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Chapter Four Presentation and Discussion of Results 4.0 Demographic Information of Respondents

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The demographic information of respondents was deemed necessary because the

ability of a respondent to give dependable information on the study variables
greatly depends on their background. Background information solicited data on
respondents’ Age distribution, gender, Educational status, marital status, income
level and the longevity in the bank. Frequencies and percentages were used to
present the demographic profile of the respondents as seen on tables 1- 7 below.

Table 4.1: Tabulation of Respondents by Gender Distribution

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 25 54.3%

Female 21 45.7%

Total 46 100%

Source: Field Survey, 2018

Table 4.1 above shows the distribution of respondents in relation to gender.

According to the table, out of 46 respondents, 54.3% of them were males and
45.7% were females. The above statistics shows that they are more males workers
in the various banks involve in the study than female. This implied there exist
difference in the gender distribution of employees in these banks.
Table 4.2: Indicating distribution of respondents by age

Frequency Percent

26-30 14 30.4

31-40 21 45.7

41-50 9 19.6

50 and above 2 4.3

Total 46 100.0

The table 4.2 above shows the age groupings of the staff at the various banks in
African that were studied. According to the table above, 30.4% of the responses
obtained indicate staff members within the age group of 26 to 30 years. 45.7% of
the responses also showed staff members within the group of 31 to 40 years and
19.6% fall into the category of 41-50 years and a minor population of the study had
ages between 50 and above years. There appears to be a fine balance in the age
group of the staff with more youthful staff in the banks which shows that there is
full workforce in the banks who can easily implement digital banking since the
youth are the arm of any society.

Table 4.3: Indicating distribution of respondents by Sex

Frequency Percent
Male 25 54.3
Female 21 45.7
Total 46 100.0
Table 4.3 indicates the sex distribution of respondents from the various banks.
Information from the table shows that out of the 46 respondents that were selected
from the three banks 25(54.3%) were male and 21(45/7%).

Table.4.2 Marital status of staf

Status Frequency Percent

Married 29 63.0

Unmarried 9 19.6

Widowed 5 10.9

Divorced 3 6.5

Total 46 100.0

Responses from the respondents in regards to their marital status review that 29%
of the bank’s staffs are married, 19.6% of them unmarried and 10.9% of them
widows and 6.5% were divorced.

Table 4.3 Annual Income level of Staf

Frequency Percent

> 2,000,000 11 23.9

2,000,001 - 5,000,000 23 50.0

5,000,001 – 10,000,000 10 21.7

10,000,000 and above 2 4.3

Total 46 100.0
Findings on the level of income of employees in Ecobank, Bank of Africa and
diamond banks indicate that out of the 46 employee selected for this study
11(23.9%) had annual income level of less than 2,000,000, 23(50%) with annual
income level of 2,000,001 - 5,000,000, 10(21.7%) with 5,000,001 – 10,000,000
and only 2(4.3%) of the respondents with annual income level 10,000,000 and

Table 4.3 Educational level of Staff

Frequency Percent

Diploma holder 4 8.7

Bachelor’s degree 15 32.6

Master’s Degree 26 56.5

Professional Qualification 1 2.2

Total 46 100.0

From the data obtained from the field, 8.7% of the responses came from staff with
a diploma holder educational background. The highest responses came from staff
with a master’s degree educational qualification with 56.5% representation. Staff
with first Degree also had 32.6% representation. For staff with others qualification
the survey had 2.2% representation. The educational status of the respondents
shows that all the employees of the banks are all educated with at least a diploma.

What is the title of your job?

Frequency Percent

Clerk 9 19.6

Supervisor 19 41.3
Manger 10 21.7

Chief executive 3 6.5

Others 5 10.9

Total 46 100

Information concerning the title of the employees it can be seen that 19.6% were of
the staff were clerks in the various banks, 41.3% supervisor, 21.7% of the staff
mangers, 6.5% of the staff were chief executive and 10.9% had other function in
the banks

What are your years of experience?

Frequency Percent

Less than 5 years 13 28.3

6 to 10 years 26 56.5
11 to 15 years 5 10.9
Above 16 years 2 4.3
Total 46 100.0
Table above presented respondents’ information in relation to their longevity in the
institution. As seen on the table, 28.3% of the respondents worked for between 1-5
years. Also, 56.6% of them had been working there between 6-10 years while
10.9% had been there between 11-15 years while 4.2% had been there for more
than 16 and above years.

4.1 What are the digital Tools available to Employees in the Bank, Today to ease
their work live? Tick multiple answers where applicable

Frequency Percent

Desktops and laptops 43 93.5

Mobile phones, BYOD 42 91.3
Collaboration tools – VOIP, Skype for business 42 91.3
Electronic documents sharing 36 78.3
Video conferencing and web conferencing 28 60.9
Automated workflow 28 60.9
Instant messaging 31 67.4
Social media – Whatsapp, Facebook, LinkedIn 28 60.9
Help desk 35 76.1
Intranet and extranet 35 76.1
Remotes access facilities 30 65.2
Unlimited internet access 29 63

Findings on the digital tools available to the employee revealed that, on the first
item which is desktops and laptops 43(93.5%) of the respondents answer yes to
this showing that there are much desktop and laptop available to be used by these
employees in their banks which this can easily help in the digitalization of their
banks. On the second item, 42(91.3) of the respondent were for that fact that
Mobile phones, BYOD are available for them while on the third item, 42(91.3%)
said there are Collaboration tools – VOIP, Skype for business. Also 78.3 of the
respondent were of the opinion that Electronic documents sharing option are
available for them to use either through the workgroup or through mails. Again
findings regarding the availability of Video conferencing and web conferencing,
Automated workflow and Social media – Whatsapp, Facebook, LinkedIn
28(60.9%) of the 46 respondent were in favor of this that Video conferencing and
web conferencing, Automated workflow and Social media – Whatsapp, Facebook,
LinkedIn are available in their banks which enable them to enhance the
digitalization of their banks.

Furthermore, 76.1% of the population were of the opinion that Help desk Intranet
and extranet are available in the banks for their usage while 65.2% and 63% of the
employees said Remotes access facilities and Unlimited internet access are
available in their banks respectively.

How do you make your potential customer aware of your location on the Net?

Frequency Percent

Advertising on the net 18 39.1

News media 16 34.8

Banks publication 11 23.9

Others 1 2.2

Total 46 100.0
Findings on how to make potential customers of the various bank aware of their
location on the net reveals that advertising on the net is the highest way of getting
the customers aware of their location with a response rate of 39.1% and this is
followed by news media with a percentage of 34.8% while banks publication
comes with 23.9% and a minority of other ways with a percentages of 2.2%. This
results tide with the

What is the relative importance of factors determining the provision of digital banking?

Frequency Percent

Vision of the future 19 41.3

Prediction of customers’ acceptance 19 41.3

Organizational culture of innovation 6 13.0

Market share or strength or organization 2 4.3

Total 46 100.0

Findings on the relative importance that banks attached to provision of digital

banking vision of the future and prediction of customers’ acceptance had equal
importance with a percentage of 41.3% with the least factor as market share or
strength or organization.

Responses regarding some comparative aspects based on digital inside of your

bank from when it was just a traditional Bank to now that it’s Digital.

Tick ( ) any number that represents your answer. 1 2 3

N Comparative aspects Tradition Digital Both

o al Banks Banks
F % F % F %
More facilities to employees 7 15.2 28 60.9 8 17.4
Employees of which type of banks are more 4 8.7 30 65.2 3 6.5
satisfied from job
Salary packages is comparatively better in 17 37 17 37 12 26.1
Top management involvement – branch level 30 65.2 9 19.6 7 15.2
is comparatively more in
Total 58 31.5 84 45.7 42 22.8
Table 4.8 above revealed that most of the respondents were of the opinion that
more facilities are put to employees in digital banks than in traditional banks as
60.9% of the respondents strongly agreed to the opinion that more facilities are put
to employees in digital banks. 15.2% of the respondents agreed with this view that
more facilities are put to employees in traditional banks while 17.4% of the
respondents were of the opinion that both the traditional and digital banks have
more facilities are put to employees in digital banks. Also, on item 2, 65.2% of the
respondents accepted that Employees of digital banks are more satisfied from job.
8.7% of the respondents said Employees of which traditional banks are more
satisfied from job while 6.5% of the respondents were actually sure that Employees
of digital and traditional banks are more satisfied from job.

Considering the percentage distribution, most of the respondents confirmed the fact
that the salary packages is comparatively better in both traditional and digital bank
and this can be seen by the percentage of 37 while 26.1% of the respondents were
of the opinion that Salary packages is comparatively better in both banks which
just goes to confirm with the responses of those for digital and traditional banks.
Again, 65.2% of the respondents were of the affirmation that top management
involvement – branch level is comparatively more in traditional banks. 19.6% of
the respondents disproved this statement and said that top management
involvement – branch level is comparatively more in digital banks while 15.2%
were on both sides.

No Differentiating strategies Tradition Digital Both

between al Banks Banks
F % F % F %
1 More information technology 18 39.1 19 41.3 9 19.6
2 Providing better quality of service 2 4.3 38 82.6 6 13
3 Innovative products and services 3 6.5 40 87 3 6.5
4 More labour intensive techniques 2 4.3 43 93.4 1 2.2
5 Recruiting young employees 11 23.9 33 71.7 2 4.3
6 Expanding branch network 25 54.3 16 34.8 5 10.9
7 Pitching into mergers and acquisitions 12 26.1 29 63 5 10.9
Total 73 22.6 218 67.7 31 9.7
Finding on the differentiating strategies of traditional banks and digital banks
reveal that 39.1% of the respondents said more information technology is in
traditional banks. 41.3% of the respondents were of the opinion that more
information technology is in digital banks but 19.6% of the respondents really
believed that information technology is more on both banks types.

More so, 4.3% of the respondents held the view that traditional banks provide
better quality of service. 82.6% of the respondents agreed that digital banks
provide better quality of services and this can be through the mobile apps, social
media and many other here you can sit your in room and carry out your transaction
in the bank while a minority of the respondent voted for that fact that both
traditional and digital bank provide better quality of service.

Again, on item 3 of the table above it is seen that a majority of the respondent 87%
were of the fact that digital banks are best in terms of Innovative products and
services while 6.5% of the respondent were of the fact that it is the traditional
banks that provide good Innovative products and services. On the other hand 6.5 %
pf the respondent were also for that fat that both the traditional and digital bank are
good in Innovative products and services.

Also, more respondent were of the fact that digital banks is more labor intensive
techniques with a percentage of 93.4% while on item 5 on the table findings
revealed that recruiting young employees is easy in digital banking that in
traditional banks which goes straight to confirmed with the age distribution of the
employees of the study.

Furthermore, on the aspect of expanding branch network 54.3% of the respondents

were of the fact that it is easy with traditional banks while 34.8% of the respondent
were of the opinion that expanding branch network is easy in digital banks.

To conclude issues relating to differentiating strategies between traditional and

digital banks, it is important that management in the respective banks should
implement techniques as it will raise awareness as to the significant potential to lift
customer’s capability across traditional and digital bank very significant in term of
savings to their banks, as deemed of most priority by local communities.

No The factors that contribute to better Tradition Digital Both

services in al Banks Banks
F % F % F %
Higher return in deposits 18 39.1 24 54.3 4 8.7
Overall Efficiency 15 32.6 24 54.3 7 15.2
Customer shift 12 26.1 32 69.6 2 4.3
More Profit 1 2.2 40 86.9 5 10.9
Findings from the question on the factors that contribute to better services in
traditional and digital banks revealed that 39.1% of the respondent were of the
opinion that traditional banks have higher return in deposits. 54.3% of the
respondents were of the view that digital banks have higher return in deposits
while 8.7% of the respondents were on both side. On the second item, 15(32.6%)
of the respondents were of the opinion that traditional banks have over efficiency
than digital banks. 54.3% of the respondents were of the opinion that digital banks
have over efficiency as a factor that contributes to better service than in traditional

On the third and fourth items 26.1% and 2.2% % respondents appeared to be in
harmony with the suggestion that there is high customers shift and more profit in
traditional banks than in digital banks. 69.6% and 86.9 % of the respondents said
there is high customer shift and more profit in digital banks than in the traditional

Table Collaborative Culture Factor” in digital banks

Statements SA A N D SD
f % f % f % f % f %
Brings about group 4 8.7 34 73.9 5 10.9 3 6.5 0 0
Enhances the collaborative
5 10.9 34 73.9 4 8.7 3 6.5
Helps to communicate
9 19.6 30 65.2 4 8.7 3 6.5
efficiency with peers

In table, 82.6% out of the 46 respondents agreed with the suggestion digital banks
brings about group cohesiveness. 6.5% respondents disagreed with the statement
while 10.9 remain neutral over the suggestion that digital banks brings about group
cohesiveness. On the second item 10.9% respondents agreed with, 73.9% strongly
concurring with the idea that digital banks enhances the collaborative culture.

On item three, 84.8% respondent agreed with the statement that digital banks helps
customer, employee and employer to communicate efficiency. 6.5% respondents
disagreed with the suggestion entirely.

Table : “Behavioral Factor” in digital-banks

Statements SA A N D SD
f % f % f % f % f %
Helped in reducing work stress 1 34. 6.
23 50 4 8.7 3
6 8 5
helped in reducing chaos and 1 26. 26 56.5 5 10.9 2 4. 1 2.2
confusions 2 1 3
Helped to do routine work 15. 6.
7 27 58.7 6 13 3 3 6.5
more efficiently 2 5
Increased interest in work 1 28. 4.
27 58.7 3 6.5 2 1 2.2
3 3 3
Increased level of motivation 1 21. 6.
24 52.2 7 15.2 3 2 4.3
0 7 5
Increased level of job 1 21.
30 65.2 4 8.7 0 0 2 4.3
satisfaction 0 7
Findings from the table above indicates that behavioral factors are high in digital
banks which enable the employee to complete their task there by improving on the
bank performance. Findings based on item one on the table was aimed at findings
out if digitalization helps employees in reducing stress since it replaces man power
with machines labour 84.3% of the respondents agreed to this fact, 6.5% of the
respondents disagreed to that fact while 8.7% of the respondent could either accept
or reject that fact thus they were neutral on this.

On item 2, which was to find out if digitalization helps in reducing employees

chaos and confusions since they are have everything just with a click 15.2%
strongly agreed and 58.7% agreed to the established fact digitalization helps in
reducing employees chaos and confusions since they are have everything just with
a click 6.5% of the respondent disagreed to the established fact that digitalization
helps in reducing employees chaos and confusions since they are have everything
just with a click while 10.9% of the respondents were neutral on this aspect.

Again findings on item three reveals that digitalization of the banking system helps
to do routine work more efficiently as employee can even sit and work from their
bed rooms and also can help customers without their physical presents in their
various banks. This view was supported by 73.9% of the respondents.

Findings on the item four, five and six reveals that employees are satisfied with the
level of digitalization in their various banks since it increases their interest in work
(87%), increased their level of motivation (73.9%) and increased their level of job
satisfaction (83.9%) who agreed to these respectively. Minority of the respondents
were for disagree while some were neutral.

Table Training and Development Factor” in digital-banks

Statements SA A N D SD
F % F % F % F % F %
Effective Training 10 21.7 30 65.2 4 8.7 2 4.3
Enhanced technical
15 32.6 19 41.3 10 21.7 0 0 2 4.3
8 17.4 28 60.9 8 17.4 2 4.3
effectiveness at job
Organized training
18 39.1 24 52.2 1 2.2 3 6.5

confidence levels

In table, out of the 46 respondent involve in the study 86.9% respondents agreed
with the suggestion that the digitalization needs effective training of the employees
on the various equipment in their various office. 8.7% respondents appeared
undecided over the statement and therefore remained neutral. While 4.3% of the
respondents were against this fact that digitization of banks need effective training

On item 2, 73.9% respondents agreed with the statement that the training and
development factor of digital banks enhances technical skills.

Also, 78.3% respondents agreed with the suggestion that the digitalization needs
effective training of the employees on the various equipment in their various office
which will go a long way to increase effectiveness at job. 17.4% respondents
appeared undecided over the statement and therefore remained neutral. While 4.3%
of the respondents were against this fact.

Finally on the aspect of organizing training programmes Increased Confidence

levels like seminars and workshops on digital banking’s was strongly agreed to by
a respondent percentage of 91.3%.

Table Knowledge Management Factor” in digital-banks

Statements SA A N D SD
F % F % F % F % F %
Empowered with better access to
17 37 26 56.5 1 2.2 2 4.3
Empowered with more control over
15 32.6 25 54.3 6 13 0 0 0 0
Enhanced creativity 17 37 20 43.5 8 17.4 1 2.2
Empowered to solve problems 17 37 20 43.5 7 15.2 2 4.3
Enhanced capacity to contribute in 19 41.3 22 47.8 4 8.7 1 2.2
research &

development activities
Increased involvement in
21 45.7 18 39.1 5 10.9 2 4.3
decision – making
Magnified abilities to think and
articulate 13 28.3 23 50 8 18.2 2 4.3


Indications from table 4.5 show that, 37% strongly agreed and 56.5% Agreed to the
fact that empowered with better access to information, 2.2% of the respondent
were un decided and so stay muted on this issue while 4.3 % of the respondents
where against the established fact.

Also, on item 2, 86.9% of the respondents accepted that empowered with more
control over work. 13% of the respondents were neutral on that fact digital banking
Empowered management with more control over work while none of the
respondents were against.

Considering the percentage distribution, most of the respondents confirmed the fact
that digital banks enhanced management capacity to contribute in research &
development activities and this can be seen by the percentage of 41.3 while 47.8%
of the respondents were of the opinion that digital banks enhanced management
capacity to contribute in research & development activities

Again, 84.8% of the respondents were of the affirmation that digital banking
Increases management and employee involvement in decision – making.
Table Employee Benefits with Digital banking With 1 being the most
beneficial and 5 been least

Statements 1 2 3 4 5
F % F % F % F % F %
Minimizes the cost of transactions 13 28.3 21 45.7 10 21.7 2 4.3
Saves time 13 28.3 20 43.5 11 23.9 2 4.3
Minimize inconvenience 18 39.1 19 41.3 7 15.2 2 4.3
Provided up – to date information 22 47.8 11 23.9 12 26.1 1 2.2
Facilitates quick responses 27 58.7 14 30.4 3 6.5 2 4.3
Improves service quality 14 30.4 10 21.7 18 39.1 1 2.2 3 6.5
Minimizes the risk of carrying cash 15 32.6 16 34.8 11 23.9 3 6.5 1 2.2

The table above presents findings from the employee on employee Benefits with
Digital banking With 1 being the most beneficial and 5 been least. The items under
the study here shows that all the employee were are satisfied and have benefited
from the digital banking system of their various banks as 122 of the total
respondents that answer the seven items under this question had most benefited
from digital banking.

What are the cultural and social challenges that banks will face when they go

Table Difficulties Faced by the Employees to Work with e-channels

STATEMENTS Very Some A little Very Not at
much what little all
F % F % F % F % F %
lack of knowledge regarding 20 43.5 15 32.6 8 17.4 1 2.2 2 4.3
how to use/ operate
lack of trust 23 50 11 23.9 11 23.9 1 2.2
Increasing expectations of 21 45.7 15 32.6 9 19.6 1 2.2
Problem of Security 4 8.7 10 21.7 22 47.8 9 19.6 1 2.2
Resistance to change 14 30.4 18 39.1 8 17.4 5 10.9 1 2.2
lack of proper training 18 39.2 7 15.2 6 13 9 19.6 6 13
Technology up gradation 25 54.3 15 32.6 6 13 0 0 0 0
Strain, due to digital -banking 13 28.3 15 32.6 11 23.9 5 10.9 2 4.3
as compared to manual
In table..76.1% out of 46 respondents agreed with the suggestion that one main
constraint militating against the smooth implementation of digitalization the bank
by employees is the lack of knowledge regarding how to use / operate. 73.9%
respondents agreed with the issue on the Lack of trust from the customers with
23.9% being very little difficult in this aspect.

Also, 78.3% respondents had much difficulties in increasing expectations of

customers. Again on item five, most of the respondents agreed with the submission
that some most employees, customers and management are very resistance to
change which means that they prefer living in the traditional way of banking.
Furthermore, most of the respondents said they have difficulties in proper training
and upgrade of the technology they are using their banks which has slow down
their efficiency and output

Again respondents say they have difficulties in Strain, due to digital -banking as
compared to manual banking

Efects of Digitalization at your bank


than than
F % F % F %
How many branches have been closed down 20 43.1 21 45.7 5 10.9
How many new digital branches have been 38 82.6 6 13 2 4.3

How many people have been laid off during the 11 23.9 24 52.2 11 23.9
past 18 months
Findings on the effect of digitalization on the employees various banks revealed
that 43.1% of the respondents agreed that many many branches have been closed
down as a result of digitalization of the banking system and this is as a result of
trained staff and equipment. 45.7% respondents less of their branches have been
closed down as a result of digitalization of the banking system and this is as a
result of trained staff and equipment. 82.6% respondents harmonized the statement
that many new digital branches have been opened. 13% respondents had less
digital branches have been open in their banks.

On the three item under study, 23, 9 % of the respondents agreed to that fact that
more people have been laid off during the past 18 months, 52.2% less people have
been laid off during the past 18 months while 23.9% of the respondents said no
person has been laid off during the past 18 months in their banks.

Number of complaints (per month) from digital Bank customers as compared

to customers of traditional Banks

Efects of Digitalization at your bank

STATEMENTS No 1-5 More than 5

F % F % F %
Delay in banking functions from customers 11 23.9 24 52.2 11 23.9
view point
High cost of service chargers 15 32.6 19 41.3 12 26.1
Higher amount of minimum balance 21 45.7 16 34.8 9 19.6
maintained in their accounts
Problems regarding use of ATMs or online 11 23.9 10 21.7 25 54.4
banking technologies
Lack of attention or improper behaviour of 9 19.6 14 30.4 23 50
bank employees
Wrong entries in their accounts 24 52.2 15 32.6 7 15.2
Findings on the number of complaints employees’ received from customer about
digital banks on monthly basis revealed that 23.9 had no complaints about delay in
banking functions from customers view point, 52.2% of the employees were of the
fact that they have received complaints from 1 to 5 times from their customers
regarding the delay in banking functions from customers view point while 23.9%
of the employees said they have received more than 5 complaint from on the aspect
of delay in banking functions from customers view point.

Also, employees were given the option of examine the complaints they have had in
regards to high cost of service chargers which revealed that 32.6% of the
respondents said they have no complaint on this issue, 41.3% said they have had 1-
5 complaints on the high cost of services charges as a result of digital banks while
26.1 said they have had more than 5 complaints which shows that customers prefer
stay with traditional banks since digital banks charges are high.

On the aspect of complaints regarding use of ATMs or online banking technologies

23.9% of the employees affirm that they have no complaint in this regard, 21.7
agreed that they have from 1 to 5 complaints on issues regarding the use of ATMs
or online banking technologies while a higher percentage of the employees were of
the opinion that they have had more than 5 complaints on monthly bases on issues
of ATMs or online banking technologies with a percentage of 54.5%.

On the issue of Lack of attention or improper behaviour of bank employees the

management and employees that they have had more than 5 complaints on this

In regards to the issue of wrong entries into account there were less complaints on
this as 52.2 of the respondents were of the opinion that they have had no
complaints on this issue.
Customer orientation of IT facilities

Statements SA A N D SD
f % f % f % f % f %
Your bank uses digital
devices and enablers as
15 32.6 29 63 2 4.3
tools to improve customer
Digitalisation helps you to
identify profitable 26 56.5 17 37 3 6.5
Digital banking customers
carry out more
16 34.8 27 58.7 3 6.5
Transactions than
traditional customers
Digital banking can help
to offer more complete
products of an equivalent 22 47.8 22 47.8 2 4.3
quality with lower costs to
more potential customers
Digital banking is helpful
25 54.3 15 32.6 5 10.9 1 2.2
in product offerings

The above table examine the Customer orientation of IT facilities in their various
banks. Responses base on item 1 shows that, 32.6% of the respondent strongly
agree and 63% agreed to that fact that their banks uses digital devices and enablers
as tools to improve customer relationship, 4.3% of the respondents were neutral on
the issues and none was against.

On item 2, 56.5% of the employee strongly agreed and 37% agreed to that opinion
that Digitalization helps you to identify profitable customers, 6.5% of the
respondents were neutral.

On the aspects of Digital banking customers carry out more Transactions than
traditional customers, Digital banking can help to offer more complete products of
an equivalent quality with lower costs to more potential customers and Digital
banking is helpful in product offerings the respondents strongly agreed to this

Statements SA A N D SD
f % f % f % f % f %
There is a downsizing of
employees due to the emerging
technology, but efficiency in 11 23.9 13 28.3 9 19.6 1 2.2 12 26.1
terms of productivity has
Findings on the fact that the reduction in employee’s size has affected that bank
productivity and efficiency received that 52.3% agreed to the fact that there is a
downsizing of employees due to the emerging technology, but efficiency in terms
of productivity has increased, 28.3% disagreed to this fact while 19.6% were
neutral on this item.

Statements HS S N DS HD
f % f % f % f % f %
How satisfied are you with Working
13 28.3 9 19.6 2 4.3 22 47.8
through e-channels?
Testing the level of satisfaction of employee working through e-channel reveal that
28.3% of the respondents were very satisfied working with e-channels, 19.6% were
just satisfied, 47.8% were highly dissatisfied while 4.3% of the respondent were

Statements VR R N W VW
f % f % f % f % f %
How can you describe the reaction of
employees to the introduction of 22 47.8 8 17.4 8 17.4 6 13 2 4.3

On the reaction of employee towards the introduction of digitalization in their

various banks, 47.8% of the respondents were of the fact that their employees are
very resistant to the change, 17.4% of the respondent were of the opinion that their
employees are resistant and 17.4% of the respondent were on neutral basis while
13% said their employees are welcoming the idea of digitalization and 4.3% said
their employees are very welcoming on the aspect of digitalization of the banks.

4.4 Hypothesis Testing

Table 4.10 Correlation Results.

Performance Procurement
Performanc Pearson 1 .339**
e Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) .001
N 99 99
Procuremen Pearson .339** 1
t Correlation
managemen Sig. (2-tailed) .001
t N 99 99
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

The relationship between organisational performance and procurement

management strategies was investigated using Pearson product-moment correlation
coefficient. Pre-tests were performed to ensure no violation of the assumptions of
normality, linearity and homoscedasticity. There was a positive correlation between
the two variables [r= .339, n=99, p=.001], with increasing levels of procurement
practices associated with higher levels of organisational performance.

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