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Bioprocess Engineering 18 (1998) 267±279 Ó Springer-Verlag 1998

Hydrodynamic studies in an airlift reactor

with an enlarged degassing zone
C. Freitas, J.A. Teixeira

Abstract The hydrodynamic behaviour of a 60 l three- vgr m/s riser super®cial gas velocity
phase airlift bioreactor, of the concentric draught tube Vs l solids volume measured in each
type, with an enlarged degassing zone has been studied. sample
Ca-alginate beads were used as the solid phase. Air¯ow VT l sample total volume
rate (from 1.9 to 90.2 l/min), solids loading (0% to 40% Dt s time required by the tracer to
(v/v)) and solids density (1016 and 1038 kg/m3) were travel along the riser and the
manipulated and their in¯uence on solids and gas holdup, downcomer
circulation and mixing times and in the interstitial liquid egd gas holdup in the downcomer
velocity was determined. Riser and downcomer solids egi gas holdup in section i
holdup was found to decrease with the increase of air¯ow egr gas holdup in the riser
rate and to increase with solids loading and density. On esd solids holdup in the downcomer
the contrary, gas holdup in the riser and in the downcomer esi solids holdup in section i
increased with air¯ow rate and decreased with solids esr solids holdup in the riser
loading and density. By increasing air¯ow rate, a decrease ql kg/m3 liquid density
in circulation time was observed while the effects of solids qs kg/m3 solids density
loading and density were negligible. Mixing time de-
creased with air¯ow rate, increased with solids density, in
the studied range, and presented a maximum for solids 1
loading of approximately 20% (v/v). Introduction
Airlift reactors are reaction vessels divided into two main
sections ± the riser, where the gas is usually injected, and
List of symbols the downcomer. As a result of the different gas holdup in
Ad m downcomer cross-section area the riser and in the downcomer, the bulk density of the
Ar m riser cross-section area ¯uid in these zones is different and liquid circulation is
d m vertical distance between two induced. When there is a good gas-liquid separation in the
points in the riser and in the top section of the bioreactor, gas holdup in the down-
downcomer comer is negligible and the driving force for liquid circu-
H1 ÿ H2 cmH2 O pressure difference between two lation is maximal. While, for well designed external-loop
points of the riser and of the airlift reactors, the top connection between the riser and
downcomer the downcomer can be an effective gas-liquid separator,
tc s circulation time the top section of internal-loop airlift reactors needs to be
tm s mixing time specially designed for a complete gas-liquid separation.
ul m/s interstitial liquid velocity Most of the con®gurations used [1] are based on the
uld m/s downcomer interstitial liquid principle of reducing the liquid velocity in the entrance of
velocity the downcomer to values below bubbles' rising velocity, to
ulr m/s riser interstitial liquid velocity avoid their entrance into the downcomer. This can be
achieved by increasing the cross-section area of the
downcomer in the top of the reactor. Only a few studies
were made with internal-loop airlift reactors having a
Received: 21 April 1997
signi®cantly enlarged gas-liquid separator [2±7].
C. Freitas, J.A. Teixeira Airlift reactors have been raising an increasing interest
I.B.Q.F. (Instituto de Biotecnologia e QuõÂmica Fina), due to their advantages, when compared to other reactors.
Departamento de Engenharia BioloÂgica, Nevertheless, their industrial application still remains
Universidade do Minho, Campus de Gualtar, limited because hydrodynamic studies of the airlift
4709 Braga codex, Portugal reactors have been done, in most of the cases, only with
gas-liquid systems. Since fermentation broths are
Correspondence to: J.A. Teixeira
gas-liquid-solid systems, the characterisation of the effect
This work was supported by J.N.I.C.T (Junta Nacional de of solids on the hydrodynamics and on the gas-liquid mass
InvestigacËaÄo Cientõ®ca e TecnoloÂgica) under Grant GGP XXI/BD/ transfer properties is receiving increasing interest and has
2937/96. been subject of some studies [7±17]. The importance of the
Bioprocess Engineering 18 (1998)

solid phase becomes particularly relevant in cases when A 0.030 m circular distribution plate, with 30 holes of
micro-organisms are immobilised in solid supports or 1 mm each, is used to inject air. It is placed 0.061 m below
¯occulated as is the case of high cell density systems. the bottom of the draught tube.
However, most of the studies have been done with solids
having densities different from those that occur in fer- 2.2
mentation processes and the effect of biomass density The solid-phase
variation during the whole process usually is not consid- Ca-alginate beads were used as solid-phase and were
ered. prepared according to the procedure described by Vicente
The behaviour of a bioreactor is determined not only by and Teixeira [7]. Ca-alginate beads with two different
the reactor geometry but also by its hydrodynamic prop- densities were used. The mean diameter and density of the
erties [18]. The analysis and description of the behaviour ``low density beads'' (LD) were 2.131 ‹ 0.102 mm and
of an airlift reactor involves the study of parameters such 1016 ‹ 1 kg/m3, respectively, and the values for the ``high
as gas and solids holdup, mixing and liquid velocity. It is density beads'' (HD) were 2.151 ‹ 0.125 mm and
necessary to get information about the interaction between 1038 ‹ 1 kg/m3.
these parameters and the operation and the design vari-
ables, in order to make a correct design of the airlift
Superficial gas velocity
The purpose of this study was to investigate the in¯u-
The super®cial gas velocity …vsg † was calculated as the ratio
ence of the solids loading (from 0% to 40% (v/v)), the
between the air volumetric ¯ow rate and the riser cross-
density of the solid-phase (1016 and 1038 kg/m3) and the
section area.
air¯ow rate (1.9, 5.5, 9.1, 13.6, 30.3, 58.8, 90.2 l/min) on gas
and solids holdup, on mixing and circulation times and on
liquid velocity, in a 60 l concentric draught tube airlift 2.4
bioreactor with an enlarged degassing zone. Solids holdup determination
Solids holdup was measured at the top of the riser and of
2 the downcomer, by sampling the gas-liquid-solid slurry.
Materials and methods The sampler is a 60 ml …VT † cylinder with two valves at the
top and at the bottom. When it was introduced into the
2.1 reactor, the valves were open in the ¯ow direction and, for
The reactor sample collection, they were closed simultaneously. In
A 60 l airlift reactor of the concentric draught tube type, each sample, solids volume …Vs † was measured. With this
with an enlarged degassing zone, is used (Fig. 1). It is value, solids holdup in riser and in downcomer …esi † was
made of plexiglas with a thickness of 8 mm. The total calculated:
height of the reactor is 1.986 m and the ¯uid level is Vs
0.530 m above the top of the draught tube. The height and esi ˆ : …1†
the diameter of the downcomer are 1.190 m and 0.142 m, VT
respectively. The draught tube height and diameter are, For each set of experimental conditions, three samples
respectively, 1.190 m and 0.062 m and its bottom edge is were taken.
0.086 m above the bottom of the reactor.
The top section is of the cylindrical conical type. The
conical section forms a 51° angle with the main body of the
reactor and the height and diameter of the cylindrical part
Gas holdup determination
Gas holdup was determined for the riser …egr † and the
are, respectively, 0.350 m and 0.442 m.
downcomer …egd † by measuring the pressure difference
between the top and the bottom of both the riser and the
downcomer, with a differential pressure transducer con-
nected to a data acquisition system, linked to a personal
computer. In each section, the distance between the two
pressure acquisition points is d ˆ 1:09 m (see Fig. 1). Two
pressure transducers ± P3061-2WD and P3061-5WD, LCSP
Shaevitzä Pressure Sensors ± for different working ranges
(0±5 and 0±13 cmH2O) were used. For each set of exper-
imental conditions, different pressure differences
(H1 ) H2) in the riser and in the downcomer were
measured three times, during 300 s each. The mean of
the registered values was used for the calculation of gas
holdup, for each section (i) of the reactor, by the

…H1 ÿ H2 †i ql ÿ qs
egi ˆ ÿ  esi : …2†
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the airlift reactor d ql

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