Design Strength of Tension Members
Design Strength of Tension Members
Design Strength of Tension Members
Design Strength of Tension Members
T < Td
fy is the yield stress of material in MPa,
Ag is the gross area of cross-section
m0 is the partial safety factor of failure in tension by
yielding (Table 5, IS 800: 2007)
Design Strength Due to Rupture of Critical Section
The design strength in tension of a plate, Tdn as
governed by rupture of net cross-sectional area, An , at
the holes is given by (Cl. 6.3.1, IS 800: 2007)
fu is the ultimate stress of material in MPa,
An is the net effective area of cross-section
m1 is the partial safety factor of failure in tension at
ultimate stress (Table 5, IS 800: 2007)
Threaded Rods
The design strength of threaded rods in tension, Tdn as
governed by rupture is given by (Cl. 6.3.2, IS 800: 2007)
Tdn = 0.9Anfu /m1
An is the net root area at the threaded section
Single Angles
The rupture strength of an angle connected through
one leg is affected by Shear Lag. The design strength, Tdn as
governed by rupture at net section is given by
(Cl. 6.3.3, IS 800: 2007):
Here, = 0.6 for one or two bolts, 0.7 for three bolts
and 0.8 for four or more bolts along the length in the end
connection or equivalent weld length;
Bolted Connections
The block shear strength, Tdb of connection shall be
taken as the smaller of,
Tdb = Avgfy /3m0 + 0.9Atnfu/m1 (For tension fracture and shear yield)
Tdb = 0.9Avnfu /3m1 + Atgfy /m0 (For tension yield and shear fracture)
Block shear failure (Fig. 7, IS 800: 2007)
Avg and Avn = minimum gross and net area in shear along bolt line
parallel to external force, respectively (1-2 & 3-4 as shown in Fig.
7A and 1-2 as shown in Fig. 7B)
Atg and Atn= minimum gross and net area in tension from the bolt
hole to the toe of the angle, end bolt line, perpendicular to the line
of force, respectively (2-3 as shown in Fig. 7B), and fu and fy =
ultimate and yield stress of the material, respectively.
Welded Connection
The block shear strength, Tdb shall be checked for welded end
connections by taking an appropriate section in the member around
the end weld, which can shear off as a block.
Slenderness Ratio
The slenderness ratio is the ratio of unsupported length and least
radius of gyration. Theoretically there should not be any upper
limit of the slenderness ratio for a tension member as stability is of
little importance. However, a tension member may be subjected to
reversal force like wind, earthquake etc. Also, the limitation is
necessary to prevent undesirable vibration and lateral movement.
For this, IS 800-2007 code (clause 3.8, Table 3) has specified the
maximum values of effective slenderness ratio.
Maximum effective slenderness ratio (Table 3, IS 800: 2007)
T 18 ф 75x50x8
30 50 50 50 30
(1) Gusset connected to the longer leg
2 ISA 75 × 50 × 8 connected back to back with its longer
Thus, the gross area will be Ag = 2 × 938 = 1876 mm2
Strength due to yielding of gross section:
𝑓𝑦 ×𝐴𝑔 250×1876
𝑇𝑑𝑔 = = = 426.36 × 103 N = 426.36 kN
𝛾𝑚0 1.1
Dia. of bolt = 18 mm
Dia. of hole = 18+2 = 20
Let us assume pitch distance = 50 mm , edge distance = 30 mm
Strength governed by rupture of net section:
Anc = (75 - 8/2 - 20) × 8 = 408 mm2
Ago = (50 - 8/2) × 8 = 368 mm2
An = 408 + 368 = 776 mm2
𝑏𝑠 𝑤 𝑓𝑦 50:40;8 50 250
𝛽= 1.4 − 0.076 × × = 1 .4 − 0.076 × × ×
𝐿𝑐 𝑡 𝑓𝑢 3×50 8 410
= 1.242
𝑓𝑢 𝛾𝑚0
Again, 𝛽 ≤ and ≥ 0.7
𝑓𝑦 𝛾𝑚1
𝑓𝑢 𝛾𝑚0
Again, 𝛽 ≤ and ≥ 0.7
𝑓𝑦 𝛾𝑚1
75 75
ISA 90 x 60 x 6
ISA 90 x 60 x 6
90 T 60 T
(a) Gusset is connected to longer leg
Gross area, Ag for ISA 90 × 60 × 6 = 865 mm2. [From IS hand book:
The net area of connected leg, Anc = (90 - 6/2) × 6 = 522 mm2
Gross area of outstanding leg, Ago = (60 - 6/2) × 6 = 342 mm2
(i) Tensile strength governed by yielding of gross section:
[Clause 6.2]
𝑓𝑦 ×𝐴𝑔 250×865
𝑇𝑑𝑔 = = × 10−3 = 196.6 kN
𝛾𝑚0 1.1
(ii) Tensile strength governed by rupture of net section:
Therefore, the length of outstanding leg will be, w = 60 mm.
So, the shear lag width, bs = 60 mm.
The average length of weld along the direction of load
= Lc = (75+75) /2= 75 mm. Thus,
𝑏𝑠 𝑤 𝑓𝑦
𝛽= 1.4 − 0.076 × ×
𝐿𝑐 𝑡 𝑓𝑢
60 60 250
= 1.4 – 0.076× × × = 1.029
75 6 410
𝑓𝑢 𝛾𝑚0
Again, 𝛽 ≤ and ≥ 0.7
𝑓𝑦 𝛾𝑚1
= 462.5 kN
0.9𝐴𝑣𝑛 𝑓𝑢 𝑓𝑦 𝐴𝑡𝑔 0.9×1500×410 250×900
𝑇𝑑𝑏2 = + = +
3𝛾𝑚1 𝛾𝑚0 3×1.25 1.1
= 460.2 kN
So, Tdb = 460.2 kN
Thus, the design tensile strength of the angle = least of (i), (ii)
and (iii) = 196.6 kN.
(b) Gusset connected to shorter leg
The net area of connected leg, Anc = (60 - 6/2) × 6 = 342 mm2
Gross area of outstanding leg, Ago = (90 - 6/2) × 6 = 522 mm2
Net cross sectional area, An = 522 + 342 = 864 mm2
= 373.9 kN
0.9𝐴𝑣𝑛 𝑓𝑢 𝑓𝑦 𝐴𝑡𝑔 0.9×1500×410 250×600
𝑇𝑑𝑏2 = + = +
3𝛾𝑚1 𝛾𝑚0 3×1.25 1.1
= 392 kN
So, Tdb = 373.9 kN
Thus, the design tensile strength of the angle = least of (i), (ii) and
(iii) = least of (196.36, 184 and 373.9 ) = 184 kN.
Steps to design tension members
1. Find the gross area required to carry the given factored load (Tu)
considering the strength in yielding from the following
𝑻𝒖 ×𝜸𝒎𝟎
𝑨𝒈 =
2. Select a suitable shape of section depending on the type of
structure and location of the member such that the gross area is more
than the gross area obtained in step 1.
Usually if the minimum edge and pitch distance is maintained, strength in yielding gives
least value. So, the design will be safe if gross area provided is greater than the gross area
5. If any of the above strength (Tdg, Tdn and Tdb) become less than
the factored tensile force (Tu), increase the size of the section and
repeat from step 3.
Steps to design tension members
Factored load 180.000 kN
Length of tension member 2500 mm
Allowable slenderness ratio 350.00
Type of section unequal with Connected leg larger
Ultimate stress of steel 410.000 N/mm^2
Yield stress of steel 250.000 N/mm^2
Partial safety factor governed by:
Ultimate stress(ym1) 1.250
Yielding(ym0) 1.100
Ultimate strength of bolt 400.000 N/mm^2
Diameter of bolt 20.000 mm
Partial safety factor for Bolt 1.250
Required area of cross section area is 792.000 mm^2.
Test Case 1:
Section chosen is ISA 65 x 45 x 8 with combined cross section area 817.000
Shearing strength of one bolt is 45.274 kN.
Bearing strength of one bolt is 59.636 kN.
Number of bolt = Factored load/minimum of 45.274 and 59.636
Number of bolts for this factored load is 4
Section chosen is ISA 70 x 45 x 8 with combined cross section area 858.000 mm^2.
Shearing strength of one bolt is 45.274 kN.
Bearing strength of one bolt is 59.636 kN.
Number of bolt = Factored load/minimum of 45.274 and 59.636
Number of bolts for this factored load is 4
Factored load 180.000 kN
Length of tension member 2500.000 mm
Allowable slenderness ratio 350.00
Type of section unequal with Connected leg larger
Ultimate stress of steel 410.000 N/mm^2
Yield stress of steel 250.000 N/mm^2
Partial safety factor governed by:
Ultimate stress(ym1) 1.250
Yielding(ym0) 1.100
Throat thickness of weld 3.500 mm
Partial safety factor of weld 1.250
Weld is distributed on two sides parallel to axis to the load
Required area of cross section area is 792.000 mm^2.
Strength of weld per mm = throat thickness of weld x fu/(root(3) x ymw)
Strength of weld per mm = 0.663 kN
Total weld required in mm = factored load/strength of weld per mm
Total weld = 272.000 mm
Test Case 1:
Minimum length of weld at the upper side of the angle = factored load x centre of
gravity/(weld per length x length of connected leg
Minimum length of weld at the upper side of the angle,lw1 = 92.000 mm
Minimum length of weld at the lower side of the angle,lw2 = 272.000-92.000 =
180.000 mm
• Gross section yielding:
Tdg = Ag x fy/ym0
Tdg = 185.682 kN.
so ok.
A tension member 3 m long carries a factored tensile load of 200
kN. Design a suitable single angle unequal section when
connection is made with (i) 20 mm diameter bolts of grade 4.6
and (ii) fillet weld. Assume longer leg to be connected with plate.
Solution (Connected with bolts):
Step 1:
𝑃 200×103
Approximate gross area required = 𝐴𝑔 = = = 880 mm2
𝑓𝑦 /𝛾𝑚0 250/1.1
so ok.
Step 2:
so section is safe.
𝑃2 69.3×103
Length required at upper side Lw2 = 𝑡𝑒 𝑓𝑢 = 4.24×410 = 86 mm
3𝛾𝑚𝑤 3×1.25