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Simulation Storyboard Overview

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Simulation Storyboard

1) Workshop Enough Is Enough!
simulation title:

2) Field and/or I am an elementary school teacher. This simulation fits into the field of
discipline: education because with technology becoming so prevalent in schools,
students need to be educated about cyberbullying. Many students are
unaware of what cyberbullying is and the effects it has on teenagers. This
simulation will provide the students with an understanding of what
cyberbullying is, how to prevent it from happening, and some
ramifications that are a direct result of it.
3) Topic of Bullying has always been a serious problem in schools and now that
simulation technology is in schools, the problem is only getting worse.
Cyberbullying is a when someone uses the Internet to threaten, harass,
embarrass, or humiliate another person. It is a topic that many students
have little understanding of but definitely need to be educated about.
Cyberbullying has become a real issue in our digital society and our
students must be instructed in order to prevent it from happening to
4) Environment and My simulation will take place in schools with students being the
characters of characters teaching about the different aspects of cyberbullying.
5) Short summary of In my simulation, the first scene will be in a classroom with a student
the simulation educating the participants on what cyberbullying is and providing
examples of cyberbullying. The second scene will be in a gymnasium
with a second student discussing some results of cyberbullying and
providing examples of these results. The third scene will be in a sports
stadium with a third student explaining to the participants how to
prevent cyberbullying and providing examples of the prevention of
6) Target audience My target audience will be middle school students. This would be 6th -8th
graders which is ages 12 -14. This age group would be the students who
are not old enough to have legal accounts but unfortunately are on social
media illegally. They have little to no understanding of cyberbullying or
the possible results that come from it.

7) Big idea for Cyberbullying is a serious issue in our digital society but there are ways
participants upon to prevent it from happening to you.
8) What are the 1) Explain what cyberbullying is
SMART Learning 2) Justify how cyberbullying affects victims
objectives? 3) Describe ways to prevent cyberbullying

Simulation Storyboard

Scene 1: What is Enough?

Slide #1 VISUAL: A student will be standing in a classroom.

INTERACTION: The participants will be asked a question with

three multiple choice answers.

AUDIO NARRATION SCRIPT: The student will say with the

increase of technology in our schools, cyberbullying is a major
concern of our digital society. The student will ask the question, in
your opinion what is cyberbullying?
SLIDE TEXT: What is cyberbullying?

BRANCHING: There will be one correct answer and two

incorrect answers. If either of the two incorrect answers are
chosen, another slide will pop up with the definition of
cyberbullying. If the correct answer is chosen, a slide will appear
elaborating more about what cyberbullying is.
RESOLUTION: If the participant chooses the incorrect answer
and the correct answer is provided, they should then go back to
the question to make the correct decision.
Slide #2 VISUAL: A student will be standing in a classroom.

INTERACTION: The participants will be provided with

information about cyberbullying.

AUDIO NARRATION SCRIPT: The student will say

cyberbullying includes sending, posting, or sharing negative,
harmful, false, or mean content about someone else
(stopbullying.gov, 2018).
SLIDE TEXT: What is cyberbullying?


Slide #3 VISUAL: A student will be standing in a classroom.

INTERACTION: The participants will be provided with

information about cyberbullying.

AUDIO NARRATION SCRIPT: The student will say

cyberbullying can include sharing personal or private information
about someone else causing embarrassment or humiliation. Some
cyberbullying crosses the line into unlawful or criminal behavior
(stopbullying.gov, 2018).
SLIDE TEXT: What is cyberbullying?



Slide #4 VISUAL: A student will be standing in a classroom.

INTERACTION: The participants will be provided with

information about cyberbullying.

AUDIO NARRATION SCRIPT: The student will say the most

common places where cyberbullying occurs are:
 Social Media, such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and
 SMS (Short Message Service) also known as Text Message
sent through devices
 Instant Message (via devices, email provider services, apps,
and social media messaging features)
 Email (stopbullying.gov, 2018)

SLIDE TEXT: Where does cyberbullying occur?



Slide #5 VISUAL: A student will be standing in a classroom.

INTERACTION: The participants will be shown two or three

videos and they must choose the video that demonstrates
AUDIO NARRATION SCRIPT: The student will explain to
the participants that they must choose the correct video to
proceed to the next scene.
SLIDE TEXT: Which video demonstrates cyberbullying?

BRANCHING: If the participants choose an incorrect video,

they go to Slide 2 of Scene 1.

RESOLUTION: If the participants select the correct video, they

proceed to the next scene.

Scene 2: Why is it Enough?

Slide #1 VISUAL: A student will be standing in a gymnasium.

INTERACTION: The participants will be asked a question with

three multiple choice answers.

AUDIO NARRATION SCRIPT: The student will say severe,

long-term, or frequent cyberbullying can leave the victims at
greater risks of emotional and physical health concerns
(KidsHealth.org, 2014). The student will ask the question, in your
opinion which is a result of cyberbullying?
SLIDE TEXT: What consequences come from cyberbullying?

BRANCHING: All three answers will be correct and when a

choice is made it will display all three correct answers.

RESOLUTION: All three answers are correct.

Slide #2 VISUAL: A student will be standing in a gymnasium.

INTERACTION: The participants will be provided with

information about the results of cyberbullying.

AUDIO NARRATION SCRIPT: The student will say victims

of cyberbullying can experience symptoms of depression including
sadness, loneliness, insecurity, poor self-esteem, academic decline,
and feelings of not belonging. Author, Nancy Willard, indicate that
the effects of cyberbullying may be more damaging than in-school
bullying because cyberbullied children do not have the opportunity
to escape the harassment (DiMaria, 2017).
SLIDE TEXT: What consequences come from cyberbullying?



Slide #3 VISUAL: A student will be standing in a gymnasium.

INTERACTION: The participants will be provided with

information about the results of cyberbullying.

AUDIO NARRATION SCRIPT: The student will say anxiety is

a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease. One potential risk
factor for the development of anxiety disorders is the experience
of being cyberbullied. Evidence suggests that being bullied is
significantly associated with feelings of anxiety (Berry, 2011).
SLIDE TEXT: What consequences come from cyberbullying?



Slide #4 VISUAL: A student will be standing in a gymnasium.

INTERACTION: The participants will be provided with
information about the results of cyberbullying.

AUDIO NARRATION SCRIPT: The student will say experts

say that kids who are bullied are at a higher risk for suicidal
thoughts, attempts, and completed suicides (KidsHealth.org,
2014). According to Dr. Jeff Hutchinson, suicidal thoughts and
behaviors have been linked to cyberbullying (DiMaria, 2017).
Suicide is the worst possible result for students being cyberbullied.
There have been many reported cases of suicide due to the
continued harassment of this digital phenomenon.
SLIDE TEXT: What consequences come from cyberbullying?



Slide #5 VISUAL: A student will be standing in a gymnasium.

INTERACTION: The participants will be shown two or three

videos and they must choose the video that demonstrates a result
that occurs from cyberbullying.
AUDIO NARRATION SCRIPT: The student will explain to
the participants that they must choose the correct video to
proceed to the next scene.
SLIDE TEXT: Which video is a result of cyberbullying?

BRANCHING: If the participants choose an incorrect video,

they go to Slide 2 of Scene 2.

RESOLUTION: If the participants select the correct video, they

proceed to the next scene.

Scene 3: How to make it Enough?

Slide #1 VISUAL: A student will be standing in a sports stadium.

INTERACTION: The participants will be asked a question with

four multiple choice answers.
AUDIO NARRATION SCRIPT: The student will say parents,
teachers, and other adults may not be aware of all the digital media
and apps that a child is using. The more digital platforms that a
child uses, the more opportunities there are for being exposed to
potential cyberbullying (stopbullying.gov, 2017). The student will
say, choose all the ways to prevent cyberbullying.
SLIDE TEXT: How can cyberbullying be prevented?

BRANCHING: All 4 of the answers are correct. When the

participants select an answer, they will receive a thumb up but an
alert will inform the participants that there are more correct
answers. Once the participants have chosen every answer, they will
be directed to the next slide.
RESOLUTION: There are no incorrect answers so when the
participants have selected every answer, they will be directed to the
next slide.
Slide #2 VISUAL: A student will be standing in a sports stadium.

INTERACTION: The participants will be provided with

information about the results of cyberbullying.

AUDIO NARRATION SCRIPT: The student will say let your

child know that it's not his or her fault, and that bullying says
more about the bully than the victim. Remind your child that he or
she isn't alone, a lot of people get bullied at some point. Reassure
your child that you will figure out what to do about it together
(KidsHealth.org, 2014).
SLIDE TEXT: How can cyberbullying be prevented?



Slide #3 VISUAL: A student will be standing in a sports stadium.

INTERACTION: The participants will be provided with

information about the results of cyberbullying.

AUDIO NARRATION SCRIPT: The student will say

encourage your child not to respond to cyberbullying, because
doing so just fuels the fire and makes the situation worse. Keep
the threatening messages, pictures, and texts, as these can be used
as evidence with the bully's parents, school, employer, or even the
police (KidsHealth.org, 2014).
SLIDE TEXT: How can cyberbullying be prevented?



Slide #4 VISUAL: A student will be standing in a sports stadium.

INTERACTION: The participants will be provided with

information about the results of cyberbullying.

AUDIO NARRATION SCRIPT: The student will say make

sure to block the bully from your account. Most devices have
settings that allow you to electronically block emails, IMs, or texts
from specific people. Each social media platform has the option to
block users that you do not wish to allow on your account
(KidsHealth.org, 2014).

SLIDE TEXT: How can cyberbullying be prevented?



Slide #5 VISUAL: A student will be standing in a sports stadium.

INTERACTION: The participants will be shown two or three

videos and they must choose the video that demonstrates a way to
prevent cyberbullying.
AUDIO NARRATION SCRIPT: The student will explain to
the participants that they must choose the correct video to
proceed to the assessment.
SLIDE TEXT: Which video is a way to prevent cyberbullying?
BRANCHING: If the participants choose an incorrect video,
they go to Slide 2 of Scene 3.

RESOLUTION: If the participants select the correct video, they

proceed to the assessment.

Simulation Storyboard
Summative Assessment
Question #1
VISUAL: One of the students is standing in a computer lab holding a
clipboard with a checklist. Cyberbullying is done on technology through
the Internet and I am a teacher therefore it aligns with my field of

QUESTION: What is one way to prevent cyberbullying?

ANSWERS: A) Respond back to a bully, B) Just ignore the bully, C)

Block the bully, D) Ask the bully to meet at the park

RESPONSE FEEDBACK: If the correct answer is select, the student

will tell the participants good job and the participants will proceed to the
next question. If the incorrect answer is selected, the student will tell the
participants nice try and the participants will be taking back to Scene 3
Slide 4 to review the correct answer. After reviewing the correct answer,
the participant will proceed to the next question.

ADVANCEMENT OPTIONS: The participants must pass with at

least score of 80%. If they are successful, they will be acknowledged for
successfully completing the course and awarded a certificate of
achievement. If the participants are not successful, they will be told to
try again and given another opportunity to successfully complete the
assessment. If they fail to complete it with a score of 80% or higher the
second time, they will be taken back to Scene 1 Slide 1 to begin the
course again.

Question #2
VISUAL: One of the students is standing in a computer lab holding a
clipboard with a checklist. Cyberbullying is done on technology through
the Internet and I am a teacher therefore it aligns with my field of

QUESTION: What is the worst possible result that can occur

from cyberbullying?

ANSWERS: A) Get into an argument, B) Commit suicide, C) Get

anxiety, D) Loose your computer privileges

RESPONSE FEEDBACK: If the correct answer is select, the student

will tell the participants good job and the participants will proceed to the
next question. If the incorrect answer is selected, the student will tell the
participants nice try and the participants will be taking back to Scene 2
Slide 4 to review the correct answer. After reviewing the correct answer,
the participant will proceed to the next question.

ADVANCEMENT OPTIONS: The participants must pass with at

least score of 80%. If they are successful, they will be acknowledged for
successfully completing the course and awarded a certificate of
achievement. If the participants are not successful, they will be told to
try again and given another opportunity to successfully complete the
assessment. If they fail to complete it with a score of 80% or higher the
second time, they will be taken back to Scene 1 Slide 1 to begin the
course again.
Question #3
VISUAL: One of the students is standing in a computer lab holding a
clipboard with a checklist. Cyberbullying is done on technology through
the Internet and I am a teacher therefore it aligns with my field of

QUESTION: Which is an example of cyberbullying?

ANSWERS: A) Image of hateful messages, B) Image of a person

playing a game, C) Image of person typing a paper, D) Image of person
watching TV

RESPONSE FEEDBACK: If the correct answer is select, the student

will tell the participants good job and the participants will proceed to the
next question. If the incorrect answer is selected, the student will tell the
participants nice try and the participants will be taking back to Scene 1
Slide 2 to review the correct answer. After reviewing the correct answer,
the participant will proceed to the next question.

ADVANCEMENT OPTIONS: The participants must pass with at

least score of 80%. If they are successful, they will be acknowledged for
successfully completing the course and awarded a certificate of
achievement. If the participants are not successful, they will be told to
try again and given another opportunity to successfully complete the
assessment. If they fail to complete it with a score of 80% or higher the
second time, they will be taken back to Scene 1 Slide 1 to begin the
course again.

Question #4
VISUAL: One of the students is standing in a computer lab holding a
clipboard with a checklist. Cyberbullying is done on technology through
the Internet and I am a teacher therefore it aligns with my field of
QUESTION: Choose all of the methods that can be used for

ANSWERS: A) Image of a cell phone, B) Image of Facebook, C)

Image of Snapchat, D) Image of writing a letter, E) Image of Gmail

RESPONSE FEEDBACK: If the correct answer is select, the student

will tell the participants good job and the participants will proceed to the
next question. If the incorrect answer is selected, the student will tell the
participants nice try and the participants will be taking back to Scene 1
Slide 4 to review the correct answer. After reviewing the correct answer,
the participant will proceed to the next question.

ADVANCEMENT OPTIONS: The participants must pass with at

least score of 80%. If they are successful, they will be acknowledged for
successfully completing the course and awarded a certificate of
achievement. If the participants are not successful, they will be told to
try again and given another opportunity to successfully complete the
assessment. If they fail to complete it with a score of 80% or higher the
second time, they will be taken back to Scene 1 Slide 1 to begin the
course again.

Question #5
VISUAL: One of the students is standing in a computer lab holding a
clipboard with a checklist. Cyberbullying is done on technology through
the Internet and I am a teacher therefore it aligns with my field of

QUESTION: Sadness, loneliness, insecurity, poor self-esteem,

academic decline, and feelings of not belonging are symptoms for which
type of result of cyberbullying?

ANSWERS: A) Suicide, B) Depression, C) Anxiety, D) Heartbreak

RESPONSE FEEDBACK: If the correct answer is select, the student
will tell the participants good job and the participants will proceed to the
next question. If the incorrect answer is selected, the student will tell the
participants nice try and the participants will be taking back to Scene 2
Slide 3 to review the correct answer. After reviewing the correct answer,
the participant will proceed to the next question.

ADVANCEMENT OPTIONS: The participants must pass with at

least score of 80%. If they are successful, they will be acknowledged for
successfully completing the course and awarded a certificate of
achievement. If the participants are not successful, they will be told to
try again and given another opportunity to successfully complete the
assessment. If they fail to complete it with a score of 80% or higher the
second time, they will be taken back to Scene 1 Slide 1 to begin the
course again.

Cyberbullying. What is Cyberbullying? Accessed: February 7, 2018. Retrieved from:
Cyberbullying. Accessed: June 2014. Retrieved from:
DiMaria, L. (December 28, 2017). Childhood Depression: Cyberbullying and Depression in Children.
Retrieved from https://www.verywellmind.com/cyberbullying-and-depression-1066791
Willard.N.E. "Cyberbully and Cyberthreats: Responding to the Challenge of Online Social
Aggression, Threats, and Distress. Second Edition." Research Press. 2007.
Berry, B. (May 16, 2011). Bullying and Anxiety: What’s the Connection?. Retrieved from

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