Chukas Lekutei Sichos Abstract
Chukas Lekutei Sichos Abstract
Chukas Lekutei Sichos Abstract
This is a main point of Torah; This one mitzvah could not be understood by any
with Torah & Mitzvos the person; exemplifies the concept that all mitzvos זאת חוקת
neshama makes a must be accepted as decrees from HaShem א יח
permanent effect in the Moshe was given an understanding by HaShem ב,התורה יט
body, which is higher than that a reason for this Chok was not in this world
All Jews have a portion in the All who touch a dead body are tamei; but the body
itself is not tamei: for example, Lot’s wife, the
הנוגע במת
world to come; all who are
involved in Torah, Torah son of Shulamis, and the revived dead in times of יא,יט ב יח
enlivens them Moshiach, are not tamei סיום מס' נדה