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Reed City Students Honor Veterans: Evart Assembly Honors Area Veterans

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www.weeklyvoice.net Evart | Reed City | Hersey | Sears | Chase Thursday, November 14, 2019

Reed City students honor veterans By Victoria Martin

Weekly Voice
0% INTEREST FOR REED CITY — To say thank you to those

On purchases with your Art Van Signature Card
made November 15-20, 2019. 50 equal monthly
who have served in the United States mili-
tary, G.T. Norman Elementary School in
payments required. See inside page for details.

MATTRESS Reed City held its annual Veterans Day as-

This year the assembly held at 9 a.m. on
Monday, Nov. 11 took on a different mindset
than previous years and focused on all wars
said G.T. Norman Principal DeAnna Good-
“In the past, we have focused on one war
and presented on that war,” she said. “But
this year, we wanted to show that all veter-
ans deserve to be recognized.”
PLUS UP TOhour of honoring veterans was filled

with traditions like the white table, yellow
ribbon and lighting of the candles ceremo-
nies and theOFF **
donation of a quilt to a local
OR veteran, Bill Lutjens.
Doorbusters WHILE THEY LAST!
50 addition * to tradition, this year there
On purchases with your Art Van Signature Card
was a presentation from a G.T. Norman fa-
made November 15-20, 2019. 50 equal monthly
payments required. See inside page for details.

ther, Derrick Bookwalter, on his time guard-

TO 75 OFF ing the tomb of The Unknown Soldier.
STOREWIDE “It was an honor and a privilege to be able
to do it,” he said.
TO AN EXTRA While the assembly was filled with educa-

30 %
tion and honoring those who have served
in the military, Reed City Scout Master and
Army Special Forces Veteran Russ Nehmer
** said the point of the assembly is really to
help students understand the importance
Top, Amber White hugs Bill Lutjens after presenting him this year’s quilt donated by Pam Hall during G.T.
of taking the time to learn about the weight Norman’s annual Veterans Day assembly on Monday, Nov. 11. Above, As Veterans left the G.T. Norman
Veteran’s Day holds. Elementary on Monday, Nov. 11 and headed to the cafeteria for cookies and cupcakes, the Reed City Boy
On purchases with your Art Van Signature Card “It’s important for our youth to understand Scouts lines the hallway to solute them.
On purchases with your2019.
Art Van
50Signature Card
equal monthly
2019. page
See inside 50 equal monthly
for details.
what the generations before them have do-
payments required. See inside page for details.
ne,” he said. “Not only what the military has
done but what people are doing for our coun- sembly was also my retirement ceremony,” came back home and heard that they were
try. We are not only talking about war but
fighting for the freedoms that (the students)
Reed City Scout Master and Army Special
Forces Veteran Russ Nehmer said.
doing this, it was such an incredible thing.”
Nehmer is excited each year to see the
have and the rights that they have.” Since coming home and retiring from the kids getting more and more involved in Vet-
PLEASANT For Nehmer, this annual assembly will al-
ways hold a special place in his heart as it
military, Nehmer said he is honored to now
be a part of the assembly for the past several
erans Day.
“It’s good to see that the kids play a part in
also marks the date of his retirement from years. honoring the veterans, it really helps create
FOLLOW US ON: the special forces back in 2016. “I don’t remember doing this kind of that lasting impression of what (veterans)
“When I retired from the military, this as- thing when I was a kid,” he said. “When I do.”

Evart assembly honors area veterans

By Mike Dunn openly about his service. Wen- “Be a promoter of what this
Weekly Voice tworth only found out after his country is,” VanderWall said to
uncle had passed away how his the Evart students.
EVART — It was a stirring uncle had served with valor, be- Dr. Gerald Nichols, a Coast
and fitting tribute to veterans in ing wounded multiple times dur- Guard veteran who has served
the gymnasium at Evart High ing the war and earning several on the school board for 19 years
School on Monday afternoon. medals and commendations. and has been involved in the
The Veterans Day program Wentworth told the students Voice of Democracy program Mike Dunn | Weekly Voice
was sponsored by Charter Spec- how he regretted not talking to for the past decade, acknowl- Evart High School students hold up sings saying “Thank you” for veterans dur-
trum and included more than 25 his uncle while he had the op- edged three Evart students who ing the school’s Veterans Day program.
area veterans as special guests. portunity. He encouraged the were recognized for their es-
The Evart student body, about students to talk to their own rel- says on the topic “What Makes
600 strong from sixth grade atives about their service. Ask America Great?” — Amaya Val- “keep the country safe.” videos shown during the pro-
through twelfth grade, were part them about where they served lette, Ayla Schmidt and Emeili Korean War veteran David gram as well and students had
of the assembly along with some and how they served, whether Bengry. Brickey, the past commander of the opportunity to mingle brief-
parents from the community they served during time of war Amaya and Ayla, the first- and the Evart Veterans of Foreign ly with the veterans and ask
who attended as well. or not. second-place essay winners, Wars Post 7979, accepted a $1,000 them questions at the end.
The students were encouraged “It’s important to know what shared their essays for the vet- contribution from Marilyn Pass- “This is really nice on the part
by Republican Congressman freedom looks like,” Wentworth erans in attendance as well as more of Charter on behalf of of Evart High School and Char-
and Army veteran Jason Went- said, noting that learning what their fellow students. the VFW Post. ter and we appreciate it very
worth to remember the sacrifice those veterans in our own fami- Amaya, in her essay, spoke The Evart High School band much,” said Brickey, a longtime
made by veterans and particu- lies have done helps to bring about a dream in which she performed a medley of military Evart resident whose six broth-
larly loved ones who have served home the reality that freedom spoke with Abraham Lincoln songs and Evart seniors and ers all served in the military,
in the military. only comes with a price tag and and asked him what makes honor guard members Sareania including his oldest brother who
Wentworth and State Sen. the freedoms we enjoy as Ameri- America great. Lincoln, in the McGinnis and Zandrea Geranen survived the Pearl Harbor at-
Curt VanderWall both chal- cans has been preserved by the dream, reminded Amaya about explained each step of the flag- tack of 1941.
lenged the students to reach out sacrifices of those who were equal rights and “the freedom to folding ceremony for the stu- “We also appreciate being able
to a veteran in their own family willing to put on the uniform speak our minds and voice our dents as veterans folded the flag. to speak to the kids. We want
and thank them for their ser- and fight on our behalf. opinions.” Principal Jessica Kolenda them to realize just how fortu-
vice. VanderWall expressed his Ayla spoke about how the free- moderated the event and had a nate they are to live in the great-
Wentworth, a 2001 Farwell own gratitude to those who have doms we enjoy, including reli- nice surprise for the veterans est country in the world with the
graduate who spent five years in served, noting that we in this gious freedom, make us distinct as the students who filled the freedoms we enjoy. At the same
the Army, spoke about his uncle country only have our freedom from other countries, and how bleachers stood up and pre- time, we want them to under-
Gary, who had served two tours because of the veterans have se- the laws we have in place are de- sented homemade “Thank You” stand the freedoms we have did
in Vietnam but did not speak cured that privilege. signed to serve the citizens and signs. There were two moving not come without a price.”
2 • weekly voice www.weeklyvoice.net | Thursday, November 14, 2019

Business connections


As a way to show off what the library has to offer and its upcoming events, Lindsey
Eccles spoke with guests at the Reed City Business Expo on Tuesday, Nov. 12.


The Reed City
Fire Department
set up a booth at
the annual Reed
City Business
Expo on Tuesday,
Nov. 12 to show
people some of VICTORIA MARTIN | Weekly Voice
the equipment Reed City Business Expo guests could stop by the Spectrum Health table and grab a small salad and a chocolate
they use and talk dessert to take with them as they walked around to all of the other businesses spread throughout a portion of
about fire safety. the Reed City High School around the cafeteria on Tuesday, Nov. 12.

Library hosting former astronaut Weekly Voice

By Victoria Martin
Weekly Voice November 14, 2019 • Volume 13, Issue 30
REED CITY — Reed City The Weekly Voice retains the publication rights to all content produced or supplied by the Weekly Voice. Use of said
Area District Library will material without the written consent of the Weekly Voice is prohibited. Contents copyrighted; all rights reserved.
give patrons a closer look 130 North Mitchell St. P.O. Box 640 Cadillac, MI, 49601-0640
at outer space with a visit
The Weekly Voice is published You can also submit Newsroom: 1-888-330-4144
from an astronaut.
weekly and covers Chase, information online to news@weeklyvoice.net
From 10 to 11 a.m. on
Evart, Hersey and Reed City. www.weeklyvoice.net. Advertising representative:
Friday, Nov. 15, Gregory
Linda Ziska
Johnson will be stopping
We accept submissions of Publisher: Chris Huckle 231-779-4155 or 231-920-
by Reed City Library to
photos, articles and opinion Huckle@weeklyvoice.net 9486
talk about his career as an
at community@weeklyvoice. Classified representative:
net or mailed to Weekly Editor: Matt Seward Contact us at (888) 330-4144
Though it is the first day
Voice, P.O. Box 640, Cadillac, mseward@weeklyvoice.net customerservice@
of firearm deer season,
MI., 49601. weeklyvoice.net
Burnosky is inviting every-
one who would like to talk
to an astronaut to stop by
the library. Burnosky said
the library is expecting 40
to 50 people to attend.
“With the interest I have
heard and the time of day, I
Gift Cards Available!
think we will have a pretty
We reserve the right to limit quantities and are
full house,” he said. not responsible for pictorial or typographical
During Johnson’s visit 2019 AD EFFECTIVE DATES:
to the library, he will be Courtesy photo MON. TUES. WED. THURS. FRI. SAT. SUN.
Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov.
giving a 35-minute presen- Retired NASA astronaut Gregory Johnson will be stopping by the 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
tation on his career with Reed City Library from 10 to 11 a.m. on Friday, Nov. 15.
NASA and the potential fu-
ture of space exploration. While with NASA, John- the National Foundation, USDA Inspected
HHarvest Goodness
arvest of G ooodddnnneeesssss 3-Day
“That is the part I am son’s career included two Boy Scouts of America
the most excited about,” trips to space, one being and serves as Executive Turkey Breast
said Tom Burnosky, Reed the final expedition for the Director of Newton’s Road,

City library director. “I am Endeavour space shuttle, a youth development non- Thursday Nov. 14
looking forward to hearing and working on several profit, and the Managing USDA Choice, Friday Nov. 15 • Saturday Nov. 16
Beef Shoulder
what he has to say on the projects prior to that. Director of the Traverse Natural Angus,
restarting of the space pro- Currently, he is the In- City Space Accelerator, Boneless Beef Loin

gram and where that could novation and Strategic a division of Boomerang OF EQUAL OR LESSER VALUE English Roaast T-Bone Steak

Family Pack
Partnerships Advisor to Catapult, LLC. $ 49
take us.”
lb. $ 99

Vander Pol issues warning

Natural, Pork Loin
Baby Back Ribs
Previously Frozen
Fresh, Natural, Single Pack

Grade A
Boneless, $ 49

on Osceola County budget

From the Deli lb.
Skinless Fully Cooked Fresh, Natural, Pork Loin
Chicken Full Rack Assorted Chops
Breast Ribs Blade, Sirloin and

Loin Chops Mixed
$ 99 $
‘But even with the fund balance we have right
By Victoria Martin
Weekly Voice
now, if we don’t make changes, probably within Premium Pork
Smithfield Roll
passing a smaller budget
for the 2020 fiscal year, four years we won’t have a fund balance.’ Blueberries, Tender Sausage Original or Hot
(16 oz.) or Original Breakfast
Osceola County now has Raspberries Green Links (12 oz.)

to plan for the future and a

possible continued deficit.
Susan Vander Pol
Osceola County Coordinator
or Blackberries
6 oz. pkg.
6 oz. pkg.
County Coordinator
Susan Vander Pol told the
commissioners that with $363,000 needed to be used

look at some of the higher

4 2
$ 49
Diced or
Cubed Ham
8 oz.
a deficit of $1.3 million
projected for the 2020 fis-
cal year, more needs to be
from the delinquent tax
fund to cover expenses.
However, the idea of los-
expenses for the county,”
said Vander Pol. “(...) Mak-
ing some of those adjust-
Family Size
done in the next four years ing money is not new to the ments would also lower Potato Chipss Coffee d
Shredded Sunkist
Cheese Seedless Navel

or there will no longer be a county. In fact, the county the appropriated fund bal- 9.5
5 - 10 oz. (12 oz.) or
BUY Select Varieties 5 - 8 oz. Oranges
fund balance. treasurer told the commis- ance.”
ONE, K-Cups (10 - 12 ct.)) 4 lb. bag
“With some of the adjust-
ments that the board of
commissioners has already
sioners it has become a
“Last year we lost around
The county has also giv-
en department heads the
option to allow full-time
ONE $ 99
4 $
made and you don’t gener- $500,000 from the 2018 bud- employees to reduce their Soft Ocean Spray
ally expend everything get. In 2017 we only lost hours from 37 hours a week ‘n Goodd, DiGiorno Cranberries
12 oz. pkg.
that you have budgeted, $153,000. But in 2016 we to 35 hours per week in an Sunbeam,
m, Pizza
but then sometimes our
revenues fall short too, this
lost $345,000,” said Osceola
County Treasurer Lori
effort to reduce costs.
As the county continues
or Holsum King
White Bread (24 oz.); Salad
(17.2 - 31.5 oz.)
(excludes stuffed crust
and crispy pan); or
isn’t a trend you want to Leudeman. “So, it’s a trend their discussions on future Hillbilly Bread (20 oz.); or Dressing California Pizza
Aunt Millie’s Rye Bread (16 oz.) 16 oz. Kitchen (13.4 - 15.5 oz.)
continue,” she said. “(...) and I agree with (Vander budgets and where to cut Premium
But even with the fund
balance we have right now,
Pol), we probably won’t
lose the $700,000, it never
costs, Commissioner Tim
Michell said he would like
$ 79
1 2/$
3 $ 99
4 Honeycrisp
if we don’t make changes,
probably within four years
comes out to the whole
amount that we budget, but
to hear from anyone who
has more ideas on where Frozen
177 lb.
we won’t have a fund bal- it’s possible.” the county can improve its
ance.” In an effort to continue to spending. or Steamable Coca-Cola Butterr
Easy to Peel!
To balance the more than lower the spending of the “We are looking for ideas Blends Products Quarters or SSpreaadable
d bl Clementines
Select Varieties 12 oz. 2 liter (plus deposit) 15 - 16 oz.
$23 million 2020 fiscal year county, the county will be right now,” he said. “If any- 5 lb. box
budget, almost $700,000
needed to be moved from
the general fund and
looking at reworking insur-
ance and retirement plans.
“The board has agreed to
one has any ideas where we
can make improvements,
please share them.”
5 4/$
5 2/$
6 $
Thursday, November 14, 2019 | www.weeklyvoice.net weekly voice • 3


Car seat safety checks hand-crafted items, baked ber 8. tory of arterial disease Better Breathers Club Post Office
REED CITY — Life Re- goods, and more. There are The show by Barbara before age 60 forms Every Tuesday, 1 to 4 p.m.
sources of Northern Michi- also make and take crafts Robinson will feature spe- If you have two or more Contact Ken at 231-620-
gan is hosting several car for kids as well as raffles cial arrangements from of these conditions, you BIG RAPIDS — Spectrum 2504
seat safety checks in Osceo- for a quilt, jewelry box, Samuel French, Inc. could benefit from a no- Health Big Rapids Hospital MARION— Marion Food
la County by appointment. wall quilt, and oil painting. Tickets are $10 at the cost, pain-free vascular is hosting a free support Pantry, 112 N. Clark St.,
Car seats reduce the door. Call 231-465-4775 to screening. group for people who live open 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. the
chance of injury or death make a reservation. The Screenings will be in with lung disease. third Wednesday of each
by nearly 70 percent, but
Spectrum Health offers theatre is located at 249 person with an ultrasound The meetings are 2 p.m. month or by appointment
only if the appropriate free fall classes West Upton. machine and a certified on the third Monday of Call 231-743-6092
seat is used and installed REED CITY — Spectrum vascular sonographer. each month in the hospi- TUSTIN— Augustana
properly. Health Reed City Hospital Advance appointments are tal’s third-floor classroom. Lutheran Church
Prevention/Safety Days is sponsoring fall sessions
Jam sessions required for the screenings Caregivers, as well as lung Every Monday, 9 a.m. to
will be held: of their Helping the Whole EVART — Osceola and can be scheduled by disease patients, are wel- noon, for Pine River school
• Noon to 4 p.m. Nov. 15 at You series. League of Arts and Hu- calling 616-391-VASC. come. district residents only
both Evart and Reed City Dealing with Dementia manities (OLAH) holds The classes will be led Contact Katie at 231-768-
fire departments will be the November ses- a jam session the second by Melinda Hutson, a re- 4418
RSVP for your safety sion November 21. Denise Wednesday from 2:30
Wexford-Osceola spiratory therapist in the LEROY — Rose Lake Free
check by calling 231-796- Tinkham, a social worker to 5 p.m. and the fourth Habitat for Humanity cardiac and pulmonary Methodist Church
4919 or emailing julie. from Reed City Hospital’s Wednesday from 7 to 9 p.m. meeting rehabilitation department, Second Tuesday of the
cole@liferesourcesnm.org. rehabilitation and nursing every month. and Cassie Tower, lead re- month from 3-5 p.m. for all
center will discuss types Bring your instrument, REED CITY — The spiratory therapist in the Osceola County residents
of dementia, early signs of your voice, your dancing Osceola County Commit- cardiopulmonary depart- Contact Vicky at 231-388-
Christmas Bazaar dementia and offer tips on shoes or just your ears and tee of the Wexford-Osceola ment for Big Rapids and 1782
REED CITY — The an- caring for someone with join in the free fun. the jam Habitat for Humanity Reed City Hospitals. REED CITY— St. Phillip
nual Christmas Bazaar will dementia. sessions are located at 207 needs your help. The com- For more information or Neri Church
be held Saturday, Novem- Space is limited and N. Main St. Evart. mittee meets every third to register, call 231-592-4204. Every Tuesday from 10
ber 16, at Trinity Lutheran those interested can reg- For more information, Wednesday of the month at a.m. to 5 p.m.
Church and School. ister at http://spectrum- call 231-734-9900. 4 p.m. at the Lake-Osceola Contact Nedra Ball at 231-
The bazaar will be held health.org/htwy or call State Bank, 217 S. Chestnut
TOPS weight loss 215-6996.
from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. with 231-592-4204.
REDEEM Groups meet Ave., in Reed City. meeting
a lunch available 10:30 a.m. We are always looking for REED CITY— TOPS
to 1 p.m. The lunch menu weekly board members, volunteers weight loss meetings, Reed
AARP meeting
will consist of chicken
Best Christmas Pageant EVART — Healing is and helpful suggestions — City, Chapter 1682, Monday REED CITY— AARP No.
noodle soup, hamburger Ever available through Christ- everyone is welcome. No weigh-in at 5:30 p.m. and 2418 meets on the second
soup, sloppy joes, salad, pie REED CITY — The Reed centered, life-transforming appointment necessary. For meeting from 6 to 7 p.m. at Wednesday of every month
and drinks. City CrossRoads Theatre REDEEM Groups. These more information, call 231- St. Paul Lutheran Church. at the United Methodist
Take a break from hunt- will present “The Best groups are for anyone 775-7561. Church in Reed City.
ing deer and stop by to Christmas Pageant Ever.” desiring to deal with life’s Potluck lunch (bring
hunt for some awesome Performances will be 7 p.m. hurts, habits or hangups
Al-Anon meeting own table service) will
homemade items for this Friday, December 6; 2 and 7 of any kind (anger, addic-
Free dinner REED CITY— Al-Anon start at noon followed by a
year’s Christmas season. p.m. Saturday, December 7; tions, abuse, fear, code- at Reed City church meetings will be held on program starting at 1 p.m.
There will be a variety of and 2 p.m. Sunday, Decem- pendency, etc). The groups REED CITY— There Mondays at 1 p.m. at St. Everyone welcome.
are guided, conversation- will be a free dinner every Philips Church in Reed For more information,
oriented, step-groups Monday from 5 to 7 p.m. at City and Tuesdays at 7 contact Marylou at 231-832-
which use the materials the Church of the First- p.m., also at the church. 4938.
and approach of Celebrate born Revival Center, 310 S. • EVART— Thursdays
Recovery. Higbee. at 7 p.m. at Sacred Heart
A group for women and Donations accepted but Church in Evart.
Shepherd’s Table
HERE’S MY CARD a group for men will start
at Crossroads Commu-
nity Church of Evart each
not necessary.
Fish fry at Evart Moose
REED CITY— Church of
the Nazarene, Shepherd’s
Table makes a free meal ev-
Tuesday at 7 p.m.
T.O.P.S. meets on Lodge ery Thursday at 5:30 p.m.,
• Wills • Probate
• Trust • Real Estate Please send a confiden- Thursdays EVART— A fish fry or 5300 220th Ave. Donations
• Family Law: tial message to Pastor Paul EVART — T.O.P.S. Weight shrimp dinner will be held welcome.
Divorce, at (231) 515-2102 for more Loss Group meets every on Fridays from 5 to 8 p.m.
information or to indicate Thursday at 8:20 a.m. at at the Evart Moose Lodge,
your interest. A $20 set of Evart United Methodist 8400 U.S. 10 in Evart.
Volunteers needed
Child Custody,
Adoptions study booklets must be pur- Church. For more information, for Road to Recovery
chased by each participant. Weigh-in is from 8:30 to call 231-734-6181. REED CITY— Road to

White Law Office, P.L.C. Free vascular screenings

9:15 a.m., and the meeting
begins at 9:30 p.m.
Bingo at Evart Moose
Recovery is an American
Cancer Society volunteer-
James R. White, Attornery At Law based program that pro-
jwhite@whitelawoffice.net available Activities at the Reed EVART— Evart Moose vides transportation for
116 N. Main St. • Evart • 231-734-3531 REED CITY — Spectrum Lodge will host Bingo each cancer patients to and from
Health Big Rapids and City Senior Center Monday at 8400 U.S. 10. their treatments. Volunteer
Reed City Hospitals are REED CITY— The Senior Doors open at 4 p.m. Early drivers transport patients

WINDOW offering appointments for Center, 219 Todd Ave., has

free vascular screenings on the following activities:
bird takes place at 6 p.m.
with regular Bingo at 6:30
from their home to cancer
treatment centers, doctor

SHOPPING? the fourth Monday of every

Individuals must meet
• Wednesday: Fun Bingo
(18 and older) at 12:30 p.m.
• Thursday: Euchre at
p.m. (License No. A21600). visits and other cancer-
related appointments.
The American Cancer
Check Out
two of the following risk noon
Rock, gem and mineral Society is working with
Polar Seal Vinyl Windows
for Your Home! factors in order to partici- • Friday night: Regular club meetings Spectrum Health Reed City
• Energy Efficient • Maintenance Free • Easily Cleaned pate in the screenings: Bingo (weather permit- BIG RAPIDS — Big Rap- Hospital, Susan P. Wheat-
• FINANCING AVAILABLE • • 60 years of age or older ting). Doors open at 4 p.m. ids Rock, Gem and Mineral lake Regional Cancer
“Your Full Service Glass Shop” • Diabetes Early Birds start at 6 p.m. Club will hold meetings at Center to recruit volunteer
DouGLASS • History of smoking
• High cholesterol
(License No.A22502) 6:30 p.m. on the first Thurs- drivers and coordinators
For further information, day of the month (March from Osceola and its sur-
800-922-GLAS • 231-779-3960 Located next to Arby’s • Cadillac
• High blood pressure contact Carolyn at 231-832- through December) at the rounding counties to help
• Immediate family his- 2676. Geology lab, room 138, sci- drive cancer patients to
tory of Aortic Aneurysm ence building, at Ferris and from their treatment.
• Immediate family his- State University. All volunteers’ need is a
IS YOUR few hours during the week
BUSINESS Free blood pressure and a desire to make a dif-
clinics Local community mem-
WIN AT THE EVART— Osceola Coun- bers who are interested
ty Commission on Aging is in volunteering for the
offering free blood pressure Road to Recovery program
Call: Kevin D. Mist clinics for adults 60 years should contact the Ameri-

Digital Marketing Specialist
and older. Monthly blood can Cancer Society at 1-800-
231-779-4127 pressure screenings will be 227-2345.
F R E E C O N S U LTAT I O N conducted at the OCCOA
meal sites in Evart, Marion
The Missaukee Sentinel is looking for a reporter
and Tustin.
Free community dinner
who has a community news mentality and a
Custom Evart’s clinic will be held SEARS— Free commu-
Pens background in covering sports. The beat includes
on the second Tuesday ev- nity dinner will be held
covering area government, schools and sports
Branded ery month, 10 a.m. to noon. every Saturday night at
from our Lake City location.
Apparel The Evart meal site is lo- 5:45 p.m. in Brooks Corners
Mugs &
The Cadillac and Lake City area is an outdoor cated at 732 West Seventh Hall with a contemporary
CN Promotional Products Drinkware lovers’ paradise, with year-round outdoor St. (U.S. 10). worship at 6:30 p.m. Invite
can supply any customized Banners
opportunities in abundance. Marion and Tustin’s clin- a friend.
promotional items! All available & Signs ics will be held on the third
with your unique branding. What we are looking for: Tuesday each month, 10
Bags • Someone with a BA in a.m. to noon. The Marion
Health specialty clinic
If You Can Think It, We Can Make It! & Totes journalism or related fields meal site is at 101 E. Main REED CITY— Urologist,
• Prior news writing
Find A Better Price?
Call Us. We’ll Beat It! 231.779.4143
St. The Tustin meal site is
at 213 South Neilson.
John Anema, M.D. will be
offering outpatient ser-
• Excellent writing skills Walk-in clinics. If you vices at the hospital’s Spe-
• Photography skills wish to eat at the meal site, cialty Clinic twice a month.
• Knowledge of AP style
CALL LINDA call 231-734-5559 at least a He will be consulting
We will consider a new grad, especially one with day before to reserve a spot. with patients on the second
AT 231.779.4155 DIRECT prior writing experience from an internship or on a Friday of the month and
OR 231.920.9486 CELL student newspaper. Design and page layout skills Food pantries performing outpatient sur-
are a plus. gery and other procedures,
A food pantry is available including lithotripsy on
to residents in need who the fourth Friday.
If interested, send your resume and writing
live in Osceola County. The The clinic is located at
samples to mseward@cadillacnews.com
following is a list of the dif- 300 N. Patterson Road. Con-

The Missaukee Sentinel ferent locations, hours and tact Spectrum Health Reed
contact people. City Hospital Specialty
SEARS— Former Orient Clinic at 231-832-7108 for
Your Missaukee CountY news sourCe Township Hall, next to the more information.
4 • weekly voice www.weeklyvoice.net | Thursday, November 14, 2019

Obituary Reed City Library receives eight new computers

Bonnie Jean Marvel thanks to the People Fund Program
REED CITY — The Reed City impact in the communities they some if just fantastic.”
HERSEY — Our be- Area District Library is one of serve,” Great Lakes Energy Presi- The library plans on replacing
loved mother and grand- three Osceola County recipients to dent/CEO Bill Scott said in the six of its current computers and
mother, Bonnie Jean be awarded money from the People press release. “By allowing mem- buying two more, Library Director
Marvel, passed away on Fund Program. bers to round up their bill, Great Tom Burnosky said.
Thursday, November 7, Back in October, the library was Lakes Energy serves as the conduit “The computers we had at the
2019 in Grand Rapids at awarded $5,104 to buy new comput- between them and their communi- library were just out of date,” he
the age of 82. ers and monitors for its computer ties to have a positive and lasting said. “We’re keeping up with the
She was born in Big lab. Luther Fire District No. 1 re- impact.” times.”
Rapids on September 20, ceived $2,109 for a rescue raft and In October, the program provided Complete with Windows’ newest
1937 to Parley and Della the Osceola Children’s Council $94,175.91 in funds for 28 non-profit operating system, Windows 10, the
(Tanner) Ward. Bonnie in Marion received $5,000 to feed community organizations through- new computers will give library
graduated from school in children through its Grab 2 Go pro- out northern and western Michi- patrons the ability to play around
Hersey in 1955 and mar- gram. gan. The People Fund has provided with the most recent technology,
ried the late Duane Mar- The People Fund Program is a total of $228,481.55 in 2019. Burnosky said. But there will be a
vel on August 9, 1956 in funded through Great Lakes En- When he heard the library was learning curve.
Big Rapids. They raised as many special events ergy customers who chose to round receiving, Burnosky said he ex- “This will give people a taste of
their family in Hersey. of her grandchildren up monthly bills to the nearest dol- cited to get the grant and was not what is out there for computers,”
Bonnie spent many years and showering them lar. The average donation per bill expecting to receive the amount the Burnosky said. “There will be a
working for Wolverine with unlimited praises, is around 50 cents, according to a library was awarded. little bit of a learning curve but
World Wide on the line kisses, hugs and “I Love Great Lakes Energy press release. “We thought we would get a few this will give us at the library the
then became a line lead- You’s.” You never left her “Cooperatives have a unique machines out of it,” he said, “but opportunity to hold classes on how
er then supervisor. She without a solid sound of opportunity to have a significant to get everything in full and then the new operating system works.”
then finished her career advice from her upbring-
at the Big Rapids plant, ing.
where she was well She led by example.
known and admired.
In her retirement, Bon-
There was never a job too
large or too small that Rev. Dunn joins South Evart Free Methodist Church
nie was active with bak- she would not tackle.
ing Barbie Doll cakes for Bonnie’s strength, deter- EVART — Pastor Mike Dunn has been serving the University in Philadel-
her daughters/grand- mination and fierce inde- congregation of South Evart Free Methodist Church phia and received his
daughters, enjoyed get- pendence will not be for- since September. The church extends a warm welcome ministerial training at
ting in touch with her ar- gotten by the family she to the community to visit the church and meet the Southeastern Bible Col-
tistic side and would de- leaves behind to treasure pastor Sunday, Nov. 17. There is a service at 11 a.m. fol- lege in Lakeland, Florida.
s i g n / c re at e c u s t o m the memories they have. lowed by a harvest dinner and everyone is invited to He has served churches
g reeting cards. She Bonnie is survived by stay and enjoy the meal and a time of fellowship. in Haines City, Florida
looked forward to fishing her children, Kim (Bob) Rev. Dunn earned his bachelor’s degree at Temple and in Colon, Centreville,
on Pogy Lake, driving Rushmore of Amble, Sturgis and Lake City in
around in her famed Kirt Marvel of Hersey, Michigan.
flamed-red convertible, Karen (Jeff) Rushmore He is also a journalist
working on her many of Hersey, Konnie (Rog- and sportswriter and
sewing projects and er) Thompson of Hersey, will be contributing to Mike Dunn
bringing laughter and Karil (Drew) Donley of the Weekly Voice and
smiles to all those whom Paris, Kalvin “Ky” Mar- covering sports in Evart and Reed City for the Cadillac
were in earshot of her. vel of Hersey and Keith News. If you see him taking photos at an Evart or Reed
Bonnie was always ea- Marvel of Hersey. She City sporting event, please take time to say hello.
ger to capture moments was the beloved “crazy The South Evart church is located at 1009 90th Av-
of loved ones with her grandma” to 22 grand- enue, about five miles south of Evart where 90th Av-
multitude of cameras, children and 17 great- enue intersects with 1 Mile Road. Follow 80th Avenue
where she made you feel grandchildren. She will south of town and turn right (west) on 1 Mile Road.
like a star. Always up for be deeply missed by nu-
a trip to area casinos, you merous nieces, nephews,
could find her seated at extended family and
her favorite slot machine close friends.
— Hee Haw with Buck Bonnie is now reunited
Owens, accompanied by with her son, Kenny
her love of scratch-off Marvel; two grandchil-
lottery tickets, BINGO dren, Shawn Lackney
and bar pull tabs, Bonnie and Carey Marvel; six
was a winner in all as- siblings, Ruth Lutjens,
pects of life. Jack, Avery, Elmer,
With a front door that Galon and Ber nard
was never locked and al- Ward; her parents and
ways open for everyone husband.
whom wished to stop by, A memorial luncheon
you would be greeted ei- is being planned in a cou-
ther by Bonnie asleep in ple of weeks. An update
her favorite recliner or will be posted on Face-
the sound of her hum- book and on Bonnie’s
ming along to her favor- page on the Daggett Fu-
ite tunes. neral Home website at
“Mom” was dedicated www.daggettgilbertfu-
to her family, attending neralhome.com.

Call in a news tip to

(231) 775-NEWS
Thursday, November 14, 2019 | www.weeklyvoice.net weekly voice • 5

Evart Police The subject was located
up location. The caller served a no trespass order. out. matter was unfounded.
Department Weekly and transported to the hos- sounded like a child stat- Friday, 11/1/19 • Officers arrested a
27-year-old male on charg-
• Officers were requested
pital for an evaluation. ing the church was on fire. • While performing a to assist CPS on a possible
Report • Check Well-Being — Of- The responding officer traffic stop for running a es of domestic assault. domestic assault inter-
11-4-2019 ficers were dispatched to found there was no fire at stop sign, the officer found He was transported to the view.
• Improper Plates — conduct a well-being check. the church. No one would the 21-year-old driver to be Osceola County Jail where Thursday, 11/7
While conducting a traffic No services were needed. answer the door at the resi- operating the vehicle with- he was lodged without in- • Officers received a com-
stop, officers discovered 10-31-2019 dence so the officer was out insurance. The man cident. plaint regarding an aban-
the vehicle to have improp- • Found Property — A unable to communicate was then placed under ar- • Officers received in- doned and unregistered ve-
er plates. The vehicle was found bike was turned in with the juvenile or a par- rest and transported to the formation regarding the hicle in a parking lot. The
impounded and the driver to the Evart Police Depart- ent at that time. Osceola County Jail where location of a man who was management requested
was released with an ap- ment. The owner can claim • Officers were requested he was lodged without in- known to have a warrant that the vehicle which be
pearance citation. the bike by calling 231-734- to assist at the scene of cident. out of another county. The removed. An abatement
11-5-2019 5911 and providing proof of ambulance transport, re- • Officers received a officer responded to the notice was served on the
• Animal Cruelty — Of- ownership. garding the placement of request to have a couple location and detained the owner, who stated she un-
ficers were called to an in- a juvenile teenager, while of abandoned vehicles 27-year-old male in ques- derstood and would have
cident of a cat being shot the parent was to be trans- towed. Reed City Towing tion, while confirming the moved or she would be is-
with a pellet gun. The in-
Reed City Police ported to the hospital. The responded and the vehicles warrant. The warrant was sued a citation.
vestigation remains open Department, weekly officer located family for were towed. confirmed, but the officers Friday, 11/8
at this time. report the child to stay with. • While out on patrol, of- were requested to advise • Dispatch request an Of-
• Private Property Dam- • Officers were dis- ficers observed a couple of and release. ficer assist Osceola County
age Accident — Officers If you see any suspicious patched to local business juvenile boys riding bikes Monday, 11/4 Sheriff ’s and take a car/
were called to an accident activity, call 911. For a non- regarding an assault in carelessly up and down • While out on patrol, deer accident out on 210th.
in a parking lot of a busi- emergency, call 832-3255. which one of the male the sidewalks in and out officers observed a large No injuries were reported.
ness. No injuries were re- Email tips to policereedc- subjects involved left. of the roadway. The officer amount of garbage scat- • Officer was dispatched
ported. ity@gmail.com. The 25-year-old male later spoke the two regarding tered around a residence to perform a well-being
11-6-2019 Sunday, 10/27/19 checked in with the RCPD bicycle safety, explaining front yard. The officer check on an individual
• Breaking and Entering • While performing to see if they were looking to ride on the right side of spoke with the resident thought to be suicidal. The
— Officers were called to a property checks, the of- for him. He was inter- the road. and issued a warning to officer spoke with the man
residence where their ga- ficer found an open door viewed. A warrant request • Officers were dis- clean it up or a misde- in question, who stated he
rage was broken into and on a city building. Finding was then submitted to the patched to the hospital for meanor citation for violat- was not suicidal. He ex-
an ORV was stolen. The in- nothing out of the norm Prosecuting Attorney’s a disorderly and intoxicat- ing the city garbage ordi- plained how his comments
vestigation remains open the officer secured the Office. ed male. It was discovered nance would be issued. to the caller may have been
at this time. doors and cleared. Wednesday, 10/30/19 the caller was calling from • Officers were dis- misunderstood.
• 11-6-2019 Assist Citizen • RC officers were • While performing a different hospital owned patched along with the Saturday, 11/9
— Officers were called to requested to assist the a traffic stop for speed- by the same company. OCSD to respond to the • While performing a
assist in locating a juve- Osceola County Sheriff ’s ing, the officer found the • While performing a emergency room of Spec- traffic stop, the officer
nile. The subject returned Deputies on a malicious 41-year-old male driver had traffic stop, the officer trum Health Reed City, re- found the 53-year-old fe-
home on their own. destruction of property a suspended out-of-state found the driver had an garding a disorderly man. male to be driving under
11-6-2019 complaint. The 27-year-old driver’s license. The of- expired driver’s license. The officer spoke with the the influence of liquor.
• Assist — Officers were male in question was not ficer issued a warning for He was placed under ar- 31-year-old male, explain- She was placed under ar-
dispatched to assist the at the home. The officers speeding and placed him rest and transported to the ing that he needed to calm rest and transported to the
Osceola County Sheriff ’s waited for the 26-year-old under arrest for operating Osceola County Jail where down or he would have to Osceola County Jail.
Department with a disor- female to retrieve some of without a valid driver’s li- he was lodged without in- leave. The man stated that • Officers arrested a
derly subject. The subject her belongings and cleared cense. He was transported cident. he was concerned for his 29-year-old male, who held
was arrested and lodged on the scene. to the Osceola County Jail • Officers were dis- girlfriend and he would try a warrant for failure to ap-
charges. Monday, 10/28/19 where he was lodged with- patched to assist EMS to calm down and wait for pear. He was transported
11-8-2019 • RC officers responded out incident. with a male, suspected her in the lobby. to the Osceola County Jail
• Dog Bite — Officers to assist Osceola County • Officers responded to become aggressive to- • Officers received a com- where he was lodged with-
were dispatched to a report Deputies regarding possi- to a local retail business ward the EMS crew. The plaint of an adult provid- out incident.
of a dog bite. The case has ble attempted larceny. The regarding a suspicious responding officer found ing marijuana to two mi- • Central Dispatch ad-
been forwarded to Osceola officer located a suspicious situation of a man acting the man to be friendly nors who lived in the same vised Reed City Officers
County Animal Control. individual and detained bizarre and attempting to and cooperative. He was household. It was discov- that the Lake County
• Property Damage Acci- him until the OCSD could purchase large amounts of transported to the hospital ered to have happened ap- Sheriff ’s Department had
dent — Officers were called respond to continue his medication. He was gone without incident. proximately a month prior a 19-year-old male in cus-
to a car/deer accident. No investigation. The male in when the officer arrived. Saturday, 11/2/19 in another jurisdiction. tody. The man was found to
injuries were reported. question was later arrest- A similar report was made • Officers were dis- They were referred to the have a warrant for failure
10-28-2019 ed and lodged at the Osceo- by another retail business patched to local retail police department in that to pay a civil infraction
• Domestic — Officers la County Jail for violating in town. The responding business regarding a pos- jurisdiction. out of the RCPD. The two
were informed of an in- his bond conditions of not officer interviewed the sible retail fraud. Officer • Officers received infor- departments met up and
cident that had occurred to be consuming alcohol. employees at the first busi- arrived and spoke to man- mation on a possible sui- transferred custody of
the previous weekend. The • Osceola County Parole ness finding that the man agement, who explained a cidal juvenile. The juvenile the man who was then
incident was recorded and agent requested assistance had left behind a bank man had set off the front was found not to be suicid- transported to the Osceola
forwarded to the appropri- in contacting and arrest- card and identification on door alarm after making al but frustrated with life. County Jail where he was
ate offices for review. ing two individuals on a different person. The of- his purchase. It was dis- The juvenile was referred lodged without incident.
10-29-2019 parole violations. Both ficer then responded to the covered a theft tag had not to counseling services. • While out on patrol
• Larceny — Officers were located and placed second location in which been deactivated. Wednesday, 11/6 officers observed a man
received a complaint of under arrest and lodged at the same man was attempt- • Officers issued a • Officers were dis- known to have several
stolen property. The case the jail without incident. ing to stock up on cough 30-year-old male an appear- patched to the Osceola warrants from different
remains open at this time. Osceola County deputies medication. The officer ance citation for speeding County Probation/Parole departments and jurisdic-
10-30-2019 assisted on scene. explained he would not be and operating without an office to take a 27-year-old tions. The 20-year-old male
• Check Well-Being — Of- Tuesday, 10/29/19 able to make the purchase operator’s license. male into custody. The in- was placed under arrest
ficers were dispatched to • Officers were dis- and added that the other Sunday, 11/3 dividual was cooperative and transported to the
conduct a well-being check. patched to a 911 hang- business requested he be • Officers were requested as transported to the Jail Osceola County Jail with-
to perform a well-being where he was lodged with- out incident.
check regarding the loca- out incident. • Officers arrested a
white Star motorsport Auctions “sInce
Saturday, tion of a juvenile. The ju-
venile was found to be safe
• Officers were dis-
patched to apartment
38-year-old man while on a
traffic stop after discover-
SNOWMOBILE - ATV November 16 and sleeping in the care complex regarding a suspi- ing he was operating with
of another adult while the
parent with custody was
cious situation, possibly
a disorderly person. The
a denied/revoked driver’s
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6 • weekly voice www.weeklyvoice.net | Thursday, November 14, 2019

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Swap or Trade SEAT, REAR VISION CAM- Mansfield stream car coat, 46',
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DIO, BLUETOOTH and more.
TRADE: Elvis stamp, death pic- only $28,558.14 OUT THE
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Thursday, November 14, 2019 | www.weeklyvoice.net weekly voice • 7

Do you believe?

Christmas Wishes
Christmas Wishes Do
Do Come
Come True
The Cadillac News wants to help this holiday season
by making your Christmas wish come true.
Whether it’s big or small, share your wish with us
and we may be able to make that wish come true!

3 Easy Ways to Enter

1. Go to www.cadillacnews.com/believe and fill out all of the required information.
2. Drop off your submission at the Cadillac News office, 130 N. Mitchell St., Cadillac.
3. Mail your entry to, Cadillac News - Believe, PO Box 640, Cadillac, MI 49601.
Entries must be postmarked by Friday, November 15, 2019.

Be sure to include in, 500 words or less, the detailed wish you are submitting to come true
and why yourself or a loved one is deserving of having a Christmas wish come true. Your
name, address, daytime phone number, name of the person you are submitting for and
their address and phone number. In order for your submission to be considered all of this
information needs to be included.

The Cadillac News partners with local businesses and members of the community to grant
these wishes. We cannot guarantee that every wish will be granted. But, we do read every
letter and online submission and will grant as many as we can. For some frequently asked
questions, please visit http://cn.cadillacnews.com/believe/faqs.

Contest ends Sunday, November 17, 2019 at 11:59PM EST.

*Contest open to residents of Wexford, Missaukee, Osceola and Eastern Lake counties, 18 years
of age or older. Cadillac News employees and their immediate families are unable to enter.
Entry available October 30-November 17, 2019. Only one entry per person. All entries must be
received by Friday, November 17, 2019 by 11:59pm EST.

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