Cirtek Employees Labor Union vs. Cirtek Electronics
Cirtek Employees Labor Union vs. Cirtek Electronics
Cirtek Employees Labor Union vs. Cirtek Electronics
This resolves the MR and supplemental MR filed by respondent on the SC’s decision on 15 November 2010.
Respondent-movant avers that petitioner availed of the wrong remedy, Rule 65 petition for certiorari, thus, the Court should have
dismissed the case outright.
o Respondent contends that the SC should not have rendered a decision and resolved a factual issue – whether the MOA of
the parties was validly entered – which is not in the office of a petition for certiorari.
o Respondent also contends that the Secretary of Labor cannot render a ruling that is beyond the compromise agreement
entered into by the parties.
That, as early as February 5, 2010, petitioner Union had already filed with the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) a
resolution of disaffiliation from the Federation of Free Workers resulting in the latter’s lack of personality to represent the workers
in the present case.
Whether or not FFW has lost its personality to represent the Union.
No, the Motion for Reconsideration was denied. The Supreme Court held that as for the contention that the alleged disaffiliation of
the Union from the FFW during the pendency of the case resulted in the FFW losing its personality to represent the Union, the same
does not affect the Court’s upholding of the authority of the Secretary of Labor to impose arbitral awards higher than what was
supposedly agreed upon in the MOA.
- Contrary to respondent’s assertion, the “unavoidable issue of disaffiliation” bears no significant legal repercussions to
warrant the reversal of the Court’s Decision.
- The Court noted that whether there was a valid disaffiliation is a factual issue.
- Likewise, the Court held that the alleged disaffiliation of the Union from the FFW was by virtue of a Resolution signed on
February 23, 2010
o submitted to the DOLE Laguna Field Office on March 5, 2010
o two months after the present petition was filed on December 22, 2009
o Hence, it did not affect FFW and its Legal Center’s standing to file the petition nor this Court’s jurisdiction to resolve
the same.
At all events, the issue of disaffiliation is an intra-union dispute which must be resolved in a different forum in an action at the instance
of either or both the FFW and the Union or a rival labor organization, not the employer.
Indeed, a local union may disaffiliate at any time from its mother federation, absent any showing that the same is prohibited under its
constitution or rule. Such, however, does not result in it losing its legal personality altogether.
Whether then, as respondent claims, FFW “went against the will and wishes of its principal” (the member- employees) by pursuing
the case despite the signing of the MOA, is not for the Court, nor for respondent to determine, but for the Union and FFW to resolve
on their own pursuant to their principal-agent relationship.
Intra-Union Dispute - refers to any conflict between and among union members, including grievances arising from any violation of the
rights and conditions of membership, violation of or disagreement over any provision of the unionÊs constitution and by-laws, or
disputes arising from chartering or disaffiliation of the union.