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Production Script 002 - Writing A Coherent RRL

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Production Title: SHS Practical Research I Week 6

Running Time: 10-15 minutes

MELCs: (2) Writes coherent review of literature

Subject: Practical Research I

Grade Level: 11
Quarter: First Quarter – Week 6
Writer: Melvin L. Viaña|Laiya National High School

Seq. I/E Audio Video

1 Music/SFX OBB
2 I Hello, fellow researcher! Talent on the right third of the screen (MCU)

In the last video, we discussed different ways you

can synthesize and digest information for your RRL
from various sources. Text beside talent: Synthesizing information from
related literature
3 I In this video, you will get practical tips on how to Talent on the right third of the screen (MCU)
write a coherent review of related literature.

Text beside talent: writing a coherent review of

related literature.
4 I Music/SFX FI/FO
5 I At the outset, let me tell you that the goal of anyone
writing a review of literature is CLARITY. CLARITY
6 I For two reasons:

First, a clearly structured review helps save your

readers’ time and sustain their interest. Save readers time; sustain their interest

Second, clear writing allows you to reveal just where

your paper stands in the existing debates about your Reveal your position on the topic
topic. As a researcher, your paper should occupy a
particular niche or space in the body of knowledge,
without which the study becomes irrelevant.
7 I Now, let us proceed to practical tips you can use in Talent center of screen.
writing a CLEAR and coherent review of literature.
8 I One good way to achieve coherence and clarity is by Index position
using an index position.

The concept, which I borrowed from Trinidad – the beginning part of a paragraph, section, or
(2018), simply pertains to “the beginning part of a chapter that controls how a unit is read.
unit or discourse (whether a paragraph, a section, or
a chapter) that helps orient or control the way that
unit is read.
9 The index position functions as a summary of the summary of the contents the readers can expect in
contents the readers can expect in the remainder of the unit
the unit.

Otherwise, it captures the essence of the unit and

prepares the readers for it.
10 Consider this example:

As the COVID-19 pandemic crisis has engulfed the

planet, most public discourse in the United States has
focused on epidemiological characteristics of the disease,
the strain it has placed on global healthcare resources
and supply chains, the economic devastation it has
wrought, and the merits of government response. Often
unnoticed in those conversations, however, are the ways
that those discussions are steeped in humanistic as much
as scientific terms. (from

VO: This is the index position of an article on the

role of the humanities during the pandemic. As the
opening paragraph, it readily sets the scope and
direction the succeeding paragraphs will take—that
is, on the way the humanities shape scientific
11 Now, let us look at an example lifted from a review
of related literature:

The image people have of prison is usually tied to gang

violence and cells cramped with inmates.1 Religious
activities are often far from people’s concept of prison
and religious conversion even farther. However, studies
have shown how religions can provide help in people’s
coping with this change in their lives. Inmates are
motivated to join religious groups because of extrinsic
and intrinsic factors, which include provision for safety,
material comfort, social support, dealing with guilt, and
dealing with loss of freedom.2 In these previous studies,
the focus is on how religion can help provide internal
and external comforts – spiritual, material and social
support – to the inmate. (Trinidad, 2019)

VO: As an index position, this paragraph already

identifies what the entire paper is about—religious
activities in prisons and why inmates participate in
12 In your own essay, you might need to be very Talent left of screen
specific with your statements in the index position.

You may use expressions like:

“In this section, I will argue that…”

Beside the talent: “In this section, I will argue
or that…”

“This chapter is divided into four parts. First, I will

“This chapter is divided into four parts. First, I will
or discuss…”

“This discussion is divided into three sections…”

“This discussion is divided into three sections…”

13 Index positions may also take the form of a question. Talent at center. Then FO to Paragraph:
Let us look at this example:

While it is encouraging to see a sociologist profoundly

impact scholarship across
disciplines, Durkheim’s fundamental insight
into the power of social structure is dissipated
in many of these diverse translations. One
driving factor behind this confusion is that
Durkheim’s structural approach contains an
unresolved dilemma. Namely, how could
macro- or meso-level structural forces like
integration and regulation actually shape individuals’
lives? (from Mueller & Abrutyn, 2016)

VO: In this example, the question given at the end of

the paragraph sets the direction for the succeeding
14 Now, let us go back to this example:
The image people have of prison is usually tied to gang
violence and cells cramped with inmates.1 Religious
activities are often far from people’s concept of prison
and religious conversion even farther. However, studies
have shown how religions can provide help in people’s
coping with this change in their lives. Inmates are
motivated to join religious groups because of extrinsic
and intrinsic factors, which include provision for safety,
material comfort, social support, dealing with guilt, and
dealing with loss of freedom.2 In these previous studies,
the focus is on how religion can help provide internal
and external comforts – spiritual, material and social
support – to the inmate. (Trinidad, 2019)

This is what Trinidad (2018) calls an oppositional

index where a general understanding is presented:
Prison as a place for gang violence
Prison as a place for gang violence

And then opposed

“However, studies have shown…”
“However, studies have shown…”

You might also want to use this in your own writing.

15 FI/FO
16 Great! Now you’ve picked up practical ideas on how
to utilize the index position.

Equally important is the use of orientors and Orientors

connectors. Connectors
17 Orientors are words or phrases that give
background or context to the core sentence.

“In the Visayas…”

“In 2019,…”
“According to the New York Times…”

Are all examples of orientors.

18 Meanwhile, connectors are used to attached two
sentences. They are of two types:

Logic connectors and linking connectors

Logic connectors give readers a sense of how, when,

why, or if.

Let us look at this paragraph as an example:

It is in this light that Garcia’s critiques of Filipino

poetics becomes important in as much as he
recognizes the ambivalence and helpless hybridity of
our lives as Filipinos. For him, the theory of
hybridity is an indispensable tool in understanding
ourselves since it offers a way of rereading the
“dominant defeatist narrative of native supremacy” It is in this light that Garcia’s critiques of Filipino
reflected in the works of contemporary poet-critics poetics becomes important in as much as he
Virgilio Almario and Gemino Abad. recognizes the ambivalence and helpless hybridity
of our lives as Filipinos. For him, the theory of
hybridity is an indispensable tool in understanding
ourselves since it offers a way of rereading the
“dominant defeatist narrative of native supremacy”
reflected in the works of contemporary poet-critics
Virgilio Almario and Gemino Abad.

The highlighted part functions as a logic connector

that bridges it to the previous paragraph.
19 Meanwhile, linking connectors are used to add ideas
to a core sentence.

And, or, nor, in addition, and furthermore are all

examples of linking connectors.

In addition, you may also use the following linking

For contrast:
On the one hand
On the other hand

For time and place:


For cause and effect:


In order to
So that

20 FI/FO
There! I have just given you tips and trick to make
your review of literature more readable.

To recap, you can use several things to this end:

First, an index position which may be a direct

statement, a question, or an oppositional index. Direct index
Questioning index
Second, orientors and connectors that give context Oppositional index
and flow between units, respectively.
Orientors and Connectors
Lastly, please remember that the rules for any
review of literature are CLARITY and


21 Well, good luck with your writing tasks! MCU of Talent, mid of screen

Thank you for bearing it out with me in these two


In the next video, you shall deal with ethical issues

surrounding the preparation of the review of related

Until then! This has been Mr. Melvin L. Viaña,

Teacher III from Laiya National High School.

Duc in altum!

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