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Gas Holdup and Overall Volumetric Mass Transfer Coefficient in A Modified Reversed Flow Jet Loop Reactor

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Gas Holdup and Overall Volumetric Mass Transfer Coefficient

in a Modified Reversed Flow Jet Loop Reactor

Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Instiiute of Technology, Madras-600 036, India
Experiments were conducted in a modified reversed flow jet loop reactor having the liquid outlet at the top of the
reactor to determine the gas holdup and overall volumetric mass transfer coefficient in the air-water system. The influence
of gas and liquid flow rates, and the draft tube to reactor diameter ratio were studied. It was observed that both gas
holdup and volumetric mass transfer coefficient increased with increased gas and liquid flow rates and were found to
be significantly higher in the modified reactor compared to the conventional one. The optimum draft tube to reactor
diameter ratio was found to be in the range of 0.4 to 0.5. Empirical correlations are presented to predict gas holdup
and overall volumetric mass transfer coefficient in terms of operational and geometrical variables.

Des exp6riences ont Ctt men& dans un rtacteur h boucle h jet d’tcoulement renversC modifit, dans lequel la sortie
liquide est situk au sommet du rtacteur, afin de determiner la rttention de gaz et le coefficient de transfert de matitre
volumttrique global dans le systtme air-eau. L’influence des dtbits liquides et gazeux et le rapport entre le tube d’aspi-
ration et le diamttre du reacteur ont Cgalement Ctt ttudits. On a observt que la rttention de gaz et le coefficient de
transfert de matitre volumttrique augmentaient avec I’augmentation des dtbits liquides et gazeux et que, par ailleurs,
ils ttaient considtrablement plus tlevts dans le rtacteur modifit que dans le rtacteur conventionnel. On a trouvt que
le rapport optimal entre le tube d’aspiration et le diamttre du rtacteur se situait dans la gamme de 0,4 h 0,s.Des corrt-
lations empiriques sont prtsenttes pour praire la rttention de gaz et le coefficient de transfen de matitre volumttrique
global en termes de variables gtomttriques et de fonctionnement.
Keywords: reversed flow, jet loop reactor, gas holdup, volumetric mass transfer coefficient.

L oop reactors are extensively being used in fermentation

and wastewater treatment processes because of their
advantages such as simple construction and operation,
A study of the fundamental hydrodynamic characteristics
in gas-liquid-solid systems in a reversed flow JLR has been
made by Padmavathi and Remananda Rao (1991) and of gas-
low investment and operational costs, definitely directed liquid systems for both Newtonian and nowNewtonian fluids
circulation flow, very fine gas dispersion, high mixing and (Velan and Ramanujam, l991,1992b), but only a little work
mass transfer performance and relatively lower power has been reported on gas-liquid mass transfer (Wachsmann
requirements. et al., 1985; Velan and Ramanujam, 1992a). In the present
In jet loop reactors (JLR), the liquid circulation and fine study, experiments were performed to obtain the overall gas
gas dispersion are achieved with hydrodynamic jet flow holdup and overall volumetric mass transfer coefficient in
drive. The previous investigations (Blenke, 1979; Warnecke the modified reversed flow jet loop reactor with the liquid
et al., 1988; Tebel and Zehner, 1989) on these reactors were outlet at the top of the reactor. Effects of operational variables
carried out with a concentric draft tube and a two-fluid nozzle (gas and liquid flow rates) and design variables (draft tube
at the bottom of the reactor. This type of arrangement has to reactor diameter ratio) for the air-water system were
a disadvantage when the reactor is used as a slurry reactor, analyzed. The results were compared with those of the earlier
due to the blockage of the nozzle, and in processes involving investigations (Velan and Ramanujam, 1991, 1992a) in a
sparingly soluble gases such as oxygen in biological similar reactor with the liquid outlet at the bottom.
wastewater treatment, due to the lower residence time of
gaseous phase (Kulkami et al., 1983; Wachsmann et al.,
1985). Experimental
An improved design of JLR (Wachsmann et al., 1985;
Padmavathi and Remananda Rao, 1991, 1993; Velan and A schematic diagram of the experimental set-up is shown
Ramanujam, 1991) with the two-fluid nozzle at the top of in Figure 1. The apparatus was made of a 0.192 m i.d. and
the reactor not only eliminates the blockage of the nozzle 1.4 m high Perspex tube. Five draft tubes of varying
but also increases the residence time of the gas in the reactor diameters and 1.O m long were fixed one at a time concen-
as the gas bubbles are forced to move against buoyancy. trically inside the main reactor. The liquid was withdrawn
However, in the above investigations the outlet of the liquid continuously from the outlet provided at 1.2 m height above
was provided at the bottom of the reactor, in which only a the bottom of the reactor and circulated back to the reactor
partial circulation of the liquid occurs as major part of the by means of a liquid circulation pump drawing from a storage
liquid leaves the reactor without being circulated into the tank, used as a surge tank with a very small liquid volume,
annulus, resulting in a lower residence time of the liquid- via a calibrated flow meter and a two-fluid nozzle. The gas
phase. With the liquid outlet at the top of the reactor, the (compressed air) was fed through an aeration tube of 2.75 mm
entire liquid entering the reactor should travel down the draft i.d., fixed co-axially at the center of the two-fluid nozzle.
tube and leave through the annulus at the top, thereby The bottom of the reactor consisted of a cone placed at the
increasing the residence time of the liquid in the reactor which center of a hemisphere, as shown in Figure 1. This design
can enhance gas holdup and oxygen mass transfer coefficient minimized the dead space and energy losses. Solenoid valves
in the reactor. in the inlet, outlet and bypass lines permitted simultaneous
shut-off of both gas and liquid flows for the measurement
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. of overall gas holdup values.
by means of shutting the solenoid valves and eG was deter-
sv mined from the difference in the heights of the dispersion
level and the clear liquid level according to the following

EG = (HF - HL)/HF ......................... (1)

where HF = height of the dispersion level in the reactor and

HL = height of the clear liquid level in the reactor.
Recorder The transient gassing-in (gassing-out)method was used for
the determination of overall volumetric mass transfer coeffi-
cient, KLu. A batch of liquid, of volume slightly more than
that of the reactor and pipelines, was taken in the storage
RM If4
tank and the liquid circulation was started at desired gas and
liquid flow rates. The gas flow rate was stopped by closing
the solenoid valve, and the liquid was deaerated to approxi-
1 mately zero oxygen concentration in a few minutes by rapid
addition of 300 g/m3 of sodium sulphite (Na2SO3*7H20)

together with 2 g/m3 of cobaltous chloride (CoC12.6H20)
as a catalyst (Linek and Vacek, 1981;Medic et al., 1989).
Air flow to the reactor was started at the pre-set value and
the time-change in the dissolved oxygen concentration was
monitored by a dissolved oxygen electrode (YSI 5739 with
standard membrane) connected to a YSI model 58 dissolved
oxygen meter (Yellow Springs Instrument Co., Yellow
Springs, OH). The assumptions of constant gas-phase
Figure 1 - Schematic diagram of the experimental set-up. composition with respect to axial position in the reactor
CB - Conical bottom; DO - Dissolved oxygen; DT - Draft tube; (Deckwer et al., 1974; Verlaan and Tramper, 1987) and
PG - Pressure gauge; R - Reactor, RM - Rotameter, SV - Solenoid “well-mixed’’ liquid-phase (Siege1 and Merchuk, 1987;
valve; TN - Two fluid nozzle; V - Control valve. Verlaan and Tramper, 1987) were made in the evaluation
of KLu as the liquid circulation time was always less than
TABLE1 the mass transfer time (1/KLu) for the entire range of liquid
Dimensions of the Reactor and Ranges of Variables velocity covered. The influence of the oxygen electrode
Reactor: dynamics on KLu was neglected as the time constant of the
inner diameter, D (m) 0.192 probe T€ is less than 10 seconds and the condition 7€
overall length, H (m) 1.4 < < (l/KLu) was fulfilled (Van’t Riet, 1979;Nakanoh and
dispersion height, HF (m) 1.2 Yoshida, 1983;Medic et al., 1989).
Draft tube: The KLu value for each run was obtained from the slope
inner diameter, D, (m) 0.064 (D,/D=O.33) of the straight line in the plot of In [(P - Co)/(Cr- CJ1
0.074 (DE /D=0.39)
0.084 (DE/D=O.44) versus t (Bandyopadhyay et al., 1967;Van’t Riet, 1979;
0.094 (DE 1D=O.49) Chisti and Moo-Young, 1988).The steady-state value of the
0.112 (D, /D=0.58) DO meter at the desired operating conditions of gas and liquid
length, L, (m) 1.o flow rates was taken as the saturation or equilibrium
bottom clearance, HB (cm) 7.0 concentration (P) of oxygen in the liquid for that particular
Nozzle: experimental run. Tap water was used in all the experiments.
inner diameter, D, (cm) 1.2 Six experimental runs were carried out with one batch of
equivalent flow diameter, D, (cm) 0.9 liquid. The last run was always the repetition of first one
immersion depth, HT (m) 0.2 and the error was found to be within &lo%. All the
Aeration tube:
experimental runs were carried out at room temperature of
inner diameter, DGi(mm) 2.75
outer diameter, D , (mm) 3.0 26 f 2°C and the KLu value at 20°C was calculated using
the following general formula (Eckenfelder, 1966):
Gas flow rate, Q, (m3/h) 0.3 - 1.5
Liquid flow rate, QL (m31h) 2.5 - 5.5
Materials and methods

The dimensions of the reactor and the range of the varaibles Results and discussion
are shown in Table 1. Air and tap water (viscosity, p = 8.9
x N-s/m2and surface tension, u = 0.072N/m) were EFFECTOF GAS FLOW RATE
used as the gas and liquid phases, respectively. The measure-
ment of air flow rate was made at ambient temperature and The influence of gas flow rate on KLu and eG at different
atmospheric pressure. The overall gas holdup, eG in the energy dissipation rates per unit reactor volume, (E/V)L,is
reactor was determined by the volume expansion technique. shown in Figure 2. The energy dissipation rate was calcu-
The results were reproducible within f 10%.During steady- lated as the kinetic energy of the liquid jet based on the flow
state operation, the inflows of gas and liquid were stopped area of the nozzle. It was observed that both eG and KLu

System : Air Water
O E I D = 0.44


- 4.0-
A Present work .,O
Velan and l A I A l
5' : : 1
I1992 a 1

1.0 1.0

0 I 1 I I I I I
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 1 2 3 4 5

O,O, A Present work

@,.,A Velan and
Ramanujam (1991) /" -
4 0.15

Present work
Velan B RamMujam #-
(1991) /
g 0.11 -

0.021 1 1 I 0.03- 1
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0 1 2 3 4 . 5
Gas flow r a t e , 0, (m3/h) Energy dissipation rate, ( E I V 1 ( k W / m' )

Figure 2 - Effect of gas flow rate, Q, on: (a) overall volumetric Figure 3 - Effectof energy dissipation rate per unit reactor volume,
mass transfer coefficient, KLa and (b) overall gas holdup, c, at (EIV), on: (a) overall volumetric mass transfer coefficient, KLa and
different energy dissipation rates per unit reactor volume (EIV), (b) overall gas holdup, cG at different gas flow rates (Q,) for a
for a constant draft tube to reactor diameter ratio (D,lD). constant draft tube to reactor diameter ratio (&ID).


increased with an increase in gas flow rate for a given The effect of liquid flow rate on KLa and CG is shown in
( E l v ) ~This
. was due to the increased gas entrainment and Figure 3 in terms of (ElV), for different gas flow rates. eG
gas-liquid interfacial area at higher gas flow rates. Similar was found to increase with an increase in the liquid flow rate,
trends have been reported in the literature for various as shown in Figure 3b, due to the increased circulation of
configurations of reactors, includingjet loop reactors (Akita gas bubbles into the draft tube with the increased liquid flow
and Yoshida, 1973; Be110 et al., 1985; Warnecke et al., 1988; rate. A similar trend was reported in the literature for a
Velan and Ramanujam, 1991, 1992a; Koide et al., 1992; downflow jet loop reactor (Velan and Ramanujam, 1991).
Padmavathi and Remananda Rao, 1993). The effect of liquid flow rate on KLu indicated a different
The dashed lines in the Figure 2 represent the results of phenomena, as shown in Figure 3a. Within the range of
the earlier investigations (Velan and Ramanujam, 1991, variables studied it was observed that KLu increased with
1992a)on a similar downflow jet loop reactor, but one which increased (EIV), in the range of low (EIV),, reached a
had the liquid outlet at the bottom of the reactor. It was maximum value at about 1.8 kW/m3, then decreased to a
observed that eG values in the present study are higher, minimum value, and then increased at the higher range of
more significantly at the lower range of gas and liquid flow (ED'),. The reason for this effect can be explained as
rates, and the KLu values are nearly doubled. This effect can follows.
be explained by the increased residence time of the liquid Flow visualization studies were conducted prior to this
in the modified reactor, which can hold more gas bubbles investigation. The flow regimes in the reactor were altered
of the same size, thus increasing e~ as well as KLU. From by varying the gas and liquid flow rates. It was observed
Figure 2, it also can be observed that the effect of the reactor that there was a transmission from the uniform bubbly flow
modification on KLu was more pronounced than that on eG. regime to an uneven churn-turbulent flow regime at (El V),
At higher gas flow rates, even though the gas holdup values values of about 2 kW/m3. This type of change in flow
are nearly equal, much higher KLu values were observed, regimes was only observed with the variation of liquid flow
which may be due to finer dispersion of the gas-phase, rate, and no such significant change was observed with the
thereby increasing the gas-liquid interfacial area available variation of gas flow rate at a constant liquid flow rate. The
for mass transfer. decrease in KLu values at this point could be due to the

System : Air-Water

2.1 2.43

0 . 0
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
DE / D Ratio

Figure 4 - Effect of draft tube to reactor diameter ratio (DElD) 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
on overall gas holdup (eG) at different energy dissipation rates per DE I D Ratio
unit reactor volume for a constant gas flow rate (QG).

change of the flow regime. During the transition region, and Figure 5 - Effect of draft tube to reactor diameter ratio (DE/D)
at the initial stages of the churn-turbulent flow regime, the on overall volumetric mass transfer coefficient (K,u) at different
energy dissipation rates per unit reactor volume (EIV), for a
eddies developed in the reactor reduced the recirculation of constant gas flow rate (QG).
gas bubbles and increased their coalescence, thereby reducing
the gas-liquid interfacial area for mass transfer. In addition, increased, thereby increasing the liquid circulation velocity.
the driving force for mass transfer, i.e. the concentration Thus, more gas bubbles were drawn into the draft tube from
difference, was lower in the churn-turbulent (back mixing) the annulus, increasing cG and KLu. With a further increase
flow region than in the bubbly (plug) flow region, which in the DE /D ratio, the cross sectional area of the draft tube
effected a reduction in the rate of mass transfer. became too large and the driving force in the draft tube for
At the higher range of ( E / V L ,KLu increased due to the liquid circulation decreased, so much so that the gas bubbles
increased liquid circulation. However, it was observed rising in the annulus tried to escape from the top due to their
that the variation of KLu with gas flow rate was more high rise velocity without being drawn into the draft tube.
pronounced than its variation with the liquid flow rate. The Hence, both the ec and KLu values decreased when DE/D
optimum value of 2 kW/m3 was also reported in the exceeded its optimum value. A similar type of trend was
literature (Wachsmann et al., 1985). Higher values of EG reported in the literature for downflow jet loop reactors
and KLu with the modification can also be observed from (Wachsmann et al., 1985;Velan and Ramanujam, 1991,
Figure 3. KLu values were found to be higher even though 1992a) and the optimum values agree well with their reports.
the gas holdup values were low. From Figure 3, it was also
observed that the influence of the modification was more CORRELATIONS OF G' AND KLu
pronounced at the lower range of gas flow rates and energy
dissipation rates. The following empirical correlations were obtained for eG
and KLu, based on the experimental data of the modified
EFFECTOF DEID RATIO reactor in terms of operational and geometrical variables.
The effect of draft tube to reactor diameter ratio, DEID,
on EG and KLU is shown in Figures 4 and 5, respectively. For the bubbly flow regime:
It was observed that both eC and KLu values increased with
the increase in DE/D ratio to an optimum value and then EG = 8.703 X l$0.42 ..... (3)
decreased with a further increase in the DE/D ratio within
the range of gas and liquid flow rates studied. The optimum where l$ and U are in m/s, and the constant has the
value of DEID for EG was found to be in the range of 0.4 units of (s/m)0.87"'
to 0.5and for KLu it was found to be about 0.4. Initially,
with the increased DE/ D ratio the cross sectional area of the
draft tube increased and that of the annulus decreased. As
the area of the draft tube increased, the gas dispersion into for 6.55 I l$ ( m / s ) c 10.5
the draft tube increased, and as the cross sectional area of
the annulus decreased the liquid velocity in the annulus for KLu in l/s, l$ and U, in m/s, and the constant has

= energy dissipation rate per unit volume,
[ (PL A y q 3 ) / 2 v ~ (kW/m3)
For the chum-turbulent flow regime: = gravitational constant (m/s2)
= height of the reactor (m)
= bottom clearance (height of the lower edge of the
KLu = 1.08 X qo.w
Usg0.67(DE/D)-o.56. . . (5) draft tube from the bottom of the reactor) (m)
= height of the dispersion level in the reactor (m)
for 10.5 I (m/s) I 14.4 = height of the clear liquid level in the reactor (m)
= nozzle immersion depth (height of the upper edge of
for KLu in Us, VJ and Us,in m/s, and the constant has the the draft tube from the tip of the nozzle) (m)
units of s0.47/m’.47. = overall volumetric mass transfer coefficient (l/s)
= length of the draft tube (m)
= volumetric flow rate of the gas at ambient temperature
The effective range of the variables for the above equations and atmospheric pressure (m3/h)
are: = volumetric flow rate of the liquid (m3/h)
= time (s)
6.55 I q (m/s) I 14.4 = temperature (“C)
= linear liquid velocity based on Ay (m/s)
14.03 I U,, (m/s) I 116.9 = superficial gas velocity based on Dci (m/s)
= dispersion volume in the reactor (m3)
0.33 IDE/D I0.58
Greek letters
The exponents on these variables in Equations (3),(4)and
(5)give the overall effect of these variables on the parameter E = fractional holdup (-)
such as cG and KLu within the given range. The correlation jt = viscosity of the liquid (N.s/m2)
coefficients for Equations (3),(4)and (5)are 0.98,0.94and P = mass density of the media (kg/m3)
U = surface tension of the liquid (Nlm)
0.95,respectively. The standard error or estimate (S,)for = first order electrode time constant (s)
cG using Equation (3) is 0.0042 and those for KLu using
Equations (4)and (5) are 0.0017 and 0.0033,respectively.
Conclusions G = gas-phase
L = liquid-phase
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