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PIT (Finals)

Problem 4:
A) Influence Lines For the beam shown, determine the maximum (a)
reaction of support B, (b) reaction of support D, (c)
Problem 1: positive and negative shears and the maximum positive
Draw the influence lines for the vertical reactions at and negative bending moments at point C due to a
supports B, E, and G, shear and bending moment at concentrated live load of 150 kN, a uniformly
point C, shear and bending moment at point F of the distributed live load of 50 kN/m, and a uniformly
beam shown. distributed dead load of 25 kN/m.

Problem 2: Problem 5:
Draw the influence lines for the reaction moment at For the truss in Prob.3a, determine the maximum
support A, the vertical reactions at supports A,E, and G, compressive axial force in member GH due to a
the shears and bending moments at points C and F of concentrated live load of 30 k, a uniformly distributed
the beam shown. live load of 2 k/ft, and a uniformly distributed dead load
of 1 k/ft.
Problem 6:
For the beam shown, determine the maximum positive
bending moment at point D due to the wheel loads
Problem 3: shown.
Draw the influence lines for the forces in the members
identified by an ‘‘X’’ of the trusses shown.


B) Cables and Arches

Problem 1:
A uniform 80-m pipe that weighs 960 kN is supported
entirely by a cable AB of negligible weight. Determine
the maximum force in the cable.

Problem 2: C) Beam Deflections
The cable AB
supports a uniformly Problem 1:
distributed load of 12 For the overhanging beam shown, compute the value of
kN/m. Determine the EIy at the right end using a) Double Integration Method,
maximum force in b) Moment Area Method.
the cable and the
distance h.

Problem 3:
The cable carrying three 400-N loads has a sag at C of hC
= 16 m. Calculate the force in each segment of the
Problem 2:
Compute the midspan value of EIy for the simply
supported beam shown using a) Double Integration
Method, b) Moment Area Method.

Problem 4:
The cable ABCD is held in
the position shown by the
horizontal force P.
Determine P and the force
in each segment of the Problem 3:
cable. Compute the value of EIy at the right end of the
cantilever beam using a) Double Integration Method, b)
Problem 5: Moment Area Method.
A symmetrical 3-hinged parabolic arch has a span of
20m. It carries uniform dead load of intensity 10 kN/m
over the entire span and 2 point loads of 40 kN each at
2m and 5m from left support. Compute the reactions.
Also find the bending moment, shear and normal force
at a section 4m from left end. Take central rise as 4m.

Problem 6:
Determine the internal force system acting on section 1
of the circular arch.

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