Teaching and Learning Activities
Teaching and Learning Activities
Teaching and Learning Activities
Subject: Science Topic: Describing Motion Duration: 40 mins (Single Lesson)
National Curriculum Link forces being needed to cause objects to stop or start moving, or to change their
speed or direction of motion (qualitative only)
Learning Objective To explain forces being needed to cause objects to stop or start moving, or to
change their speed or direction of motion.
To understand change depending on direction of force and its size.
Big Idea What makes a object to move?
Vocabulary Speed, gradient, constant speed,velocity,
Resources Light gates or distance ranger, datalogger. Optional: ticker timer, power
supply, ticker tape, scissors, glue, graph paper.
Scientific Enquiry Type Calculating speed by measuring time and distance
Working Scientifically Recording data using a table and reporting and presenting findings from
Links enquires, including causal conclusions, relationships and explanations of and
degree of trust in results, in oral and written forms such as displays and other
Context / Prior Learning Students are expected to have prior knowledge of force and motion.
Learning Outcomes / Success Criteria
All Most Some
I can explain forces being needed I can interpret information
to cause objects to stop or start
moving, or to change their speed
or direction of motion.
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Teaching and Learning Activities
Starter (5 mins)
Activity (Pair Work):
Teacher will divide the students into pairs and ask them:
Q. What do you understand by the word movement’,what does it require to move??
‘think, pair,share’: Teacher will give the students 1 minute to discuss.
Students may record their answers on padlets.
Teacher will collect responses from the class and agree a definition that includes the idea of it being a
force or energy that is required any object to movie.
Teacher to share learning objective, vocabulary, scientific enquiry type, learning outcomes with the
Development (25 mins)
Show students how to use light gates and datalogging equipment to measure the speed of moving objects,
then challenge students to move their hands (holding a piece of card of the size the light gates have been
calibrated for) through the gate at particular speeds. If a distance ranger is available, students can also be
challenged to walk towards or away from the ranger at various speeds.
Teacher could also sketch a distance–time graph (reminding students that steeper slopes represent faster
movement) and ask students to move to build up a similar graph using the distance ranger.
HA: Ticker timers can also be used for this activity (see Background information). Students can be introduced
to the idea that cutting the tape into strips representing equal times and pasting these next to each other
effectively builds up a distance–time graph