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Porch Performer: Schools Are Closed For The Year Now What?

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V voice


www.weeklyvoice.net Evart | Reed City | Hersey | Sears | Chase Thursday, April 9, 2020


A Reed City man brings joy to

neighbors with a concert from
his porch.
See page 4 for more

Schools are closed for the year; now what?

Evart and Reed City the spread of COVID-19.
There is, however, a caveat to
school districts working Executive Order 2020-35. Things
could change if restrictions are
on the logistics lifted. The order also allows for
district facilities to be used by
of remote learning public school employees and con-
tractors for the purposes of fa-
By Rick Charmoli and Victoria Martin cilitating learning at a distance
Weekly Voice while also practicing social dis-
Now that the uncertainty of “As a parent, I understand the
whether or not students will challenge closing schools creates
return to school is over, a new for parents and guardians across
question remains. the state, which is why we are
What now? setting guidelines for schools to
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signed continue remote learning and
an executive order last week sus- ensuring parents have resources
pending face-to-face learning at to continue their children’s edu-
K-12 schools for the remainder of cation from the safety of their
the 2019-2020 school year. homes,” Whitmer said in a state-
This means more than 1.5 mil- ment issued before a scheduled
lion Michigan students will not press conference.
return to K-12 school buildings For most people, the corona-
for the rest of the academic year virus causes mild or moderate
and instead will learn remotely. symptoms, such as fever and
It is now up to districts to cre- cough that clear up in two to
ate distance learning programs, three weeks. For some, espe-
with flexibility on how they do cially older adults and people VICTORIA MARTIN | Weekly Voice
so. This is can include online, with existing health problems, Chairs sit empty in an Evart Middle School classroom and will remain that way until the 2020-2021 school year starts in
printed materials sent to homes it can cause more severe illness, the fall.
or some other option. including pneumonia, or death.
Seniors will graduate and Traditional districts and char- participate in an alternate learn- “Right now we are trying to port our teachers through this,”
other students will advance to ter schools will get their full ing plan. coordinate with the ISD and an- he said.
the next grade as long as they state funding because the state For Reed City, Interim Super- swer a lot of questions like how Having until April 28 to have a
were on track to do so before the will forgive instruction time re- intendent Dean McGuire said he do we reach students who don’t plan in place, McGuire said he is
closure. The governor said it was quirements and waive a 75% at- is looking at a long list of things have internet access, how do we making sure the schools are do-
a “difficult decision,” but her No. tendance rule. Students will not to do before submitting a plan to meet the needs of special educa- ing what is best for the students.
1 priority is protecting against be penalized if they are unable to the Mecosta-Osceola ISD. tion students or how do we sup- See schools on page 2

Fosters staying open

on the front lines
High demand products come in shiers on the “front line” at Fosters, said
but supplies can be limited the volume of shoppers increased greatly
in the first days after Gov. Whitmer an-
nounced the “Stay Home, Stay Safe” ex- Mike Dunn | Weekly
By Mike Dunn ecutive order for Michigan on March 16. Voice
Weekly Voice Since then, she and other cashiers agree Smiling Cindy
that the volume has remained steady but McAfee is
EVART — The sign in the parking lot of not nearly as thick with traffic as it was among the
Fosters Super Market in Evart reminds for a while there. friendly cashiers
people they don’t have to panic; Fosters “For the most part, the people have been at Fosters Super
is keeping its doors open during this pan- pretty good,” Geranen said. Market. Some
demic. People can still come and do their “Sometimes people are upset if some- days it can be
shopping at the store. thing they want isn’t in stock but mostly rough, she said,
In this time of uncertainty, it’s one of the customers are pleasant. They under- but “I’m glad
the things the folks in Evart and the sur- stand that we’re doing the best we can to we’re open to
rounding area know they can depend on. keep the shelves stocked.” help the com-
Therese Geranan, one of the smiling ca- See Fosters on page 2 munity.”
2 • weekly voice www.weeklyvoice.net | Thursday, April 9, 2020

Fosters still serving customers during the pandemic

See Fosters on page 2 derstand when an item is
Deanna Miscikoski of Ev- not available.
art is the store’s scanning Cashier Cindy McAfee
coordinator. She’s been agrees.
with Fosters for 19 years, “There were some crazy
starting as a deli worker days at the start but things
and moving up the ladder have settled down since
through the years. then,” she said.
“We’ve never seen any- “Some people get mad
thing quite like this,” she if something’s not on the
said. shelf but most of the people
Miscikoski said the store smile and go with it. For the
remains busy on a daily ba- most part, everybody’s been
sis and is doing everything pretty friendly.”
possible to provide all the One cashier mentioned
items the customers want. that she wished the federal
For the most part, the government would do as
items are there for the much for those who are
customers. The meat de- continuing to work as they
partment ran short at one are doing for those who
point because of the initial draw unemployment. The
rush but has been able to recently passed stimulus
keep up with the demands package has a provision for
since. Same with bananas unemployed or furloughed
and other fresh fruits. The workers to try to see them
store’s deli department re- through the pandemic.
mains open, providing hot, On the other hand, the
fresh food daily for custom- cashier said she’s happy the
ers. store is still open and happy
Some items like toilet to be working.
paper, though, just fly off McAfee added: “Some
the shelves as soon as they Mike Dunn | Weekly Voice days can be rough but we’re
arrive and remain in short Fosters Super Market cashier Therese Geranen stands behind the plexiglass shield that has been installed as a form of protection during glad we’re open to help the
supply, at least for now. the pandemic. Therese said some customers get upset when certain items aren’t available but most of the customers are understanding. community.”
Cleaning supplies are in big
demand as well. get the items we order but yeast, frozen bread and station. The store has also
Miscikoski explained that not as much as we’d like. rice because of the heavy marked the floor with Xs
Spartan, the store’s suppli- Or sometimes we don’t get demands during the pan- for the customers to help BUY ONE • GET ONE
er, also has stock shortages any of the items at all and demic. with social distancing. The
because of the pandemic. we have to wait for the next The store has also taken store also supplies spray
And as a consequence, order. It affects each depart- safety measures for the disinfectants and wipes
Fosters, like all the Spartan ment in the store to some protection of its employees for the shopping carts
stores, is not able to get ev- degree. Some are hit harder and customers. One of the as the customers arrive.
erything in each order. than others.” biggest safety measures Miscikoski has noticed a
“Spartan allocates just so
much of certain items to
each store,” she said. “We’ll
Miscikoski said some
of the other items that are
allocated include flour,
has been the installation
of transparent plexiglass
squares at each cashier
growing percentage of the
customers who come in are
wearing masks.

“We want everyone to be

safe, first and foremost,” SPRING SPRUCE UP!!
Miscikoski said. “We’re Includes all Best Look® Interior and Exterior Paints
happy we can remain open Gallon-sized containers. Of equal or lesser value. Excludes oil-based paints
and be here to help. That’s and floor enamels. Cannot be combined with any other offer or rebate.
what we want. People can APRIL 24, 25 & 26
still come and in most cases GREAT
get what they need. If we’re
out of an item, it’s usually
only temporary; hopefully
it will be here the next time
they come.”
Miscikoski said most of 202 North River St. • 231-734-5513
the store’s customers “are Mon.-Fri. 8 am-5 pm, Sat. 8 am-1 pm
very appreciative” and un-

We reserve the right to limit quantities and are not

responsible for pictorial or typographical errors.
April April April April April April April
13 14 15 16 17 18 19

5 /$
Mike Dunn | Weekly Voice

At Fosters Super Market in Evart, you still get service with a smile from Elizabeth Clark and her fel- 1 - 16 oz.
low workers in the deli department. Fresh, Natural, Grade A (excludes


2 $ 79
or Thighs
Schools working through remote plans Value Pack

$ 19lb.
8 - 12.4 oz.

$ 99
Continued from page 1 around 40% of her stu- something that has a lot of Mountain
dents did not have internet factors to take into account K-Cups
“It gives us time to plan,” access at home. and it is going to take some USDA Choice, Beef Loin
or Select Varieties
(10 - 12 ct.) or Green Mountain Ground Coffee (12 oz.)
he said. “(...) There is a lot Meeting with the MOISD, time to put together a Boneless Whole

to digest right now. After other superintendents and strong cohesive plan.” Beef Tenderloin Hunt’s

my meeting with the ISD her administration all day Howard said she hopes Tomatoes

$ 9lb.9
Sliced Free

and other superintendents, on Thursday, April 2, How- by the end of this week 6 or Sauce
(14.5 - 15 oz.); or Ro-Tel Tomatoes (10 oz.)
I am looking at a list with ard said a plan will take the Evart Public School

24 items needing to be ad- some time to figure out. District will have an idea Wish-Bonee
dressed.” “This isn’t something of how it is going to handle Dressing
But despite the hurdles we can throw together in getting students their Easy to peel! 15 oz.

the schools are facing with one day,” she said. “This is school work. Halos Sweet

$ 49
internet access, coordinat- Kellogg’s
Mandarins Large Size
ing lessons and making
TueSdAy SpeciAlS
5 lb. box
sure everyone is on the
same page, McGuire said $ 99 Cereal
Select Varieties
8 - 19.2 oz.
$ 99
he is confident in his staff ’s Buy ONe GeT ONe Save $2.00 when you buy ANY 4 participating
Kellogg’s products in a single transaction.
you buy 4
ability to get through this. Keebler Town Folgers Coffee
“Looking at everything, House or (22.6 - 30.5 oz.); or
Dunkin’ Donuts
I am still very confident we (picK up ONly) Club Crackers K-Cups (10 ct.) Natural
8.8 - 13.8 oz.
will get through this,” he Orange or

2 /$$
4 $ 99
said. Grapefruit Juice Not from Concentrate 52 oz.

2 /$
In Evart, the school dis- Sargento
trict is in a similar boat of Shredded d
not knowing what is going Cheese
5 - 8 oz.
to be done for students.

General Mills
“There are a lot of chal-
lenges with this,” she said.
401 W. 7th Street
Cookie Crisp (10.6 oz.), Nestlé
or Lean 4 /$
“A lot of our students don’t
231-734-3922 Buffe Trix (10.7 oz.),Honey Nut Coffee-mate Cuisine

Night s All We t
have internet. So many Cheerios (10.8 oz.), Golden Flavored Entrees
EVART, MI Grahams (11.7 oz.) or

questions come with just Creamer Select Varieties 6 - 12.88 oz.

Speci ek Cinnamon Toast Crunch

$ 49
32 oz.
that issue.” (12 oz.) Kellogg’s

2 /$$
5 2 /$$
Howard estimated that Eggo
(24 ct.) or Off the Grid (8 ct.)

Weekly Voice 8
$ 99
Tidy Cats
Dynamo Litter
Dannon Yogurt Liquid Laundry
(4 ct. or 32 oz.) or 20 lb.

Danimals (6 ct.)
April 9, 2020 • Volume 13, Issue 51
$ 99
(60 oz.) or Quick
(excludes greek)
Dissolve Sheets (20 ct.)

2 /$$
The Weekly Voice retains the publication rights to all content produced or supplied by the Weekly Voice. Use of said BUY ONE, GET ONE Regular or Hickory

14.6 - 15.4 lb.
material without the written consent of the Weekly Voice is prohibited. Contents copyrighted; all rights reserved.

130 North Mitchell St. P.O. Box 640 Cadillac, MI, 49601-0640 Fresh, Natural

The Weekly Voice is published You can also submit Newsroom: 1-888-330-4144
Grade A
$ 49
weekly and covers Chase, information online to news@weeklyvoice.net Ice Cream
or Thighs lb.
Evart, Hersey and Reed City. www.weeklyvoice.net. Advertising representative: Ruffles (1.5 qt.) or Sundae
(excludes value pack)
Cones (6 ct.), Ice
Linda Ziska Potato Chips
(7.75 - 9 oz.) or Doritoos
Cream Sandwiches Smithfield Marinated Pork

We accept submissions of Publisher: Chris Huckle 231-779-4155 or 231-920- or Bars (12 ct.),

$ 99
Tortilla Chips (9.25 -
Mini Sandwiches Roast, Chops
photos, articles and opinion Huckle@weeklyvoice.net 9486 9.75 oz.
(16 ct.) or Pops (24 ct.) or Loin Fillet

at community@weeklyvoice. Classified representative: BUY ONE, GET ONE Assorted Varieties,

$ 77
23 - 32 oz.
net or mailed to Weekly Editor: Matt Seward Contact us at (888) 330-4144
Voice, P.O. Box 640, Cadillac, mseward@weeklyvoice.net customerservice@
MI., 49601. weeklyvoice.net
Thursday, April 9, 2020 | www.weeklyvoice.net weekly voice • 3

Reed City planning commission gives green light to gas station

By Victoria Martin noticed a need for another gas not easy to get to the Wesco,” should they want to change start,” he said. “So right now,
Weekly Voice station,” Craig Goodman said. Howell said. “But with anoth- any of the curb entrances unfortunately, I don’t have a
“We were looking to invest, er gas station just off of the and exits on Chestnut and time frame that I am comfort-
REED CITY — A new gas saw the vacant piece of land trail, now that sounded like a will need to agree to put up a able announcing yet.
station may be coming to Reed and are now going to add an- pretty good idea to me.” screen or a wall along the resi- Goodman did say that the
City after a permit was ap- other business to the city.” This will also be filling a dential property line that sits initial plan, prior to COVID-19
proved at the recent Reed City Goodman is going into the storefront that has been va- nest to the plot. becoming a pandemic, was to
planning commission meet- gas station business with his cant for the past eight years, But while the behind the have the new gas station up
ing. brother, Dan Goodman, and Howell said. scenes business like getting and running by late summer
At the first virtual planning two other partners. In passing the plan on to the permit has continued to or early fall.
commission meeting on Mon- The attraction for the gas the city council, the planning move along, Goodman has no The final decision on the gas
day, April 6, commissioners station was the access to the commission had some stipula- idea when construction will station is expected at the Reed
unanimously passed a permit White Pine Trail, City Man- tions that needed to be met be- be able to start. City Council meeting on Mon-
and recommendation to the ager Ron Howell. fore construction could begin. “With everything going on day, April 20. This meeting
Reed City Council to allow the “When we were looking how The Goodmans will need to right now, I am not sure when will be virtual to keep in com-
gas station at 315 N. Chestnut. to allow snowmobilers off the speak with the Michigan De- the construction portion of pliance with the Stay Home,
“We live in Reed City and trail and into the city, it was partment of Transportation the project will be able to Stay Safe order.

Events and cancellations

Reed City Food Pantry Michigan Department Hospitals. lab services will move from Michigan Department of The program is cur-
Hours from 10 a.m. to 2
p.m. will be drive-thru only
of Health and Human In Reed City, outpatient
lab services have moved
inside the main hospital to
the adjacent Professional
Will be canceling the
rently planned to resume
with the statewide summer
with prepackaged food Services across the street from the Offices building at 705 Oak spring Adopt-A-Highway pickup, scheduled for July
until further notice due to MDHHS will close its hospital to the Diabetes Street, Entrance A, Suite 5. pickups previously sched- 18 to 26, 2020. For more
COVID-19. lobbies to visits from Education building at 4393 Hours for both locations uled for April 18 to 26, information, visit www.
the public, except for ap- 220th Avenue. will be weekdays from 7 2020 and May 9 to 17, 2020 Michigan.gov/AdoptA-
In Big Rapids, outpatient a.m. to 7 p.m. around the state.
Reed City Area District pointments, and will stop
requiring residents to visit

Library MDHHS offices in order

The Reed City Area Dis- to receive state assistance
trict Library is suspending benefits during the CO-
all operations, starting VID-19 outbreak.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020 Evart City Hall and Mu-
through Monday, April 6, nicipal Buildings
2020 or until such a time Evart City Hall will be
can be determined to closed to the general public
safely reopen. All our on- until further notice.
line resources will remain Business may be con-
available through this time ducted via the drop boxes
period. (located at the vestibule at
Patrons will be able to city hall and at Cant Hook
put books on hold via our Park), U.S. Mail, or online
online catalog or by calling at www.evart.org.
the library at 231-832-2131 Bills are still due as
to let us know what you normal and staff will be
would like and when you available via phone the Ev-
will be arriving (during art City Hall, Department
the following times) to pick of Public Works, and the
them up. Police Department during
We will deliver the books regular working hours. If
to your vehicle, please you call the Evart City Hall
have your back doors or at 231-734-2181, we can mail
trunks open/unlocked. In or e-mail copies of bills
an effort to limit contact, and invoices as needed.
we will not hand books
directly to an individual.
Items will be wiped down
Spectrum Health
with disinfection wipes be- As Spectrum Health
fore being placed in a bag continues to make changes
for pick-up. to protect all hospital
Book Pick-Up Times: patients in the face of CO-
Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri — VID-19, outpatient labora-
2 p.m. to 5 p.m. tory services have moved
Tues. — 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. to new locations at both
Reed City and Big Rapids

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4 • weekly voice www.weeklyvoice.net | Thursday, April 9, 2020

Roger D. Anderson
EVART — Roger D.
Reed City man holding concerts
Anderson, of Evart,
passed away peacefully
surrounded by his fam-
ily Saturday, April 4,
on his porch during stay home order
2020 at his home in By Victoria Martin “I didn’t grasp Jim’s con-
Osceola Township. He Weekly Voice cept at first but it honestly
was 71. made me cry to see him
Mr. Anderson was REED CITY — What brighten peoples’ day.”
born August 11, 1948 in started as entertainment Wanting to continue the
Big Rapids to Arnold for seniors, turned into entertainment, Quales
E . a n d Ru t h J. front porch concerts for held a second performance
(Cousineau) Ander- one Reed City man. on Sunday, April 5 and
son. To spread a little joy dur- will be holding a third on
He was a lifelong Ev- ing the Stay Home, Stay Thursday, April 9 at 3 p.m.
art area resident and art, his son, Michael Safe order, Jim Quales has If anyone is planning
was a 1966 graduate of (Ana) Anderson of been performing gospel on attending the upcom-
Evart High School. Grand Ledg e, his music on his front porch VICTORIA MARTIN | Weekly Voice ing performance, Quales
Roger earned his Bach- grandson, Sam Babb on Roth Street in Reed City. With his guitar in hand, Jim Quales sings gospel and some country and Nicole ask that they
elor Degree from Fer- of Evart, his sister, Sue “I figured I already have tunes for his neighbors and those passing by on Sunday, April 5. continue to practice social
ris State University. Walker of Evart, his the equipment and we live distancing by staying in
He was married in brother, Richard (Kar- between condos and apart- concert on April 2, Quale it was neat to see people their vehicles or on their
1972 to Janie Boger in la) Anderson of Evart ments, I should put them and his wife Nicole both come out but still (abide) property to keep everyone
Evart. and several nieces and to good use and lift some said it was great to see by our state and national safe and healthy during
Roger had worked for nephews. spirits,” he said. people coming out and en- mandates,” Nicole said. the COVID-19 pandemic.
Oldsmobile in Lan- He was preceded in After spending eight joying the music all while
sing, Dow Chemical in death by his parents, years touring with his sticking to social distanc-
Midland, put in 32 Arnold and Ruth An- wife, Nicole, and a gospel ing rules.
years at Evart Prod- derson, and his daugh- band, Quales has been “I was kind of cool to see
ucts, retiring in 2004, ter, Mary Babb in 2007. touring solo and perform- people pulling out lawn
then went to work for Services honoring ing at senior living facili- chairs and sitting on their
Mark IV in Big Rapids. the life of Roger Dale ties. balconies or listening from
Mr. Anderson enjoyed Anderson are planned “I have been doing the their cars,” Quales said. “I
hunting and fishing, to be held at a later senior living gigs for a wasn’t sure what was go-
shooting prairie dogs, date and he will be in- while,” Quales said. “I tour ing to happen or what the
and loved spending terred in Sylvan Town- all around the country. I reaction would be. ... But it
time riding his motor- ship Cemetery, Osceola had around 300 gigs this seemed that a lot of people
cycle. County, Michigan. year but, now, I am making really enjoyed it. The goal
Roger is survived by Memorial contribu- ends meet by performing was to brighten someone’s
his wife of 47 years, tions may be directed outside the local facili- day and have some fun, we
Janie Anderson of Ev- to Heartland Hospice. ties.” need a little fun right now.”
Holding his first porch “It’s just scary days and

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By alexanD
er sinn Trusted. Local. Connected.

delivered to your home


for return of
CadillaC News
(3-1) with 11 points while
kee County board
An Arctic while
rebounds and six steals Area 5 had

McBain Days
CADILLAC — ratures plung
- and Molly Anderson
games." had 15 points, Brown
has sent tempe in Northern after three losses to start
the Area 4 the first Hannah Emingtonfive steals. eight points apiece. Makayla
Cadillac led 12-11 after
considers new policies for

zero seven assists and

A hidde
ing below
and the bitter
cold Area news
cadillac 1 at half- Knight added seven.
season. quarter and trailed 27-22 Kallie Poulos had 12
Michigan, the "The girls played together
to- on in the • Cadillac won the freshman
remain into
Manton Vet time before turning it steals.
UsHer is likely to TRAVERSE CITY —
Now, each three rebounds and three
night and started trusting Kaye third quarter. game 49-39.
By Karen Hopper
CadillaC News new year.
g of minus
12 that's more like it.
a strong other," Cadillac coach
The Vikings outscored TC Cen-
Cadillac (1-3 overall,
1-1 BNC)
Tuesday . Emma McTaggart paced
while purchasing, bidding
ed CN Promotional Products
A readin
degrees at
the Wexfo
rd Cadillac put together
and Johns said. "I am proud
of the
tral 21-12 to take a 43-34
lead into hosts Manistee
• Cadillac won the JV
game Vikings with 12 points

effort from start to finish Livi Meyer
etting splash rt on Wedn
way they played. Madi Drabik had 11,
an’s can y Airpo 58-47 that the fourth quarter. eight. Rules cover use of
packed with
beat Traverse City Central
firem supply any customized 42-22. nine and Chesni Birgy
by a Count
ing was the ay
result "They dug deep and found Makenna Bryant paced
Ca- Vikings and look for good prices
hose in the
mid- promotional items! All day morn in a Big North Conference
girls that had Baily Little paced the credit cards by staff,
available , calm Tuesd fire to compete and win eight but not expected to

Comeback Comets jew

street with your unique branding. Friday night. dillac with 22 points, have
dle of the of a frigid ding to Gay- contest couple of

items from
A pArAde, fireworks
basketball been missing the first a bidding process.

fun. night, accor Weather It's the first win for the
Vikings large purchases
can be great er, anyway. The nal For purchases of $500

every Thursday!
In the summ ned in McBain a
game last
lord Natio
Service meteo
rologist Jeff
1700s to today 1 2
By kaRen hoppeR UsheR
to $5,000, the depart-
ment head would have

And music, oh my!

back. ern CadillaC News
couple years hoses to on a north to approve the pur-
Cadillac sits plateau of
firemen used street. The Top Scores
Teams of

chase, the money would
t aroun d the ng Lower Michigan ned, by chris lamphere LAKE CITY — Missaukee
push a
water cooled
kids standi
hills, Zoltow ion can help
and the elevat
boys Hoops
maNtoN 63
cadillac neWs 4 County commissione
are considering new
have to be in the budget,
and employees would
of the perfec
Fourth of July ratures plum-
nearby. 57 expected to hold an
so it was kind

TC West
those tempe tc WESt ucked into the credit card and pur- in-
“It was hot, City Councilman
ed a events in Evart corner of Man- 6 chasing rules. formal bidding process

NMC girls rally to

” recalle that featur Custom met. effect clouds 66 over phone or email.
game, making While lake mcbaiN Nmc
games By Victoria Martin cause ton’s Rotary County employees
Smith. Smith are variety of Pens goers may notice a fewsnow showers can 45 For purchases of
Roberts and ies, Smith tc chriStiaN Memorial Park, have been using their
score a big win over
again. and changes move in both
Mayor Joey something like it,
and activit have $5,000 to $10,000, a for-
there Branded
games, he-
to the annual show. to

it, or a- been told the needle Area Veter- own credit cards to
plans to do summer celebr said. He’s concerts, ski said, 79 Manton
the buy
things the county needs mal bidding process
n dinners, Apparelt to catch a ions, Zoltow
Rangers to face host
the city’s y. In the While File PHoTo
CadillaC News still at the Evart rEEd city
McBain Days,
directMu- snow is pro- Memorial Museum
tion, has been
held only
intermittentl it was been chicke and even a contes
lived in McBa
licopter rides ach yearcould soon return
nicipal new
under aAirport, the little
fireworks substantial County
72 Manton
is a hidden jewel of
as- online and are then
would be required,
the county administra-
Days towns to been
& was a pan- for Wexfo
8 Petoskey in
Smith has Mugs needed
tion has move slightly jected history just imbursed.
three years greased pig. he remembers, there
McBainand cities summer celebra
The city’s across allowyears
to three
this year
Some light
hEritagE chr. sembled
62 cadillacby news Under a proposed
tor would have to ap-
of Rob- for the airport toweek.
still 1-3 inches by Fri- to be enjoyed
held just once. it back is a key part of his At the one and a parade, he said. name.the country light In be
the this waiting
23 Among the biggest news stories prove the purchase.
But bringi
for the city
and a big part cake breakfast
photo s archived in
fireworks man Doug
and be,
lived in
Smith hasfunctional
bringin g
should could
said Evart Chamber
it need
, he
to with another
2-3 bEth havEN
gIrLs Hoops the public.MANTON — Stay calm.
in the dispute over Cadillac of 2017 were, clockwise, from
Junction, the Skatetricity fire, top left, the Green Mill Motel invitational today
CadillaC News file
explosion and fire, the court photos
revised policy, de-
partment heads and For purchases greater
erts’ plan office, he said. ssee, Cadillac News tanks & and a grease Cityput on held just once.
dayof Com- nd. 58Hanging on the and the opening of the new ruling than $10,000, commis-
to run for Signs , it was merce Mayor Joey the weeke A2 cadillac defense.
themore Wexford County Jail. approved employees

What was the big story of 2017

ille, Tenne
dunk McBain of Smith and President Steveover tuRn to pAge 47 the museum Extendare
motivation years show to celebrate part of his Petoskey . tc cENtral of cadillac news sioners would need
up in Knoxv heard contest. Smith the back is a key partJulycity andThis a bigmeans parking will be For more, All will be
than 500 pictures of fine.
vet- would be able to have to
Roberts grew up in McBain. He’s be. climbing il recent ly named er Fourth. ’ plan for the a Chris- approve the purchase
The city councittee to bring Bags back “a summ little
Smithbitsaid. of whom
Northern live
Michigan county
The good credit cards

grew to Roberts more of a struggle as most PETOSKEY —
but his wife McBa in Days used to,” he comm
With tionso to run for office,
much event the 51
tc St. fraNciS erans, rallieda to
20-mile beat Manton with credit
and the there would
what to get back head of a & Totes to celebrate, motiva has less room to work 21 lived tian
or within news is they won. limits of
stories of have to be a formal,

pAge A2 Evart takes both with. mcbaiN
I’m trying for the ” tuRn to “We have been able to in a Highland Confer-
Manton. $2,000.
news is

a lot
radius of 48-41
“That’s what ts family moved here celebration. For more, July 3 and July 4 to celebrate The not-so-good competitive, sealed

little late but

the narrow a story, contest County bid
it down ence girls tellsbasketball work on
said. The
, he said.
If You Can Think It, United State’s birthday
. The two- launch site
to two places to have
the mcbaiN Nmc 48Each photo
they've got a lottor to
Administra- process.

n is a
Friday museum itsGarland told
small-town a summer day event is filled with for the fireworks,” he maNtoN 41 former
and Google Maps aerial photo. opened
Still, Mantoncommission Under the current pol-
We Can Make It! fireworks, said. “But CometsWar were down
Cadillac News readers can vote Museum is pictured in this

Luther woma
Days was PHoTo
curator and TheKorean 63-57 win ers that
McBain either way, parking is Manton Area Veterans Memorial season with a the

Try 3 months for

a parade and a big bash CoURTesY
The half icy, the board reviews
in the going to be a bit tight Ginger 54
veteran Neal Bennett
double digits in the first
online, on Facebook, Twitter Citypurchases
West in would all

to Price?
park. this year.” piNE rivEr over Traversestill purchases greater than
stories in the third

baby born
With parking spaces Mattos, 34 but took
them all, control need
of theto be work-
Find A Better Starting the festivities Evart knows the north but they the opening game $2,000. Garland said

Your community new

a day being lim- what Amer- feet to related. Clerk Jessica

early, Evart will be holding ited in the airport, the
chamber of Luther, quarter.
that “signify had to moveByto another Petoskey Invitational. that doesn’t go far, and
Call Us. We’ll Beat It! its will be charging people holds her 46 all “I am
about.” so He is of my
proud Rick chaRmoli of Nielsen explained that

on Dec. 26
annual fireworks display to park rEEd city ica is
giving uplocationon because of all weigh in beginning Saturday While ‘It's always because the board meets
, record- the invoicing system
on July their cars closer for not Dec. 9, through Wednesday ,
son, Makaio 13 an audio
girls CadillaC News weekend paper.
ks early
3 at the Evart Municipal to NEWaygo items they amassed happy just once a month, it
Airport. site, said Petoskey the launch sto- the
arrives four wee

after thegame personaland clawing , on credit cards issued
shortly ing withthe the years. To vote, go to https://
Though fireworks are . To park at the throughout Dec. 27. The following with nice to win can be burdensome

Makaio Mattos
a staple Evart’s birth onof July Parade in it,” NMC everycoach vet- Jason 017 was big year for 15 stories docs.google to county employees for
airport it will cost $5 his Fourth ries of almost The museumaexpansion
means “gift things like housing
FILE PHOTOs big were chosen by
to the Evart festivities, per car. is set to include everything “We just said
legacy. .com/ the win, would make purchases and
ew, which show- tors to floats. and pets of all sizes.
Tuesday from trac- a lasting
eran forTowers said. stories, in and
2014 due
the the Cadillac forms/d/e/ furnace
sion of Matth Cadil-
By Karen Hopper
UsHer of God.” ered a Christ
mas baby
SEE FourTh oF July on PAgE
A2 off with
Makaio was
the first
The celebrations
on July 3 at the Evart Municipal though will kick
Main Events at halftime
Compliment ing thisthat the game’s
They had
not over. of nine
was started
lac Newsgwants
to overcrowdin and was
News newsroom as the
you, the debated which staff
1FAIpQLScea0- Rangers
your first
more transparent and
coach Ry- easier to track.
The topic received
Still consid 26 arrival, the Big Rap-
impressive madereader,
possibletoby individ- stories should much discussion during

decide 7gucSVjo2a-5QpitP9cFc an Hiller
CadillaC News
despite his
Dec. family baby born at
photos are points from six
a variety of feet behind
one was
and thegroup donations.
which make the list. aQ/ knows game.’Garland also proposed
the commissioners’

only $14.88
n MoISD ary gave the after Manton Invitation- to the mili-line.ual biggest. viewform?c=0&w=1
Auxili for state-wide Big Rapids items related
the (three-point)
Take Once the voting has conclud- or vote his team revising the county’s fi-

Reed City Group looking to close

woma al town
the Cadillac News’ Facebookvia
r ids Hospit born al. 9 a.m. With
“People thatin inthis nance committee meet-
S — A Luthe . The first
baby Hospital after conflicts and it’s a five- mind, readers purchasing
BIG RAPID a few hours too late summer lunch
a gift basket program tary andthose U.S. away
will have been extremely gen- ed, the top five stories has to do Ryan Hiller policy. ing Thursday.
son get one, too. sack, Christmas of
Hockey: game. ry
Revolutiona have the opportunity to will be or Twitter accounts. Purchases
birthed her will from thepoint announced in the Dec. manton boys under $500

baby . new year
the RAPIDS contains a sleep Livonia Franklin at erous,” Bennett said. 30-Jan. 1 Area 7 a much would Commissioners are
to be a true four BIG t stuffed an- 2017. War to today. “The seniors really Bennett said they re- See full STory be considered
io Mattos
was born The baske —aMecosta-Oscblanket, a eola et Cadillac. Noon. up andaled the team finished a 1,500-foot Area 6
on A8 better job basic basketball coach
and routine.
due to vote Tuesday
But Maka way, his Intermediat e School
ng, bibs, District isbracel Such items
stepped during the
ture. In that at Spec- of 16 clothi s, a baby one a cently rebound- n board’s regu-

of Savidge Street
Michigan onesiedistricts wheelchair They never fromquit and Employees would be
weeks prema 26 imal, a book,school to Bill Keran
s, woodenback. addition onto the west lar monthly meeting.
a.m. on Dec. and a WWII- He was also childhood ing, expected to and

‘Getting your house in order’

birth at 3:19 Big Rapids Hospital
intermediat according
e school
a cap, districts at Spec- the WWIkept era,their composure.”
of the building and care of the ball be prudent
On Deck side taking kusher@cadillacnews.com | 775-News
andfor aand chest used by
led 14-10 after the friends with museum

from Evart, Reed City

era Jeep, a
trum Health r, was both early program thations Manton Labor Day, they will
unicat provides food ben- this founders Neil Perry hitting free throws.
Birthing Cente efits comm .
during the summer. s, first quarter
a high-rankin g officer and was up 28-14
holding a special event
trum Health ed in at 7 pound at
By Victoria Martin
Washington before’s NMC beout- and John Robbins, who "It's always nice to win
mom, The MOISD “Makaio weigh in George at halftime to invite the public
your first game," Hiller
late. s, Makaio’s was selected
was 20 inches for thelong wEEkLy VOICE
Thomas Miller in an Rangers 19-2 in theit out.
uniforms passed away earlier
Ginger Matto“Christmas sur- summer 12 ounce s, and
of 2019 to provide stated . email. he said. army, vintage
scored the check said. "I think our expecta-
her e families About
Communities hope to encourag
lead 33-30.

, Hersey, Sears & Cha

releas five years ago, when Savidge to get to the shelter’s from every branch
quarter month.
called him in their district
birth,” a news
area whomqualify EVART — The closing Whether or not the city third In the meantime, Ben- tions are pretty high
775-News (6397)
for of a the company was Reed coach Jon Paul
countless e growth “It’s a tough loss for
to BehindTheN ver-school
ame.reduced or free illacnews.co |
lunches during the
kusher@cad portion of Savidge Street
be considered after a
will Tool, a similar
request was
City council needs to hold
a public
front entrance.
“We are very vested in
military, and
other priceless
Katona said the loss is
artifacts. on said he
nett opens the
us,” Bennett said. “John with redevelopment program my team knows it can

io is the Hawa
year with the summer
EBT formal made, said City Manager hearing will be determined the said many of museum to interested
By Ben Glick
a good friend
wasprogram of better than it did tonight.
com, Maka for Children Program. request was made to Ron based on what outcome of this should Bennett him. CadillaCduring
visitors the week The assesses my the readi- and Evart "There were a few times
The program the Reed Howell, but the city attor- it go been do- job to get News mine. I knew him submitted

there was a con- have
the items “I feel it’s my and Sat- ness of investment or develop- its resolu-
Two-day forecast
started on June 1 and City Council by Reed any further and I have we could have put them
will continue City cern from council about ney brings back in July asked them over theto playand the on Fridays ment whole life.” tion around the
until Sept. 2. Group. the . to be included should nated tothe girls ready CADILLAC urdays, the museum is
— Area communities in communities based on six City submitted same time. Lake away but let them back
“(I) recommended that we need veter- to do that
public use of that portion the years bygame families and of I failed
are adopting to 4 p.m.best practice criteria that include its resolution in
“The ISD was chosen
because there
At the June 17 meeting,
a of council have a public to speak up for our case,”
said passed away.
“I thought
from noon
policies to encour- News reporter November 2017, and Reed it. We've got a lot to work
t, 49, are not nearby Eat Up 12th item was added to the street and city access
to a but (I) did not want to
hearing Osceola County
Animal Con-
ans whotonight,” heagesaid.
investment Bennett personally keeping
and economic
an updated mastertoplan, this submitted its resolution
on and I think our guys
Day Albrech and Meet Up the storm sewer. move The veterans museum
a step behind in the vet- makingMardi Suhs
zoning contributed
Darsha Daily locations where children new business portion trol Director Michelle we were growth through most of the ordinances easy to Dec. 4.
nally understand that
Stats: 0
who qualify of the forward just yet until Kuz. life in the Man- knew a statewide as- followstory. “Our focus for community
UPC of
Cadillac for free or reduced-pric council’s agenda to consider Currently, the city is the More is expected to be started its second half. sistance program.
erans whose military to
and building permits (6397)
hav- s.com | 775-neWseasy
Baker, 100, development is on downtown this game."
council has more information
Fading Mu-
Version MAG: 1.00
Code Type: 3075-Cadillac
Elnora e lunches dur- ing its attorney deter- ton Area Historical
“I thought Over we got out- walls. getclamphere@cadillacnew
in order to build 8 the
Customer: Eunice 1
BWA: 0.0030
1.4690 ing the school year can the closing of the northern look into who regarding mined at the July 15 council the last
pictures line the
year, cities have a solid plan- Area revitalization Manton led 16-8 after
of Carrollton, Symbol Height: go to get meals the status of the ning, building and development , really encouraging
Order #: Symbol Width: 1.0200
actually owns that portion seum a coupleplayed andjoined outcoached. at

aig? Advertise with someone

the Redevelopment Ready first quarter and 30-27

& see for your self!

P.O. #:
owski, doting summer break,” portion of Savidge to meeting once the council
Marie Lewand of road,” said Howell.
hopes: of us redevelopment in the

you know!

Department is got the bestprogram, foundation for investment
By: Flexo Width:

ings! the street. heart | cadillac news

Our youthCommunity of going
Patricia our

Send us your draw

sin marc
halftime. It was 46-39
gan, Wiscon of Human Health and tially allow Reed City If the road is to be closed given more information news a technical reinvestment and communities,” Michelle
Date Run:
77, of Sheboy Services Public Group It is very possible that on the tonight but the goodinitiative VanPolen during
Christian's KariPark-
Noreen A. Robinso
n, 83, Information Officer Bob
to expand its employee
park- street was
the off from public access,
ownership of the road
and if A win at is the girls
behind offered by the
put this Economic
Michigan Many
Wilder drives
into paint
against Northernkonen,Michigan
manager of the Redevelop- into the fourth quarter.
paced the
ing and, they said, to like to draw? owned privately Manton's Jaden ed decid- 48-41.
wrote in an email. a public hearing is required
Tampa Bay is Development Rangers Ethan Ancick
nMCS students
is the issue of how people beat thement Ready
of Evart kids! Do youprovideartwor and k. the owner was letting them already and we’re
Corporation, to take part.
Conference contest. The Comets
Cadillac program, said. “It’s and
can to close the road. submitted about getting Rangers with 26 points
grant helps y poppins’
The Eat Up and Meet a saferHey a public-privat e, Highland
publish your
work environmen the get to the Osceola
rthy staff you
Nothing will its resolution of intent your house
state program for students another
Up is
We want to off or mail it to
t for public use, said Howell. County Ani- be decided a must if the next week.”
ready fornonprofit organization. to work added ninein rebounds.
14 rebounds while Jayden
we have local, trustwo
es on A4 ... and being open
If that mal Control until then, said Towers also commended points and four steals.
with the MEDC in February (2-0 overall, 1-0
to business.”
See obituari to Eleme Drop it building. Howell
present ‘Mar
linget is the case, it would be
News, Madelyn Yount paced NMC Crews work onPerry Salani
ron, Frank wrote.
during the summer,9,Wheaton “Reed City Group ll, Cadillac, the Howell. Lions hope 2017,
Abby Brown paced Man-For more,
and site
the future
At the Cadill
up to BeN GliCk | CadillaC News
said, should the road his team for taking much City of the Cadillac
N. Mitcheis focus-it on the Turn Tohosts
11 points. Dar-Commons farmers market, which
points and
create the perfect ad.
owner what is done with a2 was
ing on the130safety A8and shouldbethe owned in the NMC with 16 five Highland) funded with helpscored
for bypage “I am confident we will ton with 14 points and each from the
167 tend to be fewer locations , andof look
its employ- the city have to make the better care of the ball on Tuesday while Manton
Michigan Economic Development
on to help youTwo-day
Vol. 146 No. the the road. ius Potter added six points
Friday ees and 49601 had 11 rebounds while Corporation.
of of steals while Jaden Wilder
in more rural areas, each time one page more to go off of and on
council decide to allow second half. The Comets FREE* ads too!
can count (3-2, 0-1) is at Pine River
so we want those front them make points, eight
children to also have 13 | Low -4 they walk across the street c News. But no matter how the road the a decision on come the playoffs. Get Deaths
17 turnovers in the first
half Lanser had 12 had 11 points and eight Weeight
and offer rebounds.
he said. High 14 | Low 5 High
access to food,” Cadilla or when is platted, Howell road closure, there is
another meeting,” July
forecast rebounds and eight steals. Thursday.

Subscribe today!
pull out of the parking said it comes access
point to animal control he said. all the details. Codebut Terri
thatAnnto seven in the rebounds. Brianna Puffer se Under $300
300 6
nues down to a matter of safety cut (TenHouten)
Desiree Ebels had nine • Merchandi
Snow, cold conti
11885 00 This program will provide lot into the street, they’re . via Lincoln Avenue. Reed City Group chose Type: UPC Version

Livonia Franklin
put not MONDAY Customer:
8 families “Mixing people and traffic second 59, formerlyStats: 0
• Merchandise Wanted
in Osceola and Mecosta into danger,” wrote Reed to comment further on News

Order #: P36240-002

Cadillac News
$30 in nutri- City with the deliveries Currently, the routes its of Cadillac
tious food each month Group Marketing assistant that come provid- plans with
P.O. #: MAG: 1.00

closing the north- Jessica
for the three ed to the public on the By: BWA: 0.0030
through there is dangerous,” CadillaConNews Classified
• Swap or Trade
Symbol Width: 1.4690
county ern portion
Polarity: Positive

Stay Up to
months of summer, containing
Symbol Height: 1.0200
website include turning of Savidge at this See obituaries
Date Run: 01/07/2003

items A4 Flexo Width: 0.0000 Specialist

skates past Cadillac

such as milk, eggs, fresh on to time. Specialist
fruits and • Freebies
Cards and program materials
Email • Lost & Found
beat the
mailed directly to families
e Via Text said.
Call Jessica or Jenifer yourorclassified * MustGraham
eligible be placed online
your Phon to the game,
ool Closings
to and are pre-loaded with cadillac news

Call 231-775-6565
Alerts sent a food package containing nutritious getting FREE ad.
News • Sch
email "We towere for the
foods families canking specialists today shots but weren't getting
ts • Brea ws.com. CADILLAC — Cadillac
Send us your drawings!

You not only get the big weekend edition of the

146 No. adillacne
Weather Aler
redeem in any service@c a lot of second chances,"
WIC-authori zed store. Oncerts the fam-
Sabina, first grade, St. Ann’s
152 dropped a 4-1 decision he said. "They were really
ily calls the number m/ale sads/ Livonia Franklin in
www the.cadil
Sign up at fication and enters a Personal Identi-
the back of
www.cadillacnews.com/clas Hey kids! Do youtolike
to draw?ce hockey good in the defensive zone
Number, the family can cadillac news
8 Sunday
11885 00600 7
We want to publishnon-conferen
Monday yourFriday
Drop it off orgame
artwork. at the Wex- and their goaltender was
certainly a part of that,
begin mailCivicit to Arena.
redeeming benefits. High 27 | Low 17 High 26 | Low 130 N. Mitchell, ford "We needed a much
School districts were
EVART — With the lead Cadillac News 12 Cadillac, MI,
The Patriots scored
more physical presence
Fast-moving flames force
selected 49601, and look for
the it the of the first people

Cadillac News but the Weekly Voice and Cadillac

on goal
based on recommenda
USDA, the Michigan
tions from the at halftime, Pine River
held Cold and snowy front page of
and then built a 2-0
in the front of their net
us to to flee on a moment’s notice

Stay Up to Date
Department of off Evart's second-half the Cadillac period
Pine River’s News. because they pushed
Education and the WIC lead before the Vikings pagea bit."
program and surge Friday for a 54-34 Logan Powell the outside quite a7the
focused on local access girls puts up a shot got moving. That continued into
to food service Highland Conference
programs in the area. "We came out with a lot and
Areas without basketball win. against the pres- third period, as well,

& find out how you can start saving today!

sufficient summer food of good offensive zone the
service pro- Logan Powell led the defense of kept the Vikings off
grams given the number and Alerts sent to your Phone Evart’s Cyanna sure and did a lot of good
Bucks with 17 points Via Text or Email Ca- scoreboard.

News delivered right to your home every Thursday.

students were prioritized eligible things defensively, too," "They prevented us
for this four assists, while An- Dellar dur-
dillac coach Scott Graham
summer, according to
a press release selma Barnett and KayLee Weather Alerts • Breaking ing Friday’s of from getting a lot of
sent out by the Michigan
Department Goodman each tacked
on News • School ClosingsHighland said. "We had a couple
odd- on net and had
a lot of
of Health and Human turnovers that cost us good coverage that pre-
Services. 12 points. Sign up at www.cadill Conference
Two walkers enter rambadt acnews.com/alerts man rushes, though, and vented us from penetrat-
MOISD Superintend
ent Steve Locke Park in reed City on a recent RICk CHaRMOLI | wEEkLy VOICE Barnett had 11 rebounds contest. The
did not respond to inquiries Park in reed City is ready June morning. rambadt they capitalized." Graham
on the for summer as campers are as Goodman had nine Bucks beat
Geiger got Cadil- ing the middle,"point in
program. ing and parked, flowers and Re- Brian
songbirds are singing. With
summer sun and temperatures are bloom- This honey bee is seeking steals. Taylor Hill the Wildcats into added. "At that
lac on the board 5:39
summer has come to reed
City and northern Michigan. finally here, out nectar and pollen to bring bekah Dean each had
six 54-34. as- the game, we need to
hive from this blooming bush
at rambadt Park in reed City. its
back the second period off shots and crash the net."
sists from Derek Tonello Carter Fosmore stopped
A zone defense helped

to alexander sinn | cadillac news and Gavin Foster to make 28 of the 30 shots he faced
the Bucks hold Evart
it 2-1 but Livonia Franklin in goal.
one score in the second points first cost them,
the Wildcats with 11 scored later in the period Cadillac wraps up the
quarter, coach Brandon scoring. and four rebounds, fol-
said. on the power play. weekend series with
Bowman said. "The kids came out and Elder (seven The Wildcats (3-2 overall, The Vikings were able noon
"We still have a lot to half," lowed by Kelci face McBain vonia Franklin at
fought in the second and 0-1 Highland) to keep sustained pres-
work on," Bowman said. points, 10 rebounds) on Tuesday. today before hosting
Evart coach Paul Higgins Cyana Dellar (six points, sure on the Patriots but
exciting to know the er (2-1, 1-0 High- Gaylord in a Big North
Thursday, April 9, 2020 | www.weeklyvoice.net weekly voice • 5

Osceola County resources during COVID-19

During the COVID-19 the School Feeding Programs Program
Osceola County Emergency Man- All Osceola County K12 Schools Housing information Mecosta/Osceola Transit Au- This program will provide up to
agement has been providing and are continuing feeding programs The state is offering interest- thority $20 million in grants and loans to
updating a list of services for resi- through various mechanisms. free forgivable loans to help with MOTA is supporting safe essen- Michigan’s small businesses.
dents on Nixel. Please see individual websites and mortgage, property taxes and tial travel services for medically Information: www.
Emergency Management will social media for details or refer to condominium association fees in essential travel, pick up and porch michigan.gov/coronavi-
continue to update this list on the state school nutrition locator cases of involuntary qualifying delivery of groceries and medica- rus/0,9753,7-406-98158-523333--,00.
Nixel (www.mcgi.state.mi.us/schoolnu- hardship - like job loss or a medi- tions. html
trition) cal event. Phone: 231-796-4896 Application: www.michigan-
Support Agencies: Reed City Area Public Schools: https://www.stepforwardmichi- business.org
2-1-1 / General Community Ser- www.reedcityschools.org gan.org Employment, Healthcare and
vices Evart Public Schools: evartps. Business Assistance: Small Business Administration
Michigan’s 2-1-1 is a one-call sys- org Water Utility Reconnect / Pro- Michigan Labor & Economic / COVID-19 Economic Loss Loans
tem for all community needs and Marion Public Schools: www. tection from Shut Off Opportunity / Unemployment In- SBA Loans have been made
information. Multiple resources marion.k12.mi.us Per executive order, water ser- surance Agency / Unemployment available for small businesses af-
and referrals are available. Pine River Area Schools - www. vices to residences cannot be shut Assistance fected by COVID-19.
Phone: 2-1-1 or Text: (your zip pineriver.org off during the State of Emergency. Unemployment due to the Web: disasterloan.sba.gov/ela
code) to 898211 Press Release: https://www. COVID-19 has been significantly
Web: www.mi211.org Osceola County Commission on michigan.gov/whitmer expanded due to several executive CARES Act for Non-Profits,
Aging orders. Small Business, and Individual
Mi Bridges / Multiple Services Although congregate meal sites Energy Utility Protections / As- Phone: 866-500-0017 Relief aid for small and large
A streamlined and dynamic ap- are closed, seniors can still access sistance Web: www.michigan.gov non-profits, small businesses, and
plication for multiple programs meals via drive-thru service at The State of Michigan has individuals.
including healthcare, food assis- each Osceola Commission on Ag- worked with several energy util- Employment / Pure Michigan Web: independentsector.org/
tance, child development and care, ing site or by scheduling Home ity providers (including DTE and Talent Connect resource/caresact/
cash assistance and state emer- Delivery Meals. Consumers Energy) for several as- Michigan companies need to fill
gency relief Phone: 231-734-5559 sistance measures resulting from thousands of critical, immediate Additional Financial Services:
Phone Hotline Directory: www. the Stay Home Stay Safe order. vacancies to support work dur- Taxes
michigan.gov/mdhhs Project Starburst / Food Bank Press Release: www.michigan. ing the COVID-19 pandemic. The Deadlines for Federal and State
Online Portal: newmibridges. Located in Big Rapids, it also gov/coronavirus State’s employment search engine Income tax returns have been ex-
michigan.gov serves Osceola County residents. - Pure Michigan Talent Connect tended to July 15th. Additional as-
Pantry hours remain the same, Child Care for Essential Work- - provides job seekers and employ- sistance may be provided for those
Mid Michigan Community Ac- curbside service is in effect cur- ers ers with an online portal at MiTal- laid off due to COVID-19 such as
tion Agency / Various Programs rently with food brought to the Members of the essential work- ent.org to post, search and connect past-due state taxes or state debts.
Closed to public but services vehicle. Name, number in house- force in need of childcare can to these job openings. Phone: 517-636-5265
available. Assistance includes hold, telephone number and enter their information in the Web: www.michigan.gov/taxes
heat, utilities, homeless, food com- county are questions asked by a application below and it will be Healthcare Resulting from Un-
modities, foreclosure assistance, volunteer. forwarded to the appropriate ISD employment Economic Impact Payments
pre-purchase home assistance, Address: 120 S. State St. Big Rap- which will help to locate childcare. Michiganders who lose a Information on the federal
property taxes, weatherization, ids, Mi. 49307 Application: www.helpmegrow- job, resulting in a loss of their government economic impact
well and septic repair. Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thurs- mi.org/essential healthcare coverage or a change payments can be found at the IRS
Call: 2-1-1 or Office: 231-791-7078 day, Friday 10 am to 4 pm and in income, may have low or no- website
Wednesday noon to 6 pm. Internet cost healthcare options available Web: www.irs.gov/newsroom
Food Services: AT&T and Charter are offering through the Affordable Care Act
Food and feeding programs Rent, Utility, Internet, Childcare low cost or free internet to low- (ACA) Marketplace, Medicaid, or Financial Advisement / MSU
The following is a summary of and Travel income households with service the Children’s Health Insurance Extension
known feeding programs within Rent information not interruptable for failure to pay. Program (CHIP). MSU Extension is providing fi-
Osceola County. This is only a Per executive order, Governor AT&T: about.att.com/pages/ Application: www.healthcare. nancial webinars, “Navigating the
summary, please see individual Whitmer has temporarily sus- COVID-19.html gov/. Challenges’ focused on COVID-19
sites for details pended all evictions in Michigan Charter: corporate.charter.com/ and other financial programs.
until April 17. newsroom Michigan Small Business Relief Web: www.canr.msu.edu

Evart Police
Department, weekly
Sunday 3/29
• Officers were dis-
the floor. Officers spoke
with the upstairs tenant
ing a leash.
• Officers were dis-
about the incident and he
stated he was waiting for
elry. Officers were unable
to make immediate contact
patched to an apartment who reported she just got patched to a complainant a ride out of town. Officers and later received a mes-
report regarding possible child her children to settle down of an intoxicated male were dispatched back to sage that there had been a
Wednesday 4/1 abuse in progress. The and watch a movie for the causing a scene as his ex- the apartment regarding misunderstanding and the
• Officers received a call father was found to have night. She requested the of- girlfriend was packing her an assault. The Officers items were returned.
regarding the larceny of a three valid warrants. The ficer convey her apologies belongings to move out. arrested a 30-year female • Officers received a call
license plate. The case re- 37-year-old male was placed to the caller for her. The officers stood by while on felony charges of do- regarding concerns on
mains open at this time. under arrest for Domestic Monday 3/30 she finished packing and mestic violence after find- whether or not a local com-
• Officers were advised of Assault, the warrants, and • Officers were dispatched attempted to calm down ing evidence she may have pany is an essential busi-
a possible Executive Order transported to the Osceola to a possible fight in prog- the emotional and intoxi- cut the man with a knife. ness under the emergency
2020-21 violation. County jail, where he was ress. Upon arrival, officers cated man. The officers also will be re- orders. The caller reported
lodged without incident. spoke with the homeowner, • While knocking on an questing a warrant for the concerns for the employees
• Officers were dis- who reported he had been apartment door to serve a 50-year-old male on charg- and the lack of social dis-
Reed City Police patched to an apartment arguing with his adult son. felony warrant for Feloni- es of unlawful entry into tancing. Contact was made
Department, weekly complex regarding a com- He added that there was no ous Assault/Mayhem, of- a residence. His injuries with the company and at
report plaint of the upstairs ten- physical contact and that ficers could hear a heated were treated and were not this time there is no evi-
ants stomping around on his son left town prior to argument in progress. The life-threatening. She was dence to support they are
the officer’s arrival. The of- wanted 56-year-old man transported to the Osceola operating in violation.
ficers were given the man’s answered the door and County Jail and lodged • Officers were notified
Add phone number and learned
he was living in a camper
was placed under arrest.
He was transported to the
without incident.
Thursday 4/2
of a 20-year-old male that
had been in an apartment

on his father’s property. A Osceola County Jail where • Officers were dis- in which the property man-
phone call confirmed the he was lodged without in- patched to respond to a sus- ager had previously had a
argument was not physi- cident. Further domestic picious situation of a man no-trespass order placed
cal and a verbal warning charges submitted to the sitting in a car watching a on him. Officers arrived to

issued stating that living in prosecuting attorney’s of- business. It was discovered find he had left. Officers did
the camper was a violation fice for review. that he works nearby and speak with the man who ad-
of a city ordinance and he Wednesday 4/1 was just in the area waiting mitted to being there. The
needed to make other liv- • Officers were assist- for his shift to start. matter has been turned
ing arrangements. ed by MSP and Osceola Friday 4/3 over to the prosecuting at-
Tuesday 3/31 County deputies after be- • Officers received a re- torney’s office as this was a
to the • Officers were called
to a dog sitting outside a
ing dispatched to an apart-
ment complex regarding
port from dispatch regard-
ing a daughter breaking
violation of the man’s bond
condition release order. A

conversation. business, unattended and

without a leash. The offi-
cer spoke with the owner
regarding the dog not hav-
a complaint of someone
yelling for someone to get
out of their house. Offi-
cers arrived and found the
into her father’s home and
stealing clothes and jew-
warrant had been request-
ed for trespassing.

Send your local

ing a leash sitting outside woman and her children
stories, news, events, the business doors was in- were ok and that she had
and pictures in to timidating to some people. just kicked a man out of
The officer issued a verbal her apartment. The Offi-
the Weekly Voice. warning for a violation of cers located and spoke with
The FREE weekly the city ordinance requir- the man a short time later
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Ad deAdline: Call a classified
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Your town. Your Paper. Your VOICE.

Thursday, April 9, 2020 | www.weeklyvoice.net weekly voice • 7

Evart girls enjoyed turnaround season

Coach Tiedt’s first had posted a winning re-
cord was the 2010-11 season
year at helm is when the Wildcats finished
with an 11-10 mark.
memorable “I’m happy for the girls,
By Mike Dunn especially the seniors,”
Weekly Voice said Tiedt, who had
coached the Evart seventh-
EVART — It was a turn- grade girls for seven years
around season for the Ev- prior to stepping in as var-
art girls basketball team. sity coach for the 2019-20
The 2019-20 season, the season.
first under new varsity “The girls put in a lot of
coach Matt Tiedt, was a hard work and it paid off in
successful one as the Wild- a lot of ways. By the end of
cats secured 12 wins, the the season, we were play-
most for an Evart girls ing pretty well and doing
team since the 1999 season. a lot of good things on the
Along the way, the Wildcats floor offensively and defen-
earned a 41-39 victory at sively. I’m bummed for the
McBain, the first time Ev- seniors that we didn’t beat
art had won at the court of Hart (in the district finals)
perennial Highland Confer- but we played well and had
ence powerhouse McBain nothing to hang our heads
since the ’99 season. about.”
Evart also won three of Evart had four seniors
its last four regular-season on this year’s squad: center
games to secure a No. 2 Kelci Elder, point guard
seed in the Division 3 dis- Livia Hopkins, guard Kylee
trict tournament at Hart Ladd, and forward Madison
and went on to beat Mason Parish. All four were start-
County Central 46-35 in ers or saw significant play-
the district semifinals to ing time and all four were File Photo
advance and face No. 1 seed key contributors. Evart girls basketball coach Matt Tiedt gives instructions during a timeout from a home game during the 2019-20 season. The Wildcats
Hart in the district cham- “The seniors were super posted a 12-10 record, their best since 1999.
pionship game. It marked leaders for our program,”
only the second time in a Tiedt said. “They set the gardner and freshman Ad- the floor at both ends and time showing on the clock, steal and passed to Kelci
decade that Evart had won standard. They were lead- dysen Gray. an inspirational leader, had setting off a spontaneous for a breakaway to put us
a district game. ers on and off the floor. We It took a while for the sustained an ankle injury celebration. on top. It looked like we
Evart lost in the district had some tough preseason pieces to start fitting to- in the team’s seventh game The Wildcats, tighter now were gonna lose to them
title game to state-ranked conditioning and the se- gether. The Widcats had a and had to miss time as as teammates than ever, again and we turned the
Hart by a 50-38 margin but niors never complained. 5-5 record at the halfway well. continued to improve from whole game around in 10 to
put up a whale of a fight as They showed up and led point of the season and had The Wildcats faced that point. The clear evi- 15 seconds. It was so huge
the underdogs, even lead- by example. Madison had outscored some decent non- league foe Beal City at dence of just how far they for us to beat a good team
ing the heavily-favored host to miss some time after league foes, Fairview and home on Jan. 21 and staged had come from the start of on the road. That was an
Pirates by a point early in she had a concussion and Harrison, but the Wildcats a second-half rally to post a the season was indicated enormous hurdle to cross. I
the fourth quarter. Kelci was injured and were inconsistent in scor- 50-44 victory in a game that in back-to-back road victo- think that’s when the girls
All in all, it was a solid had to sit for two or three ing and were just 2-5 in the seemed to mark a turning ries at the court of quality realized we had become a
season for Evart featur- weeks in the middle of the Highland Conference. To point. Kelci, the Queen of Highland foes Houghton pretty good team. Then we
ing a strong push in the year but aside from that I make things more challeng- Collision, was back for her Lake and McBain in late went to McBain and won
final weeks that included don’t think there were two ing, junior wing Kyleigh first game after the ankle February. The Wildcats lost there.”
road victories over quality missed practices between Burhans, a hard-nosed, injury and heated up as at the court of state-ranked Tiedt, whose promis-
Highland foes Houghton the seniors all year long.” hustling player who cov- the game went along, scor- Morley Stanwood in one of ing daughters Kayann, an
Lake and McBain and a The roster also included ered the floor defensively ing eight. Henry, the fluid, their last games but even eighth-grader, and Mat-
berth in the district finals juniors Kara Henry, Mack- like wet on water, sustained versatile junior who saw there they gave the Mo- tisen, a sixth-grader, are
for the first time in many enzi VanBuren, Kyleigh a concussion against NMC time at all five positions hawks a good test. coming up through the
years. Evart completed its Burhans, Ryenn Baum- in the ninth game and was during the season, turned The Wildcats finished ranks, is looking to build
turnaround season with a gardner, Kylie Dorn and not able to return for the in her best showing to the regular season with on the late-season success
12-10 record, its best in 20 Liz Goodwin along with rest of the season. Kelci date, scoring 16. The lethal an 11-9 log, their best since the Wildcats enjoyed this
years. The last time Evart sophomore Skylar Baum- Elder, a physical force on lefties, backcourt mates 2011, and followed that year. Two of this year’s top
Skylar Baumgardner and with their fourth victory in scorers, Kara Henry and
Addy Gray, each dropped five games, beating Mason Addy Gray, are returning
three triples through the County Central in the dis- next season along with a
nylon. VanBuren buried a trict semifinals to set up the dedicated group of juniors
key buzzer-beater before berth in the district cham- who gained valuable play-
the end of the third quar- pionship game with Hart. ing time, and sophomore
ter. Hopkins ignited the “I told the girls our goal sharpshooter Skylar
game-turning comeback was to be playing our best Baumgardner. A group of
run with an aggressive put- basketball in March and we talented middle-schoolers,
back. Ladd created havoc accomplished that,” said including coach Tiedt’s
with her defensive pres- Tiedt, who also credited the daughters and the daugh-
sure. Parish secured key invaluable help and input ter of assistant coach Paul
rebounds. of assistant coaches Paul Dyer, will be developing
The nice team victory Dyer, Joey Hamilton and their hardwood skills the
over Beal was followed Lauren Nabozny. Dyer also next few years. They point
closely by another tense served as JV coach with toward a potentially bright
team victory at home Hamilton as his assistant future for the program.
against league foe Pine and Nabozny was the team “We have some good play-
River in one of the most ex- trainer, too, pushing the ers coming back,” Tiedt
citing games of the season. girls through a rigorous acknowledged. “Winning
Again, Evart employed a preseason workout regi- those games at Houghton
full-court press to battle men that Tiedt said paid Lake and McBain near the
from behind in the fourth dividends many times over end of the season gives
quarter. The Wildcats, who as the season went along. us confidence moving for-
had been trailing by six, “Toward the end we knew ward. And getting to play
took a brief lead when the we were battling Shelby for in a big game in districts is
unflappable Gray nailed a the No. 2 seed in the district huge for us, too. The game
pair of free throws with 30 draw. We faced some must- with Hart was a great ex-
Family Health Care is here to help seconds left but Pine River
rallied to take a 32-31 lead
win games and we pulled
them out. The biggest one
perience for the kids, the
ones who played in it and
during the COVID-19 Pandemic. with 3.8 seconds to go.
An outlet pass to Kara
was at Houghton Lake.
They had a good record and
the younger ones watching
from the bleachers; it was a
The following services are open and available to our communities: Henry broke Pine River’s had beaten us by 15 at our great playoff atmosphere.
full-court press and then place earlier in the year. We The gym was packed and it
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ing in the balance, nailed 3-pointer to tie the score playoff game. It gives you a
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8 • weekly voice www.weeklyvoice.net | Thursday, April 9, 2020

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