2017-2018 Syllabus Band
2017-2018 Syllabus Band
2017-2018 Syllabus Band
I. Description
Through rehearsal and performance of a variety of carefully selected wind band and chamber
wind literature, students will increase their knowledge and experience base on their individual
instruments and with their ensemble skills. The four different ensembles are open to all Madison
High School students on an auditioned basis. Ensemble placement and repertoire/part
assignments are determined by audition and faculty recommendations, and are intended to
provide the most appropriate educational experience for each individual student’s
development. Students will be required to prepare music outside of rehearsal in order to facilitate
productive rehearsals and high levels of learning.
III. Grading
Participation (40%) Students will be assessed on their preparation for class and
active participation in the music making process. The expectation is that students have learned
their music on their own, and come ready to perform and rehearse in class. Students with a
positive attitude and a great work ethic will receive their participation points.
Performance (30%) All students will be required to complete a series of music “check-offs”
and or recordings of progress on specified music. The check-offs will not be private lessons with
the directors, but instead individual time to perform the music to ensure practicing at home.
IV. Tutoring
The directors are available from 8:00-8:45 and 4:05-4:45 Monday-Friday for students that would
like extra help with their all-region music, solo & ensemble music, or any general music passed
out in class.
V. Citizenship
Citizenship codes are as follows: E = Excellent S = Satisfactory N = Needs Improvement U =
Unsatisfactory B. The citizenship code is an indication of the student's daily behavior for a nine-
week period and is based on their attendance, preparedness, attitude, and contribution to our