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TheoryLec01 Dec2019

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Structural Theory: Lecture 01

Structure – a system of connected parts used to support loads.

Structural analysis – the prediction of the performance of a given structure under
prescribed loads and or other external effects, such as support movements and
temperature changes. The performance characteristics of the structure are:
a) stresses,
b) deflections, and
c) support reactions

Reduction of Live Loads and ACI Coefficient

Lr = Reduced Live Load

L = Live Load as per NSCP
Ai= Influence Area
= 4Tributary Area (Column)
= 2Tributary Area (Beam)

Problem 1.
The continuous floor beam EFGH is shown in
the figure. It has a 100 mm slab thickness and
the beams 300 mm x 500 mm. Column section
is 0.30 m x 0.30 m.
Live load = 3.6 KPa
Superimposed Dead load = 2.6 KPa
Concrete weighs = 24 KN/m3
Used live load reduction as specified by the
NSCP 2010.
1. Compute ultimate the positive moment
for beam EF using reduced live loads.
2. Compute the ultimate negative moment
at the face of support E using reduced live loads.
3. Compute the ultimate negative moment at F using reduced live loads.
Answers: Mu =149.48 KN-m, Me = - 130.79 KN-m, Mf = - 190.20 KN-m
Structural Theory: Lecture 01

Problem 2.
A three storey building has interior columns spaced 8 m. apart in two perpendicular directions.
Given design loads:
Roof: DL = 5 kPa LL = 0
Floor: DL = 7 kPa (typical each floor)
LL = 2.4 kPa (3rd floor)
LL = 6.0 (2nd floor)
In accordance with NSCP provisions, reduced floor live load,
𝐿𝑟 = 𝐿 (0.25 + 4.57/√A1
Lo = unreduced live load
A1 = influence area (equals 4 times tributary area for a column)
Based on the tributary area of an interior column.
1. What is the total axial load on a column at the second floor due to service live load?
2. What is the total axial load on a column at the ground floor due to service live load?
3. What is the total dead load on a column at the ground floor level?
Answers (P = 82.30 kN, P = 288 kN, P = 1216 kN)

Statistically Determinate Beams/ Frames

Problem 3.
Classify each structure (Beam/Frame) if determinate or indeterminate. If indeterminate. Determine the
degree of indeterminacy.

Answer {a)SI 2nd, b)SI 22th, c)SI 12th, d)SD}

Structural Theory: Lecture 01

Answer { SI 1st, SD, SI 3rd, SI 1st }

Problem 4.
Classify each truss if determinate or indeterminate.

Answer (Unstable, SI 1st, SD, SD) Answer (SD, SD, Unstable)

Structural Theory: Lecture 01

Beam Deflection
(Moment Area and Conjugate Beam Method)

Theorem 1. Moment Area Method

The change in slope between the tangents to the elastic curve at any two points is
equal to the area under the M/EI diagram between the two points, provided that the elastic
curve is continuous between the two points.

Theorem 2. Moment Area Method

The tangential deviation in the direction perpendicular to the un-deformed axis of
the beam of a point on the elastic curve from the tangent to the elastic curve at another
point is equal to the moment of the area under the M/EI diagram between the two points
about the point at which the deviation is desired, provided that the elastic curve is
continuous between the two points.

Problem 5.
A propped beam 8m long carries a uniform load of 12kN/m from the 12Kn/m
fixed end support up to the mid-span, determine the following
1. Reaction at support B
2. Slope of the support B over EI 4m 4m
3. Moment at fixed support A.
Answer: 5.25kN; 40/EI; -54kN-m

Problem 5a.
A 6 m. long beam is supported by a roller at the right end and a fixed support at the left end. It carries a
uniform load of “w” KN/m throughout the beam.
1. Compute the safe value of “w” so that it will not exceed the flexural capacity of the beam of 270
2. Compute the safe value of “w” so that it will not exceed the shear capacity of the beam of 180 KN.
3. Compute the safe value of “w” so that it will not exceed the deflection of 30 mm at the right end
when the roller support is removed. Flexural rigidity of the beam is 432 x 10 12 N.mm2.
Answer (w = 60 KN / m, w = 48 KN/m, w = 80 KN/m)
Problem 6.
A 5 m. long cantilever beam, 300 mm x 400 mm in cross-section carries a total uniformly distributed load of
26 kN/m. Beam modulus of elasticity is 25 x 103 MPa.
1. What is the max. beam deflection at the end?
2. What is the force (kN) should be applied at the free end of the beam to prevent its deflection?
3. What force (kN) should be applied at mid length of the beam in order to balance its deflection at the
free end?
Answer (δ1 = 50.8 mm, P = 48.8 kN, P = 156 kN)
Structural Theory: Lecture 01

Problem 7.
The cantilever beam shown in the figure has a rectangular cross-
section 50 mm wide by h mm high. Find the height h if the
maximum deflection is not to exceed 10 mm. Use E = 10 GPa.
Answer: ( h =618.67mm)

Problem 8.
For the cantilever beam shown in the figure, what will cause
zero deflection at A?
Answer: ( P =112.5 N)

[Grab your

Problem 9.
Compute the midspan value of EIδ for the beam shown in the
figure. (Hint: Draw the M diagram by parts, starting from midspan
toward the ends. Also take advantage of symmetry to note that the
tangent drawn to the elastic curve at midspan is horizontal.)
Answer: ( EIδ =3350 N-m3)

Problem 10.
Find the value of EIδ at the point of application of the 200 N·m
couple in the figure shown.
Answer:( EIδ =391.67 N-m3)
Structural Theory: Lecture 01

Problem 10a
Two beams each has 100mm by 200mm are loaded as shown.
If E = 14GPa, determine the following
1. Reaction at B A
2. Deflection at B
3. Maximum bending stress B 3m

Answer: 3.18kN, 1.92mm, 5.94MPa

Problem 10b

The assembly consists of a cantilever beam CB and a

simply supported beam AB. Each beam is made up of A
C 60kN
steel and has a moment of inertia about its principal
axis of Ix=46x106 mm4. The beam has a depth of
800mm. E=200GPa. Determine the following D

1. Displacement at point B
2. Bending stress of beam AB 4m B
3. Displacement at the center at D of beam AB 2m

Moment Distribution

Problem 11
Determine the end moments for the beam loaded
as shown
Answer (-62.5kn-m, -125.2kn-m, -281.5kn-, -
Structural Theory: Lecture 01

Three Moment Equation

Problem 12
Determine the end moments for the
beam loaded as shown. Assume
support C is fixed. EI constant

Answer (-24kn-m, -6kn-m)

Problem 13 (Three Moment Equation and Moment Distribution)

Determine the end moments for the beam loaded as shown. Assume support A is fixed. EI constant

10kN 6kN/m

A 5m 2m B 4m C

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