Navigator Spec
Navigator Spec
Navigator Spec
M a i n Sail 80 sq. ft. (7.5m2)
W o r k i n g Jib 90 sq. ft. (8.4m2)
S t o r m Jib 45 sq. ft. (4.2m2)
N o . 1 Genoa 121 sq. ft. (11.3m2)
N o . 2 Genoa 135 sq. ft. (12.6m2)
Spinnaker ( A p p r o x . ) 315 sq. ft. (29.4m2)
L.O.A. 19ft. (5.80m)
L.W.L. 16ft. 8in. (5.09m)
Beam 7ft. 8in. (2.34m)
Headroom 4ft. lOin. (1.48m)
D r a f t - ( F i n Keel) 3ft. (0.92m)
(Bilge Keel) 2ft. (0.60m)
(Bilge Keel) 2ft. (0.61m)
(Lift Keel: Keel D o w n ) 3ft. 7in. (1.09m)
Keel U p ) 1ft. l l i n . (0.59m)
Displacement (Basic) 1950 lbs. (885.3kg)
Ballast Keel: Fin 795 lbs. (360.9kg)
Bilge and L i f t i n g 820 lbs. (372.3kg)
Ballast Ratio 4 1 % (42% bilge)
Engine Outboard u p to 7.5 H P
Inboard up to 12 H P
Deck Fittings
Jib sheet, mainsheet
three strand plaited a n d synthetic.
with jamming
A l a r g e F W D cleat a n d t w o fairleads, a n c h o r
well, stem head fitting, jib track, 60mm
snubbing winches, turning blocks, clam
cleats, tiinged forward hatch with garage
and spray rail, 4 w c x i d grab handles, cwk-
N . B . B i i ' e Keels nre of mixiern assymetric aerofoil design to
pit lockers, 6mm porspex windows, 6mm
maximise windward performance.
stainless steel r i g g i n g screws.
4 berths,
shelf fronts,
ItKkcrs under, cushion
c o o k e r s p a c e , w a s h how\h
w o r k surface, toilet space, steps. N e w b r i d g e Boats Resen'e the right to alter the standard spcci-