STD 142
STD 142
STD 142
Prepared by:
OISD publications are prepared for use in the oil and gas
industry under the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. These
are the property of Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas and
shall not be reproduced or copied and loaned or exhibited to
others without written consent from OISD.
With this in view, the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas in 1986
constituted a Safety Council assisted by the Oil Industry Safety Directorate
(OISD) staffed from within the industry in formulating and implementing a
series of self regulatory measures aimed at removing obsolescence,
standardising and upgrading the existing standards to ensure safe
operations. Accordingly, OISD constituted a number of functional
committees of experts nominated from the industry to draw up standards
and guidelines on various subjects.
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Scope
x) Inner container IS-513/IS-2171 ii) The weld joint design for the long
seam as well as the
2.3 DESIGN THICKNESS circumferential seam shall be
of the square edge butt type for
The thickness of plate material for plate thicknesses 3.0mm and less
the DCP cylinder shall be calculated as per and single “V” butt for
the formula given below: thicknesses higher than 3.0mm.
d) Ensuring that during welding only external paint shall be 50 microns
approved procedure and approved minimum.
electrodes are being used.
5.1.3 Testing
Safety devices shall be tested at 17
The following tests shall be carried out after Kg/ gas per requirements of IS-2825.
completion of welding:
5.3 HOSE
i) Dye Penetrant Inspection:
A sample discharge hose of
Dye penetrant examination shall be minimum 0.5 mt length shall be tested upto
carried out on the fillet welds of all bursting which shall not be less than 45
nozzles and attachments. kg/ Actual burst pressure of the hose
shall be recorded.
ii) Radiography
Spot Radiography of welds on all AND CYLINDER
cylinders shall be carried out using
X- rays/Gamma Rays. 10% of Requirements for CO2 cartridge and
the weld joints shall be cylinder are as specified in Section III of this
radiographed which shall include at Standard. When carbon-dioxide cylinder is
least 50% of the “T” joints. connected to trolley mounted DCP
Interpretation of radiographs shall be extinguisher, the valve of CO2 cylinder
as per IS-2825. should be provided with safety pin & seal.
The CO2 cartridge in the portable vii) Relief Valve testing and set pressure.
extinguishers and the CO2 cylinders
in the trolley mounted extinguishers viii) Internal/external coating details.
shall be inspected and tested as
outlined in Section III of this ix) Identification marking as per relevant
standard. code.
7.2 NEW EXTINGUISHERS viii) The date when last recharged and
the name of the person performing
The manufacturer shall have BIS the recharge.
certification & shall furnish test certificates
giving the following information: ix) The hydrostatic test date and name
of the person or agency performing
i) Certificate number and date. the test.
DCP extinguishers shall be condemned as 5. ASME SEC VIII DIVN I-Boiler and
per the guidelines given in IS-2190. pressure vessel code
i. Shell : IS:7285 - 1988. iii. Fittings : Class 150 and cast iron
fittings shall not be
ll. Discharge used. All fittings
valve : IS:3224 - 1979. shall be forged
conforming to
iii. Safety ASTMA-105 and
device : IS:5903 - 1970. rating of fittings
shall be of minimum
iv. Syphon class 1500 for a
tube : IS:407 Alloy 2 charged pressure of
for Brass 60 Kg/
IS:1545 for
Copper iv. Connecting hoses: Flexible hoses
IS:738 for used shall be double wire braided
Aluminium rubber covered hose. However, it is
preferred that all connecting hoses
v. Hose : Wire braided rubber and its fittings shall be metallic only.
vi. Discharge v. Copper Tubing: Copper tubing in this
horn : Non-metallic such system shall meet
as fibre glass, the requirements of
polyethylene Code IS:2501 - 1972.
vi. Nozzles: Leaded tin bronze to
3.1.2 Materials for Fixed Carbon IS:318.
Dioxide Fire Extinguishing
The filling ratio of CO2 shall not 4.4.2 Fixed Carbon Dioxide Fire
exceed 0.667. The filling ratio shall be Extinguishing System
determined as the ratio of mass of CO2 in
container to the mass of water required to fill All valves under constant high
the container at 15 deg. C. pressure shall have a minimum
bursting pressure of 420 Kg/cm2
4.2 PAINTING and those not under constant
pressure shall have a minimum
The extinguisher shall be painted bursting pressure of 350 Kg/cm2 g.
externally with suitable primer followed by
synthetic enamel paint of fire red conforming Design nozzle discharge pressure
to shade no. 536 of IS:5 and the paint shall shall not be less than 20.6 Kg/cm2
conform to IS:2932. g.
2 8 18 a. Visual
3 10 20
4.5 10 24 The internal and external surfaces of
6.8 10 30 the cylinder shall be inspected.
9 12 36 Surface defects of more than 5% of
22.5 20 60 the shell thickness shall be ground
off and the final thickness at that
6.0 INSPECTION & TESTING OF NEW area shall be not less than the
EXTINGUISHERS & calculated minimum wall thickness
plus corrosion allowance.
b. Dye Penetrant Inspection
Dye Penetrant examination shall be
carried out on all the formed and
6.1.1 Shell & Attachments knuckled areas.
i. Material Identification c. Hydrostatic Stretch Test
Material used for the cylinder shell Each finished cylinder shall be
shall be identified and if required subjected to hydrostatic stretch test
tested to ensure conformity with at a pressure of 250 Kg/cm2g.
manufacturing standard. Raw Permanent stretch suffered by
material/bought out material for the cylinder shall not exceed the
other components shall also be following limits:
1. In case of cylinders below
ii. Fabrication 20 litre water capacity -
10% of the total stretch
The following checks shall be suffered during the test,
carried out: and,
A sample discharge hose shall be vii. Valves used in the system may
tested upto bursting pressure, which fail/get jammed.
shall not be less than that specified.
Actual burst pressure of the hose 7.2 FREQUENCY AND PROCEDURE
shall be recorded. FOR PERIODIC INSPECTION
vi. Siphon Tube : Brass Copper, Alloy No: 25 kg/ (360 psi) Class 600
2 of IS:407 or IS :
1545. 42 kg/ (600 psi) Class 1200
Material used for cylinder shell shall For higher capacities, it shall be
be identified and if required tested to tested at 3 MN/M2 (30
ensure conformity with kgf/cm2) for a period of 60 seconds.
manufacturing standard. Raw
material / bought out material for The test shall be carried out before
other components shall also be the extinguishers are painted
identified. and after heat treatment, if any.
e. Drop Test:
iii. Testing: This test shall be done as per IS:
The following tests shall be carried out after
completion of welding: f. Ultimate Failure Test:
a. Dye Penetrant Inspection: On a prototype test, Mechanical
failure shall not occur at a pressure
Dye Penetrant examination shall be less than 40kgf/cm2 g.
carried out on fillet welds of all
nozzles and attachments. g. Coating And Painting:
b. Radiography: The thickness of anti corrosion
coating shall be 25 microns min and
All welds of cylinders shall be 100% that of external paint shall be 75
radiographed. Interpretations of microns minimum.
radiography shall be as per IS:
5.1.2 Hose:
C. Hydrostatic Test:
A sample discharge hose with ensure conformity with
nominal bore of 10 mm and a length manufacturing standards.
of not less than 300 mm shall be
tested upto bursting which shall not ii. Fabrication:
be less than 50 kg/cm² g. Actual
burst pressure of the hose shall be The following checks shall be
recorded. carried out prior to and during
5.1.3 Pressure Indicator:
a. Review and approval of
Ensure that the pressure indicator welding procedure.
as in 3.8 of this Section is fitted to
the extinguisher. b. Qualification of the welding
procedure and welders.
5.1.4 Repairs:
c. Inspection of edge preparation
i. Any repairs to welding shall be and joint fit up.
carried out as per IS: 2825. Only
one time repair shall be allowed. d. Ensuring that during welding
ii. Any extinguisher which fails in only approved procedure and
hydrostatic test shall be reoffered for approved electrodes are being
inspection. If the failure is in the used.
parent metal then the extinguisher
shall be rejected. iii. Testing:
b. Hydrostatic Test:
APPLICATION SYSTEMS: The system shall be
hydrostatically tested to the
5.2.1 CYLINDERS: test pressure recommended
by designer/vendor of the
These are generally made using system.
CO2 cylinders with the approval of
Chief Controller of Explosives, CO2 5.2.3 Safety Valves:
Fire Extinguishing System Section
may be referred for inspection etc. Safety devices shall be tested at the
Halon cylinders of 75 kg capacity is required pressure.
tested to a pressure of 124 bar.
5.2.4 Hose:
5.2.2 Piping and Fitting:
A sample discharge hose shall be
i. Material Identification: tested upto bursting pressure, which
shall not be less than 100 kg/cm2.
Piping and fitting materials shall be Actual burst pressure of the hose
identified and if required tested to shall be recorded.
5.2.5 Repairs:
Discharge nozzle may be clogged
Any piping system, which fails in due to foreign material.
hydrostatic test, shall be reoffered
for inspection. The weld failure shall 6.2 FREQUENCY AND PROCEDURE
be suitably repaired and reinspected FOR INSPECTION:
The extinguisher and its
6.0 PERIODIC INSPECTION OF components shall be inspected at
EXTINGUISHERS: frequencies specified and as per
procedure given below.
DETERIORATION: 6.2.1 Portable Extinguishers:
The thread joint between cap and The painting shall be checked for
neck is prone to damage/deterioration once in three
damage/wear/deterioration. months.
d. Rejection Limit:
iv) Nozzle:
A Halon extinguisher shall be
The nozzle may be eroded due to
removed from service and destroyed
frequent use of extinguishers.
when the following condition exists:
v) Spring: 1. When the cylinder is
corroded or damaged to
The spring is prone to lose its such an extent that repairs
stiffness. by welding, brazing or by
use of patch work is
vi) Hose: required.
The hose is prone to ageing. 2. When the cylinder or shell
threads are damaged.
vii) Discharge Nozzle:
3. When the cylinder has been to check for any mechanical
exposed to high damage or corrosion.
temperature due to
proximity of fire. b. Ultrasonic Inspection:
b. Spring: d. Painting:
All systems shall be thoroughly vii) The inspection date and name
inspected and tested for proper of the person or agency
operation by competent personnel performing the inspection
viii) The pressure test record
ix) The date when last recharged
7.1 NEW EXTINGUISHERS / and the name of the person
INSTALLATION: or agency performing the
The manufacturer shall furnish test
certificates giving the following information: x) The hydrostatic test date and
the name of the person or
i) Certificate number and date. agency performing the test
ii. The type in which foam solutions are Since none of the Indian Refineries
pumped through the area from a have fixed foam fire extinguishing
central foam station, the solution system, it is not covered in this
being delivered through hose lines Standard.
to portable foammakers such as
monitors, foam towers etc. 3.0 MATERIAL OF CONSTRUCTION
iii. Neck Ring: Leaded Tin Bronze of The cylinder body shall be welded.
Gr.2 of IS:318 All ferrous fittings shall be welded to
the body while all non-ferrous fittings
iv. Cap: Extruded Brass Confo-rming shall be brazed.
to Grade 1 of IS : 291
or Type 1 of IS : 319. i) All welding shall be carried out using
qualified welders and agreed
v. Nozzle : —do—- welding procedures.
vi Discharge
ii) The weld joint design shall be of
square butt type for plate thickness The body of the 50 lit and 150 lit
3.0 mm and less and single V butt capacity foam fire engine shall be
for thickness higher than 3.0 mm. cylindrical with an outside diameter
of 300 plus or minus 15 mm and
iii) All welding shall be carried out using 400 plus or minus 15 mm
shielded metal arc welding and gas respectively.
tungsten arc welding techniques
only. The electrode for welding shall 4.1.3 Hose
conform to AWS/ASME
classification. The electrode The discharge hose shall have a
diameter shall not be more than 2.5 length and bore as specified in IS :
mm for SMAW and 1.6 mm for 5507. The hose shall have a
GTAW. minimum bursting pressure of 32
iv) All butt welds shall be full
penetration welds. 4.1.4 Discharge Nozzle
The extinguisher, after performance Material used for the tank shell shall
and hydraulic test shall be be identified and if required tested to
thoroughly cleaned with water ensure conformity with
free from chemical solution. The manufacturing standard. Raw
water shall then be completely material/bought out material for
drained off and the interior of the other components shall also be
body shall be examined after 24 identified.
hours. It shall be free from all
traces of rust. Superficial rust ii. Fabrication
stains, which could be rubbed off
with a dry cloth, may be ignored. The following checks shall be
The thickness of the coating shall be carried out.
not less than 0.012 mm. The overall
dry film thickness of external paint a. Review and approval of the welding
shall be 100 microns minimum. procedure.
i. Body
a. Visual Inspection The following components shall be
inspected once in three months.
The shell of the extinguisher
shall be visually inspected once a. Inner Container
a month to check for any
mechanical damage or Withdraw the inner container for
corrosion. checking visually the sealing
b. Ultrasonic Inspection
b. Neck Ring
Ultrasonic thickness
measurements of the shell shall The soundness of the
be carried out once in three years brazing/welding of the neck ring
and readings shall be recorded. to the shell shall be checked.
vii. The inspection date and the name 4. IS 2097 - Specification for foam
of the person or agency making branches
performing the inspection,
5. IS 2190 - Code of practice for
viii. The date when last recharged and selection, installation & maintenance
the name of the person of first aid fire extinguishers
performing the recharge,
6. IS 4989 - Specifications for foam
ix. The hydrostatic test date and the concentrate for producing
name of the person or agency mechanical foam for fire fighting.
performing the test,
7. IS 5490 - Refills for portable fire
x. Next hydrotest date, extinguishers & chemical fire
xi. Inspection observation and
maintenance carried out. 8. IS 5507 Chemical fire engine, 50
litre capacity, foam type
9. IS 8150 - Chemical foam engine, 4
Foam cylinders may be condemned litre capacity - for marine use
when it leaks or when internal or external
corrosion, denting, bulging or evidence of 10. IS 10204 - Portable fire
rough usage exists to the extent that the extinguishers - mechanical foam
cylinders are likely to be weakened type
11. NFPA 11A - Low expansion foam &
Any cylinder which fails to pass combined agent systems
periodic examination or test or which for any
other defect is found to be unsafe for use 12. NFPA 11C - Mobile foam apparatus
shall be destroyed by flattening it as a whole
or after being cut into pieces in such manner 13. NFPA 16 - Installation of deluge
that the pieces cannot be again joined foam water sprinkler systems and
together by welding or otherwise to form a foam water spray systems
14. NFPA 20 - Installation of centrifugal
10.0 REFERENCE fire pumps
1. IS 933 - Portable chemical fire 15. OISD 116 - Fire protection facilities
extinguisher - foam type. for petroleum refineries and oil/gas
processing plants.
2. IS 934 - Portable chemical fire
extinguisher soda acid type
The pressure gauges shall be of Specification for Black and Hot dipped Zinc
approved type and shall have a maximum coated (Galvanised) welded and seamless
limit not less than twice the normal working steel pipe for fire protection use
pressure at the point installed. It shall be ASTM A 795
installed on the following locations:
Specification for welded and seamless steel
i. Wet Pipe system pipe ANSI/ASTM A 106 Wrought steel pipe
ANSI B 36.10
On the sprinkler riser, above and
below each alarm clock valve. (Wet Specification for Electrical resistance welded
Pipe System) steel pipe
ASTM A 135
ii. Dry Pipe System
3.2 Copper Tube (Drawn Seamless)
a) On the water side and air
side of dry pipe Specification for seamless copper tube
valve. ASTM B 75
a) Above and below preaction All welded and seamless steel pipe
valve and below deluge shall have the minimum wall thickness for
valve pressure upto 20.0 kg/ (300 psi) as
per the following.
b) On air supply to Preaction
and Deluge valve. For sizes upto 4 inch ..Sch 40
(Preaction & Deluge
Systems.) For 6 inch to 12 inches ..Sch 30
Pipe or tubes used in sprinkler Also refer Clause 5.8 of OISD Std
systems shall be of materials given below: 116 for guidelines on Material Specifications.
4.1 THREADED PIPE AND FITTINGS: iii) Opening in piping shall be smooth.
Joining compound or tape shall be iv) All slag and other welding residue
applied to the threads of the pipe and not in shall be removed.
the fitting.
v) Fittings or shaped contoured nipples
Headers shall have end flange to of any length shall not
flushout the lines for removing the scales. penetrate beyond the internal
diameter of the piping.
When reducing a pipe size in the run
The minimum radius of a pipe bend of a main, cross main, or branch, a
shall conform to the following: suitable reducing fitting designed for
that purpose shall be used.
Pipe size Min radius of bend
Torch cutting and welding shall not
2" and less 6d be permitted as means of modifying or
repairing sprinkler systems.
2-1/2 and
above 5d Pipe joined with mechanical groove
shall be joined by a listed combination of
where ‘d‘ is the nominal diameter of fittings, gaskets and grooves. When grooves
the pipe. are cut or rolled on the pipe they shall be
dimensionally compatible with the fitting.
Mechanical grooved coupling
All ferrous piping and fittings shall be including gaskets used on dry pipe
welded while all copper alloy piping and shall be marked for dry pipe service.
fittings shall be brazed.
All welding shall be carried out using WET/DRY SPRINKLER SYSTEMS
qualified welders and welding procedures in
compliance with the requirements of AWS D 5.1 SPRINKLER PIPING AND
10.9, Level Ar-3. FITTINGS:
b) Qualification of welding
procedure and welders,
5.2.2. Hydrostatic Test:
c) Inspection of edge preparation
and joint fit up, All new systems including guard
piping shall be hydrostatically tested
d) Ensuring that during welding for 2 hours at not less than 13.8
only approved procedure and kg/ (200 psi) pressure or at
approved electrodes are being 3.4 (50 psi) in excess of
used. max. pressure, when the max
pressure to be maintained in the
iii) TESTING: system is in excess of 10.3
kg/ (150 psi). The test
Radiography of the welds shall be pressure shall be read from a gauge
carried out for 10 % of the weld located at a suitable point in the
joints on all piping and fittings with individual system or portion of the
size 2" and greater. system being tested.
5.3.2 Internal Corrosion ix. The acceptance test date and the
name of the person or agency
This will vary depending upon the performing the tests,
water chemistry.
x. Next test date,
xi. Inspection observations and
maintenance carried out.
During weekly, or other scheduled
plant inspection, equipment shall be 7.0 REFERENCE:
checked for obvious defects such as broken
or missing parts, nozzle loading, or other 1. NFPA 13 - Installation of Sprinkler
evidence of impaired protection. systems
Strainers are ordinarily required in
the supply lines of fixed piping systems to Care shall be taken in the selection
prevent clogging of the nozzles. They should of nozzle types. Distance of ‘throw‘ or
be selected with baskets having holes small location of nozzle from surface shall be
enough to protect the smaller water limited by the nozzle‘s discharge
passages in the nozzles used. characteristics.
Water spray nozzles having very Care shall also be taken in the
small water passage may have their own selection of nozzles to waterways, which are
internal strainer as well as a supply line easily obstructed by debris, sediment, etc.,
strainer to remove larger foreign material. in the water.
Fixed pipe open nozzle water spray Pipes used in water spray systems
systems discharge large quantities of water. shall conform to ASTM A-53, A 106,API 5L
To limit the spread of flammable liquids, or IS 1239. Piping shall be designed to
special drainage and disposal facilities withstand a working pressure of not less
including fire traps should be provided. than 12.2 bars (175 psi).
Pitched floors, curbs, dikes, sumps or
trenches etc. designed for safe disposal may 2.8.4 Fittings:
be required alone or in combination as best
adapted for specific situation. All fittings shall be of a type
specifically approved for fire protection
The drainage system shall be adequate for: systems and of a design suitable for working
pressures involved, but not less than 12.2
a) Water discharged from fixed fire bars (175 psi) cold water pressures. Ferrous
protection systems at maximum flow fittings shall be of carbon steel.
Galvanized fittings shall be used
b) Water likely to be discharged by where galvanized pipe is required.
hose streams
2.8.5 Hangers:
c) Surface water
Hangers shall be of approved type
d) Cooling water normally discharged for use with the piping involved. Hangers
to the system. used out doors or in locations where
corrosive conditions exist shall be
2.8 MATERIALS: galvanized or suitably coated for protection
against the corrosive condition of the
Only approved materials and location.
devices shall be employed in the installation
of systems as described below: 2.8.6 Pressure Gauges:
This will vary depending upon the All spray nozzles shall be inspected
water chemistry and the system should be for proper positioning, external
checked for thickness at a pre-determined loading, and corrosion and cleaned
frequency. Threaded portion of the lines if necessary, at intervals of not more
connecting the deluge release valve, Clock than 12 months or more frequently if
valve diaphram unit spring, water alarm necessary based on experience.
turbine shaft shall be inspected more
critically. 5.2.4 Performance Test