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Influence of Flow Parameters On Capture of Carbon Dioxide Gas by A Wet Scrubber

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Open Access Journal

Journal of Power Technologies 93 (1) (2013) 9–15

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Influence of Flow Parameters on Capture of Carbon Dioxide Gas by a Wet

H.M. Ndiritu∗ , K. Kibicho, B. B. Gathitu
Department of Mechanical Engineering
ELB Building, JKUAT, 62,000 Nairobi, Kenya

There is currently much concern over the issues of carbon dioxide emissions and climate change. Economic
growth has driven carbon dioxide emission to 6 billion tonnes annually. Analysis has shown that carbon
dioxide forms 13 to 15% of the combustion exhaust gases that are released directly into the atmosphere. Such
concentrations can be effectively reduced using wet scrubbing. This is a capture mechanism involving the
interaction of a liquid and a gas phase in a counter flow configuration. This paper presents the performance of
a wet scrubbing system based on variation in flow properties. The results show that an increase in liquid and
gas flow rate causes a 19% in carbon dioxide absorption. This resulted from proper mixing of gas and liquid
phases within the absorber facilitated by the packed bed surface. Heating of the carbon dioxide gas caused
an increase in absorption of more than 10% for varying liquid flow rate and of 14% for varying gas flow rate.
This was attributed to an increase in heat energy for the reaction of carbon dioxide and water.
Keywords: Global warming, Carbon dioxide capture, Wet scrubbers, Absorption rate

1. Introduction of air by 6 to 7% [2]. Other consequences of global

warming include a rise in sea levels, acidification of
The rise in energy demand in the world has re- oceans and a reduction of glaciers in snow-capped
sulted in continuous rise in the use of fossil fuels mountains [3–6]. To curb these effects, emissions of
in transport, industry and power generation. This carbon dioxide into the atmosphere must be reduced.
has caused a rise in emission of carbon dioxide at
to an annual rate of 6 billion tonnes [1]. The result- In a typical combustion device 13 to 15% of the
ing increase in atmospheric concentration of carbon exhaust emission is carbon dioxide [7]. Such low
dioxide has been found to be a driving force behind concentrations are effectively reduced using liquid
global warming. Some of the major consequences absorption. This is also called wet scrubbing and has
of global warming include a global reduction in the been in operation since 1836 [8]. Several researchers
quantity of water. It has been observed that a 1◦ C rise have studied the effects of flow conditions on absorp-
in air temperature increases water retention capacity tion of carbon dioxide. Among them is Adisorn et
al. [9] who found that an increase in liquid flow rate

enhanced the absorption of carbon dioxide. This was
Corresponding author
Email addresses: hndiritu@eng.jkuat.ac.ke (H.M.
attributed to increased wetting of the gas-liquid in-
Ndiritu∗ ), kkibicho@yahoo.com (K. Kibicho), terface. In addition, an increase in gas flow rate had
bbg@eng.jkuat.ac.ke (B. B. Gathitu) no effect on the absorption of carbon dioxide from a
Journal of Power Technologies 93 (1) (2013) 9–15

flow gas. This was despite the increase in turbulence sion for control of flow parameters such as gas and
caused by high gas flow rates that is expected to facil- liquid flow rate as well as temperature of gas.
itate mixing within the absorber. Meikap et al. [10]
using a slightly different configuration (a multi-stage 2. Experimental Setup and Method
bubble column scrubber) found that an increase in
volumetric gas flow rate caused a corresponding im- A packed absorber was designed, fabricated and
provement in absorption rate. This disagrees with used in the absorption of carbon dioxide gas from
Adisorn’s findings making it an area suitable for fur- a simulated flue gas. The system consists of an ar-
ther study. rangement gas flow and the liquid distribution sys-
Turbulence is an important parameter for improv- tems are configured in such a way that there is coun-
ing the absorption rate of carbon dioxide. Chia et terflow interaction. A set up of this type is shown in
al. [11] enhanced it by use of a rotating packed bed Figure 1.
(RPB) absorber, which caused the absorption rate to
increase. This was attributed to reduced mass trans- 2.1. Design and Fabrication
fer resistance of the liquid. This was confirmed by The design of the system utilized a procedure
Shabani et al. [12] who found that high gas flow based on Schenelle and Brown [15]. In this Henry’s
rate increased turbulence, which further improved law and mass balance across the absorber were esti-
the mixing of phases within the absorber. Moreover, mated using the following two equations.
high liquid flow rate caused an increase in absorption
of gas due to the continuous renewal of the gas liquid y = Hx (1)
boundary layer.
where y and x are the mole fractions of the pollutant
Adisorn found that increasing the temperature of
in the carrier gas mixture and in the liquid respec-
the liquid up to 35◦ C enhanced carbon dioxide ab-
tively while H is the Henry’s constant.
sorption [9]. This was attributed to the increased ki-
netic energy of the molecules of the gas and liquid Gdy = Ldx. (2)
phase. However, Zare et al. [13] and Lars [14] found
an inverse relationship between temperature and ab- where G and L are the gas and liquid molar flow rates
sorption rate. This was attributed to relocation of respectively. Further details of the procedure are ex-
the reaction zone to the upper stages of the absorber. plained in [16].
This suggests that the position of the reaction zone The gas distribution system consists of a carbon
ultimately determines the rate of absorption of gas dioxide source connected to the absorption unit using
by the scrubbing agent. This can only be confirmed a flexible steel pipe. The gas used was 100% carbon
by studying the mechanism of reaction within the ab- dioxide released into the absorber at a pressure in the
sorber. range of 0 to 100 mbar above atmospheric. This gas
From the foregoing, gas flow rate play a limited was industrial grade carbon dioxide and packed as
role in absorption of carbon dioxide by a solvent, but a compressed liquid by Carbacid Ltd. Though the
it is expected to facilitate mixing between the gas and temperature and pressure were low, they neverthe-
liquid phase. Also it is unclear why temperature has less simulated what happens in real situations as they
a non uniform effect on absorption of carbon diox- were above ambient conditions.
ide while being a catalyst for reactions. This means The absorption unit consisting of an absorber
that there is a complex relationship between flow pa- shell (upper and lower sections) was constructed
rameters and carbon dioxide absorption. Therefore, as a cuboid having cross-sectional dimensions of
further study needs to be done to optimize the ab- 350×310 mm and a height of 1380 mm. Inside
sorption process. the absorber were a corrugated packed bed, a mist
In this paper the performance of an absorber used eliminator and nozzles. The bottom of the absorber
for scrubbing of carbon dioxide from a simulated flue formed the solvent sump. The solvent distribution
gas is presented. The rig is designed to have provi- system consisted of a network of galvanized iron

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Journal of Power Technologies 93 (1) (2013) 9–15

Figure 1: Layout of the CO2 absorption plant

pipes joining the fresh solvent and used solvent tanks gas flow rate was set using the regulating valve in-
to the absorption unit. tegral to the rotameter after which it passed through
The instrumentation system consisted of all the de- a gauge and a thermocouple for pressure and tem-
vices that were used to monitor the performance of perature measurement respectively. Before injection
the model plant and control of heating process. A into the absorber, carbon dioxide flowed through the
detailed description of the interaction of the com- main heater for further heating above ambient condi-
ponents making the absorber unit is provided in the tions (this heating was done for tests involving tem-
flow procedure below. perature variations).

2.2. Flow Procedure Within the absorber, carbon dioxide gas flowed
Carbon dioxide was discharged from the gas cylin- downstream through the packing channels contact-
der and passed through the series of apparatus shown ing with the solvent in a counter flow configuration.
in Figure 1. The gas was released from the cylinder A mist eliminator removed moisture before carbon
through a pre-heater that was supplied with a reg- dioxide exited at the top of the absorber. Down-
ulator to dry off any entrained liquid droplets and stream of the absorber were a set of measuring instru-
ensured the gas condition at the upstream section ments (thermocouple, pressure gauge and rotameter)
was at ambient temperature (25 ± 3◦ C). The required for determination of condition before final discharge

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Journal of Power Technologies 93 (1) (2013) 9–15

of gas to the atmosphere. 2.4. Uncertainty

Liquid was pumped using the supply pump from Measured data utilizing an array of instruments
the fresh solvent tank as shown in Figure 1 and has a level of uncertainty. Therefore it is necessary to
the flow rate was set using a flow valve mounted evaluate this uncertainty. In this research two types
upstream of the absorber. The liquid then flowed of uncertainty, instrumental and experimental were
through the upstream measuring instruments for flow evaluated based on Equations 6 and 7.
determination before discharge into the absorber
through a pair of nozzles. After interacting with the ξ p 
= 100 (βP )2 + (βV )2 + (βT )2 (6)
gas, used solvent was collected at the absorber sump A
and then pumped to the solvent collection tank using where ξP , ξV and ξT were the uncertainties from
the second hydraulic pump. A liquid pipe connect- each of the measuring instruments (rotameter, pres-
ing the two tanks allowed recirculation to establish sure gauge and the multi-channel digital recorder)
the number of runs required to saturate the solvent that were respectively stated as 5%. Also βP = ξPP ,
with carbon dioxide.
βV = ξVV and βT = ξTT respectively.
q 
2.3. Performance Parameters 1 PN 2
 N−1 i=1 (Ai − Ā) 
 
σ = 100   (7)
The parameters that were measured to track the  Ā 
performance of the rig were temperature, pressure
and flow rates. Their effect on absorption rate is where N was the number of repeated measurements,
through the equation of state of a perfect gas as A was the molar absorption rate and Ā was the aver-
shown in Equation 3. age molar absorption rate given by Equation 8.
1 Pi Vi Po Vo
A= − (3) Ā = Ai (8)
R̄ T i To N i=1

where A, P, V, T and R̄ are the absorption rate of CO2 Evaluation of these uncertainties helped to estab-
in moles per unit time, pressure, volume flow rate, lish the capacity of the rig to produce uniform re-
temperature and universal gas constant respectively, sults. The instrumental and experimental uncertain-
while subscripts i and o denote the absorber inlet and ties were computed and found to be 2.5% and below
outlet conditions respectively. 4.7% respectively. This was within the range of the
The absorption efficiency of carbon dioxide gas accuracies of the instruments that were quoted as 5%.
was computed from Equation 4.
! 3. Results and Discussions
ηa = 100 (4) The effects of variation of flow rate (gas and liq-
uid) on carbon dioxide absorption are presented.
where A and N are the absorption rate and molar flow Later, effects of temperature on absorption rate are
rate respectively. examined. The liquid utilized throughout these tests
is water.
Solvent flow rate was obtained from Equation 5
L 3.1. Effect of Liquid Flow Rate
Ql = 60 (5) Shown in Figure 2 is the carbon dioxide absorp-
tion behavior as liquid flow rate is increased from
where Q is the liquid discharge in liters per minute, 0.8 to 2 liters/min. It is observed that the absorp-
L is the liquid volume in liters and t is the time in tion improves by more than 19% at a given liquid
seconds. flow rate. This is attributed to the increased quantity

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Journal of Power Technologies 93 (1) (2013) 9–15

3.2. Gas Flow Rate Variation

Shown in Figure 3 is the carbon dioxide absorption
28 behavior as the gas flow rate is increased from 0.4 to
1 mol/min. It is observed that more than 19% of car-
on (%)

23 bon dioxide passing through the absorber is scrubbed

at a given gas flow rate.
CO2 Absorptio

Gas flow rate

1.0 26
0.4 23

CO2 Absoorption (%
0.8 1.2 1.6 2 20
Water Flow Rate (lpm) Liquid flow
rate (liters/min)
17 20
Figure 2: Absorption profiles due to liquid loading 1.8
14 1.4
Table 1: Change of (λ) with inlet gas flow rate 11
Gas flow Rate, mol/min 0.4 0.6 1.0
λ, gradient 8.66 3.99 2.11 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
CO2 Flow Rate (mol/min)

of solvent causing greater wetting of the corrugated Figure 3: Absorption profiles due to gas loading
packing. The resulting higher concentration of water
molecules reacts with carbon dioxide causing forma- The results indicate more reaction and generation
tion of carbonic acid as shown in the Equation 9. of carbonic acid as in Equation 9. The increasing
quantities of gas enhances absorption for the range of
CO2(g) + H2 O(l) → H2CO3(aq) (9) gas flow variations used. The relationships (curves)
illustrate a tendency to converge beyond a gas flow
This observation corresponds with findings made by rate of 1 mol/min. This suggests that a limiting gas
Adisorn et al. [17] who attributed it to enhanced bulk flow rate exists beyond which further increases in liq-
absorption capacity of the liquid due to the increase uid pumping energy would not contribute positively
in liquid molecules. to controlling emissions.
Further, the increase in gas flow rate is observed to Adisorn et al. [9] found that when using a packed
cause a reduction in absorption rate for every liter of scrubber and an alkanolamine solvent the gas load-
solvent atomized in the absorber. This is computed ing had no influence on absorption of carbon dioxide.
as a slope of the curves obtained from Equation 10. Indeed, an increase in gas flow rate caused a con-
δA stant amount of carbon dioxide gas to be absorbed.
λ= (10) This was attributed to the diffusion of carbon dioxide
within the liquid phase being constant even as the
where A and L are the carbon dioxide absorption and concentration increased within the gas phase. The
solvent flow rates respectively. difference in results in the present research and that
At low gas flow rate the slope is more than four of Adisorn may be attributed to the type of packing
times that at higher gas flow rates. The behavior sug- used. The corrugated packing used had sheets stag-
gests that low gas flow rates have better spreading gered at an angle of 90◦ to each other. Staggering of
capacity than higher gas ones and thus mass trans- this type has been found to increase resistance within
fer is superior. In this respect liquid loading has less the gas phase interfering with the mass transfer pro-
effect on mass transfer process at high gas flow rates. cess according to Wen et al. [18]. In this research,

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Journal of Power Technologies 93 (1) (2013) 9–15

packing sheets were not staggered relative to one an-

other, which allows an uninhibited flow of gas within 27
the absorber thus facilitating mass transfer. Gas flow rate


CO2 Absoorption(%
3.3. Heating Effect at Varying Liquid Loads

20 12

24 34 44 54
CO2 Abssorption (%)

16 CO2 Temperature (ºC)

Liquid flow
rate (liters/min)
2.0 Figure 5: Heating effect on carbon dioxide absorption (L =
14 1.8
1.4 liters/min)

24 34 44 54 dioxide occurs at a given temperature. This is found
CO2 Temperature (ºC)
to be more than 14% of the absorption at ambient
conditions. This suggests that the heat of reaction
played a significant role in aiding the absorption re-
Figure 4: Heating effect on carbon dioxide absorption (G =
0.6 mol/min) action. The increased quantity of hot gas from 0.4
to 1 mol/min results in increased frequency of colli-
Shown in Figure 4 is carbon dioxide absorption sion of molecules thereby enhancing the absorption
upon heating in the range between 25 to 55◦ C. This of carbon dioxide.
is at constant liquid flow rates (ranging from 0.8 to
2 liters/min) at a gas flow rate of 0.6 mol/min. It is
observed that an increase in absorption of more than 4. Conclusion
16% occurs at a given temperature. This is found
to be about 10% of the absorption at ambient con- The rig can scrub more than 19% of carbon diox-
ditions. This is attributed to the faster diffusion of ide at a given liquid flow rate. This implies that for
molecules towards the reaction zone (surface of the an absorber having a cross-section of 350×310 mm
packed bed) facilitated by heat supply. Hot flowing and a height of 1380 mm, the range of liquid flow
carbon dioxide causes transfer of heat energy to the rate of 0.8 to 2 liters/min would lead to sufficient in-
two phase mixture, which provides heat for the re- terior wetting and thereby en-hance the absorption of
action facilitating faster formation of carbonic acid carbon dioxide. Gas loading also causes an increase
(assumed to be as in Equation 9). This confirms of more than 19% at a particular liquid flow rate. For
that like turbulence, the increase in temperature en- the same size of absorber, a gas flow range of 0.4 to
hances mixing and subsequent reaction between the 1 mol/min would ensure proper turbulent mixing and
two components. subsequent absorption of carbon dioxide.
Tests on the system’s behavior following the heat-
3.4. Heating Effect at Varying Gas Loads ing of carbon dioxide show that absorption is 10%
The absorption of carbon dioxide in water as inlet higher than ambient temperature. This occurs as the
gas flow rate is varied as shown in Figure 5. This liquid flow rate is increased from 0.8 to 2 liters/min.
gas flow variation is between 0.4 and 1 mol/min at a Moreover, an increase in flow rate of heated gas from
liquid flow rate of 1.4 liters/min. 0.4 to 1 mol/min results in absorption being over
It is observed that for a gas flow rate of 14% higher than at ambient temperature. This leads
0.4 mol/min absorption of more than 17% of carbon to the conclusion that a range of heating of 25 to

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Journal of Power Technologies 93 (1) (2013) 9–15

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