(@) Fig. 6.1 shows an object O placed in front of a plane mirror M. Two rays from the object to the
mirror are shown,
Fig. 6.1
() On Fig. 6.1, for one of the rays shown,
1. draw the normal to the mirror,
2. mark the angle of incidence. Label this angle X.
(i) On Fig. 6.1, draw
1. the reflected rays for both incident rays,
2. construction lines to locate the image of O. Label this image I.
(21(b) In Fig. 62, circular wavefronts from a point source in a tank of water strike a straight barrier.
— source
Fig. 6.2
(i) The reflected wavefronts seem to come from a single point.
On Fig. 6.2, mark a dot to show the position of this point. Label this point C. tt]
(i) Draw, as accurately as you can, the reflected circular wavefronts ie6 A sound wave, travelling in air, approaches a solid barrier with a gap in the middle. Fig. 6.1
represents the compressions and rarefactions of the sound wave. The compressions are labelled
compression —
rarefaction —_| |
Fig. 6.1
(a) State how a compression differs from a rarefaction.
(b) The speed of sound in air is 340m/s. The frequency of the sound is 850Hz.
For this wave, determine
(i) the wavelength,
wavelength = (2
(ji) the time that elapses before compression A reaches the barrier.
(c) On Fig. 6.1, draw the shape and positions of compressions B and C as compression A
reaches the barrier. (2)
(d) Sound waves can also travel in water.
State how the speed of sound in water compares with the speed of sound in air.
[1]7 (a) Fig. 7.1 shows a convex lens being used to produce an image of an object.
Fig. 7.4
i) Place three ticks in the table that describe this image.
can only be formed on a screen
same size
(ii) On Fig. 7.1, mark a letter E to indicate a possible position for an eye to be placed to
observe this image. ty
(iii) State an application in which a convex lens is used in this way.(b) In the space below, draw a ray diagram to locate the image of an object of height 1.0cm
placed 5.0cm from a convex lens of focal length 2.0cm. Draw your diagram full size. You are
advised to locate the lens roughly in the centre of the space. Label the image.
5 Light enters a glass fibre from air at an angle of incidence of 62°. The angle of refraction in the
glass is 36°.
(a) The speed of light in air is 3.0 x 108 m/s.
Determine the speed of light in the glass fibre.
speed =
(b) Describe how glass fibres are used in communications technology.(6) An echo-sounder sends out a pulse of sound to determine the depth of the sea bed. It
measures the time between sending out the pulse and receiving its echo.
Fig. 7.1 shows a boat using an echo-sounder.
Fig. 7.1
The sea bed is 12m below the echo-sounder.
(i) Use your value for the speed of sound in water from (a) to calculate the time between the
sending out of the pulse and receiving its echo.
time = (3)
(i) The boat passes over a region of the sea bed of the same depth, where the reflection of
sound waves is weaker.
State whether there is an increase, a dectease or no change in the amplitude and pitch
of the reflected wave.
pitch ...
(2)7 Sound from a loudspeaker is travelling in air towards a solid wall.
Fig. 7.1. shows compressions of the incident sound wave and the direction of travel of the wave.
P 85m
girectign of
Fig. 7.1
(a) State what is meant by a compression.
(b) The distance from point P to point Q is 85m. It takes 25ms for the compression at P to
reach Q.
For this sound wave, determine
(i) the wavelength,
wavelength = seal]
(ii) _ the frequency.
frequency = (2)
(c) Ast strikes the wall, the sound reflects.
Complete Fig. 7.1 to show the positions of three compressions of the reflected sound wave.
co)(@) Fig. 8.1 is a ray diagram of a convex lens being used as a magnifying glass to produce a
virtual image.
Fig. 8.1
On Fig. 8.1,
{)_ label the object O,
(ii) label the image 1,
(iil) label a principal focus F,
{iv)_putarows on the two rays to indicate their directions. a
(b) Fig. 8.2 shows a ray of light in air incident on an interface with glass. The refractive index of
glass is 1.5.
incident ray
ig. 8.2
‘On Fig. 8.2, accurately draw the ray as it travels in the glass. You will need to take a
measurement from Fig. 8.2 and carry out an appropriate calculation. Show your working,
[3]6 A dolphin produces a sound wave in water of frequency 7800 Hz.
Fig. 6.1 represents rarefactions of the sound wave travelling in the water and hitting the side of a
wooden ship at an angle.
direction of wave travel
Fig. 6.1
(a) State what is meant by a rarefaction.
(b)_ On Fig. 6.1, two rarefactions A and B are labelled. The distance between rarefaction A and
rarefaction B is 0.76m.
(i) the wavelength in water of the sound wave,
wavelength = i
(ii) the time taken for the rarefaction at A to reach the point where rarefaction B is now
time =
12)(c)_ The sound wave passes from the water into the wood where the speed of sound is greater.
State what happens to
(i) the frequency,
)) the wavelength.
(4) On Fig. 6.1, sketch the positions in the wood of the three incomplete rarefactions.
2]7 (a) The refractive index of a type of glass is 1.6
Calculate the critical angle for light in this type of glass,
critical angl
= (3)
(b) A waterproof laser is immersed in water. Fig, 7.1 shows the laser shining light up towards the
horizontal surface of the water.
beam of light
movement of laser
Fig. 7.1
Initially, the angle @is much less than the critical angle for this light in water.
The laser moves and @ gradually increases until it is much greater than the critical angle.
Describe, for different angles of the laser, what happens to the light beam after it hits the