verizon Ignores Legislative and Contractual Buildout

Requirements, In Others, Refuses to Build FiOS at all, While Letting Traditional
Landline Network Deteriorate Everywhere

WASHINGTON- Mayors of 14 cities with over 12 million residents are fed up with Verizon. The
Mayors expressed anger at Verizon’s refusal to build its high-speed FiOS network at all in some
cities while in others the company fails, to meet contractual and legal requirements to complete
universal build-outs. The Mayors also expressed concern about Verizon’s treatment of its
workforce in ongoing contract negotiations.

In a letter to Verizon CEO Lowell McAdam, the Mayors called on the company to sit down to
discuss ways the company can better serve customers and resolve disputes with the Verizon
workers who are in the midst of a contract negotiation.

”As Mayors, we understand firsthand how vital Broadband is to the growth of our local economies
and to nurturing a healthy, competitive marketplace in our state. Our residents use the Internet to
search for jobs, build home-based businesses, educate their children and engage in the civic life of
our cities.

“But consistently and increasingly, our consumers have complained that FiOS service is not
available to them. These are not isolated complaints – there are millions of residents in
communities throughout the Northeast who have been left without service, and with no plan or
promise for future resolution,” wrote the Mayors.

“At the same time, we are beginning to hear concerns that both in cities covered by a
FiOS franchise or in which FiOS is still completely unavailable, Verizon has been abandoning the
copper network and traditional landline customers are experiencing frequent service outages,
delays in repairs and installations, and forced migration to the inferior VoiceLink product. As you
know, the New York Public Service Commission stated in its recent Staff Assessment of
Telecommunications in NY: ‘In many areas of New York City, the legacy copper infrastructure is in
such poor condition that copper failures due to weather conditions can cause long delays for
service restoration and Commission service quality standards are missed,’” the letter continued.

In a sign of the growing frustration with Verizon’s refusal to invest in its wired network, the letter
was signed by the Mayors of New York, Pittsburgh, Newark, Jersey City, Buffalo, Worcester,
Paterson, Syracuse, Lowell, Albany, Brockton, Trenton and Revere and the Democratic candidate
for Mayor in Philadelphia.

The anger has been growing across the East Coast as Verizon systematically refuses to invest in
its infrastructure. In August, it was the only major U.S. telecommunications company to turn
down federal funding to build broadband in unserved, primarily rural, communities, leaving
many residents in eight states and the District of Columbia without access to vital
communications options. The company was offered $568 million over six years by the Federal
government to bring broadband to 270,000 locations in Washington, DC, Delaware,
Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Virginia.

In New York State, the company refuses to avail itself of Governor Cuomo’s $500 million New
New York Broadband Fund, which offers up to 50% subsidies to companies willing to build high-
speed service in underserved areas. For years, Verizon has steadfastly refused to bring its high-
speed internet service (or FiOS) to areas like Buffalo, Syracuse, Albany, Rome, Utica and
numerous other upstate New York cities, as well as much of Eastern Suffolk. At a series of
hearings held by New York State, elected officials from Buffalo, Syracuse, Albany, the North
Country, the Southern Tier and the Hudson Valley decried the lack of FiOS in their communities.

Campaigns in Pennsylvania and Massachusetts have also called for FiOS to be built in their

A damning audit of Verizon’s FiOS rollout in New York City found that Verizon has failed to meet
its promise to deliver high-speed fiber optic internet and television to everyone in the city who
wanted it. During its negotiations for a city franchise, Verizon promised that the entire city would
be wired with fiber optic cables by June 2014 and that after that date, everyone who wanted FiOS
would get it within six months to a year. The audit found that despite claiming that it had wired
the whole city by November 2014, Verizon systematically continues to refuse orders for service.
The audit also found that Verizon stonewalled the audit process.

At the same time, Verizon has been letting its traditional phone network deteriorate. In a letter to
the FCC it admitted that it had only spent $200 million or $3.50 per customer over the last seven
years to maintain its copper landline network in eleven states and the District of Columbia. The
Communications Workers of America filed letters in six states and Washington, DC calling on
them to investigate whether Verizon was neglecting its responsibility.

From: Mike Rabinowitz
To: Robert Master; Spitalnick, Amy (OMB)
Cc: Sevillia, Max; Ozernoy, Ilana; CJ Macklin
Subject: RE: Press Release
Date: Thursday, October 01, 2015 12:01:53 PM
Attachments: Big City Mayors September letter release v4.docx

I spoke to Amy. She is waiting for final approval. 

Attached is the release. If it is approved by 1215 I think we should go today. If not,

I think we hold for tomorrow. 

The letter should go to McAdam asap because Ryan Knutson is calling the Verizon
PR folks.

Amy - please reply all as CJ is actually sending it  

- mobile -

Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (o)
646.342.3469 (c)

-------- Original message --------

From: Robert Master <rmaster@cwa-union.org>
Date: 10/1/2015 11:59 AM (GMT-05:00)
To: "Spitalnick, Amy (OMB)" <SpitalnickA@omb.nyc.gov>
Cc: Mike Rabinowitz <Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com>, "Sevillia, Max"
<msevillia@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Ozernoy, Ilana" <iozernoy@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: Press Release

I have a conference call at 12 noon.

On Thu, Oct 1, 2015 at 11:48 AM, Spitalnick, Amy (OMB)

<SpitalnickA@omb.nyc.gov> wrote:

Sorry, give me a few more minutes.

From: Mike Rabinowitz [mailto:Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2015 11:43 AM
To: Spitalnick, Amy (OMB); 'Robert Master'
Cc: Sevillia, Max; Ozernoy, Ilana
Subject: RE: Press Release

Are we doing this soon? I have a meeting starting soon. Sorry to jam everyone. 

- mobile -

Michael Rabinowitz-Gold

646.200.5308 (o)

646.342.3469 (c)

-------- Original message --------

From: Mike Rabinowitz <Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com>

Date: 10/1/2015 11:35 AM (GMT-05:00)

To: "Spitalnick, Amy (OMB)" <SpitalnickA@omb.nyc.gov>, 'Robert Master'


Cc: "Sevillia, Max" <msevillia@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Ozernoy, Ilana"


Subject: RE: Press Release


- mobile -

Michael Rabinowitz-Gold

646.200.5308 (o)

646.342.3469 (c)


-------- Original message --------

From: "Spitalnick, Amy (OMB)" <SpitalnickA@omb.nyc.gov>

Date: 10/1/2015 11:32 AM (GMT-05:00)

To: 'Robert Master' <rmaster@cwa-union.org>

Cc: "Sevillia, Max" <msevillia@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Ozernoy, Ilana"

<iozernoy@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Mike Rabinowitz <Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com>

Subject: RE: Press Release

Thanks. Will call in a minute. Can you please also send the draft release here?

From: Robert Master [mailto:rmaster@cwa-union.org]
Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2015 11:30 AM
To: Spitalnick, Amy (OMB)
Cc: Sevillia, Max; Ozernoy, Ilana
Subject: Re: Press Release

Hi Amy--just tried you with Mike Rabinowitz of BerlinRosen on the line.

Please call back ASAP.  We are desperately trying to push this out by 12 Noon.

On Thu, Oct 1, 2015 at 11:17 AM, Spitalnick, Amy (OMB)

<SpitalnickA@omb.nyc.gov> wrote:



From: Sevillia, Max [mailto:msevillia@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2015 11:17 AM
To: 'rmaster@cwa-union.org'
Cc: Spitalnick, Amy (OMB); Ozernoy, Ilana
Subject: Press Release

Can you please have your comms folks connect with Amy, cc’ed here?

Amy, what’s the best number for them to reach you now?


Max Sevillia, Esq.


New York City Office of Federal Affairs

1301 Pennsylvania Ave, N.W.

Suite 350

Washington, D.C. 20004

Tel. (202) 624-5906

Cell. (347) 276-6572


Follow me on Twitter @cwabobmaster.   Occasionally, I try to say something interesting.

"Labor, like Israel, has many sorrows. Its women weep for their fallen and they
lament for the future of the children of the race. It ill behooves one who has
supped at labor's table and who has been sheltered in labor's house to curse with
equal fervor and fine impartiality both labor and its adversaries when they become
locked in deadly embrace."

John L. Lewis, September 3, 1937, after FDR proclaimed "a plague on both your
houses" during the Little Steel Strike. In all, 18 strikers were killed in the defeated
strike against Republic, Inland, and Youngstown Sheet and Tube.

Follow me on Twitter @cwabobmaster.   Occasionally, I try to say something interesting.

"Labor, like Israel, has many sorrows. Its women weep for their fallen and they lament for the future of
the children of the race. It ill behooves one who has supped at labor's table and who has been
sheltered in labor's house to curse with equal fervor and fine impartiality both labor and its adversaries
when they become locked in deadly embrace."

John L. Lewis, September 3, 1937, after FDR proclaimed "a plague on both your houses" during the
Little Steel Strike. In all, 18 strikers were killed in the defeated strike against Republic, Inland, and
Youngstown Sheet and Tube.
For Immediate Release: October 1, 2015
Contact: Michael Rabinowitz-Gold, 646-342-3469, rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com

East Coast Mayors Representing Over 12 Million People Blast

Verizon: Stop Stalling, Start Building, High-Speed Internet – and
Guarantee Good Phone Service to All Consumers

In Some Cities, Verizon Ignores Legislative and Contractual Buildout

Requirements, In Others, Refuses to Build FiOS at all, While Letting Traditional
Landline Network Deteriorate Everywhere

WASHINGTON- Mayors of 14 cities with over 12 million residents are fed up with Verizon. The
Mayors expressed anger at Verizon’s refusal to build its high-speed FiOS network at all in some
cities while in others the company fails, to meet contractual and legal requirements to complete
universal build-outs. The Mayors also expressed concern about Verizon’s treatment of its
workforce in ongoing contract negotiations.

In a letter to Verizon CEO Lowell McAdam, the Mayors called on the company to sit down to
discuss ways the company can better serve customers and resolve disputes with the Verizon
workers who are in the midst of a contract negotiation.

”As Mayors, we understand firsthand how vital Broadband is to the growth of our local economies
and to nurturing a healthy, competitive marketplace in our state. Our residents use the Internet to
search for jobs, build home-based businesses, educate their children and engage in the civic life of
our cities.

“But consistently and increasingly, our consumers have complained that FiOS service is not
available to them. These are not isolated complaints – there are millions of residents in
communities throughout the Northeast who have been left without service, and with no plan or
promise for future resolution,” wrote the Mayors.

“At the same time, we are hearing concerns that both in cities covered by a
FiOS franchise or in which FiOS is still completely unavailable, Verizon has been abandoning the
copper network and traditional landline customers are experiencing frequent service outages,
delays in repairs and installations, and forced migration to the inferior VoiceLink product. As you
know, the New York Public Service Commission stated in its recent Staff Assessment of
Telecommunications in NY: ‘In many areas of New York City, the legacy copper infrastructure is in
such poor condition that copper failures due to weather conditions can cause long delays for
service restoration and Commission service quality standards are missed,’” the letter continued.

In a sign of the growing frustration with Verizon’s refusal to invest in its wired network, the letter
was signed by the Mayors of New York, Pittsburgh, Newark, Jersey City, Buffalo, Worcester,
Paterson, Syracuse, Lowell, Albany, Brockton, Trenton and Revere and the Democratic candidate
for Mayor in Philadelphia.

The anger has been growing across the East Coast as Verizon systematically refuses to invest in
its infrastructure. In August, it was the only major U.S. telecommunications company to turn
down federal funding to build broadband in unserved, primarily rural, communities, leaving
many residents in eight states and the District of Columbia without access to vital
communications options. The company was offered $568 million over six years by the Federal
government to bring broadband to 270,000 locations in Washington, DC, Delaware,
Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Virginia.

In New York State, the company refuses to avail itself of Governor Cuomo’s $500 million New
New York Broadband Fund, which offers up to 50% subsidies to companies willing to build high-
speed service in underserved areas. For years, Verizon has steadfastly refused to bring its high-
speed internet service (or FiOS) to areas like Buffalo, Syracuse, Albany, Rome, Utica and
numerous other upstate New York cities, as well as much of Eastern Suffolk. At a series of
hearings held by New York State, elected officials from Buffalo, Syracuse, Albany, the North
Country, the Southern Tier and the Hudson Valley decried the lack of FiOS in their communities.

Campaigns in Pennsylvania and Massachusetts have also called for FiOS to be built in their

A damning audit of Verizon’s FiOS rollout in New York City found that Verizon has failed to meet
its promise to deliver high-speed fiber optic internet and television to everyone in the city who
wanted it. During its negotiations for a city franchise, Verizon promised that the entire city would
be wired with fiber optic cables by June 2014 and that after that date, everyone who wanted FiOS
would get it within six months to a year. The audit found that despite claiming that it had wired
the whole city by November 2014, Verizon systematically continues to refuse orders for service.
The audit also found that Verizon stonewalled the audit process.

At the same time, Verizon has been letting its traditional phone network deteriorate. In a letter to
the FCC it admitted that it had only spent $200 million or $3.50 per customer over the last seven
years to maintain its copper landline network in eleven states and the District of Columbia. The
Communications Workers of America filed letters in six states and Washington, DC calling on
them to investigate whether Verizon was neglecting its responsibility.

From: Dan Levitan
To: Walzak, Phil
Cc: Hinton, Karen; Wolfe, Emma; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: INCOMING: Daily News re: citizens united - Jennifer Fermino , jfermino@nydailynews.com
Date: Thursday, October 01, 2015 1:46:00 PM

It would do nothing to Campaign's work. We don't do any electioneering

- Sent from my Galaxy S6 - 

On Oct 1, 2015, at 1:27 PM, Walzak, Phil <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

+JRo, DL
Citizens United is unreporterd $$
CF1NY is a nonprofit advocacy that discloses
Huge differende in transparency
From: Hinton, Karen
Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2015 1:22 PM
To: Walzak, Phil; Wolfe, Emma
Subject: FW: INCOMING: Daily News re: citizens united - Jennifer Fermino ,
You guys got any direction here?
Karen Hinton
Press Secretary
Follow Me On Twitter @KarenHinton
From: Fermino, Jennifer [mailto:jfermino@nydailynews.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2015 11:22 AM
To: Mayor's Press Office
Subject: citizens united
De Blasio wants a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United? That’s what
they said on CNN. Seems ironic since he has a big non-profit to tout his agenda. Is that
accurate? What would it do to his Campaign for One New York?
Jennifer Fermino
City Hall Bureau Chief
New York Daily News
(o) 212 210 1887
(c) 646 734 0320


This transmission is intended only for the use of the addressee and may contain information
that is confidential, privileged and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you
are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution
or copying of the information contained herein is strictly unauthorized and prohibited. If you
have received this communication in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete
this message. Thank you.

From: Walzak, Phil
To: Dan Levitan; Hinton, Karen
Cc: Wolfe, Emma; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: INCOMING: Daily News re: citizens united - Jennifer Fermino , jfermino@nydailynews.com
Date: Thursday, October 01, 2015 3:52:10 PM


Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Dan Levitan
Sent: Thursday, October 1, 2015 3:47 PM
To: Hinton, Karen
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Wolfe, Emma; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: INCOMING: Daily News re: citizens united - Jennifer Fermino , jfermino@nydailynews.com

Spoke to her. As of right now this is dead. 

- Sent from my Galaxy S6 - 

On Oct 1, 2015, at 2:20 PM, Hinton, Karen <KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Citizens United does not report contributions. Campaign for One New York is a nonprofit,
advocacy group that discloses its contributions. This represents a huge difference in
transparency. Also, if Citizens United ruling were overturned, it would not impact Campaign
for One New York, which does not participate in elections.  

Karen Hinton
Press Secretary
Follow Me On Twitter @KarenHinton

From: Phil Walzak <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2015 14:16:42 -0400
To: 'Dan Levitan' <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Karen Hinton <khinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Emma Wolfe
<EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: INCOMING: Daily News re: citizens united - Jennifer Fermino ,

I think we should be synced, let us know what you thkn

From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2015 2:08 PM
To: Walzak, Phil
Cc: Hinton, Karen; Wolfe, Emma; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: INCOMING: Daily News re: citizens united - Jennifer Fermino ,
She reached out to us too. I am going over differences on background shortly. Are you
giving on rec statement? 

- Sent from my Galaxy S6 - 

On Oct 1, 2015, at 1:27 PM, Walzak, Phil <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

+JRo, DL
Citizens United is unreporterd $$
CF1NY is a nonprofit advocacy that discloses
Huge differende in transparency
From: Hinton, Karen
Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2015 1:22 PM
To: Walzak, Phil; Wolfe, Emma
Subject: FW: INCOMING: Daily News re: citizens united - Jennifer Fermino ,
You guys got any direction here?
Karen Hinton
Press Secretary
Follow Me On Twitter @KarenHinton
From: Fermino, Jennifer [mailto:jfermino@nydailynews.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2015 11:22 AM
To: Mayor's Press Office
Subject: citizens united
De Blasio wants a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United?
That’s what they said on CNN. Seems ironic since he has a big non-profit
to tout his agenda. Is that accurate? What would it do to his Campaign for
One New York?
Jennifer Fermino
City Hall Bureau Chief
New York Daily News
(o) 212 210 1887
(c) 646 734 0320


This transmission is intended only for the use of the addressee and may
contain information that is confidential, privileged and/or exempt from
disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are
hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of the
information contained herein is strictly unauthorized and prohibited. If you
have received this communication in error, please notify the sender
immediately and delete this message. Thank you.

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: Thornton, Demetrius; Everett, Matt; Griffith, Chantell; Da Costa, Ricky; Walzak, Phil; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB);
John, Roxanne; Reisman, Lisette; Leopold, Elana; Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Zuniga,
Andrea; Shorris, Anthony; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; John Del Cecato; Snyder, Thomas; Williams, Dominic;
Hagelgans, Andrea; Arslanian, Kayla; Hinton, Karen; Ko, Eunice; Wiley, Maya; Wolfe, Emma; Caquias, Paula;
"jonathan@berlinrosen.com"; "nbaldick@hilltoppublicsolutions.com"; Fialkoff, Gabrielle
Subject: RE: MBDB: Weekly Planning Meeting
Date: Thursday, October 01, 2015 4:06:01 PM

This is back on for 730pm

-----Original Appointment-----
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Friday, September 25, 2015 7:55 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Thornton, Demetrius; Everett, Matt; Griffith, Chantell; Da Costa, Ricky;
Walzak, Phil; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); John, Roxanne; Reisman, Lisette; Leopold, Elana; Louis
Espiritusanto, Jose; Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Zuniga, Andrea; Shorris, Anthony; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel;
John Del Cecato; Snyder, Thomas; Williams, Dominic; Hagelgans, Andrea; Arslanian, Kayla; Hinton,
Karen; Ko, Eunice; Wiley, Maya; Wolfe, Emma; Caquias, Paula; 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com';
'nbaldick@hilltoppublicsolutions.com'; Fialkoff, Gabrielle
Subject: MBDB: Weekly Planning Meeting
When: Thursday, October 01, 2015 7:30 PM-9:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: Gracie Mansion
From: Hinton, Karen
To: "Dan Levitan"; Banks, Angela; Walzak, Phil
Subject: RE: INCO: Epoch Times - Fundraising event in Sheraton
Date: Tuesday, October 06, 2015 12:24:40 PM

From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2015 12:16 PM
To: Hinton, Karen; Banks, Angela; Walzak, Phil
Subject: RE: INCO: Epoch Times - Fundraising event in Sheraton

Y.  Please send folks my way

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Hinton, Karen [mailto:KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2015 12:15 PM
To: Banks, Angela <abanks@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Walzak, Phil <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Dan Levitan
Subject: RE: INCO: Epoch Times - Fundraising event in Sheraton

Dan – Can you handle?


From: Mayor's Press Office

Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2015 9:25 AM
To: @Incoming
Subject: INCO: Epoch Times - Fundraising event in Sheraton

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: ming zhong <ming.zhong@epochtimes.com>

Date: October 6, 2015 at 9:23:12 AM EDT
To: <pressoffice@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: Fundraising event in Sheraton

Hi, there,
This is Allen from Epoch Times.
Is the fundraising event at Sheraton scheduled in Oct. 29 open for press?

From: Singleton, Jessica
To: "Shruti Sehgal"
Subject: RE: Hi, Jessica - Invitation to be guest speaker at "Cocktails & Convos: Tech"s Influence on Politics"
Date: Tuesday, October 06, 2015 12:30:21 PM

Thanks for following up. That week is just a bad week for me. Hopefully in the future!
From: Shruti Sehgal [mailto:shruti.sehgal@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, October 05, 2015 10:48 PM
To: Singleton, Jessica
Subject: Re: Hi, Jessica - Invitation to be guest speaker at "Cocktails & Convos: Tech's Influence on

Hi Jessie,

Thanks much for your email -- appreciate it! A slight update to the evening plans, it's now
taking place on Oct 20th evening (not sure if that frees you up in anyway, but let me know).
Regardless, hope to have you as a guest speaker soon!


Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 2, 2015, at 6:29 PM, Singleton, Jessica <JSingleton@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Hi Shruit! Thank you so much for the invitation. I can’t make it on the 21 st but would
be happy to join you at another event in the future.
From: Shruti Sehgal [mailto:shruti.sehgal@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2015 10:23 PM
To: Singleton, Jessica
Subject: RE: Hi, Jessica - Invitation to be guest speaker at "Cocktails & Convos: Tech's
Influence on Politics"

Also, got your email from Heather Grantham--I'm a fellow NLC NYC alum :) Talk soon! SS

From: Shruti Sehgal

Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2015 10:21 PM
To: Jsingleton@cityhall.nyc.gov
Subject: Hi, Jessica - Invitation to be guest speaker at "Cocktails & Convos: Tech's
Influence on Politics"

Hi, Jessica:
Shruti with BerlinRosen--not sure if we've met before, but great to meet
you over email. I'm  a member of New York Women in Communications,
and we are hosting an event where we would love to have you be a
guest speaker! I'm sending along the formal invitation below--please let
me know if you're available, and regardless, hope to bump into you

Thanks for your time!


Dear Jessica: 

I am pleased to invite you to be a guest speaker on our upcoming

panel,“Cocktails & Conversations: Technology’s Influence on Politics,”
hosted by New York Women in Communications on Wednesday,
October 21 st, from 6:00 – 8:00 pm in New York City. Our panel will
examine how technology has revolutionized the American political
process – everything from voter turnout, to crisis management, to
moving the needle on public opinion. As someone with a very
impressive career in digital media and politics, we’d be thrilled to have
you speak about your experiences to our members. 

New York Women in Communications (NYWICI) is an nonprofit

organization that empowers women in all communications disciplines at
all stages of their careers to reach their full potential by promoting their
professional growth and inspiring them to achieve and share their
successes in the rapidly changing world of communications. 

Our panels give our members - spanning all ages and communications
backgrounds – the rare opportunity to hear directly from top industry
leaders on a number of relevant topics.. For our “Cocktails &
Conversations: Technology’s Influence on Politics,” panel, we would like
to hear from political influencers like you on how the new digital
landscape is driving conversations, pushing boundaries, and what you
think the future holds when it comes to technology and politics..

Please let me know if you are available to join our panel by October
7, 2015.

I’m including some additional information about NYWICI below for your
background, and I’m happy to answer any questions you may have.

Thanks very much for your consideration,



New York Women in Communications, Inc. is the premier organization

for communications professionals in the New York metropolitan
area.We are a not-for-profit association 501(c)(6) founded in 1929, and
we operate in a city that leads the industry and shapes the way people
communicate around the world.

The membership represents all facets of the communications industry,

including print, broadcast and online journalism, public relations,
marketing, corporate communications, advertising, digital media and
book publishing. Membership is made up of students, professionals at
entry levels, mid-career stages and top management, as well as growing
numbers of entrepreneurs. For more information,
From: Gabriel Schnake-Mahl
To: Emily Walsh; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: Re: today
Date: Tuesday, October 06, 2015 1:41:37 PM

+ prisca

On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 1:39 PM, Emily Walsh <Emily@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Happy to host but no one told us :)

Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

Gabriel Schnake-Mahl
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: "Emily Walsh"
Subject: RE:
Date: Thursday, October 08, 2015 4:27:01 PM

Cool thanks!
From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 08, 2015 4:26 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: RE:
Yes, I can give you the conference room on the 11th floor. 
Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Thursday, October 08, 2015 4:15 PM
To: Emily Walsh

Hi! Can we reserve a conf room tomorrow for the Mayor for Call time?
Starting at 10am till 630pm-
Prisca Salazar-Rodriguez
Office of The Mayor
From: Singleton, Jessica
To: "Shruti Sehgal"
Subject: RE: Register Now - Cocktails & Conversations: Technology"s Influence on Politics
Date: Thursday, October 08, 2015 4:49:50 PM

Oh man, the press office rsvp’ed for me, so I guess I don’t have a choice! Kidding tho -- I’m excited!
From: Shruti Sehgal [mailto:shruti.sehgal@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 08, 2015 4:43 PM
To: Singleton, Jessica
Subject: Fwd: Register Now - Cocktails & Conversations: Technology's Influence on Politics

Glad to hear it worked out! Great to have you on the panel! :)

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: New York Women in Communications <info@nywici.org>

Date: October 8, 2015 at 1:49:42 PM CDT
To: <shruti.sehgal@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Register Now - Cocktails & Conversations: Technology's Influence on Politics
Reply-To: <info@nywici.org>
Click HERE for more details and to register for Cocktails & Conversations!

New York Women in Communications empowers women in all communications disciplines at all
stages of their careers to reach their full potential by promoting their professional growth and
inspiring them to achieve and share their successes in the rapidly changing world of

Forward email

This email was sent to shruti.sehgal@berlinrosen.com by info@nywici.org |  

Rapid removal with SafeUnsubscribe™ | About our service provider.

New York Women in Communications, Inc. | 355 Lexington Ave | 15th Fl | New York | NY | 10017
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: "Emily Walsh"
Subject: RE:
Date: Friday, October 09, 2015 9:23:58 AM

Hey! GM. He is not going to Maiden Lane today.

From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 08, 2015 4:26 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: RE:
Yes, I can give you the conference room on the 11th floor. 
Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Thursday, October 08, 2015 4:15 PM
To: Emily Walsh

Hi! Can we reserve a conf room tomorrow for the Mayor for Call time?
Starting at 10am till 630pm-
Prisca Salazar-Rodriguez
Office of The Mayor
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: "Emily Walsh"
Subject: RE: RE:
Date: Friday, October 09, 2015 9:33:36 AM

Question – Do you have audio visual in your conference rooms for presentations?
Mayor may need to have some staff brief him on some stuff next week-
Too many interruptions at CH.
From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, October 09, 2015 9:27 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: Re: RE:
Ok. Thanks! 

On Oct 9, 2015, at 9:24 AM, Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca <PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Hey! GM. He is not going to Maiden Lane today.

From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 08, 2015 4:26 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: RE:
Yes, I can give you the conference room on the 11th floor. 
Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Thursday, October 08, 2015 4:15 PM
To: Emily Walsh

Hi! Can we reserve a conf room tomorrow for the Mayor for Call time?
Starting at 10am till 630pm-
Prisca Salazar-Rodriguez
Office of The Mayor
From: Emily Walsh
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: RE:
Date: Friday, October 09, 2015 9:43:15 AM

Yes, but I need to know as soon as possible in advance as we have 1 conference room who does it fully
with videoconferencing.

We have another one that can do powerpoints (and with sound) from a laptop. Let me know!

Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Friday, October 09, 2015 9:33 AM
To: Emily Walsh
Subject: RE: RE:

Question – Do you have audio visual in your conference rooms for presentations?
Mayor may need to have some staff brief him on some stuff next week-
Too many interruptions at CH.
From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, October 09, 2015 9:27 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: Re: RE:
Ok. Thanks! 

On Oct 9, 2015, at 9:24 AM, Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca <PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Hey! GM. He is not going to Maiden Lane today.

From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 08, 2015 4:26 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: RE:
Yes, I can give you the conference room on the 11th floor. 
Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Thursday, October 08, 2015 4:15 PM
To: Emily Walsh

Hi! Can we reserve a conf room tomorrow for the Mayor for Call time?
Starting at 10am till 630pm-
Prisca Salazar-Rodriguez
Office of The Mayor
Fro m: Snyder. Thomas
To : Wolfe. Emma
Cc: Bill Deblasio: Salazar-Rodriquez. Prisca; Tom Snyder; John Del Cecato; Jonathan Rosen; Walzak. Phil ;
Hagelgans. Andrea ; Hinton. Karen ; FLONYC
Subject: Re: This week/next week
Date: Sunday, October 11, 2015 1:42: 00 PM

MUCH prefer week of 19th

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 11, 2015, at 1:37 PM, Wolfe, Emma < EWolfe@cicyhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Fw iw j ust to be responsive - I li ke t hat timing.

And specifically o n sched uling, if t here's any way we can pull of f NY NY IV

an nounce this week (not su re yet, but hopeful), we' re just addi ng to the
crammed schedu le bef ore you leave f or Israel.

From: Bill Deblasio

Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2015 1:33 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Tom Snyder; Wolfe, Emma; John Del Cecato; Jonathan
Rosen; Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen
Subject: Fw: This week/next week

I want you guys t o conside r the email below simply as a matter of sched uling --
don't want anything else discussed on this thread . Other issues can be ha ndled
off-line. As a sched uling matter, does anyone disagree with my concl usion t hat
this shou ld be the week of Oct 19? And agai n, not for dia logue here but as a
schedu ling matter, I thi nk t he cable bl itz ma kes se nse, but we can discuss off-
li ne if any concerns . Thanks

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smart phone.

From: Bill Deblasio
Sent: Sunday, October
To: Robby Mook
Subject: Re: This week/next week

Given t he need to prep and do t he cable bl itz, I t hink t his week is t oo soon. I'm
going to Israel Th urs night t hru Monday AM, so I've got a lot to cram in before
going. I'll check w ith my t eam and get back t o you, but let's assume t he week of
the 19t h for now
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smart phone.
From: Robby Mook
Sent: October 1 2015 10: 15 AM

Brainstorming whether to schedule the rollout after the debate (this

Wed/Thurs) or next week (when she is down to prep for the Benghazi
hearing). Do you have any preference? If it's ok with you, we'd like to
book you solid on cable for a day or two (at least!), so it would be good
to do it when your sched is a big more flexible.
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: Thornton, Demetrius; Everett, Matt; Griffith, Chantell; Da Costa, Ricky; Walzak, Phil; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB);
John, Roxanne; Reisman, Lisette; Leopold, Elana; Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Zuniga,
Andrea; Shorris, Anthony; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; John Del Cecato; Snyder, Thomas; Williams, Dominic;
Hagelgans, Andrea; Arslanian, Kayla; Hinton, Karen; Ko, Eunice; Wiley, Maya; Wolfe, Emma; Caquias, Paula;
"jonathan@berlinrosen.com"; "nbaldick@hilltoppublicsolutions.com"; Fialkoff, Gabrielle
Date: Tuesday, October 13, 2015 1:06:30 PM

Hi! The planning meeting for this Thursday is off. Will resume next week.
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: RE: planning meeting date for next week and week after?
Date: Tuesday, October 13, 2015 2:24:25 PM

Got it.  LMK know.  Thanks!

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [mailto:PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2015 2:23 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: RE: planning meeting date for next week and week after?
10/15 – cancelled
10/22 – Pending
10/29  - Pending
By pending I mean he has other events that he wants to attend so I have to figure out the timing of
the planning mtg.
From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2015 2:16 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: planning meeting date for next week and week after?
Do you know what dates planning is on next two weeks? 
Jonathan Rosen
BerlinRosen Public Affairs, Ltd.
15 Maiden Lane, Suite 1600
New York, NY 10038
t. 646.200.5300
From: Emily Walsh
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: Re:
Date: Wednesday, October 14, 2015 8:33:57 AM

:) I'm with you!

> On Oct 14, 2015, at 8:13 AM, Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca <PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov>

> Seems that way. They r driving me crazy. Lol.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Oct 14, 2015, at 8:12 AM, Emily Walsh <Emily@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
>> Both? No worries! Thanks for letting me know.
>>> On Oct 14, 2015, at 7:45 AM, Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca <PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov>
>>> Don't kill me. Meetings are your office are off. Thanks.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
From: Jaclyn Kessel
To: Klein, Monica
Cc: Wiley Norvell
Subject: Re: Million Trees
Date: Thursday, October 15, 2015 10:54:43 PM

Yep We've been in touch a little bit. Thanks!

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 15, 2015, at 5:59 PM, Klein, Monica <MKlein@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Hey Jackie
Have you talked to Sam at Parks yet? Otherwise can loop y’all. We’re all
working on this one
Monica Klein |Deputy Press Secretary |Mayor’s Press Office
o: (212) 788-2969 |c: (917) 565-0715 | twitter: @monicacklein

From: " <

Date: Thursday, October 15, 2015 at 5:50 PM
To: Jaclyn Kessel <Jaclyn@berlinrosen.com>, Monica Klein <mklein@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: Million Trees

Cool! My colleague Monica handles parks. cc'ing her

On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 11:47 AM, Jaclyn Kessel

<Jaclyn@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Hey Wiley, I’m working w/ NYRP on MillionTrees. Have been in touch

w/ Parks but wanted to flag for you too. Talk soon I’m sure.

Jackie Kessel

BerlinRosen Public Affairs


Twitter: @JackieKessel

G-Chat: Jaclyn.Kessel

From: Biederman, Sam (Parks)
To: Jaclyn Kessel; Klein, Monica
Subject: RE: Million Trees
Date: Tuesday, October 20, 2015 10:36:32 PM

No open questions at the event tomorrow.

From: Jaclyn Kessel [Jaclyn@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2015 10:35 PM
To: Klein, Monica; Biederman, Sam (Parks)
Subject: RE: Million Trees

Hey quick q-- how are you guys handling Q&A tomorrow? When / who / format? Thank you!
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: Hatch, Peter
Cc: Hagelgans, Andrea; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Snyder, Thomas
Subject: Re: MINI SCHEDULE - Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Date: Tuesday, October 20, 2015 10:40:09 PM


Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 20, 2015, at 10:39 PM, Hatch, Peter <PHatch@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

I can reach parks now.

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2015 10:32 PM
To: Hagelgans, Andrea; Hatch, Peter; Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>;
Snyder, Thomas
Subject: Fwd: MINI SCHEDULE - Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Need to reschedule millionth tree event tomorrow. I will reach out to
Bloomberg. Can either of your reach parks. Jonathan can you let Bette
know. Thanks. 

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: B <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: October 20, 2015 at 10:15:52 PM EDT
To: "Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca" <PSalazar-
Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov>, FLONYC
<FLONYC@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Tom Snyder
<tomsnyder@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Wolfe, Emma"
Subject: Re: MINI SCHEDULE - Wednesday, October
21, 2015

I assume we should take down the Bloomberg event -- re-schedule

it. And I'll skip the gym in the AM. We can move Caplan as needed -
- ideally should do tmrw, perhaps at gracie. We should keep the
homeless veterans mtg if we can. We'll follow Bratton's lead as to
whether the event at the Academy will still be on

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2015 6:27 PM
Subject: MINI SCHEDULE - Wednesday, October 21, 2015


Wednesday, October 21, 2015
WEATHER:           Hi of 74. Low of 55.  Mostly Sunny
ATTIRE:                 Business             
NOTES:                 *YOU have 30 mins. to change at the gym
6:30 - 7:00            TRAVEL FROM GRACIE TO 357 9TH STREET
                                Travel Time:       30 Mins
                                Car:                        MBdB
7:30 - 8:30            WORKOUT
                                Location:              357 9th Street
9:00 - 9:30            TRAVEL FROM 357 9TH STREET TO CITY HALL//DAILY
                                Travel Time:     30 Mins.
                                Car:                   MBdB, Jonathan Viguers
9:30 - 10:00         MEETING WITH DAVID CAPLAN
                                Location:              City Hall, The Mayor's Office
10:00 - 11:00       WHITESPACE
                                Location:              City Hall, The Mayor's Office
                                Car:        MBdB, Jonathan Viguers
                                Location:              YOU call Anna at
                                Location:              Joyce Kilmer Park, The Bronx, Walton
Ave. btw E. 161st and 164th Sts.
                                Press Contact:   Monica Klein
                                Site Advance:    Javon Coney
1:30 - 2:00            TRAVEL FROM THE BRONX TO CITY HALL
                                Travel Time:       30 Mins.
                                Car:                        MBdB, Jonathan Viguers
                                Location:              City Hall, The Blue Room
3:00 - 4:00            BUILD-IT-BACK BRIEFING/PREP
                                Location:              City Hall, The Blue Room
                                Location:              City Hall, The Mayor's Office
                                Location:              City Hall, The Blue Room
5:30 - 6:00             TRAVEL FROM CITY HALL TO 28-11 28TH AVENUE,
                                Travel Time:       30 Mins.
                                Car:                        MBdB, Catherine Almonte
5:45 - 5:50            5 MINUTE CALL WITH SEC. JOHNSON (SEC. WANTS TO
                                Note:                    Sec. will call you on your cell
                                Location:              Police Academy, 28-11 28th Avenue,
College Point Queens
                                Press Contact:   Rosemary
                                Setup:                   Theatre performance
                                Press:                    Open
                                Travel Time:       30 Mins.
                                Car:                        MBdB
8:30 - 10:30        
11am – Center For Bio Ethics “Surrogacy” 10 people
2pm – Teachers For Quality Education “Pro Public Schools” 20 people
FLONYC SCHEDULE                                                                                         
10:00 - 1:30          
4:15 - 4:25            RECORD VIDEO MESSAGE FOR NAMI-NYS 2015
8:30 - 10:30        
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Cc: Hagelgans, Andrea; Hatch, Peter; Snyder, Thomas
Subject: Re: MINI SCHEDULE - Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Date: Tuesday, October 20, 2015 10:42:28 PM


Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 20, 2015, at 10:33 PM, Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca <PSalazar-

Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Need to reschedule millionth tree event tomorrow. I will reach out to

Bloomberg. Can either of your reach parks. Jonathan can you let Bette
know. Thanks. 

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: B <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: October 20, 2015 at 10:15:52 PM EDT
To: "Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca" <PSalazar-
Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov>, FLONYC
<FLONYC@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Tom Snyder
<tomsnyder@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Wolfe, Emma"
Subject: Re: MINI SCHEDULE - Wednesday, October
21, 2015

I assume we should take down the Bloomberg event -- re-schedule

it. And I'll skip the gym in the AM. We can move Caplan as needed -
- ideally should do tmrw, perhaps at gracie. We should keep the
homeless veterans mtg if we can. We'll follow Bratton's lead as to
whether the event at the Academy will still be on

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2015 6:27 PM
Subject: MINI SCHEDULE - Wednesday, October 21, 2015


Wednesday, October 21, 2015
WEATHER:           Hi of 74. Low of 55.  Mostly Sunny
ATTIRE:                 Business             
NOTES:                 *YOU have 30 mins. to change at the gym
6:30 - 7:00            TRAVEL FROM GRACIE TO 357 9TH STREET
                                Travel Time:       30 Mins
                                Car:                        MBdB
7:30 - 8:30            WORKOUT
                                Location:              357 9th Street
9:00 - 9:30            TRAVEL FROM 357 9TH STREET TO CITY HALL//DAILY
                                Travel Time:     30 Mins.
                                Car:                   MBdB, Jonathan Viguers
9:30 - 10:00         MEETING WITH DAVID CAPLAN
                                Location:              City Hall, The Mayor's Office
10:00 - 11:00       WHITESPACE
                                Location:              City Hall, The Mayor's Office
                                Car:        MBdB, Jonathan Viguers
                                Location:              YOU call Anna at
                                Location:              Joyce Kilmer Park, The Bronx, Walton
Ave. btw E. 161st and 164th Sts.
                                Press Contact:   Monica Klein
                                Site Advance:    Javon Coney
1:30 - 2:00            TRAVEL FROM THE BRONX TO CITY HALL
                                Travel Time:       30 Mins.
                                Car:                        MBdB, Jonathan Viguers
                                Location:              City Hall, The Blue Room
3:00 - 4:00            BUILD-IT-BACK BRIEFING/PREP
                                Location:              City Hall, The Blue Room
                                Location:              City Hall, The Mayor's Office
                                Location:              City Hall, The Blue Room
5:30 - 6:00             TRAVEL FROM CITY HALL TO 28-11 28TH AVENUE,
                                Travel Time:       30 Mins.
                                Car:                        MBdB, Catherine Almonte
5:45 - 5:50            5 MINUTE CALL WITH SEC. JOHNSON (SEC. WANTS TO
                                Note:                    Sec. will call you on your cell
                                Location:              Police Academy, 28-11 28th Avenue,
College Point Queens
                                Press Contact:   Rosemary
                                Setup:                   Theatre performance
                                Press:                    Open
                                Travel Time:       30 Mins.
                                Car:                        MBdB
8:30 - 10:30        
                                Location:              Gracie Mansion
11am – Center For Bio Ethics “Surrogacy” 10 people
2pm – Teachers For Quality Education “Pro Public Schools” 20 people
FLONYC SCHEDULE                                                                                         
10:00 - 1:30          PRIVATE TIME
4:15 - 4:25            RECORD VIDEO MESSAGE FOR NAMI-NYS 2015
8:30 - 10:30        
From: Jaclyn Kessel
To: Klein, Monica
Cc: Biederman, Sam (Parks) <Sam.Biederman@parks.nyc.gov> (Sam.Biederman@parks.nyc.gov)
Subject: Re: Million Trees
Date: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 7:24:32 AM

Scratch that I'm good. Talk soon

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 21, 2015, at 7:07 AM, Jaclyn Kessel <Jaclyn@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Sorry haven't heard definitively one way or the other-- rescheduled or


Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 20, 2015, at 10:36 PM, Klein, Monica <MKlein@cityhall.nyc.gov>


This is 99% chance coming down

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 20, 2015, at 10:35 PM, Jaclyn Kessel

<Jaclyn@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Hey quick q-- how are you guys handling Q&A tomorrow?
When / who / format? Thank you!
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: FW:
Date: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 7:42:14 PM

I sent email late – don’t know if she can check remotely

Is this possible for tomorrow-
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 6:48 PM
To: Emily Walsh
Hey – can Mayor have a conf room tomorrow at 945am for a mtg – 4 people total-
Prisca Salazar-Rodriguez
Office of The Mayor
From: Emily Walsh
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: RE:
Date: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 9:01:14 PM

11th fl is yours!

Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 7:50 PM
To: Emily Walsh
Subject: RE:

From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 7:49 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: Re:
We will make room! I will confirm which can room in ~30 min when calendars are in front of me 

On Oct 21, 2015, at 6:48 PM, Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca <PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov>


Hey – can Mayor have a conf room tomorrow at 945am for a mtg – 4 people total-
Prisca Salazar-Rodriguez
Office of The Mayor
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: FW:
Date: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 9:53:17 PM

Yes. Thanks. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 21, 2015, at 9:06 PM, Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Sounds like you guys closed the loop?

Sent from my iPad

On Oct 21, 2015, at 7:42 PM, "Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca" <PSalazar-

Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

I sent email late – don’t know if she can check remotely

Is this possible for tomorrow-
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 6:48 PM
To: Emily Walsh
Hey – can Mayor have a conf room tomorrow at 945am for a mtg – 4
people total-
Prisca Salazar-Rodriguez
Office of The Mayor
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: Emily Walsh
Subject: Re: RE:
Date: Thursday, October 22, 2015 9:55:00 AM

Sorry. Meeting not happening. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 21, 2015, at 9:01 PM, Emily Walsh <Emily@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

11th fl is yours!

Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 7:50 PM
To: Emily Walsh
Subject: RE:

From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 7:49 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: Re:
We will make room! I will confirm which can room in ~30 min when calendars are in
front of me 

On Oct 21, 2015, at 6:48 PM, Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca <PSalazar-

Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Hey – can Mayor have a conf room tomorrow at 945am for a mtg – 4
people total-
Prisca Salazar-Rodriguez
Office of The Mayor
From: Emily Walsh
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: RE:
Date: Thursday, October 22, 2015 9:58:44 AM


Let me know how else I can help. 

Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2015 9:54 AM
To: Emily Walsh
Subject: Re: RE:

Sorry. Meeting not happening. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 21, 2015, at 9:01 PM, Emily Walsh <Emily@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

11th fl is yours!

Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 7:50 PM
To: Emily Walsh
Subject: RE:

From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 7:49 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: Re:
We will make room! I will confirm which can room in ~30 min when calendars are in
front of me 

On Oct 21, 2015, at 6:48 PM, Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca <PSalazar-

Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Hey – can Mayor have a conf room tomorrow at 945am for a mtg – 4
people total-
Prisca Salazar-Rodriguez
Office of The Mayor
From: Snyder, Thomas
To: Emily Walsh
Subject: Re: Meet?
Date: Thursday, October 22, 2015 2:39:28 PM

Not really. Prefer a place that¹s not too far from City hall.

On 10/22/15, 2:22 PM, "Emily Walsh" <Emily@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

>Breakfast it is. Do you have a favorite place to meet?

>Emily Walsh
>BerlinRosen Public Affairs
>From: Snyder, Thomas [TSnyder@cityhall.nyc.gov]
>Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 6:36 PM
>To: Jonathan Rosen
>Cc: Emily Walsh
>Subject: Re: Meet?
>Wednesday breakfast good. Thursday planning may not happen since its the
>re elect gala.
>On 10/21/15, 4:58 PM, "Jonathan Rosen" <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
>>Hey Tom-
>>Could do Friday for lunch this week, or next week breakfast Wednesday, or
>>drink before planning on Thursday?
>>Any of those work.  Ccing Emily for scheduling.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Snyder, Thomas [mailto:TSnyder@cityhall.nyc.gov]
>>Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2015 6:17 PM
>>To: Jonathan Rosen
>>Subject: Re: Meet?
>>On 10/20/15, 5:34 PM, "Jonathan Rosen" <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
>>>Absolutely.  Have been running non stop today but will send some
>>>possible windows for either shortly.
>>>Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Oct 20, 2015, at 9:51 AM, Snyder, Thomas
>>>> Do you have any time this week or next for a lunch with me? Or a
>>>>post-workday drink?
From: Snyder, Thomas
To: Emily Walsh
Subject: Re: Meet?
Date: Thursday, October 22, 2015 2:49:52 PM


On 10/22/15, 2:43 PM, "Emily Walsh" <Emily@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

>Les Halles on John St

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: Thornton, Demetrius; Everett, Matt; Griffith, Chantell; Da Costa, Ricky; Walzak, Phil; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB);
John, Roxanne; Reisman, Lisette; Leopold, Elana; Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Zuniga,
Andrea; Shorris, Anthony; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; John Del Cecato; Snyder, Thomas; Williams, Dominic;
Hagelgans, Andrea; Arslanian, Kayla; Hinton, Karen; Ko, Eunice; Wiley, Maya; Wolfe, Emma; Caquias, Paula;
"jonathan@berlinrosen.com"; Fialkoff, Gabrielle
Subject: RE: MBDB: Weekly Planning Meeting
Date: Thursday, October 22, 2015 4:09:55 PM

This meeting will now be at 730pm.


-----Original Appointment-----
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2015 9:15 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Thornton, Demetrius; Everett, Matt; Griffith, Chantell; Da Costa, Ricky;
Walzak, Phil; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); John, Roxanne; Reisman, Lisette; Leopold, Elana; Louis
Espiritusanto, Jose; Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Zuniga, Andrea; Shorris, Anthony; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel;
John Del Cecato; Snyder, Thomas; Williams, Dominic; Hagelgans, Andrea; Arslanian, Kayla; Hinton,
Karen; Ko, Eunice; Wiley, Maya; Wolfe, Emma; Caquias, Paula; 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; Fialkoff,
Subject: MBDB: Weekly Planning Meeting
When: Thursday, October 22, 2015 7:30 PM-9:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: Gracie Mansion
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
To: emma maguire wolfe; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; Hinton, Karen; John Del Cecato; Snyder, Thomas; Nick Baldick; Walzak, Phil
Subject: Re: Alert!!
Date: Saturday, October 24, 2015 8:43:23 AM

Really don't advise Sandy anniversary. Bad politics with folks who already question us

We need to be in Staten Island and Brooklyn that day

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: emma maguire wolfe
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2015 9:36 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; Hinton, Karen; John Del Cecato; Hagelgans, Andrea; Snyder, Thomas; Nick
Baldick; Walzak, Phil
Subject: Re: Alert!!

I looped Jonathan with hrc folks who hadn't actually connected with him
Stand by

On Oct 23, 2015 8:56 PM, "Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca" <PSalazar-

Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Can figure out timing but flagging that Thursday is also Sandy Anniversary. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 23, 2015, at 8:36 PM, Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>


+ Emma.   No, let's just tell them we need to do it on Thursday.   I am

sure they will understand.  We can work it out on a staff level with

Sent from my iPad

On Oct 23, 2015, at 8:26 PM, "Snyder, Thomas"

<TSnyder@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

- B and FLONYC
Wake is Tuesday funeral is Wednesday. Can we possibly do
an endorsement on either of those days? Weigh in.

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 23, 2015, at 8:14 PM, B <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov>

See below . Can we re -work t he sched ule and make
this work Tues, despit e challenges? Or do we need to
make it another day next week? Th in k deeply and
give me creative opt ions pis

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smart phone.

From: Robby Mook <re47@hillarycljnton.com >
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2015 7:48PM
To: Bill Deblasio
Subject: Re: Checking in

The plan is still to do th is on Tuesday. Christina

Reynolds has been in touch with Jonathan
We are going to roll you out w a national group
of mayors and then work w Jonathan to book a
bunch of media. I think it's going to be a big
boost next week ... and hopefully we have some
wind at our back coming out of the Iowa JJ

Bill Deblasio

Congrats on Benghazi hearing --

seems she did really wel l.

Now that I'm back from Israel,

wanted to find out how and when
we're handling endorsement rollout.
And tell me who you wa nt my folks to
follow up with.


Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.

From: White, Erin
To: B; Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen; Jonathan Rosen; John Del Cecato; Wolfe, Emma; Snyder,
Subject: RE: Quinnipiac alert
Date: Sunday, October 25, 2015 5:28:21 PM

Hello sir,

Based on my conversation with her, it's a lengthy poll, about 20 minutes, almost exclusively on the
mayor. She spoke to the pollster on her cell phone, not a land line. She's an independent.

She was asked:

- Did she vote for mayor?
- Member of union?
- Agree with carriage policy?
- Support charter schools?
- Think Farina doing a good job?
- Does MdBd have a good relationship with the police? Doing a good job on race relations?
- Is he doing a good job on housing?
- Does she support pre-k?
- Is he doing a good job with the homeless problem? Does she see more homeless people than five
years ago?
- Does she feel safe during the day? At night? Does she feel safer than she did five years ago? Does
she feel like there is more crime than five years ago?
- She was asked does she support Uber? Would it add to congestion? Does she ever take Uber?
- Does the mayor care about New York city residents?
- Does the governor care about New York city residents?
- Support minimum wage increase for fast food restaurants? Does she think that would increase prices?
What does she think about elimination tips?
- Is Speaker MMV doing a good job? Also asked about James, Stringer and Jeffries?
- Should the city keep Taxi TV?

She was not asked about MTA or health care, and they didn't ask about mayor's relationship with the

I have her contact information and she said she's happy to answer more questions if needed.


From: B
Sent: Sunday, October 25, 2015 5:19 PM
To: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen; Jonathan Rosen; John Del Cecato; Wolfe, Emma;
Snyder, Thomas
Cc: White, Erin
Subject: Quinnipiac alert

By chance I met an attendee at the Gracie open house this morning who is very supportive of us AND
as luck would have it was just interviewed by Quinnipiac yesterday. Many questions about your truly.
Erin got the download from her. Erin, pls share with all of us asap
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: Thornton, Demetrius; Everett, Matt; Griffith, Chantell; Da Costa, Ricky; Walzak, Phil; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB);
John, Roxanne; Reisman, Lisette; Leopold, Elana; Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Zuniga,
Andrea; Shorris, Anthony; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; John Del Cecato; Snyder, Thomas; Williams, Dominic;
Hagelgans, Andrea; Arslanian, Kayla; Hinton, Karen; Ko, Eunice; Wiley, Maya; Wolfe, Emma; Caquias, Paula;
"jonathan@berlinrosen.com"; Fialkoff, Gabrielle
Bcc: "nbaldick@hilltoppublicsolutions.com"
Subject: Weekly Planning Meeting
Date: Monday, October 26, 2015 10:48:20 AM

 Hi! Weekly Planning Meeting will resume next week.

From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Geri Prado
Cc: Snyder, Thomas; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; John Del Cecato
Subject: Re: Wednesday meeting with the Mayor
Date: Monday, October 26, 2015 11:04:11 AM

Any details on this meeting much appreciated.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 26, 2015, at 11:02 AM, Geri Prado <geri@progressiveagenda.us> wrote:
> Hey Tom and Prisca:
> There is a meeting scheduled from Noon to Midnight on our calendars. A few questions:
> - Is this the TPAC update with the Mayor?
> - Are we specifically focusing on the forum?
> - What is the real time?
> I think I suggested Baldick too but this was pre- the timeline for HRC was cemented.
> Can you let us know?
> Thanks.
From: Snyder, Thomas
To: Geri Prado; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Cc: John Del Cecato; Jonathan Rosen; Walzak, Phil
Subject: Re: Wednesday meeting with the Mayor
Date: Monday, October 26, 2015 11:23:49 AM

Correction: this meeting will be at 1pm Wednesday.

On 10/26/15, 11:11 AM, "Snyder, Thomas" <TSnyder@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

>The meeting is this Wednesday from 10am - 11am. Geri should determine what
>is on the agenda. My nominees for agenda are:
>Forum: status on Sanders, O¹Malley, HRC, and Republican invites; who is
>moderator discussion; message/comms
>Immediate work plan (beyond forum): leadership structure, budget.
>Might be too much for one hour. At any rate Geri should tee up what is
>most important for Mayor to discuss with us.
>On 10/26/15, 11:02 AM, "Geri Prado" <geri@progressiveagenda.us> wrote:
>>Hey Tom and Prisca:
>>There is a meeting scheduled from Noon to Midnight on our calendars. A
>>few questions:
>>- Is this the TPAC update with the Mayor?
>>- Are we specifically focusing on the forum?
>>- What is the real time?
>>I think I suggested Baldick too but this was pre- the timeline for HRC
>>was cemented.
>>Can you let us know?
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Stephen Witt
Cc: Hinton, Karen
Subject: Re: Clinton Story
Date: Monday, October 26, 2015 4:07:26 PM

Hi Steve,  we're going to decline to comment.  Thanks.

Sent from my iPad

On Oct 26, 2015, at 4:03 PM, "Stephen Witt" < wrote:

Hi Jonathan & Karen,

Ready to post within the next half hour. Any comment?


Stephen Witt

(917) 257-6014
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
To: Walzak, Phil; "Jonathan Rosen"
Cc: Dan Levitan
Subject: Re: Morning Joe
Date: Monday, October 26, 2015 7:57:48 PM


Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.

  Original Message
From: Walzak, Phil
Sent: Monday, October 26, 2015 7:46 PM
To: 'Jonathan Rosen'; Hagelgans, Andrea
Cc: Dan Levitan
Subject: RE: Morning Joe

What date is actual Sandy anny?

-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, October 26, 2015 7:46 PM
To: Hagelgans, Andrea
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Dan Levitan
Subject: Re: Morning Joe

Could we do this Friday morning?

Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 26, 2015, at 7:24 PM, Hagelgans, Andrea <AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
> Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
>  Original Message
> From: Rodriguez, Jesse (NBCUniversal) <Jesse.Rodriguez@nbcuni.com>
> Sent: Monday, October 26, 2015 7:17 PM
> To: Spitalnick, Amy (OMB); Hagelgans, Andrea
> Cc: Adams Baker, Marti
> Subject: RE: Morning Joe
> Hello, friends. I wanted to reach out about having the Mayor and First Lady on the show in the
coming weeks. I know the Mayor is still deciding who he will be will be endorsing for president and
we'd like to make sure you consider Morning Joe for the announcement or the morning after the
announcement. We are the #1 cable morning news show in the NYC market. Mayor de Blasio and the
First Lady had a great time last time they were on together. Thank you.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Spitalnick, Amy (OMB) [mailto:SpitalnickA@omb.nyc.gov]
> Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2015 7:28 AM
> To: Hagelgans, Andrea
> Cc: Rodriguez, Jesse (NBCUniversal); Adams Baker, Marti
> Subject: Re: Morning Joe
> Correct, he won't be there until much later in the day, and he leaves Sunday night. Sorry that it
won't work out!
>> On Oct 15, 2015, at 7:25 AM, Hagelgans, Andrea <AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>> Don't believe logistically that works due to flight time but Amy will check
>> Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
>> Original Message
>> From: Rodriguez, Jesse (NBCUniversal)
>> Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2015 7:24 AM
>> To: Spitalnick, Amy (OMB); Hagelgans, Andrea; Adams Baker, Marti
>> Subject: Morning Joe
>> Hello -
>> With the mayor traveling to Israel today, would you consider having him join Morning Joe tomorrow
from a studio in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv anytime 6-9amET?
>> Thanks,
>> Jesse
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: MBDB: Prep for Friday
Date: Monday, October 26, 2015 10:08:37 PM

Yes. Of course.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 26, 2015, at 10:04 PM, Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
> Is this really at industry city?  Any way to call in?
> Sent from my iPad
>> On Oct 26, 2015, at 8:49 PM, "Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca" <PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov>
>> <meeting.ics>
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: Re: MBDB: Prep for Friday
Date: Monday, October 26, 2015 10:23:36 PM


Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 26, 2015, at 10:08 PM, Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca <PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov>

> Yes. Of course.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Oct 26, 2015, at 10:04 PM, Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
>> Is this really at industry city?  Any way to call in?
>> Sent from my iPad
>>> On Oct 26, 2015, at 8:49 PM, "Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca" <PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov>
>>> <meeting.ics>
From: Walzak, Phil
To: Hinton, Karen
Cc: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: RE: Hillary
Date: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 1:30:52 PM

+ JR to handle
From: Hinton, Karen
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 1:06 PM
To: Walzak, Phil
Subject: Fwd: Hillary

How to handle this?

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Ross Barkan <rbarkan@observer.com>

Date: October 27, 2015 at 12:55:32 PM EDT
To: "Hinton, Karen" <khinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Hillary

Did the Mayor say to that these reports on his Hillary endorsement are
inaccurate? Is the Mayor in talks with the Clinton campaign about endorsing

Ross Barkan
Senior Political Reporter
New York Observer
Cell: 917-498-2525 Office: 212-407-9396
From: Da Costa, Ricky
To: "Emily Walsh"
Subject: RE: Meeting Room Thursday
Date: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 2:43:51 PM

Perfect, thanks much!

From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 2:43 PM
To: Da Costa, Ricky
Subject: RE: Meeting Room Thursday
Yes, although you'll actually be using the conference room on the 11th floor. So 15 Maiden Lane, suite
1101, on the 11th floor. thanks!
Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Da Costa, Ricky [RDaCosta@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 11:18 AM
To: Emily Walsh
Subject: RE: Meeting Room Thursday

Excellent, thanks. And, stupid questions, but that’s on the 16th floor, right?
From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 11:13 AM
To: Da Costa, Ricky
Subject: Re: Meeting Room Thursday
Of course. All set. We're at 15 Maiden Lane, suite 1600. 

On Oct 27, 2015, at 10:41 AM, Da Costa, Ricky <RDaCosta@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Good Morning Emily,

I hope all is well. I was hoping to reserve a room over at BR for a meeting Tom
Snyder (Mayor’s Chief of Staff) is having this Thursday (10/29) from 11am-12pm
with a total headcount of 6-8. Do you have anything that might work?
Ricky Da Costa
Special Assistant to the Chief of Staff
Office of the Mayor
212.788.7751 (o)
917.618.4804 (m)
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Almonte, Catherine
Subject: RE: MBDB: Prep Callfor Friday
Date: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 5:33:29 PM

From: Almonte, Catherine [mailto:CAlmonte@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 5:33 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: MBDB: Prep Callfor Friday

I'd advise against it. Might hop off the call he's on now sooner than expected.

Sent while mobile

On Oct 27, 2015, at 5:30 PM, Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Cat – do I have time to hop on the subway to BK – 15 mins – or no?

From: Almonte, Catherine [mailto:CAlmonte@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 5:30 PM
To: Arslanian, Kayla
Cc: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Jonathan Rosen; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; John Del
Cecato; Snyder, Thomas; Hinton, Karen; Viguers, Jonathan
Subject: Re: MBDB: Prep Callfor Friday

Will let you know when to dial in.

Sent while mobile

On Oct 27, 2015, at 5:29 PM, Arslanian, Kayla <KArslanian@cityhall.nyc.gov>


Cat is advising 15-20 mins.

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 5:19 PM
To: 'Jonathan Rosen'; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; John Del Cecato;
Snyder, Thomas; Hinton, Karen; Arslanian, Kayla; Almonte, Catherine;
Viguers, Jonathan
Subject: RE: MBDB: Prep Callfor Friday

An email will go out from body staff when he is ready to jump on

he is out of the office
From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 5:18 PM
To: Hagelgans, Andrea; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Walzak, Phil; John Del
Cecato; Snyder, Thomas; Hinton, Karen; Arslanian, Kayla; Almonte,
Catherine; Viguers, Jonathan
Subject: RE: MBDB: Prep Callfor Friday

Prisca – new ETA on this?

From: Hagelgans, Andrea [mailto:AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 5:17 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Walzak, Phil; John Del
Cecato; Snyder, Thomas; Hinton, Karen; Arslanian, Kayla; Almonte,
Catherine; Viguers, Jonathan
Subject: RE: MBDB: Prep Callfor Friday

His earlier meeting hasn’t started yet

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 5:16 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Walzak, Phil; John Del Cecato; Snyder,
Thomas; Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen; Arslanian, Kayla; Almonte,
Catherine; Viguers, Jonathan
Subject: RE: MBDB: Prep Callfor Friday

I’m dialed in.

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [mailto:PSalazar-
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 5:01 PM
To: Walzak, Phil; Jonathan Rosen; John Del Cecato; Snyder, Thomas;
Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen; Arslanian, Kayla; Almonte, Catherine;
Viguers, Jonathan
Subject: MBDB: Prep Callfor Friday

Updated Call in #
-----Original Appointment-----
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Monday, October 26, 2015 11:44 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Walzak, Phil; Jonathan Rosen; John Del
Cecato; Snyder, Thomas; Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen; Arslanian,
Kayla; Almonte, Catherine; Viguers, Jonathan
Subject: MBDB: Prep for Friday
When: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 5:15 PM-6:15 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern
Time (US & Canada).
Where: Industry City, 220 36th Street, Brooklyn//CALL IN#:
From: Hinton, Karen
To: "Jonathan Rosen"
Subject: RE: MBDB: Prep Callfor Friday
Date: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 5:35:54 PM

Ok. Just seeing her email. Tks.

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 5:35 PM
To: Hinton, Karen
Subject: RE: MBDB: Prep Callfor Friday

Still hasn’t started.  Waiting for Cat to tell us to dial in.

From: Hinton, Karen [mailto:KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 5:35 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: RE: MBDB: Prep Callfor Friday

Did we do this?
From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 5:16 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Walzak, Phil; John Del Cecato; Snyder, Thomas; Hagelgans, Andrea;
Hinton, Karen; Arslanian, Kayla; Almonte, Catherine; Viguers, Jonathan
Subject: RE: MBDB: Prep Callfor Friday

I’m dialed in.

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [mailto:PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 5:01 PM
To: Walzak, Phil; Jonathan Rosen; John Del Cecato; Snyder, Thomas; Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton,
Karen; Arslanian, Kayla; Almonte, Catherine; Viguers, Jonathan
Subject: MBDB: Prep Callfor Friday

Updated Call in #
-----Original Appointment-----
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Monday, October 26, 2015 11:44 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Walzak, Phil; Jonathan Rosen; John Del Cecato; Snyder, Thomas;
Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen; Arslanian, Kayla; Almonte, Catherine; Viguers, Jonathan
Subject: MBDB: Prep for Friday
When: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 5:15 PM-6:15 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: Industry City, 220 36th Street, Brooklyn//CALL IN#: CODE:
From: Almonte, Catherine
To: Arslanian, Kayla
Cc: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Jonathan Rosen; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; John Del Cecato; Snyder,
Thomas; Hinton, Karen; Viguers, Jonathan
Subject: Re: MBDB: Prep Callfor Friday
Date: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 5:53:32 PM

Please dial in

Sent while mobile 

On Oct 27, 2015, at 5:29 PM, Arslanian, Kayla <KArslanian@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Cat is advising 15-20 mins.

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 5:19 PM
To: 'Jonathan Rosen'; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; John Del Cecato; Snyder, Thomas;
Hinton, Karen; Arslanian, Kayla; Almonte, Catherine; Viguers, Jonathan
Subject: RE: MBDB: Prep Callfor Friday

An email will go out from body staff when he is ready to jump on

he is out of the office
From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 5:18 PM
To: Hagelgans, Andrea; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Walzak, Phil; John Del Cecato; Snyder,
Thomas; Hinton, Karen; Arslanian, Kayla; Almonte, Catherine; Viguers, Jonathan
Subject: RE: MBDB: Prep Callfor Friday

Prisca – new ETA on this?

From: Hagelgans, Andrea [mailto:AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 5:17 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Walzak, Phil; John Del Cecato; Snyder,
Thomas; Hinton, Karen; Arslanian, Kayla; Almonte, Catherine; Viguers, Jonathan
Subject: RE: MBDB: Prep Callfor Friday

His earlier meeting hasn’t started yet

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 5:16 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Walzak, Phil; John Del Cecato; Snyder, Thomas; Hagelgans,
Andrea; Hinton, Karen; Arslanian, Kayla; Almonte, Catherine; Viguers, Jonathan
Subject: RE: MBDB: Prep Callfor Friday

I’m dialed in.

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [mailto:PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 5:01 PM
To: Walzak, Phil; Jonathan Rosen; John Del Cecato; Snyder, Thomas; Hagelgans, Andrea;
Hinton, Karen; Arslanian, Kayla; Almonte, Catherine; Viguers, Jonathan
Subject: MBDB: Prep Callfor Friday

Updated Call in #
-----Original Appointment-----
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Monday, October 26, 2015 11:44 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Walzak, Phil; Jonathan Rosen; John Del Cecato; Snyder,
Thomas; Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen; Arslanian, Kayla; Almonte, Catherine;
Viguers, Jonathan
Subject: MBDB: Prep for Friday
When: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 5:15 PM-6:15 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US &
Where: Industry City, 220 36th Street, Brooklyn//CALL IN#: CODE:

From: B
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; Klein, Monica
Subject: Re: MINI SCHEDULE - Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Date: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 8:43:08 AM

Let's start briefing when I get in the car after the Assembly dinner. Also, I'll need to
see clips from the Repub debate on Thurs

From: "Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca" <PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2015 11:56:37 +0000
To: B<BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Jonathan Rosen<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: MINI SCHEDULE - Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Ok. Will add for tonight. Already have time for Thursday. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 28, 2015, at 7:53 AM, B <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

I need more briefing time tonight with Jonathan to prepare for Friday.
Will need it thurs eve as well. Thanks

From: "Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca" <PSalazar-

Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2015 22:55:32 +0000
To: B<BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov>; FLONYC<FLONYC@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: MINI SCHEDULE - Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Wednesday, October 28, 2015
WEATHER:           Hi of 67. Low of 54.  Rain/Wind
ATTIRE:                 Business
NOTES:                 *YOU have 30 mins. to change at the gym
6:30 - 7:00            TRAVEL FROM GRACIE TO 357 9TH STREET
                                Travel Time:       30 Mins.
                                Car:                        MBdB, FLONYC
7:30 - 8:30            WORKOUT
                                Location:              357 9th Street
                                Travel Time:       30 Mins.
                                Car:                        MBdB, FLONYC
                                Location:              City Hall, The Blue Room
                                Location:              City Hall, The Mayor's Office
11:00 - 11:30       FLU SHOT
                                Location:              City Hall, The Mayor's Office
                                Location:              City Hall, Blue Room
                                Location:              City Hall, Blue Room
1:00 - 2:00            MEETING/CALL WITH GERRI PRADO
                                Location:              City Hall, The Mayor's Office
                                Location:              11031 Merrick Boulevard, Jamaica, NY 11433
                                Travel Time:       1 Hrs.
                                Car:                        MBdB, Jonathan Viguers
                               Location:              Greater Allen A. M. E. Cathedral of New York, 11031
Merrick Boulevard, Jamaica, NY 11433
                                Staff Contact:    Marco Carrion
                                Press Contact:   Jerika Richardson
                                Site Advance:    Stefan Grybauskas
                                Remarks:             Prepared
                                Press:                    Open
                                Travel Time:       45 Mins.
                                Car:                        MBdB, Jonathan Viguers
5:45 - 6:45            MEETING WITH TOM SNYDER
                               Location:              1177 6th Avenue - 29th Floor
6:45 - 7:00            TRAVEL FROM 1177 6TH AVENUE TO NY PUBLIC LIBRARY
                                Location:              5th Avenue at 42nd Street
                                Travel Time:       15 Mins.
                                Car:                        MBdB, Jonathan Viguers
                                Location:              NY Public Library - 5th Ave at 42nd Street New York, NY
                                Staff Contact:    Catherine Almonte
                                Travel Time:       25 Mins.
                                Car:                        MBdB
1:00   Council Member Greenfield “School Security” - 100 people
FLONYC SCHEDULE                                                                                                         
10:45 - 11:15        SHOOT VIDEO FOR HALLOWEEN                                              
11:15 - 11:30        MAKE EARPIECE IMPRESSION                                                  
11:30 - 12:00        LUNCH
12:00 - 12:30        DEPART CITY HALL EN ROUTE 340 MADISON AVENUE    
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: "Jonathan Rosen"
Subject: RE: MINI SCHEDULE - Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Date: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 9:59:31 AM

I am going to push back

He needs to get some rest-
Am going to sugg drive time from the funeral –
Which is 45 min –
From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 9:55 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: RE: MINI SCHEDULE - Wednesday, October 28, 2015
He means by phone right?
From: B [mailto:BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 7:54 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Cc: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: MINI SCHEDULE - Wednesday, October 28, 2015

I need more briefing time tonight with Jonathan to prepare for Friday. Will need it thurs eve
as well. Thanks

From: "Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca" <PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2015 22:55:32 +0000
To: B<BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov>; FLONYC<FLONYC@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: MINI SCHEDULE - Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
WEATHER:           Hi of 67. Low of 54.  Rain/Wind
ATTIRE:                 Business
NOTES:                 *YOU have 30 mins. to change at the gym
6:30 - 7:00            TRAVEL FROM GRACIE TO 357 9TH STREET
                                Travel Time:       30 Mins.
                                Car:                        MBdB, FLONYC
7:30 - 8:30            WORKOUT
                                Location:              357 9th Street
                                Travel Time:       30 Mins.
                                Car:                        MBdB, FLONYC
                                Location:              City Hall, The Blue Room
                                Location:              City Hall, The Mayor's Office
11:00 - 11:30       FLU SHOT
                                Location:              City Hall, The Mayor's Office
                                Location:              City Hall, Blue Room
                                Location:              City Hall, Blue Room
1:00 - 2:00            MEETING/CALL WITH GERRI PRADO
                                Location:              City Hall, The Mayor's Office
                                Location:              11031 Merrick Boulevard, Jamaica, NY 11433
                                Travel Time:       1 Hrs.
                                Car:                        MBdB, Jonathan Viguers
                               Location:              Greater Allen A. M. E. Cathedral of New York, 11031 Merrick
Boulevard, Jamaica, NY 11433
                                Staff Contact:    Marco Carrion
                                Press Contact:   Jerika Richardson
                                Site Advance:    Stefan Grybauskas
                                Remarks:             Prepared
                                Press:                    Open
                                Travel Time:       45 Mins.
                                Car:                        MBdB, Jonathan Viguers
5:45 - 6:45            MEETING WITH TOM SNYDER
                               Location:              1177 6th Avenue - 29th Floor
6:45 - 7:00            TRAVEL FROM 1177 6TH AVENUE TO NY PUBLIC LIBRARY
                                Location:              5th Avenue at 42nd Street
                                Travel Time:       15 Mins.
                                Car:                        MBdB, Jonathan Viguers
                                Location:              NY Public Library - 5th Ave at 42nd Street New York, NY 10018
                                Staff Contact:    Catherine Almonte
                                Travel Time:       25 Mins.
                                Car:                        MBdB
1:00   Council Member Greenfield “School Security” - 100 people
FLONYC SCHEDULE                                                                                                         
10:45 - 11:15        SHOOT VIDEO FOR HALLOWEEN                                              
11:15 - 11:30        MAKE EARPIECE IMPRESSION                                                  
11:30 - 12:00        LUNCH
12:00 - 12:30        DEPART CITY HALL EN ROUTE 340 MADISON AVENUE    
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: "Jonathan Rosen"
Subject: RE: MINI SCHEDULE - Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Date: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 9:59:47 AM

To answer ur q – yes by phone –


From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 9:55 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: RE: MINI SCHEDULE - Wednesday, October 28, 2015
He means by phone right?
From: B [mailto:BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 7:54 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Cc: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: MINI SCHEDULE - Wednesday, October 28, 2015

I need more briefing time tonight with Jonathan to prepare for Friday. Will need it thurs eve
as well. Thanks

From: "Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca" <PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2015 22:55:32 +0000
To: B<BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov>; FLONYC<FLONYC@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: MINI SCHEDULE - Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
WEATHER:           Hi of 67. Low of 54.  Rain/Wind
ATTIRE:                 Business
NOTES:                 *YOU have 30 mins. to change at the gym
6:30 - 7:00            TRAVEL FROM GRACIE TO 357 9TH STREET
                                Travel Time:       30 Mins.
                                Car:                        MBdB, FLONYC
7:30 - 8:30            WORKOUT
                                Location:              357 9th Street
                                Travel Time:       30 Mins.
                                Car:                        MBdB, FLONYC
                                Location:              City Hall, The Blue Room
                                Location:              City Hall, The Mayor's Office
11:00 - 11:30       FLU SHOT
                                Location:              City Hall, The Mayor's Office
                                Location:              City Hall, Blue Room
                                Location:              City Hall, Blue Room
1:00 - 2:00            MEETING/CALL WITH GERRI PRADO
                                Location:              City Hall, The Mayor's Office
                                Location:              11031 Merrick Boulevard, Jamaica, NY 11433
                                Travel Time:       1 Hrs.
                                Car:                        MBdB, Jonathan Viguers
                               Location:              Greater Allen A. M. E. Cathedral of New York, 11031 Merrick
Boulevard, Jamaica, NY 11433
                                Staff Contact:    Marco Carrion
                                Press Contact:   Jerika Richardson
                                Site Advance:    Stefan Grybauskas
                                Remarks:             Prepared
                                Press:                    Open
                                Travel Time:       45 Mins.
                                Car:                        MBdB, Jonathan Viguers
5:45 - 6:45            MEETING WITH TOM SNYDER
                               Location:              1177 6th Avenue - 29th Floor
6:45 - 7:00            TRAVEL FROM 1177 6TH AVENUE TO NY PUBLIC LIBRARY
                                Location:              5th Avenue at 42nd Street
                                Travel Time:       15 Mins.
                                Car:                        MBdB, Jonathan Viguers
                                Location:              NY Public Library - 5th Ave at 42nd Street New York, NY 10018
                                Staff Contact:    Catherine Almonte
                                Travel Time:       25 Mins.
                                Car:                        MBdB
1:00   Council Member Greenfield “School Security” - 100 people
FLONYC SCHEDULE                                                                                                         
10:45 - 11:15        SHOOT VIDEO FOR HALLOWEEN                                              
11:15 - 11:30        MAKE EARPIECE IMPRESSION                                                  
11:30 - 12:00        LUNCH
12:00 - 12:30        DEPART CITY HALL EN ROUTE 340 MADISON AVENUE    
From: Walzak, Phil
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: gala
Date: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 4:12:20 PM

Fine here
Not publci, not city event

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 3:57 PM
To: Walzak, Phil; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: gala

Closed press….not on our public schedule?

From: Hagelgans, Andrea
To: Walzak, Phil; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Fw: Quick Note
Date: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 4:24:03 PM

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Crowder, Anja R. <Anja.R.Crowder@abc.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 4:23 PM
To: Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: RE: Quick Note

Hi Andrea,
I am discussing this with Jonathan, but I just wanted you to be aware that we would very much like
to interview Mayor de Blasio the Sunday after he endorses – whenever that may be.
Thank you!
From: Hagelgans, Andrea [mailto:AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, October 26, 2015 2:39 PM
To: Crowder, Anja R.
Cc: Jonathan@berlinrosen.com
Subject: RE: Quick Note
Connecting you with Jonathan Rosen to further discuss. Thanks!
From: Crowder, Anja R. [mailto:Anja.R.Crowder@abc.com]
Sent: Monday, October 26, 2015 2:24 PM
To: Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: RE: Quick Note
And several seconds after I hit send I saw this headline: Bill de Blasio may endorse Clinton before his
candidate forum in Iowa in early December
Would love to lock in Sunday 12/6 with George pegged to the candidate forum. We could do remote
from Iowa. Let me know what you think?
From: Crowder, Anja R.
Sent: Monday, October 26, 2015 2:07 PM
To: 'Ahagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov'
Subject: Quick Note
Hi Andrea,
I hope that all is well with you. I just wanted to send you a quick note to mention (and I know we’ve
discussed before) that we would love for Mayor de Blasio to endorse a 2016 candidate with ABC
news when the time comes. We could talk about GMA vs. This Week and the digital rollout etc.
Please keep the idea on your radar – and feel free to reach out any time!
Thank you,
Anja Crowder|ABC News| Washington | (W)  202 -222-7296 |(C) 646-234-2450
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: RE: Call Time
Date: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 5:17:36 PM

6:15 earliest – more likely 6:30.

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [mailto:PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 5:16 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: RE: Call Time

When do u think your mtg is over?

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 5:11 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: RE: Call Time

Ok – so I should assume we’re bumping to 9.

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [mailto:PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 5:04 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: RE: Call Time

My guess is that your meeting will be over before this even starts!
He is still at the funeral-
From: Viguers, Jonathan
Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 4:54 PM
To: Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Snyder, Thomas; Arslanian, Kayla; Almonte, Catherine; Salazar-
Rodriguez, Prisca; Hagelgans, Andrea; jfdc@akpdmedia.com; Walzak, Phil
Subject: Call Time

We are delayed approximately 20-30 minutes.

Call Time
Scheduled: Wednesday, Oct 28, 2015 from 5:00 PM to 5:45 PM
Location: Call in # Code:
Invitees: Jonathan Rosen , Snyder, Thomas , Arslanian, Kayla , Almonte, Catherine , Salazar-
Rodriguez, Prisca , Hagelgans, Andrea , John Del Cecato , Walzak, Phil

sent from a mobile device.

From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: RE:
Date: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 5:20:39 PM

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [mailto:PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 5:19 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Nov. 24 at noon works for us and Bloomberg – can we find out if this works for Bette?
From: Viguers, Jonathan
To: Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Snyder, Thomas; Arslanian, Kayla; Almonte, Catherine; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca;
Hagelgans, Andrea; jfdc@akpdmedia.com; Walzak, Phil
Subject: Call Time
Date: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 5:33:46 PM

We are still delayed, likely another 30 minutes.

Please stand by. I will let you know when to dial in.

Call Time
Scheduled: Wednesday, Oct 28, 2015 from 5:00 PM to 5:45 PM
Location: Call in # Code:
Invitees: Jonathan Rosen , Snyder, Thomas , Arslanian, Kayla , Almonte, Catherine ,
Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca , Hagelgans, Andrea , John Del Cecato , Walzak, Phil

sent from a mobile device.

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: "Jonathan Rosen"
Subject: RE: Call Time
Date: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 6:46:30 PM

Still can
He is on a call now
But in lots of traffic
How far is ur train ride?
From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 6:46 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: RE: Call Time

Might it still or should I get on the subway and head home?

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [mailto:PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 6:45 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen; Viguers, Jonathan; Hagelgans, Andrea; Almonte, Catherine; John Del Cecato;
Arslanian, Kayla; Walzak, Phil; Snyder, Thomas
Subject: RE: Call Time

Hasn’t happened
From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 6:44 PM
To: Viguers, Jonathan; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Hagelgans, Andrea; Almonte, Catherine; John Del
Cecato; Arslanian, Kayla; Walzak, Phil; Snyder, Thomas
Subject: RE: Call Time

I just finished my meeting and dialed in – is this over or still hasn’t happened?
From: Viguers, Jonathan [mailto:JViguers@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 6:34 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Hagelgans, Andrea; Almonte, Catherine; John Del Cecato; Jonathan
Rosen; Arslanian, Kayla; Walzak, Phil; Snyder, Thomas
Subject: Call Time

Please stand by. Will start shortly

Organizer: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
When: 5:00 PM - 5:45 PM October 28, 2015
Subject: Call Time
Location: Call in # Code:

sent from a mobile device.
From: Viguers, Jonathan
To: Arslanian, Kayla; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; "Jonathan Rosen"; Hagelgans, Andrea; Almonte, Catherine; John
Del Cecato; Walzak, Phil; Snyder, Thomas
Subject: Re: Call Time
Date: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 6:56:55 PM

Please dial in

sent from a mobile device.
From: Arslanian, Kayla
Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 6:51 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; 'Jonathan Rosen'; Viguers, Jonathan; Hagelgans, Andrea; Almonte,
Catherine; John Del Cecato; Walzak, Phil; Snyder, Thomas
Subject: RE: Call Time

Pls dial-in in the next cpl mins – MBDB wrapping up a call and will get on the line. Thank you!

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca

Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 6:45 PM
To: 'Jonathan Rosen'; Viguers, Jonathan; Hagelgans, Andrea; Almonte, Catherine; John Del Cecato;
Arslanian, Kayla; Walzak, Phil; Snyder, Thomas
Subject: RE: Call Time

Hasn’t happened

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 6:44 PM
To: Viguers, Jonathan; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Hagelgans, Andrea; Almonte, Catherine; John Del
Cecato; Arslanian, Kayla; Walzak, Phil; Snyder, Thomas
Subject: RE: Call Time

I just finished my meeting and dialed in – is this over or still hasn’t happened?

From: Viguers, Jonathan [mailto:JViguers@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 6:34 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Hagelgans, Andrea; Almonte, Catherine; John Del Cecato; Jonathan
Rosen; Arslanian, Kayla; Walzak, Phil; Snyder, Thomas
Subject: Call Time

Please stand by. Will start shortly

Organizer: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
When: 5:00 PM - 5:45 PM October 28, 2015
Subject: Call Time
Location: Call in # Code:

sent from a mobile device.
From: Hagelgans. Andrea
To: Walzak. Phil; Jonathan Rosen; J,sJo~hll:-n.QDe~I,!;;
Cec~at;Q,o······· Snyder. Thomas
Subject: Re: Tweet forwarded by @P1Walzak
Date: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 7:26:43 PM

For w hat it's worth I t hink it caught on more because of t he 11 hours of testimony she just
came out of it. I thi nk t he quote sort of encapsulated the frust ration wome n felt about t he

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smart phone.

From: Walzak, Phil
Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 7:25PM
To: Jonathan Rosen; John Del Cecato ~ Hagelgans, Andrea; Snyder, Thomas
Subject: Tweet forwarded by @PTWar z a r - - -

MSNBCs Brzezinski on Clinton Call ing Sanders Sexist: "Pathet ic," Lets Not Denigrate
Feminism "With That Stupidity https://t.co/WGBGh86wF4
From: Snyder, Thomas
To: B
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Jonathan Rosen; Hagelgans, Andrea; John Del Ceccato; Arslanian, Kayla; Viguers, Jonathan;
Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: Prep
Date: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 8:03:09 PM

JDC has sent you some material for the HRC endorse. Rosen is sending you facts on the gun issue. We
have 1&1/2 - 2 hours set aside for tomorrow HRC prep at the Sheraton prior to the 6pm Gala.  If you
feel the need for more talk tonight let me/us know and we'll get back on with you after the Assembly
dinner is over. (Also JDC coming in to office in the morning to prep with you on Gala remarks.)

Sent from my iPad

From: Banks, Angela
To: Banks, Angela
Subject: FW: Request for Interview / Protest against BdB at Fundraiser
Date: Thursday, October 29, 2015 2:17:33 PM

From: Louis Flores [mailto:louis.flores@progressqueens.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2015 1:04 PM
To: Mayor's Press Office
Subject: Request for Interview / Protest against BdB at Fundraiser

Ladies and Gentlemen :

Does City Hall have a comment to make about the protest scheduled tonight outside the site
of Mayor de Blasio's campaign fundraiser ?

If someone is available from the administration to make a comment, I would like to request
an interview. My deadline is 4 p.m. for interviews. Alternatively, the Press Office is
invited to issue a statement.

Thank you kindly.

Best regards,

-- Louis

Louis Flores
Progress Queens
1 (646) 400-1168
From: Walzak, Phil
To: Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas; Wolfe, Emma; Kadushin, Peter; Jonathan Rosen; "jfdc@akpdmedia. com";
Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: RE: Wsj Marist poll
Date: Thursday, October 29, 2015 2:24:15 PM

BR shud respond, as its abe re-elect and they are handling Gala tonight

-----Original Message-----
From: Hinton, Karen
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2015 2:24 PM
To: Walzak, Phil; Snyder, Thomas; Wolfe, Emma; Kadushin, Peter; Jonathan Rosen; 'jfdc@akpdmedia.
com'; Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: Wsj Marist poll

Wsj making results Public at 3 pm. Is city hall or Berlin Rosen responding? Sending more details in poll
in separate email.

45% approval, 46% disapproval. 42% say he deserves reelection, 48% say he doesn't

Sent from my iPhone

From: Hanser, Leora
To: "Emily Walsh"
Subject: RE: messaging
Date: Thursday, October 29, 2015 2:25:07 PM

I can’t believe I’m doing this – but could we keep our 12:30pm slot?
My 2pm call wants to go back to 1:30pm…
So sorry for the back-and-forth!
From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2015 2:17 PM
To: Hanser, Leora
Subject: RE: messaging
No problem, see you then. 
Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Hanser, Leora [LHanser@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2015 12:56 PM
To: Emily Walsh
Subject: RE: messaging

Hi Emily – So sorry about this, but could we move our meeting to 1pm?  I need to be on a call at
From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 4:33 PM
To: Hanser, Leora
Subject: RE: messaging
Sounds good. We're at 15 Maiden Lane and you'll be coming to suite 1101. 
Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Hanser, Leora [LHanser@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 4:07 PM
To: Emily Walsh
Subject: RE: messaging
Hi Emily,
12:30pm on Monday could work.  Shall I come to your office?
From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 3:07 PM
To: Hanser, Leora
Subject: RE: messaging
Hi Leora,
Next week Jonathan could do Monday from 12:30-2 or Wednesday from 1-2. Would either of those
times work for you?
Thank you,
Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Jonathan Rosen

Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 12:55 PM
To: Hanser, Leora
Cc: Fialkoff, Gabrielle; Emily Walsh
Subject: Re: messaging

Hi Leora,
Sure thing.  This week is crazy but Emily will reach out to find some time next week.

Sent from my iPad

On Oct 26, 2015, at 12:22 PM, "Hanser, Leora" <LHanser@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Hi Jonathan,
Gabrielle keeps meaning to email you… but as she keeps getting busy, I thought I
would drop you a line myself and ask if I could get your advice on messaging for the
upcoming launch of Building Healthy Communities.
Can you let me know when you might have time to quickly discuss?
Thanks and best,
Leora Hanser
Chief of Staff
Mayor’s Office of Strategic Partnerships
O: 212-341-5074
M: 347-453-8118
From: Wolfe, Emma
To: "Jonathan Rosen"; Walzak, Phil
Cc: Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas; Kadushin, Peter; jfdc@akpdmedia. com; Hagelgans, Andrea; Dan Levitan
Subject: RE: Wsj Marist poll
Date: Thursday, October 29, 2015 2:33:45 PM


Everybody stop.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2015 2:33 PM
To: Walzak, Phil
Cc: Hinton, Karen; Snyder, Thomas; Wolfe, Emma; Kadushin, Peter; jfdc@akpdmedia. com; Hagelgans,
Andrea; Dan Levitan
Subject: Re: Wsj Marist poll

Plus Dan

Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 29, 2015, at 2:31 PM, Walzak, Phil <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
> Same ole same ole
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hinton, Karen
> Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2015 2:31 PM
> To: Walzak, Phil; Snyder, Thomas; Wolfe, Emma; Kadushin, Peter; Jonathan Rosen; jfdc@akpdmedia.
com; Hagelgans, Andrea
> Subject: Re: Wsj Marist poll
> Cuomo approval in city 63%, black voters love mayor, white voters hate him
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Oct 29, 2015, at 2:23 PM, Hinton, Karen <KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>> Wsj making results Public at 3 pm. Is city hall or Berlin Rosen responding? Sending more details in
poll in separate email.
>> 45% approval, 46% disapproval. 42% say he deserves reelection, 48% say he doesn't
>> Sent from my iPhone
From: Litvak, Gwendolyn
To: Nicole Kolinsky
Subject: Re: Op-Ed: Protect lower Manhattan from the next Sandy | Crain"s New York Business
Date: Thursday, October 29, 2015 4:03:05 PM

What you said.

From: Nicole Kolinsky

Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2015 3:52 PM
To: Litvak, Gwendolyn
Subject: Op-Ed: Protect lower Manhattan from the next Sandy | Crain's New York Business


From: Walters, Alexis
To: "Jonathan Rosen"; John Del Cecato
Cc: Dan Levitan; Hinton, Karen
Subject: RE: Briefings Due: Friday, October 30th
Date: Thursday, October 29, 2015 4:09:52 PM

Will there be a briefing for this I can to Mayors binder?

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2015 4:09 PM
To: John Del Cecato
Cc: Walters, Alexis; Dan Levitan; Hinton, Karen
Subject: Re: Briefings Due: Friday, October 30th

We are here doing it live.

Sent from my iPad

On Oct 29, 2015, at 4:05 PM, "John Del Cecato" <jfdc@akpdmedia.com> wrote:

That's a Rosen I think

On Oct 29, 2015, at 3:58 PM, Walters, Alexis <AWalters@cityhall.nyc.gov>


John- Do you have an ETA on briefing?
From: Hinton, Karen
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2015 3:58 PM
To: Walters, Alexis; 'jfdc@akpdmedia. com'
Subject: Re: Briefings Due: Friday, October 30th

Copied here

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 29, 2015, at 3:49 PM, Walters, Alexis

<AWalters@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Do you remember Del Celcato’s email address?

From: Hinton, Karen
Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 4:21 PM
To: Walters, Alexis
Subject: RE: Briefings Due: Friday, October 30th

John Del Celcato has Morning Joe. 

From: Walters, Alexis

Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 4:06 PM
To: Hinton, Karen
Subject: Briefings Due: Friday, October 30th
When: Thursday, October 29, 2015 3:00 PM-3:30 PM.
Where: City Hall

Briefings Due: Friday, October 30 th

· Morning Joe
Briefing: Karen Hinton
· Weekly Homeless Meeting
Briefing: Colicia Hercules
· Meeting regarding School Cleaning Initiative
Briefing: Edie Sharp
· DSNY awards/induction ceremony of 500 New Sanitation
Briefing:  Joan O.
Fro m: Hagelgans. Andrea
To: Salazar-Rodriquez. Prisca
Cc: Snyder. Thomas: "Jonathan Rosen" : Walzak. Phil; Hinton. Karen
Subject: Fw: Confirmed
Date: Thursday, October 29, 2015 5 :18:52 PM

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smart phone.

From: Andrea Hagelgans
Sent: Thursday, October
To: Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: Fwd: Confirmed

Sent f rom my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "PierreBravo, Daniela (NBCUniversal)"

< Danjela.PierreBrayo@nbcunj.com>
Date: October 29, 2015 at 5:04: 25 PM EDT
To: "Korson

Hi Andrea - Below are arrival details. Thanks!

Please send best AM cell contact and names of anyone else attending.
Please let me know if y ou need transportation. If so, let me know pick up address
and cell.

Show: MSNBC's Morning Joe

Date: 10/30
Location: 30 Rockefeller Center
Address: 49 W 49th Street, between 5th Ave and 6th Ave
Studio: 3A
Check in at the NBC Studios Visitors Center with a photo ID
Arrival: 7AM
Hit: 7:20AM
Contact: Luna Szoke (Studio Production Assistant) Daniela Pierre .
- (cell)
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
To: "Jonathan Rosen"; Walzak, Phil
Subject: Fw: HRC in US Senate
Date: Thursday, October 29, 2015 5:42:52 PM

I was right- SCHIP!

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Gunaratna, Mahen <MGunaratna@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2015 5:40 PM
To: Walzak, Phil
Cc: Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: RE: HRC in US Senate

This work?

Can flesh out more if needed – this is just a quick and dirty version:

Hillary Clinton – Progressive Accomplishments as U.S. Senator:

In 2001, Hillary Clinton was sworn in as the first female senator from the State of New York. During
her eight years in the U.S. Senate, Clinton accumulated an impressive set of progressive
accomplishments, including but not limited to:

· Women and Kids – Senator Clinton worked across the aisle to improve health care for low-
income children and working families through the State Children’s Health Insurance Program
(SCHIP), which she helped create as First Lady in 1997. She also co-wrote legislation to force
pharmaceutical companies to conduct safety tests for certain children’s products and co-
sponsored the Prevention First Act to increase access to family planning services for women.
She was a co-sponsor equal pay legislation for women, culminating in the passage of the
Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act in 2009.

· A Fighter for New York in the Aftermath of the 9/11 Attacks – Senator Clinton fought for
increased funding to rebuild Ground Zero, including over $20 billion for WTC rebuilding
efforts. She fought to ensure that our 9/11 first responders and recovery workers received
the health care and support they needed.

· Tax Fairness – Senator Clinton opposed and voted against the Bush tax cuts for millionaires
and billionaires. She was a strong advocate for middle class tax cuts and tax cuts for working

· A Fighter for our Military and Veterans – As the first New Yorker to serve on the Senate
Armed Service Committee, Senator Clinton introduced the Heroes at Home Act to help
military family members take care of their loved ones with traumatic brain injuries. She also
worked across the aisle to expand health care for National Guard members and members of
the U.S. Army Reserves, as well as improve mental health care for our veterans. She fought
to increase educational and financial opportunities for veterans from the Wars in
Afghanistan and Iraq.

· Immigration – Senator Clinton fought to pass the DREAM Act and pass comprehensive
immigration reform. She introduced the Legal Immigrant Children’s Health Improvement Act
to help extend Medicaid and SCHIP benefits to legal immigrant children and pregnant

· LGBT – Senator Clinton voted against President Bush’s discriminatory efforts to pass a
Federal Marriage Amendment, which would have enshrined discrimination in our

From: Gunaratna, Mahen

Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2015 5:14 PM
To: Walzak, Phil
Cc: Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: RE: HRC in US Senate

Ok – stand by

From: Walzak, Phil

Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2015 5:14 PM
To: Gunaratna, Mahen
Cc: Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: HRC in US Senate

Best progressive credentials/achievements

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
To: Andrea Hagelgans; "Jonathan Rosen"; Walzak, Phil
Subject: Fw: Cbs/nyt poll from spring
Date: Thursday, October 29, 2015 6:06:00 PM

Needs to be cut down for him

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Gunaratna, Mahen <MGunaratna@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2015 6:05 PM
To: Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: RE: Cbs/nyt poll from spring

New York Times/CBS Poll (June 2015) – Topline on Income Inequality

· Which comes closer to your view? In today's economy, everyone has a fair chance to get
ahead in the long run, or in today's economy, it's mainly just a few people at the top who
have a chance to get ahead? 35% (anyone can get ahead), 61% (just a feel people at the top
have a chance to get ahead)

· Do you feel that the distribution of money and wealth in this country is fair, or do you feel
that the money and wealth in this country should be more evenly distributed among more
people? 27% (fair), 66% (should be more even)

· Do you think the gap between the rich and the poor in the United States is getting larger,
getting smaller or has stayed the same? 67% (getting larger), 5% (getting smaller), 25%
(staying the same)

· Do you think the gap between rich and poor in this country is a problem that needs to be
addressed now, a problem but one that does not need to be addressed now or not a
problem? 65% (Now), 16% (not addressed now), 17% (not a problem)

· Should the government do more to reduce the gap between the rich and the poor in this
country or is this something the government should not be doing? 57% (reduce gap), 39%
(should not)

From: Hagelgans, Andrea

Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2015 5:37 PM
To: Gunaratna, Mahen
Subject: Cbs/nyt poll from spring

Can u send me the nyt/cbs income inequality poll toplines again? Just the toplines
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
To: "Jonathan Rosen"
Subject: Fw: HRC in US Senate
Date: Thursday, October 29, 2015 6:41:14 PM

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Gunaratna, Mahen <MGunaratna@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2015 6:26 PM
To: Walzak, Phil
Cc: Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: RE: HRC in US Senate

Hillary Clinton – Accomplishments as U.S. Secretary of State

· Helped restore America’s standing and leadership in the world through a renewed focus on
diplomacy and partnership with our allies. Visited 112 countries and logged nearly 1 million
miles of travel across the globe.
· Helped bring Iran to the table through crippling sanctions, leading to historic negotiations
and nuclear agreement.
· Supported the raid and capture of Osama Bin Laden and helped adjust and shape U.S.-
Pakistan relations in the aftermath
· Forefront of dealing with climate change in 2009 – got Chinese to sign up for their first-ever
international agreement to combat climate change
· Articulated a new economic statecraft for the United States, helping U.S. companies secure
business abroad, boosting exports for American manufacturers, etc.

From: Walzak, Phil

Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2015 6:14 PM
To: Gunaratna, Mahen
Cc: Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: Re: HRC in US Senate

1-2 things from secy state days?

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Gunaratna, Mahen
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2015 5:40 PM
To: Walzak, Phil
Cc: Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: RE: HRC in US Senate

This work?

Can flesh out more if needed – this is just a quick and dirty version:

Hillary Clinton – Progressive Accomplishments as U.S. Senator:

In 2001, Hillary Clinton was sworn in as the first female senator from the State of New York. During
her eight years in the U.S. Senate, Clinton accumulated an impressive set of progressive
accomplishments, including but not limited to:

· Women and Kids – Senator Clinton worked across the aisle to improve health care for low-
income children and working families through the State Children’s Health Insurance Program
(SCHIP), which she helped create as First Lady in 1997. She also co-wrote legislation to force
pharmaceutical companies to conduct safety tests for certain children’s products and co-
sponsored the Prevention First Act to increase access to family planning services for women.
She was a co-sponsor equal pay legislation for women, culminating in the passage of the
Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act in 2009.

· A Fighter for New York in the Aftermath of the 9/11 Attacks – Senator Clinton fought for
increased funding to rebuild Ground Zero, including over $20 billion for WTC rebuilding
efforts. She fought to ensure that our 9/11 first responders and recovery workers received
the health care and support they needed.

· Tax Fairness – Senator Clinton opposed and voted against the Bush tax cuts for millionaires
and billionaires. She was a strong advocate for middle class tax cuts and tax cuts for working

· A Fighter for our Military and Veterans – As the first New Yorker to serve on the Senate
Armed Service Committee, Senator Clinton introduced the Heroes at Home Act to help
military family members take care of their loved ones with traumatic brain injuries. She also
worked across the aisle to expand health care for National Guard members and members of
the U.S. Army Reserves, as well as improve mental health care for our veterans. She fought
to increase educational and financial opportunities for veterans from the Wars in
Afghanistan and Iraq.

· Immigration – Senator Clinton fought to pass the DREAM Act and pass comprehensive
immigration reform. She introduced the Legal Immigrant Children’s Health Improvement Act
to help extend Medicaid and SCHIP benefits to legal immigrant children and pregnant

· LGBT – Senator Clinton voted against President Bush’s discriminatory efforts to pass a
Federal Marriage Amendment, which would have enshrined discrimination in our

From: Gunaratna, Mahen

Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2015 5:14 PM
To: Walzak, Phil
Cc: Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: RE: HRC in US Senate

Ok – stand by

From: Walzak, Phil

Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2015 5:14 PM
To: Gunaratna, Mahen
Cc: Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: HRC in US Senate

Best progressive credentials/achievements

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
To: B
Cc: "Jonathan Rosen"; Gunaratna, Mahen; Walzak, Phil
Subject: Fw: Cbs/nyt poll from spring
Date: Thursday, October 29, 2015 9:04:05 PM

So you have at your finger tips.

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.

New York Times/CBS Poll (June 2015) – Topline on Income Inequality

· Which comes closer to your view? In today's economy, everyone has a fair chance to get
ahead in the long run, or in today's economy, it's mainly just a few people at the top who
have a chance to get ahead? 35% (anyone can get ahead), 61% (just a feel people at the top
have a chance to get ahead)

· Do you feel that the distribution of money and wealth in this country is fair, or do you feel
that the money and wealth in this country should be more evenly distributed among more
people? 27% (fair), 66% (should be more even)

· Do you think the gap between the rich and the poor in the United States is getting larger,
getting smaller or has stayed the same? 67% (getting larger), 5% (getting smaller), 25%
(staying the same)

· Do you think the gap between rich and poor in this country is a problem that needs to be
addressed now, a problem but one that does not need to be addressed now or not a
problem? 65% (Now), 16% (not addressed now), 17% (not a problem)

· Should the government do more to reduce the gap between the rich and the poor in this
country or is this something the government should not be doing? 57% (reduce gap), 39%
(should not)

From: Hagelgans, Andrea

Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2015 5:37 PM
To: Gunaratna, Mahen
Subject: Cbs/nyt poll from spring

Can u send me the nyt/cbs income inequality poll toplines again? Just the toplines
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Banks, Angela
To: Dan Levitan
Subject: Re: Black Lives Matter protestors/Mayor de Blasio
Date: Thursday, October 29, 2015 9:25:32 PM

Will do

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 29, 2015, at 9:24 PM, Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Please tell her she can reach out to me

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Banks, Angela [mailto:abanks@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2015 9:22 PM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Fwd: Black Lives Matter protestors/Mayor de Blasio

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Eversley, Melanie" <meversle@usatoday.com>

Date: October 29, 2015 at 8:20:18 PM EDT
To: "khinton@cityhall.nyc.gov" <khinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>,
"abanks@cityhall.nyc.gov" <abanks@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Fw: Black Lives Matter protestors/Mayor de Blasio

From: Eversley, Melanie

Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2015 8:09 PM
To: pressoffice@cityhall.nyc.gov
Subject: Black Lives Matter protestors/Mayor de Blasio


Melanie Eversley from USA Today here. I just saw on Twitter that
some Black Lives Matter protestors may have just tried to storm a
fundraiser that is being hosted or attended by the mayor. Can you
tell me anything about this?

Thanks so much,

Melanie Eversley

mobile: 347-380-3858
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
To: B
Cc: Walzak, Phil; "Jonathan Rosen"
Subject: Fight for 15 Talking Point
Date: Thursday, October 29, 2015 9:33:33 PM

Here's what you've said previously:

(four states are Alaska, Arkansas, Nebraska, and South Dakota)

Mayor: Well, I point to the four states – four red states – that in 2014, in the general election, voted for minimum
wage increases, and certainly the extraordinary efforts in the Fight for $15 coalition – demonstrations in 200 cities
simultaneously two weeks ago.

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Coney, Javon
To: Viguers, Jonathan; Kadushin, Peter; Lupo, Jon Paul
Cc: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Arslanian, Kayla; "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com"; Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: Re: SOP - 10/30
Date: Friday, October 30, 2015 7:52:33 AM

I am across the street standing by since don't want strong imprint. JPL is going inside but don't think he
is there yet. He's probably still at least 15 away.

----- Original Message -----

From: Viguers, Jonathan
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2015 07:50 AM
To: Kadushin, Peter; Lupo, Jon Paul
Cc: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Arslanian, Kayla; Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>;
Hagelgans, Andrea; Coney, Javon
Subject: Re: SOP - 10/30

Is anyone at the breakfast? How's it look?

sent from a mobile device.

  Original Message
From: Kadushin, Peter
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2015 7:39 AM
To: Lupo, Jon Paul
Cc: Viguers, Jonathan; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Arslanian, Kayla; Jonathan Rosen; Hagelgans, Andrea;
Coney, Javon
Subject: Re: SOP - 10/30

Nm. Thought that was viguers, not jpl.

> On Oct 30, 2015, at 7:38 AM, Kadushin, Peter <pkadushin@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
> Gym?
>> On Oct 30, 2015, at 7:37 AM, Lupo, Jon Paul <JPLupo@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>> Getting on train to juniors. Above ground in 30.
>> Jon Paul
>>> On Oct 30, 2015, at 7:26 AM, Viguers, Jonathan <JViguers@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>>> ++
>>> Mayor on MJ. Will let you know where we are headed next.
>>> sent from a mobile device.
>>> Original Message
>>> From: Viguers, Jonathan
>>> Sent: Friday, October 30, 2015 6:53 AM
>>> To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
>>> Cc: Arslanian, Kayla; Jonathan Rosen; Hagelgans, Andrea
>>> Subject: Re: SOP - 10/30
>>> + andrea
>>> in hold room w/ rosen
>>> sent from a mobile device.
>>>> On Oct 30, 2015, at 6:39 AM, Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca <PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov>
>>>> Mayor en route to morning joe.
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>> On Oct 30, 2015, at 6:39 AM, Viguers, Jonathan <JViguers@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>>>>> En route to morning joe
>>>>> sent from a mobile device.
>>>>> Original Message
>>>>> From: Viguers, Jonathan
>>>>> Sent: Friday, October 30, 2015 6:32 AM
>>>>> To: Arslanian, Kayla
>>>>> Cc: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
>>>>> Subject: Re: SOP - 10/30
>>>>> Costume is in the car. no movement from the boss yet
>>>>> sent from a mobile device.
>>>>>> On Oct 30, 2015, at 6:27 AM, Arslanian, Kayla <KArslanian@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>>>>>> Hey! You at Gracie and rolling out soon??
>>>>>> (And don't forget to check that Halloween costume is in his car ... Thank you!!)
>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
From: Klein, Monica
To: Jonathan Rosen; Viguers, Jonathan
Cc: Kadushin, Peter; Lupo, Jon Paul; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Arslanian, Kayla; Hagelgans, Andrea; Coney, Javon;
Boeglin, Rosemary
Subject: Re: SOP - 10/30
Date: Friday, October 30, 2015 7:57:50 AM

we¹re keeping you on all day.

On 10/30/15, 7:57 AM, "Jonathan Rosen" <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

>Drinks for whoever gets me off this thread.

>Sent from my iPad
>> On Oct 30, 2015, at 7:55 AM, "Viguers, Jonathan"
>><JViguers@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>> ++
>> Mk ready for news?
>> sent from a mobile device.
>>  Original Message
>> From: Viguers, Jonathan
>> Sent: Friday, October 30, 2015 7:54 AM
>> To: Kadushin, Peter; Lupo, Jon Paul
>> Cc: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Arslanian, Kayla; Jonathan Rosen;
>>Hagelgans, Andrea; Coney, Javon
>> Subject: Re: SOP - 10/30
>> Wrapped at morning joe.
>> Heading to juniors. Gym still a possibility
>> sent from a mobile device.
>>  Original Message
>> From: jviguers@cityhall.nyc.gov
>> Sent: Friday, October 30, 2015 7:50 AM
>> To: Kadushin, Peter; Lupo, Jon Paul
>> Cc: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Arslanian, Kayla; Jonathan Rosen;
>>Hagelgans, Andrea; Coney, Javon
>> Subject: Re: SOP - 10/30
>> Is anyone at the breakfast? How's it look?
>> sent from a mobile device.
>>  Original Message
>> From: Kadushin, Peter
>> Sent: Friday, October 30, 2015 7:39 AM
>> To: Lupo, Jon Paul
>> Cc: Viguers, Jonathan; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Arslanian, Kayla;
>>Jonathan Rosen; Hagelgans, Andrea; Coney, Javon
>> Subject: Re: SOP - 10/30
>> Nm. Thought that was viguers, not jpl.
>>> On Oct 30, 2015, at 7:38 AM, Kadushin, Peter
>>><pkadushin@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>>> Gym?
>>>> On Oct 30, 2015, at 7:37 AM, Lupo, Jon Paul <JPLupo@cityhall.nyc.gov>
>>>> Getting on train to juniors. Above ground in 30.
>>>> Jon Paul
>>>>> On Oct 30, 2015, at 7:26 AM, Viguers, Jonathan
>>>>><JViguers@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>>>>> ++
>>>>> Mayor on MJ. Will let you know where we are headed next.
>>>>> sent from a mobile device.
>>>>> Original Message
>>>>> From: Viguers, Jonathan
>>>>> Sent: Friday, October 30, 2015 6:53 AM
>>>>> To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
>>>>> Cc: Arslanian, Kayla; Jonathan Rosen; Hagelgans, Andrea
>>>>> Subject: Re: SOP - 10/30
>>>>> + andrea
>>>>> in hold room w/ rosen
>>>>> sent from a mobile device.
>>>>>> On Oct 30, 2015, at 6:39 AM, Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
>>>>>><PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>>>>>> Mayor en route to morning joe.
>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>> On Oct 30, 2015, at 6:39 AM, Viguers, Jonathan
>>>>>>><JViguers@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>>>>>>> En route to morning joe
>>>>>>> sent from a mobile device.
>>>>>>> Original Message
>>>>>>> From: Viguers, Jonathan
>>>>>>> Sent: Friday, October 30, 2015 6:32 AM
>>>>>>> To: Arslanian, Kayla
>>>>>>> Cc: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: SOP - 10/30
>>>>>>> Costume is in the car. no movement from the boss yet
>>>>>>> sent from a mobile device.
>>>>>>>> On Oct 30, 2015, at 6:27 AM, Arslanian, Kayla
>>>>>>>><KArslanian@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hey! You at Gracie and rolling out soon??
>>>>>>>> (And don't forget to check that Halloween costume is in his car
>>>>>>>>... Thank you!!)
>>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
From: Lupo, Jon Paul
To: Viguers, Jonathan
Cc: Kadushin, Peter; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Arslanian, Kayla; Hagelgans, Andrea; Coney, Javon
Bcc: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: SOP - 10/30
Date: Friday, October 30, 2015 8:04:45 AM

Taking Rosen off by bcc.

Jon Paul

> On Oct 30, 2015, at 8:03 AM, Viguers, Jonathan <JViguers@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
> What time do you recommend?
> sent from a mobile device.
>  Original Message
> From: Lupo, Jon Paul
> Sent: Friday, October 30, 2015 8:01 AM
> To: Viguers, Jonathan
> Cc: Kadushin, Peter; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Arslanian, Kayla; Jonathan Rosen; Hagelgans, Andrea;
Coney, Javon
> Subject: Re: SOP - 10/30
> Arrived. Relatively empty. Not worth coming in right now.
> Jon Paul
>> On Oct 30, 2015, at 7:54 AM, Viguers, Jonathan <JViguers@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>> Wrapped at morning joe.
>> Heading to juniors. Gym still a possibility
>> sent from a mobile device.
>>  Original Message
>> From: jviguers@cityhall.nyc.gov
>> Sent: Friday, October 30, 2015 7:50 AM
>> To: Kadushin, Peter; Lupo, Jon Paul
>> Cc: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Arslanian, Kayla; Jonathan Rosen; Hagelgans, Andrea; Coney, Javon
>> Subject: Re: SOP - 10/30
>> Is anyone at the breakfast? How's it look?
>> sent from a mobile device.
>>  Original Message
>> From: Kadushin, Peter
>> Sent: Friday, October 30, 2015 7:39 AM
>> To: Lupo, Jon Paul
>> Cc: Viguers, Jonathan; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Arslanian, Kayla; Jonathan Rosen; Hagelgans,
Andrea; Coney, Javon
>> Subject: Re: SOP - 10/30
>> Nm. Thought that was viguers, not jpl.
>>> On Oct 30, 2015, at 7:38 AM, Kadushin, Peter <pkadushin@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>>> Gym?
>>>> On Oct 30, 2015, at 7:37 AM, Lupo, Jon Paul <JPLupo@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>>>> Getting on train to juniors. Above ground in 30.
>>>> Jon Paul
>>>>> On Oct 30, 2015, at 7:26 AM, Viguers, Jonathan <JViguers@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>>>>> ++
>>>>> Mayor on MJ. Will let you know where we are headed next.
>>>>> sent from a mobile device.
>>>>> Original Message
>>>>> From: Viguers, Jonathan
>>>>> Sent: Friday, October 30, 2015 6:53 AM
>>>>> To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
>>>>> Cc: Arslanian, Kayla; Jonathan Rosen; Hagelgans, Andrea
>>>>> Subject: Re: SOP - 10/30
>>>>> + andrea
>>>>> in hold room w/ rosen
>>>>> sent from a mobile device.
>>>>>> On Oct 30, 2015, at 6:39 AM, Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca <PSalazar-
Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>>>>>> Mayor en route to morning joe.
>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>> On Oct 30, 2015, at 6:39 AM, Viguers, Jonathan <JViguers@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>>>>>>> En route to morning joe
>>>>>>> sent from a mobile device.
>>>>>>> Original Message
>>>>>>> From: Viguers, Jonathan
>>>>>>> Sent: Friday, October 30, 2015 6:32 AM
>>>>>>> To: Arslanian, Kayla
>>>>>>> Cc: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: SOP - 10/30
>>>>>>> Costume is in the car. no movement from the boss yet
>>>>>>> sent from a mobile device.
>>>>>>>> On Oct 30, 2015, at 6:27 AM, Arslanian, Kayla <KArslanian@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hey! You at Gracie and rolling out soon??
>>>>>>>> (And don't forget to check that Halloween costume is in his car ... Thank you!!)
>>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Fw: Morning Joe
Date: Friday, October 30, 2015 8:24:43 AM

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.

  Original Message
From: FLONYC <FLONYC@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2015 8:19 AM
To: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen
Subject: Morning Joe

Good solid performance by our Mayor this morning! Here are my reflections...

1. This show always begins with a topic other than the headliner. Have to be prepared for that.
2. I understand why it didn't happen but when they got to Hillary, would have been stronger if Bill's
most important message came first. "I endorse Hillary!"
3. We've got great crime statistics, but there is a gap in our message regarding police/community
relations. Joe is a bully in tone and demeanor, but Bill should have had the high ground here.
From: Snyder, Thomas
To: B; Hagelgans, Andrea
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; Walzak, Phil; Klein, Monica; Hinton, Karen
Subject: Re: Strong interview
Date: Friday, October 30, 2015 9:38:04 AM

Got two unsolicited very positive reviews from friends from out of town. 

From: Bill de Blasio <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Reply-To: Bill de Blasio <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Friday, October 30, 2015 at 9:34 AM
To: Andrea Hagelgans <AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Tom Snyder <tsnyder@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>,
"Walzak, Phil" <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Klein, Monica" <MKlein@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Karen
Hinton <KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: Strong interview

Much appreciated, Andrea. I think we've gone from a troubled situation last year with MoJo to a better
one. We should determine how best to use them in our line-up of options

From: "Hagelgans, Andrea" <AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2015 12:09:07 +0000
To: B<BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Snyder, Thomas<TSnyder@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Jonathan Rosen<jonathan@berlinrosen.com>; Walzak,
Phil<PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Klein, Monica<MKlein@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Hinton,
Subject: Strong interview

You were able to accomplish goals you defined last night. Remind folks of true hillary, speak broadly to
what american people are yearning for (end income inequality) and no harm to Sanders (at least that I

Nice chemistry and friendly jousting

Good job on off topic as well. Didn't miss a beat. For not liking early AM interviews they do seem to be
your strong suit.

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Greig, Katherine
To: "Matthew Hassett"
Cc: Christie Peale; Grassi, Carrie; Caroline Nagy (Caroline.Nagy@cnycn.org); Jovana Rizzo
Subject: RE: Daily news editorial
Date: Friday, October 30, 2015 2:42:45 PM
Attachments: 20151030 Daily news editorial khg AS.DOCX

Here’s a version Amy marked up. This is by no means the final word.

KATHERINE GREIG |   212-788-1464

From: Matthew Hassett [mailto:matthew.hassett@cnycn.org]
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2015 2:01 PM
To: Greig, Katherine
Cc: Christie Peale; Grassi, Carrie; Caroline Nagy (Caroline.Nagy@cnycn.org); Jovana Rizzo
Subject: Re: Daily news editorial

Thanks. Working on it now. Have you contacted the NYDN (Josh Greenman) yet to see if
they have space?

Matthew Hassett  |  Director of Policy & Communications  T 646-786-0895

Center for NYC Neighborhoods

17 Battery Place, Suite 728  |  New York, NY 10004  

On Fri, Oct 30, 2015 at 1:33 PM, Greig, Katherine <KGreig@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Mid-afternoon, ideally.

KATHERINE GREIG |   212-788-1464

From: Matthew Hassett [mailto:matthew.hassett@cnycn.org]
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2015 1:27 PM
To: Greig, Katherine
Cc: Christie Peale; Grassi, Carrie; Caroline Nagy (Caroline.Nagy@cnycn.org); Jovana Rizzo

Subject: Re: Daily news editorial

When do you need this by?

On Friday, October 30, 2015, Greig, Katherine <KGreig@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Great – feel free to do a markup.

KATHERINE GREIG |   212-788-1464

From: Christie Peale [mailto:christie.peale@cnycn.org]
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2015 1:12 PM
To: Greig, Katherine
Cc: Grassi, Carrie; Caroline Nagy (Caroline.Nagy@cnycn.org); Matthew Hassett
Subject: Re: Daily news editorial

We'd love to help clarify the issue--the editorial is completely confusing. I'm adding Matt as
I'm on a call that I can't jump off until 2.

Christie Peale |  Executive Director  | 646-786-0881

Center for NYC Neighborhoods

17 Battery Place, Suite 728  |  New York, NY 10004  

On Fri, Oct 30, 2015 at 1:07 PM, Greig, Katherine <KGreig@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
I misspoke – Dan is wondering if you would consider co-signing the editorial?

And we are happy to make edits.

KATHERINE GREIG |   212-788-1464

From: Greig, Katherine

Sent: Friday, October 30, 2015 1:00 PM
To: Christie Peale
Cc: Grassi, Carrie; Caroline Nagy (Caroline.Nagy@cnycn.org)
Subject: Daily news editorial


This morning the Daily News put out this article that gets the story quite wrong:

Three years after Hurricane Sandy’s devastation — and amid warnings about climate change
and rising sea levels


Attached is a draft editorial Dan is proposing to submit. It would be great if you would be
willing to provide a quote.

Please let us know,

KATHERINE GREIG |   212-788-1464
Matthew Hassett  |  Director of Policy & Communications  T 646-786-0895

Center for NYC Neighborhoods

17 Battery Place, Suite 728  |  New York, NY 10004  
In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, it’s clear has become apparent that flood risk and federal
flood insurance, which are complex by their very nature, are topics with far-reaching
consequences across the city’s coastal communities. Unfortunately, the Daily News got it wrong
in its editorial and are advocating for outcomes thatThat’s why the City is taking a proactive
approach to reducing both climate and affordability risks for homeowners -- because failure to
act would could cause a financial storm that could rival or even exceed Sandy’s impacts.

Over the last three years, New York City and its scientific and community partners have been
leading the way in addressing the risks of flooding and sea level rise. It is clear that our these
risks are only growing, which highlightshighlighting the urgency behind our the comprehensive
$20 billion resiliency program we’re aggressively implementing around the five boroughs.

What is also clear is that the federally-run National Flood Insurance Program is in need of vital
reforms to better promote mitigation of flood risk and also toand ensure affordability for the long

That’s why the City is actively working with FEMA to ensure that (1) FEMA depicts current
risk correctly – informed by the best available science; (2) the City rebuilds conservativelyextra
cautiously, taking into account future risk, including potential sea level rise; and (3) we continue
to advocate for NFIP flood insurance affordability so they the federal government doesn’t pull
the rug out from under homeowners who saved money, bought homes, and assumed flood
insurance premiums would remain reasonable.

Unfortunately, the City found errors in FEMA’s map-making process, meaning that they don’t
accurately reflect what they are intended to show – the current flood risk of a 100-year flood.
Their models simply didn’t reflect the scientific realities on the ground, were not properly
calibrated and too few tidal cycles were applied in their statistical analysis. This translatinged
into an overstatement of potential flood elevations across the city, and the region, by as much as
2.5 feet.

The financial implications of overstating these risks is enormous – raising premiums to as much
as $10,000 a year for impacted homeowners and potentially pricing many middle income
families, and entire communities, out of their homes.

The good news is that the City was proactive: submitting an appeal of FEMA’s maps, while stille
and had already adoptinged these over-conservative maps projections into its building code,
ensuring that all rebuilding work after Sandy would be built to safer standards and protecting
homeowners’ pocketbooks in case the appeal does is not accepted. But the financial implications
of overstating this risk is enormous and could price many middle income families out of their

The City’s goal continues to be to ensure that FEMA’s flood maps accurately reflect the current
flood risk, based on sound scientific and technical analysis, so that appropriate building codes
and other measures meant to address future flood risk can be appropriately implemented. To
ensure that we invest wisely in the areas of the City at greatest risk and reach the City’s
resiliency goals, the City must have a scientifically accurate assessment of flood risk. This
assessment starts with accurate FEMA flood maps. That’s why we are appealing the flood maps.

As we continue to advance our comprehensive $20 billion resiliency program to adapt our city
against to the future impactsimpacts of climate change, we must ensure that our coastal
communities are not wiped out from a financial storm. That’s why we’ll continue to fight for a
reformed National Flood Insurance Program that protects New Yorkers from both climate and
affordability risks better allows for flood mitigation and promotes affordability of flood
insurance.—to ensure communities that are stronger, more resilient, and able to with
From: Greig, Katherine
To: "Christie Peale"
Cc: Matthew Hassett; Grassi, Carrie; Caroline Nagy (Caroline.Nagy@cnycn.org); Jovana Rizzo
Subject: RE: Daily news editorial
Date: Friday, October 30, 2015 3:50:54 PM

Thanks – will circulate shortly

Philip Orton from Stevens also hopes to sign and he has a few thougths….
Stay tuned

KATHERINE GREIG |   212-788-1464

From: Christie Peale [mailto:christie.peale@cnycn.org]
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2015 3:50 PM
To: Greig, Katherine
Cc: Matthew Hassett; Grassi, Carrie; Caroline Nagy (Caroline.Nagy@cnycn.org); Jovana Rizzo
Subject: Re: Daily news editorial

Hi Katherine:
Our edits to Amy's edits are attached. I'm happy to defer to you all on co-authorship--
whatever Amy thinks will be a better hook for the DN.

Christie Peale |  Executive Director  | 646-786-0881

Center for NYC Neighborhoods

17 Battery Place, Suite 728  |  New York, NY 10004  

On Fri, Oct 30, 2015 at 2:42 PM, Greig, Katherine <KGreig@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Here’s a version Amy marked up. This is by no means the final word.

KATHERINE GREIG |   212-788-1464

From: Matthew Hassett [mailto:matthew.hassett@cnycn.org]
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2015 2:01 PM
To: Greig, Katherine
Cc: Christie Peale; Grassi, Carrie; Caroline Nagy (Caroline.Nagy@cnycn.org); Jovana Rizzo
Subject: Re: Daily news editorial
Thanks. Working on it now. Have you contacted the NYDN (Josh Greenman) yet to see if
they have space?

Matthew Hassett  |  Director of Policy & Communications  T 646-786-0895

Center for NYC Neighborhoods

17 Battery Place, Suite 728  |  New York, NY 10004  

On Fri, Oct 30, 2015 at 1:33 PM, Greig, Katherine <KGreig@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Mid-afternoon, ideally.

KATHERINE GREIG |   212-788-1464

From: Matthew Hassett [mailto:matthew.hassett@cnycn.org]
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2015 1:27 PM
To: Greig, Katherine
Cc: Christie Peale; Grassi, Carrie; Caroline Nagy (Caroline.Nagy@cnycn.org); Jovana Rizzo

Subject: Re: Daily news editorial

When do you need this by?

On Friday, October 30, 2015, Greig, Katherine <KGreig@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Great – feel free to do a markup.

KATHERINE GREIG |   212-788-1464

From: Christie Peale [mailto:christie.peale@cnycn.org]
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2015 1:12 PM
To: Greig, Katherine
Cc: Grassi, Carrie; Caroline Nagy (Caroline.Nagy@cnycn.org); Matthew Hassett
Subject: Re: Daily news editorial

We'd love to help clarify the issue--the editorial is completely confusing. I'm adding Matt as
I'm on a call that I can't jump off until 2.

Christie Peale |  Executive Director  | 646-786-0881

Center for NYC Neighborhoods

17 Battery Place, Suite 728  |  New York, NY 10004  
On Fri, Oct 30, 2015 at 1:07 PM, Greig, Katherine <KGreig@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
I misspoke – Dan is wondering if you would consider co-signing the editorial?

And we are happy to make edits.

KATHERINE GREIG |   212-788-1464

From: Greig, Katherine

Sent: Friday, October 30, 2015 1:00 PM
To: Christie Peale
Cc: Grassi, Carrie; Caroline Nagy (Caroline.Nagy@cnycn.org)
Subject: Daily news editorial


This morning the Daily News put out this article that gets the story quite wrong:

Three years after Hurricane Sandy’s devastation — and amid warnings about climate change
and rising sea levels


Attached is a draft editorial Dan is proposing to submit. It would be great if you would be
willing to provide a quote.

Please let us know,

KATHERINE GREIG |   212-788-1464

Matthew Hassett  |  Director of Policy & Communications  T 646-786-0895

Center for NYC Neighborhoods

17 Battery Place, Suite 728  |  New York, NY 10004  
From: Greig, Katherine
To: "porton"; "christie.peale@cnycn.org" (christie.peale@cnycn.org)
Cc: Jovana Rizzo (jovana@berlinrosen.com); Grassi, Carrie; Zarrilli, Dan
Subject: FW: 20151030 Daily news editorial_khg_AS_jr_khg
Date: Friday, October 30, 2015 4:14:24 PM
Attachments: 20151030 Daily news editorial khg AS jr khg.docx

Philip, Christie,
Please see attached the latest draft. If this looks OK to you we will send it to the press office.
There’s always the possibility it gets edited along the way, but this would be our draft.
Please let me know.

KATHERINE GREIG |   212-788-1464

From: Zarrilli, Dan
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2015 4:12 PM
To: Greig, Katherine
Subject: 20151030 Daily news editorial_khg_AS_jr_khg
In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, it’s clear has become apparent that flood risk and federal
flood insurance, which are complex by their very nature, are topics with far-reaching
consequences across the city’s coastal communities. Unfortunately, the Daily News got it wrong
in its editorial and are advocating for outcomes thatThat’s why the City is taking a proactive
approach to reducing both climate and affordability risks for homeowners -- because failure to
act would could cause a financial storm that could rival or even exceed Sandy’s impacts.

Over the last three years, New York City and its scientific and community partners, including
Stevens Institute of Technology, have been leading the way in describing and addressing the
risks of flooding and sea level rise. It is clear that our these risks are only growing, which
highlightshighlighting the urgency behind our the comprehensive $20 billion resiliency program
we’re the City is aggressively implementing around the five boroughs.

What is also clear is that the federally-run National Flood Insurance Program is in need of vital
reforms to better promote mitigation of flood risk and also toand ensure affordability for the long
run. FEMA’s current program is a one-size-fits-all approach that disproportionately hurts New
York City. Waterfront communities around the country are lined with vacation homes – this is
not the case in our city, where our waterfront neighborhoods, including Canarsie and the Far
Rockaways, are home to working- and middle-class families..

That’s why the City, and non-profit and academic partners areis actively working with FEMA to
ensure that (1) FEMA depicts current risk correctly – informed by the best available science; (2)
the City rebuilds conservativelyextra cautiously, taking into account future risk, including
potential sea level rise; and (3) we continue to advocate for NFIP flood insurance affordability so
they the federal government doesn’t pull the rug out from under homeowners who saved money,
bought homes, and assumed flood insurance premiums would remain reasonable.

Unfortunately, the City, found errorswith support from an engineering firm and scientific
partners at Stevens Institute of Technology, found errors in FEMA’s map-making process,
meaning that they don’t accurately reflect what they are intended to show – the current flood risk
of a 100-year flood. Their models simply didn’t reflect the scientific realities on the ground,
were not properly calibrated and too few tidal cycles were applied in their statistical analysis.
This translatinged into an overstatement of potential flood elevations across the city, and the
region, by as much as 2.5 feet.

The financial implications of overstating these risks is enormous – raising premiums to as much
as $10,000 a year for impacted homeowners and potentially pricing many middle income
families, and entire communities, out of their homes. Furthermore, property owners beyond the
highest risk area should be able to buy affordable flood affordable insurance because of their less
risky location.

The good news is that the City was has been proactive: submitting an appeal of FEMA’s maps,
while still e and had already adoptinged these over-conservative maps projections into its
building code, ensuring that all rebuilding work after Sandy would be built to safer standards and
protecting homeowners’ pocketbooks in case the FEMA appeal does is not accepted. We’re The
City is also working with partners, including the Center for NYC Neighborhoods and Stevens
Institute, to educate homeowners about their flood risk and anticipated costs, including the
creation of the online tool FloodHelpNY.org and flood maps that show the impact of sea level
rise. But the financial implications of overstating this risk is enormous and could price many
middle income families out of their homes.

The City’s goal continues to be to ensure that FEMA’s flood maps accurately reflect the current
flood risk, based on sound scientific and technical analysis, so that appropriate building codes
and other measures meant to address future flood risk can be appropriately implemented. To
ensure that we invest wisely in the areas of the City at greatest risk and reach the City’s
resiliency goals, the City must have a scientifically accurate assessment of flood risk. This
assessment starts with accurate FEMA flood maps. That’s why we are appealing the flood maps
– that’s why we are appealing them.

As we continue to advance our comprehensive $20 billion resiliency program to adapt our city
against to the future impactsimpacts of climate change, we must ensure that our coastal
communities are not wiped out from a financial storm driven by inaccurate maps. That’s why
we’ll continue to fight fight for the incorporation of the best available science and advocate for a
reformed National Flood Insurance Program that protects New Yorkers from both climate and
affordability risks better allows for flood mitigation and promotes affordability of flood
insurance. to ensure communities that are stronger, more resilient, and able to with, to create
strong, resilient communities.
From: Greig, Katherine
To: "Philip Orton"; "christie.peale@cnycn.org" (christie.peale@cnycn.org)
Cc: Jovana Rizzo (jovana@berlinrosen.com); Grassi, Carrie; Zarrilli, Dan
Subject: RE: FW: 20151030 Daily news editorial_khg_AS_jr_khg
Date: Friday, October 30, 2015 5:07:02 PM

Philip, Christie,
Can you send your name and title as you would like it to appear?
Many thanks again,

KATHERINE GREIG |   212-788-1464

From: Philip Orton [mailto:philip.orton@stevens.edu]
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2015 5:03 PM
To: Greig, Katherine; 'christie.peale@cnycn.org' (christie.peale@cnycn.org)
Cc: Jovana Rizzo (jovana@berlinrosen.com); Grassi, Carrie; Zarrilli, Dan
Subject: Re: FW: 20151030 Daily news editorial_khg_AS_jr_khg
Looks great.  In the attached version with tracked changes, I suggest a few minor edits.

On 10/30/2015 4:14 PM, Greig, Katherine wrote:

Philip, Christie,
Please see attached the latest draft. If this looks OK to you we will send it to the press
There’s always the possibility it gets edited along the way, but this would be our draft.
Please let me know.

KATHERINE GREIG |  212-788-1464

From: Zarrilli, Dan
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2015 4:12 PM
To: Greig, Katherine
Subject: 20151030 Daily news editorial_khg_AS_jr_khg
Philip Orton, Ph.D.
Research Assistant Professor
Stevens Institute of Technology
210 Davidson Laboratory
Castle Point on Hudson
Hoboken, NJ 07030
(201) 216-8095 (w) (212) 844-9009 (m)
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: "Jonathan Rosen"
Subject: RE:
Date: Friday, October 30, 2015 5:34:40 PM

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2015 5:21 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: RE:
Unfortunately Bette's leaving for LA on Nov. 20 until mid-Dec. 

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [mailto:PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 5:19 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Nov. 24 at noon works for us and Bloomberg – can we find out if this works for Bette?
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: Re: MBDB: Weekly Planning Meeting
Date: Sunday, November 01, 2015 6:38:49 PM

I have a personal commitment Monday night.  Sorry.

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 1, 2015, at 4:52 PM, Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca <PSalazar-

Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Since the Mayor is traveling on Thursday and Friday of this week our planning meeting
will be tomorrow night.
If you can’t make it but will call in please let me know.
-----Original Appointment-----
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2015 1:31 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Thornton, Demetrius; Everett, Matt; Griffith, Chantell; Da
Costa, Ricky; Walzak, Phil; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); John, Roxanne; Reisman, Lisette;
Leopold, Elana; Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Zuniga, Andrea;
Shorris, Anthony; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; John Del Cecato; Snyder, Thomas; Williams,
Dominic; Hagelgans, Andrea; Arslanian, Kayla; Hinton, Karen; Ko, Eunice; Wiley, Maya;
Wolfe, Emma; Caquias, Paula; 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; Fialkoff, Gabrielle
Subject: MBDB: Weekly Planning Meeting
When: Monday, November 02, 2015 6:45 PM-8:15 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US &
Where: Gracie Mansion ---- Call in code
From: Walzak, Phil
To: Wolfe, Emma; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Thornton, Demetrius; Everett, Matt; Griffith, Chantell; Da Costa,
Ricky; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); John, Roxanne; Reisman, Lisette; Leopold, Elana; Louis Espiritusanto, Jose;
Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Zuniga, Andrea; Shorris, Anthony; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; John Del Cecato; Snyder,
Thomas; Williams, Dominic; Hagelgans, Andrea; Arslanian, Kayla; Hinton, Karen; Ko, Eunice; Wiley, Maya;
Caquias, Paula; "jonathan@berlinrosen.com"; Fialkoff, Gabrielle
Subject: Re: MBDB: Weekly Planning Meeting
Date: Sunday, November 01, 2015 7:03:45 PM

I have family in town and was to have dinner tmrw nite

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Wolfe, Emma
Sent: Sunday, November 1, 2015 6:37 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Thornton, Demetrius; Everett, Matt; Griffith, Chantell; Da Costa, Ricky;
Walzak, Phil; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); John, Roxanne; Reisman, Lisette; Leopold, Elana; Louis
Espiritusanto, Jose; Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Zuniga, Andrea; Shorris, Anthony; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel;
John Del Cecato; Snyder, Thomas; Williams, Dominic; Hagelgans, Andrea; Arslanian, Kayla; Hinton,
Karen; Ko, Eunice; Wiley, Maya; Caquias, Paula; 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; Fialkoff, Gabrielle
Subject: RE: MBDB: Weekly Planning Meeting

will call in for part of it but have family commitment. 

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca

Sent: Sunday, November 01, 2015 4:52 PM
To: Thornton, Demetrius; Everett, Matt; Griffith, Chantell; Da Costa, Ricky; Walzak, Phil; Fuleihan, Dean
(OMB); John, Roxanne; Reisman, Lisette; Leopold, Elana; Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Darlington, Mandy
(OMB); Zuniga, Andrea; Shorris, Anthony; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; John Del Cecato; Snyder, Thomas;
Williams, Dominic; Hagelgans, Andrea; Arslanian, Kayla; Hinton, Karen; Ko, Eunice; Wiley, Maya; Wolfe,
Emma; Caquias, Paula; 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; Fialkoff, Gabrielle
Subject: RE: MBDB: Weekly Planning Meeting

Since the Mayor is traveling on Thursday and Friday of this week our planning meeting will be
tomorrow night.
If you can’t make it but will call in please let me know.
-----Original Appointment-----
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2015 1:31 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Thornton, Demetrius; Everett, Matt; Griffith, Chantell; Da Costa, Ricky;
Walzak, Phil; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); John, Roxanne; Reisman, Lisette; Leopold, Elana; Louis
Espiritusanto, Jose; Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Zuniga, Andrea; Shorris, Anthony; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel;
John Del Cecato; Snyder, Thomas; Williams, Dominic; Hagelgans, Andrea; Arslanian, Kayla; Hinton,
Karen; Ko, Eunice; Wiley, Maya; Wolfe, Emma; Caquias, Paula; 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com'; Fialkoff,
Subject: MBDB: Weekly Planning Meeting
When: Monday, November 02, 2015 6:45 PM-8:15 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: Gracie Mansion ---- Call in code
From: Snyder, Thomas
To: Shorris, Anthony; Walzak, Phil; Wolfe, Emma; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Planning Mtg.
Date: Monday, November 02, 2015 10:17:23 AM

Trying to change Planning meeting to Tuesday evening. If so, can you make it?
From: Hanser, Leora
To: Jonathan@berlinrosen.com
Subject: Thanks
Date: Monday, November 02, 2015 5:11:56 PM
Attachments: BHC Short Concept note.docx
Talking points for Building Healthy Communitiesdf.docx
BHC Facts Figures QandA v5 11 2 15.docx

Hi Jonathan,
Thanks for your time today – lovely to see you and catch up!
I’m attaching the three documents I gave to you in our meeting today.  As you said, I think most of
the points are there – they just need to be prioritized and refined.  I’m grateful for any and all of
your assistance. 
Would be great to get our broods together in the ‘hood – let me talk to Graeme and come back to
you with some dates.
Many thanks again and very best,
Leora Hanser
Chief of Staff
Mayor’s Office of Strategic Partnerships
O: 212-341-5074
M: 347-453-8118

Building Healthy Communities aims to improve community health outcomes by increasing opportunities
for physical activity; expanding access to fresh and affordable food and promoting public safety in
twelve of the City’s neediest neighborhoods. The parks and open spaces in these densely populated and
higher-poverty neighborhoods have historically been neglected from public investment in their
maintenance and upkeep. Many of these same communities continue to report high rates of crime and
equally high rates of public health challenges like obesity and diabetes.
Over the next three years, Building Healthy Communities will address those inequities. Leveraging the
$285 million capital investment of the Community Parks Initiative, Building Healthy Communities will
build school and community gardens, install adult exercise equipment, establish farmers markets and
create pedestrian plazas.


Physical Activity
With private support, Building Healthy Communities will transform the urban landscape, creating
opportunities for recreation and exercise.
• Supply and co-locate adult exercise equipment in or near playgrounds and parks, allowing
children and parents, grandparents and caretakers to exercise simultaneously.
• Provide free exercise and yoga classes.
• With Wayfinding, create marked pathways from parks to schools, and schools to libraries,
encouraging walking, running and biking.
• Establish pedestrian plazas in neighborhoods that most lack safe, open spaces.

Nutrition and Community Greening

Some of our poorest neighborhoods are among the most food insecure, with limited opportunities to
buy and eat fresh food. With private support, Building Healthy Communities will ensure every
neighborhood has the opportunity to grow or buy fresh and affordable food and that every child has
opportunity to learn about healthy eating.
• Ensure each of the twelve neighborhoods has a farmers’ market.
• Establish 5 new one-acre urban farms on NYCHA properties.
• Build new school gardens within the CPI neighborhoods to education kids about nutrition,
gardening and science.
• Ensure community gardens have the infrastructure they need to be safe and secure, including
clean soil, fresh water, fencing, lighting, sidewalks, and lumber.
Public Safety
Safe and vibrant neighborhoods are the cornerstone of a healthy community. Families need to feel their
streets and sidewalks are safe, and neighborhood parks are safe enough for their children to play in.
Building Healthy Communities will:
• Implement Crime Prevention through Environmental Design with NYPD to ensure that any
physical improvements to the parks and open space are achieved with public safety in mind.
• Install exterior lights, layered access (doors and intercoms) and cameras at the highest crime
NYCHA developments via the Mayor’s Action Plan for Neighborhood Safety
• Extend community center hours at NYCHA housing developments, provide lights to targeted
outdoor basketball courts, and offer recreation activities for kids who live in NYCHA

Community Engagement
Community engagement and consultation are absolutely critical for the success of Building Healthy
Communities. The capital investments and program delivery of the Building Healthy Communities
initiative will be driven by community-expressed needs and desires, and community engagement for this
initiative will build off existing community consultation processes currently underway by Partnerships
for Parks, and by the Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice, as part of the Mayor’s Action Plan for
Neighborhood Safety.

Over the next three years, with significant support from City agencies, Building Healthy Communities will
measure at least 20 different indicators ranging from exercise levels to well-lit public spaces, from
cohesion among social groups to healthy eating options. Maximizing and enhancing existing City data
collection efforts, Building Healthy Communities seeks to provide the evidence supporting the collective
impact approach.

Bed-Stuy (Brooklyn) Mariner’s Harbor (Staten Island)
Brownsville (Brooklyn) Flushing (Queens)
Canarsie (Brooklyn) Corona (Queens)
East Harlem (Manhattan) Mott Haven (Bronx)
Central Harlem North-Polo Grounds Morrissania (Bronx)
Hunts Point (Bronx)
Stapleton (Staten Island)
Talking points for Building Healthy Communities:
• Health is everything. Without good health, individuals can’t thrive and
communities cannot prosper.
• Our healthcare system is being transformed from one of treating people
when they become sick to one of proactive care designed to prevent
disease and maintain good health.
• Building Healthy Communities is a neighborhood-based effort designed to
address the major health conditions in our communities—heart disease,
diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity that are the leading causes of
chronic disease and poor heath.
• Our goal is simple: create communities that nurture health by increasing
access to physical activity and healthy food and promoting public safety in
the underserved neighborhoods in NYC.
• We recognize that an individual’s and a community’s health is dependent
on much more than access to medical care.
• Our health is also impacted by the environment in which we live and work
and whether our neighborhoods have safe, clean, outdoor spaces where
we can go to exercise, relax, play, and learn.
• Neighborhoods with the most neglected parks and open space, unsafe
public space, and the lowest access to healthy food bear the heaviest
burden of chronic disease and poor health.
• The Building Healthy Communities initiative will address these inequities
one neighborhood at a time launching the first year in an initial 12
neighborhoods targeted by Parks under their Community Parks Initiative.
• These neighborhoods have the highest rates of diabetes, obesity,
hypertension, and a range of other controllable chronic diseases, as well as
the smallest investments in funding for access to physical activity and
healthy food and promoting public safety
• Three Pillars:
1. Increasing opportunities for physical activity. Sample interventions:
• Installing adult exercise equipment.
• Establishing paths that encourage walking, running, and biking
• Creating pedestrian plazas.
• Providing free exercise classes.
2. Increasing access to nutritious and affordable food. Sample interventions:
• Establishing farmers markets.
• Building community gardens.
• Building urban, food-producing farms.
• Increasing school gardens.
3. Promoting public safety. Sample interventions:
• Installing lighting and cameras at areas of highest crime.
• Extending the hours of community centers.
• Undertaking a variety of strategies to redesign public space to reduce
• The plan for BHC was developed over the last year through a multi-agency,
joint planning effort designed to maximize individual agency resources and
align them in a comprehensive effort to revitalize our neighborhoods most
in need.
• In the process, we identified opportunities for private partnership and
investment to expand and enhance the BHC model and have worked during
the last six months to develop a series of public-private agreements that
will leverage and compliment the investments of City government.
• We recognize that the public health problems we face today are complex,
requiring broad partnership and collective action across sectors.
• Individuals, communities, businesses, and government all have important
roles to play so that the places where we live, learn, work, and play support
good health.
• BHC is designed with this fact in mind.
• In response, BHC will deploy and coordinate an impressive array of
neighborhood-based initiatives and capital investment to achieve our goal
of creating communities that nurture good physical and mental health.
• Private sector business, nonprofits, and philanthropic donors have long
played an important role in shaping NYC’s built and social environment.
• BHC will push new boundaries and allow government and the private sector
to collaborate through joint planning and coordination of resources to
strategically target our neediest neighborhoods and solve some of our most
pressing community challenges.
• Participating agencies and offices:
o NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
o NYC Department of Parks and Recreation
o Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice
o NYC Department of Transportation
o NYC Housing Authority
o Mayor’s Office of Food Policy
o NYC Police Department
o NYC Department of Environmental Protection
o GrowNYC
o Mayor’s Community Affairs Unit
o Mayor’s Office of Operations

• Many higher-poverty neighborhoods have historically been neglected from public

investment in safe open spaces and access to healthy food. Many of these same
communities continue to report high rates of crime and equally high rates of obesity,
diabetes and chronic disease. But the impact of this issue is not limited to individual low-
income families – it weighs down our whole City.

• The de Blasio administration knows that we must move toward a “culture of health” that
is proactive, transform our health care system and “the culture of health” from one
focused on reactive sick care to a proactive system designed to prevent disease and
maintain good health. This starts by enabling all communities to nurture healthy citizens
with access to healthy food, opportunities for physical activity and safe, vibrant public

• To accomplish that, Mayor de Blasio is launching the Building Healthy Communities

initiative, a multi-million dollar public-private partnership committed to taking an
innovative, holistic approach to improving health outcomes in 12 densely populated and
historically underserved neighborhoods: East Harlem, Brownsville, Mott Haven,
Canarsie, Flushing, Hunt’s Point, Mariner’s Harbor, Central Harlem, Bedford-
Stuyvesant, Morrisania, Corona and Stapleton.

• Building Healthy Communities is focused on three main goals: increasing access to

physical activity and healthy food, and improving public safety. Progress on each of these
issues will lead to opportunities for overall healthier living. For example:

o Parks, pedestrian plazas, community gardens and recreation centers are essential
community resources, where people can come together to play, learn, grow food,
exercise and relax. And families are more likely to utilize those resources when
they feel they are safe enough to enjoy.
o Increasing access to and consumption of fresh, healthy food through the
availability of farmers’ markets, community gardens and school gardens can turn
food deserts into food oases.

• Building Healthy Communities will achieve its goals related to healthy eating, physical
activity and public safety by making new upgrades to existing public spaces and
developing new and exciting programming that can impact the health and wellbeing of all
of the targeted neighborhoods. This includes:

o Establishing food markets; strengthening community gardens and nutrition

education opportunities; building urban food-producing farms; and expanding
school gardens.
o Installing adult exercise equipment; providing free exercise classes; establishing
“Wayfinding paths” and pedestrian plazas to encourage walking, running and
biking; and providing kids with additional outdoor space for play and recreation.
o Designing and improving open spaces with public safety in mind; installing
lighting and cameras at areas of highest crime; and extending community center

• The Building Healthy Communities initiative is led by the Mayor' s Office of Strategic
Partnerships and the Fund for Public Health in New York, which will coordinate private
sector partners and 11 city agencies - the Department of Parks & Recreation, the New
York City Police Department, the New York City Housing Authority, GrowNYC, the
Department of Transportation, the Department of Health & Mental Hygiene, the Mayor's
Community Affairs Unit, the Mayor's Office of Criminal Justice, the Mayor's Office of
Food Policy, the Department of Environmental Protection and the Mayor's Office of

• While Building Healthy Comnumities will include many new aeeitieasinvestrnents, it

will also unit~iag and levera~iag existing investments by various agencies related to the
initiative's goals. For example:

o tJ'he Deprutment of Parks & Recreation will leverage its Cornmunity Pru·ks
Initiative, which is making ps5 million in capital improvements to 55 of the
city's neediest public parks..LI_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _______ Comment [ KNl]: To what end are we leveraging
o The Deprutment of Transportation will leverage its Plaza Program, aimed at this? We say that we' ll use plazas for exercise,
fanners markets, etc and CPTED to ensure parks are
creating outdoor pedestrian plazas that can be used for exercising, relaxing or redesigned with public safety in mind, but oot how
farmers mru·kets and other comnumity events. wewiDusecapitatimpro,oementsinpatksfur
additiooal BHC ends
o The New York City Police Depattment will leverage its Ctime Prevention
Through Environmental Design Program, which is ensuring that all physical
improvements to public parks and open spaces are designed with public safety in

• Building Healthy Communities' cross-agency cooperation will enable our City to both
maximize these individual agency resources and programs, while aligning them in a
comprehensive effort to revitalize our neighborhoods most in need.

• We recognize that the public health problems we face today are complex, requiring broad
prutnership and collective action across sectors - individuals, conummities, businesses,
and government all have important roles to play so that the places where we live, lerun,
work, and play support good health.

• Building Healthy Cormnunities will provide yet another opportunity for the public and
private sectors to team up - combining the scale of govemment with the flexibility of
funding and speed of business and philanthropic players - and address one of the City's
most pressing challenges. Private investments can and will range from providing funds or
donating in-kind items to offering services such as cooking and nutrition classes and
tmderwtiting specific programs.
• Building Healthy Communities has already received $5.1 million in commitments from
generous private partners: Unilever, the Lamie M. Tisch Illumination Ftmd and the New
York State Health Foundation.

• Unilever's $4.1 million partnership represents the largest commitment from an individual
cotporate entity in New York City ~istoryj. Their partnership with Building Healthy ---- Comment [ L02] : This is true as far as 2011 We
have also coolirmed that Bloomberg LP never made
Conummities is focused on increasing access to nutti tional and affordable, healthy food a donation al this level How can we checl: that this
initially tluough a "Fann to Table" model over the next three years, and will include $1.5 is true fartber baclc than 2011?
million over three years to establish a new Urban Fann site at NYCHA's Senator Robett
F. Wagner Houses in East Harlem; pilot an inter-generational cooking class program at
the Johnson Houses Community and Children's Center in East Harlem; support.
continued operation of an existing Urban Frum at Red Hook, where workers at future
Urban Fanus will be trained; and support. two annual NYCHA gardening events.

o Wagner Urban Farm: Unilever will suppott the creation of the Wagner Urban
Farm and the development of comnumity programming at the farm, including
volunteer-based cultivation, food distribution and cooking demos and composting.
The Wagner Urban Fann will increase access to locally-produced fresh produce
(4 tons per year per site) and employ approximately 60 young people.
o Intergenerational Cooking Classes: Unilever will work with an existing
conummity-based program to train 20 conummity chefs to lead cooking classes at
the Johnson Community Center for approximately 50 NYCHA residents per
month. The chefs will also lead demonstrations, aiming to empower NYCHA
residents to build stronger, more connected communities through ~oo~. _..--1 ~".:ent [ HL3] : r need to check the details of
o Additional Progr amming: Unilever will work with the Building Healthy - I
Cormnunities initiative to secure the remaining $2.6 million from other private
partners over the next tluee years to suppott the construction of four additional
Urban Fanus at sites in Canru-sie, Brownsville, South Bronx and Staten Island.

• XXX details on Lamie M. Tisch Illumination Fund's donation

• XXX details on the New York State Health Foundation's donation


Origins of Building Healthy Communities

1. When did the Building Healthy Communities begin taking shape? How did it begin?

This was started as one of three inter-agency strategic initiatives led by the Mayor’s
Office of Strategic Partnerships, which was created by Mayor de Blasio in January 2014.
Each initiative was housed and developed by a City-affiliated nonprofit. In the case of
Building Healthy Communities, it has been nurtured and developed by the Fund for
Public Health.

2. How were the 12 neighborhoods selected?

All 12 of these neighborhoods were targeted by the Department of Parks & Recreation in
their Community Parks Initiatives as areas that are densely populatedion, have been
historically lacking in public investment disinvested and lacks open space. In addition,
each of these neighborhoods experiences either high rates of violent crime, high rates of
diabetes, self-reported low levels of exercise, self-reported fair or poor health status or
high rates of psychological distress. high rates of violent crime, high rates of diabetes,
obesity and hypertension.

3. How much funding is the City looking to raise from private partners?

We are looking to engage all interested private partners in some aspect of the initiative.
We see the potential in Building Healthy Communities as limitless, and able to foster
relationships with many members from our generous business and philanthropic

4. When will Building Healthy Communities be brought to each of the 12


We plan to begin implementing some portion of Building Healthy Communities in each

of the 12 neighborhoods over the next two years with a goal of eventually reaching all 55
CPI communities by when?

5. How much public and private money will be spent to achieve the goals of Building
Healthy Communities in each of its three buckets?

Building Healthy Communities will leverage the existing $285 million in capital
improvements to neighborhood parks through the Community Parks Initiative. Other City
agencies are already allocating tens of millions of dollars on Building Healthy
Communities related-programs. At this time, we have secured $5.1 million in private
sector commitments and are actively engaging other private sector partners.

6. How will New Yorkers be able to find out about Building Healthy Communities’
events and programs in their neighborhoods?
New Yorkers can learn more about the Building Healthy Communities initiative at
nyc.gov/healthycommunities. This website also includes a calendar of initiative-related
events and other resources. In addition, Building Healthy Communities will be
organizing city agencies to hold community outreach efforts to educate New Yorkers on
healthy living and connect them to Building Healthy Communities’ programming.

7. Is Building Healthy Communities working with community-based organizations

that are already focused on achieving healthy outcomes for local residents?

Building Healthy Communities will work with agency partners and other community-
based organizations in each of the neighborhoods to support and expand its reach.

Unilever’s Investment

1. How did Unilever become involved in Building Healthy Communities?

Unilever’s ongoing effort to promote healthy outcomes and sustainability was identified
as an excellent complement to the goals of Building Healthy Communities. Recognizing
the potential for a mutual partnership, we connected to Unilever through the Partnership
for New York City.

2. What will happen if Unilever is unable to find private partners to support the
development of the other four Urban Farms? Will the City have to commit
additional public funding?

In that event, Unilever has committed to provide the remaining amount of funding
necessary to implement the remainder of the Urbans Farms plan. That saidHowever,
Building Healthy Communities has already generated tremendous interest from New
York City’s business and philanthropic communities. Furthermore, over the past two
years, the de Blasio administration has not only demonstrated its ability to engage private
partners, but also unleashed the eagerness of the private sector to collaborate on joint
initiatives, such as Computer Science for All initiative, the Center for Youth
Employment, Connections to Care program and many others.

3. Is it hypocritical for Unilever – whose brands make products like mayonnaise and
margarine – to be encouraging New Yorkers to eat healthy?

Unilever is working hard to make their products healthier and more sustainable. They
have been one of the leading global businesses to reduce sodium in their food and to
make all of their production and supply chains more sustainable – from their farming
practices to waste reduction.

4. Will Unilever be encouraging New Yorkers to use their products in their cooking

The Department of Health & Mental Hygiene promotes a whole food approach – to
consume fresh fruit and vegetables as much and as often as possible. Unilever supports
and endorses this approach. Unilever will be encouraging good nutrition and healthy
eating. They will be developing Health Department-approved recipes which, while they
will likely use Unilever products, will be held to the highest nutritional standards.

5. When will the Wagner Urban Farm be opened?

Ground will be broken at the Wagner Urban Fann this spring. We hope to have the fann
operational by fall2016.

Facts & Figures

• About 50 percent of New York City adults and ~0 percent of children do not engage in
re.commended levels ~t physical activit~: More than 22 percent of City adults are not ~ c omment [ L04] : FPHNY, what is lbecorrect
physically active at ~llJ.L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ .J=sta :=tisll
Comment [ LOS] : FPHNY, we would like to
include a stat from OneNYC that tallcs about time
• Nearly 20 percent of the poorest New Yorkers and 13 percent of all adults in the City spent indoors - could you include?
reported eating no fruits or vegetables the previous day.

• More than 5,000 New Yorkers die of obesity-related health problems each year.

• Lack of physical activity and unhealthy eating are major contributors to obesity and
chronic diseases. More than 50 percent of City adults and 40 percent of children in grades
K-8 are either overweight or obese.

• Chronic diseases due to obesity continue to sap city resources. For example, medical
expenses related to obesity account for two-thirds of the City's $1 .6 billion annual health
From: John Del Cecato
To : Geri Prado ; Walzak. Phil
Cc: Hinton. Karen ; Hagelgans. Andrea ; Adams Baker. Marti; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: from Alan Colmes
Date: Tuesday, November 03, 201S 2:10:33 PM

My t wo cents.

1 . Calmes doesn't get us much of anything.

2. The Si rius town ha ll (with Rabin Havt, w ho Geri mentions below) cou ld be cool.

From: Geri Prado

Date: Monday, November 2, 2015 at 6:18 PM
To: "Walzak, Phil" <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Hinton, Karen" <KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Hagelgans, Andrea"
<AHagelgans@cityha ll.nyc.gov>, "Adams Baker, Marti" <MAdams@cityha ll.nyc.gov>, Jonathan
Rosen < jonathan@ berlinrosen.com>, John Del Cecat o < jfdc@akpdmedia.com>
Subject: Re : from Alan Calmes

My question to you all was sure, but can we do Rabin Havt first since he had the invite in June?

On Nov 2, 2015, at 5:50 PM, Walzak, Phil <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

What do we thnk?

From: Colmes, Alan [majlto:alan.colmes@f0XNEW$.COM]

Sent: Monday, November 02, 2015 10:47 AM
To: Walzak, Phil
Subject: EW: from Alan Colmes

Hi Phil,

Can I get a yay or nay on Nov. 17.

Or is t here something else we can do if t hat doesn't work?


From: Colmes, Alan

Sent: Friday, October 30, 2015 9:31AM
To: Walzak, Phil
Subject: Re: from Alan Colmes

Ph il,

If I can get an updat e on this request it would be very helpfu l so I can let t hem
If the mayor is unavailable I have the Pope standing by who is a bit easier to
book <image001.png>
Much appreciated!

From: Colmes, Alan

Sent: Monday, October 26, 2015 10:43 AM
To: Walzak, Phil
Subject: FW: from Alan Colmes
Double checking to make sure you saw this.
Is this a possibility?
From: Colmes, Alan
Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 11:48 AM
To: 'Walzak, Phil'
Subject: RE: from Alan Colmes

Here’s an idea:
I’ve been invited to interview a newsmaker at the Harvard Club on Tuesday, November
17, at the Radio Ink conference. Radio Ink is a leading industry publication that is read
by top media people.  Would the mayor consider joining me there for an interview in
front of industry professionals? We could also use the interview on my radio show, so
there would be much bang for the buck. Good press will come out of it.
Here is what Radio Ink is putting out:
Radio Ink cordially invites you to participate in a live, onstage interview
with Fox News Radio's highly respected Alan Colmes at Forecast, the
radio industry's premier financial summit. Forecast 2016 that will be
presented at the elegant Harvard Club in New York City on November 17,
2015. We would be happy to try to arrange a time convenient to your

In what has become an industry tradition, Forecast 2016 will be

the 13th in a series of compelling economic forecast conferences
presented by Radio Ink, the leading broadcast trade publication.

The executives who typically attend Forecast control radio's top

groups, commanding over 70% of the revenue generated each
year on thousands of stations across the country. Their decision
making power impacts all areas of radio, from what goes over
the air to what goes to the bottom line. These leading radio
executives would truly appreciate your insight and perspective on
the future of business, media and the country.

Radio Ink Forecast


Radio Ink Forecast Provides the

Most Accurate, Up-to-the-Second
Data and Trends to Enable You to
Plan for 2016.

Previous speakers and participants include Bob Pittman, Steve

Rattner, John Bogle, Governor Mike Huckabee, Andrew Ross
Sorkin, Arianna Huffingron, Dave Ramsey, Ron Insana, Steve
Forbes, Lou Dobbs, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Jim Cramer,
Ralph Nader, Rita Cosby, Stewart Alsop, Mort Zuckerman,
Monica Crowley and Alan Colmes.

Hundreds of top tier executives and CEOs from radio's elite

circle, including companies such as iHeart, Cumulus/Westwood
One, CBS, Univision, Entercom, Spanish Broadcasting System
and many more, attend Forecast. Also in attendance are high
level decision makers from the media finance and investment
community, Wall Street, privately held companies and broker

And immediately following the conference is our annual cocktail

reception honoring the "40 Most Powerful People in Radio."  This
invitation only gathering is a highlight of Forecastevery year and
is attended by a "who's who of radio." If your schedule permits,
we would be honored to have you join us for the reception as
From: Walzak, Phil [mailto:PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2015 6:11 PM
To: Colmes, Alan; Adams Baker, Marti
Cc: Williams, Dani; Costantino, Jon
Subject: RE: from Alan Colmes

Working on it
From: Colmes, Alan [mailto:alan.colmes@FOXNEWS.COM]
Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2015 11:13 AM
To: Walzak, Phil; Adams Baker, Marti
Cc: Williams, Dani; Costantino, Jon
Subject: RE: from Alan Colmes

Hi Phil and Marti,

Can we come up with a date?
From: Walzak, Phil [mailto:PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2015 10:54 AM
To: Colmes, Alan; Adams Baker, Marti
Cc: Williams, Dani; Costantino, Jon
Subject: RE: from Alan Colmes

Looking at some options!

+my colleague Marti Adams
From: Colmes, Alan [mailto:alan.colmes@FOXNEWS.COM]
Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2015 9:37 AM
To: Walzak, Phil
Cc: Williams, Dani; Costantino, Jon
Subject: Re: from Alan Colmes

Hey Phil....checking in.

Can we set a date? <image001.png>

From: Walzak, Phil <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2015 9:45 AM
To: Colmes, Alan
Cc: Williams, Dani; Costantino, Jon
Subject: RE: from Alan Colmes
Lets stay in touch
From: Colmes, Alan [mailto:alan.colmes@FOXNEWS.COM]
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2015 9:45 AM
To: Walzak, Phil
Cc: Williams, Dani; Costantino, Jon
Subject: Re: from Alan Colmes
great...thanks very much, Phil
Including my booker and producer, Dani and John here.

From: Walzak, Phil <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2015 9:26 AM
To: Colmes, Alan
Subject: Re: from Alan Colmes
Yes I am workin on this
Think we will have something
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE 
From: Colmes, Alan
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2015 9:25 AM
To: Walzak, Phil
Subject: Re: from Alan Colmes
Hi Phil....following up....
One other thing of note is that we have a strong presence on social media
which helps spread our work. I'd really like to get the mayor's message out
Can we arrange something?
Thanks very much for any consideration.

From: Walzak, Phil <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Sent: Tuesday, September 8, 2015 1:33 PM
To: Colmes, Alan
Subject: RE: from Alan Colmes
Thanks for your message, let me take a look
From: Colmes, Alan [mailto:alan.colmes@FOXNEWS.COM]
Sent: Tuesday, September 08, 2015 8:56 AM
To: Walzak, Phil
Subject: from Alan Colmes
Hi Phil,
I caught the tail end of the mayor on Morning Joe before Christie came on and
made ridiculous comments that went unchallenged.  I'd like to re-extend an
invitation for the mayor to appear on my radio show. There are only a few of us
on the left who do national shows and we offer a platform that includes about
75 radio stations, Sirius/XM, our app, and online streaming.  The power and
effectiveness of talk radio is understood and harnessed by conservatives, but
I've been trying for years to get more liberals to understand its value.
Can we please arrange an interview?
Best Wishes,
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without defect.
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: RE:
Date: Wednesday, November 04, 2015 2:45:43 PM

12 th at 8 a.m.
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [mailto:PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, November 04, 2015 2:38 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen
When is your meeting with Open society?
From: Hinton, Karen
To: "Jonathan Rosen"
Subject: Harry Siegel
Date: Wednesday, November 04, 2015 2:49:38 PM

He’s writing a column.

Karen Hinton
Press Secretary
Follow Me On Twitter @KarenHinton
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: B
Subject: Re: How on Earth?
Date: Thursday, November 05, 2015 6:32:37 AM

It's kind of unbelievable. 

Sent from my iPad

> On Nov 5, 2015, at 6:30 AM, "B" <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

> Is Kaplan piece A1 upper right?
From: Hinton, Karen
To: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: off topic
Date: Thursday, November 05, 2015 7:10:28 AM

Minus mayor... Should he do both? Given that Marcia is likely to be in PR, I think he
should to avoid confrontation with her. If he does off topic in pr then he should do
one back in NYC Friday for those who didn't travel. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 5, 2015, at 6:58 AM, B <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

I just had a helpful conversation with jonathan on this and have looped
him here. I'm comfortable doing occasional one-shot avails to let off
steam for the media. Happy to let our regularly-scheduled off-topic
sessions go longer whenever needed (as we should have done Tues in
retrospect). Happy to do two off-topic avails in a week rather than one
when the situation calls for it.

BUT what I don't want is for the media to try to intimidate us into doing
more than 1-2 off-topic avails in a week. This new formula has worked
very well for us. In recent weeks, we've understandably done fewer of
the things that indirectly feed them like WNYC. When we do more I
assume it will help.

So I'm willing to do off-topic today in PR if we need it AND tmrw in nyc if

we need it. BUT I don't want that to suggest a new model where the
media gets whatever they want. So how do we sometimes give them
more without creating a slippery slope? Thanks

From: "Hinton, Karen" <KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Wed, 4 Nov 2015 23:30:15 +0000
To: B<BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: off topic

Phil and I recommend you do an off topic gaggle Friday. We will organize it around a
public event in the works now. We recommend some flexibility with our media policy
this week so we can tamp down any “Mayor isn’t transparent” criticism, generated not
only by Marcia but Josh and others.
Let me know.
Karen Hinton
Press Secretary
Follow Me On Twitter @KarenHinton
From: Hinton, Karen
To: B
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: off topic
Date: Thursday, November 05, 2015 7:21:25 AM

Hello. We will huddle and get back to you. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 5, 2015, at 6:58 AM, B <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

I just had a helpful conversation with jonathan on this and have looped
him here. I'm comfortable doing occasional one-shot avails to let off
steam for the media. Happy to let our regularly-scheduled off-topic
sessions go longer whenever needed (as we should have done Tues in
retrospect). Happy to do two off-topic avails in a week rather than one
when the situation calls for it.

BUT what I don't want is for the media to try to intimidate us into doing
more than 1-2 off-topic avails in a week. This new formula has worked
very well for us. In recent weeks, we've understandably done fewer of
the things that indirectly feed them like WNYC. When we do more I
assume it will help.

So I'm willing to do off-topic today in PR if we need it AND tmrw in nyc if

we need it. BUT I don't want that to suggest a new model where the
media gets whatever they want. So how do we sometimes give them
more without creating a slippery slope? Thanks

From: "Hinton, Karen" <KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Wed, 4 Nov 2015 23:30:15 +0000
To: B<BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: off topic

Phil and I recommend you do an off topic gaggle Friday. We will organize it around a
public event in the works now. We recommend some flexibility with our media policy
this week so we can tamp down any “Mayor isn’t transparent” criticism, generated not
only by Marcia but Josh and others.
Let me know.
Karen Hinton
Press Secretary
Follow Me On Twitter @KarenHinton
From: Walzak, Phil
To: Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen; Klein, Monica
Cc: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: off topic
Date: Thursday, November 05, 2015 8:35:51 AM

We shud do a lil today in pr, and then offf topi on fri

We said we wud do in pr
And we shud do on fri for those press who can't didn't go to PR

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
Sent: Thursday, November 5, 2015 8:34 AM
To: Hinton, Karen; Klein, Monica
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: off topic

I think we do today and say we'll assess for tomorrow and maybe tomorrow it is lehrer and
not full avail? Just one option. Because next week he'll want to go back to new model and
we'll be in same situation. So just trying to balance

My 2 cents

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Hinton, Karen
Sent: Thursday, November 5, 2015 8:27 AM
To: Hagelgans, Andrea; Klein, Monica
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: off topic


Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 5, 2015, at 8:16 AM, Hagelgans, Andrea <AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov>


How many reporters went to somos?

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Hinton, Karen
Sent: Thursday, November 5, 2015 8:13 AM
To: Walzak, Phil
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: off topic

Could u weigh in so I can get back to him? If I don't  hear back in 30

min I'll calling for two off topics. 
Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 5, 2015, at 7:53 AM, B <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Through the miracle of in-flight Wifi I am available to you

whenever your ready

From: "Hinton, Karen" <KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Thu, 5 Nov 2015 12:21:24 +0000
To: B<BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Walzak, Phil<PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Hagelgans,
Andrea<AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Jonathan
Subject: Re: off topic

Hello. We will huddle and get back to you. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 5, 2015, at 6:58 AM, B <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov>


I just had a helpful conversation with jonathan on

this and have looped him here. I'm comfortable
doing occasional one-shot avails to let off steam
for the media. Happy to let our regularly-scheduled
off-topic sessions go longer whenever needed (as
we should have done Tues in retrospect). Happy to
do two off-topic avails in a week rather than one
when the situation calls for it.

BUT what I don't want is for the media to try to

intimidate us into doing more than 1-2 off-topic
avails in a week. This new formula has worked
very well for us. In recent weeks, we've
understandably done fewer of the things that
indirectly feed them like WNYC. When we do more
I assume it will help.

So I'm willing to do off-topic today in PR if we

need it AND tmrw in nyc if we need it. BUT I don't
want that to suggest a new model where the
media gets whatever they want. So how do we
sometimes give them more without creating a
slippery slope? Thanks

From: "Hinton, Karen"

Date: Wed, 4 Nov 2015 23:30:15 +0000
To: B<BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: off topic

Phil and I recommend you do an off topic gaggle Friday. We

will organize it around a public event in the works now. We
recommend some flexibility with our media policy this week
so we can tamp down any “Mayor isn’t transparent”
criticism, generated not only by Marcia but Josh and others.
Let me know.
Karen Hinton
Press Secretary
Follow Me On Twitter @KarenHinton
From: Walzak, Phil
To: Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen
Cc: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: off topic
Date: Thursday, November 05, 2015 8:40:46 AM

KH - u shud communicate this back to boss, the final rec

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
Sent: Thursday, November 5, 2015 8:39 AM
To: Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen
Cc: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: off topic

Will tell front office. Will need them to be more flexible

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Walzak, Phil
Sent: Thursday, November 5, 2015 8:37 AM
To: Hinton, Karen
Cc: Hagelgans, Andrea; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: off topic

I think it is sticking generally to our model, which we agree is a blueprint for success, but
also closely monitor situations and give ourselves flexibility to adapt to times where there us
tension and we can diffuse

We shud also start weeks w off T and make sure there aren't stretches of no off T for too

My rec

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: B
Sent: Thursday, November 5, 2015 7:53 AM
To: Hinton, Karen
Reply To: B
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: off topic

Through the miracle of in-flight Wifi I am available to you whenever your ready

From: "Hinton, Karen" <KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Thu, 5 Nov 2015 12:21:24 +0000
To: B<BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Walzak, Phil<PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Hagelgans,
Andrea<AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Jonathan
Subject: Re: off topic

Hello. We will huddle and get back to you. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 5, 2015, at 6:58 AM, B <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

I just had a helpful conversation with jonathan on this and have looped
him here. I'm comfortable doing occasional one-shot avails to let off
steam for the media. Happy to let our regularly-scheduled off-topic
sessions go longer whenever needed (as we should have done Tues in
retrospect). Happy to do two off-topic avails in a week rather than one
when the situation calls for it.

BUT what I don't want is for the media to try to intimidate us into doing
more than 1-2 off-topic avails in a week. This new formula has worked
very well for us. In recent weeks, we've understandably done fewer of
the things that indirectly feed them like WNYC. When we do more I
assume it will help.

So I'm willing to do off-topic today in PR if we need it AND tmrw in nyc if

we need it. BUT I don't want that to suggest a new model where the
media gets whatever they want. So how do we sometimes give them
more without creating a slippery slope? Thanks

From: "Hinton, Karen" <KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Wed, 4 Nov 2015 23:30:15 +0000
To: B<BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: off topic

Phil and I recommend you do an off topic gaggle Friday. We will organize it around a
public event in the works now. We recommend some flexibility with our media policy
this week so we can tamp down any “Mayor isn’t transparent” criticism, generated not
only by Marcia but Josh and others.
Let me know.
Karen Hinton
Press Secretary
Follow Me On Twitter @KarenHinton
From: Walzak, Phil
To: Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen
Cc: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: off topic
Date: Thursday, November 05, 2015 9:02:51 AM


Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
Sent: Thursday, November 5, 2015 8:50 AM
To: Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen
Cc: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: off topic

Yes, Marti has a breakout. We creeped up in last 2 weeks with 3 podium events each week,
partly because of cop death. We need more community events

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Walzak, Phil
Sent: Thursday, November 5, 2015 8:42 AM
To: Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen
Cc: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: off topic

I also think it's going before them less

We shudnt be at a podium more than 2x a week in new model anyway

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Walzak, Phil
Sent: Thursday, November 5, 2015 8:40 AM
To: Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen
Cc: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: off topic

KH - u shud communicate this back to boss, the final rec

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
Sent: Thursday, November 5, 2015 8:39 AM
To: Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen
Cc: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: off topic

Will tell front office. Will need them to be more flexible

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Walzak, Phil
Sent: Thursday, November 5, 2015 8:37 AM
To: Hinton, Karen
Cc: Hagelgans, Andrea; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: off topic

I think it is sticking generally to our model, which we agree is a blueprint for success, but
also closely monitor situations and give ourselves flexibility to adapt to times where there us
tension and we can diffuse

We shud also start weeks w off T and make sure there aren't stretches of no off T for too

My rec

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: B
Sent: Thursday, November 5, 2015 7:53 AM
To: Hinton, Karen
Reply To: B
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: off topic

Through the miracle of in-flight Wifi I am available to you whenever your ready

From: "Hinton, Karen" <KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Thu, 5 Nov 2015 12:21:24 +0000
To: B<BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Walzak, Phil<PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Hagelgans,
Andrea<AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Jonathan
Subject: Re: off topic

Hello. We will huddle and get back to you. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 5, 2015, at 6:58 AM, B <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

I just had a helpful conversation with jonathan on this and have looped
him here. I'm comfortable doing occasional one-shot avails to let off
steam for the media. Happy to let our regularly-scheduled off-topic
sessions go longer whenever needed (as we should have done Tues in
retrospect). Happy to do two off-topic avails in a week rather than one
when the situation calls for it.

BUT what I don't want is for the media to try to intimidate us into doing
more than 1-2 off-topic avails in a week. This new formula has worked
very well for us. In recent weeks, we've understandably done fewer of
the things that indirectly feed them like WNYC. When we do more I
assume it will help.

So I'm willing to do off-topic today in PR if we need it AND tmrw in nyc if

we need it. BUT I don't want that to suggest a new model where the
media gets whatever they want. So how do we sometimes give them
more without creating a slippery slope? Thanks

From: "Hinton, Karen" <KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Wed, 4 Nov 2015 23:30:15 +0000
To: B<BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: off topic

Phil and I recommend you do an off topic gaggle Friday. We will organize it around a
public event in the works now. We recommend some flexibility with our media policy
this week so we can tamp down any “Mayor isn’t transparent” criticism, generated not
only by Marcia but Josh and others.
Let me know.
Karen Hinton
Press Secretary
Follow Me On Twitter @KarenHinton
From: Walzak, Phil
To: Hinton, Karen; B
Cc: Hagelgans, Andrea; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: RE: off topic
Date: Thursday, November 05, 2015 9:51:41 AM

We need to get back to our basic template – fewer podium events, more community events (town
halls, roundtables, churches, etc, etc)
From: Hinton, Karen
Sent: Thursday, November 05, 2015 9:18 AM
To: B
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: RE: off topic
We recommend you do four/five off topic questions in Puerto Rico today; then do a longer off topic (will
feel it out) on Friday tagged with a public event or in Blue Room.
We also agree that, in future, we be flexible but not beholden to more than one off topic a week. We
also agree we should generally do off topics on Monday, given that you are NOT doing off topic media
avails on Friday and weekends.
Phil has additional ideas about the "look" of public events involving media that he will share.
Let us know your thoughts.
Karen Hinton
Press Secretary
Follow Me On Twitter @KarenHinton

From: B
Sent: Thursday, November 05, 2015 7:53 AM
To: Hinton, Karen
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: off topic

Through the miracle of in-flight Wifi I am available to you whenever your ready

From: "Hinton, Karen" <KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Thu, 5 Nov 2015 12:21:24 +0000
To: B<BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Walzak, Phil<PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Hagelgans, Andrea<AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov>;
Jonathan Rosen<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: off topic
Hello. We will huddle and get back to you. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 5, 2015, at 6:58 AM, B <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

I just had a helpful conversation with jonathan on this and have looped him here.
I'm comfortable doing occasional one-shot avails to let off steam for the media.
Happy to let our regularly-scheduled off-topic sessions go longer whenever
needed (as we should have done Tues in retrospect). Happy to do two off-topic
avails in a week rather than one when the situation calls for it.

BUT what I don't want is for the media to try to intimidate us into doing more
than 1-2 off-topic avails in a week. This new formula has worked very well for
us. In recent weeks, we've understandably done fewer of the things that
indirectly feed them like WNYC. When we do more I assume it will help.

So I'm willing to do off-topic today in PR if we need it AND tmrw in nyc if we

need it. BUT I don't want that to suggest a new model where the media gets
whatever they want. So how do we sometimes give them more without creating a
slippery slope? Thanks

From: "Hinton, Karen" <KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Wed, 4 Nov 2015 23:30:15 +0000
To: B<BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: off topic
Phil and I recommend you do an off topic gaggle Friday. We will organize it around a
public event in the works now. We recommend some flexibility with our media policy
this week so we can tamp down any “Mayor isn’t transparent” criticism, generated not
only by Marcia but Josh and others.
Let me know.
Karen Hinton
Press Secretary
Follow Me On Twitter @KarenHinton
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: Jonathan Rosen; Hagelgans, Andrea
Date: Thursday, November 05, 2015 10:23:22 AM

Millionth Tree-
We can do 11/24 and so can Bloomberg
Better is out of town from Nov. 20 until mid-Dec.
I am hearing from Parks that she is OK with us doing this without her-
Can we find out if this is so-
From: Walzak, Phil
To: B; Hinton, Karen
Cc: Hagelgans, Andrea; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: RE: off topic
Date: Thursday, November 05, 2015 10:28:07 AM

Yep – back in the mix too for sure

From: B
Sent: Thursday, November 05, 2015 10:23 AM
To: Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen
Cc: Hagelgans, Andrea; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: off topic

And Phil, many-topic radio and tv interviews did a lot of good, but we've done fewer the last
few weeks

From: "Walzak, Phil" <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Thu, 5 Nov 2015 14:51:39 +0000
To: Hinton, Karen<KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>; B<BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Hagelgans, Andrea<AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Jonathan
Subject: RE: off topic
We need to get back to our basic template – fewer podium events, more community events (town
halls, roundtables, churches, etc, etc)
From: Hinton, Karen
Sent: Thursday, November 05, 2015 9:18 AM
To: B
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: RE: off topic
We recommend you do four/five off topic questions in Puerto Rico today; then do a longer off topic (will
feel it out) on Friday tagged with a public event or in Blue Room.
We also agree that, in future, we be flexible but not beholden to more than one off topic a week. We
also agree we should generally do off topics on Monday, given that you are NOT doing off topic media
avails on Friday and weekends.
Phil has additional ideas about the "look" of public events involving media that he will share.
Let us know your thoughts.
Karen Hinton
Press Secretary
Follow Me On Twitter @KarenHinton

From: B
Sent: Thursday, November 05, 2015 7:53 AM
To: Hinton, Karen
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: off topic

Through the miracle of in-flight Wifi I am available to you whenever your ready

From: "Hinton, Karen" <KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Thu, 5 Nov 2015 12:21:24 +0000
To: B<BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Walzak, Phil<PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Hagelgans, Andrea<AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov>;
Jonathan Rosen<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: off topic
Hello. We will huddle and get back to you. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 5, 2015, at 6:58 AM, B <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

I just had a helpful conversation with jonathan on this and have looped him here.
I'm comfortable doing occasional one-shot avails to let off steam for the media.
Happy to let our regularly-scheduled off-topic sessions go longer whenever
needed (as we should have done Tues in retrospect). Happy to do two off-topic
avails in a week rather than one when the situation calls for it.

BUT what I don't want is for the media to try to intimidate us into doing more
than 1-2 off-topic avails in a week. This new formula has worked very well for
us. In recent weeks, we've understandably done fewer of the things that
indirectly feed them like WNYC. When we do more I assume it will help.

So I'm willing to do off-topic today in PR if we need it AND tmrw in nyc if we

need it. BUT I don't want that to suggest a new model where the media gets
whatever they want. So how do we sometimes give them more without creating a
slippery slope? Thanks

From: "Hinton, Karen" <KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Wed, 4 Nov 2015 23:30:15 +0000
To: B<BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: off topic
Phil and I recommend you do an off topic gaggle Friday. We will organize it around a
public event in the works now. We recommend some flexibility with our media policy
this week so we can tamp down any “Mayor isn’t transparent” criticism, generated not
only by Marcia but Josh and others.
Let me know.
Karen Hinton
Press Secretary
Follow Me On Twitter @KarenHinton
From: Klein, Monica
To: Hinton, Karen
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: Re: off topic
Date: Thursday, November 05, 2015 10:54:18 AM

He said earlier he wanted to call you

I think vigeurs will have him call you when we leave this cafe
Maybe in 10 min

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 5, 2015, at 11:51 AM, Hinton, Karen <KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

We are sending a QA shortly for off topic. Prisca and Mayor know. We can do a call or
you can review with him.
From: Klein, Monica
Sent: Thursday, November 05, 2015 10:29 AM
To: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen
Cc: 'Jonathan@berlinrosen.com'
Subject: Re: off topic
Of ours its laura fermino and zach fink who is kind of cuomos
That I know of
Karen are you telling mayor were adding off t
And do u need time to prep then
I can ask prisca for slot
From: Walzak, Phil
Sent: Thursday, November 05, 2015 08:35 AM
To: Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen; Klein, Monica
Cc: Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: off topic
We shud do a lil today in pr, and then offf topi on fri
We said we wud do in pr
And we shud do on fri for those press who can't didn't go to PR
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
Sent: Thursday, November 5, 2015 8:34 AM
To: Hinton, Karen; Klein, Monica
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: off topic

I think we do today and say we'll assess for tomorrow and maybe tomorrow it is lehrer
and not full avail? Just one option. Because next week he'll want to go back to new
model and we'll be in same situation. So just trying to balance
My 2 cents
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Hinton, Karen
Sent: Thursday, November 5, 2015 8:27 AM
To: Hagelgans, Andrea; Klein, Monica
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: off topic


Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 5, 2015, at 8:16 AM, Hagelgans, Andrea <AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

How many reporters went to somos?

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Hinton, Karen
Sent: Thursday, November 5, 2015 8:13 AM
To: Walzak, Phil
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: off topic

Could u weigh in so I can get back to him? If I don't  hear back in 30 min
I'll calling for two off topics. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 5, 2015, at 7:53 AM, B <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Through the miracle of in-flight Wifi I am available to you

whenever your ready

From: "Hinton, Karen" <KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Thu, 5 Nov 2015 12:21:24 +0000
To: B<BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Walzak, Phil<PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Hagelgans,
Andrea<AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Jonathan
Subject: Re: off topic
Hello. We will huddle and get back to you. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 5, 2015, at 6:58 AM, B <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov>

I just had a helpful conversation with

jonathan on this and have looped him here.
I'm comfortable doing occasional one-shot
avails to let off steam for the media. Happy
to let our regularly-scheduled off-topic
sessions go longer whenever needed (as we
should have done Tues in retrospect).
Happy to do two off-topic avails in a week
rather than one when the situation calls for

BUT what I don't want is for the media to

try to intimidate us into doing more than 1-2
off-topic avails in a week. This new
formula has worked very well for us. In
recent weeks, we've understandably done
fewer of the things that indirectly feed them
like WNYC. When we do more I assume it
will help.

So I'm willing to do off-topic today in PR if

we need it AND tmrw in nyc if we need it.
BUT I don't want that to suggest a new
model where the media gets whatever they
want. So how do we sometimes give them
more without creating a slippery slope?

From: "Hinton, Karen"

Date: Wed, 4 Nov 2015 23:30:15 +0000
To: B<BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: off topic

Phil and I recommend you do an off topic

gaggle Friday. We will organize it around a
public event in the works now. We recommend
some flexibility with our media policy this week
so we can tamp down any “Mayor isn’t
transparent” criticism, generated not only by
Marcia but Josh and others.
Let me know.
Karen Hinton
Press Secretary
Follow Me On Twitter @KarenHinton
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: "Jonathan Rosen"
Subject: RE: hey
Date: Sunday, November 08, 2015 9:00:57 AM

Got it
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Sunday, November 08, 2015 8:45 AM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: hey
GM. Who else needs to be part of the briefing tomorrow-
Times have shifted around – mtg will now be at 4pm
Prisca Salazar-Rodriguez
Office of The Mayor
From: Emily Walsh
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: Planning this week?
Date: Monday, November 09, 2015 9:33:20 AM

Hi Prisca,

Do you have a sense of when the planning meeting is this week?

Thank you!

Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: FW:
Date: Monday, November 09, 2015 11:13:18 AM

He nor Nick can be part of the briefing today-

Is this an issue?

-----Original Message-----
From: John Del Cecato [mailto:jfdc@akpdmedia.com]
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2015 11:10 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca

So this 4pm meeting with Rosen today - I will still be on my flight

~· .~
e~ Ma~h~
I. Ga~b~
To: ri~
el; "nbaldick@hilltoppubl icsolutions.com" ; John Del
t:!! · Almonte. Catherine; Viguers. Jonathan
Subject: RE: MBDB: Meeting , ___...._ __ Rosen regarding Open Society
Date: Monday, November 09, 2015 3:23:42 PM

20 minutes give or take 10

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Monday, November 09, 2015 3:23PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Wolfe, Emma; Schnake Mah
'nbaldick@hilltoppublicsolutions.com'; John Del Cecato; Arslanian, Kayla;
Almonte, Catherine; Viguers, Jonathan
Subject: RE: MBDB: Meeting with Jonathan Rosen regarding Open Society

Estimat e?

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [majlto:I'Salazar-Rodrjguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Monday, November 09, 2015 3:23 PM
To: Wolfe, Emma-Schnake Mahl
· Gabriel; 'nbaldick@hilltoppublicsolutions.com'; John Del Cecato;
Jonathan Rosen; Arslanian, Kayla; Almonte, Catherine; Viguers, Jonathan
Subject: RE: MBDB: Meeting wit Jonathan Rosen regarding Open Society

This meeting is delayed.

-----Original Appointment-----
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Wednesday, November 04, 2015 7:43 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Wolfe, Emma; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel;
'nbaldick@hilltoppublicsolutions.com'; John Del Cecato; Jonathan Rosen;
Arslanian, Kayla; Almonte, Catherine; Viguers, Jonathan
Subject: MBDB: Meeting with Jonathan Rosen regarding Open Society
When: Monday, November 09, 2015 4:00 PM-4:30 PM (UTC-05: 00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: City Hall, The Mayor's Office
From: Grybauskas, Stefan
To: Candis Tolliver; Madeline Kaye; Spitalnick, Amy (OMB); Jen Shykula; Jaclyn Kessel; Elaine Kim
Cc: Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Alison Hirsh; Elisa Gonzalez
Subject: RE: FF15
Date: Monday, November 09, 2015 5:29:00 PM

Sorry just to clarify, is this amplified sound or just a mult box for the press to plug into?
From: Grybauskas, Stefan
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2015 5:27 PM
To: 'Candis Tolliver'; Madeline Kaye; Spitalnick, Amy (OMB); Jen Shykula; Jaclyn Kessel; Elaine Kim
Cc: Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Alison Hirsh; Elisa Gonzalez
Subject: RE: FF15

Fantastic. Thank you

From: Candis Tolliver [mailto:CTolliver@seiu32bj.org]
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2015 5:26 PM
To: Madeline Kaye; Spitalnick, Amy (OMB); Jen Shykula; Jaclyn Kessel; Elaine Kim
Cc: Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Grybauskas, Stefan; Alison Hirsh; Elisa Gonzalez
Subject: RE: FF15

Great.  We have secured the podium.  They are also bring the “plug in” for press to connect to the
podium mic. 
From: Madeline Kaye [mailto:Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2015 5:24 PM
To: Spitalnick, Amy (OMB); Jen Shykula; Candis Tolliver; Jaclyn Kessel; Elaine Kim
Cc: Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Grybauskas, Stefan; Alison Hirsh; Elisa Gonzalez
Subject: Re: FF15

Great thanks.  Many have yet to formally confirm which action they will attend, though the x's indicate
those that have.  It is on the daybook & we expect a strong showing. 
MSNBC Bruce Carter x
BBC Gianna Palmer x
NELP Andrew Bowe x
NYDN Ginger Otis
El Diario Ana Nieto
Businessweek Josh Eidelson x
Amsterdam News Stephon Johnson
Colorlines Kat Lazo
Colorlines Akiba Solomon
New York Beacon Reporter tbd 
NY1, Inside City Hall Michael Kurtz
WBAI Linda Perry Barr
MSNBC All In with Chris Hayes Diane Shamis
Forbes Clare O'Connor x
El Diario Cristina Loboguerrero
Metro NY Wendy Biddlecombe
The Nation Michelle Chen
amNY Ivan Pereira or colleague x
BK Reader C. Zawadi Morris x
Telemundo Leonor Ayala
Gawker Hamilton Nolan
ABC National Keturah Gray
Al Jazeera Kate Begley x
Brooklyn Paper Ruth Brown x
News12 Brooklyn Amelia x
Gothamist Emma Whitford x
DNAinfo Gustavo Solis
Brownstoner Cate Corcoran
Nippon TV Roger Batson
Pix11 DESK
Univision DESK
1010 Wins DESK

Madeline Kaye
BerlinRosen Public Affairs 
O: (646) 200-5297 C: (646) 369-8226
From: <Spitalnick>, "Amy (OMB)" <SpitalnickA@omb.nyc.gov>
Date: Monday, November 9, 2015 5:14 PM
To: Madeline Kaye <madeline.kaye@berlinrosen.com>, Jen Shykula <jen@berlinrosen.com>, 'Candis
Tolliver' <CTolliver@seiu32bj.org>, Jaclyn Kessel <Jaclyn@berlinrosen.com>, Elaine Kim
Cc: "Schnake Mahl, Gabriel" <GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Grybauskas, Stefan"
<SGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Alison Hirsh <alisonh@seiu32bj.org>, Petra Gonzalez
Subject: RE: FF15
This is what we’re going to put on the sked:

On Tuesday, Mayor de Blasio will deliver remarks at a Fight for $15 rally to raise the
minimum wage. This event is open press, and there will be no Q-and-A. Immediately
following his remarks, the Mayor will hold several one-on-one interviews with local
television networks to discuss the need to raise the minimum wage.
Press Schedule

Approximately 6:30 AM – Delivers Remarks at Fight for $15 Rally

82 Court Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Footage will be provided by NYC Media and will be available shortly following the event on
Encompass Port CTY- 4205. Official photos will be available at flickr.com/nycmayorsoffice
shortly following the event.
From: Madeline Kaye [mailto:Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2015 2:48 PM
To: Jen Shykula; Spitalnick, Amy (OMB); 'Candis Tolliver'; Jaclyn Kessel; Elaine Kim
Cc: Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Grybauskas, Stefan; Alison Hirsh; Elisa Gonzalez
Subject: Re: FF15

Hi everyone;
 I will share the outlet list a bit later today— inquiries are still coming in.  As you know, tv desks and radio
desks won't formally confirm until tomorrow morning, but we've reached out to all and expect a strong
showing.   Do we know if this is on the mayor's public schedule? 
Best and thanks, 
Madeline Kaye
BerlinRosen Public Affairs 
O: (646) 200-5297 C: (646) 369-8226
From: Jen Shykula <jen@berlinrosen.com>
Date: Monday, November 9, 2015 1:59 PM
To: "Spitalnick, Amy (OMB)" <SpitalnickA@omb.nyc.gov>, 'Candis Tolliver'
<CTolliver@seiu32bj.org>, Jaclyn Kessel <Jaclyn@berlinrosen.com>, Elaine Kim
Cc: "Schnake Mahl, Gabriel" <GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Grybauskas, Stefan"
<SGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Alison Hirsh <alisonh@seiu32bj.org>, Petra Gonzalez
<elisa.gonzalez@seiu.org>, Madeline Kaye <madeline.kaye@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: FF15
Will do.
Jen Shykula
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
15 Maiden Lane, Suite 1600
New York, NY 10038
Direct: 646-200-5327
From: Spitalnick, Amy (OMB) [mailto:SpitalnickA@omb.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2015 1:58 PM
To: 'Candis Tolliver' <CTolliver@seiu32bj.org>; Jen Shykula <jen@berlinrosen.com>; Jaclyn Kessel
<Jaclyn@berlinrosen.com>; Elaine Kim <EKim@seiu32bj.org>
Cc: Schnake Mahl, Gabriel <GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Grybauskas, Stefan
<SGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Alison Hirsh <alisonh@seiu32bj.org>; Elisa Gonzalez
Subject: RE: FF15

Thanks! Team Berlin Rosen – can you share confirmed media later today?
From: Candis Tolliver [mailto:CTolliver@seiu32bj.org]
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2015 1:56 PM
To: Jen Shykula; Jaclyn Kessel; Elaine Kim
Cc: Spitalnick, Amy (OMB); Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Grybauskas, Stefan; Alison Hirsh; Elisa Gonzalez
Subject: RE: FF15

Hey All,
Thanks for getting on the call this morning.  As requested, below is the list of organizations doing
turn out for tomorrow mornings event.  I am looking into a podium – please let me know if you all
locate one.
FF Workers
SEIU 1199
Strong For All
Left Labor Project
32 BJ
UFCW Local 1500
Teamsters 804
Workmen's Circle Coalition
From: Jen Shykula [mailto:jen@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2015 8:57 AM
To: Jaclyn Kessel; Elaine Kim
Cc: Candis Tolliver; Spitalnick, Amy (OMB); Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Grybauskas, Stefan; Alison Hirsh;
Elisa Gonzalez
Subject: RE: FF15

I'm not able to make this. Elaine let's touch base later?

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone

-------- Original message --------

From: Jaclyn Kessel <Jaclyn@berlinrosen.com>
Date:11/09/2015 8:08 AM (GMT-05:00)
To: Elaine Kim <EKim@seiu32bj.org>
Cc: Candis Tolliver <CTolliver@seiu32bj.org>, "Spitalnick, Amy (OMB)"
<SpitalnickA@omb.nyc.gov>, "Schnake Mahl, Gabriel"
<GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Grybauskas, Stefan"
<SGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Alison Hirsh <Alison.Hirsh@seiu32bj.org>, Elisa
Gonzalez <elisa.gonzalez@seiu.org>, Jen Shykula <jen@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: FF15

Thanks Elaine. Also adding Jen Shykula from BerlinRosen.

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 9, 2015, at 8:05 AM, Elaine Kim <EKim@seiu32bj.org> wrote:

Adding Jackie from Berlin Rosen.

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 8, 2015, at 7:54 PM, Candis Tolliver <CTolliver@seiu32bj.org> wrote:

Elisa added now.

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 8, 2015, at 7:54 PM, Candis Tolliver

<CTolliver@seiu32bj.org> wrote:

That works. Adding Elisa from the Fast food campaign.

We can use this call-in number.

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 8, 2015, at 6:45 PM, Spitalnick, Amy (OMB)

< SpitalnickA@omb.nyc.gov> wrote:

First thing - 9:30am or so? Thanks.

On Nov 8, 2015, at 6:43PM, Candis

Tolliver <CTolliver@seiu32bj.org> wrote:

Smmds good. Is there a time

that works best for yom team
tomon ow?

Sent fi:om my iPhone

On Nov 8, 2015, at 4:17PM,

Schnake Mahl, Gabriel
<GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc. gov
> wrote:

Candis: we plan to
have the Mayor
attend the action on
Tues am. I am
-Stefan, from
Advance, to
coordinate on
-Amy, from Comms,
to coordinate on

Candis, might be
good for some of us
to get on a call in the
am to talk thru. Let
me know what works
on your end. TY!
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: Re: Chris Stone call
Date: Monday, November 09, 2015 8:03:46 PM

No but can get. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 9, 2015, at 6:40 PM, Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca <PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov>

> Do you have his #
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Arslanian, Kayla
> Sent: Monday, November 09, 2015 6:37 PM
> To: B
> Cc: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
> Subject: Re: Chris Stone call
> Will do.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Nov 9, 2015, at 6:31 PM, B <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>> Time-sensitive. Must be tues or weds. Try to set up via his office. I'll email him as well
From: Restler, Lincoln
To: "dan@berlinrosen.com"
Subject: CFTH
Date: Monday, November 09, 2015 10:06:43 PM

Hey Dan!
Hope you and your fam and Berlin Rosen are all doing great.
Been meaning to reach out. I've taken Avi's health and human services portfolio at IGA. Would be
good to touch base on Coalition for the Homeless stuff when you can. I know Camille has been in
touch about press release tomorrow regarding 20K homeless New Yorkers being moved into City
subsidized permanent housing since the beginning of our first fiscal year – July 1, 2014. Would be
great if Mary would give a statement. Let me know if you’d like to discuss.
I am also happy to connect with Mary if you think that would be helpful.
Thanks so much. We are trying to pin down quotes by mid morning.
Lincoln Restler
Intergovernmental Affairs
Mayor’s Office
From: Dan Levitan
To: Restler, Lincoln; "Camille Rivera (DHS)"
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee
Subject: RE: Announcement on exits
Date: Monday, November 09, 2015 10:12:15 PM

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Restler, Lincoln [mailto:lrestler@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2015 10:10 PM
To: 'Camille Rivera (DHS)' <CAMILLER@dhs.nyc.gov>; Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee <iparikh@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Announcement on exits

Thanks, Camille.
Focus of release is that we have exceeded 20K placements of individuals out of shelter and into City
subsidized affordable housing – LINC, SEPS/FEPS, NYCHA etc since the beginning of the Mayor’s first
fiscal year – July 1, 2014.
Happy to discuss with you or Mary in more detail. Thanks for considering.
From: Camille Rivera (DHS) [mailto:CAMILLER@dhs.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2015 10:07 PM
To: Dan Levitan
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee; Restler, Lincoln
Subject: Announcement on exits

Connecting you to Ishanee and Lincoln they will get you paper could use a quote from
coalition jf mary is down

Camille Rivera
Deputy Commissioner Communications & External Affairs
New York City Department for Homeless Services
Excuse typos on iPhone
From: Restler, Lincoln
To: dan@berlinrosen.com
Subject: Fwd: Latest Rls - pls send edits directly to me - do not reply all
Date: Tuesday, November 10, 2015 12:40:50 PM

Written with my thumbs. Sorry for typos.

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Parikh, Ishanee" <iparikh@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: November 10, 2015 at 12:40:19 PM EST
To: "Walzak, Phil" <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Ponet, Maibe"
<MPonet@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Hagelgans, Andrea"
<AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "'Neustadt, David'"
<neustadtd@hra.nyc.gov>, "Camille Rivera (DHS)"
<CAMILLER@dhs.nyc.gov>, "Phillips, Eric Falk"
Cc: "Hinton, Karen" <KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Kadushin, Peter"
<pkadushin@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Nicole Cueto (DHS)"
<NCueto@dhs.nyc.gov>, "Jaslee Carayol (DHS)"
<JCARAYOL@dhs.nyc.gov>, "Restler, Lincoln"
<lrestler@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Fromberg, Rick"
<RFromberg@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Misner, Kristin"
<KMisner@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Clary, Carin" <CClary@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Latest Rls - pls send edits directly to me - do not reply

Need to add quotes –


Over 19,000 individuals exiting shelter used administration’s newly created
rental assistance programs and exit pathways

Over 90,000 individuals have accessed homelessness prevention services

NEW YORK—The de Blasio administration today announced that 52,277

individuals have exited shelter into permanent housing since July 1, 2014. This
includes 13,639 individuals who have exited shelter into permanent housing
since July 1, 2015.
Since July 1, 2014, approximately, 91,906 individuals have enrolled in
HomeBase, a proven homelessness prevention program to help families and
individuals stay in their homes. The administration has supported 15,902
households – approximately 50,000 individuals –through our tenant protection
programs and anti-eviction legal services.
Increasing homelessness is an unfortunate product of today’s economic realities -
increasing income inequality, rents rising, and wages remaining flat. Oftentimes,
New Yorkers fall on hard times, can’t make rent, and end up entering
shelter. Furthermore, in 2011, the State withdrew funding and the City was
forced to cut Advantage, a rental assistance program that was a critical shelter
exit strategy, leading to a significant increase of homeless New Yorkers in
The administration has invested over $1 billion more over the next four years to
tackle homelessness. This includes expanding homelessness prevention resources
to help those on the brink of homelessness or eviction stay in their homes, rental
assistance programs and new exit pathways to help families and individuals exit
shelter. The Department of Homeless Services aggressively works with families
and individuals to strategically distribute rental assistance vouchers to those
ready to exit shelter. Investing in prevention and rental assistance is better for the
families and individuals and cheaper for taxpayers.  
Approximately 19,263 individuals exited shelter using newly created Rental
Assistance Programs and Exit Pathways:
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·          <!--[endif]-->LINC – 7,904
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·          <!--[endif]-->NYCHA –
7,465 individuals
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·          <!--[endif]-->CityFEPS –
1,980 individuals
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·          <!--[endif]-->HPD Section 8
– 1,201 individuals
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·          <!--[endif]-->NYCHA
Section 8 – 713 individuals
Homelessness has increased by approximately 115 percent over the past two
NYC Shelter Census:
·  Jan 1, 1994 (Giuliani): 23,526
·  Jan 1, 2002 (Bloomberg): 33,194
·  Jan 1, 2014 (de Blasio): 50,689
There are currently 57,390 individuals in shelter. Of those, 40,319 are families
with children. 91% of these households are led by women. 29% of these heads of
households of families with children in shelter are employed. 45% of these heads
of households of families with children are employed or were employed within
the past year.
From: Restler, Lincoln
To: Dan Levitan
Subject: Re: Pls confirm you got this
Date: Tuesday, November 10, 2015 12:52:20 PM


Written with my thumbs. Sorry for typos.

> On Nov 10, 2015, at 12:51 PM, Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
> Good to go
> - Sent from my Galaxy S6 -
>> On Nov 10, 2015, at 12:40 PM, Restler, Lincoln <lrestler@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>> Can we get sign off on this? Will send you draft release.
>> Written with my thumbs. Sorry for typos.
>>> On Nov 10, 2015, at 9:47 AM, Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
>>> From mary Brosnahan, president and ceo of coalition for the homeless
>>> “Kudos to Mayor de Blasio for helping 50,000 New Yorkers move out of costly shelters and into
permanent housing -- giving them the sanctuary and stability needed to truly thrive.  Many more of our
neighbors still need help, but every family, every individual, every child who moves out of the shelter
system and into decent housing is a victory.  Together with a robust  investment in supportive housing,
these housing-based investments are surely the path to ending homelessness in New York City.”
>>> - Sent from my Galaxy S6 -
From: Dan Levitan
To: Restler, Lincoln
Subject: Re: Pls confirm you got this
Date: Tuesday, November 10, 2015 2:34:25 PM


- Sent from my Galaxy S6 - 

On Nov 10, 2015, at 2:32 PM, Restler, Lincoln <lrestler@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

This is final quote. I'm really sorry for back and forth.

“Kudos to Mayor de Blasio for helping nearly 20,000 New Yorkers move
out of costly shelters into permanent housing – giving them the sanctuary
and stability needed to truly thrive,” said Mary Brosnahan, President
and CEO of Coalition for the Homeless. “Many more of our
neighbors still need help, but every family, every individual, every child
who moves out of the shelter system and into decent housing is a
victory.  Together with a robust  investment in supportive housing, these
housing-based investments are surely the path to ending homelessness in
New York City.”

Written with my thumbs. Sorry for typos.

On Nov 10, 2015, at 12:51 PM, Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>


Good to go

- Sent from my Galaxy S6 -

On Nov 10, 2015, at 12:40 PM, Restler, Lincoln

<lrestler@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Can we get sign off on this? Will send you draft


Written with my thumbs. Sorry for typos.

On Nov 10, 2015, at 9:47 AM, Dan

Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
From mary Brosnahan, president and
ceo of coalition for the homeless

“Kudos to Mayor de Blasio for helping

50,000 New Yorkers move out of costly
shelters and into permanent housing --
giving them the sanctuary and stability
needed to truly thrive.  Many more of
our neighbors still need help, but every
family, every individual, every child who
moves out of the shelter system and
into decent housing is a victory.
 Together with a robust  investment in
supportive housing, these housing-
based investments are surely the path
to ending homelessness in New York

- Sent from my Galaxy S6 -

From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: "Dan Levitan"
Subject: RE: Got a sec?
Date: Thursday, November 12, 2015 4:30:42 PM

Yep 212-788-2930
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2015 4:30 PM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: Got a sec?
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: (dan@berlinrosen.com)
Subject: Good to go
Date: Friday, November 13, 2015 5:46:55 PM

On infrastructure piece.
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: "Jonathan Rosen"
Cc: Jaclyn Kessel
Subject: RE: Millionth Tree
Date: Sunday, November 15, 2015 8:24:19 PM

Cool. Thanks!
Safe trip.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Sunday, November 15, 2015 7:54 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Cc: Jaclyn Kessel
Subject: Re: Millionth Tree

Yes.  Looping Jackie Kessel who is point on this for NYRP as I am leaving for Asia on Wednesday. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 15, 2015, at 3:38 PM, Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca <PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov>

> Want to make sure Friday at 10 is good for Bette before I tell the rest of the team. Mayor and
Bloomberg are good.
> Sent from my iPhone
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
To: Jonathan Rosen; John Del Cecato; Blumm, Kate; Walzak, Phil; Wolfe, Emma
Subject: Reminder- 4pm today
Date: Monday, November 16, 2015 12:55:58 PM

Offsite at Berlin Rosen. Bring your SOTC ideas!

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Danielle Schlanger
To: Hanser, Leora
Subject: RE: Thanks
Date: Monday, November 16, 2015 3:20:37 PM

Hi Leora,
That sounds great. Looking forward to speaking with you soon and please don’t hesitate to reach out
if you need anything else.
All the best,
From: Hanser, Leora [mailto:LHanser@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, November 16, 2015 3:19 PM
To: Danielle Schlanger
Subject: RE: Thanks
Hi Danielle,
We’ve just brought on board our new Building Healthy Communities Program Director, so I’m going
to run through this with her and will get back to you soon.
Thanks again for your help!
Very best,
From: Danielle Schlanger [mailto:Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 2015 1:58 PM
To: Hanser, Leora
Subject: RE: Thanks
Hi Leora,
I wanted to circle back with you and see if you had received any feedback about the messaging.
Thanks and looking forward to speaking with you soon.
From: Hanser, Leora [mailto:LHanser@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, November 06, 2015 4:46 PM
To: Danielle Schlanger; Jonathan Rosen
Subject: RE: Thanks
Hi Danielle,
Thanks for sending this through – at first glance, it looks great.
Let me circulate to my team and get back to you with any additional comments or queries.
Thanks again,
From: Danielle Schlanger [mailto:Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 05, 2015 5:35 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Hanser, Leora
Subject: Re: Thanks
Hi Leora, 
It's a pleasure to e-meet you. Please find the first draft of the messaging below. 
Thanks and I look forward to hearing your feedback. 
All the best, 

·         Today, far too many New Yorkers live in communities that lack access to healthy food,
opportunities for physical activity and proximity to safe, vibrant public spaces.

o    Roughly 50 percent of New York City adults and 50 percent of children do not
engage in recommended levels of physical activity.

o    Nearly 20 percent of the poorest New Yorkers and 13 percent of all adults in the
city reported eating no fruits or vegetables the previous day.

o    Lack of physical activity and unhealthy eating are major contributors to obesity
and chronic diseases; more than 50 percent of city adults and 40 percent of children
in grades K-8 are either overweight or obese. 

·         Due to a sustained lack of investment in creating safe, healthy neighborhoods in

underserved pockets of the five boroughs, residents living in these communities are
disproportionately afflicted with major health problems. These ailments include heart disease,
diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity, all of which are leading causes of chronic disease and
poor health.

·         To rectify this, Mayor de Blasio is launching the Building Healthy Communities initiative, a
multi-million dollar public-private partnership that will transform some of New York’s poorest
communities by improving access to physical activity and healthy food while investing in public
safety. This program builds on the success of the Community Parks Initiative, an investment in
underfunded neighborhood parks to revitalize them into dynamic public places.

·         This pioneering program is targeting 12 densely-populated and historically underserved

neighborhoods: East Harlem, Brownsville, Mott Haven, Canarsie, Flushing, Hunts Point, Mariners
Harbor, Central Harlem, Bedford-Stuyvesant, Morrisania, Corona and Stapleton. These
neighborhoods all experience high rates of violent crime, as well as high rates of diabetes,
obesity and hypertension.

·         Building Healthy Communities will take a multi-faceted approach to improve the quality of
life in these neighborhoods:

o    Increasing opportunities for physical activity. Building Healthy Communities will

install adult exercise equipment, provide free exercise classes, establish ‘wayfinding
paths’ and pedestrian plazas to encourage walking, running and biking and provide
children with additional outdoor space for play and recreation.

o    Increasing access to nutritious and affordable food. Building Healthy

Communities will establish food markets, strengthen community gardens, build
urban food-producing farms, begin intergenerational cooking classes and expand
school gardens.

o    Increasing investments in public safety. Building Healthy Communities will

design and improve open spaces with public safety in mind, install lighting and
cameras in areas that experienced the highest levels of crime and extend
community center hours. 

·         Building Healthy Communities will be led by the Mayor’s Office of Strategic Partnerships
and the Fund for Public Health in New York, which will coordinate private sector partners and 11
city agencies: NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, NYC Department of Parks and
Recreation, Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice, NYC Department of Transportation, NYC Housing
Authority, Mayor’s Office of Food Policy, NYC Police Department, NYC Department of
Environmental Protection, GrowNYC, Mayor’s Community Affairs Unit and Mayor’s Office of
Operations. This cross-agency cooperation acknowledges that the public health problems we
face today are complex, requiring broad partnerships and collective action across sectors.  

·         Building Healthy Communities has already received $5.1 million in commitments from
generous private partners: Unilever, the Laurie M. Tisch Illumination Fund and the New York
State Health Foundation. 

On Nov 5, 2015, at 5:19 PM, Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Looping Danielle Schlanger on our team who did a cut on topline messaging.  Rather
than being in the middle – she is going to send direct to you and then can work off of
any feedback you provide.  I’ve reviewed and think it is right tight top-line.
From: Hanser, Leora [mailto:LHanser@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, November 02, 2015 5:12 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Thanks
Hi Jonathan,
Thanks for your time today – lovely to see you and catch up!
I’m attaching the three documents I gave to you in our meeting today.  As you said, I
think most of the points are there – they just need to be prioritized and refined.  I’m
grateful for any and all of your assistance. 
Would be great to get our broods together in the ‘hood – let me talk to Graeme and
come back to you with some dates.
Many thanks again and very best,
Leora Hanser
Chief of Staff
Mayor’s Office of Strategic Partnerships
O: 212-341-5074
M: 347-453-8118
From: B
To: John Del Cecato
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; Walzak, Phil; FLONYC
Subject: Re: THE ATLANTIC: The Equalizer: Bill de Blasio vs. Inequality
Date: Monday, November 16, 2015 8:35:15 PM

And we gave her a shitload of time! Really shocking how bad and unfair it is. I have
no use for these people. Let's just do the work and go right around the so-called

From: John Del Cecato <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>

Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2015 22:08:51 +0000
To: B<BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Jonathan Rosen<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>; Walzak,
Phil<PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>; FLONYC<FLONYC@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: THE ATLANTIC: The Equalizer: Bill de Blasio vs. Inequality

Not awesome, but that's partly because they started this in April and held it so long.
 But agree on no more profiles for now.  

On Axe, not sure what the context was - but interview could have happened months
ago for all I know.  I haven't talked to him yet

On Nov 16, 2015, at 5:01 PM, B <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Now I HAVE read this and it's horrible. I strongly advise we avoid profiles
from now on, especially from national publications. Let's just focus on the
work. Someday our national (and our local) work will make sense to
some journalists, but I don't know where we'll find them. And we just
haven't figured out how to explain our work in a compelling fashion. So
let's throw in the towel on this genre

From: bccd@cityhall.nyc.gov
Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2015 20:37:16 +0000
To: John Del Cecato<jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; Jonathan
Rosen<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>; Phil
ReplyTo: bccd@cityhall.nyc.gov
Subject: Fw: THE ATLANTIC: The Equalizer: Bill de Blasio vs. Inequality

I haven't read this yet, but based on the summary I've received this was
a royal waste of our time. And JDC, I'm surprised Axe was hard on us

From: Clips <Clips@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Sun, 15 Nov 2015 22:13:52 +0000
Subject: THE ATLANTIC: The Equalizer: Bill de Blasio vs. Inequality

The Equalizer: Bill de Blasio vs. Inequality


This past may, Bill de Blasio, the first-term mayor of New York City,
traveled south from his home turf to Washington, D.C. He had come to
solve America’s problems. “What I’m trying to do with the progressive
agenda goes far beyond the boundaries of the Democratic Party,” he
told me, in the large suite of offices that New York City maintains in
downtown D.C. “It’s about changing our national debate and,
ultimately, changing policies.” In less than an hour, de Blasio would
present what he was grandly calling “The Progressive Agenda to
Combat Inequality” during a sweaty press conference on the Capitol
lawn, thereby seeking his place as one of the principal combatants in
the current battle for the soul of his party.

“I think the Democratic Party needs to get back to its roots,” he told
me, his words rapid and full of impatient certitude. “We are a party
that’s supposed to be about progressive economic policies and
economic populism. And we’re supposed to speak for the needs of
working people of every background, of every region. And I don’t
think, as a whole, the party has done a good enough job.”

De Blasio is an ungainly 6 foot 5, with the hooded eyes and dour

countenance of Sam the Eagle, the Muppets’ harrumphing, censorious
patriot. He can sometimes be oblivious to the way his actions come
across, and as we spoke, he rubbed moisturizer into the backs of his
long, hairy hands. He periodically pulled a flip phone—which he keeps
for personal use to supplement the BlackBerry holstered at his hip—out
of his suit pocket to check his text messages.

In de Blasio’s view, the Democrats got slaughtered in the 2014 midterm

elections not because voters rejected liberal ideas but because voters
wanted more of them—and too few Democratic candidates delivered. It
is time, he said, to jettison the timid centrism—tough on crime! pro-
business! down with Big Government!—that Democrats have relied on
since the Bill Clinton years. “What happened in the 2014 election is a
lot of candidates—I would certainly say this about a lot of Democrats—
did not want to say out loud the crisis that we’re facing, and I think
that’s a huge mistake,” he said.
The crisis he was referring to, income inequality, has risen to become
one of the central preoccupations of American politics as the 2016
presidential election comes closer. In a Pew survey last year, inequality
was Americans’ top choice for “greatest threat to the world.” Even
Republicans are talking about it. None other than Mitt Romney has
said, “The rich have gotten richer, income inequality has gotten worse,
and there are more people in poverty than ever before.”

In the Democratic presidential primary, Senator Bernie Sanders’s

insistent focus on inequality, which he calls “the great moral issue of
our time,” has posed an unexpectedly stiff challenge to Hillary Clinton.
But Clinton’s allies in the party’s more centrist wing fear that adopting
a crusading, progressive tilt would be an electoral dead end. This
intraparty debate could determine the orientation of American politics
for years to come, and de Blasio wants to be in the middle of the fray.

He is uniquely positioned to make his claim on the party’s future.

Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts has won the left’s heart
with her tirades against big banks. And Sanders, from Vermont, has
become something of a folk hero—and seen his unlikely campaign
catch fire—for his rumpled rabble-rousing. But as members of the
Senate minority, they can do little but spout rhetoric. De Blasio has
something they don’t have: power. He commands a city bureaucracy
hundreds of thousands strong; he has more constituents than most
senators and governors do; he presides over a city council that is both
ideologically sympathetic and structurally weak. In the nearly two years
since he took office, he has embarked on an aggressive program to
make the city less unequal—a program whose significance he believes
most New Yorkers have yet to grasp.

De Blasio wants what he’s doing in New York to serve as an example

for the rest of the country. And he wants Hillary Clinton—whose
successful U.S. Senate campaign he managed in 2000—to embrace that
example. To formulate the agenda he was presenting at the Capitol in
May, he had summoned an all-star cast of liberals, such as Toni
Morrison and Van Jones, to Gracie Mansion. He has given speeches
across the country, in places like Nebraska and Iowa, about what he
calls “the crisis of our time.” He planned to host a forum on income
inequality in Iowa in early December, and invited the top candidates
from both parties to participate—but had to cancel it when none agreed
to attend.* For months, he pointedly refused to endorse Clinton, saying
he needed to be satisfied that she had positioned herself correctly on his
pet issue. “I think it’s time, in the coming weeks and months,” he told
me in May, “for her to offer a specific vision for addressing income

The long-delayed endorsement—part sincere expression, part attention-

grabbing stunt—struck many commentators as a boneheaded move that
speaks to an unearned and unbecoming grandiosity. As one source well
placed in Clintonland put it to me: “Give me a fucking break.” When
de Blasio marched on Washington in May, 13-point plan in hand, the
New York media seemed mostly to be asking, Who do you think you
are? Noting that de Blasio’s approval rating stood at just 44 percent
among his own constituents, Bob Hardt, the political director of NY1, a
local cable network, observed in a column, “Before heading off to the
fields of Iowa again, perhaps it’s time to look homeward.”

Even some allies fret that de Blasio is getting too big for his britches.
“When you’re mayor, you have the latitude to do those things, but only
after you tend to business at home,” David Axelrod, the Democratic
strategist and former Obama adviser, who has known de Blasio for
more than a decade, told me. “He has to be very careful, I think, not to
play so hard at the national game that he is perceived as neglecting his

De Blasio brushes off such concerns. “I think we have a broken

situation in Washington, D.C.,” he told me. “That is not a news flash.
We know this. We know the issue of income inequality is not being
addressed. We know the middle class is in great danger. We’ve got to
have a breakthrough here. And I have the honor of being mayor of the
biggest city in the country. It’s my obligation to act on these issues for
my own constituents.”

Whether de Blasio is able to change the course of the country will

depend on a couple of questions: Is his project in New York working?
And do people like it? The mayor is finding, over the course of nearly
two years in office, that the answers to those questions are not as
closely linked as they might seem.

In september, New York’s Transport Workers Union took out a

newspaper ad featuring de Blasio’s face superimposed on a graffiti-
covered subway car. “Mayor de Blasio risks taking us back to the bad
old days of the 1970s and 1980s,” it said. Chris Christie, the governor
of New Jersey and a Republican presidential candidate, has decried the
“diminution in the quality of life” in the city, blaming it on de Blasio’s
“liberal policies.” In one poll last spring, just 8 percent of New Yorkers
rated the mayor’s job performance as “excellent”; one voter, Rochelle
Weinberg, a Democrat from Queens, told The Wall Street Journal: “I
can’t stand him. Everything he does makes me angry.”

The New York Post, the city’s conservative tabloid, has seized on
anecdotal reports of disorder, from the prevalence of panhandlers to the
appearance of topless performers in Times Square, to depict de Blasio’s
New York as an urban hellscape. A cover last year blared, “Squeegee
men back: BAD OLD DAYS,” teasing an investigative report that had
turned up all of two examples of the marauding Windexers famously
targeted by former Mayor Rudy Giuliani in the ’90s. Squeegee men, the
article said, had returned and were “terrorizing” the city.

This tableau of decline is not what de Blasio sees when he surveys his
domain. What he sees is progress. His signature achievement to date
has been the introduction of free prekindergarten education for every
child in the city, a feat he accomplished in his first year. He created a
war room across the street from City Hall that met seven days a week to
steer the breakneck implementation. And when the new pre-K
classrooms opened in September 2014, even some of the mayor’s critics
conceded that it was a huge accomplishment. Now in its second year,
the program serves more than 65,000 city children—more pre-K
students than there are students of all ages in the entire Boston school
district—including half of New York’s homeless children.

Under de Blasio, the city has also mandated that employers offer paid
sick leave, raised the minimum wage for certain workers, and created a
new ID card that helps undocumented immigrants get access to banks
and other services. The card has proved hugely popular—more than half
a million have been issued. Some rents have been frozen, for the first
time in half a century—providing relief to more than 1 million New
Yorkers—and more than 20,000 units of affordable housing have been
created or preserved. Together with Police Commissioner William
Bratton, the community-policing pioneer who held the job under
Giuliani in the 1990s, de Blasio has dialed back the NYPD’s stop-and-
frisk policy and stopped arresting people caught with small amounts of

De Blasio, in other words, is making the city less unequal, little by

little, just as he promised to do. “The sheer amount of dollars de
Blasio’s policies has shifted into the hands of working class New
Yorkers is truly staggering,” the Daily News columnist Juan Gonzalez
wrote in September. “No wonder the 1%—those who had it so good for
so long—want him out.”

These aren’t just nice new programs, allies argue—they’re proof that
liberals can be effective, contra the stereotype of mushy-headed
do‑gooders whose well-intentioned efforts fall prey to dithering,
bureaucracy, and overspending. “New York City, the supposedly
ungovernable city, added an entire grade to the largest school system in
America without a hitch,” Peter Ragone, a longtime adviser to de
Blasio, told me. “That only happens through really strong management.
There’s no way around that.” The economy is strong, the city’s budget
is running a surplus, test scores are up, and overall crime is down. Over
the summer, when many other cities saw an increase in murders, New
York had the fewest in 25 years.

But this sunny picture has not exactly been the popular perception. A
series of trivial flubs have chipped away at de Blasio’s public image.
He was widely mocked for eating pizza with a knife and fork, and at his
first Groundhog Day ceremony, he dropped the groundhog, which later
died. (At his second Groundhog Day, to prevent mishaps, Staten Island
Chuck was presented in a plexiglass enclosure.) Throughout his first
year, he was chronically late, even by New York standards. His attempt
to limit the growth of Uber—perhaps on behalf of the taxi union, a
political ally—was shelved after the company targeted de Blasio with
protests and attack ads. And during a violent standoff on Staten Island
in August, during which a firefighter was shot, de Blasio was
discovered working out, mid-morning, at a gym in Brooklyn. Even
among those constituents who do not see de Blasio as a radical bent on
redistributing their wealth to minorities, a view persists of his
administration as an embarrassing comedy of errors, and the mayor as
its fool—tall, doofy, and deluded. Who cares how much good you’re
doing if New Yorkers have decided you’re a putz?

In october, de Blasio appeared on CNN with his own version of Donald

Trump’s signature hat. It read make america fair again. Although de
Blasio embraces the term progressive, with its suggestion of forward
motion, his liberalism has a fundamentally nostalgic cast. He believes
he is reaching back to an older tradition—a vanished time when broadly
shared prosperity gave people good jobs and good wages. He invokes
the Democratic heritage of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Fiorello La
Guardia, two men his Italian mother and her two sisters so admired that
it often felt like they were invisibly present at family gatherings in the
1970s and ’80s. “They talked about them all the time,” de Blasio told
me. Never mind that the postwar years were far from fair for women, or
blacks, or gays; de Blasio, like Trump, is tapping into a widespread
sentiment that America’s best days may have passed.

Bill de Blasio was born Warren Wilhelm Jr. (as a young adult, he
adopted a combination of his childhood nickname and his mother’s
maiden name) in 1961 to a pair of 44-year-old liberal intellectuals. His
family was haunted by McCarthyism: In 1950, both of his parents,
Maria and Warren Wilhelm, had to defend themselves against charges
of communist sympathies before a government-loyalty board. (Maria
worked as a researcher at Time magazine, where her outspoken
liberalism raised the hackles of one of the writers, the noted anti-
communist Whittaker Chambers.) Though they were cleared, the
investigation stymied Warren’s career as a Commerce Department
economist and set off a gradual, alcohol-fueled decline. He left the
family when de Blasio was in elementary school. A decade later, he
shot and killed himself in the parking lot of a Connecticut motel.

De Blasio’s friends say this heritage has given him a profound leftist
identity. “His mother was denounced by Whittaker Chambers. His
father basically had his career ruined by McCarthyites,” one told me.
“On a deep, deep level, he knows that there really is a right wing, and
it’s not nice.”

Thus, while many in his generation thrilled to the vision of Ronald

Reagan, de Blasio had a very different reaction. Reagan’s election, he
told me, was “a shock like you would not believe,” one that he sees as
the root of virtually every pernicious economic trend—“deregulation
and trickle-down economics and globalization.” When I noted that a lot
of people had found Reagan compelling, de Blasio shot back, “Well, I
don’t know many of those people.”

De Blasio’s young adulthood reads as a near-parody of a 1980s lefty’s

life. After earning a master’s degree in international affairs from
Columbia University, he went to Nicaragua to help the Sandinistas; he
marched in protests against the Three Mile Island nuclear-power plant.
He worked on David Dinkins’s 1989 mayoral campaign, then took a
job at City Hall, where, in 1991, he met Chirlane McCray, an African
American poet, activist, and speech writer. In 1979, McCray had
written an essay for Essence titled “I Am a Lesbian.” De Blasio wooed
her nonetheless, and in 1994, they were married in Brooklyn’s Prospect
De Blasio continued to pursue a career in government, working under
Andrew Cuomo in Bill Clinton’s Department of Housing and Urban
Development. In 1996, he directed the New York State campaign for
Clinton’s reelection. When Hillary Clinton, then still the first lady,
decided to run for Senate in 2000, she tapped de Blasio to manage her

Harold Ickes, the former Clinton adviser, who has known de Blasio
since his Dinkins days, told me that de Blasio initially hesitated to take
the job managing the Senate campaign, because he was intimidated by
the complexities of the Clintons’ world. “I said to him, ‘You can bring
the good news and I’ll bring the bad news,’ ” Ickes said. “We did that a
lot of times—he’d call me and say, ‘Would you mind calling Hillary
and talking about X, Y, or Z issue?’” De Blasio’s management style
was laid-back and indecisive, and toward the end of the campaign he
was removed from the chain of command, according to The New York
Times. Ickes told me that wasn’t the case. The perception, he said, was
based on a misunderstanding of de Blasio’s role: His job was to guide
Clinton through the ins and outs of New York politics, not to serve as
an overall strategist.

It was clear to Ickes even then that de Blasio intended to seek office
himself someday. “He always talked about it, but in New York, it’s like
getting your ticket to the fish counter at Zabar’s on a Friday night—you
have to stand in a long line,” Ickes told me. After Hillary Clinton’s
election, de Blasio ran for a Brooklyn city-council seat. “And the rest is
history, as they say.”

To de Blasio’s allies, the twin strands of his biography—staunch liberal

who’s sure of his principles, and political operative who understands
electoral sausage making—constitute just the combination needed to
bring about New York’s progressive transformation. “He’s basically an
idealist who makes deals to get things done,” Howard Dean, the former
governor of Vermont and a friend of de Blasio’s, told me. “He’s not
starry-eyed. But he’s also not a guy who’s only interested in his own

One persistent criticism, however, is that de Blasio’s certitude leaves

little room for alternate approaches. At one point, I asked him how he
would adjust his worldview if his policies turned out to be ineffective—
if, as his critics warn, crime and deficits and the squeegee men returned.
He said his approaches had already been tested. “We’ve picked up on
some policies that have already been successful elsewhere,” he said.
When it came to questions like the value of prekindergarten, he said, “I
think the jury came back a long time ago.”

Despite new york’s reputation as a liberal bastion, before de Blasio’s

election the city had not had a Democratic mayor since Dinkins left
office, in 1993. The odds-on candidate to replace Michael Bloomberg
in 2013 was the city-council speaker, Christine Quinn, who had cozied
up to business interests and helped Bloomberg win a third term by
getting rid of the city’s two-term limit. (She had defeated de Blasio for
the speaker position in 2005.) Bloomberg was still popular with
majorities of city voters and of Democrats; Quinn positioned herself as
the candidate who would stay the course in good times.

But de Blasio correctly sensed that a liberal wind was blowing. He was
at the vanguard of a progressive takeover of city politics that began in
2009, when he won the primary for the citywide office of public
advocate in a surprise upset. De Blasio was endorsed by the Working
Families Party, a labor-backed, left-wing coalition that also helped
seven liberal challengers win city-council primaries and special
elections that year. Once in office, they joined with other liberals on the
council to form an 11-member progressive caucus. They were a
minority on the 51-seat council, but they quickly proved capable of
driving the agenda—and irritating Bloomberg—by, for example,
pushing for paid sick leave and against stop-and-frisk. Quinn opposed
the progressives on both issues, beginning her alienation from the
Democratic base.

De Blasio promised, in his campaign, to fund his pre-K proposal

through a new tax on incomes above $500,000—a way to help the poor
by taking from the rich. But once he assumed office, after coasting in
the general election with 73 percent of the vote, the Democratic
governor, Andrew Cuomo, countered by announcing that the state
would fund the pre‑K expansion without raising taxes. De Blasio
insisted that the tax hike was necessary to ensure future funding, and he
lobbied lawmakers to pass it. At the same time, he announced that some
public charter schools would no longer get free space in public-school
buildings—a policy change that charter-school advocates took as a
declaration of war.

Eva Moskowitz, the CEO of the Success Academy public-charter chain

and a target of de Blasio’s, told me that she believes de Blasio has been
blinded to alternate approaches by his ideology and by his loyalty to the
teachers union. “His views of the solution don’t look that different from
those being proposed 30 years ago,” Moskowitz said. “I’ve watched up
close for many, many years, and those solutions do not work.”

Not long after de Blasio was sworn in, as he was trying to gin up
support for his pre-K tax, charter-school advocates held a massive rally
in Albany—headlined by Cuomo—and aired television ads blasting the
mayor as anti-student. The blowback helped doom de Blasio’s tax
proposal. So while he publicly claims victory for getting pre-K funded
and running, sources close to him say he privately acknowledges that he
lost the battle. “He got his clock cleaned by Cuomo in Albany the first
year,” says one de Blasio ally. “He knows he misplayed it.”

De Blasio was determined to get better results from the second

legislative session of his term. He stumped across the state to get more
Democrats elected to the legislature in 2014. And he strenuously
avoided criticizing Cuomo. That wasn’t easy, as the governor
continually found large and small ways to needle the mayor, from
refusing to consider de Blasio’s plan to redevelop a rail yard in Queens
to announcing a restrictive Ebola quarantine in the fall of 2014 without
consulting him. Last winter, Cuomo, who oversees the city’s transit
system, blindsided de Blasio by announcing that the subways would
close ahead of a snowstorm—de Blasio found out about the closure
when it was reported by the media. A cartoon in the Daily News
depicted de Blasio as a housefly and Cuomo as a sadistic teenager
ripping off one of his wings.

De Blasio ignored the provocations. He even helped Cuomo at a crucial

moment. Up for reelection in 2014, Cuomo faced a primary challenge
from Zephyr Teachout, a law professor recruited by the Working
Families Party. The party saw Cuomo as exactly the sort of Wall Street
Democrat it was trying to drive out: Despite being the son of one of de
Blasio’s progressive idols (the mayor’s “tale of two cities” campaign
slogan was also the refrain of Mario Cuomo’s landmark Democratic
National Convention speech in 1984), Andrew Cuomo built his career
on a socially liberal but fiscally conservative platform, cutting taxes on
the wealthy as he pushed gay marriage through the legislature. The
Working Families Party’s mission is to make this kind of moderation
unacceptable. “We want to do to Democrats what the Tea Party did to
Republicans,” the party’s national director, Dan Cantor, told me.

Though the WFP had persuaded Teachout to run against Cuomo, de

Blasio urged the party to support the incumbent, seeing an opportunity
to build leverage with a governor who was almost certain to win
reelection. De Blasio brokered a deal in which the governor made a
series of promises to the progressives: He said he would fight to help
Democrats retake the state Senate, to increase the minimum wage, and
to enact campaign-finance reform. Cuomo recorded a videotaped
address to the WFP’s convention, where members were hotly divided
over which candidate to back. When some complained that in the video
Cuomo had avoided making his promises explicit, de Blasio arranged
to get Cuomo on speakerphone to make the commitments the delegates
were waiting to hear.

It was a close call, but Cuomo won the group’s endorsement, which
would seem to have put him in de Blasio’s debt. Yet the governor
proceeded to renege on the deal. He not only didn’t lift a finger for
Democratic Senate candidates, he started a new party, the Women’s
Equality Party, aimed at undermining the similarly acronymed WFP and
draining its ballot share. Cuomo won reelection with 54 percent of the
vote, a slimmer margin than expected. De Blasio and the Working
Families Party, in the words of New York magazine, “got played.”

De Blasio’s efforts to get more Democrats elected to the legislature also

backfired. Almost all the candidates he’d campaigned for lost; some
were attacked for their association with the liberal mayor. The
Republicans elected in their stead were annoyed with de Blasio as a
result of his efforts against them. When the legislature convened this
year, Cuomo completed the humiliation by antagonizing de Blasio more
brazenly than ever. Cuomo and the split legislature conspired to deny
virtually all of de Blasio’s requests, refusing the changes to housing
policy he sought and passing an insulting one-year extension of mayoral
school control, rather than the permanent extension he had asked for. In
newspaper articles, an anonymous “top Cuomo administration official”
trashed de Blasio’s strategy, telling the Daily News, “He puts himself
in these situations.” The press quickly sniffed out this official’s
identity: Cuomo himself.

De Blasio had finally had enough. In an interview with NY1, the cable
network, he abandoned the pretense of comity and accused Cuomo of
shortchanging the city out of pure spite: “In my many efforts to find
some common ground, suspiciously, it seemed that every good idea got
rejected or manipulated.” Many on the left cheered at the venting of
their long-held frustrations. But beyond catharsis, it wasn’t clear what
de Blasio hoped to achieve with his broadside. In recent polling,
Cuomo’s approval rating in New York City came in higher than de
The greatest test of de Blasio’s progressive ideals has been the city’s
convulsions over police brutality. Last December, after a grand jury
declined to indict the white police officer who’d choked Eric Garner to
death, the mayor seemed to side with the protesters and against the
police. De Blasio said he worries about the danger his own son, who is
biracial, faces at the hands of police. “We’ve had to literally train him,
as families have all over this city for decades, in how to take special
care in any encounter he has with the police officers who are there to
protect him,” he said.

Two weeks later, two officers were shot and killed as they sat in their
patrol car. “There is blood on many hands tonight,” the head of the
police union, Pat Lynch, said of the killings. “That blood on the hands
starts on the steps of City Hall, in the office of the mayor.” At the slain
officers’ funerals, hundreds of police officers turned their backs on de

Had this happened in the 1990s, when fear of crime was at its height,
such a moment could well have been a breaking point—the moment
when the mayor lost the city, when the silent majority’s fear of disorder
turned into a visceral rejection, when New Yorkers joined the officers
in turning their backs on the mayor. But in 2015, that didn’t quite
happen. Instead, about 70 percent of New Yorkers told pollsters they
disapproved of the union’s actions and Lynch’s comments.

The incident made clear that times have changed since Bill Clinton and
the Democratic Leadership Council saved the party from itself in the
’90s—a time when the party’s image as soft on crime was its biggest
obstacle to mainstream success. Public sentiment has changed in other
ways, too, since Clinton urged the party to move to the middle.
Americans are far more liberal than they used to be on social issues like
gay marriage. This year, 24 percent of Americans said they consider
themselves liberal, a record high in Gallup’s two decades of polling the
question (though still well behind the 38 percent who call themselves
conservative and the 34 percent who call themselves moderate).

“The Wall Street Democrats do not seem to understand that the debate
has changed,” Michael Podhorzer, the political director of the AFL-CIO
and one of the left’s top strategists, told me. “There is a sense of
entitlement, and a failure to comprehend that the threat is more than
rhetorical. But the reality is, a Wall Street Democrat can’t win today.”
Podhorzer advises Democrats against campaigning explicitly on
“inequality,” a word, he says, that resonates only with elites. But a
platform of worker-friendly issues, such as raising the minimum wage
and implementing paid family leave, can galvanize a wide spectrum of

Moderate Democrats, meanwhile, tend to break out in hives when they

hear de Blasio argue that they would win more elections if they just
tacked to the left. They hear in his words a latter-day echo of the Jesse
Jackson–style interest-group liberalism Bill Clinton rejected. “There are
a lot of Democrats and Republicans who aspire to be wealthy
themselves,” Jack Markell, the centrist governor of Delaware, told me.
“If we say to people, ‘The rich are the problem,’ I don’t think that’s a
particularly good strategy.” Elaine Kamarck, a political scientist and
Democratic operative who in 1989 co-wrote a manifesto that established
the stance of the centrist Democratic Leadership Council, told me
bluntly that if Democratic candidates move sharply to the left, “they
will lose.”

Hillary Clinton, in her current incarnation, has largely seemed to take

the centrists’ side of the argument. In Ohio in September, she told a
group of women, “You know, I get accused of being kind of moderate
and center. I plead guilty.” But there are signs she feels compelled to
heed the party’s vocal left wing. After scrupulously avoiding taking a
position on the fracas over trade that split the Democrats in the spring,
Clinton came out against the Trans-Pacific Partnership in October.
(Warren, Sanders, and de Blasio had all strongly opposed giving
Obama authority to expedite negotiations for the free-trade agreement, a
major Obama priority for which Clinton had advocated as secretary of
state.) She has also come out against the Keystone XL pipeline, which
environmentalists loathe, and proposed a set of new regulations to rein
in Wall Street.

In late October, de Blasio finally ended the suspense and endorsed

Clinton, calling her “the candidate who I believe can fundamentally
address income inequality effectively.”* The Clinton campaign buried
the news in a press release announcing the support of 85 mayors across
the country.

If de Blasio’s influence on the national discussion remains a work in

progress, that hasn’t stopped him from trying to steer the global one as
well. In September, he welcomed Pope Francis to New York, hailing
him as “the leading moral force on this Earth” and positioning himself
as an ally in the global struggle against poverty. He has made official
visits to Paris and Israel. He has spoken on more than one occasion
with Alexis Tsipras, the on-again, off-again prime minister of Greece,
whose crusade against austerity he applauds. De Blasio told me that he
recently had a “powerful conversation” with the then-mayor of Rome,
who shared his frustration at being far out in front of his national

The New York press has consistently depicted these activities as

presumptuous—a pattern that clearly irks de Blasio. Why shouldn’t the
mayor of America’s largest and most cosmopolitan city be not only a
national leader but an international one, too? “My job is to produce for
my people in this city, the 8.4 million people that I represent,” de
Blasio told me. “But I am also cognizant of the fact that we do have an
impact on the national discussion. Even a little bit on the international

Nonetheless, there are signs that de Blasio is starting to pay more

attention to his image at home. On a rainy Friday in October, he was
scheduled to visit Washington once again, this time to give the keynote
address to a liberal group called American Family Voices. But
Hurricane Joaquin was headed for the East Coast, and at the last minute
de Blasio canceled his appearance. Frequently called out in the New
York media for his forays onto the national stage, the mayor seemed
eager to avoid the spectacle of being caught speechifying out of town
while his constituents struggled to cope with a storm.

Once criticized for his refusal to engage with trivial political

controversies, de Blasio lately stands accused, in a New York Times
article, of having become too reactive. When Staten Islanders
complained that he hadn’t spent much time in the borough, for example,
de Blasio quickly scheduled a trip there. After long insisting that the
city didn’t need any more police, he agreed to add 1,300 new officers.
He’s even started showing up for events on time. As de Blasio
continues to learn, having a strong sense of direction is only one part of
being a transcendent leader. The other is convincing people to follow
From: Snyder, Thomas
To: Shorris, Anthony; Williams, Dominic; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Wolfe, Emma; Everett, Matt; Fialkoff, Gabrielle;
Arslanian, Kayla; Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Da Costa, Ricky; Wiley, Maya;
Reisman, Lisette; Caquias, Paula; Ko, Eunice; Zuniga, Andrea; Jonathan Rosen; John, Roxanne; Thornton,
Demetrius; John Del Ceccato; Griffith, Chantell; Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Hinton, Karen; Darlington, Mandy
(OMB); Prisca Salazar
Date: Tuesday, November 17, 2015 11:57:17 AM

This Thursday’s Planning Meeting is cancelled.

Tom Snyder
Chief of Staff
From: Jovana Rizzo
To: Jeff Scheuer; Adams Baker Marti
Cc: Claire Sheedy; Beth Carmody
Subject: RE: following up
Date: Tuesday, November 17, 2015 5:25:49 PM
Attachments: Breaking Ground background docx

Marti, in case you need, attached is some background on Breaking Ground and the building. Jeff already provided to the speechwriter who
got in touch.

I'll be on site tomorrow --

From: Jeff Scheuer [jscheuer@breakingground.org]

Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2015 4:04 PM
To: Adams Baker, Marti
Cc: Claire Sheedy; Beth Carmody; Jovana Rizzo
Subject: RE: following up

I wish we could help you more with a tenant, but the timing is such that we’re focusing on ensuring that event logistics are managed
for your team. is our best and only option for this. Sorry about that.
If you cannot reach
her and need assistance, let me know.
Jeff Scheuer
Vice President, External Affairs
505 8th Ave - 5th floor
Ph (212) 389-9377 x9377
Email: jscheuer@breakingground.org
www breakingground org
We're proud of our new name, Breaking Ground. Please update your contacts to reflect the change.

From: Adams Baker, Marti [mailto:MAdams@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2015 3:41 PM
To: Jeff Scheuer
Cc: Claire Sheedy; Beth Carmody; 'jovana@berlinrosen.com'
Subject: Re: following up
Thank you
Could you share her contact information so we can follow up?

And are there any current residents, please? That's really our preference

From: Jeff Scheuer [mailto:jscheuer@breakingground.org]

Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2015 02:57 PM
To: Adams Baker, Marti
Cc: Claire Sheedy <csheedy@breakingground.org>; Beth Carmody <bcarmody@breakingground.org>; Jovana Rizzo
Subject: RE: following up

Here’s what we’ve got for you, a former tenant of the Times Square (TS) who has since moved on to housing stability through her
experi ence living in t he building and w ith working day in and day out with our residents at the site (so multi-faceted perspective on
how supportive housing benefits an extremely vulnerable group of homeless individuals). The person's name is· · · · · ·
Some background:

In her own words f rom several years ago:

My caseworker sent me to the Times

Square - it was during the rent-up period back in 1994. I walked into that building, and saw how beautiful it was. I looked at that
stairwell and said. "I can't believe I could live here...."

I was called in to sign the lease - I can still rememberthat date! - and was given the keys. I'd seen the room
before, during the interviews, but there's a difference between seeing it and actually getting keys and knowing it's your own

It was wonderful - being able to give back.

- right in the middle of everything. I work with people who

are usually having difficu lty with their rent. My relationship w it h most tenants is good because I understand the
circumstances people get in. We're not always up - we all go through difficult periods. That's life.

I work very closely with people having difficu lty and their caseworkers to keep them housed. Th e one I remember most is one of the
original tena nts of the Times Square, w ho had never paid rent after Breaking Ground became the landlord. There were setbacks w ith
him, but I was able to work with him to pay off all of it - he owed almost $12,000! He's up to date now....

I've been living at the Times Square for about 10 years (note, since moved out to more independent living). At first, I wasn't ab le to
let the tenants know that w hen I was off, I was off. It was "I am at work f rom nin e to five; you ca n see me at any t ime then. Please
don't approach me on the street to ask me questions." But after explaining it a few t imes, they got it. When I walk through the lobby
on weekends and at night, they all say "Hi!" and are really friendly, but they know I'm not at work.

I love being here.... I'm perfectly happy.

In and out of my office, but call if you have questions/concerns.


Jeff Scheuer
Vice President, External Affairs
505 8th Ave - 5th ftoor
Ph (212) 389-9377 x9377
Email: jscheuer@breakinaaround.ora
WWN breakinoground org
We're proud of our new name, Breaking Ground. Please update your contacts to reflect the change.
From: Adams Baker, Marti [mailto:MAdams@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2015 2:51 PM
To: Jeff Scheuer
Subject: RE: following up
No issues at all with that list, thank you
Will keep an eye out for residents.
From: Jeff Scheuer [mailto:jscheuer@breakingground.org]
Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2015 2:49 PM
To: Adams Baker, Marti
Subject: RE: following up
No problem at all with the name.
We’re lining up right now. I think we’ve got someone but will have to you more soon.
BTW, we’ll have the following in the room from our end:
Brenda Rosen – President and CEO
David Beer – Vice President, Housing Development
Claire Sheedy – Vice President, Housing Operations and Programs
Beth Carmody – Director, Communications
Jovana Rizzo – PR (BerlinRosen Public Affairs)
Any issues with this list?

Jeff Scheuer
Vice President, External Affairs
505 8th Ave - 5th floor
Ph (212) 389-9377 x9377
Email: jscheuer@breakingground.org
www breakingground org
We're proud of our new name, Breaking Ground. Please update your contacts to reflect the change.

From: Adams Baker, Marti [mailto:MAdams@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2015 2:33 PM
To: Jeff Scheuer
Subject: RE: following up
JEFF – I apologize for typing the wrong name!
Please forgive me!
From: Adams Baker, Marti
Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2015 2:32 PM
To: 'jscheuer@breakingground.org'
Subject: following up
Hi Joe: just a quick note to follow up to find out if your team has been able to identify any residents who we should consider to speak
at tomorrow’s event?
Many thanks,
Marti Adams Baker 
Deputy Communications Director | Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio
o: (212) 788-9570 | m: (347) 967-7358 | t: @Marti Adams
About Breaking Ground

• Breaking Ground is New York City’s largest supportive housing provider

• President and CEO is Brenda Rosen
• Breaking Ground has built more than 3,200 units of supportive housing and
has 1,000 more in the development pipeline
• All buildings feature on-site supportive services
• Breaking Ground has provided housing and critical on-site support for the
chronically homeless, low-income working adults, those living with mental
illness and addiction, those living with HIV/AIDS, veterans, seniors, artists
and youth aging out of foster care
• 99% of Breaking Ground residents remain stably housed despite struggling
with significant challenges
• Breaking Ground operates, under contract with DHS, street to home outreach
services in all of Brooklyn, Queens, and nearly one-third of Manhattan
• This is Breaking Ground’s 25th anniversary year – they have helped 12,000
people escape homelessness since 1990
• A 2013 NYC study found that the cost of care for a homeless disabled person
was $51,020 in Medicaid, psychiatric care, shelter and corrections. That same
study found that once in supportive housing, the savings paid for the cost of
housing and saved an additional $10,100. Based on that figure, over 25 years,
Breaking Ground’s supportive housing units have saved over $625 million in
tax payer dollars.

About The Times Square

• The Times Square is the largest permanent supportive housing residence in

the nation
• It is home to 650 residents including those who are formerly homeless, those
living with mental illness, HIV/AIDS, and low-income working adults
• On-site social services – case management, mental health counselors, medical
clinic – are provided by Breaking Ground’s partner the Center for Urban
Community Services
• Breaking Ground has on-site staff to plan activities – outings, summer
barbeques, Thanksgiving dinner – that enhances socialization, decreases
isolation, and builds community within the building
• The building features a garden roof deck, computer lab, library, art studio
(art work by residents is displayed in the mezzanine of the lobby), rehearsal
space, laundry facilities, 24-hour security
• History: Breaking Ground opened the building in 1991. The Times Square
was a grand hotel that had fallen into disrepair. Breaking Ground
transformed the building into supportive housing and restored the historic
lobby. The building is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
From: Reeder I jn<oln
To: "Breoda Rrn;eo"· Beth Qnnpdy
Cc: Jeff Scheuer· Oaire Sheedy· Jovana Rizzo
SUbject: RE: 11/ 18/15 Maya-"s Conference/Trnes Square Resident Profile
Date: Tuesday, Na.ember 17, 2015 10:36:27 PM

Thank you so much! Incredibly detailed and helpful.

Will be in touch on next steps - but would need corns person to speak to- in Am.

Thanks !

From: Brenda Rosen [mailto:brosen@breakingground.org]

Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2015 10:17 PM
To: Beth carmody; Restler, Uncoln
Cc: Jeff Scheuer; d aire Sheedy; Jovana Rizzo
Subject: Re: 11/18/ 15 Mayor's Conference/Times Square Resident Profile

Lincoln, please see below. Please let us know if you would like- to speak tomorrow. Thanks, Brenda

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 17, 2015, at 10:13 PM, Beth Carmody <bcannody@breakioggrmmd org> wrote:

Hi all,

By sheer coincidence, I was sitting chatting w it h - when Ka nyun phoned to say, don' t let him leave ! Th en came
by and bri efed him on tomorrow's opportunity.

Love ly man. Here's his info:

it was a very difficult part of his life. He mainly

did not have a relationship wit h fam ily or f ri ends as it was hard to t rust a
according to - "You live one day at a t ime as you don't know what
w ill happen out t here."

were doing at t he old Ti mes Square Hotel. After mult iple interviews he was accepted and moved into The Ti mes
Square on - .

- was amazed at The Ti mes Square w hen he fi rst moved ·

t rust anyone. His biggest cha llenge came when
Wit h help from Breaking Ground staff and t he

w ith in t he building helping a lot w ith catering events and working in the restaurant on t he 15th floor. He cont inu ed
to work on himself and t he issues to discover that he now has a peace of mind he never t hought he would and
t hat he is indeed a nice loving person after all. These discoveries lead him to

th inks it's "Awesome living here with all the support ava ilable when one is ready."

all of this and t he support he receives with helping him stay f ocused on himself and continue to move forwa rd even
Now he j ust wants
to continue with what he's doing and helping others as long as he can.


From: Jeff Scheuer

Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2015 9:44 PM
To: Brenda Rosen; daire Sheedy; Jovana Rizzo
cc: Beth carmody
Subject: 11/18/15 Mayor's Conference/Times Square Resident Profile

Beth is going to t he office now (should be there in about 10 minutes) and w ill retri eve M r .• profile and send to
Brenda, Claire and Jovana:

Vice President, External Affairs

505 8th Ave - 5th ftoor
Ph (212) 389-9377 x9377
Email: jscne,•er@breakjoggro,md org
WNW breakjnggrouod org

We're proud of our new name. Breaking Ground. Please update your contacts to renect the change.
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: Jaclyn Kessel
Subject: Re: Millionth Tree
Date: Wednesday, November 18, 2015 8:09:12 PM

No Q's

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 18, 2015, at 8:07 PM, Jaclyn Kessel <Jaclyn@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
> Sure that's great. And i do have a quick question-- MBDB taking Qs or no? Bloomberg? Last go
around the answer was no i believe. I'm happy to check w/ comms team too if that's easier.
> ________________________________________
> From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2015 8:03 PM
> To: Jaclyn Kessel
> Subject: Re: Millionth Tree
> I can connect you with our advance staff for Friday if you like. Let me know.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Nov 18, 2015, at 7:52 PM, Jaclyn Kessel <Jaclyn@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
>> So far so good. Will let u know if anything changes. Thanks Prisca.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Nov 18, 2015, at 6:59 PM, Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca <PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov>
>>> Hi. Please let me know if you need anything for Friday at 10am. Or if you have everything you
need. Thanks.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Nov 15, 2015, at 7:53 PM, Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
>>>> Yes.  Looping Jackie Kessel who is point on this for NYRP as I am leaving for Asia on
Wednesday.  Thanks.
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>> On Nov 15, 2015, at 3:38 PM, Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca <PSalazar-
Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>>>>> Want to make sure Friday at 10 is good for Bette before I tell the rest of the team. Mayor and
Bloomberg are good.
>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
From: Jaclyn Kessel
To: Grybauskas, Stefan; Gross, Dan; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: RE: Millionth Tree
Date: Thursday, November 19, 2015 10:59:06 AM

Yep perfect. Thanks

From: Grybauskas, Stefan [mailto:SGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2015 10:58 AM
To: Jaclyn Kessel; Gross, Dan; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: Re: Millionth Tree

For now the plan is no questions. I will let you know if that changes. Mayor Bloomberg will
be in attendance. 
Let me know if you have any other questions.
Stefan Grybauskas
Associate Director of Advance
Office of the Mayor
City of New York
C: 347-515-5874

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Jaclyn Kessel
Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2015 10:54 AM
To: Gross, Dan; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Cc: Grybauskas, Stefan
Subject: RE: Millionth Tree

Thanks! Here’s my cell—

From: Gross, Dan [mailto:DGross@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2015 10:45 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Cc: Jaclyn Kessel; Grybauskas, Stefan
Subject: Re: Millionth Tree

+ Stefan

Dan Gross | Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio

Communications Advisor
o: 212.341.0011 | c: 917.428.1692

On Nov 19, 2015, at 10:43 AM, Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca <PSalazar-

Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
I have copied Stephan who will advance the Mayor tomorrow-
Stephan - Jaclyn is coordinating Bette Midler for tomorrow.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jaclyn Kessel [mailto:Jaclyn@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2015 8:07 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: RE: Millionth Tree

Sure that's great. And i do have a quick question-- MBDB taking Qs or no?
Bloomberg? Last go around the answer was no i believe. I'm happy to check w/
comms team too if that's easier.
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2015 8:03 PM
To: Jaclyn Kessel
Subject: Re: Millionth Tree

I can connect you with our advance staff for Friday if you like. Let me know.

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 18, 2015, at 7:52 PM, Jaclyn Kessel <Jaclyn@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

So far so good. Will let u know if anything changes. Thanks Prisca.

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 18, 2015, at 6:59 PM, Salazar-Rodriguez,

Prisca <PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Hi. Please let me know if you need anything for Friday

at 10am. Or if you have everything you need. Thanks.

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 15, 2015, at 7:53 PM, Jonathan

Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Yes. Looping Jackie Kessel who is point on

this for NYRP as I am leaving for Asia on
Wednesday. Thanks.

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 15, 2015, at 3:38 PM,

Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca

Want to make sure Friday at 10

is good for Bette before I tell
the rest of the team. Mayor and
Bloomberg are good.

Sent from my iPhone

From: Klein, Monica
To: Gross, Dan
Cc: Jaclyn Kessel
Subject: Re: Millionth Tree
Date: Thursday, November 19, 2015 1:10:34 PM
Attachments: image1.PNG

Hey Jackie
Bette Midler just tweeted that event is happening, so it's out there
We haven't put out mayor attending don't think Bloomberg folks have either for him

But the facts in the tweet without attendees public.

Re: press should be pretty sizable presence since Bloomberg plus mayor
•••oo Verizon LTE 1:08PM 64% r• I·

< Tweet

Bette Midler
@BetteMidler ••

Tmrw we're planting the millionth tree

of jlMillionTreesNYC w/ (!'NYRP &
( NYCParks in the #Bronx! SO thrilled
we reached this goal!! #nyrp20th
11/19/15, 12:16 PM


t."lr • •••
Lydia Marie :) @Lydia_Brown85 50m
@BetteMidler @MillionTreesNYC @NYRP
,....,,. @NYC Parks have u done the happy dance

Tux13s @tux 13s 50m

@BetteMidler @MillionTreesNYC @NYRP

Reply to Bette Mrdler

Notifications Messages "Me
Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 19, 2015, at 1:02 PM, Gross, Dan <DGross@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
> Hi Jaclyn, looping Monica for that answer
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jaclyn Kessel [mailto:Jaclyn@berlinrosen.com]
> Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2015 12:47 PM
> To: Gross, Dan
> Subject: Millionth Tree
> Hey Dan,
> Client pushing for media RSVPs-- have you started alerting media yet? If not,
let me know what (if any) details you'd like us to hold back for now in our outr
each Thanks much Jackie
From: Jaclyn Kessel
To: Klein, Monica; Gross, Dan
Subject: RE: Millionth Tree
Date: Thursday, November 19, 2015 1:47:52 PM

Thanks for this, will stick to this plan.

-----Original Message-----
From: Klein, Monica [mailto:MKlein@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2015 1:11 PM
To: Gross, Dan
Cc: Jaclyn Kessel
Subject: Re: Millionth Tree

Hey Jackie
Bette Midler just tweeted that event is happening, so it's out there We haven't put out mayor attending
don't think Bloomberg folks have either for him

But the facts in the tweet without attendees public.

Re: press should be pretty sizable presence since Bloomberg plus mayor
From: Viguers, Jonathan
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; John Del Cecato; Jonathan Rosen; Blumm, Kate; Snyder, Thomas; Da Costa, Ricky;
Shorris, Anthony; Griffith, Chantell; Williams, Dominic; Tarlow, Mindy; Wolfe, Emma; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel;
Schwartz, Regina; Zuniga, Andrea; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Seignious, Sandy; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB);
Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Glen, Alicia; Bruch, Mary; Buery, Richard; Cutler, Dorothy; Carter, Zach (Law);
Yarde, Ann-Marie (LAW)); Wiley, Maya; Reisman, Lisette; Arslanian, Kayla; Almonte, Catherine
Subject: RE: MBDB: State of The City Briefing
Date: Thursday, November 19, 2015 2:25:20 PM

Please gather.

-----Original Appointment-----
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Monday, November 16, 2015 11:11 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; John Del Cecato; Jonathan Rosen; Blumm, Kate; Snyder, Thomas; Da
Costa, Ricky; Shorris, Anthony; Griffith, Chantell; Williams, Dominic; Tarlow, Mindy; Wolfe, Emma;
Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Schwartz, Regina; Zuniga, Andrea; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Seignious,
Sandy; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Glen, Alicia; Bruch, Mary; Buery, Richard;
Cutler, Dorothy; Carter, Zach (Law); Yarde, Ann-Marie (LAW)); Wiley, Maya; Reisman, Lisette;
Arslanian, Kayla; Almonte, Catherine; Viguers, Jonathan
Subject: MBDB: State of The City Briefing
When: Thursday, November 19, 2015 2:00 PM-3:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: City Hall, The Blue Room
From: Arslanian, Kayla
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; John Del Cecato; Jonathan Rosen; Blumm, Kate; Snyder, Thomas; Da Costa, Ricky;
Shorris, Anthony; Griffith, Chantell; Williams, Dominic; Tarlow, Mindy; Wolfe, Emma; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel;
Schwartz, Regina; Zuniga, Andrea; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Seignious, Sandy; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB);
Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Glen, Alicia; Bruch, Mary; Buery, Richard; Cutler, Dorothy; Carter, Zach (Law);
Yarde, Ann-Marie (LAW)); Wiley, Maya; Reisman, Lisette; Almonte, Catherine; Viguers, Jonathan
Subject: RE: MBDB: State of The City Briefing
Date: Thursday, November 19, 2015 3:43:00 PM

Pls gather (again!)

-----Original Appointment-----
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Monday, November 16, 2015 11:11 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; John Del Cecato; Jonathan Rosen; Blumm, Kate; Snyder, Thomas; Da
Costa, Ricky; Shorris, Anthony; Griffith, Chantell; Williams, Dominic; Tarlow, Mindy; Wolfe, Emma;
Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Schwartz, Regina; Zuniga, Andrea; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Seignious,
Sandy; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Glen, Alicia; Bruch, Mary; Buery, Richard;
Cutler, Dorothy; Carter, Zach (Law); Yarde, Ann-Marie (LAW)); Wiley, Maya; Reisman, Lisette;
Arslanian, Kayla; Almonte, Catherine; Viguers, Jonathan
Subject: MBDB: State of The City Briefing
When: Thursday, November 19, 2015 2:00 PM-3:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: City Hall, The Blue Room
From: Jovana Rizzo
To: Restler, Lincoln
Cc: Beth Carmody; Jeff Scheuer
Subject: Re: Schermerhorn visit
Date: Thursday, November 19, 2015 3:54:51 PM

Thanks! (and please ignore 'Monday' in the subject line of my first email, know this is for tomorrow!)

From: "Restler, Lincoln" <lrestler@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Thursday, November 19, 2015 3:43 PM
To: Jovana <jovana@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Beth Carmody <bcarmody@breakingground.org>, Jeff Scheuer
Subject: Re: Schermerhorn visit Monday

Thanks so much. Planning for tour to start at 1130am.

Would love to see stories.


Written with my thumbs. Sorry for typos.

On Nov 19, 2015, at 3:41 PM, Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Hi Lincoln, Brenda Rosen asked me to reach out to coordinate the Schermerhorn visit with
the First Lady tomorrow. We'll have two tenant stories for you shortly. Do you know what
time you want to come tomorrow?


Jovana Rizzo
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5329
C: 917-836-0618
From: Jaclyn Kessel
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: photo?
Date: Friday, November 20, 2015 5:52:53 PM

Hey Prisca, I know this isn’t your bailiwick, but do you have any idea who I should reach out to to get
this photo? Client is asking for it.
I really appreciate your help
Jackie Kessel
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
Twitter: @JackieKessel
G-Chat: Jaclyn.Kessel
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: B
Subject: Re: Can you talk?
Date: Monday, November 23, 2015 5:04:14 AM

Hey.  In Hong Kong until Tuesday night. +13 hours so Monday night here.  Heading out to dinner but
happy to talk this morning.  Tomorrow on 17 hour flight so harder to connect. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 22, 2015, at 5:23 PM, B <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

> If so, I'll call you soon
From: Banks, Angela
To: "Danielle Schlanger"
Date: Tuesday, November 24, 2015 11:59:45 AM
Attachments: image001.png

Yes, you do.

You’re welcome.

From: Danielle Schlanger [mailto:Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2015 11:59 AM
To: Banks, Angela
24, 2015

Thanks Angela, wanted to triple confirm I get these emails now!

All the best,


From: Banks, Angela [mailto:abanks@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2015 11:54 AM
To: Danielle Schlanger
24, 2015


NEW YORK, NY 10007 


CONTACT: pressoffice@cityhall.nyc.gov, (212) 788-2958


NOVEMBER 24, 2015
**Pool information updated**
On Tuesday, Mayor de Blasio and First Lady Chirlane McCray will appear live on CNN’s
New Day to discuss ThriveNYC: The Mental Health Roadmap for All.
Later, the Mayor will create and deliver food packages with Joel Berg of NYC Coalition
Against Hunger. This event will be pooled press: TV (NY1), Print (AP), Photo (NYC Mayor’s
Immediately following, the Mayor will deliver remarks on hunger and food insecurity in New
York City. This event is open press, and there will be no Q-and-A.
Later, the Mayor will join bi-partisan local elected officials – including Westchester County
Executive Robert Astorino, Congressman Jerrold Nadler, Congressman Dan Donovan and
Congresswoman Nydia Velázquez – to host a press conference to highlight the need for
increased federal transportation funding as New Yorkers prepare for holiday weekend travel.
There will be on-topic Q-and-A.
Press Schedule
Approximately 6:50 AM – Appears Live on CNN
Timing is subject to change without notice.
11:45 AM – Delivers Remarks on Food Insecurity
St. John’s Bread & Life
795 Lexington Avenue
Brookyln, NY 11221
A press van will depart the east gate of City Hall at 11:00 AM. Footage will be provided by
NYC Media and will be available shortly following the event on Encompass Port CTY- 4205.
Official photos will be available at flickr.com/nycmayorsoffice shortly following the event.
4:00 PM – Hosts Press Conference to Highlight Need for Increased Federal
Transportation Funding
Amtrak Rotunda – Penn Station
New York, NY 10001
Press should enter Penn Station from the taxi way on 31st or 33rd Street midway between 7th
and 8th avenues and proceed down the escalators to the rotunda. Footage will be provided
by NYC Media and will be available shortly following the event on Encompass Port CTY-
4205. Official photos will be available at flickr.com/nycmayorsoffice shortly following the
From: Wu, Kenny
To: Danielle Schlanger
Subject: Re: Thanks for your help Kenny
Date: Tuesday, November 24, 2015 11:59:53 AM


Here's the link 

From: Danielle Schlanger <Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com>
Date: Tuesday, November 24, 2015 12:58 PM
To: Kenny Wu <kwu@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Thanks for your help Kenny

Appreciate it.
Danielle Schlanger
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: (646) 200-5309
C: (917) 859-8064
From: Dan Levitan
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: RE: Catch up today?
Date: Wednesday, December 02, 2015 12:10:23 PM

Anytime before 2
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2015 11:31 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Catch up today?
Was just about to email you. Yes, let’s talk. When is good?
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2015 11:22 AM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: Catch up today?
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Fialkoff, Gabr elle
To: "jonathan@berlinrosen.com"
Subject: City Announces Public-Private Partnership to Promote Better Health Outcomes
Date: Thursday, December 03, 2015 11:14:26 AM

Dear Jonathan
I am so pleased to announce an important new public-private partnership called Building Healthy Communities. This unique initiative seeks to improve community health outcomes in 12 of our highest-need
neighborhoods by increasing opportunities for physical activity improving access to fresh and affordable food and promoting safe and vibrant public spaces.  
Building Healthy Communities is an example of an important strategic alliance between the public and private sectors that allows for private funds to unlock and maximize public dollars. We are grateful to our
founding partners Unilever whose commitment is the largest corporate commitment to the City to date the Laurie M. Tisch Illumination Fund and the New York State Health Foundation and also to our 11 City
agencies who have worked together to bring this initiative to life.
Below please read more about Building Healthy Communities in today s Wall Street Journal.  
Please feel free to reach out to me directly to learn more about Building Healthy Communities and to get involved in our efforts to ensure that the places where we live learn work and play support good
Best regards
Gabrielle Fialkoff
Senior Advisor to the Mayor
Director of the Office of Strategic Partnerships
Wall Street Journal : Creating Oases in New York City’s ‘Food Deserts’
Farms being built at public housing sites to grow produce for communities with limited access to healthy food
By Zolan Kanno-Youngs
Dec. 2, 2015
When Sade Bennett started working in April at a small farm on the grounds of a New York City Housing Authority
complex in Brooklyn, she had a GED, a 5-year-old son, and a desire to better her health and her community
She has learned how to grow produce, cook it in the healthiest manner, and along the way she obtained a certificate
qualifying her to work in some sustainability-related jobs She even surprised her family at Thanksgiving this year when
she arrived with fresh vegetables
“The lessons that we’ve learned, we take it home to our kids and they have healthier mind-sets,” said Ms Bennett, 25
years old, who lives in the Crown Heights neighborhood of Brooklyn
The 1-acre plot where Ms Bennett worked, known as the NYCHA farm at Red Hook, will serve as a prototype for
Mayor Bill de Blasio’s new Building Healthy Communities initiative The multimillion-dollar public-private partnership
aims to improve the health of New Yorkers in 12 communities that have limited access to healthy food and
are sometimes referred to as food deserts
The initiative plans to build more urban farms, expand school gardens and establish community-center culinary
programs and farmers markets
“Our neighborhoods must be able to offer access to healthy food, opportunities for physical activity and safe, vibrant
public spaces,” Mr de Blasio said
Unilever, a multinational consumer goods company, has already committed $4 1 million to the initiative The Laurie M
Tisch Illumination Fund and the New York State Health Foundation have each pledged $500,000 The initiative will also
use funding from the city Department of Parks & Recreation’s Community Parks Initiative, as well as other agencies
Urban farms will be constructed on NYCHA sites in East Harlem and Brooklyn’s Canarsie section as well as the South
Bronx and Staten Island within the next three years One urban farm is already being designed at the Howard Houses in
Brownsville, in Brooklyn The other neighborhoods should receive money to maintain pedestrian plazas, establish
farmers markets and install outdoor exercise areas, according to a spokeswoman for the mayor
The communities were chosen based on their levels of obesity and diabetes, as well as population density and crime
“We know engaged communities are usually safer communities so that’s where we hope we’re going with this,”
said Gabrielle Fialkoff, the director of the city Office of Strategic Partnerships, which will anchor the initiative
The urban farms will adopt the same model as the Red Hook farm and its workers will be trained by members of its
workforce The urban farm workforce is largely supplied by Green City Force, an AmeriCorps program that enlists 18-
to 24-year-olds from low-income backgrounds into environmental service
The so-called corps members must be unemployed or in a dead-end job and have a GED or high-school diploma They
are paid $1,000 a month to either work on the NYCHA farming beds or raise the public-housing residents’ awareness on
energy efficiency
The produce from the urban farms comes free of charge to the public-housing residents—they only need to volunteer at
the farm or bring a bag of kitchen compost from their own home If they bring compost, they will receive a bag of the
same weight filled with collard greens, celery, cucumbers, cabbage or other vegetables and herbs
The urban farmers then hold culinary classes in a community center to teach residents how to cook the produce
“The experience of the Red Hook farm was one that we wanted to take elsewhere and bring to our other communities,”
Ms Fialkoff said “I think so much is happening in that one place ”
Ashley White, 25, an alumna of Green City Force and an intern at the city Department of Environmental Protection,
said she was motivated to provide healthy food to neighborhoods considered food deserts
“I go to Manhattan and there’s Whole Foods, there’s Trader Joe’s, there’s Union Square, the farmers market,” Ms
White said ”We don’t have any of that ”
The corps members also have used the experience to benefit their own health Ms Bennett said that she has been cutting
sweets from her diet And with her first stipend check, she bought a bicycle
From: Galeano, Cristina
To: Emily Walsh
Subject: RE: RSVP
Date: Thursday, December 03, 2015 4:32:00 PM

Hi Emily,
Thank you for your response on behalf of Mr. Jonathan Rosen.  We look forward to seeing him at the
event on December 14 th .
Cristina Galeano
Event Coordinator, Mayor's Office of Special Projects and Community Events
New York City
(w) 212-788-2569
From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, December 03, 2015 2:21 PM
To: The Office of the Mayor and the First Lady
Subject: RSVP

Hi there,

I would like to RSVP for the Mayor's Fund Holiday Reception on December 14th for Jonathan Rosen. He
will attend.
Thank you,
Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: B
Subject: Re: Quick question/Pls call asap
Date: Friday, December 04, 2015 10:30:15 AM

Just saw this.  Was at my kids school.  Left you a message.  On cell.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Dec 4, 2015, at 9:41 AM, B <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

From: Kochnower, Dana
To: Matthew Hassett
Cc: Caroline Nagy; Lucy Raimes; kevin.wolfe@cnycn.org; Greig, Katherine; Clancy, Noreen; Dixon, Lloyd; Jovana
Subject: Re: 1-4 family flood insurance affordability study factsheet
Date: Friday, December 04, 2015 7:00:51 PM

Hi Matt,

We would be open to any edits but would need it done quickly as we are looking to
get the canvassing started as soon as possible. 


On Dec 4, 2015, at 6:02 PM, Matthew Hassett <matthew.hassett@cnycn.org>


Hi Dana,

Caroline and I definitely have a few thoughts, hopefully will not delay too
much. Is this the only material they would be handing out? We would
suggest simplifying the text considerably and probably doing a slight
graphic redesign. We could work on that first thing next week, but would
only do so if you were open to that! 

Some of this additional detail could possibly be kept in an FAQ on a

second page if that's important. I think if the main goal is just to get
them to participate, we need to focus on leave out some of the other

Have a good weekend.

Matthew Hassett  |  Director of Policy & Communications  T 646-786-0895

Center for NYC Neighborhoods

17 Battery Place, Suite 728  |  New York, NY 10004  

On Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 11:29 AM, Kochnower, Dana

<DKochnower@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:


We have two handouts for the canvassing team from Northfield to

distribute to homeowners.   

1. I am attaching a copy of the factsheet with information on flood

risk and elevation certificates.  Matt, Caroline and Lucy – we have
included the CNYCN homeowner helpline as a key resource – can you
review and let me know if you have any feedback?

2. Z-cards for Staten Island – these are borough specific and citywide
preliminary-FIRMs with our key messages (Understand your Risk, Buy
Flood Insurance) and resources.

We are looking to get these materials to Northfield by early next week

so they can be ready to go as soon as possible.



Dana Kochnower |  Senior Policy Advisor

NYC Mayor's Office of Recovery and Resiliency

253 Broadway - 10th floor |  New York, NY 10007

212-676-0022 dkochnower@cityhall.nyc.gov |  nyc.gov/resiliency

From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: "Dan Levitan"
Subject: RE: can we talk today, please?
Date: Wednesday, December 09, 2015 11:35:34 AM

Yea 2 min
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2015 11:34 AM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: RE: can we talk today, please?
Now still work?
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2015 10:46 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: can we talk today, please?
Great. I’ll call you.
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2015 10:44 AM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: RE: can we talk today, please?
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2015 10:43 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: can we talk today, please?
Free at 11:30?
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2015 10:42 AM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: RE: can we talk today, please?
What time works for you?
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2015 10:42 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: can we talk today, please?
From: Restler, Lincoln
To: dan@berlinrosen.com
Subject: Background for Tomorrow
Date: Wednesday, December 16, 2015 10:31:25 PM

Hey Dan Levitan!

As always – really appreciate your help. See background below. Pls keep confidential. We are
gathering quotes by 815am for release if at all possible.

Thank you!


To better and more quickly respond to the street homelessness problem, the City will create HOME-
STAT – Homeless Outreach & Mobile Engagement Street Action Teams. The initiative will partner
existing homeless response and prevention programs with a series of new initiatives designed to
better identify, engage, [delete this word – monitor] and transition homeless New Yorkers to
appropriate services and, ultimately, permanent housing.
HOME-STAT will be the most comprehensive street homelessness outreach effort ever deployed in
a major American city.  HOME-STAT is funded from within existing resources at DHS, so no new
dollars are necessary.  HOME-STAT adds three new elements to the City’s homeless prevention and
response policy:
Proactive Canvassing
· The Mayor’s Office of Operations is launching an effort that will, for the first time ever, conduct
a proactive daily canvass of every block from Canal Street to 145th Street, focusing on hot
spots and improving the City’s ability to quickly identify issues and deploy resources to the
people and places they are needed most. In addition to the daily canvass, HOME-STAT survey
teams will conduct a daily identification of hot spots of persistent homeless presence
throughout the five boroughs. This new mobile proactive canvass will involve 60 field and
analytic staff responsible for gathering and reporting real-time information used to deploy
resources and track initiative outcomes.
· The Mayor’s Office of Operations will create a suite of HOME-STAT dashboards including a
daily public dashboard that maps service requests and data from HOME-STAT survey and
outreach teams, and the police department. A monthly dashboard will report on aggregate
outcomes, conditions and performance beginning in early 2016.
· In addition to the daily information generated by the canvassing operation, the City will conduct
comprehensive quarterly nighttime counts to provide a more complete and real-time
understanding of homelessness in New York City.
Immediate Response
· HOME-STAT will increase contracted Street Outreach Team staff and build a rapid-response
capacity to respond to 311 calls and information received from HOME-STAT field staff in all five
boroughs and throughout the subway system. HOME-STAT outreach teams will set an average
response time of one hour when the program is fully operational in March 2016. With HOME-
STAT, New York City’s homeless outreach staff will grow from 175 to over 300.
· The New York City Police Department will redeploy 40 officers to its 70-officer Homeless
Outreach Unit to respond to calls regarding encampments, large hot spots, and those
experiencing emotional disturbance or exhibiting erratic behavior. The NYPD will set a non-
emergency average response time of one hour. Emergencies will continue to be handled via
Citywide Case-by-Case Integration and Management

· HOME-STAT will create a citywide case management system that pairs provides case managers
for the street outreach services who can to ensure City service integration, continuous
monitoring and outreach, and rapid response to individual problems. All HOME-STAT agencies –
including DHS, NYPD, and other human services agencies – will play an operational and case
management staffing role in this effort. The NYC SAFE Hub, a central command for tracking
mentally ill individuals with a history of erratic or violent behavior, will partner in this effort. The
Mayor’s Office of Operations will ensure multi-agency integration and accountability.

Topline Facts
· HOME-STAT will be the most comprehensive street homelessness outreach effort ever
deployed in a major American city. 
· This effort pairs existing homeless prevention, outreach and public safety efforts with new
initiatives focused on expanded canvassing, rapid response, and individualized case
· 60 new field and analytic staff and 137 new outreach staff will be involved in HOME-STAT.

From: Hatch, Peter
To: "Valerie Berlin"
Subject: RE: Holidays
Date: Tuesday, December 22, 2015 12:39:57 PM

We missed you and next time come post-show -- we go late.  Likewise and soon!

-----Original Message-----
From: Valerie Berlin [mailto:Valerie@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2015 12:14 PM
To: Hatch, Peter
Subject: Holidays

So sorry we missed your holiday party.  We didn't get out of the show until much later than we
expected so thought it would have been way too late to stop by. 

Hope you and Hilary and the girls are all well.  Happy holidays and hope to see you in the new year!


Sent from my iPhone

From: Fialkoff, Gabrielle
To: "jonathan@berlinrosen.com"
Subject: Thank You
Date: Thursday, December 24, 2015 10:50:19 AM
Attachments: image001.png


NEW YORK, NY 10007
Dear Jonathan –
I hope this note finds you and your loved ones enjoying the holiday season. With 2015 coming to
a close, I wanted to take a moment to look back on some of the partnerships the de Blasio
administration has formed this year with the private sector and the impact that these initiatives
are already having on the lives of our 8.5 million fellow New Yorkers.
Below are a few of the highlights; whether it is increasing workforce opportunities for New York’s
young people, reforming our mental health system, or re-opening Gracie Mansion, (please let me
know if you would like to arrange a tour in the New Year) we are extremely proud to have worked
with so many committed individuals, corporations, and foundations to create access and
opportunity for so many New Yorkers.
Thank you for your partnership and commitment to our great City, working together it will remain
the safest city in America and the commerce and cultural capital of the world. 
I look forward to working with you in the New Year.
Happy Holidays,
Mayor’s Office of Strategic Partnerships 2015 Year in Review
Created the Center for Youth Employment
This unprecedented interagency public-private partnership coordinates the City’s youth workforce
programs and serves as an entry point for private sector employers:
· $5.4 million year-one private sector investment from over 60 partners
· Doubled quality private sector paid internships in the Ladders for Leaders program from
475 to 1,035
· Increased summer jobs for the city’s vulnerable youth from 1,000 to 2,078
· Funded training for 1,000 guidance counselors, teachers and other educators in college
and career readiness.
Announced Computer Science for All
$81 million public-private partnership to deliver computer science education to all 1.1 million NYC
public school students:
· Increasing share of public school students receiving computer science education from 5%
to 100% over ten years
· Meeting the private sector’s need for 233,000 new tech employees with a diverse and
local talent pipeline
Won Social Innovation Fund Grant for “Connections to Care”
A five-year, $30 million partnership with the White House’s Corporation for National and
Community Service:
· Grant increases access to mental health services by training staff in mental health
techniques at partnering community-based organizations
· Program targets hard-to-reach populations and those who are in need but may not seek
out services
Released ThriveNYC
Mental Health Roadmap, developed by the Mayor’s Fund, guided the City toward a more effective
and holistic mental health system. ThriveNYC has 54 initiatives to increase mental health services,
· Training 250,000 New Yorkers on mental health First Aid
· Recruiting 400 clinicians to serve in NYC Mental Health Corps
· Citywide public awareness campaign
Launched Building Healthy Communities
Targeting 12 historically underserved neighborhoods to improve access to healthy food, increase
physical activity, and promote public safety:
· Creating green spaces, urban farms, gardens, engaged and safe communities, and
programming to address chronically high rates of disease in our most high-need
· $5.3 million committed from private funders, including Unilever (largest corporate
commitment in City history), the Laurie M. Tisch Illumination Fund, and the New York
State Health Foundation
Partnered with Warby Parker to Expand Vision Screenings in Community Schools
Helping students overcome barriers to learning:
· Serving over 65,000 students, K-12 in 130 Community Schools with full vision screenings
Homegrown tech company Warby Parker providing 20,000 free pairs of glasses to
Announced “Talk to Your Baby”
Public-private partnership with Scholastic, Inc., Sesame Workshop and Clinton Foundation urging
parents to talk, read, and sing to their babies during critical 0-3 age range:
· Provided baby book bundles that included a book edited by First Lady Chirlane McCray
and an evidence based tool-kit for parents to 200,000 low-income families
· Funded media campaign to reach new parents via TaxiTV, subway ads, and text messaging
Opened Gracie Mansion
Reopened the People’s House to New Yorkers across the five boroughs:
· “Windows on the City,” a new installation featuring 49 new works of art reflecting
diversity of New York during the Federal period
· Resumed weekly public tours
· Developing new programming in the home and across the five boroughs to connect New
Yorkers to Gracie Mansion and of our shared history. 
Gabrielle Fialkoff
Senior Advisor to the Mayor
Director of the Office of Strategic Partnerships
From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: Jovana Rizzo (jovana@berlinrosen.com)
Subject: FW: LINK NYC
Date: Tuesday, December 29, 2015 3:17:14 PM

Do you have any pics from yesterday?

If so I can send him your way
From: Mocker, Gregory [mailto:mocker@pix11.com]
Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2015 3:16 PM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: Re: LINK NYC

Hi Natalie - good tues to ya

I'm getting quick video of the soon to be wifi phone spot

It's covered up now - I see some pics on the website link NYC

Do u have any images you could email for the preview ?


Greg Mocker

On Dec 28, 2015, at 2:29 PM, Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Would call it a testing period prior to full public launch – and I’d keep timeline on that
to “in the coming months” and not go into more detail because timing is obviously a
little up in the air – we are testing them!
Thanks Greg, will keep you posted.
From: Mocker, Gregory [mailto:mocker@pix11.com]
Sent: Monday, December 28, 2015 2:22 PM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: LINK NYC

Hi Natalie ...
Happy Holidays
I see some additional installations are going on for the LINK NYC program.
Would it be possible to do a story on that this week? Could we meet at an
installation point and talk to someone?
I know it's a DOITT project .. I've emailed that press office too. Could you direct
me to a contact, if it's not you.


From: Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2015 1:27 PM
To: Mocker, Gregory
Subject: RE: 311 screens
Sure. I’ll ask about the captcha.
Thanks for passing along all this troubleshooting, Greg! Very much appreciated.
From: Mocker, Gregory [mailto:mocker@pix11.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2015 4:24 PM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: Re: 311 screens

Hi Natalie ..
seems that their concerns have been addressed
except on the mobile site ... one is still having a problem with the captcha on
the blackberry browser, which had been working up til recently.
i can submit items on my iphone.
let's stay in touch
From: Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2015 12:04 PM
To: Mocker, Gregory
Subject: RE: 311 screens
Ok. I will have to reach out to you first thing in AM – it’s a holiday so the computer
guys I would need to check into this are out of the office.
From: Mocker, Gregory [mailto:mocker@pix11.com]
Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2015 3:02 PM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: 311 screens

Hi Natalie ... I think I figured out part of the possible issue with 311
this is from the desk top web page - i got these screen shots.
when I use the "DATE CREATED" search  -- and put in it Nov 1 thru Nov 11,
and click search it  shows ZERO REQUESTS
however when I use "OPEN AND RECENTLY CLOSED" to search the reports do
come up and the map is colored

could this be a glitch -- give me a call when you have a chance --

i'm not reporting on this today -- but it may be something for tomorrow

it seems that the requests are being processed, but when searching in a certain
way, they don't come up

the community activists have been emailing me.

From: Hagelgans, Andrea
To: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Blumm, Kate
Subject: Re: SOTC
Date: Tuesday, December 29, 2015 10:07:59 PM

Cool. Safe travels

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.

  Original Message
From: Jonathan Rosen
Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2015 10:05 PM
To: Hagelgans, Andrea
Cc: Blumm, Kate
Subject: Re: SOTC

I will be on my flight back.  Will check in with you when I'm back.  Hope you guys got a bit of a break
this week.

Sent from my iPad

> On Dec 29, 2015, at 4:27 PM, "Hagelgans, Andrea" <AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
> Will get a call in number
> <meeting.ics>
From: B
To: Hinton, Karen; Hagelgans, Andrea
Cc: Walzak, Phil; John Del Cecato; Jonathan Rosen; FLONYC; Klein, Monica
Subject: Re: NEWSDAY: Bill de Blasio predicts 2016 will be big year for American progressives
Date: Wednesday, December 30, 2015 7:38:12 AM

Yeah and their editorials have been pretty good to us. Let's lean their way a little

From: "Hinton, Karen" <KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2015 12:31:24 +0000
To: Hagelgans, Andrea<AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: B<BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Walzak, Phil<PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>; John Del
Cecato<jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; Jonathan Rosen<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>;
FLONYC<FLONYC@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Klein, Monica<MKlein@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: NEWSDAY: Bill de Blasio predicts 2016 will be big year for American

Been pushing AMNY/Newsday for a while! Glad to! 

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 30, 2015, at 7:23 AM, Hagelgans, Andrea <AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov>



Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: B
Sent: Wednesday, December 30, 2015 7:22 AM
To: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen; John Del Cecato; Jonathan Rosen
Reply To: B
Subject: Fw: NEWSDAY: Bill de Blasio predicts 2016 will be big year for American

Ok, well at least ONE reporter understands what I'm talking about! :)
This is a message (how national progressive change helps nyc) I will cite
a lot in 2016. And karen, make sure we give emily a few exclusives or
one-on-ones in the coming months. She has always tried to present our
side of the story. Thanks

From: Clips <Clips@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2015 12:00:53 +0000
Subject: NEWSDAY: Bill de Blasio predicts 2016 will be big year for
American progressives

Bill de Blasio predicts 2016 will be big year for American progressives
NEWSDAY - Emily Ngo
Mayor Bill de Blasio predicted Tuesday that the 2016 election cycle would serve
as a “real sea change moment,” placing left-leaning leaders in Washington
whose policies would benefit the city.
“The American people are going to make decisions that will have a profoundly
important impact on New York City,” the Democratic mayor said at an unrelated
Times Square news conference.
He said federal lawmakers will debate funding for mass transit, affordable
housing, education and other policies that he called “real domestic issues that
have gone untreated.”
De Blasio faced criticism earlier this year for several trips around the country to
promote his progressive agenda and for his delayed endorsement of Hillary
Clinton for president. He was forced to scrap a presidential forum he had
planned in Iowa this month when no candidates committed to attending.
He said that decisions on the national stage affect policy at the local level.
“We had good news a few weeks back when the highway bill finally passed,” de
Blasio said, calling it an “example of a national issue that profoundly affected
New York City” and a “ray of light” from an often-gridlocked U.S. Congress.
De Blasio, as part of a national bipartison coalition of mayors, had successfully
lobbied for the federal transportation bill that provides $500 million over five
years for city roads, bridges, transit and ferries and roll backed a proposed $80
million annual cut for subways and buses in the city.
The mayor recommended Tuesday that reporters read an Atlantic magazine
article titled “Why America is Moving Left.”
The piece describing a changing electorate led by progressive millennials and
minority voters “speaks volumes about what next year is about,” de Blasio said.
From: John Del Cecato
To: B; Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Jonathan Rosen; FLONYC; Klein, Monica
Subject: Re: NEWSDAY: Bill de Blasio predicts 2016 will be big year for American progressives
Date: Wednesday, December 30, 2015 8:18:19 AM

Hear hear!

From: Bill de Blasio <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Reply-To: Bill de Blasio <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Wednesday, December 30, 2015 at 7:38 AM
To: "Hagelgans, Andrea" <AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Hinton, Karen"
Cc: "Walzak, Phil" <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>, John Del Cecato <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>, Jonathan
Rosen <jonathan@berlinrosen.com>, FLONYC <FLONYC@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Klein, Monica"
Subject: Re: NEWSDAY: Bill de Blasio predicts 2016 will be big year for American progressives

Let the courtship deepen! :) Well done, Karen

From: "Hagelgans, Andrea" <AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2015 12:34:15 +0000
To: Hinton, Karen<KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: B<BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Walzak, Phil<PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>; John Del
Cecato<jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; Jonathan Rosen<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>;
FLONYC<FLONYC@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Klein, Monica<MKlein@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: NEWSDAY: Bill de Blasio predicts 2016 will be big year for American progressives

Yes, Karen has done a great job of courting them/emily.

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Hinton, Karen
Sent: Wednesday, December 30, 2015 7:31 AM
To: Hagelgans, Andrea
Cc: B; Walzak, Phil; John Del Cecato; Jonathan Rosen; FLONYC; Klein, Monica
Subject: Re: NEWSDAY: Bill de Blasio predicts 2016 will be big year for American progressives

Been pushing AMNY/Newsday for a while! Glad to! 

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 30, 2015, at 7:23 AM, Hagelgans, Andrea <AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: B
Sent: Wednesday, December 30, 2015 7:22 AM
To: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen; John Del Cecato; Jonathan Rosen
Reply To: B
Subject: Fw: NEWSDAY: Bill de Blasio predicts 2016 will be big year for American

Ok, well at least ONE reporter understands what I'm talking about! :) This is a message (how
national progressive change helps nyc) I will cite a lot in 2016. And karen, make sure we give
emily a few exclusives or one-on-ones in the coming months. She has always tried to
present our side of the story. Thanks

From: Clips <Clips@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2015 12:00:53 +0000
Subject: NEWSDAY: Bill de Blasio predicts 2016 will be big year for American progressives

Bill de Blasio predicts 2016 will be big year for American progressives
NEWSDAY - Emily Ngo
Mayor Bill de Blasio predicted Tuesday that the 2016 election cycle would serve
as a “real sea change moment,” placing left-leaning leaders in Washington
whose policies would benefit the city.
“The American people are going to make decisions that will have a profoundly
important impact on New York City,” the Democratic mayor said at an unrelated
Times Square news conference.
He said federal lawmakers will debate funding for mass transit, affordable
housing, education and other policies that he called “real domestic issues that
have gone untreated.”
De Blasio faced criticism earlier this year for several trips around the country to
promote his progressive agenda and for his delayed endorsement of Hillary
Clinton for president. He was forced to scrap a presidential forum he had
planned in Iowa this month when no candidates committed to attending.
He said that decisions on the national stage affect policy at the local level.
“We had good news a few weeks back when the highway bill finally passed,” de
Blasio said, calling it an “example of a national issue that profoundly affected
New York City” and a “ray of light” from an often-gridlocked U.S. Congress.
De Blasio, as part of a national bipartison coalition of mayors, had successfully
lobbied for the federal transportation bill that provides $500 million over five
years for city roads, bridges, transit and ferries and roll backed a proposed $80
million annual cut for subways and buses in the city.
The mayor recommended Tuesday that reporters read an Atlantic magazine
article titled “Why America is Moving Left.”
The piece describing a changing electorate led by progressive millennials and
minority voters “speaks volumes about what next year is about,” de Blasio said.
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
To: "John Del Cecato"
Cc: Wolfe, Emma; Phillips, Eric Falk; Jonathan Rosen; Blumm, Kate; Walzak, Phil
Subject: RE: SOTC
Date: Thursday, December 31, 2015 10:23:08 AM

Ok, JR- can you join? Otherwise, we’ll just meet internally and update folks
From: John Del Cecato [mailto:jfdc@akpdmedia.com]
Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2015 10:16 AM
To: Hagelgans, Andrea
Cc: Wolfe, Emma; Phillips, Eric Falk; Jonathan Rosen; Blumm, Kate; Walzak, Phil
Subject: Re: SOTC

I'm driving - may not be able to make it on

On Dec 31, 2015, at 10:09 AM, Hagelgans, Andrea <AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Ok. Will push to 10:30

From: Wolfe, Emma
Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2015 10:02 AM
To: Hagelgans, Andrea; Phillips, Eric Falk; John Del Cecato; Jonathan Rosen; Blumm,
Kate; Walzak, Phil
Subject: SOTC

5-10 late stuck in other mtg, there soon.

Organizer: Hagelgans, Andrea
When: 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM December 31, 2015
Subject: SOTC
Location: City Hall - COW - - DIAL IN - Meeting ID:
From: Restler, Lincoln
To: "Dan Levitan"
Subject: RE: Not for circ - cluster policy
Date: Sunday, January 03, 2016 11:16:29 PM

You are the man.

From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Sunday, January 03, 2016 11:16 PM
To: Restler, Lincoln
Subject: Re: Not for circ - cluster policy
“Far too much money has been squandered and far too many homeless children's lives have been
damaged by the deeply flawed cluster site program. The Mayor's four-point plan to abolish the
cluster site program is good news for homeless New Yorkers, good news for affordable housing, and
good news for taxpayers.  Once again, the City is focusing on proven solutions to homelessness and
doing the hard work of reforming a broken system.”

- Sent from my Galaxy S6 - 

On Jan 3, 2016, at 8:34 PM, Restler, Lincoln <lrestler@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Hey dude – see draft release below. Let me know if you might be able to provide quote
from mary by 10am. Thanks.
Will Replace with New Shelter Model Combining Affordable Housing and Community
Space; Return Clusters to Affordable Housing Market
Mayor Bill de Blasio today announced a three-year plan to phase out and permanently
end New York City’s 20-year program of placing homeless families into "cluster"
shelter units - apartments many of which should be permanent affordable housing. 
As many of the units as possible will be converted back to affordable housing and
other units will be replaced as the Department of Homeless Services puts into place
a new model to address homelessness that includes permanent affordable housing,
flexible shelter space and community space in the same building.
"The cluster homeless shelter system is broken and represents the worst
combination of expensive housing, bad conditions and poor access to services that
homeless families need. Importantly, cluster shelters take badly needed affordable
apartments off the market. Now we have a solid, practical program for ending the use
of clusters, returning apartments to the market and providing new shelters that are
attractive for both residents and the communities in which they are located,” Mayor
de Blasio said.
“Cluster” homeless shelters involve placing families in regular rental apartments in
buildings with other rent paying tenants. This policy was begun more than 20 years
ago. The City pays both rent and an additional amount for services.
The plan to phase out the use of clusters will begin during the 90-day review of
homeless services that the Mayor ordered on December 15. All 3,265 cluster shelter
units will either be converted to permanent housing or replaced by December 31,
2018. It will be funded with existing resources and includes the following:
·         Initiating enforcement actions against owners of buildings with chronic building
code infractions in which DHS "cluster" shelter units are located, including notification
that HRA will withhold rent pursuant to New York State Social Services Law Section
143-b where landlords fail to correct unsafe conditions. Under this law,
landlords are barred from evicting tenants for nonpayment of rent.
“If building code violations and fines are not a strong enough incentive for a landlord to
fix his property, we believe that withholding the rent will be a powerful tool that they
won’t ignore. This also will benefit other renters in the building,” said Human
Resources Commissioner Steven Banks. 
·         Engaging responsible owners of buildings with DHS "cluster" shelter units in a new
initiative to upgrade their buildings and return the "cluster apartments" to permanent
housing in which the families residing there can remain as tenants. This will both
reduce the number of homeless families and permanently return those apartments to
the affordable market.
"We want to work with responsible owners to convert cluster shelter units in their
buildings back to permanent housing or phase out their use by replacing them with a
new approach to homelessness," Banks added. 
·      Revising DHS's open-ended RFP for new shelters to instead seek proposals for new
housing models that combine permanent affordable housing with transitional housing
and community space. Under this model, shelter residents will receive services
including rapid rehousing. 
·      Deploying HRA staffing as a “rapid rehousing team” to promote shelter move outs
from family shelters to permanent housing to help decrease reliance on “cluster” units.
The required headcount for this initiative is included in the January Plan. Experience
has shown that households with rental assistance vouchers are more successful finding
housing if they have support in their search.
Today’s announcement delivers on a promise the Mayor made to end the use of
clusters (when, where, campaign?).
In March, the City Department of Investigation reported the results of its investigation,
requested by the Mayor, into homeless shelters, including clusters. DOI found the
cluster sites to be the worst maintained, the most poorly monitored, and provide the
least adequate social services to families. The report recommended reducing the use
of clusters.
The cluster program currently includes 3,265 units in 279 buildings spread around the
City housing about 11,000 people. The City pays about $x,000 per unit, a total of $xx
million a year. The cost includes both rent and social services, but because the units are
dispersed in many buildings, actual access to those services has been found to be
The program was started by Mayor Giuliani in (year to come). 
The City will evaluate buildings with cluster units operated by landlords currently on
Public Advocate Letitia James list of worst landlord watch list for housing code
enforcement actions, including under the law permitting withholding of rent by HRA.
That evaluation will begin this week.
The new model for shelters is based on a concept called Gateway Housing, which is
similar to the HPD HomeStretch program, in that it will include permanent affordable
housing, shelter units and community space in the same building. The estimated cost
of this combination of housing and services will be about a third less than traditional
shelter, which costs at least $37,000 a year for a family. The new model also includes
services that have been proven to work and are tailored to the needs of individuals and
families, rather than a one-size-fits all model. It will focus on the one-third of those in
homeless shelters who repeatedly return to shelter in order to break that cycle.
Lincoln Restler
Intergovernmental Affairs
Mayor’s Office
From: Phillip Walzak
To: emma maguire wolfe
Cc: Thomas Snyder; Nick Baldick; Jonathan Rosen; John Del Cecato; Ross Offinger ; Gabriel Schnake Mahl;
Seignious. Sandy; Williams. Dominic ; Fialkoff. Gabrielle ; N. Smith ; dkieve@hilltoppublicsolutions.com ; Salazar-
Rodriquez. Prisca
Subject: Re: Meeting hold
Date: Monday, January 04, 2016 10:47 :38 AM

will do whatever

On Mon, Jan 4, 2016 at 10:25 AM, emma maguire wolfe

will make myself available.

this is a personal account - for official business please email at ewolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov

On Mon, Jan 4, 2016 at 10:04 AM, Thomas Snyder

Mayor and Chirlane really want to have this meeting occur on a weekend,
specifically January16 or 17. So: January 12 if OFF.

Please indicate your availability to attend a meeting on either or both of

Saturday the 16th and Sunday the 17th. These would be daytime meetings.
Sorry for all the confusion.

On Sun, Jan 3, 2016 at 3:20 PM, tomsnyder

Please hold Tuesday January 12, 4 - 8pm c1e our m1n1 All out
of towners can make this time. Awaiting final confirm from First Lady to lock

Sent from my iPad

From: Thomas Snyder
To: Nick Baldick; Jonathan Rosen; John Del Cecato; Ross Offinger; Emma Wolfe; PhilWalzak (gmail.com); Williams,
Dominic; Fialkoff, Gabrielle; N. Smith; dkieve@hilltoppublicsolutions.com; FLONYC; BdB
Cc: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; John, Roxanne; Seignious, Sandy; Gabriel Schnake Mahl
Subject: Re: Meeting hold
Date: Tuesday, January 05, 2016 10:58:16 AM

CONFIRMED: We will meet Sunday January 17th at Gracie for our mini-retreat. 11am
- 3pm.

On Mon, Jan 4, 2016 at 10:04 AM, Thomas Snyder < wrote:

Mayor and Chirlane really want to have this meeting occur on a weekend,
specifically January16 or 17. So: January 12 if OFF. 

Please indicate your availability to attend a meeting on either or both of Saturday

the 16th and Sunday the 17th. These would be daytime meetings. Sorry for all the

On Sun, Jan 3, 2016 at 3:20 PM, tomsnyder < wrote:

Please hold Tuesday January 12, 4 - 8pm at Gracie for our mini-retreat. All out
of towners can make this time. Awaiting final confirm from First Lady to lock

Sent from my iPad

From: Restler, Lincoln
To: Mary Brosnahan (MBrosnahan@cfthomeless.org)
Cc: dan@berlinrosen.com
Date: Tuesday, January 05, 2016 3:05:05 PM
Attachments: image001.png

Hi Mary – see press release both on Herminia. Would you be interested in offering a
supportive quote? We are sending out at 345pm.
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Boeglin, Rosemary <RBoeglin@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Sent: Tuesday, January 5, 2016 2:34 PM
To: Wolfe, Emma; Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Hagelgans, Andrea; Lauter, Rachel

Printing now.


NEW YORK, NY 10007


CONTACT: pressoffice@cityhall.nyc.gov, (212) 788-2958



Nationally-recognized expert in strategic long-term planning and crisis response to begin

January 25
City also announces shifting roles for senior administration leadership half way through

NEW YORK—Mayor Bill de Blasio announced today the appointment of New York City
native Herminia Palacio as Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services.

Palacio is a crisis management expert who as Executive Director of the Harris County Public
Health and Environmental Services coordinated health services for 27,000 people from the
New Orleans area to Houston during Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Her work during Hurricane
Katrina earned Palacio the Excellence in Health Administration Award by the American
Public Health Association in 2007. Palacio also previously served as a Senior Policy Advisor
for the San Francisco Department of Public Health, where she served on the front lines
combatting HIV/AIDS.
With 25 years of experience in a range of health and social services professions, Palacio will
be tasked with addressing homelessness across the five boroughs, developing a citywide
network for mental health support, coordinating across the City’s public health care system,
improving access to social services for all New Yorkers, and ensuring agencies that oversee
the City’s most vulnerable populations, such as children and victims of domestic violence,
are run compassionately and effectively.

As Executive Director of the Harris County Public Health and Environmental Services,
Palacio is well-prepared to take on NYC’s most pressing challenges, having played a major
role in the Astrodome/Reliant Park mega-shelter operation for over 27,000 evacuees from
Hurricane Katrina to Harris County, Texas. Running all of the public health operations for the
shelter, Palacio established a public health department for a "city” that went from a
population of 0 to 27,000 in two days, identified and contained health outbreaks before they
started, and aptly managed thousands of physicians and nurses to effectively triage 150
patients an hour.

“Herminia is a born and bred New Yorker, and a tried and true leader. When she led the
health department in Harris County, she took in and cared for thousands of evacuees from
Hurricane Katrina with extraordinary capability and compassion. When she stood on the front
lines of an HIV/AIDS crisis in San Francisco, her innovative approach to public health
programming was lauded across the country and archived in a national museum of science.
And when her hometown of New York City called on her to bring New Yorkers off the
streets and into permanent housing, secure a bright future for our kids in foster care, and help
us weave together fragmented mental health care providers into a comprehensive network,
Herminia was ready to answer the call,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “I am proud to welcome
her to this Administration and greatly anticipate the powerful work we will do with her at the
helm of Health and Human Services.”

"New York City has my heart. It is my home. The opportunity to serve the people of New
York City as a Deputy Mayor is a tremendous honor, particularly with this Administration,
which has built on a foundation of equity and social justice that speaks the values that have
motivated my work my entire life. It is a responsibility and privilege I cherish, and I want to
thank Mayor de Blasio for this incredible opportunity," said Herminia Palacio.
Palacio’s experience and deft leadership in Harris County – which includes the city of
Houston, Texas – and San Francisco, California is nationally-recognized and demonstrates
her capability in both strategic long-term planning and crisis response. Throughout a storied
career, Palacio has demonstrated strong dedication to public health issues and a clear ability
to respond with innovative solutions that influence national policy.

Palacio enters her new role with extensive public health experience across a broad range of
sectors, including academic, government, clinical and non-profit. She most recently served as
Director of Advancing Change Leadership at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, where
she was responsible for developing and implementing new health leadership programs. Prior
to joining RWJF, she served as Executive Director of Harris County Public Health and
Environmental Services, the local health department for more than four million people in
Harris County, Texas.

As Deputy Mayor, Palacio will oversee the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, NYC
Health + Hospitals, Human Resources Administration, Department of Homeless Services,
Agency for Children's Services, Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, Office to Combat
Domestic Violence and Office of Food Policy. She will also work closely with First Deputy
Mayor Shorris and Commissioner Steve Banks in the on-going review of the City's homeless
Palacio, 54, formally begins on January 25. She will earn $227,737.

In other changes in the Administration, Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen, in addition to her current
responsibilities, will take on oversight of the Department of Parks and Recreation as well as
the Housing Recovery Office.

In addition to his existing roles, Deputy Mayor Buery will oversee the Department of Youth
and Community Development, Department of Probation, Department of Aging, the Mayor's
Offices for Immigrant Affairs, Veterans Affairs, and People with Disabilities, as well as
serving as the City's liaison to the City University of New York (CUNY).

First Deputy Mayor Shorris will continue to oversee all other agencies as well as the general
operations of the government, including coordinating the work of the Department of
Education and the Police Department.

Senior Advisor Bill Goldstein will be retiring from full-time City service. He will remain as
an unpaid advisor to the First Deputy Mayor on construction matters and continue to serve
on the MTA Capital Program Review Board on behalf of the City.

Dan Zarrilli will lead climate issues for the City, including the Office of Recovery and
Resiliency, and the Office of Sustainability.

"I worked closely with Herminia during her time in the San Francisco Department of Public
Health. She is a substantive, policy-focused, and innovative leader, who deftly managed San
Francisco’s AIDS crisis – serving as a compassionate voice for our city. Herminia is capable,
engaging, and an excellent choice for Deputy Mayor," said Gavin Newsom, Lieutenant
Governor Gavin Newsom.

Risa Lavizzo-Mourey, President and CEO of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
said, “We commend New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio for naming Herminia Palacio MD,
MPH, an outstanding and nationally recognized public health leader, as NYC’s Deputy
Mayor for Health and Human Services. Currently Director of our Advancing Change
Leadership team, Herminia did a terrific job overseeing our health leadership programs, an
important part of RWJF’s effort to build a culture of health for everyone in America. NYC
has long been a national and world leader in public health, and under Herminia’s stewardship
we are confident that it will continue to excel. We look forward to working with her in this
important position.”

“She is a brilliant leader who has succeeded in government service, patient care, university
teaching and research, and philanthropy,” said Dr. Mitchell Katz, Director of the Los
Angeles County Health Agency. “She will be a great Deputy Mayor for New York City.”

Texas State Senator Sylvia R. Garcia said, “Dr. Palacio’s keen intellect, steady hand and
inclusive nature got us through some difficult times in the Houston region. Whether a health
care scare, an environmental concern, a hurricane emergency, or a contentious town hall
meeting, she responded responsibly and efficiently, getting the job done. She knows and
understands the needs of dynamic urban centers like Houston and New York – its diversity,
its challenges and its opportunities. New York is lucky to get Dr. Palacio.”

About Herminia Palacio

In addition to her work at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, in Harris County and San
Francisco, Palacio has also held a number of academic appointments, including adjunct
professor in Management, Policy, and Community Health at the University of Texas School
of Public Health at Houston from 2006 to 2014. She also taught at Baylor College of
Medicine in Houston and the University of California at San Francisco School of Medicine.
Palacio received her medical degree from Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York and
holds a Masters of Public Health, with a specialty in epidemiology, from the University of
California at Berkeley School of Public Health, and a BA in biology from Barnard College at
Columbia University. She has authored numerous articles in peer-reviewed scientific

She served on the Board of Directors of the National Association of County and City Health
Officials (NACCHO), the Texas Association of Local Health Officials (TALHO), the Harris
County Healthcare Alliance (HCHA), and served as Chair of the Texas Public Health
Coalition. She recently served on the Board of Scientific Counselors for the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response
and currently serves on the CDC Advisory Committee to the Director. In 2011 she was
appointed by President Obama as a member of the Advisory Group on Prevention, Health
Promotion, and Integrative and Public Health.

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: "Emily Walsh"
Cc: "Jonathan Rosen"
Subject: RE: sorry - last minute
Date: Wednesday, January 06, 2016 8:42:42 AM

Fab. Thanks!
From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2016 8:42 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Cc: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: RE: sorry - last minute
Just heard from Ross. We can use the large room on the 16th floor. 
Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2016 8:41 AM
To: Emily Walsh
Cc: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: sorry - last minute

We have had a last minute change in our schedule and MBDB would like to go to your office for
some call time from 11-1215
Please let me know what floor he should go to…
From: Restler, Lincoln
To: "Dan Levitan"; Giselle Routhier (GRouthier@cfthomeless.org)
Subject: RE: Shelter Repair Announcement Tomorrow
Date: Wednesday, January 06, 2016 12:47:37 PM

Brilliant. Thank you, Dan and Giselle.

From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2016 12:47 PM
To: Restler, Lincoln; Giselle Routhier (GRouthier@cfthomeless.org)
Subject: RE: Shelter Repair Announcement Tomorrow
From Mary, if you want to update online:
Any plan to reduce homelessness in our city must begin with fixing the broken shelter system. 
Decades of underinvestment and neglect by the City and State have left a system rife with problems
– by now well-documented – and so it’s no surprise that so many homeless individuals and families
dread entering shelters in the first place.  We are heartened to see that the de Blasio administration
is committing new resources and making fundamental changes to the system. The Coalition, which
fought hard for the legal right to decent shelter for all homeless New Yorkers, will continue to
aggressively monitor conditions in the shelters for single adults – and now in the family shelters as
well – to protect the rights and dignity of our homeless neighbors as we fight for the proven
housing-based solutions to homelessness.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Restler, Lincoln [mailto:lrestler@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2016 10:23 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Giselle Routhier (GRouthier@cfthomeless.org)
Subject: Shelter Repair Announcement Tomorrow
Importance: High
Hi Dan and Giselle – Hope this note finds you both well! As Mary and Giselle know – we
are sending out press release shortly on our efforts to improve shelter conditions. New
investments, expanded inspections, new rapid repair squad, and independent monitoring
from Coalition for the Homeless!
Are you submitting statement? Could we get ASAP – trying to blast by 11am
Mayor Bill de Blasio announced today a substantially increased program to ensure the City’s
ability to identify and fix problems in the City’s homeless shelters. The new program began
on New Year’s Day and has continued with Department of Housing Preservation and
Development inspections of DHS shelters and repairs are already underway.
“For decades, our shelters have not been safe enough or clean enough and that’s just not
acceptable. We have already taken steps to improve conditions, but as a result we have
learned that more is needed. So we have developed a systematic and thorough program to
ensure that problems are promptly identified and fixed and that there is monitoring to make
sure the repairs are done correctly and on time. I don’t want anyone refusing to come into a
homeless shelter because of bad conditions,” Mayor de Blasio said. 
The comprehensive repair plan is part of and will begin during the 90-day review of
homeless services that the Mayor ordered on December 15, 2015. The new plan will
substantially increase the City’s ability to monitor and correct unacceptable conditions in
shelters, remedy years of disinvestment in the not-for-profit shelters, and help move forward
with the recently announced initiative to address unacceptable conditions in buildings in
which DHS has rented permanent housing apartments as "cluster" shelter units for families. 
This effort builds on the track record of the multi-agency Shelter Repair Squad which has
cleared 12,000 existing violations since May, 83% of identified violations at the inspected
shelters have been closed out and work has begun on all long-term repairs at DHS facilities.  
The city is taking immediate action to increase the effectiveness of the shelter repair
initiative. The first step is to make sure all problems are reported. This will be
accomplished by:
         Deploying City shelter condition monitors who are inspecting every shelter and then continue

to monitor compliance through unannounced visits through the remainder of the fiscal year.
This effort will be coordinated by the Department of Housing Preservation and Development,
with assistance from the Mayor’s Office of Operations. 
        Implementing a new family shelter resident complaint hotline to enable homeless families to

report conditions of disrepair.  Two million dollars in new funding will be added to the HRA
budget in the January Plan to expand the staffing for HRA's Infoline to handle these
complaints.  There will be a response by an inspector within 24 hours to determine the
seriousness of the problem and whether immediate repairs are necessary.
The second step is to have the ability in place to fix problems promptly after they are
identified. This will be accomplished by:
         Implementing a rapid response repair program, including extermination, by using Department

of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) vendors to remedy conditions of disrepair

that are not corrected by the property owner or non-profit provider within the time period set
in state or local law to remedy the particular condition. New funding will be added to the
HPD budget in the January Plan to support this expanded repair initiative.  
         Addressing the need for increased maintenance and capital investment in not-for-profit

shelters to correct conditions that have built up in these shelters over many years.  Next week,
Commissioner Banks will meet with the leadership of Homeless Services United, which
represents the not-for-profit shelter providers, to address maintenance and capital funding
needs during the FY2016 funding cycle. The City will work with our shelter providers to
develop a capital assessment and maintenance plan so that fundamental repairs and
improvements can be made that will reduce the ongoing need for repairs.
“Too often now we fix problems only to see them reoccur and new ones develop because
there hasn’t been capital investment to fix the underlying problems. So while we make
immediate repairs, we will also develop a plan to upgrade shelter buildings to reduce these
problems in the future. Fixing buildings will be much less expensive in the long run than
constantly repairing them,” said Human Resources Administration Commissioner Steven
The third step is to monitor to ensure that repairs are completed by 
         Designating the Coalition for the Homeless to monitor conditions in family shelters jointly

with the City as it does currently in adult shelters.  

         As noted above, the City’s own shelter condition monitors will not only identify problems,

but also conduct unannounced inspections to see whether they were repaired. .  
The current Shelter Repair Squad was created in May by Mayor de Blasio and is the first
such effort to take on systematically repairing violations and other problems in City homeless
shelters. It includes staff from the Departments of Homeless Services, Housing Preservation
and Development, Health and Mental Health, Buildings and the Fire Department.
Two recent reports found serious problems in the City’s shelters. Last March, at the request
of the Mayor, the Department of Investigation conducted a thorough review of conditions and
found many serious violations. A more recent audit by the City Comptroller found different
From: Restler, Lincoln
To: "Giselle Routhier"
Cc: Mary Brosnahan; dan@berlinrosen.com
Subject: RE: Expanded RHY Services
Date: Thursday, January 07, 2016 8:28:55 PM

Awesome. Thank you, Giselle!

From: Giselle Routhier [mailto:GRouthier@cfthomeless.org]
Sent: Thursday, January 07, 2016 8:29 PM
To: Restler, Lincoln
Cc: Mary Brosnahan; dan@berlinrosen.com
Subject: Re: Expanded RHY Services
Thanks for the news Lincoln! Let me circle back with a quote. 

On Jan 7, 2016, at 7:46 PM, Restler, Lincoln <lrestler@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Hi Mary and Giselle!

Hope you are both doing well. We are announcing a major expansion tomorrow
of services for runaway and homeless youth!
1)       We are adding 100 beds per year for the next three years for runaway and
homeless youth; de Blasio administration already opened 200 beds – so
we will be responsible for 500 of 753 RHY beds in system – when these
new 300 beds come online over next three years.
2)       We are deploying staffing at the entry points of the DHS single shelter
system to offer placements for 16 to 21 year olds in the existing and new
youth beds; and
3)       We are calling on the state to extend the length of stay in crisis beds from
30 days to 90 days.
Announcement Details:
·         The Mayor will be announcing this at 11:15 AM tomorrow at Covenant
House: 460 West 41st at 10th Ave, Manhattan.
·         I know this is a priority issue for CTFH. We would love to have folks
from your team join the announcement.
·         Would you be interested in sending a statement? We are gathering all
quotes by 1015AM.
Thank you!
Lincoln Restler
Intergovernmental Affairs
Mayor’s Office
From: Restler, Lincoln
To: Mary Brosnahan (MBrosnahan@cfthomeless.org); Giselle Routhier (GRouthier@cfthomeless.org)
Cc: dan@berlinrosen.com
Subject: Drop In Centers Announcement Tomorrow
Date: Sunday, January 10, 2016 7:26:36 PM

Hi Mary and Giselle!

Hope you are having a great weekend. We are announcing some more good news tomorrow. We
are committing to open three new drop in centers in Bk, Qns, and Mn. And we will take over funding
for Bx drop in center from HUD – taking City funded total from four to eight. These are exactly the
kind of places and services needed for street homeless populations in NYC to help bring people off
the streets and into stable settings.
Would you be interested in offering statement for press release? We are collecting by 1030am.
Please let me know if you have any questions and thanks!
Key Points:
· The City is announcing a new $8.5M annual commitment to double the number of Drop-In
Centers it currently operates. Drop in centers are part of the path from the streets to safe
havens to supportive housing; a way for our HomeState outreach workers to connect people
who are not ready to be connected to beds yet. 
· Drop-In Centers provide an alternative to traditional shelter for street homeless individuals.
They offer temporary respite where individuals can shower, eat a meal, see a doctor and
rest inside.  Case management and housing placement services are also available for clients
who wish to receive them.  The Centers seek to place people in beds reserved for street
homeless individuals and then move them to shelter or supportive housing.
· The de Blasio administration expanded all of drop in center hours of operation to 24/7 in
2014. (As you probably recall – there used to be 11 drop in centers and funding cuts sliced 
number in less than half).
· The City will open three new Drop-In Centers in Brooklyn, Queens, and Manhattan. The City
will also take over funding the current Drop-In Center in the Bronx, run by BronxWorks,
when a start-up federal HUD grant ends this spring. We have not identified specific sites for
drop in centers as of yet – but we are planning to open new sites in the next three to six



Mayor Bill de Blasio announced today that the City will double the number of City-funded Drop-
In Centers designed to help bring street homeless people off the streets and provide them with
services that can help move them off the streets permanently.
Drop-In Centers are an essential part of a continuum of care for street homeless that starts with
HOMESTAT outreach workers finding them and gaining their trust; bringing them to a Drop-In
Center for food, showers and medical care; taking them to a Safe Haven to spend the night; and
moving them into supportive housing where they can receive help to pull their lives back together.

“Every street homeless person is an individual tragedy, a life gone off course. But sadly they often
reject traditional shelters. We are now assembling all the specialized services needed to find each
of these people and offer them the assistance that will work for each of them. Drop-In Centers are
an essential part of the path off the streets, where homeless people can rest, eat, receive medial
care and be offered placement into housing,” Mayor de Blasio said.

Mayor de Blasio has now substantially strengthened every step needed to move homeless people
off the street, including creating HOME-STAT, the nation's most comprehensive street
homelessness outreach effort, committing to add 500 new Safe Haven beds, and committing to
financing 15,000 new supportive housing units.

Today’s announcement is another in a series of reforms resulting from the 90-day review of City
homeless services ordered by Mayor de Blasio on December 15, including: 1) launching the Shelter
Repair Squad 2.0, substantially increasing the City's ability to monitor and correct unacceptable
shelter conditions, 2) ending use of cluster apartments for shelter over the next three years, 3) re-
iterating the requirement to keep shelters open during the day for residents, and 4) adding 300 beds
for homeless youth.

Drop-In Centers provide an alternative to traditional shelter for street homeless individuals. They
offer temporary respite where individuals can shower, eat a meal, see a doctor and rest inside.
Case management and housing placement services are also available for clients who wish to
receive them. The Centers also offer a limited number of overnight beds, but mostly seek to place
people in Safe Haven, respite and stabilization beds and then move them to shelter or supportive

The City is announcing a new $8.5M annual commitment to double the number of Drop-In Centers
it currently operates. The City will open three new Drop-In Centers. The City will also take over
funding the current Drop-In Center in the Bronx, run by BronxWorks, when a start-up federal
HUD grant ends this spring.

Those four will be added to the four current City funded Drop-Ins: two in Manhattan, one in Staten
Island and one in Brooklyn. In the past two fiscal years (FY14 and FY15), these Drop-In Centers
served an average of 454 clients during the day, saw a daily average of 128 clients overnight and
made 1,238 housing placements.

“To ensure maximum coordination and to make it as easy as possible for homeless New Yorkers to
go to the Drop-In Centers, the City’s existing Outreach Team providers will run these Centers,”
said Human Resources Administration Commissioner Steven Banks.

New Centers will open in Manhattan, Brooklyn and Queens. These Drop-In Centers will be
expected to each serve approximately 75 clients at any given time.

Drop-In Centers will continue to focus on working collaboratively with the City’s outreach teams
on the placement of chronically street homeless individuals into housing, and provide housing
placement services to the non-chronically street homeless individuals. This work includes working
with clients to obtain identification, entitlements and housing. Drop-In Centers will also set up the
front door of their programs to rapidly connect individuals to more appropriate systems of care,
such as the emergency shelter system, residential drug treatment programs, family re-unification,
Travel Assistance and other resources.
Lincoln Restler
Intergovernmental Affairs
Mayor’s Office
From: Restler, Lincoln
To: Jovana Rizzo
Subject: Re: Brenda Rosen quote
Date: Sunday, January 10, 2016 9:44:35 PM

Thank you!

Written with my thumbs. Sorry for typos.

On Jan 10, 2016, at 9:16 PM, Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Hi Lincoln, here's a quote from Brenda Rosen for the drop-in centers announcement--
"Breaking Ground applauds Mayor de Blasio for his commitment to helping the most
vulnerable New Yorkers," said Brenda Rosen, President & CEO of Breaking Ground.
“Drop-in centers are a critical step in the journey from the street to stable, safe,
permanent supportive housing. Breaking Ground has been serving the homeless and
many other at-risk New Yorkers for more than 25 years as the largest provider of
supportive housing, running the city’s largest safe haven, and homeless street outreach
in three boroughs. We look forward to working with the de Blasio administration to
open three new desperately-needed drop-in centers, and to get people into
permanent housing as soon as possible.”


BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Restler, Lincoln
To: "Jovana Rizzo"
Subject: RE: Brenda Rosen quote
Date: Monday, January 11, 2016 9:25:29 AM

Thanks so much, Jovana. Hope you are well.

From: Jovana Rizzo [mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Sunday, January 10, 2016 9:16 PM
To: Restler, Lincoln
Subject: Brenda Rosen quote

Hi Lincoln, here's a quote from Brenda Rosen for the drop-in centers announcement--
"Breaking Ground applauds Mayor de Blasio for his commitment to helping the most vulnerable New
Yorkers," said Brenda Rosen, President & CEO of Breaking Ground. “Drop-in centers are a critical step in
the journey from the street to stable, safe, permanent supportive housing. Breaking Ground has been
serving the homeless and many other at-risk New Yorkers for more than 25 years as the largest provider
of supportive housing, running the city’s largest safe haven, and homeless street outreach in three
boroughs. We look forward to working with the de Blasio administration to open three new desperately-
needed drop-in centers, and to get people into permanent housing as soon as possible.”

BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Nicholas Baldick
To: Thomas Snyder
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; jfdc; Peter Ragone; David Kieve; Emma Wolfe; PhilWalzak (gmail.com); Williams, Dominic;
Gabrielle Fialkoff; N. Smith; FLONYC; Roxanne John; Ross Offinger; Anna Greenberg
Subject: Re: Confirmed
Date: Tuesday, January 12, 2016 3:04:55 PM
Attachments: Draft Retreat Agenda 1.17.16.docx

Draft Agenda Attached

If anyone has thoughts please send to me, we have no editorial pride on agendas

On Jan 12, 2016, at 9:16 AM, Thomas Snyder <


Given the many schedule changes, I am confirming that our mini-retreat

is happening this Sunday the 17th at Gracie from 11am - 3pm. Nick will
be sending around an agenda shortly. 

Nick Baldick
Hilltop Public Solutions
The Washington Harbour 
3000 K Street NW, Suite 320
Washington, D.C. 20007
Main:  202-298-3232
Fax:  202-298-6115 
Mini Retreat
Sunday, January 17th, 2016
11:00 AM to 3:00 PM

GOALS OF THIS RETREAT: A clear-eyed look at 2017 and how we can create the most
optimal route to reelection in 2016.


I. OPENER – Mayor de Blasio

II. FINANCE PLAN – Nick Baldick (15 minutes)

III. STRATEGIC PLAN & MESSAGE – Phil Walzak (40 minutes)


V. OUTREACH PLAN – Emma Wolfe (40 minutes)


VII. SHAPING THE FIELD – Emma Wolfe & Nick Baldick (20 minutes)

Nathan Smith (30 minutes)

IX. CAMPAIGN FOR ONE NEW YORK - Jonathan Rosen (15 minutes)


Materials / Presentations:
• 2016 Toplines Strategic Plan, Message Box (PW)
• Fundraising Plan (NB)
• State Strategy /State Senate (EW)
• Schedule Program (TS)
• 2016 Outreach Plan (EW)
• 2017 Scenarios (EW)
From: Phillip Walzak
To: Nicholas Baldick
Cc: Thomas Snyder; Jonathan Rosen; jfdc; Peter Ragone; David Kieve; Emma Wolfe; Williams, Dominic; Gabrielle
Fialkoff; N. Smith; FLONYC; Roxanne John; Ross Offinger; Anna Greenberg
Subject: Re: Confirmed
Date: Tuesday, January 12, 2016 3:13:57 PM

and also HRC stuff

On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 3:12 PM, Nicholas Baldick

<nbaldick@hilltoppublicsolutions.com> wrote:
Draft Agenda Attached

If anyone has thoughts please send to me, we have no editorial pride on agendas

On Jan 12, 2016, at 9:16 AM, Thomas Snyder <


Given the many schedule changes, I am confirming that our mini-

retreat is happening this Sunday the 17th at Gracie from 11am - 3pm.
Nick will be sending around an agenda shortly. 

Nick Baldick
Hilltop Public Solutions
The Washington Harbour 
3000 K Street NW, Suite 320
Washington, D.C. 20007
Main:  202-298-3232
Fax:  202-298-6115 
From: Thomas Snyder
To: PhiiWalzak (gmail.com)
Cc: ill!£; Nicholas Baldick; Jonathan Rosen; Pet er Ragone ; David Kieve; Emma Wolfe ; Williams, Dominic; Gabrielle
Fialkoff; N. Smith ; FLONYC; Roxanne John; Ross Offinger; Anna Greenbera
Subject: Re: Confirmed
Date: Tuesday, January 12, 2016 4 :03:46 PM

Agree- No.

On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 3:49 PM, Phillip Walzak wrote:

i dont think so ....

On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 3:16PM, John Del Cecato <jfdc@akpdmedia.com> wrote:
Should we have Geri come for that portion?

From: Phillip Walzak

Date: Tuesday, Ja nuary 12, 2016 at 3 :11 PM

Cc: Thomas Snyder

Anna Greenberg
<agreen berg@ggrr .com>
Subject: Re : Confirmed

i think we need to talk TPA 2.0, what it looks like and how it fits into overall plan

On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 3:12PM, Nicholas Baldick <nbaldick@hilltoppublicsolutions.com> wrote:

Draft Agenda Attached

If anyone has thoughts please send to me, we have no editorial pride on agendas

On Jan 12, 2016, at 9:16AM, Thomas Snyder wrote:

Given the many schedule changes, I am confirming that our mini-retreat is happen ing
this Sunday the 17th at Gracie from llam - 3pm. Nick will be sending around an
agenda shortly.

Nick Baldick
Hilltop Public Solutions
The Washington Harbour 
3000 K Street NW, Suite 320
Washington, D.C. 20007
Main:  202-298-3232
Fax:  202-298-6115 
From: Viguers, Jonathan
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; jfdc; Jonathan Rosen; Blumm, Kate; Snyder, Thomas; Da Costa, Ricky; Shorris,
Anthony; Griffith, Chantell; Williams, Dominic; Tarlow, Mindy; Wolfe, Emma; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Schwartz,
Regina; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Seignious, Sandy; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Darlington, Mandy (OMB);
Glen, Alicia; Bruch, Mary; Buery, Richard; Cutler, Dorothy; Carter, Zach (Law); Yarde, Ann-Marie (LAW));
Wiley, Maya; Reisman, Lisette; Arslanian, Kayla; Almonte, Catherine
Subject: RE: MBBD: SOTC Prep
Date: Thursday, January 14, 2016 3:23:06 PM

We are delayed. Please stand by.

-----Original Appointment-----
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Monday, January 11, 2016 3:48 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; jfdc; Jonathan Rosen; Blumm, Kate; Snyder, Thomas; Da Costa, Ricky;
Shorris, Anthony; Griffith, Chantell; Williams, Dominic; Tarlow, Mindy; Wolfe, Emma; Schnake Mahl,
Gabriel; Schwartz, Regina; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Seignious, Sandy; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB);
Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Glen, Alicia; Bruch, Mary; Buery, Richard; Cutler, Dorothy; Carter, Zach
(Law); Yarde, Ann-Marie (LAW)); Wiley, Maya; Reisman, Lisette; Arslanian, Kayla; Almonte, Catherine;
Viguers, Jonathan
Subject: MBBD: SOTC Prep
When: Thursday, January 14, 2016 3:30 PM-5:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: City Hall, The Blue Room
From: Viguers, Jonathan
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; jfdc; Jonathan Rosen; Blumm, Kate; Snyder, Thomas; Da Costa, Ricky; Shorris,
Anthony; Griffith, Chantell; Williams, Dominic; Tarlow, Mindy; Wolfe, Emma; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Schwartz,
Regina; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Seignious, Sandy; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Darlington, Mandy (OMB);
Glen, Alicia; Bruch, Mary; Buery, Richard; Cutler, Dorothy; Carter, Zach (Law); Yarde, Ann-Marie (LAW));
Wiley, Maya; Reisman, Lisette; Arslanian, Kayla; Almonte, Catherine
Subject: RE: MBBD: SOTC Prep
Date: Thursday, January 14, 2016 4:58:46 PM

Please gather.

-----Original Appointment-----
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Monday, January 11, 2016 3:48 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; jfdc; Jonathan Rosen; Blumm, Kate; Snyder, Thomas; Da Costa, Ricky;
Shorris, Anthony; Griffith, Chantell; Williams, Dominic; Tarlow, Mindy; Wolfe, Emma; Schnake Mahl,
Gabriel; Schwartz, Regina; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Seignious, Sandy; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB);
Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Glen, Alicia; Bruch, Mary; Buery, Richard; Cutler, Dorothy; Carter, Zach
(Law); Yarde, Ann-Marie (LAW)); Wiley, Maya; Reisman, Lisette; Arslanian, Kayla; Almonte, Catherine;
Viguers, Jonathan
Subject: MBBD: SOTC Prep
When: Thursday, January 14, 2016 3:30 PM-5:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: City Hall, The Blue Room
From: Bruch, Mary
To: "Jonathan Rosen"; Wiley Norvell
Cc: Viswanathan, Vikram
Subject: RE: Do you have Alicia"s remarks from RPA yesterday?
Date: Friday, January 15, 2016 12:46:28 PM
Attachments: RPA Board Meeting - Deputy Mayor Glen w inserted slides.docx
RPA Board Meeting (draft) v4.pptx

Hi Jonathan,

Please find the deck and remarks as prepared for DM Glen's RPA talk yesterday. Adding my colleague,
Vikram, so he can see the good review, and also answer any follow-up questions related to the RPA
presentation yesterday.

Vikram, Jonathan is one of the Mayor's lead political strategists (and he and his partner Val Berlin kicked
my greenhorn butt in a 2005 state assembly race) and is working on the State of the City with our
comms team. Glad to be on the same side, here!


-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2016 12:41 PM
To: Wiley Norvell
Cc: Bruch, Mary
Subject: Re: Do you have Alicia's remarks from RPA yesterday?

Heard if was v good and in line w the framing you and I discussed.  Maybe the boss could borrow it for
himself.  :-)

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 15, 2016, at 12:19 PM, Wiley Norvell < wrote:
> Mary can help. What's your interest?
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jan 15, 2016, at 9:51 AM, Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
>> Sent from my iPhone
***SLIDE*** [Cover]

Lynn, thank you for the kind introduction, and thank you all for your

commitment to a vibrant, affordable, and sustainable New York. In

particular, I want to thank RPA for your recent support of our initiatives

on Mandatory Inclusionary Housing and Zoning for Quality and

Affordability. I think it’s pretty clear that we’re in a housing crisis, and

it’s great to be able to count on allies like you who are so dedicated to

this city’s and region’s future.

Let’s take a moment to consider the larger context of the Mayor’s

Housing New York plan to create and preserve 200,000 units of

affordable housing. Housing is the top expense for most New Yorkers.

Whether you’re a waiter, a healthcare attendant, or a firefighter,

housing is fundamental to your life – housing affects your health, your

physical and economic security, your education, your job trajectory –

and ultimately your sense of possibility and optimism for the future. A

healthy supply of housing – and housing that is affordable – promotes

the diversity within and between our neighborhoods that has long been

what makes New York City great and unique – and that diversity fuels

our long-term economic growth and competitiveness. We want to

remain a city that longtime New Yorkers can stay in – from the cop who
has spent his or her life in a neighborhood and anchors the community,

to an artist like Alicia Keys who was born and raised here and went on

to sing one of our city’s modern anthems. To do that, there is no more

important work than securing housing that is affordable.


With Housing New York we have already made great progress to date

with a multi-pronged strategy. We doubled the budget for housing with

an $8.2 billion commitment that will leverage $32 billion or more in

private and other public investment, and we also added human capital

so we could actually implement and execute the Plan. We are serving a

wider range of New Yorkers than ever before, from households at the
lowest incomes to middle class families whose housing needs are also

not being met by private market development, as well as our most

vulnerable populations, including the homeless, seniors, and individuals

with disabilities. As we work to create and preserve affordable housing,

we’re also partnering with law enforcement agencies like never before

to proactively prevent tenant harassment and go after landlords who

practice harassment.

Mandatory Inclusionary Housing (or MIH) and Zoning for Quality and

Affordability (or ZQA) are two tools that will help us achieve our Plan’s

objective and reshape the future for generations to come. MIH

guarantees permanently affordable housing when zoning changes

encourage more housing. ZQA updates regulations so our housing

money will go further to create more affordable housing, particularly

affordable senior housing, and better designed buildings.

And our latest numbers show that we’ve made tremendous progress.

Just this week, the mayor announced we’ve financed over 40,000

affordable apartments since taking office—putting us on track, on or

quite frankly ahead of schedule, and on budget to deliver 200,000 units

over the next 10 years. A little bit of historical perspective: the last time

NYC saw as much affordable housing delivered as in 2015 was back in

1989—the peak of Ed Koch’s housing plan, when he was rebuilding

huge swaths of Harlem and the South Bronx. And the City has never,

since HPD was founded in 1978, financed as much new affordable

construction as we did last year.

We did it by jumpstarting new projects, by strategically going after

preservation deals like StuyTown and Riverton that previously had gone

overlooked by the public sector, and by revising our term sheet

programs to demand more affordable housing for our tax dollars.

It’s easy to get lost in the numbers, but we are moving mountains here.

And all that effort translates into affordable housing for more than

100,000 people—a small city’s worth, in just two years. The mayor said

this was our top priority. We delivered.


Let’s also keep in mind that this isn’t just about adding residential

density. We’re making sure we align our capital budget with our land
use strategy. A few of you probably remember that’s how the City used

to operate during the heyday of city building. We’re getting back to

that tradition. No more building significant amounts of new housing

without the infrastructure to support it. We’re spending over $1 billion

of our city capital – what we’re calling the Neighborhood Development

Fund – for schools, parks, health care facilities, street improvements,

and other public amenities across approximately 15 neighborhoods

that we are targeting for increased residential density.

And along those lines, we’re not focusing on building and preserving

housing in a vacuum – it’s one crucial piece of a broader, holistic vision

to grow New York City’s economy while promoting sustainability and

improving our quality of life. Housing and economic development are

inextricably linked – and not just because it’s my job title!

We live in a tremendously exciting time, where innovation and

technology (in all of their applications) are radically transforming NYC’s

physical and economic landscape and are driving our efforts to grow a

model Dynamic, Equitable, and Sustainable Urban economy.

Some of that future growth will be organic and depend on national and

global capital markets and political trends. But how we use our

economic development tools, where we choose to intervene, WILL

consciously shape that future.

So our economic development strategy is focused on investments in:

1. High growth sectors such as the tech and creative industries, the

life sciences, and advanced manufacturing to diversify and grow

NYC’s economic engine.

2. Strengthening neighborhoods – the thing that makes NYC the

place to start and grow a business.

3. Infrastructure, building a dynamic, multi-modal transportation

system – one that matches the 5-borough economy of the 21st

century – and building the next generation technologies that will

connect people virtually in NYC and across the globe.

4. People – including Universal Pre-K, Computer Science for All,

CUNY, and workforce development initiatives like the Tech Talent

Pipeline that focus on building the skills that businesses need

today and tomorrow.

Here’s an overview of some of the major investments we’ve been

making. But with the time we have today, let’s go into detail on some

of our progress in infrastructure.

We need to focus on getting people between their jobs and their

homes, and also connecting them to the world! Investing in our roads,

bridges, transit, and broadband systems is not only crucial for

connecting communities where we’re building housing, but also for the

continued economic growth of our city and our region.

The City now has the highest subway and bus ridership in over 45 years.

There are 6 million people riding our trains daily, more than double the

rate in 1980. But the City’s transportation infrastructure – estimated at

well over a trillion dollars in assets between our transit system, roads,

bridges and ferries – needs ongoing investment and expansion.

We’ve committed $18 billion of our budget over the next four years just

to keep a portion of our infrastructure in a state of good repair. Our

total needs, unfortunately, exceed over $47 billion – and that doesn’t

even begin to include new investment in mass transit. So, we’re

focusing on our own tools, our own capital, to make a difference.

Here are a few highlights from our transportation efforts.


We’ve announced the launch of a city-wide ferry system to open in

Spring 2017 that will connect all the boroughs, supported by a $55

million capital investment by the City. This is the first time since 1892

that NYC will have a comprehensive ferry system! Not only will the

initial phases transport over 4 million passengers per year, we will also

unlock development potential along all five routes and make a dent in

our transit deserts. The new New York has multiple job hubs, and this

will help you get to work whether that’s in a Manhattan CBD or along

the Brooklyn/Queens waterfront – if you’re going from Astoria to Lower

Manhattan, the ferry will save you 10 minutes each way relative to the



We’re also expanding Select Bus Service, with 9 routes already

implemented and 5 more announced. We’re reducing travel time

compared to previous non-SBS routes by almost 20%. Customer

satisfaction rates are 95%, so we’re clearly doing something right!

Projects like 125th Street in Harlem are in the ground, and projects like

Woodhaven Boulevard—which is going to set a new national BRT

standard—are in their final planning phase.

We’re bringing our bikeshare system, Citibike to the outer boroughs.

I’m proud to say that we’re the #1 city in the country for bikeshare and

we just painted and reconfigured streets for our 1,000th mile of bike

lanes in the City!

This demonstrates our commitment to multi-modal transportation,

reducing the time people spend in transit and instead give them

previous hours of the day to spend on their work, their families, and

live their lives. What a radical concept!

We’re also using our land use powers to unlock value and make smart,

real-time improvements to our infrastructure and the public realm.

A real-time example: At One Vanderbilt, we secured $220 million to

improve the transportation experience at Grand Central, including

better connections, a public plaza, and new subway entrances. That

framework of linking density to a set of specific improvements will be

central to our larger East Midtown rezoning.

And while we’re on our major transportation hubs, let’s touch on Penn

Station. For those of you who know me, it will come as no surprise that

I have been thinking and obsessing about the future of Penn Station

since my first day on the job. Almost 800,000 people pass through it
every day compared to an original capacity of 180,000. I think we can

all agree that the state of affairs there is entirely unacceptable—not to

mention a massive safety hazard.

The vision that the Governor laid out last week is entirely consistent

with what we have been advocating them to pursue for the last year

and a half. But we must have results. We cannot afford to wait any

longer. And we MUST begin the Gateway project. And let’s be honest,

none of these projects cannot move forward unless the City is a full

partner and active participant.

And the City made a record $2.5 billion contribution to the MTA to

make sure we’re investing in urban mass transit, aligned with our

OneNYC vision for a strong and just city. The MTA Capital Plan will help

maintain and improve the quality of the transit system, expand

communications-based train control along several lines, initiate work

on the Metro North Penn Station Access project, and initiate work on

the Second Avenue Subway Phase 2. It also includes additional projects

that support our economic development and affordable housing

strategy, including station access and connections that are critical for

our neighborhoods.

It’s a historic investment by the City in the region’s transportation

network and transit system. It builds on a long history of the City

supporting the MTA’s capital needs since the early 1980s, and it marks

a new level of coordination between the MTA and the City on critical

funding priorities.


Ultimately, we recognize that this isn’t just about the city – we’re

increasingly connected to the broader New York region. The

Department of City Planning now has a regional unit to consider our

interdependent needs. The Mayor recently gathered with elected

officials from across the region to make a push for federal

transportation investment. And looking at affordable housing and

economic development through a regional lens is critical: between

2000 and 2010, the number of reverse commuters increased by 12.5

percent, compared to 9.5 percent arriving at our City’s regional

transportation hubs.

***SLIDE*** [End]

That’s a summary of some of our major initiatives, but I want to

reiterate a few places where we could continue to use your help:

• First, your continued and vocal support for MIH, ZQA, and the

East NY rezoning – these are critical for us to get through the

housing crisis and build an affordable New York. Thank you for all

your support so far.

• And we need to be watchdogs on the MTA plan – they now have

unprecedented resources, but we need to keep an eye on how

those resources are spent.

So in sum, what is our goal? We want a more diverse economy because

it will be a more sustainable and equitable economy. We want more

New Yorkers in higher quality jobs, making more money so they can

raise a family and have the quality of life everyone in this country

should have. We want transportation and infrastructure that maps to,

and supports, where the city is growing, not where it has been. If we do

this right, and add up all of the strategic interventions and investments

we are making in growth sectors and in, and among, neighborhoods,

we will build a more equitable, sustainable and globally competitive

City for the long run. And after all, what is a New Yorker, or for that

matter, New York City, if not competitive? Thank you for your help in

this effort, and I’m happy to answer any questions!

. I
• /' I

RPA Board Meeting

January 2016
Housing New York set an ambitious goal for affordable housing

200,000 affordable housing units over the next 10 years

We're pursuing this with a multi-pronged strategy

• Reform of State 421-a tax

exemption program will require affordable
housing in every rental building receiving
• More affordable housing
• Broader range of incomes
• No benefits for luxury condos

• Mandatory lnclusionary Housing

J~hJI J~!J'!!> ry
T~--- Jn~J u~]!)IJ:Jry
• Zoning for Quality and Affordability
· JJr ~~. ~~ · Jf.J
will promote senior and affordable housing, aid
efficient use of housing subsidies and promote ;.'Uior!J::tblJlty
better buildings

• Strategic use of subsidy programs and key

development projects allow the City to reach a
wide range of incomes

And we recently announced incredible progress to date

• 40,204 units have been financed since the start of the

Housing Plan
Other (super)


New Construction
13,929 units

Low Income

We’re complementing our housing efforts with a $1B+
Neighborhood Development Fund

$1B+ over the next 10 years dedicated to building

and improving infrastructure and facilities in
WHAT neighborhoods in which the City plans to encourage
affordable housing development and permit greater
density through zoning
To ensure that the City can make and keep promises for
new public investments that complement new affordable
WHY housing and population growth

Projects originate and are prioritized in the neighborhood

planning process: from agencies’ analyses of
HOW opportunities to improve livability as the neighborhood
grows, to ideas generated in community workshops

But our strategy goes well beyond housing

Create quality jobs and support a diverse, dynamic, and growing

economy through strategic investments in:

High-Growth People /
Neighborhoods Infrastructure
Sectors Human Capital

 Tech & Creative  200,000  Multi-modal  Pre-K

 Life Sciences new/preserved transportation  Computer
affordable system Science for All
 Advanced
housing units over  Expanded core
Manufacturing  CUNY
10 years transit capacity
 Education and  Tech Talent
 Schools (by 20%)
R&D Pipeline
 Local Retail
 Open Space
 Healthcare

…To diversify and …To promote robust employment

grow NYC’s growth across all sectors in all five
economic engine boroughs
We're making investments citywide in housing and economic


Our goal is to create a 21st century multi-modal transportation
system to map to our 21st century economy
 Citywide infrastructure is at capacity and
 State investment accounts for only ~10%
of NYCDOT capital funding
 Federal transportation funding flat since
 U.S. infrastructure investment at 20 year
low of 1.7% of GD
– China invests 9% of GDP
– Europe invests 5% of GDP
 NYC is investing in a Multi-Modal
Transportation System
– 6 million subway riders
– 2 million bus riders
– 6,000 miles of roadway
– 1,000 miles of bike lanes
– 5-borough ferry system
– 12,000 miles of sidewalk
– 315,000 street lights
– 1 million street signs
Example: Citywide Ferry System

Goal: To leverage our waterways, a defining feature of New York City, and
provide transportation to areas of significant job and population growth.
 System: 20 landings
– 5 new routes, 1 existing route
– $2.75 fares pegged to MTA
– 4.1 million rides per year
– Much-needed transit for communities with
limited transit options (e.g., Red Hook)
– Accessible to people with mobility

 Estimated Cost
– $55M Capital funds
– ~$20-25M Expense funds per year initially

 Transit-Oriented Development
– Unlocking 13,000 housing units
– 550,000 people live within half a mile of
ferry landings
– Commuters to Manhattan CBDs and
emerging job centers along the
Brooklyn/Queens waterfront
– Reduced commute time – for example,
Soundview stop in the Bronx would reduce (Expected launch dates)
transit time by 20-30 minutes each way

Example: Select Bus Service

Goal: to provide improved bus service on busy routes citywide, particularly areas not
well served by subway
• NYC's version of BRT
• Implemented 9 SBS routes since 2008, benefitting over 200,000 passengers daily; 5 upcoming routes
announced and in planning stages
• Total cost of existing routes is over $100M (including both capital and expense)
• Projects have typically increased ridership by - 10% in the first year of operation
• Travel times improved 15-23% over prior bus service
• Customer satisfaction rates of 95%+
• Served as national design leader in how to implement transit improvements quickly and at low cost

Example: Increasing Bike Usage

 NYC named #1 Cycling City by Bicycle Magazine

in 2014

 North America’s largest & growing bike share

network with almost 21 million trips since launch

 Citibike expansion to outer borough neighborhoods

in 2015

 Met Mayoral target of 50 miles of enhancements to

cycling network

 Numerous protected lane projects – 12 miles in

2015, more than any previous year

 1,000th mile of network completed in September


 Additional infrastructure: bike racks and corrals

Example: One Vanderbilt

And we recognize the importance of the region to NYC's success
• #Growth
Percentage of Percentage of Change in commuting trends • %Growth
total gross regional
jobs product 90,000 14.0%
80,000 •
12.5% 12.0%


50,000 8.0%

Percentage of 40,000
33,000 6.0%
total geographic
area ~ 4 % NYC

0 0%
In-commuters Reverse

From: B
To: Walzak, Phil; Hinton, Karen; Jonathan Rosen
Cc: jfdc; Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: Re: HRC question/Blitzer
Date: Friday, January 15, 2016 12:57:44 PM

I got this

From: "Walzak, Phil" <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2016 17:53:51 +0000
To: Hinton, Karen<KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>; B<BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov>;
Jonathan Rosen<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: jfdc<jfdc@akpdmedia.com>; Hagelgans, Andrea<AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: HRC question/Blitzer

Rec not be a pundit

Double down on HRC msg, record a progressive agenda, and express confidence it resonates w the
people and will ultimately prevail on its substance
From: Hinton, Karen
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2016 12:52 PM
To: B
Cc: jfdc; Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: HRC question/Blitzer
Mayor will ask also about Bernie threat to HRC. 
Copying others for thoughts. 

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Overzat, Gregory" <Gregory.Overzat@turner.com>

Date: January 15, 2016 at 12:41:56 PM EST
To: "Hinton, Karen" <KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: 1:10

Primarily the threat Bernie’s seemingly posing to her in the latest polls and the issue of
income inequality, which has been a major issue in the Democratic race
From: Hinton, Karen [mailto:KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2016 12:40 PM
To: Overzat, Gregory <Gregory.Overzat@turner.com>
Subject: Re: 1:10
Any specifics on HRC? 
Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 15, 2016, at 12:31 PM, Overzat, Gregory <Gregory.Overzat@turner.com>


AMAZING!! Wolf is interested in the Cruz stuff of course, besides the

“New York values” comment, him also making the remark that he can win
New York (does the Mayor agree?), want to talk a bit about Hillary too
leading into Sunday night’s debate.
From: Hinton, Karen [mailto:KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2016 12:30 PM
To: Overzat, Gregory <Gregory.Overzat@turner.com>
Subject: 1:10
1:10 good, arriving 1:00 or so. See you soon. What other questions aside
from Cruz?
Karen Hinton
Press Secretary
Follow Me On Twitter @KarenHinton
From: Viswanathan, Vikram
To: Bruch, Mary; "Jonathan Rosen"; Wiley Norvell
Subject: RE: Do you have Alicia"s remarks from RPA yesterday?
Date: Friday, January 15, 2016 12:58:07 PM
Attachments: RPA Board Meeting - Deputy Mayor Glen.pptx

Jonathan - great to meet you over email, and glad to hear her speech was well received! I've also
attached the latest version of the slides as presented.

-----Original Message-----
From: Bruch, Mary
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2016 12:46 PM
To: 'Jonathan Rosen'; Wiley Norvell
Cc: Viswanathan, Vikram
Subject: RE: Do you have Alicia's remarks from RPA yesterday?

Hi Jonathan,

Please find the deck and remarks as prepared for DM Glen's RPA talk yesterday. Adding my colleague,
Vikram, so he can see the good review, and also answer any follow-up questions related to the RPA
presentation yesterday.

Vikram, Jonathan is one of the Mayor's lead political strategists (and he and his partner Val Berlin kicked
my greenhorn butt in a 2005 state assembly race) and is working on the State of the City with our
comms team. Glad to be on the same side, here!


-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2016 12:41 PM
To: Wiley Norvell
Cc: Bruch, Mary
Subject: Re: Do you have Alicia's remarks from RPA yesterday?

Heard if was v good and in line w the framing you and I discussed.  Maybe the boss could borrow it for
himself.  :-)

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 15, 2016, at 12:19 PM, Wiley Norvell < wrote:
> Mary can help. What's your interest?
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jan 15, 2016, at 9:51 AM, Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
>> Sent from my iPhone
. I
• /' I

RPA Board Meeting

January 2016
Housing New York set an ambitious goal for affordable housing

200,000 affordable housing units over the next 10 years

We're pursuing this with a multi-pronged strategy

• Reform of State 421-a tax

exemption program will require affordable
housing in every rental building receiving
• More affordable housing
• Broader range of incomes
• No benefits for luxury condos

• Mandatory lnclusionary Housing

J~hJI J~!J'!!> ry
T~--- Jn~J u~]!)IJ:Jry
• Zoning for Quality and Affordability
· JJr ~~. ~~ · Jf.J
will promote senior and affordable housing, aid
efficient use of housing subsidies and promote ;.'Uior!J::tblJlty
better buildings

• Strategic use of subsidy programs, key

development projects, and publicly owned
assets allow the City to reach a wide range of

And we recently announced significant progress to date

• 40,204 units have been financed since the start of the

Housing Plan
Other (super)


New Construction
13,929 units

Low Income

We’re complementing our housing efforts with a $1B+
Neighborhood Development Fund

$1B+ over the next 10 years dedicated to building

and improving infrastructure and facilities in
WHAT neighborhoods in which the City plans to encourage
affordable housing development and permit greater
density through zoning
To ensure that the City can make and keep promises for
new public investments that complement new affordable
WHY housing and population growth

Projects originate and are prioritized in the neighborhood

planning process: from agencies’ analyses of
HOW opportunities to improve livability as the neighborhood
grows, to ideas generated in community workshops

Our agenda is about more than housing

Create quality jobs and support a sustainable, dynamic, and

growing economy through strategic investments in:

Neighborhoods Infrastructure People

 Tech & Creative  200,000  Multi-modal  Universal Pre-K

 Life Sciences new/preserved transportation  Computer
affordable system Science for All
 Advanced
housing units over  Expanded core
Manufacturing  CUNY
10 years transit capacity
 Education and  Tech Talent
 Schools (by 20%)
R&D Pipeline
 Local Retail  Broadband
 Open Space access

 Healthcare

…To diversify and …To promote robust employment

grow NYC’s growth across all sectors in all five
economic engine boroughs
We're making investments citywide in housing and economic


Our goal is to create a multi-modal transportation system to map to
our 21st century City
 Citywide infrastructure is at capacity and
 State investment accounts for only ~10%
of NYCDOT capital funding
 Federal transportation funding flat since
 U.S. infrastructure investment at 20 year
low of 1.7% of GD
– China invests 9% of GDP
– Europe invests 5% of GDP
 NYC is investing in a Multi-Modal
Transportation System
– 6 million subway riders
– 2 million bus riders
– 6,000 miles of roadway
– 1,000 miles of bike lanes
– 5-borough ferry system
– 12,000 miles of sidewalk
– 315,000 street lights
– 1 million street signs
Example: Citywide Ferry System

Goal: To leverage our waterways, a defining feature of New York City, and
provide transportation to areas of significant job and population growth.
 System: 20 landings
– 5 new routes, 1 existing route
– $2.75 fares pegged to MTA
– 4.1 million rides per year
– Much-needed transit for communities with
limited transit options (e.g., Red Hook)
– Accessible to people with mobility

 Estimated Cost
– $55M Capital funds
– ~$20-25M Expense funds per year initially

 Transit-Oriented Development
– Unlocking 13,000 housing units
– 550,000 people live within half a mile of
ferry landings
– Reduced commute time
 Soundview (Bronx) to Manhattan
reduced by 20-30 minutes each way
 Astoria to Lower Manhattan reduced
by 10 minutes each way (Expected launch dates)

Example: Select Bus Service

Goal: to provide improved bus service on busy routes citywide, particularly areas not
well served by subway
• NYC's version of BRT
• Implemented 9 SBS routes since 2008, benefitting over 200,000 passengers daily; 5 upcoming routes
announced and in planning stages
• Total cost of existing routes is over $100M (including both capital and expense)
• Projects have typically increased ridership by - 10% in the first year of operation
• Travel times improved 15-23% over prior bus service
• Customer satisfaction rates of 95%+
• Served as national design leader in how to implement transit improvements quickly and at low cost

Example: Increasing Bike Usage

 NYC named #1 Cycling City by Bicycle Magazine

in 2014

 North America’s largest & growing bike share

network with almost 21 million trips since launch

 Citibike expansion to outer borough neighborhoods

in 2015

 Met Mayoral target of 50 miles of enhancements to

cycling network

 Numerous protected lane projects – 12 miles in

2015, more than any previous year

 1,000th mile of network completed in September


 Additional infrastructure: bike racks and corrals

Example: One Vanderbilt

And we recognize the importance of the region to NYC's success
• #Growth
Percentage of Percentage of Change in commuting trends • %Growth
total gross regional
jobs product 90,000 14.0%
80,000 •
12.5% 12.0%


50,000 8.0%

Percentage of 40,000
33,000 6.0%
total geographic
area ~ 4 % NYC

0 0%
In-commuters Reverse

From: Hinton, Karen
To: Walzak, Phil
Cc: B; Jonathan Rosen; jfdc; Hagelgans, Andrea; Wolfe, Emma
Subject: Re: HRC question/Blitzer
Date: Friday, January 15, 2016 1:30:40 PM

Doing Ashley ban field -- mini ambush -  will ask him about stock market .  Will talk
about property values we released today. he spoke with dean. 

Said ok to property values since CUNY issue hopefully behind us. 

Will use throughout afternoon getting times from producer 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 15, 2016, at 12:53 PM, Walzak, Phil <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Rec not be a pundit

Double down on HRC msg, record a progressive agenda, and express confidence it
resonates w the people and will ultimately prevail on its substance
From: Hinton, Karen
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2016 12:52 PM
To: B
Cc: jfdc; Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: HRC question/Blitzer
Mayor will ask also about Bernie threat to HRC. 
Copying others for thoughts. 

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Overzat, Gregory" <Gregory.Overzat@turner.com>

Date: January 15, 2016 at 12:41:56 PM EST
To: "Hinton, Karen" <KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: 1:10

Primarily the threat Bernie’s seemingly posing to her in the latest polls
and the issue of income inequality, which has been a major issue in the
Democratic race
From: Hinton, Karen [mailto:KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2016 12:40 PM
To: Overzat, Gregory <Gregory.Overzat@turner.com>
Subject: Re: 1:10
Any specifics on HRC? 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 15, 2016, at 12:31 PM, Overzat, Gregory

<Gregory.Overzat@turner.com> wrote:

AMAZING!! Wolf is interested in the Cruz stuff of course,

besides the “New York values” comment, him also making
the remark that he can win New York (does the Mayor
agree?), want to talk a bit about Hillary too leading into
Sunday night’s debate.
From: Hinton, Karen [mailto:KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2016 12:30 PM
To: Overzat, Gregory <Gregory.Overzat@turner.com>
Subject: 1:10
1:10 good, arriving 1:00 or so. See you soon. What other
questions aside from Cruz?
Karen Hinton
Press Secretary
Follow Me On Twitter @KarenHinton
From: Gunaratna, Mahen
To: Hinton, Karen; Walzak, Phil
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; jfdc; Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: RE: HRC question/Blitzer
Date: Friday, January 15, 2016 1:50:52 PM

Some info here:


Ted Cruz gets a birther lawsuit challenge

By Tal Kopan, CNN
Updated 12:29 PM ET, Fri January 15, 2016

Washington (CNN)- Ted Cruz is now facing a federal lawsuit challenging his
eligibility to run for president, based on the theory espoused by Donald Trump that he
may not be a natural-born citizen.

The lawsuit, filed in Texas on Thursday by Newton Boris Schwartz Sr., raises legal
uncertainty about whether Cruz qualifies for the constitutional requirement that a
President be a "a natural-born citizen" because he was born in Canada.

Cruz was conferred American citizenship at birth because his mother is an American
citizen, and legal experts have largely agreed that would qualify him as natural-born
citizenship. Cruz was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, and also had Canadian
citizenship until he renounced it in 2014.

Schwartz cites legal theorists including Harvard law professor Laurence Tribe who
say while Cruz is generally accepted to be a natural-born citizen, no court has
definitively ruled on the question.

The move follows weeks of attacks by the GOP front-runner on Cruz's status, which
came to a head during Thursday's GOP debate. Trump told Cruz he was a liability as
a candidate if he runs for president, because his eligibility will be tied up in lawsuits for

Trump also spread many of the birther theories that hung over President Barack
Obama when he ran for office, fueled by conspiracy theorists who did not believe that
Obama was born in the U.S., as he was. Obama's mother was also a U.S. citizen at
his birth, and no credible legal challenge to his eligibility ever progressed in the

Legal experts believe the same will be true of the Cruz challenge.

Asked if Schwartz had standing to file the lawsuit, American University law professor
and CNN contributor Stephen Vladeck said "not even a little."
Standing is the legal principle that requires an individual to have suffered some harm
to bring a lawsuit.

"Standing's only going to work if some state denies Cruz access to the ballot,"
Vladeck said, at which point Cruz himself could sue to have it resolved.

Cruz has maintained he is a natural-born citizen.

"Back in September, my friend Donald said he had his lawyers look at this in every
which way," Cruz said in Thursday night's debate. "There was nothing to this birther

"Since September, the Constitution hasn't changed," Cruz added. "But the poll
numbers have."

From: Hinton, Karen

Sent: Friday, January 15, 2016 1:45 PM
To: Walzak, Phil
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; jfdc; Hagelgans, Andrea; Gunaratna, Mahen
Subject: Re: HRC question/Blitzer
There's a lawsuit filed today to resolve issue associated with birthers but don't know details.
Mahen what can u find out? 
We may need to clean up?  

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 15, 2016, at 1:27 PM, Walzak, Phil <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Don’t love being associated w those clowns broadly
Maybe if its seen as some sort of way to help trump bec HRC beats trump more easily?
From: Hinton, Karen
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2016 1:26 PM
To: Walzak, Phil
Cc: B; Jonathan Rosen; jfdc; Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: Re: HRC question/Blitzer
What we think about birther comments? 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 15, 2016, at 12:53 PM, Walzak, Phil <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Rec not be a pundit
Double down on HRC msg, record a progressive agenda, and express
confidence it resonates w the people and will ultimately prevail on its
From: Hinton, Karen
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2016 12:52 PM
To: B
Cc: jfdc; Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: HRC question/Blitzer
Mayor will ask also about Bernie threat to HRC. 
Copying others for thoughts. 

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Overzat, Gregory" <Gregory.Overzat@turner.com>

Date: January 15, 2016 at 12:41:56 PM EST
To: "Hinton, Karen" <KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: 1:10

Primarily the threat Bernie’s seemingly posing to her in the

latest polls and the issue of income inequality, which has
been a major issue in the Democratic race
From: Hinton, Karen [mailto:KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2016 12:40 PM
To: Overzat, Gregory <Gregory.Overzat@turner.com>
Subject: Re: 1:10
Any specifics on HRC? 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 15, 2016, at 12:31 PM, Overzat, Gregory

<Gregory.Overzat@turner.com> wrote:

AMAZING!! Wolf is interested in the Cruz stuff

of course, besides the “New York values”
comment, him also making the remark that he
can win New York (does the Mayor agree?),
want to talk a bit about Hillary too leading into
Sunday night’s debate.
From: Hinton, Karen
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2016 12:30 PM
To: Overzat, Gregory
Subject: 1:10
1:10 good, arriving 1:00 or so. See you soon.
What other questions aside from Cruz?
Karen Hinton
Press Secretary
Follow Me On Twitter @KarenHinton
From: John Del Cecato
To: Hinton, Karen; Walzak, Phil
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; Hagelgans, Andrea; Gunaratna, Mahen
Subject: Re: HRC question/Blitzer
Date: Friday, January 15, 2016 2:15:32 PM

I don’t think we should pull any punched with Cruz on birtherism.  He’s legit.  Obama’s legit.  Romney &
McCain were legit.  Let’s remember this is a serious job & not a game.

On Sanders/HRC – I think the focus is rebuilding the middle class – which Sander & HRC are both speaking
to… As Phil says, I’m not a pundit – I’m just stuck by how the Dem side is focused on tackling inequality
while the GOP is a freak show

From: "Hinton, Karen" <KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Friday, January 15, 2016 at 1:44 PM
To: "Walzak, Phil" <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Jonathan Rosen <jonathan@berlinrosen.com>, John Del Cecato <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>,
"Hagelgans, Andrea" <AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Gunaratna, Mahen"
Subject: Re: HRC question/Blitzer

There's a lawsuit filed today to resolve issue associated with birthers but don't know details.

Mahen what can u find out? 

We may need to clean up?  

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 15, 2016, at 1:27 PM, Walzak, Phil <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Don’t love being associated w those clowns broadly
Maybe if its seen as some sort of way to help trump bec HRC beats trump more easily?
From: Hinton, Karen
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2016 1:26 PM
To: Walzak, Phil
Cc: B; Jonathan Rosen; jfdc; Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: Re: HRC question/Blitzer
What we think about birther comments? 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 15, 2016, at 12:53 PM, Walzak, Phil <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Rec not be a pundit

Double down on HRC msg, record a progressive agenda, and express
confidence it resonates w the people and will ultimately prevail on its
From: Hinton, Karen
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2016 12:52 PM
To: B
Cc: jfdc; Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: HRC question/Blitzer
Mayor will ask also about Bernie threat to HRC. 
Copying others for thoughts. 

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Overzat, Gregory" <Gregory.Overzat@turner.com>

Date: January 15, 2016 at 12:41:56 PM EST
To: "Hinton, Karen" <KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: 1:10

Primarily the threat Bernie’s seemingly posing to her in the

latest polls and the issue of income inequality, which has
been a major issue in the Democratic race
From: Hinton, Karen [mailto:KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2016 12:40 PM
To: Overzat, Gregory <Gregory.Overzat@turner.com>
Subject: Re: 1:10
Any specifics on HRC? 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 15, 2016, at 12:31 PM, Overzat, Gregory

<Gregory.Overzat@turner.com> wrote:

AMAZING!! Wolf is interested in the Cruz stuff

of course, besides the “New York values”
comment, him also making the remark that he
can win New York (does the Mayor agree?),
want to talk a bit about Hillary too leading into
Sunday night’s debate.
From: Hinton, Karen
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2016 12:30 PM
To: Overzat, Gregory
Subject: 1:10
1:10 good, arriving 1:00 or so. See you soon.
What other questions aside from Cruz?
Karen Hinton
Press Secretary
Follow Me On Twitter @KarenHinton
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: jfdc; Jonathan Rosen; Blumm, Kate; Snyder, Thomas; Shorris, Anthony; Williams, Dominic; Fialkoff, Gabrielle;
Tarlow, Mindy; Wolfe, Emma; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Schwartz, Regina; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil;
Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Glen, Alicia; Buery, Richard; Arslanian, Kayla; Almonte, Catherine; Viguers, Jonathan
Cc: jfdc
Subject: RE: MBDB: SOTC Prep
Date: Sunday, January 17, 2016 9:29:43 PM

Hey guys, There will some snacks at Gracie tomorrow but not a full lunch but please feel
free to bring food with you to the meeting.

-----Original Appointment-----
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2016 1:18 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; jfdc; Jonathan Rosen; Blumm, Kate; Snyder, Thomas; Da Costa, Ricky;
Shorris, Anthony; Griffith, Chantell; Williams, Dominic; Fialkoff, Gabrielle; Tarlow, Mindy; Wolfe, Emma;
Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Schwartz, Regina; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Seignious, Sandy; Fuleihan,
Dean (OMB); Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Glen, Alicia; Bruch, Mary; Buery, Richard; Cutler, Dorothy;
Arslanian, Kayla; Almonte, Catherine; Viguers, Jonathan
Cc: John Del Cecato
Subject: MBDB: SOTC Prep
When: Monday, January 18, 2016 12:45 PM-1:45 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: Gracie Mansion
From: Viguers, Jonathan
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; jfdc; Jonathan Rosen; Blumm, Kate; Snyder, Thomas; Da Costa, Ricky; Shorris,
Anthony; Griffith, Chantell; Williams, Dominic; Fialkoff, Gabrielle; Tarlow, Mindy; Wolfe, Emma; Schnake Mahl,
Gabriel; Schwartz, Regina; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Seignious, Sandy; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB);
Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Glen, Alicia; Bruch, Mary; Buery, Richard; Cutler, Dorothy; Arslanian, Kayla;
Almonte, Catherine
Subject: RE: MBDB: SOTC Prep
Date: Tuesday, January 19, 2016 5:55:44 PM

Please gather.

-----Original Appointment-----
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2016 4:25 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; jfdc; Jonathan Rosen; Blumm, Kate; Snyder, Thomas; Da Costa, Ricky;
Shorris, Anthony; Griffith, Chantell; Williams, Dominic; Fialkoff, Gabrielle; Tarlow, Mindy; Wolfe, Emma;
Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Schwartz, Regina; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Seignious, Sandy; Fuleihan,
Dean (OMB); Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Glen, Alicia; Bruch, Mary; Buery, Richard; Cutler, Dorothy;
Arslanian, Kayla; Almonte, Catherine; Viguers, Jonathan
Subject: MBDB: SOTC Prep
When: Tuesday, January 19, 2016 6:00 PM-7:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: City Hall, The Blue Room
From: The Office of Mayor de Blasio
To: Emily Walsh
Subject: RE: State of the City RSVP
Date: Wednesday, January 20, 2016 10:15:00 AM

Dear Emily,
Mr. Rosen is confirmed for the event on the 4th . We look forward to seeing him!
Emina Ajvazoska 
Event Coordinator, Mayor's Office of Special Projects and Community Events
New York City
(w) 212-788-2569
From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2016 9:22 AM
To: The Office of Mayor de Blasio
Subject: State of the City RSVP

Hi there,
Jonathan Rosen will be attending. I believe his RSVP mistakenly came through as me instead.
Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Almonte, Catherine
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; jfdc; Jonathan Rosen; Blumm, Kate; Snyder, Thomas; Da Costa, Ricky; Shorris,
Anthony; Griffith, Chantell; Williams, Dominic; Adams Baker, Marti; Fialkoff, Gabrielle; Tarlow, Mindy; Wolfe,
Emma; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Schwartz, Regina; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Seignious, Sandy; Fuleihan,
Dean (OMB); Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Glen, Alicia; Bruch, Mary; Buery, Richard; Cutler, Dorothy; Arslanian,
Kayla; Viguers, Jonathan; Bennett, Rob
Cc: Confer, Alexis
Subject: RE: MBDB: SOTC Prep
Date: Wednesday, January 20, 2016 5:05:13 PM

We are delayed

-----Original Appointment-----
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2016 4:43 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; jfdc; Jonathan Rosen; Blumm, Kate; Snyder, Thomas; Da Costa, Ricky;
Shorris, Anthony; Griffith, Chantell; Williams, Dominic; Adams Baker, Marti; Fialkoff, Gabrielle; Tarlow,
Mindy; Wolfe, Emma; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Schwartz, Regina; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil;
Seignious, Sandy; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Glen, Alicia; Bruch, Mary; Buery,
Richard; Cutler, Dorothy; Arslanian, Kayla; Almonte, Catherine; Viguers, Jonathan; Bennett, Rob
Cc: Confer, Alexis
Subject: MBDB: SOTC Prep
When: Wednesday, January 20, 2016 5:00 PM-6:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: City Hall, The Governor's Room
From: Almonte, Catherine
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Walzak, Phil; jfdc; Glen, Alicia; Buery, Richard; Arslanian, Kayla; Fuleihan, Dean
(OMB); Blumm, Kate; Viguers, Jonathan; Adams Baker, Marti; Bruch, Mary; Cutler, Dorothy; Patchett, James;
Schwartz, Regina; Hagelgans, Andrea; Da Costa, Ricky; Jonathan Rosen; Williams, Dominic; Darlington, Mandy
(OMB); Bennett, Rob; Griffith, Chantell; Fialkoff, Gabrielle; Snyder, Thomas; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Wolfe,
Emma; Shorris, Anthony; Seignious, Sandy; Tarlow, Mindy
Cc: Confer, Alexis
Subject: RE: MBDB: SOTC Prep
Date: Wednesday, January 20, 2016 7:30:36 PM

This meeting is in the Governor’s room

From: Almonte, Catherine
Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2016 7:23 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Walzak, Phil; jfdc; Glen, Alicia; Buery, Richard; Arslanian, Kayla; Fuleihan,
Dean (OMB); Blumm, Kate; Viguers, Jonathan; Adams Baker, Marti; Bruch, Mary; Cutler, Dorothy;
Patchett, James; Schwartz, Regina; Hagelgans, Andrea; Da Costa, Ricky; Jonathan Rosen; Williams,
Dominic; Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Bennett, Rob; Griffith, Chantell; Fialkoff, Gabrielle; Snyder, Thomas;
Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Wolfe, Emma; Shorris, Anthony; Seignious, Sandy; Tarlow, Mindy
Cc: Confer, Alexis
Subject: RE: MBDB: SOTC Prep

Please gather.

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2016 6:16 PM
To: Walzak, Phil; jfdc; Glen, Alicia; Buery, Richard; Arslanian, Kayla; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Blumm,
Kate; Viguers, Jonathan; Adams Baker, Marti; Bruch, Mary; Cutler, Dorothy; Patchett, James; Schwartz,
Regina; Hagelgans, Andrea; Da Costa, Ricky; Almonte, Catherine; Jonathan Rosen; Williams, Dominic;
Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Bennett, Rob; Griffith, Chantell; Fialkoff, Gabrielle; Snyder, Thomas; Schnake
Mahl, Gabriel; Wolfe, Emma; Shorris, Anthony; Seignious, Sandy; Tarlow, Mindy
Cc: Confer, Alexis
Subject: RE: MBDB: SOTC Prep

We are going to gather for this meeting shortly.

A notification will be sent out.

Marti has the 2 items that are going to be discussed.

James and DM Glen are needed in this meeting per Phil.

-----Original Appointment-----
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2016 1:27 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Walzak, Phil; jfdc; Glen, Alicia; Buery, Richard; Arslanian, Kayla; Fuleihan,
Dean (OMB); Blumm, Kate; Viguers, Jonathan; Adams Baker, Marti; Bruch, Mary; Cutler, Dorothy;
Patchett, James; Schwartz, Regina; Hagelgans, Andrea; Da Costa, Ricky; Almonte, Catherine; Jonathan
Rosen; Williams, Dominic; Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Bennett, Rob; Griffith, Chantell; Fialkoff, Gabrielle;
Snyder, Thomas; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Wolfe, Emma; Shorris, Anthony; Seignious, Sandy; Tarlow,
Cc: Confer, Alexis
Subject: MBDB: SOTC Prep
When: Wednesday, January 20, 2016 5:00 PM-6:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: City Hall, The Governor's Room
From: Thomas Snyder
To: FLONYC; Roxanne John; Jonathan Rosen; jfdc; Nick Baldick; David Kieve; Ross Offinger; Emma Mw; PhilWalzak
(gmail.com); Dom Williams; Gabrielle Fialkoff; Nathan Smith; agreenberg@gqrr.com
Subject: Calendar 2016
Date: Thursday, January 21, 2016 11:56:47 AM
Attachments: Draft Year Calendar 2016.doc

Attached is final draft 2016 calendar. Very few of you have added any items. We
really need to get this right so please take one hard look and send me additions
before I forward to Mayor.

Budget Day
Day in Albany

US Conference of Mayors 01/21-01/2.2

Club Dinner
by Arne Sorenson,
of Marriot)
1 3 5 6
"Session Day in Albany Groundhog Day CPC Housing Vote "MBdB's State of the City
• Iowa Caucus Session Day in Albany

7 8 10 13
·super Bowl "Chinese New Year Session Day in Albany "Ash Wednesday
"Session Day in Albany New Hampshire Primary

• First Financial Committee • D Primary Debate

meeting this week

New York Fashion Week Feb 10- 18 2016

ABPRL Conference 2112-2114

14 Valentine's Day 15 Pr l'sidl'nts Day 16 17 18 19 20

onth Event ' (Dinner with Harry NV D Caucus
Belafonte and Pamela Frank
"NYU Portraitures Rece~tion
l Ms. Tosca o

NPW Vnrk Fii<:hinn WPPk FPh 10 -1R , 011>

21 22 3 24 25 26 27
"Black Clergy Mental Health ·session Day in Albany SC D primary
Breakfast at Gracie • Robin Hood Foundation
·session Day in Albany Board Retreat
28 29 otes:
"Session Day in Albany OSPCE Events in Februa 2016:
1- Mayor's Fund Dinner (GF to suggest date).

·cc Land Use Committee

Day in Albany on Housing+ Full CC

•ME Caucus Women's Day

r lntorr"'ti''""' I"W,Ilmr>n
Day in Albany
MS Primary
• Partnership for NYC

Saving Time Day in Albany Day in Albany

SOMOS Conference in Albany- 03/18-03120

begins (Northern) Day in Albany Day in Albany ends Friday •AK, HI, WA Caucus
Day in Albany Day in Albany Day in Albany

Notes: 1 2
MOSPCE Events in A~ril2016: ·Beginning of New Fiscal
1- Gracie Mansion Conservancy Open House Year
2- Mental Health World Summit

3 4 5 6 7 8 9
·session Day in Albany Session Day in Albany ·session Day in Albany ·world Health Day WY Caucus
WI Primary
~ek lndependenc
·Police Foundation Gala

10 11 12 13 14 15 16
·Greek Independence Day ·session Day in Albany ~Council RecepJion •JCRC of NY 40th ·rax Day (Taxes Due)
Parade Session Day in Albany Anniversary Gala Dinner
·session Day in Albany

TribP.ca Film FP.stival- 4/13-4/24 I

17 18 19 21 22 23
NY Primary (inc. Nassau) §L. nil].
'Immigrant Herit~e Panel 'Earth Day

I Tribeca Film Festival- 4/13-4/24 I

24 25 26 27 28 29 30
CT,DE,MD,PA,RI Primaries ' MBdB Inner Circle Dinner
Executive Budget Due

1"-'c::c::irm Day in Albany Day in Albany nco De Mayo

IN Primary •·""'""'''" Day in Albany
Birthday Gala Approx.
r .. rn"n'i" Hall 125th
IAnnivt>rc::;~,rv Gala

Day in Albany Day in Albany

de Blasio's B-Day

·-'""'""'" Day in Albany .-A~>~an·l"a<:lrlc American

KY. OR Primary at Graci
22 I~ 24 25 26 127 28
·session Day in Albany ·session Day in Albany
1~e in NY Event
'Session Day in Albany

29 30 31 Notes:
'Memorial Day MOSPCE Events in Mav 2016:
1- Mayor's Fund Cocktail Reception
2- UPK Thank You Reception
3- Young Men's Initiative: Dads Matter Awards
Puttanesca Party

IKdlllduldl Starts
I•<:D,c::c::irm Day in Albany
Day Parade
PR Caucus


USCM 84th Annual Conference of Mayors (6/24-6/27)

Indianapolis. IN

Pride Parade

USCM 84th Annual Conference of Mayors

·canada Day

3 4 5 6 7 8 ~
·Independence Day ·Dinkins Administration Staten Island Pride Parade

10 11 12 13 14 15 16
·Ramadan Ends

·Filing Deadline

17 18 Republic Convention 19 Republic Convention 20 Republic Convention 21 Republic Convention 22 123

Columbia Day Parade

24 25 Democratic Convention 26 Democratic Convention 27 Democratic Convention 28 Democratic Convention 29 ~0

Gran Parada Dominicana
de Bronx

Harlem Week 7/27 8/03

31 Notes:
MOSPCE Events in Julv 2016:
1- DOE Big Apple Awards
2- Vai/Sals
3- Awards for Excellence in Design
4- Senate Dems Dinner
5- IDC Dinner
11 12 13 14 IS IS

Harlem Week 7/27 8/03

Er ~ 19 110 Ill 112 113

1.:.~..uauvudn Parade 1 Milyor :; Dominican
p~::m<~y~:: Event

114 115 116 117 118 119 120

~·r1auvu<~• Dominican Day
!Parade (Manhattan)

121 ~2 123 ~4 125 126 127

128 129 130 !Notes:
lunc:.or1= Evl!nts in Aunust 2016:
11 Mayor's ADA Awards
12- Staff Recognition BBQ
11. Press BBQ
US Open Tennis 8/29 - 9/11 ~- Council Dinner
1a· Assembly Dinner
l 2 ~
'WeSt Indian & Caribbean
I:IE:u ~~;:hent at Graci

US Open Tennis 8/29- 9/11

5 6 8 9 10
·Labor Day ~~k to School Event
·west American Day

US Open Tennis 8/29-9/11

11 12 13 114 15 16 17
•9111 anniversary Ceremony Mayv• "' Address on
at the Memorial 1-''-IIVVI;)

18 19 20 121 22 23 ~4

~r~ Events in Seot

25 26 27 128 29 30

F: Mansion
~""'"'' v"""J Gala
~-Gracie ••.a""'v"
~v' '""' ""' '"J Open House

' 3 4 5 I!_
Mayor's Italian Heritag

~tat Gracie Mansion

9 10 11 12 13 14 15
·columbus Day r.)ave the Date: Circle of
·world Mental Health Day ~isters Expo 2016 in NYC
·columbus Day Parade

16 17 18 19 10 21 122

23 24 25 26 27 28 129
·united Nations Day ~ · 's Diwali Celebrai!Qii 'MaYor's G ieMansi ~Mayor's Gracie Mansion
~ween Halloween

30 31 Notes:
Diwali Begins ·Halloween MOSPCE Events in October 2016:
•park slope Brooklyn 1- Upstander Awards
Halloween Parade
..,.. October -November 2016- December ~

1 2 3 4 ~
'All Saint's Day

I SOMOS in Puerto Rico I

6 7 8 Election Day ~ 10 11 12
Daylight Saving Time Ends ~rans· ~ 'Flight 587 Memorial
'Mayor's Veteran's Da~ HOLD: 126th Anniversary of
~kfast he New York Wellesley
'Veteran's Day Parade ~lub

13 14 15 16 17 18 19
'ThriveNYC 151 Anniversary

20 21 22 23 24 25 126
Thanksgiving Day
Annual Thanksgiving Day

27 28 29 30 Notes:
'Chir1ane McCray Birthday MOSPCE Events in November 2016:
1- Council Puerto Rican Event
Alfred E smith Memorial Dinner
1 2 3
·world AIDS Day
HOLD: Alvin Ailey
~merican Dance Opening
Live Perfonnances

~ 5 t5 7 ~ 9 10
·HoLD: Congressman - -
rTvette Clarke and Una HOLD: e a 1on ns u e
Clarke's Annual Birthday ;1016 Dinner Gala

11 12 13 14 15 16 17
"i<Och Ad inistrar o

18 19 ;10 21 22 23 24
·winter Solstice (Northern) ·First night of Hanukkah

25 26 27 28 29 30 31
·christmas ·Kwanzaa begins •NYE Ball Drop
·NAN Christmas event

Notes: Holiday Parties: 1199, UFT, DC 37, RWDSU, Holiday ReceP.tion with SP.eaker Heastie, Detail Holiday Party Mayor'sFund Holiday Party, Menorah in Carl Schurz Park
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: "Emily Walsh"
Subject: RE: sorry - last minute
Date: Thursday, January 21, 2016 9:58:43 PM

From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2016 9:52 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: RE: sorry - last minute
No problem, we can do the 11th Floor conference room if that's ok. 
Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2016 9:49 PM
To: Emily Walsh
Subject: RE: sorry - last minute

Hi! Change in schedule – don’t know if Ross or Delcacato reached out – but Mayor wants to do
some calls from 10-12 at your place-
I hope there is a room avail….
From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2016 8:42 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Cc: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: RE: sorry - last minute
Just heard from Ross. We can use the large room on the 16th floor. 
Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2016 8:41 AM
To: Emily Walsh
Cc: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: sorry - last minute

We have had a last minute change in our schedule and MBDB would like to go to your office for
some call time from 11-1215
Please let me know what floor he should go to…
From: Viguers, Jonathan
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Walzak, Phil; jfdc; Glen, Alicia; Buery, Richard; Confer, Alexis; Arslanian, Kayla;
Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Blumm, Kate; Adams Baker, Marti; Bruch, Mary; Cutler, Dorothy; Patchett, James;
Schwartz, Regina; Hagelgans, Andrea; Da Costa, Ricky; Almonte, Catherine; Jonathan Rosen; Williams,
Dominic; Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Bennett, Rob; Griffith, Chantell; Fialkoff, Gabrielle; Snyder, Thomas;
Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Wolfe, Emma; Shorris, Anthony; Seignious, Sandy; Tarlow, Mindy
Subject: RE: MBDB: SOTC Prep
Date: Friday, January 22, 2016 5:26:39 PM

We are delayed.

-----Original Appointment-----
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2016 6:30 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Walzak, Phil; jfdc; Glen, Alicia; Buery, Richard; Confer, Alexis; Arslanian,
Kayla; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Blumm, Kate; Viguers, Jonathan; Adams Baker, Marti; Bruch, Mary;
Cutler, Dorothy; Patchett, James; Schwartz, Regina; Hagelgans, Andrea; Da Costa, Ricky; Almonte,
Catherine; Jonathan Rosen; Williams, Dominic; Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Bennett, Rob; Griffith,
Chantell; Fialkoff, Gabrielle; Snyder, Thomas; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Wolfe, Emma; Shorris, Anthony;
Seignious, Sandy; Tarlow, Mindy
Subject: MBDB: SOTC Prep
When: Friday, January 22, 2016 5:30 PM-7:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: City Hall, The Blue Room
From: Almonte, Catherine
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Walzak, Phil; jfdc; Glen, Alicia; Buery, Richard; Confer, Alexis; Arslanian, Kayla;
Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Blumm, Kate; Viguers, Jonathan; Adams Baker, Marti; Bruch, Mary; Cutler, Dorothy;
Patchett, James; Schwartz, Regina; Hagelgans, Andrea; Da Costa, Ricky; Jonathan Rosen; Williams, Dominic;
Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Bennett, Rob; Griffith, Chantell; Fialkoff, Gabrielle; Snyder, Thomas; Schnake Mahl,
Gabriel; Wolfe, Emma; Shorris, Anthony; Seignious, Sandy; Tarlow, Mindy
Subject: RE: MBDB: SOTC Prep
Date: Friday, January 22, 2016 6:14:42 PM

Please gather

-----Original Appointment-----
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2016 6:30 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Walzak, Phil; jfdc; Glen, Alicia; Buery, Richard; Confer, Alexis; Arslanian,
Kayla; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Blumm, Kate; Viguers, Jonathan; Adams Baker, Marti; Bruch, Mary;
Cutler, Dorothy; Patchett, James; Schwartz, Regina; Hagelgans, Andrea; Da Costa, Ricky; Almonte,
Catherine; Jonathan Rosen; Williams, Dominic; Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Bennett, Rob; Griffith,
Chantell; Fialkoff, Gabrielle; Snyder, Thomas; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Wolfe, Emma; Shorris, Anthony;
Seignious, Sandy; Tarlow, Mindy
Subject: MBDB: SOTC Prep
When: Friday, January 22, 2016 5:30 PM-7:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: City Hall, The Blue Room
From: Viguers, Jonathan
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; jfdc; Jonathan Rosen; Blumm, Kate; Snyder, Thomas; Da Costa, Ricky; Shorris,
Anthony; Griffith, Chantell; Williams, Dominic; Adams Baker, Marti; Fialkoff, Gabrielle; Tarlow, Mindy; Wolfe,
Emma; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Schwartz, Regina; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Seignious, Sandy; Fuleihan,
Dean (OMB); Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Glen, Alicia; Bruch, Mary; Buery, Richard; Cutler, Dorothy; Arslanian,
Kayla; Almonte, Catherine; Confer, Alexis; Bennett, Rob; Patchett, James
Subject: RE: MBDB: SOTC Prep
Date: Monday, January 25, 2016 3:25:21 PM

Please gather

-----Original Appointment-----
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2016 3:16 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; jfdc; Jonathan Rosen; Blumm, Kate; Snyder, Thomas; Da Costa, Ricky;
Shorris, Anthony; Griffith, Chantell; Williams, Dominic; Adams Baker, Marti; Fialkoff, Gabrielle; Tarlow,
Mindy; Wolfe, Emma; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Schwartz, Regina; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil;
Seignious, Sandy; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Glen, Alicia; Bruch, Mary; Buery,
Richard; Cutler, Dorothy; Arslanian, Kayla; Almonte, Catherine; Viguers, Jonathan; Confer, Alexis;
Bennett, Rob; Patchett, James
Subject: MBDB: SOTC Prep
When: Monday, January 25, 2016 3:00 PM-4:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: City Hall, The Blue Room
From: Almonte, Catherine
To: Shorris, Anthony
Cc: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; jfdc; Jonathan Rosen; Blumm, Kate; Snyder, Thomas; Da Costa, Ricky; Griffith,
Chantell; Williams, Dominic; Adams Baker, Marti; Fialkoff, Gabrielle; Tarlow, Mindy; Wolfe, Emma; Schnake
Mahl, Gabriel; Schwartz, Regina; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Seignious, Sandy; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB);
Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Glen, Alicia; Bruch, Mary; Buery, Richard; Cutler, Dorothy; Arslanian, Kayla; Viguers,
Jonathan; Confer, Alexis; Bennett, Rob; Patchett, James
Subject: RE: MBDB: SOTC Prep
Date: Monday, January 25, 2016 4:01:59 PM

Moving meeting to the COW now. Sorry for all the back and forth.
From: Shorris, Anthony
Sent: Monday, January 25, 2016 3:59 PM
To: Almonte, Catherine
Cc: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; jfdc; Jonathan Rosen; Blumm, Kate; Snyder, Thomas; Da Costa, Ricky;
Griffith, Chantell; Williams, Dominic; Adams Baker, Marti; Fialkoff, Gabrielle; Tarlow, Mindy; Wolfe,
Emma; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Schwartz, Regina; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Seignious, Sandy;
Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Glen, Alicia; Bruch, Mary; Buery, Richard; Cutler,
Dorothy; Arslanian, Kayla; Viguers, Jonathan; Confer, Alexis; Bennett, Rob; Patchett, James
Subject: Re: MBDB: SOTC Prep

Have a few Feds in here for another few minutes...

Anthony E. Shorris
First Deputy Mayor
City of New York
City Hall
New York, NY 10007

On Jan 25, 2016, at 3:58 PM, Almonte, Catherine <CAlmonte@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

We are now meeting in the Governor’s Room. Please make your way up there.
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Monday, January 25, 2016 3:30 PM
To: jfdc; Jonathan Rosen; Blumm, Kate; Snyder, Thomas; Da Costa, Ricky; Shorris,
Anthony; Griffith, Chantell; Williams, Dominic; Adams Baker, Marti; Fialkoff, Gabrielle;
Tarlow, Mindy; Wolfe, Emma; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Schwartz, Regina; Hagelgans,
Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Seignious, Sandy; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Darlington, Mandy (OMB);
Glen, Alicia; Bruch, Mary; Buery, Richard; Cutler, Dorothy; Arslanian, Kayla; Almonte,
Catherine; Viguers, Jonathan; Confer, Alexis; Bennett, Rob; Patchett, James
Subject: RE: MBDB: SOTC Prep
Call in # for those not in CH.
-----Original Appointment-----
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2016 1:38 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; jfdc; Jonathan Rosen; Blumm, Kate; Snyder, Thomas; Da
Costa, Ricky; Shorris, Anthony; Griffith, Chantell; Williams, Dominic; Adams Baker, Marti;
Fialkoff, Gabrielle; Tarlow, Mindy; Wolfe, Emma; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Schwartz, Regina;
Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Seignious, Sandy; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Darlington,
Mandy (OMB); Glen, Alicia; Bruch, Mary; Buery, Richard; Cutler, Dorothy; Arslanian, Kayla;
Almonte, Catherine; Viguers, Jonathan; Confer, Alexis; Bennett, Rob; Patchett, James
Subject: MBDB: SOTC Prep
When: Monday, January 25, 2016 3:00 PM-4:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US &
Where: City Hall, The Blue Room - Call In Code:
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: "Emily Walsh"
Date: Monday, January 25, 2016 4:19:45 PM

He is going to your office at 730pm for calls….
Did Ross mention this?
From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2016 9:52 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: RE: sorry - last minute
No problem, we can do the 11th Floor conference room if that's ok. 
Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2016 9:49 PM
To: Emily Walsh
Subject: RE: sorry - last minute

Hi! Change in schedule – don’t know if Ross or Delcacato reached out – but Mayor wants to do
some calls from 10-12 at your place-
I hope there is a room avail….
From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2016 8:42 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Cc: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: RE: sorry - last minute
Just heard from Ross. We can use the large room on the 16th floor. 
Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2016 8:41 AM
To: Emily Walsh
Cc: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: sorry - last minute

We have had a last minute change in our schedule and MBDB would like to go to your office for
some call time from 11-1215
Please let me know what floor he should go to…
From: Emily Walsh
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: RE:
Date: Monday, January 25, 2016 4:38:09 PM


That's fine. Please come to the 16th Floor conference room.


Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Monday, January 25, 2016 4:19 PM
To: Emily Walsh

He is going to your office at 730pm for calls….
Did Ross mention this?
From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2016 9:52 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: RE: sorry - last minute
No problem, we can do the 11th Floor conference room if that's ok. 
Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2016 9:49 PM
To: Emily Walsh
Subject: RE: sorry - last minute

Hi! Change in schedule – don’t know if Ross or Delcacato reached out – but Mayor wants to do
some calls from 10-12 at your place-
I hope there is a room avail….
From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2016 8:42 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Cc: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: RE: sorry - last minute
Just heard from Ross. We can use the large room on the 16th floor. 
Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2016 8:41 AM
To: Emily Walsh
Cc: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: sorry - last minute

We have had a last minute change in our schedule and MBDB would like to go to your office for
some call time from 11-1215
Please let me know what floor he should go to…
From: Cathy Rought
To: Sylvie Doppelt; Caquias, Paula
Cc: Eileen Tynion
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Date: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 11:24:39 AM
Attachments: Brier gala 012516.docx

Hey Paula!
Attached is the draft advisory. Would love to have this go very soon. Pretty basic. When will the
mayor’s public schedule go live?
I will be onsite to manage and wrangle press for the event. As you know galas are tough, so not sure
what kind of turn out we will get. But if the Mayor prefers not to interact with anyone regardless, we
can accommodate that. Just let us know his preferences and feel free to connect me with anyone on
your comms team.
Thanks for everything and look forward to hearing from you soon.  
From: Sylvie Doppelt [mailto:SDoppelt@maimonidesmed.org]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 10:56 AM
To: Caquias, Paula <PCaquias@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Eileen Tynion <ETynion@maimonidesmed.org>; Cathy Rought <cathy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Hi Paula,
It was a pleasure speaking with you yesterday, and thanks so much again for your assistance with
coordinating the Mayor’s attendance to the Maimonides Gala. We’re thrilled he will be attending.
I wanted to follow up regarding your questions on press. We, with support and partnership from
BerlinRosen, will be managing press for the event, and we’re planning on circulating a media
advisory (which we will forward to you shortly).
If you could let us know what the Mayor’s preferences are in terms of interacting with press or not,
that would be great. I’ve cc’d my colleague Cathy Rought at BerlinRosen, who will be happy to
address any concerns with you.
Thanks so much again, and please feel free to contact me with any questions,
Sylvie Doppelt
Manager, Strategic Initiatives
Department of External Affairs | Maimonides Medical Center | Brooklyn, NY 11219
T: 718-283-7041 | M: 224-587-0932

This e-mail has been scanned by McAfee Managed Email Content Service. To
any issues regarding e-mail SPAM ONLY, please call the Helpdesk at
Event Date: Wednesday, January 27, 7:00pm
Cathy Rought, cathy@berlinrosen.com, 202-263-9097




Mayor and First Lady join Members of Congress, business and healthcare industry
leaders to recognize Brier’s four decades of healthcare leadership in New York City

NEW YORK CITY – Mayor de Blasio, First Lady McCray, congressional leaders, prominent members
of the business community, leaders from across the healthcare industry, and local elected officials
will honor recently retired Maimonides Medical Center President and CEO Pam Brier at the Waldorf
Astoria on Wednesday evening at 6 PM. Pam’s career in public service and hospital administration
has spanned four decades, five mayors and dozens of hard-won victories amassed from addressing
significant public health challenges in New York City.

Pam launched her career in hospital leadership at the NYC Health and Hospitals Corporation in the
1980s, eventually becoming President of Jacobi Medical Center in the Bronx and President of
Bellevue Medical Center in Manhattan. In 1995, she took her talent for improving care delivery to
Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, the borough's largest hospital and biggest employer. She
moved quickly to put the organization on firm financial footing as Maimonides grew from a $500
million community hospital to the billion-dollar hub for advanced care that it is today. A full
biography is available upon request.

WHAT: Maimonides Gala to Honor Pam Brier

WHO: Mayor Bill de Blasio

First Lady Chirlane McCray
Congressman Jerrold Nadler
Congresswoman Nydia Velázquez
Maimonides Board Chair Eugene Keilin
Maimonides President & CEO Kenneth Gibbs
Prominent members of the business and healthcare industries

WHERE: Waldorf Astoria hotel, 301 Park Avenue between 49th and 50th Streets, NYC

WHEN: Wednesday, January 27, cocktail hour at 6pm, speaking program at 7pm

** Press interested in attending should RSVP to cathy@berlinrosen.com, along with

any interview requests **


Maimonides Medical Center, an affiliate of Northwell Health, is Brooklyn’s pre-eminent healthcare
provider and among the largest independent teaching hospitals in the nation. Widely recognized for
its major achievements in advancing medical and information technology, Maimonides has 711
beds and over 70 subspecialty programs. For additional information on the nationally recognized
clinical services at Maimonides Medical Center, please visit www.maimonidesmed.org.
From: Cathy Rought
To: Schustek, Andrew; Sylvie Doppelt
Cc: Eileen Tynion; White, Erin
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for the Event
Date: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 11:29:44 AM
Attachments: Brier gala 012516.docx

Hello! Attached is an advisory we were hoping to send today. We’ve also shared with the Mayor’s
team as well on a separate thread.
I will be onsite to manage and wrangle press for the event. As you know galas are tough, so not sure
what kind of turn out we will get. But if the First Lady prefers not to interact with anyone regardless,
we can accommodate that. Just let us know her preferences.
Thanks for everything and look forward to hearing from you soon.  
From: Schustek, Andrew [mailto:aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 11:23 AM
To: Sylvie Doppelt <SDoppelt@maimonidesmed.org>
Cc: Cathy Rought <cathy@berlinrosen.com>; Eileen Tynion <ETynion@maimonidesmed.org>; White,
Erin <EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: Maimonides Gala - Press for the Event
Adding Erin here for all things press!
Mobile, please excuse typos and brevity
From: Sylvie Doppelt
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 11:22 AM
To: Schustek, Andrew
Cc: Cathy.Rought@berlinrosen.com; Eileen Tynion
Subject: Maimonides Gala - Press for the Event

Hi Andrew,
It was a pleasure speaking with you yesterday, and thanks so much again for your assistance with
coordinating the First Lady’s attendance to the Maimonides Gala. We’re thrilled she will be
attending and presenting Pam with her award.
I wanted to follow up regarding your questions on press. We, with support and partnership from
BerlinRosen, will be managing press for the event, and we’re planning on circulating a media
advisory (which we will forward to you shortly).
If you could let us know what the First Lady’s preferences are in terms of interacting with press or
not, that would be great. I’ve cc’d my colleague Cathy Rought at BerlinRosen, who will be happy to
address any concerns with you.
Thanks so much again, and please feel free to contact me with any questions,
Sylvie Doppelt
Manager, Strategic Initiatives
Department of External Affairs | Maimonides Medical Center | Brooklyn, NY 11219
T: 718-283-7041 | M: 224-587-0932

This e-mail has been scanned by McAfee Managed Email Content Service. To
any issues regarding e-mail SPAM ONLY, please call the Helpdesk at
Event Date: Wednesday, January 27, 7:00pm
Cathy Rought, cathy@berlinrosen.com, 202-263-9097




Mayor and First Lady join Members of Congress, business and healthcare industry
leaders to recognize Brier’s four decades of healthcare leadership in New York City

NEW YORK CITY – Mayor de Blasio, First Lady McCray, congressional leaders, prominent members
of the business community, leaders from across the healthcare industry, and local elected officials
will honor recently retired Maimonides Medical Center President and CEO Pam Brier at the Waldorf
Astoria on Wednesday evening at 6 PM. Pam’s career in public service and hospital administration
has spanned four decades, five mayors and dozens of hard-won victories amassed from addressing
significant public health challenges in New York City.

Pam launched her career in hospital leadership at the NYC Health and Hospitals Corporation in the
1980s, eventually becoming President of Jacobi Medical Center in the Bronx and President of
Bellevue Medical Center in Manhattan. In 1995, she took her talent for improving care delivery to
Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, the borough's largest hospital and biggest employer. She
moved quickly to put the organization on firm financial footing as Maimonides grew from a $500
million community hospital to the billion-dollar hub for advanced care that it is today. A full
biography is available upon request.

WHAT: Maimonides Gala to Honor Pam Brier

WHO: Mayor Bill de Blasio

First Lady Chirlane McCray
Congressman Jerrold Nadler
Congresswoman Nydia Velázquez
Maimonides Board Chair Eugene Keilin
Maimonides President & CEO Kenneth Gibbs
Prominent members of the business and healthcare industries

WHERE: Waldorf Astoria hotel, 301 Park Avenue between 49th and 50th Streets, NYC

WHEN: Wednesday, January 27, cocktail hour at 6pm, speaking program at 7pm

** Press interested in attending should RSVP to cathy@berlinrosen.com, along with

any interview requests **


Maimonides Medical Center, an affiliate of Northwell Health, is Brooklyn’s pre-eminent healthcare
provider and among the largest independent teaching hospitals in the nation. Widely recognized for
its major achievements in advancing medical and information technology, Maimonides has 711
beds and over 70 subspecialty programs. For additional information on the nationally recognized
clinical services at Maimonides Medical Center, please visit www.maimonidesmed.org.
From: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose
To: Schustek, Andrew; Cathy Rought; Sylvie Doppelt; Caquias, Paula
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee; White, Erin; Jodi Cross
Subject: RE: Bio for first lady
Date: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 1:44:24 PM
Attachments: FLONYC Bio.pdf

From: Schustek, Andrew
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 1:42 PM
To: Cathy Rought; Sylvie Doppelt; Caquias, Paula
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee; White, Erin; Jodi Cross; Louis Espiritusanto, Jose
Subject: RE: Bio for first lady
Jose, cc’d here can provide.
From: Cathy Rought [mailto:cathy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 1:41 PM
To: Schustek, Andrew; Sylvie Doppelt; Caquias, Paula
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee; White, Erin; Jodi Cross
Subject: Bio for first lady
I have the Mayor’s official bio from the website but wondered where I might be able to locate one
for the First Lady? Thanks in advance.
From: Schustek, Andrew [mailto:aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 1:39 PM
To: Sylvie Doppelt <SDoppelt@maimonidesmed.org>; Caquias, Paula <PCaquias@cityhall.nyc.gov>;
Cathy Rought <cathy@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee <iparikh@cityhall.nyc.gov>; White, Erin <EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Jodi Cross
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Hi Sylvie,
This is not the same run of show we discussed yesterday on the phone. As discussed and finalized
yesterday, we had all agreed that upon arrival at 7:30, the following would take place:
· Mayor and FLONYC arrive
· FLONYC and the Mayor are introduced by Eugene
· The Mayor delivers remarks and introduces FLONYC
· FLONYC delivers remarks
· FLONYC and The Mayor physically present Pamela with the award
· Ken Gibbs introduces Congresswoman Velazquez
· Congresswomen Velazquez briefly delivers remarks and presents Congressional
Record to Pamela
· FLONYC and Mayor stay on stage while Pamela delivers remarks
· FLONYC and Mayor depart
Please advise.
From: Sylvie Doppelt [mailto:SDoppelt@maimonidesmed.org]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 1:37 PM
To: Caquias, Paula; 'cathy@berlinrosen.com'
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee; White, Erin; Jodi Cross; Schustek, Andrew
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Absolutely, below is the draft program and VIP list
Program for Gala
6:00 – Cocktail Hour
7:05 – Program Begins in Main Ballroom
- Ken Gibbs gives welcome remarks

- Video Tribute to Pam

- Dinner, Music and Dancing

~7:30/7:45 – Mayor and First Lady Arrive

- Gene Keilin to introduce Mayor and First Lady
- Mayor and First Lady speak and make presentation to Pam
- Dinner, Music and Dancing resume

~8:10 – Program Re-Commences
- Dr. Steve Safyer says a few words and introduces special guest presentation from
Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez
- Congresswoman Velazquez speaks and presents Congressional record to Pam

8:20 – Honoree Remarks

- Pam Brier
8:30 – Closing Remarks
- Ken Gibbs
9:00  – Conclusion
VIP List
· Pam Brier and Peter Aschkenasy – honoree and her husband
· Ken Gibbs – President & CEO, Maimonides Medical Center
· Eugene Keilin – Chair of the Board, Maimonides Medical Center, Co-Founder, KPS Capital
Partners, LP
· Erminia Rivera – Vice Chair, Maimonides Board of Trustees
· Jill Furillo – Executive Director, NYS Nurses Association
· Brett Yormark – CEO, Brooklyn Nets & Barclays Center
· Alex Rovt – President, IBE Trade Corp., Trustee, Maimonides Medical Center,
· Steve Safyer – President & CEO, Montefiore Medical Center
· Michael Dowling – President & CEO, Northwell Health System
· Ken Raske – President & CEO, Greater New York Hospital Association
· Ram Raju – President & CEO, New York City Health + Hospitals
· Mark Mundy - CEO, New York Methodist Hospital
· Linda Brady - CEO, Kingsbrook Medical Center
· LaRay Brown - Incoming CEO, Interfaith Hospital
· Mark Toney - Interim CEO, Brookdale Hospital
· Jennifer Raab – President, Hunter College
· Lilliam Paoli – Senior Advisory to Jennifer Raab
Elected Officials who will attend (some might only stay for cocktail hour)
· Rep. Nydia Velazquez
· Rep. Jerrold Nadler
· NYS Senator Martin Golden
· Assemblyman Steven Cymbrowitz
· Assemblyman Dov Hikind
· Councilman David Greenfield
· Councilman Brad Lander
· Councilman Mathieu Eugene
Please let me know if you need anything further.
From: Caquias, Paula [mailto:PCaquias@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 12:27 PM
To: Sylvie Doppelt; 'cathy@berlinrosen.com'
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee; White, Erin; Jodi Cross; Schustek, Andrew
Subject: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Our press team is reviewing the draft.   Ishanee from our press team will be in contact with you with
any question.  The Mayor’s public schedule goes out every day in evening.
I have also cc’d Erin, who is the first lady press person for awareness.  
Sylvie, can you please send me the VIP list and program?
From: Caquias, Paula
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 11:26 AM
To: Banks, Angela; White, Erin; Schustek, Andrew
Cc: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: FW: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Please see draft press advisory from Maimonides
From: Cathy Rought [mailto:cathy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 11:25 AM
To: Sylvie Doppelt; Caquias, Paula
Cc: Eileen Tynion
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Hey Paula!
Attached is the draft advisory. Would love to have this go very soon. Pretty basic. When will the
mayor’s public schedule go live?
I will be onsite to manage and wrangle press for the event. As you know galas are tough, so not sure
what kind of turn out we will get. But if the Mayor prefers not to interact with anyone regardless, we
can accommodate that. Just let us know his preferences and feel free to connect me with anyone on
your comms team.
Thanks for everything and look forward to hearing from you soon.  
From: Sylvie Doppelt [mailto:SDoppelt@maimonidesmed.org]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 10:56 AM
To: Caquias, Paula <PCaquias@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Eileen Tynion <ETynion@maimonidesmed.org>; Cathy Rought <cathy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Hi Paula,
It was a pleasure speaking with you yesterday, and thanks so much again for your assistance with
coordinating the Mayor’s attendance to the Maimonides Gala. We’re thrilled he will be attending.
I wanted to follow up regarding your questions on press. We, with support and partnership from
BerlinRosen, will be managing press for the event, and we’re planning on circulating a media
advisory (which we will forward to you shortly).
If you could let us know what the Mayor’s preferences are in terms of interacting with press or not,
that would be great. I’ve cc’d my colleague Cathy Rought at BerlinRosen, who will be happy to
address any concerns with you.
Thanks so much again, and please feel free to contact me with any questions,
Sylvie Doppelt
Manager, Strategic Initiatives
Department of External Affairs | Maimonides Medical Center | Brooklyn, NY 11219
T: 718-283-7041 | M: 224-587-0932

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This e-mail has been scanned by McAfee Managed Email Content Service. To
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Chirlane McCray is First Lady of New York City. A writer and advocate all her life, this past year, she
played a central role in the Administration’s successful efforts to establish universal pre-kindergarten
and after school programs for all middle school students.

As First Lady, she is a fierce advocate for high quality and accessible mental health services. She knows
for far too long, New Yorkers experiencing mental health challenges have been left without the support
and services they deserve. This year, she has committed herself to the creation of a mental health
roadmap, which will set a citywide agenda to address the gaps and disparities in mental healthcare. In
addition to mental health, she has lent her voice and position to furthering the administration’s efforts
to expand early childhood development and support the survivors of domestic violence.

In addition, Ms. McCray is proud to serve as Chair of the Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City. The
goal of the Fund is make sure all New Yorkers have access to the programs and resources they need to
achieve their full potential. The Fund’s work is focused on health, education, community empowerment
and social justice. As Chair, Ms. McCray brings leaders in the private and public sectors together to
support Mayor Bill de Blasio’s progressive agenda.

Ms. McCray graduated from Wellesley College and completed the prestigious Radcliffe Publishing
Course. After graduation, Ms. McCray moved to New York City in 1977, armed with one job lead, a place
to stay, and about $35 dollars when she landed a job at Redbook. She got her start in public services as
staff to the NYC Commission for Human Rights. Her work with the Commission transitioned to a
position writing speeches for Mayor David Dinkins. It was while working for Mayor Dinkins that she met
Bill de Blasio, whom she married in 1994. Mayor de Blasio and Ms. McCray have two wonderful
children, Chiara and Dante. You can learn more about her work at FLO.NYC, where she shares her
stories, poems, photos and videos. She invites New Yorkers to help her make the greatest city in the
world even greater.
From: White, Erin
To: Schustek, Andrew; Sylvie Doppelt
Cc: Caquias, Paula; cathy@berlinrosen.com; Parikh, Ishanee; Jodi Cross
Subject: Re: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Date: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 4:20:43 PM

Agreed. Was there a misunderstanding yesterday when everyone seemed to agree on the
ROS that Andrew sent around?

As we've said, we're concerned about having three separate sections of program. Can we
put together the last two legs to follow ROS as Andrew outlines?

Erin White
Communications Advisor, Office of the Mayor
From: Schustek, Andrew
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 4:18 PM
To: Sylvie Doppelt; White, Erin
Cc: Caquias, Paula; cathy@berlinrosen.com; Parikh, Ishanee; Jodi Cross
Subject: Re: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event

I think beyond that, the first lady and mayor would like to hear pam's remarks.

Mobile, please excuse typos and brevity
From: Sylvie Doppelt
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 4:17 PM
To: White, Erin
Cc: Schustek, Andrew; Caquias, Paula; cathy@berlinrosen.com; Parikh, Ishanee; Jodi Cross
Subject: Re: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event

Hi Erin,

Thanks so much for your thoughts. Though there will be light music playing before
the Mayor and First Lady arrive, we do not anticipate much, if any, dancing at this
time. This time is primarily reserved for dinner, and the guests will be seated
throughout the program.

I hope this provides some clarity, and please let me know if you have any additional
questions or concerns. My cell number is for communication


Sent from my iPad

On Jan 26, 2016, at 4:01 PM, White, Erin <EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

I am ok with advisory. 
I agree with Andrew that this ROS is strange. Getting people back to their seats
in between the dancing will be impossible. The Mayor and First Lady will be
speaking to empty tables. We need to tighten up so that doesn't happen.

Erin White
Communications Advisor, Office of the Mayor
From: Sylvie Doppelt
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 1:53 PM
To: Schustek, Andrew; Caquias, Paula; 'cathy@berlinrosen.com'
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee; White, Erin; Jodi Cross
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event

Hi Andrew,
We are thrilled that the Mayor and First Lady will be attending and, after our call with
you yesterday noting the anticipated earlier arrival time, we tweaked the run of show
to accommodate the Mayor and First Lady’s schedules and sequence the program with
a short break in between so it is not too many speakers back-to-back for the audience
while they are having dinner. 
Assuming a 7:30 PM arrival for them both, we would re-open the program once they
arrive and are ready to introduce them and have them on stage with Pam.  We think
it’s optimal to then take a short break before Dr. Safyer comes on to introduce
Congresswoman Velaquez because that would be about 6-7 speakers back to back.  We
are happy to discuss this further with you and your team if you have any concerns or
further questions.
From: Schustek, Andrew [mailto:aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 1:39 PM
To: Sylvie Doppelt; Caquias, Paula; 'cathy@berlinrosen.com'
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee; White, Erin; Jodi Cross
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Hi Sylvie,
This is not the same run of show we discussed yesterday on the phone. As discussed
and finalized yesterday, we had all agreed that upon arrival at 7:30, the following
would take place:
· Mayor and FLONYC arrive
· FLONYC and the Mayor are introduced by Eugene
· The Mayor delivers remarks and introduces FLONYC
· FLONYC delivers remarks
· FLONYC and The Mayor physically present Pamela with the award
· Ken Gibbs introduces Congresswoman Velazquez
· Congresswomen Velazquez briefly delivers remarks and presents
Congressional Record to Pamela
· FLONYC and Mayor stay on stage while Pamela delivers remarks
· FLONYC and Mayor depart
Please advise.
From: Sylvie Doppelt [mailto:SDoppelt@maimonidesmed.org]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 1:37 PM
To: Caquias, Paula; 'cathy@berlinrosen.com'
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee; White, Erin; Jodi Cross; Schustek, Andrew
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Absolutely, below is the draft program and VIP list
Program for Gala
6:00 – Cocktail Hour
7:05 – Program Begins in Main Ballroom
- Ken Gibbs gives welcome remarks

- Video Tribute to Pam

- Dinner, Music and Dancing

~7:30/7:45 – Mayor and First Lady Arrive

- Gene Keilin to introduce Mayor and First Lady
- Mayor and First Lady speak and make presentation to Pam
- Dinner, Music and Dancing resume

~8:10 – Program Re-Commences
- Dr. Steve Safyer says a few words and introduces special guest presentation
from Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez

- Congresswoman Velazquez speaks and presents Congressional record to Pam

8:20 – Honoree Remarks

- Pam Brier
8:30 – Closing Remarks
- Ken Gibbs
9:00  – Conclusion
VIP List
· Pam Brier and Peter Aschkenasy – honoree and her husband
· Ken Gibbs – President & CEO, Maimonides Medical Center
· Eugene Keilin – Chair of the Board, Maimonides Medical Center, Co-Founder,
KPS Capital Partners, LP
· Erminia Rivera – Vice Chair, Maimonides Board of Trustees
· Jill Furillo – Executive Director, NYS Nurses Association
· Brett Yormark – CEO, Brooklyn Nets & Barclays Center
· Alex Rovt – President, IBE Trade Corp., Trustee, Maimonides Medical Center,
· Steve Safyer – President & CEO, Montefiore Medical Center
· Michael Dowling – President & CEO, Northwell Health System
· Ken Raske – President & CEO, Greater New York Hospital Association
· Ram Raju – President & CEO, New York City Health + Hospitals
· Mark Mundy - CEO, New York Methodist Hospital
· Linda Brady - CEO, Kingsbrook Medical Center
· LaRay Brown - Incoming CEO, Interfaith Hospital
· Mark Toney - Interim CEO, Brookdale Hospital
· Jennifer Raab – President, Hunter College
· Lilliam Paoli – Senior Advisory to Jennifer Raab
Elected Officials who will attend (some might only stay for cocktail hour)
· Rep. Nydia Velazquez
· Rep. Jerrold Nadler
· NYS Senator Martin Golden
· Assemblyman Steven Cymbrowitz
· Assemblyman Dov Hikind
· Councilman David Greenfield
· Councilman Brad Lander
· Councilman Mathieu Eugene
Please let me know if you need anything further.
From: Caquias, Paula [mailto:PCaquias@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 12:27 PM
To: Sylvie Doppelt; 'cathy@berlinrosen.com'
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee; White, Erin; Jodi Cross; Schustek, Andrew
Subject: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Our press team is reviewing the draft.   Ishanee from our press team will be in contact
with you with any question.  The Mayor’s public schedule goes out every day in
I have also cc’d Erin, who is the first lady press person for awareness.  
Sylvie, can you please send me the VIP list and program?
From: Caquias, Paula
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 11:26 AM
To: Banks, Angela; White, Erin; Schustek, Andrew
Cc: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: FW: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Please see draft press advisory from Maimonides
From: Cathy Rought [mailto:cathy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 11:25 AM
To: Sylvie Doppelt; Caquias, Paula
Cc: Eileen Tynion
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Hey Paula!
Attached is the draft advisory. Would love to have this go very soon. Pretty basic. When
will the mayor’s public schedule go live?
I will be onsite to manage and wrangle press for the event. As you know galas are
tough, so not sure what kind of turn out we will get. But if the Mayor prefers not to
interact with anyone regardless, we can accommodate that. Just let us know his
preferences and feel free to connect me with anyone on your comms team.
Thanks for everything and look forward to hearing from you soon.  
From: Sylvie Doppelt [mailto:SDoppelt@maimonidesmed.org]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 10:56 AM
To: Caquias, Paula <PCaquias@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Eileen Tynion <ETynion@maimonidesmed.org>; Cathy Rought
Subject: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Hi Paula,
It was a pleasure speaking with you yesterday, and thanks so much again for your
assistance with coordinating the Mayor’s attendance to the Maimonides Gala. We’re
thrilled he will be attending.
I wanted to follow up regarding your questions on press. We, with support and
partnership from BerlinRosen, will be managing press for the event, and we’re planning
on circulating a media advisory (which we will forward to you shortly).
If you could let us know what the Mayor’s preferences are in terms of interacting with
press or not, that would be great. I’ve cc’d my colleague Cathy Rought at BerlinRosen,
who will be happy to address any concerns with you.
Thanks so much again, and please feel free to contact me with any questions,
Sylvie Doppelt
Manager, Strategic Initiatives
Department of External Affairs | Maimonides Medical Center | Brooklyn, NY 11219
T: 718-283-7041 | M: 224-587-0932

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Service. To report
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Service. To report
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Service. To report
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From: Schustek, Andrew
To: Cathy Rought; Sylvie Doppelt; White, Erin
Cc: Caquias, Paula; Parikh, Ishanee; Jodi Cross
Subject: Re: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Date: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 4:21:40 PM

Thanks. I'm hoping we can go with the run of show that we already agreed to yesterday.
Please keep us in the loop.

Mobile, please excuse typos and brevity
From: Cathy Rought
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 4:20 PM
To: Schustek, Andrew; Sylvie Doppelt; White, Erin
Cc: Caquias, Paula; Parikh, Ishanee; Jodi Cross
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event

Our team is meeting at 5pm to talk through logistics. We will let you know what comes out of that in
terms of the run of show. We will do whatever we can to be accommodating, as we very much
appreciate both the Mayor and First Lady’s attendance.
From: Schustek, Andrew [mailto:aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 4:18 PM
To: Sylvie Doppelt <SDoppelt@maimonidesmed.org>; White, Erin <EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Caquias, Paula <PCaquias@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Cathy Rought <cathy@berlinrosen.com>; Parikh,
Ishanee <iparikh@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Jodi Cross <JCross@maimonidesmed.org>
Subject: Re: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
I think beyond that, the first lady and mayor would like to hear pam's remarks.
Mobile, please excuse typos and brevity
From: Sylvie Doppelt
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 4:17 PM
To: White, Erin
Cc: Schustek, Andrew; Caquias, Paula; cathy@berlinrosen.com; Parikh, Ishanee; Jodi Cross
Subject: Re: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Hi Erin,
Thanks so much for your thoughts. Though there will be light music playing before the Mayor and
First Lady arrive, we do not anticipate much, if any, dancing at this time. This time is primarily
reserved for dinner, and the guests will be seated throughout the program.
I hope this provides some clarity, and please let me know if you have any additional questions or
concerns. My cell number is for communication tomorrow.
Sent from my iPad

On Jan 26, 2016, at 4:01 PM, White, Erin <EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

I am ok with advisory. 
I agree with Andrew that this ROS is strange. Getting people back to their seats
in between the dancing will be impossible. The Mayor and First Lady will be
speaking to empty tables. We need to tighten up so that doesn't happen.
Erin White
Communications Advisor, Office of the Mayor
From: Sylvie Doppelt
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 1:53 PM
To: Schustek, Andrew; Caquias, Paula; 'cathy@berlinrosen.com'
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee; White, Erin; Jodi Cross
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Hi Andrew,
We are thrilled that the Mayor and First Lady will be attending and, after our call with
you yesterday noting the anticipated earlier arrival time, we tweaked the run of show
to accommodate the Mayor and First Lady’s schedules and sequence the program with
a short break in between so it is not too many speakers back-to-back for the audience
while they are having dinner. 
Assuming a 7:30 PM arrival for them both, we would re-open the program once they
arrive and are ready to introduce them and have them on stage with Pam.  We think
it’s optimal to then take a short break before Dr. Safyer comes on to introduce
Congresswoman Velaquez because that would be about 6-7 speakers back to back.  We
are happy to discuss this further with you and your team if you have any concerns or
further questions.
From: Schustek, Andrew [mailto:aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 1:39 PM
To: Sylvie Doppelt; Caquias, Paula; 'cathy@berlinrosen.com'
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee; White, Erin; Jodi Cross
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Hi Sylvie,
This is not the same run of show we discussed yesterday on the phone. As discussed
and finalized yesterday, we had all agreed that upon arrival at 7:30, the following
would take place:
· Mayor and FLONYC arrive
· FLONYC and the Mayor are introduced by Eugene
· The Mayor delivers remarks and introduces FLONYC
· FLONYC delivers remarks
· FLONYC and The Mayor physically present Pamela with the award
· Ken Gibbs introduces Congresswoman Velazquez
· Congresswomen Velazquez briefly delivers remarks and presents
Congressional Record to Pamela
· FLONYC and Mayor stay on stage while Pamela delivers remarks
· FLONYC and Mayor depart
Please advise.
From: Sylvie Doppelt [mailto:SDoppelt@maimonidesmed.org]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 1:37 PM
To: Caquias, Paula; 'cathy@berlinrosen.com'
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee; White, Erin; Jodi Cross; Schustek, Andrew
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Absolutely, below is the draft program and VIP list
Program for Gala
6:00 – Cocktail Hour
7:05 – Program Begins in Main Ballroom
- Ken Gibbs gives welcome remarks

- Video Tribute to Pam

- Dinner, Music and Dancing

~7:30/7:45 – Mayor and First Lady Arrive

- Gene Keilin to introduce Mayor and First Lady
- Mayor and First Lady speak and make presentation to Pam
- Dinner, Music and Dancing resume

~8:10 – Program Re-Commences
- Dr. Steve Safyer says a few words and introduces special guest presentation
from Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez

- Congresswoman Velazquez speaks and presents Congressional record to Pam

8:20 – Honoree Remarks

- Pam Brier
8:30 – Closing Remarks
- Ken Gibbs
9:00  – Conclusion
VIP List
· Pam Brier and Peter Aschkenasy – honoree and her husband
· Ken Gibbs – President & CEO, Maimonides Medical Center
· Eugene Keilin – Chair of the Board, Maimonides Medical Center, Co-Founder,
KPS Capital Partners, LP
· Erminia Rivera – Vice Chair, Maimonides Board of Trustees
· Jill Furillo – Executive Director, NYS Nurses Association
· Brett Yormark – CEO, Brooklyn Nets & Barclays Center
· Alex Rovt – President, IBE Trade Corp., Trustee, Maimonides Medical Center,
· Steve Safyer – President & CEO, Montefiore Medical Center
· Michael Dowling – President & CEO, Northwell Health System
· Ken Raske – President & CEO, Greater New York Hospital Association
· Ram Raju – President & CEO, New York City Health + Hospitals
· Mark Mundy - CEO, New York Methodist Hospital
· Linda Brady - CEO, Kingsbrook Medical Center
· LaRay Brown - Incoming CEO, Interfaith Hospital
· Mark Toney - Interim CEO, Brookdale Hospital
· Jennifer Raab – President, Hunter College
· Lilliam Paoli – Senior Advisory to Jennifer Raab
Elected Officials who will attend (some might only stay for cocktail hour)
· Rep. Nydia Velazquez
· Rep. Jerrold Nadler
· NYS Senator Martin Golden
· Assemblyman Steven Cymbrowitz
· Assemblyman Dov Hikind
· Councilman David Greenfield
· Councilman Brad Lander
· Councilman Mathieu Eugene
Please let me know if you need anything further.
From: Caquias, Paula [mailto:PCaquias@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 12:27 PM
To: Sylvie Doppelt; 'cathy@berlinrosen.com'
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee; White, Erin; Jodi Cross; Schustek, Andrew
Subject: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Our press team is reviewing the draft.   Ishanee from our press team will be in contact
with you with any question.  The Mayor’s public schedule goes out every day in
I have also cc’d Erin, who is the first lady press person for awareness.  
Sylvie, can you please send me the VIP list and program?
From: Caquias, Paula
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 11:26 AM
To: Banks, Angela; White, Erin; Schustek, Andrew
Cc: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: FW: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Please see draft press advisory from Maimonides
From: Cathy Rought [mailto:cathy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 11:25 AM
To: Sylvie Doppelt; Caquias, Paula
Cc: Eileen Tynion
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Hey Paula!
Attached is the draft advisory. Would love to have this go very soon. Pretty basic. When
will the mayor’s public schedule go live?
I will be onsite to manage and wrangle press for the event. As you know galas are
tough, so not sure what kind of turn out we will get. But if the Mayor prefers not to
interact with anyone regardless, we can accommodate that. Just let us know his
preferences and feel free to connect me with anyone on your comms team.
Thanks for everything and look forward to hearing from you soon.  
From: Sylvie Doppelt [mailto:SDoppelt@maimonidesmed.org]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 10:56 AM
To: Caquias, Paula <PCaquias@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Eileen Tynion <ETynion@maimonidesmed.org>; Cathy Rought
Subject: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Hi Paula,
It was a pleasure speaking with you yesterday, and thanks so much again for your
assistance with coordinating the Mayor’s attendance to the Maimonides Gala. We’re
thrilled he will be attending.
I wanted to follow up regarding your questions on press. We, with support and
partnership from BerlinRosen, will be managing press for the event, and we’re planning
on circulating a media advisory (which we will forward to you shortly).
If you could let us know what the Mayor’s preferences are in terms of interacting with
press or not, that would be great. I’ve cc’d my colleague Cathy Rought at BerlinRosen,
who will be happy to address any concerns with you.
Thanks so much again, and please feel free to contact me with any questions,
Sylvie Doppelt
Manager, Strategic Initiatives
Department of External Affairs | Maimonides Medical Center | Brooklyn, NY 11219
T: 718-283-7041 | M: 224-587-0932

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From: Cathy Rought
To: Schustek, Andrew
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Date: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 6:08:15 PM

Off the record, there were 250+ people that RSVPd over the past 24 hours. Some of the shifting was
around allowing enough time to move 1000+ between rooms. But it sounds like we are getting in a
good place. Will be in touch soon – call still going on.
From: Schustek, Andrew [mailto:aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 6:06 PM
To: Cathy Rought <cathy@berlinrosen.com>; Parikh, Ishanee <iparikh@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: White, Erin <EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Sylvie Doppelt <SDoppelt@maimonidesmed.org>;
Caquias, Paula <PCaquias@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Jodi Cross <JCross@maimonidesmed.org>; Danielle
Filson <Danielle.Filson@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Thank you. we’re looking forward to hearing back.
From: Cathy Rought [mailto:cathy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 6:05 PM
To: Schustek, Andrew; Parikh, Ishanee
Cc: White, Erin; Sylvie Doppelt; Caquias, Paula; Jodi Cross; Danielle Filson
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Thanks for resending. Totally understand on time and flow. We will be back in touch soon.
From: Schustek, Andrew [mailto:aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 6:02 PM
To: Cathy Rought <cathy@berlinrosen.com>; Parikh, Ishanee <iparikh@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: White, Erin <EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Sylvie Doppelt <SDoppelt@maimonidesmed.org>;
Caquias, Paula <PCaquias@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Jodi Cross <JCross@maimonidesmed.org>; Danielle
Filson <Danielle.Filson@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
7:30 – 8:00 PM:
· Mayor and FLONYC arrive
· FLONYC and the Mayor are introduced by Eugene
· The Mayor delivers remarks and introduces FLONYC
· FLONYC delivers remarks
· FLONYC and The Mayor physically present Pamela with the award
· Ken Gibbs introduces Congresswoman Velazquez
· Congresswomen Velazquez briefly delivers remarks and presents Congressional
Record to Pamela
· FLONYC and Mayor stay on stage while Pamela delivers remarks
· FLONYC and Mayor depart
Again, this is what we agreed to yesterday.
From: Cathy Rought [mailto:cathy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 6:00 PM
To: Schustek, Andrew; Parikh, Ishanee
Cc: White, Erin; Sylvie Doppelt; Caquias, Paula; Jodi Cross; Danielle Filson
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Importance: High
We are on a call right now discussing it – we are trying to rework it in a way that streamlines the
event, gives the Mayor and First Lady a chance to speak to the 1000+ people that will be in
attendance, and also addresses all of the event/speaker needs. Obviously your team is a priority and
we will make sure they both have the attention of the masses to honor Pam!
I haven’t been involved with the actual program until today, and we are reworking it in real time. My
understanding is that both the Mayor and the First Lady are arriving at 730, is that still correct? And
the Mayor will be departing at 8pm? Will the First Lady be staying later? We will have a draft around
shortly, and we can either jump on a call with you after this one or first thing to talk through if easier
than email. Let us know.  
From: Schustek, Andrew [mailto:aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 5:50 PM
To: Parikh, Ishanee <iparikh@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Cathy Rought <cathy@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: White, Erin <EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Sylvie Doppelt <SDoppelt@maimonidesmed.org>;
Caquias, Paula <PCaquias@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Jodi Cross <JCross@maimonidesmed.org>; Danielle
Filson <Danielle.Filson@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Sylvie, where are we with the run of show?
From: Parikh, Ishanee
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 5:50 PM
To: Cathy Rought
Cc: White, Erin; Sylvie Doppelt; Schustek, Andrew; Caquias, Paula; Jodi Cross; Danielle Filson
Subject: Re: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Okay thanks - our public schedule just went out 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 26, 2016, at 5:16 PM, Cathy Rought <cathy@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

RSVPs should come to me. I will provide updates throughout the day tomorrow on
what is confirmed.
From: White, Erin [mailto:EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 5:15 PM
To: Cathy Rought <cathy@berlinrosen.com>; Sylvie Doppelt
<SDoppelt@maimonidesmed.org>; Schustek, Andrew <aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>;
Caquias, Paula <PCaquias@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee <iparikh@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Jodi Cross
Subject: Re: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Do press need to RSVP and if so to whom?
Erin White
Communications Advisor, Office of the Mayor
From: Cathy Rought
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 4:18 PM
To: White, Erin; Sylvie Doppelt; Schustek, Andrew; Caquias, Paula
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee; Jodi Cross
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event

Great, OK to circulate now?

From: White, Erin [mailto:EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 4:02 PM
To: Sylvie Doppelt <SDoppelt@maimonidesmed.org>; Schustek, Andrew
<aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Caquias, Paula <PCaquias@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Cathy
Rought <cathy@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee <iparikh@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Jodi Cross
Subject: Re: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
I am ok with advisory. 
I agree with Andrew that this ROS is strange. Getting people back to their seats
in between the dancing will be impossible. The Mayor and First Lady will be
speaking to empty tables. We need to tighten up so that doesn't happen.
Erin White
Communications Advisor, Office of the Mayor
From: Sylvie Doppelt
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 1:53 PM
To: Schustek, Andrew; Caquias, Paula; 'cathy@berlinrosen.com'
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee; White, Erin; Jodi Cross
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event

Hi Andrew,
We are thrilled that the Mayor and First Lady will be attending and, after our call with
you yesterday noting the anticipated earlier arrival time, we tweaked the run of show
to accommodate the Mayor and First Lady’s schedules and sequence the program with
a short break in between so it is not too many speakers back-to-back for the audience
while they are having dinner. 
Assuming a 7:30 PM arrival for them both, we would re-open the program once they
arrive and are ready to introduce them and have them on stage with Pam.  We think
it’s optimal to then take a short break before Dr. Safyer comes on to introduce
Congresswoman Velaquez because that would be about 6-7 speakers back to back.  We
are happy to discuss this further with you and your team if you have any concerns or
further questions.
From: Schustek, Andrew [mailto:aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 1:39 PM
To: Sylvie Doppelt; Caquias, Paula; 'cathy@berlinrosen.com'
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee; White, Erin; Jodi Cross
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Hi Sylvie,
This is not the same run of show we discussed yesterday on the phone. As discussed
and finalized yesterday, we had all agreed that upon arrival at 7:30, the following
would take place:
· Mayor and FLONYC arrive
· FLONYC and the Mayor are introduced by Eugene
· The Mayor delivers remarks and introduces FLONYC
· FLONYC delivers remarks
· FLONYC and The Mayor physically present Pamela with the award
· Ken Gibbs introduces Congresswoman Velazquez
· Congresswomen Velazquez briefly delivers remarks and presents
Congressional Record to Pamela
· FLONYC and Mayor stay on stage while Pamela delivers remarks
· FLONYC and Mayor depart
Please advise.
From: Sylvie Doppelt [mailto:SDoppelt@maimonidesmed.org]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 1:37 PM
To: Caquias, Paula; 'cathy@berlinrosen.com'
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee; White, Erin; Jodi Cross; Schustek, Andrew
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Absolutely, below is the draft program and VIP list
Program for Gala
6:00 – Cocktail Hour
7:05 – Program Begins in Main Ballroom
- Ken Gibbs gives welcome remarks

- Video Tribute to Pam

- Dinner, Music and Dancing

~7:30/7:45 – Mayor and First Lady Arrive

- Gene Keilin to introduce Mayor and First Lady
- Mayor and First Lady speak and make presentation to Pam
- Dinner, Music and Dancing resume

~8:10 – Program Re-Commences
- Dr. Steve Safyer says a few words and introduces special guest presentation
from Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez

- Congresswoman Velazquez speaks and presents Congressional record to Pam

8:20 – Honoree Remarks

- Pam Brier
8:30 – Closing Remarks
- Ken Gibbs
9:00  – Conclusion
VIP List
· Pam Brier and Peter Aschkenasy – honoree and her husband
· Ken Gibbs – President & CEO, Maimonides Medical Center
· Eugene Keilin – Chair of the Board, Maimonides Medical Center, Co-Founder,
KPS Capital Partners, LP
· Erminia Rivera – Vice Chair, Maimonides Board of Trustees
· Jill Furillo – Executive Director, NYS Nurses Association
· Brett Yormark – CEO, Brooklyn Nets & Barclays Center
· Alex Rovt – President, IBE Trade Corp., Trustee, Maimonides Medical Center,
· Steve Safyer – President & CEO, Montefiore Medical Center
· Michael Dowling – President & CEO, Northwell Health System
· Ken Raske – President & CEO, Greater New York Hospital Association
· Ram Raju – President & CEO, New York City Health + Hospitals
· Mark Mundy - CEO, New York Methodist Hospital
· Linda Brady - CEO, Kingsbrook Medical Center
· LaRay Brown - Incoming CEO, Interfaith Hospital
· Mark Toney - Interim CEO, Brookdale Hospital
· Jennifer Raab – President, Hunter College
· Lilliam Paoli – Senior Advisory to Jennifer Raab
Elected Officials who will attend (some might only stay for cocktail hour)
· Rep. Nydia Velazquez
· Rep. Jerrold Nadler
· NYS Senator Martin Golden
· Assemblyman Steven Cymbrowitz
· Assemblyman Dov Hikind
· Councilman David Greenfield
· Councilman Brad Lander
· Councilman Mathieu Eugene
Please let me know if you need anything further.
From: Caquias, Paula [mailto:PCaquias@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 12:27 PM
To: Sylvie Doppelt; 'cathy@berlinrosen.com'
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee; White, Erin; Jodi Cross; Schustek, Andrew
Subject: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Our press team is reviewing the draft.   Ishanee from our press team will be in contact
with you with any question.  The Mayor’s public schedule goes out every day in
I have also cc’d Erin, who is the first lady press person for awareness.  
Sylvie, can you please send me the VIP list and program?
From: Caquias, Paula
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 11:26 AM
To: Banks, Angela; White, Erin; Schustek, Andrew
Cc: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: FW: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Please see draft press advisory from Maimonides
From: Cathy Rought [mailto:cathy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 11:25 AM
To: Sylvie Doppelt; Caquias, Paula
Cc: Eileen Tynion
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Hey Paula!
Attached is the draft advisory. Would love to have this go very soon. Pretty basic. When
will the mayor’s public schedule go live?
I will be onsite to manage and wrangle press for the event. As you know galas are
tough, so not sure what kind of turn out we will get. But if the Mayor prefers not to
interact with anyone regardless, we can accommodate that. Just let us know his
preferences and feel free to connect me with anyone on your comms team.
Thanks for everything and look forward to hearing from you soon.  
From: Sylvie Doppelt [mailto:SDoppelt@maimonidesmed.org]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 10:56 AM
To: Caquias, Paula <PCaquias@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Eileen Tynion <ETynion@maimonidesmed.org>; Cathy Rought
Subject: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Hi Paula,
It was a pleasure speaking with you yesterday, and thanks so much again for your
assistance with coordinating the Mayor’s attendance to the Maimonides Gala. We’re
thrilled he will be attending.
I wanted to follow up regarding your questions on press. We, with support and
partnership from BerlinRosen, will be managing press for the event, and we’re planning
on circulating a media advisory (which we will forward to you shortly).
If you could let us know what the Mayor’s preferences are in terms of interacting with
press or not, that would be great. I’ve cc’d my colleague Cathy Rought at BerlinRosen,
who will be happy to address any concerns with you.
Thanks so much again, and please feel free to contact me with any questions,
Sylvie Doppelt
Manager, Strategic Initiatives
Department of External Affairs | Maimonides Medical Center | Brooklyn, NY 11219
T: 718-283-7041 | M: 224-587-0932

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From: Sylvie Doppelt
To: Schustek, Andrew; Cathy Rought; White, Erin
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee; Caquias, Paula; Jodi Cross; Danielle Filson
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Date: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 9:14:31 PM
Attachments: Brier announcement Jan 2016.docx

Hello all,
I’ve attached the Hunter College press release, finalized today, announcing Pam Brier’s appointment
as Senior Advisor to the President of Hunter College, which the First Lady will be announcing at
tomorrow’s Gala. The information is no longer confidential but has not yet been publicly announced,
and so this will be breaking news tomorrow and the first public announcement of Pam’s new role.
Thanks so much again, and as always, feel free to contact us with questions,
From: Schustek, Andrew [mailto:aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 6:38 PM
To: Cathy Rought; White, Erin; Sylvie Doppelt
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee; Caquias, Paula; Jodi Cross; Danielle Filson
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Thank you.
From: Cathy Rought [mailto:cathy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 6:37 PM
To: White, Erin; Schustek, Andrew; Sylvie Doppelt
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee; Caquias, Paula; Jodi Cross; Danielle Filson
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Just as a FYI – my cell is If you need anything leading up to Andrew’s arrival, give me
a ring or text. Danielle Filson also on this chain will be sending press updates as we have them
From: White, Erin [mailto:EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 6:18 PM
To: Schustek, Andrew <aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Sylvie Doppelt
Cc: Cathy Rought <cathy@berlinrosen.com>; Parikh, Ishanee <iparikh@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Caquias,
Paula <PCaquias@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Jodi Cross <JCross@maimonidesmed.org>; Danielle Filson
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Patch me in.
Erin White
Communications Advisor, Office of the Mayor
O: 212-341-5030
C: 347-789-0501
From: Schustek, Andrew
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 6:18 PM
To: Sylvie Doppelt
Cc: Cathy Rought; Parikh, Ishanee; White, Erin; Caquias, Paula; Jodi Cross; Danielle Filson
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
My number is
From: Sylvie Doppelt [mailto:SDoppelt@maimonidesmed.org]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 6:17 PM
To: Schustek, Andrew
Cc: Cathy Rought; Parikh, Ishanee; White, Erin; Caquias, Paula; Jodi Cross; Danielle Filson
Subject: Re: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Hi Andrew, what's the best number to reach you at? We're happy to jump on a call now.

Sent from my iPad

On Jan 26, 2016, at 6:06 PM, Schustek, Andrew <aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Thank you. we’re looking forward to hearing back.

From: Cathy Rought [mailto:cathy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 6:05 PM
To: Schustek, Andrew; Parikh, Ishanee
Cc: White, Erin; Sylvie Doppelt; Caquias, Paula; Jodi Cross; Danielle Filson
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Thanks for resending. Totally understand on time and flow. We will be back in touch
From: Schustek, Andrew [mailto:aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 6:02 PM
To: Cathy Rought <cathy@berlinrosen.com>; Parikh, Ishanee
Cc: White, Erin <EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Sylvie Doppelt
<SDoppelt@maimonidesmed.org>; Caquias, Paula <PCaquias@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Jodi
Cross <JCross@maimonidesmed.org>; Danielle Filson
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
7:30 – 8:00 PM:
· Mayor and FLONYC arrive
· FLONYC and the Mayor are introduced by Eugene
· The Mayor delivers remarks and introduces FLONYC
· FLONYC delivers remarks
· FLONYC and The Mayor physically present Pamela with the award
· Ken Gibbs introduces Congresswoman Velazquez
· Congresswomen Velazquez briefly delivers remarks and presents
Congressional Record to Pamela
· FLONYC and Mayor stay on stage while Pamela delivers remarks
· FLONYC and Mayor depart
Again, this is what we agreed to yesterday.
From: Cathy Rought [mailto:cathy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 6:00 PM
To: Schustek, Andrew; Parikh, Ishanee
Cc: White, Erin; Sylvie Doppelt; Caquias, Paula; Jodi Cross; Danielle Filson
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Importance: High
We are on a call right now discussing it – we are trying to rework it in a way that
streamlines the event, gives the Mayor and First Lady a chance to speak to the 1000+
people that will be in attendance, and also addresses all of the event/speaker needs.
Obviously your team is a priority and we will make sure they both have the attention of
the masses to honor Pam!
I haven’t been involved with the actual program until today, and we are reworking it in
real time. My understanding is that both the Mayor and the First Lady are arriving at
730, is that still correct? And the Mayor will be departing at 8pm? Will the First Lady
be staying later? We will have a draft around shortly, and we can either jump on a call
with you after this one or first thing to talk through if easier than email. Let us know.  
From: Schustek, Andrew [mailto:aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 5:50 PM
To: Parikh, Ishanee <iparikh@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Cathy Rought
Cc: White, Erin <EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Sylvie Doppelt
<SDoppelt@maimonidesmed.org>; Caquias, Paula <PCaquias@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Jodi
Cross <JCross@maimonidesmed.org>; Danielle Filson
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Sylvie, where are we with the run of show?
From: Parikh, Ishanee
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 5:50 PM
To: Cathy Rought
Cc: White, Erin; Sylvie Doppelt; Schustek, Andrew; Caquias, Paula; Jodi Cross; Danielle
Subject: Re: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Okay thanks - our public schedule just went out 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 26, 2016, at 5:16 PM, Cathy Rought <cathy@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

RSVPs should come to me. I will provide updates throughout the day
tomorrow on what is confirmed.
From: White, Erin [mailto:EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 5:15 PM
To: Cathy Rought <cathy@berlinrosen.com>; Sylvie Doppelt
<SDoppelt@maimonidesmed.org>; Schustek, Andrew
<aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Caquias, Paula
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee <iparikh@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Jodi Cross
Subject: Re: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Do press need to RSVP and if so to whom?
Erin White
Communications Advisor, Office of the Mayor
From: Cathy Rought
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 4:18 PM
To: White, Erin; Sylvie Doppelt; Schustek, Andrew; Caquias, Paula
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee; Jodi Cross
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event

Great, OK to circulate now?

From: White, Erin [mailto:EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 4:02 PM
To: Sylvie Doppelt <SDoppelt@maimonidesmed.org>; Schustek, Andrew
<aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Caquias, Paula
<PCaquias@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Cathy Rought <cathy@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee <iparikh@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Jodi Cross
Subject: Re: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
I am ok with advisory. 
I agree with Andrew that this ROS is strange. Getting people back to
their seats in between the dancing will be impossible. The Mayor
and First Lady will be speaking to empty tables. We need to tighten
up so that doesn't happen.
Erin White
Communications Advisor, Office of the Mayor
From: Sylvie Doppelt
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 1:53 PM
To: Schustek, Andrew; Caquias, Paula; 'cathy@berlinrosen.com'
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee; White, Erin; Jodi Cross
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event

Hi Andrew,
We are thrilled that the Mayor and First Lady will be attending and, after
our call with you yesterday noting the anticipated earlier arrival time, we
tweaked the run of show to accommodate the Mayor and First Lady’s
schedules and sequence the program with a short break in between so it
is not too many speakers back-to-back for the audience while they are
having dinner. 
Assuming a 7:30 PM arrival for them both, we would re-open the
program once they arrive and are ready to introduce them and have them
on stage with Pam.  We think it’s optimal to then take a short break
before Dr. Safyer comes on to introduce Congresswoman Velaquez
because that would be about 6-7 speakers back to back.  We are happy to
discuss this further with you and your team if you have any concerns or
further questions.
From: Schustek, Andrew [mailto:aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 1:39 PM
To: Sylvie Doppelt; Caquias, Paula; 'cathy@berlinrosen.com'
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee; White, Erin; Jodi Cross
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Hi Sylvie,
This is not the same run of show we discussed yesterday on the phone. As
discussed and finalized yesterday, we had all agreed that upon arrival at
7:30, the following would take place:
· Mayor and FLONYC arrive
· FLONYC and the Mayor are introduced by Eugene
· The Mayor delivers remarks and introduces FLONYC
· FLONYC delivers remarks
· FLONYC and The Mayor physically present Pamela with
the award
· Ken Gibbs introduces Congresswoman Velazquez
· Congresswomen Velazquez briefly delivers remarks and
presents Congressional Record to Pamela
· FLONYC and Mayor stay on stage while Pamela delivers
· FLONYC and Mayor depart
Please advise.
From: Sylvie Doppelt [mailto:SDoppelt@maimonidesmed.org]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 1:37 PM
To: Caquias, Paula; 'cathy@berlinrosen.com'
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee; White, Erin; Jodi Cross; Schustek, Andrew
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Absolutely, below is the draft program and VIP list
Program for Gala
6:00 – Cocktail Hour
7:05 – Program Begins in Main Ballroom
- Ken Gibbs gives welcome remarks

- Video Tribute to Pam

- Dinner, Music and Dancing

~7:30/7:45 – Mayor and First Lady Arrive

- Gene Keilin to introduce Mayor and First Lady
- Mayor and First Lady speak and make presentation to Pam
- Dinner, Music and Dancing resume

~8:10 – Program Re-Commences
- Dr. Steve Safyer says a few words and introduces special guest
presentation from Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez

- Congresswoman Velazquez speaks and presents Congressional

record to Pam
8:20 – Honoree Remarks
- Pam Brier
8:30 – Closing Remarks
- Ken Gibbs
9:00  – Conclusion
VIP List
· Pam Brier and Peter Aschkenasy – honoree and her husband
· Ken Gibbs – President & CEO, Maimonides Medical Center
· Eugene Keilin – Chair of the Board, Maimonides Medical Center,
Co-Founder, KPS Capital Partners, LP
· Erminia Rivera – Vice Chair, Maimonides Board of Trustees
· Jill Furillo – Executive Director, NYS Nurses Association
· Brett Yormark – CEO, Brooklyn Nets & Barclays Center
· Alex Rovt – President, IBE Trade Corp., Trustee, Maimonides
Medical Center,
· Steve Safyer – President & CEO, Montefiore Medical Center
· Michael Dowling – President & CEO, Northwell Health System
· Ken Raske – President & CEO, Greater New York Hospital
· Ram Raju – President & CEO, New York City Health + Hospitals
· Mark Mundy - CEO, New York Methodist Hospital
· Linda Brady - CEO, Kingsbrook Medical Center
· LaRay Brown - Incoming CEO, Interfaith Hospital
· Mark Toney - Interim CEO, Brookdale Hospital
· Jennifer Raab – President, Hunter College
· Lilliam Paoli – Senior Advisory to Jennifer Raab
Elected Officials who will attend (some might only stay for cocktail hour)
· Rep. Nydia Velazquez
· Rep. Jerrold Nadler
· NYS Senator Martin Golden
· Assemblyman Steven Cymbrowitz
· Assemblyman Dov Hikind
· Councilman David Greenfield
· Councilman Brad Lander
· Councilman Mathieu Eugene
Please let me know if you need anything further.
From: Caquias, Paula [mailto:PCaquias@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 12:27 PM
To: Sylvie Doppelt; 'cathy@berlinrosen.com'
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee; White, Erin; Jodi Cross; Schustek, Andrew
Subject: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Our press team is reviewing the draft.   Ishanee from our press team will
be in contact with you with any question.  The Mayor’s public schedule
goes out every day in evening.
I have also cc’d Erin, who is the first lady press person for awareness.  
Sylvie, can you please send me the VIP list and program?
From: Caquias, Paula
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 11:26 AM
To: Banks, Angela; White, Erin; Schustek, Andrew
Cc: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: FW: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Please see draft press advisory from Maimonides
From: Cathy Rought [mailto:cathy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 11:25 AM
To: Sylvie Doppelt; Caquias, Paula
Cc: Eileen Tynion
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Hey Paula!
Attached is the draft advisory. Would love to have this go very soon.
Pretty basic. When will the mayor’s public schedule go live?
I will be onsite to manage and wrangle press for the event. As you know
galas are tough, so not sure what kind of turn out we will get. But if the
Mayor prefers not to interact with anyone regardless, we can
accommodate that. Just let us know his preferences and feel free to
connect me with anyone on your comms team.
Thanks for everything and look forward to hearing from you soon.  
From: Sylvie Doppelt [mailto:SDoppelt@maimonidesmed.org]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 10:56 AM
To: Caquias, Paula <PCaquias@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Eileen Tynion <ETynion@maimonidesmed.org>; Cathy Rought
Subject: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Hi Paula,
It was a pleasure speaking with you yesterday, and thanks so much again
for your assistance with coordinating the Mayor’s attendance to the
Maimonides Gala. We’re thrilled he will be attending.
I wanted to follow up regarding your questions on press. We, with
support and partnership from BerlinRosen, will be managing press for the
event, and we’re planning on circulating a media advisory (which we will
forward to you shortly).
If you could let us know what the Mayor’s preferences are in terms of
interacting with press or not, that would be great. I’ve cc’d my colleague
Cathy Rought at BerlinRosen, who will be happy to address any concerns
with you.
Thanks so much again, and please feel free to contact me with any
Sylvie Doppelt
Manager, Strategic Initiatives
Department of External Affairs | Maimonides Medical Center | Brooklyn,
NY 11219
T: 718-283-7041 | M: 224-587-0932

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FROM: HUNTER COLLEGE of the City University of New York

CONTACT: Rubenstein Communications Inc., Public Relations

Nancy Haberman 212-843-8021 / nhaberman@rubenstein.com




New York, January 26, 2016 – Hunter College President Jennifer J. Raab today announced the
appointment of Pamela Brier as a Senior Advisor to the President with a focus on healthcare
issues and community and public policy.

Brier, who has been President of three major New York City hospitals, will use her vast health
care knowledge to develop and grow Hunter’s many existing programs in this area. She will
also work with former NYC Deputy Mayor Lilliam Barrios-Paoli, whose appointment to Hunter
College was recently announced.

“Hunter College is very privileged to welcome Pam Brier who will help us develop our programs
to train future health care workers in a variety of different areas including nursing, nutrition,
and health policy,” said President Raab. “I can think of no one more capable to help Hunter
grow in these areas that will truly benefit us all.”

In addition, Brier will guide a new Mental Health Services Corps, part of First Lady Chirlane
McCray’s ThriveNYC, to be implemented by Hunter College. ThriveNYC is a mental health
framework to ensure New Yorkers get needed mental health treatment and a holistic focus on
all facets of their mental well being. The Mental Health Services Corps will recruit, train, and
place much-needed mental health professionals who will advance this effort.

Brier most recently served as President and CEO of Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, the
borough’s largest hospital and biggest employer where she began in 1995. The hospital grew
from a $500 million community hospital to the billion-dollar hub that it is today. Brier, who has
a Master’s degree in Public Health from UCLA and a Bachelor of Arts degree with honors from
the University of California at Berkley, first honed her capacity for consensus-building and policy
development at the New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation in the 1980s. There she
became the agency’s Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President before moving to
become the President of Jacobi Medical Center in the Bronx, and later the President of Bellevue
Medical Center in Manhattan.
She currently serves on the New York City Board of Health, appointed by Mayor Michael
Bloomberg, and the Fund for Public Health. She previously served on the New York City Board
of Corrections and the Workforce Development Board in the Bloomberg administration. She
was appointed by Governor Mario Cuomo to serve on the New York State Hospital Review and
Planning Council. Additionally, Brier served as the Chair of the Board for Housing Works and is
on the Board of GNYHA Ventures. Crain’s New York Business named her to Crain’s Hall of Fame
in 2015 and has frequently cited her as one of the 50 Most Powerful Women in New York.

“Hunter is really the city’s college,” said Brier. “I am looking forward to working with President
Raab and everyone at Hunter on a variety of projects, including one that means so much to
Mayor de Blasio and to First Lady Chirlane McCray, who are committed to addressing New
Yorkers’ mental health needs. “

Ms. Brier is also the recipient of honorary doctorate degrees from St. Francis College and Long
Island University.


About Hunter College:

Hunter College, located in the heart of Manhattan, is the largest college in the City University of
New York (CUNY) system. Founded in 1870, it is also one of the oldest public colleges in the
country and famous for the diversity of its student body, which is as diverse as New York City

Most Hunter students are the first in their families to attend college and many go on to top
professional and graduate programs, winning Fulbright scholarships, Mellon fellowships,
National Institutes of Health grants, and other competitive honors. More than 23,000 students
currently attend Hunter, pursuing undergraduate and graduate degrees in more than 170 areas
of study.

The 1,700 full- and part-time members of Hunter's faculty are unparalleled. They receive
prestigious national grants, contribute to the world's leading academic journals, and play major
roles in cutting-edge research. They are fighting cancer, formulating public policy, expanding
our culture, enhancing technology, and more.

From: White, Erin
To: Sylvie Doppelt; Schustek, Andrew; Cathy Rought
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee; Caquias, Paula; Jodi Cross; Danielle Filson
Subject: Re: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Date: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 9:17:10 PM

Looks good!

Erin White
Communications Advisor, Office of the Mayor
From: Sylvie Doppelt
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 9:14 PM
To: Schustek, Andrew; Cathy Rought; White, Erin
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee; Caquias, Paula; Jodi Cross; Danielle Filson
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event

Hello all,
I’ve attached the Hunter College press release, finalized today, announcing Pam Brier’s appointment
as Senior Advisor to the President of Hunter College, which the First Lady will be announcing at
tomorrow’s Gala. The information is no longer confidential but has not yet been publicly announced,
and so this will be breaking news tomorrow and the first public announcement of Pam’s new role.
Thanks so much again, and as always, feel free to contact us with questions,
From: Schustek, Andrew [mailto:aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 6:38 PM
To: Cathy Rought; White, Erin; Sylvie Doppelt
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee; Caquias, Paula; Jodi Cross; Danielle Filson
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Thank you.
From: Cathy Rought [mailto:cathy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 6:37 PM
To: White, Erin; Schustek, Andrew; Sylvie Doppelt
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee; Caquias, Paula; Jodi Cross; Danielle Filson
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Just as a FYI – my cell is . If you need anything leading up to Andrew’s arrival, give me
a ring or text. Danielle Filson also on this chain will be sending press updates as we have them
From: White, Erin [mailto:EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 6:18 PM
To: Schustek, Andrew <aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Sylvie Doppelt
Cc: Cathy Rought <cathy@berlinrosen.com>; Parikh, Ishanee <iparikh@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Caquias,
Paula <PCaquias@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Jodi Cross <JCross@maimonidesmed.org>; Danielle Filson
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Patch me in.
Erin White
Communications Advisor, Office of the Mayor
O: 212-341-5030
C: 347-789-0501
From: Schustek, Andrew
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 6:18 PM
To: Sylvie Doppelt
Cc: Cathy Rought; Parikh, Ishanee; White, Erin; Caquias, Paula; Jodi Cross; Danielle Filson
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
My number is .
From: Sylvie Doppelt [mailto:SDoppelt@maimonidesmed.org]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 6:17 PM
To: Schustek, Andrew
Cc: Cathy Rought; Parikh, Ishanee; White, Erin; Caquias, Paula; Jodi Cross; Danielle Filson
Subject: Re: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Hi Andrew, what's the best number to reach you at? We're happy to jump on a call now.

Sent from my iPad

On Jan 26, 2016, at 6:06 PM, Schustek, Andrew <aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Thank you. we’re looking forward to hearing back.

From: Cathy Rought [mailto:cathy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 6:05 PM
To: Schustek, Andrew; Parikh, Ishanee
Cc: White, Erin; Sylvie Doppelt; Caquias, Paula; Jodi Cross; Danielle Filson
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Thanks for resending. Totally understand on time and flow. We will be back in touch
From: Schustek, Andrew [mailto:aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 6:02 PM
To: Cathy Rought <cathy@berlinrosen.com>; Parikh, Ishanee
Cc: White, Erin <EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Sylvie Doppelt
<SDoppelt@maimonidesmed.org>; Caquias, Paula <PCaquias@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Jodi
Cross <JCross@maimonidesmed.org>; Danielle Filson
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
7:30 – 8:00 PM:
· Mayor and FLONYC arrive
· FLONYC and the Mayor are introduced by Eugene
· The Mayor delivers remarks and introduces FLONYC
· FLONYC delivers remarks
· FLONYC and The Mayor physically present Pamela with the award
· Ken Gibbs introduces Congresswoman Velazquez
· Congresswomen Velazquez briefly delivers remarks and presents
Congressional Record to Pamela
· FLONYC and Mayor stay on stage while Pamela delivers remarks
· FLONYC and Mayor depart
Again, this is what we agreed to yesterday.
From: Cathy Rought [mailto:cathy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 6:00 PM
To: Schustek, Andrew; Parikh, Ishanee
Cc: White, Erin; Sylvie Doppelt; Caquias, Paula; Jodi Cross; Danielle Filson
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Importance: High
We are on a call right now discussing it – we are trying to rework it in a way that
streamlines the event, gives the Mayor and First Lady a chance to speak to the 1000+
people that will be in attendance, and also addresses all of the event/speaker needs.
Obviously your team is a priority and we will make sure they both have the attention of
the masses to honor Pam!
I haven’t been involved with the actual program until today, and we are reworking it in
real time. My understanding is that both the Mayor and the First Lady are arriving at
730, is that still correct? And the Mayor will be departing at 8pm? Will the First Lady
be staying later? We will have a draft around shortly, and we can either jump on a call
with you after this one or first thing to talk through if easier than email. Let us know.  
From: Schustek, Andrew [mailto:aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 5:50 PM
To: Parikh, Ishanee <iparikh@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Cathy Rought
Cc: White, Erin <EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Sylvie Doppelt
<SDoppelt@maimonidesmed.org>; Caquias, Paula <PCaquias@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Jodi
Cross <JCross@maimonidesmed.org>; Danielle Filson
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Sylvie, where are we with the run of show?
From: Parikh, Ishanee
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 5:50 PM
To: Cathy Rought
Cc: White, Erin; Sylvie Doppelt; Schustek, Andrew; Caquias, Paula; Jodi Cross; Danielle
Subject: Re: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Okay thanks - our public schedule just went out 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 26, 2016, at 5:16 PM, Cathy Rought <cathy@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

RSVPs should come to me. I will provide updates throughout the day
tomorrow on what is confirmed.
From: White, Erin [mailto:EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 5:15 PM
To: Cathy Rought <cathy@berlinrosen.com>; Sylvie Doppelt
<SDoppelt@maimonidesmed.org>; Schustek, Andrew
<aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Caquias, Paula
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee <iparikh@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Jodi Cross
Subject: Re: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Do press need to RSVP and if so to whom?
Erin White
Communications Advisor, Office of the Mayor
From: Cathy Rought
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 4:18 PM
To: White, Erin; Sylvie Doppelt; Schustek, Andrew; Caquias, Paula
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee; Jodi Cross
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Great, OK to circulate now?
From: White, Erin [mailto:EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 4:02 PM
To: Sylvie Doppelt <SDoppelt@maimonidesmed.org>; Schustek, Andrew
<aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Caquias, Paula
<PCaquias@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Cathy Rought <cathy@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee <iparikh@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Jodi Cross
Subject: Re: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
I am ok with advisory. 
I agree with Andrew that this ROS is strange. Getting people back to
their seats in between the dancing will be impossible. The Mayor
and First Lady will be speaking to empty tables. We need to tighten
up so that doesn't happen.
Erin White
Communications Advisor, Office of the Mayor
From: Sylvie Doppelt
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 1:53 PM
To: Schustek, Andrew; Caquias, Paula; 'cathy@berlinrosen.com'
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee; White, Erin; Jodi Cross
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Hi Andrew,
We are thrilled that the Mayor and First Lady will be attending and, after
our call with you yesterday noting the anticipated earlier arrival time, we
tweaked the run of show to accommodate the Mayor and First Lady’s
schedules and sequence the program with a short break in between so it
is not too many speakers back-to-back for the audience while they are
having dinner. 
Assuming a 7:30 PM arrival for them both, we would re-open the
program once they arrive and are ready to introduce them and have them
on stage with Pam.  We think it’s optimal to then take a short break
before Dr. Safyer comes on to introduce Congresswoman Velaquez
because that would be about 6-7 speakers back to back.  We are happy to
discuss this further with you and your team if you have any concerns or
further questions.
From: Schustek, Andrew [mailto:aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 1:39 PM
To: Sylvie Doppelt; Caquias, Paula; 'cathy@berlinrosen.com'
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee; White, Erin; Jodi Cross
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Hi Sylvie,
This is not the same run of show we discussed yesterday on the phone. As
discussed and finalized yesterday, we had all agreed that upon arrival at
7:30, the following would take place:
· Mayor and FLONYC arrive
· FLONYC and the Mayor are introduced by Eugene
· The Mayor delivers remarks and introduces FLONYC
· FLONYC delivers remarks
· FLONYC and The Mayor physically present Pamela with
the award
· Ken Gibbs introduces Congresswoman Velazquez
· Congresswomen Velazquez briefly delivers remarks and
presents Congressional Record to Pamela
· FLONYC and Mayor stay on stage while Pamela delivers
· FLONYC and Mayor depart
Please advise.
From: Sylvie Doppelt [mailto:SDoppelt@maimonidesmed.org]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 1:37 PM
To: Caquias, Paula; 'cathy@berlinrosen.com'
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee; White, Erin; Jodi Cross; Schustek, Andrew
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Absolutely, below is the draft program and VIP list
Program for Gala
6:00 – Cocktail Hour
7:05 – Program Begins in Main Ballroom
- Ken Gibbs gives welcome remarks

- Video Tribute to Pam

- Dinner, Music and Dancing

~7:30/7:45 – Mayor and First Lady Arrive

- Gene Keilin to introduce Mayor and First Lady
- Mayor and First Lady speak and make presentation to Pam
- Dinner, Music and Dancing resume

~8:10 – Program Re-Commences
- Dr. Steve Safyer says a few words and introduces special guest
presentation from Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez

- Congresswoman Velazquez speaks and presents Congressional

record to Pam

8:20 – Honoree Remarks

- Pam Brier
8:30 – Closing Remarks
- Ken Gibbs
9:00  – Conclusion
VIP List
· Pam Brier and Peter Aschkenasy – honoree and her husband
· Ken Gibbs – President & CEO, Maimonides Medical Center
· Eugene Keilin – Chair of the Board, Maimonides Medical Center,
Co-Founder, KPS Capital Partners, LP
· Erminia Rivera – Vice Chair, Maimonides Board of Trustees
· Jill Furillo – Executive Director, NYS Nurses Association
· Brett Yormark – CEO, Brooklyn Nets & Barclays Center
· Alex Rovt – President, IBE Trade Corp., Trustee, Maimonides
Medical Center,
· Steve Safyer – President & CEO, Montefiore Medical Center
· Michael Dowling – President & CEO, Northwell Health System
· Ken Raske – President & CEO, Greater New York Hospital
· Ram Raju – President & CEO, New York City Health + Hospitals
· Mark Mundy - CEO, New York Methodist Hospital
· Linda Brady - CEO, Kingsbrook Medical Center
· LaRay Brown - Incoming CEO, Interfaith Hospital
· Mark Toney - Interim CEO, Brookdale Hospital
· Jennifer Raab – President, Hunter College
· Lilliam Paoli – Senior Advisory to Jennifer Raab
Elected Officials who will attend (some might only stay for cocktail hour)
· Rep. Nydia Velazquez
· Rep. Jerrold Nadler
· NYS Senator Martin Golden
· Assemblyman Steven Cymbrowitz
· Assemblyman Dov Hikind
· Councilman David Greenfield
· Councilman Brad Lander
· Councilman Mathieu Eugene
Please let me know if you need anything further.
From: Caquias, Paula [mailto:PCaquias@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 12:27 PM
To: Sylvie Doppelt; 'cathy@berlinrosen.com'
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee; White, Erin; Jodi Cross; Schustek, Andrew
Subject: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Our press team is reviewing the draft.   Ishanee from our press team will
be in contact with you with any question.  The Mayor’s public schedule
goes out every day in evening.
I have also cc’d Erin, who is the first lady press person for awareness.  
Sylvie, can you please send me the VIP list and program?
From: Caquias, Paula
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 11:26 AM
To: Banks, Angela; White, Erin; Schustek, Andrew
Cc: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: FW: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Please see draft press advisory from Maimonides
From: Cathy Rought [mailto:cathy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 11:25 AM
To: Sylvie Doppelt; Caquias, Paula
Cc: Eileen Tynion
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Hey Paula!
Attached is the draft advisory. Would love to have this go very soon.
Pretty basic. When will the mayor’s public schedule go live?
I will be onsite to manage and wrangle press for the event. As you know
galas are tough, so not sure what kind of turn out we will get. But if the
Mayor prefers not to interact with anyone regardless, we can
accommodate that. Just let us know his preferences and feel free to
connect me with anyone on your comms team.
Thanks for everything and look forward to hearing from you soon.  
From: Sylvie Doppelt [mailto:SDoppelt@maimonidesmed.org]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 10:56 AM
To: Caquias, Paula <PCaquias@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Eileen Tynion <ETynion@maimonidesmed.org>; Cathy Rought
Subject: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Hi Paula,
It was a pleasure speaking with you yesterday, and thanks so much again
for your assistance with coordinating the Mayor’s attendance to the
Maimonides Gala. We’re thrilled he will be attending.
I wanted to follow up regarding your questions on press. We, with
support and partnership from BerlinRosen, will be managing press for the
event, and we’re planning on circulating a media advisory (which we will
forward to you shortly).
If you could let us know what the Mayor’s preferences are in terms of
interacting with press or not, that would be great. I’ve cc’d my colleague
Cathy Rought at BerlinRosen, who will be happy to address any concerns
with you.
Thanks so much again, and please feel free to contact me with any
Sylvie Doppelt
Manager, Strategic Initiatives
Department of External Affairs | Maimonides Medical Center | Brooklyn,
NY 11219
T: 718-283-7041 | M: 224-587-0932

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From: Hinton, Karen
To: Henry Goldman
Subject: Re: Iowa
Date: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 6:20:03 AM

Dan has to answer! See U at city hall 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 27, 2016, at 12:23 AM, Henry Goldman (BLOOMBERG/ NEWSROOM:)

<hgoldman@bloomberg.net> wrote:

Can you please bring me up to speed on the Mayor's trip to Iowa?

What will he be doing there? Is there an itinerary? Any certain dates?

A statement from the mayor?

Who's paying for the trip?

Was it the mayor volunteering or did the Clinton campaign ask him to travel to Iowa?

Thanks, Henry

Sent from Bloomberg Professional for Android

From: Hatch, Peter
To: Cathy Rought
Subject: Herminia Palacio, Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services.
Date: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 12:08:03 PM

She will arrive approx. 730 (separately from Mayor) and stay through the dinner (no dietary
restrictions).  She would love to know with whom she is seated. 
I cribbed from her announcement release a bit of a bio if that is helpful.
As Deputy Mayor, Palacio will oversee the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, NYC Health +
Hospitals, Human Resources Administration, Department of Homeless Services, Agency for
Children's Services, Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, Office to Combat Domestic Violence and
Office of Food Policy. She will also work closely with First Deputy Mayor Shorris and Commissioner
Steve Banks in the on-going review of the City's homeless programs.
Palacio is a crisis management expert who as Executive Director of the Harris County Public Health
and Environmental Services coordinated health services for 27,000 people from the New Orleans
area to Houston during Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Her work during Hurricane Katrina earned Palacio
the Excellence in Health Administration Award by the American Public Health Association in
2007. Palacio also previously served as a Senior Policy Advisor for the San Francisco Department of
Public Health, where she served on the front lines combatting HIV/AIDS.
With 25 years of experience in a range of health and social services professions, Palacio will be
tasked with addressing homelessness across the five boroughs, developing a citywide network for
mental health support, coordinating across the City’s public health care system, improving access to
social services for all New Yorkers, and ensuring Agencies that oversee the City’s most vulnerable
populations, such as children and victims of domestic violence, are run compassionately and
As former Executive Director of Harris County Public Health and Environmental Services, Palacio is
well-prepared to take on NYC’s most pressing challenges, having played a major role in the
Astrodome/Reliant Park mega-shelter operation for over 27,000 evacuees from Hurricane Katrina to
Harris County, Texas. Running all of the public health operations for the shelter, Palacio established
a public health department for a "city” that went from a population of 0 to 27,000 in two days,
identified and contained health outbreaks before they started, and aptly managed thousands of
physicians and nurses to effectively triage 150 patients an hour. 
In addition to her work at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, in Harris County and San Francisco,
Palacio has also held a number of academic appointments, including adjunct professor in
Management, Policy, and Community Health at the University of Texas School of Public Health at
Houston from 2006 to 2014. She also taught at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston and the
University of California at San Francisco School of Medicine. Palacio received her medical degree
from Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York and holds a Masters of Public Health, with a
specialty in epidemiology, from the University of California at Berkeley School of Public Health, and a
BA in biology from Barnard College at Columbia University. She has authored numerous articles in
peer-reviewed scientific journals.
She served on the Board of Directors of the National Association of County and City Health Officials
(NACCHO), the Texas Association of Local Health Officials (TALHO), the Harris County Healthcare
Alliance (HCHA), and served as Chair of the Texas Public Health Coalition. She recently served on the
Board of Scientific Counselors for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Office of
Public Health Preparedness and Response and currently serves on the CDC Advisory Committee to
the Director.  In 2011 she was appointed by President Obama as a member of the Advisory Group
on Prevention, Health Promotion, and Integrative and Public Health.
From: White, Erin
Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 9:58 AM
To: Cathy Rought; Hatch, Peter
Subject: connecting you re: tonight's Gala
Hi Cathy,
I’m connecting you here with Peter Hatch, a senior advisor here at City Hall. He’s like to help make
sure our Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services Herminia Palacio can come by the gala this
Can you assist? I’m sure he’d appreciate your guidance on the best time for her to arrive, etc.
Thanks so much!
Erin White
Communications Advisor, Office of the Mayor
O: 212-341-5030
C: 347-789-0501
From: Almonte, Catherine
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; jfdc; Jonathan Rosen; Blumm, Kate; Snyder, Thomas; Da Costa, Ricky; Shorris,
Anthony; Griffith, Chantell; Williams, Dominic; Adams Baker, Marti; Fialkoff, Gabrielle; Tarlow, Mindy; Wolfe,
Emma; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Schwartz, Regina; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Seignious, Sandy; Fuleihan,
Dean (OMB); Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Glen, Alicia; Bruch, Mary; Buery, Richard; Cutler, Dorothy; Arslanian,
Kayla; Viguers, Jonathan; Confer, Alexis; Bennett, Rob; Patchett, James
Subject: RE: MBDB: SOTC Prep
Date: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 2:49:53 PM

Please gather

From: Almonte, Catherine
Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 2:33 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; jfdc; Jonathan Rosen; Blumm, Kate; Snyder, Thomas; Da Costa, Ricky;
Shorris, Anthony; Griffith, Chantell; Williams, Dominic; Adams Baker, Marti; Fialkoff, Gabrielle; Tarlow,
Mindy; Wolfe, Emma; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Schwartz, Regina; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil;
Seignious, Sandy; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Glen, Alicia; Bruch, Mary; Buery,
Richard; Cutler, Dorothy; Arslanian, Kayla; Viguers, Jonathan; Confer, Alexis; Bennett, Rob; Patchett,
Subject: RE: MBDB: SOTC Prep

We are delayed

-----Original Appointment-----
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2016 3:16 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; jfdc; Jonathan Rosen; Blumm, Kate; Snyder, Thomas; Da Costa, Ricky;
Shorris, Anthony; Griffith, Chantell; Williams, Dominic; Adams Baker, Marti; Fialkoff, Gabrielle; Tarlow,
Mindy; Wolfe, Emma; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Schwartz, Regina; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil;
Seignious, Sandy; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Glen, Alicia; Bruch, Mary; Buery,
Richard; Cutler, Dorothy; Arslanian, Kayla; Almonte, Catherine; Viguers, Jonathan; Confer, Alexis;
Bennett, Rob; Patchett, James
Subject: MBDB: SOTC Prep
When: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 2:30 PM-3:30 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: City Hall, The Blue Room
From: Almonte, Catherine
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; jfdc; Jonathan Rosen; Blumm, Kate; Snyder, Thomas; Da Costa, Ricky; Shorris,
Anthony; Griffith, Chantell; Williams, Dominic; Adams Baker, Marti; Fialkoff, Gabrielle; Tarlow, Mindy; Wolfe,
Emma; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Schwartz, Regina; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Seignious, Sandy; Fuleihan,
Dean (OMB); Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Glen, Alicia; Bruch, Mary; Buery, Richard; Cutler, Dorothy; Arslanian,
Kayla; Viguers, Jonathan; Confer, Alexis; Bennett, Rob; Patchett, James
Subject: RE: MBDB: SOTC Prep
Date: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 2:49:54 PM

Please gather

From: Almonte, Catherine
Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 2:33 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; jfdc; Jonathan Rosen; Blumm, Kate; Snyder, Thomas; Da Costa, Ricky;
Shorris, Anthony; Griffith, Chantell; Williams, Dominic; Adams Baker, Marti; Fialkoff, Gabrielle; Tarlow,
Mindy; Wolfe, Emma; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Schwartz, Regina; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil;
Seignious, Sandy; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Glen, Alicia; Bruch, Mary; Buery,
Richard; Cutler, Dorothy; Arslanian, Kayla; Viguers, Jonathan; Confer, Alexis; Bennett, Rob; Patchett,
Subject: RE: MBDB: SOTC Prep

We are delayed

-----Original Appointment-----
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2016 3:16 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; jfdc; Jonathan Rosen; Blumm, Kate; Snyder, Thomas; Da Costa, Ricky;
Shorris, Anthony; Griffith, Chantell; Williams, Dominic; Adams Baker, Marti; Fialkoff, Gabrielle; Tarlow,
Mindy; Wolfe, Emma; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Schwartz, Regina; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil;
Seignious, Sandy; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Glen, Alicia; Bruch, Mary; Buery,
Richard; Cutler, Dorothy; Arslanian, Kayla; Almonte, Catherine; Viguers, Jonathan; Confer, Alexis;
Bennett, Rob; Patchett, James
Subject: MBDB: SOTC Prep
When: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 2:30 PM-3:30 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: City Hall, The Blue Room
From: Hinton, Karen
To: "Anna Sanders"; Dan Levitan
Subject: RE: Groundhog Day
Date: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 3:12:14 PM

I’ll send you something.

From: Anna Sanders [mailto:asanders@siadvance.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 3:09 PM
To: Dan Levitan; Hinton, Karen
Subject: Groundhog Day

I wasn’t sure who to reach out to for this, but I’m doing a little follow up on de Blasio missing Groundhog
Day to campaign for Hillary. Either of you want to comment? 
Anna Sanders
City Hall Reporter, Staten Island Advance
917-525-9025 (cell)
asanders@siadvance.com | @AnnaESanders
From: Dan Levitan
To: Henry Goldman; jepstein32@bloomberg.net; Hinton, Karen
Subject: RE: Is there an Iowa itinerary yet?
Date: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 3:31:48 PM

Here’s what I have today:

· On background, the Mayor and First Lady will be firing up and rallying volunteers, knocking on
doors, and phone banking to get out the vote for Hillary.  Exact itinerary TBD.

· For planning purposes only – Saturday’s activities will start out of Des Moines, but some events
may require travel time by car.

· More itinerary details will be made available later this week.

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Henry Goldman (BLOOMBERG/ NEWSROOM:) [mailto:hgoldman@bloomberg.net]
Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 2:17 PM
To: jepstein32@bloomberg.net; KHINTON@CITYHALL.NYC.GOV; Dan Levitan
Subject: RE: Is there an Iowa itinerary yet?

If there's an itinerary, yes, it's possible...Or alternatively, and more likely I will work
with someone already on the ground there...but we need to know, what, where, when,
how, why, and...so what? Is he going on his own as a volunteer or has he been
enlisted by the HRC campaign? H
From: dan@berlinrosen.com At: Jan 27 2016 14:14:11
To: Henry Goldman (BLOOMBERG/ NEWSROOM:),
Subject: RE: Is there an Iowa itinerary yet?
No. Are you planning on making the trip?

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475
From: Henry Goldman (BLOOMBERG/ NEWSROOM:)
Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 2:10 PM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; KHINTON@CITYHALL.NYC.GOV
Subject: Is there an Iowa itinerary yet?
From: Cathy Rought
To: Hatch, Peter
Subject: RE: connecting you re: tonight"s Gala
Date: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 3:34:43 PM


From: Hatch, Peter [PHatch@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 3:27 PM
To: Cathy Rought
Subject: RE: connecting you re: tonight's Gala

FYI her title is Dep Mayor for Health and Human Services.
From: Cathy Rought [mailto:cathy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 12:42 PM
To: White, Erin; Hatch, Peter
Subject: RE: connecting you re: tonight's Gala
Great to talk and look forward to seeing the DM.
Here’s the people that will be at her table:
· Gene Keilin, Chair of the Board, Maimonides, Co-Founder, KPS Capital Partners
· Greg Keilin, Gene Keilin’s Son
· Kate Kincaid, Gene Keilin’s Daughter-in-law
· Robert Fraiman, President & CEO of Cain Brothers
· Melanie Harris, Fraiman’s spouse
· Keith Wortman & Gabrielle Lobato-Wortman, Board Member, Maimonides Medical Center
· Anthony Crowell, Dean, New York Law School
· Herminia Palacio, Deputy Mayor, NYC Dept. of HHS
· Letitia James, NYC Public Advocate
From: White, Erin [mailto:EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 9:58 AM
To: Cathy Rought <cathy@berlinrosen.com>; Hatch, Peter <PHatch@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: connecting you re: tonight's Gala
Hi Cathy,
I’m connecting you here with Peter Hatch, a senior advisor here at City Hall. He’s like to help make
sure our Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services Herminia Palacio can come by the gala this
Can you assist? I’m sure he’d appreciate your guidance on the best time for her to arrive, etc.
Thanks so much!
Erin White
Communications Advisor, Office of the Mayor
O: 212-341-5030
C: 347-789-0501
From: Hatch, Peter
To: "cathy@berlinrosen.com"
Subject: Re: New table seating
Date: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 5:18:08 PM

Roger that.

From: Cathy Rought [mailto:cathy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 05:15 PM
To: Hatch, Peter
Subject: New table seating
The DM will now be at Pam Brier's table! We've been able to made some shifts. Here's who is sitting at
the table.

Pam Brier
Lee Perlman and Linda Riefberg, President GNYHA Ventures
Ken and Janet Raske, President, GNYHA
Jeffrey Sachs, President, Sachs Policy Group
Jo Ivey Boufford, President, NY Academy of Medicine
Jennifer Raab, President, Hunter College
Ram Raju, President & CEO, NYC Health + Hospitals
Erminia Riveria - MMC board member
Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez
From: Dan Levitan
To: Dawsey, Joshua; Hinton, Karen
Subject: RE: iowa
Date: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 5:42:42 PM

Will do.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Dawsey, Joshua [mailto:joshua.dawsey@dowjones.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 5:18 PM
To: khinton@cityhall.nyc.gov; Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: iowa

I am going for us. Flying out Friday. So let me know when you guys know details, please.

From: Hatch, Peter
To: "cathy@berlinrosen.com"
Subject: Re: New table seating
Date: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 7:38:20 PM

She is nearly there

From: Cathy Rought [mailto:cathy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 05:15 PM
To: Hatch, Peter
Subject: New table seating
The DM will now be at Pam Brier's table! We've been able to made some shifts. Here's who is sitting at
the table.

Pam Brier
Lee Perlman and Linda Riefberg, President GNYHA Ventures
Ken and Janet Raske, President, GNYHA
Jeffrey Sachs, President, Sachs Policy Group
Jo Ivey Boufford, President, NY Academy of Medicine
Jennifer Raab, President, Hunter College
Ram Raju, President & CEO, NYC Health + Hospitals
Erminia Riveria - MMC board member
Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez
From: Parikh, Ishanee
To: Cathy Rought
Bcc: Parikh, Ishanee
Subject: Re: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Date: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 7:38:45 PM

Hi Cathy - did any press RSVP? I'm at event and just wanted to figure out who's

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 26, 2016, at 6:37 PM, Cathy Rought <cathy@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Just as a FYI – my cell is If you need anything leading up to Andrew’s

arrival, give me a ring or text. Danielle Filson also on this chain will be sending press
updates as we have them tomorrow.
From: White, Erin [mailto:EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 6:18 PM
To: Schustek, Andrew <aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Sylvie Doppelt
Cc: Cathy Rought <cathy@berlinrosen.com>; Parikh, Ishanee
<iparikh@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Caquias, Paula <PCaquias@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Jodi Cross
<JCross@maimonidesmed.org>; Danielle Filson <Danielle.Filson@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Patch me in.
Erin White
Communications Advisor, Office of the Mayor
O: 212-341-5030
C: 347-789-0501
From: Schustek, Andrew
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 6:18 PM
To: Sylvie Doppelt
Cc: Cathy Rought; Parikh, Ishanee; White, Erin; Caquias, Paula; Jodi Cross; Danielle Filson
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
My number is .
From: Sylvie Doppelt [mailto:SDoppelt@maimonidesmed.org]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 6:17 PM
To: Schustek, Andrew
Cc: Cathy Rought; Parikh, Ishanee; White, Erin; Caquias, Paula; Jodi Cross; Danielle Filson
Subject: Re: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Hi Andrew, what's the best number to reach you at? We're happy to jump on a call

Sent from my iPad

On Jan 26, 2016, at 6:06 PM, Schustek, Andrew <aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Thank you. we’re looking forward to hearing back.

From: Cathy Rought [mailto:cathy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 6:05 PM
To: Schustek, Andrew; Parikh, Ishanee
Cc: White, Erin; Sylvie Doppelt; Caquias, Paula; Jodi Cross; Danielle Filson
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Thanks for resending. Totally understand on time and flow. We will be
back in touch soon.
From: Schustek, Andrew [mailto:aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 6:02 PM
To: Cathy Rought <cathy@berlinrosen.com>; Parikh, Ishanee
Cc: White, Erin <EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Sylvie Doppelt
<SDoppelt@maimonidesmed.org>; Caquias, Paula
<PCaquias@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Jodi Cross <JCross@maimonidesmed.org>;
Danielle Filson <Danielle.Filson@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
7:30 – 8:00 PM:
· Mayor and FLONYC arrive
· FLONYC and the Mayor are introduced by Eugene
· The Mayor delivers remarks and introduces FLONYC
· FLONYC delivers remarks
· FLONYC and The Mayor physically present Pamela with
the award
· Ken Gibbs introduces Congresswoman Velazquez
· Congresswomen Velazquez briefly delivers remarks and
presents Congressional Record to Pamela
· FLONYC and Mayor stay on stage while Pamela delivers
· FLONYC and Mayor depart
Again, this is what we agreed to yesterday.
From: Cathy Rought [mailto:cathy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 6:00 PM
To: Schustek, Andrew; Parikh, Ishanee
Cc: White, Erin; Sylvie Doppelt; Caquias, Paula; Jodi Cross; Danielle Filson
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Importance: High
We are on a call right now discussing it – we are trying to rework it in a
way that streamlines the event, gives the Mayor and First Lady a chance
to speak to the 1000+ people that will be in attendance, and also
addresses all of the event/speaker needs. Obviously your team is a
priority and we will make sure they both have the attention of the masses
to honor Pam!
I haven’t been involved with the actual program until today, and we are
reworking it in real time. My understanding is that both the Mayor and
the First Lady are arriving at 730, is that still correct? And the Mayor will
be departing at 8pm? Will the First Lady be staying later? We will have a
draft around shortly, and we can either jump on a call with you after this
one or first thing to talk through if easier than email. Let us know.  
From: Schustek, Andrew [mailto:aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 5:50 PM
To: Parikh, Ishanee <iparikh@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Cathy Rought
Cc: White, Erin <EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Sylvie Doppelt
<SDoppelt@maimonidesmed.org>; Caquias, Paula
<PCaquias@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Jodi Cross <JCross@maimonidesmed.org>;
Danielle Filson <Danielle.Filson@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Sylvie, where are we with the run of show?
From: Parikh, Ishanee
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 5:50 PM
To: Cathy Rought
Cc: White, Erin; Sylvie Doppelt; Schustek, Andrew; Caquias, Paula; Jodi
Cross; Danielle Filson
Subject: Re: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Okay thanks - our public schedule just went out 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 26, 2016, at 5:16 PM, Cathy Rought <cathy@berlinrosen.com>

RSVPs should come to me. I will provide updates throughout
the day tomorrow on what is confirmed.
From: White, Erin [mailto:EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 5:15 PM
To: Cathy Rought <cathy@berlinrosen.com>; Sylvie Doppelt
<SDoppelt@maimonidesmed.org>; Schustek, Andrew
<aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Caquias, Paula
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee <iparikh@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Jodi Cross
Subject: Re: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Do press need to RSVP and if so to whom?
Erin White
Communications Advisor, Office of the Mayor
From: Cathy Rought
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 4:18 PM
To: White, Erin; Sylvie Doppelt; Schustek, Andrew; Caquias,
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee; Jodi Cross
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event

Great, OK to circulate now?

From: White, Erin [mailto:EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 4:02 PM
To: Sylvie Doppelt <SDoppelt@maimonidesmed.org>;
Schustek, Andrew <aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Caquias,
Paula <PCaquias@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Cathy Rought
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee <iparikh@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Jodi Cross
Subject: Re: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
I am ok with advisory. 
I agree with Andrew that this ROS is strange. Getting
people back to their seats in between the dancing will
be impossible. The Mayor and First Lady will be
speaking to empty tables. We need to tighten up so
that doesn't happen.
Erin White
Communications Advisor, Office of the Mayor
From: Sylvie Doppelt
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 1:53 PM
To: Schustek, Andrew; Caquias, Paula;
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee; White, Erin; Jodi Cross
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event

Hi Andrew,
We are thrilled that the Mayor and First Lady will be
attending and, after our call with you yesterday noting the
anticipated earlier arrival time, we tweaked the run of show
to accommodate the Mayor and First Lady’s schedules and
sequence the program with a short break in between so it is
not too many speakers back-to-back for the audience while
they are having dinner. 
Assuming a 7:30 PM arrival for them both, we would re-
open the program once they arrive and are ready to
introduce them and have them on stage with Pam.  We think
it’s optimal to then take a short break before Dr. Safyer
comes on to introduce Congresswoman Velaquez because
that would be about 6-7 speakers back to back.  We are
happy to discuss this further with you and your team if you
have any concerns or further questions.
From: Schustek, Andrew [mailto:aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 1:39 PM
To: Sylvie Doppelt; Caquias, Paula; 'cathy@berlinrosen.com'
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee; White, Erin; Jodi Cross
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Hi Sylvie,
This is not the same run of show we discussed yesterday on
the phone. As discussed and finalized yesterday, we had all
agreed that upon arrival at 7:30, the following would take
· Mayor and FLONYC arrive
· FLONYC and the Mayor are introduced by
· The Mayor delivers remarks and introduces
· FLONYC delivers remarks
· FLONYC and The Mayor physically present
Pamela with the award
· Ken Gibbs introduces Congresswoman
· Congresswomen Velazquez briefly delivers
remarks and presents Congressional Record to
· FLONYC and Mayor stay on stage while
Pamela delivers remarks
· FLONYC and Mayor depart
Please advise.
From: Sylvie Doppelt [mailto:SDoppelt@maimonidesmed.org]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 1:37 PM
To: Caquias, Paula; 'cathy@berlinrosen.com'
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee; White, Erin; Jodi Cross; Schustek, Andrew
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Absolutely, below is the draft program and VIP list
Program for Gala
6:00 – Cocktail Hour
7:05 – Program Begins in Main Ballroom
- Ken Gibbs gives welcome remarks

- Video Tribute to Pam

- Dinner, Music and Dancing

~7:30/7:45 – Mayor and First Lady Arrive

- Gene Keilin to introduce Mayor and First Lady
- Mayor and First Lady speak and make presentation
to Pam
- Dinner, Music and Dancing resume

~8:10 – Program Re-Commences
- Dr. Steve Safyer says a few words and introduces
special guest presentation from Congresswoman
Nydia Velazquez

- Congresswoman Velazquez speaks and presents

Congressional record to Pam
8:20 – Honoree Remarks
- Pam Brier
8:30 – Closing Remarks
- Ken Gibbs
9:00  – Conclusion
VIP List
· Pam Brier and Peter Aschkenasy – honoree and her
· Ken Gibbs – President & CEO, Maimonides Medical
· Eugene Keilin – Chair of the Board, Maimonides
Medical Center, Co-Founder, KPS Capital Partners, LP
· Erminia Rivera – Vice Chair, Maimonides Board of
· Jill Furillo – Executive Director, NYS Nurses
· Brett Yormark – CEO, Brooklyn Nets & Barclays
· Alex Rovt – President, IBE Trade Corp., Trustee,
Maimonides Medical Center,
· Steve Safyer – President & CEO, Montefiore Medical
· Michael Dowling – President & CEO, Northwell
Health System
· Ken Raske – President & CEO, Greater New York
Hospital Association
· Ram Raju – President & CEO, New York City Health +
· Mark Mundy - CEO, New York Methodist Hospital
· Linda Brady - CEO, Kingsbrook Medical Center
· LaRay Brown - Incoming CEO, Interfaith Hospital
· Mark Toney - Interim CEO, Brookdale Hospital
· Jennifer Raab – President, Hunter College
· Lilliam Paoli – Senior Advisory to Jennifer Raab
Elected Officials who will attend (some might only stay for
cocktail hour)
· Rep. Nydia Velazquez
· Rep. Jerrold Nadler
· NYS Senator Martin Golden
· Assemblyman Steven Cymbrowitz
· Assemblyman Dov Hikind
· Councilman David Greenfield
· Councilman Brad Lander
· Councilman Mathieu Eugene
Please let me know if you need anything further.
From: Caquias, Paula [mailto:PCaquias@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 12:27 PM
To: Sylvie Doppelt; 'cathy@berlinrosen.com'
Cc: Parikh, Ishanee; White, Erin; Jodi Cross; Schustek, Andrew
Subject: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Our press team is reviewing the draft.   Ishanee from our
press team will be in contact with you with any question.
 The Mayor’s public schedule goes out every day in evening.
I have also cc’d Erin, who is the first lady press person for
Sylvie, can you please send me the VIP list and program?
From: Caquias, Paula
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 11:26 AM
To: Banks, Angela; White, Erin; Schustek, Andrew
Cc: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: FW: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Please see draft press advisory from Maimonides
From: Cathy Rought [mailto:cathy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 11:25 AM
To: Sylvie Doppelt; Caquias, Paula
Cc: Eileen Tynion
Subject: RE: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Hey Paula!
Attached is the draft advisory. Would love to have this go
very soon. Pretty basic. When will the mayor’s public
schedule go live?
I will be onsite to manage and wrangle press for the event.
As you know galas are tough, so not sure what kind of turn
out we will get. But if the Mayor prefers not to interact with
anyone regardless, we can accommodate that. Just let us
know his preferences and feel free to connect me with
anyone on your comms team.
Thanks for everything and look forward to hearing from you
From: Sylvie Doppelt
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 10:56 AM
To: Caquias, Paula <PCaquias@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Eileen Tynion <ETynion@maimonidesmed.org>; Cathy
Rought <cathy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Maimonides Gala - Press for Event
Hi Paula,
It was a pleasure speaking with you yesterday, and thanks so
much again for your assistance with coordinating the
Mayor’s attendance to the Maimonides Gala. We’re thrilled
he will be attending.
I wanted to follow up regarding your questions on press.
We, with support and partnership from BerlinRosen, will be
managing press for the event, and we’re planning on
circulating a media advisory (which we will forward to you
If you could let us know what the Mayor’s preferences are in
terms of interacting with press or not, that would be great.
I’ve cc’d my colleague Cathy Rought at BerlinRosen, who will
be happy to address any concerns with you.
Thanks so much again, and please feel free to contact me
with any questions,
Sylvie Doppelt
Manager, Strategic Initiatives
Department of External Affairs | Maimonides Medical
Center | Brooklyn, NY 11219
T: 718-283-7041 | M: 224-587-0932

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From: Dan Levitan
To: Henry Goldman; Hinton, Karen
Subject: RE: may I please have a schedule for Iowa?
Date: Thursday, January 28, 2016 4:33:27 PM

You will be the first to know!

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

-----Original Message-----
From: Henry Goldman (BLOOMBERG/ NEWSROOM:) [mailto:hgoldman@bloomberg.net]
Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2016 4:32 PM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; KHINTON@CITYHALL.NYC.GOV
Subject: may I please have a schedule for Iowa?

I have reporters in Iowa who need to be deployed to cover Bill's trip to Iowa. Can you please give me
information about where and when he will be once he arrives?
From: Hinton, Karen
To: "Henry Goldman"; edeprez@bloomberg.net; Dan@berlinrosen.com
FEBRUARY 2, 2016
Date: Thursday, January 28, 2016 5:44:56 PM
Attachments: image001.png

Henry – We don’t know the exact location – as in street address – but we will know Friday. He won’t
start canvassing until Saturday.
I think you are overreacting.
From: Henry Goldman (BLOOMBERG/ NEWSROOM:) [mailto:hgoldman@bloomberg.net]
Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2016 5:41 PM
To: edeprez@bloomberg.net; Dan@berlinrosen.com; Hinton, Karen

It's a bit ridiculous for him to go out there, and expect news coverage, and then not be
prepared with an itinerary...you think we care about the damn gaggle? We want to
see where he is, and talk to the people he interacts with. It's now a story that you don't
know where he will be. That you are just not prepared for this.
From: KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov At: Jan 28 2016 17:39:19
To: Henry Goldman (BLOOMBERG/ NEWSROOM:), Dan@berlinrosen.com
Well, I really don’t know how to respond to your question, Mr. Goldman!
He will be canvassing. We will provide reporters – including you – the location of a
gaggle he will do every day in plenty of time for anyone to be there. We don’t know
the location yet.
From: Henry Goldman (BLOOMBERG/ NEWSROOM:) [mailto:hgoldman@bloomberg.net]
Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2016 5:30 PM
To: Hinton, Karen; Dan@berlinrosen.com

Do you have a schedule or does this now become part of the story?
From: pressoffice@cityhall.nyc.gov At: Jan 28 2016
To: pressoffice@cityhall.nyc.gov
NEW YORK, NY 10007


CONTACT: pressoffice@cityhall.nyc.gov, (212) 788-2958


2, 2016

On Friday, Mayor de Blasio will travel to Iowa. He will return to

New York City Tuesday evening. For further details, contact Dan
Levitan at dan@berlinrosen.com.   

From: Adams Baker, Marti
To: "hgoldman@bloomberg.net"; Hinton, Karen; "Dan@berlinrosen.com"; "jonathan@berlinrosen.com"
Subject: Re: Fwd:Mayor in Iowa: Saturday
Date: Friday, January 29, 2016 5:58:28 PM

I only sent to folks who are here

Will add you to the list

From: Henry Goldman (BLOOMBERG/ NEWSROOM:) [mailto:hgoldman@bloomberg.net]
Sent: Friday, January 29, 2016 04:50 PM
To: Hinton, Karen; Dan@berlinrosen.com <Dan@berlinrosen.com>; jonathan@berlinrosen.com
<jonathan@berlinrosen.com>; Adams Baker, Marti
Subject: Fwd:Mayor in Iowa: Saturday
Include me on all future emails please. I don't know how many emails I have to send to you Dan,
before I'm included on this list. Hgoldman@bloomberg.net

From: Esmé E. Deprez (BLOOMBERG/ LOS ANGEL) At: Jan 29 2016 17:39:27
To: Henry Goldman (BLOOMBERG/ NEWSROOM:), Stephen Merelman (BLOOMBERG/
Subject: Fwd:Mayor in Iowa: Saturday

So nothing tonight then...

----- Original Message -----

From: Adams Baker, Marti <MAdams@cityhall.nyc.gov>
To: ESME E. DEPREZ, Jfermino@nydailynews.com, MLennihan@ap.org,
bbergin@wnyc.org, dave.b.evans@abc.com, gearle@nypost.com,
grynbaum@nytimes.com, josha.dawsey@dowjones.com, joshua.robin@ny1news.com,
lnahmias@politico.com, melissa.russo@nbcuni.com
CC: AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov
At: 29-Jan-2016 16:16:04

Hi folks: 

Off the Record/For planning purposes only: The Mayor will be

volunteering for his long-time friend by rallying with volunteers at canvass
kick offs, knocking on doors and phone banking on Saturday, Sunday and
Monday. He is not scheduled to appear alongside Secretary Clinton at this

We plan to facilitate an on-topic gaggle tomorrow and Sunday.  We will also
do our best to accommodate interview requests and provide you with the
opportunity to observe the mayor engaging with caucus goers. More on
those opportunities to come. 

See below for details on tomorrow's gaggle, in Des Moines. 

Approximately 3:15 PM
Gaggle following Canvass Kick Off
4129 Forest Avenue
Des Moines, IA 

Please call or email w any questions.  

Many thanks,

Sent from my iPhone

From: Oppedisano, Joan
To: "Mandela Jones"
Subject: lunch w/ Marco
Date: Tuesday, February 02, 2016 3:41:49 PM

Hey Mandela
Are you available to meet Marco for lunch next Friday 2/12?
From: DeLoach, Michael
To: Jeremy Soffin
Cc: Wiley Norvell; ahogrebe@edc.nyc
Subject: Re: Jeremy, Michael and Anthony
Date: Thursday, February 04, 2016 9:26:06 AM

I'm handling electeds. Need your help  on outside validation. We also have ABNY.

> On Feb 4, 2016, at 9:21 AM, Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

> Can we do a call to go over validator lists?
> Jeremy Soffin
> BerlinRosen Public Affairs
> 646-200-5318
> 917-860-9076
> -----Original Message-----
> From: DeLoach, Michael [mailto:mdeloach@cityhall.nyc.gov]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2016 10:47 PM
> To: Wiley Norvell
> Cc: Jeremy Soffin; ahogrebe@edc.nyc
> Subject: Re: Jeremy, Michael and Anthony
> For BQX right?
> Governors Island going out in am right?
>> On Feb 3, 2016, at 10:46 PM, Wiley Norvell < wrote:
>> We envision sending out a release tomorrow afternoon. Please coordinate on validator quotes!
From: DeLoach, Michael
To: Jeremy Soffin
Cc: Wiley Norvell; ahogrebe@edc.nyc
Subject: RE: Jeremy, Michael and Anthony
Date: Thursday, February 04, 2016 9:28:00 AM

No, I really don't have time to do a call.

What's up?
From: Jeremy Soffin [jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2016 9:27 AM
To: DeLoach, Michael
Cc: Wiley Norvell; ahogrebe@edc.nyc
Subject: RE: Jeremy, Michael and Anthony

Can we just do a quick call to coordinate? There's lots of moving pieces here.

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

-----Original Message-----
From: DeLoach, Michael [mailto:mdeloach@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2016 9:26 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Cc: Wiley Norvell; ahogrebe@edc.nyc
Subject: Re: Jeremy, Michael and Anthony

I'm handling electeds. Need your help  on outside validation. We also have ABNY.

> On Feb 4, 2016, at 9:21 AM, Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

> Can we do a call to go over validator lists?
> Jeremy Soffin
> BerlinRosen Public Affairs
> 646-200-5318
> 917-860-9076
> -----Original Message-----
> From: DeLoach, Michael [mailto:mdeloach@cityhall.nyc.gov]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2016 10:47 PM
> To: Wiley Norvell
> Cc: Jeremy Soffin; ahogrebe@edc.nyc
> Subject: Re: Jeremy, Michael and Anthony
> For BQX right?
> Governors Island going out in am right?
>> On Feb 3, 2016, at 10:46 PM, Wiley Norvell < wrote:
>> We envision sending out a release tomorrow afternoon. Please coordinate on validator quotes!
From: Jeremy Soffin
To: DeLoach, Michael
Subject: RE: Jeremy, Michael and Anthony
Date: Thursday, February 04, 2016 9:43:38 AM

All good

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

-----Original Message-----
From: DeLoach, Michael [mailto:mdeloach@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2016 9:43 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: Re: Jeremy, Michael and Anthony

Sorry - just slammed

What's concern?

> On Feb 4, 2016, at 9:27 AM, Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

> Can we just do a quick call to coordinate? There's lots of moving pieces here.
> Jeremy Soffin
> BerlinRosen Public Affairs
> 646-200-5318
> 917-860-9076
> -----Original Message-----
> From: DeLoach, Michael [mailto:mdeloach@cityhall.nyc.gov]
> Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2016 9:26 AM
> To: Jeremy Soffin
> Cc: Wiley Norvell; ahogrebe@edc.nyc
> Subject: Re: Jeremy, Michael and Anthony
> I'm handling electeds. Need your help  on outside validation. We also have ABNY.
>> On Feb 4, 2016, at 9:21 AM, Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
>> Can we do a call to go over validator lists?
>> Jeremy Soffin
>> BerlinRosen Public Affairs
>> 646-200-5318
>> 917-860-9076
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: DeLoach, Michael [mailto:mdeloach@cityhall.nyc.gov]
>> Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2016 10:47 PM
>> To: Wiley Norvell
>> Cc: Jeremy Soffin; ahogrebe@edc.nyc
>> Subject: Re: Jeremy, Michael and Anthony
>> For BQX right?
>> Governors Island going out in am right?
>>> On Feb 3, 2016, at 10:46 PM, Wiley Norvell < wrote:
>>> We envision sending out a release tomorrow afternoon. Please coordinate on validator quotes!
From: Zuniga, Andrea
To: matt@berlinrosen.com
Subject: FW: Streetcar quote
Date: Thursday, February 04, 2016 12:27:00 PM

Hi Matt-
Can you let me know if there are other requests into Members of Congress?
I want to avoid multiple requests (and I had a request into Maloney too)
Andrea Zuniga
Director of Federal Affairs
New York City, Office of the Mayor
cell: 917-847-6593
From: Harman, Grace [mailto:Grace.Harman@mail.house.gov]
Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2016 12:25 PM
To: Zuniga, Andrea
Cc: Elias, Minna
Subject: FW: Streetcar quote
From: Matt Tepper [mailto:matt@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2016 12:20 PM
To: Harman, Grace
Subject: RE: Streetcar quote

From: Harman, Grace [mailto:Grace.Harman@mail.house.gov]

Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2016 12:16 PM
To: Matt Tepper
Subject: Streetcar quote
Hi Matt,
Here is the Congresswoman’s quote! Please let me know if you need anything else.
“I am delighted that Mayor de Blasio is embracing the concept of light rail to connect Brooklyn and
Queens along the East River.  His enthusiastic support is going to take an idea from concept to
reality, and it will be a great boon for the growing waterfront communities in Brooklyn and
Queens,” said Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney (NY-12). “Recognizing that these areas are
becoming increasingly desirable for residents and high tech entrepreneurs, I have supported the
idea since it was first proposed, and I am thrilled that Mayor de Blasio has made this project a
priority. The new streetcar will greatly increase the accessibility of areas that aren’t served by the
subway and bring a new alternative to underserved areas.”
Grace Harman
NY Press Secretary
Office of Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney
1651 Third Avenue, Suite 311
New York, NY 10128
(T) 212-860-0606
(C) 929-260-5935
From: Jeremy Soffin
To: DeLoach, Michael; Matt Tepper Gmail
Cc: Anthony Hogrebe (ahogrebe@edc.nyc); Blatt, Rebecca; Norvell, Wiley; Velani, Sonam
Subject: RE: BQX Press conference
Date: Thursday, February 04, 2016 4:15:48 PM

Got it.

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

-----Original Message-----
From: DeLoach, Michael [mailto:mdeloach@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2016 4:15 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin; Matt Tepper Gmail
Cc: Anthony Hogrebe (ahogrebe@edc.nyc); Blatt, Rebecca; Norvell, Wiley; Velani, Sonam
Subject: RE: BQX Press conference

It's confirmed for 10:30am.

RPA would definitely speak. More so flagging for others.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2016 4:14 PM
To: DeLoach, Michael; Matt Tepper Gmail
Cc: Anthony Hogrebe (ahogrebe@edc.nyc); Blatt, Rebecca; Norvell, Wiley; Velani, Sonam
Subject: RE: BQX Press conference

Okay, just to clarify:

--is it definitely at 10:30? Marti suggested it might move to 12 --I had been trying to line up RPA to
speak as a transit validator...is that no longer needed? (FWIW, he can do 10:30 but not 12)

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

-----Original Message-----
From: DeLoach, Michael [mailto:mdeloach@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2016 4:12 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin; Matt Tepper Gmail
Cc: Anthony Hogrebe (ahogrebe@edc.nyc); Blatt, Rebecca; Norvell, Wiley; Velani, Sonam
Subject: BQX Press conference


Mayor is doing a press conference tomorrow to amplify the BQX announcement. Below are details.
We've already invited all of the elected officials but would love your help in communicating the event to
the additional stakeholders. We are happy to accommodate anyone who would like to attend but
unlikely anyone will be speaking.

Event:                                   BQX Amplification Event

Date:                                     Friday, February 5, 2016
Time:                                     10:30 AM
Location:                             Red Hook East/Joseph Miccio Community Center, 110 W 9th St, Brooklyn

Can you help us spread the word?

From: Jeremy Soffin
To: DeLoach, Michael; Matt Tepper Gmail
Cc: Anthony Hogrebe (ahogrebe@edc.nyc); Blatt, Rebecca; Norvell, Wiley; Velani, Sonam
Subject: RE: BQX Press conference
Date: Thursday, February 04, 2016 5:10:16 PM

Tom Wright from RPA is confirmed to attend and speak.

If you need to vet him,

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

-----Original Message-----
From: DeLoach, Michael [mailto:mdeloach@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2016 4:15 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin; Matt Tepper Gmail
Cc: Anthony Hogrebe (ahogrebe@edc.nyc); Blatt, Rebecca; Norvell, Wiley; Velani, Sonam
Subject: RE: BQX Press conference

It's confirmed for 10:30am.

RPA would definitely speak. More so flagging for others.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2016 4:14 PM
To: DeLoach, Michael; Matt Tepper Gmail
Cc: Anthony Hogrebe (ahogrebe@edc.nyc); Blatt, Rebecca; Norvell, Wiley; Velani, Sonam
Subject: RE: BQX Press conference

Okay, just to clarify:

--is it definitely at 10:30? Marti suggested it might move to 12 --I had been trying to line up RPA to
speak as a transit validator...is that no longer needed? (FWIW, he can do 10:30 but not 12)

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

-----Original Message-----
From: DeLoach, Michael [mailto:mdeloach@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2016 4:12 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin; Matt Tepper Gmail
Cc: Anthony Hogrebe (ahogrebe@edc.nyc); Blatt, Rebecca; Norvell, Wiley; Velani, Sonam
Subject: BQX Press conference

Mayor is doing a press conference tomorrow to amplify the BQX announcement. Below are details.
We've already invited all of the elected officials but would love your help in communicating the event to
the additional stakeholders. We are happy to accommodate anyone who would like to attend but
unlikely anyone will be speaking.

Event:                                   BQX Amplification Event

Date:                                     Friday, February 5, 2016
Time:                                     10:30 AM
Location:                             Red Hook East/Joseph Miccio Community Center, 110 W 9th St, Brooklyn

Can you help us spread the word?

From: DeLoach, Michael
To: Jeremy Soffin
Cc: Norvell, Wiley; Matt Tepper Gmail; ahogrebe@edc.nyc; Blatt, Rebecca; Velani, Sonam
Subject: Re: BQX Press conference
Date: Friday, February 05, 2016 7:50:09 AM

Van Bramer (maybe)

Many others maybe as well

> On Feb 5, 2016, at 7:48 AM, Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

> We have a number of community groups bringing numbers.
> Which electeds are coming?
>> On Feb 5, 2016, at 7:37 AM, Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>> Good. Happy to have Sam Schwartz, any of that ilk.
>>> On 2/5/16, 7:30 AM, "Jeremy Soffin" <jeremy@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
>>> They are both aware, I can push, they will want to speak.
>>> Red Hook Initiative can bring as many people as you want, young NYCHA
>>> residents they work with.
>>>> On Feb 5, 2016, at 7:29 AM, Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On 2/5/16, 7:20 AM, "Jeremy Soffin" <jeremy@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
>>>>> We focused on our community org types since thought that was the theme,
>>>>> making sure everyone knows.
>>>>>> On Feb 4, 2016, at 11:42 PM, DeLoach, Michael
>>>>>> <mdeloach@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>>>>>> Jeremy,
>>>>>> Did you heads up/invite anyone in addition to RPA. I know Carlo wasn't
>>>>>> invited so fearing no one else knows
>>>>>> Let me know.
>>>>>> Thx
>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>> From: DeLoach, Michael
>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2016 04:11 PM
>>>>>> To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>; '
>>>>>> <
>>>>>> Cc: Anthony Hogrebe (ahogrebe@edc.nyc) <ahogrebe@edc.nyc>; Blatt,
>>>>>> Rebecca; Norvell, Wiley; Velani, Sonam
>>>>>> Subject: BQX Press conference
>>>>>> Jeremy/Matt,
>>>>>> Mayor is doing a press conference tomorrow to amplify the BQX
>>>>>> announcement. Below are details. We've already invited all of the
>>>>>> elected officials but would love your help in communicating the event
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> the additional stakeholders. We are happy to accommodate anyone who
>>>>>> would like to attend but unlikely anyone will be speaking.
>>>>>> Event:                                   BQX Amplification Event
>>>>>> Date:                                     Friday, February 5, 2016
>>>>>> Time:                                     10:30 AM
>>>>>> Location:                             Red Hook East/Joseph Miccio
>>>>>> Community Center, 110 W 9th St, Brooklyn
>>>>>> Can you help us spread the word?
>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>> Michael
From: Jeremy Soffin
To: DeLoach, Michael
Cc: Norvell, Wiley; Matt Tepper Gmail; ahogrebe@edc.nyc; Blatt, Rebecca; Velani, Sonam
Subject: Re: BQX Press conference
Date: Friday, February 05, 2016 7:56:45 AM

Yes compiling now

> On Feb 5, 2016, at 7:51 AM, DeLoach, Michael <mdeloach@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

> Can you send me rundown of your folks so I know who Mayor should be acknowledging pls?
>> On Feb 5, 2016, at 7:48 AM, Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
>> We have a number of community groups bringing numbers.
>> Which electeds are coming?
>>> On Feb 5, 2016, at 7:37 AM, Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>>> Good. Happy to have Sam Schwartz, any of that ilk.
>>>> On 2/5/16, 7:30 AM, "Jeremy Soffin" <jeremy@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
>>>> They are both aware, I can push, they will want to speak.
>>>> Red Hook Initiative can bring as many people as you want, young NYCHA
>>>> residents they work with.
>>>>> On Feb 5, 2016, at 7:29 AM, Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> On 2/5/16, 7:20 AM, "Jeremy Soffin" <jeremy@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
>>>>>> We focused on our community org types since thought that was the theme,
>>>>>> making sure everyone knows.
>>>>>>> On Feb 4, 2016, at 11:42 PM, DeLoach, Michael
>>>>>>> <mdeloach@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>>>>>>> Jeremy,
>>>>>>> Did you heads up/invite anyone in addition to RPA. I know Carlo wasn't
>>>>>>> invited so fearing no one else knows
>>>>>>> Let me know.
>>>>>>> Thx
>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>> From: DeLoach, Michael
>>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2016 04:11 PM
>>>>>>> To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>;
>>>>>>> <
>>>>>>> Cc: Anthony Hogrebe (ahogrebe@edc.nyc) <ahogrebe@edc.nyc>; Blatt,
>>>>>>> Rebecca; Norvell, Wiley; Velani, Sonam
>>>>>>> Subject: BQX Press conference
>>>>>>> Jeremy/Matt,
>>>>>>> Mayor is doing a press conference tomorrow to amplify the BQX
>>>>>>> announcement. Below are details. We've already invited all of the
>>>>>>> elected officials but would love your help in communicating the event
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> the additional stakeholders. We are happy to accommodate anyone who
>>>>>>> would like to attend but unlikely anyone will be speaking.
>>>>>>> Event:                                   BQX Amplification Event
>>>>>>> Date:                                     Friday, February 5, 2016
>>>>>>> Time:                                     10:30 AM
>>>>>>> Location:                             Red Hook East/Joseph Miccio
>>>>>>> Community Center, 110 W 9th St, Brooklyn
>>>>>>> Can you help us spread the word?
>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>> Michael
From: DeLoach, Michael
To: Jeremy Soffin
Cc: Norvell, Wiley; Matt Tepper Gmail; ahogrebe@edc.nyc; Blatt, Rebecca; Velani, Sonam
Subject: Re: BQX Press conference
Date: Friday, February 05, 2016 8:01:16 AM

I've spoken to Tucker

We're fine
Again will likely be able to

> On Feb 5, 2016, at 8:00 AM, Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

> Ok I don't think they'll come otherwise
>> On Feb 5, 2016, at 7:59 AM, DeLoach, Michael <mdeloach@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>> Not 100% but will try
>>> On Feb 5, 2016, at 7:57 AM, Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
>>> Carlo and Tucker really need to speak. Is that doable? They will be very brief.
>>>> On Feb 5, 2016, at 7:29 AM, Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>>>> Can we get Carlo and Tucker there? Can we do a last-minute push to pack
>>>> the room?
>>>>> On 2/5/16, 7:20 AM, "Jeremy Soffin" <jeremy@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
>>>>> We focused on our community org types since thought that was the theme,
>>>>> making sure everyone knows.
>>>>>> On Feb 4, 2016, at 11:42 PM, DeLoach, Michael
>>>>>> <mdeloach@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>>>>>> Jeremy,
>>>>>> Did you heads up/invite anyone in addition to RPA. I know Carlo wasn't
>>>>>> invited so fearing no one else knows
>>>>>> Let me know.
>>>>>> Thx
>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>> From: DeLoach, Michael
>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2016 04:11 PM
>>>>>> To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>; '
>>>>>> <
>>>>>> Cc: Anthony Hogrebe (ahogrebe@edc.nyc) <ahogrebe@edc.nyc>; Blatt,
>>>>>> Rebecca; Norvell, Wiley; Velani, Sonam
>>>>>> Subject: BQX Press conference
>>>>>> Jeremy/Matt,
>>>>>> Mayor is doing a press conference tomorrow to amplify the BQX
>>>>>> announcement. Below are details. We've already invited all of the
>>>>>> elected officials but would love your help in communicating the event to
>>>>>> the additional stakeholders. We are happy to accommodate anyone who
>>>>>> would like to attend but unlikely anyone will be speaking.
>>>>>> Event:                                   BQX Amplification Event
>>>>>> Date:                                     Friday, February 5, 2016
>>>>>> Time:                                     10:30 AM
>>>>>> Location:                             Red Hook East/Joseph Miccio
>>>>>> Community Center, 110 W 9th St, Brooklyn
>>>>>> Can you help us spread the word?
>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>> Michael
From: Jeremy Soffin
To: DeLoach, Michael
Cc: Norvell, Wiley; Matt Tepper Gmail; ahogrebe@edc.nyc; Blatt, Rebecca; Velani, Sonam
Subject: Re: BQX Press conference
Date: Friday, February 05, 2016 8:11:31 AM

So far:

Jill Eisenhard, Red Hook Initiative

Ed Brown, Community Education Council

Tucker Reed, Downtown Brooklyn Partnership

Carlo Scissura, Brooklyn Chamber

Tom Wright, Regional Plan Association

Rob Solano, Churches United for Fair Housing

TBD, Fifth Avenue Committee 

On Feb 5, 2016, at 7:51 AM, DeLoach, Michael <mdeloach@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Can you send me rundown of your folks so I know who Mayor should be
acknowledging pls?

On Feb 5, 2016, at 7:48 AM, Jeremy Soffin

<jeremy@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

We have a number of community groups bringing numbers.

Which electeds are coming?

On Feb 5, 2016, at 7:37 AM, Norvell, Wiley

<WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Good. Happy to have Sam Schwartz, any of that

On 2/5/16, 7:30 AM, "Jeremy Soffin"
<jeremy@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

They are both aware, I can push, they

will want to speak.

Red Hook Initiative can bring as many

people as you want, young NYCHA

residents they work with.

On Feb 5, 2016, at 7:29 AM,

Norvell, Wiley


On 2/5/16, 7:20
AM, "Jeremy
> wrote:

We focused on
our community
org types since
thought that was
the theme,

making sure
everyone knows.

Feb 4,















all of

help in



like to
will be




110 W



From: Jeremy Soffin
To: DeLoach, Michael
Cc: Norvell, Wiley; Matt Tepper Gmail; ahogrebe@edc.nyc; Blatt, Rebecca; Velani, Sonam
Subject: RE: BQX Press conference
Date: Friday, February 05, 2016 8:48:01 AM

+ Alexandria Sica, DUMBO Improvement District

Jill Eisenhard, Red Hook Initiative

Ed Brown, Community Education Council

Tucker Reed, Downtown Brooklyn Partnership

Carlo Scissura, Brooklyn Chamber

Tom Wright, Regional Plan Association

Rob Solano, Churches United for Fair Housing

TBD, Fifth Avenue Committee 


On Feb 5, 2016, at 7:51 AM, DeLoach, Michael <mdeloach@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Can you send me rundown of your folks so I know who Mayor should be
acknowledging pls?

On Feb 5, 2016, at 7:48 AM, Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

We have a number of community groups bringing numbers.
Which electeds are coming?
On Feb 5, 2016, at 7:37 AM, Norvell, Wiley
<WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Good. Happy to have Sam Schwartz, any of that ilk.
On 2/5/16, 7:30 AM, "Jeremy Soffin"
<jeremy@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
They are both aware, I can push, they will
want to speak.
Red Hook Initiative can bring as many
people as you want, young NYCHA
residents they work with.
On Feb 5, 2016, at 7:29 AM,
Norvell, Wiley
On 2/5/16, 7:20
AM, "Jeremy
> wrote:
We focused on our
community org
types since thought
that was the theme,
making sure
everyone knows.
On Feb
no one
Let me
a press
all of
help in
We are
like to
will be
5, 2016
110 W
9th St,
help us
From: Jeremy Soffin
To: DeLoach, Michael; Anthony Hogrebe
Subject: RE: Presser cancelled because of crane
Date: Friday, February 05, 2016 9:16:48 AM

Yes will do.

Good luck, very sorry to hear about it.

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

-----Original Message-----
From: DeLoach, Michael [mailto:mdeloach@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, February 05, 2016 9:16 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin; Anthony Hogrebe
Subject: Presser cancelled because of crane

Can you pls let folks know

From: Restler, Lincoln
To: "Dan Levitan"; "Michael Rabinowitz"
Subject: Favor - phone call with guy about berlin rosen
Date: Friday, February 05, 2016 10:46:10 AM
Attachments: Resume.pdf

Hey Dan and Mike –

Hope you are both doing real well. I am sorry to bug you – but was wondering if either of you could
be cajoled into doing a phone call with a guy currently working – who is interested in
transitioning into strategic coms.
He has heard great stuff about Berlin Rosen  and I was wondering if either of would be willing to tell
him a bit about what you guys do and the skills someone needs to be successful in your world.
Thanks a lot for considering this.
From: Bershadskaya, Eleonora
Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2016 1:07 PM
To: Restler, Lincoln
Subject: Friend interested in learning abt Berlin Rosen
Hey Lincoln,
My friend is currently but thinking about leaving the mother ship.  He is
trying to pivot from financial svcs to strategic comms .  Smart, nice,
and cool Native New Yorker like yourself. 
He is really only beginning to familiarize himself with the world of strategic comms, PR, etc.
and would love to have a very informational conversion with someone at Berlin Rosen.  I know you
know folks in that shop – any way one of your people can spare 15 minutes to speak with him? 
Attaching his resume for reference.
Eleonora Bershadskaya
Deputy Chief of Staff
Deputy Mayor for Housing & Economic Development
O: 212-341-5032
C: 347-604-2071
From: Restler, Lincoln
To: "Mike Rabinowitz"; Dan Levitan
Subject: RE: Favor - phone call with guy about berlin rosen
Date: Friday, February 05, 2016 10:54:44 AM

Awesome. Thanks a lot, Mike. Appreciate it.

From: Mike Rabinowitz [mailto:Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, February 05, 2016 10:54 AM
To: Restler, Lincoln; Dan Levitan
Subject: RE: Favor - phone call with guy about berlin rosen
Yup. He can call me Sunday evening if he wants. 
- mobile -
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (o)
646.342.3469 (c)
-------- Original message --------
From: "Restler, Lincoln" <lrestler@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: 2/5/2016 10:53 AM (GMT-05:00)
To: Mike Rabinowitz <Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com>, Dan Levitan
Subject: RE: Favor - phone call with guy about berlin rosen
You’re a good dude. thank you. I think that would be of interest to him. Do you mind if I share your
email with him?
From: Mike Rabinowitz [mailto:Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, February 05, 2016 10:49 AM
To: Restler, Lincoln; Dan Levitan
Subject: RE: Favor - phone call with guy about berlin rosen
Happy to do you a favor. Is he looking to do financial comms?
- mobile -
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (o)
646.342.3469 (c)
-------- Original message --------
From: "Restler, Lincoln" <lrestler@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: 2/5/2016 10:46 AM (GMT-05:00)
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>, Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: Favor - phone call with guy about berlin rosen
Hey Dan and Mike –
Hope you are both doing real well. I am sorry to bug you – but was wondering if either of you could
be cajoled into doing a phone call with a guy currently working at – who is interested in
transitioning into strategic coms.
He has heard great stuff about Berlin Rosen  and I was wondering if either of would be willing to tell
him a bit about what you guys do and the skills someone needs to be successful in your world.
Thanks a lot for considering this.
From: Bershadskaya, Eleonora
Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2016 1:07 PM
To: Restler, Lincoln
Subject: Friend interested in learning abt Berlin Rosen
Hey Lincoln,
My friend is currently at but thinking about leaving the mother ship.  He is
trying to pivot from financial svcs to strategic comms   Smart, nice,
and cool Native New Yorker like yourself. 
  He is really only beginning to familiarize himself with the world of strategic comms, PR, etc.
and would love to have a very informational conversion with someone at Berlin Rosen.  I know you
know folks in that shop – any way one of your people can spare 15 minutes to speak with him? 
Attaching his resume for reference.
Eleonora Bershadskaya
Deputy Chief of Staff
Deputy Mayor for Housing & Economic Development
O: 212-341-5032
C: 347-604-2071
From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: Jovana Rizzo
Subject: Re: link - quick call?
Date: Friday, February 05, 2016 12:39:46 PM

Hey - I'm a little out of it, just had my wisdom teeth taken out.

We can talk but it might be easier if you talked to nick, but what's the call about? If
you need me and not him I can muster up some brain cells to focus

On Feb 5, 2016, at 11:43 AM, Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Hey Natalie! Do you have a few minutes today to check in on a Link



Jovana Rizzo
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5329
C: 917-836-0618
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Blumm, Kate; Wolfe, Emma; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; jfdc
Subject: FW: NYT: 5 Notable Quotes From Mayor Bill de Blasio’s State of the City Speech
Date: Friday, February 05, 2016 3:06:11 PM

I am quite happy with these quotes being noticed.  NYC independence, Diversity, the “NYC
patriotism/Boosterism theme” that the First Lady mentioned recently, mental health, support for
officers. If these are the take aways in the NYT, that’s a good sign that it connected with folks
Don’t remember us getting a column like this last year, which is exciting
From: Clips
Sent: Friday, February 05, 2016 3:02 PM
To: Clips
Subject: NYT: 5 Notable Quotes From Mayor Bill de Blasio’s State of the City Speech
5 Notable Quotes From Mayor Bill de Blasio’s State of the City Speech
NY TIMES – J. David Goodman and Susanne Craig
Here are five notable quotes from Mayor Bill de Blasio’s State of the City address on
Thursday, with explanations of their significance.
“Today we take the next great step in connecting New Yorkers to the heart of our new
economy for New York.”
The speech was filled with proposals large and small, with little in common other than that
the city could undertake them largely on its own, without input or assistance from Albany.
The city, for example, would pay the $2.5 billion cost of a proposed streetcar system that
would join Brooklyn and Queens along the East River waterfront. The city, rather than the
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, which is state-run, would also operate the line.
Likewise, a proposed development that would make Governors Island a year-round hub for
attracting new businesses would focus on the 150 acres that are under city control.
“Different as our lives are, we are bound together by an invisible thread. We are united by the
profound and powerful fact that we are all New Yorkers.”
If there was a dominant theme, it was that the city draws its strength from its polyglot nature,
the diversity of its enclaves and neighborhoods.
It was not the sort of overarching message that supports a single policy proposal, but rather a
thread the mayor wove through a litany of initiatives, from doing more to clean up graffiti to
making rooftop repairs in public housing complexes to using countdown clocks to track the
progress of buses through the streets.
“For the first time, as a city, we are fighting to shatter that stigma and deal with the public
health crisis of mental health.”
The mayor mentioned mental health or mental illness roughly a dozen times. The issue is
expected to be a major priority for him this year, and his wife, Chirlane McCray, will
continue to be a driving force in the related initiatives.
Mr. de Blasio said the program his wife is to lead would include establishing a hotline for
people in crisis, and offering mental health first-aid training for New Yorkers so they are able
to identify and respond to signs of mental illness and substance abuse. The mayor blew a kiss
to Ms. McCray when he introduced her.
“Everything we’re doing to make this a fairer city, a city of opportunity, rests on the work we
do to keep people safe.”
The address included several minutes of praise for the work of uniformed members of the
city’s police, fire and correction departments, on and off the job. Members of the audience
rose in applause as the mayor introduced Police Officer Kenneth Healey, who survived being
struck in the head by a hatchet-wielding attacker in 2014.
The praise seemed meant to underscore how far Mr. de Blasio has gone to try to repair his
relations with the Police Department, which became badly strained after two officers were
shot and killed in the line of duty in December 2014.
Even as the mayor spoke, two officers were shot in the South Bronx; both were expected to
survive. After the speech was over, Mr. de Blasio was told of the shooting, left the stage and
went immediately to the hospital where they had been taken. Once there, he addressed
reporters while standing alongside Patrick J. Lynch, the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association
president who had been a vocal antagonist of the mayor’s last year.
“We call these speeches the State of the City. To me, that really means the State of Our
People. Because it’s the 8.5 million of us, living in neighborhoods across the five boroughs,
that make this the greatest city in the world.”
Throughout the speech, the mayor played municipal booster. Two times he called New York
the “greatest city in the world”; he did not use the phrase at all in his two previous State of
the City addresses.
The sentiment appeared to be in keeping with the absence of sweeping new initiatives and
highlighted a message — one that is likely to be repeated frequently in the second half of Mr.
de Blasio’s term as the 2017 election approaches — that life in New York has improved on
his watch.
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
To: Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; jfdc; Wolfe, Emma
Subject: FW: NYT Magazine profile
Date: Monday, February 08, 2016 5:14:44 PM
Attachments: 02-14-16 McCray + Mayor NYTmag Cover.pdf
Chirlane McCray SundayMag BWPrintAd 0214816.pdf

From: White, Erin
Sent: Monday, February 08, 2016 5:13 PM
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Hinton, Karen; John, Roxanne; Bray, Jackie; Phillips, Eric Falk
Subject: NYT Magazine profile
The First Lady’s profile will go live on the web at 5 a.m. tomorrow and be the cover of this week’s
magazine. Attached is the current cover for your reference.
Based on the cover, conversations with Rachel (the reporter) and the fact-checking session we can
expect the profile to address:
· The First Lady’s early career in New York and the early days of your relationship;
· The difficulties of transitioning into the role as First Lady, including the release of the
Esquire piece and early media challenges;
· The unique partnership between the two of you and the First Lady’s ground-breaking role;
· The First Lady’s commitment to reform mental health care in New York City; and
· The challenges of being in a position of power as a woman and especially as a woman of
I will send around an analysis and highlights by 6:30 a.m. We’ll also be ready to activate validators
and push back if needed.
Additionally, I’ve attached the cover, as well as a print ad that will appear in the Thursday print
paper to preview the weekend magazine, for your review and reference. The cover puts the First
Lady front and center, making it clear from the get go the piece is about her. The Times needs
permission from both of you to use the photo. For background, Henry says their asking is a courtesy
and we should agree.
One last note – Ma’am, today’s Huffington Post Live appearance made the homepage, which gets
hundreds of thousands visitors every day.
Erin White
Communications Advisor, Office of the Mayor
O: 212-341-5030
C: 347-789-0501

February 14, 2016

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~l)e New ftork Qtimts itllagazint


ADVERTISERS: For information on advertising in The New York Times Magazine,

contact Andy Wright at (212) 556-1050 or wrighah@nytimes.com.
From: Fuleihan, Dean (OMB)
To: Shorris, Anthony; Jonathan Rosen; Williams, Dominic
Subject: Hoosick Falls Water Contamination | About EPA | US EPA
Date: Monday, February 08, 2016 7:58:07 PM

From: Hagelgans, Andrea
To: Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Walzak, Phil
Subject: FW: coverage for today
Date: Tuesday, February 09, 2016 2:34:45 PM

From: Hagelgans, Andrea
Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2016 2:24 PM
Cc: B; John, Roxanne
Subject: coverage for today
This is an amazing day of coverage – op-ed in Usa Today, NYT magazine profile, Huffington Post/
progressive hit, Latino media. I hear you both very clearly about desire to quickly leverage NYT
Magazine, and that we don’t have the longest amount of time to do that. But I also want us to
identify a “productive controversy” that is authentic to the First Lady’s voice and sustainable as part
of movement building. Erin is coming in with discussions she, Jackie and I have been having about
natural and created opportunities. Looking forward to your feedback from the meeting.
First Lady Clips – Tuesday, February 9, 2016
First Lady Chirlane McCray in the News:

Chirlane McCray and the Limits of First-Ladyship

NY TIMES - Rachel Kaadzi Ghansah
The first time I had lunch with Chirlane McCray at Gracie Mansion, I was distracted by the
wallpaper. This was just about a year after her husband, Bill de Blasio, was sworn in as
mayor of New York. In a breathlessly short period, McCray had gone from being a poet,
wife and mother, with a job writing ad copy for a neighborhood hospital, to being first lady
of New York City with a day-to-day schedule that could consist of everything from reading
books to kindergartners in a classroom in East New York to exchanging pleasantries with
Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge. Standing near the head of a long, polished dining
table, as a young white woman in a chef’s uniform recited the lunch menu, McCray repeated
our choices to me and her chief of staff. But my attention kept drifting to the walls, where a
Zuber wallpaper from the 1830s depicted a maiden, her complexion a flushed peaches and
cream, trapped in an almost-embrace with a pale and severe-looking soldier in a red-and-
blue military uniform. Before they moved into Gracie, McCray and de Blasio lived in a
vinyl-sided townhouse in Park Slope, Brooklyn, and worked out at the local Y.M.C.A.
Shortly after de Blasio became mayor, McCray said she would be a ‘‘voice for the forgotten
voices,’’ because, she said, ‘‘black women do not have as many positive images in the media
as we should.’’ How did it feel for that woman to regularly dine within this patrician fantasy?

BHARARA’s victory lap -- McCRAY on NYT Mag cover -- BLOOMBERG on 2016

DEEP DIVE – “Chirlane McCray and the Limits of First-Ladyship: What two years in Gracie
Mansion have meant for a woman who aspired to be the “voice for the forgotten voices,” by
Rachel Kaadzi Ghansah on the cover of this Sunday’s upcoming Times Magazine:
“[A]lthough the woman by [de Blasio’s] side with the long dreadlocks, tiny nose ring and
activist past had obviously not made de Blasio black, she had given black New Yorkers a
sense of representation, a sense that unlike Rudolph Giuliani or Bloomberg, her husband did
not lack empathy toward their concerns. ... [F]or McCray, her gift and her burden for the next
four years would be navigating the very real expectations and over-identifications being
placed upon her. Together, McCray and de Blasio have been acting as interlocutors, as
people whose identity politics have placed them in the middle ground in a city that has
increasingly become divided along the interconnected lines: race, real estate, the haves and
the have-nots; a city where many people, but some more than others, were depending on
them not to let them down.” http://nyti.ms/20StQFf ... The cover http://bit.ly/1T2fHT9

De Blasio and McCray: We can save the lives of opioid addicts right now
USA TODAY - Bill de Blasio and Chirlane McCray
Prescription painkiller misuse and heroin addiction have become national public health crises.
Addiction and deaths tied to opioids cut across economic and ethnic lines. Opioid misuse
kills Americans of all ages — in small towns and rural communities from Alaska to the Deep
South, and from the suburbs of Phoenix and inner-city of Baltimore to the shores of Staten
Island. Nearly 30,000 people died from opioid overdoses in 2014. Heroin overdoses have
tripled in the last five years. In our city, a fatal heroin overdose happens every day of the
year. They outnumber murders. Lives, once filled with promise, are cut short. Families, once
tightly bound, are left shattered. As we rush our nation’s public health and crime-fighting
policies to catch up with reality, there is something we can do right now to save lives.

WATCH LIVE: NYC's First Lady Chirlane McCray On Mental Health

New York City First Lady Chirlane McCray stops by HuffPost Live to discuss her initiative
to improve the city's mental healthcare system.

Childhood Mental Illness If Left Untreated Can Cause Psychiatric Troubles Later In Life:
Mental problems are now hitting the children as well. New reports suggest that when this
condition is left untreated, it might result in psychiatric troubles later in life. Dr. Pooky
Knightsmith, an emotional health adviser and director of the Charlie Waller Memorial Trust,
a charity educating young people to stay mentally well, revealed that their organization
receives an increasing number of primary schools asking for help. "Sadly we are getting more
requests about how to support anxiety, self-harm, depression and eating disorders in upper
primary," she told The Huffington Post UK. She stressed that they are doing more preventive
work in the primary setting, where positive grounds can be laid.[The first lady is pictured in
this report. The caption reads: New York Mayor Bill de Blasio (C), along with (L-R) Schools
Chancellor Carmen Farina, First Lady Chirlane McCray, and Queens Borough President
Melinda Katz, visits Pre-K classes at Home Sweet Home Children's School in Queens on the
first day of NYC public schools, September 4, 2014 in the Queens borough of New York City.
New York Mayor Bill de Blasio is touring universal pre-kindergarten programs throughout
the city.]
Top Pharmacies to Offer Anti-Overdose Drug without Prescription throughout NYC
THE FORUM - Michael V. Cusenza
“Miracle.” “Second Chance.” Naloxone’s street sobriquets denote the medication’s
undeniable power as an opioid antagonist designed to reverse an overdose of heroin or some
types of prescription painkillers. This efficacy, coupled with the City’s struggle to gain
ground on its opioid epidemic, has led to unique partnerships with two of the top pharmacies
in the five boroughs. Duane Reade and Walgreen Co. this week began dispensing naloxone—
or narcan—without a prescription in the 300 Duane Reade and Walgreens stores citywide,
and approximately 450 pharmacies statewide. City Health Commissioner Mary Bassett, M.D.,
applauded the effort.
... “By making naloxone widely and easily available, recovery from a narcotic overdose is
now possible,” said First Lady Chirlane McCray. “We want those who are fighting the
disease of addiction to have every medicine at their disposal so they can get well. Loved ones
of those suffering from addiction should never again have to worry about not being able to
find a medication that could stop their world from falling apart.”
Andrea Hagelgans
Office of the Mayor
Direct – 212.341.5372
Cell – 718.679.8965
From: Dan Levitan
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: RE: Groundbreaking
Date: Thursday, February 11, 2016 11:51:00 AM

The Pizza place Link is fine, the 14 th st. one is not.

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2016 11:35 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Groundbreaking
Sure give me a call
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2016 11:34 AM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: Groundbreaking
I have a quick follow-up question – got 30 seconds to chat?
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Darlington, Mandy (OMB)
To: Emily Walsh; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel
Subject: RE: dinner w/Dean, Jonathan and Emma
Date: Thursday, February 11, 2016 2:29:08 PM

No prob, I’ll make reservations at Max for 7:30.

From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2016 10:26 AM
To: Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Darlington, Mandy (OMB)
Subject: RE: dinner w/Dean, Jonathan and Emma
I think JR leans Max :)
Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Schnake Mahl, Gabriel [GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2016 10:24 AM
To: Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Emily Walsh
Subject: RE: dinner w/Dean, Jonathan and Emma

EW flexible
From: Darlington, Mandy (OMB) [mailto:DarlingtonM@omb.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2016 10:24 AM
To: Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; 'Emily Walsh'
Subject: RE: dinner w/Dean, Jonathan and Emma
That would be ok….I was going to suggest Rosa Mexicano (a nice Mexican place) for something
different but I’m not sure if everyone likes that kind of food?
From: Schnake Mahl, Gabriel [mailto:GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2016 10:23 AM
To: 'Emily Walsh'; Darlington, Mandy (OMB)
Subject: RE: dinner w/Dean, Jonathan and Emma
Max restaurant?
From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2016 9:03 AM
To: Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Darlington, Mandy (OMB)
Subject: RE: dinner w/Dean, Jonathan and Emma
We're on. Sorry for delay. 


On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 7:49 AM -0800, "Schnake Mahl, Gabriel"

<GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

fine here
From: Darlington, Mandy (OMB) [mailto:DarlingtonM@omb.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2016 10:47 AM
To: Emily Walsh; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel
Subject: RE: dinner w/Dean, Jonathan and Emma
I propose 7:30pm near City Hall-ish
From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2016 10:42 AM
To: Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel (gschnakemahl@cityhall.nyc.gov)
Subject: RE: dinner w/Dean, Jonathan and Emma
Lower Manhattan/Brooklyn? 
All I've got :)
Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Darlington, Mandy (OMB) [DarlingtonM@omb.nyc.gov]

Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2016 10:38 AM
To: Emily Walsh; Schnake-Mahl, Gabriel (gschnakemahl@cityhall.nyc.gov)
Subject: dinner w/Dean, Jonathan and Emma

I hear there was discussion of this for tomorrow….any suggestions for time/location?
From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: "Dan Levitan"
Cc: Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: RE: Are we confirmed to invite press yet?
Date: Friday, February 12, 2016 4:40:03 PM

I strongly feel we should hold until at least Monday before we invite press to a Wednesday briefing,
but adding andrea here to weigh in.
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 4:38 PM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: Are we confirmed to invite press yet?
Or still waiting
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Bill de Blasio
To: Jim Rosapepe; BdB
Cc: Ally Glavas; jenny bond; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Jonathan Rosen; Emma Wolfe
Subject: Re: Staff contact for iadlc Nyc event for Italian Americans for Hillary
Date: Sunday, February 14, 2016 7:02:36 PM

Happy to sign on to both, Jim. Consider this my formal approval. As for attendance, Prisca (cc'ed here)
will see what's possible

------Original Message------
From: Jim Rosapepe
To: Bill Deblasio
Cc: Ally Glavas
Cc: jenny bond
Subject: Staff contact for iadlc Nyc event for Italian Americans for Hillary
Sent: Feb 14, 2016 3:10 PM

Bill --

We're doing an fundraising event this spring in Nyc for Hillary and our Italian American Dems for
congress. Senator Leahy ( his mother is Italian), rosa DeLauro, and Leon Panetta have already signed
on as cohosts (who may or may not be able to make the date when it's confirmed.) obviously we'd like
your name on the invite and your presence if possible. Whom on your staff should we talk to? Have had
trouble breaking through.

Also, planning iadlc and 21st Dems events at Dem convention in philly and love to include you in both.
(You attended in Charlotte.) Will coordinate with your staff on those too.


-- Jim

Sent from my iPad

From: John, Roxanne
To: PhiiWalzak (gmail.com)
Cc: tomsnyder; emma maguire wolfe ; Jackie Bray ; Andrea Hagelgans; Jonathan Rosen; Prisca
Subject: Re: Invitation from HRC
Date: Monday, February 15, 2016 10:29:56 PM


Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 15, 2016, at 9:22 PM, Phillip Walzak wrote:

i suspect CMC will want to attend

RJ- we set?

On Mon, Feb 15, 2016 at 9:20PM, tomsnyder


Me neither

Sent from my iPhone

, emma maguire wolfe


She's been on a bunch of emails and bdb asked if she

should go and we recommended .... dunno outcomes

"Jackie Bray"

She could reschedule a mtg w/Tish James and easily

make it work.

If he is going I'd like her to go.

Sent from my iPhone

, emma maguire wolfe


Plus JB

Please excuse typos.

Message sent from my iPhone.

On Feb ma maguire
wolfe wrote:

Got this: arrive by 245 leave by


On Feb 15, 2016 8:17PM, "emma


Sorry thought our advance/ FO

was getting those details I can
ask now

On Feb 15, 2016 8:16 PM,


Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 15, 2016, at 6:27 PM,

Jonathan Rosen
< Jonathan@berlinrosen.com >

Have asked for

policy rundown
and surrogate
talkers. They say
they will get them
to us.

On Feb 15, 2016,

at 6:01 PM,


can u
get us
on this?


On Feb
at 4:46




















t ime?







From: DeLoach, Michael
To: Lombino, David
Cc: Cathy Rought
Subject: Re: BQX
Date: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 8:24:57 AM

These folks are all confirmed to attend event?

On Feb 16, 2016, at 7:48 AM, Lombino, David <dlombino@Twotreesny.com> wrote:

Hi Michael

Please acknowledge:
Sam Schwartz of Sam Schwartz Engineering

Thomas Gretch, queens chamber of commerce

Liz Lusskin, Long Island city partnership

Frances brown, President of the Red Hook East Tenants Assoc.), 

And the following people-

Jukay Hsu, Coalition 4 Queens

Carlo Scissura, Brooklyn Chamber
Jill Eisenhard, Red Hook Initiative
Doug Steiner, Steiner Studios
Paul Steely White, Transportation Alternatives
Tom Wright, Regional Plan Association
Tucker Reed, DBP

On Feb 16, 2016, at 6:13 AM, Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>


Hey Michael I'm out on leave but copying Cathy from my

office and Dave from Two Trees to close the loop this

On Feb 15, 2016, at 9:33 PM, DeLoach, Michael

<mdeloach@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Anyone you need me to Add to Mayor's acks?

Need asap.

Electeds speaking:
Nydia Velazquez, US Congress Member
Carlo Scissura, President of the Brooklyn
Chamber of Commerce
Ydanis Rodriguez, Council Member, Chair,
Carlos Menchaca, Council Member (district)
Tucker Reed, President of the Downtown
Brooklyn Partnership



Polly Trottenberg, DOT, Commissioner 

Maria Torres-Springer, NYC EDC, President
Pioneer Works
Dustin Yellin, Founder & Director
Gabriel Florenz, Director
TA Leaders 
Lillie Marshall, Red Hook West 
Edward Tyree, Gowanus Houses 
Valerie Bell, Wyckoff Gardens 
Harriet Hughes, Warren Street
NYCHA Resident Board Members 
Bea Byrd, Red Hook 
Victor Gonzalez, Wise Towers 
Willie Mae Lewis, St. Nicholas Houses 
From: emma maguire wolfe
To: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: PhilWalzak (gmail.com); Hinton, Karen
Subject: Re: HRC today
Date: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 2:26:25 PM

me too

this is a personal account - for official business please email at ewolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov  

On Tue, Feb 16, 2016 at 2:21 PM, Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>



From: Phillip Walzak [mailto:
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 1:54 PM
To: Jonathan Rosen; Emma Mw; Hinton, Karen
Subject: HRC today

JRo / EW - 

KH is going to send a short informal note to R9 here shortly that Mayor is

attending this event today

Can you pls right now send notes to your HRC contacts alerting them that we are
doing this


In a speech today at Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture in New

York, Hillary Clinton will discuss how we break down the barriers that hold back
African American families.

She will discuss how dealing with racial injustice must go beyond reforming our
criminal justice system and how we need to confront the systemic racism that
deprives too many of the opportunity to live up to their God-given potential.

This is why Clinton has discussed justice reforms since the start of her campaign
that will be felt on our streets, at our schools, and in communities that are too
often ignored. 
Clinton will call for a comprehensive commitment to equity and opportunity for
African Americans from new investments in job creation to ending redlining to
ensuring equal pay for women of color to ending the school-to-prison pipeline.

Clinton believes that our leaders must do whatever it takes to tear down all the
barriers and replace them with ladders of economic opportunity for all

From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: (dan@berlinrosen.com)
Subject: nat"l hit
Date: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 1:12:47 PM

He can’t do in-person appearance any time tomorrow – I raised possibility of doing either a call-in
from car, or on Friday or early next week. Haven’t heard back yet.
From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: "Dan Levitan"; Marti Adams
Subject: RE: Can one of you call me?
Date: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 2:14:05 PM

Sure give me a few

-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 2:05 PM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie; Marti Adams
Subject: Can one of you call me?

- Sent from my Galaxy S6 -

From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: (dan@berlinrosen.com)
Subject: quick Q
Date: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 3:03:36 PM

Called your cell

From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: "Dan Levitan"
Subject: RE: all good
Date: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 3:09:25 PM

Can u give me a call back

From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 3:09 PM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: Re: all good

- Sent from my Galaxy S6 - 

On Feb 17, 2016, at 2:55 PM, Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Think we are fine. I told them to keep all audio and visual from today on embargo but
said they are welcome to discuss the links & functionality in general, and use any
footage they have from previous briefings or coverage. and they can run a story
tomorrow AM saying mayor is launching later today. They agreed to all that
From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: " (dan@berlinrosen.com)"
Subject: RE: gizmodo
Date: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 3:49:31 PM

I know this is old stoy but they have tablet photo up and pix is pissed
From: Grybauskas, Natalie
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 3:48 PM
To: (dan@berlinrosen.com)
Subject: gizmodo
From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: "Dan Levitan"
Subject: RE: gothamist
Date: Thursday, February 18, 2016 3:32:56 PM

212-796-4200 x7014
Katie Whittaker
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2016 3:29 PM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: RE: gothamist
Contact info?
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2016 3:28 PM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: gothamist
Talked to Katie whittaker at Gothamist who sent me a note saying she tested the wi-fi and it wasn’t
that fast. I talked to her on the phone and explained that a press conference full of bystanders and
reporters would affect speeds.
If someone on your end wanted to reach out and give a more technical answer I can provide her
info, but she sounded fairly convinced.
From: Dan Levitan
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: RE:
Date: Thursday, February 25, 2016 10:31:30 AM

Call my cell?
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Dan Levitan
Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2016 9:57 AM
To: 'Grybauskas, Natalie' <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE:
10:30 works
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2016 9:56 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Can we touch base quickly this AM? Would 10:30 work? I’m flexible after that
From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: Dan Levitan
Subject: Re: RE:
Date: Thursday, February 25, 2016 10:44:31 AM

Sorry got held up but can call in like 2 min

On Feb 25, 2016, at 10:31 AM, Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Call my cell?
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Dan Levitan
Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2016 9:57 AM
To: 'Grybauskas, Natalie' <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE:
10:30 works
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2016 9:56 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Can we touch base quickly this AM? Would 10:30 work? I’m flexible after that
From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: Dan Levitan
Subject: Re: Jen Op-Ed BR edits.docx
Date: Monday, February 29, 2016 1:08:02 PM

At 1:30?

On Feb 29, 2016, at 1:01 PM, Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Do you have a sec to talk?

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, February 29, 2016 10:40 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Jen Op-Ed BR edits.docx
You might have more luck than me but I can try. I don’t know anyone at crains
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, February 26, 2016 3:38 PM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: RE: Jen Op-Ed BR edits.docx
Jen is fine with all these edits and would love to co-sign the op-ed with Maya.  Do you
guys want to place it?
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, February 26, 2016 12:52 PM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: FW: Jen Op-Ed BR edits.docx
Maya would like to co-sign jen’s op-ed, but she had some edits. We can try to
negotiate some of them, but what are your initial thoughts?
From: Wiley, Maya
Sent: Friday, February 26, 2016 12:37 PM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Cc: Ozernoy, Ilana
Subject: Jen Op-Ed BR edits.docx
My edits
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: RE:
Date: Monday, March 07, 2016 9:16:52 AM

Hoping this piece gets me tix J

From: Hagelgans, Andrea [mailto:AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, March 07, 2016 7:23 AM
To: Jonathan Rosen

I also have not seen hamilton. The shame!
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Litvak, Gwendolyn
To: "Nicole Kolinsky"; Connie Chung; Daria Siegel
Subject: RE: The Cynical Schnauzer Offers Cocktails and Conversation in Clinton Hill - Clinton Hill - DNAinfo.com New
Date: Monday, March 07, 2016 9:41:46 AM

Went there last Thursday night. It was expensive and not good. Thank you for sending this to me
though. You are a true friend.
GWEN LITVAK  | 212-442-6332
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, March 07, 2016 9:30 AM
To: Litvak, Gwendolyn; Connie Chung; Daria Siegel
Subject: The Cynical Schnauzer Offers Cocktails and Conversation in Clinton Hill - Clinton Hill -
DNAinfo.com New York

Gwen!!! https://www.dnainfo.com/new-york/20160304/clinton-hill/cynical-schnauzer-offers-
From: Litvak, Gwendolyn
To: "Connie Chung"; "Nicole Kolinsky"; Daria Siegel
Subject: RE: The Cynical Schnauzer Offers Cocktails and Conversation in Clinton Hill - Clinton Hill - DNAinfo.com New
Date: Monday, March 07, 2016 10:25:04 AM

Where is Oiji? If you check out my Instagram, you’ll see a picture of a cookie in the shape of a
generic dog that they called a “schnauzer.”
How was uzbek food?
GWEN LITVAK  | 212-442-6332
From: Connie Chung [mailto:CChung@hraadvisors.com]
Sent: Monday, March 07, 2016 10:19 AM
To: Litvak, Gwendolyn; 'Nicole Kolinsky'; Daria Siegel
Subject: RE: The Cynical Schnauzer Offers Cocktails and Conversation in Clinton Hill - Clinton Hill -
DNAinfo.com New York

This is very upsetting news. How could they mislead the public like this? This is similar to, but WAY
WORSE, than the well-reviewed Korean restaurant Oiji (named after a spicy Korean pickle, a Chung
family fave), which does not serve the pickle itself (but which is otherwise excellent-excellent-
Connie J. Chung
Director  |  HR&A Advisors, Inc.
Direct: (646) 545-6248  |  Mobile: (917) 699-7893
From: Litvak, Gwendolyn [mailto:GLitvak@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, March 07, 2016 9:42 AM
To: 'Nicole Kolinsky'; Connie Chung; Daria Siegel
Subject: RE: The Cynical Schnauzer Offers Cocktails and Conversation in Clinton Hill - Clinton Hill -
DNAinfo.com New York


GWEN LITVAK  | 212-442-6332
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, March 07, 2016 9:30 AM
To: Litvak, Gwendolyn; Connie Chung; Daria Siegel
Subject: The Cynical Schnauzer Offers Cocktails and Conversation in Clinton Hill - Clinton Hill -
DNAinfo.com New York

Gwen!!! https://www.dnainfo.com/new-york/20160304/clinton-hill/cynical-schnauzer-offers-
From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: CJ Macklin
Cc: Dan Levitan
Subject: Re: Gothamist Media Request
Date: Monday, March 07, 2016 12:06:42 PM

Thx will do!

On Mar 7, 2016, at 12:04 PM, CJ Macklin <CJ.Macklin@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Hey Natalie,
Jen did an interview with Gothamist this morning to talk about access to broadband
within the city. The reporter had some additional questions about the City’s effort to
increase access for residents and close the digital divide.
His deadline is EOD, and I’ve pasted his contact info below if you’d like to reach out to
Jordan G. Teicher

CJ  Macklin
646.335.0718 (office)
214.783.4055 (cell)
From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: Dan Levitan
Subject: Re: CBS This morning
Date: Wednesday, March 09, 2016 8:03:34 AM


On Mar 9, 2016, at 7:57 AM, Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

FYI – they are doing a Link story this week, interview with Colin today and Dan
Doctoroff tomorrow.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: John Del Cecato
To: Snyder, Thomas
Cc: B; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com
Subject: Re: Carried interest
Date: Thursday, March 10, 2016 11:07:01 PM

Who - me!?!

On 3/10/16, 11:02 PM, "Snyder, Thomas" <TSnyder@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

>I think you're mocking me

>Sent from my iPhone
>> On Mar 10, 2016, at 10:47 PM, John Del Cecato <jfdc@akpdmedia.com>
>> I¹ll read it over my spinach quiche and French Press coffee tomorrow
>>> On 3/10/16, 10:44 PM, "Snyder, Thomas" <TSnyder@cityhall.nyc.gov>
>>> This weeks New Yorker has a feature article on carried.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
From: Restler, Lincoln
To: Mary Brosnahan
Cc: Giselle Routhier; Dan Levitan (Dan@berlinrosen.com); David Giffen
Subject: Re: New DHS security measures
Date: Tuesday, March 15, 2016 7:11:55 AM

Thanks, Mary.


Written with my thumbs. Sorry for typos.

On Mar 15, 2016, at 7:10 AM, Mary Brosnahan <MBrosnahan@cfthomeless.org>


“We welcome the uniform standards of professionalism NYPD training can

bring to frontline security officers in NYC shelters. Violence – both physical
attacks as well as serious threats of bodily harm – is undoubtedly the
major deterrent preventing our most marginalized neighbors from
accessing lifesaving shelter. Moreover, we see time-and-again families
seeking shelter who are reluctant to share details of a dangerous history
at intake interviews, often for fear of retribution from an abusive partner or
parent. Restoring in-reach programs throughout the shelter system will
help identify many more New Yorkers, who otherwise would suffer in
silence.  Homelessness may be synonymous with despair – but protecting
homeless women and children from brutality and providing them the
emotional support to heal are the two keys essential to shifting their lives
towards hope and prosperity.”
Mary Brosnahan, President & CEO, Coalition for the Homeless

From: Restler, Lincoln [mailto:lrestler@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, March 14, 2016 7:38 PM
To: Mary Brosnahan; Giselle Routhier
Subject: New DHS security measures

Hey Mary and Giselle -

Hope it was a good meeting with Herminia and Hatch today. I was sorry to not
be able to join. I know Herminia mentioned this to you today.
See below for more details on our new security measures. NYPD is taking on
new role for training and providing technical assistance to DHS security and we
are significantly expanding domestic violence services in shelters.
If you want to send statement, we are gathering by 9am for release. Sorry for
tight timing. Please let me know if you have any questions.

All the best,


Top Line Updates:

<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Significant new programs

to improve security in DHS facilities.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->o <!--[endif]-->NYPD to provide

training to all DHS security personnel and review DHS
security protocols to upgrade security.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->o <!--[endif]-->Most common type

of violence in shelter is domestic violence. DHS is placing
DV social service workers onsite at family with children
shelters and retraining existing staff to prevent DV and
support survivors.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->We have created more

accurate data points to capture violence in shelters that we will
publicly report to better hold ourselves accountable to reducing
violence in shelters.



NYPD to re-train DHS security staff, send management team to DHS to

immediately develop action plan to upgrade security at all shelter facilities

New domestic violence program launched to combat domestic violence in


NEW YORK—The de Blasio administration, as part of comprehensive review

of homeless services, announced today a program to improve safety in homeless
shelters: New York City Police Department will immediately begin re-training all
Department of Homeless Services security staff and send an NYPD management
team at DHS to immediately develop an action plan to upgrade security at all
shelter facilities; restoring a domestic violence program for family shelters; and a
new more extensive reporting system for incidents that occur in shelters. The
reforms respond to new data on violence in shelters developed as part of the 90-
day review of homeless services ordered by Mayor de Blasio.

“I’ve been clear that we are going to own the problems of homelessness and be
transparent about how serious they are and what we are doing to deal with
them,” said Mayor de Blasio. “For the first time, we are reporting thoroughly on
the problem. We have substantially increased security, and we are bringing in the
NYPD to ensure it’s managed effectively. And we are offering enhanced
domestic violence services to families. We want homeless shelters to be safe and
clean, but at the same time we must and we will continue to move families out
and prevent them from coming to shelter in the first place.”
"For many years, the agency mainly focused on incidents involving death or life
threatening injury and individual staff exercised discretion to report as a priority
individual incidents not rising to this level on a case by case basis. The 90-day
review showed that this resulted in lost opportunities to target services because
cases not involving death or life threatening injuries were inconsistently
categorized based on individual determinations. The review also showed that
incidents that occurred off-site were also reported as critical incidents even
though the incident did not occur at the shelter. We are reforming the process to
broaden the criteria for critical incidents and will focus attention on the incidents
that actually occurred in the shelters so that we can have a more complete picture
of client service needs. For example, our review showed that more needs to be
done to address domestic violence for families that have been placed in shelter
together so the Mayor has authorized a new in reach program for family shelters
that we will be including in the Executive Budget. During the course of the
review, the Mayor has already authorized additional security for mental health
shelters and commercial hotels and now the NYPD will ensure that security is
handled as it should be,” said Human Resources Administration
Commissioner Steven Banks.

There are three parts to the Mayor’s reform program for improving safety
in shelters:

1)      Starting immediately, the New York City Police Department

will begin re-training all Department of Homeless Services security
staff and will be placing an NYPD management team at DHS to
immediately develop an action plan to upgrade security at all shelter

o Total spending for security at DHS is approximately $140

million annually – an increase of 35% over the previous

o All non-cluster shelters have some level of security provided

by either DHS peace officers or by private security guards.

o DHS provides security through a combination of DHS Peace

Officers, FJC Contracted Security Guards and by directly funding
shelter providers to provide security at their sites.

o As part of the review, the Mayor has already increased security

at mental health shelters and at commercial hotels.
2) The City will re-establish a domestic violence program in DHS shelters
that was ended in 2010.

o A new analysis found that violence within families is the most

common form of violent incident in family shelters. In Families with
Children shelters, domestic violence was 60% of the violent incidents,
while it was 80% in Adult Family shelters.

o HRA’s NoVA (No Violence Again) Outstationed Domestic

Violence Services will be expanded to DHS Tier II family shelters to
provide families with access to domestic violence services. Trained
staff from HRA will go to a number of Tier II shelters to provide
these services.

o Existing social services staff in Tier II shelters will participate in

enhanced training that will provide them with the tools to identify and
refer families and individuals to the NoVA team, a NYC Family
Justice Center or other community-based domestic violence

o Families not identified with intimate partner violence but

experiencing unhealthy relationships and conflict will be offered
referral to supportive services.

o The Mayor’s Office to Combat Domestic Violence (MOCDV) will

coordinate with DHS to implement system-wide intimate partner
violence (IPV) training for DHS employees and contracted staff.

o A senior DHS official will be in charge of coordinating the

delivery of domestic violence and other related services.
3) The Administration has instituted new more comprehensive and accurate
reporting of critical incidents in shelters, including for the first time
separately reporting violent incidents.

o For many years, DHS reported “critical incidents”, which included

some but not all violent incidents. In addition, data was not
systematically collected to identify problems.

o A systematic review found “Critical Incident” definitions were

unclear and inconsistently reported across agency divisions.

§ Overly-broad type categories limit the agency’s ability to

identify trends and quantify specific types of incidents.

§ Existing type categories include both violent and non-

violent incidents within the same category, limiting the ability
to quantify the volume of violent incidents.

o New reporting categories have been created and applied to all

2015 incidents reported to DHS. The new procedure found:

§ Under the old definitions, there were 620 critical incidents.

The new analysis defined 1,687 incidents as critical of which
826 were categorized as violent.

§ To ensure that problems are identified, violence is now

defined much more broadly than, for example, the FBI crime
reports. For the shelter critical incidents, violence includes
broad definitions of domestic violence, assault and both child
abuse and neglect, even if there was no violence against the
o The Administration is implementing thorough reforms to ensure
that all critical incidents and especially violent incidents are
appropriately categorized and that there is appropriate follow-up.


Written with my thumbs. Sorry for typos.

From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: (dan@berlinrosen.com)
Subject: give me a call
Date: Wednesday, March 16, 2016 10:19:56 AM

Re: NYCLU letter?

Want to coordinate as much as possible here.
From: Litvak, Gwendolyn
To: "Connie Chung"; "Morris, Deborah"; "Nicole Kolinsky";
Subject: RE: Dinner 7PM @ Hibino
Date: Wednesday, March 16, 2016 5:15:52 PM

GWEN LITVAK  | 212-442-6332
From: Connie Chung [mailto:CChung@hraadvisors.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2016 5:15 PM
To: Litvak, Gwendolyn; 'Morris, Deborah'; 'Nicole Kolinsky';
Subject: Dinner 7PM @ Hibino
Hi all – see you tonight at Hibino, 7pm.
333 Henry @ Pacific – no reservations, so if it’s a long wait, we can go next door for a drink.
Connie J. Chung
Director  |  HR&A Advisors, Inc.
99 Hudson Street, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10013
Direct: (646) 545-6248 | Mobile: (917) 699-7893
CChung@hraadvisors.com | www.hraadvisors.com
From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: Dan Levitan
Subject: Re: From Capital
Date: Wednesday, March 16, 2016 7:29:19 PM

Second Graf is true. Maya asked me to share her entire email correspondence with
NYCLU with a few of the reporters.

No idea on first bit

I'll forward you what I shared

On Mar 16, 2016, at 7:27 PM, Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Is this true?

NYCLU staff attorney Mariko Hirose said the group first expressed concerns in
a meeting with city officials, and the city told them it welcomed

In communications with the group, Wiley said the city had gone beyond the
standard policies in order to protect users' privacy, and noted that contract
provisions allow for future changes to the privacy policy.

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Greig . Katherine
To: Matthew Hassett
Cc: sarah.wagner@cnycn.org : christie.oeale@cnycn.org : jovana@berlinrosen.com : cristian.salazar@cnycn .org
Subject: Re: 2016CWApplication .docx - I nvitation to edit
Date: Friday, March 18, 2016 7:19:25 AM

This is also a priority initiative for us in 2016.

Katheri ne Greig

On Thu, Mar 17, 2016 at 8:56 PM -0700, .. Matthew Hassett (via Google Docs)..
< drjye-shares-noreply@google.com > wrote:

Matthew Hassett has invited you to edit the following document:

R 2016CWApplication.docx

[g Hi Jovana and Cristian,

If perchance either of you (both of you in an ideal world? -- leave it to

you to coordinate!) can help to make more of a sales pitch up front in
this proposal about why this is THE BEST WAY that Wells Fargo
could deploy a grant of $250k to a city across the country to do
something new and innovative, it's this?

Funny enough, this is due at 5pm today (Friday). Sarah Kate is

coordinating this.

Jovana, I think if you can break out your flood insurance pitch content
(perhaps you could even just share that with Sarah Kate and Cristian
if you're swamped) that's what this is missing. I think it needs more
about the people at risk if we DON'T do this.

Also, the fact that Wells is the only major bank still heavily in the
mortgage origination and servicing game, and with plans to continue
as such (so I learned from this conference yesterday), there may be a
way to compliment them on that and subtly say that it's very much in
their interest to figure this out so they do not see a wave of
defaults ... ?

Sorry for not flagging this earlier; I think this is very close to done,
could just use your expertise to make it sing.

Many thanks,
Open in Docs

This email grants access to this item without logging in. Only forward it to
people you trust.

Google Docs: Create and edit documents online.

From: Dan Levitan
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: RE: got a minute to talk?
Date: Thursday, March 24, 2016 2:15:14 PM

Yes, I am at my desk 646 200 5315

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2016 2:15 PM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: got a minute to talk?
From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: "Dan Levitan"
Subject: RE: Bronx
Date: Tuesday, March 29, 2016 1:58:12 PM

Sure let me give you a call now

From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2016 1:30 PM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: Bronx
Have a sec to talk?
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: "Jonathan Rosen"
Subject: RE:
Date: Thursday, March 31, 2016 12:12:47 PM

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2016 12:02 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: RE:
Texted you back.  Can’t do it today – I have three back to back meetings I can’t move with external
folks here.  Sorry. 
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [mailto:PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2016 11:58 AM
To: Jonathan Rosen
Hey – just sent you a text
From: Greig, Katherine
To: "Matthew Hassett"
Cc: Christie Peale; Cristian Salazar; Jovana Rizzo
Subject: RE: FW: NFIP rate increases
Date: Friday, April 01, 2016 9:58:12 AM


KATHERINE GREIG |   212-788-1464

From: Matthew Hassett [mailto:matthew.hassett@cnycn.org]
Sent: Friday, April 01, 2016 9:56 AM
To: Greig, Katherine
Cc: Christie Peale; Cristian Salazar; Jovana Rizzo
Subject: Re: FW: NFIP rate increases

Oh and second mention is for FoodHelpNY :)

I think that's Amy Schumer's blog

On Friday, April 1, 2016, Matthew Hassett <matthew.hassett@cnycn.org> wrote:

Thanks no I don't think so actually. Has someone contacted you Christie?

Floodhelpny is spelled out in reverse in first mention.

It appears you'll need a quote from Christie...?

On Friday, April 1, 2016, Greig, Katherine <KGreig@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

FYI – I think Michael has been in touch with you guys on this but just a heads up

KATHERINE GREIG |   212-788-1464

From: Zarrilli, Dan

Sent: Friday, April 01, 2016 12:02 AM
To: Greig, Katherine; Shaikh, Michael
Subject: RE: NFIP rate increases

Minus Amy

My edits are in here, largely aiming for plain language where possible – I also think we were
burying the cost-saving news by only getting to it in the mayor’s quote – here’s my take for
your review first

Please loop in Rebecca if you haven’t already to perhaps heads up our federal delegation on
CONTACT: pressoffice@cityhall.nyc.gov, (212) 788-2958


FEMA’s flood insurance rates will increase dramatically if policies lapse. Efforts to ensure
affordability will save New York City coastal households millions of dollars per year.
New York City – Mayor de Blasio today urges New York City homeowners to avoid steep
flood insurance rate hikes by renewing their policies before they expire and thanks FEMA for
holding certain policies to only a 5% annual increase instead of a possible 18% annual
increase. Effective April 1, 2016, policy holders could see increases in their flood insurance
rates and those rate hikes would be dramatically higher if those policies were allowed to
expire. Thanks to effective advocacy by New York City and others, New York households
will save millions of dollars per year as a result.

“Thanks to a successful effort to demonstrate the affordability challenges of the National

Flood Insurance Program, the federal government has agreed to cap increases on certain
policies at a 5% annual increase rather than letting them rise by 18%. That increase would
have been an added financial burden on New Yorkers, who are still recovering from
Hurricane Sandy,” said Mayor de Blasio. “Our effort saves thousands of households in
coastal areas across the city millions of dollars in premium hikes annually. This is just
another way we’re fighting to keep our city affordable for working and middle-class

The City is still concerned about the rising increases on businesses and will continue to
advocate that FEMA provide credits for mitigation options that are more feasible in dense,
urban floodplains as a way to reduce risk and cost simultaneously.

In order to avoid the jump to much higher, "full risk" rates, homeowners should immediately
do the following:

- Check your policy renewal date.

- Call your insurance broker and ensure you renew your policy before it lapses.

- Learn more about flood insurance at nyfloodhelp.org.

The City will continue to advocate for effective reforms to the National Flood Insurance
Program, and will continue its successful partnership with the Center for New York City
Neighborhoods (CNYCN) to educate New Yorkers on flood risk and insurance and work
with policyholders to understand the benefits of maintaining continuous coverage.

“New York City continues to fight to ensure that flood insurance remains available and
affordable,” said Daniel Zarrilli, the Mayor’s Senior Director for Climate Policy and
Programs, “Thanks to FEMA for hearing our concerns and holding certain policy premiums
to only a 5% annual increase instead of what could have been an 18% annual increase,
saving New Yorkers millions of dollars every year. Even so, we remain concerned about
other elements of the National Flood Insurance Program and will continue to advocate for
reforms that promote mitigation and affordability measures that adequately account for the
unique characteristics of dense, urban floodplains.”

All property owners should understand their flood risk. New York City resident who have a
federally backed mortgage or received federal disaster assistance – including through Build it
Back – and live in a high risk area, are required to purchase flood insurance. Homeowners
may be able to purchase flood insurance through the same company that provides their
homeowners insurance. However, homeowners insurance does not cover damage from floods
and federal disaster assistance is not guaranteed in the event of a flood.

Property owners, who are not in a flood zone, could still be at risk and should strongly
consider purchasing flood insurance which is much more affordable outside the high risk

“TK Quote from CNYC,” said Christie Peale, Executive Director, Center for New York City

New Yorkers can understand their property’s flood risk by visiting FoodHelpNY.org.

Matthew Hassett  |  Director of Policy & Communications  T 646-786-0895

Center for NYC Neighborhoods

17 Battery Place, Suite 728  |  New York, NY 10004  

Matthew Hassett  |  Director of Policy & Communications  T 646-786-0895

Center for NYC Neighborhoods

17 Battery Place, Suite 728  |  New York, NY 10004  
From: Greig, Katherine
To: "Matthew Hassett"
Cc: Christie Peale; Cristian Salazar; Jovana Rizzo
Subject: RE: FW: NFIP rate increases
Date: Friday, April 01, 2016 9:58:24 AM

Yes, we’ll need a quote.


KATHERINE GREIG |   212-788-1464

From: Matthew Hassett [mailto:matthew.hassett@cnycn.org]
Sent: Friday, April 01, 2016 9:54 AM
To: Greig, Katherine
Cc: Christie Peale; Cristian Salazar; Jovana Rizzo
Subject: Re: FW: NFIP rate increases

Thanks no I don't think so actually. Has someone contacted you Christie?

Floodhelpny is spelled out in reverse in first mention.

It appears you'll need a quote from Christie...?

On Friday, April 1, 2016, Greig, Katherine <KGreig@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

FYI – I think Michael has been in touch with you guys on this but just a heads up

KATHERINE GREIG |   212-788-1464

From: Zarrilli, Dan

Sent: Friday, April 01, 2016 12:02 AM
To: Greig, Katherine; Shaikh, Michael
Subject: RE: NFIP rate increases

Minus Amy

My edits are in here, largely aiming for plain language where possible – I also think we were
burying the cost-saving news by only getting to it in the mayor’s quote – here’s my take for
your review first

Please loop in Rebecca if you haven’t already to perhaps heads up our federal delegation on


CONTACT: pressoffice@cityhall.nyc.gov, (212) 788-2958


FEMA’s flood insurance rates will increase dramatically if policies lapse. Efforts to ensure
affordability will save New York City coastal households millions of dollars per year.
New York City – Mayor de Blasio today urges New York City homeowners to avoid steep
flood insurance rate hikes by renewing their policies before they expire and thanks FEMA for
holding certain policies to only a 5% annual increase instead of a possible 18% annual
increase. Effective April 1, 2016, policy holders could see increases in their flood insurance
rates and those rate hikes would be dramatically higher if those policies were allowed to
expire. Thanks to effective advocacy by New York City and others, New York households
will save millions of dollars per year as a result.

“Thanks to a successful effort to demonstrate the affordability challenges of the National

Flood Insurance Program, the federal government has agreed to cap increases on certain
policies at a 5% annual increase rather than letting them rise by 18%. That increase would
have been an added financial burden on New Yorkers, who are still recovering from
Hurricane Sandy,” said Mayor de Blasio. “Our effort saves thousands of households in
coastal areas across the city millions of dollars in premium hikes annually. This is just
another way we’re fighting to keep our city affordable for working and middle-class

The City is still concerned about the rising increases on businesses and will continue to
advocate that FEMA provide credits for mitigation options that are more feasible in dense,
urban floodplains as a way to reduce risk and cost simultaneously.

In order to avoid the jump to much higher, "full risk" rates, homeowners should immediately
do the following:

- Check your policy renewal date.

- Call your insurance broker and ensure you renew your policy before it lapses.

- Learn more about flood insurance at nyfloodhelp.org.

The City will continue to advocate for effective reforms to the National Flood Insurance
Program, and will continue its successful partnership with the Center for New York City
Neighborhoods (CNYCN) to educate New Yorkers on flood risk and insurance and work
with policyholders to understand the benefits of maintaining continuous coverage.

“New York City continues to fight to ensure that flood insurance remains available and
affordable,” said Daniel Zarrilli, the Mayor’s Senior Director for Climate Policy and
Programs, “Thanks to FEMA for hearing our concerns and holding certain policy premiums
to only a 5% annual increase instead of what could have been an 18% annual increase,
saving New Yorkers millions of dollars every year. Even so, we remain concerned about
other elements of the National Flood Insurance Program and will continue to advocate for
reforms that promote mitigation and affordability measures that adequately account for the
unique characteristics of dense, urban floodplains.”

All property owners should understand their flood risk. New York City resident who have a
federally backed mortgage or received federal disaster assistance – including through Build it
Back – and live in a high risk area, are required to purchase flood insurance. Homeowners
may be able to purchase flood insurance through the same company that provides their
homeowners insurance. However, homeowners insurance does not cover damage from floods
and federal disaster assistance is not guaranteed in the event of a flood.

Property owners, who are not in a flood zone, could still be at risk and should strongly
consider purchasing flood insurance which is much more affordable outside the high risk

“TK Quote from CNYC,” said Christie Peale, Executive Director, Center for New York City

New Yorkers can understand their property’s flood risk by visiting FoodHelpNY.org.

Matthew Hassett  |  Director of Policy & Communications  T 646-786-0895

Center for NYC Neighborhoods

17 Battery Place, Suite 728  |  New York, NY 10004  
From: Snyder, Thomas
To: Walzak, Phil; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com
Subject: FW: Outside line
Date: Monday, April 04, 2016 1:20:31 PM

Can you all help me out here? Need this to move.I assume we just need a a
couple sentences or so. Plus advice on whether we put it put ourselves or
wait for it to emerge.

On 4/4/16, 11:40 AM, "Geri Prado" <geri@progressiveagenda.us> wrote:

>Hi Tom:
>I¹m wondering if there has been movement on what the outside line will be
>to press re: TPAC, me leaving if asked. I want to be able to start to
>tell people beyond a few to start talking about next steps but I want to
>make sure that we¹re on the same page. Could you please let me know?
>I¹m working on closing up the DA contribution and will start to reach out
>to others (not inner circle folks) once we agree on what we¹re saying.
From: Snyder, Thomas
To: Walzak, Phil
Cc: Schwartz, Regina; Jonathan Rosen; Wolfe, Emma
Subject: Re: new lang
Date: Monday, April 04, 2016 5:00:46 PM

I’m getting her exact AFL title momentarily.

From: "Walzak, Phil" <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Monday, April 4, 2016 at 4:47 PM
To: Tom Snyder <tsnyder@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Schwartz, Regina" <RSchwartz@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Jonathan Rosen
<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>, Emma Wolfe <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: new lang

Geri Prado will be joining the Mayor’s Office of Federal Affairs to assist the
Administration in securing its legislative agenda in Washington.  Geri’s nearly
two-decade career in issue advocacy and organizing -- including at the AFL-CIO
where she worked as X, overseeing legislative, electoral and issue information
programs -- makes her well-suited to help the Administration achieve these
critical goals.  TPAC will continue its work to insert progressive voices into the
national conversation about income inequality, build-out its network of
partners, and convene leaders and activists on a host of issues from across the
country to take action. 
Background // Q+A
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->TPAC will be operated day-to-
day by XYZ
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Future announcements on
TPAC’s leadership team will be made in the coming weeks/months
From: Snyder, Thomas
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2016 3:24 PM
To: Walzak, Phil
Cc: Schwartz, Regina; Jonathan Rosen; Wolfe, Emma
Subject: Re: new lang
Phil, can you write it up with Jonathan’s more generic approach?
From: Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
Date: Monday, April 4, 2016 at 3:14 PM
To: Tom Snyder <tsnyder@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Walzak, Phil" <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Emma
Wolfe <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Schwartz, Regina" <RSchwartz@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: new lang
Just joining fed affairs to support NYC’s leg agenda. Why make it specific? 
From: Snyder, Thomas [mailto:TSnyder@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2016 3:14 PM
To: Walzak, Phil; Wolfe, Emma
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; Schwartz, Regina
Subject: Re: new lang
That was Andie Zuniga’s recommendation for the work Geri would do. Alternative explanation?
From: "Walzak, Phil" <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Monday, April 4, 2016 at 3:11 PM
To: Emma Wolfe <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Tom Snyder <tsnyder@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com" <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>, "Schwartz, Regina"
Subject: RE: new lang
EW doesn’t want to spotlight approps this way
I must say im at a loss on what to do here
From: Wolfe, Emma
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2016 3:03 PM
To: Walzak, Phil; Snyder, Thomas
Cc: Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Schwartz, Regina
Subject: RE: new lang
Um, HUH?
From: Walzak, Phil
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2016 2:54 PM
To: Snyder, Thomas
Cc: Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Wolfe, Emma
Subject: new lang
+JRo, EW
How is this? -
Geri Prado will be joining the Mayor’s Office of Federal Affairs in Washington
to assist the Administration in securing a number of Appropriations requests
vital to New York City.  Geri’s nearly two-decade career in issue advocacy and
organizing -- including at the AFL-CIO where she worked as X, overseeing
legislative, electoral and issue information programs -- makes her well-suited
to help the Administration achieve these critical investments during the
upcoming federal budget process.  TPAC will continue its work to insert
progressive voices into the national conversation about income inequality,
build-out its network of partners, and convene leaders and activists on a host
of issues from across the country to take action. 
Background // Q+A
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->TPAC will be operated day-to-
day by XYZ
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Future announcements on
TPAC’s leadership team will be made in the coming weeks/months
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->The Approps requests Geri will
work to secure for the people of NYC are attached and will be shared (?)
From: Snyder, Thomas
To: Walzak, Phil
Cc: Schwartz, Regina; Jonathan Rosen; Wolfe, Emma
Subject: Re: new lang
Date: Monday, April 04, 2016 5:08:04 PM

Her Afl – CIO title was Deputy Campaign Department Director.

From: "Walzak, Phil" <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Monday, April 4, 2016 at 4:47 PM
To: Tom Snyder <tsnyder@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Schwartz, Regina" <RSchwartz@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Jonathan Rosen
<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>, Emma Wolfe <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: new lang

Geri Prado will be joining the Mayor’s Office of Federal Affairs to assist the
Administration in securing its legislative agenda in Washington.  Geri’s nearly
two-decade career in issue advocacy and organizing -- including at the AFL-CIO
where she worked as X, overseeing legislative, electoral and issue information
programs -- makes her well-suited to help the Administration achieve these
critical goals.  TPAC will continue its work to insert progressive voices into the
national conversation about income inequality, build-out its network of
partners, and convene leaders and activists on a host of issues from across the
country to take action. 
Background // Q+A
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->TPAC will be operated day-to-
day by XYZ
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Future announcements on
TPAC’s leadership team will be made in the coming weeks/months
From: Snyder, Thomas
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2016 3:24 PM
To: Walzak, Phil
Cc: Schwartz, Regina; Jonathan Rosen; Wolfe, Emma
Subject: Re: new lang
Phil, can you write it up with Jonathan’s more generic approach?
From: Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
Date: Monday, April 4, 2016 at 3:14 PM
To: Tom Snyder <tsnyder@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Walzak, Phil" <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Emma
Wolfe <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Schwartz, Regina" <RSchwartz@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: new lang
Just joining fed affairs to support NYC’s leg agenda. Why make it specific? 
From: Snyder, Thomas [mailto:TSnyder@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2016 3:14 PM
To: Walzak, Phil; Wolfe, Emma
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; Schwartz, Regina
Subject: Re: new lang
That was Andie Zuniga’s recommendation for the work Geri would do. Alternative explanation?
From: "Walzak, Phil" <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Monday, April 4, 2016 at 3:11 PM
To: Emma Wolfe <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Tom Snyder <tsnyder@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com" <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>, "Schwartz, Regina"
Subject: RE: new lang
EW doesn’t want to spotlight approps this way
I must say im at a loss on what to do here
From: Wolfe, Emma
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2016 3:03 PM
To: Walzak, Phil; Snyder, Thomas
Cc: Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Schwartz, Regina
Subject: RE: new lang
Um, HUH?
From: Walzak, Phil
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2016 2:54 PM
To: Snyder, Thomas
Cc: Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Wolfe, Emma
Subject: new lang
+JRo, EW
How is this? -
Geri Prado will be joining the Mayor’s Office of Federal Affairs in Washington
to assist the Administration in securing a number of Appropriations requests
vital to New York City.  Geri’s nearly two-decade career in issue advocacy and
organizing -- including at the AFL-CIO where she worked as X, overseeing
legislative, electoral and issue information programs -- makes her well-suited
to help the Administration achieve these critical investments during the
upcoming federal budget process.  TPAC will continue its work to insert
progressive voices into the national conversation about income inequality,
build-out its network of partners, and convene leaders and activists on a host
of issues from across the country to take action. 
Background // Q+A
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->TPAC will be operated day-to-
day by XYZ
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Future announcements on
TPAC’s leadership team will be made in the coming weeks/months
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->The Approps requests Geri will
work to secure for the people of NYC are attached and will be shared (?)
From: Snyder, Thomas
To: Walzak, Phil
Cc: Schwartz, Regina; Jonathan Rosen; Wolfe, Emma
Subject: Re: new lang
Date: Monday, April 04, 2016 5:09:18 PM

Any reason I should NOT show this to Geri?

From: "Walzak, Phil" <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Monday, April 4, 2016 at 4:47 PM
To: Tom Snyder <tsnyder@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Schwartz, Regina" <RSchwartz@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Jonathan Rosen
<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>, Emma Wolfe <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: new lang

Geri Prado will be joining the Mayor’s Office of Federal Affairs to assist the
Administration in securing its legislative agenda in Washington.  Geri’s nearly
two-decade career in issue advocacy and organizing -- including at the AFL-CIO
where she worked as X, overseeing legislative, electoral and issue information
programs -- makes her well-suited to help the Administration achieve these
critical goals.  TPAC will continue its work to insert progressive voices into the
national conversation about income inequality, build-out its network of
partners, and convene leaders and activists on a host of issues from across the
country to take action. 
Background // Q+A
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->TPAC will be operated day-to-
day by XYZ
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Future announcements on
TPAC’s leadership team will be made in the coming weeks/months
From: Snyder, Thomas
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2016 3:24 PM
To: Walzak, Phil
Cc: Schwartz, Regina; Jonathan Rosen; Wolfe, Emma
Subject: Re: new lang
Phil, can you write it up with Jonathan’s more generic approach?
From: Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
Date: Monday, April 4, 2016 at 3:14 PM
To: Tom Snyder <tsnyder@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Walzak, Phil" <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Emma
Wolfe <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Schwartz, Regina" <RSchwartz@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: new lang
Just joining fed affairs to support NYC’s leg agenda. Why make it specific? 
From: Snyder, Thomas [mailto:TSnyder@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2016 3:14 PM
To: Walzak, Phil; Wolfe, Emma
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; Schwartz, Regina
Subject: Re: new lang
That was Andie Zuniga’s recommendation for the work Geri would do. Alternative explanation?
From: "Walzak, Phil" <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Monday, April 4, 2016 at 3:11 PM
To: Emma Wolfe <EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Tom Snyder <tsnyder@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Jonathan@berlinrosen.com" <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>, "Schwartz, Regina"
Subject: RE: new lang
EW doesn’t want to spotlight approps this way
I must say im at a loss on what to do here
From: Wolfe, Emma
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2016 3:03 PM
To: Walzak, Phil; Snyder, Thomas
Cc: Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Schwartz, Regina
Subject: RE: new lang
Um, HUH?
From: Walzak, Phil
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2016 2:54 PM
To: Snyder, Thomas
Cc: Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Wolfe, Emma
Subject: new lang
+JRo, EW
How is this? -
Geri Prado will be joining the Mayor’s Office of Federal Affairs in Washington
to assist the Administration in securing a number of Appropriations requests
vital to New York City.  Geri’s nearly two-decade career in issue advocacy and
organizing -- including at the AFL-CIO where she worked as X, overseeing
legislative, electoral and issue information programs -- makes her well-suited
to help the Administration achieve these critical investments during the
upcoming federal budget process.  TPAC will continue its work to insert
progressive voices into the national conversation about income inequality,
build-out its network of partners, and convene leaders and activists on a host
of issues from across the country to take action. 
Background // Q+A
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->TPAC will be operated day-to-
day by XYZ
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Future announcements on
TPAC’s leadership team will be made in the coming weeks/months
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->The Approps requests Geri will
work to secure for the people of NYC are attached and will be shared (?)
From: Snyder, Thomas
To: Walzak, Phil
Cc: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Re: GP
Date: Monday, April 04, 2016 7:34:42 PM


Sent from my iPhone

> On Apr 4, 2016, at 7:13 PM, Walzak, Phil <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

> We shd develop answers to these qs
> I still think we tell a reporter this is happening so it is controlled, rather than let is just get discovered
and who knows who that is or what they do w it
> But yes get her feedback on the the blanks and lets get a tight a doc on this as possible
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Snyder, Thomas
> Sent: Monday, April 04, 2016 6:45 PM
> To: Walzak, Phil
> Subject: GP
> See Geri¹s reactions below. What do you think?
>> On 4/4/16, 6:43 PM, "Geri Prado" <geri@progressiveagenda.us> wrote:
>> Ok so a few things:
>> I'm going to start telling people I'm leaving. A few reporters will ask
>> why. This answers part of what I will be doing in the short term but
>> what is the reason I'm leaving? That's the tricky part I think.
>> Should I fill in that part for a draft? And what is going to happen to
>> TPAC? Is it still moving on? That will help too so I can say that it
>> will continue and I'm transitioning out  because of XYZ and a search
>> will begin or something like that. The XYZ part I will take a stab at.
>> I wasn't planning on a roll out of me going over to fed affairs were you?
>> All of this make sense?
>>> On Apr 4, 2016, at 6:26 PM, Snyder, Thomas <TSnyder@cityhall.nyc.gov>
>>> wrote:
>>> Here is the draft we are working with:
>>> Geri Prado will be joining the Mayor¹s Office of Federal Affairs to
>>> assist the Administration in securing its legislative agenda in
>>> Washington.  Geri¹s nearly two-decade career in issue advocacy and
>>> organizing -- including at the AFL-CIO where she worked as X,
>>> overseeing legislative, electoral and issue information programs --
>>> makes her well-suited to help the Administration achieve these critical goals.
>>> TPAC will continue its work to insert progressive voices into the
>>> national conversation about income inequality, build-out its network
>>> of partners, and convene leaders and activists on a host of issues
>>> from across the country to take action.
>>> <winmail.dat>
From: Snyder, Thomas
To: Walzak, Phil
Cc: Jonathan@berlinrosen.com
Subject: Re: lingo
Date: Monday, April 04, 2016 7:49:53 PM

I agree. I think best approach is for us to tell her we have a plan, show/discuss with
her, and then execute. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 4, 2016, at 7:44 PM, Walzak, Phil <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Why the NYT?

Why do we want this there
We want to be minimizing this
I don't get this plan at all

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Snyder, Thomas
Sent: Monday, April 4, 2016 7:38 PM
To: Walzak, Phil; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com
Subject: Fwd: lingo

See below

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Geri Prado <geri@progressiveagenda.us>

Date: April 4, 2016 at 6:54:56 PM EDT
To: "Snyder, Thomas" <TSnyder@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: lingo

I will sit down with Alex Burns from the NYT for an off the
record coffee. I developed a relationship there and I want to
keep it.

The rest of the NYC reporters I don't care about and won't
but they will be reaching out soon and I need to direct them
to someone. When I say I'm moving on they'll ask why and to
where. That would be Nahimas (Politico), WSJ likely will ask
soon after and Goen from the Post. This will be specially on
the filings. The DC reporters never really covered outside of
the forum then we went dark.

Yes missed the TPAC part and I wouldn't plan on telling folks
this fed affairs piece unless they asked.

On Apr 4, 2016, at 6:48 PM, Snyder, Thomas

<TSnyder@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

1. Do you think reporters will quickly get on this?

2. The final sentence of the draft explains that

TPAC will continue.

3. As far as roll-out of you going to Fed Affairs I do

think we have to be

prepared to explain that since it will be public.

4. Yes please do some language  of the XYZs.

On 4/4/16, 6:43 PM, "Geri Prado"

<geri@progressiveagenda.us> wrote:

Ok so a few things:

I'm going to start telling people I'm

leaving. A few reporters will ask

why. This answers part of what I will be

doing in the short term but what

is the reason I'm leaving? That's the

tricky part I think.

Should I fill in that part for a draft? And

what is going to happen to

TPAC? Is it still moving on? That will

help too so I can say that it will

continue and I'm transitioning out

 because of XYZ and a search will

begin or something like that. The XYZ

part I will take a stab at.
I wasn't planning on a roll out of me
going over to fed affairs were you?

All of this make sense?

On Apr 4, 2016, at 6:26 PM,

Snyder, Thomas


Here is the draft we are

working with:

Geri Prado will be joining the

Mayor¹s Office of Federal
Affairs to

assist the Administration in

securing its legislative
agenda in

Washington.  Geri¹s nearly

two-decade career in issue
advocacy and

organizing -- including at the

AFL-CIO where she worked
as X, overseeing

legislative, electoral and

issue information programs -
- makes her

well-suited to help the

Administration achieve these
critical goals.

TPAC will continue its work

to insert progressive voices
into the

national conversation about

income inequality, build-out
its network of

partners, and convene

leaders and activists on a
host of issues from

across the country to take



From: Greig, Katherine
To: "Matthew Hassett"; Shaikh, Michael
Cc: Cristian Salazar; Christie Peale; Jovana Rizzo
Subject: RE: FW: NFIP rate increases
Date: Tuesday, April 05, 2016 10:46:35 AM

Curious - How many hits do you usually get?


KATHERINE GREIG |   212-788-1464

From: Matthew Hassett [mailto:matthew.hassett@cnycn.org]
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2016 4:17 PM
To: Shaikh, Michael
Cc: Greig, Katherine; Cristian Salazar; Christie Peale; Jovana Rizzo
Subject: Re: FW: NFIP rate increases

We pitched a few places today and here's our blog post. I take it that release isn't going to
make it out into the world?

Matthew Hassett  |  Director of Policy & Communications  T 646-786-0895

Center for NYC Neighborhoods

17 Battery Place, Suite 728  |  New York, NY 10004  

On Fri, Apr 1, 2016 at 4:32 PM, Matthew Hassett <matthew.hassett@cnycn.org> wrote:

Thanks Mike. For sure. We decided to pitch Monday morning given the day and hour! Keep
us posted on the release side. Have a good weekend.

Matthew Hassett  |  Director of Policy & Communications  T 646-786-0895

Center for NYC Neighborhoods

17 Battery Place, Suite 728  |  New York, NY 10004  

On Fri, Apr 1, 2016 at 1:58 PM, Shaikh, Michael <mshaikh@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Yes, please do.
I hope we can get traction with CH soon.
Appreciate your help and patience today.
From: Greig, Katherine
Sent: Friday, April 01, 2016 1:52 PM
To: 'Matthew Hassett'
Cc: Cristian Salazar; Christie Peale; Jovana Rizzo; Shaikh, Michael
Subject: RE: FW: NFIP rate increases

Yeah – I think that’s fine


KATHERINE GREIG |   212-788-1464

From: Matthew Hassett [mailto:matthew.hassett@cnycn.org]
Sent: Friday, April 01, 2016 12:59 PM
To: Greig, Katherine
Cc: Cristian Salazar; Christie Peale; Jovana Rizzo; Shaikh, Michael
Subject: Re: FW: NFIP rate increases

Aha -- thanks. We were planning to pitch this story regardless (before having heard about the
release this morning). So we will go ahead with that plan if this may not go out.

On Friday, April 1, 2016, Greig, Katherine <KGreig@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Still not a definite it makes the cut. City Hall is swamped with budget stuff.

KATHERINE GREIG |   212-788-1464

From: Matthew Hassett [mailto:matthew.hassett@cnycn.org]
Sent: Friday, April 01, 2016 12:44 PM
To: Cristian Salazar
Cc: Greig, Katherine; Christie Peale; Jovana Rizzo; Shaikh, Michael
Subject: Re: FW: NFIP rate increases

Hi Michael,

Just noticed one missing space, fixed here. When is this going out? We're not on your press

"Rising flood insurance rates have become a financial burden on the thousands of middle- and working-
class families living in the city's waterfront communities, and especially those still recovering from
Hurricane Sandy," said Christie Peale, Executive Director of the Center for NYC Neighborhoods. "We thank
the City and FEMA for working to cap certain policy rates at 5% this year, a much needed relief that will
save New York homeowners millions of dollars across the five boroughs. We encourage homeowners to
visit FloodHelpNY.org and contact the Center for free, high-quality assistance if they have questions about
their flood risk and rising insurance costs."

Many thanks,

Matthew Hassett  |  Director of Policy & Communications  T 646-786-0895

Center for NYC Neighborhoods

17 Battery Place, Suite 728  |  New York, NY 10004  
On Fri, Apr 1, 2016 at 10:51 AM, Cristian Salazar <cristian.salazar@cnycn.org> wrote:
Hi Michael,

Here's the quote from Christie:

"Rising flood insurance rates have become a financial burden on the thousands of middle- and working-
class families living in the city's waterfront communities, and especially those still recovering from
Hurricane Sandy," said Christie Peale, Executive Director of the Center for NYC Neighborhoods. "We thank
the City and FEMA for working to capcertain policy rates at 5% this year, a much needed relief that will
save New York homeowners millions of dollars across the five boroughs. We encourage homeowners to
visit FloodHelpNY.org and contact the Center for free, high-quality assistance if they have questions about
their flood risk and rising insurance costs."
Let me know if you need anything else from us. 

On Fri, Apr 1, 2016 at 10:32 AM, Greig, Katherine <KGreig@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

+ Michael
Michael will send the latest draft and if we could get a quote from Christie that would be great.
Do you think we should also ask Meg?

KATHERINE GREIG |   212-788-1464

From: Cristian Salazar [mailto:cristian.salazar@cnycn.org]
Sent: Friday, April 01, 2016 9:59 AM
To: Matthew Hassett
Cc: Greig, Katherine; Christie Peale; Jovana Rizzo
Subject: Re: FW: NFIP rate increases

And can we make sure our name is "Center for NYC Neighborhoods" in the release,
following our brand guide?

On Fri, Apr 1, 2016 at 9:56 AM, Matthew Hassett <matthew.hassett@cnycn.org> wrote:

Oh and second mention is for FoodHelpNY :)

I think that's Amy Schumer's blog

On Friday, April 1, 2016, Matthew Hassett <matthew.hassett@cnycn.org> wrote:
Thanks no I don't think so actually. Has someone contacted you Christie?

Floodhelpny is spelled out in reverse in first mention.

It appears you'll need a quote from Christie...?

On Friday, April 1, 2016, Greig, Katherine <KGreig@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

FYI – I think Michael has been in touch with you guys on this but just a heads up

KATHERINE GREIG |   212-788-1464

From: Zarrilli, Dan

Sent: Friday, April 01, 2016 12:02 AM
To: Greig, Katherine; Shaikh, Michael
Subject: RE: NFIP rate increases

Minus Amy

My edits are in here, largely aiming for plain language where possible – I also think we
were burying the cost-saving news by only getting to it in the mayor’s quote – here’s my
take for your review first

Please loop in Rebecca if you haven’t already to perhaps heads up our federal delegation
on this.


CONTACT: pressoffice@cityhall.nyc.gov, (212) 788-2958


FEMA’s flood insurance rates will increase dramatically if policies lapse. Efforts to
ensure affordability will save New York City coastal households millions of dollars per
New York City – Mayor de Blasio today urges New York City homeowners to avoid steep
flood insurance rate hikes by renewing their policies before they expire and thanks FEMA
for holding certain policies to only a 5% annual increase instead of a possible 18% annual
increase. Effective April 1, 2016, policy holders could see increases in their flood insurance
rates and those rate hikes would be dramatically higher if those policies were allowed to
expire. Thanks to effective advocacy by New York City and others, New York households
will save millions of dollars per year as a result.

“Thanks to a successful effort to demonstrate the affordability challenges of the National

Flood Insurance Program, the federal government has agreed to cap increases on certain
policies at a 5% annual increase rather than letting them rise by 18%. That increase would
have been an added financial burden on New Yorkers, who are still recovering from
Hurricane Sandy,” said Mayor de Blasio. “Our effort saves thousands of households in
coastal areas across the city millions of dollars in premium hikes annually. This is just
another way we’re fighting to keep our city affordable for working and middle-class

The City is still concerned about the rising increases on businesses and will continue to
advocate that FEMA provide credits for mitigation options that are more feasible in dense,
urban floodplains as a way to reduce risk and cost simultaneously.

In order to avoid the jump to much higher, "full risk" rates, homeowners should
immediately do the following:

- Check your policy renewal date.

- Call your insurance broker and ensure you renew your policy before it lapses.

- Learn more about flood insurance at nyfloodhelp.org.

The City will continue to advocate for effective reforms to the National Flood Insurance
Program, and will continue its successful partnership with the Center for New York City
Neighborhoods (CNYCN) to educate New Yorkers on flood risk and insurance and work
with policyholders to understand the benefits of maintaining continuous coverage.

“New York City continues to fight to ensure that flood insurance remains available and
affordable,” said Daniel Zarrilli, the Mayor’s Senior Director for Climate Policy and
Programs, “Thanks to FEMA for hearing our concerns and holding certain policy
premiums to only a 5% annual increase instead of what could have been an 18% annual
increase, saving New Yorkers millions of dollars every year. Even so, we remain
concerned about other elements of the National Flood Insurance Program and will continue
to advocate for reforms that promote mitigation and affordability measures that adequately
account for the unique characteristics of dense, urban floodplains.”

All property owners should understand their flood risk. New York City resident who have
a federally backed mortgage or received federal disaster assistance – including through
Build it Back – and live in a high risk area, are required to purchase flood insurance.
Homeowners may be able to purchase flood insurance through the same company that
provides their homeowners insurance. However, homeowners insurance does not cover
damage from floods and federal disaster assistance is not guaranteed in the event of a

Property owners, who are not in a flood zone, could still be at risk and should strongly
consider purchasing flood insurance which is much more affordable outside the high risk

“TK Quote from CNYC,” said Christie Peale, Executive Director, Center for New York
City Neighborhoods.
New Yorkers can understand their property’s flood risk by visiting FoodHelpNY.org.

Matthew Hassett  |  Director of Policy & Communications  T 646-786-0895

Center for NYC Neighborhoods

17 Battery Place, Suite 728  |  New York, NY 10004  

Matthew Hassett  |  Director of Policy & Communications  T 646-786-0895

Center for NYC Neighborhoods

17 Battery Place, Suite 728  |  New York, NY 10004  

Cristian Salazar|  Communications Manager  O 646-786-0898 M 929-340-8871
Center for NYC Neighborhoods
17 Battery Place, Suite 728  |  New York, NY 10004  

Cristian Salazar|  Communications Manager  O 646-786-0898 M 929-340-8871
Center for NYC Neighborhoods
17 Battery Place, Suite 728  |  New York, NY 10004  
Matthew Hassett  |  Director of Policy & Communications  T 646-786-0895

Center for NYC Neighborhoods

17 Battery Place, Suite 728  |  New York, NY 10004  
From: Hanah Smith
To: Cooper, Crystal; Szypko, Robert; Scaife, Jennifer
Cc: Kyle Moler; Oliver Kendall; Samuel Knowles
Subject: Website Blurb for Review & Materials Timeline
Date: Tuesday, April 05, 2016 2:37:53 PM
Attachments: image003.png
New York SJC Website Blurb Draft for Review 4.5.16.docx

Hi All –
Thanks again for a very productive discussion! In follow up to our call, please find attached the
Safety and Justice Challenge NYC website blurb for your review. As I mentioned, this will be posted
to the Safety and Justice Challenge website and will replace what’s currently there
(http://www.safetyandjusticechallenge.org/challenge-site/new-york-city/). Once it is approved by
both you all and the Foundation, we will send a final copy back to you that you can use at your
discretion as well.
One quick note on the blurb: We did already begin to update some of the language we had included
about the stability score based on our conversation today  but I imagine this will need further
refinement based on your internal discussions.
As a recap to our call, please find below a full schedule for the materials review:
- Safety and Justice Challenge Website Blurb
o NYC to review and approve by noon on Thursday, April 7
o M+R to share with the Foundation
o Foundation to review and approve by Friday, April 8 (or Monday, April 11 as a
o M+R to share final blurb with NYC once we have the final
o Website blurb to go live on safetyandjusticechallenge.org on April 13
- Template Press Release
o NYC to tailor and approve by noon on Thursday, April 7
o M+R to share with the Foundation
o Foundation to review and approve by Friday, April 8 (or Monday, April 11 as a
o M+R to share final release with NYC as soon as we have the final
- Media Fact Sheet
o NYC to tailor and approve by noon on Thursday, April 7
o M+R to share with the Foundation
o Foundation to review and approve by Friday, April 8 (or Monday, April 11 as a
o M+R to share final fact sheet with NYC as soon as we have the final
- Tough Q&A
o NYC to update and share internally for reference (M+R does not need to see
- Messaging package
o Jennifer to re-connect with M+R on Friday about best next steps for updating
messaging package, based on final budget
- Social media templates
o M+R to share by Friday, April 8
o If applicable based on Twitter functionality, NYC to tailor for your use on April
13 th and throughout the first week  post-announcement to help further the news
- Stakeholder outreach templates
o M+R to share by Friday, April 8
o NYC to tailor for your use on April 13 th and/or post-announcement day to help
further the news
Please let me know if you have any questions on the above or if there’s anything else we can be
helpful with in follow up. Thanks!
Hanah + Team
Hanah Smith Vice President

1901 L Street NW Suite 800 | Washington DC 20036

202-478-6143 (o) | 734-679-6348 (m) | hsmith@mrss.com
www.mrss.com | Facebook | Twitter

Proposed Website Blurb for New York City – DRAFT
April 5, 2016

New York City has seen a steep decline in serious crime since the early 1990s, accompanied by a
dramatic drop in local jail incarceration, with populations declining 55 percent from 21,688 in 1991
to under 10,000 in 2014. City leaders continue to find ways to further decrease crime and jail
populations like increasing pretrial supervised release through a risk-based system. The city has also
taken steps to improve services in jail, like mental health resources and more effective reentry
planning to curb recidivism. To continue building on past reform efforts, New York was awarded $2
million from the Safety and Justice Challenge to invest in innovative and commonsense strategies to
further reduce the average daily jail population over the next two years.

To reduce the jail population safely, the city will institutionalize systemic changes that will accelerate
case processing times, reduce unnecessary detention, and further calibrate the local justice system’s
response to risk and need. The city, for example, will begin work on a first-of-its kind “stability
score” assessment that will look at the short and long-term impacts of detention on a given defendant
to provide an individualized projection of how detention will impact that person’s housing, job
stability, and ability to meet familial or other commitments. To help address racial disparity, the
Mayor’s office of Criminal Justice, which is leading the reform effort, will also work with members
of the judiciary, local law enforcement, prosecutors and the defense bar to conduct implicit bias
training and build a feedback loop through which these agencies will receive updated information
about disparities at each decision point within the system.
From: Dan Levitan
To: Hinton, Karen
Subject: RE: INCOMING - Inquiry from the Forward re: describe the relationship between the Mayor’s office and Jeremy
Date: Tuesday, April 05, 2016 3:30:45 PM

Are you callable?

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Hinton, Karen [mailto:KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2016 3:17 PM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: FW: INCOMING - Inquiry from the Forward re: describe the relationship between the
Mayor’s office and Jeremy Reichberg

Dan – Understand you are handling…

From: Walzak, Phil
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2016 2:46 PM
To: Hinton, Karen; @Incoming; @IGA
Subject: RE: INCOMING - Inquiry from the Forward re: describe the relationship between the Mayor’s
office and Jeremy Reichberg

Lets send these to BR, its abt donations and they are formulating a response
From: Hinton, Karen
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2016 2:45 PM
To: @Incoming; @IGA
Subject: FW: INCOMING - Inquiry from the Forward re: describe the relationship between the Mayor’s
office and Jeremy Reichberg

Does anybody know anything about this?

From: Mayor's Press Office
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2016 12:57 PM
To: @Incoming; Hinton, Karen
Subject: INCOMING - Inquiry from the Forward re: describe the relationship between the Mayor’s office
and Jeremy Reichberg

KH -
From: Josh Nathan-Kazis [mailto:nathankazis@forward.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2016 12:53 PM
To: Mayor's Press Office
Subject: Inquiry from the Forward

Can you describe the relationship between the Mayor’s office and Jeremy Reichberg, the man
mentioned in this story: http://nypost.com/2016/04/05/fbi-investigating-nypd-for-alleged-

I’m on a tight deadline. You can reach me at 212 453 9453.



Josh Nathan-Kazis
Staff Writer, Forward
From: Dan Levitan
To: Michael Gartland; Hinton, Karen
Cc: Yoav Gonen
Subject: RE: Reichberg and Rechnitz follow up
Date: Tuesday, April 05, 2016 5:15:28 PM

Mike – spoke to Yoav about this earlier.  On background, as was reported at the time, there was a
fundraiser at his house:
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Michael Gartland [mailto:mgartland@nypost.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2016 5:07 PM
To: Karen Hinton <KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Reichberg and Rechnitz follow up

A source is telling us that the mayor personally went to

Reichberg's residence to pick up a contribution check.
Is that the case? If not, how was the contribution conveyed?

Michael Gartland
NY Post
From: Samuel Knowles
To: Cooper, Crystal; Szypko, Robert
Cc: Hanah Smith; kmoler@mrss.com
Subject: RE: AP request for Thursday
Date: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 9:26:24 AM

Thanks, Crystal.
From: Cooper, Crystal [mailto:CCooper2@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 9:20 AM
To: Samuel Knowles <samuel.knowles@berlinrosen.com>; Szypko, Robert
Cc: Hanah Smith <hsmith@mrss.com>; kmoler@mrss.com
Subject: RE: AP request for Thursday
Hi Sam,
Thanks for sending this along. We will confirm who is holding the interview and availability as soon
as possible today so that you can connect us with Jake via email.
Crystal Cooper
Senior Press Analyst
Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice
From: Samuel Knowles [mailto:samuel.knowles@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 9:03 AM
To: Szypko, Robert; Cooper, Crystal
Cc: Hanah Smith; kmoler@mrss.com
Subject: AP request for Thursday
Hi Rob and Crystal,
Jake Pearson at the AP would like to speak with someone Thursday about NYC’s work through the
initiative. He’s written several pieces about the SJC, so he’s well versed in the work overall.
Laurie at the Foundation is giving him an overview of the announcement at 11am on Thursday, so
ideally some time in the afternoon.
Can you let me know if that’s possible and who will be doing the interview? Once that’s set, I’ll plan
to connect him to you two over email so you’re in touch on any final logistics. Please let me know
any questions or concerns.
Thanks so much,


Sam Knowles
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
o: 646-200-5292
m: 917-359-3351
From: Samuel Knowles
To: Cooper, Crystal; Szypko, Robert
Cc: Hanah Smith; kmoler@mrss.com; Mark Ro Beyersdorf; Sam Scarrow
Subject: RE: AP request for Thursday
Date: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 1:54:05 PM

Thanks, Crystal. Separately, Ryan Reilly at the Huffington Post would like to speak to someone
Thursday afternoon or Friday if you can let us know a good time to offer him. Copying my colleagues
Mark and Sam Scarrow here too, who may be in touch with additional requests.

Sam Knowles
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
o: 646-200-5292
m: 917-359-3351
From: Cooper, Crystal [mailto:CCooper2@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 9:20 AM
To: Samuel Knowles <samuel.knowles@berlinrosen.com>; Szypko, Robert
Cc: Hanah Smith <hsmith@mrss.com>; kmoler@mrss.com
Subject: RE: AP request for Thursday
Hi Sam,
Thanks for sending this along. We will confirm who is holding the interview and availability as soon
as possible today so that you can connect us with Jake via email.
Crystal Cooper
Senior Press Analyst
Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice
From: Samuel Knowles [mailto:samuel.knowles@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 9:03 AM
To: Szypko, Robert; Cooper, Crystal
Cc: Hanah Smith; kmoler@mrss.com
Subject: AP request for Thursday
Hi Rob and Crystal,
Jake Pearson at the AP would like to speak with someone Thursday about NYC’s work through the
initiative. He’s written several pieces about the SJC, so he’s well versed in the work overall.
Laurie at the Foundation is giving him an overview of the announcement at 11am on Thursday, so
ideally some time in the afternoon.
Can you let me know if that’s possible and who will be doing the interview? Once that’s set, I’ll plan
to connect him to you two over email so you’re in touch on any final logistics. Please let me know
any questions or concerns.
Thanks so much,


Sam Knowles
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
o: 646-200-5292
m: 917-359-3351
From: Samuel Knowles
To: Cooper, Crystal; Szypko, Robert
Cc: Hanah Smith; kmoler@mrss.com; Mark Ro Beyersdorf; Sam Scarrow
Subject: RE: AP request for Thursday
Date: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 5:19:50 PM

Great, thanks Crystal. Just wanted to circle back on these. Thanks a lot, Sam
From: Cooper, Crystal [mailto:CCooper2@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 1:55 PM
To: Samuel Knowles <samuel.knowles@berlinrosen.com>; Szypko, Robert
Cc: Hanah Smith <hsmith@mrss.com>; kmoler@mrss.com; Mark Ro Beyersdorf
<mark@berlinrosen.com>; Sam Scarrow <Sam.Scarrow@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: AP request for Thursday
That’s awesome! Thanks for reaching out to these folks. Will let you know timing for this and the AP
interview soon.
From: Samuel Knowles [mailto:samuel.knowles@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 1:54 PM
To: Cooper, Crystal; Szypko, Robert
Cc: Hanah Smith; kmoler@mrss.com; Mark Ro Beyersdorf; Sam Scarrow
Subject: RE: AP request for Thursday
Thanks, Crystal. Separately, Ryan Reilly at the Huffington Post would like to speak to someone
Thursday afternoon or Friday if you can let us know a good time to offer him. Copying my colleagues
Mark and Sam Scarrow here too, who may be in touch with additional requests.

Sam Knowles
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
o: 646-200-5292
m: 917-359-3351
From: Cooper, Crystal [mailto:CCooper2@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 9:20 AM
To: Samuel Knowles <samuel.knowles@berlinrosen.com>; Szypko, Robert
Cc: Hanah Smith <hsmith@mrss.com>; kmoler@mrss.com
Subject: RE: AP request for Thursday
Hi Sam,
Thanks for sending this along. We will confirm who is holding the interview and availability as soon
as possible today so that you can connect us with Jake via email.
Crystal Cooper
Senior Press Analyst
Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice
From: Samuel Knowles [mailto:samuel.knowles@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 9:03 AM
To: Szypko, Robert; Cooper, Crystal
Cc: Hanah Smith; kmoler@mrss.com
Subject: AP request for Thursday
Hi Rob and Crystal,
Jake Pearson at the AP would like to speak with someone Thursday about NYC’s work through the
initiative. He’s written several pieces about the SJC, so he’s well versed in the work overall.
Laurie at the Foundation is giving him an overview of the announcement at 11am on Thursday, so
ideally some time in the afternoon.
Can you let me know if that’s possible and who will be doing the interview? Once that’s set, I’ll plan
to connect him to you two over email so you’re in touch on any final logistics. Please let me know
any questions or concerns.
Thanks so much,


Sam Knowles
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
o: 646-200-5292
m: 917-359-3351
From: Adams Baker, Marti
To: "Jonathan Rosen"
Subject: RE: Jake Tapper
Date: Thursday, April 07, 2016 9:25:41 AM

-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2016 9:20 AM
To: Adams Baker, Marti
Subject: Re: Jake Tapper

What's your cell?

> On Apr 6, 2016, at 12:09 PM, Adams Baker, Marti <MAdams@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
> Just spoke to Jake
> He's doing the show from NYC on Thursday and Friday
> Would like Mayor either this week or next. Think it would be great to do it in person
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Adams Baker, Marti
> Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 11:58 AM
> To: 'jonathan@berlinrosen.com' <jonathan@berlinrosen.com>; Hinton, Karen; Walzak, Phil;
Hagelgans, Andrea
> Subject: Fw: Jake Tapper
> Tapper wants Mayor
> Also have a request from Erin Burnett
> I understand there's a running list on nat'l requests
> Who's running point on this?
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: B
> Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 11:51 AM
> To: Adams Baker, Marti
> Subject: Jake Tepper
> Pls follow up with him and loop Rosen/Comms. He wants to interview me re: NY
From: Cooper, Crystal
To: Samuel Knowles; Szypko, Robert
Cc: Hanah Smith; kmoler@mrss.com; Mark Ro Beyersdorf; Sam Scarrow
Subject: RE: AP request for Thursday
Date: Thursday, April 07, 2016 1:05:13 PM

Hi Sam,
Just tried to give you a call but couldn’t reach you. Nonetheless, to tie up loose ends –
The director of our office, Elizabeth Glazer, would be holding both of these interviews. She very
much still wants to speak to Jake even if he’s mostly squared away on his story. The only thing is that
this week is looking like a tight squeeze for her to do either of these interviews. Monday, however,
is much better. Would it be possible to follow up with Jake and Ryan and ask if they can make
Monday work instead? Apologies for the inconvenience and delay in response.
Also just want to confirm the content of the pre-interviews (with the national and local outlets
you’ve pre-pitched). Have they NYC-specific re: our plan, or about the SJC initiative generally and
mentioning NYC among other selected jurisdictions?
Looking forward to your reply when you can.
From: Samuel Knowles [mailto:samuel.knowles@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2016 10:04 AM
To: Cooper, Crystal; Szypko, Robert
Cc: Hanah Smith; kmoler@mrss.com; Mark Ro Beyersdorf; Sam Scarrow
Subject: RE: AP request for Thursday
Hi Crystal, we’d like to circle back with these reporters this morning if possible. Just to note the
timelines, AP had asked for today and HuffPo had asked for today or Friday. Do you think we’ll be
able to make that timeline? At least for AP, the reporter might end up being set for reporting if it’s
not possible to set something up, but wanted to circle back with him on whether an interview today
is something we can offer. And HuffPo still interested in setting something up.
From: Cooper, Crystal [mailto:CCooper2@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 1:55 PM
To: Samuel Knowles <samuel.knowles@berlinrosen.com>; Szypko, Robert
Cc: Hanah Smith <hsmith@mrss.com>; kmoler@mrss.com; Mark Ro Beyersdorf
<mark@berlinrosen.com>; Sam Scarrow <Sam.Scarrow@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: AP request for Thursday
That’s awesome! Thanks for reaching out to these folks. Will let you know timing for this and the AP
interview soon.
From: Samuel Knowles [mailto:samuel.knowles@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 1:54 PM
To: Cooper, Crystal; Szypko, Robert
Cc: Hanah Smith; kmoler@mrss.com; Mark Ro Beyersdorf; Sam Scarrow
Subject: RE: AP request for Thursday
Thanks, Crystal. Separately, Ryan Reilly at the Huffington Post would like to speak to someone
Thursday afternoon or Friday if you can let us know a good time to offer him. Copying my colleagues
Mark and Sam Scarrow here too, who may be in touch with additional requests.

Sam Knowles
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
o: 646-200-5292
m: 917-359-3351
From: Cooper, Crystal [mailto:CCooper2@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 9:20 AM
To: Samuel Knowles <samuel.knowles@berlinrosen.com>; Szypko, Robert
Cc: Hanah Smith <hsmith@mrss.com>; kmoler@mrss.com
Subject: RE: AP request for Thursday
Hi Sam,
Thanks for sending this along. We will confirm who is holding the interview and availability as soon
as possible today so that you can connect us with Jake via email.
Crystal Cooper
Senior Press Analyst
Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice
From: Samuel Knowles [mailto:samuel.knowles@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 9:03 AM
To: Szypko, Robert; Cooper, Crystal
Cc: Hanah Smith; kmoler@mrss.com
Subject: AP request for Thursday
Hi Rob and Crystal,
Jake Pearson at the AP would like to speak with someone Thursday about NYC’s work through the
initiative. He’s written several pieces about the SJC, so he’s well versed in the work overall.
Laurie at the Foundation is giving him an overview of the announcement at 11am on Thursday, so
ideally some time in the afternoon.
Can you let me know if that’s possible and who will be doing the interview? Once that’s set, I’ll plan
to connect him to you two over email so you’re in touch on any final logistics. Please let me know
any questions or concerns.
Thanks so much,


Sam Knowles
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
o: 646-200-5292
m: 917-359-3351
From: Cooper, Crystal
To: Samuel Knowles; Szypko, Robert
Cc: Hanah Smith; kmoler@mrss.com; Mark Ro Beyersdorf; Sam Scarrow
Subject: RE: AP request for Thursday
Date: Thursday, April 07, 2016 3:01:39 PM

Great! Let me check in on that now. Thanks!

From: Samuel Knowles [mailto:samuel.knowles@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2016 2:48 PM
To: Cooper, Crystal; Szypko, Robert
Cc: Hanah Smith; kmoler@mrss.com; Mark Ro Beyersdorf; Sam Scarrow
Subject: RE: AP request for Thursday
Hi Crystal,
Thanks for hopping on the phone. Jake can do Monday. What’s the best time? Still waiting on Ryan.

From: Samuel Knowles
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2016 10:04 AM
To: 'Cooper, Crystal' <CCooper2@cityhall.nyc.gov>; 'Szypko, Robert' <RSzypko@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: 'Hanah Smith' <hsmith@mrss.com>; 'kmoler@mrss.com' <kmoler@mrss.com>; Mark Ro
Beyersdorf <mark@berlinrosen.com>; Sam Scarrow <Sam.Scarrow@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: AP request for Thursday
Hi Crystal, we’d like to circle back with these reporters this morning if possible. Just to note the
timelines, AP had asked for today and HuffPo had asked for today or Friday. Do you think we’ll be
able to make that timeline? At least for AP, the reporter might end up being set for reporting if it’s
not possible to set something up, but wanted to circle back with him on whether an interview today
is something we can offer. And HuffPo still interested in setting something up.
From: Cooper, Crystal [mailto:CCooper2@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 1:55 PM
To: Samuel Knowles <samuel.knowles@berlinrosen.com>; Szypko, Robert
Cc: Hanah Smith <hsmith@mrss.com>; kmoler@mrss.com; Mark Ro Beyersdorf
<mark@berlinrosen.com>; Sam Scarrow <Sam.Scarrow@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: AP request for Thursday
That’s awesome! Thanks for reaching out to these folks. Will let you know timing for this and the AP
interview soon.
From: Samuel Knowles [mailto:samuel.knowles@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 1:54 PM
To: Cooper, Crystal; Szypko, Robert
Cc: Hanah Smith; kmoler@mrss.com; Mark Ro Beyersdorf; Sam Scarrow
Subject: RE: AP request for Thursday
Thanks, Crystal. Separately, Ryan Reilly at the Huffington Post would like to speak to someone
Thursday afternoon or Friday if you can let us know a good time to offer him. Copying my colleagues
Mark and Sam Scarrow here too, who may be in touch with additional requests.

Sam Knowles
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
o: 646-200-5292
m: 917-359-3351
From: Cooper, Crystal [mailto:CCooper2@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 9:20 AM
To: Samuel Knowles <samuel.knowles@berlinrosen.com>; Szypko, Robert
Cc: Hanah Smith <hsmith@mrss.com>; kmoler@mrss.com
Subject: RE: AP request for Thursday
Hi Sam,
Thanks for sending this along. We will confirm who is holding the interview and availability as soon
as possible today so that you can connect us with Jake via email.
Crystal Cooper
Senior Press Analyst
Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice
From: Samuel Knowles [mailto:samuel.knowles@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 9:03 AM
To: Szypko, Robert; Cooper, Crystal
Cc: Hanah Smith; kmoler@mrss.com
Subject: AP request for Thursday
Hi Rob and Crystal,
Jake Pearson at the AP would like to speak with someone Thursday about NYC’s work through the
initiative. He’s written several pieces about the SJC, so he’s well versed in the work overall.
Laurie at the Foundation is giving him an overview of the announcement at 11am on Thursday, so
ideally some time in the afternoon.
Can you let me know if that’s possible and who will be doing the interview? Once that’s set, I’ll plan
to connect him to you two over email so you’re in touch on any final logistics. Please let me know
any questions or concerns.
Thanks so much,


Sam Knowles
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
o: 646-200-5292
m: 917-359-3351
From: Samuel Knowles
To: Cooper, Crystal; Szypko, Robert
Cc: Hanah Smith; kmoler@mrss.com; Mark Ro Beyersdorf; Sam Scarrow
Subject: RE: AP request for Thursday
Date: Thursday, April 07, 2016 3:05:22 PM

Ryan is good for Monday too, so if you have two options on Monday, we’ll set it up. Thanks a lot,
From: Samuel Knowles
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2016 2:48 PM
To: 'Cooper, Crystal' <CCooper2@cityhall.nyc.gov>; 'Szypko, Robert' <RSzypko@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: 'Hanah Smith' <hsmith@mrss.com>; 'kmoler@mrss.com' <kmoler@mrss.com>; Mark Ro
Beyersdorf <mark@berlinrosen.com>; Sam Scarrow <Sam.Scarrow@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: AP request for Thursday
Hi Crystal,
Thanks for hopping on the phone. Jake can do Monday. What’s the best time? Still waiting on Ryan.

From: Samuel Knowles
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2016 10:04 AM
To: 'Cooper, Crystal' <CCooper2@cityhall.nyc.gov>; 'Szypko, Robert' <RSzypko@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: 'Hanah Smith' <hsmith@mrss.com>; 'kmoler@mrss.com' <kmoler@mrss.com>; Mark Ro
Beyersdorf <mark@berlinrosen.com>; Sam Scarrow <Sam.Scarrow@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: AP request for Thursday
Hi Crystal, we’d like to circle back with these reporters this morning if possible. Just to note the
timelines, AP had asked for today and HuffPo had asked for today or Friday. Do you think we’ll be
able to make that timeline? At least for AP, the reporter might end up being set for reporting if it’s
not possible to set something up, but wanted to circle back with him on whether an interview today
is something we can offer. And HuffPo still interested in setting something up.
From: Cooper, Crystal [mailto:CCooper2@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 1:55 PM
To: Samuel Knowles <samuel.knowles@berlinrosen.com>; Szypko, Robert
Cc: Hanah Smith <hsmith@mrss.com>; kmoler@mrss.com; Mark Ro Beyersdorf
<mark@berlinrosen.com>; Sam Scarrow <Sam.Scarrow@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: AP request for Thursday
That’s awesome! Thanks for reaching out to these folks. Will let you know timing for this and the AP
interview soon.
From: Samuel Knowles [mailto:samuel.knowles@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 1:54 PM
To: Cooper, Crystal; Szypko, Robert
Cc: Hanah Smith; kmoler@mrss.com; Mark Ro Beyersdorf; Sam Scarrow
Subject: RE: AP request for Thursday
Thanks, Crystal. Separately, Ryan Reilly at the Huffington Post would like to speak to someone
Thursday afternoon or Friday if you can let us know a good time to offer him. Copying my colleagues
Mark and Sam Scarrow here too, who may be in touch with additional requests.

Sam Knowles
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
o: 646-200-5292
m: 917-359-3351
From: Cooper, Crystal [mailto:CCooper2@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 9:20 AM
To: Samuel Knowles <samuel.knowles@berlinrosen.com>; Szypko, Robert
Cc: Hanah Smith <hsmith@mrss.com>; kmoler@mrss.com
Subject: RE: AP request for Thursday
Hi Sam,
Thanks for sending this along. We will confirm who is holding the interview and availability as soon
as possible today so that you can connect us with Jake via email.
Crystal Cooper
Senior Press Analyst
Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice
From: Samuel Knowles [mailto:samuel.knowles@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 9:03 AM
To: Szypko, Robert; Cooper, Crystal
Cc: Hanah Smith; kmoler@mrss.com
Subject: AP request for Thursday
Hi Rob and Crystal,
Jake Pearson at the AP would like to speak with someone Thursday about NYC’s work through the
initiative. He’s written several pieces about the SJC, so he’s well versed in the work overall.
Laurie at the Foundation is giving him an overview of the announcement at 11am on Thursday, so
ideally some time in the afternoon.
Can you let me know if that’s possible and who will be doing the interview? Once that’s set, I’ll plan
to connect him to you two over email so you’re in touch on any final logistics. Please let me know
any questions or concerns.
Thanks so much,


Sam Knowles
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
o: 646-200-5292
m: 917-359-3351
From: Cooper, Crystal
To: Samuel Knowles; Szypko, Robert
Cc: Hanah Smith; kmoler@mrss.com; Mark Ro Beyersdorf; Sam Scarrow
Subject: RE: NYT -- time sens
Date: Friday, April 08, 2016 1:03:49 PM

So great. Our Chief External Strategy Officer Sarah Solon, who I’m sure you’ve worked with already,
can speak with Joseph on background. Do you want to shoot his info over so we can reach out?
Thanks so much,
From: Samuel Knowles [mailto:samuel.knowles@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2016 12:53 PM
To: Cooper, Crystal; Szypko, Robert
Cc: Hanah Smith; kmoler@mrss.com; Mark Ro Beyersdorf; Sam Scarrow
Subject: NYT -- time sens
Importance: High
Hi Crystal and Rob,
Reaching out with a time sensitive request if you’re able to send a quick response -- Joseph
Goldstein at the New York Times is very interested in speaking with someone in New York about the
efforts. Probably background initially. Is this something we can mobilize quickly?

Happy to hop on the phone to chat if easier. 646-200-5292.



Sam Knowles
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
o: 646-200-5292
m: 917-359-3351
From: Cooper, Crystal [mailto:CCooper2@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2016 3:02 PM
To: Samuel Knowles <samuel.knowles@berlinrosen.com>; Szypko, Robert
Cc: Hanah Smith <hsmith@mrss.com>; kmoler@mrss.com; Mark Ro Beyersdorf
<mark@berlinrosen.com>; Sam Scarrow <Sam.Scarrow@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: AP request for Thursday
Great! Let me check in on that now. Thanks!
From: Samuel Knowles [mailto:samuel.knowles@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2016 2:48 PM
To: Cooper, Crystal; Szypko, Robert
Cc: Hanah Smith; kmoler@mrss.com; Mark Ro Beyersdorf; Sam Scarrow
Subject: RE: AP request for Thursday
Hi Crystal,
Thanks for hopping on the phone. Jake can do Monday. What’s the best time? Still waiting on Ryan.

From: Samuel Knowles
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2016 10:04 AM
To: 'Cooper, Crystal' <CCooper2@cityhall.nyc.gov>; 'Szypko, Robert' <RSzypko@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: 'Hanah Smith' <hsmith@mrss.com>; 'kmoler@mrss.com' <kmoler@mrss.com>; Mark Ro
Beyersdorf <mark@berlinrosen.com>; Sam Scarrow <Sam.Scarrow@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: AP request for Thursday
Hi Crystal, we’d like to circle back with these reporters this morning if possible. Just to note the
timelines, AP had asked for today and HuffPo had asked for today or Friday. Do you think we’ll be
able to make that timeline? At least for AP, the reporter might end up being set for reporting if it’s
not possible to set something up, but wanted to circle back with him on whether an interview today
is something we can offer. And HuffPo still interested in setting something up.
From: Cooper, Crystal [mailto:CCooper2@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 1:55 PM
To: Samuel Knowles <samuel.knowles@berlinrosen.com>; Szypko, Robert
Cc: Hanah Smith <hsmith@mrss.com>; kmoler@mrss.com; Mark Ro Beyersdorf
<mark@berlinrosen.com>; Sam Scarrow <Sam.Scarrow@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: AP request for Thursday
That’s awesome! Thanks for reaching out to these folks. Will let you know timing for this and the AP
interview soon.
From: Samuel Knowles [mailto:samuel.knowles@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 1:54 PM
To: Cooper, Crystal; Szypko, Robert
Cc: Hanah Smith; kmoler@mrss.com; Mark Ro Beyersdorf; Sam Scarrow
Subject: RE: AP request for Thursday
Thanks, Crystal. Separately, Ryan Reilly at the Huffington Post would like to speak to someone
Thursday afternoon or Friday if you can let us know a good time to offer him. Copying my colleagues
Mark and Sam Scarrow here too, who may be in touch with additional requests.

Sam Knowles
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
o: 646-200-5292
m: 917-359-3351
From: Cooper, Crystal [mailto:CCooper2@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 9:20 AM
To: Samuel Knowles <samuel.knowles@berlinrosen.com>; Szypko, Robert
Cc: Hanah Smith <hsmith@mrss.com>; kmoler@mrss.com
Subject: RE: AP request for Thursday
Hi Sam,
Thanks for sending this along. We will confirm who is holding the interview and availability as soon
as possible today so that you can connect us with Jake via email.
Crystal Cooper
Senior Press Analyst
Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice
From: Samuel Knowles [mailto:samuel.knowles@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 9:03 AM
To: Szypko, Robert; Cooper, Crystal
Cc: Hanah Smith; kmoler@mrss.com
Subject: AP request for Thursday
Hi Rob and Crystal,
Jake Pearson at the AP would like to speak with someone Thursday about NYC’s work through the
initiative. He’s written several pieces about the SJC, so he’s well versed in the work overall.
Laurie at the Foundation is giving him an overview of the announcement at 11am on Thursday, so
ideally some time in the afternoon.
Can you let me know if that’s possible and who will be doing the interview? Once that’s set, I’ll plan
to connect him to you two over email so you’re in touch on any final logistics. Please let me know
any questions or concerns.
Thanks so much,


Sam Knowles
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
o: 646-200-5292
m: 917-359-3351
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: Re:
Date: Friday, April 08, 2016 2:08:21 PM


On Apr 8, 2016, at 12:43 PM, Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca <PSalazar-

Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Can you get on a meet the press prep call today at 630pm?
From: Samuel Knowles
To: Cooper, Crystal
Subject: RE: NYT - joseph goldstein info
Date: Friday, April 08, 2016 4:25:19 PM

Thanks so much, Crystal. Appreciate it.

From: Cooper, Crystal [mailto:CCooper2@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2016 3:53 PM
To: Samuel Knowles <samuel.knowles@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: NYT - joseph goldstein info
Hi Sam,
Joseph gave me a call after I reached out via email, and we confirmed his background chat with
Sarah for 5:30 p.m. today. Will make sure to send you notes on how it went afterwards.
From: Samuel Knowles [mailto:samuel.knowles@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2016 3:50 PM
To: Cooper, Crystal
Subject: RE: NYT - joseph goldstein info
Hi Crystal, were you able to connect? Just wanted to make sure and would love a recap whenever
you have it. If he wants to move forward, I’m planning to offer to connect him with the Foundation,
etc. and see what other info we can get him. Thanks, Sam
From: Samuel Knowles
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2016 1:19 PM
To: 'Cooper, Crystal' <CCooper2@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: NYT - joseph goldstein info
Joseph Goldstein
212-556-1234 (must be a general number)
From: Solon, Sarah
To: Joseph Goldstein; Cooper, Crystal
Cc: Samuel Knowles
Subject: RE: NYC MacArthur Safety and Justice Challenge Initiative Request
Date: Friday, April 08, 2016 7:44:42 PM

Hi Joe,

Is there a time between 2pm and 6pm tomorrow that would be convenient for you?

From: Joseph Goldstein [joseph.goldstein@nytimes.com]
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2016 6:01 PM
To: Cooper, Crystal
Cc: Samuel Knowles; Solon, Sarah
Subject: Re: NYC MacArthur Safety and Justice Challenge Initiative Request

Sorry to have missed the call. Sarah, I will try you in five minutes and if we don't connect then, please
let me know a good time tomorrow. Thanks, Joe

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 8, 2016, at 5:39 PM, Cooper, Crystal

<CCooper2@cityhall.nyc.gov<mailto:CCooper2@cityhall.nyc.gov>> wrote:

Hi Joseph,

Following up. Sarah just tried to ring you but wasn’t able to reach you or leave a voicemail. If you want
to get in touch, you can call her at this number: She can also speak at any time

Thanks so much,

Crystal Cooper
Senior Press Analyst
Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice
1 Centre Street, 10th Floor, Rm 1012N
New York, NY 10007
O: 212-416-5265

From: Cooper, Crystal

Sent: Friday, April 08, 2016 1:28 PM
To: 'joseph.goldstein@nytimes.com<mailto:joseph.goldstein@nytimes.com>'
Cc: 'Samuel Knowles'
Subject: NYC MacArthur Safety and Justice Challenge Initiative Request

Hi Joseph,

Crystal Cooper reaching out from the Mayor’s office. Good to connect with you.

Samuel notified me of your interest in speaking to someone about New York City’s plans to reduce
over-incarceration as part of the Safety and Justice Challenge.
Our Chief External Strategy Officer Sarah Solon can speak to you on background this afternoon. Please
let me know your preferred time to speak (if any) and best number for contact.


Crystal Cooper
Senior Press Analyst
Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice
1 Centre Street, 10th Floor, Rm 1012N
New York, NY 10007
O: 212-416-5265
From: Restler, Lincoln
To: Mary Brosnahan (MBrosnahan@cfthomeless.org); Giselle Routhier (GRouthier@cfthomeless.org)
Cc: dan@berlinrosen.com
Subject: Monday 90 Day Announcement
Date: Saturday, April 09, 2016 2:43:00 PM

HI Mary and Giselle –

Hope you are both enjoying a quiet rainy day.
Mary – heard it was a good conversation with Steve yesterday. I wanted to formally request you join
the Mayor and Steve for the 90 day announcement at the BronxWorks HomeBase site on Monday.
Suggested arrival time is 1:15pm on Monday at 1130 Grand Concourse (at 167th Street).
We would love for you to speak. We are still finalizing the program – but should be able to confirm
for you tomorrow evening about the opportunity to speak.
Lastly, would you be game to provide statement for the press release by 11am on Monday?
Thanks so much!
From: Arslanian, Kayla
To: Caquias, Paula; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Viguers, Jonathan; Hinton, Karen; Almonte, Catherine; Adams
Baker, Marti; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil
Subject: MBDB: Prep Call for Meet the Press
Date: Saturday, April 09, 2016 3:57:58 PM

Hi all. Just gave him a five min time check - will let ppl know when he's ready and
when it's time to hop on the call. Thanks! 

MBDB: Prep Call for Meet the Press

Scheduled: Saturday, Apr 9, 2016 from 4:00 PM to 4:30 PM
Location: Call In: Code:
Invitees: Caquias, Paula , Jonathan Rosen , Viguers, Jonathan , Hinton, Karen ,
Almonte, Catherine , Adams Baker, Marti , Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca , Hagelgans,
Andrea , Walzak, Phil

Sent from my iPhone

From: Arslanian, Kayla
To: Caquias, Paula; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Viguers, Jonathan; Hinton, Karen; Almonte, Catherine; Adams
Baker, Marti; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil
Subject: MBDB: Prep Call for Meet the Press
Date: Saturday, April 09, 2016 4:37:21 PM

Team -
Mayor still tied up. We will aim to do this call while he's en route back to Hilton for
TelePrompTer rehearsal. Not completely certain on when that will be - maybe
5/5:30pm. Will keep everyone posted !! Sorry for the delay. 

MBDB: Prep Call for Meet the Press

Scheduled: Saturday, Apr 9, 2016 from 4:00 PM to 4:30 PM
Location: Call In: Code:
Invitees: Caquias, Paula , Jonathan Rosen , Viguers, Jonathan , Hinton, Karen ,
Almonte, Catherine , Adams Baker, Marti , Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca , Hagelgans,
Andrea , Walzak, Phil

Sent from my iPhone

From: Arslanian, Kayla
To: Caquias, Paula; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Viguers, Jonathan; Hinton, Karen; Almonte, Catherine; Adams
Baker, Marti; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil
Subject: MBDB: Prep Call for Meet the Press
Date: Saturday, April 09, 2016 6:15:48 PM

Mayor is saying no prep needed. Apologies all. 

MBDB: Prep Call for Meet the Press

Scheduled: Saturday, Apr 9, 2016 from 4:00 PM to 4:30 PM
Location: Call In: Code:
Invitees: Caquias, Paula , Jonathan Rosen , Viguers, Jonathan , Hinton, Karen ,
Almonte, Catherine , Adams Baker, Marti , Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca , Hagelgans,
Andrea , Walzak, Phil

Sent from my iPhone

From: Restler, Lincoln
To: mbrosnahan@cfthomeless.org
Cc: GRouthier@cfthomeless.org; Dan@berlinrosen.com
Subject: 90 Day Review
Date: Monday, April 11, 2016 6:37:02 AM
Attachments: 90 Day Review Draft Report FINALv7 clean.docx

Hey Mary - glad you can join us this afternoon! Press conference is at 1130 Grand Concourse
(at 167th Street) at the BronxWorks HomeBase location. Please arrive by 1:15PM

See press release below and draft report attached. I will follow up with Dan about a
statement for the release.




Result of 90-Day Review Includes Streamlined Management Structure That Generates $38 Million
in Administrative Savings
Mayor Bill de Blasio announced today a comprehensive plan to ensure homeless services are
delivered as efficiently and effectively as possible with a focus on both preventing vulnerable New
Yorkers from becoming homeless and rehousing individuals and families in shelter into permanent
housing. The plan is the result of the 90-day review of homeless services ordered by the Mayor and
incorporates and builds on the many reforms that were announced during the review period. The
first part of the plan, full implementation of the Home-STAT outreach program for street homeless,
was announced last week. The plan also includes measures to improve conditions and safety in
To ensure all resources are focused on prevention and rehousing:
·         The City will implement an integrated management structure with both the Human
Resources Administration (HRA) and the Department of Homeless Services (DHS) reporting
to a single Commissioner of Social Services (DSS), current DSS/HRA Commissioner Steven
·         Prevention and rehousing operations at DHS will be consolidated with groups that perform
the same function at HRA.
o    DHS’s Homebase prevention unit will join HRA’s Homelessness Prevention
o    A unified HRA management structure based on the veterans move out initiative will
focus on finding permanent housing for shelter residents.
·         DHS will focus on managing and improving shelter operations, including developing new
types of shelters.
·         The two agencies will share administrative support services resulting in substantial savings.
·         To advance accountability for preventing and alleviating homelessness across multiple City
agencies, the City will create an Interagency Homelessness Accountability Council reporting
to the Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services Herminia Palacio.
“Since the beginning of the administration, the City has committed to an aggressive focus on
preventing homelessness and helping New Yorkers move from shelter into permanent housing. But
when it became clear that the seriousness of the problem required fresh thinking and a new
approach, I asked for a thorough review,” Mayor de Blasio said. “We now have a comprehensive
plan, including significant policy changes and both programmatic and structural reforms that will
improve our ability to keep vulnerable New Yorkers in their homes or help them find new
permanent homes. I urge the State, the providers, the advocates and homeless New Yorkers to join
us in a new partnership to bring the homeless situation that has built up over the years under
There are four key elements to the new plan—prevention, rehousing, street homelessness outreach
and improving shelter conditions—and a total of 46 individual systemic reforms. As a result of the
proposed reforms, there will be administrative and programmatic savings estimated at $38 million
by eliminating duplicative administrative operations and streamlining management, which will offset
new program costs of $66 million that will be presented in the Executive Budget.
Preventing homelessness before it occurs is critical to reducing the number of families and
individuals living in shelter, and is a cost-effective and common sense solution to our City’s
homelessness problem that has gotten worse over the last 20 years.  These reforms refocus the
system to place greater emphasis on the role of prevention services, expanding the tools and
resources available to those in need and pro-actively identifying and serving those who are most at-
risk of becoming homeless. 
Structural Reform:  Consolidate the DHS Homebase Program with HRA’s homelessness prevention
Programmatic Reforms:
·         Expand the scope of Homebase as the first point of entry for those at risk of homelessness
so that people are served in their home borough rather than at one city-wide intake center.
·         Realign roles of HRA staff at Homebase to prevent evictions and provide assistance.
·         Use data analytics to proactively target prevention services for the most at-risk.
·         Target rental assistance for at-risk clients with mental health needs cycling between Rikers
and homelessness.
·         Target services for youth in DYCD shelters before they transition to DHS shelters.
·         Target outreach to doubled up families with school-aged children.
·         Call on the State to participate in 2 task forces with the City to:
o    Implement alternatives to avert discharges from state prisons to shelter.
o    Implement community-based programs to replace mental health shelters.
Finding safe and affordable housing is essential to addressing homelessness. Coordinating rehousing
resources in the City under one management structure, making the rental assistance program easier
to navigate, enhancing aftercare services, and enforcing housing discrimination laws will improve
shelter move outs and housing stability.
Structural Reform: Establish a unified HRA management structure based on the veterans move out
initiative to promote move outs to reduce the shelter census.
Programmatic Reforms:
·         Streamline shelter relocation programs by consolidating and streamlining the LINC, SEPS
and City FEPS rental assistance programs.
·         Increase enforcement of the source of income discrimination law.
·         Streamline the housing placement process to connect homeless clients to HPD-financed
units that are available and appropriate for their needs.
·         Continue to utilize NYCHA apartments within the annual needs-based allocation for clients
on the waiting list who are in DHS and HRA domestic violence shelters.
·         Enroll qualified shelter residents on SSI/SSD to increase income and promote rehousing.
·         Implement more effective aftercare services.
·         Incorporate Continuum of Care strategic planning into homeless strategy development and
establish a leadership reporting structure:
·         Call on the State to permit use of Medicaid funds for apartment search and shelter
relocation services for homeless clients with disabilities and to approve FEPS plan
The City’s street homelessness reforms work together to better identify, engage, and transition
homeless New Yorkers from the streets to appropriate services and permanent housing.  The full
launch of HOME-STAT builds on our street homelessness prevention and response initiatives, and
enhanced funding for additional safe haven beds, drop in centers, and supportive housing units
ensures that those living on the streets have opportunities to come inside and connect to the
services and supports they need.
Programmatic Reforms:
·         Fully launch HOME-STAT to address street homelessness: The HOME-STAT initiative
partners existing homeless response and prevention programs with a series of new
innovations designed to better identify, engage, and transition homeless New Yorkers from
the streets to appropriate services and permanent housing.
·         Enhance tools for outreach teams to bring people in from the streets: The City will increase
safe haven beds, increase the number of drop in centers, and develop 15,000 units of
supportive housing to provide essential tools to address street homelessness.
Last week, the City launched the HOME-STAT daily dashboard, an on-line reporting system that
maps requests for homeless outreach assistance from the public and HOME-STAT canvassers, and
other related data. A monthly dashboard that reports on aggregate outcomes, conditions and
performance will be launched later this month. Together, these dashboards will offer an
unprecedented consistent, transparent and broad set of data to track the City’s efforts in reducing
street homelessness and improving lives for our fellow New Yorkers.
The City is committed to providing decent living conditions and high-quality social services to every
family and individual living in shelter.  These reforms address immediate concerns around shelter
security and building conditions and include long-term strategies for sustaining these reforms into
the future.  These reforms also address pressing social service needs, targeting services to specific
high-risk populations and giving clients opportunities to enhance their income-building capacity by
developing a career pathway while in shelter.
Structural Reform: Focus DHS operations on overseeing the not-for-profit shelters and related
services, and implement new accountability systems.
Programmatic Reforms:
Improve shelter security:
Deployment of an NYPD management team to develop an action plan to upgrade
security at all shelters
NYPD is retraining all DHS Peace Officers.
Enhanced domestic violence and family conflict services.
Improve reporting and tracking of critical incidents. 
Improve shelter conditions and operations by:
Expanding Shelter Repair Squad 2.0 Operations:
Establishing a unit of City staff to identify and address conditions and continue
reporting on and repairing violations.
The Shelter Report Card will be produced regularly to hold the City and providers
publicly accountable.
The City will ensure that all providers have clear information about the
standards and regulations against which they are measured.
Continuing semi-annual multi-agency inspections and calling on OTDA and the
Comptrollers to participate.
Assessing the potential conversion of existing shelters to permanent housing and
replacing clusters and hotels with models like Gateway and Homestretch.
Expanding the capital repair program.
Rationalizing shelter provider rates.
Addressing ADA compliance in shelters.
Promote career pathways for shelter residents by:
Implementing adult literacy and High School equivalency programming at shelters.
Implementing a training/employment program for residents to learn trades by
providing system-wide shelter maintenance services in private shelters.
“The homelessness situation requires immediate action. That’s why we have been announcing
reforms throughout the 90-day review period and why we picked a structure—shared management
—that produces maximum coordination with the least amount of bureaucratic issues to put in place
quickly,” said First Deputy Mayor Anthony Shorris. “Given his 30 years of leadership on homeless
issues in New York City and two years of effectively reforming HRA, Commissioner Steven Banks was
the obvious choice to implement this new structure.”
“While this reform plan focuses on two City agencies, HRA and DHS, success in dealing with
homelessness requires cooperation and coordination throughout City government. The Interagency
Homelessness Accountability Council will ensure that all City resources are brought to bear as
effectively as possible,” said Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services Herminia Palacio.
“Our goal is to provide seamless services to clients designed to best help them with their specific
problems, whether it’s to prevent homelessness or move from shelter permanently into the
community. Since many people are served by both HRA and DHS, the best way to do that is to have
the two agencies work closely together and have all the prevention services in one agency,” said
DSS/HRA Commissioner Steven Banks.
“This reform plan demonstrates the City’s commitment to efficiency and accountability through its
focus on shared services and citywide oversight.  It also emphasizes the City’s efforts to be
transparent and publicly accountable through the continued public posting of the Shelter Repair
Scorecard and the newly launched HOME-STAT dashboard that will allow the public to follow daily
street homeless outreach activity,” said Mindy Tarlow, Director of the Mayor’s Office of Operations.
During the course of the 90-day review the City has already announced and begun implementing
the following:
·         Launched HOME-STAT to address street homelessness.
·         Doubled the number of drop-in centers.
·         Created the shelter repair scorecard.
·         Implemented an enhanced shelter repair program.
·         Increased security at all hotels that house homeless families and individuals.
·         Provided 24/7 security coverage at mental health shelters.
·         Begun enhancements of domestic violence services at shelters.
·         Initiated a New York City Police Department (NYPD) shelter security review and retraining of
Department of Homeless Services (DHS) peace officers.
·         Committed to ending the cluster and commercial hotel programs.
·         Implemented a plan to create 15,000 new units of supportive housing over the next 15
In mid-December 2015, Mayor de Blasio ordered a comprehensive operational review of New York
City’s homeless operations. Leadership and staff from City Hall, the Human Resources
Administration (HRA), the Department of Homeless Services (DHS) and the Mayor’s Office of
Operations began a review of the 20-year-old system of providing homeless services to assess the
strengths and challenges of the current system and identify how to deliver client services more
effectively and improve client outcomes. The review was guided by three key principles: providing
quality services to vulnerable residents, efficient use of City resources, and achieving cost
effectiveness by avoiding duplication.
The 90-day review included interviews with a variety of stakeholders in order to obtain feedback on
service gaps for homeless New Yorkers and how New York City can best address homelessness. HRA
Commissioner Steven Banks, Operations Director Mindy Tarlow, and City Hall Health and Human
Services staff interviewed more than 400 people. They met with homeless people in shelters, on the
streets and in focus groups; advocates, shelter and homeless services providers, other non-profit
organizations, national experts and researchers, former DHS Commissioners, and elected officials;
and staff union leadership and managers and staff at DHS, HRA and other City agencies. They also
surveyed best practices in other jurisdictions, and received feedback from the United States
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). In all, 24 different government agencies and
60 non-profit providers participated in the review process.
Lincoln Restler
Intergovernmental Affairs
Mayor’s Office

April, 2016

In mid-December 2015, Mayor de Blasio ordered a comprehensive operational review of New York
City’s homeless programs to ensure services are delivered as efficiently and effectively as possible in
order to prevent, reduce and manage homelessness.

Leadership and staff from City Hall, the Human Resources Administration (HRA), the Department of
Homeless Services (DHS) and the Mayor’s Office of Operations immediately began a review of the 20-
year-old system of providing homeless services to assess the strengths and challenges of the current
system and identify how to deliver client services more effectively and improve client outcomes. The
review was guided by three key principles: providing quality services to vulnerable residents, efficient
use of city resources, and achieving cost effectiveness by avoiding duplication. The reforms in this
report build on the initiatives to alleviate homelessness already authorized and are aimed at preventing
homelessness, improving conditions and safety in shelter, and helping New Yorkers move from shelter
into permanent housing.

As a result of the review and building on reforms announced during the 90-day period, the City will
implement an integrated management structure with both HRA and DHS reporting to a single
Commissioner of Social Services. This will allow the two agencies to provide more seamless and
effective client services. The City will leverage the shared services functions across the two agencies,
resulting in better day-to-day management and building a unified mission across agencies. Prevention
and rehousing will be moved out of DHS operations and integrated within current HRA operations. To
advance accountability for preventing and alleviating homelessness across multiple City agencies, the
City will create an Interagency Homelessness Accountability Council reporting to the Deputy Mayor for
Health and Human Services.

These major programmatic and structural changes are based on comprehensive input from a range of
stakeholders, client interviews and focus groups, client and staff surveys, a process review of functions,
and an analysis of national best practices. As a result of the proposed reforms, there will be
administrative and programmatic savings estimated at $38 million by eliminating duplicative operations
and streamlining management.

Since the beginning of the administration, the City has committed to improving the lives of homeless
New Yorkers with an aggressive focus on preventing homelessness, improving conditions in shelter, and
helping New Yorkers move from shelter into permanent housing. The City covers 56% of the $954
million annual cost of providing shelter to homeless New Yorkers, with the federal government
providing 28% and the State providing 15% (including a capped contribution of $68 million for the cost
for shelter for single adults). After the 90-day review began, the City announced a series of new reforms
to transform the homeless services system by addressing street homelessness, prevention, shelter
conditions and services, shelter safety, and permanent housing. The City has:
• Doubled the number of drop-in centers to provide services to street homeless individuals;
• Created the shelter repair scorecard to track improvements in shelter conditions;
• Created the shelter repair scorecard;
• Implemented an enhanced shelter repair program;
• Increased security at all commercial hotels that house homeless families and individuals;
• Provided 24/7 security coverage at mental health shelters;
• Begun enhancements of domestic violence services at shelters;
• Initiated a New York City Police Department (NYPD) shelter security review and retraining of
Department of Homeless Services (DHS) peace officers;
• Committed to ending the cluster and commercial hotel programs;
• Implemented a plan to create 15,000 new units of supportive housing over the next 15 years.

These reforms are significant policy changes, and after a comprehensive review the administration has
developed both programmatic and structural recommendations that will further enhance the current work
and shift the system in a new direction.

New York City has been facing increasing economic inequality as a result of low wages, the lack of
affordable housing, and an increased cost of living. Based on the most recent data available,
approximately 45 percent of New Yorkers live at or near poverty; approximately 21 percent live below
the poverty line. This income inequality, combined with other causes of homelessness such as domestic
violence, overcrowding, eviction, and the loss of affordable housing in recent years are what bring
people to our shelter system. Moreover, the precipitous elimination of the Advantage rental assistance
program in the 2011 State budget resulted in substantial annual increases in the family shelter census
that have exacerbated the homeless problem in New York City. We did not arrive at this crisis overnight
and it will take some time to address the multifaceted drivers of homelessness. The chart below shows
the trajectory of homelessness that the administration inherited in 2014 and the impact of the
administration’s programs to stabilize the shelter system census. Without these programs, the shelter
census would have continued on a path to more than 71,000. The additional reforms further build on the
initiatives to prevent and alleviate homelessness already authorized. A summary of these major policy
reforms is set forth at the end of this report.
Shelter Census Forecast Compared to Historical Growth


Homelessness in New York City as reflected in the DHS shelter system census has increased by
approximately 115% over the past two decades. Increasing homelessness is a product of today’s
economic realities - increasing income inequality, rents rising, and stagnant wages. The additional
reforms below will cost an estimated $66 million which will be offset by the $38 million in
administrative savings mentioned above.

Prevention is the common sense and best solution to homelessness, which is why the administration has
already added substantial resources to help those on the brink of homelessness and eviction stay housed,
resulting in a 24% decrease in evictions over the past two years. By using data analytics, the City can
better target and proactively reach out to those at greatest risk of becoming homeless. The City will be
implementing new community-based initiatives for families to seek crisis intervention services at
Homebase sites instead of at DHS’s shelter intake facility, PATH, and will test the effectiveness of the
new approach at designated sites before system-wide implementation. Enhancing current prevention
efforts and reorienting the system toward a “prevention first” model will help families avoid the trauma
of homelessness and reduce the shelter census.
Addressing Street Homelessness:
With the full launch of HOME-STAT, the nation’s most comprehensive street outreach program, with
nearly 500 workers to help transition homeless individuals into shelters, the City will be able to address
more effectively the needs of New Yorkers who are homeless and on the streets. By developing 500 new
safe haven beds, the City will increase available low threshold options for those who need assistance but
are not willing to enter shelter. The supportive housing plan will provide an additional tool to address
street homelessness with a proven track record of success. These reforms coupled with a citywide case
management system will enhance City service integration, continuous monitoring and outreach, and
rapid response to individuals on the street, improving the quality of life for both clients and City

Because the number of clients in shelter has increased as a result of the exponential shelter system
census growth from 2011 into 2014 presented in the chart above, it has become increasingly difficult for
DHS to adequately oversee and monitor providers, ensure safe, clean and secure conditions, and provide
necessary services to clients. Shelter safety can be improved right away through the deployment of an
NYPD management team to DHS to develop an action plan to upgrade security at all shelters and the
NYPD’s retraining of the DHS peace officers. The City will create a multi-pronged approach to
improving shelter conditions by: establishing a unit of City staff to observe conditions, monitor services,
and determine vacancies; streamlining the inspection process for providers; and developing a capital
needs repair program. Creating career employment pathways and enhancing education and training
services for clients while in shelter coupled with program-focused shelters with targeted services and
better provider accountability will reshape the role shelters play in helping clients move to permanent
housing. Phasing out the use of clusters and commercial hotels is also essential to improving shelter
conditions and services.

This administration has rebuilt rental assistance programs and shelter prevention and exit strategies and
thereby housed or prevented homelessness for more than 32,000 children and adults. It is significantly
more cost-effective for taxpayers to keep families and individuals in their homes and assist with rent
than to pay the full cost to shelter a family or individual. Establishing a unified management structure
was critical to achieving the goal of ending chronic veteran homelessness, and so the City will replicate
that structure to promote overall shelter move outs. The current rental assistance programs will be
streamlined through consolidation and process improvements. In order to ensure effective usage of the
programs, the City will increase enforcement of the source of income discrimination local law.
Over the past 90 days, City Hall, HRA, DHS and Operations leadership and staff, supported by PwC 1,
conducted a review of homeless services to assess the strengths and challenges of the current system,
and identify how to deliver client services more effectively and improve client outcomes. The
programmatic and structural reforms below were informed by comprehensive input from a range of
stakeholders, client interviews and focus groups, client and staff surveys, a process review of functions,
and an analysis of national best practices.

Stakeholder Interviews:
The 90-day review included interviews with a variety of stakeholders in order to obtain feedback on
service gaps for homeless New Yorkers and how New York City can best address homelessness. HRA
Commissioner Steve Banks, Operations Director Mindy Tarlow, City Hall Health and Human Services
staff, and PwC consultants interviewed more than 400 people. They met with homeless people in
shelters, on the streets and in focus groups; advocates, shelter and homeless services providers, other
non-profit organizations, national experts and researchers, former DHS Commissioners, and elected
officials; and staff union leadership and managers and staff at DHS, HRA and other City agencies. They
also surveyed best practices in other jurisdictions, and received feedback from the United States
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). In all, 24 different government agencies and
60 non-profit providers participated in the review process. Interviewees were asked what they
considered to be DHS’s most pressing challenges, what critical changes they would like to see
implemented to improve the provision of homeless services, and what benefits or drawbacks they saw in
the structural relationship between DHS and HRA. Specific questions regarding homelessness
prevention, street homelessness, shelter intake systems, rehousing resources, shelter conditions, safety
and services, rental assistance and housing, technology improvements, and special populations were also

1The City contracted with PwC for support services in the amount of $200,000 through its Business Consulting Services
Client Focus Groups:
In addition to the formal interviews, client focus groups were conducted with four homeless advocacy
organizations in order to obtain client feedback. The focus groups were convened by the Coalition for
the Homeless, the Urban Justice Center’s Safety Net Project, Picture the Homeless, and VOCAL.
Through this process, more than 80 clients shared their experiences directly with Commissioner Banks
and staff and provided feedback on the delivery of services. Clients focused primarily on issues
surrounding shelter conditions and policies, social service delivery, and housing. Additional client
discussions were conducted in shelters and on the streets.

Staff and Client Surveys:

A survey was sent to DHS staff and a random sample of clients to assess what services are most
important to address homelessness. More than 700 DHS staff responded to the online survey and 630
clients across shelter populations and types were surveyed. Both clients and staff overwhelmingly
reported that rehousing programs and processes are the biggest area of opportunity for reform, with 34%
of clients and 27% of staff citing it as the most critical issue. Within rehousing, staff and clients
commented on the need to streamline rental assistance, have greater availability of affordable and
supportive housing, and provide recourse for landlord source of income discrimination. In addition to
the surveys, the DHS and HRA staffs were also invited to email Commissioner Banks and Health and
Human Services staff directly with feedback, and agency staff provided detailed recommendations that
were considered in our analysis.

Process Analysis:
A process analysis of prevention and intake, capacity planning and projections, and shelter operations
was conducted to identify strengths of the system and areas of opportunity for reform. Through shelter
and intake center visits, stakeholder interviews and a review of operations, we were able to identify
where clients interact with multiple agencies and where there are gaps and overlap in service delivery.

Review of Best Practices:

Former DHS Commissioner

Gilbert Taylor, with support
from the Mayor’s Office of
Operations, conducted a
national review of leading
practices in homelessness.
Best practices were culled
based on a review of
guidance from the federal
government, national and
local advocacy groups,
academic literature, and
direct interviews with peer cities. The review focused on the following areas: prevention and aftercare,
street outreach, shelter services, housing permanency, coordination and governance structure, and data
systems. HUD officials provided additional input regarding national practices.

In order to best support the necessary reforms, different organizational structures were reviewed. The
guiding principles considered were:
• Efficacy - what delivery model will most effectively provide services;
• Quality - what structure will support quality services; and
• Cost - how can the City leverage current investments and avoid duplication.

Three models with variations were considered: keeping two separate agencies, combining parts of the
two agencies, merging both agencies into one.

The best means of quickly improving homeless services, while avoiding unnecessary bureaucratic
details involved in a merger, is to create an integrated management structure with shared administrative
services. Both HRA and DHS will report to the Social Services /Human Resources Administration
Commissioner. The Commissioner will appoint a chief homeless services administrator for DHS and a
chief social services administrator for HRA. The Social Services Commissioner will continue to report
the Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services. Creating an integrated reporting structure for both
agencies reporting to a single Commissioner will create better day-to-day management and a unified
mission across agencies. Rather than investing additional resources into DHS to support enhanced
administrative operations, the City can leverage the shared services functions across the two agencies. A
streamlined structure is the most cost effective because it leverages staff and resources that can be
shared across agencies.

Prevention and rehousing will be integrated within current HRA operations under the new chief social
services administrator. The current separation of those tasks leads to duplication, inefficiencies and
ineffectiveness. Integrating prevention and rehousing under one agency will allow for more seamless
and effective client services.

A shared service model for back office functions will save both time and money. It will allow DHS to
have a clear and concrete focus. One of the challenges to delivering services identified during the review
is that DHS’ scope of activity has evolved to encompass multiple services that are also being performed
by other agencies. Furthermore, due to efficiencies provided by the new structure, $38 million in city tax
levy savings are projected.

Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services

The City will also create an Interagency Homelessness Accountability Council. The Council will be led
by the Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services and advance accountability for preventing and
alleviating homelessness across agencies. The Council is in addition to the multi-agency HOME-STAT
case management program to focus resources and efforts to address street homelessness.
Interagency Homelessness Accountability Council

Preventing homelessness before it occurs is critical to reducing the number of families and individuals
living in shelter, and is a cost-effective and common sense solution to our City’s homelessness
crisis. These reforms refocus the system to place greater emphasis on the role of prevention services,
expanding the tools and resources available to those in need, and pro-actively identifying and serving
those who are most at-risk of becoming homeless.

1. Move Homebase program management from DHS to HRA: Management of the Homebase
program will be moved to HRA, which already runs a number of homeless prevention programs
and services. Integrating all prevention services under one agency will reduce inefficiencies and
allow for more seamless and effective client services.

2. Expand Homebase staffing and services: HRA staff at Homebase offices will provide
expanded on-site processing and triage for HRA benefits, including public assistance and rental
assistance. Homebase not-for-profit staff will also expand their case management services to
include landlord and family mediation, educational advancement, employment, and financial
literacy services.
3. Expand the scope of Homebase as the first point of entry for those at risk of homelessness:
The City will develop an intake model that builds on Homebase to focus greater attention on the
role of communities in supporting families at risk of becoming homeless. Families seeking
homeless prevention or shelter services will obtain these services within their borough, rather
than through the City’s centralized intake center in the Bronx.

4. Use data analytics to proactively target prevention services for at-risk clients: HRA will use
client data collected by the agencies to proactively identify and target prevention services for
New Yorkers who are most at risk of becoming homeless, such as families who are at risk of
having their public assistance case closed administratively or reapplying for shelter.

5. Target outreach to doubled-up families with school-aged children: HRA will work with
DOE to identify and proactively target prevention services for students of families living in
doubled-up situations who are reported as homeless under the McKinney-Vento Act.

6. Deploy additional HRA prevention staff to single adult and adult family intake sites: The
City will increase the HRA Diversion staff presence at these intake sites to expand services for

7. Target services and rental assistance for youth in DYCD shelters: Eligibility criteria for the
City’s rental assistance programs will be expanded to include youth ages 18 – 24 living in
DYCD youth shelters at risk of entering DHS shelters.

8. Target services and rental assistance for clients with mental health needs cycling between
jail and homelessness: City rental assistance will be strategically targeted to identified at-risk
clients with mental health needs cycling between Rikers Island and DHS shelters.

9. Create two new City/State Task Forces to increase homelessness prevention: The City is
proposing that the State participate in two new City-State task forces, one that will develop and
implement alternatives to avert discharges from State prisons to DHS shelters, and one that will
work to implement community-based programs to eliminate the need for DHS mental health
shelters. These two client groups account for a large proportion of the census for the City’s
single adult shelters.

Street Homelessness
The City’s street homelessness reforms work together to better identify, engage, and transition homeless
New Yorkers from the streets to appropriate services and permanent housing. The full launch of HOME-
STAT builds our street homelessness prevention and response initiatives, and enhanced funding for
additional safe haven beds, drop in centers, and supportive housing units ensures that those living on the
streets have opportunities to come inside and connect to the services and supports they need.

10. Fully launch HOME-STAT to address street homelessness: The HOME-STAT initiative
partners existing homeless response and prevention programs with a series of new innovations
designed to better identify, engage, and transition homeless New Yorkers from the streets to
appropriate services and permanent housing.
11. Enhance tools for outreach teams to bring people in from the streets: The City will increase
safe haven beds, increase the number of drop in centers, and develop 15,000 units of supportive
housing to provide essential tools to address street homelessness.

The City is committed to providing decent living conditions and high-quality social services to every
family and individual living in shelter. These reforms address immediate concerns around shelter
security and building conditions and include long-term strategies for sustaining these reforms into the
future. These reforms also address pressing social service needs, targeting services to specific high-risk
populations and giving clients opportunities to enhance their income-building capacity by developing a
career pathway while in shelter.

12. Increase safety in shelters through an NYPD management review and retraining program:
The NYPD will begin re-training all Department of Homeless Services security staff and deploy
an NYPD management team at DHS to develop an action plan to upgrade security at all shelter
13. Enhanced domestic violence services in DHS shelters: HRA’s NoVA (No Violence Again)
out-stationed Domestic Violence Services will be expanded to DHS Tier II family shelters to
provide families with access to domestic violence services. Trained staff from HRA will go to
designated Tier II shelters to provide these services. Existing social services staff in Tier II
shelters will participate in enhanced training that will provide them with the tools to identify and
refer families and individuals to the NoVA team, a NYC Family Justice Center, or other
community-based domestic violence providers.

14. Implement a more extensive reporting system for critical incidents that occur in shelters:
DHS has implemented a new, more comprehensive system for the reporting of critical incidents
in shelters. To ensure that problems are identified, violence is now defined much more broadly to
include wide-ranging definitions of domestic violence, assault, and both child abuse and neglect.
DHS is implementing thorough reforms to ensure that all critical incidents, especially violent
incidents, are appropriately categorized, and there is appropriate follow-up.

15. Expand Shelter Repair Squad 2.0 Operations: The City will continue to aggressively inspect
homeless shelters to identify and address building violations and shelters in need of repairs.
Inspections will be conducted twice a year at all sites used to house homeless individuals and
families, and the Shelter Report Card will be produced regularly to hold the City and providers
publicly accountable. The City will also ensure that all providers have clear information about
the standards and regulations against which they are measured, explore ways to reduce the time it
takes for violations to be cleared, and create a working group of shelter providers to discuss the
best means of working together to improve shelter conditions.

16. Increase coordination among inspectors: To avoid duplication of effort, the City will establish
a semi-annual multi-agency inspection process that includes all City agencies that have
inspection responsibilities. The City again asks for joint participation by NYS Office of
Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA) and the City and State Comptrollers.
17. Phasing out the use of cluster shelters: The City will phase out the use of cluster shelter units,
returning them to the market so that the apartments can be restored as low-rent housing; 260
cluster units have already been designated for closure during this fiscal year. The City will
continue with the plan to phase out the 16-year cluster program through a combination of code
enforcement to address inadequate conditions; working with owners to return units to the
permanent housing stock, rehabilitate the buildings, and permit families to remain in the
upgraded units; and, to the extent necessary, replacing units with a new shelter model that
combines transitional housing, permanent housing, and community space.

18. Assessing the potential conversion of existing shelters to permanent housing: Where
feasible, the City will partially convert current shelter sites into permanent housing using new
shelter models like Gateway Housing and Homestretch, which include affordable permanent
housing, shelter units, and community space at the same location.

19. Phasing out use of commercial hotels: As the cluster takedown, the shelter conversion process,
and the enhanced shelter move out efforts proceed, the City will prioritize ending reliance on
renting blocks of rooms in commercial hotels as shelter.

20. Implement the domestic violence shelter expansion: The City will continue to implement the
initiative to increase domestic violence services by adding 300 emergency beds and 400 Tier II

21. Implementing a capital repair program: The City will implement a program to systematically
review and fix capital needs at shelters.

22. Rationalizing shelter provider rates: The City is evaluating payments to shelter providers to
ensure they are sufficient to fund maintenance and services, and is assessing the capital needs of
shelters which have not been adequately supported for many years.

23. Address ADA compliance in shelters: The City will hire a consultant to evaluate ADA
accessibility in the DHS shelter system and formulate a compliance plan.

24. Expanding the scope of HRA’s ADA coordinator to cover the shelter system: HRA’s ADA
Coordinator will coordinate and oversee ADA compliance and initiatives in the shelter system.
The Coordinator will also develop and implement staff training and address client complaints.

25. Promote career pathways for shelter residents: The City will implement new programs to
help shelter residents move forward on a career pathway. Adult literacy and High School
equivalency programming will be implemented at all shelters for residents who need additional
supports in these areas. The City will also implement a training and employment program at
select shelters for residents to learn trades by providing system-wide shelter maintenance
services in private shelters.

26. Targeting services for emerging new trends in the single adult population (persons 50 or
older and 18 to 24): More effective targeting will promote our prevention and rehousing efforts.
27. Provide assistance to obtain federal disability benefits: The City will dedicate services to
focus on enrolling shelter residents on SSI/SSD to increase income and promote rehousing.

28. Targeting services for families to move away from a one size fits all approach: The City will
develop initiatives that focus on the varying needs of homeless families. The City will work with
providers to develop shelter models in which placements may be differentiated based on the
family’s readiness to be rapidly rehoused; families who are assessed to likely have a shorter stay
in shelter may be placed in different programs than families with higher needs and a likely longer
length of stay.

29. Eliminate the requirement for school-age children to be present at PATH for multiple
appointments: School-age children will no longer be required to be present with their families
for multiple appointments in the shelter application process.

30. Align access procedures for adult families with procedures for families with children: The
City will modify the intake process and improve capacity planning to avoid long waits and/or
transporting clients in the middle of the night as a result of the delay in identifying available
shelter placements.

31. Streamline access to DYCD shelter for homeless youth: City staff will be deployed at the
entry points of the DHS shelter system to offer youth beds for individuals between the ages of 16
and 21. The plan to triple the number of youth beds is a critical element of this reform.

32. Implement tripling of DYCD shelter capacity for Runaway and Homeless Youth: DYCD
will continue its expansion of RHY capacity. Nearly 200 additional beds have already been
brought online and the City will open 100 beds each year for the following three years. This will
bring the total system capacity from 250 when Mayor de Blasio took office to 750 by FY19.

33. Provide increased notice prior to non-emergency transfers: In non-emergency situations,

clients will be given more notice that they are being transferred to another shelter.

34. Increasing transportation resources to reduce placement waiting time: The City will be
deploying additional transportation resources to address this problem.

35. Deploy social workers to accompany families found ineligible who are returning to a
community resource to provide on-the-spot assistance: This will enhance client services and
address problems related to repeated reapplications.

36. Expand the shelter conditions complaint process through HRA’s Infoline: The hotline's
current purpose is to address conditions complaints. HRA will expand this to include complaints
on all shelter services, including shelter conditions.

37. Communicate more information to clients through flyers, posters and other media: Better
information for clients will enhance access to services, including employment and housing
Finding safe and affordable housing is essential to addressing homelessness. Coordinating rehousing
resources in the City under one management structure, making the rental assistance programs easier to
navigate, enhancing aftercare services, and enforcing housing discrimination laws will improve shelter
move outs and housing stability.

38. Move Rehousing program management from DHS to HRA: Modeled on the veterans move
out effort, HRA will develop a centralized reporting structure to promote move outs.

39. Streamline the HPD housing placement process: The City will establish a streamlined process
to connect homeless clients to HPD-financed units that are available and appropriate for their

40. Continue to utilize NYCHA placements to address homelessness: As provided in the City
budget, within the needs-based NYCHA placements that are available during the year, the City
will continue to place 1,500 DHS families on the NYCHA waiting list as well as 300 domestic
violence survivors in HRA and DHS shelters and on the NYCHA waiting list into vacancies that

41. Consolidating the LINC, SEPS and CityFEPS rental assistance programs: The City will
consolidate and streamline the operations of its rental assistance programs.

42. Increasing enforcement of source of income discrimination law: The City will train and
dedicate HRA staff to conduct testing to identify potential discriminatory practices and take
enforcement action to supplement the efforts of the City Human Rights Commission.

43. Implementing a more effective aftercare program: Using the critical time intervention as a
model, the City will enhance aftercare services for rehoused clients.

44. Incorporate Continuum of Care strategic planning into homeless strategy development and
establish a leadership reporting structure: Drawing on the model in other jurisdictions, the
City will enhance the role of the Continuum of Care in the policy and planning process. As part
of this initiative, the City will explore ways to further coordinate access and assess need for
those experiencing homelessness following the HUD approach.

45. Provide clear and concise information and written materials to clients about available
assistance and programs: HRA and DHS will create and distribute more effective
informational materials for clients in the community and in shelters.

46. Call on the State to: (a) permit use of Medicaid funds for apartment search and shelter
relocation services for homeless clients with disabilities; and (b) approve HRA’s requested
FEPS plan modifications: These policy changes will enhance both rehousing and prevention
From: Samuel Knowles
To: Cooper, Crystal
Subject: Quick question
Date: Monday, April 11, 2016 11:10:17 AM

Hi Crystal,
Do you have a second for a quick call? Have a few time-sensitive Q’s if you have a second. I’m at
Thanks a lot,

From: Cooper, Crystal [mailto:CCooper2@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2016 3:53 PM
To: Samuel Knowles <samuel.knowles@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: NYT - joseph goldstein info
Hi Sam,
Joseph gave me a call after I reached out via email, and we confirmed his background chat with
Sarah for 5:30 p.m. today. Will make sure to send you notes on how it went afterwards.
From: Samuel Knowles [mailto:samuel.knowles@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2016 3:50 PM
To: Cooper, Crystal
Subject: RE: NYT - joseph goldstein info
Hi Crystal, were you able to connect? Just wanted to make sure and would love a recap whenever
you have it. If he wants to move forward, I’m planning to offer to connect him with the Foundation,
etc. and see what other info we can get him. Thanks, Sam
From: Samuel Knowles
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2016 1:19 PM
To: 'Cooper, Crystal' <CCooper2@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: NYT - joseph goldstein info
Joseph Goldstein
212-556-1234 (must be a general number)
From: Samuel Knowles
To: Cooper, Crystal; Hanah Smith; Szypko, Robert
Cc: Scaife, Jennifer
Subject: RE: Materials for Tuesday Call w/ M+R
Date: Monday, April 11, 2016 11:17:48 AM
Attachments: image001.png

Hi Rob and Crystal,

Hope you had a nice weekend, would love to connect on a couple time-sensitive media pieces if
someone is able to hop on the phone for a moment. Let me know if there’s a time that might work
Thanks a lot,

From: Samuel Knowles
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2016 1:02 PM
To: 'Cooper, Crystal' <CCooper2@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Hanah Smith <hsmith@mrss.com>; Szypko,
Robert <RSzypko@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Scaife, Jennifer <jscaife@justice.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Materials for Tuesday Call w/ M+R
Hi Crystal and Rob,
As we discussed yesterday, I just wanted to shoot you a quick note that we are reaching out to the
New York Times, the Brian Lehrer Show, and the New York Daily News on embargo, so we have
those outlets covered. Aside from the Times, the New York Daily News and the Brian Lehrer Show
are the only New York-focused outlets on our national embargo list.
If you have any questions about other outlets that may be borderline for national v. New York,
please let us know and we can get back to you.

From: Cooper, Crystal [mailto:CCooper2@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2016 3:25 PM
To: Hanah Smith <hsmith@mrss.com>; Szypko, Robert <RSzypko@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Samuel Knowles <samuel.knowles@berlinrosen.com>; Scaife, Jennifer <jscaife@justice.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Materials for Tuesday Call w/ M+R
Thanks so much. I realize that my phone was giving trouble, so no worries on jotting down the
wrong email address. Look forward to connecting again tomorrow.
From: Hanah Smith [mailto:hsmith@mrss.com]
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2016 3:12 PM
To: Szypko, Robert; Cooper, Crystal
Cc: Samuel Knowles; Scaife, Jennifer
Subject: RE: Materials for Tuesday Call w/ M+R
Thanks, Rob. My mistake!
Crystal – Please find attached the materials that were included with the original email send.
Hanah Smith Vice President

202-478-6143 (o) | 734-679-6348 (m) | hsmith@mrss.com


From: Szypko, Robert [mailto:RSzypko@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, April 4, 2016 3:04 PM
To: 'Hanah Smith'; Cooper, Crystal
Cc: Samuel Knowles; Scaife, Jennifer
Subject: RE: Materials for Tuesday Call w/ M+R
Thanks Hannah, taking off the other Crystal Cooper from City Hall, and adding Crystal from our
From: Hanah Smith [mailto:hsmith@mrss.com]
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2016 2:56 PM
To: Szypko, Robert; Cooper, Crystal
Cc: Samuel Knowles; Scaife, Jennifer
Subject: Materials for Tuesday Call w/ M+R
Hi Crystal, Rob,
Thanks again for our conversation earlier today. In advance of our call tomorrow, please find
attached the:
- Template press release - for your use that will need to be reviewed by both you all and the
Foundation one last time before finalizing
- Draft list of potential media tough questions - to be discussed on our call tomorrow
For our call tomorrow, here’s an agenda to help guide the discussion:

Overall Messaging

Top level reactions to draft package and fact sheet

Please send any redline edits/comments in advance, if applicable

Tough questions for media

Run through questions and start working through answers together

Discuss other challenges/opposition to be prepared for

Announcement strategy

Press outreach

Press release



Social media outreach

Stakeholder engagement

Next steps

Clarify/confirm who does what and deadlines

As an FYI, the additional documents M+R will be sharing include:
- Safety and Justice Challenge website blurb (draft for review)
- Template event media advisory (if needed)
- Template stakeholder and social media outreach materials (for your use)
In addition, once we’ve discussed the remaining materials tomorrow I will share a full recap of
materials with notes about where they stand, which need further review and updating, and by when
all materials need to be finalized.
Please let me know if you have any questions on the above and look forward to speaking with you all
again tomorrow!
Hanah Smith Vice President

1901 L Street NW Suite 800 | Washington DC 20036

202-478-6143 (o) | 734-679-6348 (m) | hsmith@mrss.com
www.mrss.com | Facebook | Twitter

From: Cooper, Crystal
To: Ryan Reilly
Cc: Mark Ro Beyersdorf; Samuel Knowles
Subject: RE: Ryan, connecting you with Crystal in NYC press office
Date: Monday, April 11, 2016 1:31:00 PM

It looks like 4 p.m. is the most workable on our end. My apologies. Hope it goes well.
From: Ryan Reilly [mailto:ryan.reilly@huffingtonpost.com]
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2016 1:14 PM
To: Cooper, Crystal
Cc: Mark Ro Beyersdorf; Samuel Knowles
Subject: Re: Ryan, connecting you with Crystal in NYC press office

Any chance we could make it 4:30? If not I can make 4 work.

Ryan J. Reilly
Justice Reporter
The Huffington Post

On Mon, Apr 11, 2016 at 1:08 PM, Cooper, Crystal <CCooper2@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
To follow up, Sarah Solon can speak with you at 4 p.m. ET today, Ryan.
Please let me know if that works for you.

Thanks again,
From: Cooper, Crystal
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2016 12:09 PM
To: 'Ryan Reilly'; Mark Ro Beyersdorf
Cc: 'Samuel Knowles'
Subject: RE: Ryan, connecting you with Crystal in NYC press office

Hi Ryan,

Glad to hear that you’ve taken interest in NYC’s plans for the Safety and Justice Challenge.

Our Chief External Strategy Officer, Sarah Solon, should be able to jump on the phone with you this
afternoon. She is well-versed in our plans and can answer all of your questions. If you have a
preferred time in mind, let me know. Otherwise, I will have her reach out as soon as she is available.

From there, we can connect you with/provide a quote from the director of our office, Elizabeth

As an aside, I’m newly at the Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice from a previous media position at the
ACLU. I believe you worked with my former colleague Alexandra Ringe most often. Hope to be in
close contact re: NYC criminal justice efforts in the near future.
Crystal Cooper
Senior Press Analyst
Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice
1 Centre Street, 10 th Floor, Rm 1012N
New York, NY 10007
O: 212-416-5265
From: Ryan Reilly [mailto:ryan.reilly@huffingtonpost.com]
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2016 11:00 AM
To: Mark Ro Beyersdorf
Cc: Cooper, Crystal
Subject: Re: Ryan, connecting you with Crystal in NYC press office

Thanks Mark. Crystal, do you have any time to speak today?

Ryan J. Reilly
Justice Reporter
The Huffington Post

On Mon, Apr 11, 2016 at 9:39 AM, Mark Ro Beyersdorf <mark@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
Hi Ryan,
For your reporting on the Safety and Justice Challenge announcement, I wanted to connect
you with Crystal Cooper (cc-ed), who can help set up a conversation about the City’s work.

Mark Ro Beyersdorf
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
direct: 646.200.5295
cell: 858.449.5194
From: Samuel Knowles
To: Cooper, Crystal
Subject: FW: Jake, connecting you with Crystal in NYC
Date: Monday, April 11, 2016 4:57:12 PM

Hi Crystal, just wanted to make sure all good with Jake at AP? Thanks, Sam
From: Samuel Knowles
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2016 6:45 PM
To: 'Pearson, Jacob' <JPearson@ap.org>
Cc: 'Cooper, Crystal' <CCooper2@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Jake, connecting you with Crystal in NYC
Hi Jake,
Just wanted to connect you with Crystal Cooper (copied), who can help set up a conversation about
NYC’s work next week.


Sam Knowles
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
o: 646-200-5292
m: 917-359-3351
From: Sam Scarrow
To: Cooper, Crystal
Cc: Samuel Knowles
Subject: RE: AP request for Thursday + Economist request
Date: Monday, April 11, 2016 7:57:13 PM

Hi Crystal,
Thanks for your reply. I’ll go ahead and connect you with Rosemarie shortly.
Sam Scarrow
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
Office: (646) 755-6106 | Cell: (215) 264-3252
From: Cooper, Crystal [mailto:CCooper2@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2016 5:54 PM
To: Sam Scarrow
Cc: Samuel Knowles
Subject: RE: AP request for Thursday + Economist request
Hi Sam,
Thanks for confirming interest with the Economist. Would you be able to connect us directly? Liz
Glazer, who heads up our office, can speak to Rosemarie tomorrow between 1:30 and 2:30 p.m.
Crystal Cooper
Senior Press Analyst
Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice
1 Centre Street, 10 th Floor, Rm 1012N
New York, NY 10007
O: 212-416-5265
From: Sam Scarrow [mailto:Sam.Scarrow@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2016 7:26 PM
To: Cooper, Crystal; Samuel Knowles; Szypko, Robert
Cc: Hanah Smith; kmoler@mrss.com; Mark Ro Beyersdorf
Subject: RE: AP request for Thursday + Economist request
Hi Crystal,
Different Sam here! Rosemarie Ward at the Economist would like to speak with someone on
Tuesday of next week about NYC’s efforts through the initiative. She has a particular focus on
mental health and substance abuse issues, along with racial and ethnic disparities.
Would you let me know if Tuesday late afternoon (Laurie is giving her an interview around 2pm ET)
would be possible, and who would be doing the interview, if so? Thanks!
Sam Scarrow
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
Office: (646) 755-6106 | Cell: (215) 264-3252
From: Cooper, Crystal [mailto:CCooper2@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2016 3:02 PM
To: Samuel Knowles; Szypko, Robert
Cc: Hanah Smith; kmoler@mrss.com; Mark Ro Beyersdorf; Sam Scarrow
Subject: RE: AP request for Thursday
Great! Let me check in on that now. Thanks!
From: Samuel Knowles [mailto:samuel.knowles@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2016 2:48 PM
To: Cooper, Crystal; Szypko, Robert
Cc: Hanah Smith; kmoler@mrss.com; Mark Ro Beyersdorf; Sam Scarrow
Subject: RE: AP request for Thursday
Hi Crystal,
Thanks for hopping on the phone. Jake can do Monday. What’s the best time? Still waiting on Ryan.

From: Samuel Knowles
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2016 10:04 AM
To: 'Cooper, Crystal' <CCooper2@cityhall.nyc.gov>; 'Szypko, Robert' <RSzypko@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: 'Hanah Smith' <hsmith@mrss.com>; 'kmoler@mrss.com' <kmoler@mrss.com>; Mark Ro
Beyersdorf <mark@berlinrosen.com>; Sam Scarrow <Sam.Scarrow@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: AP request for Thursday
Hi Crystal, we’d like to circle back with these reporters this morning if possible. Just to note the
timelines, AP had asked for today and HuffPo had asked for today or Friday. Do you think we’ll be
able to make that timeline? At least for AP, the reporter might end up being set for reporting if it’s
not possible to set something up, but wanted to circle back with him on whether an interview today
is something we can offer. And HuffPo still interested in setting something up.
From: Cooper, Crystal [mailto:CCooper2@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 1:55 PM
To: Samuel Knowles <samuel.knowles@berlinrosen.com>; Szypko, Robert
Cc: Hanah Smith <hsmith@mrss.com>; kmoler@mrss.com; Mark Ro Beyersdorf
<mark@berlinrosen.com>; Sam Scarrow <Sam.Scarrow@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: AP request for Thursday
That’s awesome! Thanks for reaching out to these folks. Will let you know timing for this and the AP
interview soon.
From: Samuel Knowles [mailto:samuel.knowles@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 1:54 PM
To: Cooper, Crystal; Szypko, Robert
Cc: Hanah Smith; kmoler@mrss.com; Mark Ro Beyersdorf; Sam Scarrow
Subject: RE: AP request for Thursday
Thanks, Crystal. Separately, Ryan Reilly at the Huffington Post would like to speak to someone
Thursday afternoon or Friday if you can let us know a good time to offer him. Copying my colleagues
Mark and Sam Scarrow here too, who may be in touch with additional requests.

Sam Knowles
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
o: 646-200-5292
m: 917-359-3351
From: Cooper, Crystal [mailto:CCooper2@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 9:20 AM
To: Samuel Knowles <samuel.knowles@berlinrosen.com>; Szypko, Robert
Cc: Hanah Smith <hsmith@mrss.com>; kmoler@mrss.com
Subject: RE: AP request for Thursday
Hi Sam,
Thanks for sending this along. We will confirm who is holding the interview and availability as soon
as possible today so that you can connect us with Jake via email.
Crystal Cooper
Senior Press Analyst
Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice
From: Samuel Knowles [mailto:samuel.knowles@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 9:03 AM
To: Szypko, Robert; Cooper, Crystal
Cc: Hanah Smith; kmoler@mrss.com
Subject: AP request for Thursday
Hi Rob and Crystal,
Jake Pearson at the AP would like to speak with someone Thursday about NYC’s work through the
initiative. He’s written several pieces about the SJC, so he’s well versed in the work overall.
Laurie at the Foundation is giving him an overview of the announcement at 11am on Thursday, so
ideally some time in the afternoon.
Can you let me know if that’s possible and who will be doing the interview? Once that’s set, I’ll plan
to connect him to you two over email so you’re in touch on any final logistics. Please let me know
any questions or concerns.
Thanks so much,


Sam Knowles
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
o: 646-200-5292
m: 917-359-3351
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: Re: Today
Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 7:58:11 AM

Can you call me

On Apr 12, 2016, at 7:56 AM, Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca <PSalazar-

Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Will reach out after I talk to him but are there times that don't work on
your end?

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: B <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: April 12, 2016 at 7:45:35 AM EDT
To: "Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca" <PSalazar-
Subject: Today
Reply-To: B <BCCD@cityhall.nyc.gov>

I want to see Jonathan Rosen. Let's discuss when and where.

From: Cooper, Crystal
To: Rosemarie Ward
Cc: Sam Scarrow; Samuel Knowles
Subject: RE: Crystal, connecting you with Rosemarie Ward at The Economist
Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 9:57:00 AM

Would 1 p.m. work? If so, I can switch out for another call on Liz’s schedule.
From: Rosemarie Ward [mailto:rosemarieward@economist.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 9:43 AM
To: Cooper, Crystal
Cc: Sam Scarrow; Samuel Knowles
Subject: Re: Crystal, connecting you with Rosemarie Ward at The Economist

Thank-you Crystal. I'm afraid I'm not free at 2pm, that's when I'm speaking with Laurie
Garduque from the MacArthur Foundation. Does she have any other availability later this
afternoon? I'm also not free from 3pm for about a half hour or so. If today does not work, I'm
pretty flexible on Thursday. Tomorrow is tricky, but I would try to juggle if tomorrow works
Many thanks,

On 12 April 2016 at 09:37, Cooper, Crystal <CCooper2@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Good morning, all.

Rosemarie, I’ve confirmed the interview for this afternoon. Turns out that 2 p.m. would be best for
Liz. If that works for you, she’ll reach out at (
Thanks so much,
From: Rosemarie Ward [mailto:rosemarieward@economist.com]
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2016 8:12 PM
To: Sam Scarrow
Cc: Samuel Knowles; Cooper, Crystal
Subject: Re: Crystal, connecting you with Rosemarie Ward at The Economist

Thank you Sam.

And thanks Crystal for your help in arranging this interview.

I am very grateful to you both,


On Apr 11, 2016 8:03 PM, "Sam Scarrow" <Sam.Scarrow@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Hi Crystal,

I wanted to connect you directly with Rosemarie Ward (CCed) at The Economist. Her
number is

Rosemarie, Crystal works in the New York City Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice and can
help coordinate an interview with Liz Glazer, who heads up her office. Based on Liz’s
availability and Rosemarie’s slate of interviews tomorrow, I believe the best time for an
interview will be 1:30pm ET, but I’ll leave that to you to confirm!

Thanks so much,

Sam Scarrow
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
Office: (646) 755-6106 | Cell: (215) 264-3252

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From: Cooper, Crystal
To: Joseph Goldstein
Cc: Samuel Knowles
Subject: RE: Interview with Elizabeth Glazer Tomorrow
Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 12:27:00 PM

Great. She’s calling in a few. And will Dave be joining too?

From: Joseph Goldstein [mailto:joseph.goldstein@nytimes.com]
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2016 10:05 PM
To: Cooper, Crystal
Cc: Samuel Knowles
Subject: Re: Interview with Elizabeth Glazer Tomorrow

Yes, thank you.

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 11, 2016, at 6:12 PM, Cooper, Crystal <CCooper2@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Hi Joe,
Glad the timing works out. Unfortunately though, Liz is only available by phone
tomorrow. She wasn’t in the office today and very likely won’t be tomorrow either.
Should I have her call you at 646-467-3930?
From: Samuel Knowles [mailto:samuel.knowles@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2016 5:29 PM
To: Cooper, Crystal
Subject: FW: Interview with Elizabeth Glazer Tomorrow

From: Goldstein, Joseph [mailto:joseph.goldstein@nytimes.com]
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2016 5:00 PM
To: Cooper, Crystal <CCooper2@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Samuel Knowles <samuel.knowles@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: Interview with Elizabeth Glazer Tomorrow

Hi Crystal,

12:30 is great. Dave Goodman will likely come along as well.

Thank you,
Joseph Goldstein
Reporter, New York Times
New York: 1 646 467 3930

On Mon, Apr 11, 2016 at 3:56 PM, Cooper, Crystal

<CCooper2@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Hi Joe,

Hope you enjoyed your weekend and that the background call with Sarah was
helpful re: NYC Safety and Justice Challenge.

Liz Glazer can speak with you on the record tomorrow afternoon. Right now,
she has time between 12:30 and 2 p.m. ET. Would you happen to have 20
minutes or so within that time frame to chat? Please let me know your

Thanks again,

Crystal Cooper
Senior Press Analyst
Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice
1 Centre Street, 10th Floor, Rm 1012N
New York, NY 10007
O: 212-416-5265
From: Dan Levitan
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: RE: talk later?
Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 4:45:12 PM

Are you calling me or me you?

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 1:57 PM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: talk later?
Yep good with me
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 1:56 PM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: RE: talk later?
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 12:19 PM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: talk later?
I have calls from 3:30-4:15
Can do before or after.
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 11:15 AM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: Re: talk later?

- Sent from my Galaxy S6 - 

On Apr 12, 2016, at 11:08 AM, Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Have a couple of things I want to talk about with you, have just been making a list
because I know you’ve been busy lately.
I’m tied up for the morning but sometime after 12?
From: Hinton, Karen
To: Neuman, William
Cc: Dan Levitan
Subject: Re: Comment
Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 6:10:53 PM

I'll get back to you. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 12, 2016, at 6:07 PM, Neuman, William <neuman@nytimes.com> wrote:

I am going to include Karen in these emails because she is the

spokeswoman for the mayor. And this question was put to the
mayor who promised a substantive answer. 
This statement says that campaign staff recommended
committee members -- which in this case includes Rechnitz and
Reichberg. And that Gabrielle Fialkoff, the chairwoman, chose
who was on the committee. 
Is that correct? 
Now I want to speak to Gabrielle on this issue. 
Karen, Gabrielle works for the mayor. It's not up to Berlin Rosen
to act as the go-between. 

William Neuman
The New York Times
+1 917 325 1467
+58 412 809 8682
Skype: +1 718 340 3704
Skype: willieneuman
Twitter: @willieneuman

On Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 5:58 PM, Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>

Following up here -- 
"The De Blasio Transition Committee, Inc. was a not-for-profit corporation funded
with private dollars, raised under CFB auspices.  It served the purpose of facilitating
the Mayor’s transition into and inauguration as Mayor.     
The Inaugural Committee was a large, ceremonial group of more than 70 New
Yorkers, including supporters and community leaders reflecting the diversity of New
York.   Suggestions for members were recommended by campaign staff and chosen
by staff in partnership with the volunteer chairperson.  We selected many
supporters to join as an acknowledgement of their work and support for the
The committee held one conference call with the Chair where they were given
details of the Inaugural ceremonies.  There were no other meetings or calls."

From: Neuman, William [neuman@nytimes.com]

Sent: Monday, April 11, 2016 7:00 PM
To: Dan Levitan
Subject: Re: Comment

that's the comment? I can count how many people were on the thing. i
don't need you to tell me in a statement. 

William Neuman
The New York Times
+1 917 325 1467
+58 412 809 8682
Skype: +1 718 340 3704
Skype: willieneuman
Twitter: @willieneuman

On Mon, Apr 11, 2016 at 6:55 PM, Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>


“The Inaugural Committee was a large, ceremonial group of more than 70

New Yorkers, including supporters and community leaders reflecting the
diversity of New York.”

Dan Levitan

BerlinRosen Public Affairs

O: 646.200.5315

C: 201.674.7475


From: Samuel Knowles
To: Cooper, Crystal; Hanah Smith; Szypko, Robert
Cc: Scaife, Jennifer
Subject: RE: Op-ed Q
Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 6:50:29 PM
Attachments: image001.png
Importance: High

Hi Crystal,
We’re trying on this with USA Today. Given the late stage in the editing process, we’re not sure
they’ll be able to make the change, but we are doing our best. Separately, can you please let us
know how things went with the New York Times and whether they’re planning anything?
Thank you,

From: Cooper, Crystal [mailto:CCooper2@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 5:27 PM
To: Samuel Knowles <samuel.knowles@berlinrosen.com>; Hanah Smith <hsmith@mrss.com>;
Szypko, Robert <RSzypko@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Scaife, Jennifer <jscaife@justice.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Op-ed Q
Importance: High
Hi Sam,
We are going to have to go with the below. Please let me know if USA Today is able to accept the
change. Thank you!
“New York City is developing individualized risk and needs profiles as well as a tool that will match
individuals with appropriate, targeted diversion opportunities based on each individual’s unique
profile. The City is also building a public accountability website that will track progress in reducing
case delay -- the single biggest driver of the City's jail population.”
From: Samuel Knowles [mailto:samuel.knowles@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 2:33 PM
To: Cooper, Crystal; Hanah Smith; Szypko, Robert
Cc: Scaife, Jennifer
Subject: Op-ed Q
Importance: High
Hi Crystal,
Thanks so much for sharing this language with Hanah, and would love to hear how the call with NYT
went and if Joe is planning to do any coverage now or down the line. We’ll use this approved
language if we’re asked for more info by national reporters. Quick flag on the op-ed – USA Today
has accepted the piece and is planning to run it online tomorrow. It would be tough to change the
language at this point, but here is the paragraph in the op-ed. Is anything inaccurate here that raises
a concern? Let us know.
“New York City is developing a special assessment to measure what impact a stay in jail would
have on poor defendants— putting them at risk of losing their homes or jobs, or compromising
their ability to care for their families—so that judges can consider these factors before setting an
out-of-reach bail amount.”

From: Cooper, Crystal [mailto:CCooper2@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2016 3:25 PM
To: Hanah Smith <hsmith@mrss.com>; Szypko, Robert <RSzypko@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Samuel Knowles <samuel.knowles@berlinrosen.com>; Scaife, Jennifer <jscaife@justice.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Materials for Tuesday Call w/ M+R
Thanks so much. I realize that my phone was giving trouble, so no worries on jotting down the
wrong email address. Look forward to connecting again tomorrow.

From: Hanah Smith [mailto:hsmith@mrss.com]
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2016 3:12 PM
To: Szypko, Robert; Cooper, Crystal
Cc: Samuel Knowles; Scaife, Jennifer
Subject: RE: Materials for Tuesday Call w/ M+R
Thanks, Rob. My mistake!
Crystal – Please find attached the materials that were included with the original email send.
Hanah Smith Vice President

202-478-6143 (o) | 734-679-6348 (m) | hsmith@mrss.com


From: Szypko, Robert [mailto:RSzypko@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, April 4, 2016 3:04 PM
To: 'Hanah Smith'; Cooper, Crystal
Cc: Samuel Knowles; Scaife, Jennifer
Subject: RE: Materials for Tuesday Call w/ M+R
Thanks Hannah, taking off the other Crystal Cooper from City Hall, and adding Crystal from our
From: Hanah Smith [mailto:hsmith@mrss.com]
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2016 2:56 PM
To: Szypko, Robert; Cooper, Crystal
Cc: Samuel Knowles; Scaife, Jennifer
Subject: Materials for Tuesday Call w/ M+R
Hi Crystal, Rob,
Thanks again for our conversation earlier today. In advance of our call tomorrow, please find
attached the:
-        Template press release - for your use that will need to be reviewed by both you all and the
Foundation one last time before finalizing
-        Draft list of potential media tough questions - to be discussed on our call tomorrow
For our call tomorrow, here’s an agenda to help guide the discussion:

Overall Messaging

Top level reactions to draft package and fact sheet

Please send any redline edits/comments in advance, if applicable

Tough questions for media

Run through questions and start working through answers together

Discuss other challenges/opposition to be prepared for

Announcement strategy

Press outreach

Press release


Social media outreach

Stakeholder engagement

Next steps

Clarify/confirm who does what and deadlines

As an FYI, the additional documents M+R will be sharing include:
-        Safety and Justice Challenge website blurb (draft for review)
-        Template event media advisory (if needed)
-        Template stakeholder and social media outreach materials (for your use)
In addition, once we’ve discussed the remaining materials tomorrow I will share a full recap of
materials with notes about where they stand, which need further review and updating, and by when
all materials need to be finalized.
Please let me know if you have any questions on the above and look forward to speaking with you all
again tomorrow!
Hanah Smith Vice President

1901 L Street NW Suite 800 | Washington DC 20036

202-478-6143 (o) | 734-679-6348 (m) | hsmith@mrss.com
www.mrss.com | Facebook | Twitter

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: Walzak, Phil; Arslanian, Kayla; Berger, Henry; Jonathan Rosen; Almonte, Catherine
Subject: RE: MBDB: Prep Conference Call
Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 7:45:36 PM


From: Walzak, Phil
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 7:45 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Arslanian, Kayla; Berger, Henry; Jonathan Rosen; Almonte, Catherine
Subject: RE: MBDB: Prep Conference Call

And we cant do before?

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 7:41 PM
To: Arslanian, Kayla; Walzak, Phil; Berger, Henry; Jonathan Rosen; Almonte, Catherine
Subject: RE: MBDB: Prep Conference Call

He doesn’t want to do while in the car-

Wants to do when he arrive

Can start at 9pm but he may not get on asap

-----Original Appointment-----
From: Walzak, Phil On Behalf Of Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 7:37 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Arslanian, Kayla
Subject: FW: MBDB: Prep Conference Call
When: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 9:30 PM-10:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: Call In: Code:

Can we not do 930? Can we do earlier? After Chris Hayes?

-----Original Appointment-----
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 7:36 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Walzak, Phil; Berger, Henry; Jonathan Rosen; Arslanian, Kayla; Almonte,
Subject: MBDB: Prep Conference Call
When: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 9:30 PM-10:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: Call In: Code:
From: Almonte, Catherine
To: Walzak, Phil
Cc: Arslanian, Kayla; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Berger, Henry
Subject: Re: MBDB: Prep Conference Call
Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 9:05:34 PM

He said he was going to eat some food before calling. That was 15 mins ago so
shouldn't be much longer. 

Sent while mobile. 

On Apr 12, 2016, at 9:03 PM, Walzak, Phil <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Almonte, Catherine
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 9:01 PM
To: Walzak, Phil; Arslanian, Kayla; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com;
Berger, Henry
Subject: MBDB: Prep Conference Call

Please standby...

I will notify you when to dial in 

MBDB: Prep Conference Call

Scheduled: Tuesday, Apr 12, 2016 from 9:00 PM to 9:30 PM
Location: Call In: Code:
Invitees: Walzak, Phil , Arslanian, Kayla , Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca ,
Jonathan Rosen , Berger, Henry

Sent while mobile. 

From: Almonte, Catherine
To: Walzak, Phil
Cc: Arslanian, Kayla; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Berger, Henry
Subject: Re: MBDB: Prep Conference Call
Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 9:23:58 PM

Seems like something is wrong with the conference line. 

Standby for a new number. 

Sent while mobile. 

On Apr 12, 2016, at 9:22 PM, Almonte, Catherine <CAlmonte@cityhall.nyc.gov>


Please dial in 

Sent while mobile. 

On Apr 12, 2016, at 9:03 PM, Walzak, Phil <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>


Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Almonte, Catherine
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 9:01 PM
To: Walzak, Phil; Arslanian, Kayla; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca;
Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Berger, Henry
Subject: MBDB: Prep Conference Call

Please standby...

I will notify you when to dial in 

MBDB: Prep Conference Call

Scheduled: Tuesday, Apr 12, 2016 from 9:00 PM to 9:30 PM
Location: Call In: Code:
Invitees: Walzak, Phil , Arslanian, Kayla , Salazar-Rodriguez,
Prisca , Jonathan Rosen , Berger, Henry

Sent while mobile. 

From: Almonte, Catherine
To: Walzak, Phil
Cc: Arslanian, Kayla; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Berger, Henry
Subject: Re: MBDB: Prep Conference Call
Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 9:26:32 PM

Please use this number instead

Dial In: 


Sent while mobile. 

On Apr 12, 2016, at 9:24 PM, Walzak, Phil <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Not letting dials in thru

Due to "heavy calling"

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Almonte, Catherine
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 9:22 PM
To: Walzak, Phil
Cc: Arslanian, Kayla; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Berger, Henry
Subject: Re: MBDB: Prep Conference Call

Please dial in 

Sent while mobile. 

On Apr 12, 2016, at 9:03 PM, Walzak, Phil <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>


Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Almonte, Catherine
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 9:01 PM
To: Walzak, Phil; Arslanian, Kayla; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca;
Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Berger, Henry
Subject: MBDB: Prep Conference Call

Please standby...

I will notify you when to dial in 

MBDB: Prep Conference Call

Scheduled: Tuesday, Apr 12, 2016 from 9:00 PM to 9:30 PM
Location: Call In: Code:
Invitees: Walzak, Phil , Arslanian, Kayla , Salazar-Rodriguez,
Prisca , Jonathan Rosen , Berger, Henry

Sent while mobile. 

From: Almonte, Catherine
To: Walzak, Phil
Cc: Arslanian, Kayla; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Berger, Henry
Subject: Re: MBDB: Prep Conference Call
Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 9:43:06 PM

That was me that got off the call to give you guys privacy.

Hope it's a quick one! 

Sent while mobile 

On Apr 12, 2016, at 9:23 PM, Almonte, Catherine <CAlmonte@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Seems like something is wrong with the conference line. 

Standby for a new number. 

Sent while mobile. 

On Apr 12, 2016, at 9:22 PM, Almonte, Catherine

<CAlmonte@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Please dial in 

Sent while mobile. 

On Apr 12, 2016, at 9:03 PM, Walzak, Phil

<PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Almonte, Catherine
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 9:01 PM
To: Walzak, Phil; Arslanian, Kayla; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca;
Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Berger, Henry
Subject: MBDB: Prep Conference Call

Please standby...

I will notify you when to dial in 

MBDB: Prep Conference Call

Scheduled: Tuesday, Apr 12, 2016 from 9:00 PM to 9:30
Location: Call In: Code:
Invitees: Walzak, Phil , Arslanian, Kayla , Salazar-
Rodriguez, Prisca , Jonathan Rosen , Berger, Henry

Sent while mobile. 

From: Viguers, Jonathan
To: Walzak, Phil; Almonte, Catherine
Cc: Arslanian, Kayla; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Berger, Henry
Subject: RE: MBDB: Prep Conference Call
Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 11:15:12 PM


From: Walzak, Phil

Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 10:11 PM
To: Almonte, Catherine
Cc: Arslanian, Kayla; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Berger, Henry; Viguers, Jonathan
Subject: RE: MBDB: Prep Conference Call

impt he has these

From: Almonte, Catherine

Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 10:08 PM
To: Walzak, Phil
Cc: Arslanian, Kayla; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Berger, Henry; Viguers, Jonathan
Subject: Re: MBDB: Prep Conference Call

+ JV who will be with him in the morning. 

Sent while mobile. 

On Apr 12, 2016, at 10:05 PM, Walzak, Phil <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

can we get this printed on a card for him in the am ----

As I’ve said I am very confident in the integrity of this administration and of my campaign.  

While we have not been contacted by the US Attorney or the FBI, yesterday I instructed
representatives of my 2013 campaign and re-election to proactively reach out to the US Attorney
and let them know that we looked forward to providing them with any information that may be
helpful and that we wanted to fully cooperate with them regarding any issues of interest - and
that is our plan.  

They have done so and made contact with the US Attorney and clearly communicated our
willingness and desire to assist.  

I have no further details then I did when I last addressed this topic and am still unaware of any
Q.  Anything on investigation:
A.  As I’ve said I am very confident in the integrity of this administration and of my campaign.  

While we have not been contacted by the US Attorney or the FBI, yesterday I instructed representatives
of my 2013 campaign and re-election to proactively reach out to the US Attorney and let them know
that we looked forward to providing them with any information that may be helpful and that we wanted
to fully cooperate with them regarding any issues of interest - and that is our plan.  They have done so
and made contact with the US Attorney and clearly communicated our willingness and desire to assist.  

I have no further details then I did when I last addressed this topic and am still unaware of any

Q.  Lawyer?

A.       No I have not.  Barry Berke, the attorney for our 2013 campaign, is representing the campaign.

Q.  Subpoenas?
A.  No, but clearly communicated our willingness to assist. 
Q.  What did US Attorney say?
A.  My understanding is they understood and acknowledged the offer.  There have been no requests of
the campaign, and we have no information as to whether there is an investigation. 
Q.  JCOPE investigation?
A.  Can’t speak to that – question for C41NY 
Q.  Gabrielle knowing these guys?
A.  No
Q.  How on inaug?  Who?
A.  Suggestions for members were recommended by campaign staff and chosen by staff in partnership
with the volunteer chairperson of the committee.  We selected many supporters to join as
an acknowledgement of their work for the campaign. The committee was ceremonial 

IF PRESSED - ...this was more than 2 yrs ago...not going to go into every detail here....These 2 ppl
were obviously selected by our team because of their support for the campaign. Clearly had we known
about these allegations they would not have been selected.

From: Almonte, Catherine

Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 9:43 PM
To: Walzak, Phil
Cc: Arslanian, Kayla; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Berger, Henry
Subject: Re: MBDB: Prep Conference Call

That was me that got off the call to give you guys privacy.

Hope it's a quick one! 

Sent while mobile 

On Apr 12, 2016, at 9:23 PM, Almonte, Catherine <CAlmonte@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Seems like something is wrong with the conference line. 

Standby for a new number. 

Sent while mobile. 

On Apr 12, 2016, at 9:22 PM, Almonte, Catherine

<CAlmonte@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Please dial in 

Sent while mobile. 

On Apr 12, 2016, at 9:03 PM, Walzak, Phil

<PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Almonte, Catherine
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 9:01 PM
To: Walzak, Phil; Arslanian, Kayla; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca;
Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Berger, Henry
Subject: MBDB: Prep Conference Call

Please standby...

I will notify you when to dial in 

MBDB: Prep Conference Call

Scheduled: Tuesday, Apr 12, 2016 from 9:00 PM to
9:30 PM
Location: Call In: Code:
Invitees: Walzak, Phil , Arslanian, Kayla , Salazar-
Rodriguez, Prisca , Jonathan Rosen , Berger, Henry

Sent while mobile. 

From: Dan Levitan
To: Worman, Maya; Grybauskas, Natalie
Cc: Jennifer Hensley; Jovana Rizzo; Stacey Levine
Subject: FW: Vice request for comment
Date: Wednesday, April 13, 2016 10:23:39 AM

See below.  Images are very graphic.  We deployed a patch this morning to address Google image
searches.  We are drafting a response now and will share with you shortly.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Patrick Molloy [mailto:patrick.molloy@intersection.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2016 10:07 AM
To: media@link.nyc
Subject: Vice request for comment

Hey all, bringing this to you in separate email from ZD ticket. This was from
email emerson.rosenthal@vice.com and in ticket 143345. BE WARNED images are very

Hi, I'm reporting on a story that transpired last night. Passersby a Link.NYC terminal were treated to
an impromptu art installation after an artist used your terminal to display graphic pornography, dead
bodies, and graffiti tags to the unsuspecting public. Images below [graphic]:

Do you care to comment on the exploit? How does Link.NYC feel about the use of their terminals for
public interventions? Do you have countermeasures in place against this? Can/Will you do anything to
prevent such future occurrences?

Also, can you comment on if / how your terminals will be used for wi-fi fingerprinting and/or civilian
tracking in the future?

I look forward to your reply,


Editor, The Creators Project


49 South 2nd Street 
Brooklyn, NY 11249

This e-mail transmission may be legally privileged and contains confidential information that is the
property of the sender and the organization (VICE MEDIA LLC) for which the sender represents. If you
are not the intended recipient and have by accident received this email, please do not retain, disclose,
reproduce or distribute the contents of this e-mail transmission, or take any action in relevance
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From: Dan Levitan
To: Grybauskas, Natalie; Worman, Maya
Cc: Jennifer Hensley; Jovana Rizzo; Stacey Levine
Subject: RE: Vice request for comment
Date: Wednesday, April 13, 2016 10:38:49 AM

Yes, Google Images, Yes it will go black, and all the Links were patched this morning to force Google
Image Search into safe mode.
Statement coming shortly will make these points – then we can hop on phone to discuss if needed.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2016 10:27 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Worman, Maya <mworman@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Jennifer Hensley <Jennifer.Hensley@intersection.com>; Jovana Rizzo
<jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>
Subject: RE: Vice request for comment

What exactly happened here?

Was this just someone looking stuff up on google images and leaving it up for people to see? doesn’t
the screen go black if you’re not using it for a short time?
I thought there were content restrictions in place?
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2016 10:24 AM
To: Worman, Maya; Grybauskas, Natalie
Cc: Jennifer Hensley; Jovana Rizzo; Stacey Levine
Subject: FW: Vice request for comment

See below.  Images are very graphic.  We deployed a patch this morning to address Google image
searches.  We are drafting a response now and will share with you shortly.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Patrick Molloy [mailto:patrick.molloy@intersection.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2016 10:07 AM
To: media@link.nyc
Subject: Vice request for comment

Hey all, bringing this to you in separate email from ZD ticket. This was from
email emerson.rosenthal@vice.com and in ticket 143345. BE WARNED images are very

Hi, I'm reporting on a story that transpired last night. Passersby a Link.NYC terminal were treated to
an impromptu art installation after an artist used your terminal to display graphic pornography, dead
bodies, and graffiti tags to the unsuspecting public. Images below [graphic]:

Do you care to comment on the exploit? How does Link.NYC feel about the use of their terminals for
public interventions? Do you have countermeasures in place against this? Can/Will you do anything to
prevent such future occurrences?

Also, can you comment on if / how your terminals will be used for wi-fi fingerprinting and/or civilian
tracking in the future?

I look forward to your reply,


Editor, The Creators Project


49 South 2nd Street 
Brooklyn, NY 11249

This e-mail transmission may be legally privileged and contains confidential information that is the
property of the sender and the organization (VICE MEDIA LLC) for which the sender represents. If you
are not the intended recipient and have by accident received this email, please do not retain, disclose,
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From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: "Emily Walsh"
Cc: Reception
Subject: RE: Meeting
Date: Wednesday, April 13, 2016 12:24:28 PM

Great. thanks
He should be there any minute
From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2016 11:19 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Cc: Reception
Subject: RE: Meeting
He can use the 15th floor like yesterday. Please send someone upstairs as well so we can get them
Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2016 10:52 AM
To: Anna Robinson-Sweet; Emily Walsh
Cc: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Meeting

Hi guys!
The Mayor would like to have a meeting at your office today at 12noon-
He will be meeting with Richard Emery.
Do you have a room avail?
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: "Reception"
Subject: RE: Meeting
Date: Wednesday, April 13, 2016 12:24:52 PM

He should be there any minute
From: Reception [mailto:Reception@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2016 12:24 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: RE: Meeting
Hey Prisca,
Apologies for the late reply. He’ll be on the 15 th floor conference room. I believe his security
know here to take him.
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [mailto:PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2016 11:12 AM
To: Reception
Subject: FW: Meeting
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2016 10:52 AM
To: 'Anna Robinson-Sweet'; Emily Walsh
Cc: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Meeting
Hi guys!
The Mayor would like to have a meeting at your office today at 12noon-
He will be meeting with Richard Emery.
Do you have a room avail?
From: Reception
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Emily Walsh
Subject: RE: Meeting
Date: Wednesday, April 13, 2016 1:02:33 PM

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [mailto:PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2016 1:00 PM
To: Emily Walsh
Cc: Reception
Subject: RE: Meeting
They are going to stay a little longer in the room-
Maybe till 230
From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2016 11:19 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Cc: Reception
Subject: RE: Meeting
He can use the 15th floor like yesterday. Please send someone upstairs as well so we can get them
Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2016 10:52 AM
To: Anna Robinson-Sweet; Emily Walsh
Cc: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Meeting

Hi guys!
The Mayor would like to have a meeting at your office today at 12noon-
He will be meeting with Richard Emery.
Do you have a room avail?
From: Litvak, Gwendolyn
To: "Nicole Kolinsky"; Connie Chung
Subject: RE: L.A., planning for future growth, seeks a major update of its neighborhood plans - LA Times
Date: Wednesday, April 13, 2016 3:29:36 PM

Interesting NK.
GWEN LITVAK  | 212-442-6332
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2016 3:29 PM
To: Connie Chung
Cc: Litvak, Gwendolyn
Subject: L.A., planning for future growth, seeks a major update of its neighborhood plans - LA Times

utm source=dlvr.it&utm medium=twitter&dlvrit=649324
From: Samuel Knowles
To: Cooper, Crystal
Cc: Kyle Moler
Subject: RE: Notes from NYC Interviews on SJC
Date: Wednesday, April 13, 2016 8:48:17 PM

Thanks so much for this helpful readout, Crystal. Very strange on NYT.
From: Cooper, Crystal [mailto:CCooper2@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2016 6:21 PM
To: Samuel Knowles <samuel.knowles@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Kyle Moler <kmoler@mrss.com>
Subject: Notes from NYC Interviews on SJC
Hi Sam,

Thank you so much for all of your outreach assistance in the lead-up to the announcement today.
Here are notes on the interviews that Liz held yesterday. You’ll see that the NYT interview went very
much off track, but that he may write a longer lead piece in the next few weeks.

We ended up getting our release out a little after 1 p.m. ET, so we will monitor overnight to see if
any local papers picked it up with info from the release.  
· Jake Pearson of AP:
millions-grants-overhaul-operations (quotes Liz Glazer)
· Interview with Economist went extremely well. Planning a longer lead story to run after the
New York primary on April 19
· Haven’t seen anything yet from Ryan Reilly at HuffPost, but that interview went very well
· New York Times interview was extremely hostile; the interview started with a demand that
we send a list of names of the top “churners” in the jail system. He did not seem interested
in covering the actual grant. We’ve been massaging the dialogue via email over the past 24
hours to get things to a place where he might write a longer lead story in the next few
Crystal Cooper
Senior Press Analyst
Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice
1 Centre Street, 10 th Floor, Rm 1012N
New York, NY 10007
O: 212-416-5265
From: Litvak, Gwendolyn
To: "Connie Chung"; Nicole Kolinsky
Subject: RE: LA mayor answers backlash to "mega-developments" with plan of his own | 89.3 KPCC
Date: Friday, April 15, 2016 4:42:08 PM

Wowza. Also, hi.

GWEN LITVAK  | 212-442-6332
From: Connie Chung [mailto:CChung@hraadvisors.com]
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2016 1:30 PM
To: Nicole Kolinsky; Litvak, Gwendolyn
Subject: RE: LA mayor answers backlash to 'mega-developments' with plan of his own | 89.3 KPCC

Maybe it’s just the top-down east coast technocrat in me, but why is 35 separate plans better than a
single comprehensive plan?
Connie J. Chung
Director  |  HR&A Advisors, Inc.
Direct: (646) 545-6248  |  Mobile: (917) 699-7893
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2016 11:26 AM
To: Connie Chung; Litvak, Gwendolyn
Subject: LA mayor answers backlash to 'mega-developments' with plan of his own | 89.3 KPCC

From: Breitbart, Joshua
To: CJ Macklin; Dan Levitan; Jennifer Hensley
Cc: Stacey Levine
Subject: RE: May 2 event
Date: Friday, April 15, 2016 4:44:00 PM

Jen, did you have a chance to finalize?

From: Breitbart, Joshua
Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2016 4:48 PM
To: 'CJ Macklin'; Dan Levitan; Jennifer Hensley
Cc: Stacey Levine
Subject: RE: May 2 event

Can we finalize by tomorrow whether this will be Jen or Colin? New America is preparing the event
announcement. Thanks.
From: CJ Macklin [mailto:CJ.Macklin@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2016 12:50 PM
To: Breitbart, Joshua; Dan Levitan; Jennifer Hensley
Cc: Stacey Levine
Subject: RE: May 2 event

Sounds good, Josh. I’ll be here ( ).

From: Breitbart, Joshua [mailto:JBreitbart@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2016 12:47 PM
To: CJ Macklin; Dan Levitan; Jennifer Hensley
Cc: Stacey Levine
Subject: RE: May 2 event

Can I call you back in about 20 minutes?

From: CJ Macklin [mailto:CJ.Macklin@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2016 11:45 AM
To: Breitbart, Joshua; Dan Levitan; Jennifer Hensley
Cc: Stacey Levine
Subject: RE: May 2 event

Hey Josh,
Just tried to reach you to chat further about the event, but got your VM. Let me know when you’re
free, and I can give you a quick call back.
From: Breitbart, Joshua [mailto:JBreitbart@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2016 10:52 AM
To: Dan Levitan; Jennifer Hensley
Cc: Stacey Levine; CJ Macklin
Subject: RE: May 2 event

Sorry for the delay. It would be great to have Jen for this event. You can reach me at my desk: 212-
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2016 4:48 PM
To: Jennifer Hensley; Breitbart, Joshua
Cc: Stacey Levine; CJ Macklin
Subject: RE: May 2 event

Hi Josh –
We definitely want to participate.  Can we connect by phone tomorrow?

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Jennifer Hensley [mailto:jennifer.hensley@intersection.com]
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2016 4:00 PM
To: Breitbart, Joshua <JBreitbart@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: May 2 event

Hey Josh -
Sorry I missed you - was in a city planning meeting with DOT on Times Square plazas! I'd
passed this on to our press team and I think they were looking into it. I'm happy to participate
if we can coordinate schedules. Let me check back with the team and we'll confirm with you
as soon as possible.

On Thu, Mar 24, 2016 at 5:07 PM, Breitbart, Joshua <JBreitbart@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
New America is planning an event at Civic Hall in the evening on May 2nd highlighting
the City’s use of Wi-Fi. We thought it would be good to include someone to speak on
behalf of Link.

There’s a tie-in to concerns about LTE-U’s potential impact on Wi-Fi. Other speakers will
include Maya, EDC, Andrew Afflerbach from CTC Energy and Technology, Chris
Szymanski from Broadcom.

Give me a call if you want to discuss.


Joshua Breitbart
Special Advisor for Broadband
Office of the Mayor
City Hall, New York, NY 10007
o (212) 676-3969
m (347) 224-4545


Jen Hensley 
General Manager, Link

T: 212 735-8906 
C: 917 863-4914 

100 Park Avenue 6th Floor New York NY 10017

From: Dan Levitan
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: Bronx
Date: Monday, April 18, 2016 2:02:38 PM

Do you have a sec to catch up this afternoon?

I am free after 3.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Litvak, Gwendolyn
To: Connie Chung; Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com; Daria Siegel
Subject: Re: Yolles
Date: Tuesday, April 19, 2016 9:54:32 AM

I saw him at duane reade but avoided him bec I was buying a random assortment of things

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Connie Chung
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2016 9:53 AM
To: Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com; Daria Siegel; Litvak, Gwendolyn
Subject: Yolles

Having a baby. I had no idea! He said due date is in 8 days. Whoa! 

COnniE J. ChUng
Director  |  HR&A AdVIsOrs, INC.
Direct: (646) 545-6248  |  Mobile: (917) 699-7893

- sent via mobile - 

From: Litvak Gwendolyn
To: "Nicole Kolinsky"
Subject: RE: Exclusive Q&A: NYC Mayor’s Office Of Sustainability Director Nilda Mesa
Date: Thursday, April 21, 2016 5:16:01 PM

Thank you. Some of my best ghost writing I think. J

GWEN LITVAK  | 212-442-6332
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2016 5:15 PM
To: Litvak, Gwendolyn
Subject: Fwd: Exclusive Q&A: NYC Mayor’s Office Of Sustainability Director Nilda Mesa


Nicole Kolinsky
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
nicole kolinsky@berlinrosen.com
646.200.5296 (o)
646.263.1527 (c)

Begin forwarded message:

From: New York Bisnow <newsletter@news.bisnow.com>

Date: April 21, 2016 at 5:05:35 PM EDT
To: Nicole Kolinsky <nicole.kolinsky@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Exclusive Q&A: NYC Mayor’s Office Of Sustainability Director Nilda Mesa


April 21, 2016

Exclusive Q&A: NYC Mayor’s Office Of

Sustainability Director Nilda Mesa
In an office market where sustainability figures increasingly into
tenants’ wish lists, we can be sure it’ll play a huge role in the
future of commercial real estate. We caught up with Nilda Mesa,
director of the Mayor’s Office of Sustainability and a speaker at
our Future of Real Estate event next week, to get her take on
where things are headed.

How Sustainability In Development

Can Impact The Bottom Line

The Numbers Are (Finally) Making

Sense For Sustainability. Here's Why.

Hudson Yard's Smart City Initiative

Could Provide Glimpse Of NYC's

Nine Next-Level Sustainability Moves

Chetrit And Yadidi Complete Garment

District Assemblage; 80-Story Tower

Isaac Chetrit and Ray Yadidi have closed on the final piece of
a 375k SF assemblage in the Garment District. It includes air rights
from the landmarked Haier Building, which won’t be going
The World's Largest
Commercial Lender
Lost $27B Over The Past
12 Months
Wells Fargo’s market value has tumbled
over $27B in the past year, with the
bank’s market cap sinking to $253.23B
from $280.66B last April.

The world’s largest commercial lender

has faced headwinds from global market
turmoil, which has meant over 60%
cuts to profits from private equity
giants to Goldman Sachs.

Click here for the full story.

Behind The Doors Of

With co-living spaces popping up around
the country, co-working giant
WeWork has jumped on the micro-unit
bandwagon, recently unveiling WeLive,
the company's co-living concept, in
both NYC and DC. Bisnow managed to
get a tour of the facilities for an inside
look at these amenity-packed adult

Click here for the full story.

National 06.14.2016

Bisnow's Annual Student

Bob Clark Wesley Rogers Kristopher Kelley
Peak Campus Landmark Properties American Campus Communities
From: Hinton, Karen
To: Jonathan Rosen
Cc: Dan Levitan
Subject: Re: is BOE letter from you or the campaign? if you, will you forward to me, please?
Date: Sunday, April 24, 2016 6:03:30 PM

I sent him a link.

Karen Hinton
Press Secretary
Follow me on Twitter @KarenHinton

From: Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>

Date: Sunday, April 24, 2016 at 5:20 PM
To: Karen Hinton <khinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: is BOE letter from you or the campaign? if you, will you forward to me, please?

It is from neither.  

On Apr 24, 2016, at 5:16 PM, Hinton, Karen <KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Can you send letter to Ben Max?

Karen Hinton
Press Secretary
Follow me on Twitter @KarenHinton

From: Ben Max <

Date: April 24, 2016 at 4:47:22 PM EDT
To: "Hinton, Karen" <KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: is BOE letter from you or the campaign? if you, will you forward to
me, please?

Ben Max
(c) 860 833 0852
Executive Editor, GothamGazette.com
From: Snyder, Thomas
To: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: FW: inquiry from City & State
Date: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 10:19:19 AM

Is it not the case that Ragone is supposed to be speaking for the record on these type inquiries now?

From: Geri Prado <geri@progressiveagenda.us>

Date: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 at 9:28 AM
To: Tom Snyder <tsnyder@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Ezra W. Reese" <EReese@perkinscoie.com>, "Berger, Henry" <HBerger@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Fwd: inquiry from City & State

Tom, Henry and Ezra- reporter Q re filing. We have a line we have given others and the date is coming up
where reporters will be asking for this. 

Who is handling reporter inquiries for TPAC?

Begin forwarded message:

From: Rebecca Katz <rkatz@hilltoppublicsolutions.com>

Date: April 26, 2016 at 9:21:51 AM EDT
To: Andrew Friedman <andrew.friedman@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Geri Prado <geri@progressiveagenda.us>
Subject: Re: inquiry from City & State

Adding Geri. I have not worked for TPA in a few months. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 26, 2016, at 9:11 AM, Andrew Friedman <andrew.friedman@berlinrosen.com>


It’s Andrew from BR. Hope all’s well.
See below inquiry from C&S at bottom and thoughts from Jonathan
below. Before I point Sarina to you re: TPA, just want to make sure JR is
right that it’s you?
From: Jonathan Rosen
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 9:04 AM
To: Andrew Friedman
Cc: Dan Levitan
Subject: Re: inquiry from City & State
We need to provide tax info and our most recent disclosure re
CONY. Dan has. We do not have united for affordable or tpa.
Rebecca Katz for TPA. I think Kwatra for United for Affordable but
pls confirm with each before referring.
Coib is a request to the Mayor's press office.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Sarina Trangle

Date: April 26, 2016 at 6:25:56
Subject: inquiry from City &

<!--[if !supportLists]-->
<!--[endif]--> Good Morning, 
<!--[if !supportLists]-->
<!--[if !supportLists]-->
<!--[endif]--> My name is
Sarina, and I’m a reporter with City
& State.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->
<!--[if !supportLists]-->
<!--[endif]--> Do you
represent United for Affordable NYC
and the Progressive Agenda in
addition to the Campaign for One
New York?
<!--[if !supportLists]-->
<!--[if !supportLists]-->
<!--[endif]-->I am hoping
to reach out to the
appropriate person in
seeking various documents
for all three groups. I heard
you may be able to help. If
you’re not the right person,
please let me know, and if
possible, direct me to the
best person. I’m aiming to get
the documents by Wednesday
<!--[if !supportLists]-->
<!--[if !supportLists]-->
<!--[endif]--> We’re hoping
to get copies of the non-profit tax
exemption application, notice of
status and annual returns for the
Campaign for One New York and for
the United for Affordable NYC and
Progressive Agenda. Can you help
with that?
<!--[if !supportLists]-->
<!--[if !supportLists]-->
<!--[endif]--> Also, we’re
wondering if  United for Affordable
NYC and Progressive Agenda will be
voluntarily disclosing their
contributions and expenses – as
Campaign for One New York will be
– and if so, who I should reach out
to for that? (The United for
Affordable NYC spokesman referred
me to the legal team on that.)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->
<!--[if !supportLists]-->
<!--[endif]--> And lastly, did
Mayor Bill de Blasio, any of his City
Hall staff or First Lady Chirlane
McCray receive any written
guidance from the Conflicts of
Interest Board regarding their
involvement with the non-profits,
and if so, could get a copy of the
<!--[if !supportLists]-->
<!--[if !supportLists]-->
<!--[endif]--> Thanks,

61 Broadway, Suite 2235
New York, NY 10006

From: Andrew Friedman
To: Hinton, Karen
Subject: RE: Campaign for One New York
Date: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 1:05:28 PM

Got it, thanks.

From: Hinton, Karen [mailto:KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 12:59 PM
To: Andrew Friedman
Subject: Fwd: Campaign for One New York
See below. 

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Mark Chiusano <Mark.Chiusano@amny.com>

Date: April 26, 2016 at 12:50:34 PM EDT
To: "Hinton, Karen" <KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Campaign for One New York

Hi Karen,
I know you spoke to Randi yesterday, but just wanted to let you know I'm working on a
column for tomorrow on the Campaign for One New York and donations it received
from Bluestone Corp, in relation to their property Arlington Village in East New York. I
have the mayor's comments from yesterday on the campaign finance investigations in
general. Do let me know if there's anything else I should know or if you want to touch
base today. 
Are you getting amExpress, our daily column about New York? Sign up here:
Mark Chiusano
Newsday and amNY
Editorial Board
O: 6462939636
C: 6464184982
The information transmitted in this email and any of its attachments is intended only
for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information
concerning Cablevision and/or its affiliates and subsidiaries that is proprietary,
privileged, confidential and/or subject to copyright. Any review, retransmission,
dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information
by persons or entities other than the intended recipient(s) is prohibited and may be
unlawful. If you received this in error, please contact the sender immediately and
delete and destroy the communication and all of the attachments you have received
and all copies thereof.
From: Leslie Patterson
To: Steve Barnett; Phillips, Eric Falk
Cc: Daniel, Michaela
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?
Date: Thursday, April 28, 2016 5:13:56 PM

Thanks, Steve!

And nice to e-meet you, Eric. Please also let us know about the quote that Steve
sent over for the Mayor. We want to make sure that that + the run of show are
finalized as soon as possible. 

Leslie Patterson
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5326 desk // 561.801.5963 cell

From: Steve Barnett <sbarnett@nieer.org>

Date: Thursday, April 28, 2016 at 2:55 PM
To: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Hi Eric:  I am connecting you with Leslie Patterson at Berlin Rosen who is handling press for us on the
Yearbook release and this event.  We need to get confirmation that the run of show is acceptable for the
Mayor among other things.



W. Steven Barnett, Ph.D.

National Institute for Early Education Research
Rutgers University
73 Easton Ave
New Brunswick, NJ  08901

Phone: (848) 932-4350

Fax: (732) 932-4360

On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 12:36 PM, Daniel, Michaela <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Thanks so much – this was really helpful.  I’m connecting you with Eric Phillips from our
communications team so you guys can coordinate on details.

From: Steve Barnett [mailto:sbarnett@nieer.org]
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2016 11:37 AM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Here you go with proposed quote for the Mayor highlighted in blue.

Here is our plan for run of show for the event.

Welcome from program director, my remarks (3-5 min), Mayor, business person if possible, labor leader
(Randi Weingarten AFT possible).  Q and A. Then Mayor leaves stage and has 5 minute conversation
with parents about what pre-K has done for their children and families (on camera). Then go to
classroom where Mayor reads short book or part of book to kids on camera.

Alternatives as speakers--representative from US DOE (Sec. King not available) or Jacqueline Jones from
the Foundation for Child Development, or a parent.

Does the Mayor's office have a business representative they might like to feature or a state legislative

W. Steven Barnett, Ph.D.


National Institute for Early Education Research

Rutgers University

73 Easton Ave

New Brunswick, NJ  08901

Phone: (848) 932-4350

Fax: (732) 932-4360

On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 10:31 AM, Daniel, Michaela <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Hi Steve –

Just a reminder to send those drafts – I am talking to our press folks at 12 and would love to have
them with me.



From: Steve Barnett [mailto:sbarnett@nieer.org]

Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 4:02 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

I will have drafts. We have a final messaging meeting Thursday at 2

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 27, 2016, at 3:59 PM, "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Thank you!  If it’s possible for you to send it before noon, that would be fantastic.

From: Steve Barnett [mailto:sbarnett@nieer.org]

Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 3:59 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Betty Holcomb; Nancy Kolben
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Yes. I am traveling today but will pull it all together for you tomorrow.

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 27, 2016, at 3:50 PM, "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Hi Everyone –

For now, it seems like I’m still the best point of contact on this. 

As you can imagine, with yesterday’s budget release, our

communications team has been pretty busy, but I’m meeting with them
about this tomorrow morning.  Steve, if you have a proposed run of
show, attendee list, press pitch, etc., can you please send all of that stuff
my way?

Steve, I think you’ve been working with Sophia and her team on some
pieces of this – can you please keep me looped on those emails?  I just
want to make sure we’re all on the same page with so many chefs in
this kitchen.



From: Betty Holcomb [mailto:bholcomb@centerforchildrensinitiatives.org]

Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 7:09 AM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Nancy Kolben; sbarnett@nieer.org
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact

Thanks so much--we look forward to hearing back


Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 25, 2016, at 6:29 PM, Daniel, Michaela <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>


Sorry for the delay.  Working to solidify who the press

leads are over here.  Should be able to have the right
person tomorrow or Wed. Thanks!

From: Betty Holcomb

Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2016 4:06 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Nancy Kolben; sbarnett@nieer.org
Subject: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the
contact info?


Steve has a few questions about the event

Can you forward the full contact info for Devora and Jessica
from DOE and CH communications.

He has a couple questions related to other elected officials,

prominent figures to include at the event.  Is that the sort of
thing that Devora and Jessica can field – or should that type of
question come to you?

Just trying to keep things simple,


Please note our new company name, website and email.


Betty Holcomb

Policy Director

Center for Children's Initiatives (formerly Child Care, Inc.)



322 Eighth Ave, 4 Fl

New York, NY 10001

212.381.0009 direct line

212.929.7604 ext 3004

212.929.5785 fax

From: Daniel, Michaela [mailto:mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2016 4:27 PM
To: Betty Holcomb
Cc: Nancy Kolben
Subject: RE: So wonderful on yearbook release -- do you
have a few minutes today or tomorrow to discuss a few
related details?

Happy to talk but if these are event-related questions, I’d

love to loop you both with Devora and Jessica from DOE
and CH communications.

From: Betty Holcomb

Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2016 3:09 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Nancy Kolben
Subject: So wonderful on yearbook release -- do you have
a few minutes today or tomorrow to discuss a few related


THANK YOU so much for shepherding through the event for

the Yearbook!

Nancy and I had a few minutes to catch up with Steve Barnett,

and we have just a few details and questions we’d like to vet
with you about the event.

Do you have a few minutes between now and Friday?

We are very flexible.   We are thinking this would take not

more than 15 minutes or so


Please note our new company name, website and email.


Betty Holcomb

Policy Director

Center for Children's Initiatives (formerly Child Care, Inc.)



322 Eighth Ave, 4 Fl

New York, NY 10001

212.381.0009 direct line

212.929.7604 ext 3004

212.929.5785 fax

From: Andrew Friedman
To: Hinton, Karen
Subject: Re: monroe county
Date: Thursday, April 28, 2016 5:33:32 PM

Will do 

On Apr 28, 2016, at 5:30 PM, Hinton, Karen <KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Can you get back to her?

From: [mailto: On Behalf Of Erin Durkin
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2016 3:29 PM
To: Hinton, Karen
Subject: monroe county

Monroe County Republican Chairman Bill Reilich filed a complaint with the Board of
Elections Wednesday asking for an additional investigation into fundraising there for then-
Sen. Ted O'Brien. He cited three donations - $100,000 from  CWA District One’s PAC,
$100,000 donation from UFT, and $25,000 from 32BJ - to the Monroe County Democrats
which then transferred $218,663.25 to O'Brien. He said it's the same pattern of "money
laundering" seen in Ulster and Putnam counties. Any response to this?
From: Sam Scarrow
To: Cooper, Crystal
Cc: Samuel Knowles; Hanah Smith; kmoler@mrss.com
Subject: RE: The Intercept inquiry
Date: Thursday, April 28, 2016 6:19:56 PM

Thanks, Crystal! Glad to hear you two are familiar. We’ll go ahead and connect you two directly.
Sam Scarrow
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
Office: (646) 755-6106 | Cell: (215) 264-3252
From: Cooper, Crystal [mailto:CCooper2@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2016 4:31 PM
To: Sam Scarrow
Cc: Samuel Knowles; Hanah Smith; kmoler@mrss.com
Subject: RE: The Intercept inquiry
Hi Sam!
I’m well, thanks for asking. I actually worked with Alice before during her time at VICE. Feel free to
connect us directly to set up a time for her to interview Liz.
From: Sam Scarrow [mailto:Sam.Scarrow@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2016 1:46 PM
To: Cooper, Crystal
Cc: Samuel Knowles; Hanah Smith; kmoler@mrss.com
Subject: The Intercept inquiry
Hi Crystal,
Hope you’re well! We have been in touch with a criminal justice and race reporter at The Intercept,
Alice Speri. She let us know that she’s working on a deep-dive into efforts to address issues around
Rikers—including advocacy to reduce its use or close it—and would love to speak with someone to
hear more about the city’s participation in the SJC. While we know these are sensitive issues, the
inquiry does not seem hostile. This would be an on-the-record interview, and she’s hoping to speak
with someone next week or the week after.

Shall we connect you two directly?

Other things I wanted to note:
· We have provided her with the SJC fact sheet and press release, as well as the link to NYC’s
plan summary page on the SJC website.
· Alice will likely have already spoken with Laurie Garduque at the Foundation.
Sam Scarrow
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
Office: (646) 755-6106 | Cell: (215) 264-3252
From: Breitbart, Joshua
To: CJ Macklin
Subject: RE: May 2 event
Date: Thursday, April 28, 2016 8:02:08 PM

Greta Byrum byrum@newamerica.org

If you have any trouble getting a hold of her (she's on vacation through tomorrow, as well) you can try
Tyler Bugg bugg@newamerica.org who produces all of their New York events.

From: Breitbart, Joshua

Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2016 7:53 PM
To: CJ Macklin
Subject: RE: May 2 event

I can speak now if you're available: 347-224-4545.


From: CJ Macklin [CJ.Macklin@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2016 2:00 PM
To: Breitbart, Joshua
Subject: RE: May 2 event

Hey Josh,

I’m pulling together some briefing materials for Colin ahead of the event next week. Had a couple of
last-minute questions I wanted to run past you. Could you let me know when you might have a free
second to chat, and I can just give you a quick call?


From: Jennifer Hensley [mailto:jennifer.hensley@intersection.com]

Sent: Friday, April 15, 2016 5:53 PM
To: Breitbart, Joshua
Cc: CJ Macklin; Dan Levitan; Stacey Levine
Subject: Re: May 2 event

Colin is confirmed. Thanks!!

Jen Hensley 
General Manager, Link

T: 212 735-8906
C: 917 863-4914

100 Park Avenue 6th Floor New York NY 10017

On Apr 15, 2016, at 4:44 PM, Breitbart, Joshua <JBreitbart@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Jen, did you have a chance to finalize?

From: Breitbart, Joshua

Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2016 4:48 PM
To: 'CJ Macklin'; Dan Levitan; Jennifer Hensley
Cc: Stacey Levine
Subject: RE: May 2 event

Can we finalize by tomorrow whether this will be Jen or Colin? New America is
preparing the event announcement. Thanks.

From: CJ Macklin [mailto:CJ.Macklin@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2016 12:50 PM
To: Breitbart, Joshua; Dan Levitan; Jennifer Hensley
Cc: Stacey Levine
Subject: RE: May 2 event

Sounds good, Josh. I’ll be here ).


From: Breitbart, Joshua [mailto:JBreitbart@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2016 12:47 PM
To: CJ Macklin; Dan Levitan; Jennifer Hensley
Cc: Stacey Levine
Subject: RE: May 2 event

Can I call you back in about 20 minutes?

From: CJ Macklin [mailto:CJ.Macklin@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2016 11:45 AM
To: Breitbart, Joshua; Dan Levitan; Jennifer Hensley
Cc: Stacey Levine
Subject: RE: May 2 event

Hey Josh,

Just tried to reach you to chat further about the event, but got your VM. Let me know
when you’re free, and I can give you a quick call back.


From: Breitbart, Joshua [mailto:JBreitbart@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2016 10:52 AM
To: Dan Levitan; Jennifer Hensley
Cc: Stacey Levine; CJ Macklin
Subject: RE: May 2 event
Sorry for the delay. It would be great to have Jen for this event. You can reach me at
my desk: 212-676-3969.


From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Monday, March 28, 2016 4:48 PM
To: Jennifer Hensley; Breitbart, Joshua
Cc: Stacey Levine; CJ Macklin
Subject: RE: May 2 event

Hi Josh –

We definitely want to participate.  Can we connect by phone tomorrow?


Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Jennifer Hensley [mailto:jennifer.hensley@intersection.com]

Sent: Monday, March 28, 2016 4:00 PM
To: Breitbart, Joshua <JBreitbart@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Dan Levitan
Subject: Re: May 2 event

Hey Josh -
Sorry I missed you - was in a city planning meeting with DOT on Times Square
plazas! I'd passed this on to our press team and I think they were looking into it.
I'm happy to participate if we can coordinate schedules. Let me check back with
the team and we'll confirm with you as soon as possible.

On Thu, Mar 24, 2016 at 5:07 PM, Breitbart, Joshua

<JBreitbart@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
New America is planning an event at Civic Hall in the evening on May 2nd
highlighting the City’s use of Wi-Fi. We thought it would be good to include
someone to speak on behalf of Link.

There’s a tie-in to concerns about LTE-U’s potential impact on Wi-Fi. Other

speakers will include Maya, EDC, Andrew Afflerbach from CTC Energy and
Technology, Chris Szymanski from Broadcom.

Give me a call if you want to discuss.


Joshua Breitbart
Special Advisor for Broadband
Office of the Mayor
City Hall, New York, NY 10007
o (212) 676-3969
m (347) 224-4545

Jen Hensley 
General Manager, Link

T: 212 735-8906 
C: 917 863-4914 

100 Park Avenue 6th Floor New York NY 10017
From: Leslie Patterson
To: Phillips, Eric Falk
Cc: Daniel, Michaela; Steve Barnett
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?
Date: Friday, April 29, 2016 4:58:41 PM
Attachments: NIEER 2015 Yearbook Natl Release 4.29.16.docx

Hi Eric, 

Thanks for checking in. Attached is the most recent version of the release, with the
proposed quote for the Mayor below:

“High quality early education is a necessity, not a luxury,” said New York City Mayor Bill de
Blasio. “Here in New York, we’ve seen first hand that action by state governments can lift
enrollment and quality for thousands of children in our communities. At a time of political
polarization, these initiatives receive wide bipartisan support – and for good reason. There’s
no better way to ensure future success for our kids and our states.”

Steve, can you also send Eric the most up to date version of the report when you have a

For the run of show, we are suggesting: 

Welcome from program director

Steve's remarks (3-5 min)
The Mayor
Tentative: Either labor leader (Randi Weingarten AFT possible) or business leader
Libby Doggett from the DOE
Q and A
Then Mayor leaves stage and has 5 minute conversation with parents about what pre-
K has done for their children and families (on camera). 
Then Mayor goes to classroom where Mayor reads short book or part of book to kids
on camera.

Let me know what else we can get you. 

Leslie Patterson
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5326 desk // 561.801.5963 cell

From: Steve Barnett <sbarnett@nieer.org>

Date: Thursday, April 28, 2016 at 2:55 PM
To: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Hi Eric:  I am connecting you with Leslie Patterson at Berlin Rosen who is handling press for us on the
Yearbook release and this event.  We need to get confirmation that the run of show is acceptable for the
Mayor among other things.



W. Steven Barnett, Ph.D.

National Institute for Early Education Research
Rutgers University
73 Easton Ave
New Brunswick, NJ  08901

Phone: (848) 932-4350

Fax: (732) 932-4360

On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 12:36 PM, Daniel, Michaela <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Thanks so much – this was really helpful.  I’m connecting you with Eric Phillips from our
communications team so you guys can coordinate on details.

From: Steve Barnett [mailto:sbarnett@nieer.org]

Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2016 11:37 AM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Here you go with proposed quote for the Mayor highlighted in blue.

Here is our plan for run of show for the event.

Welcome from program director, my remarks (3-5 min), Mayor, business person if possible, labor leader
(Randi Weingarten AFT possible).  Q and A. Then Mayor leaves stage and has 5 minute conversation
with parents about what pre-K has done for their children and families (on camera). Then go to
classroom where Mayor reads short book or part of book to kids on camera.

Alternatives as speakers--representative from US DOE (Sec. King not available) or Jacqueline Jones from
the Foundation for Child Development, or a parent.

Does the Mayor's office have a business representative they might like to feature or a state legislative

W. Steven Barnett, Ph.D.


National Institute for Early Education Research

Rutgers University

73 Easton Ave

New Brunswick, NJ  08901

Phone: (848) 932-4350

Fax: (732) 932-4360

On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 10:31 AM, Daniel, Michaela <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Hi Steve –

Just a reminder to send those drafts – I am talking to our press folks at 12 and would love to have
them with me.



From: Steve Barnett [mailto:sbarnett@nieer.org]

Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 4:02 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

I will have drafts. We have a final messaging meeting Thursday at 2

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 27, 2016, at 3:59 PM, "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Thank you!  If it’s possible for you to send it before noon, that would be fantastic.

From: Steve Barnett [mailto:sbarnett@nieer.org]

Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 3:59 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Betty Holcomb; Nancy Kolben
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Yes. I am traveling today but will pull it all together for you tomorrow.

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 27, 2016, at 3:50 PM, "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Hi Everyone –

For now, it seems like I’m still the best point of contact on this. 

As you can imagine, with yesterday’s budget release, our

communications team has been pretty busy, but I’m meeting with them
about this tomorrow morning.  Steve, if you have a proposed run of
show, attendee list, press pitch, etc., can you please send all of that stuff
my way?

Steve, I think you’ve been working with Sophia and her team on some
pieces of this – can you please keep me looped on those emails?  I just
want to make sure we’re all on the same page with so many chefs in
this kitchen.



From: Betty Holcomb [mailto:bholcomb@centerforchildrensinitiatives.org]

Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 7:09 AM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Nancy Kolben; sbarnett@nieer.org
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact

Thanks so much--we look forward to hearing back


Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 25, 2016, at 6:29 PM, Daniel, Michaela <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>


Sorry for the delay.  Working to solidify who the press

leads are over here.  Should be able to have the right
person tomorrow or Wed. Thanks!

From: Betty Holcomb

Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2016 4:06 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Nancy Kolben; sbarnett@nieer.org
Subject: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the
contact info?


Steve has a few questions about the event

Can you forward the full contact info for Devora and Jessica
from DOE and CH communications.

He has a couple questions related to other elected officials,

prominent figures to include at the event.  Is that the sort of
thing that Devora and Jessica can field – or should that type of
question come to you?

Just trying to keep things simple,


Please note our new company name, website and email.


Betty Holcomb

Policy Director

Center for Children's Initiatives (formerly Child Care, Inc.)



322 Eighth Ave, 4 Fl

New York, NY 10001

212.381.0009 direct line

212.929.7604 ext 3004

212.929.5785 fax

From: Daniel, Michaela [mailto:mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2016 4:27 PM
To: Betty Holcomb
Cc: Nancy Kolben
Subject: RE: So wonderful on yearbook release -- do you
have a few minutes today or tomorrow to discuss a few
related details?

Happy to talk but if these are event-related questions, I’d

love to loop you both with Devora and Jessica from DOE
and CH communications.

From: Betty Holcomb

Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2016 3:09 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Nancy Kolben
Subject: So wonderful on yearbook release -- do you have
a few minutes today or tomorrow to discuss a few related


THANK YOU so much for shepherding through the event for

the Yearbook!

Nancy and I had a few minutes to catch up with Steve Barnett,

and we have just a few details and questions we’d like to vet
with you about the event.

Do you have a few minutes between now and Friday?

We are very flexible.   We are thinking this would take not

more than 15 minutes or so


Please note our new company name, website and email.


Betty Holcomb

Policy Director

Center for Children's Initiatives (formerly Child Care, Inc.)



322 Eighth Ave, 4 Fl

New York, NY 10001

212.381.0009 direct line

212.929.7604 ext 3004

212.929.5785 fax

From: Steve Barnett
To: Phillips, Eric Falk
Cc: Daniel, Michaela; Leslie Patterson; Allison Friedman-Krauss
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?
Date: Friday, April 29, 2016 6:58:44 PM

Hi Eric: I will send you the most up-to-date copy Monday and the NY state page as
soon as possible. Steve

W. Steven Barnett, Ph.D.

National Institute for Early Education Research
Rutgers University
73 Easton Ave
New Brunswick, NJ  08901

Phone: (848) 932-4350

Fax: (732) 932-4360

On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 4:58 PM, Leslie Patterson <leslie@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
Hi Eric, 

Thanks for checking in. Attached is the most recent version of the release, with the
proposed quote for the Mayor below:

“High quality early education is a necessity, not a luxury,” said New York City Mayor Bill de
Blasio. “Here in New York, we’ve seen first hand that action by state governments can lift
enrollment and quality for thousands of children in our communities. At a time of political
polarization, these initiatives receive wide bipartisan support – and for good reason.
There’s no better way to ensure future success for our kids and our states.”

Steve, can you also send Eric the most up to date version of the report when you have a

For the run of show, we are suggesting: 

Welcome from program director

Steve's remarks (3-5 min)
The Mayor
Tentative: Either labor leader (Randi Weingarten AFT possible) or business leader
Libby Doggett from the DOE
Q and A
Then Mayor leaves stage and has 5 minute conversation with parents about what
pre-K has done for their children and families (on camera). 
Then Mayor goes to classroom where Mayor reads short book or part of book to
kids on camera.
Let me know what else we can get you. 

Leslie Patterson
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5326 desk // 561.801.5963 cell

From: Steve Barnett <sbarnett@nieer.org>

Date: Thursday, April 28, 2016 at 2:55 PM
To: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Hi Eric:  I am connecting you with Leslie Patterson at Berlin Rosen who is handling press for us on the
Yearbook release and this event.  We need to get confirmation that the run of show is acceptable for
the Mayor among other things.



W. Steven Barnett, Ph.D.

National Institute for Early Education Research
Rutgers University
73 Easton Ave
New Brunswick, NJ  08901

Phone: (848) 932-4350

Fax: (732) 932-4360

On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 12:36 PM, Daniel, Michaela <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Thanks so much – this was really helpful.  I’m connecting you with Eric Phillips from our
communications team so you guys can coordinate on details.

From: Steve Barnett [mailto:sbarnett@nieer.org]

Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2016 11:37 AM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Here you go with proposed quote for the Mayor highlighted in blue.

Here is our plan for run of show for the event.

Welcome from program director, my remarks (3-5 min), Mayor, business person if possible, labor
leader (Randi Weingarten AFT possible).  Q and A. Then Mayor leaves stage and has 5 minute
conversation with parents about what pre-K has done for their children and families (on camera).
Then go to classroom where Mayor reads short book or part of book to kids on camera.

Alternatives as speakers--representative from US DOE (Sec. King not available) or Jacqueline Jones
from the Foundation for Child Development, or a parent.

Does the Mayor's office have a business representative they might like to feature or a state legislative

W. Steven Barnett, Ph.D.


National Institute for Early Education Research

Rutgers University

73 Easton Ave

New Brunswick, NJ  08901

Phone: (848) 932-4350

Fax: (732) 932-4360

On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 10:31 AM, Daniel, Michaela <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Hi Steve –

Just a reminder to send those drafts – I am talking to our press folks at 12 and would love to
have them with me.



From: Steve Barnett [mailto:sbarnett@nieer.org]

Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 4:02 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

I will have drafts. We have a final messaging meeting Thursday at 2

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 27, 2016, at 3:59 PM, "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Thank you!  If it’s possible for you to send it before noon, that would be fantastic.

From: Steve Barnett [mailto:sbarnett@nieer.org]

Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 3:59 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Betty Holcomb; Nancy Kolben
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Yes. I am traveling today but will pull it all together for you tomorrow.

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 27, 2016, at 3:50 PM, "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Hi Everyone –

For now, it seems like I’m still the best point of contact on this. 

As you can imagine, with yesterday’s budget release, our

communications team has been pretty busy, but I’m meeting with
them about this tomorrow morning.  Steve, if you have a proposed
run of show, attendee list, press pitch, etc., can you please send all of
that stuff my way?

Steve, I think you’ve been working with Sophia and her team on
some pieces of this – can you please keep me looped on those emails?
  I just want to make sure we’re all on the same page with so many
chefs in this kitchen.



From: Betty Holcomb

Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 7:09 AM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Nancy Kolben; sbarnett@nieer.org
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact

Thanks so much--we look forward to hearing back


Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 25, 2016, at 6:29 PM, Daniel, Michaela

<mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Sorry for the delay.  Working to solidify who the press

leads are over here.  Should be able to have the right
person tomorrow or Wed. Thanks!

From: Betty Holcomb
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2016 4:06 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Nancy Kolben; sbarnett@nieer.org
Subject: Event-related questions -- can you forward us
the contact info?


Steve has a few questions about the event

Can you forward the full contact info for Devora and
Jessica from DOE and CH communications.

He has a couple questions related to other elected officials,

prominent figures to include at the event.  Is that the sort
of thing that Devora and Jessica can field – or should that
type of question come to you?

Just trying to keep things simple,


Please note our new company name, website and email.


Betty Holcomb

Policy Director

Center for Children's Initiatives (formerly Child Care, Inc.)


322 Eighth Ave, 4 Fl

New York, NY 10001

212.381.0009 direct line

212.929.7604 ext 3004

212.929.5785 fax

From: Daniel, Michaela [mailto:mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2016 4:27 PM
To: Betty Holcomb
Cc: Nancy Kolben
Subject: RE: So wonderful on yearbook release -- do you
have a few minutes today or tomorrow to discuss a few
related details?

Happy to talk but if these are event-related questions,

I’d love to loop you both with Devora and Jessica from
DOE and CH communications.

From: Betty Holcomb

Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2016 3:09 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Nancy Kolben
Subject: So wonderful on yearbook release -- do you
have a few minutes today or tomorrow to discuss a few
related details?


THANK YOU so much for shepherding through the event for

the Yearbook!

Nancy and I had a few minutes to catch up with Steve

Barnett, and we have just a few details and questions we’d
like to vet with you about the event.

Do you have a few minutes between now and Friday?

We are very flexible.   We are thinking this would take not

more than 15 minutes or so


Please note our new company name, website and email.


Betty Holcomb

Policy Director

Center for Children's Initiatives (formerly Child Care, Inc.)



322 Eighth Ave, 4 Fl

New York, NY 10001

212.381.0009 direct line

212.929.7604 ext 3004

212.929.5785 fax

From: Leslie Patterson
To: Phillips, Eric Falk
Cc: Daniel, Michaela; Steve Barnett
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?
Date: Monday, May 02, 2016 12:09:54 PM
Attachments: NIEER Op-ed Draft SB[2].docx
NYC brief pullout section[1].docx

Hi Eric, 

Hope you’re well and had a nice weekend. Wanted to check in on the below, and also share with you an
op-ed that we would love for the Mayor to co-sign. It’s attached here – would Mayor de Blasio and your
office be open to that? We’d welcome feedback and edits, if so, and we’re hoping to place in a high-value
NYC target around the release. 

Additionally, attached is the NYC section of the executive summary in the report, for reference. 

Let me know if you have any questions, and what we can move forward on. Thanks!


From: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>

Date: Friday, April 29, 2016 at 4:58 PM
To: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Steve Barnett <sbarnett@nieer.org>
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Hi Eric, 

Thanks for checking in. Attached is the most recent version of the release, with the proposed quote for the
Mayor below:

“High quality early education is a necessity, not a luxury,” said New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio. “Here in
New York, we’ve seen first hand that action by state governments can lift enrollment and quality for
thousands of children in our communities. At a time of political polarization, these initiatives receive wide
bipartisan support – and for good reason. There’s no better way to ensure future success for our kids and
our states.”

Steve, can you also send Eric the most up to date version of the report when you have a moment?

For the run of show, we are suggesting: 

Welcome from program director

Steve's remarks (3-5 min)
The Mayor
Tentative: Either labor leader (Randi Weingarten AFT possible) or business leader
Libby Doggett from the DOE
Q and A
Then Mayor leaves stage and has 5 minute conversation with parents about what pre-K has done
for their children and families (on camera). 
Then Mayor goes to classroom where Mayor reads short book or part of book to kids on camera.

Let me know what else we can get you. 

Leslie Patterson
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5326 desk // 561.801.5963 cell

From: Steve Barnett <sbarnett@nieer.org>

Date: Thursday, April 28, 2016 at 2:55 PM
To: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Hi Eric:  I am connecting you with Leslie Patterson at Berlin Rosen who is handling press for us on the
Yearbook release and this event.  We need to get confirmation that the run of show is acceptable for the
Mayor among other things.



W. Steven Barnett, Ph.D.

National Institute for Early Education Research
Rutgers University
73 Easton Ave
New Brunswick, NJ  08901

Phone: (848) 932-4350

Fax: (732) 932-4360

On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 12:36 PM, Daniel, Michaela <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Thanks so much – this was really helpful.  I’m connecting you with Eric Phillips from our
communications team so you guys can coordinate on details.

From: Steve Barnett [mailto:sbarnett@nieer.org]

Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2016 11:37 AM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Here you go with proposed quote for the Mayor highlighted in blue.

Here is our plan for run of show for the event.

Welcome from program director, my remarks (3-5 min), Mayor, business person if possible, labor leader
(Randi Weingarten AFT possible).  Q and A. Then Mayor leaves stage and has 5 minute conversation
with parents about what pre-K has done for their children and families (on camera). Then go to
classroom where Mayor reads short book or part of book to kids on camera.

Alternatives as speakers--representative from US DOE (Sec. King not available) or Jacqueline Jones from
the Foundation for Child Development, or a parent.

Does the Mayor's office have a business representative they might like to feature or a state legislative

W. Steven Barnett, Ph.D.


National Institute for Early Education Research

Rutgers University

73 Easton Ave

New Brunswick, NJ  08901

Phone: (848) 932-4350

Fax: (732) 932-4360


On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 10:31 AM, Daniel, Michaela <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Hi Steve –

Just a reminder to send those drafts – I am talking to our press folks at 12 and would love to have
them with me.



From: Steve Barnett [mailto:sbarnett@nieer.org]

Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 4:02 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

I will have drafts. We have a final messaging meeting Thursday at 2

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 27, 2016, at 3:59 PM, "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Thank you!  If it’s possible for you to send it before noon, that would be fantastic.

From: Steve Barnett [mailto:sbarnett@nieer.org]

Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 3:59 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Betty Holcomb; Nancy Kolben
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Yes. I am traveling today but will pull it all together for you tomorrow.

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 27, 2016, at 3:50 PM, "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Hi Everyone –

For now, it seems like I’m still the best point of contact on this. 

As you can imagine, with yesterday’s budget release, our

communications team has been pretty busy, but I’m meeting with them
about this tomorrow morning.  Steve, if you have a proposed run of
show, attendee list, press pitch, etc., can you please send all of that stuff
my way?

Steve, I think you’ve been working with Sophia and her team on some
pieces of this – can you please keep me looped on those emails?  I just
want to make sure we’re all on the same page with so many chefs in
this kitchen.



From: Betty Holcomb [mailto:bholcomb@centerforchildrensinitiatives.org]

Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 7:09 AM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Nancy Kolben; sbarnett@nieer.org
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact

Thanks so much--we look forward to hearing back


Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 25, 2016, at 6:29 PM, Daniel, Michaela <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>


Sorry for the delay.  Working to solidify who the press

leads are over here.  Should be able to have the right
person tomorrow or Wed. Thanks!

From: Betty Holcomb
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2016 4:06 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Nancy Kolben; sbarnett@nieer.org
Subject: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the
contact info?


Steve has a few questions about the event

Can you forward the full contact info for Devora and Jessica
from DOE and CH communications.

He has a couple questions related to other elected officials,

prominent figures to include at the event.  Is that the sort of
thing that Devora and Jessica can field – or should that type of
question come to you?

Just trying to keep things simple,


Please note our new company name, website and email.


Betty Holcomb

Policy Director

Center for Children's Initiatives (formerly Child Care, Inc.)


322 Eighth Ave, 4 Fl

New York, NY 10001

212.381.0009 direct line

212.929.7604 ext 3004

212.929.5785 fax

From: Daniel, Michaela [mailto:mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2016 4:27 PM
To: Betty Holcomb
Cc: Nancy Kolben
Subject: RE: So wonderful on yearbook release -- do you
have a few minutes today or tomorrow to discuss a few
related details?

Happy to talk but if these are event-related questions, I’d

love to loop you both with Devora and Jessica from DOE
and CH communications.

From: Betty Holcomb

Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2016 3:09 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Nancy Kolben
Subject: So wonderful on yearbook release -- do you have
a few minutes today or tomorrow to discuss a few related


THANK YOU so much for shepherding through the event for

the Yearbook!

Nancy and I had a few minutes to catch up with Steve Barnett,

and we have just a few details and questions we’d like to vet
with you about the event.

Do you have a few minutes between now and Friday?

We are very flexible.   We are thinking this would take not

more than 15 minutes or so


Please note our new company name, website and email.


Betty Holcomb

Policy Director

Center for Children's Initiatives (formerly Child Care, Inc.)



322 Eighth Ave, 4 Fl

New York, NY 10001

212.381.0009 direct line

212.929.7604 ext 3004

212.929.5785 fax

The good news is that the solution is simple: high-quality, universal preschool.

A recent report from the Center for American Progress estimates that access to these programs would
significantly reduce the achievement gap between low- and high-income children beginning
kindergarten. For African American and Latino kindergarteners, access to high-quality pre-K has the
potential to close the achievement gap in reading entirely and lessen the gap in math by large
percentages. In addition to improving performance in school, research indicates that access to early
education for low-income children increases productivity when they enter the workforce – further
strengthening their chance of finding a good job and boosting American businesses in the process.

Every child deserves a level playing field when they start school, and that’s exactly what access to high-
quality preschool promises to children. To see that it’s possible to make dramatic progress toward that
goal in a short amount of time, just look at New York.

W. Steven Barnett is a Board of Governors Professor and Director of the National Institute for Early
Education Research at Rutgers University.

[Mayor Bill de Blasio is the 109th Mayor of New York City.]

Pre-K for All is New York City’s historic initiative to provide free, full-day, high-quality pre-kindergarten
to every four-year-old in the city. Prior to expansion, 19,287 children attended full-day pre-kindergarten
in New York City. The 2014-2015 school year marked the first year of the two-year expansion with
53,120 four-year-olds enrolled in pre-k. Enrollment is high across every community, with the highest
participation among low-income families. In 2015-2016 the City’s enrolled 68,647 children—a number
more than triple the children who attended before expansion and larger than the entire school
population of major cities like Boston--about 70 percent of all 4’s in the City.

Pre-K for All is delivered in public and privately operated settings including district schools, charters,
and independent organizations that contract with the City. Pre-k students receive a full day of
education—6 hours and 20 minutes--for 180 days grounded in the Prekindergarten Foundation for the
Common Core, the New York State pre-K learning standards covering all aspects of a child’s
development and learning. The NYCDOE supports all pre-k programs with differentiated support at
both the classroom and program level. This includes: targeted professional learning for lead teachers,
assistant teachers, and paraprofessionals, on-site support for leaders and teachers, resources, and
guidance from 100 Instructional Coordinators and 125 Social Workers.

The expansion required significant investments in new educators, spaces, programming and oversight
across more than a dozen City agencies. In the first year of expansion, New York City facilitated the
opening of new sites, recruitment and development of new teachers, rigorous multi-agency inspections
to ensure quality and safety, and extensive outreach to families to encourage enrollment in new

The city’s model is designed to ensure a sustainable high-quality workforce by recruiting, training, and
retaining qualified teachers and administrators. All lead teachers have at least a BA, and are either
certified or on a study plan for full certification. In order to retain highly qualified teachers, the NYCDOE
encourages NYCEECs to pay competitive salaries and took extra steps to increase pay for pre-K
teachers across the system with a goal of moving toward parity wherever possible.
From: Kadushin, Peter
To: Phillip Walzak; Berke, Barry H.; Karen Hinton
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; Dan Levitan; Andrew Friedman; Laurence Laufer; Henry Berger
Subject: RE: Campaign for One New York COIB Letter
Date: Monday, May 02, 2016 12:50:20 PM

Think it is important to say up front that he can raise money from those who do business with the City
and would suggest working your background into the statement.

"The COIB letter clearly states solicitations from people who do business with the City
are permissible while solicitations cannot be made of someone “with a matter pending or about to be
pending" before the City. The Mayor scrupulously followed COIB's guidance."


From: Phillip Walzak [

Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016 12:40 PM
To: Berke, Barry H.; Kadushin, Peter; Karen Hinton
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; Dan Levitan; Andrew Friedman; Laurence Laufer; Henry Berger
Subject: Re: Campaign for One New York COIB Letter

i wuld like to craft a response that mirrors what Henry wrote - 

Courtney blatantly misstates the language from the COIB letter to reach an entirely incorrect conclusion
The letter specifically permits hi to solicit funds from people who do business with the City except  from a person “with a
matter pending or about to be pending’ before the City.
And he scrupulously complied with that prohibition.

Stmnt -- "The COIB letter is clear that solicitations cannot be made of someone “with a matter
pending or about to be pending" before the City, and the mayor scrupulously followed that guidance."

Background - The letter specifically permits solicitations from people who do business with the City - the letter does not
require a blanket ban,


On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 12:29 PM, Berke, Barry H. <BBerke@kramerlevin.com> wrote:

Do we know what response they are proposing?  Barry

Barry H. Berke
From: Gross, Courtney [mailto:courtney.gross@ny1news.com]
Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016 11:49 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Campaign for One New York COIB Letter

Ok, so like I said in my message we have been reviewing the donations and
have found nearly 80 where the entity/individual had business before the city,
was lobbying the city or was a union with a city contract.

In the original letter BDB got for approval to fundraise for the campaign for
one new York, it specifically states he cannot solicit donations from people
with business before the city or pending business before the city. (I attached
the letter for your reference).

The donations clearly violate that. Some examples:

Thousands of dollars from the taxi industry in the midst of the uber fight

Thousands from school bus companies

DDG development 10 grand donation as they look for a variance


DC 37



Developers affiliated with the construction of the Brooklyn library

360 tenth ave llc…

And I have a bunch more.

So here are the questions:

Did the mayor personally solicit money from these people?

Do these donation violate the waiver from COIB?

From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016 11:30 AM
To: Gross, Courtney
Subject: RE: Campaign for One New York COIB Letter

Are you sending me something?  Got your VM

Dan Levitan

BerlinRosen Public Affairs

O: 646.200.5315

C: 201.674.7475


From: Gross, Courtney [mailto:courtney.gross@ny1news.com]

Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2016 12:44 PM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Campaign for One New York COIB Letter
Importance: High

Can you send me the initial letter BDB received from COIB to set up the
Campaign for One New York?

If you could send it ASAP, that would be great.


Hope your vacation was good.

From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 4:31 PM
To: Gross, Courtney
Subject: Automatic reply: wsj story on subpeanos

Hi -

I will be out of the office until Monday, May 2, and slow to respond to email. 
If you need immediate assistance please contact 646 452 5637.



This E-mail and any of its attachments may contain Time Warner Cable proprietary information, which is
privileged, confidential, or subject to copyright belonging to Time Warner Cable. This E-mail is intended solely for
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are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, copying, or action taken in relation to the contents of and
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please notify the sender immediately and permanently delete the original and any copy of this E-mail and any

<Campaign-for-One-New-York COIB letter.pdf>

From: Henry Berger
To: Karen Hinton
Cc: Berke, Barry H.; Laurence Laufer; PhilWalzak (gmail.com); Kadushin, Peter; Jonathan Rosen; Dan Levitan;
Andrew Friedman; James, Dani R.
Subject: Re: Campaign for One New York COIB Letter
Date: Monday, May 02, 2016 1:27:52 PM

We should issue the statement (with Berke’s addition) and nothing more
Important to be very tight on this 

On May 2, 2016, at 1:18 PM, Karen Hinton

< wrote:

She now has reached out to me. Please send me final to send her. Does it make sense for henry
and me to get her on phone? 

Sent from my iPhone

On May 2, 2016, at 1:11 PM, Berke, Barry H. <BBerke@KRAMERLEVIN.com> wrote:

How about a slight change to the following:  "There was a process in place to
insure that this guidance was scrupulously followed."

All subject to Henry's sign off as well. 

Sent from my iPhone

Barry H. Berke
1177 Avenue of the Americas
New York, New York 10036
O: 212-715-7560 | F: 212-715-7660
view bio
This communication (including any attachments) is intended solely for the recipient(s) named
above and may contain information that is confidential, privileged or legally protected. Any
unauthorized use or dissemination of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received
this communication in error, please immediately notify the sender by return e-mail message and
delete all copies of  the original communication. Thank you for your cooperation.
On May 2, 2016, at 1:08 PM, Laurence Laufer <laufer@kantordavidoff.com> wrote:

From: Phillip Walzak [mailto:  
Sent: Monday, May 2, 2016 1:07 PM
To: Berke, Barry H.
Cc: Kadushin, Peter; Karen Hinton; Jonathan Rosen; Dan
Levitan; Andrew Friedman; Laurence Laufer; Henry Berger
Subject: Re: Campaign for One New York COIB Letter

i am good w this Barry

"The COIB letter is clear. It specifically
permits solicitations from people who do
business with the City. It only does not
allow the solicitation of someone “with a
matter pending or about to be pending" before the
City. This guidance was scrupulously followed."

On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 12:49 PM, Berke, Barry H.

<BBerke@kramerlevin.com> wrote:
I like that, but would make the suggested changes below
(at least conceptually) subject to Laurence and Henry
agreeing. I think it is important that people other than
the mayor were responsible for insuring the guidance
was followed, which motivated the change to the last

Sent from my iPhone

Barry H. Berke

1177 Avenue of the Americas
New York, New York 10036
O: 212-715-7560 | F: 212-715-7660
view bio

This communication (including any attachments) is intended solely for the

recipient(s) named above and may contain information that is confidential,
privileged or legally protected. Any unauthorized use or dissemination of this
communication is strictly proh bited. If you have received this communication in
error, please immediately notify the sender by return e-mail message and delete
all copies of  the original communication. Thank you for your cooperation.
On May 2, 2016, at 12:40 PM, Phillip Walzak
< wrote:

i wuld like to craft a response that mirrors

what Henry wrote -

Courtney blatantly misstates the language from the

COIB letter to reach an entirely incorrect conclusion
The letter specifically permits hi to solicit funds from
people who do business with the City except from a
person “with a matter pending or about to be pending’
before the City.
And he scrupulously complied with that prohibition.

Stmnt -- "The COIB letter specifically

permits solicitations from people who do
business with the CIty. It only does not
allow the solicitation of someone “with a
matter pending or about to be pending" before the
City. This guidance was scrupulously followed."

Background - The letter specifically permits

solicitations from people who do business with the
City - the letter does not require a blanket ban,


On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 12:29 PM, Berke,

Barry H. <BBerke@kramerlevin.com>
Do we know what response they are
proposing?  Barry

Barry H. Berke

1177 Avenue of the Americas
New York, New York 10036
O: 212-715-7560 | F: 212-715-7660
view bio

This communication (including any attachments) is intended

solely for the recipient(s) named above and may contain
information that is confidential, privileged or legally protected.
Any unauthorized use or dissemination of this communication
is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in
error, please immediately notify the sender by return e-mail
message and delete all copies of  the original communication.
Thank you for your cooperation.

From: Jonathan Rosen
Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016 12:14 PM
To: Phillip Walzak
Cc: Dan Levitan; Andrew Friedman; Laurence
Laufer; Berke, Barry H.; Henry Berger
Subject: Re: Campaign for One New York COIB

+ lawyers. See below. City Hall is

responding as it is a q about mayor and

On May 2, 2016, at 12:12 PM, Phillip

Walzak < wrote:

is Laufer/other relevant lawyers

aware of this incoming

---------- Forwarded message -

From: Dan Levitan
Date: Mon, May 2, 2016 at
12:07 PM
Subject: FW: Campaign for
One New York COIB Letter
To: Phillip Walzak
Karen Hinton
Peter Kadushin
Cc: Andrew Friedman

Referring her over to you guys


Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Gross, Courtney

Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016
11:49 AM
To: Dan Levitan
Subject: RE: Campaign for
One New York COIB Letter

Ok, so like I said in my

message we have been
reviewing the donations and
have found nearly 80 where the
entity/individual had business
before the city, was lobbying
the city or was a union with a
city contract.

In the original letter BDB got

for approval to fundraise for the
campaign for one new York, it
specifically states he cannot
solicit donations from people
with business before the city or
pending business before the
city. (I attached the letter for
your reference).

The donations clearly violate

that. Some examples:

Thousands of dollars from the

taxi industry in the midst of the
uber fight
Thousands from school bus
DDG development 10 grand
donation as they look for a
DC 37
Developers affiliated with the
construction of the Brooklyn
360 tenth ave llc…

And I have a bunch more.

So here are the questions:

Did the mayor personally solicit

money from these people?
Do these donation violate the
waiver from COIB?

From: Dan Levitan
Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016
11:30 AM
To: Gross, Courtney
Subject: RE: Campaign for One
New York COIB Letter

Are you sending me

something? Got your VM

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Gross, Courtney

Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2016
12:44 PM
To: Dan Levitan
Subject: Campaign for One
New York COIB Letter
Importance: High

Can you send me the initial

letter BDB received from COIB
to set up the Campaign for One
New York?

If you could send it ASAP, that

would be great.


Hope your vacation was good.

From: Dan Levitan
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016
4:31 PM
To: Gross, Courtney
Subject: Automatic reply: wsj
story on subpeanos 

Hi -

I will be out of the office until

Monday, May 2, and slow to
respond to email. If you need
immediate assistance please
contact 646 452 5637.



This E-mail and any of its attachments may

contain Time Warner Cable proprietary
information, which is privileged, confidential,
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strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you
have received this E-mail in error, please
notify the sender immediately and
permanently delete the original and any copy
of this E-mail and any printout.

York COIB letter.pdf>
From: Henry Berger
To: PhilWalzak (gmail.com)
Cc: Karen Hinton; Berke, Barry H.; Laurence Laufer; Kadushin, Peter; Jonathan Rosen; Dan Levitan; Andrew
Friedman; James, Dani R.
Subject: Re: Campaign for One New York COIB Letter
Date: Monday, May 02, 2016 1:41:33 PM

we should not do anything beyond the statement - keep it tight

Courtney attached the letter to her e-mail - its all in there

On May 2, 2016, at 1:38 PM, Phillip Walzak <


I thnk CH shd respond

If HB can and wants to background this,  that is good
Also - I havent seen the letter....does the letter have an affirmative line in
it that explicitly says solicittations permitted from those w business
before the City

 "The COIB letter is clear.  It specifically

permits solicitations from people who do
business with the City.  It only does not
allow the solicitation of someone “with a
matter pending or about to be pending" before
the City.  This guidance was scrupulously

On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 1:18 PM, Karen Hinton

< wrote:
She now has reached out to me. Please send me final to send her.
Does it make sense for henry and me to get her on phone? 

Sent from my iPhone

On May 2, 2016, at 1:11 PM, Berke, Barry H.

<BBerke@KRAMERLEVIN.com> wrote:

How about a slight change to the following:  "There was a

process in place to insure that this guidance was
scrupulously followed."

All subject to Henry's sign off as well. 

Sent from my iPhone

Barry H. Berke
1177 Avenue of the Americas
New York, New York 10036
O: 212-715-7560 | F: 212-715-7660
view bio
This communication (including any attachments) is intended solely for the recipient(s) named
above and may contain information that is confidential, privileged or legally protected. Any
unauthorized use or dissemination of this communication is strictly proh bited. If you have
received this communication in error, please immediately notify the sender by return e-mail
message and delete all copies of  the original communication. Thank you for your cooperation.
On May 2, 2016, at 1:08 PM, Laurence Laufer
<laufer@kantordavidoff.com> wrote:


From: Phillip Walzak [mailto:

Sent: Monday, May 2, 2016 1:07 PM
To: Berke, Barry H.
Cc: Kadushin, Peter; Karen Hinton; Jonathan Rosen; Dan
Levitan; Andrew Friedman; Laurence Laufer; Henry Berger
Subject: Re: Campaign for One New York COIB Letter

i am good w this Barry 


 "The COIB letter is clear.  It

specifically permits solicitations from
people who do business with the City. 
It only does not allow the solicitation
of someone “with a matter pending or about
to be pending" before the City.  This guidance
was scrupulously followed."

On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 12:49 PM, Berke, Barry

H. <BBerke@kramerlevin.com> wrote:

I like that, but would make the suggested

changes below (at least conceptually) subject to
Laurence and Henry agreeing.  I think it is
important  that people other than the mayor
were responsible for insuring the guidance was
followed, which motivated the change to the last

Sent from my iPhone

Barry H. Berke




1177 Avenue of the Americas

New York, New York 10036

O: 212-715-7560 | F: 212-715-7660

view bio


This communication (including any attachments) is intended solely for the
recipient(s) named above and may contain information that is confidential,
privileged or legally protected. Any unauthorized use or dissemination of this
communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication
in error, please immediately notify the sender by return e-mail message and
delete all copies of  the original communication. Thank you for your

On May 2, 2016, at 12:40 PM, Phillip Walzak

< wrote:

i wuld like to craft a response that

mirrors what Henry wrote - 

Courtney blatantly misstates the language
from the COIB letter to reach an entirely
incorrect conclusion

The letter specifically permits hi to solicit funds

from people who do business with the City
except  from a person “with a matter pending
or about to be pending’ before the City.

And he scrupulously complied with that


Stmnt -- "The COIB letter specifically

permits solicitations from people who
do business with the CIty.  It only
does not allow the solicitation of
someone “with a matter pending or about to
be pending" before the City.  This guidance
was scrupulously followed."

Background - The letter specifically permits
solicitations from people who do business with
the City - the letter does not require a blanket


On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 12:29 PM,

Berke, Barry H.
<BBerke@kramerlevin.com> wrote:

Do we know what response they are

proposing?  Barry

Barry H. Berke




1177 Avenue of the Americas

New York, New York 10036

O: 212-715-7560 | F: 212-715-7660

view bio


This communication (including any attachments) is intended
solely for the recipient(s) named above and may contain
information that is confidential, privileged or legally
protected. Any unauthorized use or dissemination of this
communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received
this communication in error, please immediately notify the
sender by return e-mail message and delete all copies of 
the original communication. Thank you for your cooperation.

From: Jonathan Rosen

Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016 12:14 PM
To: Phillip Walzak
Cc: Dan Levitan; Andrew Friedman; Laurence
Laufer; Berke, Barry H.; Henry Berger
Subject: Re: Campaign for One New York
COIB Letter

+ lawyers.  See below.  City Hall is

responding as it is a q about mayor
and coib.

On May 2, 2016, at 12:12 PM, Phillip

Walzak <

is Laufer/other relevant
lawyers aware of this

---------- Forwarded
message ----------
From: Dan Levitan
Date: Mon, May 2, 2016 at
12:07 PM
Subject: FW: Campaign for
One New York COIB Letter
To: Phillip Walzak
Karen Hinton
om>, Peter Kadushin
Cc: Andrew Friedman

Referring her over to you

guys now. 

Dan Levitan

BerlinRosen Public Affairs

O: 646.200.5315

C: 201.674.7475


From: Gross, Courtney

Sent: Monday, May 02,
2016 11:49 AM
To: Dan Levitan
Subject: RE: Campaign
for One New York COIB

Ok, so like I said in my

message we have been
reviewing the donations
and have found nearly 80
where the entity/individual
had business before the
city, was lobbying the city
or was a union with a city

In the original letter BDB
got for approval to
fundraise for the campaign
for one new York, it
specifically states he
cannot solicit donations
from people with business
before the city or pending
business before the city. (I
attached the letter for your

The donations clearly

violate that. Some

Thousands of dollars from

the taxi industry in the
midst of the uber fight

Thousands from school

bus companies

DDG development 10
grand donation as they
look for a variance


DC 37



Developers affiliated with

the construction of the
Brooklyn library

360 tenth ave llc…

And I have a bunch more.

So here are the questions:


Did the mayor personally

solicit money from these

Do these donation violate

the waiver from COIB?

From: Dan Levitan

Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016
11:30 AM
To: Gross, Courtney
Subject: RE: Campaign for One
New York COIB Letter

Are you sending me

something?  Got your VM

Dan Levitan

BerlinRosen Public Affairs

O: 646.200.5315

C: 201.674.7475


From: Gross, Courtney

Sent: Sunday, May 01,
2016 12:44 PM
To: Dan Levitan
Subject: Campaign for
One New York COIB Letter
Importance: High

Can you send me the

initial letter BDB received
from COIB to set up the
Campaign for One New

If you could send it ASAP,

that would be great.


Hope your vacation was


From: Dan Levitan

Sent: Wednesday, April 27,
2016 4:31 PM
To: Gross, Courtney
Subject: Automatic reply: wsj
story on subpeanos

Hi -

I will be out of the office

until Monday, May 2, and
slow to respond to email. 
If you need immediate
assistance please contact
646 452 5637.



This E-mail and any of its attachments

may contain Time Warner Cable
proprietary information, which is privileged,
confidential, or subject to copyright
belonging to Time Warner Cable. This E-
mail is intended solely for the use of the
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If you are not the intended recipient of this
E-mail, you are hereby notified that any
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have received this E-mail in error, please
notify the sender immediately and
permanently delete the original and any
copy of this E-mail and any printout.

York COIB letter.pdf>

From: Phillip Walzak
To: Laurence Laufer
Cc: Henry Berger; Karen Hinton; Berke, Barry H.; Kadushin, Peter; Jonathan Rosen; Dan Levitan; Andrew
Friedman; James, Dani R.
Subject: Re: Campaign for One New York COIB Letter
Date: Monday, May 02, 2016 1:47:53 PM

very well
Then lets have CH press ship the stmnt and close this out
thanks all

 "The COIB letter is clear.  It specifically permits solicitations

from people who do business with the City.  It only does not
allow the solicitation of someone “with a matter pending or
about to be pending" before the City.  There was a process in
place to insure that this guidance was scrupulously followed."

On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 1:42 PM, Laurence Laufer <laufer@kantordavidoff.com>


There's no affirmative line about the permissibly of soliciting donors with City business, only a
negative line against soliciting donors with pending business

From: Phillip Walzak [mailto:

Sent: Monday, May 2, 2016 1:42 PM
To: Henry Berger
Cc: Karen Hinton; Berke, Barry H.; Laurence Laufer; Kadushin, Peter; Jonathan Rosen; Dan Levitan;
Andrew Friedman; James, Dani R.
Subject: Re: Campaign for One New York COIB Letter

crossing emails, sorry

here is updated w Barry addition to last line

reupping my question on if there is an affirmative line in letter saying sentence 2 in

the stmnt we could point her to


 "The COIB letter is clear.  It
specifically permits solicitations
from people who do business
with the City.  It only does not
allow the solicitation of
someone “with a matter pending
or about to be pending" before
the City.  There was a process in
place to insure that this guidance
was scrupulously followed."

On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 1:27 PM, Henry Berger <berger@election-law.com>


We should issue the statement (with Berke’s addition) and nothing more

Important to be very tight on this 

On May 2, 2016, at 1:18 PM, Karen Hinton

< wrote:

She now has reached out to me. Please send me final to send her. Does it make sense for
henry and me to get her on phone? 

Sent from my iPhone

On May 2, 2016, at 1:11 PM, Berke, Barry H. <BBerke@KRAMERLEVIN.com> wrote:

How about a slight change to the following:  "There was a process in place to
insure that this guidance was scrupulously followed."

All subject to Henry's sign off as well. 

Sent from my iPhone

Barry H. Berke




1177 Avenue of the Americas

New York, New York 10036

O: 212-715-7560 | F: 212-715-7660

view bio


This communication (including any attachments) is intended solely for the recipient(s) named
above and may contain information that is confidential, privileged or legally protected. Any
unauthorized use or dissemination of this communication is strictly proh bited. If you have
received this communication in error, please immediately notify the sender by return e-mail
message and delete all copies of  the original communication. Thank you for your cooperation.

On May 2, 2016, at 1:08 PM, Laurence Laufer <laufer@kantordavidoff.com>



From: Phillip Walzak [mailto:  

Sent: Monday, May 2, 2016 1:07 PM
To: Berke, Barry H.
Cc: Kadushin, Peter; Karen Hinton; Jonathan Rosen; Dan
Levitan; Andrew Friedman; Laurence Laufer; Henry Berger
Subject: Re: Campaign for One New York COIB Letter

i am good w this Barry 


 "The COIB letter is clear.  It

specifically permits solicitations from
people who do business with the
City.  It only does not allow the
solicitation of someone “with a matter
pending or about to be pending" before the
City.  This guidance was scrupulously

On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 12:49 PM, Berke, Barry

H. <BBerke@kramerlevin.com> wrote:

I like that, but would make the suggested

changes below (at least conceptually) subject to
Laurence and Henry agreeing.  I think it is
important  that people other than the mayor
were responsible for insuring the guidance was
followed, which motivated the change to the last

Sent from my iPhone

Barry H. Berke




1177 Avenue of the Americas

New York, New York 10036

O: 212-715-7560 | F: 212-715-7660

view bio


This communication (including any attachments) is intended solely for the
recipient(s) named above and may contain information that is confidential,
privileged or legally protected. Any unauthorized use or dissemination of this
communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication
in error, please immediately notify the sender by return e-mail message and
delete all copies of  the original communication. Thank you for your

On May 2, 2016, at 12:40 PM, Phillip Walzak

< wrote:
i wuld like to craft a response that
mirrors what Henry wrote - 

Courtney blatantly misstates the language
from the COIB letter to reach an entirely
incorrect conclusion

The letter specifically permits hi to solicit funds

from people who do business with the City
except  from a person “with a matter pending
or about to be pending’ before the City.

And he scrupulously complied with that


Stmnt -- "The COIB letter specifically

permits solicitations from people who
do business with the CIty.  It only
does not allow the solicitation of
someone “with a matter pending or about to
be pending" before the City.  This guidance
was scrupulously followed."

Background - The letter specifically permits
solicitations from people who do business with
the City - the letter does not require a blanket


On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 12:29 PM,

Berke, Barry H.
<BBerke@kramerlevin.com> wrote:
Do we know what response they are
proposing?  Barry

Barry H. Berke




1177 Avenue of the Americas

New York, New York 10036

O: 212-715-7560 | F: 212-715-7660

view bio


This communication (including any attachments) is intended
solely for the recipient(s) named above and may contain
information that is confidential, privileged or legally
protected. Any unauthorized use or dissemination of this
communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received
this communication in error, please immediately notify the
sender by return e-mail message and delete all copies of 
the original communication. Thank you for your cooperation.

From: Jonathan Rosen
Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016 12:14 PM
To: Phillip Walzak
Cc: Dan Levitan; Andrew Friedman; Laurence
Laufer; Berke, Barry H.; Henry Berger
Subject: Re: Campaign for One New York
COIB Letter

+ lawyers.  See below.  City Hall is

responding as it is a q about mayor
and coib.

On May 2, 2016, at 12:12 PM, Phillip

Walzak <

is Laufer/other relevant
lawyers aware of this

---------- Forwarded
message ----------
From: Dan
Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com
Date: Mon, May 2, 2016 at
12:07 PM
Subject: FW: Campaign for
One New York COIB Letter
To: Phillip Walzak
Karen Hinton
>, Peter Kadushin
Cc: Andrew Friedman

Referring her over to you

guys now. 

Dan Levitan

BerlinRosen Public Affairs

O: 646.200.5315

C: 201.674.7475


From: Gross, Courtney

Sent: Monday, May 02,
2016 11:49 AM
To: Dan Levitan
Subject: RE: Campaign
for One New York COIB

Ok, so like I said in my

message we have been
reviewing the donations
and have found nearly 80
where the entity/individual
had business before the
city, was lobbying the city
or was a union with a city

In the original letter BDB

got for approval to
fundraise for the campaign
for one new York, it
specifically states he
cannot solicit donations
from people with business
before the city or pending
business before the city. (I
attached the letter for your

The donations clearly

violate that. Some

Thousands of dollars from

the taxi industry in the
midst of the uber fight

Thousands from school

bus companies

DDG development 10
grand donation as they
look for a variance


DC 37


Developers affiliated with

the construction of the
Brooklyn library

360 tenth ave llc…

And I have a bunch more.

So here are the questions:

Did the mayor personally

solicit money from these

Do these donation violate

the waiver from COIB?

From: Dan Levitan
Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016
11:30 AM
To: Gross, Courtney
Subject: RE: Campaign for One
New York COIB Letter

Are you sending me

something?  Got your VM

Dan Levitan

BerlinRosen Public Affairs

O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475


From: Gross, Courtney

Sent: Sunday, May 01,
2016 12:44 PM
To: Dan Levitan
Subject: Campaign for
One New York COIB Letter
Importance: High

Can you send me the

initial letter BDB received
from COIB to set up the
Campaign for One New

If you could send it ASAP,

that would be great.


Hope your vacation was


From: Dan Levitan
Sent: Wednesday, April 27,
2016 4:31 PM
To: Gross, Courtney
Subject: Automatic reply: wsj
story on subpeanos 

Hi -

I will be out of the office

until Monday, May 2, and
slow to respond to email. 
If you need immediate
assistance please
contact 646 452 5637.



This E-mail and any of its attachments

may contain Time Warner Cable
proprietary information, which is privileged,
confidential, or subject to copyright
belonging to Time Warner Cable. This E-
mail is intended solely for the use of the
individual or entity to which it is addressed.
If you are not the intended recipient of this
E-mail, you are hereby notified that any
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notify the sender immediately and
permanently delete the original and any
copy of this E-mail and any printout.

York COIB letter.pdf>

From: Phillip Walzak
To: Berke, Barry H.
Cc: Kadushin, Peter; Karen Hinton; Jonathan Rosen; Dan Levitan; Andrew Friedman; Laurence Laufer; Henry
Subject: Re: Campaign for One New York COIB Letter
Date: Monday, May 02, 2016 1:56:14 PM

i am good w this Barry 


 "The COIB letter is clear.  It specifically permits solicitations from people

who do business with the City.  It only does not allow the solicitation of
someone “with a matter pending or about to be pending" before the City.  This guidance was
scrupulously followed."

On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 12:49 PM, Berke, Barry H. <BBerke@kramerlevin.com>

I like that, but would make the suggested changes below (at least conceptually)
subject to Laurence and Henry agreeing.  I think it is important  that people other
than the mayor were responsible for insuring the guidance was followed, which
motivated the change to the last sentence.  

Sent from my iPhone

Barry H. Berke
1177 Avenue of the Americas
New York, New York 10036
O: 212-715-7560 | F: 212-715-7660
view bio
This communication (including any attachments) is intended solely for the recipient(s) named above and may contain information
that is confidential, privileged or legally protected. Any unauthorized use or dissemination of this communication is strictly
proh bited. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify the sender by return e-mail message and
delete all copies of  the original communication. Thank you for your cooperation.
On May 2, 2016, at 12:40 PM, Phillip Walzak < wrote:

i wuld like to craft a response that mirrors what Henry wrote - 

Courtney blatantly misstates the language from the COIB letter to reach an entirely incorrect
The letter specifically permits hi to solicit funds from people who do business with the City
except  from a person “with a matter pending or about to be pending’ before the City.
And he scrupulously complied with that prohibition.

Stmnt -- "The COIB letter specifically permits solicitations from people

who do business with the CIty.  It only does not allow the solicitation of
someone “with a matter pending or about to be pending" before the City.  This guidance
was scrupulously followed."

Background - The letter specifically permits solicitations from people who do business with the
City - the letter does not require a blanket ban,


On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 12:29 PM, Berke, Barry H.

<BBerke@kramerlevin.com> wrote:

Do we know what response they are proposing?  Barry

Barry H. Berke
1177 Avenue of the Americas
New York, New York 10036
O: 212-715-7560 | F: 212-715-7660
view bio
This communication (including any attachments) is intended solely for the recipient(s) named above and may
contain information that is confidential, privileged or legally protected. Any unauthorized use or dissemination
of this communication is strictly proh bited. If you have received this communication in error, please
immediately notify the sender by return e-mail message and delete all copies of  the original communication.
Thank you for your cooperation.

From: Jonathan Rosen [mailto:Jonathan@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016 12:14 PM
To: Phillip Walzak
Cc: Dan Levitan; Andrew Friedman; Laurence Laufer; Berke, Barry H.; Henry Berger
Subject: Re: Campaign for One New York COIB Letter

+ lawyers.  See below.  City Hall is responding as it is a q about

mayor and coib.

On May 2, 2016, at 12:12 PM, Phillip Walzak <


is Laufer/other relevant lawyers aware of this incoming

The donations clearly violate that. Some examples:

Thousands of dollars from the taxi industry in the midst of

the uber fight

Thousands from school bus companies

DDG development 10 grand donation as they look for a



DC 37



Developers affiliated with the construction of the Brooklyn


360 tenth ave llc…

And I have a bunch more.

So here are the questions:

Did the mayor personally solicit money from these people?

Do these donation violate the waiver from COIB?

From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016 11:30 AM
To: Gross, Courtney
Subject: RE: Campaign for One New York COIB Letter

Are you sending me something?  Got your VM


Dan Levitan

BerlinRosen Public Affairs

O: 646.200.5315

C: 201.674.7475


From: Gross, Courtney

Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2016 12:44 PM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Campaign for One New York COIB Letter
Importance: High

Can you send me the initial letter BDB received from COIB
to set up the Campaign for One New York?

If you could send it ASAP, that would be great.


Hope your vacation was good.

From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 4:31 PM
To: Gross, Courtney
Subject: Automatic reply: wsj story on subpeanos

Hi -

I will be out of the office until Monday, May 2, and slow to
respond to email.  If you need immediate assistance
please contact 646 452 5637.



This E-mail and any of its attachments may contain Time Warner Cable proprietary
information, which is privileged, confidential, or subject to copyright belonging to Time
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and any copy of this E-mail and any printout.

<Campaign-for-One-New-York COIB letter.pdf>

From: Kadushin, Peter
To: Phillip Walzak; Karen Hinton
Cc: Laurence Laufer; Berke, Barry H.; Henry Berger; Jonathan Rosen; Dan Levitan; Andrew Friedman; James, Dani
Subject: RE: Campaign for One New York COIB Letter
Date: Monday, May 02, 2016 2:07:55 PM


From: Phillip Walzak [

Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016 2:05 PM
To: Karen Hinton
Cc: Laurence Laufer; Berke, Barry H.; Henry Berger; Kadushin, Peter; Jonathan Rosen; Dan Levitan;
Andrew Friedman; James, Dani R.
Subject: Re: Campaign for One New York COIB Letter

PK can you ship pls?

On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 2:02 PM, Karen Hinton < wrote:

Is peter sending? 

Sent from my iPhone

On May 2, 2016, at 2:02 PM, Phillip Walzak < wrote:

CH press will ship this 

On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 1:59 PM, Laurence Laufer

<laufer@kantordavidoff.com> wrote:

Looks good to me

From: Berke, Barry H. [mailto:BBerke@KRAMERLEVIN.com]

Sent: Monday, May 2, 2016 1:58 PM
To: Laurence Laufer
Cc: Phillip Walzak; Henry Berger; Karen Hinton; Kadushin, Peter; Jonathan Rosen;
Dan Levitan; Andrew Friedman; James, Dani R.
Subject: RE: Campaign for One New York COIB Letter

I just made a similar change that has the same effect.   Let’s combine them and go
with the following:

"The COIB letter is clear.  It permits solicitations of people who do
business with the City.   It only bars the solicitation of
someone “with a matter pending or about to be pending" before the
City.  There was a process in place to insure that this guidance was
scrupulously followed."

Barry H. Berke




1177 Avenue of the Americas

New York, New York 10036

O: 212-715-7560 | F: 212-715-7660

view bio


This communication (including any attachments) is intended solely for the recipient(s) named above and may
contain information that is confidential, privileged or legally protected. Any unauthorized use or dissemination
of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please
immediately notify the sender by return e-mail message and delete all copies of  the original communication.
Thank you for your cooperation.
From: Berke, Barry H.
To: PhilWalzak (gmail.com); Laurence Laufer
Cc: Henry Berger; Karen Hinton; Kadushin, Peter; Jonathan Rosen; Dan Levitan; Andrew Friedman; James, Dani R.
Subject: RE: Campaign for One New York COIB Letter
Date: Monday, May 02, 2016 2:13:03 PM

How about we make the following change and call it a day:

"The COIB letter is clear.  It does not prohibit solicitations from people who do
business with the City.  It only bars the solicitation of someone “with a matter
pending or about to be pending" before the City.  There was a process in place to
insure that this guidance was scrupulously followed."

Barry H. Berke

1177 Avenue of the Americas
New York, New York 10036
O: 212-715-7560 | F: 212-715-7660
view bio

This communication (including any attachments) is intended solely for the recipient(s) named above and may contain
information that is confidential, privileged or legally protected. Any unauthorized use or dissemination of this communication
is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify the sender by return e-mail
message and delete all copies of  the original communication. Thank you for your cooperation.
From: Phillip Walzak [mailto:
Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016 1:48 PM
To: Laurence Laufer
Cc: Henry Berger; Karen Hinton; Berke, Barry H.; Kadushin, Peter; Jonathan Rosen; Dan Levitan;
Andrew Friedman; James, Dani R.
Subject: Re: Campaign for One New York COIB Letter

very well
Then lets have CH press ship the stmnt and close this out
thanks all
 "The COIB letter is clear.  It specifically permits solicitations from
people who do business with the City.  It only does not allow the
solicitation of someone “with a matter pending or about to be pending"
before the City.  There was a process in place to insure that this
guidance was scrupulously followed."
On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 1:42 PM, Laurence Laufer <laufer@kantordavidoff.com> wrote:
There's no affirmative line about the permissibly of soliciting donors with City business, only a
negative line against soliciting donors with pending business
From: Phillip Walzak [mailto:
Sent: Monday, May 2, 2016 1:42 PM
To: Henry Berger
Cc: Karen Hinton; Berke, Barry H.; Laurence Laufer; Kadushin, Peter; Jonathan Rosen; Dan Levitan;
Andrew Friedman; James, Dani R.
Subject: Re: Campaign for One New York COIB Letter
crossing emails, sorry
here is updated w Barry addition to last line
reupping my question on if there is an affirmative line in letter saying sentence 2 in the stmnt
we could point her to
 "The COIB letter is clear.  It
specifically permits solicitations from
people who do business with the City. 
It only does not allow the solicitation
of someone “with a matter pending or
about to be pending" before the City. 
There was a process in place to insure
that this guidance was scrupulously
On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 1:27 PM, Henry Berger <berger@election-law.com> wrote:
We should issue the statement (with Berke’s addition) and nothing more
Important to be very tight on this 
On May 2, 2016, at 1:18 PM, Karen Hinton <
She now has reached out to me. Please send me final to send her. Does it make sense for henry
and me to get her on phone? 

Sent from my iPhone

On May 2, 2016, at 1:11 PM, Berke, Barry H. <BBerke@KRAMERLEVIN.com> wrote:

How about a slight change to the following:  "There was a process in place to
insure that this guidance was scrupulously followed."
All subject to Henry's sign off as well. 

Sent from my iPhone


Barry H. Berke
1177 Avenue of the Americas
New York, New York 10036
O: 212-715-7560 | F: 212-715-7660
view bio
This communication (including any attachments) is intended solely for the recipient(s) named
above and may contain information that is confidential, privileged or legally protected. Any
unauthorized use or dissemination of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received
this communication in error, please immediately notify the sender by return e-mail message and
delete all copies of  the original communication. Thank you for your cooperation.
On May 2, 2016, at 1:08 PM, Laurence Laufer <laufer@kantordavidoff.com> wrote:

From: Phillip Walzak [mailto:  
Sent: Monday, May 2, 2016 1:07 PM
To: Berke, Barry H.
Cc: Kadushin, Peter; Karen Hinton; Jonathan Rosen; Dan
Levitan; Andrew Friedman; Laurence Laufer; Henry Berger
Subject: Re: Campaign for One New York COIB Letter
i am good w this Barry 
 "The COIB letter is clear.  It specifically
permits solicitations from people who do
business with the City.  It only does not
allow the solicitation of someone “with a
matter pending or about to be pending" before the
City.  This guidance was scrupulously followed."
On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 12:49 PM, Berke, Barry H.
<BBerke@kramerlevin.com> wrote:
I like that, but would make the suggested changes below
(at least conceptually) subject to Laurence and Henry
agreeing.  I think it is important  that people other than
the mayor were responsible for insuring the guidance
was followed, which motivated the change to the last

Sent from my iPhone


Barry H. Berke
1177 Avenue of the Americas
New York, New York 10036
O: 212-715-7560 | F: 212-715-7660
view bio
This communication (including any attachments) is intended solely for the
recipient(s) named above and may contain information that is confidential,
privileged or legally protected. Any unauthorized use or dissemination of this
communication is strictly proh bited. If you have received this communication in
error, please immediately notify the sender by return e-mail message and delete
all copies of  the original communication. Thank you for your cooperation.
On May 2, 2016, at 12:40 PM, Phillip Walzak
< wrote:

i wuld like to craft a response that mirrors

what Henry wrote - 
Courtney blatantly misstates the language from the
COIB letter to reach an entirely incorrect conclusion
The letter specifically permits hi to solicit funds from
people who do business with the City except  from a
person “with a matter pending or about to be pending’
before the City.
And he scrupulously complied with that prohibition.
Stmnt -- "The COIB letter specifically
permits solicitations from people who do
business with the CIty.  It only does not
allow the solicitation of someone “with a
matter pending or about to be pending" before the
City.  This guidance was scrupulously followed."
Background - The letter specifically permits
solicitations from people who do business with the
City - the letter does not require a blanket ban,
On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 12:29 PM, Berke,
Barry H. <BBerke@kramerlevin.com>
Do we know what response they are
proposing?  Barry

Barry H. Berke
1177 Avenue of the Americas
New York, New York 10036
O: 212-715-7560 | F: 212-715-7660
view bio
This communication (including any attachments) is intended
solely for the recipient(s) named above and may contain
information that is confidential, privileged or legally protected.
Any unauthorized use or dissemination of this communication
is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in
error, please immediately notify the sender by return e-mail
message and delete all copies of  the original communication.
Thank you for your cooperation.

From: Jonathan Rosen
Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016 12:14 PM
To: Phillip Walzak
Cc: Dan Levitan; Andrew Friedman; Laurence
Laufer; Berke, Barry H.; Henry Berger
Subject: Re: Campaign for One New York COIB
+ lawyers.  See below.  City Hall is
responding as it is a q about mayor and

On May 2, 2016, at 12:12 PM, Phillip

Walzak < wrote:

is Laufer/other relevant lawyers

aware of this incoming
---------- Forwarded message -
From: Dan
Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com
Date: Mon, May 2, 2016 at
12:07 PM
Subject: FW: Campaign for
One New York COIB Letter
To: Phillip Walzak
Karen Hinton
Peter Kadushin
Cc: Andrew Friedman

Referring her over to you guys

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Gross, Courtney

Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016
11:49 AM
To: Dan Levitan
Subject: RE: Campaign for
One New York COIB Letter
Ok, so like I said in my
message we have been
reviewing the donations and
have found nearly 80 where the
entity/individual had business
before the city, was lobbying
the city or was a union with a
city contract. 
In the original letter BDB got
for approval to fundraise for the
campaign for one new York, it
specifically states he cannot
solicit donations from people
with business before the city or
pending business before the
city. (I attached the letter for
your reference).
The donations clearly violate
that. Some examples:
Thousands of dollars from the
taxi industry in the midst of the
uber fight
Thousands from school bus
DDG development 10 grand
donation as they look for a
DC 37
Developers affiliated with the
construction of the Brooklyn
360 tenth ave llc…
And I have a bunch more.
So here are the questions:
Did the mayor personally solicit
money from these people?
Do these donation violate the
waiver from COIB?
From: Dan Levitan
Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016
11:30 AM
To: Gross, Courtney
Subject: RE: Campaign for One
New York COIB Letter
Are you sending me
something?  Got your VM
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Gross, Courtney

Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2016
12:44 PM
To: Dan Levitan
Subject: Campaign for One
New York COIB Letter
Importance: High
Can you send me the initial
letter BDB received from COIB
to set up the Campaign for One
New York?
If you could send it ASAP, that
would be great.
Hope your vacation was good.
From: Dan Levitan
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016
4:31 PM
To: Gross, Courtney
Subject: Automatic reply: wsj
story on subpeanos 
Hi -
I will be out of the office until
Monday, May 2, and slow to
respond to email.  If you need
immediate assistance please
contact 646 452 5637.


This E-mail and any of its attachments may

contain Time Warner Cable proprietary
information, which is privileged, confidential,
or subject to copyright belonging to Time
Warner Cable. This E-mail is intended solely
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have received this E-mail in error, please
notify the sender immediately and
permanently delete the original and any copy
of this E-mail and any printout.
York COIB letter.pdf>
From: Karen Hinton
To: Berke, Barry H.
Cc: Laurence Laufer; PhilWalzak (gmail.com); Henry Berger; Kadushin, Peter; Jonathan Rosen; Dan Levitan;
Andrew Friedman; James, Dani R.
Subject: Re: Campaign for One New York COIB Letter
Date: Monday, May 02, 2016 2:13:17 PM

I think important to get her to understand this. To do that, someone needs to get
her on phone. Who can do that with me? We can do off record. 

Sent from my iPhone

On May 2, 2016, at 1:52 PM, Berke, Barry H. <BBerke@KRAMERLEVIN.com> wrote:

Laurence, do you believe this is accurate?  Should we take out

"specifically"?  Any other change? 

Sent from my iPhone

Barry H. Berke
1177 Avenue of the Americas
New York, New York 10036
O: 212-715-7560 | F: 212-715-7660
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This communication (including any attachments) is intended solely for the recipient(s) named above and may contain
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sender by return e-mail message and delete all copies of  the original communication. Thank you for your
On May 2, 2016, at 1:43 PM, Laurence Laufer
<laufer@kantordavidoff.com> wrote:

There's no affirmative line about the permissibly of soliciting donors with

City business, only a negative line against soliciting donors with pending
From: Phillip Walzak [mailto:
Sent: Monday, May 2, 2016 1:42 PM
To: Henry Berger
Cc: Karen Hinton; Berke, Barry H.; Laurence Laufer; Kadushin, Peter;
Jonathan Rosen; Dan Levitan; Andrew Friedman; James, Dani R.
Subject: Re: Campaign for One New York COIB Letter

crossing emails, sorry

here is updated w Barry addition to last line
reupping my question on if there is an affirmative line in letter
saying sentence 2 in the stmnt we could point her to

letter is clear. It
solicitations from
people who do
business with the
City. It only
does not allow
the solicitation of
someone “with a
matter pending
or about to be
pending" before
the City. There
was a process in
place to insure
that this
guidance was

On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 1:27 PM, Henry Berger <berger@election-

law.com> wrote:
We should issue the statement (with Berke’s addition) and nothing
Important to be very tight on this

On May 2, 2016, at 1:18 PM, Karen Hinton

< wrote:

She now has reached out to me. Please send me final to send her.
Does it make sense for henry and me to get her on phone? 

Sent from my iPhone

On May 2, 2016, at 1:11 PM, Berke, Barry H.

<BBerke@KRAMERLEVIN.com> wrote:

How about a slight change to the following:  "There

was a process in place to insure that this guidance
was scrupulously followed."
All subject to Henry's sign off as well. 

Sent from my iPhone

Barry H. Berke
1177 Avenue of the Americas
New York, New York 10036
O: 212-715-7560 | F: 212-715-7660
view bio
This communication (including any attachments) is intended
solely for the recipient(s) named above and may contain
information that is confidential, privileged or legally protected.
Any unauthorized use or dissemination of this communication
is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in
error, please immediately notify the sender by return e-mail
message and delete all copies of  the original communication.
Thank you for your cooperation.
On May 2, 2016, at 1:08 PM, Laurence Laufer
<laufer@kantordavidoff.com> wrote:

From: Phillip Walzak
Sent: Monday, May 2, 2016 1:07
To: Berke, Barry H.
Cc: Kadushin, Peter; Karen Hinton;
Jonathan Rosen; Dan Levitan;
Andrew Friedman; Laurence
Laufer; Henry Berger
Subject: Re: Campaign for One
New York COIB Letter

i am good w this Barry

"The COIB letter
is clear. It
specifically permits
solicitations from
people who do
business with the
City. It only does
not allow the
solicitation of
someone “with a
matter pending or about
to be pending" before
the City. This guidance
was scrupulously

On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 12:49

PM, Berke, Barry H.
I like that, but would make the
suggested changes below (at
least conceptually) subject to
Laurence and Henry agreeing.
I think it is important that
people other than the mayor
were responsible for insuring
the guidance was followed,
which motivated the change to
the last sentence.

Sent from my iPhone

Barry H. Berke

1177 Avenue of the Americas
New York, New York 10036
O: 212-715-7560 | F: 212-715-
view bio

This communication (including any

attachments) is intended solely for the
recipient(s) named above and may contain
information that is confidential, privileged or
legally protected. Any unauthorized use or
dissemination of this communication is strictly
prohibited. If you have received this
communication in error, please immediately
notify the sender by return e-mail message
and delete all copies of  the original
communication. Thank you for your
On May 2, 2016, at 12:40 PM,
Phillip Walzak
< wrote:

i wuld like to craft

a response that
mirrors what Henry
wrote -

Courtney blatantly
misstates the language
from the COIB letter to
reach an entirely
incorrect conclusion
The letter specifically
permits hi to solicit
funds from people who
do business with the
City except from a
person “with a matter
pending or about to be
pending’ before the
And he scrupulously
complied with that

Stmnt -- "The
COIB letter
specifically permits
solicitations from
people who do
business with the
CIty. It only does
not allow the
solicitation of
someone “with a
matter pending or about
to be pending" before
the City. This guidance
was scrupulously

Background - The letter

specifically permits
solicitations from
people who do business
with the City - the letter
does not require a
blanket ban,

On Mon, May 2,
2016 at 12:29 PM,
Berke, Barry H.
> wrote:
Do we know what
response they are
proposing?  Barry

Barry H. Berke

1177 Avenue of the
New York, New York
O: 212-715-7560 |
F: 212-715-7660
view bio

This communication
(including any attachments)
is intended solely for the
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communication is strictly
prohibited. If you have
received this communication
in error, please immediately
notify the sender by return
e-mail message and delete
all copies of  the original
communication. Thank you
for your cooperation.

From: Jonathan

Sent: Monday, May
02, 2016 12:14 PM
To: Phillip Walzak
Cc: Dan Levitan;
Andrew Friedman;
Laurence Laufer;
Berke, Barry H.;
Henry Berger
Subject: Re:
Campaign for One
New York COIB Letter

+ lawyers. See
below. City Hall is
responding as it is
a q about mayor
and coib.

On May 2, 2016, at
12:12 PM, Phillip
> wrote:

of this

Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com
May 2,
2016 at

over to



Ok, so
like I
said in
the city
or was
with a

In the
got for
for the
for one
the city
city. (I


the taxi
in the
of the
as they
for a
DC 37
of the

And I
have a

are the

Did the


May 02,

for One




me the
to set
up the

If you
send it




4:31 PM

story on

Hi -

I will
be out
of the
May 2,
slow to
If you



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From: Phillip Walzak
To: Karen Hinton
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; James, Dani R.; Kadushin, Peter; Andrew Friedman; Laurence Laufer; Dan Levitan; Henry
Berger; Berke, Barry H.
Subject: Re: Campaign for One New York COIB Letter
Date: Monday, May 02, 2016 2:16:03 PM

If you need to do thru maya voice Pls do

On May 2, 2016 14:14, "Karen Hinton" < wrote:

Please copy me 

Sent from my iPhone

On May 2, 2016, at 2:07 PM, Kadushin, Peter <pkadushin@cityhall.nyc.gov>



From: Phillip Walzak [

Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016 2:05 PM
To: Karen Hinton
Cc: Laurence Laufer; Berke, Barry H.; Henry Berger; Kadushin, Peter; Jonathan Rosen;
Dan Levitan; Andrew Friedman; James, Dani R.
Subject: Re: Campaign for One New York COIB Letter

PK can you ship pls?

On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 2:02 PM, Karen Hinton

< wrote:
Is peter sending? 

Sent from my iPhone

On May 2, 2016, at 2:02 PM, Phillip Walzak < wrote:

CH press will ship this 

On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 1:59 PM, Laurence Laufer

<laufer@kantordavidoff.com> wrote:

Looks good to me

From: Berke, Barry H. [mailto:BBerke@KRAMERLEVIN.com]
Sent: Monday, May 2, 2016 1:58 PM
To: Laurence Laufer
Cc: Phillip Walzak; Henry Berger; Karen Hinton; Kadushin, Peter;
Jonathan Rosen; Dan Levitan; Andrew Friedman; James, Dani R.
Subject: RE: Campaign for One New York COIB Letter

I just made a similar change that has the same effect.   Let’s
combine them and go with the following:

"The COIB letter is clear.  It permits solicitations of

people who do business with the City.   It only bars the
solicitation of someone “with a matter pending or about
to be pending" before the City.  There was a process in
place to insure that this guidance was scrupulously

Barry H. Berke




1177 Avenue of the Americas

New York, New York 10036

O: 212-715-7560 | F: 212-715-7660

view bio


This communication (including any attachments) is intended solely for the recipient(s)
named above and may contain information that is confidential, privileged or legally
protected. Any unauthorized use or dissemination of this communication is strictly
prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify the
sender by return e-mail message and delete all copies of  the original communication.
Thank you for your cooperation.
From: Karen Hinton
To: Kadushin, Peter
Cc: PhilWalzak (gmail.com); Laurence Laufer; Berke, Barry H.; Henry Berger; Jonathan Rosen; Dan Levitan;
Andrew Friedman; James, Dani R.
Subject: Re: Campaign for One New York COIB Letter
Date: Monday, May 02, 2016 2:40:57 PM


Sent from my iPhone

On May 2, 2016, at 2:18 PM, Kadushin, Peter <pkadushin@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Sure. If you forward me her email I'll cc you on a reply.


From: Karen Hinton [

Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016 2:14 PM
To: Kadushin, Peter
Cc: PhilWalzak (gmail.com); Laurence Laufer; Berke, Barry H.; Henry Berger; Jonathan
Rosen; Dan Levitan; Andrew Friedman; James, Dani R.
Subject: Re: Campaign for One New York COIB Letter

Please copy me 

Sent from my iPhone

On May 2, 2016, at 2:07 PM, Kadushin, Peter <pkadushin@cityhall.nyc.gov>



From: Phillip Walzak [

Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016 2:05 PM
To: Karen Hinton
Cc: Laurence Laufer; Berke, Barry H.; Henry Berger; Kadushin, Peter;
Jonathan Rosen; Dan Levitan; Andrew Friedman; James, Dani R.
Subject: Re: Campaign for One New York COIB Letter

PK can you ship pls?

On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 2:02 PM, Karen Hinton

< wrote:
Is peter sending? 

Sent from my iPhone

On May 2, 2016, at 2:02 PM, Phillip Walzak
< wrote:

CH press will ship this 

On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 1:59 PM, Laurence Laufer

<laufer@kantordavidoff.com> wrote:

Looks good to me

From: Berke, Barry H.

Sent: Monday, May 2, 2016 1:58 PM
To: Laurence Laufer
Cc: Phillip Walzak; Henry Berger; Karen Hinton; Kadushin,
Peter; Jonathan Rosen; Dan Levitan; Andrew Friedman;
James, Dani R.
Subject: RE: Campaign for One New York COIB Letter

I just made a similar change that has the same effect.  

Let’s combine them and go with the following:

"The COIB letter is clear.  It permits

solicitations of people who do business with
the City.   It only bars the solicitation of
someone “with a matter pending or about to
be pending" before the City.  There was a
process in place to insure that this guidance
was scrupulously followed."

Barry H. Berke




1177 Avenue of the Americas

New York, New York 10036

O: 212-715-7560 | F: 212-715-7660

view bio


This communication (including any attachments) is intended solely for the
recipient(s) named above and may contain information that is confidential,
privileged or legally protected. Any unauthorized use or dissemination of
this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this
communication in error, please immediately notify the sender by return e-
mail message and delete all copies of  the original communication. Thank
you for your cooperation.
From: Karen Hinton
To: PhilWalzak (gmail.com)
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; James, Dani R.; Kadushin, Peter; Andrew Friedman; Laurence Laufer; Dan Levitan; Henry
Berger; Berke, Barry H.
Subject: Courtney
Date: Monday, May 02, 2016 2:47:21 PM

She called me and i gave off record thumbnail of statement. This is what she sent

Here are just two examples for my story tonight.

Hudson Companies gives in Febraury 2014

They are selected to build the Brooklyn library in September of that year.

1199 gives 250,000 in march of 2014. There contract is signed in June

Park tower group gives in march 2015. The renegotiated deal for greenpoint landing
is done in July 1 of that year.

Then, there are obviously dozens of examples of people who are just lobbying the

-----Original Message-----Sent from my iPhone

On May 2, 2016, at 2:15 PM, Phillip Walzak < wrote:

If you need to do thru maya voice Pls do

On May 2, 2016 14:14, "Karen Hinton" <

Please copy me 

Sent from my iPhone

On May 2, 2016, at 2:07 PM, Kadushin, Peter

<pkadushin@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:


From: Phillip Walzak [

Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016 2:05 PM
To: Karen Hinton
Cc: Laurence Laufer; Berke, Barry H.; Henry Berger; Kadushin, Peter;
Jonathan Rosen; Dan Levitan; Andrew Friedman; James, Dani R.
Subject: Re: Campaign for One New York COIB Letter

PK can you ship pls?
On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 2:02 PM, Karen Hinton
< wrote:
Is peter sending? 

Sent from my iPhone

On May 2, 2016, at 2:02 PM, Phillip Walzak

< wrote:

CH press will ship this 

On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 1:59 PM, Laurence Laufer

<laufer@kantordavidoff.com> wrote:

Looks good to me

From: Berke, Barry H.

Sent: Monday, May 2, 2016 1:58 PM
To: Laurence Laufer
Cc: Phillip Walzak; Henry Berger; Karen Hinton;
Kadushin, Peter; Jonathan Rosen; Dan Levitan; Andrew
Friedman; James, Dani R.
Subject: RE: Campaign for One New York COIB Letter

I just made a similar change that has the same effect.  

Let’s combine them and go with the following:

"The COIB letter is clear.  It permits

solicitations of people who do business with
the City.   It only bars the solicitation of
someone “with a matter pending or about to
be pending" before the City.  There was a
process in place to insure that this guidance
was scrupulously followed."

Barry H. Berke




1177 Avenue of the Americas

New York, New York 10036

O: 212-715-7560 | F: 212-715-7660

view bio


This communication (including any attachments) is intended solely for
the recipient(s) named above and may contain information that is
confidential, privileged or legally protected. Any unauthorized use or
dissemination of this communication is strictly proh bited. If you have
received this communication in error, please immediately notify the
sender by return e-mail message and delete all copies of  the original
communication. Thank you for your cooperation.
From: Phillip Walzak
To: Karen Hinton
Cc: Jonathan Rosen; James, Dani R.; Kadushin, Peter; Andrew Friedman; Laurence Laufer; Dan Levitan; Henry
Berger; Berke, Barry H.
Subject: Re: Campaign for One New York COIB Letter
Date: Monday, May 02, 2016 2:54:19 PM

good here

On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 2:42 PM, Karen Hinton <

I like maya name 

Sent from my iPhone

On May 2, 2016, at 2:15 PM, Phillip Walzak < wrote:

If you need to do thru maya voice Pls do

On May 2, 2016 14:14, "Karen Hinton" <

Please copy me 

Sent from my iPhone

On May 2, 2016, at 2:07 PM, Kadushin, Peter

<pkadushin@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:


From: Phillip Walzak [

Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016 2:05 PM
To: Karen Hinton
Cc: Laurence Laufer; Berke, Barry H.; Henry Berger; Kadushin, Peter;
Jonathan Rosen; Dan Levitan; Andrew Friedman; James, Dani R.
Subject: Re: Campaign for One New York COIB Letter

PK can you ship pls?

On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 2:02 PM, Karen Hinton

< wrote:
Is peter sending? 

Sent from my iPhone

On May 2, 2016, at 2:02 PM, Phillip Walzak

< wrote:
CH press will ship this 

On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 1:59 PM, Laurence

Laufer <laufer@kantordavidoff.com> wrote:

Looks good to me

From: Berke, Barry H.

Sent: Monday, May 2, 2016 1:58 PM
To: Laurence Laufer
Cc: Phillip Walzak; Henry Berger; Karen Hinton;
Kadushin, Peter; Jonathan Rosen; Dan Levitan;
Andrew Friedman; James, Dani R.
Subject: RE: Campaign for One New York COIB

I just made a similar change that has the same

effect.   Let’s combine them and go with the

"The COIB letter is clear.  It permits

solicitations of people who do business
with the City.   It only bars the solicitation
of someone “with a matter pending or
about to be pending" before the City. 
There was a process in place to insure that
this guidance was scrupulously followed."

Barry H. Berke




1177 Avenue of the Americas

New York, New York 10036

O: 212-715-7560 | F: 212-715-7660

view bio


This communication (including any attachments) is intended solely for
the recipient(s) named above and may contain information that is
confidential, privileged or legally protected. Any unauthorized use or
dissemination of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have
received this communication in error, please immediately notify the
sender by return e-mail message and delete all copies of  the
original communication. Thank you for your cooperation.
From: Phillip Walzak
To: Henry Berger
Cc: Laurence Laufer; Kadushin, Peter; Dan Levitan; Karen Hinton; Henry Berger; Jonathan Rosen; James, Dani R.;
Andrew Friedman; Berke, Barry H.
Subject: Re: FYI
Date: Monday, May 02, 2016 6:13:35 PM

will need TPs on this for boss

On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 6:11 PM, Henry Berger <berger@election-law.com> wrote:

glad that wasn’t what we did

On May 2, 2016, at 6:09 PM, Phillip Walzak <


Head Of Suffolk Dems: De Blasio Was Wrong In Fundraising Methods

CBS LOCAL – Marcia Kramer


The head of the Suffolk County Democratic Committee had a terse message
for Mayor Bill de Blasio Monday – “You’re wrong.”

As CBS2 Political Reporter Marcia Kramer reported, Richard Schaffer said it

is not a “normal thing” to accept checks that appear to skirt campaign finance

Schaffer said he took immediate action when Steve Allinger, a lobbyist for the
New York state teachers’ union, tried to give him a check for $100,000. The
check was issued on the proviso that it be earmarked – sent to 2014 Democratic
state senate candidate Adrienne Esposito.

“My take was that it was illegal,” Schaffer said. “If I had taken the action and
followed with what they had said they wanted me to do, that I would be
committing a violation of the campaign finance law, which is a criminal

It was a surprising disclosure, since in 2014, Mayor de Blasio was involved in

a frantic campaign to help Democrats take control of the New York State
Senate. The Esposito race was apparently key to his success.

“It was one of the targeted races that was being targeted in order to flip the
senate to the Democrats,” Schaffer said.

The actions of team de Blasio are being investigated by state and federal
prosecutors to see if donors, including labor unions, made large contributions
to local county committees to evade the $10,300 individual donation limit.

When CBS2’s Kramer first asked de Blasio about his fundraising in October
2014, the mayor said his actions were completely acceptable campaign

“It’s something that’s been going on a long time in this state,” de Blasio said
at the time. “It’s a normal thing to provide support for party organizations.”

De Blasio denied that any “pay to play” was involved in his fundraising efforts.

“There’s nothing new here,” de Blasio said. “For years and years, people have
supported party organizations.”

Schaffer, an attorney, said he disagreed – and that is why he sent the

contribution back.

“At the outset, as soon as they said, ‘We’re sending you the money and we
want you to spend it on Esposito,’ I knew that that was a violation,” Schaffer

Kramer asked Schaffer whether he was ever tempted to take the money, given
that the race was hotly contested.

“As I’ve always said, the most important thing to me is my law license, and
I’m not going to do anything to jeopardize that,” he replied.

When Kramer reached Allinger, he angrily referred her to the union office. A
spokesman there insisted the union “has a long track record of adhering to the
laws governing political action and campaign finance.”

The spokesman refused to say whether the union had received a subpoena.
Schaffer said he will gladly talk to prosecutors.

From: Henry Berger
To: PhilWalzak (gmail.com)
Cc: Laurence Laufer; Kadushin, Peter; Dan Levitan; Karen Hinton; Henry Berger; Jonathan Rosen; James, Dani R.;
Andrew Friedman; Berke, Barry H.
Subject: Re: FYI
Date: Monday, May 02, 2016 6:15:41 PM

same statement
don’t know what happened with that particular transaction, but anything we were
involved with complied with the law

On NY1 story - Any solicitations I made are in full compliance with COIB
requirements.  Others made solicitations at other times

On May 2, 2016, at 6:11 PM, Henry Berger <berger@election-law.com>


glad that wasn’t what we did

On May 2, 2016, at 6:09 PM, Phillip Walzak

< wrote:

Head Of Suffolk Dems: De Blasio Was Wrong In Fundraising


CBS LOCAL – Marcia Kramer


The head of the Suffolk County Democratic Committee had a terse

message for Mayor Bill de Blasio Monday – “You’re wrong.”

As CBS2 Political Reporter Marcia Kramer reported, Richard

Schaffer said it is not a “normal thing” to accept checks that appear
to skirt campaign finance laws.

Schaffer said he took immediate action when Steve Allinger, a

lobbyist for the New York state teachers’ union, tried to give him a
check for $100,000. The check was issued on the proviso that it be
earmarked – sent to 2014 Democratic state senate candidate
Adrienne Esposito.

“My take was that it was illegal,” Schaffer said. “If I had taken the
action and followed with what they had said they wanted me to do,
that I would be committing a violation of the campaign finance law,
which is a criminal violation.”

It was a surprising disclosure, since in 2014, Mayor de Blasio was

involved in a frantic campaign to help Democrats take control of the
New York State Senate. The Esposito race was apparently key to his

“It was one of the targeted races that was being targeted in order to
flip the senate to the Democrats,” Schaffer said.

The actions of team de Blasio are being investigated by state and

federal prosecutors to see if donors, including labor unions, made
large contributions to local county committees to evade the $10,300
individual donation limit.

When CBS2’s Kramer first asked de Blasio about his fundraising in

October 2014, the mayor said his actions were completely acceptable
campaign practice.

“It’s something that’s been going on a long time in this state,” de

Blasio said at the time. “It’s a normal thing to provide support for
party organizations.”

De Blasio denied that any “pay to play” was involved in his

fundraising efforts.

“There’s nothing new here,” de Blasio said. “For years and years,
people have supported party organizations.”

Schaffer, an attorney, said he disagreed – and that is why he sent the

contribution back.

“At the outset, as soon as they said, ‘We’re sending you the money
and we want you to spend it on Esposito,’ I knew that that was a
violation,” Schaffer said.

Kramer asked Schaffer whether he was ever tempted to take the

money, given that the race was hotly contested.

“As I’ve always said, the most important thing to me is my law

license, and I’m not going to do anything to jeopardize that,” he

When Kramer reached Allinger, he angrily referred her to the union

office. A spokesman there insisted the union “has a long track record
of adhering to the laws governing political action and campaign

The spokesman refused to say whether the union had received a

subpoena. Schaffer said he will gladly talk to prosecutors.

From: Dan Levitan
To: PhilWalzak (gmail.com); Laurence Laufer
Cc: Kadushin, Peter; Henry Berger; Karen Hinton; Henry Berger; Jonathan Rosen; James, Dani R.; Andrew Friedman;
Berke, Barry H.
Subject: RE: Courtney
Date: Monday, May 02, 2016 8:43:08 PM

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Phillip Walzak [mailto
Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016 6:18 PM
To: Laurence Laufer <laufer@kantordavidoff.com>
Cc: Kadushin, Peter <pkadushin@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Henry Berger <berger@election-law.com>; Dan
Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Karen Hinton < Henry Berger
<berger@addaon.com>; Jonathan Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>; James, Dani R.
<DJames@kramerlevin.com>; Andrew Friedman <andrew.friedman@berlinrosen.com>; Berke, Barry H.
Subject: Re: Courtney

thanks much

not sure at this time in the eve this will make a difference.

moving fwd - if there is any background like this for future stories, the sooner we can get, and
have legal greenlight to share, the more effective we can be in (potentially) reducing the harm of
these pieces

thanks again

On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 5:57 PM, Laurence Laufer <laufer@kantordavidoff.com> wrote:

In case this helps, on background:

The COIB only has jursidiction over public servants (like the mayor), not not-for-profit entities (like
COIB provided guidance to the Mayor, which he followed to a T.
COIB did not and could not restrict potential contribution sources to C41NY that its supporters
(OTHER than the Mayor) might choose to solicit
From: Kadushin, Peter [mailto:pkadushin@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, May 2, 2016 5:40 PM
To: PhilWalzak (gmail.com); Henry Berger
Cc: Dan Levitan; Karen Hinton; Henry Berger; Jonathan Rosen; James, Dani R.; Andrew Friedman;
Laurence Laufer; Berke, Barry H.
Subject: RE: Courtney

I have made it explicitly clear that other people and organizations were a part of fundraising effort.
Mayor followed all of the requirements of the COIB letter.

From: Kadushin, Peter

Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016 5:34 PM
To: Phillip Walzak; Henry Berger
Cc: Dan Levitan; Karen Hinton; Henry Berger; Jonathan Rosen; James, Dani R.; Andrew Friedman;
Laurence Laufer; Berke, Barry H.
Subject: RE: Courtney

Working on it, but not budging from premise. 


From: Phillip Walzak [

Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016 5:31 PM
To: Henry Berger
Cc: Dan Levitan; Karen Hinton; Henry Berger; Jonathan Rosen; James, Dani R.; Kadushin, Peter;
Andrew Friedman; Laurence Laufer; Berke, Barry H.
Subject: Re: Courtney

PK can you confirm w CG

On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 5:27 PM, Henry Berger <berger@election-law.com> wrote:


On May 2, 2016, at 5:23 PM, Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Good here.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Phillip Walzak [mailto  
Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016 5:22 PM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Henry Berger <berger@election-law.com>; Karen Hinton
< Henry Berger <berger@addaon.com>; Jonathan Rosen
<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>; James, Dani R. <DJames@kramerlevin.com>; Kadushin,
Peter <pkadushin@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Andrew Friedman
<andrew.friedman@berlinrosen.com>; Laurence Laufer <laufer@kantordavidoff.com>;
Berke, Barry H. <BBerke@kramerlevin.com>
Subject: Re: Courtney

why cant we simply tell her #2 and decline to get into a ton of details?
the letter applies only to the mayor. the letter says only those w pending business
cant be solicited. there was a process in place to insure the mayor scrupulously
and assiduously followed

that work?

On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 5:18 PM, Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Even if we decline to say who solicited what, need to underscore with her 1) what
letter really says 2) that letter only applies to Mayor 
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Henry Berger [mailto:berger@addaon.com] On Behalf Of Henry Berger
Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016 5:16 PM
To: Phillip Walzak <
Cc: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Karen Hinton
< Henry Berger <berger@addaon.com>; Jonathan
Rosen <Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>; James, Dani R. <DJames@kramerlevin.com>;
Kadushin, Peter <pkadushin@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Andrew Friedman
<andrew.friedman@berlinrosen.com>; Laurence Laufer
<laufer@kantordavidoff.com>; Berke, Barry H. <BBerke@kramerlevin.com>
Subject: Re: Courtney

her confusion is the she isn’t off her original statement that she believes the
letter says can’t solicit from anyone doing business with the City
Do you want to tell her the Mayor doesn’t do all the solicitations - then sh will
ask which ones he did and we don’t know the answer

On May 2, 2016, at 5:12 PM, Phillip Walzak

< wrote:

PK - can you connect w henry ASAP and see abt adding this
section -- COIB letter related only to mayor’s solicitations, and was
followed scrupulously, and did not / does not apply to rest of C41NY --
to the background?
On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 5:09 PM, Dan Levitan
<dan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
I spoke to Courtney -- She is a bit confused.  She seems to think that
the mere existence of these donors means that COIB guidance was
not followed.  
Is it possible for press office to quickly call her back and explain on
background that COIB letter related only to mayor’s solicitations, and
was followed scrupulously, and did not / does not apply to rest of
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Henry Berger [mailto:berger@addaon.com] On Behalf
Of Henry Berger
Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016 5:00 PM
To: Phillip Walzak <
Cc: Karen Hinton < Henry Berger
<berger@addaon.com>; Jonathan Rosen
<Jonathan@berlinrosen.com>; James, Dani R.
<DJames@kramerlevin.com>; Kadushin, Peter
<pkadushin@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Andrew Friedman
<andrew.friedman@berlinrosen.com>; Laurence Laufer
<laufer@kantordavidoff.com>; Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>;
Berke, Barry H. <BBerke@kramerlevin.com>
Subject: Re: Courtney

easy to knock down a couple - 1199 and Brooklyn Public

Library - not even us really - but then she will ask about each of
the rest
It’s endless and a no win

On May 2, 2016, at 4:57 PM, Phillip Walzak

< wrote:

Since we are going to take a pounding here in this

story, just want to raise something -

I understand there are really impt reasons to not go

beyond the statement. BUT if there are some
mitigating facts out there that are known that help,
could we pushback on?

For example - 1199 got a contract consistent w the

pattern the other city unions received. not a gift but
a negotiated settlement the same as other unions.

We get that team legal has very compelling reasons

for muting some of this response -- i just dont want
to miss opportunities to minimize the hurt of these
stories if we can w no other neg consequences.


On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 4:34 PM, Karen Hinton

< wrote:
Get ready. This story is going to have legs.

Sent from my iPhone

On May 2, 2016, at 2:55 PM, Henry Berger

<berger@addaon.com> wrote:

Yup. It is endless and we shouldn't

get into specifics. Just stick to
statement. No background

Sent from my iPhone

On May 2, 2016, at 2:47 PM, Karen


She called me and i gave

off record thumbnail of
statement. This is what
she sent back.

Here are just two

examples for my story

Hudson Companies gives

in Febraury 2014
They are selected to
build the Brooklyn
library in September of
that year.

1199 gives 250,000 in

march of 2014. There
contract is signed in June

Park tower group gives

in march 2015. The
renegotiated deal for
greenpoint landing is
done in July 1 of that

Then, there are obviously

dozens of examples of
people who are just
lobbying the city.

-----Original Message---
--Sent from my iPhone

On May 2, 2016, at 2:15

PM, Phillip Walzak

If you need
to do thru
maya voice
Pls do
On May 2,
2016 14:14,
> wrote:
copy me

Sent from
my iPhone

On May 2,
2016, at
2:07 PM,
> wrote:
















someone “with




From: Dan Levitan
To: Rosa Goldensohn
Cc: Hinton, Karen
Subject: Re: Jan 8 C41NY COIB letter
Date: Tuesday, May 03, 2016 8:42:28 AM

I do not have the letter but please call me today for some important context

- Sent from my Galaxy S6 -

> On May 3, 2016, at 8:41 AM, Rosa Goldensohn <RGoldensohn@crainsnewyork.com> wrote:

> Hi, Can I have Jan 8 COIB letter on Campaign for One NY that NY 1 got?
> Thanks,
> Rosie
From: Hinton, Karen
To: Dan@berlinrosen.com
Subject: FW: Jan 8 C41NY COIB letter
Date: Tuesday, May 03, 2016 8:49:30 AM

The letter is online. She could find it if she googled it.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2016 8:42 AM
To: Rosa Goldensohn
Cc: Hinton, Karen
Subject: Re: Jan 8 C41NY COIB letter

I do not have the letter but please call me today for some important context

- Sent from my Galaxy S6 -

> On May 3, 2016, at 8:41 AM, Rosa Goldensohn <RGoldensohn@crainsnewyork.com> wrote:

> Hi, Can I have Jan 8 COIB letter on Campaign for One NY that NY 1 got?
> Thanks,
> Rosie
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: "Emily Walsh"
Cc: Reception
Subject: RE: Meeting
Date: Tuesday, May 03, 2016 5:17:49 PM

From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2016 5:08 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Cc: Reception
Subject: RE: Meeting
Of course. The 16th floor is yours again. 
Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2016 4:59 PM
To: Emily Walsh
Cc: Reception
Subject: RE: Meeting

Can we reserve a conf room for the Mayor for Thursday at 615 to 8pm?
From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2016 11:19 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Cc: Reception
Subject: RE: Meeting
He can use the 15th floor like yesterday. Please send someone upstairs as well so we can get them
Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2016 10:52 AM
To: Anna Robinson-Sweet; Emily Walsh
Cc: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Meeting
Hi guys!
The Mayor would like to have a meeting at your office today at 12noon-
He will be meeting with Richard Emery.
Do you have a room avail?
From: Hinton, Karen
To: Dawsey, Joshua; Dan Levitan
Subject: Re: hey
Date: Tuesday, May 03, 2016 6:09:11 PM

Not from City hall.

Karen Hinton
Press Secretary
Follow me on Twitter @KarenHinton

From: Joshua Dawsey <JOSHUA.DAWSEY@dowjones.com>

Date: Tuesday, May 3, 2016 at 5:49 PM
To: Dan Levitan <Dan@berlinrosen.com>, Karen Hinton <khinton@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: hey

we are doing a story on de blasio/the state senate. i talked to dan a bit earlier.

in story, Doug muzzio, a political scientist, says de blasio is toxic in the senate races. 

do you guys want to respond?

best, josh
From: Steve Barnett
To: Leslie Patterson
Cc: Phillips, Eric Falk; Daniel, Michaela
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?
Date: Tuesday, May 03, 2016 10:13:11 PM

OK with me. Thank you!

W. Steven Barnett, Ph.D.

National Institute for Early Education Research
Rutgers University
73 Easton Ave
New Brunswick, NJ  08901

Phone: (848) 932-4350

Fax: (732) 932-4360

On Tue, May 3, 2016 at 5:54 PM, Leslie Patterson <leslie@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Thanks, Eric! Edits to the quote look great; we’ll incorporate. And that tweak to the ROS is fine (Steve,
let us know if you have any issue with that). 

Look forward to your thoughts on the op-ed, and we’ll make sure to get you the name of the book a few
days in advance. 

Appreciate your help with this!


From: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Tuesday, May 3, 2016 at 5:45 PM
To: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Steve Barnett <sbarnett@nieer.org>
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Thanks, Leslie. I’ll take a look at the piece and get back to you tomorrow on it. I edited the quote below,
and it’s approved to use with these small changes. I also edited the ROS, below that. Note the cut on
Q&A and, when you can, please send me the title of the book at least a few days beforehand

“High-quality early education is a necessity, not a luxury,” said New York City Mayor Bill de
Blasio. “Here in New York, we’ve seen firsthand that action by city and state governments
can lift enrollment and the quality of education for tens of thousands of children in our
communities. At a time of political polarization, these initiatives receive wide bipartisan
support – and for good reason. There’s no better way to ensure future success for our
kids and our states.”than to invest in their early education.”

Welcome from program director

Steve's remarks (3-5 min)
The Mayor
Tentative: Either labor leader (Randi Weingarten AFT possible) or business leader
Libby Doggett from the DOE
Q and A
Then Mayor leaves stage and has 5 minute conversation with parents about what pre-K has
done for their children and families (on camera). 
Then Mayor goes to classroom where Mayor reads short book or part of book to kids on camera.

From: Leslie Patterson <leslie@berlinrosen.com>

Date: Monday, May 2, 2016 at 11:49 AM
To: "Eric F. Phillips" <efphillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Steve Barnett <sbarnett@nieer.org>
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Hi Eric, 

Hope you’re well and had a nice weekend. Wanted to check in on the below, and also share with you an
op-ed that we would love for the Mayor to co-sign. It’s attached here – would Mayor de Blasio and your
office be open to that? We’d welcome feedback and edits, if so, and we’re hoping to place in a high-
value NYC target around the release. 

Additionally, attached is the NYC section of the executive summary in the report, for reference. 

Let me know if you have any questions, and what we can move forward on. Thanks!


From: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>

Date: Friday, April 29, 2016 at 4:58 PM
To: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Steve Barnett <sbarnett@nieer.org>
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Hi Eric, 

Thanks for checking in. Attached is the most recent version of the release, with the proposed quote for
the Mayor below:

“High quality early education is a necessity, not a luxury,” said New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio. “Here
in New York, we’ve seen first hand that action by state governments can lift enrollment and quality for
thousands of children in our communities. At a time of political polarization, these initiatives receive
wide bipartisan support – and for good reason. There’s no better way to ensure future success for our
kids and our states.”

Steve, can you also send Eric the most up to date version of the report when you have a moment?

For the run of show, we are suggesting: 

Welcome from program director

Steve's remarks (3-5 min)
The Mayor
Tentative: Either labor leader (Randi Weingarten AFT possible) or business leader
Libby Doggett from the DOE
Q and A
Then Mayor leaves stage and has 5 minute conversation with parents about what pre-K has
done for their children and families (on camera). 
Then Mayor goes to classroom where Mayor reads short book or part of book to kids on camera.

Let me know what else we can get you. 

Leslie Patterson
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5326 desk // 561.801.5963 cell

From: Steve Barnett <sbarnett@nieer.org>

Date: Thursday, April 28, 2016 at 2:55 PM
To: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Hi Eric:  I am connecting you with Leslie Patterson at Berlin Rosen who is handling press for us on the
Yearbook release and this event.  We need to get confirmation that the run of show is acceptable for
the Mayor among other things.



W. Steven Barnett, Ph.D.

National Institute for Early Education Research
Rutgers University
73 Easton Ave
New Brunswick, NJ  08901
Phone: (848) 932-4350
Fax: (732) 932-4360

On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 12:36 PM, Daniel, Michaela <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Thanks so much – this was really helpful.  I’m connecting you with Eric Phillips from our
communications team so you guys can coordinate on details.

From: Steve Barnett [mailto:sbarnett@nieer.org]

Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2016 11:37 AM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Here you go with proposed quote for the Mayor highlighted in blue.

Here is our plan for run of show for the event.

Welcome from program director, my remarks (3-5 min), Mayor, business person if possible, labor
leader (Randi Weingarten AFT possible).  Q and A. Then Mayor leaves stage and has 5 minute
conversation with parents about what pre-K has done for their children and families (on camera).
Then go to classroom where Mayor reads short book or part of book to kids on camera.

Alternatives as speakers--representative from US DOE (Sec. King not available) or Jacqueline Jones
from the Foundation for Child Development, or a parent.

Does the Mayor's office have a business representative they might like to feature or a state legislative

W. Steven Barnett, Ph.D.

National Institute for Early Education Research

Rutgers University

73 Easton Ave

New Brunswick, NJ  08901

Phone: (848) 932-4350

Fax: (732) 932-4360

On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 10:31 AM, Daniel, Michaela <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Hi Steve –

Just a reminder to send those drafts – I am talking to our press folks at 12 and would love to
have them with me.



From: Steve Barnett [mailto:sbarnett@nieer.org]

Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 4:02 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

I will have drafts. We have a final messaging meeting Thursday at 2

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 27, 2016, at 3:59 PM, "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Thank you!  If it’s possible for you to send it before noon, that would be fantastic.

From: Steve Barnett [mailto:sbarnett@nieer.org]

Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 3:59 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Betty Holcomb; Nancy Kolben
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Yes. I am traveling today but will pull it all together for you tomorrow.

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 27, 2016, at 3:50 PM, "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Hi Everyone –

For now, it seems like I’m still the best point of contact on this. 

As you can imagine, with yesterday’s budget release, our

communications team has been pretty busy, but I’m meeting with
them about this tomorrow morning.  Steve, if you have a proposed
run of show, attendee list, press pitch, etc., can you please send all of
that stuff my way?

Steve, I think you’ve been working with Sophia and her team on
some pieces of this – can you please keep me looped on those emails?
  I just want to make sure we’re all on the same page with so many
chefs in this kitchen.



From: Betty Holcomb

Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 7:09 AM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Nancy Kolben; sbarnett@nieer.org
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact

Thanks so much--we look forward to hearing back


Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 25, 2016, at 6:29 PM, Daniel, Michaela

<mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Sorry for the delay.  Working to solidify who the press

leads are over here.  Should be able to have the right
person tomorrow or Wed. Thanks!

From: Betty Holcomb

Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2016 4:06 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Nancy Kolben; sbarnett@nieer.org
Subject: Event-related questions -- can you forward us
the contact info?


Steve has a few questions about the event

Can you forward the full contact info for Devora and
Jessica from DOE and CH communications.

He has a couple questions related to other elected officials,

prominent figures to include at the event.  Is that the sort
of thing that Devora and Jessica can field – or should that
type of question come to you?

Just trying to keep things simple,


Please note our new company name, website and email.


Betty Holcomb

Policy Director

Center for Children's Initiatives (formerly Child Care, Inc.)



322 Eighth Ave, 4 Fl

New York, NY 10001

212.381.0009 direct line

212.929.7604 ext 3004

212.929.5785 fax

From: Daniel, Michaela [mailto:mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2016 4:27 PM
To: Betty Holcomb
Cc: Nancy Kolben
Subject: RE: So wonderful on yearbook release -- do you
have a few minutes today or tomorrow to discuss a few
related details?

Happy to talk but if these are event-related questions,

I’d love to loop you both with Devora and Jessica from
DOE and CH communications.

From: Betty Holcomb

Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2016 3:09 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Nancy Kolben
Subject: So wonderful on yearbook release -- do you
have a few minutes today or tomorrow to discuss a few
related details?


THANK YOU so much for shepherding through the event for

the Yearbook!

Nancy and I had a few minutes to catch up with Steve

Barnett, and we have just a few details and questions we’d
like to vet with you about the event.

Do you have a few minutes between now and Friday?

We are very flexible.   We are thinking this would take not

more than 15 minutes or so


Please note our new company name, website and email.


Betty Holcomb

Policy Director

Center for Children's Initiatives (formerly Child Care, Inc.)



322 Eighth Ave, 4 Fl

New York, NY 10001

212.381.0009 direct line

212.929.7604 ext 3004

212.929.5785 fax

From: Dan Levitan
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: RE: Bronx timing
Date: Thursday, May 05, 2016 3:33:59 PM

Could slip to week of 23 rd – that is probably a safer bet.  Thoughts?

Want to get started on community / elected outreach when we can.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2016 3:36 PM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: Bronx timing
No will circle back tho

Sent from mobile

On May 3, 2016, at 3:31 PM, Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Any update / feedback on your end ?

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Gross, Dan
To: "Leslie Patterson"; Phillips, Eric Falk
Cc: Daniel, Michaela; "Steve Barnett"; Grybauskas, Stefan
Subject: RE: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?
Date: Friday, May 06, 2016 12:53:11 PM

Now with Stefan

From: Gross, Dan
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 12:52 PM
To: 'Leslie Patterson'; Phillips, Eric Falk
Cc: Daniel, Michaela; Steve Barnett
Subject: RE: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Thanks Leslie.  Any sense on a visual?  I’m adding Stefan, the Mayor’s Advance Director to the chain to coordinate
a walkthrough.
Dan Gross | Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio
Deputy Director of Communications for Planning and Execution
o: 212.341.0011 | c: 917.428.1692
From: Leslie Patterson [mailto:leslie@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 12:19 PM
To: Gross, Dan; Phillips, Eric Falk
Cc: Daniel, Michaela; Steve Barnett
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Hi Dan, 
We’re still working to finalize some of these details, but currently the plan is to hold the event in one of the
classrooms at the Sugar Hill Museum preschool. There will be an area, possibly elevated, where the
speakers make their remarks, and there would also be an area set up for the Mayor to read to a group of
kids for a couple minutes in another portion of the room. 
We’re still working with the preschool to figure out which room and additional details, but do please let
me know what specifics you’ll need and also if the Mayor be bringing his own podium.
Leslie Patterson
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5326 desk // 561.801.5963 cell
From: "Gross, Dan" <DGross@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Friday, May 6, 2016 at 11:29 AM
To: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Steve Barnett <sbarnett@nieer.org>
Subject: RE: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?
Thanks Eric.  Leslie, can you provide me information on the location and the current set up plans?  Visuals, ect…
Dan Gross| Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio
Deputy Director of Communications for Planning and Execution
o: 212.341.0011 | c: 917.428.1692
From: Phillips, Eric Falk
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 11:23 AM
To: 'Leslie Patterson'
Cc: Daniel, Michaela; Steve Barnett; Gross, Dan
Subject: RE: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Thanks for the offer, but we’re going to pass on the op-ed. I’m including a colleague of mine, Dan
Gross, who will be leading the discussion on event logistics from our side.
From: Leslie Patterson [mailto:leslie@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 12:06 PM
To: Phillips, Eric Falk
Cc: Daniel, Michaela; Steve Barnett
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Hi Eric,

Wanted to check back on the op-ed and see if you’ve had a chance to look/make edits at all.
Hoping to start pitching this week to place in conjunction with release next Thurs. 

From: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Tuesday, May 3, 2016 at 5:45 PM
To: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Steve Barnett <sbarnett@nieer.org>
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?
Thanks, Leslie. I’ll take a look at the piece and get back to you tomorrow on it. I edited the quote below,
and it’s approved to use with these small changes. I also edited the ROS, below that. Note the cut on Q&A
and, when you can, please send me the title of the book at least a few days beforehand
“High-quality early education is a necessity, not a luxury,” said New York City Mayor Bill de
Blasio. “Here in New York, we’ve seen firsthand that action by city and state governments
can lift enrollment and the quality of education for tens of thousands of children in our
communities. At a time of political polarization, these initiatives receive wide bipartisan
support – and for good reason. There’s no better way to ensure future success for our
kids and our states.”than to invest in their early education.”

Welcome from program director

Steve's remarks (3-5 min)
The Mayor
Tentative: Either labor leader (Randi Weingarten AFT possible) or business leader
Libby Doggett from the DOE
Q and A
Then Mayor leaves stage and has 5 minute conversation with parents about what pre-K has done
for their children and families (on camera). 
Then Mayor goes to classroom where Mayor reads short book or part of book to kids on camera.
From: Leslie Patterson <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Date: Monday, May 2, 2016 at 11:49 AM
To: "Eric F. Phillips" <efphillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Steve Barnett <sbarnett@nieer.org>
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?
Hi Eric, 
Hope you’re well and had a nice weekend. Wanted to check in on the below, and also share with you an
op-ed that we would love for the Mayor to co-sign. It’s attached here – would Mayor de Blasio and your
office be open to that? We’d welcome feedback and edits, if so, and we’re hoping to place in a high-value
NYC target around the release. 
Additionally, attached is the NYC section of the executive summary in the report, for reference. 
Let me know if you have any questions, and what we can move forward on. Thanks!
From: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Date: Friday, April 29, 2016 at 4:58 PM
To: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Steve Barnett <sbarnett@nieer.org>
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?
Hi Eric, 
Thanks for checking in. Attached is the most recent version of the release, with the proposed quote for the
Mayor below:
“High quality early education is a necessity, not a luxury,” said New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio. “Here in
New York, we’ve seen first hand that action by state governments can lift enrollment and quality for
thousands of children in our communities. At a time of political polarization, these initiatives receive wide
bipartisan support – and for good reason. There’s no better way to ensure future success for our kids and
our states.”
Steve, can you also send Eric the most up to date version of the report when you have a moment?
For the run of show, we are suggesting: 

Welcome from program director

Steve's remarks (3-5 min)
The Mayor
Tentative: Either labor leader (Randi Weingarten AFT possible) or business leader
Libby Doggett from the DOE
Q and A
Then Mayor leaves stage and has 5 minute conversation with parents about what pre-K has done
for their children and families (on camera). 
Then Mayor goes to classroom where Mayor reads short book or part of book to kids on camera.
Let me know what else we can get you. 
Leslie Patterson
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5326 desk // 561.801.5963 cell
From: Steve Barnett <sbarnett@nieer.org>
Date: Thursday, April 28, 2016 at 2:55 PM
To: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?
Hi Eric:  I am connecting you with Leslie Patterson at Berlin Rosen who is handling press for us on the
Yearbook release and this event.  We need to get confirmation that the run of show is acceptable for the
Mayor among other things.

W. Steven Barnett, Ph.D.

National Institute for Early Education Research
Rutgers University
73 Easton Ave
New Brunswick, NJ  08901
Phone: (848) 932-4350
Fax: (732) 932-4360
On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 12:36 PM, Daniel, Michaela <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Thanks so much – this was really helpful.  I’m connecting you with Eric Phillips from our
communications team so you guys can coordinate on details.
From: Steve Barnett [mailto:sbarnett@nieer.org]
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2016 11:37 AM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Here you go with proposed quote for the Mayor highlighted in blue.

Here is our plan for run of show for the event.

Welcome from program director, my remarks (3-5 min), Mayor, business person if possible,
labor leader (Randi Weingarten AFT possible). Q and A. Then Mayor leaves stage and has 5
minute conversation with parents about what pre-K has done for their children and families
(on camera). Then go to classroom where Mayor reads short book or part of book to kids on

Alternatives as speakers--representative from US DOE (Sec. King not available) or

Jacqueline Jones from the Foundation for Child Development, or a parent.

Does the Mayor's office have a business representative they might like to feature or a state
legislative leader?

W. Steven Barnett, Ph.D.

National Institute for Early Education Research
Rutgers University
73 Easton Ave
New Brunswick, NJ  08901

Phone: (848) 932-4350

Fax: (732) 932-4360

On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 10:31 AM, Daniel, Michaela <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Hi Steve –

Just a reminder to send those drafts – I am talking to our press folks at 12 and would
love to have them with me.
From: Steve Barnett [mailto:sbarnett@nieer.org]
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 4:02 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

I will have drafts. We have a final messaging meeting Thursday at 2

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 27, 2016, at 3:59 PM, "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Thank you!  If it’s possible for you to send it before noon, that would be
From: Steve Barnett [mailto:sbarnett@nieer.org]
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 3:59 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Betty Holcomb; Nancy Kolben
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Yes. I am traveling today but will pull it all together for you tomorrow.

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 27, 2016, at 3:50 PM, "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>


Hi Everyone –
For now, it seems like I’m still the best point of contact on this. 
As you can imagine, with yesterday’s budget release, our
communications team has been pretty busy, but I’m meeting
with them about this tomorrow morning.  Steve, if you have a
proposed run of show, attendee list, press pitch, etc., can you
please send all of that stuff my way?
Steve, I think you’ve been working with Sophia and her team on
some pieces of this – can you please keep me looped on those
emails?  I just want to make sure we’re all on the same page
with so many chefs in this kitchen.
From: Betty Holcomb [mailto:bholcomb@centerforchildrensinitiatives.org]
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 7:09 AM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Nancy Kolben; sbarnett@nieer.org
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact

Thanks so much--we look forward to hearing back


Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 25, 2016, at 6:29 PM, Daniel, Michaela

<mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Sorry for the delay.  Working to solidify who the

press leads are over here.  Should be able to have
the right person tomorrow or Wed. Thanks!
From: Betty Holcomb
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2016 4:06 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Nancy Kolben; sbarnett@nieer.org
Subject: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the
contact info?


Steve has a few questions about the event

Can you forward the full contact info for Devora and
Jessica from DOE and CH communications.
He has a couple questions related to other elected
officials, prominent figures to include at the event. Is
that the sort of thing that Devora and Jessica can field –
or should that type of question come to you?

Just trying to keep things simple,


Please note our new company name, website and email.

Betty Holcomb
Policy Director
Center for Children's Initiatives (formerly Child Care, Inc.)
322 Eighth Ave, 4 Fl
New York, NY 10001
212.381.0009 direct line
212.929.7604 ext 3004
212.929.5785 fax

From: Daniel, Michaela [mailto:mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2016 4:27 PM
To: Betty Holcomb
Cc: Nancy Kolben
Subject: RE: So wonderful on yearbook release -- do you
have a few minutes today or tomorrow to discuss a few related

Happy to talk but if these are event-related

questions, I’d love to loop you both with Devora and
Jessica from DOE and CH communications.
From: Betty Holcomb
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2016 3:09 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Nancy Kolben
Subject: So wonderful on yearbook release -- do you have a
few minutes today or tomorrow to discuss a few related


THANK YOU so much for shepherding through the

event for the Yearbook!

Nancy and I had a few minutes to catch up with Steve

Barnett, and we have just a few details and questions
we’d like to vet with you about the event.

Do you have a few minutes between now and Friday?

We are very flexible. We are thinking this would take

not more than 15 minutes or so


Please note our new company name, website and email.

Betty Holcomb
Policy Director
Center for Children's Initiatives (formerly Child Care, Inc.)
322 Eighth Ave, 4 Fl
New York, NY 10001
212.381.0009 direct line
212.929.7604 ext 3004
212.929.5785 fax

From: Leslie Patterson
To: Gross, Dan; Phillips, Eric Falk
Cc: Daniel, Michaela; "Steve Barnett"; Grybauskas, Stefan
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?
Date: Friday, May 06, 2016 1:53:42 PM

We have the speakers giving their remarks at a podium/elevated stage, an audience of

maybe 50 people or so, including parents, the Mayor stepping off stage after the formal
remarks to talk to a group of parents, and then the Mayor going to read to a group of kids
in another part of the room. It will be a in a classroom, so the visuals of of a pre-K
classroom at Sugar Hill Museum’s preschool will be incorporated. The run of show we
agreed on with Eric is:

Welcome from program director

Steve's remarks (3-5 min)
The Mayor
Tentative: Either labor leader (Randi Weingarten AFT possible) or business leader
Libby Doggett from the DOE
Then Mayor leaves stage and has 5 minute conversation with parents about what pre-
K has done for their children and families (on camera). 
Then Mayor goes to classroom where Mayor reads short book or part of book to kids
on camera.

If that doesn’t answer the question, can you let me know a little more specifically what you
mean by visuals?

From: Gross, Dan
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 12:52 PM
To: 'Leslie Patterson'; Phillips, Eric Falk
Cc: Daniel, Michaela; Steve Barnett
Subject: RE: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Thanks Leslie.  Any sense on a visual?  I’m adding Stefan, the Mayor’s Advance Director to the chain to coordinate
a walkthrough.
Dan Gross| Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio
Deputy Director of Communications for Planning and Execution
o: 212.341.0011 | c: 917.428.1692
From: Leslie Patterson [mailto:leslie@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 12:19 PM
To: Gross, Dan; Phillips, Eric Falk
Cc: Daniel, Michaela; Steve Barnett
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Hi Dan, 
We’re still working to finalize some of these details, but currently the plan is to hold the event in one of the
classrooms at the Sugar Hill Museum preschool. There will be an area, possibly elevated, where the
speakers make their remarks, and there would also be an area set up for the Mayor to read to a group of
kids for a couple minutes in another portion of the room. 
We’re still working with the preschool to figure out which room and additional details, but do please let
me know what specifics you’ll need and also if the Mayor be bringing his own podium.
Leslie Patterson
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5326 desk // 561.801.5963 cell
From: "Gross, Dan" <DGross@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Friday, May 6, 2016 at 11:29 AM
To: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Steve Barnett <sbarnett@nieer.org>
Subject: RE: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?
Thanks Eric.  Leslie, can you provide me information on the location and the current set up plans?  Visuals, ect…
Dan Gross| Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio
Deputy Director of Communications for Planning and Execution
o: 212.341.0011 | c: 917.428.1692
From: Phillips, Eric Falk
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 11:23 AM
To: 'Leslie Patterson'
Cc: Daniel, Michaela; Steve Barnett; Gross, Dan
Subject: RE: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Thanks for the offer, but we’re going to pass on the op-ed. I’m including a colleague of mine, Dan
Gross, who will be leading the discussion on event logistics from our side.
From: Leslie Patterson [mailto:leslie@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 12:06 PM
To: Phillips, Eric Falk
Cc: Daniel, Michaela; Steve Barnett
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Hi Eric,

Wanted to check back on the op-ed and see if you’ve had a chance to look/make edits at all.
Hoping to start pitching this week to place in conjunction with release next Thurs. 

From: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Tuesday, May 3, 2016 at 5:45 PM
To: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Steve Barnett <sbarnett@nieer.org>
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?
Thanks, Leslie. I’ll take a look at the piece and get back to you tomorrow on it. I edited the quote below,
and it’s approved to use with these small changes. I also edited the ROS, below that. Note the cut on Q&A
and, when you can, please send me the title of the book at least a few days beforehand
“High-quality early education is a necessity, not a luxury,” said New York City Mayor Bill de
Blasio. “Here in New York, we’ve seen firsthand that action by city and state governments
can lift enrollment and the quality of education for tens of thousands of children in our
communities. At a time of political polarization, these initiatives receive wide bipartisan
support – and for good reason. There’s no better way to ensure future success for our kids 
and our states.”than to invest in their early education.”

Welcome from program director

Steve's remarks (3-5 min)
The Mayor
Tentative: Either labor leader (Randi Weingarten AFT possible) or business leader
Libby Doggett from the DOE
Q and A
Then Mayor leaves stage and has 5 minute conversation with parents about what pre-K has done
for their children and families (on camera). 
Then Mayor goes to classroom where Mayor reads short book or part of book to kids on camera.
From: Leslie Patterson <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Date: Monday, May 2, 2016 at 11:49 AM
To: "Eric F. Phillips" <efphillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Steve Barnett <sbarnett@nieer.org>
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?
Hi Eric, 
Hope you’re well and had a nice weekend. Wanted to check in on the below, and also share with you an
op-ed that we would love for the Mayor to co-sign. It’s attached here – would Mayor de Blasio and your
office be open to that? We’d welcome feedback and edits, if so, and we’re hoping to place in a high-value
NYC target around the release. 
Additionally, attached is the NYC section of the executive summary in the report, for reference. 
Let me know if you have any questions, and what we can move forward on. Thanks!
From: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Date: Friday, April 29, 2016 at 4:58 PM
To: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Steve Barnett <sbarnett@nieer.org>
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?
Hi Eric, 
Thanks for checking in. Attached is the most recent version of the release, with the proposed quote for the
Mayor below:
“High quality early education is a necessity, not a luxury,” said New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio. “Here in
New York, we’ve seen first hand that action by state governments can lift enrollment and quality for
thousands of children in our communities. At a time of political polarization, these initiatives receive wide
bipartisan support – and for good reason. There’s no better way to ensure future success for our kids and
our states.”
Steve, can you also send Eric the most up to date version of the report when you have a moment?
For the run of show, we are suggesting: 

Welcome from program director

Steve's remarks (3-5 min)
The Mayor
Tentative: Either labor leader (Randi Weingarten AFT possible) or business leader
Libby Doggett from the DOE
Q and A
Then Mayor leaves stage and has 5 minute conversation with parents about what pre-K has done
for their children and families (on camera). 
Then Mayor goes to classroom where Mayor reads short book or part of book to kids on camera.
Let me know what else we can get you. 
Leslie Patterson
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5326 desk // 561.801.5963 cell
From: Steve Barnett <sbarnett@nieer.org>
Date: Thursday, April 28, 2016 at 2:55 PM
To: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?
Hi Eric:  I am connecting you with Leslie Patterson at Berlin Rosen who is handling press for us on the
Yearbook release and this event.  We need to get confirmation that the run of show is acceptable for the
Mayor among other things.

W. Steven Barnett, Ph.D.

National Institute for Early Education Research
Rutgers University
73 Easton Ave
New Brunswick, NJ  08901
Phone: (848) 932-4350
Fax: (732) 932-4360
On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 12:36 PM, Daniel, Michaela <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Thanks so much – this was really helpful.  I’m connecting you with Eric Phillips from our
communications team so you guys can coordinate on details.
From: Steve Barnett [mailto:sbarnett@nieer.org]
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2016 11:37 AM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Here you go with proposed quote for the Mayor highlighted in blue.
Here is our plan for run of show for the event.

Welcome from program director, my remarks (3-5 min), Mayor, business person if possible,
labor leader (Randi Weingarten AFT possible). Q and A. Then Mayor leaves stage and has 5
minute conversation with parents about what pre-K has done for their children and families
(on camera). Then go to classroom where Mayor reads short book or part of book to kids on

Alternatives as speakers--representative from US DOE (Sec. King not available) or

Jacqueline Jones from the Foundation for Child Development, or a parent.

Does the Mayor's office have a business representative they might like to feature or a state
legislative leader?

W. Steven Barnett, Ph.D.

National Institute for Early Education Research
Rutgers University
73 Easton Ave
New Brunswick, NJ  08901

Phone: (848) 932-4350

Fax: (732) 932-4360

On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 10:31 AM, Daniel, Michaela <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Hi Steve –

Just a reminder to send those drafts – I am talking to our press folks at 12 and would
love to have them with me.
From: Steve Barnett [mailto:sbarnett@nieer.org]
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 4:02 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

I will have drafts. We have a final messaging meeting Thursday at 2

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 27, 2016, at 3:59 PM, "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Thank you!  If it’s possible for you to send it before noon, that would be
From: Steve Barnett [mailto:sbarnett@nieer.org]
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 3:59 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Betty Holcomb; Nancy Kolben
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Yes. I am traveling today but will pull it all together for you tomorrow.

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 27, 2016, at 3:50 PM, "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>


Hi Everyone –
For now, it seems like I’m still the best point of contact on this. 
As you can imagine, with yesterday’s budget release, our
communications team has been pretty busy, but I’m meeting
with them about this tomorrow morning.  Steve, if you have a
proposed run of show, attendee list, press pitch, etc., can you
please send all of that stuff my way?
Steve, I think you’ve been working with Sophia and her team on
some pieces of this – can you please keep me looped on those
emails?  I just want to make sure we’re all on the same page
with so many chefs in this kitchen.
From: Betty Holcomb [mailto:bholcomb@centerforchildrensinitiatives.org]
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 7:09 AM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Nancy Kolben; sbarnett@nieer.org
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact

Thanks so much--we look forward to hearing back


Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 25, 2016, at 6:29 PM, Daniel, Michaela

<mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Sorry for the delay.  Working to solidify who the

press leads are over here.  Should be able to have
the right person tomorrow or Wed. Thanks!
From: Betty Holcomb
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2016 4:06 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Nancy Kolben; sbarnett@nieer.org
Subject: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the
contact info?


Steve has a few questions about the event

Can you forward the full contact info for Devora and
Jessica from DOE and CH communications.
He has a couple questions related to other elected
officials, prominent figures to include at the event. Is
that the sort of thing that Devora and Jessica can field –
or should that type of question come to you?

Just trying to keep things simple,


Please note our new company name, website and email.

Betty Holcomb
Policy Director
Center for Children's Initiatives (formerly Child Care, Inc.)
322 Eighth Ave, 4 Fl
New York, NY 10001
212.381.0009 direct line
212.929.7604 ext 3004
212.929.5785 fax

From: Daniel, Michaela [mailto:mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2016 4:27 PM
To: Betty Holcomb
Cc: Nancy Kolben
Subject: RE: So wonderful on yearbook release -- do you
have a few minutes today or tomorrow to discuss a few related

Happy to talk but if these are event-related

questions, I’d love to loop you both with Devora and
Jessica from DOE and CH communications.
From: Betty Holcomb
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2016 3:09 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Nancy Kolben
Subject: So wonderful on yearbook release -- do you have a
few minutes today or tomorrow to discuss a few related


THANK YOU so much for shepherding through the

event for the Yearbook!

Nancy and I had a few minutes to catch up with Steve

Barnett, and we have just a few details and questions
we’d like to vet with you about the event.

Do you have a few minutes between now and Friday?

We are very flexible. We are thinking this would take

not more than 15 minutes or so


Please note our new company name, website and email.

Betty Holcomb
Policy Director
Center for Children's Initiatives (formerly Child Care, Inc.)
322 Eighth Ave, 4 Fl
New York, NY 10001
212.381.0009 direct line
212.929.7604 ext 3004
212.929.5785 fax

From: Leslie Patterson
To: Phillips, Eric Falk
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?
Date: Friday, May 06, 2016 2:00:01 PM

:) Not a problem at all!

From: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Friday, May 6, 2016 at 1:53 PM
To: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Thanks. Realize it’s silly but it’s become a silly world

From: Leslie Patterson [mailto:leslie@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 1:53 PM
To: Phillips, Eric Falk
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Yes – pushing now. Hope to get back to you by the end of the day
From: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Friday, May 6, 2016 at 12:50 PM
To: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?
Can you push your client on getting us the recommended book title as soon as possible?
From: Leslie Patterson [mailto:leslie@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 12:19 PM
To: Gross, Dan; Phillips, Eric Falk
Cc: Daniel, Michaela; Steve Barnett
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Hi Dan, 
We’re still working to finalize some of these details, but currently the plan is to hold the event in one of the
classrooms at the Sugar Hill Museum preschool. There will be an area, possibly elevated, where the
speakers make their remarks, and there would also be an area set up for the Mayor to read to a group of
kids for a couple minutes in another portion of the room. 
We’re still working with the preschool to figure out which room and additional details, but do please let
me know what specifics you’ll need and also if the Mayor be bringing his own podium.
Leslie Patterson
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5326 desk // 561.801.5963 cell
From: "Gross, Dan" <DGross@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Friday, May 6, 2016 at 11:29 AM
To: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Steve Barnett <sbarnett@nieer.org>
Subject: RE: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?
Thanks Eric.  Leslie, can you provide me information on the location and the current set up plans?  Visuals, ect…
Dan Gross| Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio
Deputy Director of Communications for Planning and Execution
o: 212.341.0011 | c: 917.428.1692
From: Phillips, Eric Falk
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 11:23 AM
To: 'Leslie Patterson'
Cc: Daniel, Michaela; Steve Barnett; Gross, Dan
Subject: RE: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Thanks for the offer, but we’re going to pass on the op-ed. I’m including a colleague of mine, Dan
Gross, who will be leading the discussion on event logistics from our side.
From: Leslie Patterson [mailto:leslie@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 12:06 PM
To: Phillips, Eric Falk
Cc: Daniel, Michaela; Steve Barnett
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Hi Eric,

Wanted to check back on the op-ed and see if you’ve had a chance to look/make edits at all.
Hoping to start pitching this week to place in conjunction with release next Thurs. 

From: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Tuesday, May 3, 2016 at 5:45 PM
To: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Steve Barnett <sbarnett@nieer.org>
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?
Thanks, Leslie. I’ll take a look at the piece and get back to you tomorrow on it. I edited the quote below,
and it’s approved to use with these small changes. I also edited the ROS, below that. Note the cut on Q&A
and, when you can, please send me the title of the book at least a few days beforehand
“High-quality early education is a necessity, not a luxury,” said New York City Mayor Bill de
Blasio. “Here in New York, we’ve seen firsthand that action by city and state governments
can lift enrollment and the quality of education for tens of thousands of children in our
communities. At a time of political polarization, these initiatives receive wide bipartisan
support – and for good reason. There’s no better way to ensure future success for our kids 
and our states.”than to invest in their early education.”

Welcome from program director

Steve's remarks (3-5 min)
The Mayor
Tentative: Either labor leader (Randi Weingarten AFT possible) or business leader
Libby Doggett from the DOE
Q and A
Then Mayor leaves stage and has 5 minute conversation with parents about what pre-K has done
for their children and families (on camera). 
Then Mayor goes to classroom where Mayor reads short book or part of book to kids on camera.
From: Leslie Patterson <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Date: Monday, May 2, 2016 at 11:49 AM
To: "Eric F. Phillips" <efphillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Steve Barnett <sbarnett@nieer.org>
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?
Hi Eric, 
Hope you’re well and had a nice weekend. Wanted to check in on the below, and also share with you an
op-ed that we would love for the Mayor to co-sign. It’s attached here – would Mayor de Blasio and your
office be open to that? We’d welcome feedback and edits, if so, and we’re hoping to place in a high-value
NYC target around the release. 
Additionally, attached is the NYC section of the executive summary in the report, for reference. 
Let me know if you have any questions, and what we can move forward on. Thanks!
From: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Date: Friday, April 29, 2016 at 4:58 PM
To: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Steve Barnett <sbarnett@nieer.org>
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?
Hi Eric, 
Thanks for checking in. Attached is the most recent version of the release, with the proposed quote for the
Mayor below:
“High quality early education is a necessity, not a luxury,” said New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio. “Here in
New York, we’ve seen first hand that action by state governments can lift enrollment and quality for
thousands of children in our communities. At a time of political polarization, these initiatives receive wide
bipartisan support – and for good reason. There’s no better way to ensure future success for our kids and
our states.”
Steve, can you also send Eric the most up to date version of the report when you have a moment?
For the run of show, we are suggesting: 

Welcome from program director

Steve's remarks (3-5 min)
The Mayor
Tentative: Either labor leader (Randi Weingarten AFT possible) or business leader
Libby Doggett from the DOE
Q and A
Then Mayor leaves stage and has 5 minute conversation with parents about what pre-K has done
for their children and families (on camera). 
Then Mayor goes to classroom where Mayor reads short book or part of book to kids on camera.
Let me know what else we can get you. 
Leslie Patterson
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5326 desk // 561.801.5963 cell
From: Steve Barnett <sbarnett@nieer.org>
Date: Thursday, April 28, 2016 at 2:55 PM
To: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?
Hi Eric:  I am connecting you with Leslie Patterson at Berlin Rosen who is handling press for us on the
Yearbook release and this event.  We need to get confirmation that the run of show is acceptable for the
Mayor among other things.

W. Steven Barnett, Ph.D.

National Institute for Early Education Research
Rutgers University
73 Easton Ave
New Brunswick, NJ  08901
Phone: (848) 932-4350
Fax: (732) 932-4360
On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 12:36 PM, Daniel, Michaela <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Thanks so much – this was really helpful.  I’m connecting you with Eric Phillips from our
communications team so you guys can coordinate on details.
From: Steve Barnett [mailto:sbarnett@nieer.org]
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2016 11:37 AM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Here you go with proposed quote for the Mayor highlighted in blue.

Here is our plan for run of show for the event.

Welcome from program director, my remarks (3-5 min), Mayor, business person if possible,
labor leader (Randi Weingarten AFT possible). Q and A. Then Mayor leaves stage and has 5
minute conversation with parents about what pre-K has done for their children and families
(on camera). Then go to classroom where Mayor reads short book or part of book to kids on

Alternatives as speakers--representative from US DOE (Sec. King not available) or

Jacqueline Jones from the Foundation for Child Development, or a parent.

Does the Mayor's office have a business representative they might like to feature or a state
legislative leader?

W. Steven Barnett, Ph.D.

National Institute for Early Education Research
Rutgers University
73 Easton Ave
New Brunswick, NJ  08901

Phone: (848) 932-4350

Fax: (732) 932-4360

On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 10:31 AM, Daniel, Michaela <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Hi Steve –

Just a reminder to send those drafts – I am talking to our press folks at 12 and would
love to have them with me.
From: Steve Barnett [mailto:sbarnett@nieer.org]
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 4:02 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

I will have drafts. We have a final messaging meeting Thursday at 2

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 27, 2016, at 3:59 PM, "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Thank you!  If it’s possible for you to send it before noon, that would be
From: Steve Barnett [mailto:sbarnett@nieer.org]
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 3:59 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Betty Holcomb; Nancy Kolben
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Yes. I am traveling today but will pull it all together for you tomorrow.

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 27, 2016, at 3:50 PM, "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>


Hi Everyone –
For now, it seems like I’m still the best point of contact on this. 
As you can imagine, with yesterday’s budget release, our
communications team has been pretty busy, but I’m meeting
with them about this tomorrow morning.  Steve, if you have a
proposed run of show, attendee list, press pitch, etc., can you
please send all of that stuff my way?
Steve, I think you’ve been working with Sophia and her team on
some pieces of this – can you please keep me looped on those
emails?  I just want to make sure we’re all on the same page
with so many chefs in this kitchen.
From: Betty Holcomb [mailto:bholcomb@centerforchildrensinitiatives.org]
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 7:09 AM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Nancy Kolben; sbarnett@nieer.org
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact

Thanks so much--we look forward to hearing back


Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 25, 2016, at 6:29 PM, Daniel, Michaela

<mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Sorry for the delay.  Working to solidify who the

press leads are over here.  Should be able to have
the right person tomorrow or Wed. Thanks!
From: Betty Holcomb
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2016 4:06 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Nancy Kolben; sbarnett@nieer.org
Subject: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the
contact info?


Steve has a few questions about the event

Can you forward the full contact info for Devora and
Jessica from DOE and CH communications.
He has a couple questions related to other elected
officials, prominent figures to include at the event. Is
that the sort of thing that Devora and Jessica can field –
or should that type of question come to you?
Just trying to keep things simple,


Please note our new company name, website and email.

Betty Holcomb
Policy Director
Center for Children's Initiatives (formerly Child Care, Inc.)
322 Eighth Ave, 4 Fl
New York, NY 10001
212.381.0009 direct line
212.929.7604 ext 3004
212.929.5785 fax

From: Daniel, Michaela [mailto:mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2016 4:27 PM
To: Betty Holcomb
Cc: Nancy Kolben
Subject: RE: So wonderful on yearbook release -- do you
have a few minutes today or tomorrow to discuss a few related

Happy to talk but if these are event-related

questions, I’d love to loop you both with Devora and
Jessica from DOE and CH communications.
From: Betty Holcomb
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2016 3:09 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Nancy Kolben
Subject: So wonderful on yearbook release -- do you have a
few minutes today or tomorrow to discuss a few related


THANK YOU so much for shepherding through the

event for the Yearbook!

Nancy and I had a few minutes to catch up with Steve

Barnett, and we have just a few details and questions
we’d like to vet with you about the event.

Do you have a few minutes between now and Friday?

We are very flexible. We are thinking this would take

not more than 15 minutes or so


Please note our new company name, website and email.

Betty Holcomb
Policy Director
Center for Children's Initiatives (formerly Child Care, Inc.)
322 Eighth Ave, 4 Fl
New York, NY 10001
212.381.0009 direct line
212.929.7604 ext 3004
212.929.5785 fax

From: Phillips, Eric Falk
To: Leslie Patterson
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?
Date: Friday, May 06, 2016 5:35:50 PM


Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone. 
From: Leslie Patterson
Sent: Friday, May 6, 2016 5:31 PM
To: Phillips, Eric Falk
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Hey there – quick update that we’ll have this to you Monday morning. Our contact wanted to check with
educational director, who’d already left for the day. Apologies for delay and will get you the title Mon

Thanks and have a good weekend, 


From: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Friday, May 6, 2016 at 1:53 PM
To: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Thanks. Realize it’s silly but it’s become a silly world

From: Leslie Patterson [mailto:leslie@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 1:53 PM
To: Phillips, Eric Falk
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Yes – pushing now. Hope to get back to you by the end of the day

From: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Friday, May 6, 2016 at 12:50 PM
To: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Can you push your client on getting us the recommended book title as soon as possible?

From: Leslie Patterson [mailto:leslie@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 12:19 PM
To: Gross, Dan; Phillips, Eric Falk
Cc: Daniel, Michaela; Steve Barnett
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?
Hi Dan, 

We’re still working to finalize some of these details, but currently the plan is to hold the event in one of the
classrooms at the Sugar Hill Museum preschool. There will be an area, possibly elevated, where the
speakers make their remarks, and there would also be an area set up for the Mayor to read to a group of
kids for a couple minutes in another portion of the room. 

We’re still working with the preschool to figure out which room and additional details, but do please let
me know what specifics you’ll need and also if the Mayor be bringing his own podium.

Leslie Patterson
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5326 desk // 561.801.5963 cell

From: "Gross, Dan" <DGross@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Friday, May 6, 2016 at 11:29 AM
To: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Steve Barnett <sbarnett@nieer.org>
Subject: RE: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Thanks Eric.  Leslie, can you provide me information on the location and the current set up plans?  Visuals, ect…

Dan Gross| Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio
Deputy Director of Communications for Planning and Execution
o: 212.341.0011 | c: 917.428.1692

From: Phillips, Eric Falk

Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 11:23 AM
To: 'Leslie Patterson'
Cc: Daniel, Michaela; Steve Barnett; Gross, Dan
Subject: RE: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Thanks for the offer, but we’re going to pass on the op-ed. I’m including a colleague of mine, Dan
Gross, who will be leading the discussion on event logistics from our side.

From: Leslie Patterson [mailto:leslie@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 12:06 PM
To: Phillips, Eric Falk
Cc: Daniel, Michaela; Steve Barnett
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Hi Eric,
Wanted to check back on the op-ed and see if you’ve had a chance to look/make edits at all.
Hoping to start pitching this week to place in conjunction with release next Thurs. 


From: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Tuesday, May 3, 2016 at 5:45 PM
To: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Steve Barnett <sbarnett@nieer.org>
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Thanks, Leslie. I’ll take a look at the piece and get back to you tomorrow on it. I edited the quote below,
and it’s approved to use with these small changes. I also edited the ROS, below that. Note the cut on Q&A
and, when you can, please send me the title of the book at least a few days beforehand

“High-quality early education is a necessity, not a luxury,” said New York City Mayor Bill de
Blasio. “Here in New York, we’ve seen firsthand that action by city and state governments
can lift enrollment and the quality of education for tens of thousands of children in our
communities. At a time of political polarization, these initiatives receive wide bipartisan
support – and for good reason. There’s no better way to ensure future success for our
kids and our states.”than to invest in their early education.”

Welcome from program director

Steve's remarks (3-5 min)
The Mayor
Tentative: Either labor leader (Randi Weingarten AFT possible) or business leader
Libby Doggett from the DOE
Q and A
Then Mayor leaves stage and has 5 minute conversation with parents about what pre-K has done
for their children and families (on camera). 
Then Mayor goes to classroom where Mayor reads short book or part of book to kids on camera.

From: Leslie Patterson <leslie@berlinrosen.com>

Date: Monday, May 2, 2016 at 11:49 AM
To: "Eric F. Phillips" <efphillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Steve Barnett <sbarnett@nieer.org>
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Hi Eric, 

Hope you’re well and had a nice weekend. Wanted to check in on the below, and also share with you an
op-ed that we would love for the Mayor to co-sign. It’s attached here – would Mayor de Blasio and your
office be open to that? We’d welcome feedback and edits, if so, and we’re hoping to place in a high-value
NYC target around the release. 

Additionally, attached is the NYC section of the executive summary in the report, for reference. 

Let me know if you have any questions, and what we can move forward on. Thanks!


From: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>

Date: Friday, April 29, 2016 at 4:58 PM
To: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Steve Barnett <sbarnett@nieer.org>
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Hi Eric, 

Thanks for checking in. Attached is the most recent version of the release, with the proposed quote for the
Mayor below:

“High quality early education is a necessity, not a luxury,” said New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio. “Here in
New York, we’ve seen first hand that action by state governments can lift enrollment and quality for
thousands of children in our communities. At a time of political polarization, these initiatives receive wide
bipartisan support – and for good reason. There’s no better way to ensure future success for our kids and
our states.”

Steve, can you also send Eric the most up to date version of the report when you have a moment?

For the run of show, we are suggesting: 

Welcome from program director

Steve's remarks (3-5 min)
The Mayor
Tentative: Either labor leader (Randi Weingarten AFT possible) or business leader
Libby Doggett from the DOE
Q and A
Then Mayor leaves stage and has 5 minute conversation with parents about what pre-K has done
for their children and families (on camera). 
Then Mayor goes to classroom where Mayor reads short book or part of book to kids on camera.

Let me know what else we can get you. 

Leslie Patterson
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5326 desk // 561.801.5963 cell

From: Steve Barnett <sbarnett@nieer.org>

Date: Thursday, April 28, 2016 at 2:55 PM
To: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Hi Eric:  I am connecting you with Leslie Patterson at Berlin Rosen who is handling press for us on the
Yearbook release and this event.  We need to get confirmation that the run of show is acceptable for the
Mayor among other things.



W. Steven Barnett, Ph.D.

National Institute for Early Education Research
Rutgers University
73 Easton Ave
New Brunswick, NJ  08901

Phone: (848) 932-4350

Fax: (732) 932-4360

On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 12:36 PM, Daniel, Michaela <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Thanks so much – this was really helpful.  I’m connecting you with Eric Phillips from our
communications team so you guys can coordinate on details.

From: Steve Barnett [mailto:sbarnett@nieer.org]

Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2016 11:37 AM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Here you go with proposed quote for the Mayor highlighted in blue.

Here is our plan for run of show for the event.

Welcome from program director, my remarks (3-5 min), Mayor, business person if possible,
labor leader (Randi Weingarten AFT possible). Q and A. Then Mayor leaves stage and has 5
minute conversation with parents about what pre-K has done for their children and families
(on camera). Then go to classroom where Mayor reads short book or part of book to kids on

Alternatives as speakers--representative from US DOE (Sec. King not available) or

Jacqueline Jones from the Foundation for Child Development, or a parent.
Does the Mayor's office have a business representative they might like to feature or a state
legislative leader?

W. Steven Barnett, Ph.D.

National Institute for Early Education Research
Rutgers University
73 Easton Ave
New Brunswick, NJ  08901

Phone: (848) 932-4350

Fax: (732) 932-4360

On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 10:31 AM, Daniel, Michaela <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Hi Steve –

Just a reminder to send those drafts – I am talking to our press folks at 12 and would
love to have them with me.


From: Steve Barnett [mailto:sbarnett@nieer.org]

Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 4:02 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

I will have drafts. We have a final messaging meeting Thursday at 2

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 27, 2016, at 3:59 PM, "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Thank you!  If it’s possible for you to send it before noon, that would be

From: Steve Barnett [mailto:sbarnett@nieer.org]

Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 3:59 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Betty Holcomb; Nancy Kolben
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Yes. I am traveling today but will pull it all together for you tomorrow.

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 27, 2016, at 3:50 PM, "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>


Hi Everyone –

For now, it seems like I’m still the best point of contact on this. 

As you can imagine, with yesterday’s budget release, our

communications team has been pretty busy, but I’m meeting
with them about this tomorrow morning.  Steve, if you have a
proposed run of show, attendee list, press pitch, etc., can you
please send all of that stuff my way?

Steve, I think you’ve been working with Sophia and her team on
some pieces of this – can you please keep me looped on those
emails?  I just want to make sure we’re all on the same page
with so many chefs in this kitchen.


From: Betty Holcomb [mailto:bholcomb@centerforchildrensinitiatives.org]

Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 7:09 AM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Nancy Kolben; sbarnett@nieer.org
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact

Thanks so much--we look forward to hearing back


Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 25, 2016, at 6:29 PM, Daniel, Michaela

<mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Sorry for the delay.  Working to solidify who the

press leads are over here.  Should be able to have
the right person tomorrow or Wed. Thanks!

From: Betty Holcomb

Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2016 4:06 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Nancy Kolben; sbarnett@nieer.org
Subject: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the
contact info?

Steve has a few questions about the event

Can you forward the full contact info for Devora and
Jessica from DOE and CH communications.

He has a couple questions related to other elected

officials, prominent figures to include at the event. Is
that the sort of thing that Devora and Jessica can field –
or should that type of question come to you?

Just trying to keep things simple,


Please note our new company name, website and email.


Betty Holcomb
Policy Director
Center for Children's Initiatives (formerly Child Care, Inc.)
322 Eighth Ave, 4 Fl
New York, NY 10001
212.381.0009 direct line
212.929.7604 ext 3004
212.929.5785 fax

From: Daniel, Michaela [mailto:mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2016 4:27 PM
To: Betty Holcomb
Cc: Nancy Kolben
Subject: RE: So wonderful on yearbook release -- do you
have a few minutes today or tomorrow to discuss a few related

Happy to talk but if these are event-related

questions, I’d love to loop you both with Devora and
Jessica from DOE and CH communications.

From: Betty Holcomb

Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2016 3:09 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Nancy Kolben
Subject: So wonderful on yearbook release -- do you have a
few minutes today or tomorrow to discuss a few related


THANK YOU so much for shepherding through the

event for the Yearbook!

Nancy and I had a few minutes to catch up with Steve

Barnett, and we have just a few details and questions
we’d like to vet with you about the event.

Do you have a few minutes between now and Friday?

We are very flexible. We are thinking this would take

not more than 15 minutes or so


Please note our new company name, website and email.


Betty Holcomb
Policy Director
Center for Children's Initiatives (formerly Child Care, Inc.)
322 Eighth Ave, 4 Fl
New York, NY 10001
212.381.0009 direct line
212.929.7604 ext 3004
212.929.5785 fax
From: Grybauskas, Stefan
To: Coney, Javon; "leslie@berlinrosen.com"; Gross, Dan; Phillips, Eric Falk
Cc: Daniel, Michaela; "sbarnett@nieer.org"
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?
Date: Monday, May 09, 2016 10:38:51 AM


Will someone from your team be joining Javon to walk him through your vision of the event?

Stefan Grybauskas
Director of Advance
Office of the Mayor
City of New York
C: 347-515-5874

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Coney, Javon
Sent: Monday, May 9, 2016 10:35 AM
To: 'leslie@berlinrosen.com'; Grybauskas, Stefan; Gross, Dan; Phillips, Eric Falk
Cc: Daniel, Michaela; 'sbarnett@nieer.org'
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Hi Leslie,

Thank you! What is the address of the venue? Would 1pm work?
From: Leslie Patterson [mailto:leslie@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 10:25 AM
To: Grybauskas, Stefan; Gross, Dan; Phillips, Eric Falk; Coney, Javon
Cc: Daniel, Michaela; 'Steve Barnett' <sbarnett@nieer.org>
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?
Hi Stefan and Javon, 

Yes, I don’t think that should be a problem. Let me know what day/time you were thinking and I can see if
someone from the preschool can do a walkthrough with you. 

Javon – please also see my questions below and let me know the answers when you have a moment. 

Leslie Patterson
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5326 desk // 561.801.5963 cell
From: "Grybauskas, Stefan" <SGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Monday, May 9, 2016 at 10:08 AM
To: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>, "Gross, Dan" <DGross@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Phillips, Eric Falk"
<EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Coney, Javon" <JConey@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, 'Steve Barnett' <sbarnett@nieer.org>
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?


Would someone be able to do a walkthrough with my colleague Javon Coney, cc'ed here, today?  He is
going to be lead on this event from my team.

Stefan Grybauskas
Director of Advance
Office of the Mayor
City of New York
C: 347-515-5874

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Leslie Patterson
Sent: Monday, May 9, 2016 9:41 AM
To: Gross, Dan; Phillips, Eric Falk
Cc: Daniel, Michaela; 'Steve Barnett'; Grybauskas, Stefan
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Hi Dan, 

Wanted to make sure you saw this last week. Let me know if you have any questions on it. Also made a
couple updates based on new confirmed speakers.

Also wanted to raise a question about timing – we are a little worried about parents starting to come pick
up their kids from preschool in the middle of our event. I wonder if there’s any possibility of bumping the
event up to 1pm or 1:15pm. Understand if the Mayor’s schedule doesn’t allow for that, but let us know if
there’s any flexibility. 

Additionally, as soon as you can, we need a list of who will be accompanying the Mayor or, at the least, a
number of how many people will be with him. 

Please let me know when you have a moment. 


From: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>

Date: Friday, May 6, 2016 at 1:47 PM
To: "Gross, Dan" <DGross@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, 'Steve Barnett' <sbarnett@nieer.org>,
"Grybauskas, Stefan" <SGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

We have the speakers giving their remarks at a podium/elevated stage, an audience of maybe 50 people or
so, including parents, the Mayor stepping off stage after the formal remarks to talk to a group of parents,
and then the Mayor going to read to a group of kids in another part of the room. It will be a in a classroom,
so the visuals of of a pre-K classroom at Sugar Hill Museum’s preschool will be incorporated. The run of
show we agreed on with Eric is:

Welcome from program director

Steve's remarks (3-5 min)
The Mayor
Randi Weingarten, AFT
Michael S. Hall, Major General, U.S. Air Force (Retired)
Libby Doggett from the DOE
Then Mayor leaves stage and has 5 minute conversation with parents about what pre-K has done
for their children and families (on camera). 
Then Mayor goes to classroom where Mayor reads short book or part of book to kids on camera.

If that doesn’t answer the question, can you let me know a little more specifically what you mean by


From: Gross, Dan

Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 12:52 PM
To: 'Leslie Patterson'; Phillips, Eric Falk
Cc: Daniel, Michaela; Steve Barnett
Subject: RE: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Thanks Leslie.  Any sense on a visual?  I’m adding Stefan, the Mayor’s Advance Director to the chain to coordinate
a walkthrough.

Dan Gross| Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio

Deputy Director of Communications for Planning and Execution
o: 212.341.0011 | c: 917.428.1692

From: Leslie Patterson [mailto:leslie@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 12:19 PM
To: Gross, Dan; Phillips, Eric Falk
Cc: Daniel, Michaela; Steve Barnett
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Hi Dan, 

We’re still working to finalize some of these details, but currently the plan is to hold the event in one of the
classrooms at the Sugar Hill Museum preschool. There will be an area, possibly elevated, where the
speakers make their remarks, and there would also be an area set up for the Mayor to read to a group of
kids for a couple minutes in another portion of the room. 

We’re still working with the preschool to figure out which room and additional details, but do please let
me know what specifics you’ll need and also if the Mayor be bringing his own podium.

Leslie Patterson
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5326 desk // 561.801.5963 cell

From: "Gross, Dan" <DGross@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Friday, May 6, 2016 at 11:29 AM
To: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Steve Barnett <sbarnett@nieer.org>
Subject: RE: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Thanks Eric.  Leslie, can you provide me information on the location and the current set up plans?  Visuals, ect…

Dan Gross| Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio
Deputy Director of Communications for Planning and Execution
o: 212.341.0011 | c: 917.428.1692

From: Phillips, Eric Falk

Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 11:23 AM
To: 'Leslie Patterson'
Cc: Daniel, Michaela; Steve Barnett; Gross, Dan
Subject: RE: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Thanks for the offer, but we’re going to pass on the op-ed. I’m including a colleague of mine, Dan
Gross, who will be leading the discussion on event logistics from our side.

From: Leslie Patterson [mailto:leslie@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 12:06 PM
To: Phillips, Eric Falk
Cc: Daniel, Michaela; Steve Barnett
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Hi Eric,

Wanted to check back on the op-ed and see if you’ve had a chance to look/make edits at all.
Hoping to start pitching this week to place in conjunction with release next Thurs. 


From: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Tuesday, May 3, 2016 at 5:45 PM
To: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Steve Barnett <sbarnett@nieer.org>
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Thanks, Leslie. I’ll take a look at the piece and get back to you tomorrow on it. I edited the quote below,
and it’s approved to use with these small changes. I also edited the ROS, below that. Note the cut on Q&A
and, when you can, please send me the title of the book at least a few days beforehand

“High-quality early education is a necessity, not a luxury,” said New York City Mayor Bill de
Blasio. “Here in New York, we’ve seen firsthand that action by city and state governments
can lift enrollment and the quality of education for tens of thousands of children in our
communities. At a time of political polarization, these initiatives receive wide bipartisan
support – and for good reason. There’s no better way to ensure future success for our
kids and our states.”than to invest in their early education.”

Welcome from program director

Steve's remarks (3-5 min)
The Mayor
Tentative: Either labor leader (Randi Weingarten AFT possible) or business leader
Libby Doggett from the DOE
Q and A
Then Mayor leaves stage and has 5 minute conversation with parents about what pre-K has done
for their children and families (on camera). 
Then Mayor goes to classroom where Mayor reads short book or part of book to kids on camera.

From: Leslie Patterson <leslie@berlinrosen.com>

Date: Monday, May 2, 2016 at 11:49 AM
To: "Eric F. Phillips" <efphillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Steve Barnett <sbarnett@nieer.org>
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?
Hi Eric, 

Hope you’re well and had a nice weekend. Wanted to check in on the below, and also share with you an
op-ed that we would love for the Mayor to co-sign. It’s attached here – would Mayor de Blasio and your
office be open to that? We’d welcome feedback and edits, if so, and we’re hoping to place in a high-value
NYC target around the release. 

Additionally, attached is the NYC section of the executive summary in the report, for reference. 

Let me know if you have any questions, and what we can move forward on. Thanks!


From: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>

Date: Friday, April 29, 2016 at 4:58 PM
To: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Steve Barnett <sbarnett@nieer.org>
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Hi Eric, 

Thanks for checking in. Attached is the most recent version of the release, with the proposed quote for the
Mayor below:

“High quality early education is a necessity, not a luxury,” said New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio. “Here in
New York, we’ve seen first hand that action by state governments can lift enrollment and quality for
thousands of children in our communities. At a time of political polarization, these initiatives receive wide
bipartisan support – and for good reason. There’s no better way to ensure future success for our kids and
our states.”

Steve, can you also send Eric the most up to date version of the report when you have a moment?

For the run of show, we are suggesting: 

Welcome from program director

Steve's remarks (3-5 min)
The Mayor
Tentative: Either labor leader (Randi Weingarten AFT possible) or business leader
Libby Doggett from the DOE
Q and A
Then Mayor leaves stage and has 5 minute conversation with parents about what pre-K has done
for their children and families (on camera). 
Then Mayor goes to classroom where Mayor reads short book or part of book to kids on camera.

Let me know what else we can get you. 

Leslie Patterson
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5326 desk // 561.801.5963 cell

From: Steve Barnett <sbarnett@nieer.org>

Date: Thursday, April 28, 2016 at 2:55 PM
To: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Hi Eric:  I am connecting you with Leslie Patterson at Berlin Rosen who is handling press for us on the
Yearbook release and this event.  We need to get confirmation that the run of show is acceptable for the
Mayor among other things.



W. Steven Barnett, Ph.D.

National Institute for Early Education Research
Rutgers University
73 Easton Ave
New Brunswick, NJ  08901

Phone: (848) 932-4350

Fax: (732) 932-4360

On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 12:36 PM, Daniel, Michaela <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Thanks so much – this was really helpful.  I’m connecting you with Eric Phillips from our
communications team so you guys can coordinate on details.

From: Steve Barnett [mailto:sbarnett@nieer.org]

Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2016 11:37 AM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Here you go with proposed quote for the Mayor highlighted in blue.

Here is our plan for run of show for the event.

Welcome from program director, my remarks (3-5 min), Mayor, business person if possible,
labor leader (Randi Weingarten AFT possible). Q and A. Then Mayor leaves stage and has 5
minute conversation with parents about what pre-K has done for their children and families
(on camera). Then go to classroom where Mayor reads short book or part of book to kids on

Alternatives as speakers--representative from US DOE (Sec. King not available) or

Jacqueline Jones from the Foundation for Child Development, or a parent.

Does the Mayor's office have a business representative they might like to feature or a state
legislative leader?

W. Steven Barnett, Ph.D.

National Institute for Early Education Research
Rutgers University
73 Easton Ave
New Brunswick, NJ  08901

Phone: (848) 932-4350

Fax: (732) 932-4360

On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 10:31 AM, Daniel, Michaela <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Hi Steve –

Just a reminder to send those drafts – I am talking to our press folks at 12 and would
love to have them with me.


From: Steve Barnett [mailto:sbarnett@nieer.org]

Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 4:02 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

I will have drafts. We have a final messaging meeting Thursday at 2

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 27, 2016, at 3:59 PM, "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Thank you!  If it’s possible for you to send it before noon, that would be

From: Steve Barnett [mailto:sbarnett@nieer.org]

Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 3:59 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Betty Holcomb; Nancy Kolben
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?
Yes. I am traveling today but will pull it all together for you tomorrow.

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 27, 2016, at 3:50 PM, "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>


Hi Everyone –

For now, it seems like I’m still the best point of contact on this. 

As you can imagine, with yesterday’s budget release, our

communications team has been pretty busy, but I’m meeting
with them about this tomorrow morning.  Steve, if you have a
proposed run of show, attendee list, press pitch, etc., can you
please send all of that stuff my way?

Steve, I think you’ve been working with Sophia and her team on
some pieces of this – can you please keep me looped on those
emails?  I just want to make sure we’re all on the same page
with so many chefs in this kitchen.


From: Betty Holcomb [mailto:bholcomb@centerforchildrensinitiatives.org]

Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 7:09 AM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Nancy Kolben; sbarnett@nieer.org
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact

Thanks so much--we look forward to hearing back


Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 25, 2016, at 6:29 PM, Daniel, Michaela

<mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Sorry for the delay.  Working to solidify who the

press leads are over here.  Should be able to have
the right person tomorrow or Wed. Thanks!

From: Betty Holcomb

Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2016 4:06 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Nancy Kolben; sbarnett@nieer.org
Subject: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the
contact info?


Steve has a few questions about the event

Can you forward the full contact info for Devora and
Jessica from DOE and CH communications.

He has a couple questions related to other elected

officials, prominent figures to include at the event. Is
that the sort of thing that Devora and Jessica can field –
or should that type of question come to you?

Just trying to keep things simple,


Please note our new company name, website and email.


Betty Holcomb
Policy Director
Center for Children's Initiatives (formerly Child Care, Inc.)
322 Eighth Ave, 4 Fl
New York, NY 10001
212.381.0009 direct line
212.929.7604 ext 3004
212.929.5785 fax

From: Daniel, Michaela [mailto:mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2016 4:27 PM
To: Betty Holcomb
Cc: Nancy Kolben
Subject: RE: So wonderful on yearbook release -- do you
have a few minutes today or tomorrow to discuss a few related

Happy to talk but if these are event-related

questions, I’d love to loop you both with Devora and
Jessica from DOE and CH communications.

From: Betty Holcomb

Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2016 3:09 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Nancy Kolben
Subject: So wonderful on yearbook release -- do you have a
few minutes today or tomorrow to discuss a few related


THANK YOU so much for shepherding through the

event for the Yearbook!

Nancy and I had a few minutes to catch up with Steve

Barnett, and we have just a few details and questions
we’d like to vet with you about the event.

Do you have a few minutes between now and Friday?

We are very flexible. We are thinking this would take

not more than 15 minutes or so


Please note our new company name, website and email.


Betty Holcomb
Policy Director
Center for Children's Initiatives (formerly Child Care, Inc.)
322 Eighth Ave, 4 Fl
New York, NY 10001
212.381.0009 direct line
212.929.7604 ext 3004
212.929.5785 fax
From: Coney, Javon
To: "leslie@berlinrosen.com"; "mbenson@broadwayhousing.org"
Cc: Grybauskas, Stefan; Gross, Dan; "sbarnett@nieer.org"
Subject: Re: Sugar Hill Museum Preschool <> City Hall
Date: Monday, May 09, 2016 11:49:50 AM

Hi Melissa,

Please let me know if 1pm works today to do the walkthrough. Also, I wanted to confirm the the
address of the location is 898 St. Nicholas Ave. @ 155st, New York, NY.

Thank you!

Javon Coney
From: Leslie Patterson [mailto:leslie@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 11:44 AM
To: Melissa Benson <mbenson@broadwayhousing.org>; Coney, Javon
Cc: Grybauskas, Stefan; Gross, Dan; Steve Barnett <sbarnett@nieer.org>
Subject: Sugar Hill Museum Preschool <> City Hall
Hi Melissa and Javon - 

Connecting you two to coordinate a time for a walkthrough of the Thursday NIEER event. 

Melissa – Javon suggested 1pm today, so let him know if that could work for you or if
there’s a better time this week. 

Javon – Melissa’s contact info is below. 

Melissa Benson
Director of Development 
& Communications
Broadway Housing Communities
898 St. Nicholas Avenue
New York, NY  10032
212.568.2030 x204

Feel free to keep me looped in and happy to answer additional questions. 

Leslie Patterson
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5326 desk // 561.801.5963 cell
From: Leslie Patterson
To: Gross, Dan
Cc: Grybauskas, Stefan; Phillips, Eric Falk; Coney, Javon; Daniel, Michaela; Steve Barnett
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?
Date: Monday, May 09, 2016 11:59:52 AM

Hi Dan, 

If we keep event at 1:30, can we please keep the reading? We feel that’s a really important
part of the event. 

Let me know. Thanks so much. 


From: "Gross, Dan" <DGross@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Monday, May 9, 2016 at 11:57 AM
To: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: "Grybauskas, Stefan" <SGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Phillips, Eric Falk"
<EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Coney, Javon" <JConey@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Daniel, Michaela"
<mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Steve Barnett <sbarnett@nieer.org>
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Yes. Let's cut the reading entirely 

On May 9, 2016, at 11:43 AM, Leslie Patterson <leslie@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Thanks so much, Dan. Do you mean cut it out entirely or just cut it shorter? If we can keep
whole event to 45 mins, do you think we’d be able to keep the reading?

I will send another email connect you, Stefan, Javon with Melissa Benson, Comms Director at
Sugar Hill Museum Preschool. She may be able to do a 1pm walkthrough today, if that still
works. She and I have been in close touch about the event and our vision for it, and she is
very familiar with the space, whereas I am not, so she is better positioned to do a
walkthrough with you all. 

Look out for the email from me in a moment so you can coordinate directly. 


From: "Gross, Dan" <DGross@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Monday, May 9, 2016 at 10:49 AM
To: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: "Grybauskas, Stefan" <SGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Phillips, Eric Falk"
<EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Coney, Javon" <JConey@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Daniel,
Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Steve Barnett <sbarnett@nieer.org>
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Hi Leslie, we will move the timing on our end to 1:15. Would we need to cut the book
reading on the back end.  Also, can you have someone from your team join Javon for the

Dan Gross
Deputy Communications Director 
Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio
(O) 212-341-0011
(C) 917-428-1692

On May 9, 2016, at 10:25 AM, Leslie Patterson <leslie@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Hi Stefan and Javon, 

Yes, I don’t think that should be a problem. Let me know what day/time you
were thinking and I can see if someone from the preschool can do a
walkthrough with you. 

Javon – please also see my questions below and let me know the answers
when you have a moment. 

Leslie Patterson
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5326 desk // 561.801.5963 cell

From: "Grybauskas, Stefan" <SGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Monday, May 9, 2016 at 10:08 AM
To: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>, "Gross, Dan"
<DGross@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Phillips, Eric Falk"
<EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Coney, Javon" <JConey@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, 'Steve Barnett'
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact


Would someone be able to do a walkthrough with my colleague Javon Coney,

cc'ed here, today?  He is going to be lead on this event from my team.

Stefan Grybauskas
Director of Advance
Office of the Mayor
City of New York
C: 347-515-5874

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Leslie Patterson
Sent: Monday, May 9, 2016 9:41 AM
To: Gross, Dan; Phillips, Eric Falk
Cc: Daniel, Michaela; 'Steve Barnett'; Grybauskas, Stefan
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact

Hi Dan, 

Wanted to make sure you saw this last week. Let me know if you have any
questions on it. Also made a couple updates based on new confirmed

Also wanted to raise a question about timing – we are a little worried about
parents starting to come pick up their kids from preschool in the middle of our
event. I wonder if there’s any possibility of bumping the event up to 1pm or
1:15pm. Understand if the Mayor’s schedule doesn’t allow for that, but let us
know if there’s any flexibility. 

Additionally, as soon as you can, we need a list of who will be accompanying

the Mayor or, at the least, a number of how many people will be with him. 

Please let me know when you have a moment. 


From: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>

Date: Friday, May 6, 2016 at 1:47 PM
To: "Gross, Dan" <DGross@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Phillips, Eric Falk"
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, 'Steve Barnett'
<sbarnett@nieer.org>, "Grybauskas, Stefan"
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact

We have the speakers giving their remarks at a podium/elevated stage, an

audience of maybe 50 people or so, including parents, the Mayor stepping off
stage after the formal remarks to talk to a group of parents, and then the
Mayor going to read to a group of kids in another part of the room. It will be a
in a classroom, so the visuals of of a pre-K classroom at Sugar Hill Museum’s
preschool will be incorporated. The run of show we agreed on with Eric is:

Welcome from program director

Steve's remarks (3-5 min)
The Mayor
Randi Weingarten, AFT
Michael S. Hall, Major General, U.S. Air Force (Retired)
Libby Doggett from the DOE
Then Mayor leaves stage and has 5 minute conversation with parents
about what pre-K has done for their children and families (on camera). 
Then Mayor goes to classroom where Mayor reads short book or part
of book to kids on camera.

If that doesn’t answer the question, can you let me know a little more
specifically what you mean by visuals?


From: Gross, Dan

Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 12:52 PM
To: 'Leslie Patterson'; Phillips, Eric Falk
Cc: Daniel, Michaela; Steve Barnett
Subject: RE: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact

Thanks Leslie.  Any sense on a visual?  I’m adding Stefan, the Mayor’s Advance
Director to the chain to coordinate a walkthrough.

Dan Gross| Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio

Deputy Director of Communications for Planning and Execution
o: 212.341.0011 | c: 917.428.1692
From: Leslie Patterson [mailto:leslie@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 12:19 PM
To: Gross, Dan; Phillips, Eric Falk
Cc: Daniel, Michaela; Steve Barnett
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact

Hi Dan, 

We’re still working to finalize some of these details, but currently the plan is to
hold the event in one of the classrooms at the Sugar Hill Museum preschool.
There will be an area, possibly elevated, where the speakers make their
remarks, and there would also be an area set up for the Mayor to read to a
group of kids for a couple minutes in another portion of the room. 

We’re still working with the preschool to figure out which room and additional
details, but do please let me know what specifics you’ll need and also if the
Mayor be bringing his own podium.

Leslie Patterson
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5326 desk // 561.801.5963 cell

From: "Gross, Dan" <DGross@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Friday, May 6, 2016 at 11:29 AM
To: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Leslie
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Steve Barnett
Subject: RE: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact

Thanks Eric.  Leslie, can you provide me information on the location and the current
set up plans?  Visuals, ect…

Dan Gross| Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio
Deputy Director of Communications for Planning and Execution
o: 212.341.0011 | c: 917.428.1692
From: Phillips, Eric Falk
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 11:23 AM
To: 'Leslie Patterson'
Cc: Daniel, Michaela; Steve Barnett; Gross, Dan
Subject: RE: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact

Thanks for the offer, but we’re going to pass on the op-ed. I’m including a
colleague of mine, Dan Gross, who will be leading the discussion on event
logistics from our side.

From: Leslie Patterson [mailto:leslie@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 12:06 PM
To: Phillips, Eric Falk
Cc: Daniel, Michaela; Steve Barnett
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact

Hi Eric,

Wanted to check back on the op-ed and see if you’ve had a chance
to look/make edits at all. Hoping to start pitching this week to place
in conjunction with release next Thurs. 


From: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Tuesday, May 3, 2016 at 5:45 PM
To: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Steve Barnett
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact

Thanks, Leslie. I’ll take a look at the piece and get back to you tomorrow on it.
I edited the quote below, and it’s approved to use with these small changes. I
also edited the ROS, below that. Note the cut on Q&A and, when you can,
please send me the title of the book at least a few days beforehand

“High-quality early education is a necessity, not a luxury,” said New

York City Mayor Bill de Blasio. “Here in New York, we’ve seen 
firsthand that action by city and state governments can lift
enrollment and the quality of education for tens of thousands of
children in our communities. At a time of political polarization,
these initiatives receive wide bipartisan support – and for good
reason. There’s no better way to ensure future success for our kids 
and our states.”than to invest in their early education.”

Welcome from program director

Steve's remarks (3-5 min)
The Mayor
Tentative: Either labor leader (Randi Weingarten AFT possible) or
business leader
Libby Doggett from the DOE
Q and A
Then Mayor leaves stage and has 5 minute conversation with parents
about what pre-K has done for their children and families (on camera). 
Then Mayor goes to classroom where Mayor reads short book or part
of book to kids on camera.

From: Leslie Patterson <leslie@berlinrosen.com>

Date: Monday, May 2, 2016 at 11:49 AM
To: "Eric F. Phillips" <efphillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Steve Barnett
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact

Hi Eric, 

Hope you’re well and had a nice weekend. Wanted to check in on the below,
and also share with you an op-ed that we would love for the Mayor to co-sign.
It’s attached here – would Mayor de Blasio and your office be open to that?
We’d welcome feedback and edits, if so, and we’re hoping to place in a high-
value NYC target around the release. 

Additionally, attached is the NYC section of the executive summary in the

report, for reference. 

Let me know if you have any questions, and what we can move forward on.


From: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>

Date: Friday, April 29, 2016 at 4:58 PM
To: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Steve Barnett
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact

Hi Eric, 

Thanks for checking in. Attached is the most recent version of the release, with
the proposed quote for the Mayor below:

“High quality early education is a necessity, not a luxury,” said New York City
Mayor Bill de Blasio. “Here in New York, we’ve seen first hand that action by
state governments can lift enrollment and quality for thousands of children in
our communities. At a time of political polarization, these initiatives receive
wide bipartisan support – and for good reason. There’s no better way to
ensure future success for our kids and our states.”

Steve, can you also send Eric the most up to date version of the report when
you have a moment?

For the run of show, we are suggesting: 

Welcome from program director

Steve's remarks (3-5 min)
The Mayor
Tentative: Either labor leader (Randi Weingarten AFT possible) or
business leader
Libby Doggett from the DOE
Q and A
Then Mayor leaves stage and has 5 minute conversation with parents
about what pre-K has done for their children and families (on camera). 
Then Mayor goes to classroom where Mayor reads short book or part
of book to kids on camera.

Let me know what else we can get you. 

Leslie Patterson
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5326 desk // 561.801.5963 cell

From: Steve Barnett <sbarnett@nieer.org>

Date: Thursday, April 28, 2016 at 2:55 PM
To: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Leslie
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact

Hi Eric:  I am connecting you with Leslie Patterson at Berlin Rosen who is

handling press for us on the Yearbook release and this event.  We need to get
confirmation that the run of show is acceptable for the Mayor among other



W. Steven Barnett, Ph.D.

National Institute for Early Education Research
Rutgers University
73 Easton Ave
New Brunswick, NJ  08901

Phone: (848) 932-4350

Fax: (732) 932-4360

On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 12:36 PM, Daniel, Michaela

<mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Thanks so much – this was really helpful.  I’m connecting you with
Eric Phillips from our communications team so you guys can
coordinate on details.

From: Steve Barnett [mailto:sbarnett@nieer.org]

Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2016 11:37 AM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact

Here you go with proposed quote for the Mayor highlighted in blue.

Here is our plan for run of show for the event.

Welcome from program director, my remarks (3-5 min), Mayor,

business person if possible, labor leader (Randi Weingarten AFT
possible). Q and A. Then Mayor leaves stage and has 5 minute
conversation with parents about what pre-K has done for their
children and families (on camera). Then go to classroom where
Mayor reads short book or part of book to kids on camera.

Alternatives as speakers--representative from US DOE (Sec. King

not available) or Jacqueline Jones from the Foundation for Child
Development, or a parent.

Does the Mayor's office have a business representative they might

like to feature or a state legislative leader?

W. Steven Barnett, Ph.D.

National Institute for Early Education Research
Rutgers University
73 Easton Ave
New Brunswick, NJ  08901

Phone: (848) 932-4350

Fax: (732) 932-4360

On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 10:31 AM, Daniel, Michaela

<mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Hi Steve –

Just a reminder to send those drafts – I am talking to our press

folks at 12 and would love to have them with me.


From: Steve Barnett [mailto:sbarnett@nieer.org]

Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 4:02 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact

I will have drafts. We have a final messaging meeting Thursday at 2

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 27, 2016, at 3:59 PM, "Daniel, Michaela"

<mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Thank you!  If it’s possible for you to send it before

noon, that would be fantastic.

From: Steve Barnett [mailto:sbarnett@nieer.org]

Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 3:59 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Betty Holcomb; Nancy Kolben
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us
the contact info?

Yes. I am traveling today but will pull it all together for

you tomorrow.
Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 27, 2016, at 3:50 PM, "Daniel, Michaela"

<mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Hi Everyone –

For now, it seems like I’m still the best

point of contact on this. 

As you can imagine, with yesterday’s

budget release, our communications
team has been pretty busy, but I’m
meeting with them about this tomorrow
morning.  Steve, if you have a proposed
run of show, attendee list, press pitch,
etc., can you please send all of that stuff
my way?

Steve, I think you’ve been working with

Sophia and her team on some pieces of
this – can you please keep me looped on
those emails?  I just want to make sure
we’re all on the same page with so many
chefs in this kitchen.


From: Betty Holcomb

Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 7:09 AM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Nancy Kolben; sbarnett@nieer.org
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you
forward us the contact info?

Thanks so much--we look forward to

hearing back

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 25, 2016, at 6:29 PM, Daniel,

Michaela <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Sorry for the delay.  Working
to solidify who the press
leads are over here.  Should
be able to have the right
person tomorrow or Wed.

From: Betty Holcomb

Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2016
4:06 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Nancy Kolben;
Subject: Event-related questions -
- can you forward us the contact


Steve has a few questions about

the event

Can you forward the full

contact info for Devora and
Jessica from DOE and CH

He has a couple questions

related to other elected
officials, prominent figures to
include at the event. Is that the
sort of thing that Devora and
Jessica can field – or should
that type of question come to

Just trying to keep things



Please note our new company name,

website and email.


Betty Holcomb
Policy Director
Center for Children's Initiatives
(formerly Child Care, Inc.)
322 Eighth Ave, 4 Fl
New York, NY 10001
212.381.0009 direct line
212.929.7604 ext 3004
212.929.5785 fax

From: Daniel, Michaela

Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2016
4:27 PM
To: Betty Holcomb
Cc: Nancy Kolben
Subject: RE: So wonderful on
yearbook release -- do you have a
few minutes today or tomorrow to
discuss a few related details?

Happy to talk but if these are

event-related questions, I’d
love to loop you both with
Devora and Jessica from DOE
and CH communications.

From: Betty Holcomb

Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2016
3:09 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Nancy Kolben
Subject: So wonderful on
yearbook release -- do you have a
few minutes today or tomorrow to
discuss a few related details?


THANK YOU so much for

shepherding through the event
for the Yearbook!

Nancy and I had a few minutes

to catch up with Steve Barnett,
and we have just a few details
and questions we’d like to vet
with you about the event.

Do you have a few minutes

between now and Friday?
We are very flexible. We are
thinking this would take not
more than 15 minutes or so


Please note our new company name,

website and email.


Betty Holcomb
Policy Director
Center for Children's Initiatives
(formerly Child Care, Inc.)
322 Eighth Ave, 4 Fl
New York, NY 10001
212.381.0009 direct line
212.929.7604 ext 3004
212.929.5785 fax
From: Leslie Patterson
To: Phillips, Eric Falk
Subject: Re: can you send me the most recent release and if you have the full final report yet? thanks.
Date: Monday, May 09, 2016 5:25:22 PM
Attachments: NIEER NY press release 5.9.docx
NIEER 2015 Yearbook Natl Release almost final 5.9.16.docx
2015 Yearbook-5.9.16 draft.pdf

Hi Eric, 

Attached are the most recent versions of the national and NY-specific press release. Also attached is the
most updated version of the report, but they are still making changes, so this isn’t quite final. 


From: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Monday, May 9, 2016 at 4:58 PM
To: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: can you send me the most recent release and if you have the full final report yet? thanks.

Eric Phillips
Deputy Director of Communications for Special Projects
New York City Mayor’s Office, City Hall
(o) 212-341-5031 (c) 917-291-0166
State pre-K programs continued moving in the right direction during the 2014-2015 school year with larger increases in
spending, spending per child, and enrollment than the previous year and additional states meeting more quality standards.
States also moved off of the No Program list. However, state pre-K is still far from where it needs to be to ensure that all
children receive a high quality education during the year (or two) before kindergarten.
Expansion of public pre-K is only a worthwhile public investment if children receive a high quality education. Unfortunately,
even many of the states that have chosen to fund pre-K have not committed sufficient resources to fund a high quality
program. Three of the four states with the largest populations of 3- and 4-year-olds rank toward the bottom on quality
standards and spending per child. Florida stands out for offering universal pre-K funded at just $2,300 per child.
If young children are to receive the high quality education that leaves a sustained impact, state policies will have to change.
Standards must be raised. Funding should be increased and stabilized. This will happen only if policy makers recognize
that high quality pre-K is a necessity, not a luxury that can be passed over when the budget gets tight. Local and federal
governments also can play a role in supporting improvements. Pre-K like public education generally depends on local and,
to a lesser extent, federal government policy and funding, as well.
Where states have not led the way, cities often have taken up the challenge. From Boston to San Antonio, San Francisco to
Seattle, cities have led the way on expanded access to higher quality pre-K. Hopefully, their states will follow with broader
support. New York City provides an example of a city that successfully worked with its state to move an entire state forward,
though it remains to be seen how much and how fast progress is extended to the rest of New York State.
Traditionally, the federal government has helped to lead by offering financial incentives for states to improve educational
equity and excellence in education. The federal government also funds early childhood services for children in poverty
directly through Head Start. Next year (2015-16) we expect to see the first impacts on states of the new federal Preschool
Development Grant program that supports increased access to pre-K and which was subsequently included in the Every
Student Succeeds Act.
Looking back across the years, it is evident that even this year’s rate of progress is not enough to bring high quality pre-K to
every child any time soon. Government at every level will need to redouble their efforts, and states, in particular, will have
to move forward. Indeed, just one modest step taken by every state could ensure a much greater rate of progress: never
take a step backwards. If every state kept a pledge to not cut funding, relax standards, or reduce enrollment, this alone
could double annual progress.


Pre-K for All is New York City’s historic initiative to provide free, full-day, high-quality pre-kindergarten to every four-
year-old in the city. Prior to expansion, 19,287 children attended full-day pre-kindergarten in New York City. The
2014-2015 school year marked the first year of the two-year expansion with 53,120 four-year-olds enrolled in pre-k.
Enrollment is high across every community, with the highest participation among low-income families. In 2015-2016
the City enrolled 68,647 children—a number more than triple the children who attended before expansion and
larger than the entire school population of major cities like Boston—about 70 percent of all 4’s in the City.
Pre-K for All is delivered in public and privately operated settings including district schools, charters, and
independent organizations that contract with the City. Pre-K students receive a full day of education—6 hours and
20 minutes—for 180 days grounded in the Prekindergarten Foundation for the Common Core, the New York State
pre-K learning standards covering all aspects of a child’s development and learning. The NYCDOE supports all pre-K
programs with differentiated support at both the classroom and program level. This includes: targeted professional
learning for lead teachers, assistant teachers, and paraprofessionals, on-site support for leaders and teachers,
resources, and guidance from 100 Instructional Coordinators and 125 Social Workers.
The expansion required significant investments in new educators, spaces, programming and oversight across more
than a dozen City agencies. In the first year of expansion, New York City facilitated the opening of new sites,
recruitment and development of new teachers, rigorous multi-agency inspections to ensure quality and safety, and
extensive outreach to families to encourage enrollment in new programs.
The city’s model is designed to ensure a sustainable high-quality workforce by recruiting, training, and retaining
qualified teachers and administrators. All lead teachers have at least a BA, and are either certified or on a study
plan for full certification. In order to retain highly qualified teachers, the NYCDOE encourages all providers to pay
competitive salaries and took extra steps to increase pay for pre-K teachers across the system with a goal of
moving toward parity wherever possible.

Resource Rank Resource Rank Quality Standards
Access for Access for Based on Based on Checklist Sum
4-Year-Olds Rank 3-Year-Olds Rank State Spending All Reported Spending (Maximum of 10)
Alabama 29 None served 16 15 10
Alaska 39 None served 14 19 10
Arizona 35 20 32 37 5
Arkansas 12 3 22 27 9
California 28 9 19 24 4
Colorado 22 11 41 39 6
Connecticut 23* 8* 5 3 6
Delaware 33 None served 9 10 8
District of Columbia 1 1 1 1 8
Florida 3 None served 39 41 3†
Georgia 8 None served 24 29 8
Hawaii 42 None served 7 9 8
Illinois 20 4 34 32 8
Iowa 7 18 35 34 6.9
Kansas 25 None served 40 42 6
Kentucky 21 10 25 8 9
Louisiana 16 None served 21 26 9.1
Maine 13 None served 37 40 5
Maryland 14 16 31 35 8
Massachusetts 34 13 29 30 6
Michigan 15 None served 12 18 8
Minnesota 43* 25* 6 7 9
Mississippi 37 27 43 31 10
Missouri 38 22 33 38 8
Nebraska 17 6 36 22 7
Nevada 40 23 38 36 7
New Jersey 19 5 2 2 8.8
New Mexico 18 None served 18 25 8
New York 9 28 10 16 7
North Carolina 24 None served 20 11 10
Ohio 36 21 23 28 4
Oklahoma 4 None served 28 12 8
Oregon 31 14 4 5 9
Pennsylvania 30* 15* 15 23 6.7
Rhode Island 41 None served 3 4 10
South Carolina 11* 17* 42 43 5.7
Tennessee 26* 26* 17 14 9
Texas 10 12 30 33 2
Vermont 2 2 11 17 4
Virginia 27 None served 27 21 6
Washington 32 19 8 6 9
West Virginia 5 7 13 13 10
Wisconsin 6* 24* 26 20 5.1
Idaho No program No program No program No program No program
Indiana** No program No program No program No program No program
Montana No program No program No program No program No program
New Hampshire No program No program No program No program No program
North Dakota No program No program No program No program No program
South Dakota No program No program No program No program No program
Utah No program No program No program No program No program
Wyoming No program No program No program No program No program

* At least one prog am in these states did not break down total enrollment figures into specific numbers of 3 and 4 year olds served. As a result, enrollment by single year of age was estimated.
** Though not included in this year's state comparisons because it is a pilot prog am serving less than 1% of the state's 4 year olds, Indiana served 415 4 year olds or roughly .5% of 4 year olds in its
pre K prog am.
† Data on Florida's quality standards are from the 2013 2014 school year. However, no policies changes are known that would have affected which benchmarks were met.

The Yearbook compares each state program’s standards against a checklist of 10 research-based quality standards
benchmarks. These benchmarks are consistent with what research suggests as minimums for highly effective programs. They
do not guarantee quality. Effective pre-K programs also require adequate funding and strong implementation. Funding
adequacy is, of course, addressed separately in this report. Unfortunately, survey data do not provide a basis for evaluating
implementation. A guide to the benchmarks and supporting research begins on page xx.


84 85 83 85 85 82 83 84 81 82
78 80 80 78 77
80% 74 76
70 70 73 71 70 71
64 63
60% 52 55 56 55 57 56
49 49 49 48
45 45 48
40% 37
29 29 28 28
24 23 25
21 19 18 20

Teacher has BA Specialized Assistant has CDA At least 15 hours
training in EC or higher in-service training

100 98 100100100
100% 92 92 94
88 90 88
84 84 86 87 83 85 85 86 86 86 87 85 87 87
80 79 82 79
80% 74 74 72 75 71 74 74 74
63 63 66 66 65
59 60 61
60% 52 55

40% 36 37


Early Learning Standards Class size 20 or lower Ratio 1:10 or better Screening/referral


78 76 78 77 ■ 2001 2002 ■ 2002 2003 ■ 2004 2005 ■ 2005 2006

80% 73
70 73 n = 42 n = 43 n = 47 n = 48
59 60 62
60% ■ 2006 2007 ■ 2007 2008 ■ 2008 2009 ■ 2009 2010
50 53 47 51 48
47 47
46 47 46 n = 49 n = 50 n = 51 n = 52
40 41
■ 2010 2011 ■ 2011 2012 ■ 2012 2013 ■ 2013 2014
n = 51 n = 54 n = 53 n = 53
■ 2014 2015
0% n = 57
At least 1 meal Site visits

Figure 2 displays the percentage of programs meeting each of the quality standards from 2001-2002 through 2014-2015.
Four states’ policy changes (five programs) resulted in gaining an additional benchmark in 2014-2015: two of Louisiana’s
programs, Missouri, Nebraska, and West Virginia. Two Louisiana programs, LA 8(g) and LA 4, now meet the quality standard
benchmark for site visits. Missouri now requires at least 15 hours per year of professional development and Nebraska now
requires programs to provide at least one meal per day. West Virginia increased their assistant teacher credentials to require
at least a CDA or equivalent and now meets all 10 quality standards.
In the 2014-2015 school year, seven state programs met all 10 benchmarks: Alabama, Alaska, Mississippi, North Carolina,
Rhode Island, West Virginia, and one Louisiana program (NSECD). Nine states have programs that met nine of 10
benchmarks—Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana (LA 4 only), Minnesota, New Jersey (Abbott pre-K only), Oregon, Pennsylvania
(HSSAP only), Tennessee, and Washington.
At the other end of the spectrum, seven programs met fewer than half of the 10 benchmarks. California, Ohio, and Vermont
(both programs) met four; Florida met three; and Texas met only two. Pennsylvania’s K4 program met three benchmarks this
year. Particularly concerning, Texas and Pennsylvania’s K4 program not only miss the class size and staff-child ratio
benchmarks, but set statewide no limits on these at all. California also does not limit class size, but does limit ratio. Table 5
summarizes the quality standards benchmarks received by each program.


In 2014-2015, 42 states plus the District of Columbia spent just over $6.2 billion on pre-K, not including special education
funds. The 8 remaining states did not contribute to this total, as they had no pre-K initiative meeting our definition of state-
funded pre-K during the 2014-2015 school year. (See page xx for our explanation of what constitutes a state-funded pre-K
program.) Indiana spent almost $1.1 million on its new pre-K pilot but is not included in this year’s report. One omission
that is particularly noteworthy is the California transitional kindergarten program, which by itself would add almost $700
million in state spending to the total spent serving children during the year prior to kindergarten. Table 6 reports state
spending per child and in total as well as changes in spending from the previous year.
Across the 42 states with pre-K and the District of Columbia, total state spending increased by over $553 million, a 10
percent increase in real spending from the prior year. Almost two-thirds, or over $358 million, of this increase is attributed to
New York and primarily to expansion of pre-K in New York City.
Average spending per child increased by $287 (inflation-adjusted) to $4,489. Spending per child had edged up slightly in
recent years, but this year’s increase was more substantial. This jump marks the largest single year increase in spending per
child in nearly a decade. However, about 40 percent of this increase is due to New York and per child spending is still below
where it was in 2008 (in real dollars).
Spending by state varied dramatically. The District of Columbia spends the most per-child at $16,431, with New Jersey the
highest for a state at $12,149. South Carolina and Mississippi report the lowest spending per child, both under $2,000 per-
child. Year to year fluctuations in spending were dramatic, as well. Arizona, Missouri, New Mexico, New York, and Rhode
Island all reported increases in per child spending of more than $1,000. Arkansas and Maryland reported decreases of about
$1,000 per child. Table 6 reports the state spending per child and total state spending in 2014-2015 for each state as well as
changes in spending since last year.
Many state-funded pre-K programs utilize additional funds from local and federal sources to help fund pre-K programs. In
some states and local education agencies share the costs through a formula just as they do for K-12 education. Funding
from all sources is a better indicator of the total resources available to support pre-K (though not a better indicator of state
financial commitment). However, not all states can fully, or even partially, report spending from other sources. As a result the
all-sources funding per child figures reported in Table 6 understate total spending nationally, and comparisons across states
can be distorted by differences in reporting.
Despite the limitations of the “all reported” spending figures, we can determine that local schools and federal funds added
at least $748 million to state pre-K funds in the 2014-2015 school year, or $542 per child. All-source spending totals nearly
$7 billion. Non-state funds reported included $368 million in required local funds, $96 million in non-required local funds,
and $284 in non-TANF federal funds. Reported spending per-child from all sources was $5,031 nationwide, up from the
previous year’s $4,765 (inflation-adjusted).

Vision, Quality
Assistant Staff- hearing, Standards
Comprehensive Specialized teacher At least Class child health, and Checklist
STATE/ early learning Teacher training has CDA 15 hrs/yr size 20 ratio 1:10 one support At least Site Sum
PROGRAM standards has BA in pre-K or equiv. in-service or lower or better service one meal visits 2014-2015
Alabama 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 10
Alaska 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 10
Arizona 4 4 4 4 4 5
Arkansas 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 9
California 4 4 4 4 4
Colorado 4 4 4 4 4 4 6
Connecticut CDCC 4 4 4 4 4 4 6
Connecticut SRP 4 4 4 4 4 4 6
Delaware 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8
District of Columbia 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8
Florida† 4 4 4 3
Georgia 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8
Hawaii 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8
Illinois 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8
Iowa Shared Visions 4 4 4 4 4 4 6
Iowa SVPP 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 7
Kansas Preschool 4 4 4 4 4 4 6
Kansas State Pre-K 4 4 4 4 4 4 6
Kentucky 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 9
LA 8(g) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8
LA 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 9
LA NSECD 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 10
Maine 4 4 4 4 4 5
Maryland 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8
Massachusetts 391 4 4 4 4 4 5
Massachusetts UPK 4 4 4 4 4 4 6
Michigan 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8
Minnesota 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 9
Mississippi 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 10
Missouri 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8
Nebraska 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 7
Nevada 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 7
New Jersey Abbott 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 9
New Jersey ECPA 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8
New Jersey ELLI 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8
New Mexico 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8
New York 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 7
North Carolina 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 10
Ohio 4 4 4 4 4
Oklahoma 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8
Oregon 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 9
Pennsylvania RTL 4 4 4 4 4 5
Pennsylvania HSSAP 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 9
Pennsylvania K4 4 4 4 3
Pennsylvania PKC 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 7
Rhode Island 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 10
South Carolina 4K 4 4 4 4 4 5
South Carolina CDEP 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 7
Tennessee 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 9
Texas 4 4 2
Vermont Act 62 4 4 4 4 4
Vermont EEI 4 4 4 4 4
Virginia 4 4 4 4 4 4 6
Washington 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 9
West Virginia 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 10
WI 4K 4 4 4 4 4 5
WI HdSt 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8
TOTAL 57 32 47 21 47 49 50 37 29 38
† Data on Florida's quality standards are from the 2013 2014 school year. However, no policies changes are known that would have changed the benchmarks met.


Change in state $ Change in total

Resources rank State $ per per child spending Total state state spending
based on child enrolled from 2013-2014 spending in from 2013-2014 State Reported All reported
STATE state spending in pre-K Adjusted dollars 2014-2015 Adjusted dollars non-state funds $ per child
District of Columbia 1 $16,431 $828 $207,226,639 $13,344,950 Yes $17,509
New Jersey 2 $12,149 -$190 $619,992,300 -$19,253,069 No $12,149
Rhode Island 3 $9,641 $1,180 $2,950,000 $970,268 No $9,641
Oregon 4 $8,648 $50 $66,263,178 $4,277,239 No $8,648
Connecticut 5 $8,106 -$933 $119,151,878 $35,168,021 Yes $10,184
Minnesota 6 $7,824 -$371 $10,804,944 -$3,454,090 No $7,824
Hawaii 7 $7,671 NA $2,800,000 $2,800,000 No $7,671
Washington 8 $7,599 $841 $76,676,973 $17,605,915 Yes $8,232
Delaware 9 $7,100 -$304 $5,985,300 -$256,239 No $7,100
New York 10 $6,617 $2,739 $741,851,094 $358,312,500 No $6,617
Vermont* 11 $6,589 -$199 $44,995,493 $2,461,849 Yes $6,589
Michigan 12 $6,447 $658 $239,275,000 $62,385,875 No $6,447
West Virginia** 13 $6,427 $54 $98,051,203 -$474,569 Yes $6,865
Alaska 14 $6,270 $40 $2,000,000 $187,210 No $6,270
Pennsylvania 15 $5,630 -$245 $146,590,191 -$1,146,634 No $5,630
Alabama 16 $5,333 $981 $38,624,146 $14,665,969 Yes $6,666
Tennessee 17 $5,219 $539 $84,941,414 -$2,152,962 Yes $6,687
New Mexico 18 $4,722 $1,114 $39,654,300 $11,964,288 Yes $4,722
California 19 $4,694 $332 $622,930,873 $45,409,161 Yes $5,441
North Carolina 20 $4,601 -$649 $123,543,465 -$16,184,861 Yes $7,046
Louisiana 21 $4,570 -$63 $90,184,905 -$1,417,281 Partly $4,658
Arkansas 22 $4,372 -$1,255 $111,000,000 -$1,665,000 Yes $4,372
Ohio 23 $4,000 -$60 $44,360,000 $11,267,981 No $4,000
Georgia 24 $3,880 $78 $312,053,998 $2,393,283 No $3,880
Kentucky 25 $3,835 $314 $71,767,687 -$617,343 Yes $7,679
Wisconsin 26 $3,802 $221 $185,264,100 $7,371,039 Partly $6,018
Virginia 27 $3,742 -$55 $68,300,254 -$135,405 Yes $5,887
Oklahoma 28 $3,709 -$17 $148,690,138 -$3,417,434 Yes $6,886
Massachusetts 29 $3,626 -$122 $48,580,099 -$118,283 Yes $3,847
Texas 30 $3,584 $52 $786,601,324 -$12,352,960 Yes $3,639
Maryland 31 $3,572 -$996 $108,517,116 -$26,365,319 No $3,572
Arizona 32 $3,413 $1,847 $35,829,787 $23,338,395 No $3,413
Missouri 33 $3,211 $1,172 $13,677,763 $5,778,156 No $3,211
Illinois 34 $3,161 -$50 $237,573,973 -$4,034,054 No $3,735
Iowa 35 $2,987 $92 $77,506,937 $2,583,477 Partly $3,595
Nebraska 36 $2,759 $583 $33,313,438 $7,515,693 Yes $5,711
Maine 37 $2,732 -$11 $13,877,541 $350,785 No $2,732
Nevada 38 $2,388 -$31 $3,338,875 -$50,083 Partly $3,424
Florida 39 $2,304 $32 $383,703,444 -$3,121,701 No $2,304
Kansas 40 $2,262 $121 $18,397,372 $693,759 No $2,262
Colorado 41 $2,001 -$323 $54,069,211 $5,610,822 Yes $3,116
South Carolina 42 $1,981 $136 $60,252,483 $9,666,636 Partly $1,984
Mississippi 43 $1,778 NA $3,128,426 $3,128,426 Partly $3,762
Idaho No program $0 $0 $0 $0 NA $0
Indiana*** No program $0 $0 $0 $0 NA $0
Montana No program $0 $0 $0 $0 NA $0
New Hampshire No program $0 $0 $0 $0 NA $0
North Dakota No program $0 $0 $0 $0 NA $0
South Dakota No program $0 $0 $0 $0 NA $0
Utah No program $0 $0 $0 $0 NA $0
Wyoming No program $0 $0 $0 $0 NA $0
United States $4,489 $287 $6,204,297,261 $553,034,410 $5,031
For details about how these figures were calculated, see the Methodology section and Roadmap to the State Profile Pages.
* Vermont could not break out the state, local, and fede al spending from the total amount reported. Vermont also provided updated spending information for the 2013 2014 school year, which is
reflected in the calculations of change in spending.
** 1366 3 year old children were served in WV's Universal Pre K prog am but were funded by sources not reported by the state. They were removed from the per child spending calculations. A similar
adjustment was made for 2013 2014.
*** Indiana funded a pilot state pre K prog am during the 2014 2015 year. It spent about $1.1 million to enroll 415 4 year olds. It is not included in the ankings because the prog am served fewer than
1% of 4 year olds.

The following sections provide an overview of information contained in the data tables on the state profile pages and
explain why these elements are important. Data in the tables are for the 2014-2015 school year except where noted.

The Access data table begins with the total state program enrollment, which is the number of children of all ages enrolled
at a specific point in time. Following that is the percentage of school districts (or other local education authorities, such as
counties or parishes) providing state-funded prekindergarten programs. This information shows the extent of the initiative’s
geographic coverage. Next, the table shows what, if any, income requirement is used in determining eligibility for the
Data on the hours of operation (hours per day and days per week) and operating schedule (academic or calendar year) are
shown as additional measures of access because working parents may find it difficult to get their children to and from
programs that operate only a few hours a day. The amount of time children participate in a preschool program also matters
for other reasons, such as influencing the program’s effects on children’s development and learning.
The Access data table also shows enrollment of 3- and 4-year-old children in two federally funded programs besides the
state prekindergarten initiative: preschool special education and Head Start. The Head Start enrollment total includes
children in the American Indian/Alaskan Native and Migrant Seasonal programs. The final item in the table reports how
many children ages 3 and 4 are participating in Head Start through state supplemental funds.
Two Access pie charts illustrate the percentages of the state’s 3- and 4-year-olds enrolled in the state-funded preschool
initiative(s), special education, and Head Start. The remaining children are categorized as enrolled in “Other/None.” These
children may be enrolled in another type of private or publicly funded program (e.g., state-subsidized child care) or may not
be attending a center-based program at all. For the 2015 Yearbook, we calculated an unduplicated count for special
education enrollment in order to more accurately represent the number of children served in the state. The special
education percentage in the pie chart represents children who are in special education but not enrolled in Head Start or
state preschool programs. For the first time for the 2015 report, we also calculated an unduplicated count for Head Start
enrollment in order to avoid double counting Head Start children enrolled in state prekindergarten. For the states that were
able to report this information, the Head Start percentage does not include children also enrolled in state prekindergarten.

State policies in 10 critical areas related to quality are shown in the Quality Standards Checklist table. For each area, states
receive a checkmark when their policy meets or exceeds the related benchmark standard. On the right side of the page, a
box displays the total number of benchmarks met by the state.
The Quality Standards Checklist represents a set of minimum criteria, established by state policy, needed to ensure the
effectiveness of preschool education programs, especially when serving children who are at risk for school failure. While the
checklist is not intended to be an exhaustive inventory of all the features of a high-quality program, each of these research-
based standards is essential. Meeting all 10 standards does not necessarily guarantee that a program is of high quality, but
no state’s prekindergarten policies should be considered satisfactory unless all 10 benchmarks are met. Although programs
may routinely engage in practices meeting criteria for quality standards, credit is given only when the practices are explicitly
required in state policy.
The limitations of the research are such that judgment inevitably plays a role in setting specific benchmarks based on
evidence. Studies find that the potential benefits from strong preschool education programs are such that the monetary
investment in pre-K is returned 7 to 17 times.1 Therefore, we gave more weight to the risk of losing substantial benefits by
setting benchmarks too low than to the risk of raising costs by setting benchmarks too high. Costs of many preschool
programs are currently quite low; thus, benchmarks steer closer to the characteristics of programs demonstrated to produce
reasonably large education benefits for children in randomized trials and the strongest quasi-experimental studies (e.g.,
HighScope Perry Preschool and Chicago Child-Parent Centers) and farther from the characteristics of programs found in
rigorous studies to have weak effects.2
Of the 10 standards we use to gauge the quality of state-funded preschool programs, four involve teacher credentials and
training. State preschool policies are evaluated based on whether programs require teachers to have at least a bachelor’s
degree;3 whether they require teachers to have specialization in preschool education;3 whether they require assistant
teachers to have at least a Child Development Associate (CDA) or equivalent credential based on coursework;4 and whether
they require teachers to have at least 15 hours of annual in-service training.5 Teacher qualifications receive this emphasis in
our checklist because research shows this area to be crucial in determining program quality. Better education and training
for teachers can improve the interaction between children and teachers, which in turn affects children’s learning.
Class size and staff-child ratios are also emphasized in the Quality Standards Checklist, with the expectation that states will
limit class sizes to 20 children at the most6 and have no more than 10 children per staff member.7 With smaller classes and
fewer children per teacher, children have greater opportunities for interaction with adults and can receive more
individualized attention, resulting in a higher quality program.

1 Reynolds, A., Temple, J., Robertson, D., & Mann, E. (2002). Age 21 cost benefit analysis of the Title I Chicago Child Parent Centers. Education Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 24, 267
303. Belfield, C., Nores, M., Barnett, S., & Schweinhart, L. (2006). The High/Scope Perry Preschool Prog am: Cost benefit analysis using data from the age 40 follow up. Journal of
Human Resources, 41(1), 162 190.
2 Temple, J., & Reynolds, A. (2007). Benefits and costs of investments in preschool edu ation: Evidence from the Child Parent Centers and related prog ams. Economics of Education
Review, 26, 126 144. Barnett, W.S., & Belfield, C. (2006). Early childhood and social mobility. Future of Children, 16(2), 73 98.
3 Based on a review of the evidence, a committee of the National Research Council recommended that preschool teachers have a BA with specialization in early childhood education.
Bowman, B.T., Donovan, M.S., & Burns, M.S. (Eds.). (2001). Eager to learn: Educating our preschoolers. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. Burchinal, M.R., Cryer, D., Clifford,
R.M., & Howes, C. (2002). Caregiver t aining and classroom quality in child are centers. Applied Developmental Science, 6, 2 11. Barnett, W.S. (2003). Better teachers, better
preschools: Student achievement linked to teacher qualifi ations. Preschool Policy Matters, 2. New Brunswick, NJ: National Institute for Early Education Research. Whitebook, M.,
Howes, C., & Phillips, D. (1989). Who cares? Child care teachers and the quality of care in America (Final report on the National Child Care Staffing Study). Oakland, CA: Child Care
Employee Project.
4 Preschool classrooms typically are taught by a team of a teacher and an assistant. Research focusing specifi ally on the qualifications of assistant teachers is are, but the available
evidence points to a relationship between assistant teacher qualifi ations and teaching quality. There is much evidence on the educational importance of the qualifications of teaching
staff gene ally. Bowman, Donovan, & Burns (2001). Burchinal, Cryer, Clifford, & Howes (2002). Barnett (2003). Whitebook, Howes, & Phillips (1989). The CDA has been recommended to
prepare assistant teachers who are beginning a career path to become teachers ather than permanent assistants. Kagan, S.L., & Cohen, N.E. (1997). Not by chance: Creating an early
care and education system for America’s children [Abridged report]. New Haven, CT: Bush Center in Child Development and Social Policy, Yale University.
5 Good teachers are actively engaged in their continuing professional development. Bowman, Donovan, & Burns (2001). Frede, E.C. (1998). Preschool prog am quality in prog ams for
children in poverty. In W.S. Barnett & S.S. Boocock (Eds.). (1998). Early care and education for children in poverty: Promises, programs, and long term results (pp. 77 98). Albany, NY:
SUNY Press. Whitebook, Howes, & Phillips (1989) found that teachers receiving more than 15 hours of t aining were more appropriate, positive, and engaged with children in their
teaching p actices.
6 The importance of class size has been demonst ated for both preschool and kindergarten. A class size of 20 children is larger than the class size shown in many prog ams to produce
large gains for disadvantaged children. Barnett, W.S. (1998). Long term effects on cognitive development and school success. In W.S. Barnett & S.S. Boocock (Eds.). (1998). Early care
and education for children in poverty: Promises, programs, and long term results (pp. 11 44). Albany, NY: SUNY Press. Bowman, Donovan, & Burns (2001). Finn, J.D. (2002). Class size
reduction in g ades K 3. In A. Molnar (Ed.). (2002). School reform proposals: The research evidence (pp. 27 48). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing. Frede (1998). NICHD Early
Child Care Research Network (1999). Child outcomes when child care center classes meet recommended standards for quality. American Journal of Public Health, 89, 1072 1077.
National Association for the Education of Young Children (2005). NAEYC early childhood program standards and accreditation criteria. Washington, DC: Author.
7 A large lite ature establishes linkages between staff child atio, prog am quality, and child outcomes. A atio of 1:10 allows more children per teacher than in prog ams that have
demonst ated large gains in disadvantaged children and is the lowest (fewest number of children per teacher) gene ally accepted by professional opinion. Barnett (1998). Bowman,
Donovan, & Burns (2001). Frede (1998). NICHD Early Child Care Research Network (1999). National Association for the Education of Young Children (2005).

Early learning standards are also critical to quality, as they offer programs guidance and ensure that they cover the full range
of areas essential to children’s learning and development.8 States should have comprehensive early learning standards
covering all areas identified as fundamental by the National Education Goals Panel9—children’s physical well-being and
motor development, social/emotional development, approaches toward learning, language development, and cognition
and general knowledge. These standards should be specifically tailored to the learning of preschool-age children so that it is
appropriate for their level of development.
The Quality Standards Checklist also addresses the comprehensive services that preschool education programs should be
expected to offer. Programs should provide at least one meal;10 vision, hearing, and health screenings and referrals;11 and
other support services, such as parent education, parent conferences and/or home visits, or referrals for such services.12
These items are included because children’s overall well-being and success in school involves not only their cognitive
development but also their physical and social/emotional health.
It is important to note that the Quality Standards Checklist focuses on state preschool policy requirements rather than actual
practice. A state with good policies may have some programs that fail to comply with these policies; conversely, a state with
weak policies may have many programs that exceed state minimum standards. While evaluating implementation of
standards is outside the scope of this report, the checklist does include an indicator of whether states are taking steps to
monitor programs’ implementation of the quality standards. Policies requiring strong state quality standards are essential,
but it is also necessary to have a means of ascertaining that individual pre-K programs meet those standards.13 Therefore,
programs should require at a minimum that all sites are visited for program quality at least once every five years to enforce
standards and to ensure high-quality education in state-funded preschool programs.

The table in the Resources section provides the following information: total state spending for the state prekindergarten
initiative; whether a local match, monetary or in-kind, is required; amount of state Head Start spending (if applicable); state
spending per child enrolled in the program; and all reported (local, state, and federal) spending per child enrolled in the
program. These measures show various views of the resources dedicated to pre-K, which allows for a more complete picture
of a state’s commitment to preschool education. For example, a state’s total spending may appear low, but may prove to be
high relative to the number of children enrolled. On the other hand, a state with a high total funding level may have a low
per-pupil spending level if it enrolls a large number of children. In some states, local communities contribute substantial
additional funds to state preschool education by using local funding sources or by leveraging federal funding sources. In
such cases, the figure that includes all reported spending is the best gauge of the level of available resources, to the extent
that information about local and locally allocated federal spending is available.
The bar chart in the Resources section compares per-child spending in state-funded programs to federal Head Start and K-12
per-child spending. Head Start per-child spending for the 2014-2015 year includes funding only for 3- and 4-year-olds served.
Past years’ figures have unintentionally included funds for Early Head Start, which made per-child amounts seem artificially
higher. Different colors indicate the different funding sources (local, state, and federal). Separate colors are used to indicate
any TANF funds that a state directs toward its preschool initiative. While TANF funds are federal dollars, it is the state’s
decision to devote these funds to preschool education, as opposed to other purposes. Data on the amounts of local and
federal preschool funds are included in the bar chart when available.

8 Current p actice too frequently underestimates children’s apabilities to learn during the preschool years. Clear and appropriate expectations for learning and development across all
domains are essential to an educationally effective preschool prog am. Bowman, Donovan, & Burns (2001). Frede (1998). Kendall, J.S. (2003). Setting standards in early childhood
education. Educational Leadership, 60(7), 64 68.
9 National Education Goals Panel (1991). The Goal 1 Technical Planning Subgroup report on school readiness. Washington, DC: Author.
10 Good nutrition contributes to healthy b ain development and children’s learning. Shonkoff, J.P., & Phillips, D.A. (Eds.). (2000). From neurons to neighborhoods: The science of early
childhood development. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
11 For some children, preschool provides the first opportunity to detect vision, hearing, and health problems that may impair a child’s learning and development. This opportunity should
not be missed. Meisels, S J., & Atkins Burnett, S. (2000). The elements of early childhood assessment. In J.P. Shonkoff & S J. Meisels (Eds.). (2000). Handbook of early childhood
intervention (pp. 231 257). New York: Cambridge University Press.
12 Families are the primary source of support for child development, and the most effective prog ams have partnered with parents. Bowman, Donovan, & Burns (2001). Frede (1998).
13 Monitoring of prog am quality and external accountability for pre K are essential components of prog am standards. Bowman, Donovan, & Burns (2001).

AA Associate of Arts EPSDT Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment
ACF Administration for Children and Families ESI-R Early Screening Inventory-Revised
AEPS(i) Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming System ESL English as a Second Language
for Infants and Children (interactive) EVT Expressive Vocabulary Test
ARRA American Recovery and Reinvestment Act FCCERS Family Child Care Environment Rating Scale
ASQ(SE) Ages and Stages Questionnaires (Social-Emotional) FPL Federal Poverty Level
AYP Adequate Yearly Progress (No Child Left Behind) FTE Full-time Equivalent
B– Denotes that the age range covered by a teaching FY Fiscal Year
license begins at birth (e.g., B–3 = birth–grade 3)
GED General Equivalency Diploma
BA Bachelor of Arts
GGG Get It, Got It, Go
BS Bachelor of Science
HdSt Head Start
BMI Body Mass Index
HSD High School Diploma
BRI Basic Reading Inventory
IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
BS Bachelor of Science
IEP Individualized Education Plan
CACFP Child and Adult Care Food Program
IFSP Individualized Family Service Plan
CBO Community-Based Organization
K Kindergarten
CC Child Care
KRAL Kindergarten Readiness Assessment Literacy
CCDF Child Care and Development Fund
LEA Local Education Agency
CCSS Common Core State Standards
LELA Language and Emerging Literacy Assessment
CD Child Development
MA Master of Arts
CDA Child Development Associate credential
N– Denotes that the age range covered by a teaching
CEU Continuing Education Unit license begins at nursery (e.g., N–3 = nursery–grade 3)
CLASS Classroom Assessment Scoring System NA Not Applicable
COR HighScope Child Observation Record NAEYC National Association for the Education of
DIAL Developmental Indicators for the Assessment Young Children
of Learning NCLB No Child Left Behind
DIBELS Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills NEGP National Education Goals Panel
DLL Dual Language Learner NSBP/NSLP National School Breakfast/Lunch Program
DOE Department of Education NSLP National School Lunch Program
DRA Developmental Reading Assessment PALS Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening
DSC Developing Skills Checklist P– Denotes that the age range covered by a teaching
license begins at preschool (e.g., P–4 = preschool–
EC Early Childhood
grade 4)
ECE Early Childhood Education
PIR Program Information Report (Head Start)
ECERS -R Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale-Revised
PPVT Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test
ECSE Early Childhood Special Education
Pre-K Prekindergarten
ECHOS Early Childhood Observation System
QRIS Quality Rating and Improvement System
Ed.D Doctor of Education Degree
RTT Race to the Top
Ed.S Educational Specialist Degree
SMI State Median Income
EE Elementary Education
SpEd Special Education
ELAS Early Learning Assessment System
TANF Temporary Assistance to Needy Families
ELL English Language Learner
T.E.A.C.H. Teacher Education and Compensation Helps
ELLCO Early Language and Literacy Classroom Observation (T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® Project)
ELS Early Learning Standards USDA United States Department of Agriculture
EOWPVT Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test WSS Work Sampling System

From: Phillips, Eric Falk
To: "Leslie Patterson"
Subject: RE: can you send me the most recent release and if you have the full final report yet? thanks.
Date: Monday, May 09, 2016 5:27:14 PM

Thanks a lot
From: Leslie Patterson [mailto:leslie@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 5:25 PM
To: Phillips, Eric Falk
Subject: Re: can you send me the most recent release and if you have the full final report yet? thanks.
Hi Eric, 
Attached are the most recent versions of the national and NY-specific press release. Also attached is the
most updated version of the report, but they are still making changes, so this isn’t quite final. 
From: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Monday, May 9, 2016 at 4:58 PM
To: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: can you send me the most recent release and if you have the full final report yet? thanks.
Eric Phillips
Deputy Director of Communications for Special Projects
New York City Mayor’s Office, City Hall
(o) 212-341-5031 (c) 917-291-0166
From: Phillips, Eric Falk
To: "Steve Barnett"
Cc: Leslie Patterson; Daniel, Michaela
Subject: RE: City/State Speakers
Date: Monday, May 09, 2016 6:25:39 PM

No problem. Will do. Thanks.

From: Steve Barnett [mailto:sbarnett@nieer.org]
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 6:25 PM
To: Phillips, Eric Falk
Cc: Leslie Patterson; Daniel, Michaela
Subject: Re: City/State Speakers

Hi Eric: The last is best from our perspective. This is a national event and we don't want it
to seem too local. Thanks. Steve

W. Steven Barnett, Ph.D.

National Institute for Early Education Research
Rutgers University
73 Easton Ave
New Brunswick, NJ  08901

Phone: (848) 932-4350

Fax: (732) 932-4360

On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 6:14 PM, Phillips, Eric Falk <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Steve and Leslie – we’d like to invite Speakers Heastie and Viverito to Thursday’s event.
Odds are low they’ll be able to make it, but I think extending the invite is a smart move in
the broader effort. With your OK, we’d say a hard two minutes tops for any remarks of
theirs. Please let me know if we’re clear to extend the offer. Or, similarly, if your team would
like to extend it on your own channel. We can also cover them with a purely informational
heads-up and extend no official role in the programming. Whatever you feel most
comfortable with. Thanks.


Eric Phillips
Deputy Director of Communications for Special Projects
New York City Mayor’s Office, City Hall
(o) 212-341-5031 (c) 917-291-0166
From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: Dan Levitan
Subject: Re: Bronx
Date: Monday, May 09, 2016 8:07:47 PM

I'll find out

Sent from mobile

On May 9, 2016, at 11:05 AM, Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Looking like week of 23 rd .  Any day that works?

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Leslie Patterson
To: Grybauskas, Stefan; Phillips, Eric Falk; "Steve Barnett"; Gross, Dan
Cc: Coney, Javon; Daniel, Michaela
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?
Date: Tuesday, May 10, 2016 10:56:06 AM

Wonderful – thanks!

From: "Grybauskas, Stefan" <SGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Tuesday, May 10, 2016 at 10:49 AM
To: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>, "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>, 'Steve
Barnett' <sbarnett@nieer.org>, "Gross, Dan" <DGross@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Coney, Javon" <JConey@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?


Regarding the podium, sound, etc. Javon will bring and facilitate set up. We can take care of all of that.


Stefan Grybauskas
Director of Advance
Office of the Mayor
City of New York
C: 347-515-5874

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Leslie Patterson
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2016 10:45 AM
To: Phillips, Eric Falk; 'Steve Barnett'; Gross, Dan
Cc: Grybauskas, Stefan; Coney, Javon; Daniel, Michaela
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Hi Eric - 

Thank you so much. This sounds great to us. And just to confirm, since you’ll all be bringing the Mayor’s
podium, we don’t need to worry about a mic stand or anything?

Also, below is an updated ROS based on changes we’ve discussed. Let me know if you see any issues here
(also, we know Mayor might not get there until 1:15pm). 

1-1:15pm: Speakers in holding room, last minute prep/questions

1:15pm: Welcome remarks from program director
1:17pm: Steve Barnett’s remarks
1:22pm: Mayor’s remarks
1:30pm: Randi Weingarten’s remarks
1:35pm: General Hall’s remarks
1:40pm: Libby Doggett’s remarks
1:45pm: Mayor speaks to parents (3-5mins)
1:50pm: Libby reads to children
2:00pm: End


From: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Tuesday, May 10, 2016 at 10:18 AM
To: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>, 'Steve Barnett' <sbarnett@nieer.org>, "Gross, Dan"
Cc: "Grybauskas, Stefan" <SGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Coney, Javon"
<JConey@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Steve and Leslie, based on our walkthrough, our thought is that we can do the program in room 6.
Backdrop is a classroom that the school will adorn with extra classroomy things. We’ll have the
mayor's podium and 4 or 5 seats off to the side of the podium for program speakers to sit in when
they are not at the podium speaking. The space isn't very large, but we could put down 30-50 chairs
and have press set up on the floor along the back of the room. After the speaking program, we
could have the mayor move into the foyer area right next to room 6 to talk with some of the parents
while standing. Press could capture some of this from the corner of the foyer.
How does this sound to your team?

From: Phillips, Eric Falk

Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 3:16 PM
To: 'Leslie Patterson'; Steve Barnett; Gross, Dan
Cc: Grybauskas, Stefan; Coney, Javon; Daniel, Michaela
Subject: RE: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Sorry – we all agree the book-reading would have been nice but unfortunately the Mayor’s had
something come up on the backend of the event that is pressing our schedule. We’ll have to cut that
portion. He’ll have a security detail and three or four staff with him for the event. 1:15 push up for a
start time works. Thanks.

From: Leslie Patterson [mailto:leslie@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 2:59 PM
To: Steve Barnett; Gross, Dan
Cc: Grybauskas, Stefan; Phillips, Eric Falk; Coney, Javon; Daniel, Michaela
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Hi all – checking back on reading question and guest count for the Mayor’s team. 
Thanks so much, 

From: Steve Barnett <sbarnett@nieer.org>

Date: Monday, May 9, 2016 at 12:21 PM
To: "Gross, Dan" <DGross@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>, "Grybauskas, Stefan" <SGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>,
"Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Coney, Javon" <JConey@cityhall.nyc.gov>,
"Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Book reading is probably the best visual the Mayor will get on national networks--people respond
emotionally to this demonstration of what the Mayor's initiative is really about and how much he cares in
way it is difficult to get with a speech. 

W. Steven Barnett, Ph.D.

National Institute for Early Education Research
Rutgers University
73 Easton Ave
New Brunswick, NJ  08901

Phone: (848) 932-4350

Fax: (732) 932-4360

On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 10:49 AM, Gross, Dan <DGross@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Hi Leslie, we will move the timing on our end to 1:15. Would we need to cut the book reading on the back
end.  Also, can you have someone from your team join Javon for the walkthrough?  

Dan Gross
Deputy Communications Director 
Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio
(O) 212-341-0011
(C) 917-428-1692

On May 9, 2016, at 10:25 AM, Leslie Patterson <leslie@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Hi Stefan and Javon, 

Yes, I don’t think that should be a problem. Let me know what day/time you were thinking
and I can see if someone from the preschool can do a walkthrough with you. 

Javon – please also see my questions below and let me know the answers when you have a
Leslie Patterson
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5326 desk // 561.801.5963 cell

From: "Grybauskas, Stefan" <SGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Monday, May 9, 2016 at 10:08 AM
To: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>, "Gross, Dan" <DGross@cityhall.nyc.gov>,
"Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Coney, Javon"
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, 'Steve Barnett'
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?


Would someone be able to do a walkthrough with my colleague Javon Coney, cc'ed here,
today?  He is going to be lead on this event from my team.

Stefan Grybauskas
Director of Advance
Office of the Mayor
City of New York
C: 347-515-5874

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Leslie Patterson
Sent: Monday, May 9, 2016 9:41 AM
To: Gross, Dan; Phillips, Eric Falk
Cc: Daniel, Michaela; 'Steve Barnett'; Grybauskas, Stefan
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Hi Dan, 

Wanted to make sure you saw this last week. Let me know if you have any questions on it.
Also made a couple updates based on new confirmed speakers.

Also wanted to raise a question about timing – we are a little worried about parents starting
to come pick up their kids from preschool in the middle of our event. I wonder if there’s any
possibility of bumping the event up to 1pm or 1:15pm. Understand if the Mayor’s schedule
doesn’t allow for that, but let us know if there’s any flexibility. 
Additionally, as soon as you can, we need a list of who will be accompanying the Mayor or,
at the least, a number of how many people will be with him. 

Please let me know when you have a moment. 


From: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>

Date: Friday, May 6, 2016 at 1:47 PM
To: "Gross, Dan" <DGross@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Phillips, Eric Falk"
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, 'Steve Barnett'
<sbarnett@nieer.org>, "Grybauskas, Stefan" <SGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

We have the speakers giving their remarks at a podium/elevated stage, an audience of

maybe 50 people or so, including parents, the Mayor stepping off stage after the formal
remarks to talk to a group of parents, and then the Mayor going to read to a group of kids in
another part of the room. It will be a in a classroom, so the visuals of of a pre-K classroom at
Sugar Hill Museum’s preschool will be incorporated. The run of show we agreed on with Eric

Welcome from program director

Steve's remarks (3-5 min)
The Mayor
Randi Weingarten, AFT
Michael S. Hall, Major General, U.S. Air Force (Retired)
Libby Doggett from the DOE
Then Mayor leaves stage and has 5 minute conversation with parents about what
pre-K has done for their children and families (on camera). 
Then Mayor goes to classroom where Mayor reads short book or part of book to kids
on camera.

If that doesn’t answer the question, can you let me know a little more specifically what you
mean by visuals?


From: Gross, Dan

Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 12:52 PM
To: 'Leslie Patterson'; Phillips, Eric Falk
Cc: Daniel, Michaela; Steve Barnett
Subject: RE: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Thanks Leslie.  Any sense on a visual?  I’m adding Stefan, the Mayor’s Advance Director to the
chain to coordinate a walkthrough.

Dan Gross| Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio

Deputy Director of Communications for Planning and Execution
o: 212.341.0011 | c: 917.428.1692

From: Leslie Patterson [mailto:leslie@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 12:19 PM
To: Gross, Dan; Phillips, Eric Falk
Cc: Daniel, Michaela; Steve Barnett
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Hi Dan, 

We’re still working to finalize some of these details, but currently the plan is to hold the
event in one of the classrooms at the Sugar Hill Museum preschool. There will be an area,
possibly elevated, where the speakers make their remarks, and there would also be an area
set up for the Mayor to read to a group of kids for a couple minutes in another portion of the

We’re still working with the preschool to figure out which room and additional details, but
do please let me know what specifics you’ll need and also if the Mayor be bringing his own

Leslie Patterson
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5326 desk // 561.801.5963 cell

From: "Gross, Dan" <DGross@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Friday, May 6, 2016 at 11:29 AM
To: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Steve Barnett
Subject: RE: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Thanks Eric.  Leslie, can you provide me information on the location and the current set up plans? 
Visuals, ect…
Dan Gross| Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio
Deputy Director of Communications for Planning and Execution
o: 212.341.0011 | c: 917.428.1692

From: Phillips, Eric Falk

Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 11:23 AM
To: 'Leslie Patterson'
Cc: Daniel, Michaela; Steve Barnett; Gross, Dan
Subject: RE: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Thanks for the offer, but we’re going to pass on the op-ed. I’m including a colleague of
mine, Dan Gross, who will be leading the discussion on event logistics from our side.

From: Leslie Patterson [mailto:leslie@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 12:06 PM
To: Phillips, Eric Falk
Cc: Daniel, Michaela; Steve Barnett
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Hi Eric,

Wanted to check back on the op-ed and see if you’ve had a chance to
look/make edits at all. Hoping to start pitching this week to place in conjunction
with release next Thurs. 


From: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Tuesday, May 3, 2016 at 5:45 PM
To: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Steve Barnett
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Thanks, Leslie. I’ll take a look at the piece and get back to you tomorrow on it. I edited the
quote below, and it’s approved to use with these small changes. I also edited the ROS, below
that. Note the cut on Q&A and, when you can, please send me the title of the book at least a
few days beforehand

“High-quality early education is a necessity, not a luxury,” said New York City
Mayor Bill de Blasio. “Here in New York, we’ve seen firsthand that action by city
and state governments can lift enrollment and the quality of education for tens
of thousands of children in our communities. At a time of political polarization,
these initiatives receive wide bipartisan support – and for good reason. There’s
no better way to ensure future success for our kids and our states.”than to
invest in their early education.”

Welcome from program director

Steve's remarks (3-5 min)
The Mayor
Tentative: Either labor leader (Randi Weingarten AFT possible) or business leader
Libby Doggett from the DOE
Q and A
Then Mayor leaves stage and has 5 minute conversation with parents about what
pre-K has done for their children and families (on camera). 
Then Mayor goes to classroom where Mayor reads short book or part of book to kids
on camera.

From: Leslie Patterson <leslie@berlinrosen.com>

Date: Monday, May 2, 2016 at 11:49 AM
To: "Eric F. Phillips" <efphillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Steve Barnett
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Hi Eric, 

Hope you’re well and had a nice weekend. Wanted to check in on the below, and also share
with you an op-ed that we would love for the Mayor to co-sign. It’s attached here – would
Mayor de Blasio and your office be open to that? We’d welcome feedback and edits, if so,
and we’re hoping to place in a high-value NYC target around the release. 

Additionally, attached is the NYC section of the executive summary in the report, for

Let me know if you have any questions, and what we can move forward on. Thanks!


From: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>

Date: Friday, April 29, 2016 at 4:58 PM
To: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Steve Barnett
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Hi Eric, 
Thanks for checking in. Attached is the most recent version of the release, with the proposed
quote for the Mayor below:

“High quality early education is a necessity, not a luxury,” said New York City Mayor Bill de
Blasio. “Here in New York, we’ve seen first hand that action by state governments can lift
enrollment and quality for thousands of children in our communities. At a time of political
polarization, these initiatives receive wide bipartisan support – and for good reason. There’s
no better way to ensure future success for our kids and our states.”

Steve, can you also send Eric the most up to date version of the report when you have a

For the run of show, we are suggesting: 

Welcome from program director

Steve's remarks (3-5 min)
The Mayor
Tentative: Either labor leader (Randi Weingarten AFT possible) or business leader
Libby Doggett from the DOE
Q and A
Then Mayor leaves stage and has 5 minute conversation with parents about what
pre-K has done for their children and families (on camera). 
Then Mayor goes to classroom where Mayor reads short book or part of book to kids
on camera.

Let me know what else we can get you. 

Leslie Patterson
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5326 desk // 561.801.5963 cell

From: Steve Barnett <sbarnett@nieer.org>

Date: Thursday, April 28, 2016 at 2:55 PM
To: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Hi Eric:  I am connecting you with Leslie Patterson at Berlin Rosen who is handling press for
us on the Yearbook release and this event.  We need to get confirmation that the run of
show is acceptable for the Mayor among other things.


W. Steven Barnett, Ph.D.

National Institute for Early Education Research
Rutgers University
73 Easton Ave
New Brunswick, NJ  08901

Phone: (848) 932-4350

Fax: (732) 932-4360

On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 12:36 PM, Daniel, Michaela <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Thanks so much – this was really helpful.  I’m connecting you with Eric Phillips
from our communications team so you guys can coordinate on details.

From: Steve Barnett [mailto:sbarnett@nieer.org]

Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2016 11:37 AM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Here you go with proposed quote for the Mayor highlighted in blue.

Here is our plan for run of show for the event.

Welcome from program director, my remarks (3-5 min), Mayor, business person
if possible, labor leader (Randi Weingarten AFT possible). Q and A. Then
Mayor leaves stage and has 5 minute conversation with parents about what pre-K
has done for their children and families (on camera). Then go to classroom
where Mayor reads short book or part of book to kids on camera.

Alternatives as speakers--representative from US DOE (Sec. King not available)

or Jacqueline Jones from the Foundation for Child Development, or a parent.

Does the Mayor's office have a business representative they might like to feature
or a state legislative leader?

W. Steven Barnett, Ph.D.

National Institute for Early Education Research
Rutgers University
73 Easton Ave
New Brunswick, NJ  08901

Phone: (848) 932-4350

Fax: (732) 932-4360

On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 10:31 AM, Daniel, Michaela

<mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Hi Steve –

Just a reminder to send those drafts – I am talking to our press folks at 12

and would love to have them with me.


From: Steve Barnett [mailto:sbarnett@nieer.org]

Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 4:02 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

I will have drafts. We have a final messaging meeting Thursday at 2

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 27, 2016, at 3:59 PM, "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>


Thank you!  If it’s possible for you to send it before noon, that
would be fantastic.

From: Steve Barnett [mailto:sbarnett@nieer.org]

Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 3:59 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Betty Holcomb; Nancy Kolben
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact

Yes. I am traveling today but will pull it all together for you

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 27, 2016, at 3:50 PM, "Daniel, Michaela"

<mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Hi Everyone –

For now, it seems like I’m still the best point of

contact on this. 

As you can imagine, with yesterday’s budget release,

our communications team has been pretty busy, but
I’m meeting with them about this tomorrow
morning.  Steve, if you have a proposed run of show,
attendee list, press pitch, etc., can you please send all
of that stuff my way?

Steve, I think you’ve been working with Sophia and

her team on some pieces of this – can you please
keep me looped on those emails?  I just want to
make sure we’re all on the same page with so many
chefs in this kitchen.


From: Betty Holcomb

Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 7:09 AM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Nancy Kolben; sbarnett@nieer.org
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us
the contact info?

Thanks so much--we look forward to hearing back


Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 25, 2016, at 6:29 PM, Daniel, Michaela

<mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Sorry for the delay.  Working to solidify

who the press leads are over here. 
Should be able to have the right person
tomorrow or Wed. Thanks!

From: Betty Holcomb

Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2016 4:06 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Nancy Kolben; sbarnett@nieer.org
Subject: Event-related questions -- can you
forward us the contact info?


Steve has a few questions about the event

Can you forward the full contact info for

Devora and Jessica from DOE and CH

He has a couple questions related to other

elected officials, prominent figures to
include at the event. Is that the sort of thing
that Devora and Jessica can field – or
should that type of question come to you?

Just trying to keep things simple,


Please note our new company name, website and



Betty Holcomb
Policy Director
Center for Children's Initiatives (formerly Child Care,
322 Eighth Ave, 4 Fl
New York, NY 10001
212.381.0009 direct line
212.929.7604 ext 3004
212.929.5785 fax

From: Daniel, Michaela

Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2016 4:27 PM
To: Betty Holcomb
Cc: Nancy Kolben
Subject: RE: So wonderful on yearbook release
-- do you have a few minutes today or tomorrow
to discuss a few related details?

Happy to talk but if these are event-

related questions, I’d love to loop you
both with Devora and Jessica from DOE
and CH communications.

From: Betty Holcomb

Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2016 3:09 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Nancy Kolben
Subject: So wonderful on yearbook release --
do you have a few minutes today or tomorrow to
discuss a few related details?


THANK YOU so much for shepherding

through the event for the Yearbook!

Nancy and I had a few minutes to catch up

with Steve Barnett, and we have just a few
details and questions we’d like to vet with
you about the event.

Do you have a few minutes between now

and Friday?

We are very flexible. We are thinking this

would take not more than 15 minutes or so


Please note our new company name, website and



Betty Holcomb
Policy Director
Center for Children's Initiatives (formerly Child Care,
322 Eighth Ave, 4 Fl
New York, NY 10001
212.381.0009 direct line
212.929.7604 ext 3004
212.929.5785 fax
From: Leslie Patterson
To: Phillips, Eric Falk
Subject: Re:
Date: Tuesday, May 10, 2016 11:48:01 AM

Definitely a mix!

From: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Tuesday, May 10, 2016 at 11:03 AM
To: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: <no subject>

Who do we think the 50 attendees will be? all parents? Or a mix of parents, teachers, staff,
advocates etc.
Eric Phillips
Deputy Director of Communications for Special Projects
New York City Mayor’s Office, City Hall
(o) 212-341-5031 (c) 917-291-0166
From: Leslie Patterson
To: Phillips, Eric Falk
Cc: "Steve Barnett"
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?
Date: Tuesday, May 10, 2016 11:48:23 AM


We’re compiling bios today and should have something to share with you a bit later.


From: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Tuesday, May 10, 2016 at 11:41 AM
To: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Do you have Hall’s bio somewhere?

From: Leslie Patterson [mailto:leslie@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2016 11:00 AM
To: Phillips, Eric Falk; 'Steve Barnett'; Gross, Dan
Cc: Grybauskas, Stefan; Coney, Javon; Daniel, Michaela
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?


Gen. Hall is a retired General in the US Air Force, who will be speaking to the biz/workforce
prep case for preschool. 
From: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Tuesday, May 10, 2016 at 10:54 AM
To: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>, 'Steve Barnett' <sbarnett@nieer.org>, "Gross, Dan"
Cc: "Grybauskas, Stefan" <SGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Coney, Javon"
<JConey@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?
ROS looks good. Who’s General Hall?
From: Leslie Patterson [mailto:leslie@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2016 10:45 AM
To: Phillips, Eric Falk; 'Steve Barnett'; Gross, Dan
Cc: Grybauskas, Stefan; Coney, Javon; Daniel, Michaela
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Hi Eric - 
Thank you so much. This sounds great to us. And just to confirm, since you’ll all be bringing
the Mayor’s podium, we don’t need to worry about a mic stand or anything?

Also, below is an updated ROS based on changes we’ve discussed. Let me know if you see
any issues here (also, we know Mayor might not get there until 1:15pm). 

1-1:15pm: Speakers in holding room, last minute prep/questions

1:15pm: Welcome remarks from program director
1:17pm: Steve Barnett’s remarks
1:22pm: Mayor’s remarks
1:30pm: Randi Weingarten’s remarks
1:35pm: General Hall’s remarks
1:40pm: Libby Doggett’s remarks
1:45pm: Mayor speaks to parents (3-5mins)
1:50pm: Libby reads to children
2:00pm: End

From: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Tuesday, May 10, 2016 at 10:18 AM
To: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>, 'Steve Barnett' <sbarnett@nieer.org>, "Gross, Dan"
Cc: "Grybauskas, Stefan" <SGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Coney, Javon"
<JConey@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?
Steve and Leslie, based on our walkthrough, our thought is that we can do the program in room 6.
Backdrop is a classroom that the school will adorn with extra classroomy things. We’ll have the
mayor's podium and 4 or 5 seats off to the side of the podium for program speakers to sit in when
they are not at the podium speaking. The space isn't very large, but we could put down 30-50 chairs
and have press set up on the floor along the back of the room. After the speaking program, we
could have the mayor move into the foyer area right next to room 6 to talk with some of the parents
while standing. Press could capture some of this from the corner of the foyer.
How does this sound to your team?
From: Phillips, Eric Falk
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 3:16 PM
To: 'Leslie Patterson'; Steve Barnett; Gross, Dan
Cc: Grybauskas, Stefan; Coney, Javon; Daniel, Michaela
Subject: RE: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?
Sorry – we all agree the book-reading would have been nice but unfortunately the Mayor’s had
something come up on the backend of the event that is pressing our schedule. We’ll have to cut that
portion. He’ll have a security detail and three or four staff with him for the event. 1:15 push up for a
start time works. Thanks.
From: Leslie Patterson [mailto:leslie@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 2:59 PM
To: Steve Barnett; Gross, Dan
Cc: Grybauskas, Stefan; Phillips, Eric Falk; Coney, Javon; Daniel, Michaela
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Hi all – checking back on reading question and guest count for the Mayor’s team. 
Thanks so much, 
From: Steve Barnett <sbarnett@nieer.org>
Date: Monday, May 9, 2016 at 12:21 PM
To: "Gross, Dan" <DGross@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>, "Grybauskas, Stefan" <SGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>,
"Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Coney, Javon" <JConey@cityhall.nyc.gov>,
"Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?
Book reading is probably the best visual the Mayor will get on national networks--people respond
emotionally to this demonstration of what the Mayor's initiative is really about and how much he cares in
way it is difficult to get with a speech. 

W. Steven Barnett, Ph.D.

National Institute for Early Education Research
Rutgers University
73 Easton Ave
New Brunswick, NJ  08901
Phone: (848) 932-4350
Fax: (732) 932-4360
On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 10:49 AM, Gross, Dan <DGross@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Hi Leslie, we will move the timing on our end to 1:15. Would we need to cut the book reading on the back
end.  Also, can you have someone from your team join Javon for the walkthrough?  

Dan Gross
Deputy Communications Director 
Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio
(O) 212-341-0011
(C) 917-428-1692

On May 9, 2016, at 10:25 AM, Leslie Patterson <leslie@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Hi Stefan and Javon, 

Yes, I don’t think that should be a problem. Let me know what day/time you were thinking
and I can see if someone from the preschool can do a walkthrough with you. 
Javon – please also see my questions below and let me know the answers when you have a
Leslie Patterson
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5326 desk // 561.801.5963 cell
From: "Grybauskas, Stefan" <SGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Monday, May 9, 2016 at 10:08 AM
To: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>, "Gross, Dan" <DGross@cityhall.nyc.gov>,
"Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Coney, Javon"
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, 'Steve Barnett'
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?
Would someone be able to do a walkthrough with my colleague Javon Coney, cc'ed here,
today?  He is going to be lead on this event from my team.
Stefan Grybauskas
Director of Advance
Office of the Mayor
City of New York
C: 347-515-5874

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Leslie Patterson
Sent: Monday, May 9, 2016 9:41 AM
To: Gross, Dan; Phillips, Eric Falk
Cc: Daniel, Michaela; 'Steve Barnett'; Grybauskas, Stefan
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?
Hi Dan, 
Wanted to make sure you saw this last week. Let me know if you have any questions on it.
Also made a couple updates based on new confirmed speakers.
Also wanted to raise a question about timing – we are a little worried about parents starting
to come pick up their kids from preschool in the middle of our event. I wonder if there’s any
possibility of bumping the event up to 1pm or 1:15pm. Understand if the Mayor’s schedule
doesn’t allow for that, but let us know if there’s any flexibility. 
Additionally, as soon as you can, we need a list of who will be accompanying the Mayor or,
at the least, a number of how many people will be with him. 
Please let me know when you have a moment. 
From: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Date: Friday, May 6, 2016 at 1:47 PM
To: "Gross, Dan" <DGross@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Phillips, Eric Falk"
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, 'Steve Barnett'
<sbarnett@nieer.org>, "Grybauskas, Stefan" <SGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?
We have the speakers giving their remarks at a podium/elevated stage, an audience of
maybe 50 people or so, including parents, the Mayor stepping off stage after the formal
remarks to talk to a group of parents, and then the Mayor going to read to a group of kids in
another part of the room. It will be a in a classroom, so the visuals of of a pre-K classroom at
Sugar Hill Museum’s preschool will be incorporated. The run of show we agreed on with Eric

Welcome from program director
Steve's remarks (3-5 min)
The Mayor
Randi Weingarten, AFT
Michael S. Hall, Major General, U.S. Air Force (Retired)
Libby Doggett from the DOE
Then Mayor leaves stage and has 5 minute conversation with parents about what
pre-K has done for their children and families (on camera). 
Then Mayor goes to classroom where Mayor reads short book or part of book to kids
on camera.
If that doesn’t answer the question, can you let me know a little more specifically what you
mean by visuals?
From: Gross, Dan
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 12:52 PM
To: 'Leslie Patterson'; Phillips, Eric Falk
Cc: Daniel, Michaela; Steve Barnett
Subject: RE: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Thanks Leslie.  Any sense on a visual?  I’m adding Stefan, the Mayor’s Advance Director to the
chain to coordinate a walkthrough.
Dan Gross| Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio
Deputy Director of Communications for Planning and Execution
o: 212.341.0011 | c: 917.428.1692
From: Leslie Patterson [mailto:leslie@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 12:19 PM
To: Gross, Dan; Phillips, Eric Falk
Cc: Daniel, Michaela; Steve Barnett
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Hi Dan, 
We’re still working to finalize some of these details, but currently the plan is to hold the
event in one of the classrooms at the Sugar Hill Museum preschool. There will be an area,
possibly elevated, where the speakers make their remarks, and there would also be an area
set up for the Mayor to read to a group of kids for a couple minutes in another portion of the
We’re still working with the preschool to figure out which room and additional details, but
do please let me know what specifics you’ll need and also if the Mayor be bringing his own
Leslie Patterson
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5326 desk // 561.801.5963 cell
From: "Gross, Dan" <DGross@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Friday, May 6, 2016 at 11:29 AM
To: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Steve Barnett
Subject: RE: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?
Thanks Eric.  Leslie, can you provide me information on the location and the current set up plans? 
Visuals, ect…
Dan Gross| Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio
Deputy Director of Communications for Planning and Execution
o: 212.341.0011 | c: 917.428.1692
From: Phillips, Eric Falk
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 11:23 AM
To: 'Leslie Patterson'
Cc: Daniel, Michaela; Steve Barnett; Gross, Dan
Subject: RE: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Thanks for the offer, but we’re going to pass on the op-ed. I’m including a colleague of
mine, Dan Gross, who will be leading the discussion on event logistics from our side.
From: Leslie Patterson [mailto:leslie@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 12:06 PM
To: Phillips, Eric Falk
Cc: Daniel, Michaela; Steve Barnett
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Hi Eric,

Wanted to check back on the op-ed and see if you’ve had a chance to
look/make edits at all. Hoping to start pitching this week to place in conjunction
with release next Thurs. 

From: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Tuesday, May 3, 2016 at 5:45 PM
To: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Steve Barnett
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?
Thanks, Leslie. I’ll take a look at the piece and get back to you tomorrow on it. I edited the
quote below, and it’s approved to use with these small changes. I also edited the ROS, below
that. Note the cut on Q&A and, when you can, please send me the title of the book at least a
few days beforehand
“High-quality early education is a necessity, not a luxury,” said New York City
Mayor Bill de Blasio. “Here in New York, we’ve seen firsthand that action by city
and state governments can lift enrollment and the quality of education for tens
of thousands of children in our communities. At a time of political polarization,
these initiatives receive wide bipartisan support – and for good reason. There’s
no better way to ensure future success for our kids and our states.”than to
invest in their early education.”

Welcome from program director

Steve's remarks (3-5 min)
The Mayor
Tentative: Either labor leader (Randi Weingarten AFT possible) or business leader
Libby Doggett from the DOE
Q and A
Then Mayor leaves stage and has 5 minute conversation with parents about what
pre-K has done for their children and families (on camera). 
Then Mayor goes to classroom where Mayor reads short book or part of book to kids
on camera.
From: Leslie Patterson <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Date: Monday, May 2, 2016 at 11:49 AM
To: "Eric F. Phillips" <efphillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Steve Barnett
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?
Hi Eric, 
Hope you’re well and had a nice weekend. Wanted to check in on the below, and also share
with you an op-ed that we would love for the Mayor to co-sign. It’s attached here – would
Mayor de Blasio and your office be open to that? We’d welcome feedback and edits, if so,
and we’re hoping to place in a high-value NYC target around the release. 
Additionally, attached is the NYC section of the executive summary in the report, for
Let me know if you have any questions, and what we can move forward on. Thanks!
From: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Date: Friday, April 29, 2016 at 4:58 PM
To: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Steve Barnett
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?
Hi Eric, 
Thanks for checking in. Attached is the most recent version of the release, with the proposed
quote for the Mayor below:
“High quality early education is a necessity, not a luxury,” said New York City Mayor Bill de
Blasio. “Here in New York, we’ve seen first hand that action by state governments can lift
enrollment and quality for thousands of children in our communities. At a time of political
polarization, these initiatives receive wide bipartisan support – and for good reason. There’s
no better way to ensure future success for our kids and our states.”
Steve, can you also send Eric the most up to date version of the report when you have a
For the run of show, we are suggesting: 

Welcome from program director

Steve's remarks (3-5 min)
The Mayor
Tentative: Either labor leader (Randi Weingarten AFT possible) or business leader
Libby Doggett from the DOE
Q and A
Then Mayor leaves stage and has 5 minute conversation with parents about what
pre-K has done for their children and families (on camera). 
Then Mayor goes to classroom where Mayor reads short book or part of book to kids
on camera.
Let me know what else we can get you. 
Leslie Patterson
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5326 desk // 561.801.5963 cell
From: Steve Barnett <sbarnett@nieer.org>
Date: Thursday, April 28, 2016 at 2:55 PM
To: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?
Hi Eric:  I am connecting you with Leslie Patterson at Berlin Rosen who is handling press for
us on the Yearbook release and this event.  We need to get confirmation that the run of
show is acceptable for the Mayor among other things.

W. Steven Barnett, Ph.D.

National Institute for Early Education Research
Rutgers University
73 Easton Ave
New Brunswick, NJ  08901
Phone: (848) 932-4350
Fax: (732) 932-4360
On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 12:36 PM, Daniel, Michaela <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Thanks so much – this was really helpful.  I’m connecting you with Eric Phillips
from our communications team so you guys can coordinate on details.
From: Steve Barnett [mailto:sbarnett@nieer.org]
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2016 11:37 AM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Here you go with proposed quote for the Mayor highlighted in blue.

Here is our plan for run of show for the event.

Welcome from program director, my remarks (3-5 min), Mayor, business person
if possible, labor leader (Randi Weingarten AFT possible). Q and A. Then
Mayor leaves stage and has 5 minute conversation with parents about what pre-K
has done for their children and families (on camera). Then go to classroom
where Mayor reads short book or part of book to kids on camera.

Alternatives as speakers--representative from US DOE (Sec. King not available)

or Jacqueline Jones from the Foundation for Child Development, or a parent.
Does the Mayor's office have a business representative they might like to feature
or a state legislative leader?

W. Steven Barnett, Ph.D.

National Institute for Early Education Research
Rutgers University
73 Easton Ave
New Brunswick, NJ  08901

Phone: (848) 932-4350

Fax: (732) 932-4360

On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 10:31 AM, Daniel, Michaela

<mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Hi Steve –

Just a reminder to send those drafts – I am talking to our press folks at 12

and would love to have them with me.
From: Steve Barnett [mailto:sbarnett@nieer.org]
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 4:02 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

I will have drafts. We have a final messaging meeting Thursday at 2

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 27, 2016, at 3:59 PM, "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>


Thank you!  If it’s possible for you to send it before noon, that
would be fantastic.
From: Steve Barnett [mailto:sbarnett@nieer.org]
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 3:59 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Betty Holcomb; Nancy Kolben
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact

Yes. I am traveling today but will pull it all together for you

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 27, 2016, at 3:50 PM, "Daniel, Michaela"

<mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Hi Everyone –
For now, it seems like I’m still the best point of
contact on this. 
As you can imagine, with yesterday’s budget release,
our communications team has been pretty busy, but
I’m meeting with them about this tomorrow
morning.  Steve, if you have a proposed run of show,
attendee list, press pitch, etc., can you please send all
of that stuff my way?
Steve, I think you’ve been working with Sophia and
her team on some pieces of this – can you please
keep me looped on those emails?  I just want to
make sure we’re all on the same page with so many
chefs in this kitchen.
From: Betty Holcomb
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 7:09 AM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Nancy Kolben; sbarnett@nieer.org
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us
the contact info?

Thanks so much--we look forward to hearing back


Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 25, 2016, at 6:29 PM, Daniel, Michaela

<mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Sorry for the delay.  Working to solidify

who the press leads are over here. 
Should be able to have the right person
tomorrow or Wed. Thanks!
From: Betty Holcomb
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2016 4:06 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Nancy Kolben; sbarnett@nieer.org
Subject: Event-related questions -- can you
forward us the contact info?


Steve has a few questions about the event

Can you forward the full contact info for

Devora and Jessica from DOE and CH
He has a couple questions related to other
elected officials, prominent figures to
include at the event. Is that the sort of thing
that Devora and Jessica can field – or
should that type of question come to you?

Just trying to keep things simple,


Please note our new company name, website and

Betty Holcomb
Policy Director
Center for Children's Initiatives (formerly Child Care,
322 Eighth Ave, 4 Fl
New York, NY 10001
212.381.0009 direct line
212.929.7604 ext 3004
212.929.5785 fax

From: Daniel, Michaela

Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2016 4:27 PM
To: Betty Holcomb
Cc: Nancy Kolben
Subject: RE: So wonderful on yearbook release
-- do you have a few minutes today or tomorrow
to discuss a few related details?

Happy to talk but if these are event-

related questions, I’d love to loop you
both with Devora and Jessica from DOE
and CH communications.
From: Betty Holcomb
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2016 3:09 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Nancy Kolben
Subject: So wonderful on yearbook release --
do you have a few minutes today or tomorrow to
discuss a few related details?


THANK YOU so much for shepherding

through the event for the Yearbook!

Nancy and I had a few minutes to catch up

with Steve Barnett, and we have just a few
details and questions we’d like to vet with
you about the event.

Do you have a few minutes between now

and Friday?

We are very flexible. We are thinking this

would take not more than 15 minutes or so


Please note our new company name, website and

Betty Holcomb
Policy Director
Center for Children's Initiatives (formerly Child Care,
322 Eighth Ave, 4 Fl
New York, NY 10001
212.381.0009 direct line
212.929.7604 ext 3004
212.929.5785 fax
From: Phillips, Eric Falk
To: "Leslie Patterson"
Subject: RE: ?
Date: Tuesday, May 10, 2016 4:12:13 PM

All good.
From: Leslie Patterson [mailto:leslie@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2016 4:10 PM
To: Phillips, Eric Falk
Subject: Re: ?
So sorry about this, someone from NIEER (who was not supposed to be doing their social media) tweeted
this without looking at the headline. It’s been taken down, and we’re really sorry about the oversight! 
From: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Tuesday, May 10, 2016 at 3:53 PM
To: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: ?
NIEER @PreschoolToday 2h2 hours ago
City Parents Disgruntled Over @BilldeBlasio's #pre-K Program. #NY#NYC#universal
Eric Phillips
Deputy Director of Communications for Special Projects
New York City Mayor’s Office, City Hall
(o) 212-341-5031 (c) 917-291-0166
From: Phillips, Eric Falk
To: "Steve Barnett"
Cc: Leslie Patterson; Gross, Dan; Grybauskas, Stefan; Coney, Javon; Daniel, Michaela
Subject: RE: Video
Date: Tuesday, May 10, 2016 5:23:03 PM

Assuming the building doesn’t block the signal, our team will be live-streaming on nyc.gov and you
and your shop can send out that link from your side if you wish.
From: Steve Barnett [mailto:sbarnett@nieer.org]
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2016 5:11 PM
To: Phillips, Eric Falk
Cc: Leslie Patterson; Gross, Dan; Grybauskas, Stefan; Coney, Javon; Daniel, Michaela
Subject: Video

Hi--Is it OK to live stream if we figure out how to do it?

W. Steven Barnett, Ph.D.

National Institute for Early Education Research
Rutgers University
73 Easton Ave
New Brunswick, NJ  08901

Phone: (848) 932-4350

Fax: (732) 932-4360
From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: Dan Levitan
Subject: Cross street?
Date: Tuesday, May 10, 2016 6:34:09 PM

As soon as you can!! Pls and thank you.

Sent from mobile

From: Phillips, Eric Falk
To: Steve Barnett
Cc: Leslie Patterson
Subject: RE: Mayors Bio and Pic
Date: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 1:56:09 PM


From: Steve Barnett [mailto:sbarnett@nieer.org]

Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 11:46 AM
To: Phillips, Eric Falk
Cc: Leslie Patterson; Gross, Dan; Grybauskas, Stefan; Coney, Javon; Daniel, Michaela
Subject: Mayors Bio and Pic

Can you send me a bio and head shot for the Mayor to include in a handout for attendees?

W. Steven Barnett, Ph.D.

National Institute for Early Education Research
Rutgers University
73 Easton Ave
New Brunswick, NJ  08901

Phone: (848) 932-4350

Fax: (732) 932-4360
From: Phillips, Eric Falk
To: "Leslie Patterson"
Subject: RE: Do you have more info on this USAF General? Even just a full name
Date: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 2:29:54 PM

From: Leslie Patterson [mailto:leslie@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 2:22 PM
To: Phillips, Eric Falk
Subject: Re: Do you have more info on this USAF General? Even just a full name
Michael S. Hall
From: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 at 2:12 PM
To: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Do you have more info on this USAF General? Even just a full name
First name?
From: Leslie Patterson [mailto:leslie@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 2:11 PM
To: Phillips, Eric Falk
Subject: Re: Do you have more info on this USAF General? Even just a full name
Yes, sorry. Bio here:
Mr. Hall is a founding member and Vice-President of PFA Consulting, a firm responsible for
designing and delivering a wide range of leadership and organizational development programs for
private and public clients. Representative client services include mediation, large group facilitation
and employee coaching. PFA Consulting also provides strategic planning seminars for senior
management and customized risk management programs, in addition to organizational
assessments, training and development of policy and programs in sexual harassment prevention,
diversity management, employment practices liability and ethics programs. 
Prior to forming PFA Consulting, Mr. Hall was Commissioner (1992-1995) of the New York State
Division of Military and Naval Affairs, the agency tasked with the administration of the Army and Air
National Guard. As the Adjutant General, Mr. Hall provided visionary leadership during a difficult
period of transition, effectively managing one-third of a billion dollars of state and federal funds.
Mr. Hall devised and implemented a quality management program which resulted in an
unprecedented record of excellence. He instituted a comprehensive, top-down ethics program,
successfully resolving agency-wide compliance issues and actively recruited and assigned to
positions of senior executive level responsibility previously underrepresented minority members. 
Mr. Hall served as Chair of the New York State Disaster Preparedness Commission, (1992-1995), a
multi-agency commission tasked with disaster preparedness and response for the State of New
York. Mr. Hall was responsible for the integration of the functions of over a dozen diverse agencies
to create a cohesive disaster response team to protect the property and welfare of the citizens of
the State. 
Mr. Hall's distinguished career includes 27 years in the Air Force, including an assignment as the
Commander of a Tactical Fighter Wing where he pioneered the use of F-16 aircraft to provide close
air support. Mr. Hall served as the Senior Allied Air Liaison Officer during the first Gulf War and
attained the rank of Major General before retiring in 1995.
From: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 at 2:09 PM
To: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Do you have more info on this USAF General? Even just a full name
Eric Phillips
Deputy Director of Communications for Special Projects
New York City Mayor’s Office, City Hall
(o) 212-341-5031 (c) 917-291-0166
From: Phillips, Eric Falk
To: "Leslie Patterson"
Date: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 4:18:06 PM

Is Steve MC tomorrow?

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone. 
From: Leslie Patterson
To: Phillips, Eric Falk
Subject: Re:
Date: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 4:25:07 PM

will do

From: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 at 4:23 PM
To: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re:

Yes pls have Steve jump in after mayor

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone. 
From: Leslie Patterson
Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 4:22 PM
To: Phillips, Eric Falk
Subject: Re:

He will act as a quasi-MC, but our plan is to have each speaker introduce the next speaker when they’re
wrapping up. If that doesn’t work for the Mayor, we’ll have Steve jump in after he’s finished to do that. 

From: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 at 4:18 PM
To: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: <no subject>

Is Steve MC tomorrow?

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone. 
From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: "Dan Levitan"
Subject: RE: Timing
Date: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 5:11:39 PM

Put in a comms request for this yesterday. I said “may 25 th or days following” – waiting to hear from
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 5:11 PM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: Timing
Later part of week of 23 rd somewhat better for us, personnel wise.  How’s it looking on your end?
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Leslie Patterson
To: Phillips, Eric Falk
Subject: Re: Two Things
Date: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 5:43:06 PM

Sounds good – thanks!

From: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 at 5:36 PM
To: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: Two Things

Great. I'll be on site by 12:30  and find you guys before he arrives. I'll be on with Mayor while he's en route
and we can make sure the handoff happens. 

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone. 
From: Leslie Patterson
Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 5:33 PM
To: Phillips, Eric Falk
Subject: Re: Two Things

Hi Eric, 

That’s too bad, but thanks for the heads up. Yes, Steve can meet the Mayor at the door. What’s best way
to facilitate that? Whoever is with the Mayor can call my cell when he’s arriving, or Steve’s

Let me know. 


From: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 at 5:05 PM
To: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Two Things

Mayor has to leave following program tomorrow, unfortunately. We’ll have to cut the 5 minutes of
parent meets after it.
Can Steve meet the mayor at door when he arrives? Me and Javon from our advance team will be
there beforehand to help coordinate the handoff but Mayor will want to meet Steve quick and walk
into event with him. That work?
Eric Phillips
Deputy Director of Communications for Special Projects
New York City Mayor’s Office, City Hall
(o) 212-341-5031 (c) 917-291-0166
From: Phillips, Eric Falk
To: Leslie Patterson
Date: Thursday, May 12, 2016 12:43:45 PM
Attachments: image001.png

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone. 
From: Mayor's Press Office <pressoffice@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2016 12:13 PM
To: Mayor's Press Office


NEW YORK, NY 10007
CONTACT: pressoffice@cityhall.nyc.gov, (212) 788-2958
THURSDAY, MAY 12, 2016
**Updated address for Sugar Hill Museum Preschool**
On Thursday, Mayor de Blasio will deliver remarks at the unveiling of the National Institute
for Early Education Research’s annual State of Preschool report. This event is open press,
and there will be no Q-and-A.
In the evening, the Mayor will attend his birthday celebration. This event is closed press.
Press Schedule
1:15 PM – Delivers Remarks at Unveiling of National Institute for Early Education
Research’s Annual, State of Preschool Report
Sugar Hill Museum Preschool
898 St. Nicholas Avenue at 155th Street
New York, NY 10032
Footage will be provided by NYC Media and will be available shortly following the event on
Encompass Port CTY- 4205. Official photos will be available at flickr.com/nycmayorsoffice
shortly following the event.
From: Phillips, Eric Falk
To: Steve Barnett
Cc: Leslie Patterson; Gross, Dan; Grybauskas, Stefan; Coney, Javon; Daniel, Michaela
Subject: Re: Idea and thank you
Date: Friday, May 13, 2016 2:51:52 AM

Great idea. Thanks so much, Steve. Great working with you - and we look forward to more
progress together in the future.

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone. 
From: Steve Barnett
Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2016 8:12 PM
To: Phillips, Eric Falk
Cc: Leslie Patterson; Gross, Dan; Grybauskas, Stefan; Coney, Javon; Daniel, Michaela
Subject: Idea and thank you

Thanks for our participation the Mayor is great on Pre-K and you might pitch him to
Fareed Zakaria GPS as this is an issue he mentions often 
Sent from my iPhone

On May 10, 2016, at 10:54 AM, "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>


ROS looks good. Who’s General Hall?

From: Leslie Patterson [mailto:leslie@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2016 10:45 AM
To: Phillips, Eric Falk; 'Steve Barnett'; Gross, Dan
Cc: Grybauskas, Stefan; Coney, Javon; Daniel, Michaela
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Hi Eric - 

Thank you so much. This sounds great to us. And just to confirm, since you’ll all
be bringing the Mayor’s podium, we don’t need to worry about a mic stand or

Also, below is an updated ROS based on changes we’ve discussed. Let me know
if you see any issues here (also, we know Mayor might not get there until

1-1:15pm: Speakers in holding room, last minute prep/questions

1:15pm: Welcome remarks from program director
1:17pm: Steve Barnett’s remarks
1:22pm: Mayor’s remarks
1:30pm: Randi Weingarten’s remarks
1:35pm: General Hall’s remarks
1:40pm: Libby Doggett’s remarks
1:45pm: Mayor speaks to parents (3-5mins)
1:50pm: Libby reads to children
2:00pm: End


From: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Tuesday, May 10, 2016 at 10:18 AM
To: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>, 'Steve Barnett' <sbarnett@nieer.org>, "Gross,
Dan" <DGross@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Grybauskas, Stefan" <SGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Coney, Javon"
<JConey@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Steve and Leslie, based on our walkthrough, our thought is that we can do the program
in room 6. Backdrop is a classroom that the school will adorn with extra classroomy
things. We’ll have the mayor's podium and 4 or 5 seats off to the side of the podium
for program speakers to sit in when they are not at the podium speaking. The space
isn't very large, but we could put down 30-50 chairs and have press set up on the floor
along the back of the room. After the speaking program, we could have the mayor
move into the foyer area right next to room 6 to talk with some of the parents while
standing. Press could capture some of this from the corner of the foyer.
How does this sound to your team?

From: Phillips, Eric Falk

Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 3:16 PM
To: 'Leslie Patterson'; Steve Barnett; Gross, Dan
Cc: Grybauskas, Stefan; Coney, Javon; Daniel, Michaela
Subject: RE: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Sorry – we all agree the book-reading would have been nice but unfortunately the
Mayor’s had something come up on the backend of the event that is pressing our
schedule. We’ll have to cut that portion. He’ll have a security detail and three or four
staff with him for the event. 1:15 push up for a start time works. Thanks.

From: Leslie Patterson [mailto:leslie@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 2:59 PM
To: Steve Barnett; Gross, Dan
Cc: Grybauskas, Stefan; Phillips, Eric Falk; Coney, Javon; Daniel, Michaela
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Hi all – checking back on reading question and guest count for the Mayor’s team. 
Thanks so much, 

From: Steve Barnett <sbarnett@nieer.org>

Date: Monday, May 9, 2016 at 12:21 PM
To: "Gross, Dan" <DGross@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>, "Grybauskas, Stefan"
<SGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>,
"Coney, Javon" <JConey@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Daniel, Michaela"
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact info?

Book reading is probably the best visual the Mayor will get on national networks--people
respond emotionally to this demonstration of what the Mayor's initiative is really about and
how much he cares in way it is difficult to get with a speech. 

W. Steven Barnett, Ph.D.

National Institute for Early Education Research
Rutgers University
73 Easton Ave
New Brunswick, NJ  08901

Phone: (848) 932-4350

Fax: (732) 932-4360

On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 10:49 AM, Gross, Dan <DGross@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Hi Leslie, we will move the timing on our end to 1:15. Would we need to cut the book
reading on the back end.  Also, can you have someone from your team join Javon for the

Dan Gross
Deputy Communications Director 
Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio
(O) 212-341-0011
(C) 917-428-1692

On May 9, 2016, at 10:25 AM, Leslie Patterson <leslie@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Hi Stefan and Javon, 

Yes, I don’t think that should be a problem. Let me know what day/time you
were thinking and I can see if someone from the preschool can do a
walkthrough with you. 
Javon – please also see my questions below and let me know the answers
when you have a moment. 

Leslie Patterson
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5326 desk // 561.801.5963 cell

From: "Grybauskas, Stefan" <SGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Monday, May 9, 2016 at 10:08 AM
To: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>, "Gross, Dan"
<DGross@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Phillips, Eric Falk"
<EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Coney, Javon" <JConey@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, 'Steve Barnett'
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact


Would someone be able to do a walkthrough with my colleague Javon Coney,

cc'ed here, today?  He is going to be lead on this event from my team.

Stefan Grybauskas
Director of Advance
Office of the Mayor
City of New York
C: 347-515-5874

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Leslie Patterson
Sent: Monday, May 9, 2016 9:41 AM
To: Gross, Dan; Phillips, Eric Falk
Cc: Daniel, Michaela; 'Steve Barnett'; Grybauskas, Stefan
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact

Hi Dan, 

Wanted to make sure you saw this last week. Let me know if you have any
questions on it. Also made a couple updates based on new confirmed
Also wanted to raise a question about timing – we are a little worried about
parents starting to come pick up their kids from preschool in the middle of our
event. I wonder if there’s any possibility of bumping the event up to 1pm or
1:15pm. Understand if the Mayor’s schedule doesn’t allow for that, but let us
know if there’s any flexibility. 

Additionally, as soon as you can, we need a list of who will be accompanying

the Mayor or, at the least, a number of how many people will be with him. 

Please let me know when you have a moment. 


From: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>

Date: Friday, May 6, 2016 at 1:47 PM
To: "Gross, Dan" <DGross@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Phillips, Eric Falk"
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, 'Steve Barnett'
<sbarnett@nieer.org>, "Grybauskas, Stefan"
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact

We have the speakers giving their remarks at a podium/elevated stage, an

audience of maybe 50 people or so, including parents, the Mayor stepping off
stage after the formal remarks to talk to a group of parents, and then the
Mayor going to read to a group of kids in another part of the room. It will be a
in a classroom, so the visuals of of a pre-K classroom at Sugar Hill Museum’s
preschool will be incorporated. The run of show we agreed on with Eric is:

Welcome from program director

Steve's remarks (3-5 min)
The Mayor
Randi Weingarten, AFT
Michael S. Hall, Major General, U.S. Air Force (Retired)
Libby Doggett from the DOE
Then Mayor leaves stage and has 5 minute conversation with parents
about what pre-K has done for their children and families (on camera). 
Then Mayor goes to classroom where Mayor reads short book or part
of book to kids on camera.
If that doesn’t answer the question, can you let me know a little more
specifically what you mean by visuals?


From: Gross, Dan

Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 12:52 PM
To: 'Leslie Patterson'; Phillips, Eric Falk
Cc: Daniel, Michaela; Steve Barnett
Subject: RE: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact

Thanks Leslie.  Any sense on a visual?  I’m adding Stefan, the Mayor’s Advance
Director to the chain to coordinate a walkthrough.

Dan Gross| Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio

Deputy Director of Communications for Planning and Execution
o: 212.341.0011 | c: 917.428.1692

From: Leslie Patterson [mailto:leslie@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 12:19 PM
To: Gross, Dan; Phillips, Eric Falk
Cc: Daniel, Michaela; Steve Barnett
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact

Hi Dan, 

We’re still working to finalize some of these details, but currently the plan is to
hold the event in one of the classrooms at the Sugar Hill Museum preschool.
There will be an area, possibly elevated, where the speakers make their
remarks, and there would also be an area set up for the Mayor to read to a
group of kids for a couple minutes in another portion of the room. 

We’re still working with the preschool to figure out which room and additional
details, but do please let me know what specifics you’ll need and also if the
Mayor be bringing his own podium.

Leslie Patterson
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5326 desk // 561.801.5963 cell
From: "Gross, Dan" <DGross@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Friday, May 6, 2016 at 11:29 AM
To: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Leslie
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Steve Barnett
Subject: RE: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact

Thanks Eric.  Leslie, can you provide me information on the location and the current
set up plans?  Visuals, ect…

Dan Gross| Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio
Deputy Director of Communications for Planning and Execution
o: 212.341.0011 | c: 917.428.1692

From: Phillips, Eric Falk

Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 11:23 AM
To: 'Leslie Patterson'
Cc: Daniel, Michaela; Steve Barnett; Gross, Dan
Subject: RE: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact

Thanks for the offer, but we’re going to pass on the op-ed. I’m including a
colleague of mine, Dan Gross, who will be leading the discussion on event
logistics from our side.

From: Leslie Patterson [mailto:leslie@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 12:06 PM
To: Phillips, Eric Falk
Cc: Daniel, Michaela; Steve Barnett
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact

Hi Eric,

Wanted to check back on the op-ed and see if you’ve had a chance
to look/make edits at all. Hoping to start pitching this week to place
in conjunction with release next Thurs. 


From: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Tuesday, May 3, 2016 at 5:45 PM
To: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Steve Barnett
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact

Thanks, Leslie. I’ll take a look at the piece and get back to you tomorrow on it.
I edited the quote below, and it’s approved to use with these small changes. I
also edited the ROS, below that. Note the cut on Q&A and, when you can,
please send me the title of the book at least a few days beforehand

“High-quality early education is a necessity, not a luxury,” said New

York City Mayor Bill de Blasio. “Here in New York, we’ve
seen firsthand that action by city and state governments can lift
enrollment and the quality of education for tens of thousands of
children in our communities. At a time of political polarization,
these initiatives receive wide bipartisan support – and for good
reason. There’s no better way to ensure future success for our
kids and our states.”than to invest in their early education.”

Welcome from program director

Steve's remarks (3-5 min)
The Mayor
Tentative: Either labor leader (Randi Weingarten AFT possible) or
business leader
Libby Doggett from the DOE
Q and A
Then Mayor leaves stage and has 5 minute conversation with parents
about what pre-K has done for their children and families (on camera). 
Then Mayor goes to classroom where Mayor reads short book or part
of book to kids on camera.

From: Leslie Patterson <leslie@berlinrosen.com>

Date: Monday, May 2, 2016 at 11:49 AM
To: "Eric F. Phillips" <efphillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Steve Barnett
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact

Hi Eric, 

Hope you’re well and had a nice weekend. Wanted to check in on the below,
and also share with you an op-ed that we would love for the Mayor to co-sign.
It’s attached here – would Mayor de Blasio and your office be open to that?
We’d welcome feedback and edits, if so, and we’re hoping to place in a high-
value NYC target around the release. 

Additionally, attached is the NYC section of the executive summary in the

report, for reference. 

Let me know if you have any questions, and what we can move forward on.


From: Leslie <leslie@berlinrosen.com>

Date: Friday, April 29, 2016 at 4:58 PM
To: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Steve Barnett
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact

Hi Eric, 

Thanks for checking in. Attached is the most recent version of the release, with
the proposed quote for the Mayor below:

“High quality early education is a necessity, not a luxury,” said New York City
Mayor Bill de Blasio. “Here in New York, we’ve seen first hand that action by
state governments can lift enrollment and quality for thousands of children in
our communities. At a time of political polarization, these initiatives receive
wide bipartisan support – and for good reason. There’s no better way to
ensure future success for our kids and our states.”

Steve, can you also send Eric the most up to date version of the report when
you have a moment?

For the run of show, we are suggesting: 

Welcome from program director

Steve's remarks (3-5 min)
The Mayor
Tentative: Either labor leader (Randi Weingarten AFT possible) or
business leader
Libby Doggett from the DOE
Q and A
Then Mayor leaves stage and has 5 minute conversation with parents
about what pre-K has done for their children and families (on camera). 
Then Mayor goes to classroom where Mayor reads short book or part
of book to kids on camera.

Let me know what else we can get you. 

Leslie Patterson
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646.200.5326 desk // 561.801.5963 cell

From: Steve Barnett <sbarnett@nieer.org>

Date: Thursday, April 28, 2016 at 2:55 PM
To: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Daniel, Michaela" <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Leslie
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact

Hi Eric:  I am connecting you with Leslie Patterson at Berlin Rosen who is

handling press for us on the Yearbook release and this event.  We need to get
confirmation that the run of show is acceptable for the Mayor among other



W. Steven Barnett, Ph.D.

National Institute for Early Education Research
Rutgers University
73 Easton Ave
New Brunswick, NJ  08901

Phone: (848) 932-4350

Fax: (732) 932-4360

On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 12:36 PM, Daniel, Michaela

<mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Thanks so much – this was really helpful.  I’m connecting you with
Eric Phillips from our communications team so you guys can
coordinate on details.

From: Steve Barnett [mailto:sbarnett@nieer.org]

Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2016 11:37 AM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact

Here you go with proposed quote for the Mayor highlighted in blue.

Here is our plan for run of show for the event.

Welcome from program director, my remarks (3-5 min), Mayor,

business person if possible, labor leader (Randi Weingarten AFT
possible). Q and A. Then Mayor leaves stage and has 5 minute
conversation with parents about what pre-K has done for their
children and families (on camera). Then go to classroom where
Mayor reads short book or part of book to kids on camera.

Alternatives as speakers--representative from US DOE (Sec. King

not available) or Jacqueline Jones from the Foundation for Child
Development, or a parent.

Does the Mayor's office have a business representative they might

like to feature or a state legislative leader?

W. Steven Barnett, Ph.D.

National Institute for Early Education Research
Rutgers University
73 Easton Ave
New Brunswick, NJ  08901

Phone: (848) 932-4350

Fax: (732) 932-4360

On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 10:31 AM, Daniel, Michaela

<mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Hi Steve –

Just a reminder to send those drafts – I am talking to our press

folks at 12 and would love to have them with me.


From: Steve Barnett [mailto:sbarnett@nieer.org]

Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 4:02 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us the contact
I will have drafts. We have a final messaging meeting Thursday at 2

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 27, 2016, at 3:59 PM, "Daniel, Michaela"

<mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Thank you!  If it’s possible for you to send it before

noon, that would be fantastic.

From: Steve Barnett [mailto:sbarnett@nieer.org]

Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 3:59 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Betty Holcomb; Nancy Kolben
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you forward us
the contact info?

Yes. I am traveling today but will pull it all together for

you tomorrow.

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 27, 2016, at 3:50 PM, "Daniel, Michaela"

<mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Hi Everyone –

For now, it seems like I’m still the best

point of contact on this. 

As you can imagine, with yesterday’s

budget release, our communications
team has been pretty busy, but I’m
meeting with them about this tomorrow
morning.  Steve, if you have a proposed
run of show, attendee list, press pitch,
etc., can you please send all of that stuff
my way?

Steve, I think you’ve been working with

Sophia and her team on some pieces of
this – can you please keep me looped on
those emails?  I just want to make sure
we’re all on the same page with so many
chefs in this kitchen.


From: Betty Holcomb

Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 7:09 AM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Nancy Kolben; sbarnett@nieer.org
Subject: Re: Event-related questions -- can you
forward us the contact info?

Thanks so much--we look forward to

hearing back

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 25, 2016, at 6:29 PM, Daniel,

Michaela <mdaniel@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Sorry for the delay.  Working

to solidify who the press
leads are over here.  Should
be able to have the right
person tomorrow or Wed.

From: Betty Holcomb

Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2016
4:06 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Nancy Kolben;
Subject: Event-related questions -
- can you forward us the contact


Steve has a few questions about

the event

Can you forward the full

contact info for Devora and
Jessica from DOE and CH

He has a couple questions

related to other elected
officials, prominent figures to
include at the event. Is that the
sort of thing that Devora and
Jessica can field – or should
that type of question come to

Just trying to keep things



Please note our new company name,

website and email.


Betty Holcomb
Policy Director
Center for Children's Initiatives
(formerly Child Care, Inc.)
322 Eighth Ave, 4 Fl
New York, NY 10001
212.381.0009 direct line
212.929.7604 ext 3004
212.929.5785 fax

From: Daniel, Michaela

Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2016
4:27 PM
To: Betty Holcomb
Cc: Nancy Kolben
Subject: RE: So wonderful on
yearbook release -- do you have a
few minutes today or tomorrow to
discuss a few related details?

Happy to talk but if these are

event-related questions, I’d
love to loop you both with
Devora and Jessica from DOE
and CH communications.

From: Betty Holcomb

Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2016
3:09 PM
To: Daniel, Michaela
Cc: Nancy Kolben
Subject: So wonderful on
yearbook release -- do you have a
few minutes today or tomorrow to
discuss a few related details?


THANK YOU so much for

shepherding through the event
for the Yearbook!

Nancy and I had a few minutes

to catch up with Steve Barnett,
and we have just a few details
and questions we’d like to vet
with you about the event.

Do you have a few minutes

between now and Friday?

We are very flexible. We are

thinking this would take not
more than 15 minutes or so


Please note our new company name,

website and email.


Betty Holcomb
Policy Director
Center for Children's Initiatives
(formerly Child Care, Inc.)
322 Eighth Ave, 4 Fl
New York, NY 10001
212.381.0009 direct line
212.929.7604 ext 3004
212.929.5785 fax
From: Hinton, Karen
To: Mayor"s Press Office; Finan, Austin
Cc: @JustPressOffice; Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea; Dan Levitan
Subject: Re: INCO - A few fundraiser questions from Gawker
Date: Friday, May 13, 2016 5:17:24 PM

This goes to Dan at Berlin Rosen.

Karen Hinton
Press Secretary
Follow me on Twitter @KarenHinton

From: Mayor's Office <pressoffice@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Friday, May 13, 2016 at 4:38 PM
To: Austin Finan <AFinan@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "@justpressoffice" <JustPressOffice@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Phil Walzak <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov>,
Andrea Hagelgans <AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: INCO - A few fundraiser questions from Gawker

AF -
From: Jordan Sargent [mailto:jordan@gawker.com]
Sent: Friday, May 13, 2016 4:21 PM
To: Mayor's Press Office
Subject: A few fundraiser questions from Gawker

To whom it may concern:

I'm writing up a story on the Louis CK fundraiser last night for Gawker and I had a few questions I was hoping you
could clarify for me:

1. Reports in Politico/DNAinfo etc quoted you guys as saying you raised $500,000 once matching donations are
counted. Is it equal matching on those donations or some other structure?
2. Who is matching those funds?
3. Was there a target amount you guys were expecting to hit w/ the fundraiser?
4. The NY Post in particular has insinuated that sales of tickets at the thousand-dollar level and above were low and
instead you guys filled the crowd with attendees at the hundred dollar level. Can you confirm/deny that assertion?

From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: (dan@berlinrosen.com)
Subject: FW: Bronx
Date: Monday, May 16, 2016 4:01:04 PM

From: Hagelgans, Andrea
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2016 4:00 PM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie; Richardson, Jerika
Subject: RE: Bronx
I can’t get you a date at this time. If they need to set a date, should move forward and I’ll let you
know if he could stop by
From: Grybauskas, Natalie
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2016 12:15 PM
To: Hagelgans, Andrea; Richardson, Jerika
Subject: RE: Bronx
Should I tell them next week is possible or they should shoot for following week if they want him to
From: Grybauskas, Natalie
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2016 11:51 AM
To: Hagelgans, Andrea; Richardson, Jerika
Subject: RE: Bronx
They are talking about next week, but would push back if there were a chance he could go.
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2016 11:47 AM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie; Richardson, Jerika
Subject: RE: Bronx
He’s not able to do it this week. We were looking at the next few weeks
From: Grybauskas, Natalie
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2016 11:46 AM
To: Richardson, Jerika; Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: FW: Bronx
Is this being considered or should I let Dan know to go ahead and plan event without considering
mayor schedule?
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2016 11:45 AM
To: Worman, Maya; Grybauskas, Natalie
Cc: Jennifer Hensley; Stacey Levine; Ruth Fasoldt; Jovana Rizzo; CJ Macklin
Subject: Bronx
Reaching out to see if we can set up a time to talk tomorrow or Wednesday to plan the Bronx event.
 Any word back on which day will be best?
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Dan Levitan
To: Hinton, Karen
Cc: Finan, Austin
Subject: RE: Response to Cuomo?
Date: Tuesday, May 17, 2016 4:09:15 PM

Yup.  Anyone else requesting?

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

-----Original Message-----
From: Hinton, Karen [mailto:KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2016 4:06 PM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Finan, Austin <AFinan@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: FW: Response to Cuomo?

Are you handling this?

-----Original Message-----
From: Walzak, Phil
Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2016 3:12 PM
Cc: Hinton, Karen; Finan, Austin
Subject: Re: Response to Cuomo?

I'd fwd to BR pls

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.

  Original Message
From: Siff, Andrew (NBCUniversal)
Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2016 2:09 PM
To: Walzak, Phil
Cc: Hinton, Karen; Finan, Austin
Subject: Response to Cuomo?

The Governor today said if the mayor is going to argue there's a conspiracy that would mean Bharara,
Vance and Schneiderman are in on the conspiracy.
He also added all he knows about fundraising investigations he's read in the papers. Any response?

Sent from my iPhone

From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: "Dan Levitan"; Worman, Maya
Cc: Jennifer Hensley; Stacey Levine; Ruth Fasoldt; Jovana Rizzo; CJ Macklin; Richardson, Jerika
Subject: RE: Bronx
Date: Wednesday, May 18, 2016 11:12:25 AM

+ Jerika
Maya should lead on inviting electeds on city’s behalf
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2016 3:44 PM
To: Worman, Maya; Grybauskas, Natalie
Cc: Jennifer Hensley; Stacey Levine; Ruth Fasoldt; Jovana Rizzo; CJ Macklin
Subject: RE: Bronx
We are looking at 12:30 on Thursday the 26 th for this now.
Please let us know when you can who will be attending. 
Are you available for a quick call tomorrow to talk this through further?  We’d like to invite a few
local community groups to participate – assuming you are still handling invitations to electeds?
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Dan Levitan
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2016 11:45 AM
To: 'Worman, Maya' <mworman@doitt.nyc.gov>; Grybauskas, Natalie
Cc: Jennifer Hensley <jennifer.hensley@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine
<stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Jovana Rizzo
<jovana@berlinrosen.com>; CJ Macklin <CJ.Macklin@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Bronx
Reaching out to see if we can set up a time to talk tomorrow or Wednesday to plan the Bronx event.
 Any word back on which day will be best?
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: "Stacey Levine"
Cc: "Worman, Maya"; "Ruth Fasoldt"; "Dan Levitan"; "CJ Macklin"
Subject: RE: [Update] Bronx Groundbreaking Prep
Date: Friday, May 20, 2016 10:16:58 AM

Sorry, 1 and 3:30 – I’m on a 3:30 call.

From: Grybauskas, Natalie
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 10:17 AM
To: Stacey Levine
Cc: Worman, Maya; Ruth Fasoldt; Dan Levitan; CJ Macklin
Subject: RE: [Update] Bronx Groundbreaking Prep

Can we do sometime between 1 and 4?

From: Grybauskas, Natalie
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 10:00 AM
To: Stacey Levine
Cc: Worman, Maya; Ruth Fasoldt; Dan Levitan; CJ Macklin
Subject: Re: [Update] Bronx Groundbreaking Prep

I'm in council hearings this morning - thought maya could stand in for me, but if she didn't
jump on we should reschedule for this afternoon.

Sent from mobile

On May 20, 2016, at 9:50 AM, Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com> wrote:

I will open the line again at 10am.

On Fri, May 20, 2016 at 9:48 AM, Worman, Maya <mworman@doitt.nyc.gov>

I thought it was for 10am. Sorry – still happening? Can dial in now?
From: Google Calendar [mailto:calendar-notification@google.com] On Behalf Of Stacey
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 9:37 AM
To: Worman, Maya; ngrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov; cj.macklin@berlinrosen.com;
jovana@berlinrosen.com; ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com; dan@berlinrosen.com;
Subject: [Update] Bronx Groundbreaking Prep

Maya / Natalie, Are you able to join us for this call?

Bronx Groundbreaking Prep

When Fri May 20, 2016 9:30am – 10:30am Eastern Time

Where 712.770.4010 | 205-728 (map)

Who • Stacey Levine - organizer

• ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com
• dan@berlinrosen.com
• jovana@berlinrosen.com
• mworman@doitt.nyc.gov
• ngrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov
• cj.macklin@berlinrosen.com

This e-mail, including any attachments, may be confidential, privileged or otherwise

legally protected. It is intended only for the addressee. If you received this e-mail in error
or from someone who was not authorized to send it to you, do not disseminate, copy or
otherwise use this e-mail or its attachments. Please notify the sender immediately by
replying to this e-mail and delete the e-mail from your system.

Stacey Levine 
Communications Director

T: 646-834-9657
M: 202-422-7558

233 Broadway, 21st Floor, New York, NY 10279
From: Viguers, Jonathan
To: Kadushin, Peter; jfdc; Snyder, Thomas; O"Brien, Kevin; nbaldick@hilltoppublicsolutions.com; Caquias, Paula;
Berger, Henry; Almonte, Catherine; Wiley, Maya; Arslanian, Kayla; Wolfe, Emma; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com;
Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: MBDB: Conference Call
Date: Sunday, May 22, 2016 6:31:58 PM

Please dial in

MBDB: Conference Call

Scheduled: Sunday, May 22, 2016 from 6:30 PM to 7:00 PM
Location: Call In # Code:
Invitees: Kadushin, Peter , jfdc , Snyder, Thomas , O'Brien, Kevin , Nick Baldick ,
Caquias, Paula , Berger, Henry , Almonte, Catherine , Wiley, Maya , Arslanian, Kayla ,
Wolfe, Emma , Jonathan Rosen , Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca

sent from a mobile device.

From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: "Dan Levitan"; Stacey Levine
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; CJ Macklin
Subject: RE: bronx event
Date: Monday, May 23, 2016 10:58:42 AM

She can definitely make 1 if we can push to then. Is that ok? I know ruth might have to let some folks
know but it’s not a huge change so shouldn’t be the end of the world.
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2016 10:49 AM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie; Stacey Levine
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; CJ Macklin
Subject: RE: bronx event

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2016 10:44 AM
To: Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>
Cc: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: bronx event

Yeah 1 or 1:30 - still trying to find out more from Maya's asst

Sent from mobile

On May 23, 2016, at 10:33 AM, Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com> wrote:

Does that mean start at 1pm?

On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 10:27 AM, Grybauskas, Natalie

<NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Might need to push back the time because Maya has a conflict….would only
be by half hour or an hour, is that a possibility?
Stacey Levine 
Communications Director

T: 646-834-9657
M: 202-422-7558

233 Broadway, 21st Floor, New York, NY 10279
From: Kadushin, Peter
To: Brigid Bergin; Dan Levitan; Hinton, Karen
Cc: Annmarie Fertoli; Julianne Welby
Subject: RE: Reax to Cuomo comments?
Date: Wednesday, June 01, 2016 5:34:59 PM

Hi Brigid,

Adding Karen who can assist.

From: Brigid Bergin [bbergin@wnyc.org]

Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2016 5:28 PM
To: Dan Levitan; Kadushin, Peter
Cc: Annmarie Fertoli; Julianne Welby
Subject: Reax to Cuomo comments?

Hey Peter, Dan – Are either of you sending out a response to Cuomo’s comments saying the mayor
should apologize, etc?
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2016 4:56 PM
To: Brigid Bergin
Subject: RE: Statement of Risa Sugarman
Here is a statement from Laurence Laufer: 
“The IG’s report confirms that Ms. Sugarman’s office failed to secure the confidentiality of the
memo, and raises serious questions about the BOE’s management and policies.  If anyone should
apologize, it is surely the BOE.”
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Brigid Bergin [mailto:bbergin@wnyc.org]
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2016 4:33 PM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Karen Rouse <krouse@wnyc.org>
Subject: FW: Statement of Risa Sugarman
Hey Dan – Can you send me a response to this? 
From: Hinton, Karen [mailto:KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2016 4:33 PM
To: Brigid Bergin; Kadushin, Peter
Subject: RE: Statement of Risa Sugarman
Actually Dan Levitan is handling. Sending this to him.
From: Brigid Bergin [mailto:bbergin@wnyc.org]
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2016 4:28 PM
To: Hinton, Karen; Kadushin, Peter
Subject: RE: Statement of Risa Sugarman
Thank you.
From: Hinton, Karen [mailto:KHinton@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2016 4:27 PM
To: Brigid Bergin; Kadushin, Peter
Subject: RE: Statement of Risa Sugarman
Peter handling.
From: Brigid Bergin [mailto:bbergin@wnyc.org]
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2016 4:21 PM
To: Hinton, Karen
Subject: FW: Statement of Risa Sugarman
Hey Karen – Any response coming from the mayor’s office to this?
From: Sugarman, Risa (ELECTIONS) [mailto:Risa.Sugarman@elections.ny.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2016 4:16 PM
Subject: Statement of Risa Sugarman
I requested the Inspector General conduct an investigation immediately after the leak of a
confidential document prepared by my Division. Allegations were made primarily by the New York
City Mayor that I leaked the report due to political motivations. Now that we know the facts, I hope
the mayor will apologize for maligning my integrity and professionalism.
Leaks at the New York State Board of Elections cannot be tolerated and the confidential nature of
the work of my Division must be honored.
Risa S. Sugarman
Chief Enforcement Counsel
Division of Election Law Enforcement
40 North Pearl
Albany, New York 12207
The information contained in this transmission may contain privileged and confidential information.  It is intended
only for the use of the person(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that
any review, dissemination, distribution or duplication of this communication is strictly prohibited.  If you are not
the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message.
From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: "Dan Levitan"
Subject: RE: Village Voice response
Date: Friday, June 03, 2016 12:44:42 PM

I know. I’m asking DoITT to hustle and they are on it. Need to notify commissioner first
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2016 12:44 PM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: RE: Village Voice response

Ok – time sensitive
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2016 12:38 PM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Village Voice response

Can you hold until Stanley says ok

From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2016 12:34 PM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: FW: Village Voice response

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Dan Levitan
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2016 11:14 AM
To: 'Jennifer Hensley' <jennifer.hensley@intersection.com>; 'Shor, Stanley' <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>;
'Stacey Levine' <stacey.levine@intersection.com>; 'Ruth Fasoldt' <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>
Cc: 'Worman, Maya' <mworman@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Village Voice response

Please let us know if this is approved, we’d like to get it over to the Voice midday today.  Thank you!
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Dan Levitan
Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2016 7:26 PM
To: 'Jennifer Hensley' <jennifer.hensley@intersection.com>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>;
Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>
Cc: Worman, Maya <mworman@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Village Voice response

Hi Stanley –
Revised camera language below:
Links include cameras on the tablet to enable user-initiated video features, and above each
55” display.  They are not currently turned on, but in the future they will be used to monitor
and maintain the Links.  Any footage or images created by those cameras will be subject to
our  privacy policy, and not sold or shared with third parties. CityBridge would require a
subpoena or similar lawful request before sharing any camera data with any law
enforcement agency.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Jennifer Hensley [mailto:jennifer.hensley@intersection.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2016 6:28 PM
To: Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Ruth
Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Worman, Maya <mworman@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: Village Voice response
Thanks Stanley. This looks good to us and we have some language on the cameras that Dan
will share. Thanks!

On Thu, Jun 2, 2016 at 5:27 PM, Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov> wrote:

Here is what we propose to add to the response regarding browser history:

CityBridge and DoITT are currently reviewing the privacy policy with an eye to updating
the terms to better reflect actual practices.

Stanley Shor
Assistant Commissioner, Franchise Administration
New York City Department of
Information Technology & Telecommunications
2 MetroTech Center, 4th Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11201




This e-mail, including any attachments, may be confidential, privileged or otherwise

legally protected. It is intended only for the addressee. If you received this e-mail in error
or from someone who was not authorized to send it to you, do not disseminate, copy or
otherwise use this e-mail or its attachments. Please notify the sender immediately by
replying to this e-mail and delete the e-mail from your system.


Jen Hensley 
General Manager, Link

T: 212 735-8906 
C: 917 863-4914 

100 Park Avenue 6th Floor New York NY 10017

From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: "Dan Levitan"
Subject: RE: Village Voice response
Date: Friday, June 03, 2016 1:05:54 PM

Can I see revised answer re: browser history?

From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2016 12:44 PM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: RE: Village Voice response

Ok – time sensitive
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2016 12:38 PM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Village Voice response

Can you hold until Stanley says ok

From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2016 12:34 PM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: FW: Village Voice response

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Dan Levitan
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2016 11:14 AM
To: 'Jennifer Hensley' <jennifer.hensley@intersection.com>; 'Shor, Stanley' <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>;
'Stacey Levine' <stacey.levine@intersection.com>; 'Ruth Fasoldt' <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>
Cc: 'Worman, Maya' <mworman@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Village Voice response

Please let us know if this is approved, we’d like to get it over to the Voice midday today.  Thank you!
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Dan Levitan
Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2016 7:26 PM
To: 'Jennifer Hensley' <jennifer.hensley@intersection.com>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>;
Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>
Cc: Worman, Maya <mworman@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Village Voice response

Hi Stanley –
Revised camera language below:
Links include cameras on the tablet to enable user-initiated video features, and above each
55” display.  They are not currently turned on, but in the future they will be used to monitor
and maintain the Links.  Any footage or images created by those cameras will be subject to
our  privacy policy, and not sold or shared with third parties. CityBridge would require a
subpoena or similar lawful request before sharing any camera data with any law
enforcement agency.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Jennifer Hensley [mailto:jennifer.hensley@intersection.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2016 6:28 PM
To: Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Ruth
Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Worman, Maya <mworman@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: Village Voice response
Thanks Stanley. This looks good to us and we have some language on the cameras that Dan
will share. Thanks!

On Thu, Jun 2, 2016 at 5:27 PM, Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov> wrote:

Here is what we propose to add to the response regarding browser history:

CityBridge and DoITT are currently reviewing the privacy policy with an eye to updating
the terms to better reflect actual practices.

Stanley Shor
Assistant Commissioner, Franchise Administration
New York City Department of
Information Technology & Telecommunications
2 MetroTech Center, 4th Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11201




This e-mail, including any attachments, may be confidential, privileged or otherwise

legally protected. It is intended only for the addressee. If you received this e-mail in error
or from someone who was not authorized to send it to you, do not disseminate, copy or
otherwise use this e-mail or its attachments. Please notify the sender immediately by
replying to this e-mail and delete the e-mail from your system.


Jen Hensley 
General Manager, Link

T: 212 735-8906 
C: 917 863-4914 

100 Park Avenue 6th Floor New York NY 10017

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: "Emily Walsh"
Subject: RE: Meeting
Date: Tuesday, June 07, 2016 10:56:18 AM

From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2016 10:55 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: RE: Meeting
He can use the one on the 11th floor!
Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2016 10:50 AM
To: Emily Walsh
Subject: RE: Meeting

Can Mayor use a conference room at 230pm-
From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 10:01 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: RE: Meeting
OK, thanks!
Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 9:58 AM
To: Emily Walsh
Subject: RE: Meeting

Will no longer need the office-
From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 3:57 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: RE: Meeting
OK, he can take the smaller room on our 15th floor. It fits 2 people.
He's all set. Thank you. 
Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 3:46 PM
To: Emily Walsh
Subject: RE: Meeting

From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 3:46 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: RE: Meeting
And for how many people?
Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Emily Walsh

Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 3:44 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: RE: Meeting

How long does he need the room for?

Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 3:20 PM
To: Emily Walsh
Subject: RE: Meeting

Can Mayor have a meeting at your location on Monday at 11:15am?

From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 6:30 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: Re: Meeting
Thank you. 


On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 3:28 PM -0700, "Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca" <PSalazar-

Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:


Sent from my iPhone

On May 5, 2016, at 6:22 PM, Emily Walsh <Emily@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Thanks! Would you mind just telling whoever he is with if they are the last ones there
to just shut the glass door? 


On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 3:20 PM -0700, "Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca" <PSalazar-

Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Should be. Yes. 

Sent from my iPhone

On May 5, 2016, at 4:46 PM, Emily Walsh <Emily@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Just confirming he'll be here until 8 pm tonight.

Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2016 9:49 AM
To: Emily Walsh
Cc: Reception
Subject: RE: Meeting

From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2016 5:08 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Cc: Reception
Subject: RE: Meeting
Of course. The 16th floor is yours again. 
Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2016 4:59 PM
To: Emily Walsh
Cc: Reception
Subject: RE: Meeting

Can we reserve a conf room for the Mayor for Thursday at 615 to 8pm?
From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2016 11:19 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Cc: Reception
Subject: RE: Meeting
He can use the 15th floor like yesterday. Please send someone upstairs as
well so we can get them refreshments. 
Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2016 10:52 AM
To: Anna Robinson-Sweet; Emily Walsh
Cc: Jonathan Rosen
Subject: Meeting

Hi guys!
The Mayor would like to have a meeting at your office today at 12noon-
He will be meeting with Richard Emery.
Do you have a room avail?
From: Litvak, Gwendolyn
To: Daria Siegel; Connie Chung
Cc: Nicole Kolinsky
Subject: Re: Dinner Friday?
Date: Tuesday, June 07, 2016 2:52:11 PM


Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Daria Siegel
Sent: Tuesday, June 7, 2016 2:51 PM
To: Litvak, Gwendolyn; Connie Chung
Cc: Nicole Kolinsky
Subject: RE: Dinner Friday?

I can do Fri – would be great to catch up.  Lots of ADNY stuff going on.
Did you guys get the invite for the luncheon next week?
From: Litvak, Gwendolyn [mailto:GLitvak@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2016 2:42 PM
To: Connie Chung <CChung@hraadvisors.com>; Daria Siegel <dsiegel@downtownny.com>
Cc: Nicole Kolinsky <Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: Dinner Friday?
Yeah. I have a drink at 615 but can meet up later like 830. He has to get a train so I don't
think we'll be that long.
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Connie Chung
Sent: Tuesday, June 7, 2016 2:41 PM
To: Daria Siegel; Litvak, Gwendolyn
Cc: Nicole Kolinsky
Subject: Dinner Friday?
Yo – NK and I were just discussing doing dinner on Friday. Anyone else free to join?
Connie J. Chung
Director  |  HR&A Advisors, Inc.
99 Hudson Street, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10013
Direct: (646) 545-6248 | Mobile: (917) 699-7893
CChung@hraadvisors.com | www.hraadvisors.com
From: Litvak, Gwendolyn
To: "Nicole Kolinsky"; Daria Siegel; Connie Chung
Subject: RE: Dinner Friday?
Date: Friday, June 10, 2016 1:22:11 PM

Let’s drink your wine!

GWEN LITVAK  | 212-442-6332
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2016 1:21 PM
To: Litvak, Gwendolyn; Daria Siegel; Connie Chung
Subject: RE: Dinner Friday?
no gonna lie… we have a lotta wine…
From: Litvak, Gwendolyn [mailto:GLitvak@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2016 1:21 PM
To: Daria Siegel; Nicole Kolinsky; Connie Chung
Subject: Re: Dinner Friday?
8pm at nicole k's house and then order in National? Or go to some place more fun? I'll be
done by 715 in midtown.
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Daria Siegel
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2016 1:14 PM
To: Litvak, Gwendolyn; 'Nicole Kolinsky'; Connie Chung
Subject: RE: Dinner Friday?

When and where should we meet?!

From: Litvak, Gwendolyn [mailto:GLitvak@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2016 3:44 PM
To: 'Nicole Kolinsky' <Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com>; Daria Siegel
<dsiegel@downtownny.com>; Connie Chung <CChung@hraadvisors.com>
Subject: RE: Dinner Friday?
I’m flex too!
GWEN LITVAK  | 212-442-6332
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2016 3:01 PM
To: Litvak, Gwendolyn; Daria Siegel; Connie Chung
Subject: RE: Dinner Friday?
ill try to be there.
also we can do dinner at my place Friday if people want to… or go out. open to both!
From: Litvak, Gwendolyn [mailto:GLitvak@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2016 2:59 PM
To: Daria Siegel; Nicole Kolinsky; Connie Chung
Subject: Re: Dinner Friday?
It's OK. No prob. I probs have work anywya
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Daria Siegel
Sent: Tuesday, June 7, 2016 2:57 PM
To: Nicole Kolinsky; Litvak, Gwendolyn; Connie Chung
Subject: RE: Dinner Friday?

Ugh, I gave them a personal list of invites for it which included all of you + more.  I’ll check in.  It’s
Wednesday lunch, fyi.
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2016 2:54 PM
To: Litvak, Gwendolyn <GLitvak@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Daria Siegel <dsiegel@downtownny.com>;
Connie Chung <CChung@hraadvisors.com>
Subject: RE: Dinner Friday?
From: Litvak, Gwendolyn [mailto:GLitvak@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2016 2:52 PM
To: Daria Siegel; Connie Chung
Cc: Nicole Kolinsky
Subject: Re: Dinner Friday?
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Daria Siegel
Sent: Tuesday, June 7, 2016 2:51 PM
To: Litvak, Gwendolyn; Connie Chung
Cc: Nicole Kolinsky
Subject: RE: Dinner Friday?

I can do Fri – would be great to catch up.  Lots of ADNY stuff going on.
Did you guys get the invite for the luncheon next week?
From: Litvak, Gwendolyn [mailto:GLitvak@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2016 2:42 PM
To: Connie Chung <CChung@hraadvisors.com>; Daria Siegel <dsiegel@downtownny.com>
Cc: Nicole Kolinsky <Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: Dinner Friday?
Yeah. I have a drink at 615 but can meet up later like 830. He has to get a train so I don't
think we'll be that long.
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Connie Chung
Sent: Tuesday, June 7, 2016 2:41 PM
To: Daria Siegel; Litvak, Gwendolyn
Cc: Nicole Kolinsky
Subject: Dinner Friday?

Yo – NK and I were just discussing doing dinner on Friday. Anyone else free to join?
Connie J. Chung
Director  |  HR&A Advisors, Inc.
99 Hudson Street, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10013
Direct: (646) 545-6248 | Mobile: (917) 699-7893
CChung@hraadvisors.com | www.hraadvisors.com
From: Litvak, Gwendolyn
To: "Nicole Kolinsky"; Daria Siegel; Connie Chung
Subject: RE: Dinner Friday?
Date: Friday, June 10, 2016 1:34:25 PM

Ok see you at 8pm an NK’s. I’ll be coming from something so have to skip pedicure. Enjoy!
GWEN LITVAK  | 212-442-6332
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2016 1:33 PM
To: Daria Siegel; Litvak, Gwendolyn; Connie Chung
Subject: RE: Dinner Friday?
also, im going to get a pedi after work if anyone is interested
From: Daria Siegel [mailto:dsiegel@downtownny.com]
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2016 1:14 PM
To: Litvak, Gwendolyn; Nicole Kolinsky; Connie Chung
Subject: RE: Dinner Friday?
When and where should we meet?!
From: Litvak, Gwendolyn [mailto:GLitvak@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2016 3:44 PM
To: 'Nicole Kolinsky' <Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com>; Daria Siegel
<dsiegel@downtownny.com>; Connie Chung <CChung@hraadvisors.com>
Subject: RE: Dinner Friday?
I’m flex too!
GWEN LITVAK  | 212-442-6332
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2016 3:01 PM
To: Litvak, Gwendolyn; Daria Siegel; Connie Chung
Subject: RE: Dinner Friday?
ill try to be there.
also we can do dinner at my place Friday if people want to… or go out. open to both!
From: Litvak, Gwendolyn [mailto:GLitvak@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2016 2:59 PM
To: Daria Siegel; Nicole Kolinsky; Connie Chung
Subject: Re: Dinner Friday?
It's OK. No prob. I probs have work anywya
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Daria Siegel
Sent: Tuesday, June 7, 2016 2:57 PM
To: Nicole Kolinsky; Litvak, Gwendolyn; Connie Chung
Subject: RE: Dinner Friday?

Ugh, I gave them a personal list of invites for it which included all of you + more.  I’ll check in.  It’s
Wednesday lunch, fyi.
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2016 2:54 PM
To: Litvak, Gwendolyn <GLitvak@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Daria Siegel <dsiegel@downtownny.com>;
Connie Chung <CChung@hraadvisors.com>
Subject: RE: Dinner Friday?
From: Litvak, Gwendolyn [mailto:GLitvak@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2016 2:52 PM
To: Daria Siegel; Connie Chung
Cc: Nicole Kolinsky
Subject: Re: Dinner Friday?
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Daria Siegel
Sent: Tuesday, June 7, 2016 2:51 PM
To: Litvak, Gwendolyn; Connie Chung
Cc: Nicole Kolinsky
Subject: RE: Dinner Friday?

I can do Fri – would be great to catch up.  Lots of ADNY stuff going on.
Did you guys get the invite for the luncheon next week?
From: Litvak, Gwendolyn [mailto:GLitvak@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2016 2:42 PM
To: Connie Chung <CChung@hraadvisors.com>; Daria Siegel <dsiegel@downtownny.com>
Cc: Nicole Kolinsky <Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: Dinner Friday?
Yeah. I have a drink at 615 but can meet up later like 830. He has to get a train so I don't
think we'll be that long.
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Connie Chung
Sent: Tuesday, June 7, 2016 2:41 PM
To: Daria Siegel; Litvak, Gwendolyn
Cc: Nicole Kolinsky
Subject: Dinner Friday?

Yo – NK and I were just discussing doing dinner on Friday. Anyone else free to join?
Connie J. Chung
Director  |  HR&A Advisors, Inc.
99 Hudson Street, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10013
Direct: (646) 545-6248 | Mobile: (917) 699-7893
CChung@hraadvisors.com | www.hraadvisors.com
From: Dan Levitan
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Cc: Stacey Levine
Subject: Re: Ok on statement
Date: Monday, June 13, 2016 6:48:45 PM


- Sent from my Galaxy S6 -

> On Jun 13, 2016, at 6:42 PM, Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
> Maya good
> Sent from a mobile device
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: "Emily Walsh"
Subject: Meeting
Date: Tuesday, June 14, 2016 9:29:31 AM

Hi! Can the Mayor use a conference room today from 3-5pm?
From: Gold, Jacqueline
To: Stacey Levine
Cc: Worman, Maya; Grybauskas, Natalie; Dan Levitan; Ruth Fasoldt; Shor, Stanley
Subject: RE: Fiber / Deploymemt Announcement
Date: Tuesday, June 14, 2016 5:40:38 PM

Best time for me would be 3.30-4.30 pm on Friday.

Thanks and best,
From: Stacey Levine [mailto:stacey.levine@intersection.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2016 5:25 PM
To: Gold, Jacqueline
Cc: Worman, Maya; Grybauskas, Natalie; Dan Levitan; Ruth Fasoldt; Shor, Stanley
Subject: Re: Fiber / Deploymemt Announcement

Thanks Jackey. Let's look to Thursday and Friday. Ruth and I are free:

Thur 1:00 - 2:00

Thur 4:30 - 6:00
Fri 9:00 - 9:30
Fri 1:00 - 2:00
Fri 3:30 - 4:30

On Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 5:07 PM, Gold, Jacqueline <jacgold@doitt.nyc.gov> wrote:
Hi Stacey. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.  I am available tomorrow (Wednesday) from 1-2
pm and 4.30-5 pm. Let me know if that works or you would like more times for Thursday and Friday.
Thanks and best,
From: Stacey Levine [mailto:stacey.levine@intersection.com]
Sent: Monday, June 13, 2016 5:53 PM
To: Worman, Maya; Grybauskas, Natalie; Dan Levitan; Ruth Fasoldt; Shor, Stanley; Gold, Jacqueline
Subject: Fiber / Deploymemt Announcement

Hi All,

I was wondering if we could all re-group and jump on a call over the next day or two to
discuss the timing and approach for the fiber announcement?

Please let me know what works best for you.


Stacey Levine 
Communications Director
T: 646-834-9657
M: 202-422-7558

233 Broadway, 21st Floor, New York, NY 10279

This e-mail, including any attachments, may be confidential, privileged or otherwise legally protected. It
is intended only for the addressee. If you received this e-mail in error or from someone who was not
authorized to send it to you, do not disseminate, copy or otherwise use this e-mail or its attachments.
Please notify the sender immediately by replying to this e-mail and delete the e-mail from your system.

Stacey Levine 
Communications Director

T: 646-834-9657
M: 202-422-7558

233 Broadway, 21st Floor, New York, NY 10279
From: Shor, Stanley
To: Stacey Levine; Gold, Jacqueline
Cc: Worman, Maya; Grybauskas, Natalie; Dan Levitan; Ruth Fasoldt
Subject: RE: Fiber / Deploymemt Announcement
Date: Tuesday, June 14, 2016 5:46:23 PM
Attachments: image001.png

I’m not available until Friday at 3:30.


Stanley Shor
Assistant Commissioner, Franchise Administration
New York City Department of
Information Technology & Telecommunications
2 MetroTech Center, 4th Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11201

From: Stacey Levine [mailto:stacey.levine@intersection.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2016 5:25 PM
To: Gold, Jacqueline
Cc: Worman, Maya; Grybauskas, Natalie; Dan Levitan; Ruth Fasoldt; Shor, Stanley
Subject: Re: Fiber / Deploymemt Announcement

Thanks Jackey. Let's look to Thursday and Friday. Ruth and I are free:

Thur 1:00 - 2:00

Thur 4:30 - 6:00
Fri 9:00 - 9:30
Fri 1:00 - 2:00
Fri 3:30 - 4:30

On Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 5:07 PM, Gold, Jacqueline <jacgold@doitt.nyc.gov> wrote:
Hi Stacey. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.  I am available tomorrow (Wednesday) from 1-2
pm and 4.30-5 pm. Let me know if that works or you would like more times for Thursday and Friday.
Thanks and best,
From: Stacey Levine [mailto:stacey.levine@intersection.com]
Sent: Monday, June 13, 2016 5:53 PM
To: Worman, Maya; Grybauskas, Natalie; Dan Levitan; Ruth Fasoldt; Shor, Stanley; Gold, Jacqueline
Subject: Fiber / Deploymemt Announcement

Hi All,

I was wondering if we could all re-group and jump on a call over the next day or two to
discuss the timing and approach for the fiber announcement?

Please let me know what works best for you.


Stacey Levine 
Communications Director

T: 646-834-9657
M: 202-422-7558

233 Broadway, 21st Floor, New York, NY 10279

This e-mail, including any attachments, may be confidential, privileged or otherwise legally protected. It
is intended only for the addressee. If you received this e-mail in error or from someone who was not
authorized to send it to you, do not disseminate, copy or otherwise use this e-mail or its attachments.
Please notify the sender immediately by replying to this e-mail and delete the e-mail from your system.

Stacey Levine 
Communications Director

T: 646-834-9657
M: 202-422-7558

233 Broadway, 21st Floor, New York, NY 10279
From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: Jovana Rizzo
Cc: Dan Levitan; Stacey Levine; Worman, Maya; Ruth Fasoldt
Subject: Re: Media inquiry -- New York Post -- Messing
Date: Friday, June 17, 2016 6:00:56 PM

Ugh can he just run it tomorrow??

Sent from mobile

On Jun 17, 2016, at 5:59 PM, Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Reporter says story probably not running tomorrow — possibly on

Monday. Will keep you posted.

From: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>

Date: Friday, June 17, 2016 5:38 PM
To: Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>
Cc: "Grybauskas, Natalie" <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Worman, Maya"
<mworman@doitt.nyc.gov>, Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>, Ruth Fasoldt
Subject: Re: Media inquiry -- New York Post -- Messing

Per Natalie we are using previous statements, but we are avail to


- Sent from my Galaxy S6 - 

On Jun 17, 2016, at 5:15 PM, Stacey Levine

<stacey.levine@intersection.com> wrote:

Ruth and I are free, 

On Fri, Jun 17, 2016 at 5:13 PM, Dan Levitan

<dan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Can you guys talk?  We have an update.

Dan Levitan

BerlinRosen Public Affairs

O: 646.200.5315

C: 201.674.7475

From: Philip Messing [mailto:pmessing@nypost.com]

Sent: Friday, June 17, 2016 4:06 PM
To: media@link.nyc
Subject: Re: Media inquiry -- New York Post -- Messing

To whom it may concern,

My name is Philip Messing and I'm a reporter for The New

York Post.

I am preparing a story for tomorrow's paper that deals with

the LinkedNYC effort to provide kiosks to people in
Manhattan so they can make free phone calls and use the
Internet -- and I'm hoping to discuss a part of this effort
with a LinkedNYC spokesman, or spokeswoman.

I am on deadline and I'm hoping that someone can contact

me about this story that I'm working on.

I can be reached at this email address --


I would also be appreciative if you also replied to my

personal email --

Additionally, I can be reached at either of these phone


Work: 212-930-8633


Thank you so much.

Philip Messing
New York Post reporter

You received this message because you are subscribed to
the Google Groups "Media" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails
from it, send an email to media+unsubscribe@link.nyc.
Stacey Levine 
Communications Director 

T:  646-834-9657 
M: 202-422-7558

233 Broadway, 21st Floor, New York, NY 10279 
From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: dan@berlinrosen.com
Date: Friday, June 17, 2016 8:48:58 PM

Can you show me exactly what you sent Post just for awareness?

Sent from mobile

From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: Phillips, Eric Falk
Cc: Dan Levitan; Worman, Maya; Jovana Rizzo
Subject: Re: New York Post inquiry -- Messing
Date: Sunday, June 19, 2016 5:34:00 PM

Got it

Disregard my email just now

Sent from mobile

On Jun 19, 2016, at 5:33 PM, Phillips, Eric Falk <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Nobody knows what hearsay means. Keep first sentence and go. Make
them prove it. And deal with any issue in the future. 

On Jun 19, 2016, at 4:56 PM, Grybauskas, Natalie

<NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:


Sent from mobile

On Jun 19, 2016, at 4:39 PM, Grybauskas, Natalie

<NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Seriously? There is no evidence. It's hearsay.

Happy to exchange that sentence for "this

accusation is based on hearsay."

Sent from mobile

On Jun 19, 2016, at 4:34 PM, Dan Levitan

<dan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Would skip first sentence 

- Sent from my Galaxy S6 - 

On Jun 19, 2016, at 4:32 PM,

Grybauskas, Natalie

Can we do:

Sent from mobile

On Jun 19, 2016, at 4:12

PM, Grybauskas, Natalie
> wrote:

There's no
evidence anyone
was watching
porn - because
people can't
watch porn on
these kiosks.
While the Post is
interested in
homeless people,
our goal is to
help them.
From: Jovana Rizzo
To: Grybauskas, Natalie; Dan Levitan
Cc: Stacey Levine
Subject: Re: daily mail
Date: Monday, June 20, 2016 10:46:54 AM

I'm reaching out w statement/background/corrections. Here's the reporter's info:

Mia de Graaf
Daily Mail | 51 Astor Place, 9th Floor, New York, NY 10003
Email: mia.degraaf@dailymail.com 
Twitter: @miadegraaf

From: "Grybauskas, Natalie" <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Monday, June 20, 2016 10:37 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>, Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>
Subject: RE: daily mail

Don’t I know it! Let me know when you have a phone number or email. Thanks
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, June 20, 2016 10:33 AM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Stacey Levine
Subject: RE: daily mail
We are reaching out.  Inaccurately copied Post stories are the Mail’s bread and butter.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, June 20, 2016 10:32 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: daily mail
Article says they reached out to citybridge. Completely inaccurate story here. Need to make a
couple of corrections (including that there is no taxpayer money invested in this project)
Can you let me know when you have contact info?
From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: Jovana Rizzo
Cc: Stacey Levine; Dan Levitan
Subject: Re: daily mail
Date: Monday, June 20, 2016 11:24:07 AM

Great. Thanks

Sent from mobile

On Jun 20, 2016, at 11:14 AM, Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Story has been updated w quotes and took out taxpayer

$ http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3650526/Homeless-men-

From: Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>

Date: Monday, June 20, 2016 10:40 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: "Grybauskas, Natalie" <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Jovana Rizzo
Subject: Re: daily mail

This is so incredibly ridiculous. 

On Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at 10:33 AM, Dan Levitan

<dan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

We are reaching out.  Inaccurately copied Post stories are the Mail’s
bread and butter.

Dan Levitan

BerlinRosen Public Affairs

O: 646.200.5315

C: 201.674.7475


From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Monday, June 20, 2016 10:32 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: daily mail

Article says they reached out to citybridge. Completely inaccurate story

here. Need to make a couple of corrections (including that there is no
taxpayer money invested in this project)


Can you let me know when you have contact info?

Stacey Levine 
Communications Director 

T:  646-834-9657 
M: 202-422-7558

233 Broadway, 21st Floor, New York, NY 10279 
From: Dan Levitan
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: RE: NY Times
Date: Wednesday, June 22, 2016 2:59:35 PM

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2016 2:59 PM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: NY Times

Sent from mobile

On Jun 22, 2016, at 2:58 PM, Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Can you talk for a quick sec?

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: (dan@berlinrosen.com)
Subject: hesitant
Date: Friday, June 24, 2016 11:41:55 AM

I just wonder if instead of dumping the story now we should wait until we have a better sense of
how far off CB is going to be from the goal? Also maybe would rather see mcgeehan story come out
and be a positive story before injecting worse news into the cycle?
From: Dawsey, Joshua
To: Phillips, Eric Falk; Dan Levitan
Subject: Story
Date: Monday, June 27, 2016 12:20:09 PM

I'm working on a story on what gov has already done/might do in upcoming months
to affect the mayor's re-elect chances. I've got some material from reporting over
last few days but welcome a chat with someone on record or on
background (assuming you will send me the typical statement about crime being
down, pre-K, affordable housing etc.) 

Thanks, Dawsey 
From: Dan Levitan
To: Rich Calder; Phillips, Eric Falk
Subject: RE: Blog post
Date: Monday, June 27, 2016 4:27:09 PM

Just tried you, can you talk by phone?

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Rich Calder [mailto:rcalder@nypost.com]
Sent: Monday, June 27, 2016 4:18 PM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Phillips, Eric Falk <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Fwd: Blog post

Our paper wants to see if the mayor's office and/or his campaign wants to comment about
this blog post.
Rich Calder, staff reporter
New York Post
718-744-8304 (cell)

From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: "Dan Levitan"
Subject: RE: Got a sec?
Date: Thursday, June 30, 2016 12:41:40 PM

Just tried you back

From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2016 12:32 PM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: Got a sec?
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Dan Levitan
To: Phillips, Eric Falk
Cc: PhilWalzak (gmail.com)
Subject: Re: Later today
Date: Wednesday, July 06, 2016 9:56:26 AM

Yup, thanks

- Sent from my Galaxy S6 - 

On Jul 6, 2016, at 9:55 AM, Phillips, Eric Falk <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:


Begin forwarded message:

From: "Phillips, Eric Falk" <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: July 6, 2016 at 9:54:54 AM EDT
To: "Evans, Dave B." <Dave.B.Evans@abc.com>
Cc: "Finan, Austin" <AFinan@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: Later today

I'm the king of pith! Austin is widely known for his ability to
put young children to sleep with his statements.
But it will probably be the guys at BerlinRosen. Id check in
with them.

On Jul 6, 2016, at 9:52 AM, Evans, Dave B.

<Dave.B.Evans@abc.com> wrote:

Good morning

Later today I'll be at campaign finance board. Will

someone from Mayor's office be there--and be able
to give us a pithy response?

Or a boring statement at least later?

Yours in news,


Sent from my iPhone

From: Phillips, Eric Falk
To: Dan Levitan
Subject: Fwd: Campaign finance board announcement
Date: Wednesday, July 06, 2016 3:26:48 PM

Begin forwarded message:

From: Samar Khurshid <skhurshid@gothamgazette.com>

Date: July 6, 2016 at 3:25:58 PM EDT
To: <efphillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Campaign finance board announcement


Does the Mayor have any comment about the Campaign Finance Board’s
advisory opinion and determination that were approved at their public
meeting this afternoon?


Samar Khurshid
City Government Reporter
Gotham Gazette
From: Walzak, Phil
To: Finan, Austin; Dan Levitan; Phillips, Eric Falk
Subject: FW: Trump comments
Date: Wednesday, July 06, 2016 4:02:24 PM

From: Carl Campanile [mailto:ccampanile@nypost.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2016 4:02 PM
To: Walzak, Phil
Subject: Re: Trump comments

Post Edit Board.

On Wed, Jul 6, 2016 at 3:57 PM, Walzak, Phil <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Thanks Carl
Press ofc will be in touch though out of curiosity, what interview was this?
From: Finan, Austin
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2016 3:55 PM
To: 'Carl Campanile'; Walzak, Phil; Dan Levitan; Phillips, Eric Falk
Subject: RE: Trump comments

+Eric Phillips
From: Carl Campanile [mailto:ccampanile@nypost.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2016 3:53 PM
To: Walzak, Phil; Finan, Austin; Dan Levitan
Subject: Trump comments

Hey there. Carl Campanile of the NY Post here. Can one of you folks get a comment from
the mayor for me?
In an interview today, presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump teed off on
Mayor de Blasio.
Trump called de Blasio "the single worst mayor in the history of New York City.”
Asked about the investigations in de Blasio’s fundraising activities, Trump said, “What
he’s done is really criminal.”
Trump claimed the city’s quality of life has declined under de Blasio.
“All of a sudden the squeegee guys are at the cars. All of a sudden you have homeless
people living on streets you didn’t see a few years ago, which is sad for the people.”
He’s letting a great deal go to hell. The city has a lot less spirit under him . . .
Trump even complained that he never got a phone call or a letter of thanks for
completing and opening the Ferry Point golf course in The Bronx.
“We got it done in less than a year. It’s open and it’s very successful. I never a got a
note of congratulations from this maniac. I never got a thank you letter,” he said.
"I save the city’s ass. I never got a phone call."
Let me know. Thanks. CC
From: Walzak, Phil
To: Finan, Austin; Dan Levitan; Phillips, Eric Falk
Subject: RE: Trump comments
Date: Wednesday, July 06, 2016 4:08:00 PM

Just rip his face off

From: Walzak, Phil
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2016 4:02 PM
To: Finan, Austin; Dan Levitan; Phillips, Eric Falk
Subject: FW: Trump comments

From: Carl Campanile [mailto:ccampanile@nypost.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2016 4:02 PM
To: Walzak, Phil
Subject: Re: Trump comments

Post Edit Board.

On Wed, Jul 6, 2016 at 3:57 PM, Walzak, Phil <PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Thanks Carl
Press ofc will be in touch though out of curiosity, what interview was this?
From: Finan, Austin
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2016 3:55 PM
To: 'Carl Campanile'; Walzak, Phil; Dan Levitan; Phillips, Eric Falk
Subject: RE: Trump comments

+Eric Phillips
From: Carl Campanile [mailto:ccampanile@nypost.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2016 3:53 PM
To: Walzak, Phil; Finan, Austin; Dan Levitan
Subject: Trump comments

Hey there. Carl Campanile of the NY Post here. Can one of you folks get a comment from
the mayor for me?
In an interview today, presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump teed off on
Mayor de Blasio.
Trump called de Blasio "the single worst mayor in the history of New York City.”
Asked about the investigations in de Blasio’s fundraising activities, Trump said, “What
he’s done is really criminal.”
Trump claimed the city’s quality of life has declined under de Blasio.
“All of a sudden the squeegee guys are at the cars. All of a sudden you have homeless
people living on streets you didn’t see a few years ago, which is sad for the people.”
He’s letting a great deal go to hell. The city has a lot less spirit under him . . .
Trump even complained that he never got a phone call or a letter of thanks for
completing and opening the Ferry Point golf course in The Bronx.
“We got it done in less than a year. It’s open and it’s very successful. I never a got a
note of congratulations from this maniac. I never got a thank you letter,” he said.
"I save the city’s ass. I never got a phone call."
Let me know. Thanks. CC
From: Dan Levitan
To: Rosa Goldensohn; Mayor"s Press Office
Subject: RE: please send comment on CFB ruling if there is any
Date: Wednesday, July 06, 2016 2:59:08 PM

“The Campaign for One New York was formed to advocate for New York City’s progressive policy
agenda.  It never engaged in any election campaign activity for any candidate and shut down more
than a year and a half before next year’s election. We are pleased with today’s CFB decision.”
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Rosa Goldensohn [mailto:RGoldensohn@crainsnewyork.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2016 2:54 PM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Mayor's Press Office <pressoffice@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: please send comment on CFB ruling if there is any

Thanks. RG
From: Phillips, Eric Falk
To: Dawsey, Joshua
Cc: Dan Levitan; Mike Vilensky
Subject: Re: Cuomo story
Date: Saturday, July 09, 2016 2:58:42 PM

We'll get back to you today. Are you saying he's trying to help a specific oppo, or
just undermining mayor generally? 

On Jul 9, 2016, at 1:06 PM, Dawsey, Joshua <joshua.dawsey@dowjones.com>


FYI, this is scheduled to run in Monday's paper, so let me know if you

guys want to add anything. I'm in Dallas but reachable by phone. 

On Fri, Jul 8, 2016 at 11:28 AM, Dawsey, Joshua

<joshua.dawsey@dowjones.com> wrote:
Eric, Dan:
We're doing a story on what gov is doing behind the scenes to shape
Want to offer you guys a chance to comment, if you'd like, on the
following pieces:
-- Do you expect the governor's support in the election, or do you think
he will back someone else/encourage someone else to run?
-- What do you say to the constant public comments by the governor
that seem designed to undermine the mayor's competency?
-- Are you aware of the governor's efforts behind the scenes to
encourage other candidates, sew discord against the mayor?
-- How do you think the feud shapes the re-election campaign? (We
have many others weighing in on this but welcome any opinion from
-- Do you have a plan to combat any possible influence by the
governor into the 2017 race, should he get fully involved?
-- Has the governor and mayor chatted at all about the mayor's re-
election? (I think I know the answer to this!)
-- Do you see any downsides for the governor should he decide to get
involved in the mayor's re-election effort?

I am not expecting a long or candid answer, necessarily, to all of these

questions and imagine I'll get a statement saying pre-K, affordable
housing is great, crime is down, etc. but want to give you a chance to
address the points in our story - should you choose!

Best, Josh
From: Phillips, Eric Falk
To: Dawsey, Joshua; Dan Levitan
Cc: Mike Vilensky
Subject: Re: Cuomo story
Date: Sunday, July 10, 2016 4:19:27 PM

NYC kids are 3 times less likely to be attacked by a shark since Mayor de Blasio’s rolled out free, high-
quality pre-k for all.

From: Joshua Dawsey <joshua.dawsey@dowjones.com>

Date: Sunday, July 10, 2016 at 4:16 PM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: "Eric F. Phillips" <efphillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Mike Vilensky <Mike.Vilensky@dowjones.com>
Subject: Re: Cuomo story

one day i want to ask you guys about a random topic, like a beached whale or shark attack on rockaway
beach, and see if you can get pre-K in the statement!

On Sun, Jul 10, 2016 at 4:12 PM, Dawsey, Joshua <joshua.dawsey@dowjones.com> wrote:

On Sun, Jul 10, 2016 at 4:08 PM, Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
Here's a quote you can use from me:

"It would be pretty shocking to a lot of progressives and struggling New Yorkers if the Governor was
trying to the undermine the progress the Mayor has made on crime, pre-k for everyone, affordable
housing, and help for working families."

- Sent from my Galaxy S6 -

> On Jul 8, 2016, at 11:28 AM, Dawsey, Joshua <joshua.dawsey@dowjones.com> wrote:

> Eric, Dan:
> We're doing a story on what gov is doing behind the scenes to shape 2017.
> Want to offer you guys a chance to comment, if you'd like, on the following pieces:
> -- Do you expect the governor's support in the election, or do you think he will back someone
else/encourage someone else to run?
> -- What do you say to the constant public comments by the governor that seem designed to
undermine the mayor's competency?
> -- Are you aware of the governor's efforts behind the scenes to encourage other candidates, sew
discord against the mayor?
> -- How do you think the feud shapes the re-election campaign? (We have many others weighing in
on this but welcome any opinion from you.)
> -- Do you have a plan to combat any possible influence by the governor into the 2017 race, should
he get fully involved?
> -- Has the governor and mayor chatted at all about the mayor's re-election? (I think I know the
answer to this!)
> -- Do you see any downsides for the governor should he decide to get involved in the mayor's re-
election effort?
> I am not expecting a long or candid answer, necessarily, to all of these questions and imagine I'll get
a statement saying pre-K, affordable housing is great, crime is down, etc. but want to give you a
chance to address the points in our story - should you choose!
> Best, Josh
From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: Dan Levitan
Subject: Re: Can you talk this afternoon?
Date: Tuesday, July 12, 2016 12:59:45 PM

Sent from mobile

On Jul 12, 2016, at 12:23 PM, Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2016 12:23 PM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: Can you talk this afternoon?
Yeah 2 pm?

Sent from mobile

On Jul 12, 2016, at 12:20 PM, Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Restler, Lincoln
To: Giselle Routhier
Cc: Mary Brosnahan; Dan Levitan
Subject: Re: Feminine Hygiene Bill Signing
Date: Wednesday, July 13, 2016 10:57:55 AM

Great! Thanks so much

Written with my thumbs. Sorry for typos.

On Jul 13, 2016, at 10:56 AM, Giselle Routhier <GRouthier@cfthomeless.org>


Lincoln -

You can submit this from me:

“Feminine hygiene products are a basic and critical need for homeless women. This new
legislation will expand access and availability of feminine hygiene products across all types of
New York City shelters, reducing one small stressor in the lives of homeless women.”

Giselle Routhier, Policy Director, Coalition for the Homeless

From: Restler, Lincoln <lrestler@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2016 7:02:08 PM
To: Mary Brosnahan; Giselle Routhier
Subject: Feminine Hygiene Bill Signing
Hi Mary and Giselle – Hope you are both well!
Mayor is signing new legislation that will make feminine hygiene products available in
all DHS and HRA family with children, adult family, and single adult female shelters.
Would you be interested in including statement in the release? Would need by 11am
tomorrow if so.
Thanks in advance for considering.
NEW YORK, NY 10007 


CONTACT: pressoffice@cityhall.nyc.gov, (212) 788-2958

NEW YORK––Mayor Bill de Blasio today signed a package of legislation

increasing access to feminine hygiene products for New York City’s shelter
residents, students and inmates. With Intros 1122-A, 1123-A and 1128-A, New
York City guarantees these essential products to all Department of Corrections
inmates; any person residing in a City shelter or under the care of Children’s
Services – including transgender, intersex and gender non-conforming New
Yorkers; and all public school students. The Mayor signed the legislation at
XPLACE, further solidifying NYC as a national leader in advocating for women
and girls.
“There should be no stigma around something as fundamental as menstruation.
These laws recognize that feminine hygiene products are a necessity – not a
luxury,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “Students should be able to concentrate on
their studies, New Yorkers in shelter should be able to focus on rebuilding their
lives, and women in our Corrections Department should be able to work toward
rehabilitation and release without the indignity of inadequate access to tampons
and pads. As a father, husband and feminist, I am proud to sign these bills into

Azadeh Khalili, Executive Director of the Mayor’s Commission on Gender

Equity, said, “No one should have to worry about whether they have access to
feminine hygiene products when they’re already worrying about an upcoming
math final or finding a permanent and safe home for their family. The
Commission on Gender Equity was formed to ensure City government creates
policy supportive of women and girls, regardless of gender expression, and
today’s laws are a great sign of more to come in increasing fairness and access
for our city’s female-bodied residents.”
The first bill, Intro. 1122-A, requires the Department of Correction to ensure that
all female inmates are guaranteed access to feminine hygiene products, codifying
an existing practice into law. This bill reaffirms that everyone under the care of
the City should have access to the hygiene products they need. In his remarks,
the Mayor thanked the bill’s sponsors, Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito
and Council Member Julissa Ferreras-Copeland.
The second bill, Intro. 1123-A, requires the Department of Citywide
Administrative Services to make feminine hygiene products available to agencies
that operate temporary shelters or have oversight of providers operating
temporary shelters. This includes the Department of Homeless Services family
shelters and single adult shelters; HIV/AIDS Services Administration shelters;
and Human Resources Administration domestic violence shelters. The bill also
requires DCAS to make such products available to youth in secure detention
facilities, and youth awaiting placement with a licensed foster care agency in
congregate care facilities, both of which are operated by the Administration for
Children’s Services.
By making feminine hygiene products available in all single-adult shelters – not
just women’s shelters – the bill guarantees that transgender, intersex and gender
non-conforming New Yorkers will all have access to the products, regardless of
their gender identity or expression. In his remarks, the Mayor thanked the bill’s
sponsors, Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito and Council Member Stephen
The third bill, Intro. 1128-A, requires the Department of Education to make free
feminine hygiene products available to students in the bathrooms of school
buildings, making New York City’s the largest program of its kind nationwide.
This bill ensures that students have the support they need to focus on learning
and feel comfortable in the classroom.
This policy will apply to school buildings in which there are students in grades 6
to 12, including charter schools in DOE controlled and operated spaces. To better
educate New York City families on this program, schools will host parent
workshops and student information sessions about feminine hygiene products
during the 2015-2016 school year. In his remarks, the Mayor thanked the bill’s
sponsors, Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito and Council Member Julissa
Intro. 1128-A comes after a successful pilot program during the 2015-2016
school year. The City placed 380 dispensers across 25 middle and high schools
and trained staff members in assisting students and parents in any concerns with
the program. School principals responded positively to the pilot.

From: Viguers, Jonathan
To: Snyder, Thomas; dkieve@hilltoppublicsolutions.com; O"Brien, Kevin; nbaldick@hilltoppublicsolutions.com;
Collins-McNeil, Christopher; Berger, Henry; Walzak, Phil; laufer@kantordavidoff.com; Wolfe, Emma;
dan@berlinrosen.com; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: Private Call
Date: Wednesday, July 13, 2016 3:05:32 PM

Please dial in

Private Call
Scheduled: Wednesday, Jul 13, 2016 from 3:00 PM to 3:30 PM
Location: Call In#: Code:
Invitees: Snyder, Thomas , David Kieve , O'Brien, Kevin , Nick Baldick , Collins-
McNeil, Christopher , Berger, Henry , Walzak, Phil , 'Laurence Laufer' , Wolfe, Emma
, 'dan@berlinrosen.com' , Jonathan Rosen , Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca

sent from a mobile device.

From: O"Brien, Kevin
To: Viguers, Jonathan; Snyder, Thomas; dkieve@hilltoppublicsolutions.com; nbaldick@hilltoppublicsolutions.com;
Collins-McNeil, Christopher; Berger, Henry; Walzak, Phil; laufer@kantordavidoff.com; Wolfe, Emma;
dan@berlinrosen.com; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: RE: Private Call
Date: Wednesday, July 13, 2016 3:08:00 PM

From: Viguers, Jonathan
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2016 3:08 PM
To: Snyder, Thomas; dkieve@hilltoppublicsolutions.com; O'Brien, Kevin;
nbaldick@hilltoppublicsolutions.com; Collins-McNeil, Christopher; Berger, Henry; Walzak, Phil;
laufer@kantordavidoff.com; Wolfe, Emma; dan@berlinrosen.com; Jonathan@berlinrosen.com; Salazar-
Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: Private Call

Please let me know when the mayor should dial in

Private Call
Scheduled: Wednesday, Jul 13, 2016 from 3:00 PM to 3:30 PM
Location: Call In#: Code:
Invitees: Snyder, Thomas , David Kieve , O'Brien, Kevin , Nick Baldick , Collins-McNeil,
Christopher , Berger, Henry , Walzak, Phil , 'Laurence Laufer' , Wolfe, Emma ,
'dan@berlinrosen.com' , Jonathan Rosen , Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca

sent from a mobile device.

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: Aidinoff, Charles; Berger, Henry; O"Brien, Kevin; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Thornton, Demetrius; Seignious,
Sandy; Markham, Max; McMoore, Marvin; Wolfe, Emma; Walzak, Phil; Williams, Dominic; Snyder, Thomas;
Lauter, Rachel; Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Gil, Claudia; Lupo, Jon Paul; "dkieve@hilltoppublicsolutions.com";
Ryan, Kristine; Viguers, Jonathan; "nbaldick@hilltoppublicsolutions.com"; "Laurence Laufer"; Fuleihan, Dean
(OMB); Collins-McNeil, Christopher; Khanyile-Lynch, Celi; Caquias, Paula; Gonzalez, Melissa; Jonathan Rosen
Cc: "nbaldick@hilltoppublicsolutions.com"; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB)
Subject: RE: MBDB: Reform Meeting
Date: Thursday, July 14, 2016 4:23:22 PM

Apologies, But this meeting will be rescheduled.

-----Original Appointment-----
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2016 7:59 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca; Aidinoff, Charles; Berger, Henry; O'Brien, Kevin; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel;
Thornton, Demetrius; Seignious, Sandy; Markham, Max; McMoore, Marvin; Wolfe, Emma; Walzak, Phil;
Williams, Dominic; Snyder, Thomas; Lauter, Rachel; Darlington, Mandy (OMB); Gil, Claudia; Lupo, Jon
Paul; 'dkieve@hilltoppublicsolutions.com'; Ryan, Kristine; Viguers, Jonathan;
'nbaldick@hilltoppublicsolutions.com'; 'Laurence Laufer'; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB); Collins-McNeil,
Christopher; Khanyile-Lynch, Celi; Caquias, Paula; Gonzalez, Melissa; Jonathan Rosen
Cc: 'nbaldick@hilltoppublicsolutions.com'; Fuleihan, Dean (OMB)
Subject: MBDB: Reform Meeting
When: Thursday, July 14, 2016 3:30 PM-5:30 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: Gracie Mansion - Call In # Code:
From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: Worman, Maya
Cc: Stacey Levine; Dan Levitan; Jovana Rizzo; Shor, Stanley
Subject: Re: WSJ Request
Date: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 10:24:02 AM


> On Jul 20, 2016, at 10:11 AM, Worman, Maya <mworman@doitt.nyc.gov> wrote:
> Added Natalie so she is aware.
> On Jul 20, 2016, at 10:10 AM, Stacey Levine
<stacey.levine@intersection.com<mailto:stacey.levine@intersection.com>> wrote:
> Maya/Stanley, See below.
> BR can give him a call to get more info before we respond.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Kanno-Youngs, Zolan <zolan.kanno-youngs@wsj.com<mailto:zolan.kanno-youngs@wsj.com>>
> Date: Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 10:04 AM
> Subject: WSJ Request
> To: Media@link.nyc<mailto:Media@link.nyc>
> Hello,
> I'm writing a follow up story to the rolling out of Link NYC kiosks and I'm hoping I can speak to an
official to get comments about some reactions I've gotten from residents on the Upper East side.
Residents have said they either don't use the kiosks, they congest sidewalks or they've seen homeless
people camp out around them for hours. The one person I saw using the kiosk yesterday was homeless.
> Many residents also wondered why the beta phase was rolling out in the Upper East Side when other
neighborhoods might have a greater need for internet access. Is it because of the exposure of
> I would love to have a graphic go along with story that shows the number of kiosks that are working,
the number of kiosks installed and the number of kiosks that are planned to be installed in the city.
Could someone please send me that data and info?
> Feel free to give me a call.
> Zolan Kanno-Youngs
> [The Wall Street Journal]<http://www.wsj.com/>
> O: 212-416-2695<tel:212-416-2695>    M:617-233-9507<tel:617-233-9507>
> E: zolan.kanno-youngs@wsj.com<mailto:zolan.kanno-youngs@wsj.com>
> @kannoyoungs<mailto:zolan.kanno-youngs@wsj.com>
> A: 1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036
> [Dow Jones]<http://www.dowjones.com/>
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Media" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to
> --
> Stacey Levine
> Communications Director
> T:  646-834-9657
> M: 202-422-7558
> stacey.levine@intersection.com<mailto:stacey.levine@intersection.com>
> Intersection
> 233 Broadway, 21st Floor, New York, NY 10279
> intersection.com<http://www.intersection.com/>
> ________________________________
> This e-mail, including any attachments, may be confidential, privileged or otherwise legally protected.
It is intended only for the addressee. If you received this e-mail in error or from someone who was not
authorized to send it to you, do not disseminate, copy or otherwise use this e-mail or its attachments.
Please notify the sender immediately by replying to this e-mail and delete the e-mail from your system.
From: Dan Levitan
To: Grybauskas, Natalie; "Worman, Maya"; Stacey Levine
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Shor, Stanley
Subject: RE: WSJ Request
Date: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 10:38:08 AM

The reporter is calling us back in one hour.

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

-----Original Message-----
From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 10:25 AM
To: 'Worman, Maya' <mworman@doitt.nyc.gov>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>
Cc: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Shor, Stanley
Subject: RE: WSJ Request

Do we know when he's writing for?

-----Original Message-----
From: Worman, Maya [mailto:mworman@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 10:12 AM
To: Stacey Levine
Cc: Dan Levitan; Jovana Rizzo; Shor, Stanley; Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: Re: WSJ Request

Added Natalie so she is aware.

On Jul 20, 2016, at 10:10 AM, Stacey Levine

<stacey.levine@intersection.com<mailto:stacey.levine@intersection.com>> wrote:

Maya/Stanley, See below.

BR can give him a call to get more info before we respond.

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Kanno-Youngs, Zolan <zolan.kanno-youngs@wsj.com<mailto:zolan.kanno-youngs@wsj.com>>
Date: Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 10:04 AM
Subject: WSJ Request
To: Media@link.nyc<mailto:Media@link.nyc>


I'm writing a follow up story to the rolling out of Link NYC kiosks and I'm hoping I can speak to an
official to get comments about some reactions I've gotten from residents on the Upper East side.
Residents have said they either don't use the kiosks, they congest sidewalks or they've seen homeless
people camp out around them for hours. The one person I saw using the kiosk yesterday was homeless.

Many residents also wondered why the beta phase was rolling out in the Upper East Side when other
neighborhoods might have a greater need for internet access. Is it because of the exposure of

I would love to have a graphic go along with story that shows the number of kiosks that are working,
the number of kiosks installed and the number of kiosks that are planned to be installed in the city.
Could someone please send me that data and info?

Feel free to give me a call.

Zolan Kanno-Youngs
[The Wall Street Journal]<http://www.wsj.com/>
O: 212-416-2695<tel:212-416-2695>    M:617-233-9507<tel:617-233-9507>
E: zolan.kanno-youngs@wsj.com<mailto:zolan.kanno-youngs@wsj.com>
A: 1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036 [Dow Jones]<http://www.dowjones.com/>

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Media" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to

Stacey Levine
Communications Director

T:  646-834-9657
M: 202-422-7558

233 Broadway, 21st Floor, New York, NY 10279 intersection.com<http://www.intersection.com/>


This e-mail, including any attachments, may be confidential, privileged or otherwise legally protected. It
is intended only for the addressee. If you received this e-mail in error or from someone who was not
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Please notify the sender immediately by replying to this e-mail and delete the e-mail from your system.
From: Dan Levitan
To: Worman, Maya
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie; Stacey Levine; Jovana Rizzo; Shor, Stanley
Subject: RE: WSJ Request
Date: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 11:05:59 AM

Anne may be the right person, he had it in his head to ask for Maya, but what he really wants is an
articulation of why the city is doing this.

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

-----Original Message-----
From: Worman, Maya [mailto:mworman@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 11:04 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Stacey Levine
<stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Shor, Stanley
Subject: Re: WSJ Request

Do you mean Anne Roest?

> On Jul 20, 2016, at 11:01 AM, Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
> Believe an interview with Maya Wiley or someone else who can talk about the City's big picture goals
for the project
> --
> Dan Levitan
> BerlinRosen Public Affairs
> O: 646.200.5315
> C: 201.674.7475
> @DanLevitan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Worman, Maya [mailto:mworman@doitt.nyc.gov]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 10:57 AM
> To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
> Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Stacey Levine
<stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Shor, Stanley
> Subject: Re: WSJ Request
> Great. Any sense of what they need/are looking for from us?
>> On Jul 20, 2016, at 10:53 AM, Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
>> Also, just heard NY Times is going to circle back to DoITT today and wrap up the story this week. 
Think we should try to help them as much as possible
>> --
>> Dan Levitan
>> BerlinRosen Public Affairs
>> O: 646.200.5315
>> C: 201.674.7475
>> @DanLevitan
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
>> Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 10:25 AM
>> To: 'Worman, Maya' <mworman@doitt.nyc.gov>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>
>> Cc: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Shor, Stanley
>> Subject: RE: WSJ Request
>> Do we know when he's writing for?
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Worman, Maya [mailto:mworman@doitt.nyc.gov]
>> Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 10:12 AM
>> To: Stacey Levine
>> Cc: Dan Levitan; Jovana Rizzo; Shor, Stanley; Grybauskas, Natalie
>> Subject: Re: WSJ Request
>> Added Natalie so she is aware.
>> On Jul 20, 2016, at 10:10 AM, Stacey Levine
<stacey.levine@intersection.com<mailto:stacey.levine@intersection.com>> wrote:
>> Maya/Stanley, See below.
>> BR can give him a call to get more info before we respond.
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Kanno-Youngs, Zolan <zolan.kanno-youngs@wsj.com<mailto:zolan.kanno-
>> Date: Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 10:04 AM
>> Subject: WSJ Request
>> To: Media@link.nyc<mailto:Media@link.nyc>
>> Hello,
>> I'm writing a follow up story to the rolling out of Link NYC kiosks and I'm hoping I can speak to an
official to get comments about some reactions I've gotten from residents on the Upper East side.
Residents have said they either don't use the kiosks, they congest sidewalks or they've seen homeless
people camp out around them for hours. The one person I saw using the kiosk yesterday was homeless.
>> Many residents also wondered why the beta phase was rolling out in the Upper East Side when
other neighborhoods might have a greater need for internet access. Is it because of the exposure of
>> I would love to have a graphic go along with story that shows the number of kiosks that are
working, the number of kiosks installed and the number of kiosks that are planned to be installed in the
city. Could someone please send me that data and info?
>> Feel free to give me a call.
>> Zolan Kanno-Youngs
>> [The Wall Street Journal]<http://www.wsj.com/>
>> O: 212-416-2695<tel:212-416-2695>    M:617-233-9507<tel:617-233-9507>
>> E: zolan.kanno-youngs@wsj.com<mailto:zolan.kanno-youngs@wsj.com>
>> @kannoyoungs<mailto:zolan.kanno-youngs@wsj.com>
>> A: 1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036 [Dow Jones]<http://www.dowjones.com/>
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Media" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to
>> --
>> Stacey Levine
>> Communications Director
>> T:  646-834-9657
>> M: 202-422-7558
>> stacey.levine@intersection.com<mailto:stacey.levine@intersection.com>
>> Intersection
>> 233 Broadway, 21st Floor, New York, NY 10279 intersection.com<http://www.intersection.com/>
>> ________________________________
>> This e-mail, including any attachments, may be confidential, privileged or otherwise legally
protected. It is intended only for the addressee. If you received this e-mail in error or from someone
who was not authorized to send it to you, do not disseminate, copy or otherwise use this e-mail or its
attachments. Please notify the sender immediately by replying to this e-mail and delete the e-mail from
your system.
From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: "Worman, Maya"; "dan@berlinrosen.com"; "stacey.levine@intersection.com"
Cc: "jovana@berlinrosen.com"; Shor, Stanley
Subject: RE: WSJ Request
Date: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 12:05:24 PM

From: Worman, Maya [mailto:mworman@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 12:04 PM
To: 'dan@berlinrosen.com'; Grybauskas, Natalie; 'stacey.levine@intersection.com'
Cc: 'jovana@berlinrosen.com'; Shor, Stanley
Subject: Re: WSJ Request

I'm available

From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 12:03 PM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; 'Stacey Levine'
<stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Worman, Maya
Cc: Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Shor, Stanley
Subject: RE: WSJ Request

Just spoke to them.   Stacey is headed into a meeting but can I call you guys and catch you up?
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 11:57 AM
To: 'Stacey Levine' <stacey.levine@intersection.com>; 'Worman, Maya' <mworman@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; 'Shor, Stanley'
Subject: RE: WSJ Request

Pls let us know how WSJ call goes.

From: Grybauskas, Natalie
Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 11:13 AM
To: 'Stacey Levine'; Worman, Maya
Cc: Dan Levitan; Jovana Rizzo; Shor, Stanley
Subject: RE: WSJ Request

Brittny Saunders is interim counsel to the mayor now that Maya has left. She has worked on Maya’s
team throughout this whole process and is very familiar with Link.
From: Stacey Levine [mailto:stacey.levine@intersection.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 11:11 AM
To: Worman, Maya
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie; Dan Levitan; Jovana Rizzo; Shor, Stanley
Subject: Re: WSJ Request

Who is Brittny and what is her role?

On Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 11:07 AM, Worman, Maya <mworman@doitt.nyc.gov> wrote:
I can make Anne available but have no visibility into Brittny's availability. I prefer Anne
speak for big picture at this point.

> On Jul 20, 2016, at 11:05 AM, Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>

> Brittny is the new Maya for now, I'm going to flag this for her too.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Worman, Maya [mailto:mworman@doitt.nyc.gov]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 11:04 AM
> To: Dan Levitan
> Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie; Stacey Levine; Jovana Rizzo; Shor, Stanley
> Subject: Re: WSJ Request
> Do you mean Anne Roest?
>> On Jul 20, 2016, at 11:01 AM, Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
>> Believe an interview with Maya Wiley or someone else who can talk about the City's big
picture goals for the project
>> --
>> Dan Levitan
>> BerlinRosen Public Affairs
>> O: 646.200.5315
>> C: 201.674.7475
>> @DanLevitan
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Worman, Maya [mailto:mworman@doitt.nyc.gov]
>> Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 10:57 AM
>> To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
>> Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Stacey Levine
<stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Shor, Stanley
>> Subject: Re: WSJ Request
>> Great. Any sense of what they need/are looking for from us?
>>> On Jul 20, 2016, at 10:53 AM, Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
>>> Also, just heard NY Times is going to circle back to DoITT today and wrap up the story
this week. Think we should try to help them as much as possible
>>> --
>>> Dan Levitan
>>> BerlinRosen Public Affairs
>>> O: 646.200.5315
>>> C: 201.674.7475
>>> @DanLevitan
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
>>> Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 10:25 AM
>>> To: 'Worman, Maya' <mworman@doitt.nyc.gov>; Stacey Levine
>>> Cc: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>;
Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>
>>> Subject: RE: WSJ Request
>>> Do we know when he's writing for?
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Worman, Maya [mailto:mworman@doitt.nyc.gov]
>>> Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 10:12 AM
>>> To: Stacey Levine
>>> Cc: Dan Levitan; Jovana Rizzo; Shor, Stanley; Grybauskas, Natalie
>>> Subject: Re: WSJ Request
>>> Added Natalie so she is aware.
>>> On Jul 20, 2016, at 10:10 AM, Stacey Levine
<stacey.levine@intersection.com<mailto:stacey.levine@intersection.com>> wrote:
>>> Maya/Stanley, See below.
>>> BR can give him a call to get more info before we respond.
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: Kanno-Youngs, Zolan <zolan.kanno-youngs@wsj.com<mailto:zolan.kanno-
>>> Date: Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 10:04 AM
>>> Subject: WSJ Request
>>> To: Media@link.nyc<mailto:Media@link.nyc>
>>> Hello,
>>> I'm writing a follow up story to the rolling out of Link NYC kiosks and I'm hoping I can
speak to an official to get comments about some reactions I've gotten from residents on the
Upper East side. Residents have said they either don't use the kiosks, they congest sidewalks
or they've seen homeless people camp out around them for hours. The one person I saw using
the kiosk yesterday was homeless.
>>> Many residents also wondered why the beta phase was rolling out in the Upper East Side
when other neighborhoods might have a greater need for internet access. Is it because of the
exposure of advertisements?
>>> I would love to have a graphic go along with story that shows the number of kiosks that
are working, the number of kiosks installed and the number of kiosks that are planned to be
installed in the city. Could someone please send me that data and info?
>>> Feel free to give me a call.
>>> Zolan Kanno-Youngs
>>> [The Wall Street Journal]<http://www.wsj.com/>
>>> O: 212-416-2695<tel:212-416-2695> M:617-233-9507<tel:617-233-9507>
>>> E: zolan.kanno-youngs@wsj.com<mailto:zolan.kanno-youngs@wsj.com>
>>> @kannoyoungs<mailto:zolan.kanno-youngs@wsj.com>
>>> A: 1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036 [Dow
>>> --
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>>> Intersection
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Stacey Levine 
Communications Director

T: 646-834-9657
M: 202-422-7558

233 Broadway, 21st Floor, New York, NY 10279
From: Shor, Stanley
To: Worman, Maya; "dan@berlinrosen.com"; Grybauskas, Natalie; "stacey.levine@intersection.com"
Cc: "jovana@berlinrosen.com"
Subject: RE: WSJ Request
Date: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 12:10:34 PM

So am I.

Sent Via DoITT Mobile Device

-------- Original message --------

From: "Worman, Maya" <mworman@doitt.nyc.gov>
Date: 07/20/2016 12:04 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: "'dan@berlinrosen.com'" <dan@berlinrosen.com>, "'NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov'"
<NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "'stacey.levine@intersection.com'" <stacey.levine@intersection.com>
Cc: "'jovana@berlinrosen.com'" <jovana@berlinrosen.com>, "Shor, Stanley" <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: WSJ Request

I'm available

From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 12:03 PM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; 'Stacey Levine' <stacey.levine@intersection.com>;
Worman, Maya
Cc: Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Shor, Stanley
Subject: RE: WSJ Request

Just spoke to them.   Stacey is headed into a meeting but can I call you guys and catch you up?

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 11:57 AM
To: 'Stacey Levine' <stacey.levine@intersection.com>; 'Worman, Maya' <mworman@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; 'Shor, Stanley'
Subject: RE: WSJ Request

Pls let us know how WSJ call goes.

From: Grybauskas, Natalie

Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 11:13 AM
To: 'Stacey Levine'; Worman, Maya
Cc: Dan Levitan; Jovana Rizzo; Shor, Stanley
Subject: RE: WSJ Request

Brittny Saunders is interim counsel to the mayor now that Maya has left. She has worked on Maya’s team
throughout this whole process and is very familiar with Link.

From: Stacey Levine [mailto:stacey.levine@intersection.com]<mailto:[mailto:stacey.levine@intersection.com]>

Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 11:11 AM
To: Worman, Maya
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie; Dan Levitan; Jovana Rizzo; Shor, Stanley
Subject: Re: WSJ Request
Who is Brittny and what is her role?

On Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 11:07 AM, Worman, Maya

<mworman@doitt.nyc.gov<mailto:mworman@doitt.nyc.gov>> wrote:
I can make Anne available but have no visibility into Brittny's availability. I prefer Anne speak for big picture at
this point.

> On Jul 20, 2016, at 11:05 AM, Grybauskas, Natalie

<NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov<mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>> wrote:
> Brittny is the new Maya for now, I'm going to flag this for her too.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Worman, Maya [mailto:mworman@doitt.nyc.gov<mailto:mworman@doitt.nyc.gov>]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 11:04 AM
> To: Dan Levitan
> Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie; Stacey Levine; Jovana Rizzo; Shor, Stanley
> Subject: Re: WSJ Request
> Do you mean Anne Roest?
>> On Jul 20, 2016, at 11:01 AM, Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com<mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com>> wrote:
>> Believe an interview with Maya Wiley or someone else who can talk about the City's big picture goals for
the project
>> --
>> Dan Levitan
>> BerlinRosen Public Affairs
>> O: 646.200.5315<tel:646.200.5315>
>> C: 201.674.7475<tel:201.674.7475>
>> @DanLevitan
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Worman, Maya [mailto:mworman@doitt.nyc.gov<mailto:mworman@doitt.nyc.gov>]
>> Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 10:57 AM
>> To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com<mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com>>
>> Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov<mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>>; Stacey
Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com<mailto:stacey.levine@intersection.com>>; Jovana Rizzo
<jovana@berlinrosen.com<mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com>>; Shor, Stanley
>> Subject: Re: WSJ Request
>> Great. Any sense of what they need/are looking for from us?
>>> On Jul 20, 2016, at 10:53 AM, Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com<mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com>>
>>> Also, just heard NY Times is going to circle back to DoITT today and wrap up the story this week.  Think
we should try to help them as much as possible
>>> --
>>> Dan Levitan
>>> BerlinRosen Public Affairs
>>> O: 646.200.5315<tel:646.200.5315>
>>> C: 201.674.7475<tel:201.674.7475>
>>> @DanLevitan
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov<mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>]
>>> Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 10:25 AM
>>> To: 'Worman, Maya' <mworman@doitt.nyc.gov<mailto:mworman@doitt.nyc.gov>>; Stacey Levine
>>> Cc: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com<mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com>>; Jovana Rizzo
<jovana@berlinrosen.com<mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com>>; Shor, Stanley
>>> Subject: RE: WSJ Request
>>> Do we know when he's writing for?
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Worman, Maya [mailto:mworman@doitt.nyc.gov<mailto:mworman@doitt.nyc.gov>]
>>> Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 10:12 AM
>>> To: Stacey Levine
>>> Cc: Dan Levitan; Jovana Rizzo; Shor, Stanley; Grybauskas, Natalie
>>> Subject: Re: WSJ Request
>>> Added Natalie so she is aware.
>>> On Jul 20, 2016, at 10:10 AM, Stacey Levine
< A>>>> wrote:
>>> Maya/Stanley, See below.
>>> BR can give him a call to get more info before we respond.
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: Kanno-Youngs, Zolan <zolan.kanno-youngs@wsj.com<mailto:zolan.kanno-
youngs@wsj.com><mailto:zolan.kanno-youngs@wsj.com< A>>>>
>>> Date: Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 10:04 AM
>>> Subject: WSJ Request
>>> To: Media@link.nyc<mailto:Media@link.nyc< A>>>
>>> Hello,
>>> I'm writing a follow up story to the rolling out of Link NYC kiosks and I'm hoping I can speak to an
official to get comments about some reactions I've gotten from residents on the Upper East side. Residents
have said they either don't use the kiosks, they congest sidewalks or they've seen homeless people camp out
around them for hours. The one person I saw using the kiosk yesterday was homeless.
>>> Many residents also wondered why the beta phase was rolling out in the Upper East Side when other
neighborhoods might have a greater need for internet access. Is it because of the exposure of advertisements?
>>> I would love to have a graphic go along with story that shows the number of kiosks that are working, the
number of kiosks installed and the number of kiosks that are planned to be installed in the city. Could
someone please send me that data and info?
>>> Feel free to give me a call.
>>> Zolan Kanno-Youngs
>>> [The Wall Street Journal]<http://www.wsj.com/>
>>> O: 212-416-2695<tel:212-416-2695><tel:212-416-2695<tel:212-416-2695>>    M:617-233-
>>> E: zolan.kanno-youngs@wsj.com<mailto:zolan.kanno-youngs@wsj.com><mailto:zolan.kanno-
youngs@wsj.com< A>>>
>>> @kannoyoungs<mailto:zolan.kanno-youngs@wsj.com< A>>>
>>> A: 1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036 [Dow Jones]<http://www.dowjones.com/>
>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Media" group.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to
media+unsubscribe@link.nyc<mailto:media+unsubscribe@link.nyc< A>>>.
>>> --
>>> Stacey Levine
>>> Communications Director
>>> T:  646-834-9657<tel:646-834-9657>
>>> M: 202-422-7558<tel:202-422-7558>
< A>>>
>>> Intersection
>>> 233 Broadway, 21st Floor, New York, NY 10279
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>>> This e-mail, including any attachments, may be confidential, privileged or otherwise legally protected. It is
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to send it to you, do not disseminate, copy or otherwise use this e-mail or its attachments. Please notify the
sender immediately by replying to this e-mail and delete the e-mail from your system.

Stacey Levine
Communications Director

T:  646-834-9657
M: 202-422-7558

233 Broadway, 21st Floor, New York, NY 10279

From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: "Dan Levitan"; Shor, Stanley; Worman, Maya
Cc: Stacey Levine (stacey.levine@intersection.com); Jovana Rizzo
Subject: RE: News 12
Date: Thursday, July 21, 2016 12:18:23 PM

Thanks dan
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2016 12:18 PM
To: Shor, Stanley; Worman, Maya; Grybauskas, Natalie
Cc: Stacey Levine (stacey.levine@intersection.com); Jovana Rizzo
Subject: News 12
As discussed, we approached News 12 about the Per Scholas story. They swung by a Link today to
meet our Per Scholas street team, though the story seems to be also focused on excitement on how
the Bronx got to get Links before the other outerboroughs.
Clip should air shortly, we’ll send around when it does.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Michael Gartland
To: Dan Levitan
Cc: Phillips, Eric Falk
Subject: Re: Trump Jr.
Date: Sunday, July 24, 2016 5:09:10 PM

Nice. Thanks.

On Sun, Jul 24, 2016 at 5:00 PM, Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
From a campaign spox: 
"It’s a free country, and assuming his dad loses it will still be in 2017."

- Sent from my Galaxy S6 - 

On Jul 24, 2016, at 3:45 PM, Michael Gartland <mgartland@nypost.com> wrote:

Trump Jr. is telling us he would "love to run for mayor" in

Not sure who'd field this, but would one of you like to comment?

Michael Gartland
NY Post

Michael Gartland
NY Post
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: Draft SLG press release
Date: Tuesday, August 09, 2016 7:03:15 PM
Attachments: Ex B - Press Release.docx


Per your request attached please find draft press release from SL Green announcing their settlement of
litigation w Midtown Trackage.  While some wording and details may change this is far enough along to
share.  As of now the plan is to announce this tomorrow but that is not yet final.

Let me know any questions or concerns.


SL Green Announces Settlement Agreement with Midtown TDR Ventures to End Withdraw One
Vanderbilt Litigation

NEW YORK – SL Green Realty Corp. (NYSE: SLG) today announced an agreement with Midtown TDR
Ventures to settle their litigation regarding SL Green’s One Vanderbilt, an iconic new office tower under
construction adjacent to Grand Central Terminal. The settlement resolves the legal claims that Midtown
TDR Ventures asserted to invalidate the Vanderbilt Corridor rezoning amendment and the One
Vanderbilt special permit, thereby eliminating uncertainty surrounding the building.

“This is a major milestone for the future of East Midtown, clearing the way for One Vanderbilt to
deliver state-of-the-art Class A office space and unprecedented investment in Grand Central’s transit
infrastructure,” said Marc Holliday, CEO of SL Green Realty Corp. “We’re pleased are grateful that the
new ownership of Midtown TDR Ventures shares our commitment to development in East Midtown and
worked with us to quickly reach this settlementagreement. [With demolition nearly complete and work
already underway on public improvements, progress can now continue without delay being
tweaked]One Vanderbilt is well on the way to becoming a reality.”

One Vanderbilt is bounded by Vanderbilt Avenue and Madison Avenue between East 42nd and East
43rd Streets in Manhattan’s East Midtown business district. The 63-story skyscraper will be 1,501 feet tall
and contain 1.6 million square feet of Class A commercial space. Designed by Kohn Pedersen Fox (KPF),
One Vanderbilt’s architecture and building materials pay homage to the landmarked Terminal and the
surrounding East Midtown business district. One Vanderbilt features open floor plans, efficient use of
space, and the highest level of sustainable design in New York City. As part of the development, SL
Green will invest $220 million in public infrastructure in and around Grand Central Terminal.
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: Look at this version
Date: Tuesday, August 09, 2016 7:22:09 PM
Attachments: Ex B - Press Release.v5.docx
SL Green Announces Agreement with Midtown TDR Ventures to Resolve One Vanderbilt Litigation

NEW YORK – SL Green Realty Corp. (NYSE: SLG) today announced an agreement with Midtown TDR
Ventures whereby the litigation regarding SL Green’s One Vanderbilt, an iconic new office tower under
construction adjacent to Grand Central Terminal, was withdrawn. The settlement will resolve the legal
claims that Midtown TDR Ventures asserted to invalidate the Vanderbilt Corridor rezoning amendment
and the One Vanderbilt special permit, thereby eliminating uncertainty surrounding the building.

“This is a major milestone for the future of East Midtown, clearing the way for One Vanderbilt to
deliver state-of-the-art Class A office space and unprecedented investment in Grand Central’s transit
infrastructure,” said Marc Holliday, CEO of SL Green Realty Corp. “We’re pleased that the new
ownership of Midtown TDR Ventures shares our commitment to development in East Midtown and
worked with us to quickly reach this agreement. With demolition nearly complete and work already
underway on public improvements, One Vanderbilt is well on the way to becoming a reality.”

One Vanderbilt is bounded by Vanderbilt Avenue and Madison Avenue between East 42nd and East
43rd Streets in Manhattan’s East Midtown business district. The 63-story skyscraper will be 1,501 feet tall
and contain 1.6 million square feet of Class A commercial space. Designed by Kohn Pedersen Fox (KPF),
One Vanderbilt’s architecture and building materials pay homage to the landmarked Terminal and the
surrounding East Midtown business district. One Vanderbilt features open floor plans, efficient use of
space, and the highest level of sustainable design in New York City. As part of the development, SL
Green will invest $220 million in public infrastructure in and around Grand Central Terminal.
From: Norvell, Wiley
To: jonathan@berlinrosen.com
Subject: release w/tracked changes
Date: Tuesday, August 09, 2016 10:02:13 PM
Attachments: Ex B - Press Release.v5.docx

This work?

And here’s the quote from AG we will provide to incoming inquiries:

“We are pleased the two parties could resolve the litigation, and that work can
proceed as planned on the new office tower and major transit upgrades to
Grand Central. This is a promising development as we move ahead with our
comprehensive East Midtown plan."
SL Green Announces Agreement with Midtown TDR Ventures to Resolve One Vanderbilt Litigation

NEW YORK – SL Green Realty Corp. (NYSE: SLG) today announced an agreement with Midtown TDR
Ventures whereby the litigation regarding SL Green’s One Vanderbilt, an iconic new office tower under
construction adjacent to Grand Central Terminal, was withdrawn. The settlement will resolve the legal
claims against SL Green and the City of New York that Midtown TDR Ventures asserted to invalidate the
Vanderbilt Corridor rezoning amendment and the One Vanderbilt special permit, thereby eliminating
uncertainty surrounding the building. The new office tower and $220 million in planned transit
improvements will move forward as planned.

“This is a major milestone for the future of East Midtown, clearing the way for One Vanderbilt to
deliver state-of-the-art Class A office space and unprecedented $220 million investment in Grand
Central’s transit infrastructure,” said Marc Holliday, CEO of SL Green Realty Corp. “We’re pleased that
the new ownership of Midtown TDR Ventures shares our commitment to development in East Midtown
and worked with us to quickly reach this agreement. With demolition nearly complete and work already
underway on public improvements, One Vanderbilt is well on the way to becoming a reality.”

One Vanderbilt is bounded by Vanderbilt Avenue and Madison Avenue between East 42nd and East
43rd Streets in Manhattan’s East Midtown business district. The 63-story skyscraper will be 1,501 feet tall
and contain 1.6 million square feet of Class A commercial space. Designed by Kohn Pedersen Fox (KPF),
One Vanderbilt’s architecture and building materials pay homage to the landmarked Terminal and the
surrounding East Midtown business district. One Vanderbilt features open floor plans, efficient use of
space, and the highest level of sustainable design in New York City. As part of the development, SL
Green will invest $220 million in public infrastructure in and around Grand Central Terminal.
From: Norvell, Wiley
To: jonathan@berlinrosen.com
Subject: Re: release w/tracked changes
Date: Tuesday, August 09, 2016 10:04:24 PM
Attachments: Ex B - Press Release.v5.docx

Sorry—one more. Attached. 

From: <Norvell>, Wiley Norvell <wnorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Tuesday, August 9, 2016 at 10:02 PM
To: "jonathan@berlinrosen.com" <jonathan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: release w/tracked changes

This work?

And here’s the quote from AG we will provide to incoming inquiries:

“We are pleased the two parties could resolve the litigation, and that work can
proceed as planned on the new office tower and major transit upgrades to
Grand Central. This is a promising development as we move ahead with our
comprehensive East Midtown plan."
SL Green Announces Agreement with Midtown TDR Ventures to Resolve One Vanderbilt Litigation

NEW YORK – SL Green Realty Corp. (NYSE: SLG) today announced an agreement with Midtown TDR
Ventures whereby the litigation regarding SL Green’s One Vanderbilt, an iconic new office tower under
construction adjacent to Grand Central Terminal, was withdrawn. The settlement will resolve the legal
claims against SL Green and the City of New York that Midtown TDR Ventures asserted to invalidate the
Vanderbilt Corridor rezoning amendment and the One Vanderbilt special permit, thereby eliminating
uncertainty surrounding the building. The new office tower and $220 million in planned transit
improvements will move forward as planned, and as approved by the New York City Council.

“This is a major milestone for the future of East Midtown, clearing the way for One Vanderbilt to
deliver state-of-the-art Class A office space and unprecedented $220 million investment in Grand
Central’s transit infrastructure,” said Marc Holliday, CEO of SL Green Realty Corp. “We’re pleased that
the new ownership of Midtown TDR Ventures shares our commitment to development in East Midtown
and worked with us to quickly reach this agreement. With demolition nearly complete and work already
underway on public improvements, One Vanderbilt is well on the way to becoming a reality.”

One Vanderbilt is bounded by Vanderbilt Avenue and Madison Avenue between East 42nd and East
43rd Streets in Manhattan’s East Midtown business district. The 63-story skyscraper will be 1,501 feet tall
and contain 1.6 million square feet of Class A commercial space. Designed by Kohn Pedersen Fox (KPF),
One Vanderbilt’s architecture and building materials pay homage to the landmarked Terminal and the
surrounding East Midtown business district. One Vanderbilt features open floor plans, efficient use of
space, and the highest level of sustainable design in New York City. As part of the development, SL
Green will invest $220 million in public infrastructure in and around Grand Central Terminal.
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: Re: your rls out?
Date: Wednesday, August 10, 2016 7:25:25 AM

Not yet

> On Aug 10, 2016, at 7:24 AM, Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
From: Jonathan Rosen
To: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: Re: your rls out?
Date: Wednesday, August 10, 2016 7:25:51 AM


> On Aug 10, 2016, at 7:24 AM, Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
From: Norvell, Wiley
To: "jonathan@berlinrosen.com"
Subject: you aware Bagli is digging around?
Date: Wednesday, August 10, 2016 11:48:29 AM

Wiley Norvell
Communications Advisor for Housing and Economic Development
Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio
From: Norvell, Wiley
To: "jonathan@berlinrosen.com"
Subject: Bagli went as planned
Date: Wednesday, August 10, 2016 2:38:13 PM

Emphasized the two points/topics we discussed.

Wiley Norvell
Communications Advisor for Housing and Economic Development
Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio
From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: (dan@berlinrosen.com)
Subject: 1 in 5
Date: Wednesday, August 10, 2016 4:57:16 PM

From OneNYC progress report: "Twenty-one percent of New York City households do not have
broadband at home, according to the 2014 American Community Survey. That figure jumps to 35
percent for those living in poverty, according to an analysis by the City's Commission on Economic
From: Dan Levitan
To: Worman, Maya
Cc: Shor, Stanley; Stacey Levine; Jennifer Hensley; ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com; Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: Re: AP Story
Date: Friday, August 12, 2016 10:48:07 AM
Attachments: image001.png

We will send this over. There is nothing new we haven't said before. 

- Sent from my Galaxy S6 - 

On Aug 12, 2016, at 10:28 AM, Worman, Maya <mworman@doitt.nyc.gov> wrote:

Can you send any information you plan to share or use during the AP interview we
discussed this morning?
Thank you!

Maya Worman
Assistant Commissioner for External Affairs and Communications
New York City Department of
Information Technology & Telecommunications
2 Metro Tech Center, 5 th   Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Direct Line: 718-403-8247 or 646-745-0577
<image003.png> <image004.png> <image005.png>

This e-mail, including any attachments, may be confidential, privileged or otherwise

legally protected. It is intended only for the addressee. If you received this e-mail in error
or from someone who was not authorized to send it to you, do not disseminate, copy or
otherwise use this e-mail or its attachments. Please notify the sender immediately by
replying to this e-mail and delete the e-mail from your system.
From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: "Dan Levitan"
Subject: RE: Got a sec?
Date: Wednesday, August 17, 2016 5:32:43 PM

Ok. let’s touch base closer to that week

From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2016 3:09 PM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: RE: Got a sec?
I am out next week – week after?
Not until this weekend at the earliest.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2016 3:08 PM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Got a sec?
Can we do next week instead?
Also when is that AP story running? I think I need to make sure she gets a comment
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2016 1:09 PM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: RE: Got a sec?
Lunch Friday?
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2016 1:03 PM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: Got a sec?
I'm back tomorrow- can it wait?

Sent from mobile

On Aug 16, 2016, at 12:22 PM, Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Browne, Chris
To: Norvell, Wiley; "Dani Simons"
Cc: Gastel, Scott; Finan, Austin; Madeline Kaye
Subject: RE: citibike milestone
Date: Thursday, September 08, 2016 2:57:38 PM

We at DOT put together Mayoral release as long as we know the specifics. Assume it was new daily
ridership record?
Christopher Browne
Chief Communications Officer
NYC Department of Transportation
55 Water Street, 9th Floor
New York, NY  10041
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2016 2:56 PM
To: 'Dani Simons'
Cc: Gastel, Scott; Finan, Austin; Browne, Chris; Madeline Kaye
Subject: RE: citibike milestone

Looking for 1 paragraph on breaking records, and then short quotes from Mayor, Polly and Jay.
From: Dani Simons [mailto:danisimons@motivateco.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2016 2:55 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Gastel, Scott; Finan, Austin; Browne, Chris (cbrowne@dot.nyc.gov); Madeline Kaye
Subject: Re: citibike milestone

Hey there,

We've gotten some interest from print so far, amNY and potentially NYPost. We'd love to do
a release, let me know if you need help from us. I am looping in Madeline from Berlin
Rosen, she's up to speed. I am tied up with a big announcement in SF that's happening first
thing tomorrow.



On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 11:34 AM, Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Heard we broke a record today. Can we pump out a short and sweet release for tomorrow
AM? Would be great for TV!

Wiley Norvell
Communications Advisor for Housing and Economic Development
Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio

Dani Simons
Director of Communications & External Affairs
347-916-0215 direct
203-980-8820 mobile
5202 3rd Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11220
email | offices | website
From: Norvell, Wiley
To: "Madeline Kaye"; "Dani Simons"
Cc: Gastel, Scott; Finan, Austin; Browne, Chris (cbrowne@dot.nyc.gov); Jeremy Soffin; Cathy Rought
Subject: RE: citibike milestone
Date: Thursday, September 08, 2016 2:59:10 PM

DOT can draft, but needs you to provide the metrics/records we are making news with.
From: Madeline Kaye [mailto:Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2016 2:58 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley; 'Dani Simons'
Cc: Gastel, Scott; Finan, Austin; Browne, Chris (cbrowne@dot.nyc.gov); Jeremy Soffin; Cathy Rought
Subject: Re: citibike milestone

Hi Wiley; 
Do you want me to put something together or will the city?  Up to you, I can do this afternoon if you want.
 CC'ing my team for FYI. 
Madeline Kaye
BerlinRosen Public Affairs 
O: (646) 200-5297 C: (646) 369-8226
From: <Norvell>, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Thursday, September 8, 2016 2:55 PM
To: Dani Simons <danisimons@motivateco.com>
Cc: "Gastel, Scott" <SGastel@dot.nyc.gov>, "Finan, Austin" <AFinan@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Browne,
Chris (cbrowne@dot.nyc.gov)" <cbrowne@dot.nyc.gov>, Madeline Kaye
Subject: RE: citibike milestone
Looking for 1 paragraph on breaking records, and then short quotes from Mayor, Polly and Jay.
From: Dani Simons [mailto:danisimons@motivateco.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2016 2:55 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Gastel, Scott; Finan, Austin; Browne, Chris (cbrowne@dot.nyc.gov); Madeline Kaye
Subject: Re: citibike milestone

Hey there,

We've gotten some interest from print so far, amNY and potentially NYPost. We'd love to do
a release, let me know if you need help from us. I am looping in Madeline from Berlin
Rosen, she's up to speed. I am tied up with a big announcement in SF that's happening first
thing tomorrow.


On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 11:34 AM, Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Heard we broke a record today. Can we pump out a short and sweet release for tomorrow
AM? Would be great for TV!

Wiley Norvell
Communications Advisor for Housing and Economic Development
Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio

Dani Simons
Director of Communications & External Affairs
347-916-0215 direct
203-980-8820 mobile
5202 3rd Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11220
email | offices | website
From: Norvell, Wiley
To: "Dani Simons"
Cc: Gastel, Scott; Finan, Austin; Browne, Chris (cbrowne@dot.nyc.gov); Madeline Kaye
Subject: RE: citibike milestone
Date: Thursday, September 08, 2016 3:01:54 PM

Cool. Our previous daily ridership record would also be helpful for context. As well as how our
annual ridership is looking so far this year compared to last, current size of the system, etc…
From: Dani Simons [mailto:danisimons@motivateco.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2016 2:59 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Gastel, Scott; Finan, Austin; Browne, Chris (cbrowne@dot.nyc.gov); Madeline Kaye
Subject: Re: citibike milestone

Maybe something like this for starters?

Citi Bike continues to break records both at home and abroad, and it saw it's first day over 60,000 trips on
Wednesday. Citi Bike is the busiest bike share system in North America and one of the busiest in the
world. London's program which is larger and older has only beaten 60,000 trips twice in their

On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 11:55 AM, Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Looking for 1 paragraph on breaking records, and then short quotes from Mayor, Polly and Jay.
From: Dani Simons [mailto:danisimons@motivateco.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2016 2:55 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Gastel, Scott; Finan, Austin; Browne, Chris (cbrowne@dot.nyc.gov); Madeline Kaye
Subject: Re: citibike milestone

Hey there,

We've gotten some interest from print so far, amNY and potentially NYPost. We'd love to do
a release, let me know if you need help from us. I am looping in Madeline from Berlin
Rosen, she's up to speed. I am tied up with a big announcement in SF that's happening first
thing tomorrow.



On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 11:34 AM, Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Heard we broke a record today. Can we pump out a short and sweet release for tomorrow
AM? Would be great for TV!

Wiley Norvell
Communications Advisor for Housing and Economic Development
Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio

Dani Simons
Director of Communications & External Affairs
347-916-0215 direct
203-980-8820 mobile
5202 3rd Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11220
email | offices | website

Dani Simons
Director of Communications & External Affairs
347-916-0215 direct
203-980-8820 mobile
5202 3rd Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11220
email | offices | website
From: Browne, Chris
To: Madeline Kaye; Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Finan, Austin; Gastel, Scott
Subject: Re: citibike milestone
Date: Friday, September 09, 2016 8:07:03 AM

Our current draft of release.  Would be great if you all could please update stats and perhaps add some of
your latest boiler plate at end?


Mayor Bill de Blasio today announced that Citi Bike, New York City's bike-share system had set new daily
ridership records this week. For the first time, more than 60,000 Citi Bike rides were taken on both
Wednesday and Thursday. With more than 9 million rides taken so far in 2016, Citi Bike should exceed the
annual record of 10 million rides it achieved during 2015 sometime within the next month.

“Now that it is reaching even more and more diverse neighborhoods of New York City, Citi Bikes are now
being ridden in record numbers – breaking 60,000 rides for the first time on Wednesday and then hitting a
new daily record of XXXXX yesterday,” said Mayor de Blasio. “With 565 stations and counting in
Manhattan, Queens and Brooklyn, Citi Bike is growing and we remain committed to bringing this great
transit alternative to even more New Yorkers in the years ahead.”
“In Brooklyn neighborhoods like Park Slope, where Citi Bikes arrived only in the last two weeks, they have
become so well-used and popular, it’s already hard to remember what it was like without them,” said DOT
Commissioner Trottenberg. “Getting around brownstone Brooklyn -- along with other new Citi Bike
neighborhoods like East Harlem and Red Hook -- has never been so easy, convenient and affordable.”
"With this new 60,000 trip milestone, Citi Bike is the busiest bike share system in North America and one of
the busiest across the globe,” said Jay Walder, the CEO of Motivate, which operates Citi Bike. “The system
is becoming not just a leader in bike share internationally, but a leader in transit right here in New York—
on par with green cabs or the Staten Island Ferry. It is a useful part of our city's transit network, and we
encourage everyone to strap on a helmet and give it a try." 

[Insert Motivate Citi Bike boilerplate...]

On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 5:13 PM -0400, "Madeline Kaye" <Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Quote from Jay, approved by Dani & Jay:

"With this new 60,000 trip milestone, Citi Bike is the busiest bike share system in North America and one of
the busiest across the globe. The system is becoming not just a leader in bike share internationally, but a
leader in transit right here in New York— on par with green cabs or the Staten Island Ferry. It is a useful
part of our city's transit network, and we encourage everyone to strap on a helmet and give it a try." 
Madeline Kaye
BerlinRosen Public Affairs 
O: (646) 200-5297 C: (646) 369-8226

From: <Browne>, Chris <cbrowne@dot.nyc.gov>

Date: Thursday, September 8, 2016 4:45 PM
To: Madeline Kaye <madeline.kaye@berlinrosen.com>, "Norvell, Wiley"
Cc: "Finan, Austin" <afinan@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Gastel, Scott" <SGastel@dot.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: citibike milestone

Thanks Madeline. Since I am going to bet that the Thursday number will exceed yesterday's record,
will keep that as a placeholder in the release.  Please send along as soon as you have.

Please also send quote from Jay.

Many thanks, cb

From: Madeline Kaye <madeline.kaye@berlinrosen.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2016 4:22 PM
Subject: Re: citibike milestone
To: Norvell, Wiley <wnorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Browne, Chris <cbrowne@dot.nyc.gov>
Cc: Finan, Austin <afinan@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Gastel, Scott <sgastel@dot.nyc.gov>

Hi guys; 

Here are some answers to your questions:

Did todays record break yesterdays?  -- will not know until the end of the day
What was our previous daily ridership record?  23 Aug 2016, 58665 trips
How is our annual ridership looking so far this year as compared to last 
5,936,430 as of 9/7/15; 
8,949,075 as of 9/7/16 
(and for what it's worth, on that date last year there were just over 30,000 rides— so the day more
than doubled) 
Current size of the system-- 565 stations and growing daily 

Let me know if you have others. 


Madeline Kaye
BerlinRosen Public Affairs 
O: (646) 200-5297 C: (646) 369-8226

From: Madeline Kaye <madeline.kaye@berlinrosen.com>

Date: Thursday, September 8, 2016 3:04 PM
To: "Browne, Chris" <cbrowne@dot.nyc.gov>, "Norvell, Wiley" <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Gastel, Scott" <SGastel@dot.nyc.gov>, "Finan, Austin" <AFinan@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: citibike milestone

I'll find out.  In the interest of saving Dani a million emails during a crazy day for her I'm going to move her
to BCC for now— Dani I'll let you know if anything pops that we need your guidance on. 
Madeline Kaye
BerlinRosen Public Affairs 
O: (646) 200-5297 C: (646) 369-8226

From: <Browne>, Chris <cbrowne@dot.nyc.gov>

Date: Thursday, September 8, 2016 3:02 PM
To: Madeline Kaye <madeline.kaye@berlinrosen.com>, Dani Simons
<danisimons@motivateco.com>, "Norvell, Wiley" <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Gastel, Scott" <SGastel@dot.nyc.gov>, "Finan, Austin" <AFinan@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: citibike milestone

That is Wednesday’s record number?  Might today’s be even higher?

Christopher Browne
Chief Communications Officer
NYC Department of Transportation
55 Water Street, 9th Floor
New York, NY  10041

From: Madeline Kaye [mailto:Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2016 3:01 PM
To: Dani Simons; Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Gastel, Scott; Finan, Austin; Browne, Chris
Subject: Re: citibike milestone

Exact number:  60,278
Madeline Kaye
BerlinRosen Public Affairs 
O: (646) 200-5297 C: (646) 369-8226

From:Dani Simons <danisimons@motivateco.com>

Date: Thursday, September 8, 2016 2:59 PM
To: "Norvell, Wiley" <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Gastel, Scott" <SGastel@dot.nyc.gov>, "Finan, Austin" <AFinan@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Browne,
Chris (cbrowne@dot.nyc.gov)" <cbrowne@dot.nyc.gov>, Madeline Kaye
Subject: Re: citibike milestone

Maybe something like this for starters? 

Citi Bike continues to break records both at home and abroad, and it saw it's first day over 60,000 trips on
Wednesday. Citi Bike is the busiest bike share system in North America and one of the busiest in the
world. London's program which is larger and older has only beaten 60,000 trips twice in their history. 

On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 11:55 AM, Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Looking for 1 paragraph on breaking records, and then short quotes from Mayor, Polly and Jay.

From: Dani Simons [mailto:danisimons@motivateco.com]

Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2016 2:55 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Gastel, Scott; Finan, Austin; Browne, Chris (cbrowne@dot.nyc.gov); Madeline Kaye
Subject: Re: citibike milestone

Hey there,

We've gotten some interest from print so far, amNY and potentially NYPost. We'd love to do
a release, let me know if you need help from us. I am looping in Madeline from Berlin
Rosen, she's up to speed. I am tied up with a big announcement in SF that's happening first
thing tomorrow.



On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 11:34 AM, Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Heard we broke a record today. Can we pump out a short and sweet release for tomorrow
AM? Would be great for TV!

Wiley Norvell
Communications Advisor for Housing and Economic Development
Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio

Dani Simons
Director of Communications & External Affairs
203-980-8820 mobile
5202 3rd Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11220
email | offices | website

Dani Simons
Director of Communications & External Affairs
203-980-8820 mobile
5202 3rd Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11220
email | offices | website


This message and any attachments are solely for the individual(s) named above and
others who have been specifically authorized to receive such and may contain information
which is confidential, privileged or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are
not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, use or distribution of the information
included in this message and any attachments is strictly prohibited. If you have received
this communication in error, please notify us by reply e-mail and immediately and
permanently delete this message and any attachments.

Thank you.

NYC – Department of Transportation

From: Norvell, Wiley
To: Dani Simons; Browne, Chris
Cc: Madeline Kaye; Gastel, Scott; Finan, Austin; Bennett, Rob
Subject: Re: citibike milestone
Date: Friday, September 09, 2016 9:23:43 AM

Nice. Adding rob from our digital team. Rob, we hit a new citibike ridership record
yesterday. 2nd record this week. We're doing short rls but might be best to announce via
mbdb tweet a few min before. 

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Dani Simons
Sent: Friday, September 9, 2016 8:10 AM
To: Browne, Chris
Cc: Madeline Kaye; Norvell, Wiley; Gastel, Scott; Finan, Austin
Subject: Re: citibike milestone

Chris FTW! 

We broke the record again yesterday (Thursday)  - 61,266

On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 12:02 PM, Browne, Chris <cbrowne@dot.nyc.gov> wrote:

That is Wednesday’s record number?  Might today’s be even higher?

Christopher Browne

Chief Communications Officer

NYC Department of Transportation

55 Water Street, 9th Floor

New York, NY  10041



From: Madeline Kaye [mailto:Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2016 3:01 PM
To: Dani Simons; Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Gastel, Scott; Finan, Austin; Browne, Chris
Subject: Re: citibike milestone

Exact number:  60,278


Madeline Kaye

BerlinRosen Public Affairs 

O: (646) 200-5297 C: (646) 369-8226

From: Dani Simons <danisimons@motivateco.com>

Date: Thursday, September 8, 2016 2:59 PM
To: "Norvell, Wiley" <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Gastel, Scott" <SGastel@dot.nyc.gov>, "Finan, Austin" <AFinan@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Browne,
Chris (cbrowne@dot.nyc.gov)" <cbrowne@dot.nyc.gov>, Madeline Kaye
Subject: Re: citibike milestone

Maybe something like this for starters? 

Citi Bike continues to break records both at home and abroad, and it saw it's first day over 60,000 trips on
Wednesday. Citi Bike is the busiest bike share system in North America and one of the busiest in the
world. London's program which is larger and older has only beaten 60,000 trips twice in their history. 

On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 11:55 AM, Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Looking for 1 paragraph on breaking records, and then short quotes from Mayor, Polly and Jay.

From: Dani Simons [mailto:danisimons@motivateco.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2016 2:55 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Gastel, Scott; Finan, Austin; Browne, Chris (cbrowne@dot.nyc.gov); Madeline Kaye
Subject: Re: citibike milestone

Hey there, 

We've gotten some interest from print so far, amNY and potentially NYPost. We'd
love to do a release, let me know if you need help from us. I am looping in
Madeline from Berlin Rosen, she's up to speed. I am tied up with a big
announcement in SF that's happening first thing tomorrow. 



On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 11:34 AM, Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>


Heard we broke a record today. Can we pump out a short and sweet release for
tomorrow AM? Would be great for TV!

Wiley Norvell

Communications Advisor for Housing and Economic Development

Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio



Dani Simons
Director of Communications & External Affairs
203-980-8820 mobile
5202 3rd Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11220
email | offices | website


Dani Simons
Director of Communications & External Affairs
347-916-0215 direct
203-980-8820 mobile
5202 3rd Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11220
email | offices | website


This message and any attachments are solely for the individual(s) named above and
others who have been specifically authorized to receive such and may contain
information which is confidential, privileged or exempt from disclosure under applicable
law. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, use or distribution of
the information included in this message and any attachments is strictly prohibited. If you
have received this communication in error, please notify us by reply e-mail and
immediately and permanently delete this message and any attachments.

Thank you.

NYC – Department of Transportation


Dani Simons
Director of Communications & External Affairs
347-916-0215 direct
203-980-8820 mobile
5202 3rd Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11220
email | offices | website
From: Madeline Kaye
To: Browne, Chris; Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Finan, Austin; Gastel, Scott; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: Re: citibike milestone
Date: Friday, September 09, 2016 9:37:26 AM

Boiler plate & new stat in red below. 


Madeline Kaye
BerlinRosen Public Affairs 
O: (646) 200-5297 C: (646) 369-8226

From: <Browne>, Chris <cbrowne@dot.nyc.gov>

Date: Friday, September 9, 2016 8:07 AM
To: Madeline Kaye <madeline.kaye@berlinrosen.com>, "Norvell, Wiley"
Cc: "Finan, Austin" <afinan@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Gastel, Scott" <SGastel@dot.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: citibike milestone

Our current draft of release.  Would be great if you all could please update stats and perhaps add some of
your latest boiler plate at end?


Mayor Bill de Blasio today announced that Citi Bike, New York City's bike-share system had set new daily
ridership records this week. For the first time, more than 60,000 Citi Bike rides were taken on both
Wednesday and Thursday. With more than 9 million rides taken so far in 2016, Citi Bike should exceed the
annual record of 10 million rides it achieved during 2015 sometime within the next month.

“Now that it is reaching even more and more diverse neighborhoods of New York City, Citi Bikes are now
being ridden in record numbers – breaking 60,000 rides for the first time on Wednesday and then hitting a
new daily record of 61,266 rides yesterday,” said Mayor de Blasio. “With 565 stations and counting in
Manhattan, Queens and Brooklyn, Citi Bike is growing and we remain committed to bringing this great
transit alternative to even more New Yorkers in the years ahead.”
“In Brooklyn neighborhoods like Park Slope, where Citi Bikes arrived only in the last two weeks, they have
become so well-used and popular, it’s already hard to remember what it was like without them,” said DOT
Commissioner Trottenberg. “Getting around brownstone Brooklyn -- along with other new Citi Bike
neighborhoods like East Harlem and Red Hook -- has never been so easy, convenient and affordable.”
"With this new 60,000 trip milestone, Citi Bike is the busiest bike share system in North America and one of
the busiest across the globe,” said Jay Walder, the CEO of Motivate, which operates Citi Bike. “The system
is becoming not just a leader in bike share internationally, but a leader in transit right here in New York—
on par with green cabs or the Staten Island Ferry. It is a useful part of our city's transit network, and we
encourage everyone to strap on a helmet and give it a try." 

About Citi Bike: The Citi Bike program is New York’s bike share system. It will have 10,000
bikes at over 600 stations by the end of 2016. Stations are located in Manhattan below 86 th  
Street and in the Brooklyn neighborhoods of Downtown Brooklyn, DUMBO, Brooklyn
Heights, Fort Greene, Clinton Hill. Bedford-Stuyvesant, Williamsburg, and Greenpoint and in
Long Island City, Queens, with stations located every few blocks, and the program is
expanding this year – into Harlem, Park Slope, Boerum Hill, Cobble Hill, Carroll Gardens,
Gowanus, and Red Hook. Annual members receive an electronic key to undock a bike from
any station, allowing unlimited trips up to 45 minutes without incurring any additional costs.
Twenty-four-hour passes are available for purchase at any Citi Bike station or through the
Citi Bike app and provide unlimited 30-minute trips. Reduced cost memberships are
available for NYCHA residents and members of select credit unions throughout the city, and
for IDNYC holders in their first year of membership. For more info visit: 

On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 5:13 PM -0400, "Madeline Kaye" <Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Quote from Jay, approved by Dani & Jay:

"With this new 60,000 trip milestone, Citi Bike is the busiest bike share system in North America and one of
the busiest across the globe. The system is becoming not just a leader in bike share internationally, but a
leader in transit right here in New York— on par with green cabs or the Staten Island Ferry. It is a useful
part of our city's transit network, and we encourage everyone to strap on a helmet and give it a try." 

Madeline Kaye
BerlinRosen Public Affairs 
O: (646) 200-5297 C: (646) 369-8226

From: <Browne>, Chris <cbrowne@dot.nyc.gov>

Date: Thursday, September 8, 2016 4:45 PM
To: Madeline Kaye <madeline.kaye@berlinrosen.com>, "Norvell, Wiley"
Cc: "Finan, Austin" <afinan@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Gastel, Scott" <SGastel@dot.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: citibike milestone

Thanks Madeline. Since I am going to bet that the Thursday number will exceed yesterday's record,
will keep that as a placeholder in the release.  Please send along as soon as you have.

Please also send quote from Jay.

Many thanks, cb

From: Madeline Kaye <madeline.kaye@berlinrosen.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2016 4:22 PM
Subject: Re: citibike milestone
To: Norvell, Wiley <wnorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Browne, Chris <cbrowne@dot.nyc.gov>
Cc: Finan, Austin <afinan@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Gastel, Scott <sgastel@dot.nyc.gov>

Hi guys; 

Here are some answers to your questions:

Did todays record break yesterdays?  -- will not know until the end of the day
What was our previous daily ridership record?  23 Aug 2016, 58665 trips
How is our annual ridership looking so far this year as compared to last 
5,936,430 as of 9/7/15; 
8,949,075 as of 9/7/16 
(and for what it's worth, on that date last year there were just over 30,000 rides— so the day more
than doubled) 
Current size of the system-- 565 stations and growing daily 

Let me know if you have others. 


Madeline Kaye
BerlinRosen Public Affairs 
O: (646) 200-5297 C: (646) 369-8226

From: Madeline Kaye <madeline.kaye@berlinrosen.com>

Date: Thursday, September 8, 2016 3:04 PM
To: "Browne, Chris" <cbrowne@dot.nyc.gov>, "Norvell, Wiley" <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Gastel, Scott" <SGastel@dot.nyc.gov>, "Finan, Austin" <AFinan@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: citibike milestone
I'll find out.  In the interest of saving Dani a million emails during a crazy day for her I'm going to move her
to BCC for now— Dani I'll let you know if anything pops that we need your guidance on. 
Madeline Kaye
BerlinRosen Public Affairs 
O: (646) 200-5297 C: (646) 369-8226

From: <Browne>, Chris <cbrowne@dot.nyc.gov>

Date: Thursday, September 8, 2016 3:02 PM
To: Madeline Kaye <madeline.kaye@berlinrosen.com>, Dani Simons
<danisimons@motivateco.com>, "Norvell, Wiley" <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Gastel, Scott" <SGastel@dot.nyc.gov>, "Finan, Austin" <AFinan@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: citibike milestone

That is Wednesday’s record number?  Might today’s be even higher?

Christopher Browne
Chief Communications Officer
NYC Department of Transportation
55 Water Street, 9th Floor
New York, NY  10041

From: Madeline Kaye [mailto:Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2016 3:01 PM
To: Dani Simons; Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Gastel, Scott; Finan, Austin; Browne, Chris
Subject: Re: citibike milestone

Exact number:  60,278
Madeline Kaye
BerlinRosen Public Affairs 
O: (646) 200-5297 C: (646) 369-8226

From:Dani Simons <danisimons@motivateco.com>

Date: Thursday, September 8, 2016 2:59 PM
To: "Norvell, Wiley" <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Gastel, Scott" <SGastel@dot.nyc.gov>, "Finan, Austin" <AFinan@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Browne,
Chris (cbrowne@dot.nyc.gov)" <cbrowne@dot.nyc.gov>, Madeline Kaye
Subject: Re: citibike milestone
Maybe something like this for starters? 

Citi Bike continues to break records both at home and abroad, and it saw it's first day over 60,000 trips on
Wednesday. Citi Bike is the busiest bike share system in North America and one of the busiest in the world. 
London's program which is larger and older has only beaten 60,000 trips twice in their history. 

On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 11:55 AM, Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Looking for 1 paragraph on breaking records, and then short quotes from Mayor, Polly and Jay.

From: Dani Simons [mailto:danisimons@motivateco.com]

Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2016 2:55 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Gastel, Scott; Finan, Austin; Browne, Chris (cbrowne@dot.nyc.gov); Madeline Kaye
Subject: Re: citibike milestone

Hey there,

We've gotten some interest from print so far, amNY and potentially NYPost. We'd love to do
a release, let me know if you need help from us. I am looping in Madeline from Berlin
Rosen, she's up to speed. I am tied up with a big announcement in SF that's happening first
thing tomorrow.



On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 11:34 AM, Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Heard we broke a record today. Can we pump out a short and sweet release for tomorrow
AM? Would be great for TV!

Wiley Norvell
Communications Advisor for Housing and Economic Development
Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio

Dani Simons
Director of Communications & External Affairs
203-980-8820 mobile
5202 3rd Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11220
email | offices | website
Dani Simons
Director of Communications & External Affairs
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From: Hagelgans, Andrea
To: "Alison Hirsh"; Elaine Kim
Cc: Walzak, Phil; Rachel Cohen; Daniel Massey; Autumn Weintraub (SEIU); Phillips, Eric Falk
Subject: RE: Sept. 15th
Date: Monday, September 12, 2016 9:58:33 AM

We can do between 2-3. Thanks

From: Alison Hirsh [mailto:alisonh@seiu32bj.org]
Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2016 3:48 PM
To: Elaine Kim
Cc: Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Rachel Cohen; Daniel Massey; Autumn Weintraub (SEIU); Phillips, Eric Falk
Subject: Re: Sept. 15th

I may be able to join 2-3

Alison Hirsh

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 11, 2016, at 3:42 PM, Elaine Kim <EKim@seiu32bj.org> wrote:

I can do anytime between noon and 3.

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 11, 2016, at 1:01 PM, Alison Hirsh <alisonh@seiu32bj.org> wrote:

I can talk at 5. If others are available earlier you should go ahead without me

Alison Hirsh

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 11, 2016, at 12:44 PM, Hagelgans, Andrea

<AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Hi- can we set up a time to connect tomorrow? We're available

early afternoon and on. Thanks!
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Elaine Kim
Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2016 10:42 AM
To: Walzak, Phil
Cc: Hagelgans, Andrea; Rachel Cohen; Daniel Massey; Alison Hirsh; Autumn
Weintraub (SEIU); Phillips, Eric Falk
Subject: Re: Sept. 15th

Morning all -- any thoughts on this? Would love to be able to hit the
ground running tomorrow morning.

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 9, 2016, at 3:47 PM, Walzak, Phil

<PWalzak@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

We will huddle here and get back to you

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Elaine Kim
Sent: Friday, September 9, 2016 3:32 PM
To: Hagelgans, Andrea; Walzak, Phil; Rachel Cohen; Daniel
Cc: Alison Hirsh; Autumn Weintraub (SEIU)
Subject: Sept. 15th

Hi -- wanted to follow up with the communications folks from

our call yesterday; adding Danny Massey from Berlin Rosen.
We're really excited about the scheduling legislation and want
to get the biggest splash we can from the announcement next
week. A few things:

- It'd be powerful to be able to frame the scheduling issue as

the Mayor's cutting edge response to a serious, widespread
problem that deeply affects the lives of fast food workers
across the country, and that the Mayor in partnership with
32BJ is responding to a call from workers as part of a national
movement and finding a way to change the lives of thousands
in NYC. 

- With that in mind, we'd love to be able to pitch an advance

exclusive to a reporter who'd understand and respect the
worker aspect of this, as opposed to focusing on the politics.
Some ideas are Noam Scheiber or Patty Cohen at the Times,
and Steve Greenhouse.

- We know it gets dicey for you all to pitch exclusives, so we'd

be happy to have the pitch come from us, and of course work
collaboratively on the substance of it.

Let me know what you think. Thanks,

From: Dan Levitan
To: Grybauskas, Natalie; Worman, Maya (mworman@doitt.nyc.gov)
Subject: RE: INCO: Inquiry RE: WiFi Kiosks from WCBS Channel 2
Date: Monday, September 12, 2016 3:45:16 PM

Thanks, we’ll reach out.

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2016 3:43 PM
To: Worman, Maya (mworman@doitt.nyc.gov) <mworman@doitt.nyc.gov>; Dan Levitan
Subject: FW: INCO: Inquiry RE: WiFi Kiosks from WCBS Channel 2
Hey. I think CB needs to talk about filtering here. I also think we should encourage people to call
police (instead of NY Post) when they see something illegal.
Maya, do we have an old comment on filtering too?
From: Mayor's Press Office
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2016 3:41 PM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie; @JustPressOffice; Walzak, Phil; Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: INCO: Inquiry RE: WiFi Kiosks from WCBS Channel 2
NG -
From: Layton, Jessica [mailto:jlayton@cbs.com]
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2016 3:19 PM
To: Mayor's Press Office
Subject: Inquiry RE: WiFi Kiosks from WCBS Channel 2
Good afternoon,
I wanted to reach out to learn a bit more about the filters used at the WIFI kiosks around the city.
After an incident in front of Third & 31 st this weekend, families in that area are concerned (They say
a man was watching pornography and masturbating). They say this is not the first instance of people
using the wifi for inappropriate things.
How is it possible that inappropriate videos are being accessed? What time of controls are in place
to prevent this? Is there a way to implement stricter controls at this kiosks?
I appreciate your help. We are going to be looking into the problems parents have presented,
however I have no exact deadline for when we’d like to air the piece. I would like to receive
comment from the city before we decide and move forward.
Jessica Layton
CBS 2 News Reporter
From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: "Dan Levitan"; "Worman, Maya"
Cc: "Stacey Levine"
Subject: RE: Press updates
Date: Wednesday, September 14, 2016 1:42:05 PM

Also pls send mcgeehan’s email address?

From: Grybauskas, Natalie
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2016 1:42 PM
To: 'Dan Levitan'; Worman, Maya
Cc: Stacey Levine
Subject: RE: Press updates
Is mcgeehan the one who’s asking around with electeds? Did he already know about this? someone
from times is talking to ppl
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2016 1:41 PM
To: Worman, Maya; Grybauskas, Natalie
Cc: Stacey Levine
Subject: Press updates
We are talking to McGeehan at 1:45 and CBS is coming in at 2:30.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Dan Levitan
To: Grybauskas, Natalie; Worman, Maya
Cc: Stacey Levine
Subject: RE: Press updates
Date: Wednesday, September 14, 2016 1:43:24 PM

'McGeehan, Patrick' mcgeehan@nytimes.com

He could be.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2016 1:42 PM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Worman, Maya <mworman@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>
Subject: RE: Press updates
Is mcgeehan the one who’s asking around with electeds? Did he already know about this? someone
from times is talking to ppl
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2016 1:41 PM
To: Worman, Maya; Grybauskas, Natalie
Cc: Stacey Levine
Subject: Press updates
We are talking to McGeehan at 1:45 and CBS is coming in at 2:30.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Jordan Fitzgerald
To: Hagelgans, Andrea; Becca Rueble; Vivien Labaton; Heidi Overbeck
Cc: Kletter, Joni; Goldstein, Freddi
Subject: Re: Follow up
Date: Wednesday, September 14, 2016 2:04:18 PM

Hi Andrea,

Thanks again for thinking of us; what a great push for family friendly policies!

I'm looping in our comms team who are already working on a quote from Vivien. 
We will send an update shortly.


On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 1:49 PM, Hagelgans, Andrea

<AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Hey Jordan,
 Hope Nevada is going well! 

Here's more info. We'd love a quote for our release. We will need it by 9am
tomorrow. Copied colleagues in case you need more info. Cheers! Would love to
see you soon when you are in nyc!

On Thursday, Mayor de Blasio will be making an announcement about the City’s next big policy
push: fair scheduling. As you know, hourly employees too often have very little control over their
work schedules, particularly in the fast food industry. They are typically not asked for input during
scheduling and their hours can change with very little notice. This makes it very hard for workers
to plan ahead for childcare and eldercare.   

My colleague Joni, ccd here, can brief you on the announcement more specifically if desired.

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.

Jordan Fitzgerald

Organizing and Political Director, Make It Work Campaign


Make it Work is a campaign working to advance economic security for women, men
and families across the country, specifically equal pay, paid family and sick leave,
and childcare issues. For more information or to get involved visit
From: Dan Levitan
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: FW: WCBS Radio / service changes
Date: Wednesday, September 14, 2016 2:23:32 PM

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Silverman, Alex [mailto:asilverman@wcbs880.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2016 2:19 PM
To: media@link.nyc
Subject: WCBS Radio / service changes

Hello, is anyone available for a brief phone interview re the changes announced today? This
would be recorded, not live, and no more than 5 minutes. Please let me know - I'm at 212-
524-2910. Thanks!
Alex Silverman
Anchor/Reporter | WCBS Newsradio 880
212.524.2910 (o) | 646.580.6397 (c)
@AlexSilverman  | CBSNewYork.com
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From: Goldstein, Freddi
To: Hagelgans, Andrea; Jordan Fitzgerald
Cc: Kletter, Joni; Heidi Overbeck; Becca Rueble; Vivien Labaton
Subject: RE: Follow up
Date: Wednesday, September 14, 2016 6:32:28 PM

Thank you!
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2016 6:30 PM
To: Jordan Fitzgerald
Cc: Kletter, Joni; Goldstein, Freddi; Heidi Overbeck; Becca Rueble; Vivien Labaton
Subject: Re: Follow up

Thank you!
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Jordan Fitzgerald
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2016 6:22 PM
To: Hagelgans, Andrea
Cc: Kletter, Joni; Goldstein, Freddi; Heidi Overbeck; Becca Rueble; Vivien Labaton
Subject: Re: Follow up

Hi Andrea, Joni and Freddi -

Below is our statement on the Mayor's fair scheduling policy; please let us know if you would
like us to make any changes or additions.

"Every worker deserves a family friendly workplace,” said Vivien Labaton, co-director of
Make It Work. “It doesn’t matter who you work for, what you do, or how much you’re
paid — none of us should have to choose between earning a paycheck and caring for our
loved ones. Mayor de Blasio’s proposal to ensure fair scheduling is not only an important
move toward a more stable workforce and a stronger economy, but also in strengthening
families and communities in New York City."  

Thanks again for the opportunity to be part of this effort! If you have social media
assets you would like us to promote, please let us know.


On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 1:49 PM, Hagelgans, Andrea <AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Hey Jordan,
Hope Nevada is going well!

Here's more info. We'd love a quote for our release. We will need it by 9am tomorrow.
Copied colleagues in case you need more info. Cheers! Would love to see you soon when you
are in nyc!

On Thursday, Mayor de Blasio will be making an announcement about the City’s next big policy
push: fair scheduling. As you know, hourly employees too often have very little control over their
work schedules, particularly in the fast food industry. They are typically not asked for input during
scheduling and their hours can change with very little notice. This makes it very hard for workers to
plan ahead for childcare and eldercare.   
My colleague Joni, ccd here, can brief you on the announcement more specifically if desired.

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.

Jordan Fitzgerald

Organizing and Political Director, Make It Work Campaign


Make it Work is a campaign working to advance economic security for women, men and
families across the country, specifically equal pay, paid family and sick leave, and childcare
issues. For more information or to get involved visit http://www.makeitworkcampaign.org. 
From: Dan Levitan
To: Grybauskas, Natalie; Worman, Maya
Subject: TV Hits
Date: Wednesday, September 14, 2016 8:14:54 PM

These are mostly pretty good / accurate:

Eyewitness News on WABC-NY
WABC, 9.14.16
Eyewitness News First at 4 on WABC-NY
WABC. 9.14.16
News 4 New York at 4 on WNBC-NY
WNBC, 9.15.16
CBS 2 News at 5 on WCBS-NY
WCBS, 9.14.16
FOX 5 News at 5 on WNYW-NY
WNYW, 9.14.16
PIX News at 6P on WPIX-TV
WPIX, 9.14.16
News All Evening on NY1
NY1, 9.14.16
New York Minute on NY1
NY1, 9.14.16
News 12 Bronx
News12 Bronx, 9.14.16
WCBS-NY (Radio)
WBCS 880, 9.14.16
1010 WINS, 9.14.16
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Schnake Mahl, Gabriel
To: Elaine Kim
Cc: Rachel Cohen; Ramos, Jessica; Hagelgans, Andrea; Jack Temple; Andy McDonald; Alison Hirsh; Autumn Weintraub
Subject: Re: Hector"s quote
Date: Wednesday, September 14, 2016 9:38:00 PM

Thanks for suggestions! 

1) Definitely 
2) hmm.. Other municipalities (sf, Seattle) have leg that covers ff workers + others, no?
3) let me see. We'll definitely put hector quote high up and big appreciation for leadership/partnership in
mayor remarks + the op ed 

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 14, 2016, at 8:54 PM, Elaine Kim <EKim@seiu32bj.org> wrote:

And Alison and Autumn. Few things:

-- It'd be powerful to locate this action by the Mayor as part of the movement of fast food
workers that started right here in NYC and has grown nationally and even internationally. Their
courage and perseverance has been and continues to be the heart of this fight.

-- seems like an opportunity to recognize that this scheduling bill for fast food workers would be
the first of its kind (specifically for these workers) in the country. The Mayor and his
administration are making a bold move here that will hopefully reverberate around the country;
he is leading the way on an issue workers feel passionately about and will literally change lives.

-- we'd like Hector and 32BJ to be mentioned specifically -- we've been key to the growth and
successes of the fast food movement in New York, will continue to do so in an increasingly
public way and have been an important partner to the administration over the years.



From: Elaine Kim

Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2016 8:28 PM
To: Schnake Mahl, Gabriel
Cc: Rachel Cohen; Ramos, Jessica; Hagelgans, Andrea; Jack Temple; Andy McDonald
Subject: RE: Hector's quote

Thanks. Adding our colleagues from Berlin Rosen.

From: Schnake Mahl, Gabriel [GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2016 8:26 PM
To: Elaine Kim
Cc: Rachel Cohen; Ramos, Jessica; Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: Re: Hector's quote

Folks still working on but here's a draft of rls. At end will include some info about OLPS + list of
other admin policies to help working New Yorkers. 


Tens of thousands of hourly workers in NYC lack predictable, stable, and transparent work hours
Absence of fair scheduling makes planning for days and months ahead nearly impossible for
working families 
Mayor calls for advance notice and public posting of schedules; additional compensation for
working unscheduled hours; addressing problems caused by “clopenings”
NEW YORK — Today, standing outside of a McDonald’s in Brooklyn, Mayor Bill de Blasio was
joined by elected officials, labor leaders, workers, clergy and community members to announce
support for “Fair Work Week” legislation to ensure that 65,000 hourly employees in the fast food
industry receive fair notification on their work hours. Currently, employers aren’t required to
provide their hourly employees with advance notice of upcoming shifts. As a result, too many
families cannot budget in advance, plan for education or family care, or secure a necessary
second job. 
Across the country, nearly one in five Americans has an unstable work schedule and about 40
percent of early career workers, defined as workers aged 26-32, have less than one week
advance notice of their schedules. We know this is particularly an issue with fast food workers,
whose national average age is 29 and more than a quarter of whom are parents raising children.
Too many of New York City’s 65,000 fast food workers can’t make the necessary arrangements
for child care or the care of elderly parents. Unpredictable schedules make it nearly impossible to
budget expenses or plan for the future.
In the coming months, Mayor de Blasio will work with members of the City Council, advocates,
labor groups, and the business community and to draft specific legislation to support
hardworking fast food hourly employees who are currently hit hardest by these practices. 
Specifically, Fair Work Week legislation would:
·      Require employers, beginning with the fast food industry, to schedule a majority of
expected shifts and publicly post a workplace schedule two weeks in advance;
·      Protect workers by requiring employers to provide additional compensation when
workers are required to accommodate last-minute changes to their schedules for
reasons within employers’ ability to plan or control;
·      Address problems created by the practice of “clopenings,” or shifts that require
employees to consecutively work closing and opening shifts with fewer than ten hours
between them.  
These measures will give hourly fast food employees more stability and predictability, while
preventing employers from deliberately under scheduling workers and forcing them to remain
“on call,” a state in which employees do not know if they will be called into work or not. These
measures will also allow employers and employees flexibility to adjust schedules when
unforeseen issues arise outside of either party’s control.
By knowing their schedules ahead of time, employees will have more certainty over their income
and finances, and a greater ability to accommodate extra work if it’s available. Most importantly,
this proposal means employees will now have more flexibility: flexibility to take classes, care for
their children, accompany an ailing parent to a doctor’s appointment, or work a second job. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 14, 2016, at 8:15 PM, Elaine Kim <EKim@seiu32bj.org> wrote:

Any sense of when we'll get to take look at Q&A & release?

From: Schnake Mahl, Gabriel [GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2016 8:02 PM
To: Rachel Cohen
Cc: Elaine Kim; Ramos, Jessica; Hagelgans, Andrea
Subject: Re: Hector's quote

Great quote. Thx

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 14, 2016, at 8:01 PM, Rachel Cohen <RCohen@seiu32bj.org>


“Fast food workers won the fight for a $15 minimum wage in
New York but their fight continues for a union and a voice on
the job,” said 32BJ President Hector Figueroa. “When I talk
to fast food workers they say that, along with fair pay, fair
scheduling is one of the most pressing issues they face. Being
able to plan your time, your education, your childcare and
your life is something that all working people should be able
to do. We’re glad Mayor de Blasio is tackling this important
issue that will help tens of thousands of New Yorkers plan
their work time and family time. We look forward to working
with him and the members of City Council to pass legislation
that will lead to a better quality of life and a more powerful
voice for these men and women in their workplaces.”  
From: Schnake Mahl, Gabriel
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2016 6:51 PM
To: Elaine Kim
Cc: Ramos, Jessica; Hagelgans, Andrea; Rachel Cohen
Subject: RE: Oped for review
From: Elaine Kim [mailto:EKim@seiu32bj.org]
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2016 6:51 PM
To: Schnake Mahl, Gabriel
Cc: Ramos, Jessica; Hagelgans, Andrea; Rachel Cohen
Subject: Re: Oped for review
We'll send one over soon 

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 14, 2016, at 6:12 PM, Schnake Mahl, Gabriel

<GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

have we received quote for rls from you guys yet?

From: Schnake Mahl, Gabriel
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2016 6:12 PM
To: Ramos, Jessica; 'Elaine Kim'; Hagelgans, Andrea
Cc: Rachel Cohen
Subject: RE: Oped for review
Confirmed: CMs Lander, Ferreras-Copeland, Johnson;
PA James
Will update if others attending
From: Schnake Mahl, Gabriel
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2016 4:00 PM
To: Ramos, Jessica; 'Elaine Kim'; Hagelgans, Andrea
Cc: Rachel Cohen
Subject: RE: Oped for review
Will share confirmed electeds later today. Will have
Brad + some other CMs and maybe BP Adams / Tish
From: Ramos, Jessica
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2016 3:46 PM
To: 'Elaine Kim'; Hagelgans, Andrea
Cc: Rachel Cohen; Schnake Mahl, Gabriel
Subject: RE: Oped for review
+ Gabe
From: Elaine Kim [mailto:EKim@seiu32bj.org]
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2016 3:41 PM
To: Ramos, Jessica; Hagelgans, Andrea
Cc: Rachel Cohen
Subject: RE: Oped for review
Who are the other electeds?
From: Ramos, Jessica
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2016 3:25 PM
To: Elaine Kim; Hagelgans, Andrea
Cc: Rachel Cohen
Subject: RE: Oped for review
This is our run of show:
?          Alvin Major delivers remarks, introduces
Mayor Bill de Blasio
?          MBdB delivers remarks, introduces
Hector Figueroa
?          Hector Figueroa delivers remarks
?          Mayor introduces electeds
?          Electeds deliver remarks
?          On-Topic Q&A
From: Elaine Kim [mailto:EKim@seiu32bj.org]
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2016 3:04 PM
To: Hagelgans, Andrea
Cc: Ramos, Jessica; Rachel Cohen
Subject: RE: Oped for review
Could someone also send us run of show? Thanks.
From: Elaine Kim
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2016 8:04 AM
To: Hagelgans, Andrea
Cc: Ramos, Jessica; Rachel Cohen
Subject: Re: Oped for review
Great, thanks. We will review and get back to
you. Could you also send along the Q and A?
And I assume you all are putting together a press
release? We would love to take a look at that as
well and give you a quote from Hector. 
Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 14, 2016, at 7:30 AM, Hagelgans, Andrea

<AHagelgans@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Here is a draft of the joint oped we
discussed. Could you all review and
send edits by noon? We then will
show the Mayor and pitch to daily
news for friday
When Flavia Cabral leaves her first job at
XXpm to head to her second job at a
McDonald’s in WHERE?, she doesn’t
know when she’s coming home. She
doesn’t know when she’ll see her family
or even when she’ll get a full night’s
sleep next.
That’s because Flavia’s schedule, like
that of so many of her fellow 65,000 fast
food workers in New York City, is at the
mercy of her employer. McDonald’s and
other similar fast food chains country
aren’t currently required to provide hourly
workers with sufficiently advance notice
of upcoming shifts – how many they’re
getting or even when those shifts are. A
manager can call a worker who’s just
gotten home and tell them they have to
be back at work in an hour.
And if that short-notice assignment
conflicts with a long-scheduled doctor’s
appointment for an elderly parent or a
parent-teacher conference, or if the
number of hours you get isn’t enough to
pay the rent or buy groceries, there’s not
much you can do. Often, if you can’t or
don’t agree to the assigned hours, your
hours could be cut or you could lose
their job altogether.
All this adds up to hardworking New
Yorkers being forced into untenable
situations. While they’re taking care of
growing kids or aging parents, they have
to deal with an arbitrary schedule at a
job where they still don’t necessarily
make ends meet.
Every worker in our city has the right to
a stable, healthy life, whether they go to
work at a burger joint, the local coffee
shop, a favorite take-out spot, or
anywhere else.
Unsurprisingly, when fair scheduling
practices aren’t in place, there’s a
negative impact on children and families.
Kids in homes where parents have
unpredictable schedules tend to have
poorer health, don’t do as well in school,
and have challenges developing memory
and communications skills.
It makes it much harder to find a second
job because working in fast food isn’t
enough to keep food on the table.
And it hurts the workers themselves,
whose health suffers.
Perhaps most importantly, it prevents the
next generation from breaking the cycle
that can lead to working in fast food in
the first place. [We can’t tie affordability
to fluctuating hours]. Many of Flavia’s
college-age coworkers face the same
fate, unable to afford or commit to
attending classes when they never know
in advance how much they’re going to
take home or even when they can go
As Flavia says, without an education our
young people are much more likely to get
and stay in the same job she has now. “It
won’t be a successful country,” she says,
“if so many families can’t send people to
go to school.”
She’s right.
That is why today, we begin to create
change for our families, our communities,
our city, and our country.
In the months ahead, we’re going to work
together with our partners in the City
Council, advocates, and the business
community to craft a law that helps make
sure that fast food employees have fair
and transparent scheduling practices.
This law will require employers to publicly
post a schedule two weeks in advance,
and, if hours need to be changed on
short notice, require employers to
appropriately compensate employees.
We’re also going to address the problem
of “clopenings,” or shifts that require
employees to consecutively work closing
and opening shifts with fewer than 10
hours between them.
Making our fellow New Yorkers in the
fast food industry and healthier and
stronger will lift our economy, too.
Since January 2014, the City of New
York has expanded Paid Sick Leave to
more than half a million more New
Yorkers. Employers with 20 or more
employees are now required to provide
pre-tax benefits you can use to buy your
monthly Metrocard. There’s even a new
City office – the Office of Labor Policy
and Standards, the first of its kind in New
York, focused on protecting workers.
And while we’ve been working on this,
our city has added more than 290,000
private sector jobs and the number of
people employed in our city is at an all-
time high of 4.3 million.
Flavia says, “we don’t want to be rich…
we just want to have a decent salary and
educate our children.”
By creating a fair work week, we’re not
just doing right by Flavia. Treating
workers with respect and fairness lifts up
all our communities, our city, and our
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Ramos, Jessica
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2016
5:09 AM
To: Hagelgans, Andrea; Rachel Cohen
Cc: Elaine Kim; Adams Baker, Marti
Subject: Re: updates on workers
Rachel, can you share with us the
mother's name and info so we can
start vetting, just in case? 
And yes, let's sked that 1030 with
Thank you.
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Hagelgans, Andrea
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2016
10:59 PM
To: Rachel Cohen
Cc: Ramos, Jessica; Elaine Kim; Adams
Baker, Marti
Subject: Re: updates on workers
These are great!
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Rachel Cohen
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2016
10:51 PM
To: Hagelgans, Andrea
Cc: Ramos, Jessica; Elaine Kim
Subject: Re: updates on workers
Ok so we have a single mom with a
young child who wants to do it but is
scheduled to work Thursday and
trying to get someone to switch shifts
with her. She's making calls tonight
to try to arrange it. 
As back-up I have
confirmed. He's already been vetted.
He has 2 kids in hS and 2 in college.
His wife has health problems and
can't work right now so he is sole
support of his family. His schedule is
changed all the time the day
before/day of and his hours are often
cut by these changes. So not only
does this make it hard to meet
commitments with his kids but he
doesn't even know how much money
he'll earn each week. is also
available to do a call at 10:30
tomorrow morning if you want to get
more details from him. 
We're still connecting with more
workers so I hope to have a few
more options by the morning. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 13, 2016, at 8:15 PM,

Hagelgans, Andrea

Thank you! That's the

type of story we're
hoping for. Appreciate
all your help and
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Rachel Cohen
Sent: Tuesday, September
13, 2016 8:04 PM
To: Hagelgans, Andrea
Cc: Ramos, Jessica; Elaine
Subject: Re: updates on
We do have some of
those stories but we're
still trying to confirm if
there's a mom who can
make it on Thursday.
Organizers are talking to
more workers tonight.
Hope to have more info

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 13, 2016, at 7:09

PM, Hagelgans, Andrea
> wrote:

Rachel. Are
there any
stories of
While he
obviously is
compelling, I
think we
want to
make this
relatable to
a broader
and I worry
it may make
media too
focused on
Thanks so
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Rachel
13, 2016 7:06
Cc: Elaine
updates on
I am trying to
worker who
has a very
story and
should be
available at
11:30 on
Thursday. The
issue for him
is that he
doesn't have
a cell phone
so he is very
hard to reach.
One of our
organizers is
reaching out
to his family
members and
will also try to
meet him at
his job tonight
to talk to him.
He usually
starts work
around 11pm
so I may not
until then but
the organizers
think that this
should work
for his
Info so far:

iives in a

in Brooklyn
He is a
student-- but
recently had
to drop out
because of
issues that
made it too
difficult for
him to keep
up with his
confirms with

she'll also ask

him for the
address and
his DOB. 
We are still
working on
getting in
touch with
as a
back-up but
he also
doesn't have
a cell phone
and his work
schedule is
not very fixed
so he's harder
to find at
work but I'm
hoping to
have more
news this
I will keep
you all
From: Dan Levitan
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: FW: Still need a quote from me?
Date: Thursday, September 15, 2016 4:38:21 PM

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Fermino, Jennifer [mailto:jfermino@nydailynews.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2016 4:37 PM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Still need a quote from me?
Yes, sorry. Really the lead is people fear it won’t stop homeless from congregating at the hot spots.
Carmine Soprano, manager of Iron Bar on the corner of 45th Street and 8th Avenue, said the kiosk
has been an issue ever since the city put one up on 8th right in front of the restaurant. 
"They've become these little homeless hubs. They come in groups of six or seven people, they bring
all their friends, and they camp out, start smoking weed, and are just having a little party out. They'll
take up half the sidewalk and just hang out. For a place that's open like this, it's very disruptive for us
and our customers."
"I've seen drug deals happening through it. They'll (a homeless person) will contact someone
through the phone on there and the person with the drugs will come and meet them (the caller)
right out front."
Also, head of Garment District BID said shes happy, but worried hoomless with cell phones will
congreagate with their own phones
Jennifer Fermino
City Hall Bureau Chief
New York Daily News
646 734 0320
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2016 4:20 PM
To: Fermino, Jennifer
Subject: Still need a quote from me?
Didn’t see anything come through from you?
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475


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have received this communication in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete
this message. Thank you.

I execute my job search. It was a real pleasure to finally talk to you as
Evan speaks of you and Amy often.

As promised, attached is my resume. Please feel free to share it as you

see fit. The position I applied for at DYCD is Deputy Director of Employer
Engagement and Partnerships; the NYCHA role is Executive Vice
President for Community Programs and Development. Both opportunities
match my desire for a leadership role in a city agency committed to
serving the highest need communities. I would like to capitalize on my
experience building relationships with a diverse group of stakeholders,
and designing and managing systems and programs that help
disenfranchised families access vital resources. If you become aware of
other positions you think would be a fit for someone with my background
and experience, please let me know.

Thank you again for all your help.

Have a great evening!

From: Kenneth Londono
Subject: Interested? Children’s Defense Fund Releases New Recommendations For School-Based Health Centers
Date: Monday, September 26, 2016 10:34:04 AM
Attachments: Key Details- Children"s Defense Fund.pdf

The Children’s Defense Fund- New York has released its policy recommendations on how school-
based health centers can stay afloat in a political landscape in flux. 
School-based health centers are critical lifelines for New York City’s underserved children. Today,
these comprehensive service providers serve thousands of children in 345 schools throughout New
York City. However, in a few short months, many of these school-based health centers could find
themselves in financial jeopardy. A mandate that school-based health centers transition to a
Medicaid managed care reimbursement model by July 1, 2017 could threaten their viability.
CDF-NY’s recommendations will help ensure that existing school-based health centers keep their
doors open, and high-need schools aren’t deterred from opening these much-needed centers.
Recommendations include:
· Creating a transition to Medicaid managed care
· Developing a pathway for SBHCs to bill for services delivered to children covered by Child
Health Plus
· Building the necessary infrastructure to claim Medicaid reimbursement for non-SBHC
To watch a webinar on the recommendations, please click here. The briefs discussed in the film can
be found at www.cdfny.org; you can also refer to the one-pager attached to this email. 
Let us know if you plan to cover this.

Kenneth Londono
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
Office: 646.335.0420 | Cell: 917.574.8756
Key Information on School-Based Health Centers:
Keeping Students Healthy, Keeping School-Based Care Financially Sound
Summary: New York City educates 1.1 million students across roughly 1,800 schools. Schools are now recognized as
critical health care access points, ones that uniquely bridge the city’s health and education systems by reaching children
who would otherwise go without medical care. Over the past several years, New York City has created a number of
school-based health centers (SBHCs) aimed at expanding the delivery of health services in schools. While SBHCs are
proven to be incredibly effective in improving health outcomes, schools must take requisite steps to ensure these valuable
institutions remain financially sound.
Children must be healthy in order to learn:
 Research has proven that children with unmet health needs are far less likely to succeed in school:
o New York City children who are considered to be in excellent or very good health are more likely to
receive mostly As and Bs than children who are in fair or poor health.
o In New York City, neighborhoods with the highest rates of chronic elementary school absenteeism are
communities where both child and adult residents continue to face overwhelming health disparities.
 In many New York City neighborhoods, children face significant barriers accessing high-quality primary care.
o While in New York City the percentage of children under 18 with health insurance is approximately 97
percent, only about 60 percent of adolescents received the recommended number of well child visits.
School-based health centers provide students with much-needed care:
 As of March 2016, 145 SBHCs were serving 345 schools throughout New York City:
o SBHCs, which are located within schools and deliver health care to children at no cost, offer students,
primary and preventative care, chronic disease management and treatment of urgent care needs.
o For many underserved children, SBHCs are the first and only place in which they are able to access
health care services.
 We know that SBHCs are effective:
o Research has shown that these clinics have helped secure significant gains to children’s physical health,
weight and nutrition, dental and vision care, mental health and reproductive health.
o SBHCs have improved attendance rates and decreased tardiness, in many cases improving educational
outcomes as well.
Recommendations to keep SBHCs solvent:
SBHCs are cost-intensive, and schools must work to maximize available funds to keep these institutions afloat, especially
in light of recent NYS policy changes. Steps to maximize funds include:
 Creating a transition to Medicaid managed care:
o NYS’ Department of Health has scheduled school-based health center providers to transition into a
Medicaid-managed care reimbursement model by July 1, 2017. This could potentially weaken the
financial viability of SBHCs.
o SBHCs will need to secure guaranteed reimbursement for services delivered to students. SBHCs must
also be able to provide chronic disease, urgent, behavioral and reproductive care without first securing
 Developing a pathway for SBHCs to bill for services delivered to children covered by Child Health Plus:
o As SBHCs transition into Medicaid managed care, they will need to develop the capacity to bill multiple
managed care organizations.
o More complete billing will enable SBHCs to secure a greater amount of revenue and decrease the
amount of uncompensated care delivered.
 Building the necessary infrastructure to claim Medicaid reimbursement for non-SBHC services:
o Since 2009, the New York City DOE has claimed only a small portion of the Medicaid reimbursement
for which it is eligible. A recent study from the City Comptroller reports that DOE has lost $356 million
in potential Medicaid reimbursement because of insufficient data collection and overly burdensome
federal and state regulations.
o The DOE can better position itself to generate the Medicaid dollars for which it is eligible by improving
its data collections systems and investing in administrative support to appropriately claim this
 Implementing the free care policy change in New York State:
o In December 2014, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) reversed a longstanding
policy that heavily restricted school districts’ ability to bill Medicaid for preventative, evaluative and
medically necessary health and mental health services offered to all students at no cost.
o The free care policy change is the opportunity for the New York City Department of Education to more
broadly bill Medicaid for preventative, evaluative and medically necessary health and mental health
From: Norvell, Wiley
To: "Jeremy Soffin"; Patchett, James; "Cotton, Ashley"
Subject: RE: Modular sale
Date: Tuesday, October 04, 2016 2:00:07 PM

Gotcha. Think we'll sit out release.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2016 1:42 PM
To: Patchett, James; 'Cotton, Ashley'; Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: Modular sale

Update: Bagli is writing on this, embargoed to mid-morning tomorrow.

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy Soffin
Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2016 11:53 AM
To: 'Patchett, James'; 'Cotton, Ashley'; Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: Modular sale

Release is below, with quotes still being added.

Full Stack Modular LLC Purchases Core Assets of FC Modular, LLC from Forest City Ratner Companies

Leading Member of FC Modular and Award-Winning Inventor of High-Rise Modular Technology Acquires
Company’s Core Assets, Launches Full Stack Modular

Full Stack Modular to Build on the Success of 461 Dean Street, The World’s Tallest Modular Residential
High Rise

Brooklyn, NY – October 5, 2016 – Full Stack Modular, LLC announced today that it has purchased the
core assets of FC Modular from Forest City Ratner Companies (FCRC), a wholly owned subsidiary of
Forest City Realty Trust, Inc., (NYSE: FCEA and FCEB).  Full Stack Modular will offer turn-key modular
solutions for developers of new multi-family buildings, hotels and dormitories and will continue to
operate out of the 100,000+ square foot factory in the Brooklyn Navy Yard.

Full Stack Modular’s CEO and founder, Roger Krulak, was formerly Senior Vice President of Modular
Construction at FCRC where he was a leading member of the team that built the modular business that
formed the foundation of FCRC’s flagship project, 461 Dean Street, the tallest modular building in the
world.  461 Dean is now leasing and will welcome its first tenants this fall to breathtaking views and
amenities made possible by its modular construction.

The deal includes the long-term lease at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, all equipment and Intellectual
Property, as well as the bespoke technology created for this manufacturing process.  Full Stack Modular
will also maintain the groundbreaking collective bargaining agreement with the Building and
Construction Trades Council of New York and its members, and anticipates rehiring much of the original
workforce responsible for 461 Dean Street.

“I am very proud to own a company that will continue to build upon our original mission at Forest City,
and further grow the valuable relationships with the community, the unions and the talented workers
who help bring our vision to life,” said Krulak. “Modular is the future of multifamily construction and Full
Stack Modular will be at the forefront of innovation in our industry.  Our systems are not only more
efficient and cost effective than conventional building, but also more sustainable and community-

“We have always been firm believers in modular construction and we are incredibly proud of the
breakthroughs we’ve made that will soon be seen at 461 Dean Street,” said MaryAnne Gilmartin,
President and CEO of Forest City Ratner Companies. “The sale allows us to put our focus on our core
strengths – management of our assets and our incredible pipeline of development. We are thrilled that
the high-rise residential modular industry we launched will continue its ground-breaking innovations in
the skilled hands of Roger Krulak at Full Stack Modular. We know it will be a great success.”

An internationally recognized expert in modular construction and innovation, Roger Krulak was the
recipient of the 2014 Popular Mechanics ‘Breakthrough Award’ for his work on the creation of the high-
rise modular process, has been appointed to the Building Innovation Panel for the Country of Singapore
and regularly speaks all over the world.

About Full Stack Modular

Full Stack Modular provides turn-key modular solutions for developers of new multi-family buildings,
hotels and dormitories. Full Stack Modular is dedicated to the innovation and creation of
environmentally-conscious, cost-effective and labor-friendly development of multi-family housing. The
company is located in New York City, in the Brooklyn Navy Yard.

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

-----Original Message-----
From: Patchett, James [mailto:JPatchett@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2016 11:05 AM
To: 'Cotton, Ashley'; Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Modular sale

Thank you! Who is the buyer? Are they committing to the below?

-----Original Message-----
From: Cotton, Ashley [mailto:acotton@fcrc.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2016 9:55 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley; Patchett, James
Cc: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: Modular sale

Good news, we have sold the business and will be announcing tomorrow. The DM mentioned her desire
to be helpful - perhaps she wants to put a quote in the new buyers release? Keeping factory, rehiring
workers, union jobs

NOTICE: This message is intended only for the personal and confidential use of the designated
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privileged, confidential, legally privileged, and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law.
From: Phillips, Eric Falk
To: Rich Calder
Cc: Dan Levitan
Subject: Re:
Date: Monday, October 10, 2016 1:10:35 PM

No thanks 

On Oct 10, 2016, at 12:08 PM, Rich Calder <rcalder@nypost.com> wrote:

I have to write for web. Either of you want to comment on

Huma's Dec. 2014 email on Hillary's relationship with de Blasio?

Bill de Blasio: I stay in touch with him and his team

a lot. He has recently asked to have increased direct
access to her so he can tell his progressive partners
what she thinks about issues important to them. He
also thinks he can be most helpful to her if he has
that kind of relationship. He wants to be seen as the
loudest progressive voice for her and in order to do
that he needs access. In the next 6 months, someone
else will have to inherit this relationship because it
will not be tenable for HRC.
From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: "Dan Levitan"
Subject: RE: give a shout?
Date: Tuesday, October 11, 2016 4:03:40 PM

Yep. On a call. Call you after

From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2016 4:03 PM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: give a shout?
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Worman, Maya
To: Dan Levitan
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie; Jovana Rizzo
Subject: RE: DNAinfo incoming
Date: Thursday, October 13, 2016 10:14:39 AM
Attachments: image001.png

Great. Thank you.

From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 10:11 AM
To: Worman, Maya <mworman@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: DNAinfo incoming
We can reach out to her and give her date the first ones were turned on, we don’t have an estimate
for the others.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Worman, Maya [mailto:mworman@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 10:07 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: DNAinfo incoming
Good morning!
DNAinfo looking for exact date of activation in Jamaica and when others in the immediate area will
be activated.
Do you have this info?

Maya Worman
Assistant Commissioner for External Affairs and Communications
New York City Department of
Information Technology & Telecommunications
2 Metro Tech Center, 5 th   Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Direct Line: 718-403-8247 or 646-745-0577

This e-mail, including any attachments, may be confidential, privileged or otherwise legally protected. It
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Please notify the sender immediately by reply e-mail and delete the e-mail from your system.
From: Jovana Rizzo
To: Dan Levitan; Worman, Maya
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie; Stacey Levine
Subject: Re: DNAinfo incoming
Date: Thursday, October 13, 2016 10:47:54 AM
Attachments: image001.png

+Stacey. DNAinfo doing a quick "Link live in Jamaica" story, we'll provide the Jamaica activation date (Sept
23) and some background (replacing city's pay phones, 7500 to be installed throughout NYC over next
several years).

Reporter covered when Link went live in Kew Gardens/Forest Hills - https://www.dnainfo.com/new-


Jovana Rizzo
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5329
C: 917-836-0618

From: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>

Date: Thursday, October 13, 2016 10:11 AM
To: "Worman, Maya" <mworman@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Natalie Grybauskas <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: DNAinfo incoming

We can reach out to her and give her date the first ones were turned on, we don’t have an estimate
for the others.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Worman, Maya [mailto:mworman@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 10:07 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: DNAinfo incoming
Good morning!
DNAinfo looking for exact date of activation in Jamaica and when others in the immediate area will
be activated.
Do you have this info?

Maya Worman
Assistant Commissioner for External Affairs and Communications
New York City Department of
Information Technology & Telecommunications
2 Metro Tech Center, 5 th   Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Direct Line: 718-403-8247 or 646-745-0577

This e-mail, including any attachments, may be confidential, privileged or otherwise legally protected. It
is intended only for the addressee. If you received this e-mail in error or from someone who was not
authorized to send it to you, do not disseminate, copy or otherwise use this e-mail or its attachments.
Please notify the sender immediately by reply e-mail and delete the e-mail from your system.
From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: (dan@berlinrosen.com)
Subject: voting line
Date: Thursday, October 13, 2016 12:52:46 PM

We have a voting reg related release going out – I want to add one bullet point under voting reg
efforts re: link. Can you send a line?
From: Rich Calder
To: Phillips, Eric Falk; Dan Levitan; Finan, Austin
Subject: worst landlords list
Date: Thursday, October 13, 2016 2:41:41 PM

We are writing an article off Tish's James' worst landlord list. 

The No. 3 person on list, Efstathios Valiotis, was also a key contributor to Mayor de Blasio's  Campaign for One
New York and to his 2013 campaign. Records show that his firm Alma Realty gave $5,000 to the non-profit and
his employees donated another $5,525 to de Blasio's 2013 campaign as the company was trying to get zoning
changes approved in the Rockaways and its Astoria Cove plan approved by the city. 

Please let me know if you'd like to comment.  

Rich Calder, staff reporter 
New York Post 
718-744-8304 (cell) 
From: Jeremy Soffin
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Date: Thursday, October 13, 2016 5:14:23 PM

Emails just crossed. Probably worth talking for a minute if you can, site plan not 100% self-
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 5:13 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Hey—sorry, was swamped today. Meeting about this with senior team at 9am tomorrow, so looking
for details tonight on Run of Show, what visuals would look like, staging, etc…
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 12:00 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
I’ll put a package together for you today. Will probably be EOD when I’ll have release, would be
happy to talk through ROS and setup before that if helpful.
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 11:41 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Visuals, ROS, draft release, etc…
Wiley Norvell
Communications Advisor for Housing and Economic Development
Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio
From: Jeremy Soffin
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Date: Thursday, October 13, 2016 5:14:43 PM
Attachments: OVA Groundbreaking Overview Packet.pdf

Attached please find a pdf that has the site plan, visual for the stage and ROS. We should have a
release to share in the morning.
Please let me know if you want to talk through, since the site plan may not be completely clear
(especially re the shovel shot, for instance).
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 11:41 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Visuals, ROS, draft release, etc…
Wiley Norvell
Communications Advisor for Housing and Economic Development
Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio
OVA Groundbreaking: Run of Show

08:00 – 09:45 Event team walkthrough and trouble shooting

09:45 – 10:00 Team members report to stations

10:00 – 10:30 Guests and media arrive, check in and pick up gifts in reception area

10:20 – 10:30 Brand ambassadors direct unseated guests to seats

10:30 – 10:38 Marc Holliday gives opening remarks and introduces Mayor de Blasio

10:38 – 10:48 New York City Mayor de Blasio*

10:48 – 10:53 Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney*

10:53 – 10:58 Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer*

10:58 – 11:03 City Councilman Dan Garodnick*

11:03 – 11:08 Marc Holliday thanks guests and invites them to watch ceremonial
groundbreaking along Vanderbilt; Brand ambassadors escort VIPs and
press to photo area, and direct guests to Vanderbilt Ave viewing section

11:08 Shovel shot #1

11:13 Shovel shot #2

11:20 Photo shoot concludes and brand ambassadors direct guests to exit

*During opening remarks, Marc Holliday will acknowledge each guest. Brand ambassadors will escort
each speaker to stage as previous speaker concludes.
From: Norvell, Wiley
To: "Jeremy Soffin"
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Date: Thursday, October 13, 2016 5:16:03 PM

Makes sense.
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 5:14 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Attached please find a pdf that has the site plan, visual for the stage and ROS. We should have a
release to share in the morning.
Please let me know if you want to talk through, since the site plan may not be completely clear
(especially re the shovel shot, for instance).
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 11:41 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Visuals, ROS, draft release, etc…
Wiley Norvell
Communications Advisor for Housing and Economic Development
Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio
From: Jeremy Soffin
To: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Date: Thursday, October 13, 2016 5:50:33 PM

Give me another quick call?

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 5:28 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
How bout this:
$220 Million for Better Commutes
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 5:14 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Attached please find a pdf that has the site plan, visual for the stage and ROS. We should have a
release to share in the morning.
Please let me know if you want to talk through, since the site plan may not be completely clear
(especially re the shovel shot, for instance).
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 11:41 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Visuals, ROS, draft release, etc…
Wiley Norvell
Communications Advisor for Housing and Economic Development
Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio
From: Jeremy Soffin
To: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Date: Thursday, October 13, 2016 6:58:50 PM

We’re moving forward on a solution here, will keep you posted.

We’re also planning to put out an advisory tomorrow, which won’t list any of the speakers.
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 5:28 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
How bout this:
$220 Million for Better Commutes
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 5:14 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Attached please find a pdf that has the site plan, visual for the stage and ROS. We should have a
release to share in the morning.
Please let me know if you want to talk through, since the site plan may not be completely clear
(especially re the shovel shot, for instance).
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 11:41 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Visuals, ROS, draft release, etc…
Wiley Norvell
Communications Advisor for Housing and Economic Development
Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio
From: Norvell, Wiley
To: "Jeremy Soffin"
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Date: Friday, October 14, 2016 11:52:59 AM

On release, we may actually do our own alongside yours. Will know later today. Would focus on
zoning, transit, keeping East Midtown competitive.
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 11:28 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
“$220 Million for Better Commutes”
(Advisory going out momentarily…)
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 11:25 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Got it. With the $220 million message?
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 11:05 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
We’re looking at doing a kickstand that will sit in front of the dirt and be about 6 feet long, ensures
the whole message gets in every shot. There wasn’t a good way to do something overhead that
would be in all the shots and look nice.
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 11:03 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Your good with text I sent? Will it be big? Like 10-15 feet long?
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 10:59 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Going to production on this shortly so please confirm it’s good, and also that we’re okay to send out
an advisory today that doesn’t mention the mayor or any other speakers.
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 5:28 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
How bout this:
$220 Million for Better Commutes
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 5:14 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Attached please find a pdf that has the site plan, visual for the stage and ROS. We should have a
release to share in the morning.
Please let me know if you want to talk through, since the site plan may not be completely clear
(especially re the shovel shot, for instance).
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 11:41 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Visuals, ROS, draft release, etc…
Wiley Norvell
Communications Advisor for Housing and Economic Development
Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio
From: Norvell, Wiley
To: "Jeremy Soffin"
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Date: Friday, October 14, 2016 2:54:54 PM

Can you help me quickly fact check/add in missing pieces?

People served by area transit:
· 154,000 commuters use the Grand Central Lexington Line stop—2 nd busiest in
Transit Improvements at Grand Central: $220 million, paid for by SL Green
· Refurbish Grand Central’s crumbling subway mezzanine
· New exits at ends of both 4-5-6 platforms
· More room on 4-5-6 platforms, by narrowing obstructions
o Narrowed staircases
o Narrowed columns
· More turnstiles
· More connections from mezzanine directly to streets (reducing crowding at existing
· Reduced overcrowding will allow for 1 extra train per hour—making room for
1,100 more riders each hour
· Direct connections from the new tower to subway, MetroNorth and future LIRR
· 4,000 s/f transit hall/waiting room in ground floor of tower
· Vanderbilt between 42nd and 43rd closed to traffic, becomes pedestrian plaza—more
room to breathe in crowded heart of Midtown
· Completed January 2020
· New building CANNOT be occupied until transit work is complete
About the Building: 1 Vanderbilt
· 65-story
· New headquarters for TD Bank
· TKTK temporary jobs
· TKTK permanent jobs
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 2:08 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Yes, attending not speaking. I’ll get you a name.
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 2:06 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Hey—will someone from TD Bank be there that we should recognize?
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 11:28 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
“$220 Million for Better Commutes”
(Advisory going out momentarily…)
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 11:25 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Got it. With the $220 million message?
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 11:05 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
We’re looking at doing a kickstand that will sit in front of the dirt and be about 6 feet long, ensures
the whole message gets in every shot. There wasn’t a good way to do something overhead that
would be in all the shots and look nice.
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 11:03 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Your good with text I sent? Will it be big? Like 10-15 feet long?
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 10:59 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Going to production on this shortly so please confirm it’s good, and also that we’re okay to send out
an advisory today that doesn’t mention the mayor or any other speakers.
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 5:28 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
How bout this:
$220 Million for Better Commutes
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 5:14 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Attached please find a pdf that has the site plan, visual for the stage and ROS. We should have a
release to share in the morning.
Please let me know if you want to talk through, since the site plan may not be completely clear
(especially re the shovel shot, for instance).
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 11:41 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Visuals, ROS, draft release, etc…
Wiley Norvell
Communications Advisor for Housing and Economic Development
Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio
From: Norvell, Wiley
To: "Jeremy Soffin"
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Date: Friday, October 14, 2016 3:35:33 PM

Awesome. Thanks bud.

From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 3:08 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Edits in CAPS or highlights.
People served by area transit:
· 154,000 commuters use the Grand Central Lexington Line stop—2 nd busiest in
Transit Improvements at Grand Central: $220 million, paid for by SL Green
· Approximately two thirds of the $220 million in public infrastructure funding will go
to enhancing connections and circulation spaces along the Lexington Avenue 4/5/6
subway line.
· Refurbish Grand Central’s crumbling subway mezzanine
· New exits at ends of both 4-5-6 platforms
· More room on 4-5-6 platforms, by narrowing obstructions
o Narrowed staircases
o Narrowed columns
· More turnstiles
· More connections from mezzanine directly to streets (reducing crowding at existing
· Reduced overcrowding will allow for 1 extra train per hour—making room for
1,100 more riders each hour
· Direct connections from the new tower to subway, MetroNorth and future LIRR
· 4,000 s/f transit hall/waiting room in ground floor of tower
· Vanderbilt between 42nd and 43rd closed to traffic, becomes pedestrian plaza—more
room to breathe in crowded heart of Midtown
· Completed January 2020
· New building CANNOT be occupied until transit work is complete
About the Building: 1 Vanderbilt
· 65-story
· New headquarters for TD Bank
· TKTK temporary jobs
· TKTK permanent jobs
· 8,000 workers
· 5,200 construction jobs
· 190 permanent union jobs
· Desperately needed modern office space adjacent to Grand Central Terminal
· Significantly increased tax revenues
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 2:08 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Yes, attending not speaking. I’ll get you a name.
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 2:06 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Hey—will someone from TD Bank be there that we should recognize?
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 11:28 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
“$220 Million for Better Commutes”
(Advisory going out momentarily…)
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 11:25 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Got it. With the $220 million message?
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 11:05 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
We’re looking at doing a kickstand that will sit in front of the dirt and be about 6 feet long, ensures
the whole message gets in every shot. There wasn’t a good way to do something overhead that
would be in all the shots and look nice.
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 11:03 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Your good with text I sent? Will it be big? Like 10-15 feet long?
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 10:59 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Going to production on this shortly so please confirm it’s good, and also that we’re okay to send out
an advisory today that doesn’t mention the mayor or any other speakers.
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 5:28 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
How bout this:
$220 Million for Better Commutes
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 5:14 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Attached please find a pdf that has the site plan, visual for the stage and ROS. We should have a
release to share in the morning.
Please let me know if you want to talk through, since the site plan may not be completely clear
(especially re the shovel shot, for instance).
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 11:41 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Visuals, ROS, draft release, etc…
Wiley Norvell
Communications Advisor for Housing and Economic Development
Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio
From: Jeremy Soffin
To: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Date: Friday, October 14, 2016 3:39:36 PM

Gregg Gerken, Head of Commercial Real Estate

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 2:06 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Hey—will someone from TD Bank be there that we should recognize?
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 11:28 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
“$220 Million for Better Commutes”
(Advisory going out momentarily…)
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 11:25 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Got it. With the $220 million message?
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 11:05 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
We’re looking at doing a kickstand that will sit in front of the dirt and be about 6 feet long, ensures
the whole message gets in every shot. There wasn’t a good way to do something overhead that
would be in all the shots and look nice.
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 11:03 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Your good with text I sent? Will it be big? Like 10-15 feet long?
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 10:59 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Going to production on this shortly so please confirm it’s good, and also that we’re okay to send out
an advisory today that doesn’t mention the mayor or any other speakers.
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 5:28 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
How bout this:
$220 Million for Better Commutes
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 5:14 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Attached please find a pdf that has the site plan, visual for the stage and ROS. We should have a
release to share in the morning.
Please let me know if you want to talk through, since the site plan may not be completely clear
(especially re the shovel shot, for instance).
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 11:41 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Visuals, ROS, draft release, etc…
Wiley Norvell
Communications Advisor for Housing and Economic Development
Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio
From: Jeremy Soffin
To: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Date: Sunday, October 16, 2016 10:34:40 PM
Attachments: OVA Groundbreaking Press Release Draft 101416.docx

Here you go. This has not been approved internally yet but facts here are correct.
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 8:50 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: Re: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Yup. I’d like to crib from yours. Can you send me latest draft?
From: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Date: Friday, October 14, 2016 at 7:14 PM
To: Wiley Norvell <wnorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Where’d you guys end up on release? I’m still waiting for approved draft on my end, but if you guys
are doing one too we should share quotes.
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 11:53 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
On release, we may actually do our own alongside yours. Will know later today. Would focus on
zoning, transit, keeping East Midtown competitive.
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 11:28 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
“$220 Million for Better Commutes”
(Advisory going out momentarily…)
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 11:25 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Got it. With the $220 million message?
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 11:05 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
We’re looking at doing a kickstand that will sit in front of the dirt and be about 6 feet long, ensures
the whole message gets in every shot. There wasn’t a good way to do something overhead that
would be in all the shots and look nice.
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 11:03 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Your good with text I sent? Will it be big? Like 10-15 feet long?
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 10:59 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Going to production on this shortly so please confirm it’s good, and also that we’re okay to send out
an advisory today that doesn’t mention the mayor or any other speakers.
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 5:28 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
How bout this:
$220 Million for Better Commutes
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 5:14 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Attached please find a pdf that has the site plan, visual for the stage and ROS. We should have a
release to share in the morning.
Please let me know if you want to talk through, since the site plan may not be completely clear
(especially re the shovel shot, for instance).
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 11:41 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Visuals, ROS, draft release, etc…
Wiley Norvell
Communications Advisor for Housing and Economic Development
Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio
From: Norvell, Wiley
To: Jeremy Soffin (jeremy@berlinrosen.com); Schwartz, Regina; DeLoach, Michael
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: FW: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Date: Monday, October 17, 2016 9:55:50 AM
Attachments: OVA Groundbreaking Press Release Draft 101416.docx

Jeremy, looping you with our team. We are going to write up our own rls on this to blast from CH.
Let’s share quotes from electeds/notables. Want to put you on same thread with our IGA folks who
will do outreach from here to make sure we have all bases covered.
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Sunday, October 16, 2016 10:35 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Here you go. This has not been approved internally yet but facts here are correct.
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 8:50 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: Re: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Yup. I’d like to crib from yours. Can you send me latest draft?
From: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Date: Friday, October 14, 2016 at 7:14 PM
To: Wiley Norvell <wnorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Where’d you guys end up on release? I’m still waiting for approved draft on my end, but if you guys
are doing one too we should share quotes.
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 11:53 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
On release, we may actually do our own alongside yours. Will know later today. Would focus on
zoning, transit, keeping East Midtown competitive.
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 11:28 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
“$220 Million for Better Commutes”
(Advisory going out momentarily…)
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 11:25 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Got it. With the $220 million message?
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 11:05 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
We’re looking at doing a kickstand that will sit in front of the dirt and be about 6 feet long, ensures
the whole message gets in every shot. There wasn’t a good way to do something overhead that
would be in all the shots and look nice.
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 11:03 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Your good with text I sent? Will it be big? Like 10-15 feet long?
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 10:59 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Going to production on this shortly so please confirm it’s good, and also that we’re okay to send out
an advisory today that doesn’t mention the mayor or any other speakers.
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 5:28 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
How bout this:
$220 Million for Better Commutes
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 5:14 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Attached please find a pdf that has the site plan, visual for the stage and ROS. We should have a
release to share in the morning.
Please let me know if you want to talk through, since the site plan may not be completely clear
(especially re the shovel shot, for instance).
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 11:41 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Visuals, ROS, draft release, etc…
Wiley Norvell
Communications Advisor for Housing and Economic Development
Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio
From: Norvell, Wiley
To: "Jeremy Soffin"; Schwartz, Regina; DeLoach, Michael
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Date: Monday, October 17, 2016 10:30:25 AM

Yes, pls connect Melissa ASAP.

From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2016 10:27 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley; Schwartz, Regina; DeLoach, Michael
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Also AMNY is putting the transit piece of this on the cover tomorrow. I can connect you with the
reporter if you’re not already in touch.
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2016 10:14 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin; Schwartz, Regina; DeLoach, Michael
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Expect around 5pm.
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2016 10:13 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley; Schwartz, Regina; DeLoach, Michael
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Great I will send over quotes we have so far later this morning.
We’re going to advise again today, any sense of when Mayor’s schedule will be out so we can
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2016 9:56 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin; Schwartz, Regina; DeLoach, Michael
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: FW: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Jeremy, looping you with our team. We are going to write up our own rls on this to blast from CH.
Let’s share quotes from electeds/notables. Want to put you on same thread with our IGA folks who
will do outreach from here to make sure we have all bases covered.
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Sunday, October 16, 2016 10:35 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Here you go. This has not been approved internally yet but facts here are correct.
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 8:50 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: Re: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Yup. I’d like to crib from yours. Can you send me latest draft?
From: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Date: Friday, October 14, 2016 at 7:14 PM
To: Wiley Norvell <wnorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Where’d you guys end up on release? I’m still waiting for approved draft on my end, but if you guys
are doing one too we should share quotes.
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 11:53 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
On release, we may actually do our own alongside yours. Will know later today. Would focus on
zoning, transit, keeping East Midtown competitive.
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 11:28 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
“$220 Million for Better Commutes”
(Advisory going out momentarily…)
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 11:25 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Got it. With the $220 million message?
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 11:05 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
We’re looking at doing a kickstand that will sit in front of the dirt and be about 6 feet long, ensures
the whole message gets in every shot. There wasn’t a good way to do something overhead that
would be in all the shots and look nice.
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 11:03 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Your good with text I sent? Will it be big? Like 10-15 feet long?
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 10:59 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Going to production on this shortly so please confirm it’s good, and also that we’re okay to send out
an advisory today that doesn’t mention the mayor or any other speakers.
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 5:28 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
How bout this:
$220 Million for Better Commutes
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 5:14 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Attached please find a pdf that has the site plan, visual for the stage and ROS. We should have a
release to share in the morning.
Please let me know if you want to talk through, since the site plan may not be completely clear
(especially re the shovel shot, for instance).
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 11:41 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Visuals, ROS, draft release, etc…
Wiley Norvell
Communications Advisor for Housing and Economic Development
Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio
From: Jeremy Soffin
To: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: Re: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Date: Monday, October 17, 2016 11:00:02 AM

One per direction 

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646-200-5318 (o)
917-860-9076 (c)

On Oct 17, 2016, at 10:32 AM, Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

One more Q:
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·          <!--[endif]-->Reduced overcrowding will
allow for 1 extra train per hour—making room for 1,100 more riders
each hour
Is this one more train PER DIRECTION, or one train total in both directions?
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 3:08 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Edits in CAPS or highlights.
People served by area transit:
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·          <!--[endif]-->154,000 commuters use the
Grand Central Lexington Line stop—2 nd busiest in city
Transit Improvements at Grand Central: $220 million, paid for by SL Green
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·          <!--[endif]-->Approximately two thirds of the
$220 million in public infrastructure funding will go to enhancing
connections and circulation spaces along the Lexington Avenue 4/5/6
subway line.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·          <!--[endif]-->Refurbish Grand Central’s
crumbling subway mezzanine
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·          <!--[endif]-->New exits at ends of both 4-5-6
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·          <!--[endif]-->More room on 4-5-6 platforms, by
narrowing obstructions
<!--[if !supportLists]-->o   <!--[endif]-->Narrowed staircases
<!--[if !supportLists]-->o   <!--[endif]-->Narrowed columns
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·          <!--[endif]-->More turnstiles
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·          <!--[endif]-->More connections from mezzanine
directly to streets (reducing crowding at existing exits)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·          <!--[endif]-->Reduced overcrowding will
allow for 1 extra train per hour—making room for 1,100 more riders
each hour
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·          <!--[endif]-->Direct connections from the new
tower to subway, MetroNorth and future LIRR
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·          <!--[endif]-->4,000 s/f transit hall/waiting room
in ground floor of tower
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·          <!--[endif]-->Vanderbilt between 42nd and 43rd
closed to traffic, becomes pedestrian plaza—more room to breathe in
crowded heart of Midtown
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·          <!--[endif]-->Completed January 2020
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·          <!--[endif]-->New building CANNOT be
occupied until transit work is complete
About the Building: 1 Vanderbilt
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·          <!--[endif]-->65-story
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·          <!--[endif]-->New headquarters for TD Bank
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·          <!--[endif]-->TKTK temporary jobs
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·          <!--[endif]-->TKTK permanent jobs
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·          <!--[endif]-->8,000 workers
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·          <!--[endif]-->5,200 construction jobs
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·          <!--[endif]-->190 permanent union jobs
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·          <!--[endif]-->Desperately needed modern
office space adjacent to Grand Central Terminal
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·          <!--[endif]-->Significantly increased tax
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 2:08 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Yes, attending not speaking. I’ll get you a name.
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 2:06 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Hey—will someone from TD Bank be there that we should recognize?
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 11:28 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
“$220 Million for Better Commutes”
(Advisory going out momentarily…)
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 11:25 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Got it. With the $220 million message?
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 11:05 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
We’re looking at doing a kickstand that will sit in front of the dirt and be about 6 feet
long, ensures the whole message gets in every shot. There wasn’t a good way to do
something overhead that would be in all the shots and look nice.
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 11:03 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Your good with text I sent? Will it be big? Like 10-15 feet long?
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 10:59 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Going to production on this shortly so please confirm it’s good, and also that we’re
okay to send out an advisory today that doesn’t mention the mayor or any other
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 5:28 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
How bout this:
$220 Million for Better Commutes
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 5:14 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Attached please find a pdf that has the site plan, visual for the stage and ROS. We
should have a release to share in the morning.
Please let me know if you want to talk through, since the site plan may not be
completely clear (especially re the shovel shot, for instance).
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 11:41 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Visuals, ROS, draft release, etc…
Wiley Norvell
Communications Advisor for Housing and Economic Development
Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio
From: Grace, Melissa
To: Norvell, Wiley; Jeremy Soffin; Schwartz, Regina; DeLoach, Michael
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Date: Monday, October 17, 2016 12:34:53 PM

Hi all, working on the release, got below. Thanks. Will circulate this afternoon.
From: Norvell, Wiley
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2016 12:06 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin; Schwartz, Regina; DeLoach, Michael
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: Re: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Jeremy Soffin
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2016 11:49 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley; Schwartz, Regina; DeLoach, Michael
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?

Quotes so far are below. Still waiting on Garodnick.

You’ll get us one from your side to use in ours? Thanks.
Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY12): “Not only will One Vanderbilt Avenue be a new
iconic tower in the heart of New York City, but with $220 million in public improvements, it will
revolutionize the way we use Grand Central Terminal and midtown.  This is a great example of a
public-private partnership, where the public gets new open space and better access to
transportation.  I want to thank SL Green for being a thoughtful and generous participant in a land
use process that really took into account the community’s needs.”
“It’s gratifying to be breaking ground not just on this building, but on what it represents: a massive
investment in our transit and pedestrian infrastructure, and a first step toward the future of East
Midtown,” said Manhattan Borough President Gale A. Brewer. “When development is done
carefully, collaboratively, and produces real investments in the public realm that improve the
neighborhood, everyone wins.”
“One Vanderbilt will be the best of the best, an ultra-modern, high-performing addition to the
skyline that will retain the global companies that East Midtown needs to continue as the business
capital of the world,” said SL Green CEO Marc Holliday. “As the largest commercial property owner
in New York, we are proud to partner with the City to create a model for unsubsidized development
that drives our economy and makes a critical contribution to its infrastructure.”
"The One Vanderbilt building is a historic addition to the New York City skyline and we're proud to
participate in the financing of this transformational project," said Gregg Gerken, Head of
Commercial Real Estate for TD Bank. "We also look forward to becoming a tenant. This building is
designed to exceed LEED Gold requirements, which aligns with our commitment to being an
environmental leader - and that's something we know is important to our employees and
“It is a privilege to be a partner with SL Green in this transformational development,” said Tommy
Craig, Senior Managing Director of Hines. “The property’s direct connection to Grand Central
Terminal, its remarkable open space at grade, aspirational architecture and best-in-class technology,
will have a catalytic effect on midtown Manhattan for decades to come.”

"As the leading builder of New York's greatest iconic towers, we're excited to be breaking ground
such a distinctive and visually stunning building, which will be the cornerstone of a revitalized East
Midtown," said Jay Badame, President of AECOM Tishman. "By demonstrating a tremendous
commitment to an area of New York that needs new building, SL Green is transforming a
neighborhood, and that's something we are always proud to be a part of."

Jamie von Klemperer, Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates: “One Vanderbilt will not only emerge as an
elegant, tapered new icon on the New York skyline, but will also serve as a leading example of a
global trend of connecting train stations to tall towers. This building will change its neighborhood
for the better. It will provide a new gateway to the city made possible only through the unusually
harmonious partnership between architect, developer, and the City of New York.

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2016 9:56 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin; Schwartz, Regina; DeLoach, Michael
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: FW: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Jeremy, looping you with our team. We are going to write up our own rls on this to blast from CH.
Let’s share quotes from electeds/notables. Want to put you on same thread with our IGA folks who
will do outreach from here to make sure we have all bases covered.
From: Jeremy Soffin
To: Norvell, Wiley; Schwartz, Regina; DeLoach, Michael
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Date: Monday, October 17, 2016 1:36:29 PM

Here’s Garodnick:
“This is an exciting new day for East Midtown, where our rules are not only promoting
growth but also matching it with extraordinary transit improvements,” said Councilmember
Dan Garodnick. “The result will be class A office buildings, and just as importantly, a class
A office district.  We expect that One Vanderbilt is going to set an important precedent for
the rest of East Midtown.”
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Jeremy Soffin
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2016 11:38 AM
To: 'Norvell, Wiley'; Schwartz, Regina; DeLoach, Michael
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Quotes so far are below. Still waiting on Garodnick.
You’ll get us one from your side to use in ours? Thanks.
Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY12): “Not only will One Vanderbilt Avenue be a new
iconic tower in the heart of New York City, but with $220 million in public improvements, it will
revolutionize the way we use Grand Central Terminal and midtown.  This is a great example of a
public-private partnership, where the public gets new open space and better access to
transportation.  I want to thank SL Green for being a thoughtful and generous participant in a land
use process that really took into account the community’s needs.”
“It’s gratifying to be breaking ground not just on this building, but on what it represents: a massive
investment in our transit and pedestrian infrastructure, and a first step toward the future of East
Midtown,” said Manhattan Borough President Gale A. Brewer. “When development is done
carefully, collaboratively, and produces real investments in the public realm that improve the
neighborhood, everyone wins.”
“One Vanderbilt will be the best of the best, an ultra-modern, high-performing addition to the
skyline that will retain the global companies that East Midtown needs to continue as the business
capital of the world,” said SL Green CEO Marc Holliday. “As the largest commercial property owner
in New York, we are proud to partner with the City to create a model for unsubsidized development
that drives our economy and makes a critical contribution to its infrastructure.”
"The One Vanderbilt building is a historic addition to the New York City skyline and we're proud to
participate in the financing of this transformational project," said Gregg Gerken, Head of
Commercial Real Estate for TD Bank. "We also look forward to becoming a tenant. This building is
designed to exceed LEED Gold requirements, which aligns with our commitment to being an
environmental leader - and that's something we know is important to our employees and
“It is a privilege to be a partner with SL Green in this transformational development,” said Tommy
Craig, Senior Managing Director of Hines. “The property’s direct connection to Grand Central
Terminal, its remarkable open space at grade, aspirational architecture and best-in-class technology,
will have a catalytic effect on midtown Manhattan for decades to come.”

"As the leading builder of New York's greatest iconic towers, we're excited to be breaking ground
such a distinctive and visually stunning building, which will be the cornerstone of a revitalized East
Midtown," said Jay Badame, President of AECOM Tishman. "By demonstrating a tremendous
commitment to an area of New York that needs new building, SL Green is transforming a
neighborhood, and that's something we are always proud to be a part of."

Jamie von Klemperer, Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates: “One Vanderbilt will not only emerge as an
elegant, tapered new icon on the New York skyline, but will also serve as a leading example of a
global trend of connecting train stations to tall towers. This building will change its neighborhood
for the better. It will provide a new gateway to the city made possible only through the unusually
harmonious partnership between architect, developer, and the City of New York.

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2016 9:56 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin; Schwartz, Regina; DeLoach, Michael
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: FW: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Jeremy, looping you with our team. We are going to write up our own rls on this to blast from CH.
Let’s share quotes from electeds/notables. Want to put you on same thread with our IGA folks who
will do outreach from here to make sure we have all bases covered.
From: Grace, Melissa
To: Norvell, Wiley; Jeremy Soffin; Schwartz, Regina; DeLoach, Michael
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Date: Monday, October 17, 2016 4:00:20 PM

Draft City release / missing some quotes.

Mayor de Blasio, SL Green, Local Officials Break Ground on New Office Tower, $220 Million in
Transit Upgrades for Riders at Grand Central
New model in East Midtown demands developers invest in public transit as city grows
Congestion relief on 4-5-6 line, renovating Grand Central’s subway mezzanine, more exits and
stairs to ease overcrowding, more space for pedestrians on Vanderbilt Avenue

New York, NY– Mayor de Blasio joined SL Green and local officials today to break ground on a new
office building and $220 million in transit improvements to Grand Central Terminal. The upgrades
are part of a new development model, secured by the de Blasio administration, Council Member
Dan Garodnick and Borough President Gale Brewer, that demands new development in East
Midtown invest in better commutes and reducing congestion.

“This new office tower, pedestrian plaza, and key upgrades at Grand Central Station, including much
improved subway platforms, is what I call smart growth. I congratulate our elected officials and
business and community leaders for their bold vision – one that puts the public and hundreds of
thousands of commuters first. With this project, we ensure New York City continues to lead the
global economy.”

Grand Central’s Lexington Line stop is the second busiest in the city, with 154,000 riders each day.
With the unprecedented $220 million public infrastructure investment, One Vanderbilt will
transform the commuting experience and reduce overcrowding. Specifically, this package of
infrastructure upgrades will add more staircases to ease crowding on the 4-5-6 subway platforms, a
renovated subway mezzanine and new exits directly to street level. When completed in 2020, the
upgrades will increase the Lexington Avenue line’s capacity by an extra train per hour in each
direction—or 2,200 riders.

One Vanderbilt, the 1,401-foot-tall commercial office building rising a block west of the E. 42 nd
Street station, will include a new transit hall and waiting room in the base of the building, a new
14,000-square-footpedestrian plaza on Vanderbilt Avenue, and enhanced access into and out of the
Grand Central complex for riders of the city subway system, Metro-North and future Long Island
Railroad East Side Access. 

The City’s proposed 73-block Midtown East rezoning plan, which encompasses the area surrounding
Grand Terminal, is in on track for a full public review, including by the New York City Council. Like
the proposed rezoning, the construction and infrastructure improvements announced today will
play a leading role keeping New York growing and competitive.
Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY12): “Not only will One Vanderbilt Avenue be a new
iconic tower in the heart of New York City, but with $220 million in public improvements, it will
revolutionize the way we use Grand Central Terminal and midtown.  This is a great example of a
public-private partnership, where the public gets new open space and better access to
transportation.  I want to thank SL Green for being a thoughtful and generous participant in a land
use process that really took into account the community’s needs.”
“It’s gratifying to be breaking ground not just on this building, but on what it represents: a massive
investment in our transit and pedestrian infrastructure, and a first step toward the future of East
Midtown,” said Manhattan Borough President Gale A. Brewer. “When development is done
carefully, collaboratively, and produces real investments in the public realm that improve the
neighborhood, everyone wins.”
“This is an exciting new day for East Midtown, where our rules are not only promoting growth but
also matching it with extraordinary transit improvements,” said Councilmember Dan Garodnick.
“The result will be class A office buildings, and just as importantly, a class A office district.  We
expect that One Vanderbilt is going to set an important precedent for the rest of East Midtown.”
“One Vanderbilt will be the best of the best, an ultra-modern, high-performing addition to the
skyline that will retain the global companies that East Midtown needs to continue as the business
capital of the world,” said SL Green CEO Marc Holliday. “As the largest commercial property owner
in New York, we are proud to partner with the City to create a model for unsubsidized development
that drives our economy and makes a critical contribution to its infrastructure.”
As part of a deal with SL Green, the company will make the improvements to Grand Central Station,
create a block-long public plaza, and also build a public waiting area for commuters on the ground
floor of the new building.
The access upgrades include:
· Refurbish Grand Central’s crumbling subway mezzanine
o More connections from mezzanine directly to streets (reducing crowding at existing
· Approximately 2/3 of the $220 million in public infrastructure funding will go to enhancing
connections and circulation spaces along the Lexington Avenue 4/5/6 subway line.
o New exits at ends of both 4-5-6 platforms
o More room on 4-5-6 platforms, by narrowing obstructions
o Narrowed staircases
o Narrowed columns
· Reduced overcrowding will allow for one additional train per hour in each direction—
making room for 1,100 more riders each hour in each direction
· Direct connections from the new tower to subway, MetroNorth and future LIRR
· A 4,000-square-foot public transit hall on the ground floor of One Vanderbilt
· Vanderbilt between 42 nd and 43 rd will become a pedestrian plaza in the heart of Midtown
· The upper floors of the tower cannot be occupied until transit work is complete
The project means important and permanent boosts to private and union jobs, and tax revenue for
the City. It represents 5,200 construction jobs. Once complete, the tower will be home to 8,000
workers, 190 of them with permanent union jobs. TD Bank, the anchor commercial tenant, will also
have retail space in the building.
Marking the beginning of construction, the mayor today joined Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney,
Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer, Councilmember Dan Garodnick, SL Green Chief
Executive Officer Marc Holliday, and Gregg Gerken, Head of Commercial Real Estate at TD Bank, at
an on-site groundbreaking ceremony.

“One Vanderbilt will be the best of the best, an ultra-modern, high-performing addition to the
skyline that will retain the global companies that East Midtown needs to continue as the business
capital of the world,” said SL Green CEO Marc Holliday. “As the largest commercial property owner
in New York, we are proud to partner with the City to create a model for unsubsidized development
that drives our economy and makes a critical contribution to its infrastructure.”
Designed by Kohn Pedersen Fox (KPF) Associates, One Vanderbilt will encompass an entire city
block, bounded by Madison and Vanderbilt Avenues to the west and east, and East 43rd and East
42nd Streets to the north and south. Standing 1,401 feet tall, the building’s tapered form pays
tribute to New York’s iconic skyscrapers, while its sharp lines and bold angles will punctuate
Manhattan’s skyline with a 21 st-century articulation. At its base along 42nd Street, the building will
set back at an angle to permanently reveal Grand Central’s majestic Vanderbilt cornice – a view
which has been obstructed for nearly a century.
Expected to achieve the highest possible LEED certification, the tower will offer 1.6 million rentable
square feet of Class A office space across 58 floors, featuring column-free floors and views through
floor-to-ceiling windows. One Vanderbilt will also offer tenants floor to ceiling slab heights ranging
from 14’6” to 20’, a 30,000 square foot tenant-only amenity floor and world-class dining.
"As the leading builder of New York's greatest iconic towers, we're excited to be breaking ground
such a distinctive and visually stunning building, which will be the cornerstone of a revitalized East
Midtown," said Jay Badame, President of AECOM Tishman. "By demonstrating a tremendous
commitment to an area of New York that needs new building, SL Green is transforming a
neighborhood, and that's something we are always proud to be a part of."

Jamie von Klemperer, of Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates said, “One Vanderbilt will not only emerge
as an elegant, tapered new icon on the New York skyline, but will also serve as a leading example of
a global trend of connecting train stations to tall towers. This building will change its neighborhood
for the better. It will provide a new gateway to the city made possible only through the unusually
harmonious partnership between architect, developer, and the City of New York.”

SL Green has secured TD Bank as an anchor tenant set to occupy approximately 200,000 square feet
of office and retail space in One Vanderbilt, including a flagship store at the corner of 42nd Street
and Madison Avenue. Hines is SL Green’s development manager and AECOM’s Tishman
Construction is the construction manager. Construction is expected to be complete in 2020.

"The One Vanderbilt building is a historic addition to the New York City skyline and we're proud to
participate in the financing of this transformational project," said Gregg Gerken, Head of
Commercial Real Estate for TD Bank. "We also look forward to becoming a tenant. This building is
designed to exceed LEED Gold requirements, which aligns with our commitment to being an
environmental leader - and that's something we know is important to our employees and
“It is a privilege to be a partner with SL Green in this transformational development,” said Tommy
Craig, Senior Managing Director of Hines. “The property’s direct connection to Grand Central
Terminal, its remarkable open space at grade, aspirational architecture and best-in-class technology,
will have a catalytic effect on midtown Manhattan for decades to come.”

Insert quotes from Hines, Tishman and REBNY.

Learn more about One Vanderbilt at www.onevanderbilt.com and follow its progress at
@one_vanderbilt on Instagram and Twitter. High-resolution images of One Vanderbilt can be
downloaded at xxx.

From: Norvell, Wiley
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2016 12:06 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin; Schwartz, Regina; DeLoach, Michael
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: Re: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Jeremy Soffin
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2016 11:49 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley; Schwartz, Regina; DeLoach, Michael
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?

Quotes so far are below. Still waiting on Garodnick.

You’ll get us one from your side to use in ours? Thanks.
Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY12): “Not only will One Vanderbilt Avenue be a new
iconic tower in the heart of New York City, but with $220 million in public improvements, it will
revolutionize the way we use Grand Central Terminal and midtown.  This is a great example of a
public-private partnership, where the public gets new open space and better access to
transportation.  I want to thank SL Green for being a thoughtful and generous participant in a land
use process that really took into account the community’s needs.”
“It’s gratifying to be breaking ground not just on this building, but on what it represents: a massive
investment in our transit and pedestrian infrastructure, and a first step toward the future of East
Midtown,” said Manhattan Borough President Gale A. Brewer. “When development is done
carefully, collaboratively, and produces real investments in the public realm that improve the
neighborhood, everyone wins.”
“One Vanderbilt will be the best of the best, an ultra-modern, high-performing addition to the
skyline that will retain the global companies that East Midtown needs to continue as the business
capital of the world,” said SL Green CEO Marc Holliday. “As the largest commercial property owner
in New York, we are proud to partner with the City to create a model for unsubsidized development
that drives our economy and makes a critical contribution to its infrastructure.”
"The One Vanderbilt building is a historic addition to the New York City skyline and we're proud to
participate in the financing of this transformational project," said Gregg Gerken, Head of
Commercial Real Estate for TD Bank. "We also look forward to becoming a tenant. This building is
designed to exceed LEED Gold requirements, which aligns with our commitment to being an
environmental leader - and that's something we know is important to our employees and
“It is a privilege to be a partner with SL Green in this transformational development,” said Tommy
Craig, Senior Managing Director of Hines. “The property’s direct connection to Grand Central
Terminal, its remarkable open space at grade, aspirational architecture and best-in-class technology,
will have a catalytic effect on midtown Manhattan for decades to come.”

"As the leading builder of New York's greatest iconic towers, we're excited to be breaking ground
such a distinctive and visually stunning building, which will be the cornerstone of a revitalized East
Midtown," said Jay Badame, President of AECOM Tishman. "By demonstrating a tremendous
commitment to an area of New York that needs new building, SL Green is transforming a
neighborhood, and that's something we are always proud to be a part of."

Jamie von Klemperer, Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates: “One Vanderbilt will not only emerge as an
elegant, tapered new icon on the New York skyline, but will also serve as a leading example of a
global trend of connecting train stations to tall towers. This building will change its neighborhood
for the better. It will provide a new gateway to the city made possible only through the unusually
harmonious partnership between architect, developer, and the City of New York.

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2016 9:56 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin; Schwartz, Regina; DeLoach, Michael
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: FW: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Jeremy, looping you with our team. We are going to write up our own rls on this to blast from CH.
Let’s share quotes from electeds/notables. Want to put you on same thread with our IGA folks who
will do outreach from here to make sure we have all bases covered.
From: Norvell, Wiley
To: "Jeremy Soffin"; Grace, Melissa
Cc: Schwartz, Regina; DeLoach, Michael
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Date: Monday, October 17, 2016 4:07:04 PM

Might make a couple tweaks. Hold a bit.

From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2016 4:07 PM
To: Grace, Melissa
Cc: Norvell, Wiley; Schwartz, Regina; DeLoach, Michael
Subject: Re: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Thanks can we pull that top quote for our release?

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646-200-5318 (o)
917-860-9076 (c)

On Oct 17, 2016, at 4:00 PM, Grace, Melissa <MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Draft City release / missing some quotes.

Mayor de Blasio, SL Green, Local Officials Break Ground on New Office Tower, $220
Million in Transit Upgrades for Riders at Grand Central
New model in East Midtown demands developers invest in public transit as city
Congestion relief on 4-5-6 line, renovating Grand Central’s subway mezzanine, more
exits and stairs to ease overcrowding, more space for pedestrians on Vanderbilt

New York, NY– Mayor de Blasio joined SL Green and local officials today to break
ground on a new office building and $220 million in transit improvements to Grand
Central Terminal. The upgrades are part of a new development model, secured by the
de Blasio administration, Council Member Dan Garodnick and Borough President Gale
Brewer, that demands new development in East Midtown invest in better commutes
and reducing congestion.

“This new office tower, pedestrian plaza, and key upgrades at Grand Central Station,
including much improved subway platforms, is what I call smart growth. I congratulate
our elected officials and business and community leaders for their bold vision – one
that puts the public and hundreds of thousands of commuters first. With this project,
we ensure New York City continues to lead the global economy.”

Grand Central’s Lexington Line stop is the second busiest in the city, with 154,000
riders each day. With the unprecedented $220 million public infrastructure
investment, One Vanderbilt will transform the commuting experience and reduce
overcrowding. Specifically, this package of infrastructure upgrades will add more
staircases to ease crowding on the 4-5-6 subway platforms, a renovated subway
mezzanine and new exits directly to street level. When completed in 2020, the
upgrades will increase the Lexington Avenue line’s capacity by an extra train per hour
in each direction—or 2,200 riders.

One Vanderbilt, the 1,401-foot-tall commercial office building rising a block west of
the E. 42 nd Street station, will include a new transit hall and waiting room in the base
of the building, a new 14,000-square-footpedestrian plaza on Vanderbilt Avenue, and
enhanced access into and out of the Grand Central complex for riders of the city
subway system, Metro-North and future Long Island Railroad East Side Access. 

The City’s proposed 73-block Midtown East rezoning plan, which encompasses the
area surrounding Grand Terminal, is in on track for a full public review, including by the
New York City Council. Like the proposed rezoning, the construction and infrastructure
improvements announced today will play a leading role keeping New York growing and
Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY12): “Not only will One Vanderbilt Avenue
be a new iconic tower in the heart of New York City, but with $220 million in public
improvements, it will revolutionize the way we use Grand Central Terminal and
midtown.  This is a great example of a public-private partnership, where the public
gets new open space and better access to transportation.  I want to thank SL Green for
being a thoughtful and generous participant in a land use process that really took into
account the community’s needs.”
“It’s gratifying to be breaking ground not just on this building, but on what it
represents: a massive investment in our transit and pedestrian infrastructure, and a
first step toward the future of East Midtown,” said Manhattan Borough President
Gale A. Brewer. “When development is done carefully, collaboratively, and produces
real investments in the public realm that improve the neighborhood, everyone wins.”
“This is an exciting new day for East Midtown, where our rules are not only promoting
growth but also matching it with extraordinary transit improvements,” said
Councilmember Dan Garodnick. “The result will be class A office buildings, and just as
importantly, a class A office district.  We expect that One Vanderbilt is going to set an
important precedent for the rest of East Midtown.”
“One Vanderbilt will be the best of the best, an ultra-modern, high-performing
addition to the skyline that will retain the global companies that East Midtown needs
to continue as the business capital of the world,” said SL Green CEO Marc Holliday.
“As the largest commercial property owner in New York, we are proud to partner with
the City to create a model for unsubsidized development that drives our economy and
makes a critical contribution to its infrastructure.”
As part of a deal with SL Green, the company will make the improvements to Grand
Central Station, create a block-long public plaza, and also build a public waiting area for
commuters on the ground floor of the new building.
The access upgrades include:
· Refurbish Grand Central’s crumbling subway mezzanine
o More connections from mezzanine directly to streets (reducing
crowding at existing exits)
· Approximately 2/3 of the $220 million in public infrastructure funding will go
to enhancing connections and circulation spaces along the Lexington Avenue
4/5/6 subway line.
o New exits at ends of both 4-5-6 platforms
o More room on 4-5-6 platforms, by narrowing obstructions
o Narrowed staircases
o Narrowed columns
· Reduced overcrowding will allow for one additional train per hour in each
direction—making room for 1,100 more riders each hour in each direction
· Direct connections from the new tower to subway, MetroNorth and future
· A 4,000-square-foot public transit hall on the ground floor of One Vanderbilt
· Vanderbilt between 42 nd and 43 rd will become a pedestrian plaza in the heart
of Midtown
· The upper floors of the tower cannot be occupied until transit work is
The project means important and permanent boosts to private and union jobs, and tax
revenue for the City. It represents 5,200 construction jobs. Once complete, the tower
will be home to 8,000 workers, 190 of them with permanent union jobs. TD Bank, the
anchor commercial tenant, will also have retail space in the building.

Marking the beginning of construction, the mayor today joined Congresswoman

Carolyn Maloney, Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer, Councilmember Dan
Garodnick, SL Green Chief Executive Officer Marc Holliday, and Gregg Gerken, Head of
Commercial Real Estate at TD Bank, at an on-site groundbreaking ceremony.

“One Vanderbilt will be the best of the best, an ultra-modern, high-performing

addition to the skyline that will retain the global companies that East Midtown needs
to continue as the business capital of the world,” said SL Green CEO Marc Holliday.
“As the largest commercial property owner in New York, we are proud to partner with
the City to create a model for unsubsidized development that drives our economy and
makes a critical contribution to its infrastructure.”
Designed by Kohn Pedersen Fox (KPF) Associates, One Vanderbilt will encompass an
entire city block, bounded by Madison and Vanderbilt Avenues to the west and east,
and East 43rd and East 42nd Streets to the north and south. Standing 1,401 feet tall,
the building’s tapered form pays tribute to New York’s iconic skyscrapers, while its
sharp lines and bold angles will punctuate Manhattan’s skyline with a 21 st-century
articulation. At its base along 42nd Street, the building will set back at an angle to
permanently reveal Grand Central’s majestic Vanderbilt cornice – a view which has
been obstructed for nearly a century.
Expected to achieve the highest possible LEED certification, the tower will offer 1.6
million rentable square feet of Class A office space across 58 floors, featuring column-
free floors and views through floor-to-ceiling windows. One Vanderbilt will also offer
tenants floor to ceiling slab heights ranging from 14’6” to 20’, a 30,000 square foot
tenant-only amenity floor and world-class dining.
"As the leading builder of New York's greatest iconic towers, we're excited to be
breaking ground such a distinctive and visually stunning building, which will be the
cornerstone of a revitalized East Midtown," said Jay Badame, President of AECOM
Tishman. "By demonstrating a tremendous commitment to an area of New York that
needs new building, SL Green is transforming a neighborhood, and that's something
we are always proud to be a part of."

Jamie von Klemperer, of Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates said, “One Vanderbilt will not
only emerge as an elegant, tapered new icon on the New York skyline, but will also
serve as a leading example of a global trend of connecting train stations to tall towers.
This building will change its neighborhood for the better. It will provide a new gateway
to the city made possible only through the unusually harmonious partnership between
architect, developer, and the City of New York.”

SL Green has secured TD Bank as an anchor tenant set to occupy approximately

200,000 square feet of office and retail space in One Vanderbilt, including a flagship
store at the corner of 42nd Street and Madison Avenue. Hines is SL Green’s
development manager and AECOM’s Tishman Construction is the construction
manager. Construction is expected to be complete in 2020.

"The One Vanderbilt building is a historic addition to the New York City skyline and
we're proud to participate in the financing of this transformational project," said Gregg
Gerken, Head of Commercial Real Estate for TD Bank. "We also look forward to
becoming a tenant. This building is designed to exceed LEED Gold requirements, which
aligns with our commitment to being an environmental leader - and that's something
we know is important to our employees and customers."
“It is a privilege to be a partner with SL Green in this transformational development,”
said Tommy Craig, Senior Managing Director of Hines. “The property’s direct
connection to Grand Central Terminal, its remarkable open space at grade, aspirational
architecture and best-in-class technology, will have a catalytic effect on midtown
Manhattan for decades to come.”

Insert quotes from Hines, Tishman and REBNY.

Learn more about One Vanderbilt at www.onevanderbilt.com and follow its progress at
@one_vanderbilt on Instagram and Twitter. High-resolution images of One Vanderbilt
can be downloaded at xxx.
From: Norvell, Wiley
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2016 12:06 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin; Schwartz, Regina; DeLoach, Michael
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: Re: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Jeremy Soffin
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2016 11:49 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley; Schwartz, Regina; DeLoach, Michael
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?

Quotes so far are below. Still waiting on Garodnick.

You’ll get us one from your side to use in ours? Thanks.
Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY12): “Not only will One Vanderbilt Avenue
be a new iconic tower in the heart of New York City, but with $220 million in public
improvements, it will revolutionize the way we use Grand Central Terminal and
midtown.  This is a great example of a public-private partnership, where the public
gets new open space and better access to transportation.  I want to thank SL Green for
being a thoughtful and generous participant in a land use process that really took into
account the community’s needs.”
“It’s gratifying to be breaking ground not just on this building, but on what it
represents: a massive investment in our transit and pedestrian infrastructure, and a
first step toward the future of East Midtown,” said Manhattan Borough President Gale
A. Brewer. “When development is done carefully, collaboratively, and produces real
investments in the public realm that improve the neighborhood, everyone wins.”
“One Vanderbilt will be the best of the best, an ultra-modern, high-performing
addition to the skyline that will retain the global companies that East Midtown needs
to continue as the business capital of the world,” said SL Green CEO Marc Holliday.
“As the largest commercial property owner in New York, we are proud to partner with
the City to create a model for unsubsidized development that drives our economy and
makes a critical contribution to its infrastructure.”
"The One Vanderbilt building is a historic addition to the New York City skyline and
we're proud to participate in the financing of this transformational project," said Gregg
Gerken, Head of Commercial Real Estate for TD Bank. "We also look forward to
becoming a tenant. This building is designed to exceed LEED Gold requirements, which
aligns with our commitment to being an environmental leader - and that's something
we know is important to our employees and customers."
“It is a privilege to be a partner with SL Green in this transformational development,”
said Tommy Craig, Senior Managing Director of Hines. “The property’s direct
connection to Grand Central Terminal, its remarkable open space at grade, aspirational
architecture and best-in-class technology, will have a catalytic effect on midtown
Manhattan for decades to come.”

"As the leading builder of New York's greatest iconic towers, we're excited to be
breaking ground such a distinctive and visually stunning building, which will be the
cornerstone of a revitalized East Midtown," said Jay Badame, President of AECOM
Tishman. "By demonstrating a tremendous commitment to an area of New York that
needs new building, SL Green is transforming a neighborhood, and that's something
we are always proud to be a part of."

Jamie von Klemperer, Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates: “One Vanderbilt will not only
emerge as an elegant, tapered new icon on the New York skyline, but will also serve as
a leading example of a global trend of connecting train stations to tall towers. This
building will change its neighborhood for the better. It will provide a new gateway to
the city made possible only through the unusually harmonious partnership between
architect, developer, and the City of New York.

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2016 9:56 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin; Schwartz, Regina; DeLoach, Michael
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: FW: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Jeremy, looping you with our team. We are going to write up our own rls on this to
blast from CH. Let’s share quotes from electeds/notables. Want to put you on same
thread with our IGA folks who will do outreach from here to make sure we have all
bases covered.
From: Jeremy Soffin
To: DeLoach, Michael
Subject: Re: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Date: Monday, October 17, 2016 4:21:08 PM

I'll mention to press office, have been talking to them on an AMNY story.

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646-200-5318 (o)
917-860-9076 (c)

On Oct 17, 2016, at 4:17 PM, DeLoach, Michael <mdeloach@cityhall.nyc.gov>


At least a heads up
Their call on quote

From: Jeremy Soffin

Sent: Monday, October 17, 2016 4:16 PM
To: DeLoach, Michael
Subject: Re: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?

You want an MTA quote or you don't? 

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646-200-5318 (o)
917-860-9076 (c)

On Oct 17, 2016, at 4:15 PM, DeLoach, Michael

<mdeloach@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Who's talking to MTA?

Thanks can we pull that top quote for our release?

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646-200-5318 (o)
917-860-9076 (c)

On Oct 17, 2016, at 4:00 PM, Grace, Melissa

<MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Draft City release / missing some quotes.

Mayor de Blasio, SL Green, Local Officials Break Ground on
New Office Tower, $220 Million in Transit Upgrades for
Riders at Grand Central
New model in East Midtown demands developers invest in
public transit as city grows
Congestion relief on 4-5-6 line, renovating Grand Central’s
subway mezzanine, more exits and stairs to ease
overcrowding, more space for pedestrians on Vanderbilt

New York, NY– Mayor de Blasio joined SL Green and local

officials today to break ground on a new office building and
$220 million in transit improvements to Grand Central
Terminal. The upgrades are part of a new development
model, secured by the de Blasio administration, Council
Member Dan Garodnick and Borough President Gale
Brewer, that demands new development in East Midtown
invest in better commutes and reducing congestion.

“This new office tower, pedestrian plaza, and key upgrades

at Grand Central Station, including much improved subway
platforms, is what I call smart growth. I congratulate our
elected officials and business and community leaders for
their bold vision – one that puts the public and hundreds of
thousands of commuters first. With this project, we ensure
New York City continues to lead the global economy.”

Grand Central’s Lexington Line stop is the second busiest in

the city, with 154,000 riders each day. With the
unprecedented $220 million public infrastructure
investment, One Vanderbilt will transform the commuting
experience and reduce overcrowding. Specifically, this
package of infrastructure upgrades will add more staircases
to ease crowding on the 4-5-6 subway platforms, a
renovated subway mezzanine and new exits directly to street
level. When completed in 2020, the upgrades will increase
the Lexington Avenue line’s capacity by an extra train per
hour in each direction—or 2,200 riders.

One Vanderbilt, the 1,401-foot-tall commercial office

building rising a block west of the E. 42 nd Street station, will
include a new transit hall and waiting room in the base of
the building, a new 14,000-square-footpedestrian plaza on
Vanderbilt Avenue, and enhanced access into and out of the
Grand Central complex for riders of the city subway system,
Metro-North and future Long Island Railroad East Side
The City’s proposed 73-block Midtown East rezoning plan,
which encompasses the area surrounding Grand Terminal, is
in on track for a full public review, including by the New York
City Council. Like the proposed rezoning, the construction
and infrastructure improvements announced today will play
a leading role keeping New York growing and competitive.
Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY12): “Not only
will One Vanderbilt Avenue be a new iconic tower in the
heart of New York City, but with $220 million in public
improvements, it will revolutionize the way we use Grand
Central Terminal and midtown.  This is a great example of a
public-private partnership, where the public gets new open
space and better access to transportation.  I want to thank
SL Green for being a thoughtful and generous participant in
a land use process that really took into account the
community’s needs.”
“It’s gratifying to be breaking ground not just on this
building, but on what it represents: a massive investment in
our transit and pedestrian infrastructure, and a first step
toward the future of East Midtown,” said Manhattan
Borough President Gale A. Brewer. “When development is
done carefully, collaboratively, and produces real
investments in the public realm that improve the
neighborhood, everyone wins.”
“This is an exciting new day for East Midtown, where our
rules are not only promoting growth but also matching it
with extraordinary transit improvements,” said
Councilmember Dan Garodnick. “The result will be class A
office buildings, and just as importantly, a class A office
district.  We expect that One Vanderbilt is going to set an
important precedent for the rest of East Midtown.”
“One Vanderbilt will be the best of the best, an ultra-
modern, high-performing addition to the skyline that will
retain the global companies that East Midtown needs to
continue as the business capital of the world,” said SL Green
CEO Marc Holliday. “As the largest commercial property
owner in New York, we are proud to partner with the City to
create a model for unsubsidized development that drives
our economy and makes a critical contribution to its
As part of a deal with SL Green, the company will make the
improvements to Grand Central Station, create a block-long
public plaza, and also build a public waiting area for
commuters on the ground floor of the new building.
The access upgrades include:
· Refurbish Grand Central’s crumbling subway
o More connections from mezzanine directly to
streets (reducing crowding at existing exits)
· Approximately 2/3 of the $220 million in public
infrastructure funding will go to enhancing
connections and circulation spaces along the
Lexington Avenue 4/5/6 subway line.
o New exits at ends of both 4-5-6 platforms
o More room on 4-5-6 platforms, by narrowing
o Narrowed staircases
o Narrowed columns
· Reduced overcrowding will allow for one additional
train per hour in each direction—making room for
1,100 more riders each hour in each direction
· Direct connections from the new tower to subway,
MetroNorth and future LIRR
· A 4,000-square-foot public transit hall on the
ground floor of One Vanderbilt
· Vanderbilt between 42 nd and 43 rd will become a
pedestrian plaza in the heart of Midtown
· The upper floors of the tower cannot be occupied
until transit work is complete

The project means important and permanent boosts to

private and union jobs, and tax revenue for the City. It
represents 5,200 construction jobs. Once complete, the
tower will be home to 8,000 workers, 190 of them with
permanent union jobs. TD Bank, the anchor commercial
tenant, will also have retail space in the building.

Marking the beginning of construction, the mayor today

joined Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, Manhattan
Borough President Gale Brewer, Councilmember Dan
Garodnick, SL Green Chief Executive Officer Marc Holliday,
and Gregg Gerken, Head of Commercial Real Estate at TD
Bank, at an on-site groundbreaking ceremony.

“One Vanderbilt will be the best of the best, an ultra-

modern, high-performing addition to the skyline that will
retain the global companies that East Midtown needs to
continue as the business capital of the world,” said SL Green
CEO Marc Holliday. “As the largest commercial property
owner in New York, we are proud to partner with the City to
create a model for unsubsidized development that drives
our economy and makes a critical contribution to its
Designed by Kohn Pedersen Fox (KPF) Associates, One
Vanderbilt will encompass an entire city block, bounded by
Madison and Vanderbilt Avenues to the west and east, and
East 43rd and East 42nd Streets to the north and south.
Standing 1,401 feet tall, the building’s tapered form pays
tribute to New York’s iconic skyscrapers, while its sharp lines
and bold angles will punctuate Manhattan’s skyline with a
21 st-century articulation. At its base along 42nd Street, the
building will set back at an angle to permanently reveal
Grand Central’s majestic Vanderbilt cornice – a view which
has been obstructed for nearly a century.
Expected to achieve the highest possible LEED certification,
the tower will offer 1.6 million rentable square feet of Class
A office space across 58 floors, featuring column-free floors
and views through floor-to-ceiling windows. One Vanderbilt
will also offer tenants floor to ceiling slab heights ranging
from 14’6” to 20’, a 30,000 square foot tenant-only amenity
floor and world-class dining.
"As the leading builder of New York's greatest iconic towers,
we're excited to be breaking ground such a distinctive and
visually stunning building, which will be the cornerstone of a
revitalized East Midtown," said Jay Badame, President of
AECOM Tishman. "By demonstrating a tremendous
commitment to an area of New York that needs new
building, SL Green is transforming a neighborhood, and
that's something we are always proud to be a part of."

Jamie von Klemperer, of Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates

said, “One Vanderbilt will not only emerge as an elegant,
tapered new icon on the New York skyline, but will also
serve as a leading example of a global trend of connecting
train stations to tall towers. This building will change its
neighborhood for the better. It will provide a new gateway
to the city made possible only through the unusually
harmonious partnership between architect, developer, and
the City of New York.”

SL Green has secured TD Bank as an anchor tenant set to

occupy approximately 200,000 square feet of office and
retail space in One Vanderbilt, including a flagship store at
the corner of 42nd Street and Madison Avenue. Hines is SL
Green’s development manager and AECOM’s Tishman
Construction is the construction manager. Construction is
expected to be complete in 2020.

"The One Vanderbilt building is a historic addition to the

New York City skyline and we're proud to participate in the
financing of this transformational project," said Gregg
Gerken, Head of Commercial Real Estate for TD Bank. "We
also look forward to becoming a tenant. This building is
designed to exceed LEED Gold requirements, which aligns
with our commitment to being an environmental leader -
and that's something we know is important to our
employees and customers."
“It is a privilege to be a partner with SL Green in this
transformational development,” said Tommy Craig, Senior
Managing Director of Hines. “The property’s direct
connection to Grand Central Terminal, its remarkable open
space at grade, aspirational architecture and best-in-class
technology, will have a catalytic effect on midtown
Manhattan for decades to come.”

Insert quotes from Hines, Tishman and REBNY.

Learn more about One Vanderbilt at

www.onevanderbilt.com and follow its progress at
@one_vanderbilt on Instagram and Twitter. High-resolution
images of One Vanderbilt can be downloaded at xxx.

From: Norvell, Wiley
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2016 12:06 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin; Schwartz, Regina; DeLoach, Michael
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: Re: can you send me whatever you have on 1
Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Jeremy Soffin
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2016 11:49 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley; Schwartz, Regina; DeLoach, Michael
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1
Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Quotes so far are below. Still waiting on Garodnick.
You’ll get us one from your side to use in ours? Thanks.
Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY12): “Not only will
One Vanderbilt Avenue be a new iconic tower in the heart of
New York City, but with $220 million in public
improvements, it will revolutionize the way we use Grand
Central Terminal and midtown.  This is a great example of a
public-private partnership, where the public gets new open
space and better access to transportation.  I want to thank
SL Green for being a thoughtful and generous participant in
a land use process that really took into account the
community’s needs.”
“It’s gratifying to be breaking ground not just on this
building, but on what it represents: a massive investment in
our transit and pedestrian infrastructure, and a first step
toward the future of East Midtown,” said Manhattan
Borough President Gale A. Brewer. “When development is
done carefully, collaboratively, and produces real
investments in the public realm that improve the
neighborhood, everyone wins.”
“One Vanderbilt will be the best of the best, an ultra-
modern, high-performing addition to the skyline that will
retain the global companies that East Midtown needs to
continue as the business capital of the world,” said SL Green
CEO Marc Holliday. “As the largest commercial property
owner in New York, we are proud to partner with the City to
create a model for unsubsidized development that drives
our economy and makes a critical contribution to its
"The One Vanderbilt building is a historic addition to the
New York City skyline and we're proud to participate in the
financing of this transformational project," said Gregg
Gerken, Head of Commercial Real Estate for TD Bank. "We
also look forward to becoming a tenant. This building is
designed to exceed LEED Gold requirements, which aligns
with our commitment to being an environmental leader -
and that's something we know is important to our
employees and customers."
“It is a privilege to be a partner with SL Green in this
transformational development,” said Tommy Craig, Senior
Managing Director of Hines. “The property’s direct
connection to Grand Central Terminal, its remarkable open
space at grade, aspirational architecture and best-in-class
technology, will have a catalytic effect on midtown
Manhattan for decades to come.”

"As the leading builder of New York's greatest iconic towers,

we're excited to be breaking ground such a distinctive and
visually stunning building, which will be the cornerstone of a
revitalized East Midtown," said Jay Badame, President of
AECOM Tishman. "By demonstrating a tremendous
commitment to an area of New York that needs new
building, SL Green is transforming a neighborhood, and
that's something we are always proud to be a part of."

Jamie von Klemperer, Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates: “One

Vanderbilt will not only emerge as an elegant, tapered new
icon on the New York skyline, but will also serve as a leading
example of a global trend of connecting train stations to tall
towers. This building will change its neighborhood for the
better. It will provide a new gateway to the city made
possible only through the unusually harmonious partnership
between architect, developer, and the City of New York.

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2016 9:56 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin; Schwartz, Regina; DeLoach, Michael
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: FW: can you send me whatever you have on 1
Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Jeremy, looping you with our team. We are going to write up
our own rls on this to blast from CH. Let’s share quotes from
electeds/notables. Want to put you on same thread with our
IGA folks who will do outreach from here to make sure we
have all bases covered.
From: Norvell, Wiley
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Cc: Grace, Melissa; Jeremy Soffin (jeremy@berlinrosen.com)
Subject: RE: vanderbilt
Date: Monday, October 17, 2016 4:37:12 PM

+developer rep for awareness. Jeremy, this is our sched language:

On Tuesday, Mayor de Blasio will deliver remarks at a groundbreaking ceremony for a new
office building, One Vanderbilt, and $220 million in local transit upgrades. This event is open
press, and there will be no Q-and-A.
From: Jeremy Soffin
To: Grace, Melissa
Cc: Norvell, Wiley; Schwartz, Regina; DeLoach, Michael
Subject: Re: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Date: Monday, October 17, 2016 4:52:07 PM

Thank you.

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646-200-5318 (o)
917-860-9076 (c)

On Oct 17, 2016, at 4:50 PM, Grace, Melissa <MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

For your release:
“This new office building, transit upgrades at Grand Central, and expanded pedestrian
space are what I call smart growth. We demanded and secured private investments
into important City infrastructure that put hundreds of thousands of commuters first.
This strategy helps to keep our city competitive while improving the lives of New
Yorkers,” Mayor de Blasio said
From: Norvell, Wiley
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2016 4:07 PM
To: 'Jeremy Soffin'; Grace, Melissa
Cc: Schwartz, Regina; DeLoach, Michael
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Might make a couple tweaks. Hold a bit.
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2016 4:07 PM
To: Grace, Melissa
Cc: Norvell, Wiley; Schwartz, Regina; DeLoach, Michael
Subject: Re: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Thanks can we pull that top quote for our release?

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646-200-5318 (o)
917-860-9076 (c)

On Oct 17, 2016, at 4:00 PM, Grace, Melissa <MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Draft City release / missing some quotes.
Mayor de Blasio, SL Green, Local Officials Break Ground on New Office
Tower, $220 Million in Transit Upgrades for Riders at Grand Central
New model in East Midtown demands developers invest in public
transit as city grows
Congestion relief on 4-5-6 line, renovating Grand Central’s subway
mezzanine, more exits and stairs to ease overcrowding, more space for
pedestrians on Vanderbilt Avenue

New York, NY– Mayor de Blasio joined SL Green and local officials today
to break ground on a new office building and $220 million in transit
improvements to Grand Central Terminal. The upgrades are part of a new
development model, secured by the de Blasio administration, Council
Member Dan Garodnick and Borough President Gale Brewer, that
demands new development in East Midtown invest in better commutes
and reducing congestion.

“This new office tower, pedestrian plaza, and key upgrades at Grand
Central Station, including much improved subway platforms, is what I call
smart growth. I congratulate our elected officials and business and
community leaders for their bold vision – one that puts the public and
hundreds of thousands of commuters first. With this project, we ensure
New York City continues to lead the global economy.”

Grand Central’s Lexington Line stop is the second busiest in the city, with
154,000 riders each day. With the unprecedented $220 million public
infrastructure investment, One Vanderbilt will transform the commuting
experience and reduce overcrowding. Specifically, this package of
infrastructure upgrades will add more staircases to ease crowding on the
4-5-6 subway platforms, a renovated subway mezzanine and new exits
directly to street level. When completed in 2020, the upgrades will
increase the Lexington Avenue line’s capacity by an extra train per hour in
each direction—or 2,200 riders.

One Vanderbilt, the 1,401-foot-tall commercial office building rising a

block west of the E. 42 nd Street station, will include a new transit hall and
waiting room in the base of the building, a new 14,000-square-
footpedestrian plaza on Vanderbilt Avenue, and enhanced access into and
out of the Grand Central complex for riders of the city subway system,
Metro-North and future Long Island Railroad East Side Access. 

The City’s proposed 73-block Midtown East rezoning plan, which

encompasses the area surrounding Grand Terminal, is in on track for a full
public review, including by the New York City Council. Like the proposed
rezoning, the construction and infrastructure improvements announced
today will play a leading role keeping New York growing and competitive.
Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY12): “Not only will One
Vanderbilt Avenue be a new iconic tower in the heart of New York City,
but with $220 million in public improvements, it will revolutionize the
way we use Grand Central Terminal and midtown.  This is a great example
of a public-private partnership, where the public gets new open space
and better access to transportation.  I want to thank SL Green for being a
thoughtful and generous participant in a land use process that really took
into account the community’s needs.”
“It’s gratifying to be breaking ground not just on this building, but on what
it represents: a massive investment in our transit and pedestrian
infrastructure, and a first step toward the future of East Midtown,” said
Manhattan Borough President Gale A. Brewer. “When development is
done carefully, collaboratively, and produces real investments in the
public realm that improve the neighborhood, everyone wins.”
“This is an exciting new day for East Midtown, where our rules are not
only promoting growth but also matching it with extraordinary transit
improvements,” said Councilmember Dan Garodnick. “The result will be
class A office buildings, and just as importantly, a class A office district. 
We expect that One Vanderbilt is going to set an important precedent for
the rest of East Midtown.”
“One Vanderbilt will be the best of the best, an ultra-modern, high-
performing addition to the skyline that will retain the global companies
that East Midtown needs to continue as the business capital of the
world,” said SL Green CEO Marc Holliday. “As the largest commercial
property owner in New York, we are proud to partner with the City to
create a model for unsubsidized development that drives our economy
and makes a critical contribution to its infrastructure.”
As part of a deal with SL Green, the company will make the improvements
to Grand Central Station, create a block-long public plaza, and also build a
public waiting area for commuters on the ground floor of the new
The access upgrades include:
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·          <!--[endif]--> Refurbish Grand
Central’s crumbling subway mezzanine
<!--[if !supportLists]-->o   <!--[endif]--> More
connections from mezzanine directly to streets (reducing
crowding at existing exits)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·          <!--[endif]--> Approximately 2/3 of
the $220 million in public infrastructure funding will go to
enhancing connections and circulation spaces along the Lexington
Avenue 4/5/6 subway line.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->o   <!--[endif]--> New exits at ends
of both 4-5-6 platforms
<!--[if !supportLists]-->o   <!--[endif]--> More room on 4-
5-6 platforms, by narrowing obstructions
<!--[if !supportLists]-->o   <!--[endif]--> Narrowed
<!--[if !supportLists]-->o   <!--[endif]--> Narrowed
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·          <!--[endif]--> Reduced overcrowding
will allow for one additional train per hour in each direction—
making room for 1,100 more riders each hour in each direction
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·          <!--[endif]--> Direct connections
from the new tower to subway, MetroNorth and future LIRR
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·          <!--[endif]--> A 4,000-square-foot
public transit hall on the ground floor of One Vanderbilt
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·          <!--[endif]--> Vanderbilt between
42 nd and 43 rd will become a pedestrian plaza in the heart of
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·          <!--[endif]--> The upper floors of the
tower cannot be occupied until transit work is complete
The project means important and permanent boosts to private and union
jobs, and tax revenue for the City. It represents 5,200 construction jobs.
Once complete, the tower will be home to 8,000 workers, 190 of them
with permanent union jobs. TD Bank, the anchor commercial tenant, will
also have retail space in the building.

Marking the beginning of construction, the mayor today joined

Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, Manhattan Borough President Gale
Brewer, Councilmember Dan Garodnick, SL Green Chief Executive Officer
Marc Holliday, and Gregg Gerken, Head of Commercial Real Estate at TD
Bank, at an on-site groundbreaking ceremony.

“One Vanderbilt will be the best of the best, an ultra-modern, high-

performing addition to the skyline that will retain the global companies
that East Midtown needs to continue as the business capital of the
world,” said SL Green CEO Marc Holliday. “As the largest commercial
property owner in New York, we are proud to partner with the City to
create a model for unsubsidized development that drives our economy
and makes a critical contribution to its infrastructure.”
Designed by Kohn Pedersen Fox (KPF) Associates, One Vanderbilt will
encompass an entire city block, bounded by Madison and Vanderbilt
Avenues to the west and east, and East 43rd and East 42nd Streets to the
north and south. Standing 1,401 feet tall, the building’s tapered form
pays tribute to New York’s iconic skyscrapers, while its sharp lines and
bold angles will punctuate Manhattan’s skyline with a 21 st-century
articulation. At its base along 42nd Street, the building will set back at an
angle to permanently reveal Grand Central’s majestic Vanderbilt cornice –
a view which has been obstructed for nearly a century.
Expected to achieve the highest possible LEED certification, the tower will
offer 1.6 million rentable square feet of Class A office space across 58
floors, featuring column-free floors and views through floor-to-ceiling
windows. One Vanderbilt will also offer tenants floor to ceiling slab
heights ranging from 14’6” to 20’, a 30,000 square foot tenant-only
amenity floor and world-class dining.
"As the leading builder of New York's greatest iconic towers, we're excited
to be breaking ground such a distinctive and visually stunning building,
which will be the cornerstone of a revitalized East Midtown," said Jay
Badame, President of AECOM Tishman. "By demonstrating a
tremendous commitment to an area of New York that needs new
building, SL Green is transforming a neighborhood, and that's something
we are always proud to be a part of."

Jamie von Klemperer, of Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates said, “One

Vanderbilt will not only emerge as an elegant, tapered new icon on the
New York skyline, but will also serve as a leading example of a global
trend of connecting train stations to tall towers. This building will change
its neighborhood for the better. It will provide a new gateway to the city
made possible only through the unusually harmonious partnership
between architect, developer, and the City of New York.”

SL Green has secured TD Bank as an anchor tenant set to occupy

approximately 200,000 square feet of office and retail space in One
Vanderbilt, including a flagship store at the corner of 42nd Street and
Madison Avenue. Hines is SL Green’s development manager and
AECOM’s Tishman Construction is the construction manager.
Construction is expected to be complete in 2020.

"The One Vanderbilt building is a historic addition to the New York City
skyline and we're proud to participate in the financing of this
transformational project," said Gregg Gerken, Head of Commercial Real
Estate for TD Bank. "We also look forward to becoming a tenant. This
building is designed to exceed LEED Gold requirements, which aligns with
our commitment to being an environmental leader - and that's something
we know is important to our employees and customers."
“It is a privilege to be a partner with SL Green in this transformational
development,” said Tommy Craig, Senior Managing Director of Hines.
“The property’s direct connection to Grand Central Terminal, its
remarkable open space at grade, aspirational architecture and best-in-
class technology, will have a catalytic effect on midtown Manhattan for
decades to come.”

Insert quotes from Hines, Tishman and REBNY.

Learn more about One Vanderbilt at www.onevanderbilt.com and follow

its progress at @one_vanderbilt on Instagram and Twitter. High-
resolution images of One Vanderbilt can be downloaded at xxx.

From: Norvell, Wiley
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2016 12:06 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin; Schwartz, Regina; DeLoach, Michael
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: Re: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Jeremy Soffin
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2016 11:49 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley; Schwartz, Regina; DeLoach, Michael
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt
Quotes so far are below. Still waiting on Garodnick.
You’ll get us one from your side to use in ours? Thanks.
Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY12): “Not only will One
Vanderbilt Avenue be a new iconic tower in the heart of New York City,
but with $220 million in public improvements, it will revolutionize the
way we use Grand Central Terminal and midtown.  This is a great example
of a public-private partnership, where the public gets new open space
and better access to transportation.  I want to thank SL Green for being a
thoughtful and generous participant in a land use process that really took
into account the community’s needs.”
“It’s gratifying to be breaking ground not just on this building, but on what
it represents: a massive investment in our transit and pedestrian
infrastructure, and a first step toward the future of East Midtown,” said
Manhattan Borough President Gale A. Brewer. “When development is
done carefully, collaboratively, and produces real investments in the
public realm that improve the neighborhood, everyone wins.”
“One Vanderbilt will be the best of the best, an ultra-modern, high-
performing addition to the skyline that will retain the global companies
that East Midtown needs to continue as the business capital of the
world,” said SL Green CEO Marc Holliday. “As the largest commercial
property owner in New York, we are proud to partner with the City to
create a model for unsubsidized development that drives our economy
and makes a critical contribution to its infrastructure.”
"The One Vanderbilt building is a historic addition to the New York City
skyline and we're proud to participate in the financing of this
transformational project," said Gregg Gerken, Head of Commercial Real
Estate for TD Bank. "We also look forward to becoming a tenant. This
building is designed to exceed LEED Gold requirements, which aligns with
our commitment to being an environmental leader - and that's something
we know is important to our employees and customers."
“It is a privilege to be a partner with SL Green in this transformational
development,” said Tommy Craig, Senior Managing Director of Hines.
“The property’s direct connection to Grand Central Terminal, its
remarkable open space at grade, aspirational architecture and best-in-
class technology, will have a catalytic effect on midtown Manhattan for
decades to come.”

"As the leading builder of New York's greatest iconic towers, we're excited
to be breaking ground such a distinctive and visually stunning building,
which will be the cornerstone of a revitalized East Midtown," said Jay
Badame, President of AECOM Tishman. "By demonstrating a tremendous
commitment to an area of New York that needs new building, SL Green is
transforming a neighborhood, and that's something we are always proud
to be a part of."

Jamie von Klemperer, Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates: “One Vanderbilt will
not only emerge as an elegant, tapered new icon on the New York skyline,
but will also serve as a leading example of a global trend of connecting
train stations to tall towers. This building will change its neighborhood for
the better. It will provide a new gateway to the city made possible only
through the unusually harmonious partnership between architect,
developer, and the City of New York.

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2016 9:56 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin; Schwartz, Regina; DeLoach, Michael
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: FW: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt
Jeremy, looping you with our team. We are going to write up our own rls
on this to blast from CH. Let’s share quotes from electeds/notables. Want
to put you on same thread with our IGA folks who will do outreach from
here to make sure we have all bases covered.
From: Grace, Melissa
To: vin.barone@amny.com
Cc: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: Re: One Vanderbilt
Date: Monday, October 17, 2016 5:53:14 PM

Hi Vin,

What is your number? 

Also, a quote from the mayor for your story: 

“This new office building, transit upgrades at Grand Central, and expanded
pedestrian space are what I call smart growth. We demanded and secured private
investments into important City infrastructure that put hundreds of thousands of
commuters first. This strategy helps to keep our city competitive while improving the
lives of New Yorkers,” Mayor de Blasio said

Melissa Grace
Deputy Press Secretary 
Mayor’s Press Office
o: 212-788-2969 
c: 347-224-2309

On Oct 17, 2016, at 10:33 AM, Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Hey Vin connecting you here to Melissa from City Hall, I’m sure they’d have things to
add to your story.
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Jeremy Soffin
To: Grace, Melissa
Subject: FW: 1 Vanderbilt
Date: Monday, October 17, 2016 6:23:23 PM

Quote from REBNY.

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Jamie McShane [mailto:JMcShane@rebny.com]
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2016 5:27 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Cc: James Whelan
Subject: RE: 1 Vanderbilt
Jeremy: Here’s a quote from John Banks, good luck with event tomorrow. –jm
“Today's groundbreaking is an important step forward in the modernization and future of Midtown
East,” said John H. Banks III, President of the Real Estate Board of New York. “We congratulate SL
Green on this milestone, One Vanderbilt will now become a catalyst for the creation of good middle
class jobs and important tax revenue. This project will serve the needs of Midtown East's aging
office supply and set new standards in sustainability and design, further ensuring that New York City
remains the center of world commerce, culture, media, and finance.”
From: Jeremy Soffin
To: Grace, Melissa
Date: Monday, October 17, 2016 6:38:33 PM

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2016 6:37 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin
I think I have all the quotes now – see below.
Also, do you/we have links for the high resolution images line below?
Mayor de Blasio, SL Green, Local Officials Break Ground on New Office Tower, $220 Million in
Transit Upgrades for Riders at Grand Central
New model in East Midtown demands developers invest in public transit as city grows
New York, NY– Mayor de Blasio joined SL Green and local officials today to break ground on a new
office building and $220 million in transit improvements to Grand Central Terminal. The upgrades
are part of a new development model, secured by the de Blasio administration, Council Member
Dan Garodnick and Borough President Gale Brewer, that demands new development in East
Midtown invest in better commutes and reducing congestion.
“This new office building, transit upgrades at Grand Central, and expanded pedestrian space are
what I call smart growth. We demanded and secured private investments into important City
infrastructure that put hundreds of thousands of commuters first. This strategy helps to keep our
city competitive while improving the lives of New Yorkers,” Mayor de Blasio said.
Grand Central’s Lexington Line stop is the second busiest in the city, with 154,000 riders each day.
With the unprecedented $220 million public infrastructure investment, One Vanderbilt will
transform the commuting experience and reduce overcrowding. Specifically, this package of
infrastructure upgrades will add more staircases to ease crowding on the 4-5-6 subway platforms, a
renovated subway mezzanine and new exits directly to street level. When completed in 2020, the
upgrades will increase the Lexington Avenue line’s capacity by an extra train per hour in each
direction—or 2,200 riders.

One Vanderbilt, the 1,401-foot-tall commercial office building rising a block west of the E. 42 nd
Street station, will include a new transit hall and waiting room in the base of the building, a new
14,000-square-footpedestrian plaza on Vanderbilt Avenue, and enhanced access into and out of the
Grand Central complex for riders of the city subway system, Metro-North and future Long Island
Railroad East Side Access. 

The City’s proposed 73-block Midtown East rezoning plan, which encompasses the area surrounding
Grand Terminal, is in on track for a full public review, including by the New York City Council. Like
the proposed rezoning, the construction and infrastructure improvements announced today will
play a leading role keeping New York growing and competitive.
Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY12): “Not only will One Vanderbilt Avenue be a new
iconic tower in the heart of New York City, but with $220 million in public improvements, it will
revolutionize the way we use Grand Central Terminal and midtown.  This is a great example of a
public-private partnership, where the public gets new open space and better access to
transportation.  I want to thank SL Green for being a thoughtful and generous participant in a land
use process that really took into account the community’s needs.”
“It’s gratifying to be breaking ground not just on this building, but on what it represents: a massive
investment in our transit and pedestrian infrastructure, and a first step toward the future of East
Midtown,” said Manhattan Borough President Gale A. Brewer. “When development is done
carefully, collaboratively, and produces real investments in the public realm that improve the
neighborhood, everyone wins.”
“This is an exciting new day for East Midtown, where our rules are not only promoting growth but
also matching it with extraordinary transit improvements,” said Councilmember Dan Garodnick.
“The result will be class A office buildings, and just as importantly, a class A office district.  We
expect that One Vanderbilt is going to set an important precedent for the rest of East Midtown.”
“One Vanderbilt will be the best of the best, an ultra-modern, high-performing addition to the
skyline that will retain the global companies that East Midtown needs to continue as the business
capital of the world,” said SL Green CEO Marc Holliday. “As the largest commercial property owner
in New York, we are proud to partner with the City to create a model for unsubsidized development
that drives our economy and makes a critical contribution to its infrastructure.”
As part of a deal with SL Green, the company will make the improvements to Grand Central Station,
create a block-long public plaza, and also build a public waiting area for commuters on the ground
floor of the new building.
The access upgrades include:
· Refurbish Grand Central’s crumbling subway mezzanine
o More connections from mezzanine directly to streets (reducing crowding at existing
· Approximately 2/3 of the $220 million in public infrastructure funding will go to enhancing
connections and circulation spaces along the Lexington Avenue 4/5/6 subway line.
o New exits at ends of both 4-5-6 platforms
o More room on 4-5-6 platforms, by narrowing obstructions
o Narrowed staircases
o Narrowed columns
· Reduced overcrowding will allow for one additional train per hour in each direction—making
room for 1,100 more riders each hour in each direction
· Direct connections from the new tower to subway, MetroNorth and future LIRR
· A 4,000-square-foot public transit hall on the ground floor of One Vanderbilt
· Vanderbilt between 42 nd and 43 rd will become a pedestrian plaza in the heart of Midtown
· The upper floors of the tower cannot be occupied until transit work is complete
The project means important and permanent boosts to private and union jobs, and tax revenue for
the City. It represents 5,200 construction jobs. Once complete, the tower will be home to 8,000
workers, 190 of them with permanent union jobs. TD Bank, the anchor commercial tenant, will also
have retail space in the building.

Marking the beginning of construction, the mayor today joined Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney,
Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer, Councilmember Dan Garodnick, SL Green Chief
Executive Officer Marc Holliday, and Gregg Gerken, Head of Commercial Real Estate at TD Bank,
among others at an on-site groundbreaking ceremony.

“One Vanderbilt will be the best of the best, an ultra-modern, high-performing addition to the
skyline that will retain the global companies that East Midtown needs to continue as the business
capital of the world,” said SL Green CEO Marc Holliday. “As the largest commercial property owner
in New York, we are proud to partner with the City to create a model for unsubsidized development
that drives our economy and makes a critical contribution to its infrastructure.”
Designed by Kohn Pedersen Fox (KPF) Associates, One Vanderbilt will encompass an entire city
block, bounded by Madison and Vanderbilt Avenues to the west and east, and East 43rd and East
42nd Streets to the north and south. Standing 1,401 feet tall, the building’s tapered form pays
tribute to New York’s iconic skyscrapers, while its sharp lines and bold angles will punctuate
Manhattan’s skyline with a 21 st-century articulation. At its base along 42nd Street, the building will
set back at an angle to permanently reveal Grand Central’s majestic Vanderbilt cornice – a view
which has been obstructed for nearly a century.
Expected to achieve the highest possible LEED certification, the tower will offer 1.6 million rentable
square feet of Class A office space across 58 floors, featuring column-free floors and views through
floor-to-ceiling windows. One Vanderbilt will also offer tenants floor to ceiling slab heights ranging
from 14’6” to 20’, a 30,000 square foot tenant-only amenity floor and world-class dining.

SL Green has secured TD Bank as an anchor tenant set to occupy approximately 200,000 square feet
of office and retail space in One Vanderbilt, including a flagship store at the corner of 42nd Street
and Madison Avenue. Hines is SL Green’s development manager and AECOM’s Tishman
Construction is the construction manager. Construction is expected to be complete in 2020.

"As the leading builder of New York's greatest iconic towers, we're excited to be breaking ground
such a distinctive and visually stunning building, which will be the cornerstone of a revitalized East
Midtown," said Jay Badame, President of AECOM Tishman. "By demonstrating a tremendous
commitment to an area of New York that needs new building, SL Green is transforming a
neighborhood, and that's something we are always proud to be a part of."

Jamie von Klemperer, of Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates said, “One Vanderbilt will not only emerge
as an elegant, tapered new icon on the New York skyline, but will also serve as a leading example of
a global trend of connecting train stations to tall towers. This building will change its neighborhood
for the better. It will provide a new gateway to the city made possible only through the unusually
harmonious partnership between architect, developer, and the City of New York.”

"The One Vanderbilt building is a historic addition to the New York City skyline and we're proud to
participate in the financing of this transformational project," said Gregg Gerken, Head of
Commercial Real Estate for TD Bank. "We also look forward to becoming a tenant. This building is
designed to exceed LEED Gold requirements, which aligns with our commitment to being an
environmental leader - and that's something we know is important to our employees and
“Today's groundbreaking is an important step forward in the modernization and future of Midtown
East,” said John H. Banks III, President of the Real Estate Board of New York. “We congratulate SL
Green on this milestone, One Vanderbilt will now become a catalyst for the creation of good middle
class jobs and important tax revenue. This project will serve the needs of Midtown East's aging
office supply and set new standards in sustainability and design, further ensuring that New York City
remains the center of world commerce, culture, media, and finance.”
“It is a privilege to be a partner with SL Green in this transformational development,” said Tommy
Craig, Senior Managing Director of Hines. “The property’s direct connection to Grand Central
Terminal, its remarkable open space at grade, aspirational architecture and best-in-class technology,
will have a catalytic effect on midtown Manhattan for decades to come.”
As the leading builder of New York's greatest iconic towers, we're excited to be breaking ground
such a distinctive and visually stunning building, which will be the cornerstone of a revitalized East
Midtown," said Jay Badame, President of AECOM Tishman. "By demonstrating a tremendous
commitment to an area of New York that needs new building, SL Green is transforming a
neighborhood, and that's something we are always proud to be a part of."

Learn more about One Vanderbilt at www.onevanderbilt.com and follow its progress at
@one_vanderbilt on Instagram and Twitter. High-resolution images of One Vanderbilt can be
downloaded at xxx.

From: Norvell, Wiley
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2016 12:06 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin; Schwartz, Regina; DeLoach, Michael
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: Re: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Jeremy Soffin
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2016 11:49 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley; Schwartz, Regina; DeLoach, Michael
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?

Quotes so far are below. Still waiting on Garodnick.

You’ll get us one from your side to use in ours? Thanks.
Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY12): “Not only will One Vanderbilt Avenue be a new
iconic tower in the heart of New York City, but with $220 million in public improvements, it will
revolutionize the way we use Grand Central Terminal and midtown.  This is a great example of a
public-private partnership, where the public gets new open space and better access to
transportation.  I want to thank SL Green for being a thoughtful and generous participant in a land
use process that really took into account the community’s needs.”
“It’s gratifying to be breaking ground not just on this building, but on what it represents: a massive
investment in our transit and pedestrian infrastructure, and a first step toward the future of East
Midtown,” said Manhattan Borough President Gale A. Brewer. “When development is done
carefully, collaboratively, and produces real investments in the public realm that improve the
neighborhood, everyone wins.”
“One Vanderbilt will be the best of the best, an ultra-modern, high-performing addition to the
skyline that will retain the global companies that East Midtown needs to continue as the business
capital of the world,” said SL Green CEO Marc Holliday. “As the largest commercial property owner
in New York, we are proud to partner with the City to create a model for unsubsidized development
that drives our economy and makes a critical contribution to its infrastructure.”
"The One Vanderbilt building is a historic addition to the New York City skyline and we're proud to
participate in the financing of this transformational project," said Gregg Gerken, Head of
Commercial Real Estate for TD Bank. "We also look forward to becoming a tenant. This building is
designed to exceed LEED Gold requirements, which aligns with our commitment to being an
environmental leader - and that's something we know is important to our employees and
“It is a privilege to be a partner with SL Green in this transformational development,” said Tommy
Craig, Senior Managing Director of Hines. “The property’s direct connection to Grand Central
Terminal, its remarkable open space at grade, aspirational architecture and best-in-class technology,
will have a catalytic effect on midtown Manhattan for decades to come.”

"As the leading builder of New York's greatest iconic towers, we're excited to be breaking ground
such a distinctive and visually stunning building, which will be the cornerstone of a revitalized East
Midtown," said Jay Badame, President of AECOM Tishman. "By demonstrating a tremendous
commitment to an area of New York that needs new building, SL Green is transforming a
neighborhood, and that's something we are always proud to be a part of."

Jamie von Klemperer, Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates: “One Vanderbilt will not only emerge as an
elegant, tapered new icon on the New York skyline, but will also serve as a leading example of a
global trend of connecting train stations to tall towers. This building will change its neighborhood
for the better. It will provide a new gateway to the city made possible only through the unusually
harmonious partnership between architect, developer, and the City of New York.

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2016 9:56 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin; Schwartz, Regina; DeLoach, Michael
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: FW: can you send me whatever you have on 1 Vanderbilt groundbreaking?
Jeremy, looping you with our team. We are going to write up our own rls on this to blast from CH.
Let’s share quotes from electeds/notables. Want to put you on same thread with our IGA folks who
will do outreach from here to make sure we have all bases covered.
From: Norvell, Wiley
To: Jeremy Soffin
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: Re: AMNY: One Vanderbilt¹s Grand Central station improvements: A glimpse at changes to come
Date: Monday, October 17, 2016 8:06:39 PM

Just for 100% clarification, can you affirm what we should say? 1 train per direction, per hour = 1100 x 2 =
2200 extra people worth of capacity per hour?

From: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>

Date: Monday, October 17, 2016 at 8:01 PM
To: Wiley Norvell <wnorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Grace, Melissa" <MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: AMNY: One Vanderbilt¹s Grand Central station improvements: A glimpse at changes to

MTA is saying same. I think he took that number from another part of the presentation. I'll correct.

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646-200-5318 (o)
917-860-9076 (c)

On Oct 17, 2016, at 7:58 PM, Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Want to make sure MTA isn’t saying something different. I’m agnostic as to what we use—
just need it to be consistent/right! 

From: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>

Date: Monday, October 17, 2016 at 7:40 PM
To: Wiley Norvell <wnorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Grace, Melissa" <MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: AMNY: One Vanderbilt¹s Grand Central station improvements: A glimpse
at changes to come

Car doesn't make sense, he means train. Not sure where the numbers come from. I'll ask Vin.

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646-200-5318 (o)
917-860-9076 (c)

On Oct 17, 2016, at 7:37 PM, Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Jeremy—can you clarify facts on capacity increase? Below says 4-6K increased
capacity, one CAR per hour. We thought it was an additional train with 1,100
passengers per direction per hour. Impt we be on same page.
From: Clips
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2016 7:16 PM
To: Clips
Subject: AMNY: One Vanderbilt’s Grand Central station improvements: A
glimpse at changes to come
One Vanderbilt’s Grand Central station improvements: A glimpse at
changes to come
AM NY - Vincent Barone, Ivan Pereira
New York’s next supertall skyscraper aims to complement Grand
Central Terminal—above ground and below.
Developers SL Green will hold a ceremonial groundbreaking on Tuesday
for One Vanderbilt, its glassy, angular 1,401-foot tower that will be
among the tallest in the city. Located between Vanderbilt and Madison
avenues and 42nd and 43rd streets, the building will soar over the
neighboring transit hub and stretch above midtown’s Chrysler and
Empire State buildings.
“One of the key elements for our architectural design is how our
building will relate to Grand Central,” said Robert Schiffer, a managing
director at SL Green. “From an architectural perspective — one
consideration is the fact that Grand Central is New York City’s foremost
landmark … so we didn’t want to do something that was very
commercial, orthogonal and standard and boring.”
The firm will also be delivering $220 million in transit improvements for
the terminal, streetscape and nearby subway facilities as part of an
agreement for air rights — marking the first time a private developer
will be leading such substantial MTA construction.
All improvements should be ready by 2020, when the commercial
building is slated to open. They’re the result of hard-fought negotiations
involving the firm, local community leaders, and city and state agencies.
“This new office building, transit upgrades at Grand Central, and
expanded pedestrian space are what I call smart growth,” said Mayor
Bill de Blasio in a statement. “We demanded and secured private
investments into important City infrastructure that put hundreds of
thousands of commuters first.”
On the street level, SL Green will transform Vanderbilt Avenue between
42nd and 43rd streets into a pedestrian plaza. Down below, the MTA’s
notoriously congested Grand Central subway complex, which served
160,294 commuters on an average weekday last year, will get upgrades
to increase capacity.
That starts with two new subway entrances. The firm will also raze the
Hyatt Hotel basement that dips into the subway station, creating 40%
more commuter space in the station’s mezzanine.
On the subway station platforms of the 4, 5 and 6 trains, SL Green will
build three new staircases, reconfigure existing stairs and, to find more
commuter space, remove bulky encasements of columns that rise up to
support the Hyatt.
Ultimately, the MTA estimates that these adjustments will allow for the
accommodation of roughly 4,000 to 6,000 additional passengers per
hour, which translates into running an additional subway car per hour
along the Lexington Avenue line.
The improvements to Grand Central Terminal itself are proactive. One
Vanderbilt’s footprint sits above the MTA’s massive East Side Access
Project to bring the Long Island Railroad to Grand Central. The firm will
build a new concourse under One Vanderbilt to give future LIRR riders a
direct connection to the Grand Central subway complex.
“The MTA supports innovative proposals that link development with
transit investment,” said MTA Spokesman Kevin Ortiz in an email, “and
we believe the One Vanderbilt proposal offers significant benefits for our
customers and for the entire city.”
Layla Law-Gisiko, chair of the landmarks committee of Manhattan
Community Board 5 said she was opposed to building so tall on a site
sitting just across the street from Grand Central and didn’t care for some
aspects of One Vanderbilt’s final design.
“The base of the building had these slanted lines,” Law-Gisiko said.
“You have these angles that make the base of the building very
aggressive. It looks like the mouth of a Pac-Man that is going to eat
Grand Central. We thought it wasn’t ideal.”
But she added that the streetscape upgrades will be a “vast
“It’s one of those situations where is everyone happy? No, but it’s a
better building than the one that was proposed,” she said. “If it does
function the way it was supposed to function and be an anchor tenant
and bring in jobs … it’s a good thing.”
From: Jeremy Soffin
To: Grace, Melissa
Subject: Re: release edits
Date: Tuesday, October 18, 2016 7:01:00 AM

The 1,100 times two is right. If it's a concern I'd just leave out that number though,
we don't have it in our version.

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646-200-5318 (o)
917-860-9076 (c)

On Oct 18, 2016, at 6:59 AM, Grace, Melissa <MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Hey -- we will have a few edits too and likely to the Mayor's quote. Back
to you as soon as I have sign off. 
Also- need answer to Wiley's question about trains per hour. 

Melissa Grace
Deputy Press Secretary 
Mayor’s Press Office
o: 212-788-2969 
c: 347-224-2309

On Oct 18, 2016, at 6:44 AM, Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>


Minor edits:
--We’re saying 1.7 million square feet (instead of 1.6 million sf of
--Marc updated his quote: “One Vanderbilt will be a high-performing
addition to the Manhattan skyline serving as a blueprint for 21st
century commercial development,” said SL Green CEO Marc
Holliday. “As the largest commercial property owner in New York,
we are proud to partner with the City to create a model for
unsubsidized development that drives our economy and makes a
critical contribution to its infrastructure.”

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Grace, Melissa
To: "Jeremy Soffin"
Subject: RE: release edits
Date: Tuesday, October 18, 2016 8:46:41 AM

“This new office building, transit upgrades at Grand Central, and expanded pedestrian space are
what I call smart growth. We demanded and secured private investments into important City
infrastructure that put hundreds of thousands of straphangers first. This strategy helps to keep our
city competitive while improving the lives of New Yorkers,” Mayor de Blasio said.
Also, we added this one:
City Planning Commission Chairman Carl Weisbrod said, "East Midtown has been the premier
economic engine of New York City for many years, a title that One Vanderbilt will help it retain. By
committing to $220 million in public investment, One Vanderbilt will benefit not only its tenants but
the city as a whole. As we move forward with a proposal to revitalize Greater East Midtown, we
believe that One Vanderbilt will signal this neighborhood's full potential. For East Midtown, the best
is yet to come."
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2016 8:45 AM
To: Grace, Melissa
Subject: Re: release edits
Are you still expecting update BDB quote? Hoping to print this shortly. Thanks.
Also on arrival mayor should get dropped on the 43rd street end where the green room is

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646-200-5318 (o)
917-860-9076 (c)

On Oct 18, 2016, at 8:25 AM, Grace, Melissa <MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Got it.
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2016 8:10 AM
To: Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: release edits
Updated TD quote to be consistent re LEED:
"The One Vanderbilt building is a historic addition to the New York City skyline
and we're proud to participate in the financing of this transformational project,"
said Gregg Gerken, Head of Commercial Real Estate for TD Bank. "We also
look forward to becoming a tenant. This building is designed to achieve the
highest possible LEED certification, which aligns with our commitment to being
an environmental leader - and that's something we know is important to our
employees and customers."

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2016 6:59 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: Re: release edits
Hey -- we will have a few edits too and likely to the Mayor's quote. Back to you as soon
as I have sign off. 
Also- need answer to Wiley's question about trains per hour. 

Melissa Grace
Deputy Press Secretary 
Mayor’s Press Office
o: 212-788-2969 
c: 347-224-2309

On Oct 18, 2016, at 6:44 AM, Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Minor edits:
--We’re saying 1.7 million square feet (instead of 1.6 million sf of
--Marc updated his quote: “One Vanderbilt will be a high-performing
addition to the Manhattan skyline serving as a blueprint for 21st
century commercial development,” said SL Green CEO Marc
Holliday. “As the largest commercial property owner in New York,
we are proud to partner with the City to create a model for
unsubsidized development that drives our economy and makes a
critical contribution to its infrastructure.”

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Grace, Melissa
To: "Jeremy Soffin"
Subject: RE: release edits
Date: Tuesday, October 18, 2016 9:12:30 AM

This should be our final:



New model in Midtown East secures new investment in public transit as city grows

NEW YORK––Mayor Bill de Blasio joined SL Green and local officials today to break
ground on a new office building and $220 million in transit improvements to Grand Central
Terminal. The upgrades are part of a new development model, secured by the de Blasio
Administration, Council Member Dan Garodnick and Manhattan Borough President Gale
Brewer. That approach demands more of developers, securing private investment in better
commutes and reducing congestion as Midtown East grows.
“The new office building, transit upgrades at Grand Central and expanded pedestrian space
are what I call smart growth. We demanded and secured private investments into important
City infrastructure that put hundreds of thousands of straphangers first. This strategy helps to
keep our city competitive while improving the lives of New Yorkers,” said Mayor Bill de
Grand Central’s Lexington Line stop is the second busiest in the city, with 154,000 riders
each day. With the unprecedented $220 million public infrastructure investment, One
Vanderbilt will transform the commuting experience and reduce overcrowding. Specifically,
this package of infrastructure upgrades will add more staircases to ease crowding on the 4-5-
6 subway platforms, a renovated subway mezzanine and new exits directly to street level.
When completed in 2020, the upgrades will increase the Lexington Avenue line’s capacity by
an extra train per hour in each direction – or 2,200 riders.
One Vanderbilt, the 1,401-foot-tall commercial office building rising a block west of the E.
42nd Street station, will include a new transit hall and waiting room in the base of the
building, a new 14,000-square-foot pedestrian plaza on Vanderbilt Avenue, and enhanced
access into and out of the Grand Central complex for riders of the city subway system,
Metro-North and future Long Island Rail Road East Side Access.
The City’s proposed 78-block Greater East Midtown rezoning plan, which encompasses the
area surrounding Grand Central Terminal, will enter into public review by the end of the year.
Building on a vision process led by Manhattan Borough President Brewer and Council
Member Garodnick, the proposal couples strategies for promoting office development with
specific transit and public realm improvements as well as support for landmarks that
distinguish this iconic district. Like the proposed rezoning, the construction and infrastructure
improvements announced today will play a leading role in keeping New York growing and
“This is an exciting new day for East Midtown, where our rules are not only promoting
growth but also matching it with extraordinary transit improvements,” said Councilmember
Dan Garodnick. “The result will be class A office buildings, and just as importantly, a class
A office district. We expect that One Vanderbilt is going to set an important precedent for the
rest of East Midtown.”
“It’s gratifying to be breaking ground not just on this building, but on what it represents: a
massive investment in our transit and pedestrian infrastructure, and a first step toward the
future of East Midtown,” said Manhattan Borough President Gale A. Brewer. “When
development is done carefully, collaboratively, and produces real investments in the public
realm that improve the neighborhood, everyone wins.”
 Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney said, “Not only will One Vanderbilt Avenue be a
new iconic tower in the heart of New York City, but with $220 million in public
improvements, it will revolutionize the way we use Grand Central Terminal and midtown. 
This is a great example of a public-private partnership, where the public gets new open space
and better access to transportation. I want to thank SL Green for being a thoughtful and
generous participant in a land use process that really took into account the community’s
City Planning Commission Chairman Carl Weisbrod said, "East Midtown has been the
premier economic engine of New York City for many years, a title that One Vanderbilt will
help it retain. By committing to $220 million in public investment, One Vanderbilt will
benefit not only its tenants but the city as a whole. As we move forward with a proposal to
revitalize Greater East Midtown, we believe that One Vanderbilt will signal this
neighborhood's full potential. For East Midtown, the best is yet to come."
“One Vanderbilt will be a high-performing addition to the Manhattan skyline serving as a
blueprint for 21st century commercial development,” said SL Green CEO Marc Holliday.
“As the largest commercial property owner in New York, we are proud to partner with the
City to create a model for unsubsidized development that drives our economy and makes a
critical contribution to its infrastructure.”
SL Green will make improvements to Grand Central Terminal, create a block-long public
plaza, and also build a public waiting area for commuters on the ground floor of the new
building. The access upgrades include:
Refurbish Grand Central’s crumbling subway mezzanine
More connections from mezzanine directly to streets (reducing crowding at
existing exits)
Approximately 2/3 of the $220 million in public infrastructure funding will go to
enhancing connections and circulation spaces along the Lexington Avenue 4/5/6
subway line.
o   New exits at ends of both 4-5-6 platforms
o   More room on 4-5-6 platforms, by narrowing obstructions
o   Narrowed staircases
o   Narrowed columns
Reduced overcrowding will allow for one additional train per hour in each direction—
making room for 1,100 more riders each hour in each direction
Direct connections from the new tower to subway, MetroNorth and future LIRR
A 4,000-square-foot public transit hall on the ground floor of One Vanderbilt
Vanderbilt between 42nd and 43rd will become a pedestrian plaza in the heart of
The upper floors of the tower cannot be occupied until transit work is complete
The project means important and permanent boosts to private and union jobs, and tax revenue
for the City. It represents 5,200 construction jobs. Once complete, the tower will be home to
8,000 workers, 190 of them with permanent union jobs. TD Bank, the anchor commercial
tenant, will also have retail space in the building.
Marking the beginning of construction, the mayor today joined Congresswoman Carolyn
Maloney, Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer, Councilmember Dan Garodnick, SL
Green Chief Executive Officer Marc Holliday, and Gregg Gerken, Head of Commercial Real
Estate at TD Bank, among others at an on-site groundbreaking ceremony.
Designed by Kohn Pedersen Fox (KPF) Associates, One Vanderbilt will encompass an entire
city block, bounded by Madison and Vanderbilt Avenues to the west and east, and East 43rd
and East 42nd Streets to the north and south. Standing 1,401 feet tall, the building’s tapered
form pays tribute to New York’s iconic skyscrapers, while its sharp lines and bold angles
will punctuate Manhattan’s skyline with a 21st-century articulation. At its base along 42nd
Street, the building will set back at an angle to permanently reveal Grand Central’s majestic
Vanderbilt cornice – a view which has been obstructed for nearly a century.
Expected to achieve the highest possible LEED certification, the tower will offer 1.7 million
square feet of Class A office space across 58 floors, featuring column-free floors and views
through floor-to-ceiling windows. One Vanderbilt will also offer tenants floor to ceiling slab
heights ranging from 14’6” to 20’, a 30,000 square foot tenant-only amenity floor and world-
class dining.
SL Green has secured TD Bank as an anchor tenant set to occupy approximately 200,000
square feet of office and retail space in One Vanderbilt, including a flagship store at the
corner of 42nd Street and Madison Avenue. Hines is SL Green’s development manager and
AECOM’s Tishman Construction is the construction manager.
"As the leading builder of New York's greatest iconic towers, we're excited to be breaking
ground such a distinctive and visually stunning building, which will be the cornerstone of a
revitalized East Midtown," said Jay Badame, President of AECOM Tishman. "By
demonstrating a tremendous commitment to an area of New York that needs new building,
SL Green is transforming a neighborhood, and that's something we are always proud to be a
part of."

Jamie von Klemperer, of Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates said, “One Vanderbilt will not
only emerge as an elegant, tapered new icon on the New York skyline, but will also serve as
a leading example of a global trend of connecting train stations to tall towers. This building
will change its neighborhood for the better. It will provide a new gateway to the city made
possible only through the unusually harmonious partnership between architect, developer,
and the City of New York.”
"The One Vanderbilt building is a historic addition to the New York City skyline and we're
proud to participate in the financing of this transformational project," said Gregg Gerken,
Head of Commercial Real Estate for TD Bank. "We also look forward to becoming a
tenant. This building is designed to achieve the highest possible LEED certification, which
aligns with our commitment to being an environmental leader - and that's something we
know is important to our employees and customers."
“Today's groundbreaking is an important step forward in the modernization and future of
Midtown East,” said John H. Banks III, President of the Real Estate Board of New York.
“We congratulate SL Green on this milestone, One Vanderbilt will now become a catalyst for
the creation of good middle class jobs and important tax revenue. This project will serve the
needs of Midtown East's aging office supply and set new standards in sustainability and
design, further ensuring that New York City remains the center of world commerce, culture,
media, and finance.”
“It is a privilege to be a partner with SL Green in this transformational development,” said
Tommy Craig, Senior Managing Director of Hines. “The property’s direct connection to
Grand Central Terminal, its remarkable open space at grade, aspirational architecture and
best-in-class technology, will have a catalytic effect on midtown Manhattan for decades to
As the leading builder of New York's greatest iconic towers, we're excited to be breaking
ground such a distinctive and visually stunning building, which will be the cornerstone of a
revitalized East Midtown," said Jay Badame, President of AECOM Tishman. "By
demonstrating a tremendous commitment to an area of New York that needs new building,
SL Green is transforming a neighborhood, and that's something we are always proud to be a
part of."
Learn more about One Vanderbilt at www.onevanderbilt.com and follow its progress at
@one_vanderbilt on Instagram and Twitter. High-resolution images of One Vanderbilt can be
downloaded here.
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2016 8:45 AM
To: Grace, Melissa
Subject: Re: release edits
Are you still expecting update BDB quote? Hoping to print this shortly. Thanks.
Also on arrival mayor should get dropped on the 43rd street end where the green room is

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646-200-5318 (o)
917-860-9076 (c)

On Oct 18, 2016, at 8:25 AM, Grace, Melissa <MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Got it.
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2016 8:10 AM
To: Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: release edits
Updated TD quote to be consistent re LEED:
"The One Vanderbilt building is a historic addition to the New York City skyline
and we're proud to participate in the financing of this transformational project,"
said Gregg Gerken, Head of Commercial Real Estate for TD Bank. "We also
look forward to becoming a tenant. This building is designed to achieve the
highest possible LEED certification, which aligns with our commitment to being
an environmental leader - and that's something we know is important to our
employees and customers."

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2016 6:59 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: Re: release edits
Hey -- we will have a few edits too and likely to the Mayor's quote. Back to you as soon
as I have sign off. 
Also- need answer to Wiley's question about trains per hour. 

Melissa Grace
Deputy Press Secretary 
Mayor’s Press Office
o: 212-788-2969 
c: 347-224-2309

On Oct 18, 2016, at 6:44 AM, Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Minor edits:
--We’re saying 1.7 million square feet (instead of 1.6 million sf of
--Marc updated his quote: “One Vanderbilt will be a high-performing
addition to the Manhattan skyline serving as a blueprint for 21st
century commercial development,” said SL Green CEO Marc
Holliday. “As the largest commercial property owner in New York,
we are proud to partner with the City to create a model for
unsubsidized development that drives our economy and makes a
critical contribution to its infrastructure.”

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Grace, Melissa
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: Re: Add for later versions
Date: Tuesday, October 18, 2016 10:53:17 AM

Thought that might be you. Will say hi. 

Melissa Grace
Deputy Press Secretary 
Mayor’s Press Office
o: 212-788-2969 
c: 347-224-2309

On Oct 18, 2016, at 10:52 AM, Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Yes I'm the one doing all the pacing.

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646-200-5318 (o)
917-860-9076 (c)

On Oct 18, 2016, at 10:51 AM, Grace, Melissa

<MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Are you here/at event? 

Melissa Grace
Deputy Press Secretary 
Mayor’s Press Office
o: 212-788-2969 
c: 347-224-2309

On Oct 18, 2016, at 10:46 AM, Jeremy Soffin

<jeremy@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Just came in:

The MTA worked closely with SL Green as it

developed plans for this iconic new building next to
Grand Central securing private sector investment in
transit infrastructure that will make commutes
better for hundreds of thousands of our customers
every day," MTA Chairman and CEO Thomas F.
Prendergast said.  "The MTA will continue to
support innovative proposals that link development
with transit investment, and we hope that One
Vanderbilt is the first of many to come."

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646-200-5318 (o)
917-860-9076 (c)
From: Grace, Melissa
To: "Jeremy Soffin"
Subject: RE: Post question.
Date: Tuesday, October 18, 2016 1:53:06 PM

Can you send me the developer’s press release?

And, I told NY Post to talk to the developer about the MTA presence (he was asking why Tom wasn’t
there and if they were invited to speak).
Should I send him your way?
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2016 12:57 PM
To: Grace, Melissa; Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: Post question.

Did you guys close this loop with him? He just reached out over here.
Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2016 11:59 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin; Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: Post question.

Okay – thanks.
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2016 11:36 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Grace, Melissa
Subject: Re: Post question.

They were there, Jeff Rosen. Tom def invited too

Jeremy Soffin
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
646-200-5318 (o)
917-860-9076 (c)
On Oct 18, 2016, at 11:35 AM, Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Not removed, just slimmed down I think, creating more room on platforms.
Jeremy has info on MTA invite. Note both Mayor and SL Green thanked them in
remarks, and the ‘deal’ here is between City and developer.
From: Grace, Melissa
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2016 11:30 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: Post question.

-Post thinks they heard Maloney say pillars in subway station platforms will be
removed. He asks if that is correct.
-He also asks if MTA was invite/why not there?

Melissa Grace
Deputy Press Secretary
Mayor’s Press Office
o: 212-788-2969
c: 347-224-2309
From: Phillips, Eric Falk
To: "Anna Sanders"; Dan Levitan
Subject: RE: Broadway Stages/donors
Date: Tuesday, October 25, 2016 11:29:43 AM

Thanks. Let us know if there’s something specific to respond to.

From: Anna Sanders [mailto:asanders@siadvance.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2016 11:14 AM
To: Dan Levitan; Phillips, Eric Falk
Subject: Broadway Stages/donors
Hey—I’m working on a story that mentions the investigations into the mayor’s political nonprofit,
specifically donors from Broadway Stages. The story is about a state studio project on SI, not
anything city-related yet. (tho city actions will one day be necessary)
Don’t think comment from you guys is necessary, but figured I’d check. I will say neither the mayor
nor anyone in his admin have been accused of any wrongdoing.
Anna Sanders
City Hall Reporter, Staten Island Advance
917-525-9025 (cell)
asanders@siadvance.com | @AnnaESanders
From: Phillips, Eric Falk
To: Laura Nahmias; Dan Levitan
Subject: Re: Story on de Blasio"s role in the 2016 election
Date: Monday, November 07, 2016 6:55:18 PM

I’m declining from govt side. Thanks, Laura.

From: Laura Nahmias <LNahmias@politico.com>

Date: Monday, November 7, 2016 at 7:53 PM
To: Eric Phillips <efphillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Fw: Story on de Blasio's role in the 2016 election


I just wanted to check in on this again. Did you guys want to comment for the story? 

Push back on the premise? 

I'm still planning to run it. 

Laura Nahmias
Reporter, Politico New York
twitter: @nahmias
mobile: 718-612-3751

From: Laura Nahmias

Sent: Monday, November 7, 2016 11:58 AM
To: EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov
Cc: Dan Levitan
Subject: Story on de Blasio's role in the 2016 election

I'm cc-ing both of you on this because I'm writing a story that either of you might want to
respond to, that we're planning to run later this afternoon. 

It's about the role that de Blasio was trying to play in the 2016 election, and his attempts to
help push the presidential agenda leftward. 
It's not anything particularly new, just a synthesis of everything that's happened — from his
launch of the progressive agenda campaign, to the correspondence laid out in the Wikileaks
hack, to the failure of the forum. 

My argument is that de Blasio correctly anticipated the political moment, and the economic
populism on the left that fueled Bernie Sanders' rise, but that he made missteps and also
experienced some bad political timing, and hasn't particularly elevated his standing or
reputation as a progressive within the party. 

I talked to Symone Sanders, from Bernie Sanders' campaign. She argued that de Blasio's
timing just didn't work out -- and that he's a member of the Democratic political
establishment, which made his non-endorsement of Clinton difficult.  

Quotes from Symone: 

“I just don't think the timing was right for bill de blasio.”

“He wanted to position himself as this progressive champion, which he is,

But when Sen. Sanders had clearly emerged in the 2016 primary as the progressive
candidate...and you've got sec. Clinton who very much represents establishment politics on the
democratic side, it makes it tough for bill de Blasio to come out and keep his bearings and
leanings as a staunch progressive rabble rouser,” she said.

“I really think it damaged his ability to be effective in the way he wanted to be, in the primary,”
Sanders said.

“His rhetoric and how he is and what he believes in met with the harsh realities of what the
primary election was on the 2016 side. it was a fight for the soul of the democratic party.”

Here's a quote from George Arzt:

“I think Bill wanted to be Elizabeth Warren.”

de Blasio "had put all his chips down on trying to look like a hero to the progressive wing at the beginning
by saying no i'm not going to reflexively endorse her until i see something, and then trying to pressure the
hillary people into a bigger role and i think it kind of backfired on him."

Let me know if you want to comment for this, or push back?


Laura Nahmias
Reporter, Politico New York
twitter: @nahmias
mobile: 718-612-3751
From: Caplan, Ariana
To: "Anne Rabe"; Arthur Malkin; Christine Tramontano (ctramontano@malkinross.com); Floyd, Chatodd; Button,
Stephen; Jonathan Gradess; rperry@nyclu.org; Susan Gottehrer; Ed Wassermann; Patrick Cummings; Nes
Geffrard; Mardi Crawford; Mike Rabinowitz
Cc: Diane DuBois
Subject: RE: Tuesday 10 AM Conference Call - Two New Resolutions
Date: Tuesday, November 15, 2016 10:20:26 AM
Attachments: S8114-16 M2G Indigent Legal Services;AC- S.pdf

NYC Mayor to Governor Letter in Support

From: Anne Rabe [mailto:ARabe@nysda.org]
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2016 9:48 AM
To: Arthur Malkin; Christine Tramontano (ctramontano@malkinross.com); Caplan, Ariana; Floyd,
Chatodd; Button, Stephen; Jonathan Gradess; rperry@nyclu.org; Susan Gottehrer; Ed Wassermann;
Patrick Cummings; Nes Geffrard; Mardi Crawford; Mike Rabinowitz
Cc: Diane DuBois
Subject: Tuesday 10 AM Conference Call - Two New Resolutions
Hi all,
FYI, here is a long article on two new resolutions.
Columbia & Greene Counties Pass Resolutions Supporting Justice Equality Act.

"It is a fundamental right of all persons in the United States to be represented by counsel in
all criminal prosecutions," according to the resolution passed by the Columbia County Board
of Supervisors. "The United States Supreme Court ruled that persons who were unable to
afford counsel had a constitutional right to be defended by an appointed attorney paid by the

http://m.registerstar.com/news/article a017486a-aadf-11e6-a2a5-03a1aff12b21.html?mode=jqm
Anne Rabe
Campaign Coordinator

NYS Defenders Association

518-465-3524 X15
From: Anne Rabe
Sent: Monday, November 14, 2016 3:24 PM
To: 'Arthur Malkin'; 'Christine Tramontano (ctramontano@malkinross.com)'; 'Caplan, Ariana'; 'Floyd,
Chatodd'; 'Button, Stephen'; Jonathan Gradess; 'rperry@nyclu.org'; 'Susan Gottehrer'; 'Ed Wassermann';
'Patrick Cummings'; Nes Geffrard; Mardi Crawford; 'Mike Rabinowitz'
Cc: Diane DuBois
Subject: Tuesday 10 AM Conference Call - Berlin Rosen joining call.
Hi everyone,
Mike Rabinowitz of Berlin Rosen will be joining this call.  So, I added a few things to
the agenda.  Thanks.
We are having the Justice Equality Act strategy call tomorrow at 10:00 AM.  Please
call The code is #
We have a lot to discuss and report on, so we hope you can make it.
Proposed Agenda:
Updates on mtg. with Governor staff, etc.
Black, Puerto Rican Legislative Caucus mtg. with Governor and Video 11/17
Proposed NYC News Conference – polling speakers for 11/28, 29 or 11/30
Social media campaign
Op/Eds updates – County executives and Caucus members (El Diario/Moya;
Daily News/Blake; City&State/Hooper)
Editorial Board outreach
Letters to Governor – any new prominent signers, NYCLU’s letter?
Justice Day news conference upstate
Samantha Bee
Anne Rabe
Campaign Coordinator

NYS Defenders Association

518-465-3524 X15
November 4, 2016

S.8114 – DeFrancisco

AN ACT to amend the county law, the

executive law and the state finance law, in
relation to indigent defense services


Hon. Andrew M. Cuomo

Governor of the State of New York
Executive Chamber
Albany, New York 12224

Dear Governor Cuomo:

The above-referenced bill is now before you for executive action.

This bill requires that the State reimburse, over a four-year phase-in period, counties
and cities in which a county is wholly located, the full amount of expenses of counsel services for
indigent legal defendants. This bill also requires the Office of Indigent Legal Services to ensure
the presence of counsel at the first appearance of any eligible defendant charged with a crime,
establish caseload/workload regulations for attorneys providing mandated representation that
allow for meaningful and effective assistance of counsel, and improve the quality of mandated

In Gideon v. Wainwright, the Supreme Court ruled that it is a fundamental right of all
persons in the United States to be represented by counsel in all criminal prosecutions. In the
Hurrell-Harring, et al. v. State of New York lawsuit settled in 2014, New York State acknowledged
the lack of adequate State funding, resources and oversight to the public defense system, which
threatened to deprive these defendants and the class they represent of their constitutional right to
meaningful and effective assistance of counsel. Under the agreement announced in 2014, the State
agreed to adopt major reforms focusing on five New York counties – Ontario, Onondaga
(Syracuse), Schuyler, Suffolk and Washington.
While the settlement agreement pertains to only five counties, its criteria establish a
standard for providing indigent legal services that should apply statewide. The State should
implement statewide standards to improve the quality of indigent defense and ensure representation
at all criminal proceedings, as required under Gideon.

Financing indigent legal services on the State level ensures that indigent defense providers
will be properly funded throughout the State in order to uphold the Supreme Court’s mandate to
provide the constitutional right to effective assistance of counsel.

Accordingly, it is urged that this bill be approved.

Very truly yours,


By: Sherif Soliman

From: Dan Levitan
To: Grybauskas, Natalie; Jovana Rizzo
Subject: RE:
Date: Tuesday, November 15, 2016 2:02:36 PM

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2016 1:55 PM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Fwd:

Boro breakdowns of current links - something you can help with?

Sent from mobile

Begin forwarded message:

From: Erin Durkin <edurkin@nydailynews.com>

Date: November 15, 2016 at 1:47:43 PM EST
To: "Grybauskas, Natalie" <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>

What are the #s for each borough, how many were activated and how many were
supposed to be pursuant to 1st year schedule?
From: Dan Levitan
To: Grybauskas, Natalie; Jovana Rizzo
Subject: RE:
Date: Tuesday, November 15, 2016 2:05:49 PM

                                                Installed                               Live
Bronx                                    33                                           22
Manhattan                         482                                         391
Queens                                                30                                           19
Brooklyn                              11                                           2
Staten Island                      2                                             
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2016 1:55 PM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Fwd:

Boro breakdowns of current links - something you can help with?

Sent from mobile

Begin forwarded message:

From: Erin Durkin <edurkin@nydailynews.com>

Date: November 15, 2016 at 1:47:43 PM EST
To: "Grybauskas, Natalie" <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>

What are the #s for each borough, how many were activated and how many were
supposed to be pursuant to 1st year schedule?
From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: "Dan Levitan"
Subject: RE: Can you guys talk quickly by phone?
Date: Tuesday, November 15, 2016 3:29:24 PM

I called you back

-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2016 3:27 PM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie; Gardener, Stacy (DOITT)
Cc: Jovana Rizzo
Subject: Can you guys talk quickly by phone?

- Sent from my Galaxy S6 -

From: Gardener, Stacy
To: Dan Levitan; Grybauskas, Natalie
Cc: Jovana Rizzo
Subject: RE: Can you guys talk quickly by phone?
Date: Tuesday, November 15, 2016 3:32:07 PM

I'm on my way back to Brooklyn at the moment. I can get on a call at 4:00

Sent Via DoITT Mobile Device

-------- Original message --------

From: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Date: 11/15/16 3:27 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: Natalie Grybauskas <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Gardener, Stacy"
Cc: Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Can you guys talk quickly by phone?

- Sent from my Galaxy S6 -

This e-mail, including any attachments, may be confidential, privileged or otherwise legally protected. It
is intended only for the addressee. If you received this e-mail in error or from someone who was not
authorized to send it to you, do not disseminate, copy or otherwise use this e-mail or its attachments.
Please notify the sender immediately by reply e-mail and delete the e-mail from your system.
From: Dan Levitan
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Cc: Jovana Rizzo
Subject: Re: active kiosks
Date: Thursday, November 17, 2016 1:15:13 PM

I can check. Someone asking?

- Sent from my Galaxy S6 - 

On Nov 17, 2016, at 1:14 PM, Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>


how many right now? still 434 or more now?

From: Mike Rabinowitz
To: Anne Rabe; Caplan, Ariana; Floyd, Chatodd; sbutton@stlawco.org; Susan Gottehrer; Ed Wassermann; Christine
Tramontano; amalkin; Nes Geffrard
Cc: Legal
Subject: RE: Albany Tuesday Statewide News Conference
Date: Tuesday, November 29, 2016 2:43:22 PM

This is great!!!

Do you know if they are producing materials or need my help with that? They never
responded to that question when I asked it.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone

Michael Rabinowitz Gold

646.200.5308 (o)
646.342.3469 (c)

-------- Original message --------

From: Anne Rabe <ARabe@nysda.org>
Date: 11/29/16 2:37 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: "Caplan, Ariana" <ACaplan@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Floyd, Chatodd"
<CFloyd@cityhall.nyc.gov>, sbutton@stlawco.org, Susan Gottehrer
<SGottehrer@nyclu.org>, Ed Wassermann <ed@wassermanngs.com>, Christine
Tramontano <ctramontano@malkinross.com>, amalkin <amalkin@malkinross.com>,
Nes Geffrard <NGeffrard@nysda.org>
Cc: Legal <Legal@nysda.org>, Mike Rabinowitz <Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Albany Tuesday Statewide News Conference
Hi everyone,

Albany County Executive Dan McCoy and the NYS Association of Counties will be holding a news
conference in support of the Justice Equality Act, A.10706/S. 8114 next Tuesday, December 6th at
10:30 AM at the LCA Press Room (Room 130) on the Concourse level of the Legislative Office Building,
State Street, Albany, NY.

Also in attendance will be the NYS Bar Association, Bishop Howard Hubbard, NAACP, and other County
Executives. Assemblymember Fahy and Senator DeFrancisco have also been asked to attend. Capital
District groups are asked to come and stand in solidarity, to represent the 80 organizations in support
of the bill.

Anne Rabe
Campaign Coordinator
NYS Defenders Association
518-465-3524 X15
From: Anne Rabe
To: Caplan, Ariana; Floyd, Chatodd; sbutton@stlawco.org; Susan Gottehrer; Ed Wassermann; Patrick Cummings;
Christine Tramontano; Arthur Malkin; Nes Geffrard; Jonathan Gradess
Cc: Mike Rabinowitz
Subject: Clarification on sponsorhip of Albany Tuesday Statewide News Conference
Date: Tuesday, November 29, 2016 5:25:03 PM

Hi everyone,

My apologies for misstating the sponsorship of the Albany news conference. It is being sponsored by
Albany County Executive Dan McCoy and the Justice Equality campaign.

Today, NYSAC was asked and agreed to speak at the event. In addition, NYS Bar Association President
Clare Gutekunst, Bishop Howard Hubbard, an NAACP representative, and St. Lawrence County Attorney
Steve Button will be speaking, as well as other County Executives.

Assemblymember Fahy and Senator DeFrancisco have been asked to attend and speak. Capital District
groups are asked to come and stand in solidarity, to represent the 80 organizations in support of the

Anne Rabe
Campaign Coordinator
NYS Defenders Association
518-465-3524 X15
From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: (dan@berlinrosen.com)
Subject: how many links right now?
Date: Monday, December 05, 2016 12:43:07 PM

Not for any story - internal

From: Jovana Rizzo
To: Grybauskas, Natalie; sshor@doitt.nyc.gov; Gardener, Stacy (DOITT)
Cc: Stacey Levine; Dan Levitan
Subject: RE: Comment on Telebeam settlement
Date: Monday, December 05, 2016 5:30:03 PM

Great, thanks

From: Grybauskas, Natalie [NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Monday, December 05, 2016 5:11 PM
To: Jovana Rizzo; sshor@doitt.nyc.gov; Gardener, Stacy (DOITT)
Cc: Stacey Levine; Dan Levitan
Subject: RE: Comment on Telebeam settlement

That sounds fine. ours will sound quite similar. Thanks.

From: Jovana Rizzo [mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Monday, December 05, 2016 5:10 PM
To: sshor@doitt.nyc.gov; Gardener, Stacy (DOITT); Grybauskas, Natalie
Cc: Stacey Levine; Dan Levitan
Subject: FW: Comment on Telebeam settlement

Hi all, see below from Miranda -- is the City putting out a statement on the Telebeam settlement?

Here's our proposed response:

"We are pleased that this litigation is resolved and that these payphone sites
can now become part of the world's fastest and largest free public wifi
Let us know what you think.


BerlinRosen Public Affairs


From: Miranda Neubauer [mneubauer@politico.com]

Sent: Monday, December 05, 2016 4:19 PM
To: Jovana Rizzo
Subject: Comment on Telebeam settlement


I was wondering what comment you had on the settlement with Telebeam and what it means
for the project as a whole (also in terms of previous buildout delays and incorporating those
sites into system now).


Miranda N.
From: Dan Levitan
To: DeLoach, Michael
Subject: RE: Happy bday
Date: Tuesday, December 06, 2016 9:11:58 AM


Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

-----Original Message-----
From: DeLoach, Michael [mailto:mdeloach@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2016 9:10 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Happy bday

Michael DeLoach
Office of the Mayor
Intergovernmental Affairs
(212) 341-5089
From: Dodge, Ryan
To: "Emma Woods"
Subject: RE: H.O.P.E. Event
Date: Monday, December 12, 2016 4:36:04 PM

B/t 5-5:30 works – thanks.

From: Emma Woods [mailto:emma@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2016 4:26 PM
To: Dodge, Ryan
Subject: Re: H.O.P.E. Event
Hi, Ryan — will do. I could call you between 5-530 unless you prefer tomorrow morning. 
Emma Woods
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5303
C: 203-568-4780
From: "Dodge, Ryan" <RDodge@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Monday, December 12, 2016 at 3:28 PM
To: Emma <emma@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: H.O.P.E. Event
Hi, Emma. Can you give me a call at 212-676-3984 when you get a sec? I have some
questions about the First Lady’s remarks. Thanks.

Ryan Dodge
Senior Speechwriter
Office of the Mayor
(212) 676-3984
From: Camonghne Felix
To: White, Erin; Emma Woods; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Schustek, Andrew; Sharon Charles-Chancie
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Date: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 10:37:23 AM
Attachments: FCBC Hope Center Advisory -- Final Draft.docx

Good morning Erin,

Attached you’ll find the finalized advisory. We plan to start getting this out soon, so if you could send
us some feedback as soon as possible, that would be ideal. Run of show soon to follow, we waiting
on the finalized version from FCBC. We are also drafting a release for this ribbon-cutting, so if your
office could send us a quote from the First Lady, that would be great!
From: White, Erin [mailto:EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2016 2:59 PM
To: Emma Woods; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Schustek, Andrew; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Camonghne Felix
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Erin White
Communications Advisor, Office of the Mayor
From: Emma Woods
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2016 2:55 PM
To: White, Erin; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Schustek, Andrew; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Camonghne Felix
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Will do — we’ll send you the finalized advisory and run of show as soon as possible. 
Emma Woods
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5303
C: 203-568-4780
From: "White, Erin" <EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Monday, December 12, 2016 at 2:51 PM
To: Emma <emma@berlinrosen.com>, "Cereceda, Claudia" <CCereceda@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Louis Espiritusanto, Jose" <jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Schustek, Andrew"
<aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Sharon Charles-Chancie <schancie@fcbcnyc.org>, Camonghne Felix
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Hi Emma,
I'd like to review the advisory. 
Erin White
Communications Advisor, Office of the Mayor
From: Emma Woods
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2016 2:50 PM
To: Cereceda, Claudia; White, Erin
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Schustek, Andrew; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Camonghne Felix
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Hi, Erin — we’re finalizing the media advisory for the HOPE Center ribbon cutting, which will mention that
the First Lady is attending and giving remarks. We’re planning to start pitching that tomorrow morning to
broadcast, Harlem press, city hall reporters, health reporters, and others. Let us know if you’d like to chat
in advance.
Emma Woods
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5303
C: 203-568-4780
From: "Cereceda, Claudia" <CCereceda@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Friday, December 9, 2016 at 12:44 PM
To: Emma <emma@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: "Louis Espiritusanto, Jose" <jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Schustek, Andrew"
<aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Sharon Charles-Chancie <schancie@fcbcnyc.org>, "White, Erin"
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
+Erin White
Our communications advisor 
Sent while mobile 

On Dec 9, 2016, at 12:20 PM, Emma Woods <emma@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Hi Jose and team — very exciting that the First Lady will be attending the ceremony on
Thursday! We’re currently working on a media advisory and press release, so please let me
know who in your shop we should connect with on anything press-related.
Emma Woods
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5303
C: 203-568-4780
From: Sharon Charles-Chancie <schancie@fcbcnyc.org>
Date: Thursday, December 8, 2016 at 12:51 PM
To: "Louis Espiritusanto, Jose" <jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Cereceda, Claudia" <CCereceda@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Schustek, Andrew"
<aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Emma <emma@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Dear Jose and Company,
Again, deep, deep thanks for all of your assistance in securing a spot on the First Lady’s
calendar for our upcoming H.O.P.E. Center ribbon cutting ceremony.  We are over-the-
moon thrilled!
Our phenomenal PR firm, Berlin Rosen is feverishly assisting us with getting the word
out about the ceremony.  With that said, I wanted to introduce our lead PR
professional, Emma Woods to you.  We wanted to make certain that the work of
Emma’s office did not conflict with any of the First Lady’s press corps initiatives.  If you
would kindly connect Emma to the person(s) who oversee Ms. McCray’s media
coverage I would greatly appreciate the gesture (Emma is copied on this communique).
As always, please feel free to reach out to me with any additional questions you may
have surrounding this event.
MAKE it a great day!
From: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose [mailto:jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2016 3:47 PM
To: Sharon Charles-Chancie <schancie@fcbcnyc.org>
Cc: Cereceda, Claudia <CCereceda@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Schustek, Andrew
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
The First Lady is confirmed to attend. Copy the rest of the team here to discuss
logistics. Please note the First Lady timing will be 10AM-10:30AM. We need to make
sure ribbon cutting happens during that time.
Thanks so much!
From: Sharon Charles-Chancie [mailto:schancie@fcbcnyc.org]
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2016 11:56 AM
To: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Thank you and I look forward to hearing back when you have a definitive.

From: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose [mailto:jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2016 12:02 PM
To: Sharon Charles-Chancie <schancie@fcbcnyc.org>
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Hi Sharon, still discussing with the team. we want to make this happens, but still few
items to move around.
Give me until later today. Thanks so much!
From: Sharon Charles-Chancie [mailto:schancie@fcbcnyc.org]
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2016 11:51 AM
To: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Happy Tuesday Jose,
Just circling back (with my hands clasped in a prayer-like position). 
Any word from our First Lady on her interest in attending our
H.O.P.E. Center ribbon cutting ceremony?
Thanks and MAKE it a great day! J

Sharon R. Chancie
Senior Administrative Assistant to Senior Pastor Michael A. Walrond, Jr.
First Corinthian Baptist Church
1912 Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Blvd
New York, NY 10026 USA
Phone: (212) 864-5976 Ext: 21;(Monday – Friday)
Fax: (212) 864-0830
Email:  schancie@fcbcnyc.org
Website: www.fcbcnyc.org
“For with God nothing shall be impossible” Luke 1:37
Kingdom of God business IS my business!
For Planning Purposes Only: December 15th, 2016 at 10 a.m
Contact: Camonghne Felix, 646.517.6796, Camonghne.Felix@berlinrosen.com

Historic Harlem Church Cuts Ribbon on first-of-its-kind Mental Health

Center with First Lady Chirlane McCray

First Corinthian Baptist Church to Open New HOPE Center, Will Offer
High-Quality, Affordable Mental Health Services to Harlem Community

Groundbreaking Facility Takes a New Approach to Breaking Down

Mental Health Stigmas in the Black Church

WHAT: First Corinthian Baptist Church Cuts Ribbon on New HOPE Center Facility, Offering High-Quality,
Affordable Mental Health Services to Harlem Community

WHERE: HOPE Center, 228 W. 116th St, Harlem

WHEN: December 15th, 2016 at 10 a.m.

WHO: Pastor Michael A. Walrond, Jr., First Lady Chirlane McCray, Reverend Kyndra Frazier,
Congregation and Church Leadership from First Corinthian Baptist Church

VISUALS: First Lady Chirlane McCray delivering remarks; Pastor Walrond cutting ribbon with First Lady
McCray in front of HOPE Center entrance; elected officials standing beside First Lady McCray and Pastor
Walrond, applauding; crowd of church congregants; post-program tour of new facility.


First Corinthian Baptist Church has provided informal counseling on its premises for years, but the new
HOPE Center, located a few blocks from the church on 116th St, will provide hands-on, high-quality,
affordable mental health services, staffed by two highly experienced counselors. With this opening,
FCBC and Sr. Pastor Mike Walrond lead the charge in providing better mental health care to historically
neglected African-American communities.

The program includes remarks from First Lady Chirlane McCray, who founded ThriveNYC, a
comprehensive mental health plan for New York City, Rev. Kyndra Frazier, FCBC’s new Associate Pastor
of Pastoral Care and Counseling, Dr. Sidney Hankerson Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry at
Columbia University, and Pastor Mike Walrond who will also deliver remarks. Following the speaking
program, a guided tour of the new facility will be available.

From: Dodge, Ryan
To: "Emma Woods"
Subject: RE: H.O.P.E. Event
Date: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 11:29:07 AM

Just following up – could you send whatever materials you have on the Center? Thanks.
From: Emma Woods [mailto:emma@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2016 4:26 PM
To: Dodge, Ryan
Subject: Re: H.O.P.E. Event
Hi, Ryan — will do. I could call you between 5-530 unless you prefer tomorrow morning. 
Emma Woods
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5303
C: 203-568-4780
From: "Dodge, Ryan" <RDodge@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Monday, December 12, 2016 at 3:28 PM
To: Emma <emma@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: H.O.P.E. Event
Hi, Emma. Can you give me a call at 212-676-3984 when you get a sec? I have some
questions about the First Lady’s remarks. Thanks.

Ryan Dodge
Senior Speechwriter
Office of the Mayor
(212) 676-3984
From: Emma Woods
To: Dodge, Ryan
Subject: FW: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Date: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 12:16:57 PM
Attachments: FCBC Hope Center Advisory -- Final Draft.docx
FCBC Bio[1].doc

Here is the advisory we asked your team to provide feedback on. 

Also attached is Kyndra’s bio and headshot. 

Below is some pitch language you might find helpful.

And here is the church’s calendar listing for the event: http://m.fcbcnyc.org/event/save-date-ribbon-


Over 6.8 million African Americans have a diagnosable mental illness, but due to long-
standing stigma and lack of affordable resources, only a fraction get the help they need.
Within the black church, with its history of “pray it away” solutions to mental health, the
silence is even more pronounced. Following recent public battles of celebrities Kanye West 
and Kid Cudi, leaders in the black community have placed an imperative on tackling this
That’s why First Corinthian Baptist Church, a prominent historically black church in
Harlem, is taking a new approach: hands-on, high-quality, inexpensive mental health
services offered by the church at a standalone mental health center -- a move that pivots
away from the black church’s long history of ignoring or sidestepping issues plaguing its
congregants, now more than ever.
With the HOPE Center, opening on December 15, FCBC’s leader Pastor Mike Walrond is
helping the church become a key player in breaking down mental health taboos in New York
City’s black community, with nationwide implications. Thought you’d be interested in an
exclusive on this first-of-its-kind initiative ahead of the Center’s ribbon cutting.
The church has provided informal counseling on its premises for years, but the new facility,
located a few blocks from the church on 116 th  St, is over 700 square feet and contains a
waiting area, private meeting rooms, and a large group meeting room. It will be staffed by
two highly experienced counselors, including Rev. Kyndra Frazier, FCBC’s new Associate
Pastor of Pastoral Care and Counseling.
Happy to give you a tour of the HOPE Center and set you up to interview key figures:
§ Senior Pastor Mike Walrond, who’s grown the church from 300 to 11,000 congregants
in just over a decade, most of whom are millennials with no prior religious affiliation.
§ Executive Pastor Lakeesha Walrond, a strong advocate for accessibility to health
services in Harlem and a sexual assault survivor.
§ Rev. Kyndra Frazier and Joyce Johnson, lead counselors for the Center.

Emma Woods
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5303
C: 203-568-4780

From: Camonghne Felix <Camonghne.Felix@berlinrosen.com>

Date: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 at 10:36 AM
To: "White, Erin" <EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Emma <emma@berlinrosen.com>, "Cereceda,
Claudia" <CCereceda@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Louis Espiritusanto, Jose" <jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Schustek, Andrew"
<aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Sharon Charles-Chancie <schancie@fcbcnyc.org>
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting

Good morning Erin,

Attached you’ll find the finalized advisory. We plan to start getting this out soon, so if you could send
us some feedback as soon as possible, that would be ideal. Run of show soon to follow, we waiting
on the finalized version from FCBC. We are also drafting a release for this ribbon-cutting, so if your
office could send us a quote from the First Lady, that would be great!
From: White, Erin [mailto:EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2016 2:59 PM
To: Emma Woods; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Schustek, Andrew; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Camonghne Felix
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Erin White
Communications Advisor, Office of the Mayor
From: Emma Woods
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2016 2:55 PM
To: White, Erin; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Schustek, Andrew; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Camonghne Felix
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Will do — we’ll send you the finalized advisory and run of show as soon as possible. 
Emma Woods
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5303
C: 203-568-4780
From: "White, Erin" <EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Monday, December 12, 2016 at 2:51 PM
To: Emma <emma@berlinrosen.com>, "Cereceda, Claudia" <CCereceda@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Louis Espiritusanto, Jose" <jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Schustek, Andrew"
<aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Sharon Charles-Chancie <schancie@fcbcnyc.org>, Camonghne Felix
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Hi Emma,
I'd like to review the advisory. 
Erin White
Communications Advisor, Office of the Mayor
From: Emma Woods
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2016 2:50 PM
To: Cereceda, Claudia; White, Erin
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Schustek, Andrew; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Camonghne Felix
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Hi, Erin — we’re finalizing the media advisory for the HOPE Center ribbon cutting, which will mention that
the First Lady is attending and giving remarks. We’re planning to start pitching that tomorrow morning to
broadcast, Harlem press, city hall reporters, health reporters, and others. Let us know if you’d like to chat
in advance.
Emma Woods
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5303
C: 203-568-4780
From: "Cereceda, Claudia" <CCereceda@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Friday, December 9, 2016 at 12:44 PM
To: Emma <emma@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: "Louis Espiritusanto, Jose" <jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Schustek, Andrew"
<aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Sharon Charles-Chancie <schancie@fcbcnyc.org>, "White, Erin"
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
+Erin White
Our communications advisor 

Sent while mobile 

On Dec 9, 2016, at 12:20 PM, Emma Woods <emma@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Hi Jose and team — very exciting that the First Lady will be attending the ceremony on
Thursday! We’re currently working on a media advisory and press release, so please let me
know who in your shop we should connect with on anything press-related.
Emma Woods
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5303
C: 203-568-4780
From: Sharon Charles-Chancie <schancie@fcbcnyc.org>
Date: Thursday, December 8, 2016 at 12:51 PM
To: "Louis Espiritusanto, Jose" <jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Cereceda, Claudia" <CCereceda@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Schustek, Andrew"
<aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Emma <emma@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Dear Jose and Company,
Again, deep, deep thanks for all of your assistance in securing a spot on the First Lady’s
calendar for our upcoming H.O.P.E. Center ribbon cutting ceremony.  We are over-the-
moon thrilled!
Our phenomenal PR firm, Berlin Rosen is feverishly assisting us with getting the word
out about the ceremony.  With that said, I wanted to introduce our lead PR
professional, Emma Woods to you.  We wanted to make certain that the work of
Emma’s office did not conflict with any of the First Lady’s press corps initiatives.  If you
would kindly connect Emma to the person(s) who oversee Ms. McCray’s media
coverage I would greatly appreciate the gesture (Emma is copied on this communique).
As always, please feel free to reach out to me with any additional questions you may
have surrounding this event.
MAKE it a great day!
From: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose [mailto:jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2016 3:47 PM
To: Sharon Charles-Chancie <schancie@fcbcnyc.org>
Cc: Cereceda, Claudia <CCereceda@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Schustek, Andrew
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
The First Lady is confirmed to attend. Copy the rest of the team here to discuss
logistics. Please note the First Lady timing will be 10AM-10:30AM. We need to make
sure ribbon cutting happens during that time.
Thanks so much!
From: Sharon Charles-Chancie [mailto:schancie@fcbcnyc.org]
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2016 11:56 AM
To: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Thank you and I look forward to hearing back when you have a definitive.
From: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose [mailto:jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2016 12:02 PM
To: Sharon Charles-Chancie <schancie@fcbcnyc.org>
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Hi Sharon, still discussing with the team. we want to make this happens, but still few
items to move around.
Give me until later today. Thanks so much!
From: Sharon Charles-Chancie [mailto:schancie@fcbcnyc.org]
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2016 11:51 AM
To: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Happy Tuesday Jose,
Just circling back (with my hands clasped in a prayer-like position). 
Any word from our First Lady on her interest in attending our
H.O.P.E. Center ribbon cutting ceremony?
Thanks and MAKE it a great day! J

Sharon R. Chancie
Senior Administrative Assistant to Senior Pastor Michael A. Walrond, Jr.
First Corinthian Baptist Church
1912 Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Blvd
New York, NY 10026 USA
Phone: (212) 864-5976 Ext: 21;(Monday – Friday)
Fax: (212) 864-0830
Email:  schancie@fcbcnyc.org
Website: www.fcbcnyc.org
“For with God nothing shall be impossible” Luke 1:37
Kingdom of God business IS my business!
For Planning Purposes Only: December 15th, 2016 at 10 a.m
Contact: Camonghne Felix, 646.517.6796, Camonghne.Felix@berlinrosen.com

Historic Harlem Church Cuts Ribbon on first-of-its-kind Mental Health

Center with First Lady Chirlane McCray

First Corinthian Baptist Church to Open New HOPE Center, Will Offer
High-Quality, Affordable Mental Health Services to Harlem Community

Groundbreaking Facility Takes a New Approach to Breaking Down

Mental Health Stigmas in the Black Church

WHAT: First Corinthian Baptist Church Cuts Ribbon on New HOPE Center Facility, Offering High-Quality,
Affordable Mental Health Services to Harlem Community

WHERE: HOPE Center, 228 W. 116th St, Harlem

WHEN: December 15th, 2016 at 10 a.m.

WHO: Pastor Michael A. Walrond, Jr., First Lady Chirlane McCray, Reverend Kyndra Frazier,
Congregation and Church Leadership from First Corinthian Baptist Church

VISUALS: First Lady Chirlane McCray delivering remarks; Pastor Walrond cutting ribbon with First Lady
McCray in front of HOPE Center entrance; elected officials standing beside First Lady McCray and Pastor
Walrond, applauding; crowd of church congregants; post-program tour of new facility.


First Corinthian Baptist Church has provided informal counseling on its premises for years, but the new
HOPE Center, located a few blocks from the church on 116th St, will provide hands-on, high-quality,
affordable mental health services, staffed by two highly experienced counselors. With this opening,
FCBC and Sr. Pastor Mike Walrond lead the charge in providing better mental health care to historically
neglected African-American communities.

The program includes remarks from First Lady Chirlane McCray, who founded ThriveNYC, a
comprehensive mental health plan for New York City, Rev. Kyndra Frazier, FCBC’s new Associate Pastor
of Pastoral Care and Counseling, Dr. Sidney Hankerson Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry at
Columbia University, and Pastor Mike Walrond who will also deliver remarks. Following the speaking
program, a guided tour of the new facility will be available.

Bio/Hopes for The H.O.P.E. Center

Rev. Kyndra Frazier is a native of Charlotte, North Carolina. She holds a

Bachelor’s of Science in Business Management from North Carolina A&T
State University, and is a 2010 Master of Divinity graduate of Candler
School of Theology, Emory University, concentrating in church and
community leadership. Kyndra is also a Licensed Master Social Worker,
holding a Master of Science in Social Work from Columbia University in
the city of New York, concentrating in clinical social work in the health and
mental health fields. Kyndra has held a variety of clinical pastoral and
therapeutic positions. The most recent was as Lead Therapist at The Imara
Center, where she worked with Kindergarten through Fifth graders at
Dunbar Elementary School in Atlanta, GA. During her two years with the
behavioral health agency she specialized in Trauma-Focused Cognitive
Behavioral Therapy, as the students she served navigated a variety of
behavioral and mental health challenges ranging from sexual abuse, ODD,
ADHD, to PTSD. Kyndra is currently the Associate Pastor of Pastoral Care
and Counseling at First Corinthian Baptist Church. A great deal of her
pastoral responsibilities are to create a system of care for this ecclesial
community, as well as direct The H.O.P.E (Healing On Purpose and
Evolving) Center, a counseling center that is it’s own incorporated ministry
located within walking distance of the church.

I find the H.O.P.E. Center to be such a unique gem for the Harlem
community, as it is the manifestation of Senior Pastor Michael A. Walrond’s
vision to address the vast mental health needs of the congregants of FCBC
and the community at large. Often fundamentalist theological suppositions
and religious dogma can hinder faith communities from engaging mental
health services. However, FCBC recognizes the importance of addressing
psychological and socio-emotional issues in light of our faith. This holistic
approach to caring for people has the potential to be a model for faith
communities around the world. I am looking forward to The H.O.P.E Center
becoming one of the world’s premier models for addressing religious trauma
particularly, and trauma in general. Too often spiritual abuse and religious
trauma syndrome can go overlooked and be misdiagnosed, particularly for
persons within socially constructed minority groups such as those within the
LGBTQ community. Due to the stigma shrouding so many communities of
color when seeking mental health services, persons often incur wounds
ranging from various traumas (i.e. domestic violence, severe accidents,
sexual abuse, death, etc.) and embrace them as normative, not realizing that
their destinies don’t have to be tied to their wounds. Our commitment to heal
is what catapults our destinies into living the lives we were created to live.
This is where the acronym Healing On Purpose and Evolving (H.O.P.E.)
comes from. The time is now for persons to accept the invitation to engage
in their healing on purpose, so our individual and collective evolutionary
journeys can be centered in thriving.
From: Dodge, Ryan
To: "Emma Woods"
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Date: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 12:22:10 PM

Great – thanks.
From: Emma Woods [mailto:emma@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 12:17 PM
To: Dodge, Ryan
Subject: FW: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Here is the advisory we asked your team to provide feedback on. 
Also attached is Kyndra’s bio and headshot. 
Below is some pitch language you might find helpful.
And here is the church’s calendar listing for the event: http://m.fcbcnyc.org/event/save-date-ribbon-
Over 6.8 million African Americans have a diagnosable mental illness, but due to long-standing
stigma and lack of affordable resources, only a fraction get the help they need. Within the black
church, with its history of “pray it away” solutions to mental health, the silence is even more
pronounced. Following recent public battles of celebrities Kanye West and Kid Cudi, leaders in the
black community have placed an imperative on tackling this crisis.
That’s why First Corinthian Baptist Church, a prominent historically black church in Harlem, is
taking a new approach: hands-on, high-quality, inexpensive mental health services offered by
the church at a standalone mental health center -- a move that pivots away from the black
church’s long history of ignoring or sidestepping issues plaguing its congregants, now more than
With the HOPE Center, opening on December 15, FCBC’s leader Pastor Mike Walrond is helping the
church become a key player in breaking down mental health taboos in New York City’s black
community, with nationwide implications. Thought you’d be interested in an exclusive on this first-
of-its-kind initiative ahead of the Center’s ribbon cutting.
The church has provided informal counseling on its premises for years, but the new facility, located
a few blocks from the church on 116th  St, is over 700 square feet and contains a waiting area,
private meeting rooms, and a large group meeting room. It will be staffed by two highly experienced
counselors, including Rev. Kyndra Frazier, FCBC’s new Associate Pastor of Pastoral Care and
Happy to give you a tour of the HOPE Center and set you up to interview key figures:

§  Senior Pastor Mike Walrond, who’s grown the church from 300 to 11,000 congregants in just
over a decade, most of whom are millennials with no prior religious affiliation.

§  Executive Pastor Lakeesha Walrond, a strong advocate for accessibility to health services in
Harlem and a sexual assault survivor.

§  Rev. Kyndra Frazier and Joyce Johnson, lead counselors for the Center.
Emma Woods
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5303
C: 203-568-4780
From: Camonghne Felix <Camonghne.Felix@berlinrosen.com>
Date: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 at 10:36 AM
To: "White, Erin" <EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Emma <emma@berlinrosen.com>, "Cereceda,
Claudia" <CCereceda@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Louis Espiritusanto, Jose" <jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Schustek, Andrew"
<aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Sharon Charles-Chancie <schancie@fcbcnyc.org>
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Good morning Erin,
Attached you’ll find the finalized advisory. We plan to start getting this out soon, so if you could send
us some feedback as soon as possible, that would be ideal. Run of show soon to follow, we waiting
on the finalized version from FCBC. We are also drafting a release for this ribbon-cutting, so if your
office could send us a quote from the First Lady, that would be great!
From: White, Erin [mailto:EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2016 2:59 PM
To: Emma Woods; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Schustek, Andrew; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Camonghne Felix
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Erin White
Communications Advisor, Office of the Mayor
From: Emma Woods
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2016 2:55 PM
To: White, Erin; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Schustek, Andrew; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Camonghne Felix
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Will do — we’ll send you the finalized advisory and run of show as soon as possible. 
Emma Woods
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5303
C: 203-568-4780
From: "White, Erin" <EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Monday, December 12, 2016 at 2:51 PM
To: Emma <emma@berlinrosen.com>, "Cereceda, Claudia" <CCereceda@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Louis Espiritusanto, Jose" <jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Schustek, Andrew"
<aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Sharon Charles-Chancie <schancie@fcbcnyc.org>, Camonghne Felix
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Hi Emma,
I'd like to review the advisory. 
Erin White
Communications Advisor, Office of the Mayor
From: Emma Woods
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2016 2:50 PM
To: Cereceda, Claudia; White, Erin
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Schustek, Andrew; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Camonghne Felix
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Hi, Erin — we’re finalizing the media advisory for the HOPE Center ribbon cutting, which will mention that
the First Lady is attending and giving remarks. We’re planning to start pitching that tomorrow morning to
broadcast, Harlem press, city hall reporters, health reporters, and others. Let us know if you’d like to chat
in advance.
Emma Woods
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5303
C: 203-568-4780
From: "Cereceda, Claudia" <CCereceda@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Friday, December 9, 2016 at 12:44 PM
To: Emma <emma@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: "Louis Espiritusanto, Jose" <jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Schustek, Andrew"
<aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Sharon Charles-Chancie <schancie@fcbcnyc.org>, "White, Erin"
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
+Erin White
Our communications advisor 

Sent while mobile 

On Dec 9, 2016, at 12:20 PM, Emma Woods <emma@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Hi Jose and team — very exciting that the First Lady will be attending the ceremony on
Thursday! We’re currently working on a media advisory and press release, so please let me
know who in your shop we should connect with on anything press-related.
Emma Woods
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5303
C: 203-568-4780
From: Sharon Charles-Chancie <schancie@fcbcnyc.org>
Date: Thursday, December 8, 2016 at 12:51 PM
To: "Louis Espiritusanto, Jose" <jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Cereceda, Claudia" <CCereceda@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Schustek, Andrew"
<aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Emma <emma@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Dear Jose and Company,
Again, deep, deep thanks for all of your assistance in securing a spot on the First Lady’s
calendar for our upcoming H.O.P.E. Center ribbon cutting ceremony.  We are over-the-
moon thrilled!
Our phenomenal PR firm, Berlin Rosen is feverishly assisting us with getting the word
out about the ceremony.  With that said, I wanted to introduce our lead PR
professional, Emma Woods to you.  We wanted to make certain that the work of
Emma’s office did not conflict with any of the First Lady’s press corps initiatives.  If you
would kindly connect Emma to the person(s) who oversee Ms. McCray’s media
coverage I would greatly appreciate the gesture (Emma is copied on this communique).
As always, please feel free to reach out to me with any additional questions you may
have surrounding this event.
MAKE it a great day!
From: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose [mailto:jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2016 3:47 PM
To: Sharon Charles-Chancie <schancie@fcbcnyc.org>
Cc: Cereceda, Claudia <CCereceda@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Schustek, Andrew
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
The First Lady is confirmed to attend. Copy the rest of the team here to discuss
logistics. Please note the First Lady timing will be 10AM-10:30AM. We need to make
sure ribbon cutting happens during that time.
Thanks so much!
From: Sharon Charles-Chancie [mailto:schancie@fcbcnyc.org]
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2016 11:56 AM
To: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Thank you and I look forward to hearing back when you have a definitive.

From: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose [mailto:jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2016 12:02 PM
To: Sharon Charles-Chancie <schancie@fcbcnyc.org>
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Hi Sharon, still discussing with the team. we want to make this happens, but still few
items to move around.
Give me until later today. Thanks so much!
From: Sharon Charles-Chancie [mailto:schancie@fcbcnyc.org]
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2016 11:51 AM
To: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Happy Tuesday Jose,
Just circling back (with my hands clasped in a prayer-like position). 
Any word from our First Lady on her interest in attending our
H.O.P.E. Center ribbon cutting ceremony?
Thanks and MAKE it a great day! J

Sharon R. Chancie
Senior Administrative Assistant to Senior Pastor Michael A. Walrond, Jr.
First Corinthian Baptist Church
1912 Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Blvd
New York, NY 10026 USA
Phone: (212) 864-5976 Ext: 21;(Monday – Friday)
Fax: (212) 864-0830
Email:  schancie@fcbcnyc.org
Website: www.fcbcnyc.org
“For with God nothing shall be impossible” Luke 1:37
Kingdom of God business IS my business!
From: Emma Woods
To: White, Erin; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Schustek, Andrew; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Camonghne Felix
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Date: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 2:01:27 PM

Erin, any issues with the media advisory before we start getting that out? 



Emma Woods
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5303
C: 203-568-4780

From: Camonghne Felix <Camonghne.Felix@berlinrosen.com>

Date: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 at 1:56 PM
To: "White, Erin" <EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Emma <emma@berlinrosen.com>, "Cereceda,
Claudia" <CCereceda@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Louis Espiritusanto, Jose" <jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Schustek, Andrew"
<aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Sharon Charles-Chancie <schancie@fcbcnyc.org>
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting

Hi Erin,
Below is our tentative run of show, pending confirmation of other elected officials. If you have any
feedback, please send our way. Thanks!
Ribbon Cutting Program (Draft)
First Corinthian Baptist Church’s H.O.P.E. Center
Rev. Michael A. Walrond, Jr.,
Master of Ceremony and Senior Pastor
First Corinthian Baptist Church
Chirlane I. McCray,
First Lady of New York City,
Creator of ThriveNYC 
Introduction of Center:
Pastor Kyndra Fraizer
Associate Pastor of Pastoral Care and Counseling
The H.O.P.E. Center at First Corinthian Baptist Church
Dr. Sydney Hankerson,
Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry at Columbia University,
Ribbon Cutting
You are welcome to enjoy a tour and reception immediately following
Camonghne Felix
(d): 646.517.6796 | (c): 646.675.4009
From: Camonghne Felix
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 10:37 AM
To: 'White, Erin'; Emma Woods; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Schustek, Andrew; Sharon Charles-Chancie
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Good morning Erin,
Attached you’ll find the finalized advisory. We plan to start getting this out soon, so if you could send
us some feedback as soon as possible, that would be ideal. Run of show soon to follow, we waiting
on the finalized version from FCBC. We are also drafting a release for this ribbon-cutting, so if your
office could send us a quote from the First Lady, that would be great!
From: White, Erin [mailto:EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2016 2:59 PM
To: Emma Woods; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Schustek, Andrew; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Camonghne Felix
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Erin White
Communications Advisor, Office of the Mayor
From: Emma Woods
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2016 2:55 PM
To: White, Erin; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Schustek, Andrew; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Camonghne Felix
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Will do — we’ll send you the finalized advisory and run of show as soon as possible. 
Emma Woods
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5303
C: 203-568-4780
From: "White, Erin" <EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Monday, December 12, 2016 at 2:51 PM
To: Emma <emma@berlinrosen.com>, "Cereceda, Claudia" <CCereceda@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Louis Espiritusanto, Jose" <jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Schustek, Andrew"
<aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Sharon Charles-Chancie <schancie@fcbcnyc.org>, Camonghne Felix
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Hi Emma,
I'd like to review the advisory. 
Erin White
Communications Advisor, Office of the Mayor
From: Emma Woods
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2016 2:50 PM
To: Cereceda, Claudia; White, Erin
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Schustek, Andrew; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Camonghne Felix
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Hi, Erin — we’re finalizing the media advisory for the HOPE Center ribbon cutting, which will mention that
the First Lady is attending and giving remarks. We’re planning to start pitching that tomorrow morning to
broadcast, Harlem press, city hall reporters, health reporters, and others. Let us know if you’d like to chat
in advance.
Emma Woods
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5303
C: 203-568-4780
From: "Cereceda, Claudia" <CCereceda@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Friday, December 9, 2016 at 12:44 PM
To: Emma <emma@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: "Louis Espiritusanto, Jose" <jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Schustek, Andrew"
<aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Sharon Charles-Chancie <schancie@fcbcnyc.org>, "White, Erin"
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
+Erin White
Our communications advisor 

Sent while mobile 

On Dec 9, 2016, at 12:20 PM, Emma Woods <emma@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Hi Jose and team — very exciting that the First Lady will be attending the ceremony on
Thursday! We’re currently working on a media advisory and press release, so please let me
know who in your shop we should connect with on anything press-related.
Emma Woods
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5303
C: 203-568-4780
From: Sharon Charles-Chancie <schancie@fcbcnyc.org>
Date: Thursday, December 8, 2016 at 12:51 PM
To: "Louis Espiritusanto, Jose" <jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Cereceda, Claudia" <CCereceda@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Schustek, Andrew"
<aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Emma <emma@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Dear Jose and Company,
Again, deep, deep thanks for all of your assistance in securing a spot on the First Lady’s
calendar for our upcoming H.O.P.E. Center ribbon cutting ceremony.  We are over-the-
moon thrilled!
Our phenomenal PR firm, Berlin Rosen is feverishly assisting us with getting the word
out about the ceremony.  With that said, I wanted to introduce our lead PR
professional, Emma Woods to you.  We wanted to make certain that the work of
Emma’s office did not conflict with any of the First Lady’s press corps initiatives.  If you
would kindly connect Emma to the person(s) who oversee Ms. McCray’s media
coverage I would greatly appreciate the gesture (Emma is copied on this communique).
As always, please feel free to reach out to me with any additional questions you may
have surrounding this event.
MAKE it a great day!
From: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose [mailto:jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2016 3:47 PM
To: Sharon Charles-Chancie <schancie@fcbcnyc.org>
Cc: Cereceda, Claudia <CCereceda@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Schustek, Andrew
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
The First Lady is confirmed to attend. Copy the rest of the team here to discuss
logistics. Please note the First Lady timing will be 10AM-10:30AM. We need to make
sure ribbon cutting happens during that time.
Thanks so much!
From: Sharon Charles-Chancie [mailto:schancie@fcbcnyc.org]
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2016 11:56 AM
To: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Thank you and I look forward to hearing back when you have a definitive.

From: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose [mailto:jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2016 12:02 PM
To: Sharon Charles-Chancie <schancie@fcbcnyc.org>
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Hi Sharon, still discussing with the team. we want to make this happens, but still few
items to move around.
Give me until later today. Thanks so much!
From: Sharon Charles-Chancie [mailto:schancie@fcbcnyc.org]
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2016 11:51 AM
To: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Happy Tuesday Jose,
Just circling back (with my hands clasped in a prayer-like position). 
Any word from our First Lady on her interest in attending our
H.O.P.E. Center ribbon cutting ceremony?
Thanks and MAKE it a great day! J

Sharon R. Chancie
Senior Administrative Assistant to Senior Pastor Michael A. Walrond, Jr.
First Corinthian Baptist Church
1912 Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Blvd
New York, NY 10026 USA
Phone: (212) 864-5976 Ext: 21;(Monday – Friday)
Fax: (212) 864-0830
Email:  schancie@fcbcnyc.org
Website: www.fcbcnyc.org
“For with God nothing shall be impossible” Luke 1:37
Kingdom of God business IS my business!
From: White, Erin
To: Emma Woods; Camonghne Felix; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Schustek, Andrew; Sharon Charles-Chancie
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Date: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 2:34:21 PM

Will do my best!

Erin White
Communications Advisor, Office of the Mayor
From: Emma Woods
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 2:29 PM
To: White, Erin; Camonghne Felix; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Schustek, Andrew; Sharon Charles-Chancie
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting

Thanks, Erin. Will you be able to provide a quote for the press release? We’re finalizing that now, but it will
be similar to the advisory. 

From: "White, Erin" <EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 at 2:01 PM
To: Camonghne Felix <Camonghne.Felix@berlinrosen.com>, Emma <emma@berlinrosen.com>,
"Cereceda, Claudia" <CCereceda@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Louis Espiritusanto, Jose" <jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Schustek, Andrew"
<aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Sharon Charles-Chancie <schancie@fcbcnyc.org>
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting

All is fine! Advisory is fine, too.

Erin White
Communications Advisor, Office of the Mayor
From: Camonghne Felix
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 1:56 PM
To: White, Erin; Emma Woods; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Schustek, Andrew; Sharon Charles-Chancie
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting

Hi Erin,
Below is our tentative run of show, pending confirmation of other elected officials. If you have any
feedback, please send our way. Thanks!
Ribbon Cutting Program (Draft)
First Corinthian Baptist Church’s H.O.P.E. Center
Rev. Michael A. Walrond, Jr.,
Master of Ceremony and Senior Pastor
First Corinthian Baptist Church
Chirlane I. McCray,
First Lady of New York City,
Creator of ThriveNYC 
Introduction of Center:
Pastor Kyndra Fraizer
Associate Pastor of Pastoral Care and Counseling
The H.O.P.E. Center at First Corinthian Baptist Church
Dr. Sydney Hankerson,
Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry at Columbia University,
Ribbon Cutting
You are welcome to enjoy a tour and reception immediately following
Camonghne Felix
(d): 646.517.6796 | (c): 646.675.4009
From: Camonghne Felix
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 10:37 AM
To: 'White, Erin'; Emma Woods; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Schustek, Andrew; Sharon Charles-Chancie
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Good morning Erin,
Attached you’ll find the finalized advisory. We plan to start getting this out soon, so if you could send
us some feedback as soon as possible, that would be ideal. Run of show soon to follow, we waiting
on the finalized version from FCBC. We are also drafting a release for this ribbon-cutting, so if your
office could send us a quote from the First Lady, that would be great!
From: White, Erin [mailto:EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2016 2:59 PM
To: Emma Woods; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Schustek, Andrew; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Camonghne Felix
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Erin White
Communications Advisor, Office of the Mayor
From: Emma Woods
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2016 2:55 PM
To: White, Erin; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Schustek, Andrew; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Camonghne Felix
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Will do — we’ll send you the finalized advisory and run of show as soon as possible. 
Emma Woods
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5303
C: 203-568-4780
From: "White, Erin" <EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Monday, December 12, 2016 at 2:51 PM
To: Emma <emma@berlinrosen.com>, "Cereceda, Claudia" <CCereceda@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Louis Espiritusanto, Jose" <jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Schustek, Andrew"
<aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Sharon Charles-Chancie <schancie@fcbcnyc.org>, Camonghne Felix
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Hi Emma,
I'd like to review the advisory. 
Erin White
Communications Advisor, Office of the Mayor
From: Emma Woods
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2016 2:50 PM
To: Cereceda, Claudia; White, Erin
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Schustek, Andrew; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Camonghne Felix
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Hi, Erin — we’re finalizing the media advisory for the HOPE Center ribbon cutting, which will mention that
the First Lady is attending and giving remarks. We’re planning to start pitching that tomorrow morning to
broadcast, Harlem press, city hall reporters, health reporters, and others. Let us know if you’d like to chat
in advance.
Emma Woods
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5303
C: 203-568-4780
From: "Cereceda, Claudia" <CCereceda@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Friday, December 9, 2016 at 12:44 PM
To: Emma <emma@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: "Louis Espiritusanto, Jose" <jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Schustek, Andrew"
<aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Sharon Charles-Chancie <schancie@fcbcnyc.org>, "White, Erin"
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
+Erin White
Our communications advisor 

Sent while mobile 

On Dec 9, 2016, at 12:20 PM, Emma Woods <emma@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Hi Jose and team — very exciting that the First Lady will be attending the ceremony on
Thursday! We’re currently working on a media advisory and press release, so please let me
know who in your shop we should connect with on anything press-related.
Emma Woods
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5303
C: 203-568-4780
From: Sharon Charles-Chancie <schancie@fcbcnyc.org>
Date: Thursday, December 8, 2016 at 12:51 PM
To: "Louis Espiritusanto, Jose" <jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Cereceda, Claudia" <CCereceda@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Schustek, Andrew"
<aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Emma <emma@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Dear Jose and Company,
Again, deep, deep thanks for all of your assistance in securing a spot on the First Lady’s
calendar for our upcoming H.O.P.E. Center ribbon cutting ceremony.  We are over-the-
moon thrilled!
Our phenomenal PR firm, Berlin Rosen is feverishly assisting us with getting the word
out about the ceremony.  With that said, I wanted to introduce our lead PR
professional, Emma Woods to you.  We wanted to make certain that the work of
Emma’s office did not conflict with any of the First Lady’s press corps initiatives.  If you
would kindly connect Emma to the person(s) who oversee Ms. McCray’s media
coverage I would greatly appreciate the gesture (Emma is copied on this communique).
As always, please feel free to reach out to me with any additional questions you may
have surrounding this event.
MAKE it a great day!
From: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose [mailto:jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2016 3:47 PM
To: Sharon Charles-Chancie <schancie@fcbcnyc.org>
Cc: Cereceda, Claudia <CCereceda@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Schustek, Andrew
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
The First Lady is confirmed to attend. Copy the rest of the team here to discuss
logistics. Please note the First Lady timing will be 10AM-10:30AM. We need to make
sure ribbon cutting happens during that time.
Thanks so much!
From: Sharon Charles-Chancie [mailto:schancie@fcbcnyc.org]
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2016 11:56 AM
To: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Thank you and I look forward to hearing back when you have a definitive.

From: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose [mailto:jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2016 12:02 PM
To: Sharon Charles-Chancie <schancie@fcbcnyc.org>
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Hi Sharon, still discussing with the team. we want to make this happens, but still few
items to move around.
Give me until later today. Thanks so much!
From: Sharon Charles-Chancie [mailto:schancie@fcbcnyc.org]
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2016 11:51 AM
To: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Happy Tuesday Jose,
Just circling back (with my hands clasped in a prayer-like position). 
Any word from our First Lady on her interest in attending our
H.O.P.E. Center ribbon cutting ceremony?
Thanks and MAKE it a great day! J
Sharon R. Chancie
Senior Administrative Assistant to Senior Pastor Michael A. Walrond, Jr.
First Corinthian Baptist Church
1912 Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Blvd
New York, NY 10026 USA
Phone: (212) 864-5976 Ext: 21;(Monday – Friday)
Fax: (212) 864-0830
Email:  schancie@fcbcnyc.org
Website: www.fcbcnyc.org
“For with God nothing shall be impossible” Luke 1:37
Kingdom of God business IS my business!
From: Emma Woods
To: Schustek, Andrew
Subject: Re: also
Date: Wednesday, December 14, 2016 12:05:26 PM

Yes it’s outdoors, and yes there will be amplified sound.

If it’s incredibly cold they may move it indoors, but for now it’s outside. 

Emma Woods
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5303
C: 203-568-4780

From: "Schustek, Andrew" <aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: Wednesday, December 14, 2016 at 11:57 AM
To: Emma <emma@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: also

I’m assuming this is an outdoor event? Can you confirm?

From: Camonghne Felix
To: Schustek, Andrew; Carmen Williams; Emma Woods; White, Erin; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Dodge, Ryan
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Date: Wednesday, December 14, 2016 4:44:59 PM
Attachments: HOPE Center Release final.docx

Hi Andrew,
Attached is the final version of our release.  Also, there’s been an addition to the run of show:
Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer will be in attendance.
Any luck on getting a quote for the release?
Camonghne Felix
(d): 646.517.6796 | (c): 646.675.4009
From: Schustek, Andrew [mailto:aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 3:35 PM
To: Carmen Williams; Emma Woods; Camonghne Felix; White, Erin; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Dodge, Ryan
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Thank you!
From: Carmen Williams [mailto:CWilliams@fcbcnyc.org]
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 3:24 PM
To: Emma Woods; Schustek, Andrew; Camonghne Felix; White, Erin; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Dodge, Ryan
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Yes, Rev. Walrond will be acting as MC and will handle the transition between speakers. 

From: Emma Woods [emma@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 3:28 PM
To: Schustek, Andrew; Camonghne Felix; White, Erin; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Dodge, Ryan; Carmen Williams
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting

Yes, there is a podium. Rev Walrond will act as MC. Sharon/Carmen, correct me if I’m wrong. 
Emma Woods
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5303
C: 203-568-4780
From: "Schustek, Andrew" <aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 at 3:12 PM
To: Camonghne Felix <Camonghne.Felix@berlinrosen.com>, "White, Erin"
<EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Emma <emma@berlinrosen.com>, "Cereceda, Claudia"
Cc: "Louis Espiritusanto, Jose" <jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Sharon Charles-Chancie
<schancie@fcbcnyc.org>, "Dodge, Ryan" <RDodge@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting

Hi there,
Will there be a podium, and is the first lady expected to introduce pastor Fraizer? Or will Rev
Walrond handle that and function as an MC?
From: Camonghne Felix [mailto:Camonghne.Felix@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 1:56 PM
To: White, Erin; Emma Woods; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Schustek, Andrew; Sharon Charles-Chancie
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Hi Erin,
Below is our tentative run of show, pending confirmation of other elected officials. If you have any
feedback, please send our way. Thanks!
Ribbon Cutting Program (Draft)
First Corinthian Baptist Church’s H.O.P.E. Center
Rev. Michael A. Walrond, Jr.,
Master of Ceremony and Senior Pastor
First Corinthian Baptist Church
Chirlane I. McCray,
First Lady of New York City,
Creator of ThriveNYC 
Introduction of Center:
Pastor Kyndra Frazier
Associate Pastor of Pastoral Care and Counseling
The H.O.P.E. Center at First Corinthian Baptist Church
Dr. Sydney Hankerson,
Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry at Columbia University,
Ribbon Cutting
You are welcome to enjoy a tour and reception immediately following
Camonghne Felix
(d): 646.517.6796 | (c): 646.675.4009
From: Camonghne Felix
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 10:37 AM
To: 'White, Erin'; Emma Woods; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Schustek, Andrew; Sharon Charles-Chancie
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Good morning Erin,
Attached you’ll find the finalized advisory. We plan to start getting this out soon, so if you could send
us some feedback as soon as possible, that would be ideal. Run of show soon to follow, we waiting
on the finalized version from FCBC. We are also drafting a release for this ribbon-cutting, so if your
office could send us a quote from the First Lady, that would be great!
From: White, Erin [mailto:EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2016 2:59 PM
To: Emma Woods; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Schustek, Andrew; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Camonghne Felix
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Erin White
Communications Advisor, Office of the Mayor
From: Emma Woods
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2016 2:55 PM
To: White, Erin; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Schustek, Andrew; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Camonghne Felix
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Will do — we’ll send you the finalized advisory and run of show as soon as possible. 
Emma Woods
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5303
C: 203-568-4780
From: "White, Erin" <EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Monday, December 12, 2016 at 2:51 PM
To: Emma <emma@berlinrosen.com>, "Cereceda, Claudia" <CCereceda@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Louis Espiritusanto, Jose" <jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Schustek, Andrew"
<aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Sharon Charles-Chancie <schancie@fcbcnyc.org>, Camonghne Felix
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Hi Emma,
I'd like to review the advisory. 
Erin White
Communications Advisor, Office of the Mayor
From: Emma Woods
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2016 2:50 PM
To: Cereceda, Claudia; White, Erin
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Schustek, Andrew; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Camonghne Felix
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Hi, Erin — we’re finalizing the media advisory for the HOPE Center ribbon cutting, which will mention that
the First Lady is attending and giving remarks. We’re planning to start pitching that tomorrow morning to
broadcast, Harlem press, city hall reporters, health reporters, and others. Let us know if you’d like to chat
in advance.
Emma Woods
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5303
C: 203-568-4780
From: "Cereceda, Claudia" <CCereceda@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Friday, December 9, 2016 at 12:44 PM
To: Emma <emma@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: "Louis Espiritusanto, Jose" <jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Schustek, Andrew"
<aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Sharon Charles-Chancie <schancie@fcbcnyc.org>, "White, Erin"
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
+Erin White
Our communications advisor 

Sent while mobile 

On Dec 9, 2016, at 12:20 PM, Emma Woods <emma@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Hi Jose and team — very exciting that the First Lady will be attending the ceremony on
Thursday! We’re currently working on a media advisory and press release, so please let me
know who in your shop we should connect with on anything press-related.
Emma Woods
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5303
C: 203-568-4780
From: Sharon Charles-Chancie <schancie@fcbcnyc.org>
Date: Thursday, December 8, 2016 at 12:51 PM
To: "Louis Espiritusanto, Jose" <jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Cereceda, Claudia" <CCereceda@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Schustek, Andrew"
<aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Emma <emma@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Dear Jose and Company,
Again, deep, deep thanks for all of your assistance in securing a spot on the First Lady’s
calendar for our upcoming H.O.P.E. Center ribbon cutting ceremony.  We are over-the-
moon thrilled!
Our phenomenal PR firm, Berlin Rosen is feverishly assisting us with getting the word
out about the ceremony.  With that said, I wanted to introduce our lead PR
professional, Emma Woods to you.  We wanted to make certain that the work of
Emma’s office did not conflict with any of the First Lady’s press corps initiatives.  If you
would kindly connect Emma to the person(s) who oversee Ms. McCray’s media
coverage I would greatly appreciate the gesture (Emma is copied on this communique).
As always, please feel free to reach out to me with any additional questions you may
have surrounding this event.
MAKE it a great day!
From: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose [mailto:jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2016 3:47 PM
To: Sharon Charles-Chancie <schancie@fcbcnyc.org>
Cc: Cereceda, Claudia <CCereceda@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Schustek, Andrew
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
The First Lady is confirmed to attend. Copy the rest of the team here to discuss
logistics. Please note the First Lady timing will be 10AM-10:30AM. We need to make
sure ribbon cutting happens during that time.
Thanks so much!
From: Sharon Charles-Chancie [mailto:schancie@fcbcnyc.org]
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2016 11:56 AM
To: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Thank you and I look forward to hearing back when you have a definitive.

From: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose [mailto:jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2016 12:02 PM
To: Sharon Charles-Chancie <schancie@fcbcnyc.org>
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Hi Sharon, still discussing with the team. we want to make this happens, but still few
items to move around.
Give me until later today. Thanks so much!
From: Sharon Charles-Chancie [mailto:schancie@fcbcnyc.org]
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2016 11:51 AM
To: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Happy Tuesday Jose,
Just circling back (with my hands clasped in a prayer-like position). 
Any word from our First Lady on her interest in attending our
H.O.P.E. Center ribbon cutting ceremony?
Thanks and MAKE it a great day! J

Sharon R. Chancie
Senior Administrative Assistant to Senior Pastor Michael A. Walrond, Jr.
First Corinthian Baptist Church
1912 Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Blvd
New York, NY 10026 USA
Phone: (212) 864-5976 Ext: 21;(Monday – Friday)
Fax: (212) 864-0830
Email:  schancie@fcbcnyc.org
Website: www.fcbcnyc.org
“For with God nothing shall be impossible” Luke 1:37
Kingdom of God business IS my business!
For Immediate Release: December 15th, 2016
Contact: Camonghne Felix, 646.517.6796, Camonghne.Felix@berlinrosen.com
*Photos Available Upon Request

Historic Harlem Church Cuts Ribbon on First-of-its-Kind Mental Health

Center with First Lady Chirlane McCray, Elected Officials

First Corinthian Baptist Church Opens New HOPE Center, Will Offer High-Quality,
Affordable Mental Health Services to Harlem Community

Groundbreaking Facility Takes a New Approach to Breaking Down Mental Health

Stigmas in the Black Church

Harlem, NY – First Corinthian Baptist Church (FCBC) today marked the official opening of the
HOPE Center, a new facility on West 116th street in Harlem that will offer affordable, hands-on,
high-quality mental health counseling services to an underserved community. With this new
resource, FCBC and Senior Pastor Rev. Michael A. Walrond, Jr. lead the charge in providing
better mental health care to historically neglected African American communities, breaking
down longstanding stigmas in the church and reducing cost barriers to care.

Pastor Walrond, who leads FCBC’s congregation of more than 11,000 and heads New York City’s
Clergy Advisory Council, was joined by New York City First Lady Chirlane McCray, Assistant
Professor of Clinical Psychiatry at Columbia University Dr. Sidney Hankerson, and members of
the Harlem community to celebrate the occasion with a ribbon cutting at the HOPE Center.

“For too long, the response from church leaders to real mental health problems has been
silence – or worse, a call to ‘pray it away.’ Today, we take a step toward healing and
empowering our community by providing access to inexpensive, quality mental health
counseling right here in Harlem,” said Rev. Michael A. Walrond Jr., Senior Pastor at First
Corinthian Baptist Church. “Getting help should not be taboo – in fact, it is the first step toward
realizing one’s full potential. I look forward to welcoming New Yorkers through the doors of the
HOPE Center.”

“XXX,” said New York City First Lady Chirlane McCray.

The HOPE Center, which stands for Healing On Purpose and Evolving, will be staffed by licensed
clinicians and led by Rev. Kyndra Frazier, FCBC’s new Associate Pastor of Pastoral Care and
Counseling. The counselors will provide affordable, effective therapeutic services to those in
need, with the ability to support a variety of everyday challenges likely to impact members of
the community, including depression, anxiety, trauma, sexual assault, domestic violence,
bereavement counseling and marriage guidance. The 735 square foot facility, within walking
distance of the church, contains space for both one-on-one and group counseling.

Rev. Kyndra Frazier, Associate Pastor of Pastoral Care and Counseling at First Corinthian
Baptist Church, said: “Too often, faith communities are held back from engaging in mental
health services – but First Corinthian Baptist Church recognizes the importance of addressing
psychological and socio-emotional issues in light of our faith. This holistic approach to caring for
people has the potential to be a model for faith communities around the world. I am looking
forward to the HOPE Center becoming one of the world’s premier models for addressing
religious trauma, and trauma in general.”

About First Corinthian Baptist Church

FCBC is an ever-evolving church community of visionaries and dreamers located in New York,
NY. Currently led by Senior Pastor Michael A. Walrond Jr., it was founded in 1933. The 10,000+
plus congregation serves the greater Harlem community through 21 dynamic ministries. For
more information, please visit fcbcnyc.org.

From: Camonghne Felix
To: Schustek, Andrew; Carmen Williams; Emma Woods; White, Erin; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Dodge, Ryan
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Date: Wednesday, December 14, 2016 4:51:15 PM

I believe her remarks will follow the First Lady’s – Carmen, correct me if I’m wrong.
Camonghne Felix
(d): 646.517.6796 | (c): 646.675.4009
From: Schustek, Andrew [mailto:aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2016 4:49 PM
To: Camonghne Felix; Carmen Williams; Emma Woods; White, Erin; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Dodge, Ryan
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Also, where is the BP in the run of show?
Mobile, please excuse typos and brevity
From: Schustek, Andrew
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2016 4:48 PM
To: Camonghne Felix; Carmen Williams; Emma Woods; White, Erin; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Dodge, Ryan
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting

Erin can handle all questions related to press and comms. Thanks! 
Mobile, please excuse typos and brevity
From: Camonghne Felix
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2016 4:44 PM
To: Schustek, Andrew; Carmen Williams; Emma Woods; White, Erin; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Dodge, Ryan
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting

Hi Andrew,
Attached is the final version of our release.  Also, there’s been an addition to the run of show:
Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer will be in attendance.
Any luck on getting a quote for the release?
Camonghne Felix
(d): 646.517.6796 | (c): 646.675.4009
From: Schustek, Andrew [mailto:aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 3:35 PM
To: Carmen Williams; Emma Woods; Camonghne Felix; White, Erin; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Dodge, Ryan
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Thank you!
From: Carmen Williams [mailto:CWilliams@fcbcnyc.org]
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 3:24 PM
To: Emma Woods; Schustek, Andrew; Camonghne Felix; White, Erin; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Dodge, Ryan
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Yes, Rev. Walrond will be acting as MC and will handle the transition between speakers. 

From: Emma Woods [emma@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 3:28 PM
To: Schustek, Andrew; Camonghne Felix; White, Erin; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Dodge, Ryan; Carmen Williams
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting

Yes, there is a podium. Rev Walrond will act as MC. Sharon/Carmen, correct me if I’m wrong. 
Emma Woods
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5303
C: 203-568-4780
From: "Schustek, Andrew" <aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 at 3:12 PM
To: Camonghne Felix <Camonghne.Felix@berlinrosen.com>, "White, Erin"
<EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Emma <emma@berlinrosen.com>, "Cereceda, Claudia"
Cc: "Louis Espiritusanto, Jose" <jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Sharon Charles-Chancie
<schancie@fcbcnyc.org>, "Dodge, Ryan" <RDodge@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting

Hi there,
Will there be a podium, and is the first lady expected to introduce pastor Fraizer? Or will Rev
Walrond handle that and function as an MC?
From: Camonghne Felix [mailto:Camonghne.Felix@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 1:56 PM
To: White, Erin; Emma Woods; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Schustek, Andrew; Sharon Charles-Chancie
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Hi Erin,
Below is our tentative run of show, pending confirmation of other elected officials. If you have any
feedback, please send our way. Thanks!
Ribbon Cutting Program (Draft)
First Corinthian Baptist Church’s H.O.P.E. Center
Rev. Michael A. Walrond, Jr.,
Master of Ceremony and Senior Pastor
First Corinthian Baptist Church
Chirlane I. McCray,
First Lady of New York City,
Creator of ThriveNYC 
Introduction of Center:
Pastor Kyndra Frazier
Associate Pastor of Pastoral Care and Counseling
The H.O.P.E. Center at First Corinthian Baptist Church
Dr. Sydney Hankerson,
Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry at Columbia University,
Ribbon Cutting
You are welcome to enjoy a tour and reception immediately following
Camonghne Felix
(d): 646.517.6796 | (c): 646.675.4009
From: Camonghne Felix
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 10:37 AM
To: 'White, Erin'; Emma Woods; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Schustek, Andrew; Sharon Charles-Chancie
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Good morning Erin,
Attached you’ll find the finalized advisory. We plan to start getting this out soon, so if you could send
us some feedback as soon as possible, that would be ideal. Run of show soon to follow, we waiting
on the finalized version from FCBC. We are also drafting a release for this ribbon-cutting, so if your
office could send us a quote from the First Lady, that would be great!
From: White, Erin [mailto:EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2016 2:59 PM
To: Emma Woods; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Schustek, Andrew; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Camonghne Felix
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Erin White
Communications Advisor, Office of the Mayor
From: Emma Woods
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2016 2:55 PM
To: White, Erin; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Schustek, Andrew; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Camonghne Felix
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Will do — we’ll send you the finalized advisory and run of show as soon as possible. 
Emma Woods
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5303
C: 203-568-4780
From: "White, Erin" <EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Monday, December 12, 2016 at 2:51 PM
To: Emma <emma@berlinrosen.com>, "Cereceda, Claudia" <CCereceda@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Louis Espiritusanto, Jose" <jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Schustek, Andrew"
<aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Sharon Charles-Chancie <schancie@fcbcnyc.org>, Camonghne Felix
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Hi Emma,
I'd like to review the advisory. 
Erin White
Communications Advisor, Office of the Mayor
From: Emma Woods
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2016 2:50 PM
To: Cereceda, Claudia; White, Erin
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Schustek, Andrew; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Camonghne Felix
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Hi, Erin — we’re finalizing the media advisory for the HOPE Center ribbon cutting, which will mention that
the First Lady is attending and giving remarks. We’re planning to start pitching that tomorrow morning to
broadcast, Harlem press, city hall reporters, health reporters, and others. Let us know if you’d like to chat
in advance.
Emma Woods
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5303
C: 203-568-4780
From: "Cereceda, Claudia" <CCereceda@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Friday, December 9, 2016 at 12:44 PM
To: Emma <emma@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: "Louis Espiritusanto, Jose" <jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Schustek, Andrew"
<aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Sharon Charles-Chancie <schancie@fcbcnyc.org>, "White, Erin"
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
+Erin White
Our communications advisor 

Sent while mobile 

On Dec 9, 2016, at 12:20 PM, Emma Woods <emma@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Hi Jose and team — very exciting that the First Lady will be attending the ceremony on
Thursday! We’re currently working on a media advisory and press release, so please let me
know who in your shop we should connect with on anything press-related.
Emma Woods
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5303
C: 203-568-4780
From: Sharon Charles-Chancie <schancie@fcbcnyc.org>
Date: Thursday, December 8, 2016 at 12:51 PM
To: "Louis Espiritusanto, Jose" <jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Cereceda, Claudia" <CCereceda@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Schustek, Andrew"
<aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Emma <emma@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Dear Jose and Company,
Again, deep, deep thanks for all of your assistance in securing a spot on the First Lady’s
calendar for our upcoming H.O.P.E. Center ribbon cutting ceremony.  We are over-the-
moon thrilled!
Our phenomenal PR firm, Berlin Rosen is feverishly assisting us with getting the word
out about the ceremony.  With that said, I wanted to introduce our lead PR
professional, Emma Woods to you.  We wanted to make certain that the work of
Emma’s office did not conflict with any of the First Lady’s press corps initiatives.  If you
would kindly connect Emma to the person(s) who oversee Ms. McCray’s media
coverage I would greatly appreciate the gesture (Emma is copied on this communique).
As always, please feel free to reach out to me with any additional questions you may
have surrounding this event.
MAKE it a great day!
From: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose [mailto:jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2016 3:47 PM
To: Sharon Charles-Chancie <schancie@fcbcnyc.org>
Cc: Cereceda, Claudia <CCereceda@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Schustek, Andrew
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
The First Lady is confirmed to attend. Copy the rest of the team here to discuss
logistics. Please note the First Lady timing will be 10AM-10:30AM. We need to make
sure ribbon cutting happens during that time.
Thanks so much!
From: Sharon Charles-Chancie [mailto:schancie@fcbcnyc.org]
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2016 11:56 AM
To: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Thank you and I look forward to hearing back when you have a definitive.

From: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose [mailto:jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2016 12:02 PM
To: Sharon Charles-Chancie <schancie@fcbcnyc.org>
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Hi Sharon, still discussing with the team. we want to make this happens, but still few
items to move around.
Give me until later today. Thanks so much!
From: Sharon Charles-Chancie [mailto:schancie@fcbcnyc.org]
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2016 11:51 AM
To: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Happy Tuesday Jose,
Just circling back (with my hands clasped in a prayer-like position). 
Any word from our First Lady on her interest in attending our
H.O.P.E. Center ribbon cutting ceremony?
Thanks and MAKE it a great day! J

Sharon R. Chancie
Senior Administrative Assistant to Senior Pastor Michael A. Walrond, Jr.
First Corinthian Baptist Church
1912 Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Blvd
New York, NY 10026 USA
Phone: (212) 864-5976 Ext: 21;(Monday – Friday)
Fax: (212) 864-0830
Email:  schancie@fcbcnyc.org
Website: www.fcbcnyc.org
“For with God nothing shall be impossible” Luke 1:37
Kingdom of God business IS my business!
From: White, Erin
To: "Camonghne Felix"; Schustek, Andrew; Carmen Williams; Emma Woods; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Dodge, Ryan
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Date: Wednesday, December 14, 2016 4:59:49 PM

Great – thanks!
Erin White
Communications Advisor, Office of the Mayor
O: 212-341-5030
C: 347-789-0501
From: Camonghne Felix [mailto:Camonghne.Felix@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2016 4:58 PM
To: White, Erin; Schustek, Andrew; Carmen Williams; Emma Woods; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Dodge, Ryan
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Hi Erin,
We have Amsterdam News & DNA info confirmed. Daily News, CityLab, WNYC, El Diario and The
Root are all considering. We’ll know more about broadcast in the morning.
Camonghne Felix
(d): 646.517.6796 | (c): 646.675.4009
From: White, Erin [mailto:EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2016 4:50 PM
To: Schustek, Andrew; Camonghne Felix; Carmen Williams; Emma Woods; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Dodge, Ryan
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Hi all,
Still working on the quote. Do we have any press confirmed for tomorrow?

Erin White
Communications Advisor, Office of the Mayor
O: 212-341-5030
C: 347-789-0501
From: Schustek, Andrew
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2016 4:49 PM
To: Camonghne Felix; Carmen Williams; Emma Woods; White, Erin; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Dodge, Ryan
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Also, where is the BP in the run of show?
Mobile, please excuse typos and brevity
From: Schustek, Andrew
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2016 4:48 PM
To: Camonghne Felix; Carmen Williams; Emma Woods; White, Erin; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Dodge, Ryan
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting

Erin can handle all questions related to press and comms. Thanks! 
Mobile, please excuse typos and brevity
From: Camonghne Felix
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2016 4:44 PM
To: Schustek, Andrew; Carmen Williams; Emma Woods; White, Erin; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Dodge, Ryan
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting

Hi Andrew,
Attached is the final version of our release.  Also, there’s been an addition to the run of show:
Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer will be in attendance.
Any luck on getting a quote for the release?
Camonghne Felix
(d): 646.517.6796 | (c): 646.675.4009
From: Schustek, Andrew [mailto:aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 3:35 PM
To: Carmen Williams; Emma Woods; Camonghne Felix; White, Erin; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Dodge, Ryan
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Thank you!
From: Carmen Williams [mailto:CWilliams@fcbcnyc.org]
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 3:24 PM
To: Emma Woods; Schustek, Andrew; Camonghne Felix; White, Erin; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Dodge, Ryan
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Yes, Rev. Walrond will be acting as MC and will handle the transition between speakers. 

From: Emma Woods [emma@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 3:28 PM
To: Schustek, Andrew; Camonghne Felix; White, Erin; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Dodge, Ryan; Carmen Williams
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting

Yes, there is a podium. Rev Walrond will act as MC. Sharon/Carmen, correct me if I’m wrong. 
Emma Woods
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5303
C: 203-568-4780
From: "Schustek, Andrew" <aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 at 3:12 PM
To: Camonghne Felix <Camonghne.Felix@berlinrosen.com>, "White, Erin"
<EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Emma <emma@berlinrosen.com>, "Cereceda, Claudia"
Cc: "Louis Espiritusanto, Jose" <jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Sharon Charles-Chancie
<schancie@fcbcnyc.org>, "Dodge, Ryan" <RDodge@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting

Hi there,
Will there be a podium, and is the first lady expected to introduce pastor Fraizer? Or will Rev
Walrond handle that and function as an MC?
From: Camonghne Felix [mailto:Camonghne.Felix@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 1:56 PM
To: White, Erin; Emma Woods; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Schustek, Andrew; Sharon Charles-Chancie
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Hi Erin,
Below is our tentative run of show, pending confirmation of other elected officials. If you have any
feedback, please send our way. Thanks!
Ribbon Cutting Program (Draft)
First Corinthian Baptist Church’s H.O.P.E. Center
Rev. Michael A. Walrond, Jr.,
Master of Ceremony and Senior Pastor
First Corinthian Baptist Church
Chirlane I. McCray,
First Lady of New York City,
Creator of ThriveNYC 
Introduction of Center:
Pastor Kyndra Frazier
Associate Pastor of Pastoral Care and Counseling
The H.O.P.E. Center at First Corinthian Baptist Church
Dr. Sydney Hankerson,
Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry at Columbia University,
Ribbon Cutting
You are welcome to enjoy a tour and reception immediately following
Camonghne Felix
(d): 646.517.6796 | (c): 646.675.4009
From: Camonghne Felix
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 10:37 AM
To: 'White, Erin'; Emma Woods; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Schustek, Andrew; Sharon Charles-Chancie
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Good morning Erin,
Attached you’ll find the finalized advisory. We plan to start getting this out soon, so if you could send
us some feedback as soon as possible, that would be ideal. Run of show soon to follow, we waiting
on the finalized version from FCBC. We are also drafting a release for this ribbon-cutting, so if your
office could send us a quote from the First Lady, that would be great!
From: White, Erin [mailto:EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2016 2:59 PM
To: Emma Woods; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Schustek, Andrew; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Camonghne Felix
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Erin White
Communications Advisor, Office of the Mayor
From: Emma Woods
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2016 2:55 PM
To: White, Erin; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Schustek, Andrew; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Camonghne Felix
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Will do — we’ll send you the finalized advisory and run of show as soon as possible. 
Emma Woods
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5303
C: 203-568-4780
From: "White, Erin" <EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Monday, December 12, 2016 at 2:51 PM
To: Emma <emma@berlinrosen.com>, "Cereceda, Claudia" <CCereceda@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Louis Espiritusanto, Jose" <jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Schustek, Andrew"
<aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Sharon Charles-Chancie <schancie@fcbcnyc.org>, Camonghne Felix
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Hi Emma,
I'd like to review the advisory. 
Erin White
Communications Advisor, Office of the Mayor
From: Emma Woods
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2016 2:50 PM
To: Cereceda, Claudia; White, Erin
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Schustek, Andrew; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Camonghne Felix
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Hi, Erin — we’re finalizing the media advisory for the HOPE Center ribbon cutting, which will mention that
the First Lady is attending and giving remarks. We’re planning to start pitching that tomorrow morning to
broadcast, Harlem press, city hall reporters, health reporters, and others. Let us know if you’d like to chat
in advance.
Emma Woods
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5303
C: 203-568-4780
From: "Cereceda, Claudia" <CCereceda@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Friday, December 9, 2016 at 12:44 PM
To: Emma <emma@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: "Louis Espiritusanto, Jose" <jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Schustek, Andrew"
<aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Sharon Charles-Chancie <schancie@fcbcnyc.org>, "White, Erin"
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
+Erin White
Our communications advisor 

Sent while mobile 

On Dec 9, 2016, at 12:20 PM, Emma Woods <emma@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Hi Jose and team — very exciting that the First Lady will be attending the ceremony on
Thursday! We’re currently working on a media advisory and press release, so please let me
know who in your shop we should connect with on anything press-related.
Emma Woods
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5303
C: 203-568-4780
From: Sharon Charles-Chancie <schancie@fcbcnyc.org>
Date: Thursday, December 8, 2016 at 12:51 PM
To: "Louis Espiritusanto, Jose" <jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Cereceda, Claudia" <CCereceda@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Schustek, Andrew"
<aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Emma <emma@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Dear Jose and Company,
Again, deep, deep thanks for all of your assistance in securing a spot on the First Lady’s
calendar for our upcoming H.O.P.E. Center ribbon cutting ceremony.  We are over-the-
moon thrilled!
Our phenomenal PR firm, Berlin Rosen is feverishly assisting us with getting the word
out about the ceremony.  With that said, I wanted to introduce our lead PR
professional, Emma Woods to you.  We wanted to make certain that the work of
Emma’s office did not conflict with any of the First Lady’s press corps initiatives.  If you
would kindly connect Emma to the person(s) who oversee Ms. McCray’s media
coverage I would greatly appreciate the gesture (Emma is copied on this communique).
As always, please feel free to reach out to me with any additional questions you may
have surrounding this event.
MAKE it a great day!
From: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose [mailto:jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2016 3:47 PM
To: Sharon Charles-Chancie <schancie@fcbcnyc.org>
Cc: Cereceda, Claudia <CCereceda@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Schustek, Andrew
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
The First Lady is confirmed to attend. Copy the rest of the team here to discuss
logistics. Please note the First Lady timing will be 10AM-10:30AM. We need to make
sure ribbon cutting happens during that time.
Thanks so much!
From: Sharon Charles-Chancie [mailto:schancie@fcbcnyc.org]
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2016 11:56 AM
To: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Thank you and I look forward to hearing back when you have a definitive.

From: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose [mailto:jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2016 12:02 PM
To: Sharon Charles-Chancie <schancie@fcbcnyc.org>
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Hi Sharon, still discussing with the team. we want to make this happens, but still few
items to move around.
Give me until later today. Thanks so much!
From: Sharon Charles-Chancie [mailto:schancie@fcbcnyc.org]
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2016 11:51 AM
To: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Happy Tuesday Jose,
Just circling back (with my hands clasped in a prayer-like position). 
Any word from our First Lady on her interest in attending our
H.O.P.E. Center ribbon cutting ceremony?
Thanks and MAKE it a great day! J
Sharon R. Chancie
Senior Administrative Assistant to Senior Pastor Michael A. Walrond, Jr.
First Corinthian Baptist Church
1912 Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Blvd
New York, NY 10026 USA
Phone: (212) 864-5976 Ext: 21;(Monday – Friday)
Fax: (212) 864-0830
Email:  schancie@fcbcnyc.org
Website: www.fcbcnyc.org
“For with God nothing shall be impossible” Luke 1:37
Kingdom of God business IS my business!
From: Carmen Williams
To: Schustek, Andrew; Camonghne Felix; Emma Woods; White, Erin; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Dodge, Ryan
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Date: Wednesday, December 14, 2016 5:04:28 PM

Yes, correct. After the First lady. 

From: Schustek, Andrew [aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2016 4:48 PM
To: Camonghne Felix; Carmen Williams; Emma Woods; White, Erin; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Dodge, Ryan
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting

Also, where is the BP in the run of show?

Mobile, please excuse typos and brevity
From: Schustek, Andrew
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2016 4:48 PM
To: Camonghne Felix; Carmen Williams; Emma Woods; White, Erin; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Dodge, Ryan
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting

Erin can handle all questions related to press and comms. Thanks! 

Mobile, please excuse typos and brevity
From: Camonghne Felix
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2016 4:44 PM
To: Schustek, Andrew; Carmen Williams; Emma Woods; White, Erin; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Dodge, Ryan
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting

Hi Andrew,
Attached is the final version of our release.  Also, there’s been an addition to the run of show:
Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer will be in attendance.
Any luck on getting a quote for the release?
Camonghne Felix
(d): 646.517.6796 | (c): 646.675.4009
From: Schustek, Andrew [mailto:aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 3:35 PM
To: Carmen Williams; Emma Woods; Camonghne Felix; White, Erin; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Dodge, Ryan
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Thank you!
From: Carmen Williams [mailto:CWilliams@fcbcnyc.org]
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 3:24 PM
To: Emma Woods; Schustek, Andrew; Camonghne Felix; White, Erin; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Dodge, Ryan
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Yes, Rev. Walrond will be acting as MC and will handle the transition between speakers. 

From: Emma Woods [emma@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 3:28 PM
To: Schustek, Andrew; Camonghne Felix; White, Erin; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Dodge, Ryan; Carmen Williams
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting

Yes, there is a podium. Rev Walrond will act as MC. Sharon/Carmen, correct me if I’m wrong. 
Emma Woods
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5303
C: 203-568-4780
From: "Schustek, Andrew" <aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 at 3:12 PM
To: Camonghne Felix <Camonghne.Felix@berlinrosen.com>, "White, Erin"
<EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Emma <emma@berlinrosen.com>, "Cereceda, Claudia"
Cc: "Louis Espiritusanto, Jose" <jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Sharon Charles-Chancie
<schancie@fcbcnyc.org>, "Dodge, Ryan" <RDodge@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Hi there,
Will there be a podium, and is the first lady expected to introduce pastor Fraizer? Or will Rev
Walrond handle that and function as an MC?
From: Camonghne Felix [mailto:Camonghne.Felix@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 1:56 PM
To: White, Erin; Emma Woods; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Schustek, Andrew; Sharon Charles-Chancie
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Hi Erin,
Below is our tentative run of show, pending confirmation of other elected officials. If you have any
feedback, please send our way. Thanks!
Ribbon Cutting Program (Draft)
First Corinthian Baptist Church’s H.O.P.E. Center
Rev. Michael A. Walrond, Jr.,
Master of Ceremony and Senior Pastor
First Corinthian Baptist Church
Chirlane I. McCray,
First Lady of New York City,
Creator of ThriveNYC 
Introduction of Center:
Pastor Kyndra Frazier
Associate Pastor of Pastoral Care and Counseling
The H.O.P.E. Center at First Corinthian Baptist Church
Dr. Sydney Hankerson,
Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry at Columbia University,
Ribbon Cutting
You are welcome to enjoy a tour and reception immediately following
Camonghne Felix
(d): 646.517.6796 | (c): 646.675.4009
From: Camonghne Felix
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 10:37 AM
To: 'White, Erin'; Emma Woods; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Schustek, Andrew; Sharon Charles-Chancie
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Good morning Erin,
Attached you’ll find the finalized advisory. We plan to start getting this out soon, so if you could send
us some feedback as soon as possible, that would be ideal. Run of show soon to follow, we waiting
on the finalized version from FCBC. We are also drafting a release for this ribbon-cutting, so if your
office could send us a quote from the First Lady, that would be great!
From: White, Erin [mailto:EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2016 2:59 PM
To: Emma Woods; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Schustek, Andrew; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Camonghne Felix
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Erin White
Communications Advisor, Office of the Mayor
From: Emma Woods
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2016 2:55 PM
To: White, Erin; Cereceda, Claudia
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Schustek, Andrew; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Camonghne Felix
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Will do — we’ll send you the finalized advisory and run of show as soon as possible. 
Emma Woods
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5303
C: 203-568-4780
From: "White, Erin" <EWhite@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Monday, December 12, 2016 at 2:51 PM
To: Emma <emma@berlinrosen.com>, "Cereceda, Claudia" <CCereceda@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Louis Espiritusanto, Jose" <jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Schustek, Andrew"
<aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Sharon Charles-Chancie <schancie@fcbcnyc.org>, Camonghne Felix
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Hi Emma,
I'd like to review the advisory. 
Erin White
Communications Advisor, Office of the Mayor
From: Emma Woods
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2016 2:50 PM
To: Cereceda, Claudia; White, Erin
Cc: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose; Schustek, Andrew; Sharon Charles-Chancie; Camonghne Felix
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Hi, Erin — we’re finalizing the media advisory for the HOPE Center ribbon cutting, which will mention that
the First Lady is attending and giving remarks. We’re planning to start pitching that tomorrow morning to
broadcast, Harlem press, city hall reporters, health reporters, and others. Let us know if you’d like to chat
in advance.
Emma Woods
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5303
C: 203-568-4780
From: "Cereceda, Claudia" <CCereceda@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Friday, December 9, 2016 at 12:44 PM
To: Emma <emma@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: "Louis Espiritusanto, Jose" <jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Schustek, Andrew"
<aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Sharon Charles-Chancie <schancie@fcbcnyc.org>, "White, Erin"
Subject: Re: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
+Erin White
Our communications advisor 

Sent while mobile 

On Dec 9, 2016, at 12:20 PM, Emma Woods <emma@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Hi Jose and team — very exciting that the First Lady will be attending the ceremony on
Thursday! We’re currently working on a media advisory and press release, so please let me
know who in your shop we should connect with on anything press-related.
Emma Woods
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646-200-5303
C: 203-568-4780
From: Sharon Charles-Chancie <schancie@fcbcnyc.org>
Date: Thursday, December 8, 2016 at 12:51 PM
To: "Louis Espiritusanto, Jose" <jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Cereceda, Claudia" <CCereceda@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Schustek, Andrew"
<aschustek@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Emma <emma@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Dear Jose and Company,
Again, deep, deep thanks for all of your assistance in securing a spot on the First Lady’s
calendar for our upcoming H.O.P.E. Center ribbon cutting ceremony.  We are over-the-
moon thrilled!
Our phenomenal PR firm, Berlin Rosen is feverishly assisting us with getting the word
out about the ceremony.  With that said, I wanted to introduce our lead PR
professional, Emma Woods to you.  We wanted to make certain that the work of
Emma’s office did not conflict with any of the First Lady’s press corps initiatives.  If you
would kindly connect Emma to the person(s) who oversee Ms. McCray’s media
coverage I would greatly appreciate the gesture (Emma is copied on this communique).
As always, please feel free to reach out to me with any additional questions you may
have surrounding this event.
MAKE it a great day!
From: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose [mailto:jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2016 3:47 PM
To: Sharon Charles-Chancie <schancie@fcbcnyc.org>
Cc: Cereceda, Claudia <CCereceda@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Schustek, Andrew
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
The First Lady is confirmed to attend. Copy the rest of the team here to discuss
logistics. Please note the First Lady timing will be 10AM-10:30AM. We need to make
sure ribbon cutting happens during that time.
Thanks so much!
From: Sharon Charles-Chancie [mailto:schancie@fcbcnyc.org]
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2016 11:56 AM
To: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Thank you and I look forward to hearing back when you have a definitive.

From: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose [mailto:jlouis@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2016 12:02 PM
To: Sharon Charles-Chancie <schancie@fcbcnyc.org>
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Hi Sharon, still discussing with the team. we want to make this happens, but still few
items to move around.
Give me until later today. Thanks so much!
From: Sharon Charles-Chancie [mailto:schancie@fcbcnyc.org]
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2016 11:51 AM
To: Louis Espiritusanto, Jose
Subject: RE: HOPE Center Ribbon Cutting
Happy Tuesday Jose,
Just circling back (with my hands clasped in a prayer-like position). 
Any word from our First Lady on her interest in attending our
H.O.P.E. Center ribbon cutting ceremony?
Thanks and MAKE it a great day! J
Sharon R. Chancie
Senior Administrative Assistant to Senior Pastor Michael A. Walrond, Jr.
First Corinthian Baptist Church
1912 Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Blvd
New York, NY 10026 USA
Phone: (212) 864-5976 Ext: 21;(Monday – Friday)
Fax: (212) 864-0830
Email:  schancie@fcbcnyc.org
Website: www.fcbcnyc.org
“For with God nothing shall be impossible” Luke 1:37
Kingdom of God business IS my business!
From: Boeglin, Rosemary
To: "Camonghne Felix"
Subject: RE: Great Meeting You Today
Date: Monday, December 19, 2016 1:55:17 PM

Hey Camonghne!
Likewise, so good to meet you and great to work with you. Let’ definitely try to get something on the
calendar for after the New Year. I’m sure we can find ONE day where we both have a free lunch
hour to spare J
Happiest holidays and I’ll talk to you soon!
Rosemary Boeglin | Assistant Press Secretary | Mayor’s Press Office
o: (212) 788-3112 | c: (347) 244-9900 | @RosemaryBoeglin

From: Camonghne Felix [mailto:Camonghne.Felix@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2016 9:47 PM
To: Boeglin, Rosemary
Subject: Great Meeting You Today

Hey lady!

Thanks for all of your great work today - your team helped make today's press conference a

Would love to chat/grab coffee or drinks at some point. I know we're both super busy so all
good if that's not possible until June LOL. You're at city hall and I'm on Wall Street, so it
seems doable. I've attached my business card -- keep in touch!

Sent from my iPhone

From: McMorrow, Matthew
To: Michael Czaczkes; Kelsey Louie
Cc: Danielle Filson
Subject: RE: Request for a quote
Date: Monday, December 19, 2016 10:24:38 PM

Beautiful. Thank you!!

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

-------- Original message --------

From: Michael Czaczkes <MichaelC@GMHC.org>
Date: 12/19/16 9:13 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: "McMorrow, Matthew" <MMcMorrow@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Kelsey Louie
Cc: Danielle Filson <Danielle.Filson@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Request for a quote

Matt - 

Here's a quote from Kelsey for the release. 

Can you also make sure we get a copy of the final one? We would like to share on social media and with
staff and clients. Thanks!

“Health care coverage plays a key role in reducing costs and improving outcomes for serious and life-
threatening conditions, including HIV and AIDS. For that reason, GMHC has patient care navigators on
staff to assist and advise our clients who are seeking enrollment. Thank you Mayor de Blasio for
launching this critical initiative that seeks to increase enrollment rates and expand access to affordable
health care.” - Kelsey Louie, CEO of GMHC

Michael Czaczkes
he, him, his
Director of Policy and Public Affairs
Gay Men's Health Crisis

From: McMorrow, Matthew [MMcMorrow@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Monday, December 19, 2016 5:29 PM
To: Michael Czaczkes; Kelsey Louie
Cc: Danielle Filson
Subject: RE: Request for a quote

Awesome.  Thanks, Michael.  If we can get it by 9AM, that would be great.  Sooner would be better,
of course.  Also, please let me know if anyone from your team can attend the press conference.  I
know it’s short notice.
Matthew T. McMorrow
Senior Advisor
Community Affairs Unit
Office of the Mayor
212-748-0342 (o)
646-951-6774 (m)
From: Michael Czaczkes [mailto:MichaelC@GMHC.org]
Sent: Monday, December 19, 2016 4:13 PM
To: McMorrow, Matthew; Kelsey Louie
Cc: Danielle Filson
Subject: RE: Request for a quote
Hi Matt –
We will get something to you.
Michael Czaczkes, MPA
Director, Public Affairs and Policy 
Gay Men’s Health Crisis (GMHC)
Pronouns: he, him, his
Office (212) 367-1185 | Cell (347) 458-6020
From: McMorrow, Matthew [mailto:MMcMorrow@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, December 19, 2016 3:35 PM
To: Kelsey Louie <KelseyL@GMHC.org>
Cc: Michael Czaczkes <MichaelC@GMHC.org>
Subject: Request for a quote
Hi Kelsey and Michael,
Hope you are both well.  As you know, I just joined the Mayor’s Office (thanks for the Tweet!) and
look forward to working with you in my new capacity.  I was wondering if you would be willing to
provide a quote to go out with this press release to be issued tomorrow morning?    You and other
members of your staff are also invited to join the mayor at the press conference tomorrow morning
at 10AM at Gouverneur Hospital, 227 Madison St, New York, NY 10002.
Matthew T. McMorrow
Senior Advisor
Community Affairs Unit
Office of the Mayor
212-748-0342 (o)
646-951-6774 (m)
Mayor de Blasio Launches GetCoveredNYC Initiative To Enroll More New Yorkers In
Health Insurance Programs
Long-term initiative to enroll New Yorkers in no-and-low-cost- insurance; XYZ eligible New
Yorkers not receiving health insurance today
Open enrollment period ends Jan 31st, 2017
NEW YORK-- Mayor Bill de Blasio was today joined by Health and Hospitals Interim CEO
Stan Brezenoff, XYZtktk  at XYZtktk to launch the GetCoveredNYC campaign focused on
enrolling more New Yorkers in health insurance, and providing them with access to primary
and preventive care at public Health + Hospitals facilities. An estimated XYZ New Yorkers
who are otherwise eligible for health insurance are not taking advantage of existing
enrollment options.

The mayor’s office has partnered with Health + Hospitals, the Human Resources
Administration, the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, and MetroPlus to launch this
ambitious campaign. On December 10th, the city hosted five enrollment events focused on
engaging potential youth applicants and assisting them in applying for coverage.
“We don’t know the future of the Affordable Care Act, but we do know that Obamacare and
Medicaid expansion are helping New Yorkers daily,” said Mayor de Blasio. “We must
continue to enroll eligible residents in these vital programs, paying special attention to those
most appealing to low-income residents— such as Medicaid and the Essential plan.”
Throughout the campaign, GetCoveredNYC outreach teams will proactively engage
uninsured New Yorkers who have visited Health + Hospitals facilities. In order to reach the
maximum number of New Yorkers, the campaign will include office hours at community
partner or elected officials’ offices, providing direct access to in-person assistance from
outreach specialists. Specialists will schedule individuals for an enrollment appointment and
case-manage each applicant through the entire process. The open enrollment period will
end on January 31, 2017.

Depending on income and other criteria, applicants may be eligible for Medicaid at no cost.
Those whose earnings exceed Medicaid limits may be eligible for the Essential Plan, which
also offers a comprehensive coverage package for either $20 monthly premium or nothing,
depending on income. Those earning more— between 200 and 400 percent of the federal
poverty level—may be eligible for Qualified Health Plan coverage, offered by MetroPlus and
others, with public subsidies on a sliding scale, reflecting income. All the plans cover
inpatient and outpatient care, physician services, diagnostic services, and prescription drugs.
While NYC Health + Hospitals makes care available to all New Yorkers, regardless of ability
to pay, the public health system emphasizes the importance of insurance enrollment as a tool
to best engage patients in their health and health care— as opposed to waiting until health
issues reach critical levels and require emergency room or inpatient care, the most expensive
care for the system. Further, to address its financial challenges, NYC Health + Hospitals
needs more of its patient population to gain access to insurance to help close its growing
budget gap.
“Our national healthcare landscape has changed, and much as we’ve had to re-imagine ways
to more effectively deliver care, we’ve also had to think creatively as to how that care will be
paid for,” said Health + Hospitals Interim President and CEO Stan Brezenoff.
“Increasing healthcare enrollment is the best thing for New Yorkers in need, and the best
thing for our growing healthcare network.”
On November 21st at a Cooper Union speech, Mayor de Blasio spoke on the importance of
enrollment in Obamacare: “We need you to help your friends and family members sign
up for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act right now.”
New Yorkers may connect with free in-person GetCoveredNYC enrollment assistance near
them through calling 311 or texting CoveredNYC to 877-877.


GMHC fights to end the AIDS epidemic and uplift the lives of all affected.

Gay Men's Health Crisis (GMHC), Main Offices: 446 West 33rd Street, New York, NY 10001
The David Geffen Center for HIV Prevention and Health Education: 224 West 29th Street, New York, NY 10001

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is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately by e-
mail and delete the original message. Any unauthorized disclosure, use, distribution, or reproduction of this
message or any attachments is prohibited and may be unlawful.

GMHC fights to end the AIDS epidemic and uplift the lives of all affected.

Gay Men's Health Crisis (GMHC), Main Offices: 446 West 33rd Street, New York, NY 10001
The David Geffen Center for HIV Prevention and Health Education: 224 West 29th Street, New York, NY 10001

This message and any attachments may contain confidential or privileged information and are intended only for
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From: Mike Rabinowitz
To: Anne Rabe; Patrick Cummings; sbutton@stlawco.org; Susan Gottehrer; Caplan, Ariana
Cc: amalkin; Christine Tramontano; Jonathan Gradess
Subject: RE: List of newspapers to contact
Date: Tuesday, December 20, 2016 11:28:21 AM

Here's the Times Union story.


Indigent legal services bill hits

Cuomo’s desk
By Matthew Hamilton on December 20, 2016 at 11:11 AM

· 0
Gov. Andrew Cuomo has until just before the end of the year to act on legislation sent
to him Tuesday that would shift the cost of legal services for the poor from counties to

the state in the coming years.

The indigent legal services bill is one of 13 that was sent to the governor on Tuesday.
He has until Jan. 30 to act on those bills, otherwise they would automatically become

The indigent legal services legislation has been pushed by a number of county-level
officials for much of the past year. Albany County Executive Dan McCoy’s office has
been among those adamant that the costs for such services are over burdensome for
the counties to shoulder. It’s estimated that with full funding of indigent legal services
(advocates maintain they are currently underfunded), the statewide costs are
somewhere near $500 million.
The bill would shift the full cost of services to the state by 2023.

Whether the governor will sign or veto the bill is unknown, though supporters have
been optimistic. It’s possible that the governor could coordinate with the Legislature
to pass chapter amendments of some kind should he sign the bill.

Cuomo’s office in recent weeks has said only that the bill is under review.

The legislation would not take effect until April 1, after the next state budget deadline,
should the governor approve it.

Also sent to Cuomo on Tuesday is legislation that would require drinking water
suppliers to analyze their vulnerability to a cyber attack every five years in addition to
a statutorily required analyses of vulnerability to a terrorist threat. That bill is a
response to an attempted hack of the computer-guided controls of a Westchester
County dam by Iranian hackers.
Still not yet handed up is the NYRA privatization bill, which would transfer the control
of the New York Racing Association back to private hands after being in state control
for the past few years. The governor said in August his hope always was to privatize
the once-beleaguered entity when it got back on solid footing. But “the state should
continue to regulate it because we have a significant investment in NYRA,” he said.
“We subsidize by about $58 million a year. The state has to perform its role. But the
best way to do it ultimately is to privatize it with continued state regulation.”
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)
-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Rabinowitz
Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2016 11:19 AM
To: 'Anne Rabe' <ARabe@nysda.org>; Patrick Cummings <PCummings@nysac.org>;
sbutton@stlawco.org; Susan Gottehrer <SGottehrer@nyclu.org>; Caplan, Ariana
Cc: amalkin <amalkin@malkinross.com>; Christine Tramontano <ctramontano@malkinross.com>;
Jonathan Gradess <jgradess@nysda.org>
Subject: RE: List of newspapers to contact
Just an update:
*Politico already wrote
*I emailed the AP and Daily News and am waiting to hear back *The Buffalo News will do something
short if they do it at all *Newsday is looking for a quote *The Post-Standard is considering doing a
story *The NY Times news section is interested, but wants to wait until "day 8,9 or 10" of the 10-day
period.  So they aren't writing now.
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)
-----Original Message-----
From: Anne Rabe [mailto:ARabe@nysda.org]
Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2016 11:13 AM
To: Patrick Cummings <PCummings@nysac.org>; Mike Rabinowitz <Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com>;
sbutton@stlawco.org; Susan Gottehrer <SGottehrer@nyclu.org>; Caplan, Ariana
Cc: amalkin <amalkin@malkinross.com>; Christine Tramontano <ctramontano@malkinross.com>;
Jonathan Gradess <jgradess@nysda.org>
Subject: List of newspapers to contact
Hi everyone,
Below is Mike's list of papers he will contact on the bill.   We ask that he also add the Syracuse Post
Are there any of these papers where you have a contact or a County Executive or Mayor or group
leader who would speak in support?  Please let Mike and I know asap.  Thanks alot.
1) I am going to push the AP and Times to write and article.
2) On the ed board front, going to go back to the Times Union, Buffalo News, NY Times and Daily
News first, and then to the rest of the list:
3)            * Newsday (7/1)
                * Buffalo News (8/17)
                * Schenectady Daily Gazette (6/24)
                * Jamestown Post-Journal (6/29)
                * Lockport Union Sun & Journal (7/4)
                * Niagara Gazette (7/7)
                * Syracuse Post Standard
                *Journal News
Michael Rabinowitz-Gold
646.200.5308 (office)
646.342.3469 (cell)
From: McMorrow, Matthew
To: "Michael Czaczkes"; Kelsey Louie; Danielle Filson
Date: Tuesday, December 20, 2016 10:48:25 AM
Attachments: image001.png

Thank you for the quick turnaround!  Below is the final release that went out a few minutes ago.
Happy holidays!
Matthew T. McMorrow
Senior Advisor
Community Affairs Unit
Office of the Mayor
212-748-0342 (o)
646-951-6774 (m)
From: Mayor's Press Office
Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2016 10:28 AM
To: Mayor's Press Office


NEW YORK, NY 10007
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 20, 2016
CONTACT: pressoffice@cityhall.nyc.gov, (212) 788-2958
Goal to enroll 50,000 New Yorkers through 2017; open enrollment period ends Jan 31,

NEW YORK––Mayor Bill de Blasio was today joined by Health + Hospitals Interim CEO
Stan Brezenoff, Department of Health Commissioner Dr. Mary T Bassett, Community
Service Society President and CEO David R. Jones and Public Health Solutions President and
CEO Lisa David at Health + Hospital/Gouverneur to launch the GetCoveredNYC campaign
focused on enrolling more New Yorkers in health insurance and providing them with access
to primary and preventive care at public Health + Hospitals facilities. The campaign’s goal is
to enroll 50,000 New Yorkers through 2017 who are eligible for health insurance but are not
taking advantage of existing enrollment options.
The Mayor’s Office has partnered with Health + Hospitals, the Human Resources
Administration, the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and MetroPlus to launch this
ambitious campaign. On December 10, the City hosted five enrollment events focused on
engaging potential youth applicants and assisting them in applying for coverage.
“We don’t know the future of the Affordable Care Act, but we do know that Obamacare and
Medicaid expansion are helping New Yorkers every day,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “We
must continue to enroll eligible residents in these vital programs, paying special attention to
those most appealing to low-income residents, such as Medicaid and the Essential plan.”

Throughout the campaign, GetCoveredNYC outreach teams will proactively engage

uninsured New Yorkers who have visited Health + Hospitals facilities. In order to reach the
maximum number of New Yorkers, the campaign will include at-home outreach as well as
office hours at community partner or elected officials’ offices, providing direct access to in-
person assistance from outreach specialists. Specialists will schedule individuals for an
enrollment appointment and case-manage each applicant through the entire process. The
open enrollment period will end on January 31, 2017. 

Depending on income and other criteria, applicants may be eligible for Medicaid at no cost.
Those whose earnings exceed Medicaid limits may be eligible for the Essential Plan, which
also offers a comprehensive coverage package for either $20 monthly premium or no cost,
depending on income. Those earning more – between 200 and 400 percent of the federal
poverty level – may be eligible for Qualified Health Plan coverage, offered by MetroPlus and
others, with public subsidies on a sliding scale reflecting income. All the plans cover
inpatient and outpatient care, physician services, diagnostic services, mental healthcare and
prescription drugs.
While NYC Health + Hospitals makes care available to all New Yorkers, regardless of ability
to pay, the public health system emphasizes the importance of insurance enrollment as a tool
to best engage patients in their healthcare – as opposed to waiting until health issues reach
critical levels and require emergency room or inpatient care, the most expensive care for the
system. Further, to address its financial challenges, Health + Hospitals needs more of its
patient population to gain access to insurance to help close its growing budget gap.
“Our national healthcare landscape has changed, and much as we’ve had to re-imagine ways
to more effectively deliver care, we’ve also had to think creatively as to how that care will be
paid for,” said Health + Hospitals Interim President and CEO Stan Brezenoff.
“Increasing healthcare enrollment is the best thing for New Yorkers in need, and the best
thing for our essential healthcare network.”
“Health insurance makes it easier to see a primary care physician regularly and catch health
problems early,” said Health Commissioner Mary T. Bassett. “As we work to address
health disparities among New Yorkers, the Health Department encourages everyone to apply
before the January 31st deadline. Health insurance is a right, not a privilege.”
“The public service professionals AFSCME represents in H+H facilities work hard every day
to keep New Yorkers healthy and safe. At a time when some are eager to take health care
away from 30 million Americans, we need more leaders like Mayor de Blasio who stand up
for working families and fight to give them access to quality, affordable health coverage,”
said AFSCME President Lee Saunders.
"This critical initiative will help even more New Yorkers access the health care they need and
deserve,” said Center for American Progress President and CEO Neera Tanden. “As
President-elect Trump and Republicans in Congress plan to strip coverage from millions of
Americans, Mayor de Blasio is showing them what true leadership looks like.”
“Medical coverage can be an enormous expense for New York’s working families and it is
vital we collaborate at all levels of government to expand access to insurance and
healthcare,” said Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez. GetCoveredNYC is critical to helping
spread the word and inform New Yorkers about the resources available to them. I look
forward to working with the Mayor to ensure more New York residents are able to secure
quality coverage and care.”

“New York City has done an admirable job of signing people up for health insurance through
the Affordable Care Act,” said Congressman Eliot Engel. “Though more Americans are
now covered than ever before, there are still many who are eligible for coverage that have yet
to enroll. GetCoveredNYC is a wonderful campaign that will help raise awareness about the
current open enrollment period and the health care options available to New Yorkers. I
encourage all those who have yet to get covered to sign-up before the enrollment period ends
on January 31st, 2017.”
Congressman Joe Crowley said, “Since the enactment of the Affordable Care Act, millions
of previously uninsured Americans have finally secured health insurance, but the effort to
cover every single New Yorker continues. The GetCoveredNYC campaign will work to make
every enrollment option easily accessible and readily available. I thank the Mayor’s office for
its commitment to making sure everyone, especially our vulnerable communities, has quality
and affordable healthcare.”
“I’m glad the Mayor has made enrolling New Yorkers in health insurance plans a priority,”
said Manhattan Borough President Gale A. Brewer. “New Yorkers’ health, financial well-
being and the future of our safety net and public hospitals all depend on it.”
"All New Yorkers should have the information and support they need to get the best
healthcare plan they can," said State Senator Daniel Squadron. "As we continue to push for
stronger healthcare policies on the state level, I encourage all eligible New Yorkers to access
needed information on how to make the best healthcare decisions. Thank you to the City,
HHC, HRA, DOHMH, MetroPlus and my colleagues for helping spread the word."
“It’s important that Mayor de Blasio is helping to get the word out that we have extra time for
enrolling in the Affordable Care Act. For millions of working people in New York, the
coverage is free or very low cost, under the ACA, New York’s Essential Plan or Medicaid,”
said Assembly Member Richard N. Gottfried, Chair of the Committee on Health.
“Whatever happens in Washington down the road, it’s important to get signed up now.”
“I applaud Mayor de Blasio’s efforts to enroll more New Yorkers in health insurance.
Especially as we enter the dark days of the Trump Era, it is more important than ever that we
do everything possible to make sure as many people as possible have access to primary and
preventative care,” said Assembly Member Jeffrey Dinowitz.
“By enrolling more New Yorkers in affordable healthcare plans, we provide New Yorkers
with increased access to primary and preventive care,” said Assembly Member David
Weprin. “With the future of the Affordable Care Act up in the air, I am glad to see that
Mayor Bill de Blasio has taken this step to increase insurance coverage in New York City.
By identifying potential applicants and assisting with applications, Get Covered NYC will
help many New Yorkers gain access to health insurance.”
“Though the future course of our federal government’s healthcare policy remains in doubt,
one thing is clear: every New Yorker, especially those in our low-income and immigrant
communities, needs to get covered,” said Council Member Margaret S. Chin. “By engaging
in this important outreach effort, we are helping to improve the health of thousands of
uninsured New Yorkers, as well as the healthcare network they rely on.”
Council Member Mathieu Eugene said, “The GetCoveredNYC outreach program is vital to
the wellbeing of New Yorkers who require health insurance, but may not be aware of their
eligibility. This important initiative addresses an ongoing issue within our community, and I
encourage all residents who are in need of specific medical resources to take part in this

“The federal health reform law works no place better than New York. But with the promise
of health coverage under attack, it is imperative that those still uninsured in our state get
insured, and in doing so send a clear message to our leaders in Washington that they value
the safety and security of health coverage more than ever,” said David R. Jones, President
and CEO of the Community Service Society.

“As the Affordable Care Act Navigators for Kings County – with five staff members
speaking six languages and working in locations across Brooklyn – we know how crucial it is
for every eligible resident to have health insurance. GetCoveredNYC is a terrific approach to
increasing enrollment, and the Brooklyn Chamber looks forward to participating in the
campaign and helping as many New Yorkers as possible get coverage,” said Brooklyn
Chamber of Commerce CEO Andrew Hoan. “Congratulations to Mayor Bill de Blasio,
Health and Hospitals Interim CEO Stan Brezenoff and Department of Health and Mental
Hygiene Commissioner Mary Bassett on this wonderful initiative.”

“We applaud the Mayor’s Office’s expansion of GetCoveredNYC. It literally ‘takes a village’
to do this work,” said Lisa David, President and CEO of Public Health Solutions. “There
are many supporting organizations doing great work reaching different populations. PHS, for
instance, provides enrollment in 20 different languages. In addition, we use a co-location
model that allows families to access Navigator services at locations where they go for other
services like PHS’ Neighborhood WIC sites.”
"Doctors working in New York City's public hospital system – the City's safety net hospitals
– serve the most at-risk and vulnerable New Yorkers. Often these patients come to our
hospitals already quite sick. The frontline doctors have a pulse on the communities we serve
and we know that access to comprehensive insurance coverage, as well as timely primary and
preventive care, will lower health care costs and improve health outcomes for our patients
and communities," saidDr. Frank Proscia, President, Doctors Council SEIU. "Our
hospitals, especially public institutions, which serve large numbers of uninsured New Yorkers
will be stronger and more viable with greater numbers of insured patients."
“Every day, uninsured New Yorkers are forced to make the decision to go without care
because of prohibitive costs,” said Donovan Purrier, Licensed Practical Nurse at
Metropolitan Hospital and member, 1199SEIU. “Through the Mayor’s GetCoveredNYC
program, more people from across the five boroughs would no longer have to choose between
seeing the doctor and putting food on the table. Our City’s public Health + Hospital facilities
are ready to continue providing the quality care every New Yorker deserves.”

"The Asian American Federation applauds Mayor de Blasio for his GetCoveredNYC
Initiative, which will help low-income Asian New Yorkers enroll in affordable/no-cost
healthcare," said Jo-Ann Yoo, Executive Director of the Asian American Federation.
"With more than 1 in 8 Asian New Yorkers lacking health insurance – the majority of whom
are foreign-born, with particularly high uninsured rates in the Korean community – this
program will be crucial in providing the uninsured self-employed and seniors and children
living in poverty in our community access to healthcare."
"Make the Road New York applauds Mayor Bill De Blasio, Health + Hospitals and the
Human Resources Administration for their increased efforts to inform New Yorkers of health
insurance options currently available to them, and to encourage them to apply. The
Affordable Care Act (ACA) has had an enormous impact on the lives of New Yorkers and it
is essential that the ACA is protected so these individuals can continue to access quality, low
cost health insurance options,” said Becca Telzak, Director of Health Programs at Make
the Road New York.
Barbara Bowen, President of PSC/CUNY, said, "We in New York City cannot control
everything that will happen at the federal level, but we must do what we can to protect the
rights of all New Yorkers. And no right is more fundamental than the right to healthcare. I
applaud Mayor de Blasio for taking this important step to identify and enroll New Yorkers in
need of health coverage. It is exactly the kind of initiative that is needed now."
Ron Pollack, Executive Director of Families U.S.A., said, “While some in Washington
look backwards, we should look forwards to adding life-saving health coverage to New
Yorkers so they can get good, affordable care to keep their families healthy. Families U.S.A.
applauds the efforts Mayor de Blasio and his Administration have taken to launch
GetCovered NYC at this important time.”
"We've seen a huge surge in enrollment following National Youth Enrollment Day, so we're
thrilled to see Mayor de Blasio and others working hard to sustain this momentum and help
more young people get covered and take advantage of the financial help they are guaranteed
under the ACA," said Kevin Stump, Northeast Director of Young Invincibles.
"We applaud Mayor de Blasio for launching GetCoveredNYC to keep New Yorkers of all
ages healthy. We are also pleased to work with several City agencies to ensure that older
New Yorkers have access to Medicaid and other benefits," said Allison Nickerson,
Executive Director of LiveOn NY.
"As a patient navigator for the Affordable Care Act, The Center knows first-hand how
crucial it is for LGBT community members to be able to access affordable insurance
coverage and quality care," said Glennda Testone, Executive Director of NYC's Lesbian,
Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center. "We applaud Mayor de Blasio for
introducing the GetCoveredNYC initiative and demonstrating the City's commitment to
caring for its community in these uncertain times." 
“We know just how critical it is for vulnerable communities to have access to affordable,
affirming and appropriate care,” said Wendy Stark, Executive Director of Callen-Lorde
Community Health Center, which has provided LGBTQ-centric health care in New York
City for nearly 50 years. “Since the inception of the Affordable Care Act, the percentage of
our uninsured patients dropped from 37 percent to 26 percent, which means more New
Yorkers have access to the care they need. We applaud the Mayor and his administration for
promoting open enrollment through the GetCoveredNYC initiative.”
“We commend Mayor de Blasio for taking action and creating the GetCoveredNYC initiative
within the Public Engagement Unit, utilizing person to person outreach tactics and in-person
enrollers to ensure every New Yorker knows what is available to them under the Affordable
Care Act,” said Rachel Linstead Goldsmith, State Assistance Director of the Eastern
Region at Enroll America.

"I applaud the Mayor for this new initiative to help New Yorkers learn about free and low-
cost health insurance available to them," said Rabbi David Niederman of the United
Jewish Organizations of Williamsburg and North Brooklyn. "After helping thousands
enroll in the various health insurance plans, we know firsthand the importance of increasing
outreach and assistance with enrollment, so that people don't lack health coverage and don't
hesitate to schedule medical appointments or seek treatment. This new initiative will reduce
the number of uninsured and will help make New Yorkers healthier."
"Health care coverage plays a key role in reducing costs and improving outcomes for serious
and life-threatening conditions, including HIV and AIDS. For that reason, GMHC has patient
care navigators on staff to assist and advise our clients who are seeking enrollment. Thank
you Mayor de Blasio for launching this critical initiative that seeks to increase enrollment
rates and expand access to affordable health care,” said Kelsey Louie, CEO of GMHC.
“It’s about time all New Yorkers get covered with health insurance. I fully support this
worthwhile effort. Thank you Mayor de Blasio,” said Dorothy Turano, District Manager of
Community Board 18 in Brooklyn, NY
“This is wonderful! I applaud The Mayor for creating GetCoveredNYC. Let’s get New
Yorkers enrolled,” said Viola Greene-Walker, District Manager of Community Board 16
in Brooklyn, NY
“It is imperative that the administration raise awareness to all New Yorkers the options that
are available within the healthcare system,” said NYS Committeewoman Dorita Clarke. “It
is a great advantage that young people up to the age of 26 are able to remain on their parents
health insurance. I am confident that through GetCoveredNYC campaign, the number of
enrollment will increase.”
"For the past three years, American Muslim Health Professionals (AMHP) has been at the
forefront of connecting Muslims to healthcare coverage. We recognize the value of person-
to-person outreach effort and thank Mayor Bill de Blasio for taking the initiative to launch
GetCoveredNYC to increase enrollment,” said Madiha Shahid, co-Founder and President
of NY/NJ Chapter of American Muslim Health Professionals.

New Yorkers may connect with free in-person GetCoveredNYC enrollment assistance near
them through calling 311 or texting CoveredNYC to 877-877.

From: Boeglin, Rosemary
To: "Camonghne Felix"
Subject: Looking for more but here"s a couple!
Date: Thursday, December 22, 2016 3:03:01 PM
Attachments: DSC8297.jpg

Rosemary Boeglin | Assistant Press Secretary | Mayor’s Press Office
o: (212) 788-3112 | c: (347) 244-9900 | @RosemaryBoeglin

From: Camonghne Felix
To: Boeglin, Rosemary
Subject: RE: Looking for more but here"s a couple!
Date: Thursday, December 22, 2016 3:42:07 PM

You’re the best, thank you!

Camonghne Felix
(d): 646.517.6796 | (c): 646.675.4009
From: Boeglin, Rosemary [mailto:RBoeglin@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2016 3:31 PM
To: Camonghne Felix
Subject: RE: Looking for more but here's a couple!
Ok more here!
http://photo.cityofnewyork.us/gallery/FL-H-O-P-E-visit/G0000LojLU7M05bo/C0000Om ciPWyvDA
password:  hope
From: Boeglin, Rosemary
Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2016 3:03 PM
To: 'Camonghne Felix'
Subject: Looking for more but here's a couple!
Rosemary Boeglin | Assistant Press Secretary | Mayor’s Press Office
o: (212) 788-3112 | c: (347) 244-9900 | @RosemaryBoeglin

From: Fialkoff, Gabrielle
To: "jonathan@berlinrosen.com"
Subject: 2016: A Year of Accomplishments
Date: Wednesday, January 04, 2017 5:33:49 PM

Dear Jonathan –
Happy New Year. Three years into Mayor de Blasio’s tenure, New York City has never been more
prosperous than it is right now. 2016 has been a year of record job growth, crime driven to historic
lows, significant gains for students on state exams, a second historic rent freeze, thousands of
working families protected against bad landlords – and many other achievements.
I wanted to share with you these facts, and while we still have challenges, let us take a moment to
celebrate NYC’s success in 2016.
Best Regards, Gabrielle
Mayor de Blasio believes all New Yorkers deserve a chance to succeed in the greatest city on
earth. That means every child gets a quality education, every community is safe, and every New
Yorker has an affordable place to call home. In 2016, we built on our record of progress.
Modern approach to public safety – safer streets, safer every day.
o    January was the safest January on record – followed by the safest summer, safest September
and safest October.
o    Expanded neighborhood policing, launched force-wide trainings on implicit bias, alternatives
to physical force, and conflict de-escalation à Stop-and-Frisk has declined by 97% from
an all-time high in 2011.
o    Arrests are down, murders and shootings at historic lows, record low numbers of robberies,
burglaries, and auto thefts.
o    Vision Zero efforts made 2015 the safest year on New York City streets since 1910, and
2016 is on course to be even safer.
Bolstering the economy with good-paying jobs and fiscal responsibility, creating opportunities
for people to get ahead.
o    For three years running, added to the City’s financial reserves, preparing us for any potential
shocks to the system.
o    60,000 new jobs created in 2016, and nearly 277,000 jobs since the Mayor took office.
o    Unveiled a $500 million life science initiative, LifeSci NYC, to spur 16,000 new, good-
paying jobs and establish New York City as a global leader in life sciences research and
o    Signed a personnel order to provide paid parental leave to approximately 20,000 New York
City employees – putting the City at the forefront of city and state policies around the
o    Created a $250 million tech hub in Union Square, the heart of NYC’s Silicon Alley.
o    Rezoned Midtown East to increase office space and improve access to infrastructure.
Equity and excellence in all schools, preparing our students for the 21st century economy.
o    High school graduation rate over 70% for the first time ever.
o    70,000 kids enrolled in Pre-K, more than triple the 20,000 children who attended before the
Pre-K for All expansion.
o    Computer Science For All launched, bringing CS education to all students – in year one, 450
teachers were trained and CS education rolled out to 250 schools
o    103 reading coaches hired, trained, and on the job to get our students reading at grade level.
o    City students scoring much higher on English exams, now in lockstep with NYS peers.
o    Lowest-ever high school dropout rate, and the highest-ever rate of students enrolling in
Easing financial burden, tackling the affordability crisis, and creating opportunity.
o    Fought for New Yorkers struggling to make the rent or find affordable housing.
§  On track to build and preserve 200,000 affordable housing apartments over the
coming decade, benefitting half-a-million people.
§  Secured 55,309 affordable apartments since taking office, an all-time high for new,
affordable construction.
§  Two consecutive rent freezes (2015 and 2016), keeping rent stable for 2.5 million
§  150,000 people benefited from the expanded use of emergency rent assistance.
§  Stood up to bad landlords using all available tools – such as withholding rent and
increasing funding for New Yorkers to access legal services – to hold landlords
§  Evictions down by 24 percent, meaning 21,000 people are still in their homes.
§  Replaced voluntary rules with a mandatory affordable housing requirement in new
o    Fought for New York City’s homeowners.
§  Proposed a $183 water credit on the water bills of over 664,000 homeowners, in
keeping with the City's past efforts to ensure bills stay as low as possible.
§  Saved 35,000 homeowners tens of millions of dollars in flood insurance premiums by
working with FEMA.
o    Fought for New Yorkers who need to get to work on time.
§  Eligible workers can now use pre-tax income to pay for their commuting costs,
saving commuters $800 to $1,000 dollars a year.
§  Added 18 miles of new protected bike lanes.
§  Expansion of CitiBike to more New Yorkers, adding thousands of new bikes and
hundreds of stations in 2016 across Red Hook, Brownstone Brooklyn, and Harlem.
§  Filled the administration’s one-millionth pothole and made a historic investment in
repaving, reducing the need for future pothole repair.
§  Repaved city streets equivalent to the distance between New York City and Miami,
o    Fought for the city’s most vulnerable.
§  HOME-STAT fully operational: outreach workers are identifying, engaging, and
transitioning homeless New Yorkers to services and, ultimately, permanent
§  Nearly 48,000 New Yorkers moved into permanent housing and avoided or exited
shelters through permanent housing programs.
§  About 12,000 more households have been able to receive services from the
HomeBase homelessness prevention program in each of the past two years.
Launched ThriveNYC: a holistic mental health plan
o    Launched NYC Well, a 24/7 phone, text, or chat connection to mental health and substance
misuse services.
o    Convened 1,000 houses of worship to talk about mental illness and addiction, reaching
250,000 New Yorkers.
o    Created a system to screen and treat 80 percent of pregnant women and new moms, with a
goal of screening and treating ALL pregnant women and new moms for maternal
o    Mental health support for every school in the city.
o    Placed over 100 Mental Health Service Corps (MHSC) members in neighborhoods with the
highest need across the city.
o    Launched the first, city-based movement for mental health – Cities Thrive. More than 80
cities have committed to mental health as a municipal policy and programming priority and
to federal advocacy.                  
Progressive Governance
o    Defended New York values. We are #AlwaysNewYork.
o    Stood up for the 65,000 hourly employees in the fast food industry who deserve fair
notification on their work hours.
o    Funded major improvements in city parks and purchased the last site needed to complete the
28-acre Bushwick Inlet Park, fulfilling a promise made to the families of North Brooklyn.
o    Expanded graffiti removal, introduced sidewalk power washing in commercial corridors
citywide, expanded Sunday and holiday litter basket service, and expanded highway
shoulder and ramp cleanup.
o    Shattered enrollment expectations for the country's most ambitious municipal identification
program, IDNYC.
o    Opened the Damian Family Care Center in the Bronx to serve 10,000 community residents.
o    Launched the nation’s first government-led citywide ad campaign affirming every New
Yorker’s right to use the bathroom consistent with their gender identity.
From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: "Dan Levitan"; Gardener, Stacy (DOITT)
Cc: Stacey Levine
Subject: RE: INCO:City of London and New York City
Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 4:46:47 PM

Phew. I will just ignore. Assuming you guys also wouldn't want to get into that.  So just letting it go

-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 4:42 PM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie; Gardener, Stacy (DOITT)
Cc: Stacey Levine
Subject: RE: INCO:City of London and New York City

This is not about LinkUK, this is a totally separate project using different technology.  We happen to
think it is not superior to Link, but not sure if you would want to get into that with whatever rando
outlet this is.

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

-----Original Message-----
From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 4:30 PM
To: Gardener, Stacy (DOITT) <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: FW: INCO:City of London and New York City

Dan, why is London saying that their link is going to be better than our link?

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Liptrot [mailto:paul@liptrot.me.uk]
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 12:29 PM
To: Mayor's Press Office
Subject: City of London and New York City

Dear Press Office (because I cannot find any names!),

I'm putting together a piece for Networking+, a UK IT magazine and website, about an announcement
by the City of London Corporation of a new wi-fi network.

You'll see that it is described as "world-class" and says (in the second
paragraph) that it will "surpass" your city.

I'm sure that someone in your mayor's office, perhaps even the mayor himself, would like to comment.

(It's worth having in mind that the City of London has only a handful of residents -- it's packed with
offices -- and is surrounded by 32 London boroughs.  Together they form Greater London which has
8.5m residents.)

I look forward to hearing from you.

The release is pasted below my signature.

Kind regards,


Paul  Liptrot
for Networking+

Tel +44 1932 254400


Residents, employees and visitors to the City of London will be able to use a new world-class wireless
network this year as proposals to expand free Wi-Fi and improve mobile coverage across the Square
Mile have been given the green light.

A new network will replace the current free Wi-Fi service provided by the Cloud. State of the art
equipment will provide gigabit speeds and see users able to enjoy high bandwidth services like video on
demand over free City Wi-Fi for the first time. The service will surpass that found in the world's other
major international financial centre - New York.

The project is the single largest investment in wireless infrastructure ever seen in the City of London
and will be rolled out from late spring 2017. The winning provider for the delivery of this work will be
announced in the next few weeks.

London currently suffers from poor broadband speeds with four of the 12 constituencies with the worst
superfast broadband being found in the capital - including the City and Westminster.  London ranks
26th out of 33 European capitals in terms of broadband speed.

Over 400 'small cells', which will be built in the coming months, will boost the strength and reliability of
the current wireless coverage by using street objects like lampposts, street signs, buildings and CCTV

The combination of the Square Mile's tall buildings and narrow, historic streets mean that in some areas
mobile service has been unreliable for some of the 400,000 City workers and 10 million yearly visitors
The new technology will enhance coverage, making working on-the-go easier.  By utilising these street
objects, the City will be able to boost the strength and reliability of the current wireless offer.

Mark Boleat, Chairman of the City of London Corporation's Policy and Resources Committee said: "As
the world's leading financial hub, we are thrilled to bring our wireless connectivity up to speed. At a
time when other major financial centres are competing with us, the Square Mile is boosting its appeal
through initiatives such as this. The new service will allow City workers to become better connected
than ever before."

Deputy Mayor for Business, Rajesh Agrawal, said: "Fast and reliable digital connectivity is crucial for
businesses and I'm really pleased the City of London Corporation is taking this significant step in
improving speed and coverage in the Square Mile. The Mayor is committed to improving London's
connectivity, including tackling the capital's 'notspots' and ensuring providers have better access to
public-sector property for digital infrastructure."

While London is the number one global financial centre according to the Global Financial Centres Index
published by the Z/Yen Group, other centres like New York, Tokyo, Singapore and Hong Kong have
invested in their information and communications (ICT) technology infrastructure in recent years. ICT is
set to become more of a major competitive issue and something that will attract more investment into
centres with enhanced connectivity. 

The new service will pave the way for easier adoption of 5G technology, which is expected to be
launched by the end of this decade.

Notes to editors
1.      In addition, the City of London Corporation launched a new
standardised legal document in July 2016 which will speed up the process for businesses to get
superfast broadband. By working with London's main developers, landlords, broadband operators,
including Virgin Media, property managers, Government, legal firms and key trade associations set of
tools were produced which make it easier and faster to agree digital connections.

2.      A key element is a standardised legal agreement - known as a

wayleave. Previously, business tenants faced long negotiations with providers to agree new wayleaves
from scratch each time they wanted to get broadband fibre installed. Previously, business tenants faced
long negotiations with providers to agree new wayleaves from scratch each time they wanted to get
broadband fibre installed. The toolkit can be found here.

3.      About the City of London Corporation

The City of London Corporation provides local government and policing services for the financial and
commercial heart of Britain, the 'Square Mile'. In addition, the City Corporation has three roles:
.         We support London's communities by working in partnership with
neighbouring boroughs on economic regeneration, education and skills projects. In addition, the City of
London Corporation's charity City Bridge Trust makes grants of around £20 million annually to charitable
projects across London and we also support education with three independent schools, three City
Academies, a primary school and the world-renowned Guildhall School of Music and Drama.

.         We also help look after key London's heritage and green spaces
including Tower Bridge, Museum of London, Barbican Arts Centre, City gardens, Hampstead Heath,
Epping Forest, Burnham Beeches, and important 'commons' in south London.

.         We also support and promote the 'City' as a world-leading

financial and business hub, with outward and inward business delegations, high-profile civic events and
research-driven policies all reflecting a long-term approach.
From: Koenig, Anne J.
To: Dan Levitan; Grybauskas, Natalie; Gardener, Stacy (DOITT); Jovana Rizzo
Cc: Shor, Stanley; Stacey Levine
Subject: RE: Link rally
Date: Thursday, January 12, 2017 2:20:36 PM
Attachments: image001.png

I just checked the Facebook post for the event.  The current stats are 169 invited, 3 interested, and 4
went.  The main Rethinklinknyc page has 7 followers.

Anne J. Koenig
Senior Director of Public Communications Structures
New York City Department of
Information Technology & Telecommunications
2 Metro Tech Center, 4th Floor, 4.109F
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Phone (718) 804-4814
Fax (718) 403-8586
ankoenig@doitt nyc.gov

From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2017 2:11 PM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Gardener, Stacy
<SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>; Stacey Levine
Subject: RE: Link rally

That was government humor.

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2017 2:09 PM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Gardener, Stacy (DOITT) <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>;
Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>; Stacey Levine
Subject: RE: Link rally

Why would cardboard link violate siting criteria?

From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2017 2:07 PM
To: Gardener, Stacy (DOITT); Jovana Rizzo
Cc: Shor, Stanley; Koenig, Anne J.; Stacey Levine; Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: RE: Link rally

Very small and no press.  They had a cardboard Link which we believe violates siting criteria.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Gardener, Stacy [mailto:SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2017 2:00 PM
To: Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>; Stacey Levine
<stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Dan
Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Link rally

How’d this go? Any press there?

From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2017 12:16 PM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Gardener, Stacy
<SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>; Stacey Levine
Subject: Re: Link rally


Sent from mobile

On Jan 11, 2017, at 12:03 PM, Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

We definitely want to make that point clear to anyone who asks, but given that that
could be changing soon, I think we would like to focus on our underlying privacy
principles about who has access to your data, if that makes sense.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Shor, Stanley [mailto:SShor@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2017 11:26 AM
To: Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Gardener, Stacy
<SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Stacey Levine
<stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie
(NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov) <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Link rally

+ Natalie
Since they are pointing out the cameras and microphone, I think the statement needs
to say that no video and no audio is being recorded by the Links. 
<image003.png> Stanley Shor
Assistant Commissioner, Franchise Administration
New York City Department of
Information Technology & Telecommunications
2 MetroTech Center, 4th Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11201
From: Jovana Rizzo [mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2017 10:59 AM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Shor, Stanley
<SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Stacey Levine
Subject: Link rally

Hi all,
Wanted to flag this post about a Link privacy rally
tomorrow: http://rethinklink.nyc/2017/01/12/rally-for-privacy.html
If we get any inquiries, we drafted the following response and can clarify other questions
on background:
“New York City and LinkNYC have created a user-first privacy policy. We do
not track or store your online activity, and we will never sell or share your
personal information with any third party -- including city agencies -- unless
lawfully required. Nearly one million people have signed up to use LinkNYC,
which now offers all five boroughs access to free, super-fast Wi-Fi, free phone
calls, access to 311 and emergency services, and more.” -- Jen Hensley,
General Manager, LinkNYC
I'm planning to stop by tomorrow to check it out.
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

This e-mail, including any attachments, may be confidential, privileged or otherwise

legally protected. It is intended only for the addressee. If you received this e-mail in error
or from someone who was not authorized to send it to you, do not disseminate, copy or
otherwise use this e-mail or its attachments. Please notify the sender immediately by
reply e-mail and delete the e-mail from your system.
From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: "Dan Levitan"
Subject: RE: Link rally
Date: Thursday, January 12, 2017 2:21:34 PM

Lol my bad
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2017 2:11 PM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie; Gardener, Stacy (DOITT); Jovana Rizzo
Cc: Shor, Stanley; Koenig, Anne J.; Stacey Levine
Subject: RE: Link rally

That was government humor.

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2017 2:09 PM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Gardener, Stacy (DOITT) <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>;
Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>; Stacey Levine
Subject: RE: Link rally

Why would cardboard link violate siting criteria?

From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2017 2:07 PM
To: Gardener, Stacy (DOITT); Jovana Rizzo
Cc: Shor, Stanley; Koenig, Anne J.; Stacey Levine; Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: RE: Link rally

Very small and no press.  They had a cardboard Link which we believe violates siting criteria.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Gardener, Stacy [mailto:SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2017 2:00 PM
To: Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>; Stacey Levine
<stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Dan
Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Link rally

How’d this go? Any press there?

From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2017 12:16 PM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Gardener, Stacy
<SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>; Stacey Levine
Subject: Re: Link rally


Sent from mobile

On Jan 11, 2017, at 12:03 PM, Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

We definitely want to make that point clear to anyone who asks, but given that that
could be changing soon, I think we would like to focus on our underlying privacy
principles about who has access to your data, if that makes sense.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Shor, Stanley [mailto:SShor@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2017 11:26 AM
To: Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Gardener, Stacy
<SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Stacey Levine
<stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie
(NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov) <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Link rally

+ Natalie
Since they are pointing out the cameras and microphone, I think the statement needs
to say that no video and no audio is being recorded by the Links. 
<image003.png> Stanley Shor
Assistant Commissioner, Franchise Administration
New York City Department of
Information Technology & Telecommunications
2 MetroTech Center, 4th Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11201
From: Jovana Rizzo [mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2017 10:59 AM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Shor, Stanley
<SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Stacey Levine
Subject: Link rally

Hi all,
Wanted to flag this post about a Link privacy rally
tomorrow: http://rethinklink.nyc/2017/01/12/rally-for-privacy.html
If we get any inquiries, we drafted the following response and can clarify other questions
on background:
“New York City and LinkNYC have created a user-first privacy policy. We do
not track or store your online activity, and we will never sell or share your
personal information with any third party -- including city agencies -- unless
lawfully required. Nearly one million people have signed up to use LinkNYC,
which now offers all five boroughs access to free, super-fast Wi-Fi, free phone
calls, access to 311 and emergency services, and more.” -- Jen Hensley,
General Manager, LinkNYC
I'm planning to stop by tomorrow to check it out.
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
This e-mail, including any attachments, may be confidential, privileged or otherwise
legally protected. It is intended only for the addressee. If you received this e-mail in error
or from someone who was not authorized to send it to you, do not disseminate, copy or
otherwise use this e-mail or its attachments. Please notify the sender immediately by
reply e-mail and delete the e-mail from your system.
From: Dan Levitan
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: Call me back when you can?
Date: Thursday, January 12, 2017 3:40:45 PM

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Danielle Filson
To: jpeltz@ap.org
Cc: Goldstein, Freddi
Subject: Connecting you with Freddi
Date: Saturday, January 14, 2017 1:22:19 PM

Hi Jenn,
Freddi from the Mayor’s press shop is cc’ed here, should you have any questions for her.
Danielle Filson
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
(O) 646.335.0443
(C) 860.707.3584
From: Gardener, Stacy
To: Dan Levitan; Shor, Stanley; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt; Stacey Levine; Jovana Rizzo; Grybauskas, Natalie; Hines, Evan (DOITT)
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Date: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 10:48:03 AM

Great thanks!
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 10:45 AM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig,
Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>;
Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>;
Hines, Evan <ehines@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Yes, we have a portable mic stand.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Gardener, Stacy [mailto:SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 10:45 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>;
Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>;
Hines, Evan <ehines@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Dan/Stacey/Jovana/Ruth – are you able to bring a podium/stand like the one we used at the Bronx
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 7:41 AM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig,
Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>;
Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>;
Hines, Evan <ehines@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Mayoral release would be great. 
I think our best shot at getting cameras tomorrow is a good lead-in story.  Can you catch up quickly
by phone this morning?
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Gardener, Stacy [mailto:SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 6:48 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>;
Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>;
Hines, Evan <ehines@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Thanks Dan. I thought the plan was to send a press release along with the mayors office?
Also if this is in the daily news wed morning, will reporters show up to the event?
Sent Via DoITT Mobile Device
-------- Original message --------
From: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Date: 1/16/17 5:51 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: "Shor, Stanley" <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>, "Koenig, Anne J." <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>,
"Gardener, Stacy" <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>, Stacey Levine
<stacey.levine@intersection.com>, Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Draft 1MM Release
Hi all –
Attached please find a draft 1 million user release.  Please let us know any edits or comments. We’d
love to pitch an exclusive on this tomorrow morning to the Daily News for Wednedsay’s paper.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475


This e-mail, including any attachments, may be confidential, privileged or otherwise legally protected. It
is intended only for the addressee. If you received this e-mail in error or from someone who was not
authorized to send it to you, do not disseminate, copy or otherwise use this e-mail or its attachments.
Please notify the sender immediately by reply e-mail and delete the e-mail from your system.
From: Gardener, Stacy
To: Dan Levitan; Shor, Stanley; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt; Stacey Levine; Jovana Rizzo; Grybauskas, Natalie; Hines, Evan (DOITT)
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Date: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 10:58:12 AM
Attachments: Link 1MM Release SG edits.docx

Just a few edits/comments on the release, attached.

From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 10:45 AM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig,
Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>;
Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>;
Hines, Evan <ehines@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Yes, we have a portable mic stand.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Gardener, Stacy [mailto:SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 10:45 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>;
Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>;
Hines, Evan <ehines@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Dan/Stacey/Jovana/Ruth – are you able to bring a podium/stand like the one we used at the Bronx
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 7:41 AM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig,
Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>;
Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>;
Hines, Evan <ehines@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Mayoral release would be great. 
I think our best shot at getting cameras tomorrow is a good lead-in story.  Can you catch up quickly
by phone this morning?
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Gardener, Stacy [mailto:SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 6:48 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>;
Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>;
Hines, Evan <ehines@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Thanks Dan. I thought the plan was to send a press release along with the mayors office?
Also if this is in the daily news wed morning, will reporters show up to the event?
Sent Via DoITT Mobile Device
-------- Original message --------
From: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Date: 1/16/17 5:51 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: "Shor, Stanley" <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>, "Koenig, Anne J." <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>,
"Gardener, Stacy" <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>, Stacey Levine
<stacey.levine@intersection.com>, Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Draft 1MM Release
Hi all –
Attached please find a draft 1 million user release.  Please let us know any edits or comments. We’d
love to pitch an exclusive on this tomorrow morning to the Daily News for Wednedsay’s paper.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475


This e-mail, including any attachments, may be confidential, privileged or otherwise legally protected. It
is intended only for the addressee. If you received this e-mail in error or from someone who was not
authorized to send it to you, do not disseminate, copy or otherwise use this e-mail or its attachments.
Please notify the sender immediately by reply e-mail and delete the e-mail from your system.
Bronx Yankee Stadium (52 East 161 Street)

Manhattan Herald Square (1313 Broadway)

Queens Jamaica Station (147-05 Jamaica Ave)

Staten Island New Dorp (381 New Dorp Ln)

About LinkNYC
LinkNYC is the privately-funded, first-of-its-kind communications network replacing the city’s
payphones to build the world’s fastest, largest free public Wi-Fi network. Since Mayor Bill de Blasio
announced the public launch of LinkNYC in February, more than 600 Links have been installed across all
five boroughs. Each Link provides New Yorkers with free, fast Wi-Fi, free domestic calling, two USB
charging ports, and direct access to 911 and 311.

To find a Link near you, visit: link nyc/find-a-link html

From: Dan Levitan
To: Gardener, Stacy (DOITT); Shor, Stanley; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt; Stacey Levine; Jovana Rizzo; Grybauskas, Natalie; Hines, Evan (DOITT)
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Date: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 11:28:17 AM
Attachments: Link 1MM Release V2.docx

Thanks.  I accepted those changes and made a few more that Natalie requested.  Attached should
be near final.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Gardener, Stacy [mailto:SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 10:58 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>;
Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>;
Hines, Evan <ehines@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Just a few edits/comments on the release, attached.
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 10:45 AM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig,
Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>;
Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>;
Hines, Evan <ehines@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Yes, we have a portable mic stand.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475
From: Gardener, Stacy [mailto:SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 10:45 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>;
Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>;
Hines, Evan <ehines@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Dan/Stacey/Jovana/Ruth – are you able to bring a podium/stand like the one we used at the Bronx
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 7:41 AM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig,
Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>;
Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>;
Hines, Evan <ehines@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Mayoral release would be great. 
I think our best shot at getting cameras tomorrow is a good lead-in story.  Can you catch up quickly
by phone this morning?
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Gardener, Stacy [mailto:SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 6:48 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>;
Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>;
Hines, Evan <ehines@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Thanks Dan. I thought the plan was to send a press release along with the mayors office?
Also if this is in the daily news wed morning, will reporters show up to the event?
Sent Via DoITT Mobile Device
-------- Original message --------
From: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Date: 1/16/17 5:51 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: "Shor, Stanley" <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>, "Koenig, Anne J." <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>,
"Gardener, Stacy" <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>, Stacey Levine
<stacey.levine@intersection.com>, Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Draft 1MM Release
Hi all –
Attached please find a draft 1 million user release.  Please let us know any edits or comments. We’d
love to pitch an exclusive on this tomorrow morning to the Daily News for Wednedsay’s paper.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475


This e-mail, including any attachments, may be confidential, privileged or otherwise legally protected. It
is intended only for the addressee. If you received this e-mail in error or from someone who was not
authorized to send it to you, do not disseminate, copy or otherwise use this e-mail or its attachments.
Please notify the sender immediately by reply e-mail and delete the e-mail from your system.
Draft Press Release
January 18, 2017
Contact: Jovana Rizzo, media@link.nyc

LinkNYC Reaches 1,000,000 Users in Less than 1 Year

Link Usage Rises to 4 Million Wi-Fi Sessions Every Week

78% of New Yorkers Have a Favorable Opinion of World’s Largest and Fastest
Free Public Wi-Fi Network
NEW YORK -- LinkNYC announced today that the world’s largest and fastest free public Wi-Fi network
has added its millionth user less than a year after publicly launching on the streets of New York City. As
of January 4th, over 1,040,000 people -- more than the populations of San Jose, San Francisco, Seattle, or
Denver -- have signed up to use its gigabit Wi-Fi service, with approximately 40,000 people joining the
network for the first time each week.

“With Link kiosks now in all five boroughs, we have helped more than a million New Yorkers and
visitors get online at the fastest speeds available in New York City, for free.” said Jen Hensley, General
Manager of LinkNYC. “Less than one year in, we are thrilled with the response to LinkNYC.”
LinkNYC By the Numbers (As of January 4, 2017)

• Total Wi-Fi Users: 1,040,000

• New Wi-Fi Sign-ups Per Week: 40,000
• Wi-Fi Sessions Per Week: 4,000,000
• Data downloaded by LinkNYC users since launch: 555,710 Gigabytes
• Busiest day by users: Jan 4, 2017: 125,756 unique users
• Busiest day by data transferred: Dec 31, 2016: 4,656 GB

New Yorkers Know -- and Love -- LinkNYC

71% of New Yorkers are aware of LinkNYC, and of them, 92% believe it has positive benefits for New
York City, according to a survey conducted by Sachs Insights of 1,000 people across the New York City
region. Among those aware of LinkNYC:
• 78% have a favorable opinion of the network.
• 89% believe LinkNYC makes NYC more innovative than other cities.
• 89% appreciate that LinkNYC’s services are free thanks to advertising, which reaches over 11
million people weekly.

Where to Find the World’s Most Popular Link

The city’s most popular Link stands in Herald Square (at 1313 Broadway) and has served about 600,000
Wi-Fi sessions all by itself.

About LinkNYC
LinkNYC is the first-of-its-kind communications network replacing the city’s payphones to build the
world’s fastest, largest free public Wi-Fi network at no cost to taxpayers. Since Mayor Bill de Blasio
announced the public launch of LinkNYC in February, more than 600 Links have been installed across all
five boroughs. Each Link provides New Yorkers with free, fast Wi-Fi, free domestic calling, two USB
charging ports, Maps, and direct access to 911 and 311.

To find a Link near you, visit: link.nyc/find-a-link.html

From: Gardener, Stacy
To: Dan Levitan; Shor, Stanley; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt; Stacey Levine; Jovana Rizzo; Grybauskas, Natalie; Hines, Evan (DOITT)
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Date: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 12:32:55 PM

I’m going to ask folks I reached out to for a quote by 4:00 today. Does that timeline work?
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 11:28 AM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig,
Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>;
Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>;
Hines, Evan <ehines@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Thanks.  I accepted those changes and made a few more that Natalie requested.  Attached should
be near final.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Gardener, Stacy [mailto:SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 10:58 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>;
Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>;
Hines, Evan <ehines@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Just a few edits/comments on the release, attached.
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 10:45 AM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig,
Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>;
Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>;
Hines, Evan <ehines@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Yes, we have a portable mic stand.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Gardener, Stacy [mailto:SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 10:45 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>;
Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>;
Hines, Evan <ehines@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Dan/Stacey/Jovana/Ruth – are you able to bring a podium/stand like the one we used at the Bronx
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 7:41 AM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig,
Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>;
Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>;
Hines, Evan <ehines@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Mayoral release would be great. 
I think our best shot at getting cameras tomorrow is a good lead-in story.  Can you catch up quickly
by phone this morning?
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475
From: Gardener, Stacy [mailto:SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 6:48 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>;
Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>;
Hines, Evan <ehines@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Thanks Dan. I thought the plan was to send a press release along with the mayors office?
Also if this is in the daily news wed morning, will reporters show up to the event?
Sent Via DoITT Mobile Device
-------- Original message --------
From: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Date: 1/16/17 5:51 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: "Shor, Stanley" <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>, "Koenig, Anne J." <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>,
"Gardener, Stacy" <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>, Stacey Levine
<stacey.levine@intersection.com>, Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Draft 1MM Release
Hi all –
Attached please find a draft 1 million user release.  Please let us know any edits or comments. We’d
love to pitch an exclusive on this tomorrow morning to the Daily News for Wednedsay’s paper.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475


This e-mail, including any attachments, may be confidential, privileged or otherwise legally protected. It
is intended only for the addressee. If you received this e-mail in error or from someone who was not
authorized to send it to you, do not disseminate, copy or otherwise use this e-mail or its attachments.
Please notify the sender immediately by reply e-mail and delete the e-mail from your system.
From: Dan Levitan
To: Grybauskas, Natalie; Gardener, Stacy (DOITT)
Subject: FW: LinkNYC Populace
Date: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 1:59:19 PM
Attachments: LinkNYC Populace.png

We’d also like to use these two graphics tomorrow.

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475
From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: "Dan Levitan"; Gardener, Stacy (DOITT)
Subject: RE: LinkNYC Populace
Date: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 2:01:25 PM

From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 1:59 PM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie; Gardener, Stacy (DOITT)
Subject: FW: LinkNYC Populace

We’d also like to use these two graphics tomorrow.

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475
From: Dan Levitan
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Cc: Stacey Levine; Jovana Rizzo
Subject: RE: latest
Date: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 2:29:05 PM
Attachments: image001.png


Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 2:27 PM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: latest


NEW YORK, NY 10007 


CONTACT: pressoffice@cityhall.nyc.gov, (212) 788-2958
CONTACT: media@link.nyc

Link Usage rises to 4 million Wi-Fi sessions every week; 78 percent of New Yorkers have a
favorable opinion of world’s largest and fastest free public Wi-Fi network
NEW YORK -- LinkNYC announced today that the world’s largest and fastest free public
Wi-Fi network has added its millionth user less than a year after publicly launching on the
streets of New York City.  As of January 4th, over 1,040,000  people -- more than the
populations of San Jose, San Francisco, Seattle, or Denver -- have signed up to use its gigabit
Wi-Fi service, with approximately  40,000 people joining the network for the first time each
“With Link kiosks now in all five boroughs, we have helped more than a million New
Yorkers and visitors get online at the fastest speeds available in New York City, for free.”
said Jen Hensley, General Manager of LinkNYC.  “Less than one year in, we are thrilled
with the response to LinkNYC.”
LinkNYC By the Numbers (As of January 4, 2017)

Total Wi-Fi Users:  1,040,000

New Wi-Fi Sign-ups Per Week: 40,000
Wi-Fi Sessions Per Week:  4,000,000
Data downloaded by LinkNYC users since launch: 555,710 Gigabytes
Busiest day by users: Jan 4, 2017: 125,756 unique users
Busiest day by data transferred: Dec 31, 2016: 4,656 GB

New Yorkers Know -- and Love -- LinkNYC

71% of New Yorkers are aware of LinkNYC, and of them, 92% believe it has positive
benefits for New York City, according to a survey conducted by Sachs Insights of 1,000
people across the New York City region.  Among those aware of LinkNYC:
78% have a favorable opinion of the network.
89% believe LinkNYC makes NYC more innovative than other cities.
89% appreciate that LinkNYC’s services are free thanks to advertising, which reaches
over 11 million people weekly.

Where to Find the City’s Most Popular Link

The city’s most popular Link stands in Herald Square (at 1313 Broadway) and has served
about 600,000 Wi-Fi sessions all by itself.  
About LinkNYC
LinkNYC is the  first-of-its-kind communications network replacing the city’s payphones to
build the world’s fastest, largest free public Wi-Fi network at no cost to taxpayers. Since
Mayor Bill de Blasio announced the public launch of LinkNYC in February, more than 600
Links have been installed across all five boroughs. Each Link provides New Yorkers with
free, fast Wi-Fi, free domestic calling, two USB charging ports, Maps, and direct access to
911 and 311.
To find a Link near you, visit: link.nyc/find-a-link.html

From: Gardener, Stacy
To: Jovana Rizzo; Dan Levitan; Shor, Stanley; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt; Stacey Levine; Grybauskas, Natalie; Hines, Evan (DOITT)
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Date: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 2:46:31 PM

Chief Technology Officer Miguel Gamiño is also attending and speaking.

From: Jovana Rizzo [mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 2:40 PM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Shor,
Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>;
Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Hines, Evan <ehines@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Sounds good, thanks! Here is a media advisory we can send out wide to NYC, tech and local press ASAP
-- let us know if you have any edits:

Contact: Jovana Rizzo, media@link.nyc

LinkNYC, NYC Department of Information Technology &

Communications Make Major Announcement

Join officials from LinkNYC, NYC Department of Information Technology &

Telecommunications Commissioner Anne Roest, and community partners for a major
announcement and new data about how New Yorkers and visitors are using LinkNYC.

LinkNYC is the privately-funded, first-of-its-kind communications network replacing the city’s payphones
to build the world’s fastest, largest free public Wi-Fi network. Since Mayor Bill de Blasio announced the
public launch of LinkNYC in February, more than 600 Links have been installed across all five boroughs.
Each Link provides New Yorkers with free, fast Wi-Fi, free domestic calling, two USB charging ports,
and direct access to 911 and 311. For more information, visit link.nyc.

When: Wednesday, January 18, 2017 -- 12 p.m. 

Where: Link kiosk in front of 56 Lafayette Ave (at the corner of Fort Greene Place), Brooklyn, NY


Anne Roest, Commissioner of NYC Department of Information Technology & Communications 

Jen Hensley, LinkNYC General Manager 

Phillip Kellogg, Executive Director of Fulton Business Alliance

RSVP to: Jovana Rizzo, media@link.nyc, 646-200-5329

From: Gardener, Stacy [SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov]

Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 12:31 PM
To: Dan Levitan; Shor, Stanley; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt; Stacey Levine; Jovana Rizzo; Grybauskas, Natalie; Hines, Evan
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release

I’m going to ask folks I reached out to for a quote by 4:00 today. Does that timeline work?
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 11:28 AM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig,
Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>;
Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>;
Hines, Evan <ehines@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Thanks.  I accepted those changes and made a few more that Natalie requested.  Attached should
be near final.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Gardener, Stacy [mailto:SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 10:58 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>;
Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>;
Hines, Evan <ehines@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Just a few edits/comments on the release, attached.
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 10:45 AM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig,
Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>;
Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>;
Hines, Evan <ehines@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Yes, we have a portable mic stand.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Gardener, Stacy [mailto:SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 10:45 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>;
Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>;
Hines, Evan <ehines@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Dan/Stacey/Jovana/Ruth – are you able to bring a podium/stand like the one we used at the Bronx
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 7:41 AM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig,
Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>;
Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>;
Hines, Evan <ehines@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Mayoral release would be great. 
I think our best shot at getting cameras tomorrow is a good lead-in story.  Can you catch up quickly
by phone this morning?
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Gardener, Stacy [mailto:SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 6:48 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>;
Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>;
Hines, Evan <ehines@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Thanks Dan. I thought the plan was to send a press release along with the mayors office?
Also if this is in the daily news wed morning, will reporters show up to the event?
Sent Via DoITT Mobile Device
-------- Original message --------
From: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Date: 1/16/17 5:51 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: "Shor, Stanley" <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>, "Koenig, Anne J." <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>,
"Gardener, Stacy" <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>, Stacey Levine
<stacey.levine@intersection.com>, Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Draft 1MM Release
Hi all –
Attached please find a draft 1 million user release.  Please let us know any edits or comments. We’d
love to pitch an exclusive on this tomorrow morning to the Daily News for Wednedsay’s paper.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475


This e-mail, including any attachments, may be confidential, privileged or otherwise legally protected. It
is intended only for the addressee. If you received this e-mail in error or from someone who was not
authorized to send it to you, do not disseminate, copy or otherwise use this e-mail or its attachments.
Please notify the sender immediately by reply e-mail and delete the e-mail from your system.
From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: "Jovana Rizzo"; Gardener, Stacy (DOITT); Dan Levitan; Shor, Stanley; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt; Stacey Levine; Hines, Evan (DOITT)
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Date: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 2:57:59 PM

Can we match the lede language to the edited press release language – take out privately-funded,
add in “at no cost to taxpayers”?
From: Jovana Rizzo [mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 2:52 PM
To: Gardener, Stacy (DOITT); Dan Levitan; Shor, Stanley; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt; Stacey Levine; Grybauskas, Natalie; Hines, Evan (DOITT)
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Great, thanks! Updated:

Contact: Jovana Rizzo, media@link.nyc

LinkNYC, NYC Department of Information Technology & Communications Make

Major Announcement

Join officials from LinkNYC, NYC Department of Information Technology &

Telecommunications Commissioner Anne Roest, and community partners for a major
announcement and new data about how New Yorkers and visitors are using LinkNYC.

LinkNYC is the privately-funded, first-of-its-kind communications network replacing the

city’s payphones to build the world’s fastest, largest free public Wi-Fi network. Since Mayor
Bill de Blasio announced the public launch of LinkNYC in February, more than 600 Links
have been installed across all five boroughs. Each Link provides New Yorkers with free, fast
Wi-Fi, free domestic calling, two USB charging ports, and direct access to 911 and 311. For
more information, visit link.nyc.

When: Wednesday, January 18, 2017 -- 12 p.m.

Where: Link kiosk in front of 56 Lafayette Ave (at the corner of Fort Greene Place),
Brooklyn, NY 11217


Anne Roest, Commissioner of NYC Department of Information Technology &


Jen Hensley, LinkNYC General Manager

Miguel Gamiño, NYC Chief Technology Officer

Phillip Kellogg, Executive Director of Fulton Business Alliance

RSVP to: Jovana Rizzo, media@link.nyc, 646-200-5329

From: Gardener, Stacy [SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov]

Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 2:44 PM
To: Jovana Rizzo; Dan Levitan; Shor, Stanley; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt; Stacey Levine; Grybauskas, Natalie; Hines, Evan
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release

Chief Technology Officer Miguel Gamiño is also attending and speaking.

From: Jovana Rizzo [mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 2:40 PM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Shor,
Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>;
Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Hines, Evan <ehines@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Sounds good, thanks! Here is a media advisory we can send out wide to NYC, tech and local press ASAP
-- let us know if you have any edits:

Contact: Jovana Rizzo, media@link.nyc

LinkNYC, NYC Department of Information Technology &

Communications Make Major Announcement

Join officials from LinkNYC, NYC Department of Information Technology &

Telecommunications Commissioner Anne Roest, and community partners for a major
announcement and new data about how New Yorkers and visitors are using LinkNYC.

LinkNYC is the privately-funded, first-of-its-kind communications network replacing the city’s payphones
to build the world’s fastest, largest free public Wi-Fi network. Since Mayor Bill de Blasio announced the
public launch of LinkNYC in February, more than 600 Links have been installed across all five boroughs.
Each Link provides New Yorkers with free, fast Wi-Fi, free domestic calling, two USB charging ports,
and direct access to 911 and 311. For more information, visit link.nyc.

When: Wednesday, January 18, 2017 -- 12 p.m. 

Where: Link kiosk in front of 56 Lafayette Ave (at the corner of Fort Greene Place), Brooklyn, NY


Anne Roest, Commissioner of NYC Department of Information Technology & Communications 

Jen Hensley, LinkNYC General Manager 

Phillip Kellogg, Executive Director of Fulton Business Alliance

RSVP to: Jovana Rizzo, media@link.nyc, 646-200-5329

From: Gardener, Stacy [SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov]

Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 12:31 PM
To: Dan Levitan; Shor, Stanley; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt; Stacey Levine; Jovana Rizzo; Grybauskas, Natalie; Hines, Evan
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release

I’m going to ask folks I reached out to for a quote by 4:00 today. Does that timeline work?
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 11:28 AM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig,
Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>;
Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>;
Hines, Evan <ehines@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Thanks.  I accepted those changes and made a few more that Natalie requested.  Attached should
be near final.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475
From: Gardener, Stacy [mailto:SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 10:58 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>;
Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>;
Hines, Evan <ehines@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Just a few edits/comments on the release, attached.
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 10:45 AM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig,
Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>;
Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>;
Hines, Evan <ehines@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Yes, we have a portable mic stand.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Gardener, Stacy [mailto:SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 10:45 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>;
Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>;
Hines, Evan <ehines@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Dan/Stacey/Jovana/Ruth – are you able to bring a podium/stand like the one we used at the Bronx
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 7:41 AM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig,
Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>;
Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>;
Hines, Evan <ehines@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Mayoral release would be great. 
I think our best shot at getting cameras tomorrow is a good lead-in story.  Can you catch up quickly
by phone this morning?
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Gardener, Stacy [mailto:SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 6:48 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>;
Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>;
Hines, Evan <ehines@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Thanks Dan. I thought the plan was to send a press release along with the mayors office?

Also if this is in the daily news wed morning, will reporters show up to the event?

Sent Via DoITT Mobile Device

-------- Original message --------

From: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Date: 1/16/17 5:51 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: "Shor, Stanley" <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>, "Koenig, Anne J." <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>,
"Gardener, Stacy" <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>, Stacey Levine
<stacey.levine@intersection.com>, Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Draft 1MM Release
Hi all –
Attached please find a draft 1 million user release.  Please let us know any edits or comments. We’d
love to pitch an exclusive on this tomorrow morning to the Daily News for Wednedsay’s paper.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

This e-mail, including any attachments, may be confidential, privileged or otherwise legally protected. It
is intended only for the addressee. If you received this e-mail in error or from someone who was not
authorized to send it to you, do not disseminate, copy or otherwise use this e-mail or its attachments.
Please notify the sender immediately by reply e-mail and delete the e-mail from your system.
From: Gardener, Stacy
To: Jovana Rizzo; Grybauskas, Natalie; Dan Levitan; Shor, Stanley; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt; Stacey Levine; Hines, Evan (DOITT)
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Date: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 3:06:08 PM

Looks good thanks Jovana

From: Jovana Rizzo [mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 3:02 PM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Gardener, Stacy
<SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Shor, Stanley
<SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>;
Hines, Evan <ehines@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Yes -- updated:

Contact: Jovana Rizzo, media@link.nyc

LinkNYC, NYC Department of Information Technology & Communications Make

Major Announcement

Join officials from LinkNYC, NYC Department of Information Technology &

Telecommunications Commissioner Anne Roest, and partners for a major
announcement and new data about how New Yorkers and visitors are using LinkNYC.

LinkNYC is the first-of-its-kind communications network replacing the city’s payphones to

build the world’s fastest, largest free public Wi-Fi network at no cost to taxpayers. Since
Mayor Bill de Blasio announced the public launch of LinkNYC in February, more than 600
Links have been installed across all five boroughs. Each Link provides New Yorkers with
free, fast Wi-Fi, free domestic calling, two USB charging ports, Maps, and direct access to
911 and 311. For more information, visit link.nyc.

When: Wednesday, January 18, 2017 -- 12 p.m.

Where: Link kiosk in front of 56 Lafayette Ave (at the corner of Fort Greene Place),
Brooklyn, NY 11217

Anne Roest, Commissioner of NYC Department of Information Technology &


Jen Hensley, LinkNYC General Manager

Miguel Gamiño, NYC Chief Technology Officer

Phillip Kellogg, Executive Director of Fulton Business Alliance

RSVP to: Jovana Rizzo, media@link.nyc, 646-200-5329

From: Grybauskas, Natalie [NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 2:57 PM
To: Jovana Rizzo; Gardener, Stacy (DOITT); Dan Levitan; Shor, Stanley; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt; Stacey Levine; Hines, Evan (DOITT)
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release

Can we match the lede language to the edited press release language – take out privately-funded,
add in “at no cost to taxpayers”?
From: Jovana Rizzo [mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 2:52 PM
To: Gardener, Stacy (DOITT); Dan Levitan; Shor, Stanley; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt; Stacey Levine; Grybauskas, Natalie; Hines, Evan (DOITT)
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Great, thanks! Updated:

Contact: Jovana Rizzo, media@link.nyc

LinkNYC, NYC Department of Information Technology & Communications Make

Major Announcement

Join officials from LinkNYC, NYC Department of Information Technology &

Telecommunications Commissioner Anne Roest, and community partners for a major
announcement and new data about how New Yorkers and visitors are using LinkNYC.

LinkNYC is the privately-funded, first-of-its-kind communications network replacing the

city’s payphones to build the world’s fastest, largest free public Wi-Fi network. Since Mayor
Bill de Blasio announced the public launch of LinkNYC in February, more than 600 Links
have been installed across all five boroughs. Each Link provides New Yorkers with free, fast
Wi-Fi, free domestic calling, two USB charging ports, and direct access to 911 and 311. For
more information, visit link.nyc.

When: Wednesday, January 18, 2017 -- 12 p.m.

Where: Link kiosk in front of 56 Lafayette Ave (at the corner of Fort Greene Place),
Brooklyn, NY 11217


Anne Roest, Commissioner of NYC Department of Information Technology &


Jen Hensley, LinkNYC General Manager

Miguel Gamiño, NYC Chief Technology Officer

Phillip Kellogg, Executive Director of Fulton Business Alliance

RSVP to: Jovana Rizzo, media@link.nyc, 646-200-5329

From: Gardener, Stacy [SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov]

Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 2:44 PM
To: Jovana Rizzo; Dan Levitan; Shor, Stanley; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt; Stacey Levine; Grybauskas, Natalie; Hines, Evan
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release

Chief Technology Officer Miguel Gamiño is also attending and speaking.

From: Jovana Rizzo [mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 2:40 PM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Shor,
Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>;
Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Hines, Evan <ehines@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Sounds good, thanks! Here is a media advisory we can send out wide to NYC, tech and local press ASAP
-- let us know if you have any edits:
Contact: Jovana Rizzo, media@link.nyc

LinkNYC, NYC Department of Information Technology &

Communications Make Major Announcement

Join officials from LinkNYC, NYC Department of Information Technology &

Telecommunications Commissioner Anne Roest, and community partners for a major
announcement and new data about how New Yorkers and visitors are using LinkNYC.

LinkNYC is the privately-funded, first-of-its-kind communications network replacing the city’s payphones
to build the world’s fastest, largest free public Wi-Fi network. Since Mayor Bill de Blasio announced the
public launch of LinkNYC in February, more than 600 Links have been installed across all five boroughs.
Each Link provides New Yorkers with free, fast Wi-Fi, free domestic calling, two USB charging ports,
and direct access to 911 and 311. For more information, visit link.nyc.

When: Wednesday, January 18, 2017 -- 12 p.m. 

Where: Link kiosk in front of 56 Lafayette Ave (at the corner of Fort Greene Place), Brooklyn, NY


Anne Roest, Commissioner of NYC Department of Information Technology & Communications 

Jen Hensley, LinkNYC General Manager 

Phillip Kellogg, Executive Director of Fulton Business Alliance

RSVP to: Jovana Rizzo, media@link.nyc, 646-200-5329

From: Gardener, Stacy [SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov]

Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 12:31 PM
To: Dan Levitan; Shor, Stanley; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt; Stacey Levine; Jovana Rizzo; Grybauskas, Natalie; Hines, Evan
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release

I’m going to ask folks I reached out to for a quote by 4:00 today. Does that timeline work?
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 11:28 AM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig,
Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>;
Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>;
Hines, Evan <ehines@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Thanks.  I accepted those changes and made a few more that Natalie requested.  Attached should
be near final.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Gardener, Stacy [mailto:SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 10:58 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>;
Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>;
Hines, Evan <ehines@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Just a few edits/comments on the release, attached.
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 10:45 AM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig,
Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>;
Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>;
Hines, Evan <ehines@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Yes, we have a portable mic stand.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475
From: Gardener, Stacy [mailto:SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 10:45 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>;
Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>;
Hines, Evan <ehines@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Dan/Stacey/Jovana/Ruth – are you able to bring a podium/stand like the one we used at the Bronx
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 7:41 AM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig,
Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>;
Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>;
Hines, Evan <ehines@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Mayoral release would be great. 
I think our best shot at getting cameras tomorrow is a good lead-in story.  Can you catch up quickly
by phone this morning?
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Gardener, Stacy [mailto:SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 6:48 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>;
Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>;
Hines, Evan <ehines@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Thanks Dan. I thought the plan was to send a press release along with the mayors office?
Also if this is in the daily news wed morning, will reporters show up to the event?

Sent Via DoITT Mobile Device

-------- Original message --------

From: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Date: 1/16/17 5:51 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: "Shor, Stanley" <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>, "Koenig, Anne J." <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>,
"Gardener, Stacy" <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>, Stacey Levine
<stacey.levine@intersection.com>, Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Draft 1MM Release

Hi all –
Attached please find a draft 1 million user release.  Please let us know any edits or comments. We’d
love to pitch an exclusive on this tomorrow morning to the Daily News for Wednedsay’s paper.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

This e-mail, including any attachments, may be confidential, privileged or otherwise legally protected. It
is intended only for the addressee. If you received this e-mail in error or from someone who was not
authorized to send it to you, do not disseminate, copy or otherwise use this e-mail or its attachments.
Please notify the sender immediately by reply e-mail and delete the e-mail from your system.
From: Gardener, Stacy
To: Dan Levitan
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Date: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 5:41:03 PM

Sounds good thanks Dan

From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 5:38 PM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: Draft 1MM Release
News got spiked. Am-ny doing something. Jovana will report on a few more leads shortly 

- Sent from my Galaxy S6 - 

On Jan 17, 2017, at 5:34 PM, Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov> wrote:

Dan – do we have an idea on what press may be interested in attending? Is Daily news
doing something?
From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 5:31 PM
To: 'Dan Levitan' <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Gardener, Stacy
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Yes will send in a moment
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 5:31 PM
To: Gardener, Stacy (DOITT)
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: Re: Draft 1MM Release
That's great! Is mayor also doing quote?

- Sent from my Galaxy S6 - 

On Jan 17, 2017, at 5:21 PM, Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov> wrote:

So far:
“We’re incredibly excited to see the overwhelmingly positive response to
LinkNYC over the past year,” said Anne Roest, Commissioner of the
Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications.
“Reaching 1 million users demonstrates that New Yorkers and our City’s
record-breaking number of visitors are taking advantage of the free
services that LinkNYC provides - superfast Wi-Fi, USB charging, City and
emergency services, and phone calls. Our progress has been incredible so
far, with over 500 active kiosks across the city, and we will continue to
build on this ambitious, first-of-its kind network across the City in the
coming years.”
“Free Wi-Fi internet access on our streets has been a game-changing new
public service, and these numbers show it,” said Manhattan Borough
President Gale A. Brewer. “It’s not often that government rolls out an
entirely new service to the public. Despite the inevitable bumps in the
road, LinkNYC shows what government can do when we’re ambitious and
“LinkNYC has set the standard for free public municipal Wi-Fi,” said
Council Member James Vacca, Chair of the New York City Council
Committee on Technology. “LinkNYC has provided a great benefit for
residents, commuters, and tourists alike. Now with over 1,000,000 users,
it’s clear that LinkNYC is here to stay and that free public Wi-Fi is the new
standard for tech-friendly cities. I thank Mayor de Blasio and
Commissioner Roest for their for their efforts.”
“Through advanced technology, New Yorkers of all backgrounds can now
connect – locally and globally - for free. LinkNYC is a 21 st Century
approach to closing the digital divide. I would like to congratulate Mayor
Bill de Blasio and the Department of Information Technology &
Telecommunications (DoITT) for improving accessibility within Fort
Greene and Crown Heights. I look forward to LinkNYC’s continued
expansion throughout the 35 th Council District and the City of New York,”
said Council Member Laurie A. Cumbo.
“High speed broadband is the way of the present and future,” said
Council Member Rafael Espinal. “In an ever increasingly digital world, we
must take proactive steps to improve access to the Internet and
technology for New Yorkers. I applaud the swift progress New York City
has made in reaching over 1,000,000 users of LinkNYC in just one year!
Let us keep up these innovative efforts and lead the nation in providing
free public Wi-Fi.”
"I am very excited that our city is able to catapult into the 21st Century's
Technological Age reaching the 1 million user milestone in under one
year,” said Council Member Vincent Gentile. “LinkNYC has provided a
facelift to New York City by replacing old payphones with free Wi-Fi kiosks
empowering millions across the five boroughs. Congratulations on the
accomplishment and here's to 1 million more!"
“In the reality of the world we live in, access to the Internet cannot be
considered a luxury. So much of what we do depends on web
connectivity, and is vital to people being able to exercise their right to
freedom of expression. I applaud LinkNYC in working to make sure New
Yorkers have access to Wi-Fi at no cost to the City’s taxpayers,” said
Council Member Jumaane D. Williams.
From: Gardener, Stacy
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 3:52 PM
To: 'Grybauskas, Natalie' <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: 'Dan Levitan' <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
I’ve gotten some quotes, I can compile at COB today and send over to
you. And then whatever trickles in tomorrow morning
From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 12:56 PM
To: 'Dan Levitan' <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Gardener, Stacy
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 12:53 PM
To: Gardener, Stacy (DOITT)
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
We can forward City’s to our list
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Gardener, Stacy [mailto:SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 12:52 PM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Natalie Grybauskas <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Are you both sending releases or just City Hall?
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 12:38 PM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Natalie Grybauskas <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: Draft 1MM Release
Ok, adding Natalie as I think she is doing final release

- Sent from my Galaxy S6 - 

On Jan 17, 2017, at 11:35 AM, Gardener, Stacy

<SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov> wrote:

I missed it when I edited, but if we’re changing “world” to

“city” in the text, we should change the “Where to Find the
World’s Most Popular Link” header as well.
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 11:28 AM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Shor,
Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey
Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Jovana Rizzo
<jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie
<NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Hines, Evan
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Thanks.  I accepted those changes and made a few more
that Natalie requested.  Attached should be near final.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Gardener, Stacy [mailto:SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 10:58 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Shor, Stanley
<SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey
Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Jovana Rizzo
<jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie
<NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Hines, Evan
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Just a few edits/comments on the release, attached.
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 10:45 AM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Shor,
Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey
Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Jovana Rizzo
<jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie
<NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Hines, Evan
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Yes, we have a portable mic stand.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Gardener, Stacy [mailto:SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 10:45 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Shor, Stanley
<SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey
Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Jovana Rizzo
<jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie
<NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Hines, Evan
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Dan/Stacey/Jovana/Ruth – are you able to bring a
podium/stand like the one we used at the Bronx event?
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 7:41 AM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Shor,
Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey
Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Jovana Rizzo
<jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie
<NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Hines, Evan
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Mayoral release would be great. 
I think our best shot at getting cameras tomorrow is a good
lead-in story.  Can you catch up quickly by phone this
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Gardener, Stacy [mailto:SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 6:48 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Shor, Stanley
<SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey
Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Jovana Rizzo
<jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie
<NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Hines, Evan
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Thanks Dan. I thought the plan was to send a press
release along with the mayors office?
Also if this is in the daily news wed morning, will
reporters show up to the event?
Sent Via DoITT Mobile Device
-------- Original message --------
From: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Date: 1/16/17 5:51 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: "Shor, Stanley" <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>, "Koenig,
Anne J." <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>, "Gardener, Stacy"
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>,
Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>,
Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Draft 1MM Release
Hi all –
Attached please find a draft 1 million user release.  Please let
us know any edits or comments. We’d love to pitch an
exclusive on this tomorrow morning to the Daily News for
Wednedsay’s paper.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475


This e-mail, including any attachments, may be confidential,

privileged or otherwise legally protected. It is intended only for
the addressee. If you received this e-mail in error or from
someone who was not authorized to send it to you, do not
disseminate, copy or otherwise use this e-mail or its
attachments. Please notify the sender immediately by reply e-
mail and delete the e-mail from your system.
From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: Gardener, Stacy (DOITT); Dan Levitan
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Date: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 5:52:07 PM
Attachments: image001.png

Latest version (w/Mayor)



NEW YORK, NY 10007 


CONTACT: pressoffice@cityhall.nyc.gov, (212) 788-2958
CONTACT: media@link.nyc

Link Usage rises to 4 million Wi-Fi sessions every week; 78 percent of New Yorkers have a
favorable opinion of world’s largest and fastest free public Wi-Fi network
NEW YORK -- LinkNYC announced today that the world’s largest and fastest free public
Wi-Fi network has added its millionth user less than a year after publicly launching on the
streets of New York City.  As of January 4th, over 1,040,000  people – more than the
populations of San Jose, San Francisco, Seattle, or Denver – have signed up to use its gigabit
Wi-Fi service, with approximately 40,000 people joining the network for the first time each
“Bringing free Wi-Fi to our sidewalks is an important piece of our efforts to increase internet
access for all New Yorkers. It’s no surprise that people are using the LinkNYC program and
are happy about the services it provides – ultrafast Wi-Fi, phone calls, and more – at no cost
to taxpayers,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio.
“With Link kiosks now in all five boroughs, we have helped more than a million New
Yorkers and visitors get online at the fastest speeds available in New York City, for free.”
said Jen Hensley, General Manager of LinkNYC.  “Less than one year in, we are thrilled
with the response to LinkNYC.”
[anne roest]
[Miguel gamino]
LinkNYC By the Numbers (As of January 4, 2017)
Total Wi-Fi Users:  1,040,000
New Wi-Fi Sign-ups Per Week: 40,000
Wi-Fi Sessions Per Week:  4,000,000
Data downloaded by LinkNYC users since launch: 555,710 Gigabytes
Busiest day by users: Jan 4, 2017: 125,756 unique users
Busiest day by data transferred: Dec 31, 2016: 4,656 GB

New Yorkers Know – and Love – LinkNYC

71% of New Yorkers are aware of LinkNYC, and of them, 92% believe it has positive
benefits for New York City, according to a survey conducted by Sachs Insights of 1,000
people across the New York City region.  Among those aware of LinkNYC:
78% have a favorable opinion of the network.
89% believe LinkNYC makes NYC more innovative than other cities.
89% appreciate that LinkNYC’s services are free thanks to advertising, which reaches
over 11 million people weekly.

Where to Find the City’s Most Popular Link

The city’s most popular Link stands in Herald Square (at 1313 Broadway) and has served
about 600,000 Wi-Fi sessions all by itself.  
About LinkNYC
LinkNYC is the  first-of-its-kind communications network replacing the city’s payphones to
build the world’s fastest, largest free public Wi-Fi network at no cost to taxpayers. Since
Mayor Bill de Blasio announced the public launch of LinkNYC in February, more than 600
Links have been installed across all five boroughs. Each Link provides New Yorkers with
free, fast Wi-Fi, free domestic calling, two USB charging ports, Maps, and direct access to
911 and 311.
To find a Link near you, visit: link.nyc/find-a-link.html

From: Gardener, Stacy [mailto:SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 5:40 PM
To: Dan Levitan
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Sounds good thanks Dan
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 5:38 PM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: Draft 1MM Release
News got spiked. Am-ny doing something. Jovana will report on a few more leads shortly 

- Sent from my Galaxy S6 - 

On Jan 17, 2017, at 5:34 PM, Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov> wrote:

Dan – do we have an idea on what press may be interested in attending? Is Daily news
doing something?
From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 5:31 PM
To: 'Dan Levitan' <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Gardener, Stacy
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Yes will send in a moment
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 5:31 PM
To: Gardener, Stacy (DOITT)
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: Re: Draft 1MM Release
That's great! Is mayor also doing quote?

- Sent from my Galaxy S6 - 

On Jan 17, 2017, at 5:21 PM, Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov> wrote:

So far:
“We’re incredibly excited to see the overwhelmingly positive response to
LinkNYC over the past year,” said Anne Roest, Commissioner of the
Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications.
“Reaching 1 million users demonstrates that New Yorkers and our City’s
record-breaking number of visitors are taking advantage of the free
services that LinkNYC provides - superfast Wi-Fi, USB charging, City and
emergency services, and phone calls. Our progress has been incredible so
far, with over 500 active kiosks across the city, and we will continue to
build on this ambitious, first-of-its kind network across the City in the
coming years.”
“Free Wi-Fi internet access on our streets has been a game-changing new
public service, and these numbers show it,” said Manhattan Borough
President Gale A. Brewer. “It’s not often that government rolls out an
entirely new service to the public. Despite the inevitable bumps in the
road, LinkNYC shows what government can do when we’re ambitious and
“LinkNYC has set the standard for free public municipal Wi-Fi,” said
Council Member James Vacca, Chair of the New York City Council
Committee on Technology. “LinkNYC has provided a great benefit for
residents, commuters, and tourists alike. Now with over 1,000,000 users,
it’s clear that LinkNYC is here to stay and that free public Wi-Fi is the new
standard for tech-friendly cities. I thank Mayor de Blasio and
Commissioner Roest for their for their efforts.”
“Through advanced technology, New Yorkers of all backgrounds can now
connect – locally and globally - for free. LinkNYC is a 21 st Century
approach to closing the digital divide. I would like to congratulate Mayor
Bill de Blasio and the Department of Information Technology &
Telecommunications (DoITT) for improving accessibility within Fort
Greene and Crown Heights. I look forward to LinkNYC’s continued
expansion throughout the 35 th Council District and the City of New York,”
said Council Member Laurie A. Cumbo.
“High speed broadband is the way of the present and future,” said
Council Member Rafael Espinal. “In an ever increasingly digital world, we
must take proactive steps to improve access to the Internet and
technology for New Yorkers. I applaud the swift progress New York City
has made in reaching over 1,000,000 users of LinkNYC in just one year!
Let us keep up these innovative efforts and lead the nation in providing
free public Wi-Fi.”
"I am very excited that our city is able to catapult into the 21st Century's
Technological Age reaching the 1 million user milestone in under one
year,” said Council Member Vincent Gentile. “LinkNYC has provided a
facelift to New York City by replacing old payphones with free Wi-Fi kiosks
empowering millions across the five boroughs. Congratulations on the
accomplishment and here's to 1 million more!"
“In the reality of the world we live in, access to the Internet cannot be
considered a luxury. So much of what we do depends on web
connectivity, and is vital to people being able to exercise their right to
freedom of expression. I applaud LinkNYC in working to make sure New
Yorkers have access to Wi-Fi at no cost to the City’s taxpayers,” said
Council Member Jumaane D. Williams.
From: Gardener, Stacy
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 3:52 PM
To: 'Grybauskas, Natalie' <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: 'Dan Levitan' <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
I’ve gotten some quotes, I can compile at COB today and send over to
you. And then whatever trickles in tomorrow morning
From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 12:56 PM
To: 'Dan Levitan' <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Gardener, Stacy
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 12:53 PM
To: Gardener, Stacy (DOITT)
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
We can forward City’s to our list
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Gardener, Stacy [mailto:SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 12:52 PM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Natalie Grybauskas <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Are you both sending releases or just City Hall?
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 12:38 PM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Natalie Grybauskas <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: Draft 1MM Release
Ok, adding Natalie as I think she is doing final release
- Sent from my Galaxy S6 - 

On Jan 17, 2017, at 11:35 AM, Gardener, Stacy

<SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov> wrote:

I missed it when I edited, but if we’re changing “world” to

“city” in the text, we should change the “Where to Find the
World’s Most Popular Link” header as well.
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 11:28 AM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Shor,
Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey
Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Jovana Rizzo
<jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie
<NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Hines, Evan
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Thanks.  I accepted those changes and made a few more
that Natalie requested.  Attached should be near final.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Gardener, Stacy [mailto:SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 10:58 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Shor, Stanley
<SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey
Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Jovana Rizzo
<jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie
<NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Hines, Evan
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Just a few edits/comments on the release, attached.
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 10:45 AM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Shor,
Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey
Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Jovana Rizzo
<jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie
<NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Hines, Evan
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Yes, we have a portable mic stand.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Gardener, Stacy [mailto:SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 10:45 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Shor, Stanley
<SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey
Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Jovana Rizzo
<jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie
<NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Hines, Evan
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Dan/Stacey/Jovana/Ruth – are you able to bring a
podium/stand like the one we used at the Bronx event?
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 7:41 AM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Shor,
Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey
Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Jovana Rizzo
<jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie
<NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Hines, Evan
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Mayoral release would be great. 
I think our best shot at getting cameras tomorrow is a good
lead-in story.  Can you catch up quickly by phone this
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Gardener, Stacy [mailto:SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 6:48 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Shor, Stanley
<SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey
Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Jovana Rizzo
<jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie
<NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Hines, Evan
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Thanks Dan. I thought the plan was to send a press
release along with the mayors office?
Also if this is in the daily news wed morning, will
reporters show up to the event?
Sent Via DoITT Mobile Device
-------- Original message --------
From: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Date: 1/16/17 5:51 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: "Shor, Stanley" <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>, "Koenig,
Anne J." <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>, "Gardener, Stacy"
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>,
Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>,
Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Draft 1MM Release
Hi all –
Attached please find a draft 1 million user release.  Please let
us know any edits or comments. We’d love to pitch an
exclusive on this tomorrow morning to the Daily News for
Wednedsay’s paper.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475


This e-mail, including any attachments, may be confidential,

privileged or otherwise legally protected. It is intended only for
the addressee. If you received this e-mail in error or from
someone who was not authorized to send it to you, do not
disseminate, copy or otherwise use this e-mail or its
attachments. Please notify the sender immediately by reply e-
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From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: Jovana Rizzo
Cc: Gardener, Stacy (DOITT); Dan Levitan; Shor, Stanley; Koenig, Anne J.; Ruth Fasoldt; Stacey Levine; Hines,
Evan (DOITT)
Subject: Re: Draft 1MM Release
Date: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 7:04:23 PM

Ivan got mayor quote right?

Sent from mobile

On Jan 17, 2017, at 6:54 PM, Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Hi all, we're expecting amNY to run an item tomorrow morning. Here's an updated
advisory we can blast in the morning, let me know if you have any edits. Thanks!

MEDIA ADVISORY FOR: TODAY, Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Contact: Jovana Rizzo, media@link.nyc

LinkNYC, NYC Department of Information Technology &

Telecommunications To Celebrate Link Reaching One Million Users

Join officials from LinkNYC, NYC Department of Information Technology

& Telecommunications Commissioner Anne Roest, and partners for the
major announcement of LinkNYC reaching one million users and to get new
data about how New Yorkers and visitors are using Link.

LinkNYC is the first-of-its-kind communications network replacing the city’s

payphones to build the world’s fastest, largest free public Wi-Fi network at no
cost to taxpayers. Since Mayor Bill de Blasio announced the public launch of
LinkNYC in February, more than 600 Links have been installed across all five
boroughs. Each Link provides New Yorkers with free, fast Wi-Fi, free domestic
calling, two USB charging ports, Maps, and direct access to 911 and 311. For
more information, visit link.nyc.

When: Wednesday, January 18, 2017 -- 12 p.m. 

Where: Link kiosk in front of 56 Lafayette Ave (at the corner of Fort Greene
Place), Brooklyn, NY 11217

Anne Roest, Commissioner of NYC Department of Information Technology &


Jen Hensley, LinkNYC General Manager 

Miguel Gamiño, NYC Chief Technology Officer 

RSVP to: Jovana Rizzo, media@link.nyc, 646-200-5329

From: Jovana Rizzo

Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 3:08 PM
To: Gardener, Stacy; Grybauskas, Natalie; Dan Levitan; Shor, Stanley; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt; Stacey Levine; Hines, Evan
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release

Great, will send out!

From: Gardener, Stacy [SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov]

Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 3:04 PM
To: Jovana Rizzo; Grybauskas, Natalie; Dan Levitan; Shor, Stanley; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt; Stacey Levine; Hines, Evan
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release

Looks good thanks Jovana

From: Jovana Rizzo [mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 3:02 PM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Gardener, Stacy
<SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Shor, Stanley
<SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine
<stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Hines, Evan <ehines@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Yes -- updated:

Contact: Jovana Rizzo, media@link.nyc

LinkNYC, NYC Department of Information Technology & Communications

Make Major Announcement

Join officials from LinkNYC, NYC Department of Information Technology

& Telecommunications Commissioner Anne Roest, and partners for a major
announcement and new data about how New Yorkers and visitors are using

LinkNYC is the first-of-its-kind communications network replacing the city’s

payphones to build the world’s fastest, largest free public Wi-Fi network at no
cost to taxpayers. Since Mayor Bill de Blasio announced the public launch of
LinkNYC in February, more than 600 Links have been installed across all five
boroughs. Each Link provides New Yorkers with free, fast Wi-Fi, free domestic
calling, two USB charging ports, Maps, and direct access to 911 and 311. For
more information, visit link.nyc.

When: Wednesday, January 18, 2017 -- 12 p.m. 

Where: Link kiosk in front of 56 Lafayette Ave (at the corner of Fort Greene
Place), Brooklyn, NY 11217


Anne Roest, Commissioner of NYC Department of Information Technology &


Jen Hensley, LinkNYC General Manager 

Miguel Gamiño, NYC Chief Technology Officer 

Phillip Kellogg, Executive Director of Fulton Business Alliance

RSVP to: Jovana Rizzo, media@link.nyc, 646-200-5329

From: Grybauskas, Natalie [NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 2:57 PM
To: Jovana Rizzo; Gardener, Stacy (DOITT); Dan Levitan; Shor, Stanley; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt; Stacey Levine; Hines, Evan (DOITT)
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release

Can we match the lede language to the edited press release language – take out
privately-funded, add in “at no cost to taxpayers”?
From: Jovana Rizzo [mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 2:52 PM
To: Gardener, Stacy (DOITT); Dan Levitan; Shor, Stanley; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt; Stacey Levine; Grybauskas, Natalie; Hines, Evan (DOITT)
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Great, thanks! Updated:

Contact: Jovana Rizzo, media@link.nyc

LinkNYC, NYC Department of Information Technology & Communications

Make Major Announcement

Join officials from LinkNYC, NYC Department of Information Technology

& Telecommunications Commissioner Anne Roest, and community partners
for a major announcement and new data about how New Yorkers and
visitors are using LinkNYC.

LinkNYC is the privately-funded, first-of-its-kind communications network

replacing the city’s payphones to build the world’s fastest, largest free public Wi-
Fi network. Since Mayor Bill de Blasio announced the public launch of
LinkNYC in February, more than 600 Links have been installed across all five
boroughs. Each Link provides New Yorkers with free, fast Wi-Fi, free domestic
calling, two USB charging ports, and direct access to 911 and 311. For more
information, visit link.nyc.

When: Wednesday, January 18, 2017 -- 12 p.m. 

Where: Link kiosk in front of 56 Lafayette Ave (at the corner of Fort Greene
Place), Brooklyn, NY 11217


Anne Roest, Commissioner of NYC Department of Information Technology &


Jen Hensley, LinkNYC General Manager 

Miguel Gamiño, NYC Chief Technology Officer 

Phillip Kellogg, Executive Director of Fulton Business Alliance

RSVP to: Jovana Rizzo, media@link.nyc, 646-200-5329

From: Gardener, Stacy [SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov]

Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 2:44 PM
To: Jovana Rizzo; Dan Levitan; Shor, Stanley; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt; Stacey Levine; Grybauskas, Natalie; Hines, Evan
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release

Chief Technology Officer Miguel Gamiño is also attending and speaking.

From: Jovana Rizzo [mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 2:40 PM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Dan Levitan
<dan@berlinrosen.com>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine
<stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie
<NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Hines, Evan <ehines@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Sounds good, thanks! Here is a media advisory we can send out wide to NYC, tech and
local press ASAP -- let us know if you have any edits:

Contact: Jovana Rizzo, media@link.nyc

LinkNYC, NYC Department of Information Technology &

Communications Make Major Announcement

Join officials from LinkNYC, NYC Department of Information Technology &

Telecommunications Commissioner Anne Roest, and community partners for a
major announcement and new data about how New Yorkers and visitors are
using LinkNYC.

LinkNYC is the privately-funded, first-of-its-kind communications network replacing the

city’s payphones to build the world’s fastest, largest free public Wi-Fi network. Since
Mayor Bill de Blasio announced the public launch of LinkNYC in February, more than 600
Links have been installed across all five boroughs. Each Link provides New Yorkers with
free, fast Wi-Fi, free domestic calling, two USB charging ports, and direct access to 911
and 311. For more information, visit link.nyc.

When: Wednesday, January 18, 2017 -- 12 p.m. 

Where: Link kiosk in front of 56 Lafayette Ave (at the corner of Fort Greene Place),
Brooklyn, NY 11217


Anne Roest, Commissioner of NYC Department of Information Technology &


Jen Hensley, LinkNYC General Manager 

Phillip Kellogg, Executive Director of Fulton Business Alliance

RSVP to: Jovana Rizzo, media@link.nyc, 646-200-5329

From: Gardener, Stacy [SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov]

Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 12:31 PM
To: Dan Levitan; Shor, Stanley; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt; Stacey Levine; Jovana Rizzo; Grybauskas, Natalie; Hines, Evan
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release

I’m going to ask folks I reached out to for a quote by 4:00 today. Does that timeline
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 11:28 AM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Shor, Stanley
<SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine
<stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>;
Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Hines, Evan
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Thanks.  I accepted those changes and made a few more that Natalie requested. 
Attached should be near final.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Gardener, Stacy [mailto:SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 10:58 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>;
Koenig, Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine
<stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>;
Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Hines, Evan
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Just a few edits/comments on the release, attached.
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 10:45 AM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Shor, Stanley
<SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine
<stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>;
Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Hines, Evan
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Yes, we have a portable mic stand.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Gardener, Stacy [mailto:SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 10:45 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>;
Koenig, Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine
<stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>;
Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Hines, Evan
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Dan/Stacey/Jovana/Ruth – are you able to bring a podium/stand like the one we used
at the Bronx event?
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 7:41 AM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Shor, Stanley
<SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine
<stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>;
Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Hines, Evan
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Mayoral release would be great. 
I think our best shot at getting cameras tomorrow is a good lead-in story.  Can you
catch up quickly by phone this morning?
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Gardener, Stacy [mailto:SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 6:48 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>;
Koenig, Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine
<stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>;
Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Hines, Evan
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Thanks Dan. I thought the plan was to send a press release along with the
mayors office?
Also if this is in the daily news wed morning, will reporters show up to the
Sent Via DoITT Mobile Device
-------- Original message --------
From: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Date: 1/16/17 5:51 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: "Shor, Stanley" <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>, "Koenig, Anne J."
<ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>, "Gardener, Stacy" <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>, Stacey Levine
<stacey.levine@intersection.com>, Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Draft 1MM Release
Hi all –
Attached please find a draft 1 million user release.  Please let us know any edits or
comments. We’d love to pitch an exclusive on this tomorrow morning to the Daily
News for Wednedsay’s paper.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475


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reply e-mail and delete the e-mail from your system.
From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: "Dan Levitan"; Gardener, Stacy (DOITT)
Cc: Jovana Rizzo
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Date: Wednesday, January 18, 2017 10:25:03 AM

Yeah sending in 2 min

From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2017 10:24 AM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie; Gardener, Stacy (DOITT)
Cc: Jovana Rizzo
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Great.  Is there a near final we can print now and bring with us?
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2017 10:23 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Gardener, Stacy (DOITT) <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
LinkNYC By the Numbers (As of January 4, 2017)

Total Wi-Fi subscribers:  1,040,000

New Wi-Fi sign-ups per week: 40,000
Wi-Fi sessions per week:  4,000,000
Data downloaded by LinkNYC users since launch: 555,710 Gigabytes
Busiest day by users: Jan 4, 2017: 125,756 unique users
Busiest day by data transferred: Dec 31, 2016: 4,656 GB
Leaving the other ones as users
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2017 9:13 AM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie; Gardener, Stacy (DOITT)
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
One little release edit: can we say “Subscribers” instead of “users” in the bulleted data list?
AM-NY came out well!
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 5:31 PM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Gardener, Stacy (DOITT) <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Yes will send in a moment
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 5:31 PM
To: Gardener, Stacy (DOITT)
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: Re: Draft 1MM Release
That's great! Is mayor also doing quote?

- Sent from my Galaxy S6 - 

On Jan 17, 2017, at 5:21 PM, Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov> wrote:

So far:
“We’re incredibly excited to see the overwhelmingly positive response to LinkNYC over
the past year,” said Anne Roest, Commissioner of the Department of Information
Technology and Telecommunications. “Reaching 1 million users demonstrates that
New Yorkers and our City’s record-breaking number of visitors are taking advantage of
the free services that LinkNYC provides - superfast Wi-Fi, USB charging, City and
emergency services, and phone calls. Our progress has been incredible so far, with
over 500 active kiosks across the city, and we will continue to build on this ambitious,
first-of-its kind network across the City in the coming years.”
“Free Wi-Fi internet access on our streets has been a game-changing new public
service, and these numbers show it,” said Manhattan Borough President Gale A.
Brewer. “It’s not often that government rolls out an entirely new service to the public.
Despite the inevitable bumps in the road, LinkNYC shows what government can do
when we’re ambitious and forward-looking.”
“LinkNYC has set the standard for free public municipal Wi-Fi,” said Council Member
James Vacca, Chair of the New York City Council Committee on Technology.
“LinkNYC has provided a great benefit for residents, commuters, and tourists alike.
Now with over 1,000,000 users, it’s clear that LinkNYC is here to stay and that free
public Wi-Fi is the new standard for tech-friendly cities. I thank Mayor de Blasio and
Commissioner Roest for their for their efforts.”
“Through advanced technology, New Yorkers of all backgrounds can now connect –
locally and globally - for free. LinkNYC is a 21 st Century approach to closing the digital
divide. I would like to congratulate Mayor Bill de Blasio and the Department of
Information Technology & Telecommunications (DoITT) for improving accessibility
within Fort Greene and Crown Heights. I look forward to LinkNYC’s continued
expansion throughout the 35 th Council District and the City of New York,” said Council
Member Laurie A. Cumbo.
“High speed broadband is the way of the present and future,” said Council Member
Rafael Espinal. “In an ever increasingly digital world, we must take proactive steps to
improve access to the Internet and technology for New Yorkers. I applaud the swift
progress New York City has made in reaching over 1,000,000 users of LinkNYC in just
one year! Let us keep up these innovative efforts and lead the nation in providing free
public Wi-Fi.”
"I am very excited that our city is able to catapult into the 21st Century's Technological
Age reaching the 1 million user milestone in under one year,” said Council Member
Vincent Gentile. “LinkNYC has provided a facelift to New York City by replacing old
payphones with free Wi-Fi kiosks empowering millions across the five boroughs.
Congratulations on the accomplishment and here's to 1 million more!"
“In the reality of the world we live in, access to the Internet cannot be considered a
luxury. So much of what we do depends on web connectivity, and is vital to people
being able to exercise their right to freedom of expression. I applaud LinkNYC in
working to make sure New Yorkers have access to Wi-Fi at no cost to the City’s
taxpayers,” said Council Member Jumaane D. Williams.
From: Gardener, Stacy
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 3:52 PM
To: 'Grybauskas, Natalie' <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: 'Dan Levitan' <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
I’ve gotten some quotes, I can compile at COB today and send over to you. And then
whatever trickles in tomorrow morning
From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 12:56 PM
To: 'Dan Levitan' <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Gardener, Stacy
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 12:53 PM
To: Gardener, Stacy (DOITT)
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
We can forward City’s to our list
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Gardener, Stacy [mailto:SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 12:52 PM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Natalie Grybauskas <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Are you both sending releases or just City Hall?
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 12:38 PM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Natalie Grybauskas <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: Draft 1MM Release
Ok, adding Natalie as I think she is doing final release

- Sent from my Galaxy S6 - 

On Jan 17, 2017, at 11:35 AM, Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov> wrote:

I missed it when I edited, but if we’re changing “world” to “city” in the

text, we should change the “Where to Find the World’s Most Popular
Link” header as well.
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 11:28 AM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Shor, Stanley
<SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine
<stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Jovana Rizzo
<jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie
<NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Hines, Evan <ehines@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Thanks.  I accepted those changes and made a few more that Natalie
requested.  Attached should be near final.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Gardener, Stacy [mailto:SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 10:58 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Shor, Stanley
<SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine
<stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Jovana Rizzo
<jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie
<NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Hines, Evan <ehines@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Just a few edits/comments on the release, attached.
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 10:45 AM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Shor, Stanley
<SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine
<stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Jovana Rizzo
<jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie
<NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Hines, Evan <ehines@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Yes, we have a portable mic stand.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Gardener, Stacy [mailto:SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 10:45 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Shor, Stanley
<SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine
<stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Jovana Rizzo
<jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie
<NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Hines, Evan <ehines@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Dan/Stacey/Jovana/Ruth – are you able to bring a podium/stand like the
one we used at the Bronx event?
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 7:41 AM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Shor, Stanley
<SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine
<stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Jovana Rizzo
<jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie
<NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Hines, Evan <ehines@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Mayoral release would be great. 
I think our best shot at getting cameras tomorrow is a good lead-in story. 
Can you catch up quickly by phone this morning?
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Gardener, Stacy [mailto:SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 6:48 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Shor, Stanley
<SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Stacey Levine
<stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Jovana Rizzo
<jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie
<NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Hines, Evan <ehines@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Draft 1MM Release
Thanks Dan. I thought the plan was to send a press release along
with the mayors office?
Also if this is in the daily news wed morning, will reporters show up
to the event?
Sent Via DoITT Mobile Device
-------- Original message --------
From: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Date: 1/16/17 5:51 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: "Shor, Stanley" <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>, "Koenig, Anne J."
<ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>, "Gardener, Stacy"
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>, Stacey Levine
<stacey.levine@intersection.com>, Jovana Rizzo
Subject: Draft 1MM Release
Hi all –
Attached please find a draft 1 million user release.  Please let us know any
edits or comments. We’d love to pitch an exclusive on this tomorrow
morning to the Daily News for Wednedsay’s paper.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475


This e-mail, including any attachments, may be confidential, privileged or

otherwise legally protected. It is intended only for the addressee. If you
received this e-mail in error or from someone who was not authorized to
send it to you, do not disseminate, copy or otherwise use this e-mail or its
attachments. Please notify the sender immediately by reply e-mail and
delete the e-mail from your system.
From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: (dan@berlinrosen.com); Gardener, Stacy (DOITT); Jovana Rizzo (jovana@berlinrosen.com)
Subject: latest version of release
Date: Wednesday, January 18, 2017 10:28:08 AM
Attachments: 011817 linknyc.docx


NEW YORK, NY 10007 


CONTACT: pressoffice@cityhall.nyc.gov, (212) 788-2958
CONTACT: media@link.nyc

Link usage rises to 4 million Wi-Fi sessions every week; 78 percent of New Yorkers have a
favorable opinion of world’s largest and fastest free public Wi-Fi network
NEW YORK -- LinkNYC announced today that the world’s largest and fastest free public
Wi-Fi network has added its millionth user less than a year after publicly launching on the
streets of New York City.  As of January 4th, over 1,040,000  people – more than the
populations of San Jose, San Francisco, Seattle, or Denver – have signed up to use its gigabit
Wi-Fi service, with approximately 40,000 people joining the network for the first time each
“Bringing free Wi-Fi to our sidewalks is an important part of our efforts to increase internet
access for all New Yorkers. It’s no surprise that people are using the LinkNYC program and
are happy about the services it provides – ultrafast Wi-Fi, phone calls, and more – at no cost
to taxpayers,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio.
“With Link kiosks now in all five boroughs, we have helped more than a million New
Yorkers and visitors get online at the fastest speeds available in New York City, for free.”
said Jen Hensley, General Manager of LinkNYC.  “Less than one year in, we are thrilled
with the response to LinkNYC.”
LinkNYC By the Numbers (As of January 4, 2017)

Total Wi-Fi subscribers:  1,040,000

New Wi-Fi sign-ups per week: 40,000
Wi-Fi sessions per week:  4,000,000
Data downloaded by LinkNYC users since launch: 555,710 Gigabytes
Busiest day by users: Jan 4, 2017: 125,756 unique users
Busiest day by data transferred: Dec 31, 2016: 4,656 GB

New Yorkers Know – and Love – LinkNYC

71% of New Yorkers are aware of LinkNYC, and of them, 92% believe it has positive
benefits for New York City, according to a survey conducted by Sachs Insights of 1,000
people across the New York City region.  Among those aware of LinkNYC:
78% have a favorable opinion of the network.
89% believe LinkNYC makes NYC more innovative than other cities.
89% appreciate that LinkNYC’s services are free thanks to advertising, which reaches
over 11 million people weekly.

Where to Find the City’s Most Popular Link

The city’s most popular Link stands in Herald Square (at 1313 Broadway) and has served
about 600,000 Wi-Fi sessions all by itself.  
“We’re incredibly excited to see the overwhelmingly positive response to LinkNYC over the
past year,” said Anne Roest, Commissioner of the Department of Information
Technology and Telecommunications. “Reaching 1 million users demonstrates that New
Yorkers and our City’s record-breaking number of visitors are taking advantage of the free
services that LinkNYC provides - superfast Wi-Fi, USB charging, City and emergency
services, and phone calls. Our progress has been incredible so far, with over 500 active
kiosks across the city, and we will continue to build on this ambitious, first-of-its kind
network across the City in the coming years.”
“Over 1 million users is a major milestone but it is just the beginning for LinkNYC. As the
network expands and the word gets out, LinkNYC will continue to be a key component to
provide connectivity for New Yorkers across the 5 boroughs,” said New York City Chief
Technology Officer Miguel Gamiño.
“Free Wi-Fi internet access on our streets has been a game-changing new public service, and
these numbers show it,” said Manhattan Borough President Gale A. Brewer. “It’s not
often that government rolls out an entirely new service to the public. Despite the inevitable
bumps in the road, LinkNYC shows what government can do when we’re ambitious and
“LinkNYC has set the standard for free public municipal Wi-Fi,” said Council Member
James Vacca, Chair of the Committee on Technology. “LinkNYC has provided a great
benefit for residents, commuters, and tourists alike. Now with over 1,000,000 users, it’s clear
that LinkNYC is here to stay and that free public Wi-Fi is the new standard for tech-friendly
cities. I thank Mayor de Blasio and Commissioner Roest for their for their efforts.”
“Through advanced technology, New Yorkers of all backgrounds can now connect – locally
and globally - for free. LinkNYC is a 21st Century approach to closing the digital divide. I
would like to congratulate Mayor Bill de Blasio and the Department of Information
Technology & Telecommunications (DoITT) for improving accessibility within Fort Greene
and Crown Heights. I look forward to LinkNYC’s continued expansion throughout the 35th
Council District and the City of New York,” said Council Member Laurie A. Cumbo.
“High speed broadband is the way of the present and future,” said Council Member Rafael
Espinal. “In an ever increasingly digital world, we must take proactive steps to improve
access to the Internet and technology for New Yorkers. I applaud the swift progress New
York City has made in reaching over 1,000,000 users of LinkNYC in just one year! Let us
keep up these innovative efforts and lead the nation in providing free public Wi-Fi.”
"I am very excited that our city is able to catapult into the 21st Century's Technological Age
reaching the 1 million user milestone in under one year,” said Council Member Vincent
Gentile. “LinkNYC has provided a facelift to New York City by replacing old payphones
with free Wi-Fi kiosks empowering millions across the five boroughs. Congratulations on the
accomplishment and here's to 1 million more!"
“The commemoration of 1 million unique users proves that our city is ready to move towards
a more efficient and technologically friendly NYC,” said Council Member Antonio
Reynoso. “Not only do these stations provide our communities with free Wi-Fi networks,
they also promote accessibility to city services and provide charging stations.  I would like to
commend the Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications and
CityBridge for their innovation to ensure our city remains at the forefront of technology.”
“In the reality of the world we live in, access to the Internet cannot be considered a luxury.
So much of what we do depends on web connectivity, and is vital to people being able to
exercise their right to freedom of expression. I applaud LinkNYC in working to make sure
New Yorkers have access to Wi-Fi at no cost to the City’s taxpayers,” said Council Member
Jumaane D. Williams.
About LinkNYC
LinkNYC is the first-of-its-kind communications network replacing the city’s payphones to
build the world’s fastest, largest free public Wi-Fi network at no cost to taxpayers. Since
Mayor Bill de Blasio announced the public launch of LinkNYC in February, more than 600
Links have been installed across all five boroughs. Each Link provides New Yorkers with
free, fast Wi-Fi, free domestic calling, two USB charging ports, Maps, and direct access to
911 and 311.
To find a Link near you, visit: link.nyc/find-a-link.html

NEW YORK, NY 10007


CONTACT: pressoffice@cityhall.nyc.gov, (212) 788-2958
CONTACT: media@link.nyc



Link usage rises to 4 million Wi-Fi sessions every week; 78 percent of New Yorkers have a
favorable opinion of world’s largest and fastest free public Wi-Fi network

NEW YORK -- LinkNYC announced today that the world’s largest and fastest free public Wi-Fi
network has added its millionth user less than a year after publicly launching on the streets of
New York City. As of January 4th, over 1,040,000 people – more than the populations of San
Jose, San Francisco, Seattle, or Denver – have signed up to use its gigabit Wi-Fi service, with
approximately 40,000 people joining the network for the first time each week.

“Bringing free Wi-Fi to our sidewalks is an important part of our efforts to increase internet
access for all New Yorkers. It’s no surprise that people are using the LinkNYC program and are
happy about the services it provides – ultrafast Wi-Fi, phone calls, and more – at no cost to
taxpayers,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio.

“With Link kiosks now in all five boroughs, we have helped more than a million New Yorkers
and visitors get online at the fastest speeds available in New York City, for free.” said Jen
Hensley, General Manager of LinkNYC. “Less than one year in, we are thrilled with the
response to LinkNYC.”

LinkNYC By the Numbers (As of January 4, 2017)

• Total Wi-Fi subscribers: 1,040,000

• New Wi-Fi sign-ups per week: 40,000
• Wi-Fi sessions per week: 4,000,000
• Data downloaded by LinkNYC users since launch: 555,710 Gigabytes
• Busiest day by users: Jan 4, 2017: 125,756 unique users
• Busiest day by data transferred: Dec 31, 2016: 4,656 GB

New Yorkers Know – and Love – LinkNYC

71% of New Yorkers are aware of LinkNYC, and of them, 92% believe it has positive benefits
for New York City, according to a survey conducted by Sachs Insights of 1,000 people across the
New York City region. Among those aware of LinkNYC:

• 78% have a favorable opinion of the network.

• 89% believe LinkNYC makes NYC more innovative than other cities.
• 89% appreciate that LinkNYC’s services are free thanks to advertising, which reaches
over 11 million people weekly.

Where to Find the City’s Most Popular Link

The city’s most popular Link stands in Herald Square (at 1313 Broadway) and has served about
600,000 Wi-Fi sessions all by itself.

“We’re incredibly excited to see the overwhelmingly positive response to LinkNYC over the
past year,” said Anne Roest, Commissioner of the Department of Information Technology
and Telecommunications. “Reaching 1 million users demonstrates that New Yorkers and our
City’s record-breaking number of visitors are taking advantage of the free services that
LinkNYC provides - superfast Wi-Fi, USB charging, City and emergency services, and phone
calls. Our progress has been incredible so far, with over 500 active kiosks across the city, and we
will continue to build on this ambitious, first-of-its kind network across the City in the coming

“Over 1 million users is a major milestone but it is just the beginning for LinkNYC. As the
network expands and the word gets out, LinkNYC will continue to be a key component to
provide connectivity for New Yorkers across the 5 boroughs,” said New York City Chief
Technology Officer Miguel Gamiño.

“Free Wi-Fi internet access on our streets has been a game-changing new public service, and
these numbers show it,” said Manhattan Borough President Gale A. Brewer. “It’s not often
that government rolls out an entirely new service to the public. Despite the inevitable bumps in
the road, LinkNYC shows what government can do when we’re ambitious and forward-looking.”

“LinkNYC has set the standard for free public municipal Wi-Fi,” said Council Member James
Vacca, Chair of the Committee on Technology. “LinkNYC has provided a great benefit for
residents, commuters, and tourists alike. Now with over 1,000,000 users, it’s clear that LinkNYC
is here to stay and that free public Wi-Fi is the new standard for tech-friendly cities. I thank
Mayor de Blasio and Commissioner Roest for their for their efforts.”

“Through advanced technology, New Yorkers of all backgrounds can now connect – locally and
globally - for free. LinkNYC is a 21st Century approach to closing the digital divide. I would like
to congratulate Mayor Bill de Blasio and the Department of Information Technology &
Telecommunications (DoITT) for improving accessibility within Fort Greene and Crown
Heights. I look forward to LinkNYC’s continued expansion throughout the 35th Council District
and the City of New York,” said Council Member Laurie A. Cumbo.
“High speed broadband is the way of the present and future,” said Council Member Rafael
Espinal. “In an ever increasingly digital world, we must take proactive steps to improve access
to the Internet and technology for New Yorkers. I applaud the swift progress New York City has
made in reaching over 1,000,000 users of LinkNYC in just one year! Let us keep up these
innovative efforts and lead the nation in providing free public Wi-Fi.”

"I am very excited that our city is able to catapult into the 21st Century's Technological Age
reaching the 1 million user milestone in under one year,” said Council Member Vincent
Gentile. “LinkNYC has provided a facelift to New York City by replacing old payphones with
free Wi-Fi kiosks empowering millions across the five boroughs. Congratulations on the
accomplishment and here's to 1 million more!"

“The commemoration of 1 million unique users proves that our city is ready to move towards a
more efficient and technologically friendly NYC,” said Council Member Antonio Reynoso.
“Not only do these stations provide our communities with free Wi-Fi networks, they also
promote accessibility to city services and provide charging stations. I would like to commend
the Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications and CityBridge for their
innovation to ensure our city remains at the forefront of technology.”

“In the reality of the world we live in, access to the Internet cannot be considered a luxury. So
much of what we do depends on web connectivity, and is vital to people being able to exercise
their right to freedom of expression. I applaud LinkNYC in working to make sure New Yorkers
have access to Wi-Fi at no cost to the City’s taxpayers,” said Council Member Jumaane D.

About LinkNYC
LinkNYC is the first-of-its-kind communications network replacing the city’s payphones to build
the world’s fastest, largest free public Wi-Fi network at no cost to taxpayers. Since Mayor Bill de
Blasio announced the public launch of LinkNYC in February, more than 600 Links have been
installed across all five boroughs. Each Link provides New Yorkers with free, fast Wi-Fi, free
domestic calling, two USB charging ports, Maps, and direct access to 911 and 311.

To find a Link near you, visit: link.nyc/find-a-link.html

From: Gardener, Stacy
To: Jovana Rizzo; Grybauskas, Natalie; Dan Levitan
Subject: RE: latest version of release
Date: Wednesday, January 18, 2017 11:05:05 AM
Attachments: image001.png

Great thanks. See you in a bit

From: Jovana Rizzo [mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2017 11:02 AM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>;
Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: latest version of release
Thanks, I have copies. We're expecting News12 and DNAinfo, and following up with the rest of the
desks and locals. See you soon!

From: Grybauskas, Natalie [NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2017 10:28 AM
To: Dan Levitan; Gardener, Stacy (DOITT); Jovana Rizzo
Subject: latest version of release


NEW YORK, NY 10007 


CONTACT: pressoffice@cityhall.nyc.gov, (212) 788-2958
CONTACT: media@link.nyc

Link usage rises to 4 million Wi-Fi sessions every week; 78 percent of New Yorkers have a
favorable opinion of world’s largest and fastest free public Wi-Fi network
NEW YORK -- LinkNYC announced today that the world’s largest and fastest free public
Wi-Fi network has added its millionth user less than a year after publicly launching on the
streets of New York City.  As of January 4th, over 1,040,000  people – more than the
populations of San Jose, San Francisco, Seattle, or Denver – have signed up to use its gigabit
Wi-Fi service, with approximately 40,000 people joining the network for the first time each
“Bringing free Wi-Fi to our sidewalks is an important part of our efforts to increase internet
access for all New Yorkers. It’s no surprise that people are using the LinkNYC program and
are happy about the services it provides – ultrafast Wi-Fi, phone calls, and more – at no cost
to taxpayers,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio.
“With Link kiosks now in all five boroughs, we have helped more than a million New
Yorkers and visitors get online at the fastest speeds available in New York City, for free.”
said Jen Hensley, General Manager of LinkNYC.  “Less than one year in, we are thrilled
with the response to LinkNYC.”
LinkNYC By the Numbers (As of January 4, 2017)

Total Wi-Fi subscribers:  1,040,000

New Wi-Fi sign-ups per week: 40,000
Wi-Fi sessions per week:  4,000,000
Data downloaded by LinkNYC users since launch: 555,710 Gigabytes
Busiest day by users: Jan 4, 2017: 125,756 unique users
Busiest day by data transferred: Dec 31, 2016: 4,656 GB

New Yorkers Know – and Love – LinkNYC

71% of New Yorkers are aware of LinkNYC, and of them, 92% believe it has positive
benefits for New York City, according to a survey conducted by Sachs Insights of 1,000
people across the New York City region.  Among those aware of LinkNYC:
78% have a favorable opinion of the network.
89% believe LinkNYC makes NYC more innovative than other cities.
89% appreciate that LinkNYC’s services are free thanks to advertising, which reaches
over 11 million people weekly.

Where to Find the City’s Most Popular Link

The city’s most popular Link stands in Herald Square (at 1313 Broadway) and has served
about 600,000 Wi-Fi sessions all by itself.  
“We’re incredibly excited to see the overwhelmingly positive response to LinkNYC over the
past year,” said Anne Roest, Commissioner of the Department of Information
Technology and Telecommunications. “Reaching 1 million users demonstrates that New
Yorkers and our City’s record-breaking number of visitors are taking advantage of the free
services that LinkNYC provides - superfast Wi-Fi, USB charging, City and emergency
services, and phone calls. Our progress has been incredible so far, with over 500 active
kiosks across the city, and we will continue to build on this ambitious, first-of-its kind
network across the City in the coming years.”
“Over 1 million users is a major milestone but it is just the beginning for LinkNYC. As the
network expands and the word gets out, LinkNYC will continue to be a key component to
provide connectivity for New Yorkers across the 5 boroughs,” said New York City Chief
Technology Officer Miguel Gamiño.
“Free Wi-Fi internet access on our streets has been a game-changing new public service, and
these numbers show it,” said Manhattan Borough President Gale A. Brewer. “It’s not
often that government rolls out an entirely new service to the public. Despite the inevitable
bumps in the road, LinkNYC shows what government can do when we’re ambitious and
“LinkNYC has set the standard for free public municipal Wi-Fi,” said Council Member
James Vacca, Chair of the Committee on Technology. “LinkNYC has provided a great
benefit for residents, commuters, and tourists alike. Now with over 1,000,000 users, it’s clear
that LinkNYC is here to stay and that free public Wi-Fi is the new standard for tech-friendly
cities. I thank Mayor de Blasio and Commissioner Roest for their for their efforts.”
“Through advanced technology, New Yorkers of all backgrounds can now connect – locally
and globally - for free. LinkNYC is a 21st Century approach to closing the digital divide. I
would like to congratulate Mayor Bill de Blasio and the Department of Information
Technology & Telecommunications (DoITT) for improving accessibility within Fort Greene
and Crown Heights. I look forward to LinkNYC’s continued expansion throughout the 35th
Council District and the City of New York,” said Council Member Laurie A. Cumbo.
“High speed broadband is the way of the present and future,” said Council Member Rafael
Espinal. “In an ever increasingly digital world, we must take proactive steps to improve
access to the Internet and technology for New Yorkers. I applaud the swift progress New
York City has made in reaching over 1,000,000 users of LinkNYC in just one year! Let us
keep up these innovative efforts and lead the nation in providing free public Wi-Fi.”
"I am very excited that our city is able to catapult into the 21st Century's Technological Age
reaching the 1 million user milestone in under one year,” said Council Member Vincent
Gentile. “LinkNYC has provided a facelift to New York City by replacing old payphones
with free Wi-Fi kiosks empowering millions across the five boroughs. Congratulations on the
accomplishment and here's to 1 million more!"
“The commemoration of 1 million unique users proves that our city is ready to move towards
a more efficient and technologically friendly NYC,” said Council Member Antonio
Reynoso. “Not only do these stations provide our communities with free Wi-Fi networks,
they also promote accessibility to city services and provide charging stations.  I would like to
commend the Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications and
CityBridge for their innovation to ensure our city remains at the forefront of technology.”
“In the reality of the world we live in, access to the Internet cannot be considered a luxury.
So much of what we do depends on web connectivity, and is vital to people being able to
exercise their right to freedom of expression. I applaud LinkNYC in working to make sure
New Yorkers have access to Wi-Fi at no cost to the City’s taxpayers,” said Council Member
Jumaane D. Williams.
About LinkNYC
LinkNYC is the first-of-its-kind communications network replacing the city’s payphones to
build the world’s fastest, largest free public Wi-Fi network at no cost to taxpayers. Since
Mayor Bill de Blasio announced the public launch of LinkNYC in February, more than 600
Links have been installed across all five boroughs. Each Link provides New Yorkers with
free, fast Wi-Fi, free domestic calling, two USB charging ports, Maps, and direct access to
911 and 311.
To find a Link near you, visit: link.nyc/find-a-link.html


This e-mail, including any attachments, may be confidential, privileged or otherwise legally protected. It
is intended only for the addressee. If you received this e-mail in error or from someone who was not
authorized to send it to you, do not disseminate, copy or otherwise use this e-mail or its attachments.
Please notify the sender immediately by reply e-mail and delete the e-mail from your system.
From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: jovana@berlinrosen.com; dan@berlinrosen.com
Date: Wednesday, January 18, 2017 12:22:14 PM
Attachments: image001.png

Sent from mobile

Begin forwarded message:

From: Mayor's Press Office <pressoffice@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Date: January 18, 2017 at 12:21:48 PM EST
To: Mayor's Press Office <pressoffice@cityhall.nyc.gov>


NEW YORK, NY 10007 


CONTACT: pressoffice@cityhall.nyc.gov, (212) 788-2958
CONTACT: media@link.nyc

Link usage rises to 4 million Wi-Fi sessions every week; 78 percent of New
Yorkers have a favorable opinion of world’s largest and fastest free public Wi-
Fi network
NEW YORK––LinkNYC announced today that the world’s largest and fastest
free public Wi-Fi network has added its millionth user less than a year after
publicly launching on the streets of New York City. As of January 4th, over
1,040,000 people – more than the populations of San Jose, San Francisco, Seattle,
or Denver – have signed up to use its gigabit Wi-Fi service, with approximately
40,000 people joining the network for the first time each week.
“Bringing free Wi-Fi to our sidewalks is an important part of our efforts to
increase internet access for all New Yorkers. It’s no surprise that people are using
the LinkNYC program and are happy about the services it provides – ultrafast
Wi-Fi, phone calls, and more – at no cost to taxpayers,” said Mayor Bill de
“With Link kiosks now in all five boroughs, we have helped more than a million
New Yorkers and visitors get online at the fastest speeds available in New York
City, for free.” said Jen Hensley, General Manager of LinkNYC. “Less than
one year in, we are thrilled with the response to LinkNYC.”
LinkNYC By the Numbers (As of January 4, 2017)

Total Wi-Fi subscribers: 1,040,000

New Wi-Fi sign-ups per week: 40,000
Wi-Fi sessions per week: 4,000,000
Data downloaded by LinkNYC users since launch: 555,710 Gigabytes
Busiest day by users: Jan 4, 2017: 125,756 unique users
Busiest day by data transferred: Dec 31, 2016: 4,656 GB

New Yorkers Know – and Love – LinkNYC

71% of New Yorkers are aware of LinkNYC, and of them, 92% believe it has
positive benefits for New York City, according to a survey conducted by Sachs
Insights of 1,000 people across the New York City region. Among those aware of
78% have a favorable opinion of the network.
89% believe LinkNYC makes NYC more innovative than other cities.
89% appreciate that LinkNYC’s services are free thanks to advertising,
which reaches over 11 million people weekly.

Where to Find the City’s Most Popular Link

The city’s most popular Link stands in Herald Square (at 1313 Broadway) and
has served about 600,000 Wi-Fi sessions all by itself.
“We’re incredibly excited to see the overwhelmingly positive response to
LinkNYC over the past year,” said Anne Roest, Commissioner of the
Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications. “Reaching
1 million users demonstrates that New Yorkers and our City’s record-breaking
number of visitors are taking advantage of the free services that LinkNYC
provides - superfast Wi-Fi, USB charging, City and emergency services, and
phone calls. Our progress has been incredible so far, with over 500 active kiosks
across the city, and we will continue to build on this ambitious, first-of-its kind
network across the City in the coming years.”
“Over 1 million users is a major milestone but it is just the beginning for
LinkNYC. As the network expands and the word gets out, LinkNYC will
continue to be a key component to provide connectivity for New Yorkers across
the 5 boroughs,” said New York City Chief Technology Officer Miguel
“Free Wi-Fi internet access on our streets has been a game-changing new public
service, and these numbers show it,” said Manhattan Borough President Gale
A. Brewer. “It’s not often that government rolls out an entirely new service to
the public. Despite the inevitable bumps in the road, LinkNYC shows what
government can do when we’re ambitious and forward-looking.”
“LinkNYC has set the standard for free public municipal Wi-Fi,” said Council
Member James Vacca, Chair of the Committee on Technology. “LinkNYC
has provided a great benefit for residents, commuters, and tourists alike. Now
with over 1,000,000 users, it’s clear that LinkNYC is here to stay and that free
public Wi-Fi is the new standard for tech-friendly cities. I thank Mayor de Blasio
and Commissioner Roest for their for their efforts.”
“Through advanced technology, New Yorkers of all backgrounds can now
connect – locally and globally - for free. LinkNYC is a 21st Century approach to
closing the digital divide. I would like to congratulate Mayor Bill de Blasio and
the Department of Information Technology & Telecommunications (DoITT) for
improving accessibility within Fort Greene and Crown Heights. I look forward to
LinkNYC’s continued expansion throughout the 35th Council District and the
City of New York,” said Council Member Laurie A. Cumbo.
“High speed broadband is the way of the present and future,” said Council
Member Rafael Espinal. “In an ever increasingly digital world, we must take
proactive steps to improve access to the Internet and technology for New
Yorkers. I applaud the swift progress New York City has made in reaching over
1,000,000 users of LinkNYC in just one year! Let us keep up these innovative
efforts and lead the nation in providing free public Wi-Fi.”
"I am very excited that our city is able to catapult into the 21st Century's
Technological Age reaching the 1 million user milestone in under one year,” said
Council Member Vincent Gentile. “LinkNYC has provided a facelift to New
York City by replacing old payphones with free Wi-Fi kiosks empowering
millions across the five boroughs. Congratulations on the accomplishment and
here's to 1 million more!"
“The commemoration of 1 million unique users proves that our city is ready to
move towards a more efficient and technologically friendly NYC,” said Council
Member Antonio Reynoso. “Not only do these stations provide our
communities with free Wi-Fi networks, they also promote accessibility to city
services and provide charging stations. I would like to commend the Department
of Information Technology and Telecommunications and CityBridge for their
innovation to ensure our city remains at the forefront of technology.”
“In the reality of the world we live in, access to the Internet cannot be considered
a luxury. So much of what we do depends on web connectivity, and is vital to
people being able to exercise their right to freedom of expression. I applaud
LinkNYC in working to make sure New Yorkers have access to Wi-Fi at no cost
to the City’s taxpayers,” said Council Member Jumaane D. Williams.
About LinkNYC
LinkNYC is the first-of-its-kind communications network replacing the city’s
payphones to build the world’s fastest, largest free public Wi-Fi network at no
cost to taxpayers. Since Mayor Bill de Blasio announced the public launch of
LinkNYC in February, more than 600 Links have been installed across all five
boroughs. Each Link provides New Yorkers with free, fast Wi-Fi, free domestic
calling, two USB charging ports, Maps, and direct access to 911 and 311.
To find a Link near you, visit: link.nyc/find-a-link.html

From: Dan Levitan
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Cc: Jovana Rizzo
Subject: Re: melanie west
Date: Wednesday, January 18, 2017 1:21:22 PM
Attachments: image001.png

Will call in 20

- Sent from my Galaxy S6 - 

On Jan 18, 2017, at 1:14 PM, Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>


sure I’m free for a call

From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2017 1:04 PM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Cc: Jovana Rizzo
Subject: Re: melanie west

Thanks. Let's talk by phone?

- Sent from my Galaxy S6 -

On Jan 18, 2017, at 1:02 PM, Grybauskas, Natalie

<NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Can we stay coordinated on response here?

I’m 99% sure that project is still active but running down answers on city
side. But I’d like to see what you guys intend to provide re: coverage in
harlem – tbh, seems like the part she’s saying isn’t “totally covered” is
more covered than a lot of neighborhoods in NYC, so would like to tout
progress there and note that it’s expanding quickly in that neighborhood,
if accurate.
From: West, Melanie [mailto:melanie.west@wsj.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2017 12:31 PM
To: Mayor's Press Office; media@link.nyc

A question when you have a moment, please.

What happened to that free Wifi system that existed in Harlem? This
was the program that began in 2013 and was the public-private
partnership between the city, a private foundation and a company
called Sky Packets. Does that network still exist? I ask because the
stretch of Harlem that was once covered through that program is not
totally served by Link.

See here: http://nycdoitt.tumblr.com/post/69695383684/public-



On Wed, Jan 18, 2017 at 12:21 PM, Mayor's Press Office

<pressoffice@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
NEW YORK, NY 10007


CONTACT: pressoffice@cityhall.nyc.gov, (212) 788-2958
CONTACT: media@link.nyc



Link usage rises to 4 million Wi-Fi sessions every week; 78

percent of New Yorkers have a favorable opinion of world’s largest
and fastest free public Wi-Fi network

NEW YORK––LinkNYC announced today that the world’s largest

and fastest free public Wi-Fi network has added its millionth user
less than a year after publicly launching on the streets of New York
City. As of January 4th, over 1,040,000 people – more than the
populations of San Jose, San Francisco, Seattle, or Denver – have
signed up to use its gigabit Wi-Fi service, with approximately
40,000 people joining the network for the first time each week.

“Bringing free Wi-Fi to our sidewalks is an important part of our

efforts to increase internet access for all New Yorkers. It’s no
surprise that people are using the LinkNYC program and are happy
about the services it provides – ultrafast Wi-Fi, phone calls, and
more – at no cost to taxpayers,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio.

“With Link kiosks now in all five boroughs, we have helped more
than a million New Yorkers and visitors get online at the fastest
speeds available in New York City, for free.” said Jen Hensley,
General Manager of LinkNYC. “Less than one year in, we are
thrilled with the response to LinkNYC.”

LinkNYC By the Numbers (As of January 4, 2017)

<!--[if !supportLists]--> ? <!--[endif]-->Total Wi-Fi

subscribers: 1,040,000
<!--[if !supportLists]--> ? <!--[endif]-->New Wi-Fi sign-ups
per week: 40,000
<!--[if !supportLists]--> ? <!--[endif]-->Wi-Fi sessions per
week: 4,000,000
<!--[if !supportLists]--> ? <!--[endif]-->Data downloaded by
LinkNYC users since launch: 555,710 Gigabytes
<!--[if !supportLists]--> ? <!--[endif]-->Busiest day by users:
Jan 4, 2017: 125,756 unique users
<!--[if !supportLists]--> ? <!--[endif]-->Busiest day by data
transferred: Dec 31, 2016: 4,656 GB

New Yorkers Know – and Love – LinkNYC

71% of New Yorkers are aware of LinkNYC, and of them, 92%
believe it has positive benefits for New York City, according to a
survey conducted by Sachs Insights of 1,000 people across the New
York City region. Among those aware of LinkNYC:

<!--[if !supportLists]--> ? <!--[endif]-->78% have a favorable

opinion of the network.
<!--[if !supportLists]--> ? <!--[endif]-->89% believe
LinkNYC makes NYC more innovative than other cities.
<!--[if !supportLists]--> ? <!--[endif]-->89% appreciate that
LinkNYC’s services are free thanks to advertising, which
reaches over 11 million people weekly.

Where to Find the City’s Most Popular Link

The city’s most popular Link stands in Herald Square (at 1313
Broadway) and has served about 600,000 Wi-Fi sessions all by

“We’re incredibly excited to see the overwhelmingly positive

response to LinkNYC over the past year,” said Anne Roest,
Commissioner of the Department of Information Technology
and Telecommunications. “Reaching 1 million users demonstrates
that New Yorkers and our City’s record-breaking number of visitors
are taking advantage of the free services that LinkNYC provides -
superfast Wi-Fi, USB charging, City and emergency services, and
phone calls. Our progress has been incredible so far, with over 500
active kiosks across the city, and we will continue to build on this
ambitious, first-of-its kind network across the City in the coming

“Over 1 million users is a major milestone but it is just the

beginning for LinkNYC. As the network expands and the word gets
out, LinkNYC will continue to be a key component to provide
connectivity for New Yorkers across the 5 boroughs,” said New
York City Chief Technology Officer Miguel Gamiño.

“Free Wi-Fi internet access on our streets has been a game-changing

new public service, and these numbers show it,” said Manhattan
Borough President Gale A. Brewer. “It’s not often that government
rolls out an entirely new service to the public. Despite the inevitable
bumps in the road, LinkNYC shows what government can do when
we’re ambitious and forward-looking.”

“LinkNYC has set the standard for free public municipal Wi-Fi,”
said Council Member James Vacca, Chair of the Committee on
Technology. “LinkNYC has provided a great benefit for residents,
commuters, and tourists alike. Now with over 1,000,000 users, it’s
clear that LinkNYC is here to stay and that free public Wi-Fi is the
new standard for tech-friendly cities. I thank Mayor de Blasio and
Commissioner Roest for their for their efforts.”

“Through advanced technology, New Yorkers of all backgrounds

can now connect – locally and globally - for free. LinkNYC is a 21st
Century approach to closing the digital divide. I would like to
congratulate Mayor Bill de Blasio and the Department of
Information Technology & Telecommunications (DoITT) for
improving accessibility within Fort Greene and Crown Heights. I
look forward to LinkNYC’s continued expansion throughout the 35th
Council District and the City of New York,” said Council Member
Laurie A. Cumbo.

“High speed broadband is the way of the present and future,” said
Council Member Rafael Espinal. “In an ever increasingly digital
world, we must take proactive steps to improve access to the Internet
and technology for New Yorkers. I applaud the swift progress New
York City has made in reaching over 1,000,000 users of LinkNYC in
just one year! Let us keep up these innovative efforts and lead the
nation in providing free public Wi-Fi.”

"I am very excited that our city is able to catapult into the 21st
Century's Technological Age reaching the 1 million user milestone
in under one year,” said Council Member Vincent Gentile.
“LinkNYC has provided a facelift to New York City by replacing
old payphones with free Wi-Fi kiosks empowering millions across
the five boroughs. Congratulations on the accomplishment and here's
to 1 million more!"
“The commemoration of 1 million unique users proves that our city
is ready to move towards a more efficient and technologically
friendly NYC,” said Council Member Antonio Reynoso. “Not only
do these stations provide our communities with free Wi-Fi networks,
they also promote accessibility to city services and provide charging
stations. I would like to commend the Department of Information
Technology and Telecommunications and CityBridge for their
innovation to ensure our city remains at the forefront of technology.”

“In the reality of the world we live in, access to the Internet cannot
be considered a luxury. So much of what we do depends on web
connectivity, and is vital to people being able to exercise their right
to freedom of expression. I applaud LinkNYC in working to make
sure New Yorkers have access to Wi-Fi at no cost to the City’s
taxpayers,” said Council Member Jumaane D. Williams.

About LinkNYC
LinkNYC is the first-of-its-kind communications network replacing
the city’s payphones to build the world’s fastest, largest free public
Wi-Fi network at no cost to taxpayers. Since Mayor Bill de Blasio
announced the public launch of LinkNYC in February, more than
600 Links have been installed across all five boroughs. Each Link
provides New Yorkers with free, fast Wi-Fi, free domestic calling,
two USB charging ports, Maps, and direct access to 911 and 311.

To find a Link near you, visit: link.nyc/find-a-link.html


Melanie Grayce West

Wall Street Journal

1211 Avenue of the Americas

New York, New York 10036

212-416-2967 desk

347-446-9054 mobile

212-416-3255 fax


What do you write about ? http://on.wsj.com/1Hd8Hj8
From: Dan Levitan
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: update?
Date: Wednesday, January 18, 2017 2:30:16 PM

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: (dan@berlinrosen.com)
Subject: FW: siting criteria
Date: Thursday, January 19, 2017 11:24:00 AM

From: West, Melanie [mailto:melanie.west@wsj.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 9:52 AM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: Re: siting criteria

Thank you for this.

After speaking with you and the rep from Berlin, can you please tell me why the four Link
kiosks along Amsterdam and 120-122 were installed first before the kiosks were installed
between 122-125? By the open source map, there were/are payphones along that stretch and
in front of the Grant Houses. What technically happened such that those went in first but not
the others? And, yes, I understand the city is working to put them in everywhere and this
takes time, but I'm specifically trying to understand the decision to site these four kiosks
before others.

Additionally, can you please provide for me the following: The Franchisee's “True-Up
Report” showing total Gross Revenues generated during the first six months of the current
Contract Year and for the full twelve months of the recently completed Contract Year.


On Wed, Jan 18, 2017 at 2:16 PM, Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Siting – here’s what I’ve shared before publicly.

Link rollout will track closely to where payphones exist today, but they will not necessarily
replace every payphone. Currently, some payphone “installations” (payphone(s) +
advertising enclosure) consist of two or even three phones, and some payphone installations
are in very close proximity to other payphone installations.
Payphone installations that are replaced will be replaced by only one Link kiosk, and each
Link kiosk is required to be at least 50’ from any others. There are various other siting
criteria as enumerated in Exhibit 4 of the LinkNYC franchise agreement. Payphones not
replaced by Links will eventually be removed.

From: Grybauskas, Natalie

Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2017 2:13 PM
To: 'West, Melanie'
Subject: siting criteria


Melanie Grayce West

Wall Street Journal

1211 Avenue of the Americas

New York, New York 10036

212-416-2967 desk

347-446-9054 mobile

212-416-3255 fax



What do you write about ? http://on.wsj.com/1Hd8Hj8

From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: (dan@berlinrosen.com)
Subject: stanley says
Date: Thursday, January 19, 2017 11:53:07 AM

If the Grant houses are zoned residential they won't have any Links installed in front of them
because advertising is not allowed in residential zones. 
Natalie Grybauskas
Deputy Press Secretary | Mayor’s Press Office
o: 212-788-2958 c: 917-856-1861
From: Laura Nahmias
To: Phillips, Eric Falk; Dan Levitan
Subject: Fw: Quinnipiac NYC ISSUES Poll
Date: Thursday, January 19, 2017 12:21:32 PM
Attachments: JAN 19 NYC ISSUES+BP.pdf

do either of you want to respond to this?

Laura Nahmias
Reporter, Politico New York
twitter: @nahmias
mobile: 718-612-3751

From: Julie Robinson <jrobinson@Rubenstein.com>

Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 12:01 PM
To: Laura Nahmias
Subject: Quinnipiac NYC ISSUES Poll
Tim Malloy, Assistant Director,
(203) 645-8043

Contact: Pat Smith (212) 843-8026



New York City voters are divided on whether Mayor Bill de Blasio should challenge Trump
administration polices, as 46 percent say the mayor should try to get along with President-elect
Donald Trump, while 45 percent say the mayor should be a national leader against Trump
policies, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today.
Voters say 67 – 21 percent that Gov. Andrew Cuomo would be more effective than
Mayor de Blasio “making sure New York City interests are best represented, with Republicans in
control of Congress and the White House,” the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack)
University Poll finds.
Homelessness is a “very serious” problem in New York City, 72 percent of voters say, as
25 percent say it’s “somewhat serious.” They are seeing more homeless people on the streets
and in parks and subways than a few years ago, 53 percent of voters say, and 48 percent say they
are encountering more homeless people asking for money.
New York City voters disapprove 59 – 31 percent of the way de Blasio is handling
poverty and homelessness, but approve 54 – 38 of how he is handling another key issue – crime.
He gets mixed grades on handling other issues:
 Negative 37 – 45 percent for handling public schools;
 47 – 40 percent approval for handling relations between blacks and whites;
 Negative 42 – 50 percent for handling relations between police and the community;
 Negative 36 – 41 percent for handling the city budget;
 Negative 30 – 50 percent for handling political corruption.
“New Yorkers hand Mayor Bill de Blasio a split decision on two key issues in the city:
They approve of the way he is handling crime and disapprove of the way he is handling
homelessness,” said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll.
Quinnipiac University Poll/January 19, 2017 – page 2
“Homelessness is hitting record numbers in New York City and three out of four voters
say it’s a ‘very serious’ problem,” Malloy added.
Moving or Staying
Even if they could move, 67 percent of New York City voters say they would rather
remain in the city, while 31 percent say they would move. The itch to move by borough is:
 Bronx – 46 percent would move and 53 percent would stay;
 Brooklyn – 25 percent would move and 73 percent would stay;
 Manhattan – 21 percent would move and 79 percent would stay;
 Queens – 34 percent would move and 65 percent would stay;
 Staten Island – 53 percent would move and 46 percent would stay.
New York City voters approve 50 – 17 percent of the job Police Commissioner James
O’Neill is doing, with approval among black, white and Hispanic voters.
Voters approve 67 – 25 percent of the way New York City police in general are doing
their job. Approval is 79 – 15 percent among white voters, 52 – 37 percent among black voters
and 73 – 24 percent among Hispanic voters.
A total of 86 percent of New York City voters say crime is a “very serious” or
“somewhat serious” problem. A total of 71 percent of voters say police brutality is a “very
serious” or “somewhat serious” problem. A total of 61 percent of voters say police corruption is
a “very serious” or “somewhat serious” problem.
By comparison, a total of 82 percent of New York City voters say political corruption is a
“very serious” or “somewhat serious” problem.
Mayor de Blasio does favors for developers who make political contributions to
campaigns in which he is involved, voters say 52 – 28 percent.
From January 11 – 17, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,005 New York City
voters with a margin of error of +/- 3.1 percentage points. Live interviewers call
landlines and cell phones.
The Quinnipiac University Poll, directed by Douglas Schwartz, Ph.D., conducts
public opinion surveys in Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Florida,
Ohio, Virginia, Iowa, Colorado, North Carolina, Georgia and the nation as a public
service and for research.
Visit poll.qu.edu or www.facebook.com/quinnipiacpoll
Call (203) 582-5201, or follow us on Twitter @QuinnipiacPoll.

16. Do you approve or disapprove of the way James O'Neill is handling his job as Police

Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht Blk Hsp

Approve 50% 52% 51% 52% 51% 50% 53% 50% 53%
Disapprove 17 19 14 19 18 16 11 22 15
DK/NA 33 29 34 29 31 35 36 29 31

AREA............................. AGE IN YRS..............

Brnx Kngs Man Qns StIsl 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+

Approve 47% 51% 44% 54% 63% 44% 47% 55% 57%
Disapprove 18 14 21 16 14 25 19 13 8
DK/NA 35 36 34 30 23 31 33 32 35

25. In general, how satisfied are you with the way things are going in New York City
today; are you very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, or very

Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht Blk Hsp

Very satisfied 8% 4% 10% 5% 9% 7% 7% 8% 11%

Smwht satisfied 46 30 54 41 47 45 49 51 40
Smwht dissatisfied 30 35 26 36 28 32 28 28 34
Very dissatisfied 15 30 9 17 15 15 15 13 12
DK/NA 1 1 - 1 1 1 - - 3

AREA............................. AGE IN YRS..............

Brnx Kngs Man Qns StIsl 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+

Very satisfied 6% 8% 9% 8% 6% 9% 6% 9% 8%
Smwht satisfied 44 50 48 44 37 51 46 47 42
Smwht dissatisfied 41 27 30 27 34 30 30 26 35
Very dissatisfied 9 15 12 19 23 10 17 17 15
DK/NA - - 1 2 - - 1 1 -

29. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Mayor de Blasio is handling - crime?

Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht Blk Hsp

Approve 54% 36% 65% 44% 53% 54% 52% 66% 53%
Disapprove 38 61 28 44 40 36 42 30 40
DK/NA 8 3 7 12 7 9 6 5 7

AREA............................. AGE IN YRS..............

Brnx Kngs Man Qns StIsl 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+

Approve 47% 60% 58% 53% 32% 61% 55% 57% 45%
Disapprove 45 33 33 37 59 34 39 36 44
DK/NA 9 6 8 10 10 5 6 8 10

30. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Mayor de Blasio is handling - the public

Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht Blk Hsp

Approve 37% 22% 45% 28% 35% 38% 27% 47% 47%
Disapprove 45 58 39 50 45 44 49 39 44
DK/NA 19 19 17 22 20 18 24 13 9

AREA............................. AGE IN YRS..............

Brnx Kngs Man Qns StIsl 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+

Approve 44% 35% 35% 40% 21% 39% 36% 36% 32%
Disapprove 42 44 44 43 62 43 48 44 47
DK/NA 14 21 21 17 17 18 16 20 21

31. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Mayor de Blasio is handling - relations
between blacks and whites?

Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht Blk Hsp

Approve 47% 23% 60% 35% 49% 46% 41% 59% 48%
Disapprove 40 71 29 47 41 40 50 28 40
DK/NA 12 6 11 18 11 14 9 12 11

AREA............................. AGE IN YRS..............

Brnx Kngs Man Qns StIsl 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+

Approve 41% 45% 56% 51% 28% 46% 45% 52% 46%
Disapprove 45 40 34 36 67 40 45 37 42
DK/NA 14 15 10 13 5 14 10 11 12

32. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Mayor de Blasio is handling - relations
between the police and the community?

Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht Blk Hsp

Approve 42% 17% 53% 34% 41% 43% 33% 60% 42%
Disapprove 50 79 39 61 53 48 59 33 53
DK/NA 8 4 8 5 6 9 8 6 5

AREA............................. AGE IN YRS..............

Brnx Kngs Man Qns StIsl 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+

Approve 44% 43% 43% 43% 28% 40% 41% 45% 42%
Disapprove 46 50 49 49 70 53 54 47 48
DK/NA 10 7 8 8 2 7 5 7 10

33. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Mayor de Blasio is handling - the city

Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht Blk Hsp

Approve 36% 25% 43% 28% 38% 35% 30% 49% 45%
Disapprove 41 62 34 47 42 41 47 34 39
DK/NA 22 13 23 25 20 24 23 18 17

AREA............................. AGE IN YRS..............

Brnx Kngs Man Qns StIsl 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+

Approve 34% 38% 37% 38% 25% 37% 36% 39% 35%
Disapprove 41 41 38 38 64 44 47 42 36
DK/NA 25 20 25 23 12 19 17 19 28

34. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Mayor de Blasio is handling - political

Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht Blk Hsp

Approve 30% 22% 36% 20% 29% 30% 21% 42% 39%
Disapprove 50 63 44 57 55 46 58 41 45
DK/NA 21 14 20 22 17 24 22 17 16

AREA............................. AGE IN YRS..............

Brnx Kngs Man Qns StIsl 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+

Approve 29% 31% 32% 27% 24% 29% 32% 32% 25%
Disapprove 50 46 48 55 54 49 53 51 50
DK/NA 21 23 20 18 22 23 15 16 25

35. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Mayor de Blasio is handling - poverty and

Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht Blk Hsp

Approve 31% 16% 40% 21% 34% 29% 22% 42% 41%
Disapprove 59 77 52 68 58 60 70 49 52
DK/NA 10 6 8 11 9 11 8 10 7

AREA............................. AGE IN YRS..............

Brnx Kngs Man Qns StIsl 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+

Approve 38% 28% 35% 31% 19% 28% 32% 34% 31%
Disapprove 53 62 57 59 67 62 59 58 59
DK/NA 9 10 8 11 14 10 9 9 10

36. Do you think Mayor de Blasio should be a national leader against Trump administration
policies or do you think Mayor de Blasio should try to get along with President Trump?

Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht Blk Hsp

Against Trump 45% 4% 60% 39% 42% 47% 45% 51% 40%
Get along with Trump 46 90 33 47 48 44 48 39 51
DK/NA 10 6 7 14 10 10 7 10 9

AREA............................. AGE IN YRS..............

Brnx Kngs Man Qns StIsl 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+

Against Trump 47% 43% 57% 42% 16% 50% 52% 41% 39%
Get along with Trump 44 47 36 48 67 42 39 51 52
DK/NA 8 10 7 11 17 8 8 9 9

37. Who do you think would be more effective at making sure New York City interests are
best represented, with Republicans in control of Congress and the White House, Mayor de
Blasio or Governor Cuomo?

Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht Blk Hsp

de Blasio 21% 7% 26% 18% 20% 21% 17% 27% 19%

Cuomo 67 74 67 68 71 64 74 62 67
DK/NA 12 19 7 14 10 14 9 11 14

AREA............................. AGE IN YRS..............

Brnx Kngs Man Qns StIsl 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+

de Blasio 23% 23% 19% 20% 10% 28% 25% 16% 14%
Cuomo 67 63 70 65 80 57 65 74 75
DK/NA 9 14 10 15 10 15 10 10 11

38. How would you rate the quality of life in New York City; very good, good, fair, poor,
or very poor?

Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht Blk Hsp

Very good 11% 12% 13% 6% 12% 10% 15% 10% 7%

Good 34 37 34 37 36 33 45 27 27
Fair 38 35 36 41 37 39 31 42 43
Poor 11 12 12 8 9 13 7 16 13
Very poor 5 4 4 9 5 5 2 3 10
DK/NA 1 1 1 - 2 1 1 2 -

AREA............................. AGE IN YRS..............

Brnx Kngs Man Qns StIsl 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+

Very good 7% 11% 17% 10% 7% 7% 11% 13% 15%

Good 28 38 43 28 27 35 30 36 39
Fair 43 36 28 42 53 42 40 32 33
Poor 16 8 7 14 14 10 12 14 8
Very poor 6 6 4 5 - 5 6 4 3
DK/NA - 1 1 1 - 1 1 2 1

39. Compared to a few years ago, do you think the quality of life in New York City has
gotten better, gotten worse, or stayed about the same?

Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht Blk Hsp

Better 22% 13% 27% 18% 24% 20% 17% 27% 30%
Worse 35 48 28 45 33 38 35 30 43
Stayed same 41 39 43 35 43 40 47 43 27
DK/NA 1 - 2 1 1 2 1 1 -

AREA............................. AGE IN YRS..............

Brnx Kngs Man Qns StIsl 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+

Better 26% 19% 30% 18% 14% 27% 22% 21% 20%
Worse 33 34 31 38 54 26 38 38 36
Stayed same 39 45 39 42 30 45 40 40 41
DK/NA 2 1 - 2 2 2 - 1 2

40. Regardless of whether you will move, if you had the opportunity, would you like to
move out of New York City, or would you rather remain in New York City?

Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht Blk Hsp

Move 31% 32% 28% 40% 33% 30% 25% 33% 45%
Remain 67 68 71 60 66 68 74 66 54
DK/NA 1 - 1 - 1 1 1 1 1

AREA............................. AGE IN YRS..............

Brnx Kngs Man Qns StIsl 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+

Move 46% 25% 21% 34% 53% 42% 34% 30% 20%
Remain 53 73 79 65 46 58 66 70 78
DK/NA 1 1 1 1 1 - - 1 2

41. Do you feel like you can afford to live in New York City or not?

Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht Blk Hsp

Yes 51% 51% 51% 48% 53% 49% 59% 49% 35%
No 47 47 47 48 44 49 39 49 60
DK/NA 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 1 4

AREA............................. AGE IN YRS..............

Brnx Kngs Man Qns StIsl 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+

Yes 35% 50% 62% 53% 42% 37% 47% 55% 69%
No 62 49 34 45 54 63 51 43 26
DK/NA 2 2 4 2 4 1 1 2 5

42. In general, how serious a problem do you think homelessness is in New York City; a
very serious problem, somewhat serious, not very serious, or not a problem at all?

Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht Blk Hsp

Very serious 72% 67% 75% 69% 65% 77% 67% 78% 78%
Smwht serious 25 26 24 27 29 22 30 20 20
Not very serious 2 2 1 2 3 1 2 1 3
Not a problem at all - 2 - - 1 - - - -
DK/NA 1 2 - 2 2 1 1 2 -

AREA............................. AGE IN YRS..............

Brnx Kngs Man Qns StIsl 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+

Very serious 69% 71% 74% 76% 62% 71% 68% 77% 70%
Smwht serious 28 25 25 20 35 27 28 21 25
Not very serious 2 2 1 2 2 - 2 1 4
Not a problem at all - - - 1 1 - 2 - -
DK/NA - 3 - 1 - 1 1 1 1

43. Compared to a few years ago in New York City, have you seen more, less, or about the
same number of homeless people on the streets, in parks and on the subway?

Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht Blk Hsp

More 53% 56% 52% 53% 47% 58% 52% 52% 56%
Less 13 8 16 12 13 13 7 22 15
About the same 28 25 28 32 35 23 36 21 22
DK/NA 5 11 4 3 5 5 5 5 7

AREA............................. AGE IN YRS..............

Brnx Kngs Man Qns StIsl 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+

More 56% 45% 59% 56% 56% 52% 55% 56% 49%
Less 22 14 10 12 7 7 14 13 17
About the same 20 35 28 23 32 38 30 24 24
DK/NA 1 6 3 8 6 4 1 6 10

44. Compared to a few years ago in New York City, have you encountered more, less or
about the same number of homeless people asking for money?

Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht Blk Hsp

More 48% 52% 45% 48% 45% 50% 48% 42% 53%
Less 15 10 18 12 14 15 9 27 18
About the same 33 31 33 36 37 30 39 27 27
DK/NA 4 6 3 4 3 5 4 3 2

AREA............................. AGE IN YRS..............

Brnx Kngs Man Qns StIsl 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+

More 46% 38% 55% 51% 55% 46% 49% 52% 43%
Less 18 17 14 13 9 8 14 16 21
About the same 31 39 29 32 34 44 37 28 26
DK/NA 5 6 2 4 2 2 - 4 10

45. Do you think that homeless people are generally to blame for their situation or is it
mostly due to factors beyond their control?

Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht Blk Hsp

Blame 9% 18% 5% 14% 12% 7% 9% 11% 10%

Beyond control 81 62 88 78 81 81 84 81 77
DK/NA 10 20 8 8 7 12 7 8 13

AREA............................. AGE IN YRS..............

Brnx Kngs Man Qns StIsl 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+

Blame 7% 11% 6% 11% 14% 5% 12% 12% 9%

Beyond control 83 78 87 77 80 87 78 80 80
DK/NA 9 11 7 13 6 8 10 9 11

46. Do you think New York City is doing too much, too little, or about the right amount
to help homeless people?

Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht Blk Hsp

Too much 3% 5% 3% 4% 4% 3% 1% 1% 8%
Too little 74 63 79 72 69 77 76 79 68
About right 15 19 14 15 21 11 15 16 17
DK/NA 7 13 4 10 6 8 8 4 6

AREA............................. AGE IN YRS..............

Brnx Kngs Man Qns StIsl 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+

Too much 3% 1% 5% 5% 1% 1% 4% 4% 3%
Too little 77 73 76 68 79 82 72 74 69
About right 17 13 15 18 11 11 18 17 18
DK/NA 3 12 4 8 8 6 5 5 10

47. Do you think homeless people should be required to work for the city, such as
cleaning streets or parks, in exchange for shelter or not?

Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht Blk Hsp

Yes/Required 62% 77% 58% 63% 59% 65% 55% 67% 75%
No 32 17 36 30 36 28 39 28 19
DK/NA 6 7 6 7 5 7 6 5 6

AREA............................. AGE IN YRS..............

Brnx Kngs Man Qns StIsl 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+

Yes/Required 69% 57% 51% 74% 66% 65% 62% 60% 66%
No 26 36 43 20 28 32 33 34 24
DK/NA 5 7 6 5 6 4 5 5 10

48. Do you think homeless people should be required to undergo random drug tests in
exchange for shelter or not?

Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht Blk Hsp

Yes/Required 48% 64% 43% 51% 44% 51% 39% 54% 59%
No 48 29 54 46 53 43 55 43 36
DK/NA 5 7 3 4 3 6 5 3 5

AREA............................. AGE IN YRS..............

Brnx Kngs Man Qns StIsl 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+

Yes/Required 55% 50% 31% 55% 50% 46% 46% 49% 52%
No 42 45 66 38 46 52 51 46 39
DK/NA 4 5 2 7 4 2 3 5 9

49. How much sympathy do you have for homeless - adults; would you say you feel very
sympathetic toward them, somewhat sympathetic, somewhat unsympathetic or very

Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht Blk Hsp

Very sympathetic 49% 45% 53% 42% 48% 50% 54% 49% 51%
Smwht sympathetic 45 45 43 53 46 45 41 47 45
Smwht unsympathetic 3 4 2 2 2 3 3 2 3
Very unsympathetic 1 3 - - 1 - - - -
DK/NA 2 2 1 3 3 2 1 2 1

AREA............................. AGE IN YRS..............

Brnx Kngs Man Qns StIsl 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+

Very sympathetic 50% 53% 52% 45% 33% 46% 45% 55% 51%
Smwht sympathetic 47 41 42 49 61 51 52 39 42
Smwht unsympathetic 2 3 3 2 6 2 2 3 4
Very unsympathetic - 1 - 1 - - 1 - -
DK/NA 2 3 3 2 - - 1 3 3

50. How much sympathy do you have for homeless - children; would you say you feel very
sympathetic toward them, somewhat sympathetic, somewhat unsympathetic or very

Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht Blk Hsp

Very sympathetic 93% 91% 94% 91% 90% 95% 95% 93% 92%
Smwht sympathetic 5 8 4 7 8 4 5 6 6
Smwht unsympathetic 1 - 2 - - 1 - - -
Very unsympathetic - - 1 - 1 - - - 1
DK/NA 1 - - 2 1 - - - 1

AREA............................. AGE IN YRS..............

Brnx Kngs Man Qns StIsl 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+

Very sympathetic 91% 93% 92% 95% 89% 91% 94% 95% 92%
Smwht sympathetic 2 7 6 4 8 6 4 4 6
Smwht unsympathetic 4 - - 1 - 3 1 - -
Very unsympathetic 1 - - - - - - 1 -
DK/NA 1 - 1 - 3 - - - 1

51. How much sympathy do you have for homeless - veterans; would you say you feel very
sympathetic toward them, somewhat sympathetic, somewhat unsympathetic or very

Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht Blk Hsp

Very sympathetic 84% 89% 85% 81% 78% 89% 86% 87% 78%
Smwht sympathetic 13 8 14 15 18 9 13 11 18
Smwht unsympathetic 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1
Very unsympathetic - 2 - - 1 - - - 1
DK/NA 1 - - 1 2 - - - 2

AREA............................. AGE IN YRS..............

Brnx Kngs Man Qns StIsl 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+

Very sympathetic 82% 84% 83% 87% 86% 86% 81% 85% 86%
Smwht sympathetic 15 15 14 11 12 13 17 12 11
Smwht unsympathetic 1 1 2 1 3 - - 2 1
Very unsympathetic 1 - - 1 - - 1 - 1
DK/NA 1 - 2 - - 1 - - 1

52. There is a proposal by the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey to spend $11
billion to build a new bus terminal in Manhattan, between 9th Avenue and 10th Avenue. Do
you support or oppose this proposal?

Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht Blk Hsp

Support 40% 35% 41% 42% 45% 35% 44% 37% 32%
Oppose 44 46 43 43 42 46 36 52 57
DK/NA 16 18 16 15 13 19 21 11 10

AREA............................. AGE IN YRS..............

Brnx Kngs Man Qns StIsl 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+

Support 27% 35% 43% 45% 56% 30% 45% 38% 46%
Oppose 61 44 38 42 33 56 43 47 32
DK/NA 12 20 19 13 11 14 12 15 22

53. How often do you use the existing Port Authority Bus Terminal at 42nd Street and 8th
Ave: more than once a week, weekly, monthly, yearly, or never?

Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht Blk Hsp

More than once/week 3% 1% 3% 4% 3% 3% 3% 2% 7%

Weekly 3 3 3 3 4 2 2 5 2
Monthly 11 11 12 10 12 11 9 10 16
Yearly 32 25 34 34 32 33 29 36 35
Never 50 60 48 49 48 51 58 47 40
DK/NA 1 - 1 1 - 1 1 1 -

AREA............................. AGE IN YRS..............

Brnx Kngs Man Qns StIsl 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+

More than once/week 4% 3% 4% 3% - 6% 2% 3% 1%

Weekly 2 2 6 2 1 3 3 1 2
Monthly 10 10 16 12 2 13 11 11 8
Yearly 41 29 37 28 32 37 37 31 24
Never 41 54 38 55 65 40 46 53 63
DK/NA 2 1 - - - - 1 1 2

54. Do you approve or disapprove of the way the New York City police are doing their job?

Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht Blk Hsp

Approve 67% 84% 63% 65% 68% 66% 79% 52% 73%
Disapprove 25 9 28 29 27 23 15 37 24
DK/NA 8 7 8 6 4 11 6 11 3

AREA............................. AGE IN YRS..............

Brnx Kngs Man Qns StIsl 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+

Approve 54% 66% 71% 69% 81% 63% 59% 74% 75%
Disapprove 33 26 22 25 17 29 35 20 15
DK/NA 13 8 8 6 2 8 5 6 11

55. Do you approve or disapprove of the way the police in your community are doing their

Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht Blk Hsp

Approve 76% 89% 74% 73% 74% 77% 85% 62% 77%
Disapprove 21 10 23 25 23 19 13 32 21
DK/NA 3 1 3 2 3 4 2 7 2

AREA............................. AGE IN YRS..............

Brnx Kngs Man Qns StIsl 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+

Approve 67% 76% 78% 76% 85% 72% 66% 79% 86%
Disapprove 28 21 18 22 14 23 31 18 12
DK/NA 6 4 4 2 1 6 3 3 2

56. In general, how serious a problem do you think crime is in New York City; a very
serious problem, somewhat serious, not very serious, or not a problem at all?

Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht Blk Hsp

Very serious 37% 39% 33% 40% 32% 40% 26% 43% 49%
Smwht serious 49 47 54 41 48 50 57 52 42
Not very serious 13 12 12 17 17 10 15 5 8
Not a problem at all 1 1 - 2 2 - - - 1
DK/NA 1 2 - 1 1 - 1 - -

AREA............................. AGE IN YRS..............

Brnx Kngs Man Qns StIsl 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+

Very serious 47% 34% 28% 40% 45% 24% 42% 39% 38%
Smwht serious 46 53 48 49 39 57 41 50 51
Not very serious 5 12 23 10 10 16 16 11 9
Not a problem at all 2 - 1 1 2 2 - - -
DK/NA - 1 - - 3 1 - - 2

57. In general, how serious a problem do you think police brutality is in New York City:
a very serious problem, somewhat serious, not very serious, or not a problem at all?

Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht Blk Hsp

Very serious 31% 12% 37% 28% 28% 34% 17% 51% 36%
Smwht serious 40 20 43 47 39 41 44 38 35
Not very serious 21 40 17 18 24 19 27 9 24
Not a problem at all 6 25 2 7 8 5 10 1 4
DK/NA 1 3 1 - 1 2 2 1 1

AREA............................. AGE IN YRS..............

Brnx Kngs Man Qns StIsl 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+

Very serious 44% 31% 32% 28% 13% 37% 34% 27% 24%
Smwht serious 32 39 40 41 57 35 40 43 44
Not very serious 19 21 22 21 20 19 21 21 24
Not a problem at all 4 7 5 7 11 8 4 6 8
DK/NA 1 2 1 2 - 1 1 3 1

58. In general, how serious a problem do you think police corruption is in New York City;
a very serious problem, somewhat serious, not very serious, or not a problem at all?

Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht Blk Hsp

Very serious 26% 10% 29% 30% 25% 27% 15% 42% 30%
Smwht serious 35 19 40 35 32 38 32 36 36
Not very serious 24 44 19 21 29 20 36 15 19
Not a problem at all 6 17 3 5 6 5 7 2 5
DK/NA 9 9 9 9 8 9 10 5 10

AREA............................. AGE IN YRS..............

Brnx Kngs Man Qns StIsl 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+

Very serious 37% 27% 26% 24% 13% 33% 32% 18% 20%
Smwht serious 39 33 38 30 45 39 34 38 31
Not very serious 16 26 22 29 25 14 24 30 30
Not a problem at all 2 5 4 8 9 8 5 6 4
DK/NA 5 9 10 10 8 6 6 8 14

59. In general, how serious a problem do you think political corruption is in New York
City; a very serious problem, somewhat serious, not very serious, or not a problem at

Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht Blk Hsp

Very serious 44% 50% 42% 45% 44% 43% 37% 50% 50%
Smwht serious 38 26 41 40 37 39 43 34 36
Not very serious 10 18 10 8 11 10 13 11 7
Not a problem at all 2 3 1 1 2 2 2 1 2
DK/NA 6 3 6 6 5 7 5 3 5

AREA............................. AGE IN YRS..............

Brnx Kngs Man Qns StIsl 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+

Very serious 51% 42% 38% 48% 42% 48% 51% 40% 41%
Smwht serious 35 43 39 34 35 36 36 39 39
Not very serious 6 12 13 8 11 9 11 11 12
Not a problem at all 1 - 1 3 4 2 - 2 2
DK/NA 6 3 9 6 7 5 3 8 6

60. Do you think Mayor de Blasio does favors for developers who make political
contributions to campaigns in which he is involved or don't you think so?

Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht Blk Hsp

Yes 52% 66% 47% 54% 55% 49% 62% 37% 48%
No 28 20 32 24 27 28 19 39 35
DK/NA 21 14 21 23 18 23 18 23 17

AREA............................. AGE IN YRS..............

Brnx Kngs Man Qns StIsl 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+

Yes 52% 52% 47% 54% 54% 54% 47% 54% 57%
No 29 25 30 31 17 33 34 24 21
DK/NA 19 23 22 15 29 13 20 22 22

60a. (If yes q60) Which of the following statements best describes your view of
de Blasio's actions in these matters: he did something illegal, he did something
unethical, but nothing illegal, or he did not do anything seriously wrong?

IF YES Q60.................................................
Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht Blk Hsp

Illegal 25% 39% 13% 38% 29% 21% 28% 7% 28%

Unethical/Not illegl 57 52 65 47 56 59 55 77 45
Not seriously wrong 9 3 12 7 9 8 7 14 16
DK/NA 9 6 10 8 5 13 10 3 12

From: Phillips, Eric Falk
To: Laura Nahmias
Cc: Dan Levitan
Subject: Re: Quinnipiac NYC ISSUES Poll
Date: Thursday, January 19, 2017 1:12:27 PM

On Cuomo split/

This isn't a horse race. It's organized coalition building against a very real threat to
the progressivism that's helped make our city so strong. The Mayor and Governor
will both have an important role in that resistance. 

On battling Trump:

This is the kind of false choice that only exists in pollster conference rooms. There
will be times when the Mayor aggressively challenges the incoming president, and I
suspect there will be times one their interests align and they work together on an
issue. The Mayor has both speeds - and he'll undoubtedly need them. 

On Jan 19, 2017, at 12:21 PM, Laura Nahmias <lnahmias@politico.com> wrote:

do either of you want to respond to this?

Laura Nahmias

Reporter, Politico New York


twitter: @nahmias

mobile: 718-612-3751

From: Julie Robinson <jrobinson@Rubenstein.com>

Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 12:01 PM
To: Laura Nahmias
Subject: Quinnipiac NYC ISSUES Poll



Sheriza Majid

Project Analyst II

HNTB Corporation

Empire State Building

350 Fifth Avenue, 57 th Floor

New York, NY 10118

Tel.: 212-915-9571

Fax: 212-947-4094

This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and are intended solely for the use of the
individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you are NOT the intended recipient and receive
this communication, please delete this message and any attachments. Thank you.
From: Dan Levitan
To: Grybauskas, Natalie; Shor, Stanley; Gardener, Stacy (DOITT)
Cc: Stacey Levine; Ruth Fasoldt; Jennifer Hensley; Jovana Rizzo
Subject: RE: Questions from Crain"s
Date: Thursday, January 19, 2017 6:00:27 PM

Gerald Schifman
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 5:59 PM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Gardener, Stacy
(DOITT) <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>;
Jennifer Hensley <jennifer.hensley@intersection.com>; Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Questions from Crain's
Seems fine. Is this flamm?
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 5:58 PM
To: Shor, Stanley; Gardener, Stacy (DOITT); Grybauskas, Natalie
Cc: Stacey Levine; Ruth Fasoldt; Jennifer Hensley; Jovana Rizzo
Subject: Questions from Crain's
Hi all –
Crain’s New York’s data reporter is writing about our 1 million user announcement and sent over the
following questions.  See our proposed answers below. Deadline is tomorrow AM.  
- The data on Open Data only goes through October, can they get the same data up to now?
Yes [We will provide]
- Can we provide any info on how people are using the wi-fi -- top websites etc? –
LinkNYC does not store data on our users’ browsing history or track the websites users visit on the
Wi-Fi network.   Anecdotally, we have seen who couldn’t afford data plans relying on Link Wi-Fi to
stay connected, and parents have stopped by to download movies for their kids, and show them
how to use the 911 and Vonage app for emergencies. Tourists love the network because it avoids
roaming charges.
- The average session duration jumped more than a minute between 9/19 and 9/26 -- is this for
tablet or wi-fi, and do you have any explanation for how or why session usage goes up?
We believe a software update that better logged user sessions produced that change in session
duration data.  While we think the current session duration data is more accurate than before that
update, we do not think that user behavior changed significantly between 9/19 and 9/26.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Gardener, Stacy
To: Dan Levitan; Shor, Stanley; Grybauskas, Natalie; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Jennifer Hensley; Ruth Fasoldt; Jovana Rizzo; Stacey Levine
Subject: RE: BRIC TV on camera Interview request for Jan 25 on Link NYC kiosks privacy concerns
Date: Wednesday, January 25, 2017 2:58:09 PM

I think we’re fine with it. Thanks

From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2017 1:39 PM
To: Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>;
Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Jennifer Hensley <jennifer.hensley@intersection.com>; Ruth Fasoldt
<ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Stacey Levine
Subject: FW: BRIC TV on camera Interview request for Jan 25 on Link NYC kiosks privacy concerns

Hi all –
BRIC TV is doing a piece on the Link privacy rally.  We are sending the response below, based on the
already approved messaging.  Please let us know if that works.

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

“New York City and LinkNYC have created a user-first privacy policy.  We do not track or store your
online activity, and we will never sell or share your personal information with any third party --
including city agencies -- unless lawfully required.  Nearly one million people have signed up to use
LinkNYC, which now offers all five boroughs access to free, super-fast Wi-Fi, free phone calls, access
to 311 and emergency services, and more.” -- Jen Hensley, General Manager, LinkNYC
On background: 
· We only ask for an e-mail address when you sign up to use LinkNYC’s Wi-Fi, far less personal
information than other internet service providers and cell phone carriers, which know your
name, address, phone number, banking info and social security number.
· We do NOT store your browsing history or track the websites you visit when you use Link
Wi-Fi with your personal device.
· There are 3 cameras on the Link kiosks and they are currently NOT turned on. There is no
collection or storage of any audio. 
· We will not use or share data or footage collected by LinkNYC cameras with anyone except:
o to detect or address illegal activity on or associated with a Link
o in response to vandalism
o if we believe that disclosure is required by law or needed to protect your safety or the
safety of others.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Filippo Piscopo [mailto
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2017 12:17 PM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: BRIC TV on camera Interview request for Jan 25 on Link NYC kiosks privacy concerns

Dear Dan,
Thanks very much for your response and sorry I wasn't able to take your call.

I interviewed last week for my piece on the Link NYC program a group asserting that the
link NYC kiosks are masquerading as free wifi but are in fact equipped to capture a great deal
of citizens data, monetizing it and centralizing it for marketing purposes without the citizens'

Also, according to this group (Re-Think Link NYC), the kiosks allegedly have cameras and
microphones that capture audio and video that could be used to collect surveillance type of
information potentially available to law enforcement agencies and/or private practice

I wanted to be balanced in my piece and also feature your point of view, so if you get these
questions answered I'd really appreciate it.

Thanks very much in advance for your help.

Filippo Piscopo
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From: Phillips, Eric
To: Russo, Melissa (NBCUniversal)
Cc: Dan Levitan
Subject: Re: Question related to investigation
Date: Thursday, January 26, 2017 8:59:58 AM

I don't have anything on this, Melissa. Thanks 

On Jan 26, 2017, at 8:43 AM, Russo, Melissa (NBCUniversal)

<Melissa.Russo@nbcuni.com> wrote:

Sent from my iPad

On Jan 25, 2017, at 7:21 PM, Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>


Q for Eric 

- Sent from my Galaxy S6 - 

On Jan 25, 2017, at 6:52 PM, Russo, Melissa (NBCUniversal)

<Melissa.Russo@nbcuni.com> wrote:

Tried to reach Barry Berke today to discuss reports from

sources that he met with highest levels in Southern District
in what has been described as “innocence proffer.”  Want to
understand some more context from his side of this. 
From: Julia Kerson
To: Sheriza Majid
Cc: Cassandra Warde; Cathy Rought; Patricia Masi; dlu@bthayerassociates.com; cbinder@bthayerassociates.com;
Desiree Gazzo; Bucich, Nicole A.; lcullen@vhb.com; jennifer.duval@jacobs.com; Alexa.Gangemi@ch2m.com;
Kerson, Julia; toolel@pbworld.com
Subject: Re: Wish list for ticket "auction"
Date: Thursday, January 26, 2017 1:32:49 PM

Could we tell them that in follow up? Using their foundation funds means that we
take from local scholarship money to fund national scholarships - seems like an odd
use of funds since it doesnt equal more scholarships from WTS generally. It would
be better if they found a few hundred dollars in their budget. 


On Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 1:29 PM, Sheriza Majid <smajid@hntb.com> wrote:

Should we also make a mention of chapters be able to use their Foundation funds to contribute?

From: Cassandra Warde [mailto:

Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2017 1:23 PM
To: Cathy Rought <cathy@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Julia Kerson < Sheriza Majid <smajid@HNTB.com>; Patricia Masi
<pmasi@bthayerassociates.com>; dlu@bthayerassociates.com; cbinder@bthayerassociates.com;
Desiree Gazzo <dgazzo@centralparknyc.org>; Bucich, Nicole A. <bucichna@pbworld.com>;
lcullen@vhb.com; jennifer.duval@jacobs.com; Alexa.Gangemi@ch2m.com;
Kerson, Julia (JKerson@cityhall.nyc.gov) <JKerson@cityhall.nyc.gov>; toolel@pbworld.com
Subject: Re: Wish list for ticket "auction"

Hello all,

Please see attached for a draft silent auction fund solicitation letter. We can
discuss further on our upcoming call.

Regarding the types of donations you are looking for, here are some additional

·          Electronics-Best Buy has a reputation of being very philanthropic,

especially with women's initiatives.

·          Experiences-Does anyone have a connection to Sarah Feinberg?

Though she is no longer with Facebook, perhaps she could facilitate the
donation of a special tour of their HQ and a meet and greet with a
couple of their key leaders...

·          Sporting tickets –The New York City Football Club: they are still a
relatively new team and are actively seeking engagement opportunities.
You might be able to get a VIP package from them.

Many thanks,


On Tue, Jan 24, 2017 at 6:53 PM, Cathy Rought <cathy@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Here’s the list of types of donations we will be looking for:

·          Purses, accessories (i.e. sunglasses)

·          Airline tickets/hotel room

·          Electronics

·          Experiences – cooking class

·          Sporting tickets – Giants, Yankees, etc.

·          Broadway tickets

·          Restaurant gift certificates

·          Sunset cruise

·          Shore house weekly rental

·          Spa gift cards

·          Money! We can always use money to purchase some of the above items at
discount if unable to get donated

From: Julia Kerson [mailto:

Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 2:24 PM
To: Sheriza Majid <smajid@hntb.com>
Cc: Cathy Rought <cathy@berlinrosen.com>; Patricia Masi <pmasi@bthayerassociates.com>;
dlu@bthayerassociates.com; cbinder@bthayerassociates.com; Desiree Gazzo
<dgazzo@centralparknyc.org>; Bucich, Nicole A. <bucichna@pbworld.com>; lcullen@vhb.com;
jennifer.duval@jacobs.com; Cassandra Alvarez <
Alexa.Gangemi@ch2m.com; Kerson, Julia (JKerson@cityhall.nyc.gov)
<JKerson@cityhall.nyc.gov>; toolel@pbworld.com
Subject: Re: Agenda for tomorrow's phone call and action items list

Good Afternoon,

Below is some initial research on the various silent auction website/apps that are
out there. We can discuss in more detail this evening but wanted to send
around some basic information.

Company Cost No. of Method Staff Notes

Items Assistance
Handbid $995 75 Items App Available  
GiveSmart Flat rate Unlimited App or Yes – Event  
based on Website/Text  Coordinator
32Auctions There is a Free is up Website only    
free to 20
option, items,
most $220 is
expensive 100 items.
option is
BidPal Price not No limit App Yes  
BiddingOwl 5% of No limit. Website    

My Mini Appears to  Unlimited Website    

Auction be free of

eFlea Free of  Unlimited Website   Have to

cost to confirm
non-profits non-
status if
we use

On Wed, Jan 18, 2017 at 4:35 PM, Sheriza Majid <smajid@hntb.com> wrote:


Attached is the agenda for tomorrow’s phone call and the action items list.


Sheriza Majid

Project Analyst II

HNTB Corporation

Empire State Building

350 Fifth Avenue, 57 th Floor

New York, NY 10118

Tel.: 212-915-9571

Fax: 212-947-4094

This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and are intended solely for the use
of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you are NOT the intended recipient
and receive this communication, please delete this message and any attachments. Thank you.

This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and are intended solely for the use of the
individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you are NOT the intended recipient and receive
this communication, please delete this message and any attachments. Thank you.
From: Goldstein, Freddi
To: "Michael Gartland"
Cc: Phillips, Eric; Dan Levitan
Subject: RE: Telegraphed: de Blasio Sees Corruption Probes Into "18
Date: Thursday, January 26, 2017 5:56:55 PM

They’re reading the table wrong. Column 1 (12,483,718) is the current FY17 budget. Column 2, the
number you reference below, is the current FY18 budget. This is for many, many different things that fit
under this budget line and not specific to the investigations.
From: Michael Gartland [mailto:mgartland@nypost.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2017 4:09 PM
To: Goldstein, Freddi
Cc: Phillips, Eric; Dan Levitan
Subject: Re: Telegraphed: de Blasio Sees Corruption Probes Into '18

They're referring to page 278 of

this: http://www1.nyc.gov/assets/omb/downloads/pdf/de1-17.pdf
The $6,524,718 figure. That's FY18. 

On Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 2:34 PM, Goldstein, Freddi <FGoldstein@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Yes, which ends June 30th, 2017.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 26, 2017, at 2:33 PM, Michael Gartland <mgartland@nypost.com> wrote:

FY17, correct?

On Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 2:31 PM, Phillips, Eric <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
Not clear what they’re saying. The money is budget for ’17, explicitly 
From: Michael Gartland <mgartland@nypost.com>
Date: Thursday, January 26, 2017 at 1:30 PM
To: Eric Phillips <efphillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>, "Goldstein, Freddi" <FGoldstein@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: Telegraphed: de Blasio Sees Corruption Probes Into '18
Thanks. What exactly is that money tied to? Or are you saying it's
not clear to what they're referring?
On Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 2:24 PM, Phillips, Eric <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
No. wrong. The money – which isn’t even all for investigations cases – is explicitly tied to 2017. Not
sure what they’re talking about.
From: Michael Gartland <mgartland@nypost.com>
Date: Thursday, January 26, 2017 at 1:16 PM
To: Eric Phillips <efphillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Fwd: Telegraphed: de Blasio Sees Corruption Probes Into '18
Is this accurate? If so, how do you respond?

Michael Gartland
NY Post

Michael Gartland
NY Post
From: Michael Gartland
To: Phillips Eric
Cc: Goldstein Freddi; Dan Levitan
Subject: Re: Telegraphed: de Blasio Sees Corruption Probes Into "18
Date: Thursday, January 26, 2017 6:39:57 PM

So how much has the city spent so far? And wouldn't a projection of what hasn't been spent yet
show up in fy2018 or is the idea that this spending will be thru by end of fy17?

On Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 6:35 PM, Phillips, Eric <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
The contracts aren't for 18. They're for now. 

On Jan 26, 2017, at 6:30 PM, Michael Gartland <mgartland@nypost.com> wrote:

Why not? The contracts are in with the Comptroller's office.

On Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 6:24 PM, Goldstein, Freddi <FGoldstein@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

They would be included there. The point is there isn’t funding for the probes in the FY18 budget.

From: Michael Gartland [mailto:mgartland@nypost.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2017 6:24 PM
To: Goldstein, Freddi
Cc: Phillips, Eric; Dan Levitan
Subject: Re: Telegraphed: de Blasio Sees Corruption Probes Into '18

So where are they represented in the budget?

On Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 6:22 PM, Goldstein, Freddi <FGoldstein@cityhall.nyc.gov>



From: Michael Gartland [mailto:mgartland@nypost.com]

Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2017 6:00 PM
To: Goldstein, Freddi
Cc: Phillips, Eric; Dan Levitan
Subject: Re: Telegraphed: de Blasio Sees Corruption Probes Into '18

Thanks. Does that line for 18 include probes or no?

On Jan 26, 2017, at 5:56 PM, Goldstein, Freddi <FGoldstein@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

They’re reading the table wrong. Column 1 (12,483,718) is the current FY17 budget. Column
2, the number you reference below, is the current FY18 budget. This is for many, many
different things that fit under this budget line and not specific to the investigations.

From: Michael Gartland [mailto:mgartland@nypost.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2017 4:09 PM
To: Goldstein, Freddi
Cc: Phillips, Eric; Dan Levitan
Subject: Re: Telegraphed: de Blasio Sees Corruption Probes Into '18
They're referring to page 278 of
this: http://www1.nyc.gov/assets/omb/downloads/pdf/de1-17.

The $6,524,718 figure. That's FY18. 

On Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 2:34 PM, Goldstein, Freddi

<FGoldstein@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Yes, which ends June 30th, 2017. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 26, 2017, at 2:33 PM, Michael Gartland <mgartland@nypost.com>

FY17, correct?

On Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 2:31 PM, Phillips, Eric

<EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Not clear what they’re saying. The money is budget for ’17, explicitly 

From: Michael Gartland <mgartland@nypost.com>

Date: Thursday, January 26, 2017 at 1:30 PM
To: Eric Phillips <efphillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>, "Goldstein, Freddi"
Subject: Re: Telegraphed: de Blasio Sees Corruption Probes Into '18

Thanks. What exactly is that money tied to? Or are you
saying it's not clear to what they're referring?

On Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 2:24 PM, Phillips, Eric <EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

No. wrong. The money – which isn’t even all for investigations cases – is explicitly
tied to 2017. Not sure what they’re talking about.

From: Michael Gartland <mgartland@nypost.com>

Date: Thursday, January 26, 2017 at 1:16 PM
To: Eric Phillips <efphillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>, Dan Levitan
Subject: Fwd: Telegraphed: de Blasio Sees Corruption Probes Into '18

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Michael Gartland

NY Post





Michael Gartland

NY Post




Michael Gartland
NY Post

Michael Gartland
NY Post

Michael Gartland
NY Post

Michael Gartland
NY Post

Michael Gartland
NY Post
From: Dan Levitan
To: Yoav Gonen
Cc: Phillips, Eric; Paolucci, Nicholas (Law)
Subject: Re: mayor on radio
Date: Friday, January 27, 2017 12:09:59 PM

I will call you. Gartland not wrong. 

- Sent from my Galaxy S6 - 

On Jan 27, 2017, at 12:06 PM, Yoav Gonen <ygonen@nypost.com> wrote:

hey, adding Levitan in the hopes of getting clarity before we post online.
Who's paying for Senate Dems 2014 campaign stuff - city or campaign?

What Gartland wrote last night is correct, right?

Legal bills to cover de Blasio’s defense for a separate probe into efforts to
back state senate candidates are being picked up by his political
operation, a City Hall spokesman said.

On Fri, Jan 27, 2017 at 10:42 AM, Yoav Gonen <ygonen@nypost.com>

hi guys, I need to clarify what mayor said on Lehrer about none of the
$11.7 million going toward campaign probes.

That's because the DA probe of the 2014 Senate Dems campaign is

NOT included in the $11.7m figure, correct?

Yoav Gonen
City Hall Bureau Chief
New York Post
(646) 229-8322

Yoav Gonen
City Hall Bureau Chief
New York Post
(646) 229-8322
From: Gardener, Stacy
To: Jovana Rizzo; Ruth Fasoldt
Cc: Stacey Levine; Dan Levitan; Shor, Stanley; Grybauskas, Natalie; Hines, Evan (DOITT)
Subject: RE: 2016 Employment Report
Date: Friday, January 27, 2017 4:39:40 PM

We’re ok with the stats.

From: Jovana Rizzo [mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2017 4:12 PM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>
Cc: Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Shor,
Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Hines, Evan
Subject: RE: 2016 Employment Report

Hi all, instead of providing the full report, we'd like to send them these two topline stats. Please let us
know ASAP if we can send. Thanks!
LinkNYC Employment and Economic Impacts, NYC, 2016:
Total full time employees: 350
Total economic output: $128,900,000

From: Jovana Rizzo

Sent: Friday, January 27, 2017 1:53 PM
To: Gardener, Stacy; Ruth Fasoldt
Cc: Stacey Levine; Dan Levitan; Shor, Stanley; Grybauskas, Natalie; Hines, Evan
Subject: Re: 2016 Employment Report

Hi all, just checking in on this, Crains is closing the issue soon. Thanks!

Sent from my phone.

On Jan 26, 2017, at 4:22 PM, Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Yes, same article (it got held a week)

From: Gardener, Stacy [SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov]

Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2017 4:22 PM
To: Ruth Fasoldt
Cc: Stacey Levine; Dan Levitan; Jovana Rizzo; Shor, Stanley; Grybauskas, Natalie; Hines,
Subject: RE: 2016 Employment Report

+ Natalie and Evan

Is this the same article they sent questions on after the 1MM user announcement?
From: Ruth Fasoldt [mailto:ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2017 4:18 PM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>
Ruth Fasoldt
External Affairs Manager, LinkNYC

T: 929-241-1546

10 Hudson Yards 26th Floor New York NY 10001

Ruth Fasoldt
External Affairs Manager, LinkNYC

T: 929-241-1546

10 Hudson Yards 26th Floor New York NY 10001

This e-mail, including any attachments, may be confidential, privileged or otherwise

legally protected. It is intended only for the addressee. If you received this e-mail in error
or from someone who was not authorized to send it to you, do not disseminate, copy or
otherwise use this e-mail or its attachments. Please notify the sender immediately by
reply e-mail and delete the e-mail from your system.
From: Phillips, Eric
To: Michael Gartland
Cc: Dan Levitan
Subject: Re: Regarding Sunday"s CCNY Event
Date: Sunday, January 29, 2017 8:22:57 AM

For now, yeah. He's got TV in a min and there's a chance he goes to this rally this

On Jan 29, 2017, at 7:31 AM, Michael Gartland <mgartland@nypost.com> wrote:

Is this the only thing on the mayor's sked today?

Begin forwarded message:

From: David Helfenbein <David_Helfenbein@dkcnews.com>

Date: January 27, 2017 at 2:50:37 PM EST
To: David Helfenbein <David Helfenbein@dkcnews.com>
Subject: Regarding Sunday's CCNY Event

Thanks to you all for RSVPing for Sunday’s Catholic Charities event.
The advisory, once again, is below.

Have a great rest of the day and see you on Sunday!


Guests include: US Senator Charles Schumer, NYS Governor
Andrew Cuomo, NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio,
NYS Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, NYS Comptroller
Thomas DiNapoli,
CEO of Etsy Chad Dickerson and President and CEO of Partnership
for NYC
Kathryn Wylde
Cardinal Timothy Dolan will join top influencers from New York State –
including business, finance, political, media and labor leaders – to deliver
a major address on the role of charity and partnership in building a caring
New York, marking the 100th anniversary of Catholic Charities of New
York (CCNY), an organization committed to helping solve the problems of
New Yorkers in need – non-Catholics and Catholics alike.
In his remarks, Cardinal Dolan will reveal several initiatives that Catholic
Charities will undertake or launch over the course of their centennial year
to meet the emerging needs of New Yorkers, including a Food Hub, a
substance abuse recovery center, a low vision clinic, new affordable
family apartments, safe haven beds for the homeless, and a “For Help”
mobile application.
Cardinal Dolan will also announce a campaign to raise $100 million private
philanthropic dollars over the next five years to support compassionate
and quality human services to provide help and create hope for the
children and families of New York – particularly the poorest and most
vulnerable. This campaign, combined with additional private philanthropy
through CCNY’s federation of agencies, will leverage over $4 billion to
help New Yorkers in need.
WHAT: Catholic Charities kicks off its centennial celebration with a
luncheon that will include top influencers and leaders from New York
State. At the event, Cardinal Dolan will make a major announcement,
committing more than $4 billion over the next five years for New Yorkers
in need.
WHO:   His Eminence Timothy Michael Cardinal Dolan, Archdiocese of
New York
U.S. Senator Charles Schumer, Minority Leader of the U.S. Senate
Governor Andrew Cuomo, New York State
Mayor Bill de Blasio, New York City
Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, New York State
Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli, New York State
Monsignor Kevin Sullivan, Executive Director of Catholic Charities
of New York
Chad Dickerson, CEO, Etsy
Kathryn Wylde, President and CEO, Partnership for New York City

WHEN:  Sunday, January 29, 2017

               11:15 AM Press Call
               Event to start at 12 PM

WHERE: 30 Rockefeller Plaza (50 W. 50 th Street)

Please Note: All media must be approved in advance. RSVP to
David Helfenbein@dkcnews.com to confirm your attendance. The
deadline for press RSVPs is Friday, 1/27 at noon.

MEDIA CONTACTS:  David Helfenbein, (212) 981-5265,

       Alexandra Stromer, (212) 981-5173,
David Helfenbein
Vice President
212-981-5265 (w)
914-325-6766 (c)
261 Fifth Avenue 2FL 
New York NY 10016 
DKC   Facebook   Twitter   Blog 
From: The Office of Mayor de Blasio
To: Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com
Subject: You are cordially invited to the 2017 State of the City Address
Date: Thursday, February 02, 2017 9:59:31 AM
The Mayor of the City of New York
Bill de Blasio

cordially invites you to the


Monday, February 13, 2017

Doors open at 6:00 PM

Program begins promptly at 7:00 PM

Apollo Theater
253 West 125th Street

RSVP by Wednesday, February 8, 2017

(212) 788-2569 or
email: invitation@cityhall.nyc.gov

Space is limited

Seating is on a first come first serve basis.


Yes, I am attending

No, I will not attend

From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: Stacey Levine
Cc: Gardener, Stacy (DOITT); Shor, Stanley; Dan Levitan; Ruth Fasoldt
Subject: Re: Intersection interview with Crains
Date: Friday, February 03, 2017 7:26:00 PM
Attachments: image001.png

This looks fine. 

Sent from mobile

On Feb 3, 2017, at 10:21 AM, Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>


Hi all,

We got a few follow-up questions from Crain's about Link for Marta's
feature. Just wanted to run them by you. Let me know if our response is

If possible… we want to get into some neighborhood distinctions, to

show how local the Links could be. Could Marta give us any
examples of how different neighborhoods are responding differently
to the Links? For example, I saw the stat about Herald Square having
the most WiFi sessions. Any other data you could supply, that we
could turn into an answer?
We understand usage down to the individual Link at any given time,
including how many devices are using the Wi-Fi. For instance, we know
that on January 1 at 12:05AM, a Link in Times Square had the most
concurrent sessions of all Links all year -- you can imagine all the texts,
SnapChats, Tweets, and Instagram posts that must have been shared at
that moment!

Any examples of a Link being used in an emergency?

One of our street team members recalled seeing a bike messenger use
the 911 feature to call an ambulance for another injured bike messenger.
Another saw a father teach his young daughter how to use the 911 button
in case of emergency.

On Wed, Jan 11, 2017 at 12:39 PM, Gardener, Stacy

<SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov> wrote:

Sounds good.

From: Stacey Levine [mailto:stacey.levine@intersection.com]

Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2017 12:30 PM
To: Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Gardener, Stacy
<SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Ruth Fasoldt

Subject: Re: Intersection interview with Crains

Great! I'll give you a heads up if Matt plans to contact you. 

On Wed, Jan 11, 2017 at 12:28 PM, Shor, Stanley

<SShor@doitt.nyc.gov> wrote:

I agree.


Stanley Shor

Assistant Commissioner, Franchise Administration

New York City Department of

Information Technology & Telecommunications

2 MetroTech Center, 4th Floor

Brooklyn, NY 11201




From: Grybauskas, Natalie [mailto:NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2017 12:27 PM
To: 'Stacey Levine' <stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Shor, Stanley
Cc: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Dan Levitan
<dan@berlinrosen.com>; Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>
Subject: RE: Intersection interview with Crains

I feel good about that.

From: Stacey Levine [mailto:stacey.levine@intersection.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2017 12:21 PM
To: Shor, Stanley
Cc: Gardener, Stacy (DOITT); Dan Levitan; Ruth Fasoldt; Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: Re: Intersection interview with Crains

This is a routine interaction with the press regarding Intersection's

product-driven advertising approach.   

If asked about motion content, Marta's talking point will be: "We
worked closely with DoITT and the City of New York on ensuring
motion is appropriate for the locations it is deployed. Our advertisers
have enthusiastically embraced this additional feature." 

If questions come up about the business model, Marta will use our
standard response that "CityBridge, a private company, is making all
of the capital investment and we are generating approximately
$500mm over the life of our contract in revenue with the City of New
York generated from our ad sales." 

If questions come up about how many Links are deployed, we will

use the public number from the website: "530+ active Links, which is
over 1000 screens, making it the largest digital our of home ad
network in New York." 

If any other specific Link questions come up, other than

Intersection's general approach to product driven advertising, Marta
will defer and we will pass Matt on to DoITT. 


On Wed, Jan 11, 2017 at 11:52 AM, Shor, Stanley

<SShor@doitt.nyc.gov> wrote:

I suspect he may ask about the advertising on the Links including motion video
which could be controversial and about the greater number of Links in Manhattan
paying for the deployment outside Manhattan.  Why can’t you tell him you have to
clear any discussion of Links with DoITT?


Stanley Shor

Assistant Commissioner, Franchise Administration

New York City Department of

Information Technology & Telecommunications

2 MetroTech Center, 4th Floor

Brooklyn, NY 11201




From: Stacey Levine [mailto:stacey.levine@intersection.com]

Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2017 11:46 AM
To: Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Dan Levitan
<dan@berlinrosen.com>; Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>;
Grybauskas, Natalie (NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov)
Subject: Re: Intersection interview with Crains

Hi Stanley, 

To clarify, the interview is not about LinkNYC. It's about Intersection,

which is an expansive business that has diverse contracts and
projects in NYC and cities around the world. But since Link is our
most high-profile project, I assume that he may ask some questions
about it. She will not comment on deployment, privacy, or anything
outside of her domain. She will talk about Intersection's approach to
creating urban products supported by advertising, of which Link is an
example -- along with our MTA kiosks, iPad ordering systems at LGA,
Philly bus shelters, LinkUK, digital transit panels in Chicago and
Minneapolis, etc.


On Wed, Jan 11, 2017 at 11:20 AM, Shor, Stanley

<SShor@doitt.nyc.gov> wrote:

+ Natalie

I think we need to know what questions he will be asking about Links before we
approve this interview. 


Stanley Shor

Assistant Commissioner, Franchise Administration

New York City Department of

Information Technology & Telecommunications

2 MetroTech Center, 4th Floor

Brooklyn, NY 11201




From: Stacey Levine [mailto:stacey.levine@intersection.com]

Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2017 11:00 AM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Shor, Stanley
<SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Ruth Fasoldt
Subject: Intersection interview with Crains

Hi Stacy,

Just a heads up: Matt Flamm from Crains is interviewing

Intersection's new Chief Revenue Officer tomorrow morning. While
she oversees sales for all of Intersection's businesses, LinkNYC is
likely to come up. She will avoid any issues about deployment, etc.
since that is outside the scope of her domain. 



Stacey Levine 
Communications Director 
T:  646-834-9657 


10 Hudson Yards 26th Floor New York, NY 10001


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notify the sender immediately by reply e-mail and delete the e-mail from your

Stacey Levine 
Communications Director 

T:  646-834-9657 


10 Hudson Yards 26th Floor New York, NY 10001


Stacey Levine 
Communications Director 

T:  646-834-9657 


10 Hudson Yards 26th Floor New York, NY 10001

Stacey Levine 
Communications Director 

T:  646-834-9657 


10 Hudson Yards 26th Floor New York, NY 10001


Stacey Levine 
VP, Communications & Consumer Marketing 

T:  646-834-9657 

10 Hudson Yards 26th Floor New York, NY 10001
From: Julia Kerson
To: Bucich, Nicole A.
Cc: Cathy Rought; Sheriza Majid; dlu@bthayerassociates.com; Cassandra Warde; Patricia Masi; Desiree Gazzo;
lcullen@vhb.com; jennifer.duval@jacobs.com; cbinder@bthayerassociates.com; Kerson, Julia;
Alexa.Gangemi@ch2m.com; Toole, Laura
Subject: Re: Wish list for ticket "auction"
Date: Monday, February 06, 2017 7:39:22 AM

I agree that the email should go out asap - Laurie, you mentioned it could go out from
the foundation. Do you folks have the emails and would you be able to send out the
emails once language is finalized?

As for collecting funds - is there someone one your committee who wouldn't mind being
the point person? I'll email WTSI and copy you regarding the process for depositing and
spending to buy items. 

In that same email I can request a quick call with you folks regarding the thinking on the
raffle decision. I asked again on Friday and they mentioned one reason as the fact that
they have advertised a silent auction and mentioned the idea of having a raffle during
one event (like that big dinner). 


Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 6, 2017, at 7:22 AM, Bucich, Nicole A. <bucichna@pbworld.com> wrote:

Julia –
Cathy and I will get together this week to figure out the best day/time for a regular call and
develop an agenda.
In the meantime, I have some questions/comments about the letter:
<!--[if !supportLists]--> ·         <!--[endif]--> I think this should go out ASAP
<!--[if !supportLists]--> ·         <!--[endif]--> I agree we should not mention the use of
chapter foundation funds
<!--[if !supportLists]--> ·         <!--[endif]--> We need to add directions about who they
send the check to  - who should that be?
<!--[if !supportLists]--> ·         <!--[endif]--> Who has the names, addresses and emails
for the mailing?
I also wanted to chime in on International’s reaction to the new silent auction method.  I
think doing both would be very confusing.  Is it possible for Cathy and I to participate in a
conversation with them?
Nicole A. Bucich
NY Metropolitan Planning/Environmental Manager
WSP|Parsons Brinckerhoff
One Penn Plaza
NY, NY 10119
w. 212.465.5220
c. 973.699.1937
From: Julia Kerson [mailto:
Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2017 4:00 PM
To: Cathy Rought <cathy@berlinrosen.com>; Sheriza Majid <smajid@HNTB.com>;
dlu@bthayerassociates.com; Cassandra Warde < Patricia Masi
<pmasi@bthayerassociates.com>; Desiree Gazzo <dgazzo@centralparknyc.org>;
lcullen@vhb.com; Bucich, Nicole A. <bucichna@pbworld.com>; jennifer.duval@jacobs.com;
Cc: Kerson, Julia (JKerson@cityhall.nyc.gov)
<JKerson@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Alexa.Gangemi@ch2m.com; Toole, Laura
Subject: Re: Wish list for ticket "auction"
Good Afternoon silent auction committee,
I just wanted to reach out quickly with an update. During the last weekly call with
WTSI we discussed the silent auction format that the committee recommended.
Unfortunately, they weren't sold and requested that, if we wanted the new format, we
also have some items with the old format. I can bring it up with them again on our call
this Friday but, in the meantime, what do you think about focusing on starting to
collect donations. 
Do we have a timeline for getting the request letter out to the chapters? Anything you
need from us as far as next steps on that? Additionally, now that we have identified
you as co-chairs, please feel free to organize committee actions (calls, next steps, etc)
as you see fit. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 26, 2017, at 1:33 PM, Sheriza Majid <smajid@HNTB.com> wrote:

Sure if we want. I just remembered it was mentioned during our first meeting so
I just wanted to remind everyone.
From: Julia Kerson [mailto
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2017 1:32 PM
To: Sheriza Majid <smajid@HNTB.com>
Cc: Cassandra Warde < Cathy Rought
<cathy@berlinrosen.com>; Patricia Masi <pmasi@bthayerassociates.com>;
dlu@bthayerassociates.com; cbinder@bthayerassociates.com; Desiree Gazzo
<dgazzo@centralparknyc.org>; Bucich, Nicole A. <bucichna@pbworld.com>;
lcullen@vhb.com; jennifer.duval@jacobs.com; Alexa.Gangemi@ch2m.com;
Kerson, Julia (JKerson@cityhall.nyc.gov)
<JKerson@cityhall.nyc.gov>; toolel@pbworld.com
Subject: Re: Wish list for ticket "auction"
Could we tell them that in follow up? Using their foundation funds means
that we take from local scholarship money to fund national scholarships -
seems like an odd use of funds since it doesnt equal more scholarships
from WTS generally. It would be better if they found a few hundred
dollars in their budget. 
On Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 1:29 PM, Sheriza Majid <smajid@hntb.com>
Should we also make a mention of chapters be able to use their Foundation
funds to contribute?
From: Cassandra Warde [mailto:
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2017 1:23 PM
To: Cathy Rought <cathy@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Julia Kerson < Sheriza Majid <smajid@HNTB.com>;
Patricia Masi <pmasi@bthayerassociates.com>; dlu@bthayerassociates.com;
cbinder@bthayerassociates.com; Desiree Gazzo
<dgazzo@centralparknyc.org>; Bucich, Nicole A. <bucichna@pbworld.com>;
lcullen@vhb.com; jennifer.duval@jacobs.com; Alexa.Gangemi@ch2m.com;
Kerson, Julia (JKerson@cityhall.nyc.gov)
<JKerson@cityhall.nyc.gov>; toolel@pbworld.com
Subject: Re: Wish list for ticket "auction"
Hello all,
Please see attached for a draft silent auction fund solicitation letter. We
can discuss further on our upcoming call.
Regarding the types of donations you are looking for, here are some
additional thoughts:

·          Electronics-Best Buy has a reputation of being very

philanthropic, especially with women's initiatives.

·          Experiences-Does anyone have a connection to Sarah Feinberg?

Though she is no longer with Facebook, perhaps she
could facilitate the donation of a special tour of their HQ and a
meet and greet with a couple of their key leaders...

·          Sporting tickets –The New York City Football Club: they are
still a relatively new team and are actively seeking engagement
opportunities. You might be able to get a VIP package from them.
Many thanks,
On Tue, Jan 24, 2017 at 6:53 PM, Cathy Rought
<cathy@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
Here’s the list of types of donations we will be looking for:

·          Purses, accessories (i.e. sunglasses)

·          Airline tickets/hotel room

·          Electronics

·          Experiences – cooking class

·          Sporting tickets – Giants, Yankees, etc.

·          Broadway tickets

·          Restaurant gift certificates

·          Sunset cruise

·          Shore house weekly rental

·          Spa gift cards

·          Money! We can always use money to purchase some of the

above items at discount if unable to get donated

From: Julia Kerson [mailto
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 2:24 PM
To: Sheriza Majid <smajid@hntb.com>
Cc: Cathy Rought <cathy@berlinrosen.com>; Patricia Masi
<pmasi@bthayerassociates.com>; dlu@bthayerassociates.com;
cbinder@bthayerassociates.com; Desiree Gazzo
<dgazzo@centralparknyc.org>; Bucich, Nicole A.
<bucichna@pbworld.com>; lcullen@vhb.com; jennifer.duval@jacobs.com;
Cassandra Alvarez <
Alexa.Gangemi@ch2m.com; Kerson, Julia
(JKerson@cityhall.nyc.gov) <JKerson@cityhall.nyc.gov>;
Subject: Re: Agenda for tomorrow's phone call and action items list
Good Afternoon,
Below is some initial research on the various silent auction
website/apps that are out there. We can discuss in more detail this
evening but wanted to send around some basic information.
Company Cost No. of Method Staff Notes
Items Assistance
Handbid $995 75 Items App Available  
GiveSmart Flat rate Unlimited App or Yes – Event  
based on Website/Text  Coordinator
32Auctions There is a Free is up Website only    
free to 20
option, items,
most $220 is
expensive 100 items.
option is
BidPal Price not No limit App Yes  
BiddingOwl 5% of No limit. Website    

My Mini Appears  Unlimited Website    

Auction to be free
of cost.

eFlea Free of  Unlimited Website   Have to

cost to confirm
non- non-
profits profit
status if
we use
On Wed, Jan 18, 2017 at 4:35 PM, Sheriza Majid
<smajid@hntb.com> wrote:
Attached is the agenda for tomorrow’s phone call and the action
items list.
Sheriza Majid
Project Analyst II
HNTB Corporation
Empire State Building
350 Fifth Avenue, 57 Floor
New York, NY 10118
Tel.: 212-915-9571
Fax: 212-947-4094

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From: Dan Levitan
To: Gardener, Stacy (DOITT)
Cc: Shor, Stanley; Ruth Fasoldt; Jennifer Hensley; Jovana Rizzo; Stacey Levine; Grybauskas, Natalie; Hines, Evan
Subject: Re: Release for Black History Month
Date: Monday, February 06, 2017 5:42:37 PM


- Sent from my Galaxy S6 - 

On Feb 6, 2017, at 5:34 PM, Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov> wrote:

Hi Dan,
We’re fine with it. See Anne’s quote below:
“With hundreds of kiosks across all five boroughs, LinkNYC is a perfect outlet to
celebrate Black History Month,” said Anne Roest, Commissioner of the Department of
Information Technology and Telecommunications. “We thank Silicon Harlem for
curating this important content.”
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2017 4:30 PM
To: Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Jennifer Hensley
<jennifer.hensley@intersection.com>; Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>;
Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>
Subject: Release for Black History Month
Hi Stanley and Stacy –
Attached please find a draft release we would like to put out as soon as possible about
the Black History Month promotion LinkNYC is running.
Please let us know what you think and if you would like to add a quote.


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or from someone who was not authorized to send it to you, do not disseminate, copy or
otherwise use this e-mail or its attachments. Please notify the sender immediately by
reply e-mail and delete the e-mail from your system.
From: The Office of Mayor de Blasio
To: Rabinowitz@berlinrosen.com
Subject: REMINDER: You are cordially invited to the 2017 State of the City Address
Date: Wednesday, February 08, 2017 10:26:20 AM

We look forward to having you attend the 2017 State of the City Address!

Doors will open at 5:30 PM

Program will begin promptly at 7:00 PM

If you are still interested in attending but have not yet had the opportunity to RSVP,
please see the invitation below for event details and further instructions.

Please note:
Reserved parking is not available and street parking will be very limited.
Guests are encouraged to use public transportation to travel to the venue.
Guests are not permitted to bring backpacks, large bags, suitcases, signs or posters.

Special Accommodations:
If you need to request special accommodations, including ADA assistance,
please call (212) 788-2569 or email invitation@cityhall.nyc.gov.

The Mayor of the City of New York

Bill de Blasio

cordially invites you to the


Monday, February 13, 2017

Doors open at 5:30 PM

Program begins promptly at 7:00 PM

Apollo Theater
253 West 125th Street

RSVP by Wednesday, February 8, 2017

(212) 788-2569 or
email: invitation@cityhall.nyc.gov

Space is limited

Seating is on a first come first serve basis.


Yes, I am attending

No, I will not attend

From: Fialkoff, Gabrielle
To: "jonathan@berlinrosen.com"
Date: Friday, February 10, 2017 3:21:10 PM
Attachments: image001.png

Dear Jonathan –
I wanted to share today’s important news with you.
Warm regards,


NEW YORK, NY 10007

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 10, 2017

CONTACT: pressoffice@cityhall.nyc.gov, (212) 788-2958



Graduation rate rises to 72.6 percent and dropout rate hits low of 8.5 percent with largest
improvements for Hispanic and Black students

NEW YORK—Mayor de Blasio and Chancellor Carmen Fariña today announced that New
York City’s four-year high school graduation rate hit a historic high in 2016 – 72.6 percent.
The dropout rate fell to the lowest ever – 8.5 percent. The improvements in both graduation
and dropout rates were highest for Hispanic and Black students. Every single borough saw its
graduation rate increase and dropout rate decrease – with the highest increase in graduation
rate in the Bronx.

Mayor de Blasio and Chancellor Fariña’s Equity and Excellence for All agenda will build on
this progress, ensuring that by 2026, 80 percent of students graduate high school on time and
two-thirds of graduates are college ready. Equity and Excellence for All is building a path
from pre-K to college and careers for every child in every neighborhood in New York City.

“Our public schools are unquestionably the strongest they’ve ever been – we’re graduating
more students than ever before, and we are on track to reach our Equity and Excellence for
All goal of 80 percent of students graduating on time,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “From
Day 1, we’ve believed in the promise of our public schools as the ladder to success for all
New Yorkers, and we are raising the bar at every school in every zip code.”

“Our record-high graduation and the record-low dropout rates are a testament to the hard
work of our students, their families, and our educators,” said Schools Chancellor Carmen
Fariña. “Our focus has always been on the work going on in every classroom, and that’s
where it’s going to stay. While this is a day to celebrate progress, we’re working harder than
ever to improve instruction and provide equity and excellence for all students.”

The rates below are the graduation and dropout percentages among the cohort of all students
who entered 9th grade in the fall of 2012. All percentage point changes are comparisons to
the previous year.

· The graduation rate rose to 72.6 percent, a 2.1 point gain

· The dropout rate fell to 8.5 percent, a 0.5 point decrease

Graduation rates improved across all ethnicities, with Hispanic and Black students posting the
highest gains:

· Hispanic students’ graduation rate increased to 66.9 percent, a 2.9 point gain
· Black students’ graduation rate increased to 68.1 percent, a 2.6 point gain
· Asian students’ graduation rate increased to 85.6 percent, a 0.6 point gain
· White students’ graduation rate increased to 82.1 percent, a 0.1 point gain

Dropout rates fell or remained the same across all ethnicities:

· Hispanic students’ dropout rate fell to 11.2 percent, a 0.7 point decrease
· Black students’ dropout rate fell to 8.8 percent, a 0.6 point decrease
· Asian students’ dropout rate fell to 4.6 percent, the same as last year
· White students’ dropout rate fell to 4.8 percent, a 0.4 point decrease

Graduation rates increased and dropout rates fell in every borough. The largest improvement
in graduation rates was in the Bronx:

Graduation Dropout
% % Pt. Pt.
2016 # 2016 2015 Diff 2016 # % 2016 % 2015 Diff
Cohort Grad Grad Cohort Dropout Dropout
Bronx 13,838 64.8 61.8 3.0 13,838 12.7 13.1 -0.4
Brooklyn 20,823 72.2 70.8 1.4 20,823 7.6 8.3 -0.7
Queens 19,398 75.5 73.3 2.2 19,398 7.7 7.9 -0.2
Manhattan 15,569 74.6 72.5 2.2 15,569 7.4 7.7 -0.4
Staten 4,544 79.3 77.4 1.9 4,544 6.4 7.5 -1.2
Graduation rates also increased at the City’s 31 Renewal high schools. The graduation rate
increased to 59.3 percent, a 4.8 percent increase – more than double the citywide increase in
graduation rate. The dropout rate was 18.6 percent, a 0.8 point increase.

Earlier this school year, Mayor de Blasio and Chancellor Fariña announced:

· The highest-ever postsecondary enrollment rate – 55 percent of the Class of 2015.

· The highest-ever number of New York City students taking and passing Advanced
Placement exams in 2016 with an 8.4 percent jump in students taking at least one AP
and 8.2 percent jump in students passing at least one AP over the previous year.
· The highest-ever college readiness rate – 37 percent of all students, and 51 percent of
graduates, in the Class of 2016 graduated high school on time and met CUNY’s
standards for college readiness in English and math.
· The highest-ever percentage of high school juniors taking the SAT – 52 percent. All
juniors will be able to take the SAT free of charge during the school day this school

The progress extends to elementary and middle school grades – students made substantial
gains on the most recent State English and math exams. For the first time, City students are
now outperforming their New York State peers in English.

Mayor de Blasio and Chancellor Fariña’s Equity and Excellence for All initiatives are
building a pathway to success in college and careers for all students. Our schools are starting
earlier – free, full-day, high-quality pre-K for every four-year-old through Pre-K for All.
They are strengthening foundational skills and instruction earlier – Universal Literacy so that
every student is reading on grade level by the end of 2nd grade; and Algebra for All to
improve elementary- and middle-school math instruction and ensure that all 8th graders have
access to algebra. They are offering students more challenging, hands-on, college and career-
aligned coursework – Computer Science for All will bring 21st Century computer science
instruction to every school, and AP for All will give all high school students access to at least
five Advanced Placement courses. Along the way, they are giving students and families
additional support through College Access for All, Single Shepherd, and investment in
Community Schools.

More information on New York City’s graduation and college readiness and rates can be
found at http://schools.nyc.gov/Accountability/data/GraduationDropoutReports/default.htm.

“Congratulations to our students, educators and families across New York City – this is truly
remarkable work. The highest-ever graduation rate and the lowest-ever dropout rate in our
City’s history is a big accomplishment, and we won’t rest until every single student is firmly
on the path to succeed in college and careers. We will continue working towards our vision
of equity and excellence for all, by strengthening teaching and learning in every single
classroom from pre-K to graduation,” said Deputy Chancellor for Teaching and Learning
Phil Weinberg.

"As a parent of a public school student, I realize how important the reforms Mayor de Blasio
and Chancellor Farina have been for all students these past few years. Now everyone knows
that they have proved successful. Careful attention to at -risk students, guidance counselors,
after school middle school and support for our high schools as full comprehensive schools is
raising graduation rates and perhaps even more importantly, lowering drop out and discharge
rates among our young adults; the future of our city. I look forward to even more positive
results as pre-K and other Equity and Excellence initiatives continue. Congratulations to all
the principals, teacher, parents, staff and students at all our schools, but especially our high
schools," said Assembly Member Cathy Nolan, Chair of the Assembly Committee on

"Graduation rates are at a record high thanks to our City's substantial investment in public
education," said Council Member Daniel Dromm, Chair of the Education
Committee. "Because we have embraced progressive approaches to education such as
community schooling and restorative justice practices, thousands of students are now on the
path to success. I celebrate these historic results and will continue to work alongside the
administration to build upon this achievement."

"Our City’s future is tied to the quality of education we provide to our young people and how
successfully we equip them for adulthood," said Manhattan Borough President Gale A.
Brewer. "These higher achievement rates are great news, and I will continue to work with the
Department of Education to strengthen the opportunities and support provided in our schools,
with an emphasis on access to the latest technology and STEAM resources."

"Any improvement in graduation rates is encouraging. I look forward to the day when our
children can all do math and reading at grade level, because we all know that there are too
many people who need remedial work when they enter college. I also look forward to the day
when the schools in my district receive the same resources as children in other parts of the
city, so they can have the same opportunities to thrive and compete in our global market,"
said State Senator Ruben Diaz Sr.

"Our students, our teachers, our schools have been doing the hard work, and here you are
seeing the results," said President of the United Federation of Teachers Michael
Mulgrew. "By focusing our energy and resources on the classroom, we are making a
difference for students across the city. Our job now is to keep up the momentum."

"These numbers are a tribute to our students, their families, and the teachers, staff and school
leaders who make our public schools second to none," said Council of School Supervisors
and Administrators President Ernest Logan. "We must not forget that high school
diplomas change lives."

“In 2004, a study commissioned by the Partnership for New York City identified the four
year graduation rate as a dismal 54.3 percent. The significant improvement in student
performance reported today reflects the impact of mayoral control of school governance and
the success of the de Blasio Administration and Chancellor Farina in aligning the interests of
teachers, parents and the business community in support of our public schools,” said
Kathryn Wylde, President and CEO of Partnership for New York City.

"The growth in graduation rates and decrease in dropouts underscores the fact that reforms
based on increasing student opportunities are more effective than the old test and punish
approach," said Billy Easton, Executive Director of Alliance for Quality Education.

“There is no doubt the City’s school system is moving in the right direction under Mayor de
Blasio and Chancellor Fariña,” said José Calderón, President of the Hispanic Federation.
“We are starting to see real gains in Latino student performance and outcomes due to
visionary investments in universal pre-kindergarten, community schools and English
language learner programs. Nonetheless, far too many Latino students are still struggling to
learn in underfunded, overcrowded schools without the full array of academic and social
service supports needed to graduate college ready. Hispanic Federation is committed to
continuing to work with this administration to amplify and speed up these improvements to
ensure another generation of Latino kids doesn’t fall through the cracks.”

From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: Gardener, Stacy (DOITT)
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Shor, Stanley; Koenig, Anne J.; Dan Levitan; Stacey Levine; Ruth Fasoldt; Jennifer Hensley
Subject: Re: Valentines release + travel outlet request
Date: Monday, February 13, 2017 5:37:01 PM
Attachments: image001.png

I dig it

Sent from mobile

On Feb 13, 2017, at 5:12 PM, Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov> wrote:

+ Natalie for awareness

That’s cute. Maybe Link will become the updated version of the sporting event big
screen proposal J
From: Jovana Rizzo [mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2017 5:04 PM
To: Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Gardener, Stacy
<SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Stacey Levine
<stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>;
Jennifer Hensley (Jennifer.Hensley@intersection.com)
Subject: RE: Valentines release + travel outlet request

Proposed talking points for Skift are below, let us know if you have any edits or
comments. Also, some great news for Valentine's Day! As you know, there has been a
campaign running asking people to get in touch with Link if they are planning to propose
on Valentine's Day. There is a proposal happening tomorrow evening and the Daily News
is potentially interested in doing a story about the first LinkNYC proposal! Could be a very
fun NYC story. We will keep you posted when we know more.
What is LinkNYC? How did this idea come about?

<!--[if !supportLists]--> · <!--[endif]--> LinkNYC is a new

communications network replacing the city’s pay phones with free,
super-fast wi-fi hotspots and services.

<!--[if !supportLists]--> · <!--[endif]--> The City of New York held a

competition to replace the city’s pay phones. After a competitive bidding
process, the City announced that CityBridge – a consortium of
companies that includes Intersection, Qualcomm, and CIVIQ
Smartscapes – was selected to develop and operate the first-of-its-kind
LinkNYC network, bringing the world’s fastest municipal Wi-Fi to
millions of New Yorkers and visitors.

<!--[if !supportLists]--> ·<!--[endif]--> The five-borough network is

funded entirely through advertising revenues and is being built at no-
cost to taxpayers or users.

<!--[if !supportLists]--> · <!--[endif]--> Each Link is equipped with free

services like high-speed Wi-Fi, phone calls, a tablet for maps and city
services, 911 button for emergencies and device charging for anyone
living in or visiting New York City to enjoy.
What has usage been like since the launch?

<!--[if !supportLists]--> · <!--[endif]--> The reception from New Yorkers

and visitors has been incredible.

<!--[if !supportLists]--> · <!--[endif]--> We are now in all five boroughs.

<!--[if !supportLists]--> · <!--[endif]--> We reached more than 1 million

users in less than one year, and are seeing approximately 40,000
people join the network every week.

<!--[if !supportLists]--> · <!--[endif]--> There are about 4 million Wi-Fi

sessions every week.

<!--[if !supportLists]--> ·<!--[endif]--> We’ve heard some great

anecdotes about how people are using Link -- a man wasn’t able to pay
for a data plan on his device and was relying on Link to stay
connected. Parents have stopped by with their kids to show them how
to use the 911 and Vonage app for emergencies. Teenagers are using
the wi-fi and USB charging while they run around the city playing

<!--[if !supportLists]--> · <!--[endif]--> We recently announced that Link

is coming to the London and the UK this year.
What are the benefits of Link for travelers?

<!--[if !supportLists]--> · <!--[endif]--> Tourists can stay connected to

the Link Wi-Fi without incurring onerous roaming charges or using
expensive international data plans.

<!--[if !supportLists]--> ·<!--[endif]--> They can use Link’s tablet to get

directions on the go and make domestic calls, and to charge their
How are visitors using Link?

<!--[if !supportLists]--> ·
<!--[endif]--> Anecdotally, visitors are using
Link, taking advantage of the free wi-fi, device charging, and maps on
the go.

<!--[if !supportLists]--> · <!--[endif]--> It’s especially helpful for people

from overseas who don’t want to get costly data plans.

<!--[if !supportLists]--> · <!--[endif]--> There are Links in popular tourist

areas -- Times Square, Midtown, Columbus Circle, and throughout the

<!--[if !supportLists]--> · <!--[endif]--> We had a street team out when it

was warmer and tourists would stop by to learn about Link and sign up
for the Wi-Fi -- nearly everyone was shocked and so excited that it is a
free service.

<!--[if !supportLists]--> · <!--[endif]--> Visitors from England, Germany

and South America all asked when Link would be expanding and
coming to their cities.

<!--[if !supportLists]--> · <!--[endif]--> Some people even stopped to

take pictures of Links -- it has become a part of the NYC streetscape.

From: Shor, Stanley [SShor@doitt.nyc.gov]

Sent: Monday, February 13, 2017 3:04 PM
To: Jovana Rizzo; Gardener, Stacy; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Dan Levitan; Stacey Levine; Ruth Fasoldt; Jennifer Hensley
Subject: RE: Valentines release + travel outlet request

Please also give us your proposed answers to the questions.  Thanks. 

Stanley Shor
Assistant Commissioner, Franchise Administration
New York City Department of
Information Technology & Telecommunications
2 MetroTech Center, 4th Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11201
From: Jovana Rizzo [mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2017 2:55 PM
To: Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Gardener, Stacy
<SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Stacey Levine
<stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>;
Jennifer Hensley (Jennifer.Hensley@intersection.com)
Subject: RE: Valentines release + travel outlet request

Thanks so much and sorry for the short notice on the release! For the Skift interview,
questions will include the following, and we can definitely recommend the reporter reach
out to NYC&Co if he has not already.
What is LinkNYC? How did this idea come about?
What has usage been like since the launch?
What are the benefits of Link for travelers? 
How are visitors using Link?

From: Shor, Stanley [SShor@doitt.nyc.gov]

Sent: Monday, February 13, 2017 1:43 PM
To: Jovana Rizzo; Gardener, Stacy; Koenig, Anne J.
Cc: Dan Levitan; Stacey Levine; Ruth Fasoldt; Jennifer Hensley
Subject: RE: Valentines release + travel outlet request

+ Jen
Hi Jovana,
This press release is approved.  However, we are not happy regarding the short
amount of time we were given to review it.  Please give us more time in the future.
 We are working on guidelines to address notification procedures for tablet content as
well as innovative advertising, such as this campaign.  For now, please make sure that
DoITT has an opportunity to comment before campaigns like these are released to the
Regarding the Skift interview, may we see a list of questions?  It would also be
appropriate to connect them with NYC & Co., if they haven’t already been in touch
them them. 
Stanley Shor
Assistant Commissioner, Franchise Administration
New York City Department of
Information Technology & Telecommunications
2 MetroTech Center, 4th Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11201
From: Jovana Rizzo [mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2017 10:33 AM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Shor, Stanley
<SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Stacey Levine
<stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>
Subject: FW: Valentines release + travel outlet request

Hi all, just re-upping the Valentine's Day release we'd like to send today, please see

From: Jovana Rizzo

Sent: Friday, February 10, 2017 5:43 PM
To: SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov; SShor@doitt.nyc.gov
Cc: Stacey Levine; Ruth Fasoldt; Dan Levitan
Subject: Valentines release + travel outlet request

Hi Stanley and Stacy, 

LinkNYC has a fun Instagram campaign for Valentine's Day that we'd like to send a release
out about on Monday -- please see attached draft for your review.
We also received in an inquiry from the global travel outlet Skift -- they are interested in
doing a story about the benefits of Link for travelers and tourists. It sounds like a good
opportunity, and we are planning to schedule a short interview with them with Jen next
week. Please let me know if you have any questions or want to discuss.
Thanks so much - enjoy the weekend!
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

This e-mail, including any attachments, may be confidential, privileged or otherwise

legally protected. It is intended only for the addressee. If you received this e-mail in error
or from someone who was not authorized to send it to you, do not disseminate, copy or
otherwise use this e-mail or its attachments. Please notify the sender immediately by
reply e-mail and delete the e-mail from your system.
From: Bucich, Nicole A.
To: Kerson, Julia
Cc: Cathy Rought
Subject: FW: WTS Silent Auction Letter-Draft 2-14-17.docx
Date: Tuesday, February 14, 2017 3:19:26 PM
Attachments: WTS Silent Auction Letter-Draft 2-14-17.docx

So the letter is finalized and now need to get it out the door.  How do we get the list of email
addresses for each of the chapter leaders? I can bring it up tomorrow at the all hands but I thought
I’d ask you first!
Nicole A. Bucich
NY Metropolitan Planning/Environmental Manager
WSP|Parsons Brinckerhoff
One Penn Plaza
NY, NY 10119
w. 212.465.5220
c. 973.699.1937
From: Cullen, Laurie [mailto:LCullen@VHB.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2017 8:52 AM
To: Bucich, Nicole A. <bucichna@pbworld.com>; Cathy Rought <cathy@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: jennifer.duval@jacobs.com
Subject: RE: WTS Silent Auction Letter-Draft 2-14-17.docx
Hi Nicole,
I reviewed the letter one more time.  It looks great.  No additional comments.  Unfortunately, I do
not have a list of donors from last year.  I would guess the chapter that sponsored the conference
last year would have that.  I think it was in Austin, TX, which is the Heart of Texas chapter.  I’m not
sure who chaired the silent auction committee last year.  Sorry.  Also, if you need chapter leadership
contacts, I think the WTS office could give you that.  I would send the letter to the chapter
presidents and copy the chapter scholarship chairs.  Thanks.
Laurie K. Cullen, A.A.E.
Senior Program Manager
P 401.457.7804 | M 401.644.9907
From: Bucich, Nicole A. [mailto:bucichna@pbworld.com]
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2017 8:39 AM
To: Cullen, Laurie <LCullen@VHB.com>; Cathy Rought <cathy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: WTS Silent Auction Letter-Draft 2-14-17.docx
Attached is the latest and greatest for your final review and distribution.  Thanks so much for your
help.  Also, we were wondering if you have access to this list of donors from last year’s conference.
Take care-
Nicole A. Bucich
NY Metropolitan Planning/Environmental Manager
WSP|Parsons Brinckerhoff
One Penn Plaza
NY, NY 10119
w. 212.465.5220
c. 973.699.1937

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February 14, 2017

Recipient name
City, State Zip

Dear (use a mail merge field: Recipient First Name):

“When women support each other, incredible things happen.” On the eve of WTS’s
40th anniversary, this tenet holds more truth than ever and is evidenced daily by all the
amazing things our members accomplish. This is why the WTS Foundation (WTSF) is
counting on your support for the 2017 WTSF Fundraiser at the Annual Conference to help
raise much needed funds for our national scholarship fund.

As you know for many years, the WTS Foundation has helped encourage, recognize and
financially support generations of current and aspiring women transportation
professionals. Our mentoring, networking, professional development and scholarship
programs have touched the lives of hundreds over the years, but we need your help to
ensure this longstanding tradition of support and empowerment continues.

In years past, this fundraiser was a silent auction. This year we are trying something new –
a ticket raffle – which is described below.

At the 2017 WTS Annual Conference in New York City, we are working to build a more
inclusive and dynamic fundraising competition to raise money for the WTSF fund. Our
annual conference is one of the largest revenue drivers for the WTSF, which allows us to
continue to award these national scholarships.

In celebration of our landmark 40th anniversary, we will have the first annual “Hamilton’s
Lucky Draw” ticket raffle – Hamilton refers to the face on the $10 bill, which is what we
will charge for each ticket sold. Members will be able to buy as many tickets as they wish
and then place their tickets in raffle drawings for individual prizes. The more tickets you
buy, the more chances you can enter to win each prize. At the end of the raffle, one ticket
will be drawn to award each prize. We believe this approach will be more inclusive to all
income levels and raise more money for the Foundation fund, while offering exciting prizes
and experiences to those that enter and win.

As part of this new approach, the WTS Foundation and the WTS Annual Conference Raffle
Committee is asking for monetary donations from each of the chapters. Our committee will
use your funds to purchase gifts that will be included in the ticket raffle. This is a special
year for WTS so please support the WTSF scholarship, education and research
programs for tomorrow’s women leaders by making a gift of $250, $400 or $500 (or
more) to our WTS Conference Hamilton Lucky’s Draw today. No amount is too small,
and especially for our larger and older chapters, this is a chance to commemorate all the
2017 WTS Annual Conference


Chapter Name:__________________________________________________________



Phone Number: __________________________________________________________

Donation Amount (please check box below):




Other $

Please make checks payable to “WTS Foundation” and mail donations to:

Nicole Bucich
WSP|Parsons Brinckerhoff
One Penn Plaza, 2nd floor
New York, NY 10019

Interested in also donating an item for the raffle? Contact Cathy Rought
at cathy@berlinrosen.com or 202-263-9097. All donations are tax-deductible.
From: Kerson, Julia
To: Bucich, Nicole A.
Cc: Cathy Rought
Subject: Re: WTS Silent Auction Letter-Draft 2-14-17.docx
Date: Tuesday, February 14, 2017 3:52:38 PM

I can reach out to international and copy you folks with the question - you should also
feel free to reach out to Lisa Marie directly if you feel comfortable but international
definitely has that contact information. 


Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 14, 2017, at 3:19 PM, Bucich, Nicole A. <bucichna@pbworld.com> wrote:

So the letter is finalized and now need to get it out the door.  How do we get the list of email
addresses for each of the chapter leaders? I can bring it up tomorrow at the all hands but I
thought I’d ask you first!
Nicole A. Bucich
NY Metropolitan Planning/Environmental Manager
WSP|Parsons Brinckerhoff
One Penn Plaza
NY, NY 10119
w. 212.465.5220
c. 973.699.1937
From: Cullen, Laurie [mailto:LCullen@VHB.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2017 8:52 AM
To: Bucich, Nicole A. <bucichna@pbworld.com>; Cathy Rought <cathy@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: jennifer.duval@jacobs.com
Subject: RE: WTS Silent Auction Letter-Draft 2-14-17.docx
Hi Nicole,
I reviewed the letter one more time.  It looks great.  No additional comments. 
Unfortunately, I do not have a list of donors from last year.  I would guess the chapter that
sponsored the conference last year would have that.  I think it was in Austin, TX, which is the
Heart of Texas chapter.  I’m not sure who chaired the silent auction committee last year. 
Sorry.  Also, if you need chapter leadership contacts, I think the WTS office could give you
that.  I would send the letter to the chapter presidents and copy the chapter scholarship
chairs.  Thanks.
Laurie K. Cullen, A.A.E.
Senior Program Manager
P 401.457.7804 | M 401.644.9907
From: Bucich, Nicole A. [mailto:bucichna@pbworld.com]
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2017 8:39 AM
To: Cullen, Laurie <LCullen@VHB.com>; Cathy Rought <cathy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: WTS Silent Auction Letter-Draft 2-14-17.docx
Attached is the latest and greatest for your final review and distribution.  Thanks so much for
your help.  Also, we were wondering if you have access to this list of donors from last year’s
Take care-
Nicole A. Bucich
NY Metropolitan Planning/Environmental Manager
WSP|Parsons Brinckerhoff
One Penn Plaza
NY, NY 10119
w. 212.465.5220
c. 973.699.1937

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<WTS Silent Auction Letter-Draft 2-14-17.docx>

keep going: I say again, this is your city, and we are here for you.

In case you missed it, here's what you should know – click the images and

We will fight to keep New Yorkers in their homes.

I proposed a 2.5% tax on homes costing more than $2 million to help fund
affordable senior housing.

We’re building more affordable housing so more New Yorkers can stay New

We’re investing to create more jobs in industries that provide a good wage and
a better future.

Thanks to Pre-K for All and AP for All, we plan to make our graduation rate
grow as large as our student's ambitions.

And in case you didn’t have an opportunity to meet Gershy, check out our
video. He wants to tell you all about the things he did in Pre-K:

We need to stay a beacon of hope. And we need to remember that this is our
city. We want to make sure you can grow here – and stay here – for a long
time to come.

In solidarity,

Mayor Bill de Blasio

This email was sent to mdiaz@cityhall nyc.gov | Unsubscribe | Privacy Policy

New York City Hall, City Hall Park, New York, NY 10007

From: Gardener, Stacy
To: Jovana Rizzo
Cc: Stacey Levine; Dan Levitan; Grybauskas, Natalie; Shor, Stanley; Koenig, Anne J.
Subject: RE: Media enquiry about LinkNYC kiosks
Date: Thursday, February 23, 2017 1:44:40 PM

+ Natalie
Please let us know what your responses will be. Thanks!
From: Jovana Rizzo [mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2017 1:41 PM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig,
Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: FW: Media enquiry about LinkNYC kiosks

Hi all, Link + DoITT received the following press inquiry. We will reach out to clarify on her questions
and send some positive user stats. Let us know if you have any questions.

From: Jane [jane.gray@epochtimes.com]

Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2017 12:07 PM
To: media@link.nyc
Cc: communications@doitt.nyc.gov
Subject: Media enquiry about LinkNYC kiosks


I’m working on an article about the new LinkUK Wi-Fi kiosks that are replacing phone
boxes on London’s streets. The first is set to be installed in North London mid-this year.

Relating to this, I have a couple of questions about LinkNYC. I read that there were
complaints about the screens in NY last year because some people were watching
pornography on the internet browsers on the kiosks. I wondered what action was taken on
this? Were the Internet browsers still turned off? How secure are the browsers?

If you could get back to me by tomorrow (Friday) morning that would be great,

Many thanks,

Jane Gray
Journalist, UK Edition 
O +44 (0)203 865 2203 
A Unit 5, 70 Malham Road, London SE23 1AG
E jane.gray@epochtimes.com

www.TheEpochTimes.com @epochtimes @itsjanegray
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From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: Gardener, Stacy (DOITT)
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Stacey Levine; Dan Levitan; Shor, Stanley; Koenig, Anne J.
Subject: Re: Media enquiry about LinkNYC kiosks
Date: Thursday, February 23, 2017 1:45:24 PM

We have an old answer to this that I can dig up.

Sent from mobile

On Feb 23, 2017, at 1:44 PM, Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov> wrote:

+ Natalie
Please let us know what your responses will be. Thanks!
From: Jovana Rizzo [mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2017 1:41 PM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Shor, Stanley
<SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Dan Levitan
Subject: FW: Media enquiry about LinkNYC kiosks

Hi all, Link + DoITT received the following press inquiry. We will reach out to clarify on
her questions and send some positive user stats. Let us know if you have any questions.

From: Jane [jane.gray@epochtimes.com]

Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2017 12:07 PM
To: media@link.nyc
Cc: communications@doitt.nyc.gov
Subject: Media enquiry about LinkNYC kiosks


I’m working on an article about the new LinkUK Wi-Fi kiosks that are replacing
phone boxes on London’s streets. The first is set to be installed in North London
mid-this year.

Relating to this, I have a couple of questions about LinkNYC. I read that there
were complaints about the screens in NY last year because some people were
watching pornography on the internet browsers on the kiosks. I wondered what
action was taken on this? Were the Internet browsers still turned off? How
secure are the browsers?

If you could get back to me by tomorrow (Friday) morning that would be great,
Many thanks,

Jane Gray
Journalist, UK Edition 
O +44 (0)203 865 2203 
A Unit 5, 70 Malham Road, London SE23 1AG
E jane.gray@epochtimes.com

www.TheEpochTimes.com @epochtimes @itsjanegray

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person) you may not copy or deliver this message to anyone. In such case, please destroy this
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From: Blumm, Kate
To: Gardener, Stacy (DOITT); Dan Levitan; Koenig, Anne J.; Jovana Rizzo
Cc: Stacey Levine; Grybauskas, Natalie; Shor, Stanley; Ruth Fasoldt (ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com)
Subject: RE: Media enquiry about LinkNYC kiosks
Date: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 5:39:35 PM
Attachments: image007.png

Yes, thanks. If you can forward me the response I’d appreciate it—helpful as I get up to speed!
From: Gardener, Stacy
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 2:18 PM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Koenig, Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>; Jovana Rizzo
Cc: Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie
<NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Ruth Fasoldt
(ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com) <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Blumm, Kate
Subject: RE: Media enquiry about LinkNYC kiosks

+ Kate, our new Asst. Commissioner for Comms and External Affairs
I think that should be fine. Thanks all.
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 11:07 AM
To: Koenig, Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>; Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Gardener,
Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Grybauskas, Natalie
<NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Ruth Fasoldt
(ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com) <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>
Subject: RE: Media enquiry about LinkNYC kiosks

Just circling back on this -- we made sure the reporter has the latest stats on number of Links and
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475
From: Koenig, Anne J. [mailto:ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2017 12:09 PM
To: Jovana Rizzo; Gardener, Stacy
Cc: Stacey Levine; Dan Levitan; Grybauskas, Natalie; Shor, Stanley; Ruth Fasoldt
Subject: RE: Media enquiry about LinkNYC kiosks

Looks like it’s time to update the update statement!  (400 Links in three boroughs? 475,00 users?)

Anne J. Koenig
Senior Director of Public Communications Structures
New York City Department of
Information Technology & Telecommunications
2 Metro Tech Center, 4th Floor, 4.109F
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Phone (718) 804-4814
Fax (718) 403-8586
ankoenig@doitt nyc.gov

From: Jovana Rizzo [mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2017 5:25 PM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>;
Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig,
Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Media enquiry about LinkNYC kiosks

We’ll direct the reporter to the service update statement (https://link.nyc/service-update.html) and let
them know:
— The issue was monopolization and long-term use of the kiosks
— The web browser was removed from all Links on September 14 — loitering complaints dropped 96%
immediately and Link kiosk usage increased 
— LinkNYC reached more than 1 million users in less than a year, with tens of thousands of tablet sessions
every week

From: Gardener, Stacy [SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov]

Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2017 1:42 PM
To: Jovana Rizzo
Cc: Stacey Levine; Dan Levitan; Grybauskas, Natalie; Shor, Stanley; Koenig, Anne J.
Subject: RE: Media enquiry about LinkNYC kiosks
+ Natalie
Please let us know what your responses will be. Thanks!
From: Jovana Rizzo [mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2017 1:41 PM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig,
Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: FW: Media enquiry about LinkNYC kiosks

Hi all, Link + DoITT received the following press inquiry. We will reach out to clarify on her questions
and send some positive user stats. Let us know if you have any questions.

From: Jane [jane.gray@epochtimes.com]

Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2017 12:07 PM
To: media@link.nyc
Cc: communications@doitt.nyc.gov
Subject: Media enquiry about LinkNYC kiosks


I’m working on an article about the new LinkUK Wi-Fi kiosks that are replacing phone
boxes on London’s streets. The first is set to be installed in North London mid-this year.

Relating to this, I have a couple of questions about LinkNYC. I read that there were
complaints about the screens in NY last year because some people were watching
pornography on the internet browsers on the kiosks. I wondered what action was taken on
this? Were the Internet browsers still turned off? How secure are the browsers?

If you could get back to me by tomorrow (Friday) morning that would be great,

Many thanks,

Jane Gray
Journalist, UK Edition 
O +44 (0)203 865 2203 
A Unit 5, 70 Malham Road, London SE23 1AG
E jane.gray@epochtimes.com

www.TheEpochTimes.com @epochtimes @itsjanegray

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From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: Dan Levitan
Cc: Stacey Levine; Blumm, Kate (KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov)
Subject: Re: Privacy announcement
Date: Tuesday, March 07, 2017 4:44:05 PM

I'm in a meeting
Can connect at 5

Sent from mobile

> On Mar 7, 2017, at 4:41 PM, Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

> Does this time still work?
>   PIN
> <meeting.ics>
From: Stacey Levine
To: Blumm, Kate; Grybauskas, Natalie; Dan Levitan; Jovana Rizzo; Ruth Fasoldt
Subject: Updated talking points and press release
Date: Wednesday, March 08, 2017 3:57:03 PM
Attachments: PrivacyPolicyAnnouncementPlan 030817.docx

Updated plan attached. 

Please let us know if DoITT has any changes to the FAQ and if there are any
updates from NYCLU. 


Stacey Levine 
VP, Communications & LinkNYC Marketing 

+1 646.834.9657 

10 Hudson Yards 26th Floor New York, NY 10001

We're hiring! Come build the future with us. 

Privacy Policy Update Plan

Goal: Clarify our strong user-first policies for the press and public and announce security camera


Finalize FAQ March 9

Finalize validator quotes March 10
Brief Stakeholders March 10
Email to LinkNYC users March 13
Press release March 13
Embargoed briefings for select reporters:
• Kaveh Waddell, The Atlantic
• Andy Hawkins, The Verge
• Ruth Reader, Fast Company
• Charlie Herman, WNYC
• Matt Flamm, Crain’s

Key Topline Messages:

● New York City and CityBridge take your privacy seriously. We have updated our privacy policy to
make our practices and policies more clear and explain the ways we protect personal information.
● We only ask for an e-mail address when you sign up to use LinkNYC’s Wi-Fi, far less personal
information than most other internet service providers.
● We do not store your browsing history or track the websites you visit when you use LinkNYC’s
● We will never sell your personal information, or share it with anyone else for their own use,
including advertisers and City agencies, except as may be required by law, such as in response
to a subpoena or court order. This policy also applies to LinkNYC camera footage.
● We heard NYCLU’s feedback and worked to implement many of their suggestions into the
revised policy.
Press Release

For Immediate Release: March 13, 2017

Contact: media@link.nyc

LinkNYC and DoITT Announce Updated Privacy Policy

Revised policy outlines the superfast, free Wi-Fi network’s commitment to user privacy.

NEW YORK - LinkNYC and New York City’s Department of Information Technology and
Telecommunications (DoITT) announced today the release of an updated privacy policy that outlines the
superfast, free Wi-Fi network’s commitment to user privacy.

While there is no change in LinkNYC’s day-to-day privacy practices, the revised policy makes clear that:

● LinkNYC does not store your browsing history or track the websites you visit when you use
LinkNYC’s Wi-Fi.
● LinkNYC will never sell your personal information, or share it with anyone else for their own use,
including advertisers and government agencies, except in response to a subpoena or court order.
● LinkNYC asks for an e-mail address when you sign up to use the Wi-Fi network, and does not
require other personal information like name, address, or phone number.
● LinkNYC encrypts all user personal data using industry-leading security, and offers users with
compatible devices access to a fully encrypted Private Wi-Fi network.

“New York City and CityBridge take your privacy seriously, and we have updated our privacy policy to
make clear our commitment to the more than one million people who have signed up to use the LinkNYC
network.” said Jennifer Hensley, General Manager of LinkNYC. “LinkNYC will never sell your personal
data, or track what you do on our Wi-Fi network.”



Read the full, revised privacy policy at: TK

Link Camera Activation

LinkNYC also announced today that security cameras on Link kiosks will be activated this week. Each
Link kiosk has two security cameras, above each 55-inch side panel display, which will be used to
monitor and maintain the Links and prevent vandalism.

All data and footage from LinkNYC cameras will be subject to the same strict privacy policy announced
today. CityBridge will not use or share data or footage collected by cameras except to detect or address
illegal activity on or associated with a Link, in response to vandalism, or in response to a subpoena or
similar lawful request. Footage from Link cameras will be stored for a maximum for 7 days, unless the
footage is necessary to investigate an incident. There is no collection or storage of any audio.

Link tablets have a built-in, user-activated camera that could be used for video calling or other user-
initiated applications in the future. These cameras will remain inactive until a future announcement on
new LinkNYC features.

Leak Statement

To be used if planned revisions to privacy policy leak before announcement:

“CityBridge is in conversations with DoITT and the City of New York to clarify our privacy policy and make
it easier to understand. We take LinkNYC users’ privacy seriously and do not track what users do on the
Wi-Fi network, and we will never share or sell your personal data with anyone for their own use.”

Interview Q and A

Q: So what exactly is changing here?

It's important to note that our day-to-day practices are not changing. What we are doing here is clarifying
our privacy policy to match our commitment to user security and privacy. Specifically, the updated
privacy policy makes clear that:

1. We do not track what users do on the Wi-Fi on their own devices.

2. We will not share any personal information about our users with anyone, including the City,
without their explicit permission or a court order.
3. And it makes clear that any footage from LinkNYC cameras is subject to our privacy policy.

Q: Seems like a simple change, why did it take so long?

We wanted to make sure we got this right, and again, our day to day practices have been consistent
since the start of the project and will remain the same.

Q: It seems like you’ve addressed some of the concerns that NYCLU and other groups raised,
were they involved in drafting the revised policy?

We heard their feedback and are happy to have been able to implement their suggestions.

Q: MAC Addresses identify your phone, a personal device that is with you all the time. Shouldn’t
that be treated as PII too?

We anonymize MAC addresses in our system, and our privacy policy makes clear that if technical
information like MAC address is combined with any personal data or data that could identify the user --
like where that mobile device has connected to the network -- we would treat that as personally
identifiable information, and we would not share or sell it.

Q: This is a lot of cameras, are they really needed?

The cameras will help us maintain the network and make sure LinkNYC is running smoothly for New
Yorkers and visitors. All camera footage is subject to our privacy policy -- we do not share footage with
anyone, including the NYPD, without a subpoena or court order.

Q: Will the cameras feed into NYPD’s Domain Awareness System?


Q: You say that you will not share personal information without a court order or subpoena. How
many such orders have you processed?

To date we have not received any.

Q: Will you let people know if their data has been requested by law enforcement?

We will make a reasonable effort to let people know if we are able to. Of course, we only have the emails
that people use to sign up for the network, and no other contact information, so that is the only way we
can communicate with users.
From: Blumm, Kate
To: Stacey Levine
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie; Dan Levitan; Jovana Rizzo; Ruth Fasoldt
Subject: Re: Updated talking points and press release
Date: Wednesday, March 08, 2017 9:16:09 PM

Per Chad, all is still good w NYCLU and they will be positive. He writes "The only
caveat she gave me was that she couldn’t say that this is the model everyone
should follow when putting together a privacy policy because there are many models
out there that could work." As soon as I know/have more substance I will share.

On Mar 8, 2017, at 8:48 PM, Blumm, Kate <KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov> wrote:

Ah yes to my ears that phrasing sounds much better!

We should stick w Monday target yes.

On Mar 8, 2017, at 8:38 PM, Stacey Levine

<stacey.levine@intersection.com> wrote:

It's more like "our policy is changing to better reflect and

clarify our day to day practices". 

Still working on our list. Will have to you tomorrow. 

Is it still looking like we are going to push this out a few


On Wed, Mar 8, 2017 at 8:24 PM, Blumm, Kate

<KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov> wrote:
Thanks, Stacy. This plan looks good. My notes/comments:

1) it may be important to qualify why the day to day

practices are not changing (I guess some acceptable
expression of "because we've never done any of these
things but now we officially can't even if we wanted to"). I
think that it's a bit head scratching to say we're making this
update and then transition into "but nothing's changing"

2) can you send the list of validators?

I'll send an nyclu update shortly.

On Mar 8, 2017, at 7:51 PM, Stacey Levine

<stacey.levine@intersection.com> wrote:

Thanks Kate. We'll stay tuned...

On Wed, Mar 8, 2017 at 5:38 PM, Blumm, Kate
<KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov> wrote:

Thanks, Stacey. I’ve passed on the FAQ and Mike may

send changes back directly.

DoITT and NYCLU lawyers are having a check-in this

evening and I’ll let you know how that goes, in addition
to my next communication with their comms team.

One developing thing to make you aware of: based on

some other stuff (non-Link related) that’s brewing, we
may have some flexibility on the date of the actual
rollout – having Anne announce in budget the intention
to issue the new policy either Wednesday or Thursday,
and speak about it in broad strokes, but bump the
media play to a day or two after. I figured this would
make you happy! Things are shifting in real time with
respect to this, and I assure you I’ll stay in close touch
about this as well.

Talk soon.

From: Stacey Levine [mailto:stacey.levine@intersec

Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2017 3:57 PM
To: Blumm, Kate <KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov>;
Grybauskas, Natalie <ngrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>;
Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Jovana Rizzo
<jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Ruth Fasoldt
Subject: Updated talking points and press release

Updated plan attached. 

Please let us know if DoITT has any changes

to the FAQ and if there are any updates from


Stacey Levine 
VP, Communications & LinkNYC Marketing 

+1 646.834.9657 


10 Hudson Yards 26th Floor New York, NY 10001


We're hiring! Come build the future with us. 

This e-mail, including any attachments, may be

confidential, privileged or otherwise legally protected. It is
intended only for the addressee. If you received this e-
mail in error or from someone who was not authorized to
send it to you, do not disseminate, copy or otherwise use
this e-mail or its attachments. Please notify the sender
immediately by reply e-mail and delete the e-mail from
your system.

Stacey Levine 
VP, Communications & Consumer Marketing 

+1 646.834.9657 

10 Hudson Yards 26th Floor New York, NY 10001

We're hiring! Come build the future with us. 

Stacey Levine 
VP, Communications & Consumer Marketing 

+1 646.834.9657 

10 Hudson Yards 26th Floor New York, NY 10001

We're hiring! Come build the future with us. 

From: Dan Levitan
To: Stacey Levine; Blumm, Kate
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie; Jovana Rizzo; Ruth Fasoldt
Subject: RE: Updated talking points and press release
Date: Thursday, March 09, 2017 11:40:21 AM

Could you all get back on the phone this afternoon to finalize?

Thanks again!

From: Stacey Levine [stacey.levine@intersection.com]

Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2017 9:15 PM
To: Blumm, Kate
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie; Dan Levitan; Jovana Rizzo; Ruth Fasoldt
Subject: Re: Updated talking points and press release

I assume we have one of the many models that works for them?

On Wed, Mar 8, 2017 at 9:14 PM, Blumm, Kate <KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov> wrote:

Per Chad, all is still good w NYCLU and they will be positive. He writes "The only caveat
she gave me was that she couldn’t say that this is the model everyone should follow when
putting together a privacy policy because there are many models out there that could work."
As soon as I know/have more substance I will share.

On Mar 8, 2017, at 8:48 PM, Blumm, Kate <KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov> wrote:

Ah yes to my ears that phrasing sounds much better!

We should stick w Monday target yes.

On Mar 8, 2017, at 8:38 PM, Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>


It's more like "our policy is changing to better reflect and clarify
our day to day practices". 

Still working on our list. Will have to you tomorrow. 

Is it still looking like we are going to push this out a few days?

On Wed, Mar 8, 2017 at 8:24 PM, Blumm, Kate

<KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov> wrote:
Thanks, Stacy. This plan looks good. My notes/comments:

1) it may be important to qualify why the day to day practices

are not changing (I guess some acceptable expression of
"because we've never done any of these things but now we
officially can't even if we wanted to"). I think that it's a bit head
scratching to say we're making this update and then transition
into "but nothing's changing"

2) can you send the list of validators?

I'll send an nyclu update shortly.

On Mar 8, 2017, at 7:51 PM, Stacey Levine

<stacey.levine@intersection.com> wrote:

Thanks Kate. We'll stay tuned...

On Wed, Mar 8, 2017 at 5:38 PM, Blumm, Kate

<KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov> wrote:

Thanks, Stacey. I’ve passed on the FAQ and Mike may

send changes back directly.

DoITT and NYCLU lawyers are having a check-in this

evening and I’ll let you know how that goes, in
addition to my next communication with their comms

One developing thing to make you aware of: based on

some other stuff (non-Link related) that’s brewing, we
may have some flexibility on the date of the actual
rollout – having Anne announce in budget the
intention to issue the new policy either Wednesday or
Thursday, and speak about it in broad strokes, but
bump the media play to a day or two after. I figured
this would make you happy! Things are shifting in real
time with respect to this, and I assure you I’ll stay in
close touch about this as well.

Talk soon.

From: Stacey Levine [mailto:stacey.levine@intersec

Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2017 3:57 PM
To: Blumm, Kate <KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov>;
Grybauskas, Natalie <ngrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>;
Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Jovana Rizzo
<jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Ruth Fasoldt
Subject: Updated talking points and press release

Updated plan attached. 

Please let us know if DoITT has any changes to

the FAQ and if there are any updates from



Stacey Levine 
VP, Communications & LinkNYC Marketing 

+1 646.834.9657 


10 Hudson Yards 26th Floor New York, NY 10001


We're hiring! Come build the future with us. 

This e-mail, including any attachments, may be

confidential, privileged or otherwise legally protected. It
is intended only for the addressee. If you received this
e-mail in error or from someone who was not
authorized to send it to you, do not disseminate, copy
or otherwise use this e-mail or its attachments. Please
notify the sender immediately by reply e-mail and
delete the e-mail from your system.

Stacey Levine 
VP, Communications & Consumer Marketing 

+1 646.834.9657 

10 Hudson Yards 26th Floor New York, NY 10001

We're hiring! Come build the future with us. 

Stacey Levine 
VP, Communications & Consumer Marketing 

+1 646.834.9657 

10 Hudson Yards 26th Floor New York, NY 10001

We're hiring! Come build the future with us. 

Stacey Levine 
VP, Communications & Consumer Marketing 

+1 646.834.9657 

10 Hudson Yards 26th Floor New York, NY 10001

We're hiring! Come build the future with us. 

From: Dan Levitan
To: Blumm, Kate
Cc: Stacey Levine; Grybauskas, Natalie; Jovana Rizzo; Ruth Fasoldt
Subject: Re: Updated talking points and press release
Date: Thursday, March 09, 2017 1:33:14 PM

Good here 

- Sent from my Galaxy S6 - 

On Mar 9, 2017, at 1:32 PM, Blumm, Kate <KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov> wrote:

Yes. 3:30 ok?

From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2017 11:40 AM
To: Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Blumm, Kate
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie <ngrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Jovana Rizzo
<jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>
Subject: RE: Updated talking points and press release

Could you all get back on the phone this afternoon to finalize?
Thanks again!

From: Stacey Levine [stacey.levine@intersection.com]

Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2017 9:15 PM
To: Blumm, Kate
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie; Dan Levitan; Jovana Rizzo; Ruth Fasoldt
Subject: Re: Updated talking points and press release

I assume we have one of the many models that works for them?

On Wed, Mar 8, 2017 at 9:14 PM, Blumm, Kate <KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov>


Per Chad, all is still good w NYCLU and they will be positive. He writes "The
only caveat she gave me was that she couldn’t say that this is the model
everyone should follow when putting together a privacy policy because there
are many models out there that could work." As soon as I know/have more
substance I will share.

On Mar 8, 2017, at 8:48 PM, Blumm, Kate <KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov> wrote:

Ah yes to my ears that phrasing sounds much better!

We should stick w Monday target yes.

On Mar 8, 2017, at 8:38 PM, Stacey Levine
<stacey.levine@intersection.com> wrote:

It's more like "our policy is changing to better reflect

and clarify our day to day practices".

Still working on our list. Will have to you tomorrow.

Is it still looking like we are going to push this out a

few days?

On Wed, Mar 8, 2017 at 8:24 PM, Blumm, Kate

<KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov> wrote:

Thanks, Stacy. This plan looks good. My


1) it may be important to qualify why the day to

day practices are not changing (I guess some
acceptable expression of "because we've never done
any of these things but now we officially can't even
if we wanted to"). I think that it's a bit head
scratching to say we're making this update and then
transition into "but nothing's changing"

2) can you send the list of validators?

I'll send an nyclu update shortly.

On Mar 8, 2017, at 7:51 PM, Stacey Levine

<stacey.levine@intersection.com> wrote:

Thanks Kate. We'll stay tuned...

On Wed, Mar 8, 2017 at 5:38 PM,

Blumm, Kate
<KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov> wrote:

Thanks, Stacey. I’ve passed on the FAQ

and Mike may send changes back
DoITT and NYCLU lawyers are having a
check-in this evening and I’ll let you
know how that goes, in addition to my
next communication with their comms
One developing thing to make you
aware of: based on some other stuff
(non-Link related) that’s brewing, we
may have some flexibility on the date of
the actual rollout – having Anne
announce in budget the intention to
issue the new policy either Wednesday
or Thursday, and speak about it in
broad strokes, but bump the media play
to a day or two after. I figured this
would make you happy! Things are
shifting in real time with respect to this,
and I assure you I’ll stay in close touch
about this as well.
Talk soon.
From: Stacey Levine
Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2017 3:57
To: Blumm, Kate
<KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov>; Grybauskas,
<ngrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Dan
Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>;
Jovana Rizzo
<jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Ruth
Subject: Updated talking points and
press release

Updated plan attached.

Please let us know if DoITT has any

changes to the FAQ and if there are
any updates from NYCLU.


Stacey Levine 
VP, Communications & LinkNYC Marketing

+1 646.834.9657

10 Hudson Yards 26th Floor New York, NY

We're hiring! Come build the future with us.

This e-mail, including any attachments,

may be confidential, privileged or
otherwise legally protected. It is intended
only for the addressee. If you received
this e-mail in error or from someone who
was not authorized to send it to you, do
not disseminate, copy or otherwise use
this e-mail or its attachments. Please
notify the sender immediately by reply e-
mail and delete the e-mail from your

Stacey Levine 
VP, Communications & Consumer Marketing

+1 646.834.9657

10 Hudson Yards 26th Floor New York, NY

We're hiring! Come build the future with us.

Stacey Levine 
VP, Communications & Consumer Marketing

+1 646.834.9657

10 Hudson Yards 26th Floor New York, NY 10001

We're hiring! Come build the future with us.

Stacey Levine 
VP, Communications & Consumer Marketing

+1 646.834.9657

10 Hudson Yards 26th Floor New York, NY 10001

We're hiring! Come build the future with us.

From: Grybauskas, Natalie
To: "Stacey Levine"; Dan Levitan
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Jovana Rizzo; Ruth Fasoldt
Subject: RE: Updated talking points and press release
Date: Thursday, March 09, 2017 1:35:27 PM

I can’t but kate will fill me in after – do without me

From: Stacey Levine [mailto:stacey.levine@intersection.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2017 1:35 PM
To: Dan Levitan
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Grybauskas, Natalie; Jovana Rizzo; Ruth Fasoldt
Subject: Re: Updated talking points and press release

I will make it work.

On Thu, Mar 9, 2017 at 1:33 PM, Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Good here

- Sent from my Galaxy S6 -

On Mar 9, 2017, at 1:32 PM, Blumm, Kate <KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov> wrote:

Yes. 3:30 ok?

From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2017 11:40 AM
To: Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Blumm, Kate
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie <ngrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Jovana Rizzo
<jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>
Subject: RE: Updated talking points and press release

Could you all get back on the phone this afternoon to finalize?
Thanks again!

From: Stacey Levine [stacey.levine@intersection.com]

Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2017 9:15 PM
To: Blumm, Kate
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie; Dan Levitan; Jovana Rizzo; Ruth Fasoldt
Subject: Re: Updated talking points and press release

I assume we have one of the many models that works for them?

On Wed, Mar 8, 2017 at 9:14 PM, Blumm, Kate <KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov>

Per Chad, all is still good w NYCLU and they will be positive. He writes "The
only caveat she gave me was that she couldn’t say that this is the model
everyone should follow when putting together a privacy policy because there
are many models out there that could work." As soon as I know/have more
substance I will share.

On Mar 8, 2017, at 8:48 PM, Blumm, Kate <KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov> wrote:

Ah yes to my ears that phrasing sounds much better!

We should stick w Monday target yes.

On Mar 8, 2017, at 8:38 PM, Stacey Levine

<stacey.levine@intersection.com> wrote:

It's more like "our policy is changing to better reflect

and clarify our day to day practices".

Still working on our list. Will have to you tomorrow.

Is it still looking like we are going to push this out a

few days?

On Wed, Mar 8, 2017 at 8:24 PM, Blumm, Kate

<KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov> wrote:
Thanks, Stacy. This plan looks good. My

1) it may be important to qualify why the day to

day practices are not changing (I guess some
acceptable expression of "because we've never done
any of these things but now we officially can't even
if we wanted to"). I think that it's a bit head
scratching to say we're making this update and then
transition into "but nothing's changing"

2) can you send the list of validators?

I'll send an nyclu update shortly.

On Mar 8, 2017, at 7:51 PM, Stacey Levine

<stacey.levine@intersection.com> wrote:

Thanks Kate. We'll stay tuned...

On Wed, Mar 8, 2017 at 5:38 PM,

Blumm, Kate
<KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov> wrote:
Thanks, Stacey. I’ve passed on the FAQ
and Mike may send changes back
DoITT and NYCLU lawyers are having a
check-in this evening and I’ll let you
know how that goes, in addition to my
next communication with their comms
One developing thing to make you
aware of: based on some other stuff
(non-Link related) that’s brewing, we
may have some flexibility on the date of
the actual rollout – having Anne
announce in budget the intention to
issue the new policy either Wednesday
or Thursday, and speak about it in
broad strokes, but bump the media play
to a day or two after. I figured this
would make you happy! Things are
shifting in real time with respect to this,
and I assure you I’ll stay in close touch
about this as well.
Talk soon.
From: Stacey Levine
Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2017 3:57
To: Blumm, Kate
<KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov>; Grybauskas,
<ngrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Dan
Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>;
Jovana Rizzo
<jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Ruth
Subject: Updated talking points and
press release

Updated plan attached.

Please let us know if DoITT has any

changes to the FAQ and if there are
any updates from NYCLU.

Stacey Levine 
VP, Communications & LinkNYC Marketing

+1 646.834.9657

10 Hudson Yards 26th Floor New York, NY

We're hiring! Come build the future with us.

This e-mail, including any attachments,

may be confidential, privileged or
otherwise legally protected. It is intended
only for the addressee. If you received
this e-mail in error or from someone who
was not authorized to send it to you, do
not disseminate, copy or otherwise use
this e-mail or its attachments. Please
notify the sender immediately by reply e-
mail and delete the e-mail from your

Stacey Levine 
VP, Communications & Consumer Marketing

+1 646.834.9657

10 Hudson Yards 26th Floor New York, NY

We're hiring! Come build the future with us.

Stacey Levine 
VP, Communications & Consumer Marketing

+1 646.834.9657

10 Hudson Yards 26th Floor New York, NY 10001

We're hiring! Come build the future with us.

Stacey Levine 
VP, Communications & Consumer Marketing

+1 646.834.9657

10 Hudson Yards 26th Floor New York, NY 10001

We're hiring! Come build the future with us.

Stacey Levine 
VP, Communications & LinkNYC Marketing

+1 646.834.9657

10 Hudson Yards 26th Floor New York, NY 10001

We're hiring! Come build the future with us.

From: Blumm, Kate
To: Dan Levitan; Stacey Levine
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie; Jovana Rizzo; Ruth Fasoldt
Subject: RE: Updated talking points and press release
Date: Thursday, March 09, 2017 5:31:11 PM

Yes. 3:30 ok?

From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2017 11:40 AM
To: Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Blumm, Kate <KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie <ngrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>;
Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>
Subject: RE: Updated talking points and press release

Could you all get back on the phone this afternoon to finalize?
Thanks again!

From: Stacey Levine [stacey.levine@intersection.com]

Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2017 9:15 PM
To: Blumm, Kate
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie; Dan Levitan; Jovana Rizzo; Ruth Fasoldt
Subject: Re: Updated talking points and press release

I assume we have one of the many models that works for them?

On Wed, Mar 8, 2017 at 9:14 PM, Blumm, Kate <KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov> wrote:

Per Chad, all is still good w NYCLU and they will be positive. He writes "The only caveat
she gave me was that she couldn’t say that this is the model everyone should follow when
putting together a privacy policy because there are many models out there that could
work." As soon as I know/have more substance I will share.

On Mar 8, 2017, at 8:48 PM, Blumm, Kate <KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov> wrote:

Ah yes to my ears that phrasing sounds much better!

We should stick w Monday target yes.

On Mar 8, 2017, at 8:38 PM, Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>


It's more like "our policy is changing to better reflect and clarify
our day to day practices".

Still working on our list. Will have to you tomorrow.

Is it still looking like we are going to push this out a few days?
On Wed, Mar 8, 2017 at 8:24 PM, Blumm, Kate
<KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov> wrote:

Thanks, Stacy. This plan looks good. My notes/comments:

1) it may be important to qualify why the day to day practices

are not changing (I guess some acceptable expression of
"because we've never done any of these things but now we
officially can't even if we wanted to"). I think that it's a bit head
scratching to say we're making this update and then transition
into "but nothing's changing"

2) can you send the list of validators?

I'll send an nyclu update shortly.

On Mar 8, 2017, at 7:51 PM, Stacey Levine

<stacey.levine@intersection.com> wrote:

Thanks Kate. We'll stay tuned...

On Wed, Mar 8, 2017 at 5:38 PM, Blumm, Kate

<KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov> wrote:

Thanks, Stacey. I’ve passed on the FAQ and Mike may

send changes back directly.
DoITT and NYCLU lawyers are having a check-in this
evening and I’ll let you know how that goes, in
addition to my next communication with their
comms team.
One developing thing to make you aware of: based
on some other stuff (non-Link related) that’s
brewing, we may have some flexibility on the date of
the actual rollout – having Anne announce in budget
the intention to issue the new policy either
Wednesday or Thursday, and speak about it in broad
strokes, but bump the media play to a day or two
after. I figured this would make you happy! Things
are shifting in real time with respect to this, and I
assure you I’ll stay in close touch about this as well.
Talk soon.
From: Stacey Levine
Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2017 3:57 PM
To: Blumm, Kate <KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov>;
Grybauskas, Natalie <ngrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>;
Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Jovana Rizzo
<jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Ruth Fasoldt
Subject: Updated talking points and press release

Updated plan attached.

Please let us know if DoITT has any changes to

the FAQ and if there are any updates from


Stacey Levine 
VP, Communications & LinkNYC Marketing

+1 646.834.9657

10 Hudson Yards 26th Floor New York, NY 10001

We're hiring! Come build the future with us.

This e-mail, including any attachments, may be

confidential, privileged or otherwise legally protected. It
is intended only for the addressee. If you received this
e-mail in error or from someone who was not
authorized to send it to you, do not disseminate, copy
or otherwise use this e-mail or its attachments. Please
notify the sender immediately by reply e-mail and
delete the e-mail from your system.

Stacey Levine 
VP, Communications & Consumer Marketing

+1 646.834.9657

10 Hudson Yards 26th Floor New York, NY 10001

We're hiring! Come build the future with us.

Stacey Levine 
VP, Communications & Consumer Marketing

+1 646.834.9657

10 Hudson Yards 26th Floor New York, NY 10001

We're hiring! Come build the future with us.

Stacey Levine 
VP, Communications & Consumer Marketing

+1 646.834.9657

10 Hudson Yards 26th Floor New York, NY 10001

We're hiring! Come build the future with us.

From: Blumm, Kate
To: Grybauskas, Natalie; "Stacey Levine"; Dan Levitan
Subject: DoITT comments on press release
Date: Thursday, March 09, 2017 11:39:28 PM
Attachments: LInk privacy THU1128pm.docx

Hey guys. Sorry for the late send; getting back online after an email snafu. 

Sent this to the lawyers who made some changes and I piled on a bit too. Can you take a
look, incorporate/edit, and send back in the body of an email?

Another email re: comms plan coming shortly. 

This e-mail, including any attachments, may be confidential, privileged or otherwise legally protected. It
is intended only for the addressee. If you received this e-mail in error or from someone who was not
authorized to send it to you, do not disseminate, copy or otherwise use this e-mail or its attachments.
Please notify the sender immediately by reply e-mail and delete the e-mail from your system.
Q: This is a lot of cameras, are they really needed?

The cameras will help us maintain the network and make sure LinkNYC is
running smoothly for New Yorkers and visitors. The cameras are not actively
monitored. All camera footage is subject to our privacy policy -- we do not
share footage with anyone, including the NYPD, without a subpoena or court

Q: Will the cameras feed into NYPD’s Domain Awareness System?


Q: You say that you will not share personal information without a court
order or subpoena. How many such orders have you processed?

To date we have not received any.

Q: Will you let people know if their data has been requested by law

We will make a reasonable effort to let people know if we are able to. Of
course, we only have the emails addresses that people use to sign up for the
network, and no other contact information, so that is the only way we can
communicate with users.

Q: What are sensors?

Q: Does the LinkNYC network access my device while charging using

the USB?

From: Dan Levitan
To: Blumm, Kate
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie; Stacey Levine; Gardener, Stacy (DOITT)
Subject: Re: DoITT comments on press release
Date: Friday, March 10, 2017 6:46:24 AM

Thanks, well take a look

- Sent from my Galaxy S6 - 

On Mar 9, 2017, at 11:51 PM, Blumm, Kate <KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov> wrote:

Adding Stacy. Re: the comms plan (pasted here for convenience); all looks good
though you can push back the dates to be consistent with a rollout
on Wednesday. We will brief key electeds (Stacy can share list) on Monday. 

Did the FAQ get worked out?

Privacy Policy Update Plan

Goal: Clarify our strong user-first policies for the press and public and announce
security camera activation.


Finalize FAQ March 9

Finalize validator quotes March 10

Brief Stakeholders March 10

Email to LinkNYC users March 13

Press release March 13

Embargoed briefings for select reporters:

* Kaveh Waddell, The Atlantic

* Andy Hawkins, The Verge

* Ruth Reader, Fast Company

* Charlie Herman, WNYC

* Matt Flamm, Crain’s

Key Topline Messages:

* New York City and CityBridge take your privacy seriously. We have updated
our privacy policy to make our practices and policies more clear and explain the
ways we protect personal information.

* We only ask for an e-mail address when you sign up to use LinkNYC’s Wi-Fi,
far less personal information than most other internet service providers.

* We do not store your browsing history or track the websites you visit when you
use LinkNYC’s Wi-Fi.

* We will never sell your personal information, or share it with anyone else for
their own use, including advertisers and City agencies, except as may be
required by law, such as in response to a subpoena or court order. This policy
also applies to LinkNYC camera footage.

* We heard NYCLU’s feedback and worked to implement many of their

suggestions into the revised policy.

From: Blumm, Kate

Sent: Thursday, March 9, 2017 11:37 PM
To: Grybauskas, Natalie; 'Stacey Levine'; Dan Levitan
Subject: DoITT comments on press release

Hey guys. Sorry for the late send; getting back online after an email snafu. 

Sent this to the lawyers who made some changes and I piled on a bit too. Can
you take a look, incorporate/edit, and send back in the body of an email?

Another email re: comms plan coming shortly. 

This e-mail, including any attachments, may be confidential, privileged or otherwise

legally protected. It is intended only for the addressee. If you received this e-mail in error
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otherwise use this e-mail or its attachments. Please notify the sender immediately by
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From: Cathy Rought
To: Bucich, Nicole A.; Kerson, Julia
Subject: RE: Marriott
Date: Friday, March 10, 2017 3:28:51 PM


-----Original Message-----
From: Bucich, Nicole A. [mailto:bucichna@pbworld.com]
Sent: Friday, March 10, 2017 3:05 PM
To: Kerson, Julia <JKerson@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Cathy Rought <cathy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Marriott

Great! Thanks so much. 

Nicole A. Bucich
NY Metropolitan Planning/Environmental Manager

WSP|Parsons Brinckerhoff
One Penn Plaza
NY, NY 10119
w. 212.465.5220
c. 973.699.1937

-----Original Message-----
From: Kerson, Julia [mailto:JKerson@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, March 10, 2017 2:51 PM
To: Bucich, Nicole A. <bucichna@pbworld.com>; Cathy Rought <cathy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Marriott


I spoke with Lisa Marie today and they have no problem with us soliciting a donation from the Marriott
for the silent auction. She is going to get us a contact to reach out to - I'll follow up with her next week
and forward you the contact info.

Have a good weekend!


Sent from my iPhone

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From: Fialkoff Gabrielle
To: "jonathan@berlinrosen.com"
Subject: I know you can hire 1 summer intern
Date: Monday, March 13, 2017 2 51:43 PM

Dear Jonathan —

Today, NYC launched a call to action to employers all over our City: hire a top NYC student for a summer internship. 

This city-wide, multimedia advertising campaign seeks to encourage New York City employers to hire summer interns not just to open a door of
opportunity for a young person, but to strengthen the talent pool from which employers hire.  The Ladders for Leaders internship program creates a
pipeline of local, diverse, high-achieving talent into NYC’s best companies, big and small; a win-win for students and businesses.
Since 2014 we have increased employer participation 300% to 475 employers and 35% of the students received full-time job offers. 
In addition to the ad campaign, we are promoting your success stories through an online public engagement campaign—we would be happy to
package your content and share it with our network of hundreds of partners.
I hope you’ll join us in shaping our future workforce and in creating access to careers.
Please email me or click WWW.LADDERSFORLEADERS.ORG for more information and sign-up.
Best Regards,
Wall Street Journal: New York City Wants More Companies to Hire Summer Interns
CRAIN’S NY: Give a city kid an internship—you might end up with a CEO – by Y&R Global CEO David Sable
Press Release: Mayor de Blasio and Senior Advisor Gabrielle Fialkoff Launch Ad Campaign Encouraging Employers to Hire Summer Interns


Gabrielle Fialkoff
Senior Advisor to the Mayor
Director of the Office of Strategic Partnerships
From: Emily Walsh
To: Gil, Claudia
Subject: RE: Dinner
Date: Monday, March 13, 2017 5:49:12 PM

Great! Yes, sounds good.

Thanks so much!

Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Gil, Claudia [cgil@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Monday, March 13, 2017 5:46 PM
To: Emily Walsh
Subject: RE: Dinner

Hi Emily,
The 29 th works for Emma.   Can we do location TBD?
Thank you.
Claudia Gil |   212-788-3679
From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2017 5:06 PM
To: Schnake Mahl, Gabriel; Gil, Claudia
Subject: RE: Dinner
Thanks, Gabe!

Claudia let me know what's best and we can lock it! 

Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Schnake Mahl, Gabriel [GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Monday, March 13, 2017 5:03 PM
To: Emily Walsh; Gil, Claudia
Subject: Dinner

Emily –
Claudia here can advise on dates for that work Emma to get together w/ Val for dinner. Initial ideas
were 3/22, 3/28, 3/29.
Take it away. Thanks!
From: Daniel Levitan
To: Blumm, Kate; Daniel Levitan; Stacey Levine; Jovana Rizzo; Ruth Fasoldt
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: RE: Privacy
Date: Wednesday, March 15, 2017 12:25:40 PM

Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475
From: Blumm, Kate [mailto:KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2017 12:24 PM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Jovana
Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Privacy

Anne quote: “LinkNYC is on track to be the world’s largest, fastest free public Wi-Fi system,
with one of the strongest privacy policies of any network of its kind,” said Anne Roest,
Commissioner of the New York City Department of Information Technology and
Telecommunications. “The updated policy clarifies what LinkNYC is doing every day to
keep New Yorkers’ information private. All 8.5 million New Yorkers—and our tens of
millions of visitors—can rest assured that their privacy is of chief concern.”

Happening today:
Kate send elected quotes
Kate send updated NYCLU release
CB update talking points
CB update press release
Tentative embargoed briefing for key media (CB)
From: Blumm, Kate
Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2017 12:05 PM
To: 'Dan Levitan' <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Jovana
Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>
Cc: Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Privacy
NYCLU statement (part of full release):
“It’s great that the city was so responsive to our concerns and now New Yorkers have significantly
improved privacy protections when using public Wi-Fi,” said NYCLU Senior Staff Attorney Mariko
Hirose. “Internet access is a modern-life necessity and public WiFi should be designed in partnership
with the community to minimize the privacy risks of data collection and maximize the benefits to the

This e-mail, including any attachments, may be confidential, privileged or otherwise legally protected. It
is intended only for the addressee. If you received this e-mail in error or from someone who was not
authorized to send it to you, do not disseminate, copy or otherwise use this e-mail or its attachments.
Please notify the sender immediately by reply e-mail and delete the e-mail from your system.
From: Dan Levitan
To: Blumm, Kate; Grybauskas, Natalie; Stacey Levine
Cc: Jovana Rizzo
Subject: RE: revised NYCLU release
Date: Wednesday, March 15, 2017 2:50:09 PM
Attachments: PrivacyPolicyAnnouncementPlan 3.15.docx

Thanks, reviewing now.  In the meantime, here is slightly updated release and talking points:
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475
From: Blumm, Kate [mailto:KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2017 2:44 PM
To: NGrybauskas <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Stacey
Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>
Subject: revised NYCLU release
It’s better than it was but still is a bit sensational. My least favorite sentence is the last one before
the bullet points and I may push back on that. Checking w lawyers now.
New York Civil Liberties Union
125 Broad Street, New York, NY 10004
NYCLU Press Office, 212.607.3372

City Strengthens Public Wi-Fi Privacy Policy after

NYCLU Raises Concerns
March 16, 2017 – CityBridge, the company behind the kiosks for the city’s public Wi-Fi network
LinkNYC, announced today that it has greatly improved LinkNYC’s privacy policy. The
improvements follow the letter sent by the New York Civil Liberties Union raising concerns about
the previous policy.
“We applaud the city for being so responsive to our concerns and now New Yorkers have
significantly improved privacy protections when using public Wi-Fi,” said NYCLU Senior Staff
Attorney Mariko Hirose. “Internet access is a modern-life necessity and public WiFi should be
designed in partnership with the community to minimize the privacy risks of data collection and
maximize the benefits to the public.”
LinkNYC, which was publicly launched in January of last year, will eventually become a network
of as many as 7,500 to 10,000 public kiosks offering fast and free Wi-Fi throughout all five
boroughs. In March of 2016, the NYCLU sent a letter to the Office of the Mayor warning that,
under the previous privacy policy, CityBridge, the company behind the LinkNYC kiosks, could
potentially retain a vast amount of information about users – often indefinitely. The NYCLU
contended that this gave CityBridge the ability to build a massive database that could pose a risk of
security breaches and unwarranted NYPD surveillance. The NYCLU further contended that the
policy also left open the possibility that data collected by cameras at the LinkNYC kiosks might be
available to the city or NYPD.
Under the old policy, users had to submit their e-mail addresses and agree to allow CityBridge to
collect information about what websites they visited on their devices, where and how long they
lingered on certain information on a webpage, and what links they clicked on. The privacy policy
only offered to make “reasonable efforts” to clear out this massive amount of personally
identifiable user information, and even then, only if there was 12 months of user inactivity. That
meant that New Yorkers who used LinkNYC regularly could have their personally identifiable
information stored for a lifetime and beyond.
The new policy announced today makes the following improvements:
·      Clarifies that browsing history from personal devices will not be stored.
·      Sets the retention period of most technical information for individual sessions to 60 days
from the end of their last activity.
·      Clarifies that disclosure of information will occur only as required by law and that there will
be notice.
·      Limits camera use and prohibits facial recognition on cameras.
For more information, visit:

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Press Release

For Immediate Release: March 16, 2017

Contact: media@link.nyc

CityBridge and DoITT Announce Updated LinkNYC Privacy Policy

Revised written policy now matches strong outlines the superfast, free Wi-Fi network’s strong
commitment to user privacy.

NEW YORK - CityBridge and New York City’s Department of Information Technology and
Telecommunications (DoITT) announced today the release of an updated LinkNYC privacy policy that
outlines the superfast, free Wi-Fi network’s commitment to user privacy.

The policy is changing to better reflect and clarify LinkNYC’s day-to-day privacy practices and make
clear that:

● LinkNYC does not store your browsing history or track the websites you visit when you use
LinkNYC’s Wi-Fi.
● LinkNYC will never sell your personal information (including any data about your usage of the
network), or share it with anyone else for their own use, including advertisers, the City of New
York, and government agencies, except in response to a subpoena or court order.
● LinkNYC asks for an e-mail address when you sign up to use the Wi-Fi network, and does not
require other personal information like name, address, or phone number.
● LinkNYC encrypts all user personal data using industry-leading security, and offers users with
compatible devices access to a fully encrypted Private Wi-Fi network.

“CityBridge takes your privacy seriously, and we have updated our privacy policy to make clear our
commitment to the City of New York and the more than one million people who have signed up to use
the LinkNYC network,” said Jennifer Hensley, General Manager of CityBridge. “LinkNYC will never
sell your personal data, or track what you do on our Wi-Fi network.”

“LinkNYC is on track to be the world’s largest, fastest free public Wi-Fi system, with one of the strongest
privacy policies of any network of its kind,” said Anne Roest, Commissioner of the New York City
Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications. “The updated policy clarifies what
LinkNYC is doing every day to keep New Yorkers’ information private. All 8.5 million New Yorkers—
and our tens of millions of visitors—can rest assured that their privacy is of chief concern.”


“LinkNYC is a great example of how a public-private partnership can benefit the city and its citizens —
and of the responsibility tech companies have to protect users’ privacy,” said Julie Samuels, Executive
Director of Tech:NYC. “We’re encouraged by LinkNYC’s commitment to data privacy and security
and to educating New Yorkers about these practices, and we think these standards are a workable,
digestable framework that could also work for other technology projects that serve the public.”

"It’s great to see the LinkNYC working to maximize the social utility of public wifi while simultaneously
taking important steps to safeguard user privacy,” said Professor Jonathan Askin, Founder/Director,
Brooklyn Law Incubator & Policy Clinic and internet law expert. “It’s sometimes a tough balancing act
to foster robust functionality while protecting user privacy. LinkNYC recognizes this balance between
occasionally conflicting objectives and has taken important steps to advance both objectives.”

LinkNYC’s updated privacy policy also makes clear how security camera footage from Links can be
used. Each Link kiosk has two security cameras, above each 55-inch side panel display, which will be
turned on starting this week to monitor and maintain the Links and prevent vandalism.

CityBridge will not use or share data or footage collected by cameras except to detect or address illegal
activity on or associated with a Link, in response to vandalism, or in response to a subpoena or similar
lawful request. Footage from Link cameras will be stored for a maximum of 7 days, unless the footage is
necessary to investigate an incident. There is no collection or storage of any audio.

Link tablets have a built-in, user-activated camera that could be used for video calling or other user-
initiated applications in the future. These cameras will remain inactive until a future announcement on
new LinkNYC features.

Read the full, revised privacy policy at: TK


Interview Q and A

Q: So what exactly is changing here?

It's important to note that our day to day practices are not changing. What we are doing here is
clarifying our privacy policy to match our commitment to user security and privacy. Specifically, the
updated privacy policy makes clear that:

1. We do not track what users do on the Wi-Fi on their own devices.

2. We will not share any personal information about our users with anyone, including the City,
without their explicit permission or a court order.
3. And it makes clear that any footage from LinkNYC cameras is subject to our privacy policy.

Q: Seems like a simple change, why did it take so long?

We wanted to make sure we got this right, and again, our day to day privacy practices have been
consistent since the start of the project and will remain the same.
Q: It seems like you’ve addressed some of the concerns that NYCLU and other groups raised, were
they involved in drafting the revised policy?

We appreciated their feedback and we are happy to have been able to implement their suggestions.

Q: MAC Addresses identify your phone, a personal device that is with you all the time. Shouldn’t
that be treated as PII too?

We anonymize MAC addresses in our system, which are needed to “remember” your device, and our
privacy policy makes clear that if technical information like MAC address is combined with any personal
data or data that could identify the user -- like where that mobile device has connected to the network --
we would treat that as personally identifiable information, and we would not share or sell it.

Q: This is a lot of cameras, are they really needed?

The cameras will help us maintain the network and make sure LinkNYC is running smoothly for New
Yorkers and visitors. The cameras are not actively monitored. All camera footage is subject to our
privacy policy -- we do not share footage with anyone, including the NYPD, without a subpoena or court

Q: Will the cameras feed into NYPD’s Domain Awareness System?


Q: You say that you will not share personal information without a court order or subpoena. How
many such orders have you processed?

To date we have not received any.

Q: Will you let people know if their data has been requested by law enforcement?

We will make a reasonable effort to let people know if we are able to. Of course, we only have the emails
that people use to sign up for the network, and no other contact information, so that is the only way we
can communicate with users.

Q: What about environmental sensors?

The sensors monitor the Link’s environment, things like temperature and humidity. They do not capture
any person information.
From: Blumm, Kate
To: Dan Levitan; Grybauskas, Natalie; Stacey Levine
Cc: Jovana Rizzo
Subject: RE: revised NYCLU release
Date: Wednesday, March 15, 2017 3:39:07 PM

This looks good. Update to Anne’s quote:

“LinkNYC is on track to be the world’s largest, fastest free public Wi-Fi system, with one of
the strongest privacy policies of any network of its kind,” said Anne Roest, Commissioner
of the New York City Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications.
“The updated policy clarifies what LinkNYC is doing every day to keep New Yorkers’
information private. All 8.5 million New Yorkers—and our tens of millions of visitors—can
rest assured that their privacy is of chief concern.”
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2017 2:50 PM
To: Blumm, Kate <KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov>; NGrybauskas <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Stacey
Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>
Cc: Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: revised NYCLU release
Thanks, reviewing now.  In the meantime, here is slightly updated release and talking points:
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475
From: Blumm, Kate [mailto:KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2017 2:44 PM
To: NGrybauskas <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Stacey
Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>
Subject: revised NYCLU release
It’s better than it was but still is a bit sensational. My least favorite sentence is the last one before
the bullet points and I may push back on that. Checking w lawyers now.
New York Civil Liberties Union
125 Broad Street, New York, NY 10004
NYCLU Press Office, 212.607.3372
City Strengthens Public Wi-Fi Privacy Policy after
NYCLU Raises Concerns
March 16, 2017 – CityBridge, the company behind the kiosks for the city’s public Wi-Fi network
LinkNYC, announced today that it has greatly improved LinkNYC’s privacy policy. The
improvements follow the letter sent by the New York Civil Liberties Union raising concerns about
the previous policy.
“We applaud the city for being so responsive to our concerns and now New Yorkers have
significantly improved privacy protections when using public Wi-Fi,” said NYCLU Senior Staff
Attorney Mariko Hirose. “Internet access is a modern-life necessity and public WiFi should be
designed in partnership with the community to minimize the privacy risks of data collection and
maximize the benefits to the public.”
LinkNYC, which was publicly launched in January of last year, will eventually become a network
of as many as 7,500 to 10,000 public kiosks offering fast and free Wi-Fi throughout all five
boroughs. In March of 2016, the NYCLU sent a letter to the Office of the Mayor warning that,
under the previous privacy policy, CityBridge, the company behind the LinkNYC kiosks, could
potentially retain a vast amount of information about users – often indefinitely. The NYCLU
contended that this gave CityBridge the ability to build a massive database that could pose a risk of
security breaches and unwarranted NYPD surveillance. The NYCLU further contended that the
policy also left open the possibility that data collected by cameras at the LinkNYC kiosks might be
available to the city or NYPD.
Under the old policy, users had to submit their e-mail addresses and agree to allow CityBridge to
collect information about what websites they visited on their devices, where and how long they
lingered on certain information on a webpage, and what links they clicked on. The privacy policy
only offered to make “reasonable efforts” to clear out this massive amount of personally
identifiable user information, and even then, only if there was 12 months of user inactivity. That
meant that New Yorkers who used LinkNYC regularly could have their personally identifiable
information stored for a lifetime and beyond.
The new policy announced today makes the following improvements:
·         Clarifies that browsing history from personal devices will not be stored.
·         Sets the retention period of most technical information for individual sessions to 60 days
from the end of their last activity.
·         Clarifies that disclosure of information will occur only as required by law and that there
will be notice.
·         Limits camera use and prohibits facial recognition on cameras.
For more information, visit:

This e-mail, including any attachments, may be confidential, privileged or otherwise legally protected. It
is intended only for the addressee. If you received this e-mail in error or from someone who was not
authorized to send it to you, do not disseminate, copy or otherwise use this e-mail or its attachments.
Please notify the sender immediately by reply e-mail and delete the e-mail from your system.
From: Phillips, Eric
To: Laura Nahmias
Cc: Dan Levitan; Finan, Austin
Subject: Re: Florida again?
Date: Wednesday, March 15, 2017 4:55:43 PM

It's so hot down there, though. And the humidity - my god the humidity! 

On Mar 15, 2017, at 4:30 PM, Laura Nahmias <lnahmias@politico.com> wrote:

hello — 

source tells me mayor is traveling to Florida again next week. Is this a

governmental trip or a fundraising one? Or a vacation? And if latter does it
involve attending any spring training games?

Laura Nahmias

Reporter, Politico New York


twitter: @nahmias

mobile: 718-612-3751
From: Blumm, Kate
To: Stacey Levine
Cc: Dan Levitan; Grybauskas, Natalie; Jovana Rizzo; Gardener, Stacy (DOITT)
Subject: RE: revised NYCLU release
Date: Wednesday, March 15, 2017 5:02:48 PM

Got it. Anything else folks?

From: Stacey Levine [mailto:stacey.levine@intersection.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2017 4:40 PM
To: Blumm, Kate <KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; NGrybauskas <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Jovana
Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: revised NYCLU release

We always limited facial recognition and use of camera footage. From the current policy:

We will not keep any footage captured by any camera for longer than seven days, unless the footage is necessary to
investigate an incident. • We will not give any data collected by environmental sensors or cameras to anyone other
than the City or governmental law enforcement, unless 1) we are legally required to, 2) it is necessary to operate
and maintain the System and the Services, or 3) we get advanced, written permission from the City. • We will not
use facial recognition technology for any reason, and we will not use our cameras to track your movement through
the city.

On Wed, Mar 15, 2017 at 4:21 PM, Blumm, Kate <KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov> wrote:

We’ll do Friday per my call with Jovana just now. Let me know your thoughts on the
release ASAP. I am proposing an edit to that last line before the bullets begin. Obvi we
can’t ask them to recast their whole release but if you have other specific suggestions, let
me know as soon as possible. Thanks!

From: Blumm, Kate

Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2017 4:00 PM
To: 'Dan Levitan' <dan@berlinrosen.com>; NGrybauskas
<NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>
Cc: Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Gardener, Stacy
Subject: RE: revised NYCLU release

Feedback here? We need to make the call about tomorrow vs Friday soon.

From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2017 2:50 PM
To: Blumm, Kate <KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov>; NGrybauskas
<NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>
Cc: Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: revised NYCLU release

Thanks, reviewing now. In the meantime, here is slightly updated release and talking
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475

From: Blumm, Kate [mailto:KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov]

Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2017 2:44 PM
To: NGrybauskas <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Dan Levitan
<dan@berlinrosen.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>
Subject: revised NYCLU release

It’s better than it was but still is a bit sensational. My least favorite sentence is the last one
before the bullet points and I may push back on that. Checking w lawyers now.

New York Civil Liberties Union

125 Broad Street, New York, NY 10004

NYCLU Press Office, 212.607.3372

City Strengthens Public Wi-Fi Privacy Policy after

NYCLU Raises Concerns

March 16, 2017 – CityBridge, the company behind the kiosks for the city’s public Wi-Fi
network LinkNYC, announced today that it has greatly improved LinkNYC’s privacy
policy. The improvements follow the letter sent by the New York Civil Liberties Union
raising concerns about the previous policy.

“We applaud the city for being so responsive to our concerns and now New Yorkers have
significantly improved privacy protections when using public Wi-Fi,” said NYCLU Senior
Staff Attorney Mariko Hirose. “Internet access is a modern-life necessity and public WiFi
should be designed in partnership with the community to minimize the privacy risks of data
collection and maximize the benefits to the public.”

LinkNYC, which was publicly launched in January of last year, will eventually become a
network of as many as 7,500 to 10,000 public kiosks offering fast and free Wi-Fi
throughout all five boroughs. In March of 2016, the NYCLU sent a letter to the Office of
the Mayor warning that, under the previous privacy policy, CityBridge, the company
behind the LinkNYC kiosks, could potentially retain a vast amount of information about
users – often indefinitely. The NYCLU contended that this gave CityBridge the ability to
build a massive database that could pose a risk of security breaches and unwarranted
NYPD surveillance. The NYCLU further contended that the policy also left open the
possibility that data collected by cameras at the LinkNYC kiosks might be available to the
city or NYPD.

Under the old policy, users had to submit their e-mail addresses and agree to allow
CityBridge to collect information about what websites they visited on their devices, where
and how long they lingered on certain information on a webpage, and what links they
clicked on. The privacy policy only offered to make “reasonable efforts” to clear out this
massive amount of personally identifiable user information, and even then, only if there
was 12 months of user inactivity. That meant that New Yorkers who used LinkNYC
regularly could have their personally identifiable information stored for a lifetime and

The new policy announced today makes the following improvements:

· Clarifies that browsing history from personal devices will not be stored.

· Sets the retention period of most technical information for individual sessions to 60
days from the end of their last activity.

· Clarifies that disclosure of information will occur only as required by law and that there
will be notice.

· Limits camera use and prohibits facial recognition on cameras.

For more information, visit:


This e-mail, including any attachments, may be confidential, privileged or otherwise legally protected.
It is intended only for the addressee. If you received this e-mail in error or from someone who was
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attachments. Please notify the sender immediately by reply e-mail and delete the e-mail from your

Stacey Levine 
VP, Communications & LinkNYC Marketing
+1 646.834.9657

10 Hudson Yards 26th Floor New York, NY 10001

We're hiring! Come build the future with us.

From: Madeline Kaye
To: Grace, Melissa
Cc: Woloch, David; Elizabeth “Libby” Rohlfing (rohlfinge@hpd.nyc.gov)
Subject: Re: Melissa: Press Release for BPL Sunset Park project?
Date: Thursday, March 16, 2017 12:20:01 PM

Thank you! I'll be there today as well. 


Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 16, 2017, at 12:16 PM, Grace, Melissa <MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Adding Libby, and I just need to get a quote approved and will send it your way.
From: Madeline Kaye [mailto:Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 12:05 PM
To: Grace, Melissa
Cc: Woloch, David
Subject: Melissa: Press Release for BPL Sunset Park project?

Hey Melissa; 
Understand that David Woloch reached out about a possible release around the Sunset Park
project in front of City Council today.  We have something ready to go- but obviously we
want to defer to CC plans on press.  Please let us know if we are free to go ahead with our
release or if you have edits or would like us to hold. 
Thank you much! My cell phone is below if you'd like to give me a call. 
Madeline Kaye
BerlinRosen Public Affairs 
O: (646) 200-5297 C: (646) 369-8226
From: Woloch, David
To: "ktowell@council.nyc.gov"
Cc: Estrada, David (DEstrada@council.nyc.gov); "vpiedraleon@council.nyc.gov"; Madeline Kaye
(Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com); Leddy, Adam; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD); "Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)";
Grace, Melissa
Subject: sunset park
Date: Thursday, March 16, 2017 12:49:12 PM
Attachments: Sunset Park rel w FAC edits.docx

Katherine: Attached is a draft release on Sunset Park.  Would be great if we could do in conjunction
with the Council. I believe the Administration is providing a quote as well. I have cc’d CM
Menchaca’s office, HPD and City Hall press offices, and Madeline from BerlinRosen who is
coordinating for BPL.
David Woloch | Executive Vice President, External Affairs
Brooklyn Public Library

BPL Contact: Madeline Kaye

(646) 200-5297; (646) 369-8226

FAC Contact: Ron Zak

(718) 237-2017 ext. 130; (347) 439-5976

Sunset Park Library Redevelopment Project Approved by City


Innovative Partnership Between Brooklyn Public Library, Fifth Avenue

Committee to Nearly Double Size of One of Brooklyn’s Busiest Branches,
Create 49 Units of Deeply Affordable Housing

Plan Receives Overwhelming Support in Final Round of Rigorous Public Approval Process

BROOKLYN, NY—The New York City Council has voted to approve the Sunset Park
Library Redevelopment Project (almost unanimously/unanimously), Brooklyn Public
Library and development partner Fifth Avenue Committee announced today, finalizing
the formal public approval process for the innovative project. The proposal previously
received unanimous approval from the City Planning Commission and the city council’s
Land Use Committee and Subcommittee on Planning, Dispositions and Concessions. The
project was also approved by the Borough President and the members of Community
Board 7.

Developed in partnership with the Fifth Avenue Committee, a nonprofit with nearly four
decades’ experience in affordable housing and comprehensive community
development, Brooklyn Public Library’s new Sunset Park branch will provide the
neighborhood with a modern, state-of-the-art library that is nearly twice the size of the
current location. Sunset Park Library is one of Brooklyn’s busiest, with attendance and
circulation that rank in the top 10 of BPL’s 60 branches.

“Thanks to the support of the city council and the residents of Sunset Park, we will soon
begin construction on a library that will offer the robust and diverse programming, large
multilingual collection and comfortable, inspiring environment that our patrons and
staff deserve,” said Brooklyn Public Library President and CEO Linda E. Johnson. “We
look forward to designing and building the new Sunset Park Library with input from the

“Fifth Avenue Committee is grateful for the overwhelming support this project has
received and that FAC and BPL will be able to move forward to bring a 21st century
public library and 100% truly and deeply affordable housing to the Sunset Park
community. This project is a model in how to ensure that the community can achieve
the maximum benefits possible as part of redeveloping public land for public good. We
look forward to continuing to work with the community as this project moves forward
towards construction,” said Michelle de la Uz, Fifth Avenue Committee Executive

At 12,200 square feet, only 7,465 of which are accessible to the public, the current
branch is too small to meet the needs of this growing community. Built in the 1970s, it is
poorly laid out for modern use. The proposed new library will be 20,755 square feet,
with 18,200 square feet expected to be accessible to the public. It will be outfitted for
the modern era, with the collections, technology and flexible space needed to
accommodate many uses and serve a large, diverse patronship.

The expansion of Sunset Park Library and the development of deeply affordable housing
is especially timely given the growth of the neighborhood. A 2017 study by the New
York City Comptroller's office identified a 34% increase in Sunset Park’s population
between 1990 and 2014, double the citywide growth rate. The median rent in the
neighborhood has grown at a rate (63%) that far outpaces the growth in median income

The project will create 100% affordable housing atop the new library branch. Forty-nine
affordable units will be available for incomes spanning 30% to 80% of Area Median
Income (AMI); the majority of the units are reserved for incomes at or below 50% of
AMI, and most apartments will rent for $500 to $1,000 per month. A minimum of 50%
of the apartments will be reserved for Community Board 7 residents, 10% for city
employees and 10% for the physically disabled. Nine units will be reserved for survivors
of domestic violence. FAC, as a locally based, nonprofit developer whose mission is to
advance economic and social justice, is committed to permanent affordability for all of
the apartments, with 35% of the apartments being permanently affordable through City
Regulatory Agreements that will be recorded with the property.

The Fifth Avenue Committee will construct the eight-story, mixed-use building, including
the library’s core and shell, at no cost to Brooklyn Public Library. BPL will fit out the new
library for approximately $10 million, using a portion of the proceeds from the
redevelopment of its Brooklyn Heights branch. The city will own the library in
perpetuity, as it does the current branch.

Interim library service will be provided throughout the construction process at 4201
Fourth Avenue, at 42nd Street.

More details on the project are available here.

About Brooklyn Public Library:

Brooklyn Public Library (BPL) is an independent library system for the 2.5 million
residents of Brooklyn. It is the fifth largest library system in the United States with 60
neighborhood libraries located throughout the borough. BPL offers free programs and
services for all ages and stages of life, including a large selection of books in more than
30 languages, author talks, literacy programs and public computers. BPL’s eResources,
such as eBooks and eVideos, catalog information and free homework help, are available
to customers of all ages 24 hours a day at our website: www.bklynlibrary.org.

About Fifth Avenue Committee

Fifth Avenue Committee, Inc. (FAC) is a nationally recognized South Brooklyn based non-
profit comprehensive community development corporation formed in 1978 whose
mission is to advance economic and social justice by building vibrant, diverse
communities where residents have genuine opportunities to achieve their goals as well
as the power to shape the community’s future. FAC works to transform the lives of over
5,500 low and moderate income New Yorkers annually so that we can all live and work
with dignity and respect while making our community more equitable, sustainable,
inclusive and just. To achieve our mission FAC develops and manages affordable housing
and community facilities, creates economic opportunities and ensures access to
economic stability, organizes residents and workers, offers student centered adult
education, and combats displacement caused by gentrification. FAC has developed
nearly 900 units of affordable housing, currently manages more than 500 units and has
an affordable housing pipeline of more than 1,000 units. For more information about
FAC go to www.fifthave.org
From: Towell, Katherine
To: "Leddy, Adam"; Grace, Melissa; Woloch, David
Cc: Estrada, David; Piedra Leon, Veronica; Madeline Kaye (Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com); Rohlfing, Elizabeth
(HPD); "Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)"
Subject: RE: sunset park
Date: Thursday, March 16, 2017 2:42:56 PM
Attachments: Sunset Park rel w FAC edits.RM.docx

Council Land Use division provided some minor edits in the attached version. Speaker will be passing
on a quote to give fuller credit to CM Menchaca.
Katherine Towell
Press Officer
New York City Council
D: 212.788.0260 | M: 646.263.1699
From: Leddy, Adam [mailto:ALeddy@bklynlibrary.org]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 1:33 PM
To: 'Grace, Melissa' <MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Woloch, David <DWoloch@bklynlibrary.org>;
Towell, Katherine <KTowell@council.nyc.gov>
Cc: Estrada, David <DEstrada@council.nyc.gov>; Piedra Leon, Veronica
<VPiedraLeon@council.nyc.gov>; Madeline Kaye (Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com)
<Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com>; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) <rohlfinge@hpd.nyc.gov>; 'Pierre-
Antoine, Juliet (HPD)' <morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: sunset park
Got it, thank you Melissa. Will await the edits.
Adam Leddy | Communications Coordinator
Brooklyn Public Library
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 1:29 PM
To: Woloch, David; 'ktowell@council.nyc.gov'
Cc: Estrada, David (DEstrada@council.nyc.gov); 'vpiedraleon@council.nyc.gov'; Madeline Kaye
(Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com); Leddy, Adam; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD); 'Pierre-Antoine, Juliet
Subject: RE: sunset park
HPD is working on some edits for your release.
In the meantime, here is a statement from our Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen for the release:
“Today’s vote on the Sunset Park Library project represents a major victory for the values we cherish
– both creating new affordable housing and improving public libraries that are so central to our
communities.  By bringing 49 affordable apartments online and funding the expansion and upgrade
of the library, this development will serve the neighborhood for decades to come.”
From: Woloch, David [mailto:DWoloch@bklynlibrary.org]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 12:49 PM
To: 'ktowell@council.nyc.gov'
Cc: Estrada, David (DEstrada@council.nyc.gov); 'vpiedraleon@council.nyc.gov'; Madeline Kaye
(Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com); Leddy, Adam; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD); 'Pierre-Antoine, Juliet
(HPD)'; Grace, Melissa
Subject: sunset park
Katherine: Attached is a draft release on Sunset Park.  Would be great if we could do in conjunction
with the Council. I believe the Administration is providing a quote as well. I have cc’d CM
Menchaca’s office, HPD and City Hall press offices, and Madeline from BerlinRosen who is
coordinating for BPL.
David Woloch | Executive Vice President, External Affairs
Brooklyn Public Library

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain
CONFIDENTIAL or PRIVILEGED material. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is proh bited. If you are not the
intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. If you are the intended
recipient but do not wish to receive communications through this medium, please so advise the sender immediately.

BPL Contact: Madeline Kaye

(646) 200-5297; (646) 369-8226

FAC Contact: Ron Zak

(718) 237-2017 ext. 130; (347) 439-5976

Sunset Park Library Redevelopment Project Approved by City


Innovative Partnership Between Brooklyn Public Library, Fifth Avenue

Committee to Nearly Double Size of One of Brooklyn’s Busiest Branches,
Create 49 Units of Deeply Affordable Housing

Plan Receives Overwhelming Support in Final Round of Rigorous Public Approval Process

BROOKLYN, NY—The New York City Council has voted to approve the Sunset Park
Library Redevelopment Project (almost unanimously/unanimously), Brooklyn Public
Library and development partner Fifth Avenue Committee announced today, finalizing
the formal public approval process for the innovative project. The proposal previously
received unanimous approval from the City Planning Commission and the City Council’s
Land Use Committee and Subcommittee on Planning, Dispositions and Concessions. The
project was also approved by the Borough President and the members of Community
Board 7.

Developed in partnership with the Fifth Avenue Committee, a nonprofit with nearly four
decades’ experience in affordable housing and comprehensive community
development, Brooklyn Public Library’s new Sunset Park branch will provide the
neighborhood with a modern, state-of-the-art library that is nearly twice the size of the
current location. Sunset Park Library is one of Brooklyn’s busiest, with attendance and
circulation that rank in the top 10 of BPL’s 60 branches.

“Thanks to the support of the City Council and the residents of Sunset Park, we will soon
begin construction on a library that will offer the robust and diverse programming, large
multilingual collection and comfortable, inspiring environment that our patrons and
staff deserve,” said Brooklyn Public Library President and CEO Linda E. Johnson. “We
look forward to designing and building the new Sunset Park Library with input from the

“Fifth Avenue Committee is grateful for the overwhelming support this project has
received and that FAC and BPL will be able to move forward to bring a 21st century
public library and 100% truly and deeply affordable housing to the Sunset Park
community. This project is a model in how to ensure that the community can achieve
the maximum benefits possible as part of redeveloping public land for public good. We
look forward to continuing to work with the community as this project moves forward
towards construction,” said Michelle de la Uz, Fifth Avenue Committee Executive

At 12,200 square feet, only 7,465 of which are accessible to the public, the current
branch is too small to meet the needs of this growing community. Built in the 1970s, it is
poorly laid out for modern use. The proposed new library will be 20,755 square feet,
with 18,200 square feet expected to be accessible to the public. It will be outfitted for
the modern era, with the collections, technology and flexible space needed to
accommodate many uses and serve a large, diverse patronship.

The expansion of Sunset Park Library and the development of deeply affordable housing
is especially timely given the growth of the neighborhood. A 2017 study by the New
York City Comptroller's office identified a 34% increase in Sunset Park’s population
between 1990 and 2014, double the citywide growth rate. The median rent in the
neighborhood has grown at a rate (63%) that far outpaces the growth in median income

The project will create 100% affordable housing atop the new library branch. Forty-nine
affordable units will be available for incomes spanning 30% to 80% of Area Median
Income (AMI); the majority of the units are reserved for incomes at or below 50% of
AMI, and most apartments will rent for $500 to $1,000 per month. A minimum of 50%
of the apartments will be reserved for Community Board 7 residents, 10% for city
employees and 10% for the physically disabled. Nine units will be reserved for survivors
of domestic violence. FAC, as a locally based, nonprofit developer whose mission is to
advance economic and social justice, is committed to permanent affordability for all of
the apartments, with 35% of the apartments being permanently affordable through City
Regulatory Agreements that will be recorded with the property.

The Fifth Avenue Committee will construct the eight-story, mixed-use building, including
the library’s core and shell, at no cost to Brooklyn Public Library. BPL will fit out the new
library for approximately $10 million, using a portion of the proceeds from the
redevelopment of its Brooklyn Heights branch. The city will own the library in
perpetuity, as it does the current branch.

Interim library service will be provided throughout the construction process at 4201
Fourth Avenue, at 42nd Street.

More details on the project are available here.

About Brooklyn Public Library:

Brooklyn Public Library (BPL) is an independent library system for the 2.5 million
residents of Brooklyn. It is the fifth largest library system in the United States with 60
neighborhood libraries located throughout the borough. BPL offers free programs and
services for all ages and stages of life, including a large selection of books in more than
30 languages, author talks, literacy programs and public computers. BPL’s eResources,
such as eBooks and eVideos, catalog information and free homework help, are available
to customers of all ages 24 hours a day at our website: www.bklynlibrary.org.

About Fifth Avenue Committee

Fifth Avenue Committee, Inc. (FAC) is a nationally recognized South Brooklyn based non-
profit comprehensive community development corporation formed in 1978 whose
mission is to advance economic and social justice by building vibrant, diverse
communities where residents have genuine opportunities to achieve their goals as well
as the power to shape the community’s future. FAC works to transform the lives of over
5,500 low and moderate income New Yorkers annually so that we can all live and work
with dignity and respect while making our community more equitable, sustainable,
inclusive and just. To achieve our mission FAC develops and manages affordable housing
and community facilities, creates economic opportunities and ensures access to
economic stability, organizes residents and workers, offers student centered adult
education, and combats displacement caused by gentrification. FAC has developed
nearly 900 units of affordable housing, currently manages more than 500 units and has
an affordable housing pipeline of more than 1,000 units. For more information about
FAC go to www.fifthave.org
From: Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)
To: "Estrada, David"; Towell, Katherine; "Leddy, Adam"; Grace, Melissa; Woloch, David
Cc: Piedra Leon, Veronica; Madeline Kaye (Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com); Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)
Subject: RE: sunset park
Date: Thursday, March 16, 2017 3:45:02 PM
Attachments: Sunset Park rel w HPD edits.docx

Here is a quote from HPD Commissioner Maria Torres-Springer:

“By combining affordable housing with improvements to public resources like the Sunset Park
Library, we are serving local residents and the community for generations to come,” said HPD
Commissioner Maria Torres-Springer.  “Today’s vote is an important milestone in making way for 49
new affordable apartments and a much-enhanced and expanded space for the library so it can
continue to serve as a vital hub for the neighborhood.”
I’ve attached a press release draft with updates from HPD. Let us know if you have any questions.
From: Estrada, David [mailto:DEstrada@council.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 3:10 PM
To: Towell, Katherine; 'Leddy, Adam'; 'Grace, Melissa'; Woloch, David
Cc: Piedra Leon, Veronica; Madeline Kaye (Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com); Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD);
Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)
Subject: RE: sunset park
And Council Member Menchaca’s quote will be sent in a few moments.
I note the 45-0 passage of all land use items at Stated Meeting today.
From: Towell, Katherine
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 2:43 PM
To: 'Leddy, Adam'; 'Grace, Melissa'; Woloch, David
Cc: Estrada, David; Piedra Leon, Veronica; Madeline Kaye (Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com); Rohlfing,
Elizabeth (HPD); 'Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)'
Subject: RE: sunset park
Council Land Use division provided some minor edits in the attached version. Speaker will be passing
on a quote to give fuller credit to CM Menchaca.
Katherine Towell
Press Officer
New York City Council
D: 212.788.0260 | M: 646.263.1699
From: Leddy, Adam [mailto:ALeddy@bklynlibrary.org]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 1:33 PM
To: 'Grace, Melissa' <MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Woloch, David <DWoloch@bklynlibrary.org>;
Towell, Katherine <KTowell@council.nyc.gov>
Cc: Estrada, David <DEstrada@council.nyc.gov>; Piedra Leon, Veronica
<VPiedraLeon@council.nyc.gov>; Madeline Kaye (Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com)
<Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com>; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) <rohlfinge@hpd.nyc.gov>; 'Pierre-
Antoine, Juliet (HPD)' <morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: sunset park
Got it, thank you Melissa. Will await the edits.
Adam Leddy | Communications Coordinator
Brooklyn Public Library
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 1:29 PM
To: Woloch, David; 'ktowell@council.nyc.gov'
Cc: Estrada, David (DEstrada@council.nyc.gov); 'vpiedraleon@council.nyc.gov'; Madeline Kaye
(Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com); Leddy, Adam; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD); 'Pierre-Antoine, Juliet
Subject: RE: sunset park
HPD is working on some edits for your release.
In the meantime, here is a statement from our Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen for the release:
“Today’s vote on the Sunset Park Library project represents a major victory for the values we cherish
– both creating new affordable housing and improving public libraries that are so central to our
communities.  By bringing 49 affordable apartments online and funding the expansion and upgrade
of the library, this development will serve the neighborhood for decades to come.”
From: Woloch, David [mailto:DWoloch@bklynlibrary.org]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 12:49 PM
To: 'ktowell@council.nyc.gov'
Cc: Estrada, David (DEstrada@council.nyc.gov); 'vpiedraleon@council.nyc.gov'; Madeline Kaye
(Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com); Leddy, Adam; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD); 'Pierre-Antoine, Juliet
(HPD)'; Grace, Melissa
Subject: sunset park
Katherine: Attached is a draft release on Sunset Park.  Would be great if we could do in conjunction
with the Council. I believe the Administration is providing a quote as well. I have cc’d CM
Menchaca’s office, HPD and City Hall press offices, and Madeline from BerlinRosen who is
coordinating for BPL.
David Woloch | Executive Vice President, External Affairs
Brooklyn Public Library

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain
CONFIDENTIAL or PRIVILEGED material. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is proh bited. If you are not the
intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. If you are the intended
recipient but do not wish to receive communications through this medium, please so advise the sender immediately.
From: Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)
To: "Estrada, David"; "Towell, Katherine"; "Leddy, Adam"; Grace, Melissa; "Woloch, David"
Cc: "Piedra Leon, Veronica" ; "Madeline Kaye (Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com)"; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)
Subject: RE: sunset park
Date: Thursday, March 16, 2017 3:54:45 PM
Attachments: Sunset Park rel w HPD edits.docx

More suggested changes attached

From: Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 3:45 PM
To: 'Estrada, David'; Towell, Katherine; 'Leddy, Adam'; 'Grace, Melissa'; Woloch, David
Cc: Piedra Leon, Veronica; Madeline Kaye (Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com); Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)
Subject: RE: sunset park
Here is a quote from HPD Commissioner Maria Torres-Springer:
“By combining affordable housing with improvements to public resources like the Sunset Park
Library, we are serving local residents and the community for generations to come,” said HPD
Commissioner Maria Torres-Springer.  “Today’s vote is an important milestone in making way for 49
new affordable apartments and a much-enhanced and expanded space for the library so it can
continue to serve as a vital hub for the neighborhood.”
I’ve attached a press release draft with updates from HPD. Let us know if you have any questions.
From: Estrada, David [mailto:DEstrada@council.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 3:10 PM
To: Towell, Katherine; 'Leddy, Adam'; 'Grace, Melissa'; Woloch, David
Cc: Piedra Leon, Veronica; Madeline Kaye (Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com); Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD);
Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)
Subject: RE: sunset park
And Council Member Menchaca’s quote will be sent in a few moments.
I note the 45-0 passage of all land use items at Stated Meeting today.
From: Towell, Katherine
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 2:43 PM
To: 'Leddy, Adam'; 'Grace, Melissa'; Woloch, David
Cc: Estrada, David; Piedra Leon, Veronica; Madeline Kaye (Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com); Rohlfing,
Elizabeth (HPD); 'Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)'
Subject: RE: sunset park
Council Land Use division provided some minor edits in the attached version. Speaker will be passing
on a quote to give fuller credit to CM Menchaca.
Katherine Towell
Press Officer
New York City Council
D: 212.788.0260 | M: 646.263.1699
From: Leddy, Adam [mailto:ALeddy@bklynlibrary.org]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 1:33 PM
To: 'Grace, Melissa' <MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Woloch, David <DWoloch@bklynlibrary.org>;
Towell, Katherine <KTowell@council.nyc.gov>
Cc: Estrada, David <DEstrada@council.nyc.gov>; Piedra Leon, Veronica
<VPiedraLeon@council.nyc.gov>; Madeline Kaye (Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com)
<Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com>; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) <rohlfinge@hpd.nyc.gov>; 'Pierre-
Antoine, Juliet (HPD)' <morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: sunset park
Got it, thank you Melissa. Will await the edits.
Adam Leddy | Communications Coordinator
Brooklyn Public Library
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 1:29 PM
To: Woloch, David; 'ktowell@council.nyc.gov'
Cc: Estrada, David (DEstrada@council.nyc.gov); 'vpiedraleon@council.nyc.gov'; Madeline Kaye
(Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com); Leddy, Adam; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD); 'Pierre-Antoine, Juliet
Subject: RE: sunset park
HPD is working on some edits for your release.
In the meantime, here is a statement from our Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen for the release:
“Today’s vote on the Sunset Park Library project represents a major victory for the values we cherish
– both creating new affordable housing and improving public libraries that are so central to our
communities.  By bringing 49 affordable apartments online and funding the expansion and upgrade
of the library, this development will serve the neighborhood for decades to come.”
From: Woloch, David [mailto:DWoloch@bklynlibrary.org]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 12:49 PM
To: 'ktowell@council.nyc.gov'
Cc: Estrada, David (DEstrada@council.nyc.gov); 'vpiedraleon@council.nyc.gov'; Madeline Kaye
(Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com); Leddy, Adam; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD); 'Pierre-Antoine, Juliet
(HPD)'; Grace, Melissa
Subject: sunset park
Katherine: Attached is a draft release on Sunset Park.  Would be great if we could do in conjunction
with the Council. I believe the Administration is providing a quote as well. I have cc’d CM
Menchaca’s office, HPD and City Hall press offices, and Madeline from BerlinRosen who is
coordinating for BPL.
David Woloch | Executive Vice President, External Affairs
Brooklyn Public Library

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain
CONFIDENTIAL or PRIVILEGED material. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is proh bited. If you are not the
intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. If you are the intended
recipient but do not wish to receive communications through this medium, please so advise the sender immediately.
From: Madeline Kaye
To: Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD); "Estrada, David"; Towell, Katherine; "Leddy, Adam"; Grace, Melissa; Woloch,
Cc: Piedra Leon, Veronica; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD); Camonghne Felix
Subject: Re: sunset park
Date: Thursday, March 16, 2017 4:03:44 PM
Attachments: Sunset Park rel March16.docx


We await CM Menchaca's quote, and once we receive, we will send the following out to relevant contacts.
I hope I have accommodated everyone's edits and that we're in agreement, but just in case, any further
edits should be done on this copy, below and attached.  

Best and thanks, 



BPL Contact: Madeline Kaye 
(646) 200-5297; (646) 369-8226
FAC Contact: Ron Zak
(718) 237-2017 ext. 130; (347) 439-5976

<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->
Sunset Park Library Redevelopment Project Approved by City Council
Innovative Partnership Between the City of New York, Brooklyn Public Library, Fifth
Avenue Committee to Nearly Double Size of One of Brooklyn’s Busiest Branches, Create
49 Units of Deeply Affordable Housing  
Plan Receives Unanimous Support 45-0 in Final Round of Rigorous Public Approval
BROOKLYN, NY—The New York City Council has voted to approve the Sunset Park
Library Redevelopment Project unanimously, Brooklyn Public Library, Fifth Avenue
Committee, and the de Blasio Administration announced today, finalizing the formal public
approval process for the innovative project. The proposal previously received unanimous
approval from the City Planning Commission and the City Council’s Land Use Committee
and Subcommittee on Planning, Dispositions and Concessions. The project was also
approved by the Borough President and the members of Community Board 7.
Developed in partnership with the Fifth Avenue Committee, a nonprofit with nearly four
decades’ experience in affordable housing and comprehensive community development,
Brooklyn Public Library’s new Sunset Park branch will provide the neighborhood with a
modern, state-of-the-art library that is nearly twice the size of the current location. Sunset
Park Library is one of Brooklyn’s busiest, with attendance and circulation that rank in the
top 10 of BPL’s 60 branches.
“Thanks to the support of the City Council and the residents of Sunset Park, we will soon
begin construction on a library that will offer the robust and diverse programming, large
multilingual collection and comfortable, inspiring environment that our patrons and staff
deserve,” said Brooklyn Public Library President and CEO Linda E. Johnson. “We
look forward to designing and building the new Sunset Park Library with input from the
“Fifth Avenue Committee is grateful for the overwhelming support this project has received
and that FAC and BPL will be able to move forward to bring a 21st century public library
and 100% truly and deeply affordable housing to the Sunset Park community.  This project
is a model in how to ensure that the community can achieve the maximum benefits
possible as part of redeveloping public land for public good.  We look forward to continuing
to work with the community as this project moves forward towards construction,” said
Michelle de la Uz, Fifth Avenue Committee Executive Director.
At 12,200 square feet, only 7,465 of which are accessible to the public, the current branch
is too small to meet the needs of this growing community. Built in the 1970s, it is poorly
laid out for modern use. The proposed new library will be 20,755 square feet, with 18,200
square feet expected to be accessible to the public. It will be outfitted for the modern era,
with the collections, technology and flexible space needed to accommodate many uses
and serve a large, diverse patronship.
The expansion of Sunset Park Library and the development of deeply affordable housing is
especially timely given the growth of the neighborhood. A 2017 study by the New York City
Comptroller's office identified a 34% increase in Sunset Park’s population between 1990
and 2014, double the citywide growth rate. The median rent in the neighborhood has
grown at a rate (63%) that far outpaces the growth in median income (25%).
The project will create 100% affordable housing atop the new library branch. Forty-nine
affordable units will be available for incomes spanning 30% to 80% of Area Median Income
(AMI). The majority of the units are reserved for incomes at or below 50% of AMI, and
most apartments will rent for $500 to $1,000 per month. A minimum of 50% of the
apartments will be reserved for Community Board 7 residents, 10% for city employees and
10% for the physically disabled. Nine units will be reserved for survivors of domestic
violence. As a locally-based nonprofit developer whose mission is to advance economic
and social justice, FAC is committed to permanent affordability for all of the apartments.
35% of the apartments will be permanently affordable through City Regulatory Agreements
that will be recorded with the property. 
“By combining affordable housing with improvements to public resources like the Sunset
Park Library, we are serving local residents and the community for generations to come,”
said HPD Commissioner Maria Torres-Springer.  “Today’s vote is an important
milestone in making way for 49 new affordable apartments and a much-enhanced and
expanded space for the library so it can continue to serve as a vital hub for the
The Fifth Avenue Committee will construct the eight-story, mixed-use building, including
the library’s core and shell, at no cost to Brooklyn Public Library. BPL will fit out the new
library for approximately $10 million, using a portion of the proceeds from the
redevelopment of its Brooklyn Heights branch. The city will own the library in perpetuity, as
it does the current branch.
Interim library service will be provided throughout the construction process at 4201 Fourth
Avenue, at 42nd  Street.
More details on the project are available here.
About Brooklyn Public Library:
Brooklyn Public Library (BPL) is an independent library system for the 2.5 million residents
of Brooklyn. It is the fifth largest library system in the United States with 60 neighborhood
libraries located throughout the borough. BPL offers free programs and services for all
ages and stages of life, including a large selection of books in more than 30 languages,
author talks, literacy programs and public computers. BPL’s eResources, such as eBooks
and eVideos, catalog information and free homework help, are available to customers of
all ages 24 hours a day at our website: www.bklynlibrary.org.
About Fifth Avenue Committee
Fifth Avenue Committee, Inc. (FAC) is a nationally recognized South Brooklyn based non-
profit comprehensive community development corporation formed in 1978 whose mission
is to advance economic and social justice by building vibrant, diverse communities where
residents have genuine opportunities to achieve their goals as well as the power to shape
the community’s future. FAC works to transform the lives of over 5,500 low and moderate
income New Yorkers annually so that we can all live and work with dignity and respect
while making our community more equitable, sustainable, inclusive and just. To achieve
our mission FAC develops and manages affordable housing and community facilities,
creates economic opportunities and ensures access to economic stability, organizes
residents and workers, offers student centered adult education, and combats displacement
caused by gentrification. FAC has developed nearly 900 units of affordable housing,
currently manages more than 500 units and has an affordable housing pipeline of more
than 1,000 units.  For more information about FAC go to www.fifthave.org
Madeline Kaye
BerlinRosen Public Affairs 
O: (646) 200-5297 C: (646) 369-8226

From: <Pierre-Antoine>, "Juliet (HPD)" <morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov>

Date: Thursday, March 16, 2017 2:44 PM
To: "'Estrada, David'" <DEstrada@council.nyc.gov>, "Towell, Katherine" <KTowell@council.nyc.gov>,
"Leddy, Adam" <ALeddy@bklynlibrary.org>, "'Grace, Melissa'" <MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov>,
"Woloch, David" <DWoloch@bklynlibrary.org>
Cc: "Piedra Leon, Veronica" <VPiedraLeon@council.nyc.gov>, Madeline Kaye
<madeline.kaye@berlinrosen.com>, "Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)" <rohlfinge@hpd.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: sunset park

Here is a quote from HPD Commissioner Maria Torres-Springer:

“By combining affordable housing with improvements to public resources like the Sunset Park
Library, we are serving local residents and the community for generations to come,” said HPD
Commissioner Maria Torres-Springer.  “Today’s vote is an important milestone in making way for 49
new affordable apartments and a much-enhanced and expanded space for the library so it can
continue to serve as a vital hub for the neighborhood.”
I’ve attached a press release draft with updates from HPD. Let us know if you have any questions.
From: Estrada, David [mailto:DEstrada@council.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 3:10 PM
To: Towell, Katherine; 'Leddy, Adam'; 'Grace, Melissa'; Woloch, David
Cc: Piedra Leon, Veronica; Madeline Kaye (Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com); Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD);
Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)
Subject: RE: sunset park
And Council Member Menchaca’s quote will be sent in a few moments.
I note the 45-0 passage of all land use items at Stated Meeting today.
From: Towell, Katherine
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 2:43 PM
To: 'Leddy, Adam'; 'Grace, Melissa'; Woloch, David
Cc: Estrada, David; Piedra Leon, Veronica; Madeline Kaye (Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com); Rohlfing,
Elizabeth (HPD); 'Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)'
Subject: RE: sunset park
Council Land Use division provided some minor edits in the attached version. Speaker will be passing
on a quote to give fuller credit to CM Menchaca.
Katherine Towell
Press Officer
New York City Council
D: 212.788.0260 | M: 646.263.1699
From: Leddy, Adam [mailto:ALeddy@bklynlibrary.org]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 1:33 PM
To: 'Grace, Melissa' <MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Woloch, David <DWoloch@bklynlibrary.org>;
Towell, Katherine <KTowell@council.nyc.gov>
Cc: Estrada, David <DEstrada@council.nyc.gov>; Piedra Leon, Veronica
<VPiedraLeon@council.nyc.gov>; Madeline Kaye (Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com)
<Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com>; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) <rohlfinge@hpd.nyc.gov>; 'Pierre-
Antoine, Juliet (HPD)' <morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: sunset park
Got it, thank you Melissa. Will await the edits.
Adam Leddy | Communications Coordinator
Brooklyn Public Library
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 1:29 PM
To: Woloch, David; 'ktowell@council.nyc.gov'
Cc: Estrada, David (DEstrada@council.nyc.gov); 'vpiedraleon@council.nyc.gov'; Madeline Kaye
(Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com); Leddy, Adam; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD); 'Pierre-Antoine, Juliet
Subject: RE: sunset park
HPD is working on some edits for your release.
In the meantime, here is a statement from our Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen for the release:
“Today’s vote on the Sunset Park Library project represents a major victory for the values we cherish
– both creating new affordable housing and improving public libraries that are so central to our
communities.  By bringing 49 affordable apartments online and funding the expansion and upgrade
of the library, this development will serve the neighborhood for decades to come.”
From: Woloch, David [mailto:DWoloch@bklynlibrary.org]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 12:49 PM
To: 'ktowell@council.nyc.gov'
Cc: Estrada, David (DEstrada@council.nyc.gov); 'vpiedraleon@council.nyc.gov'; Madeline Kaye
(Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com); Leddy, Adam; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD); 'Pierre-Antoine, Juliet
(HPD)'; Grace, Melissa
Subject: sunset park
Katherine: Attached is a draft release on Sunset Park.  Would be great if we could do in conjunction
with the Council. I believe the Administration is providing a quote as well. I have cc’d CM
Menchaca’s office, HPD and City Hall press offices, and Madeline from BerlinRosen who is
coordinating for BPL.
David Woloch | Executive Vice President, External Affairs
Brooklyn Public Library

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain
CONFIDENTIAL or PRIVILEGED material. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is proh bited. If you are not the
intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. If you are the intended
recipient but do not wish to receive communications through this medium, please so advise the sender immediately.

BPL Contact: Madeline Kaye

(646) 200-5297; (646) 369-8226

FAC Contact: Ron Zak

(718) 237-2017 ext. 130; (347) 439-5976

Sunset Park Library Redevelopment Project Approved by City Council

Innovative Partnership Between the City of New York, Brooklyn Public Library, Fifth
Avenue Committee to Nearly Double Size of One of Brooklyn’s Busiest Branches,
Create 49 Units of Deeply Affordable Housing

Plan Receives Unanimous Support 45-0 in Final Round of Rigorous Public Approval

BROOKLYN, NY—The New York City Council has voted to approve the Sunset Park
Library Redevelopment Project unanimously, Brooklyn Public Library, Fifth Avenue
Committee, and the de Blasio Administration announced today, finalizing the formal
public approval process for the innovative project. The proposal previously received
unanimous approval from the City Planning Commission and the City Council’s Land
Use Committee and Subcommittee on Planning, Dispositions and Concessions. The
project was also approved by the Borough President and the members of Community
Board 7.

Developed in partnership with the Fifth Avenue Committee, a nonprofit with nearly four
decades’ experience in affordable housing and comprehensive community development,
Brooklyn Public Library’s new Sunset Park branch will provide the neighborhood with a
modern, state-of-the-art library that is nearly twice the size of the current location.
Sunset Park Library is one of Brooklyn’s busiest, with attendance and circulation that
rank in the top 10 of BPL’s 60 branches.

“Thanks to the support of the City Council and the residents of Sunset Park, we will soon
begin construction on a library that will offer the robust and diverse programming, large
multilingual collection and comfortable, inspiring environment that our patrons and staff
deserve,” said Brooklyn Public Library President and CEO Linda E. Johnson. “We
look forward to designing and building the new Sunset Park Library with input from the

“Fifth Avenue Committee is grateful for the overwhelming support this project has
received and that FAC and BPL will be able to move forward to bring a 21st century
public library and 100% truly and deeply affordable housing to the Sunset Park
community. This project is a model in how to ensure that the community can achieve
the maximum benefits possible as part of redeveloping public land for public good. We
look forward to continuing to work with the community as this project moves forward
towards construction,” said Michelle de la Uz, Fifth Avenue Committee Executive


At 12,200 square feet, only 7,465 of which are accessible to the public, the current
branch is too small to meet the needs of this growing community. Built in the 1970s, it is
poorly laid out for modern use. The proposed new library will be 20,755 square feet, with
18,200 square feet expected to be accessible to the public. It will be outfitted for the
modern era, with the collections, technology and flexible space needed to accommodate
many uses and serve a large, diverse patronship.

The expansion of Sunset Park Library and the development of deeply affordable housing
is especially timely given the growth of the neighborhood. A 2017 study by the New York
City Comptroller's office identified a 34% increase in Sunset Park’s population between
1990 and 2014, double the citywide growth rate. The median rent in the neighborhood
has grown at a rate (63%) that far outpaces the growth in median income (25%).

The project will create 100% affordable housing atop the new library branch. Forty-nine
affordable units will be available for incomes spanning 30% to 80% of Area Median
Income (AMI). The majority of the units are reserved for incomes at or below 50% of
AMI, and most apartments will rent for $500 to $1,000 per month. A minimum of 50% of
the apartments will be reserved for Community Board 7 residents, 10% for city
employees and 10% for the physically disabled. Nine units will be reserved for survivors
of domestic violence. As a locally-based nonprofit developer whose mission is to
advance economic and social justice, FAC is committed to permanent affordability for all
of the apartments. 35% of the apartments will be permanently affordable through City
Regulatory Agreements that will be recorded with the property.

“By combining affordable housing with improvements to public resources like the Sunset
Park Library, we are serving local residents and the community for generations to come,”
said HPD Commissioner Maria Torres-Springer. “Today’s vote is an important
milestone in making way for 49 new affordable apartments and a much-enhanced and
expanded space for the library so it can continue to serve as a vital hub for the

The Fifth Avenue Committee will construct the eight-story, mixed-use building, including
the library’s core and shell, at no cost to Brooklyn Public Library. BPL will fit out the new
library for approximately $10 million, using a portion of the proceeds from the
redevelopment of its Brooklyn Heights branch. The city will own the library in perpetuity,
as it does the current branch.

Interim library service will be provided throughout the construction process at 4201
Fourth Avenue, at 42nd Street.

More details on the project are available here.

About Brooklyn Public Library:

Brooklyn Public Library (BPL) is an independent library system for the 2.5 million
residents of Brooklyn. It is the fifth largest library system in the United States with 60
neighborhood libraries located throughout the borough. BPL offers free programs and
services for all ages and stages of life, including a large selection of books in more than
30 languages, author talks, literacy programs and public computers. BPL’s eResources,
such as eBooks and eVideos, catalog information and free homework help, are available
to customers of all ages 24 hours a day at our website: www.bklynlibrary.org.

About Fifth Avenue Committee

Fifth Avenue Committee, Inc. (FAC) is a nationally recognized South Brooklyn based
non-profit comprehensive community development corporation formed in 1978 whose
mission is to advance economic and social justice by building vibrant, diverse
communities where residents have genuine opportunities to achieve their goals as well
as the power to shape the community’s future. FAC works to transform the lives of over
5,500 low and moderate income New Yorkers annually so that we can all live and work
with dignity and respect while making our community more equitable, sustainable,
inclusive and just. To achieve our mission FAC develops and manages affordable
housing and community facilities, creates economic opportunities and ensures access to
economic stability, organizes residents and workers, offers student centered adult
education, and combats displacement caused by gentrification. FAC has developed
nearly 900 units of affordable housing, currently manages more than 500 units and has
an affordable housing pipeline of more than 1,000 units. For more information about
FAC go to www.fifthave.org
From: Grace, Melissa
To: "Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)"; "Woloch, David"; "Madeline Kaye"; "Estrada, David"; Towell, Katherine; Leddy,
Cc: Piedra Leon, Veronica; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD); Camonghne Felix
Subject: RE: sunset park
Date: Thursday, March 16, 2017 4:47:24 PM

Please include Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen quote!

Would be great if it could be before or after the library’s quote.
Also, can you send us final before you issue. Thanks.
“Today’s vote on the Sunset Park Library project represents a major victory for the values we cherish
– both creating new affordable housing and improving public libraries that are so central to our
communities.  By bringing 49 affordable apartments online and funding the expansion and upgrade
of the library, this development will serve the neighborhood for decades to come.”
From: Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD) [mailto:morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 4:28 PM
To: 'Woloch, David'; 'Madeline Kaye'; 'Estrada, David'; Towell, Katherine; Leddy, Adam; Grace, Melissa
Cc: Piedra Leon, Veronica; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD); Camonghne Felix
Subject: RE: sunset park
Can we add the language I dropped in below in red?
From: Woloch, David [mailto:DWoloch@bklynlibrary.org]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 4:10 PM
To: 'Madeline Kaye'; Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD); 'Estrada, David'; Towell, Katherine; Leddy, Adam;
'Grace, Melissa'
Cc: Piedra Leon, Veronica; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD); Camonghne Felix
Subject: RE: sunset park
Need to add in D/M Glen quote  
David Woloch | Executive Vice President, External Affairs
Brooklyn Public Library
From: Madeline Kaye [mailto:Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 4:04 PM
To: Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD); 'Estrada, David'; Towell, Katherine; Leddy, Adam; 'Grace, Melissa';
Woloch, David
Cc: Piedra Leon, Veronica; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD); Camonghne Felix
Subject: Re: sunset park
We await CM Menchaca's quote, and once we receive, we will send the following out to relevant contacts.
I hope I have accommodated everyone's edits and that we're in agreement, but just in case, any further
edits should be done on this copy, below and attached.  
Best and thanks, 
BPL Contact: Madeline Kaye 
(646) 200-5297; (646) 369-8226
FAC Contact: Ron Zak
(718) 237-2017 ext. 130; (347) 439-5976

Sunset Park Library Redevelopment Project Approved by City Council
Innovative Partnership Between the City of New York, Brooklyn Public Library, Fifth
Avenue Committee to Nearly Double Size of One of Brooklyn’s Busiest Branches, Create
49 Units of Deeply Affordable Housing  
Plan Receives Unanimous Support 45-0 in Final Round of Rigorous Public Approval
BROOKLYN, NY—The New York City Council has voted to approve the Sunset Park
Library Redevelopment Project unanimously, Brooklyn Public Library, Fifth Avenue
Committee, and the de Blasio Administration announced today, finalizing the formal public
approval process for the innovative project. The proposal previously received unanimous
approval from the City Planning Commission and the City Council’s Land Use Committee
and Subcommittee on Planning, Dispositions and Concessions. The project was also
approved by the Borough President and the members of Community Board 7.
Developed in partnership with the Fifth Avenue Committee, a nonprofit with nearly four
decades’ experience in affordable housing and comprehensive community development,
Brooklyn Public Library’s new Sunset Park branch will provide the neighborhood with a
modern, state-of-the-art library that is nearly twice the size of the current location. Sunset
Park Library is one of Brooklyn’s busiest, with attendance and circulation that rank in the
top 10 of BPL’s 60 branches.
“Thanks to the support of the City Council and the residents of Sunset Park, we will soon
begin construction on a library that will offer the robust and diverse programming, large
multilingual collection and comfortable, inspiring environment that our patrons and staff
deserve,” said Brooklyn Public Library President and CEO Linda E. Johnson. “We
look forward to designing and building the new Sunset Park Library with input from the
“Fifth Avenue Committee is grateful for the overwhelming support this project has received
and that FAC and BPL will be able to move forward to bring a 21st century public library
and 100% truly and deeply affordable housing to the Sunset Park community.  This project
is a model in how to ensure that the community can achieve the maximum benefits
possible as part of redeveloping public land for public good.  We look forward to continuing
to work with the community as this project moves forward towards construction,” said
Michelle de la Uz, Fifth Avenue Committee Executive Director.
At 12,200 square feet, only 7,465 of which are accessible to the public, the current branch
is too small to meet the needs of this growing community. Built in the 1970s, it is poorly
laid out for modern use. The proposed new library will be 20,755 square feet, with 18,200
square feet expected to be accessible to the public. It will be outfitted for the modern era,
with the collections, technology and flexible space needed to accommodate many uses
and serve a large, diverse patronship.
The expansion of Sunset Park Library and the development of deeply affordable housing is
especially timely given the growth of the neighborhood. A 2017 study by the New York City
Comptroller's office identified a 34% increase in Sunset Park’s population between 1990
and 2014, double the citywide growth rate. The median rent in the neighborhood has
grown at a rate (63%) that far outpaces the growth in median income (25%).
The project will create 100% affordable housing atop the new library branch with
anticipated funding from the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and
Development (HPD). Forty-nine affordable units will be available for incomes spanning
30% to 80% of Area Median Income (AMI). The majority of the units are reserved for
incomes at or below 50% of AMI, and most apartments will rent for $500 to $1,000 per
month. A minimum of 50% of the apartments will be reserved for Community Board 7
residents, 10% for city employees and 10% for the physically disabled. Nine units will be
reserved for survivors of domestic violence. As a locally-based nonprofit developer whose
mission is to advance economic and social justice, FAC is committed to permanent
affordability for all of the apartments. 35% of the apartments will be permanently affordable
through City Regulatory Agreements that will be recorded with the property. 
“By combining affordable housing with improvements to public resources like the Sunset
Park Library, we are serving local residents and the community for generations to come,”
said HPD Commissioner Maria Torres-Springer.  “Today’s vote is an important
milestone in making way for 49 new affordable apartments and a much-enhanced and
expanded space for the library so it can continue to serve as a vital hub for the
The Fifth Avenue Committee will construct the eight-story, mixed-use building, including
the library’s core and shell, at no cost to Brooklyn Public Library. BPL will fit out the new
library for approximately $10 million, using a portion of the proceeds from the
redevelopment of its Brooklyn Heights branch. The city will own the library in perpetuity, as
it does the current branch.
Interim library service will be provided throughout the construction process at 4201 Fourth
Avenue, at 42nd  Street.
More details on the project are available here.
About Brooklyn Public Library:
Brooklyn Public Library (BPL) is an independent library system for the 2.5 million residents
of Brooklyn. It is the fifth largest library system in the United States with 60 neighborhood
libraries located throughout the borough. BPL offers free programs and services for all
ages and stages of life, including a large selection of books in more than 30 languages,
author talks, literacy programs and public computers. BPL’s eResources, such as eBooks
and eVideos, catalog information and free homework help, are available to customers of
all ages 24 hours a day at our website: www.bklynlibrary.org.
About Fifth Avenue Committee
Fifth Avenue Committee, Inc. (FAC) is a nationally recognized South Brooklyn based non-
profit comprehensive community development corporation formed in 1978 whose mission
is to advance economic and social justice by building vibrant, diverse communities where
residents have genuine opportunities to achieve their goals as well as the power to shape
the community’s future. FAC works to transform the lives of over 5,500 low and moderate
income New Yorkers annually so that we can all live and work with dignity and respect
while making our community more equitable, sustainable, inclusive and just. To achieve
our mission FAC develops and manages affordable housing and community facilities,
creates economic opportunities and ensures access to economic stability, organizes
residents and workers, offers student centered adult education, and combats displacement
caused by gentrification. FAC has developed nearly 900 units of affordable housing,
currently manages more than 500 units and has an affordable housing pipeline of more
than 1,000 units.  For more information about FAC go to www.fifthave.org
Madeline Kaye
BerlinRosen Public Affairs 
O: (646) 200-5297 C: (646) 369-8226
From: <Pierre-Antoine>, "Juliet (HPD)" <morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov>
Date: Thursday, March 16, 2017 2:44 PM
To: "'Estrada, David'" <DEstrada@council.nyc.gov>, "Towell, Katherine" <KTowell@council.nyc.gov>,
"Leddy, Adam" <ALeddy@bklynlibrary.org>, "'Grace, Melissa'" <MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov>,
"Woloch, David" <DWoloch@bklynlibrary.org>
Cc: "Piedra Leon, Veronica" <VPiedraLeon@council.nyc.gov>, Madeline Kaye
<madeline.kaye@berlinrosen.com>, "Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)" <rohlfinge@hpd.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: sunset park
Here is a quote from HPD Commissioner Maria Torres-Springer:
“By combining affordable housing with improvements to public resources like the Sunset Park
Library, we are serving local residents and the community for generations to come,” said HPD
Commissioner Maria Torres-Springer.  “Today’s vote is an important milestone in making way for 49
new affordable apartments and a much-enhanced and expanded space for the library so it can
continue to serve as a vital hub for the neighborhood.”
I’ve attached a press release draft with updates from HPD. Let us know if you have any questions.
From: Estrada, David [mailto:DEstrada@council.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 3:10 PM
To: Towell, Katherine; 'Leddy, Adam'; 'Grace, Melissa'; Woloch, David
Cc: Piedra Leon, Veronica; Madeline Kaye (Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com); Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD);
Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)
Subject: RE: sunset park
And Council Member Menchaca’s quote will be sent in a few moments.
I note the 45-0 passage of all land use items at Stated Meeting today.
From: Towell, Katherine
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 2:43 PM
To: 'Leddy, Adam'; 'Grace, Melissa'; Woloch, David
Cc: Estrada, David; Piedra Leon, Veronica; Madeline Kaye (Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com); Rohlfing,
Elizabeth (HPD); 'Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)'
Subject: RE: sunset park
Council Land Use division provided some minor edits in the attached version. Speaker will be passing
on a quote to give fuller credit to CM Menchaca.
Katherine Towell
Press Officer
New York City Council
D: 212.788.0260 | M: 646.263.1699
From: Leddy, Adam [mailto:ALeddy@bklynlibrary.org]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 1:33 PM
To: 'Grace, Melissa' <MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Woloch, David <DWoloch@bklynlibrary.org>;
Towell, Katherine <KTowell@council.nyc.gov>
Cc: Estrada, David <DEstrada@council.nyc.gov>; Piedra Leon, Veronica
<VPiedraLeon@council.nyc.gov>; Madeline Kaye (Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com)
<Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com>; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) <rohlfinge@hpd.nyc.gov>; 'Pierre-
Antoine, Juliet (HPD)' <morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: sunset park
Got it, thank you Melissa. Will await the edits.
Adam Leddy | Communications Coordinator
Brooklyn Public Library
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 1:29 PM
To: Woloch, David; 'ktowell@council.nyc.gov'
Cc: Estrada, David (DEstrada@council.nyc.gov); 'vpiedraleon@council.nyc.gov'; Madeline Kaye
(Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com); Leddy, Adam; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD); 'Pierre-Antoine, Juliet
Subject: RE: sunset park
HPD is working on some edits for your release.
In the meantime, here is a statement from our Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen for the release:
“Today’s vote on the Sunset Park Library project represents a major victory for the values we cherish
– both creating new affordable housing and improving public libraries that are so central to our
communities.  By bringing 49 affordable apartments online and funding the expansion and upgrade
of the library, this development will serve the neighborhood for decades to come.”
From: Woloch, David [mailto:DWoloch@bklynlibrary.org]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 12:49 PM
To: 'ktowell@council.nyc.gov'
Cc: Estrada, David (DEstrada@council.nyc.gov); 'vpiedraleon@council.nyc.gov'; Madeline Kaye
(Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com); Leddy, Adam; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD); 'Pierre-Antoine, Juliet
(HPD)'; Grace, Melissa
Subject: sunset park
Katherine: Attached is a draft release on Sunset Park.  Would be great if we could do in conjunction
with the Council. I believe the Administration is providing a quote as well. I have cc’d CM
Menchaca’s office, HPD and City Hall press offices, and Madeline from BerlinRosen who is
coordinating for BPL.
David Woloch | Executive Vice President, External Affairs
Brooklyn Public Library

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain
CONFIDENTIAL or PRIVILEGED material. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is proh bited. If you are not the
intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. If you are the intended
recipient but do not wish to receive communications through this medium, please so advise the sender immediately.
From: Leddy, Adam
To: Grace, Melissa; "Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)"; Woloch, David; "Madeline Kaye"; "Estrada, David"; Towell,
Cc: Piedra Leon, Veronica; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD); Camonghne Felix; Ron Zak
Subject: RE: sunset park
Date: Thursday, March 16, 2017 5:11:53 PM
Attachments: Sunset Park release.docx

No problem Melissa. The attached version incorporates everyone’s edits and quotes. As
soon as you sign off, Madeline Kaye will issue it to press.
Thanks all,
Adam Leddy | Communications Coordinator
Brooklyn Public Library
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 4:47 PM
To: 'Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)'; Woloch, David; 'Madeline Kaye'; 'Estrada, David'; Towell, Katherine;
Leddy, Adam
Cc: Piedra Leon, Veronica; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD); Camonghne Felix
Subject: RE: sunset park
Please include Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen quote!
Would be great if it could be before or after the library’s quote.
Also, can you send us final before you issue. Thanks.
“Today’s vote on the Sunset Park Library project represents a major victory for the values we cherish
– both creating new affordable housing and improving public libraries that are so central to our
communities.  By bringing 49 affordable apartments online and funding the expansion and upgrade
of the library, this development will serve the neighborhood for decades to come.”
From: Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD) [mailto:morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 4:28 PM
To: 'Woloch, David'; 'Madeline Kaye'; 'Estrada, David'; Towell, Katherine; Leddy, Adam; Grace, Melissa
Cc: Piedra Leon, Veronica; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD); Camonghne Felix
Subject: RE: sunset park
Can we add the language I dropped in below in red?
From: Woloch, David [mailto:DWoloch@bklynlibrary.org]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 4:10 PM
To: 'Madeline Kaye'; Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD); 'Estrada, David'; Towell, Katherine; Leddy, Adam;
'Grace, Melissa'
Cc: Piedra Leon, Veronica; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD); Camonghne Felix
Subject: RE: sunset park
Need to add in D/M Glen quote  
David Woloch | Executive Vice President, External Affairs
Brooklyn Public Library
From: Madeline Kaye [mailto:Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 4:04 PM
To: Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD); 'Estrada, David'; Towell, Katherine; Leddy, Adam; 'Grace, Melissa';
Woloch, David
Cc: Piedra Leon, Veronica; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD); Camonghne Felix
Subject: Re: sunset park
We await CM Menchaca's quote, and once we receive, we will send the following out to relevant contacts.
I hope I have accommodated everyone's edits and that we're in agreement, but just in case, any further
edits should be done on this copy, below and attached.  
Best and thanks, 
BPL Contact: Madeline Kaye 
(646) 200-5297; (646) 369-8226
FAC Contact: Ron Zak
(718) 237-2017 ext. 130; (347) 439-5976

Sunset Park Library Redevelopment Project Approved by City Council
Innovative Partnership Between the City of New York, Brooklyn Public Library, Fifth
Avenue Committee to Nearly Double Size of One of Brooklyn’s Busiest Branches, Create
49 Units of Deeply Affordable Housing  
Plan Receives Unanimous Support 45-0 in Final Round of Rigorous Public Approval
BROOKLYN, NY—The New York City Council has voted to approve the Sunset Park
Library Redevelopment Project unanimously, Brooklyn Public Library, Fifth Avenue
Committee, and the de Blasio Administration announced today, finalizing the formal public
approval process for the innovative project. The proposal previously received unanimous
approval from the City Planning Commission and the City Council’s Land Use Committee
and Subcommittee on Planning, Dispositions and Concessions. The project was also
approved by the Borough President and the members of Community Board 7.
Developed in partnership with the Fifth Avenue Committee, a nonprofit with nearly four
decades’ experience in affordable housing and comprehensive community development,
Brooklyn Public Library’s new Sunset Park branch will provide the neighborhood with a
modern, state-of-the-art library that is nearly twice the size of the current location. Sunset
Park Library is one of Brooklyn’s busiest, with attendance and circulation that rank in the
top 10 of BPL’s 60 branches.
“Thanks to the support of the City Council and the residents of Sunset Park, we will soon
begin construction on a library that will offer the robust and diverse programming, large
multilingual collection and comfortable, inspiring environment that our patrons and staff
deserve,” said Brooklyn Public Library President and CEO Linda E. Johnson. “We
look forward to designing and building the new Sunset Park Library with input from the
“Fifth Avenue Committee is grateful for the overwhelming support this project has received
and that FAC and BPL will be able to move forward to bring a 21st century public library
and 100% truly and deeply affordable housing to the Sunset Park community.  This project
is a model in how to ensure that the community can achieve the maximum benefits
possible as part of redeveloping public land for public good.  We look forward to continuing
to work with the community as this project moves forward towards construction,” said
Michelle de la Uz, Fifth Avenue Committee Executive Director.
At 12,200 square feet, only 7,465 of which are accessible to the public, the current branch
is too small to meet the needs of this growing community. Built in the 1970s, it is poorly
laid out for modern use. The proposed new library will be 20,755 square feet, with 18,200
square feet expected to be accessible to the public. It will be outfitted for the modern era,
with the collections, technology and flexible space needed to accommodate many uses
and serve a large, diverse patronship.
The expansion of Sunset Park Library and the development of deeply affordable housing is
especially timely given the growth of the neighborhood. A 2017 study by the New York City
Comptroller's office identified a 34% increase in Sunset Park’s population between 1990
and 2014, double the citywide growth rate. The median rent in the neighborhood has
grown at a rate (63%) that far outpaces the growth in median income (25%).
The project will create 100% affordable housing atop the new library branch with
anticipated funding from the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and
Development (HPD). Forty-nine affordable units will be available for incomes spanning
30% to 80% of Area Median Income (AMI). The majority of the units are reserved for
incomes at or below 50% of AMI, and most apartments will rent for $500 to $1,000 per
month. A minimum of 50% of the apartments will be reserved for Community Board 7
residents, 10% for city employees and 10% for the physically disabled. Nine units will be
reserved for survivors of domestic violence. As a locally-based nonprofit developer whose
mission is to advance economic and social justice, FAC is committed to permanent
affordability for all of the apartments. 35% of the apartments will be permanently affordable
through City Regulatory Agreements that will be recorded with the property. 
“By combining affordable housing with improvements to public resources like the Sunset
Park Library, we are serving local residents and the community for generations to come,”
said HPD Commissioner Maria Torres-Springer.  “Today’s vote is an important
milestone in making way for 49 new affordable apartments and a much-enhanced and
expanded space for the library so it can continue to serve as a vital hub for the
The Fifth Avenue Committee will construct the eight-story, mixed-use building, including
the library’s core and shell, at no cost to Brooklyn Public Library. BPL will fit out the new
library for approximately $10 million, using a portion of the proceeds from the
redevelopment of its Brooklyn Heights branch. The city will own the library in perpetuity, as
it does the current branch.
Interim library service will be provided throughout the construction process at 4201 Fourth
Avenue, at 42nd  Street.
More details on the project are available here.
About Brooklyn Public Library:
Brooklyn Public Library (BPL) is an independent library system for the 2.5 million residents
of Brooklyn. It is the fifth largest library system in the United States with 60 neighborhood
libraries located throughout the borough. BPL offers free programs and services for all
ages and stages of life, including a large selection of books in more than 30 languages,
author talks, literacy programs and public computers. BPL’s eResources, such as eBooks
and eVideos, catalog information and free homework help, are available to customers of
all ages 24 hours a day at our website: www.bklynlibrary.org.
About Fifth Avenue Committee
Fifth Avenue Committee, Inc. (FAC) is a nationally recognized South Brooklyn based non-
profit comprehensive community development corporation formed in 1978 whose mission
is to advance economic and social justice by building vibrant, diverse communities where
residents have genuine opportunities to achieve their goals as well as the power to shape
the community’s future. FAC works to transform the lives of over 5,500 low and moderate
income New Yorkers annually so that we can all live and work with dignity and respect
while making our community more equitable, sustainable, inclusive and just. To achieve
our mission FAC develops and manages affordable housing and community facilities,
creates economic opportunities and ensures access to economic stability, organizes
residents and workers, offers student centered adult education, and combats displacement
caused by gentrification. FAC has developed nearly 900 units of affordable housing,
currently manages more than 500 units and has an affordable housing pipeline of more
than 1,000 units.  For more information about FAC go to www.fifthave.org
Madeline Kaye
BerlinRosen Public Affairs 
O: (646) 200-5297 C: (646) 369-8226
From: <Pierre-Antoine>, "Juliet (HPD)" <morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov>
Date: Thursday, March 16, 2017 2:44 PM
To: "'Estrada, David'" <DEstrada@council.nyc.gov>, "Towell, Katherine" <KTowell@council.nyc.gov>,
"Leddy, Adam" <ALeddy@bklynlibrary.org>, "'Grace, Melissa'" <MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov>,
"Woloch, David" <DWoloch@bklynlibrary.org>
Cc: "Piedra Leon, Veronica" <VPiedraLeon@council.nyc.gov>, Madeline Kaye
<madeline.kaye@berlinrosen.com>, "Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)" <rohlfinge@hpd.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: sunset park
Here is a quote from HPD Commissioner Maria Torres-Springer:
“By combining affordable housing with improvements to public resources like the Sunset Park
Library, we are serving local residents and the community for generations to come,” said HPD
Commissioner Maria Torres-Springer.  “Today’s vote is an important milestone in making way for 49
new affordable apartments and a much-enhanced and expanded space for the library so it can
continue to serve as a vital hub for the neighborhood.”
I’ve attached a press release draft with updates from HPD. Let us know if you have any questions.
From: Estrada, David [mailto:DEstrada@council.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 3:10 PM
To: Towell, Katherine; 'Leddy, Adam'; 'Grace, Melissa'; Woloch, David
Cc: Piedra Leon, Veronica; Madeline Kaye (Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com); Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD);
Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)
Subject: RE: sunset park
And Council Member Menchaca’s quote will be sent in a few moments.
I note the 45-0 passage of all land use items at Stated Meeting today.
From: Towell, Katherine
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 2:43 PM
To: 'Leddy, Adam'; 'Grace, Melissa'; Woloch, David
Cc: Estrada, David; Piedra Leon, Veronica; Madeline Kaye (Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com); Rohlfing,
Elizabeth (HPD); 'Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)'
Subject: RE: sunset park
Council Land Use division provided some minor edits in the attached version. Speaker will be passing
on a quote to give fuller credit to CM Menchaca.
Katherine Towell
Press Officer
New York City Council
D: 212.788.0260 | M: 646.263.1699
From: Leddy, Adam [mailto:ALeddy@bklynlibrary.org]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 1:33 PM
To: 'Grace, Melissa' <MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Woloch, David <DWoloch@bklynlibrary.org>;
Towell, Katherine <KTowell@council.nyc.gov>
Cc: Estrada, David <DEstrada@council.nyc.gov>; Piedra Leon, Veronica
<VPiedraLeon@council.nyc.gov>; Madeline Kaye (Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com)
<Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com>; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) <rohlfinge@hpd.nyc.gov>; 'Pierre-
Antoine, Juliet (HPD)' <morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: sunset park
Got it, thank you Melissa. Will await the edits.
Adam Leddy | Communications Coordinator
Brooklyn Public Library
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 1:29 PM
To: Woloch, David; 'ktowell@council.nyc.gov'
Cc: Estrada, David (DEstrada@council.nyc.gov); 'vpiedraleon@council.nyc.gov'; Madeline Kaye
(Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com); Leddy, Adam; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD); 'Pierre-Antoine, Juliet
Subject: RE: sunset park
HPD is working on some edits for your release.
In the meantime, here is a statement from our Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen for the release:
“Today’s vote on the Sunset Park Library project represents a major victory for the values we cherish
– both creating new affordable housing and improving public libraries that are so central to our
communities.  By bringing 49 affordable apartments online and funding the expansion and upgrade
of the library, this development will serve the neighborhood for decades to come.”
From: Woloch, David [mailto:DWoloch@bklynlibrary.org]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 12:49 PM
To: 'ktowell@council.nyc.gov'
Cc: Estrada, David (DEstrada@council.nyc.gov); 'vpiedraleon@council.nyc.gov'; Madeline Kaye
(Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com); Leddy, Adam; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD); 'Pierre-Antoine, Juliet
(HPD)'; Grace, Melissa
Subject: sunset park
Katherine: Attached is a draft release on Sunset Park.  Would be great if we could do in conjunction
with the Council. I believe the Administration is providing a quote as well. I have cc’d CM
Menchaca’s office, HPD and City Hall press offices, and Madeline from BerlinRosen who is
coordinating for BPL.
David Woloch | Executive Vice President, External Affairs
Brooklyn Public Library

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain
CONFIDENTIAL or PRIVILEGED material. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is proh bited. If you are not the
intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. If you are the intended
recipient but do not wish to receive communications through this medium, please so advise the sender immediately.

BPL Contact: Madeline Kaye

(646) 200-5297; (646) 369-8226

FAC Contact: Ron Zak

(718) 237-2017 ext. 130; (347) 439-5976

Sunset Park Library Redevelopment Project

Approved by City Council
Innovative Partnership Between the City of New York,
Brooklyn Public Library, Fifth Avenue Committee to Nearly
Double Size of One of Brooklyn’s Busiest Branches, Create
49 Units of Deeply Affordable Housing
Plan Receives Unanimous Support in Final Round of Rigorous Public
Approval Process

BROOKLYN, NY—The New York City Council has voted to approve the Sunset
Park Library Redevelopment Project unanimously, Brooklyn Public Library, Fifth
Avenue Committee and the de Blasio Administration announced today, finalizing
the formal public approval process for the innovative project. The proposal
previously received unanimous approval from the City Planning Commission and
the City Council’s Land Use Committee and Subcommittee on Planning,
Dispositions and Concessions. The project was also approved by the Borough
President and the members of Community Board 7.

Developed in partnership with the Fifth Avenue Committee, a nonprofit with

nearly four decades’ experience in affordable housing and comprehensive
community development, Brooklyn Public Library’s new Sunset Park branch will
provide the neighborhood with a modern, state-of-the-art library that is nearly
twice the size of the current location. Sunset Park Library is one of Brooklyn’s
busiest, with attendance and circulation that rank in the top 10 of BPL’s 60

“Thanks to the support of the City Council and the residents of Sunset Park, we
will soon begin construction of a library that will offer the robust and diverse
programming, large multilingual collection and comfortable, inspiring environment
that our patrons and staff deserve,” said Brooklyn Public Library President
and CEO Linda E. Johnson. “We look forward to designing and building the
new Sunset Park Library with input from the community.”

“Today’s vote on the Sunset Park Library project represents a major victory for
the values we cherish – both creating new affordable housing and improving
public libraries that are so central to our communities,” said Deputy Mayor Alicia
Glen. “By bringing 49 affordable apartments online and funding the expansion
and upgrade of the library, this development will serve the neighborhood for
decades to come.”

“By combining affordable housing with improvements to public resources like the
Sunset Park Library, we are serving local residents and the community for
generations to come,” said Department of Housing, Preservation and
Development Commissioner Maria Torres-Springer. “Today’s vote is an
important milestone in making way for 49 new affordable apartments and a
much-enhanced and expanded space for the library so it can continue to serve
as a vital hub for the neighborhood.”

“Fifth Avenue Committee is grateful for the overwhelming support this project has
received and that FAC and BPL will be able to move forward to bring a 21st
century public library and 100% truly and deeply affordable housing to the Sunset
Park community. This project is a model in how to ensure that the community can
achieve the maximum benefits possible as part of redeveloping public land for
public good. We look forward to continuing to work with the community as this
project moves forward towards construction,” said Michelle de la Uz, Fifth
Avenue Committee Executive Director.

“For the past two years, Sunset Park stakeholders and I have held public
meetings and hearings on how to rebuild our aging library. A call for an expanded
and modern library that meets local needs such as affordable housing and
community space was at the center of this process. Together, we’ve worked to
ensure that our residents’ recommendations were heard. Today, the New York
City Council voted unanimously in approval of a project that includes legal
requirements for 100% affordable housing and a permanently protected
community library. I want to thank the Brooklyn Public Library and Fifth Avenue
Committee for crafting a project that will serve Sunset Park residents for
generations to come,” said Council Member Carlos Menchaca.

At 12,200 square feet, only 7,465 of which are accessible to the public, the
current branch is too small to meet the needs of this growing community. Built in
the 1970s, it is poorly laid out for modern use. The proposed new library will be
20,755 square feet, with 18,200 square feet expected to be accessible to the
public. It will be outfitted for the modern era, with the collections, technology and
flexible space needed to accommodate many uses and serve a large, diverse

The expansion of Sunset Park Library and the development of deeply affordable
housing is especially timely given the growth of the neighborhood. A 2017 study
by the New York City Comptroller's office identified a 34% increase in Sunset
Park’s population between 1990 and 2014, double the citywide growth rate. The
median rent in the neighborhood has grown at a rate (63%) that far outpaces the
growth in median income (25%).

The project will create 100% affordable housing atop the new library branch, with
anticipated financing from the New York City Department of Housing
Preservation and Development. Forty-nine affordable units will be available for
incomes spanning 30% to 80% of Area Median Income (AMI). The majority of the
units are reserved for incomes at or below 50% of AMI, and most apartments will
rent for $500 to $1,000 per month. A minimum of 50% of the apartments will be
reserved for Community Board 7 residents, 10% for city employees and 10% for
the physically disabled. Nine units will be reserved for survivors of domestic
violence. As a locally-based nonprofit developer whose mission is to advance
economic and social justice, FAC is committed to permanent affordability for all
of the apartments. Thirty-five percent of the apartments will be permanently
affordable through City Regulatory Agreements that will be recorded with the

The Fifth Avenue Committee will construct the eight-story, mixed-use building,
including the library’s core and shell, at no cost to Brooklyn Public Library. BPL
will fit out the new library for approximately $10 million, using a portion of the
proceeds from the redevelopment of its Brooklyn Heights branch. The city will
own the library in perpetuity, as it does the current branch.

Interim library service will be provided throughout the construction process at

4201 Fourth Avenue, at 42nd Street.

More details on the project are available here.

# # #

About Brooklyn Public Library:

Brooklyn Public Library (BPL) is an independent library system for the 2.5 million
residents of Brooklyn. It is the fifth largest library system in the United States with
60 neighborhood libraries located throughout the borough. BPL offers free
programs and services for all ages and stages of life, including a large selection
of books in more than 30 languages, author talks, literacy programs and public
computers. BPL’s eResources, such as eBooks and eVideos, catalog information
and free homework help, are available to customers of all ages 24 hours a day at
our website: www.bklynlibrary.org.
About Fifth Avenue Committee
Fifth Avenue Committee, Inc. (FAC) is a nationally recognized South Brooklyn
based non-profit comprehensive community development corporation formed in
1978 whose mission is to advance economic and social justice by building
vibrant, diverse communities where residents have genuine opportunities to
achieve their goals as well as the power to shape the community’s future. FAC
works to transform the lives of over 5,500 low and moderate income New
Yorkers annually so that we can all live and work with dignity and respect while
making our community more equitable, sustainable, inclusive and just. To
achieve our mission FAC develops and manages affordable housing and
community facilities, creates economic opportunities and ensures access to
economic stability, organizes residents and workers, offers student centered
adult education, and combats displacement caused by gentrification. FAC has
developed nearly 900 units of affordable housing, currently manages more than
500 units and has an affordable housing pipeline of more than 1,000 units. For
more information about FAC go to www.fifthave.org.
From: Grace, Melissa
To: "Woloch, David"; Leddy, Adam; "Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)"; "Madeline Kaye"; "Estrada, David"; Towell,
Cc: Piedra Leon, Veronica; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD); Camonghne Felix; Ron Zak
Subject: RE: sunset park
Date: Thursday, March 16, 2017 6:45:44 PM

Looks good, but can you send us final with Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen’s quote?  
“Today’s vote on the Sunset Park Library project represents a major victory for the values we cherish
– both creating new affordable housing and improving public libraries that are so central to our
communities.  By bringing 49 affordable apartments online and funding the expansion and upgrade
of the library, this development will serve the neighborhood for decades to come.”
From: Woloch, David [mailto:DWoloch@bklynlibrary.org]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 6:43 PM
To: Leddy, Adam; Grace, Melissa; 'Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)'; 'Madeline Kaye'; 'Estrada, David';
Towell, Katherine
Cc: Piedra Leon, Veronica; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD); Camonghne Felix; Ron Zak
Subject: RE: sunset park
Melissa. just checking if we are good to release this. 
Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
-------- Original message --------
From: "Leddy, Adam" <ALeddy@bklynlibrary.org>
Date: 3/16/17 5:11 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: "'Grace, Melissa'" <MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "'Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)'"
<morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov>, "Woloch, David" <DWoloch@bklynlibrary.org>, 'Madeline Kaye'
<Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com>, "'Estrada, David'" <DEstrada@council.nyc.gov>,
"Towell, Katherine" <KTowell@council.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Piedra Leon, Veronica" <VPiedraLeon@council.nyc.gov>, "Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)"
<rohlfinge@hpd.nyc.gov>, Camonghne Felix <Camonghne.Felix@berlinrosen.com>, Ron
Zak <RZak@fifthave.org>
Subject: RE: sunset park
No problem Melissa. The attached version incorporates everyone’s edits and quotes. As
soon as you sign off, Madeline Kaye will issue it to press.
Thanks all,
Adam Leddy | Communications Coordinator
Brooklyn Public Library
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 4:47 PM
To: 'Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)'; Woloch, David; 'Madeline Kaye'; 'Estrada, David'; Towell, Katherine;
Leddy, Adam
Cc: Piedra Leon, Veronica; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD); Camonghne Felix
Subject: RE: sunset park
Please include Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen quote!
Would be great if it could be before or after the library’s quote.
Also, can you send us final before you issue. Thanks.
“Today’s vote on the Sunset Park Library project represents a major victory for the values we cherish
– both creating new affordable housing and improving public libraries that are so central to our
communities.  By bringing 49 affordable apartments online and funding the expansion and upgrade
of the library, this development will serve the neighborhood for decades to come.”
From: Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD) [mailto:morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 4:28 PM
To: 'Woloch, David'; 'Madeline Kaye'; 'Estrada, David'; Towell, Katherine; Leddy, Adam; Grace, Melissa
Cc: Piedra Leon, Veronica; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD); Camonghne Felix
Subject: RE: sunset park
Can we add the language I dropped in below in red?
From: Woloch, David [mailto:DWoloch@bklynlibrary.org]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 4:10 PM
To: 'Madeline Kaye'; Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD); 'Estrada, David'; Towell, Katherine; Leddy, Adam;
'Grace, Melissa'
Cc: Piedra Leon, Veronica; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD); Camonghne Felix
Subject: RE: sunset park
Need to add in D/M Glen quote  
David Woloch | Executive Vice President, External Affairs
Brooklyn Public Library
From: Madeline Kaye [mailto:Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 4:04 PM
To: Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD); 'Estrada, David'; Towell, Katherine; Leddy, Adam; 'Grace, Melissa';
Woloch, David
Cc: Piedra Leon, Veronica; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD); Camonghne Felix
Subject: Re: sunset park
We await CM Menchaca's quote, and once we receive, we will send the following out to relevant contacts.
I hope I have accommodated everyone's edits and that we're in agreement, but just in case, any further
edits should be done on this copy, below and attached.  
Best and thanks, 
BPL Contact: Madeline Kaye 
(646) 200-5297; (646) 369-8226
FAC Contact: Ron Zak
(718) 237-2017 ext. 130; (347) 439-5976

Sunset Park Library Redevelopment Project Approved by City Council
Innovative Partnership Between the City of New York, Brooklyn Public Library, Fifth
Avenue Committee to Nearly Double Size of One of Brooklyn’s Busiest Branches, Create
49 Units of Deeply Affordable Housing  
Plan Receives Unanimous Support 45-0 in Final Round of Rigorous Public Approval
BROOKLYN, NY—The New York City Council has voted to approve the Sunset Park
Library Redevelopment Project unanimously, Brooklyn Public Library, Fifth Avenue
Committee, and the de Blasio Administration announced today, finalizing the formal public
approval process for the innovative project. The proposal previously received unanimous
approval from the City Planning Commission and the City Council’s Land Use Committee
and Subcommittee on Planning, Dispositions and Concessions. The project was also
approved by the Borough President and the members of Community Board 7.
Developed in partnership with the Fifth Avenue Committee, a nonprofit with nearly four
decades’ experience in affordable housing and comprehensive community development,
Brooklyn Public Library’s new Sunset Park branch will provide the neighborhood with a
modern, state-of-the-art library that is nearly twice the size of the current location. Sunset
Park Library is one of Brooklyn’s busiest, with attendance and circulation that rank in the
top 10 of BPL’s 60 branches.
“Thanks to the support of the City Council and the residents of Sunset Park, we will soon
begin construction on a library that will offer the robust and diverse programming, large
multilingual collection and comfortable, inspiring environment that our patrons and staff
deserve,” said Brooklyn Public Library President and CEO Linda E. Johnson. “We
look forward to designing and building the new Sunset Park Library with input from the
“Fifth Avenue Committee is grateful for the overwhelming support this project has received
and that FAC and BPL will be able to move forward to bring a 21st century public library
and 100% truly and deeply affordable housing to the Sunset Park community.  This project
is a model in how to ensure that the community can achieve the maximum benefits
possible as part of redeveloping public land for public good.  We look forward to continuing
to work with the community as this project moves forward towards construction,” said
Michelle de la Uz, Fifth Avenue Committee Executive Director.
At 12,200 square feet, only 7,465 of which are accessible to the public, the current branch
is too small to meet the needs of this growing community. Built in the 1970s, it is poorly
laid out for modern use. The proposed new library will be 20,755 square feet, with 18,200
square feet expected to be accessible to the public. It will be outfitted for the modern era,
with the collections, technology and flexible space needed to accommodate many uses
and serve a large, diverse patronship.
The expansion of Sunset Park Library and the development of deeply affordable housing is
especially timely given the growth of the neighborhood. A 2017 study by the New York City
Comptroller's office identified a 34% increase in Sunset Park’s population between 1990
and 2014, double the citywide growth rate. The median rent in the neighborhood has
grown at a rate (63%) that far outpaces the growth in median income (25%).
The project will create 100% affordable housing atop the new library branch with
anticipated funding from the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and
Development (HPD). Forty-nine affordable units will be available for incomes spanning
30% to 80% of Area Median Income (AMI). The majority of the units are reserved for
incomes at or below 50% of AMI, and most apartments will rent for $500 to $1,000 per
month. A minimum of 50% of the apartments will be reserved for Community Board 7
residents, 10% for city employees and 10% for the physically disabled. Nine units will be
reserved for survivors of domestic violence. As a locally-based nonprofit developer whose
mission is to advance economic and social justice, FAC is committed to permanent
affordability for all of the apartments. 35% of the apartments will be permanently affordable
through City Regulatory Agreements that will be recorded with the property. 
“By combining affordable housing with improvements to public resources like the Sunset
Park Library, we are serving local residents and the community for generations to come,”
said HPD Commissioner Maria Torres-Springer.  “Today’s vote is an important
milestone in making way for 49 new affordable apartments and a much-enhanced and
expanded space for the library so it can continue to serve as a vital hub for the
The Fifth Avenue Committee will construct the eight-story, mixed-use building, including
the library’s core and shell, at no cost to Brooklyn Public Library. BPL will fit out the new
library for approximately $10 million, using a portion of the proceeds from the
redevelopment of its Brooklyn Heights branch. The city will own the library in perpetuity, as
it does the current branch.
Interim library service will be provided throughout the construction process at 4201 Fourth
Avenue, at 42nd  Street.
More details on the project are available here.
About Brooklyn Public Library:
Brooklyn Public Library (BPL) is an independent library system for the 2.5 million residents
of Brooklyn. It is the fifth largest library system in the United States with 60 neighborhood
libraries located throughout the borough. BPL offers free programs and services for all
ages and stages of life, including a large selection of books in more than 30 languages,
author talks, literacy programs and public computers. BPL’s eResources, such as eBooks
and eVideos, catalog information and free homework help, are available to customers of
all ages 24 hours a day at our website: www.bklynlibrary.org.
About Fifth Avenue Committee
Fifth Avenue Committee, Inc. (FAC) is a nationally recognized South Brooklyn based non-
profit comprehensive community development corporation formed in 1978 whose mission
is to advance economic and social justice by building vibrant, diverse communities where
residents have genuine opportunities to achieve their goals as well as the power to shape
the community’s future. FAC works to transform the lives of over 5,500 low and moderate
income New Yorkers annually so that we can all live and work with dignity and respect
while making our community more equitable, sustainable, inclusive and just. To achieve
our mission FAC develops and manages affordable housing and community facilities,
creates economic opportunities and ensures access to economic stability, organizes
residents and workers, offers student centered adult education, and combats displacement
caused by gentrification. FAC has developed nearly 900 units of affordable housing,
currently manages more than 500 units and has an affordable housing pipeline of more
than 1,000 units.  For more information about FAC go to www.fifthave.org
Madeline Kaye
BerlinRosen Public Affairs 
O: (646) 200-5297 C: (646) 369-8226
From: <Pierre-Antoine>, "Juliet (HPD)" <morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov>
Date: Thursday, March 16, 2017 2:44 PM
To: "'Estrada, David'" <DEstrada@council.nyc.gov>, "Towell, Katherine" <KTowell@council.nyc.gov>,
"Leddy, Adam" <ALeddy@bklynlibrary.org>, "'Grace, Melissa'" <MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov>,
"Woloch, David" <DWoloch@bklynlibrary.org>
Cc: "Piedra Leon, Veronica" <VPiedraLeon@council.nyc.gov>, Madeline Kaye
<madeline.kaye@berlinrosen.com>, "Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)" <rohlfinge@hpd.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: sunset park
Here is a quote from HPD Commissioner Maria Torres-Springer:
“By combining affordable housing with improvements to public resources like the Sunset Park
Library, we are serving local residents and the community for generations to come,” said HPD
Commissioner Maria Torres-Springer.  “Today’s vote is an important milestone in making way for 49
new affordable apartments and a much-enhanced and expanded space for the library so it can
continue to serve as a vital hub for the neighborhood.”
I’ve attached a press release draft with updates from HPD. Let us know if you have any questions.
From: Estrada, David [mailto:DEstrada@council.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 3:10 PM
To: Towell, Katherine; 'Leddy, Adam'; 'Grace, Melissa'; Woloch, David
Cc: Piedra Leon, Veronica; Madeline Kaye (Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com); Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD);
Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)
Subject: RE: sunset park
And Council Member Menchaca’s quote will be sent in a few moments.
I note the 45-0 passage of all land use items at Stated Meeting today.
From: Towell, Katherine
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 2:43 PM
To: 'Leddy, Adam'; 'Grace, Melissa'; Woloch, David
Cc: Estrada, David; Piedra Leon, Veronica; Madeline Kaye (Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com); Rohlfing,
Elizabeth (HPD); 'Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)'
Subject: RE: sunset park
Council Land Use division provided some minor edits in the attached version. Speaker will be passing
on a quote to give fuller credit to CM Menchaca.
Katherine Towell
Press Officer
New York City Council
D: 212.788.0260 | M: 646.263.1699
From: Leddy, Adam [mailto:ALeddy@bklynlibrary.org]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 1:33 PM
To: 'Grace, Melissa' <MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Woloch, David <DWoloch@bklynlibrary.org>;
Towell, Katherine <KTowell@council.nyc.gov>
Cc: Estrada, David <DEstrada@council.nyc.gov>; Piedra Leon, Veronica
<VPiedraLeon@council.nyc.gov>; Madeline Kaye (Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com)
<Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com>; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) <rohlfinge@hpd.nyc.gov>; 'Pierre-
Antoine, Juliet (HPD)' <morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: sunset park
Got it, thank you Melissa. Will await the edits.
Adam Leddy | Communications Coordinator
Brooklyn Public Library
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 1:29 PM
To: Woloch, David; 'ktowell@council.nyc.gov'
Cc: Estrada, David (DEstrada@council.nyc.gov); 'vpiedraleon@council.nyc.gov'; Madeline Kaye
(Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com); Leddy, Adam; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD); 'Pierre-Antoine, Juliet
Subject: RE: sunset park
HPD is working on some edits for your release.
In the meantime, here is a statement from our Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen for the release:
“Today’s vote on the Sunset Park Library project represents a major victory for the values we cherish
– both creating new affordable housing and improving public libraries that are so central to our
communities.  By bringing 49 affordable apartments online and funding the expansion and upgrade
of the library, this development will serve the neighborhood for decades to come.”
From: Woloch, David [mailto:DWoloch@bklynlibrary.org]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 12:49 PM
To: 'ktowell@council.nyc.gov'
Cc: Estrada, David (DEstrada@council.nyc.gov); 'vpiedraleon@council.nyc.gov'; Madeline Kaye
(Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com); Leddy, Adam; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD); 'Pierre-Antoine, Juliet
(HPD)'; Grace, Melissa
Subject: sunset park
Katherine: Attached is a draft release on Sunset Park.  Would be great if we could do in conjunction
with the Council. I believe the Administration is providing a quote as well. I have cc’d CM
Menchaca’s office, HPD and City Hall press offices, and Madeline from BerlinRosen who is
coordinating for BPL.
David Woloch | Executive Vice President, External Affairs
Brooklyn Public Library

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain
CONFIDENTIAL or PRIVILEGED material. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is proh bited. If you are not the
intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. If you are the intended
recipient but do not wish to receive communications through this medium, please so advise the sender immediately.
From: Leddy, Adam
To: Grace, Melissa
Cc: Woloch, David; Madeline Kaye
Subject: Fwd: sunset park
Date: Thursday, March 16, 2017 7:14:46 PM
Attachments: Sunset Park release.docx

Hi Melissa, dropping folks off and just making sure you saw the final version. Please
let us know when you are good with it. Thanks!

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Leddy, Adam" <ALeddy@bklynlibrary.org>

Date: March 16, 2017 at 5:11:46 PM EDT
To: "'Grace, Melissa'" <MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "'Pierre-Antoine, Juliet
(HPD)'" <morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov>, "Woloch, David"
<DWoloch@bklynlibrary.org>, 'Madeline Kaye'
<Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com>, "'Estrada, David'"
<DEstrada@council.nyc.gov>, "Towell, Katherine"
Cc: "Piedra Leon, Veronica" <VPiedraLeon@council.nyc.gov>, "Rohlfing,
Elizabeth  (HPD)" <rohlfinge@hpd.nyc.gov>, Camonghne Felix
<Camonghne.Felix@berlinrosen.com>, Ron Zak <RZak@fifthave.org>
Subject: RE: sunset park

No problem Melissa. The attached version incorporates everyone’s edits and

quotes. As soon as you sign off, Madeline Kaye will issue it to press.
Thanks all,
Adam Leddy | Communications Coordinator
Brooklyn Public Library
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 4:47 PM
To: 'Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)'; Woloch, David; 'Madeline Kaye'; 'Estrada, David'; Towell,
Katherine; Leddy, Adam
Cc: Piedra Leon, Veronica; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD); Camonghne Felix
Subject: RE: sunset park
Please include Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen quote!
Would be great if it could be before or after the library’s quote.
Also, can you send us final before you issue. Thanks.
“Today’s vote on the Sunset Park Library project represents a major victory for the
values we cherish – both creating new affordable housing and improving public
libraries that are so central to our communities.  By bringing 49 affordable apartments
online and funding the expansion and upgrade of the library, this development will
serve the neighborhood for decades to come.”
From: Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD) [mailto:morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 4:28 PM
To: 'Woloch, David'; 'Madeline Kaye'; 'Estrada, David'; Towell, Katherine; Leddy, Adam;
Grace, Melissa
Cc: Piedra Leon, Veronica; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD); Camonghne Felix
Subject: RE: sunset park
Can we add the language I dropped in below in red?
From: Woloch, David [mailto:DWoloch@bklynlibrary.org]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 4:10 PM
To: 'Madeline Kaye'; Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD); 'Estrada, David'; Towell, Katherine;
Leddy, Adam; 'Grace, Melissa'
Cc: Piedra Leon, Veronica; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD); Camonghne Felix
Subject: RE: sunset park
Need to add in D/M Glen quote  
David Woloch | Executive Vice President, External Affairs
Brooklyn Public Library
From: Madeline Kaye [mailto:Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 4:04 PM
To: Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD); 'Estrada, David'; Towell, Katherine; Leddy, Adam; 'Grace,
Melissa'; Woloch, David
Cc: Piedra Leon, Veronica; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD); Camonghne Felix
Subject: Re: sunset park
We await CM Menchaca's quote, and once we receive, we will send the following out to
relevant contacts. I hope I have accommodated everyone's edits and that we're in
agreement, but just in case, any further edits should be done on this copy, below and
Best and thanks, 
BPL Contact: Madeline Kaye 
(646) 200-5297; (646) 369-8226
FAC Contact: Ron Zak
(718) 237-2017 ext. 130; (347) 439-5976

Sunset Park Library Redevelopment Project Approved by City Council
Innovative Partnership Between the City of New York, Brooklyn Public Library,
Fifth Avenue Committee to Nearly Double Size of One of Brooklyn’s Busiest
Branches, Create 49 Units of Deeply Affordable Housing  
Plan Receives Unanimous Support 45-0 in Final Round of Rigorous Public
Approval Process
BROOKLYN, NY—The New York City Council has voted to approve the
Sunset Park Library Redevelopment Project unanimously, Brooklyn Public
Library, Fifth Avenue Committee, and the de Blasio Administration announced
today, finalizing the formal public approval process for the innovative project.
The proposal previously received unanimous approval from the City Planning
Commission and the City Council’s Land Use Committee and Subcommittee
on Planning, Dispositions and Concessions. The project was also approved by
the Borough President and the members of Community Board 7.
Developed in partnership with the Fifth Avenue Committee, a nonprofit with
nearly four decades’ experience in affordable housing and comprehensive
community development, Brooklyn Public Library’s new Sunset Park branch
will provide the neighborhood with a modern, state-of-the-art library that is
nearly twice the size of the current location. Sunset Park Library is one of
Brooklyn’s busiest, with attendance and circulation that rank in the top 10 of
BPL’s 60 branches.
“Thanks to the support of the City Council and the residents of Sunset Park,
we will soon begin construction on a library that will offer the robust and
diverse programming, large multilingual collection and comfortable, inspiring
environment that our patrons and staff deserve,” said Brooklyn Public
Library President and CEO Linda E. Johnson. “We look forward to
designing and building the new Sunset Park Library with input from the
“Fifth Avenue Committee is grateful for the overwhelming support this project
has received and that FAC and BPL will be able to move forward to bring a
21st century public library and 100% truly and deeply affordable housing to the
Sunset Park community.  This project is a model in how to ensure that the
community can achieve the maximum benefits possible as part of redeveloping
public land for public good.  We look forward to continuing to work with the
community as this project moves forward towards construction,” said Michelle
de la Uz, Fifth Avenue Committee Executive Director.
At 12,200 square feet, only 7,465 of which are accessible to the public, the
current branch is too small to meet the needs of this growing community. Built
in the 1970s, it is poorly laid out for modern use. The proposed new library will
be 20,755 square feet, with 18,200 square feet expected to be accessible to
the public. It will be outfitted for the modern era, with the collections,
technology and flexible space needed to accommodate many uses and serve
a large, diverse patronship.
The expansion of Sunset Park Library and the development of deeply
affordable housing is especially timely given the growth of the neighborhood. A
2017 study by the New York City Comptroller's office identified a 34% increase
in Sunset Park’s population between 1990 and 2014, double the citywide
growth rate. The median rent in the neighborhood has grown at a rate (63%)
that far outpaces the growth in median income (25%).
The project will create 100% affordable housing atop the new library branch
with anticipated funding from the New York City Department of Housing
Preservation and Development (HPD). Forty-nine affordable units will be
available for incomes spanning 30% to 80% of Area Median Income (AMI).
The majority of the units are reserved for incomes at or below 50% of AMI, and
most apartments will rent for $500 to $1,000 per month. A minimum of 50% of
the apartments will be reserved for Community Board 7 residents, 10% for city
employees and 10% for the physically disabled. Nine units will be reserved for
survivors of domestic violence. As a locally-based nonprofit developer whose
mission is to advance economic and social justice, FAC is committed to
permanent affordability for all of the apartments. 35% of the apartments will be
permanently affordable through City Regulatory Agreements that will be
recorded with the property. 
“By combining affordable housing with improvements to public resources like
the Sunset Park Library, we are serving local residents and the community for
generations to come,” said HPD Commissioner Maria Torres-Springer. 
“Today’s vote is an important milestone in making way for 49 new affordable
apartments and a much-enhanced and expanded space for the library so it
can continue to serve as a vital hub for the neighborhood.”
The Fifth Avenue Committee will construct the eight-story, mixed-use building,
including the library’s core and shell, at no cost to Brooklyn Public Library. BPL
will fit out the new library for approximately $10 million, using a portion of the
proceeds from the redevelopment of its Brooklyn Heights branch. The city will
own the library in perpetuity, as it does the current branch.
Interim library service will be provided throughout the construction process at
4201 Fourth Avenue, at 42nd  Street.
More details on the project are available here.
About Brooklyn Public Library:
Brooklyn Public Library (BPL) is an independent library system for the 2.5
million residents of Brooklyn. It is the fifth largest library system in the United
States with 60 neighborhood libraries located throughout the borough. BPL
offers free programs and services for all ages and stages of life, including a
large selection of books in more than 30 languages, author talks, literacy
programs and public computers. BPL’s eResources, such as eBooks and
eVideos, catalog information and free homework help, are available to
customers of all ages 24 hours a day at our website: www.bklynlibrary.org.
About Fifth Avenue Committee
Fifth Avenue Committee, Inc. (FAC) is a nationally recognized South Brooklyn
based non-profit comprehensive community development corporation formed
in 1978 whose mission is to advance economic and social justice by building
vibrant, diverse communities where residents have genuine opportunities to
achieve their goals as well as the power to shape the community’s future. FAC
works to transform the lives of over 5,500 low and moderate income New
Yorkers annually so that we can all live and work with dignity and respect
while making our community more equitable, sustainable, inclusive and just.
To achieve our mission FAC develops and manages affordable housing and
community facilities, creates economic opportunities and ensures access to
economic stability, organizes residents and workers, offers student centered
adult education, and combats displacement caused by gentrification. FAC has
developed nearly 900 units of affordable housing, currently manages more
than 500 units and has an affordable housing pipeline of more than 1,000
units.  For more information about FAC go to www.fifthave.org
Madeline Kaye
BerlinRosen Public Affairs 
O: (646) 200-5297 C: (646) 369-8226
From: <Pierre-Antoine>, "Juliet (HPD)" <morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov>
Date: Thursday, March 16, 2017 2:44 PM
To: "'Estrada, David'" <DEstrada@council.nyc.gov>, "Towell, Katherine"
<KTowell@council.nyc.gov>, "Leddy, Adam" <ALeddy@bklynlibrary.org>, "'Grace,
Melissa'" <MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Woloch, David" <DWoloch@bklynlibrary.org>
Cc: "Piedra Leon, Veronica" <VPiedraLeon@council.nyc.gov>, Madeline Kaye
<madeline.kaye@berlinrosen.com>, "Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)"
Subject: RE: sunset park
Here is a quote from HPD Commissioner Maria Torres-Springer:
“By combining affordable housing with improvements to public resources like the
Sunset Park Library, we are serving local residents and the community for generations
to come,” said HPD Commissioner Maria Torres-Springer.  “Today’s vote is an
important milestone in making way for 49 new affordable apartments and a much-
enhanced and expanded space for the library so it can continue to serve as a vital hub
for the neighborhood.”
I’ve attached a press release draft with updates from HPD. Let us know if you have any
From: Estrada, David [mailto:DEstrada@council.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 3:10 PM
To: Towell, Katherine; 'Leddy, Adam'; 'Grace, Melissa'; Woloch, David
Cc: Piedra Leon, Veronica; Madeline Kaye (Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com); Rohlfing,
Elizabeth (HPD); Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)
Subject: RE: sunset park
And Council Member Menchaca’s quote will be sent in a few moments.
I note the 45-0 passage of all land use items at Stated Meeting today.
From: Towell, Katherine
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 2:43 PM
To: 'Leddy, Adam'; 'Grace, Melissa'; Woloch, David
Cc: Estrada, David; Piedra Leon, Veronica; Madeline Kaye
(Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com); Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD); 'Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)'
Subject: RE: sunset park
Council Land Use division provided some minor edits in the attached version. Speaker
will be passing on a quote to give fuller credit to CM Menchaca.
Katherine Towell
Press Officer
New York City Council
D: 212.788.0260 | M: 646.263.1699
From: Leddy, Adam [mailto:ALeddy@bklynlibrary.org]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 1:33 PM
To: 'Grace, Melissa' <MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Woloch, David
<DWoloch@bklynlibrary.org>; Towell, Katherine <KTowell@council.nyc.gov>
Cc: Estrada, David <DEstrada@council.nyc.gov>; Piedra Leon, Veronica
<VPiedraLeon@council.nyc.gov>; Madeline Kaye (Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com)
<Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com>; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)
<rohlfinge@hpd.nyc.gov>; 'Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)' <morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: sunset park
Got it, thank you Melissa. Will await the edits.
Adam Leddy | Communications Coordinator
Brooklyn Public Library
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 1:29 PM
To: Woloch, David; 'ktowell@council.nyc.gov'
Cc: Estrada, David (DEstrada@council.nyc.gov); 'vpiedraleon@council.nyc.gov'; Madeline
Kaye (Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com); Leddy, Adam; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD); 'Pierre-
Antoine, Juliet (HPD)'
Subject: RE: sunset park
HPD is working on some edits for your release.
In the meantime, here is a statement from our Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen for the
“Today’s vote on the Sunset Park Library project represents a major victory for the
values we cherish – both creating new affordable housing and improving public
libraries that are so central to our communities.  By bringing 49 affordable apartments
online and funding the expansion and upgrade of the library, this development will
serve the neighborhood for decades to come.”
From: Woloch, David [mailto:DWoloch@bklynlibrary.org]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 12:49 PM
To: 'ktowell@council.nyc.gov'
Cc: Estrada, David (DEstrada@council.nyc.gov); 'vpiedraleon@council.nyc.gov'; Madeline
Kaye (Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com); Leddy, Adam; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD); 'Pierre-
Antoine, Juliet (HPD)'; Grace, Melissa
Subject: sunset park
Katherine: Attached is a draft release on Sunset Park.  Would be great if we could do in
conjunction with the Council. I believe the Administration is providing a quote as well. I
have cc’d CM Menchaca’s office, HPD and City Hall press offices, and Madeline from
BerlinRosen who is coordinating for BPL.
David Woloch | Executive Vice President, External Affairs
Brooklyn Public Library

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed
and may contain CONFIDENTIAL or PRIVILEGED material. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution
is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies
of the original message. If you are the intended recipient but do not wish to receive communications through this
medium, please so advise the sender immediately.

BPL Contact: Madeline Kaye

(646) 200-5297; (646) 369-8226

FAC Contact: Ron Zak

(718) 237-2017 ext. 130; (347) 439-5976

Sunset Park Library Redevelopment Project

Approved by City Council
Innovative Partnership Between the City of New York,
Brooklyn Public Library, Fifth Avenue Committee to Nearly
Double Size of One of Brooklyn’s Busiest Branches, Create
49 Units of Deeply Affordable Housing
Plan Receives Unanimous Support in Final Round of Rigorous Public
Approval Process

BROOKLYN, NY—The New York City Council has voted to approve the Sunset
Park Library Redevelopment Project unanimously, Brooklyn Public Library, Fifth
Avenue Committee and the de Blasio Administration announced today, finalizing
the formal public approval process for the innovative project. The proposal
previously received unanimous approval from the City Planning Commission and
the City Council’s Land Use Committee and Subcommittee on Planning,
Dispositions and Concessions. The project was also approved by the Borough
President and the members of Community Board 7.

Developed in partnership with the Fifth Avenue Committee, a nonprofit with

nearly four decades’ experience in affordable housing and comprehensive
community development, Brooklyn Public Library’s new Sunset Park branch will
provide the neighborhood with a modern, state-of-the-art library that is nearly
twice the size of the current location. Sunset Park Library is one of Brooklyn’s
busiest, with attendance and circulation that rank in the top 10 of BPL’s 60

“Thanks to the support of the City Council and the residents of Sunset Park, we
will soon begin construction of a library that will offer the robust and diverse
programming, large multilingual collection and comfortable, inspiring environment
that our patrons and staff deserve,” said Brooklyn Public Library President
and CEO Linda E. Johnson. “We look forward to designing and building the
new Sunset Park Library with input from the community.”

“Today’s vote on the Sunset Park Library project represents a major victory for
the values we cherish – both creating new affordable housing and improving
public libraries that are so central to our communities,” said Deputy Mayor Alicia
Glen. “By bringing 49 affordable apartments online and funding the expansion
and upgrade of the library, this development will serve the neighborhood for
decades to come.”

“By combining affordable housing with improvements to public resources like the
Sunset Park Library, we are serving local residents and the community for
generations to come,” said Department of Housing, Preservation and
Development Commissioner Maria Torres-Springer. “Today’s vote is an
important milestone in making way for 49 new affordable apartments and a
much-enhanced and expanded space for the library so it can continue to serve
as a vital hub for the neighborhood.”

“Fifth Avenue Committee is grateful for the overwhelming support this project has
received and that FAC and BPL will be able to move forward to bring a 21st
century public library and 100% truly and deeply affordable housing to the Sunset
Park community. This project is a model in how to ensure that the community can
achieve the maximum benefits possible as part of redeveloping public land for
public good. We look forward to continuing to work with the community as this
project moves forward towards construction,” said Michelle de la Uz, Fifth
Avenue Committee Executive Director.

“For the past two years, Sunset Park stakeholders and I have held public
meetings and hearings on how to rebuild our aging library. A call for an expanded
and modern library that meets local needs such as affordable housing and
community space was at the center of this process. Together, we’ve worked to
ensure that our residents’ recommendations were heard. Today, the New York
City Council voted unanimously in approval of a project that includes legal
requirements for 100% affordable housing and a permanently protected
community library. I want to thank the Brooklyn Public Library and Fifth Avenue
Committee for crafting a project that will serve Sunset Park residents for
generations to come,” said Council Member Carlos Menchaca.

At 12,200 square feet, only 7,465 of which are accessible to the public, the
current branch is too small to meet the needs of this growing community. Built in
the 1970s, it is poorly laid out for modern use. The proposed new library will be
20,755 square feet, with 18,200 square feet expected to be accessible to the
public. It will be outfitted for the modern era, with the collections, technology and
flexible space needed to accommodate many uses and serve a large, diverse

The expansion of Sunset Park Library and the development of deeply affordable
housing is especially timely given the growth of the neighborhood. A 2017 study
by the New York City Comptroller's office identified a 34% increase in Sunset
Park’s population between 1990 and 2014, double the citywide growth rate. The
median rent in the neighborhood has grown at a rate (63%) that far outpaces the
growth in median income (25%).

The project will create 100% affordable housing atop the new library branch, with
anticipated financing from the New York City Department of Housing
Preservation and Development. Forty-nine affordable units will be available for
incomes spanning 30% to 80% of Area Median Income (AMI). The majority of the
units are reserved for incomes at or below 50% of AMI, and most apartments will
rent for $500 to $1,000 per month. A minimum of 50% of the apartments will be
reserved for Community Board 7 residents, 10% for city employees and 10% for
the physically disabled. Nine units will be reserved for survivors of domestic
violence. As a locally-based nonprofit developer whose mission is to advance
economic and social justice, FAC is committed to permanent affordability for all
of the apartments. Thirty-five percent of the apartments will be permanently
affordable through City Regulatory Agreements that will be recorded with the

The Fifth Avenue Committee will construct the eight-story, mixed-use building,
including the library’s core and shell, at no cost to Brooklyn Public Library. BPL
will fit out the new library for approximately $10 million, using a portion of the
proceeds from the redevelopment of its Brooklyn Heights branch. The city will
own the library in perpetuity, as it does the current branch.

Interim library service will be provided throughout the construction process at

4201 Fourth Avenue, at 42nd Street.

More details on the project are available here.

# # #

About Brooklyn Public Library:

Brooklyn Public Library (BPL) is an independent library system for the 2.5 million
residents of Brooklyn. It is the fifth largest library system in the United States with
60 neighborhood libraries located throughout the borough. BPL offers free
programs and services for all ages and stages of life, including a large selection
of books in more than 30 languages, author talks, literacy programs and public
computers. BPL’s eResources, such as eBooks and eVideos, catalog information
and free homework help, are available to customers of all ages 24 hours a day at
our website: www.bklynlibrary.org.
About Fifth Avenue Committee
Fifth Avenue Committee, Inc. (FAC) is a nationally recognized South Brooklyn
based non-profit comprehensive community development corporation formed in
1978 whose mission is to advance economic and social justice by building
vibrant, diverse communities where residents have genuine opportunities to
achieve their goals as well as the power to shape the community’s future. FAC
works to transform the lives of over 5,500 low and moderate income New
Yorkers annually so that we can all live and work with dignity and respect while
making our community more equitable, sustainable, inclusive and just. To
achieve our mission FAC develops and manages affordable housing and
community facilities, creates economic opportunities and ensures access to
economic stability, organizes residents and workers, offers student centered
adult education, and combats displacement caused by gentrification. FAC has
developed nearly 900 units of affordable housing, currently manages more than
500 units and has an affordable housing pipeline of more than 1,000 units. For
more information about FAC go to www.fifthave.org.
From: Grace, Melissa
To: Madeline Kaye
Cc: Leddy, Adam; Woloch, David
Subject: Re: sunset park
Date: Thursday, March 16, 2017 8:33:15 PM


Melissa Grace
Deputy Press Secretary 
Mayor’s Press Office
o: 212-788-2969 
c: 347-224-2309

On Mar 16, 2017, at 8:11 PM, Madeline Kaye <Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com>


Yes! 9:30 or so, we will bcc you. 


From: Grace, Melissa [MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 7:29 PM
To: Leddy, Adam
Cc: Woloch, David; Madeline Kaye
Subject: Re: sunset park

Yes. Looks great. Thank you. 

Are you putting this out in the morning? 
Pls send me a copy when you do and i will push it around to reporters as well. 

Melissa Grace
Deputy Press Secretary 
Mayor’s Press Office
o: 212-788-2969 
c: 347-224-2309

On Mar 16, 2017, at 7:14 PM, Leddy, Adam <ALeddy@bklynlibrary.org>


Hi Melissa, dropping folks off and just making sure you saw the
final version. Please let us know when you are good with it. Thanks!

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Leddy, Adam" <ALeddy@bklynlibrary.org>

Date: March 16, 2017 at 5:11:46 PM EDT
To: "'Grace, Melissa'" <MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov>,
"'Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)'"
<morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov>, "Woloch, David"
<DWoloch@bklynlibrary.org>, 'Madeline Kaye'
<Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com>, "'Estrada, David'"
<DEstrada@council.nyc.gov>, "Towell, Katherine"
Cc: "Piedra Leon, Veronica"
<VPiedraLeon@council.nyc.gov>, "Rohlfing, Elizabeth 
(HPD)" <rohlfinge@hpd.nyc.gov>, Camonghne Felix
<Camonghne.Felix@berlinrosen.com>, Ron Zak
Subject: RE: sunset park

No problem Melissa. The attached version incorporates

everyone’s edits and quotes. As soon as you sign off,
Madeline Kaye will issue it to press.
Thanks all,
Adam Leddy | Communications Coordinator
Brooklyn Public Library
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 4:47 PM
To: 'Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)'; Woloch, David; 'Madeline
Kaye'; 'Estrada, David'; Towell, Katherine; Leddy, Adam
Cc: Piedra Leon, Veronica; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD);
Camonghne Felix
Subject: RE: sunset park
Please include Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen quote!
Would be great if it could be before or after the library’s
Also, can you send us final before you issue. Thanks.
“Today’s vote on the Sunset Park Library project represents
a major victory for the values we cherish – both creating
new affordable housing and improving public libraries that
are so central to our communities.  By bringing 49 affordable
apartments online and funding the expansion and upgrade
of the library, this development will serve the neighborhood
for decades to come.”
From: Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 4:28 PM
To: 'Woloch, David'; 'Madeline Kaye'; 'Estrada, David'; Towell,
Katherine; Leddy, Adam; Grace, Melissa
Cc: Piedra Leon, Veronica; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD);
Camonghne Felix
Subject: RE: sunset park
Can we add the language I dropped in below in red?
From: Woloch, David [mailto:DWoloch@bklynlibrary.org]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 4:10 PM
To: 'Madeline Kaye'; Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD); 'Estrada,
David'; Towell, Katherine; Leddy, Adam; 'Grace, Melissa'
Cc: Piedra Leon, Veronica; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD);
Camonghne Felix
Subject: RE: sunset park
Need to add in D/M Glen quote  
David Woloch | Executive Vice President, External Affairs
Brooklyn Public Library
From: Madeline Kaye [mailto:Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 4:04 PM

To: Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD); 'Estrada, David'; Towell,
Katherine; Leddy, Adam; 'Grace, Melissa'; Woloch, David
Cc: Piedra Leon, Veronica; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD);
Camonghne Felix
Subject: Re: sunset park
We await CM Menchaca's quote, and once we receive, we will
send the following out to relevant contacts. I hope I have
accommodated everyone's edits and that we're in agreement,
but just in case, any further edits should be done on this copy,
below and attached.  
Best and thanks, 
BPL Contact: Madeline Kaye 
(646) 200-5297; (646) 369-8226
FAC Contact: Ron Zak
(718) 237-2017 ext. 130; (347) 439-5976

Sunset Park Library Redevelopment Project
Approved by City Council
Innovative Partnership Between the City of New York,
Brooklyn Public Library, Fifth Avenue Committee to
Nearly Double Size of One of Brooklyn’s Busiest
Branches, Create 49 Units of Deeply Affordable
Plan Receives Unanimous Support 45-0 in Final
Round of Rigorous Public Approval Process
BROOKLYN, NY—The New York City Council has
voted to approve the Sunset Park Library
Redevelopment Project unanimously, Brooklyn Public
Library, Fifth Avenue Committee, and the de Blasio
Administration announced today, finalizing the formal
public approval process for the innovative project. The
proposal previously received unanimous approval from
the City Planning Commission and the City Council’s
Land Use Committee and Subcommittee on Planning,
Dispositions and Concessions. The project was also
approved by the Borough President and the members
of Community Board 7.
Developed in partnership with the Fifth Avenue
Committee, a nonprofit with nearly four decades’
experience in affordable housing and comprehensive
community development, Brooklyn Public Library’s
new Sunset Park branch will provide the neighborhood
with a modern, state-of-the-art library that is nearly
twice the size of the current location. Sunset Park
Library is one of Brooklyn’s busiest, with attendance
and circulation that rank in the top 10 of BPL’s 60
“Thanks to the support of the City Council and the
residents of Sunset Park, we will soon begin
construction on a library that will offer the robust and
diverse programming, large multilingual collection and
comfortable, inspiring environment that our patrons
and staff deserve,” said Brooklyn Public Library
President and CEO Linda E. Johnson. “We look
forward to designing and building the new Sunset Park
Library with input from the community.”
“Fifth Avenue Committee is grateful for the
overwhelming support this project has received and
that FAC and BPL will be able to move forward to
bring a 21st century public library and 100% truly and
deeply affordable housing to the Sunset Park
community.  This project is a model in how to ensure
that the community can achieve the maximum benefits
possible as part of redeveloping public land for public
good.  We look forward to continuing to work with the
community as this project moves forward towards
construction,” said Michelle de la Uz, Fifth Avenue
Committee Executive Director.
At 12,200 square feet, only 7,465 of which are
accessible to the public, the current branch is too small
to meet the needs of this growing community. Built in
the 1970s, it is poorly laid out for modern use. The
proposed new library will be 20,755 square feet, with
18,200 square feet expected to be accessible to the
public. It will be outfitted for the modern era, with the
collections, technology and flexible space needed to
accommodate many uses and serve a large, diverse
The expansion of Sunset Park Library and the
development of deeply affordable housing is especially
timely given the growth of the neighborhood. A 2017
study by the New York City Comptroller's office
identified a 34% increase in Sunset Park’s population
between 1990 and 2014, double the citywide growth
rate. The median rent in the neighborhood has grown
at a rate (63%) that far outpaces the growth in median
income (25%).
The project will create 100% affordable housing atop
the new library branch with anticipated funding from
the New York City Department of Housing
Preservation and Development (HPD). Forty-nine
affordable units will be available for incomes spanning
30% to 80% of Area Median Income (AMI). The
majority of the units are reserved for incomes at or
below 50% of AMI, and most apartments will rent for
$500 to $1,000 per month. A minimum of 50% of the
apartments will be reserved for Community Board 7
residents, 10% for city employees and 10% for the
physically disabled. Nine units will be reserved for
survivors of domestic violence. As a locally-based
nonprofit developer whose mission is to advance
economic and social justice, FAC is committed to
permanent affordability for all of the apartments. 35%
of the apartments will be permanently affordable
through City Regulatory Agreements that will be
recorded with the property. 
“By combining affordable housing with improvements
to public resources like the Sunset Park Library, we
are serving local residents and the community for
generations to come,” said HPD Commissioner Maria
Torres-Springer.  “Today’s vote is an important
milestone in making way for 49 new affordable
apartments and a much-enhanced and expanded
space for the library so it can continue to serve as a
vital hub for the neighborhood.”
The Fifth Avenue Committee will construct the eight-
story, mixed-use building, including the library’s core
and shell, at no cost to Brooklyn Public Library. BPL
will fit out the new library for approximately $10 million,
using a portion of the proceeds from the
redevelopment of its Brooklyn Heights branch. The city
will own the library in perpetuity, as it does the current
Interim library service will be provided throughout the
construction process at 4201 Fourth Avenue, at
42nd  Street.
More details on the project are available here.
About Brooklyn Public Library:
Brooklyn Public Library (BPL) is an independent library
system for the 2.5 million residents of Brooklyn. It is
the fifth largest library system in the United States with
60 neighborhood libraries located throughout the
borough. BPL offers free programs and services for all
ages and stages of life, including a large selection of
books in more than 30 languages, author talks, literacy
programs and public computers. BPL’s eResources,
such as eBooks and eVideos, catalog information and
free homework help, are available to customers of all
ages 24 hours a day at our
website: www.bklynlibrary.org.
About Fifth Avenue Committee
Fifth Avenue Committee, Inc. (FAC) is a nationally
recognized South Brooklyn based non-profit
comprehensive community development corporation
formed in 1978 whose mission is to advance economic
and social justice by building vibrant, diverse
communities where residents have genuine
opportunities to achieve their goals as well as the
power to shape the community’s future. FAC works to
transform the lives of over 5,500 low and moderate
income New Yorkers annually so that we can all live
and work with dignity and respect while making our
community more equitable, sustainable, inclusive and
just. To achieve our mission FAC develops and
manages affordable housing and community facilities,
creates economic opportunities and ensures access to
economic stability, organizes residents and workers,
offers student centered adult education, and combats
displacement caused by gentrification. FAC has
developed nearly 900 units of affordable housing,
currently manages more than 500 units and has an
affordable housing pipeline of more than 1,000 units. 
For more information about FAC go to
Madeline Kaye
BerlinRosen Public Affairs 
O: (646) 200-5297 C: (646) 369-8226
From: <Pierre-Antoine>, "Juliet (HPD)"
Date: Thursday, March 16, 2017 2:44 PM
To: "'Estrada, David'" <DEstrada@council.nyc.gov>, "Towell,
Katherine" <KTowell@council.nyc.gov>, "Leddy, Adam"
<ALeddy@bklynlibrary.org>, "'Grace, Melissa'"
<MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Woloch, David"
Cc: "Piedra Leon, Veronica"
<VPiedraLeon@council.nyc.gov>, Madeline Kaye
<madeline.kaye@berlinrosen.com>, "Rohlfing, Elizabeth
(HPD)" <rohlfinge@hpd.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: sunset park
Here is a quote from HPD Commissioner Maria Torres-
“By combining affordable housing with improvements to
public resources like the Sunset Park Library, we are serving
local residents and the community for generations to come,”
said HPD Commissioner Maria Torres-Springer.  “Today’s
vote is an important milestone in making way for 49 new
affordable apartments and a much-enhanced and expanded
space for the library so it can continue to serve as a vital hub
for the neighborhood.”
I’ve attached a press release draft with updates from HPD.
Let us know if you have any questions.
From: Estrada, David [mailto:DEstrada@council.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 3:10 PM
To: Towell, Katherine; 'Leddy, Adam'; 'Grace, Melissa'; Woloch,
Cc: Piedra Leon, Veronica; Madeline Kaye
(Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com); Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD);
Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)
Subject: RE: sunset park
And Council Member Menchaca’s quote will be sent in a few
I note the 45-0 passage of all land use items at Stated
Meeting today.
From: Towell, Katherine
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 2:43 PM
To: 'Leddy, Adam'; 'Grace, Melissa'; Woloch, David
Cc: Estrada, David; Piedra Leon, Veronica; Madeline Kaye
(Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com); Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD);
'Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)'
Subject: RE: sunset park
Council Land Use division provided some minor edits in the
attached version. Speaker will be passing on a quote to give
fuller credit to CM Menchaca.
Katherine Towell
Press Officer
New York City Council
D: 212.788.0260 | M: 646.263.1699
From: Leddy, Adam [mailto:ALeddy@bklynlibrary.org]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 1:33 PM
To: 'Grace, Melissa' <MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Woloch,
David <DWoloch@bklynlibrary.org>; Towell, Katherine
Cc: Estrada, David <DEstrada@council.nyc.gov>; Piedra
Leon, Veronica <VPiedraLeon@council.nyc.gov>; Madeline
Kaye (Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com)
<Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com>; Rohlfing, Elizabeth
(HPD) <rohlfinge@hpd.nyc.gov>; 'Pierre-Antoine, Juliet
(HPD)' <morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: sunset park
Got it, thank you Melissa. Will await the edits.
Adam Leddy | Communications Coordinator
Brooklyn Public Library
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 1:29 PM
To: Woloch, David; 'ktowell@council.nyc.gov'
Cc: Estrada, David (DEstrada@council.nyc.gov);
'vpiedraleon@council.nyc.gov'; Madeline Kaye
(Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com); Leddy, Adam; Rohlfing,
Elizabeth (HPD); 'Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)'
Subject: RE: sunset park
HPD is working on some edits for your release.
In the meantime, here is a statement from our Deputy
Mayor Alicia Glen for the release:
“Today’s vote on the Sunset Park Library project represents
a major victory for the values we cherish – both creating
new affordable housing and improving public libraries that
are so central to our communities.  By bringing 49 affordable
apartments online and funding the expansion and upgrade
of the library, this development will serve the neighborhood
for decades to come.”
From: Woloch, David [mailto:DWoloch@bklynlibrary.org]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 12:49 PM
To: 'ktowell@council.nyc.gov'
Cc: Estrada, David (DEstrada@council.nyc.gov);
'vpiedraleon@council.nyc.gov'; Madeline Kaye
(Madeline.Kaye@berlinrosen.com); Leddy, Adam; Rohlfing,
Elizabeth (HPD); 'Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)'; Grace, Melissa
Subject: sunset park
Katherine: Attached is a draft release on Sunset Park.  Would
be great if we could do in conjunction with the Council. I
believe the Administration is providing a quote as well. I
have cc’d CM Menchaca’s office, HPD and City Hall press
offices, and Madeline from BerlinRosen who is coordinating
for BPL.
David Woloch | Executive Vice President, External Affairs
Brooklyn Public Library

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message is intended only for the

person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain CONFIDENTIAL or
PRIVILEGED material. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distr bution is
prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by
reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. If you are the
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medium, please so advise the sender immediately.

<Sunset Park release.docx>

From: Madeline Kaye
To: Madeline Kaye
Subject: RELEASE: Sunset Park Library Redevelopment Project Approved by City Council
Date: Friday, March 17, 2017 9:44:12 AM
Attachments: 639C965B-B84B-429E-AD15-67C7DD077D75.png


BPL Contact: Madeline Kaye 
(646) 200-5297; (646) 369-8226

FAC Contact: Ron Zak

(718) 237-2017 ext. 130; (347) 439-5976

<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->
Sunset Park Library Redevelopment Project
Approved by City Council
Innovative Partnership Between the City of New York, Brooklyn
Public Library, Fifth Avenue Committee to Nearly Double Size of
One of Brooklyn’s Busiest Branches, Create 49 Units of Deeply
Affordable Housing  
Plan Receives Unanimous Support in Final Round of Rigorous Public
Approval Process
BROOKLYN, NY—The New York City Council has voted to approve the Sunset Park
Library Redevelopment Project unanimously, Brooklyn Public Library, Fifth Avenue
Committee and the de Blasio Administration announced today, finalizing the formal
public approval process for the innovative project. The proposal previously received
unanimous approval from the City Planning Commission and the City Council’s Land
Use Committee and Subcommittee on Planning, Dispositions and Concessions. The
project was also approved by the Borough President and the members of Community
Board 7.
Developed in partnership with the Fifth Avenue Committee, a nonprofit with nearly
four decades’ experience in affordable housing and comprehensive community
development, Brooklyn Public Library’s new Sunset Park branch will provide the
neighborhood with a modern, state-of-the-art library that is nearly twice the size of
the current location. Sunset Park Library is one of Brooklyn’s busiest, with attendance
and circulation that rank in the top 10 of BPL’s 60 branches.
“Thanks to the support of the City Council and the residents of Sunset Park, we will
soon begin construction of a library that will offer the robust and diverse
programming, large multilingual collection and comfortable, inspiring environment that
our patrons and staff deserve,” said Brooklyn Public Library President and CEO
Linda E. Johnson. “We look forward to designing and building the new Sunset Park
Library with input from the community.”
“Yesterday’s vote on the Sunset Park Library project represents a major victory for
the values we cherish – both creating new affordable housing and improving public
libraries that are so central to our communities,” said Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen. “By
bringing 49 affordable apartments online and funding the expansion and upgrade of
the library, this development will serve the neighborhood for decades to come.”
“By combining affordable housing with improvements to public resources like the
Sunset Park Library, we are serving local residents and the community for
generations to come,” said Department of Housing, Preservation and
Development Commissioner Maria Torres-Springer. “Yesterday’s vote is an
important milestone in making way for 49 new affordable apartments and a much-
enhanced and expanded space for the library so it can continue to serve as a vital
hub for the neighborhood.”
“Fifth Avenue Committee is grateful for the overwhelming support this project has
received and that FAC and BPL will be able to move forward to bring a 21st century
public library and 100% truly and deeply affordable housing to the Sunset Park
community. This project is a model in how to ensure that the community can achieve
the maximum benefits possible as part of redeveloping public land for public good.
We look forward to continuing to work with the community as this project moves
forward towards construction,” said Michelle de la Uz, Fifth Avenue Committee
Executive Director.
“For the past two years, Sunset Park stakeholders and I have held public meetings
and hearings on how to rebuild our aging library. A call for an expanded and modern
library that meets local needs such as affordable housing and community space was
at the center of this process. Together, we’ve worked to ensure that our residents’
recommendations were heard. Yesterday, the New York City Council voted
unanimously in approval of a project that includes legal requirements for 100%
affordable housing and a permanently protected community library. I want to thank
the Brooklyn Public Library and Fifth Avenue Committee for crafting a project that will
serve Sunset Park residents for generations to come,” said Council Member Carlos
At 12,200 square feet, only 7,465 of which are accessible to the public, the current
branch is too small to meet the needs of this growing community. Built in the 1970s, it
is poorly laid out for modern use. The proposed new library will be 20,755 square
feet, with 18,200 square feet expected to be accessible to the public. It will be
outfitted for the modern era, with the collections, technology and flexible space
needed to accommodate many uses and serve a large, diverse patronship.
The expansion of Sunset Park Library and the development of deeply affordable
housing is especially timely given the growth of the neighborhood. A 2017 study by
the New York City Comptroller's office identified a 34% increase in Sunset Park’s
population between 1990 and 2014, double the citywide growth rate. The median rent
in the neighborhood has grown at a rate (63%) that far outpaces the growth in median
income (25%).
The project will create 100% affordable housing atop the new library branch, with
anticipated financing from the New York City Department of Housing Preservation
and Development. Forty-nine affordable units will be available for incomes spanning
30% to 80% of Area Median Income (AMI). The majority of the units are reserved for
incomes at or below 50% of AMI, and most apartments will rent for $500 to $1,000
per month. A minimum of 50% of the apartments will be reserved for Community
Board 7 residents, 10% for city employees and 10% for the physically disabled. Nine
units will be reserved for survivors of domestic violence. As a locally-based nonprofit
developer whose mission is to advance economic and social justice, FAC is
committed to permanent affordability for all of the apartments. Thirty-five percent of
the apartments will be permanently affordable through City Regulatory Agreements
that will be recorded with the property. 
The Fifth Avenue Committee will construct the eight-story, mixed-use building,
including the library’s core and shell, at no cost to Brooklyn Public Library. BPL will fit
out the new library for approximately $10 million, using a portion of the proceeds from
the redevelopment of its Brooklyn Heights branch. The city will own the library in
perpetuity, as it does the current branch.
Interim library service will be provided throughout the construction process at 4201
Fourth Avenue, at 42nd  Street.
More details on the project are available here.
#          #          #
About Brooklyn Public Library:
Brooklyn Public Library (BPL) is an independent library system for the 2.5 million
residents of Brooklyn. It is the fifth largest library system in the United States with 60
neighborhood libraries located throughout the borough. BPL offers free programs and
services for all ages and stages of life, including a large selection of books in more
than 30 languages, author talks, literacy programs and public computers. BPL’s
eResources, such as eBooks and eVideos, catalog information and free homework
help, are available to customers of all ages 24 hours a day at our website: 
About Fifth Avenue Committee
Fifth Avenue Committee, Inc. (FAC) is a nationally recognized South Brooklyn based
non-profit comprehensive community development corporation formed in 1978 whose
mission is to advance economic and social justice by building vibrant, diverse
communities where residents have genuine opportunities to achieve their goals as
well as the power to shape the community’s future. FAC works to transform the lives
of over 5,500 low and moderate income New Yorkers annually so that we can all live
and work with dignity and respect while making our community more equitable,
sustainable, inclusive and just. To achieve our mission FAC develops and manages
affordable housing and community facilities, creates economic opportunities and
ensures access to economic stability, organizes residents and workers, offers student
centered adult education, and combats displacement caused by gentrification. FAC
has developed nearly 900 units of affordable housing, currently manages more than
500 units and has an affordable housing pipeline of more than 1,000 units.  For more
information about FAC go to www.fifthave.org.
Madeline Kaye
BerlinRosen Public Affairs 
O: (646) 200-5297 C: (646) 369-8226
From: Phillips, Eric
To: Smith, Greg
Cc: Dan Levitan (Dan@berlinrosen.com)
Subject: Re: This morning"s "press conference"
Date: Thursday, March 23, 2017 4:12:52 PM

These are questions about City Hall and actions by government. You’re asking if this plea is related to us.
I’m telling you it’s not. This is pretty linear stuff.

From: Greg Smith <gsmith@nydailynews.com>

Date: Thursday, March 23, 2017 at 4:05 PM
To: Eric Phillips <efphillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Dan Levitan (Dan@berlinrosen.com)" <Dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: This morning's "press conference"

Hopefully Dan can answer these questions and back you up on this assertion based on…who knows
From: Phillips, Eric [mailto:EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2017 4:08 PM
To: Smith, Greg
Cc: Dan Levitan (Dan@berlinrosen.com)
Subject: Re: This morning's "press conference"
that’s a direct comment on your questions, which attempt – recklessly – to link a plea and its underlying
conduct to our administration. My comment speaks to directly to the bullshit embedded in that leap to
From: Greg Smith <gsmith@nydailynews.com>
Date: Thursday, March 23, 2017 at 4:00 PM
To: Eric Phillips <efphillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Dan Levitan (Dan@berlinrosen.com)" <Dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: This morning's "press conference"
I’ll take that as a “no comment” on the specific questions from you Eric. And from you Dan?
From: Phillips, Eric [mailto:EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2017 3:50 PM
To: Smith, Greg
Cc: Dan Levitan (Dan@berlinrosen.com)
Subject: Re: This morning's "press conference"
Hey, Greg. This is from me:
The conduct described in the plea has nothing to do with the Mayor or his administration. No amount of
sensationalized, misleading reporting will change the fact that two independent prosecutors confirmed
that the Mayor and our administration acted within the law.
From: Greg Smith <gsmith@nydailynews.com>
Date: Thursday, March 23, 2017 at 3:16 PM
To: Eric Phillips <efphillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Dan Levitan (Dan@berlinrosen.com)" <Dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: This morning's "press conference"
      Before the mayor stalked away this morning without answering any questions that concern the public
whose support he is seeking for his “mansion tax,” he did say “Everything else you want to talk
about you can get answers to through the press office.”
      So regarding the criminal behavior to which de Blasio donor Jona Rechnitz pleaded guilty to:
       Rechnitz bundled more than $40,000 for the mayor in October 2013, gave $50,000 to Campaign for
One New York in January 2014 and wrote a check for $102,000 to the New York State Democratic
Senate Committee in October 2014 as part of the mayor’s failed effort to swing the Senate to
Democrat control. In the criminal information unsealed yesterday, Rechnitz specifically admitted
that he “and others known and unknown provided financial and personal benefits and political
contributions to public officials, including law enforcement officials, in exchange for official action as
requested by Rechnitz and others.” Couple of questions:

     *Please describe any interactions between the mayor and/or his representatives and Rechnitz
regarding the bundling of $40,000 for the mayor’s 2013 election campaign.
     *Please describe any interactions between the mayor and/or his representatives and Rechnitz
regarding donating $50,000 to the mayor’s Campaign for One New York.
     * Please describe any interactions between the mayor and/or his representatives and Rechnitz
regarding donating $102,000 to his failed Senate flip campaign.
     *Please describe any communications between the mayor and/or his representatives and Rechnitz
regarding any “official action” sought by Rechnitz and/or his associates.
     *Please describe any result of these communications between the mayor and/or his representatives
and Rechnitz regarding any “official action” sought by Rechnitz and/or his associates.
      *What is the mayor’s response the Rechnitz’s plea?

      Story is for tomorrow’s paper and I’m copying Levitan. Thanks.
917 685-5580
Twitter: @nydngregsmith


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this message. Thank you.

From: Dan Levitan
To: Smith, Greg
Cc: Phillips, Eric
Subject: Re: This morning"s "press conference"
Date: Thursday, March 23, 2017 4:15:47 PM

You have Eric's comment. Thanks. 

- Sent from my Galaxy S6 - 

On Mar 23, 2017, at 4:09 PM, Smith, Greg <GSmith@nydailynews.com> wrote:

Hopefully Dan can answer these questions and back you up on this assertion based
on…who knows what?
From: Phillips, Eric [mailto:EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2017 4:08 PM
To: Smith, Greg
Cc: Dan Levitan (Dan@berlinrosen.com)
Subject: Re: This morning's "press conference"
that’s a direct comment on your questions, which attempt – recklessly – to link a plea and its
underlying conduct to our administration. My comment speaks to directly to the bullshit
embedded in that leap to conclusion. 
From: Greg Smith <gsmith@nydailynews.com>
Date: Thursday, March 23, 2017 at 4:00 PM
To: Eric Phillips <efphillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Dan Levitan (Dan@berlinrosen.com)" <Dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: This morning's "press conference"
I’ll take that as a “no comment” on the specific questions from you Eric. And from you
From: Phillips, Eric [mailto:EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2017 3:50 PM
To: Smith, Greg
Cc: Dan Levitan (Dan@berlinrosen.com)
Subject: Re: This morning's "press conference"
Hey, Greg. This is from me:
The conduct described in the plea has nothing to do with the Mayor or his administration. No
amount of sensationalized, misleading reporting will change the fact that two independent
prosecutors confirmed that the Mayor and our administration acted within the law.
From: Greg Smith <gsmith@nydailynews.com>
Date: Thursday, March 23, 2017 at 3:16 PM
To: Eric Phillips <efphillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Dan Levitan (Dan@berlinrosen.com)" <Dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: This morning's "press conference"
      Before the mayor stalked away this morning without answering any questions that
concern the public whose support he is seeking for his “mansion tax,” he did say
“Everything else you want to talk about you can get answers to through the press
      So regarding the criminal behavior to which de Blasio donor Jona Rechnitz pleaded
guilty to:
       Rechnitz bundled more than $40,000 for the mayor in October 2013, gave $50,000 to
Campaign for One New York in January 2014 and wrote a check for $102,000 to the
New York State Democratic Senate Committee in October 2014 as part of the mayor’s
failed effort to swing the Senate to Democrat control. In the criminal information
unsealed yesterday, Rechnitz specifically admitted that he “and others known and
unknown provided financial and personal benefits and political contributions to public
officials, including law enforcement officials, in exchange for official action as
requested by Rechnitz and others.” Couple of questions:
     *Please describe any interactions between the mayor and/or his representatives and
Rechnitz regarding the bundling of $40,000 for the mayor’s 2013 election campaign.
     *Please describe any interactions between the mayor and/or his representatives and
Rechnitz regarding donating $50,000 to the mayor’s Campaign for One New York.
     * Please describe any interactions between the mayor and/or his representatives and
Rechnitz regarding donating $102,000 to his failed Senate flip campaign.
     *Please describe any communications between the mayor and/or his representatives
and Rechnitz regarding any “official action” sought by Rechnitz and/or his associates.
     *Please describe any result of these communications between the mayor and/or his
representatives and Rechnitz regarding any “official action” sought by Rechnitz and/or
his associates.
      *What is the mayor’s response the Rechnitz’s plea?
      Story is for tomorrow’s paper and I’m copying Levitan. Thanks.
917 685-5580
Twitter: @nydngregsmith

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error, please notify the sender immediately and delete this message. Thank you.

From: Phillips, Eric
To: Smith, Greg
Cc: Dan Levitan (Dan@berlinrosen.com)
Subject: Re: This morning"s "press conference"
Date: Thursday, March 23, 2017 4:42:11 PM


On Mar 23, 2017, at 4:38 PM, Smith, Greg <GSmith@nydailynews.com> wrote:

Rob Moore is head of News. Dareh Gregorian is the political editor. They’re both
aware that you all refuse to answer any of these questions.
From: Phillips, Eric [mailto:EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2017 4:35 PM
To: Smith, Greg
Cc: Dan Levitan (Dan@berlinrosen.com)
Subject: Re: This morning's "press conference"
You've got my response to all of those questions. Also - who's editing this one? Thanks. 

On Mar 23, 2017, at 4:24 PM, Smith, Greg <GSmith@nydailynews.com> wrote:

You want linear? Here’s linear:

     *Please describe any interactions between the mayor and/or his
representatives and Rechnitz regarding the bundling of $40,000 for the
mayor’s 2013 election campaign.
     *Please describe any interactions between the mayor and/or his
representatives and Rechnitz regarding donating $50,000 to the mayor’s
Campaign for One New York.
     * Please describe any interactions between the mayor and/or his
representatives and Rechnitz regarding donating $102,000 to his failed
Senate flip campaign.
     *Please describe any communications between the mayor and/or his
representatives and Rechnitz regarding any “official action” sought by
Rechnitz and/or his associates.
     *Please describe any result of these communications between the mayor
and/or his representatives and Rechnitz regarding any “official action”
sought by Rechnitz and/or his associates.
      *What is the mayor’s response the Rechnitz’s plea?
From: Phillips, Eric [mailto:EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2017 4:13 PM
To: Smith, Greg
Cc: Dan Levitan (Dan@berlinrosen.com)
Subject: Re: This morning's "press conference"
These are questions about City Hall and actions by government. You’re asking
if this plea is related to us. I’m telling you it’s not. This is pretty linear stuff.
From: Greg Smith <gsmith@nydailynews.com>
Date: Thursday, March 23, 2017 at 4:05 PM
To: Eric Phillips <efphillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Dan Levitan (Dan@berlinrosen.com)" <Dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: This morning's "press conference"
Hopefully Dan can answer these questions and back you up on this
assertion based on…who knows what?
From: Phillips, Eric [mailto:EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2017 4:08 PM
To: Smith, Greg
Cc: Dan Levitan (Dan@berlinrosen.com)
Subject: Re: This morning's "press conference"
that’s a direct comment on your questions, which attempt – recklessly – to link
a plea and its underlying conduct to our administration. My comment speaks
to directly to the bullshit embedded in that leap to conclusion. 
From: Greg Smith <gsmith@nydailynews.com>
Date: Thursday, March 23, 2017 at 4:00 PM
To: Eric Phillips <efphillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Dan Levitan (Dan@berlinrosen.com)" <Dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: This morning's "press conference"
I’ll take that as a “no comment” on the specific questions from you Eric.
And from you Dan?
From: Phillips, Eric [mailto:EFPhillips@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2017 3:50 PM
To: Smith, Greg
Cc: Dan Levitan (Dan@berlinrosen.com)
Subject: Re: This morning's "press conference"
Hey, Greg. This is from me:
The conduct described in the plea has nothing to do with the Mayor or his
administration. No amount of sensationalized, misleading reporting will
change the fact that two independent prosecutors confirmed that the Mayor
and our administration acted within the law.
From: Greg Smith <gsmith@nydailynews.com>
Date: Thursday, March 23, 2017 at 3:16 PM
To: Eric Phillips <efphillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Dan Levitan (Dan@berlinrosen.com)" <Dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: This morning's "press conference"
      Before the mayor stalked away this morning without answering any
questions that concern the public whose support he is seeking for his
“mansion tax,” he did say “Everything else you want to talk about you can
get answers to through the press office.”
      So regarding the criminal behavior to which de Blasio donor Jona Rechnitz
pleaded guilty to:
       Rechnitz bundled more than $40,000 for the mayor in October 2013, gave
$50,000 to Campaign for One New York in January 2014 and wrote a
check for $102,000 to the New York State Democratic Senate Committee
in October 2014 as part of the mayor’s failed effort to swing the Senate
to Democrat control. In the criminal information unsealed yesterday,
Rechnitz specifically admitted that he “and others known and unknown
provided financial and personal benefits and political contributions to
public officials, including law enforcement officials, in exchange for official
action as requested by Rechnitz and others.” Couple of questions:
     *Please describe any interactions between the mayor and/or his
representatives and Rechnitz regarding the bundling of $40,000 for the
mayor’s 2013 election campaign.
     *Please describe any interactions between the mayor and/or his
representatives and Rechnitz regarding donating $50,000 to the mayor’s
Campaign for One New York.
     * Please describe any interactions between the mayor and/or his
representatives and Rechnitz regarding donating $102,000 to his failed
Senate flip campaign.
     *Please describe any communications between the mayor and/or his
representatives and Rechnitz regarding any “official action” sought by
Rechnitz and/or his associates.
     *Please describe any result of these communications between the mayor
and/or his representatives and Rechnitz regarding any “official action”
sought by Rechnitz and/or his associates.
      *What is the mayor’s response the Rechnitz’s plea?
      Story is for tomorrow’s paper and I’m copying Levitan. Thanks.
917 685-5580
Twitter: @nydngregsmith


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From: Blumm, Kate
To: Jovana Rizzo; Ruth Fasoldt
Cc: Dan Levitan; Grybauskas, Natalie; Gardener, Stacy (DOITT)
Subject: RE: Aunt Bertha release
Date: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 5:25:53 PM

Hi guys. I’m slammed due to budget testimony tomorrow, but I think I’ll be able to get to it late
tomorrow. Thanks!
From: Jovana Rizzo [mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, March 27, 2017 5:58 PM
To: Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>
Cc: Blumm, Kate <KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov>; Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Grybauskas,
Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Aunt Bertha release

Hi all, updated release attached. Thanks!

From: Ruth Fasoldt [ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com]

Sent: Monday, March 27, 2017 3:08 PM
To: Jovana Rizzo
Cc: Blumm, Kate; Dan Levitan; Grybauskas, Natalie; Gardener, Stacy
Subject: Re: Aunt Bertha release

Also please note HRA and other government entities related to AccessNYC mentioned
wanting a quote in the release.

I believe I already shared those contacts I had spoken with about this but happy to resend if

Also just to clarify- the short cut for Aunt Bertha and AccessNYC will be available on the
tablet for the same amount of time. It will be tablet creative that links to both of them. Once
that "launch" is over Aunt Bertha will remain on the tablet and AccessNYC will continue to
be accessible through 311.



On Mon, Mar 27, 2017 at 2:52 PM, Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Hi Kate, we can add some Access language to the release -- there will be a short cut on the tablet to
its new mobile friendly site for a few days, starting the day we launch Aunt Bertha, and then as usual
it will be accessible via the 311 app on the tablet. Will update our last release draft to include that.

From: Blumm, Kate [KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov]

Sent: Monday, March 27, 2017 12:09 PM
To: Ruth Fasoldt; Jovana Rizzo
Cc: Dan Levitan; Grybauskas, Natalie; Gardener, Stacy
Subject: RE: Aunt Bertha release

If memory serves, we’re rolling out AccessNYC and AB simultaneously. Have you drafted Access
From: Blumm, Kate
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 5:02 PM
To: 'Ruth Fasoldt' <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Shor,
Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>; Stacey Levine
<stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Jennifer Hensley <jennifer.hensley@intersection.com>;
Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Aunt Bertha release

We’ll handle all other admin quotes and will reach out independently. Thanks!
From: Ruth Fasoldt [mailto:ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com]
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 4:27 PM
To: Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Shor,
Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>; Stacey Levine
<stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Jennifer Hensley <jennifer.hensley@intersection.com>;
Blumm, Kate <KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov>; Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: Aunt Bertha release

Kate- let us know if we should loop in Ariel and Song into this or if you'll be reaching out


On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 4:19 PM, Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
Hi all,
Not urgent for next week, but just wanted to re-flag the Aunt Bertha release. We're targeting
launch towards the end of the month.
FYI -- Ariel Kennan and Song Hia from HHS Connect/AccessNYC said they would provide quotes
from the Mayor's Office, HRA, possibly 311 and the Center for Economic Opportunity at the Mayor's
Office of Operations.
From: Gardener, Stacy [SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 3:41 PM
To: Dan Levitan; Ruth Fasoldt
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Shor, Stanley; Koenig, Anne J.; Stacey Levine; Jennifer Hensley; Blumm, Kate;
Grybauskas, Natalie

Subject: RE: Aunt Bertha release

Hi Dan,
Apologies for the delay on this – since the app touches on social services we’re looping in some
folks from City Hall and we’re still discussing internally. We’ll get back to you as soon as
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 3:38 PM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Ruth Fasoldt
Cc: Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig,
Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Jennifer
Hensley <jennifer.hensley@intersection.com>
Subject: RE: Aunt Bertha release

Hi Stacy –
Any feedback on this one?
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475
From: Gardener, Stacy [mailto:SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2017 4:51 PM
To: Ruth Fasoldt
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Shor, Stanley; Koenig, Anne J.; Stacey Levine; Jennifer Hensley; Dan Levitan
Subject: RE: Aunt Bertha release

Got it. Thanks Ruth. Already running it up the chain.

From: Ruth Fasoldt [mailto:ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com]
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2017 4:50 PM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Shor, Stanley <SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig,
Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Jennifer
Hensley <jennifer.hensley@intersection.com>; Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: Aunt Bertha release
Hello Stacy,

The planned launched date is still approximately March 3rd as stated in my email last
Friday. As such if you can give us comment on this within 5 business days, aka
Wednesday, that will keep everything on the current schedule.



On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 10:13 AM, Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov> wrote:
Thanks Jovana. We will review and get back to you. When you have a better idea of
the release date, let us know.

From: Jovana Rizzo [mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2017 10:05 AM
To: Gardener, Stacy <SGardener@doitt.nyc.gov>; Shor, Stanley
<SShor@doitt.nyc.gov>; Koenig, Anne J. <ankoenig@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Ruth Fasoldt
<ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>; Jennifer Hensley
<jennifer.hensley@intersection.com>; Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Aunt Bertha release

Hi all,
As discussed last week, we're working towards launching the social services platform Aunt
Bertha on Link tablets. Please see attached draft release for your review. We'll keep you posted
on a launch date.
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

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Ruth Fasoldt
External Affairs Manager, LinkNYC

T: 929-241-1546

10 Hudson Yards 26th Floor New York NY 10001

Ruth Fasoldt
External Affairs Manager, LinkNYC

T: 929-241-1546

10 Hudson Yards 26th Floor New York NY 10001

We're hiring! Come build the future with us.

Ruth Fasoldt
External Affairs Manager, LinkNYC

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From: McGinn, Isaac
To: Sara Morell
Cc: Sara Morell; Jovana Rizzo
Subject: RE: Ride-Along Request from Chelsea Now
Date: Tuesday, April 18, 2017 9:51:52 AM

Hey there! Checking in on the contact info for the S2H team you guys had in mind for this. Want to
make sure they’re linked with our street outreach team so together they can map out when best for
this opp. Thanks again!
From: Sara Morell [mailto:
Sent: Monday, April 17, 2017 12:20 PM
To: McGinn, Isaac
Cc: Sara Morell; Jovana Rizzo
Subject: Re: Ride-Along Request from Chelsea Now

Excellent, thanks Isaac! I'll follow up with the reporter and let them know that we're working
out details.

(This is coming from my gmail -- we're having some email issues today).

On Mon, Apr 17, 2017 at 12:17 PM, McGinn, Isaac <mcginni@hra.nyc.gov> wrote:
This is definitely a request we can accommodate, which we can tell the reporter—just figuring out
what that will look like and when specifically. Will get back on those details ASAP. Thanks!         
From: Sara Morell [mailto:Sara.Morell@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, April 17, 2017 10:05 AM
To: McGinn, Isaac
Cc: Jovana Rizzo
Subject: RE: Ride-Along Request from Chelsea Now

Hi Isaac,

Wanted to check back in about Chelsea Now's request for a ride-along with Breaking
Ground. We'd love to circle back with the reporter sometime this week if this is a request that
we can accommodate.


From: Sara Morell

Sent: Monday, April 10, 2017 12:18 PM
To: McGinn, Isaac <mcginni@hra.nyc.gov>
Cc: Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Ride-Along Request from Chelsea Now

Sounds good, thanks Isaac!

From: McGinn, Isaac [mailto:mcginni@hra.nyc.gov]

Sent: Monday, April 10, 2017 12:16 PM
To: Sara Morell <Sara.Morell@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Ride-Along Request from Chelsea Now

It seems like a request we should be able to accommodate, but I will get back to you.

From: Sara Morell [mailto:Sara.Morell@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Monday, April 10, 2017 12:00 PM
To: McGinn, Isaac
Cc: Jovana Rizzo
Subject: Ride-Along Request from Chelsea Now

Hi Isaac,

We have a request from a Chelsea Now reporter, Dusica Sue Malesevic, for a read-along
with a street outreach team in Chelsea. She’s interested in learning more about homeless
street outreach and putting a human face on the issue in her local community. Her previous
articles about homelessness have also been relatively positive.

The program staff at Breaking Ground’s S2H program said that they’d be willing to take part
and that ideally they’d want to set this up for the last week of April.

Is this a request that we’re able to accommodate?


Sara Morell
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
"Tobacco continues to kill too many of our loved ones - especially those who suffer from anxiety and other
mental illnesses," said First Lady Chirlane McCray. "Today, we're saying enough is enough and taking a
preventive step towards protecting New Yorkers so they can thrive."

"These bills take on smoking and tobacco in a way that will both save lives and let people vote with their feet,"
said Dr. Herminia Palacio, Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services. "By giving New Yorkers
healthier options - from where they shop to the buildings they live in - we will bring all of our City’s resources
to bear so that we will all live longer and healthier lives."

“As a former smoker, I know how hard it is to quit,” said Health Commissioner Dr. Mary T. Bassett. “These
bills will make less it likely that New Yorkers will start smoking and easier for New Yorkers who smoke to
quit, helping thousands of people lead longer, healthier lives. I’m proud that New York City will once again be
at the forefront of tobacco control in the country.”

“Easy access to tobacco retailers makes it hard for smokers to quit and has contributed to the recent rise of NYC
youth using cigars and smokeless tobacco,” said Department of Consumer Affairs Commissioner Lorelei
Salas. “By giving DCA the ability to license e-cigarettes and limit the number of retailers selling tobacco
products, we can better enforce existing laws that help keep tobacco products out of the hands of minors and
improve the health of all New Yorkers.”

Department of Finance Commissioner Jacques Jiha said, “DOF and the NYC Sheriff’s office are pleased to
build upon the strong partnerships we have with DOHMH and DCA to combat the harmful effects of tobacco
use on New Yorkers. We will continue to use every tool that we have to achieve this goal.”

Tobacco continues to be a leading contributor to preventable, premature death in New York City, killing an
estimated 12,000 people annually. Despite an overall decline on smoking rates among young people, youth have
increasingly used a range of other tobacco products. When combined, youth cigar, smokeless and hookah use
exceed cigarette use. Nearly 9 out of 10 smokers first tried smoking before age 18. In the city, adolescent use of
e-cigarettes is more than double the current smoking rate, 15.9% compared with 5.8%. This package of
proposals will help all New Yorkers live healthier and longer lives by:

Advancing Public Health through Higher Minimum Prices on Tobacco

This bill (Int. 1544, Johnson) raises the minimum price of cigarettes and little cigars to $13 a pack from $10.50
and sets a first-ever price floor and tax for other tobacco products, such as cigars, smokeless tobacco, loose
tobacco and tobacco-containing shisha. Increasing the cigarette price floor to $13 is projected to lead to a 6.4
percent decline in adult cigarette smoking, decreasing adult prevalence from 14.3 percent to 13.9 percent. The
bill also imposes a tax of 10 percent on other tobacco products for the first time, which is expected to generate
revenue of $1 million annually dedicated for public housing.

Limiting Tobacco Retail Licenses

This bill (Int. 1547, Lander) will reduce the number of stores that can sell tobacco products by capping the
tobacco retail dealer licenses in each community district at 50 percent of the current number of licenses. No new
tobacco retail dealer licenses will be issued in a community district until its total decreases through attrition
below the cap. No current tobacco retail dealers will lose their license as a result of this proposal.

New York City has high tobacco retail density, with just over 8,200 licensed cigarette retailers citywide,
averaging 30 dealers per square mile. Easy access to tobacco retailers makes it harder for smokers to quit.
Moreover, youth who frequent retail stores every week have double the odds of trying smoking. Based on
estimates from the Departments of Health and Consumer Affairs, ten years after implementation, this bill could
achieve up to a 40 percent reduction in the number of tobacco licenses. Using community districts to reduce
licenses will decrease density and promote health in neighborhoods citywide.

The bill also updates the New York City retail license for selling cigarettes to encompass all types of tobacco.
These changes will improve enforcement of existing laws, including the minimum legal sale age of 21 for

Creating a Retail License for E-Cigarettes

This bill (Int. 1532, Cabrera) creates a separate license for the retail sale of e-cigarettes and caps the number of
these licenses. E-cigarette use has increased dramatically since e-cigarettes were introduced in U.S. markets less
than 10 years ago. In 2015, 15.9 percent of New York City high school students were e-cigarette users.

E-cigarette retailers may apply for the new license during an open enrollment period; qualified applicants will
demonstrate they were already selling e-cigarettes at the time the bill is voted into law, allowing retailers that
currently sell e-cigarettes to continue operating. After the open enrollment period for e-cigarette licenses
expires, no new licenses will be issued.

Smoking Disclosure Policy

This bill (which will be introduced by council member Torres on April 25) requires owners of residential
buildings to create a policy on smoking and disclose it to both current and prospective residents. All residential
buildings with three or more units will be covered, including rentals, condominiums and
cooperatives. Buildings will not be required to adopt complete no-smoking policies.

Disclosure of a building’s policy on smoking will be required annually and if a building changes its policy at
any time. If an owner fails to disclose the policy, he/she may face a $100 civil penalty. Tenants would not be
fined for smoking in non-smoking areas of buildings.

Disclosing a building’s smoking policy will help tenants to make an informed decision about whether or not
they want to live in a building. This information may be especially important for parents with young children
and for others, such as older adults, who may spend more time at home and consequently have higher exposures
to secondhand smoke.

Pharmacy Ban

This bill (Intro 1131-A, Lander) prohibit pharmacies, or retail stores that contain pharmacies, from selling
tobacco products, including cigarettes. There are over 550 pharmacies in New York City licensed to sell
tobacco products. Pharmacies are places of health and should not sell deadly consumer products.

These proposals build upon the de Blasio Administration’s current effort to curb tobacco usage and smoking.
The Health Department has spent $14 million in the last three fiscal years on public awareness campaigns that
support cessation efforts and provide nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) through the NYS Smokers’ Quitline.
In 2016 alone, the Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) issued more than 5,270 violations to ensure that
current tobacco laws are being followed, and that tobacco and nicotine are not being sold to youth. While most
licensees are in compliance, DCA revoked 434 licenses and suspended 271 licenses in 2016.

“Here in New York, we still lose far too many people each year to smoking related illness,” said Council
Member Corey Johnson, Chair of the Committee on Health. “We’ve made progress on bringing smoking
rates down, but now is the time to move these efforts into overdrive. Too many kids and non-smokers are still
being subjected to harmful second-hand smoke, and cigarettes can be purchased on virtually every corner. We
need policies that reflect the extreme danger that smoking poses to the public. I’m proud to join with Mayor de
Blasio and my colleagues in the Council to advance meaningful legislation that will help New Yorkers live
healthier, longer, smoke-free lives.”

Council Member Ritchie Torres, Chair of Committee on Public Housing, stated: "By making clear what a
building's smoking policy is potential tenants and current residents can be better informed about their living
conditions, environment and health impact. Residents deserve to live in clean, smoke-free buildings, if they
wish, and a disclosure policy can bring transparency that'll help residents make informed decisions," said
Council Member Ritchie Torres of the Bronx.

“My bill, Intro 1532, requiring licensing of e-cigarette retail dealers, is a major step to limit the use of e-
cigarettes, which are dangerous nicotine delivery systems that can lead to nicotine and potentially drug
addiction,” stated Council Member Fernando Cabrera. “Local governments are restricting access to e-
cigarettes as the dangers of ‘vaping’ are more widely recognized. In the midst of an opioid addiction crisis, we
must take leadership now to prevent more addiction. This is an important first step in protecting the health and
safety of New Yorkers.”

“While we’ve made good progress toward reducing smoking in NYC, there’s still work to do,” said Council
Member Brad Lander. “These bills will put NYC at the forefront of smoking and tobacco control efforts
across the country by implementing what we know works best: price increases and limiting access in order to
prevent New Yorkers from picking up that first cigarette. I want to thank the Mayor de Blasio and
Commissioner Bassett for their leadership on this critical public health issue.”

Council Member Costa Constantinides said, “This legislative package to reduce smoking will bring great
benefits to New Yorkers’ public health. These proposals including raising minimum prices, banning tobacco
sale at pharmacies, and reducing the number of tobacco retailers will be a role model for others in the nation to
follow. Our city is working to prevent addiction and improve health. Thank you to Mayor de Blasio as well as
my colleagues Council Members Johnson, Lander, Cabrera, and Torres for their leadership on this important
public health issue.”

Council Member Karen Koslowitz stated “As a former smoker, for many years, I fully understand the
difficulties of stopping, and how healthy fully stopping is. I fully support this.”

"Vape stores are proliferating throughout our city, especially near our schools where children continue to be the
tragets for early nicotine addiction. Parents complain every day about vape stores in front of their children's
schools," said Council Member Ben Kallos. "Thank you Mayor de Blasio for your leadership in protecting our
city and its children from nicotine addiction, and protecting our public health."

“This package of bills is an incredible step forward towards curbing the number of smokers in New York City,”
said Council Member Mark Levine. “It is imperative that we continue to take measures such as these that will
improve public health and the environment around us, and I applaud Mayor de Blasio for his leadership in
making New York a healthier, more livable city.”

"I'm proud that our City is taking a major step in protecting current and future generations from the dangers of
tobacco and e-cigarette use. These policies will ensure that residents have the basic human right to breathe clean
air, which every New Yorker deserves. I want to thank Mayor de Blasio and my colleagues in the City Council
on supporting this package of tobacco bills that protect our health, our children and our world," says Council
Member Donovan Richards.

“Smoking, e-cigarettes, and tobacco products kill and sicken millions of Americans every year. I am incredibly
proud that our city is taking a bold step to save lives by standing up to Big Tobacco and imposing stricter
regulations on their dangerous products. I commend my Council Colleagues on this important legislative
package and thank Mayor de Blasio, DCA Commissioner Lorelei Salas, and DOHMH Commissioner Dr. Mary
Bassett for their commitment to protecting the health and safety of all of those live and work in our great City,”
said Council Member Vanessa Gibson.

“I applaud the Administration for taking a stand against a massive industry that has led to thousands of
premature deaths across this city and country, and has targeted particularly low-income neighborhoods and
communities of more color, ” said Council Member Jumaane D. Williams, Deputy Leader. “These bills will
go a long way in curbing smoking by limiting access to tobacco products and raising minimum sale prices. If
we can do more to keep smoking products out of the hands of people to save lives, we must absolutely do so.
This move will also reduce health care costs, and improve the quality of life for countless people.”

“My stepfather died of lung cancer at 60 years old after a lifetime of smoking since his teen years, so I know
firsthand how serious this issue is,” said Majority Leader Jimmy Van Bramer. “For far too long, the tobacco
industry has had free rein to employ shady tactics that put profits over the health and well-being of our people.
Spending over $1 million an hour on marketing in the United States, the tobacco industry uses especially
heinous and deceptive marketing to target and influence our children in an attempt to sway another generation
into the addictive habit of smoking. With these new policies that reduce the availability of tobacco products, we
fight back, improve health outcomes, and lead the nation.”

"New York City is and should remain a leader in helping smokers quit and preventing our youth from picking
up the dangerous habit. We are working to take major steps in this effort at the NYC Council and I applaud
Mayor de Blasio for his support. It is no secret these products are marketed to our children, and we must do all
we can to prevent this,” said Council Member Ydanis Rodriguez.

"Smoking kills. We have an obligation to create a City that is safe for all New Yorkers, and that means ensuring
a City that is free from deadly and dangerous tobacco and second-hand smoke,” stated Public Advocate Tish
James. New York City has made great strides in reducing smoking rates and minimizing smoking in public
places; this new legislative package will go even further in making our City healthier and safer for everyone."

“The tobacco industry has shortened too many lives, and it's the job of government to act prudently to reduce
and control smoking and related health risks," said Manhattan Borough President Gale A. Brewer.
"Reducing access to cigarettes, requiring residential buildings to adopt and disclose smoking policies, and
creating licensing requirements and regulations for e-cigarette retailers are smart steps whose time has come."

State Senator Brad Hoylman said: "New York City's efforts to regulate tobacco have been one of the public
health success stories of the last decade. Mayor de Blasio's new legislation represents a bold new step in the
effort to build a healthier city and keep kids from picking up the habit. I'm proud to join the administration in
announcing this new package and encourage my colleagues in the City Council top pass these important

“New York has made tremendous progress to encourage healthy tobacco-free communities, but we must do
more,” said Assembly Member Dan Quart. “The use of tobacco products is the number one cause of
preventable deaths in our country, disproportionately affecting some of our most vulnerable neighborhoods and
populations. This package of legislation will address the oversaturation of tobacco accessibility, make New
York a healthier place for our families and ultimately save lives.”

"After working for years to protect New Yorkers against the scourge of tobacco and the dangers associated with
electronic cigarettes, I am pleased to have a partner in the City and look forward to partnering on important
measures to reduce smoking rates citywide and protect the public health," said Assembly Member Linda B.

Also do you have sue malesevic email or phone number? She asked clarifying
question and I lost her contact and have to get back to her asap pls advise if you

Sent from my iPhone

On May 3, 2017, at 2:10 PM, Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Thanks, I'm checking with the Breaking Ground team to see how the
building looks. They are bringing Street to Home clients to the building but it
is not yet open for drop-ins.

From: McGinn, Isaac [mcginni@hra.nyc.gov]

Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2017 1:46 PM
To: Jovana Rizzo
Subject: RE: NY1 Inquiry

Excellent, would love to make this story happen ASAP! Let me reach out
to our teams and see if which day best—thinking Tuesday.
From: Jovana Rizzo [mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2017 1:29 PM
To: McGinn, Isaac
Subject: FW: NY1 Inquiry

Please see below, let's discuss? Thanks!

From: Gonzalez, Angi [mailto:Angi.Gonzalez@charter.com]

Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2017 9:50 AM
To: Jeff Scheuer <jscheuer@breakingground.org>
Subject: NY1 Inquiry

Hi Jeff,
I hope this email finds you a well. I can't believe it's been almost 8
months since our original story. http://www.ny1.com/nyc/all-
I see that the transitional drop in facility in ozone park queens is
now open. I was wondering if we could do a follow up story about
the center.
Perhaps take a tour of the place and hopefully talk to one of the
Since there was so much opposition to this center before it opened -
I want to revise with some of the people from my original story ...
basically to show the fears were unwarranted. I am looking at doing
this story either Monday or Tuesday of next week. Is that possible ?

Angi Gonzalez
NY1 Anchor & Reporter
Cell: 6465651613
Office: 212-379-3685
Sent from my iPhone
From: Rosie Goldensohn
To: Phillips, Eric; Dan Levitan
Subject: Fwd: # targeted for administrative violations
Date: Saturday, May 06, 2017 12:04:52 PM
Attachments: Detainers and Adminstrative Arrests by AOR Jan.Feb 16.17.pdf

ICE arrests of what they call "non-criminals" doubled this winter compared to last
(attached). (I'm waiting for them to clarify whether "criminal" means conviction or
arrest). Want to ask the mayor about this next time I see him but thought I'd get
you the stats in advance.
Also Malliotakis said she got a briefing from ICE on their NYC enforcement (??). Has
City Hall?

Begin forwarded message:

From: Rosa Goldensohn <RGoldensohn@crainsnewyork.com>

Date: May 5, 2017 at 3:38:35 PM EDT
To: Rosa Goldensohn <
Subject: FW: # targeted for administrative violations

-----Original Message-----
From: Saltekoff, Alexy N [mailto:Alexy.N.Saltekoff@ice.dhs.gov]
Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2017 3:03 PM
To: Rosa Goldensohn <RGoldensohn@crainsnewyork.com>
Cc: ICEMedia <ICEMedia@ice.dhs.gov>
Subject: RE: # targeted for administrative violations


I hope this is what you are looking for.

On background from an ICE official:

Here are the arrests by area of responsibility for January 20 to March 13 for 2014-
2017, and it's broken down by criminal and non-criminal.

Please note: Removal figures can fluctuate by month based on a number of factors,
so a few months' removal statistics should not be used to determine any long-term


Alexy Saltekoff
Public Affairs Officer
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
202-732-6120 (desk)
202-823-0426 (cell)
-----Original Message-----
From: Rosa Goldensohn [mailto:RGoldensohn@crainsnewyork.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2017 2:50 PM
To: ICEMedia
Subject: # targeted for administrative violations

How many aliens have been targeted for enforcement action for administrative
immigration violations, as in those are the top charge, this year? can I get monthly
breakdown? thanks
Washington Post Request for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) Detainers and Administrative Arrests

ERO Detainers Prepared By AOR and Time Period (Jan. 20, 2017 to March 13, 2017)
01/20/14- 01/20/15- 01/20/16- 01/20/17-
03/13/14 03/13/15 03/13/16 03/13/17
Total 24,300 13,626 12,619 22,161
Atlanta Area of Responsibility 1,554 837 693 1,984
Baltimore Area of Responsibility 173 83 94 158
Boston Area of Responsibility 186 124 181 346
Buffalo Area of Responsibility 474 82 48 58
Chicago Area of Responsibility 1,277 480 412 940
Dallas Area of Responsibility 2,343 1,092 1,411 2,105
Denver Area of Responsibility 435 281 254 369
Detroit Area of Responsibility 469 292 168 343
El Paso Area of Responsibility 454 138 143 206
Houston Area of Responsibility 1,258 732 842 1,354
Los Angeles Area of Responsibility 3,669 2,662 2,952 3,864
Miami Area of Responsibility 1,258 576 441 1,252
New Orleans Area of Responsibility 951 663 565 1,056
New York City Area of Responsibility 850 309 285 885
Newark Area of Responsibility 331 151 216 583
Philadelphia Area of Responsibility 419 414 353 467
Phoenix Area of Responsibility 1,354 1,136 684 1,157
Salt Lake City Area of Responsibility 539 474 452 707
San Antonio Area of Responsibility 2,168 1,316 759 1,075
San Diego Area of Responsibility 317 297 101 260
San Francisco Area of Responsibility 1,470 605 710 1,012
Seattle Area of Responsibility 848 152 189 578
St. Paul Area of Responsibility 483 221 191 460
Washington Area of Responsibility 442 201 429 683
Unassigned AOR 578 308 46 259

ERO Administrative Arrests By AOR and Criminality

01/20/14-03/13/14 01/20/15-03/13/15 01/20/16-03/13/16 01/20/17-03/13/17
AOR Total Criminal Non-Criminal Total Criminal Non-Criminal Total Criminal Non-Criminal Total Criminal Non-Criminal
Total 29,238 21,745 7,483 18,031 15,689 2,342 16,104 13,826 2,278 21,362 15,921 5,441
Atlanta Area of Responsibility 2,092 1,637 455 1,608 1,527 81 1,327 1,190 137 2,180 1,483 697
Baltimore Area of Responsibility 346 230 116 181 166 15 175 139 36 275 197 78
Boston Area of Responsibility 471 285 186 254 220 34 240 188 52 444 288 156
Buffalo Area of Responsibility 230 169 61 178 162 16 152 134 18 203 148 55
Chicago Area of Responsibility 1,689 1,202 487 1,053 909 144 1,000 729 271 1,372 965 407
Dallas Area of Responsibility 2,390 2,058 332 1,295 1,228 67 1,305 1,191 114 2,537 2,153 384
Denver Area of Responsibility 590 528 62 292 283 9 328 315 13 404 338 66
Detroit Area of Responsibility 745 586 159 402 359 43 303 258 45 463 316 147
El Paso Area of Responsibility 424 293 131 270 227 43 267 190 77 298 196 102
Houston Area of Responsibility 2,326 1,811 515 2,074 1,788 286 1,979 1,861 118 2,003 1,687 316
Los Angeles Area of Responsibility 3,357 2,570 787 1,360 1,292 68 1,130 1,082 48 1,202 1,109 93
Miami Area of Responsibility 1,493 974 519 752 647 105 528 445 83 1,016 676 340
New Orleans Area of Responsibility 1,081 781 300 792 666 126 691 601 90 1,021 680 341
New York City Area of Responsibility 751 482 269 342 316 26 293 252 41 362 280 82
Newark Area of Responsibility 566 273 293 322 283 39 293 221 72 487 272 215
Philadelphia Area of Responsibility 636 429 207 655 461 194 497 443 54 853 497 356
Phoenix Area of Responsibility 1,209 801 408 1,046 782 264 864 611 253 986 671 315
Salt Lake City Area of Responsibility 810 690 120 708 667 41 735 698 37 759 643 116
San Antonio Area of Responsibility 2,984 2,243 741 1,521 1,186 335 1,183 932 251 1,134 758 376
San Diego Area of Responsibility 1,113 661 452 642 462 180 611 319 292 598 430 168
San Francisco Area of Responsibility 1,575 1,306 269 969 898 71 1,050 1,005 45 949 804 145
Seattle Area of Responsibility 861 636 225 463 396 67 399 362 37 540 400 140
St. Paul Area of Responsibility 617 503 114 392 373 19 341 306 35 623 463 160
Washington Area of Responsibility 582 452 130 378 354 24 366 328 38 618 444 174
Unassigned AOR 300 145 145 82 37 45 47 26 21 35 23 12

FY 2017 ERO Detainers data is updated through 03/18/2017 (IIDS v1.22.1 run date 03/20/2017; EID as of 03/18/2017). Data is
filtered to Jan. 20, 2017 through March 13, 2017.
FY 2014-2016 YTD ERO Detainers data is historical and remains static. Data is filtered to Jan. 20 through March 13 of each
Please note that records listed as unassigned to an AOR are under further review.
From: Phillips, Eric
To: Rosie Goldensohn
Cc: Finan, Austin; Stein, Seth
Bcc: Dan Levitan
Subject: Re: # targeted for administrative violations
Date: Saturday, May 06, 2017 1:25:02 PM

+austin and Seth 
Someone will get back to you. Why so much higher in 2014 do we think?

On May 6, 2017, at 12:04 PM, Rosie Goldensohn < wrote:

ICE arrests of what they call "non-criminals" doubled this winter

compared to last (attached). (I'm waiting for them to clarify whether
"criminal" means conviction or arrest). Want to ask the mayor about this
next time I see him but thought I'd get you the stats in advance.
Also Malliotakis said she got a briefing from ICE on their NYC
enforcement (??). Has City Hall?

Begin forwarded message:

From: Rosa Goldensohn <RGoldensohn@crainsnewyork.com>

Date: May 5, 2017 at 3:38:35 PM EDT
To: Rosa Goldensohn <
Subject: FW: # targeted for administrative violations

-----Original Message-----
From: Saltekoff, Alexy N [mailto:Alexy.N.Saltekoff@ice.dhs.gov]
Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2017 3:03 PM
To: Rosa Goldensohn <RGoldensohn@crainsnewyork.com>
Cc: ICEMedia <ICEMedia@ice.dhs.gov>
Subject: RE: # targeted for administrative violations


I hope this is what you are looking for.

On background from an ICE official:

Here are the arrests by area of responsibility for January 20 to March 13
for 2014-2017, and it's broken down by criminal and non-criminal.

Please note: Removal figures can fluctuate by month based on a number

of factors, so a few months' removal statistics should not be used to
determine any long-term trend.

Alexy Saltekoff
Public Affairs Officer
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
202-732-6120 (desk)
202-823-0426 (cell)

-----Original Message-----
From: Rosa Goldensohn [mailto:RGoldensohn@crainsnewyork.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2017 2:50 PM
To: ICEMedia
Subject: # targeted for administrative violations

How many aliens have been targeted for enforcement action for
administrative immigration violations, as in those are the top charge, this
year? can I get monthly breakdown? thanks

<Detainers and Adminstrative Arrests by AOR Jan.Feb 16.17.pdf>

From: Phillips, Eric
To: Rosie Goldensohn
Cc: Finan, Austin; Stein, Seth
Bcc: Dan Levitan
Subject: Re: # targeted for administrative violations
Date: Saturday, May 06, 2017 1:25:02 PM

+austin and Seth 
Someone will get back to you. Why so much higher in 2014 do we think?

On May 6, 2017, at 12:04 PM, Rosie Goldensohn < wrote:

ICE arrests of what they call "non-criminals" doubled this winter

compared to last (attached). (I'm waiting for them to clarify whether
"criminal" means conviction or arrest). Want to ask the mayor about this
next time I see him but thought I'd get you the stats in advance.
Also Malliotakis said she got a briefing from ICE on their NYC
enforcement (??). Has City Hall?

Begin forwarded message:

From: Rosa Goldensohn <RGoldensohn@crainsnewyork.com>

Date: May 5, 2017 at 3:38:35 PM EDT
To: Rosa Goldensohn <
Subject: FW: # targeted for administrative violations

-----Original Message-----
From: Saltekoff, Alexy N [mailto:Alexy.N.Saltekoff@ice.dhs.gov]
Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2017 3:03 PM
To: Rosa Goldensohn <RGoldensohn@crainsnewyork.com>
Cc: ICEMedia <ICEMedia@ice.dhs.gov>
Subject: RE: # targeted for administrative violations


I hope this is what you are looking for.

On background from an ICE official:

Here are the arrests by area of responsibility for January 20 to March 13
for 2014-2017, and it's broken down by criminal and non-criminal.

Please note: Removal figures can fluctuate by month based on a number

of factors, so a few months' removal statistics should not be used to
determine any long-term trend.

Alexy Saltekoff
Public Affairs Officer
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
202-732-6120 (desk)
202-823-0426 (cell)

-----Original Message-----
From: Rosa Goldensohn [mailto:RGoldensohn@crainsnewyork.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2017 2:50 PM
To: ICEMedia
Subject: # targeted for administrative violations

How many aliens have been targeted for enforcement action for
administrative immigration violations, as in those are the top charge, this
year? can I get monthly breakdown? thanks

<Detainers and Adminstrative Arrests by AOR Jan.Feb 16.17.pdf>

From: Sarle, Ben
To: Sarle, Ben
Bcc: @Social; Amanawil Lemi (ALemi@cityhall.nyc.gov); Bartholomew, Caty; @Photo Office; Bennett, Rob; Scott
Gastel (sgastel@dot.nyc.gov); Gloria Chin (gchin@dot.nyc.gov); Alana Morales (amorales4@dot.nyc.gov); Chris
Browne (cbrowne@dot.nyc.gov); Allon, Janet (Consultant); Julianne Cho (jcho@sbs.nyc.gov); Nick Benson
(nbenson@sbs.nyc.gov); Clark, Kathleen (CTO); Alexis Wichowski (awichowski@veterans.nyc.gov); Mangone,
Jason (DVS); Ryan Max (rmax@culture.nyc.gov); Murray, Ryan (MOCS); Paolucci, Nick (Law); Meghan Lalor
(meghan.lalor@parks.nyc.gov); Sam Biederman (Sam.Biederman@parks.nyc.gov); Dana Rubinstein; Dayna
Evans; Malone, Clare; dlibner@nycgo.com; Kim Klein (Kklein@nycgo.com); Novick, Jonathan; Jackson, Martha;
King, Kleo; jwhitney@dot.nyc.gov; mkaucic@dot.nyc.gov; @Creative Comms; brian.levin@berlinrosen.com
Subject: Flacks & Hacks // See you there!
Date: Monday, May 08, 2017 2:33:00 PM
Attachments: Flacks & Hacks Release.doc

If you’re receiving this email, you are a favorite agency press partner, City Hall pal, or one of my
failing sad fake news colleagues, and you are cordially invited to Flacks & Hacks!
Please see attached or visit us at www.flacksandhacks.com
May 18, 6:30pm
Irish American Pub Restaurant
If there’s anyone on your teams I forgot, please forward/bring them!
Your friend in alternative facts,
Ben Sarle
Deputy Press Secretary
Mayor’s Press Office | City of New York
(347) 407-1385

This will be our final committee chairs meeting before the conference. 

Agenda to follow.

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From: Phillips, Eric
To: Azi Paybarah; Dan Levitan
Cc: Finan, Austin
Subject: Re: comment re: $1M ads / Police Foundation
Date: Tuesday, May 16, 2017 5:00:48 PM

Austin gave you a line on this. Leaving it at that. Thanks.

From: Azi Paybarah <apaybarah@politico.com>

Date: Tuesday, May 16, 2017 at 4:24 PM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Eric Phillips <efphillips@cityhall.nyc.gov>, "Finan, Austin" <AFinan@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: comment re: $1M ads / Police Foundation

Eric, Austin, over to you.

Azi Paybarah
Senior Reporter 
Politico New York


From: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>

Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2017 4:21 PM
To: Azi Paybarah
Subject: RE: comment re: $1M ads / Police Foundation
Thanks.  Seems like questions for CH
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475
From: Azi Paybarah [mailto:apaybarah@politico.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2017 4:16 PM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: comment re: $1M ads / Police Foundation
1) The Police Foundation is running $1M worth of ads, set to air shortly. The ads are coming
amid an active mayoral campaign and can be seen as benefiting the mayor. Any comment
about that?
2) Given the mayor's outspokenness about Citizens United and independent expenditures
and big money influencing politics, any comment about a large ad buy like this, related to
city services, coming from an organization whose donors are not publicly disclosed in full?
3) Would the campaign prefer these ads appear at a different time?
Azi Paybarah
Senior Reporter 
Politico New York

From: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>

Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2017 4:10 PM
To: Azi Paybarah
Subject: RE: comment re: $1M ads / Police Foundation
I am not sure what the question is here? 
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475
From: Azi Paybarah [mailto:apaybarah@politico.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2017 4:09 PM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: comment re: $1M ads / Police Foundation
Okay, will quote you in the story saying that.
If you'd like to add to that, I'm here.
Azi Paybarah
Senior Reporter 
Politico New York

From: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>

Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2017 4:04 PM
To: Azi Paybarah
Subject: RE: comment re: $1M ads / Police Foundation
I do not have a comment.
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475
From: Azi Paybarah [mailto:apaybarah@politico.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2017 4:03 PM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: comment re: $1M ads / Police Foundation
Azi Paybarah
Senior Reporter 
Politico New York

From: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>

Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2017 3:58 PM
To: Azi Paybarah
Subject: RE: comment re: $1M ads / Police Foundation
Did you mean to send this to me?
Dan Levitan
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
O: 646.200.5315
C: 201.674.7475
From: Azi Paybarah [mailto:apaybarah@politico.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2017 3:39 PM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: comment re: $1M ads / Police Foundation
Hi Dan,
The Police Foundation is running these ads shortly.
What comment do you have about the substance, and timing? 
-- Azi
Azi Paybarah
Senior Reporter 
Politico New York
From: Sarle, Ben
To: Sarle, Ben
Bcc: @Social; Amanawil Lemi (ALemi@cityhall.nyc.gov); Bartholomew, Caty; @Photo Office; Bennett, Rob; Scott
Gastel (sgastel@dot.nyc.gov); Gloria Chin (gchin@dot.nyc.gov); Alana Morales (amorales4@dot.nyc.gov); Chris
Browne (cbrowne@dot.nyc.gov); Allon, Janet (Consultant); Julianne Cho (jcho@sbs.nyc.gov); Nick Benson
(nbenson@sbs.nyc.gov); Clark, Kathleen (CTO); Alexis Wichowski (awichowski@veterans.nyc.gov); Mangone,
Jason (DVS); Ryan Max (rmax@culture.nyc.gov); Murray, Ryan (MOCS); Paolucci, Nick (Law); Meghan Lalor
(meghan.lalor@parks.nyc.gov); Sam Biederman (Sam.Biederman@parks.nyc.gov); Dana Rubinstein; Dayna
Evans; Malone, Clare; dlibner@nycgo.com; Kim Klein (Kklein@nycgo.com); Novick, Jonathan; Jackson, Martha;
King, Kleo; jwhitney@dot.nyc.gov; mkaucic@dot.nyc.gov; @Creative Comms; brian.levin@berlinrosen.com;
Negash, Dabash; jjorgensen@nydailynews.com
Subject: Flacks...
Date: Thursday, May 18, 2017 10:49:00 AM
Attachments: Flacks & Hacks Release.doc

…and Hacks! See you there tonight!

Please see attached or visit us at www.flacksandhacks.com
May 18, 6:30pm
Irish American Pub Restaurant
Ben Sarle
Deputy Press Secretary
Mayor’s Press Office | City of New York
(347) 407-1385
From: Fialkoff, Gabrielle
To: "jonathan@berlinrosen.com"
Subject: ICYMI: How New York City is solving the puzzle of out-of-work youth
Date: Thursday, May 18, 2017 1:39:54 PM

How New York City is solving the puzzle of out-of-work youth

With teen employment among the nation's lowest, city enacts plan to provide opportunity
By Gabrielle Fialkoff
May 17, 2017
Crain’s New York

Most successful adults can vouch for the importance of early work experience in setting them on a
path toward stable, rewarding careers. Whether they run a few hours after-school or two months in
the summer, jobs teach responsibility, interpersonal skills, problem-solving and how to manage
money. Even better, early work can help young people explore career interests and connect with
adults who provide mentorship and support.

Unfortunately, both nationally and in New York City, too few young people have access to work

In 2000, 55% of American teens had a paying job at some point during the year; by 2011, that
number was down to 28%. And among the 100 largest U.S. cities, New York ranked 95th in work
rate for people age 16 to 19 and 97th among those 20 to 24. Of particular concern is that a youths’
likelihood of employment falls along with family income—meaning that those who could most
benefit from work are the least likely to have it.

In the spring of 2015, my office launched the NYC Center for Youth Employment to deliver more
and better work experiences for young New Yorkers. It aims to solve two problems that came up
again and again in conversations with key stakeholders: too few employers at the table, and a
fractured set of public youth employment programs that did not amount to a structured system.

The stakes of early work are high for both youth and employers. Research has shown that early
exposure to work improves school attendance, the likelihood of steady employment and earning
power through an individual’s 20s and 30s. At the other extreme, it’s estimated that the lifetime
cost of each “disconnected youth”—individuals 16 to 24 years old who are neither in school nor
working—is as much as $1 million in lost tax revenues and added social spending. When Mayor
Bill de Blasio took office in 2014, New York City was home to 172,000 such young adults,
representing a potential $172 billion drag on our economy.

An ineffective youth workforce system hurts businesses, too. Nationally, one in three American
companies report having job openings for which they can’t find qualified workers. At the same
time, only 10% of companies report having recruitment outcomes that meet their diversity goals.
Closer to home, New York City employers traditionally have found the city’s programs difficult to
navigate and overly bureaucratic. But any firm that has brought talented young people onboard
knows how much they contribute in energy, new skills, and fresh thinking—as I can personally
attest from many years as a business owner and employer before I entered city government.

The Center for Youth Employment has worked to expand opportunities for work, render programs
more business-friendly and connect programs into a greater whole. In partnership with city
agencies, employers, philanthropy and nonprofits, we have helped grow overall capacity across all
youth workforce programs from an estimated 62,000 experiences to more than 84,000.

In keeping with the center’s dual focus, it has prioritized support toward young people who most
need access to opportunity. Three-quarters of students in the city’s programs qualify for free or
reduced-price lunch, and more than one in five live below the poverty line. The second focus of
employer engagement has already paid off: The number of organizations hosting high-achieving
high school and college students as paid summer interns has grown to more than 600 this year
from 87 in 2014.

A new report from the mayor and City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito calls for continued
growth and improvement in New York City’s youth workforce programming. It recommended that
programs help youth prepare for the workforce by delivering a set of transferable skills that
employers value, such as communications, problem-solving and critical thinking. Another crucial
recommendation is to connect educational activities to work experiences, showing the relevance of
school to future career paths—and taking us a big step closer to establishing a real system.

The value proposition of this effort is clear: When our young people are better prepared to enter
the job market, our businesses are better able to thrive—and our city is better prepared to compete
in the 21st century economy.

From: Andrew MacPhail
To: Ben Fordham; McMorrow, Matthew
Cc: "kline"; gmhc
Subject: RE: Mayor de Blasio AWNY
Date: Thursday, May 18, 2017 6:03:38 PM

We are of course disappointed but we understand. We would be honored to have you present a
Proclamation and present to Kelsey. We certainly will make certain that we capture this moment at
the step-and-repeat.
Please give our kind regards to the Mayor!
Andrew MacPhail, MPA
Associate Managing Director, Administration
Pronouns: he, him, his
Office: (212) 367-1245
Mobile: (646) 357-0502
I’m participating in AIDS Walk New York on May 21, 2017!
Please visit my personal fundraising page: https://ny.aidswalk.net/AndrewMacphail

From: Ben Fordham [mailto:benf@mzaevents.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2017 5:48 PM
To: McMorrow, Matthew; Andrew MacPhail
Cc: 'kline'
Subject: Re: Mayor de Blasio AWNY
Hi Matthew, 
We understand and appreciate the Mayor's support. No need to fill in with another speaker,
but thank you for the offer. 
Andrew will be able to respond further regarding the photo opp/proclamation with Kelsey.
Thank you and we'll look forward to seeing you!

From: McMorrow, Matthew <MMcMorrow@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2017 4:50:56 PM
To: Ben Fordham; Andrew MacPhail
Cc: 'kline'
Subject: RE: Mayor de Blasio AWNY
Hi guys,
Unfortunately, due to scheduling conflicts, the Mayor regrets that he cannot make it to the AIDS Walk
morning ceremonies.  Let me know if you would like me to ask a Commissioner or Deputy Mayor to
speak instead.  I will be there to represent the Mayor, regardless.  I can bring a Proclamation from the
Mayor that declares the day AIDS Walk NYC Day.  I know your speaking program is limited, so I
wouldn't ask to speak.  I could just do a quick photo presentation with Kelsey at the step-and-repeat.  
Sorry we couldn’t make this happen this year, but know the Mayor is fully behind all that you’re doing to
end the epidemic.

From: Ben Fordham [benf@mzaevents.com]

Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2017 4:31 PM
To: McMorrow, Matthew; Andrew MacPhail
Subject: RE: Mayor de Blasio AWNY

Thank you so much. I’m sure I don’t need to tell you, but we’re highly focused on the potentially
disastrous effects of healthcare repeal on HIV-positive people, and our response as a united AIDS
Walk community, standing up and resisting. Having the Mayor on board would really drive that
message home!
From: McMorrow, Matthew [mailto:MMcMorrow@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2017 1:30 PM
To: Ben Fordham <benf@mzaevents.com>; Andrew MacPhail <AndrewM@GMHC.org>
Subject: RE: Mayor de Blasio AWNY
Thanks, Andrew and Ben.  Just so we’re on the same page, I am now advocating internally for the
mayor to speak at the opening ceremonies, with the VIP breakfast as an alternate option.  I’ll keep
you posted.
Matthew T. McMorrow
Senior Advisor
Office of the Mayor
Community Affairs Unit
212-748-0342 (o)
646-951-6774 (m)
Pronouns:  He/Him/His
From: Ben Fordham [mailto:benf@mzaevents.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2017 9:10 PM
To: Andrew MacPhail
Cc: McMorrow, Matthew
Subject: RE: Mayor de Blasio AWNY
That’s great! Matthew, let me know if I can help answer any questions.
From: Andrew MacPhail [mailto:AndrewM@GMHC.org]
Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2017 3:31 PM
To: Ben Fordham <benf@mzaevents.com>
Cc: Matthew T. McMorrow (mmcmorrow@cityhall.nyc.gov) <mmcmorrow@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Mayor de Blasio AWNY
Hello Ben,
Today, I had a conversation with Matthew McMorrow, Senior Advisor, Office of NYC Mayor Bill de
Blasio.  Matthew is working on potentially having the Mayor attend, and hopefully speak at AIDS
Walk on Sunday, May 21.
I have copied Matthew on this email so that the two of you can review logistics.  Please let me know
if I can be of further assistance.
Many thanks,
Andrew MacPhail, MPA
Associate Managing Director, Administration
Pronouns: he, him, his
Office: (212) 367-1245
Mobile: (646) 357-0502
I’m participating in AIDS Walk New York on May 21, 2017!
Please visit my personal fundraising page: https://ny.aidswalk.net/AndrewMacphail

GMHC fights to end the AIDS epidemic and uplift the lives of all affected.

Gay Men's Health Crisis (GMHC), Main Offices: 446 West 33rd Street, New York, NY 10001
The David Geffen Center for HIV Prevention and Health Education: 224 West 29th Street, New York, NY 10001
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GMHC fights to end the AIDS epidemic and uplift the lives of all affected.

Gay Men's Health Crisis (GMHC), Main Offices: 446 West 33rd Street, New York, NY 10001
The David Geffen Center for HIV Prevention and Health Education: 224 West 29th Street, New York, NY 10001
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From: Jeremy Soffin
To: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: Pacific Park event
Date: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 2:29:09 PM

Hi Wiley, hope you’re well. I had heard that the Mayor was interested in potentially
attending the Greenland Forest City Partners ribbon cutting at 535 Carlton, an all-
affordable building in Pacific Park, on June 5. Please let me now if that is confirmed,
definitely not happening or if we should be patient. Thanks.
From: Norvell, Wiley
To: "Cotton, Ashley"
Cc: Jeremy Soffin (jeremy@berlinrosen.com)
Subject: RE: confirming June 12
Date: Tuesday, May 30, 2017 5:28:42 PM

Pls send invite for 10:30am

From: Cotton, Ashley [mailto:acotton@fcrc.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2017 5:26 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Jeremy Soffin (jeremy@berlinrosen.com)
Subject: RE: confirming June 12
I am going to send this tomorrow for an 1130am start. Please confirm.
Also we are planning a walk through for Monday, June 5: 10-11am or 4-5pm. Please let us know
what time works best for you/advance to join. Thanks
From: Cotton, Ashley
Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2017 11:29 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Jeremy Soffin (jeremy@berlinrosen.com) <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: confirming June 12
Wiley – at two weeks out we would like to send the attached invite out to our guest list so we can
collect RSVPs. Please confirm that is ok and what time to list?
When do you want to come walk through the building? do you want to speak with the resident we
have IDed to participate?
From: McGinn, Isaac
To: Jovana Rizzo
Subject: RE: NY1 Inquiry
Date: Thursday, June 01, 2017 11:32:27 AM

Hey Jovanna,
Now that it’s June I think we should plan to revisit this story with NY1. Am checking with my team on
whether they’ve selected a best date with Breaking Ground for this and will circle back, but would
like to move on this soon. Thanks,
From: McGinn, Isaac
Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2017 3:11 PM
To: Jovana Rizzo
Subject: Re: NY1 Inquiry

Got it, will reach out. Thanks!

Sent from my iPhone

On May 10, 2017, at 1:36 PM, Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

John Cronan from the Queens Tribune called - he said he heard at a Queens CB9 meeting
that the drop-in center is open and wanted to confirm. We said Breaking Ground Queens
staff is now working out of the building but the drop-in portion is not yet open. He's
at:  x
From: Jovana Rizzo
Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2017 9:47 AM
To: McGinn, Isaac
Subject: RE: NY1 Inquiry

Amie Pospisil

From: McGinn, Isaac [mcginni@hra.nyc.gov]

Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2017 9:43 AM
To: Jovana Rizzo
Subject: RE: NY1 Inquiry

Our team says they’ll reach out to BG on this—anyone in particular they should be
coordinating with here? Thanks again!
From: McGinn, Isaac
Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2017 7:03 PM
To: Jovana Rizzo
Subject: RE: NY1 Inquiry

To move this forward, think best if we run same play as last time—connecting our
respective teams so they can find best date for them as relates to their work and then
we circle back with reporter and confirm?
From: Jovana Rizzo [mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Sunday, May 07, 2017 5:37 PM
To: McGinn, Isaac
Subject: RE: NY1 Inquiry

She said fine to hold for a few weeks, will ask the team when they think would be the
right time.

From: McGinn, Isaac [mcginni@hra.nyc.gov]

Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2017 9:46 AM
To: Jovana Rizzo
Subject: RE: NY1 Inquiry

Got it. Our team agrees, so I’ve asked them how long that “some time” would be and
what date we expect to start bringing clients off streets.
Reporter seems focused on next week—does she have any flexibility there or is it
Monday/Tuesday or bust?
This is a great opportunity I don’t think we should miss, so if she’s stuck on Mon/Tues, I
think we should work with teams to figure out how to best move forward with telling
this story.
From: Jovana Rizzo [mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2017 4:59 PM
To: McGinn, Isaac
Subject: RE: NY1 Inquiry

Feedback from Breaking Ground below - I can reply to the reporter and say we can circle
back when it's fully up and running? Let me know what you think.
It seems advantageous to hold this off for some time, if possible. Furniture is just being
delivered there this week, so buying some time for the offices to be set up and the full
Queens outreach team to move there would be ideal. That would provide a much better
backdrop for cameras. 

From: McGinn, Isaac [mcginni@hra.nyc.gov]

Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2017 2:58 PM
To: Jovana Rizzo
Subject: Re: NY1 Inquiry

Thank you!

Sent from my iPhone

queens is now open. I was wondering if we could do a
follow up story about the center.
Perhaps take a tour of the place and hopefully talk to
one of the clients.
Since there was so much opposition to this center before
it opened - I want to revise with some of the people
from my original story ... basically to show the fears
were unwarranted. I am looking at doing this story
either Monday or Tuesday of next week. Is that possible

Angi Gonzalez
NY1 Anchor & Reporter
Cell: 6465651613
Office: 212-379-3685
Sent from my iPhone
From: Kerson, Julia
To: Foy, Malinda
Cc: Toole, Laura; Gangemi, Alexa/NYC; Majid, Sheriza; DeAngelo, Beth P.; polina.knaster@hdrinc.com; Cathy
Rought; Bucich, Nicole A.; Lisa Marie Pompei
Subject: Re: one more thing - MetroCards
Date: Thursday, June 01, 2017 12:29:28 PM
Attachments: image001.png

FYI - Last I heard - Sheriza had 26 leftover cards and we haven't identified a
recipient yet. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 1, 2017, at 12:27 PM, Foy, Malinda <MaFoy@mtabt.org> wrote:

I have heard good things about Sanctuary for Families and, if the MetroCards are still
available, happy to reach out to them to see if they’d be interested in a donation.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->- <!--[endif]-->MRF
Questions?  Give me a call:
From: Toole, Laura [mailto:Laura.Toole@wsp.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2017 7:40 PM
To: Gangemi, Alexa/NYC <Alexa.Gangemi@ch2m.com>; Majid, Sheriza
<smajid@VHB.com>; Kerson, Julia <JKerson@cityhall.nyc.gov>; DeAngelo, Beth P.
<Beth.Deangelo@wsp.com>; polina.knaster@hdrinc.com; Cathy Rought
<cathy@berlinrosen.com>; Bucich, Nicole A. <Nicole.Bucich@wsp.com>; Lisa Marie
Pompei <lpompei@entech-pc.com>; Foy, Malinda <MaFoy@mtabt.org>
Subject: one more thing
Did anyone hear anything about reactions to having metrocards in general?  Do we
know how many were donated and where?
Laura L. Toole
Senior Supervising Manager
Public Involvement/Connecticut
500 Winding Brook Drive
Glastonbury, CT 06033
Direct: 860-815-0298
Cell:     631-885-4486
WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff* is now WSP.


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From: Cathy Rought
To: Foy, Malinda; Toole, Laura; Gangemi, Alexa/NYC; Majid, Sheriza; Kerson, Julia; DeAngelo, Beth P.;
polina.knaster@hdrinc.com; Bucich, Nicole A.; Lisa Marie Pompei
Cc: Finn, Deborah (C) (US)
Subject: RE: one more thing - MetroCards
Date: Thursday, June 01, 2017 12:40:07 PM
Attachments: image001.png

I would check with Deb Finn (cc’d here) to make sure there are no restrictions as to where we can
Deb, there are 21 left.
From: Foy, Malinda [mailto:MaFoy@mtabt.org]
Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2017 12:27 PM
To: Toole, Laura <Laura.Toole@wsp.com>; Gangemi, Alexa/NYC <Alexa.Gangemi@ch2m.com>;
Majid, Sheriza <smajid@VHB.com>; Kerson, Julia <JKerson@cityhall.nyc.gov>; DeAngelo, Beth P.
<Beth.Deangelo@wsp.com>; polina.knaster@hdrinc.com; Cathy Rought <cathy@berlinrosen.com>;
Bucich, Nicole A. <Nicole.Bucich@wsp.com>; Lisa Marie Pompei <lpompei@entech-pc.com>
Subject: RE: one more thing - MetroCards
I have heard good things about Sanctuary for Families and, if the MetroCards are still available,
happy to reach out to them to see if they’d be interested in a donation.
Questions?  Give me a call:
From: Toole, Laura [mailto:Laura.Toole@wsp.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2017 7:40 PM
To: Gangemi, Alexa/NYC <Alexa.Gangemi@ch2m.com>; Majid, Sheriza <smajid@VHB.com>; Kerson,
Julia <JKerson@cityhall.nyc.gov>; DeAngelo, Beth P. <Beth.Deangelo@wsp.com>;
polina.knaster@hdrinc.com; Cathy Rought <cathy@berlinrosen.com>; Bucich, Nicole A.
<Nicole.Bucich@wsp.com>; Lisa Marie Pompei <lpompei@entech-pc.com>; Foy, Malinda
Subject: one more thing
Did anyone hear anything about reactions to having metrocards in general?  Do we know how many
were donated and where?
Laura L. Toole
Senior Supervising Manager
Public Involvement/Connecticut
500 Winding Brook Drive
Glastonbury, CT 06033
Direct: 860-815-0298
Cell:     631-885-4486
WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff* is now WSP.

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From: Cathy Rought
To: Cullen, Laurie; Bucich, Nicole A.
Cc: Kerson, Julia
Subject: RE: Charity Canvas_Amelia.pdf
Date: Thursday, June 01, 2017 5:06:23 PM
Attachments: Amelia.pdf

Here’s the PDF for the art which raises money for the foundation
From: Cullen, Laurie [mailto:LCullen@VHB.com]
Sent: Friday, May 26, 2017 7:41 AM
To: Bucich, Nicole A. <Nicole.Bucich@wsp.com>
Cc: Cathy Rought <cathy@berlinrosen.com>; Kerson, Julia (JKerson@cityhall.nyc.gov)
Subject: RE: Charity Canvas_Amelia.pdf
Hi Nicole,
I was going to follow up with Lisa Marie on this today but there was no attachment.  Can you send
me that amelia.pdf document?  Thanks.
Laurie K. Cullen, A.A.E.
Senior Program Manager
P 401.457.7804 | M 401.644.9907
From: Cullen, Laurie
Sent: Saturday, May 20, 2017 9:54 AM
To: Bucich, Nicole A. <Nicole.Bucich@wsp.com>
Cc: Cathy Rought <cathy@berlinrosen.com>; Kerson, Julia (JKerson@cityhall.nyc.gov)
Subject: Re: Charity Canvas_Amelia.pdf
Hi Nicole,
That's a great idea. I will follow up with Lisa Marie and staff to see if we can get this emailed to the
conference attendees. I'm definitely buying one for myself. Thx. 

Laurie Cullen
Sent from my iPhone

On May 19, 2017, at 9:29 AM, Bucich, Nicole A. <Nicole.Bucich@wsp.com> wrote:

We spoke to Lisa Marie yesterday about this but I honestly have no confidence that she
will follow up.  Attached is the flyer for the AMELIA reprints.  Is it possible for this to be
sent to all attendees to make them aware that 50% of prints sold go to WTS
Julia – Can we send this out via email blast to the Greater NY chapter?
Nicole A. Bucich
NY Metropolitan Planning & Environmental Manager
Phone: 212.465.5220
Mobile: 973.699.1937
One Penn Plaza, 2 nd Floor
New York, NY 10119

WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff is now WSP.



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distribution of, or reliance on this message is strictly prohibited. If you have
received this message in error, or you are not an authorized recipient, please
notify the sender immediately by replying to this message, delete this message
and all copies from your e-mail system and destroy any printed copies.
<Charity Canvas_Amelia.pdf>

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Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. | info@vhb.com


This Charity Canvas is inspired by the global advancement of women in
transportation. Reprints of AMELIA donate 50% of its revenue to the Women’s
Transportation Seminar (WTS) Foundation. Reprints can be purchased here:

Nathan Katsuki, Independent Artist
From: Jeremy Soffin
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: acotton@fcrc.com
Subject: 535 Carlton materials/walkthrough
Date: Tuesday, June 06, 2017 8:42:35 AM
Attachments: 535 Carlton Run of Show 6.5.17.docx
535 Ribbon Cutting Release 6.5.2017.docx
535 Carlton Ribbon Cutting Media Advisory 6.5.2017.docx

Wiley: Attached please find draft materials for next week’s ribbon cutting event. Also please let us
know when you’d like to do a walkthrough of the property. Thanks.
Run of Show for 535 Carlton opening

TIME: 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Monday, June 12, 2017

LOCATION: 535 Carlton Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11238

STAFFING: Greenland Forest City

• Scott Solish
• Ashley Cotton
• Mike Rapfogel
• Swathi Bonda – Leading Tour
• Susi Yu – Leading Tour

Berlin Rosen Public Affairs:

• Matt Lawyue – Lobby Entrance

• Danielle Schlanger – Press Check In
• Sara Joseph – Terrace
• Jeremy Soffin – Terrace

The run of show is as follows:

9:30 a.m. BerlinRosen arrives on site

9:35 a.m. BerlinRosen arranges press check in table outside building entrance

9:40 a.m. BerlinRosen checks terrace is ready for speeches and press

10:25 a.m. Guests begin to arrive outside building entrance

10:30 a.m. Photographs for ribbon cutting outside building entrance

10:35 a.m. Guests enter building and take elevator to 9th floor terrace

10:37 a.m. Guests take their seats

10:40 a.m. Formal program begins

10:40 a.m. TK introduces Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen

10:42 a.m. Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen makes remarks

10:45 a.m. Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen introduces Greenland USA President and CEO
Hu Gang

10:47 a.m. Greenland USA President and CEO Hu Gang makes remarks

10:50 a.m. Greenland USA President and CEO Hu Gang introduces Forest City New
York President and CEO MaryAnne Gilmartin

10:52 a.m. Forest City New York President and CEO MaryAnne Gilmartin makes

10:54 a.m. Forest City New York President and CEO MaryAnne Gilmartin
introduces COOKFOX Architects Founder Rick Cook

10:56 a.m. COOKFOX Architects Founder Rick Cook makes remarks

10:58 a.m. COOKFOX Architects Founder Rick Cook introduces HPD or HPC

11:00 a.m. HPD or HPC makes remarks

11:02 a.m. Formal program ends

11:03 a.m. Reception with food and drinks begins in terrace

11:05 a.m. Tours begin

11:07 a.m. Group takes elevator to TK floor to view 535 Carlton resident Crystal
Patterson’s apartment

11:09 a.m. Tour of 535 Carlton resident Crystal Patterson’s apartment

11:15 a.m. Group takes elevator to TK floor to view amenities

11:18 a.m. Tour of amenity spaces

11:20 a.m. Group takes elevator to lobby

11:30 a.m. Tours end, visitors and press leave

Contact: Danielle Schlanger, danielle.schlanger@berlinrosen.com, 646.200.5309

Greenland Forest City Partners Celebrates the Opening of 535 Carlton,

First 100 Percent Affordable Building Open at Pacific Park Brooklyn

COOKFOX-Designed Property Delivers 298 Modern Apartments

to Low, Moderate, and Middle Income New Yorkers

Brooklyn, NY (June 12, 2017)—Greenland Forest City Partners, joined by New York City
Deputy Mayor for Housing and Economic Development Alicia Glen, held a ribbon-cutting
ceremony today to celebrate the opening of 535 Carlton, its 100 percent affordable residential
property at Pacific Park Brooklyn. Designed by renowned New York-based architectural firm
COOKFOX Architects, 535 Carlton is the second residential building to open in the new
neighborhood. There are currently 479 units of below market-rate housing at Pacific Park and
another 303 will become available this summer. When complete, Pacific Park will include 2,250
units of below market-rate housing set aside for low, moderate, and middle income
households. All of the units will be built using union labor.

“535 Carlton is another exemplary thread to the growing fabric of Pacific Park Brooklyn,” said
Hu Gang, President and CEO of Greenland USA. “Adding a high-quality affordable building to
this neighborhood is a testament to our mission of growing vibrant communities and
economies, and we are extremely proud that this building offers new opportunities and
possibilities to the citizens of New York.”

“The opening of 535 Carlton further underscores Greenland Forest City Partners’ commitment
to affordable housing and ensures Pacific Park is a neighborhood inclusive of all New Yorkers,”
said MaryAnne Gilmartin, President and CEO of Forest City New York. “This extraordinary
building proves that affordable housing can be practical and beautiful. The building combines
first-rate design and top-tier amenities including a fitness center, residents’ lounge, and a
vibrant community garden. It’s not only high-end luxury buildings that provide these types of
amenities and services any longer.”


535 Carlton sits between Pacific and Dean Streets in the heart of Pacific Park, Brooklyn’s
newest neighborhood bounded by Fort Greene, Boerum Hill, Clinton Hill, Prospect Heights and
Park Slope. This 18-story, 298-unit building comes with a first-rate amenity package, including
a fitness center, yoga studio, game room, children’s playroom and outdoor terrace.

535 Carlton joins 461 Dean, a 50 percent affordable residential property designed by SHoP
Architects, which opened last November. This summer, 38 Sixth Avenue, another 100 percent
affordable residential property also designed by SHoP, will open at Pacific Park.

The 298 units at the building have been set aside for residents earning between 30 percent and
165 percent of the area median income (AMI). Preference was given to residents currently
living in Brooklyn community boards 2, 3, 6 and 8, as well as municipal employees and those
with vision, hearing or mobility disabilities.

Greenland Forest City Partners enlisted architectural visionaries COOKFOX to ensure the 100
percent affordable building was seamlessly integrated into the Brooklyn streetscape and
adjacent green space. A pioneer of sustainable design, COOKFOX took inspiration from nature
and incorporated natural materials, textures and colors throughout 535 Carlton. The
architecture also emphasizes the building’s relationship to the adjacent Pacific Park, designed
by celebrated landscape architect Thomas Balsley; one will be able to see the green space from
the street through the lobby, creating a strong visual connection with the neighborhood.

“We approached the design of 535 Carlton with two critical goals: to create the healthiest
possible homes and respect the surrounding historic neighborhood,” said Rick Cook, a founder
and partner at COOKFOX. “We are proud to have designed affordable homes for a diverse
community that connects residents with nature, daylight and views to green space, rooftop
gardening, and natural materials and finishes.”

COOKFOX also prioritized connecting 535 Carlton residents with nature and natural cycles.
Daylit elevator vestibules look onto the park on each floor, and the residential entry is designed
to provide open vistas through the lobby, creating a visual connection from the street to the
park. Landscaped space distributed throughout the rooftop, terraces and setbacks provide
residents with expansive vistas of Prospect Park, New York Harbor and surrounding Brooklyn
neighborhoods. Urban agriculture and residential gardens are also fundamental to the
building’s design, offering opportunities for residents to foster a close community among
neighbors and nature.

Residents are moving into 535 Carlton at a critical moment in Pacific Park Brooklyn’s evolution.
By the end of 2017, four of the neighborhood’s 14 residential buildings will be open and home
to thousands of new residents, including 38 Sixth Avenue, the neighborhood’s second 100-
percent affordable building. When complete, Pacific Park Brooklyn will include six million
square feet of residential space across 6,430 units of housing, of which 2,250 will be affordable
rental units. It will also contain 247,000 square feet of retail space, up to 1.6 million square feet
of office space, and eight acres of publicly-accessible open space.
For more information about 535 Carlton, visit affordable.535carlton.com. For high-resolution
images, click here.

About Greenland Forest City Partners

Greenland Forest City Partners is a joint venture established in June 2014 between Greenland
USA, a subsidiary of Shanghai-based Greenland Group Co., and Forest City New York, a
subsidiary of Forest City Realty Trust, Inc. The partners will co-develop Pacific Park, the 22-
acre mixed-use neighborhood in the heart of Brooklyn. When complete, the neighborhood will
include 6,430 units of new housing, of which 2,250 units will be affordable.

About COOKFOX Architects:

COOKFOX Architects is a studio dedicated to integrated, environmentally responsive design. We

believe good design is sustainable and we are committed to being wise stewards of our shared natural
and cultural resources. Guided by our passion for excellence, belief in the collaborative process, and
persistent curiosity, COOKFOX pursues projects that allow us to fundamentally rethink how people
interact with buildings and the natural environment. www.cookfox.com

For Planning Purposes
Monday, June 12, 2017, 11:00 AM
Media RSVP: Danielle Schlanger, Danielle.schlanger@berlinrosen.com, 646-200-5309
Matt Lawyue, matt.lawyue@berlinrosen.com, 646-200-5335


Greenland Forest City Partners and City Officials

Celebrate the Opening of 535 Carlton, First 100 Percent
Affordable Building Open at Pacific Park Brooklyn
Greenland Forest City Partners, joined by Deputy Mayor for Housing and Economic Development
Alicia Glen, will hold a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the opening of 535 Carlton, its 100
percent affordable residential property at Pacific Park Brooklyn. Designed by renowned New York-
based architectural firm COOKFOX, 535 Carlton is the second residential building to open in the
new neighborhood, following the opening of 461 Dean, a 50 percent affordable residential property,
last November. When complete, Pacific Park will include 2,250 units of below market-rate housing
set aside for low, moderate, and middle income households.

WHO: New York City Officials

Greenland USA President and CEO Hu Gang
Forest City New York President and CEO MaryAnne Gilmartin
COOKFOX Architects Founding Partner Rick Cook

WHERE: 535 Carlton Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11238

WHEN: Monday, June 12, 2017

11:00 AM

VISUALS: Ribbon cutting with city officials

Tours of the COOKFOX-designed building including lobby, terrace and amenity
Speeches on roof terrace

CONTACT: Danielle Schlanger, Danielle.schlanger@berlinrosen.com, 917-859-8064
Matt Lawyue, matt.lawyue@berlinrosen.com, 646-799-2991

MEDIA RSVP: Danielle Schlanger, Danielle.schlanger@berlinrosen.com, 646-200-5309

Matt Lawyue, matt.lawyue@berlinrosen.com, 646-200-5335

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: Emily Walsh
Subject: Re:
Date: Tuesday, June 06, 2017 9:30:11 AM


Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 6, 2017, at 9:29 AM, Emily Walsh <Emily@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

All set for 11th fl

On Tue, Jun 6, 2017 at 6:35 AM -0400, "Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca"

<PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Till around 245. Thanks!

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 5, 2017, at 10:50 PM, Emily Walsh <Emily@berlinrosen.com>


Sorry for the delay. Let me check and get back to you. How

On Mon, Jun 5, 2017 at 6:34 PM -0400, "Salazar-Rodriguez,

Prisca" <PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Hi! Can I send the Mayor to you tomorrow for some call time at 1215
for a few hours?
From: Norvell, Wiley
To: "Jeremy Soffin"; Cotton, Ashley
Subject: RE: 535 Carlton materials/walkthrough
Date: Wednesday, June 07, 2017 1:45:34 PM

From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2017 1:44 PM
To: Cotton, Ashley; Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: 535 Carlton materials/walkthrough
Hi Wiley, just a heads up we’re going out with a basic advisory (see below) this afternoon, doesn’t
mention any City folks by name.


Greenland Forest City Partners and City Officials

Celebrate the Opening of 535 Carlton, First 100
Percent Affordable Building Open at Pacific Park
Greenland Forest City Partners, joined by city officials, will hold a ribbon-cutting ceremony to
celebrate the opening of 535 Carlton, its 100 percent affordable residential property at Pacific
Park Brooklyn. Designed by renowned New York-based architectural firm COOKFOX, 535
Carlton is the second residential building to open in the new neighborhood, following the
opening of 461 Dean, a 50 percent affordable residential property, last November. When
complete, Pacific Park will include 2,250 units of below market-rate housing set aside for low,
moderate, and middle income households.
WHO:                  New York City Officials
Greenland USA President and CEO Hu Gang
Forest City New York President and CEO MaryAnne Gilmartin
COOKFOX Architects Founding Partner Rick Cook
WHERE:             535 Carlton Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11238
WHEN:               Monday, June 12, 2017
                              11:00 AM
VISUALS:            Ribbon cutting with city officials
Tours of the COOKFOX-designed building including lobby, terrace and amenity
Speeches on roof terrace
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Cotton, Ashley [mailto:acotton@fcrc.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2017 3:53 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>; Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: 535 Carlton materials/walkthrough
Wiley -
Will city hall be doing additional outreach to elected officials?
And just trying to sort my week - will you want a walk through and to meet Crystal?

From: Jeremy Soffin

Sent: Tuesday, June 6, 2017 8:42 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Cotton, Ashley
Subject: 535 Carlton materials/walkthrough


Wiley: Attached please find draft materials for next week’s ribbon cutting event. Also please let us
know when you’d like to do a walkthrough of the property. Thanks.
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: "Emily Walsh"
Subject: RE: Re:
Date: Thursday, June 08, 2017 11:46:34 AM

From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2017 11:46 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: RE: Re:
Yikes, we are fully booked today with staff visiting for our all staff meeting. I'm so sorry- we can't today.
We could do 4 pm? Sorry, just a tough day.  
Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2017 11:35 AM
To: Emily Walsh
Subject: RE: Re:

Hey hey – my bad –

Forgot to ask you for a room for today from 145-345
From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2017 9:29 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: Re:
All set for 11th fl

On Tue, Jun 6, 2017 at 6:35 AM -0400, "Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca" <PSalazar-

Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Till around 245. Thanks!

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 5, 2017, at 10:50 PM, Emily Walsh <Emily@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Sorry for the delay. Let me check and get back to you. How long?

On Mon, Jun 5, 2017 at 6:34 PM -0400, "Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca" <PSalazar-

Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Hi! Can I send the Mayor to you tomorrow for some call time at 1215 for a few hours?
From: Danielle Schlanger
To: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: Press Release For Approval/Quote From Deputy Mayor Glen
Date: Friday, June 09, 2017 11:46:32 AM
Attachments: 535 Ribbon-Cutting, 6.12.2017.docx

Hi Wiley,

Long time, no speak—hope you’re doing well!

Attached is a draft press release for the 535 Carlton ribbon-cutting this Monday. Please let me know
ASAP if this looks right to you. Also, we’d like to insert a quote from DM Glen into the release. Let us
know when that has been drafted.
Thanks again, and looking forward to speaking with you soon. Please don’t hesitate to call me at
646-200-5309 should you have questions.
C. 917.859.8064
O. 646.200.5309
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
Contact: Danielle Schlanger, danielle.schlanger@berlinrosen.com, 646.200.5309

Greenland Forest City Partners Celebrates the Opening of 535 Carlton,

First 100 Percent Affordable Building Open at Pacific Park Brooklyn

COOKFOX-Designed Property Delivers 298 Modern Apartments

to Low, Moderate, and Middle Income New Yorkers

Brooklyn, NY (June 12, 2017)—Greenland Forest City Partners, joined by New York City
Deputy Mayor for Housing and Economic Development Alicia Glen, held a ribbon-cutting
ceremony today to celebrate the opening of 535 Carlton, its 100 percent affordable residential
property at Pacific Park Brooklyn. Designed by renowned New York-based architectural firm
COOKFOX Architects, 535 Carlton is the second residential building to open in the new
neighborhood. There are currently 479 units of below market-rate housing at Pacific Park and
another 303 will become available this summer. When complete, Pacific Park will include 2,250
units of below market-rate housing set aside for low, moderate, and middle income
households. All of the units will be built using union labor.

“When we broke ground on 535 Carlton in 2014 we made a commitment with Mayor de Blasio,
Governor Cuomo, and local community groups to bring affordable housing to New Yorkers,
and today we have delivered on that promise,” said Hu Gang, President and CEO of Greenland
USA. “Adding a high-quality affordable building to Pacific Park Brooklyn is a testament to
Greenland Forest City Partners’ mission of growing vibrant communities and economies
inclusive of everyone, and we are extremely proud of this first step in increasing the affordable
housing stock in New York City.”

“The opening of 535 Carlton further underscores Greenland Forest City Partners’ commitment
to affordable housing and ensures Pacific Park is a neighborhood inclusive of all New Yorkers,”
said MaryAnne Gilmartin, President and CEO of Forest City New York. “This extraordinary
building proves that affordable housing can be practical and beautiful. The building combines
first-rate design and top-tier amenities including a fitness center, residents’ lounge, and a
vibrant community garden. It’s not only high-end luxury buildings that provide these types of
amenities and services any longer.”


535 Carlton sits between Pacific and Dean Streets in the heart of Pacific Park, Brooklyn’s
newest neighborhood bounded by Fort Greene, Boerum Hill, Clinton Hill, Prospect Heights and
Park Slope. This 18-story, 298-unit building comes with a first-rate amenity package, including
a fitness center, yoga studio, game room, children’s playroom and outdoor terrace.

535 Carlton joins 461 Dean, a 50 percent affordable residential property designed by SHoP
Architects, which opened last November. This summer, 38 Sixth Avenue, another 100 percent
affordable residential property also designed by SHoP, will open at Pacific Park.

The 298 units at the building have been set aside for residents earning between 30 percent and
165 percent of the area median income (AMI). Preference was given to residents currently
living in Brooklyn community boards 2, 3, 6 and 8, as well as municipal employees and those
with vision, hearing or mobility disabilities.

Greenland Forest City Partners enlisted architectural visionaries COOKFOX to ensure the 100
percent affordable building was seamlessly integrated into the Brooklyn streetscape and
adjacent green space. A pioneer of sustainable design, COOKFOX took inspiration from nature
and incorporated natural materials, textures and colors throughout 535 Carlton. The
architecture also emphasizes the building’s relationship to the adjacent Pacific Park, designed
by celebrated landscape architect Thomas Balsley; one will be able to see the green space from
the street through the lobby, creating a strong visual connection with the neighborhood.

“We approached the design of 535 Carlton with two critical goals: to create the healthiest
possible homes and respect the surrounding historic neighborhood,” said Rick Cook, a founder
and partner at COOKFOX. “We are proud to have designed affordable homes for a diverse
community that connects residents with nature, daylight and views to green space, rooftop
gardening, and natural materials and finishes.”

COOKFOX also prioritized connecting 535 Carlton residents with nature and natural cycles.
Daylit elevator vestibules look onto the park on each floor, and the residential entry is designed
to provide open vistas through the lobby, creating a visual connection from the street to the
park. Landscaped space distributed throughout the rooftop, terraces and setbacks provide
residents with expansive vistas of Prospect Park, New York Harbor and surrounding Brooklyn
neighborhoods. Urban agriculture and residential gardens are also fundamental to the
building’s design, offering opportunities for residents to foster a close community among
neighbors and nature.

Residents are moving into 535 Carlton at a critical moment in Pacific Park Brooklyn’s evolution.
By the end of 2017, four of the neighborhood’s 14 residential buildings will be open and home
to thousands of new residents, including 38 Sixth Avenue, the neighborhood’s second 100-
percent affordable building. When complete, Pacific Park Brooklyn will include six million
square feet of residential space across 6,430 units of housing, of which 2,250 will be affordable
rental units. It will also contain 247,000 square feet of retail space, up to 1.6 million square feet
of office space, and eight acres of publicly-accessible open space.
For more information about 535 Carlton, visit affordable.535carlton.com. For high-resolution
images, click here.

About Greenland Forest City Partners

Greenland Forest City Partners is a joint venture established in June 2014 between Greenland
USA, a subsidiary of Shanghai-based Greenland Group Co., and Forest City New York, a
subsidiary of Forest City Realty Trust, Inc. The partners will co-develop Pacific Park, the 22-
acre mixed-use neighborhood in the heart of Brooklyn. When complete, the neighborhood will
include 6,430 units of new housing, of which 2,250 units will be affordable.

About COOKFOX Architects:

COOKFOX Architects is a studio dedicated to integrated, environmentally responsive design. We

believe good design is sustainable and we are committed to being wise stewards of our shared natural
and cultural resources. Guided by our passion for excellence, belief in the collaborative process, and
persistent curiosity, COOKFOX pursues projects that allow us to fundamentally rethink how people
interact with buildings and the natural environment. www.cookfox.com

From: Danielle Schlanger
To: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: Press Release For Approval/Quote From Deputy Mayor Glen
Date: Friday, June 09, 2017 12:43:56 PM

Hi Wiley,
In addition to the press release, please let us know if we can update the media advisory (below) to
reflect DM Glen’s attendance.
Thank you!


Greenland Forest City Partners and City Officials

Celebrate the Opening of 535 Carlton, First 100
Percent Affordable Building Open at Pacific Park
Greenland Forest City Partners, joined by city officials, will hold a ribbon-cutting ceremony to
celebrate the opening of 535 Carlton, its 100 percent affordable residential property at Pacific
Park Brooklyn. Designed by renowned New York-based architectural firm COOKFOX, 535
Carlton is the second residential building to open in the new neighborhood, following the
opening of 461 Dean, a 50 percent affordable residential property, last November. When
complete, Pacific Park will include 2,250 units of below market-rate housing set aside for low,
moderate, and middle income households.
WHO:                  New York City Officials
Greenland USA President and CEO Hu Gang
Forest City New York President and CEO MaryAnne Gilmartin
COOKFOX Architects Founding Partner Rick Cook
WHERE:             535 Carlton Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11238
WHEN:               Monday, June 12, 2017
                              11:00 AM
VISUALS:            Ribbon cutting with city officials
Tours of the COOKFOX-designed building including lobby, terrace and amenity
Speeches on roof terrace
From: Danielle Schlanger
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 11:46 AM
To: wnorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov
Subject: Press Release For Approval/Quote From Deputy Mayor Glen
Hi Wiley,

Long time, no speak—hope you’re doing well!

Attached is a draft press release for the 535 Carlton ribbon-cutting this Monday. Please let me know
ASAP if this looks right to you. Also, we’d like to insert a quote from DM Glen into the release. Let us
know when that has been drafted.
Thanks again, and looking forward to speaking with you soon. Please don’t hesitate to call me at
646-200-5309 should you have questions.
C. 917.859.8064
O. 646.200.5309
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Norvell, Wiley
To: "Jeremy Soffin"
Cc: "acotton@fcrc.com"
Subject: RE: 535 Carlton materials/walkthrough
Date: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:04:28 PM

Could we have Crystal start the speaking program and intro Alicia? That’d be powerful! The write-up
you send about her would be very strong if simply read aloud.
From: Norvell, Wiley
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:00 PM
To: 'Jeremy Soffin'
Cc: acotton@fcrc.com
Subject: RE: 535 Carlton materials/walkthrough
Few things:
Eric Enderlin from HDC will attend, but not speak. Just Alicia for the City.
Who will intro her?
Can that same person introduce Greenland?
I’ll probably pull Alicia after seeing the resident’s apartment, before amenities.
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2017 8:42 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: acotton@fcrc.com
Subject: 535 Carlton materials/walkthrough
Wiley: Attached please find draft materials for next week’s ribbon cutting event. Also please let us
know when you’d like to do a walkthrough of the property. Thanks.
From: Danielle Schlanger
To: Cotton, Ashley; Norvell, Wiley; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: 535 Carlton materials/walkthrough
Date: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:24:28 PM

Yes, will get you latest right now Wiley. Stand by.
From: Cotton, Ashley [mailto:acotton@fcrc.com]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:23 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Danielle Schlanger <Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: 535 Carlton materials/walkthrough
Not sure who is around. Danielle can u get the right run of show to wiley so he knows the plan
including bruce?
From: Norvell, Wiley
Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 4:11 PM
To: Cotton, Ashley; 'Jeremy Soffin'
Subject: RE: 535 Carlton materials/walkthrough


Gotcha, then she can stay for amenities.
Can we get Crystal in the speaking program somewhere? Her story sounds so compelling.
I can have Alicia hand off to Greenland if it keeps things moving easier for everyone.
From: Cotton, Ashley [mailto:acotton@fcrc.com]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:10 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley; 'Jeremy Soffin'
Subject: Re: 535 Carlton materials/walkthrough
The amenities are in the lobby on way out
We have a new run of show, MaryAnne introduces her. She can't hand it to next person?
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Norvell, Wiley
Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 4:00 PM
To: 'Jeremy Soffin'
Cc: Cotton, Ashley
Subject: RE: 535 Carlton materials/walkthrough

Few things:
Eric Enderlin from HDC will attend, but not speak. Just Alicia for the City.
Who will intro her?
Can that same person introduce Greenland?
I’ll probably pull Alicia after seeing the resident’s apartment, before amenities.
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2017 8:42 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: acotton@fcrc.com
Subject: 535 Carlton materials/walkthrough
Wiley: Attached please find draft materials for next week’s ribbon cutting event. Also please let us
know when you’d like to do a walkthrough of the property. Thanks.
From: Danielle Schlanger
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: forestcity
Subject: FW: 535 Carlton Run of Show
Date: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:28:46 PM
Attachments: image001.png
535 Carlton Run of Show 6.9.17.docx

Hi Wiley,

Below and attached is the run of show for Monday’s event. Please let me know if you have any
additional feedback.


Run of Show for 535 Carlton opening
TIME:                10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Monday, June 12, 2017
LOCATION:    535 Carlton Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11238
STAFFING:      Greenland Forest City
Scott Solish – Leading Tour
Ashley Cotton
Mike Rapfogel
Jenna Petok
Roberta Fearon
Laura Block
2 FCNY interns
Swathi Bonda – Leading Tour
Susi Yu – Leading Tour
                              Berlin Rosen Public Affairs:
Matt Lawyue – Building Entrance, Press Check In
Danielle Schlanger – Building Entrance, Press Check In
Sara Joseph – Press Check In, Terrace
Jeremy Soffin – Terrace
The run of show is as follows:
8:30 a.m.         Forest City arrives on site
9:30 a.m.         R&D Foods arrives on site
9:30 a.m.         BerlinRosen arrives on site
9:35 a.m.         BerlinRosen arranges press check in outside building entrance
9:35 a.m.         Forest City sets up food & drink in terrace lounge, removes couch
for more room
9:40 a.m.         BerlinRosen checks terrace is ready for speeches and press
10:00 a.m.      Photographer Gerri Hernandez arrives
10:25 a.m.      Guests begin to arrive – Forest City ushers guests, using elevator, to
NINTH floor
10:26 a.m.      Hu Gang, MaryAnne Gilmartin, Bruce Ratner, Alicia Glen, Rick Cook,
Gary LaBarbera, and Crystal Patterson go to building entrance for
ribbon cutting.
10:27 a.m.      BerlinRosen checks in press and holds them outside building
entrance for ribbon cutting
10:30 a.m.      Photographs for ribbon cutting outside building entrance
10:30 a.m.      Ribbon cutting order (left to right): Crystal Patterson, Gary
LaBarbera, Hu Gang, MaryAnne Gilmartin, Bruce Ratner, Alicia Glen,
Rick Cook
10:31 a.m.      Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen cuts the ribbon; Scott and Ashley hold
10:33 a.m.      Press enters building and takes elevator to NINTH floor terrace
10:35 a.m.      Ashley takes Principals into building and takes elevator to NINTH
floor terrace
10:40 a.m.      Formal program begins
10:40 a.m.      Forest City New York President and CEO MaryAnne Gilmartin
makes welcoming remarks and introduces Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen
10:42 a.m.      Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen makes remarks
10:45 a.m.      Greenland USA President and CEO Hu Gang makes remarks
10:47 a.m.      Forest City New York President and CEO MaryAnne Gilmartin
makes remarks
10:49 a.m.      Forest City New York President and CEO MaryAnne Gilmartin
introduces Forest City New York Executive Chairman Bruce Ratner
10:51 a.m.      Forest City New York Executive Chairman Bruce Ratner make
10:53 a.m.      Forest City New York President and CEO MaryAnne Gilmartin
introduces Gary LaBarbera
10:55 a.m.      Gary LaBarbera makes remarks
10:57 a.m.      Forest City New York President and CEO MaryAnne Gilmartin
introduces Crystal Patterson, 535 Carlton resident
10:59 a.m.      Crystal Patterson makes remarks
11:01 a.m.      MaryAnne Gilmartin thanks everyone for coming
11:02 a.m.      Formal program ends
11:03 a.m.      Reception begins for guests
11:05 a.m.      BerlinRosen gathers press for media tour; Forest City gathers Bruce
Ratner, Crystal Patterson, Alicia Glen, MaryAnne Gilmartin and Hu
Gang for media tour
11:07 a.m.      Media tour begins
11:09 a.m.      Press and principals take elevator to SEVENTH floor to view 535
Carlton resident Crystal Patterson’s apartment
11:11 a.m.      Tour of 535 Carlton resident Crystal Patterson’s apartment
11:16 a.m.      Group takes elevator to GROUND floor to view amenities
11:18 a.m.      Tour of amenity spaces: gym, children’s room
11:22 a.m.      Tours end and group goes to lobby
11:25 a.m.      Tours end, visitors and press leave
11:27 a.m.      Principals are available outside the building if press want
Run of Show for 535 Carlton opening

TIME: 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Monday, June 12, 2017

LOCATION: 535 Carlton Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11238

STAFFING: Greenland Forest City

• Scott Solish – Leading Tour

• Ashley Cotton
• Mike Rapfogel
• Jenna Petok
• Roberta Fearon
• Laura Block
• 2 FCNY interns
• Swathi Bonda – Leading Tour
• Susi Yu – Leading Tour

Berlin Rosen Public Affairs:

• Matt Lawyue – Building Entrance, Press Check In

• Danielle Schlanger – Building Entrance, Press Check In
• Sara Joseph – Press Check In, Terrace
• Jeremy Soffin – Terrace

The run of show is as follows:

8:30 a.m. Forest City arrives on site

9:30 a.m. R&D Foods arrives on site

9:30 a.m. BerlinRosen arrives on site

9:35 a.m. BerlinRosen arranges press check in outside building entrance

9:35 a.m. Forest City sets up food & drink in terrace lounge, removes couch for
more room
9:40 a.m. BerlinRosen checks terrace is ready for speeches and press

10:00 a.m. Photographer Gerri Hernandez arrives

10:25 a.m. Guests begin to arrive – Forest City ushers guests, using elevator, to
NINTH floor

10:26 a.m. Hu Gang, MaryAnne Gilmartin, Bruce Ratner, Alicia Glen, Rick Cook,
Gary LaBarbera, and Crystal Patterson go to building entrance for
ribbon cutting.

10:27 a.m. BerlinRosen checks in press and holds them outside building entrance
for ribbon cutting

10:30 a.m. Photographs for ribbon cutting outside building entrance

10:30 a.m. Ribbon cutting order (left to right): Crystal Patterson, Gary LaBarbera,
Hu Gang, MaryAnne Gilmartin, Bruce Ratner, Alicia Glen, Rick Cook

10:31 a.m. Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen cuts the ribbon; Scott and Ashley hold ribbon

10:33 a.m. Press enters building and takes elevator to NINTH floor terrace

10:35 a.m. Ashley takes Principals into building and takes elevator to NINTH floor

10:40 a.m. Formal program begins

10:40 a.m. Forest City New York President and CEO MaryAnne Gilmartin makes
welcoming remarks and introduces Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen

10:42 a.m. Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen makes remarks

10:45 a.m. Greenland USA President and CEO Hu Gang makes remarks

10:47 a.m. Forest City New York President and CEO MaryAnne Gilmartin makes

10:49 a.m. Forest City New York President and CEO MaryAnne Gilmartin
introduces Forest City New York Executive Chairman Bruce Ratner

10:51 a.m. Forest City New York Executive Chairman Bruce Ratner make remarks

10:53 a.m. Forest City New York President and CEO MaryAnne Gilmartin
introduces Gary LaBarbera

10:55 a.m. Gary LaBarbera makes remarks

10:57 a.m. Forest City New York President and CEO MaryAnne Gilmartin
introduces Crystal Patterson, 535 Carlton resident

10:59 a.m. Crystal Patterson makes remarks

11:01 a.m. MaryAnne Gilmartin thanks everyone for coming

11:02 a.m. Formal program ends

11:03 a.m. Reception begins for guests

11:05 a.m. BerlinRosen gathers press for media tour; Forest City gathers Bruce
Ratner, Crystal Patterson, Alicia Glen, MaryAnne Gilmartin and Hu Gang
for media tour

11:07 a.m. Media tour begins

11:09 a.m. Press and principals take elevator to SEVENTH floor to view 535
Carlton resident Crystal Patterson’s apartment

11:11 a.m. Tour of 535 Carlton resident Crystal Patterson’s apartment

11:16 a.m. Group takes elevator to GROUND floor to view amenities

11:18 a.m. Tour of amenity spaces: gym, children’s room

11:22 a.m. Tours end and group goes to lobby

11:25 a.m. Tours end, visitors and press leave

11:27 a.m. Principals are available outside the building if press want interviews
From: Norvell, Wiley
To: "Danielle Schlanger"
Cc: forestcity
Subject: RE: 535 Carlton Run of Show
Date: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:33:15 PM
Attachments: image001.png

Super. All good w this.

From: Danielle Schlanger [mailto:Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:29 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: forestcity
Subject: FW: 535 Carlton Run of Show

Hi Wiley,

Below and attached is the run of show for Monday’s event. Please let me know if you have any
additional feedback.


Run of Show for 535 Carlton opening
TIME:                10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Monday, June 12, 2017
LOCATION:    535 Carlton Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11238
STAFFING:      Greenland Forest City

· Scott Solish – Leading Tour

· Ashley Cotton

· Mike Rapfogel

· Jenna Petok

· Roberta Fearon

· Laura Block

· 2 FCNY interns
· Swathi Bonda – Leading Tour

· Susi Yu – Leading Tour

                              Berlin Rosen Public Affairs:

· Matt Lawyue – Building Entrance, Press Check In

· Danielle Schlanger – Building Entrance, Press Check In

· Sara Joseph – Press Check In, Terrace

· Jeremy Soffin – Terrace

The run of show is as follows:
8:30 a.m.         Forest City arrives on site
9:30 a.m.         R&D Foods arrives on site
9:30 a.m.         BerlinRosen arrives on site
9:35 a.m.         BerlinRosen arranges press check in outside building entrance
9:35 a.m.         Forest City sets up food & drink in terrace lounge, removes couch
for more room
9:40 a.m.         BerlinRosen checks terrace is ready for speeches and press
10:00 a.m.      Photographer Gerri Hernandez arrives
10:25 a.m.      Guests begin to arrive – Forest City ushers guests, using elevator, to
NINTH floor
10:26 a.m.      Hu Gang, MaryAnne Gilmartin, Bruce Ratner, Alicia Glen, Rick Cook,
Gary LaBarbera, and Crystal Patterson go to building entrance for
ribbon cutting.
10:27 a.m.      BerlinRosen checks in press and holds them outside building
entrance for ribbon cutting
10:30 a.m.      Photographs for ribbon cutting outside building entrance
10:30 a.m.      Ribbon cutting order (left to right): Crystal Patterson, Gary
LaBarbera, Hu Gang, MaryAnne Gilmartin, Bruce Ratner, Alicia Glen,
Rick Cook
10:31 a.m.      Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen cuts the ribbon; Scott and Ashley hold
10:33 a.m.      Press enters building and takes elevator to NINTH floor terrace
10:35 a.m.      Ashley takes Principals into building and takes elevator to NINTH
floor terrace
10:40 a.m.      Formal program begins
10:40 a.m.      Forest City New York President and CEO MaryAnne Gilmartin
makes welcoming remarks and introduces Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen
10:42 a.m.      Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen makes remarks
10:45 a.m.      Greenland USA President and CEO Hu Gang makes remarks
10:47 a.m.      Forest City New York President and CEO MaryAnne Gilmartin
makes remarks
10:49 a.m.      Forest City New York President and CEO MaryAnne Gilmartin
introduces Forest City New York Executive Chairman Bruce Ratner
10:51 a.m.      Forest City New York Executive Chairman Bruce Ratner make
10:53 a.m.      Forest City New York President and CEO MaryAnne Gilmartin
introduces Gary LaBarbera
10:55 a.m.      Gary LaBarbera makes remarks
10:57 a.m.      Forest City New York President and CEO MaryAnne Gilmartin
introduces Crystal Patterson, 535 Carlton resident
10:59 a.m.      Crystal Patterson makes remarks
11:01 a.m.      MaryAnne Gilmartin thanks everyone for coming
11:02 a.m.      Formal program ends
11:03 a.m.      Reception begins for guests
11:05 a.m.      BerlinRosen gathers press for media tour; Forest City gathers Bruce
Ratner, Crystal Patterson, Alicia Glen, MaryAnne Gilmartin and Hu
Gang for media tour
11:07 a.m.      Media tour begins
11:09 a.m.      Press and principals take elevator to SEVENTH floor to view 535
Carlton resident Crystal Patterson’s apartment
11:11 a.m.      Tour of 535 Carlton resident Crystal Patterson’s apartment
11:16 a.m.      Group takes elevator to GROUND floor to view amenities
11:18 a.m.      Tour of amenity spaces: gym, children’s room
11:22 a.m.      Tours end and group goes to lobby
11:25 a.m.      Tours end, visitors and press leave
11:27 a.m.      Principals are available outside the building if press want
From: Cotton, Ashley
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: Fw: Run of show and your remarks
Date: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:42:21 PM
Attachments: 535 Carlton Run of Show 6.9.17.docx

Wiley - program attached and remarks by crystal below

From: Cotton, Ashley <acotton@fcrc.com>

Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 4:41 PM
To: Crystal Patterson
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Rapfogel, Michael
Subject: Run of show and your remarks

Crystal -
Thank you for your time this morning! I loved meeting you and seeing your home. We are
really excited about the press conference on monday.

Attached is the program. There are lots of details in there but the main point is your will
speak last in the program and be introduced by my boss MaryAnne (who you will love).
There will be a podium and microphone on the terrace where you will speak. 

Please meet us in the lobby monday at 10am. And let us know if your son will join us.

We put together a few points for you below. Please let us know if they work for you! 
My cell is call me any time this weekend

Remarks For Crystal Patterson
535 Carlton Ribbon Cutting- Monday, June 12, 2017
Thank you MaryAnne, and good morning everyone.
My name is Crystal Patterson and I moved into 535 Carlton in April.
It would be impossible to overstate the gratitude I have for our new home; it has
truly changed my family’s life. And as a 4thgeneration Brooklynite, I am so
thankful to have permanent roots in the city where I was born and raised.
Run of Show for 535 Carlton opening

TIME: 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Monday, June 12, 2017

LOCATION: 535 Carlton Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11238

STAFFING: Greenland Forest City

• Scott Solish – Leading Tour

• Ashley Cotton
• Mike Rapfogel
• Jenna Petok
• Roberta Fearon
• Laura Block
• 2 FCNY interns
• Swathi Bonda – Leading Tour
• Susi Yu – Leading Tour

Berlin Rosen Public Affairs:

• Matt Lawyue – Building Entrance, Press Check In

• Danielle Schlanger – Building Entrance, Press Check In
• Sara Joseph – Press Check In, Terrace
• Jeremy Soffin – Terrace

The run of show is as follows:

8:30 a.m. Forest City arrives on site

9:30 a.m. R&D Foods arrives on site

9:30 a.m. BerlinRosen arrives on site

9:35 a.m. BerlinRosen arranges press check in outside building entrance

9:35 a.m. Forest City sets up food & drink in terrace lounge, removes couch for
more room
9:40 a.m. BerlinRosen checks terrace is ready for speeches and press

10:00 a.m. Photographer Gerri Hernandez arrives

10:25 a.m. Guests begin to arrive – Forest City ushers guests, using elevator, to
NINTH floor

10:26 a.m. Hu Gang, MaryAnne Gilmartin, Bruce Ratner, Alicia Glen, Rick Cook,
Gary LaBarbera, and Crystal Patterson go to building entrance for
ribbon cutting.

10:27 a.m. BerlinRosen checks in press and holds them outside building entrance
for ribbon cutting

10:30 a.m. Photographs for ribbon cutting outside building entrance

10:30 a.m. Ribbon cutting order (left to right): Crystal Patterson, Gary LaBarbera,
Hu Gang, MaryAnne Gilmartin, Bruce Ratner, Alicia Glen, Rick Cook

10:31 a.m. Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen cuts the ribbon; Scott and Ashley hold ribbon

10:33 a.m. Press enters building and takes elevator to NINTH floor terrace

10:35 a.m. Ashley takes Principals into building and takes elevator to NINTH floor

10:40 a.m. Formal program begins

10:40 a.m. Forest City New York President and CEO MaryAnne Gilmartin makes
welcoming remarks and introduces Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen

10:42 a.m. Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen makes remarks

10:45 a.m. Greenland USA President and CEO Hu Gang makes remarks

10:47 a.m. Forest City New York President and CEO MaryAnne Gilmartin makes

10:49 a.m. Forest City New York President and CEO MaryAnne Gilmartin
introduces Forest City New York Executive Chairman Bruce Ratner

10:51 a.m. Forest City New York Executive Chairman Bruce Ratner make remarks

10:53 a.m. Forest City New York President and CEO MaryAnne Gilmartin
introduces Gary LaBarbera

10:55 a.m. Gary LaBarbera makes remarks

10:57 a.m. Forest City New York President and CEO MaryAnne Gilmartin
introduces Crystal Patterson, 535 Carlton resident

10:59 a.m. Crystal Patterson makes remarks

11:01 a.m. MaryAnne Gilmartin thanks everyone for coming

11:02 a.m. Formal program ends

11:03 a.m. Reception begins for guests

11:05 a.m. BerlinRosen gathers press for media tour; Forest City gathers Bruce
Ratner, Crystal Patterson, Alicia Glen, MaryAnne Gilmartin and Hu Gang
for media tour

11:07 a.m. Media tour begins

11:09 a.m. Press and principals take elevator to SEVENTH floor to view 535
Carlton resident Crystal Patterson’s apartment

11:11 a.m. Tour of 535 Carlton resident Crystal Patterson’s apartment

11:16 a.m. Group takes elevator to GROUND floor to view amenities

11:18 a.m. Tour of amenity spaces: gym, children’s room

11:22 a.m. Tours end and group goes to lobby

11:25 a.m. Tours end, visitors and press leave

11:27 a.m. Principals are available outside the building if press want interviews
From: Norvell, Wiley
To: "Danielle Schlanger"; "Cotton, Ashley"
Cc: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks
Date: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:56:03 PM
Attachments: 535 Carlton Ribbon Cutting Media Advisory 6.5.2017.docx

Edited advisory attached.

From: Danielle Schlanger [mailto:Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:50 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley; 'Cotton, Ashley'
Cc: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks

Thanks Wiley! As Ashley said, she’s amazing.

Let us know when the release and updated media advisory are finalized.
Appreciate your help,
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:43 PM
To: 'Cotton, Ashley' <acotton@fcrc.com>
Cc: Danielle Schlanger <Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com>; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks

Very moving!
From: Cotton, Ashley [mailto:acotton@fcrc.com]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:42 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: Fw: Run of show and your remarks

Wiley - program attached and remarks by crystal below


From: Cotton, Ashley <acotton@fcrc.com>

Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 4:41 PM
To: Crystal Patterson
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Rapfogel, Michael
Subject: Run of show and your remarks
Crystal -
Thank you for your time this morning! I loved meeting you and seeing your home. We are
really excited about the press conference on monday.
Attached is the program. There are lots of details in there but the main point is your will
speak last in the program and be introduced by my boss MaryAnne (who you will love).
There will be a podium and microphone on the terrace where you will speak. 
Please meet us in the lobby monday at 10am. And let us know if your son will join us.
We put together a few points for you below. Please let us know if they work for you! 
My cell is + call me any time this weekend
Remarks For Crystal Patterson
535 Carlton Ribbon Cutting- Monday, June 12, 2017

Thank you MaryAnne, and good morning everyone.

My name is Crystal Patterson and I moved into 535 Carlton in April.

It would be impossible to overstate the gratitude I have for our new home; it has
truly changed my family’s life. And as a 4thgeneration Brooklynite, I am so
thankful to have permanent roots in the city where I was born and raised.

I have had quite a journey getting here today. I hadn’t had a permanent home
in [insert # of years]. I lost my job as a legal administrator when the recession
hit, and couldn’t afford housing anywhere in the city.

We were scrappy and made it work: my son stayed in Williamsburg to be close

to his middle school, and I would do short-term rentals in places like Long
Island City and Weehawken, New Jersey. Sometimes, I’d rent a place on the
Jersey Shore or Lake George, where the cost of living was far cheaper.
Everything I owned had to fit into a suitcase that I could bring from place to
place. All told, I lived in 15 different cities in two years.
For Planning Purposes
Monday, June 12, 2017, 10:30 AM
Media RSVP: Danielle Schlanger, Danielle.schlanger@berlinrosen.com, 646-200-5309
Matt Lawyue, matt.lawyue@berlinrosen.com, 646-200-5335


Greenland Forest City Partners and City Officials Cut

Ribbon at 535 Carlton, First 100% Affordable Building
to Open at Pacific Park Brooklyn
Greenland Forest City Partners, joined by Deputy Mayor for Housing and Economic Development
Alicia Glen and new building tenants, will hold a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the opening
of 535 Carlton, its 100 percent affordable residential property at Pacific Park Brooklyn. The
building brings nearly 300 new affordable apartments, helping long-time residents and families at a
range of incomes afford to live in the fast-changing borough.

WHO: New York City Officials

Greenland USA President and CEO Hu Gang
Forest City New York President and CEO MaryAnne Gilmartin
COOKFOX Architects Founding Partner Rick Cook
New tenants of 535 Carlton

WHERE: 535 Carlton Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11238

WHEN: Monday, June 12, 2017

10:30 AM

VISUALS: Ribbon cutting with city officials

Tours of the COOKFOX-designed building including lobby, terrace and amenity
Speeches on roof terrace

CONTACT: Danielle Schlanger, Danielle.schlanger@berlinrosen.com, 917-859-8064
Matt Lawyue, matt.lawyue@berlinrosen.com, 646-799-2991

MEDIA RSVP: Danielle Schlanger, Danielle.schlanger@berlinrosen.com, 646-200-5309

Matt Lawyue, matt.lawyue@berlinrosen.com, 646-200-5335
From: Danielle Schlanger
To: Norvell, Wiley; "Cotton, Ashley"
Cc: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks
Date: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:56:48 PM

Thanks Wiley! Really appreciate your help.

From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:56 PM
To: Danielle Schlanger <Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com>; 'Cotton, Ashley' <acotton@fcrc.com>
Cc: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks

Edited advisory attached.

From: Danielle Schlanger [mailto:Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:50 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley; 'Cotton, Ashley'
Cc: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks

Thanks Wiley! As Ashley said, she’s amazing.

Let us know when the release and updated media advisory are finalized.
Appreciate your help,
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:43 PM
To: 'Cotton, Ashley' <acotton@fcrc.com>
Cc: Danielle Schlanger <Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com>; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks

Very moving!
From: Cotton, Ashley [mailto:acotton@fcrc.com]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:42 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: Fw: Run of show and your remarks

Wiley - program attached and remarks by crystal below


From: Cotton, Ashley <acotton@fcrc.com>

Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 4:41 PM
To: Crystal Patterson
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Rapfogel, Michael
Subject: Run of show and your remarks
Crystal -
Thank you for your time this morning! I loved meeting you and seeing your home. We are
really excited about the press conference on monday.
Attached is the program. There are lots of details in there but the main point is your will
speak last in the program and be introduced by my boss MaryAnne (who you will love).
There will be a podium and microphone on the terrace where you will speak. 
Please meet us in the lobby monday at 10am. And let us know if your son will join us.
We put together a few points for you below. Please let us know if they work for you! 
My cell is + call me any time this weekend
Remarks For Crystal Patterson
535 Carlton Ribbon Cutting- Monday, June 12, 2017

Thank you MaryAnne, and good morning everyone.

My name is Crystal Patterson and I moved into 535 Carlton in April.

It would be impossible to overstate the gratitude I have for our new home; it has
truly changed my family’s life. And as a 4thgeneration Brooklynite, I am so
thankful to have permanent roots in the city where I was born and raised.

I have had quite a journey getting here today. I hadn’t had a permanent home
From: Norvell, Wiley
To: "Danielle Schlanger"; "Cotton, Ashley"
Cc: Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Grace, Melissa; Kitasei, Yume
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks
Date: Friday, June 09, 2017 5:45:01 PM
Attachments: 535 Ribbon-Cutting 6.12.2017.docx

UPDATED release attached. We want to issue this from City Hall, given Mayor’s longstanding
support of the project.
Couple things:
1.) HPD, can you fact check? Draft rls said 30% of AMI was the lowest but our record show 40%
is as low as it goes.
2.) FCRC, can we get a quote from Crystal (maybe clip from testimony) for under Mayor
3.) Yume/FCRC—will leave it to you to gather elected quotes and divide labor there.
4.) Are Bertha, Jonathan or Ismene submitting quotes?
From: Danielle Schlanger [mailto:Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:57 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley; 'Cotton, Ashley'
Cc: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks

Thanks Wiley! Really appreciate your help.

From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:56 PM
To: Danielle Schlanger <Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com>; 'Cotton, Ashley'
Cc: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks

Edited advisory attached.

From: Danielle Schlanger [mailto:Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:50 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley; 'Cotton, Ashley'
Cc: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks

Thanks Wiley! As Ashley said, she’s amazing.

Let us know when the release and updated media advisory are finalized.
Appreciate your help,
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:43 PM
To: 'Cotton, Ashley' <acotton@fcrc.com>
Cc: Danielle Schlanger <Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com>; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks

Very moving!
From: Cotton, Ashley [mailto:acotton@fcrc.com]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:42 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: Fw: Run of show and your remarks

Wiley - program attached and remarks by crystal below


From: Cotton, Ashley <acotton@fcrc.com>

Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 4:41 PM
To: Crystal Patterson
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Rapfogel, Michael
Subject: Run of show and your remarks
Crystal -
Thank you for your time this morning! I loved meeting you and seeing your home. We are
really excited about the press conference on monday.
Attached is the program. There are lots of details in there but the main point is your will
speak last in the program and be introduced by my boss MaryAnne (who you will love).
There will be a podium and microphone on the terrace where you will speak. 
Please meet us in the lobby monday at 10am. And let us know if your son will join us.
We put together a few points for you below. Please let us know if they work for you! 
My cell is call me any time this weekend
Remarks For Crystal Patterson
535 Carlton Ribbon Cutting- Monday, June 12, 2017

Thank you MaryAnne, and good morning everyone.

My name is Crystal Patterson and I moved into 535 Carlton in April.

It would be impossible to overstate the gratitude I have for our new home; it has
truly changed my family’s life. And as a 4thgeneration Brooklynite, I am so
thankful to have permanent roots in the city where I was born and raised.

I have had quite a journey getting here today. I hadn’t had a permanent home
in [insert # of years]. I lost my job as a legal administrator when the recession
hit, and couldn’t afford housing anywhere in the city.

We were scrappy and made it work: my son stayed in Williamsburg to be close

to his middle school, and I would do short-term rentals in places like Long
Island City and Weehawken, New Jersey. Sometimes, I’d rent a place on the
Jersey Shore or Lake George, where the cost of living was far cheaper.
Everything I owned had to fit into a suitcase that I could bring from place to
place. All told, I lived in 15 different cities in two years.
My mom was an amazing source of support and helped me through all these

But I had faith that one day, we would have a place to call our own. I applied for
over 60 affordable housing lotteries throughout the five boroughs. And then,
one day, I got an email that changed everything for us: we got an apartment at
535 Carlton.

The joy we felt was indescribable. We would be a united family again. My mom,
Trey and I went to the lease signing at the building, and were so excited to have
a two-bedroom apartment, beautiful amenity spaces and amazing views of
Manhattan. My mom and I made plans to toast our new home on the roof, right
here where we’re all standing, once we moved in.


First 100 percent affordable building at Pacific Park will serve families earning as little as
$25,000 up to those in the middle class

Brooklyn, NY (June 12, 2017)— New York City Deputy Mayor for Housing and Economic
Development Alicia Glen, local officials, Greenland Forest City Partners and community groups
today held a ribbon-cutting ceremony today to mark the opening of 535 Carlton. All 298 units at
the building are affordable, and have been set aside for residents earning between 40 percent and
165 percent of the area median income. Preference was given to residents currently living in
Brooklyn community boards 2, 3, 6 and 8, as well as municipal employees and those with vision,
hearing or mobility disabilities.

“The people who built this borough have just as much right to the ‘New Brooklyn’ as any
newcomer. This is their Brooklyn, too. Today, families are moving into new affordable homes
that give them the security they need to raise a family, to grow old, and to remain an active part
of this neighborhood. This is why we fought so hard to deliver the affordable housing this
community was promised,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio.

The new building was part of a commitment Greenland Forest City Partners made with Governor
Cuomo, Mayor de Blasio and local community groups in June 2014 to build 2,250 affordable
apartments by 2025. There are currently 479 units of below market-rate housing at Pacific Park
and another 303 will become available this summer. The project contributes to Mayor de
Blasio’s affordable housing plan, which has so far financed more than 63,000 affordable homes
in three years.

The New York City Housing Development Corporation is providing a $73 million tax-exempt
first mortgage for the building, funded by Citi Community Capital. HDC is also contributing
$11.75 million in subsidy financing. Pacific Park Brooklyn is a state-regulated development
established by a General Project Plan adopted by the Empire State Development (ESD) Board of
Directors in 2006 and governed by ESD. Pacific Park Brooklyn will include 6,430 units of
housing, more than one-third of which will be affordable.

“When we broke ground on 535 Carlton in 2014 we made a commitment with Mayor de Blasio,
Governor Cuomo, and local community groups to bring affordable housing to New Yorkers, and
today we have delivered on that promise,” said Hu Gang, President and CEO of Greenland
USA. “Adding a high-quality affordable building to Pacific Park Brooklyn is a testament to
Greenland Forest City Partners’ mission of growing vibrant communities and economies
inclusive of everyone, and we are extremely proud of this first step in increasing the affordable
housing stock in New York City.”

“The opening of 535 Carlton further underscores Greenland Forest City Partners’ commitment to
affordable housing and ensures Pacific Park is a neighborhood inclusive of all New Yorkers,”
said MaryAnne Gilmartin, President and CEO of Forest City New York. “This extraordinary
building proves that affordable housing can be practical and beautiful. The building combines
first-rate design and top-tier amenities including a fitness center, residents’ lounge, and a vibrant
community garden. It’s not only high-end luxury buildings that provide these types of amenities
and services any longer.”

Tenants in the 18-story, 298-unit building comes with a first-rate amenity package, including a
fitness center, yoga studio, game room, children’s playroom and outdoor terrace.

Greenland Forest City Partners enlisted architectural firm COOKFOX to ensure the 100 percent
affordable building was seamlessly integrated into the Brooklyn streetscape and adjacent green
space. Daylit elevator vestibules look onto the park on each floor, and the residential entry is
designed to provide open vistas through the lobby, creating a visual connection from the street to
the park. Landscaped space distributed throughout the rooftop, terraces and setbacks provide
residents with expansive vistas of Prospect Park, New York Harbor and surrounding Brooklyn
neighborhoods. Urban agriculture and residential gardens are also fundamental to the building’s
design, offering opportunities for residents to foster a close community among neighbors and

“We approached the design of 535 Carlton with two critical goals: to create the healthiest
possible homes and respect the surrounding historic neighborhood,” said Rick Cook, a founder
and partner at COOKFOX. “We are proud to have designed affordable homes for a diverse
community that connects residents with nature, daylight and views to green space, rooftop
gardening, and natural materials and finishes.”

When complete, Pacific Park Brooklyn will include six million square feet of residential space
across 6,430 units of housing, of which 2,250 will be affordable rental units. It will also contain
247,000 square feet of retail space, up to 1.6 million square feet of office space, and eight acres
of publicly-accessible open space.

For high-resolution images, click here.

From: Norvell, Wiley
To: Grace, Melissa
Cc: Cotton, Ashley; Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Kitasei,
Subject: Re: Run of show and your remarks
Date: Friday, June 09, 2017 7:24:48 PM


Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Grace, Melissa
Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 7:12 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Cotton, Ashley; Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)
(RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Kitasei, Yume
Subject: Re: Run of show and your remarks

What time is this event? 

Melissa Grace
Deputy Press Secretary 
Mayor’s Press Office
o: 212-788-2969 
c: 347-224-2309

On Jun 9, 2017, at 6:19 PM, Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

On 4, pls do.

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Cotton, Ashley
Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 5:58 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley; 'Danielle Schlanger'
Cc: Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Grace, Melissa;
Kitasei, Yume
Subject: Re: Run of show and your remarks

#2 sure when she gets back to us on remarks we can turn to quote

#4 I hadn't asked 

From: Norvell, Wiley

Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 5:45 PM
To: 'Danielle Schlanger'; Cotton, Ashley
Cc: Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Grace, Melissa;
Kitasei, Yume
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks

UPDATED release attached. We want to issue this from City Hall, given Mayor’s
longstanding support of the project.
Couple things:
1.)    HPD, can you fact check? Draft rls said 30% of AMI was the lowest but our
record show 40% is as low as it goes.
2.)    FCRC, can we get a quote from Crystal (maybe clip from testimony) for under
3.)    Yume/FCRC—will leave it to you to gather elected quotes and divide labor
4.)    Are Bertha, Jonathan or Ismene submitting quotes?
From: Danielle Schlanger [mailto:Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:57 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley; 'Cotton, Ashley'
Cc: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks
Thanks Wiley! Really appreciate your help.
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:56 PM
To: Danielle Schlanger <Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com>; 'Cotton, Ashley'
Cc: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks
Edited advisory attached.
From: Danielle Schlanger [mailto:Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:50 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley; 'Cotton, Ashley'
Cc: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks
Thanks Wiley! As Ashley said, she’s amazing.
Let us know when the release and updated media advisory are finalized.
Appreciate your help,
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:43 PM
To: 'Cotton, Ashley' <acotton@fcrc.com>
Cc: Danielle Schlanger <Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com>; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks
Very moving!
From: Cotton, Ashley [mailto:acotton@fcrc.com]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:42 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: Fw: Run of show and your remarks
Wiley - program attached and remarks by crystal below

From: Cotton, Ashley <acotton@fcrc.com>

Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 4:41 PM
To: Crystal Patterson
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Rapfogel, Michael
Subject: Run of show and your remarks
Crystal -
Thank you for your time this morning! I loved meeting you and seeing your
home. We are really excited about the press conference on monday.
Attached is the program. There are lots of details in there but the main point is
your will speak last in the program and be introduced by my boss MaryAnne
(who you will love). There will be a podium and microphone on the terrace
where you will speak. 
Please meet us in the lobby monday at 10am. And let us know if your son will
join us.
We put together a few points for you below. Please let us know if they work for
My cell is call me any time this weekend
Remarks For Crystal Patterson
535 Carlton Ribbon Cutting- Monday, June 12, 2017

Thank you MaryAnne, and good morning everyone.


My name is Crystal Patterson and I moved into 535 Carlton in April.


It would be impossible to overstate the gratitude I have for our new

home; it has truly changed my family’s life. And as a 4thgeneration
Brooklynite, I am so thankful to have permanent roots in the city
where I was born and raised.

I have had quite a journey getting here today. I hadn’t had a

permanent home in [insert # of years]. I lost my job as a legal
administrator when the recession hit, and couldn’t afford housing
anywhere in the city.

We were scrappy and made it work: my son stayed in Williamsburg

to be close to his middle school, and I would do short-term rentals in
places like Long Island City and Weehawken, New Jersey.
Sometimes, I’d rent a place on the Jersey Shore or Lake George,
where the cost of living was far cheaper. Everything I owned had to
fit into a suitcase that I could bring from place to place. All told, I
lived in 15 different cities in two years.
My mom was an amazing source of support and helped me through
all these changes.

But I had faith that one day, we would have a place to call our own. I
applied for over 60 affordable housing lotteries throughout the five
boroughs. And then, one day, I got an email that changed everything
for us: we got an apartment at 535 Carlton.

The joy we felt was indescribable. We would be a united family

again. My mom, Trey and I went to the lease signing at the building,
and were so excited to have a two-bedroom apartment, beautiful
amenity spaces and amazing views of Manhattan. My mom and I
made plans to toast our new home on the roof, right here where
we’re all standing, once we moved in.
From: Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)
To: Norvell, Wiley; "Danielle Schlanger"; "Cotton, Ashley"
Cc: Jeremy Soffin; Grace, Melissa; Kitasei, Yume
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks
Date: Friday, June 09, 2017 9:52:14 PM
Attachments: 535 Ribbon-Cutting 6.12.2017 LR.docx

Wiley, I confirmed that its 40% AMI.  Also, just want to note that the AMIs reflect the marketing date,
so if you look at the corresponding incomes, $25,000 isn't for a family, that's for an individual-- so I'd
just adjust that subhead to say New Yorkers not families, as in the attached. 

From: Norvell, Wiley [WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 5:44 PM
To: 'Danielle Schlanger'; 'Cotton, Ashley'
Cc: Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD); Grace, Melissa; Kitasei, Yume
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks

UPDATED release attached. We want to issue this from City Hall, given Mayor’s longstanding
support of the project.
Couple things:
1.) HPD, can you fact check? Draft rls said 30% of AMI was the lowest but our record show 40%
is as low as it goes.
2.) FCRC, can we get a quote from Crystal (maybe clip from testimony) for under Mayor
3.) Yume/FCRC—will leave it to you to gather elected quotes and divide labor there.
4.) Are Bertha, Jonathan or Ismene submitting quotes?

From: Danielle Schlanger [mailto:Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:57 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley; 'Cotton, Ashley'
Cc: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks

Thanks Wiley! Really appreciate your help.


From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:56 PM
To: Danielle Schlanger <Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com>; 'Cotton, Ashley'
Cc: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks

Edited advisory attached.

From: Danielle Schlanger [mailto:Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com]

Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:50 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley; 'Cotton, Ashley'
Cc: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks

Thanks Wiley! As Ashley said, she’s amazing.

Let us know when the release and updated media advisory are finalized.

Appreciate your help,


From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:43 PM
To: 'Cotton, Ashley' <acotton@fcrc.com>
Cc: Danielle Schlanger <Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com>; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks

Very moving!

From: Cotton, Ashley [mailto:acotton@fcrc.com]

Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:42 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: Fw: Run of show and your remarks

Wiley - program attached and remarks by crystal below

From: Cotton, Ashley <acotton@fcrc.com>

Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 4:41 PM
To: Crystal Patterson
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Rapfogel, Michael
Subject: Run of show and your remarks

Crystal -
Thank you for your time this morning! I loved meeting you and seeing your home. We are
really excited about the press conference on monday.

Attached is the program. There are lots of details in there but the main point is your will
speak last in the program and be introduced by my boss MaryAnne (who you will love).
There will be a podium and microphone on the terrace where you will speak. 

Please meet us in the lobby monday at 10am. And let us know if your son will join us.

We put together a few points for you below. Please let us know if they work for you! 
My cell is call me any time this weekend

Remarks For Crystal Patterson
535 Carlton Ribbon Cutting- Monday, June 12, 2017

Thank you MaryAnne, and good morning everyone.

My name is Crystal Patterson and I moved into 535 Carlton in April.

It would be impossible to overstate the gratitude I have for our new home; it has
truly changed my family’s life. And as a 4thgeneration Brooklynite, I am so
thankful to have permanent roots in the city where I was born and raised.

I have had quite a journey getting here today. I hadn’t had a permanent home
in [insert # of years]. I lost my job as a legal administrator when the recession
hit, and couldn’t afford housing anywhere in the city.

We were scrappy and made it work: my son stayed in Williamsburg to be close

to his middle school, and I would do short-term rentals in places like Long
Island City and Weehawken, New Jersey. Sometimes, I’d rent a place on the
Jersey Shore or Lake George, where the cost of living was far cheaper.
Everything I owned had to fit into a suitcase that I could bring from place to
place. All told, I lived in 15 different cities in two years.
My mom was an amazing source of support and helped me through all these

But I had faith that one day, we would have a place to call our own. I applied for
over 60 affordable housing lotteries throughout the five boroughs. And then,
one day, I got an email that changed everything for us: we got an apartment at
535 Carlton.

The joy we felt was indescribable. We would be a united family again. My mom,
Trey and I went to the lease signing at the building, and were so excited to have
a two-bedroom apartment, beautiful amenity spaces and amazing views of

First 100 percent affordable building at Pacific Park will serves New Yorkers families earning
as little as $25,000 up to those in the middle class

Brooklyn, NY (June 12, 2017)— New York City Deputy Mayor for Housing and Economic
Development Alicia Glen, local officials, Greenland Forest City Partners and community groups
today held a ribbon-cutting ceremony today to mark the opening of 535 Carlton. All 298 units at
the building are affordable, and have been set aside for residents earning between 40 percent and
165 percent of the area median income. Preference was given to residents currently living in
Brooklyn community boards 2, 3, 6 and 8, as well as municipal employees and those with vision,
hearing or mobility disabilities.

“The people who built this borough have just as much right to the ‘New Brooklyn’ as any
newcomer. This is their Brooklyn, too. Today, families are moving into new affordable homes
that give them the security they need to raise a family, to grow old, and to remain an active part
of this neighborhood. This is why we fought so hard to deliver the affordable housing this
community was promised,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio.

The new building was part of a commitment Greenland Forest City Partners made with Governor
Cuomo, Mayor de Blasio and local community groups in June 2014 to build 2,250 affordable
apartments by 2025. There are currently 479 units of below market-rate housing at Pacific Park
and another 303 will become available this summer. The project contributes to Mayor de
Blasio’s affordable housing plan, which has so far financed more than 63,000 affordable homes
in three years.

The New York City Housing Development Corporation is providing a $73 million tax-exempt
first mortgage for the building, funded by Citi Community Capital. HDC is also contributing
$11.75 million in subsidy financing. Pacific Park Brooklyn is a state-regulated development
established by a General Project Plan adopted by the Empire State Development (ESD) Board of
Directors in 2006 and governed by ESD. Pacific Park Brooklyn will include 6,430 units of
housing, more than one-third of which will be affordable.

“When we broke ground on 535 Carlton in 2014 we made a commitment with Mayor de Blasio,
Governor Cuomo, and local community groups to bring affordable housing to New Yorkers, and
today we have delivered on that promise,” said Hu Gang, President and CEO of Greenland
USA. “Adding a high-quality affordable building to Pacific Park Brooklyn is a testament to
Greenland Forest City Partners’ mission of growing vibrant communities and economies
inclusive of everyone, and we are extremely proud of this first step in increasing the affordable
housing stock in New York City.”

“The opening of 535 Carlton further underscores Greenland Forest City Partners’ commitment to
affordable housing and ensures Pacific Park is a neighborhood inclusive of all New Yorkers,”
said MaryAnne Gilmartin, President and CEO of Forest City New York. “This extraordinary
building proves that affordable housing can be practical and beautiful. The building combines
first-rate design and top-tier amenities including a fitness center, residents’ lounge, and a vibrant
community garden. It’s not only high-end luxury buildings that provide these types of amenities
and services any longer.”

Tenants in the 18-story, 298-unit building comes with a first-rate amenity package, including a
fitness center, yoga studio, game room, children’s playroom and outdoor terrace.

Greenland Forest City Partners enlisted architectural firm COOKFOX to ensure the 100 percent
affordable building was seamlessly integrated into the Brooklyn streetscape and adjacent green
space. Daylit elevator vestibules look onto the park on each floor, and the residential entry is
designed to provide open vistas through the lobby, creating a visual connection from the street to
the park. Landscaped space distributed throughout the rooftop, terraces and setbacks provide
residents with expansive vistas of Prospect Park, New York Harbor and surrounding Brooklyn
neighborhoods. Urban agriculture and residential gardens are also fundamental to the building’s
design, offering opportunities for residents to foster a close community among neighbors and

“We approached the design of 535 Carlton with two critical goals: to create the healthiest
possible homes and respect the surrounding historic neighborhood,” said Rick Cook, a founder
and partner at COOKFOX. “We are proud to have designed affordable homes for a diverse
community that connects residents with nature, daylight and views to green space, rooftop
gardening, and natural materials and finishes.”

When complete, Pacific Park Brooklyn will include six million square feet of residential space
across 6,430 units of housing, of which 2,250 will be affordable rental units. It will also contain
247,000 square feet of retail space, up to 1.6 million square feet of office space, and eight acres
of publicly-accessible open space.

For high-resolution images, click here.

From: Kitasei, Yume
To: Cotton, Ashley; Norvell, Wiley; "Danielle Schlanger"
Cc: Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Grace, Melissa; Restler, Lincoln
Subject: Re: Run of show and your remarks
Date: Sunday, June 11, 2017 5:26:04 PM

Not so far + lincoln

Yume Kitasei
City Legislative Affairs
C: 929-383-8049

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Cotton, Ashley
Sent: Sunday, June 11, 2017 4:26 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley; 'Danielle Schlanger'
Cc: Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Grace, Melissa; Kitasei, Yume
Subject: Re: Run of show and your remarks

Yume - any luck with Eric adams?

Jeremy/danielle- no word from crystal yet so make up a quote about making a home at 535
with her son and it will be fine

From: Norvell, Wiley

Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 5:45 PM
To: 'Danielle Schlanger'; Cotton, Ashley
Cc: Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Grace, Melissa; Kitasei, Yume
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks


UPDATED release attached. We want to issue this from City Hall, given Mayor’s longstanding
support of the project.
Couple things:
1.)    HPD, can you fact check? Draft rls said 30% of AMI was the lowest but our record show 40%
is as low as it goes.
2.)    FCRC, can we get a quote from Crystal (maybe clip from testimony) for under Mayor
3.)    Yume/FCRC—will leave it to you to gather elected quotes and divide labor there.
4.)    Are Bertha, Jonathan or Ismene submitting quotes?
From: Danielle Schlanger [mailto:Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:57 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley; 'Cotton, Ashley'
Cc: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks
Thanks Wiley! Really appreciate your help.
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:56 PM
To: Danielle Schlanger <Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com>; 'Cotton, Ashley'
Cc: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks
Edited advisory attached.
From: Danielle Schlanger [mailto:Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:50 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley; 'Cotton, Ashley'
Cc: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks
Thanks Wiley! As Ashley said, she’s amazing.
Let us know when the release and updated media advisory are finalized.
Appreciate your help,
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:43 PM
To: 'Cotton, Ashley' <acotton@fcrc.com>
Cc: Danielle Schlanger <Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com>; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks
Very moving!
From: Cotton, Ashley [mailto:acotton@fcrc.com]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:42 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: Fw: Run of show and your remarks
Wiley - program attached and remarks by crystal below

From: Cotton, Ashley <acotton@fcrc.com>
Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 4:41 PM
To: Crystal Patterson
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Rapfogel, Michael
Subject: Run of show and your remarks
Crystal -
Thank you for your time this morning! I loved meeting you and seeing your home. We are
really excited about the press conference on monday.
Attached is the program. There are lots of details in there but the main point is your will
speak last in the program and be introduced by my boss MaryAnne (who you will love).
There will be a podium and microphone on the terrace where you will speak. 
Please meet us in the lobby monday at 10am. And let us know if your son will join us.
We put together a few points for you below. Please let us know if they work for you! 
My cell is + call me any time this weekend
Remarks For Crystal Patterson
535 Carlton Ribbon Cutting- Monday, June 12, 2017

Thank you MaryAnne, and good morning everyone.


My name is Crystal Patterson and I moved into 535 Carlton in April.


It would be impossible to overstate the gratitude I have for our new home; it has
truly changed my family’s life. And as a 4thgeneration Brooklynite, I am so
thankful to have permanent roots in the city where I was born and raised.

I have had quite a journey getting here today. I hadn’t had a permanent home
in [insert # of years]. I lost my job as a legal administrator when the recession
hit, and couldn’t afford housing anywhere in the city.

We were scrappy and made it work: my son stayed in Williamsburg to be close

to his middle school, and I would do short-term rentals in places like Long
From: Emily Walsh
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: Re:
Date: Monday, June 12, 2017 8:50:52 AM

Ok- thanks! 

On Sun, Jun 11, 2017 at 8:48 PM -0400, "Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca" <PSalazar-

Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Hey – don’t need the room for tomorrow-

From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 3:53 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: RE: Re:
Yes! The 11th floor is all set. 
Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]

Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 12:29 PM
To: Emily Walsh
Subject: RE: Re:

Hi! Do you have a room avail on Monday from 11-1pm?

From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2017 11:46 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: RE: Re:
Yikes, we are fully booked today with staff visiting for our all staff meeting. I'm so sorry- we can't
We could do 4 pm? Sorry, just a tough day.  
Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2017 11:35 AM
To: Emily Walsh
Subject: RE: Re:

Hey hey – my bad –

Forgot to ask you for a room for today from 145-345
From: Emily Walsh [mailto:Emily@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2017 9:29 AM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: Re:
All set for 11th fl

On Tue, Jun 6, 2017 at 6:35 AM -0400, "Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca" <PSalazar-

Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Till around 245. Thanks!

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 5, 2017, at 10:50 PM, Emily Walsh <Emily@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Sorry for the delay. Let me check and get back to you. How long?

On Mon, Jun 5, 2017 at 6:34 PM -0400, "Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca" <PSalazar-

Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Hi! Can I send the Mayor to you tomorrow for some call time at 1215 for a few
From: Norvell, Wiley
To: Cotton, Ashley; Kitasei, Yume; Grace, Melissa
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov)
Subject: Re: Updated rls
Date: Monday, June 12, 2017 9:03:27 AM

Pls shoot us whatever we've missed!

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Cotton, Ashley
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 8:57 AM
To: Kitasei, Yume; Grace, Melissa; Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov)
Subject: Re: Updated rls

Gary labarbera was supposed to be quoted

From: Kitasei, Yume

Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 8:50 AM
To: Grace, Melissa; Cotton, Ashley; Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov)
Subject: RE: Updated rls


I’ll do a lot check, but I don’t think so

From: Grace, Melissa
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 8:50 AM
To: 'Cotton, Ashley'; Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Kitasei,
Subject: RE: Updated rls
Got and the BP’s quote. Thanks.
Any others coming?
From: Cotton, Ashley [mailto:acotton@fcrc.com]
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 8:15 AM
To: Grace, Melissa; Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Kitasei,
Subject: Re: Updated rls
Eric adams team said they sent to u plz confirm
"535 Carlton is an example of public-private partnershipsworking together to provide
beautiful and affordable housing for an array of individuals and families at a wide range of
income levels," said Ismene Speliotis, ExecutiveDirector of MHANY Management Inc. "We
applaud the city and Greenland Forest City Partners for providing beautiful and affordable
homes at the crossroads of Flatbush and Atlantic Avenues; creating an inclusive place to live
and creating a replicable model for other developers."
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Cotton, Ashley
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 7:44 AM
To: Grace, Melissa; Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Kitasei,
Subject: Re: Updated rls
15 total
Don't know about 100%, Program to be determined to reach 2250 affordable units across
the total program
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Grace, Melissa
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 7:36 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Cotton, Ashley; Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)
(RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Kitasei, Yume
Subject: Updated rls


We are still missing quotes, but here is what I have so far.
-How many buildings will this development be and how many of them 100% affordable
-And please send link for high res images.
-Daylit one word?
First 100 percent affordable building serves New Yorkers earning as little as $25,000 and
up to moderate and middle income New Yorkers
NEW YORK— Mayor Bill de Blasio, Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen, local officials, Greenland
Forest City Partners and community groups announced the opening of 535 Carlton. The
building’s 298 homes are all affordable, and reserved for New Yorkers with household
incomes of between $25,000 and $173,000 a year. Preference goes to municipal employees
and those with vision, hearing or mobility disabilities.
“Our administration is delivering on the affordable housing this community was promised.
For hundreds of families right here in Brooklyn, these homes represent economic security,
the chance to save a little every month and get ahead, and the assurance that they’ll be able
to afford to stay in the borough they love,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio.
The new building is part of a commitment Greenland Forest City Partners made with
Governor Cuomo, Mayor de Blasio and local community groups in June 2014 to build 2,250
affordable apartments by 2025. There are currently 479 units of below market-rate housing at
Pacific Park and another 303 will become available this summer. The project contributes to
Mayor de Blasio’s affordable housing plan, which has financed more than 63,000 affordable
homes in three years.
When complete, Pacific Park Brooklyn will include six million square feet of residential
space across 6,430 units of housing, of which 2,250 will be affordable rental units. It will also
contain 247,000 square feet of retail space, up to 1.6 million square feet of office space, and
eight acres of publicly-accessible open space.
For high-resolution images of 535 Carlson, click here.  
The New York City Housing Development Corporation is providing a $73 million tax-
exempt first mortgage for the building, funded by Citi Community Capital. HDC is also
contributing $11.75 million in subsidy financing. Pacific Park Brooklyn is a state-regulated
development established by a General Project Plan adopted by the Empire State Development
(ESD) Board of Directors in 2006 and governed by ESD. Pacific Park Brooklyn will include
6,430 units of housing, more than one-third of which will be affordable.
“When we broke ground on 535 Carlton in 2014 we made a commitment with Mayor de
Blasio, Governor Cuomo, and local community groups to bring affordable housing to New
Yorkers, and today we have delivered on that promise,” said Hu Gang, President and CEO
of Greenland USA. “Adding a high-quality affordable building to Pacific Park Brooklyn is a
testament to Greenland Forest City Partners’ mission of growing vibrant communities and
economies inclusive of everyone, and we are extremely proud of this first step in increasing
the affordable housing stock in New York City.”
“The opening of 535 Carlton further underscores Greenland Forest City Partners’
commitment to affordable housing and ensures Pacific Park is a neighborhood inclusive of all
New Yorkers,” said MaryAnne Gilmartin, President and CEO of Forest City New York.
“This extraordinary building proves that affordable housing can be practical and beautiful.
The building combines first-rate design and top-tier amenities including a fitness center,
residents’ lounge, and a vibrant community garden. It’s not only high-end luxury buildings
that provide these types of amenities and services any longer.”
Tenants in the 18-story, 298-unit building comes with a first-rate amenity package, including
a fitness center, yoga studio, game room, children’s playroom and outdoor terrace. Greenland
Forest City Partners enlisted architectural firm COOKFOX to ensure the building was
seamlessly integrated into the streetscape and adjacent green space, and that means Daylit
elevator vestibules look onto the park from each floor, and the open view lobby offers visual
connection from the Carlson Avenue to Pacific Park. Landscaped rooftop, terraces and
setbacks also provide residents with expansive vistas of the park, New York Harbor.
“We approached the design of 535 Carlton with two critical goals: to create the healthiest
possible homes and respect the surrounding historic neighborhood,” said Rick Cook, a
founder and partner at COOKFOX. “We are proud to have designed affordable homes for
a diverse community that connects residents with nature, daylight and views to green space,
rooftop gardening, and natural materials and finishes.”
From: Norvell, Wiley
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 7:25 PM
To: Grace, Melissa
Cc: Cotton, Ashley; Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)
(RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Kitasei, Yume
Subject: Re: Run of show and your remarks
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Grace, Melissa
Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 7:12 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Cotton, Ashley; Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)
(RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Kitasei, Yume
Subject: Re: Run of show and your remarks
What time is this event? 

Melissa Grace
Deputy Press Secretary 
Mayor’s Press Office
o: 212-788-2969 
c: 347-224-2309

On Jun 9, 2017, at 6:19 PM, Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

On 4, pls do.
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Cotton, Ashley
Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 5:58 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley; 'Danielle Schlanger'
Cc: Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Grace, Melissa;
Kitasei, Yume
Subject: Re: Run of show and your remarks
#2 sure when she gets back to us on remarks we can turn to quote
#4 I hadn't asked 

From: Norvell, Wiley

Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 5:45 PM
To: 'Danielle Schlanger'; Cotton, Ashley
Cc: Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Grace, Melissa;
Kitasei, Yume
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks


UPDATED release attached. We want to issue this from City Hall, given Mayor’s
longstanding support of the project.
Couple things:
1.)    HPD, can you fact check? Draft rls said 30% of AMI was the lowest but our
record show 40% is as low as it goes.
2.)    FCRC, can we get a quote from Crystal (maybe clip from testimony) for under
3.)    Yume/FCRC—will leave it to you to gather elected quotes and divide labor
4.)    Are Bertha, Jonathan or Ismene submitting quotes?
From: Danielle Schlanger [mailto:Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:57 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley; 'Cotton, Ashley'
Cc: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks
Thanks Wiley! Really appreciate your help.
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:56 PM
To: Danielle Schlanger <Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com>; 'Cotton, Ashley'
Cc: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks
Edited advisory attached.
From: Danielle Schlanger [mailto:Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:50 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley; 'Cotton, Ashley'
Cc: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks
Thanks Wiley! As Ashley said, she’s amazing.
Let us know when the release and updated media advisory are finalized.
Appreciate your help,
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:43 PM
To: 'Cotton, Ashley' <acotton@fcrc.com>
Cc: Danielle Schlanger <Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com>; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks
Very moving!
From: Cotton, Ashley [mailto:acotton@fcrc.com]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:42 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: Fw: Run of show and your remarks
Wiley - program attached and remarks by crystal below

From: Cotton, Ashley <acotton@fcrc.com>

Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 4:41 PM
To: Crystal Patterson
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Rapfogel, Michael
Subject: Run of show and your remarks
Crystal -
Thank you for your time this morning! I loved meeting you and seeing your
home. We are really excited about the press conference on monday.
Attached is the program. There are lots of details in there but the main point is
your will speak last in the program and be introduced by my boss MaryAnne
(who you will love). There will be a podium and microphone on the terrace
where you will speak. 
Please meet us in the lobby monday at 10am. And let us know if your son will
join us.
We put together a few points for you below. Please let us know if they work for
My cell is call me any time this weekend
Remarks For Crystal Patterson
535 Carlton Ribbon Cutting- Monday, June 12, 2017
Thank you MaryAnne, and good morning everyone.
My name is Crystal Patterson and I moved into 535 Carlton in April.
It would be impossible to overstate the gratitude I have for our new
home; it has truly changed my family’s life. And as a 4thgeneration
Brooklynite, I am so thankful to have permanent roots in the city
where I was born and raised.
I have had quite a journey getting here today. I hadn’t had a
permanent home in [insert # of years]. I lost my job as a legal
administrator when the recession hit, and couldn’t afford housing
anywhere in the city.
We were scrappy and made it work: my son stayed in Williamsburg
to be close to his middle school, and I would do short-term rentals in
places like Long Island City and Weehawken, New Jersey.
Sometimes, I’d rent a place on the Jersey Shore or Lake George,
where the cost of living was far cheaper. Everything I owned had to
fit into a suitcase that I could bring from place to place. All told, I
lived in 15 different cities in two years.
My mom was an amazing source of support and helped me through
all these changes.

But I had faith that one day, we would have a place to call our own. I
applied for over 60 affordable housing lotteries throughout the five
boroughs. And then, one day, I got an email that changed everything
for us: we got an apartment at 535 Carlton.
The joy we felt was indescribable. We would be a united family
again. My mom, Trey and I went to the lease signing at the building,
and were so excited to have a two-bedroom apartment, beautiful
amenity spaces and amazing views of Manhattan. My mom and I
From: Danielle Schlanger
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Grace, Melissa; Sara Joseph
Subject: Re: Press release
Date: Monday, June 12, 2017 9:08:39 AM

LaBarbera, working to get ASAP.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jun 12, 2017, at 8:58 AM, Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
> Any additional quotes besides Adams from your end Danielle?
> Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
>  Original Message
> From: Danielle Schlanger
> Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 8:46 AM
> To: Norvell, Wiley
> Cc: Grace, Melissa; Sara Joseph
> Subject: Re: Press release
> Got it, thanks.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jun 12, 2017, at 8:34 AM, Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>> No longer coming.
>> Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
>> Original Message
>> From: Danielle Schlanger
>> Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 7:50 AM
>> To: Norvell, Wiley
>> Cc: Grace, Melissa; Sara Joseph
>> Subject: Re: Press release
>> Hi Wiley and Melissa,
>> Wanted to see if Eric Enderlin is coming to the event today, and if he plans to make remarks.
>> Thanks,
>> Danielle
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Jun 12, 2017, at 7:11 AM, Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
>>> My colleague melissa has.
>>> Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
>>> Original Message
>>> From: Danielle Schlanger
>>> Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 6:54 AM
>>> To: Norvell, Wiley
>>> Subject: Press release
>>> Hi Wiley,
>>> Wanted to check in and make sure we're all set with the press release.
>>> Let me know where we stand right now.
>>> Thanks!
>>> Danielle
>>> Sent from my iPhone
From: Norvell, Wiley
To: Grace, Melissa; Kitasei, Yume; "Cotton, Ashley"
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov)
Subject: Re: Updated rls
Date: Monday, June 12, 2017 9:08:55 AM
Attachments: image001.png

Can we use exterior photo? Much prefer that.

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Grace, Melissa
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 9:06 AM
To: Kitasei, Yume; 'Cotton, Ashley'; Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov)
Subject: RE: Updated rls

Updated with quotes. Let me know if there are more.

Also, is this the link for high res images? http://affordable.535carlton.com/ (I grabbed below
photo from this link)


NEW YORK, NY 10007
CONTACT: pressoffice@cityhall.nyc.gov, (212) 788-2958



First 100 percent affordable building serves New Yorkers earning as little as $25,000, and
up to moderate and middle income earners
NEW YORK— Mayor Bill de Blasio, Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen, local officials, Greenland
Forest City Partners and community groups announced the opening of 535 Carlton. The
building’s 298 homes are all affordable, and reserved for New Yorkers with household
incomes of between $25,000 and $173,000 a year. Preference goes to municipal employees
and those with vision, hearing or mobility disabilities.

“Our administration is delivering on the affordable housing this community was promised.
For hundreds of families right here in Brooklyn, these homes represent economic security,
the chance to save a little every month and get ahead, and the assurance that they’ll be able
to afford to stay in the borough they love,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio.

The new building is part of a commitment Greenland Forest City Partners made with
Governor Cuomo, Mayor de Blasio and local community groups in June 2014 to build 2,250
affordable apartments by 2025. There are currently 479 units of below market-rate housing at
Pacific Park and another 303 will become available this summer. The project contributes to
Mayor de Blasio’s affordable housing plan, which has financed more than 63,000 affordable
homes in three years.

When complete, Pacific Park Brooklyn will include six million square feet of residential
space across 6,430 units of housing, of which 2,250 will be affordable rental units. It will also
contain 247,000 square feet of retail space, up to 1.6 million square feet of office space, and
eight acres of publicly-accessible open space.

For high-resolution images of 535 Carlson, click here.  

“With nearly 300 units that are affordable to low, moderate, and middle income households,
535 Carlton will provide an anchor of affordability in the heart of Prospect Heights,
Brooklyn,” said Housing Development Corporation President Eric Enderlin. “The Pacific
Park development also brings significant open park space, retail, and additional transit-
infrastructure that will benefit the larger community. Thanks to all our partners, including the
Mayor’s Office, the NYS Empire State Development Corporation, Greenland Forest City
Partners, COOKFOX, and so many others, including various Brooklyn community
stakeholders, for contributing to the success of 535 Carlton and the ongoing development at
the Pacific Park project.”
“Through Housing New York, the City set out to secure as much affordability as possible in
all our neighborhoods.  When complete, the Pacific Park development will provide more than
2,200 affordable housing opportunities near this vital hub of transportation in thriving
downtown Brooklyn,” said Housing Preservation and Development Commissioner Maria
Torres-Springer. “The opening of 535 Carlton Avenue, the first hundred-percent affordable
housing development underway at Pacific Park, represents housing security for 298 families,
and the promise of more to come. Congratulations to HDC, the NYS Empire State
Development Corporation, Greenland Forest City Partners, COOKFOX, and all our partners
for working with us to ensure our neighborhoods are inclusive places of opportunity for New
Yorkers at a wide range of incomes.”

The New York City Housing Development Corporation is providing a $73 million tax-
exempt first mortgage for the building, funded by Citi Community Capital. HDC is also
contributing $11.75 million in subsidy financing. Pacific Park Brooklyn is a state-regulated
development established by a General Project Plan adopted by the Empire State Development
(ESD) Board of Directors in 2006 and governed by ESD. Pacific Park Brooklyn will include
6,430 units of housing, more than one-third of which will be affordable.

“Having an affordable place to call home and sleep at night is a prerequisite for experiencing
the American Dream. The addition of hundreds of critically-needed affordable housing units
at 535 Carlton is welcome news for Brooklyn,” Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams

“535 Carlton is an example of public-private partnerships working together to provide

beautiful and affordable housing for an array of individuals and families at a wide range of
income levels,” said Ismene Speliotis, ExecutiveDirector of MHANY Management Inc.
“We applaud the city and Greenland Forest City Partners for providing beautiful and
affordable homes at the crossroads of Flatbush and Atlantic Avenues; creating an inclusive
place to live and creating a replicable model for other developers.”

“When we broke ground on 535 Carlton in 2014 we made a commitment with Mayor de
Blasio, Governor Cuomo, and local community groups to bring affordable housing to New
Yorkers, and today we have delivered on that promise,” said Hu Gang, President and CEO
of Greenland USA. “Adding a high-quality affordable building to Pacific Park Brooklyn is a
testament to Greenland Forest City Partners’ mission of growing vibrant communities and
economies inclusive of everyone, and we are extremely proud of this first step in increasing
the affordable housing stock in New York City.”

“The opening of 535 Carlton further underscores Greenland Forest City Partners’
commitment to affordable housing and ensures Pacific Park is a neighborhood inclusive of all
New Yorkers,” said MaryAnne Gilmartin, President and CEO of Forest City New York.
“This extraordinary building proves that affordable housing can be practical and beautiful.
The building combines first-rate design and top-tier amenities including a fitness center,
residents’ lounge, and a vibrant community garden. It’s not only high-end luxury buildings
that provide these types of amenities and services any longer.”

Tenants in the 18-story, 298-unit building comes with a first-rate amenity package, including
a fitness center, yoga studio, game room, children’s playroom and outdoor terrace. Greenland
Forest City Partners enlisted architectural firm COOKFOX to ensure the building was
seamlessly integrated into the streetscape and adjacent green space, and that means Daylit
elevator vestibules look onto the park from each floor, and the open view lobby offers visual
connection from the Carlson Avenue to Pacific Park. Landscaped rooftop, terraces and
setbacks also provide residents with expansive vistas of the park, New York Harbor.

“We approached the design of 535 Carlton with two critical goals: to create the healthiest
possible homes and respect the surrounding historic neighborhood,” said Rick Cook, a
founder and partner at COOKFOX. “We are proud to have designed affordable homes for
a diverse community that connects residents with nature, daylight and views to green space,
rooftop gardening, and natural materials and finishes.”


From: Kitasei, Yume
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 8:50 AM
To: Grace, Melissa; 'Cotton, Ashley'; Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov)
Subject: RE: Updated rls
I’ll do a lot check, but I don’t think so
From: Grace, Melissa
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 8:50 AM
To: 'Cotton, Ashley'; Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Kitasei,
Subject: RE: Updated rls
Got and the BP’s quote. Thanks.
Any others coming?
From: Cotton, Ashley [mailto:acotton@fcrc.com]
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 8:15 AM
To: Grace, Melissa; Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Kitasei,
Subject: Re: Updated rls
Eric adams team said they sent to u plz confirm
"535 Carlton is an example of public-private partnershipsworking together to provide
beautiful and affordable housing for an array of individuals and families at a wide range of
income levels," said Ismene Speliotis, ExecutiveDirector of MHANY Management Inc. "We
applaud the city and Greenland Forest City Partners for providing beautiful and affordable
homes at the crossroads of Flatbush and Atlantic Avenues; creating an inclusive place to live
and creating a replicable model for other developers."
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Cotton, Ashley
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 7:44 AM
To: Grace, Melissa; Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Kitasei,
Subject: Re: Updated rls
15 total
Don't know about 100%, Program to be determined to reach 2250 affordable units across
the total program
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Grace, Melissa
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 7:36 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Cotton, Ashley; Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)
(RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Kitasei, Yume
Subject: Updated rls


We are still missing quotes, but here is what I have so far.
-How many buildings will this development be and how many of them 100% affordable
-And please send link for high res images.
-Daylit one word?
First 100 percent affordable building serves New Yorkers earning as little as $25,000 and
up to moderate and middle income New Yorkers
NEW YORK— Mayor Bill de Blasio, Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen, local officials, Greenland
Forest City Partners and community groups announced the opening of 535 Carlton. The
building’s 298 homes are all affordable, and reserved for New Yorkers with household
incomes of between $25,000 and $173,000 a year. Preference goes to municipal employees
and those with vision, hearing or mobility disabilities.
“Our administration is delivering on the affordable housing this community was promised.
For hundreds of families right here in Brooklyn, these homes represent economic security,
the chance to save a little every month and get ahead, and the assurance that they’ll be able
to afford to stay in the borough they love,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio.
The new building is part of a commitment Greenland Forest City Partners made with
Governor Cuomo, Mayor de Blasio and local community groups in June 2014 to build 2,250
affordable apartments by 2025. There are currently 479 units of below market-rate housing at
Pacific Park and another 303 will become available this summer. The project contributes to
Mayor de Blasio’s affordable housing plan, which has financed more than 63,000 affordable
homes in three years.
When complete, Pacific Park Brooklyn will include six million square feet of residential
space across 6,430 units of housing, of which 2,250 will be affordable rental units. It will also
contain 247,000 square feet of retail space, up to 1.6 million square feet of office space, and
eight acres of publicly-accessible open space.
For high-resolution images of 535 Carlson, click here.  
The New York City Housing Development Corporation is providing a $73 million tax-
exempt first mortgage for the building, funded by Citi Community Capital. HDC is also
contributing $11.75 million in subsidy financing. Pacific Park Brooklyn is a state-regulated
development established by a General Project Plan adopted by the Empire State Development
(ESD) Board of Directors in 2006 and governed by ESD. Pacific Park Brooklyn will include
6,430 units of housing, more than one-third of which will be affordable.
“When we broke ground on 535 Carlton in 2014 we made a commitment with Mayor de
Blasio, Governor Cuomo, and local community groups to bring affordable housing to New
Yorkers, and today we have delivered on that promise,” said Hu Gang, President and CEO
of Greenland USA. “Adding a high-quality affordable building to Pacific Park Brooklyn is a
testament to Greenland Forest City Partners’ mission of growing vibrant communities and
economies inclusive of everyone, and we are extremely proud of this first step in increasing
the affordable housing stock in New York City.”
“The opening of 535 Carlton further underscores Greenland Forest City Partners’
commitment to affordable housing and ensures Pacific Park is a neighborhood inclusive of all
New Yorkers,” said MaryAnne Gilmartin, President and CEO of Forest City New York.
“This extraordinary building proves that affordable housing can be practical and beautiful.
The building combines first-rate design and top-tier amenities including a fitness center,
residents’ lounge, and a vibrant community garden. It’s not only high-end luxury buildings
that provide these types of amenities and services any longer.”
Tenants in the 18-story, 298-unit building comes with a first-rate amenity package, including
a fitness center, yoga studio, game room, children’s playroom and outdoor terrace. Greenland
Forest City Partners enlisted architectural firm COOKFOX to ensure the building was
seamlessly integrated into the streetscape and adjacent green space, and that means Daylit
elevator vestibules look onto the park from each floor, and the open view lobby offers visual
connection from the Carlson Avenue to Pacific Park. Landscaped rooftop, terraces and
setbacks also provide residents with expansive vistas of the park, New York Harbor.
“We approached the design of 535 Carlton with two critical goals: to create the healthiest
possible homes and respect the surrounding historic neighborhood,” said Rick Cook, a
founder and partner at COOKFOX. “We are proud to have designed affordable homes for
a diverse community that connects residents with nature, daylight and views to green space,
rooftop gardening, and natural materials and finishes.”
From: Norvell, Wiley
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 7:25 PM
To: Grace, Melissa
Cc: Cotton, Ashley; Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)
(RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Kitasei, Yume
Subject: Re: Run of show and your remarks
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Grace, Melissa
Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 7:12 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Cotton, Ashley; Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)
(RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Kitasei, Yume
Subject: Re: Run of show and your remarks
What time is this event? 

Melissa Grace
Deputy Press Secretary 
Mayor’s Press Office
o: 212-788-2969 
c: 347-224-2309

On Jun 9, 2017, at 6:19 PM, Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

On 4, pls do.
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Cotton, Ashley
Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 5:58 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley; 'Danielle Schlanger'
Cc: Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Grace, Melissa;
Kitasei, Yume
Subject: Re: Run of show and your remarks
#2 sure when she gets back to us on remarks we can turn to quote
#4 I hadn't asked 

From: Norvell, Wiley

Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 5:45 PM
To: 'Danielle Schlanger'; Cotton, Ashley
Cc: Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Grace, Melissa;
Kitasei, Yume
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks

UPDATED release attached. We want to issue this from City Hall, given Mayor’s
longstanding support of the project.
Couple things:
1.)    HPD, can you fact check? Draft rls said 30% of AMI was the lowest but our
record show 40% is as low as it goes.
2.)    FCRC, can we get a quote from Crystal (maybe clip from testimony) for under
3.)    Yume/FCRC—will leave it to you to gather elected quotes and divide labor
4.)    Are Bertha, Jonathan or Ismene submitting quotes?
From: Danielle Schlanger [mailto:Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:57 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley; 'Cotton, Ashley'
Cc: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks
Thanks Wiley! Really appreciate your help.
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:56 PM
To: Danielle Schlanger <Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com>; 'Cotton, Ashley'
Cc: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks
Edited advisory attached.
From: Danielle Schlanger [mailto:Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:50 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley; 'Cotton, Ashley'
Cc: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks
Thanks Wiley! As Ashley said, she’s amazing.
Let us know when the release and updated media advisory are finalized.
Appreciate your help,
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:43 PM
To: 'Cotton, Ashley' <acotton@fcrc.com>
Cc: Danielle Schlanger <Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com>; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks
Very moving!
From: Cotton, Ashley [mailto:acotton@fcrc.com]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:42 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: Fw: Run of show and your remarks
Wiley - program attached and remarks by crystal below

From: Cotton, Ashley <acotton@fcrc.com>

Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 4:41 PM
To: Crystal Patterson
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Rapfogel, Michael
Subject: Run of show and your remarks
Crystal -
Thank you for your time this morning! I loved meeting you and seeing your
home. We are really excited about the press conference on monday.
Attached is the program. There are lots of details in there but the main point is
your will speak last in the program and be introduced by my boss MaryAnne
(who you will love). There will be a podium and microphone on the terrace
where you will speak. 
Please meet us in the lobby monday at 10am. And let us know if your son will
join us.
We put together a few points for you below. Please let us know if they work for
My cell is call me any time this weekend
Remarks For Crystal Patterson
535 Carlton Ribbon Cutting- Monday, June 12, 2017
Thank you to everyone here who helped make the dream of having
a place of our own a reality, and for prioritizing affordable housing at
Pacific Park Brooklyn.
From: Danielle Schlanger
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Cotton, Ashley; Kitasei, Yume; Grace, Melissa; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)
Subject: Re: Updated rls
Date: Monday, June 12, 2017 9:10:56 AM

Gary quote should be coming in next 15. Will send it over as soon as I get it. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 12, 2017, at 9:04 AM, Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Pls shoot us whatever we've missed!

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Cotton, Ashley
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 8:57 AM
To: Kitasei, Yume; Grace, Melissa; Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov)
Subject: Re: Updated rls

Gary labarbera was supposed to be quoted

From: Kitasei, Yume

Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 8:50 AM
To: Grace, Melissa; Cotton, Ashley; Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov)
Subject: RE: Updated rls


I’ll do a lot check, but I don’t think so

From: Grace, Melissa
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 8:50 AM
To: 'Cotton, Ashley'; Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)
(RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Kitasei, Yume
Subject: RE: Updated rls
Got and the BP’s quote. Thanks.
Any others coming?
From: Cotton, Ashley [mailto:acotton@fcrc.com]
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 8:15 AM
To: Grace, Melissa; Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)
(RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Kitasei, Yume
Subject: Re: Updated rls
Eric adams team said they sent to u plz confirm
"535 Carlton is an example of public-private partnershipsworking together to
provide beautiful and affordable housing for an array of individuals and families
at a wide range of income levels," said Ismene Speliotis, ExecutiveDirector
of MHANY Management Inc. "We applaud the city and Greenland Forest City
Partners for providing beautiful and affordable homes at the crossroads of
Flatbush and Atlantic Avenues; creating an inclusive place to live and creating a
replicable model for other developers."
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Cotton, Ashley
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 7:44 AM
To: Grace, Melissa; Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)
(RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Kitasei, Yume
Subject: Re: Updated rls
15 total
Don't know about 100%, Program to be determined to reach 2250 affordable
units across the total program
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Grace, Melissa
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 7:36 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Cotton, Ashley; Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)
(RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Kitasei, Yume
Subject: Updated rls


We are still missing quotes, but here is what I have so far.
-How many buildings will this development be and how many of them 100%
-And please send link for high res images.
-Daylit one word?
First 100 percent affordable building serves New Yorkers earning as little as
$25,000 and up to moderate and middle income New Yorkers
NEW YORK— Mayor Bill de Blasio, Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen, local
officials, Greenland Forest City Partners and community groups announced the
opening of 535 Carlton. The building’s 298 homes are all affordable, and
reserved for New Yorkers with household incomes of between $25,000 and
$173,000 a year. Preference goes to municipal employees and those with vision,
hearing or mobility disabilities.
“Our administration is delivering on the affordable housing this community was
promised. For hundreds of families right here in Brooklyn, these homes represent
economic security, the chance to save a little every month and get ahead, and the
assurance that they’ll be able to afford to stay in the borough they love,”
said Mayor Bill de Blasio.
The new building is part of a commitment Greenland Forest City Partners made
with Governor Cuomo, Mayor de Blasio and local community groups in June
2014 to build 2,250 affordable apartments by 2025. There are currently 479 units
of below market-rate housing at Pacific Park and another 303 will become
available this summer. The project contributes to Mayor de Blasio’s affordable
housing plan, which has financed more than 63,000 affordable homes in three
When complete, Pacific Park Brooklyn will include six million square feet of
residential space across 6,430 units of housing, of which 2,250 will be affordable
rental units. It will also contain 247,000 square feet of retail space, up to 1.6
million square feet of office space, and eight acres of publicly-accessible open
For high-resolution images of 535 Carlson, click here.  
The New York City Housing Development Corporation is providing a $73
million tax-exempt first mortgage for the building, funded by Citi Community
Capital. HDC is also contributing $11.75 million in subsidy financing. Pacific
Park Brooklyn is a state-regulated development established by a General Project
Plan adopted by the Empire State Development (ESD) Board of Directors in
2006 and governed by ESD. Pacific Park Brooklyn will include 6,430 units of
housing, more than one-third of which will be affordable.
“When we broke ground on 535 Carlton in 2014 we made a commitment with
Mayor de Blasio, Governor Cuomo, and local community groups to bring
affordable housing to New Yorkers, and today we have delivered on that
promise,” said Hu Gang, President and CEO of Greenland USA. “Adding a
high-quality affordable building to Pacific Park Brooklyn is a testament to
Greenland Forest City Partners’ mission of growing vibrant communities and
economies inclusive of everyone, and we are extremely proud of this first step in
increasing the affordable housing stock in New York City.”
“The opening of 535 Carlton further underscores Greenland Forest City Partners’
commitment to affordable housing and ensures Pacific Park is a neighborhood
inclusive of all New Yorkers,” said MaryAnne Gilmartin, President and CEO
of Forest City New York. “This extraordinary building proves that affordable
housing can be practical and beautiful. The building combines first-rate design
and top-tier amenities including a fitness center, residents’ lounge, and a vibrant
community garden. It’s not only high-end luxury buildings that provide these
types of amenities and services any longer.”
Tenants in the 18-story, 298-unit building comes with a first-rate amenity
package, including a fitness center, yoga studio, game room, children’s playroom
and outdoor terrace. Greenland Forest City Partners enlisted architectural firm
COOKFOX to ensure the building was seamlessly integrated into the streetscape
and adjacent green space, and that means Daylit elevator vestibules look onto the
park from each floor, and the open view lobby offers visual connection from the
Carlson Avenue to Pacific Park. Landscaped rooftop, terraces and setbacks also
provide residents with expansive vistas of the park, New York Harbor.
“We approached the design of 535 Carlton with two critical goals: to create the
healthiest possible homes and respect the surrounding historic neighborhood,”
said Rick Cook, a founder and partner at COOKFOX. “We are proud to have
designed affordable homes for a diverse community that connects residents with
nature, daylight and views to green space, rooftop gardening, and natural
materials and finishes.”
From: Norvell, Wiley
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 7:25 PM
To: Grace, Melissa
Cc: Cotton, Ashley; Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)
(RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Kitasei, Yume
Subject: Re: Run of show and your remarks
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Grace, Melissa
Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 7:12 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Cotton, Ashley; Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)
(RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Kitasei, Yume
Subject: Re: Run of show and your remarks
What time is this event? 

Melissa Grace
Deputy Press Secretary 
Mayor’s Press Office
o: 212-788-2969 

On Jun 9, 2017, at 6:19 PM, Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>


On 4, pls do.
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Cotton, Ashley
Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 5:58 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley; 'Danielle Schlanger'
Cc: Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov);
Grace, Melissa; Kitasei, Yume
Subject: Re: Run of show and your remarks
#2 sure when she gets back to us on remarks we can turn to quote
#4 I hadn't asked 

From: Norvell, Wiley

Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 5:45 PM
To: 'Danielle Schlanger'; Cotton, Ashley
Cc: Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov);
Grace, Melissa; Kitasei, Yume
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks


UPDATED release attached. We want to issue this from City Hall, given
Mayor’s longstanding support of the project.
Couple things:
1.)    HPD, can you fact check? Draft rls said 30% of AMI was the lowest
but our record show 40% is as low as it goes.
2.)    FCRC, can we get a quote from Crystal (maybe clip from
testimony) for under Mayor
3.)    Yume/FCRC—will leave it to you to gather elected quotes and
divide labor there.
4.)    Are Bertha, Jonathan or Ismene submitting quotes?
From: Danielle Schlanger [mailto:Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:57 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley; 'Cotton, Ashley'
Cc: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks
Thanks Wiley! Really appreciate your help.
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:56 PM
To: Danielle Schlanger <Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com>; 'Cotton,
Ashley' <acotton@fcrc.com>
Cc: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks
Edited advisory attached.
From: Danielle Schlanger [mailto:Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:50 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley; 'Cotton, Ashley'
Cc: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks
Thanks Wiley! As Ashley said, she’s amazing.
Let us know when the release and updated media advisory are finalized.
Appreciate your help,
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:43 PM
To: 'Cotton, Ashley' <acotton@fcrc.com>
Cc: Danielle Schlanger <Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com>; Jeremy
Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks
Very moving!
From: Cotton, Ashley [mailto:acotton@fcrc.com]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:42 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: Fw: Run of show and your remarks
Wiley - program attached and remarks by crystal below

From: Cotton, Ashley <acotton@fcrc.com>

Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 4:41 PM
To: Crystal Patterson
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Rapfogel, Michael
Subject: Run of show and your remarks
Crystal -
Thank you for your time this morning! I loved meeting you and
seeing your home. We are really excited about the press conference
on monday.
Attached is the program. There are lots of details in there but the
main point is your will speak last in the program and be introduced
by my boss MaryAnne (who you will love). There will be a podium
and microphone on the terrace where you will speak. 
Please meet us in the lobby monday at 10am. And let us know if
your son will join us.
We put together a few points for you below. Please let us know if
they work for you! 
My cell is call me any time this weekend
Remarks For Crystal Patterson
535 Carlton Ribbon Cutting- Monday, June 12, 2017
Thank you MaryAnne, and good morning everyone.
My name is Crystal Patterson and I moved into 535
Carlton in April.
It would be impossible to overstate the gratitude I have
for our new home; it has truly changed my family’s life.
And as a 4thgeneration Brooklynite, I am so thankful to
have permanent roots in the city where I was born and
I have had quite a journey getting here today. I hadn’t
had a permanent home in [insert # of years]. I lost my
job as a legal administrator when the recession hit, and
couldn’t afford housing anywhere in the city.
From: Grace, Melissa
To: "Cotton, Ashley"; Norvell, Wiley; Kitasei, Yume
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov)
Subject: RE: Updated rls
Date: Monday, June 12, 2017 9:20:10 AM
Attachments: image001.png

From: Cotton, Ashley [mailto:acotton@fcrc.com]
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 9:14 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley; Grace, Melissa; Kitasei, Yume
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov)
Subject: Re: Updated rls

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Cotton, Ashley
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 9:12 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley; Grace, Melissa; Kitasei, Yume
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov)
Subject: Re: Updated rls

These aren't the images

Berlinrosen plz send?
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Norvell, Wiley
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 9:12 AM
To: Grace, Melissa; Kitasei, Yume; Cotton, Ashley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov)
Subject: Re: Updated rls


Can we use exterior photo? Much prefer that.

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Grace, Melissa
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 9:06 AM
To: Kitasei, Yume; 'Cotton, Ashley'; Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov)
Subject: RE: Updated rls

Updated with quotes. Let me know if there are more.

Also, is this the link for high res images? http://affordable.535carlton.com/ (I grabbed below
photo from this link)


NEW YORK, NY 10007


CONTACT: pressoffice@cityhall.nyc.gov, (212) 788-2958



First 100 percent affordable building serves New Yorkers earning as little as $25,000, and
up to moderate and middle income earners

NEW YORK— Mayor Bill de Blasio, Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen, local officials, Greenland
Forest City Partners and community groups announced the opening of 535 Carlton. The
building’s 298 homes are all affordable, and reserved for New Yorkers with household
incomes of between $25,000 and $173,000 a year. Preference goes to municipal employees
and those with vision, hearing or mobility disabilities.

“Our administration is delivering on the affordable housing this community was promised.
For hundreds of families right here in Brooklyn, these homes represent economic security,
the chance to save a little every month and get ahead, and the assurance that they’ll be able
to afford to stay in the borough they love,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio.

The new building is part of a commitment Greenland Forest City Partners made with
Governor Cuomo, Mayor de Blasio and local community groups in June 2014 to build 2,250
affordable apartments by 2025. There are currently 479 units of below market-rate housing at
Pacific Park and another 303 will become available this summer. The project contributes to
Mayor de Blasio’s affordable housing plan, which has financed more than 63,000 affordable
homes in three years.

When complete, Pacific Park Brooklyn will include six million square feet of residential
space across 6,430 units of housing, of which 2,250 will be affordable rental units. It will also
contain 247,000 square feet of retail space, up to 1.6 million square feet of office space, and
eight acres of publicly-accessible open space.

For high-resolution images of 535 Carlson, click here.

“With nearly 300 units that are affordable to low, moderate, and middle income households,
535 Carlton will provide an anchor of affordability in the heart of Prospect Heights,
Brooklyn,” said Housing Development Corporation President Eric Enderlin. “The Pacific
Park development also brings significant open park space, retail, and additional transit-
infrastructure that will benefit the larger community. Thanks to all our partners, including the
Mayor’s Office, the NYS Empire State Development Corporation, Greenland Forest City
Partners, COOKFOX, and so many others, including various Brooklyn community
stakeholders, for contributing to the success of 535 Carlton and the ongoing development at
the Pacific Park project.”

“Through Housing New York, the City set out to secure as much affordability as possible in
all our neighborhoods. When complete, the Pacific Park development will provide more than
2,200 affordable housing opportunities near this vital hub of transportation in thriving
downtown Brooklyn,” said Housing Preservation and Development Commissioner Maria
Torres-Springer. “The opening of 535 Carlton Avenue, the first hundred-percent affordable
housing development underway at Pacific Park, represents housing security for 298 families,
and the promise of more to come. Congratulations to HDC, the NYS Empire State
Development Corporation, Greenland Forest City Partners, COOKFOX, and all our partners
for working with us to ensure our neighborhoods are inclusive places of opportunity for New
Yorkers at a wide range of incomes.”

The New York City Housing Development Corporation is providing a $73 million tax-
exempt first mortgage for the building, funded by Citi Community Capital. HDC is also
contributing $11.75 million in subsidy financing. Pacific Park Brooklyn is a state-regulated
development established by a General Project Plan adopted by the Empire State Development
(ESD) Board of Directors in 2006 and governed by ESD. Pacific Park Brooklyn will include
6,430 units of housing, more than one-third of which will be affordable.

“Having an affordable place to call home and sleep at night is a prerequisite for experiencing
the American Dream. The addition of hundreds of critically-needed affordable housing units
at 535 Carlton is welcome news for Brooklyn,” Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams

“535 Carlton is an example of public-private partnerships working together to provide

beautiful and affordable housing for an array of individuals and families at a wide range of
income levels,” said Ismene Speliotis, ExecutiveDirector of MHANY Management Inc.
“We applaud the city and Greenland Forest City Partners for providing beautiful and
affordable homes at the crossroads of Flatbush and Atlantic Avenues; creating an inclusive
place to live and creating a replicable model for other developers.”

“When we broke ground on 535 Carlton in 2014 we made a commitment with Mayor de
Blasio, Governor Cuomo, and local community groups to bring affordable housing to New
Yorkers, and today we have delivered on that promise,” said Hu Gang, President and CEO
of Greenland USA. “Adding a high-quality affordable building to Pacific Park Brooklyn is a
testament to Greenland Forest City Partners’ mission of growing vibrant communities and
economies inclusive of everyone, and we are extremely proud of this first step in increasing
the affordable housing stock in New York City.”

“The opening of 535 Carlton further underscores Greenland Forest City Partners’
commitment to affordable housing and ensures Pacific Park is a neighborhood inclusive of all
New Yorkers,” said MaryAnne Gilmartin, President and CEO of Forest City New York.
“This extraordinary building proves that affordable housing can be practical and beautiful.
The building combines first-rate design and top-tier amenities including a fitness center,
residents’ lounge, and a vibrant community garden. It’s not only high-end luxury buildings
that provide these types of amenities and services any longer.”

Tenants in the 18-story, 298-unit building comes with a first-rate amenity package, including
a fitness center, yoga studio, game room, children’s playroom and outdoor terrace. Greenland
Forest City Partners enlisted architectural firm COOKFOX to ensure the building was
seamlessly integrated into the streetscape and adjacent green space, and that means Daylit
elevator vestibules look onto the park from each floor, and the open view lobby offers visual
connection from the Carlson Avenue to Pacific Park. Landscaped rooftop, terraces and
setbacks also provide residents with expansive vistas of the park, New York Harbor.

“We approached the design of 535 Carlton with two critical goals: to create the healthiest
possible homes and respect the surrounding historic neighborhood,” said Rick Cook, a
founder and partner at COOKFOX. “We are proud to have designed affordable homes for
a diverse community that connects residents with nature, daylight and views to green space,
rooftop gardening, and natural materials and finishes.”


From: Kitasei, Yume
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 8:50 AM
To: Grace, Melissa; 'Cotton, Ashley'; Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov)
Subject: RE: Updated rls

I’ll do a lot check, but I don’t think so

From: Grace, Melissa
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 8:50 AM
To: 'Cotton, Ashley'; Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Kitasei,
Subject: RE: Updated rls

Got and the BP’s quote. Thanks.

Any others coming?
From: Cotton, Ashley [mailto:acotton@fcrc.com]
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 8:15 AM
To: Grace, Melissa; Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Kitasei,
Subject: Re: Updated rls

Eric adams team said they sent to u plz confirm

"535 Carlton is an example of public-private partnershipsworking together to provide
beautiful and affordable housing for an array of individuals and families at a wide range of
income levels," said Ismene Speliotis, ExecutiveDirector of MHANY Management Inc. "We
applaud the city and Greenland Forest City Partners for providing beautiful and affordable
homes at the crossroads of Flatbush and Atlantic Avenues; creating an inclusive place to live
and creating a replicable model for other developers."
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Cotton, Ashley
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 7:44 AM
To: Grace, Melissa; Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Kitasei,
Subject: Re: Updated rls

15 total
Don't know about 100%, Program to be determined to reach 2250 affordable units across
the total program
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Grace, Melissa
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 7:36 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Cotton, Ashley; Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)
(RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Kitasei, Yume
Subject: Updated rls


We are still missing quotes, but here is what I have so far.

-How many buildings will this development be and how many of them 100% affordable
-And please send link for high res images.
-Daylit one word?

First 100 percent affordable building serves New Yorkers earning as little as $25,000 and
up to moderate and middle income New Yorkers

NEW YORK— Mayor Bill de Blasio, Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen, local officials, Greenland
Forest City Partners and community groups announced the opening of 535 Carlton. The
building’s 298 homes are all affordable, and reserved for New Yorkers with household
incomes of between $25,000 and $173,000 a year. Preference goes to municipal employees
and those with vision, hearing or mobility disabilities.
“Our administration is delivering on the affordable housing this community was promised.
For hundreds of families right here in Brooklyn, these homes represent economic security,
the chance to save a little every month and get ahead, and the assurance that they’ll be able
to afford to stay in the borough they love,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio.
The new building is part of a commitment Greenland Forest City Partners made with
Governor Cuomo, Mayor de Blasio and local community groups in June 2014 to build 2,250
affordable apartments by 2025. There are currently 479 units of below market-rate housing at
Pacific Park and another 303 will become available this summer. The project contributes to
Mayor de Blasio’s affordable housing plan, which has financed more than 63,000 affordable
homes in three years.

When complete, Pacific Park Brooklyn will include six million square feet of residential
space across 6,430 units of housing, of which 2,250 will be affordable rental units. It will also
contain 247,000 square feet of retail space, up to 1.6 million square feet of office space, and
eight acres of publicly-accessible open space.

For high-resolution images of 535 Carlson, click here.

The New York City Housing Development Corporation is providing a $73 million tax-
exempt first mortgage for the building, funded by Citi Community Capital. HDC is also
contributing $11.75 million in subsidy financing. Pacific Park Brooklyn is a state-regulated
development established by a General Project Plan adopted by the Empire State Development
(ESD) Board of Directors in 2006 and governed by ESD. Pacific Park Brooklyn will include
6,430 units of housing, more than one-third of which will be affordable.

“When we broke ground on 535 Carlton in 2014 we made a commitment with Mayor de
Blasio, Governor Cuomo, and local community groups to bring affordable housing to New
Yorkers, and today we have delivered on that promise,” said Hu Gang, President and CEO
of Greenland USA. “Adding a high-quality affordable building to Pacific Park Brooklyn is a
testament to Greenland Forest City Partners’ mission of growing vibrant communities and
economies inclusive of everyone, and we are extremely proud of this first step in increasing
the affordable housing stock in New York City.”

“The opening of 535 Carlton further underscores Greenland Forest City Partners’
commitment to affordable housing and ensures Pacific Park is a neighborhood inclusive of all
New Yorkers,” said MaryAnne Gilmartin, President and CEO of Forest City New York.
“This extraordinary building proves that affordable housing can be practical and beautiful.
The building combines first-rate design and top-tier amenities including a fitness center,
residents’ lounge, and a vibrant community garden. It’s not only high-end luxury buildings
that provide these types of amenities and services any longer.”

Tenants in the 18-story, 298-unit building comes with a first-rate amenity package, including
a fitness center, yoga studio, game room, children’s playroom and outdoor terrace. Greenland
Forest City Partners enlisted architectural firm COOKFOX to ensure the building was
seamlessly integrated into the streetscape and adjacent green space, and that means Daylit
elevator vestibules look onto the park from each floor, and the open view lobby offers visual
connection from the Carlson Avenue to Pacific Park. Landscaped rooftop, terraces and
setbacks also provide residents with expansive vistas of the park, New York Harbor.

“We approached the design of 535 Carlton with two critical goals: to create the healthiest
possible homes and respect the surrounding historic neighborhood,” said Rick Cook, a
founder and partner at COOKFOX. “We are proud to have designed affordable homes for
a diverse community that connects residents with nature, daylight and views to green space,
rooftop gardening, and natural materials and finishes.”

From: Norvell, Wiley
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 7:25 PM
To: Grace, Melissa
Cc: Cotton, Ashley; Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)
(RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Kitasei, Yume
Subject: Re: Run of show and your remarks

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Grace, Melissa
Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 7:12 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Cotton, Ashley; Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)
(RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Kitasei, Yume
Subject: Re: Run of show and your remarks

What time is this event?

Melissa Grace
Deputy Press Secretary
Mayor’s Press Office
o: 212-788-2969
c: 347-224-2309

On Jun 9, 2017, at 6:19 PM, Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

On 4, pls do.
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Cotton, Ashley
Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 5:58 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley; 'Danielle Schlanger'
Cc: Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Grace, Melissa;
Kitasei, Yume
Subject: Re: Run of show and your remarks

#2 sure when she gets back to us on remarks we can turn to quote

#4 I hadn't asked 

From: Norvell, Wiley

Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 5:45 PM
To: 'Danielle Schlanger'; Cotton, Ashley
Cc: Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Grace, Melissa;
Kitasei, Yume
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks


UPDATED release attached. We want to issue this from City Hall, given Mayor’s
longstanding support of the project.
Couple things:
1.) HPD, can you fact check? Draft rls said 30% of AMI was the lowest but our
record show 40% is as low as it goes.
2.) FCRC, can we get a quote from Crystal (maybe clip from testimony) for under
3.) Yume/FCRC—will leave it to you to gather elected quotes and divide labor
4.) Are Bertha, Jonathan or Ismene submitting quotes?
From: Danielle Schlanger [mailto:Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:57 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley; 'Cotton, Ashley'
Cc: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks

Thanks Wiley! Really appreciate your help.

From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:56 PM
To: Danielle Schlanger <Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com>; 'Cotton, Ashley'
Cc: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks

Edited advisory attached.

From: Danielle Schlanger [mailto:Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:50 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley; 'Cotton, Ashley'
Cc: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks

Thanks Wiley! As Ashley said, she’s amazing.

Let us know when the release and updated media advisory are finalized.
Appreciate your help,
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:43 PM
To: 'Cotton, Ashley' <acotton@fcrc.com>
Cc: Danielle Schlanger <Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com>; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks

Very moving!
From: Cotton, Ashley [mailto:acotton@fcrc.com]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:42 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: Fw: Run of show and your remarks

Wiley - program attached and remarks by crystal below


From: Cotton, Ashley <acotton@fcrc.com>

Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 4:41 PM
To: Crystal Patterson
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Rapfogel, Michael
Subject: Run of show and your remarks
Crystal -
Thank you for your time this morning! I loved meeting you and seeing your
home. We are really excited about the press conference on monday.
Attached is the program. There are lots of details in there but the main point is
your will speak last in the program and be introduced by my boss MaryAnne
(who you will love). There will be a podium and microphone on the terrace
where you will speak. 
Please meet us in the lobby monday at 10am. And let us know if your son will
join us.
We put together a few points for you below. Please let us know if they work for
My cell is call me any time this weekend
Remarks For Crystal Patterson
535 Carlton Ribbon Cutting- Monday, June 12, 2017
Thank you MaryAnne, and good morning everyone.

My name is Crystal Patterson and I moved into 535 Carlton in April.

It would be impossible to overstate the gratitude I have for our new
home; it has truly changed my family’s life. And as a 4thgeneration
Brooklynite, I am so thankful to have permanent roots in the city
where I was born and raised.

I have had quite a journey getting here today. I hadn’t had a
permanent home in [insert # of years]. I lost my job as a legal
administrator when the recession hit, and couldn’t afford housing
anywhere in the city.

We were scrappy and made it work: my son stayed in Williamsburg
to be close to his middle school, and I would do short-term rentals in
places like Long Island City and Weehawken, New Jersey.
Sometimes, I’d rent a place on the Jersey Shore or Lake George,
where the cost of living was far cheaper. Everything I owned had to
From: Grace, Melissa
To: "Danielle Schlanger"; Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Cotton, Ashley; Kitasei, Yume; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov)
Subject: RE: Updated rls
Date: Monday, June 12, 2017 9:25:38 AM
Attachments: image001.png



NEW YORK, NY 10007


CONTACT: pressoffice@cityhall.nyc.gov, (212) 788-2958



First 100 percent affordable building serves New Yorkers earning as little as $25,000, and
up to moderate and middle income earners

NEW YORK— Mayor Bill de Blasio, Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen, local officials, Greenland
Forest City Partners and community groups announced the opening of 535 Carlton. The
building’s 298 homes are all affordable, and reserved for New Yorkers with household
incomes of between $25,000 and $173,000 a year. Preference goes to municipal employees
and those with vision, hearing or mobility disabilities.

“Our administration is delivering on the affordable housing this community was promised.
For hundreds of families right here in Brooklyn, these homes represent economic security,
the chance to save a little every month and get ahead, and the assurance that they’ll be able
to afford to stay in the borough they love,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio.

The new building is part of a commitment Greenland Forest City Partners made with
Governor Cuomo, Mayor de Blasio and local community groups in June 2014 to build 2,250
affordable apartments by 2025. There are currently 479 units of below market-rate housing at
Pacific Park and another 303 will become available this summer. The project contributes to
Mayor de Blasio’s affordable housing plan, which has financed more than 63,000 affordable
homes in three years.

When complete, Pacific Park Brooklyn will include six million square feet of residential
space across 6,430 units of housing, of which 2,250 will be affordable rental units. It will also
contain 247,000 square feet of retail space, up to 1.6 million square feet of office space, and
eight acres of publicly-accessible open space.

For high-resolution images of 535 Carlton, click here.  

“With nearly 300 units that are affordable to low, moderate, and middle income households,
535 Carlton will provide an anchor of affordability in the heart of Prospect Heights,
Brooklyn,” said Housing Development Corporation President Eric Enderlin. “The Pacific
Park development also brings significant open park space, retail, and additional transit-
infrastructure that will benefit the larger community. Thanks to all our partners, including the
Mayor’s Office, the NYS Empire State Development Corporation, Greenland Forest City
Partners, COOKFOX, and so many others, including various Brooklyn community
stakeholders, for contributing to the success of 535 Carlton and the ongoing development at
the Pacific Park project.”

“Through Housing New York, the City set out to secure as much affordability as possible in
all our neighborhoods.  When complete, the Pacific Park development will provide more than
2,200 affordable housing opportunities near this vital hub of transportation in thriving
downtown Brooklyn,” said Housing Preservation and Development Commissioner Maria
Torres-Springer. “The opening of 535 Carlton Avenue, the first hundred-percent affordable
housing development underway at Pacific Park, represents housing security for 298 families,
and the promise of more to come. Congratulations to HDC, the NYS Empire State
Development Corporation, Greenland Forest City Partners, COOKFOX, and all our partners
for working with us to ensure our neighborhoods are inclusive places of opportunity for New
Yorkers at a wide range of incomes.”

The New York City Housing Development Corporation is providing a $73 million tax-
exempt first mortgage for the building, funded by Citi Community Capital. HDC is also
contributing $11.75 million in subsidy financing. Pacific Park Brooklyn is a state-regulated
development established by a General Project Plan adopted by the Empire State Development
(ESD) Board of Directors in 2006 and governed by ESD. Pacific Park Brooklyn will include
6,430 units of housing, more than one-third of which will be affordable.

“Having an affordable place to call home and sleep at night is a prerequisite for experiencing
the American Dream. The addition of hundreds of critically-needed affordable housing units
at 535 Carlton is welcome news for Brooklyn,” Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams

“535 Carlton is an example of public-private partnerships working together to provide

beautiful and affordable housing for an array of individuals and families at a wide range of
income levels,” said Ismene Speliotis, ExecutiveDirector of MHANY Management Inc.
“We applaud the city and Greenland Forest City Partners for providing beautiful and
affordable homes at the crossroads of Flatbush and Atlantic Avenues; creating an inclusive
place to live and creating a replicable model for other developers.”

“When we broke ground on 535 Carlton in 2014 we made a commitment with Mayor de
Blasio, Governor Cuomo, and local community groups to bring affordable housing to New
Yorkers, and today we have delivered on that promise,” said Hu Gang, President and CEO
of Greenland USA. “Adding a high-quality affordable building to Pacific Park Brooklyn is a
testament to Greenland Forest City Partners’ mission of growing vibrant communities and
economies inclusive of everyone, and we are extremely proud of this first step in increasing
the affordable housing stock in New York City.”

“The opening of 535 Carlton further underscores Greenland Forest City Partners’
commitment to affordable housing and ensures Pacific Park is a neighborhood inclusive of all
New Yorkers,” said MaryAnne Gilmartin, President and CEO of Forest City New York.
“This extraordinary building proves that affordable housing can be practical and beautiful.
The building combines first-rate design and top-tier amenities including a fitness center,
residents’ lounge, and a vibrant community garden. It’s not only high-end luxury buildings
that provide these types of amenities and services any longer.”

Tenants in the 18-story, 298-unit building comes with a first-rate amenity package, including
a fitness center, yoga studio, game room, children’s playroom and outdoor terrace. Greenland
Forest City Partners enlisted architectural firm COOKFOX to ensure the building was
seamlessly integrated into the streetscape and adjacent green space, and that means Daylit
elevator vestibules look onto the park from each floor, and the open view lobby offers visual
connection from the Carlson Avenue to Pacific Park. Landscaped rooftop, terraces and
setbacks also provide residents with expansive vistas of the park, New York Harbor.

“We approached the design of 535 Carlton with two critical goals: to create the healthiest
possible homes and respect the surrounding historic neighborhood,” said Rick Cook, a
founder and partner at COOKFOX. “We are proud to have designed affordable homes for
a diverse community that connects residents with nature, daylight and views to green space,
rooftop gardening, and natural materials and finishes.”


From: Danielle Schlanger [mailto:Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 9:11 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Cotton, Ashley; Kitasei, Yume; Grace, Melissa; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)
Subject: Re: Updated rls
Gary quote should be coming in next 15. Will send it over as soon as I get it. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 12, 2017, at 9:04 AM, Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Pls shoot us whatever we've missed!

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Cotton, Ashley
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 8:57 AM
To: Kitasei, Yume; Grace, Melissa; Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov)
Subject: Re: Updated rls
Gary labarbera was supposed to be quoted
From: Kitasei, Yume
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 8:50 AM
To: Grace, Melissa; Cotton, Ashley; Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov)
Subject: RE: Updated rls


I’ll do a lot check, but I don’t think so
From: Grace, Melissa
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 8:50 AM
To: 'Cotton, Ashley'; Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)
(RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Kitasei, Yume
Subject: RE: Updated rls
Got and the BP’s quote. Thanks.
Any others coming?
From: Cotton, Ashley [mailto:acotton@fcrc.com]
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 8:15 AM
To: Grace, Melissa; Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)
(RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Kitasei, Yume
Subject: Re: Updated rls
Eric adams team said they sent to u plz confirm
"535 Carlton is an example of public-private partnershipsworking together to
provide beautiful and affordable housing for an array of individuals and families
at a wide range of income levels," said Ismene Speliotis, ExecutiveDirector
of MHANY Management Inc. "We applaud the city and Greenland Forest City
Partners for providing beautiful and affordable homes at the crossroads of
Flatbush and Atlantic Avenues; creating an inclusive place to live and creating a
replicable model for other developers."
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Cotton, Ashley
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 7:44 AM
To: Grace, Melissa; Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)
(RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Kitasei, Yume
Subject: Re: Updated rls
15 total
Don't know about 100%, Program to be determined to reach 2250 affordable
units across the total program
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Grace, Melissa
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 7:36 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Cotton, Ashley; Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)
(RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Kitasei, Yume
Subject: Updated rls


We are still missing quotes, but here is what I have so far.
-How many buildings will this development be and how many of them 100%
-And please send link for high res images.
-Daylit one word?



First 100 percent affordable building serves New Yorkers earning as little as
$25,000 and up to moderate and middle income New Yorkers
NEW YORK— Mayor Bill de Blasio, Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen, local
officials, Greenland Forest City Partners and community groups announced the
opening of 535 Carlton. The building’s 298 homes are all affordable, and
reserved for New Yorkers with household incomes of between $25,000 and
$173,000 a year. Preference goes to municipal employees and those with vision,
hearing or mobility disabilities.
“Our administration is delivering on the affordable housing this community was
promised. For hundreds of families right here in Brooklyn, these homes represent
economic security, the chance to save a little every month and get ahead, and the
assurance that they’ll be able to afford to stay in the borough they love,”
said Mayor Bill de Blasio.
The new building is part of a commitment Greenland Forest City Partners made
with Governor Cuomo, Mayor de Blasio and local community groups in June
2014 to build 2,250 affordable apartments by 2025. There are currently 479 units
of below market-rate housing at Pacific Park and another 303 will become
available this summer. The project contributes to Mayor de Blasio’s affordable
housing plan, which has financed more than 63,000 affordable homes in three
When complete, Pacific Park Brooklyn will include six million square feet of
residential space across 6,430 units of housing, of which 2,250 will be affordable
rental units. It will also contain 247,000 square feet of retail space, up to 1.6
million square feet of office space, and eight acres of publicly-accessible open
For high-resolution images of 535 Carlson, click here.  
The New York City Housing Development Corporation is providing a $73
million tax-exempt first mortgage for the building, funded by Citi Community
Capital. HDC is also contributing $11.75 million in subsidy financing. Pacific
Park Brooklyn is a state-regulated development established by a General Project
Plan adopted by the Empire State Development (ESD) Board of Directors in
2006 and governed by ESD. Pacific Park Brooklyn will include 6,430 units of
housing, more than one-third of which will be affordable.
“When we broke ground on 535 Carlton in 2014 we made a commitment with
Mayor de Blasio, Governor Cuomo, and local community groups to bring
affordable housing to New Yorkers, and today we have delivered on that
promise,” said Hu Gang, President and CEO of Greenland USA. “Adding a
high-quality affordable building to Pacific Park Brooklyn is a testament to
Greenland Forest City Partners’ mission of growing vibrant communities and
economies inclusive of everyone, and we are extremely proud of this first step in
increasing the affordable housing stock in New York City.”

“The opening of 535 Carlton further underscores Greenland Forest City Partners’
commitment to affordable housing and ensures Pacific Park is a neighborhood
inclusive of all New Yorkers,” said MaryAnne Gilmartin, President and CEO
of Forest City New York. “This extraordinary building proves that affordable
housing can be practical and beautiful. The building combines first-rate design
and top-tier amenities including a fitness center, residents’ lounge, and a vibrant
community garden. It’s not only high-end luxury buildings that provide these
types of amenities and services any longer.”
Tenants in the 18-story, 298-unit building comes with a first-rate amenity
package, including a fitness center, yoga studio, game room, children’s playroom
and outdoor terrace. Greenland Forest City Partners enlisted architectural firm
COOKFOX to ensure the building was seamlessly integrated into the streetscape
and adjacent green space, and that means Daylit elevator vestibules look onto the
park from each floor, and the open view lobby offers visual connection from the
Carlson Avenue to Pacific Park. Landscaped rooftop, terraces and setbacks also
provide residents with expansive vistas of the park, New York Harbor.
“We approached the design of 535 Carlton with two critical goals: to create the
healthiest possible homes and respect the surrounding historic neighborhood,”
said Rick Cook, a founder and partner at COOKFOX. “We are proud to have
designed affordable homes for a diverse community that connects residents with
nature, daylight and views to green space, rooftop gardening, and natural
materials and finishes.”
From: Norvell, Wiley
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 7:25 PM
To: Grace, Melissa
Cc: Cotton, Ashley; Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)
(RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Kitasei, Yume
Subject: Re: Run of show and your remarks
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Grace, Melissa
Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 7:12 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Cotton, Ashley; Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)
(RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Kitasei, Yume
Subject: Re: Run of show and your remarks
What time is this event? 

Melissa Grace
Deputy Press Secretary 
Mayor’s Press Office
o: 212-788-2969 
c: 347-224-2309

On Jun 9, 2017, at 6:19 PM, Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>


On 4, pls do.
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Cotton, Ashley
Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 5:58 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley; 'Danielle Schlanger'
Cc: Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov);
Grace, Melissa; Kitasei, Yume
Subject: Re: Run of show and your remarks
#2 sure when she gets back to us on remarks we can turn to quote
#4 I hadn't asked 

From: Norvell, Wiley

Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 5:45 PM
To: 'Danielle Schlanger'; Cotton, Ashley
Cc: Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov);
Grace, Melissa; Kitasei, Yume
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks


UPDATED release attached. We want to issue this from City Hall, given
Mayor’s longstanding support of the project.
Couple things:
1.)    HPD, can you fact check? Draft rls said 30% of AMI was the lowest
but our record show 40% is as low as it goes.
2.)    FCRC, can we get a quote from Crystal (maybe clip from
testimony) for under Mayor
3.)    Yume/FCRC—will leave it to you to gather elected quotes and
divide labor there.
4.)    Are Bertha, Jonathan or Ismene submitting quotes?
From: Danielle Schlanger [mailto:Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:57 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley; 'Cotton, Ashley'
Cc: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks
Thanks Wiley! Really appreciate your help.
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:56 PM
To: Danielle Schlanger <Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com>; 'Cotton,
Ashley' <acotton@fcrc.com>
Cc: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks
Edited advisory attached.
From: Danielle Schlanger [mailto:Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:50 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley; 'Cotton, Ashley'
Cc: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks
Thanks Wiley! As Ashley said, she’s amazing.
Let us know when the release and updated media advisory are finalized.
Appreciate your help,
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:43 PM
To: 'Cotton, Ashley' <acotton@fcrc.com>
Cc: Danielle Schlanger <Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com>; Jeremy
Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks
Very moving!
From: Cotton, Ashley [mailto:acotton@fcrc.com]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:42 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: Fw: Run of show and your remarks
Wiley - program attached and remarks by crystal below

From: Cotton, Ashley <acotton@fcrc.com>

Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 4:41 PM
To: Crystal Patterson
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Rapfogel, Michael
Subject: Run of show and your remarks
Crystal -
Thank you for your time this morning! I loved meeting you and
seeing your home. We are really excited about the press conference
on monday.
Attached is the program. There are lots of details in there but the
main point is your will speak last in the program and be introduced
by my boss MaryAnne (who you will love). There will be a podium
and microphone on the terrace where you will speak. 
Please meet us in the lobby monday at 10am. And let us know if
your son will join us.
We put together a few points for you below. Please let us know if
they work for you! 
My cell is call me any time this weekend
Remarks For Crystal Patterson
535 Carlton Ribbon Cutting- Monday, June 12, 2017
Thank you MaryAnne, and good morning everyone.

My name is Crystal Patterson and I moved into 535
Carlton in April.

It would be impossible to overstate the gratitude I have
for our new home; it has truly changed my family’s life.
And as a 4thgeneration Brooklynite, I am so thankful to
have permanent roots in the city where I was born and

I have had quite a journey getting here today. I hadn’t
had a permanent home in [insert # of years]. I lost my
job as a legal administrator when the recession hit, and
couldn’t afford housing anywhere in the city.

We were scrappy and made it work: my son stayed in
Williamsburg to be close to his middle school, and I
From: Danielle Schlanger
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Cotton, Ashley; Grace, Melissa; Kitasei, Yume; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)
Subject: Re: Updated rls
Date: Monday, June 12, 2017 9:40:45 AM
Attachments: image001.png

Hi all, just heard back from Gary's team. They need until 10 for the quote. Will send
as soon as I receive it. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 12, 2017, at 9:37 AM, Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

MG, let's put Crystal right under Mayor.

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Cotton, Ashley
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 9:31 AM
To: Grace, Melissa; 'Danielle Schlanger'; Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Kitasei, Yume; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov)
Subject: Re: Updated rls

Quote from Crystal Patterson

Resident of 535 carlton 
"Thank you to everyone who helped me make the dream of having a place of
our own a reality and for prioritizing affordable housing at Pacific Park Brooklyn"

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Grace, Melissa
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 9:25 AM
To: 'Danielle Schlanger'; Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Cotton, Ashley; Kitasei, Yume; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)
Subject: RE: Updated rls


NEW YORK, NY 10007
CONTACT: pressoffice@cityhall.nyc.gov, (212) 788-2958



First 100 percent affordable building serves New Yorkers earning as little as
$25,000, and up to moderate and middle income earners

NEW YORK— Mayor Bill de Blasio, Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen, local
officials, Greenland Forest City Partners and community groups announced the
opening of 535 Carlton. The building’s 298 homes are all affordable, and
reserved for New Yorkers with household incomes of between $25,000 and
$173,000 a year. Preference goes to municipal employees and those with vision,
hearing or mobility disabilities.

“Our administration is delivering on the affordable housing this community was

promised. For hundreds of families right here in Brooklyn, these homes represent
economic security, the chance to save a little every month and get ahead, and the
assurance that they’ll be able to afford to stay in the borough they love,”
said Mayor Bill de Blasio.

The new building is part of a commitment Greenland Forest City Partners made
with Governor Cuomo, Mayor de Blasio and local community groups in June
2014 to build 2,250 affordable apartments by 2025. There are currently 479 units
of below market-rate housing at Pacific Park and another 303 will become
available this summer. The project contributes to Mayor de Blasio’s affordable
housing plan, which has financed more than 63,000 affordable homes in three

When complete, Pacific Park Brooklyn will include six million square feet of
residential space across 6,430 units of housing, of which 2,250 will be affordable
rental units. It will also contain 247,000 square feet of retail space, up to 1.6
million square feet of office space, and eight acres of publicly-accessible open

For high-resolution images of 535 Carlton, click here.  

“With nearly 300 units that are affordable to low, moderate, and middle income
households, 535 Carlton will provide an anchor of affordability in the heart of
Prospect Heights, Brooklyn,” said Housing Development Corporation
President Eric Enderlin. “The Pacific Park development also brings significant
open park space, retail, and additional transit-infrastructure that will benefit the
larger community. Thanks to all our partners, including the Mayor’s Office, the
NYS Empire State Development Corporation, Greenland Forest City Partners,
COOKFOX, and so many others, including various Brooklyn community
stakeholders, for contributing to the success of 535 Carlton and the ongoing
development at the Pacific Park project.”

“Through Housing New York, the City set out to secure as much affordability as
possible in all our neighborhoods.  When complete, the Pacific Park development
will provide more than 2,200 affordable housing opportunities near this vital hub
of transportation in thriving downtown Brooklyn,” said Housing Preservation
and Development Commissioner Maria Torres-Springer. “The opening of
535 Carlton Avenue, the first hundred-percent affordable housing development
underway at Pacific Park, represents housing security for 298 families, and the
promise of more to come. Congratulations to HDC, the NYS Empire State
Development Corporation, Greenland Forest City Partners, COOKFOX, and all
our partners for working with us to ensure our neighborhoods are inclusive
places of opportunity for New Yorkers at a wide range of incomes.”

The New York City Housing Development Corporation is providing a $73

million tax-exempt first mortgage for the building, funded by Citi Community
Capital. HDC is also contributing $11.75 million in subsidy financing. Pacific
Park Brooklyn is a state-regulated development established by a General Project
Plan adopted by the Empire State Development (ESD) Board of Directors in
2006 and governed by ESD. Pacific Park Brooklyn will include 6,430 units of
housing, more than one-third of which will be affordable.

“Having an affordable place to call home and sleep at night is a prerequisite for
experiencing the American Dream. The addition of hundreds of critically-needed
affordable housing units at 535 Carlton is welcome news for Brooklyn,”
Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams said.

“535 Carlton is an example of public-private partnerships working together to

provide beautiful and affordable housing for an array of individuals and families
at a wide range of income levels,” said Ismene Speliotis, ExecutiveDirector
of MHANY Management Inc. “We applaud the city and Greenland Forest City
Partners for providing beautiful and affordable homes at the crossroads of
Flatbush and Atlantic Avenues; creating an inclusive place to live and creating a
replicable model for other developers.”

“When we broke ground on 535 Carlton in 2014 we made a commitment with

Mayor de Blasio, Governor Cuomo, and local community groups to bring
affordable housing to New Yorkers, and today we have delivered on that
promise,” said Hu Gang, President and CEO of Greenland USA. “Adding a
high-quality affordable building to Pacific Park Brooklyn is a testament to
Greenland Forest City Partners’ mission of growing vibrant communities and
economies inclusive of everyone, and we are extremely proud of this first step in
increasing the affordable housing stock in New York City.”

“The opening of 535 Carlton further underscores Greenland Forest City Partners’
commitment to affordable housing and ensures Pacific Park is a neighborhood
inclusive of all New Yorkers,” said MaryAnne Gilmartin, President and CEO
of Forest City New York. “This extraordinary building proves that affordable
housing can be practical and beautiful. The building combines first-rate design
and top-tier amenities including a fitness center, residents’ lounge, and a vibrant
community garden. It’s not only high-end luxury buildings that provide these
types of amenities and services any longer.”

Tenants in the 18-story, 298-unit building comes with a first-rate amenity

package, including a fitness center, yoga studio, game room, children’s playroom
and outdoor terrace. Greenland Forest City Partners enlisted architectural firm
COOKFOX to ensure the building was seamlessly integrated into the streetscape
and adjacent green space, and that means Daylit elevator vestibules look onto the
park from each floor, and the open view lobby offers visual connection from the
Carlson Avenue to Pacific Park. Landscaped rooftop, terraces and setbacks also
provide residents with expansive vistas of the park, New York Harbor.

“We approached the design of 535 Carlton with two critical goals: to create the
healthiest possible homes and respect the surrounding historic neighborhood,”
said Rick Cook, a founder and partner at COOKFOX. “We are proud to have
designed affordable homes for a diverse community that connects residents with
nature, daylight and views to green space, rooftop gardening, and natural
materials and finishes.”


From: Danielle Schlanger [mailto:Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 9:11 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Cotton, Ashley; Kitasei, Yume; Grace, Melissa; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth
(HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov)
Subject: Re: Updated rls
Gary quote should be coming in next 15. Will send it over as soon as I get it. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 12, 2017, at 9:04 AM, Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Pls shoot us whatever we've missed!
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Cotton, Ashley
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 8:57 AM
To: Kitasei, Yume; Grace, Melissa; Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)
Subject: Re: Updated rls
Gary labarbera was supposed to be quoted
From: Kitasei, Yume
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 8:50 AM
To: Grace, Melissa; Cotton, Ashley; Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)
Subject: RE: Updated rls


I’ll do a lot check, but I don’t think so
From: Grace, Melissa
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 8:50 AM
To: 'Cotton, Ashley'; Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)
(RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Kitasei, Yume
Subject: RE: Updated rls
Got and the BP’s quote. Thanks.
Any others coming?
From: Cotton, Ashley [mailto:acotton@fcrc.com]
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 8:15 AM
To: Grace, Melissa; Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)
(RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Kitasei, Yume
Subject: Re: Updated rls
Eric adams team said they sent to u plz confirm
"535 Carlton is an example of public-private partnershipsworking
together to provide beautiful and affordable housing for an array of
individuals and families at a wide range of income levels," said
Ismene Speliotis, ExecutiveDirector of MHANY Management Inc.
"We applaud the city and Greenland Forest City Partners
for providing beautiful and affordable homes at the crossroads of
Flatbush and Atlantic Avenues; creating an inclusive place to live
and creating a replicable model for other developers."
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Cotton, Ashley
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 7:44 AM
To: Grace, Melissa; Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)
(RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Kitasei, Yume
Subject: Re: Updated rls
15 total
Don't know about 100%, Program to be determined to reach 2250
affordable units across the total program
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Grace, Melissa
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 7:36 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Cotton, Ashley; Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth
(HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Kitasei, Yume
Subject: Updated rls


We are still missing quotes, but here is what I have so far.
-How many buildings will this development be and how many of
them 100% affordable
-And please send link for high res images.
-Daylit one word?
First 100 percent affordable building serves New Yorkers earning
as little as $25,000 and up to moderate and middle income New
NEW YORK— Mayor Bill de Blasio, Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen,
local officials, Greenland Forest City Partners and community
groups announced the opening of 535 Carlton. The building’s 298
homes are all affordable, and reserved for New Yorkers with
household incomes of between $25,000 and $173,000 a year.
Preference goes to municipal employees and those with vision,
hearing or mobility disabilities.
“Our administration is delivering on the affordable housing this
community was promised. For hundreds of families right here in
Brooklyn, these homes represent economic security, the chance to
save a little every month and get ahead, and the assurance that
they’ll be able to afford to stay in the borough they love,”
said Mayor Bill de Blasio.
The new building is part of a commitment Greenland Forest City
Partners made with Governor Cuomo, Mayor de Blasio and local
community groups in June 2014 to build 2,250 affordable apartments
by 2025. There are currently 479 units of below market-rate housing
at Pacific Park and another 303 will become available this summer.
The project contributes to Mayor de Blasio’s affordable housing
plan, which has financed more than 63,000 affordable homes in three
When complete, Pacific Park Brooklyn will include six million
square feet of residential space across 6,430 units of housing, of
which 2,250 will be affordable rental units. It will also contain
247,000 square feet of retail space, up to 1.6 million square feet of
office space, and eight acres of publicly-accessible open space.
For high-resolution images of 535 Carlson, click here.  
The New York City Housing Development Corporation is providing
a $73 million tax-exempt first mortgage for the building, funded by
Citi Community Capital. HDC is also contributing $11.75 million in
subsidy financing. Pacific Park Brooklyn is a state-regulated
development established by a General Project Plan adopted by the
Empire State Development (ESD) Board of Directors in 2006 and
governed by ESD. Pacific Park Brooklyn will include 6,430 units of
housing, more than one-third of which will be affordable.
“When we broke ground on 535 Carlton in 2014 we made a
commitment with Mayor de Blasio, Governor Cuomo, and local
community groups to bring affordable housing to New Yorkers, and
today we have delivered on that promise,” said Hu Gang, President
and CEO of Greenland USA. “Adding a high-quality affordable
building to Pacific Park Brooklyn is a testament to Greenland Forest
City Partners’ mission of growing vibrant communities and
economies inclusive of everyone, and we are extremely proud of this
first step in increasing the affordable housing stock in New York
“The opening of 535 Carlton further underscores Greenland Forest
City Partners’ commitment to affordable housing and ensures Pacific
Park is a neighborhood inclusive of all New Yorkers,” said
MaryAnne Gilmartin, President and CEO of Forest City New
York. “This extraordinary building proves that affordable housing
can be practical and beautiful. The building combines first-rate
design and top-tier amenities including a fitness center, residents’
lounge, and a vibrant community garden. It’s not only high-end
luxury buildings that provide these types of amenities and services
any longer.”
Tenants in the 18-story, 298-unit building comes with a first-rate
amenity package, including a fitness center, yoga studio, game room,
children’s playroom and outdoor terrace. Greenland Forest City
Partners enlisted architectural firm COOKFOX to ensure the
building was seamlessly integrated into the streetscape and adjacent
green space, and that means Daylit elevator vestibules look onto the
park from each floor, and the open view lobby offers visual
connection from the Carlson Avenue to Pacific Park. Landscaped
rooftop, terraces and setbacks also provide residents with expansive
vistas of the park, New York Harbor.
“We approached the design of 535 Carlton with two critical goals: to
create the healthiest possible homes and respect the surrounding
historic neighborhood,” said Rick Cook, a founder and partner at
COOKFOX. “We are proud to have designed affordable homes for
a diverse community that connects residents with nature, daylight
and views to green space, rooftop gardening, and natural materials
and finishes.”
From: Norvell, Wiley
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 7:25 PM
To: Grace, Melissa
Cc: Cotton, Ashley; Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth
(HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Kitasei, Yume
Subject: Re: Run of show and your remarks
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Grace, Melissa
Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 7:12 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Cotton, Ashley; Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth
(HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Kitasei, Yume
Subject: Re: Run of show and your remarks
What time is this event? 

Melissa Grace
Deputy Press Secretary 
Mayor’s Press Office
o: 212-788-2969 
c: 347-224-2309

On Jun 9, 2017, at 6:19 PM, Norvell, Wiley

<WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

On 4, pls do.
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Cotton, Ashley
Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 5:58 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley; 'Danielle Schlanger'
Cc: Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)
(RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Grace, Melissa; Kitasei, Yume
Subject: Re: Run of show and your remarks
#2 sure when she gets back to us on remarks we can
turn to quote
#4 I hadn't asked 

From: Norvell, Wiley

Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 5:45 PM
To: 'Danielle Schlanger'; Cotton, Ashley
Cc: Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)
(RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Grace, Melissa; Kitasei, Yume
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks


UPDATED release attached. We want to issue this from City
Hall, given Mayor’s longstanding support of the project.
Couple things:
1.)    HPD, can you fact check? Draft rls said 30% of AMI
was the lowest but our record show 40% is as low as
it goes.
2.)    FCRC, can we get a quote from Crystal (maybe clip
from testimony) for under Mayor
3.)    Yume/FCRC—will leave it to you to gather elected
quotes and divide labor there.
4.)    Are Bertha, Jonathan or Ismene submitting quotes?
From: Danielle Schlanger
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:57 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley; 'Cotton, Ashley'
Cc: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks
Thanks Wiley! Really appreciate your help.
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:56 PM
To: Danielle Schlanger
<Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com>; 'Cotton, Ashley'
Cc: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks
Edited advisory attached.
From: Danielle Schlanger
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:50 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley; 'Cotton, Ashley'
Cc: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks
Thanks Wiley! As Ashley said, she’s amazing.
Let us know when the release and updated media advisory
are finalized.
Appreciate your help,
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:43 PM
To: 'Cotton, Ashley' <acotton@fcrc.com>
Cc: Danielle Schlanger
<Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com>; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks
Very moving!
From: Cotton, Ashley [mailto:acotton@fcrc.com]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:42 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: Fw: Run of show and your remarks
Wiley - program attached and remarks by crystal below

From: Cotton, Ashley <acotton@fcrc.com>

Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 4:41 PM
To: Crystal Patterson
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Rapfogel, Michael
Subject: Run of show and your remarks
Crystal -
Thank you for your time this morning! I loved meeting
you and seeing your home. We are really excited about
the press conference on monday.
Attached is the program. There are lots of details in
there but the main point is your will speak last in the
program and be introduced by my boss MaryAnne (who
you will love). There will be a podium and microphone
on the terrace where you will speak. 
Please meet us in the lobby monday at 10am. And let
us know if your son will join us.
We put together a few points for you below. Please let
us know if they work for you! 
My cell is call me any time this weekend
Remarks For Crystal Patterson
535 Carlton Ribbon Cutting- Monday, June 12,
Thank you MaryAnne, and good morning
My name is Crystal Patterson and I moved
into 535 Carlton in April.
It would be impossible to overstate the
gratitude I have for our new home; it has truly
changed my family’s life. And as a
4thgeneration Brooklynite, I am so thankful to
have permanent roots in the city where I was
born and raised.
I have had quite a journey getting here today.
I hadn’t had a permanent home in [insert # of
years]. I lost my job as a legal administrator
when the recession hit, and couldn’t afford
housing anywhere in the city.
We were scrappy and made it work: my son
stayed in Williamsburg to be close to his
middle school, and I would do short-term
rentals in places like Long Island City and
Weehawken, New Jersey. Sometimes, I’d rent
a place on the Jersey Shore or Lake George,
where the cost of living was far cheaper.
Everything I owned had to fit into a suitcase
that I could bring from place to place. All told, I
lived in 15 different cities in two years.
My mom was an amazing source of support
and helped me through all these changes.

But I had faith that one day, we would have a
place to call our own. I applied for over 60
affordable housing lotteries throughout the
five boroughs. And then, one day, I got an
email that changed everything for us: we got
an apartment at 535 Carlton.
The joy we felt was indescribable. We would
be a united family again. My mom, Trey and I
went to the lease signing at the building, and
were so excited to have a two-bedroom
apartment, beautiful amenity spaces and
amazing views of Manhattan. My mom and I
made plans to toast our new home on the
roof, right here where we’re all standing, once
we moved in.
From: Grace, Melissa
To: Norvell, Wiley; Cotton, Ashley; "Danielle Schlanger"
Cc: Kitasei, Yume; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov)
Subject: RE: Updated rls
Date: Monday, June 12, 2017 10:00:56 AM
Attachments: image001.png

From: Norvell, Wiley
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 9:38 AM
To: Cotton, Ashley; Grace, Melissa; 'Danielle Schlanger'
Cc: Kitasei, Yume; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov)
Subject: Re: Updated rls

MG, let's put Crystal right under Mayor.

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Cotton, Ashley
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 9:31 AM
To: Grace, Melissa; 'Danielle Schlanger'; Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Kitasei, Yume; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov)
Subject: Re: Updated rls

Quote from Crystal Patterson

Resident of 535 carlton 
"Thank you to everyone who helped me make the dream of having a place of our own a
reality and for prioritizing affordable housing at Pacific Park Brooklyn"
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Grace, Melissa
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 9:25 AM
To: 'Danielle Schlanger'; Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Cotton, Ashley; Kitasei, Yume; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov)
Subject: RE: Updated rls




NEW YORK, NY 10007


CONTACT: pressoffice@cityhall.nyc.gov, (212) 788-2958



First 100 percent affordable building serves New Yorkers earning as little as $25,000, and
up to moderate and middle income earners

NEW YORK— Mayor Bill de Blasio, Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen, local officials, Greenland
Forest City Partners and community groups announced the opening of 535 Carlton. The
building’s 298 homes are all affordable, and reserved for New Yorkers with household
incomes of between $25,000 and $173,000 a year. Preference goes to municipal employees
and those with vision, hearing or mobility disabilities.

“Our administration is delivering on the affordable housing this community was promised.
For hundreds of families right here in Brooklyn, these homes represent economic security,
the chance to save a little every month and get ahead, and the assurance that they’ll be able
to afford to stay in the borough they love,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio.

The new building is part of a commitment Greenland Forest City Partners made with
Governor Cuomo, Mayor de Blasio and local community groups in June 2014 to build 2,250
affordable apartments by 2025. There are currently 479 units of below market-rate housing at
Pacific Park and another 303 will become available this summer. The project contributes to
Mayor de Blasio’s affordable housing plan, which has financed more than 63,000 affordable
homes in three years.

When complete, Pacific Park Brooklyn will include six million square feet of residential
space across 6,430 units of housing, of which 2,250 will be affordable rental units. It will also
contain 247,000 square feet of retail space, up to 1.6 million square feet of office space, and
eight acres of publicly-accessible open space.

For high-resolution images of 535 Carlton, click here.

“With nearly 300 units that are affordable to low, moderate, and middle income households,
535 Carlton will provide an anchor of affordability in the heart of Prospect Heights,
Brooklyn,” said Housing Development Corporation President Eric Enderlin. “The Pacific
Park development also brings significant open park space, retail, and additional transit-
infrastructure that will benefit the larger community. Thanks to all our partners, including the
Mayor’s Office, the NYS Empire State Development Corporation, Greenland Forest City
Partners, COOKFOX, and so many others, including various Brooklyn community
stakeholders, for contributing to the success of 535 Carlton and the ongoing development at
the Pacific Park project.”

“Through Housing New York, the City set out to secure as much affordability as possible in
all our neighborhoods. When complete, the Pacific Park development will provide more than
2,200 affordable housing opportunities near this vital hub of transportation in thriving
downtown Brooklyn,” said Housing Preservation and Development Commissioner Maria
Torres-Springer. “The opening of 535 Carlton Avenue, the first hundred-percent affordable
housing development underway at Pacific Park, represents housing security for 298 families,
and the promise of more to come. Congratulations to HDC, the NYS Empire State
Development Corporation, Greenland Forest City Partners, COOKFOX, and all our partners
for working with us to ensure our neighborhoods are inclusive places of opportunity for New
Yorkers at a wide range of incomes.”

The New York City Housing Development Corporation is providing a $73 million tax-
exempt first mortgage for the building, funded by Citi Community Capital. HDC is also
contributing $11.75 million in subsidy financing. Pacific Park Brooklyn is a state-regulated
development established by a General Project Plan adopted by the Empire State Development
(ESD) Board of Directors in 2006 and governed by ESD. Pacific Park Brooklyn will include
6,430 units of housing, more than one-third of which will be affordable.

“Having an affordable place to call home and sleep at night is a prerequisite for experiencing
the American Dream. The addition of hundreds of critically-needed affordable housing units
at 535 Carlton is welcome news for Brooklyn,” Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams

“535 Carlton is an example of public-private partnerships working together to provide

beautiful and affordable housing for an array of individuals and families at a wide range of
income levels,” said Ismene Speliotis, ExecutiveDirector of MHANY Management Inc.
“We applaud the city and Greenland Forest City Partners for providing beautiful and
affordable homes at the crossroads of Flatbush and Atlantic Avenues; creating an inclusive
place to live and creating a replicable model for other developers.”

“When we broke ground on 535 Carlton in 2014 we made a commitment with Mayor de
Blasio, Governor Cuomo, and local community groups to bring affordable housing to New
Yorkers, and today we have delivered on that promise,” said Hu Gang, President and CEO
of Greenland USA. “Adding a high-quality affordable building to Pacific Park Brooklyn is a
testament to Greenland Forest City Partners’ mission of growing vibrant communities and
economies inclusive of everyone, and we are extremely proud of this first step in increasing
the affordable housing stock in New York City.”

“The opening of 535 Carlton further underscores Greenland Forest City Partners’
commitment to affordable housing and ensures Pacific Park is a neighborhood inclusive of all
New Yorkers,” said MaryAnne Gilmartin, President and CEO of Forest City New York.
“This extraordinary building proves that affordable housing can be practical and beautiful.
The building combines first-rate design and top-tier amenities including a fitness center,
residents’ lounge, and a vibrant community garden. It’s not only high-end luxury buildings
that provide these types of amenities and services any longer.”

Tenants in the 18-story, 298-unit building comes with a first-rate amenity package, including
a fitness center, yoga studio, game room, children’s playroom and outdoor terrace. Greenland
Forest City Partners enlisted architectural firm COOKFOX to ensure the building was
seamlessly integrated into the streetscape and adjacent green space, and that means Daylit
elevator vestibules look onto the park from each floor, and the open view lobby offers visual
connection from the Carlson Avenue to Pacific Park. Landscaped rooftop, terraces and
setbacks also provide residents with expansive vistas of the park, New York Harbor.

“We approached the design of 535 Carlton with two critical goals: to create the healthiest
possible homes and respect the surrounding historic neighborhood,” said Rick Cook, a
founder and partner at COOKFOX. “We are proud to have designed affordable homes for
a diverse community that connects residents with nature, daylight and views to green space,
rooftop gardening, and natural materials and finishes.”


From: Danielle Schlanger [mailto:Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 9:11 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Cotton, Ashley; Kitasei, Yume; Grace, Melissa; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)
Subject: Re: Updated rls

Gary quote should be coming in next 15. Will send it over as soon as I get it.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 12, 2017, at 9:04 AM, Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Pls shoot us whatever we've missed!

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Cotton, Ashley
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 8:57 AM
To: Kitasei, Yume; Grace, Melissa; Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov)
Subject: Re: Updated rls

Gary labarbera was supposed to be quoted

From: Kitasei, Yume
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 8:50 AM
To: Grace, Melissa; Cotton, Ashley; Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov)
Subject: RE: Updated rls


I’ll do a lot check, but I don’t think so

From: Grace, Melissa
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 8:50 AM
To: 'Cotton, Ashley'; Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)
(RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Kitasei, Yume
Subject: RE: Updated rls

Got and the BP’s quote. Thanks.

Any others coming?
From: Cotton, Ashley [mailto:acotton@fcrc.com]
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 8:15 AM
To: Grace, Melissa; Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)
(RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Kitasei, Yume
Subject: Re: Updated rls

Eric adams team said they sent to u plz confirm

"535 Carlton is an example of public-private partnershipsworking together to
provide beautiful and affordable housing for an array of individuals and families
at a wide range of income levels," said Ismene Speliotis, ExecutiveDirector
of MHANY Management Inc. "We applaud the city and Greenland Forest City
Partners for providing beautiful and affordable homes at the crossroads of
Flatbush and Atlantic Avenues; creating an inclusive place to live and creating a
replicable model for other developers."
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Cotton, Ashley
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 7:44 AM
To: Grace, Melissa; Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)
(RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Kitasei, Yume
Subject: Re: Updated rls

15 total
Don't know about 100%, Program to be determined to reach 2250 affordable
units across the total program
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Grace, Melissa
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 7:36 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Cotton, Ashley; Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)
(RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Kitasei, Yume
Subject: Updated rls


We are still missing quotes, but here is what I have so far.

-How many buildings will this development be and how many of them 100%
-And please send link for high res images.
-Daylit one word?



First 100 percent affordable building serves New Yorkers earning as little as
$25,000 and up to moderate and middle income New Yorkers

NEW YORK— Mayor Bill de Blasio, Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen, local
officials, Greenland Forest City Partners and community groups announced the
opening of 535 Carlton. The building’s 298 homes are all affordable, and
reserved for New Yorkers with household incomes of between $25,000 and
$173,000 a year. Preference goes to municipal employees and those with vision,
hearing or mobility disabilities.
“Our administration is delivering on the affordable housing this community was
promised. For hundreds of families right here in Brooklyn, these homes represent
economic security, the chance to save a little every month and get ahead, and the
assurance that they’ll be able to afford to stay in the borough they love,”
said Mayor Bill de Blasio.
The new building is part of a commitment Greenland Forest City Partners made
with Governor Cuomo, Mayor de Blasio and local community groups in June
2014 to build 2,250 affordable apartments by 2025. There are currently 479 units
of below market-rate housing at Pacific Park and another 303 will become
available this summer. The project contributes to Mayor de Blasio’s affordable
housing plan, which has financed more than 63,000 affordable homes in three
When complete, Pacific Park Brooklyn will include six million square feet of
residential space across 6,430 units of housing, of which 2,250 will be affordable
rental units. It will also contain 247,000 square feet of retail space, up to 1.6
million square feet of office space, and eight acres of publicly-accessible open

For high-resolution images of 535 Carlson, click here.

The New York City Housing Development Corporation is providing a $73

million tax-exempt first mortgage for the building, funded by Citi Community
Capital. HDC is also contributing $11.75 million in subsidy financing. Pacific
Park Brooklyn is a state-regulated development established by a General Project
Plan adopted by the Empire State Development (ESD) Board of Directors in
2006 and governed by ESD. Pacific Park Brooklyn will include 6,430 units of
housing, more than one-third of which will be affordable.

“When we broke ground on 535 Carlton in 2014 we made a commitment with

Mayor de Blasio, Governor Cuomo, and local community groups to bring
affordable housing to New Yorkers, and today we have delivered on that
promise,” said Hu Gang, President and CEO of Greenland USA. “Adding a
high-quality affordable building to Pacific Park Brooklyn is a testament to
Greenland Forest City Partners’ mission of growing vibrant communities and
economies inclusive of everyone, and we are extremely proud of this first step in
increasing the affordable housing stock in New York City.”

“The opening of 535 Carlton further underscores Greenland Forest City Partners’
commitment to affordable housing and ensures Pacific Park is a neighborhood
inclusive of all New Yorkers,” said MaryAnne Gilmartin, President and CEO
of Forest City New York. “This extraordinary building proves that affordable
housing can be practical and beautiful. The building combines first-rate design
and top-tier amenities including a fitness center, residents’ lounge, and a vibrant
community garden. It’s not only high-end luxury buildings that provide these
types of amenities and services any longer.”

Tenants in the 18-story, 298-unit building comes with a first-rate amenity

package, including a fitness center, yoga studio, game room, children’s playroom
and outdoor terrace. Greenland Forest City Partners enlisted architectural firm
COOKFOX to ensure the building was seamlessly integrated into the streetscape
and adjacent green space, and that means Daylit elevator vestibules look onto the
park from each floor, and the open view lobby offers visual connection from the
Carlson Avenue to Pacific Park. Landscaped rooftop, terraces and setbacks also
provide residents with expansive vistas of the park, New York Harbor.

“We approached the design of 535 Carlton with two critical goals: to create the
healthiest possible homes and respect the surrounding historic neighborhood,”
said Rick Cook, a founder and partner at COOKFOX. “We are proud to have
designed affordable homes for a diverse community that connects residents with
nature, daylight and views to green space, rooftop gardening, and natural
materials and finishes.”
From: Norvell, Wiley
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 7:25 PM
To: Grace, Melissa
Cc: Cotton, Ashley; Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)
(RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Kitasei, Yume
Subject: Re: Run of show and your remarks

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Grace, Melissa
Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 7:12 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Cotton, Ashley; Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD)
(RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov); Kitasei, Yume
Subject: Re: Run of show and your remarks

What time is this event?

Melissa Grace
Deputy Press Secretary
Mayor’s Press Office
o: 212-788-2969
c: 347-224-2309

On Jun 9, 2017, at 6:19 PM, Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>


On 4, pls do.
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Cotton, Ashley
Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 5:58 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley; 'Danielle Schlanger'
Cc: Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov);
Grace, Melissa; Kitasei, Yume
Subject: Re: Run of show and your remarks

#2 sure when she gets back to us on remarks we can turn to quote

#4 I hadn't asked 

From: Norvell, Wiley

Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 5:45 PM
To: 'Danielle Schlanger'; Cotton, Ashley
Cc: Jeremy Soffin; Rohlfing, Elizabeth (HPD) (RohlfingE@hpd.nyc.gov);
Grace, Melissa; Kitasei, Yume
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks


UPDATED release attached. We want to issue this from City Hall, given
Mayor’s longstanding support of the project.
Couple things:
1.) HPD, can you fact check? Draft rls said 30% of AMI was the lowest
but our record show 40% is as low as it goes.
2.) FCRC, can we get a quote from Crystal (maybe clip from
testimony) for under Mayor
3.) Yume/FCRC—will leave it to you to gather elected quotes and
divide labor there.
4.) Are Bertha, Jonathan or Ismene submitting quotes?
From: Danielle Schlanger [mailto:Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:57 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley; 'Cotton, Ashley'
Cc: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks

Thanks Wiley! Really appreciate your help.

From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:56 PM
To: Danielle Schlanger <Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com>; 'Cotton,
Ashley' <acotton@fcrc.com>
Cc: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks

Edited advisory attached.

From: Danielle Schlanger [mailto:Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:50 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley; 'Cotton, Ashley'
Cc: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks

Thanks Wiley! As Ashley said, she’s amazing.

Let us know when the release and updated media advisory are finalized.
Appreciate your help,
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:43 PM
To: 'Cotton, Ashley' <acotton@fcrc.com>
Cc: Danielle Schlanger <Danielle.Schlanger@berlinrosen.com>; Jeremy
Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Run of show and your remarks

Very moving!
From: Cotton, Ashley [mailto:acotton@fcrc.com]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:42 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: Fw: Run of show and your remarks

Wiley - program attached and remarks by crystal below


From: Cotton, Ashley <acotton@fcrc.com>

Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 4:41 PM
To: Crystal Patterson
Cc: Danielle Schlanger; Rapfogel, Michael
Subject: Run of show and your remarks
Crystal -
Thank you for your time this morning! I loved meeting you and
seeing your home. We are really excited about the press conference
on monday.
Attached is the program. There are lots of details in there but the
main point is your will speak last in the program and be introduced
by my boss MaryAnne (who you will love). There will be a podium
and microphone on the terrace where you will speak. 
Please meet us in the lobby monday at 10am. And let us know if
your son will join us.
We put together a few points for you below. Please let us know if
they work for you! 
My cell is + call me any time this weekend
Remarks For Crystal Patterson
535 Carlton Ribbon Cutting- Monday, June 12, 2017
Thank you MaryAnne, and good morning everyone.

My name is Crystal Patterson and I moved into 535
Carlton in April.

It would be impossible to overstate the gratitude I have
for our new home; it has truly changed my family’s life.
And as a 4thgeneration Brooklynite, I am so thankful to
have permanent roots in the city where I was born and

I have had quite a journey getting here today. I hadn’t
had a permanent home in [insert # of years]. I lost my
job as a legal administrator when the recession hit, and
couldn’t afford housing anywhere in the city.

We were scrappy and made it work: my son stayed in
Williamsburg to be close to his middle school, and I
would do short-term rentals in places like Long Island
City and Weehawken, New Jersey. Sometimes, I’d rent a
place on the Jersey Shore or Lake George, where the
cost of living was far cheaper. Everything I owned had to
fit into a suitcase that I could bring from place to place. All
told, I lived in 15 different cities in two years.
My mom was an amazing source of support and helped
me through all these changes.

But I had faith that one day, we would have a place to
call our own. I applied for over 60 affordable housing
lotteries throughout the five boroughs. And then, one
day, I got an email that changed everything for us: we got
an apartment at 535 Carlton.

The joy we felt was indescribable. We would be a united
We never received a quote from Gary for the city-
issued press release. Can you please send one
over ASAP for us to include?



Sent from my iPhone

From: Norvell, Wiley
To: Ashley Cotton; "Danielle Schlanger"; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: Updated Amis in rls
Date: Monday, June 12, 2017 10:24:07 AM

To match your marketing sheet:

“Mayor Bill de Blasio, Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen, local officials, Greenland Forest City Partners and
community groups announced the opening of 535 Carlton. The building’s 298 homes are all
affordable, and reserved for New Yorkers with household incomes of between $20,100 for an
individual and $149,000 for a family of three.”

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Danielle Schlanger
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Jeorge Cymon
Subject: Release
Date: Monday, June 12, 2017 10:57:20 AM

Hey Wiley,

Can you send us the final release once it goes out? Thanks!

Sent from my iPhone

From: Jeremy Soffin
To: Cotton, Ashley
Cc: Norvell, Wiley; Danielle Schlanger
Date: Monday, June 12, 2017 12:05:49 PM
Attachments: image001.png

Great event!

On Jun 12, 2017, at 11:53 AM, Cotton, Ashley <acotton@fcrc.com> wrote:

Thanks for making today happen

From: Norvell, Wiley

Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 11:44 AM
To: Cotton, Ashley; 'Danielle Schlanger'; Jeremy Soffin (jeremy@berlinrosen.com)


From: Mayor's Press Office

Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 11:22 AM
To: Mayor's Press Office


NEW YORK, NY 10007


CONTACT: pressoffice@cityhall.nyc.gov, (212) 788-2958



First 100 percent affordable building serves New Yorkers earning as little as
$20,100, and up to moderate and middle income earners

NEW YORK— Mayor Bill de Blasio, Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen, local
officials, Greenland Forest City Partners and community groups announced the
opening of 535 Carlton. The building’s 298 homes are all affordable, and
reserved for New Yorkers with household incomes of between $20,100 for an
individual and $149,000 for a family of three. Preference goes to municipal
employees and those with vision, hearing or mobility disabilities.

“Our administration is delivering on the affordable housing this community was

promised. For hundreds of families right here in Brooklyn, these homes represent
economic security, the chance to save a little every month and get ahead, and the
assurance that they’ll be able to afford to stay in the borough they love,”
said Mayor Bill de Blasio.

“Having an affordable place to call home and sleep at night is a prerequisite for
experiencing the American Dream. The addition of hundreds of critically-needed
affordable housing units at 535 Carlton is welcome news for Brooklyn,”
Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams said.

“Thank you to everyone who helped me make the dream of having a place of our
own a reality and for prioritizing affordable housing at Pacific Park Brooklyn,”
said Crystal Patterson, a resident of 535 Carlton.

The new building is part of a commitment Greenland Forest City Partners made
with Governor Cuomo, Mayor de Blasio and local community groups in June
2014 to build 2,250 affordable apartments by 2025. There are currently 479 units
of below market-rate housing at Pacific Park and another 303 will become
available this summer. The project contributes to Mayor de Blasio’s affordable
housing plan, which has financed more than 63,000 affordable homes in three

When complete, Pacific Park Brooklyn will include six million square feet of
residential space across 6,430 units of housing, of which 2,250 will be affordable
rental units. It will also contain 247,000 square feet of retail space, up to 1.6
million square feet of office space, and eight acres of publicly-accessible open

For high-resolution images of 535 Carlton, click here.

“With nearly 300 units that are affordable to low, moderate, and middle income
households, 535 Carlton will provide an anchor of affordability in the heart of
Prospect Heights, Brooklyn,” said Housing Development Corporation
President Eric Enderlin. “The Pacific Park development also brings significant
open park space, retail, and additional transit-infrastructure that will benefit the
larger community. Thanks to all our partners, including the Mayor’s Office, the
NYS Empire State Development Corporation, Greenland Forest City Partners,
COOKFOX, and so many others, including various Brooklyn community
stakeholders, for contributing to the success of 535 Carlton and the ongoing
development at the Pacific Park project.”
“Through Housing New York, the City set out to secure as much affordability as
possible in all our neighborhoods. When complete, the Pacific Park development
will provide more than 2,200 affordable housing opportunities near this vital hub
of transportation in thriving downtown Brooklyn,” said Housing Preservation
and Development Commissioner Maria Torres-Springer. “The opening of
535 Carlton Avenue, the first hundred-percent affordable housing development
underway at Pacific Park, represents housing security for 298 families, and the
promise of more to come. Congratulations to HDC, the NYS Empire State
Development Corporation, Greenland Forest City Partners, COOKFOX, and all
our partners for working with us to ensure our neighborhoods are inclusive
places of opportunity for New Yorkers at a wide range of incomes.”

The New York City Housing Development Corporation is providing a $73

million tax-exempt first mortgage for the building, funded by Citi Community
Capital. HDC is also contributing $11.75 million in subsidy financing. Pacific
Park Brooklyn is a state-regulated development established by a General Project
Plan adopted by the Empire State Development (ESD) Board of Directors in
2006 and governed by ESD. Pacific Park Brooklyn will include 6,430 units of
housing, more than one-third of which will be affordable.

“The opening of 535 Carlton will provide desperately-needed units of affordable

housing for hundreds of people in Prospect Heights, a neighborhood where rent
prices continue to increase beyond the means of families who have lived there
for generations. I hope to continue working with Mayor de Blasio and Deputy
Mayor Glen to build ‘One New York,’ where all families have an opportunity to
thrive,” Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke said.

“It’s a pleasure to be here today to celebrate the opening of 535 Carlton in

Pacific Park, a development that shows how we can work together to meet New
York City’s affordable housing demand,” said Gary LaBarbera, president of
the 100,000 member Building & Construction Trades Council of Greater
New York. “Not only is 535 Carlton adding to the affordable housing pool but
was built with union labor and creating good middle-class jobs with benefits and
high safety standards, something that is very important to this city's future.
Nearly 300 New Yorkers will have a place to live thanks to the efforts of union
workers, Forest City New York, Greenland USA, COOKFOX Architects and the
New York City Deputy Mayor for Housing and Economic Development Alicia

“535 Carlton is an example of public-private partnerships working together to

provide beautiful and affordable housing for an array of individuals and families
at a wide range of income levels,” said Ismene Speliotis, ExecutiveDirector
of MHANY Management Inc. “We applaud the city and Greenland Forest City
Partners for providing beautiful and affordable homes at the crossroads of
Flatbush and Atlantic Avenues; creating an inclusive place to live and creating a
replicable model for other developers.”

“When we broke ground on 535 Carlton in 2014 we made a commitment with

Mayor de Blasio, Governor Cuomo, and local community groups to bring
affordable housing to New Yorkers, and today we have delivered on that
promise,” said Hu Gang, President and CEO of Greenland USA. “Adding a
high-quality affordable building to Pacific Park Brooklyn is a testament to
Greenland Forest City Partners’ mission of growing vibrant communities and
economies inclusive of everyone, and we are extremely proud of this first step in
increasing the affordable housing stock in New York City.”

“The opening of 535 Carlton further underscores Greenland Forest City Partners’
commitment to affordable housing and ensures Pacific Park is a neighborhood
inclusive of all New Yorkers,” said MaryAnne Gilmartin, President and CEO
of Forest City New York. “This extraordinary building proves that affordable
housing can be practical and beautiful. The building combines first-rate design
and top-tier amenities including a fitness center, residents’ lounge, and a vibrant
community garden. It’s not only high-end luxury buildings that provide these
types of amenities and services any longer.”

Tenants in the 18-story, 298-unit building comes with a first-rate amenity

package, including a fitness center, yoga studio, game room, children’s playroom
and outdoor terrace. Greenland Forest City Partners enlisted architectural firm
COOKFOX to ensure the building was seamlessly integrated into the streetscape
and adjacent green space, and that means Daylit elevator vestibules look onto the
park from each floor, and the open view lobby offers visual connection from the
Carlson Avenue to Pacific Park. Landscaped rooftop, terraces and setbacks also
provide residents with expansive vistas of the park, New York Harbor.

“We approached the design of 535 Carlton with two critical goals: to create the
healthiest possible homes and respect the surrounding historic neighborhood,”
said Rick Cook, a founder and partner at COOKFOX. “We are proud to have
designed affordable homes for a diverse community that connects residents with
nature, daylight and views to green space, rooftop gardening, and natural
materials and finishes.”

From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
To: Eva Petkanas
Subject: Re: Moving on
Date: Sunday, June 18, 2017 8:11:02 PM


Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 18, 2017, at 8:10 PM, Eva Petkanas <Eva.Petkanas@berlinrosen.com>


Hi Prisca,
Nice to meet you too! Yes, he can use the conference room on the 11 th floor from 12-
2 pm.
Eva Petkanas
O. 202.560.5990
C. 203.837.7304
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [mailto:PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Sunday, June 18, 2017 7:54 PM
To: Eva Petkanas <Eva.Petkanas@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: Moving on
Hi Eva! Nice to meet you. Do you have a room the Mayor can use tomorrow from 12-

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 16, 2017, at 10:36 AM, Emily Walsh <Emily@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Hi Prisca,
Wanted to let you know today is my last day with BerlinRosen and introduce
you to Eva Petkanas who will be taking over for me. Best of luck moving
forward and I'm sure we'll cross paths again soon :)
Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Eva Petkanas
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: RE: Moving on
Date: Tuesday, June 20, 2017 3:50:59 PM

Thanks for the heads up. Have a good rest of the day
Eva Petkanas
O. 202.560.5990
C. 203.837.7304
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [mailto:PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2017 3:48 PM
To: Eva Petkanas <Eva.Petkanas@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Moving on
No longer need it for today-
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2017 6:15 PM
To: 'Eva Petkanas'
Subject: RE: Moving on
Great. – what floor
From: Eva Petkanas [mailto:Eva.Petkanas@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2017 6:07 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: RE: Moving on
No worries – it was a hectic day over here too! Yes, tomorrow 4-5:15 works.
Eva Petkanas
O. 202.560.5990
C. 203.837.7304
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [mailto:PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2017 6:03 PM
To: Eva Petkanas <Eva.Petkanas@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Moving on
Sorry – the day just passed me by and have been wanting to send this email to you that we didn’t
need the room anymore! Sheesh!
Can he go tomorrow from 4-5:15pm?
From: Eva Petkanas [mailto:Eva.Petkanas@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Sunday, June 18, 2017 8:10 PM
To: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca
Subject: RE: Moving on
Hi Prisca,
Nice to meet you too! Yes, he can use the conference room on the 11 th floor from 12-2 pm.
Eva Petkanas
O. 202.560.5990
C. 203.837.7304
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Salazar-Rodriguez, Prisca [mailto:PSalazar-Rodriguez@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Sunday, June 18, 2017 7:54 PM
To: Eva Petkanas <Eva.Petkanas@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: Moving on
Hi Eva! Nice to meet you. Do you have a room the Mayor can use tomorrow from 12-2pm?

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 16, 2017, at 10:36 AM, Emily Walsh <Emily@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Hi Prisca,
Wanted to let you know today is my last day with BerlinRosen and introduce you to Eva
Petkanas who will be taking over for me. Best of luck moving forward and I'm sure we'll
cross paths again soon :)
Emily Walsh
BerlinRosen Public Affairs
From: Restler, Lincoln
To: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Rikers quote from MaryAnne Gilmartin
Date: Thursday, June 22, 2017 10:38:00 AM

Thanks, Jeremy
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2017 10:38 AM
To: Restler, Lincoln
Subject: Rikers quote from MaryAnne Gilmartin
Lincoln: Below please find a quote from MaryAnne Gilmartin. Please let me know if you’re the right
person for this or we should send elsewhere (and please confirm receipt!). Thank you!
"It is encouraging to see Mayor de Blasio's commitment to
closing Rikers Island and now having a roadmap in place to do
so," said MaryAnne Gilmartin, chair of the subcommittee for
reimagining Rikers Island. "We will continue working towards
the shared goal of creating a stronger, safer New York, one
without this international symbol of injustice." 
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Elaine Kim
To: Goldstein, Freddi
Cc: Leslie Kamstra; Alison Hirsh; Rob Duffey
Subject: RE: Approved Mayor quote
Date: Thursday, June 22, 2017 11:03:31 AM
Attachments: Airport Release Template LEGAL.docx

Hi Freddi – wanted to share the template release we’d like local communicators to put out today –
the Mayor’s quote is in there. We’d like to keep it in if possible; let us know what works for you all.
We’re also planning on reaching out to national reporters such as Ted Reed (Forbes), Bart Jansen
(USA Today), Alana Wise (Reuters), David Koenig (AP), Justin Bachman (Bloomberg). Leslie and Rob,
CCed here, are taking the lead on that piece. Let us know if there are any issues/concerns.
Assistant to the President for Communications
917-671-8545 // 212-388-3967
@32BJSEIU, Facebook.com/32BJSEIU, 32bjseiu
From: Alison Hirsh
Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2017 6:51 PM
To: Schnake Mahl, Gabriel
Cc: Devon Weber; Goldstein, Freddi; Leslie Kamstra; Julie Blust; Elaine Kim
Subject: Re: Approved Mayor quote

Will do. Adding our comms folks here

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 21, 2017, at 6:25 PM, Schnake Mahl, Gabriel <GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov>


“While airlines are making billions in profits, many of the airport workers that help
make those profits possible are living in poverty,” said New York City Mayor Bill de
Blasio. “Every worker should have the freedom to unionize and the opportunity to
earn a living wage. That's why I'm joining together with mayors across the country to
push for good paying jobs and the right to form unions at our nation’s airports.”
Can you keep Freddi here looped on whatever pitch you are doing?
SEIU Airport Workers United
For Immediate Release: June 22, 2017
Contact: [NAME]

Mayors’ Push for Union Jobs at Airports Takes Off

At U.S. Conf. of Mayors, Kenney, Levine, Gillum to Meet with Airport Workers; Call on
CEOs of United, American Airlines to Respect Skycaps, Wheelchair Attendants,
Baggage Handlers’ Freedom to Join Unions
New Study Shows Raising Pay at Airports to At Least $15/Hour Would Generate $20
Billion in Economic Activity, Create 22,000 Jobs

MIAMI – Mayors from coast to coast Friday are launching a drive to push America’s major airlines to respect
workers’ right to join together in a union, arguing that giving workers a voice on the job would help reverse a
decades-long race to the bottom at our nation’s airports that has lowered pay and exacerbated inequality.

At the annual gathering of the U.S. Conference of Mayors, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is introducing a
resolution urging airlines to “ensure that contracted airport workers are paid a living wage with benefits and
freedom to form a union.” More than a dozen mayors will attend a town-hall style meeting, where they will hear
from airport workers across the country Friday about how they live in poverty despite working hard to keep the
country moving and airlines’ bottom lines healthy.

The mayors are highlighting that jobs at the nation’s airports are a striking example of how working-class
Americans have lost ground in the modern economy. Four decades ago, most jobs in an airport were good,
family-sustaining jobs. Men and women worked directly for the major airlines, which paid a living wage,
provided pensions and health care and respected Americans’ right to stick together in a union. Today, most
Americans who work at airports are employed by low-road subcontractors that pay low wages, without any
benefits and actively suppress workers’ right to form unions. Between 2002 and 2012 outsourcing of baggage
porter jobs more than tripled, from 25 percent to 84 percent. Contracted airport workers – the majority of
whom are immigrants and people of color – are now paid so little that four in ten go hungry or skip meals.

“As we saw with the recent shooting at Fort Lauderdale Airport, airport workers are literally on the front lines,”
says Newton Ingram, a Skycap at Fort-Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport. “We help make the airlines
run and get passengers to where they need to go safely. We are an integral part of an airport—especially in a
crisis—and we deserve the right to organize for better wages and dignity on the job.”

A new study released today by the Economic Roundtable, Flying Right shows how the race to the bottom has
cost American airline industry workers and what improving jobs at airports could do for the nation’s economy:

• While U.S. passenger airlines reported $13.5 billion in profits for 2016, more than 1 in every 3 airport
workers are paid less than $15/hour.
• Approximately 194,000 airport workers must rely on public assistance to get by, a hidden public subsidy
to line the pockets of an industry that already receives billions in subsidies and profits.
• At 13 key service jobs at airports, nearly half of people are paid less than $15/hour. Two-thirds of the
people working those jobs are age 40 or older.
• Raising minimum pay for U.S. airport workers would raise wages for airport workers by $1.8 billion per
year, generate $20 billion in economic activity and create 22,512 year-round jobs.

“There are just under a quarter million U.S. airport workers with wages under $15 an hour, while the airline
industry receives billions annually in public subsidies,” says Patrick Burns, Lead Author of Flying Right. “Raising
the wage floor of U.S. airport workers to $15 an hour will lift many households out of poverty, reduce
dependence on public assistance, support 22,512 new year-round jobs and stimulate $3.78 billion in added local
sales. As this raise gets spent, it will boost tax revenues that pay for crucial government services.”

Airports have been a symbol of the decline of American bargaining power since 1981, when President Reagan
fired and permanently replaced 11,000 striking air traffic controllers, paving the way for a decades-long march
by corporations and elected officials to systematically dismantle Americans’ right to join together on the job in
airports or anywhere else.

Now, airport workers in the nationwide Fight for $15 movement are transforming airports into a major part of
the labor movement’s revival. In November, workers at Chicago O’Hare International Airport and Logan
International airport joined fast-food workers across the country in a nation-wide strike for $15/hour and union
rights. In December, more than 8,000 New York and New Jersey airport workers won their first union contract
ever. And in April, more than 1,400 airport workers at Philadelphia International Airport joined SEIU 32BJ
following an overwhelming vote in support of coming together in a union.

Contracted airport workers around the country are coming together in Airport Workers United, a movement of
employees and their supporters raising their voices for $15 an hour and union rights to make our airports safe
and secure for passengers, employees and our communities. By sticking together, speaking out, and going on
strike, airport workers have won wage increases in Seattle, Los Angeles, New York City, Newark, Minneapolis,
Boston, Philadelphia, Fort Lauderdale, and Miami. Since our movement began, 22,000 workers have joined SEIU
and more than 110,000 have received wage increases or other improvements, including healthcare, paid sick
leave and worker retention policies.

From: Goldstein, Freddi
To: Elaine Kim
Cc: Leslie Kamstra; Alison Hirsh; Rob Duffey
Subject: Re: Approved Mayor quote
Date: Thursday, June 22, 2017 11:33:24 AM

Hi Elaine, as long as you're just adding his quote that's fine. Just want to make sure
you're not saying he'll be in attendance or anything else. Thanks! 

On Jun 22, 2017, at 11:03 AM, Elaine Kim <EKim@seiu32bj.org> wrote:

Hi Freddi – wanted to share the template release we’d like local communicators to put
out today – the Mayor’s quote is in there. We’d like to keep it in if possible; let us know
what works for you all.
We’re also planning on reaching out to national reporters such as Ted Reed (Forbes),
Bart Jansen (USA Today), Alana Wise (Reuters), David Koenig (AP), Justin Bachman
(Bloomberg). Leslie and Rob, CCed here, are taking the lead on that piece. Let us know
if there are any issues/concerns.
Assistant to the President for Communications
917-671-8545 // 212-388-3967
@32BJSEIU, Facebook.com/32BJSEIU, 32bjseiu
From: Alison Hirsh
Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2017 6:51 PM
To: Schnake Mahl, Gabriel
Cc: Devon Weber; Goldstein, Freddi; Leslie Kamstra; Julie Blust; Elaine Kim
Subject: Re: Approved Mayor quote

Will do. Adding our comms folks here

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 21, 2017, at 6:25 PM, Schnake Mahl, Gabriel

<GSchnakeMahl@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

“While airlines are making billions in profits, many of the airport workers
that help make those profits possible are living in poverty,” said New York
City Mayor Bill de Blasio. “Every worker should have the freedom to
unionize and the opportunity to earn a living wage. That's why I'm joining
together with mayors across the country to push for good paying jobs and
the right to form unions at our nation’s airports.”
Can you keep Freddi here looped on whatever pitch you are doing?

<Airport Release Template LEGAL.docx>

From: Morgan Williams
To: Sunjeev Bery
Cc: Brian Stewart; Brett Abrams; Lina Bracero; Emma Einhorn; meghan.finegan@seiu.org; Ethan Rome; Margarida
Jorge; hcan; Yasmina Dardari; Jordan Wilhelmi; Anna Zuccaro; McNally, Matthew; Ben Wikler; Bishop, Walter
Subject: RE: NYC-DC media opp? Re: PRESS REQUEST: People"s Filibuster: Press Thread
Date: Sunday, July 16, 2017 4:05:25 PM

From: Sunjeev Bery [mailto:sunjeev.bery@moveon.org]
Sent: Sunday, July 16, 2017 3:46 PM
To: Morgan Williams <Morgan.Williams@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Brian Stewart <brian.stewart@moveon.org>; Brett Abrams <brett@unbendablemedia.com>;
Lina Bracero <lina.bracero@seiu.org>; Emma Einhorn <emma.einhorn@moveon.org>;
meghan.finegan@seiu.org; Ethan Rome < Margarida Jorge
<mj@healthcareforamericanow.org>; hcan <hcan@berlinrosen.com>; Yasmina Dardari
<yasmina@unbendablemedia.com>; Jordan Wilhelmi <Jordan@unbendablemedia.com>; Anna
Zuccaro <anna@unbendablemedia.com>; Matthew McNally <MMcNally@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Ben
Wikler <ben.wikler@moveon.org>; Bishop, Walter <WBishop@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: Re: NYC-DC media opp? Re: PRESS REQUEST: People's Filibuster: Press Thread
I believe they were looking into busing folks down.  Stay tuned.

- Sunjeev
Sunjeev Bery
Campaign Director
On Sun, Jul 16, 2017 at 2:08 PM, Morgan Williams <Morgan.Williams@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Hey guys,
Any more thoughts on this? 

-- MWG

On Jul 14, 2017, at 6:14 PM, Sunjeev Bery <sunjeev.bery@moveon.org> wrote:

At the risk of entangling too many different conversational threads, I'm cc'ing
Matthew McNally and Walter Bishop with NYC government.  They had been
privately exploring with us some possibilities around this.
Matthew and Walter - sorry for the random large cc, but in the interest of time ...
we are working with SEIU, Berlin Rosen, and Unbendable Media (all cc'ed) on the
media promotion of the People's Filibuster Against Trumpcare next week.  
If you still see possibilities for NYC-DC visits, and if the journalist is interested, this
might be an interesting media opp.  see below.

- Sunjeev
Sunjeev Bery
Campaign Director
On Fri, Jul 14, 2017 at 4:40 PM, Morgan Williams
<Morgan.Williams@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Hi guys,
Sam Stein at the Daily Beast is really interested in covering the event, but he
wants to send a reporter to shadow someone who is going from New York City to
DC. Is there anyone we could connect him with and anyway we could put him on a
bus coming from NYC on Monday?
From: Morgan Williams
Sent: Friday, July 14, 2017 2:21 PM
To: Brian Stewart <brian.stewart@moveon.org>
Cc: Brett Abrams <brett@unbendablemedia.com>; Sunjeev Bery
<sunjeev.bery@moveon.org>; Lina Bracero <lina.bracero@seiu.org>; Emma
Einhorn <emma.einhorn@moveon.org>; meghan.finegan@seiu.org; Ethan Rome
< Margarida Jorge <mj@healthcareforamericanow.org>;
hcan <hcan@berlinrosen.com>; Yasmina Dardari
<yasmina@unbendablemedia.com>; Jordan Wilhelmi
<Jordan@unbendablemedia.com>; Anna Zuccaro
Subject: RE: People's Filibuster: Press Thread
Great! We will send it out now w/ this team bcc’ed.
From: Brian Stewart [mailto:brian.stewart@moveon.org]
Sent: Friday, July 14, 2017 2:20 PM
To: Morgan Williams <Morgan.Williams@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Brett Abrams <brett@unbendablemedia.com>; Sunjeev Bery
<sunjeev.bery@moveon.org>; Lina Bracero <lina.bracero@seiu.org>; Emma
Einhorn <emma.einhorn@moveon.org>; meghan.finegan@seiu.org; Ethan Rome
< Margarida Jorge <mj@healthcareforamericanow.org>;
hcan <hcan@berlinrosen.com>; Yasmina Dardari
<yasmina@unbendablemedia.com>; Jordan Wilhelmi
<Jordan@unbendablemedia.com>; Anna Zuccaro
Subject: Re: People's Filibuster: Press Thread
I am signed off on the advisory -- great if you all can blast out this

From: McGinn Isaac
To: Minelli Pagnotta Danielle; Cara Ochsenreiter LMSW
Cc: Frey Heather; Benejan-Green Tamara; Jovana Rizzo; Moorer Marian; Fishman Arianna (HRA); Rothenberg Jaclyn; Borden Matthew; Bray Jackie; Neustadt
David; Centeno, Lourdes; "Amie Pospisil"; Chris Tabellario, LMSW
Subject: RE: Planning Q-- Queens Week/Atlantic DIC.
Date: Wednesday, July 19, 2017 12:34:27 PM

Yes, thanks! This was really all you!

From: Minelli Pagnotta, Danielle
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2017 12:31 PM
To: McGinn, Isaac; Cara Ochsenreiter, LMSW
Cc: Frey, Heather; Benejan-Green, Tamara; Jovana Rizzo; Moorer, Marian; Fishman, Arianna; Jaclyn Rothenberg; Borden, Matthew; Bray, Jackie;
Neustadt, David; Centeno, Lourdes; 'Amie Pospisil'; Chris Tabellario, LMSW
Subject: RE: Planning Q-- Queens Week/Atlantic DIC.
+ Amie and Chris.  Great job BG!
From: McGinn, Isaac
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2017 12:15 PM
To: Cara Ochsenreiter, LMSW <Cochsenreiter@breakingground.org>
Cc: Frey, Heather <HFrey@dhs.nyc.gov>; Benejan-Green, Tamara <TAMARAG@dhs.nyc.gov>; Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>;
Minelli Pagnotta, Danielle <DMINELLI@dhs.nyc.gov>; Moorer, Marian <MMOORER@dhs.nyc.gov>; Fishman, Arianna
<fishmana@hra.nyc.gov>; Jaclyn Rothenberg <JRothenberg@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Borden, Matthew <bordenm@hra.nyc.gov>; Bray, Jackie
<brayja@hra.nyc.gov>; Neustadt, David <neustadtd@hra.nyc.gov>; Centeno, Lourdes <centenolo@hra.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Planning Q-- Queens Week/Atlantic DIC.
In case you haven’t already seen: really fantastic clip from yesterday, including positive testimony from staff, clients, AND community
members. The location looks great on camera. Commissioner Banks and Amie did great, too, of course! And that headline to boot! Thanks,
all, for making this visit #inQueens a success J!
Ozone Park Homeless Drop-In Center Opens, Some Opponents now Support Facility
NY1 - Angi Gonzalez
Just a few months ago residents packed community meetings and protested in the cold against the proposed opening of Queens first drop
in homeless shelter.
It was first announced in 2016 that the facility could occupy the building at the corner of Atlantic Avenue and 102nd Street.
Since then, the non-profit Breaking Ground has moved forward with its plan, submitted to the Department of Homeless Services, to open
the facility.
“Homelessness didn’t happen overnight. It built up over many years,” explained Steven Banks, the Commissioner for the NYC Human
Resources Administration/Department of Social Services.
On Tuesday, Commissioner Banks and Breaking Ground officials gave NY1 an inside look at the facility that now serves about 10 homeless
men and women a day.
"We've heard overwhelming positive remarks from our clients who are really excited to have a place in queens," said Amie Pospisi, the
Deputy Vice President of Housing Operations and Programs at Breaking Ground.
The plan is to expand slowly and over time the facility will eventually serve up to 75 clients a day and have approximately 50 safe haven beds
Right now, clients can't sleep at the facility but they do have a place to eat, use the bathroom, can speak to a psychiatrist 2 days a week and
get help applying for aid.
"You know they take you, they put you on the computer, they kind of guide you, they get you a SNAP application," exclaimed Abdul Hasan, a
Breaking Ground client.
It's news that was encouraging to those who said they had previously protested the shelter's opening.
"I'm definitely at ease, you know, everyone needs a place to go and I think that's wonderful," said Apryll Abraham, who was initially opposed
to shelter.
Some of the concern prior to the facility opening was its potential impact on the local neighborhood, but most of those NY1 spoke with said
they hadn’t seen any change.
“I think that it was more misconception they think homeless people are people with substance abuse problems or people with mental health
problems,” said Queens resident Jim Sideris.
On the top floor of the facility, Breaking Ground has also been able to streamline their services by providing those who work with the
homeless in Queens with an office in the borough
"When we do outreach, because the fact our office is here…we're allotted more time on the road," said Sabina Britton, who works for
Breaking Ground as part of their Queens outreach efforts.
It’s just one of many benefits; the Commissioner said will better help address the city’s homeless crisis.
From: McGinn, Isaac
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2017 3:45 PM
To: Cara Ochsenreiter, LMSW
Cc: Frey, Heather; Benejan-Green, Tamara; Jovana Rizzo; Minelli Pagnotta, Danielle; Moorer, Marian; Fishman, Arianna; Jaclyn Rothenberg;
Borden, Matthew; Bray, Jackie; Neustadt, David; Centeno, Lourdes
Subject: RE: Planning Q-- Queens Week/Atlantic DIC.
Good news. The reporter can only do Tuesday, but we’ve been able to secure the time! Commissioner is confirmed available as originally
indicated below—on Tuesday, 7/18, from 1:30 to 2:30PM.
So we can plan to move forward for Tuesday with NY1 and Commissioner Banks. Sorry for fire drill and appreciate the flexibility!
From: Cara Ochsenreiter, LMSW [mailto:Cochsenreiter@breakingground.org]
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2017 3:01 PM
To: McGinn, Isaac
Cc: Frey, Heather; Benejan-Green, Tamara; Jovana Rizzo; Minelli Pagnotta, Danielle; Moorer, Marian; Fishman, Arianna; Jaclyn Rothenberg;
Borden, Matthew; Bray, Jackie; Neustadt, David; Centeno, Lourdes
Subject: Re: Planning Q-- Queens Week/Atlantic DIC.
Wednesday would work for us as well-- keep us posted. Thanks!

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 13, 2017, at 2:20 PM, McGinn, Isaac <mcginni@hra.nyc.gov> wrote:

We just got word that Commissioner Banks’ time is needed on Tuesday at this hour, so the window we’ve been given here for
him is Wednesday from 2 to 3pm.
As I understand it, while our teams could potentially be flexible, the NY1 reporter who’s been interested in this site is very 
keen on Tuesday.
Jovanna is reaching out to her now to see if she could swing Wednesday instead.
If the reporter is flexible, can we all plan to do this on Wednesday from 2 to 3pm instead?
If the reporter is not flexible, we’ll figure out how to give press a tour of the location on Tuesday, and connect the reporter(s)
with Commissioner Banks for an interview either by phone or at another location at another time Tuesday or Weds to include in
the story.
Will advise ASAP.
Thank you,
From: McGinn, Isaac
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2017 2:14 PM
To: Cara Ochsenreiter, LMSW; Frey, Heather; Benejan-Green, Tamara; Jovana Rizzo
Cc: Minelli Pagnotta, Danielle; Moorer, Marian; Fishman, Arianna; Jaclyn Rothenberg; Borden, Matthew; Bray, Jackie; Neustadt,
David; Centeno, Lourdes
Subject: RE: Planning Q-- Queens Week/Atlantic DIC.
And plus Jovanna for BG comms so we’re all on same page! Good to get everyone together! Thanks much
From: Cara Ochsenreiter, LMSW [mailto:Cochsenreiter@breakingground.org]
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2017 2:13 PM
To: McGinn, Isaac; Frey, Heather; Benejan-Green, Tamara
Cc: Minelli Pagnotta, Danielle; Moorer, Marian; Fishman, Arianna; Jaclyn Rothenberg; Borden, Matthew; Bray, Jackie; Neustadt,
David; Centeno, Lourdes
Subject: RE: Planning Q-- Queens Week/Atlantic DIC.
Thanks, Isaac, for the details.  + Amie & Chris.
Cara Ochsenreiter, LMSW
Community Director
S2H BQ Williamsburg
Ph: (929) 218-7357 x157
Email: Cochsenreiter@breakingground.org


From: McGinn, Isaac [mailto:mcginni@hra.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2017 2:00 PM
To: Frey, Heather; Benejan-Green, Tamara; Cara Ochsenreiter, LMSW
Cc: DMinelli; Moorer, Marian; Fishman, Arianna; Jaclyn Rothenberg; Borden, Matthew; Bray, Jackie; Neustadt, David; Centeno,
Subject: Planning Q-- Queens Week/Atlantic DIC.
Hey team,
Wanted to summarize what we’ve been discussing with regards to visiting the drop-in center at 100-32 Atlantic Avenue with
Commissioner Banks for City Hall in Your Borough: Queens Week.
To confirm—yes, the Commissioner would like to make this happen. Yes, we’ve spoken to Breaking Ground communications
folks who’ve said that Brenda Rosen, BG’s CEO, would likely also attend. We envision this as a tour of the facility led by Banks
and Rosen, with each of them discussing the street outreach efforts as well as why sites like these are such an important and
necessary part of our outreach work, particularly given recent numbers. They would handle most if not all of the press. Press
may want to speak with clients—but unless there are any known to you as viable, positive candidates for this, I think we will not
allow that. Press may want to speak with outreach staff themselves—I believe we’ll have Danielle on-site to represent? That
being said, Cara if you wanted to say a few words or if there is an exemplary DIC staff member who we think would be well
positioned to talk about day-to-day work at the location, that’d be great to have on hand.
Plan for staff on-site (other than making sure everything is beautiful and clean and as ready for primetime as possible) should
be business as usual. The idea of the tour would be to show DHS in action. There isn’t a real news hook, so we wouldn’t be
putting out a press release, just inviting a handful of media to see and learn about the place.
Media attending would be NY1 for TV, as well as a handful of local print outlets.
Date we’re working towards is Tuesday, 7/18, from 1:30 to 2:30PM.
Hoping that covers everything for now—please let me know if there’s anything I have missed her, or if you have any questions,
or if anything is needed on our end as we get closer. If this works for everyone here, we will craft a mini run-of-show to
circulate for all.
Thank you!
Isaac McGinn | Press Secretary
NYC Dept of Homeless Services
mcginni@hra.nyc.gov | o: 929-221-5564 | c: 646-946-9667
From: Norvell, Wiley
To: "Jovana Rizzo"; Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)
Cc: PBonck@breakingground.org; Kate Treen
Subject: RE: La Central supportive housing groundbreaking
Date: Monday, July 24, 2017 8:35:29 AM

Any sense of press turnout/RSVP?

-----Original Message-----
From: Jovana Rizzo [mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2017 6:55 AM
To: Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)
Cc: PBonck@breakingground.org; Kate Treen; Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: La Central supportive housing groundbreaking

+Wiley. Yes, still on. I'm at if you have any questions.

10am - Enter the site on Brook Avenue between – E. 152nd and E. 153rd Streets

Jovana Rizzo
O. 646.200.5329
C. 917.836.0618

New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles berlinrosen.com @berlinrosen

From: Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD) [morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2017 6:32 AM
To: Jovana Rizzo
Cc: PBonck@breakingground.org; Kate Treen
Subject: Re: La Central supportive housing groundbreaking


Is the event still on? The Deputy Mayor's office would like to confirm? Could you confirm directly with
Wiley Norvell if possible?

----- Original Message -----

From: Jovana Rizzo [mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Sunday, July 23, 2017 03:08 PM
To: Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)
Cc: Patrick Bonck <PBonck@breakingground.org>; Kate Treen <Kate.Treen@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: La Central supportive housing groundbreaking

Thank you! And yes we'd love to have DM Glen speak

Sent from my phone.

> On Jul 23, 2017, at 3:07 PM, Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD) <morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov> wrote:
> Quote from HPD Commissioner Maria Torres-Springer:
> HPD is excited to celebrate the start of construction on this long-vacant site in the Bronx. This first
phase of development will create 160 supportive homes for individuals in need. I want to thank Breaking
Ground and Comunilife for their partnership and I look forward to welcoming new residents into their
new homes.
>> ______________
> ________________________________________
> From: Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)
> Sent: Sunday, July 23, 2017 2:53 PM
> To: Jovana Rizzo; Patrick Bonck
> Cc: Kate Treen
> Subject: RE: La Central supportive housing groundbreaking
> This just in from City Hall: they'd like to have Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen added to the program as the
first government speaker. Would like to know if it's possible.
> ________________________________________
> From: Jovana Rizzo [jovana@berlinrosen.com]
> Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 4:50 PM
> To: Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD); Patrick Bonck
> Cc: Kate Treen
> Subject: RE: La Central supportive housing groundbreaking
> Got it - thanks Juliet!
> Jovana Rizzo
> O. 646.200.5329
> C. 917.836.0618
> jovana@berlinrosen.com
> berlinrosen
> New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles berlinrosen.com @berlinrosen
> ________________________________
> From: Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD) [morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov]
> Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 4:48 PM
> To: Jovana Rizzo; Patrick Bonck
> Cc: Kate Treen
> Subject: RE: La Central supportive housing groundbreaking
> I’m hanging on for approval on that. It’s been a bit difficult because the Commissioner’s working from
home. Will push again.
> From: Jovana Rizzo [mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com]
> Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 4:46 PM
> To: Patrick Bonck; Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)
> Cc: Kate Treen
> Subject: RE: La Central supportive housing groundbreaking
> Hi Juliet, do you have an update on the quote? The State will be sending out as a Gov's release, I'm
attaching the most recent version.
> Jovana Rizzo
> O. 646.200.5329
> C. 917.836.0618
> jovana@berlinrosen.com<mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com>
> berlinrosen
> New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles berlinrosen.com @berlinrosen
> ________________________________
> From: Patrick Bonck [PBonck@breakingground.org]
> Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 2:23 PM
> To: Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD); Jovana Rizzo
> Cc: Kate Treen
> Subject: RE: La Central supportive housing groundbreaking Hi again
> Juliet,
> I wanted to share our confirmed order of speakers with you, and a quick update.
> Please note that, in the event of severe rain over the weekend, the event could be cancelled if site
conditions are not amenable. This is unlikely, but we would notify everyone by email on Sunday night
were this to happen.
> Please do let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
> Many thanks,
> Patrick
> MONDAY, JULY 24, 2017
> Robert V. Sideli, MD
> Member, Board of Directors, Breaking Ground
> Raquel Ayala
> Chairperson, Board of Directors, Comunilife
> Dr. Rosa M. Gil, DSW
> Founder, President & CEO, Comunilife
> Brenda E. Rosen
> President and CEO, Breaking Ground
> The Honorable Ruben Diaz, Jr.
> Bronx Borough President
> Commissioner RuthAnne Visnauskas
> New York State Homes and Community Renewal
> Deputy Commissioner for Development Molly Parks New York City
> Department of Housing Preservation
> Commissioner Samuel D. Roberts
> New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance
> Chairman George Rodriguez
> Bronx Community Board 1
> Jennifer Trepinski
> Senior Loan Officer, Corporation for Supportive Housing
> We look forward to seeing you on Monday (July 24th) for the La Central Groundbreaking Ceremony. 
The program will begin promptly at 10 am.  The weather forecast does predict rain on Monday, please
be sure to check your e-mail for a cancellation notification (by 7 am on Monday) in the event of
dangerous or wet weather.  Please find additional details below and attached:
> La Central Groundbreaking Ceremony
> Enter the site on Brook Avenue between – E. 152nd and E. 153rd Streets
> Nearby Subways: 2 and 5 trains to the 3rd Aveue-149th Street Station
> https://www.google.com/maps/place/626+Bergen+Ave,+Bronx,+NY+10455/@40.
> 817247,-73.9162187,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x89c2f5c9b66ab5b3:0xfe
> e0b151ef14aaea!8m2!3d40.817247!4d-73.91403
> We care about your safety.  Please remember this is an active construction site.  Appropriate attire is
required.  It is important that you wear fully enclosed, hard sole shoes and long pants.
> Patrick Bonck
> Director, Communications
> 505 8th Ave - 5th floor
> Ph: (212) 389-9346
> Email: PBonck@breakingground.org<mailto:PBonck@breakingground.org>
> www.breakingground.org<UrlBlockedError.aspx>
> [cid:image001.jpg@01D30241.396ED150]<http://www.breakingground.org/>
> From: Patrick Bonck
> Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 9:10 AM
> To: 'Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)'; Jovana Rizzo
> Cc: Kate Treen
> Subject: RE: La Central supportive housing groundbreaking
> Hi Juliet,
> Thanks again for confirming the Deputy Commissioner’s attendance. Below are the detail for Monday.
Please do let us know if you have any questions.
> Many thanks,
> Patrick
> We look forward to seeing you on Monday (July 24th) for the La Central Groundbreaking Ceremony. 
The program will begin promptly at 10 am.  The weather forecast does predict rain on Monday, please
be sure to check your e-mail for a cancellation notification (by 7 am on Monday) in the event of
dangerous or wet weather.  Please find additional details below and attached:
> La Central Groundbreaking Ceremony
> Enter the site on Brook Avenue between – E. 152nd and E. 153rd Streets
> Nearby Subways: 2 and 5 trains to the 3rd Aveue-149th Street Station
> https://www.google.com/maps/place/626+Bergen+Ave,+Bronx,+NY+10455/@40.
> 817247,-73.9162187,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x89c2f5c9b66ab5b3:0xfe
> e0b151ef14aaea!8m2!3d40.817247!4d-73.91403
> We care about your safety.  Please remember this is an active construction site.  Appropriate attire is
required.  It is important that you wear fully enclosed, hard sole shoes and long pants.
> Thanks and have a lovely weekend,
> Vanessa
> Patrick Bonck
> Director, Communications
> 505 8th Ave - 5th floor
> Ph: (212) 389-9346
> Email: PBonck@breakingground.org<mailto:PBonck@breakingground.org>
> www.breakingground.org<UrlBlockedError.aspx>
> [cid:image001.jpg@01D30241.396ED150]<http://www.breakingground.org/>
> From: Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD) [mailto:morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov]
> Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2017 1:04 PM
> To: Patrick Bonck; Jovana Rizzo
> Cc: Kate Treen
> Subject: RE: La Central supportive housing groundbreaking
> Hi Patrick,
> This is a great line up! I have a hard confirmation from HPD Deputy Commissioner of Development
Molly Park.
> Jovana, I’ll have something for your release draft too. Likely tomorrow.
> Thanks!
> Juliet
> _________________________________________________
> Juliet Pierre-Antoine | Press Secretary NYC Department of Housing
> Preservation & Development
> 100 Gold St ▪ New York, NY 10038
> morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov<mailto:morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov> ▪ 212.863.5682 ▪
> nyc.gov/hpd<http://www1.nyc.gov/site/hpd/index.page>
> [cid:image006.png@01D1D387.76F37F10]<https://www.facebook.com/NYCHousi
> ng/> [cid:image007.png@01D1D387.76F37F10]
> <https://twitter.com/NYCHousing>  [cid:image008.png@01D1D387.76F37F10]
> <UrlBlockedError.aspx>  [cid:image009.jpg@01D1D387.76F37F10]
> <https://www.instagram.com/nychousing/>
> From: Patrick Bonck [mailto:PBonck@breakingground.org]
> Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2017 1:00 PM
> To: Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD); Jovana Rizzo
> Cc: Kate Treen
> Subject: RE: La Central supportive housing groundbreaking
> Hi Juliet,
> Just checking in on the possibility of a speaker for Monday’s event. We have a good lineup, and
would love to make it great with HPD involvement:
> Bob Sideli, MD, Board Member, Breaking Ground Dr. Rosa Gil, CEO,
> Comunilife Raquel Ayala, Board Chair, Comunilife Brenda Rosen,
> President & CEO, Breaking Ground Commissioner Samuel Roberts – NYS
> OTDA Commissioner Ruthanne Visnauskas – NYS HCR George Rodriquez,
> Bronx Community Board 1 Chair
> Nothing extensive needed, we’re targeting about 2 minutes per speaker. Happy to send over a brief
overview of the project details (the specific details of our supportive component) if it would be helpful.
> Many thanks!
> Patrick
> Patrick Bonck
> Director, Communications
> 505 8th Ave - 5th floor
> Ph: (212) 389-9346
> Email: PBonck@breakingground.org<mailto:PBonck@breakingground.org>
> www.breakingground.org<UrlBlockedError.aspx>
> [cid:image001.jpg@01D30241.396ED150]<http://www.breakingground.org/>
> From: Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD) [mailto:morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2017 10:11 AM
> To: Patrick Bonck; Jovana Rizzo
> Cc: Kate Treen
> Subject: RE: La Central supportive housing groundbreaking
> Hi Patrick,
> Yes, of course. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can with a confirmed participant.
> Thanks,
> Juliet
> _________________________________________________
> Juliet Pierre-Antoine | Press Secretary NYC Department of Housing
> Preservation & Development
> 100 Gold St ▪ New York, NY 10038
> morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov<mailto:morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov> ▪ 212.863.5682 ▪
> nyc.gov/hpd<http://www1.nyc.gov/site/hpd/index.page>
> [cid:image006.png@01D1D387.76F37F10]<https://www.facebook.com/NYCHousi
> ng/> [cid:image007.png@01D1D387.76F37F10]
> <https://twitter.com/NYCHousing>  [cid:image008.png@01D1D387.76F37F10]
> <UrlBlockedError.aspx>  [cid:image009.jpg@01D1D387.76F37F10]
> <https://www.instagram.com/nychousing/>
> From: Patrick Bonck [mailto:PBonck@breakingground.org]
> Sent: Monday, July 17, 2017 11:10 PM
> To: Jovana Rizzo; Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)
> Cc: Kate Treen
> Subject: Re: La Central supportive housing groundbreaking
> Hi Juliet,
> Thanks so much for your assistance with the release!
> We would love for someone from HPD to make brief remarks during the program. Do you think that
might be possible?
> Many thanks,
> Patrick
> Patrick Bonck
> Director, Communications
> 505 8th Ave - 5th floor
> Ph:(212) 389-9346
> Email: PBonck@breakingground.org<mailto:PBonck@breakingground.org>
> www.breakingground.org<UrlBlockedError.aspx>
> [http://hybrid.commonground.org/Breaking%20Ground Black%20Tagline RGB.
> jpg]<http://hybrid.commonground.org>
> ________________________________
> From: Jovana Rizzo
> <jovana@berlinrosen.com<mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com>>
> Sent: Monday, July 17, 2017 4:30 PM
> To: Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)
> Cc: Patrick Bonck; Kate Treen
> Subject: RE: La Central supportive housing groundbreaking
> Sounds great!!
> Jovana Rizzo
> O. 646.200.5329
> C. 917.836.0618
> jovana@berlinrosen.com<mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com>
> berlinrosen
> New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles berlinrosen.com @berlinrosen
> ________________________________
> From: Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD) [morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov]
> Sent: Monday, July 17, 2017 4:28 PM
> To: Jovana Rizzo
> Cc: Patrick Bonck; Kate Treen
> Subject: RE: La Central supportive housing groundbreaking
> Hello Jovana,
> Not only is there funding, this was part of the last large blocks of land designated by City RFP in the
Bronx. I remember the original announcement well and I’m happy to hear we’ve reached the
groundbreaking stage.
> I’d love to collaborate with you on the announcement. Also, I’ll be in touch with you to confirm
agency representative for the event.
> Thanks!
> Juliet
> _________________________________________________
> Juliet Pierre-Antoine | Press Secretary
> NYC Department of Housing Preservation & Development
> 100 Gold St ▪ New York, NY 10038
> morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov<mailto:morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov> ▪ 212.863.5682 ▪
> nyc.gov/hpd<http://www1.nyc.gov/site/hpd/index.page>
> [cid:image006.png@01D1D387.76F37F10]<https://www.facebook.com/NYCHousi
> ng/> [cid:image007.png@01D1D387.76F37F10]
> <https://twitter.com/NYCHousing>  [cid:image008.png@01D1D387.76F37F10]
> <UrlBlockedError.aspx>  [cid:image009.jpg@01D1D387.76F37F10]
> <https://www.instagram.com/nychousing/>
> From: Jovana Rizzo [mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com]
> Sent: Monday, July 17, 2017 2:11 PM
> To: Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)
> Cc: Patrick Bonck; Kate Treen
> Subject: La Central supportive housing groundbreaking
> Hi Juliet!
> Breaking Ground is celebrating the groundbreaking of new supportive housing (160 units) at La
Central in the Bronx next Monday the 24th. HPD provided some funding for the project and we'd love to
include a quote. Happy to share a draft release - let me know if you have any questions.
> Thank you!
> Jovana
> Jovana Rizzo
> O. 646.200.5329
> C. 917.836.0618
> jovana@berlinrosen.com<mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com>
> berlinrosen
> New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
> berlinrosen.com
> @berlinrosen
From: Norvell, Wiley
To: "Jovana Rizzo"
Cc: Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD); PBonck@breakingground.org; Kate Treen
Subject: RE: La Central supportive housing groundbreaking
Date: Monday, July 24, 2017 9:09:52 AM
Importance: High

Jovana et al--so sorry for the last min scramble but DM Glen has just been pulled onto a call w/mayor
that will conflict w this event. She'll no longer be able to attend. Can we put Molly back in the program
as the City rep? Very sorry for the last min change of plans!

> -----Original Message-----

> From: Jovana Rizzo [mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com]
> Sent: Monday, July 24, 2017 6:55 AM
> To: Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)
> Cc: PBonck@breakingground.org; Kate Treen; Norvell, Wiley
> Subject: RE: La Central supportive housing groundbreaking
> +Wiley. Yes, still on. I'm at 917-836-0618 if you have any questions.
> 10am - Enter the site on Brook Avenue between – E. 152nd and E. 153rd
> Streets
> Jovana Rizzo
> O. 646.200.5329
> C. 917.836.0618
> jovana@berlinrosen.com
> berlinrosen
> New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles berlinrosen.com @berlinrosen
> ________________________________________
> From: Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD) [morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov]
> Sent: Monday, July 24, 2017 6:32 AM
> To: Jovana Rizzo
> Cc: PBonck@breakingground.org; Kate Treen
> Subject: Re: La Central supportive housing groundbreaking
> Hello,
> Is the event still on? The Deputy Mayor's office would like to confirm? Could you confirm directly with
Wiley Norvell if possible?
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Jovana Rizzo [mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com]
> Sent: Sunday, July 23, 2017 03:08 PM
> To: Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)
> Cc: Patrick Bonck <PBonck@breakingground.org>; Kate Treen
> <Kate.Treen@berlinrosen.com>
> Subject: Re: La Central supportive housing groundbreaking
> Thank you! And yes we'd love to have DM Glen speak
> Sent from my phone.
>> On Jul 23, 2017, at 3:07 PM, Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD) <morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov> wrote:
>> Quote from HPD Commissioner Maria Torres-Springer:
>> HPD is excited to celebrate the start of construction on this long-vacant site in the Bronx. This first
phase of development will create 160 supportive homes for individuals in need. I want to thank Breaking
Ground and Comunilife for their partnership and I look forward to welcoming new residents into their
new homes.
>>> ______________
>> ________________________________________
>> From: Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)
>> Sent: Sunday, July 23, 2017 2:53 PM
>> To: Jovana Rizzo; Patrick Bonck
>> Cc: Kate Treen
>> Subject: RE: La Central supportive housing groundbreaking
>> This just in from City Hall: they'd like to have Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen added to the program as the
first government speaker. Would like to know if it's possible.
>> ________________________________________
>> From: Jovana Rizzo [jovana@berlinrosen.com]
>> Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 4:50 PM
>> To: Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD); Patrick Bonck
>> Cc: Kate Treen
>> Subject: RE: La Central supportive housing groundbreaking
>> Got it - thanks Juliet!
>> Jovana Rizzo
>> O. 646.200.5329
>> C. 917.836.0618
>> jovana@berlinrosen.com
>> berlinrosen
>> New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles berlinrosen.com @berlinrosen
>> ________________________________
>> From: Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD) [morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov]
>> Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 4:48 PM
>> To: Jovana Rizzo; Patrick Bonck
>> Cc: Kate Treen
>> Subject: RE: La Central supportive housing groundbreaking
>> I’m hanging on for approval on that. It’s been a bit difficult because the Commissioner’s working
from home. Will push again.
>> From: Jovana Rizzo [mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com]
>> Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 4:46 PM
>> To: Patrick Bonck; Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)
>> Cc: Kate Treen
>> Subject: RE: La Central supportive housing groundbreaking
>> Hi Juliet, do you have an update on the quote? The State will be sending out as a Gov's release, I'm
attaching the most recent version.
>> Jovana Rizzo
>> O. 646.200.5329
>> C. 917.836.0618
>> jovana@berlinrosen.com<mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com>
>> berlinrosen
>> New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles berlinrosen.com @berlinrosen
>> ________________________________
>> From: Patrick Bonck [PBonck@breakingground.org]
>> Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 2:23 PM
>> To: Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD); Jovana Rizzo
>> Cc: Kate Treen
>> Subject: RE: La Central supportive housing groundbreaking Hi again
>> Juliet,
>> I wanted to share our confirmed order of speakers with you, and a quick update.
>> Please note that, in the event of severe rain over the weekend, the event could be cancelled if site
conditions are not amenable. This is unlikely, but we would notify everyone by email on Sunday night
were this to happen.
>> Please do let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
>> Many thanks,
>> Patrick
>> MONDAY, JULY 24, 2017
>> Robert V. Sideli, MD
>> Member, Board of Directors, Breaking Ground
>> Raquel Ayala
>> Chairperson, Board of Directors, Comunilife
>> Dr. Rosa M. Gil, DSW
>> Founder, President & CEO, Comunilife
>> Brenda E. Rosen
>> President and CEO, Breaking Ground
>> The Honorable Ruben Diaz, Jr.
>> Bronx Borough President
>> Commissioner RuthAnne Visnauskas
>> New York State Homes and Community Renewal
>> Deputy Commissioner for Development Molly Parks New York City
>> Department of Housing Preservation
>> Commissioner Samuel D. Roberts
>> New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance
>> Chairman George Rodriguez
>> Bronx Community Board 1
>> Jennifer Trepinski
>> Senior Loan Officer, Corporation for Supportive Housing
>> We look forward to seeing you on Monday (July 24th) for the La Central Groundbreaking Ceremony. 
The program will begin promptly at 10 am.  The weather forecast does predict rain on Monday, please
be sure to check your e-mail for a cancellation notification (by 7 am on Monday) in the event of
dangerous or wet weather.  Please find additional details below and attached:
>> La Central Groundbreaking Ceremony
>> Enter the site on Brook Avenue between – E. 152nd and E. 153rd
>> Streets
>> Nearby Subways: 2 and 5 trains to the 3rd Aveue-149th Street Station
>> https://www.google.com/maps/place/626+Bergen+Ave,+Bronx,+NY+10455/@40.
>> 817247,-73.9162187,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x89c2f5c9b66ab5b3:0xf
>> e
>> e0b151ef14aaea!8m2!3d40.817247!4d-73.91403
>> We care about your safety.  Please remember this is an active construction site.  Appropriate attire
is required.  It is important that you wear fully enclosed, hard sole shoes and long pants.
>> Patrick Bonck
>> Director, Communications
>> 505 8th Ave - 5th floor
>> Ph: (212) 389-9346
>> Email: PBonck@breakingground.org<mailto:PBonck@breakingground.org>
>> www.breakingground.org<UrlBlockedError.aspx>
>> [cid:image001.jpg@01D30241.396ED150]<http://www.breakingground.org/>
>> From: Patrick Bonck
>> Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 9:10 AM
>> To: 'Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)'; Jovana Rizzo
>> Cc: Kate Treen
>> Subject: RE: La Central supportive housing groundbreaking
>> Hi Juliet,
>> Thanks again for confirming the Deputy Commissioner’s attendance. Below are the detail for
Monday. Please do let us know if you have any questions.
>> Many thanks,
>> Patrick
>> We look forward to seeing you on Monday (July 24th) for the La Central Groundbreaking Ceremony. 
The program will begin promptly at 10 am.  The weather forecast does predict rain on Monday, please
be sure to check your e-mail for a cancellation notification (by 7 am on Monday) in the event of
dangerous or wet weather.  Please find additional details below and attached:
>> La Central Groundbreaking Ceremony
>> Enter the site on Brook Avenue between – E. 152nd and E. 153rd
>> Streets
>> Nearby Subways: 2 and 5 trains to the 3rd Aveue-149th Street Station
>> https://www.google.com/maps/place/626+Bergen+Ave,+Bronx,+NY+10455/@40.
>> 817247,-73.9162187,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x89c2f5c9b66ab5b3:0xf
>> e
>> e0b151ef14aaea!8m2!3d40.817247!4d-73.91403
>> We care about your safety.  Please remember this is an active construction site.  Appropriate attire
is required.  It is important that you wear fully enclosed, hard sole shoes and long pants.
>> Thanks and have a lovely weekend,
>> Vanessa
>> Patrick Bonck
>> Director, Communications
>> 505 8th Ave - 5th floor
>> Ph: (212) 389-9346
>> Email: PBonck@breakingground.org<mailto:PBonck@breakingground.org>
>> www.breakingground.org<UrlBlockedError.aspx>
>> [cid:image001.jpg@01D30241.396ED150]<http://www.breakingground.org/>
>> From: Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD) [mailto:morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov]
>> Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2017 1:04 PM
>> To: Patrick Bonck; Jovana Rizzo
>> Cc: Kate Treen
>> Subject: RE: La Central supportive housing groundbreaking
>> Hi Patrick,
>> This is a great line up! I have a hard confirmation from HPD Deputy Commissioner of Development
Molly Park.
>> Jovana, I’ll have something for your release draft too. Likely tomorrow.
>> Thanks!
>> Juliet
>> _________________________________________________
>> Juliet Pierre-Antoine | Press Secretary NYC Department of Housing
>> Preservation & Development
>> 100 Gold St ▪ New York, NY 10038
>> morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov<mailto:morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov> ▪ 212.863.5682 ▪
>> nyc.gov/hpd<http://www1.nyc.gov/site/hpd/index.page>
>> [cid:image006.png@01D1D387.76F37F10]<https://www.facebook.com/NYCHous
>> i ng/> [cid:image007.png@01D1D387.76F37F10]
>> <https://twitter.com/NYCHousing> 
>> [cid:image008.png@01D1D387.76F37F10]
>> <UrlBlockedError.aspx>  [cid:image009.jpg@01D1D387.76F37F10]
>> <https://www.instagram.com/nychousing/>
>> From: Patrick Bonck [mailto:PBonck@breakingground.org]
>> Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2017 1:00 PM
>> To: Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD); Jovana Rizzo
>> Cc: Kate Treen
>> Subject: RE: La Central supportive housing groundbreaking
>> Hi Juliet,
>> Just checking in on the possibility of a speaker for Monday’s event. We have a good lineup, and
would love to make it great with HPD involvement:
>> Bob Sideli, MD, Board Member, Breaking Ground Dr. Rosa Gil, CEO,
>> Comunilife Raquel Ayala, Board Chair, Comunilife Brenda Rosen,
>> President & CEO, Breaking Ground Commissioner Samuel Roberts – NYS
>> OTDA Commissioner Ruthanne Visnauskas – NYS HCR George Rodriquez,
>> Bronx Community Board 1 Chair
>> Nothing extensive needed, we’re targeting about 2 minutes per speaker. Happy to send over a brief
overview of the project details (the specific details of our supportive component) if it would be helpful.
>> Many thanks!
>> Patrick
>> Patrick Bonck
>> Director, Communications
>> 505 8th Ave - 5th floor
>> Ph: (212) 389-9346
>> Email: PBonck@breakingground.org<mailto:PBonck@breakingground.org>
>> www.breakingground.org<UrlBlockedError.aspx>
>> [cid:image001.jpg@01D30241.396ED150]<http://www.breakingground.org/>
>> From: Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD) [mailto:morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov]
>> Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2017 10:11 AM
>> To: Patrick Bonck; Jovana Rizzo
>> Cc: Kate Treen
>> Subject: RE: La Central supportive housing groundbreaking
>> Hi Patrick,
>> Yes, of course. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can with a confirmed participant.
>> Thanks,
>> Juliet
>> _________________________________________________
>> Juliet Pierre-Antoine | Press Secretary NYC Department of Housing
>> Preservation & Development
>> 100 Gold St ▪ New York, NY 10038
>> morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov<mailto:morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov> ▪ 212.863.5682 ▪
>> nyc.gov/hpd<http://www1.nyc.gov/site/hpd/index.page>
>> [cid:image006.png@01D1D387.76F37F10]<https://www.facebook.com/NYCHous
>> i ng/> [cid:image007.png@01D1D387.76F37F10]
>> <https://twitter.com/NYCHousing> 
>> [cid:image008.png@01D1D387.76F37F10]
>> <UrlBlockedError.aspx>  [cid:image009.jpg@01D1D387.76F37F10]
>> <https://www.instagram.com/nychousing/>
>> From: Patrick Bonck [mailto:PBonck@breakingground.org]
>> Sent: Monday, July 17, 2017 11:10 PM
>> To: Jovana Rizzo; Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)
>> Cc: Kate Treen
>> Subject: Re: La Central supportive housing groundbreaking
>> Hi Juliet,
>> Thanks so much for your assistance with the release!
>> We would love for someone from HPD to make brief remarks during the program. Do you think that
might be possible?
>> Many thanks,
>> Patrick
>> Patrick Bonck
>> Director, Communications
>> 505 8th Ave - 5th floor
>> Ph:(212) 389-9346
>> Email: PBonck@breakingground.org<mailto:PBonck@breakingground.org>
>> www.breakingground.org<UrlBlockedError.aspx>
>> [http://hybrid.commonground.org/Breaking%20Ground_Black%20Tagline_RGB.
>> jpg]<http://hybrid.commonground.org>
>> ________________________________
>> From: Jovana Rizzo
>> <jovana@berlinrosen.com<mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com>>
>> Sent: Monday, July 17, 2017 4:30 PM
>> To: Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)
>> Cc: Patrick Bonck; Kate Treen
>> Subject: RE: La Central supportive housing groundbreaking
>> Sounds great!!
>> Jovana Rizzo
>> O. 646.200.5329
>> C. 917.836.0618
>> jovana@berlinrosen.com<mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com>
>> berlinrosen
>> New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles berlinrosen.com @berlinrosen
>> ________________________________
>> From: Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD) [morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov]
>> Sent: Monday, July 17, 2017 4:28 PM
>> To: Jovana Rizzo
>> Cc: Patrick Bonck; Kate Treen
>> Subject: RE: La Central supportive housing groundbreaking
>> Hello Jovana,
>> Not only is there funding, this was part of the last large blocks of land designated by City RFP in the
Bronx. I remember the original announcement well and I’m happy to hear we’ve reached the
groundbreaking stage.
>> I’d love to collaborate with you on the announcement. Also, I’ll be in touch with you to confirm
agency representative for the event.
>> Thanks!
>> Juliet
>> _________________________________________________
>> Juliet Pierre-Antoine | Press Secretary
>> NYC Department of Housing Preservation & Development
>> 100 Gold St ▪ New York, NY 10038
>> morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov<mailto:morrisj@hpd.nyc.gov> ▪ 212.863.5682 ▪
>> nyc.gov/hpd<http://www1.nyc.gov/site/hpd/index.page>
>> [cid:image006.png@01D1D387.76F37F10]<https://www.facebook.com/NYCHous
>> i ng/> [cid:image007.png@01D1D387.76F37F10]
>> <https://twitter.com/NYCHousing> 
>> [cid:image008.png@01D1D387.76F37F10]
>> <UrlBlockedError.aspx>  [cid:image009.jpg@01D1D387.76F37F10]
>> <https://www.instagram.com/nychousing/>
>> From: Jovana Rizzo [mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com]
>> Sent: Monday, July 17, 2017 2:11 PM
>> To: Pierre-Antoine, Juliet (HPD)
>> Cc: Patrick Bonck; Kate Treen
>> Subject: La Central supportive housing groundbreaking
>> Hi Juliet!
>> Breaking Ground is celebrating the groundbreaking of new supportive housing (160 units) at La
Central in the Bronx next Monday the 24th. HPD provided some funding for the project and we'd love to
include a quote. Happy to share a draft release - let me know if you have any questions.
>> Thank you!
>> Jovana
>> Jovana Rizzo
>> O. 646.200.5329
>> C. 917.836.0618
>> jovana@berlinrosen.com<mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com>
>> berlinrosen
>> New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
>> berlinrosen.com
>> @berlinrosen
From: Fialkoff, Gabrielle
To: "jonathan@berlinrosen.com"
Subject: 600 Employers
Date: Monday, July 24, 2017 4:35:46 PM
Attachments: image003.png

Dear Jonathan,

I am thrilled to report that together the public sector and NYC’s employers are building the City’s
future workforce—a workforce that is homegrown, diverse, and skills-ready. 
Through the Center for Youth Employment, our public-private partnership to prepare young people
for the world of work, over 600 employers (up from 89 three years ago) gave 1600 paid
summer internships to our best and brightest NYC students this summer.
We took an industry-based approach which was bolstered by our exciting pro bono, city-wide ad
campaign -- the advertisements reached over 19 million New Yorkers in donated ad impressions.
A huge thank you to all of the Center for Youth Employment’s partners and participating
employers. Efforts like these, combined with the real strides of education initiatives like Computer
Science For All, AP For All and Algebra For All are changing the futures of young New Yorkers
and the companies they will work for.
Take a look at the press & campaign below and let us know what you think, and please consider
getting involved in our workforce efforts, if you are not already engaged.
Best Regards, Gabrielle
Below is some of the media coverage highlighting the City’s impact on youth employment as well
as pictures of the advertisements that appeared across the City.
InformationWeek: As NYC Tech Industry Grows, City Aims to Fill Skills Gap
Real Estate Weekly:   Real Estate Industry Hires Record Number Of Summer Interns
Metro: De Blasio program Ladders for Leaders breaks record
New York Daily News: Students land paid summer internships at 600 companies through city
workforce program
Queens Times-Ledger: Ladders for Leaders puts students on path to paid internships and better
Caribbean Life: Summer Youth Employment Program begins in N.Y. City
This ad campaign was supported by pro-bono partnerships with Discovery Communications’
Creating Change initiative, Young & Rubicam (Y&R), Clear Channel Outdoor, OUTFRONT
Media, JCDecaux, Altice and NYC & Company.

Gabrielle Fialkoff
Senior Advisor to the Mayor
Director of the Office of Strategic Partnerships
From: Dan Levitan
To: Michael Gartland
Cc: Finan, Austin
Subject: Re: supervised release program
Date: Sunday, July 30, 2017 5:43:07 PM

Mayor de Blasio has driven crime to record lows and put 2,000 more officers on the
beat, while improving relations between police and the communities they serve. 
Assemblymember Malliotakis can use the Trump playbook of fearmongering and
distortion, but no one is buying it.”

- Sent from my Galaxy S6 - 

On Jul 30, 2017, at 5:34 PM, Michael Gartland <mgartland@nypost.com> wrote:

We're doing something on Malliotakis' comments today on the

mayor's supervised release program. Most likely for second
edition, but I intend to file for first just in case. 
Does City Hall or the campaign want to comment on what she said?

Michael Gartland
NY Post
From: Grace, Melissa
To: Nicole Kolinsky
Cc: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: Re: Hey there
Date: Tuesday, August 01, 2017 8:21:08 PM

Thank you Nicole! 

Melissa Grace
Deputy Press Secretary 
Mayor’s Press Office
o: 212-788-2969 
c: 347-224-2309

On Aug 1, 2017, at 8:20 PM, Nicole Kolinsky <Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com>


Hey Melissa, Jeremy and I work together on One Vanderbilt.

We are pulling together the latest info on the public improvements and should have
them to you tomorrow. But the biggest things under construction right now are the
off-site improvements, i.e. things not in the One Vanderbilt footprint:
the reconstruction of the long shuttered Mobil passageway to the former Mobil
building on 42 nd which will connect to GCT
widening of the Lexington Ave. corner entrance (Strawberry store stairs)
Enhancing the subway mezzanine level that leads to the 4/5/6 platforms,
creating more circulation space
Constructing and modifying staircases to aid circulation on platforms and
Should have more detail to you tomorrow on entire package.
Nicole Kolinsky
O. 646.200.5296
C. 646.263.1527
Los Angeles • New York • Washington D.C.
@berlinrosen | @brcities
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2017 11:07 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Hey there
Sorry, don’t mean to be jerking you around on timing. Looking like next Wednesday
now. (Siff can’t do Monday or Tuesday)
I think we’d very much like of one of your big bosses can make it.
I will be back to you shortly with confirmed time later today.
In meantime, can you send me info we can share with Siff on what exactly the
upgrades are?
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 5:17 PM
To: Grace, Melissa; Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: Hey there
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 5:09 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>; Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: Hey there
Looks like we are going to need to move this to Friday. Does that work for you Jeremy?
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 4:51 PM
To: Grace, Melissa; Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: Hey there
Let me check and get right back to you.
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 4:17 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Hey there
Andrew Siff is in!
He asks if he can shoot Wednesday. Does that work on your end Jeremy?
I’d need to get him the basics by tomorrow morning: What exactly is under
construction and what is to come, can you send me that info?
Also, we will need you all to set up logistics for a construction tour. Possible?
From: Grace, Melissa
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 2:16 PM
To: 'Jeremy Soffin'
Subject: RE: Hey there
Cool, back to you when I have a firm yes, but this is what I pitched so far.
We are particularly interested in showing big time work is underway as part of
the Vanderbilt rezone
Can show you demo work that will make access to the platforms much better so
people can get on and off trains faster – meaning an additional trains can roll
through every hour. 

Can you send info about what exactly the work is that is underway and coming. With
that, we can organize a tour for of what is underway.
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 1:51 PM
To: Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: Hey there
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 1:50 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Hey there
HI Jeremy,
We are looking to set up a TV story (pitched to WNBC and waiting to hear back) on the
work already started at GSC/East Midtown to vastly improve access to subways related
to the Vanderbilt rezoning – this to also highlight other important East Midtown
improvements coming.
You are the right person to talk to?
Melissa Grace | Deputy Press Secretary |Mayor’s Press Office
mgrace@cityhall.nyc.gov|o: 212-788-2969 | c: 347-224-2309
From: Grace, Melissa
To: "Jeremy Soffin"
Subject: RE: Hey there
Date: Wednesday, August 02, 2017 10:35:43 AM

Are we good for next Wednesday with the project manager showing Alicia and the reporter around?
I’d like to lock this in.
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2017 11:43 AM
To: Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: Hey there
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2017 11:32 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Hey there
Can you all do next Wednesday, Aug 9 at 11a?
(firm on our end now and the reporter’s end)
From: Grace, Melissa
Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2017 11:07 AM
To: 'Jeremy Soffin'
Subject: RE: Hey there
Sorry, don’t mean to be jerking you around on timing. Looking like next Wednesday now. (Siff can’t
do Monday or Tuesday)
I think we’d very much like of one of your big bosses can make it.
I will be back to you shortly with confirmed time later today.
In meantime, can you send me info we can share with Siff on what exactly the upgrades are?
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 5:17 PM
To: Grace, Melissa; Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: Hey there
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 5:09 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>; Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Hey there
Looks like we are going to need to move this to Friday. Does that work for you Jeremy?
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 4:51 PM
To: Grace, Melissa; Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: Hey there
Let me check and get right back to you.
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 4:17 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Hey there
Andrew Siff is in!
He asks if he can shoot Wednesday. Does that work on your end Jeremy?
I’d need to get him the basics by tomorrow morning: What exactly is under construction and what is
to come, can you send me that info?
Also, we will need you all to set up logistics for a construction tour. Possible?
From: Grace, Melissa
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 2:16 PM
To: 'Jeremy Soffin'
Subject: RE: Hey there
Cool, back to you when I have a firm yes, but this is what I pitched so far.
We are particularly interested in showing big time work is underway as part of the Vanderbilt
Can show you demo work that will make access to the platforms much better so people can
get on and off trains faster – meaning an additional trains can roll through every hour. 

Can you send info about what exactly the work is that is underway and coming. With that, we can
organize a tour for of what is underway.
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 1:51 PM
To: Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: Hey there
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 1:50 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Hey there
HI Jeremy,
We are looking to set up a TV story (pitched to WNBC and waiting to hear back) on the work already
started at GSC/East Midtown to vastly improve access to subways related to the Vanderbilt rezoning
– this to also highlight other important East Midtown improvements coming.
You are the right person to talk to?
Melissa Grace | Deputy Press Secretary |Mayor’s Press Office
mgrace@cityhall.nyc.gov|o: 212-788-2969 | c: 347-224-2309
From: Jeremy Soffin
To: Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: Hey there
Date: Wednesday, August 02, 2017 12:51:09 PM

Thank you
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2017 12:50 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Hey there
K. trying to rearrange others, back to you asap.
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2017 12:50 PM
To: Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: Hey there
With Marc out, the #2, Andrew Mathias, will join, but can only do 10.
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2017 12:48 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Hey there
Who is it who can come at 10 and not 11?
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2017 12:46 PM
To: Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: Hey there
Can we do this at 10 am?
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Jeremy Soffin
Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2017 11:43 AM
To: Grace, Melissa <MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Hey there
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2017 11:32 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Hey there
Can you all do next Wednesday, Aug 9 at 11a?
(firm on our end now and the reporter’s end)
From: Grace, Melissa
Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2017 11:07 AM
To: 'Jeremy Soffin'
Subject: RE: Hey there
Sorry, don’t mean to be jerking you around on timing. Looking like next Wednesday now. (Siff can’t
do Monday or Tuesday)
I think we’d very much like of one of your big bosses can make it.
I will be back to you shortly with confirmed time later today.
In meantime, can you send me info we can share with Siff on what exactly the upgrades are?
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 5:17 PM
To: Grace, Melissa; Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: Hey there
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 5:09 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>; Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Hey there
Looks like we are going to need to move this to Friday. Does that work for you Jeremy?
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 4:51 PM
To: Grace, Melissa; Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: Hey there
Let me check and get right back to you.
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 4:17 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Hey there
Andrew Siff is in!
He asks if he can shoot Wednesday. Does that work on your end Jeremy?
I’d need to get him the basics by tomorrow morning: What exactly is under construction and what is
to come, can you send me that info?
Also, we will need you all to set up logistics for a construction tour. Possible?
From: Grace, Melissa
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 2:16 PM
To: 'Jeremy Soffin'
Subject: RE: Hey there
Cool, back to you when I have a firm yes, but this is what I pitched so far.
We are particularly interested in showing big time work is underway as part of the Vanderbilt
Can show you demo work that will make access to the platforms much better so people can
get on and off trains faster – meaning an additional trains can roll through every hour. 

Can you send info about what exactly the work is that is underway and coming. With that, we can
organize a tour for of what is underway.
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 1:51 PM
To: Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: Hey there
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 1:50 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Hey there
HI Jeremy,
We are looking to set up a TV story (pitched to WNBC and waiting to hear back) on the work already
started at GSC/East Midtown to vastly improve access to subways related to the Vanderbilt rezoning
– this to also highlight other important East Midtown improvements coming.
You are the right person to talk to?
Melissa Grace | Deputy Press Secretary |Mayor’s Press Office
mgrace@cityhall.nyc.gov|o: 212-788-2969 | c: 347-224-2309
From: Nicole Kolinsky
To: Grace, Melissa
Cc: Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Hey there
Date: Wednesday, August 02, 2017 3:00:08 PM
Attachments: Transit Improvement Leasing Exhibit 2-10-16 DF update.pdf
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Garodnick Secures City Council Approval of First Phase of East Midtown

Hey Melissa, attached is a doc that breaks down OVA’s on and off-site public improvements with
some rough visuals. It also shows status on each item (the off-site work is all well underway which is
something we should stress). We’d prefer Siff not report on the projected completion dates you see
here but he can cite rough timing. This doc is just for background/not for publication. Also attaching
the press release Garodnick issued during ULURP approval which contains some more basic
language. Let me know if you have more questions.
Nicole Kolinsky
O. 646.200.5296
C. 646.263.1527
Los Angeles • New York • Washington D.C.
@berlinrosen | @brcities
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, August 1, 2017 5:21 PM
To: Nicole Kolinsky <Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: Hey there
Thank you Nicole! 

Melissa Grace
Deputy Press Secretary 
Mayor’s Press Office
o: 212-788-2969 
c: 347-224-2309

On Aug 1, 2017, at 8:20 PM, Nicole Kolinsky <Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Hey Melissa, Jeremy and I work together on One Vanderbilt.

We are pulling together the latest info on the public improvements and should have
them to you tomorrow. But the biggest things under construction right now are the
off-site improvements, i.e. things not in the One Vanderbilt footprint:
the reconstruction of the long shuttered Mobil passageway to the former Mobil
building on 42 nd which will connect to GCT
widening of the Lexington Ave. corner entrance (Strawberry store stairs)
Enhancing the subway mezzanine level that leads to the 4/5/6 platforms,
creating more circulation space
Constructing and modifying staircases to aid circulation on platforms and
Should have more detail to you tomorrow on entire package.
Nicole Kolinsky
O. 646.200.5296
C. 646.263.1527
Los Angeles • New York • Washington D.C.
@berlinrosen | @brcities
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2017 11:07 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Hey there
Sorry, don’t mean to be jerking you around on timing. Looking like next Wednesday
now. (Siff can’t do Monday or Tuesday)
I think we’d very much like of one of your big bosses can make it.
I will be back to you shortly with confirmed time later today.
In meantime, can you send me info we can share with Siff on what exactly the
upgrades are?
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 5:17 PM
To: Grace, Melissa; Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: Hey there
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 5:09 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>; Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: Hey there
Looks like we are going to need to move this to Friday. Does that work for you Jeremy?
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 4:51 PM
To: Grace, Melissa; Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: Hey there
Let me check and get right back to you.
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 4:17 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Hey there
Andrew Siff is in!
He asks if he can shoot Wednesday. Does that work on your end Jeremy?
I’d need to get him the basics by tomorrow morning: What exactly is under
construction and what is to come, can you send me that info?
Also, we will need you all to set up logistics for a construction tour. Possible?
From: Grace, Melissa
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 2:16 PM
To: 'Jeremy Soffin'
Subject: RE: Hey there
Cool, back to you when I have a firm yes, but this is what I pitched so far.
We are particularly interested in showing big time work is underway as part of
the Vanderbilt rezone
Can show you demo work that will make access to the platforms much better so
people can get on and off trains faster – meaning an additional trains can roll
through every hour. 

Can you send info about what exactly the work is that is underway and coming. With
that, we can organize a tour for of what is underway.
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 1:51 PM
To: Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: Hey there
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 1:50 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Hey there
HI Jeremy,
We are looking to set up a TV story (pitched to WNBC and waiting to hear back) on the
work already started at GSC/East Midtown to vastly improve access to subways related
to the Vanderbilt rezoning – this to also highlight other important East Midtown
improvements coming.
You are the right person to talk to?
Melissa Grace | Deputy Press Secretary |Mayor’s Press Office
mgrace@cityhall.nyc.gov|o: 212-788-2969 | c: 347-224-2309
circulation space for commuters to move underground from level to level. At a cost of $10 million, these additional
improvements bring SL Green’s total public investment to $220 million, an unprecedented public expenditure in New
York City by a private firm. In additional to the robust value of this public improvement package, One Vanderbilt is
projected to create 5,200 construction jobs, 190 permanent union jobs, double the number of workers employed on the
block, and generate $50 million in annual tax revenues for the city. Renderings of One Vanderbilt can be downloaded
at <http://www.kpf.com/onevanderbilt> www.kpf.com/onevanderbilt.



David Kimball-Stanley
Chief of Staff - District
Council Member Daniel R. Garodnick
W: (212) 818-0580
F: (212) 818-0706


211 E. 43RD ST., SUITE 1205
NEW YORK, NY 10017
TEL: (212) 818-0580 COMMITTEES
FAX: (212) 818-0706
NEW YORK, NY 10007
TEL: (212) 788-7393 OF ZONING & FRANCHISES
FAX: (212) 442-1457

Garodnick Secures City Council Approval of First Phase of East

Midtown Rezoning
- Calling it a “much better deal for the public,” Garodnick won an
unprecedented $220 Million in Critical Infrastructure Improvements from SL
Green, Providing New Transit Access Points, Improving Circulation and
Alleviating Congestion in City’s Iconic Transit Hub –

- New Zoning Changes Will Transform the Grand Central Business Corridor
and Encourage Developers to Make Investments in Aging Transit Infrastructure
By a unanimous vote, the New York City Council voted today in favor of the proposal to rezone
a 5-block stretch of Vanderbilt Avenue, west of Grand Central Terminal and in the heart of the
country’s largest central business district, and the application for a new office tower at One
Vanderbilt. The Council’s vote was the final step in this rezoning, and the first step in the
rezoning of the Greater East Midtown area. Council Member Dan Garodnick, who has been
instrumental in guiding the framework of the greater East Midtown rezoning, announced his
support for the proposal thanks to the significant public benefits that he was able to negotiate,
and the transit infrastructure package being proposed as part of SL Green’s One Vanderbilt
office tower. Further benefiting the region’s straphangers, Council Member Garodnick also
secured considerable new public space enhancements within the footprint of One Vanderbilt.

"It is time to unlock the economic development potential in East Midtown," said Council
Member Daniel R. Garodnick. "The area has gotten stuck in outdated rules, and has lost some
of its competitiveness over time. That is going to change today, starting with the Vanderbilt
Corridor -- where we will open the door to additional density in exchange for much needed
improvements to our transit system. We have struck a much better deal for the public, and we
will start seeing real benefits to Grand Central in the near term, even before a single new
building is occupied."

In what is expected to be a first, critical step in rezoning the East Midtown business district, the
City Council approved zoning changes to spur commercial development along Vanderbilt
Avenue, between East 42nd and East 47th Streets. These changes will allow for improved
circulation in and around Grand Central Terminal and increased opportunity for area landmarks
to transfer unused development rights. The Vanderbilt Corridor, which will be anchored by SL
Green’s proposed One Vanderbilt development, is highly accessible to public transportation,
with underground connections linking all five blocks to the Grand Central Terminal complex. In
addition, the MTA’s East Side Access project, which will bring Long Island Rail Road
customers to East Midtown, is under construction below the corridor, with the station
terminating directly below One Vanderbilt. This zoning change will be a major step forward in
financing essential infrastructure upgrades for the MTA’s regional and local transportation

Under the One Vanderbilt plan, SL Green will construct new direct subway access points and
circulation areas inside and around Grand Central Terminal, easing platform and mezzanine
crowding and allowing trains to move more quickly through the station at peak hours.
Approximately two thirds of the $220 million in public infrastructure funding will go directly to
enhancing connections and circulation spaces along the over-crowded Lexington Avenue 4/5/6
line. One Vanderbilt will also extend the commuter experience to the west, providing direct
access to Long Island Railroad East Side Access, Metro North and New York City Transit
subway lines.

Working closely with SL Green, Council Member Garodnick also secured the creation of a grand
three-story, light and air-filled public transit entrance on 42nd Street at the base of One
Vanderbilt as well as 22 percent more subgrade circulation space for commuters to move
underground from level to level. At a cost of $10 million, these additional improvements bring
SL Green’s total public investment to $220 million, an unprecedented public expenditure in New
York City by a private firm. In additional to the robust value of this public improvement
package, One Vanderbilt is projected to create 5,200 construction jobs, 190 permanent union
jobs, double the number of workers employed on the block, and generate $50 million in annual
tax revenues for the city. Renderings of One Vanderbilt can be downloaded at
circulation space for commuters to move underground from level to level. At a cost of $10 million, these additional
improvements bring SL Green’s total public investment to $220 million, an unprecedented public expenditure in New
York City by a private firm. In additional to the robust value of this public improvement package, One Vanderbilt is
projected to create 5,200 construction jobs, 190 permanent union jobs, double the number of workers employed on the
block, and generate $50 million in annual tax revenues for the city. Renderings of One Vanderbilt can be downloaded
at <http://www.kpf.com/onevanderbilt> www.kpf.com/onevanderbilt.



David Kimball-Stanley
Chief of Staff - District
Council Member Daniel R. Garodnick
W: (212) 818-0580
F: (212) 818-0706


211 E. 43RD ST., SUITE 1205
NEW YORK, NY 10017
TEL: (212) 818-0580 COMMITTEES
FAX: (212) 818-0706
NEW YORK, NY 10007
TEL: (212) 788-7393 OF ZONING & FRANCHISES
FAX: (212) 442-1457

Garodnick Secures City Council Approval of First Phase of East

Midtown Rezoning
- Calling it a “much better deal for the public,” Garodnick won an
unprecedented $220 Million in Critical Infrastructure Improvements from SL
Green, Providing New Transit Access Points, Improving Circulation and
Alleviating Congestion in City’s Iconic Transit Hub –

- New Zoning Changes Will Transform the Grand Central Business Corridor
and Encourage Developers to Make Investments in Aging Transit Infrastructure
By a unanimous vote, the New York City Council voted today in favor of the proposal to rezone
a 5-block stretch of Vanderbilt Avenue, west of Grand Central Terminal and in the heart of the
country’s largest central business district, and the application for a new office tower at One
Vanderbilt. The Council’s vote was the final step in this rezoning, and the first step in the
rezoning of the Greater East Midtown area. Council Member Dan Garodnick, who has been
instrumental in guiding the framework of the greater East Midtown rezoning, announced his
support for the proposal thanks to the significant public benefits that he was able to negotiate,
and the transit infrastructure package being proposed as part of SL Green’s One Vanderbilt
office tower. Further benefiting the region’s straphangers, Council Member Garodnick also
secured considerable new public space enhancements within the footprint of One Vanderbilt.

"It is time to unlock the economic development potential in East Midtown," said Council
Member Daniel R. Garodnick. "The area has gotten stuck in outdated rules, and has lost some
of its competitiveness over time. That is going to change today, starting with the Vanderbilt
Corridor -- where we will open the door to additional density in exchange for much needed
improvements to our transit system. We have struck a much better deal for the public, and we
will start seeing real benefits to Grand Central in the near term, even before a single new
building is occupied."

In what is expected to be a first, critical step in rezoning the East Midtown business district, the
City Council approved zoning changes to spur commercial development along Vanderbilt
Avenue, between East 42nd and East 47th Streets. These changes will allow for improved
circulation in and around Grand Central Terminal and increased opportunity for area landmarks
to transfer unused development rights. The Vanderbilt Corridor, which will be anchored by SL
Green’s proposed One Vanderbilt development, is highly accessible to public transportation,
with underground connections linking all five blocks to the Grand Central Terminal complex. In
addition, the MTA’s East Side Access project, which will bring Long Island Rail Road
customers to East Midtown, is under construction below the corridor, with the station
terminating directly below One Vanderbilt. This zoning change will be a major step forward in
financing essential infrastructure upgrades for the MTA’s regional and local transportation

Under the One Vanderbilt plan, SL Green will construct new direct subway access points and
circulation areas inside and around Grand Central Terminal, easing platform and mezzanine
crowding and allowing trains to move more quickly through the station at peak hours.
Approximately two thirds of the $220 million in public infrastructure funding will go directly to
enhancing connections and circulation spaces along the over-crowded Lexington Avenue 4/5/6
line. One Vanderbilt will also extend the commuter experience to the west, providing direct
access to Long Island Railroad East Side Access, Metro North and New York City Transit
subway lines.

Working closely with SL Green, Council Member Garodnick also secured the creation of a grand
three-story, light and air-filled public transit entrance on 42nd Street at the base of One
Vanderbilt as well as 22 percent more subgrade circulation space for commuters to move
underground from level to level. At a cost of $10 million, these additional improvements bring
SL Green’s total public investment to $220 million, an unprecedented public expenditure in New
York City by a private firm. In additional to the robust value of this public improvement
package, One Vanderbilt is projected to create 5,200 construction jobs, 190 permanent union
jobs, double the number of workers employed on the block, and generate $50 million in annual
tax revenues for the city. Renderings of One Vanderbilt can be downloaded at
From: Grace, Melissa
To: "Jeremy Soffin"; Nicole Kolinsky
Subject: RE: Hey there
Date: Wednesday, August 02, 2017 4:14:13 PM

Yes! Booked. Thanks Jeremy and Nicole.

From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2017 4:11 PM
To: Nicole Kolinsky; Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: Hey there
Are we good for 10 on the 9th ?
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Nicole Kolinsky
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2017 3:00 PM
To: Grace, Melissa <MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Hey there
Hey Melissa, attached is a doc that breaks down OVA’s on and off-site public improvements with
some rough visuals. It also shows status on each item (the off-site work is all well underway which is
something we should stress). We’d prefer Siff not report on the projected completion dates you see
here but he can cite rough timing. This doc is just for background/not for publication. Also attaching
the press release Garodnick issued during ULURP approval which contains some more basic
language. Let me know if you have more questions.
Nicole Kolinsky
O. 646.200.5296
C. 646.263.1527
Los Angeles • New York • Washington D.C.
@berlinrosen | @brcities
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, August 1, 2017 5:21 PM
To: Nicole Kolinsky <Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: Hey there
Thank you Nicole! 

Melissa Grace
Deputy Press Secretary 
Mayor’s Press Office
o: 212-788-2969 
c: 347-224-2309

On Aug 1, 2017, at 8:20 PM, Nicole Kolinsky <Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Hey Melissa, Jeremy and I work together on One Vanderbilt.

We are pulling together the latest info on the public improvements and should have
them to you tomorrow. But the biggest things under construction right now are the
off-site improvements, i.e. things not in the One Vanderbilt footprint:
the reconstruction of the long shuttered Mobil passageway to the former Mobil
building on 42 nd which will connect to GCT
widening of the Lexington Ave. corner entrance (Strawberry store stairs)
Enhancing the subway mezzanine level that leads to the 4/5/6 platforms,
creating more circulation space
Constructing and modifying staircases to aid circulation on platforms and
Should have more detail to you tomorrow on entire package.
Nicole Kolinsky
O. 646.200.5296
C. 646.263.1527
Los Angeles • New York • Washington D.C.
@berlinrosen | @brcities
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2017 11:07 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Hey there
Sorry, don’t mean to be jerking you around on timing. Looking like next Wednesday
now. (Siff can’t do Monday or Tuesday)
I think we’d very much like of one of your big bosses can make it.
I will be back to you shortly with confirmed time later today.
In meantime, can you send me info we can share with Siff on what exactly the
upgrades are?
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 5:17 PM
To: Grace, Melissa; Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: Hey there
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 5:09 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>; Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: Hey there
Looks like we are going to need to move this to Friday. Does that work for you Jeremy?
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 4:51 PM
To: Grace, Melissa; Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: Hey there
Let me check and get right back to you.
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 4:17 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Hey there
Andrew Siff is in!
He asks if he can shoot Wednesday. Does that work on your end Jeremy?
I’d need to get him the basics by tomorrow morning: What exactly is under
construction and what is to come, can you send me that info?
Also, we will need you all to set up logistics for a construction tour. Possible?
From: Grace, Melissa
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 2:16 PM
To: 'Jeremy Soffin'
Subject: RE: Hey there
Cool, back to you when I have a firm yes, but this is what I pitched so far.
We are particularly interested in showing big time work is underway as part of
the Vanderbilt rezone
Can show you demo work that will make access to the platforms much better so
people can get on and off trains faster – meaning an additional trains can roll
through every hour. 

Can you send info about what exactly the work is that is underway and coming. With
that, we can organize a tour for of what is underway.
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 1:51 PM
To: Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: Hey there
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 1:50 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Hey there
HI Jeremy,
We are looking to set up a TV story (pitched to WNBC and waiting to hear back) on the
work already started at GSC/East Midtown to vastly improve access to subways related
to the Vanderbilt rezoning – this to also highlight other important East Midtown
improvements coming.
You are the right person to talk to?
Melissa Grace | Deputy Press Secretary |Mayor’s Press Office
mgrace@cityhall.nyc.gov|o: 212-788-2969 | c: 347-224-2309
From: Grace, Melissa
To: Norvell, Wiley; Jeremy Soffin; Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com
Subject: Fwd: Hey there
Date: Thursday, August 03, 2017 6:33:02 PM
Attachments: Transit Improvement Leasing Exhibit 2-10-16 DF update.pdf
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Garodnick Secures City Council Approval of First Phase of East Midtown

Hi all, looping in Wiley who will be running this w you as i am out next week. Wiley,
see below for info on work. 

Melissa Grace
Deputy Press Secretary 
Mayor’s Press Office
o: 212-788-2969 
c: 347-224-2309

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Nicole Kolinsky" <Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com>

To: "Grace, Melissa" <MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Jeremy Soffin" <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Hey there

Hey Melissa, attached is a doc that breaks down OVA’s on and off-site public
improvements with some rough visuals. It also shows status on each item (the off-site
work is all well underway which is something we should stress). We’d prefer Siff not
report on the projected completion dates you see here but he can cite rough timing.
This doc is just for background/not for publication. Also attaching the press release
Garodnick issued during ULURP approval which contains some more basic language. Let
me know if you have more questions.
Nicole Kolinsky
O. 646.200.5296
C. 646.263.1527
Los Angeles • New York • Washington D.C.
@berlinrosen | @brcities
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, August 1, 2017 5:21 PM
To: Nicole Kolinsky <Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: Hey there
Thank you Nicole! 

Melissa Grace
Deputy Press Secretary 
Mayor’s Press Office
o: 212-788-2969 
c: 347-224-2309

On Aug 1, 2017, at 8:20 PM, Nicole Kolinsky <Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Hey Melissa, Jeremy and I work together on One Vanderbilt.

We are pulling together the latest info on the public improvements and
should have them to you tomorrow. But the biggest things under
construction right now are the off-site improvements, i.e. things not in
the One Vanderbilt footprint:
the reconstruction of the long shuttered Mobil passageway to the
former Mobil building on 42 nd which will connect to GCT
widening of the Lexington Ave. corner entrance (Strawberry store
Enhancing the subway mezzanine level that leads to the 4/5/6
platforms, creating more circulation space
Constructing and modifying staircases to aid circulation on
platforms and mezzanine
Should have more detail to you tomorrow on entire package.
Nicole Kolinsky
O. 646.200.5296
C. 646.263.1527
Los Angeles • New York • Washington D.C.
@berlinrosen | @brcities
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2017 11:07 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Hey there
Sorry, don’t mean to be jerking you around on timing. Looking like next
Wednesday now. (Siff can’t do Monday or Tuesday)
I think we’d very much like of one of your big bosses can make it.
I will be back to you shortly with confirmed time later today.
In meantime, can you send me info we can share with Siff on what exactly
the upgrades are?
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 5:17 PM
To: Grace, Melissa; Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: Hey there
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 5:09 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>; Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: Hey there
Looks like we are going to need to move this to Friday. Does that work for
you Jeremy?
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 4:51 PM
To: Grace, Melissa; Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: Hey there
Let me check and get right back to you.
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 4:17 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Hey there
Andrew Siff is in!
He asks if he can shoot Wednesday. Does that work on your end Jeremy?
I’d need to get him the basics by tomorrow morning: What exactly is
under construction and what is to come, can you send me that info?
Also, we will need you all to set up logistics for a construction tour.
From: Grace, Melissa
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 2:16 PM
To: 'Jeremy Soffin'
Subject: RE: Hey there
Cool, back to you when I have a firm yes, but this is what I pitched so far.
We are particularly interested in showing big time work is
underway as part of the Vanderbilt rezone
Can show you demo work that will make access to the platforms
much better so people can get on and off trains faster – meaning
an additional trains can roll through every hour. 

Can you send info about what exactly the work is that is underway and
coming. With that, we can organize a tour for of what is underway.
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 1:51 PM
To: Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: Hey there
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 1:50 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Hey there
HI Jeremy,
We are looking to set up a TV story (pitched to WNBC and waiting to hear
back) on the work already started at GSC/East Midtown to vastly improve
access to subways related to the Vanderbilt rezoning – this to also
highlight other important East Midtown improvements coming.
You are the right person to talk to?
Melissa Grace | Deputy Press Secretary |Mayor’s Press Office
mgrace@cityhall.nyc.gov|o: 212-788-2969 | c: 347-224-2309
circulation space for commuters to move underground from level to level. At a cost of $10 million, these additional
improvements bring SL Green’s total public investment to $220 million, an unprecedented public expenditure in New
York City by a private firm. In additional to the robust value of this public improvement package, One Vanderbilt is
projected to create 5,200 construction jobs, 190 permanent union jobs, double the number of workers employed on the
block, and generate $50 million in annual tax revenues for the city. Renderings of One Vanderbilt can be downloaded
at <http://www.kpf.com/onevanderbilt> www.kpf.com/onevanderbilt.



David Kimball-Stanley
Chief of Staff - District
Council Member Daniel R. Garodnick
W: (212) 818-0580
F: (212) 818-0706


211 E. 43RD ST., SUITE 1205
NEW YORK, NY 10017
TEL: (212) 818-0580 COMMITTEES
FAX: (212) 818-0706
NEW YORK, NY 10007
TEL: (212) 788-7393 OF ZONING & FRANCHISES
FAX: (212) 442-1457

Garodnick Secures City Council Approval of First Phase of East

Midtown Rezoning
- Calling it a “much better deal for the public,” Garodnick won an
unprecedented $220 Million in Critical Infrastructure Improvements from SL
Green, Providing New Transit Access Points, Improving Circulation and
Alleviating Congestion in City’s Iconic Transit Hub –

- New Zoning Changes Will Transform the Grand Central Business Corridor
and Encourage Developers to Make Investments in Aging Transit Infrastructure
By a unanimous vote, the New York City Council voted today in favor of the proposal to rezone
a 5-block stretch of Vanderbilt Avenue, west of Grand Central Terminal and in the heart of the
country’s largest central business district, and the application for a new office tower at One
Vanderbilt. The Council’s vote was the final step in this rezoning, and the first step in the
rezoning of the Greater East Midtown area. Council Member Dan Garodnick, who has been
instrumental in guiding the framework of the greater East Midtown rezoning, announced his
support for the proposal thanks to the significant public benefits that he was able to negotiate,
and the transit infrastructure package being proposed as part of SL Green’s One Vanderbilt
office tower. Further benefiting the region’s straphangers, Council Member Garodnick also
secured considerable new public space enhancements within the footprint of One Vanderbilt.

"It is time to unlock the economic development potential in East Midtown," said Council
Member Daniel R. Garodnick. "The area has gotten stuck in outdated rules, and has lost some
of its competitiveness over time. That is going to change today, starting with the Vanderbilt
Corridor -- where we will open the door to additional density in exchange for much needed
improvements to our transit system. We have struck a much better deal for the public, and we
will start seeing real benefits to Grand Central in the near term, even before a single new
building is occupied."

In what is expected to be a first, critical step in rezoning the East Midtown business district, the
City Council approved zoning changes to spur commercial development along Vanderbilt
Avenue, between East 42nd and East 47th Streets. These changes will allow for improved
circulation in and around Grand Central Terminal and increased opportunity for area landmarks
to transfer unused development rights. The Vanderbilt Corridor, which will be anchored by SL
Green’s proposed One Vanderbilt development, is highly accessible to public transportation,
with underground connections linking all five blocks to the Grand Central Terminal complex. In
addition, the MTA’s East Side Access project, which will bring Long Island Rail Road
customers to East Midtown, is under construction below the corridor, with the station
terminating directly below One Vanderbilt. This zoning change will be a major step forward in
financing essential infrastructure upgrades for the MTA’s regional and local transportation

Under the One Vanderbilt plan, SL Green will construct new direct subway access points and
circulation areas inside and around Grand Central Terminal, easing platform and mezzanine
crowding and allowing trains to move more quickly through the station at peak hours.
Approximately two thirds of the $220 million in public infrastructure funding will go directly to
enhancing connections and circulation spaces along the over-crowded Lexington Avenue 4/5/6
line. One Vanderbilt will also extend the commuter experience to the west, providing direct
access to Long Island Railroad East Side Access, Metro North and New York City Transit
subway lines.

Working closely with SL Green, Council Member Garodnick also secured the creation of a grand
three-story, light and air-filled public transit entrance on 42nd Street at the base of One
Vanderbilt as well as 22 percent more subgrade circulation space for commuters to move
underground from level to level. At a cost of $10 million, these additional improvements bring
SL Green’s total public investment to $220 million, an unprecedented public expenditure in New
York City by a private firm. In additional to the robust value of this public improvement
package, One Vanderbilt is projected to create 5,200 construction jobs, 190 permanent union
jobs, double the number of workers employed on the block, and generate $50 million in annual
tax revenues for the city. Renderings of One Vanderbilt can be downloaded at
circulation space for commuters to move underground from level to level. At a cost of $10 million, these additional
improvements bring SL Green’s total public investment to $220 million, an unprecedented public expenditure in New
York City by a private firm. In additional to the robust value of this public improvement package, One Vanderbilt is
projected to create 5,200 construction jobs, 190 permanent union jobs, double the number of workers employed on the
block, and generate $50 million in annual tax revenues for the city. Renderings of One Vanderbilt can be downloaded
at <http://www.kpf.com/onevanderbilt> www.kpf.com/onevanderbilt.



David Kimball-Stanley
Chief of Staff - District
Council Member Daniel R. Garodnick
W: (212) 818-0580
F: (212) 818-0706


211 E. 43RD ST., SUITE 1205
NEW YORK, NY 10017
TEL: (212) 818-0580 COMMITTEES
FAX: (212) 818-0706
NEW YORK, NY 10007
TEL: (212) 788-7393 OF ZONING & FRANCHISES
FAX: (212) 442-1457

Garodnick Secures City Council Approval of First Phase of East

Midtown Rezoning
- Calling it a “much better deal for the public,” Garodnick won an
unprecedented $220 Million in Critical Infrastructure Improvements from SL
Green, Providing New Transit Access Points, Improving Circulation and
Alleviating Congestion in City’s Iconic Transit Hub –

- New Zoning Changes Will Transform the Grand Central Business Corridor
and Encourage Developers to Make Investments in Aging Transit Infrastructure
By a unanimous vote, the New York City Council voted today in favor of the proposal to rezone
a 5-block stretch of Vanderbilt Avenue, west of Grand Central Terminal and in the heart of the
country’s largest central business district, and the application for a new office tower at One
Vanderbilt. The Council’s vote was the final step in this rezoning, and the first step in the
rezoning of the Greater East Midtown area. Council Member Dan Garodnick, who has been
instrumental in guiding the framework of the greater East Midtown rezoning, announced his
support for the proposal thanks to the significant public benefits that he was able to negotiate,
and the transit infrastructure package being proposed as part of SL Green’s One Vanderbilt
office tower. Further benefiting the region’s straphangers, Council Member Garodnick also
secured considerable new public space enhancements within the footprint of One Vanderbilt.

"It is time to unlock the economic development potential in East Midtown," said Council
Member Daniel R. Garodnick. "The area has gotten stuck in outdated rules, and has lost some
of its competitiveness over time. That is going to change today, starting with the Vanderbilt
Corridor -- where we will open the door to additional density in exchange for much needed
improvements to our transit system. We have struck a much better deal for the public, and we
will start seeing real benefits to Grand Central in the near term, even before a single new
building is occupied."

In what is expected to be a first, critical step in rezoning the East Midtown business district, the
City Council approved zoning changes to spur commercial development along Vanderbilt
Avenue, between East 42nd and East 47th Streets. These changes will allow for improved
circulation in and around Grand Central Terminal and increased opportunity for area landmarks
to transfer unused development rights. The Vanderbilt Corridor, which will be anchored by SL
Green’s proposed One Vanderbilt development, is highly accessible to public transportation,
with underground connections linking all five blocks to the Grand Central Terminal complex. In
addition, the MTA’s East Side Access project, which will bring Long Island Rail Road
customers to East Midtown, is under construction below the corridor, with the station
terminating directly below One Vanderbilt. This zoning change will be a major step forward in
financing essential infrastructure upgrades for the MTA’s regional and local transportation

Under the One Vanderbilt plan, SL Green will construct new direct subway access points and
circulation areas inside and around Grand Central Terminal, easing platform and mezzanine
crowding and allowing trains to move more quickly through the station at peak hours.
Approximately two thirds of the $220 million in public infrastructure funding will go directly to
enhancing connections and circulation spaces along the over-crowded Lexington Avenue 4/5/6
line. One Vanderbilt will also extend the commuter experience to the west, providing direct
access to Long Island Railroad East Side Access, Metro North and New York City Transit
subway lines.

Working closely with SL Green, Council Member Garodnick also secured the creation of a grand
three-story, light and air-filled public transit entrance on 42nd Street at the base of One
Vanderbilt as well as 22 percent more subgrade circulation space for commuters to move
underground from level to level. At a cost of $10 million, these additional improvements bring
SL Green’s total public investment to $220 million, an unprecedented public expenditure in New
York City by a private firm. In additional to the robust value of this public improvement
package, One Vanderbilt is projected to create 5,200 construction jobs, 190 permanent union
jobs, double the number of workers employed on the block, and generate $50 million in annual
tax revenues for the city. Renderings of One Vanderbilt can be downloaded at
From: Jeremy Soffin
To: Grace, Melissa
Cc: Norvell, Wiley; Nicole Kolinsky
Subject: Re: Hey there
Date: Thursday, August 03, 2017 6:41:49 PM

Sounds good. We will send a RoS for the tour tomorrow.

> On Aug 3, 2017, at 6:33 PM, Grace, Melissa <MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

> Hi all, looping in Wiley who will be running this w you as i am out next week. Wiley, see below for info
on work.
> Melissa Grace
> Deputy Press Secretary
> Mayor’s Press Office
> mgrace@cityhall.nyc.gov<mailto:mgrace@cityhall.nyc.gov>
> o: 212-788-2969<tel:212-788-2969>
> c: 347-224-2309<tel:347-224-2309>
> Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Nicole Kolinsky"
> To: "Grace, Melissa" <MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov<mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov>>
> Cc: "Jeremy Soffin" <jeremy@berlinrosen.com<mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com>>
> Subject: RE: Hey there
> Hey Melissa, attached is a doc that breaks down OVA’s on and off-site public improvements with
some rough visuals. It also shows status on each item (the off-site work is all well underway which is
something we should stress). We’d prefer Siff not report on the projected completion dates you see
here but he can cite rough timing. This doc is just for background/not for publication. Also attaching the
press release Garodnick issued during ULURP approval which contains some more basic language. Let
me know if you have more questions.
> Nicole
> Nicole Kolinsky
> O. 646.200.5296
> C. 646.263.1527
> nicole.kolinsky@berlinrosen.com<mailto:nicole.kolinsky@berlinrosen.com>
> berlinrosen
> Los Angeles • New York • Washington D.C.
> berlinrosen.com<http://berlinrosen.com>
> @berlinrosen | @brcities
> From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 1, 2017 5:21 PM
> To: Nicole Kolinsky <Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com<mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com>>
> Cc: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com<mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com>>
> Subject: Re: Hey there
> Thank you Nicole!
> Melissa Grace
> Deputy Press Secretary
> Mayor’s Press Office
> mgrace@cityhall.nyc.gov<mailto:mgrace@cityhall.nyc.gov>
> o: 212-788-2969<tel:212-788-2969>
> c: 347-224-2309<tel:347-224-2309>
> On Aug 1, 2017, at 8:20 PM, Nicole Kolinsky
<Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com<mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com>> wrote:
> Hey Melissa, Jeremy and I work together on One Vanderbilt.
> We are pulling together the latest info on the public improvements and should have them to you
tomorrow. But the biggest things under construction right now are the off-site improvements, i.e. things
not in the One Vanderbilt footprint:
>  *   the reconstruction of the long shuttered Mobil passageway to the former Mobil building on 42nd
which will connect to GCT
>  *   widening of the Lexington Ave. corner entrance (Strawberry store stairs)
>  *   Enhancing the subway mezzanine level that leads to the 4/5/6 platforms, creating more
circulation space
>  *   Constructing and modifying staircases to aid circulation on platforms and mezzanine
> Should have more detail to you tomorrow on entire package.
> Nicole
> Nicole Kolinsky
> O. 646.200.5296
> C. 646.263.1527
> nicole.kolinsky@berlinrosen.com<mailto:nicole.kolinsky@berlinrosen.com>
> berlinrosen
> Los Angeles • New York • Washington D.C.
> berlinrosen.com<http://berlinrosen.com>
> @berlinrosen | @brcities
> From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2017 11:07 AM
> To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com<mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com>>
> Subject: RE: Hey there
> Sorry, don’t mean to be jerking you around on timing. Looking like next Wednesday now. (Siff can’t
do Monday or Tuesday)
> I think we’d very much like of one of your big bosses can make it.
> I will be back to you shortly with confirmed time later today.
> In meantime, can you send me info we can share with Siff on what exactly the upgrades are?
> From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
> Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 5:17 PM
> To: Grace, Melissa; Norvell, Wiley
> Subject: RE: Hey there
> Checking
> Jeremy Soffin
> O. 646.200.5318
> C. 917.860.9076
> jeremy@berlinrosen.com<mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
> berlinrosen
> New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
> berlinrosen.com<http://berlinrosen.com>
> @berlinrosen
> From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]<mailto:[mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]>
> Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 5:09 PM
> To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com<mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com>>; Norvell, Wiley
> Subject: RE: Hey there
> Looks like we are going to need to move this to Friday. Does that work for you Jeremy?
> From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
> Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 4:51 PM
> To: Grace, Melissa; Norvell, Wiley
> Subject: RE: Hey there
> Let me check and get right back to you.
> Jeremy Soffin
> O. 646.200.5318
> C. 917.860.9076
> jeremy@berlinrosen.com<mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
> berlinrosen
> New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
> berlinrosen.com<http://berlinrosen.com>
> @berlinrosen
> From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]<mailto:[mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]>
> Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 4:17 PM
> To: Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov<mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>>; Jeremy Soffin
> Subject: RE: Hey there
> Andrew Siff is in!
> He asks if he can shoot Wednesday. Does that work on your end Jeremy?
> I’d need to get him the basics by tomorrow morning: What exactly is under construction and what is
to come, can you send me that info?
> Also, we will need you all to set up logistics for a construction tour. Possible?
> From: Grace, Melissa
> Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 2:16 PM
> To: 'Jeremy Soffin'
> Subject: RE: Hey there
> Cool, back to you when I have a firm yes, but this is what I pitched so far.
>  *   We are particularly interested in showing big time work is underway as part of the Vanderbilt
>  *   Can show you demo work that will make access to the platforms much better so people can get
on and off trains faster – meaning an additional trains can roll through every hour.
> Can you send info about what exactly the work is that is underway and coming. With that, we can
organize a tour for of what is underway.
> From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]<mailto:[mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]>
> Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 1:51 PM
> To: Grace, Melissa
> Subject: RE: Hey there
> Yes!
> Jeremy Soffin
> O. 646.200.5318
> C. 917.860.9076
> jeremy@berlinrosen.com<mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
> berlinrosen
> New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
> berlinrosen.com<http://berlinrosen.com>
> @berlinrosen
> From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]<mailto:[mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]>
> Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 1:50 PM
> To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com<mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com>>
> Subject: Hey there
> HI Jeremy,
> We are looking to set up a TV story (pitched to WNBC and waiting to hear back) on the work already
started at GSC/East Midtown to vastly improve access to subways related to the Vanderbilt rezoning –
this to also highlight other important East Midtown improvements coming.
> http://www1.nyc.gov/office-of-the-mayor/news/827-16/mayor-de-blasio-sl-green-local-officials-
> You are the right person to talk to?
> Melissa Grace | Deputy Press Secretary |Mayor’s Press Office
> mgrace@cityhall.nyc.gov<mailto:mgrace@cityhall.nyc.gov>|o: 212-788-2969 | c: 347-224-2309
> <Transit Improvement Leasing Exhibit_2-10-16_DF update.pdf>
> <FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Garodnick Secures City Council Approval of First Phase of East Midtown
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2017 6:33 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>; Nicole
Kolinsky <Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Fwd: Hey there
Hi all, looping in Wiley who will be running this w you as i am out next week. Wiley, see below for
info on work. 

Melissa Grace
Deputy Press Secretary 
Mayor’s Press Office
o: 212-788-2969 
c: 347-224-2309

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Nicole Kolinsky" <Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com>

To: "Grace, Melissa" <MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: "Jeremy Soffin" <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Hey there

Hey Melissa, attached is a doc that breaks down OVA’s on and off-site public
improvements with some rough visuals. It also shows status on each item (the off-site
work is all well underway which is something we should stress). We’d prefer Siff not
report on the projected completion dates you see here but he can cite rough timing.
This doc is just for background/not for publication. Also attaching the press release
Garodnick issued during ULURP approval which contains some more basic language. Let
me know if you have more questions.
Nicole Kolinsky
O. 646.200.5296
C. 646.263.1527
Los Angeles • New York • Washington D.C.
@berlinrosen | @brcities
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, August 1, 2017 5:21 PM
To: Nicole Kolinsky <Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: Hey there
Thank you Nicole! 

Melissa Grace
Deputy Press Secretary 
Mayor’s Press Office
o: 212-788-2969 
c: 347-224-2309

On Aug 1, 2017, at 8:20 PM, Nicole Kolinsky <Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Hey Melissa, Jeremy and I work together on One Vanderbilt.

We are pulling together the latest info on the public improvements and
should have them to you tomorrow. But the biggest things under
construction right now are the off-site improvements, i.e. things not in
the One Vanderbilt footprint:
the reconstruction of the long shuttered Mobil passageway to the
former Mobil building on 42 nd which will connect to GCT
widening of the Lexington Ave. corner entrance (Strawberry store
Enhancing the subway mezzanine level that leads to the 4/5/6
platforms, creating more circulation space
Constructing and modifying staircases to aid circulation on
platforms and mezzanine
Should have more detail to you tomorrow on entire package.
Nicole Kolinsky
O. 646.200.5296
C. 646.263.1527
Los Angeles • New York • Washington D.C.
@berlinrosen | @brcities
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2017 11:07 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Hey there
Sorry, don’t mean to be jerking you around on timing. Looking like next
Wednesday now. (Siff can’t do Monday or Tuesday)
I think we’d very much like of one of your big bosses can make it.
I will be back to you shortly with confirmed time later today.
In meantime, can you send me info we can share with Siff on what exactly
the upgrades are?
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 5:17 PM
To: Grace, Melissa; Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: Hey there
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 5:09 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>; Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: Hey there
Looks like we are going to need to move this to Friday. Does that work for
you Jeremy?
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 4:51 PM
To: Grace, Melissa; Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: Hey there
Let me check and get right back to you.
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 4:17 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Hey there
Andrew Siff is in!
He asks if he can shoot Wednesday. Does that work on your end Jeremy?
I’d need to get him the basics by tomorrow morning: What exactly is
under construction and what is to come, can you send me that info?
Also, we will need you all to set up logistics for a construction tour.
From: Grace, Melissa
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 2:16 PM
To: 'Jeremy Soffin'
Subject: RE: Hey there
Cool, back to you when I have a firm yes, but this is what I pitched so far.
We are particularly interested in showing big time work is
underway as part of the Vanderbilt rezone
Can show you demo work that will make access to the platforms
much better so people can get on and off trains faster – meaning
an additional trains can roll through every hour. 

Can you send info about what exactly the work is that is underway and
coming. With that, we can organize a tour for of what is underway.
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 1:51 PM
To: Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: Hey there
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 1:50 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Hey there
HI Jeremy,
We are looking to set up a TV story (pitched to WNBC and waiting to hear
back) on the work already started at GSC/East Midtown to vastly improve
access to subways related to the Vanderbilt rezoning – this to also
highlight other important East Midtown improvements coming.
You are the right person to talk to?
Melissa Grace | Deputy Press Secretary |Mayor’s Press Office
mgrace@cityhall.nyc.gov|o: 212-788-2969 | c: 347-224-2309
From: Nicole Kolinsky
To: Norvell, Wiley; Jeremy Soffin; Grace, Melissa
Subject: Re: Hey there
Date: Tuesday, August 08, 2017 1:27:45 PM

From: "Norvell, Wiley" <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Tuesday, August 8, 2017 at 1:26 PM
To: Nicole Kolinsky <Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com>, Jeremy Soffin
<jeremy@berlinrosen.com>, "Grace, Melissa" <MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Hey there
Swell. Let’s keep the entourage as small as possible.
From: Nicole Kolinsky [mailto:Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2017 1:24 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley; Jeremy Soffin; Grace, Melissa
Subject: Re: Hey there
Great. Will prob just be me from BR. From SLG it will be Andrew Mathias (president) and Rob
Schiffer (managing director that captains the project) and some of the construction leads.
See you tomorrow!
From: "Norvell, Wiley" <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Date: Tuesday, August 8, 2017 at 1:19 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>, "Grace, Melissa" <MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov>,
Nicole Kolinsky <Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Hey there
Looking forward to tomorrow! Siff has confirmed he’s all set.
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2017 11:53 AM
To: Grace, Melissa; Norvell, Wiley; Nicole Kolinsky
Subject: RE: Hey there
Here’s what we’re looking at for the tour:
One Vanderbilt Public Improvement Construction Tour
Start: 10AM
Meeting Point: NW corner of E. 43rd and Vanderbilt Onsite contact: Nicole Kolinsky/646.263.1527
Approximate Duration: 1 hour
We will have hard hats and vests for everyone
improvements with some rough visuals. It also shows status on each item (the off-site
work is all well underway which is something we should stress). We’d prefer Siff not
report on the projected completion dates you see here but he can cite rough timing.
This doc is just for background/not for publication. Also attaching the press release
Garodnick issued during ULURP approval which contains some more basic language. Let
me know if you have more questions.
Nicole Kolinsky
O. 646.200.5296
C. 646.263.1527
Los Angeles • New York • Washington D.C.
@berlinrosen | @brcities
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, August 1, 2017 5:21 PM
To: Nicole Kolinsky <Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Re: Hey there
Thank you Nicole! 

Melissa Grace
Deputy Press Secretary 
Mayor’s Press Office
o: 212-788-2969 
c: 347-224-2309

On Aug 1, 2017, at 8:20 PM, Nicole Kolinsky <Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Hey Melissa, Jeremy and I work together on One Vanderbilt.

We are pulling together the latest info on the public improvements and
should have them to you tomorrow. But the biggest things under
construction right now are the off-site improvements, i.e. things not in
the One Vanderbilt footprint:
the reconstruction of the long shuttered Mobil passageway to the
former Mobil building on 42 nd which will connect to GCT
widening of the Lexington Ave. corner entrance (Strawberry store
Enhancing the subway mezzanine level that leads to the 4/5/6
platforms, creating more circulation space
Constructing and modifying staircases to aid circulation on
platforms and mezzanine
Should have more detail to you tomorrow on entire package.
Nicole Kolinsky
O. 646.200.5296
C. 646.263.1527
Los Angeles • New York • Washington D.C.
@berlinrosen | @brcities
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2017 11:07 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Hey there
Sorry, don’t mean to be jerking you around on timing. Looking like next
Wednesday now. (Siff can’t do Monday or Tuesday)
I think we’d very much like of one of your big bosses can make it.
I will be back to you shortly with confirmed time later today.
In meantime, can you send me info we can share with Siff on what exactly
the upgrades are?
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 5:17 PM
To: Grace, Melissa; Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: Hey there
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 5:09 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>; Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: Hey there
Looks like we are going to need to move this to Friday. Does that work for
you Jeremy?
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 4:51 PM
To: Grace, Melissa; Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: Hey there
Let me check and get right back to you.
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 4:17 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Jeremy Soffin
Subject: RE: Hey there
Andrew Siff is in!
He asks if he can shoot Wednesday. Does that work on your end Jeremy?
I’d need to get him the basics by tomorrow morning: What exactly is
under construction and what is to come, can you send me that info?
Also, we will need you all to set up logistics for a construction tour.
From: Grace, Melissa
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 2:16 PM
To: 'Jeremy Soffin'
Subject: RE: Hey there
Cool, back to you when I have a firm yes, but this is what I pitched so far.
We are particularly interested in showing big time work is
underway as part of the Vanderbilt rezone
Can show you demo work that will make access to the platforms
much better so people can get on and off trains faster – meaning
an additional trains can roll through every hour. 

Can you send info about what exactly the work is that is underway and
coming. With that, we can organize a tour for of what is underway.
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 1:51 PM
To: Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: Hey there
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 1:50 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: Hey there
HI Jeremy,
We are looking to set up a TV story (pitched to WNBC and waiting to hear
back) on the work already started at GSC/East Midtown to vastly improve
access to subways related to the Vanderbilt rezoning – this to also
highlight other important East Midtown improvements coming.
You are the right person to talk to?
Melissa Grace | Deputy Press Secretary |Mayor’s Press Office
mgrace@cityhall.nyc.gov|o: 212-788-2969 | c: 347-224-2309
From: Danielle Schlanger
To: Mayor"s Press Office
Subject: Press Release- Midtown East Rezoning
Date: Wednesday, August 09, 2017 2:56:22 PM


Can you please forward me the press release on the Midtown East rezoning?

Thank you!

Danielle Schlanger
C. 917.859.8064
O. 646.200.5309
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Goldstein, Freddi
To: (danielle.schlanger@berlinrosen.com)
Date: Wednesday, August 09, 2017 3:41:29 PM
Attachments: image001.png

From: Mayor's Press Office

Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2017 3:41 PM
To: Mayor's Press Office


NEW YORK, NY 10007 


CONTACT: pressoffice@cityhall.nyc.gov, (212) 788-2958



Decision to strengthen NYC’s largest business district with more modern office buildings, 28,000
new jobs, protected landmarks, subway upgrades and more pedestrian space

NEW YORK—Mayor de Blasio and Council Member Daniel Garodnick today marked the City
Council’s unanimous approval of the Greater East Midtown rezoning. Years in the making, the
plan will foster the new, modern office buildings needed to spur jobs and keep New York a global
capital of commerce. The plan ties that growth directly to improvements in the district’s public
transit and public space, so as new buildings rise, New Yorkers will see major investments in
subway stations, less congested sidewalks and expansive plazas for office workers and visitors.
East Midtown is the city’s largest business district, generating 250,000 jobs and 10 percent of the
city’s property tax revenue. But its office buildings average 75 years-old and have become
increasingly out-of-date and inefficient for today’s companies. The district’s historic growth was
driven by access to public transit, but today its subways and streets are at capacity.
To overcome these challenges and revitalize the district, Councilmember Dan Garodnick and
Borough President Gale Brewer led a host of community stakeholders in an extensive planning
process that was advanced by the de Blasio administration and then the City Council. The
approved rezoning covers 78 blocks between the east side of Third Avenue and the west side of
Madison Avenue, from East 39th Street to East 57th Street.
“East Midtown’s growth is now directly linked to real-time improvements in its public transit and
public realm. In the years ahead, this neighborhood will see major upgrades to subway stations,
more expansive space for pedestrians, investments in its iconic landmarks, and a new generation of
office buildings that will spur good jobs for New Yorkers. I thank the City Council, and
congratulate City Planning Chair Lago, Council Member Garodnick and Borough President Brewer
on this achievement," said Mayor Bill de Blasio.

"With this vote, we are breathing new life into New York's most important business district,"
said Council Member Dan Garodnick. "Not only will we see sensible growth, but the public will
benefit from extraordinary new investments in above-ground public spaces and in below-ground
subway infrastructure. Better transit, new jobs, top-of-the-line office space: East Midtown is back,
full of optimism, and open for business."
“The Greater East Midtown rezoning plan is a victory for everyone who lives, works, walks, or
rides a subway through the East Side, and it also proves that stakeholder-driven planning works,”
said Manhattan Borough President Gale A. Brewer. “Putting all the stakeholders around a table
before the plan was certified meant we could forge consensus on a sound blueprint for East
Midtown’s future. This plan, based on that blueprint, will spur new, state-of-the-art office
construction, attract jobs, and deliver major investments in transit and street-level infrastructure,
open space, and local landmarks.”
“It doesn’t get any bigger than East Midtown. This is where New York City competes for a huge
number of jobs and an enormous slice of our tax base. We made this a priority from Day One, and
today’s vote is a signal that New York City is serious about investing in its economic future,” said
Deputy Mayor for Housing and Economic Development Alicia Glen.
"The adoption today of this plan marks a significant achievement in our quest to assure that Greater
East Midtown remains the globe's premier business district - one that works for the employees,
residents and tourists who fill its streets every day. Incentivizing as-of-right redevelopment of
aging buildings, facilitating the upkeep of beloved landmarks, and providing a private-sector
funding stream for transit and streetscape improvements - that's a winning combination. Today's
success has its roots in the excellent work of the many individuals who participated in a steering
committee led by Borough President Brewer and Council Member Garodnick," said City Planning
Commission Chair Marisa Lago.
“This vote represents a turning point in future of East Midtown and will produce new state of the
art office buildings, improved transit connectivity, additional resources for some of New York's
most treasured landmarks, and significant new public space,” said Speaker Melissa Mark-
Viverito. “I congratulate Council Member Garodnick on his years of hard work to build consensus
within the community and for his work with the administration to craft a zoning proposal and
negotiate modifications that secure capital funding to kick-start public space improvements”
New and Upgraded Office Buildings

The zoning changes will enable the development of new Class-A commercial buildings, cementing
East Midtown’s position as a world class business district that offers modern amenities and a range
of office types. Buildings would be able to achieve higher density provided the developments
support enhancements to the area’s public realm by providing transit improvements and/or
purchasing unused floor area from the district’s landmarks.
The zoning framework will generate 6.8 million square feet in new commercial office space over
the next 20 years, along with an additional 6.6 million square feet of older office space that will be
upgraded into Class A office space. The resulting development is expected to create up to 28,000
new, permanent jobs and 23,000 construction jobs in the next two decades.
Improved Subways
In “Transit Improvement Zones” near transit hubs, new buildings are allowed to exceed current
Floor Area Ratio (FAR) provided they undertake important improvements to subway stations like
new and expanded entrances, escalators, elevators and stairwells, as well as full station
rehabilitations. New buildings cannot be granted certificates of occupancy for their increased space
until those improvements are completed.
The specific stations and improvements were selected in close consultation with the MTA and
·          Lexington Avenue / 53rd – 51st Street (E,M,6)
·          Lexington Avenue - 59th Street (N,Q,R,4,5,6)
·          Fifth Avenue / 53rd Street (E,M)
·          47th / 50th Streets – Rockefeller Ctr (B,D,F,M)
·          42 St - Bryant Park / 5th Avenue (B,D,F,M,7)
·          Grand Central / 42nd Street (4,5,6,7,S)
Strengthening Historic Landmarks
The plan permits property owners to purchase unused development rights from landmarks
throughout the district on an as-of-right basis, a departure from current regulations. Those
landmarks include a dozen buildings designated by the Landmarks Preservation Commission last
year in advance of the rezoning which include some of the most historic and beloved icons in
Midtown. This greater flexibility would increase the market for area landmarked buildings to sell
their unused development rights, and thereby raise funds for their continued maintenance.
Improving and Expanding Public Space
New public realm projects across East Midtown will be funded by a minimum contribution of
$61.49 per square foot or 20 percent of air rights’ sale price, ensuring that as development rights
are sold to spur new development, the public reaps a steady funding stream to make commensurate
improvements including shared streets, pedestrian plazas, thoroughfare uprgrades.
The City will commit $38 million in capital funds for eligible public realm projects selected by the
East Midtown Governing Group. Up to 12 million additional dollars will be committed to public
benefits that include:
·          Shared Street on 43rd Street between Lexington and 3rd Avenue
·          Pershing East Plaza
·          53rd Street Thoroughfare Improvements
·          Park Avenue Turn Lane Improvements
·          Lexington Avenue Improvements
“In a City growing with historic levels of population, jobs and tourism, the rezoning of East
Midtown offers a welcome antidote in the most crowded of Manhattan neighborhoods,” said DOT
Commissioner Polly Trottenberg.  “For transportation, the rezoning intelligently prioritizes the
most efficient uses – by building much-needed new subway entrances and improvements, while
further expanding pedestrian plazas and shared streets.  With the detailed plan passed by the
Council today, congratulations are in order to Mayor de Blasio, Council Member Garodnick and
the entire Council for their productive partnership in getting it done.”
“NYC Parks is greatly supportive of this plan, which involved extensive community engagement
and will ensure East Midtown remains a competitive business district while improving the
neighborhood at large. Tying public realm improvements to development ensures that all New
Yorkers will benefit from this plan,” said NYC Parks Commissioner Mitchell J. Silver, FAICP.

“Today’s Council approval is a successful conclusion to a robust process that integrated planning
and landmark preservation to ensure that Greater East Midtown remains at the forefront of the
global economy. The City’s comprehensive approach resulted in the designation of 12 outstanding
historic buildings — bringing the number of protected individual landmarks in East Midtown to 50.
Many thanks to the Greater East Midtown Steering Committee, led by Borough President Brewer
and Council Member Garodnick, for their support of the Commission’s work in this neighborhood.
The approval of this plan, along with the Commission’s landmark designations, fosters East
Midtown’s growth and protects and preserves the heart of a district exemplified by its proud
historic buildings,” said Landmarks Preservation Commission Chair Meenakshi Srinivasan.

“Providing accessibility to these subway stations will allow people with disabilities access to new
job opportunities creating a more inclusive and accessible city,” said Mayor’s Office for People
with Disabilities Commissioner Victor Calise.

"This rezoning ensures that East Midtown, with its legendary buildings and firms, will remain the
place where the world comes together to do business for generations to come. The vision and
leadership of Council Member Dan Garodnick and Borough President Gale Brewer drove a
nuanced, participatory planning process with few parallels in our city's history. I thank and
congratulate them both deeply as well as my colleagues and friends in the Council and the de
Blasio administration for such a praiseworthy outcome,” said Council Member David Greenfield,
chair of the Land Use Committee.
"This rezoning will finally tap into the true potential of East Midtown and deliver transit
improvements, office space, open space and preserve historic landmarks," said Council Member
Donovan Richards, chair of the Subcommittee on Zoning and Franchises. "This has been a
long time coming, but residents and business owners will feel the benefits of this plan for decades
to come. I'd like to congratulate Council Member Garodnick and Manhattan Borough President
Gale Brewer for showing true leadership in negotiating a big victory for their residents and
business owners."
Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney said, “The rezoning approved by the New York City
Council will transform east midtown, easing the way for state-of-the-art buildings in the city’s
central business district, while generating funds for critical amenities. The end result will be a
vibrant business district with buildings designed for the 21st Century, new jobs, investments in
transportation and much-needed parks and open space.”
State Senator Liz Krueger said, "I am very pleased that a deal has been reached to move forward
on the East Midtown rezoning after a long, comprehensive, and inclusive process. I applaud Mayor
de Blasio for working diligently with Borough President Brewer, Council Member Garodnick, and
an array of stakeholders to ensure that this extremely complex rezoning balances the needs of those
who already live and work in East Midtown, vital infrastructure and open space improvements, and
our historic structures, while encouraging the planned development of 21st Century commercial

State Senator Brad Hoylman said, "I’m grateful to the Borough President Gale Brewer, Council
Member Dan Garodnick and the City Administration for their efforts on the East Midtown
Rezoning. Through years of work and community engagement, they’ve ensured that the rezoning
of East Midtown not only updates the building stock in one of the world’s most important business
districts, but also contributes to improvements that will benefit the public for years to come,
including open space, pedestrian walkways, improved subway stations and historic preservation."
"These rezoning changes are pivotal to the future success of East Midtown," said
Assemblymember Dan Quart. "This plan is a culmination of years of community input, inclusive
planning, and careful consideration of diverse suggestions. I look forward to the coming
transformation that will encourage economic development and spur public infrastructure projects.
This is a major victory for our city and I applaud Council Member Garodnick for his leadership."
“The rezoning of Greater East Midtown provides the blueprint to transform and modernize
commercial office space and spur new development in New York City’s premiere business district.
It also creates the mechanism for much needed improvements to the unmatched mass transit
system serving our area while also giving us the opportunity to work on enhancing the public
realm with the involvement of our stakeholders, which is critical for success,” said Alfred C.
Cerullo, III, President and CEO of the Grand Central Partnership.
“This rezoning initiative ensures that East Midtown will remain a competitive and viable center of
international business activity. We thank Mayor de Blasio, Deputy Mayor Glen, Borough President
Brewer, Council Member Garodnick, and all those who spearheaded this effort and worked to keep
most of the vital Third Avenue corridor in the new subdistrict, while making certain that new
development will bring with it new public space, which is sorely needed in this community,” said
Rob Byrnes, President of the East Midtown Partnership.

“The City Council’s approval of the Greater East Midtown rezoning is an important milestone in
an on-going effort to ensure the area remains one of the world’s leading office districts. We want
to thank Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen, Borough President Gale Brewer, Council Member Dan
Garodnick, City Planning Chair Marisa Lago, all the Community Board Members and the many
other stakeholders who worked tirelessly and understood that encouraging development in East
Midtown generates the tax revenue that pays for vital city services that benefit all New Yorkers,”
said John Banks, President of the Real Estate Board of New York.
“The Greater East Midtown Rezoning will help to revitalize one of New York City’s most
important neighborhoods, create new jobs for the community, and assist landmarked houses of
worship to generate funds through the sale of air rights to maintain and preserve sacred structures,
such as Central Synagogue and St. Patrick’s Cathedral, both of whom supported this rezoning, for
generations to come,” said Reverend Monsignor Robert T. Ritchie, Rector, Saint Patrick’s
"Today's passage of the East Midtown rezoning is the next critical step to ensure that New York
City remains competitive in the global marketplace," said Bill Rudin, Chairman of the
Association for a Better New York. "We applaud Mayor de Blasio and his administration, the
City Council led by Speaker Mark-Viverito and Councilmember Garodnick and as well as Borough
President Brewer and all the stakeholders.  Their vision and perseverance led to the passage of a
rezoning plan that will help further the revitalization and modernization of East Midtown, improve
and expand our infrastructure and open space, and protect the landmarks that have made this area
“Making East Midtown's subway stations more accessible with escalators and elevators and
ensuring adequate pedestrian and park space in this busy area are positive steps toward creating a
livable New York City for people of all ages. AARP commends Council Member Garodnick,
Borough President Brewer and Mayor de Blasio for pushing real, every-day improvements in East
Midtown – which could serve as a model for making the entire city more age-friendly,” said Chris
Widelo, Associate State Director for AARP.
Fred Kent, President of Project for Public Spaces said, "Quality of Place is a key factor in
where businesses locate. Adding density can help do that. This zoning opens the door, but it
requires a sustained commitment from both the public and private sectors. Our global work on
Placemaking and Innovation could be a foundation for that to happen, and we look forward to
following and participating in the work of the East Midtown governing group."
“We’re encouraged by the City’s well-measured response to East Midtown’s dire need for
upgrading obsolete office buildings, and protecting landmarks. The Design Trust for Public Space
looks forward to the upcoming concept plan from the Public Realm Governing Group.  A well-
functioning commercial district in a vibrant world capital requires a quality open space network.
The Plan must include a comprehensive streetscape and open space strategy that provides new
plazas and POPs, and ensures adequate sunlight on existing public spaces.  It also must include
substantially expanding our pedestrian and subway capacity for these new workers and visitors
which is key to long term success of this district,” said Susan Chin, FAIA, Hon. ASLA,
Executive Director, Design Trust for Public Space.
"We applaud the approval of this rezoning for East Midtown, which has long been an important
economic driver for New York City," said Hector Figueroa, president of SEIU 32BJ, which
represents over 800 commercial cleaners and security officers in the area included in the rezoning
plan. “This plan will help ensure that East Midtown remains an influential economic center with
good, family sustaining building service jobs for generations to come.”
"The members of the New York Hotel Trades Council would like to thank Mayor de Blasio,
Speaker Mark-Viverito, Councilmember Garodnick, and Borough President Brewer for listening to
our input throughout this critical rezoning process.  Revitalizing Midtown East will allow our city
to maintain its status as the world leader in providing the premium office space and public transit
options that attract and retain the modern workforce.  And this plan will ensure that new
development in the district will be thoughtful and responsible," said Peter Ward, President of the
New York Hotel Trades Council.

“The Greater East Midtown rezoning will not only help the city’s largest business district maintain
its supremacy as a global leader in commerce, but it will also create thousands of good paying jobs
in construction and other related industries,” said Gary LaBarbera, president of the 100,000
member Building and Construction Trades Council of Greater New York. “I want to thank
the Mayor and City Council for working together on behalf of all New Yorkers to pass the
rezoning and ultimately make these critical investments in our city's infrastructure. “
“The final approval for the Greater East Midtown rezoning is a major victory for one of the
world’s most quintessential business districts, and the city as a whole.  Thanks to the dedicated
efforts and the collaborative spirit exhibited throughout the process by Mayor Bill de Blasio and
his administration, Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer and the City Council, led by
Council Member Dan Garodnick, the path has been cleared for the construction and renovation of
a new generation of iconic office towers, which will ensure the long-term viability of the
neighborhood and create thousands of jobs in the process," said Carlo Scissura, President &
CEO, New York Building Congress.

"This rezoning paves the way for the next generation of redevelopment and modernization of an
aging portion of the city's central business district. It will bring jobs and enhance values that will
benefit all New Yorkers," said Kathryn Wylde, President and CEO of the Partnership for New
York City.
“This reinforces New York’s draw as a headquarters location for companies generating good-
paying jobs for our residents,” said Jessica Walker, president and CEO of the Manhattan
Chamber of Commerce. “Thank you to all of the stakeholders who worked tirelessly over many
years to make this happen for our city.”
"Among the biggest winners from the East Midtown rezoning are the hundreds of thousands of
riders who regularly use one of the big six subway stations that serve the area," said Gene
Russianoff, staff attorney for the Straphangers Campaign. "All of these crowded and hard-to-
navigate stations - from Grand Central/42nd Street to Rockefeller Center - will receive major
rehabilitation from developer funds.”
John Raskin, Executive Director of the Riders Alliance, said, "This rezoning will not only
reshape East Midtown; it will also lead to hundreds of millions of dollars in much-needed
investment for public transit infrastructure. The transit system has suffered from decades of
underfunding and neglect, resulting in today's dire situation of regular breakdowns, delays and
unreliable service. We should look to creative tools to find the billions of dollars we will need to
modernize our subways and buses, and the East Midtown rezoning is a step in the right direction."
“This is rezoning done right because it manages density with key improvements to improve transit
and the public realm. We applaud Mayor de Blasio and Councilmember Garodnick for leading this
landmark context-sensitive change to the fabric of our growing city,” said Paul White, Executive
Director of Transportation Alternatives.
“The Greater East Midtown rezoning will enable much needed commercial development capacity
while preserving area landmarks, improving the pedestrian experience, and bringing desperately
needed improvements to surrounding MTA stations. It’s an excellent example of how to do
planning the right way, bringing a diversity of stakeholders with very different interests to the table
early in the process, and encouraging genuine dialogue -- a step in the direction of the proposals
that will be made in RPA’s Fourth Regional Plan this fall,” said Pierina Ana Sanchez, New York
Director of Regional Plan Association.
"With the passage of Midtown East Rezoning, a critically-important area of our city will become
re-vitalized as a 21st-century global business district. This transformative vision promotes
investment in public spaces, transit-oriented development, and hyper-efficient sustainable
buildings. These changes consider meaningful improvements in accessibility, workplace
productivity for companies and commuters, and an enhanced quality of life for New York’s
citizens,” David Piscuskas, FAIA, President, American Institute of Architects New York
“As a disabled New Yorker, I strongly support the East Midtown Plan as part of which 6
inacessible subway stations being totally rehabilitated to be fully accessible. In addition, the plan
includes upgrading sidewalks, pedestrian ramps and public plazas,” said Edith M Prentiss, Vice
President Legislative Affairs for Disabled in Action.
“Under the leadership of Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer and Council Member Daniel
Garodnick, the East Midtown Steering Committee process created a model of stakeholder
engagement worth replicating. Particularly with respect to open space and historic preservation, this
plan is a meaningful improvement on the 2013 proposal,” said Elizabeth Goldstein, President of
The Municipal Art Society of New York. “However, the work is not yet done. This rezoning will
undoubtedly bring great change to the neighborhood, and we must continue to find balance
between private development and the public realm. Together, we can make East Midtown not just
an appealing place to build, but an appealing place to live, work, and visit.”
"While we weren’t always in agreement with the City's priorities for the rezoning of East Midtown,
we applaud and deeply appreciate the efforts of our Council Member, Dan Garodnick, and
Borough President Gale Brewer, who worked with Mayor Bill de Blasio and his administration to
make it a better plan. We succeeded in creating more public space and a more attractive and
pedestrian-friendly environment for the tens of thousands of workers who will spend their days
around and within these new towers," said Vikki Barbero, Chair of Community Board Five.
From: Lewis, Caitlin
To: Norvell, Wiley; Jeremy Soffin (jeremy@berlinrosen.com); Nicole Kolinsky (Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com);
Cc: Bob Tuttle (DCP); "Frank Ruchala (DCP)"; Fink, Carolee
Subject: Re: Question
Date: Thursday, August 10, 2017 3:34:52 PM

Adding Bob & Frank.

Get Outlook for iOS

On Thu, Aug 10, 2017 at 3:31 PM -0400, "Norvell, Wiley"

<WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Hey guys--need your help on this. MTA now saying 1 Vanderbilt won't
increase train capacity (just caught up in politics of the day). Do we
have a scope of work or some doc that officially makes that estimate
clear? For WNBC TONIGHT. Need Asap.
-----Original Message-----
From: Siff, Andrew (NBCUniversal) [mailto:andrew.siff@nbcuni.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2017 3:30 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: Re: Question
Who at the mta?
Do you have a document or anything?
I just wanna be accurate in the 6.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Aug 10, 2017, at 3:27 PM, Norvell, Wiley wrote:
> Jesus Christ.
> That's the MTA's own estimates from the scope of work approval. This is
just them playing games.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Siff, Andrew (NBCUniversal) [mailto:andrew.siff@nbcuni.com]
> Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2017 3:26 PM
> To: Norvell, Wiley
> Subject: Question
> Mta is pushing back on Alicia's claim that better circulation could lead
to more trains.
> Where did she get that from?
> Sent from my iPhone
From: Rachaele Raynoff (DCP)
To: Norvell, Wiley; "Jeremy Soffin"; Nicole Kolinsky; Lewis, Caitlin
Subject: RE: Question
Date: Thursday, August 10, 2017 4:05:18 PM


-----Original Message-----
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2017 4:04 PM
To: Rachaele Raynoff (DCP) <RRAYNOFF@planning.nyc.gov>; 'Jeremy Soffin'
<jeremy@berlinrosen.com>; Nicole Kolinsky <Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com>; Lewis, Caitlin
Subject: RE: Question

Stand down. MTA just called Siff to apologize and say we were right!

-----Original Message-----
From: Rachaele Raynoff (DCP) [mailto:RRAYNOFF@planning.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2017 3:51 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley; 'Jeremy Soffin'; Nicole Kolinsky; Lewis, Caitlin
Subject: RE: Question

My folks are pulling transcripts of MTA reps who spoke in support. It would be great to know
where/who said this.

-----Original Message-----
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2017 3:39 PM
To: 'Jeremy Soffin' <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>; Nicole Kolinsky <Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com>;
Lewis, Caitlin <CLewis@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Rachaele Raynoff (DCP) <RRAYNOFF@planning.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: Question

Many thanks.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2017 3:38 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley; Nicole Kolinsky; Lewis, Caitlin; RACHAELE RAYNOFF (RRAYNOFF@planning.nyc.gov)
Subject: RE: Question

Working on this.

Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York . Washington D.C. . Los Angeles berlinrosen.com @berlinrosen

-----Original Message-----
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2017 3:32 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>; Nicole Kolinsky <Nicole.Kolinsky@berlinrosen.com>;
Lewis, Caitlin <CLewis@cityhall.nyc.gov>; RACHAELE RAYNOFF (RRAYNOFF@planning.nyc.gov)
Subject: FW: Question
Importance: High

Hey guys--need your help on this. MTA now saying 1 Vanderbilt won't increase train capacity (just
caught up in politics of the day). Do we have a scope of work or some doc that officially makes that
estimate clear? For WNBC TONIGHT. Need Asap.

-----Original Message-----
From: Siff, Andrew (NBCUniversal) [mailto:andrew.siff@nbcuni.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2017 3:30 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: Re: Question

Who at the mta?

Do you have a document or anything?
I just wanna be accurate in the 6.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Aug 10, 2017, at 3:27 PM, Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:
> Jesus Christ.
> That's the MTA's own estimates from the scope of work approval. This is just them playing games.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Siff, Andrew (NBCUniversal) [mailto:andrew.siff@nbcuni.com]
> Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2017 3:26 PM
> To: Norvell, Wiley
> Subject: Question
> Mta is pushing back on Alicia's claim that better circulation could lead to more trains.
> Where did she get that from?
> Sent from my iPhone
From: Norvell, Wiley
To: "Rachaele Raynoff (DCP)"; Lewis, Caitlin; "Jeremy Soffin"; Nicole Kolinsky
Subject: RE: Question
Date: Thursday, August 10, 2017 4:10:10 PM

I mean, I’ll look at them for catharsis J

From: Rachaele Raynoff (DCP) [mailto:RRAYNOFF@planning.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2017 4:07 PM
To: Lewis, Caitlin; Norvell, Wiley; 'Jeremy Soffin'; Nicole Kolinsky
Subject: RE: Question

And I had these great quotes from their people.

From: Lewis, Caitlin [mailto:CLewis@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2017 4:04 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Rachaele Raynoff (DCP)
<RRAYNOFF@planning.nyc.gov>; 'Jeremy Soffin' <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>; Nicole Kolinsky
Subject: Re: Question

Excellent. Ty!

Get Outlook for iOS

On Thu, Aug 10, 2017 at 4:03 PM -0400, "Norvell, Wiley" <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>

Stand down. MTA just called Siff to apologize and say we were right!
-----Original Message-----
From: Rachaele Raynoff (DCP) [mailto:RRAYNOFF@planning.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2017 3:51 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley; 'Jeremy Soffin'; Nicole Kolinsky; Lewis, Caitlin
Subject: RE: Question
My folks are pulling transcripts of MTA reps who spoke in support. It
would be great to know where/who said this.
-----Original Message-----
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2017 3:39 PM
To: 'Jeremy Soffin' ; Nicole Kolinsky ; Lewis, Caitlin ; Rachaele Raynoff
Subject: RE: Question
Many thanks.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2017 3:38 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley; Nicole Kolinsky; Lewis, Caitlin; RACHAELE RAYNOFF
Subject: RE: Question
Working on this.
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York . Washington D.C. . Los Angeles berlinrosen.com @berlinrosen
-----Original Message-----
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2017 3:32 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin ; Nicole Kolinsky ; Lewis, Caitlin ; RACHAELE RAYNOFF
Subject: FW: Question
Importance: High
Hey guys--need your help on this. MTA now saying 1 Vanderbilt won't
increase train capacity (just caught up in politics of the day). Do we
have a scope of work or some doc that officially makes that estimate
clear? For WNBC TONIGHT. Need Asap.
-----Original Message-----
From: Siff, Andrew (NBCUniversal) [mailto:andrew.siff@nbcuni.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2017 3:30 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: Re: Question
Who at the mta?
Do you have a document or anything?
I just wanna be accurate in the 6.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Aug 10, 2017, at 3:27 PM, Norvell, Wiley  wrote:
> Jesus Christ.
> That's the MTA's own estimates from the scope of work approval. This is
just them playing games.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Siff, Andrew (NBCUniversal) [mailto:andrew.siff@nbcuni.com]
> Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2017 3:26 PM
> To: Norvell, Wiley
> Subject: Question
> Mta is pushing back on Alicia's claim that better circulation could lead
to more trains.
> Where did she get that from?
> Sent from my iPhone
From: Turk, Barbara
To: Neustadt, David; Laura Fahey; Tracy Perrizo; Bob Shaver (bobshaver@redstonestrategy.com)
Cc: "Aaron Freedman"
Subject: RE: Food Assistance Collaborative
Date: Friday, August 11, 2017 12:01:57 PM

-----Original Appointment-----
From: Turk, Barbara
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2017 1:01 PM
To: Turk, Barbara; Neustadt, David; Laura Fahey; Tracy Perrizo; Bob Shaver
Cc: Aaron Freedman
Subject: Food Assistance Collaborative
When: Friday, August 11, 2017 12:00 PM-12:30 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
From: Bob Shaver
To: Neustadt, David
Cc: Turk, Barbara; Laura Fahey; Tracy Perrizo; "Aaron Freedman"; Sam Greenberg
Subject: List of pantry investments
Date: Monday, August 14, 2017 8:17:59 PM
Attachments: 2017-08-14 Capacity Building Rundown.pdf

Hi David,
Attached is a detailed list of pantry investments from the Collaborative, indexed by the
neighborhood in which the pantry lives, the total investment, and the planned increase in food this
investment will enable. These should track to the priority neighborhoods that you have seen, and
provide a level of additional detail for thinking about a press conference location.
In addition to these, there is a launch event for “Pantry Forward” taking place on September 18 th at
Helmsley in Midtown. Pantry forward is a new initiative of the Collaborative, to help ten of the most
promising pantries city-wide, and the event will be attended by Collaborative members, as well as
representatives from the City’s strongest pantries. Potentially a good place / time to do interviews?
I hope this is helpful. Please let me know if I can provide anything else.
Thanks for all you are doing to get our work out there – it is deeply appreciated!
Bob Shaver | Redstone Strategy Group, LLC
203-535-2559 Direct | 303-606-7100 Main
Helping solve urgent social problems
From: Bob Shaver
To: Neustadt, David
Cc: Turk, Barbara; Laura Fahey; Tracy Perrizo; "Aaron Freedman"; Sam Greenberg
Subject: RE: List of pantry investments
Date: Monday, August 14, 2017 8:41:53 PM
Attachments: 2017-06-22 NYCFAC action plan.pdf

Hi again, David.
With apologies for multiple emails, the attachment here provides a bit of color on each of the
pantry investments, and is a bit cleaner and more organized. Functionally, it is the same as the prior
In any case, let me know if there’s anything else that I can provide.
Bob Shaver | Redstone Strategy Group, LLC
203-535-2559 Direct | 303-606-7100 Main
Helping solve urgent social problems
From: Bob Shaver
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2017 5:16 PM
To: Neustadt, David <neustadtd@hra.nyc.gov>
Cc: 'Turk, Barbara' <BTurk@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Laura Fahey <LFahey@helmsleytrust.org>; Tracy
Perrizo <TPerrizo@helmsleytrust.org>; 'Aaron Freedman' <Aaron.Freedman@berlinrosen.com>;
Sam Greenberg <samgreenberg@redstonestrategy.com>
Subject: List of pantry investments

Hi David,
Attached is a detailed list of pantry investments from the Collaborative, indexed by the
neighborhood in which the pantry lives, the total investment, and the planned increase in food this
investment will enable. These should track to the priority neighborhoods that you have seen, and
provide a level of additional detail for thinking about a press conference location.
In addition to these, there is a launch event for “Pantry Forward” taking place on September 18 th at
Helmsley in Midtown. Pantry forward is a new initiative of the Collaborative, to help ten of the most
promising pantries city-wide, and the event will be attended by Collaborative members, as well as
representatives from the City’s strongest pantries. Potentially a good place / time to do interviews?
I hope this is helpful. Please let me know if I can provide anything else.
Thanks for all you are doing to get our work out there – it is deeply appreciated!
Bob Shaver | Redstone Strategy Group, LLC
203-535-2559 Direct | 303-606-7100 Main
Helping solve urgent social problems
From: Turk, Barbara
To: "Bob Shaver"; Neustadt, David
Cc: Laura Fahey; Tracy Perrizo; "Aaron Freedman"; Sam Greenberg
Subject: RE: List of pantry investments
Date: Monday, August 14, 2017 8:45:49 PM

Yes, this one will communicate more quickly.  Thanks Bob.

From: Bob Shaver [mailto:bobshaver@redstonestrategy.com]
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2017 8:40 PM
To: Neustadt, David
Cc: Turk, Barbara; Laura Fahey; Tracy Perrizo; 'Aaron Freedman'; Sam Greenberg
Subject: RE: List of pantry investments

Hi again, David.
With apologies for multiple emails, the attachment here provides a bit of color on each of the
pantry investments, and is a bit cleaner and more organized. Functionally, it is the same as the prior
In any case, let me know if there’s anything else that I can provide.
Bob Shaver | Redstone Strategy Group, LLC
203-535-2559 Direct | 303-606-7100 Main
Helping solve urgent social problems
From: Bob Shaver
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2017 5:16 PM
To: Neustadt, David <neustadtd@hra.nyc.gov>
Cc: 'Turk, Barbara' <BTurk@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Laura Fahey <LFahey@helmsleytrust.org>; Tracy
Perrizo <TPerrizo@helmsleytrust.org>; 'Aaron Freedman' <Aaron.Freedman@berlinrosen.com>;
Sam Greenberg <samgreenberg@redstonestrategy.com>
Subject: List of pantry investments

Hi David,
Attached is a detailed list of pantry investments from the Collaborative, indexed by the
neighborhood in which the pantry lives, the total investment, and the planned increase in food this
investment will enable. These should track to the priority neighborhoods that you have seen, and
provide a level of additional detail for thinking about a press conference location.
In addition to these, there is a launch event for “Pantry Forward” taking place on September 18 th at
Helmsley in Midtown. Pantry forward is a new initiative of the Collaborative, to help ten of the most
promising pantries city-wide, and the event will be attended by Collaborative members, as well as
representatives from the City’s strongest pantries. Potentially a good place / time to do interviews?
I hope this is helpful. Please let me know if I can provide anything else.
Thanks for all you are doing to get our work out there – it is deeply appreciated!
Bob Shaver | Redstone Strategy Group, LLC
203-535-2559 Direct | 303-606-7100 Main
Helping solve urgent social problems
From: Goldstein, Freddi
To: "Rich Calder"; dan@berlinrosen.com
Subject: RE: Today, Thurs. Aug. 17 @ Noon: Mayoral Candidate Albanese Press Conference - Giveaway of East
Harlem"s Marx Brothers Playground to Developers Opposed by Community, Threatens Parkland Throughout the
City; Another City Hall/ Lobbying Connection Exposed
Date: Thursday, August 17, 2017 12:40:54 PM
Attachments: image001.png

Same response as last time.

“These are the first new high schools in East Harlem in 50 years, and they come alongside 300
permanently affordable apartments, new jobs for local residents and a full replacement of the
playground. Anyone saying the status quo is better is turning a blind eye to this community’s need
for better schools and homes people can afford.”
From: Rich Calder [mailto:rcalder@nypost.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2017 12:38 PM
To: dan@berlinrosen.com; Goldstein, Freddi
Subject: Fwd: Today, Thurs. Aug. 17 @ Noon: Mayoral Candidate Albanese Press Conference -
Giveaway of East Harlem's Marx Brothers Playground to Developers Opposed by Community, Threatens
Parkland Throughout the City; Another City Hall/ Lobbying Connection Exposed
Writing for web. Looking for comment. 

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Linda Cronin-Gross" <linda@lcgcommunications.com>

Date: August 17, 2017 at 8:31:55 AM EDT
To: "Rich Calder" <rcalder@nypost.com>
Subject: Today, Thurs. Aug. 17 @ Noon: Mayoral Candidate Albanese Press
Conference - Giveaway of East Harlem's Marx Brothers Playground to Developers
Opposed by Community, Threatens Parkland Throughout the City; Another City
Hall/ Lobbying Connection Exposed

Rich – Hope to see you – thx - Linda

Event:  City for Sale? Another City
Hall/Lobbying Connection
Mayoral Candidate Sal Albanese to Hold Press
Conference: East Harlem’s Iconic Marx
Brothers Playground to Be Handed Over to
Developers; Parkland Belongs to the Public;
Giveaway Would Establish Bad Precedent,
Eliminate Much Needed Green Space
Date/Time: Thursday, August 17, 2017 @ Noon
Location: Marx Brothers Playground @ East 96 th Street and 2nd Ave. in
Contact:  Linda Cronin-Gross, LCG Communications – 718.853.5568;
917.767.1141; linda@lcgcommunications.com
Mayoral Candidate Sal Albanese will hold a press conference on
Thursday, August 17th @ noon to support community efforts to stop the
City from giving away the beloved Marx Brothers Playground to a private
developer, Avalon Bay.  Not coincidentally, the developer has been
represented over the last 2-3 years by a number of lobbying firms,
including  Capalino + Co, a firm that is very close to de Blasio and was
enmeshed in the various City Hall pay-to-play scandals.  The playground
is named after the famous family of comedians who grew up in the
The development project itself has been controversial, since it will create
a massive, outsized residential tower that will be the tallest building north
of 60th Street, and is opposed by the community.
“The City owns at least 1,000 parcels of vacant land that could be easily
used to create affordable housing, schools, etc.  It is shameful that Mayor
de Blasio is selling off children's playgrounds and precious public green
space which is part of the Parks Department.  This part of the City has the
WORST person-to-green space ratio in the entire City, and de Blasio is
giving it away to private developers.  It would require a run around the
zoning laws that de Blasio himself made happen.  If we allow this, every
other parcel of parkland throughout the City would be potentially up for
grabs by private developers; no playground, no park, no public open
space would be safe.  De Blasio is reneging on a promise to return the
Marx Brothers playground after the Second Avenue subway was built.
Hands off this playground.  It belongs to everyone,” said Albanese.
The East Harlem community also recently rejected the Mayor’s rezoning
plan that would have crushed the character of the neighborhood and
increased hypergentrification. “It appears that the Mayor has ears only
for the big real estate developers and lobbyists who engage in legalized
pay-to-play.  Once again, his favorite lobbying firm, Capalino + Co is one
of several lobbying firms that have been variously representing the
developer, Avalon Bay, for the last few years. De Blasio apparently can’t
hear the East Harlem community, and the removal of this playground
from the public domain is just another example,” he said.
Your coverage is welcome.

Sal 2017
From: Neustadt, David
To: Bob Shaver; Turk, Barbara; Centeno, Lourdes
Cc: Laura Fahey; Aaron Freedman; Timothy Bradley; Tracy Perrizo; Sam Greenberg
Subject: Re: Check-in and next steps on Collaborative comms
Date: Tuesday, August 22, 2017 1:32:24 PM

Sent via HRA mobile device

-------- Original message --------

From: Bob Shaver <bobshaver@redstonestrategy.com>
Date: 8/22/17 12:24 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: "Neustadt, David" <neustadtd@hra.nyc.gov>, "Turk, Barbara"
Cc: Laura Fahey <LFahey@helmsleytrust.org>, Aaron Freedman
<Aaron.Freedman@berlinrosen.com>, Timothy Bradley <Tim@berlinrosen.com>,
Tracy Perrizo <TPerrizo@helmsleytrust.org>, Sam Greenberg
Subject: Check-in and next steps on Collaborative comms

Hi David and Barbara,

I hope you are well and have each retained two functioning retinas after yesterday’s eclipse!
Thank you again for continuing to push the NYT/Mayor’s event plan forward, David. We’re all quite
excited about the vision there and the potential to boost the work! I trust that you have what you
need in terms of data, etc., but please say the word if there’s anything we can pass along.
With input from Helmsley and BerlinRosen, below is a proposal for how we might work together
alongside (and after) the current NYT/Mayor’s event effort, to achieve the remaining parts of the
comms strategy. Specifically:
David continues work to pitch Nikita Stewart at the NYT, tied closely to an event that he seeks
to coordinate with the Mayor and the Collaborative at a food pantry. This story and event
shouldn’t be scooped by other pitches, so all other media outreach will hold until after that.
Ahead of the Mayor event, David can confirm if Nikita is able to cover it. If not, BR can make a
push with other NYT reporters and other press in the lead up, day-of, and after the Mayor
Assuming the NYT story and Mayor event happen, BR can pitch NYT Fixes (or similar outlets in
NPR or elsewhere) as well as other tech outlets about Plentiful after the event.
David can pitch some of the very local, neighborhood-level outlets for Collaborative stories.
Separately, BR can pursue a general pitch to the Chronicle of Philanthropy about Helmsley
and the Collaborative.
How does this look to you, David and Barbara? If this is in line with your thinking, BerlinRosen is
ready to start pulling together pitches and doing target mapping for the later work, while your
teams move the event and NYT piece into motion.
With appreciation,
Bob Shaver | Redstone Strategy Group, LLC
203-535-2559 Direct | 303-606-7100 Main
Helping solve urgent social problems
From: Jeremy Soffin
To: Grace, Melissa; "Anthony Hogrebe"; Justine Johnson
Cc: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: ferry
Date: Friday, August 25, 2017 11:59:47 AM

Got it, thanks!

Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2017 11:22 AM
To: 'Anthony Hogrebe' <ahogrebe@edc.nyc>; Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>; Justine
Johnson <jjohnson@edc.nyc>
Cc: Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: ferry
And Jeremy, in case I said Monday, that is wrong. Event it Tuesday morning. (my bad!)
From: Anthony Hogrebe [mailto:ahogrebe@edc.nyc]
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2017 11:00 AM
To: Grace, Melissa; 'Jeremy Soffin'; Justine Johnson
Cc: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: ferry
That all sounds great. Can’t think of anything else at the moment, Jeremy let us know if you need
anything else from us.
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2017 10:40 AM
To: 'Jeremy Soffin' <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>; Anthony Hogrebe <ahogrebe@edc.nyc>; Justine
Johnson <jjohnson@edc.nyc>
Cc: Wiley Norvell (City Hall) <wnorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: ferry
Anthony and Justine – connecting you to Jeremy for event logistics.
1. Jeremy is going to send us a quote for the release.
2. I walked him through the program as we know it so far – 6:30 am departure from Astoria.
Plan is it stands now is to have the mayor in Astoria, with dignitaries, making remarks,
greeting commuters.
3. Jeremy is going to send names of Cornell folks who can come/should perhaps be
acknowledged, and see if commuters will be getting on the boat on Roosevelt.
What else?
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2017 8:27 AM
To: Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: ferry
Do you have a minute to catch up on this?
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2017 3:43 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: ferry
I do. At my desk now.
Melissa Grace | Deputy Press Secretary |Mayor’s Press Office
mgrace@cityhall.nyc.gov|o: 212-788-2969 | c: 347-224-2309
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2017 3:24 PM
To: Grace, Melissa
Subject: ferry
Hey Melissa, hope you’re well. Do you have a minute to chat about the ferry launch vis a vis
Roosevelt Island and Cornell? Thanks!
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Will Bredderman
To: Phillips, Eric; Dan Levitan; rlevine@council.nyc.gov
Subject: Response to Savino?
Date: Friday, August 25, 2017 6:45:42 PM
Attachments: image1.PNG
From: Phillips, Eric
To: Will Bredderman
Cc: Dan Levitan; rlevine@council.nyc.gov
Subject: Re: Response to Savino?
Date: Friday, August 25, 2017 6:55:19 PM


> On Aug 25, 2017, at 6:45 PM, Will Bredderman < wrote:
> <image1.PNG>
From: Grace, Melissa
To: Jeremy Soffin
Cc: Anthony Hogrebe (ahogrebe@edc.nyc); jjohnson@edc.nyc; Norvell, Wiley
Subject: Re: ferry
Date: Saturday, August 26, 2017 9:26:14 AM


Melissa Grace
Deputy Press Secretary 
Mayor’s Press Office
o: 212-788-2969 
c: 347-224-2309

On Aug 26, 2017, at 8:58 AM, Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com> wrote:

Please see quote below:

“Cornell Tech is proud to be a part of the Roosevelt Island community, and the
campus has committed $2.5 million to support the new NYC Ferry service to the
island. The new ferry will provide another seamless connection for island
residents, students, faculty, staff, the companies at The Bridge, and visitors to
travel seamlessly between Roosevelt Island, Manhattan, and the growing tech
community in western Queens. The Cornell Tech campus is all about openness
and collaboration, and we can't wait to welcome New Yorkers when we
officially open next month,” said Meghan French, Senior Director of External
Relations at Cornell Tech.
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2017 10:40 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>; Anthony Hogrebe (ahogrebe@edc.nyc)
<ahogrebe@edc.nyc>; 'jjohnson@edc.nyc' <jjohnson@edc.nyc>
Cc: Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: ferry
Anthony and Justine – connecting you to Jeremy for event logistics.
1. Jeremy is going to send us a quote for the release.
2. I walked him through the program as we know it so far – 6:30 am departure
from Astoria. Plan is it stands now is to have the mayor in Astoria, with
dignitaries, making remarks, greeting commuters.
3. Jeremy is going to send names of Cornell folks who can come/should perhaps be
acknowledged, and see if commuters will be getting on the boat on Roosevelt.
What else?
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2017 8:27 AM
To: Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: ferry
Do you have a minute to catch up on this?
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2017 3:43 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: ferry
I do. At my desk now.
Melissa Grace | Deputy Press Secretary |Mayor’s Press Office
mgrace@cityhall.nyc.gov|o: 212-788-2969 | c: 347-224-2309
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2017 3:24 PM
To: Grace, Melissa
Subject: ferry
Hey Melissa, hope you’re well. Do you have a minute to chat about the ferry launch vis
a vis Roosevelt Island and Cornell? Thanks!
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Turk, Barbara
To: "Laura Fahey"; Bob Shaver; Neustadt, David
Cc: Aaron Freedman; Timothy Bradley; Tracy Perrizo; Sam Greenberg
Subject: RE: Check-in and next steps on Collaborative comms
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2017 5:57:12 PM

Hi Laura,
Are you and/or Tracy available for a quick call with me right now?
From: Laura Fahey [mailto:LFahey@helmsleytrust.org]
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2017 5:49 PM
To: Bob Shaver; Neustadt, David; Turk, Barbara
Cc: Aaron Freedman; Timothy Bradley; Tracy Perrizo; Sam Greenberg
Subject: RE: Check-in and next steps on Collaborative comms
Hi all,
Reconnecting with this communications-minded group, so we can catch BerlinRosen up to speed on
this afternoon’s developments!

Aaron and Tim – It does not look like a Mayor’s event will take place, but we do still have an
interview lined up with NYT. David – I assume this is with Nikita Stewart?
Tomorrow at 8am, several members of the Collaborative will have a planning call to discuss the NYT
interview. Aaron or Tim – Are you free to join? Next week (date/time TBD), everyone will come to
Helmsley for an in-person group interview with the NYT reporter. For Helmsley, our spokesperson
will either be Tracy or our CEO Stephanie, so we will need to think about talking points for them for
next week.
Per our plan, I believe we can then move forward with our other pitches to various
innovation/tech/philanthropy outlets, once we have a sense of when this NYT story will run.
Thanks, all!
From: Bob Shaver [mailto:bobshaver@redstonestrategy.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2017 12:24 PM
To: Neustadt, David <neustadtd@hra.nyc.gov>; Turk, Barbara <BTurk@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Laura Fahey <LFahey@helmsleytrust.org>; Aaron Freedman
<Aaron.Freedman@berlinrosen.com>; Timothy Bradley <Tim@berlinrosen.com>; Tracy Perrizo
<TPerrizo@helmsleytrust.org>; Sam Greenberg <samgreenberg@redstonestrategy.com>
Subject: Check-in and next steps on Collaborative comms
Hi David and Barbara,
I hope you are well and have each retained two functioning retinas after yesterday’s eclipse!
Thank you again for continuing to push the NYT/Mayor’s event plan forward, David. We’re all quite
excited about the vision there and the potential to boost the work! I trust that you have what you
need in terms of data, etc., but please say the word if there’s anything we can pass along.
With input from Helmsley and BerlinRosen, below is a proposal for how we might work together
alongside (and after) the current NYT/Mayor’s event effort, to achieve the remaining parts of the
comms strategy. Specifically:
David continues work to pitch Nikita Stewart at the NYT, tied closely to an event that he seeks
to coordinate with the Mayor and the Collaborative at a food pantry. This story and event
shouldn’t be scooped by other pitches, so all other media outreach will hold until after that.
Ahead of the Mayor event, David can confirm if Nikita is able to cover it. If not, BR can make a
push with other NYT reporters and other press in the lead up, day-of, and after the Mayor
Assuming the NYT story and Mayor event happen, BR can pitch NYT Fixes (or similar outlets in
NPR or elsewhere) as well as other tech outlets about Plentiful after the event.
David can pitch some of the very local, neighborhood-level outlets for Collaborative stories.
Separately, BR can pursue a general pitch to the Chronicle of Philanthropy about Helmsley
and the Collaborative.
How does this look to you, David and Barbara? If this is in line with your thinking, BerlinRosen is
ready to start pulling together pitches and doing target mapping for the later work, while your
teams move the event and NYT piece into motion.
With appreciation,
Bob Shaver | Redstone Strategy Group, LLC
203-535-2559 Direct | 303-606-7100 Main
Helping solve urgent social problems
From: Turk, Barbara
To: "bobshaver@redstonestrategy.com"; "neustadtd@hra.nyc.gov"; "jstephens@cityharvest.org";
"swright@uwnyc.org"; "jmclean@cityharvest.org"; "TPerrizo@helmsleytrust.org"; "shunte@uwnyc.org";
"maharajl@hra.nyc.gov"; "philipm@hra.nyc.gov"; Bonilla, Grace (HRA); "LFahey@helmsleytrust.org";
"Aaron.Freedman@berlinrosen.com"; "Tim@berlinrosen.com"; "Capacityadvisor@uwnyc.org"
Cc: "ivanbarkhorn@redstonestrategy.com"; "samgreenberg@redstonestrategy.com"
Subject: Re: Pantries and neighborhoods for NYT call
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2017 9:38:43 PM

Sam and Hannah, thank you for pulling this together on short notice. I want confirmation from EFAP
on you recommendations.
From: Bob Shaver [mailto:bobshaver@redstonestrategy.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2017 07:08 PM
To: Neustadt, David <neustadtd@hra.nyc.gov>; Turk, Barbara; 'Jilly Stephens'
<jstephens@cityharvest.org>; Sheena Wright <swright@uwnyc.org>; Jennifer McLean
<jmclean@cityharvest.org>; Tracy Perrizo <TPerrizo@helmsleytrust.org>; Suzette Hunte
<shunte@uwnyc.org>; Maharaj, Lamaunda <maharajl@hra.nyc.gov>; philipm@hra.nyc.gov
<philipm@hra.nyc.gov>; Bonilla, Grace (HRA); Laura Fahey <LFahey@helmsleytrust.org>; Aaron
Freedman <Aaron.Freedman@berlinrosen.com>; Timothy Bradley <Tim@berlinrosen.com>; Hannah
Lupien <Capacityadvisor@uwnyc.org>
Cc: Ivan Barkhorn <ivanbarkhorn@redstonestrategy.com>; Sam Greenberg
Subject: Pantries and neighborhoods for NYT call
Hi all,
David asked me to circulate this note below about pantries and neighborhoods to direct Nikita (NYT
reporter) to for her story. We look forward to discussing this and other next steps for tomorrow
Hi Ivan and Bob,
Below are pantries that we could show the reporter. David said the reporter may also be interested
in profiling three neighborhoods where we added capacity: Flushing, Boro Park, Jackson Heights,
and East New York each have 2 pantries that we are proud of, and therefore make good places to
visit. I believe Barbara wants the group to make this decision on the call tomorrow; hopefully this list
is a good starting point for that conversation.
Hannah and I put this info together on short notice after our 5 pm meeting today so you could
have it for tomorrow morning. Hannah will double check all of the details tomorrow and let you
know if any of the hours or other details need to be updated.
South Asian Council on Social Services (Flushing)
New pantry that we funded in an existing NGO. Serves South Asian population in NYC.
Operate Friday at 11 am. Can easily meet at non-distribution times since they have full-
time staff.
La Jornada (Flushing)
Existing large pantry run in the historic St. George’s Episcopal Church. Doubled the
amount of food they distribute.
Operates Saturday mornings
YWCA of Queens pop-up (Flushing)
Pop-up pantry at an existing CBO
Operating hours forthcoming
Jackson Heights
Evangelical Church Christ is the Light (Jackson Heights)
Existing pantry that doubled its food distribution, converted to client choice, and was
an early pilot site for Plentiful.
Operate Friday mornings 9 am
Salvation Army Queens Temple Corps (Jackson Heights catchment area – technically East
Small pantry that we transitioned to client choice.
Operate Wednesday 9 – 10 am.
Borough Park
Masbia of Boro Park (Borough Park)
Funded a renovation to enable them to open a new site in Boro Park that houses both
a client choice pantry and soup kitchen. They are one of our largest single supply
increases. Part of the Masbia network, which serves Jewish and non-Jewish clients. 
Pantry open Thursday 8 am – noon. Soup kitchen open for dinner Sun-Thu, 6:30 pm.
Goke (Borough Park catchment area – technically Kensignton)
Existing pantry, we helped get them cold storage equipment and new access to City
Harvest for fresh produce, and doubled the amount of food they get. Very diverse
pantry line, and user of Plentiful.
Operate Tuesday evenings and Saturday mornings on alternate weeks – need to check
which week is which
East New York
Christian Cultural Center (East New York)
Major existing pantry – we bought them equipment and supplied more food, which
enabled them to extend their operating hours.
Operate Thursday from 9 am – 2 pm.
Pink Houses Pop-up (East New York)
Pop-up pantry at a large public housing complex
Operating hours forthcoming
Other neighborhoods
La Puerta Estrecha (Washington Heights catchment area – technically Inwood)
New pantry that we funded in a large church. Early successful Plentiful adopter,
committed to client service.
Operate Saturday at 10 am.
Nazareth Housing (Grand Concourse)
Existing pantry in a CBO that significantly increased the amount of food distributed,
and converted to client choice. They doubled their service hours.
Operate Wednesday 8:30 am
Grant Street Settlement Pop-up pantry (Lower East Side)
New pop-up pantry at an existing CBO
Operating hours forthcoming
Sam Greenberg
Bob Shaver | Redstone Strategy Group, LLC
203-535-2559 Direct | 303-606-7100 Main
Helping solve urgent social problems
From: Turk, Barbara
To: "Laura Fahey"; "Neustadt, David"; "Bob Shaver"
Cc: "Aaron Freedman"; "Timothy Bradley"; "Tracy Perrizo"; "Sam Greenberg"
Subject: RE: Check-in and next steps on Collaborative comms
Date: Friday, September 01, 2017 1:04:46 PM

Also, you and Tracy should respond to the meeting invitation, just so I have an accurate count.
From: Turk, Barbara
Sent: Friday, September 01, 2017 12:53 PM
To: 'Laura Fahey'; Neustadt, David; Bob Shaver
Cc: Aaron Freedman; Timothy Bradley; Tracy Perrizo; Sam Greenberg
Subject: RE: Check-in and next steps on Collaborative comms
The time is confirmed.  The group will arrive at 9:30.  Names of the attendees are included in the
meeting invitation.  Let me know if you need a different kind of list for security.
From: Laura Fahey [mailto:LFahey@helmsleytrust.org]
Sent: Friday, September 01, 2017 9:07 AM
To: Neustadt, David; Bob Shaver; Turk, Barbara
Cc: Aaron Freedman; Timothy Bradley; Tracy Perrizo; Sam Greenberg
Subject: RE: Check-in and next steps on Collaborative comms
David and Barbara,
If we solidify the potential Wednesday morning slot, we will reserve a conference room to host
everyone here at the Helmsley Charitable Trust. We’re here in the Helmsley Building, right by Grand
Central, at 230 Park Avenue, Suite 569.
From: Neustadt, David [mailto:neustadtd@hra.nyc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2017 6:02 PM
To: Laura Fahey <LFahey@helmsleytrust.org>; Bob Shaver <bobshaver@redstonestrategy.com>;
Turk, Barbara <BTurk@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Aaron Freedman <Aaron.Freedman@berlinrosen.com>; Timothy Bradley
<Tim@berlinrosen.com>; Tracy Perrizo <TPerrizo@helmsleytrust.org>; Sam Greenberg
Subject: Re: Check-in and next steps on Collaborative comms
Yes it's Nikita Stewart. She wants to file the story by the end of next week
She also wants to profile three of the neighborhoods where we added capacity we were
planning to figure out which through those are on the 8 a.m. call tomorrow.
I'm on my way out of town but will be available
Sent via HRA mobile device
-------- Original message --------
From: Laura Fahey <LFahey@helmsleytrust.org>
Date: 8/31/17 5:49 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: Bob Shaver <bobshaver@redstonestrategy.com>, "Neustadt, David"
<neustadtd@hra.nyc.gov>, "Turk, Barbara" <BTurk@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Aaron Freedman <Aaron.Freedman@berlinrosen.com>, Timothy Bradley
<Tim@berlinrosen.com>, Tracy Perrizo <TPerrizo@helmsleytrust.org>, Sam Greenberg
Subject: RE: Check-in and next steps on Collaborative comms
Hi all,
Reconnecting with this communications-minded group, so we can catch BerlinRosen up to speed on
this afternoon’s developments!

Aaron and Tim – It does not look like a Mayor’s event will take place, but we do still have an
interview lined up with NYT. David – I assume this is with Nikita Stewart?
Tomorrow at 8am, several members of the Collaborative will have a planning call to discuss the NYT
interview. Aaron or Tim – Are you free to join? Next week (date/time TBD), everyone will come to
Helmsley for an in-person group interview with the NYT reporter. For Helmsley, our spokesperson
will either be Tracy or our CEO Stephanie, so we will need to think about talking points for them for
next week.
Per our plan, I believe we can then move forward with our other pitches to various
innovation/tech/philanthropy outlets, once we have a sense of when this NYT story will run.
Thanks, all!
From: Bob Shaver [mailto:bobshaver@redstonestrategy.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2017 12:24 PM
To: Neustadt, David <neustadtd@hra.nyc.gov>; Turk, Barbara <BTurk@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Laura Fahey <LFahey@helmsleytrust.org>; Aaron Freedman
<Aaron.Freedman@berlinrosen.com>; Timothy Bradley <Tim@berlinrosen.com>; Tracy Perrizo
<TPerrizo@helmsleytrust.org>; Sam Greenberg <samgreenberg@redstonestrategy.com>
Subject: Check-in and next steps on Collaborative comms
Hi David and Barbara,
I hope you are well and have each retained two functioning retinas after yesterday’s eclipse!
Thank you again for continuing to push the NYT/Mayor’s event plan forward, David. We’re all quite
excited about the vision there and the potential to boost the work! I trust that you have what you
need in terms of data, etc., but please say the word if there’s anything we can pass along.
With input from Helmsley and BerlinRosen, below is a proposal for how we might work together
alongside (and after) the current NYT/Mayor’s event effort, to achieve the remaining parts of the
comms strategy. Specifically:
David continues work to pitch Nikita Stewart at the NYT, tied closely to an event that he seeks
to coordinate with the Mayor and the Collaborative at a food pantry. This story and event
shouldn’t be scooped by other pitches, so all other media outreach will hold until after that.
Ahead of the Mayor event, David can confirm if Nikita is able to cover it. If not, BR can make a
push with other NYT reporters and other press in the lead up, day-of, and after the Mayor
Assuming the NYT story and Mayor event happen, BR can pitch NYT Fixes (or similar outlets in
NPR or elsewhere) as well as other tech outlets about Plentiful after the event.
David can pitch some of the very local, neighborhood-level outlets for Collaborative stories.
Separately, BR can pursue a general pitch to the Chronicle of Philanthropy about Helmsley
and the Collaborative.
How does this look to you, David and Barbara? If this is in line with your thinking, BerlinRosen is
ready to start pulling together pitches and doing target mapping for the later work, while your
teams move the event and NYT piece into motion.
With appreciation,
Bob Shaver | Redstone Strategy Group, LLC
203-535-2559 Direct | 303-606-7100 Main
Helping solve urgent social problems
From: Chirlane McCray
To: CJ Macklin
Cc: Cathy Rought; Rick Fromberg; Phil Walzak <phil@billdeblasio.com> (phil@billdeblasio.com); Ahilya Wallia; bdb;
Amelia Adams; Ricky Da Costa; MonicaKlein (billdeblasio.com); Jennifer Samawat; Roxanne John; Claudia
Cereceda; Julia Savel
Subject: Re: UPDATED: Sunday Remarks for Fordham Road Evangelical Lutheran Church
Date: Saturday, September 02, 2017 9:08:24 PM

Good evening,
Edits below. Thank you!

Fordham Road Evangelical Lutheran Church Remarks
•                     Good Morning, everyone!  What a WARM welcome.
•                     FIRST, I give honor to GOD.
•                     Through the written word and the spoken word, may we
know your living word – so we may serve you now and always.
•                     Thank you Rev. Jonathan Recabarren [WRECK-a-barren]
and your wonderful wife First Lady Vilma Recabarren for all the work you
do to create a stronger and safer community. You do so much to build
bridges between the faith community and local police. And I praise you for
leading the gun buy back programs to get guns off our streets.
•                     I also thank you Reverend for the incredibly moving eulogy
you gave Officer Miosotis Familia, who was taken from us while protecting
this community.
•                     And State Senator Gustavo Rivera, thank you for your
great public service to our City and State.
•                     And thank you Fordham Road!
•                     You know, Coretta Scott King – a woman of extraordinary
faith – once said that, “The greatness of a community is most accurately
measured by the compassionate actions of its members.”
•                     The COMPASSIONATE WORK of this community reminds
me just how much her words still ring true.
•                     I’ve been working very hard these last years on
ThriveNYC.  Tell me, how many people in this room have been affected by
mental health; either directly or through a loved one? Please raise your
•                     ThriveNYC is what we call the umbrella of mental health
programs that provide vital services to New Yorkers and their families who
need help.
•                     We’re just getting started, but I’m pleased to say that
Thrive is already the most comprehensive mental health plan of any city or
state in the nation.
•                     Because of ThriveNYC, we have a number ANY New Yorker
can call FOR FREE, and get information or get connected to mental health
•                     You can call for yourself or you can call for a loved one. 
Do you know the number?  It's 1-888-NYC Well.
•                     Because of ThriveNYC we now have some form of mental
health support in ALL our schools.
•                     Because of Thrive we have maternal depression screenings
for our new mothers, AND women who are expecting.
•                     And through Thrive, our city now provides mental health
services at 25 of our largest senior centers.
•                     But, we aren’t doing this work alone.  We have some
amazing community partners.
•                     Earlier this year, 2,000 congregations all across NYC
devoted part of their services to talk about mental health during our city's
Weekend of Faith for Mental Health!
•                     This is the kind of PROGRESS we need to change the
culture around mental health — to help people understand how common
and treatable mental illness and substance misuse are.
•                     And this is the work we must continue.
•                     That's why it’s so important to re-elect my husband, Mayor
Bill de Blasio.
•                     So please tell your friends how THEY can get involved –
and why standing on the sidelines IS NOT an option.
•                     Thank you again for joining me here today and for your
support in helping us build a better future for our City.
•                     Praise be to God, and may you have a blessed day!

On Aug 31, 2017, at 1:11 PM, CJ Macklin <CJ.Macklin@berlinrosen.com> wrote:


Fordham Road Evangelical Lutheran Church Remarks

<!--[if !supportLists]-->• <!--[endif]-->Good Morning,

everyone!  What a WARM welcome.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->• <!--[endif]-->FIRST, I give honor to


<!--[if !supportLists]-->• <!--[endif]-->Through the written

word and the spoken word, may we know your living word – so
we may serve you now and always.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->• <!--[endif]-->Thank you Rev. Jonathan

Recabarren [WRECK-a-barren] and his lovely wife First Lady
Vilma Recabarren for all the work you do to create a stronger
and safer community – from building bridges between the faith
community and area police to leading gun buy back programs
to get guns off our streets.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->• <!--[endif]-->And I want to personally

thank you Reverend for the touching eulogy you gave Officer
Miosotis Familia, who was taken from us while protecting this

<!--[if !supportLists]-->• <!--[endif]-->I’d also like to thank

State Senator Gustavo Rivera for your great public service to
our City and State.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->• <!--[endif]-->And thank you Fordham


<!--[if !supportLists]-->• <!--[endif]-->You know, Coretta Scott

King – a woman of extraordinary faith – once said that, “The
greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the
compassionate actions of its members.”

<!--[if !supportLists]-->• <!--[endif]-->The COMPASSIONATE

WORK of this community reminds me just how much her words
still ring true.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->• <!--[endif]-->I’ve been working very

hard these last years on ThriveNYC.  Tell me, how many people
in this room have been affected by mental health; either
directly or through a loved one?

<!--[if !supportLists]-->• <!--[endif]-->ThriveNYC is what we

call the umbrella of mental health programs that provide vital
services to New Yorkers who need help RIGHT NOW.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->• <!--[endif]-->We’re just getting

started, but I’m pleased to say that Thrive is the most
comprehensive mental health plan of any city or state in the

<!--[if !supportLists]-->• <!--[endif]-->Because of Thrive, we

have a number ANY New Yorker can call FOR FREE, and get
information or get connected to mental health services.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->• <!--[endif]-->You can call for yourself

or you can call for a loved one.  Do you know the number?  It's
1-888-NYC Well.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->• <!--[endif]-->Because of ThriveNYC we

now have some form of mental health support in ALL our

<!--[if !supportLists]-->• <!--[endif]-->Because of Thrive we

have maternal depression screenings for our new mothers,
AND women who are expecting.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->• <!--[endif]-->And through Thrive, our

city now provides mental health services at 25 of our largest
senior centers.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->• <!--[endif]-->But, we aren’t doing this

work alone.  We have some amazing community partners.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->• <!--[endif]-->Earlier this year, 2,000

congregations from across NYC devoted their services to the
issue of mental health during our city's Weekend of Faith for
Mental Health!

<!--[if !supportLists]-->• <!--[endif]-->This is the kind of

PROGRESS we need to change the culture around mental
health — to help people understand how common and
treatable mental illness and substance misuse are.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->• <!--[endif]-->And this is the work we

must continue.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->• <!--[endif]-->That's why it’s so

important to re-elect my husband, Mayor Bill de Blasio.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->• <!--[endif]-->So please tell your

friends how THEY can get involved – and why standing on the
sidelines IS NOT an option.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->• <!--[endif]-->Thank you again for

joining me here today and for your support in helping us build
a better future for our City.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->• <!--[endif]-->Praise be to God, and

may you have a blessed day!

From: Bob Shaver
To: Sheena Wright; Suzette Hunte; "Jilly Stephens"; Jennifer McLean; Jenique Jones; "Stacey McCarthy"; Turk,
Barbara; Maharaj, Lamaunda; Bonilla, Grace (HRA); Clarke, Lewis H. (HEALTH); Ionescu, Simona F (HEALTH);
Laura Fahey; Tracy Perrizo; Neustadt, David; tietzd@hra.nyc.gov; philipm@hra.nyc.gov
Cc: Sam Greenberg; Ivan Barkhorn; Aaron Freedman; Timothy Bradley
Subject: Materials for Nikita Stewart interview
Date: Monday, September 04, 2017 9:19:04 PM
Attachments: 2017-08-30 Supply Gap for NYTimes.xlsx
2017-08-04 NYCFAC Nikita Stewart interview participant briefing 2.docx
2017-09-04 Interview for the NYT 2.pptx

Dear colleagues,
Thanks to many of you for participating on Friday’s call to prepare for our interview with Nikita
Stewart. It was very useful to align around a strategy together.
Following that discussion, Redstone agreed to provide several items to ensure that we are
coordinated heading into the meeting. To that end, I’m attaching:
A brief memo that includes:
The basic three-part agenda that we plan to use with Nikita
The arc of the Collaborative story that we hope to convey
Talking points for anticipated questions, including which organization will respond to
each question
Recommended pantries for Nikita to visit (Appendix A)
A short PowerPoint presentation to use during the meeting
An Excel table outlining the data we used to select the first 12 priority neighborhoods
David will share the recommended pantries (Appendix A) and Excel table with Nikita tomorrow (Tue)
– thanks, David!
If you have any suggestions on the PowerPoint or talking points, please share those with me before
12noon ET tomorrow (Tue). I will try to circulate a final version of both by 2pm ET tomorrow, before
I board a flight back to NYC.
I look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday at 9:30 at the Trust!
Bob Shaver | Redstone Strategy Group, LLC
203-535-2559 Direct | 303-606-7100 Main
Helping solve urgent social problems
NYC Supply Gap Analysis
This analysis informed the Collaborative's selection of its original 12 priority neighborhoods. Not
more than 12 NTAs selected, since in some cases neighboring NTAs were clustered into a signle

The Collaborative prioritized neighborhoods with a large Supply Gap, while also factoring in the
around the table (e.g., de-prioritizing Upper West Side) and seeking to work in a diverse poirtfo

Data is based on the Feeding America Meal Gap released in 2015, and on FY14 supply delivery d

NTA Priority Supply gap Meal gap

Code Name Neighborhood? (pounds) (pounds)
BK42 Flatbush, BK 1 3,726,263 5,091,410
MN03 Central Harlem North-Polo Grou 1 3,463,909 4,760,390
BK88 Borough Park, BK 1 3,431,706 4,397,590
BK82 East New York, BK 1 3,101,383 5,275,386
BK61 Crown Heights North, BK 0 2,817,032 6,430,221
MN12 Upper West Side, MN 0 2,688,929 4,023,339
BK31 Bay Ridge, BK 0 2,683,220 2,753,179
BK34 Sunset Park East, BK 1 2,668,440 2,999,508
MN36 Washington Heights South, MN 1 2,572,389 3,314,727
BK60 Prospect Lefferts Gardens-Wing 0 2,570,007 4,214,534
BK50 Canarsie, BK 0 2,468,826 3,777,036
BX14 East Concourse-Concourse Villag 1 2,436,261 3,143,909
QN70 Astoria, QN 0 2,359,590 2,703,596
MN28 Lower East Side, MN 1 2,203,904 2,991,165
QN28 Jackson Heights, QN 1 2,102,623 2,388,363
MN32 Yorkville, MN 0 2,081,865 2,158,939
BK28 Bensonhurst West, BK 0 2,044,965 3,183,804
MN31 Lenox Hill-Roosevelt Island, MN 0 2,014,462 2,211,482
QN22 Flushing, QN 1 2,013,371 2,602,929
BK17 Sheepshead Bay-Gerritsen Beac 1 1,993,160 2,081,844
BX62 Woodlawn-Wakefield, BX 1 1,890,644 1,985,738
MN04 Hamilton Heights, MN 0 1,844,893 2,306,611
BK77 Bushwick North, BK 0 1,837,968 2,235,728
BX41 Mount Hope, BX 1 1,836,214 2,620,917
BK81 Brownsville, BK 0 1,829,984 3,897,667
QN29 Elmhurst, QN 1 1,818,055 2,244,020
BX13 Co-op City, BX 1 1,783,478 1,888,776
BX44 Williamsbridge-Olinville, BX 0 1,767,483 3,527,127
QN17 Forest Hills, QN 0 1,754,929 2,179,299
BX03 Eastchester-Edenwald-Baychest 1 1,736,652 1,827,343
BK29 Bensonhurst East, BK 0 1,717,829 2,139,132
QN12 Hammels-Arverne-Edgemere, Q 0 1,704,284 1,964,996
MN35 Washington Heights North, MN 1 1,688,096 2,316,405
BX05 Bedford Park-Fordham North, B 0 1,685,202 2,226,217
BX43 Norwood, BX 0 1,683,159 1,786,999
BK72 Williamsburg, BK 0 1,641,284 1,733,183
BK75 Bedford, BK 0 1,613,561 3,874,665
QN20 Ridgewood, QN 0 1,601,529 1,898,007
BX09 Soundview-Castle Hill-Clason Po 0 1,590,776 1,903,866
BX28 Van Cortlandt Village, BX 0 1,568,902 1,872,038
MN09 Morningside Heights, MN 0 1,537,876 2,069,955
QN51 Murray Hill, QN 0 1,513,584 1,598,796
MN27 Chinatown, MN 0 1,493,659 2,214,116
BX26 Highbridge, BX 0 1,458,984 1,920,497
BX55 Soundview-Bruckner, BX 0 1,452,227 1,601,042
BX07 Bronxdale, BX 0 1,439,790 1,454,802
BK37 Park Slope-Gowanus, BK 0 1,437,679 1,714,840
BK32 Sunset Park West, BK 0 1,391,447 1,569,049
BK30 Dyker Heights, BK 0 1,365,732 1,434,648
BK41 Kensington-Ocean Parkway, BK 0 1,347,772 1,476,837
QN55 South Ozone Park, QN 0 1,336,399 2,479,995
BK43 Midwood, BK 0 1,326,022 1,993,813
BK25 Homecrest, BK 0 1,319,973 1,542,766
QN72 Steinway, QN 0 1,305,968 1,449,325
BK73 North Side-South Side, BK 0 1,284,638 1,587,336
BX17 East Tremont, BX 0 1,267,296 2,304,446
BK58 Flatlands, BK 0 1,264,658 2,781,703
BK91 East Flatbush-Farragut, BK 0 1,248,874 2,661,775
QN25 Corona, QN 0 1,223,719 1,533,284
BX46 Parkchester, BX 0 1,216,901 1,301,274
BX36 University Heights-Morris Heigh 0 1,214,698 2,850,500
MN13 Hudson Yards-Chelsea-Flat Iron- 0 1,214,032 2,068,322
MN23 West Village, MN 0 1,213,335 1,719,484
QN34 Queens Village, QN 0 1,203,206 2,030,199
MN20 Murray Hill-Kips Bay, MN 0 1,184,288 1,281,495
MN14 Lincoln Square, MN 0 1,177,798 1,480,068
BX52 Schuylerville-Throgs Neck-Edgew 0 1,136,683 1,139,904
BK63 Crown Heights South, BK 0 1,130,737 2,532,768
BK45 Georgetown-Marine Park-Berge 0 1,126,173 1,150,092
BK44 Madison, BK 0 1,123,623 1,194,360
BX31 Allerton-Pelham Gardens, BX 0 1,100,597 1,111,650
BX63 West Concourse, BX 0 1,088,717 1,830,703
BK19 Brighton Beach, BK 0 1,078,064 1,210,923
BX08 West Farms-Bronx River, BX 0 1,076,876 1,544,436
BX40 Fordham South, BX 0 1,074,811 1,439,718
QN38 Pomonok-Flushing Heights-Hillc 0 1,058,482 1,265,747
QN46 Bayside-Bayside Hills, QN 0 1,053,742 1,053,742
QN63 Woodside, QN 0 1,051,024 1,180,127
SI22 West New Brighton-New Bright 0 1,043,912 1,310,606
QN35 Briarwood-Jamaica Hills, QN 0 1,039,161 1,295,147
BK68 Fort Greene, BK 0 1,021,900 1,417,114
BK21 Seagate-Coney Island, BK 0 1,015,561 1,836,154
BK69 Clinton Hill, BK 0 988,964 1,472,684
QN05 Rosedale, QN 0 988,414 1,021,987
BX30 Kingsbridge Heights, BX 0 966,381 1,280,609
BX59 Westchester-Unionport, BX 0 964,820 1,027,373
MN33 East Harlem South, MN 0 958,173 2,601,693
BK33 Carroll Gardens-Columbia Street 0 948,492 1,309,319
BK26 Gravesend, BK 0 937,889 1,132,735
BK95 Erasmus, BK 0 925,439 1,814,478
BX37 Van Nest-Morris Park-Westches 0 922,609 945,787
BK38 DUMBO-Vinegar Hill-Downtown 0 911,048 1,465,514
BK83 Cypress Hills-City Line, BK 0 908,208 1,447,623
MN15 Clinton, MN 0 890,251 1,447,826
MN01 Marble Hill-Inwood, MN 0 887,841 1,786,984
BK76 Greenpoint, BK 0 866,063 1,013,349
QN53 Woodhaven, QN 0 845,696 1,309,545
MN19 Turtle Bay-East Midtown, MN 0 837,571 1,070,373
BK27 Bath Beach, BK 0 834,932 901,889
QN21 Middle Village, QN 0 816,712 843,835
MN40 Upper East Side-Carnegie Hill, M 0 806,845 949,067
SI05 New Springville-Bloomfield-Trav 1 805,697 813,371
BX49 Pelham Parkway, BX 0 801,621 892,989
QN52 East Flushing, QN 0 774,979 846,581
MN21 Gramercy, MN 0 759,107 843,415
MN50 Stuyvesant Town-Cooper Village 0 752,361 801,647
MN06 Manhattanville, MN 0 751,636 1,021,748
MN22 East Village, MN 0 748,644 1,458,585
BX75 Crotona Park East, BX 0 710,975 943,875
SI12 Mariner's Harbor-Arlington-Port 0 704,651 842,551
QN10 Breezy Point-Belle Harbor-Rock 0 699,977 699,977
QN18 Rego Park, QN 0 697,276 793,594
BX06 Belmont, BX 0 693,490 1,223,296
QN31 Hunters Point-Sunnyside-West M 0 685,592 1,632,807
SI54 Great Kills, SI 0 683,905 683,905
BK90 East Williamsburg, BK 0 681,521 1,193,733
MN25 Battery Park City-Lower Manhat 0 679,120 1,027,904
BX29 Spuyten Duyvil-Kingsbridge, BX 0 678,598 681,604
BX10 Pelham Bay-Country Club-City Is 0 678,299 678,627
QN19 Glendale, QN 0 673,999 688,343
BK35 Stuyvesant Heights, BK 0 672,265 4,016,338
QN49 Whitestone, QN 0 662,411 662,411
QN30 Maspeth, QN 0 651,501 661,938
QN37 Kew Gardens Hills, QN 0 649,293 1,124,274
QN71 Old Astoria, QN 0 617,118 1,069,581
BK93 Starrett City, BK 0 600,713 764,312
QN06 Jamaica Estates-Holliswood, QN 0 599,555 783,894
BK78 Bushwick South, BK 0 590,302 2,931,111
BK40 Windsor Terrace, BK 0 589,168 597,672
BK85 East New York (Pennsylvania Av 0 583,458 1,852,304
BX22 North Riverdale-Fieldston-River 0 582,660 604,956
QN62 Queensboro Hill, QN 0 581,528 584,256
QN23 College Point, QN 0 580,773 584,086
QN42 Oakland Gardens, QN 0 571,879 571,879
QN41 Fresh Meadows-Utopia, QN 0 559,553 559,553
QN47 Ft. Totten-Bay Terrace-Clearview 0 533,277 533,277
BK09 Brooklyn Heights-Cobble Hill, BK 0 510,918 615,600
QN56 Ozone Park, QN 0 510,857 516,254
QN02 Springfield Gardens North, QN 0 510,785 1,423,678
BX27 Hunts Point, BX 0 509,441 1,354,464
QN03 Springfield Gardens South-Broo 0 505,252 888,303
QN43 Bellerose, QN 0 503,718 520,888
QN57 Lindenwood-Howard Beach, QN 0 502,366 547,672
SI36 Old Town-Dongan Hills-South Be 1 500,968 590,427
QN15 Far Rockaway-Bayswater, QN 0 487,518 2,243,632
MN17 Midtown-Midtown South, MN 0 480,651 824,361
BK46 Ocean Parkway South, BK 0 473,202 677,573
MN24 SoHo-TriBeCa-Civic Center-Little 0 471,362 1,157,325
QN45 Douglas Manor-Douglaston-Litt 0 469,524 469,524
QN44 Glen Oaks-Floral Park-New Hyde 0 447,232 447,232
QN27 East Elmhurst, QN 0 441,836 512,089
QN48 Auburndale, QN 0 430,641 433,416
SI35 New Brighton-Silver Lake, SI 0 426,230 503,704
MN34 East Harlem North, MN 0 425,197 2,927,254
QN26 North Corona, QN 0 423,663 864,716
SI25 Oakwood-Oakwood Beach, SI 1 422,100 422,100
SI01 Annadale-Huguenot-Prince's Ba 0 416,607 502,287
SI45 New Dorp-Midland Beach, SI 0 412,181 412,181
SI48 Arden Heights, SI 1 394,304 394,304
QN76 Baisley Park, QN 0 371,208 1,617,143
QN60 Kew Gardens, QN 0 364,124 633,206
BK64 Prospect Heights, BK 0 344,620 668,751
SI11 Charleston-Richmond Valley-Tot 0 330,042 349,398
SI32 Rossville-Woodrow, SI 0 321,285 336,617
BK23 West Brighton, BK 0 317,435 530,412
QN07 Hollis, QN 0 288,034 959,122
SI07 Westerleigh, SI 0 259,612 467,365
BK96 Rugby-Remsen Village, BK 0 212,685 3,219,360
SI24 Todt Hill-Emerson Hill-Heartland 0 184,299 455,142
QN68 Queensbridge-Ravenswood-Lon 0 126,154 930,971
BX01 Claremont-Bathgate, BX 0 80,672 1,811,732
BX99 park-cemetery-etc-Bronx, BX 0 48,672 48,672
BK99 park-cemetery-etc-Brooklyn, BK 0 - -
BX98 Rikers Island, BX 0 - -
MN99 park-cemetery-etc-Manhattan, 0 - -
QN98 Airport, QN 0 - -
QN99 park-cemetery-etc-Queens, QN 0 - -
SI99 park-cemetery-etc-Staten Island 0 - -
MN11 Central Harlem South, MN 0 (23,742) 2,460,966
SI08 Grymes Hill-Clifton-Fox Hills, SI 0 (28,002) 862,279
QN50 Elmhurst-Maspeth, QN 0 (32,826) 571,881
SI14 Grasmere-Arrochar-Ft. Wadswo 0 (65,537) 384,142
QN61 Jamaica, QN 0 (191,843) 2,182,745
QN66 Laurelton, QN 0 (273,233) 966,983
SI28 Port Richmond, SI 0 (456,486) 484,954
BX39 Mott Haven-Port Morris, BX 0 (471,285) 2,463,411
QN33 Cambria Heights, QN 0 (485,543) 666,166
QN08 St. Albans, QN 0 (537,176) 2,326,560
BX33 Longwood, BX 0 (912,219) 1,126,785
SI37 Stapleton-Rosebank, SI 0 (1,019,373) 762,985
BX35 Morrisania-Melrose, BX 0 (1,147,978) 1,900,453
BK79 Ocean Hill, BK 0 (1,265,079) 1,934,225
BX34 Melrose South-Mott Haven Nor 0 (1,734,941) 1,974,533
QN54 Richmond Hill, QN 0 (3,411,893) 1,768,841
QN01 South Jamaica, QN 0 (3,549,640) 2,186,766
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Food Food
distribution insecure
(pounds) persons
1,365,146 23,969
1,296,481 22,395
965,884 20,703
2,174,003 24,835
3,613,188 30,272
1,334,410 18,928
69,959 12,961
331,069 14,121
742,338 15,594
1,644,527 19,841
1,308,210 17,781
707,648 14,797
344,006 12,721
787,261 14,072
285,740 11,238
77,074 10,157
1,138,838 14,989
197,020 10,404
589,558 12,247
88,684 9,801
95,094 9,346
461,718 10,851
397,760 10,525
784,703 12,335
2,067,683 18,349
425,965 10,558
105,299 8,890
1,759,643 16,600
424,370 10,254
90,692 8,600
421,304 10,071
260,712 9,246
628,309 10,898
541,015 10,478
103,840 8,411
91,899 8,159
2,261,104 18,241
296,477 8,930
313,091 8,961
303,136 8,811
532,079 9,738
85,212 7,523
720,458 10,416
461,513 9,039
148,814 7,535
15,012 6,847
277,161 8,073
177,602 7,387
68,916 6,754
129,065 6,953
1,143,596 11,669
667,791 9,386
222,792 7,263
143,357 6,819
302,698 7,473
1,037,150 10,846
1,517,045 13,096
1,412,901 12,531
309,565 7,214
84,373 6,124
1,635,802 13,416
854,291 9,730
506,150 8,089
826,994 9,552
97,207 6,029
302,270 6,963
3,222 5,365
1,402,031 11,924
23,919 5,414
70,737 5,623
11,052 5,232
741,986 8,616
132,859 5,701
467,560 7,269
364,907 6,776
207,265 5,955
- 4,958
129,103 5,553
266,693 6,162
255,986 6,094
395,214 6,671
820,593 8,644
483,720 6,933
33,573 4,809
314,228 6,027
62,552 4,835
1,643,520 12,240
360,827 6,164
194,846 5,333
889,039 8,542
23,178 4,451
554,466 6,899
539,415 6,815
557,574 6,811
899,143 8,407
147,286 4,771
463,849 6,162
232,802 5,036
66,958 4,246
27,123 3,970
142,222 4,465
7,674 3,824
91,369 4,203
71,601 3,983
84,308 3,968
49,286 3,771
270,113 4,807
709,942 6,862
232,900 4,442
137,900 3,961
- 3,293
96,318 3,734
529,806 5,757
947,215 7,683
- 3,216
512,212 5,620
348,784 4,836
3,006 3,208
328 3,194
14,343 3,239
3,344,073 18,908
- 3,117
10,437 3,114
474,982 5,290
452,463 5,033
163,600 3,598
184,340 3,688
2,340,809 13,799
8,505 2,814
1,268,845 8,720
22,296 2,847
2,728 2,749
3,313 2,748
- 2,691
- 2,633
- 2,509
104,682 2,898
5,398 2,429
912,893 6,699
845,023 6,375
383,051 4,180
17,170 2,451
45,306 2,577
89,458 2,776
1,756,114 10,557
343,710 3,878
204,371 3,190
685,963 5,445
- 2,209
- 2,104
70,253 2,409
2,775 2,039
77,474 2,368
2,502,057 13,771
441,053 4,069
- 1,985
85,679 2,362
- 1,938
- 1,854
1,245,935 7,609
269,083 2,979
324,131 3,148
19,357 1,643
15,333 1,583
212,977 2,497
671,088 4,513
207,753 2,197
3,006,675 15,156
270,843 2,140
804,816 4,380
1,731,061 8,527
- 229
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
2,484,708 11,578
890,281 4,054
604,707 2,691
449,679 1,806
2,374,588 10,270
1,240,215 4,550
941,440 2,280
2,934,696 11,594
1,151,709 3,134
2,863,735 10,947
2,039,004 5,303
1,782,359 3,587
3,048,431 8,945
3,199,304 9,106
3,709,474 9,293
5,180,735 8,323
5,736,406 10,289
August 4, 2017


This brief prepares NYC Food Assistance Collaborative participants for an interview with Nikita
Stewart of the NY Times on Wednesday, August 6th. It outlines out approach to the meeting, the
narrative arc of the Collaborative story, and roles and talking points for meeting participants.

1. Our approach to the meeting

This interview provides an opportunity to build support for the Collaborative members’ work
among NYC philanthropic funders, local politicians, and thoughtful individual donors. To
demonstrate the spirt of collaboration, representatives from Collaborative member organizations
will conduct a group interview with a reporter on August 6th. The group interview will take place in
three parts:
• A representative from Helmsley will open the meeting by describing their motivation for
initiating the Collaborative (5 to 10 minutes).
• Redstone will provide an overview of the Collaborative’s story, supported by slides (15 to 20
minutes – slides under separate cover).
• Collaborative member representatives will respond to the reporter’s questions on different
topics, as outlined below

2. The Collaborative’s story

The story we hope to convey about the Collaborative contains four parts:
1. Helmsley convened the collaborative to solve a discrete problem within five years, through a
one-time infusion of about $10 million in funds and support
2. The Collaborative came together to solve four problems that were impeding NYC’s
response to hunger:
a. The charitable food system was unusually complex, with multiple players and limited
b. Food distribution was occurring inequitably across NYC neighborhoods
c. Metrics in use by key players did not account for improvements
d. And technology was quite limited across the system
3. Over the last three years, the Collaborative has achieved five major goals that address these
problems. Specifically, it:
a. Established a common metric (supply gap) and information-sharing system
(FeedNYC) to better match supply with need
b. Strengthened pantry capacity at over 60 programs to distribute safe, nutritious food
c. Increased food supply to 12 underserved areas
d. Better served clients through technology and coordination (Plentiful)
e. Raised money for these improvements
4. The Collaborative is building on this success with four additional goals (CAP addendum)

3. Talking points for anticipated questions

1. Describe the origin of the Collaborative.

Respondent: Helmsley
Helmsley cares about the well-being of New Yorkers, and has made major investments to improve
the lives of New Yorkers, through our NYC Regional Grants Program. With over a million food
insecure people living in NYC and a complex system of charitable food providers, there was a need
to improve coordination and create a strong infrastructure for working together. As a relatively new
funder, we also recognized the need to collaborate closely with other funders and stakeholders who
know the City and its workings.
Our investment to launch the Collaborative assembled the major charitable food players to build on
their expertise to create systems-level change. We recognized an opportunity to make one-time,
time-limited investments to improve coordination among the City’s food providers.
Now, with so many partners working closely together across the city, we feel delighted to have
achieved our goal to improve the health and well-being of New Yorkers in need.

2. Which organizations are members of the Collaborative?

The New York City Food Assistance Collaborative is a coalition of large charitable food distributors
and funders in New York City, including City Harvest, United Way of NYC, NYC Mayor’s Office
of Food Policy, NYC Human Resources Administration’s Emergency Food Assistance Program
(EFAP), and NY State Dept. of Health’s Hunger Prevention and Nutrition Assistance Program

3. Is Food Bank involved?

The Collaborative would not have been nearly as successful if we had not had Food Bank at the
table for the planning phase. They are an important player in NYC hunger relief, and their
willingness to offer their perspectives, share information, and coordinate resulted in better plans.
Food Bank chose not to participate in the implementation phase, but Collaborative members
continue to coordinate with them as an important part of NYC’s response to hunger.

4. Can you describe some of the challenges and successes of building EFP capacity?
We have developed a systematic approach to investing in pantry capacity in underserved
neighborhoods. We use information that Collaborative members have agreed to share – such as the
amount of food being distributed to pantries in each neighborhood – to identify promising pantries
and CBOs. Our capacity building staff conduct initial screening visits, to identify high-probability
pantries. Then, members of all Collaborative organizations conduct day-long neighborhood visits,
where we pile into a van to visit pantries, interview their leadership, size up their potential, and
determine what kind of support we can provide them. These van trips have become a symbol of our
work. They are efficient, strategic, and fun!
One of the things that is a barrier for many pantries is a lack of reliable staff capacity. Running a
high quality pantry requires dedicated capacity, week in and week out, yet many food pantries across
the City are run by volunteers. Helmsley has provided much-needed funding for one-time costs like
refrigerators and shelving, but they are unable to support ongoing staff costs. EFAP has tried to fill
this gap, by allowing some of our annual funding for food programs to be used toward staff support
and other ongoing administrative needs. This has been a boon for many pantries across the City.
City Harvest
One thing that we have discovered is that underserved neighborhoods often lack pantry
infrastructure. It is not uncommon to visit a priority neighborhood and find very few pantries that
have the capacity to grow. To increase the food flowing into these areas, we have had to rely on
innovative distribution models, which is something that is a strategic priority for City Harvest.
Through our Mobile Markets, which provide twice-a-month farmers’ market-style distributions, or
pop-up pantry models that utilize temporary infrastructure, we have been able to meet the needs of
more of our priority neighborhoods.
NYC is a city of immigrants, and many of the pantries in our priority neighborhoods serve
immigrant families. Often, the pantry directors and volunteers speak a different language than the
pantry clients, which creates a communication challenge. In partnership with the NYC Office of
Immigrant Affairs, the Collaborative has been able to recruit multi-lingual pantry volunteers to
match gaps in language capacity that we uncover in the field.

5. Describe some of the efficiencies you have you seen as a result of this work.
United Way
Before the Collaborative decided to invest in sharing information, a food pantry in NYC might be
visited by site visitors from as many as five organizations, each with a slightly different set of
questions and requirements. One of the things we did as a Collaborative was to compare these
questions, and we found that there were over 400 unique questions that a single pantry might be
asked. What’s more, each time a site visitor came to an agency, they would ask these questions
afresh, even though the answers were unlikely to change. Through concerted effort, we got this
down to about 50 common questions, and through the technology of FeedNYC.org, we now have
an electronic form that pre-populates the most recent site-visit data, to eliminate hours of useless
data gathering. Our site visitors can now spend their time helping pantries accomplish their goals of
serving more New Yorkers.
City Harvest
Another improvement is our common approach to assessing the capacity of food pantries. We
agreed on five categories that we all care about – compliance, client dignity, distribution efficiency,
resilience, and access to other services – and our common site visit form captures information about
each of these. And we built simple reporting tools that allow our site visitors to create a simple
report that illustrates a pantry’s capacity on each of those dimensions.
Another improvement is our ability to see inequity in the types of foods that different pantries and
neighborhoods receive. EFAP makes bulk orders of certain products, which are made available to
nearly every pantry across the city. Prior to the Collaborative, we had limited insight into what kinds
of food other distributors were providing. However, with shared data, we have been able to identify
gaps in certain product types – such as dairy – and to see that some neighborhoods receive a far
lower percentage of high-value foods like protein and fresh produce. We now think about how to fill
those gaps when we are preparing our bulk orders.

6. How will you ensure continued funding? Will Helmsley keep supporting this?
From the very beginning of the Collaborative, we have planned for Helmsley’s exit given the
premise of our NYC program, which is that we seek to solve specific and time-bound problems
across in a variety of settings. That is why we sought guidance from the major funders of the
charitable food system, including Robin Hood, Tisch, NY Community Trust, Clark, and Starr in
developing a vision for the Collaborative. It is also why we have continued to engage these funders
in the process for the last three years, as well as other key stakeholders, to help ensure ongoing
success. We expect the core investments of the Collaborative to be sustained in different ways. For
instance, FeedNYC will continue to be supported by the NYS Department of Health, and food
increases to priority neighborhoods will continue to be a part of budget planning for participating
institutions. We also believe, as do our colleagues around the table, that this collaboration can
support more improvements to the charitable food system, if additional funding and support can be

7. How did the idea of Plentiful come about?

City Harvest
Most pantries have not changed their approach to distribution in thirty years. They rely on pen and
paper sign-in sheets. They use a telephone to communicate individually with their clients. And they
are run by time-strapped volunteers. The result is that families seeking charitable food have to wait
in long lines to get food.
When the Collaborative looked into technology solutions to solve these problems, we found an
array of products that are designed to make it easier for pantries – variations on Salesforce for food
pantries. But there were two problems: most pantries don’t have the capacity to operate complex
client management systems, and even if they did, these systems do little to improve the experience
of clients. So, we decided to create something new that would meet the pantries needs and improve
the experience for clients, by eliminating lines, which is how we came up with Plentiful.
Our investment in Plentiful is at an earlier stage than our capacity building work. While our initial
results are that pantries and clients really like it, we have many questions still to answer about how to
make it a long-term success.

8. How will changes to federal food legislation or SNAP cuts affect the Collaborative?
SNAP cuts or other reductions in support for families using charitable food would be devastating to
millions of New Yorkers. But the actual need for charitable food today in NYC is already more than
double the amount of food that is currently provided. So, we are accustomed to making efficient use
of limited resources.

9. How is the Collaborative different from the Policy Committee?

The Collaborative’s work builds on the long-term efforts of the Policy Committee on NYC Hunger
Resources. For instance, the Policy Committee built the original FeedNYC, and has convened a
similar group of players since the 1990s. The Collaborative – through support from Helmsley and
Redstone – has been able to take advantage of significant one-time resources, to make a substantial
impact on problems that the Policy Committee has discussed for many years.
Appendix A: Recommended pantries
The following is a list of pantries in Collaborative priority neighborhoods that received notable
investments to establish or expand service. They represent pantries with operating hours during the
week of Sep. 4th, and with pantry directors that are likely to provide an interesting and compelling
perspective on the problem of hunger in NYC and the Collaborative’s work.

• South Asian Council on Social Services is a new pantry in an existing CBO specializing in
serving South Asian communities. Investments include renovations and startup support.
o Fridays, 11 am – 1 pm, or during non-distribution times since they have full-time staff
• La Jornada is a large pantry in the historic St. George’s Episcopal Church. Collaborative
investments helped the pantry to distribute more food and convert to a client choice model.
o Saturdays, 1 pm – 3 pm
• YWCA of Queens operates a new ‘pop-up pantry’ within an existing CBO. It specializes in
serving Korean and Chinese communities.
o 1 Saturdays, 10 am – 12 pm

Jackson Heights/Elmhurst
• Evangelical Church Christ is the Light is an existing pantry. Collaborative investments
helped it to double food distribution, convert to client choice, and pilot Plentiful.
o Fridays, 9 am- 11 am
• Salvation Army Queens Temple Corps is a small pantry with soup kitchen that we
transitioned to client choice and helped to increase the quantity of food distributed.
o Wednesdays, 9 – 10 am, or during non-distribution times since they have full-time staff

Borough Park
• Masbia of Boro Park is part of the Masbia network, which serves Jewish and non-Jewish
clients. Collaborative investments funded the renovation for an expanded new site that
houses both a client choice pantry and soup kitchen.
o Thursdays, 8 am – 12noon
• Goke operates a very diverse pantry line in the Borough Park catchment area. Collaborative
investments helped expand cold storage and distribution equipment, provide access to fresh
produce from City Harvest, double the amount of food distributed, and launch Plentiful.
st rd nd th
o 1 & 3 Tuesdays, 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm, and 2 & 4 Saturdays 11 am – 2 pm

East New York

• Christian Cultural Center is a major existing pantry. Our investments bought new
equipment and more food, to enable extended operating hours.
o Thursdays, 9 am – 2 pm
• Pink Houses Pop-up, is a new pop-up pantry in a large public housing complex.
o 2nd & 4th Tuesdays, 10 am – 12 pm

Other neighborhoods
• La Puerta Estrecha in Inwood is a new pantry in a large church. They were an early
Plentiful adopter and are committed to client service.
o Saturday, 10 am – 12 pm
• Nazareth Housing in Grand Concourse is an existing pantry in a CBO that significantly
increased food distributed, doubled service hours, and converted to client choice.
o Wednesdays, 8:30 – 10:30am
• Grant Street Settlement Pop-up pantry in the Lower East Side is a new pop-up pantry
that was started within an existing CBO
o 2 Mondays, 10 am – 12 pm
From: Turk, Barbara
To: "Neustadt, David"; Bob Shaver; Sheena Wright; Suzette Hunte; "Jilly Stephens"; Jennifer McLean; Jenique
Jones; "Stacey McCarthy"; Maharaj, Lamaunda; Bonilla, Grace (HRA); Clarke, Lewis H. (HEALTH); Ionescu,
Simona F (HEALTH); Laura Fahey; Tracy Perrizo; Tietz, Daniel; Philip, Marie
Cc: Sam Greenberg; Ivan Barkhorn; Aaron Freedman; Timothy Bradley
Subject: RE: Materials for Nikita Stewart interview
Date: Tuesday, September 05, 2017 9:29:20 AM

I’ll call you now.

From: Neustadt, David [mailto:neustadtd@hra.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2017 9:26 AM
To: Bob Shaver; Sheena Wright; Suzette Hunte; 'Jilly Stephens'; Jennifer McLean; Jenique Jones;
'Stacey McCarthy'; Turk, Barbara; Maharaj, Lamaunda; Bonilla, Grace (HRA); Clarke, Lewis H.
(HEALTH); Ionescu, Simona F (HEALTH); Laura Fahey; Tracy Perrizo; Tietz, Daniel; Philip, Marie
Cc: Sam Greenberg; Ivan Barkhorn; Aaron Freedman; Timothy Bradley
Subject: RE: Materials for Nikita Stewart interview
Good morning. who can help me understand the excel table with the data please. need to do that
asap so I can send. Thanks.
From: Bob Shaver [mailto:bobshaver@redstonestrategy.com]
Sent: Monday, September 04, 2017 9:14 PM
To: Sheena Wright; Suzette Hunte; 'Jilly Stephens'; Jennifer McLean; Jenique Jones; 'Stacey McCarthy';
Turk, Barbara; Maharaj, Lamaunda; Bonilla, Grace C; Clarke, Lewis H. (HEALTH); Ionescu, Simona F
(HEALTH); Laura Fahey; Tracy Perrizo; Neustadt, David; Tietz, Daniel; Philip, Marie
Cc: Sam Greenberg; Ivan Barkhorn; Aaron Freedman; Timothy Bradley
Subject: Materials for Nikita Stewart interview
Dear colleagues,
Thanks to many of you for participating on Friday’s call to prepare for our interview with Nikita
Stewart. It was very useful to align around a strategy together.
Following that discussion, Redstone agreed to provide several items to ensure that we are
coordinated heading into the meeting. To that end, I’m attaching:
· A brief memo that includes:
o The basic three-part agenda that we plan to use with Nikita
o The arc of the Collaborative story that we hope to convey
o Talking points for anticipated questions, including which organization will respond to
each question
o Recommended pantries for Nikita to visit (Appendix A)
· A short PowerPoint presentation to use during the meeting
· An Excel table outlining the data we used to select the first 12 priority neighborhoods
David will share the recommended pantries (Appendix A) and Excel table with Nikita tomorrow (Tue)
– thanks, David!
If you have any suggestions on the PowerPoint or talking points, please share those with me before
12noon ET tomorrow (Tue). I will try to circulate a final version of both by 2pm ET tomorrow, before
I board a flight back to NYC.
I look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday at 9:30 at the Trust!
Bob Shaver | Redstone Strategy Group, LLC
203-535-2559 Direct | 303-606-7100 Main
Helping solve urgent social problems
From: Turk, Barbara
To: "Neustadt, David"; Bob Shaver; Sheena Wright; Suzette Hunte; "Jilly Stephens"; Jennifer McLean; Jenique Jones;
"Stacey McCarthy"; Maharaj, Lamaunda; Bonilla, Grace (HRA); Clarke, Lewis H. (HEALTH); Ionescu, Simona F
(HEALTH); Laura Fahey; Tracy Perrizo; Tietz, Daniel; Philip, Marie
Cc: Sam Greenberg; Ivan Barkhorn; Aaron Freedman; Timothy Bradley
Subject: RE: Materials for Nikita Stewart interview
Date: Tuesday, September 05, 2017 2:14:47 PM

David, I’m familiar with the backstory.  Will call.

From: Neustadt, David [mailto:neustadtd@hra.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2017 2:07 PM
To: Bob Shaver; Sheena Wright; Suzette Hunte; 'Jilly Stephens'; Jennifer McLean; Jenique Jones; 'Stacey
McCarthy'; Turk, Barbara; Maharaj, Lamaunda; Bonilla, Grace (HRA); Clarke, Lewis H. (HEALTH); Ionescu,
Simona F (HEALTH); Laura Fahey; Tracy Perrizo; Tietz, Daniel; Philip, Marie
Cc: Sam Greenberg; Ivan Barkhorn; Aaron Freedman; Timothy Bradley
Subject: RE: Materials for Nikita Stewart interview
Heads up. Nikita says she will be asking a completely unrelated question about the Daily News story about
the Dept of Education sending bad chicken to homeless shelters.
Here is the story if you have not seen it:
utm content=buffer17c6e&utm medium=social&utm source=twitter.com&utm campaign=Gsmith+Twitter

from the story:

“Rather than toss the drumsticks, education officials told the distributors to give the chicken
to the Food Bank for New York City and City Harvest.”
“Representatives from Somma Foods and City Harvest did not respond to requests for
comment. A food bank official said his group did not have the chicken.”
From: Bob Shaver [mailto:bobshaver@redstonestrategy.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2017 10:39 AM
To: Neustadt, David; Sheena Wright; Suzette Hunte; 'Jilly Stephens'; Jennifer McLean; Jenique Jones; 'Stacey
McCarthy'; Turk, Barbara; Maharaj, Lamaunda; Bonilla, Grace C; Clarke, Lewis H. (HEALTH); Ionescu, Simona F
(HEALTH); Laura Fahey; Tracy Perrizo; Tietz, Daniel; Philip, Marie
Cc: Sam Greenberg; Ivan Barkhorn; Aaron Freedman; Timothy Bradley
Subject: RE: Materials for Nikita Stewart interview
Thanks, David!
Excellent point. We’ll work on a talking point in response to that question.
Bob Shaver | Redstone Strategy Group, LLC
203-535-2559 Direct | 303-606-7100 Main
Helping solve urgent social problems
From: Neustadt, David [mailto:neustadtd@hra.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, September 5, 2017 10:36 AM
To: Bob Shaver <bobshaver@redstonestrategy.com>; Sheena Wright <swright@uwnyc.org>; Suzette
Hunte <shunte@uwnyc.org>; 'Jilly Stephens' <jstephens@cityharvest.org>; Jennifer McLean
<jmclean@cityharvest.org>; Jenique Jones <JJones@cityharvest.org>; 'Stacey McCarthy'
<smccarthy@uwnyc.org>; Turk, Barbara <BTurk@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Maharaj, Lamaunda
<maharajl@hra.nyc.gov>; Bonilla, Grace C <bonillagr@hra.nyc.gov>; Clarke, Lewis H. (HEALTH)
<lewis.clarke@health.ny.gov>; Ionescu, Simona F (HEALTH) <simona.ionescu@health.ny.gov>; Laura Fahey
<LFahey@helmsleytrust.org>; Tracy Perrizo <TPerrizo@helmsleytrust.org>; Tietz, Daniel
<tietzd@hra.nyc.gov>; Philip, Marie <philipm@hra.nyc.gov>
Cc: Sam Greenberg <samgreenberg@redstonestrategy.com>; Ivan Barkhorn
<ivanbarkhorn@redstonestrategy.com>; Aaron Freedman <Aaron.Freedman@berlinrosen.com>; Timothy
Bradley <Tim@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Materials for Nikita Stewart interview
Materials look excellent to me. fantastic job.
One question we will need to be able to discuss is how we selected the 12 priority areas since the data
seems to indicate that we left off some very high need areas with low current supply.
From: Bob Shaver [mailto:bobshaver@redstonestrategy.com]
Sent: Monday, September 04, 2017 9:14 PM
To: Sheena Wright; Suzette Hunte; 'Jilly Stephens'; Jennifer McLean; Jenique Jones; 'Stacey McCarthy'; Turk,
Barbara; Maharaj, Lamaunda; Bonilla, Grace C; Clarke, Lewis H. (HEALTH); Ionescu, Simona F (HEALTH);
Laura Fahey; Tracy Perrizo; Neustadt, David; Tietz, Daniel; Philip, Marie
Cc: Sam Greenberg; Ivan Barkhorn; Aaron Freedman; Timothy Bradley
Subject: Materials for Nikita Stewart interview
Dear colleagues,
Thanks to many of you for participating on Friday’s call to prepare for our interview with Nikita Stewart. It
was very useful to align around a strategy together.
Following that discussion, Redstone agreed to provide several items to ensure that we are coordinated
heading into the meeting. To that end, I’m attaching:
· A brief memo that includes:
o The basic three-part agenda that we plan to use with Nikita
o The arc of the Collaborative story that we hope to convey
o Talking points for anticipated questions, including which organization will respond to each
o Recommended pantries for Nikita to visit (Appendix A)
· A short PowerPoint presentation to use during the meeting
· An Excel table outlining the data we used to select the first 12 priority neighborhoods
David will share the recommended pantries (Appendix A) and Excel table with Nikita tomorrow (Tue) –
thanks, David!
If you have any suggestions on the PowerPoint or talking points, please share those with me before
12noon ET tomorrow (Tue). I will try to circulate a final version of both by 2pm ET tomorrow, before I
board a flight back to NYC.
I look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday at 9:30 at the Trust!
Bob Shaver | Redstone Strategy Group, LLC
203-535-2559 Direct | 303-606-7100 Main
Helping solve urgent social problems
From: Jeremy Soffin
To: Norvell, Wiley; Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: cornell
Date: Friday, September 08, 2017 5:01:54 PM
Attachments: Cornell Tech Ribbon-Cutting Press Release.docx

Release attached.
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2017 4:33 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>; Grace, Melissa <MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: cornell
Sure. Can buzz me at
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2017 4:32 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley; Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: cornell
Yes, do you have a minute to discuss?
Will have latest release to you by EOD.
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2017 4:29 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>; Grace, Melissa <MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: cornell
And is Cornell Tech working on any big picture story for day-of like NYT?
From: Norvell, Wiley
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2017 4:20 PM
To: 'Jeremy Soffin'; Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: cornell
Hey Jeremy,
Got a paper release I can look at?
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2017 12:53 PM
To: Grace, Melissa
Cc: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: cornell
Hey Wiley, let me know if you want to jump on phone. Thanks.
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2017 12:46 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: cornell
Hi Jeremy, Cc’ing Wiley who is running this one.
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2017 12:41 PM
To: Grace, Melissa
Subject: cornell
Hey Melissa, hope you had a good holiday.
The Cornell dedication is coming up next week, please let me know if there’s someone on your team
who is coordinating remarks, etc that we should be in touch with. Thanks!
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 13, 2017
Contact: Lauren Tsuboyama or Kate Treen, 646-452-5637
Photos: Download photos via the Cornell Tech press kit[LINK]

Cornell Tech Campus Opens on Roosevelt Island,

Marking Transformational Milestone for Tech in NYC
Cornell Tech is reinventing graduate research and education focused on digital
technologies and their impact on individuals, society and the economy

Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute at Cornell Tech is a new kind of global academic

partnership on research, education and technology commercialization

Transformational new campus is the first ever built for the digital age, reimagining
academic space and pioneering new standards in sustainability and energy efficiency

NEW YORK CITY – Cornell Tech today celebrated the official opening of its campus on
Roosevelt Island with a dedication event attended by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, New
York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, former mayor Mike Bloomberg, Cornell University President
Martha Pollack, Technion President Peretz Lavie and Cornell Tech Dean Daniel Huttenlocher.
Cornell Tech is the first campus ever built for the digital age, bringing together academia and
industry to create pioneering leaders and transformational new research, products, companies
and social ventures. Today marks the opening of the first phase of the Roosevelt Island
campus, which features some of the most environmentally friendly and energy efficient buildings
in the world.

In 2011, Cornell Tech was named the winner of Mayor Mike Bloomberg’s Administration’s
visionary Applied Sciences Competition, designed with the goal of diversifying the economy and
creating a national hub for tech. The City estimated the new campus would generate up to
8,000 permanent jobs, hundreds of spin-off companies and more than $23 billion in economic
activity over the next 30 years.

“Cornell Tech is the latest in Cornell University’s great impact on and history in New York,” said
Cornell University President Martha Pollack. “We’re proud to share this historic milestone
with our partners at the Technion. The new campus is a modern day land grant institution -- just
like our founding in Ithaca -- and it is our strong commitment to give back to New York. At
Cornell Tech, we have created a center for impact and innovation in New York City, spinning
out our next great tech leaders, ideas, and the research that will drive change in the digital age.”

Quote from Peretz Lavie

Quote from Governor Cuomo
Quote from Mayor de Blasio

"Cornell Tech is an investment in the future of New York City — a future that belongs to the
generations to come, and the students here will help build it. Technological innovation played a
central role in New York City becoming a global economic capital – and it must continue to play
a central role for New York to remain a global economic capital. The companies and innovations
spawned by Cornell Tech graduates will generate jobs for people across the economic
spectrum and help our city compete with tech centers around the world, from Silicon Valley to
Seoul,” said Mike Bloomberg.

“I’m thrilled that the Cornell Tech campus is finally opening on Roosevelt Island,” said
Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney. “With its proximity to Manhattan and to industrial space
in Western Queens, Roosevelt Island is the perfect setting for an educational institution, which
is which is why I worked hard to ensure that it was selected when the City was considering
locations for the new applied science campus. Cornell Tech will help us diversify our economic
base and bring jobs through new startups. A New York school generates New York businesses
and employs New Yorkers. As students are welcomed to the new campus, we know this is just
the beginning – and that the future for this institution will be bright.”

"As our world becomes more tech centered, the Cornell Tech campus will allow New York City
to be at the heart of the innovation, leadership -- and most importantly, jobs -- in this space. This
campus will bring academics, research and business together and educate the bright minds of
our future. I look forward to seeing all that Cornell Tech has to offer our City, and to working with
Cornell Tech to ensure that New Yorkers from every corner of our City benefit from this world-
class institution," said Public Advocate Letitia James.

Academic Program & Research

Cornell Tech started up in a temporary space generously provided by Google and has already
graduated more than 300 masters and doctoral students, with most entering the New York City
tech sector after graduation by joining local companies or starting their own. Masters students
across all programs -- computer science, law, business, electrical engineering, operations
research, connective media and health tech -- spend time learning and working collaboratively
together in a Studio curriculum with extensive engagement with the tech industry. The projects
students pursue in the Studio encourage them to practice entrepreneurship, product design,
tech and public policy, management and other skills, helping them graduate with tangible,
marketable experience and a portfolio of completed work that will help launch their career.

Cornell Tech’s 30-member faculty has launched cutting-edge research groups in the areas of
Human-Computer Interaction and Social Computing, Security and Privacy, Artificial Intelligence,
Data and Modeling, and Business, Law and Policy. All of the faculty have a focus on applied
research and having a real world impact.
“We are entering a new era for tech in New York, and the Cornell Tech campus is at the heart of
it. Cornell Tech was given the rare opportunity to create a campus and academic program from
scratch. The opening of our new campus brings together academic disciplines critical to the
digital transformation of society and the economy, together with companies, early stage
investors, and government to spark innovation and help improve lives of people throughout the
City, country and world,” said Cornell Tech Dean Daniel Huttenlocher.

Quote from Bob Harrison

The Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute at Cornell Tech is a unique academic partnership of two
leading global universities, the Technion Israel Institute of Technology and Cornell. The Institute
houses the Health Tech and Connective Media programs, where students receive dual degrees
from Cornell and the Technion, and the Jacobs Runway Startup Postdoc program for recent
tech PhDs.The Runway program has been responsible for about half of the more than 30
companies that have spun out of Cornell Tech campus with more than $20 million in funds
raised and employing more than 100 people.

Quote from Ron Brachman

Cornell Tech’s mission of collaboration and innovation is reflected in the physical design of its
Roosevelt Island campus. It is a new type of urban campus that provides space to think, but is
also integrated—in both mission and design—with the city. The campus master plan was
designed by Skidmore, Owings & Merrill and includes a number of innovative features and
facilities across a river-to-river campus with expansive views, a series of green, public spaces
and a seamless integration of indoor and outdoor areas. The campus has some of the most
environmentally friendly and energy efficient buildings in the world.

Quote from SOM

The first phase of the campus includes:

The Emma and Georgina Bloomberg Center is the first academic building on campus. Cornell
University received a $100 million gift from Bloomberg Philanthropies in 2014 for the building.
Designed by Pritzker Prize-winning architect Thom Mayne of Morphosis Architects, the building
is a departure from traditional academic facilities with an open plan and extensive collaborative
as well as private work spaces, adapting open plan offices from the tech world to the academic
arena. Cornell is aspiring for the building to be among the largest net-zero energy buildings in
the United States, with all of its power generated on campus. Art is a key component of The
Bloomberg Center, with newly commissioned works throughout the building by artists Alison
Elizabeth Taylor, Michael Riedel, Matthew Ritchie and Matthew Day Jackson. The building also
features a ground-floor cafe and a custom room that houses a Works Projects Administration
(WPA) Federal Art Project mural by Ilya Bolotowsky, from the decommissioned Goldwater
Memorial Hospital previously on the Cornell Tech site which has been carefully restored.
Quote from Morphosis

The Bridge, designed by Weiss/Manfredi and developed by Forest City New York, is a first-of-
its-kind building that houses an extraordinary mix of cutting-edge companies working alongside
groundbreaking Cornell academic teams: from recent Cornell Tech graduates hustling to
commercialize a new idea, to start-ups on the verge of explosive growth and established
companies developing leading edge technologies and products. Tech and investment firm Two
Sigma is opening a Collision Lab in the building where engineers from its R&D team will tackle
difficult challenges away from the company’s main campus and interact with innovative start-up
companies backed by Two Sigma Ventures. Citigroup is taking space to engage with Cornell
University students, faculty, researchers, startups and other companies and create closer ties
between academia and industry. Ferrero International S.A., the Italian confectionary group and
one of the world’s largest manufacturers of chocolates, is taking space for its Open Innovation
Science division to explore digital age innovation in the food industry.

“By bringing academia and industry together under one roof at The Bridge, we are driving
innovation and economic growth for New York,” said MaryAnne Gilmartin, President and CEO
of Forest City New York. “The Bridge is welcoming an incredible mix of companies who want
to work alongside some of the top tech talent New York City has to offer, and get a competitive
advantage to bring their ideas and new products to market.”

Quote from Weiss/Manfredi

The House, designed by Handel Architects and developed by The Hudson Companies and
Related Companies, is the tallest and largest residential Passive House high-rise in the world.
Passive House is the strict international building standard that drastically reduces energy
consumption while creating a healthier and more comfortable living environment for a fraction of
residents’ usual energy costs. Cornell faculty, staff and students live at The House, giving the
campus 24/7 activity.

"We are very excited to bring this first of its kind building to the New York City market. We have
been humbled to be a part of this amazing campus, working with an incredible team of
architects, engineers and contractors,” said David Kramer, President of The Hudson
Companies. “We hope that The House can serve as a model for other developments to
continue to build big, build more sustainably and push the (super sealed) envelope.”

Quote from Handel

Quote from Related

Open space, designed by James Corner Field Operations anchors the campus, fostering
collaboration and innovation while simultaneously inviting the public into the campus. The
campus is a river-to-river experience, engaging Roosevelt Island’s esplanade and extraordinary
water frontage maximizing views of Manhattan and Queens. The Tech Walk is a quarter-mile
long central spine creating a gateway to the campus and featuring a series of active and social
spaces linked by pedestrian pathways. Throughout the campus, outdoor and indoor spaces are
synergistically connected to allow people to move easily and comfortably in and out during the
course of the day.

Quote from JCFO

Later this fall, Cornell Tech will begin construction on the Verizon Executive Education Center
and Graduate Roosevelt Island Hotel, targeted for opening in 2019, providing a venue for
academic conferences, executive programs and academic workshops.

When fully completed over the next few decades, the 12-acre campus will be home to more
than 2,000 graduate students and hundreds of faculty and staff.

Quote from Verizon

Commitment to Community: Building a More Diverse and Inclusive Tech Talent Pipeline
Cornell Tech is committed to having an impact beyond its campus, and to build and diversify
New York City’s tech talent pipeline so that more people can share in the rapid growth of the
tech economy. Fulfilling its promise to New York City to spur K-12 tech education, the campus
has partnered with more than a dozen local schools, including PS/IS 217 on Roosevelt Island,
and is coordinating professional development opportunities for teachers to gain experience in
incorporating tech thinking into their teaching. To date, Cornell Tech has impacted over 5,000
students and 350 teachers. Cornell Tech is also committed to building and diversifying the base
of the technology talent in New York City. In partnership with CUNY and many tech companies
in the city, Cornell Tech’s Women in Technology and Entrepreneurship in New York (WiTNY)
program provides the access, incentives and support needed for girls and women to succeed in
the tech industry. To date, the curriculum has been implemented at more than a dozen CUNY
campuses with 2,000 students impacted each year.

New York City Applied Sciences Competition

Cornell Tech was founded when the partnership of Cornell University and the Technion were
selected in December of 2011 as the winner of New York City’s visionary Applied Sciences NYC
initiative, created under Mayor Mike Bloomberg and Deputy Mayor Robert Steel. The Economic
Development Corporation, then led by Executive Director Seth Pinsky, sought proposals for a
university or partnership to develop and operate a new or expanded campus in the City in
exchange for City capital, access to City-owned land and the full support and partnership of City
government. Cornell Tech’s proposal was selected ahead of submissions from 17 world-class
institutions from around the globe. The Cornell Tech proposal was selected by the City as the
first winner of the competition and was provided with land on Roosevelt Island and $100 million
in City capital to build the $2 billion, 2 million square foot tech campus.

About Cornell Tech

Cornell Tech brings together faculty, business leaders, tech entrepreneurs and students in a
catalytic environment to produce visionary results grounded in significant needs that will
reinvent the way we live in the digital age. The Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute embodies the
academic partnership between the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology and Cornell
University on the Cornell Tech campus.

From 2012-2017, the campus was temporarily located in Google’s New York City building. In fall
2017, 30 world-class faculty and about 300 graduate students moved to the first phase of
Cornell Tech’s permanent campus on Roosevelt Island, continuing to conduct groundbreaking
research, collaborate extensively with tech-oriented companies and organizations and pursue
their own startups. When fully completed, the campus will include two million square feet of
state-of-the-art buildings, over two acres of open space, and will be home to more than 2,000
graduate students and hundreds of faculty and staff.

From: Monica Klein
To: Phil Walzak; Rick Fromberg; Lupo, Jon Paul; Amelia Adams; Mahen Gunaratna; bdb; Julia Savel
Subject: plan for Wed/ Malliotakis
Date: Saturday, September 09, 2017 2:36:22 PM

plan: conference call + video hitting Malliotakis

what we're saying:

Mini Trump
Ultra-right wing
Hurts working families

next steps:
Mahen/Dan pls send top hits to Phil - today
Phil drafting script by Saturday COB (does that work?)
Script finalized + sent to video folks Sunday AM
First cut - Monday
Finalize - Tuesday
Amelia finds 3-4 Assembly members & other electeds - by end of weekend
get TPs + Q&A to them, based on script - end of weekend

Work for everyone? Any concerns with timing? We'll be doing this Wed morning, and
we have bdb doing radio + thanking vols Wed early afternoon
From: Neustadt, David
To: Turk, Barbara; samgreenberg@redstonestrategy.com; bobshaver@redstonestrategy.com; Tietz, Daniel;
Maharaj, Lamaunda; shunte@uwnyc.org; LFahey@helmsleytrust.org; jkirkendall@cityharvest.org;
jmclean@cityharvest.org; TPerrizo@helmsleytrust.org; Philip, Marie; MPope@uwnyc.org;
Capacityadvisor@uwnyc.org; ivanbarkhorn@redstonestrategy.com; Bonilla, Grace (HRA); swright@uwnyc.org;
jstephens@cityharvest.org; Aaron.Freedman@berlinrosen.com; simona.ionescu@health.ny.gov;
Tim@berlinrosen.com; Holm, Annette
Subject: Re: Fyi
Date: Sunday, September 10, 2017 4:41:40 PM

Not surprisingly the story is being held because of the hurricane. When I get a
publication date I will let you all know. Thanks for your help

Sent via HRA mobile device

-------- Original message --------

From: "Neustadt, David" <neustadtd@hra.nyc.gov>
Date: 9/9/17 12:58 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: BTurk@cityhall.nyc.gov, samgreenberg@redstonestrategy.com,
bobshaver@redstonestrategy.com, "Tietz, Daniel" <tietzd@hra.nyc.gov>, "Maharaj,
Lamaunda" <maharajl@hra.nyc.gov>, shunte@uwnyc.org,
LFahey@helmsleytrust.org, jkirkendall@cityharvest.org, jmclean@cityharvest.org,
TPerrizo@helmsleytrust.org, "Philip, Marie" <philipm@hra.nyc.gov>,
MPope@uwnyc.org, Capacityadvisor@uwnyc.org,
ivanbarkhorn@redstonestrategy.com, "Bonilla, Grace C" <bonillagr@hra.nyc.gov>,
swright@uwnyc.org, jstephens@cityharvest.org, Aaron.Freedman@berlinrosen.com,
simona.ionescu@health.ny.gov, Tim@berlinrosen.com, "Holm, Annette"
Subject: Re: Fyi

What food bank told the New York Times that they were part of creating the plan
and that one of the places that was discovered to have a gap is Hunts Point in the
Bronx where they have their warehouse and they found that embarrassing and
decided to focus on the neighborhood. They also said there are a lot of homeless
people in shelter there who can not use pantries so they are setting up a kitchen in a
church in the area.

Commissioner Banks pointed out to the reporter that most of the homeless clients in
that area are in cluster Apartments where they would have their own kitchens. Like
many other people receiving food stamps they may well run out of food and need to
go to a pantry. But they would have a kitchen. Other than that he only had praise
for food bank and its participation with the collaborative.

He also made clear that the city's ability to expand its own emergency food program
is only possible because of the capacity expansion work done through the great
public-private partnership the food assistance collaborative

Nikita says the story May run Monday which would mean it would be possibly online
Sunday night

Sent via HRA mobile device

-------- Original message --------
From: "Neustadt, David" <neustadtd@hra.nyc.gov>
Date: 9/8/17 6:55 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: BTurk@cityhall.nyc.gov, samgreenberg@redstonestrategy.com,
bobshaver@redstonestrategy.com, "Tietz, Daniel" <tietzd@hra.nyc.gov>, "Maharaj,
Lamaunda" <maharajl@hra.nyc.gov>, shunte@uwnyc.org,
LFahey@helmsleytrust.org, jkirkendall@cityharvest.org, jmclean@cityharvest.org,
TPerrizo@helmsleytrust.org, "Philip, Marie" <philipm@hra.nyc.gov>,
MPope@uwnyc.org, Capacityadvisor@uwnyc.org,
ivanbarkhorn@redstonestrategy.com, "Bonilla, Grace C" <bonillagr@hra.nyc.gov>,
swright@uwnyc.org, jstephens@cityharvest.org, Aaron.Freedman@berlinrosen.com,
simona.ionescu@health.ny.gov, Tim@berlinrosen.com, "Holm, Annette"
Subject: Fyi

Commissioner Banks will be talking briefly to Nikita Stewart Saturday morning. Nikita
was scheduled to speak to the head of Food Bank and if necessary we want to be
able to respond to anything said.  

Other than that his goal is to talk about the importance of the collaborative along
these lines:

People have been fighting hunger in New York City for years and now thanks to the
New York City Food Assistance Collaborative, all the agencies involved, funders,
providers and pantries, have a greater ability to respond efficiently and effectively to
the need and to feed more New Yorkers.  

I will report on this conversation. Nikita says she is planning to file Saturday.  

Sent via HRA mobile device

Sent via HRA mobile device

From: Jeremy Soffin
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Jovana Rizzo
Subject: RE: cornell
Date: Monday, September 11, 2017 9:22:38 AM

Yes, back to you shortly.

Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, September 11, 2017 9:22 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: cornell
Can you shoot us contact info for these ones?
The Economist - Rosemarie Ward
The Chronicle of Higher Education
The Financial Times - Shannon Bond
TechCrunch - Anthony Ha
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, September 11, 2017 9:00 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: cornell
Can you send roster of reporters writing for Wednesday?
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2017 5:00 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley; Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: cornell
Release attached.
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2017 4:33 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>; Grace, Melissa <MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: cornell
Sure. Can buzz me at
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2017 4:32 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley; Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: cornell
Yes, do you have a minute to discuss?
Will have latest release to you by EOD.
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2017 4:29 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>; Grace, Melissa <MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: cornell
And is Cornell Tech working on any big picture story for day-of like NYT?
From: Norvell, Wiley
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2017 4:20 PM
To: 'Jeremy Soffin'; Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: cornell
Hey Jeremy,
Got a paper release I can look at?
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2017 12:53 PM
To: Grace, Melissa
Cc: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: cornell
Hey Wiley, let me know if you want to jump on phone. Thanks.
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2017 12:46 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: cornell
Hi Jeremy, Cc’ing Wiley who is running this one.
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2017 12:41 PM
To: Grace, Melissa
Subject: cornell
Hey Melissa, hope you had a good holiday.
The Cornell dedication is coming up next week, please let me know if there’s someone on your team
who is coordinating remarks, etc that we should be in touch with. Thanks!
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Norvell, Wiley
To: "Jeremy Soffin"; Jovana Rizzo
Subject: RE: cornell
Date: Monday, September 11, 2017 10:02:56 AM

From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, September 11, 2017 10:02 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley; Jovana Rizzo
Subject: RE: cornell
Thanks, Wiley, just please do us a favor and note that the statement is for use in embargoed stories
so no one thinks it’s an excuse to run early.
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, September 11, 2017 9:59 AM
To: Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: cornell
Thanks guys. We’ll get them all a statement this morning.
From: Jovana Rizzo [mailto:jovana@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, September 11, 2017 9:56 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin; Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: cornell
The Economist - Rosemarie Ward - rosemarieward@economist.com
The Chronicle of Higher Education - Goldie Blumenstyk - goldie@chronicle.com
The Financial Times - Shannon Bond - shannon.bond@ft.com
TechCrunch - Anthony Ha - anthonyha@techcrunch.com
Jovana Rizzo
O. 646.200.5329
C. 917.836.0618
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles

From: Jeremy Soffin

Sent: Monday, September 11, 2017 9:22 AM
To: Norvell, Wiley
Cc: Jovana Rizzo
Subject: RE: cornell

Yes, back to you shortly.

Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, September 11, 2017 9:22 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: cornell
Can you shoot us contact info for these ones?
The Economist - Rosemarie Ward
The Chronicle of Higher Education
The Financial Times - Shannon Bond
TechCrunch - Anthony Ha
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, September 11, 2017 9:00 AM
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: cornell
Can you send roster of reporters writing for Wednesday?
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2017 5:00 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley; Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: cornell
Release attached.
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2017 4:33 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>; Grace, Melissa <MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: cornell
Sure. Can buzz me at
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2017 4:32 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley; Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: cornell
Yes, do you have a minute to discuss?
Will have latest release to you by EOD.
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2017 4:29 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>; Grace, Melissa <MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: cornell
And is Cornell Tech working on any big picture story for day-of like NYT?
From: Norvell, Wiley
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2017 4:20 PM
To: 'Jeremy Soffin'; Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: cornell
Hey Jeremy,
Got a paper release I can look at?
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2017 12:53 PM
To: Grace, Melissa
Cc: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: cornell
Hey Wiley, let me know if you want to jump on phone. Thanks.
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2017 12:46 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: cornell
Hi Jeremy, Cc’ing Wiley who is running this one.
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2017 12:41 PM
To: Grace, Melissa
Subject: cornell
Hey Melissa, hope you had a good holiday.
The Cornell dedication is coming up next week, please let me know if there’s someone on your team
who is coordinating remarks, etc that we should be in touch with. Thanks!
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Jeremy Soffin
To: Grace, Melissa
Cc: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: Re: cornell
Date: Monday, September 11, 2017 3:34:24 PM

On subway will call soon as off.

On Sep 11, 2017, at 3:29 PM, Grace, Melissa <MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

Jeremy, calling you on the release. In meantime, Mayor Bill de Blasio quote:  
“As we work to keep New York City a leader in the 21 st Century economy, we celebrate
the opening of the Cornell Tech campus and the opportunities it opens up for our city
and our people. I am proud to welcome our newest leading educational institution,
which will become a tremendous catalyst for our tech sector. We won’t stop here.
Though Computer Science for All, the Tech Talent Pipeline and the new Union Square
Tech Hub, we are building on the progress Mayor Bloomberg set in motion, and
helping more New Yorkers become a part of this extraordinary success story.”
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2017 5:00 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley; Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: cornell
Release attached.
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2017 4:33 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>; Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: cornell
Sure. Can buzz me at
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2017 4:32 PM
To: Norvell, Wiley; Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: cornell
Yes, do you have a minute to discuss?
Will have latest release to you by EOD.
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Norvell, Wiley [mailto:WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2017 4:29 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>; Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: cornell
And is Cornell Tech working on any big picture story for day-of like NYT?
From: Norvell, Wiley
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2017 4:20 PM
To: 'Jeremy Soffin'; Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: cornell
Hey Jeremy,
Got a paper release I can look at?
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2017 12:53 PM
To: Grace, Melissa
Cc: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: RE: cornell
Hey Wiley, let me know if you want to jump on phone. Thanks.
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2017 12:46 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Cc: Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: cornell
Hi Jeremy, Cc’ing Wiley who is running this one.
From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2017 12:41 PM
To: Grace, Melissa
Subject: cornell
Hey Melissa, hope you had a good holiday.
The Cornell dedication is coming up next week, please let me know if there’s someone
on your team who is coordinating remarks, etc that we should be in touch with.
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Turk, Barbara
To: "Neustadt, David"; Hannah Lupien; samgreenberg@redstonestrategy.com; bobshaver@redstonestrategy.com;
Tietz, Daniel; Maharaj, Lamaunda; Suzette Hunte; LFahey@helmsleytrust.org; jkirkendall@cityharvest.org;
jmclean@cityharvest.org; TPerrizo@helmsleytrust.org; Philip, Marie; Melina Pope;
ivanbarkhorn@redstonestrategy.com; Bonilla, Grace (HRA); Sheena Wright; jstephens@cityharvest.org;
Aaron.Freedman@berlinrosen.com; simona.ionescu@health.ny.gov; Tim@berlinrosen.com; Holm, Annette;
Jenique Jones
Subject: RE: Story is up
Date: Tuesday, September 12, 2017 11:59:12 AM
Attachments: image001.png

Link to the story appears in today’s NYN Media.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Mostly sunny in New York City, morning fog and then sunny in Albany and sunny in Buffalo.
New York City, high 83; Albany, high 82; Buffalo, high 78.

Editor’s Note: This week, NYN Media is presenting its third annual Nonprofit MarkCon.
Learn about marketing, brand building, and increasing awareness online and offline for your
nonprofit. This full day conference will bring together marketing and communications
executives from nonprofits across New York. Join us on Sept. 14 at the Museum of Jewish
Heritage. Learn more here.
* New York City’s three biggest providers of emergency food - United Way of New York City,
City Harvest and Food Bank For New York City - have reorganized in an effort to feed
underserved communities and get ethnic ingredients to specific neighborhoods, the New York
Times reports.
* Online giving through Network for Good rose 81 percent over July and 73 percent over
August of last year and the number of donors more than doubled, the Chronicle of
Philanthropy writes.
* New York’s top education policymakers approved a major plan that could reshape the way
the state evaluates schools, intervenes in those that are struggling, and several other key
education policies, Chalkbeat writes.
* Allison Sesso, executive director of the Human Services Council of New York City, joined the
Risk Alternatives podcast to talk about New York City’s nonprofit landscape, the importance
of nonprofit risk management and collective advocacy by the nonprofit sector.
* New data shows that, just like in the private sector, female CEOs at nonprofits are still being
paid far less than men in the same roles despite the attention that the problem of the wage
gap has received, Fast Company writes.
* U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement resumed raids in Saratoga Springs arresting
eight men from Mexico whom the federal agency says are violating immigration laws, the
Times Union writes.
* Dreamers make up a significant portion of Brooklyn’s economic and social fabric, which
contributes to the sense of alarm about Trump’s announcement and the mobilization to
oppose it, The Bridge writes.
* GQ Magazine profiles Career Gear, an established nonprofit that will, among other things,
help get former inmates into a suit for that interview.
* Albany County lawmakers on Monday passed a law that will ensure that LGBT veterans who
were discharged under the federal government's Don't Ask Don’t Tell policy will receive
county-level veterans benefits, the Times Union reports.
* Like “repeal and replace,” “single-payer” is a broadly popular slogan that papers over
intraparty disagreements and wrenching policy choices, the New York Times reports.
* The Disproportionate Share Hospital cuts the industry has feared for years are scheduled to
begin taking effect in less than three weeks, creating a tough choice for the Cuomo
administration, which may have to decide how to apportion a much smaller pot of money,
Politico New York writes.
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Visibility and transparency are paramount to your nonprofits’ success. Everyone from
program managers to board members need insight into different aspects of financial data to
make the right decisions. Choosing the right KPIs and dashboards can be game-changing.
Download this free guide to nonprofit dashboards today.
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effectiveness. Learn more about JMT Consulting.
Senior Leaders Program for Nonprofit Professionals
Over 20 days, the Senior Leaders Program for Nonprofit Professionals at Columbia Business
School Executive Education teaches senior-level nonprofit professionals strategic
management and leadership skills and cutting-edge business knowledge to help them
develop actionable plans for their organizations.
* One message that came through loud and clear is that DACA recipients are not abandoning
their parents in exchange for U.S. citizenship, Nonprofit Quarterly writes.
* Congress has not only rejected the president’s proposed cuts to the National Institutes of
Health, lawmakers from both parties have joined forces to increase spending on biomedical
research and have bragged about it, the New York Times writes.
* Rob Sanft, who has led the New York City Department of Education Office of Student
Enrollment for the last seven years, is stepping down and his replacement will be responsible
for helping Mayor Bill de Blasio’s education department implement a plan to boost school
diversity, Chalkbeat writes.
* Allowing students to report their own standardized-test scores could ease some of the
financial burden of the process, The Atlantic writes.
Cornell in NYC. Imagining Tomorrow, Impacting Today. For more than a century, Cornell
University has profoundly impacted New York City, improving lives and enhancing the city’s
diverse industries. This week’s opening of the Cornell Tech campus on Roosevelt Island
continues our commitment to transformative impact across NYC. Imagination and impact
underpin Cornell’s work; from pioneering life-saving medical research, to building tomorrow’s
tech companies, Cornell research and innovation drive NYC’s future.Read more.
* Rome, N.Y. wants to make a substantial amendment to how it will use almost 280,000
dollars of its federal Community Development Block Grant funding obtained for last year, the
Rome Sentinel writes.
* The Staten Island Advance profiles Favio Ramirez Caminatti, the executive director at El
Centro Del Immigrante, a community based agency he joined in 2015.
* Organizers are hoping to connect New York City, Washington, D.C., and Shanksville,
Pennsylvania with a biking and walking trails, as well as quieter roadways, that cover 1,300
miles, Newsworks reports.
* Joe Rappaport, executive director of the Brooklyn Center for Independence, a nonprofit for
people with disabilities, called the design of subway leaning bars “incredibly unwelcoming,”
the Daily News writes.
* The New York State Health Foundation has a broad mission to improve the health of all
New Yorkers, especially the most vulnerable. NYSHealth’s efforts are concentrated on specific
priority and focus areas, but to ensure flexibility and responsiveness to other important
health issues, the Special Projects Fund supports projects that are outside of those areas. All
projects must have an impact on New Yorkers either at a local, regional, or statewide level.
Special Projects Fund awards should be considered one-time, nonrenewable funding
opportunities. NYSHealth issues two funding cycles for its Special Projects Fund through a
request for proposals each year. See the detailed 2018 Special Projects Fund RFP here.
* On Tuesday, Nov. 7, the Elton John AIDS Foundation will host its annual New York Fall Gala
at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City. This year's gala commemorates the
Foundation's 25th year and honors Founder Sir Elton John. President Bill Clinton, Governor
Andrew M. Cuomo, Sharon Stone, and others will pay tribute to Elton John's achievements as
a philanthropist and humanitarian. The legendary Aretha Franklin will be the special musical
guest, along with performances by violinist Joshua Bell and Broadway's The Lion King,
featuring Heather Headley. Neil Patrick Harris will host the event.
* After a six-month executive search, the Board of Directors of Providence House, a
nonprofit with nearly 40 years serving women and children in New York, has appointed
Danielle Minelli Pagnotta, LMSW, to the role of Executive Director effective Sept. 11. Pagnotta
joins Providence House following 12 years with the New York City Department of Homeless
Services, most recently as Deputy Commissioner of Street Homeless Solutions. While at DHS
she led a 85-member team to create and implement the Safe Haven housing model; increase
transitional housing capacity by more than 1,200 units; and operate the street homeless
program continuum more than 25 City-wide, performance-based programs.
The Great Leaders Program (Executive Certificate)
Very few leaders are fully equipped to become the CEO of a nonprofit organization,
regardless of their previous experience. The Great Leaders Program, offered by the Austin W.
Marxe School of Public and International Affairs at Baruch College, is designed for career
nonprofit professionals who aspire to be CEOs. This executive certificate program – the first
of its kind in the nation – was also developed for senior managers in government and
business who seek to move to the nonprofit sector and lead charitable organizations.
Learn more.



* From de Blasio’s margin of victory to the number of women in the New York City Council to
the impact in Albany of state lawmakers fleeing for seats in local government, City & State
offers five things to watch as the primary votes roll in tonight.
* Bronx Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj, who is running for the City Council, accepted campaign
donations from Martin Shkreli and another man indicted for money laundering in connection
with drug trafficking and a scheme to smuggle AK-47s and a rocket launcher to Kosovo, the
New York Post writes.
* Robert Nickol, who serves as counsel to state Sen. William Larkin, was arrested by the
Albany Police Department on Monday on felony domestic violence charges, as well as
weapons possession charges, the Post writes.
One in seven New York City students will likely experience homelessness during
elementary school, according to a report by the Institute for Children, Poverty, and
Homelessness. “The Atlas of Student Homelessness” profiles the City’s homeless student
population, including where they live, where they go to school, and how they fare
academically compared to their housed peers. Download the report free here and join us on
9/28 for our launch event.
Accelerate your future at Metropolitan College of New York. Join us during Immediate
Decision Days now through September 13 at our Bronx and Manhattan campuses. Bring your
undergraduate or graduate program application and you’ll get an on-the-spot decision. Seats
are filling up fast. Meet with an advisor about your financial aid and scholarship opportunities,
available to those who qualify. RSVP here.

Sept. 13 -- True Partnerships: Best Practices in Collaborations for Social Impact, A
Conversation with the New York Women’s Foundation
Visit http://go.cityandstatemedia.com/e/168882/events/23pwl2/93641103 to submit an
event or view all community events.
POINT OF INTEREST: “Thousands of people run out of food every month in New York City,
where about 1.8 million people receive food stamps, but they would need more food
donations without the federal help, advocates said,” the New York Times.

From: Neustadt, David [mailto:neustadtd@hra.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2017 11:24 AM
To: Hannah Lupien; Turk, Barbara; samgreenberg@redstonestrategy.com;
bobshaver@redstonestrategy.com; Tietz, Daniel; Maharaj, Lamaunda; Suzette Hunte;
LFahey@helmsleytrust.org; jkirkendall@cityharvest.org; jmclean@cityharvest.org;
TPerrizo@helmsleytrust.org; Philip, Marie; Melina Pope; ivanbarkhorn@redstonestrategy.com; Bonilla,
Grace (HRA); Sheena Wright; jstephens@cityharvest.org; Aaron.Freedman@berlinrosen.com;
simona.ionescu@health.ny.gov; Tim@berlinrosen.com; Holm, Annette; Jenique Jones
Subject: RE: Story is up

I wonder if folks would like to do a debrief on this article and the next tasks.
This story clearly had some positives and some very major disappointments.
I am considering giving the reporter some feedback and would be interested to hear what others
More important is how we can use this article to get more press.
Our list of tasks included getting a story about Helmsley in the press that covers foundations which I
believe Berlin Rosen was going to handle.
and getting stories in local and ethnic media about specific pantries which we were going to take the
lead on, though happy for suggestions and help.
Also, a story about Plentiful. We should firm up the plan for that.  
How about a 2 pm phone call?
From: Hannah Lupien [mailto:Capacityadvisor@uwnyc.org]
Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2017 10:28 AM
To: Neustadt, David; BTurk@cityhall.nyc.gov; samgreenberg@redstonestrategy.com;
bobshaver@redstonestrategy.com; Tietz, Daniel; Maharaj, Lamaunda; Suzette Hunte;
LFahey@helmsleytrust.org; jkirkendall@cityharvest.org; jmclean@cityharvest.org;
TPerrizo@helmsleytrust.org; Philip, Marie; Melina Pope; ivanbarkhorn@redstonestrategy.com; Bonilla,
Grace C; Sheena Wright; jstephens@cityharvest.org; Aaron.Freedman@berlinrosen.com;
simona.ionescu@health.ny.gov; Tim@berlinrosen.com; Holm, Annette; Jenique Jones
Subject: Re: Story is up

Thank you so much for all of your work in making this article happen!
An updated link: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/11/nyregion/new-york-food-

Adding Pantries and Spice to

New York’s Hungry

Food providers are changing the way pantries

are operated in the city to better serve more
than 1 million people who need emergency

From: Neustadt, David <neustadtd@hra.nyc.gov>

Sent: Monday, September 11, 2017 7:58:52 PM
To: BTurk@cityhall.nyc.gov; samgreenberg@redstonestrategy.com;
bobshaver@redstonestrategy.com; Tietz, Daniel; Maharaj, Lamaunda; Suzette Hunte;
LFahey@helmsleytrust.org; jkirkendall@cityharvest.org; jmclean@cityharvest.org;
TPerrizo@helmsleytrust.org; Philip, Marie; Melina Pope; Hannah Lupien;
ivanbarkhorn@redstonestrategy.com; Bonilla, Grace C; Sheena Wright; jstephens@cityharvest.org;
Aaron.Freedman@berlinrosen.com; simona.ionescu@health.ny.gov; Tim@berlinrosen.com; Holm,
Subject: Story is up

Adding Pantries and Spice to New York’s Hungry Neighborhoods https://nyti.ms/2eSyL8C

Sent via HRA mobile device

-------- Original message --------

From: "Neustadt, David" <neustadtd@hra.nyc.gov>
Date: 9/10/17 4:40 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: BTurk@cityhall.nyc.gov, samgreenberg@redstonestrategy.com,
bobshaver@redstonestrategy.com, "Tietz, Daniel" <tietzd@hra.nyc.gov>, "Maharaj,
Lamaunda" <maharajl@hra.nyc.gov>, shunte@uwnyc.org, LFahey@helmsleytrust.org,
jkirkendall@cityharvest.org, jmclean@cityharvest.org, TPerrizo@helmsleytrust.org, "Philip,
Marie" <philipm@hra.nyc.gov>, MPope@uwnyc.org, Capacityadvisor@uwnyc.org,
ivanbarkhorn@redstonestrategy.com, "Bonilla, Grace C" <bonillagr@hra.nyc.gov>,
swright@uwnyc.org, jstephens@cityharvest.org, Aaron.Freedman@berlinrosen.com,
simona.ionescu@health.ny.gov, Tim@berlinrosen.com, "Holm, Annette"
Subject: Re: Fyi

Not surprisingly the story is being held because of the hurricane. When I get a publication
date I will let you all know. Thanks for your help

Sent via HRA mobile device

-------- Original message --------

From: "Neustadt, David" <neustadtd@hra.nyc.gov>
Date: 9/9/17 12:58 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: BTurk@cityhall.nyc.gov, samgreenberg@redstonestrategy.com,
bobshaver@redstonestrategy.com, "Tietz, Daniel" <tietzd@hra.nyc.gov>, "Maharaj,
Lamaunda" <maharajl@hra.nyc.gov>, shunte@uwnyc.org, LFahey@helmsleytrust.org,
jkirkendall@cityharvest.org, jmclean@cityharvest.org, TPerrizo@helmsleytrust.org, "Philip,
Marie" <philipm@hra.nyc.gov>, MPope@uwnyc.org, Capacityadvisor@uwnyc.org,
ivanbarkhorn@redstonestrategy.com, "Bonilla, Grace C" <bonillagr@hra.nyc.gov>,
swright@uwnyc.org, jstephens@cityharvest.org, Aaron.Freedman@berlinrosen.com,
simona.ionescu@health.ny.gov, Tim@berlinrosen.com, "Holm, Annette"
Subject: Re: Fyi

What food bank told the New York Times that they were part of creating the plan and that
one of the places that was discovered to have a gap is Hunts Point in the Bronx where they
have their warehouse and they found that embarrassing and decided to focus on the
neighborhood. They also said there are a lot of homeless people in shelter there who can not
use pantries so they are setting up a kitchen in a church in the area.

Commissioner Banks pointed out to the reporter that most of the homeless clients in that area
are in cluster Apartments where they would have their own kitchens. Like many other people
receiving food stamps they may well run out of food and need to go to a pantry. But they
would have a kitchen. Other than that he only had praise for food bank and its participation
with the collaborative.

He also made clear that the city's ability to expand its own emergency food program is only
possible because of the capacity expansion work done through the great public-private
partnership the food assistance collaborative

Nikita says the story May run Monday which would mean it would be possibly online Sunday

Sent via HRA mobile device

-------- Original message --------
From: "Neustadt, David" <neustadtd@hra.nyc.gov>
Date: 9/8/17 6:55 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: BTurk@cityhall.nyc.gov, samgreenberg@redstonestrategy.com,
bobshaver@redstonestrategy.com, "Tietz, Daniel" <tietzd@hra.nyc.gov>, "Maharaj,
Lamaunda" <maharajl@hra.nyc.gov>, shunte@uwnyc.org, LFahey@helmsleytrust.org,
jkirkendall@cityharvest.org, jmclean@cityharvest.org, TPerrizo@helmsleytrust.org, "Philip,
Marie" <philipm@hra.nyc.gov>, MPope@uwnyc.org, Capacityadvisor@uwnyc.org,
ivanbarkhorn@redstonestrategy.com, "Bonilla, Grace C" <bonillagr@hra.nyc.gov>,
swright@uwnyc.org, jstephens@cityharvest.org, Aaron.Freedman@berlinrosen.com,
simona.ionescu@health.ny.gov, Tim@berlinrosen.com, "Holm, Annette"
Subject: Fyi

Commissioner Banks will be talking briefly to Nikita Stewart Saturday morning. Nikita was
scheduled to speak to the head of Food Bank and if necessary we want to be able to respond
to anything said.

Other than that his goal is to talk about the importance of the collaborative along these lines:

People have been fighting hunger in New York City for years and now thanks to the New
York City Food Assistance Collaborative, all the agencies involved, funders, providers and
pantries, have a greater ability to respond efficiently and effectively to the need and to feed
more New Yorkers.
I will report on this conversation. Nikita says she is planning to file Saturday.

Sent via HRA mobile device

Sent via HRA mobile device

From: Meyer, Jane
To: Jovana Rizzo
Cc: Jeremy Soffin
Bcc: Meyer, Jane
Subject: Re: Cornell Tech - City Hall Press
Date: Tuesday, September 12, 2017 3:44:40 PM

Thanks so much! I'll be on site tomorrow around 9 AM. My cell is .

Sent from my iPhone

> On Sep 12, 2017, at 3:33 PM, Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
> Hi Jane, just sent you the confirmation email we sent to press with arrival instructions. Thanks!
> Jovana Rizzo
> O. 646.200.5329
> C. 917.836.0618
> jovana@berlinrosen.com
> berlinrosen
> New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
> berlinrosen.com
> @berlinrosen
> ________________________________________
> From: Jeremy Soffin
> Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2017 3:28 PM
> To: Meyer, Jane
> Cc: Jovana Rizzo
> Subject: RE: Cornell Tech - City Hall Press
> Hi Jane (+Jovana).
> Yes we will have a riser and mult.
> I assume you won't have a van based on the below, so we'd ask folks to RSVP. Jovana can share the
link and the directions.
> What time do you expect to put out the mayor's schedule?
> Thanks!!
> Best,
> Jeremy Soffin
> O. 646.200.5318
> C. 917.860.9076
> jeremy@berlinrosen.com
> berlinrosen
> New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
> berlinrosen.com
> @berlinrosen
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Meyer, Jane [mailto:jmeyer2@cityhall.nyc.gov]
> Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2017 3:01 PM
> To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
> Subject: Cornell Tech - City Hall Press
> Hi Jeremy -
> My name is Jane and I handle press logistics for the Mayor. Robyn passed your info along to me. We
are in the process of putting together the Mayor's public schedule and I was wondering if you had
Arrival Instructions for press. Also, will there be a mult and press riser tomorrow?
> Thanks!!
> Jane
> Sent from my iPhone
From: Grace, Melissa
To: "Jeremy Soffin"
Subject: RE: cornell tech rls
Date: Tuesday, September 12, 2017 4:10:25 PM

That is fine. Thanks.

From: Jeremy Soffin [mailto:jeremy@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2017 4:09 PM
To: Grace, Melissa
Subject: RE: cornell tech rls
Thanks, Melissa, these look fine. Only additional change, if we’re saying 35 years on those numbers
we will add a note that they were City estimates from 2011.
Jeremy Soffin
O. 646.200.5318
C. 917.860.9076
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Grace, Melissa [mailto:MGrace@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2017 3:15 PM
To: Jeremy Soffin <jeremy@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: FW: cornell tech rls
Made some changes, in blue, also highlighted – LMK if okay/not okay. Also, probably not my
business by cut down the headers. So take or leave that, obviously
And then some factual changes.
· The $23 billion refers to 35 years of activity.
· Small point just for reference, the 8,000 jobs include direct and indirect jobs.
There were multiple winners of the Applied Sciences initiative, so I swapped in ‘one of the
winners of the Applied Sciences NYC initiative.
Also Pinsky was President of EDC not Exec Director
Cornell Tech Campus Opens on Roosevelt
Island, Marking Transformational Milestone for Tech
in NYC
New campus is the first ever built for the digital age, reimagining academic space and
pioneering new standards in sustainability and energy efficiency

Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute at Cornell Tech is a new kind of global academic

partnership on research, education and technology commercialization

NEW YORK CITY – Cornell Tech today celebrated the official opening of its campus on
Roosevelt Island with a dedication event attended by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio,
former mayor Mike Bloomberg, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, Cornell University
President Martha Pollack, Technion President Peretz Lavie and Cornell Tech Dean Daniel
Huttenlocher. Cornell Tech is the first campus ever built for the digital age, bringing
together academia and industry to create pioneering leaders and transformational new
research, products, companies and social ventures. Today marks the opening of the first
phase of the Roosevelt Island campus, which features some of the most environmentally
friendly and energy efficient buildings in the world.
In 2011, Cornell Tech was named the winner of the Bloomberg’s Administration’s visionary
Applied Sciences Competition, designed with the goal of diversifying the economy and
creating a national hub for tech. The project, managed by the City’s Economic
Development Corporation, has been carried forward by the de Blasio administration, with
the campus breaking ground in 2015. The City estimates the new campus would generate
up to 8,000 permanent jobs, hundreds of spin-off companies and more than $23 billion in
economic activity over a period of 35 years. The campus is built on 12-acres of City land.
“Cornell Tech is the latest in Cornell University’s great impact on and history in New York,”
said Cornell University President Martha Pollack. “We’re proud to share this historic
milestone with our partners at the Technion. The new campus is a modern day land grant
institution -- just like our founding in Ithaca -- and it is our strong commitment to give back
to New York. At Cornell Tech, we have created a center for impact and innovation in New
York City, spinning out our next great tech leaders, ideas, and the research that will drive
change in the digital age.”
Quote from Peretz Lavie
"Cornell Tech is an investment in the future of New York City — a future that belongs to
the generations to come, and the students here will help build it. Technological innovation
played a central role in New York City becoming a global economic capital – and it must
continue to play a central role for New York to remain a global economic capital. The
companies and innovations spawned by Cornell Tech graduates will generate jobs for
people across the economic spectrum and help our city compete with tech centers around
the world, from Silicon Valley to Seoul,” said Mike Bloomberg.
“As we work to keep New York City a leader in the 21 st Century economy, we celebrate the opening
of the Cornell Tech campus and the opportunities it opens up for our city and our people. I am
proud to welcome our newest leading educational institution, which will become a tremendous
catalyst for our tech sector. We won’t stop here. Though Computer Science for All, the Tech Talent
Pipeline and the new Union Square Tech Hub, we are building on the progress Mayor Bloomberg set
in motion, and helping more New Yorkers become a part of this extraordinary success story,” Mayor
Bill de Blasio said.
Quote from Governor Cuomo
“I’m thrilled that the Cornell Tech campus is finally opening on Roosevelt Island,” said
Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney. “With its proximity to Manhattan and to industrial
space in Western Queens, Roosevelt Island is the perfect setting for an educational
institution, which is which is why I worked hard to ensure that it was selected when the City
was considering locations for the new applied science campus. Cornell Tech will help us
diversify our economic base and bring jobs through new startups. A New York school
generates New York businesses and employs New Yorkers. As students are welcomed to
the new campus, we know this is just the beginning – and that the future for this institution
will be bright.”
"As our world becomes more tech centered, the Cornell Tech campus will allow New York
City to be at the heart of the innovation, leadership -- and most importantly, jobs -- in this
space. This campus will bring academics, research and business together and educate the
bright minds of our future. I look forward to seeing all that Cornell Tech has to offer our
City, and to working with Cornell Tech to ensure that New Yorkers from every corner of our
City benefit from this world-class institution," said Public Advocate Letitia James.
Academic Program & Research
Cornell Tech started up in a temporary space generously provided by Google and has
already graduated more than 300 masters and doctoral students, with most entering the
New York City tech sector after graduation by joining local companies or starting their own.
Masters students across all programs -- computer science, law, business, electrical
engineering, operations research, connective media and health tech -- spend time learning
and working collaboratively together in a Studio curriculum with extensive engagement
with the tech industry. The projects students pursue in the Studio encourage them to
practice entrepreneurship, product design, tech and public policy, management and other
skills, helping them graduate with tangible, marketable experience and a portfolio of
completed work that will help launch their career.
Cornell Tech’s 30-member faculty has launched cutting-edge research groups in the areas
of Human-Computer Interaction and Social Computing, Security and Privacy, Artificial
Intelligence, Data and Modeling, and Business, Law and Policy. All of the faculty have a
focus on applied research and having a real world impact.
“We are entering a new era for tech in New York, and the Cornell Tech campus is at the
heart of it. Cornell Tech was given the rare opportunity to create a campus and academic
program from scratch. The opening of our new campus brings together academic
disciplines critical to the digital transformation of society and the economy, together with
companies, early stage investors, and government to spark innovation and help improve
lives of people throughout the City, country and world,” said Cornell Tech Dean Daniel
Quote from Bob Harrison
The Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute at Cornell Tech is a unique academic partnership of
two leading global universities, the Technion Israel Institute of Technology and Cornell.
The Institute houses the Health Tech and Connective Media programs, where students
receive dual degrees from Cornell and the Technion, and the Jacobs Runway Startup
Postdoc program for recent tech PhDs.The Runway program has been responsible for
about half of the more than 30 companies that have spun out of Cornell Tech campus with
more than $20 million in funds raised and employing more than 100 people.
Quote from Ron Brachman
Cornell Tech’s mission of collaboration and innovation is reflected in the physical design of
its Roosevelt Island campus. It is a new type of urban campus that provides space to think,
but is also integrated—in both mission and design—with the city. The campus master plan
was designed by Skidmore, Owings & Merrill  and includes a number of innovative
features and facilities across a river-to-river campus with expansive views, a series of
green, public spaces and a seamless integration of indoor and outdoor areas. The campus
has some of the most environmentally friendly and energy efficient buildings in the world.
Quote from SOM
The first phase of the campus includes:
The Emma and Georgina Bloomberg Center is the first academic building on campus.
Cornell University received a $100 million gift from Bloomberg Philanthropies in 2014 for
the building. Designed by Pritzker Prize-winning architect Thom Mayne of Morphosis
Architects, the building is a departure from traditional academic facilities with an open plan
and extensive collaborative as well as private work spaces, adapting open plan offices
from the tech world to the academic arena. Cornell is aspiring for the building to be among
the largest net-zero energy buildings in the United States, with all of its power generated
on campus. Art is a key component of The Bloomberg Center, with newly commissioned
works throughout the building by artists Alison Elizabeth Taylor, Michael Riedel, Matthew
Ritchie and Matthew Day Jackson. The building also features a ground-floor cafe and a
custom room that houses a Works Projects Administration (WPA) Federal Art Project
mural by Ilya Bolotowsky, from the decommissioned Goldwater Memorial Hospital
previously on the Cornell Tech site which has been carefully restored.
Quote from Morphosis
The Bridge, designed by Weiss/Manfredi and developed by Forest City New York, is a
first-of-its-kind building that houses an extraordinary mix of cutting-edge companies
working alongside groundbreaking Cornell academic teams: from recent Cornell Tech
graduates hustling to commercialize a new idea, to start-ups on the verge of explosive
growth and established companies developing leading edge technologies and products.
Tech and investment firm Two Sigma is opening a Collision Lab in the building where
engineers from its R&D team will tackle difficult challenges away from the company’s main
campus and interact with innovative start-up companies backed by Two Sigma Ventures.
Citigroup is taking space to engage with Cornell University students, faculty, researchers,
startups and other companies and create closer ties between academia and industry.
Ferrero International S.A., the Italian confectionary group and one of the world’s largest
manufacturers of chocolates, is taking space for its Open Innovation Science division to
explore digital age innovation in the food industry.
“By bringing academia and industry together under one roof at The Bridge, we are driving
innovation and economic growth for New York,” said MaryAnne Gilmartin, President and
CEO of Forest City New York. “The Bridge is welcoming an incredible mix of companies
who want to work alongside some of the top tech talent New York City has to offer, and get
a competitive advantage to bring their ideas and new products to market.”
Quote from Weiss/Manfredi
The House, designed by Handel Architects and developed by The Hudson Companies
and Related Companies, is the tallest and largest residential Passive House high-rise in
the world. Passive House is the strict international building standard that drastically
reduces energy consumption while creating a healthier and more comfortable living
environment for a fraction of residents’ usual energy costs. Cornell faculty, staff and
students live at The House, giving the campus 24/7 activity.
"We are very excited to bring this first of its kind building to the New York City market. We
have been humbled to be a part of this amazing campus, working with an incredible team
of architects, engineers and contractors,” said David Kramer, President of The Hudson
Companies. “We hope that The House can serve as a model for other developments to
continue to build big, build more sustainably and push the (super sealed) envelope.”
Quote from Handel
Quote from Related
Open space, designed by James Corner Field Operations anchors the campus, fostering
collaboration and innovation while simultaneously inviting the public into the campus. The
campus is a river-to-river experience, engaging Roosevelt Island’s esplanade and
extraordinary water frontage maximizing views of Manhattan and Queens. The Tech Walk
is a quarter-mile long central spine creating a gateway to the campus and featuring a
series of active and social spaces linked by pedestrian pathways. Throughout the campus,
outdoor and indoor spaces are synergistically connected to allow people to move easily
and comfortably in and out during the course of the day.
Quote from JCFO
Later this fall, Cornell Tech will begin construction on the Verizon Executive Education
Center and Graduate Roosevelt Island Hotel, targeted for opening in 2019, providing a
venue for academic conferences, executive programs and academic workshops.
When fully completed over the next few decades, the 12-acre campus will be home to
more than 2,000 graduate students and hundreds of faculty and staff.
NYC Ferry service to Roosevelt Island began in August, bringing more New York City neighborhoods
within reach of the campus.
Quote from Verizon
Commitment to Community: Building a More Diverse and Inclusive Tech Talent
Cornell Tech is committed to having an impact beyond its campus, and to build and
diversify New York City’s tech talent pipeline so that more people can share in the rapid
growth of the tech economy. Fulfilling its promise to New York City to spur K-12 tech
education, the campus has partnered with more than a dozen local schools, including
PS/IS 217 on Roosevelt Island, and is coordinating professional development opportunities
for teachers to gain experience in incorporating tech thinking into their teaching. To date,
Cornell Tech has impacted over 5,000 students and 350 teachers. Cornell Tech is also
committed to building and diversifying the base of the technology talent in New York City.
In partnership with CUNY and many tech companies in the city, Cornell Tech’s Women in
Technology and Entrepreneurship in New York (WiTNY) program provides the access,
incentives and support needed for girls and women to succeed in the tech industry. To
date, the curriculum has been implemented at more than a dozen CUNY campuses with
2,000 students impacted each year.
New York City Applied Sciences Competition
Cornell Tech was founded when the partnership of Cornell University and the Technion
were selected in December of 2011 as one of the winners of New York City’s visionary
Applied Sciences NYC initiative, created under Mayor Mike Bloomberg and Deputy Mayor
Robert Steel. The Economic Development Corporation, then led by Seth Pinsky, sought
proposals for a university or partnership to develop and operate a new or expanded
campus in the City in exchange for City capital, access to City-owned land and the full
support and partnership of City government. Cornell Tech’s proposal was selected ahead
of submissions from 17 world-class institutions from around the globe. The Cornell Tech
proposal  was selected by the City as the first winner of the competition and was provided
with land on Roosevelt Island and $100 million in City capital to build the $2 billion, 2
million square foot tech campus.
New York City Applied Sciences Competition
Cornell Tech was founded when the partnership of Cornell University and the Technion
were selected in December of 2011 as the winner of New York City’s visionary Applied
Sciences NYC initiative, created under Mayor Mike Bloomberg and Deputy Mayor Robert
Steel. The Economic Development Corporation, then led by Executive Director Seth
Pinsky, sought proposals for a university or partnership to develop and operate a new or
expanded campus in the City in exchange for City capital, access to City-owned land and
the full support and partnership of City government. Cornell Tech’s proposal was selected
ahead of submissions from 17 world-class institutions from around the globe. The Cornell
Tech proposal  was selected by the City as the first winner of the competition and was
provided with land on Roosevelt Island and $100 million in City capital to build the $2
billion, 2 million square foot tech campus.
About Cornell Tech
Cornell Tech brings together faculty, business leaders, tech entrepreneurs and students in
a catalytic environment to produce visionary results grounded in significant needs that will
reinvent the way we live in the digital age. The Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute embodies
the academic partnership between the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology and Cornell
University on the Cornell Tech campus.
From 2012-2017, the campus was temporarily located in Google’s New York City building.
In fall 2017, 30 world-class faculty and about 300 graduate students moved to the first
phase of Cornell Tech’s permanent campus on Roosevelt Island, continuing to conduct
groundbreaking research, collaborate extensively with tech-oriented companies and
organizations and pursue their own startups. When fully completed, the campus will
include two million square feet of state-of-the-art buildings, over two acres of open space,
and will be home to more than 2,000 graduate students and hundreds of faculty and staff.
From: Jeremy Soffin
To: Norvell, Wiley
Subject: Re: Proncunciation
Date: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 9:12:19 AM

Peh-retz Lah-vee

On Sep 13, 2017, at 9:05 AM, Norvell, Wiley <WNorvell@cityhall.nyc.gov> wrote:

How do u pronounce this one:

Peretz Lavie

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Max Sarangay
To: Gil, Claudia
Subject: RE: Scheduling dinner!
Date: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 9:30:11 AM

Perfect. Thank you, Claudia.


-----Original Message-----
From: Gil, Claudia [mailto:cgil@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 9:17 AM
To: Max Sarangay <Max.Sarangay@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Scheduling dinner!

Great, the invite was sent for Oct. 11th at 7pm with location TBD.

Thank you,

Claudia Gil
Mayor's Office of Intergovermental Affairs
212 788-3679

-----Original Message-----
From: Max Sarangay [mailto:Max.Sarangay@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 9:13 AM
To: Gil, Claudia
Subject: RE: Scheduling dinner!

Hi Claudia,

Wednesday, October 11th works for Valerie.

Thanks so much for these dates.


Max Sarangay
O. 646.200.5310
C. 646.651.2117
New York . Washington D.C. . Los Angeles berlinrosen.com @berlinrosen

-----Original Message-----
From: Gil, Claudia [mailto:cgil@cityhall.nyc.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 8:27 AM
To: Max Sarangay <Max.Sarangay@berlinrosen.com>
Subject: RE: Scheduling dinner!
Hi Max,

Emma is available for dinner on Oct. 2, 9, 11, 12, 16, 18 and 19th.  Please let me know if any of these
works for Val.

Thank you,

Claudia Gil
Mayor's Office of Intergovermental Affairs
212 788-3679

-----Original Message-----
From: Wolfe, Emma
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 5:30 AM
To: Valerie Berlin
Cc: Max Sarangay; Gil, Claudia
Subject: Re: Scheduling dinner!

Oops sorry yes!

Sent from my iPhone

> On Sep 12, 2017, at 10:12 PM, Valerie Berlin <Valerie@berlinrosen.com> wrote:
> Great!  Do you want to loop Claudia here?  I'm looping my assistant Max as well.
> Claudia can throw out some options and we'll go from there. 
> Looking forward!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Wolfe, Emma [mailto:EWolfe@cityhall.nyc.gov]
> Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2017 8:09 PM
> To: Valerie Berlin <Valerie@berlinrosen.com>
> Subject: Scheduling dinner!
> Val,
> Would love to make this happen when you can. Claudia can throw out some options or vice versa?
> Emma
> Sent from my iPhone
From: Turk, Barbara
To: "Laura Fahey"; Bob Shaver
Cc: Neustadt, David; Aaron Freedman; Timothy Bradley; Tracy Perrizo; Sam Greenberg
Subject: RE: Check-in and next steps on Collaborative comms
Date: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 10:38:48 AM

I agree with Laura’s assessment of the value of a comms meeting, both then and now.  The central
issue now is that Margarettes photo bombed (as it were) the story.  City Harvest bore the brunt of
that, and they were basically made invisible, exacerbating one of the issues that has been a barrier
to collaboration for years.  Traditional comms has each agency represented by a press agent, but in
this case, if I had it to do over again, I would have had each of take a turn talking about what the
other partners had contributed, and how much we value it.  I have a lot to say about each of them.
Jilly reached out yesterday after the meeting, and in her usual lovely way questioned whether and
for how long we need to abide by Margarette’s rules about how we talk about the Food Bank’s
participation publicly.  This is where I ended up too after I read the article Monday night, and
therefore the conversation is really among the principals (Tracy, Jilly, Sheena) about whether they
are ready and willing to talk about what has been the greatest challenge. 
From: Laura Fahey [mailto:LFahey@helmsleytrust.org]
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 8:54 AM
To: Bob Shaver
Cc: Neustadt, David; Turk, Barbara; Aaron Freedman; Timothy Bradley; Tracy Perrizo; Sam Greenberg
Subject: Re: Check-in and next steps on Collaborative comms
Agreed, Bob. Although the NYT story did not take shape exactly as we had hoped, I think it's a
misguided critique to suggest that the result would have been better if we had built an additional
Comms meeting into the process of preparing for the NYT. Historically, the occasional convenings
that we used to do with the Collaborative Comms people did not lead to productive results. For
pitches to come to fruition, they need to be owned and executed by individuals -- as we are doing
now through David's swift NYT opportunity, and BerlinRosen's pitches coming next. (Thank you
again, David!)

That said, we can definitely host another in-person Collaborative Comms meeting in the weeks
ahead since there may be a renewed demand for it. Why don't we start with BR's philanthropy pitch
right now (since that is primarily on Helmsley's behalf), and we can keep the Collaborative Comms
contacts updated via email on that one. 

It would be great for BR to also move forward on a Plentiful pitch, but do we need to first address
(either among this group on this email or with the full Collaborative) who really owns the Plentiful
story and who is currently the best spokesperson for Plentiful?

Recommended next steps:

--Bob reconnects all the comms counterparts by email so BerlinRosen can give an update on the
chronicle pitch, David can outline his vision for the local/ethnic pitches he had in mind, and we can
begin coordinating schedules for a next in-person Comms meeting. 
--This group weighs in on if it is okay for BerlinRosen to begin a Plentiful pitch, or if other crucial
Collab members should be more involved. 

Thoughts welcome!

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 13, 2017, at 12:54 AM, Bob Shaver <bobshaver@redstonestrategy.com> wrote:

Thanks, Laura.
Today’s call was interesting. I think we heard a bit of backlash from moving forward
quickly and decisively on press, without detailed, grinding input from the various
comms people at Collaborative institutions. On the other hand, the last time we did get
that kind of input, we did not end up with a piece in the NYT. What is your take on
Cara’s request?
Regarding next steps, my two cents is that the neighborhood/ethnic pieces and the
Chronicle pieces are clear priorities. One is bread and butter and the other can be
more or less exclusively led by Helmsley. We continue to run into issues with folks
wanting to hitch their fundraising wagon to the Plentiful star, which I am concerned
might get projected onto any press pitch about Plentiful. I may be overly concerned, so
perhaps worth some discussion, while we’re making headway on the other pieces. I
would love for Plentiful to get some more press, but I don’t want that to contribute to
making it harder to stand up on its own in the coming months.
Bob Shaver | Redstone Strategy Group, LLC
203-535-2559 Direct | 303-606-7100 Main
Helping solve urgent social problems
From: Laura Fahey [mailto:LFahey@helmsleytrust.org]
Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2017 9:13 AM
To: Bob Shaver <bobshaver@redstonestrategy.com>; Neustadt, David
<neustadtd@hra.nyc.gov>; Turk, Barbara <BTurk@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Aaron Freedman <Aaron.Freedman@berlinrosen.com>; Timothy Bradley
<Tim@berlinrosen.com>; Tracy Perrizo <TPerrizo@helmsleytrust.org>; Sam Greenberg
Subject: RE: Check-in and next steps on Collaborative comms
Now that the NYT story is published, I believe we can move on to other pitches. Per the
original plan, that should mean the following:
BR can pitch other innovation outlets similar to NYT Fixes or tech outlets about
the Collaborative or specifically about Plentiful.
David can pitch some of the very local, neighborhood-level outlets for
Collaborative stories.
BR can pursue a general pitch to the Chronicle of Philanthropy about Helmsley
and the Collaborative.
I’ll hop on the 3:30 call that David just organized. Tim and Aaron – if you can’t make it,
we can catch you up by email afterwards.
From: Laura Fahey
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2017 5:49 PM
To: 'Bob Shaver' <bobshaver@redstonestrategy.com>; Neustadt, David
<neustadtd@hra.nyc.gov>; Turk, Barbara <BTurk@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Cc: Aaron Freedman <Aaron.Freedman@berlinrosen.com>; Timothy Bradley
<Tim@berlinrosen.com>; Tracy Perrizo <TPerrizo@helmsleytrust.org>; Sam Greenberg
Subject: RE: Check-in and next steps on Collaborative comms
Hi all,
Reconnecting with this communications-minded group, so we can catch BerlinRosen up
to speed on this afternoon’s developments!

Aaron and Tim – It does not look like a Mayor’s event will take place, but we do still
have an interview lined up with NYT. David – I assume this is with Nikita Stewart?
Tomorrow at 8am, several members of the Collaborative will have a planning call to
discuss the NYT interview. Aaron or Tim – Are you free to join? Next week (date/time
TBD), everyone will come to Helmsley for an in-person group interview with the NYT
reporter. For Helmsley, our spokesperson will either be Tracy or our CEO Stephanie, so
we will need to think about talking points for them for next week.
Per our plan, I believe we can then move forward with our other pitches to various
innovation/tech/philanthropy outlets, once we have a sense of when this NYT story will
Thanks, all!
From: Bob Shaver [mailto:bobshaver@redstonestrategy.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2017 12:24 PM
To: Neustadt, David <neustadtd@hra.nyc.gov>; Turk, Barbara
Cc: Laura Fahey <LFahey@helmsleytrust.org>; Aaron Freedman
<Aaron.Freedman@berlinrosen.com>; Timothy Bradley <Tim@berlinrosen.com>;
Tracy Perrizo <TPerrizo@helmsleytrust.org>; Sam Greenberg
Subject: Check-in and next steps on Collaborative comms
Hi David and Barbara,
I hope you are well and have each retained two functioning retinas after yesterday’s
Thank you again for continuing to push the NYT/Mayor’s event plan forward, David.
We’re all quite excited about the vision there and the potential to boost the work! I
trust that you have what you need in terms of data, etc., but please say the word if
there’s anything we can pass along.
With input from Helmsley and BerlinRosen, below is a proposal for how we might work
together alongside (and after) the current NYT/Mayor’s event effort, to achieve the
remaining parts of the comms strategy. Specifically:
David continues work to pitch Nikita Stewart at the NYT, tied closely to an event
that he seeks to coordinate with the Mayor and the Collaborative at a food
pantry. This story and event shouldn’t be scooped by other pitches, so all other
media outreach will hold until after that.
Ahead of the Mayor event, David can confirm if Nikita is able to cover it. If not,
BR can make a push with other NYT reporters and other press in the lead up,
day-of, and after the Mayor event.
Assuming the NYT story and Mayor event happen, BR can pitch NYT Fixes (or
similar outlets in NPR or elsewhere) as well as other tech outlets about Plentiful
after the event.
David can pitch some of the very local, neighborhood-level outlets for
Collaborative stories.
Separately, BR can pursue a general pitch to the Chronicle of Philanthropy
about Helmsley and the Collaborative.
How does this look to you, David and Barbara? If this is in line with your thinking,
BerlinRosen is ready to start pulling together pitches and doing target mapping for the
later work, while your teams move the event and NYT piece into motion.
With appreciation,
Bob Shaver | Redstone Strategy Group, LLC
203-535-2559 Direct | 303-606-7100 Main
Helping solve urgent social problems
From: Dan Levitan
To: Stacey Levine; Blumm, Kate; Ruth Fasoldt
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Raphael, Stephanie; SGastel@dot.nyc.gov; Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: RE: hello!
Date: Monday, September 25, 2017 11:00:27 AM

Katie Lusso
NOW @bradlander @PkSLCivCouncil @RidersNY welcome #bus countdown clocks, call
for @LinkNYC to post them @News12BK facebook.com/KatieLusso12/v…


Dan Levitan
C. 201.674.7475
O. 646.200.5315
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Stacey Levine [mailto:stacey.levine@intersection.com]
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 10:57 AM
To: Blumm, Kate <KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov>; Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>
Cc: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Raphael,
Stephanie <sraphael@doitt.nyc.gov>; SGastel@dot.nyc.gov; Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: Re: hello!
Since Stacy is pulling the FA details, here's our response to this one:
n When will the transit updates you referenced be completed?
While we can't share details of our product roadmap, the team is currently working on transit and
other features. 
On Mon, Sep 25, 2017 at 10:29 AM, Blumm, Kate <KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov> wrote:

+ Natalie
FWIW not seeing anything on twitter.
Tiny tweak and a number of background Qs we need to be prepared to answer (Stacy can you pull
FA language?):
"While our franchise siting requirements don't allow for any Links near bus stops, we thank Councilmember
Lander for the suggestion. Links currently provide transit information and updates on the tablet via access to
MTA.info. We are actively working to add relevant transit updates to the local information already provided on
the large displays, such as the weather forecast, community board meeting notices, street fairs and cultural

n Why aren’t Links allowed in bus stops?

n What is the relevant language in the FA?

n When will the transit updates you referenced be completed?

n Why can’t you just change the rules about where Links can go?

From: Stacey Levine [mailto:stacey.levine@intersection.com]

Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 9:36 AM
To: Blumm, Kate <KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; jovana@berlinrosen.com; Raphael, Stephanie
<sraphael@doitt.nyc.gov>; SGastel@dot.nyc.gov
Subject: Re: hello!
Hey Kate, how about:
"While our franchise siting requirements don't allow for any Links near bus stops, we like the idea and thank
Councilmember Lander for the suggestion. Links currently provide transit information and updates on the tablet
via access to MTA.info. We are actively working to add relevant transit updates to the local information already
provided on the large displays, such as the weather forecast, community board meeting notices, street fairs and
cultural events.”

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Stacey Levine 
VP, Communications
+1 646.834.9657 
10 Hudson Yards 26th Floor New York, NY 10001
We're hiring! Come build the future with us. 
From: Chin, Gloria
To: Blumm, Kate; Gastel, Scott; Dan Levitan; Stacey Levine; Ruth Fasoldt
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Raphael, Stephanie; Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: RE: hello!
Date: Monday, September 25, 2017 11:31:52 AM

No worries at all – better safe than sorry! And yes, will share with team here before sending
to reporter.
From: Blumm, Kate [mailto:KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 11:31 AM
To: Chin, Gloria; Gastel, Scott; Dan Levitan; Stacey Levine; Ruth Fasoldt
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Raphael, Stephanie; Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: RE: hello!
Thanks, Gloria. Please share before sending (I think that’s what you mean by “finalized” but just
being paranoid!). THanks.
From: Chin, Gloria [mailto:gchin@dot.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 11:29 AM
To: Gastel, Scott <SGastel@dot.nyc.gov>; Blumm, Kate <KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov>; Dan Levitan
<dan@berlinrosen.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Ruth Fasoldt
Cc: Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Raphael, Stephanie <sraphael@doitt.nyc.gov>;
Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: hello!
Here’s what we just got from Caroline Spivak…working on a response and will share with
all here when it’s finalized:
Good morning,
I’m reaching out about calls by Councilman Brad Lander for DOT to partner with Link NYC and the
MTA to develop software that would display real time bus data on Link NYC kiosks to help bridge the
gap as bus countdown clocks are rolled out across the city. Lander said he is been in conversation
with the city. Is DOT interested in working with Link NYC and the MTA to pursue this proposal?
I’d appreciate a response as soon as possible. Thanks in advance!
From: Gastel, Scott
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 11:27 AM
To: 'Blumm, Kate'; Dan Levitan; Stacey Levine; Ruth Fasoldt
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Raphael, Stephanie; Grybauskas, Natalie; Chin, Gloria
Subject: RE: hello!
DNA reached out here   will share
From: Blumm, Kate [mailto:KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 11:22 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Ruth
Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>
Cc: Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Raphael, Stephanie <sraphael@doitt.nyc.gov>; Gastel,
Scott <SGastel@dot.nyc.gov>; Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: hello!
Good to go.
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 11:17 AM
To: Blumm, Kate <KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Ruth
Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>
Cc: Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Raphael, Stephanie <sraphael@doitt.nyc.gov>;
SGastel@dot.nyc.gov; Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: hello!
Deadline v soon – first story airs at noon.

Dan Levitan
C. 201.674.7475
O. 646.200.5315
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Blumm, Kate [mailto:KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 11:13 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Ruth
Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>
Cc: Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Raphael, Stephanie <sraphael@doitt.nyc.gov>;
SGastel@dot.nyc.gov; Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: hello!
Hold for a moment please
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 11:07 AM
To: Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Blumm, Kate <KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov>; Ruth
Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>
Cc: Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Raphael, Stephanie <sraphael@doitt.nyc.gov>;
SGastel@dot.nyc.gov; Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: hello!
And we just got our first inquiry from Lusso at News 12.
We will send the statement below and see if she has any follow up questions. 

Dan Levitan
C. 201.674.7475
O. 646.200.5315
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Stacey Levine [mailto:stacey.levine@intersection.com]
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 10:57 AM
To: Blumm, Kate <KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov>; Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>
Cc: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Raphael,
Stephanie <sraphael@doitt.nyc.gov>; SGastel@dot.nyc.gov; Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: Re: hello!
Since Stacy is pulling the FA details, here's our response to this one:
n   When will the transit updates you referenced be completed?
While we can't share details of our product roadmap, the team is currently working on transit and
other features. 
On Mon, Sep 25, 2017 at 10:29 AM, Blumm, Kate <KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov> wrote:
+ Natalie
FWIW not seeing anything on twitter.
Tiny tweak and a number of background Qs we need to be prepared to answer (Stacy can you pull
FA language?):
"While our franchise siting requirements don't allow for any Links near bus stops, we thank Councilmember
Lander for the suggestion. Links currently provide transit information and updates on the tablet via access to
MTA.info. We are actively working to add relevant transit updates to the local information already provided on
the large displays, such as the weather forecast, community board meeting notices, street fairs and cultural

n   Why aren’t Links allowed in bus stops?

n   What is the relevant language in the FA?

n   When will the transit updates you referenced be completed?

n   Why can’t you just change the rules about where Links can go?

From: Stacey Levine [mailto:stacey.levine@intersection.com]

Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 9:36 AM
To: Blumm, Kate <KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; jovana@berlinrosen.com; Raphael, Stephanie
<sraphael@doitt.nyc.gov>; SGastel@dot.nyc.gov
Subject: Re: hello!
Hey Kate, how about:
"While our franchise siting requirements don't allow for any Links near bus stops, we like the idea and thank
Councilmember Lander for the suggestion. Links currently provide transit information and updates on the tablet
via access to MTA.info. We are actively working to add relevant transit updates to the local information already
provided on the large displays, such as the weather forecast, community board meeting notices, street fairs and
cultural events.”

This e-mail, including any attachments, may be confidential, privileged or otherwise legally protected.
It is intended only for the addressee. If you received this e-mail in error or from someone who was
not authorized to send it to you, do not disseminate, copy or otherwise use this e-mail or its
attachments. Please notify the sender immediately by reply e-mail and delete the e-mail from your

Stacey Levine 
VP, Communications

+1 646.834.9657 
10 Hudson Yards 26th Floor New York, NY 10001
We're hiring! Come build the future with us. 
From: Chin, Gloria
To: Stacey Levine; Blumm, Kate
Cc: Gastel, Scott; Dan Levitan; Ruth Fasoldt; Jovana Rizzo; Raphael, Stephanie; Grybauskas, Natalie; Zack,
Subject: RE: hello!
Date: Monday, September 25, 2017 11:37:41 AM

Yes Stacey – we’re working on one now – and will share with all here before sending to
DNA Info, who reached out to us.
From: Stacey Levine [mailto:stacey.levine@intersection.com]
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 11:37 AM
To: Blumm, Kate
Cc: Gastel, Scott; Chin, Gloria; Dan Levitan; Ruth Fasoldt; Jovana Rizzo; Raphael, Stephanie;
Grybauskas, Natalie; Zack, Rebecca
Subject: Re: hello!
Is DOT issuing a statement as well?
On Mon, Sep 25, 2017 at 11:35 AM, Blumm, Kate <KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov> wrote:
From: Gastel, Scott [mailto:SGastel@dot.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 11:34 AM
To: Chin, Gloria <gchin@dot.nyc.gov>; Blumm, Kate <KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov>; Dan
Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Ruth
Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>
Cc: Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Raphael, Stephanie
<sraphael@doitt.nyc.gov>; Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>; Zack,
Rebecca <RZack@dot.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: hello!
+  Rebecca
Just to be clear, it’s not Doitt issuing any statement? It’s BR on behalf of Intersection?
From: Chin, Gloria
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 11:29 AM
To: Gastel, Scott <SGastel@dot.nyc.gov>; 'Blumm, Kate' <KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov>; Dan
Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Ruth
Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>
Cc: Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Raphael, Stephanie
<sraphael@doitt.nyc.gov>; Grybauskas, Natalie <NGrybauskas@cityhall.nyc.gov>
Subject: RE: hello!
Here’s what we just got from Caroline Spivak…working on a response and will share with
all here when it’s finalized:
Good morning,
I’m reaching out about calls by Councilman Brad Lander for DOT to partner with Link NYC
and the MTA to develop software that would display real time bus data on Link NYC kiosks
to help bridge the gap as bus countdown clocks are rolled out across the city. Lander said he
is been in conversation with the city. Is DOT interested in working with Link NYC and the
MTA to pursue this proposal?
I’d appreciate a response as soon as possible. Thanks in advance!
From: Gastel, Scott
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 11:27 AM
To: 'Blumm, Kate'; Dan Levitan; Stacey Levine; Ruth Fasoldt
Cc: Jovana Rizzo; Raphael, Stephanie; Grybauskas, Natalie; Chin, Gloria
Subject: RE: hello!
DNA reached out here   will share
From: Blumm, Kate [mailto:KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 11:22 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>;
Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>
Cc: Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Raphael, Stephanie
<sraphael@doitt.nyc.gov>; Gastel, Scott <SGastel@dot.nyc.gov>; Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: RE: hello!
Good to go.
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 11:17 AM
To: Blumm, Kate <KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov>; Stacey Levine
<stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>
Cc: Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Raphael, Stephanie
<sraphael@doitt.nyc.gov>; SGastel@dot.nyc.gov; Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: RE: hello!
Deadline v soon – first story airs at noon.
Dan Levitan
C. 201.674.7475
O. 646.200.5315
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Blumm, Kate [mailto:KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov]
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 11:13 AM
To: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>;
Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>
Cc: Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Raphael, Stephanie
<sraphael@doitt.nyc.gov>; SGastel@dot.nyc.gov; Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: RE: hello!
Hold for a moment please
From: Dan Levitan [mailto:dan@berlinrosen.com]
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 11:07 AM
To: Stacey Levine <stacey.levine@intersection.com>; Blumm, Kate
<KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov>; Ruth Fasoldt <ruth.fasoldt@intersection.com>
Cc: Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>; Raphael, Stephanie
<sraphael@doitt.nyc.gov>; SGastel@dot.nyc.gov; Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: RE: hello!
And we just got our first inquiry from Lusso at News 12.
We will send the statement below and see if she has any follow up questions. 
Dan Levitan
C. 201.674.7475
O. 646.200.5315
New York • Washington D.C. • Los Angeles
From: Stacey Levine [mailto:stacey.levine@intersection.com]
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 10:57 AM
To: Blumm, Kate <KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov>; Ruth Fasoldt
Cc: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; Jovana Rizzo <jovana@berlinrosen.com>;
Raphael, Stephanie <sraphael@doitt.nyc.gov>; SGastel@dot.nyc.gov; Grybauskas, Natalie
Subject: Re: hello!
Since Stacy is pulling the FA details, here's our response to this one:
n  When will the transit updates you referenced be completed?
While we can't share details of our product roadmap, the team is currently working on transit
and other features. 
On Mon, Sep 25, 2017 at 10:29 AM, Blumm, Kate <KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov> wrote:
+ Natalie
FWIW not seeing anything on twitter.
Tiny tweak and a number of background Qs we need to be prepared to answer (Stacy can
you pull FA language?):
"While our franchise siting requirements don't allow for any Links near bus stops, we thank Councilmember
Lander for the suggestion. Links currently provide transit information and updates on the tablet via access to
MTA.info. We are actively working to add relevant transit updates to the local information already provided on
the large displays, such as the weather forecast, community board meeting notices, street fairs and cultural

n  Why aren’t Links allowed in bus stops?

n  What is the relevant language in the FA?

n  When will the transit updates you referenced be completed?

n  Why can’t you just change the rules about where Links can go?

From: Stacey Levine [mailto:stacey.levine@intersection.com]

Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 9:36 AM
To: Blumm, Kate <KBlumm@doitt.nyc.gov>
Cc: Dan Levitan <dan@berlinrosen.com>; jovana@berlinrosen.com; Raphael, Stephanie
<sraphael@doitt.nyc.gov>; SGastel@dot.nyc.gov
Subject: Re: hello!
Hey Kate, how about:
"While our franchise siting requirements don't allow for any Links near bus stops, we like the idea and thank
Councilmember Lander for the suggestion. Links currently provide transit information and updates on the tablet
via access to MTA.info. We are actively working to add relevant transit updates to the local information already
provided on the large displays, such as the weather forecast, community board meeting notices, street fairs and
cultural events.”

This e-mail, including any attachments, may be confidential, privileged or otherwise legally protected.
It is intended only for the addressee. If you r

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