Ieee Bakker 1996
Ieee Bakker 1996
Ieee Bakker 1996
Abstract-A CMOS smart temperature sensor with digital output is presented. It consumes only 7 gW. To achieve this extremely low-power consumption, the system is equipped with a facility that switches off the supply power after each sample. The circuit uses substrate bipolars as a temperature sensor. Conversion to the digital domain is done by a sigma-delta converter which makes the circuit highly insensitive to digital interference. The complete system is realized in a standard CMOS process and measures only 1.5 mm2. In the temperature range from -40 to +12QC, the inaccuracy is 3 ~ 1 C after calibration at two temperatures. The circuit operates at supply voltages down to 2.2 V.
I Min. I
Supply voltage
Average supply current (3V, 2 samples/sec)
I Max. I
OW-COST' high-performance temperature sensors are increasingly required for the following applications: 1) on VLSI chips to control the dissipation; 2 ) in microsystems to compensate for temperature cross sensitivity of other sensors; 3) in strongly automated production plants; and 4) in automated consumer products like cars and domestic appliances. Next to the demands on costs and performance, it is also needed to reduce the power consumption of the temperature system to a minimum. The reasons for this are to be able to use the sensor in battery operated products, to reduce the errors caused by self-heating, and to be able to add the sensor to a VLSI chip without causing a significant increase in power consumption of the complete system. The micropower CMOS smart temperature sensor described here perfectly fits in this low-cost, high-performance, and lowpower market. It has its application in the automotive industry, where it is meant to measure the temperature in car tires. This is first for safety reasons and second to compensate for the temperature sensitivity of a pressure sensor which is also located in the tire. Krummenacher and Oguey [ l ] presented a smart CMOS temperature sensor with a power consumption of 120 pW. For our application, however, the power consumption should not exceed 10 p W . This is required to guarantee a lifetime of the battery of at least seven years, which is equal to the maximum lifetime of the tire. Another important disadvantage of the circuit of Krummenacher and Oguey is that they use a lateral bipolar transistor as
Manuscript received December 4, 1995; revised February 5 , 1996. This work was supported by the European Committee (ESPRIT Project 9011, acronym Slopsys). The authors are with the Delft Institute of Microelectronics and Submicron Technology (DIMES), Delft University of Technology, 2628 CD Delft, The Netherlands. Publisher Item Identilier S 001 8-9200(96)04470-8.
a temperature sensor. This device can only be used in special processes. We decided to use the substrate transistor, which is much more compatible with standard CMOS technology. This implies, however, the design of a complete new circuit topology, including offset-reduction techniques. Without degrading the accuracy too much, we obtained a power consumption of 60 pW at continuous operation. Including a power-down facility, this could be reduced to 7 pW at a nominal sample rate of 2 samplesh. The complete temperature measurement system consists of a temperature sensor, a bandgap voltage reference, and an analog to digital converter on one single chip. The interface to an external microcontroller is 8 b parallel. The target specifications are shown in Table I.
In CMOS technology, there are three possible devices which can be used as a temperature sensor: 1) CMOS transistors operating in weak inversion; 2) lateral bipolar transistors; 3) vertical bipolar transistors. Vittoz [2] showed that it is possible to make voltage references using CMOS transistors operating in weak inversion. However, for temperature sensing, these devices suffer from limited reproducibility on absolute value and temperature coefficient, which are both depending on the threshold voltage. A lateral bipolar transistor can be used to make an accurate temperature sensor [l], [3]. The quality of the lateral bipolar transistor depends heavily, however, on the IC process. In many processes, especially when no attention has been paid to optimize this device, the current gain of this transistor is very low (< 5) and the leakage current toward substrate (via
Fig. 1.
Derivation of
and I/;'f.
Fig. 2. Basic PTAT circuit
the parasitic vertical bipolar) is difficult to control and can be up to 50%. Considering also that data on these parameters is hard to obtain, good circuit design with these devices is hardly feasible. The vertical bipolar substrate transistor seems to be the best candidate for integrated temperature sensors [4]. The quality of this transistor is comparable to transistors in standard bipolar processes. The characterization of these devices may not be very elaborate in most processes, but is usually sufficient for our purpose. The main problem is the lack of a free collector terminal, which is inherently connected to substrate. This problem can, however, be solved on circuit level.
At an emitter current density ratio of eight, the temperature coefficient of this PTAT voltage is 0.2 mV/"C. Amplifying this voltage (uAVb,) and adding it to a base-emitter voltage (&,I) results in a so-called bandgap reference voltage independent of temperature (V,,f). B. A-D Conversion
EA converters have proven to be very suitable in lowfrequency, high-performance applications. In our case, having a very low-frequency signal (< 2 Hz) and moderate accuracy (8 b) a first-order EA converter has been chosen because of the lower complexity and die area compared to higher order EA converters.
C. Calibration Because a microprocessor is already needed to control the transmitter for the tire control application, it will be cheaper to implement the calibration facility in this microprocessor than to do a laser trimming or digital calibration on the chip. At this moment. a choice still needs to be made whether to implement the calibration figures in EEPROM, PROM, or even in RAM. This is mainly dependent on the quality of EEPROM at high temperatures (130C) and long lifetime (over seven years).
where p is the emitter current density ratio, k is Boltzmann's constant, and q is the electron charge.
The basic schematic for a CMOS PTAT circuit is shown in Fig. 2. Because the collectors of the substrate bipolars are connected to the substrate, an operational amplifier i s required to regulate the emitter currents. The offset drift of this CMOS amplifier is, however, in the order of the
EA converter
I +
reset /enabl enable e-' sample-ready
required accuracy (1C M 200 p V ) which makes an offset compensation technique necessary. There are two topologies for offset compensation: Autozeroing and chopping [8]. The autozeroing technique is more complicated to combine with a current-mode EA converter, because of the not continuously available output signal. A choice has therefore been made to implement the chopping technique.
B. Chopper Circuit
The PTAT circuit with chopper is shown in Fig. 3. The opamp, as schematically shown in Fig. 2, consists of two amplifying stages. The first stage of the opamp is formed by . . . M8, while the second one is formed by Mg. The Miller capacitor C,, is needed for stabilization of the circuit. The chopper circuit is usually placed across the entire opamp. In our case, however, the chopper is placed only across the first stage of the opamp including the mirror. The offset of the mirror is therefore also removed. The advantage of
not placing the chopper across the complete opamp is that the second (Miller compensated) stage acts as a low-pass
chi0 1 4
-1 -2
-0.5 -1.0
Fig. 9. Error after calibration at - 2 O O C
and 100C.
filter, which makes an additional low-pass filter unnecessary. Another advantage is that the lack of an additional low-pass filter also increases the bandwidth of the complete system. This circuit is patent pending [SI.
D. A-D Converter
The principle of the first-order EA converter is shown in Fig. 5. The bitstream at the output is proportional to Itemp/Iref. This signal is led to a counter, which acts as a first-order digital decimation filter. The integrator is reset at the start of each sample. The value of the capacitor is 60 pF.
A block schematic of the entire temperature system is shown in Fig. 6. The control block is needed to control the powerdown mode and the counter. The clock signal has to be divided by two to guarantee a precise 50% duty-cycle, which is needed for the chopper. Both the digital and the analog part can be switched off by the power-on signal.
F. Layout Design and Fabrication
The circuit has been realized in a double-poly 2 pm CMOS process. Special attention has been paid to the matching of transistors and resistors. The complete circuit measures I .5 mm2 (excluding bond pads), of which 20% is occupied by poly resistors and 10% by poly-poly capacitors. A micrograph is shown in Fig. 7. This chip, which measures 12 mm, also incorporates the pressure sensor interface, which is needed for the tire control application. The analog part of the temperature system is marked by a white rectangle. A second version is
errors. The total residual error will then be due to the offset in the base-emitter voltage of the bipolar temperature sensor, which will be h3C. The required accuracy of *lC can then be met with a single calibration of Vbe at room temperature.
Supply current Average (3V. 2 sampleskc) During sample
P. Krummenacher and H. Oguey, Smart temperature sensor in CMOS
technology, Sensors and Actuators, vols. A21L.423, pp. 636-638, 1990. E. A. Vittoz, A low-voltage CMOS bandgap reference, IEEE J. SolidState Circuits, vol. SC-14, pp. 573-577, 1979. -, MOS transistors operated in the lateral bipolar mode and their application in CMOS technology, IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. SC-18, pp. 273-279, 1983. M. Ferro, F. Salerno, and R. Castello, A floating CMOS bandgap voltage reference for differential applications, IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 24, pp. 690-697, 1989. G. C. M. Meijer, Thermal sensors based on transistors, Sensors and Actuators, vol. 10, pp. 103-125, 1986. G. C. M. Meijer, A. J. M. B o o d a m p , and R. J. Duguesnoy, An accurate biomedical temperature transducer with on-chip microcomputer interfacing, IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits,vol. 23, pp. 1405-1410, 1988. F. R. Riedijk and J. H. Huijsing, An integrated absolute temperature sensor with sigma-delta A-to-D conversion, Sensors and Actuators, vol. A34, pp. 249-256, 1992. C. C. Enz, E. A. Vittoz, and F. Krummenacher, A CMOS chopper amplifier, IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. SC-22, pp. 335-342, 1987. A. Bakker and J. H. Huijsing, Chopper amplifier with internal filter, Dutch patent application no. 10.01231, Sept. 18, 1995.
50 samples/sec
currently being processed in a state-of-the-art 0.7 pm process, and measures only 0.7 mm.This reduction could be reached mainly by resizing the digital part and by replacing the poly resistors of 25 Q/U by high-resistive (undoped) poly of 2 kS1/0.
The chip has been encapsulated in a standard IC package and has been exposed to temperatures in the range from -40 to +120C. The circuit is working at supply voltages varying form 2.2 to 5.0 V. The current consumption is 25 pA at continuous operation (50 samplesk) and 3 p A at a sample rate of 2 samplesh, thus having a nominal power consumption of 3 /LA * 2.2 V = 7 pW. Due to the cascoding of all current mirrors and bias circuits, the power supply rejection is limited to O.IC/V, which is very good for circuits operating at voltages as low as 2.2 V. The noise is only 0 . 1 C over the entire temperature range. The specifications of the measured circuit are shown in Table 11. The error over temperature before calibration is shown in Fig. 8. The error is below h 7 C for the entire temperature range for three samples, which is in accordance with the calculated error of k 8C. Fig. 9 shows the error after calibration at -20C and 100C. This shows that the residual error after calibration is h1C. VI. CONCLUSION
Anton Bakker was born in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, on July I I , 1968 He received the M Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, in 1991. Since then, he has been involved in the development of mixed-mode analog-digital circuits on digitdl gate-arrays In 1993, he joined the Electronic Instrumentation Labordtory at the Delft University of Technology where he is now working toward the Ph.D degree on the Subject of CMOS temperature microsystems
A smart temperature sensor has been presented which offers extremely low power consumption and small chip area. The circuit has been made in standard CMOS technology. Calibration is done in an external microcontroller. The specification of very low power consumption and wide temperature range makes this smart temperature system very suitable to be used as a subsystem in various existing and future electronic systems. A next generation of this system will use more elaborate offset reduction techniques which will further reduce the
Johan H. Huijsing (SM81j was born in Bandung, Indonesia, on May 21, 1938. He received the M.Sc degree in eleLtrical engineering from the Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, in 1969, and the Ph D degree from the same university in 1981 for work on operational amplihers Hi\ thesis was Integrated Circuits for Accurate Linear Analogue Electric Signal Procesaing, supervised by Prof Dr Ir J. Davidse Since 1969 he has been a member of the Research and Teaching Staff of the Electronic Instrumentdtion Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering, Delft UniverWy of Tech nology, where he 15 now Profe\sor of Electronic Instrumentation He teaches courses on electrical measurement technique\, electronic instrumentation, operational amplifiers and analog-to-digitdl converters His field of research is analog circuit design (operational amplihers, analog multipliers, etc 1 dnd integrated smart wnsors (signal conditioning on the sensor chip, frequency and digital converters which incorporate sensors, bus interfaces, etc ) He is the duthor or coauthor of some 110 scientific papers dnd 15 patents