Gross Domestic Product 2016, PPP: Ranking Economy
Gross Domestic Product 2016, PPP: Ranking Economy
Gross Domestic Product 2016, PPP: Ranking Economy
(millions of
Ranking Economy international dollars)
1 China 21,450,968
2 United States 18,624,475
3 India 8,717,513
4 Japan 5,267,270
5 Germany 4,041,190
6 Russian Federation 3,397,368
7 Brazil 3,146,608
8 Indonesia 3,037,181
9 United Kingdom 2,827,715
10 France 2,773,932
11 Italy 2,323,738
12 Mexico 2,280,086
13 Turkey 1,941,094
14 Korea, Rep. 1,832,073
15 Saudi Arabia 1,759,743
16 Spain 1,693,445
17 Iran, Islamic Rep. 1,604,549
18 Canada 1,597,517
19 Thailand 1,166,975
20 Australia 1,128,908
21 Nigeria 1,092,218
22 Egypt, Arab Rep. 1,066,968
23 Poland 1,059,610
24 Pakistan 1,013,476
25 Argentina 876,012 a
26 Netherlands 873,376
27 Malaysia 865,021
28 Philippines 807,894
29 South Africa 740,661
30 Colombia 689,974
31 United Arab Emirates 672,420
32 Iraq 646,678
33 Algeria 610,814
34 Vietnam 596,524
35 Bangladesh 584,459
36 Switzerland 533,650
37 Belgium 528,159
38 Singapore 493,458
39 Sweden 490,282
40 Romania 465,565
41 Kazakhstan 450,822
42 Austria 443,005
43 Hong Kong SAR, China 430,891
44 Chile 429,123
45 Peru 414,454
46 Czech Republic 371,131
47 Ukraine 353,570
48 Ireland 340,821
49 Qatar 328,236
50 Israel 322,931
51 Portugal 316,603
52 Norway 310,757
53 Myanmar 303,156
54 Kuwait 301,545
55 Denmark 285,517
56 Greece 285,067
57 Morocco 281,967 b
58 Hungary 265,054
American Samoa ..
Andorra ..
Aruba ..
Bermuda ..
British Virgin Islands ..
Cayman Islands ..
Channel Islands ..
Cuba ..
Curaçao ..
Eritrea ..
Faroe Islands ..
French Polynesia ..
Gibraltar ..
Greenland ..
Guam ..
Isle of Man ..
Korea, Dem. People's Rep. ..
Libya ..
Liechtenstein ..
Monaco ..
New Caledonia ..
Northern Mariana Islands ..
Puerto Rico ..
Sint Maarten (Dutch part) ..
Somalia ..
St. Martin (French part) ..
Syrian Arab Republic ..
Turks and Caicos Islands ..
Venezuela, RB ..
Virgin Islands (U.S.) ..
West Bank and Gaza ..
World 120,603,020
East Asia & Pacific 39,067,457
Europe & Central Asia 28,426,603
Latin America & Caribbean 9,813,768
Middle East & North Africa 8,548,505
North America 20,225,770
South Asia 10,727,818
Sub-Saharan Africa 3,855,121
Low income 1,121,376
Lower middle income 20,561,181
Upper middle income 43,416,696
High income 55,759,874
.. Not available. PPP is purchasing power parity; an international dollar has the same purchasing power over GDP as a U.S. dollar has in the United States.