GPR-SLICE Road Bridgedeck Module
GPR-SLICE Road Bridgedeck Module
GPR-SLICE Road Bridgedeck Module
Ground Penetrating Radar Imaging Software
Since 2010 GPR-SLICE has been continually developed for advanced analysis
of bridgedeck and road surveys. Bridgedeck options in the software
Once the peak responses are found for all the radargrams in the project,
these amplitudes are compiled and gridded directly in the Grid menu in GPR-
SLICE Software to show the distribution of amplitude response on the rebar
(Figure 2). The distribution of the peak recorded response of the rebar
reflections may help to indicate areas in the bridgedeck where varying
degrees of weathering and corrosion may exist.
Specialized options to report road layer thicknesses have been tested and
further developed to meet the CALTRANS Standard. The module contains all
the necessary analytical operations for road layer horizon mapping and to
report these results in the CALTRANS Standard file format. An operational
button to recompile the road layer results to any desired density on the
ground was implemented to complete the CALTRANS Standard reporting.