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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.



Subject code: 731504 Date: 28-11-2013
Subject Name: Plates and Shells
Time: 10.30 am – 01.00 pm Total Marks: 70
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 (a) Show that the sum of bending curvatures in any two mutually perpendicular 07
directions, n and t, at any point of the middle surface, is a constant, i.e.,
χx + χy = χn + χt

(b) Derive the basic fourth order partial differential equation for a plate. Also 07
write down the equation for shear and corner forces.

Q.2 (a) Show that for a flat circular steel plate subjected to a uniform pressure on 07
one surface, the maximum stress when periphery is simply supported is
1.65 times that when the periphery is clamped. Take poisson’s ratio,ν = 0.3.
(b) Find the maximum deflection in a circular plate subjected to a concentrated 07
load ‘P’ at the centre. The plate is fixed all around the edges. Take radius =
2m, t = 60 mm, ν = 0.3, E = 208 GPa. P = 30 kN. Also find the deflection
when the plate is simply supported all around the edges.
(b) Give merits and demerits of Navier’s solution and Levy’s solution 07

Q.3 (a) Distinguish between “membrane theory” and “exact theory” of small 04
deflection of plate. Explain stress resultants in both theories with sketches.
(b) A square plate of side a (0 ≤ x ≤ a; 0 ≤ y ≤ a) with two opposite sides x = 0 10
and x = a simply supported and the remaining edges clamped is subjected
to a uniformly distributed load P0. If the plate is discretized into four
identical rectangular finite elements, compute the maximum deflection.
Take a = 4m; h = 30mm; P0 = 50MPa; E = 210 GPa; and ν = 0:3. Analyze
only one quarter-plate by the FEM.
Q.3 (a) Using membrane theory derive the condition of equilibrium for doubly 04
curved surfaces.
(b) Derive an equation of w-expression of a rectangular plate (a x b) derived 10
from Navier solution for following cases subjected to uniformly distributed
(i) Plate without resting on soil
(ii) Plate with resting on soil
Having foundation modulus ‘k’.
Write the equations for concentrated load.

Q.4 (a) Find Nθ and NΦ for conical dome due to self weight and live load uniformly 07
(b) A spherical roof dome is subjected to its own weight and snow load of 1 07
kN/m2 . Determine the required cross-sectional area of the thrust ring. Take
R = 40m; φ1 = 50° and hs = 12 cm (thickness of the dome). Assume that
the dome and the thrust ring are constructed of concrete with ν = 0.15.
Q.4 (a) Derive equations of equilibrium for general bending theory of uniformly 07
loaded cylindrical shell. Mark important internal stress resultants.
Q.4 (b) Find displacement ‘w’ of the crown and at the edge for a circular dome for 07
the following data: Φ = 60°, q = 2500 N/m2, r = 30 m, t = 50 mm, ν = 0.2, E
= 1.15 x 105 N/mm2. Also plot for ‘w’ at the edge and Φ = 15°, 30°, 45° &

Q.5 (a) Give the classification of shell based on shell curvature with neat sketches. 07
(b) A simply supported at (x = 0 and x = L) semicircular cylindrical shell is 07
subjected to a snow load ‘q’ which is uniformly distributed over its plan
area. Given the radius of the shell is ‘a’, thickness is ‘h’, modulus of
elasticity and Poisson’s ratio are E and ν respectively, determine the
membrane stresses in the shell.
Q.5 (a) Develop basic equation of membrane analysis of a paraboloid of revolution. 07
Give stress function Φ, Z & R if 2a = 16m, 2b = 22m, rise = 2.5m and
thickness = 80 mm.
(b) A planetarium dome may be approximated as an edge-supported truncated 07
cone. It is subjected to a snow load with a maximum accumulation over the
dome q = 2.8 kPa. Assume that the dome is constructed of 12.5 cm thick
concrete having the radii of the parallel circles equal to 45 m at the base
and 20 m at the top, respectively. Determine the membrane stresses in the


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