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A Low Power, and Low Signal 5-Bit 25msamples/s Pipelined ADC For Monolithic Active Pixels

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A Low Power, and low signal 5-bit 25Msamples/s

Pipelined ADC for Monolithic Active Pixels.

J. Bouvier, M. Dahoumane, D. Dzahini, J.Y. Hostachy, E. Lagorio, O. Rossetto

H. Ghazlane
, D. Dallet

Abstract For CMOS monolithic active pixels sensor readout,
we developed a 5 bit low power analog to digital converter using
a pipelined architecture. A non-resetting sample and hold stage is
included to amplify the signal by a factor of 4. Due to the very
low level of the incoming signal, this first stage compensates both
the amplifier offset effect and the input common mode voltage
dispersion. The converter consists of three 1.5 bit sub-ADC and a
2 bit flash. We present the results of a prototype, comprising of
eight ADC channels. The maximum sampling rate is 25MS/s. The
total DC power consumption is 1.7mW/channel on a 3.3V supply
voltage recommended for the process. But at a reduced 2.5V
supply, it consumes only 1.3mW. The size for each ADC channel
layout is only 43m*1.43mm. This corresponds to the pitch of
two columns of pixels, each one would be 20m wide. The full
analog part of the converter can be quickly switched to a standby
idle mode in less than 1s; thereby reducing the power
dissipation to a ratio better than 1/1000. This fast power fall is
very important for the ILC vertex detector because it renders the
total power dissipation directly proportional to the beam low
duty cycle.
ONOLITHIC active pixel sensors (MAPS) fabricated in
CMOS technology offer several well known advantages
for vertex detectors, high precision beam telescopes and
imaging devices.
Granularity, flexibility, radiation tolerance, compactness,
random access and fast read-out are among their most
appealing characteristics. On the other hand, the associated
readout electronics design is constrained in several aspects:
- The process used has to be chosen according to its particle
detection performances (e.g. epitaxial layer thickness);
- The minimum readable signal may be very small (typically
a couple of mV);
- The layout has to be adjusted to the (small) pixel pitch;
- The number of metal layers may be modest (4 or 5 only);
- And, of course, the power budget is a critical issue.

Manuscript received November 14, 2006.
(1) are with IN2P3 Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et Cosmologie
53 avenue des Martyrs, 38026 Grenoble cedex France, ( tel. 33-476 28 41 27
corresponding authors e-mail: dzahini@lpsc.in2p3.fr).
(2) is with CNESTEN, BP 1382 RP 10001 Rabat Moroco.
(3) is with IXL, 351 Cours de la Libration, 33405 Talence Cedex, France.

The design presented here follows the requirements of pixel
arrays designed at IPHC-Strasbourg in collaboration with
DAPNIA-Saclay, in perspective of the Linear Collider vertex
detector [1]. The arrangement of the pixel array with its
associated read-out and A/D conversion stages is illustrated by
figure 1.

Figure 1: Sketch view of a MAPS array with a data conversion stage.

The IPHC develops fast sensors made of pixel columns read
out in parallel, featuring an architecture allowing a frame read-
out frequency in excess of 10 kHz. Each pixel hosts a micro-
circuit providing a first pedestal subtraction (via correlated
double sampling, i.e. CDS), eventually repeated at the end of
each column [2]. Each column is presently ended with a
discriminator, which will be replaced in future by an ADC.
The latter needs to fit the column width, which amounts to
25m at present, and should become 20 microns in the next
prototypes. The minimal signal delivered by each column is
typically in the order of a mV, which translates into a first
challenge for the read-out circuit design. Next comes the fast
sampling rate ambitioned (10 MS/s). Finally, the power
budget should remain as low as about 500 W/column.
Due to the low value of the Least Significant Bit (LSB
~1mV), the design of the first stages of this converter is
critical according to the offset and the signal to noise ratio.
2006 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record N14-87
1-4244-0561-0/06/$20.00 2006 IEEE. 375

With a sampling rate beyond 10 MHz, pipelined architecture
is usually considered as good compromise because it requires
less power dissipation and area than a full flash. An overview
block diagram is shown in figure 2. [3], [4], [5].

Figure 2: General block diagram of a pipelined converter.

The first stage samples and holds the analog input signal. It
is followed by a set of pipelined stages. Each one produces a
digital estimate of an incoming held signal, then converts this
estimate back to the analog, subtracts the result from the held
input; then this residue is amplified before being passed to the
next stage. Eventually the last stage is a full flash that
determines the least significant bits. The successive digital
results from the pipelined stages are appropriately delayed
throughout a bit alignment network. Then a digital correction
stage helps to recover the errors due to the comparators offset.
Therefore, low offset comparators are not necessary and the
power consumption is reduced.
This paper describes hereafter each stage of this converter and
we present some testing results.

Figure 3: Sample and Hold Amplifier (SHA) scheme.

Charge redistribution non-inverting architecture is used.
Figure 3 illustrates the sampling phase (phi2 is ON). veeSH!
is the name for the virtual ground. The signal is stored onto the
set of 4 sampling capacitors (C37...C40). Then during the
HOLD (phi1), the charge is transferred to the feedback
capacitor C23. This results into amplification by 4 of the
differential signal between the reference (dark level) and the
intensity level. Each capacitor unit is equal to 100fF.

A. Offset issues

The schematic used is not a full differential because the
common mode feedback control that would be necessary is
power or area consuming. Due to the low level of the signal,
the pseudo differential scheme used is sensitive to the offset
coming from different sources.

1) The Amplifiers offset

During the sampling phase (phi2) the amplifiers offset is
registered on the feedback capacitor C
and kept at the
amplifiers input. Then the sampled signal will be V
The previous held signal Vout
was stored on C
. Thereby
at the output of the amplifier it is maintained Vout
+ V

which is not a reset value: this architecture is so called non
resetting SHA. During the HOLD phase (phi1), the charges
are transferred from the sampling capacitors to the feedback
capacitor C
leading to an amplification in the ratio of the
capacitors. Figure 4 shows the gain variation according to the
input signal. It stays close to the optimal value of 4, when the
OTAs offset parameter varies from -10 mV up to 10 mV. One
can notice a worse case error of 2.5% for the smallest signal. It
comes from the OTA finite open loop gain and also the
parasitic capacitors effect. But this error is still acceptable for
a 5 bit design.

Figure 4: SHA gain according to the input signal, with the OTAs offset as a
second parameter.

2) The charge injections offset

When the switches go to the OFF position, the charges
coming from the transistors channel will create an offset that
could be critical here since the capacitors are very small. This
offset source is controlled using non overlapping 4 phase
clocks which is not detailed in the figure 3 schematic for
simplification reasons.

3) The pixels common mode voltage fluctuation

In figure 3 one can notice the symmetry between, the
reference signal branch on one side going from node V
the virtual ground vee_SH!, and on the other side the
intensity signal branch which is from node V
to the output
node V
. This symmetry reduces the fluctuation of the
common mode level at the amplifier inputs even when the
dark level from the pixel varies significantly.

4) The OTAs input parasitic capacitor effect

The finite value of the open loop gain makes this integrator,
in the offset point of view, very sensitive to the parasitic
capacitors at the OTAs inputs. This offset could easily shift
the output signal out of the converters dynamic range. The
random value of some parasitic capacitors, will lead into a
dispersion of the signal read by the following ADC. Hence
during the layout design, a great care has been taken about the
OTAs input nodes.

B. Noise issues
The KT/C noise is a critical parameter in this design due to
the constraint of small value used for the capacitors to save
surface. The input sampling capacitor is only 400fF which
corresponds to a KT/C rms noise of 0.1 mV. Hence we have a
safety margin of 1/10 between the rms noise and the minimum
incoming signal. That ratio is large enough to maintain a quiet
output code. We take care of the additional thermal noise of
the OTA to not reduce significantly this robustness to the

C. The OTA architecture

The amplifier designed for the SHA is used also for the
converter multiplying stages. It is a telescopic cascode scheme
as shown in figure 5. [6]

Figure 5: A wide swing telescopic OTA.

The current mirror load is a so called wide swing cascode
[3]. It improves the dynamic range better than a basic cascode
and makes robust the design for future low voltage version.
The Bode diagram simulations results on a 1pF load are
shown in figure 6.

Figure 6: Bode diagram for the OTA on a 1pF load.


Figure 7: Bloc diagram of a 1.5bit sub-converter stage.

Fig. 7 illustrates the implementation of a 1.5 bit pipeline
stage. The A/D block consists of two non critical comparators.
The D/A conversion, subtraction, amplification, and S/H
functions are performed by a switched capacitor circuit with a
resolution of 1.5 bit per stage and an interstage gain of 2.
Hence the transfer function of this stage is Vs=2*Vin-Vref
where = 0; or 0.5; or 1, depending on the output code (b0,
b1). The transfer characteristic of a 1.5 bit stage is shown in
figure 8 by the continuous line. The dashed lines show the
possible variation of this characteristic depending on the
comparators offset spread. The so called 1.5 bit emphasizes
that only 3 combinations out of the four are acceptable for the
output codes. The (1, 1) code is avoided, thereby the interstage
amplifier should not saturate and leaves room for the digital
error correction.

3/8 Vref 5/8 Vref

Figure 8: 1.5 bits residue transfer curve

This 1.5 bit configuration is particularly suitable to
minimize the converters total power dissipation because the
amplifiers operate at a low closed-loop gain leading to a best
settling time for minimum power consumption. Also this low
gain per stage allows a maximum acceptable value for the
comparators offset, thereby once again low power latch
architecture will be sufficient.
The maximum offset of these comparators is limited to
Vref/4, where Vref = 4mV * 2
= 128mV is the full dynamic
range. A simplified schematic of the comparator is given in
figure 9. It is constituted by a low gain and low offset
differential preamplifier followed by a latched folded cascode
comparator [7].

Figure 9: The comparator scheme.

A precise amplification by 2 is performed by two equal
capacitors as shown in figure 10. The incoming signal is
sampled during phase phi1. It is amplified by charge
redistribution during phase phi2. During this amplification
phase, the bottom plate of the sampling capacitor (C1) is
connected to a reference voltage Vref
which will be
subtracted from the amplified signal. The residue resulting
from this operation is transmitted to the next pipe line stage.
The value for Vref
is respectively 0 or 0.5
Vref or Vref
depending on the comparators outputs (see figure 7). Vref is
the dynamic range of the converter, with reference to the
virtual ground.

Figure 10: The capacitive precise multiplier scheme.

A prototype has been designed in a CMOS 0.35 process
from Austria Micro System. It includes 8 channel of this
ADC. The layout is shown in figure 11. The dimensions of
one full channel including the sample & hold stage is
43m*1.43mm. One may notice also that the area occupied by
the digital error correction stage is quite 1/5 of the full

1 full chanel dimensions =43*1.43mm
5bits ADC
1 full chanel dimensions =43*1.43mm
5bits ADC

Figure 11: Layout of a prototype with 8 channel ADC.

The circuit has been tested successfully up to 25Mhz. This
sampling rate and the power dissipation are summarized in the
table 1 for two different power supply values (3.3V and 2.5V).
The sample & hold consumption is given specifically to help
in comparison with other ADC designs.

Table 1: Power consumption and sampling rate testing results.

The DNL and INL were measured for a 1 MHz sinus input
signal, and the results given in figure 12 [8].



Output Code
0 5 10 15 20 25 30


Output Code
0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Figure 12: Non linearity results.

For the next ILC experiment, the beam duty cycle will be
very low (~1%). Therefore a very useful idea to reduce the
total power dissipation is to switch on the analog part of the
circuit only when it is used, rendering the total power
dissipation directly proportional to the beam low duty cycle.
This circuit includes such a very fast and very efficient power
ON capability. The testing result is given in figure 13.

Figure 13: Bias fast pulsing results.

From the falling edge of a pulsing clock, the bias current is
settled after only 1S in the worst case. In the standby idle
mode (pulsing clock at high level), the full analog part of the
converter is switched OFF and the analog power dissipation is
reduced to a ratio better than 1/1000.

The design of a 5 bit pipelined ADC has been reported,
featuring the low level signal required for monolithic active
pixel sensors. It is one of the possible candidates in
perspective of the future International Linear Collider vertex
detector. It includes a sample and hold stage, and the converter
had 1.5 bit/stage with a non differential architecture. The
layout deals with the pitch of the pixels array. The size of each
channel layout is 43m
1.43mm. We are still working to
reduce the length of this converters layout in our next version.
A very efficient fast power pulsing is integrated with this
circuit and that help to make the power dissipation directly
proportional to the beam duty cycle.
We thank Marc Winter, Christine Hu, Isabelle Valin, and
Claude Colledani from the IPHC / IN2P3 laboratory in
Strasbourg for this useful collaboration with them and many
discussions on their MAPS design constraints.


[1] M. Winter et al., "A swift and slim flavour tagger exploiting the CMOS
sensor technology", Proc. of International Linear Collider Workshop,
Stanford (USA), March 2005;
[2] Y. Degerli et al, mimosa-8: IEEE Trans. on Nucl. Science, Vol.52,
December 2005, pp. 3186-3193
[3] S. H. Lewis, et al., 10-b 20-Msample/s analog-to-digital converter,
IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 27, pp.351-358, March 1992.
[4] T. B. Cho and P. R. Gray, A 10-bit, 20-MS/s, 35-mW pipeline A/D
converter, in Proc. IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conf., May 1994,
pp23.2.1-23.2.4 .
[5] B.P. Brandt and J. Lutsky, A 75-mW, 10-b, 20-MSPS CMOS
subranging ADC with 9.5 effective bits at Nyquist IEEE Journal of
Solid State Circuit , pp.1788-1795 Dec. 1999.
[6] D. Dzahini, H. Ghazlane, Auto-zero stabilized CMOS amplifiers for
very low voltage or current offset IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium,
Portland, (Etats-Unis), 20 -24/10/2003.
[7] D. Dzahini A high speed low power CMOS comparator,
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[8] D. Dallet and J.M. Da Silva, Dynamic Characterization of Analogue-
to-Digital Converters, Springer, 2005.

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