Atomic Emission Detector
Atomic Emission Detector
Atomic Emission Detector
One of the newest additions to the gas chromatographer’s arsenal is the atomic
emission detector (AED). This detector, while quite expensive compared to other
commercially available GC detectors, is an extremely powerful alternative. FOR
INSTANCE, Instead of measuring simple gas phase (carbon containing) ions cre-
ated in a flame as with the flame ionization detector, or the change in background
current because of electronegative element capture of thermal electrons as with the
electron capture detector, the AED has a much wider applicability because it is
based on the detection of atomic emissions.
The strength of the AED lies in the detector’s ability to simultaneously determine
the atomic emissions of many of the elements in analytes that elute from a GC
capillary column (called eluants or solutes in some books). As eluants come off the
capillary column they are fed into a microwave powered plasma (or discharge)
cavity where the compounds are destroyed and their atoms are excited by the en-
ergy of the plasma. The light that is emitted by the excited particles is separated
into individual lines via a photodiode array. The associated computer then sorts out
the individual emission lines and can produce chromatograms made up of peaks
from eluants that contain only a specific element.
The components of the AED include 1) an interface for the incoming capillary GC
column to the microwave induced plasma chamber, 2) the microwave chamber
itself, 3) a cooling system for that chamber, 4) a diffraction grating and associated
optics to focus then disperse the spectral atomic lines, and 5) a position adjustable
photodiode array interfaced to a computer. The microwave cavity cooling is re-
quired because much of the energy focused into the cavity is converted to heat.
atomic capillary
emissions column
microwave from GC
positionable diffraction
photodiode grating
to computer
These notes were written by Dr. Thomas G. Chasteen at Sam Houston State Uni-
versity, Huntsville, Texas.