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Direct Kinematic Modeling of 6R Robot Using Robotics Toolbox

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Prashant Badoni Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.

ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 1, (Part - 3) January 2016, pp.151-154


Direct Kinematic modeling of 6R Robot using Robotics Toolbox

Prashant Badoni*
*(Department of Mechanical Engineering, Graphic Era University, Dehradun-248002)

The traditional approaches are insufficient to solve the complex kinematics problems of the redundant robotic
manipulators. To overcome such intricacy, Peter Corke’s Robotics Toolbox [1] is utilized in the present study.
This paper aims to model the direct kinematics of a 6 degree of freedom (DOF) Robotic arm. The Toolbox uses
the Denavit-Hartenberg (DH) Methodology [2] to compute the kinematic model of the robot.
Keywords - Direct Kinematics Solution, MATLAB, Robotic Toolbox, Robot manipulator.

Kinematic modeling of a robot is concerned with
its motion without consideration of forces. The
kinematic modeling of a robot is usually categorized
into forward or direct kinematics and inverse
kinematics. In the direct kinematics problem, the
location of end effector in the work space i.e. position
and orientation, is determined based on the joint
variables [3] [4]. The inverse kinematics problem Fig.2. Schematic of a general serial 6R robot manipulator [5]
refers to finding the values of the joint variables that
allows the manipulator to reach the given location. II. DIRECT KINEMATIC MODEL
The relationship between direct and inverse Direct kinematic analysis of 6R robot is done by
kinematics is illustrated in Fig.1. using Robotics Toolbox in MATLAB. Various
functions are used to complete the analysis
conveniently. First, create the six links and set the D-
Link Parameters
H parameters as given in Table 1.

Position and Table 1: D-H parameters of the manipulator

Joint Direct
angles Kinematics
Orientation of Links ai αi di θi Range
end-effector 1 0 -90 1 θ1 0 to 360
2 0 90 4 θ2 -27 to 189
Link Parameters 3 10 0 3 θ3 -241 to 82
4 10 0 0 θ4 0 to 360
5 0 -90 3 θ5 -100 to 100
Joint Inverse 6 0 0 1 θ6 0 to 360
angles Kinematics
Here θi is joint angle, di is joint offset, ai is link
Fig.1. Relationship between direct and inverse kinematics length and αi is the twist angle. The limits of each
joint angle is given in the above table and utilized in
The present paper describes the modeling and the m-file.
analysis of a 6R robot with the application of The joint variable is set to be zero at the starting.
Robotics Toolbox [1] in MATLAB. The Toolbox is A few workspace variables are created to define the
based on a general method of representing kinematics useful joint angles: qz for all starting position, qr for
and dynamics of serial link manipulators by ready position or reach position. The trajectory
description matrices. In this study, the toolbox is used between any of these two joint angle vectors can be
for direct kinematic solution of a six link robot generated with respect to time. After that, the forward
manipulator. The toolbox is also capable of plotting kinematic can be computed easily by using fkine
3D graphical robot and allows users to drive the robot function, which returns a homogeneous
model. A general serial 6R robot is shown in Fig.2. transformation for the last link of the robot. Here is
the source code in MATLAB.

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Prashant Badoni Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com
ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 1, (Part - 3) January 2016, pp.151-154

% create links using D-H parameters

% L = Link([theta, d, a, alpha]
L(1) = Link([0 1 0 –pi/2]);
L(2) = Link([0 4 0 pi/2]);
L(3) = Link([0 3 10 0]);
L(4) = Link([0 0 10 0]);
L(5) = Link([0 3 0 –pi/2]);
L(6) = Link([0 1 0 0]);

% Joint limits
L(1).qlim = pi/180*[0 360];
L(2).qlim = pi/180*[-27 189];
L(3).qlim = pi/180*[-241 82];
L(4).qlim = pi/180*[0 360]; Fig.4. Ready Pose of Robot
L(5).qlim = pi/180*[-100 100];
L(6).qlim = pi/180*[0 360]; 3D Trajectory of the end-effector of the robot can be
plotted by:
% create the robot model >>figure,plot3(squeeze(T(1,4,:)),squeeze(T(2,4,:)),
Robot = SerialLink(L); squeeze(T(3,4,:)));
Robot.name = ‘Robot’ xlabel('X(inch)'),ylabel('Y(inch)'),zlabel('Z(inch)'),
title(‘End-effector 3D Trajectory’),grid;
% starting position
qz = [0 0 0 0 0 0];

% ready position
qr = [pi/4 0 pi/4 0 –pi/2 pi];

% generate a time vector

t = [0:0.056:2];

% computes the joint coordinate trajectory

q = jtraj(qz, qr, t);

% direct kinematics for each joint co-ordinate

T = Robot.fkine(q)
Fig.5. Robot direct kinematics end-effector trajectory
Joint space trajectory can be animated by using the
following command: Cartesian coordinates x, y, z of end-effector can be
>>Robot.plot(q) plotted against time by:
Starting and ready position of the robot manipulator '-',t,squeeze(T(2,4,:)),'--',t,squeeze(T(3,4,:)),'-.');
from this simulation are given below in Fig.3 and xlabel('Time(s)'), ylabel('Coordinate(inch)'),grid,
Fig.4: legend('X','Y','Z'), title('End-effector Position');

Fig.3. Zero Pose of Robot

Fig.6. Robot direct kinematics end-effector X, Y, Z coordinates

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Prashant Badoni Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com
ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 1, (Part - 3) January 2016, pp.151-154

Generalized coordinates for each joint of the robot

can be plotted against time by:
>>subplot(6,1,1); plot(t,q(:,1));
xlabel('Time(s)'); ylabel('Joint1(rad)');
subplot(6,1,2); plot(t,q(:,2));
xlabel('Time(s)'); ylabel('Joint2(rad)');
subplot(6,1,3); plot(t,q(:,3));
xlabel('Time(s)'); ylabel('Joint3(rad)');
subplot(6,1,4); plot(t,q(:,4));
xlabel('Time(s)'); ylabel('Joint4(rad)');
subplot(6,1,5); plot(t,q(:,5));
xlabel('Time(s)'); ylabel('Joint5(rad)');
xlabel('Time(s)'); ylabel('Joint6(rad)');

Fig.8. Joint velocity against time

Acceleration profile is given by:

>>subplot(6,1,1); plot(t,q(:,1));title(‘Acceleration’);
xlabel('Time(s)'); ylabel('Joint1(rad/s2)');
subplot(6,1,2); plot(t,q(:,2));
xlabel('Time(s)'); ylabel('Joint2(rad/s2)');
subplot(6,1,3); plot(t,q(:,3));
xlabel('Time(s)'); ylabel('Joint3(rad/s2)');
subplot(6,1,4); plot(t,q(:,4));
xlabel('Time(s)'); ylabel('Joint4(rad/s2)');
subplot(6,1,5); plot(t,q(:,5));
xlabel('Time(s)'); ylabel('Joint5(rad/s2)');
xlabel('Time(s)'); ylabel('Joint6(rad/s2)');
Fig.7. Robot direct kinematics joint angles against time

Velocity and acceleration profile can be obtained by:

>> [q,qd,qdd] = jtraj(qz, qr, t)

Velocity profile of joints of the robot manipulator is

given by:
>>subplot(6,1,1); plot(t,q(:,1));title(‘Velocity’);
xlabel('Time(s)'); ylabel('Joint1(rad/s)');
subplot(6,1,2); plot(t,q(:,2));
xlabel('Time(s)'); ylabel('Joint2(rad/s)');
subplot(6,1,3); plot(t,q(:,3));
xlabel('Time(s)'); ylabel('Joint3(rad/s)');
subplot(6,1,4); plot(t,q(:,4));
xlabel('Time(s)'); ylabel('Joint4(rad/s)');
subplot(6,1,5); plot(t,q(:,5));
xlabel('Time(s)'); ylabel('Joint5(rad/s)');
Fig.9. Joint acceleration against time
xlabel('Time(s)'); ylabel('Joint6(rad/s)');
In this paper, the direct kinematic model of a 6R
robot is presented by utilizing the principal features
of the Robotic Toolbox in MATLAB. The Toolbox
provides several essential tools for the modeling and
analysis of the robotic manipulator, as well as
analyzing the experimental results.

www.ijera.com 153 | P a g e
Prashant Badoni Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com
ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 1, (Part - 3) January 2016, pp.151-154

[1] P.I. Corke, A Robotics Toolbox for
MATLAB, IEEE Robotics and Automation
Magazine, Vol.3, No.1, pp.24-32, March
[2] J. Denavit, R.S. Hartenberg, A Kinematic
Notation for Lower-Pair Mechanisms Based
on Matricies, Trans. of ASME J.App. Mech.
vol. 77, pp.215-221, June 1955.
[3] J.J. Crage, Introduction to Robotics
Mechanics and Control, 3rd Edition,
Prentice Hall, 2005.
[4] M.W. Spong, S. Hutchinson and M.
Vidyasagar, Robot Modeling and Control,
1st Edition, Jon Wiley & Sons Inc, 2005.
[5] Zhongtao Fu, Wenyu Yang and Zhen Yang,
Solution of Inverse Kinematics for 6R Robot
Manipulators With Offset Wrist Based on
Geometric Algebra, Journal of Mechanism
and Robotics, August 2013, Vol. 5.

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