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Assignment 2b

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Running Head: Assignment 2B 1

Assignment 2B


James Lacayo

TED 633: Content Area Instructional Assessment

Robert Pacilio

National University

September 10, 2016

Assignment 2B 2

Audience: 11th Grade U.S. History Objectives:

Group Size: 25 Students
Time: 60 min Students will be able to understand and explain the
Equipment: Computer and projector origins of the American Revolution, the war,
Resources: Visual aids philosophy of the founding fathers, and the
Setting: Arrange chairs so that all learners will constitution. Students will also be able to analyze the
be able to see any visuals that will be used. ideological origins of the American Revolution.

Time Concept to be What you (teacher) do or What learners Self-monitoring

Learned show (students) do (Hints for teacher)
Making adjustments that
could not have been

5 Objective I would open the class by Listen Focus activity

min. talking to the students
about their situation at Share thoughts Stand near students who
home. For example, and ideas. benefit from proximity of
students at this age will be teacher.
more independent, jobs,
cars, etc. Some might even Make sure you are clear
want to move out of their and can be heard by all
parent's home. I would students.
then introduce the topic
American Revolution.

Today we are going to

discuss the American War
of Independence (A.K.A the
Revolutionary War)
1 Identification By the end of today’s Listen Check for understanding
min. of learning lesson, you will be able to
product understand and explain the
origins of the American
Revolution, the war,
philosophy of the founding
fathers, and the
You will also be able to
analyze the ideological
origins of the American
Assignment 2B 3

10 Link to prior In order to better Think-pair- Listening, observing,
min. knowledge understand this, I want you share Redirecting as needed.
(connection to think back to something
or pre- we talked about last week Keep track of time to
assessment) and that was the switch partners and keep
Enlightenment. lesson moving.

I will have the quote,

"Freedom is not a gift
bestowed upon us by other
men but a right that
belongs to us by the laws of
God and nature" -
Benjamin Franklin, written
on the board.

I will then ask students to

write this quote down in a
journal and also write what
they think the quote means.
Share with a partner their
thoughts. Some can share
with the class.

Discuss answers.
1 Transition I would give students a Refocusing Make sure everyone is on
min. chance to get everything board
ready they need in order to
take notes during the Redirecting as needed.
30 Lecture on Direct Instruction with Listening Checking for
min. the American Guided Questions understanding strategies
War of Things included in slide Showing what
Independence presentation: they know Redirecting as needed.
(i.e. origins,  Philosophy of Interacting
war, Hobbes, Locke, and with both the Keeping notes on learners’
philosophies, Rousseau (Natural content and progress and where
and Law) each other additional support/
Constitution)  Seven Years War differentiation is needed.
(French and Indian Writing
PowerPoint War)
that will  Taxation without Drawing
contain Representation
visuals (Intolerable Acts)
Assignment 2B 4

 Boston (Massacre,
Tea Party, Blockade)
 The Main
Characters (Sam
and John Adams,
Franklin, Jefferson,
 Battles (Bunker Hill,
Lexington, Concord,
etc). These will be
gone over in more
detail the following
 Continental
 Declaration of
 Constitutional
Convention. This
will be gone over in
more detail later in
the week.

Questions that students will

be able to answer at the
 How did the
affect the thoughts
of Americans before
the War?
 What role did Taxes
from England play
in creating hostilities
between England
and the Colonies?
 Why was Boston the
center of action?
 Could the hostilities
have been stopped
by either side?
 What role did the
philosophies of
people like Locke,
Hobbes and
Assignment 2B 5

Rousseau play on
Jefferson and the
Declaration of
 What was the
 What was the
Convention and
what was being

Key Words and Vocabulary

will be highlighted in the
lecture. Copies of the
PowerPoint lecture will be
provided for students who
are ELL/Special Needs
Students. All other
students will have access to
PowerPoint online.
10 Guided I would tell the students to Listening Make sure everyone is on
min Practice and split up into groups (these task and understands the
Group Work. would probably be pre- Students game.
arranged). would
Post- collaborate Make sure everyone is
Assessment In Front of the class would with groups, working within the group.
be a Jeopardy style board content and
with Categories and teachers. Adjust groups as needed
numbers. (if students need to be
Students closer to the board they
Questions would be asked would have to can be moved).
to assess what students answer
gained from the lecture. questions by Help students when
writing them needed.
down on an
board. Each
group has only
3 Closure I would give students one Listen
min more chance to ask
questions about the day.
Assignment 2B 6

Wrap up any thoughts.

Assign reading and short

questions for homework.

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