10 Grand Canonical Ensemble
10 Grand Canonical Ensemble
10 Grand Canonical Ensemble
Energy and particle conservation. We assume that the system A2 is much larger
than the system A1 , i.e., that
E2 � E 1 , N2 � N1 ,
N1 + N2 = N = const. E1 + E2 = E = const.
where N and E are the particle number and the energy of the total system A = A1 + A2 .
Hamilton function. The overall Hamilton function is defined as the sum of the Hamilton
functions of A1 and A2 :
H(q, p) = H1 (q(1), p(1), N1 ) + H2 (q(2), p(2), N2 ) .
For the above assumption to be valid, we neglect interactions among particles in A1 and
A2 :
H12 = 0 .
as in (9.1), with t �
Ω(E, N ) = d3N q d3N p δ(E − H1 − H2 )
where Δ is the width of the energy shell. Compare (9.4) and Sect. 9.4.
The reason that Γ0 (N ) ∼ N1 !N2 ! in (10.1), and not ∼ N !, stems from the assumption that
there is no particles exchange on the macroscopic level. This is in line with the observation
made in Sect. 9.6 that energy fluctuations,
√ i.e. the exchange of energy between a system
and the heat reservoir, scale like 1/ N relatively to the internal energy. We come back
to this issue in Sect. 10.3.2.
Integrating out the reservoir. We are now interested in the system A1 . As we did for
the canonical ensemble, we integrate the total probability density ρ(q, p) over the phase
space of the reservoir A2 . We obtain
ρ1 (q(1), p(1), N1 ) ≡ dq(2) dp(2) ρ(q, p)
dq(2) dp(2) δ(E − H1 − H2 , N )
Ω(E, N )
Ω2 (E − H1 , N − N1 )
≡ (10.2)
Ω(E, N )
in analogy to (9.2).
Expanding in E1 and N1 . With E1 � E and N1 � N , we can approximate the slowly
varying logarithm of Ω2 (E2 , N2 ) around E2 = E and N2 = N and thus obtain:
� �
Ω2 (E − E1 , N − N1 )Δ
S2 (E − E1 , N − N1 ) = kB ln
Γ0 (N )
� � �� � � ��
∂S2 � ∂S 2 �
= S2 (E, N ) − E1 � − N1 � .
∂E2 N2 � E2 = E ∂N2 E2 � E2 = E
N2 = N N2 = N
and � � � �
∂ Ω2 (E, N )Δ ∂S2 µ
kb ln = = − . (10.4)
∂N Γ0 (N ) ∂N2 N2 = N T
E2 = E
Grand canonical partition function. The constant of proportionality for the proba-
bility distribution is given by the grand canonical partition function Z = Z(T, V, µ),
�∞ �
d3N q d3N p −β[H(q,p,N )−µN ]
Z(T, V, µ) = e , (10.5)
N =0
h3N N !
where we have dropped the index to the first system substituting ρ, N , q and p for ρ1 ,
N1 , q(1) and p(1). The partition function normalizes the distribution function
1 1
ρ(q, p, N ) = e−β[H(q,p,N )−µN ] (10.6)
h3N N ! Z(T, V, µ)
to 1: ∞ �
d3N q d3N p ρ(q, p, N ) = 1
N =0
Note that the normalization factor h3N N ! in (10.5) and (10.6) cancel each other. It
is in any can not possible to justify this factor within classical mechanics, as discussed
previously in Sect. 8.2.
Internal Energy. From the definition (10.5) of the grand canonical potential function
it follows that internal energy U = �H� is given by
U − µN = − ln Z(T, V, µ) . (10.7)
Ω(T, V, µ) = F (T, V, N ) − µN , Ω = −P V ,
∂ � � ∂
U − µN = βΩ = − ln Z(T, V, µ) , (10.8)
∂β ∂β
where we have used in the last step the representation (10.7) of U − µN = ∂ ln Z/∂β.
Grand canonical potential. From (10.8) we may determine (up-to a constant) the
grand canonical potential with
as the logarithm of the grand canonical potential. Note the analog to the relation F =
−kB T ln ZN valid within the canonical ensemble.
Calculating with the grand canonical ensemble. To summarize, in order to obtain
the thermodynamic properties of our system in contact with a heat and particle reservoir,
we do the following:
�∞ �
d3N q d3N p −β(H−µN )
Z = 3N N !
e ;
N =0
Ω = −kB T ln Z = −P V, dΩ = −SdT − P dV − N dµ ;
10.3 Fugacity
By using the definition of the partition function in the canonical ensemble,
ZN = 3N d3N q d3N p e−βH ,
h N!
we can rewrite the partition function in the grand canonical ensemble as
� ∞
Z(T, V, µ) = eµN β ZN (T ) = z N ZN (T ) , (10.10)
N =0 N =0
where z = exp(µ/kB T ) is denoted as the fugacity. Equation (10.10) shows that Z(T, µ)
is the discrete Laplace transform of ZN (T ).
or, alternatively, as
� �
�N � = z ln Z(T, V, µ) , (10.14)
∂z T,V
it follows that � � � �
∂P −1 ∂Ω N
= = . (10.15)
∂µ T,V V ∂µ T,V V
it follows that
� � � �
∂N 2 2
= β �N � − �N � , (10.16)
∂µ T,V
where the second term results from the derivative of the denumerator.
Two systems are in equilibrium with respect to the exchange in particle if their chemical
potentials are identical, µ = µ1 = µ2 . It hence makes sense that the the dependence of
the particle number on the chemical potential is proportional to the size of the particle
number fluctuations �N 2 � − �N �2 , which mediate the equilibrium.
Scaling to the thermodynamic limit. Using (10.15) we can recast (10.16) into
� 2 �
∂ P β� 2 2
= �N � − �N � . (10.17)
∂µ2 T,V V
The left-hand side of (10.17) is intensive, viz it scales like V 0 , since both the pressure P
and the chemical potential are intensive. For the right-hand side to scale like V 0 for large
volume V we hence need that
� √ �N 2 � − �N �2 1
�N 2 � − �N �2 ∼ V , ∼ √ , (10.18)
where we have used that V ∼ N for fixed densities. The relative particle number fluctu-
ations hence vanish in the thermodynamic limit; a precondition for the grand-canonical
and the canonical ensemble to yield identical results.
In fact, this can be proven within the grand canonical ensemble in the same way as it
was proven in Sect. 9.6 that the energy fluctuations in the canonical ensemble fulfill the
thermal stability criterion
�� �2 �
CV = kB β 2 H − �H� ≥ 0. (10.19)
Intensive variables. We start be defining the free energy per particle, a = F/N , as
F (T, V, N )
a(T, v) ≡ v = V /N , (10.20)
– a = F/N is intensive and a function of the intensive variable T . It can therefore not
be a independently a function of the volume V or the particle number N (which are
extensive), only of V /N (which is intensive).
when using (5.12), namely that dF = −SdT − P dV + µdN . This relation yields
∂a ∂µ ∂ 2a
µ = a−v , = −v 2 . (10.21)
∂v ∂v ∂v
which results in
∂a ∂P ∂ 2a ∂µ ∂P
P = − , = − 2, = v , (10.22)
∂v ∂v ∂v ∂v ∂v
where we have used in the last step the comparison with (10.21).
βv 2 � 2 � V �N 2 � − �N �2
κT = �N � − �N �2 = β . (10.24)
Response vs. fluctuations. The specific heat CV and the compressibility κT are mea-
sure the response of the system to a change of variables.
– A temperature gradient ΔT to the heat reservoir leads to a transfer of heat,
which is proportional to CV . Compare Sect. 3.2.
– An increase in temperature by ΔP leads to relative decrease of the volume by
= κT ΔP,
which is proportional to κT .
It is not a coincidence, that both response functions, CV and κT , as given respectively by
(10.19) and (10.24), are proportional to the fluctuations of the involved variables.
Weighted sum over particle number. The grand canonical partition function is
�∞ �∞ � �N �∞ � �N
µN 1 V 1 µ/k T V
Z = z ZN (T ) = e kB T 3
= e B 3 ,
N =0 N =0
N ! λ T N =0
N ! λ T
Ω = −kB T ln Z, Ω(T, V, µ) = −kB T eµ/kB T . (10.27)
V P = kB T N
we find � � � �
Ω 3 −µ Ω 5 µ
S = − 1+ −Ω = − − ,
T 2 kB T 2 T 2 kB T
which leads with (10.29), Ω = −kB T N , to
� �
5 µ V
S(T, V, µ) = kB N − , N = eµ/kB T . (10.31)
2 kB T λ3T
Sackur-Tetrode equation. Inverting N for µ/(kB T ) we obtain for the entropy with
� �
V 5
S = kB N ln 3
N λT 2
the Sackur-Tetrode equation, which coincides with the both the microcanonical and the
canonical expressions, (9.20) and (8.25). The three ensembles yield identical results in
the thermodynamic limit.
Ω(E, V, N ) =
= d3N q d3N p δ(E − H)
d3N q d3N p −βH
Canonical ZN (T, V ) = e F (T, V, N ) = −kB T ln ZN (T, V )
h3N N !
ensemble � ∞
= 3N dE Ω(E) e−βH ZN = e−βF
h N! 0
Grand canonical Z(T, µ) = N =0 eµN β ZN (T ) Ω(T, V, µ) = −kB T ln Z(T, V, µ)
Z = e−βΩ = e kB T