Voluptuous Panic
Voluptuous Panic
Voluptuous Panic
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ISBN: 1-932595-11-2
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Feral House
PO Box 39910
Los Angeles, CA 90039
This book is dedicated to Barbara Ulrich, my co-conspirator. It is also dedicated to three Weimar
wildchildren, Henry Marx, Felicity Mason, and Tonio Stewart. Each was a master raconteur. They spent
much precious time with me, telling me about their Berlin years and their many adventures there
and in exile. All of them passed away before I finished this project. They will be sorely missed.
Greatly appreciated was assistance from Michael Thaler, Ulrich Sacker, Tony Kaes, Jean-Marie
Pradier, Ingrid Eggers, Christophe Bourseillier, Nina Hagen, Ute Kirchhelle, Shade Rupe, Jennifer M.
Kapczynski, Rosa von Praunheim, Greg Day, John and the boys upstairs at Moe’s.
Preface..................................................................................................... v
shadowed her gaunt shoulders and
Voluptuous Panic began as research for an out-of-control sias—scenic displays, fueled by noxious concoctions of ether-and-
theatre piece. In 1994, I wrote and directed a nightclub extrava- chloroform, cognac, morphine injections, and a chic, pan-sexual
ganza for the German Queen of Punk Rock, Nina Hagen, entitled disposition. Satiated Berliners, after a few riotous seasons in the
The Seven Addictions and Five Professions of Anita Berber. The early Twenties, finally tired of Berber’s libidinous antics. The high
theme of the production was the tragic and dreamy life of Anita priestess of choreographic decadence died a pauper’s death in
Berber, the most glamorous decadent personality from Berlin’s 1928, the result, more or less, of a desperate attempt to quit cold-
Berber consciously broke every social and theatrical convention Nina Hagen and I rejected the notion of Anita Berber as a
of her time, and then proclaimed some startline theory to justify doomed flapper or artistic victim of Berlin’s uncaring, patriarchal
her provocative, outlaw behavior. She haunted the Friedrichstadt public, For us, she was the first postmodern woman: a vibrant
quarter of Berlin, appearing in hotel lobbies, nightclubs, and Marilyn Monroe with the devious, adolescent mind of Norman
casinos, radiantly naked except for an elegant sable wrap that Mailer. Her life needed to be celebrated.
I decided to organize the performance like an invented language books on the subject of interwar Berlin con-
German cabaret evening with discrete units of wild tained pitiful numbers of the provocative visuals that
ic Expressionist sketches, hardcore Berber dance (with My brain reeled. Did the Nazis or frightened Berliners
sacred dildos and morphine syringes as props); smutty destroy every suggestive publication during the politi-
poetry-recitations-in-the-nude, and loops of Weimar por- cally sobering Thirties and Forties? Were Allied firebomb-
nography—all running in a side-show sequence and intro- ings equally responsible for the incineration of Berlin’s
duced by an evil, beyond-Joel-Grey MC, delivering witty, debauched past? Or maybe such print or photographic
narrative commentary. material from the orgiastic Weimar era never really exist-
my show would be the simplest of a dozen directorial Relying on private European contacts and antiquar-
tasks. I figured two of three days (tops) in the public library ian bookstores, I launched a feverish search for all bits
would suffice. To my initial surprise, there were relatively of data and representations from pre-Hitler Germany.
few lurid Weimar pictorials, other than the obvious George Within a few months, I had acquired dozens, then boxes,
Grosz and Otto Dix etchings of grotesque whores, war- of extraordinary Weimar Berlin paper items, erotic news
cripples, and bald-headed exploiters. magazines, cabaret postcards and playbills, sexy hotel
The authoritative history of racy men’s periodicals, brochures, Galante journals, verboten travelogues, illus-
Mark Gabor’s The Pin-Up (Bell Publishing: New York, trated “Moral Histories” (Sittengeschichten), underground
1972) maintained, “In Germany, there were no girlie tabloids, popular crime weeklies, and naughty, what-to-
magazines of consequence until after 1945.” [In fact, do-after-midnight guidebooks. These saucy remnants
I later learned over 80 such mags could be found in contained not just pictures and photographs but descrip-
Berlin kiosks in 1930.] The researchers for Bob Fosse’s tions, exposés, and print enticements of every sort.
film Cabaret, which was shot on location in Berlin in The living ephemera of a lost Berlin, if only a few hun-
1971, also reported a remarkable lack of erotic docu- dred scraps, had fallen into my hands. Now I had consider-
mentation; one of them complained to The New York ably more than a cache of weird material to brighen up a
Post, only literary routines and political satires remained wild performance project. Scattered around my copy stand
of the old cabaret milieu. Even contemporary German- was enough arcane junk for a book. Or two.
A disgusting city, this Berlin, a place where no one believes in anything.
Cagliostro, 1775
And now we come to the most lurid Underworld of all cities—that of post-war Berlin. Ever since the declaration of peace, Berlin
found its outlet in the wildest dissipation imaginable. The German is gross in his immorality, he likes his Halb-Welt or underworld
pleasures to be devoid of any Kultur or refinement, he enjoys obscenity in a form which even the Parisian would not tolerate.
Netley Lucas, Ladies of the Underworld, 1927
Berlin means depravity. Moralists across the widest spec-
trum of political and spiritual beliefs have condemned by rote this
the alkaline air around the Prussian capital (Berliner Luft) was said to
contain a toxic ether that attacked the central nervous system, stimu-
Previous Left: ist Mecca of the Twenties and early Thirties, endures
Speedy Schlichter, into the twenty-first century. Two full generations after
its Sodom and Gomorrah-like demise in March 1933,
Previous Right:
Sebastian Droste,
hundreds of American and British filmmakers, pop nov-
the husband of
Anita Berber,1923
elists, fashion photographers, playwrights, academics,
Anti-German and twenty-something website designers still play out
London, 1915 the enchanting tale of a debauched, twentieth-century
equally high hopes. Although her composer husband her evil-if-matronly bisexual predilections. Moreover, Above:
Sites of Berlin
Kurt Weill dutifully pushed her career forward, Lenya’s Lenya herself disturbingly epitomized the cartoon- Prostitution,
star rose only in the post-World War II period when ish whores from George Grosz’ pornographic oeuvre,
the Weill/Brecht Weimar confection The Three-Penny another Weimar import that was gaining popularly in
Opera became the surprise Off-Broadway musical hit the Eisenhower-Marlborough Book Club-Kennedy era.
of 1954. Lenya achieved immediate cult status as a The writer most responsible for the myth of “Sodom
novel avatar of Berlin sexuality—the saucy shrew with on the Spree” was, of course, the British Peter Pan,
the delectable, whiskey-and-cigarette rasp. Everything Christopher Isherwood. His semi-autobiographical Berlin
about Lenya radiated High Camp (not yet defined Stories were written in the Thirties but only found a
but rapturously appreciated in the Greenwich Village wide readership decades later when they were appro-
habitat of the time) from her ironic stage delivery to priated for Broadway and Hollywood vehicles.
The first dramatization of the Isherwood vignettes,
Above: its obvious message toward a middle-class/middle- Like Edwin S. Porter, Christopher Isherwood had unwit-
Guide to
“Decadent” aged (largely Jewish) New York audience. tingly devised a free-wheeling multinational staple
Berlin, 1931
Prince’s Cabaret was shot through with the anxiet- that knew no cultivated bounds or embodied much
ies of 1966 America in Year Three of the Great Society. historical truth.
Counterculture live-in arrangements, drug use on cam- Fosse’s Hollywood musical Cabaret (1972) jettisoned
pus, The Factory, and debutantes-gone-wrong were the sweet comic interludes of the Masteroff stage
already stock-in-trade Life magazine features. Censor- script. He sharpened the juxtapositions of fetish-strewn
ship in Hollywood and on the newsstands was fast Berlin with the smartly-uniformed avengers of the New
eroding, thanks to the ACLU, which helped suburbanize Germany. Yet again mass audiences were allowed to
the Sexual Revolution. Halloween-masked radicals partake in the polymorphous confusion of old Weimar—
paraded down Fifth Avenue while Silent Majority hard- via a doll-faced Joel Grey in nifty drag and big-eyed Liza
hats menacingly chewed their hoagies. Inner-city teens in shameless, junior Marlene getup—while rationally
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more than wild clothing and wild sex. Bad Boy, Bad Girl,
For the erotic trailblazers of the pre-millennium, the
What’s Not
reimagined Weimar Berlin remained a cutting-edge, in the
mythic terra firma. But even their heightened visions Guide, 1927
San Francisco) would have to be considered as one of
Above: of Berlin’s development have been analyzed in stu- was a distinct liability to the stodgy monarchy.
Ruth Margarete
Roellig, Berlin's pendous detail, one ineffable aspect has been largely The harsh imposition of Wilhelmian law and threats
Lesbians, 1928,
a guidebook ignored in these academic tomes: the unconventional of Prussian discipline kept the anarchistic urban-
with an intro-
duction by
religious profile of native Berliners throughout the nine- swamp in check. But in 1919, with the Kaiser gone
Dr. Magnus
teenth and twentieth centuries. and a democratic constitution about to be proclaimed
Manassé, If it was possible to objectively measure the spiritual in Weimar, those legal strictures basically expired.
The Forbidden
Book life of a city—through the language of its municipal The tapped-down moral restraints of bratty Berlin
charter, the legislative influence of its church leaders, suddenly burst at the seams. The once quaintly rogu-
the ratio of religious institutions to residents, its weekly ish German metropolis was now an open city—open
church attendance, the judicious enforcement of Blue for sex. Or, as its many provincial detractors decried,
Laws, and so forth—then Berlin (with Montevideo and “a new Hell on earth.”
The Great War was the greatest sexual catastrophe that has ever befallen civilized man.
Magnus Hirschfeld, The Social History of the World War, 1930
All wars, in the iron cosmology of Berlin’s leading
sexologists, were a function of the male sex impulse
Previous Left: Few national conflicts have been fought without were assassinated by Serbian nationalists in Sarajevo in
Keystone, Berlin
these psych-war stratagems, or, more to the point, 1914, much was made in the world press about the
Right: erotic inducements and rewards for its soldiers. The fanatical character of Balkan politics, Austrian arrogance
Play Money,
elevated levels of testosterone that biologically steel (Ferdinand deliberately chose June 28th, the Serbian
G. Sieben, post-pubescent bodies and cloud the instinct for self- national day of mourning, to tour newly incorporated
Balkan Torture
preservation also increase sexual desire in young men. Bosnia), and the Great Power consequences. But during
Manassé, So it is little wonder that societies have traditionally the six weeks between the shooting of Austro-Hungary’s
accorded their warrior class (and consorts) dispensation heir apparent and the actual war, German propaganda
from chastity and monogamous regulation. played up one minor aspect of the Saravejo event:
aristocratic woman. This was further proof of the sexu- As the national euphoria and jingoistic enthusiasm
al perfidy of Slavic men. Serbs, Russians, Ukrainians, for modern warfare waned, even in the patriotic coun-
Macedonians, Poles, and all their lesser cousins were tryside, an insidious Chicago-style corruption spread.
in need of the civilizing canon of the German army and Butchers who honorably served families for genera-
sights of disfigured and hollow-eyed soldiers wandering scarce or obsolete. Only foodstuffs mattered. The profi- Above:
Otto Griebel,
Berlin’s streets and parks, the long-delayed (if heavily teering and theft of them were abetted by a distracted A Slice of
Ham (Made in
censored) official postings of the millions dead, missing, government, intent on victories in the field. Those poor
or captured created a novel and creepy psychosexual souls without food sources or connections had just one
vacuum. The realm of shared national purpose and other commodity to haul to the public market: sex.
manly virtue was challenged by more primitive philoso- At first, young war brides, branded “straw-
phies of day-to-day survival. widows,” offered their carnal services to the available
For most German families, trade—either in heirlooms males of Berlin, then it was the provincial youth of
or stolen merchandise—earned subsistence to endure both sexes, and finally the children of bourgeois fami-
the month or week. But eventually these items became lies. Prostitution lost its exact meaning when tens of
thousands were involved in complex sex attachments, public health officials and social workers for help. The
all of a commercial nature. The vaguely Wilhelmian war had spiritually corroded the old order at home.
underpinning of middle-class
Venereal disease, not flesh- Russia, German servicemen behaved strangely, too.
diate well-being of the capital. release from all peace-time constraints. Homosexual
Syphilis and gonorrhea spread at affection and cross-dressing amusements became com-
an alarming rate. The city fathers, monplace activities in the musty trenches and isolated
moral code, turned to Berlin’s inspire them, pockets of combat-weary troops stared in
frozen rapture at S&M and fetishistic photographs that
a healthy discharge from the tedium of building fortifi- spies, like the legendary Mata Hari, sometimes Opposite
cations and other noncombatant duties. frequented these command centers, wrangling battle- Alexander
Szekely, Scene
from a German
The High Command, alarmed that the Imperial field secrets from lust-smitten German administrators
Brothel in
Army was aping the uncouth ways of their despised and military leaders.
Serb and French brethren, responded with Prussian Sex, the historical lubricant for rallying a nation to Below:
efficiency. They permitted local brothels to open under armed conflict, was destroying the Kaiser’s war. Behind the
the strict supervision of military physicians. Every front- Other unforeseen factors, like the American Expeditio-
line soldier was issued a ration book of sex coupons; nary Forces and mutiny in the hinterlands, also under- Postcard,
The Price of
Flesh Has Fallen
the frequency of contact, number of minutes, time of mined General von Hindenburg’s scheme for the occu-
day, and class of whores allowed was determined pation of eastern France and military triumph. By 1918,
mathematically by rank and combat unit. The booklets it was evident that the Central Power alliance had splin-
were as treasured as tobacco. tered irrevocably under the onslaught of Allied armies.
In the staging grounds behind the active theatres of Each nation was ready to sue for a separate peace.
recitals, and crates of pilfered goods. Roman-style declared, replacing the Wilhelmian Second Reich. Within
orgies became synonymous with Etappe life. Female 24 hours, the Kaiser abdicated his monarchy and fled
Above: with his family to the Netherlands. Two days later an Some radicals opted for a Soviet solution. But Lenin,
A. Szekely,
The Settlement Armistice was signed with the Western powers. the supreme revolutionary commander, already knew
All fighting ceased. Germany had lost the Great War. what the seditious leaders of Bavaria and Hamburg
Now a stunned populace, reeling from new eco- would soon discover to their regret: Germans were
nomic chaos and terror in the form of revolution and incapable of fomenting Socialist revolution; when
counter-revolution, watched in disbelief as top-hatted ordered to storm a railroad station, they would stand in
politicians attempted to transform their vanquished line first to buy tickets. By March 1919, the period of
nation into a model constitutional republic. Germany in romantic left-wing insurrection had been checked.
1919 had no traditions of democratic consensus, only Private Nationalist militias, in league with the centralist
an embittered electorate in search of quick political authorities, had assassinated the Red leaders and over-
fixes. Extremist parties of the left and right attained turned their “peasant-proletariat” communes. Berliners
immense power in the first national election and then returned to their business of pleasure.
ultimately dominated the workings of the Weimar The municipal chiefs of the great city had little to
bemused stupefaction.
Klaus Mann, the son of the Nobel Prize laureate, imported American music and the new women’s fash- Above:
Carlo Jung,
recalled the choreographic outbreak as “a mania, a ion that emphasized silk stockings and revealing skirts. A Fine Family
religion, a racket.” Secret dance parlors, hidden in the What was once the shocking mode of film stars and
Friedrichstadt and in Berlin North, became the craze. In drunken aristocrats now availed itself to everyone. Even
workers’ quarters, Apache-like tango dances, cake- at formal dances, clothing shrank to practically nothing.
walks, and foxtrots played out under streetlights and in Variety houses and cabarets featured rows of naked
parks. Life in postwar Berlin had become bizarrely women, but many found it impossible to compete with
eroticized and dance-madness was its improbable the risqué styles in the audience.
Social and popular dances took place in an array of every Berliner tripped the light fantastic, full economic
venues: at lavish balls (like the Bad Boys’ Ball or the recovery could never be achieved. But there was a
Pretty Leg Festival), in sleazy corner bars, at private growing sense of prosperity in Berlin anyway. Despite
clubs near resort areas, but mostly it was stimulated by the ubiquitous presence of beggars and hideous
W. Krain,
Berlin Illustrirte
Naked Dance,
war-wounded, demobilized aristocrats and the children selves with their silly exercise in extreme social recti-
of Germany’s affluent classes gravitated to the country’s tude. Dance was made legal and censorship in Berlin
Then thousands of posters from the health minis- A dizzying panic overtook Berlin in October 1919.
try warned, “Berlin, Your Dance Partner is Death!” The Not since Paris in the 1860s had a European city expe-
admonishment in garish Expressionist script weirdly rienced the Edenic flush of total erotic freedom. With
coupled brain-damaging syphilis with all-night tan- prostitution and all-night dancing already accepted fea-
gos. In no time, the slogan inspired trunkloads of tures of contemporary Berlin life, what else could be
caustic sketches by cabaret artists and provided the added? Drugs and over-the-counter pornography
In April 1919, a new tactic was tried. A few of the opium balls were hawked on street corners. Chinese
largest dance halls were allowed to reopen. However, entrepreneurs from the former German concession of
ballroom dance remained verboten elsewhere in Berlin. Kiaochow installed a string of opium dens in Friedrich-
Closures of defiant bars, mass arrests, and costly law- stadt cellars, but these were far too claustrophobic for
suits resulted. By late fall, the entire civic enterprise had German tastes. Invented sedatives—like Anita Berber’s
to be abandoned. The city fathers discredited them- breakfast elixir, chloroform and ether—seemed more
modern and daring. (The C-and-E cocktail was ingested
tasies—Gymnasium masters and nannies administering their equally lowbrow clients. In truth, the Nachtlokals Above:
Erich Schütz,
instruments of torture and humiliation to their naked catered to a much more naive class of patron. Raiding the
charges. The distinct erotica of Berlin was sold in spe- Usually the potential customer was discovered on a
cialized bookstores and here and there on the street. midnight Bummel (urban stroll) somewhere near the
The Nachtlokal, or private nightspot, was another Friedrichstadt. A scruffy teen working for the Lokal, the
crude expression of the new era. In 30 or so Berlin Schlepper, would then approach the target, luring him
hideaways, gentlemen and sophisticated couples could with promises of covert erotic entertainment and, if
encounter the latest erotic sensation, the Naked Dance. alone, female companionship. A picturesque journey
Cynical journalists compared these postwar Berlin through a Byzantine circuit of courtyards and passage-
“nightclubs” to Tingel-Tangels, ugly Wilhelmian whore- ways followed. Finally, the disoriented sucker was
bars where honky-tonk entertainers intermingled with delivered to the secret club hidden in an out-of-the-
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way apartment complex. Once inside, the Suitor paid a antics could be made anywhere. In private flats, hotel
horrific tariff (in the form of an overpriced bottle of rooms, and rented halls, drug parties and nude “Beauty
German champagne, Sekt) just to sit at a table. An Evenings” were constantly announced and held. A gala
improbably upbeat Russian balalaika band normally atmosphere enveloped 1919 and 1920. The entire city
filled the air with musical static. transformed into a Nachtlokal for its liberated youth and
Around one or two in the morning, a smutty revue still comfortable bourgeoisie.
commenced. The nature and duration of the show var- The stimulants and fashions changed too. “Radium
ied considerably, mostly consisting of few naked cremes” and tincture of yohimbé bark from West Africa,
whores and their daughters, prancing in mock Isadora which augmented female and male desire, were
abandon. Poor sightlines and erratic seating arrange- manufactured in little shops and advertised in Galante
ments were offset by the itinerant activities of the monthlies. Seamstresses—mostly White Russians and
performers, who would erotically tease Suitors at their former noblewomen—added a Berlin touch; they rein-
vigorated Flapper-era couture by utilizing materials
conferences in the early Twenties proved disastrous for exchange tumbled to 550/1 in August. In the summer Above:
Paul Kamm,
the Republic. Angered by German bickering that reject- of 1922, a mere dollar traded for 7,500 German marks. 1923
ed their resolute demands for immediate disarmament By January 1923, the official rate was 22,400/1, then in
and sharply redrawn borders, French and English politi- May the mark slid further to 54,300 per dollar. An all-
cians tripled the amount Germany would owe the vic- time low was reached on October 12, 1923 when the
tors—six billion gold marks in raw materials and indus- once-vaunted German note plummeted to the stagger-
trial goods to be paid over a 42-year period. ing equation of 4.2 billion marks to the dollar.
The terms of the 1921 Reparation Act more than Germans on fixed incomes and pensioners lost
bankrupted the German federal treasury; it ensured the everything in those years. Once again wartime barter
end to any hopes for a stable commercial life in the was a favored means of livelihood. Religious chari-
struggling Republic. Its currency would eventually ties, like the Catholic Relief and the comically
become worthless. But the scope of the monetary American Salvation Army, fanned out across Berlin.
freefall was not clear at first. Seven marks bought one Crank indigenous cults also dished out thin soup with
Above: Most urban employees were paid by the day and moment they disembarked at the Stettiner Bahnhof.
George Grosz,
Down with scurried to exchange-banks in the morning before the In postwar Paris, a traveler could engage the ser-
1919 value of their salaries declined by half in the late after- vices of a streetwalker for five or six dollars; but during
noon. German towns issued emergency paper scrip for the Inflation in Berlin, five dollars could buy a month’s
its bewildered citizens; by the bitter fall of 1923, the worth of carnal delights. The most exquisite blowjob or
nationwide legal tender was valued chiefly as a com- kinky dalliance with a 15-year-old never cost more
bustible for apartment furnaces. French newsreel-cam- than 30 cents, or 65 million 1923 marks. The widows
eramen captured mustached Burgers hauling wheelbar- of famous Wehrmacht generals rented their bodies and
bedrooms for a few precious kronen. Even upright
The Nachtlokals in particular teemed with non- Kaiser’s Germany, in the minds of many, was finally Above:
German speaking thrill-seekers. For the newest clien- repaying its war debts. Kiesslich,
Queen of
tele, humiliation and sexual degradation served as an On November 20th, 1923, the financial dementia Currency,
equal attractant as the old Naked Dance revue itself. In lifted. The administration in Weimar introduced a new
one Lokal favored by Dutch vacationers, businessmen currency, the Rentenmark, which overnight stabilized
and their wives tossed foreign coins to any female the internal economy and Germany’s standing in the
German in attendance willing to strip completely nude. international marketplace. Worth about 20 cents, or one
Outside the tourist hotels and downtown pensions, trillion marks, the Rentenmark was itself replaced
knowing gigolos and pretty boys, dolled up in rouge by the Reichsmark in 1924. But confidence in Weimar
and mascara like wax mannequins, displayed their governance, at least until 1929, was restored. The
androgynous wares. To the merry-making Ausländer, glorious period known as Germany’s “Golden Twenties”
Berlin was conducting a clearance sale in human flesh. catapulted into history with champagne toasts and an
Sex was everywhere and obtainable on the cheap. The intoxicating roar.
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There were men dressed as women, women dressed as men or little school-girls, women in boots with whips (boots and whips
in different colors, shapes, and sizes, promising different passive or active divertissements). [...] Young, well-washed, and pretty
females were abundantly available. They could be had for the asking, sometimes without asking at all, often for the mere price of a
dinner or a bunch of flowers: shopgirls, secretaries, White Russian refugees, nice girls from decayed good families.
Some of them pathetically wept on the rumpled bed after making love when they accepted money.
Luigi Barzini, The Europeans, 1983
The end of the Great Inflation did not stanch the perv invasion
of Berlin. In fact, fascination with the amoral city intensified as soon as the
Reichsmark proved a stable currency. Weimar Berlin, while shedding the scin-
Europe’s newest illicit playground. Along with cruises down the Rhine and
The very first thing foreigners noticed in Berlin were whores, thousands
of tarted-up females on the streets, in hotel lobbies, and seated at cafés and
clubs. How many Beinls made their living in Berlin during the Golden Twenties
the oft-published figure of 120,000 (which didn’t include the 35,000 male
prostitutes). It all depended on one’s definition of the
BOOT-GIRLS—Identified by their furs and calf-length, Wilhelmian-era, black- term. Berlin was like no other European city when it
leather boots or (after 1926) in shiny, patent leather versions. Lacquered gold,
came to the sheer magnitude of sexual possibility.
cobalt blue, brick, “poisonous” green, or maroon, the iridescent footwear
indicated the Girl’s specialty. Freelance Dominas, they attracted frugal provin-
cial German Suitors, who were led to nearby pensions. Estimated numbers (in “Controlled” Prostitution
1930): 300–350. During the late Renaissance, most German towns
GRASSHOPPERS—Lowly streetwalkers without “room money,” who serviced
established boundaries for free-wheeling bathhouse-
men in the corners of the Tiergarten and around Bülowplatz. [Ironic variant
taverns, brothels, and street prostitution. These areas
name: FRESH-AIR WOMEN.] Estimated numbers: 600.
GRAVELSTONES—Unattractive sex-workers on Oranienburgstrasse. Included were marked by Striche, painted lines or stripes.
women with missing limbs, hunchbacks, and other deformities. [Also known Draconian punishments awaited sex traffickers and
as WOODCHUCKS.] Estimated numbers: 400.
adulterers caught outside the Line. Wayward prostitutes
HALF-SILKS—[literally “Half-Baked”] Amateur, occasional prostitutes, the vast
majority of the Friday-night trade. Often secretaries, shopkeepers, and office
clerks supplementing their incomes after work. [During the Inflation Era, they
were called DODGERS due to their unregistered status and FIVE O’CLOCK LADIES
because of their preferred time of contact.] Estimated numbers: 40,000–55,000.
KONTROLL-GIRLS—Three defined classes of legal prostitutes who reported to
the Berlin vice authorities on a regular basis and were checked for venereal
disease by police physicians. Before 1927, they were concentrated in the
Friedrichstadt and Berlin North. Typical romantic opening: “So, sweetheart?”
[Variant names: BONE-SHAKERS, LINE-GIRLS, and JOY-GIRLS.] Number of Berlin
“Control Books” issued to street prostitutes and CHONTES in 1930: 8,750.
MÜNZIS—Pregnant girls and women who waited under the lampposts on
Münzstrasse for “old money” clients in search of this erotic specialty. Very
expensive sessions. [Also known as KABNIS (from Viennese Romany argot)].
Estimated numbers: seasonal, under two dozen.
NUTTES—Boyish, teenage girls. Coquettishly dressed and working in secret from
their families, they treated prostitution as a form of dating. Often traveled in
pairs. Thought of as primarily gold diggers. Standard pickup line: “Don’t you
think we should have a coffee first?” Estimated numbers: 25,000–30,000.
TAUENTZIENGIRLS—Bubikopfed streetwalkers in the latest fashions (some-
times in mother-and-daughter teams), who silently solicited customers on
were tied naked to a pillory, which usually stood in the Previous Left:
village commons. Special constables administered pub- Stocking Gold
lic floggings. And afterward, citizens could taunt the Previous Right:
Kamm, Minette
during the course of an afternoon. The upright Burgers the foremost attributes of a Queen revolved around her
and their women often inflicted permanent damage to sexual mastery (evidently vaginal and manual skills)
the prostitute’s body. and a quick wit; the conventional standards of physical
Inside the Strich, a counter-ecclesiastic world beauty were eschewed here. Interestingly, the local
highly taxed, provided a bit of heaven for sinners. Food authority of the Queen and
and intoxicants, gaudy entertainment, and sex were all made her responsible for
available for a price. A furtive jargon—a mix of vulgar enforcing their ordinances
Yiddish, thieves’ argot, Romany, and low-German dia- throughout her sovereign rule.
town, separate rules and folkways emerged. for commercial sex traffic in
tion. According to the upside-down culture of the Strich, Strich concept. A single neigh-
Tauentzienstrasse, south of the Memorial Church. T-Girls were celebrated for their
borhood, under police supervision, delimited and
down-to-earth, brash attitude. Beloved species to Berlin’s press corps, even those
contained all the city’s lewd merrymaking. Urban cen-
working for Conservative and Nationalist dailies. Estimated numbers: 2,500.
ters elsewhere in Western Europe designated similar
“amateur hookers.”] Young women from good families who supplemented local culture, and financial boon to the civic coffers,
their allowances by working in secretive, high-class houses in Berlin West.
each of these Zonas varied considerably in size and
Normal hours of operation were late afternoon/early evening. [Variant name:
public toleration. To a great degree, they defined the
MANNEQUINS.] Estimated numbers: 500.
DOMINAS—Leather-clad, mesomorphic women who specialized in whipping, secret and cosmopolitan life of the city. And among
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posing as physicians. The “patient” indicated the “length of his illness” Only Berlin, among the great metropolises, lacked a
(requested age of the girl) and color of pills (hair tint). Transaction took place
Strich or Zona Rosa.
in Berlin West “pharmacies.” Estimated numbers: less than 100.
MINETTES—[French for “female cats.” A common Parisian expression for inde-
pendent, sexually active women.] Exclusive call girls who enacted S&M fantasy “Berlin Is Becoming a Whore”
scenes, often involving foot worship, bondage, and forced transvestitism. A 1792 statute (with 24 clauses) from the time of
Located in all the large Friedrichstadt hotels. Estimated numbers: 350.
Friedrich II gave rise to Berlin’s exceptionalism in all
RACE HORSES—Masochistic prostitutes who enjoyed being beaten or
matters sexual. In keeping with strict Prussian decorum,
whipped. Worked in “Institutes for Foreign Language Instruction,” where
the “schoolrooms” were equipped with instruments of torture and bondage no brothel quarter could be legally sanctioned within
furniture. Patrons were carefully screened before their first session. Estimated the city proper. Commerce in sex was declared illegal
numbers: 200.
but—according to the confusing edicts—female and
TABLE-LADIES—Berlin’s version of the Geisha. Employed in private nightclubs
on the Kudamm, Table-Ladies were reputed to be ravishing and multilin- male prostitution itself was to be placed “under govern-
gual. Each conformed to a specific national type: Demonic German, Exotic ment surveillance” (in effect, authorized). The unin-
Eurasian, dark-eyed Gypsy-Girl, blonde Nordic, or Spanish Aristocrat. A
favorite of politicians, movie moguls, bigtime capitalists, and Scandinavian
tourists. Customers paid “table-money” to the club—often in excess of 100
marks—for an evening of champagne, fancy canapés, scintillating gossip, and
a private backroom encounter. Estimated numbers: 400–500 before the 1929
Crisis; half as many after.
TELEPHONE-GIRLS—Child prostitutes, ages 12–17, who are ordered by tele-
phone and then delivered to clients in limousines or taxis. Usually given
the names of stage or film stars, like Marlene Dietrich or Lilian Harvey, that
described their prepubescent physical features. Often billed as “virgins.”
Extremely expensive. Estimated numbers: 3,000.
tended consequence was whimsically clear
sanctions were consistent: 1) Berlin refused to allot a (which in Berlin was anywhere). How they were Previous Left:
Minette at work,
legal district for the practice of harlotry—the supposed to drum up business in outlying or unfamil- 1932
Previous Right:
“Mediterranean” solution, and 2) public solicitation for iar quarters was solved with inimitable Berlin logic:
A Half-Silk, 1926
sex was strictly prohibited. because streetwalkers could only be arrested for ver- Opposite Left:
Jeanne Mammen,
A relatively small number of prostitutes—around bal solicitation, an elaborate gestural and dress code Boot-Whores
4,000 in 1914—were granted Kontroll-cards, which quickly arose. Customers could recognize the compli- Above:
Fritz Burger,
subjected them to monthly inspections by eight vice- ant goods instantly by their characteristic packaging. Off the Track
doctors, or Pussy-Pressers. This allowed the certified In other words, whores would promote themselves by
Opposite: imitated by Berlin’s more virtuous females. For instance, cially” delineated, but each with distinctive attractions
G. Hahn,
The Flowergirl
one historical badge of shame for Strich-violators, short- and an overall licentious atmosphere. The most con-
cropped hair, became the common emblem of the spicuous was called the “Alex,” a ten-block slum cen-
Tauentziengirl (a variety of Berlin streetwalker)—at tered around the Alexanderplatz in Berlin North. Site of
least for a year or two. Then in 1923, the short pageboy the lowest-grade whores in the city (Class Three
coif, or Bubikopf, achieved universal popularity as the Kontroll-Girls, Chontes, and Gravelstones) as well as the
stylish cut for trendy Berlinerinnen. central police station and a luxurious brothel for straight
Prostitutes had to change and update their pro- women, the Alex contained at least 320 houses of ill
vocative attire constantly in order to retain a legal repute. Only a dozen or so resembled tranquil maisons
means of solicitation. Dress also communicated sex de tolérance of the Parisian variety. The rest were
practice. Boot-Whores near the Wittenberg Platz, for essentially fuck pads, where street prostitutes serviced
once when the madam closed in the early
Above: their clients. The sex was quick and cheap. In an “Hour elevated temptations. A mile-square downtown pre-
on the Hotel,” the John paid about one dollar for the use of the cinct, compromised of federal ministry buildings, “grand”
1930 room and 35 to 75 cents for the Kontroll-Girl. At the hotels, state-funded museums, revue-houses, and high-
200-plus “Transient-Quarters,” or mini-brothels, money rise compounds for financial and publishing conglomer-
(usually in the dollar range) was paid first to the ates, the Friedrichstadt doubled as a tawdry Luna Park
Kupplerin (house madam) and then the Flea was when the workday concluded. Between five o’clock tea
directed into a bare room for a ten-minute transaction. and three in the morning, this was home to hundreds of
Hygiene levels were notoriously un-Germanic. The Nepp-Lokals, strip clubs, gay Dielen (bar-lounges), mas-
wash basins in a typical Quarter were emptied only sage parlors, greasy Wurst restaurants, and the Linden-
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Passage, a dilapidated arcade lane where two to three section in Berlin’s proletarian South, featured Erwin Below:
hundred Doll-Boys (underage boy prostitutes) posed Piscator’s Communist theatre as its best-known night- photograph
of a Racehorse
before hesitant Sugar-Lickers (gay pederasts). Hard- time draw. One could also find a surfeit of cocaine and
faced Minettes applied their psychodramatic skills in S&M clubs just to the south of Walter Gropius’ temple
top-floor rooms of pensions and tourist hotels. of Red art. Another six blocks further south and east
The Tiergarten, Berlin’s dimly-lighted park preserve was the clandestine land of black-curtained homosexu-
at the city core, attracted young freelance Line-Boys al lounges and Racehorse salons for the delectation of
Above: On the Line The lowest (or Class Three) were known on the
Kontroll-Girls crowded Berlin’s streetcorners in flush street as Bone Shakers. Older and most experienced
times and bad. They formed the nucleus of the 30,000 than the others, they looked down upon the undocu-
round-the-clock itinerant whores. By 1930, nearly mented Grasshoppers (or Fresh-Air Girls), who per-
9,000 possessed Kontroll-Books that testified to their formed similar duties under the inviting skies of the
fine venereal health. (The others had allowed their Tiergarten. Class Two included Tauentziengirls, a viva-
medical papers to lapse or ignored the Pussy-Pressers cious streetwalker type, found on the Tauentzienstrasse
altogether.) The Bulls categorized the K-Girls into three and characterized by their flapper-style wardrobe and
grades based on appearance, age, and number of bathing cap-like hats. Curt Moreck, a Sittengeschichte
clients per day. chronicler, compared them to swamp lilies and praised
them as “an iridescent, demonic
and leered at me as I passed by. ‘Good evening, tumed in red and black attire like nineteenth-century Above:
Madam,’ I said. She whispered into my ear, ‘Want to be horsewomen. Snapping a riding crop, the tallest Amazon team
my slave? Costs only six billions and a cigarette. A bar- bellows menacingly, ‘Who will be my slave tonight?’”
gain. Come along, honey!’” Eight years after Mann’s First-Class Joy-Girls were generally the youngest and
encounter, Moreck reported on the same corner: “One most desirable of the K-Girl bunch but they faced
favorite tourist site is located near the Passauer and enormous competition from yet another unique Berlin
Ansbacher streetcorners, west of Wittenberg Platz. erotic phenomenon, Half-Silks. Mostly fresh-faced sec-
There, a trio of six-foot tall Boot-Girls are garishly cos- retaries, minor government clerks, department-store
apparel) and, in summer months, teddy
Above: employees, and salesgirls by day, these amateur hook- Indoor Varieties
A Chonte
ers roamed Berlin West by the tens of thousands in the From Renaissance times, Gypsies and Jews were
early evening. They were easily recognized by their closely identified with white slavery in Central Europe.
girlish makeup and unusual accoutrements, like large By 1920, their participation was largely vestigial in
cloth handbags (where they secreted their daytime Germany. Romany culture became submerged in gooey
Viennese, Hungarian, Parisian, and Spanish renditions. the exception of two picturesque types: Kupplerinnen Above:
Gypsies themselves disappeared from German urban (procuresses) and Chontes—zaftig whores from south- photograph
of a Münzi
life although they were the theme of a vast, mostly ern Poland. In general, Chonte-Harbors (Jewish broth-
invented, erotic literature. els) were not well regarded in Berlin’s sex guides but
Weimar Berlin had a large Jewish population they appeared to attract a sizable working-class and
Eastern countries] and thoroughly assimilated/con- The other varieties of indoor Berlin prostitutes were
verted/hidden Jews). While they dominated certain substantially higher-brow. Fohses frequently made their
cultural fields in pre-Nazi Berlin, especially publishing, initial contacts in public gatherings, negotiating prices
law, medicine, theatre, graphic art, cinema, music, and scenes, but were never considered streetwalkers
architecture, and popular entertainment, relatively few since their work fell under the (even then) comic rubric
Jews were still involved in common prostitution with of “Massage Therapists.” Upscale Demi-Castors were
peans, captured this Weimar excess best
Above: essentially the picky Half-Silks of the closed-door broth- was known as “Old Mädchen Street.” For those with an
Albert Birkle,
Fohses el set. And Table-Ladies (Berlin Geishas) applied their itch for mature K-Girls (40- to 60-year-olds but looking
exclusive trade in snooty nightclub backrooms and at considerably older) or a sympathetic motherly touch,
Sophisticated het tourists came to Berlin for erotic of 220 pounds, these gorgeous street creatures in
“specialties.” Luigi Barzini’s social memoir, The Euro- groups of three and four provided ideal subject matter
for smirking painters of the Neue Sachlichkeit ilk.
Two street types were deemed important enough Münzis were knocked-up streetwalkers who adver- Above:
Waiting at
to be granted a separate nomenclature: Gravelstones tised their condition on Münzstrasse, about seven the Bridge,
and Münzis. Like Berlin’s war-wounded, the Gravel- blocks from Gravelstone territory. Conscious of their
stones had their own hideous allure. Outcast prosti- temporal appeal, the Münzis charged triple rates for
tutes with grim deformities—acid-scarred faces, sessions and organized themselves on the “Münz”
hunchbacks, crippled or missing limbs, disfiguring skin (“Coin”) according to their stage of pregnancy. Like the
conditions—they created their own informal society on Boot-Whores, the Münzis became a much in-demand
Twenties, the Gravelstones came into their own; men S&M prostitutes publicized their presence in trade
in chauffeured limousines appeared with some fre- newspapers and hotel flyers. Dominas were to be
quency to chat with them and if their malformation found in “Body Culture” clinics and sometimes
proved compelling and unusual enough, an all-night approached randy foreign couples in lesbian and trans-
arrangement was gamely struck. vestite nightclubs. More discreet were the Racehorses,
Child Prostitution
Child prostitution was a searing social issue long
Above: young masochistic prostitutes, who were billed as pressing and psychologically debilitating civic prob-
A Domina
“teachers” at “Institutes for Foreign Language Instruction” lem, particularly during hard times. But in Berlin the
or “masseuses” in Berlin South “Beauty Salons.” quandary of kiddy-prostitution was partly resolved by
Minettes, unlike their French namesakes, enacted stan- a more cynical, free-market approach: the opening of
dard domination and fetish scenarios (i.e., angry board- child brothels.
ing-school mistress; new secretary; enraged customer; How many children were actually pressed into sex-
Madga Lupesco and King Carol; best friend’s mother; ual service/slavery is unknown. Magnus Hirschfeld
industrial spy; blackmailing student; boss’ sadistic reported on one such lucrative operation on Alexand-
daughter; old girlfriend) for hefty fees in fashionable rienstrasse, where a “rapacious harem” of 14-year-old
Berlin’s industrial elite. The house was, remarkably, enumerate the exact years he suffered from some
shut down by the municipal court after a sensational malady—although the nature of the illness was always
trial shrouded in political intrigue and late-night govern- left unnamed. The answer had to be in the 12-to-16
Other child dens of iniquity sidestepped the Bulls was requesting. The attending “physician” (who had a
through a ruse of codewords and cheesy disguises. On diploma in hairdressing on the wall) then responded by
Bülowbogen in Berlin West, a pederast could enter a searching the back cubicles for the properly aged
storefront “Pharmacy,” where he would be asked to Medicine, which was dispensed in hourly “tablets” of
purchase the services of the “child-star,”
The Kietz, or underworld life of the Berlin
“blonde, brown, brunette, or Gypsy-black.” the Kietz’ ironic juxtapositions as a telling panorama on
More popular (and far more profitable) was the human mendacity and deceit.
trade in Telephone-Girls. Attractive 12-year-old girls Like other workers in debased professions, the
and young teens were made up and dressed to resem- people who inhabited the Kietz saw it differently. They
ble adult female celebrities—typically Lya da Putti, felt nothing but contempt for outsiders (except for the
Marlene Dietrich, Dolly Haas, or Lilian Harvey. Lonely Bulls, who normally treated them with good-natured
Cavaliers telephoned one of six or seven agencies to respect). Most prostitutes claimed their lives were infi-
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nitely more liberated and interesting than those of their customs, sources of satisfaction, entertainments, taboos, Opposite
and Above:
lumpenprol sisters. The Kietz had its own system and codes of honor. For four years, it even produced its Telephone-Girls
of justice, language, familial relationships, annual own weekly newspaper, Der Pranger (“The Pillory”).
A Domina
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Berlin nightlife, my word, the world hasn’t seen anything like it! We use to have a first-class army; now we have first class perversions.
Klaus Mann, The Turning Point, 1942
Previous Left:
A Nutte and
pharmacist on
the town
Previous Right
and Opposite:
Uhu, 1931
clubs, and dancehalls. Some of these private concerns replaced by more fluid categories of dress, bodily
barred straights and gay men outright, others welcomed appearance, age, and sexual disposition. Even the stan-
them, and still others restricted their female clientele to dard categories of desire—male/female; gay/straight;
The carnal advantages of class and wealth intensi- fundamental ways that they astonish even now.
fied in Sodom, although they appeared at times to be Hidden away in Berlin East, for instance, was a tiny
honky-tonk, the “Monte Casino,” where working-class expect and spend, and fantasize how their dream
husbands partook in boy sex. While their understanding, Bummel or session might unfold. These lurid Baedekers
prole wives sipped beer and applauded the transvestite of the night were indispensable pilots for lost souls.
kid performers. A few Reichsmarks lighter, the lusty ste- the Weimar sex-rush. But the aggregate who partici-
vedores eventually retired to the dining tables of their pated in some commercial aspect of the Kietz,
and externalized.
ly into the unsentimental machine-age Zeitgeist. It The dazzling sex cards they held were short-lived and Above:
Heinz von
universalized femme-fatalism. Sex appeal was no lon- not a danger to the gender status quo. The roles of good Perckhammer,
A Nachtlokal
ger a mysterious inborn construct but a purchasable and bad women in Weimar had become reversed. Any on the
commodity, available to the entire female-of-the- Bubikopfed teen was a potential Lulu, or Nutte.
species. And seduction could be played out for better Girl-Culture also referred to the precision chorus
rewards than bourgeois marriage—and far longer—when line, which Ziegfeld’s choreographers contrived from a
its ultimate goals were money (or diamonds, gold blend of French Can-Can and the American fascination
jewelry, furs, penthouses) and emotional dominance. with Taylorist motion economy. Stunning Girl-Groups
Berliners, far more than Manhattanites, adapted from Anglo-Saxon countries demonstrated synchro-
Ziegfeld’s provocative concept to their mentality and nized kick displays that beat the hell out of the prewar
lifestyle. It glamorized and extended the war between Tangel-Tingel leg shows. Each angelic dancer, the iden-
the sexes. Women and men each possessed something tical duplicate of the other, resembled an interchange-
the other passionately desired in the big-city tango. In able machine part or a blank-faced soldier in a Prussian
fact, Berlin’s professional Beinls were often looked upon army drill. Here, the New Woman was automated,
as the heartfelt, unadorned subset of the New Woman. made trainable, streamlined, remolded into a robotic
doll. Both aspects of Girl-Culture—the Demonic Sex
matic touch. One year later, Brecht and Weill bested the
invented revolution.
Cabaret was, of course, the signature entertainment
form of Weimar Berlin. Born in the backhalls and min- cabarets in the Parisian mode: shows with alternating Above:
Max Liebermann,
iature variety-houses of fin-de-siècle Montmartre and acts of musical comedy, poetry reading, topical mono- Erotic Grotesques,
Vienna, the cabaret melded lowly amusement genres logues, torch songs, sleight-of-hand routines, dramatic
to Bohemian sensibilities, in the service of a middle- sketches, and the like. In a sense, these were hip
class audience on the slum. In Berlin, the “tenth muse” Music-Halls presented within an intimate restaurant
unraveled, returning to its maverick roots: the brothel setting. The evening’s mood in these houses shifted
Of the 150 Berlin commercial outlets that advertised appreciation and finally back to laughter, with each suc-
cabaret revues, only a dozen or so were traditional ceeding act. In the standard Jägerstrasse Kabarett,
however, there were only two moods: the bitterly
Oddly enough, Kander and Ebb got this part right.
Harry Seveloh, the husband of the lead dancer, delivers a short introduc- artistic content and celebrity casting, received substan-
tion to the program. He enthuses that Berlin high society has now grown tial print coverage, which survived (in bits and drabs)
mature enough to enjoy the sights of naked female performers without lewd,
to be analyzed and deconstructed by post-World War II
sensual stimulation. The spectator’s appreciation of the girls’ exposed beauty
historians. The more popular erotic cabarets hardly
should be of a purely intellectual or aesthetic nature.
merited notice, except in the downtrodden Galante
Scattered applause from the mature audience. The curtain is drawn, expos-
ing a tiny stage.
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(Expression Dance).
One sensational production mounted at the Black Cat dollar value approached a near-zero decimal. Celly
Cabaret, “The Dance of Beauty,” achieved widespread divorced him, remarried in Vienna, and settled down to
notoriety due to its novelty during the Inflation and the be an upstanding Hausfrau, never to heard from again.
Gypsy violin music slowly ushers in a line of
female artistes.
closing curtain.
lifts her breasts to the warm, life-giving sun. After the Black Cat affair, naturally, no Berlin cabaret
The stage darkens as a circle of barefoot girls in peasant dresses rush was stupid enough to flaunt its fleshy wares as high
forward to execute a vibrant Hungarian folk dance. art in the face of the authorities or, if it did, forget to
An erotic pantomime, the “Opium Slumber,” ensues in quick succession. It
compensate the local Polenta for their impeccable criti-
begins with the shadow of a Chinaman smoking wanly on an opium pipe. After
cal faculties.
a few minutes, an evil femme fatale appears and seductively enslaves him to
Foreign tourist guides, true to their calling, champi-
be a victim for her mélange of sadistically lewd games. The club spectators
watch this with a special intensity. oned the Kabarettwelt’s indecent rep. Jägerstrasse, the
This is followed by a carnal “Bullfight,” performed to the clicking of casta- home to 14 or 15 Nachtlokals, was publicized as Berlin’s
nets. Celly, the female matador, disrobes with exquisite deliberation and uses hothouse citadel of forbidden sights. Yet, around 1927,
her diaphanous garb to sexually torment and subjugate the hapless beast. The a natural downturn occurred. The dark hedonism of the
dance concludes with the defeated bull lying supine next to the high heels of
erotic cabaret could be explored in other, more com-
the triumphant—and now naked—matador.
fortable and accessible surroundings: in ritzy dinner
clubs, private Dielen, a few showy restaurants, the
the Kudamm.
the Nameless.” Instead of hiring professional entertain-
Comic “Jack the
Ripper” scene
ers, Elow did just the opposite; his stage was open only in a cabaret,
to amateur performers, 15 per evening.
virgins are forced to participate in the ritual murder of their sisters and then
given drugs by a High Priest so they may delight in erotic worship with the tuals compared the milieu of the Nameless to the
Finally, a fully orchestrated Spanish mystery play, based on Calderon’s The tyred, to neighborhood bullfighting rings in Mexico
Nun, is enacted. A cello solo establishes the somber mood. Then a procession City, and to the execution of criminals by guillotine on
of nuns and monks, led by a bishop, moves through the audience to the stage,
Paris’ sidestreets.
which is arranged like the interior of a church and lit in dark purple columns.
The majority of Elow’s nonprofessionals were
The procession is accompanied by the sound of harpsichord, violins, and the
cajoled into believing that their appearance would hurl
cello. A trembling young Sister, played by the histrionic Celly, is brought before
the altar of the inquisitorial court. The Father declares her unchaste, worthless. them into cabaret stardom. Generally, they were
Despite her mad pleas, the errant “Daughter of Christ” is mercilessly expelled Berlin’s losers: Gogol-like office clerks who believed
from her Order. Before a statute of Mary, the distraught teenager rips off her that their true calling was comic recitation or juggling;
habit and begs for divine intervention. The Holy Virgin magically steps forth, frustrated housewives who once trained in Bayreuth;
passionately kisses the Nun, fondles each of her breasts with a slow, icy touch,
incompetent teenage magicians; tin-eared composer-
and then presents the Sister with a silver crucifix—all before the eyes of a
and-lyricist teams; hypnotists who were banned from
stunned clergy. Lights out!
the variety circuit because of their chronic inability to
ber. (A few really schizophrenic or severely inca-
whole thing.)
Cohen (incidentally all the revue directors were Jewish) continent, although the nude aboriginals are always Above:
to find the finest specimen of raw feminine beauty on milky-white and look suspiciously French, with stop- Revue
the entire planet. Cohen then subcontracts the onerous overs in Berlin’s Kietz and a heavenly apparition of 74
task to two Berlin playboys, who obediently traverse the perky, rouged breasts. (Count ‘em!)
world’s fleshpots in order to win the million (post-infla- The 1929 depression brought down the curtains on
tionary) mark reward. Their journey takes them to every Klein’s erotic dreamscapes. His last show was titled
Above: Goddamnit! 1,000 Naked Women!, which might have venue for their pursuit of the extraordinary: environ-
fashions been a tad ambitious. Klein remained in Berlin in the mental restaurants and Gargantuan nightclub retreats.
from Klein’s
Everyone Thirties, contented that he avoided his creditors and
Naked, 1927
Klein’s fellow revue-directors lost their theatres as “luxury-class” nightclubs, 400 bars or Dielen, and
well during the economic tailspin. Yet the hard-partying 20,000 restaurants. This meant Weimar Berlin had one
denizens of Berlin were unfazed. They discovered a new dining establishment for every 280 residents (the ratio
Revue program
Take It Off!,
in New York City in that year was 1 to 433). For the One unusual joint was the “Hackepeter,” north of the
most part, the food in Berlin was not of great interest Alex. Named after the Rheinish specialty (chopped raw
to the non-German tourists; Paris, Vienna, and Rome pork and minced onion drizzled in hot, bubbling lard), the
satisfied that craving in spades. Instead, Berlin had doz- restaurant featured a “Hunger Artist.” Encased in a sealed
ens of “theme” and “event” restaurants. They rivaled glass booth, Jolly sat in his underwear and chain-smoked
the cabarets and revue-houses in popularity. cigarettes. Two funeral-attired “observers” alternated
Nuttes came to the Hackepeter just to mar-
Opposite: during the 24-hour proceedings, ensuring no food ever At the end of the month, Jolly rejoined his place at
G. Breuer-Courth,
She Admires graced the hunger artist’s lips. During dining hours, a the Hackepeter and issued a public statement, rejecting
Her Beauty
midget announced the number of days and hours that the millionairess’ marital offer. Jolly maintained that he
Jolly fasted in his binge of voluntary starvation. Usually had fallen into a deep “spiritual depression” after his 44-
the Hackepeter regulars showed their appreciation by day ordeal, which was why he foolishly agreed to the
tapping against beer steins with their greasy utensils. engagement in the first place. Jolly since realized that no
Besides being an object of carnival-like fascination, hunger artist can both wed and be true to his calling.
Jolly was also considered a romantic idol. Starry-eyed The Berlin journalist Adolf Stein (a.k.a. Rumpel-
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Rockefeller dynasty’s family tree
Above: stilzchen) thought Jolly changed his mind once more, sets, within a single restaurant-nightclub, supplying
Jolly on display
years later, and followed Evelyn to her Long Island separate menus and styles of service. “Café Braun”
mansion. Where Jolly—and Evelyn—really wound up is masqueraded its help as world leaders and show-busi-
unclear, since Evelyn’s name does not show up in the ness personalities. The “Quick Bar” brought a bit of
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A Game for Adults
Max, Pietzsch, and the Girl is ideal for whiling away
the hours. Ideal for groups of dance partners, for flirting
at health resorts, for Sunday afternoon outings, in short,
for all of those moments when one would like
to—but wouldn’t dare say so. The players are Max,
Pietzsch, and the The Girl. Success will follow.
The game affords opportunity for appropriate and
also inappropriate remarks. You should expect the
game to last several years.
Basic Rules:
The game is played with a die. Players should
choose appropriate objects to serve as game pieces. For men: col-
lar buttons, trouser buttons, etc. For women: thimbles, small hair
clips, stocking fasteners, or pralines.
Main Rules:
If a player lands on a square which is already occupied, he forms
a couple with that player. Each player rolls for himself, but brings
his partner along when advancing by regular rolls. When a player
lands on a colored square, he alone
may make an advance, and the couple
separates. As usual. The author cannot
prevent that, in this game, two men
may also form a couple.
The first player to reach the goal
receives two-thirds of the pot, and
the second receives the last third. If
a couple takes first place, it receives
the entire sum. It is the responsibility
of the man in the couple to pocket or
fritter away his half, or to pass on the
amount to the The Girl. Which we
certainly hope he will do.
Rösler, 1926
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Occupying an entire city block, Haus Vaterland radi- The twelve dining arenas were devoted to interna- Opposite:
ated modernism. Like a still from Metropolis, the tional and provincial cultures—mostly fabricated—and The Unconscious
in the Mirror
domed roof of Vaterland was crowned with a Futuristic appropriate culinary spreads. One could select from
Lutz Ehrenberger,
ring of neon bands. The arresting sight was said to Turkish, Bavarian, Spanish, Viennese, Baden, Rheinish,
At the Nightclub
Heaven and Hell
resemble the head of a giant phallus. Inside its five Japanese, North German, Italian, Hungarian, Prussian, or
floors were twelve restaurant-”environments” and a American cuisines. And the amusements were site-
separate variety house. The Vaterland issued its own specific too. The glittering motto of the Vaterland illumi-
magazine, The Berolina, and could accommodate 6,000 nated the Potsdamer Platz entrance, “Every Nation
Above and The theatricalization in Haus Vaterland was extreme.
Images of For instance, in the Rhineland Wine Terrace, an artificial
Haus Vaterland
river flowed at the edges of a 70-foot panorama of the
intended’s table.
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Along the entire Kurfürstendamm powdered and rouged young men sauntered and they were not all professionals;
every high school boy wanted to earn some money and in the dimly lit bars one might see government officials
and men of the world of finance tenderly courting sailors without any shame.
Stefan Zweig, The World of Yesterday, 1943
decreed that his Praetorian Guard must forgo the august rites of mar-
ANDROGYNES—Highly refined male homosexuals with distinct feminine fea-
tures. Often recognized by their plucked eyebrows, “Belladonna” eyes, face
powder, lipstick, and heavy use of perfume. They sported sleek Bubikopf or Eton
haircuts and modeled themselves after Rudolf Valentino and Conrad Veidt.
AUNTIES—Older, large-framed gay men. Usually cross-dressers attired in over-
sized dressing gowns. [Variant pejorative names: FAT DADDIES, HAUSFRAUS,
BAD BOYS—Mostly 20-year-olds who traveled in packs of six to eight. Often
costumed in garish, leather fetish outfits. On weekends, they moved from Diele
to Diele, carrying their own stimulants.
BUBES—Handsome, well-built, working-class men. Typically open-faced and
cheery. [Variant names: BURSCHEN or BUTCHERS.]
BRESLAUERS—Men with large penises. [After the German city.]
turned to boys for their sexual pleasure—as did much of
CELLAR-MASTERS—Top men. [Also known as CANAL-MEN, MOUNTERS, or
YOUNG BUCKS.] the Prussian Officer Corps and the elite cadets from
COOLIES—[Originally from the Hindi, referring to a low-working caste.] Older Gross Lichterfeld, who could wed without dishonor.
Gymnasium or university students who hired LINE-BOYS. Frequently claimed
Homosexual attachments were freely acknowl-
to be straight.
edged and officially tolerated at Berlin’s military acad-
DOLL-BOYS—Youngest gay hustlers, from nine years old to 13. Virtually penni-
less, most worked solely for food, cigarettes, or lodging. Favorite hangout was emies. It was rumored that half the Potsdam militia
the Anatomical Museum in the Linden Passage. Estimated numbers in 1930: could be found in the arms of boy prostitutes in the
Tiergarten on any Saturday night. Prussian penal codes
KITTY-RECEIVERS—Bottom men. [Also known as KITTY-SUCKERS.]
formally forbade sodomy, calling it “purposeless and
LADIES—Male transvestites. [Variant name: SISTERS.]
LINE-BOYS—[Sometimes translated in British guidebooks as “Avenue-Boys,” obsolete,” but its effect on barracks’ couplings or anon-
“Trick-Boys,” and “Game-Boys.”] Teenage male prostitutes, from 15 to 19. ymous street encounters was nil.
Seen everywhere in Berlin, most conspicuously in gangs of four or five in fancy
Throughout the nineteenth century, Berlin acted as
hotel lobbies, gay Dielen and bars near the Alex, and in the Tiergarten. [Also
known as BLUE BOYS and YOUNG LIONS.] Estimated numbers: 20,000–25,000. a magnet for pretty German boys from the countryside,
PISS-ROOM BAIT—Predatory Line-Boy pimps. bisexuals, and cross-dressers. The city’s jumbled record
SCHWULEN—Generic slang term for all overtly gay men. [Variant names: HOT
on Strich regulation and its proximity to the garrison
BROTHERS, HOT UNCLES, 1-7-5ERS (after the infamous paragraph of the German
encouraged a growing traffic in Line-Boys and the slow
Penal Code), and SOUTHLANDERS.]
establishment of a homosexual subculture.
Previous Left:
Das Magazin,
Previous Right:
A Line-Boy,
Der Eigene,
In the Bathroom,
All males
at the
Otto Schoff, Boys’
Love, 1925
By the end of the Wilhelmian era, it was impossi- pickpockets all participated in it. (Some to their public
ble to ignore Berlin’s distinctive queer nightlife, which disgrace and sorrow.) In the Friedrichstadt and adja-
suddenly flaunted its size and diversity. Socialists, cent neighborhoods alone, one could count 38 Dielen
advisors to the Kaiser, schoolboys, federal judges, and and cabarets that were devoted to a same-sex male
Opposite Left:
Photograph from
Die Insel, 1931
Opposite Right:
Christian Schad,
On the Corner,
Sergei Eisenstein,
Spoiled Berlin,
when it involved children? Could homosexual desire be or the “habitual seducer” to imprisonment and fines.
reversed through medication, behavioral recondition- (Female-to-female sex was utterly ignored in the
ing, hypnotic suggestion, or penal threats? And if male Code.) Unfortunately for the puritanical German mag-
seduction was a premeditated transgression—and not istrates, the precise meaning of “paracoital” was left
the product of biological orientation—what punish- undefined. In the Weimar era, it was understood to be
ments were appropriate and effective? just anal penetration and “intercrucal intercourse” (leg
In 1871, the judicial aspect of homosexuality was and thigh humping). Street-smart Nazi legislators
finally resolved in the new Federal Criminal Code. immediately added oral sex, mutual masturbation,
Germany had consolidated into a single Wilhelmian and other forms of gay sexual contact, including flirta-
state, the Second Reich, and immediately formalized its tious glances, to the Paragraph in 1935. They also
statutes and regulations according to the dictates of the considerably augmented the punishments for second-
the League of Human Rights, ‘the Organization of 12,000.’” Motto: “For Truth tific responses among German intellectuals and ulti-
and Justice.” Weekly edited by Friedrich Radszuweit, head of the “German
mately galvanized homosexuals in Central Europe to
Friendship Union.” Serious publication with united goals for gay, lesbians,
organize for the protection of their legal rights and
and transvestites. Alternated between Third-Sex and Libertarian philosophies.
[1922–1929] communal lifestyle. (This was two generations before
Der III Geschlecht, Die Transvestiten—(“The Third Sex, the Transvestites”), the Stonewall Revolution in New York.) “One-Seven-
a periodical for “ordinary” transvestites. Lots of fashion tips. Published by
Five” gave urgency, new definition, and a common goal
Radszuweit. [1929]
to Germany’s estimated two million gay men, who
Die Ehelosen—(“The Unmarried”), unidentified gay monthly. [1927]
Der Eigene—(“The Exceptional”), “the Journal for Male Culture,” later “the otherwise lived in civic isolation from one another.
Newspaper of Friendship and Freedom.” “A Book for Art and Manly Culture.”
First homosexual periodical in the world. Small intellectual, but highly influ-
ential, periodical edited by Adolf Brand and Konrad Linke. It contained color
drawings, philosophical essays, photos of nude boys, adventure stories, and
manifestos. Circulation 3,000 to 6,000. Affiliated with the “Society of the
Eigene.” [Intermittently published from 1899 to 1929.]
Ernst—An artistic journal devoted to boy-love. Poetry, short stories, and uncom-
monly hardcore drawings. Probably influenced in style by Die Schönheit. [circa
Eros—“Magazine for Friendship and Freedom, Love and Life-Art.” A gay pictorial
edited by Brand. Militant Homosexualist competitor to Der Insel—[1930–1932]
Extrapost des Eigenen—A continuation of Brand’s Der Eigene. [1929–1931]
Die Fanfare—“The Official Organ of the Cultural Cartel.” Motto: “For a
Liberated Humanity.” A stylish one-man effort opposed to the “League of
Human Rights.” Gay monthly edited by Curt Neuburger. [1924–1926]
Der Freund—(“The Friend”) A decoy gay publication of Der Freundschaft dur-
ing a brief period of censorship. [1924–1925]
Die Freundschaft—(“The Friendship”) Motto: “For the Liberation of Differently-
Inclined Men and Women.” First Weimar paper with nude photographs, openly
gay personals, and advertising. Between 1923–1926, it functioned as a weekly
info sheet for Magnus Hirschfeld’s Scientific-Humanitarian Committee. Edited by
Karl Schultz. Later a popular monthly. [1919–1933]
From the start, however, bickering
Led by Adolf Brand, the indefatigable sodomy its reviled façade of weakness, narcissism, Opposite:
Der Eigene cover
editor of Der Eigene, the Homosexualists envisioned a and emotional hysteria.
Popular account
new Nietzschean hierarchy, along an imagined, antiq- The Third Sexers attempted to explain homosexual-
of gay prostitu-
tion in Berlin,
uitous Greek classification. Wise and muscular Aryan ity as a normal genetic phenomenon. Men with “female Men for Sale,
pederasts with their admiring boys headed the Homo- souls”—and women with male sexual dispositions—
ty, and intelligence; then women. formed a “Third Sex,” neither “full
(These lessers were necessary for man nor full woman.” According to
sexually enfeebled, the sissies and gay men and women inhabited an
state protection.
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Der Insel—(“The Island”) Libertarian monthly published by Radszuweit.
Featured provocative photos, gay fiction and news, and ads for gay books and
“massage services,” personals, and Dielen. Largest queer periodical with a
print run of 150,000. Originally “Island of the Lonely” section from the Blätter
für Menschenrecht. Brother zine to the lesbian Die Freundin. [1925–1932]
Der Kreise—(“The Circle”) Swiss gay intellectual journal, which outlasted the
Weimar and Nazi eras. Good source for exile queer literature and postwar
ideology. [First year 1932]
Der Merkur—(“The Mercury”) Literary gay monthly. [1922]
Mitteilungen des WhK—(“Bulletin of the S-H C”) News periodical of
Hirschfeld’s Scientific-Humanitarian Committee. [1926–1933]
Neue Freundschaft—(“New Friendship”) “Weekly for Friendship, Pictures and
Enlightenment.” “Organ of the German Friendship League.” Edited by Max H.
Danielsen, a former editor of Der Freundschaft. [1928]
Phoebus-Bilderschau—Gay pictorial magazine from the Phoebus Verlag.
Edited by Kurt Eitelbuss. [1927–1929]
Rundbrief—(“Round Letter”) Homosexual literary journal. [1932]
Die Sonne—(“The Sun”) Queer monthly from Hamburg. [1920–1921]
Der Strom—(“The Stream”) Politically-radical gay monthly. [1920]
Die Tante—(“The Auntie”) An offprint of Der Eigene. For Aunties. Filled with
anti-Hirschfeld invective. [1924-–1925]
Uranos—Literary gay journal edited by René Stelter. Later merged with Der
Freundschaft. [1922–1927] identifies with his emasculated or absent father. After
Wochenblatt für Aufklärung und gesitige Hebung der idealen Freundschaft—
puberty, the boy projects his own image onto his male
(“Weekly Paper for the Enlightenment and Contemporary Improvement of Ideal
consort as he unconsciously performs the double role of
Friendship”), gay newspaper with Third-Sex orientation. Edited by Schultz.
[1919–1922] a sexually caring mother.
heterosexual longings. infant son. The boy would be condemned to discover Opposite:
Even Carl Jung, working in faraway Switzerland, saw that true fidelity to his mother meant sexual avoidance The Inspection
homosexuality in a negative light as well. He believed of all other females later in life and sexual congress Above:
Ernst Gerhard,
Friends, 1925
that the perverse attitude began with an over-protec- only with men.
tive mother (“the Female Shadow”) who sexually tied Interestingly, the psychoanalytic and related psy-
her image to a confused and desperately insecure chogenetic theories—largely because of their straight
Homosexual Life
in Weimar Berlin
The idyllic gay portrait of dapper German
Above: and Jewish associations—were ignored by Berlin’s beyond the units of the Potsdam garrison.
The Dinner queers, who appeared content with their orientation. In 1922, one of Berlin’s police commissioners esti-
Only anxious bisexual men and fellow social scientists mated the total number of gay men to be in excess of
showed obvious interest. 100,000 and teenage male prostitutes (whom he did
if exhilarating, times:
Above: In the Twenties there was scarcely an occupa- servants. It was part of the craziness of the setting
fantasy tional group that was not represented at the famous that these tough servants and taxi drivers exchanged
drag balls in the big Berlin ballrooms. We “simple their gear next morning for the judge’s robe or the
lads” came dressed as Asta Nielsen or Henny Porten doctor’s white coat. It even happened that an “Asta”
[European film stars] and let ourselves be served would be sent to the clink for shoplifting a week
Still, the sexcapades of homosexuals more than before making a fast exit): “Goddamnit, man, you
rivaled the piquant Bummels of the het Girl-Culture. For might as well fuck a woman!”
bravado was a cause for envy and erotic introspection. Wandervogel and the Wild-Boys
Curt Riess captured this covetous relationship sardoni- Implied and overt forms of male homosexuality, of
cally in his Berlin memoirs. Two distinguished-looking course, had other public outlets in Berlin. The military,
men at a table in the Nachtlokal “Schwannecke”: the elite Gymnasiums and academies, the Life Reform
Walter Steinthal (editor of the 12-Uhr Blatt and a accusations of male pederasty and sex scandal through-
famous womanizer), “I could see myself fucking a boy. out the Wilhelmian era. But one mass association in
But he’d have to be young. Fourteen or fifteen.” particular was thought to be rife with man-boy love:
Hans Heinrich von Twardowsky (a flamboyant gay the unique German Youth Movement known as the
Although it resembled the Anglo-Saxon Boy Scouts squadrons of husky German teenagers often crossed
in popularity and appearance, the Wandervogel, aston- paths in desolate terrains and pitched camp within
ishingly, evolved in a strange Pied Piper fashion. This bonfire sight of one another.
was an overnight phenomenon, created by male teens Despite its wholesome image, the Wandervogel
for male teens. Its institutional founding took place in movement could not avoid the stigma of male-to-male
the Berlin suburb of Steglitz in 1896 and grew exponen- sex and gay seduction. In fact, the original organization
tially across the nation for the next 35 years. nearly expired when one of its adult chaperones was
A product of Pan-German and Naturalist senti- accused of being a supporter of Der Eigene’s Militant
ments, the Wandervogels proselytized a Romantic Homosexualist philosophy. The counselor quickly
resigned and some all-female units of Wandervogel group costumes, like top hats and shabby tuxedoes,
were hastily assembled but neither action really cooled American trapper outfits, college graduates in mortar-
the sexually-charged atmosphere. The entire Wander- boards, or paper buffalo heads. The gang names alone
vogel experience, according to the autobiographies of testified to the influence of Karl May’s North American
its precocious founders, was shot through with homo- frontier novels and other staples of German pulp fiction:
Even more obviously gay were the Wild-Boys, teen- “Wild West,” “Girl-Shy,” “Santa Fe,” “Gypsy Love,” “The
aged members of anti-social gangs that lived in the Dirty Boys,” “Red Apaches.”
titution. Boosts (unscrupulous proprietors of low dives) and recorded Wild-Free’s campfire pastimes and initia-
procured the services of the prettiest and youngest of tion rites (Vu, “A Return to Barbarism,” March 8, 1933).
gangs for Sucker-Lickers seeking passive Kitty- Winnetou gamely explained to the foreign journalist his
Receivers. Other 14- and 15-year-olds were sent out sado-sexual ethos: occasionally, naked newcomers
independently by the Bulls for a Bummel on the Alex were tied to the tops of trees and violated with phallic-
Kietz. Although sometimes confused with eccentric looking sticks; other times the would-be nomads were
Wandervogel groups by the Polenta, the authentic gangbanged on Stoszsofas, or fuck couches.
Wild-Boys—200 crews in Berlin North alone—fell Remarkably, the sociopathic Winnetou showed up
seamlessly into the city’s notorious gay demi-monde. on a Berlin thoroughfare one year after the Vu tête-à-
tête. Then he had the familiar bearings of a menacing Berlin, the acknowledged leader then, had at least Above and
Nazi tough. Winnetou, however, recognized one of seven times that many; a figure which, according to Wild-Boy
Guérin’s left-wing colleagues and greeted her warmly the calculations of its vice commissioners, was also
pick-up Dielen.
Opposite: beers. More gratifying to tourist tastes, of course, were protocols. Isherwood immortalized one of them, the
In the Field,
1928 lounges that featured human displays of Berlin exotica; “Cosy Corner,” in his series of “Berlin Stories” and
“Café Monbijou” and the “Dé Dé” both adorned their increasingly confessional memoirs. Between 1929 and
cabaret platforms with naked hermaphrodites, who did 1933, the expatriate Isherwood became obsessed with
nothing more than nonchalantly smoke and smile the bar and its denizens. He talked about it in London
wanly from their elevated chairs. The “Lion Cub” Diele, and Paris, wrote about it, and made it the first point of
which was decked out as a Wild West saloon, offered interest for his queer colleagues touring Berlin. Even the
interactive delights. The pumped-up waiters, or “cubs,” incorrigible bisexual occultist Aleister Crowley was
were attired in sailor or butcher-boy dress. On the dragged there by Isherwood. Within a moment of
menu was a extensive list of international beers and entering the Cosy Corner, the “wickedest man in the
the names of the service staff. For just a few pfennig world” walked up to one of the open-shirted Bubes and
more, one could cop a sensuous feel from the biceps or clawed the boy’s chest with his razor-sharp talons. A
Other gay amusement sites restricted their paying offer the tough some money before they made a fast
guests to an identifiable clientele or ones adhering to getaway. On the street, both were relieved; Isherwood
a special dress code, like elderly, fat men who dressed because his quick thinking prevented a retaliatory
in schoolboy’s knickers or tight-fitting sailor suits. The assault, and Crowley because he made his indelible
“Nürenberger Diele” and the “Kantdiele” catered mark on the “City of Satan.”
gender puzzle.
Lesbian emotional needs are truly inordinate. They build a world of their own—in their houses, in their lounges, in their literature,
and especially in their love practices. Lesbian desires reel over stars, aromas, sounds, and luminous colors. Caresses of soft and
pliant hands, nail and tooth, soft bites and pulling of hair, and finally, after great tension, an utter free-fall and drowning
until their own egos are dissolved into a moment of measureless bliss.
Ruth Roellig, Lesbians and Female Transvestites, 1929
Before the First World War, a rigid classification of lesbian
types was already well established in the Central European mind. Frumpy,
some frequency in the popular fiction and stage melodrama of Berlin and
urban dementia and female criminology. Even among the new breed of
ubiquitous cigars. Some Bubis sported delicately drawn “mustaches” (imitat- tered mannish concoction with facial hair and a destruc-
ing Spanish aristocratic women). Reputed to be the best automobile drivers in
tive revolutionary disposition.
Berlin. Attracted to Mädis, who referred to them as Daddies.
A second variety, the Situational Lesbian, provided
DODOS—Tuxedoed, sophisticated power women. Identified by their immacu-
lately coiffed dark, curly hair, which hung loose, Gypsy style (called Titus-kopfs). more hope for social redemption and visual appeal. This
Their faces powdered ivory-white, they often wore horn-rimmed eyeglasses or included young bourgeois women who, during their
monocles. Serious and ironic. Attracted to Garçonnes.
wayward adolescence, were cloistered away from nor-
GAMINES—Pert, saucy femmes. Usually attired in exaggerated French street
urchin clothing when clubbing.
GARÇONNES—Young women with Bubikopf haircuts and shaved, penciled-in
eyebrows. Stylishly dressed in French male fashions. Had their own weekly
magazine, Garçonne; motto: “For Friendship, Love, and Sexual Enlightenment.”
[Also known as BACHELORETTES or HANSIS.]
GIRL-FRIENDS—Generic name for homosexual women. [Variants: HOT SISTERS.]
GOUGNETTES—[From French underworld argot] Expensive lesbian callgirls, who
appealed to both genders. Found in many lesbian clubs and fancy tourist hotels
in the Friedrichstadt.
HOT WHORES—Heavily made-up professional prostitutes who serviced only
female clients. Frequently seen on barstools in lesbian lounges, facing the
dance floor with a vacant stare and long cigarette-holders in their hands.
MÄDIS—Ultrafemmes. [Variants: LADIES, LITTLE MEN, or SWEET MOMMIES.]
SHARPERS—Sexually aggressive but refined and socially well-positioned Bubis.
Characterized by their androgynous “Diana” features. Exhibited a perverse taste
for confused, working-class Mädis. A staple of lesbian romantic fiction. [Known
as SCORPIONS in the Wilhelmian and Inflation periods.]
TADPOLES—Unattractive, career Bubis. Defined by their shapeless exteriors,
mannish attire, and facial hair. Tadpole sexuality was often sublimated into
progressive social causes and artistic pursuits.
mal social interaction with virile
menacing Scorpion was a made-up vampire who not symbol of a new social order without erotic boundaries Previous Left:
Margit Toth,
only enjoyed the taste of virgin blood but the creation or familial conventions. Now heterosexual men had an Hot Sisters
Previous Right:
of man-hating progeny—“When she walked into the additional day-to-day worry: sexual competition from
A Garçonne, 1928
room, all the young women knew they were in abject females—especially from haughty aristocrats (particu- Left:
A Gougnette,
moral danger!” The Scorpion was more than a defiling larly those with mixed Spanish or French lineage), 1926
agent, a succubus who castrated men without their vengeful widows recently returned from Paris or Above:
A 17-year-old
knowledge or physical presence, she was the living Budapest, and overly attentive Bohemian artistes. Mädi, 1931
illating) insight into another form of female sexuality. It
ly repulsive or threatening
heterosexuals, an amusing if
criminal riff-raff.
Berlin. The international center of female homosexual-
Karl Arnold,
Which Door?
ity slid eastward and changed languages. 1925
women seeking the love of other women was said to be enormous, large enough to support sev-
can only be described as extraordinary eral dozen social clubs, two ice-skating leagues, a nud-
and unprecedented. Of course, Berlin’s ist retreat and three outdoor sports associations, six
growing status as a Hauptstadt of com- journals, and (as the guide books in the tourist hotels
mercial sex had a part in it. Yet other proudly announced) 85 nightclubs and lounges. But
Berlin’s lesbian subculture is difficult to assess. Magnus
At the Bar
Hirschfeld estimated in 1930 that Berlin was home to (Salvation
Army Girls),
some 400,000 lesbians, but that figure appears to be 1926
women was represented in the Berlin all-girl queer exclusively in establishments that catered only to their
subculture. While most lesbians were employed in own community. In other European cities, lesbianism
typically straight industries like government, publishing, was a choice allotted to just the very wealthy, glamor-
entertainment, manufacturing, fashion, advertising, ous, or patently avant-garde; in Berlin, any woman
low-level commerce, and education, many worked could pursue a same-sex lifestyle and find thousands of
ALEXANDER-PALAST and KÖHLER’S DANCE HALL twice a week. Partly because appearance. The lesbian Dielen and associations, for the
of their over-developed intellectual nature, Girl-Friends’ planning of costume
most part, appealed to specific couplings, for instance,
parties suffered from vastly overhyped advertising, weak leadership, and a gen-
only Dodos and Garçonnes, Sharpers and underclass
eral “North German” stiffness. Highpoint of the balls was always the Tyrolian
“Choo-Choo” dance, in which the dancers assembled in a long line, and the Mädis, or like-minded Gamines.
“Wash Waltz,” where participants mimed scrubbing down their partners with Also a vitalistic philosophy of lesbian superiority
imaginary brushes.
animated both the separatist and apolitical associations.
Lotte Hahn, a legendary fighter for lesbian legal rights, the Violetta contemptu- women’s sexuality was much more complicated and
ously looked down its nose at the social rostrum of more insular associations.
dense with erotic possibilities than that of men; there-
It was critical of the emphasis on physical appearance (“Sex-Appeal”) and the
fore, at their semi-mystical demonstrations of young
cult of stardom that many Berlin lesbian clubs consciously promoted. To coun-
ter that exclusionary world view, Hahn threw frequent Sunday picnics in the naked female dancers, male spectators, with very rare
Tiergarten and organized “beach party” outings in the summer. Violetta also exceptions, were prohibited. Although there was some
supported a feminist Body Culture regimen for indoor workers. More than any
tactical individual empathy with gay men and male
other Berlin society, the Violetta dealt with the problems and needs of full-time
transvestites, most lesbians in Berlin lived in a utopic
female transvestites.
Heavily advertised as an ideal meeting-place for lesbian singles, the environment separate from and independent of men.
Violetta organized its own dances three times a week at the RHEINISCHER HOF,
Lesbian Nightlife
Like other Berliners, lesbians were internationally
to February.
“only-in-Berlin”-quoting journal-
MANUELA, NATIONHOF, or ZAUBERFLÖTE halls. Particularly well received were cross a dark courtyard and three gates (the first bearing
its “Sailor Parties,” “Transvestite Parties” (cross-dressing was mandatory for
a symbol of a toilet) and then negotiate a narrow stair-
admittance), and “Fun Evenings,” where each Violetta member had to fill out
well before they reached the club’s ante-chamber. In
a card indicating her wildest sexual fantasy. The violet and the popular lesbian
“Lilac Song” were the club’s emblem and signature theme. Always champi- the foyer, each guest was inspected by two enormous,
oned in the oldest German lesbian newspaper, Die Freundin, a biweekly much
respected in straight leftist circles.
geous blonde, “Gypsy-Lotte.” A dynamic catchphrase: “Mood, mood, children!” On “Elite- Opposite:
Sharper, she was said to know the exact erotic prefer- Women’s Night,” a monthly feature, Lotte donned a Women’s Club
(The Topkeller),
ences and favorite drinks of her Diele regulars. Lotte’s fortuneteller’s costume and transformed into her alter-
liberating wit and scintillating personality drew togeth- ego character, “Princess Nana Hama,” a man-crazed, Vala Moro,
er the Topp’s broad and variegated audience. And Gypsy clairvoyant. Lotte’s parodies of sexually fiendish Newlyweds
whenever the carnal atmosphere began to dim, Lotte straight women especially delighted her many doting
More typical of Berlin’s Girlfriend nightlife was its ties of the lesbian social clubs were relatively easy to
unique institution of lesbian social clubs. There were at track because of their openness and the lesbian press’
least three dozen of these and they ranged in size from coverage of them. A good example was “The Whistle
600 to less than ten. The smallest clubs functioned Club,” a hard-partying crew, consisting of seven to
cells or narrowly-focused women’s associations. The Beginning in 1928, the Whistle Club met every
club members socialized on a regular basis, took holi- Thursday at the “Princess Café,” a Berlin West nightspot
days together, often pooled their money, and made a and gemütlich restaurant. Mostly secretaries and fed-
Right and
Gamine club
on an outing
eral clerks during the day, the
maid Liselotte.
adorable sailor suit, Irma was known for her favorite gender dysphoria was the target of practical jokes and
pastime, “rag-doll.” She sprang from chair to chair, allow- smutty teasing from the lesbian regulars and a source
ing her clubmates to fondle her flagrantly and play with of confusion for the casual straight drop-ins. Broken-
her body as if she were a mechanical, wind-up toy sol- toothed Grete Nissen, the proprietor of the Princess
dier or lifeless (if spectacularly sexy) puppet. Café, often accompanied the Whistle Clubbers in their
Another public amusement involved the meticu- choral performances and actively encouraged their
lously groomed, blonde Liselotte. She was actually a sexual torment of Liselotte, apparently her son.
I was told that some of those [prostitutes] who looked most handsome and elegant were actually boys in disguise. It seemed in-
credible, considering the sovereign grace with which they displayed their saucy coats and hats. I wondered if they might be wearing
little silks, under their exquisite gowns. Must look kind of funny I thought—a boy’s body with a pink, lace-trimmed shirt. Not very
pleasant, though. Were there Russian princes among those picturesque, if somewhat revolting hermaphrodites? Or sons of Prussian
generals, who, in such a bizarre mode, protested against the rigid principles of their fathers?
Klaus Mann, 1942
Rouged Line-Boys in female garb plying their trade near the Passage, Aunties in long
gowns quietly sharing a beer in darkened lounges, and raucous transvestite nightclubs in the Berlin
West were among the most common representations of Berlin decadence. German provincials,
foreign sightseers, and gossip columnists alike gravitated to these baroque displays of gender
mystification. Both sexual freak show and a high-class amusement, public drag scenes provided a
comic relief from the more threatening forms of erotic behaviors on Berlin’s ever-widening spec-
trum. Most Berliners and fellow tourists, straight or gay, could share a judgment on this one
resplendent perversion: cross-dressed men and women were ridiculous, pathetic, harmless cre-
ators—contemptible, beyond the pale of serious sexuality. They were truly queer.
There were political implications as well: for the National Socialist Movement and the growing
reaction in the early Thirties, male transvestism was the most ubiquitous sign of a weakening
morality and sexual degeneracy of the Republic under democratic rule. Mustached Aunties were
comical figures but also disturbing and concrete symbols of Germany’s psychological evisceration.
(1930) by Bernard Zimmer
Like ragged circus clowns who inexplicably bring tears
(Le Crapouillot Special Number 23)
to children, male transvestites furtively evinced an
While we check our overcoats, a pretty young woman makes her charming underground fraternity of ineffectual, castrated fathers.
entrance in front of us. She removes her hat, slides out of a big sable coat, Militant Homosexualists shared this one hateful
applies red polish to her lips, and flirtatiously brushes back her platinum-
belief with the right-wing and religious opposition.
blonde bangs.
Ladies (and feminized males in general) were despi-
“What an entrancing mademoiselle,” I remark.
We enter after her. The Eldorado reminds us of little bar-restaurants from cable; their soft, depilated bodies and mocking antics
the French countryside: a bit of theatre, a bit of dancing. We catch sight of our were an affront to German strength and German man-
ravishing blonde friend, who sits down at a nearby table. It is filled with a
hood. In the ethos of Brand’s disciples, male transves-
dozen strangely dressed companions.
tites projected a weak, jaded, and mocking reflection of
“You know,” our waiter points out,” all those pretty girls sitting at the
table over there are really men!” same-sex male desire; a dangerous and irreparably
That is the attraction of the house. haunting challenge to phallocentric gays and their
These false ladies, beautifully decked out, dance with each other, and
Hellenistic theories of male supremacy and the sol-
gladly waltz with the club customers. We scrutinize them, itemizing each body
part. Every time we seem to discover one glaring defect. Some of these cam- dierly rectitudes of man-boy love. Men in drag were
ouflaged Eves are betrayed by a neck too muscular, a hand too wide, an ankle regarded as disgusting Untermänner. Women were
too thick. Others attain near perfection: Two lovely girls, one blonde, the other
born into their hapless gender. Aunties and Ladies
auburn, dance the Valse Boston faultlessly. They are slim,
nearly without hips; their slender frames are extenuated by
their long dresses, which reveal exquisite pairs of shapely
legs. Unfortunately, they are men!
The most bewildering of these perverts are not the most
perfectly feminine. There are, in the crowd, two or three
big dondons (fat women) with short, thick-fingered hands,
drooping breasts, huge behinds, Adam’s apples, and five
o’clock shadows. One oversized dondon says about another,
“The poor girl, how seedy she appears tonight!”
The life of these “transvestites” is interesting to observe:
Most live in couples with a thousand jealousies and intrigues.
Some are small-time prostitutes, others husbands, and a few
are fathers with families. And the prostitutes are treated like
members of any other respected profession.
Previous Left:
Muguette, female
from the
Eldorado, 1931
Previous Right:
A Lady, 1925
The Rocky Twins
the international
stars, the Dolly
Sisters, 1930
cross dresser
Aunt and niece
living together
as men
enthusiastically adopted the dress, “soul,” and even the “The Erotic Urge to Cross-Dress”
Christian names of the lowly sex. The impulse to dress and exhibit oneself in the
Still a hardcore community of transvestites flour- clothing of the other gender was thought to be a
ished in Berlin despite all efforts to suppress and sharp- transcultural phenomenon. In the preliterate world,
ly restrict their presence and nighttime pursuits. In fact, wonder-working shamans traditionally wore garments
some and naked eighteen-year old beauty. Not a disciple of [André Gide’s] roots. And Roman chapbooks famously detailed orgias-
“Corydon.” One can easily recognize that he is a little-cousin of Nijinsky. His
tic spectacles where demented emperors openly flaunt-
golden body and coltish grace are not unpleasant to watch.
ed their peculiar lusts, disguised in the perfumed wraps
At an adjoining table, before a small cup of “mokka,” sits a redheaded
woman with Persian eyes. “Is this a man?” I ponder. After almost a half-hour, of mythic fertility goddesses or bejeweled harlots.
I still can’t decide, for the red-head has delicate hands and very pretty legs. From the early Renaissance onward, a great folklore
When our mokka-drinking neighbor stands up to leave, I observe her from
developed in Europe about cross-dressed women who
behind. Her forearms reveal the ruddy smooth complexion of a female chef
lived fantastic lives as men, including great military and
but her posterior displays something different: the unmistakable solidity of a
male buttocks. So? So, one doesn’t know anymore! religious figures. In general, transvestism was viewed
Bewildered, we leave for the lesbian lounges, the “Domino,” “House of as an expansive form or feature of sexual inversion. The
My Sister-in-Law,” and “Mali and Ingel.” In these nightclubs, women dress
need to parade in the accouterments of opposite sex
like miniature gentlemen. At three in the morning, tired of deciphering the
perpetual riddle of “who is what sex,” we depart for the safety of our hotel, graphically “disclosed” a homosexual inclination. Central
to Cross-Dress.
chological tilt toward heterosexuality: they were mainly for gender reidentification and illusionism. These were Opposite:
The New
married men, who reluctantly allowed themselves to based on the intensity of the erotic fixation and its rela- Eldorado, 1928
be penetrated by Cellar-Masters because of a desperate tionship to sexual release (some male transvestites, for Above:
Kamm, Training
need to wear feminine clothing during intercourse. By instance, desperately needed female attire to maintain
engaging in this particular activity, bisexual transves- erectile status; others suffered from spontaneous ejacu-
tites claimed that they had maintained a heterosexual lation when lipstick or other female makeup was forci-
fidelity to their unknowing spouses. bly applied to their faces); the duration and scope of
Hirschfeld culled from the literature of cross-dress- activity (“Silk panties worn only after office-hours,
ers and explored the wide, and naturally hidden, world sir?”); the full, partial, open, or veiled nature of the
of transvestite life in Berlin. In doing so, he was able to clothing or behavior (“What do you feel when the
devise discrete typologies and innovative classifications young woman seated next to you realizes that your
vate counseling there, filling out cards
evening gatherings.
Above: arm is not that of a man’s?”); and significantly, how the remained closeted and invisible to the general public.
Masked Ball, altered gender appearance transformed the transves- Straight and bisexual transvestites, reportedly the
tite into a more authentic, sexually charged and psy- majority, had little interest in socializing or even com-
chologically fulfilled individual. municating with one another. Der dritte Geschlect
At his Institute of Sexology, which opened in 1919, (“The Third Sex”), Friedrich Radszuweit’s upbeat peri-
Hirschfeld employed several transvestite maids and odical for “ordinary” [straight?] cross-dressers, couldn’t
servants of both genders. Hundreds of Berlin cross- find a reading public and folded after two or three
patrons entered as dowdy men and women and then Transvestite Nightlife Above:
re-emerged from the bustling restrooms as splendid Private lounges and nightclubs formed the nucleus drawing by
Voo-Doo, a
specimens of the opposite sex. On occasion—and as a of Berlin transvestite social activity and interaction. The Lady dancer
favor to crime reporters, usually their drinking bud- first club that catered to cross-dressers, the “Hannemann,”
dies—Berlin vice commissioners staged phony raids on opened in 1892 on Alexanderstrasse, and welcomed
these establishments, maliciously forcing the transves- both men and women. It was also a Boy Bar, and its
tites out into the street, where they were subject to mixed queer clientele typified a communal openness of
instant arrest and a battery of tabloid paparazzi. same-sex pursuits in the Wilhelmian era. Frequented by
Lustige Blätter,
Left figure:
“Careful, I’m illusionism: boys forced into the role of Situational
not a man!’
female whores. Again McAlmon on a melodramatic
“That’s okay, I’m
not a woman.”
note: “At nights along the Unter den Linden it was
off-duty German soldiers, low-level bureaucrats, Line- have money for themselves and their families, their
Boys, and hard-drinking Bubis, it was soon replaced by widowed mothers and younger brothers and sisters.”
the infamous “Mikado Bar” and the “Bülow-Kasino” (on Transvestite acts, a standard feature of nineteenth-
After the Collapse, drag queens appeared every- plentiful after 1919 and could be found in most gay
where and added much to Berlin’s local color. The cabarets and amusement halls. Performing before a
American writer Robert McAlmon, who visited the city mostly young, randy, and mostly liberated queer audi-
during the desolate winter of 1923, reported, “Several ence absolutely changed the outré nature of the enact-
Germans declared themselves authentic hermaphro- ments and their dramatic meanings. But growing
dites [sic—transvestites], and one elderly variant loved political tension between the organized gay community
to arrive at the smart cabarets each and the theatrical drag queens and kings in the mid-
time as a different type of woman: Twenties forced a mass exodus of cross-dressers from
of a family. He was very comical and Although there were never more than a dozen such
his presence always made for hilari- “licensed” outlets at any one time, transvestite enter-
Yet there was a corresponding city’s boastful “Once in Berlin” nightlife. And since
pathetic side to that transgender straight tourists were usually cherished customers,
transvestite clubs appropriated the hard-currency draw
the most fascinating thing was ... you had lesbians Above:
looking like lesbians with short hair, lesbians looking Eldorado
like beautiful women, lesbians dressed exactly like
men and looking like men. You had men dressed like Meyer-Stube
exacting requirements.
In March 1932, the city’s frightened liberal vice estab- their district electoral headquarters. It was as if a des- Above:
lishment declared male transvestite nightclubs an ecrated Nordic temple had been thoroughly cleansed
affront to public morality and, under Paragraph 168, of polluted influences and re-sanctified for the virtuous
used their authority to close them permanently. Seven torch-bearers of Adolf Hitler’s New Germany.
Modern nudism, or Nacktkultur, developed into a mass German
movement shortly after the Armistice and continued well into the Nazi
and reactionary beliefs in such a way that it defied easy definition and
appealed to people on the political fringes who had little else in common.
hedonists all joined arms to promote the cult of the naked human body.
Germany, where several dozen nudist sites and colonies dotted the
MAGAZINES North and Baltic Sea coastlines. By 1931, even land-
Die Aufklärung (“The Enlightenment”), “a Monthly Journal for Sex and Life societies and clubs.
Reform.” Edited by Magnus Hirschfeld and Maria Krishe from the Institute for
What united the multi-hydra leagues, associations,
Sexology. An upbeat zine designed in a pop/Bauhaus format, it mixed enthu-
unions, and brotherhoods was a shared enemy: modern
siasm for Nacktkultur with sexological exposés and anthropological/historical
material. Supportive of Adolf Koch’s “Free Men, Union for Socialist Life Reform” capitalism. The weakening of blood ties and individual
and sympathetic to homosexual and lesbian aspects of nudism. [1929–1931] purpose, excessive fluctuations in birth rates, factories
Der Eheberater (“The Marriage Counselor”), a “Monthly for Hygienic People’s
spewing toxic wastes, prostitution, the inhuman ratio-
Instruction.” A women’s magazine that promoted nudism, natural medicine,
nalization of medicine and education, alcoholism, the
graphology, and sexy fashions. Interesting advice columns. [1928].
Das Freibad (“The Open-Air Bath”), a “Monthly Journal for the Promotion of unbridled accumulation of paper assets, and a general
Naked Bathing.” A glossy magazine with a nonpolitical and clearly hedonist decline in physical health and happiness were the
appeal. Affiliated with Birkenheide. Edited by Charly Straesser. [1927–1932]
inevitable products of the Industrial Revolution and the
Figaro, “Bi-Monthly Journal for Politics and Culture.” Motto: “Fights in Word
rampant urbanization that followed.
and Picture for Cultural Freedom.” Illustrated popular magazine promoting
Nacktkultur from both historical and international perspectives. Famous for The Nacktkultur philosophers wanted nothing less
its satirical faits divers and political cartoons. Affiliated with the FKK. [1924– than a wholesale reformation of German life. In their
nude encampments, they promised, sacred space and
Freikörperkultur und Lebensreform (“Free Body Culture and Life Reform”),
“Magazine of the Reichs Union for Free Body Culture.” Conservative intellectual time—beyond the numbing boundaries of work and
journal open to middle-class and Catholic points of view. Affiliated with the pew—could be reestablished. By merely removing their
New Sunland League. [1929–1930]
clothing, strangers could shed their social markings,
Die Freude (“The Joy”), a “Monthly Journal for Free Life Reform.” Artistic
toss aside all sexual taboos, and enter into an exalted
journal, embracing both Socialist and Nationalist points of view. Expressionist in
design and thought. [1924–1925] state of Adamite consciousness. Peace, emotional tran-
Ideal-Ehe (“Ideal Marriage”), a “Monthly for Spiritual and Corporal Education in quility, physical health, and corporal beauty would reign
Marriage.” Edited by Edgar Schulz. A glam women’s magazine with a progres-
in the Naturalist communes.
sive slant. Lots of articles on modern living, nudism, body development, and
problems in marriage. [1927–1929]
Körperbildung/Nacktkultur (“Body Development/Naked Culture”), the
“Organ of Free Men.” An Adolf Koch periodical devoted to intellectual currents
in the Nacktkultur movement. Filled with manifestos and recipes for good
health. Especially concerned with children and women’s
issues. [1925–1933]
Kraft und Schönheit (“Strength and Beauty”), “Journal for
Body Culture.” Edited by Heinrich Pudor. An early Nacktkultur
monthly magazine that increasingly promoted nudism as a
form of regeneration for the “Nordic” race. Mostly drawings
and text. [1900-1919]
Lachendes Leben (“Smiling Life”), a “Magazine for a
Healthy World-Philosophy.” A nonpolitical, nudist pictorial
with short upbeat pieces, celebrating the family Nacktkultur
lifestyle and Rhythmic Gymnastics. [1925–1933]
Leben und Sonne (“Life and Sun”), a “Monthly of the Free
Body Culture.” An independent intellectual Socialist journal
concerned with children’s health, sports, and nudity. Not affili-
ated with the Union of Free Men. [1925–1926]
Der Leib (“The Body”), “Picture Book of Ideal Nudity,”
[Earlier, “Organ for the Understanding of Spiritual Living
Through the Knowledge of the Body.”] Artistic journal edited
by Max Tepp. Concerned with social issues, like female
health, prostitution, and the Jewish Problem. Promoter of
Rhythmic Gymnastics and Ausdruckstanz (Expressive Dance).
Licht-Land (“Light-Land”), “the “Official Organ for the
League for Free Life Improvement.” A magazine with innoc-
uous nudist photographs but increasingly National Socialist
orientation in text and design in the Thirties. [1923–1933] The message of organized nudism spoke compel-
Licht-Luft-Leben (“Light-Air-Life”). Combined with Der Mensch, “Monthly
lingly to the nascent radicalism of the German-speaking
Journal for Beauty, Health, Spirit, Body Development.” Nacktkultur supplement
world. Already there were separate attempts, like the
of Die Schönheit. A cooperative journal for twenty-some German and Swiss
organizations. [1920–1933] Wandervogel movement, to rethink the conventional
Nacktsport (“Naked Sport”), “Illustrated Journal for the Theory and Praxis of patterns and hierarchies of bourgeois life. Holistic meth-
Healthful Development Through Sports.” Edited by the German Nationalist Artur
ods of healing and amateur sporting leagues challenged
Fedor Fuchs. [1919–1923]
Die Neue Zeit (“The New Era”). International Body Culture journal with color the notion of high professionalism and the feudal divi-
photographs. Edited by Swiss nudist Edi Frankenhausen. [1929–1933] sions of labor. The Nacktkulturists, however, offered, in
Pelagius, a “Monthly with Beautiful Photographs from the Naked and Free Air
addition, spiritual uplift, community values, and all the
Movement.” Small glossy zine with virtually no text or political point of view.
wallop of a new religion.
Urban youth, according to Naturalist precepts, could Opening Left:
Daughter of
attain a more profound sense of well-being without the Adolf Koch and
friend, 1932
periodical with a heavy emphasis on nudism, German mysticism, and Buddhist of male/female gaze or lewd entertainment, according
teachings. [1925–1926]
to German Life Reform doctrine. Men and women who
Reform and Nacktkultur movement is grain, sour-milk or single-fruit diets, naked swimming, Opposite:
At Birkenheide,
usually explained by its divergent nineteenth-century hypnotic and electrical wave treatments, all competed 1926
roots. Between 1870 and 1900, over 200 alternative with the conventional medical wisdom for the soul and
Cover of
Die Schönheit
therapies and patented health regimens—some fantas- physical restoration of the German people. nudist calendar
tic and others with a scientific underpinning—sprang up In 1903, Heinrich Pudor, a devotee of air-bathing,
in Central European clinics and spas. Homeopathy, mud combed the alternative, commercial muck and extract-
and sea-air baths, hydrotherapy, “curative gymnastics,” ed from it the most outdoorsy and naturalist elements.
medical massage, physical culture programs, colonic He gave these nude therapies and philosophies an
cleansing and supervised fasts, sun worship, whole- intriguing modernist name, Nacktkultur (Naked Culture),
of natural health and extolled his Manichean
envious opponents.
Above: which effectively separated them from their folk and Romantic notion of man in joyous harmony with nature.
Boys from
New Sunland quack-cure sisters. Two artistic monthlies, Die Schönheit Pudor even attacked the over-the-chest bathing suit as
and later Kraft und Schönheit, advanced Pudor’s vision a Philistine invention. He harangued swimming trunks
allure. The Nacktkultur, for the most everything changed. Nudism joined the political strug-
part, was a reaction against the stultifying bourgeois gle and Germany’s extremist parties embraced the
nated at the shoulder-blades. Bathing naked in a During the Twenties, nudist societies formed in
stream with one’s family didn’t normally attract the Scandinavia, the Baltic countries, Austria, Czech-
mokka-and-newspaper crowd from Berlin’s smoky oslovakia, and France, but their overall membership
gentlemen clubs. But, starting in the Weimar period, was quite small. Only in Germany did Life Reform
FREE MEN” (1929)
organizations and their many periodicals enter into the
Some have lost their look of sad resignation; that expression of envious revolt, lishing arms. In Berlin’s parks, enclosed swimming
which characterized others, falls away. One of the women, with gnarled legs but
pools, and rehearsal halls, societies of the naked con-
with beautiful breasts, tenses her torso as though in dedication to some invisible
ducted weekly exercise classes in full public view.
These too, then, amid the intoxication which music and feverish dance arouse in And, outside the city, surrounding Lake Motzen
all their senses, these too may dream for one instant that they are—who knows?— emerged 40 to 50 individual nudist “territories.” Jan
beautiful and strong, or at least like their fellows.
Gay, an American journalist, wrote in 1932, “A strang-
“When they are together,” Koch tells me, “they suffer less from their infirmities.
er in Berlin desiring to visit a nudist group has an
They are mostly poor devils who toil hard for their daily bread. Some are ‘pariahs.’
They come here to forget their miseries, all their miseries. They feel equal, being embarrassment only of choice.”
naked. I believe they leave this place, not only the better for their bodies, but for The Berlin groups heralded fanciful names that
their souls as well.”
rarely disclosed their political leanings or size. (Only the
“Federation of Itinerant Youth,” “German Air Bathing Many of the heroic-sounding—in fact the most
Society,” “Sparta Sports Union,” “State Federation for heroic-sounding—“Federations” were one-man or one-
health-giving sun.
shot affairs with vivid logos and impressive promotional resign rather abolish the program. Like other peda-
packaging. In Berlin, three men dominated the authentic gogues in the Nacktkultur project, he was troubled
Nacktkultur scene and were well known to the foreign about the physical and spiritual well-being of German
press. Each represented a corner point on the Socialist, youth and sought a means to elevate it.
Nationalist, and anti-political triangle. These were Adolf In 1920, Koch inaugurated a Nacktkultur school in
Koch, Artur Fuchs, and Charly Straesser. Berlin, which combined elements of Swedish Physical
were added.
paid members in 1932. politically correct Koch, the naked torso was not to be
The village schoolmaster, however, never left Koch. an instrument of sexual desire.
His classes began punctually and were highly struc- Despite its institutional, chaste environment,
tured. Although he personally trained his growing staff Koch’s Body Culture Schools and their public demon-
and often gave individual attention to special prob- strations were sometimes viewed by outsiders as
lems, his professional attitude was usually officious highly erotic. The mayor of Chicago, Anton Cermak,
and chilly. The lecturers he chose pontificated on seri- visiting Berlin in August 1932, remarked to Sefton
ous social and medical stuff. Nude adolescent boys Delmer during one demonstration, “You know
were admonished for uncontrolled erections and com- somep’n? In Chicago, you couldn’t get a show as good
pelled to attend a psychosexual clinic, where their as this for a thousand bucks!” Nationalist and Nazi
churlish behavior was “studied and addressed.” For the politicians agreed with the crime-busting American’s
Hans Surén,
humble assessment. Two months later, they adjoined activities in the nude, Fuchs did find a lower- and mid-
the Berlin City Council to close down Koch’s establish- dle-class audience. But it was limited.
ments, citing they inspired nude orgies among the Over the next few years, the FKK attracted a consid-
young and hundreds of spectators “to slake their car- erably more upscale and fashion-conscious crowd,
nal thirsts.” Koch, like the Ladies club owners, fought Berlin’s Girl-Culture denizens. At Fuchs’ “Free Sunland”
the municipal injunctions, but the skies were darken- encampment, professional athletes, balding aristocrats,
ing over freewheeling Berlin in the late fall of 1932. and glam film starlets—wearing just gold bracelets or
sexy flat footwear—mixed on the volleyball and tennis
notches above the mucky Socialist fare. tained their elegant manners although their protruding
Fuchs rented the multi-storied Luna Bad in Berlin East. A cynic writing for the American newsweekly The
There every Sunday and Wednesday, naked FKKers Outlook spotted a fat society matron at the Luna Bad
exercised, swam, received electrical tanning and mas- one morning who became so engrossed in her com-
sage treatments, and ate. The sight of moneyed aristo- panion’s repartee that she failed to notice the soft-
crats dining in the semi-nude (most retained one small boiled egg matter falling from the spoon she held in
indication of class, like a monocle or silver hair brooch) front of her mouth. The errant yolk drops rolled down
amused foreign journalists, looking for those Only-in- her breast, hung from her nipple for an instant, and
Berlin social mores. Former military officers, sans uni- then splattered over the folds of her stomach.
form, bowed to kiss ladies’ hands and then dashingly As the FKK expanded, its softcore Aryan message
clicked their bare heels together. Society types main- became more stringent and pronounced. Nacktkultur,
Above: lecturers illustrated in pulldown charts, was a natural gymnastic drills. For Surén, Nacktkultur living was not
New Sunland,
1927 reversion to pre-Christian folkways. Once the solar rays a therapy for the weak and undernourished but a
Opposite and of the Nordic sky alone strengthened and healed the means of soldierly conditioning and sun worship. The
warrior nation. German tribes spent most of their sum- salvation of the German people did not depend upon
mer daylight hours naked and carefree until evil weekend armies of nature-lovers and naked sunbath-
missionaries from the south forcibly covered their bod- ers; it demanded a race of toned and greased-up
ies in shame. The awakening of Aryan might required a supermen. Surén’s first book Man and the Sun (1924)
restoration of ancient forest practices. sold over 235,000 copies and was reissued in 68 edi-
Another German Nationalist, Hans Surén, pulled the tions by 1941. Despite its unmistakable homoerotic
reactionary Nacktkulturists even farther to the right. In imagery—floppy-dicked muscle-men wrestling bright-
his Berlin studio and influential publications, Surén eyed boys on the grassy plain—Man and the Sun was
proposed a cult of the sun and the naked male body. a favorite Aryan read for the Hitler faithful and Nazi
“New Sunland League” shaming boys out of their erections or stealing away in
Between Naked Marxism and Naked Fascism stood play their affections quite openly. All in all, the atmo-
the bulk of the Berlin Nacktkultur supporters. They came sphere in the New Sunland was unpretentious and
from solid middle-class backgrounds and equated pleasant, like the nudists themselves.
nudity with recreation and pleasure. The first Territory Less respectable was Hans Heinz Rassow’s “Naked
established for Berlin’s nude hedonists was Fritz Club,” which limited its membership to only the most
Gerlach’s “New Sunland.” Unlike the FKK Free Sunland, beautiful and socially-connected youths. Meeting in
from which it seceded, the New Sunland had few rules Rassow’s spacious Berlin West quarters, the Naked Club
or political slogans tacked to birch trees. Hanging over clique traveled en masse to Wandervogel sites, where
its admission table in front was a poster declaiming: they swam, hiked, sang folk songs, and generally
“HAPPINESS—the Imposed Order of the Day.” Instead of partied nude in the woods.
Charly Straesser, a sometime participant in New agree to perform a short work assignment during their
Sunland League and the Rassow group, decided to cre- stay. Consequently, Birkenheide had the most varied
ate his own nude Territory on Lake Motzen in 1924. He and unconventional nudists. Straight perverts and gay
called it “Birkenheide.” Here Nacktkulturists could do men conducted their consensual activities unimpeded.
anything they pleased. There were no official-looking Gigolos from the Resi and Femina nightclubs found
identity cards, annual fees, psychological question- Birkenheide most congenial to their daytime occupa-
naires, lessons in hygiene, group diets, campfire tion. And Berliners out for a nonurban, fresh-air Bummel
anthems, or political-ethnic profiles. Birkenheide’s swore by the place. Charly Straesser’s invention was a
nudists weren’t even required to have fun. bit of libertarian paradise. It prospered until Berlin’s
Photographers and gawkers who refused to disrobe Nacktkultur societies and Territories were reorganized
were not admitted to Birkenheide. Anyone else was as National Socialist institutions.
Christopher giggled nervously when Karl Giese and Francis took him through the Institute’s museum. Here were whips and chains
and torture instruments designed for the practitioners of pleasure-pain; high-heeled, intricately decorated boots for the fetishists;
lacy female undies which had been worn for ferociously masculine Prussian officers beneath their uniforms.
Christopher Isherwood, Christopher and His Kind, 1976
that had its origins in Wilhelmian times, Sexology was nothing less
every area of the humanities and medical science fed the novel
received far too much lay support and renown during its
SAMPLE QUESTIONS FROM DR. MAGNUS HIRSCHFELD’S like passing bad notes on to an old-time counterfeiter
“The Einstein of Sex”
Trained as a physician, Hirschfeld acquired other
No. 17: In your immediate family, are there any females who look like men;
skills during his long career as the international spokes-
or males with obvious female characteristics? Do any of your siblings exhibit
man for Sexology. He was an energetic defender for
any aspects of the opposite sex?
sexual minorities and women, prolific science writer,
No. 44: Can you whistle?
legal authority, behind-the-scenes politician, and mas-
No. 61: Are you left-handed?
No. 90: How do you feel about the Great War? What part did you play in it? ter showman. Hirschfeld was widely credited in his
Previous Left:
Ernst Haeckel-
Hall at Magnus
Institute of
lifetime and after as the primary inventor of marriage
Previous Right:
Dr. Magnus
counseling, Gay Liberation, artificial insemination, surgi- Hirschfeld and
his assistant
cal gender “reassignment,” and modern sex therapy. Karl Giese,
In 1897, Hirschfeld founded the Scientific-Human-
itarian Committee, the first organization anywhere Hirschfeld
League for Sexual Reform. insightful. Besides sexual variation, Hirschfeld methodi-
Hirschfeld’s judicious writings included more than cally investigated pornography, traditional aphrodisiacs
200 titles. Their range was broad and the research and sexual aids, the relationship between crime and
Einstein of Sex.”
“Sexual Intermediates”
Hirschfeld embraced a doctrine known as “sexual
open shirts? Do you wear any accessories or jewelry? Do you have a favorite
woman” was an infinite string of sexual/gender possi-
color? Which?
bilities. Male and female hormones, which Hirschfeld
No. 93: Do you normally carry in your pockets or purse: a knife, make-up kit,
lighter, or photographs? What objects do you like to always have with you? believed determined basic sexual type, were never car-
No. 97: Have you ever been aroused by a member of your own sex? ried in the blood as pure agents within any individual.
No. 99: Which sexual partners do you normally prefer: people older than your- Each body manufactures andrin and gynecin (male
self, younger, or—more or less—the same age? What was the most extreme and female) compounds in various proportions. When
difference in age of someone to whom you were attracted? Do differences of the glands that regulate these secretions produce too
age and generation have no importance for you?
few andrins or gynecins—or are metabolized incom-
No. 100: Which do you find more exciting: the naked body, the clothed body,
pletely—a sexual “indeterminacy” develops, according
or the partly-clad body? Does the smell of perspiration from certain people
to Hirschfeldian analysis. By puberty the hormonally-
ever excite you? Repel you?
imbalanced individual exhibits psychological or physical
No. 102: Have you ever fallen in love with someone solely because of an
signs of the opposite gender.
idiosyncratic trait, like the way that person wore something, their body shape,
Around 1919, Hirschfeld estimated that two percent
hair color, or spiritual demeanor?
No. 104: During sex, have you ever fantasized you are with another partner? of humanity could be characterized as constitutional
No. 123: Have you ever wished that your beloved treated you in such a way Sexual Intermediates. But his field studies in Berlin and
as to cause physical pain? Allowed or commanded him/her to hit you? use of more refined typologies during the Twenties and
No. 131: Have you ever been tempted to have intercourse with three partners? Thirties caused him to upgrade that initial calculation
In which combination of men and women? repeatedly. Toward the end of his career, he believed
No. 132: Have you ever been sexually aroused by an animal?
that about 15 to 20% of any observed population
No. 133: Does it bother you when someone refuses to talk about their sexual
manifested aspects of Sexual Intermediacy.
At first, Hirschfeld identified four main Intermediate
Herr Bauer (41) confessed that he built this Masturbation Machine. He will-
At an earlier age, Bauer was observed rubbing his penis against a cow’s
stomach until it became fully erect. He then inserted his member into the
was found naked and unconscious with her legs spread open. Authorities
suspected the son had intercourse with her. These allegations of bestiality and
2. A Bicycle Rim
Bauer strapped the first leather piece around the small of his
back—with the slack taken up by a spool over the spine. The other
spool was placed vertically near his anus. The second leather piece
held the soles of the three shoes firmly against his stomach. This
rolling the bicycle rim forward and back, Bauer created the proper
Opposite Below:
Collection from a
homosexual lust
murderer and hair
One of Hirschfeld’s many astonishing case studies
fetishist. Berlin
police found this
on Hermaphroditism: “Bertha D.,” a seamstress, was board made from
the braided hair of
taunted as a child for her masculine voice. Later when his male victims.
she discovered that her face was sprouting facial hair, Left:
Amateur film
“D.” soon tired of shaving twice a day and began wear- photographed by
a buttocks fetishist
ing male clothing and assumed a male identity. By 18,
them. “D.” told Papa that her desire for men peaked
dencies, or a pansexual with straight urges? Hirschfeld flat breasts, little sensitivity around the nipple, and
merely assured her a coveted point on his Intersexual possessed a masculine build, vocal range, and distri-
spectrum. “D.” was what she was (Hermaphroditismus bution of hair. Unlike Hermaphrodites, both male and
Hirschfeld’s other Intermediate types cropped up than hide, their constitutional state and seek the sex-
more frequently in the general population. Androgyny ual company of their heterosexual or homosexual
al characteristics from the opposite gender. Male Hirschfeld punctured the Renaissance myth that
Androgynes, typically, lacked facial hair, had feminine Androgynes were divinely bisexual creatures—the vast
breasts, sensitive nipples, soft fatty skin, and rounded majority he met were utterly “straight.” One of Papa’s
pelvises. Female Androgynes, correspondingly, had favorite patients was a bearded lady who appeared in
Right: local freak shows. In spite of her super-mas-
Viktor Leyrer,
The Good Uncle culine appearance, she was a tender and self-
sacrificing mother. (When she was about to
A Mother’s
an incest
give birth to her fourth baby, the midwife
naturally mistook her for the father.)
ried and fathered several children. While normal in satisfied their deepest urges. One Lady confessed to
every other aspect, the Hirschfeld that his mother’s cream-colored damask
Chief was never content in dress, which he furtively wore on the day of his church
masculine attire. He liked confirmation, stimulated his first erection and was a
to visit Papa during his necessary sex aid ever since. Another patient wrote
vacations and spend the that the mere donning of a frilly lace skirt caused him
For other Transvestites, women, the so-called Third Sex, as Sexual Intermed-
only particular costumes iaries, created the most controversy. He believed they,
like the other Intersexuals, were constitutionally predis- devoted sexologist incorporated their scientific objec-
posed in their sexual desires as “incomplete” mature tions into his evolving grid of transsexuality.
tific and social value was challenged on every front. more traditional sexual behavior, especially in the
Militant Homosexualists ridiculed the secretive Papa as field of sexual pathology, which he cataloged as the
“Auntie Magnesia,” a cross-dressing sissy and cosmo- “Derangements of the Sexual Instinct.” His sweep
politan Jew. Of course, it was hardly noticeable to here ran from the study of self-castration and impo-
Hirschfeld’s antagonists, that the ever-protean and tence to “hypereroticism” and “coital hallucination.”
his “working
childhood eroticize their morbid attach-
Above: Why individuals would choose to obliterate or compul- step in correlating heredity, child-rearing, and educa-
drawing by a sively bind their sexual desires to inanimate objects or tion with everyday expressive behavior and uncon-
sadist, 1930 childhood/sadomasochistic/power-exchange scenari- scious sexual desire.
os fascinated Hirschfeld. For Central European psy- The Psycho-Biological Questionnaires served several
chologists, the answer touched upon the fundamental purposes, besides their obvious research benefits.
twentieth-century issue in human behavior: how Hirschfeld used them clinically to diagnose deeply
much anti-social activity is caused by “natural” ele- imbedded sexual disturbances and for premarital coun-
ments (genetics and chemical imbalances), and how seling. The Einstein of Sex proclaimed that he could
much by sheer nurture. In other words, were glove help prevent unhappy marriages through his interpreta-
fetishists people with obsessive inherited or hormonal tion of the sex surveys. Long-term attraction involved
traits, like Transvestites, or did some event in their the joining of complementary erotic temperaments.
Once the “false fire of passion” diminishes, Hirschfeld predictions about their overall psychological and physi- Above:
My Invention,
stated, coital disappointment naturally occurs. By gaz- cal relationship could be made. While not infallible, fantasy draw-
ing of a sadistic
ing into the “sexual souls” of the couples, scientific Sexual Science at least attempted to point out the bar- intellectual
riers to and possible aids for wedded bliss.
In a famous quote, “Happy marriages are masturbation
not made in heaven, but in the laboratory,” manufactured
in Dresden,
Hirschfeld inaugurated hard science’s entry 1926
Above: The Institute of Sexology suits protecting gay men against threats of petty black-
“Self-Gratifier,” In July 1919, Hirschfeld opened his Institute of Sex- mail. These services were also rendered pro bono.
which squirted
milk into the
ology in Berlin. It quickly became one of the city’s most Above the gate of his Institute was the inscription:
curious attractions. The Institute’s buildings, including a “Amori et dolori sacrum” (“Sacred to Love and to
former mansion, were divided into areas for lectures, Sorrow”). It was one of many rather banal mottos and
consulting offices, study rooms, laboratories, medical plaques that Hirschfeld posted around and inside his
clinics, and a museum space devoted to sexual pathol- foyers and offices. Other Hirschfeldian banners: “Justice
ogy and erotic folkways. George Gershwin, Ben Hecht, Through Science,” “To Understand All is to Forgive All,”
Douglas Fairbanks, André Gide, Sergei Eisenstein, Anita “Nature Does Not Make Leaps,” “What the World Calls
Loos, and Christopher Isherwood (who worked at the the Soul, We Call the Endocrine System!”
Institute) were among the many enthused visitors to The Institute itself was a font of sexological activity.
Hirschfeld’s Institute, leaving fascinating accounts about Pediatric care, abortions, “sexual rejuvenation” and
its strange inhabitants and artifacts. sexual “correction” operations were conducted on the
Hirschfeld’s Institute functioned as a hospital and a lower level of the main building. Psychological consul-
free university under one roof. Medical advice was tations and tours took place on the upper levels. In the
offered without charge, and scientific lectures by leading adjoining Ernst Haeckel Hall, films, demonstrations, and
sexologists were open to the general public. The public health panels were held for the 1100 physicians
Institute’s library, which contained the largest sex and who visited the Institute annually. Hirschfeld himself
pornographic book collection in Europe, remained acces- produced and advised on several groundbreaking
drawing of a
medical documentaries and silent features, including Mandigo dildos that squirted a milky solution, Moché
Richard Oswald’s Different From Others, a film à clef water bottles with penis-shaped spouts, Sanskrit sex
about the torturous life a closeted male violinist. (The manuals, miniature shoes worn by bound-foot Chinese
title of the 1919 melodrama was later immortalized courtesans, medieval chastity belts, torture instru-
when it resurfaced as a refrain for the Toppkeller sing- ments from a German brothel, sadistic drawings and
Mostly what visitors remembered from Hirschfeld’s picture window of ankle boots donated by a local
Institute were the museum exhibits displayed in the fetishist, antique steam-driven vibrators, fake rubber
“Gallery of Derangements of the Sexual Instinct.” breasts and vaginas taken from transvestite prosti-
Hanging from ceiling hooks were wooden boards that tutes, lacy panties found on the corpses of von
illustrated Hirschfeld’s case studies. The multitudinous Hindenburg’s heroic officers, and other such incontro-
sexual personae of his Sexual Intermediaries were vertible evidence of Hirschfeld’s new calculus of desire.
disclosed in arresting photographic series. Glass cases There were also free-standing sex machines and mas-
of fetishistic objects and sex aids from preliterate, turbation devices of every shape and variety.
Asian, and European cultures filled two other rooms. In Eisenstein especially enjoyed the Institute’s collec-
the open counters and boxes were collections of tion of sailor-dolls—homemade paper toys that German
pockets. When the entourage failed to turn up
Above: homosexuals fashioned during the Great War. The fig- Institute for their immense needs. The city chipped in
drawing of an ures were drawn naked, except for their caps and here and there, but never enough to keep the place
boots, and designed to show off the marines’ aroused running at full throttle. Rumors abounded that German
genitals and smiling faces. Tiny red paint drops were gay magnates channeled funds in sealed envelopes or
splattered over the blithe forms to give the incongru- that a famous Ruhr industrialist, known to be a closeted
ous appearance of deadly wounds. After bringing them infantilist, forked over a fortune to Hirschfeld for the
out of their case, a delighted Papa asked Eisenstein construction of a private nursery, laden with sex appa-
and his friends if they carried any penknives in their ratuses in the shape of old toys.
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More likely, Hirschfeld used his own inheritance to centers of hormonal production, chemically charged the Above:
support the Institute. He also formulated and patented synapses of the nervous system (especially those along sex dolls
several heavy-duty aphrodisiacs and Viagra-like anti- the spine), and regulated the restricted blood flow into
impotence tablets. The best known of these was called the male genitals through dilation and engorgement of Shoes”
West Africa and clamshell from the North Atlantic. Testifortan and Hirschfeld’s “Titus Pills” were mar-
Hirschfeld advertised that Testifortan stimulated the keted in Galante magazines, at German pharmacies, and
Hirschfeld’s Enemies
Hirschfeld’s outsized personality and quasi-scien-
Above: in the Museum gift shop, where visitors could purchase edly straight and the result of vigorous genital thrust.
Erotic tattoos
of sailors and other enhancers, Sittengeschichten, and an array of sci- Intermediary erotic desire, like the capitalist system
entifically-tested sex remedies. The Nazi and Allied- itself, was not immutable nor a natural aspect of human
installed German governments thought highly enough character. Homosexuality and other such perversions
of Hirschfeld’s patented compounds to claim his formu- demanded a healthy revolutionary response, curative
las for themselves and sell the licensing rights to Swiss techniques that the Marxist Viennese claimed to pio-
pharmaceutical firms. They were a source of state rev- neer. Hirschfeld’s sexual nihilism, however well-intend-
enue for German health ministries until 1962. ed, Reich harangued, was furthering fascism.
Of course, the Nazis did not see it that way; they
The pornography that circulated in Weimar Berlin was marked
by its unusual emphasis on body worship, extreme fetishism, scatology, dark
roleplay, and ritualized gender struggle. There was the soft stuff too but the
most sought-after girlie mags and sex novels were usually imports or trans-
lated editions from Paris or Rome. Local imitations of the same, like Reigen,
Der Junggeselle, Lustige Blätter, and Berliner Leben, always started off with
perky Gallic charm but succumbed, even in their erotic cartoons and short
stories, to menacing visions and S&M fantasies. Berlin Girl-Culture was inex-
sive mementos of adolescent awakening. all a symptom of castration anxiety, penile substitution, Above:
Freudians had an elegant elucidation of the Algo- arrested neurotic development, and repressed homo- Hegemann, The
Healing Sister
lagnia complex and its fetishistic components. It was sexuality. Of course. Yet psychoanalysis didn’t adequate-
Far Left:
drawings from
an Algolagnist
Male Bra
Above: ly explain why Algolagnia, particularly in its twentieth-
In the Torture century manifestation, Metatropism, had gained such a
hold in Central Europe and how it affected women.
Von Zabczinsky,
Modern Furies
Opposite: Metatropism
A stained
glass fantasy, Metatropism referred to the psychological pairing of
The Mistress
female sadists (Dominas) and masculine masochists
“aunt”; 3) Zoomimic Masochism (trans-
Arnim Horowitz,
The Trained
formation into an animal), being Poodles
The forced application of an enema to the recalci- rectum of a hysterical 15-year-old girl as a grotesquely
trant pupil was still another ubiquitous image. The ugly nurse kisses the teenager’s contorted face; an
characters and settings for these schoolroom whippings excited schoolboy, no more than eight, is taught to
and anal torments were drawn or photographed in wield a cat-o’-nine-tails on the elevated posterior of his
infinite permutations and weird variations: a shocked naughty little friend; and so forth.
principal watches from the hallway as a comely Why fecal and buttocks fetishism prevailed in
Above: Weimar Germany is a question that was weakly
The Symphony
of Corporal addressed in the literature of the time. Some apologists
wrote that spanking stimulated the blood flow to the
A Womanly
constricted muscles of the gluteus maximus and out-
“Morbid” Fetishism
Other sexual fetishes in Weimar Berlin were shared
weekly columns.
Above: Between 1919 and 1924, Rumpelstilzchen provided detested facial makeup on women. The Kontroll-Girls of
for Love, detailed descriptions of exotic hosiery styles and high- Berlin responded accordingly. They appeared in the
heeled shoes, largely French imports. His gaze moved Friedrichstadt wearing long leather coats, opaque stock-
upward after that to powdered necks, shoulder lines, ings, mannish hats, and freshly washed faces. Rumpel-
“Scientific” Pornography
Clinical studies of sexual perversion, such as von
readership: other perverts. The salacious case histories
publishing arm.
Das Magazin,
August 1932
Last night I had a frightening dream. Standing by
my bed was a headless man wearing a tuxedo. I
jumped up and wanted to run but my feet were
frozen to the floor.
The half man opened a suitcase, which was
filled with detached heads.
“Here are the faces of the men who once
loved you but you decapitated them with your
cold heart,” said the ghoulish voice. “Now match
the correct face to my body.” He emptied the
suitcase and the heads rolled over my breasts. I
awoke with a scream and hastened to my studio
to illustrate my horrid history.
Seven heads she selected... But each one disconnected.
Contemporary religion can never ignore the embers of desire and sexual longing. Burning belief is always based on burning sex.
Ernst Bergmann, The German National Church, 1933
For many Berliners, sexual gratification was not primarily the end-
game of courtship, a simple pleasurable pursuit, a nocturnal amusement,
deviant desires had become intertwined. In Weimar Germany, sex—in all its
liberated denizens into the elegant vistas of erotic degeneracy dragged oth-
ers into the dank chambers and communal embankments of sex-mad gurus
not just the very source of life—and therefore a shadow of God’s creative
sexual energies.
newest dogmas.
Previous Left: form of prayer. Copulation and ejaculatory release for and, especially, wireless communication seemed to sug-
Erik Jan Hanussen
at his Palace of German devotees of Sex Magic had attained extraordi- gest—in the popular German imagination—that they
the Occult, 1933
nary and novel meanings; they were bodily manifesta- were indeed invisible, virtually mystic, fields surrounding
Previous Right:
Cult Dancer in
Berlin, 1926
tions of lost esoteric wisdom, techniques of Gnostic each individual body that, in turn, was dictated by solar
Above: faith, flipped transmogrifications of flesh, even divine or astral waves. International luminaries like Thomas
The Clairvoyant,
an adult dice rungs for ultimate human salvation. Edison, Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Guglielmo Marconi,
game, where
players learn In his bestselling anthology about the contemporary Marie Curie, Nikola Tesla, and Albert Einstein were
their true sexual
characters and occult in the German-speaking world, The Miraculous, heroes to both the scientific and psychic communities.
erotic fortunes,
or The Bewitched (Berlin: Rowohlt Verlag, 1932), Rudolf Their baffling theories, Berlin parapsychologists claimed,
Olden compared magical belief systems to compulsions were foretold by the nineteenth-century American
of physical attraction (“sex appeal”) and unwavering Spiritualists and the Anglo-Indian Theosophists.
“Occult-Sciencism” was the strange Weimar prodigy
incantations of pagan Sex Magic. staunchly faithful to the Roman papacy. As soon as Above:
Dr. Hans–
the unsmiling Anglo-Saxon missionaries and preachers Theodor
The Failed Crusade left their villages and towns, most Germans reverted Hypnosis and
Prussian obedience to Christian anti-materialist to their original pre-Christian practices and traditions.
theology was slow and unsteady. Even after German Others integrated the Holy Mass into their heathen
princes and religious authorities embraced the Gospel’s fertility rituals, invoking blessings from both Jesus Christ
teachings in the 800s—usually in the form of public and the pantheon of Nordic forest gods. These ceremo-
baptism—few Central European tribespeople remained nies had to be performed secretly, and often perversely
blasphemous leaders were frequently imprisoned, hor-
ridly tortured, and burned at the stake. But that did little
Above: upended diocesan prohibitions against animal sacrifice deities, spirit communication, sexual desire, and physical
Fidus illustration
for G. Hermann, and priestly intercourse. attraction, was about to be restored.
Saeming: Aryan
Sex Religion, For over 400 years, German bishops attempted to In 1234, Pope Gregory IX issued proclamations
violently crush the perpetuators of paganism as well as against the growing German heresy. A European cru-
Fidus emblem
for Trilogy, the growing appeal of local heretic Christian sects. The sade to stamp out Satanism, witchcraft, Devil worship,
Sex Religion,
Sex Mystery, nudist Adam-and-Eve cults, and Sex Magic resulted.
Sex Magic,
1897 Papal armies and inquisitional courts dispatched whole
were dutifully recorded in church documents. Followers
Above: wheels, and then incinerated in public squares. By Revolution in the nineteenth century only tamped down
Rhea Wells,
Black Mass In a 1492, all non-believers in Iberia were said to be killed, the anti-Christian profanations.
German Town,
converted, or sent into exile.
But Satanism and its visceral appeal was not excised
Sabbath as
portrayed on so easily from the German lands. Between 1500 and
Berlin cabaret
stage, 1927 1783, over 15,000 women and men were executed for
luck. On Walpurgis Night, haggard women and men still pranced around huge bonfires, where straw effigies Above:
were consumed and delivered to Luciferian proxies. Satana,
In Berlin, Satanist rituals dispensed with exhorta-
Ernst Gerhard,
tions for robust health and pregnancy. Debauchery and
orgiastic entertainment were the religious goals of the
born American journalist, white, sat silently on church pews, where they faced a
described the activities of black-curtained altar. Flutes and violins could be heard
European and American occult playing in an adjoining studio room. The “Priest”—
eight-part series, “Confessions slowly from a side entrance. Inscribed on his black cowl
of a ‘High Priestess’ in Notorious was a red Satanic pentagram. Behind him was a bare-
‘Love Cults.’” Her illustrated footed “High Priestess,” wearing a revealing, diapha-
Above: report was syndicated in the Hearst press in March and nous scarlet gown. She swung a censer of burning
Crown Prince
Friedrich Wilhem April of 1926 and later published in a re-edited pulp incense as the “Priest” intoned Latin phrases. It sounded
Below: version, My Life in a Love Cult: A Warning to All Young like a traditional Catholic Mass; only the words “Satan”
Marian Dockerill,
My Life in
Girls (Chicago: Better Publications, 1928). and “evil” were substituted for “God” and “good.” From
a Love Cult,
The sister of Lea Hirsig (Aleister Crowley’s “Scarlet the ceiling hung an upside-down crucifix.
Woman”) and a strikingly beautiful woman herself, The “Priest” pulled the altar curtain open. On a tiny
Dockerill was able to infiltrate and participate in several black-velvet platform lay a naked 18-year-old girl, the
private Berlin ceremonies in the spring of 1923. Her daughter of two cult society members. Her neck and
eyewitness portrayals were unusually graphic and limbs were contorted in severe right angles to her stun-
detailed. No contemporary German reportage could rival ning face and torso. The “Living Altar’s” blonde hair
Dockerill’s astute and in-depth touched the floor. Balanced on her smooth breasts stood
Marian remembers enter- lifeless, like a wax statue. The blue and red lights struck
ing an elegant Berlin apart- her translucent body in such a way that she seemed to
sanctuary, lined with black and While the “Priest” chanted the Black Mass liturgy,
crimson silk curtains. Blue and the congregation periodically stood, prostrated them-
red lights created an other- selves, and returned to their benches. After 30 minutes,
worldly chapel-like atmo- the “Priest” placed a holy communion wafer on the
Left and Below:
The Black Mass
recreated by
Marian Dockerill
“Living Altar’s” chest and lifted the cup from her body.
for the Hearst
He tasted the wine and, in a violent gesture, flung the 1926
candles flicker. the shoulder of a man who leaped in front of her. He tore
A hymn “In These Holy Halls” is played. A gong is struck five times.
her hair until he broke the grip of her teeth and screamed;
The Master of the Chair, the Priestess, and the Master of Ceremonies wear red
he began kissing her brutally. I saw others cutting each
masks. All of the participants and observers are naked underneath their robes.
other with knives, and a man
a stream while men and women fought and clawed and their own insignias, liturgical rites, uniforms, publica- Above:
The Goat
tore at each other to bathe in the blood. […] The mad tions, and often distinct cuisines. Altogether some two Sacrifice,
by Panini,
orgy lasted until dawn.” (“Confessions,” March 27, 1926) million Germans formally belonged to these non-con-
Over 200 mystic cults and secret societies were most self-gratifying new-age religions.
active in Central Europe during the interwar period. Although the heyday of bizarre sectarianism paralleled
Most fell into distinct categories: Aryan brotherhoods, times of economic crisis in Europe—the Inflation (1921–
American-style Spiritualist organizations, “scientific” 1923) and the Great Depression (1929–1933)—cultish
astrological circles, chic Satanist clubs, Freemasons, examples of sex-frenzy could be found much earlier. One
leagues, ascetic Sufi-like communes, Christian dissent- German-speaking district in Switzerland, around the
ers, Theosophical breakaway unions, Rosicrucians, and 1890s. Founded by Johannes Binggeli, a dwarfish trance-
outlandish occult-political movements. Most groups had author, the Forest Brotherhood proselytized incest as a
Master of the Chair: “Jallah! Greetings, my Brothers and Sisters. Are you pre-
pared to enact the Five-fold Alpha ritual with a pure heart and without deceit?”
The Congregation: “We are!”
Master of the Chair: “Brother First Guardian, what is your duty?”
“divine” calling. Binggeli referred to his genitals as the
First Guardian: “To determine if we are all Masters of the 18°; if we all bear
the sign and the know the grip.” “box of Christ” and offered up his urine as a universal
Master of the Chair: “Execute your office!” healing balm. And when necessary, he slept with his
The First Guardian leaves his assigned position and listens to each member.
coven of Forest women in order to properly exorcise
Individually, they whisper the secret password in his ear. He returns to his station
and replies, “To Me!” them of nefarious spirits. Binggeli was finally arrested
The Congregation makes the sign of the Master and then the sign of the and tried after it was discovered that he had impregnat-
Magnus Pentalphae.
ed his own daughter during one such vision-ceremony.
The First Guardian: “Venerable Master, all those present have made both
Binggeli was sentenced to a Swiss insane asylum but his
signs of the 18°. No one here is uninitiated.”
The gong is struck five times, followed by five rings of the silver bell. specter lingered into the new century.
The Second Guardian: “All is in order, my Brothers and Sisters!” In Ascona, a tiny Alpine village at the southern tip
Master of the Chair: “Stand, my Brothers and Sisters, and proclaim the oath!”
of Switzerland, Central European naturalists, pacifistic
The Congregation stands, extending their right fists with outstretched thumbs:
vegetarians, Nietzsche-obsessed writers, radical anar-
“We all swear and vow to live and act according to the Holy Laws of the Five-
fold Alpha. We will guard and retain the secrets and conceal them from outsiders chists, Runeists, and devotees of free love and
-- even from our Brothers and Sisters who have not attained the 18°. Death and Ausdruckstanz set up various ramshackle campsites and
ruin to traitors! A curse upon their souls! Blessed be the true Chalice of Light,
sanatoriums. In the shadow of Monte Verita, between
whose strength may preserve us from all temptation! Om!”
1900 and 1915, Ascona’s bohemian leaders preached
They sit.
Master of the Chair walks to the altar: “In Nomine Sator, Rahator, Etan! In new health regimens, new diets, new communal
Nomine Baphomet. Hal yac yin! Jallah! I call and invoke you, Forces of the Fire values, and new sexual practices. By the end of World
Element. Flow into my hands, my heart, and my brain! And give me the power
War I, their teachings had spread to Germany. It was
to awake the Serpent!”
the beginning of an international counterculture.
The Master of the Chair gestures to the Priestess’ chair. She stands and walks
to him in measured steps.
The Master of the Chair traces the sign of the Pentagram over her head and
says: “Let the power of the Serpent, the ancient Dragon, awake in you, Daughter
of Lilith. She raises up from the darkness of your womb and flows into us with
all the power and strength of the Uridaphne!”
The Priestess kneels down and hands a dagger to the Master of the Chair.
He lifts it, kisses the blade, and lays it on the altar. Then he goes to the burning
K. Vetter,
Die Schönheit
cover, 1926
Into the Fourth Dimension Opposite:
Rudolf von Laban
An embodiment of Carl Jung’s “cosmic man,” and his OTO
group in Ascona,
Rudolf von Laban in the Twenties restored to dance a 1914
or Body Wisdom.
three-year period, he gathered an adoring collective, pre-Christian notion of “group marriage.” But Ascona
who listened to his rapturous preachments against could not contain the indefatigable trickster.
modern civilization and how it ripped mankind from its In 1919, Laban founded his first Dance-Theatre
celestial roots. To restore humanity’s Edenic past, Studio in Stuttgart. (Within ten years, there would be
Laban devised the concept of abstract movement 25 Laban studios in Germany and Switzerland alone.)
choirs and community festivals that were organized on Intellectually, Laban borrowed shamelessly from
the principles of ecstatic movement and a shared Émile Jaques-Dalcroze and Rudolf Steiner but his
Seeking the physical paradise that their protean novel and gripping action set the nomadic womanizer
teacher nurtured in his gestural experiments, the apart. It was long rumored that waiting outside the
Laban-dancers lived communally, dining solely on nuts, stage doors of Laban’s many repeat concerts were
dried fruits, and grain beverages. They confronted their scores of Madonna-faced mistresses, rocking father-
less enlightened neighbors with nude recitals and a less infants in their arms.
tripod and throws a handful of incense and powder into the flames. It flares up
bloody red.
The Master of Chair walks to the kneeling Priestess and lays his hands on her
head: “Rise up, you blue-lidded Daughter of the Dawn! Do you know me?”
Priestess: “I know you!”
Master of the Chair: “Sister of the Five-Flamed Star, do you feel me?”
Priestess: “Brother, I feel you!”
The Congregation: “Om! Om! Rahalon!”
Master of the Chair: “Sister, give me the sign of recognition!”
The Priestess rips the hood from her head; her mask remains in place: “Placet
Master of the Chair: “I still do not recognize you!” He removes his hood.
Priestess: “Jallah!” She unbuttons the upper part of her robe and exposes
her breasts.
Master of the Chair: “I still do not recognize you!” He exposes his chest. The Ikosaeder (or Space-Crystal) was the Grand
With an ecstatic gesture, the Priestess loosens her belt and drops her robe. Master’s strangest invention. Unveiled in 1924, it graph-
Naked, she spreads her legs, bends slightly forward, and lifts her arms with
ically defined the space around the dancer’s body at
her thumbs turned out. She responds ecstatically: “Jallah! Son of Osiris! Do you
twelve points in a magical configuration. Although a
recognize me now?”
In a corresponding ecstatic gesture, the Master of the Chair tosses aside his compelling image and a centerpiece of the Laban’s
robe, so only his mask and the five-sided silver star on his chest remain: “Kuf- occult beliefs in the primacy of Body Wisdom, his pub-
lished descriptions of the Ikosaeder’s use in dance train-
The Priestess: “Kuf-ankh-Herpokrat!” She jerks her arms downward and
ing were cryptic and contradictory.
grasps the penis of the Master of the Chair. If it is hard and erect, the Priestess lies
down on the altar, spreads her legs, and allows his penis to enter her womb. One contemporary account (Theatre Arts, April
At this moment, the Brothers and Sisters stand and circle the altar in a chain, 1928) referred to the Ikosaeder as a “machine” that,
chanting in unison: “Jiyallah! Jiyallah!”
when combined with the proper set of 24 movements
and the German war on modernist art in 1936, however, “Dionysus-Haeusser,” and “Laotse-
drove the movement guru into exile in England, where he Haeusser.” In a flag-bedecked limou-
assisted the Allied war effort and continued his teachings sine (provided by a love-struck aristo-
More typical of how the Asconian free-love mes- “Guillotine-Dictator” had been briefly
sage migrated to Berlin was the curious saga of Louis paired with Hitler by journalists since
Haeusser. A German conman and convicted champagne both rallied for the abolition of the
order to circumvent French justice. He studied Taoist Haeusser’s anarchistic coalition splin-
philosophy in Ascona and by 1918 began to proclaim tered into competing “Jesus-Worker
himself as “the Naked Truth,” as Germany’s “future Parties,” led by younger “top-hatted
Superman.” A bald, middle-aged businessman, the fre- messiahs.” The dispirited prophet died in a Berlin hospital Above:
quently unclad Haeusser gathered huge flocks of in 1927 (possibly murdered in his room by a League The Naked Truth,
enthralled disciples, mostly women, to his side as he rival) but his organization, still numbering in the tens of
toured German cities. The female acolytes, who dressed thousands, continued to promulgate Haeusser’s apoca- Exercise, 1926
as men, were referred to as the “Greatest Occult Harem lyptic missives for another five years.
“People’s King,” his childish and S&M-like activities only appeared in the city of Görlitz. Established in 1923 by
increased their earthly devotion. Fedor Mühle, a 44-year-old merchant, the Gottesbund
In 1922, Haeusser founded the Christian National Tanatra borrowed heavily from Spiritualist and Buddhist
Party (later renamed the League of National Communists) precepts: all souls survived physical death and were
and ran for President of the Reichstag as “Zarathustra- reincarnated into new bodies; therefore, all males and
Haeusser,” “Christ-Haeusser,” “Anti-Christ-Haeusser,” females were truly brothers and sisters. Despite God’s
The Master of Ceremonies steps into the circle and seizes the dagger. He
stands behind the copulating couple and grabs a black rooster (or hen). He holds
the agitated animal over them and cuts off the head in a single stroke. He pours
the blood over the copulating Priests.
love, the world was quickly approaching its endtimes.
The Congregation chants “Jiyallah!” in an ever-growing frenzy.
Before he climaxes, the Master of the Chair removes his penis from the What differentiated Mühle’s trance preaching from run-
Priestess’ vagina. She holds his member and splashes blood on it. Then she puts of-the-mill New Ageism was its sexual message: not
her left hand on the base of his chakra and, with her right hand, she vigorously
only was traditional marriage to be avoided but the role
strokes his penis until he nearly ejaculates. The Priestess ecstatically cries out and
thrusts her finger deep into his anus. The Master of the Chair manipulates her of homosexual men was greatly elevated. These sexual
clitoris, so the couple orgasms simultaneously. outcasts brought moral and spiritual refinement to
The Congregation shrieks in ecstasy, which concludes the ceremony.
humanity. In fact, only gay men—with their unalloyed
The Master of Ceremonies breaks the fraternal chain, takes a white silk
male and female components—could serve as medi-
cloth and spreads it over the Priestess. He envisions the magical symbols of the
Pentalphic Grade. (If his imagination is weak, he can draw the symbols in the air ums and healers.
tions. He summons the Spirit-Invocation of the Lodge: “Gotos! Euraseh zed achna Marriage,” joined “true, pure, untainted souls” into a
Emzke ho! Hareb Kaloo emtah kreas kaa elam! Noab tezwah mehischeh ula elm
blessed relationship. The Tanatra elect claimed that
tree elegob maha! Erechthon kale almaia jaschbarak Hed gog Mehengog Maguth
they were only following their Lord Jesus, who—their
ebze Carago hed abernach, obeah, durach elego kale almaino edach. Amno
wimero Amom! Makalo hem! Gotoas! Makabo! Hetan hem! Gotoy! Hur Ro close Gnostic texts revealed—engaged in such activities with
its leaders.
source of all religions in the ruins of Olbia, near Mount In 1927, Saettler joined with the Berlin mystic, Rah-
Olympus, in 1913. It was called Adonism. Its extant rites Omir (Friedrich Wilhelm Quintscher), head of the New
could be seen in secret ceremonies carried out among Order of Mental Builders, to form the International
the Druses and Yezidis (so-called Devil-Worshippers) in Adonistic Society. Rah-Omir Quintscher’s previous claim
the mountains of Syria, the Caucasus rim, and in an to fame involved his infamous Tepha machine that
unchartered area of western Persia known as Nuristan. projected lethal “astral electro-magnetic” rays into the
The polytheistic rituals involved animal sacrifice and bodies of his enemies. Like flattened Voodoo dolls,
fornication with temple prostitutes, performed under photographs of the beleaguered targets were bom-
Writing under the nom de plume “Dr. Chakum Saettler and Quintscher’s dubious enterprise attract-
Musallam,” Saettler published over 30 books on the ur- ed thousands of mail-order adepts from Austria,
religion Adonism and its occult application to modern Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, France,
times. Besides subscriber-only tomes and monthly jour- Spain, Turkey, Egypt, and the United States. In a sense,
nals, Saettler, through his Master Lodge Hekate, sold it was a classic pyramid scheme. Wealthy Adonists
astrological readings, aphrodisiacs and “oriental” talis- were induced to buy their way into the higher branches
mans, pendulums, invisible inks, alchemic formulas, of the association and then sell lesser titles to more
magic gems, and counterfeit resident permits. naive initiates or purchase shares in the “Olbia
Goldbank.” Besides occult tchotchkes—including a mys- invented faiths also contained original sexual precepts.
terious elixir called Biogon—and overnight dividends, These were Karezza and Mazdaznanism.
the Adonistic Society’s main appeal was Sex Magic les- Created in Chicago in 1896 by Dr. Alice Bunker
sons, in pamphlet form, written by an authentic Stockham, one of the most extraordinary American life-
Nuristan seeress, madam to a sacred harem. reformists of her generation, Karezza borrowed heavily
In April 1932, the Viennese Vice Police busted Dr. from the abandoned and much-maligned eugenic prac-
Musallam for mail fraud and sexual misconduct. tices of the utopian Oneida Community in upstate New
According to newspaper reports, all they found in York and Dravidian tantric customs from a polyandrous
Saettler’s apartment were roomfuls of Adonic docu- tribe in British India. Stockham, one of only five licensed
ments and a foxy secretary named Justine Schnattinger. female physicians in the U.S., proposed a radical and
Evidently she was the Society’s “High Nuristani scientific means for marital bliss: long-term coitus subli-
Although both the crafty doctor and his accomplice “multiple marriage,” male continence, and socially direct-
died of natural causes (Saettler in 1942 and Quintscher ed human breeding for his Oneida collective during the
three years later on the day Germany surrendered to 1870s, Stockham thought both male and female orgasms
the Western Allies), contemporary Adonistic study harmed the health and perennial joy of all wedded
groups and reprints of Musallam’s serialized publica- couples. She traveled to the Malabar Coast and observed
tions can be found today on the Internet. the matriarchal habits of the Nayars. Tantric sex there,
Karezza and Mazdaznanism intercourse with their wives, seemed to improve the
America’s new religions, like Christian Science and Nayars’ appearance and intellectual well-being.
the Latter Day Saints, washed up on German shores In a self-published pamphlet entitled Karezza Ethics
following the Armistice. Frequently these foreign creeds of Marriage (New York, 1896), Stockham explained the
developed in perverse and hysterical ways. Minor spiritual rational behind Hindu Sacred Sex. “In the physi-
aspects of their stated principles were often empha- cal union of male and female there may be a soul com-
sized and exaggerated. Naturally the occult elements munion giving not only supreme happiness, but in turn
transfixed German converts and missionaries alike. Two to soul growth and development.” Quaker-educated,
Stockham thought sexual self-con-
Karezzalites believed European qualms over declining Otoman Zar-Adusht Hanish fashioned a more suc- Above:
birth rates were responsible for their lack of substantial cessful German-American fusion. Born in Leipzig, Hanish Egyptian
growth. Berlin tabloids had a field day exposing a sex studied Zoroastrian doctrine in southeast Persia. He 1930
cult that militated against sexual relief. moved to America at the turn of the century and estab-
Mazdaznan diet not only dis-
Above: lished the first Mazdaznan temple, the Church of the constraints were said to “super-activate” the glands
Paul Citroen,
Mazdaznan Master of Divine Thought, off Manhattan’s Central Park. that produce rejuvenating sex hormones.
Unfortunately, his well-heeled congregation was riled Hanish’s students were instructed to laugh and
when Hanish was charged with immoral behavior and smile without lapse throughout their waking days. A
sodomy with his boy-acolytes, their children. Hanish telepathic readiness enabled them to read character by
moved the Mazdaznan presses and center of operations a mere handshake or by listening to slight changes in
to Chicago and then to Los Angeles. Vice squads in both vocal pitch. More menacingly, the adherents were sub-
cities issued fresh warrants for his arrest. ject to detoxifying Mazdaznan needle “machines,”
In 1917, Hanish established the Mazdaznan World which pricked the skin and caused infectious blisters to
Centre, Aryana, on the edge of Lake Zurich in erupt. Extraction of the bloody pus further cleansed the
Switzerland. From there, his pseudo-Zoroastrian regi- bodies of the mental warriors.
mens of sexual hygiene and racial purity quickly A Mazdaznan House and two Mazdaznan restau-
spread. Hanish schooled his parishes in yoga-like exer- rants opened in 1929 in Berlin. They attracted artist
cises of breath control, rhythmic gymnastics (the types, including Bauhaus students, and radiant Hanish
Egyptian postures), and proper mastication. The believers from Leipzig and other urban centers.
Sexually it was unclear what the Mazdaznans prac- sanctified rooms, the boys
ticed. It was said the chaste, unigowned initiates were then sodomized face
engaged in polymorphous orgies. Only Hanish knew down by the Master him-
for certain. He wrote that sexual desire was linked to self or one of his elderly
and the earth’s core. Mazdaznan purification aug- Hanish died in 1936, the
By 1932, Hanish’s cult claimed some 70,000 mem- banned and shuttered by
bers in eight countries but the movement was dogged the Nazis. Mazdaznanism continued in Switzerland and Above:
Ernst Schertel’s
by serious internal strife and scandal. Over one dozen Southern California, where it still draws fourth-genera- Dreamtheater,
wealthy enthusiasts had died under mysterious circum- tion scrubbed and smiley-faced zealots.
blood, and the transdermal applications of “cleansing Hypnotic and Paranormal Suggestion
oils.” A large number of the Mazdaznan inner circle suf- From its shady origins in pre-revolutionary France
fered complete mental breakdowns or suicides. and through the nineteenth century, Mesmerism and
Worst of all, two young converts, Hanish’s “adopted hypnosis in Central Europe were long associated with
children,” initiated million-dollar legal suits in Leipzig erotic hijinks and female sexual submission. The
and Los Angeles against their Man-God for sexual archetypal hypnotist-master not only extracted mem-
abuse. The Swiss girl (11 years old) and the Swiss boy ories and extreme emotions from his unconscious
(16) were part of eight-children teams being prepared patients, he could also control their physical bodies
for the Mazdaznan priesthood in each local temple. and secret desires. Compliant subjects displayed the
After solitary diets of milk and rose petals (for the girls) mesmerist’s demonic power over them when their
and beer and white grapes (for the boys), the naked nipples extended to unnatural lengths or their faces
youngsters were led into marital chambers for mutual contorted in orgasmic ecstasy. Hypnotic suggestion
deflowering. Under the watchful eyes of Hanish’s onstage or off was the ultimate act of male seduction
prehistoric origin.
Above and Ernst Schertel’s Magic Dreamtheater marks and side column scrawls.) For Schertel, all
Clownismus Dr. Ernst Schertel blended clinical Mesmer-like tech- religion was based on magical thinking, which in turn
and Attitude
Passionelle, niques with nudity and Ausdruckstanz. He issued doz- functioned as a sublimation of violent carnal impulses.
ens of scientific-sounding manifestos on naked trance- To torturously bind, to savagely whip, to forcefully
performance as mankind’s primordial art form and cre- penetrate the orifices of another body (especially the
ated a permanent dance troupe to prove it. sphincter)—that is, to violate the sexual autonomy of a
In 1910, Schertel received his doctorate in philoso- fellow human—led to a frenzied orgiastic celebration,
phy from the University of Jena. An amateur anthro- the ecstatic foundation of all religious ceremony. The
pologist, he traveled to North Africa and the Middle punishing flagellant and his acquiescent devotee cor-
porally symbolized the struggle of the Godhead with its Although Schertel had experimented with hypnotic
creation. The resulting erotic release, a shattering ritual dream induction as far back as 1919, using an eleven-
discharge from everyday taboos, dramatized for the year-old Finnish girl as his subject, the “Dreamtheater
cult participants the holy act of sexual triumph and Schertel,” an ensemble of eight nude female dancers,
submission. Fetish-worship, painful sacrifice, joyous only surfaced publicly six years later in Stuttgart.
embrace with an all-powerful being—were primal In Asa (January 1926) Dr. A. Bernstein wrote,
experiences that could only be found in two locales: Schertel’s method of work and training echoed that of
the temple altar and the brothel. According to Schertel’s the dervish teachers and yoga masters. Nude dancers
provocative hypothesis, devotional rites to a deity and were put into deep trance and then instructed to enact
sado-masochist acts were intimately conjoined. “motifs,” or emotional states. They began in muscularly
preliterate mandate.
Above: Erik Jan Hanussen, hypnotic/erotic bar. He selected female members from
The Hanussen
Yearbook, The Magister Ludi of Sex the audience—the more skeptical, the better—and mes-
In the last years of the Weimar Republic, one man merized them into orgasmic collapse before the aston-
came to represent the unwholesome infusion of occult ished faces of their husbands and colleagues.
showmanship, depraved sex, personal charisma, and Both genders came to Hanussen’s performances and
fascist ideology. This was Erik Jan Hanussen. For many private sessions in order to experience the marvelous,
Berliners, including Hitler’s unflagging opponents, the extraordinary, the obliteration of common sense and
Hanussen was not just a celebrated stage magician but moral sobriety. Acquiescing all control to him (or watch-
also the supreme manipulator of the perilous irrationali- ing it done to a neighbor) spoke to a deep submissive
ties that exemplified their era. The Communist reporters nature that fueled Hanussen’s hypnotic inductions.
unaffectionally tagged him the “People’s Stupifier.” Passionate desire was about loss of restraints—as was
Free ebooks ==> www.Ebook777.com
hypnosis and “burning religion.” No one could be faulted His Viennese Institute was widely respected by Freud’s Above:
Mia Osta,
when the needy heart or the censoring mechanism of growing fraternity and Central European judges a hypnotic
subject at
the Viennese
the brain succumbed to the humiliating demands of an frequently cited its parapsychological deductions on
arch-seducer or evil cleric. Mankind was made that way. criminal motivation and exploitations of the sub-
Hanussen merely shaped an amusing variety entertain- conscious mind. Nipple Chart, 1926
ment out of human frailty. Thoma had a bit of the theatrical bug in him as
In 1928, Hanussen was arrested in the Czech town well and produced sensational melodramas about
of Teplitz-Schönau. Among the many charges leveled sexual dependency and Svengali-like manipulators of
against him was the hypnotic-seduction of naïve house- young women. More shocking, however, were
wives and claims of time-traveling clairvoyance. The Thoma’s own experiments in hypnotherapy. In 1926
trial, which took place in Leitmeritz and ended two he published a booklet, The Wonder of Hypnosis
Viennese Police.
www.Ebook777.com 217
On May 28th, 1930, Hanussen beat
moved to Berlin.
Above: (Württemberg: Johannes Baum Verlag, 1926) that his hypnotic demonstrations and hawked sex crèmes in
Hanussen films
his harem on the proved the sexual power of verbal suggestion. A the foyers of Berlin’s variety halls. After midnight,
Ursel IV, 1932
young Austrian woman, Mia Osta, was put into a Hanussen could be seen leading his harem of would-be
trance state and told her breasts and nipples were film starlets to the city’s most fashionable nightclubs
Hanussen leads
Thoma in his
telepathic post, rapidly expanding, becoming highly sensitive and and restaurants. He even designed risque gowns based
unnaturally engorged with blood. Chronometers mea- on the astrological signs of his charges.
Below: sured a significant growth (45 mm) in a single sitting. On his yacht, the Ursel IV, Hanussen fed his pam-
The foyer of
the Palace of Other sessions convinced her that she was a lesbian. pered guests exotic drugs and performed Sex Magic
the Occult,
And a male subject was induced into believing that feats that even the most decadent revue-house would
he was a nursing mother. His breasts visibly trans- shun. His afterhours orgies were matter-of-factly filmed
formed in shape and size. by the technological wonder. If Berlin’s tabloids failed to
Thoma appeared in the Leitmeritz courtroom. His report on Hanussen’s latest sexcapades, they found their
testimony, which endorsed many of Hanussen’s psychic way into the Hanussen-Magazin or the weekly Hanussen
claims, immeasurably buttressed the defense’s difficult Zeitung. Readers could also learn the master’s secrets
position. Furthermore, Hanussen demonstrated his for occult seduction in his serialized lessons, “How to
supernatural talents to intuit personality and past Hypnotize Your Lover into Ecstasy.” (Presumably Thoma
events before a panel of Czech jurists. had a ghostwriting hand in that obliging series.) Han-
ussen’s publications had love-advice
ings as well.
with solemnity.
consulted astrological charts to determine the candi- In front of Berlin’s leading editors and tastemakers,
date’s divine fate. The Man Who Can See into the Future Hanussen spookily predicted the destruction of the
guessed right: der Führer would soon lead Germany. Reichstag by “divine fire.” It was yet another amusing
On January 30th, Hitler came to power. Three weeks forecast from the Fourth Dimensional Telepath. Twenty
later, Hanussen inaugurated his Palace of the Occult in hours later, however, the Reichstag did ignite in flames.
the center of Berlin. Opening night was, to be sure, a It signaled the end of democratic Germany and, one
bizarre blend of slinky glamour, politics, and over-the- month later, cost Hanussen his life.
top occultism. Blonde, blue-eyed docents (in diaphanous In 1937, Thoma quietly relocated to London. For
togas) led the visitors into the Palace’s Hall of Silence, several years, he collaborated with Alexander Cannon,
where they heard the Great Clairvoyant pontificate from Britain’s most prominent parapsychologist, and befriend-
a throne set on a hydraulic lift. Most of the guests came ed Aleister Crowley, a former head of Germany’s OTO.
The Ordo Templi Orientis
The O.T.O., or Ordo Templi Orientis, emerged from the
cal parts, but from the male and female sexual polari-
with an inverted form of Kundalini yoga, where sexual change in the internal environment of the brain.
energy from the genitals, or the Naga chakra (which Consciousness ego moves away to make room for
he called Napa), was channeled into the solar plexus divine power. Sexual energy then can be preserved.
through meditation and rhythmic inhalation. Dressed Using correct breathing, both lead to the transmutation
as a Babylonian priest, Kellner and his wife practiced a of energy, where the Magician becomes a Clairvoyant.”
new form of tantric Sex Magic. They firmly believed (“O.T.O. Phenomenon,” 1994)
that their ceremonial conservation of sperm and vagi- The German OTO and its British subsidiary (Mysteria
nal fluids was life’s Elixir, liquid prana or the watery Mystica Maxima) attracted equal numbers of Jazz Age
solution found in the Holy Grail, the very source of mystics, horny intellectuals, genuine nirvana seekers,
Kellner did not live long enough to fulfill his occult ship was never large—in the hundreds—and its leader-
aims. He died in his laboratory, following an episode of ship utterly unstable, disagreeable, or transitory.
a paranoiac panic. A former opera singer, German- Unfortunately Reuss suffered from a debilitating
British war correspondent, and Prussian spy, Theodor stroke in 1920 and more hedonistic and darker person-
Reuss claimed to inherit Kellner’s mission in 1905. He alities entered into the OTO Berlin scene. For six years,
named it the Ordo Templi Orientis. beginning in 1924, Heinrich Tränker organized OTO
Reuss supplemented Kellner’s tantric teachings with Black Masses at the Club Amazon near the Halleschen
Manichean and Wagnerian concepts regarding the divi- Gate. Each Walpurgis Night (one stroke after midnight
May 1st) began with the ravings of a naked virgin tied Britain, New York, and Paris, the radical mountain- Above:
An OTO initiate
to a wooden crucifix. While OTO members sipped from climbing artist and poet experimented with Sex Magick reveals her pen-
tagram branding
flutes of champagne, the trance-speaker offered up rites and advanced his counter-Christian religion, by Crowley,
visions of the coming year. Afterward three or four initi- Crowleyanity. Mixing astrology, Kabalah, Tibetan
ates were inducted into Tränker’s Great Lodge. The men Buddhism, yoga, and Gnosticism, Crowley promulgated
swore alliance to the Order by placing their left hands a Left-Handed Magic known as the Laws of Thelema.
on their exposed and erect penises. (“Love is the Law.” “Do What Thou Wilt!”)
The Great Beast Devours the OTO Great Beast 666) was considered something of a genius.
The English-speaking Reuss had been in contact But his uncompromising personality, devotion to drugs
with Aleister Crowley since 1911. Their relationship was (cocaine, hashish, opium, and heroin), abusive manipula-
one of approach-avoidance. For seven years in Great tion of cultish followers, and, especially, his enthusiasm
conference in Hohenleuben. (Although the ailing Reuss
Above: for sometimes lethal “erotomagic” diversions earned task. Master Therion was hopelessly addicted to heroin
Crowley, him the rubric “the Wickedest Man in the World.” and spent much time and treasure in London court-
Crowley devised a System of Twelve OTO Degrees of rooms, defending his fading reputation. Crowley’s rela-
initiation, five of which related to Sex Magic: 7th, tionship to his core flock and Scarlet Women fared no
Adoration of the Phallus; 8th, Masturbation; 9th, Vaginal better. Some died; others abandoned him thoroughly.
Intercourse; 10th, Fertilization; 11th, Anal Intercourse. In April 1930, the 55-year-old Crowley settled in
Some scholars ascribed Crowley’s ritual perversions to his Berlin. He hoped to sell a gallery room of Thelema-
repressed homosexual character. Although he mostly themed paintings and portraits but was utterly unsuc-
slept with women, he preferred anal contact and often cessful. The Berliner Tageblatt identified him “as some-
needed homely or masculine women to dominate him. thing between Karl May [the pulp novelist] and
In June 1926, Crowley was invited to a German OTO Schopenhauer.” Most of Crowley’s efforts went into
securing his position as a committed Sex Magician and art, Hollow-Earth theories, and magic healing. During
visionary philosopher. Eventually even Germer, who the years of Pansophy’s slow disintegration, Grosche
claimed the Great Beast once attempted to seduce him, took the occult name Grand Master Gregor A. Gregorius.
became alienated from the Thelematic lawgiver. He had only a fleeting interest in Crowley’s OTO domin-
Crowley returned to London in 1932 and the fabled ion (although later published a number of Master
Fraternitas Saturni epic Nosferatu), a new occult secret society. They called
Of all the interwar German cults devoted to applied it the Fraternitas Saturni. Forty members of Tränker’s
Sex Magic, Eugen Grosche’s Fraternitas Saturni (FS) had group broke with the German OTO and enlisted en
the greatest visibility and stimulated the most contro- masse in the FS’s more vital and notorious enterprise.
versy. It also attracted the largest number of participat- Grosche attempted to link all aspects of Twenties’
ing female adepts and survived the Nazi regime, World Occult-Sciencism into a unified system of beliefs:
store of esoterica.
and Saturn.
Right: Pharaonic architecture, psychoanalysis, hormone-induc- In the backroom lecture hall of his antiquarian store,
Albin Grau,
Saturnglyph, ing substances, Kabalah, non-Euclidean physics, yoga, Grosche taught mirror magic and astrological positions
Peruvian sacrificial rites, electro-magneticism, and astrol- for sexual intercourse. He also prescribed cocaine,
ogy combined with Sex Magick and hypnotic ritual. The peyote extracts, and advocated the use of hashish.
principal text that animated the FS’s cryptic philosophy Most of the leading OTO personalities thought little of
was the Gnostic Gospel of John. In the discarded Pales- Grosche’s character or Satanic preachments. Frau Küntzel
tinian bit of apocrypha, three divinities granted human- ridiculed him as a “Black Brother.” Germer denounced
ity occult powers: Satan, the Virgin Mary, and Berbelo, him as a “sex-maniac” and “one of the lowest types of
God’s female mirror image. According to the ancient occultist” that he ever met. But Grosche’s FS grew.
writing, Creation only began when God saw his reflec- By 1929, FS Lodges had formed in Berlin, Dresden,
tion in a stream of water. The female face, Berbelo, and Bucharest. They aligned with Saettler’s International
implored the Ain-Sof to conjure up other life-forms. Adonistic Society and issued Magic Newsletters and a
war and attempted to revive the FS. Three years before Left:
Eugen Grosche
he died in 1963, Grosche published a fanciful novel,
Berbelo in
Exoriale, which apparently documented the FS’ sex
practices from the 1920s. novel,
The romanticism of the underworld bewitched me. I was magnetized by the scum.
Berlin—the Berlin I perceived or imagined was gorgeously corrupt.
Klaus Mann, 1942
era. For one, German courts gave voice to public defenders and
sexual discharge. The puzzle of how and why the criminal mind func-
popular culture.
The German criminal novel, or Krimi, and early film noir floridly
body, eviscerate its reproductive organs, and destroy ered stuffed in chemical vats or bobbing inconspicu- Previous Left:
Survivor of
the corpse’s sexuality. ously on edges of polluted rivulets. a Lustmord
The Neue Sachlichkeit novelists and painters of The unbroken string of shocking revelations both
Weimar claimed that they were only responding to a engrossed and confused the German public. In the
regular, 1928
grotesque reality. Gruesome cases of Lustmord and midst of every city and town, it seemed, sat innocuous-
bizarre serial murders filled the front pages of German looking hunters of human souls who waited stealthily Lustmord,
Unknown artist
dailies. Hundreds of runaway children and prostitutes like immobile reptiles for their nocturnal quarry. The
had not quietly relocated to new climes as their rela- local constabularies appeared helpless to anticipate or Tied and
tives and pimps may have surmised. Eventually the prevent the grim onslaught. And even when caught,
mutilated torsos and limbs of the missing were discov- the sex-monsters perplexed the courtroom experts. The
ALPHONSES—Pimps. [Some variant names: Fiesels, Hackers, Louies,
Ludwigs, Oilers, Quick-Businessmen, or Stripe-Men.]
BEINLS—[Corrupted Romany word for “Daughters”] Prostitutes. [Variant
names: Brides, Kalles (Yiddish for the same), Hannes, Lauras, Nafkes,
Violins, or Wall-Sliders. Common vulgarism was Pussies, which was
expressed in some one dozen European and dialect terms.]
BOOSTS—The proprietors of Kaschemmen. [Also called Baases.]
BREAKERS—The geniuses of Underworld Berlin. They researched and planned
elaborate criminal schemes, which their accomplices then undertook.
BULLS—The vice squad.
CAVALIERS—Heterosexual pederasts.
commonplace explanations of gratuitous sexual may-
CHOCHUM-LOSCHEN—[Yiddish for “Wiseguy Tongue.”] Dialect language of
hem (poverty, retribution, mental illness, shell shock,
Berlin’s Underworld. A colorful mix of criminal argot, Low-German, Romany,
and Yiddish. heredity) paled when the sadistic details were related
CHONTE-HARBORS—Brothels. [Variant names: Cum-Cabins, Exchanges, Slut in tabloid exposés and judicial proceedings.
Huts (pun on Russian term), or Traffic Houses.]
Criminologists reported that surprisingly few mur-
ETSCH—[“H”] Heroin. [From Hamburg criminal argot.]
GONTIFFS—Petty thieves. [From the Yiddish.] derers, crime bosses, con men, and swindlers per-
GREEN MINNAS—Police vice vans. [Also known as Children’s Cars.] formed their misdeeds solely for economic gain. Far too
HANIDES—Prostitutes who were incapacitated because of their menstrual
much brutality and unwarranted personal risk accompa-
flow. Said to be “riding the Red King.”
nied their anti-social endeavors. Even the language,
HOUR-HOTELS—Private hotels that rented rooms by the hour for sexual con-
tact. Mostly found in Berlin North. hierarchic relationships, kibitzing, and rewards of Berlin’s
KASCHEMMEN—Criminal dives. Many were still open at 3 a.m., the official outlaw classes contained a morbid erotic component.
closing time of Berlin Dielen.
Sexual perversion inescapably imbedded itself in the
KIETZ—Street environs of Underworld Berlin. The Life.
elaborate construction of Weimar criminality.
LAMP-MONEY—Kontroll-Girl’s payment to her Kupplerin.. And like the French obsession with the Apache under-
LOUIS—Syphilis. [Variant names: the Whole Jelly or Turkish Music.] world, German popular interest in Lustmord and the
MARIE—Advance payment for a sexual service. [Variant name: Bread.]
forbidden eroticism of Berlin’s gangs revealed a darker
NACHTLOKALS—Afterhours erotic cabarets. [Also known as Nacktlokals.].]
middle-class longing for ghoulish sexual pleasures.
NEPPLOKALS—Ripoff tourist traps.
NOSES—Stool pigeons. Criminals who informed on other lowlifes.
Lustmord fact, few German lust murderers had normal or forced Opposite:
K. Sohr,
The exact number of Lustmord crimes in Weimar intercourse with their victims. The killing and mutilation The Whore
and the Cripple
Germany cannot be easily tallied. Berlin sexologists itself substituted for coitus. As a rule of thumb, ejacula-
testified that many sexual-related homicides were tion took place during the actual moment of death or fantasy
unintentional—Suitors and rape victims expiring from immediately afterward when the sex maniac was
heart attacks or strokes; lethal roughhousing during madly sawing, pummeling, hacking, or dismembering
S&M play; auto-asphyxiation; spouses reacting to abu- the corpse’s head or genitals. Female lust murderers
sive sexual punishment. Even necrophiliac penetration typically climaxed just when their naked partners, after
following murder was not necessarily deemed Lustmord being informed of their dire situation, convulsed in
if the perpetrator violated the cadaver in a symbolic, agony from the effects of a poisonous cocktail.
rather than passionate, gesture. Two Lustmord trials in particular captured the
True Lustmord required sexual frenzy, where tor- imagination of Weimar Berlin and inspired a significant
ture, savage annihilation, and orgasm intertwined. In body of medico-legal and sexological literature. These
POLENTA—[Italian for “corn-meal.”] Police. [Variant name from Viennese
criminal argot: Razzis.]
PUSSIE PRESSERS—Berlin vice doctors.
THE ROBBER—Gonorrhea. [Also known as Small Jelly.]
SCHLEPPERS—[Yiddish term for “Laggards,” “Incompetents” or “Lowlifes.”
Literally “Creepers.”] Hired street hawkers, usually boys, who led customers
to Nachtlokals or Chonte-Harbors.
SCREENS—Professional cat-burglars, known for their daring and physical agil-
ity. Typically, they specialized in either ground-floor or upper-story break-ins.
SNOW—Cocaine. [Variant names: Cement, Cocoa, or Koks.]
SOHRE—Stolen merchandise.
SPANNERS—Street lookouts in criminal enterprises, they deflected attention
from the “Business” or acted as bouncers in illegal Kaschemmen.
STOCKING-MONEY—Payment from the prostitute’s first customer of the night.
Traditionally, the Alphonse allowed his Beinl to pocket all of it, which she
concealed in the top of her stocking. The amount was thought to be a por-
tent of the evening’s take.
SUITORS—Ironic term for the customers of prostitutes. [Variant name: Fleas.]
TRANSIENT-QUARTERS—Mini-brothels located in apartment flats and store-
fronts near the Alex.
were the cases of the “Werewolf (or Butcher) of
WICKER-WAYS—Street-corners or familiar sites where Kontroll-Girls met.
Hannover,” Fritz Haarmann, and the “Düsseldorf
truant boys and young men seeking work. Usually Haar- Opposite Above:
Frau Niepraschke
mann bought his homeless ward a good meal and axed and shot her
husband, then
invited him back to his dingy abode. hanged herself
Opposite Below:
How Haarmann’s pedophilia and debauchery trans-
Morgue photo
of a Lustmord
formed into Lustmord varied from victim to victim. His
traditional M.O. was to pile on the small boy, licking Male Lustmord
and kissing his chest, and then engaging in some form Above:
Fritz Haarmann
of anal stimulation. As soon as the unfortunate child
Haarmann before
ground and married well. His father, who later dis- dozed off, Haarmann experienced an uncontrollable
his execution,
owned him, ran a cigar factory in Hannover, and Fritz sadistic rush and bit into the boy’s throat, severing his
pitiful struggle, the hot stream of going in but not out—the Hannover police, of course,
blood, the disembowelment of the ignored their pleas; Haarmann was one of their own.
body—these were the elements But over a six-year period, too many young men
that fiendishly excited Haarmann. were last seen at the Hannover Bahnhof under the
More disconcerting was what watchful care of Fritz Haarmann. Also Haarmann had
happened next. Haarmann cleaved an overly generous habit of giving away the victims’
the dead youths into pot-sized recognizable clothing to his lowbrow friends. Frantic
portions and cooked up their organs relatives practically fainted when they saw their miss-
Above: and muscular parts. (The genitals were pickled and ing sons’ overcoats, caps, and homemade cravats on
Peter Kürten
preserved as mementos.) the bodies of complete strangers. And, finally, when a
Christophe, For meat-starved Hannoverians, Haarmann was tiny human skull washed up behind banks of Hannover’s
The Schlepper
at work
heaven-sent. He peddled the boy-flesh as fresh pork “Jew Town,” the police were forced to investigate the
and sold it at cut-rate prices. When neighbors com- murky Leineschloss shores for more clues. After exten-
plained about the smells emanating from Haarmann’s sive dredging, forensic scientists identified the skeletal
comed them.
written into his demented psyche. Kürten’s father repeat-
Above: took home and later fondled in the park told her assail-
The Blue ant that she forgot his address. After Kürten freed her,
1929 the stalwart child led the police to the ghoul’s apart-
ment. Naturally, Kürten’s wife and neighbors refused
A cocaine addict
and after
The Curious Career and times and fathered four children. He ran a small repair
Untimely Death Of Fritz Ulbrich shop in Berlin North but his hobby and secret obses-
At the end of January 1931, one sensational mur- sion was amateur erotic photography. Starting in
der-trial lifted the veil on Berlin’s erotomania and its 1921, Ulbrich turned his tiny backroom office into a
toxic linkage into the city’s lower-middle classes. For pornographic studio and laboratory. He trolled the
months, local crime reporters and sexologists issued industrial parks and outlying regions of Berlin in search
lengthy accounts and examinations of the convicted of compliant teenage models. Astonishingly, over
perpetrators and their unlikely victim, Fritz Ulbrich, a 1,500 saucy Berlinerinnen acquiesced to the pudgy
lysts and newspaper readers interpreted the court pro- Why and how the bourgeois Ulbrich accomplished
ceedings as an indictment of Weimar Berlin’s unregu- his daunting mission fascinated Germany’s press corps
lated and out-of-control sexual folkways as well as the and shed light on a little known aspect of the Golden
growing viciousness of petty street criminals. Twenties’ Sex-Rush: the impoverished, the middle-
An unassuming businessman, Ulbrich married three aged, the non-artistic, and the disregarded of Berlin
promiscuous city.
Stolpes and
Benziger in
that extended from lesbian romantic couplings (with on a Cabaret of the Nameless program and were even
S&M overtones) to bewigged bare-breasted portraits. more ridiculed. But that did not impede the relentless
He rarely offered his charges little more than a cheap smith-cum-pornographer or his unending stream of
revealed a banal and utterly listless aesthetic talent. In introduced to Ulbrich in the fall of 1929. He paid her five
fact, the repairman’s direction was so lacking in profes- Marks and began to dress her in Diana and other faux-
sional flair and Nacktkultur pictorial vivaciousness that classic costumes. She allowed herself to be photo-
the Steinmeier Revue House allowed him to stage his graphed and paraded in a variety of hothouse presenta-
Living Statues as a comic prelude to their real erotic tions. But Neumann was no innocent, working-class
sketches. Ulbrich’s ghastly naked floats clearly belonged Pygmalion with sparkling eyes and flawless skin. She
old man.
The reckless crew was quickly apprehended and basis and often joined them in their afterhours
brought to trial. On February 4th, 1931, Neumann was Kaschemmen and Dielen.
sentenced to eight years and three months of hard Narcotics and other artificial stimulants were essen-
labor in prison, Benziger to six years and three months; tial ingredients for Berlin’s sex life. Both pimps and
her lover was condemned to die by hanging. sexologists believed that they were powerful aphrodisi-
Unfortunately, Ulbrich was not there to record the dis- acs for women. Dr. Erich Wulffen wrote that large
Criminal Rings and the Underworld Hirschfeld bellowed that his Institute experiments
Like all metropolises of the interwar period, Berlin proved that morphine injections increased the blood
had an extensive criminal underworld. The police flow to the capillaries of the labia by 500%! And opium,
recorded 62 organized gangs, or Ringvereine. Grown- according to Berlin’s smart set, heated the most frigid
up Wild-Boys, the gang members congregated at of female constitutions. Through their drug dealings, it
selected Lokals and clubhouses. Each organization could be said, the Ringvereine were merely facilitating
had its own secret handshakes, initiation rites, regula- the eternal tango of courtship and love.
tions, styles of dress, enameled badges, and flashy The Polish-born Landau got it right when he
rings. Their meetings were conducted in solemn described his Berlin sojourn, “In some of the night clubs
secrecy. Billing themselves “sporting associations,” men and women produced little boxes with mysteri-
the Ringvereine took lugubrious titles, like “Hand in ous-looking powders at which they would sniff from
Hand,” “German Strength,” “Belief, Love, Hope,” and time to time. Their eyes would begin to sparkle, and
“Northern Pirates.” they would behave for the rest of the evening with an
illegal gambling, auto theft, and much of its child pros- Petty criminals also had their social gatherings and
titution. The criminals, like their Chicago brethren, also were a colorful subset of Berlin’s Kietz. Some 70 Dielen,
exacted a huge toll from protection racketeering and mostly hidden away in Berlin North cellars, catered to
blackmail. For the most part, the gangs were tolerated these declassé night creatures. Urban folklorists and
by the Bulls, who knew the Breakers on a first name journalists looking for a surefire Schnauze item followed
the stumblebums to their low haunts and recorded their trafficked in Sohre there. In the bottom-grade “Café Above:
Mager, The
fascinating conversations and downtime recreations. Dalles” the tin cutlery resting on the tables was Complete Vice
Besides, unlike their organized colleagues, these semi- attached to long iron-chains, which in turn were stapled
professionals stole, traded, drank, played, fought, and to the restaurant walls, preventing most utensil theft.
obscenely gossiped in the open. One plucky travel When a customer exited and the table setting needed
agency advertised post-midnight tours of criminal clubs a fresh-up, one of the Dalles’ employees hoisted a huge
in “darkest Berlin.” German and British tourists too hip vat filled with greasy broth and rinsed the used spoons
for the Topp and Eldorado excursions must have been and plates in it. None of the regulars complained.
the intended clientele. A few of the criminal Dielen had more inviting
Architecturally the Kaschemmen could not have atmospheres. The “Sing-Sing” was constructed like a
been easy on the eye. Dimly lit and crammed with prison dining hall and featured mock executions in a
mismatched junk furniture, the places seemed fit only wooden electric chair, a punishing apparatus which
for the Screens, assorted riff-raff, and their Brides who only existed in the New World. Other dives provided
Betty”), “Bottom-Girl Ede,” the three Elses (“Dance-Else,”
Left and music and cabaret entertainments. Mostly, it was the had their own judicial systems and public ceremonies.
Novels denizens of Berlin’s underworld that attracted outsiders. When a Ringvereine member died, all of Berlin North
about cocaine
At the “Blue Stocking,” one could meet such Kietz lumi- was treated to a funeral procession that rivaled in com-
naries as “Boot-Job Else,” “Hedwig with a Cold Hand,” plexity and ornateness that of a reigning Balkan mon-
“Snot-Faced Adolf,” and “Singer-Franz,” who ranted arch. But like the rest of wicked Berlin, it came to an
that he once sang at the Komische Oper. abrupt end. In January 1934, Hitler’s SA-troopers
The “Hundegustav Bar” hosted another unlikely Dick cordoned off whole sections of the city and those
Tracy crew. The Beinls included “All-Tits,” “Cocaine- found on the old police lists of convicted felons were
Whoever stays for any length of time in Berlin hardly knows in the end where he actually came from.
Siegfried Kracauer, Frankfurter Zeitung, 1932
Adolf Hitler was officially appointed
destroyed by arson.
Previous Left: That night the Berlin police seized a Dutch Communist So began Hitler’s Third Reich and the path to world
Pay Christian
Cartensen, New fanatic who confessed to the criminal deed. In order to catastrophe.
Germany, 1933
prevent the so-called Marxist uprising, Hitler demanded Unfortunately, the facts of the time don’t much sup-
Previous Right:
The destruction
from von Hindenburg emergency dictatorial powers. port this tempting Puritanical thesis.
of Hirschfeld’s
Institute, 1933
Anti-Nazi members of Hitler’s cabinet—in a spasm of Few Germans or foreigners living in Weimar Berlin
Hitlerjungen panicked confusion—acquiesced to the Führer’s peti- saw the moral linkage between the city’s tawdry hijinks
leader shows
picture of tion. They knew it would bring an end to Weimar’s and the calamitous events of 1933. After all, it was the
Hirschfeld in
book during the constitutional democracy. progressive citizens of Sodom on the Spree who fought
destruction of
the Institute,
the fascist menace with the utmost
ferocity. All the political and media tools
The Reichstag
on fire, 1933 in their possession, however, could not
eradicate Berlin’s conspicuous demi-monde. there were serious attempts by the Socis (Berlin’s
Michael Davidson, an old Berlin hand, challenged reigning Social Democrats) to ban most pornographic
the conventional postwar wisdom in his erotic memoir publications and seal the doors to the most flagrant
of the Thirties, The World, the Flesh and Myself: “There transvestite clubs. Even Koch’s nudist Berlin clinics were
must be people who believe that Hitlerism was a shuttered before the November 1932 elections.
stern reaction to this ‘German decadence,’ or alter- Gay leaders equivocated over the impending Nazi
nately regard the Nazi Party itself as a foul edifice of threat. Hitler’s second in command, SA-Führer Röhm, had
degeneracy—in either case blaming Germany’s blatant been ridiculed as a pederast in the leftist press and many
homosexuality for the Hitler tyranny. Both assump- of his Storm-Trooping cohorts were rumored to be aficio-
tions are false.” nados of boy-love as well. Hirschfeld, who had the most
Socialist private militias proceeded to “cleanse”
Above: to lose from a Nazi-led government, defended Röhm’s Hirschfeld Institute, and if a few irreplaceable collec-
Hendrik De
Leeuw’s Sinful orientation. Papa declared it was Röhm’s thuggish poli- tors’ treasures have thus been destroyed, I shall not
Cities of the
Western World, tics that should be combated, not his sexual escapades. shed a tear. If by this means the knowledge of a few
which described
prostitution and
Other Militant Homosexualists welcomed the jack-boot- particularly interesting sexual aberrations has been
brothels in Nazi
ed Nazi warriors as fellow revolutionaries. Most Berliners lost—so much the better.” (An Eyewitness in Germany,
“Brown Germany.” Hitler was kitsch incarnate. Other Nazi actions against Weimar’s inequity were
The March 5th, 1933 elections, held five days after difficult to fathom. The embarrassing issue of prancing
the Reichstag conflagration, handed the Nazis their final queers at the helm of the mighty SA was deflected by
civic victory. Now legal guardians of the nation, National the Führer for close to two years. Anglo-Saxon journal-
ists perceived the Storm-Trooper’s “sissy” interests and
Nazi Sex and the Nazis; but the antagonism of most went no
Generally, Christian, non-leftist Berliners accom- further than their private conversation and half of
modated themselves to the Nazi Revolution with these quickly changed sides after January 1933.”
surprising ease. One week after Hitler’s ascension to Berlin’s sex industry contracted and nearly disap-
the Reichs-chancellery, the formerly liberal peared throughout the summer months of 1933.
Rumpelstilzchen marveled at the colors of the Nazi Kontroll-Girls and Fohses abandoned the Friedrichstadt
flag and how dreadful the old national pennant and Kudamm storefronts. Most migrated to Berlin North
looked. Once again, Davidson captured the overall or bowed out completely. Other Beinls followed suit. By
mood of the city, “The ordinary people I knew—wage- spring of 1934, only 20 or so brothels remained in
earners, unemployed, little artisans, door-to-door Berlin and these were high-class joints for tourists,
hawkers, people employed in ‘vice’—loathed Hitler ranking Nazis, and soldiers on leave. “Café Aryan”
offered gay, cross-dressed, and straight shows for
sexuality vanished.
Revisionist History
In the first years of the Reich, Nazis continued their logues also needed to construct a new historical narra- Above:
Program cover,
grand spiritual mission to demolish the vestiges of tive to thoroughly demonize the former sex capital. Sunshine for All,
Weimar culture. A surprising number of the German Before 1933, the Jews were targeted by the Nazis
intelligentsia and professionals acquiesced to the Brown and their Nationalist allies as an insidious political and
Revolution in the mid-Thirties. They assisted in the book- financial foe of the German people. The election posters
burnings, Aryanization of publishing and media outlets, told it all. Behind the façade of democratic rule, the
confiscation of Jewish property, and the establishment parasitic Jewish race and their leftist minions controlled
of censoring boards. The mass arrests, incarcerations, the destiny of the mighty nation. These cowardly power
and physical violence were left to others. But to effec- brokers secretly profited from Germany's ills and humil-
tively obliterate Berlin's fabled erotic past, Nazi ideo- iations. Jewish sexual perfidy—as violators of Aryan
“Here, little
ones, don’t
you want
some sweets?
But first you
must come
with me ...”
The Poisoned
women, ritual murderers, traffickers in white slavery, Ten years later, its circulation approached one-half mil-
abortionists, homosexual pederasts, purveyors of por- lion copies, making it one of the most popular journals
nography—was a minor electioneering theme during in the Reich. Der Stürmer and its sister publications
the Weimar era. advanced the preposterous Nazi theory about Jews and
In 1927, Julius Streicher's virulently anti-Semitic Nazi Berlin: Babylon-on-the-Spree was the invention of the
newspaper, Der Stürmer had only 14,000 subscribers. accursed Jews. Graphic color illustrations showed hid-
“Behind his
glasses shines
the eyes of a
criminal and his
lips conceal lust.”
Nazi image of
Hirschfeld in the
children’s book,
The Poisoned
eous Jewish businessmen, doctors, lawyers, film direc- pornography, found more and more adherents as the
tors, even pastors (concealing their Hebraic origins) as real Weimar Berlin receded into history. The Prussian
lust murderers, dope peddlers, and defilers of Aryan metropolis was an evil place. Eternally evil. For the
youth. Decadent Berlin was a Jewish and homosexual German people and the nations who defeated them in
paradise and therefore a Germanic hell. 1945 after a superhuman struggle, Streicher's distorted
1 Adonis-Lounge 9 Toppkeller
1 Eldorado
2 Alexander-Palast 10 Verona-Lounge
2 Eldorado (New)
3 Bürger-Casino 3 Mikado Bar
4 Cabaret of the Spider NUDIST VENUES 4 Monocle-Bar
5 Cosy Corner 1 Berlin Association of Free
5 Silhouette
6 Karls-Lounge Body Culture
7 Monte-Casino 2 Birkenheide UNDERWORLD
8 Moustache-Lounge 3 Body Culture School of VENUES
Adolf Koch 1 The Blue Stocking
The Passage
4 Free Sunland 2 Hundegustav Bar
5 New Sunland 3 Red Mill Cabaret
6 Territory Adolf Koch
1 Aukula-Lounge
2 Café Domino
1 Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld’s
3 Café Dorian Gray
Institute of Sexology 1 Café Aryan
4 Café Olala 2 Pension Schmidt
5 Hohenzoffern-Café
6 Mali and Ingel
CABARET OF THE NAMELESS Jägerstrasse 18 1926–1932
CAFÉ BRAUN Alexanderstrasse 1 1928–1934
Admirals-Kasino and Admirals-Lounge. The venerable Admiral-Baths are sion dancers (“Often copied—never equaled!”), blend—in both real and
also in the same building. parody forms—“Fordism,” gaudy French flesh-peddling, and the crystal-
line regimen of equestrian military drills.
Entertainment: International variety revue with some 50 Each production is led by an accomplished MC and includes juxtapo-
fast-paced acts. Emphasis is on outsized glamour, lewd pictorialism, sitions of common cabaret numbers with naked dance and highbrow
and female beauty. Famous for its Empire Girls (also known as the musical and dance pieces.
Lawrence-Tiller-Girls). Trained in London and New York, these 24 preci-
Area: The entire POTSDAMER PLATZ. Palmtree Room, the Palace’s Variety show (admission is another 3M).
The upper four floors are connected by ugly marble staircases, which
Atmosphere: Exciting, international. Ersatz. Fun tourist trap, expert- direct the crowds into twelve restaurant “environments”:
ly designed for around-the-clock party ambi-
ance. The “Department Store of Restaurants”
is open until 3 a.m. and can serve 6,000
diners. For non-German-speakers “the jolliest
place in Berlin.”
Decor/Entertainment: Over-
whelming and grandiose architecture,
combining Baroque and modernist styles.
Entrance fee to the madhouse is 1 mark. The
central lobby is broken up by an impressive
series of color-light fountains and leads to the
1) LÖWENBRÄU: A Bavarian Biergarten, seating one thousand 4) SPANISH BODEGA: A huge Iberian inn jutting out from one
celebrants. At one end is a man-made lake, replicating the mountainous wall. Bathed in a bordello-red spotlight is a Gypsy girl with a flower in
Bernese Oberland. Buxom barmaids in traditional dress serve Bavarian her hair and dagger in her stocking hem. She sits provocatively on a wine
beer while young men in green waistcoats and short knickers stroll casket and dances with customers on request. Other female Gypsy danc-
through the restaurant, yodeling to one another. A Bavarian orchestra ers join her when the mandolin orchestra starts up. Green-uniformed
and revue of female chorines, an August clown, a family of jugglers, hussars serve as waiters.
and a parody of some South German dance (like the Munich Cauliflower
Feast) is staged every night. 5) RHINELAND WINE TERRACE: A cavernous room gives
the three-dimensional illusion of the Rhine riverside. Quarter-sized
2) GRINZING: A Viennese café (set outside the imagined city) paddle-boats float past a diminutive castle-ruins, where a singing troupe
with wooden trellises separating the tables. Diners performs Rheinish folk songs. On the hour, a five-
look out on the fantastic diorama of Old Vienna minute, artificial storm magically showers rain on
and the Danube River. A trompe-l’oeil of the cen- the delighted customers.
tral railway station is activated with tiny electric In addition, there is a dimly lighted Turkish
trains crossing miniature bridges and mechanical Café with cushions and short-legged divans; the
boats sailing beneath. The three-man Biedermeier Csarda, a “Hungarian” pastry restaurant set in Old
orchestra plays Strauss waltzes and other familiar Prague with zither music; an “open-air” Tuscan
Viennese fare. Comic washerwomen’s quartet is the plaza; a student beer-cellar from Old Heidelberg; a
chief attraction. Japanese tea garden; a sailors’ galley inside a rock-
ing Bremen ship; and finally a smart Berlin café,
3) WILD-WEST-BAR: A saloon (specializ- which opens as an independent restaurant onto
ing in pre-Prohibition American cocktails) is located Königgrätzerstrasse.
on an alcove and surrounded by a striking vista of
rolling prairies and cactus. Patrons enter through Unusual: Advertised as “An Inexpensive Holiday
swinging doors. Folk-singing cowboys in oversized Trip!” Kempinski’s Vaterland also provides, in its
ten-gallon hats serve as waiters. They carry order- Palmtree Room, a nightly floor-show of big-name
pads in their revolver hosters and alternate with an American jazz band variety acts and the Vaterland-Girls. Altogether, there are 12 bands, 24
as the musical accompaniment. Scantily-clad cowgirls perform Shimmys girls, and 50 separate cabaret numbers in this famous abode.
and sing American hit songs, which are available on 78 RPM disks.
Blackface minstrel show rounds out evening.
HEAVEN AND HELL Kurfürstendamm 237 1924–1933
Area: BERLIN WEST. Across from the Memorial Church and the
are lined with wooden angels, framed manuscripts, sacred statuary, and
miniature palm trees. The white-faced waiters, “garçons of Heaven,” are
dressed like angels (with gauzy wings and halos) and greet the custom-
ers with Lutheran appellations. Scroll-like menus, bowls of holy water,
and votive candles are placed on the tables. Religious music from an
organ is played intermittently.
“Hell” is illuminated in a phosphorescent red glow and its walls are
plastered to resemble that of a burning cavern. Dressed as red imps, the
waiters here scurry around a boiling cauldron and torment the orchestra
and diners alike with iron triads. When delivering the food to the “sin-
ners,” the devilish imps always describe the dishes’ individual punishing
qualities: “This bockwurst will seal your intestines for 20 days!”
KAKADU BAR Joachimstaler Strasse 10 1920–1936
JAMES-KLEIN REVUE Friedrichstrasse 104a 1922–1930
Area: Upper FRIEDRICHSTADT. At the KOMISCHE OPER near the FRIED- Entertainment: Mostly lavish nude tableaux—or “meat shows”—
RICHSTADT train station. arranged around a comic theme and led by a well-known conférencier
like Paul Morgan or Hans Albers. Characteristic sensational poster ads:
Atmosphere: Crass. Expansively lewd. A touch of Inflation Era mad- “1,000 Completely Nude Women!” or “500 Sweet Legs!” Take It Off
ness mixed with Parisian Music Hall nudity. One critic referred to a James- was promoted as an “Evening Without Morals in 30 Pictures, Enacted by
Klein-Revue as “a pornographic magazine come alive.” 60 Priceless Naked Models.” [Actually only 24 scenes and 42 females
appear in the program.]
Clientele: Middle-class Berliners. German and foreign tourists.
Unusual: Any activity that is sexually over-the-top in Berlin is
Decor: Big revue house, seats 1,200. frequently labeled a “miniature Klein-Revue.”
Area: BERLIN EAST. Southeast of ALEXANDERPLATZ. Decor: Weird: outwardly decked out in a lavish, Parisian fin-de-siècle
style but surrounded by modern technological surprises. Building is
Atmosphere: Always a bit giddy and self-consciously naughty, like partitioned into a main room, loges, private cellar, four bar-counters,
a secretary’s bridal shower that is interrupted by a bachelor party down orchestra pit, and miniature Luna-Park gallery (with a carousel ride
the hall. A veritable institution for promiscuous, middle-class hijinks. for fun-addled adults). Ballroom ceiling is made of reflective glass and
painted in Japanese motifs.
Clientele: Out-of-towners, local bureaucrats, and “Merry Widows”
intent on fun. Lots of flirtatious women. (Ratio of single females to males Entertainment: One hundred whirling mirrored globes on
is usually 5 to 1!) Dance floor can accommodate 500 couples. poles open in rhythm to the bands and colored water displays cre-
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RESTAURANT HACKEPETER Friedrichstrasse 124 1924–1933
Food: Famous for its pig’s leg special (boiled, deep fried, and
then covered with a sticky cream sauce) in addition to steak-with-
fried-eggs and Hackepeter.
Decor: Simple, American-designed with dazzling panels in
cream and gold. Entrance is through the long bar-foyer into a
nightclub area surrounding an eight by ten-foot dance floor. Murals
illustrating the life of the Spanish dancer, Rita, and soft tablelights
(covered with dark glass spikes) break up the dance room, giving it
a warm intimacy. Two private, plush V.I.P. rooms, scented in orange
blossom, are located in the back.
Area: BERLIN NORTH. Near the ORANIENBURGER TOR. (Formerly the Photographs of the performers are hawked after each act.
CHANTANT SINGING HALL.) A normal evening consists of a few touring stars: Lola Niedlich, “the
Prize-Winning Torch-Singer, Three Times Engaged at Marienbad” (in her
Atmosphere: Sordid dive. Drunken, madhouse ambiance when the photo the sexy Lola demurely holds a doll in her arms); a coquettish
performance begins. (Said to be the model for the cabaret scenes in the toe-dancer named Charlotte Corday, who feebly attempts to engage the
1930 film The Blue Angel.) audience in tête-à-têtes; a transvestite-ventriloquist Paul Schiephacke,
who can’t get started—this trio is in addition to the half-dozen frumpy
Clientele: Greatly mixed: working-class but conservative patrons, regular artistes in garter belts and lacy skirts hitched up to their crotches.
local students, soldiers, some colorful criminal types. The female singers specialize in prostitute songs, patriotic war ditties,
and other standard cabaret fare.
Decor: Outside is a marquee of yellow and red lights and a glass case
displaying revealing photographs and boastful reviews of the evening’s Tourists: A few slummers from downtown, some of whom will exit
attractions. Inside, the tables, chairs, wall fixtures, benches, and stage sans billfolds, watches, and wedding rings.
are all at least a generation old. On the stage is a semi-circle of chairs,
facing the audience. Unusual: Customers can purchase seats on the stage during the
performance or meet privately with the cabaret stars in a succession of
Entertainment: In sequence, each cabaret performer leaves side-rooms. There, after port or cognac, negotiations for sex, usually of
her chair and moves downstage to replace the last entertainer just as the manual variety, take place.
she is completing her solo. Audience members traditionally send up
steins of beer to the chanteuses when they have completed a number.
WEISSE MAUS Jägerstrasse 18 1919–1926
ADONIS-LOUNGE Alexandrinenstrasse 128 1924–1933
Area: BERLIN SOUTH. East of the HALLESCHES TOR. in a half-hearted attempt to attract the attentions of a Sugar-Licker.
The Boys here usually trade sex in the toilet for beer, wurst, coffee,
Atmosphere: Sullen Boy-Bar. Often referred to as “the Pits.” Familiar or—more frequently—cigarettes. Good place, however, to obtain inex-
down-and-out clubhouse mood. Quiet, desperate until Tree-Stumps or pensive cocaine and rolled balls of opium.
tourists appear, which create an eddy of excitement. Like Calcutta beg-
gars, the Adonis urchins hustle around the newcomers’ tables and follow
them into the street when they exit.
ALEXANDER-PALAST Landsbergstrasse 39 1921–1930
Area: BERLIN NORTH. On ALEXANDERPLATZ. (Formerly the ALEXANDER- Decor: Gigantic American ballroom for 150 couples.
Entertainment: Big Band and cabaret stage. Dancing from 9 p.m.
Atmosphere: Upscale. Expensive. to 1 a.m.
Clientele: Mostly mature, middle-class gay couples in tuxedos and Unusual: AP offers monthly Transvestite Balls, which welcome non-
top hats; elderly shopkeepers, frock-coated clerks, and even policemen. transvestite guests. Separate lesbian nights are also offered.
Their quaint and courtly manners are a reflection of their conservative,
sometimes monarchist, political affiliations.
Decor: Tables separated by high garlanded trellises. Standard bar with many hidden
Entertainment: Live piano music. The middle-class men dance with boys; the Line-
Boys with each other. Little space for ballroom-style dancing, so there is much intentional
bumping, touching, and lingering glances. Lots of suggestive, girlish movements on the
dance floor.
Unusual: Many of the Line-Boys appear in freshly laundered sailor outfits since that is a
basic taste of their customers. Sexual contact takes place at a nearby pier.
COSY-CORNER Zossener Strasse 7 1927–1932
Area: KREUZBERG. South of the HALLESCHES TOR. (Formerly NOSTER’S dows. A leather curtain conceals the entranceway from the inside.
RESTAURANT.) Photographs of boxers and cyclists are pinned up above the bar. That
overheated stove.
Atmosphere: Hard-drinking boy-bar. On cold nights, Bubes sit
around the pot-bellied stove with their sleeves rolled up and shirts Entertainment: Drinking and card games.
unbuttoned to the waist. In summer, the same wide-eyed boys sport
high-cut lederhosen. Women and Straight Men: None
Clientele: Rough-trade Bubes (working-class Line-Boys) and Unusual: The toilet stall is an open space without partitions or
their adoring Tree-Stumps. Aspiring British writers led by Christopher cubicles. Instead there is a long urinal trough, where the Bubes can
Isherwood. innocuously display their penises and pretend to urinate before titil-
lated Suitors.
Decor: Homely. Former neighborhood restaurant. Blacked-out win-
KARLS-LOUNGE Karl Strasse 5 1921–1926
Decor: Stripes of wax paper cover the inside entrance to the “Cement
Cellar.” In the first room is a massive bar and a dusty glass liquor cabi-
net. A dim inner room is primitively decorated with jeweled lampshades
(made from the cloth of old coats) and jewel-studded walls covered with
mismatched paintings of men’s portraits and tiny porcelain tchotchkes.
Food: Plates of Hungarian pastries and lemonade only. Unusual: Testy old waiters are dressed in nautical uniforms, identical
to the teenage Line-Boys they serve. Alcoholic drinks are not are served
Women and Straight Men: Why bother? to customers but drugs, especially cocaine and morphine, are freely
traded and used at the tables.
Entertainment: Amateurish transvestite revue—surprise: the girls are really boys. Dances
and songs are performed by eight or nine effeminate Line-Boys, rang- Unusual: Monte-Casino is owned by a “kind-hearted” drag queen
ing in age between 14 and 18. Some of them appear to be under- with a stable of obliging Line-Boys. They orally service the working-
nourished. Professional piano accompaniment. Hunky blonde teenager class customers in backroom cubicles while the young dancers prance
“Pretty Adolf” acts as energetic conférencier. on the cabaret stage. The ever-patient customer-wives sit in the hall
and drink beer (across from the tables of other lonely Hausfraus) and
Women and Straight Men: Strong word-of-mouth has made take in the entertainment.
this de rigueur for heterosexual foreign couples.
Decor: Faded glass-covered arcade supported by marble-paneled Food: Several cafés, all filled with Doll-Boys and their free-spending
iron columns. A strange Wilhelmian imitation of a Renaissance market. Suitors.
Prewar signs and unintentionally disturbing window displays.
Unusual: The competition among the dirty-faced Doll-Boys is so
Entertainment: THE ANATOMICAL MUSEUM, open until the great that many Tree-Stumps are able to offer them less than a mark
late evening, advertises exhibitions “Devoted to the Improvement of for an hour’s engagement. By 6 p.m., there are over 70 hardened Doll-
Mankind. No Children Admitted!” Inside are cases of antique manne- and Line-Boys posing in the vicinity of the “STAR-KINO” alone. Another
quins engaged in horrific rituals and surgical operations; also prominent 80, with their hands in their pockets, mill around the Behrenstrasse exit.
are displays of real body parts ravished by venereal disease and sexual (The Line-Boys wear peaked schoolboy hats and short pants to appear
organs representing the world’s “races.” considerably younger.)
WORLD-PANORAMA is a stereoscopic emporium, where as many as
25 viewers can sit around a huge wooden cylinder of peepholes and
watch three-dimensional images of naked people from exotic climes. A
pornographic cinema theatre, the “STAR” does a small tourist business
in the late afternoons and evenings.
AULUKA-LOUNGE Augsburger Strasse 72 1924–1933
Atmosphere: “The Intimate Bar of the West.” Sensuous, hard. A smoky pick-up bar, resem-
bling that of straight men. Specialty aphrodisiac drink is called “Cherry Cobbler.”
Clientele: Exquisite, wealthy Sharpers (many in tuxedo/short skirt combinations). (This is their
haunt.) Lots of jewelry and expensive perfume. Slim-hipped Mädis in shiny silk hose—always a
few feigning shock by the same-sex surroundings. Parties of head-turning Gamines on the week-
ends. Dodos and some straight men.
Decor: Bar area completely illuminated in red light. Double rows of
champagne-filled tables. The tiny spaces between the tables provide a
shadowy area for seductive foxtrots and anonymous touches.
Atmosphere: Usually very hot. Loud, airy. Advertised as “The Intimate Nexus of the Ladies-
Clientele: Mostly lesbian couples, especially fun-driven Garçonne pairs. On special occa-
sions, like Wednesday “Sado-Masochist Nights,” transvestites of both genders are welcomed.
(“Gentlemen” are required to pay twice the admission.)
Decor: Artistic café interior in front. Real flowers on the tables. In backroom, cheap but elabo-
rate silken drapery, Japanese paper lanterns, beads, veils, palm trees.
Entertainment: Live tango music and an annoying male violinist who goes table to table,
hovering around until he receives a tip.
Men: Rambunctious gay men (organizations of Bad Boys) reserve the spacious backroom for private parties on Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday
nights. [Curiously, both lesbian and gay clubgoers come dressed in similar leather blouses/shirts and fetishistic sailor costumes.]
Unusual: An imposing, humorless doorman makes certain that patrons have come to the correct lesbian or gay function. Friday nights are billed
as “Elite-Women’s Day”; weekday lesbian evenings have themes like “Wild Night,” “Bavarian Alpine Feast,” “Rhineland Wine-Growers Holiday,” or
“Three Days in the Wild West.”
CAFÉ OLALA Zietenstrasse 11 1927–1932
Unusual: A special corner for Salvation Army Girls and Tauentziengirls. The
mother-and-daughter teams are on the vigil for interested pedestrians and
pass the time stealing each other’s schnapps before braving the streets.
Area: BERLIN WEST. Near NOLLENDORFPLATZ. Clientele: Downhome “married” lesbian couples. The Bubis wear
neckties, collars, and conservative men’s jackets and converse heartily
Atmosphere: Easygoing, somewhat faded. Formerly known as the with other another. The Sweet Mommies quietly sit between their “men”
HOHENZOFFERN HALL (then the “H-LOUNGE”), this is the oldest estab- and engage in small talk with other Mädis as they nurse cups of coffee.
lished lesbian café in Berlin.
Decor: Blacked picture windows to hide the interior
room. Large restaurant-style booths and padded chairs.
Men: Tolerated.
MALI AND INGEL Lutherstrasse 16 1927–1933
Decor: Immaculate bar-counter. Ten tables set with linen and flowers.
TAVERNE Georgenkirchstrasse 30a 1927–1930
Area: BERLIN NORTH. “Two minutes from ALEXANDERPLATZ.” Unusual: Public necking and general bad behavior—humping dis-
plays by exuberant Bubis (pointing to bulging objects in their pants),
Atmosphere: Extremely downscale except on Saturday and Sunday jeers and Biergarten challenges brought on by inebriation, frequent
nights. Crude. Beery smell. An aura of frustration and menacing sadism. attempts to cop feels from the preening Mädis, and related boorish activ-
Sign on the door warns that the bar is closed for a “PRIVATE PARTY.” ity. Like rutting moose, some aggressive Bubis are easily provoked from
Newspaper promotion: “WHERE TO MEET LESBIANS? WHERE IS IT SEXY? symbolic fisticuffs into real physical combat.
Men: None.
Atmosphere: Dangerous, fun, sexy. Bohemian. Normally packed and difficult to get
in on Friday nights. Regarded as a lesbian “Show-Bar” or “Stock Exchange,” it is an excel-
lent place for female encounters.
Decor: The main room itself is surprisingly unattractive and filled with beer-hall tables
and dim lights. Hanging from the ceiling are paper garlands of herons. Scribbled on the
walls is phony graffiti, like a message of personal congratulations to the Ladies Club Pyramid
from Mussolini. There is also a proscenium stage with ten holes cut in the fore-curtains for
the late evening revue of the “Prettiest Female Calves,” knees, ankles, or feet.
More elegant space at the back of the club decorated with erotic murals and cutouts
of entertainers and the hostess Gypsy-Lotte.
Entertainment: A live-
ly four-piece brass band and—
for one year—a cabaret show.
Lesbian games, line dances,
and contests are held through
the night.
Especially popular is the
ritual dance, the Black Mass,
executed exactly at twelve
o’clock. Led by a stunning
Amazon in a black sombrero,
the lesbian participants (hold-
ing full cognac glasses) form
a circle around her as they
obey her strict commands to
kneel, stand, drink and fondle
a fellow celebrant.
Area: BERLIN WEST. East of WITTENBERG PLATZ. Men: Sophisticated types admitted when accompanied by a lesbian
entourage but treated as passive onlookers once inside. Waitresses will
Atmosphere: Usually pleasant and chic in the early evening but often regard them as nonentities.
erotic mood often turns tense with outrageous public scenes of lesbian
courtship. Berlin Vice Police sometimes harass Verona patrons by moni- Unusual: At the end of their commercial day, Gougnette patrons
toring their entrances and exits. meet here for open sexual displays of conquest and submission.
Gougnettes are easily recognized by their heavy makeup and character-
Clientele: Despite being advertised as “the ‘Love Domicile’ for All istic attire—stylish men’s hats, long fur coats, patent-leather footwear,
Girl-Friends,” the Verona is considered an afterhours headquarters for and specially tailored skirts that are sharply upturned in the center to
dominant Gougnettes. Also “serious” lesbians meet here, demonstrating reveal the tops of their glossy, sheer silk stockings.
intellectual support for their radical Sisters. Interested straight women
and voyeuristic male artists.
BERLIN LEAGUE OF FREE BODY CULTURE (FKK) Wilhelmstrasse 119/120 1920–1936
Affiliation: Nationalist (FKK). Led by anti-Koch doctor, Artur Fedor Fuchs. Official journal, Nacktsport.
Atmosphere and Philosophy: Class-oriented but pointedly progressive. Aryanism married to holistic principles of natural health.
Studios: The Lunabad facility in the Lunapark on Sundays is reserved for FKK members.
Naked air baths, sunlamp treatments, and curatic massages are offered. On Tuesdays, the
Association rents the monstrous Wellenbad building, which features several indoor beaches
and two powerful wave machines that mimic North Sea currents. Every ten minutes, a
lifeguard issues a mock-serious warning to swimmers, “The waves are coming!”
Unusual: Nude members maintain Prussian protocol in the bath and restaurant,
where one can observe formal greeting rituals, such as bowing and hand-kissing; even
the military habit of clicking (barefoot) heels when meeting a superior is common here.
Refined and sanitary-minded naked dinners use silver tongs to pick up sugar cubes and
breakfast rolls.
Decor: Extremely rustic, except for an outdoor coffee shop.
Health Regimen: Basically laissez-faire. Lots of medicine ball games, tennis, volleyball, free-
form gymnastics, popular social dance. Sun bathing and swimming. Nude exercises and competitive
games, like mud-wrestling, enacted in a playful atmosphere.
Unusual: Public homosexual contact and inter-generational sex is common here and adds to the
aura of unfettered carnal freedom.
Affiliation: Socialist (“Free Men, Union for Socialist Life Reform and Separation of Genders: All sexes and ages mixed, except
Free Body Culture in the Alliance of People’s Health”). Official journal during morning exercise sessions. Designated political lectures related to
Körperbildung/Nacktkultur. the Women Question.
Atmosphere and Philosophy: Fun blended with didactic Studios: Headquarters in the two floors of the Apollo Theater. Friday
study. Koch’s instructors pontificate that vigorous hygiene, Bode-like exer- night meetings in the Berlin State Bathhouse.
cises, and nudity are all married to good health. Lectures are often laced
with pedagogical and therapeutic terminology. Utopian, spiritual mood. Unusual: Everyone is addressed, as in Kindergarten, in the familiar
case (“Du”).
Clientele: Thousands of working-
class and unemployed families. [Over
300,000 members in 1932, of which
the out-of-work comprise almost half.
Payment is 5% of annual salary, if
any.] Lots of children. Among adults,
many overweight and unattractive
bodies. “Pendulous breasts and Zulu
hips” noted among mature female
members. Homosexuals and lesbians
FREE SUNLAND Brandburg Motzen Lake camp 1920–1936
Affiliations: Seemingly apolitical with a Nationalist slant (“Free Separation of Genders: During mornings, segregated activi-
Sunland Union” and the “Concerned Community of Free Sunland and ties for mature men (horseshoe-pitching), young men (boxing), women
Naked Sports”). Overseen by Dr. Artur Fedor Fuchs, editor of Nacktsport. (gymnastics), and children (handball). Mixed activities after lunchtime.
Groups of men in well-oiled bodies by the sea often register—to outsid-
Atmosphere and Philosophy: Upscale. Strangely erotic. ers—a strong homoerotic sensation.
Restricted to well-paying members and guests. (Each participant must
present a passport-like booklet that establishes his or her political Unusual: Males and children walk around the compound completely
beliefs.) Relatively little overt propaganda, but nudism is promoted as a naked but class and celebrity status of females is indicated by tiny accou-
healthful and vital aspect of pre-Christian German life. terments, like chic bathing-hats, pearl earrings, and fine gold necklaces.
Many wear distinct, French silk footwear for protection from pebbles.
Clientele: 6,000 paid-up members. Lots of middle-class denizens in
family units and office groups. Unconventional Nationalists, who often
gather by a far corner around the radio in the evening.
Many aristocrats and social butterfly types, including
gigolos and “Merry Widows” from the Resi. Also a place
for UFA film stars, like Willy Fritch and Lilian Harvey. A
few American tourists.
Affiliation: Militantly apolitical. Founded by Fritz Gerlach. Member Decor: Agrarian and unpretentious.
of Reichs Union for Free Body Culture and Life Reform, a consortium of
organizations opposed to Koch and Fuchs’ tendentious beliefs. (“German Health Regimen: Nude sports—ball-tossing, swimming, bath-
Light-Bathing Society” and the “League for Free Life Reform”). Journal ing. Sun bathing, family picnicking, open campfires, folk singing, and
Licht-Luft-Leben. boating.
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Area: A beautiful and isolated area of the TIERGARTEN. One block south Entertainment: The Museum is open to the public and contains
of the Spree. thousands of erotic artifacts and pictorial materials, categorized accord-
ing to Hirschfeld’s unique sexual taxonomy. The masturbation machines
Atmosphere: Dignified and seemingly scientific. A quaint throw- and mechanical sexual aids from everywhere, including Oceania and
back to the Wilhelmian era. Yet beneath its finely polished veneer, the Southeast Africa, are a public favorite. Also of special interest are the
Institute is a citadel of revolutionary and astonishing beliefs. Directly over 1,200 fantasy drawings by convicted Lustmord prisoners and 8,000
its massive portal is an inscription in Latin, “Sacred to Love and Sorrow.” selected photographs and cherished items from the collections of Berlin
foot and hand fetishists.
Clientele: Curious Berliners, foreign tourists, including many artistic
celebrities, and groups of international social reformers, anthropologists, Unusual: Sex manuals and magazines, scientific literature, traditional
physicians, and psychiatrists. aphrodisiacs from Asia and Africa, and erotic stimulants, which were
developed in the Institute, are sold at the Museum counter. Many of the
Decor: Three adjacent buildings on the former Radziwill and Hartfeld Institute’s employees fall into Hirschfeld’s “transitional” spectrum of “not
estates—some 65 rooms in all. In the Prince’s central mansion, the base- male/not female” categories. “Female” and “male” hermaphrodites,
ment is divided into domestic, kitchen, and office spaces. Main floor con- transvestites, transsexuals, and other Intergrades cook the meals and
sists of a reception area (with one room filled with mementos of Queen assist with the Museum activities and demonstrations.
Louise and Napoleon) and small consulting and waiting rooms. Second
floor is cleaved into Magnus Hirschfeld’s living quarters and the Museum
of Sexology. The top floor
houses various laboratories
and an X-Ray studio.
The second building hous-
es several outpatient clin-
ics and a large lecture hall.
Here counseling for vene-
real disease, birth control,
marriage difficulties, frigid-
ity, impotence, and gender
exploration is conducted. The
Institute’s records and scien-
tific library (which includes
Europe’s largest collection of
graphic and literary pornog-
raphy) is held in a smaller
courtyard unit.
ELDORADO Lutherstrasse 29 1926–1932
Area: BERLIN WEST. “Face-to-face” with the SCALA Variety theatre. Decor: Huge banner over entrance proclaims: “HERE IT IS RIGHT!”
Nearby are two oversized frescoes that show Ulysses being beckoned by
Atmosphere: Wild ballroom excitement on weekends. Ostentatious gorgeous Circes (of course, in drag) and the trial of Paris, who hesitates
but thoroughly titillating. Flyers in tourist cafés advertise: “International between a trio of male Graces.
Trade, Interesting Nights.” The air itself is dense with clashing An eccentric series of pseudo-homilies are posted in the foyer and at
fragrances: French perfumes and the unmistakable scent of the pow- the hat-check room. One reads: “Don’t Worry about the Cold of Winter/
dered female body. Here You Can Warm Your Hands!’
Lou, a Valentino-lookalike maître d’, leads the customers to the main
Clientele: Berlin high society, adventurous foreign tourists, provin- dining room, where there are several dozen packed tables pushed to the
cial artists and writers, Dodos, and beautiful Ladies in evening finery. left and right sides of the dance floor. More frescoes of nude hieroglyphic
Uncommonly attractive Demi-Castors and Fohses—competing with a like figures are painted on the walls. Garlands hang everywhere and stringed
number of cross-dressed knockouts. balloons float from the tops of champagne bottles. A large cabaret stage
adjoins the far wall.
Entertainment: The effusive orchestra, costumed in unisex who play out a Latin
silk blouses, plays provocative and haunting songs from French and love-triangle. Lastly, Lou,
Argentinean repertoires. Major amusement is the difficult task of assign- the Andalusian maître
ing a biologic gender to the dancing couples, most of whom are convinc- d’, appears in a turban,
ingly made-up transvestites. naked except for a bra
A lavish floor-show is presented at midnight. Typical production con- and skimpy G-string.
sists of five or six numbers: “Sweet Carlo,” an androgynist, twirling boy is She/he executes an
introduced to stormy applause; then a courtly diva sings (in shrill falsetto) exotic, totally believable
a medley of risqué Parisian chansons, which concludes with a baritone “naked” ballet. With the
finale. This is followed by a comical trio of rumba dancers in drag, striking of the last percussive note, Lou throws her turban in the air,
revealing a distinctly pomaded male mane.
Overheard conversation:
Society Matron to transvestite
dancer: “Are you really a man?”
Falsetto reply: “I am whatever sex
you wish me to be, Madame.”
next a ridiculous cross-dressed pair;
a threesome doing a polka; and
finally a man romantically embrac-
ing a frisky, perverse poodle.
Inside a Chinese motif prevails:
standing copper gongs and sketch-
es of opium-smoking Chinamen on
the walls. More spacious seating
than in the Old Eldorado.
MIKADO BAR Puttkamerstrasse 15 1907–1933
Unusual: Four or five assertive divas with short-cut dresses and rub-
ber breasts go table to table, demanding the straight males dance with
them. Tourists amuse themselves, guessing which powdered patrons are
biological females. Every night, a few transvestite prostitutes manage to
usher confused heterosexual admirers to their nearby apartments.
SILHOUETTE Geisbergstrasse 24 1926–1933
THE BLUE STOCKING Linienstrasse 140 1923–1933
Area: NORTH BERLIN. Behind the St. Johannes Evangelical Church. (Also
called the LINIEN-CELLAR.)
Atmosphere: Air thick with mischief but friendly. Place picks up considerably after 3 a.m. Hundegustav,
the Boost, and his wife attempt to make everyone feel at home. A waiter, who wears a white coat over his
nightshirt, also helps maintain order.
Clientele: Gangster bar habitués: pickpockets, assorted Grids, Kontroll-Girls and their Louies, sadis-
tic Johns, German-speaking Africans from the Cameroons, a few homeless types. All the Berlin Police
Commissioners (the Bulls) and City Public Defenders like to make a showing here afterhours as private
citizens and have their own tables.
Unusual: Dive named after the Boost Gustav, who once worked as
a dogcatcher. Also rumored that he still enjoys eating dog meat. Hence
the name “Dog-Gustav.”
Entertainment: Music by the “Armchair Orchestra.” Starting at Tourists: Occasional.
10 p.m., a cabaret. This normally consists of six standard acts: a dopey
over-the-hill chanteuse; a “quick-poet,” who creates clever rhythms from Unusual: Lots of drunken behavior, culminating in shouting and inane
audience suggestions (almost all obscene); a “husband-and-wife” dance- threats to the cabaret performers, who are called “Shits,” “Garbage,”
team; a Bavarian folk singer; a neighborhood ventriloquist, and Jack, “Pimps,” “Fart-gas,” and “Bulls.” The headwaiter Erich does a heavy trade
the Escape-King, who demonstrates how to slip out of regulation police in loan-sharking and high-quality cocaine transactions.
handcuffs and other arm and leg restraints.
ARYAN CAFÉ Dragonerstrasse 10 1933–1934
Area: BERLIN NORTH. (Formerly the site of the CAFÉ PARIS.) picture hangs loosely from the ceiling and, when moved, reveals a peep-
hole to one of three naked cabarets.
Atmosphere: Outside building—creepy, perverse, secretive. Brusque
Spanner with a bulldog face and huge scar on right cheek scrutinizes Entertainment: For 20 American dollars, visitors have unlimited
potential customers. Those selected must then negotiate several doors access to all three shows: a) a luxurious transvestite revue with libidinous
inside a hallway until they enter a tiny booth, where a black man ques- (rather than comic) overtones; b) a masochistic bacchanalia, featuring a
tions them through a peephole. Inside: perverse, carefree, saturated with Domina flagellating a brutish-looking SA-Mann type to orgasm; and c) a
the smells of cigar smoke, imported liquor, expensive perfumes, facial Nordic-looking couple (she is blonder and taller) who perform intercourse
creams, sweat, and strong disinfectant. while a female voice from an instructional phonographic record pedanti-
cally explains the joys of the wedding night.
Clientele: Men in tuxedos, Minettes, stylish Nuttes, smugglers, crime
bosses and other underworld types. Unusual: The rapturous performance of the “married couple”
concludes sharply with the gramophone’s final admonition: “Heil Hitler!”
Decor: A cocktail lounge in front for “business,” leading to a huge Under a mystic bluish light, the nude statuesque Aryan pair take a curtain
banquet room. Displayed on the wall there are erotic drawings (grossly call.
detailed renditions of heterosexual and gay copulation) and pornographic
photographs, which are separated by Prussian blue drapes. Each framed
Entertainment: German canapés, beer, French wine, champagne, and partake in post-coital socializing with other customers and winsome
coffee, and hard liquor are available in the foyer. Customers are handed prostitutes in the foyer. The (often extraordinary) bill is settled discreetly
photographic books, where they discuss with Kitty their predilections with Kitty in her office.
(usually by hair color) and select among 20 striking women. Kitty then
telephones the chosen prostitute, who quickly outfits herself in the Unusual: In late 1939, the Berlin SS added a dozen “prostitute-spies”
desired attire, walks to the nearby Salon, and is introduced to her “suitor” to Kitty’s stable and installed 120 electrical bugs in an elaborate espio-
in the drawing-room. Typically, after drinks and small talk, the pair is nage scheme. Over 24,000 wax disks were used to record “sexual inter-
directed to a numbered room. rogations” of loose-tongued Axis diplomats and Wehrmacht officers.
Clients are encouraged to order more food and drink in the bedroom
The visual material of this book is
from the author’s private archive.
The vast majority of the erotic art
work reprinted here was confiscated
from the original legal owners—most-
ly Jewish-owned agencies and pub-
lishing houses—and then “Aryanized”
by the German government in 1933
and 1934.
The cover photograph is typical. It
first appeared in Die Aufklärung (April
1929, 1:3), a monthly “Sex and Life
Reform” journal edited by Magnus
Hirschfeld and Marie Krische. In March
1933, the Nationalist Socialist authori-
ties not only organized the physical
destruction of Hirschfeld’s Institute,
they also appropriated Hirschfeld’s
extensive intellectual properties and
disbursed them to various German
institutions. The University of Cologne,
for instance, still acts as the copyright
owner of this photographic image.
Today when it assigns publication
rights for the “Masked Woman,” it
does so without any recognition or
attribution of its 1929 sources.
Each individual graphic in Volup-
tuous Panic has a complex artistic
and legal history. Some appeared
in Weimar periodicals and Sitten-
geschichten simultaneously. Others
found their way into foreign journals
via official Nazi photo agencies after
1933. Readers wishing additional
information on any specific illustration
may contact Feral House directly.
Droste and
Berber in
Martyr dance,
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CONTEMPORARY ACCOUNTS Magnus Hirschfeld, Sittengeschichte der Nachkriegzeit. 2
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Above: Ruth Margarete Roellig, Berlins Lesbische Frauen. Leipzig: New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1988.
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The Stallion
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Bernhard Schidlof, Prostitution und Mädchenhandel.
Michael Davidson, The World, the Flesh, and Myself.
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Francis Scott (editor), Halbwelt von Heute. Leipzig: ASA-
Sefton Delmer, Trail Sinister. London: Secker & Warburg,
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———, Prostitution. Berlin: ASA-Verlag, 1927.
Gerald Hamilton, Mr. Norris and I. London: Allan Wingate
———, Das Lesbische Weib. Berlin: Pergamon-Verlag,
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Christopher Isherwood, Christopher and His Kind, 1929–
Charly Straesser, Jugend Gelände. Thüringen: Self-pub-
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lished, 1926.
Leo Lania, Today We are Brothers. Boston: Houghton
Eugen Szatmari, Berlin: Was Nicht im Baedeker Steht.
Mifflin Company, 1942. Translated by Ralph Marlowe.
Munich: R. Piper & Co., 1927.
Ludwig Lenz-Levy, The Memoirs of a Sexologist. New
“WEKA” [Willy Pröger], Stätten der Berliner Prostitution.
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Berlin: Auffenberg Verlagsgellschaft, 1930.
302 Klaus Mann, The Turning Point. New York: L.B. Fisher, 1942.
J.H. Morgan, Assize of Arms. New York: Oxford University
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“PEM” [Paul Markus], Heimweh nach dem
Kurfürstendamm. Berlin: Lothar Blanvalet, 1952.
Curt Riess, Das Waren Zeiten. Vienna-Munich-Zurich-
Innsbruck: Verlag Fritz Molden, 1977.
Charlotte Wolff, Hindsight: An Autobiography. London,
Melbourne, New York: Quartet Books, 1980.
Carl Zuckmayer, A Part of Myself: Portrait of an Epoch.
New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1970.
Translated by Richard and Clara Winston.
Stefan Zweig, The World of Yesterday. New York: Viking
Press, 1943.
Michael Andritzky and Thomas Rautenberg (eds.),
“Wir Sind Nackt und Nennen Uns Du.” Giessen:
Anabas, 1989.
Peter Auer, Adlon. Vienna: Wiener Verlag, 1997.
Eldorado: Homosexuelle Frauen und Männer in Berlin
1850–1950. Berlin: Edition Hentrich, 1984.
Fritz Giese, Girlkultur. Munich: Dephin-Verlag, 1925.
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Julius Puttmann, 1926–1930.
———, Sittengeschichte des Weltkrieges. 2 vols. Leipzig:
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Verbotenen. Leipzig: Verlag für Kulturforschung, 1930. Delhi,
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London: Harvard University Press, 1993. Claudia Schoppmann, Days of Masquerade. New York:
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Bloomingdale and Indianapolis: Indiana University University of California Press, 1997.
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Allan H. Mankoff, Mankoff’s Lusty Europe. New York: Books, 1986.
Viking Press, 1972. Knud Wolfram, Tanzdielen und Vergnügungspaläste. Zeitung, 1930
Peter Norden, Madam Kitty. London: Abelard-Schuman, Berlin: Edition Hentrich, 1992.
1973. Translated by J. Maxwell Brownjohn. Heinrich Wörenkamp and Gertrude Perkauf, Erziehungs.
Harry Oosterhuis and Hubert Kennedy (eds). Flagellantismus. Vienna: Verlag für Kulturforschung,
Homosexuality and Male Bonding in Pre-Nazi 1932.
Germany. New York: Harrington Park Press, 1991.
Hans Ostwald, Sittengeschichte der Inflation. Berlin:
Neufeld & Henius Verlag, 1931.
Norman Page, Auden and Isherwood: the Berlin Years.
New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1998.
Ernst Schertel, Der Erotische Komplex, 3 vols. Leipzig:
Parthenon, 1932.
———, Der Flagellantismus als Literarisches Motiv. 4 vols.
Leipzig: Parthenon, 1929–1932. 303
Marian Dockerill, My Life in a Love Cult: A Warning to All
Young Girls. Chicago: Better Publications, 1928.
Stephen Flowers, Fire and Ice. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn
Publishers, 1990.
Mel Gordon, Erik Jan Hanussen: Hitler’s Jewish Clairvoyant.
Los Angeles: Feral House, 2001.
Eugen Grosche, Karma und Astrologie. Berlin: Orient
Berlin, 1930.
Ottoman Hanish, Mazdaznan Atem– und
Gesundheitspflege. Leipzig: Mazdaznan Verlag, 1930.
Francis King, Sexuality, Magic, and Perversion [1971]. Los
Angeles: Feral House, 2003.
Richard Kaczynski, Perdurabo. Tempe, Arizona: New
Falcon, 2002.
Rudolf von Laban, Choreographie. Jena: Eugen Diederichs
Verlag, 1926.
Ulrich Linse, Barfüssige Propheten. Berlin: Siedler Verlag,
Rudolf Olden, Das Wunderbare. Berlin: Rowohlt Verlag,
Alexander Pilcz, Über Hypnotism, Okkulte Phänomene,
Traumleben. Vienna: Deuticke, 1926.
Theodor Reuss and Aleister Crowley, O.T.O. Rituals and
Sex Magick. Thame, UK: I-H-O Books, 1999 [Edited by
A.R. Naylor. Introduced by Peter R. Koenig].
Theodor von Rheine, Massage-Institute. Berlin: Private
Edition, 1932.
———, Stiefel-Mädchen. Berlin: Private Edition, 1932.
Ernst Schertel, Magie: Geschichte, Theorie, Praxis. Prien:
Anthropos, 1923.
Paul Scheurlen, Sekten der Gegenwart. Stuttgart: Quell-
Verlag, 1930.
Alice Bunker Stockham, Karezza Ethics of Marriage. New
York: Private Edition, 1896.
Montague Summers, Geography of Witchcraft. London:
Routledge & Kegan, 1927.
Lawrence Sutin, Do Want Thou Wilt. New York: St.
Martin’s Press, 2000.
Cornelius Tabori, My Occult Diary. London: Rider and
Company, 1951.
Leopold Thoma, Wunder der Hypnose. Württemberg:
Johannes Baum Verlag, 1926.
Erich Wulffen and Felix Abraham, Fritz Ulbrichs
Lebender Marmor. Vienna-Berlin-Leipzig: Verlag für
Kulturforschung, 1931.
MEL GORDON is professor of theatre arts at University of California at Berkeley and author of Dada Performance (New York: Performing Arts
Books, 1986); Erik Jan Hanussen: Hitler’s Jewish Clairvoyant (Los Angeles: Feral House, 2001); Expressionist Texts (New York: PAB, 1987); The
Grand Guignol: Theatre of Horror and Terror [Revised Edition] (New York: Da Capo Press, 1997); Lazzi: the Comic Routines of the Commedia
dell’arte (New York: PAB, 1982); Meyerhold, Eisenstein, and Biomechanics: Revolutionary Acting in Soviet Russia (Jefferson, NC: McFarland
Press, 1996) [co-written with Alma H. Law]; Mikhoels the Wise (New York: Gateway Press, 1982); and The Stanislavsky Technique: Russia
(New York: Applause Books, 1988).
Free ebooks ==> www.Ebook777.com
By Mel Gordon
The first contemporary biography of the notorious actor/dancer/poet/playwright who scandalized sex-
obsessed Weimar Berlin during the 1920s.
In an era where everything was permitted, Anita Berber’s celebrations of “Depravity, Horror and Ecstasy”
were condemned and censored. She haunted Weimar Berlin’s hotel lobbies, nightclubs and casinos, radiantly
naked except for an elegant sable wrap, a pet monkey around her neck, and a silver brooch packed with
Multi-talented Anita saw no boundaries between her personal life and her taboo-shattering performanc-
es. As such, she was Europe’s first post-modern woman. After sated Berliners finally tired of Anita Berber’s
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By Mel Gordon
Erik Jan Hanussen was Europe’s most audacious soothsayer. Billing himself as “The Man Who Knows All,”
he performed in music halls reading minds and hypnotizing women to orgasm. In March 1932, when Adolf
Hitler’s political future seemed destined to failure, Hanussen predicted a resurgence of the Nazi party, and
soon after became Hitler’s confidant. What Hitler did not know initially was that Hanussen was not the Dane
he claimed to be but a Jew from Moravia whose given name was Herschel Steinschneider. This lavishly illus-
trated book is the first English-language biography of this significant and strange man.
“Author Mel Gordon’s devastating bio-history... explores and illuminates a fateful turning point in contem-
porary European history. Hanussen’s all-consuming quest to gain admission into the German universe culmi-
nates when the Nazi dictatorship emerges from the flames of the burning Reichstag, then collapses as the
Holocaust claims him for one of its first victims.”—M. Michael Thaler, former President of the Holocaust Center
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