Should Be Ashamed of Yourself For Carrying The Pennington Family Name.'
Should Be Ashamed of Yourself For Carrying The Pennington Family Name.'
Should Be Ashamed of Yourself For Carrying The Pennington Family Name.'
The beach party was in full swing, loaded with red cups and drenched bodies, but Evening
had just drunk her first glass of vodka. It was a pint-sized cup and she took it in one go.
The people she had been friends with all her life might think she had gone insane, but she
didn’t care anymore.
“Name’s Vincent.” A tanned guy with chestnut hair asked her. Because she was trying to
live her life, she took another shot. This time it was a bigger cup.
Another shot. She knew she was already drunk. “Nah. That’s my name. Evening
Pennington.” She had said her name but she didn’t care at all. The guy brusquely turned
serious. She chuckled at how his perfectly plucked eyebrows met.
“That’s my mother. But she doesn’t even go to the parties in her name.”
“I should go.” He replied indifferently and left without even saying his name or without any
‘goodbye’. Her eyes followed him while he went up to a guy wearing a hoodie in a corner
and both went into the bathroom. “Gay-ish jerk.” She murmured whilst her eyes were
getting droopy and her head started spinning.
She went to the bathroom, shoving people out of her way. She was going to puke all over
the place. What would her mother say? ‘Evening! That is not how proper ladies act. You
should be ashamed of yourself for carrying the Pennington family name.’
“Why not? You said it so yourself, she could be the key to finding the orb.”
“I don’t care about her lineage. We must do it, Blaine. Or it’s the end of our kindred.”
Evening wondered who these were because they spoke differently and they were male
voices. Had she gone to the males’ bathroom? “Holy shit.” She cursed and quickly covered
her mouth. She knew they were dangerous and if they found out she was eavesdropping
all along, she was in big trouble.
All of a sudden, a booming sound erupted. Screams and wails of people could be heard
from outside. What is happening? She asked herself. There was another booming sound
and the cubicle crumbled.
A hand yanked her away from the falling debris and she fell on robust arms. Before she
could even figure out what had happened, she was being dragged by the guy named
Vincent and another guy was following them from behind.
“L-let go of me, asshole!” She yelled but he ignored her and as they went into the dance
floor, she shrieked once more. What were left of the wildest and loudest party in
Pennington Isle were nothing more than twisted bodies covered in blood, smoke from fires
and the whole club house wrecked.
“This can’t be happening. This can’t be happening. This is a dream. A nightmare.” She
anxiously muttered to herself and closed her eyes.
Evening Pennington