33-Hour Chick Embryo: Central Nervous System
33-Hour Chick Embryo: Central Nervous System
33-Hour Chick Embryo: Central Nervous System
Whereas the 24-hour chick embryo was roughly equivalent to a 3-week human embryo, a 33-hour chick
embryo is roughly equivalent to a 4-week human embryo; what takes hours in a chick embryo takes
days in a human embryo. This dramatic difference in developmental rates, in embryos with such similar
developmental patterns maintained at roughly the same temperatures, teases the mind with questions.
Can you suggest any reasons for the difference? Publish them (I’m serious) or discuss them with your
lab colleagues.
You will be using whole mounts and serial cross sections to study the 33-hour chick embryo. Be
sure you are able to identify all structures printed in boldface, and record in your laboratory notebook
your answers to any questions posed. You will also find it useful to keep track of germ layers as you
study the cross sections. Do this by color-coding all the tissues in each cross-sectional diagram in the
chapter. Remember the cardinal code of embryological colors: blue = ectoderm; red = mesoderm;
yellow = endoderm; green = neural crest. The coloring is easy, and the corollaries you can derive from
it will serve you well. It teaches you the answers to all those dreaded questions that start out, “What is
the germ layer origin of…?”
Upon looking at the 33-hour whole mount, you will immediately notice that two major advances
have taken place since 24 hours of development. The anterior nerve cord is now a brain subdivided into
its major regions, and the rudiments of the circulatory system are present. Understand the general
outline of these advances to introduce yourself to this stage.