Company X is a producer of fodder machine's spare parts, along with its reparation. In the
production activities carried out, there are some direct actions relating to engines and
presenting hazard to workers. On 2013, 34 occupational accidents cases were suffered by
workers in the production area. Begins with the identification of the point - the point which
could lead to accidents, this study aims to determine the causes of accidents so that control
measures can be carried out and the proposed improvements. Started with identification of
points leading to accidents, this research was aimed to find out the causes in order to carry
out controlling action, as well as propose improvements. The identification process was
conducted by using Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA) method. Based on
the hazard identification process, 19 types of danger sources are obtained, whereas the
most greatest risk is sandwiched-workers in hydraulic cutting machines and eye irritation
due to lathe grams spark, each worth 7%. Based on risk level, there are 9 types of
moderate risk hazard and 10 types of high risk hazard.
Keywords: Occupational Health and Safety, HIRA, Risk Analysis
Tabel 1 List of Accident Occurred in 2013 Risk analysis requires knowledge of both
No Type of Accident Amount the probability (frequency or likelihood of
6 Hand blistered / burned 2 people occurrence), and the consequence (impact,
7 Sandwiched by Hydraulic 1 people damage, or injury level) of the upset event.
Cutting Machine Risk assessment is the process used to
8 Hand scratched by raw 4 people determine how to manage the risk identified
materials by the analysis (Legget, 2012)
9 Hand exposed by hammer 3 people
According Gokul and Shivasankaran.
10 Hearing loss 1 people
(2014), as quoted from OHSAS 18001, the
11 Respiratory and eye disorders 2 people
best way to reduce danger is to get rid of
12 Injured by splash of gram flake 5 people
13 Shoulder injury 3 people everything which have any potential hazard
Total 34 people leading to work accident. The following is
HIRA identification process by using UNSW
2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND Health and Safety (2008 ):
based on the ongoing fact, while the further 2. Vertical scrap/smoothing, it is conducted
action is trying to giving solution in form of on the long section of cut steel plate.
improvement recommendations in order to 3. Horizontal scrap/smoothing, it is
obtain better results. This study focuses on conducted on the long section of cut
the occupational health and safety steel plate.
management systems by using Hazard 4. Cutting, any 33cm x 55cm steel sheet
Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA) were cut back to 15cm x 50cm.
method. 5. Lathing, the lathing process or re-
smoothing process on steel plates' long
The identification processes by using HIRA and wide section were conducted.
are: 6. Manual Pressing, performing the bent
1. Hazard Identification plate alignment, to make it precious, by
Identifying any hazards in particular hammering it manually.
production area, from the beginning to the 7. Perforation, it was carried out using a
end of the process, by controlling any hydraulic perforation machine.
deviations 8. Carbonizing process, a process of
2. Risk Assessment coating and increasing steel content by
Conducting a risk analysis of the using specific formulations, heated in
identified hazard to see which one has 1000 Celcius temperature degree for
the greatest risk. about 12 hours.
3. Risk Controls 9. Cooling, the cooling or temperature
Ranking the hazards based in risk neutralization process is carried out by
analysis results and determining which using water.
one should be fixed soon. 10. Pressing, It was conducted by hydraulic
Analysis phase is conducted by defining press machine so carbonated plates
the main sources and roots of accidents have more value.
or process interruption. The steps are: 11. Inspection, a process of inspection or
a. Conducting an analysis of the main checking armored plates' quality was
sources and roots of accidents or also conducted.
process interruption. 12. Packaging, a process where the
b. Performing risk assessment analysis armored plates were packaged into
and using HAZOP worksheet to boxes.
obtain appropriate improvement
recommendations to be applied in After discovering CV. Konstalindo's
the research object. production process, a Hazard dan Risk
4. Risk Handling (Improvement Action, identification was conducted as following in
Procurement Recommendation of PPE, table 2.
Improvement Proposal) Before conducting ranking, it is necessary to
In this stage, an analysis of improvement formulate criterion of seriousness or risk
design was conducted to discover which ranking degree by considering risk criterion
one should be applied at the occupational existing in Company X as follows:
hazards points in company's production 1. Likelihood (L) is the possibility of
area in order to minimize accidents. accidents occurrence (Table 3).
2. Severity or Consequences (C) is the
4. RESULT AND DISCUSSION seriousness of the injury and working
days loss (Table 4).
Prior to identify hazard potential in CV.
Konstalindo's production process, the
manufacturing process should be known
first. The process flows are:
1. Cutting, any A36 type steel plate sheets,
with 2m x 1.5m large and 6mm in
thickness, were cut into 33cm x 55cm.
Table 8. Priority Index of Improvement After identifying each risk above, some
Action hazard prevention actions could be made,
based on their risk level, namely:
Level 1. Moderate Risk Hazard
1-5 No need to act immediately, but It includes Limb Electrocution, Limb
keep inspected Sandwiched in Steel Plate, Body
6-10 Perform reparation in the next one Strucked Down by Roller Crumble, Hand
Scratched by Lathe, Hand Grazed by
11-15 Take action in the next three
Horizontal Scrap Machine, Suffering
16-20 Take reparation action within one
Hearing Disorders, Respiratory Disorders,
month ahead. Eye Disorders, and Shoulder Burdened
21-25 Take action immediately/possible by Steel Plate.
use restriction 2. High Risk Hazard
Some hazards which are considered high
The results of improvement actions priority risk are Eye Iritation, Stumbled by
for each risk above can be seen in Table 9. Machine's Feet, Slipped by Slippery
Once you know which risks are the most Floor, Hands Scratched by Scrap Vertikal
prioritized, the next step is to carry out 19 Machine, Hand Burned, Hand Grazed by
risk evaluation measures, where every event Steel Plate, Hand Scratched by Roller
pose a potential hazard. Crumble, Hand Exposed by Hammer,
Shoulder burdened by Roller Crumble,
Table 9. Improvement Actions Priority and Sandwiched by Hydraulic Cutting
This point of improvement proposal using
HAZOP Worksheet, which is a data
discussion analysis describing more details
about the causes, in order to find out the
best action to overcome the problems.
create a interrelated sequence or work the previous chapters, conclusions are made
system to facilitate job management. as follows:
3. A training on the importance of 1) The potential occupational accidents risks
Occupational Safety is a designed occurred in CV. Konstalindo's production
program giving provision to employees area came from some sources, which has
appointed by company to be able to apply been classified into 13, include: Strucked
the K3 in their workplace. The presence Down and Sandwiched by Raw Materials,
of K3 training is expected to give the Electrocuted, Tripped by Materials,
understanding about things needed in K3 Slipped by slippery floor, Hands are
implementation in the workplace. Scratched by Machine, Hand Blisters /
4. PPE Visual Display or poster, and the Burns, Sandwiched by Hydraulic Cutting
illustration of Occupational Health and Machine, Hand Scratched by Raw
Safety (K3) importance is a means to Materials, Hand Exposed by Hammers,
civilize safety campaign. Through the Hearing Loss, Respiratory dan Eye
posters and displays, it is expected that Disoreders, Injured by Gram Flakes'
public awareness of safe, comfortable Sparks, and Shoulder Injury. Among
and healthy work culture will be arised.. those, injury by gram flake's splash of
Do not forget to make it easy to read and lathe operation have the highest amount.
do by workers. 2) The Moderate Risk Hazard posed in CV
5. Machine maintenance is to keep and Konstalindo's production area are Eye
raise the its efficiency, optimize the power Iritation, Stumbled by Machine's Feet,
to the desired result, and prevent sudden Slipped by Slippery Floor, Hand
severe damage. Scratched by Vertical Scrap Machine,
6. The significance of engine saving is to Hand Burned, Hands are Grazed by Steel
provide a cover on lathe to menghindari Plate, Hand Scratched by Roller Crumble,
steer clear of workers from gram flake Hand Exposed by Hammer, Shoulder
spark during smoothing process. burdened by Roller Crumble, and
7. Providing non-conventional items- Sandwiched by Hydraulic Cutting
remover tools, such as manual hand Machine. The highest risk score is 10, fall
truks. on Eye Irritation which is caused by
8. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is grame flakes' splash during lathe
the compulsory attribute must be used operation system.
during working, in accordance to work 3) After identifying the potential hazards, the
hazards and risks level, to keep the overall recommendations are given to the
workers's safety, as well as people company, they are:
aroung him. 1. Improving unsafe working conditions
9. Periodic inspections is a means to 2. Arranging good working procedures
monitor health and safety aspects in 3. Conducting K3 training to workers
CV.Konstalindo, periodic inspections 4. Making a visual display/poster
carried out in accordance with the danger encouraging to always use APD
level of particular hazard. If the source of 5. Making sewer of stagnant water and
hazard has a moderate (S) risk level, then oil
the inspection could be 1 time in 3 6. Machine maintenance
months, whereas for high-risk level (T), 1 7. Preserving engines which causes
time per month inspection should be grams spark
performed. The periodic inspection is 8. Providing the non-conventional
carried out according to the level of risk of removal tools, namely: Manual Hand
each hazard occurred. Truck
9. Providing APD, namely:
5. CONCLUSIONS Safety Helmet
Safety Googgles
Based on the expected goals which fit the Safety Gloves
data and its processing results presented in Masks
Safety Shoes