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Quality in Classroom Transaction

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International Journal of Multidisciplinary Education and Research

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Education and Research

ISSN: 2455-4588; Impact Factor: RJIF 5.12
Volume 1; Issue 7; September 2016; Page No. 30-32

Quality in classroom transaction

Dr. Parminder Kaur
Assistant Professor, Guru Nanak College of Education, Gopalpur, Ludhiana, Punjab, India

Classroom transactional practice includes teacher, content, environment, assessment, mode, style etc. For effective classroom
practices quality relationships should be built. Building quality relationships takes time; developing students ability to make
appropriate choices take time; fostering and maintaining harmonious classroom environments takes time; allowing students to
learn from their mistakes and develop strategies for restitution takes time. Within any classroom there is a constant dynamic
transactional process developing. As a result, it is increasingly likely that as the children become older, a parental stimulus directed
at a child ego state will result in an adult to adult response. Even though the response is perfectly reasonable, and indeed would be
sought in most circumstances, in this case it leads to a crossed transaction and the potential for a negative conversation.
Transactional Analysis is an exceptionally useful tool for helping colleagues to understand their interaction with students, as it
explains clearly why some negative transaction which we all have from time to time result in negative responses. However, it also
helps us to develop strategies which we can practice and mature, which will help with longer term relationships with students,
bring more positive relationships to all concerned, and help in developing (as opposed to managing) behavior.

Keywords: teacher, content, environment, assessment, mode, style etc.

Introduction hemisphere, India should try to become knowledge

Teaching has been one of the oldest and respected professions economy to promote inclusive growth.
in the world. The role, functions, competence and preparation Models for effective classroom transaction
of teachers have undergone a dramatic change from time to The three effective relatively distinct curriculum models that
time but the need for teachers has been imperative for all have proven effective with students at various stages of
times. The changing times as well as the requirements of the development and in various domain specific areas may be
society have necessitated changes in the ways of teacher treated
preparation. In the Vedic India, the teacher enjoyed special
status and position. He was held in high esteem by the society 1. The control method
and this was due not only to learning and scholarship, but also The model tends to emphasize the importance of learning
to qualities of head, heart and hand. skills and concepts within a predetermined domain of inquiry.
Teachers belief, attitudes and philosophies are revealed in Students are encouraged to move as rapidly through the
our classroom transactions with students. How we use humor, content area as possible and thus content acceleration in some
how we react to student questions or challenges, and other model tends to dominate the application of this model in
variables all make the styles element of the teaching Learning practice. When the diagnostic- prescriptive (DP) instructional
Transaction model. Together they challenge us to examine approach is utilized, students are pre-tested and then given
our humanness as witnessed in our classroom attitudes appropriate materials to master the subject area segments
towards students, and education in general. prescribed.
Quality in teaching learning transaction practices is based
upon development of cognitive competencies. Meta cognitive 2. The process-product model
competencies, social competencies and effective disposition It is a highly collaborative model that involves teacher-
among the students. The cognitive competencies is a problem practitioner- student as an interactive team in exploring
solving, critical thinking, formulations questions, searching specific topics. It places heavy emphasis on learning
for relevant information, making informed judgments, making investigatory skills that allow students to develop a high
efficient use of information conducting observations and quality product. Consultation and independent work dominate
investigations innovative and creative things and the instructional pattern, culminating in student understanding
communicating effectively. of the scientific process as it reflected in a selective
Knowledge, skills and productivity of our growing and exploration of key topics.
dynamic work force forms the backbone of our economy. To
recap the benefits of such a young work force, we need to 3. The epistemological model
implement the reforms in the education systems and also It focuses on students understanding and appreciation of
bring forth new factors of production, namely knowledge, systems of knowledge rather than the individual segments of
skills and technology which have ability to unleash the those systems. It reflects a concern for exposing students to
productive frontiers of the economy in the most efficient and key ideas, themes, and principles within and across domains
dynamic way. Besides, taking a leaf from the western of amplification by new examples in the future. The role of
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Education and Research

the teacher in this model is as questioner, raising interpretive Brain storming

issues for discussing and debate. Students focus their energies Brainstorming is a method used for problem solving or
on reading, reflecting and writing. generating different possible solutions to a problem. The
purpose of brainstorming is to come up with as many as
4. Methods for quality transaction possible without regard to quality. With as many team
Suitable pedagogical methods enable the learners to apply members as possible are contributing their possible.
appropriate skills in a specific context. Only those methods Quality control in the classroom means maintenance of
are expected to be effective that are primary interactive and quality experience in the classroom than of maintaining
participatory and are focused on providing positive attitudes efficient control in the classroom, although there are of
and interpersonal skills. The following pedagogical methods course aspects that are related. Quality control in the
are recommended as they are likely to be effective. classroom is the process of relevant values applied with
consistency and flexibility, within both implementation and
Question box self-review processes. Ideally, classroom education is a rich
It is an effective interactive process for acquiring authentic and deep experience for students wherein meaningful
and accurate information about any curricular area. Question understanding of relationships, within and between the social
box activity will also create an enabling environment and is a and physical environments, referenced to both community
good entry point for organization of learning experiences on and individual can be developed.
adolescence education in schools. The classroom however is rooted in remnants of the liberal-
humanist tradition and provides a particularly complex
Role play pedagogical arena. The classroom sometimes serves as a
Role play is an activity presenting a small spontaneous play clumsy coercive mechanism where teachers expertise act as
which describes possible real life situations. Role play allows the regulator for government at a distance this essay therefore
students to stimulate real-life situations with the aim of focuses on an investigation the values which educators bring
preparing them to handle similar situations in life. to an education environment and seek to develop within
students. Less emphasis in this essay is given to the
Situation-analysis and case studies environmental dimension this is given to either the
Situation analysis allows learners to think, analyze and substantive dimension or the behavioral dimensions.
discuss situations they might encounter. Case-studies may be Additionally, transaction and inclusively are given more
based on real cases or hypothetical situations but should raise emphasis than antecedent conditions. This approach reflects
real issues. The purpose of a case study is to present learners my belief that consciousness of the interpersonal transactions
with a situation, giving sufficient background information to between students and between students and Teacher form the
analyze and compute the outcome of events, or to provide core of any quality that may be controlled.
solutions to specific problems. Quality control in the classroom is fostered by development
of a positive environment in which critical-exploration skills
Value clarification are encouraged and the development of conscious- values is
Value clarification may be used as a potential educational facilitated. Pedagogical concerns such flexible teaching
activity aimed t skill development which influence the way an practice and flexible learning processes are supported through
individual thinks, behaves and take decision on different this emphasis. Quality control can be maintained through
issues. It is important to note that value cannot be perceived implementation of curriculum modules designed to support
as right or wrong, good or bad. students on both personal and systemic levels to develop of
conscious- values is enhanced. Review processes should be
Group discussion ideally is structured so that students are encouraged to
Group discussion as an educational activity provides become informed by the process. This requires review
opportunities to involve learners in an interactive process of research paradigms that assist both an educator and students
experiential learning. In a group discussion each group or to reconceptualise their own learning strategies and review
every member of the group examines a problem or an issue their own learning outcomes. In order to facilitate quality
intensively and comprehensive. control of these aims, students should be supported to explore
broadly within units that allow for multiple paths and multiple
Debate outcomes and processes of mutual review must be applied to
Debate is an interesting activity for probing into controversial any analysis of effectiveness.
issues. It provides a proper setting for individuals to be Quality in classroom practices can be developed by adopting
logical in verbal and written communication and helps them quality learning environment skills. These skills help in
in taking a rational position on any issue. monitor the effectiveness of learning environment and
continuously work to improve it. These are discussed as
Quiz content following:
It enables students and other learners to gather varied
information on the selected theme or topic and understand the Risk-taking
implications of different aspects of the concerned issues. It The self- confidence to put oneself into challenging
provides opportunities to learners to be exposed to various environments that require an ever-increasing level of
dimensions of different issues and acquire authentic performance and possibility of failure.
knowledge about them.

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Education and Research

Following convictions 7. Rao VK, Reddy RS. Resorcesof effective Teaching. T

Consistency acting according to ones belief; this behavior eaching New Delhi (India) Common Wealth publishers.
builds trust, an essential component of a learning

Feeling and showing honor or esteem for others in the
learning environment; showing consideration for the different
qualities they bring to it. Without mutual respect, creativity is
limited, people avoid risks, and the likelihood of inducing
quality collaboration lessens.

Committing to other
Pledging one to work for the well-being and success not only
of oneself but of others in the learning environment. This is
often done formally with all parties completing and signing a
pledge or contract outlining the details of their commitment,
listing the actions they will take.

Valuing process
Valuing the methods used to do something, as opposed to
merely valuing the accomplishment itself. In other words,
unless students actually see the value of the methodologies
used (such as sharing, collaborating, and assessing their own
work) and openly engage in using them, it will be difficult for
authentic learning to occur.
Effective classroom teaching needs good planning on the part
of teacher. Teaching effectiveness is measured by the lasting
quality of instruction, the impression, recollections and the
habits of thinking. Quality comes from people who care and
who are committed. In educational field, it is the teacher who
shoulders the responsibility of quality in classroom
transactions. It needs good planning, good personality of
teacher that is voice, gesture, posture, interaction with
students and good communication. To make the teaching
more effective, immediate feedback should be provided and
followed by demonstration of appropriate behavior. Teacher
and students need to know each other well to create the
bonding that helps the classroom environment.

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