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582 Reciting Tehillim I

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582 • ‫כי תבוא תש"פ‬ • ‫למען ישמעו‬


Reciting Tehillim (I)

The Value of Tehillim 'How is your chandelier doing?' " entire Sefer Tehillim is a segula for crushing any
verdict on a person.
Once, in the time of the holy Baal Shem Tov, it was )336 '‫(סה"ש תש"ט ע‬
decreed in Heaven that a certain Jewish settlement The Tzemach Tzedek once told his chassidim, "If
should be destroyed, R”L. The Baal Shem Tov The Rebbe explains that even when Tehillim is said only you knew the power of pesukim of Tehillim
called upon his friends, the hidden tzaddikim, Reb without particular kavonos and at a quick pace, as and their effect in Heaven, you would recite them
Mordechai and Reb Kehos, to join him to form a beis many do on Shabbos Mevarchim, this nevertheless at all times. The kapitlach of Tehillim break through
din and find a way to nullify the decree. has a tremendous effect. In fact, in the Yehi Ratzon, all barriers as they soar aloft, higher and higher,
we ask that our reading be considered as if it came uninterrupted. They prostrate themselves before
The beis din convened, and the neshama of the Baal from the mouth of Dovid HaMelech himself. the Master of the Universe, bringing results with
Shem Tov ascended to the heavenly worlds. There kindness and mercy."
he saw that the decree had already been sealed The Frierdiker Rebbe emphasized that the kedusha
and could not be annulled. However, as he passed of the words, even when they are not understood, )‫ היום יום כ"ד שבט‬,‫(הוספות לכש"ט סי' נז‬
through the heavenly spheres while descending is as precious in the eyes of HaShem as a korbon. One
back to the physical world, he saw a magnificent should learn the translation of the words, but not The Frierdiker Rebbe related how in all generations,
light created by the words of Tehillim that were recite that instead of the original. whenever a decree was issued against Yidden, they
being recited by a simple villager. This Yid would would run to shul to recite Tehillim. The melamdim
complete the entire Sefer Tehillim five times every
)‫ אגרות קודש מוהריי"צ ח"ד ע' תנט‬,418 '‫(התוועדויות תשמ"ז ח"ג ע‬ would recite Tehillim with their young talmidim, for
day, but since he was quite ignorant, he sometimes "their breath is sinless." The Frierdiker Rebbe added
said Tehillim in unclean places. Nevertheless, HaShem that the numerous Hamans in every generation are
valued his Tehillim so much, that a privileged share Consider eliminated by the heartfelt Tehillim of a simple Yid
in Olam HaBa awaited him. – "not by sword or spear, but only by a heartfelt
What about Tehillim is so kapitel of Tehillim."
The Baal Shem Tov immediately traveled to see
this man and asked him, "Would you be willing to effective: the kavanos that In the year ‫( תר"ג‬1843), the interior minister of Russia
summoned the Tzemach Tzedek, along with three
sacrifice your share in Olam HaBa in order to save an
entire Jewish community?"
one has or the intrinsic other leaders representing the Yidden of Russia, in

The simple Yid responded, "If I have a share in Olam

kedusha of the words? order to pass new decrees upon the Yidden. When
they arrived in Petersburg and heard of the gezeira,
HaBa, I am ready to forfeit it for such a cause." they immediately ordered three kapitlach of Tehillim
And the decree was annulled. to be recited in all shuls and chadorim (‫ סט‬,‫ כב‬,‫)כ‬. This
Great Powers required mesirus nefesh, for the czar was likely to
)201 '‫ קובץ מכתבים ע‬- ‫(שמח"ת תרצ"ז‬ punish them for supposedly assuming control over
About 650 years ago, in a village in Germany, there Russian citizens. Shortly after, that evil minister fell
On the pasuk "Yiheyu leratzon imrei fi" (may the words lived a simple pious Yid who was able to study Torah ill and died, and was replaced by a neutral minister
of my mouth find favor before you), the Medrash only at its simplest level. Every day, year after year, who canceled the decrees.
teaches that Dovid HaMelech requested that his he would recite the entire Sefer Tehillim.
words of praise be written and engraved for all In the year ‫( תרמ"ב‬1882), which became known as
future generations. Furthermore, he asked HaShem Less than thirty days after he passed away, he "a year of bloody pogroms," the Yiddishe leaders
that the recitation of Tehillim be considered just as appeared in a dream to a chochom from the nearby led by the Rebbe Maharash revealed a secret plot
worthy as the study of the most complex halachos city of Worms. In the dream he stood holding a little against the Yidden. They likewise called upon the
of the Torah. Tehillim, and he cautioned the chochom, "Warn the Yidden to recite the above-mentioned kapitlach, and
people in my village to escape immediately to the within one month the evil plan fell through.
)‫ח‬,‫(מדרש תהלים א‬ surrounding towns. During my life I protected them
In the year ‫( תרס"ו‬1906), pogroms began to erupt
with my recitation of Tehillim, but now they are in
The Frierdiker Rebbe related: "When I was a little throughout Russia. The Yiddishe leaders, lead by
grave danger."
boy I once wondered whether malochim are able the Rebbe Rashab and Reb Chaim of Brisk, gathered
to calculate numbers. When I asked my father, he Early the next morning, the chochom sent a in Petersburg, where they heard of the czarist
replied, 'That’s a good question! But I am certain messenger with an urgent letter telling the government's secret plan to instigate pogroms in
that Malach Michoel counts all the Tehillim that villagers of the looming danger. The people heeded 116 Yiddishe communities. At that time, too, they
one says, and with it he creates a chandelier that his words, and they were saved. requested that the three kapitlach be recited by
lights up, Above and below, for that person and for Yidden everywhere, and shortly afterwards the
his children.' )‫(מנהגי וורמייזא סדר תהלים‬ plan failed.
"Following this, my father would often ask me, The Baal Shem Tov would say that reciting the )308 '‫ סה"ש תש"ט ע‬,‫(אג"ק הריי"צ חי"ב ע' קלא‬



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Rabbi Chaim Hillel Raskin Rov of Anash - Petach Tikva
Reb Berel Kalisker
Planned Returns Reb Dovber was the son of Reb Gershon him, “Why didn’t you tell Reb Berel -
Halevi Ashknazi of the city of Kalisk, who is a ben bayis to us - to serve you?”
May I buy something short term with plans to
and was known amongst chassidim as The Rebbe responded, “Berel is a talmid
return it? “Berel Kalisker.” He was a shadar and chochom, and one is not allowed to make
According to halacha, there is usually only a small window to a choizer for the Tzemach Tzedek, and use of talmid chochom!”
retract from a sale once it was finalized—by most methods of a close friend to the Rebbe Maharash. )‫(דבר ציון לר"ד אליעזרוב ע' רסט‬
acquisition within a few seconds, and by a kinyan sudar (“lifting For twelve years they studied Gemara
a handkerchief”) as long as the sides are discussing the sale. and meforshim together in the room
After this, there is no going back.1 next door to the Tzemach Tzedek’s. A
Reb Berel was fluent in 600 maamorei
small window connected the rooms,
If the buyer was overcharged more than 16% above the market Chassidus of the Tzemach Tzedek, and
enabling them to ask him questions
value, he can invalidate the sale and receive a refund within when he would chazer them publicly,
during learning. During the year 5633
the time frame it takes to find this out. After that time it is too he would say them exactly as he heard
(1873) Reb Berel moved to Chevron,
late, unless circumstances beyond his control prevented him them, copying even the motions the
where he was greatly respected and
from finding out right away.2 Rebbe had made while saying the
quickly became one of the leaders of the
maamor. He was also a maniach - a
If he discovers a defect in the article, he can demand a refund community. He passed away on 7 Teves
transcriber of the maamorim - and the
since he received something different than what he purchased.3 5660 (1900), and is buried in Chevron. Rebbe Maharash even made comments
If, however, he continues to use it after finding the defect, His grandson was the famous rov, Reb on his hanochos. The Rebbe Rashab
or the problem was easily discernable and he neglected to Avrohom Chaim Noeh. writes that most (if not all) of Reb Berel’s
notice, he may no longer return it (even if he didn’t know the writings are very precise.
repercussions of continuing to use it).4 If there is a compelling
reason for his continued usage, he often will still be able to The Tzemach Tzedek respected Reb In Chevron there was a shortage of
return it (e.g. if he found a fault in his new car on the way Berel greatly, and also relied on him Gemaras, and one of the elders of the
home, he can continue his trip).5 in matters of halacha. One motzaei city came to Reb Berel late at night to
Shabbos, Reb Berel visited the home borrow a certain volume. Reb Berel
In many countries, there are federal and state laws that govern asked him, “Which masechta do you
of the Tzemach Tzedek, and a lengthy
consumer transactions. These laws definitely have the halachic need?” “Gittin,” was the response. “And
discussion in Chassidus began. The
status of minhag hamedina and one who purchases an item does which daf?” When the man replied, Reb
Tzemach Tzedek’s wife, Rebbetzin
so according to the local terms and conditions. The details of Berel proceeded to say the whole sugya
these terms differ from country to country and even between Chaya Mushka, waited up a long time to
serve melava malka, but seeing that the by heart, explaining it beautifully until
different states of the same country. Many countries have it was crystal clear, and the man no
special policies for online or over-the-phone purchases as well. hour was late, she went to lie down and
fell asleep. In the morning she realized longer need to borrow the Gemara…
In most states in America, there is no right to cancel contracts her husband had not eaten and asked )‫(דבר ציון לר"ד אליעזרוב ע' ער‬
or purchase agreements; a refund option depends on the
specific retailer’s policy, and in absence of one we follow the
halachic return policy outlined above. In certain states, like
New York, a store is legally required to post its refund policy. If
they don’t, the store is required by law to accept returns within
30 days of purchase.
Buying with plans to return the item would clearly not be
permitted under the “halachic” return policy, yet the specific
store’s policy is what is binding in this case. If their terms for
Not For Everyone
return require the purchaser to be “unsatisfied,” one needs to The Rebbe set that davening at 770 Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, they wouldn’t
ask oneself honestly if that is the case. Some major retail stores, should begin at 10 o’clock on Shabbos, understand why davening doesn’t begin
however, clearly allow purchases and returns with no questions to allow for time to appropriately at the proper time.
asked even after the item was used short term, since they prepare for tefila, through learning and
“A yeshiva bochur, who is capable of
concluded that such a policy is worth it for them. In such a case, contemplating Chassidus.
learning Chassidus for two hours,
it would be permissible to buy the item with the intent to return.
However, this wasn’t for everyone. In understands why according to Chassidus
a 5734 (1974) yechidus with Reb Efraim davening should start later. But not a
.‫ונו"כ שם‬ ‫ תוך‬.‫ ראה שו"ע חו"מ סי' קפ"ט והלאה‬.1 Volf, the administrator of Chabad mosdos student at a vocational school. Especially
‫ ראה שם סי' קצ"ה ס"ז אבל‬- ‫כדי דיבור‬
.‫ שו"ע חו"מ סי' רל"ב ס"ג‬.3
‫ קנין סודר‬.‫בפת"ש סק"ו שיש חולקים בזה‬ in Eretz Yisroel, the Rebbe directed him the younger classes. Regarding the older
.‫ שו"ע שם וסמ"ע שם סק"י‬.4
‫ ראה שם סי' קצ"ה ס"ו ובנתה"מ סקי"ד‬- regarding the Beis Sefer Limelacha classes, if indeed they could learn for
‫ ובכל‬,‫ ראה בארוכה שם בפת"ש סק"ג‬.5
.‫מקרה הממע"ה‬
.‫שה"ה קנין סיטומתא‬ vocational school: two hours, and none of them waste their
‫ שו"ע חו"מ סי' רכ"ז ס"ב וס"ד וס"ז‬.2
time, they could begin davening at ten.”
“At this mosad, davening should start
‫לע"נ מרת ציפא אסתר בת ר' שלום דובער ע"ה‬ no later than the time of reading (For the full yechidus see Halperin Teshurah,
Krias Shema. Since the students learn Tammuz 5762)

In merit of this publication's founder ‫ • ר' אהרן בן חנה‬May the zechus of the thousands of readers bring him a total and immediate recovery

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