I. Objectives: Daily Lesson Log
I. Objectives: Daily Lesson Log
I. Objectives: Daily Lesson Log
S.Y. 2018-2019
SESSION / DATE SESSION 1 / June 4 SESSION 2 / June 5 SESSION 3 / June 6 SESSION 4 / June 7
Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be followed
and if needed, additional lessons, exercises and remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge and competencies. These are
A. Content Standards assessed using Formative Assessment strategies. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guides.
Valuing objectives support the learning of content and competencies and enable children to find significance an d j o y inlearning the lessons. These
B. Performance Standards are assessed using Formative Assessment strategies. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guides.
Learners will be able to: 1. enumerate Learners will be able to: use the Learners will be able to: 1. discuss a Learners will be able to: 1. present a list of
graphic organizers and study strategies appropriate graphic organizers to topic of interest with a group; 2. questions and proposals on how to answer
that they know; 2. classify graphic illustrate background knowledge on explain what he/she knows about a the questions; 2. accommodate comments
organizers and study strategies specific topics; topic using graphic organizers; 3. list and/or suggestions from their classmates; 3.
C. Learning Competencies / Objectives according to purpose; and 3. questions on a topic; and 4. enumerate provide feedback to their classmates’
accomplish a KWL chart. possible ways to get answers to presentations; and 4. revise their
questions on a topic. presentation as needed.
Graphic organizers KWL Chart and how other graphic What I Want To Know Column What I Want to Know and How I Want
organizers can be used to fill up the to Know about them
What I Know column KWL Chart:
(30 minutes) Review all graphic (10 minutes) Review of KWL (5 minutes) Review of KWL Chart: (5 minutes) Short recap Class discusses
organizers and study skills that (What I Know, What I Want to 1. Its Purporse 2. Its Parts 3. steps that have been done and output
learners know. Classify organizers Know, What I Learned) Chart 1. Its Purpose of Each Part per day.
A. Reviewing previous lesson / and study skills according to Purpose 2. Its Parts
presenting new lesson
(10 minutes) Class focuses on the (10 minutes) 1. Teacher presents a list (5 minutes) Learners that chose the (10 minutes) Review the questions your
KWL Chart. Teacher asks: 1. How is of topics for the subject. 2. Learner same topic are grouped together. They group has formulated. Groups discuss:
the KWL Chart used? 2. When have selects topics of interest and writes are asked to sit together. Groups should How will your questions benefit your
you used the KWL chart before? How them in their notebook. only have a maximum of five class?
was it used? 3. What are its parts? 4. members. Learners who find
What are the uses of its parts? themselves alone may choose another
B. Prensenting examples / instances topic/sit with a group with a related
of the new lesson topic.
(40 minutes) (What I Know) Using (33 minutes) (What I Want to Group Presentation (15 minutes) Each
the graphic organizers learned, Know) With their groups, learners group prepares for the presentation
learners illustrate what they know answer the following: 1. What (Groups can opt to use manila paper,
about the topics. They can use as questions do you have about the powerpoint presentation, etc. for their
many applicable graphic organizers topic? 2. In what ways can you find presentation.) showing their questions
possible for every topic. answers to these questions? The and ways/steps in which they can do to
group lists and discusses their answer them. (30 minutes) Each of the
questions and design ways/steps to groups will present their outputs
answer them. (questions and ways on how to find
answers) to the class. During
presentation, members of other groups
try to write down possible comments or
suggestions to the presenting group.
Peers can give feedback during
presentation. The presenting group can
then revise their output based on the
class feedback. Teachers can use the
input from the class to further plan for
the 1st Quarter’s Performance Task or
Class Project and its timeline.
D. Developing mastery
E. Application
F. Making generalization and
abstraction about the lesson
G. Evaluating learning
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lesson work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the