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College of Engineering Education

2nd Floor, BE Building

Matina Campus, Davao City
Telefax: (082)296-1084
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/300-0647 Local 133


A. Mark only one answer for each item by shading the box corresponding to the letter of your choice using No. 2 pencil only.
B. Write your solutions on the papers provided.
C. Borrowing of calculator is not allowed.
D. Once the examination has started, you are not allowed to leave the testing area.
E. Once finished, submit the questionnaire and your answer sheet.
F. If you think the correct answer is not in the choices, select letter “e”.

1. The continuous deformation of concrete over extended periods of time and

sustained loads.
A) Shrinkage C) Relaxation
B) Creep D) Elastic Shortening
2. Construction joints in floors shall be located within the _____ of spans of slabs, beam and girders.
a. Middle thirds
b. Mid-point
c. One fourth
d. L/240
3. Joint between two overlapping connection elements in parallel planes.
a. Lap joint
b. Construction joint
c. Contraction joint
d. Dowel
4. The following are pre-stress losses except:
a. Fatigue and fracture
b. Creep and shrinkage
c. Anchorage slip and stress relaxation
d. Elastic and duct friction
5. The volume of solids of revolution is governed by what theorem?
a. Pappus
b. Varignon’s
c. Newton
d. Archimedes
SIT The force acting at A is F= 10i+20j-5k kN. See FIG. MECH002.

6. If the moment of the force about y axis is 8 kN-m, determine the distance b.
A. 400 mm B. B.349 mm C. 1000 mm D. 800 mm
7. Using the distance b from the previous problem determine the moment about x-axis.
A. 7.25 kN-m B. 9.25 kN-m C. 8.23 kN-m D. 17.25 kN-m
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8. Determine the resulting moment at the support using the distance b from the previous problem.
A. 34 kN-m B. 22.36 kN-m C. 17.32 kN-m D. 8 kN-m
Situation: Refer to FIGURE MEC 7 – 0001. The guy cables AB and AC are attached to the top of the
transmission tower. The tension in cable AC is 8kN.

9. Determine the required tension T (kN) in cable AB such that the net effect of the two cable tensions is a
downward force at point A.
a. 4.87
b. 5.34
c. 5.68
d. 6.74
10. Determine the magnitude R (kN) of this downward force.
a. 8.56
b. 9.97
c. 11.34
d. 10.21
11. Refer to FIGURE MEC 4 – 0001. A force of 400 N is applied at A to the handle of the control lever
which is attached to the fixed shaft OB. Determine the magnitude of moment (N-m) about O.

a. 75
b. 80
c. 91.22
d. 94.3
SIT: Two prismatic bars are fastened together and support a vertical load of 45 kN, as shown in Fig. EMM
10.05. The upper bar is steel having length 10 m and cross-sectional area 60 cm2. The lower bar is
brass having length 6 m and cross-sectional area 50 cm2. For steel γ = 77 kN/m3 and E = 200 GPa, for
brass γ = 84 kN/m3 and E = 100 GPa.

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12. Determine the maximum stress in steel bar.
A) 9.50 MPa B) 8.69 MPa C) 10.12 MPa D) 12.56 MPa
13. Determine the elongation of steel.0.01512+0.01925
A) 0.54 mm B) 0.375 mm C) 0.415 mm D) 0.396 mm
14. Determine the total elongation of the bars.
A) 0.970 mm B) 0.989 mm C) 0.909 mm D) 0.915 mm
Situation: FIGURE SMAT 2 - 0001 shows an element in bi-axial stress and the corresponding Mohr’s circle.
Points A and B represents the stresses on the x face and on the y face of the element respectively.

15. What is the value of the normal axial stress, ?

a. 55
b. 30
c. 80
d. 25
16. What is the value of the normal axial stress, σ MPa ?
a. 55
b. 30
c. 80
d. 25
17. Determine the maximum shear stress (MPa).
a. 55
b. 30
c. 80
d. 25
18. The momentum of a moving object is the product of its mass ( ) and velocity ( ). Newton’s Second
Law of Motion says that the rate of change of momentum with respect to time is:
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A. power
B. energy
C. momentum
D. force
19. 6The acceleration due to gravity in the English System or ft/s2 is:
A. 20.2
B. 32.2
C. 15.2
D. 62.4
20. Ivory soap floats in water because:
A. all matter has mass
B. the density of ivory soap is unity
C. the specific gravity of ivory soap is greater than that of water
D. the specific gravity of ivory soap is less than that of water

Situation: A simply supported girder of a bridge spans 25m. The standard truck load (H load) consists of 2
moving loads, 4.3m apart. The loads are as follows:
P1 = 142.4 kN, P2 = 35.6 kN.
21. Calculate the maximum support reaction in kN.
a. 153.51
b. 171.88
c. 142.4
d. 193.10
22. Calculate the maximum moment (kN-m) in the girder.
a. 815.11
b. 1345.3
c. 1037.3
d. 1125.2
23. Calculate the maximum shear at midspan.
a. 82.88
b. 83.11
c. 83.51
d. 82.22
Situation: A simply supported beam, with total span of 12m and overhang of 2m at the left support, is subjected
to a uniformly distributed load.
24. Determine the length of the beam (m) where the uniform load should act to produce the absolute maximum
reaction at the left support.
a. 12
b. 10
c. 7
d. 6
25. Determine the length of the beam (m) where the uniform load should act to produce the maximum positive
shear midway between the supports.
a. 4
b. 5
c. 6
d. 7
26. Determine the length of the beam (m) where the uniform load should act to produce the maximum negative
shear midway between the supports.
a. 4
b. 5
c. 6
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d. 7

SIT: A 400 mm square column shown in Fig. RCFD 003 is supported by square footing on 5 piles 300 mm
diameter each. Ultimate pile capacity of 320 kN.
Column Axial Load: D = 420 kN
L = 360 kN
E = 210 kN
Column Moment due to Earthquake: ME = 160 kN-m
Required Strength: U = 1.32D + 1.1L + 1.1E

27. Calculate the ultimate wide beam shear stress (MPa) at critical section on the pile cap.
A) 0.375 B) 0.463 C) 0.442 D) 0.267
28. Calculate the required spacing of 16-mm-diameter flexure bars (fy =415 MPa, f.c 27 MPa) for
maximum bending of the pile cap.
A) 340 mm B) 270 mm C) 180 mm D) 160 mm
29. Calculate the maximum column moment due to earthquake, ME (kN∙m), that can be sustained
based on the pile capacity.
A) 267 B) 183 C) 304 D) 235

Situation: Using the provisions of NSCP Section 411.3, the allowable shear stress of concrete parallel to the
longer direction is 0.816 MPa.

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A 600mm x 400mm reinforced concrete column is reinforced with 8-28mm diameter bars that are equally
distributed around its perimeter. Stirrups are 12 mm diameter while concrete cover from edge of ties to
face of member is 40mm. fc’=27.6 kPa, fy=415 MPa
30. Which of the following gives the ultimate factored shear force, Vu in the shorter direction of column
if the nominal strength to be provided by the ties is 375 kN.
a. 457.75 kN
b. 279.40 kN
c. 466.91 kN
d. 225.94 kN
31. Which of the following gives the ultimate factored shear force, Vu in the longer direction of column if
the ties are spaced at every 220 mm.
a. 367.348 kN
b. 387.348 kN
c. 438.67 kN
d. 567.35 kN
32. Compute for ultimate axial load that the section could carry.
a. 5233.114 kN
b. 4233.114 kN
c. 3233.114 kN
d. 6233.114 kN
Situation: A 350mm x 300 mm rectangular concrete column is reinforced with three 25 mm diameter bars in
each short side with cover to the centroid of reinforcement 65mm. The column is subjected to axial load
and moment about its stronger axis. Concrete strength = 21MPa and steel yield strength = 415 MPa.
33. Determine the nominal axial load KN when the eccentricity is zero.
a. 2359
b. 2275
c. 2450
d. 2436
34. Compute the balanced load in KN.
a. 735
b. 699
c. 590
d. 798
35. If the eccentricity is 200mm, determine the nominal load in KN.
a. 778
b. 894
c. 976
d. 1545

SIT: A rectangular beam having b = 300 mm, h = 620 mm and d = 550 mm spans 6-m
face-to-face of simple supports. It is reinforced for flexure with 3-φ36 mm bars that
continue uninterrupted to the ends of the span. It is to carry service dead load DL = 24
kN/m (including self weight) and service live load LL = 47 kN/m, both uniformly
distributed along the span. Material strengths are f’c = 28 MPa and fy = 415 MPa.

36. Determine the nominal concrete shear strength using simplified computation.
A. 145.52 kN B. 164.04 kN C. 123.69 kN D. 139.43 kN
37. Determine the nominal concrete shear strength using the more detailed
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A. 140.44 kN B. 171.79 kN C. 165.22 kN D. 146.02 kN
38. If the beam will be subjected to a factored axial compression load of 588 kN in
addition to the loads described earlier determine the nominal concrete shear
strength using more detailed computation.
A. 408.10 kN B. 261.93 kN C. 365.61 kN D. 346.89 kN

SIT: A concrete floor slab 75 mm thick is cast monolithic with concrete beams 2.0 m on
centers. The beams have a span of 4 m and have a web width of 250 mm, an effective
depth of 400 mm and overall depth of 500 mm. The tensile reinforcement consists of 6-
ϕ32 mm bars in two rows. Use material strengths f’c = 30 MPa and fy = 415 MPa.
39. Calculate the effective flange width in mm of typical interior T-beam of the
monolithic floor .
A) 2000 B) 1450 C) 1000 D) 750
40. Calculate the depth of the compression stress block in mm from the top of the
beam at its full nominal strength.
A) 314.13 B) 59.12 C) 119.13 D) 89.13

SIT: The superstructure of a bridge is concrete slab deck 150 mm thick. The deck is supported by wide
flange steel beams, 1.5 m apart, rigidly connected to the slab by shear connectors. It is simply
supported on a span of 25 m. Each steel beam is subjected to the following loads:
DL = 12 kN/m (total)
LL = 17.8 kN front wheel, 71.2 kN rear wheel
Distance between wheel loads = 4.27 m
Impact on live load is 15/(L+37), with a maximum of 30%
Properties of W830x175
A = 22387 mm^2
bf = 290 mm
d = 835 mm
Ix = 2500x10^6 mm^4
Iy = 78 x10^6 mm^4
tf = 19 mm tw = 14 mm
41. Calculate the maximum flexural stress in MPa in the steel beam composite with the concrete slab
due to dead load.
A) 127.97 B) 117.68 C) 141.45 D) 138.24
42. Calculate the maximum flexural stress in MPa in the steel beam composite with the concrete slab
due to live load plus impact.
A. 80.66 B. 78.05 C. 56.97 D. 85.96
43. Calculate the maximum web shear stress in MPa in the beam.
A. 14.67 B. 22.02 C. 16.23 D. 10.81

SIT: The beam in Fig. MSM 4.011 is fabricated by attaching a C180x14.6 channel to a W250x17.9 shape
with 15-mm-dia rivets. The maximum shear force in the beam is 65 kN. Given properties:
C180x14.6: A = 1850 mm^2; d = 178 mm; xcg= 13.8 mm
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Iy = 0.405x10^6 mm^4; tw = 5.3 mm; tf = 9.3 mm
W250x17.9: A = 2270 mm^2; d = 251 mm; Ix = 22.4x10^6 mm^4
tw = 4.8 mm; tf = 5.3 mm

44. Find the maximum allowable spacing (mm) of the rivets if the working stress for a rivet is 100
MPa in shear.
A) 140 B) 160 C) 180 D) 200
45. What is the corresponding maximum bearing stress (MPa) exerted by the rivets?
A) 245 B) 127 C) 222 D) 186
46. If the rivets are spaced 100 mm on centers, calculate the resulting bearing stress (MPa) in the
members connected.
A) 132 B) 138 C) 144 D) 150

SIT: Light-grade steel channel is used as a purlin of a truss. The top chord of the truss is inclined 1V:3H
and distance between trusses is equal to 3 m. The purlin has a weight of 75 N/m and spaced at 1 m
on centers. The dead load including the roof materials is 800 Pa, live load of 500 Pa and wind load
of 1200 Pa on roof surface. Coefficient of pressure at leeward and windward are 0.2 and 0.6
respectively. Use Fbx = Fby = 138 MPa; Sx = 4.48x10^4 mm^3; Sy = 1.18x10^4 mm^3
47. Ratio of maximum bending to allowable bending stress due to combination of DL + LL.
A. 0.84 B. 0.72 C. 0.63 D. 0.60
48. Ratio of maximum bending to allowable bending stress due to combination of 0.75(DL + LL +
WL). Sag rods are placed at mid point.
A. 0.40 B. 0.45 C. 0.52 D. 0.73
49. Ratio of maximum bending to allowable bending stress due to combination of 0.75(DL + LL +
WL). Sag rods are placed at third points.
A. 0.32 B. 0.42 C. 0.52 D. 0.62
Situation: The deck of a bridge consists of ribbed metal deck with a 10mm concrete slab on top. The
superstructure supporting the deck is made of wide flange steel beams strengthened by cover plate 16mm
x 260mm one at the top and one at the bottom and is placed 1.2m on centers. The beams are simply
supported over a span of 25m. The loads on each beam are as follows:

DL = 12KN/m (including beam weight and deck)

Wheel Live Loads:
Front wheel = 18KN
Rear wheel = 72KN

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Wheel Base = 4.3m
Impact factor= ≤ 30,
where L=length in m.
Properties of W850 x 185:
A = 23,750mm^2
tw = 15mm
tf = 20mm
D = 850mm
Ix = 2662x10^6mm^4
Iy = 81.52x10^6mm^4 bf = 200mm

50. Calculate the maximum bending stress (MPa) in the beam due to dead load.
a. 123
b. 92
c. 107
d. 98
51. Calculate the maximum bending stress (MPa) in the beam due to live load plus impact.
a. 68
b. 79
c. 62
d. 56
52. Calculate the maximum average web shear (MPa) stress in the beam due to live load.
a. 8.5
b. 7.6
c. 9.1
d. 12.2
Situation: A beam is built-up from the following A36 plates: 450x20 plates as flanges and 500x20 plate as
web. The beam is simply supported.
53. Determine the allowable bending stress (MPa) for a length of 4m.
a. 162.44
b. 163.68
c. 148.8
d. 123.48
54. Determine the allowable bending stress (MPa) for a length of 6m.
a. 162.44
b. 163.68
c. 148.8
d. 123.48
55. Determine the allowable bending stress for a length of 10m.
a. 125.6
b. 101.56
c. 167.12
d. 137.9

SIT: A W350x90kg/m is used for beams of a floor system as shown in Fig. STD0011.
Beams are spaced S = 1.5 m on centers and spans L = 4 m. In addition to the weight of
the beam, the dead load consists of a 125 mm thick reinforced concrete slab. The live
load is 3.8 kPa and there is a partition load of 1000 Pa.

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56. Calculate the tributary uniform load on an interior beam in kN/m.
A. 11.7 B. 12.58 C. 7.8 D. 8.38
57. If girder AD is fully restrained by the supporting columns, calculate the maximum
bending moment in kN·m.
A. 23.77 B. 29.80 C. 26.66 D. 25.16
58. Calculate the total axial load on column A in kN.
A. 52.65 B. 58.17 C. 50.32 D. 55.83
Situation: A 300 mm thick footing slab supports a 300 mm thick wall carrying uniform service dead load of
214.31 kN/m and service live load of 145.94 kN/m. The base of the wall footing slab is 1.2 m from the
ground surface. Design parameters are as follows: γsoil = 16 kN/m3, γconcl = 24 kN/m3, qa = 215.46 kPa,
f’c = 27 MPa and fy = 414 MPa.
59. Calculate the minimum required width of the wall footing slab.
a. 1.9 m
b. 2.0 m
c. 1.8 m
d. 1.7 m
60. Calculate the required center to center spacing of 16 mm bars for flexure.
a. 160 mm
b. 170 mm
c. 180 mm
d. 190 mm
61. Calculate the nominal beam shear stress on the footing slab.
a. 1.25 MPa
b. 0.91 MPa
c. 0.87 MPa
d. 0.77 MPa
62. Supports the weight of the structure and its applied loads.
A. Column
B. Foundation
C. Load Bearing Wall
D. All the above
63. This type of footing is adopted when the space between two columns is so small that the foundation
for individual columns will overlap.
A. Isolated Footing
B. Combined Footing
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C. Strap Footing
D. Strip Footing
64. A slender, structural member consisting steel or concrete or timber.
A. Pile Foundation
B. Deep Foundation
C. Slope Foundation
D. Braced Foundation
SIT: Two pieces of 75mm x 400mm Yakal members under tension are connected together by means of a
lap splice with 9pcs of 25mm dia. bolts as shown in Fig. SDTD 2.001. The working stresses for 80%
visually stress-graded unseasoned Yakal are as follows:
Bending and tension parallel to grain = 24.5 MPa
Compression parallel to grain = 15.8 MPa
Compression perpendicular to grain = 6.27 MPa
Shear parallel to grain = 2.48 MPa

65. Determine the net area of a timber member in mm2. Consider hole diameter to be 2mm larger
than the bolt diameter.
A) 23,925 B) 24,375 C) 24,847 D) 25,582
66. Determine the safe value of P considering the net area of the timber member.
A) 378 kN B) 385 kN C) 597 kN D) 586 kN
67. Determine the safe value of P considering the bearing of the bolts on the timber.
A) 266 kN B) 288 kN C) 413 kN D) 446 kN
Situation: The tensile member shown in FIGURE TMBR 1- 0001 has dimensions 50mm x 100mm.

68. At what angle Ø in degrees will the tensile stress at section AA be 44.15 MPa?

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a. 15
b. 20
c. 85
d. 70
69. If section AA makes an angle Ø = 30o with the x axis, determine the shearing stress (MPa) at section
a. 43
b. 22
c. 50
d. 19
70. If tensile stress is 45 MPa and shearing stress is 12 MPa, determine the dimension (mm) at section AA
at angle Ø with the x axis.
a. 108
b. 110
c. 100
d. 115
71. Where you will be able to identify the number of construction industry problems and suggested improvements
in the areas of project management, labor training and utilization and governmental regulation.
A. Management
B. Productivity
C. Control
D. Quality
72. A cross between an excavator and a backhoe or bucket loader.
A. Crawler Loader
B. Scraper
C. Trencher
D. Motor Grader
73. Are heavy equipment used for fine grading and for moving small amounts of dirt.
A. Crawler Loader
B. Scraper
C. Trencher
D. Motor Grader
74. A film of asphalt binder on the pavement surface. It usually creates a shiny, glass-like reflecting surface that can
become sticky when dry and slippery when wet.
A. Bleeding
B. Alligator Cracking
C. Block Cracking
D. Depression
75. An area of pavement that has been replaced with new material to repair the existing pavement.
A. Potholes
B. Patch
C. Ravel
D. Longitude

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