Illuminati NWO
Illuminati NWO
Illuminati NWO
-world GovernmentPart VI
The Council on Foreign Relations* Abraham asserts that one
of the primary reasons these I
lluminati worked behind the scenes to forment WWI
to create in its aftermath a world government to control resources of the world.
The selling point is peace. Professor Carroll Quigley, Mr. Clinton's own professor
at Georgetown University, in his book Tragedy and Hope (MacMillan, New York, 1966)
informs us that the secret Round Table was created for Rothschild, to be headed by
Lord Milner, using Cecil Rhodes' money. (I
s it accidental that Rhodes scholarship
fund was created and a Rhodes scholar, Bill Clinton, was nominated and elected
President of the U.S.?) The Round Table worked behind the scenes at the highest
levels of British government, influencing foreign policy and England's involvement
and conduct of WWI
. * Professor Quigley tells us that in New York, the Round
Table Group was known as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). (Quigley, p. 951)
According to Quigley, the most important financial dynasties in America following
were (in addition to Morgan) the Rockefeller family; Kuhn, Loeb & Company;
Dillon Read and Company and Brown Bros., Harriman. (Quigley, p. 529). The founders
of CFR include those who financed the Bolshevik Revolution. The CFR has come to be
known as "The Establishment," "the invisible government" and "the Rockefeller
foreign office." St. Michael called David Rockefeller the man who hides the mask
ruling the U.S. * The CFR's takeover and control of the U.S. Department of State is
contained in State Department Publication 2349, Report to the President on the
Results of the San Francisco Conference. I
t is the report of Secretary of State
President on the Results of the San Francisco Conference. I
t is the report of
Secretary Edward R. Stettinius (C.F.R.) to President Truman. This document states
that new problems after the war required a special committee to deal with them. As
a result, a Committee on Post-War Problems was set up with high officials of the
State Department (all but one were CFR members) assisted by a research staff who
were previously working for CFR but now became part of State Department as Division
of Special Research. After Pearl Harbor, the Committee on Post-War Problems became
Advisory Committee on Post-War Foreign Policies. (See also the C.F.R.'s booklet, A
Record of Twenty Years, 1921-1947.) (ibid., pp. 95-96). * This is the group which
designed the United Nations. The land in Manhattan, New York where the U.N.
building now stands was donated by the Rockefellers. (cf. P. Collier and D.
Horowitz, The Rockefellers An American Dynasty, Holt, Rinehart Winston, 1976, pp.
246-247). * The Christian Science Monitor indicates the fantastic power the C.F.R.
has had during the last six administrations (before Mr. Reagan's second term):
"Almost half of the Council members have been invited to assume official government
positions or to act as consultants at one time or another." The policies promoted
by the C.F.R. in the fields of defense and international relations become, with a
regularity which defies the laws of chance, the official policies of the United
States Government. (Abraham, pp. 94-95). * The CFR dominated President
Kennedy's State Department, his Cabinet, and Secretary of State Dean Rusk's staff.
Anthony Lukas of the New York Times reported: "Of the first 82 names on a list
prepared to help President Kennedy staff his State Department, 63 were Council
members. Kennedy once complained, 'I
'd like to have some new faces here, but all I
get is the same old names.' (James W. Wardner, The Planned Destruction of America,
P.O. Box 163141, Altamonte Springs, Florida 32716-3141; 407-865-9722 , p. 60) *
President Nixon appointed 110 CFR members to the highest un-elected offices
in the land. (Wardner, op. cit., p. 59) * President Carter appointed more than 70
men from the CFR and over 20 members of the Trilateral Commission (TC) to the
highest unelected offices of government. (Wardner, op. cit., p. 58) * President
Reagan appointed over 80 individuals to his administration who were members of the
Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, or both. Note especially
his running mate, Trilateralist George Bush. Reagan appointed to the highest
offices in government: 64 CFR members, 6 Trilateral members, 6 both CFR and
Trilateral members, and 5 former members of the Trilateral Commission. (Wardner,
op. cit., p. 56.) * Most of President Clinton's first term cabinet officers
were CFR members including Secretary of State, Deputy Secretary of State, Secretary
of Defense, National Security Advisor, Deputy National Security Advisor, CI
Director, Chairman of the Foreign I
ntelligence Advisory Board, Secretary of
Treasury, Deputy Secretary of the Treasury, Secretary of Health and Human Services,
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Secretary of the I
nterior, Under
Secretary for Political Affairs, Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and
Pacific Affairs, Aid Coordinator to the Commonwealth of I
ndependent States, Deputy
Director, Office of Management and Budget, Chairman, Council of Economic Advisors,
U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations (Madeleine Albright who was responsible for
foreign policy legislation during the Carter years and was Director of the world-
government-promoting Atlantic Council, now Secretary of State under Clinton.)
(Wardner, op. cit., pp. 51-52.) * Dr. James W. Wardner in his well-documented
book lists the following: * Of the eighteen secretaries of the treasury since
1921, twelve have been members of the CFR. * Of the sixteen secretaries of
state, twelve have been CFR members (four have been presidents of Rockefeller
Foundation). * The Defense Department, created in 1947, has had fifteen
secretaries; nine have been CFR. * The CI
A, also created in 1947, has had eleven
directors seven have been CFR. * Six of seven superintendents at West Point have
been CFR. * Every supreme Allied commander in Europe has been CFR * Every U.S.
ambassador to NATO has been CFR. * The Four key positions in every administration,
Republican or Democratic, are routinely filled by CFR members: * National Security
Advisor * Secretary of State * Secretary of Defense * Secretary of Treasury *
There are increasing numbers of CFR members in the legislative branch of
government. Pat Schroeder (D-CO), Christopher Dodd (D-CT), Newt Gingrich (R-GA),
Warren Rudman (R-NH), Bob Graham (D-FL), Thomas Foley (D- WA), Charles Robb (D-VA),
John D. Rockefeller, I
V (D-WV) are all members. * George Bush had 387 members
of the CFR in his administration. Ronald Reagan had 313. * The team of Clinton and
Gore is financed and supported by the CFR as well. Clinton is a member of the
Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. * Perot, the
outsider in the 1992 elections, picked CFR people to run his campaign. * Total
CFR membership as of December 1992 was 2905. * The objective of the CFR and CFR-
controlled State Department is to completely disarm the whole world including
America and let the United Nations has monopoly on armed forces which they called
the U.N. Peace Force. (Wardner, op. cit., pp. 67-68). * I
n his stunning book The
Most Secret Science, retired Air Force Colonel Archibald Roberts states: "Under
this plan, the United States will finance and man a totalitarian UN military
complex." (Wardner, op. cit., p. 68). According to the CFR and its agency the U.S.
State Department, even the U.S. would not have the power to challenge the U.N.
Peace Force. Consequently, Colonel Roberta continues: "The enormity of this
subversion is nearly incomprehensible -- as is the failure of the American people
to protest the criminal abrogation of the United States Constitution. As one
American soldier, I
bitterly resent being turned over to an organization whose
every precept and very existence contravenes the Constitution I
have sworn to
uphold." (p. 133, quoted in Wardner, op. cit, p. 68). * While media reports and
discusses everything else except the CFR and its objectives. This is because,
according to CFR's own 1987 report, 262 of its members are "journalists,
correspondents, and communications executives." (Wardner, op. cit., p. 70). *
The I
lluminati, through the C.F.R., has spread its influence to other vital
areas of American society. I
ts members have run or are running NBC, CBS, ABC, the
New York Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Sun, the
Des Moines Register, the Wall Street Journal, Time, Life, Newsweek, Fortune,
Business Week. * Here is the list of well-known reporters and anchors who have
been or are current members of the CFR: * CBS: Bill Moyers CFR, William Paley CFR,
Dan Rather CFR, Harry Reasoner CFR. * NBC: Tom Brokaw CFR, John Chancellor CFR,
Marvin Kalb CFR, I
rving R. Levine CFR. * ABC: David Brinkley CFR, Ted Koppel CFR
Diane Sawyer CFR, John Scali CFR, Barbara Walters CFR. * CNN: Daniel Schorr CFR.
* PBS: Hodding Carter I
CFR, Jim Lehrer CFR, Robert McNeil CFR. (The list is
based on James Wardner, Planned Destruction of America, p. 143.) * I
t is a
conspiracy of silence among the media to keep American people in the dark about the
CFR's plan to subvert the U.S. Constitution and to create a dictatorial one-world
government under the leadership of the emerging Anti-Christ. I
n his opening
statement to the secret Bilderberger meeting in Germany 1991, David Rockefeller
included the acknowledgment: "We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York
Times, Time magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended
our meetings and respected their promises of discretion [silence] for almost forty
t would have been impossible for us to develop our Plan for the world if
we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during these years." (Larry
nsider Report, January 1992, p. 2.) I
n other words, the success of the conspiracy
to set up one-world government under the Anti-Christ is due in part to the
cooperation of the media sector. When the Anti-Christ finally arrives on the world
scene, do you think that the media people would be on our side, the side of
freedom? The Trilateral CommissionThe roots of the Trilateral Commission (TC) stem
from a book Between Two Ages written by Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1970 while he was a
professor at Columbia University in New York City. David Rockefeller read the book
and was impressed with its contents. The book inspired Rockefeller to create the
TC. * I
n July 1972, 8 members of CFR, among whom were David Rockefeller and
Zbigniew Brzezinski founded the Trilateral Commission. The Commission's purpose is
to engineer an enduring partnership among the ruling classes of North America,
Western Europe, and Japan -- hence the term 'Trilateral' -- in an attempt to
influence public opinions and government decision-makings in such a way that the
peoples, governments and economies of all nations must serve the needs of
multinational banks and corporations. To achieve this, Trilateralists must manage
both dependence and democracy -- at home and abroad. I
n other words, they must
reduce the mass to dependency and suppress democracy and any voice of protest
through control and surveillance. The ultimate aim would be to establish an one-
world economy, one-world government, one-world monetary system, and one-world
religion. The following excerpts from official TC's documents, together with
writings and speeches of founding members will confirm this. * I
n his book With
No Apologies (1979), Senator Barry Goldwater writes: "The C.F.R. is the American
branch of a society which originated in England. I
nternationalistic in viewpoint,
the C.F.R., along with the Atlantic Union Movement, and the Atlantic Council of the
U.S., believes national boundaries should be obliterated and one-world rule
established ... What the Trilaterals truly intend is the creation of a worldwide
economic power superior to the political government of the nation-states involved.
As managers and creators of the system they will rule the world ... I
n my view, the
Trilateral Commission represents a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control
and consolidate the four centers of power: political, monetary, intellectual, and
ecclesiastical." (With No Apologies, pp. 128, 284). * The TC took the position that
"the economic officials of ... the largest countries must begin to think in terms
of managing a single world economy, in addition to managing international economic
relations among countries" (The Reform of I
nternational I
nstitutions: A Report of
the Trilateral Tank Force on I
nternational I
nstitutions to the Trilateral
Commission , New York: The Trilateral Commission, 1976, p. 22.) * I
n order to
achieve the goal of world domination in the form of one-world government, the
Trilateralists need to control the U.S. and other governments. * Senator Barry
Goldwater observed, "Whereas the Council on Foreign Relations is distinctly
national in membership, the Trilateral Commission is international. Representation
is allocated equally to Western Europe, Japan, and the United States. I
t is
intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and
banking interest by seizing control of the political government of the United
States." ( With No Apologies, p. 280.) * Holly Sklar, in her book Trilateralism,
says, "These men make the most important foreign, economic, and domestic policy
decisions of the U. S. government today; they set the goals and direction for the
administration." (p. 208.) * I
n Kissinger on the Couch (1975) authors Phyllis
Schlafly and former CFR member Chester Ward state: "Once the ruling members of the
CFR have decided that the US Government should adopt a particular policy, the very
substantial research facilities of the CFR are put to work to develop arguments,
intellectual and emotional, to support the new policy, and to confound and
discredit, intellectually and politically, any opposition. . . " According to Ward,
the CFR's goal is the "submergence of US sovereignty and national independence into
an all-powerful one-world govemment. . . This lust to surrender the sovereignty and
independence of the United States is pervasive throughout most of the membership. .
. I
n the entire CFR lexicon, there is no term of revulsion carrying a meaning so
deep as 'America First.'" (Dennis L. Cuddy and Robert H. Golsborough, The Network
of Power and Part I
The New World Order: Chronology and Commentary, Baltimore: The
American Research Foundation, I
nc., 1993, p.17.) * Senator Goldwater revealed,
"David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski found Jimmy Carter their ideal
candidate. They helped him win the nomination and the presidency. To accomplish
this purpose, they mobilized the money power of the Wall Street bankers, the
intellectual influence of the academic community-which is subservient to the wealth
of the great tax-free foundations -- and the media controllers represented in the
membership of the CFR and the Trilateral." ( With No Apologies, p. 286.) Senator
Golwater continued, "Brzezinski and Rockefeller invited Carter to be a member of
the Trilateral Commission in 1973. They immediately began grooming him for the
Presidency ... We have arrived at our present position of peril in the world and at
home because our leaders have refused to tell us the truth ... unless we, who
profess to believe in freedom, wake up, the world is headed for a period of
slavery." (With No Apologies, p. 299.) Now you understand why a virtual unknown
could zoom to the presidency in 1976. Carter was labeled the ultimate outsider, but
actually he was an insider -- a Trilateralist. * Early on in Carter's
appointee process the Washington Post remarked, "I
f you like conspiracy theories
about secret plots to take over the world, you are going to love the administration
of President-elect Jimmy Carter...." (January 16, 1977.) (Comment: The conspiracy
by the Trilateralists is no longer a theory but a fact! But, of course, the
Washington Post is part of the conspiracy.) * I
n his White House memoirs,
Brzezinski acknowledged, "Moreover, all the key foreign policy decision-makers of
the Carter Administration had previously served in the Trilateral Commission...."
(Power & Principle: Memoirs of the National Security Advisor, 1977-1981, New York:
Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1983, p. 289.) The U.S. News and World Report assessed the
impact of Trilateralists' power under Carter: "The 'Trilateralists' have taken
charge of foreign policy making in the Carter Administration, and already the
immense power they wield is sparking some controversy. Active or former members of
the Trilateral Commission now head every key agency involved in mapping U.S.
strategy for dealing with the rest of the world ... some see this concentration of
power as a conspiracy at work." (February 21, 1977.) * Since Brzezinski, who
became its founding executive director, provides the rationale for the creation of
TC, we would like to further examine the ideas contained in his book Between Two
Ages (p. 300): * "Though Stalinism may have been a needless tragedy for both the
Russian people and communism as an ideal, there is the intellectually tantalizing
possibility that for the world at large it was, as we shall see, a blessing in
disguise." (Note: Stalin had massacred at least 20 million people and here
Brzezinski praises the ideology of this mass murderer.) * "Marxism represents a
further vital and creative stage in the maturing of man's universal vision. Marxism
is simultaneously a victory of the external man over the inner, passive man and a
victory of reason over belief." (Note: he believes in the god of reason.) * "I
the absence of social consensus society's emotional and rational needs may be fused
-- mass media makes this easier to achieve -- in the person of an individual who is
seen as...making the necessary innovations in the social order." (Note: he calls
for a charismatic individual who can change the social order, i.e. the Anti-
Christ.) * "Such a society would be dominated by an elite whose claim to political
power would rest on allegedly superior scientific know-how. Unhindered by the
restraints of traditional liberal values, this elite would not hesitate to achieve
its political ends by the latest modern techniques for influencing public behavior
and keeping society under close surveillance and control." * "Movement toward
such a community (of developed nations)... would involve the forging of community
links among the United States, Western Europe, and Japan (a Trilateral Commission
stated objective)." * "Though the objective of shaping a community of the
developed nations is less ambitious than the goal of world government, it is more
attainable." * "The Soviet Union could have emerged as the standard-bearer of
this century's most influential system of thought and as the social model for
resolving the key dilemmas facing modern man." * Marxism "supplied the best
available insight into contemporary reality. Marxist theory [is] this century's
most infuential system of thought." * 'The approaching 200th anniversary of the
Declaration of I
ndependence could justify the call for a national Constitutional
convention to reexamine the nation's formal institutional framework." *
Brzezinski's ideas above fit in exactly with those of David Rockefeller who
stated in 1973 after his visit to China: * "The social experiment of China
under Chairman Mao's leadership is one of the most important and successful in
human history." (quoted by New York Times, "From a China Traveler," August 10,
1973.) Among the social experiment was the creation of a commune system in which
"the family unit is broken
up...The children are taken away from the parents and placed in government-run
nurseries...The parents may see their children once a week and when they see them
they cannot show affection toward the children. The idea is to have the children
and the family sever their affection and direct it toward the state. Names are
taken away from the children and they are given numbers. There is no individual
identity... The commune system is destroying morality in Red China: There is no
morality because the love of the family is taken away. There is no honesty and
respect among men or between men. There is no human dignity: they are all like
animals. There is no guilt associated with murder of individuals for the
improvement of the state." ( Sworn statement before the House Un-American
Activities Committee by the Reverend Shik-Ping Wang, East Asia Director of the
Baptist Evangelization Society I
nternational, in Myron C. Fagan, The Truth About
"National Council of Churches", CPA Book Publishers, Boring, Oregon, p. 10.) *
This is the Communist system that Rockefeller praises, a system in which 64
million persons were killed as result of Mao's social experiment. The number is
based on the U.S. Senate I
nternal Security Subcommittee's report. * A major
Trilateral Commission position paper entitled "The Crisis of Democracy" the
authors, Michael Crozier, Samuel Huntington and Joji Watanuki, conclude that
popular participation by the people of the Trilateral nations in government
policymaking is a bad proposition. According to the study, the ruling elites in the
United States and Western Europe are already facing grass-roots dissent from the
ranks of their people and that will be necessary "to restore amore equitable
relationship between government authority and popular control." I
n other words, the
power of the Trilateral elites and the governnments they control must be
strengthened -- and the power of the people must be diminished. * I
n the 1981
book Democratic Dictatorship: The Emergent Constitution of Control Arthur S. Miller
describes a "new feudal order" controlled by elitists, and asserts that
"dictatorship will come -- is coming -- but with the acquiescence of the
people. . . The goal is 'predictable' man." * I
n view of the Marxist thoughts
espoused by Brzezinski and Rockefeller, which are also dominant among
Trilateralists, it no surprise that they would accept holocausts, mass murders, and
dictatorship of the Communist regimes. The question immediately coming to mind is:
who are being rational here, the Trilateralists -- the elites -- or the dominated
people under them? I
ndeed, we are coming to an age of barbarism where the elite's
decision-makings are no longer guided by reason, much less by God's commandments,
but instead by overriding passions like greed for power and money. I
n the age of
barbarism, we would expect much chaos and disorder. This is exactly what will be
needed by the Anti-Christ for the population of the world to accept him as the
"savior". * The Trilateralists' ready acceptance of such crimes against humanity
would seem incomprehensible if we forget another major objective of TC: to reduce
what it termed the "rapidly growing population" and to solve the problems of
"overpopulation." I
t called on the developed countries to increase their aid
"substantially", including, of course, "family planning", to the less-developed
countries. But these grants-in-aid are not without strings. "Grants can properly be
subject to conditions to achieve their stated objectives" and "recipient countries
whose sense of national sovereignty is offended by such conditions can decline the
foreign assistance." These conditions are already imposed in Sections 102 and
104(d) of the U.S. I
nternational Development and Food Assistance Act - i.e.,
countries receiving American aid must take steps to curb their population growth.
(Towards a Renovated I
nternational System: A Report of the Trilateral I
Task Force to the Trilateral Commission, New York: Trilateral Commission, 1977, p.
28.) From there we know that abortion (i.e. murders of the unborn) and birth
control are forced on those poor countries that receive both U.S. and U.N. aids. *
First, the Report prepared for the Masonic Club of Rome posited that as the
world population was growing out of control, the non-renewable resources of the
world would eventually run out and the world economy would mire in depression and
misery. Worst still, the whole civilization may collapse as a result of the lack of
a drastic response to this critical problem. (Donella H. Meadows, Dennis L. Meadows
et al., The Limits to Growth: A Report for the Club of Rome's Project on the
Predicament of Mankind, New York: Universe Books, 1972). Next, the Carter
administration's Global 2000 Report, which was essentially written by
Trilateralists, predicted: "With the persistence of human poverty and misery, the
staggering growth of human population, and ever increasing human demands, the
possibilities of further stress and permanent damage to the planet's resource base
are very real." (The Global 2000 Report to the President: Global Future: Time to
Act, prepared by the Council on Environmental Quality and the U.S Department of
State, Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, January 1981, p. ix.) I
n his
January 14, 1981, Farewell Address, President Jimmy Carter reemphasized the
overriding importance his administration had attached to the problem of
"overpopulation". (Jimmy Carter, "Farewell Address: Major I
ssues Facing the
Nation", Vital Speeches of the Day, vol XLVI
, no.8, February 1, 1981, p. 227.)
More extreme than these are ideas of Kenneth Boulding, I
saac Asimov, and Garrett
Hardin who compared the earth with a spaceship or an overloaded life boat. (K.
Boulding, "The Economics of the Coming Spaceship Earth," in Henry Jarrett, ed.
Enviromental Quality in a Growing Economy, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins, 1966; I
Asimov, Earth, Our Crowded Spaceship, New York: John Day, 1974; G. Hardin, "Living
on a Life Boat," BioScience, Oct. 1974.) The implication is that there is enough
food only for a few elite people on the lifeboat or the spaceship. As there is not
enough food to feed the excess number of people (the poor, the mass) they should