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Toronto Torah Beit Midrash Zichron Dov

Parshat Beshalach 10 Shevat 5771/January 15, 2011 Vol.2 Num. 20

Finding our Way to Shirah R’ Mordechai Torczyner

On Shabbat Shirah, when we read circumstance or internal turmoil? How afflictions, until, ultimately, G-d
Parshat Beshalach‟s account of our can we sing, if we are depressed? What descends to Egypt to personally
ancestors‟ miraculous passage does a sad Jew do, in order to dispatch our tormentor, highlighting
through the split Sea and their song of participate in Shabbat Shirah? the unique status of the Jewish nation.
thanks, Jews traditionally throw wheat Rabbi Yisroel of Rizhin (as cited in We are taught that G-d did not employ
kernels to the birds. The practice Netivot Shalom, Shemot pg. 121) natural means, and G-d did not send
seems to be problematic, in that one suggested that although certain days an emissary; He altered Creation,
may not feed undomesticated animals have identities which dictate their Himself, for our sake.
on Shabbat; indeed, the Magen Torah readings, Shabbat Shirah is Finally, this is followed by the account
Avraham (324:7), writing in the 17th created by its Torah reading. Shabbat of the Jews trembling in terror before
century, prohibited it. However, Shirah becomes Shabbat Shirah only the sea, marching through the night
numerous authorities (Tosefet Shabbat when we read about the departure and finally emerging on the shore to
324:17, Aruch haShulchan Orach from Egypt, and the splitting of the Sea; recognize their torturers vanquished
Chaim 324:3, and see Tzitz Eliezer this experience stimulates joy in and their chains irreversibly smashed.
14:28) have justified the practice, depressed hearts, and catalyzes songs This ultimate validation of the tradition
because we are not doing this for the of praise for G-d. passed down from our founding
sake of feeding wildlife. Rather, we do
this in order to recall the joy of When the Creator of the Universe fathers and mothers placed the stamp
crossing through the Sea, a moment sends the message to Pharaoh, ‫ בני בכורי‬of truth upon our national aspirations.
when even the birds recognized the ‫ישראל‬, “My child, my firstborn, is This story can, if taken personally and
miracle and were moved to sing Israel,” our chests should swell. When seriously, redound positively and
praises before HaShem. The rabbinic the Source of All declares, '‫כה אמר ד‬, powerfully within the listener and
decrees against feeding animals do “Thus speaks G-d,” and when the King move the sensitive soul to a crescendo
not apply to such a practice. of Kings commands, ‫שלח עמי ויעבדני‬, of joy, and therefore song, as a nation,
“Send out My nation, and they will our nation, is freed from centuries of
The combination of the joyous song of serve Me,” we come face to face with slavery, spared from imminent
the birds and the joyous song of our the first, greatest and most enduring destruction, and launched upon a
ancestors invests this entire day with s o u rc e o f J e w is h pr i d e : O u r trajectory to greatness, in a single
the identity of “Shabbat Shirah”, a membership in a covenant with night that dawns upon a new day of
Shabbat of celebratory song. What is a HaShem. freedom. This is the engine of Shabbat
Jew to do, though, when he doesn‟t
feel the joy, whether due to external The spirit builds slowly through Shirah.
Pharaoh‟s repeated stalling tactics and Shabbat Shirah is not a day to sing; it is
a day on which to draw inspiration,
Parshah Questions R’ Meir Lipschitz and be moved to sing.
When we listen to kriat haTorah this
Answers are provided on the back page. Shabbat not with an ear toward our
 What is meant by HaShem‟s words, ma titzak eilai, “Why do you cry out to me”? neighbors but with an ear toward the
(Shemot Rabbah 21:1-8) joy-inducing events recorded therein,
 What do the words, ub’ruach apecha ne’ermu mayim,” And with the breath of that will bring us to song. May we then
Your nostrils the water piled up” describe? merit the fulfillment of the prediction
(Rashi, Onkelos, Rashbam, Ibn Ezra, Seforno, Malbim and Netziv to Shemot 15:8) of Sanhedrin 91b, that the day will
 Why is it significant that the Jews left Egypt beyad rama, “with a mighty hand”? come when we will sing the song of
(Rashi, Rashbam, Ibn Ezra, Seforno, Chizkuni, Ohr HaChaim, Malbim, Netziv, and Moshe, Miriam and the Jews together
Shaarei Aharon to Shemot 14:8) again.
 For children: What is the connection between the war with Amalek and the
Manna? torczyner@torontotorah.com
(Rashi Shemot 17:8) mlipschitz@torontotorah.com

This week's Toronto Torah is sponsored in memory of Ben Javasky, ‫ברוך בן יעקב הכהן ז"ל‬, whose Yahrzeit takes place on 11 Shevat.
Rejoice at the Fall of Your Enemies Russell Levy

At that time, the ministering angels Bechorot, the plague of the first born, an angels at the time of the drowning of the
requested to recite a song [of praise] affliction of death. Based on the Egyptians, are denied our request to
before Hashem. Hashem said to them: my precedent set by Hallel at the end of recite Hallel; since neither we nor the
creations are drowning in the sea and Pesach, it would seem improper to angels directly experienced the
you desire to recite a song [of praise] praise Hashem when commemorating miracle, we cannot overlook the death
before me? (Sanhedrin 39b) the death of his creations. Yet, an of our adversaries.
The gemara [Erchin 10a] discusses an essential component - and according to To address our second question: We are
interesting contrast in the ways we some, the essential component - of the enjoined to relive the Exodus at the
recite Hallel: On Sukkot we praise Pesach seder is the recitation of Hallel. Seder: “It is incumbent upon each one
Hashem by reciting the complete Hallel Why is this not only permitted, but to consider as though he had personally
for all eight days, but on Pesach we required? gone forth from Egypt.” Therefore,
recite the complete Hallel only on the Finally, what, in truth, is the problem during this reenactment we are
first day. One answer, brought with praising Hashem upon the permitted to praise Hashem, even
talmudically from a midrash and cited destruction of His creations, if this is part though His creations were destroyed
by medieval authorities, explains this of His plan? The Exodus, including the during the plague of the first born, since
incongruity based on the splitting of the splitting of the Sea of Reeds and the we are to view ourselves as being
Sea of Reeds on the last day of Pesach. death of the Egyptians, was Divinely personally delivered from the hands of
Like the angels, we are not permitted to ordained. If Hashem was willing to the Egyptians.
fully praise Hashem at a time of death perform open miracles and slay His Finally, we must understand the why
and destruction. creations, should we not praise Him for Hashem drowned the Egyptians during
However, this explanation seems to be this? the Exodus, if He does not rejoice at the
lacking. First, at the time of kriat yam
To answer these questions, we must death of His creations. Chazal teach us
suf, the splitting of the Sea of Reeds,
understand the importance of one‟s that their death was the appropriate,
when the ministering angels werepersonal perspective on a situation. At measure-for-measure punishment for
denied their request to recite their song
the Sea of Reeds, the Jewish people were the years of enslavement of the
of praise, another group of people did
rescued, while the angels were mere Ch ild re n o f I sr ae l. Sin c e th is
indeed sing such a song: Moshe and the
outside observers. It is completely punishment could not take any other
Jewish people. They sung Az Yashir,
permitted for one who is saved by a form than death, their demise was
praising Hashem for their deliverance
miracle to praise Hashem, even if inescapable. Nevertheless, He, as it
on one hand, and for the death of the
Hashem‟s creations were destroyed in were, is loath to destroy his creations,
Egyptian oppressors on the other. Why
the process. However, an outside and therefore He does not permit praise
was this not only sanctioned, but
observer is charged to consider all the when He slays his handiwork, since it
lauded? particulars; outsiders must see the cannot be ignored in light of the greater
Further, the plague immediately tragedy in the means, no matter how good.
preceding the Exodus was Makat remarkable the result. Therefore, we, Each of us is charged with emulating His
generations after the Exodus, and the ways, as the Torah says, “And you shall
walk in His ways.” Individuals—parents,
teachers, employers, soldiers, or
613 Mitzvot: Mitzvah 76 and 78 Knesset members enforcing the siege
on Gaza—continually confront
Judicial Votes conditions where they are forced
perform an action that, though it is both
When judges adjudicate a non- disagreements, where the majority is permitted and required, may be
capital case, they determine their fully educated and informed. wanting if observed outside of context.
When we are that individual, we must
decision by simple majority; this is a
In capital cases, though, we are taught have the strength to walk in His ways, to
biblical mitzvah (#78). As the Sefer
to defy this principle (#76); a majority act as we are required to act, but not to
haChinuch explains, this is a lose sight of the larger picture. We must
of two judges (on a court of twenty-
principle we are meant to implement each realize that even if we are
three) is required to convict. The Sefer
beyond litigation; we are meant to completely justified in hurting someone
haChinuch writes that this merciful law
determine communal practice based emotionally, physically or
is part of our attempt to imitate
upon the majority of those who are economically, they are still Hashem‟s
HaShem. HaShem could convict us
committed to Torah. The alternative creations, and we must still feel their
based upon our actions, but He
would be an anarchic situation, in pain, since even in light of the greater
extends mercy to us. Along similar
which each individual or group of good, it cannot be ignored. And when
lines, a simple majority is capable of
individuals would splinter off and we can value all of Hashem‟s creations,
convicting, but we go the extra step to
practice Judaism in its own way. We He will complete Creation, and bring
extend mercy to the defendant. the Mashiach, speedily in our days.
are instructed to sublimate personal
torczyner@torontotorah.com rlevy@torontotorah.com

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Ha’Am V’Ha’Aretz
R’ Baruch haLevi Epstein — Torah Temimah Dovid Zirkind Karnei Shomron

Rav Baruch HaLevi Epstein (1860-1941) Karnei Shomron, “the horns of

Torah in Translation was raised in the city of Novarodok Samaria”, was founded in 1977 by a
A Hassidic Master Reflects on where his father, R‟ Yechiel Michel committed group of young families
Epstein, author of the Aruch Hashulchan, eager to settle the barren hilltops
the Vilna Gaon served as Rav. After his marriage Rav
Mekor Baruch Chapter 20 (page 1234) of Western Samaria. The early
Epstein moved to Pinsk, a small city in
the southern region of Belarus, where he pioneers lived for many years in
Rav Baruch HaLevi Epstein writes in his spent most of his life. He was known for mobile homes before securing the
memoirs of his father’s (The Aruch his photographic memory, and he right to build the town that Karnei
Hashulchan) trip to visit and study under the studied in the Volozhin Yeshiva under his Shomron was to become. In 1991,
third Lubavitcher Rebbe (the Tzemach uncle R‟ Naftali Tzvi Yehuda Berlin (The
Tzedek). The following excerpt is part of a the original settlement of Karnei
discussion which he had with the Rebbe Shomron, made up of 45 families,
about the Vilna Gaon, who was fervently During the First World War the city of merged with three other major
opposed to the founding of the Hasidic Pinsk suffered tremendous financial settlements: Ginot Shomron (850
Movement. challenges and Rav Epstein used that families; established in 1984), Neve
time to focus on authoring his memoirs.
With this, the Rebbe continued to speak The product of that labour was his epic Menachem (220 families;
with my father with friendly emotion: Mekor Baruch, four volumes of over two established in 1991), and Alonei
“I will share with you what has always been thousand pages. The work focuses on a Shilo (25 families; established in
hidden in my heart regarding this issue, that candid portrait of his life and the life of 1999). Collectively, these are now
which I have not revealed to almost anyone, his illustrious family. [See translation.] called Karnei Shomron, for the two
even those who are most humble among us, While living in Pinsk, Rav Epstein was not hills upon which its initial
other than my father-in-law and his father involved in the Rabbinate; he worked as settlements were built.
(R‟ Shneur Zalman of Liadi and his son „The a bookkeeper by profession. He did,
Middle Rebbe,‟ whom the Hasidim called however, make one trip to the United Today Karnei Shomron is a
his son Rebbe Ber, the father-in-law of States from 1923-1926 where he
sprawling regional center 48
Mendle). They nodded their heads to me, searched unsuccessfully for a rabbinic
saying I had anticipated beautifully and position. During that trip he served as the kilometres northeast of Tel Aviv
evaluated accurately. and 85 kilometres north of
first Director of Ezras Torah, a charitable
organization founded primarily to assist Jerusalem. Kfar Saba and Raanana
That is, the people of our tradition do not
know and cannot evaluate the great value European Orthodox Jewry during the are its closest major cities. It is
and great kindness that the Vilna Gaon did war. He was succeeded by R‟ Yosef located midway between present-
for us when he argued with us. People of Eliyahu Henkin, who headed the day Alfei Menashe and Kedumim,
their worth cannot appraise the worth of the organization until 1973. on the border between the tribal
great thanks that we owe him and to those In addition to his memoirs and a number portions of Ephraim and Menasheh.
who argue with us and our children and the of other books, Rav Epstein‟s magnum Consistently growing over the
generations after us. opus was his Torah Temimah. Literally years, there are now over 1,500
The meaning of the words is this: If not for meaning “Complete Torah” Rav Epstein families living in Karnei Shomron's
the debate, there would surely have been compiled in this work selections of the
oral tradition of rabbinic literature in
major neighborhoods; the 2010
foundation and room for worry and concern
conjunction with their sources in census numbered the population as
that the new approach we paved, or more
truthfully, our fathers paved for us, with Chumash, allowing the reader to glance 6,300.
lively excitement, would take us little by simultaneously at a given verse and the
little, step after step, further over the messages drawn from it. Moreover, Rav Unique to Karnei Shomron is its
appointed border of the tradition of Torah Epstein added his own notes to those "North American" neighborhood,
and commandments. The great concern that traditions, highlighting the connections Neve Aliza, founded by new
the strength of this inspiration, the elevation to the pesukim and adding his own immigrants to Israel from the U.S.
of the soul and height of the spirit in this insights to the already illuminating
and Canada in 1985. Today there
new approach, which swept up the hearts of statements of our sages.
dzirkind@torontorocah.com are some 200 families throughout
its creators, developers and founders, might
have culminated in burning of the talmudic Karnei Shomron who originate from
Torah by the fires of kabbalah, was not E n g l i s h - sp e ak i n g co u n tr i e s ,
unfounded. This hidden Torah would In account of all these [factors] we would making it one of the largest
diminish the image of the revealed Torah, have gone astray, G-d forbid. Therefore concentrations of North American
and the practical commandments would be the debate was a protective shield
against the disaster, and an iron fence
immigrants in the country.
lowered in significance before the fiery (Adapted from www.ginaplus.org/
emotion of the foundations of thought. before a flooding current.
dzirkind@torontotorah.com kshomron)

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Parshah Answers R’ Netanel Javasky

stand still. This approach is taken catch up to them.

What is meant by HaShem’s
by the Ibn Ezra as well.  Ohr Hachaim focuses on the
words, ma titzak eilai, “Why do
 Rashbam says that the water rose juxtaposition of this phrase with
you cry out to me”?
because of a great eastern wind. the first half of the verse, that G-d
 The Midrash in Shemot Rabbah
 Onkelos says that the water stood hardened Pharaoh‟s heart. The
offers a number of explanations.
by the word of G-d, and ruach fact that the Jewish People were
One explanation provided is that
apecha refers to G-d‟s utterance. leaving in this mighty manner
G-d was telling Moshe to stop
should have scared Pharaoh and
crying out in prayer, as the
Why is it significant that the Jews prevented him from chasing the
prayers had already been
left Egypt beyad rama, “with a Jewish Nation. This is why G-d
accepted by G-d and it was now
mighty hand”? had to harden his heart.
time to travel. A second
understanding is that G-d was  Rashi says that the Torah is
stressing that the Jews did not For children: What is the
telling Moshe that now was the
leave as a downtrodden slave- connection between the war with
time for him to act as the servant
nation, but as a strong nation. Amalek and the Manna?
of G-d, entering the sea, and
They made a public statement by  Rashi explains that after Bnei
then G-d would certainly enable
leaving with their heads held Yisrael complained about the
his success.
high. Manna, Hashem punished them
 On a similar note, Rashbam says by demonstrating that he is
What do the words, ub’ruach
that the Torah is noting that at this constantly taking care of them.
apecha ne’ermu mayim,” And with
point Bnei Yisrael were not at all Rashi says this is similar to a child
the breath of Your nostrils the
scared of the Egyptians. w h o i s co n st a n t l y be i n g
water piled up” describe?
 Chizkuni and Ibn Ezra say that protected by his father and yet
 Rashi explains that the Torah
these words tell us that the Jews seems oblivious to his father‟s
often uses anthropomorphisms to
did not escape from Egypt, but existence. The father then
help us better understand the
rather they exited with distances himself, allowing the
ways of G-d. Here, too, the
permission from their masters. child to get hurt, in order that the
Torah describes the great wind
 Netziv says that it was because child recognize that the father
as emanating from the nostrils of
Bnei Yisrael left very calmly and was constantly there for him.
G-d to teach that it was strong
enough to cause the water to not in a rushed manner, that
Pharaoh was eventually able to njavasky@torontotorah.com

Schedule for the Week of January 15, 10 Shevat

Shabbat, January 15
Shabbaton in Hamilton: David Teller, Dovid Zirkind Tuesday, January 18
7:45AM R‟ Azarya Berzon, Ramban: Parshat Shmot, Or Chaim 1:30PM R‟ Mordechai Torczyner: Yonah, at Shaarei Shomayim, with
10:15AM R‟ Azarya Berzon, Defining the Prohibition Against Mekorot
Murder for Jews and non-Jews, Clanton Park 7:15PM R‟ Azarya Berzon: Tools for Brisk, BAYT Thornhill
One Hour Before Mincha: R‟ Azarya Berzon, Is there a Kinyan 8:00PM Dovid Zirkind: Interactive Parshah Discussion, Westmount
Without an Act?, Mizrachi Bayit Learning Centre
Sunday, January 16 8:30PM R‟ Mordechai Torczyner: Minchat Chinuch at Clanton Park on
8:45 AM R‟ Mordechai Torczyner, Medical Halachah, Issues in
hiatus this week
Treating Anxiety and Depression, BAYT. CME credit
for physicians. $36 for series, or $5 for this session 8:30PM R‟ Azarya Berzon: Lessons ,Moral Dilemnas in Monetary
9:15AM Itamar Zolberg:Parshah&Issues b‟Ivrit, Zichron Issues, BAYT Thornhill
7:30PM R‟ Azarya Berzon, Masechet Megila: The Public Study Wednesday, January 19
of Torah, Shaarei Shomayim 9:15AM R‟ Mordechai Torczyner: Hosheia, 239 Franklin Women
8:30PM R‟ Azarya Berzon, Masechet Kiddushin: The Third Babysitting provided - on hiatus this week
Method of Marrying a Woman, Shaarei Shomayim 7:15PM R‟ Azarya Berzon, Week‟s Shiur Highlights, Clanton Park
Monday, January 17 8:30PM R‟ Azarya Berzon: Masechet Kiddushin 42b “Ein Shliach LeDvar
12:10PM Russell Levy, Masechet Pesachim (advanced), Aveira”, Shomrei Shabbos Chevra Mishnayos
Wolfond Center Lunch served
6:00 PM R‟ Mordechai Torczyner, History of Jewish Publishing, Thursday, January 20
1 of 4, MNJCC; $20 for series 8:00PM R‟ Netanel Javasky: Landmark Halachic Responsa, Bnai Torah
8:30PM R‟ Azarya Berzon, Rambam: The Mitzvah of Kibud Av 8:30PM R‟ Azarya Berzon: Situational Ethics and Partnership Law, Clanton
Va‟em, Clanton Park Park
8:45PM R‟ Meir Lipschitz: Gemara Beitzah Chaburah, Shaarei 10:00PM R‟ Azarya Berzon: Rambam Hilchot Talmud Torah, Clanton Park
9:20PM R‟ Azarya Berzon, Ramban: Insights into Parshat Bo,G-
Monday - Friday 6 AM R‟ Mordechai Torczyner: Daf Yomi, BAYT
d‟s Love for the People of Israel, 12 Midvale Road

4 We would like to thank koshertube.com for filming our shiurim! Visit us at www.torontotorah.com

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