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Composites Research at Ghent University: Reinforcing Your Composites Activities !

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Composites research

@ Ghent University
Reinforcing your composites activities !


Ghent University (UGent) - Faculty of Engineering and Architecture

Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Research group “Mechanics of Materials and Structures”

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Who are we ? 3
What are our competences ? 4
Our research areas 5
Aerospace composites 6
Composites for wind energy 7
Composites for wave energy 8
Composites for bicycles 9
Crash performant composites 10
Blast proof composites 11
Composite joints 12
Next generation composites 13
Our industrial services 14
Mechanical characterization 15
Dynamic testing 16
Inspection and monitoring 17
Outdoor field testing 18
Composite processing 19
Numerical simulation and design 20
Advanced finite element modelling 21
Facts & Figures 22
Partnerships 23
Contact details 24

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Who are we ?
The research group “Mechanics of Materials and Structures” at Ghent University is doing
research for more than 25 years on the mechanics of composite materials. The
composites group is lead by Prof. Joris DEGRIECK and Prof. Wim VAN PAEPEGEM, and
counts almost 20 doctoral students.

Key research areas for composites:

• Impact (bird strike, drop tests, crushing, blast loading, wave impact,...)
• Fatigue (tension, compression, bending, shear, biaxial,…)
• NDT/NDE (optical fibre sensors, ultrasound, moiré,...)
• General mechanics of fibre-reinforced composites

Mission statement:
“To study the mechanical behaviour of composite materials by a combined approach of
instrumented experimental testing and adequate numerical modelling, in close
collaboration with the composites industry and its suppliers”

Very strong growth of the research group over the last years
Evolution of internal PhD students, external PhD students and postdocs in research group UGent-MMC (2002-2009)




15 External PhD
Internal PhD


2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

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What are our competences ?
The next pages of this brochure are split into two sections:
Our research areas
Our industrial services

The section “Our research areas” gives a thematic overview of our current research
activities in the field of composite materials:
Aerospace composites
Composites for wind energy
Composites for wave energy
Composites for bicycles
Crash performant composites
Blast proof composites
Composite joints
Next generation composites

The section “Our industrial services” lists the generic services that we offer to the
industry, research institutes and other interested parties:
Mechanical characterization
Dynamic testing
Inspection and monitoring
Outdoor field testing
Composite processing
Numerical simulation and design
Advanced finite element modelling

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Our research areas
Our research activities are focused on the mechanics of composite materials for a
wide range of loading conditions and industrial applications. Below are the thematic
research areas that are currently covered by our research group.

Aerospace composites

Composites for wind energy

Composites for wave energy

Composites for bicycles

Crash performant composites

Blast proof composites

Composite joints

Next generation composites

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Our research areas > Aerospace composites
(in collaboration with TenCate, FOS&S and KULeuven)

Maximum Average Minimum

strain strain strain

UGent bird strike set-up Bird impact of gelatine replica Finite element model of satin weave composite

Bird strike testing

Drop weight impact testing

Fatigue testing in tension, compression, bending and shear

Microscopic inspection of (fatigue) damage mechanisms

Embedded strain sensing

Ultrasound inspection

Simulation of static and dynamic behaviour

Embedded optical fibre sensors in thermoplastic Fatigue testing of Microscopic inspection of fatigue damage in
composite thermoplastic composite textile composite

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Our research areas > Composites for wind energy
(in collaboration with Turby, SET (UGent) and Powerlink (UGent))

Unbalance= α kgm

Force due to  F(t)
wind impact

Scale model of “The Energy Box” at the World Expo 2010 in Blade design for vertical axis Simulation of effects of blade imbalance
Shanghai (China) (Prof. Steven Van Dessel) wind turbine on the stability of the turbine tower

Material selection and process requirements

Field testing in the Greenbridge science park in Oostende

High speed digital image recording of transient vibrations

Design of composite blades

Simulation of local stress and strain in the composite blades

Simulation of effects of imbalance on the deformation of the mast

Finite element simulation of composite blade Definition of composite lay-up and visualization of First and second eigenmode
stacking sequence of turbine blade of vertical axis wind turbine

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Our research areas > Composites for wave energy
(in collaboration with SEEWEC and Flansea partners)

UGent lab-scale slamming set-up for wave impact Large-scale slamming tests at the canal in Ghent

Material selection for offshore use

Small-scale testing of wave impact on rigid and deformable objects

Large-scale testing of wave impact on composite structures

Reliable pressure measurements during wave loading

High speed digital image recording of wave impact events

Simulation of movement of floatable composite buoys in a given sea state

Simulation of wave loading on composite structures

Filament winding simulation Survivability design of composite buoys for Simulation of breaking wave slamming
of composite buoy storm conditions

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Our research areas > Composites for bicycles
(in collaboration with Museeuw Bikes and Merckx)

UGent test for bracket stiffness UGent test for torsion stiffness Instrumented racing bicycle for field testing
of comfort and vibration levels

Test set-up for bracket and torsion stiffness

Test set-up for fatigue testing of bicycle frames

Outdoor field testing with measurement of forces, accelerations, crank positions and strains

Damping and vibration characterization of bicycle materials

Damping and vibration testing of bicycle frames

Simulation of the kinematics of bicycle racing frames

Simulation of local stress and strain in bicycle frames

Kinematic model of racing bicyle with applied road Finite element simulation of the free body UGent all-in-one test set-up for
accelerations vibration modes of a racing bicycle frame fatigue testing of racing bicycles

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Our research areas > Crash performant composites
(in collaboration with Royal Military Academy (B) and Free University of Brussels (B))

Large-scale drop Energy absorbing High-speed imaging of drop weight impact of circular pultruded composite tubes
tester tubes

Selection of materials, geometry, triggering mechanism and fibre orientations

Static crushing tests on composite tubes

Dynamic crushing and energy absorption of composite tubes

Measurement of dynamic contact force, decelerations and energy absorption

High speed digital image recording of crushing events

Simulation of crushing behaviour of composites

Final deformation pattern of different types of crushed composite tubes Corresponding simulation of the final deformation patterns

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Our research areas > Blast proof composites
(in collaboration with Royal Military Academy (B) and Free University of Brussels (B))

Small-scale free air blast set-up Crushing behaviour of pultruded composite tubes Large-scale blast tests with shock tube at the
at the Royal Military Academy under free air blast loading military domain in Brasschaat

Selection of materials, geometry, triggering mechanism and fibre orientations

Small-scale air blast tests

Large-scale air blast tests in shock tube

High speed digital image recording of crushing events

Measurement of dynamic contact force, decelerations and energy absorption

Simulation of detonation and propagation of explosive

Simulation of interaction of blast waves with composite

Simulation of detonation and propagation of shock Experimental and simulated deformation patterns of composite tubes under air blast loading
wave in free air

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Our research areas > Composite joints
(in collaboration with Flanders Drive and Free University of Brussels)

Double Cantilever Beam (DCB) test for Mode I fracture toughness Online microscopy of fracture Simulation of mode I fracture test of
toughness testing adhesive joint

Mechanical testing of adhesive joints (single lap shear, double lap shear, peel tests,…)

Measurement of fracture toughness in mode I, mode II,…

Online microscopy for in-situ evaluation of fracture behaviour

Ultrasound inspection of adhesive joints

Fusion bonding of thermoplastic composites

Design of adhesive joints

Analytical models for prediction of critical shear and peel stresses

Simulation of fracture behaviour of adhesive joints

UGent infrared welding set-up Fusion bonding of thermoplastic composites Fusion bonded laminate Single lap shear testing of fusion
bonded joint

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Our research areas > Next generation composites
(In collaboration with research partners of SIM, FP7 SMARTFIBER and FP7 3DLightTrans)

Micro-tomography image of steel fibre Future turbine blade with embedded Micro-tomographic image of embedded Structural flax
filaments smart sensing optical fibre sensor in composite fibre/epoxy composite

Self-healing polymers and composites

Self-sensing composites with embedded strain sensing and miniaturized wireless data-
3D woven thermoplastic composites for mass production of lightweight recyclable

Nano-engineered steel fibre composites with increased toughness

Structural natural fibre composites

Simulation of three-dimensional yarn in Three-dimensional woven fabric (TU Dresden) Three-dimensional woven glass fibre
fibrous preform preform (TU Dresden)

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Our industrial services
Over the years, our research group has developed a substantial expertise in
characterization, testing, modelling and monitoring of composites and other materials.
This expertise is available as a service to the industry, research institutes and other
interested parties. The industrial services that we offer, are grouped in the following

Mechanical characterization

Dynamic testing

Inspection and monitoring

Outdoor field testing

Composite processing

Numerical simulation and design

Advanced finite element modelling

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Our industrial services > Mechanical characterization

Electromechanical testing Servo-hydraulic testing Bias tension testing of glass fibre/epoxy composites with bonded strain gauges
machine machine

Mechanical characterization of composites (elastic properties, tensile and compressive

strength, bending strength, short beam shear strength, fracture toughness,...

Electromechanical Instron machine

Two servo-hydraulic machines

Temperature chamber

Strain gauges (selection, bonding and read-out)

Extensometer measurement

Digital Image Correlation (DIC) for full-field strain measurement

Digital Image Correlation (DIC) for full-field strain measurement on cruciform specimens Testing of pre-stressed section of sailing

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Our industrial services > Dynamic testing

Drop weight testing of bumper Vibration testing of carbon/epoxy Dedicated accessoiries Slamming wave impact of a
component coupons for fatigue testing composite cylinder

Two drop weight set-ups for dynamic impact testing

Bird strike set-up
Pendulum impact test rig
Set-up for slamming wave impact
Shaker for vibration testing
Two servo-hydraulic machines for fatigue testing
Digital high speed camera (up to 250 000 frames per second)
Transient recorder oscilloscope (up to 100 MHz sampling frequency)
Dynamic load cells, accelerometers, pressure sensors,...
High speed data-acquisition of strain gauges
Digital Image Correlation (DIC) for full-field strain measurement

Drop weight test Drop weight test Pendulum impact test rig Impact testing of foams for Rail shear fixture for fatigue
(height 3 m) (height 12 m) bicycle helmets testing in pure shear

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Our industrial services > Inspection and monitoring
(in collaboration with Metallurgy research group (UGent) and X-ray lab (UGent))

Microscopic inspection of damage SEM image of textile composite Micro-tomography measurement of plain weave glass/epoxy composite
in composites

Embedded or surface mounted optical fibre sensors for in-situ strain measurement

Ultrasound inspection for characterization of local damage

Micro-tomography for nondestructive 3D visualization of microstructure of materials

Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) – Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)

Online microscopy during testing

Post-mortem microscopic inspection (embedding, polishing and digital inspection)

Pressure vessel Testing of carbon/epoxy C-profile Ultrasound scanning set-up with five Ultrasound C-scan of delamination in impacted
with optical fibres with embedded optical fibres degrees of freedom composite laminate

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Our industrial services > Outdoor field testing

Strain measurement Strain gauge measurement on sailing mast rigging Proof-of-concept testing of a new type of wave energy
on sailing yacht converter at sea

Portable ultrasound phased array

Digital high speed camera

Stand-alone data-acquisition of strain gauges, accelerometers, force sensors, pressure


Portable oscilloscope for high speed data acquisition

Experience with outdoor field testing at sea, river banks and other locations without
electrical grid connection

Expertise in battery-powered road measurements on bicycles and other vehicles,...

Portable transient recorder oscilloscope Digital high-speed camera (up to 250 000 frames Portable ultrasound scanning equipment (with
(up to 100 MHz sample frequency) per second) 64-probe phased array)

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Our industrial services > Composite processing

Filament wound vessels Autoclaved carbon/epoxy laminate (1 mm Fabric reinforcements for resin infusion and
thick) resin transfer moulding

Autoclave process with monitoring of curing cycle

Resin transfer moulding

Resin infusion

Filament winding

Adhesive joints

Fusion bonding with infrared welding

Determination of fibre volume fraction (matrix digestion, pyrolysis) and porosity content

Autoclave for thermoset prepregs Filament winding of pressure vessels Vacuum-assisted resin transfer moulding
for thermoset composites

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Our industrial services > Numerical simulation and design

Meso-scale unit cell model of a 5-harness Simulation of strain concentrations in a biaxially Three-dimensional model of friction and
satin weave carbon/PPS composite loaded composite cruciform specimen wear of large-scale composite bearings

The complete modelling chain for simulation of the mechanics of composite structures is
definition of CAD geometry (SolidWorks, Catia)
definition of ply stackings and draped layers (Catia/CPD, Simulayt)
static and dynamic finite element simulation (Abaqus, LS-Dyna)
optimization of topology and/or material parameters (iSight, evolutionary strategies)
kinematics and multibody dynamics of complex composite structures (UM, Mathcad)

Simulation of mechanics of composites under wide variety of loadings (drop weight impact,
crushing, blast loading, wave impact, fatigue, contact/wear, vibration and resonance,
centrifugal and inertia forces,...)
Access to High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster for calculation of very large finite
element models (2000+ 64-bit cores, 3.2 Terabyte RAM)

Topology optimization of cruciform geometry for biaxial testing of composite laminates Simulation of stresses in the adhesive layer of a
single lap shear joint

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Our industrial services > Advanced finite element modelling

Simulated bird impact on aircraft wing Calculated interaction of ultrasound beam with composite plate under different incident angles

Simulation of bird impact on composite and metal structures (Smoothed Particle

Hydrodynamics (SPH) method)
Application of cohesive zone elements for simulation of delaminations, adhesive layers,
fibre/matrix debonding,...
Prediction of arbitrary crack growth in plastics and composites with the eXtended Finite
Element Method (XFEM / Partition of Unity method)
Modelling of friction and wear in composite bearings under dry sliding conditions (Mixed
Lagrangian-Eulerian methods and material erosion modelling)
Development of hybrid solid-shell elements for accurate simulation of interlaminar stresses
in layered composites
Simulation of dynamics/vibrations of pressurized layered shells (soccer ball, rubber tyre,...)
Modelling interaction of (ultra)sound with composites and other layered materials
Generation of finite element meshes for complicated composite geometries (wind turbine
blades, three-dimensional woven structures,...) with orthotropic material orientations

Effect of progressive wear on the radial stress distribution in composite bearings Simulation of oblique soccer ball bounce

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Facts & Figures
Below are some facts and figures that illustrate the achievements of our research
group over the last five years:

33 research projects with external funding over the last five years (2006-2010)

Successful acquisition of advanced research equipment (digital high speed camera, high-
speed transient recorder oscilloscope, electromagnetic shaker, portable ultrasound
equipment, read-out unit for optical fibre sensors,...)

81 Science Citation Index publications over the last five years (2006-2010)

15 successfully defended PhD theses over the last five years (2006-2010)

Over the last five years (2006-2010), 10 to 15 master thesis students every year

JEC Paris Innovation award 2009 “Environment and energy”, awarded at the largest
European exhibition on composites “JEC Composites” (http://www.jeccomposites.com/)

ESCM Award 2008 for Wim Van Paepegem as “Best Young European researcher in
composites”, awarded by the “European Society for Composite Materials (ESCM)” during
the 13th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM-13, Stockholm, Sweden,
2-5 June 2008)

9 “Best paper/poster awards” over the last few years

One of the best represented research groups at the largest European Conference on
Composite Materials (ECCM)

Collaborations with many Flemish and international companies

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Our research group is embedded in a strong network of local, regional and
international partnerships:

Member of the “Materials Research Cluster Gent” which groups more than 200
scientists in a consortium of Ghent University and several research institutes and
companies (Arcelor Mittal, BIL, Sirris, CRM, Clusta, SIM, Flamac, OCAS)

Member of five valorisation consortia of Ghent University – Industrial Research Fund (IOF):
- Plateau (Photonics Innovation Center)
- DuraBUILDmaterials (Innovative technologies for durable building materials)
- Victoris (Valorisation centre for technological optimization, research & innovation in sport)
- ChemTech (Polymer and organic chemistry: from innovation to valorisation)
- SET (Sustainable Energy Technologies)
http://www.techtransfer.ugent.be/ > IOF kenniscentra

Member of the Ghent Ostend Wind Research Institute (GOWind!)


Member of the Steering Committee of SIM (Strategic Initiative Materials in Flanders)


Member of the council and executive committee of the European Society for Composite
Materials (ESCM)

Board member of the Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering

Member of the FWO scientific research network “Optical Measurements Techiques for
Structures and Systems (OPTIMESS)”

Member of the Permanent Committee of EURASEM – European Society for Experimental


President of BNCM – The Belgian National Committee for Theoretical and Applied
http://www.rasab.be/ > National Scientific Committees

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Contact details
Prof. Joris Degrieck (Joris.Degrieck@UGent.be)
Prof. Wim Van Paepegem (Wim.VanPaepegem@UGent.be)

Ghent University
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Research group “Mechanics of Materials and Structures”
Technologiepark-Zwijnaarde 903
9052 Zwijnaarde
Tel.: +32-(0)9 331 04 32
Fax: +32-(0)9 264 58 33


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