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Weekly FREEplease take one


Thursday, June 21, 2018 • Your community news from Evart, Reed City, Hersey, Sears & Chase.

Reed City recognizes local
businesses, community at dinner
By Ben Glick work they’ve done this
FINANCING Weekly voice year helping the school
prepare for emergency
of local community
situations, and award
ed the prize to Osceola
PUSH - PULL - DRAG members and business County Emergency Man
leaders were recognized agement Director Mark
for the help they provide Watkins.
to educators. “It gives us an oppor
tunity to recognize those
Around 135 people who go above and beyond
gathered in the Reed for this school. We get a
$1,000 City High School Cafete- chance to come do a per

MINIMUM ria for the fourth annual

Reed City Schools Busi-
sonal thing and thank
them for everything they

TRADE ness and Community

Appreciation Dinner re-
do for us,” Reed City
Schools Superintendent
Payments As Low As cently. Myra Munroe said.
Attendees were treated As a first-year super
$150 mo. to a meal, entertainment
and awards recognizing
intendent in Reed City
Munroe said she was
✔ Bankruptcy the help they provide to
Reed City Schools for More than 130 business and community leaders attended the Business and Community
excited to be part of the
✔ Foreclosures their help raising funds
for programs like the
Appreciation Dinner May 30 for a meal, entertainment and thanks from school officials. “I can’t even put it
into words,” she said
✔ Repossession band, robotics team and munity members, which Elementary, awarded to student who underwent “This is a great commu
more. are used to select the Principal DeAnna Good- heart surgery earlier in nity. I wish I could give
OVER 100 CARS For special recogni- winners of the Above man and others for help- the school year. everyone an Above and
TO CHOOSE FROM tion, school officials re-
ceive nominations of ar-
and Beyond Award.
Selected this year were
ing raise funds from in-
dividuals and businesses
The school also recog-
nized local emergency
Beyond Award because
they do that. They sup

WE CAN HELP! ea businesses and com- the staff of GT Norman in the community for a management for the port us 200 percent.”

Corner of M-55 & M-66
Just South of Lake City

Census blocks
being auctioned
to bring
broadband access
to rural areas
REED CITY — In order to
ease the adoption of broadband
internet speeds in the area, the
federal government is putting up
sections of the state up for bid. A tractor pulls a weighted sled-like vehicle called a boat for during the 2nd Annual Truck and Tractor Pull at the Osceola County Fairgrounds. The event is a less-
The Federal Communications formal competition held in preparation for the larger event held during the Evart Fair on August 2.
Commission is auctioning off
census blocks in areas across
the country, including Osceola
County, to private internet ser-
vice providers that will receive
Truck and tractor pull returns to the fairgrounds
federal dollars to build out into
underserved areas as part of the By Ben Glick “It’s not about speed as
Connect America Fund Phase II Weekly Voice it is about the distance
initiative. they can drag a boat,”
Earlier this year, the FCC re- EVART — Dozens of Ryan said.
leased data that showed Osceola vehicles gathered at Officials measure
County as second in the country the Grandstands of the how far the vehicle was
in the number of people who Osceola County Fair- pulled and the one that
lack access to broadband inter- grounds over the week- drags its the furthest is
net speeds. end to kick off truck and declared the winner.
The FCC defines broadband tractor pulling season. Many pulls are regu-
as 10 megabits per second down- Around 50 trucks and lated by governing bod-
load speed and 1 Mbps for upload tractors participated in ies, such as the West
speed and currently, more than the 2nd Annual Truck Michigan Pullers, which
5,000 homes and business lack and Tractor Pull on June make sure each event
access. 2. is carried out in a way
The bids were put out in Event organizer Mark that’s uniform to other
March and the results won’t be Ryan said the event events in the region.
released until early July, Com- started last year after he But for the pull held A truck pulls a weighted sled-like vehicle called a boat for during the 2nd Annual Truck and
munity Technology Advisor at heard some of the pulls last Saturday, there Tractor Pull at the Osceola County Fairgrounds. The event is a less-formal competition held in
Connect Michigan Tom Stephen- in the area were going were several vehicle and preparation for the larger event held during the Evart Fair on August 2.
son said. away and participants weight classes for the
Businesses need the subsidy needed a way to prepare trucks and tractors par-
in order to penetrate rural areas for other pulls later in ticipating in the event,
because of the high cost of infor- the year, he said. all competing for cash
mation infrastructure relative to “I talked to friends in prizes — $70 for first
the number of customers. the pull and we needed prize, $50 for second and
Osceola and neighboring coun- to do something for the $30 for third.
ties benefited from earlier subsi- spring,” he said. Normally, there are
dies to get them up to minimum If you’ve never been speed limits and only
contemporary broadband speeds to a pull, Ryan, who said certain vehicles can par-
years, but those minimum he’s been pulling for 12 ticipate, as well as other
speeds were raised by the FCC in years, explained that the restrictions. But Ryan
2015 and many of the same areas goal of the motorsport said this pull was just for
need to be upgraded. is for participating ve- fun, a way for regional
According to the FCC, when hicles to pull a weighted participants to get out
the bids are awarded to local in- sled-like vehicle called and test their equipment
ternet service providers in July, a boat. The boat is before other competi-
the companies will be required equipped with weight tions later this summer.
to meet benchmarks at specified and as the vehicle pulls “It’s nice to change
times in order to keep their sub- it down the track, the something and see how
sidies. boat drops its weight, you do,” he said.
After three years, 40 percent which slows and eventu- This event precedes
of homes and businesses in an ally stops the vehicle the more formal pull
area must be connected and an pulling it. Fully loaded, later this summer, which A tractor pulls a weighted sled-like vehicle called a boat for during the 2nd Annual Truck and
additional 20 percent have to be the boat can weigh up will take place August Tractor Pull at the Osceola County Fairgrounds. The event is a less-formal competition held in
connected in each subsequent to 30,000 pounds, Ryan 2 during the Osceola preparation for the larger event held during the Evart Fair on August 2.
year, the FCC said. said. County Fair.
2 • weekly voice www.weeklyvoice.net | Thursday, June 21, 2018

Left: Evart students that partici-

pated in the 5K color run douse
themselves with colored dye
Evart schools raises money for
wrestling program with color run
at the end of the race. Below
Left: A racer crosses the finish
line at the 3rd Annual Wildcat
Wildcolor 5k Fun Run. Below
right: With stroller and all, Evart By Ben Glick of colored powder in the to improve the team.
High School math teacher and Weekly Voice air. “We want to get more
cross country coach Kevin Mills The race was noncom- equipment and grow as
was the first to cross the finish EVART — Despite a cool petitive but more than 90 much as we can,” Hopkins
line at the 3rd Annual Wildcat and rainy morning, a race people participated in the said.
Wildcolor 5k Fun Run. Bottom ended in a flourish of col- race that raises money for The program has also
and opposite: A group of Evart or and raised money for a the Evart schools’ wres- received some big dona-
students tosses bags or colored school athletic program. tling program. Each year, tions to continue growing
dye into the air at the end of The 3rd Annual Wildcat the race is able to raise the program, Hopkins
a 5-kilometer race through Wildcolor 5K Fun Run was about $2,000 organizers said, which is stimulat-
the city. Community members, held June 9 said. ing growth. Over the last
school staff and Evart students Participants ran a 5 School staff and volun- eight years, the program
from multiple grade levels par- kilometer (about 3 miles) teers from the community has grown from three to 20
ticipated in the color run held course through the city, helped to organize and ex- and Hopkins said he hopes
June 9. which started and ended ecute the event but it was that will continue.
at the high school. The started by Evart wrestling “The community has
racers got sprayed down coaches Ryan Hopkins and been awesome,” he said. “I
with colored water at vari- Ben Bryant. can’t think them enough.
ous points on the route Hopkins said the pro- We get stronger every
and at the end threw bags ceeds from the race will go year.”

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Thursday, June 21, 2018 | www.weeklyvoice.net weekly voice • 3

What’s Happening in the Area

Free concert series and Thursday, June 21, at Library is hosting a book City and Tuesdays at 7 Township Hall, next to the the Church of the First-
Big Rapids’ Triangle Park, sale during normal hours p.m., also at the church. Post Office born Revival Center, 310 S.
REED CITY — A free as part of the Spectrum of operation July 5 to 20. • EVART— Thursdays Every Tuesday, 1 to 4 p.m. Higbee.
concert series at the Reed Health Big Rapids Hospital The library is open on at 7 p.m. at Sacred Heart Contact Ken at 231-620- Donations accepted but
City Depot run every Community Block Party Monday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Church in Evart. 2504 not necessary.
Thursday this summer. • Wednesday, June 27, at and Tuesdays through Fri- MARION— Marion Food
The concerts will be the Big Rapids Band Shell days from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Pantry, East Main Street,
on the second and fourth and For more information,
Fish fry by appointment, on call 24
Free community dinner
Thursdays of each month • Wednesday, July 3, at call 231-734-5542. at Evart Moose Lodge hours SEARS— Free commu-
from 7 to 9 p.m. through the the Big Rapids Band Shell EVART— A fish fry or Contact Marsha at 231- nity dinner will be held
summer. The music fea- In the event of rain, the shrimp dinner will be held 743-6092 every Saturday night at
tured will be old country Big Rapids First United
Free lunches available on Fridays from 5 to 8 p.m. TUSTIN— Augustana 5:45 p.m. in Brooks Corners
and gospel. Methodist Church at 304 for children during at the Evart Moose Lodge, Lutheran Church Hall with a contemporary
If you have any ques- Elm St. is the alternate summer 8400 U.S. 10 in Evart. Every Monday, 9 a.m. to worship at 6:30 p.m. Invite
tions, contact Pete at 231- concert site. For more information, noon, for Pine River school a friend.
629-0122. EVART — Evart Public call 231-734-6181. district residents only
Schools will be sponsoring Contact Katie at 231-768-
‘Powerful Tools for the Summer Food Service 4418
Weight loss group
Founders Day picnic to Caregivers’ Program for Children dur-
Bingo at Evart Moose LEROY — Rose Lake meetings on Thursdays
be held at Eagle Village BIG RAPIDS — The MSU ing the summer months EVART— Evart Moose Free Methodist Church EVART— T.O.P.S weight
HERSEY — Eagle Village Extension six-week pro- to provide free lunches for Lodge will host Bingo each Second Tuesday of the loss support group meets
is celebrating 50 years of gram “Powerful Tools for children. Monday at 8400 U.S. 10. month from 3-5 p.m. for all every Thursday at 8:30 a.m.
helping kids and families Caregivers” has been post- The lunches will be held Doors open at 4 p.m. Early Osceola County residents at the Evart United Meth-
with a Founders Day Pro- poned due to lack of signup June 4 through August 10 bird takes place at 6 p.m. Contact Vicky at 231-388- odist Church. Weigh-in is
gram and Picnic on Satur- and will now be held on from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. with regular Bingo at 6:30 1782 from 8:30 to 9:15 a.m. and
day, June 23. Fridays from August 17 Monday through Friday. p.m. (License No. A21600). REED CITY— St. Phillip meeting is at 9:30 a.m.
Registration begins at through Sept. 21. No lunch will be served on Neri Church
10 a.m. and the event will The program focuses on July 4. Every Tuesday, Thurs-
include tours, lunch, camp helping caregivers take The lunches will be
Rock, gem and mineral day, 1 to 4 p.m.
Health specialty clinic
activities and a chance to care of themselves while held at Evart Elementary club meetings Contact Robert at 231-832- REED CITY— Urolo-
talk with founders Kermit caring for a relative or School, 515 N. Cedar St., BIG RAPIDS — Big Rap- 2624 gist, John Anema, M.D.
and Jean Hainley. friend. Topics will include Evart. ids Rock, Gem and Mineral will be offering outpatient
The program will be held ways to reduce stress, Free meals will be made Club will hold meetings at services at the hospital’s
on the campus of Eagle Vil- communication solutions, available to children 18 6:30 p.m. on the first Thurs-
AARP meeting Specialty Clinic twice a
lage, 5044 175th Ave. Please reducing guilt, anger and years of age and under day of the month (March REED CITY— AARP No. month.
RSVP to Barb at 231-832- depression, ways to relax, or persons up to age 26 through December) at the 2418 meets on the second He will be consulting
7249 or bfrahm@eaglevil- how to make tough deci- who are enrolled in an Geology lab, room 138, sci- Wednesday of every month with patients on the second
lage.org before June 11. sions and problem-solving. educational program for ence building, at Ferris at the United Methodist Friday of the month and
The program will be held the mentally or physically State University. Church in Reed City. performing outpatient sur-
on Fridays from 11 a.m. to 1 disabled that is recognized Potluck lunch (bring gery and other procedures,
Ferris Community Band p.m. at the MSU Extension by a state or local public own table service) will including lithotripsy on
performing Wednesday Big Rapids office, 14485 educational agency.
Free blood pressure start at noon followed by a the fourth Friday.
concerts Northland Dr. Feel free to For more information, clinics program starting at 1 p.m. The clinic is located at
bring a sack lunch. contact Cheryl Sherman at EVART— Osceola Coun- Everyone welcome. 300 N. Patterson Road. Con-
BIG RAPIDS — Ferris This is a free program 231-734-5594. ty Commission on Aging For more information, tact Spectrum Health Reed
State University Com- but registration is required is offering free blood pres- contact Marylou at 231-832- City Hospital Specialty
munity Summer Band is by calling Lisa at 231-592- sure clinics for adults 60 4938. Clinic at 231-832-7108 for
performing a series of con- 0792 or emailing danie270@
Breakfast buffet years and older. Monthly more information.
certs for its 53rd year. msu.edu. at Evart VFW post blood pressure screenings
Shepherd’s Table
The concerts, all begin- EVART— A breakfast will be conducted at the
ning at 7 p.m., are as fol- buffet will be held on the OCCOA meal sites in Ev- REED CITY— Church of
CActivities at the Reed
Evart Library holding second and fourth Sundays art, Marion and Tustin. the Nazarene, Shepherd’s City Senior Center
• Wednesday, June 20, at book sale from 7 to 11 a.m., monthly Evart’s clinic will be held Table makes a free meal ev- REED CITY— The Se-
the Big Rapids Band Shell EVART — Evart Public until November, at 4681 the second Tuesday every ery Thursday at 5:30 p.m., nior Center, 219 Todd Ave.,
85th Ave. month, 10 a.m. to noon. 5300 220th Ave. Donations has the following activities:
The Evart meal site is lo- welcome. Wednesday: Fun Bingo
cated at 732 West Seventh (18 and older) at 12:30 p.m.
Bingo at Evart VFW St. (U.S. 10). Thursday: Euchre at
EVART— VFW Post Marion and Tustin’s clin-
Dinner with friends at 12:30 p.m.
7979 will host Bingo each ics will be held the third St. Paul Lutheran Church Friday night: Regular
HERE’S MY CARD Thursday, at 4681 85th Ave. Tuesday each month, 10
Doors open at 4 p.m. Early a.m. to noon. The Marion
EVART— Dinner with
Friends Community Meal
Bingo (weather permit-
ting). Doors open at 4:30
Bird start at 6 p.m. (License meal site is at the Eagles’ will be held on the second p.m. Early Birds start at 6
A04340) building, 220 South Mill St. Wednesday of each month p.m. (License No.A22502)
WINDOW TOPS weight loss
The Tustin meal site is at
213 South Neilson.
from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at St. For further information,
Paul Lutheran Church, 435 contact Carolyn at 231-832-
SHOPPING? meeting
Walk-in clinics. If you
wish to eat at the meal site,
W. 5th St. Sponsored by St. 2676.
Paul Lutheran Church and
Check Out REED CITY— TOPS call 231-734-5559 at least the Evart United Method-
Free movie nights
Polar Seal Vinyl Windows weight loss meetings, Reed a day before to reserve a ist Church.
for Your Home! City, Chapter 1682, Monday spot. Donations appreciated. SEARS— Free movie
• Energy Efficient • Maintenance Free • Easily Cleaned weigh-in at 5:30 p.m. and Takeout available. nights will be held the
• FINANCING AVAILABLE • meeting from 6 to 7 p.m. at For more information, second Friday night of the
“Your Full Service Glass Shop” St. Paul Lutheran Church.
Food pantries contact 231-734-3585 or 231- month at 7 p.m. at Brooks
800-922-GLAS • 231-779-3960 Located next to Arby’s • Cadillac
A food pantry is available
to residents in need who
In the event that school
Corner Hall, U.S. 66 and 10.
Free popcorn and hot dogs.
Al-Anon meeting live in Osceola County. The is canceled, Dinner with
REED CITY— Al-Anon following is a list of the dif- Friends will not take place.
Day book club
Introducing... meetings will be held on ferent locations, hours and
at Reed City Library
Mondays at 1 p.m. at St. contact people.
Free dinner
FUR BABIES PET CARE Philips Church in Reed SEARS— Former Orient REED CITY— A day
Dogs & Cats at Reed City Church book club will be held on
REED CITY— There the first Wednesday of the
• Bath & Brush will be a free dinner every month at 1:30 p.m. at the
• Haircuts
• Experienced,
Care Add Monday from 5 to 7 p.m. at Reed City Public Library.

Day &
Night Yourtovoice
CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT: 231.408.0305 the Marjory Carey Sander
20219 E. US-10 Reed City
conversation. celebrates 90th birthday
• Wills • Probate
Send your local stories, news, events, EVART — Marjory Car- Allen.
• Trust • Real Estate and pictures in to the Weekly Voice. ey Sander of Beach Park, Marjory will celebrate
• Family Law: The FREE weekly paper for Evart, Ill. and formerly of Evart at the Carey family re-
Divorce, will be celebrating her union 1 p.m. Sunday, June
Paternity, Reed City, Hersey, Sears & Chase. 90th birthday on June 24. 24, at Riverside Park in
Child Custody, Marjory was born on Evart. She has never
Adoptions June 24, 1928 in Evart. Her missed any of the 46 re-
first married name was unions.
White Law Office, P.L.C.
James R. White, Attornery At Law
116 N. Main St. • Evart • 231-734-3531

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4 • weekly voice www.weeklyvoice.net | Thursday, June 21, 2018Reed City High School

Reed City High School honor roll

12th grade Allison Meese Mason Bush Vitoria Diesel Thiesen Brendan Ruppert Shelby DeVries
4.0 honor roll Jackson Miller Hunter Diehl Taylor Harrison Michael Z. Saez Hannah Diehl
Ching Hang Benny Chan Madelin Mora Nicholas Douglass Cecilia Lewis Jeffrey Samuels Dylan Foster
Emma McCleary Simon Moreno Hailey Duchene Nicholas Manack Maxwell Selfridge William Garason
Seth Phelps Emily Nehmer Megan Gawne Calvin Rohde Sebastian Selfridge Brendan Goodburn
Devin Willard Alanna Nelson Megan Green Jenna Salsbury Elizabeth Shannon Blake Gulyban
Katelin Goodburn Hana Ondrus Grace Johnson Alaina Stein Madison Tagliareni Payton Hansen
Hunter Morrison Heather Ostrander Jenna Johnson 10th grade MacKenzie Vandawater Jesse Harwood
Tyler Powers Maddisyn Paine Michael Johnson 3.9-3.0 honor roll Alexis Ward Shyan Holmquist
Devin Yonkin Jeffery Phenix Olivia Johnson Marissa Adams Clayton Wayne Abigaile Johnson
Lorenz Hoernel Madison Prusakiewicz Preston Johnson Anthony Alexander Mackenzie Wein Kylie Jones
Allison Obermier Makayla Roggow Phillip Jones-Price Darian Cole Tyler Wirth Autumn Kailing
Allison Roberts Bradley Rogowski Jared Kienitz Hailee Conklin Faith Woods Mekenzie Lintemuth
Catherine Kettner Jordan Root Paige Lindeman Kayleigh Cook Trenton Livermore Jr.
Alyssa Olds Emily Ruppert Lacey Lodholtz Olivia Davidson 9th grade Johnny Malackanich
Jordyn Storch Sidni Rushford Amanda Lynk Alison Duddles 2nd semester 4.0 Collin McPherson
12th grade Marissa Russell Katelyn Miscikoski Lily Duddles Claudia Francke Makayla Mondrella
3.9-3.0 honor roll Rikki Saez Kamryn Myers Gauge Ebenstein Noah Jones Alexis Penney
Hanna Andrews April Shoemaker Alyssa Parson Macayla Eichenberg Brooke Miller Mackenzie Peterman
Drew Arnold Sara Spedowski Makia Pasch Cassie Enos Sierra Schneidt Mia Petersen
Kiera Barker Tori Sroka Alaynah Pelton Julia Hackworth Maiya Willard Destiny Renne
Noah Bellor Noah Stahl Anthony Pelton Zachary Hamilton 9th grade Elizabeth Renne
Katie Bittner Damion Stinson Molly Perreault Caleb Harris 3.9-3.0 honor roll Porter Selfridge
Hannah Boza Adam Strach Skylar Posigian Abigail Helsel Joshua Adams Joseph Shewan
Miranda Church Madison Sunderlin Jackson Price Madeleine Hoernel Lillian Andres Destiny Shinn
Connor Cornelius Matthew Swales Thomas Quinn Hailey Horchner Parker Benedict Brandon Stephens
Courtney Daniel Olivia Thompson Melissa Raab Kameron Horchner Jagger Boyer Landen Tomaski
Phoenix DeBoer Mickayla Tupper Elizabeth Reed Kenzy Ingersoll Ethan Brown Keegan Weck
Jade Ebels Brett Walker Haven Reed Emily Johnson Kenneth Burke II Belle Whipple
Charles Elliott Meghan Wallace Melody Renne Jillian Johnson Jersey Castor Paige Williams
Emily Fisk Parker Ward Joseph Roberts Leigha Johnson Ellen DePew Kaitlin Woods
Kayla Fleming Haleigh Welch Andrea Satterlee Megan Jones
Ivy Fudge Jett White Kiley Shoemaker Jayna Kailing
Bryce Grannis Magnolia White Ryan Simmons Alyssa Kangas
Carmen Guy Dylan Wineman Kayla Smith Jared Karns
Anna Hamner Taylor Wymer Amber Spehar Karlie Kearns
Mia Hille Alyssa Straub Lauren Larson
Dilan Hooper 11th grade Paul Tumminello Megan Letter
Olivia Howell 2nd semester 4.0 Sophie VanAntwerp Auston Major
Chase Hyzer Steven Shewan Brooke Voelker Danielle McCarver
Karsten Koopman Timothy Taubitz Damien Wyman Jeannie Melanson
Clover Krainik Troy Todd Layla Yost Mary Meyer
Ciara Laramore Brett White Madelynn Morgan
Robert Lawrence Connor Williams 10th grade Ryan Neal
Breanna Lenahan Brandon Wirth 2nd semester 4.0 Lee Perreault
Amber Letter 11th grade Noah Blythe Paige Peterman
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6 • weekly voice www.weeklyvoice.net | Thursday, June 21, 2018

Public record
Evart Police Department Situation — Officers were contact with a subject with tion. into the woods. A male sub- an indecent exposure situ-
Report dispatched to a suspicious warrants for their arrest. Monday 6/4/18 ject was seen leaving the ation. Officers spoke with
• 6/4/2018 CSC — Officers situation complaint. They were transported to • Officers were dispatched vehicle on foot. The 37-year- the female, accused of ex-
were dispatched to a crimi- • 6/12/2018 Arson — Of- the Osceola County Jail regarding a suspicious old male driver was located posing herself through the
nal sexual conduct com- ficers were called to inves- where they were lodged on smell at an apartment com- and questioned. The man window to her neighbors.
plaint. The case remains tigate an arson complaint. their warrants. plex. Officers were unable was issued a citation for The woman denied the in-
open at this time. The case remains open at • 6/15/2018 Traffic Com- to locate the source of the careless driving and his ve- cident. The matter is under
• 6/8/2018 Investigation this time. plaint — Officers conduct- smell. hicle towed. Marijuana was investigation.
— Officers were dispatched • 6/12/2018 Litter — Offi- ed a traffic stop and it was • Officers were dis- also located in the vehicle. Friday 6/8/18
to a failure to pay com- cers were called to a litter- determined that the vehi- patched to a local residence A warrant will be request- • Officers received a
plaint at a local business. ing complaint. An investi- cle had an invalid license regarding a suspicious sit- ed. complaint regarding an
The subject was identified gation was conducted and plate and no proof of insur- uation. The caller reported • Officers were requested indecent exposure situa-
and returned to pay for the issue was resolved. ance. The driver was issued an elderly man walking to assist with a male that tion. The caller reported
their purchase. • 6/12/2018 MDOP — Of- a citation and the vehicle around the outside of her was reported to not be act- seeing a male defecate in
• 6/9/2018 OWI — During ficers were called to ma- was towed. house. She reported he ing himself. Officers spoke the front yard within view
a traffic stop for speeding, licious destruction of • 6/16/2018 Curfew/Child came to the front and was with the male who admit- of a school bus. The inves-
officers made contact with property complaint. The Endangerment — Officers just standing there looking ted to having some mental tigation has been turned
a driver that was deter- owner of the property does made contact with a minor confused. The officer spoke health issues. Officer deter- over to the Michigan State
mined to be under the influ- not wish to seek charges out past curfew. The minor with the man in question, mined he was not a harm Police for warrant submis-
ence of alcohol intoxicants. against the person respon- was transported to their who reported that he was to himself or others at that sion as it took place just in-
Marijuana and open intoxi- sible for the damages. residence where it was looking for his inside cat time and assisted him in side Newaygo County.
cants were located in the • 6/14/2018 Civil — Of- discovered that the minor that had gotten out and calling family. • Officer issued a verbal
vehicle. The subject was ficers were advised of an in question had left a tod- crossed the street. • School Liaison Officer warning to a teenage ju-
arrested and transported argument between two sub- dler alone unsupervised. Tuesday 6/5/18 received a complaint re- venile for no driver side
to the Osceola County Jail jects over a vehicle. The case is open pending • Officers located and ar- garding a suspicious ve- rearview mirror and a MIP
where they were lodged on • 6/14/2018 Child Abuse review. rested a 26-year-old male hicle subject lingering near tobacco.
charges. — Officers were called to a • 6/17/2018 PIA — Offi- who held an outstanding the elementary school. The • Officers were dispatched
• 6/10/2018 Civil — Offi- complaint of subjects ar- cers were dispatched to a felony warrant for bur- 58-year-old man was locat- to perform a well-being
cers were called to a prop- guing and child abuse. The personal injury accident. glary out of the 77th Dis- ed and questioned during check. The caller reported
erty dispute. Subjects were case remains open at this The driver of the offending trict Court. He was then which it was learned he seeing a post on social me-
advised to contact district time. vehicle was cited for failure transported to the Osceola had two outstanding war- dia that indicated a male
court. • 6/14/2018 Trespassing to yield the right of way. County Jail where he was rants. He was then placed subject may be suicidal. Of-
• 6/11/2018 PDA — Of- — Officers were called to • 6/17/2018 Traffic — Dur- lodged without incident. under arrest and transport- ficers were unable to locate
ficers were called to a car/ report a trespassing viola- ing a traffic stop, officers • Officers were dispatched ed to the Osceola County the man in Reed City area.
deer property damage ac- tion. The subject was ar- made contact with a driver to Spectrum Health Reed Jail where he was lodged It was later determined
cident. No injuries were rested and transported to not carrying a valid drivers City campus ER, regarding without incident. The man he might be in another ju-
reported. the Osceola County Jail license. an elderly male found wan- was waiting in the car with risdiction but attempts to
• 6/11/2018 Trespass — where they were lodged on dering in the back parking his dog while other family locate had already been ex-
Officers were called to their violation. lot wearing only boxers attended a school function. hausted there as well.
serve a No Trespass notice. • 6/14/2018 Misc. Traffic
Reed City police report and a heavy coat. When • Officer were dispatched • Officers received a re-
The subject was located — Officers were called to a If you see any suspicious the responding officer ar- to a possible case of crimi- port from a local business
and served with the notice. complaint of a semi-truck activity, call 911. For a non- rived, the hospital staff nal sexual conduct. The that was receiving several
• 6/11/2018 Assist — Of- that struck a utility pole. emergency call 832-3255. had brought the 94-year-old matter is under investiga- harassing phone calls then
ficers were called to assist Upon arrival, it was deter- Email tips to policereedc- man into the ER room. The tion. later told they were just
the Osceola County Sher- mined that no impact took ity@gmail.com. staff reported the man was • Officers were called to being pranked. The owner
iff ’s Department with a do- place. Did you know? confused and admitted to local apartment regarding just wanted to report them
mestic assault complaint. • 6/15/2018 Insufficient Michigan law requires having dementia. Family an open door situation. The and to have them to stop as
• 6/11/2018 Probation Funds — Officers were pedestrians use a sidewalk members were identified woman reported returning they were disrupting busi-
Violation — Officers were called to a business for an whenever one is provided. and contact made. to her apartment and found ness.
called to a complaint of a insufficient funds check Where a sidewalk is not • Officers were dispatched the door slightly ajar and Saturday 6/9/18
subject with an outstand- complaint. Contact was provided pedestrians are regarding a bag of marijua- she knew she had locked it • Officers were requested
ing warrant for a probation made with the business required to walk on the na found on the sidewalk. when she left. The matter is to perform a civil standby
violation. The offender was and it was determined left side of the road facing When the responding offi- under investigation. for a child exchange. The
arrested and transported that the issue had been re- traffic. The penalty for non- cer arrived the caller point- • Officers were notified child exchange took place
to the Osceola County Jail solved. compliance is a citation ed to a bag on the ground of a large dog on the loose. without incident.
where they were lodged on • 6/15/2018 Civil — Of- and fine. he found that he was sure Unable to catch the dog, of- Monday 6/11/18
their warrant. ficers responded to a com- Sunday 6/3/18 contained marijuana. The ficers were able to locate its • Officers were dis-
• 6/11/2018 Domestic — plaint of damage to a ve- • Officers were requested contents were field tested, owner and inform them of patched to a larceny of gar-
Officers responded to a hicle. The complainant was to respond to a two-vehi- which resulted in a positive the dog’s location. A one- dening items. The matter is
complaint of home inva- advised that the issue was a cle personal damage ac- for marijuana. The bag was time warning was issued under investigation.
sion in conjunction with civil matter due to the vehi- cident on U.S. 131 near 3 then confiscated to be de- for Dog at Large. • Officers were dis-
the aforementioned proba- cle being shared property. Mile Road as the Osceola stroyed. • Officers arrested a patched to a local apart-
tion violation. • 6/15/2018 CSC — Offi- County Sheriff ’s Dept. was Wednesday 6/6/18 31-year-old male on charg- ment complex in reference
• 6/11/2018 Larceny — Of- cers were called to a crimi- tied up on a separate call. • Officers were dis- es of unlawful entry. The to a dispute among tenants
ficers were dispatched to nal sexual conduct com- No injuries were reported. patched to a property dam- man was transported to the regarding the speed one
a larceny complaint. The plaint. The case remains Officers cleared once the age accident. The 911 caller Osceola County Jail with- tenant was driving in the
case remains open at this open at this time. sheriff ’s deputies were able reported a vehicle struck out incident. parking lot. Officers spoke
time. • 6/15/2018 Misdemeanor to respond and take over his neighbors mailbox and • Officers were dispatched to both side and the situa-
• 6/11/2018 Suspicious Arrest(s) — Officers made the scene and the investiga- drove across the yard and to take a report regarding tion was resolved.


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Thursday, June 21, 2018 | www.weeklyvoice.net weekly voice • 7

GT Norman recognizes final Student of the

Month, Walking Club classes
By Alexander Sinn did not have Student of
Weekly Voice the Month, and Principal
DeAnna Goodman said
REED CITY — Peyton there was an increase in
knows how to be respon- negative behavior from
sible. Tony’s classmates students.
think he’s great at making With a goal to look for-
games. Hunter has a great ward to, she said, students
sense of humor. have improved their atti-
Cade comes to the com- tude and actions at school.
puter lab at the end of the “We’ve seen an increase
school day to turn off com- in positive behavior since
puters. we started doing this,” she
These students and sev- said. “Students are becom-
eral of their peers were ing more kind. They’re
recognized Thursday at looking out for each
Reed City’s Student of the other.”
Month assembly. Students Walking club members
vote for their peers to re- who walked several miles
ceive the title. this year were also award-
In 2016-2017, Reed City ed medals and trophies.

Left to right, third- through fifth-grade GT Norman Elementary students of the month Bryanna Skutt, Kara Gulyban, Ami Kadlwell, Aubrey
Vandawater, Maddox Ludholtz, Thomas Profrock, Gwyn Dent, Maiya Simon, Tyler Woodside, Paityn Enos, Trever Charles, Kaiden Langwor-
thy, Hunter Fayer-Moyer. Left and Below: students get their rewards and display them.

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The losses are
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Thursday, December starting to add up: WEEKEND, December 9-10, 2017morE prEpS b2

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cadillac 1 at half- Knight added seven.
An Arctic season. quarter and trailed 27-22 points,

McBain Days
CADILLAC — ratures plung-
to- Kallie Poulos had 12 • Cadillac won the freshman
"The girls played together on in the
Manton Vet time before turning it steals.
PUSH - PULL - DRAG has sent tempe in Northern TRAVERSE CITY —
Now, each
night and started trusting Kaye third quarter.
three rebounds and three game 49-39.
ing below
and the bitter
cold that's more like it.
a strong other," Cadillac coach
The Vikings outscored
TC Cen- Cadillac (1-3 overall,
1-1 BNC)
on Tuesday.
Emma McTaggart paced
while purchasing, bidding
By Karen Hopper
UsHer is likely to
remain into
the Cadillac put together
effort from start to finish
and Johns said. "I am proud
way they played.
of the
tral 21-12 to take a 43-34
lead into hosts Manistee the JV game
• Cadillac won
Vikings with 12 points
Madi Drabik had 11,
Livi Meyer
new year. 58-47 the fourth quarter. eight. Rules cover use of
packed with
Central that
CadillaC News of minus
12 beat Traverse City "They dug deep and found Ca- 42-22. nine and Chesni Birgy and look for good prices
A reading girls that had Makenna Bryant paced Baily Little paced the
the Wexfo
rd in a Big North Conference fire to compete and win 22 points, eight credit cards by staff, but not expected to

Comeback Comets jew

degrees at

night. dillac with have
etting splashn’s rt on Wedn
basketball contest Friday the first couple of

items from a bidding process.

Vikings been missing
$1,000 County Airpowas the result large purchases
by a firema
mid- ng It's the first win for the For purchases of $500
hose in the day morni
, calm Tuesd
1700s to today
to $5,000, the depart-
dle of the
can be great er, anyway. The
MINIMUM of a frigid ing to Gay-
night, accord Weather 2
By kaRen hoppeR UsheR
CadillaC News
ment head would have
to approve
al the pur-
lord Nation rologist Jeff
Top Scores
In the summ ned in McBain a chase, the money would
happe Service meteo by chris lamphere LAKE CITY — Missaukee
game last
couple years
hoses to
firemen used street. The
Payments As Low As Zoltowski. on a northe
Cadillac sits plateau of
rn boys Hoops
cadillac neWs 4 County commissione
have to be in the budget,
and employees would

$150 mo.
maNtoN are considering new be
Teams of
gan 57 expected to hold an
t around the standing Lower Michi

TC West
ned, tc WESt ucked into the credit card and pur- in-
push a bucke
water cooled
✔ Bankruptcy and the elevat
ski explai
hills, Zoltow ion can help
mcbaiN Nmc 66
corner of Man-
NMC girls rally to 6 chasing rules. formal bidding process
over phone or email.

ton’s Rotary County employees
of the perfec ratures plum-

You not only get the big weekend edition of the

nearby. so it was kind
45 For purchases of
those tempe tc chriStiaN Memorial Park, have been using their
score a big win over
“It was hot, City Councilman
game,” recalle
d ✔ Foreclosures ed a
g that featur games
met. effect clouds 79 Manton
the Area Veter-
7 own credit cards to buy
$5,000 to $10,000, a for-
things the county needs mal bidding process
While lake
Rangers to face host
are makin cause rEEd city Museum
variety of
✔ Repossession showers can 72 Memorial
Mayor Joey
Rober ts and Smith again.
hing like it, and activit
ies, Smith
there have
and snow
to move in both NEWaygo
is a hidden Manton
jewel of as- online and are then re-
would be required,
the county administra-
games, he-
been told
8 Petoskey in
it, or somet a- the needle history just imbursed.
plans to do summer celebr said. He’s concerts, Zoltowski
hEritagE chr. sembled
n Days, the city’s ittentl OVER 100 CARS
y. In the n dinners,
been chicke and even a contest
to catch a CadillaC News
File PHoTo
ntial snow y
is pro-
23 to be enjoyed cadillacby news
Among the biggest news stories
Under a proposed
tor would have to ap-
prove the purchase.
invitational today
McBai interm under a new bEth havEN
held only n, it was little substa of 2017 were, clockwise, from revised policy, de-
tion, has been
Smith has
lived in McBai TO CHOOSE FROM
licopter rides
was a pan- could soon return
McBain Days summer celebration has
jected for
Wexford Count gIrLs Hoops the public.MANTON — Stay calm. in the dispute over Cadillac top left, the Green Mill Motel CadillaC News file For purchases greater

Cadillac News but the Weekly Voice and Cadillac News

d pig. bers, there snow 58Hanging on the
walls Junction, the Skatetricity fire, explosion and fire, the court photos partment heads and
three years grease Some light and the opening of the new ruling than $10,000, commis-
he remem name. The city’s ttently. In the three years cadillac
WE CAN HELP! this week.
of Rob- by Fri- themoredefense. Wexford County Jail. approved employees

What was the big story of 2017

At the one , he said. Extendare
held just once. it back is a key part of his and a parade ed in recent in 1-3 inches tc cENtral 47 the museum
of cadillac news sioners would need
But bringi
ng big part breakfast held only intermiDoug Smith has lived g it could bring
with anothe
r 2-3 All will be
than 500 pictures of fine.
vet- would be able to have to
and a cake photos archiv d-pole City Councilmanheld just once. But bringin day, he said, Chris- approve the purchase
for the city Cadillac News tanks and a grease of whom
Northern live
Michigan county
The good credit cards

erts’ plan office, he said. ssee, Joey nd. 51
tc St. fraNciS erans, PETOSKEY — and the there would
to run for ille, Tenne years show
dunk McBain, it was Smith and Mayor over the weeketuRn to pAge A2 21 lived tianwithin rallied to beat Manton
a 20-mile with
is they won. credit limits of
motivation in Knoxv t. the a key part of
a big part of his For more, mcbaiN or Confer- news have to be a formal,
Roberts grew up in McBain. He’s be.
contes named Smith er back is
for the city and radius of in a Highland
48-41 $2,000.
news is
il recently
but his wife
grew to
n Days used to,” he
The city councittee to bring back
“a summ Roberts’ plan run for office, Smith said.
mcbaiN Nmc 48Each photoence girls a story, contest
The not-so-good
they've got a lottor
to work on Administra-
competitive, sealed
McBai motivation to
stories of
what to get back CHEVROLET
head of a
comm 41 former Friday museumnight.
Google Maps aerial photo.
opened itsGarland told

delivered right to your home every Thursday.

Tulio Herani Oliveira

A2 maNtoN and Still, Mantoncommission Under the current pol-
I’m trying for the tuRn to pAge
and host mother Tracie Koopman. CometsWar were down
Cadillac News readers can vote Museum is pictured in this

but a lot
“That’s what ts family moved here celebration.” curator and TheKorean 63-57 win ers that
For more, The Manton Area Veterans Memorial
half season with a the icy, the board reviews
Corner of M-55 & M-66 the first
online, on Facebook, Twitter
is a little late
in all

Reed City
Rober Rick cHARMoli | Weekly Voice 54 Neal
double digits
Bennett purchases
City West in would
said. The , he said. piNE rivEr veteran over Traversestill purchases greater than

community stories in the third

ther woman ly shares connection with Brazil

er celebrJust
South of Lake City 34 but took
them all, control need
of theto be work-
small-town was a summ Evart knows the north but they the opening game $2,000. Garland said
n Days www.classicc hevyonline.com CoURTesY PHoTo quarter.
that “signify what Amer- feet to another
related. Clerk Jessica
McBai is of my had to moveByto Petoskey Invitational.Nielsen explained that that doesn’t go far, and
“I am soHe

by born to Lu
proud Rick chaRmoli
1-800-55-4LESS Ginger rEEd city 46 is all about.”
giving uplocation
record- on because of all of weigh in beginning Saturday While ‘It's always
the invoicing system because the board meets
Mattos, 13 an audiofor not Dec. 9, through Wednesday , weekend paper.
making girls CadillaC News
NEWaygo items they amassed just once a month, it
sto- the back happy

on credit cards issued

of Luther, ing withthe thegame personaland clawing the years. , To vote, go to https://
By Ben Glick holds her in it,” NMC
ries of almost everycoach vet- Jason throughout 017 was a
Dec. 27. The following
15 stories
with nice to win
to county employees can be burdensome
26 big year
expansion for big were chosen docs.google. the win, things
s early on Dec.
, “We just said
legacy. The museum by the Cadillac com/ would make purchases like housing and
Weekly Voice son, Makaio a lasting
eran forTowers said. stories, 2014 the dueCadil-
was started in and forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScea furnace grants.

arrives four week

shortly after Main Events at halftime
Compliment ing thisthat the game’s lac Newsgwants and was
News newsroom as the
you, the debated which staff VP91xAcrU7wU7fb51gL
0- Rangers your first
more transparent and
coach Ry- easier to track. The topic received

Makaio Mattos
REED CITY — Tracie to overcrowdin
Koop- his birth on impressive not over. They had
collection of nine
stories should i-
means “gift madereader,
possibletoby individ-
decide 7gucSVjo2a-5QpitP9cFc an Hiller much discussion during
ew, which man was a high school junior Tuesday. Wrestling:
photos are points from six
a variety of feet behind
which make the list. aQ/ knows game.’
Garland also proposed
sion of Matth she left Reed City and Makaio was Manton Invitation- to the mili-line.ual Takewas
and thegroup donations.
biggest. viewform?c=0&w=1 the commissioners’
mas baby Brazil landed in items related
the (three-point) town Once the voting has conclud- or vote his team revising the county’s fi-
inthis the Cadillac News’ Facebookvia
UsHer of God.” al. 9 a.m. With
“People thatin nance committee meet-
By Karen Hopper ered a ChristSao Paulo, Big Rap- in 1986. the first tary andthose U.S. awayconflicts and it’s a five- mind, readers
extremely gen- ed, the top five stories purchasing
Hiller policy.
Still consid 26 arrival, the will havebeen has to do Ryan ing Thursday.
CadillaC News
Dec. Recalling it
the family more than 30 baby born at Hockey:
from thepoint game. ry
Revolutiona have the opportunity to announced in the Dec.
will be or Twitter accounts. Purchases
manton boys under $500
despite his gaveyears Livonia Franklin at erous,” Bennett said. 30-Jan. 1 Area 7 a much would Commissioners are
r woman al Auxiliary later,
aftershe was surprised Big Rapids War to today. “The seniors really Bennett said they re- See full STory be considered

S — A Luthe ids Hospit baby born l after Cadillac. Noon. team on A8 better job basic basketball coach due to vote Tuesday
BIG RAPID a few hours too late . The first bytoo. how quickly a remark
of Hospita stepped up
Such items include and a led the
a 1,500-foot Area 6 and routine. during the board’s regu-
son a gift basket will get one, interest to the local rotary Christmas of fromquitcently and finished rebound- Employees n
birthed her wheelchair They never would be
mas baby. the new year contains a sleep sack, club woodenback. addition onto the west ing, lar monthly meeting.
Christ turned a WWII- He was also childhood expected to and

‘Getting your house in order’

a true born four into an-
a plane ticket to 2017. the WWIkept era,their composure.” and be prudent
to be
o Mattos was way, his The basket a blanke t, a stuffed theof the building will taking care of the ball
On Deck side kusher@cadillacnews.com | 775-News
But Makai Brazil’s mostetpopulated city - era Jeep, a chest used by after
led 14-10 friends with museum (6397)
ture. In that at Spec- clothing, bibs,onesies, while a babyshe bracel Manton
g officer and was up this Labor Day, they
28-14 Neil Perry hitting free throws.
weeks prema 26 s, a knew a word
barely first quarter
a high-rankin event founders to win
a.m. on Dec. imal, a book, to Bill Keran of s NMC holding a special
beout- and John Robbins, who "It's always nice
birth at 3:19 Big Rapids Hospital according Portuguese. Washington’ before

and a cap, ions specia list at Spec- in George at halftime to
your first game," Hiller

Subscribe today!
to invite the public passed away earlier
trum Health early and The transition from a army, vintage
scored the Rangers 19-2 in theit out.
, was both communicat small check said. "I think our expecta-
Birthing Center trum Health
. town to a large s,
in at 7 pound atcity is daunting
from every third branch
quarter Communities hope to encourag
lead 33-30.
In the meantime, Ben-
“It’s a tough loss for tions are pretty high
late. s, Makai o’s mom, “Maka io weighed enough,
and was 20
inches but
long to do so in a differ- military, and Manton coach Jon Paul
the loss is
artifacts. on said he
nett e growthopens the
us,” Bennett said. “John with redevelopment program my team knows it can
Ginger Matto“Christmas sur- 12 ounces,
ent county
e stated. , and in a different other priceless
Katona said
her releas said many of museum to interested
By Ben Glick
a good friend
wasprogram of better than it did tonight.
called him language was a challenge,
birth,” a newsillacnews.com | 775-News (6397) Bennett him. the week The assesses the readi- and "There were a few times
ame. remembered.
the items “I havefeelbeenit’s my getCadillaCduring
do-job tovisitors News
and Sat- ness mine. I knew him my
of investment Evart submitted its resolu-
prise.” to BehindTheN
Re-covered the on Fridays
or develop- we could have put them
According ian ver- them over theto playand ment whole life.” tion around the
o is the Hawai
Koopman, now an English nated tothe girls ready
CADILLAC urdays,
veter- —that
Area the museum is
in communities based on six City submitted same time. Lake away but let them back in
com, Makai DNR tells Reed City teacher at Reed City years bygame families and I failed to
are adopting do to 4 p.m.best practice criteria that include its resolution in
bridge needs Middle Tulio Herani Oliveira, an exchange passed away. said.
“I thought
from noon
policies to encour- keeping
CadillaC News reporter November 2017, and Reed it. We've got a lot to work

Two-day forecast
School, remembered ans whotonight,” heage an updated
to be replaced a mo- his home country. Tulio’s mother, student from Brazil, speaks to a group of students Rick cHARMoli | Weekly Voice museum
investment Bennett
in the personally
and economic making Suhs
contributed this submitted its resolution
on and I think our guys fi-
ment when she was at The veterans
we were a step behind
growth through of the vet- Mardizoning ordinances easy on Dec. 4. after

Call 231-775-6565
Carla Oliveira, was also an at Reed City High School about most nally understand that
Deaths Man- knew a
dinner statewide to “Our focus for community
pagE 2 with her host family. The exchange student at Reed started its life in the
half. as- followstory.
and building permits (6397)

second sistance program.erans whose military to

Your community
City High School. .com | 775-neWseasy development is on downtown this game."
Darsha Day Daily
Albrecht, 49,
erupted in laughter, but
for its warmness and
Koopman remembered
openness, “But then we got Fading ton Area Historical
seum a couple
“I thought Over
we got out-
the last
line the
year, cities
pictures have
walls. getclamphere@cadillacnews
in order to build
ning, building and development
a solid plan- Area 8
revitalization , really encouraging Manton led 16-8 after
didn’t know why — evidently Carla be- Carla’s husband. a call from played andjoined at

the Redevelopment Ready first quarter and 30-27
hopes: redevelopment in the
Stats: 0
of us

you know!
UPC of
Cadillac not understanding that ing especially friendly He said she Our youthCommunity got the bestprogram, foundation for investment heartmarc our| cadillac news
of Vieau going
halftime. It was 46-39
Baker, 100, . and

Advertise with someone

a technical reinvestment
News MAG: 1.00
a joke was in the hospital and news communities,” Michelle
VanPolen during
Code Type: 3075-Cadillac
Eunice Elnora “She was one of those tonight but the goodinitiative Christian's KariPark-
A win at
BWA: 0.0030
had been told and she was very assistance .
people Michigan into the fourth quarter.
Order #:
on, Georgia
Symbol Width: 1.0200 couldn’t sick,” Koopman said. offered by the against Northernkonen, manager
P.O. #: of Carrollt owski, understand that you have an is the girls put this behind
Michigan Many
Wilder drives into the paint
communities have decid- the of the Redevelop- the
instant connec- Economic Development Ethan Ancick paced
Symbol Height:
Manton's Jaden ed 48-41.
Lewand it.
Tampa Bay is beat ment Rangers
Carla was diagnosed Ready
Patricia Marie an, Wisconsin
By: Flexo Width:
The Comets program, said. “It’s
ings! and we’re to take part.
tion to, and that was them already Corporation, contest.
Send us your draw
with Conference Cadillac and
She was unable to commu- not ever go- cancer, a public-private
Friday’s, Highland submitted about getting Rangers with 26 points

staff you
Date Run:
77, of Sheboyg n, 83, and she passed away its resolution of intent your house
ing to change,” Koopman
a must if the for next week.”
nonprofit nine rebounds.
in order
nicate with her host in ready
organization. to work added while Jayden

we have local, trustwo

said. points and four steals. ... and being open to business.” 14 rebounds
Noreen A. Robinso family for Carla was from to draw?
March 2016. Towers also commended with the MEDC in February
NMC (2-0 overall, 1-0
News, Madelyn Yount paced
the first few months, Crews work onPerry Salani
nMCS students
Do you like
a city in cen-
Lions hope Abby Brown paced Man-For more,
and site
the future
At the Cadill
BeN GliCk | CadillaC News
of Evart and coping tral k. Not long after that, the his team for taking much Turn Tohosts
pageLake City of the Cadillac
Dar-Commons farmers market, which
Hey kids! Brazil and
grant helps y poppins’ create the perfect ad.
your artwor a2 was
with the new culture called Cuiaba, Koop- with 16 points five Highland) funded with 11 points.
publish600,000 a city in the NMC ton with 14 points and scored
each from the Michigan Economic
she experi-
We wantof tonearly to
mans received a call
to make the better care of the ball on Tuesday while Manton Development Corporation.
on to help youTwo-day
See obituari
es on A4 enced extreme homesicknes
ntary it residents.
it off or mail c, MI,
from the
organization that organizes had 11 rebounds while steals while Jaden Wilder on ius Potter added six points
second half. The Comets FREE* ads too!
lin Eleme
present ‘Mar can count (3-2, 0-1) is at Pine River
s. In
Frankphone calls back home she said DropCarla’sll,experience foreign exchange program. the playoffs. Get Deaths half Lanser had 12
points, eight
offer rebounds.
Cameron, 9, she begged her Mitche Cadilla Weeight
mirrored had 11 points and eight and
Koopman’s it on the 17 turnovers in the first forecast rebounds and eight steals. Thursday.
parents to be 130 the look as page A8
forshe adjusted rebounds. Brianna Puffer
Vol. 146 No.
167 49601, and
to Carla’s son, Tulio Herani all the details. Codebut cut Terri
thatAnnto seven in the e Under $300
Friday Merchandis

& find out how you can start saving today!

sent back home. pace of aofsmall
front page the town in a
Oliveira, wanted to be Type: UPC Version
Desiree Ebels had nine •
-4 all of Swanson,

Livonia Franklin
new MONDAY Customer:

Bucks Sears & Chase.

second 59, formerlyStats: 0
“How do 13you| Low culture and the snowy
c News. a foreign 3075-Cadillac

• Merchandise Wanted

Reed City, Hersey,


5 High figure

Cadilla exchange student at Reed Order #: P36240-002
that climate of Cadillac

High 14 | Low out?”
Your Town. Your Paper. Your Voice.
Koopman said. of Northern Michigan City P.O. #: MAG: 1.00
High School, and Koopman Jessica
Ordered By: BWA: 0.0030
300 6
nues — which was totally
CadillaC News Classified
• Swap or Trade
Symbol Width: 1.4690

Snow, cold conti

Polarity: Positive
11885 00 But the hospitality of new for a was Up
Symbol Height: 1.0200
8 her host person from asked to host him. See obituaries
Date Run: 01/07/2003
on A4
Flexo Width: 0.0000 Specialist

skates past Cadillac

family eventually won a country where no Specialist

Cadillac News not long after she felt

out and snow falls. “I said yes of course,”
Koop- • Freebies

Heated win like one of man said.

ay Up to Da
the family. When Carla returned
zil, Koopman and
to Bra- In January 2017, Tulio
arrived • Lost & Found

beat the
Fully immersed in the
culture remained close. her family

Competition gets heated in Reed City, following said.
chili cookoff
in Evart and language, it wasn’t
before Koopman began
long When Koopman’s parents mother’s footsteps
in his
30 years later. Call Jessica or Jenifer your
65 or email
cadillac news
* MustGraham
the game,
be placed online
for the FREE ad.
or but il not only traveled to
Brazil in 1997, they
“It’s a good experience.
Doing specialists today 231.775.65 shots but weren't getting
pagE e Via
8 Text
to adapt also thrive. She s.com. CADILLAC — Cadillac
Send us your drawings!
146 No. adillacnew

a lot of second chances,"
to your Phon service@c
stayed she did.
remembered the excitement
ool Clos ings“When with Carla. It’s pretty customerVol. 152 Sabina, first grade, St. Ann’s dropped a 4-1 decision
Alerts sent she neat,” Tulio said. he said. "They were really
New s Sch
felt for the•first time she was
they saw her after
ads/ Livonia Franklin in

ts • Breaking of a conversation www.cadillacnews.com/class Hey kids! Do youtolike good in the defensive zone
all those years, it was Koopman valued the

able to understand every like she experi- to draw?ce hockey
Weather Aler s the dinner
word never left,” Koopman
“Families you stayed 8 11885 00600 Sunday Monday We want to publishnon-conferen
Drop it off orgame
artwork. at the Wex- and their goaltender was
a part of that, too.
s.com/alert In the summer of 2009, cadillac news certainly
table. with you mailCivic
it to Arena.
when have that kind of have PHoto couRtesy of tRAcie kooPMAn High 27 | Low 17 High 26 | Low 130 N. Mitchell, ford "We needed a much
Sign up at
“It was a much different Carla, her husband and
children connection a special Oliveira at
the Statue of Liberty on a
EVART — With the lead Cadillac News 12 Cadillac, MI, scored
The Patriots Fast-moving flames force
more physical presence
perience once I understood
ex- visited the U.S. they stayed with,” she said.
trip to New York.
Cold and snowy
49601, and look for
the it the of the first
on goal people
language,” Koopman the Koopman’s family, and
did so
The familiarity between
the at halftime, Pine River
front page of
and then built a 2-0 to flee on a moment’s notice
in the front of their net
us to
said. again in 2013. Koopman’s family and
the Oli- off Evart's second-half the Cadillac period
Pine River’s News. because they pushed
And not only did Koopman gram to get the full benefits lead before the Vikings pagea bit."
become conversation “We realized it was important veras is so deep that Tulio now the program, and said of surge Friday for a 54-34 Logan Powell the outside quite a7the
ally profi- calls Koopman’s paren girls puts up a shot got moving. That continued into
for her B families Highland Conference th a lot
Thursday, June 21, 2018 | www.weeklyvoice.net weekly voice • 9

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Walk-In Clinic
650 Linden Street, Suite 1
Big Rapids, MI 49307

Hours: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday

Spectrum Health Reed City Hospital

Convenient Care Walk-In Clinic

Multispecialty Clinic – Reed City
300 N. Patterson Road
Reed City, MI 49677

Hours: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday
8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturdays


We’re here for you.

Big Rapids 231.796.3200 | Reed City 231.832.7170 | spectrumhealth.org/walkin
©Spectrum Health 03.2018
10 • weekly voice www.weeklyvoice.net | Thursday, June 21, 2018

• Stolen Horses Band

• Our Smoker's Cookin!
• Stop In For Our Great
Ribs, Steaks, Burgers & More!
206 State St. Luther, Michigan
(231) 797-5688
Like Us On Facebook.com/ loggers.landing.3

Logging Days June 29th-July 1st


FRIDAY, June 29th 3:00 Lumber Jack Show -Free Show Lot
4:00 Fear Factor Luther Style (2nd Leg) -Main Stage
Breakfast, *SILENT AUCTION -Ellsworth Half 4:30 Mixed Scotch Doubles Pool Tournament -Main Street
Lunch & Dinner *BEAUTIFUL BABY CONTEST -Ellsworth Hall 5:00 “Come On Down” for Luther’s Version of
Pizza & Subs *CUTEST PET CONTEST -Ellsworth Hall “The Price is Right” -Main Stage
Late Night (Bring Decorated Jars to Grand Central anytime. Public 6:30 Luther Alumni Social Banquet -Lion’s Club
TH 7 Days -
NO8 RAM thru Late Night
Vote starts Friday, money goes towards next year’s penny -All Former Students Welcome including Pine River
scramble-Prizes Awarded Sunday) 7:00 9 Ball Street Pool Tournament -Elm Street
210 State St., Luther 7:00 Broomstick 8 Ball Pool Tournament -Elm Street
BAR231-797-5318 9:00-Noon Youth Mill Pond Fishing Tournament Begins -
9:00-1:00 Heavy Pine-Main Stage
Mill Pond - (16 and Under) Rules available at North Bar
10:30-6:00 Book Sale & Craft Sale -Luther Library
12:00-9:00 Grand Central Open
Sunday, July 1st
12:00 Music by J&B Beats -Main Stage
8:00 All You Can Eat Breakfast -Lion’s Club
Luther Hardware 12:30 Fishing Tournament Medals Awarded-Main Stage
11 :00-6:00 Grand Central Open
& Convenience 2:00 Watermelon Eating contest -Main Stage
12:00 Kid/Pet Parade -Main Street
The Everything Store! 2:30 Chicken Throwing -Main Stage
12:30 Cake Walk-Main Stage
• Hammers ‘n Nails 4:00 Youth Pool Tournament FREE -Elm Street
12:30 Music by J &B Beats -Main Stage
• Milk ‘n Eggs 5:00 Bubble Blowing contest -Main Street
• Bait ‘n Tackle 1:00 8 Ball Street Pool Tournament -Elm Street
5:00 Jump Rope Contest -Main Street
• Ice Cream & More! 1 :00 3on3 Basket Ball Tournament-Mil/ Pond
5:00 Side Walk Chalk Art-Newkirk Hall
1:00 Dance Off on Main Street!
6:00 Crowning of Miss Luther 2018 -Purchase Pavilion
Open 7 Days 9-9 1:00-3:00 Firemen’s Water Slide! -Mill Pond
6:00 Singles 8 Ball Pool Tournament -Elm Street
231-797-0000 7:00 Male In Drag -Main Stage
2:00 Horseshoe Tournament -Lion’s Club
209 state street - Luther 3:00 Beautiful Baby, Cutest Pet/Silent Auction Ends -
8:00 Singles 8 Ball Pool Tournament -Elm Street
Ellsworth Hall
8:00-10:00 Teen Dance with J&B Beats -Mill Pond
3:00 Cut, Split and Stack Competition
Twin 9:00-1 :00 Music with Daniel James - Main Stage
Creek Inn
Followed by Amateur Chainsaw Contest -Free Show Lot

• Burgers • Steaks • Seafood

• Italian and Mexican
Saturday, June 30th 3:30 Cupid Shuffle on Main Street!
4:00 Youth Pool Tournament -Elm Street
• Saturday Prime Rib $17.95 4:00 Rubber Ducky Run! -Mill Pond
• Breakfast Buffet Sat/Sun 8-11 Music Throughout the Day Provided by J &B Beats
-Main Stage 5:00 Fear Factor Luther Style (Final Challenge)-
6:30-7:40 Register for 5K Run/Walk-Main Stage Main Stage
8:00 5K Run/Walk -Main Street 6:00 Broomstick Pool Tournament -Elm Street
Come Check Out 8:00 All You Can Eat Breakfast -Lion’s Club 6:00 Music at the Mill Pond with J&B Beats
The Tractor Pull!
6/30 @ 1PM 10:00am-9:00pm Grand Central Open 9:00 Beautiful Baby and Cutest Pet Winners Announced -
1105 East Old M-63 10:30-3:00 Book Sale and Craft Sale -Luther Library Mill Pond
Luther, MI 49656
Welcome to
(Trail Access on Twin Creek Rd., South) 11 :00 GRAND PARADE 9:00 BIG Raffle Drawing -Mill Pond
(231) 797-5418 -Main St (Lake-Osceola State Bank)
Blessing of the
Bikes 2016
12:00 Gordon the Magician -Main Stage
12:00 Chicken BBQ -Luther Museum
1:00 9 Ball Pool Tournament -Elm Street
1:00 Women’s 8 Ball Pool Tournament -Elm Street
1 :00 Arm Wrestling -Main Stage
1 :00 Fear Factor Luther Style! (First Leg)-Main Stage
1:00 Frisbee Challenge-Main Stage
1:00 Car Show -Mill Pond (South of State Street)
750 of building
8th Street, Baldwin
1 :00 Tractor Pull -Twin Creek Inn
supplies and hardware!
Mon - Sat, 8am-5pm 1 :00 Penny Scramble -Newkirk Hall
750 Eighth Street, Baldwin 1:00-6:00 INFLATABLES!! -Methodist Church Yard
231-745-4671 2:00 Hot Dog Eating Contest -Main Stage
Mon-Sat, 8am-5pm 2:00 Corn Hole Tournament -Main Stage
2:00-5:00 Kids games in the Park -Methodist Church Yard

Want to see your Happy Carrieville

pictures in the paper?
Independence Day Store James’ Tree
• Package Liquor
• Gas
• Cappucino
• Tree Removal • Bucket Truck
• Lottery
• Ice Cream • Chipping & Lot Clearing • Skidster Service
Send your photos to • Fishing Supplies
news@weeklyvoice.net, • ATV & Snowmobile • Stump Grinding • Tree Trimming
and watch for your photos Supplies
• Propane
on the community page. ~ Bridge Cards Accepted ~

Weekly 4753 N. Becky,
CADILLAC 231-797-5411 Luther, MI 49656
1-888-330-4144 231.444.6460 3038 N. Kings Hwy., James Riker • Fully Insured
Your town. Your Paper. Your VOICE. WWW.SATURNGEMS.NET Luther, MI 49656 231-797-5628 or 1-888-376-2020

• Providing Landowner Experienced Operators

Rothig Forest Objective Multi-Use
Timber Management
• Free Estimates
• Degreed Foresters
PO Box 340,
Products, Inc. • Hardwood, Aspen,
Pine Logs or Pulp
• Firewood For Sale
• Buyers of Standing Luther, MI 49656
• Quality Workers and • Timber & Timberland

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