American Survival Guide - July 2018
American Survival Guide - July 2018
American Survival Guide - July 2018
SECURITY Vol. 7 Issue 7
Probing the Path of a
Pernicious Projectile
Three Tough Knives
That Make the Cut
5 Steps to Rise
Above the Everyman
Dirty Bombs Are Too
Dangerous to Ignore
0 74470 01319 8
Dirty bombs are too dangerous to ignore.
By Al J. Venter
Five steps to rise above the Everyman
By Brian M. Morris
Valuable lessons learned from the Great
By Dana Benner
Keeping the lights on when the electricity
stops flowing
By Dana Benner
Probing the path of a pernicious projectile
By Will Dabbs, M.D.
22 78
Make your workplace safer. 12 88
By Sean Curtis
Get the most out of your ax/knife/saw
By Reuben Bolieu
Gear-haulers from Major Surplus and
Voodoo Tactical
By Steven Paul Barlow
From ultimate police shotgun to dinosaur
By Will Dabbs, M.D.
Three tough cutting tools
By Reuben Bolieu
AMERICAN SURVIVAL GUIDE (ISSN 2331-8937) is published 12 times a year—January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December—by Engaged Media, Inc.,
17890 Sky Park Circle, Suite 250, Irvine, CA 92614. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to American Survival Guide c/o VSI, Inc. 905 Kent Street Liberty, MO 64068. © 2018 by Engaged Media, Inc. All
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Canadian addresses to: PITNEY BOWES, INC. P.O. Box 25542 London, ON N6C 6B2, Canada.
98 22
Brighter and better than ever
By Michael D’Angona
30 68 8
Mike McCourt Editor
Kelly Nomura Executive Managing Editor
Amy Maclean Managing Editor
Steven Paul Barlow, Dana Benner, Reuben Bolieu, Sean Curtis,
Will Dabbs, M.D., Michael D'Angona, Brian M. Morris, Al J. Venter
Bob Hulsy Ad Sales Director
(714) 200-1940
Casey Cliff ord Senior Account Executive
(714) 200-1982
Mark Pack Senior Account Executive
(714) 200-1939
Charles Dorr Account Executive
ike it or not, workplace violence is “a thing.” suggestions for making all work environments less suscepti- (714) 200-1931
Spencer Redmond Account Executive
It’s always been an issue on some level, ble to risk. As well as internal and external human concerns, (972) 448-4649
John Bartulin Account Executive
but it seems to have regularly gotten to Sean’s evaluation included natural and industrial threats to (866) 866-5146 ext. 2746
John Cabral Advertising Design
the point at which, rather than having to the safety and security of the workers in his building. Be sure Eric Gomez Advertising Traffic Coordinator
Gennifer Merriday Advertising Traffic Coordinator
be concerned about flying staplers or fist- to include those hazards in your own evaluation, should you
icuffs in a cubicle, it ends with one or more GSWs and a decide to perform or promote one. Michael Chadwick Digital Marketing & Media Coordinator
ton of media coverage. Of course, the mainstream media The degree to which your employer takes workplace OPERATIONS
Robert Short IT Manager
gives these unfortunate events a lot of play, because security and safety seriously can be a complicated sub- Parveen Kumar Newsstand and Circulation Analyst
Shailesh Khandelwal Subscriptions Manager
they boost ratings and fit their agenda ... but we’ll leave ject. If you feel their preparations lack in ways you can’t Alex Mendoza Administrative Assistant
the carnage. Some of those who were injured or killed workplace, you should consider finding another place
suffered that fate because they attempted to stop or to work or seek opportunities that allow you to work
restrain the culprits. However, most were simply in the from home. Teleworking is growing faster than the
wrong place at the wrong time and failed to take effective workforce is expanding; so, depending on your occu- ENGAGED MEDIA, INC.
Scott Hall CEO
action to protect themselves. pation, you might be able to literally be the “master” Tom Conradi Group Publisher
Pinaki Bhattacharya Vertical Manager
If you’re concerned about workplace violence or other of your workspace. Jason Mulroney Director of Content
Philip Trinkle Newsstand Sales Director
threats to your safety and security and how they can be No matter what steps your employer takes to mini- Syed Nazir Razik Digital Marketing Director
minimized or prepared for at work, I suggest you read Sean mize the potential threats to your safety and security, This magazine is purchased by the buyer with the understanding that
information presented is from various sources from which there can be
Curtis’ article in this issue (“Wisdom in the Workplace," this is your responsibility first. Chances are, you spend no warranty or responsibility by Engaged Media Inc., as to the legality,
completeness or technical accuracy.
beginning on page 22). over 25 percent of your week at work and commuting.
GST #855050365RT001
As part of his role at work, Sean recently performed a From the time you head to your job, do everything you Canada Post: Publications Mail Agreement #40612608
Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to:
workplace risk assessment, and he shares a number of useful can to ensure you’ll get home again—safe and sound. PITNEY BOWES, INC., P.O. Box 25542, London, ON N6C 6B2, Canada
—Mike McCourt
The right mindset, training and gear is what separates those who are ready and those who are not. 5.11 embodies
this mindset of preparedness. We make gear for those individuals who will Always Be Ready® for any mission.
1 2
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1 2 3 4
Benchmade Pardue Coast PS600R SB Tactical SBL Pistol Peltor Sport Tactical 500
Hunter Fixed Blade Rechargeable Flashlight Stabilizing Brace Electronic Headphones
The new Pardue Hunter is a great all-around The PS600R flashlight runs on a lithium-ion SB Tactical’s Pistol Stabilizing Brace is a very Peltor’s new Sport Tactical 500 hearing
addition to your backwoods kit, even if you battery that is strong enough to power other low-profile, full-cavity brace. Its no-nonsense protectors use 3M SMART technology that
don’t use it to field dress a deer. Its smooth, small USB-compatible devices. You can design adapts to many platforms. The SBL suppresses harmful gunshot noise above 82
hand-friendly lines, Micarta handle slabs and also use four AA alkaline batteries in the fits all platforms with an AR-style pistol dBA and has a noise reduction rating (NRR) of
drop-point blade will make even extended included cartridge if you don’t have time buffer tube. It is compatible with receiver 26. Clear Voice Tracking makes it easier to hear
use feel like quick work. Its overall length is for a recharge. Twist the head to adjust the extension diameters of 1.1 to 1.25 inches. This speech to improve communication in noisy
7.96 inches, and its 3.48-inch blade is made beam from “flood” to “spot.” Lumen output product is ATF-compliant and includes an environments. It also increases the volume of
with CPM-S30V stainless steel. At slightly with the rechargeable battery ranges from adjustable, 1-inch-wide nylon strap to cus- low-level sounds so you are more aware of
more than 5 ounces, the Pardue Hunter car- 42 to 530, with respective runtimes from 35 tomize the fit. Its overall length is 7.8 inches, what’s going on around you. Its controls are
ries well in the included pressure-fit leather to 5.75 hours. Maximum beam distance is and it weighs in at 6.25 ounces. easy to use, and it has voice guidance so you
sheath that has an integrated guard. 686 feet, so you’ll have no trouble lighting don’t have to remove the headset to make
up your backyard or a parking lot. The poly- MSRP: $149.99 adjustments. Bluetooth compatibility allows
MSRP: $225 mer body is tough and textured for a good you to use the Tactical 500 with your smart-
grip. It is drop rated to 3 meters and water phone, and the recessed microphones reduce
resistant to IPX8 standards. irritating wind noise. These headphones fold to
a compact size and are designed to stay out of
MSRP: $100 the way when using long guns. MSRP: $199.99
5 6
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5 6 7 8
Kimber KHX Custom SOG PowerAccess Deluxe Streamlight TLR-8 Benchmade Infidel
The KHX Custom comes complete with Multi-Tool Weaponlight Fixed Blade
laser-equipped Hogue Enhanced Magrip
The new PowerAccess Deluxe has the most This new, rail-mounted tactical illuminator fea- Based on the classic Infidel OTF knife, this
G10 Grips and mainspring housing that
tools of any SOG product to date. Built with tures both a 500-lumen light and an integrat- double-edged, fixed-blade version is a
form an external magwell and continu-
SOG’s compound leverage system, it has the ed 640–660 nm red aiming laser. It fits a wide natural addition to the “family.” Use and
ous-wrap grip surface. Available in 9mm
expected pliers, grippers and two wire cutters, array of compact and full-framed weapons maintenance are simplified by having no
and .45ACP with eight-round magazines,
as well as a straight blade, saw and serrated-blade and is one of the smallest rail-mounted lights in moving parts, and delivery of the pointy end
the KHX Custom’s stainless steel and G10
scissors—all 2.75 inches long. You also get a Streamlight’s TLR series. Operate the TLR-8 in is streamlined, making it even more depend-
construction comes in at 38 ounces with
three-sided file, awl, can and bottle openers, laser-only, LED-only and dual-output modes. able than the original. The black-anodized,
an empty mag. It is 5.25 inches high and
and several other tools you should keep Runtimes with the included disposable CR123A billet aluminum handle is virtually inde-
8.7 inches long. The 5-inch stainless barrel
handy. The magnetic hex bit holder is fully lithium battery range from 1.5 hours when us- structible and provides good balance. Its
has a left-hand twist rate of 16. The hex
compatible with SOG’s hex bit kit. With all ing the LED only or the LED and laser; 18 hours overall length is 9.21 inches, and the D2 steel
pattern on the grips is repeated on the
this, and at 8.7 ounces and 6.8 inches overall, with laser only. The beam distance is 177 feet. blade is 4.52 inches long. At 5.11 ounces, it
slide to promote optimal control during
the PowerAccess Deluxe can tackle a ton of The “Safe Off ” feature prevents accidental is substantial without being too heavy; and
slide manipulations. The premium-grade
tasks. It includes a nylon sheath with 12-piece activation and inadvertent battery depletion. It the Boltaron sheath is Tek-Lok compatible
aluminum trigger is set with a pull of
hex kit with these bits: Phillips: #1, #2, #3; measures 2.15 x 1.18 x 1.5 inches and is made of and will mount in multiple locations.
approximately 4 to 5 pounds.
flathead: #3, #5, #7; Star drive: T6, T8, T10, 6000-series aluminum with a black-anodized
MSRP: $235
MSRP: Starting at $1,259 T20; and hex: 1.5mm, 2mm. finish. It is water resistant to the IPX7 standard.
9 10 11 12
Vertx Breacher Gloves Shield Sights Switchable Mission First Tactical Streamlight ProTac
You’ll notice the great fit of the pre-curved Interface Sight IWB Holster HPL USB Flashlight
fingers, Nomex IIIA flame-resistant interlock
Shield took the incredible performance and MFT has created a laser-precise, pas- The new ProTac High Performance, High
knit fabric and natural goat leather as soon
strength of its military-proven red-dot sight— sive-retention holster you can wear for Lumen flashlight delivers a variety of light
as you put these gloves on. Whether or not
the CQB/CQS—and made it even better. It IWB, OWB or appendix carry and right or outputs—with a maximum of 1,000 lumens
you’re breaking down doors, the reinforced
features four switchable reticles and brightness left handed. Holsters are hand-formed to light up large areas of your environment.
knuckle protection will reduce bangs and
adjustments. The brightness changes auto- of Boltaron polymer to provide less wear, The beam provides a combination of a broad
scrapes, and the strong hook-and-loop
matically, or you can use the manual mode to smoother draws and re-holstering, as well pattern for general lighting and a tight center
wrist closures will keep these gloves
set the sight to your desired setting. The SIS as superior fit and finish, and resistance to spot for concentrating on a specific target.
snugly on your hands. In addition, the tips
was designed by listening to customers and via chemicals and temperature fluctuations. Maximum beam distance is 1,227 feet. The
of the thumbs and middle fingers feature
real-world application feedback from Special The holster includes a 1.5-inch belt clip, beam can be dialed down to just 65 lumens,
conductive touch points that enable you to
Forces, law enforcement and military users and the user can adjust the cant to over 15 and the runtime ranges between 1.5 and 20
manipulate touch screens on smartphones
around the world. It weighs just 2.16 ounces percent. These holsters are available to fit hours when using the rechargeable lithi-
and other devices.
and has a matte-black anodized aluminum a variety of popular handguns. um-ion battery. You can also use an 18650
MSRP: $78.95 body. Programmable reticle options are 1MOA;
MSRP: $49.99
rechargeable lithium-ion or disposable
1MOA and ring; 8MOA and ring; and 8MOA. It is CR123A lithium batteries. The HPL USB is water resistant at 1 meter for 30 minutes and 7.08 inches long, has a head diameter of 1.72
has an operating range of -51 to 120 degrees (F). inches and weighs just 9.24 ounces.
13 14 15 16
Vertx Weapon Guard SOG KeyTron Folding SOG-TAC California Coast FL85R Rechargeable
Concealed Carry Knife Special Auto Folder Focusing Headlamp
Guardian Shirts The KeyTron is a folder that fits right in with The SOG-TAC CA Special is the height The FL85R headlamp has an adjustable
everything on your keyring. It features a of discretion. As its name implies, it’s a beam that changes from “spot” to “flood”
These new Guardian Concealed Carry Shirts
1.8-inch clip-point blade made of 5Cr15MoV California-compliant automatic knife that with a twist of the head. The whole head
have a unique inner “skirt” you tuck into your
stainless steel on a slim, lightweight handle. brings the 1.9-inch AUS8 stainless steel tilts vertically for convenience. It has a red
pants to protect your skin and help keep the
With an overall length of 5.3 inches, it is large blade to bear in less than a heartbeat. The LED that lets you move in the dark without
shirt in place. This also eliminates the need
enough to handle simple cutting tasks; and, 3.9-inch, anodized 6061 aluminum handle losing night vision or alerting others to
to wear a t-shirt, so you’ll be cooler and
at 1.3 ounces, you might forget you’re carrying is hand-friendly and provides a solid grip your presence. It runs on a rechargeable
more comfortable on warm days. Vertx’s
it. The KeyTron also comes with a bottle on this 2.3-ounce folder. The blade release lithium-ion battery that can be charged
37.5 Technology is woven into the fabric to
opener and has its own keyring that opens button is set up for right-handed thumb inside or outside the case; or use three dis-
provide additional body core temperature
with a simple latch. With the KeyTron, you'll deployment. The pocket clip is reversible and posable AAA alkaline batteries. Using the
and humidity regulation. The Weapon Guard
have a knife as handy as your car keys. allows the knife to ride low in your pocket. rechargeable battery, light output ranges
semi-compression layer is attached to the
from 90 to 700 lumens, with runtimes of
shirt at the lower chest and extends down MSRP: $27 MSRP: $134 8.5 to 1.75 hours and beam distances of
to the waist. These shirts are available in
230 to 656 feet, respectively. The reflective
plain and solid-color short- and long-sleeved
strap is helmet compatible, and the whole
button-down shirts, as well as polos.
unit weighs just 4.5 ounces.
MSRP: $64.95
(short-sleeve button-down) MSRP: $125
‹ Above: This is an
from the Centers for
Disease Control that
explains radiological
dispersal devices, or
“dirty bombs.” (Courte-
sy of https://emergency.
depend on how much radioactive material was in the bomb, as well as the weather conditions at
the time of the blast.
From there, it goes on to instruct what to do should there be such a blast in your city: If a dirty
bomb goes off in your city, it will probably not affect you unless the explosion is very close to your
location. Keep televisions or radios tuned to local news networks for information. Remember that
this bomb will likely affect a small area.
Also discussed is what to do if you are close to such a detonation: The biggest danger is from the
force of the explosion. As with any exposure to potential contamination, the following precautions
will reduce your risk.
• Move away from the immediate area—at least several blocks from the explosion—and go
indoors. This will reduce exposure to any radioactive airborne dust.
• If feasible, remove your clothes and seal them in a plastic bag. Save them to allow for future
testing of the clothing for radiation contamination.
• Take a shower (using a mild soap) to wash off dust and dirt. This will reduce total radiation
exposure if the explosive device contained radioactive material.
• More information involving emergency response is given, including telephone numbers and a
variety of websites that provide additional information. The most prominent of these, apart from
Atlanta's CDC and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Radiation Protection Program (www.NRC.
gov; [301] 415-8200) is the Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA (;
[202] 646-4600).
Although European cities tend to be a lot more low key with regard to such threats, there is no
question that every major European conurbation has made preparations for just such an eventuality.
However, for obvious reasons, details are kept secret.
I recall being in San Francisco when I got word that a major security exercise would be taking
place the next day. I applied to attend, and even though I had been given access to various sensitive
American government installations over the years, I was denied access. After the terror bombings of
the World Trade Center in New York, there were many changes to the kind of security measures (or
lack thereof) previously imposed. What immediately came into effect within all U.S. government
Radiation detection
devices will enable first
responders and investi-
gators to determine the
scope and severity of
the attack.
was found in a village
in Mexico after it was
stolen and its radio-
active cobalt 60 was
the United States, as we have seen, is also on
the firing line.
ACCESSIBILITY OF RADIOACTIVE › Above: Spent nuclear fuel rods are routinely transported to storage facilities via railroad and other
methods. Many are concerned that these methods are not secure enough from determined terrorists
MATERIALS who would use these materials to construct dirty bombs.
Apart from convicted terrorist Dhiren Barot,
take another example: In January 2009, a search of the Maine home of James G. Cummings, a white supremacist who had been shot and killed
leaked FBI report described the results of a by his wife. Investigators found four 1-gallon containers of 35 percent hydrogen peroxide, uranium,
thorium, lithium metal, aluminum powder, beryllium, boron, black iron oxide and magnesium. Also
found was literature on how to build dirty bombs and information about cesium 137, strontium 90
and cobalt 60—all radioactive materials. Officials confirmed the veracity of the report but stated
that the public was never at risk.
It goes a lot further elsewhere. In Central Asia, concern about RDDs intensified notably following
disclosures made by Abu Zubaydah, a senior al-Qaeda official who told his captors that the terror
movement was interested in producing a dirty bomb.
"Also, they know exactly how to do it," were his words—something about which intelligence
Pamela Falk: "The Dirty Bomb Threat: Too Dangerous to Do agencies everywhere took notice. He said that this knowledge included the use of cesium 137. Even
Nothing," Foreign Affairs, April 4, 2017 worse, said a linked source, al-Qaeda seriously considered arming these bombs with spent fuel cells
The author deals with dirty bombs in great detail in chapter 6 (from dismantled former Soviet Union nuclear submarines currently being taken apart in Russia’s far
of his latest book, Nuclear Terror: The Bomb and Other Weapons northern Kola Peninsula), along with an explosive charge at the core.
of Mass Destruction in the Wrong Hands, published by Pen and Certainly, if detonated in a built-up city area such as downtown Manhattan, damage, both direct
Sword Books; March 2018. and collateral, would be catastrophic. It would possibly take years to remove all radioactive traces.
The website,, A Congressional Research Service (CRS) Report for the U.S. Congress on radiological dispersal
will give the reader a sobering picture of what has been going devices at about the same time all this was going down went some distance toward focusing public
on, legally and illegally, since Soviet times, with regard to the attention on efforts to counter the use of this weapon. It declared that an RDD attack " … might
dismantling of nuclear submarines on the Kola Peninsula. cause casualties, economic damage and, potentially, public panic.” The impact of an RDD attack,
it said, “would depend on many variables, such as meteorological conditions, type and amount of
radioactive material, duration of exposure and method of dispersal."
Consequently, in a sense, RDDs might be referred to as “weapons of mass disruption,” rather
WITHOUT GREAT DIFFICULTY, OBTAIN HIGHLY The report goes on: " … both the threat posed
by terrorist RDD use and the magnitude of
RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL (SUCH AS ABANDONED FUEL impact are matters of some contention."
CELLS FROM A FORMER SOVIET NUCLEAR SUBMARINE Some experts believe that terrorists could,
That raises the question: What is the gov-
ernment doing about the threat? The answer
basically is: A lot! There are few governments Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is able to almost immediately map the probable
that have not given serious attention to the spread of hazardous material accidentally or intentionally released into the atmosphere. According
possibility of an attack by terrorists who might to its website, its primary function is to support Department of Energy (DoE) and Department of
wish to detonate an RDD device. Defense (DoD) sites, as well as DoE consequence management (CM) teams for radiological releases
In the West, there have been multiple strides through the DoE's Atmospheric Release Advisory Capability (ARAC) program. This security body is
toward creating emergency bodies that would able to provide a series of multi-scale atmospheric flow and dispersion models for a wide range of
deal with such emergencies. They are classified hazards, and it can do this on a local, regional and a continental scale (which would cover the entire
and rarely make the news—for several reasons. United States) or internationally.
In the first place, the authorities do not want The National Guard WMD Civil Support Team has been quietly and efficiently established for
the enemy to be aware of specifics of counter- rapid deployment to assist a local incident commander in determining the nature and extent of an
measures; and secondly, when such things are attack or incident. This organization is geared to provide expert technical advice on WMD response
made public, they tend to alarm the populace. operations, as well as to help identify and support the arrival of follow-on state and federal military
With dirty bombs, it is important to accept response assets. Essentially, these are joint units and can consist of both Army and Air National
that there is a series of measures in place that Guard personnel, with some of these units commanded by Air National Guard lieutenant colonels.
would go into effect as soon as unwarranted The Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Teams (WMD-CST) supports local and state
radioactivity is detected. These include: authorities at domestic WMD/NBC (nuclear, biological and chemical warfare) incident sites by iden-
The National Atmospheric Release tifying agents and substances, assessing current and projected consequences, advising on response
Advisory Center (NARAC) at California’s measures and assisting with requests for additional military support.
When conducting a threat analysis, we can
divide our categories into man-made and
natural. While the “natural” category usually
includes weather events, earthquakes, fires
and the like, man-made events can be a bit
‹ Above: This tanker car is carrying 33,700 gallons of propane. Note the proximity to buildings. Have a
plan for this. It doesn’t have to explode; a simple leak could force an evacuation outside your normal more complex and require different responses.
planned route.
Take a look at the real natural threats in your
area. Research when they last happened and
seek any data concerning when they might
happen again. For instance, a tsunami is highly
improbable in Colorado, but wildfire is defi-
nitely a consideration. If you work in Hawaii, a
blizzard is a minimal risk, but volcanoes will be
on your list if one is nearby.
You must give an honest assessment to each
of the threats relevant to your area and have a
planned response for each of them. Speak with
someone who has worked at your workplace
for a long time and find out what has histori-
cally occurred. Then, find out how leadership
responded. There are likely valuable lessons
for you to discover. Learn from the failures and
successes of your predecessors.
‹ Above: Some situations, such as small office fires, can be addressed by staff until first responders My office has historically high-profile risks
arrive. Know where fire extinguishers and hoses are located—and how to use them. from floods, tornadoes, blizzards and wildfires.
On the other end of the scale, there are minimal
risks for earthquakes.
This category is as complex as the human
mind. Essentially, there two categories of risk:
external and internal. External and/or internal
threats could involve workplace violence,
including active killer scenarios. They could
also include bombings, arson and a category
of incidents such as deliberate power outages
and hazmat threats.
External risks represent all the individuals
outside the employ of your agency or business.
These could be customers or complete
strangers. If you work at a textile plant, and
the customers you serve are dealers who push
the final product on to consumers, you can
‹ Above: Workplace invasions often develop into hostage situations. Reduce the chances of this likely relegate this to minimal risk. However, if
happening to you by knowing nearby hiding places and escape routes.
you work for a company or government agency
‹ While the exit sign pointed out this escape route, there ‹ Key card or fob access can help prevent a great deal of
is no indication on the other side of this wall for the fire unwanted access, as well as provide the ability to track
for which you might have a hand in affecting extinguisher. comings and goings.
major life changes for your customers—say, the
Department of Human Services—this could
very likely become a high-risk scenario. If you’re
making or communicating decisions for people
that have very real, life-altering consequences,
it would be wise to equate high emotion with
higher potential risk.
Internal threats are either your co-workers
or people related to them. If one of your peers
has an abusive spouse and they come to the
workplace to settle some personal score, this
could create ramifications for everyone at
work. Likewise, workplace bullying, affairs
and terminations are also potential triggers
for health hazards. Keep in mind that people ‹ While this is a strong deterrent for unauthorized access, it ‹ Double doors with panic bars are pretty standard in many
must be implemented with training so that “tailgaters” do not offices and public buildings. These are also equipped with
do not “snap,” as we often hear. Workplace follow authorized personnel through an entry point. magnetic releases that allow them to close at the push of a
remote button.
Once you have a good idea of the higher-probability threats you face, you need to ask yourself
what measures you can take to minimize their impact before they happen.
For instance, creating a culture of collective safety can pay major dividends. By rewarding
behaviors that improve the safekeeping of everyone at the workplace, you increase your effective
outreach and detection. When everyone realizes security is their responsibility, they chip in and
report things, thereby improving leadership’s awareness and giving them more time to react. Keep
‹ Many people in the author’s office did not know about exits on the oppo- in mind that security is always at odds with convenience, and there can be an office culture or
site side of the building from where they worked. Get familiar with all your
exits, including windows. co-workers who will resist these initiatives.
Physical security measures can be assessed and updated to reflect evolving threats. Consider how
airport security changed after 9/11. A locked door or keycard access system might just make the
difference in deterring an external threat. Perhaps a camera system might give you the reaction time
you need to save lives.
Stock your workplace with first aid and survival supplies. This might seem odd at first blush, but
if you have to shelter in place for any period of time, it’s a great investment.
Regardless of the category, there are three general responses: evacuation, sheltering in place
and active killer.
Evacuation is pretty clear-cut and should be practiced at least once annually. Have a mus-
ter or reunification point at which attendance can be checked against a continually updated
list of employees. Make sure employees understand the endgame so they can deviate from a
specific plan if need be, as long as they reach the reunification point or communicate with a
supervisor by contingency.
Sheltering in place minimizes risk from external threats such as tornadoes or earthquakes. Have
a plan to gather in internal rooms or other appropriate spaces that are clear of glass windows and
other potential hazards. Have these rooms stocked with emergency supplies. The greatest threat
of earthquakes in First World countries is to people fleeing buildings and being struck by falling
debris such as bricks or broken glass, so do what you can to reduce exposure to these hazards.
The active killer category is pretty straightforward. You need only look at the world news any
given week to find reference to this growing threat.
The U.S. government has suggested “Run, Hide, Fight” as a response priority list in these scenarios.
While this is a great plan, it is not a training method. “ALICE,” which stands for Alert, Lockdown,
› A peep hole is
sometimes a great
solution to seeing ‹ Above: With this
who’s on the other simple system in-
side of the door. That stalled, no employees
would compromise need answer the door
the fire rating of the blindly.
doors shown here,
however, so a cam-
era/monitor system
was installed.
Disaster Preparedness
Everbridge, Inc.
(888) 366-4911 ‹ Near left: First aid
boxes such as this one
U.S. Department of are often installed in
Homeland Security common employee areas. Make sure they
preparedness are kept stocked and
updated so they are
ready in case of an
COMMS USUALLY FAIL IN EMERGENCIES; about what routes you might take to get home
IT’S "MURPHY’S LAW" AT ITS BEST. and what supplies you might need to get
‹ Bottom: Consider
WHETHER THE CELLULAR SYSTEM there. Think about contingencies and com-
plicated incidents. Then, lay out some basic
what kind of weather
your access control
BECOMES OVERWHELMED OR ELECTRICAL plans. Any effort you invest now will save you
devices might be ex-
posed to, and choose
SERVICE FAILS, YOU SHOULD STRIVE FOR time in a true emergency. accordingly.
becomes overwhelmed or electrical service fails, you should strive for redundancy.
A PA (public address) system is extremely effective and can be used to communicate live data
to responders and evacuees. Sometimes, a bullhorn or good, old-fashioned yelling can get the
job done. Regardless, have primary, secondary and tertiary backup plans.
Training can often override the need for communication, but if a train derailment suddenly
requires you to evacuate via different routes than those you previously trained with, you need to
be able to notify employees of the deviation of plan.
My office has access to a program called Everbridge. All employees are signed up, and emergency
communiqués can be sent out via cellphone or computer should the need arise. Having the capability
to call an audible during a crisis outside your trained procedures is paramount.
n the minds of many preppers and sur-
vivalists, the pinnacle self-reliance and THE WARRIOR FIGHTS WITH THEIR MIND,
apex survivor skill is not to procure food BODY AND SOUL, AND WHILE THEY HAVE
or build a solid shelter; it’s to execute the
role of the guardian and protector.
Many of the scenarios we prepare for cause us THEM AT BAY IN ORDER TO FIGHT WITHOUT
to anticipate having to protect lives and defend LETTING THEM INTERFERE WITH THEIR
supplies and other possessions with lethal
force, in effect having to become a warrior. If
we’re honest, we hope it will never come to
that. But, if we are to go down that path, be
effective and prevail, there are some topics
besides stocking an armory that need to be
addressed before the time comes.
So, you want to be a warrior? The path to
becoming a warrior is not an easy one, because
at its core is discipline. A warrior is a master of
spherical awareness, ever vigilant with their
head on a swivel. They know their operational
environment, can improvise, adapt and over-
come all adversities, and while they’re able to
accept that they aren’t invincible, they never run
from adversity; instead, they face it head-on.
The warrior fights with their mind, body
and soul, and while they have emotions, they
must master keeping them at bay in order to
› The samurai are fight without letting them interfere with their
work and due diligence. means being able to set aside or subdue your ‹ Above, left: Sun Tzu,
renowned Chinese
It is particularly difficult to master anything in the physical world until you conquer the demons fear and anxiety so as not to panic in the face general and author of
in your own head that foster such impediments as fear, anxiety, panic and self-doubt. Once you of danger and to diminish self-doubt and The Art of War, wrote,
“Victorious warriors
are able to eliminate these counterproductive and debilitating thoughts, you can move forward in project self-confidence toward the eyes of win first and then go
to war, while defeated
mastering the warrior mindset. any opponent. Confucius once said, “He who warriors go to war first
conquers himself is the mightiest warrior.” and then seek to win.”
• OVERCOME YOUR INTERNAL ROADBLOCKS TO SUCCESS. Once you learn to subdue your fear and vanquish ‹ Above, right: As
Bruce Lee once said, “I
The root of fear, anxiety, panic and self-doubt is the lack of experience. Having a warrior mindset panic, you will be on your way to achieving the
fear not the man who
has practiced 10,000
kicks once, but I fear
the man who has prac-
ticed one kick 10,000
‹ Left: Learning
to control one's
emotions, maintain
internal order and find
ways to achieve the
objective during the
fog of war are skills a
‹ Below: Special
Forces soldiers often
jump from airplanes
at altitudes in excess
of 30,000 feet. This
is to either defeat
radar surveillance
by deploying their
chutes at 4,000 feet
warrior mindset. The biggest contributor to actually strive to do the deeds; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who or fewer or to pilot
their parachutes to a
fear and panic is the unknown. The best way to spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achieve- distant landing zone.
conquer the unknown is to not only face it but to ment, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall Jumpers must use
GPS waypoints and
dive, head first, into it. By immersing yourself in never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat." terrain features and
your fear, you will achieve “stress inoculation,” as What defines you as a true warrior is your ability to face danger. That doesn’t mean you want to correct their courses
to navigate to their
a result of which you will be able to function and be a hero or that you’re some kind of a superman, because I can tell you from personal experience objective.
think with clarity, even under conditions for which
your previous response would have been panic.
Being a warrior is about showing up to the
fight when every bone in your body tells you to
run in the opposite direction. It’s about striving
for greatness so that you know either the
elation of high achievement and victory or the
pain of defeat; but in any case, you can hold
up your head proudly, knowing you showed up
at the fight as opposed to running.
In his 1910 “Citizenship in a Republic” speech,
Theodore Roosevelt said,
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man
who points out how the strong man stumbles,
or where the doer of deeds could have done
them better. The credit belongs to the man
who is actually in the arena, whose face is
marred by dust and sweat and blood; who
strives valiantly; who errs, and comes short
again and again, because there is no effort
without error and shortcoming; but who does
› Above, left: Being
a true warrior with
there’s something I don’t know about, I find
honor is a difficult someone who is good at it. I observe how they
and complex chal-
lenge, especially in do it, and then, I just try to, basically, mimic
environments that are what they are doing.
short on morals and
ethics. This Japanese We’ve all heard the term, “Jack of all trades,
proverb provides
some simple, but
master of none.” One thing I have always tried
worthwhile, guidance: to do is stay good at a few skills. The way
“Be strong when you
are weak, brave when to do that is to pick out the skills that you
you are scared, and believe are most important to maintain and
humble when you are
victorious.” then make practicing those skills an integral
part of your day.
› Above, right: "No The way to master a skill is to learn how
combat-ready unit to do it the right way, establish the proper
has ever passed
inspection.” — technique and practice it regularly. If you’re
Murphy’s Laws of
practicing bad technique, you’ll just get really
good at doing something wrong. In addition,
it’s important to remember that all skills are
perishable: Just because you are the master of
a skill today does not guarantee you will be a
master five years—without practice—from now.
Dedication to daily practice is the best way to
maintain your skills.
Call Us:
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› Above: The Large ’m continually on the lookout for the American military unit.)
Tobago Cargo Pack
has been the author’s
best ways to tote my equipment so I can Here, I’ve picked a cross-section of my favorites. Each excels at a particular bug-out mission, but
favorite over the years. have it with me when I need it. the overall objective for every one of them is the same: to get your gear to where you’re going.
It offers great capacity,
versatility, rugged con- That goes when I’m on a wilderness
struction and carry hunt, backcountry hike or stowing VOODOO TACTICAL LARGE TOBAGO CARGO PACK
comfort and is avail-
able in several color emergency gear in a car or canoe for a “just-in- When I find a great product, I never want to risk going without it. With that in mind, I have to confess
and camo patterns.
These three are the
case” scenario. Daypacks, backpacks, military that I now own three Large Tobago Cargo Packs.
author’s own packs. packs, range bags, shoulder sacks, fanny packs, The Tobago is simply the best, most versatile pack I’ve ever used. It has a large, 75-liter capacity; plenty
duffels—I’ve tried them all. of compartments and pockets within compartments to keep gear organized; and it is well-made, with
Along the way, I’ve used several products thick nylon fabric and heavy-duty zippers.
from Major Surplus & Survival and its tactical The Tobago carries heavy loads easily. It has contoured, padded shoulder straps that are kept in
specialty subsidiary, Voodoo Tactical. Some place with a sternum strap. It has padded lumbar support and a padded hip belt that supports a lot
I’ve used extensively. of the weight. Together, they keep the pack from shifting when covering difficult terrain.
Major Surplus & Survival offers genuine There’s a rigid back support in its own zippered compartment that also helps with carrying heavy
military surplus gear and new, military-style loads comfortably. That back support is removable; with it removed, the pack can be stuffed more
gear at affordable prices. Voodoo Tactical easily into small spaces, such as into a kayak or car trunk. That zippered compartment is also a great
provides top-of-the-line tactical gear designed place to tuck topo maps and notebooks.
for heavy-duty use. Much of that gear is in use The pack has the natural, low profile of a smaller rucksack, unlike top-heavy conventional back-
by military and law enforcement units around packs. That allows you to travel through thick brush easily, climbing over blow-downs without losing
the globe. (I once had to wait for a Tobago pack balance or getting hung up on low-hanging branches.
in Coyote Brown, because the company was The Tobago has two large main compartments. The first and largest has tie-down straps to
filling a large order for that item from a South secure a water bladder or other gear and two zippered mesh compartments. There are ports both
Praetorian Rifle
Pack Lite
• Dimensions: 20x12x7.5 inches ‹ Bottom left: The Praetorian Rifle Pack
• Capacity: 30 liters Lite, while not offering the capacity of
• Colors: Olive drab, coyote brown, black larger packs, does provide a handy way
to carry a long gun while still protecting
MSRP: $111.95 it from bumps and bruises.
› Top right: The Mojo Load-Out Bag can be carried with the carry handles wrapped together or with the
provided shoulder strap. A backpack strap harness is also included.
› Middle right: The large Mojo Load-Out Bag comes with a quick-attach backpack strap harness that
stores in its own compartment on the bottom of the bag—very handy if you suddenly find yourself
cradles the butt of a rifle or shotgun, while additional straps secure the receiver and barrel for
muzzle-up carry. Close the back panel, and you’re ready to go with the rifle protected—lessening the
chance of a scope from being knocked out of zero. A nylon sleeve is provided to cover the barrel and
further protect a long gun from the weather. Also included is another adjustable carrier that gives you
the option of transporting a long gun muzzle down.
Another padded compartment, accessible with full-length zippers on each side, is perfect for stow-
ing a laptop computer. In that compartment, there’s also a removable pistol holster that secures via
Velcro in various positions within that compartment.
While this compartment increases the Praetorian’s overall capacity to 30 liters, I would probably add
a utility pouch for small survival gear (knife, compass, fire kit) while using the padded compartment
for a water bladder. Extensive external MOLLE webbing provides numerous attachment points for
add-ons, giving this pack great versatility. And when you’re not using the pack to transport a rifle, you
can add pouches to the MOLLE webbing inside that flapped gun compartment.
The Praetorian Rifle Pack Lite has padded shoulder straps and a waist belt. Mesh padding where the
pack contacts your back is designed to keep you cool and comfortable.
70-Liter Backpack keep your pack and gear protected from the
weather. (Photo: Voodoo Tactical)
• Dimensions: 16x12.5x31 inches
• Capacity: 70 liters
• Colors: Blue, green, red
MSRP: $159.95
radar because it has the quality and features bag compartment is separated from the large main compartment by a nylon flap attached ‹ Above: Other smaller
Voodoo Tactical packs
that outclass many of the more-expensive with two adjustable straps. Unfastening the straps allows you to open the inside of the pack the author has used
“name brand” packs. to create one cavernous space. with good results are
the Mini Tobago (left)
The top flap includes a zippered electronics A removable rain cover is included—an extra expense with most other packs—and it is and the Raven Discreet
pocket with two internal zipper pockets and contained in a dedicated pocket in the top flap. Straps are included, both top and bottom,
earphone port. There’s also a covered water for lashing a sleeping bag, sleeping pad, jackets, tent or other bulky items. Two gear loops are
bladder port leading from the main com- also provided on the outside bottom for ice axes or other tools. Straps on the back of the pack
partment. Under the top flap, the top collar provide a place to lash collapsible trekking poles too.
of the pack has a drawstring closure with a The Mil-Spec Plus 70-Liter Backpack features an aluminum frame and back stays for carry-
cord lock. That collar has an extension sleeve ing heavy loads. Dual-density, foam-padded shoulder straps and waist belt provide support.
that pulls up to make use of the pack’s full The entire shoulder harness and the padded back panel are adjustable to the size of your S O U R C E S
capacity. There’s zippered access to the main torso, helping keep the pack comfortable over the miles.
Major Surplus and Survival
compartment from the side as well. (800) 441-8855
Along each side of the pack is a zippered STUFF ’EM AS YOU LIKE
pocket at the top and an open-topped Major Surplus & Survival and Voodoo Tactical have the packs and bags you need to keep Voodoo Tactical
water bottle pocket at the bottom. There’s a your emergency preps and survival gear ready to go. What you decide to put in those bug-out (877) 586-6366
zippered sleeping bag storage compartment bags is up to you. (Before I get started on that, let’s leave it for now—it's a topic deserving of
at the bottom of the pack. Inside, the sleeping its own article).
the best time to examine your fi-
nances and skill sets to see where
you can improve your chances to
thrive in an economic bust.
hile we can never
change history,
wise people learn
from it. A good
example of this is
the Great Depression of the 1920s and 1930s.
The stock market collapsed, and banks,
factories and businesses closed their doors.
What little money people had been able to
save was gone.
It sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Many people
lost everything they had. Farms and homes
were foreclosed on. Droughts and poor
farming practices turned valuable productive Although times have changed—with some changes for the better and others not so much—this
farmland into dustbowls, and prices for food calamity could still happen to us today. These days, we rely too much on social programs to see
‹ Below: During the
and other items soared. What little money Great Depression, us through the rough times. We are overly dependent on technology to do our work and on the
lines at soup kitch-
that was available wasn’t enough to purchase ens were common. government to get us through when things go badly.
what was needed. Jobs were lost, and there Even as good as The good news is that the principles learned by our forebears almost 100 years ago still apply
times are today,
were no social services available to fall back there is often not today ... that is, if we are willing to learn from them.
on as there are today. People had to learn to enough food at soup My parents were children during the Great Depression, my father being born in 1919 and
kitchens and food
be resourceful and frugal ... or perish. banks. my mother in 1920. They came from two very different backgrounds, two different sets
of circumstances and two different ways of dealing with them. My mother came from a
family of four, and her father hunted and fished to help keep food on the table. My father
came from a family of six, and, although nobody in that family hunted or fished, they were
resourceful in other ways.
What both families had in common was that they used their determination, wits and skills to
make it through. The lessons they learned the hard way were instilled in me as I grew up. Those
lessons have served me well, and I continue to use them today.
there were no store? When all the money you do you're out of cash,
you can still trade
have has to go to keeping a roof over your head your wallet. Bartering,
and food in your stomach, you will have to fix whether it's goods or
services, is a key way
what you have and make do. for you to acquire
The ability to sew is basic, but it has many
other implications besides fixing clothing.
Your skill with a needle and thread could help
in an emergency survival situation. Perhaps
the strap on your pack lets go, or your sleep-
ing bag gets a tear. Maybe you need to make a
fishing net or sew up a wound. The principles
of sewing apply in all these cases, and you
just never know when this skill will come in
handy. This is why I keep a small sewing kit in
my bag at all times ... just in case.
Never waste an opportunity to acquire
food and other important supplies, because
this is knowledge I have benefitted from more than once. I don’t sew with a sewing machine. you never know when you will get another
She taught me how to use a needle and thread, because what would you do if you didn’t have a chance. My father’s father worked at a little
sewing machine or the power to run it? grocery store during the Great Depression. It ‹ Below: Tough times
cause immense
When I was growing up, I would watch my mother darn my socks and patch my clothes. We did didn’t pay much, but at least he had a job. mental and emotional
not have much money, so she made sure she got the most out of the money we did spend. Her One thing that he could do was take home strains on families and
children. Make having
way of thinking was, Why spend the money to replace something if it can be repaired? fruit and vegetables and sometimes, meat, healthy, supportive
Why is something as mundane as sewing important? In today’s throwaway world, many of us have that were about to go bad and couldn’t be and positive personal
relationships a top
lost this skill. If we get a hole in our socks, we throw them away and buy a new pair. What would you sold. He had no vehicle, so he would walk priority.
home carrying these items. WE ARE OVERLY DEPENDENT ON
My grandparents would go through the food TECHNOLOGY TO DO OUR WORK AND ON
and salvage what they could. Meat would
have to be cooked right away, because there
were no refrigerators as we know them today. WHEN THINGS GO BADLY.
They had an icebox, but it only kept things
cool when they could afford, or even get,
ice. Fruit and vegetables that couldn’t wait
another day were made into breads or were
eaten right away. Anything left over would
end up in a stew or soup for the next day.
That was a rare opportunity my grandfather
had; he took advantage of it, and my grand-
parents made sure nothing went to waste.
Compare this with how much good food we
throw away every day because we have had
our fill or don’t like leftovers.
As mentioned before, my mother’s father
hunted. Using an old shotgun, he would
shoot grouse, rabbits and squirrels. He also
taught my mother how to hunt. In turn, she
taught me. Because shot shells cost money,
and they couldn’t afford to buy shells, they
› Learn a trade that had to make every shot count. Every oppor-
will be in demand—
whether times are tunity was exploited to its maximum. My
good or bad. Fixing
cars and trucks could grandfather would get more shells when he
earn you some extra could by either buying them—or, more often
money; alternatively,
you could barter your than not—by trading a nice, fat rabbit for a
skills. handful of rounds. A few more rounds meant
During the Great Depression, your own
skills were what got you through. You
INSTEAD, THEY › Below: Based on
ARE PROMISSORY the metal it is made
of, "hard currency”
NOTES BACKED has its own value. In
a survival situation,
BY THE U.S. gold and silver (from
any country) will
Whether you need to fix your car, a broken pipe or your roof, you will
need tools. Here is a list of basic tools you should have on hand.
• Wrenches: A good set of wrenches, both standard and metric,
in various sizes should always be on hand. Although adjustable
wrenches will do in a pinch, nothing replaces a regular wrench.
• Pipe wrench: Sometimes called a “monkey wrench,” this wrench
is a lifesaver when trying to repair a broken water pipe, because it is
designed to fit pipes and pipe fittings.
• Hammer: Make sure you have a good claw hammer, not one of
those “dollar store” specials. You want it to last. Believe me: You will
probably use it often.
• Screwdrivers: Keep handy some good, old-fashioned hand
screw drivers in both Phillips and standard configurations.
Today, we rely way too much on our electronics. Where will you turn
if that technology goes away?
For that reason, I own books that cover everything from medical
to mechanical topics. I recommend that you also have these
books on hand.
coinage. You can buy gold and silver coins, We have all heard about people who have dug up jars of silver coins buried by people looking to ‹ Above: Small gold
and silver bars are
specialty coins or even bars on the open keep them safe. They did this because they didn’t trust the banks (remember, banks went under harder than coins to
market. Stay away from “clad” coins, because during the Great Depression and during the banking crisis 10 years ago). I don’t recommend doing exchange in common
transactions, but they
they are made from another metal and then that, but just keep them safe. are a good way to
preserve your wealth
plated in gold or silver. Purchase items made Although the times have changed, and there are more safeguards in place, bad things still can, and can be effective
from as much gold or silver as possible. and will, happen on a large scale. If history teaches us anything, it is that some people will be for larger trades and
After you make your purchase, don’t run prepared, and some (probably more) will not.
around bragging or showing them off. Flash- In our age of computers, cell phones and government-sponsored social services, it is very
ing your assets will make you a target—if not easy to get complacent and forget the knowledge and skills needed to keep it together when
now, then later—when the SHTF and people times get tough.
become desperate. Store your gold and silver This article discusses just a few of these lessons, so take a look back and learn from the people
in a safe place, and then leave it there until who came before us. While the times and specific circumstances have changed, the principles
you need it. and risks have not.
eing out in the dark can be hikers in the dead of night, handheld flash-
very scary. It can instantly lights of all sizes, styles and purposes can
intensify already-jittery help pierce the veil of night and allow the
nerves and increase fears wielder to regain control of the situation.
that might otherwise seem A simple flashlight can put a person’s
unjustified or even silly when the same area worries and misplaced fears far behind
is illuminated in the light of day. In addition, them while providing them the means to
not knowing what is ahead of you or lurking continue onward if lost, emit a signal to
around the next corner, rock or tree can result rescuers or send a message to anyone out
in unforeseen injuries, making a wrong turn, to do them harm that they are not
which could prove equally disastrous, or a defenseless target.
becoming the target of an unknown stalker Flashlights serve many purposes; it’s
bent on making you his next victim. time to “shine some light” on these vital
But, like fire providing comfort to weary emergency tools.
MSRP: $1,099
are slots cut in the magazines that will let › Winchester’s PDX-1
you keep track of the rounds remaining at a Defender defensive
rounds represent
glance. The bolt-release button is located on some remarkably fear-
some technology.
the bottom rear of the gun underneath the
buttstock. Depress this catch and cycle the
gun vigorously via the reciprocating forearm.
The action is remarkably novel and is
protected from the elements by a pivoting
polymer cover. The magazine selection switch
is a rotating affair located above the rear
aspect of the magazine tubes. Point the › At appropriate
ranges, the venerable
switch in one direction or the other to select a 12-bore carries more
magazine tube. Leave it in the center, and the downrange horse-
power than any other
gun alternates from each magazine. handheld firearm.
The barrel is threaded to accept Ber- This Winchester PDX-1
round did the deed at
etta-style choke tubes. The gun comes with 15 meters.
that batteries do last longer. starters, the gun is just scary as heck. That’s the reason the Jurassic World guys chose to use ‹ At 200 lumens, the
weapon light included
Recoil is typical for a 12-gauge, although it to arm their dinosaur-hunting ACU in the movie. Spooky aesthetics will make you either with the UTAS UTS-15
is not bright by current
the broad, soft recoil pad does a splendid job roundly feared ... or the first one shot in a true survival situation. standards, but the bat-
of distributing the gun’s inevitable violence. The gun’s action is typically maligned by those who have not taken the time to train on tery life is favorable.
The gun ejects out of the right side only, it and learn its personality. While an AK47 is, indeed, more stupid-proof, I have also had
but the port is so low that I can run the gun short-stroke failures in my Remington 870s before. Nobody seems to be screaming that this
left-handed without throwing empty hulls century-old warhorse is anything less than a superlative combat tool. As is the case with any
down my shirt or into my face. With a proper advanced weapon, learn the gun and respect its unique character.
optic in place, the gun will drop slugs right The quality of manufacture and workmanship on my gun is superlative—something I
where you want them out to any reasonable have come to expect from Turkish-made firearms. While the Turks do not enjoy the gener-
shotgun engagement ranges. There is a pair ational legacy that many more-familiar domestic brands might, they do a bang-up job of S O U R C E S
of reversible sling swivels mounted on the making guns. I have yet to encounter a Turkish-made firearm that was not well executed
side of the gun—where they should be. and nicely finished. (847) 768-1011
Should your survival plan call for a whole lot of firepower in a compact package, the UTS-15
SURVIVAL APPLICATIONS was designed from the outset to answer that call. Handy, maneuverable and hard-hitting, the Winchester
So, where does the UTS-15 fall within the UTS-15 represents the cutting edge in modern scattergun technology. It also looks like it fell
pantheon of modern survival firearms? For off the set of the latest science fiction blockbuster—which, in point of fact, it did.
ACCESS TO FOOD AND WATER AND MOST, stories since I was a kid in the 1960s,
and they all claimed we would be thrown back
› Right: When there
While I find that to be highly unlikely, I do feel
is no electricity we face a real threat to our way of life from
coming from your
utility provider, natural disasters, terrorism and war. If things get
you'll have to make very bad, we’ll lose power, communications and
some serious choices
about what you'll computers. We will lose ready access to food and
be able to run with
your backup power
water and most, if not all, modern conveniences.
source. But, will we be totally helpless? Not if we plan.
I am not a big fan of technology, but it has given
us the tools that will enable us to deal with bad
things when they do happen.
What will you do when the world goes black?
In our modern world, we rely almost complete-
› Below: It will be
some time before the ly upon electricity and electronics. Electronic
power company's devices run our lives. We do our banking online.
technicians will be
able to get to this We communicate using cell phones, and we
home. In the mean-
navigate using GPS. Even our vehicles operate
time, the residents
will need to find using multiple onboard computers. The power
alternate sources
for water, heat and grids and public water and transportation
solar panel is the lightest and most portable—but don’t let its size
deceive you. Its sensitive panel collects energy even in low-light
situations and stores it in long-life lithium-ion batteries.
•SunJack 14 Watt Portable Solar Charger: Small enough to fit ‹ While a generator might not be possible in this location, some solar panels will keep your small
in a backpack, the SunJack uses a 14-watt panel that will not only devices running.
charge your devices or run a light or two, it also stores energy in its
it is scary to think about, it could happen, so you need to be prepared. You need multiple ways of
3.0 Quick Charge battery pack.
generating power just in case any or all of them are needed. The trick is to start simple and prepare
‹ The BioLite now. Waiting until something happens is not the time try to figure things out.
Solar Panel 10+
folds up and can
be easily carried BATTERIES
in a backpack.
There is no such thing as having too many batteries. Always have plenty of D, C, AA and AAA
batteries on hand. They will be needed to run flashlights, radios, smoke and carbon dioxide meters,
and to charge cell phones, among other things.
The problem with standard batteries, even the best ones, is that they lose power over time. The
trick, if there is one, is to review your battery supply every few months and discard the ones that
aren’t up to par. I use a volt meter to test all my batteries on a regular basis.
Stock up on batteries when things are good, and make sure you purchase good batteries. Don’t
‹ The Bushnell
Powersync Solar
Wrap is one
portable solar
panels. It stores OF D, C, AA AND AAA BATTERIES ON HAND.
power in its
internal bat-
‹ The SunJack
portable solar
panel has four
separate panels
that can be
opened up for
maximum solar
author is using
his SunJack solar
panel to charge his
Bushnell Rubicon
‹ Good-quality rechargeable batteries are your best bet for economical backup power for your small
equipment and devices.
cheap-out and get the discount batteries, because “you get what you pay for.” Batteries will be the
first thing to sell out during a power outage, so keep plenty on hand now.
Buying batteries can get pretty expensive; for that reason, I also have rechargeable batteries on
hand. Rechargeable batteries are no good unless you keep them charged, so do this while you have
power to do so or be ready to rig chargers to solar panels. I always keep a few sets fully charged at
all times in case I need them.
My rule of thumb is to keep a good flashlight in every room, which obviates having to carry one
around and potentially misplacing it. I also have rechargeable headlamps in my gear, which allow
me to work hands-free. Last, but not least, I keep a few water-rechargeable lights on hand just
for good measure.
Generators are great—as long as you have fuel to run them. I have two generators: One runs on
propane and one on gasoline, so I have the ability to use multiple fuels. If the power is out for more
than two hours, I will fire one of them up. The key here is to make sure I keep them in working order
and have enough fuel for both generators to run for two weeks.
When using a generator, it is important to do so safely. Never run a generator inside a building,
and make sure to cut off the connection to the power company’s electrical service main line (consult
your utility company or a qualified electrician to find out how to do this). This will prevent you from
electrifying the main line, where workers are trying to restore power. Have an electrician install a
transfer switch to make using your generator easier and safe.
I only power my refrigerator, furnace and sump pump, but depending on the capacity of your
generator, the choice is yours. Note that the more drain you put on your generator, the more fuel
you will use. Because there is no way to know how long the power will be out, I choose to conserve
my fuel by keeping the electrical load minimal.
Remember: If you have no power, chances are that the gas station and propane vendor will not have
source of power. You
can harness some
of that power with a
simple water wheel.
› Right: Windmills
have been used for Being proactive is better than being reactive.
more than 1,000
years to pump water, Investing in alternative power sources, such as
process grain and solar, wind and water power generation, could
perform other work.
Today, you can buy be an answer to potential interruptions in
windmills to gener- service from the power grid. I am not speaking
ate electric power
day and night. about large commercial operations; rather, this
Wind and water are some of the most reliable sources of power
there are. There is no fuel to worry about, and the best news is INVESTING IN ALTERNATIVE POWER
that you can make devices that harness their power from items
you might have around the home or can readily obtain.
For both, you will need some way of converting the energy cre- WATER POWER GENERATION, COULD BE AN
ated by their movement into electric power. For that, you will ANSWER TO POTENTIAL INTERRUPTIONS IN
need some sort of generator and a converter. The generator can
be a re-tasked automobile generator or alternator that you can
pick up at a junkyard. The converter, which turns DC to AC, can would be for your personal needs.
come off an old travel trailer. You’ll need to have this device, Consider mounting fixed solar panels on the roofs of your home, barn, shed or on ground mounts to
because household current is AC. generate power for your home. If you don’t want, or can’t afford, to cover your roof or yard with solar
Capturing this power is fairly simple, and there are literally panels, you can do what I did: Purchase a BioLite Solar Home 620-power light and radio system. This
hundreds of ways to put it together. There are plans available, kit comes with a 6-watt solar panel and a 20-watt/hour battery. With a full charge, this will keep
or you can design your own. Just do some research, and then the devices in the kit working for hours. There are lots of options for static and portable solar panels,
use what works for you. including some that are great for just keeping batteries and cell phones charged. Some can even
generate enough electricity to power lights (see the sidebar on page 82).
Expanding your options: If you live near a stream, you can assemble a simple hydroelectric generating
as emergency NOAA
broadcasts. The E+
Radio can also be used
to charge other small
to reduce their
electricity costs and
ensure they have
power when the grid
goes down.
system. You can also build a simple windmill to radios to communicate with family, friends and first responders. I use Midland GXT 1050P radios that (800) 423-3537
generate power (see the sidebar on page 84). offer a way to communicate and also allow me to scan and monitor emergency broadcasts, including
the NOAA frequencies. Eton Corporation
(650) 903-3866
COMMUNICATIONS To stay in touch with the news and alerts, you will need a radio that can pick up AM and FM
Keeping in touch with the outside world is stations, as well as emergency broadcasts. You can use a battery-powered radio or a cranking
Midland USA
critical to stay aware of additional dangers, dynamo-equipped radio such as the Midland E+ Radio. Using a crank to generate power is nothing (816) 241-8500
rescue efforts and other important information. new; the military started using this technology many decades ago. However, it has been perfected
Without power, you will not be able to watch and miniaturized over the years. Besides being able to pick up emergency broadcasts, better radios Nature Power
(800) 588-0590
the evening news; you will need to listen to the enable this feature to be used as a way to charge other devices.
radio and communicate with first responders via Clearly, there’s no need to live in fear of reverting back to life in the Stone Age if you lose elec-
your cell phone or two-way radios. tricity, even for an extended period. By scaling back your electrical demand to bare necessities
Cell phone towers might be down, or lines and making appropriate preparations now, you’ll be able to handle situations for which you might
might be overloaded and inaccessible. If that otherwise feel powerless.
happens, you will need to turn to two-way If you plan ahead, you will make it through.
aving a plan for when SHTF isn’t going to do you much good
if you can’t communicate with the other people in your group.
You’ll want to have a few people you can rely on that supply
the skills you’re lacking, and unless you’ve added reading
minds to your survival skills, you’ll need a way to
communicate with them.
The FCC says that in situations where life or property are in immediate Unless you and everyone in your group
danger, anyone can use any frequency at any time. However, ham radio have perfected the ability to communicate
frequencies are designated for those with a ham radio license. If you don’t have telepathically, you’ll need some way to stay
one, World Gone Silent has starter kits that provide all you need to help you get in touch. The VHF/UHF system can get a
your call sign and get on the air legally. They encourage anyone interested in range of 9-15 miles or more, depending on
radio to learn the material and get their call sign. Founder Chandler Friedman, terrain and antenna height, and can be SOURCE
W2NP, says “I think having radio gear for an emergency is a lot like having a powered from home with additional
firearm. If you keep it stowed in a closet, and don’t have the right training, it’s equipment. The World Gone Silent World Gone Silent
not going to be very useful when SHTF. Getting your call sign and practicing on Repeater Pack has all you need to ensure
This is a paid advertisement.
the air in regular nets or with your local ARES group is an important way to you can reach them. No matter what.
xpat—Someone who has left his or her homeland to live or work in another country,
usually for a long period of time.
Expat Knives, named after a long-time and highly seasoned associate of the
ESEE team (it’s complicated, so be sure to read the sidebar on page 96), is a new division of
ESEE Knives. Simply put, ESEE, a die–hard, made-in-the-USA knife company, now offers a line
of quality knives from a number of regions around the world with the Expat series. There will be
different tools, designs and collaborations made by top-notch manufacturers—some overseas,
some in Latin America and some in the USA.
The first collaboration with Expat and ESEE is the American-made CL-1 cleaver. Although once
a more permanent resident of the kitchen, the cleaver is making a strong showing elsewhere.
The CL-1 cleaver is made in Idaho and is a perfect combination of old-world materials and New
‹ Center: The cleaver was used to process an entire chicken to make soup.
From the quartering of the chicken to chopping all the vegetables, the CL-1
Expat Knives
Expat series is a big, burly
cleaver. Well-suited for wilder-
ness and camp chores, it is a
formidable tool in the kitchen. Cleaver CL-1
• Overall length: 11.5 inches
• Blade length: 6.25 inches
• Handle length: 5.25 inches
• Blade width: 3.25 inches
• Blade thickness: 0.188 inch
• Blade steel: 1095 high carbon
• Weight: 25.5 ounces
• Handle: Black G10
• Sheath: Leather
MSRP: $276.50
any edge-chipping or -rolling, but bone and wood are just no match for the Rowen heat-treat!
‹ Above: A simple
fish-roasting pole was
made with the Echo-7
by splitting the stick,
shaving down the
wood contacting the
fish and sharpening
a couple of skewers
to hold the fish inside
the pole.
Expat Knives
Libertariat Machete
• Overall length: 14 inches
• Blade length: 9 inches
• Handle length: 5 inches
• Blade width: 2 inches
• Blade thickness: 0.188 inch
• Blade steel: 1075 carbon steel
• Weight: 16 ounces
• Handle: Walnut
› Far right, top: Whether you venture
into the North American wilder- • Sheath: Canvas
ness or the darkest jungle, pack the
MSRP: $79.99
Libertariat machete for a little extra
survival insurance.
The Medellin, the company’s utility folding knife, is newer than the other two offerings, but
it is perhaps a little more recognizable—not for its namesake once being known as the most
dangerous city in the world and home of the Medellín drug cartel founded by Pablo Escobar.
Rather, it is recognizable because the classic ESEE-3 knife has gone foldable. Almost identical
in blade shape, handle thickness and overall length, the Medellin is built to be rugged in use, yet
smooth and fluid when deployed.
The framelock handle adds simplicity and strength to the tool. The reversible pocket clip (tip
Expat Knives up or tip down) and AUS-8 blade round out the package nicely.
Medellin Folder The Medellin folding knife is a completely different offering from the Expat series than the
Specifications cleaver. The made-in-Taiwan folder is a hard-working, compact utility knife. It rides low in the
• Blade length: 3.5 inches pocket and has a slim design, so there’s no bulk to be concerned with. I carried it tip down and
• Open length: 8.38 inches
• Closed length: 4.8 inches
• Blade width: 1.13 inches
‹ Near left: Fit and finish on the Medellin folder
• Blade thickness: 0.115 inch are what you'd expect from ESEE, and the jimping
• Blade steel: AUS-8 stainless on the spine is effective without being overdone.
• Weight: 4.1 ounces
• Handle: Black Zytel
MSRP: $84
› The folding knife version of the classic ESEE-3. From overall length to The thin framelock design wasn’t always
blade shape, the Medellin offers a slightly smaller version of the venerable
ESEE flagship knife. comfortable when gripping hard and
doing some tasks, but it was strong. Grip-
ping the knife tightly just ensured that
found all working parts fluid. This knife felt very reminiscent of the ESEE-3 blade ... because it the lock wouldn’t disengage.
is practically its twin. The blade shape, length and width are the same as the classic ESEE-3, so As an added test, while wearing leather
using it felt more familiar than if I were using a new knife. gloves, I held the knife reversed at the end
As a utility tool, the blade bit deeply into plastic zip ties, cutting them in short order. The blade of the handle and gave it a few thumps on
had no trouble cutting through thin steel, because its tough edge was aggressive enough for the the back of the spine on a solid surface.
task. I cut a lot of thin steel wire—similar to snare wire—for hanging pictures. The edge seemed Cheap, low-quality folding knives will
perfect for all sorts of utility chores, such as cutting through cardboard boxes and plastic nylon often buckle, and the lock will give. Nev-
packaging straps. Twine and 550 paracord were no match for the Medellin blade; neither was ertheless, I tried it with the Medellin and
duct tape. Tip strength was good when used to puncture thin-gauge metal for making a hobo was happy to see it remained strong—even
stove and on food cans for certain crafts. more that: I didn’t cut myself. (However, I
I was pleasantly surprised when the Medellin was pushed into woodworking service. It
performed three very basic bushcraft chores in the woods (to check its chops in case the knife
needed to be used as a bug-out blade).
EXPAT Making something as simple as a stake will tell you a lot about a knife and how it handles. I
made a stake for a tarp (I always have a few on hand for the times a stake needs to be replaced,
which seems all too often in my camp). I formed a deep stop cut in a dry piece of beech wood
and then carved out the typical “7” notch on one end. The opposite end got a point that would
As I mentioned, it’s complicated. Expat Knives was, indeed,
go into the rocky ground.
named after a long-time and highly seasoned associate: “Expat,”
Next, I made a simple fuzz stick out of a chunk of maple. This is something I’ve done countless
who has been a student, translator and instructor for Randall’s
times with the ESEE-3. Sure enough—the blade shape made the wood curl where I wanted it to
Adventure Training. He’s an inventor, a writer, traveler and a fire-
and just seemed altogether ... well, familiar. Lastly, I just put a sharp point on the end of a green
arms instructor. He speaks a couple of languages, and he’s logged
stick to see how the Medellin would fare on green wood.
a lot of time overseas.
All three bush chores went off without a hitch and were just as easy as if I were using the ESEE-3.
While working in some of the more-sketchy corners of South
The only thing I want to add about the Medellin is how the pocket clip can dig into the hand a bit
America, Expat contacted ESEE in search of high-quality,
when making stakes or force is applied on harder cutting tasks. Then, again, it’s a utility folder and
worst-case-scenario jungle survival training.
not meant for full-on woodwork.
Thus began a close association that has lasted for more
AUS-8 steel is a decent folding knife steel that is actually not too hard for the average user
than 15 years. Expat has logged thousands of miles through-
to sharpen. I used a small, ceramic pocket crock-stick (in a “v” shape)—nothing more—to bring
out the Third World—sometimes, with the ESEE team—but
back the edge.
always with ESEE products. From armored motorcades in
The Expat line will expand with different tools, designs and collaborations made by top-notch man-
Colombia and trekking in the Himalayas to earthquakes in El
ufacturers, overseas, in Latin America and the United States. Keep an eye out for new, out-of-the-box
Salvador and hunting in the Balkans, ESEE knives have been
designs from Expat Knives—masterminded by ESEE.
Expat’s constant companions.
Whatever your adventure, Expat Knives products are designed to enhance it and enable
Throughout his time overseas, he developed some unique
you to thrive.
insights on tools and the nature of adventure and is cur-
rently working with ESEE to bring innovative designs and
experiences to others.
What began with a cleaver will end up with … well, who
knows? That’s the whole point of the “Expat experience.”
ESEE Knives
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nowing how a bullet works when it leaves the barrel might
help you understand what to expect when it hits its target.
It weighs 124 grains (about 8 grams), and it sits in the
dark for weeks, months or even years. It gets jostled,
shaken and bumped incessantly during that time.
Depending on how it is carried, it can also accumulate a fair amount
of pocket lint within its gaping maw. It is a SIG Sauer V-Crown 9mm
hollowpoint bullet, and it is about to earn its keep.
For such a modest, inert thing, it embodies a shocking amount of
technology. The case is nickel plated for corrosion resistance, smooth
feeding and long life. The powder is specially formulated for consistent
performance and low flash. The primer is the best man can produce.
It is, however, in the bullet where the real magic happens. That’s the
payload—the warhead, if you will—and that is the limiting reagent to
the cartridge’s overall performance.
The SIG V-Crown bullet is marketed as a “hollowpoint within a hollow-
point.” I didn’t really understand that very well until I saw it in action.
Now, it makes perfect sense.
The lead slug nestles tightly within the jacket material, held in place
by a cannelure crimped circumferentially around the bullet’s waist. This
mechanical interface is what tends to keep the lead core and the jacket
together during the violence that is to come. The geometry and scoring
of the V-shaped snout, hence the name, give the angry end of the thing
an antiseptically sinister, although utilitarian, appearance. The cone
described within the nose of the contraption tapers down into a point
in the center. From this apex there is another small, but intentional,
star-shaped void formed down into the core. Every miniscule snippet of the bullet’s geometry has
some intentional purpose.
SIG Sauer burns through twice as much ballistic gelatin as the entire rest of the country com-
bined. I’ve seen this up close, and it’s obscene. The V-Crown bullet is the end result of a simply
ridiculous amount of R&D.
decrease violently.
untold hours on the
range practicing
In this particular case, the bullet tore with our defensive
handguns. The real FROM 0 TO ABOUT 1,100 FEET PER SECOND
through muscle, fascia and sundry goo
without striking bone, nerves or plumbing
action, when the
trigger is pulled on a IN 3.39 INCHES, SUFFERING UNDERNEATH
of consequence. That’s the amazing power
human target, takes
place in the oper- AN ACCELERATIVE FORCE SOME 66,500
ating room. (Photo:
of randomness: It’s always better to be
THE IMMEDIATE AFTERMATH ‹ Above: The exit wound was closer to 4 inches, ripping roughly along
the long axis of the limb.
The subject of this dark, little physics
experiment was fairly fit and healthy. He told ‹ Left: The entrance wound was a relatively tidy defect not much larger
than the 9mm bullet diameter. Entrance wounds frequently belie the
me the initial impact felt like being hit with a mischief that lurks within.
baseball bat. He had maybe a 30-second grace
period after the bullet’s initial impact. During
that time, he could have moved, thought and
fought—as long as he didn’t try to put weight
on the injured limb. After the 30-second mark,
however, he was done.
Up to that point, the entire event had
been traumatic but relatively painless.
After that moment, the pain became
exquisite and debilitating. The wound also
began to bleed with vigor. The immediate
application of direct pressure kept things
from going truly sideways.
Safety and success are all in the grip, and
there are several common and effective tech-
niques for getting the most out of your knife.
Forehand Grip. The forehand grip is, by far,
the most common way of holding and using a
knife. Hold the handle in a firm, fist-type grip
with your pinky toward the butt of the handle
and the edge facing away from you. Cutting
heavy cordage, tree roots, making fuzz sticks
or sharpening a point on the end of a stick can
all be done with this grip.
Whittling wood or making fuzz sticks for a
I will use the term, “ax,” to also represent a hatchet/tomahawk. This section will deal with
processing downed wood, because this is what you’ll be cutting most often.
Chopping. Regardless of the task, when chopping, back up your work by putting the area to be cut
on another piece of wood. This will give you the best energy transfer and ensure your bit doesn’t get
buried in the ground ... or worse—bone! Chopping a small log that is on the ground in a horizontal
position should be done from a kneeling or sitting position. The forearm and ax handle should both
be kept parallel at the moment of impact and thereafter. This is known as the “parallel plane.” If the
side of the trunk from the branches being cut,
using the trunk as a protector log. Chop the
branches close to the trunk of the tree and in
the direction of growth.
There are no minor injuries when it comes to an ax or any chopping tools. The impact of Splitting. The disadvantage of a lighter
such tools can be devastating to a limb or body part. Be aware of the follow-through of tomahawk is that it lacks the weight needed
your swings and the direction of the cutting edge at all times. for splitting wood. In the conventional way
Hatchets are dangerous because of their short handles, which can often injure a knee or of using an ax or hatchet, the log is placed
shin on the follow-through or after a glancing blow. The same happens with a machete. vertically on a chopping block and then split
The longer handles of a half or full ax, as well as some tomahawks, will be safer in that using the tool’s weight and the wedge shape
the cutting bit will be more likely to dig into the ground rather than come back toward you. ‹ Below: The author is of the head. There are other ways, however.
using a short-handled ax
Never chop above your head; keep work as close to the ground as possible. It is always safer (tomahawk) one-handed Selecting wood for making a fire is a matter of
with a hatchet or short-handled tomahawk to kneel down, with the task in front of you. from a kneeling position. using your brain and not choosing wood that’s
This is a safe position,
Impact-resistant sunglasses or safety glasses will keep your eyes safe from sharp chips that because he is also using too thick. Anything thicker than wrist/bicep
a protector log in front thickness can be used as larger fuel.
will undoubtedly be airborne when chopping. Always keep the wood you’re cutting at a safe,
of him.
parallel plane to the ground or other solid support when splitting or chopping.
If possible, don’t use heavy cutting tools after dark. In addition, safety with any type of ax
or knife starts by having a reliable sheath for carry and storage. Combining know-how with
experience will put you on the fast track to safety and enhance your chances of survivability.
‹ Above: Working on an incline, the larger ax is used while the author is in a sitting position. Notice
that the large V cut is about the same width as the diameter of the tree.
Used correctly, a saw will easily outcut an ax
or large chopping blade. A saw will not slice
Corona Tools
(800) 847-7863
ESEE Knives bread, split or chop wood, blaze a trail or skin game. Yet, its attributes are just as productive and Use the cross-arm method until the spine
(256) 613-0372 useful. When using a large chopping tool, it’s possible to have a few bad swings that produce of the saw blade is deep in the wood; then,
no results (other than wasting energy or dinging the edge). However, with a saw, as long as the adjust to the more-natural comfortable
(866) 348-5661 blade is in the cut, every pull counts, and there is less wasted motion and risk of injury. grip with the free hand. Alternatively, begin To use a saw correctly is to use a saw ... safely! When attempting to cut a downed log, first sawing with two hands if the log is immobile.
H&B Forge make sure it isn’t too large for the saw’s blade. When making the initial cut with the saw, place We want the saw to shred through wood
(419) 895-1856 the blade where you want to make the cut and cross your free hand over the saw and grip the expeditiously, but getting cut in the process
ML Knives log. This might seem a little awkward at first, but if the saw blade skips out while establishing is counterproductive. Speed is of the essence,
(518) 843-7216 the cut, it will only rub against your free hand’s inner forearm with the spine. Most people will but safety is paramount.
place their free hand near the saw blade when they are making the initial cut. If the saw blade Cutting a branch from a standing tree can
TOPS Knives
(208) 542-0113 skips around while trying to establish itself in the log, it will leave the most uneven gash on the be done by holding the branch with the free top of the knuckles of your free hand. I have seen more cuts from saw teeth skipping around and hand and making a cut through the bark on
landing on the hand than from knives. the underside first. Then, cut the top of the
July 2018
BRADFORD USA............................................................................................................................77
BRAVO COMPANY.......................................................................................................................2-3
CONDOR OUTDOOR....................................................................................................................116
‹ Reach through frame or bow saws to hold the piece of wood until the blade’s
spine is below the surface. This protects the hand that is stabilizing the wood from
cuts if the saw skips out. The Advertiser Index is provided as a service to American Survival Guide readers.
American Survival Guide is not responsible for omissions or typographical errors on names or page numbers.
s we prepare for our annual Independence Day celebra- see today, and that seems unusual compared with the past. Whether it’s reality
tions, it occurred to me that this year, more than most, we or perception, the discord in America seems to increase daily and simultaneously
should take a moment to reflect on the reason we have this stems from, and feeds, the wanton disregard of others’ rights—simply because
national day of recognition. they disagree with the opinions of another. There are so many points of contention
At this time, we pay homage to the brave souls who fought so among groups and individuals who have a multitude of perspectives and agendas,
hard against overwhelming odds to break free of the chains of servitude to a king many of which are petty; and the divergent opinions are expressed so vociferously
whose power was not earned or even granted to him by “his” people but rather and emotionally that it’s often difficult to find topics and causes we can agree on.
flowed through his ancestors to him as part of a royal birthright. While we still have the right to disagree with each other, one might expect more
We declared our independence as a free and sovereign nation—no longer subser- unity to come from a people who share and enjoy the rights and freedoms that
vient to a single person, royal family or foreign country, but rather to be governed, were earned and preserved for us and our descendants at such a great cost. With
as Abraham Lincoln said almost 100 years later, " … of the people, by the people, today’s fixation on individual rights and the precedence of one’s own desires and
for the people … ." opinions over the whole, we are called to remember a passage Lincoln borrowed
As revolutionary and exemplary as our constitution was, it took some time and from the Bible when he made his “House Divided” speech. Thinking about this
a number of amendments to get it to where it is today. Rights and freedoms and year’s Independence Day reminds me, more than ever, that “a house divided
other bits of fine-tuning were added with 27 amendments. Some took only a few against itself cannot stand.”
months to pass, while one—the 27th—took more than 200 years to be ratified. (Is it Because we are independent of foreign masters, the freedoms, rights and privi-
surprising that the 27th Amendment relates to when laws affecting Congressional leges we have could be lost by our own hand because of our lost vision as a nation,
salaries take effect?) particularly of that simple principle of majority rule. We see all too often today that
On this day, we should be proud and humbled that other countries have used our public policy and political processes are being driven by a very small, but vocal and
constitution as a guide when they gained independence and needed to construct media-savvy, contingent of people who think the country should be reshaped to
a similar document. Nations that predate ours have made less progress for their their design. In effect, to use the words of Walt Kelly, “We have met the enemy, and
people over more time. he is us.”
Even with the readily apparent success that the “American Experiment” has On this Independence Day, let’s recall the dedication to the greater good that the
achieved, the path to where we are today has not been straight and level. There founding fathers and their followers shared and worked toward and find ways in
have been missteps, barriers and delays, as with all great journeys, and there will which we can do the same to preserve the way of life that makes the United States
always be a need for Americans to work together on new and serious challenges of America the exemplary nation it is.
that litter the path into the future. Then, we can focus on the highly anticipated trips to the beach, as well as back-
So, why is this Independence Day different than most others? In my mind, this yard cookouts and get-togethers with family and friends.
difference is simply because of the great degree of social and political strife we Have a safe and happy Independence Day.
» Black
» Coyote Brown
» Olive Drab
SIZE volume
18”h X 12”w x 7.5”d 20 Liters
» Laser cut MOLLE panel for modular attachments
» 3.5”W x 2”H loop panel for ID or morale patch
» Reinforced double layer grab handle
» Main compartment with two mesh pockets
» Hydration compatible up to 2.5L bladder (sold separately)
» Removable 1.5” wide waist belt
» Padded airflow back panel promotes ventilation
» Coyote Brown
» Black
» Olive Drab
SIZE volume
18”h X 12”w x 7.5”d 20 Liters
» Front accessory compartment with organizer
» Front loop panel for morale patches
» Padded mesh back panel
» Side compression straps
» Body contour shoulder strap
» Side pocket fits most water bottle
» Hydration compatible (Reservoir not included)