The Design of Concrete Highway Bridges and Structures With External and Unbonded Prestressing
The Design of Concrete Highway Bridges and Structures With External and Unbonded Prestressing
The Design of Concrete Highway Bridges and Structures With External and Unbonded Prestressing
Summary: This Advice Note provides guidance on the design of bridges with external
and unbonded prestressing.
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BA 58/94
1. Introduction
2. Conceptual Design
3. Detailed Design
4. Corrosion Protection
5. References
6. Enquiries
General for the procurement of products which do not include
these Clauses must contain a suitable clause of mutual
1.1 The Design of prestressed concrete structures recognition having the same effect regarding which
with external or unbonded prestressing is not covered in advice should be sought.
the current Code of Practice for the design of concrete
bridges, BS 5400 Part 4. This coupled with durability
problems experienced by some structures with external Scope
prestressing has resulted in this type of construction
being seldom used in this country. 1.6 This Advice Note provides guidance on the use
of unbonded prestressing and some background
1.2 Tendon corrosion associated with the ingress of information on the design requirements set out in
de-icing salts through inadequately grouted ducts, has BD 58, the Design of Concrete Highway Bridges and
been encountered in a number of structures of bonded Structures with External and Unbonded Prestressing.
post-tensioned construction. Recent sudden collapses
of bridges with bonded tendons is a cause for concern,
especially as there are no satisfactory means available Definition
to monitor the condition of tendons. As a result, the
Overseeing Organisations wish to encourage the use of 1.7 Unbonded prestressing is prestressing where, in
external and unbonded tendons as a form of the finished structure, no continuous bond is provided
construction which can be easily inspected, monitored between the prestressing elements and the concrete
and maintained. section, either by the provision of grout or by any other
means. The term, external prestressing is applied to that
1.3 This Advice Note should be used in class of unbonded prestressed structures where some or
conjunction with BD 57 (DMRB 1.3.7) and BA 57 all of the prestressing is unbonded and outside the
(DMRB 1.3.8) Design for Durability, particularly as concrete section, and where the load is transferred to the
regards access to enclosed spaces and the quality of concrete through end anchorages and deviators. It is, in
protection from environmental effects (including theory, possible to use unbonded prestressing elements
leakage) within enclosed spaces. in ducts which lie within the concrete section. This is
unbonded internal prestressing.
Factors affecting choice ii. The increase in cable force at ultimate is less
than that with bonded tendons, and hence the
2.1 The choice of whether to use external or ultimate flexural capacity of a section is usually
unbonded prestressing should be made at the conceptual reduced. Slightly deeper structures may be
design stage as it is likely to affect a structure's form required to compensate for this.
and dimensions. Although external prestressing is
unlikely to be economical in structures spanning less iii. In external prestressing, the cables are not
than 40m, when whole life costs are considered its use protected by concrete and hence are more
may be justified. vulnerable to terrorist attack or fire.
The following is a list of advantages associated with the v. The strength of the structure is dependent on
use of unbonded prestressing: the anchorages.
v. Flexural failures will always be preceded by 2.5 Provision should be made for the replacement
extensive cracking and excessive deflection, and re-stressing of tendons. The structure should be
thus giving prior warning of collapse. capable of accommodating a range of prestressing force
resulting from future tendon replacement, and galleries
vi. Since the opening and closing of cracks does should be incorporated at abutments with sufficient
not affect the tendon stress, as in the case of room to manoeuvre prestressing jacks. The provision
bonded construction, and as corrosion of runway beams, which may also be used to facilitate
protection to the tendons is not dependent on construction, would be desirable. For further
the encasing concrete, the serviceability information on the design of abutment galleries see The
requirement for crack widths can be relaxed for Design for Durability, BD 57 (DMRB 1.3.7) and BA
external prestressing. 57 (DMRB 1.3.8).
The following is a list of disadvantages associated with 2.6 The local failure of tendons in a bonded post-
the use of unbonded prestressing: tensioned structure would not normally have a
significant effect on its ultimate load capacity as the
i. In external prestressing the maximum cable tendons rebond with the concrete. However, in the case
eccentricity is likely to be less than for bonded of unbonded prestressing, failure in any position makes
post-tensioning. a tendon ineffective over its entire length. Hence
structures with unbonded prestressing may be
General Shear
3.1 This Chapter deals with the detailed design of 3.6 The design rules for shear in beams given in
post-tensioned concrete with external and unbonded BS 5400 Part 4 are empirical and based on test results
prestressing. It includes some information on the on bonded tendons. They are therefore not considered
background to the design requirements contained in BD appropriate for unbonded prestressing. The approach
58 (DMRB 1.3.9. The Design of Concrete Highway adopted for determining shear resistance is to treat
Bridges and Structures with External and Unbonded unbonded prestressing as reinforced sections with an
Prestressing). externally applied load (See Clause
3.2 References to Clause numbers in this chapter 3.7 The design for shear is based on a form of truss
refer to BS 5400 as modified by BD 58 (DMRB 1.3.9). analogy and thus implies a greater force in the tension
cord than would be expected by simple bending theory.
This has been reflected in BS 5400: Part 4: 1990.
Flexure However, in the case of unbonded prestressing it is
necessary to check that the requisite tendon force rather
3.3 As the ultimate strength of structures with than tendon strength, is available. This has been
unbonded prestressing is dependent on the prestress addressed in BD 58 (DMRB 1.3.9) by adding a
force, allowance must be made for the actual prestress requirement to extend tendons beyond the section at
force present being less than that which is assumed in which they are required. (See Clause
design. This may be, for instance, as a result of the
jacking force being less than intended or the prestress
loss being greater than calculated. A partial safety Torsion
factor (FL of 0.87 is therefore applied to the prestress
force. (See Clause 3.8 As the torsion rules for bonded tendons in BS
5400 Part 4 make no allowance for the beneficial effects
3.4 Since the strain in unbonded tendons at the of prestress, they do not require modification for the use
ultimate limit state is unlikely to be sufficient to cause of unbonded tendons.
yield, failure is likely to be through crushing of the
concrete. However, the overall behaviour of the
structure should remain ductile with extensive cracking Prestress Loss
and excessive deflections being apparent before yield.
It is, therefore, not felt necessary to impose the 15% 3.9 The use of unducted systems or ducts with
over strength requirement that is prescribed for over- greased or waxed strands means that prestressing
reinforced bonded prestressed sections. systems used in external and unbonded prestressing
have lower coefficients of friction than bonded systems.
3.5 In bonded prestressed construction plane In addition, with external prestressing wobble losses are
sections, including their prestressing tendons, are eliminated.
assumed to remain plane. This assumption depends on
the tendons remaining bonded to the concrete and is 3.10 Although the lack of bond will not alter the
therefore not valid with unbonded prestressing. The average loss due to creep, as the creep losses are
increase in steel strain in unbonded prestressing at constant over the length of a beam, losses at critical
failure is less than for bonded tendons and usually not sections are likely to be smaller than with bonded
sufficient to reach yield. Clause introduces a construction. This may be significant in shorter spans
simple but conservative rule to estimate the increase in where the permanent compressive stresses for live loads
steel strain, and hence stress at failure. As an are high.
alternative a more rigorous non-linear analysis may be
3.13 If tendons are not adequately restrained within 3.19 In order to control thermal and shrinkage
the concrete section, the deformation of the concrete cracking and facilitate construction, a requirement for
between deviators can have a significant effect on the nominal untensioned reinforcement has been introduced
moment applied by the tendon to the concrete section. in Clause 6.8.4.
In addition, inadequately restrained tendons may vibrate
excessively and be susceptible to fatigue failure.
Compliance with the requirements of Clause 6.8.8 will Segmental Construction
ensure that tendons are adequately restrained.
3.20 The "dry jointing" technique, where joints
between segments are constructed without the use of
Radius of Curvature epoxy or other suitable materials, has been used on
several long span bridges, especially in the USA.
3.14 Clause 6.8.8 sets out the minimum radius of However, with this method of jointing, a watertight seal
curvature of tendons in deviators. If a specific tendon cannot be achieved at the segment joints. This would
and duct or shoe type is tested or investigated and found therefore reduce the corrosion protection of internal
to be satisfactory for smaller radii, the resulting values grouted tendons. For this reason dry jointing may only
can be used. be used in segmental construction in association with
external tendons.
3.15 Smaller radii may be used in positions where
there is no significant movement of the cable relative to
the duct or shoe in the bend; for example loop anchors
at the centre of cable length.
General 4.6 Unbonded tendons within ducts may be
corrosion protected with galvanising, painted in a light
4.1 Corrosion protection systems for unbonded colour to aid inspection, or with a suitable system which
prestressing should be considered in relation to the allows for tendon replacement and restressing.
overall design of the structure. As tendon corrosion
would only take place in a damp environment, every
effort should be made by good design, detailing and Anchorages
specification of materials, to ensure that water is
excluded from ducts and concrete box enclosures. See 4.7 As the prestressing force in unbonded
the Design for Durability, BD 57 (DMRB 1.3.7) and prestressing is transferred to the concrete solely through
BA 57 (DMRB 1.3.8). the anchorages, care should be taken to exclude water
from the vicinity of anchorages. Anchorage ends
should be open and inspectable, and anchorage pockets
External Prestress should be sealed by means of removable cover plates.
Projecting tendons and anchor plates should be
4.2 For maintenance reasons it is advisable that protected with a suitable water excluding wrapping
external tendons can be inspected easily and are tape.
replaceable. External tendons enclosed within a
concrete box are subject to an environment in which 4.8 The position at which tendons are gripped at
corrosion rates are negligible. It is therefore considered the anchorage is a potential location of bi-metallic
sufficient to provide corrosion protection by galvanising corrosion. Anchorage plates and wedges should
tendons in accordance with BS 2763. Other forms of therefore be of the same type of steel as the tendon.
corrosion protection may also be considered. Designers
should be aware of the possibility of hydrogen 4.9 Care should be taken to ensure that anchorage
embrittlement and galvanic corrosion associated with systems and the detailing of tendons at the anchorages
galvanising and take the necessary precautions to ensure can facilitate the de-tensioning and re-stressing of
against them. tendons.
Unbonded Tendons
1. Design Manual for Roads and Bridges
2. British Standards
All technical enquiries or comments on this Advice Note should be sent in writing as appropriate to: